,``~~, _ _ suizarims • - i'.ISIINIIENCir PANACEA! TO Ilawm , stirrzerffiro trtsemeo Oer-V.• copresednited nieeix.whieh hu sand+ iiimmacusiritish thitaion athehm r ... - lait induced' she pwrinor wt. .nen. eiattt • l'"sau PARATIO ts Enak. CoLpsY"fimiffolmmrl ('I and AND Of 4 2 eli'etedt . I,ra :hat the irecussort of that fen • ..c -.:llle.qwwoe 7 Men, hone 4.11;.: nip the dewmger in A. • bud? bow olkall - me get dear of oar ;chug he and. Weill dotal T8E6k1 . , 7 / 1 42) 1° C11 , 7L P Y ul ltr .. AY . will be bead la the Gineeng l'aneeen., In mtitit '.'we ban Waft time to woe paha/led the ee , /chowsd ow beta knownc itirerna who Imre 'mewl las enrollee powen. rTheee, with a mans of tel d{e~ny flow ally .l. c( the caaavpr-tmm :.Xlatatere of the Gomeli a.c.i together with topiarian. Yana ham the . . bate embodied in,rninaphlet form, oat my. be had " l''7lrliPLlMl7l'ohF"'"Wri rotary. THOLdAND9 AND I .' RNB OF TEr oiisArqii • Cimegitont. tbe Umind Staler an Canada, and we cha • BINDLE INSCANCR `" which, Wien taken according to direction; aad be. •• - fore the ings bed beecanafatally dleorptired, it ban . _ Why need the inkt;dievitatetet by resort to gotta up by trek ncn [Wild& wee nada the=narne of some Co onsod . .Pkr• Wits; and puffed into of:gorier by . certificate per , M aapy unknown? Will:lst* medicine or ,. • . . . Art • a .rnr EFFICACY ' ht to be had, whose yowlers ate as hooter-our . • • 1 " 7 VAICIIED1 , 110E TEiGRAVE. . la ardor that. thaw Invaluable mediums maybe placed • irb2du the nub of ibopoor u well the we have piths pyW n: Zs' 0011 Ulf tha tonal coot of comb eines:, It is •.• • We brow adieus le newly every town Awl lane • • ear the erew, wlso we prepared to give full informs , • tbzi rabidly@ to it. - T. SEEM, Yroprietor t i _ , . - • - Aariou, OR DIFFICULTf,OVIMPATHINTI.= ,This disesse is nand by • p croryanattonstrac as- rto a tic " n ."• - 11 1” 19 igt &IV r: the • elm be Minrely , cored by p..4ee imoof Dr: ji=,' or common - ecdd, If neglected, will 00IIIMEIPlieN is efkensally reli and ear=PweertmersPanacea. sinchented,• will efectsiiiD. lead to Ikleadal.COmeopCon, bat • timely nu of Dr. Sweet . . mei Panacea will asexually_ cam, it. • IndasomatiOn of die. Tonsils or, Bore Throat..--This - MS= lads to menu ,consegunces int from otr., but. owl mid of the throat. Onthe VMS, Dr. Dweetaers Panacea Auld be pmnwal and • and 'Colds find • a sovereign muds, In Di. linazianda very fatal dims" ruckin g Dom* violent mnigh awl cold an • debilitated or bro. down abe d persons are emblem to It.— ' -Dr. Etwswirs Panacea. sould be. used on the . And width ere a cono or co, •-• ' " W i etwasta—This deng seapliMit will 'cum winli cti ck, by using Dr. 9sceetrer• u . . on ire fuss appearance of consamp• • . sputum, Whkii are • I.n in Moat and breast, uiWw ar blood,. Sweet:sees Panacea is no danger need be uprehended.. tbiLinip,the Vigodpipe, or Dronehlal Tabu became clogged up with phlegm so as to Impede respl7 Mims or brushing . , Dr. %mases Panacesoshich is * purled Expsemna; amnia •be taken according so epidemic, so prevalent in ear dixsti, is speedily cored by Dr. Sweater'. Pang . Riot per &Ade, Or cis bonlos Zar 45. . s by Val. JACKSON,. ar .ns,• Wan of eke kip bent -! " =wally fleratohl - Dor nicht I ITCH; SALT, BBED4 ite.—Rho would n r athlete) scratch, when afflicted with the , Hoh, or Other diseases of thrs Mon,' If they knew vim would name and cure them. rib borate to be obliged to rob' and 'scratch when bat same horrible to abstain from Mthr decency arbenby. - . - Let it be rememberedremembered that a and ITCH OINTMENT is the Most elluaciorm of any other preparation in existence la racing lbe Tetter,ltchAad other disease* of the allguleases of tbe akta must Anse from the impurity Of the blood sad grads of the body, thd where ruck &e -ars be of C osa and Use conairation affected =tig 1111147.aidra garsithatilla banned donnerat, tMg wr7l cum. any cue .whaterer, and If lb= not, the utramy r will be retureall by Dr. ELeloir:Ta and lialt.illoibnetaltiless W ectoatly e which= ' :11 grfnere. d i sease s the ystem by " DP Leidy% blood and the atuface of the skin both. 44 by the ointment ea of ointment SS mum. fresh sury of those saluablesintedicthes Joel to. etLLM and EAHNESTOCE E. Co. . - cart Ist k woo:loam nor. Cith & wood sta. IMM .m IN.EVEHT. MOTHER'S 110.11ESTEAD. ed has long been convinced of the "•Mweauslity "S" V tome to adapted to the um of . end Wants to a:opened° the use of.all those modieloes which coutain opium, and has at length's.. • eroded itiprepating and offering to the Public a Medi chi. flay smearing everyparpose for all diseases of the bewelsorishow. the use of that delete:ions drug, or my ogre calculated to Wore in the ken. The W ant Pau: mesa has ban .folly tested and vied, the last twelve , grnalbs,hl Ides persons. loyal's., all_ Abe aztraoritmaty and to - predate all the tenon faking effects as met forth on the boll of directions. antes, Vomiting, Cbolie, edging, Pains, Seineas and illbleasea Wriantg from Teething,. meting immediately without distorted' may of the unctions of the body, =the happiest end mast 'pleasant transition t mine, a tranquil and joyous mate of feel ing in the link aulierer. • To be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr. JOHyi SARGANT Druggist tine Apothecary; John A. and 110051 other Druggiste = eery and Pittsburgh... ' . dre73 o_sur.ws PFAILLL. SYRUP .— lETCa 1., power to cure. Pnistresort, Feb. 14,1-447. EL E. 13actsta4hIy.vrife has for years been subject dint iessit=mg, see heer La re a m ietlith k r=is4 sad hadi roe gyre o lm w edvice tri ? the most mainent7Myskients. in lftialatst all was unavailing. By chance d I heard at Your lerill Cough Syrup, and was induced to boy a Or trial, although I. had Co belief duitanythlng M Samosa her Complaint. To my great surpose, two doses gave her immediate relieL She is at times Doubled with a' cough, hot two tecupdonsful of Semi , airwaye stops it.: lamsadshed, after a trial of three or booyeany• tact Seller% Cough Syrup kite best congb • ile* I have ever tried either In the Old or No Wadi. . • War.Fsiesoca.sz, ' • Seventh Wood, city of Pittsburgh. .Thos above cerdlicate should induce ell woo. are tittabloti with cough or asthma, to give the Syr* tri al. . It may. be,:bad car <ea% a bottle, at the drag Moto of R E SELLERS. L 7 wood at_ • Sold byDnr Csiisej, at& ward, and D II Curry, Alla. • 13/1. , 11 V.EI N 1/dIFI.I(iE.-31as pram of al Wm= onediciaes: • rw 1 • san t Owo, t Jan. a, kdld . S tits la to cerity dud Wks wing different. wows. • •• far expallingsranns, 1 bough!. of C.F. Heiman, of , Lisbo, taro slab 11. F. Sellers' Varmifude and 7 " 4 61WIRry l g INlVicir4s 4 # • • the reaana, dl yews old,11:4 wad 7tatlreini t 2 ••..1.5 MOMS cx mug Trial 1 'recommend &Una , enalfma b e - ire tie pOlie. . Erna Ml:l=x'. ?Muld sad roll by E / MOIL • • I M UtrM r. Casse, T ik e h m peran ; e D etil le y a I A. • • • t '1 , " 3 Ip wit rump, - - 11jEWLYLIMENTES-Portha wbetand tonna:tem Qodd HERfRA . or RUPTURE. Maned to on The osq teals clans. of tins Thai In Ma ova. plidetne sun Inambleb msy be won. Ile pada! womb bend nedlybdonood on aping% ded. MOOS OW pat of n, end Morsamtdy adepts hull to Illryainemind mu by Ma . want di eon be wo virralarammem,swina =mix erected. • Toe subrn ' loadmmilum mak artandemento brtbe maniacal., Waft itabmbh, Triunes, ion anetor Mle.ln Pala) ddi&Vpookbres them now fen sale at their ofjo. Tie ORM= sand Climb; Pitobs. GEO. WAIT, y aura Ira 0 • •• • Wammorraos,Chie, Ja127,1848 •. Verterturt runquall Min a .erorra destroyer,". and has t en entire lo eakado ban Dad occasion to en Yin ' am &so pining a high, mutation bano , --Yommrespecurallyi • - • .- Coma lk ars.. • • • ' MoComnatankrz-111araJa14 7 , 1249 . Mt. IL Makrn—Your Vermifuga sells remarkably maooorat.Syrn. Yours y -- • • - Viatand said by IL FSell ra, No. 67 Wood .1., ail Was bz_Dr. Camel, s dt War:till*. Curry, Alle• • ,ung Wrai. Butith,Temperuneerille. febt • Firm:lm sups, Lc., a!ore and ;:•r kale "riartlisaPpaptM=°. Wood and . 4' 'l' • • ' • Asaaattio far Chapped Fla da. • • Beier/Lae Shaving Qeato,ro k alnion4; Mann Tooth. Pomace;aram; • ,• Cold Creak - • • Colw Plum; • . ra Water, km extract for the lane • kei. • • . • labia IRMA DRlXilth—Joet raer althler, Zlol,tne -2 e gadradtlY off ?faadt dfugdt eu. ' Pthdet 0. mieriptiruiarefellfetattxtund a Cad materiala,•4 arty boar of the day te• , ul.ll.Almoks asileronent ofriffaciemfizroaat; '" " 4 " • ffdtri • i ' • • a 001.11•01100. 7V r t Ito:sniff. that I purchased ono vial of Dr. Warns HReelic, some two months ago •la Flail ID son oLsesOmo seven jazz old, two :=toll, and 11112 WWI= may amas I,kimt no t bat that was all wai of Piro s oma pseud Idtdf mcararing !aeons Turin of n hack to two inches orig. • .;O W HOLLIDAY. - *ea Carol en. •• • Den HP IBC. isda 1 1 , 718 AMOLL,II Indiare lisdr Oil, for pummeag es jgcnnk, and Innnoving dia it uvra falling on; for est sbl AClovilleloi •• ) • CO. Wood an b ida_ • away mans-go baw a good article, reed per pow Fame, for "Le by 0111:1=0./.110' buss mold Candles la store and for bY k dl t ry& • bt .I!tis i lif i tnar m ni o siej i: No. CD'.A trrg'dllyt byham,,trzaA. .11: .11 4' • e' .r e AUG e • :ISSLITIMD & 131225115.47,nnaka now landing front . = Lady 7 . iOar'mitturt °rule p. • Ll' . ' JOHN. OMAN porov OAIISLMERPS:re cases wee eije&g •, ItR MAC - ELETT & WlinS* 4 • AlitibisNol,lactreed and Os Elio by. ,10M TD MORGAN, IfigM:4111111011-Wriiii,a6SHityili Ark aNalarteetvid by `~ `f ~ ~ ' _ 1. ~ ~~~ra~.+arc."G~„d~e.'+~ } `'r"^.~~, .~.. C r+' i '}~ w~ ~ ~ ".~ ~.~.,,`Y ~ ..f. f- _.-. ~. .~.~rr :.... ._'S:'.'.r.:.. l't0)M1;, Ittsm.AL:ll Athare;'„l: . E;nc4.4 . t 46 6 t 0 02 ' it4° . • Tbe smi the Filleru domed Btdemen.• -- hiasie - Figure' &ad; or the Lady of Given ail Blue; by CbseityCorenot the .& N. The Bandit's Bride, or the hlsid salmon by LOW/ • Stanhope, =hoe of "Strik4Likeisesseit, ,, k : Lentils ynam., and Mr. esti Mn. Woodbridge; pp Lo.k. Qunahy Review. • • fm December. • Life of Josoh T liara--a large anyraT• The blaulatteezing Mother., by the author of 'Ninon . 'of Path! • The Wilfalneas of Woman, by the some. • The Old Commodore; by E Howard. Jeanette Alliloll or the Young Strawberry Girl—tt We of Sea sod - Shore; by Ingraham. Karon, or Daylight, a prim tile,• by J S Robb. Sir Rowland Aaron, si soh by Lady C.Long. • The Splendors of Versailles, mid the Conn of Leak 'the 11Y. }lowers Personified, Nos. 9 and 10. • '• Rural Cemeteries of America, part 9. • Magazines, Newspapers, etc. • London Punch and Pictoriallisneu per last seamen. • Brother Jonathan, Philadelphia Courier, and Tart. tee Doodle Piet:l7loV' For sale by - WM S CALDWELL, • - decl 9d at, opposite the Poet Office. ILTEA.III.Ir mum , pea prrniacivriozir VII by J. A. &U. P. JA811.8,. Cincinmui, the following new nod valuable Works— Donipbaris Expedition—Containina a .ketch of the life of CoL W. Doniphan; the Cowmen of New AlesicoOka. Kearney's Overland sLpl.. rism to Cell fa We; DonipinWs Campaign aguast she - Nwrijosi and , his unparalleled Much upon Chihuahua and 1).11140, and the Operations of pen. Price at Santo Fe; with a 11:o and &waving., by John T Bights, A B or the 1 Regiment of ;limned Casalry. • LL • Eatery of .Kentnek - y—lts Antiquities and Natant CMiesitiesi o.os.phice sudbel.L Geological descriptionm with antidotes of Pioneers Life, and more man one hundred /31ographicol Sketches of diatingaialt ed Pioneers, Soldiers, Sttesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Di sines,.&e.; allasU with forty engravigs; by Los Collhot,l voL octavo. • • The Twelve A Month.' VollllliCol, or Joanur of a •• , Pd. . ism in the Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry, in the C.V. of Mexico, daring 184647, containing co i an ac count the limb of the Regiment to-Vera Cr./ • description of the Country passed oven manners, cus toms, Mc. of the people; liketebes of Camp Life; ac counts of an the actions of other Vohmteer Regimen an n fall History ofd Mexican War Lim °few Kii. led and Wounded; Ms; illustrated by a n...tr atimber of comet .rice. and Valle, by Geo. C. , Violman octavo. 41.1 . VslooB9 POD. TUBS BNlA.lloB—lllandnated APP Gems of *tared Poetry; a splendid imperial 8 TO, with beautiful iThisrimions an steel, by Sartain, sad Sal iffizatuwal mei by. Submit: and trebly. baud in Tmsey morocco and whitecap superbly gin. • Tt. Christian 1841 wids Splendid meritotint 'engravings, by Sutaim Om= in sr- ILOGSVIS morocco. Christmas Blossoms =I Now Thea wrka, for 1844 a small quarto volume. primed on snow whim pa per, embellished with splendid mersotint engravings.— ThM is by tar the most beurtifol Myelitis amoral pub lmhed In the United States. • • . •' The Footles' Works ofOliivet Go . ldonith, bL 8., with numerous el daft. designs, by the netting Club, in na-. Mons styles of binding. • . the Season., with seventy-sewn designs, by the Etehing.Club, T• 21093 styles of binding. . The Poets and Poetry a Atomics; by H W. Gris wold. , The Poeta and • Poetry . of the Aneteati, by William re.r.4%. iiii tupetbly boand itiTutkey morocco; solut e. idly illt. . . . . Willie % Poem 7, in vedette stylea of binding.. Gray% Elegy nstrated. . L Ilezaoan Byres% Poetical AN'orks, is Teti*. Waters. rd • u , e . 44 • Shakepsate's u u The Poetical Work; of Thome, Mooro. 7tallads and otbar. Poems, by Mary Homo. Peanuts. Ameba . Headley's ,need Mountains. • The above, with • great vanerpof other new wort., salln splendid arks of binding, suitable ler Elit Wall; for bI • JoHttsrava erocrroN, dc7o Booksellers, e or. Market & ad su. Valuable glandud Work". DitiNDESI ENCYCLOPEDLt—A, Dietniaary of, &i-, elles,littratora sad s 4 comprising thataeory,doaarisaioo and tetioatille principles of rou7 Wawa of bosunLonde*, with the &Anti= and deSaihow of all the terms ioffmaal or, edited by 1V T Breade, FII 8, a. ilhasow4 8 1h. morons eaaranari GA wood. Morse's NottS lama= Albs, =Wain bowditally Fol ored maps of North Armin, Canada East, No Mist, Non Scow, New Beustswiek. Idoldwan Taus, New Mex. wo, Florida, Texas, Califoraia, Marko, Cattail America, Tomato. Watt Islasda sod lb. States and Taerito risa is the Usk ion.' Neal% foritaan—The Vutary'of the Poritnot Erica do Worm:ion ie /517,50 the radiation of 1793,ocoarrising no accolort of then prznailei, iit,ect, by Dude' • Ne 1.1,11 - A, errisell fry John Quoitas,lll D, nth nine portraibm ddl; two volume. • • The use of lir Dody le retinal ho the hied, ir Dour Miens, M D, moaned the royal collogo of Phi emu, no. Juvenile Works. ==7====l Perils of LUPO, beingalHeting oseretioos of staisreekt, te. Hassell's Speaker—Th. /amnia Hpeeker, eceopsislng ettssorness7 rvb sod elan:ion in wall s Wee- Gm of poets for practice, lry FrooeisT Haus instractorio The awe w&ka receieedgad &r ode • JOHNSTON &STOCR TON all Boeballerreor smerkel sod IS eh °nary Balsam.. Pal .4589:: ttiEU k cl e rma f:g le it a day I 21 awe to mp fellow more' respecting. your Vegetable Pulmonary Bead Since I first aim! the Hal qua, abomreleven years cm the Mippy effect id' which I Meagan . account uf, I have lead several severe s ad it and snacks at my lungs, one a few days 01 0 0. sice, sad ill every Maumee / hove used Me Bateau] WWI COMIlle. and perfect miccase. ' Itthas elected relief and ease in a very few days. It is certainly a site I do not know that it will cure a fixed onnancy;aion, Lot I believe it will be in many eases • Meunier, and prevention is better than cure; t do therefore, La the love of i 11054.• low men, earnestly recorameml Me use of this in all pamouttry complaints. I am confident Mat it has been the means of preservlng My life to this day. Boston Jute IG, 40._ BENJAMIN PARSONS. For sale by B A Fahiestocir, es Co, comer first And, wood and also comer wood and MA • isle' tI Greelli;kaaglish, C deal, to.— • n I • Cla.sical Dieainmen -_ • • ' Dictionary orGreck and Roma Ant:ignition g 74'Culloagh's Commercial Dictionary; Urc's.Dictionnry and Suppleurant, arts, manufacture and minim We batari Octavo Dictionary, revised edition; Todd's Johnson's and 'Walker , . Dictionary; Worcester's Dictionary; . Liddell Scout Greet Letncon; Robinson's Greek Lexicon of Neve Testament; ',retest's LatiaLosicon; Ahistrortlt'a Lads Dichonair, Flommqg and Tibbin'a French Dictionary; Buck'sl3aolopcal Dictionary; Union Bible Dictionary; Robinson Camas Dictionary, Ace, kn. Th., above, with a moral assortment ofTheola/ka Clusaical,Aliacellancona, and &misty School 11.145, e way. on hand and for male_ low, by ' ELLIOTTk ENGUSEI, dca • .. • .. Market ay bemoan ad & 4111. . • •Saar Publication.. . . iurnmors PCiStilS,- illustrated. Harper% new AIL edition of the Poetical work• of John Milton, with e memoir, and critical remarks on his genius and wri tings,. by - James Montgomery; and one bemired and twenty *engravings from drawing. by Mama Harvey. Ls two velem. • Snaumm's Gat. Torrumerm--The Anse Goepals and Acts of the Apostles, in -Greek, • with Eaglivb note., criticelatilrmbimi and csegesicsk map 2 indexes, 46'1c m % ° the, E t u inTment-Tarr the of Schools, Collegesi end Theological Seminaries.' • By Him J. A. Spencer, A. M. A Now NOnni-kilidentantres • Eve.-A fairy tale of r By Mrs. S. C. Hall; ..Yana' Mona 12.-This life of /Geary the Fourib, king of France said Navarre, By 0. P. B. James.. Complete in foot pans, paper, 2 vols. cloth. - For sale by JOHNSTON It STOCKTON, lank Boasellen, comer of market end gd ste T' GLISU 1100105—Htstory of the Greek Rev. .V.r Minion, and of the wars and earnmts ninon from the sonnies elLthe Greek Patriots" Inigmancipr deg their EC4snry frank:he Turkish Yoke—in two vat amaes—splendip.d• eopy,wlth numerous maps and Mgrs. Letters' illastrativn of 0e reign of William 111, from NO torn/Et—with km, portraits in weds. - Companion to the study of the holy Scriptures.' Harry Illowbrey, thrillas mimeo, with BD min i M l e oar' In the Holy Land, Fkench Stage, 'and Sketches Inatina. Jan reed and for de by- _ MeDONALD & - BEE-11014. , •e1 IV market meet 1113:=T9 TIE Philosophy of Life end Philasoptry or Lim y Fred Von Schlegel. . Serthrts . b hal in Chins b11844.q3 msd siel, with • map:Lod plates. The State ofitts Dirsned. by .1no: Geary Hoban, D. D. The Choreh IJosyarsal, by Dr. Stone. • Goldsmith's Pomas,illostrated. Thompson's Seasons; do For sale by- I L READ, • . MSS, 4th st near market. "ITILLVABLSI New • Year's Presasts. V. Wavetlcy Novels, 27 volumes, 1.200, illustrated; Mrs Eherwoodhi Works:l6 vole 22roi o, illustrated; Miss h:dgwonh's 10 " • " Havers Famlly, Libtary, 1211 vole, complete ; do Boy% and Girl's • v Work's of atikespeste, 7 vols. Biro, rhetbeautiful Bos toe edition, finely bound; Baler's Lives of the Balms, 4 vole. elegantly bound; Hannah Moor's Works, 7 vols. ErpLoririg Expedition, ti TOrdb' royal tiro •• co do do do British thsayLsv, 8 roll. Turkey mot. heels.. The above, together with a large assortment of ele gantly bound family and Wet. Bibles, Common Prayer, all sires and binding; all of which will be sold lower thin ere, offered in this unmet, at the old stand- of KAY .11., Co. jog cor dd & wood et . . rAN . OS exAnfos Is. • HZRY KLUBREI, Dealer in east.: Piano Forte; J. W. Woother.l.Pa.No. 85 Third &rem. The Pianos may be examined .e en holm, and the stamen , bee will be there Gorr 11 to 12,' A. Mould from 41e 5, P. t.l each day. We, the onatralgned, wattla Inform the eltioeha of Pataborgh'.4 vicinity that we have appointed Mr. H. Eleiher wle agtaa for Western Perasyleartiai for the We of oar Piano Forte., from whom they may be ob tabled at our own (New York) prices.• ' • • NUNNS CLARK, - New York, Sept. 1, 1 , 944-oetlidll • Vhoo6s—Cateehlsia of Iron, or the klerchanrs ned .D Mechanic?, eorcipletelaide to the iron trade.. A. few copies onlWi t. ry ecaree. Simonds' Literature of the south of Chambers , Information sr this Chambers Cyanic-dist or English Literature. Wendell's Blaciketnne's Cornatentazies, s new edition in 4 beantit4l volumes. lialleck's Poems, a new and splendid Puler Book of I , lowers—for al k eessol.e. lan) •J 1. ILEALV4ih near market et. • NEW NOV7ELS. IjIHE LAST OP • THE PAIKIES:-A Tale, br G. P.R. James, Eq. , r a m 110147,07 cal; edited 17 art, ter Bell. J o an n el:Wei and for ANSI br jr7l JOUNISTON t reocrrom OREATMT BOOK OF THE SEASON.— TAE Dr.: Webrters Great. Amerieso /I?ledotuk7 of the }hagfish Language, tossesrecors, eonbajo. tbst th. former editions contain . * revised by a.m," .. Gocrbieh, Prot Yee College: no moa low edl boa aver publishedi one vol. esawn %nano. .• pdae SS. Forma* by • ' • ' • ; • J.L.REIA dee9t.' • Ads sr. Our Market as,' . _ ASS , ADETILDACO_Ibi . ,No 7, lal . tallg GUM 00 PIbs!!nim, kr 6 t 8 Z .6mii tlA9.olkild. :64.)it4Lt3,r; do Maui U r trid_ MitAZlO:dfti Itri i r E ime Turks,. lilt lfAtitlAtlokisa. girgT mantis VOIDS AND FOUNDRY,:• • . Premims. PA.. : p. OUR A-REpnpared to build Cotton and WOOBCllasseinni, ...Mary of erred deseelptlon, auk as—Carding his ' dames, Splesdag nausea, dens, Draaenir Franiits, Delray Haab, Washers, Tsrftiers,Spooats,Dreaans Frames, Looms, Card fthitsdars, fte., Wrought Iton Shafting tamed all sins of Cast Iron, Pathan and Dasigers,of the linen pinery, slid e sad hand Lalies, 'nail ands of &tibias. • Cauinlp o non famished motion tn. hee. - Pauernir made to order Or Gearing, Ina rinling,&& Pipe for beating Funnier. Coot lion window Bails, and &hey jok gennolly.— Orders! e ft ardor Wwthoue of J. Parent &Co, Lib ertyhireet, hnve prompt attention. • I Sell Rrns to - J • &.Co., 1 N. Moorland & E Winner, John Irwin & Sian Pinabargb, • O C & J II Wwner; ALLEGIIENY VENITIAN BLiND FACTORY.. ' . JOHN A. DROWN _ . • 1111TAILM thin method to infer; his friend. . and the public at large au his Vector) 21,7=yernoun, en the East tide ,Allenheny,wirere • conj • swat sabely_of Biln. of i mune ester' re l o q' gWol l ZOd ' it '' l l , itt i aggg ' ,U J. h and , 1.0 H. e re B order mergent. moan ninntere made to in the best style. .Blinda reputed at ale shortest =ride. N. E. Hu Blind. will be yat op, without di n • tweal ezepase se that they eon be taunted in • wo• Went. ns eue of fire or for washing, sad without this aid of a crew dr .e . , 1 • oetddlykedwelY WM; 41.1.MXANDILIt A 11011111 e - CIOFFIN bLIKEIII3 •NIVFORPUSIUNti UNDER TAHIZRE, eitniel- of Peon and. Pt. Ct.= • deposit. the Reclaimed Hotel, caimans an Penn a respectbilty Inform their friend. and the plane, they are mewed to famish and attend to everything In the Itne of Undertaken.' Altvays on hand a large as 'aliment of ready mode Colin', covered, lined and fn. abed in the very best scanner, all NOM and .one reedy Made Shrouds of damtel,Canbrick and mule, and all 'Unmade to approved myths. We beep a Jinn as Katßelll awhile end black, cotton, silk and kid Waves, sable for pall Waren end mourners, crape; caps, eel. an, end every thinienery for dressing •the dead, mace ressonsble teams, as Ave purchase ad tar goads le the Eastern Cll.. ALIO, )1111/ef plate for engraving the nun and age.: Welts. a splendid nets beano dad horse., and any umber of the beet carriage. Every thing attended toprempdy and •• • Mini. OC=7 W.W. WALL/MIN PITTSBURGH. STEAM MARBLE WOS.RS Nos. 'Kt mid 918 Lfterte awl, um Lin Cars. ALWAYS on hand and made to order, a tar..de tr of Marble Mantel., Pier, Centre Tattles, and Haman Tope,Tomb Stonca,ldonumenta&c; all min betounado. of the choicest marble cod numnfara bV mhdhinerT,mill tett s old low for cub. N. 88.. awns w purchase Mantels, are informed Mat it ii henceforth unnecessary for them Ia go Eau, u I can famish Meat with . male 111 all respeem.goed,andEmughtonsurance, to, consider. ed,) as cheap they can .purchase Meat-for In the East Call and see. . COPPX.R.AIUDET'IRON, AND TIN; • WARE MANO.VACTORY, No B Market street, .Plttsbmgh, Fen= HE hs erikbe re ,. baying ora ts 41 , = i t p ro s t rmectfolly fow the ooao ls per hhildtag Breamba NO dks to 211 nod ermine barons purchasing,. wo can natty Stern with Dock Stoves Forgeso and every other kind of Copper, Ttn land Sheet hall Work necessary in funtsh.. unt Steamboat. IYe Alm wake to order on the shortest notice Sot rubes and Quatiber;' Copper work for Swam Dream:. sai everr variety of work in oar line. fold? ' • ! SHERIFF t SHIRR_ • B EN N ETT BROTHER, CIMENSWARE hIANUFACTURERS, lUzzainghaol, (neat Pitteleuribs] Pas Warehouse, No. 137; Wood street,T.ittsburgh. GWlLLeoneuonly keep on lomd a pod amen to eel ors Wanr, of our eons mnatarei and superiormtainy. Wholesale and country Mer chants are respectrally mvimd to call and ex amine On themselves, as ore are detorselnedio sell Cheaper than has ever hobos been aerates, the pub lie. Or Orders gent by teell,acoo6panled by ,he cub or coy reference. Intl be promptly attended to. • febVs Great Western Butt Hinge lanlietory, ctisounita.ri, co. • A GARDNER it Co., Iliaald inform the trade that A they are now manistentaiing the but Batt [Rum evermade in the United :Rates. As this Is oar prinei• pie bmtneze, ae Intend to r i nd oar as complete an sMI nett as lan yeastsbly he .msite. Those engaged Its the hardware trade, we think, wltl find it to lbw interest to see our Banc All orderitressury Attended to. tarn . A GARDNER . o. gar of nth • .wale no. P. FLINT . ciese wimuna x uiENT LL iuruLvAry m LEDLIE hoinsfuturo soul keep enco• hand . C.lblealdett-illid 'Pluto Plan Olusotrare, all its varieues, it their Warehouse Wi tter of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. Our Works continue in toll openness, and we are mannerly addlng to our Wick, which males to to fill orders with promptness: Purchasers are respectfully solicited to call and exunune prices and terms. orylOdlY • MAKING. COACH FRO . the very liberal wawa :rags! OWmeat this sober/I - herbal teeetvedsinee he haslocated himself in Allegheny, has indaced him to rate a - lease, fat • term of years., on the property be now oecaptes,.in Reimer street, toweediarely buido the Presbytertan Church. Erma the lot* experience en the abore beentessual a &limes please, ko hopes to mer it and receive • share of ptiblic patronngc. Now onband and Easier* to order, Rockaway Slog. gies, open and top Doggies, wed every derenpuon of Curtages outdo to order. fr om seventy-Axe dollen to •Ichtbenerta. • fsep3-dtfl JOHN ROUTH. , Lard OIL IwIlE andeitiened are neer prepared to faml. dolt lei:domed and the palbe generally, with awe/est. lent aniele of Lard Oil of then own atatrafaetate,welieh they veil! well. memo...a ten.. Their Oil they belleee to be as good as .y *fend la the trare4ana may Le teemed if net salisfaelem 7 JORDAN &SON • ] l9liheay et, wpm. enuthfield 3.—Lard and Grease saltal. for ...toy, on head: for sale a... arldi ----7 'D - e - .7 7 feeroe Walla a/Liverwort. TIIAT this medicine should 110111110 so much noterie ty, is not at all strange, When we take into conskles ninon the vast numbers thdt are cured by its toe. Fur many years it hat proved:au astonishingly sateessfel al the north, that neatly. every amity return it in their house no an antidote to colds, coughs and consumption. That co other article' possesses the smelt merits is equally true, and the conjunctive learns that ha can depend upon this mrsil not eine,Wheu all *Men have proved There is a doubt bat thousands are yearly cared by this inestimable medicine, and In many utitances where: those given sap to die, have, in an in credible short lime, been entirely cured by it s unrieail ml efficacy, The following remarkable case of con sumption wa ' , mired by this Balsam of Liverwort, Al you value life `sad health, and would be eared, at once resew ha this erliele, and rest assured yoir will not re sort in vairs—but read and Pulp for yourself. lantirstuse coon or commernor Arvin. MM. rwarrlkada violent cough, with retsina of phlegm, severe pain in my able, beck, stonaleb and scram my bowels. 1 was so cold at !times, It seemed innniedble to keep warm, e y y . en when Miters were compl aining skin h t ' sit ben and :, vernt ' s= r itiand ll = and every Person supposed me dying. • friend of Mina recommended me to try Taylor's Balsam of Liver wort, Which I got, as my physimandid no good, and thin medicine teamed me so good health again. , KAVANAGH, mans • : Ship Caspenter, 040 water elect Aide:mei thonands ore cored by Dr.'Ysylor's Balsam of Liverwort, and as many still die of dial fatal malady, tho cause it negieet your fiat - symptoms, sod then :ride with things at muse mail it is too Isle, death follows. But every one e. be cured if Ihey wilt— Take thia medicine at the very first approach of the in sidious foe,vid you will be cured. Yet this medicine has cured consumption in advanced Wages, as tha coati. menials below willprove. fiat the =smileay is nos so defer, as "delays are always dedngerons. Prepared and sold al 73lieckhara sure, New York. Sold Piusburgh JD /Horgan, Sell Woods` Tworuseod,4s3lerket es; II Hoarser, etc Market and 3d xis; Henderson & Co, It Liberty at. Price reduced to 111.% per large bottle. • - 1 . suar7 BA. PAIINESTOCIPS Pneumonic or Cough Bale e - Elara,bas a great advantage over men; other Cough prepuasions, a. its pleasant We roma it to be used withoutLim ounce.' Um Its vs= as a Balsam consists in the spe ' sdbaem edits cure. We bars known some of the most :desperate coughs, some of which bad been running ou t for a considerable length of time, yield almost Immediately to it. power. In such weather as wet have had during the . pagt winter, every one is liable io take sold, laden great precautions are need. Wet act and midue exPosure to the t at lnmey of the weather often lays the. foundation a bscEng cou s h, which needs a watch remedy to 'reran serious iVe have ntorthebus xertificales Of corm which Li has performed, many - of width an from persons In tide cny and the neighborhood, and they.. a sudideat mthrence without thying another won me et s favor. Preppa~re~d gad for saie . w i ti . o e lee . a i la v Lad d r s il 11B .;d i wood and flth sts. - malAl TT ar2r4uLar.• PULMONARY RALSAM.--Yo sett Y .:tatr.t.l= l " .hu r . gable aseelielne. II hae been need to this paws with eastpieut gamete et ea *lntimate complabfof the attendee! vitt s me mesh, toed of estee t ated its rauteed al moth bleed ARhad preriondi misted Wand approved preseelptease ANT' anew the balsam one week the pair.. Pe tune Maned, and he use enabled to speak sedelid. Tb case is tome lima dace, aad items is R ap ed sat only is se. tie* bet is Isienioae bedlam: iseettally yaws, Concord, Pin, Jas. 30, i lb. 8 MORRILL,hID. H old i s P o ilthug hby i e t l fwatoesdee e t t x ..t, Co. emu! of Etsadwod, atmeardl *o dee!! A BTRONO EVIDENCE that De J ENVE EX ' Xl. PECTORd NT is enmity to all oilier [coedits br CougloyCzasompdan, Drimeldlisoldbasa, and dire Palma tidy eXections, is lhu the nuni OPOCI, lOW “111161010111 tW UM of It in their frinilis bin yeast ago, did prekr It to di alba remedies atilt. kind; and adore any lad beta Induced to try other prepdalions they , bast dust Invariably bona dist/maga to ramie* the Windt which was damnably anntapated from ilia high pairs bestowed by the proprietors. and bars relurnsd to the - on of Jarga'Exescanurrr, as a staidly, hot La ;weer Gard in ethers dim, tad width probably am bad ID equal arre *wavy daimon. Prepared only by Dr D. 'Jayne, ding Pkiddelphia, and odd on Agency ALEX. JAVDIEd ditindkroif 72 Frwerli at L i CARD. A 8 f via now commend In the Importation of Brandies, Wmee and 61111, 2Le n exi.letively, and having made emameements ledidertint piers of Europe and the bl ends with well known beanie kw any fame mealy of Fore4e Liquors: which I wall be able to sell, delivered in the Mutest 110,111U1of New York or New Orleans or an this city, at the lowest millet price for cash at ap• proved paper. I here an.store and cellar a very lame stock of very sepener Willia and lomeors ax impelled of the most celebrated bnmds end Tarawa for sale ou• iplearnag terms by P Or - MA.II7'IN 4.2* • ear 111 A amithpeld ata . _ Drug Store, for Wes I§ MATED inatto alotuishitigtown of Wellsvil/e,gui terminus of the. Moberg. and Cieveland. Rail 50 miles hy river from Pittsburgh., The present business of thOestabllshreent is, fair aml eon be izeteas al indefinitely. The' owners *Uhl tit mate from the busbies. will sell on. remonable terms at private sale. PC(1011S mishing to make bigotries are referred to Jon. Kidd t Co, Pinsbumb, sulmmihers, MUM. W & P 5 ALACHUMSII. jean • - TOFF. FATTORIMI FOR JIALR.-Celeb lebister,Potere Maker,dgegheny city 011 Idill,haa lee newest pauerne for Eton. ea hand nth in weed kw. ROI Cesare old a Petteno lode order. fro rl r f niTui=hreied " F l . . 4 i eg r a=ll%et, g . t " ed no in Conuundon of. Itemaned CEmehes, burgh, 5621644 4 / 4 4, 1 84 7 . 1'444;26 Cf 4641. mu ej I,WOIT M6OLISI '46 market sr iftwts aißßONs—t 'fimi my Fectisid 0 Cashmere Shawinjest received; alsocBpring Bib boor, in Feat. variety, at the dry goods house of ROD . W. FL'IdURP/M. SUffiWl.Mds Nogiamdifi.us•ostroo Y r r+~.p i:ri,iThl. fe t I M e s " D " s r VON DONNBOIST &Co lENozmna • I:clue AO - •it tif iTirga imvuo.-breadtaseeipairq Go p.a. bir netlek,lik nal tight alit= th,dtht waits= ' . ..wrilen Oa =hate lawn is howl be dally and kir. yodder& end deltic= gorw4m bor era that that:awl moody willed be wipawitapin by inner it,• ' to the first Owe it to well law= that the ' of Meek klabakro aresprial af a pricipilat., Laid by gem Arakomnd wham the =termed= is wink air part is araparand go and prigeipitra w toll as a playa= in they= idatnri Which =deka it It ie aka =slam to add wings.. to dis lab Wader to one it wan, Paid, width keno= the era by adkg or the pea. if • geed on!. earivr&itthrtiogii theta • beet lien. Row thee Wee. *differs haw thas stellate in awry repay= rla =ask= wirdois =gaining so viscid =ire hold kS,therriree =llan= ger thick; and bring very d a =artily Month= the pea iutoagiren =we lbw pork= the dare of thig pap= swami • =on neat =nand me ft. may =Wed by =Anon that it only Ordered =the earkee :- I t Wu contains =wader has aa Sae malaria iedg.i therefore will wit =mile steel Via sat eroalsti and ailhoup it writer& Webb pa. coke yetis a few &XI. bseowes a deep Okla will edam far ark It ill warmed= =odor k the _fetid= ankh knows by ths 'user of ".I.nrold4 Writing Milli" end anathird =ire ghee for the more prkv. app epholiapositka of say kind being sitaapred g reesewneaddie= will wake, se wait the =ere, that the au= dare Oren cued nal hare been on. =awl by al may C.w as usworthy purpose. • • Ws named o .ll3bert4Cbaried IVritteg fluldW to the polkwege of ms,Wle,..a&d rate ad= meat Ylt dors five howl= put without &lend it ap end sa beg die awns at Fre haws ,ms•deep gar blab. B • h=lb Co. Wick aai l r, deCaudanr,-, Joha Parke • Win Lipper' =Wake Wightern ty Co: lkik Id nkTi l d= t A Illulty k Ca ha Vir W WUke. , • lanista ll AN 93, M. Mr Thor 11. HarberLiver ßo Si.ing Mali, I hers been Wag Ju %mbar Writing FUR, and Lad it • dreVrate ante fin the office, it dove reedy how the pea ad beemosjet black • few hour. . Yoe= ke, T .TUTTLE. Badiliwor for Birrells - da ample. .. Mini l, Ant SS, MY, Ddr T Hilbert—Dar Bu: Honing pawed : • boatel SaarWßiting Plaid, tom inn...nets *go, I candor It fol otval if not oorricir to - .11,r001d otbor int DOW D. know of. • ly, WILLIAbI STZW* T, flook•lboptr • - • . • inn Aram ft isbobon •Co Piorgii, or 11= T Hilbert—Ow lin I a twig or Writing Thin, and fed it to no• anta article-kw stool rim, ao Udine moldy tlien agile Go sonorolity of Other Ink; it dim fra mod block in • kw *ll.ffiri,"Boxik•liiirper repue6 la Wbobeals sad bY Ealraproggid iosd Mad* mass,. of Liberty sod T Et MORRIS & Co's, BLACK WRIT/NO fur v. steel or quill pens, and the copying peen. leek Le the result of the experiments of several years, devoted to the matiefeetme, en an extemehte =Me, pr an ankle suited to all the perpues of the conautur. Tice peel:Mint of this Salting link coUlste In the fol lotromertion Irent--nt wtdcla o propane i lt t t ler with pot freedom eittis ious P r re = ma or ' wRI steel peer,i n stid Is'entrely free from any corrosive qualities. The color of . Ills article la • rich, bearded blue black. It Is necessary, however, to give cum. m T the rAll ad iraft w r ' fotnit Santry ehenuSal cynotitudem moires enemata to the air to Impart • deep color, It rust not, therekire, be eneeted, that the moment the bottle Ls opened, the kik erW be found fo be a ion black. The fort appuranee Wil/ be pale. /hit after exposure to the ehemiul actimief the atoms phase either on paper or in the inkstand, It will mum brililant block Pantonwscr—Mte car Is unaliendile by the lapse' of time. It will never fada °rble account, all =- purest monde should be made in this artiele. as year onlY deepen and strengthen its not NB. This ink is unable Mr all kind. of metallic pens; and for pens made of quills, and what Is Impo tent sad very desireblowidi malty, will give perfect MeTerTe b osigit tW le i ndttions with which we are coneetesi t Moms' blue blach writing ink., and in respect to but. braILOGI of color and permanansr, believe it sanerim to way in we have heretofore seed. A Thurston, eashlrr, bank of Louisville. Wee Rich ardson, teaser Northem bank of. Rounick y; Geo C Gwadoney testae; bank of Keemcky; L L Shreve, presiden tot. lm Gal bank; The. L Helm, clerk of Bar leo county court; Cones Pope, clerk oriel/armament. Atwood, secretary, Fireman'. Insurance 7; John Muir, emmt Lexington Insurance Co; i76;dwinoteey Penland Dry Dock & Ineurance Co; D S Chambers, see, Franklin Firs & Marine In- VII• 13.1 Cl:4 J H Rhoiner, treasurerlandeville Savings Inedurtirm. A supply' of the above ink, Met received and far sale by coil JOHNSTON & STOCKTON._ PRI TYPYff4 will be sold at fleeces New Fork Typo Foundry, ader .11=h ELM, 1911, at following very low prices, for approved six tnettOtt'. notes: . Roston. Trtu,.ter. Sams, be. Pica, pm at) cis. de eta. ousts Small Pica, 21 . 05 Long Primer, " 34 CO SOO ca 11/3 74 191) tO4 1.72 ItM11:1 The abort prices, in consequaiee of increased feel bur for manatecurring, ere moth reduced from fo dittoing for earh in hood of the dm of the invoice. • . Presses; Chases, Wood Type, lek,',B.e. tarnished to the lowest oteauteetutent' prices, colter. tot, et* at Our Specimen Book for ISO is now ready for MOW. %mien to printers, who will sand for. It, nod ettotoint many new articles that we hare ones before exhibit. <4, such aslVrniug Flourishes, tirmasnents,Ornamental Fonts, to, of which we harem ample ataek, for the prompt meciatiou of order, • Printers of Dimmipspers who choose to publM 'Aids advestisement three timer before the firm of Joneil.sl.l. and send on one of the papers, will be,paid for it ist type when they purchase from Mom own mantic , tures, selected dam dor , specomeum Aws Imes, she ,amount of their Mlle. - 11 -: o;saie,;everalseeklrecand-kmad CihndM and Pis lea- Tamer Presses, Manta r t ria du t . e k Pgales P/esies, etc. amera 13 chambers 11/1E GREAT REFORMATION—The Pletorial Eli. tion of FlAnbignei peal newt on the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, In Gel many, Switrerlaini, he. last published by Joseph A. Sp oo l. No 25 Cherry et.. above SUM, Philadelphia, his spteidid>p me odium of the above named work, wtth Pt ennead illustrations from original dmigoa. 4 cols in% bound in extra cloth and tibial? . e beep. The pn hither ryrpect(idly calls the .attention of the trade and potßie generally, to due work, being the only illustrated edition published in the United Mmes. lie Ousts that the beauty of kis embellisments, die strong and 'substantial manner in which it Is bound, IQ conjunction with the known popularity ante work it self, will be a sure recommco da to pablie fever. JOS. A. SPEF.L, No sta aaiarepin4 enilo. J. A.S. has lately published a new and beautiful nil. hoe of Sergeant Bella Rater Show,* salable book for children neatly done up In eats, cloth. maßldrm Taos. Hi, Waled) of SMUT, I§I%HMO A Co Is°. A: Bram Qua. G. Cou Now°.guaa BEATTY, BROTHER-6a CO., U 1 0 01111112•10111 AI or a hoa li VOR TUN OSLO AND FORWARDING Or 'IW MIMICS= PRODUCM. PlO. 31 hydras Street, New Orkaas. ' • Wain. Muln & Co,Bankus. . . James Alligator fr. 00,1 " David Milo* " 'Ellis & Mono% Butussi Qneloo.u. Fruor. • MiCauie, Lvq, 11 N [cum, Eaq, Banker, Zancavitle, 0. 1) AVDernald A. Co, Wellaville,t), Neel Puts Co,Baaver. Pa. a. r! uclark.n Co. Pitnbar6fl, P 6. W & m 0,164. EL4ZSI:9 VERkllitGE—lcs popularity still or- A 3 creasing. Lussyn.w, Oblo, tdarchg3, 1519 Jerre% to be in your city in a few weeks, and shall heaps larger sopply of your Vannifoge, which Is in• creasing in polartly as becomes known. We hue used it wick success us oar own funny, and from our neighbors hare many assurances' of tis excellency Yews truly, ISRAFL ARCHBOLD. Prepared and sold by HE Sellers. 67 Mugs*. Sold by Dr Cassel, n.h Ward, and by D M Curti, Allegheny city, . marto ALFAATUS AND GLUE FACTORY FOR SALE , 1.7-• The AdaliaLlaraletra of imam blelAn . yakin, oder lbr sole istablisbewas slums ilk Riad , wodk Mower aimed on by bus, la fife time, se a Salem tie sad Glee Victory ..The woad are In complete ado. !bream, Mg on the binnew,with timmi,te, and wadY for commeltelar at say time. A liberal credit will be gimp, and ilk particulars made known by canals on eitbet of tin anderniped. JAMES BLAKEL,II, • _ JOHN farceur-Li, 0 . 01 Admlalsasseri • TATICX:I3 HAIR TONII—MIer via( tit. veldt • wianitatimaly plumate .5 to be toilet Neuf. beat article, without say eseeptiw, Ia ow, torch. nateestata and pwrratka of the bow Wk. We know of imams retwea wiwre hale ha been Agana te have with& ken hem bald kw yew, and tre Wielt ye mate de gnaw hear thm to reeceammi mall we nadan rrho so lodic their We, to ode a twat of this Torkie immediate!, ... Bake Mal— • 'Woe tale is nasbeell, at the Retie TN Stan, Re.7B Powell etraet. war Weed • warredieleT ILTOPI—For sale o few bales Western New Park Xl_ growth of 1610.-lino 8 to 10 cents: eiso, Eastern sal 'Western N Yearly picked, dile year's growth. Prime Ohio do. Delmont county. - • - The general Eastern cup of the season is now being received. Brewer. and others using Dope, will find it much to their advantage to obtain Omit supply fthro the underalgitd, as - they Intend to sell throughout the sea son at Ne w:ork prole. O. W. mar H oetlsdGm. • • Pittsburgh Brewery. Plt• NORRIS, HYDROPATHIST,wouIiI respectfully inform his friends end the chigens of üburgh and Allegheny that he Wm decided to Tetuan in the city during the winter, and is prepared to lteta patients placing WlDlielv.l ender his ewe, according to the eyetem v practised at ell Water cum Establish. menu, for either Acme or Chronic diseases. • Those wishing to avail thesimllve of hit services will rail et Mr. Miller's, comer of Liberty M. and Dimes alley. Dr. M. has treated several nevem cases of disease in this city with greet success, to which ho lr pmmllted to refer. ' writ( -,- 8 11112 = 1 1=== *' glitrIg i l l og chests jpeen and black teas; 7 6 and ; l3 lb bOles Y H and P do.; 900 boxes Gerntarrelay to mks salon toe; 10 do. potash, together with a glottal assort• tent grocenes; n store and for sale by J 411:„ . ,CASSON k MeKNIGHT, 601 it o A Z i g ° WM ° ' d ,r 1 t'd " constsdrqr c:,'CaTes,angaoadad,7„,= . , e = Lacolople, Doa Amigos, do - Woriar, Lorodon Urania, Lord Wrote., Palls priaelpat, stanza boat do, Tater, extra do, lvi.'. do, La Bayadora tat, do do Id, Ord; La Palma, Caradorot Esti. prinolms, fur solo by P C kb) ' eor Siiiihtlebi from st. MATITEBB,.&c,--'27,baga prginileadiet* Pea Nuts; cut ikuvege; 1 tad de4l sack pealed Negating recalled oa ennalguenent, per stmt. Mot No. & and bat rat , by !MIMI DICSEY & Co., • ' No. 03 Witter at. BLANKL7S—W s Musphy invite* the acientli,irOr persona shoat to commence housekeeping to ids ini• edinslein al superior 1111 .k.b5 inn received, including • few pals, intended especially for mantas use; also, a tall mai y of tithing., Om: dings, pillow case media eralliniy, diapers, table &aped, ac. NOTlCE—tekenlumtstekenom stemehorn Amen: elm Eitgle,lying at We vettesto(Pittabingit,• smell box, conselning • small while, care of A., (kerne. lf any person Wing the box, vein return or give any In formation of the ssae• - he wilt be, suitably •rserentad. P -illeburirk MArckl9,2B4. • 7 outtledlw, lOW lotus. - - 7.- Jte.L. " trii. " ZrZered c z a ,re , lf t :f i fty,; Yitterson's Lleely" ibh street ' Dreireg at,• aed ewe epee public iteeybze ccesdegnioale, arty bbsl• Ibr etre may belts With A B )1 , Leg., is eta... 17.1ei • - Z 574 -71;:• _1 ~ ..:,, anommr - leiwgialta-hteamisaskilsiieult, •'Sadßtnov.Pwat'andanrkewater,..'. maim covartr • , • Preprietar aadAgentat:Ennieri, • • • ' ti'l lrlegkßin.Auv mu ciAiim arms= :"itrrntritas as* slm, ILL be pLap:r o rlan aarliertrain=al alboat oe.; eareCt u e, a; all po e inta enrrina Extentunr, Pau Cat,. and Oaro Pina Gar all porn; on Late Erie and war Latei,as also to lorwanlp ro dace, e :by Penn'a. Wanner:new. Apply or addrm , filbOldif • • JA.9 - IVES — if. -Buyer: LAIN 13111111111 NICIIIiAN LINE. rpHlicr Line tinge omposed of.SteurboaisLakeßria 1 and Michigan, running daily between Pinshiugh and Beaver, and freight ankmasenger Quiet Boats, jrr between Beaveraad Hvle, and canneetinvanli ,egaed , s Lim of Siessaboat /*repellent nod Vessels pp d. Lam, brill be prepared upon the earbestopen- Int of Navigation to .carry Freight and Passengers to all minima the River, Canal and La.es.. Having every facility Or conveying freight and ri pas. sem loath en preimmenv and dispatch, the prop rietor and agents laspecifelly gam their friends .and he public generally tkeitragt; . M , Proprietor RIM S, PARKS &Co, Beaver ,agts • CAUGHEY, Pittsb'gh do Cor.Saidifiald and Waterlsis. opposite the Wrong. &skein Home. ' ' NSF= TO' '' . Wbeeler, Crocker & Co. New York - Goo Dans,Boralo • - E N ruts 1 Co,Cleveload - E W Consdashmoa. New elude do mats AND .15Wit SIMMAIR TO I'HE BAST BY,BOBOBOABBLI: BOOTB, VIA BROWNSVILLE CUMBERLAND. I.HE .daslised am goy prepared to forward pm does,/te.,to thePanora Marten, doriag tbe-envo• Ing Molar, on the mast favorable roma, by thla expo. dluous All property Camped to as wlllbeforwarded attire lowest rates and with gamma. • • Iferobtegme reseavarl by nos roar, CromPtly for erardeeL. • J p IRDWELLA SS, , Ag • Pirtabarab. • , W C Brvermerllle. Mod?. E EGERTON & Co,Comberimal rATTROVILDILk AND 12111AZDI MILL •xmaigii . • 1847. t o r isi Z pAUKET AND FREIGHT LINE.- •• PIPS Law madame facia; and pander Pack ,. ea, Irin MO Malady daring the -mama between Beaver and. Greenville, Pa., br waleit freMba and paa• amaarsbetweed the two palm., arlilaeparfalprommly and at Me lama rates. • • . WICK & IMR,Greedrilld, Akti CRAIG aPHAMWON, Cadmilla, ' UsPARLAND & WINO, dial Bad, do; HAYS a PLUMS . , Sharitaarel, da; W C MALAN, dharan, d% WAL MATHS M, PaLual, do; ' KKEO, PK'S a Co:Dearer, JOHN A CAIJOHEY, carder Water and SartMeld MI, apalv Oadaadts Na Maadarahala Ilaoaa. Pittabsnak 1846 - AND 1847 Mtl!na TO*TII2I ZAST BT 11/11.110/1.10 As} 01110 I.flE subscriber. will receipt for the delivery of Prlv dace to Saleroom by the Mononyabel. S/ackwarxr at tba follavting pnecon— • , Ashes, flacon, blotter, Lead. Lard, Pork, 'Mow, Whlektiy, t, and Glass-437j eu perloo tbs. Tobaces,llo..p, Flan and Wheat-91 ets per 100 lbs. Ashes, (Pm) Apples,Cbee.e, Flax-Heed, Obula, and Leather-100 ets perlCo lbs. Odr,Skins,Seeds,Wool-110 et. per HZ lba. blearax,Feathers, Pars, Glaseng, sot Inatn•Root —UM eta pet 100Ibs, All property , connined to enter of the anderslined vrillbe forwarded wawa del ,ay' Are or Ooramirmon, at above rates. •W H CLAIM, Drovnartille. MEMMIM= Ua:MXMI Ma= 1847 . =it • ... . ON TOO PtilltrtialnlA Anti main camas.% BEPWEEN pirrsauna AND CLEVELAND. E N PARKS& Co,Clerelaod, D. HO ?Anus, Lkavi,Ps. Proptiekrai: T ISAVIER, PinsbargMPa., TIIE thorn Lino to now fatty prepared to transport neilataad Passeaens fromPittsbnigh and Cleve• land, to any poioton the rennsylrania d {Alia and Oluis Canals. The facilities of said Line are not eqaalled by any on said Canala r la niontiers and eapneity orBiats,n4w . fiance of Clowns, and promptoesa of Agents, to. One Boat terra. Pinstany,h cad tflorelaad daily, run ning in &sinned:in 'with the Steamers: • - Michigan and Late Ens, between Pinstnagh mad Bear en and a Liming' Lou class thearribOmai Prue. - lers, Brigs and Schooners, en Lakes Erie , ilarn,Bl.l - and Onlaria Property forwarded to any part of the ;Unita with despatch. E N PARKS k. Co, Cleveland, Ave REED, PARKS &Co. Renner, Ants'- w MATHER, Pittaborgb, Agt , •pci Cot Water and Stethtifield streets • I TO ULSII.IttNSII/zla. WAI3IIXEIN 1847. TIIROUGII. IN g - WWII& WO= Boma Swallow sad Telegraph leave Bea l. wee daily, at3o'olock r.ll, after the arrival or the m r amg Beat fima Pittabergh.atelarrive et Wattenia time for the Nail Lane of Sages, whick have Immedi ately thereafter:and azalea stertalsnd sl3otiack, =This realm tithe most edipettlloss ile.d I comfenteble one to We Lakes. COTD!, LEFFINOWELL. Vo i a ' ttio.rn4WO REED, PARES /1, Inver, Agate IPANA CA UGIIIEV.earAnt Water atm Iholtligeld sts MISCELLOIEOUS. A OhoLenges to the Worlds • rpPitENTY,FIVE IMA.LASS Will be psidho mIY one who will predate aspen of paint, green or dry, thst eannot_be as with Hoare Improsed - Camekal Soap. 1 here the smisfaction of saying to use people or this place, that dot article, bY my awn tmprosemeet oe it, now stands an - Tirana:l Is ILITCOLUItiy for @zooming steam, tar, pitch, oil ; paint, or say other greasy sat,. stance, from all kinds of genthowen's dram& earpsts, - table me th s, metro* shawls, ladies' bonnets. to, wit Mot inJunng anything that pure voter wilt not injure. Moro than one thoemod permos so different parts of the eerintry bare told me they woald mat be unbent it; alt cora roe dollar per elks. Is urns this Soap on more than MO artieles of light site, matins, al paccas, and calicoes, I have only found three peen of silk; two of Moues and four or ealleo;cra which it changed the co on therefore before pouutg it on a light dress try • sample of the dress Sr.,. I mate this Decease 1 sot determined not to recommend it any sweeter than I know to be strictly tree. 14 11 Som.. . Peter, 121 els per eat. Sold, wholesale sod retail .1 by , R E Bk.I.LEIIIB, . deal 67 wood se , . SELLERS , VERMIFUOE, .1 - =alder better thin alloilters" . -. . 111.7! 'reeiilia t illeeene r yte., Pa., map 1967. 6 Mr. - 11.E. &Ikea e—bly son 31 months old. 601.6h7e77 restless at night, and having much lever at hakes, t eon eladed he had worry and having heard la great deal about you Vermitule i Lbov i g . l i t . a • rgo ll ,o and o ga 61 I rove., batier ilje! allot/len. r",. Co ns ider • Prepared and *old by R.S.S.F.LI.P.ICI4i,Phext d. Brad by Dr. Cessel.dda ward; and D. bl.'Connt, . , GLOBES.' . LOlilNCill TEJtanSTIAL GLOBES cambia, all as labi Cowman, nd tupnrommalsi am la Mob a Wrat crlebrala circamarigators. Ca- Oa tan San'. am Yairlish Globe, milli ad alarm Ala t. by Alma Ban & . Elmira by Roma Part. " MU "'" X011 CELESTII.I. GLOM, manikin& ili. alma • slorN abatm, &v. Compiled lona Moir of Wolkolla, klamita. la LA Cale, Itembro, , Bmd- Up, tiarream, tilmlielya, lb. tnamaloas of la Ammon id Scatty of Looloo, Ike, /pc FlO9l $4120 . • Ng. Ems • liabUlob.. , ~ Jams:took Biretta hanjosi rectica a fm pain of at am. Olotwoori o =imois Ulan: I air I . 1 "i ' II . . , . I " arms giant 6 . ii . • , Manias, Ctinacle, ad Jana copy.. ' dull TOWNSENITS BASSAPARMLA,4O dozen -1-/ Just received of Dr. Townsend's dm - upwind, the most ;extraordinary medicine idkhe world!. This Fs. lust is put. up in quan bottles, • Ibis shunts cheaper, - pleasanter, und , warranted suivitor to any . It OM disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilluning the patient. kept mar rot darisnow.—linprincipled person. Mire sopied our label., and put up spetheine to the same haped bottle.. bee dial each bottle hit thd written mg , nature of S. Townsend.: , • IL E. SELLERS, Druggist, Wood suiet, between TWO and Fourth -h DI , Townsend's only wholesale and retail agent for Pildburgh, of whoa the genuine article cut lie had. t D.H. Curly Las been appointed the tot. acent ton Allegheny city, of Whom dm genuine oniele.can be had. DERRY] & NIUKESOI , I, • iiiituthetarert of • ' WRINGS, Altana 'lotion, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS or ALL DEICAITTIORs Ile. Ill* gong* Frolat Baek of T A. Vtgion'a Cabinet Were Malley PriIb&DELPIIII. I A. Id. orden left with B. S. Atom, at the ewe of the A Motekettei Rotel, riutbeegh, will be toetptty encoded to. • TRW. G. DERRY. welt:o4lr I . A. 0, NICKERSON " NOTICE; A .' • • • PPLICATION biSI made l o thaPreeldeat, Mona. sere and=aar, for erecting a Braise ore: toe weer fdonon opposite Plusbargb, the county of (011,Tit,'In . :bh:istrViginintgenetrg;Ng,',* 'shame of stock fit said &maim. Elam] carolled!. be. • r el-IMAM) FLQYD • 10 A y kr the Ereeldors of Jobis Hauler, deed den "- • FURIII - NUBSII ?UMW! • • - • rtitlVX:Ni t tiratflrtaTelpttit i lrwrint of *Anew' FURS, each as duff., lloa.,llppdaote.,io give miscall baud poreheanag elsewhere:ou thevwill End it to their advantage lad da mistake.' &U orders' received shall be Ceithrally attended 10 at Nob North Third et, abora.AralisP".4ekh6.lAliti gri.D.gido Kobe. eliraviaa heed j *an! . 1011. mum !maim DOM= FORAJZ—A wreontement r Mows and 41 the knie eba be tallied by the bon dies by moms. * 41 , 1,t . te" , ( 1,04br miff bap; T ELD-900 ples ti grau.a, nears perztespei jj artarb Will? ' uncitil:crr Co 1.111cA.L4'.:i'1i,,•,..i. -iMI6-TOWNSERAIt ,BARSAPAY IP ALA: ,modezmulaiamikatikeikeyvaid. , - Tko naiad la potop gout Wiles efits et, ikNenenter, and unmated Inman, In o a inr odd, Wbi." PAnfilti e.. or de CULT SPRAY MO QUER MEDICINE The man beauty and eaperlotity of Wu Sereaperilit AEral/.0110.•• isollhaA linadienbat Di.e. it Intim. Bede. , It is am of Ow very beet 81111 , 10 AND IdEDICINIIS srer known, it tot rely terifw the Wade aysletemol art-agnate the oma, hot. it Creeiet 1Y.,,P01s mut Aid Etiodi opener Foamed by no onwe ktedhetne. dulls this Ise the grandeeeretofie weeeterfel masa It las perfonned wig= the put two parlour. than Z,CiOn ems of Soren Cases of Dimon ; at Ina 5,0U0 of thew ware wondered Ineureldr. Mon then VW awe of Meanie }lneoleatimet ; • W U .... '"" a 4 13, 1 = te16t1...1 Wont of !tw o; val con of dilkrna Feinain Ccompletote ; ' 1000 aeon of We LiterCompletat ; 5500 caw of Dinars of the 'ory out Dram ; ad Th= r ei C rnt h ionwe of Cho Bbod, Merl; = ,. l. l3altiLL7a. rust r ado and CheSpieol Affeelioos, foe, . his, ore are sort, met appear ineredildi, but we here Innen Alm phitionow Indoor *grow Iran all pule of the Veiled Sista; loformieg as ofestreordirry Lir. Boakirk,En.. Gee of the roan nwpreinble druggists in Now , ark, N. infanta us that he eam mkt to men =la tow an that pram slew. There are thousand* of ea. io the City of Pew lock, whirl we will refer U. with pleastov aad to sun of diameter. It le the boot macro* 4n. We Ptomaine( doom known. It ondoebtrify word the lire moo GAAI= TUI parr SAA•011! Al it removed the eosin of diarere, and pe vend Owe ft • UMW) SUM WITCO , Cm. G. W.klatiarne, or ens Derr. Siena Wm, and inienthi of the New Jersey LegidWart, bas kindly mat is*. Salaaming erlifate. -.Halls Raison soary. • • • ItanwsrOan. tri, •yeai aloes Iwo taken loath the Intluaenn, andel Idiot. aythian lea is a debilitate! eats. Iwo indoor,' to U'y Dr: TonasaimaPs atariapantlii; asde, ilk* ilea ih bole On, I me vir adtaibsts is entirely toilet said liarsapantla.: easaismed taking it, sod lad that 1 Wiry* eve:T a d-ay. - I Wien a wed toy and 'amid . , O. W. &lanai, late U. D. N. • •-• - • • . . • . Thi. esellisto conehedeely peons that this fencarati has perlhet antral orte the most obetinge disease the Idea, . Threi pumas mad In one house Le unprecedented. : To him-D.. Pir . ; 1 hi - Ohio piano tobacco roa that three af &Una Loa boa curd of the aro bbh by Wo on of Jour euelhot soliairo.. Thor were mo riu l n letth balfoorta; ban oily Urea ieg bottlsa ; It took mar, be latch I fed strait mote: inp !Up - : • Tooramometatlly, - • . lsaao W.. C0a50,10.3 Weroleir. ffor Yok o : fdar , o UM . , rt. , • UUAT PIMA= ItEDICI3E. Dr. teenuend s s thincaille usoneettely ewe lecipkat obante el or Caren gladratio, Irate a Cootanydnoi tenume, tineosoe a Whites, at Urine or itendunbuy adage acne, addle the go- el of th e eatem-tionsetter leather the malt of staccatos or nosh paltseel by Irregularity, alma K adds..: • - • Made( al .b. awe anyorieleg this Its .ineye eF. Leda en the hams liana. ream, all ornkaess WLe tMe, km taking it, at once beam roast end full gramma under Its Masa. :It inenediehly osontancti the um. humor the Anal Item • 'thick ts the gnat annoy hart ansese. • It will ea tit uinctai or ia cans Of no delicate. ne, hue, la athibllueti&nis of cores performed, but no can naraltatilleted,thal hundreds creases hate keen reported to a • Several cuagebent hmilies area= without clai m, atter aka o liar bottles of this innlegle .drier, hare been hied ath healthy asps*, Dr. Tbseeteesd: My-arife finally dialer& by sad , mama WI s• Mo' wend an -o &batty, - and sulrentuvineally by pain f data, th. womb, ea wish other dligalties, Wang havag aeon ma itere yon .dads Itablrected gent tares • Ind aishea• me it reeausteeded for such cats am I heredeeimbed,l obtain ed. hale of year rairset • of flassepuilli, end Wand du direst:o teatt gue no. In dears parsed It scoured her oxsphan and reamed tor bah... &mg gratekd lb. brorLb she remind, I 1... plasma is lb otkaaeifidg• log it, terd retomnmdtrg It puha- Al. U. Mau, • 121 00f, Aug,17,1b44. Car. of Grad sad Ilikts . • . Cal3lol3i s Sift e, ma. Dr Thgratratt; Ts .fl uhasa t 66 guty eamen . This to toting that mg grits awl au baffle of you &sugaring 17=b hag scafintogst, order th• mat. glass* awl eireategtaaars, brig troubled with &a .limna &, lord hes af tha hal t germs ggry Win kel; unk pusgaslatrotal th. preagugagOadat at Wag vita had wttl it, an larland to try it, with lOUs or go' fah; mut gaga it to tab ..Nina. bad do loppy and Wird glitat,oat taly to the hours of uatattagraii but an not ga r rattaa of ma wok of Da tba chary tagi oa taut action rosy' to gm gltatushogi La bar health it gou agar than it had hatto f r a stra. It dug y!al kg of goy mutat to gas go) age* You ths swam of .b. aroliciaa, gag ars to It. I rutarribr Oirdt pa awl daditait and nut. • 8 9 sXma. TO MOTILLELS . ./LND IZAYUICD LADIT24 This Extract of Sextpeilla has beta evenly prepand la Warned so feese compleata. No I o.n who has es els to sews shs is approodieg lu eritied peripS, T. nee of life amid inert so take k i as it ss cerise pewees fa say of Or atiessom feed lessee diaease to which female WIN ..b mot sl this emir of life. Tbe period say le detsyed to Nerd yews by wet des mcdazin,fler is it Sea valusies to awe who an sppresehisi wessilierod_ .as it is remised to mkt =tun by kenos. blood and iargeratiog tin spies. IsilsitOke wain.. is eel. nails a s all of di delete domes to teach imago se solder', • It braces Ito lebok me m, reams peterotorolly the oat. eotergieo—!.y yretoortog the irepurstunt of the body—slot ler siate eo shituet the whoa es to produce sl euheeciand re leastioe,whieh la thy row of mod torOiciaes tahro for iO9ll/4 Inollurna and dim. •' . . • GIRLS READ THIS. . Tyworbei poik awsplamsollAr coelble S., rowel skis freektwotod are ' out . ii=itt;" me w bade loge two of Do ITowtorodN' Rolla • It enll door your Mood, the (mile* Marisa, od gee eparkliag eyes, Soo zod betutifel of which ate of itostwor value to townie 1:11:1=1 No Acid tar , 030660/0 . has' ever been Demon. wbieb „am surly mumbles lbw im ti a juice matins ix decompoeing fomituad'eteemiliantiK tbe myna of digestion, o.this poem mtion ellmlatcwrillas • B a nc Demmntmer, •tiony,thiy lb, MS Dr Mornaccdti . o 2. Moe bwat aDm. Dr emend yams with dyspeptic la worse Sams, sttettent with amr, nos of stomach, I. of victor, coin. beartbnes,, and • F./ 110 dl Lao - W . 0.4.M 4erne6 Ode I could eat s ) I bar. teen Imelda to rd. but'. entail portico on ley slornicle. I tried dee mud. now., but alley hod but amen elbs• in remo riot do complaint. I - Mac., about Iwo =Mhz tiace, tryYs. Eateset of Hama. wills ' s. 1 maeltiry mill tittle essuiduce, bat alarming =1 . 1,0 Wales, I fund cm appetite . creamed, and. tie entirely rentoccl; and I would exnamtly reimenj ,Meal t 4 ice of it loth. who base been aglietod as I hare been. Youn, W. W. V. Zmurr. Due 59,18161 .ALMOST • MIII•CLE Btebas • ' Riad the tidlovring, mad &rat St Ton ale emumap idemeaseet be cum& Misleads'oat of Um enerslhasinal tam that Tonsmend'eSereaparitl• ttifitd: Dr 71mrselmit—Drar ittr. 1 vies takes, ninth Urn, ear with • mere sad pain in dr, did, - 11 in - very . was rowed by Or sini.. to hare the • I emisomptiotr mseed.large cm -tides of bed matter, had Welt enema. and Mikis very tan deetor mid he could do amehing tor me. I leant into to. teamitel &bops of beingbmdiMed,.buttinis proxemeedtbem as Menrside. 1 elti rum rally &Armed at the lane end myY hardly breathe: I mom lumen unedited, andespeeted Oe• erea matitird to, my bed,. wed was obliged tie ham rushers , Weed I cannot girt you any description nut Indeld &Ousting in my ease. 1 was summed by my ninths le he aadr ~„1 1. 1 ! tad Iried dkgrrti r z i stb r d d mambas ! dediddry MRS pall= "" MlX2r Ebegilizzi to sca pa the Math, I sarpeetete• Ins soma Madura Bat l wee Mitered te try it I did m 5 end ma Ivry thank ful I did. et mm* my Und..l entindy welf, t o mi nelarered mho 'haulm binknae, and ho, to be Wire ly Inn in a . try, med.: bly torah . snd In die side, •04 alcbterate.hare Yltree, es nue b 110471i.k, and ma &aglam: natal eirregit....l . telt it, • ditty. to 1 ?" . .." ' " ` j, 71L,litioli,121=Pin"CkIa °promos or PhislelliaeM Teseebeei is shawl deft mond; orden Cos thy) eeeism is dirmesst posed sae Ussom The is tomtit} 3M vess, emdersigme, Physielearof Cityof ollbear, Lace sa miasma memprionibed Dr. Tomcod's fasseperille.:bad believe it lateen* of the most Sablable preparatkas of the Baremporilla iss the market. • P Pause, a 6 .1 Wumes, a 6, IL II Bus., u r E tLluestkota.M ra . Ahab 4p011,184.1.. • • • Tide to easily Altai oft, oadrogord. melon noestoadas Plgysloons of am ary ofAltuti.lowo itenoceited Dr Towvend's Comp:nod Eztrod P=. orslla„ tad trot /G bloom qualitho, Inal4 tocootoond, be public lot. corteurisl, scrofula., cod adore atoooons Int ems, Is prefromee to soy of the obrottimod notioneo badge 7A h., 4pra tt HL• • Wr rratiptloffire, /20 Fano, at, Sat h, N 'l4 B.N. d.* &go al Sagan Dr Lyon *soat,l - 82 North &t -han( Pluladelplac 8 3 Hthrel rm oj6o l.,Tha We r , ; , ;: . % .3.4 Vtriitri OrrnL 4w7 Naar goad., asks pal up in 'be wj. nom bottles, whisk amnia tart sad akauf widattat atrium avatars of S P TOWNSND, eat histoma gown an th e Gba From tint Mr York Ailly Erma of April Pple-17.. pranahion appeared . la da 040 Mb jreaterealli /1. illitadutab, or Earaparilla Esyress of Dr l ow .Ttia ark. thing Cart up ispomodd tivar .019dt of the arm. mental landaspa o°w^tlaalmlifolartiett, lapel/tar rah tha mall moriipiagoldpilsdaarg is War, male. storm taralf mope W. lake it. opportunity. to try ant Wis. nasal of dr 'Sarsaparilla drams tho rerfjtaat popidarity /tkH tequila& • . • - • . • • . Nam Yaasjdarthr7,lBl7 Tommesak-1 bin bea alielsi marl or Ire ins 3 mry i ss c j . M o tt draadfalsialdol , : b a . ltelt ,i geddittesa ths Inbuild on eolltos canthisal t listre=t Ima added to bt aitybsaMem as a dyer. I ham Mina other amdieiass, too alarm. to mention, but with os Mass : am. - I WIN Induced hyalite I my so the lamer In try • bottle of. year flanaperilta.kom 'Mach I Gmad grass Mkt; ham Mama hka.at.n l moss bettlasi and I am aalmitatingly my ft is tha but milkier hors ems talsan—lba pass In ay antis rams, awl I *algal's •diberent sun allogather aiamt I him Want - your Sanalmrilia. .1 hart Dam • homer appetits than mu I had.' Ily ant. dm latest it vith them. bite& tiji '• I 'mid areammend it aa a Emily asedlelni insmaly, and I kslessirineed Mat ifilband these weld not I. half Ms Mahatma dam sad y not as many I •Thastor% bilk; 11u.mtula itradorea7= i st alm aim tha atanash. and tamrds thus Midas tonna' harps ths blood Ina Imalthy a4steAs that &maw sat as to attack the system. And do all Mem who ars WI in a healthystati,l my ley I:tr.Tstramad's flargalarilla • • ' Claaker Is th• Dloaeb ...... . . . , trios Lima secobatormothorchild and. Dr Tanned'. Bct~aocilh Ms um! dm Um of thousands of ehildion-- Tti Ikroiog ocrttlonto 'is data from • 'groat - mamba • _•_ New Yost April %ISM Dr Terrolat Reseda-oas et my chithen was mei tick wlth tha'Cmieer Ip W mouth and thres‘aucediedwith rest dsbiffly: uwu use dying; I Obtella 90111*Of yoor 1111;1611,11 and haute rt tiredly, t. • which 1 as mut you I &Amy plead, . Your respefflidly, . . Ewa/arra Yeenta,VlDedersersm. Ear saw by It E. SELLERS Rruceirt, /US? Weed se . betimes dl red 4th sts, srhe has 'beta .appelatel by Id TiriNSERD ode dyad Oa Allegitray ea - IjOrdterlyEt .MORLieliS hi Emu Panacea' ia, main my cld's dittreutay • •.; From tau Temperaaeo Balmer, Nov 3 Mat. • Cocoa eivatna•:-We are um 112. We Rata of puffin, mach tux taking patent medicinal!, bet Ire OM disposed le recommend Ittown's Syrup to those who me afflict ed With a caugh:' - After haring tried the mai r Ttl.• dim to remove a constant and ditisewhffl cough;thei had for severer drip afflicted one of ore hildrenorrith out success, we were Waded 16. by bleeper... cough . 0 . 1 "44 wit relief was obtained to a few bouts. -It proved to be the panacea iu this case tyeast. . , . ' Prepared Wholesale led ratan ta i tiureprieter, • 667 - ;what st,,lditchtlow 'dfautiralley.. alisimmoto Worst oars War e la to tatulY &air by takiny ears Wat of - Dieter .L McLane% Wont Swale a Meld of Jima Efflawre pared spomehs of Si whit, sad br Meaner said radicle/so child of my own ed lave it so All the mu worm roadie-Las trar ocroa. 3 loam bate TWO W!1 GlfitoAC . • •- . . . • MEll CAS i. Auk= ku ~ir, il Pai iii IN 43eli r i ' 4'7 : - Ifblle Coop . tm Dr. Samaymet• Case pen a =4.0 Willi ,• his mild end Mean to = the Mee, este end harmless tas operithms, alai yet is one of the most powerful gad eenainvemedim for . of the longs, Coughs, Coble Asthma, • Liver Onaphu, sins he to or - and general 'Deby ot the Condon:ion; that for ever invented by the Atli of Me fin the Mien:tithe of pobtic., Cenifteates and evidences 'of its ' erendatid • canitive 'powers ore daily reeeived fronasdi smarm. a n d ine portable to conceive tbe hi suffering and mis ery that has bee li or • ' by Ili sum ottb we calculate the=nse igeoefit that shad accrue from .it hereafter... All ages, sexes, aid conathations are alike affected by. is, and the =seams ite emithated _from the system, the emanation rew_tr' and: beep"th. HY. tored by the use - rd De Smarr. coatrorna. . Sure or :Wan Cum, ' How many sermon do we daily be held approaching, to an munnely genre, wrested, in the bloom (youth, mom their releaser and Mends, ISM. ed with they fatal malady, CONBU TfiON, - whieb wastes the miserable sufferer anal -he - is • beyond the power 4 .. d make a Mid of De Sway 's Compound 87th pof Wild .Cherry, they . walla And dientheives sooner relieved than by gulping th e v inelfeetne tamedlel with' which ore newspaper. ..this' Vegetable. Rase , dy , ,heals the ;deemed 1 sum stopping profit= night sweets, at the loam rim indueleganatund and healthy 1 erlamoration, and the padenonli noon find himself= the enjoyment of eeinfortable batik. The politic Mould bear in mind that Dr. Sway= is e:mgaW practising physician, and has had years of sc n i i ence to diseases of the Lunge Chest, Al. The to and only; genn lee ankle n only prepared DR. 9 VAYNE, fif 111 cat ier of %W a n galls c ' It s kj i iNall . . e -: - • of all the mints that has Oen been 'we May vilely ray the amass of:welkin° cennot f ota to. surpass - We, whwit now stands as • living proof =dm curability ofeonninquion, area when' the had twee deepened of. Dr. Swarm , . Coosponed Syrup of Wild T ierrl Is all it professes le•kie ears Nand. , the greaten medicine Dm True ref of.z.ya 4 iidth: -, _l.' De. Strarkr.=-De ar Si km the good oft= Saber, I feel myself in duty b oo m: taMfy to the gram cent, which,yoor Compound Syrup of WU Cherry perfam• mt on toe." Fbr my pan, I feel as if every body avid to know it: I cm Millitted with aside= cough. mil ting of blood, night mate hoarseness, and mind of the voice indicating an ahmeles state of the ,disease; my appetite was gone, and my mene t bad so fee MI. ed Me that =Merida =I physician were persuaded I veld not samvemany gay. My Aimee whew== anxious cue-taker. made -notary whenishe wools! be likely to procure the mint cement relief. She wee told that LIDO. Sennynehi Cartooned Syrup oflVild Cherry: felled in the curojny • Ufe - was thee hopeless: • Tont medicine was Immediately deemed, na the first yet tie gore mint; an d .by the ti L bad minunenced the .I.,Naottle, my command lad=e sadmy sth wee mach improved. In short. it has made a, t eats Orme, emit am it this present tinus =ham • man as I with, =abase good reason to believe that the me of TOUT medicine has saved me from a 'pentium grave. my I sh rler all be pleased to gins say- Infontonicat reverting m. • nil cluster el, between intheend sloe it m ' a=„ . CAUTION! • CAUT7ONI ' __ron • Co , mplivie, Reath Read: Dr.SwaynysComp _ d In ehout the year latt7, l' found It neceseary la Saj Professional practice, to isompoond a medicinal prspac. =lon for dioceses of the chest and loop lamessins more powernd healing pnipenim than any other lath, end known for such diseases: In my been SYRUP OP WILD CHEILEY, I. have been very sae mufti; The truly .essonisiang antes effected, by -my medicine soon iprind its Minn abroad; for Moans one. of its suceen to muudectured newspaper pidfs or. gni red rerdthana—the rest Intrinsie merits of my' cone potted is the only carneof lieplerity. Atheatcesive tale soon earliest tbsteery Of fernier speedster. Lathe ithictiotth of his ddlow creatures, so mach so that Ls • kw-yeses (tom the time that my prepuation was intro, dined= the public and la great &mend, alma inlbis city, finding- that soy prevention had gained a jog a i:. reputation for its cunuive mltiee, - • canal" out sirt wt they called Dr. Winnh Harem of. 't% ild Cherry. This respecteble end popular physician bad nO more' to denials the amiele than poor Sem Patch. The name. of Dr Wistaria anaeleal to mike it appear dim thieve lee= practitioner was the original loventoref the pro-' paration; - such le not the tact. The above Imo; the re-' al inventor, sold the =Moe and rjegt to nommthenani to some- pdensvnedicine . &dna In Cineitle.2ll. Gn the Wm and &oath; and another in New York for the East, who atterwmds, it in assened, sold out to a dritggist in Doston—eo the number °thetas into which is may have _ . clauthed is an enigma. - In Mane places they linen it emanated nom II ph tine' in Philadelphia; hi others, from a physician in alassechmens- Be- it Philadelphia; faischood mud 'strategy= stamped la every fcatate., -- „. - , . - . . There base' henna number *realer prepanniens put. ponies- to contain Wild Cherry put oat more, from the bands of inexperience, which the paddle should peed against, as they contain now of the virtues of the origi nal maidenly Kenai.. prepanden•whkh beam Mont anan, of Dr. Swann on each bottle. • The levee= manafnenuen of their purr and also certigales . have the dating e ff naticryth Mallen th e public againstp . =, chasing my medielne,the only may genuine and oar, nal preparation of kVild Cherry behove the peak% which is proved satiefactorily by the public - treads or the Cononouwealth 'or Pennsylvania, as well as ran., mu other =head &icemen's. • • DR. H. SIWAYSIE. • : Inventor. and sole Proprietor. of the genuine. Con.; pound Syrup of Wbild Cherry, corner of righth and Race ammo, Philadelphia. ' , .-• . Pamphlets eon be obtained reds, Mules forth tut array of tertinany domicil! =mused diem= 'kepi. cal oithe wonderful - virtues ofDr Swayarosi Caorpoinid Syrup of Wad Cherry. Cali and get one, shay ill any read. Purchase the medicine, sodas CriZb• ',, ~. ,• , : . Poi rode, wholesale siodretail. by the Agetas_ _, A . _ WM THOllll,a3 Markel se:OGDEN k. SNOWDEN," Cotner Wood et d Libeny sin S JONES, ifO Liberty st; It A muraNroar.&. Co corner of Pb,,, and Mood told Sixth nod Wood; 'and RHIN MITCHELL, Great Maglialalieasedy. F 3/ Cat i Zatriatr thd r e r.l, sdW 2 1:: above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALE OF. LIFE, discovered by the celebrated - Dr. Bachan,*of London, England, ind hurodneed IMO the (trawl States: ender the teno r superintendenee of the invemtor The extraordinary success - of this meclicitie, In cunt of Pulanutery diseases, warrants Am Ann:lean Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible ess-- ses that can be found In the essomnsityeaas Au met' relief in vein frau sny of them:nowt remstiF. of - the dey,.and have/wee men ',Thy the most dasunguished phystrians as confirmed end wearable. - The - Rongart. en Holum/as cored, and edit care,We num &Spume of one., • It is no quack nostram, bat a etandaid Env medieine, of known and established efficacy,. ' Every.fonnty in the United States should be SoppUed iiith Badmen kliongsrun Balsam of Life, not wity to 021;161eita the. mammy:bre tendencies :of the tlitaste, but to be nsed s preventive medicine in all eases, of cougho, spun* of blood, pain to the side and eheay imudicas• and soreness of the longs, isrochitis, difficulty of breating, hectic fever mien sweats, meet. *lion and general da,dity, estl=4 inattents, whooping cough end croup. Bold In Isms oodles, at St Per bottle, In dons for the restoranon of be LWa. l'ampitbrm mashing a mu al Ali & and Ameri can emedicams, and.Mbor ovidond, Malmo/ Oa un equalled manta of this mat !Nish Ittraelly, may be obtained of tbo Agents, gramiloaaly. • fro Gala by It A PAIINIZY & Ca, cornet of at and Wood and Woad and GO tx aura • We hate been named b 7 lan. Ina of • ewe pet. Yenned saber by Dr. Jaymers Altersillon, wank pmn. Its eaperiaribonr every other rowdy of the Lad. En La loco adbmed ar tL test SIZICII• yetis min lik:=o6k2:l ar WM= 3WELLIYiIitt, ationded min Wand/on nod valonanm of ninon bones, de. ring *kith inn Any pans kayo bent Cannot Um the imatal bane el tee amnia. fins bon her arm, wnste am/ baud, sod from bark lop, aod ban Mo HA fennel boas, and from the nett bum Winn slam on tu b er yen. of lea yarn; whisk Ln bsmed the nob ol • nolo. of Me non U 03311161 physicians of oar ay—daring mon of the woo kr SIiCILIVI ban been &immune and deplorable About throe moons place oho was aodoced be Cry Dr.litysift attendee, which kad bad an annealbtlf banly dfoot non hes, by removing all pan and nrelkft,., sad neon Mr Meets la heal, labile at lbe tame ameba, menzal nein I no noun empiric}, ranondoo that sbe row weiglia in Ito more Mao .be 60 beton no comnaboed IL ode of Mb truly voluble empatent.—(ael the. flort. Foe Amber Inforennoo, inure n Um. Raft, No. US Filbert rt. Eldnelelplun Fay m o le la Man" at the PE= TR& 1 1 T011.4 nroank a. near Wood. /1* .QCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL A 7 1111131—Saasla lo all its. math:plied fence whether ie that of ROO Red, es targesieelat o the gland. arboemp,Goare While Sweilinp,Ceroaic Rheemalama,Casses, db»asr alba Sala or iipisei or of Pulmonary Cosimmgitioa, emanate from cue loathe ass cause, which 4 a poimmoos prg! ,.. ate ; more or lege la er& ment in the be game.. fore, older this tnieelple can be d intrepid, no ridi• cal care ma be elected, bet If the priociple epoa ;valet . the disease delartids, is remosea, s care sousted amenity follow. no mallet soder *tea form the disease 'toga mailed Reel. This, ibernfotif is the reason why JATlllel ALTIMATIVIt Y. so act venally succemfal a remains so many toalignal diseases. It dilative the afros or peiselpla hum wham those diSCSIOB bay. their white, by vacate: Into the circulation, as the blood 4 coomyed to the minting fibre, rearming tmo7 particle of diatom floor the grim. Prepared sad main No. 11 Stott' Third Stsmt, Philadelphia. Sold et the Pelts Tea Store, Nerd Fourth rhea Plasburgh moAtl LADIEJI Who Um Common Prepared Chan,, en la often oat sumo how fnattifell) Inman*. I is to the skint bow roame r haw naegh, bowilalkg,)eak r e a and estimably t h e aloe spouse afar meg thew Hood., It Isladovioae, cooteltan• lute tun , ilty of lead. We late Impend a beanie." namable ileac, which we WI JO:4MS ISPANISU WIJITEIIt leperfeatay Intween•pelo4 moiled of elf doletersongualleles; and it uopeau to We Alb a oats tea, heelthy, alhaelef.Cieer, 14.44 white, ea thew.* one *ease( es a eoreteue ea the Alp, =alley It eoft sad soot. • De. James Andean., ,Praedial armlet al Massa• Wu attic -Ante anatylinh Joaees rad, Liha White, I Sao n poodytes the met beton(' cad aua raJ, it We eau. time Lanoceat wine I twee nor. eenalaty eut coowteaboatay teroasatend 10. sae to all whom Lino reaatt ceaea botuadylag.!, flat•P‘i te • boa. - D.Sold by W hl. JACIOtION, it hot DOM and Shoe &me, St Liberty thee,. bead of. Wood, at the aye *4' the Laßoot. dlea, lattice, Ilm attoolobel, When Too hooey Oat Sax are pesealiod A oatmeal, ills-Itto, mowy white, . • That rat 101 l eon ate commas chalk, • Aad took a deathly yellow fligh Tab Maio of latency sad el LAX 'ha orald aro a box otJONEtS Ltlty.whot, It wooll glee par aka% ia Widmer set taunt wino, and at the owe also clear cad tyro.. tl. Sold at JACCISO:I%,s9 LltdnY as Pr. , SG.= pet hat. • • c Ac SO. ' 11171 rad O v al kW' fclin a ‘ • LU C T ltan ti g:e V Art Pi n; riesr i n . ( o r ;ry az e ta ° coon mentor ejyrrwurt every Puurrbk ran sdaywd wale warm, or eanoweura m a/I lawbow of eountry. Paper of VI tingle arada la order at abort ue moot or PRINTING PAPER Is unsawilly lute • patrol' IOLA!. ar wrrysapluror quality. _ PAPICIL KARL Rli IRATERIERLI • ' or demlytioN W9urre4 cod tern wornaXin) ban ' Myna" W Groin, Pountrinkt yrri, Illetram luso UnnuanasiTialao.ru...Act Orono% 80. low i Gnu. Rope, !VC e.. • usa parcbtl i ler wile/IRA glom prow Rum to m 6,1, paid • war New Tat. • T. James. U U.n Mom asap. • • Olt a/i katao of arapOtaat sad allures of um IR* agclu r...ktrAllowlehltlat 11.11.1".Sgarty,LIcai einoed Or metal BMA awl tor allatatty Mats. a ittotraltt: tifaire Itatereal_ tut; ...I...waned It alto Cape la . 41, Taz, nod await. um Imo ( it aglow, or titatig h ea akta, to It 151‘ bialtaymatal . 4" at ibusd A llecd piles "'P ll27 ." ' "34 l per saVbi. nd. is elread lbe oak NCI It j STRAUS 11011? 000111/10 lai st balms mcitoik tMigrraM2PMVM iirDkAt - !L :`,=l ~ i raimareautacr Sit a -if 17110~,",:, Compound Syrup qf Tar aeld , WoodAlp I Mai 'MU is deli' iudt numkabbs .rwres3ff PUI*ONARY-.CarattUMPTION!III ... Aiaimkamdada, EOM* a it . ..64Pa: J.:A:a/A.4a: SionkThW,EalnsMeNrapitakeorte.,.,,- Hatt; hopeog 01. 1,11;4..r0v, TA / l lRlCFolC,lmmotorall gonna Milton ;Ant Napha ashailatiews ire a r—i , be osionadurty Look 1 ispesindid from Um •Ine ot your tliimpoinolktiosol t ; lor awl Plapihaiturders it my tidy ladinirildd *Pa' I [-liad brio bag alLitod rely owl roegli: causing tome wait in the lama, win gnat oppirisono tapas oi lociano• mg and lon of appowt, tilay ,carom/ .a.n.,_11 , 40.121i1l above/41,4 Ward of your med lw^ kg io ion; Witufted inoltinest I thawed , • moult adblini to wind hid t o Pauli* &pelf Home worm. a Mewl psnaaded try a &ant of your Ofrparalmo, ming the owed ids hft its rirtifeli 7 lest , mMialar IdururN abioUlti 0001 ationested osiog at, Lt ..' lire I Ind takin iwO Units / arm completely owned W , • ,Ilokij Or 44 bete6i • afalenl suk. tha i5...14.41 Any. farther WM be mode at my no. -- jyapsetthily yours,• •, 'Psalm* Titroar. '4liitanother, Rana:4We ,Caw •• • • • _• • caw., fferlYo,lo/4 ibt years M., In tonoturom of nut rednoary e Minot of my was attacked silk Orrin, ~In, tb Went. aolpitidion We bear f Witslionorti i Which wore mealtillinrol by die talon dapped+, infest valuta.. at eight awl lonia/ piraryds army limisw , tlarwr.' o Jammed bring fiewentlt• tlkmled onVsyTtimytif blind. Pot a.m hie loan I was otaisiotis ' lbduni dad uidmindmr kik me is misera/k. stage of farldenenand Immo Waren or: loied, Prom /me dressy surnitife were mon Sit Iwo rerettliiill at knell Lay be onset to orel a' drvairimit the nelson of =wen art anaisated, that . toc • orlon:yew 1 war y Mad. Many basin.. booby this IMO -ended , .4 =Me able phydrima and winded ie then presenmanis t bet all lhalr: AM win emanding to pronto ow I . and et kWh tbey niardolosy ;storm m tatirely Impala •. aW enaditioa."l - inn iarnmed •of die solo - acne of • •Tbososoitl Command Tarliod,Wood io a • ems amsairbat iitallar mind foil though . / bad tine von 1 mpeitalswe of a marry o f .q inner twa bd alifi addßl7 darldd aus sesdielm, wren, worn prermioll wo barewow stok,, dully the am of on btiln my health tow beni nitarelood Ile nomille In Oland binitim with SW Swat .• • I dol' • ! z ' ' } ANgY MYILILS, Papua aely by-AitONIY; ► DlClfaati at eon. drift ud Prue. Anita • • - ..r Sold IVLIAAX, sad nuomblir Dnabis genoray.,Prie• .6 Ostflogiu prrkl.v.. CAITTION.-- - bnms alniUticayamot mitre Time L "V. 8 .1. , P At Tar from Ownlllo adrntiiif . pra% or at thosiaboto i!hf rapieba of &Azle m 00.,. OEVIEBALIIEASON/1 way me. 1.61- 1.3_11(13 are B L co p .. ? Pl&LO are becoming oolrateeroallypopolor , Flat, Romeo theism roped b r Dr fi 13 Lel?", illy himself, t Drugged, Cheroot end -Phyei CM of ; mato • mown Airtu nare; tbel tiFoUtyJuid cbaneter the Medicines tilled in Ws' Secon d d their , Beemotbe ;addle tektite them ' s ic greater . oonfidenee than toast other piths which 'sic = by Pdmodd both Cr/Redid= Ult:, ; Tbloi„khiCiatei id their combined arab; frpet), ties vet tooteised extioMer pllim tamely. purr 1 ing trait the itoatac'h end boatels aU unhealthy sub. Masai, and Al .the same time ptuiryiniabe blood I ircnuth, &awe they are the detailed and beet sedichte known—a tangle bre costing bet 26 =eta, I *ad comaildes 40saving apenes, sa Raney deltas olletlatior 'oOetot's 11/id came ootte Indictees bpi:eat dr. tlidEde the rectcementhulea • WHOLESOME ADVICE. , labosayai yam have acclaim to take any meat; - ciao; do oat te,trilltateitk Tan(: ceoutauthot byialy all koala al. pideor other zabliataos you ecat polkaed and reettauttentled by tote and another but. . Dr. Lady . * &7149.2riffl Blood - and yen will not brie - occasion to table :anytiiing The will always bit found good in stoma ail . Wohni of.diseate,lotlamition of thestoinsch bOlta els, liras arid intestines; camps of the stomach; ' co/lc, Watbstinatc boron' lona, foul bleath; toes trate theronath;bdur eructasioas and acidity of thestonmeb, costimnam and beligindich, s 01MOL - appetite, hill ioca lineettotit; inleares of the :Spicer* and kidnega,thstinaes of tbe - inapt/toll drywnd watery pimples or, Wale/ells . of the faro ass'' body, fetter, sub,pilekle timt andantfrtmem, head/ ache, gidalutem, tiontnimi, pains over the heat; the bread, aides, along the back and:spine, rheems• giant andletit, levers of all kinds, small pox, mho, : lath memeis, ecrofoLa,ergaipelas, and an anon they We goats ail &imam baling their origin in ttof Montle/4 liter, and Intestines,. tad impurity of , the a:FTweatyative ceata a Bar.- . - t ; Sold WbWanda and &tail by B. A. rabactoek do fla earearar First sad wood, also earner Sixth iad Wood eta:atop •.- .• - - atartitt.. TOOTII PAST/le. rPHE ben article known foteletutlai end whiaoing' U.• 'the Teeth, Wreathe:tiny the gueut,:• we/let:ft the breath, ke. It abouid be ased every, mein with-a sad, hmsb, and the teeth indeseath will only requite a vlifh rutting in the mete*: 'Wet the Work with wall. waive or ekt4 aeserer,,and tuba a ten awes oaf the piste, .wken enough alhete e_estnag the teeth., cleaves a deb... mew iu 131.1thowa , yams mot dihedral fragraneeto the Luella: Itatude; annvalled as a pleams, elbeeekles, conviiiiaut," and' safe destrillee:' It - ivaintated net to tultuelbe teeth,. 13 /0. 4 41. teattlY, [t wt await* the witat iut4 ' reveal- eetnneulatlen p.....eat. the unalttehe . tuaniatken the atns,•and prevent nil diteased enema t. • CheanPhYttejeati Una die ektyy reeennhand It • decidedly, supetter every - thin:of the kinli Ist tor Shartavil Catapulted OrrirTeetk r Pas,te, tukii ebserieltle saptattite sweet , . a Meath pot.' • _ Reeentwenned by T1V44.1/e , .Mal Dteadwat Wee, an. est . aletalsta, and by. wen of the - old eleableatett . ones to the tubed States to • tree • ateettivelyAkutk. by the liability eV Enalend.and Fat ea: •• •• • A laze psopettien el' the disease. t hatallUetwenliedt..' arise front mese derangement or tbt a wataebovlnnetts,.- which a timely see the Calla:pc Luiettaeuwoulg, entirely ebylate..- t•entaat blares habits death& way, have a hoz at tend, and tat. a done whenever they feel the least d&ermaeaguv eesuwu o n u t l h d eie healh; ' y tenteae ofthese M: • Fbrtalent JACXECIteic eoriaet of-ThAtriaie4 ULte, - - - AA GREAT CURE, pertinnet by *ha originlanitalytetil oad gfilleor,l,iverlll4, wetland aa4, sad by 114r51.1...: •• • • Jklotala , Facwoar,Wrilawnt Jaly li rw/a /ys 2 .. • 517: Mr.2l. Sdassi—A ono alloy %Drama Wia arida la/mar ba oda ay holt. twaiwityispmacotyinajwily, telibrak• Lima tall I Yaw laartwil doing ow Ow. ram / willariwile Wry Cm/WA dm, 8 1ii sore yint am/Wu, data pdd.lW alba away praparatioaa aloalaaa. amid% laiiial tla We% ban soak law Widen Aare ywatlarealfiii barn Um °bawl toWali• iadraf.- I Wino laity will /want. tbem afl,/ , wary 11[IF pol _IOC • ispataia/ to lc - I law bees dieted WA Lassrf a:wapeWt Atm lay yaw* km Wirral aww6; anplaral, may antwat to wham 'paid mad salary: lam/ ballad • womilad awl pbylicked almait dick; tatorawd 3we iialte, Ilatillyrres ft istwahle. •/a • 162711 r baked tato r/arLiverTwouldBoollool.: WLLI.. Omaha at wait! iniewiwatiou balmy row/. et pail la Um sida,amil Ile Was iyalpama, IX Ii Waal wastba. Ten PIA ate Wow Ila but callivak laser wild; Mawr mad, awl plying or grk lithe. .1 Oa am, belt bat rive ma swell MAL / hart kept tam ,a wry watt; ibr ar 7 mac oil Imaidnids binea awl haw , torch - Yard a elagle acaphiat award by toy ow •bo taw vaitt thaw. 7tirg lan atqwwwitil atom entry mbar rill ia Ulu • aticalowliaelowl at .Awn tam Ara a 6. 41Wwally rerammall thes ./1 palms batiliwg . thsair." wlwlkar lbw Lim complaist be &aka Alreciines. I sow/ • •lier ar separate to Calmat ay thence/411 llespaaw . • • • J . L Mona lldly•vws, LAUTION..I.I art caber P6/i Wo /keg . Ca/ass/Am Pilli,pnium was anattha O CIV UINC oaklbr talawiradribllwatbaw pirpand 2.4 by • 8124.1.713, No 67 Weald. Irma Mg wad fesath t'. sd4y Dr.Casasa, YI fl D Cuss!, Mahal . Da. elATnall VROlli due Iler.ABA diWNN, • Ira town o nt= i V lir en oldie Protewantill.thoditt The M. tag been allikted daring the gne Winter with a Mime of Um cletnech, tonactiotre M. (Ming great pun to ted storoach for ten or Meter Mara w,d,....reesion, and alter ►k tieing Mad amine rr mates with [Meerut, was firnlahM MTh a bowel e 111 Jones Cartaitowee Balsam The he reed as so the directions, sad lioand invariably that tLu oedkme mooed the pain to abuts in three ree et , Low sod to dineco etit treaty 1134.1rorretr .emsation was minty pakten.. The sedichae termite wed whenever imikatioos of the aigneoi of; pala Iran pereeieeQ and Japam Irinsiietsby Tairu ed . Ile closonetal to e” Out medichts every • reed temetimes In the mesdat anti in I km Leah(' was ee Ihr restored, that the engem was Wide n lane meant of eopsmaiec Pow- rma 3 " • nee, [naiads, be'em ftellent le reesams,g SY. Jaynes CatimeaUse Mimeo as • esiwtin otediein for Clem" efineatoa.Mb mai bowels. . A.Ottitt 111 AM* Log - - Fut Wei la iiitistangh at the "'ELI le IEA 11101 Aibanit Pea t, _near Wood; •241 a Ise •at_a Dm, atornenl FIAIITE. Peden] Wert. A inathewil 031111 t PLIUMBLIAT,-- • ' L OM .it 440esanda tome', . a. Cress •la Bon, tor shastp,r, . . . . , • Algeoade Crum, do; 13spettlas D.ap,oa Poterlals sise.ir • . • ; %qrui ent• ' Wyp, posfonea Laveoller, *net e... 1; 7 . Beaaii/al powder pan. .‘ Pittrr.i: to.u.et fora contahaong Irstrant Gtr the tanAkerchisi ; • 9.6,711 68L...110011 >nip.,. Me tem. or t o Oc.Jer; • Wiles e table hare tat; . • . &Ws ei{ist Gutty or amen= wiNtimlN 0%4 !isial,.l • • 14,) 'Sap; Ni.o l . 8 .#1. 4 " . /4 1 a , T.;: . • as p; Mrder .60, r Vel4.tviiiti of Gm peewee er Jan lerroreJ; 171=i • AT'S • 44 , me 4drair/t9stii: PITTSBURGH • „GAZ Extri rUOLLSIIED DAILY, TROVEMILY d. WEL,ILLY eh t 4 0444.31400441, 34 ss., 1.1•6, 41401 tom . IFULTI33• UP. ADVZIATII3I3IO. Oss loorttloo or It 1014 A, or ..... GO • Two Ignitions sit/matt •10334404,: .. .. o Mrs• - • " " . I W ..... Owl WIN:A • " ••AO •• '" ' 301 nave • 300 CPl:Odom% . • ~ 6OD -07 ... . Thn." 'I 30 Laagral: silterusealesta la mu,11 0 3: 0002 . Ouotorara,6 saaalla,withoal altampap,.... 10 OD / . • 1.0 11 Eacli adA timid pram ret61160100 0 : 4 •••• 6-14 " " •. . "• 04 Oaf lespara,6 . mica033,710,34 1 t at 1.011181", Ib OO It . 20 pp Cary adtalitaitlaciwor For made ID lio £ I t ". 1 110 013,6 maths, ra'arabla allAilatm, 30 04 Ot addaLosa) sqa aie, 6 woallar e .okr. 9 00 ..... Oa ru•warut.al . ailta , darrad. Oa* aqua,...3 'punka.. •..5 I 33 • earl ildlitional iesierbolib • • 37, • stritaturtliasa..' Boca 0, Ism; 0100 1 610 : • .. , HW • .6 61) maatioo,” = etaii.l::. a:4 CC yassOldbk.:••ll4; 10 CO 00 tatzt7l4l3lUl l, t vitlicat-Pairia, ftz lion, al WO, thbailaatlisa f 313 D 00 ,,, • 71, .• • • pol.. .to CO - TOiltibOdlthe •• 3 CO Sit 6 0.3. (TAO rdvaatlesreaig tot 4 emmdk. the mu, sat a ducot&ll 010 PIZ an lit Masi id IddlidUldat amok eit plt • =t--
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers