The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 07, 1848, Image 3
• •-• ... 'A:, • 4a,J . . , '~~~~ M4ll9ll=4maile Clan; )3ahimory, be glad to have mien. &on lib, Man de la Tinftearah and . syworkine, the rutabaga of Shad . end Herrieee Oat' nog tbe season. and.* caseated. vri . ila ditipaLeb. , OM! at Wevet rates. Clwase for potchastag light scarra .1 AbitEFINED SUGARS-40. baLa doable refine-411am Lost 4110 bbla ,4, ty;_mul mall ;to entabed; powderW; bbla clarified; in at ors and o>r tale by JAMES A fRITCHISCIIi k Co, =an • *canto St Louis Burma Sugar Refinery. WINDOW SlLVJES—Ttaasparent miaow skunks of &Wein painrrnin at all prieeig - Ina Linea umioalai Chulawalt•doft: SW* and Mad 'bill. nalags of a mayll io sale UTtt EATON & Car =elm at • EAIS-4.9.1 paws /men Tele", contorraug ' Tong Hysoo,lalf emus and eattrbose • Impale do • Gunpowder • do .do .' do 1 • do Pouebond • F o . , e,„ by • mina 11ADALEV t surriiiß CLOVI•S-1 watClovel Or =la by. . #3 „ , • • JOHN D MORGAN SOO.O- 5 base.. Rosin !bps, fin sale bs _ r SP • J2HIS W il d g . D ParTr l l AS: le . S'Y VON LIaNZIII.ORST Co Y , SS (tont Urn: searts.4lll,bujo.t med wd for sak by :WICK & ALICANDLIZS 4NttliM I 1 UMW. YAKNI , -IKi.Unloa . asortlid,No.- , L" fo_sale by_ '• :urn '• II.CANDLIS.S 4W -000k.4. API r WICK& ACCANDLISS: 43.,,A-143 brae* tsID; 7H bate. 10314 Mau; for sale by 'ma WICK tr..WCANDLESS ' ifOIJLIND 11 . 1,^C5—.3 sad.. Tonnes.. Grouud Natal r .314 bf. ap3 WICK k Id:CAM/LESS jest received mid for ask M u. , 11-4 :p 1 3 ; POINDEIXII.7. IF. Co 4.2 . 11. 2.IOLASSLIi—GO Wis. St. James TiEfinery;jogit /..74. received and gor soli by . - . op 3 POL'VDIATIM 4l-werer “IIrINTER WHALE 01L-14 bbl. bleaehe , l y mak 011, - G . ” calc . by • marlU. . BAGALEY 8...43H1TH Alice-d " "sa oQt rLllT th rellrETY{ 4 4TMot st r im Tobacco, fir Dila by TuTY.A. , N r: _ 0. HUOAR—HO hhd.. prim N O &war, Landing from to.rtober Gertuelture. hod Pn We by - • morn • • RACIALEY•& HATITII • b landing fora Heim.. 4 North elaber e oa o ax mid far sale mat - LIAGALEI & aurru • ../M11p:01;-' -5 bblcilFoliol/or sate by o • . JOHN D MORGAN (10PAL VARNISH-3' bb for sale by • ' ..• kr • • • • i JOHN D MoruiAN P.. ) .N1511 BROWN-1 Euk. far We 47 JOHN D 31011(LAN vinorzaseis-4.ii bbl.Beim fresh White , jut, reeelved_and i?t sale by marg7 WICK. MiIoCANDLMtS IrY ILESILINII3I2I.boxes mail IlarriVg An sale • • MICK it MeGAISAbLISS ttle-43 bra ineinaill Soap, for rale by: 0 WRIK. AIeCANDLESS - "ar lust ived • gili ~~r7TTri~~lVTi7;(~7'•fdH /:/011a~® IASTILE 150AP4bbzesjust.ree'd foie by ukar23 • • ti. Eseuxits xTrat-2 bbls puked, of good onallly; I do colg B for gala by ISAIAH DICKEY &Co, =MS orator find (root so ACKEREL-oJ,lbla large No 3 Mackerel, reed and bar gala by msal B ROBINSON &Co WINDOW GLASS' AND GLAPSWIRE-ICO bxs . ozl.o Glees; 50 do 10E12 do; 15 do 10:14 dee ' 100 roes Oat dask 25 deem quell banks; 00 bxs waders, sioreond for We by [moan POINDLlaril A.Co EAD-000 pig. best “LowerMineic , for oak, to ar rive, by {theft& POINDEXTER &Co 110i-30 kegs assOrtedNo, in IN store sad for sale br PODEXTER& Co iisoLessrs—too Ws prime N o,itut eekiedinid for.le br BROWN tr. VLBERTSON 11LWAR-65 46ds prime N Ojast ret , d -and f We •Ly mac 29 BROWN # CULBERTSON CISOAR—Aa hada Sugar. landing front stearunr 14- 17 ramu n . md ter sale by R FLOYD, I.92lA4arty SBOAR U. MOLASSES-4U Lbls S U :dolmas, in store and fur saki 14 .r.A.Atm A ituircuisox A co, • . .Agra St Lout. Steam Sugar Refinery._ TOHNSTON if. STOCKTON bare jest received supply al Washburn &Robinson's Premium Gail Yea Nibs and • • Holders. • marts BUND: r 4ES--5 1 . 1 bap prone Rio Coffee; In Ude to Bentidolat t eL7=lbla S . l ± ll d hn at: l' a le ; bl'as4iSd'd ad m ath a Brooklyn, and for anle - U D PLE2S • Wl= tc eCANcks Gar sals i tiT , irarl7DLE... S. TCSLAND444:63-11 0: Vm for subs by R F. SELLERS ACON-14. 1 X 0 11.01.0%14;g ronsd,,seeired • . stessouliteltscille; for sale by man y H ILOBI soN & ACE GOOTO—A' Imps assortment of Lao" Ed in .ad bruit. for We - rrtH. ARBUTHNOT i UT.111.96 . iit Co cotal3 • • AS." niAnistiaWz . b , 3r l t ß iEr S ? ?blnfi ' 4 n .110! '33-110 lb. for sale by -II E.Bo4.Fits AIID-44 kegs Not Leaf Laid, for sale by - • - _ wail) PEACHE4 AND APPLES-51els e ed Peaeberi 100 do der Appl=eale, IN G-40U0 Ibm fot sale by • ,mar 4 J DILWORTH S UClii-1 03 lamb prime -X 0 Sugar. In ste!yir co l for by mar2S D T MORGAN__ perga—too reams enTna wrapping; 4,71 , rn do;fiu We by POLNIJE/Trt. &Co ii7eatez si. 1 ) ;t4 =4*%,0.T.11 , .ii. 1 1. UCIAILS-911bbla Leaerin'a esaisbe4 pulverises!, RI do Louisiana leaf do, for sale by masa YOINDLTrEIt t Co M O bbls NO, pEPPER-200 raek — •,Zr sale by POINDFXTER Co -rta-.4-4 eases •pl • wipes, plain eolora Put opened nod for We ty a witYrr.'-' PRODucs64 bbla F 44 do earn tocal4loo eke nom Oa &emu kegs lonetorbess Doan 20 laza; io uore and far vale by ""ACOV—IDO hi+ bacon le ides ii — oss ' cet ate,l ;ft. '''' "ha°2 " _ susrlo ze i r b 8 N1C0p .. 2 I QaoßafF.6 Win : S-43. este juin rec. end far We 1.1,7_ by_ meal • jZAVATERMAN ILefiaery ITI uox 'MS for sale etierll JA MS A 11111CCRISCL'i G 8A ... C11......V5 n pcsi iTusi reed. ;Led for sale by - • • 'iVICIC MeCA.NDLIM. SUGAR.-. 1.50 hbb N 0 Eagrajao J3jbbla 17 - 0 MolasseN Landing :lad for %ay RLL "DOCK pfriVDEQ=For ulc by mull ISAIAH DICKEY ------ SGIEENiPPLES-20 bbls reed bl_•;Tr g!l.bctVq zr sale by "stuu _ INOE/30-1 bbl pound Gingefor u/a JOHN D MORGAN. aUND5.157 , —.M 1 lb. 55.55ted; 501gegs And bb Nol lan% 5 IA& fre..s loatter,fin sale py mart CARSON a. 31.51LNIGFre It for • by - ma rPHIEZILN_REMY b. Co t -Daum LIACON—Io !tom and inaoke,bousu conitart ly for oblein any qvatity, byi .10604 abut Il_bery at 74bLASSES — b Plb.e brie]. Sugar nob., ktrable Xl. by =AA WICK. & MeCA.NDLFZB OiP bza KnorclionWrved and or :rolds by coarl7. JANNEY & BEST • IOPONNET BOARDS-4W g ra: white Bowel Boards, .11 bcia article for auk by • imbrlD . • - .11DYNOLDS & SUE& 111112 , 1 E 011.—Fraan, Ittot Wind intlfoe Wo by , • - • MOHLER -- 11 . 1tA.5.—. 3 eases in Mora and for me Er .. JbloWLh¢c Palitr..-CHEUSSIEIiIIMaINOTL:reiIi lit stDlMore tota _JOr sale by 2.51 MER _ oiT:i.a.a.,; ( 74d r fin n taxg au. A. WA Dentist, Prim at, 3 doors ;bow ••E .•D— good er bear ara - Tconancot aitnaliou by calling on • • wart) ENGLISii & illgliNETT 37 wood at - !!OPAL VARNISH, No I—Jai reed and Cur pale by V swab J _ eapp.F.R RY[EI SAD a.;:1,1, by JL 1.1190 MOILER BANS& LBoo ] lB-81 bLL small whits kteanso)3l dos Com ltroomti for sob Ly a n e a • • • IMOAIXY - te SUM 001.1ritli LARD—In big* and telixtet orlierrtos mu?? ___B_ATILEy &Form IN}:OAE. b 64 az . Aavv t inzir arofrarboa pitierra. for spring drams, are reed tse..for • 11 'EATON & Co: , --• •To w., b7 -- , n,bg , rd 3141fniggy bbl :1;)3 ' pyLow CASE AlBL=Couniitli:yrt!' (VAPVERSBED-7 bbli k solo VJ rI7 YRII D, RIIEY kCo 'lOl-11.4ROUNRIXE=1.1.11Li cupirio!; for s le by Raußl J ficticrakmAKEß k Ce . _ • WaITE CORN—A few Mal, be received and foe male by own SR LIARBAUGH WfICIDOW Wi.tsS—aY. bzw.' thes.lined, tor mak bY , Yolllsl'lll & DUNPAN. QUCaR idadliou emu., .e. I.eciTed und for gals by =LES Bit OTt;k CULUEITYY•ON, 143 OLJLISSE-S--tt Finn. Flanuaiues Mulsvors; 4 111 Jo Sugar Howe iks per Eavigunn 1.1 ligooklym. MO"' by Aar* .1 lt FLOYD fIVBACCO- , Akegs Usnsocky lauding from 1 imam, gam.; for gale by J 8 R FLOYD In gore and CO';le by J D1.1.W0.12T/!, 27 aranni2d Imes brown Itacannn; _fa! Ma n , =asp . ,4421.1;7161311=V11. ash, ,by • &writ 'sago wood es ~..~ iL ss'if_~~ J z r:i':•: - .: ,- J.MW$141,08 - 01J.8. DlEBoMailants+ - W. lavijossogenAl & choice lot alms:dm:aid D1T*111641.4a. vrtuak mulling wale bargain. • ANOMIE DE LAINFII—E,..aid de Laines of vet- JEL rious 0i1.% and very. elkesp.jsmd TOClriTed by IMMO - ALF-XANDEE. k. DAY CO'ym. YIIIIX, -- &C.-340 bap isser No f,.:130 V doe do dr, Ind laleallaulor Carpet Cason, Can dle Widk, Cotton Twine; for ante al nnounezers! lowew priees, by =al MEND, o n to Co ik'rmat.....SoOkego form* low br • ilk mare. . . FRIBND, all Eli conaiiisas—t2 Cis). for aisle by kJ mare k CO, 57 wood st T 11.0" BONNETia-. -A Orr & Co.. tO market gre et . s kayo just opened weir spying stock of Ladies and Aliases Straw, elorenee, Braid and Lace Bonnets. Also, boy. Coburg and Pedal Braid H. ruar3l-6t /1011Ek^.:S—iihitT;di drab. 4ar skins, jam reed .pi by mar 24 SHACKLFITT Ic WHITE; -YOURNIII/RE CHECKS—One ease asederd — panerna Juet opened bs mar2.l SHA 'CKLErrte mina: 'fIROTONCLOTHS—An innoico of medium and goal ll Coe Coating. just *polled by • t00n.4 - • SHACKLUIT & WHITE, 9O woods JrP PP good oosOnOunt or.a-ti G 74 ditlkill and LUC Vtench twilld [Summer ex, jam opened by mon% SHACICLEIV A WHITE - - RANT STUFFS—A foil nooortroont of cotton, 10. wormed rod r ece iv ed y in great variety of 'atyle and sontlitie.just and for sole by gonna • SHACKEInT /r. \VIRTU C _ oFFE6.-150 Imp Prime Rio Woo, landing from steam, Gondolier; for mla by ICE--17 tierces Rice:lending from ermi Gondolier; 12IP for Kale bye snoril 1t R I:I9TD obis pure Cider Vine:ger for Sale - by mardt le h FLOYD LOt R-70 Mils extra and superfine noir, fiue F shipping order, for sole by meat • OAEFORD &Ca • AVER SEI -8 bblal ale by mar% ' A I , VON lIONNUOIR4T & Co lATINDOW tiILASS-300bx.s.FAIC 250 do 10:1% 100 do 10xli; It/o,dd 759; 20 do by markt - N V VON BONNUORST Co Q eask6; 6 box s;-for sale by merat • SY.\ONIONNHORSI•& Ca W nri Teta " g . /r 7 IPO P :rgiAttIL I T & Css '13R00618-1161 dos gilt handles Corn ,Ilsoteur. flat j.) pads mar 64 P VON SI:qiipSORST & Co_ tioodi Sono-- I She best tersest. required. Apply at MI Mar kel AWOL war 24 DECTIFIED WHISKEY—Of wurelior qualiiy, .1.10 "rays on band and for wale on oecommWatiog mama by • manes NV k SI IMITCHELTREE SROAR—NUttbds N O Sugar reeeir - ed per area= North River and for sale by • =kat 8 ROBINSUN & Co, 150 libertY sr HITEDEARS—£4bags, now landing crow SU= "er HUdeee'tertel'• by DAIAIf DICKEY t Co SOSP boi'lialick, sdo tosiegatni; sdo white,l6 Wiring; for dale - • nuo2 ' 8 F VON BONNHORST & DOW SA U- HO:* o WO, site by • mart S. P VON DONSOIORSTIr. Cb lb OULD CANDLOS-13 Ls!. superior /do.. Jan ju, ies, Bdo dipt esndles, lo .we ow/ for sate loss by Astra . ORCAL, MeI:HEW& Co A tc.V.T,L7a,II, I'INN 3 'B'.l,lmoTaL ID= i ORANGE PRINTS.. el.. awn ste .I.lales aud , gtaloitr l bs vi rr Ibuding bad for aOO sie by tous Auegueby Fra.nkliti Fume mart - . ROST DALZEII & C t..OVEII74'iD-100b;sti Meaning and for sale by matt . 1106 T DALZELL &Co AA/401101,-51A.137mt tre'a .mi joi to vi r rain O bV marl itGAN ALO&4I ease (or sale by .101Ei D MORGAN v UM SHEELAC—(Oriige)flg i e N 10 6 moßam4 . mint fIASTILE: SOAP-3 cases 1.4 sale by JOHN 1) tdORHAN GINGER-4ml. powdered white Jamaies. warren ed pare, for sale by (roarer D MORGAN Aq. r isz . opas—lo lb. norienianited in lib bottles, bbb by Li m n ).. ,. JOHN D gOIiDAN ONiONS-Lit small lot for sal; by mar.: • MUCK da IicCANDLPA LIMY to bids Louisville ;slits, for sule by nuat2 JD WILLI AV S • LUTING-3 bbls Spanish, far sale by mar/ J D W/1.1.1A167S • --- AMP BLACK--1 cask toy sale* J A ItILLL4X S lOTTOS-4b bale -SO: do)• roedpo i.uot lirithorS, J. for sale by SuarS ' JAS A lIVTCHISON HAIR CLOTH & VELVET SEATINO—A fall ar , To CARPF-NTEJost opened, n . berso .asson weed of knob locks and latches, web wbde and =sterol knobs, for lode b mad Y LOG . iN, 'WILSON .15. Co _____—_ SI7NDICIES-00 bogs goober gess; 17 do frail:err; 2 bblo grease; dr sees dos sred. noss losdin from susis Oswego, sot! flu Fmk by I. DICKLY k Co, • ' • • utast. & trout sis etOTTON—a bales uovr landing fro= M.. Osyreeo. V*, soh lry [loar2l DICtalY a -Co 'DOOM. TO LET. —Oa ilteseepod story of the ware- JA, basso Zio 2G Wood M daring • frond cram:toe.— Applp . „Loss2o _ . 4k2) C0C1113.A:2 EA.NS-150 b.h mull white, fur atllll B . D " ' . jAms • lIIITELEAD- 4 4 kegs pure;3odoNo I,forsale by a .1 DIVILLIANS_ _., •,,,,,trwun-12 bblooupwriot tor sale by . . ,D.,7___ _,__, jb VilL14110;.1..11 0 ,% ,.. 00dist._ eI3LF2SE-50bosu formic b 7 7_D fail: ' .1' D WILLIAMS SCORCUINC3- 5 MA* on .nsigonwnt and joisale by • .1 U WILLJAM • S . ..._ . .. . QUNIbUIFS-1 2 .:: du Eus IS du Tow Yorsql4) 1..7 lfickory Ocoonot ou'uuumnent ud for WILLLI.II 11. sal< by febl7 . —.— 1 U _ —_ --- MM= !_! "PADDING gICIRYS-1 box, amble (or saddlers' ow, .1 - Cox rale . by , roarl9 tl k W 11AftliAt011 OOHS & OATR-50 bags prima yellow . coin; 50 do 4../ Oats, lust real and for sale by ors+l9S & W LIAM:UMW --------------- FLOUR -71 bbl. jam Isadiug for sale by • orsrl9 :i & W WARB , AMR pktl r T;tVl. maga . ak E ise. Ohr . o ti e n a ll y, in mgre - -- - .. BUCIMTS---2.1d0a Barer, landing Om:mastic Bea .lw, and for sale by,parl: DALZELL Gl - ...12111 14 DlAiiio:o6- 1 3 Yin rani and fix .ale by aura ILII:9&Co areiga L'um a, mad for rale by 611115 ID 1) &Co S d. ANDERSON'S PILL .1 KIUD BOXES—ISO gross, Jo&Co st sea sad fog sale by _mss IS • • -----_—_-- ------:— NO 3ck bblz nss , d , !oat S hk , i , - t7GAR-4 J Wit-LUNA ebuifted; Ilar bale by . 110 woodst UPIIPIE. or Mc Oil In stor. and tor nle by (617 JOFI. MOHL.Efi FLAXSEED 011,-10 Obts jest teed end for mail • . • R SELLERS ' A LCOHOL-5,111* jl.l reed odd for =do t 7 ;, tda rt 4 R E BMLERS bbl, just ...Laud tar sale by R E SksILERA .11.11;-.2)bbliSalitielliortia for sala by auas7 - . • JOHN GftlF.S. piurrs TuRYE% - nNE- 12 1 1 3 12,77,,g TE , s trifiED 011.-151.4i1s for sal° __ • m. 3 B EY!'U2 -- 1- . 21" El g Conn t•Agi 'SW or two good Glaos k,T_wmted, to whom constorrt work Con he 'given: Unit 9r!""'7l7jittiStVelAer, .I.IG wood al P - TIATENT EDICINC DIBECTIONS-104 stoma an consignmetn; for sale by ' • .matt/.SCHOONPIAKER & CO. -.". in pore ou wnsi ß Vo l' : by 1/1.. to .whole,. hlf,nr and eighth pipes, of all . the different wines now In are; part to Amer, of v a* grades, brands' and vintages; some very old; for sale a imported, by mart° P C AfAlrfLN . fkIIANDED AND LFAIONS-1 6 boxes on cauriza l! went; tor talc by ISAIAH DICILEYAF.o. 1)1CM-40 nooks N Carolinn for rale by /LIAR AND 011.-10 bbis Pi C Tar; 10 bpla Tanners' thl; an sake by " taart2i R ROI3INSON &Co BACON -1s cask s Cil3Cißßltli cored Ilam u IS teak: do do Sbouttletsi Just ~ed stud Ra sale low by warn A ROBINSON & Co FLOVB bLI. Frerth Family Flour, store for PIIC by • mora • Et ROBINSON &Co _ ARD~ 1L lbs Lard in bbls and tem for nide by It RUNLYSUN t Co S" and tar ree i tvl i ;o k a x mli t inav, TIOPLAR LUMIEK, and. Pisa Joke, for ule by IFNI' 2.1. North River and fors 010 by otarßl UUOULNSON it Co D. APLARIL ^ S LIVER PILL?—VCO poss of there sekbrannt Pills. A IstmproLt showed to COMr ry dealers. .• ' Orst' TIODD tCo llEff=f ig "= "." I' l ==Al Co 111, by mart.- DTAIORDAN & Co "DOLL nurrEic-3 bbla freablu.t ,eed r° le songd JOHN S DILWORTH • - ----,--- • 13ATENT, SODA' Alikl-01 crisis (Jas Afaaaran JC Pon't brand) landing from wanner taranon, nod for sale b 7- 'AY & M NUTCHELTREU, _ldopberty T ARD 011,-10bbls Lard Oil, landing from ',arum j_a Bow Pam land, and tor aide by • morf.O JAMESI/Mak:1.1,94 water at 13 71SLAIRiE-:i.t.ibor.ea Lidr .1.10 boxes 40 der, 150 bags Popper; :10 bap Pimento, Md. by anaM9 DAGALEY a, SatITII EZE=CI;II TA RR -10 kegs ioljeAlrlae by eare ,ituPll 3,.11 l non ICR-4 tierces Carolina Rice, in store and kw side Rby_ marks lAbikß A HUTCHISON kCo prime Peaches; for We by n y: I'IRRASI TA RTA It 1 bid. for sale by nod . R E SELLERS • AIr, , ALLISTERIt (WattrATet: Rm.. for ode by III:SELLERS ifOTTLECORES-3 bele. 'last reed and for sale liTy ' • • R ES Q.Nurv—a. tierce liarrati's Se;teb, 'lest reed and for ).7 BalebYal9 -RESELLERS EMiMM OVAL : 3 7.1. 130.1M-Ipo Eros* Co Q UIN Z3 4 k .! R E ` t ,~?~; >to M=M commEß L.P6irortMBooilM, comarrite. FOR APRIL- SOBS. ZELL. •--, • Rrrinl Prl-/Slnnitnn GAZETTr ,, I I • Friday, April 7,1616. . The arrivals at Ws port ofbacoh and pork. during . the bit few days, as will be seen by the list of im ports, have been immense; We estimate that not less than three hundred tons were received by 'I single house, on Wednesday and Thursday, Ilona the Wabash River, besides whiettame three hum dred more were received by the Roscoe and other boats, from the Illinois River, and elsewhere.— The mystery is, where thew mountains of swine. flesh are to be consumed; and scarcely lets ire. inatkable is the continuance of the sung., at the present retest pricei. The 'greeter portion' of the imports, for several days, has consisted of Bacon. Lard, end other pro visions ot:the Wabasilt. Flour end Moist-tea have • also arrived, but not in any great quantity. The I Wharf is still full, and businMs - very , brisk—hut the river is already down to seven feet scant, and , falling steadily. . • The business of yesterday did not appcor so an imated generally, si on the previous day. A des gree of nenitance in Operallttg to any extent, 'was umnilested is some quitt-tene attributed mniuly to n reported failure, which produced npartial appre. pension of insecurity In money masers There W.s no panic—nothing apprisaching ii'-bur n manifestation of emotion—an indispositicin to deal largely, until the situation of things was more MI ly ascertained. Quite a fair amount of general bat: sines" won done, however, nod in oho or two tuti, ales n very free business was transacted. I • Pro Oltrat.-- , qhe long agony in reference to this article Is now nearly over, this amount re• omitting to be sold is trilling, and .both buyers and sellers may enjoy euiettido. Several tales were spoken of as Lading occur red yestenlay,which,6or some reason, parties were not disposed to report. The following were cb. mined:- . 300 tons Tippecanoe, 630,'d and 0 mos.— :MO tons Shippecisißlo, tail, 6 Mos., or 629 cash, with privilege of inking 200 tons More of same furnace, on like terms; 70 tons Deer Creek`, at 530, 0 causwand about 70 of another lot, name not given,same terms: Several small 101 s of Tippe. 'canoe were also mentioned as having been sold at $3l cash; but 'we. could not. ascertain the amount, nor any thing certain on the subject. The sales of Allegheny Pig, already reported, amounted to .1,220 cobs. Sales yesterday, ' 040 - Add the other:SOO tons Tipportmoe, whioh see understood would Ire taken. 200 n expz:m Tull vacs Canal Pig, reporte.l The sale of Barber 3: Pacher's:wettd, Irit tons ; we we requested to state, was incorrectly stated iu one of the journals at 510, foe r and sit utoalbt. The correct report is Si," months. FLous—The sales of the day were extremely and the market dull. One to three hundred Ltda were disposed of on the wharf, roa of which brought $4,40 cash, par funds, and the balance .$4,- 50; and this. also,Was the rate front -wagons; by dray load, $4,G2,a.1,116. The purettaies are for the arty trade, and no mote is takeit than will suffice ta keep up the lime supply. The price has sa. tied very little fa. several days. Pomona—Rods, from some, are selling at Si, 25; Nestiannocka and Balt. Blues $1;50 45 Ltd. Suns—Little doimp,—uo change. &,;.a—Salvt 4, large dealing, tdotdmr.,--Sm4ll nt '27 , ;(2 . ?5t atti.. maim. • Corrrx—Tlior article blob sold freely during Ora pout tiro days. Sales 100 Las in one lot, at 9!: 29Q in smaller lots, at Tan—Saln 25 I,arge bats N C. .t sti,on. FEACltle , tillkfp 150 bu, in good older, .t sl,nd Conn—Sale 250 bu t Tao. Osts—A lot of 30 bu first bawls, brought 23c. From gam sales at . . side, 410,000 IDs lioground, G MOff. rcradril. Small 171ra at 9c Ilottrouud, and 5c ix ilant, • .... Son, A:it—Sale in I;4ms ttt per all tat Jig Wan= artteJe went oil httakly yew Imlay. We had reported; sales of 1000 kegs by one house, 4:00 by -another, and :alit by another, at 01,621. Mr—There sir but few sales of wagon hap-- tad the river article is inferior. It raw. at $5.V9 69:1 A good nrtide io itt demand at $lO. Woh.sor:—ltegular ru,toot,!alits at I W(420, ac cording to qualOy. Weic—A sale of 10 ail t-:auterrie, at $.15 was reported, The tine atennaer Roscoe brought some 300 tone -: freight to thin 0 ity, on her Inst trip from Pei:join. It mum Chiefly bit cum bulb port- soil otolniNes. She departs' agaiit- . for Sr. Louii, MI 'Saturday. We . with prosperiir Loth to her nod her minnow:3.d. tiag officer*. • • There was uo change in the °per - aliens on the Allegheny, Yesterday morning. The lumber nisi. wing here, rind passing,on to ether markets, is of the tined,. quality, nod' in quantity immense.— Looking on these great products of the whlte pine, we cannot conceive whence the supply is to be oh' mined far the flume. - All the timber ooneentent to the streams ii font disappearing—there is no new growth to supply its plsee‘-and the demand is constantly. iecreasing. Other material must be sub' stitnted errentindly, and petit Is didlcalt to conceive that any - thing can be !mind to take the place utile light and beautiful white pines, whose ancient trunks m e pular fallingitt hosts beneath the ruthless axes oldie luinberciten Some tell us that there is enough timber in the Allegheny region to supply ,h.dem.xvi for ages, Inn it ! . .s scarcely possible-- when we eauceire the rapid increar4 of that de- • The list bosh us: rapidly dircherging their, freights, and are being offered for sale in large nunt hers. - Some two hundred already sold, or it; mar kntillleY bring afoot 51,1 2 1 per fax—a few have born soldat 81,217Q1,25—the greater portico to be loaded with coal Ex the suppty . of the marhets of Cincinnati, Louisville; New Odeon*, dre, and alai o r {he depot* established by Geo. Ledlie, Esq.. of our city, at different pilots on the river, for supply -log the Cinchivati packets and other rarnalhoats ,with Pittsburgh coal. , --• Tow= Nrstotanos—A New York klroker'e ocular Fa • The month of March has Leann remarkable one • kn. Kentucky tobacco. The purchase of client 1.255 khde Wads, se now preuy well ascertained, lies been on speculatiim for our market, in conse quence of which prices will be carried to curl, a 'pitch as they have not reached more Ivo, and if we take in 'consideration that the whole of tho old stock is mostly in the kende of one speculator, there is no chance Mr a-retrograde wovenient, but .l wish It distinctly understood that this speculation tine nrahing to do With new toberma,,end that pri nce of new tobacco are independent of Mote paid for on. , • • SEZDT.T.Ar TOSAFM of all kinds woe inactive. Cut. Toucco7qhere was .ten doing . in the market this than the previous month, which inno. tiVitr was prodnctive of n rapid accumu ch lation of 'wok: Low prices' seem to be pretty fished, on the whole, of our stack is compared of -very-comm. fillers; and all American and Euro pean markets are oventigked, wilde in four months the new crop will 'come-inward. -There is no prospect, therefccre, of en advance. •HAvAttA ToBA coo—We °My have a supply of low grades urtu leable in ibis markee' The new crap, which is i aid to be good,' will come forward by the end of It lay, for which article we may aall• cipate good price. ' • - • Yam, TOBAOCS was inactive in the tut Month. Sr. D.MINOO TonAcoo neglected. ' For Itiasurairrtntan we experienced n moderate demand. I • . •• • 'lavas.: emus fetched full prim. atachartged hands rapidtr:. Ma. POSICIIi7. CIGAR% *ens rather lower In price— awed by the operations clone house, which forced . about three milliona at once upon the market. Prices. .Prices. Aiwa Aril pl. uturky, , Vs. st. F10rida........ 12260 N. C. ' 4 itaSic Havana .... , . Maryland Ss Ohio Cuba.... ... . .... 1015 Con neciiint t seed fAil2t, Yam ........ . . 26e2.5 60121 .51. Domingo . . ... 'rho BidtimoreAmerican oaten that all the goo.i KentaCky . and Virginia tobacco in our market ba within the last two or throe days, been bought i t, except n lot of about 250 Ithdo fine tjuality tacky, which is - held by one hoe. Lugo odes lu f tobacro have been made in New York and Phila. , It was bared' that the Revolution in I France would bra while effect the tobacco trade, but it appears not to have been the cote. cattle Markets. Attornmery Om- - , April 2. TM offering, on Monday worn not large, and wo undervto ad the demand -was not grest. The bllowing are the only transactions: ..lissvise-..-Sales of SO bead all hoof, ac 21133 c; U 5 head, for rot. ...a, eworr!—A lot were otrovid, but no sale; the holders asked too =lntr. Hoogn—Sale of 69 es 2101 - Aunt Lula; Erie, flemplell, Bac\ Beaver. Clark; aeubenville.• • • Bettie, Jacobs,' Brownsville.' • •. Palo Alto; McDonald. Beaver. • • Caleb Cope, Naomi/14ra and WO. .111 ripe, louts McLane,. Bennett, Brotroille• w no.. Savena.St Loyal Hanna; Jack, Wabash. Clipper No. 2, Crooke, Cin.‘ - • . . JSK , . slire7o.7. DEPAB.TED, EL Autboey, - Map, Dubuque. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Lake Erie, liernpLill, Beaver. ; • Louis McLane Bennett,' Brovrisrille. Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wellsville. Palo Alto. li'Donaldi Beaver!, - - Brilliant, Grace, Cincianati. Dodson, Poe, Bridgepo'rt. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. • 1114/snifir—l'er Caleb Cope— 3U . bids park, 1500 lbs sundries, S 17. AV Ilarbaugh; 9 dos forks, Han ins S. Wallace; 1 Flange Curs, J_McKain: bgr. shads, Jas Donaldson; sundries, Flask Pailtftlf, 6.e; do, Eichbaum, McKinney S. oa. Yooghiogheny River—Per Keel Boat-70 bbls dour, 15 bu cam, 150 bu oats.. , Brosissroiße—Per Louis Itle.Lnne--1 6 bbls flour, Frets; 200 do do,l:Cohitt, 230 boa ghats, S C Kim her; 41 hlf bza. Robertson a P.p.L•rt: 35 bbh or phis, Wm McCoy; 104 511 has glass, W Flerhart; 36 wheel arms, s h Mary Stepheng 36 haggles', Forsyth& Duncan; 15 bal., 7 rolls. 1 - 1 bale. mdse, 11 Graff 5: co; 13 has mdse, J C 3 has mdse, 'Church A. Carothers; 2 bsa, 1 trunk mdse, L A liutchinson; 2 do, Forsyth & Dune* 2 kgs nails, Acheson & Dagg. Per Rattic-229 boa Orme, W & co; 174 do, W. Eberhart, Jr; 40 kg* nads, E Evans; 2 bra mdse., L Itutclilasou & co; 2 bss, 1 cob, GrIA Bin too; 4 ban, 1. chest. Forsyth & en; 16 bss, W ham; 91 Su timothy reed, J P Ralson. IVesarh River—Per Loyal Hanna-19935 poi bulk meat, 47 eke do, 10 cobs Rope Atwood, limes & co; 67 blits hails, 69 ,lo shoulders, D Leech ' & co; 1 tot raga, Geo Morgan; 1 small br a S Spur S: qv. Terre Mead, (Lnd.d—Per Cinderella-2RA cans sassed halls, 704 kgs lard, 296 cake bacon, D Leech & co. • • • Del Art, (//I)—Per Ecectre—SO bbls grease, 122 eke hams, 1005 pes b pock, J ,Laugblin;• 3190 Pee, 43 calor bacon, j Jordan 6: Son; 150 bbts molasses, J Park, Jr, & co. • Toeing Ladies' SemMarg . , LLSOII.7. TR. N. W. Mr riVe3L.F mould announce lei the chi. 11l rens of Allegheny and vicinity the Intended roe moral of his school from: the of Sandu,ky and simirdoery streets, where far the last twelve months he bus been teaching. On and after -April let he will occupy rooms on Federalsircetin Colounde Row,s dour from the bridge. The Academie Year trill eousto of two sessions of fire months each commenc ing on the firm blends) . In February end Septernber... 11.1 . 15 or Tr 1710,1 rem 6CRIGLI oe ttri English Deperfotent—lneluding Reaging.Orthogrn phy and aiming, Writing,'l.higlitli Grammar, Ahem tic, lerigie. English,Camposiiitni and 'Criticism, 'Gem granny, History, Arithmetic turd de higher branches Of Mathenunics, Naturm' Philosophy, Chenalstry,•`As. tranomy, Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual and Moral Science and all ottier branches regultun to thorough English education tit.di Classical Department—lncluding the • Oreek rind French languages ench en additional charge 01.• o f Oa The unites co m p etent are secured fur midi as may desire to rewire insrue duns in drawing, planting sod MU vie. limos designing eater will bud it for their interest to do on so mar the opening of the see.lou as possible; yet pupils will be received at any nine doting the ses sion and will be charged of the >bore rates only tram the tiam plenum:cc No deductions will he mode foe absences except 111 , soars of protracted ill • ness. Any information which may to desired will be cheer fully rorntalmicsted tho , e who colt upon the iustrltc -1.01. at his room.. ly Reference may also to made to the follorung gentle en: Dr. T. F. Dale, Allegheny. Hon. ufl Wake:Pitubl. .P.uSion; r.v. If. Mr. H chwan: s Re. IL Dyer. s . _ Philadelphia College of Medicine, :r , verth rf Witbdir street. frill: SPRING AND ,eIOXIMER COURSE OF LW- J. TURFS FOR ISH, will be coponeneed on Moo day. March' nth, DWI, and be r0t:111..4 lour mouths, by do pillow Mg l'acut y: JAS. - AFCIANTOCK. M. D. General. Special and Surgical Anatomy. 3.-• BURDLN, M. D.. Mitten/ Medic,/ and Ther . P. GARDF:NER. Id. D., Chem/airy. HENRY GIBBONS, M. D., Theory . nod P(Pellre LOUtS 11.11F-VPIT. 31. D., 01,n:tries arid Diseases of Women mid Chihli... JAMES IIIeCLINTOCK, M. IX, Priindpres and Prect. ler of borirery. 1111Nal GIBUONS.M. D,luititums of:Vedic/tie and Medical Jurisprudence. . S. EL 311-CLINTOCK, Deena/minter of Anato. r; .1; 3 tald lota at : 1 21'51. N. ItICIIAIID MID, M. D., Protector of Surgery. Fee for the roll conrre.SM Dee for thole who have odes:sddd two 101 l rourses in other Colleges, SC":• rienlattua to be poi./ once Indy, $.5.. Graduation SM. 1 Vioehent Arialotue, isoNtsding Lteenpindaurry lieernren, MU Toe thareerinr, Ihdoras %Slit Le opened ots I.ri of orel, I'mm 51711,C151tt.1.4 now purei:ig diem evert tea ' eo.. 11Cpe shot the choily. a1...5n0t. , Mediniao and ' Linton* Brill Lc (irrupted by ilorrnet Peoferroro at an period. Fur norther ntrisstril JrthtC...4:4cCLINTOCIL,*,. D.', Winn, . I Norso I.2ilenth street I Philadelphia, Dee. 5.7,15:17. 100 t PITTIIIIIJEGII FEMALE I 111.1TITOTE. ritp, Mouton. ender the cope c' id 'dr. sail I Air. lomonorn, Is dull open tor the meepuon tpo pas. and will be continued at Me same place un Li o berty street In 1.14111 , 1,11 0 1/ , of moue . loon i es ha• mg mho. plate. to ter • teem , • hslemcutred sad them deem ... of µnett/lir them damantets ando r goer rare.c would do %%eau , oust , ael aNdseation m. •ono creator. or apply to the Pemeopal ape eee. -- raps, I Nursery Sterile. For Sale. ....M. I, rgt lIF. Sub...fiber Urn tee tate 1.15 eittore snook, la i mot purchasers_ cot Nary reduced tenets- - Toe rollecuou I. a. ..quailed Mt a orlet 1 mod extename , •ecorty, in the A% csmrtt CuLll.2l cuauffeeitenellly 110 W, rare and • cohes i on . phal t. coaro.L.4. on paw oil o.ta, Imp Neat. isms . doerg po oat., too no d o L. feet at l heositto Cantu.. A.II 1., (serve setue, kustatas, ?hoar , 11 . . Noland Clumet, l i mpet°. dlons, lo ming or l' , lllls RO.ll, the horn scut most eeleoned mall tilltilleollna I The Debbi Let citiesnt tie mast than. y arid Lae rum I sem ammo loaner f 00.., a lame • ortety, N totes, i *blubbery , strait tree. mccorcen., Ac Amatears, I NIIIIMay men and mace, who 14 eta to dec i onav theta] onis.aarden 1 Isl. /I , " amend*, cc graa boa.", at ;. x , 111.14 1111.11 , d lo o Leonine the coder Loa a blrb le open to Imitate. a/CNA on lto men). Com o ro ooscot ty I ts.:tattoo. owl 'Teta , . mu' mess Ite.ertnove,om i locum mnt by mad, or May Im hei at ut r .12.14, o tt . Doll Market, waste r ram, left rah no at by fetal 10 Pinata:fib Poet Ltfit - e. sell! be prou pat tatted ed to John Cmahouto a pram 01 eirelll o l. \di) alt 1.4 to planUar shade tree., In, tanuf mordo n.- 010 Order. lett as above. .1.11. WAIIDKOP, mattralmetcaltr Nisnclosstet . , n - ear Pittsar i L Nottagbss Plongelt Coati= iga, Wagon Moues, do. - 1:01.1.R V HALL, of the old firm of R & I+ Rath it tuatta(te t town; t ome wise" Ifes of 11011; PIMP* Costam We ott boxes, Sc.. with the improvement. of the Leaver Peacock, Illonom, laud otlu r Ploushr of the latest and Lea pattetn. mom on use. Warehouse, 100 Liberty o • rost. l'lttdmwels, oppowte the Ray Seale; Factory, 11l Alleaticuy ally,. neat the *Moe Factory of ?trews litactstock, 1101 AC. BELL .L'SD EILM3II VOUNDEIr. A Flll,TON,ltell and Ream rounder, hes re• alOOll and commenced bottoms at hued stand, when be will be pleesed to aces hut old custom• ens and foetid. . Church, feteeroboot. and Belt. of ore* sae nom 10 to tap* pounds, coot :roan ponce 111 of the most upp - 0.. s% models end n anted to be oaths best 'materna. e , Mumeal Wats e P arr ump. Lountem. 110111111, kr, , logo- Our woh et event coyof 1310.1 Caeabii. if :mowed, fureed uud Amsactl on the neatest manner. A F. la the tel. prepstelot hi Ittuatt'S Axle MU,- e,ne Atreat., to .41) celebrate& for the reduction of r;ofion if oeseletter) The Doses n siti and Comp can be hed of lona .au tuber _ _ ___cal ly 17LEGINIA. 110TE.L. •11AR THE DC.l.'llr, CLIIIII.III.AND, hID Ti.",-.'„h-7,::,.1;*:, 11 ,0i 1 .1,',F „ ,1:', ,, ; ,, je'v a g. a ."15 d i womb ofease and comiort •,0 on well m call -they wel l y. d doe chamfers clo un and nice, and the table as trnothed as any bole) In Ile 111. a ellfttelbeelfel d , at lee elll).bee reels a meat. D s w c ad t le t petats , ent oust to Wren made nee oily 111044 to injure Mk establlotneut, lot MI totetllcerti pub., will telAmelbem The %%Crime lintel has netb all.; to fele from honorable comp , •tition-it is courted LL -j- '''''' 'P'" '''. "V7.l'S.llll;' ',1:21'.'.,:!).,:fg"b -.luut ears. , Plea. PropfielOr -- - Clileitell-Plell-011:--- ----- - A superb t om-word ws octet e Moto, new well.. sod pate It Iron tropic, mode t ) l 1 hichenug, Rota... A eery elegant oes,•ood Liz and a halt octave lbano, neve seals, and patent 1111 frame, model Ly .1 thickenor, Ilocon 'liteniove 1001rumel m ef accrued to day, and now open I'ol eiertfleatteli; On sale...Mr tillickerum s prt cot for mud. or approved pore Also on baud, one elegant rosewood Goth's. panel., carved mouldings, and moulded legs, 6 Items., &emit by Chide are Co, new Yolk. One do carved romwood,t , octet cc, mode by Gale A Co, New 1 ork One mahoganysceond hand Patna.' octaves, of ex cellent lone. and ot good order, made by chtelaring A beetrort, 5125 Fts°o'rlistuerertbootatnhdePbietril'afoot, roirttro Ilea. Paris W a Tl i l La sold at a eery tnodeente prier ran: 41)1170 II •111.1.0it.!1‘tood_li_ --1177.toulara lie - a Viiik Phallus. t -mit, I.lllLNIAtillf. it, and Atom & 0,1111.`e I H. I(1.1.11F11,0 Thin" street hasp' , i roomed att addoloonal lot of anal .l art a above celsbruted man. afacturera Ile would dteeet attentlou to the admin. I 1 ItZe'LPlrtiakratTe‘t'; rig', :,;11:.`(„1'1711."41!',°,1`.,tm..., I splendid 0011100 probably L•er *Strut, sad 1.1 K. se . determined to sell no aidf not lower, thou Call ,be i tocoucht elsewhere, Call eienifite lift23l ill_ ' -- - Neitille Frame Plano, ' A SPLIT 11311) as.ottmcut of Rom . 1 friZil st au!, just fil:,lth,gdu.nurrott; .d.r.frcuon Vs. ' * s llso. ' tve ‘ o stole splendid Rosewood Timms, I moth Coleman s celebrated A.ollll.lallechmell;telisitt i so the most modern el h i r iiVitii:,rl t 0.. ., . W llli dog,kloffjPll IrltiglV.V.ll°3'o'cdhs"lT.'„"'„*. nowt. - raw corner ut Ph Lind Matket el., a. 11 1 ,1 oo , sort o meta of white GANAls,ar t1efZeue,d0ttt0tt..e,:a.....4,7,...%. 'plo..,;,9lA'.',l".sdantlZiolett, Arro.gio=-.Fnll'7 tii, trodre.f:Ork:'le"o'2l'.;olderemoliVuttin Koh., Err New goo& era' be reeelytog dolly Mr • wads to emu, 'actuator mitre.' .1)151 Dross Goode, !omen and French Cany,hams, Pllnts and Cbiattes. very low , Alo minutia are Invited to canmitte the goods end pm- I oes in whooleoale room, up stems Ille aerie f!lient 1 largo and petee.l,ll low•i _ . t._ 111.11:Iginits.stuNap, doing ',tomes& .ttudre toe meet lathers Is tehol.on, at Mom }pander on T led have this day, b) =mat ounstenh mwol ved their co partnership_ All thom lnavcr 0 th , ra .1000 andebted to the Arm, ate etiquette.' cr4t M lo their worchoute on liberty Wrest. oppoolte, 'Tel ~o" Wood, and mule, sod sil !lice claims allx." ''.. wilt p"''''' (yell M the n'niifllTl'llllLs. . 4Clat^. NICHOL...OM IMPORTS Int ELWELL. Ap4.11 1:49 .. _ =~~- - ~d~~ /OM. rsvirirrikcaturais ,at t . 'mg-ImM - '.'For ih,i 71,,,,i 2 ,:idati a 'es rd, r - gia ii - iaft6,=.,.•: r P 1111116 - e lIIISCIELP/CIA, nu:agar, P... -Hordimar.* Con. l'hilitlehpbii. .... • . . . Tures & Hatemoit; Pihsharah. , l'. old esiablished I/ite Whig wow in falloperto i 3 ion. th, proprietors have-made extensive as tdforwant goodie:id produce with desPeleht awl oo die most' eoralile. terms. They confidently hope their . well known pr Mt. in deLiveritg goodie—pe culiar safety in mode urtying,capiaeleiMi warehato we 01 each patt,effording' accommodluons to shippers of owners of pioduee—eogether with their. to eane drone and unremitting attendee to basilic., seill Aegla• tO them a 'cotinuance of stint liberal patronage they_ hereby orr*efully acknowledge. .. -,. • , Al! eunsiguraeine by and for this Übe' received, <bar ges paid, nail fora:mica in auk required direribine free of charge for 00.111111i011. advancing or storage. ..- No buena; directly or indir ctly, to steamboats; All GOlRMl.luirmionsprtanFdy attended to ati applies-. ton to the following 1V1115.... PORBIDGE& CASH,. ^7. 8 Markel ii.Phihnielphia. ' TAAFFE & arowcoß. 00..111.4n, Plialburith. , OTONNORS d: co, North et,Valtiluare. ; \V ir. B.' IV ILSON, Ile: , ceders., New Vork,.. j. ap.s . ... ' TO'T 11.. A PE L ERS: • - 4z,1G21848.' r ' F4PHISS FASPPACkET UN& I'M riII.LADEL , PHIA. AND HALTI.MOIO: . ;.: - • 1 ' (Exci.r steal., rot Palmas:ass...l r _ T'tEH'ir',",tr.d.knt.. uorLd'ul., — zfezr. i '.`fite u 'p-'-`l, " tn ' aV i t :7 - a? e TVad e nr . Viit "..6" i k' ' • I hack—Copt e ' ilerkey,_l . 'a .sday. 4tb. li Mucky—Copt ILTruby, Ilredneday, &b. uisinua —Copt J P Ihumpson. Thursday, Nit. .- ' Ohio—Paid A t.raig, Friday, lilt. . balia.—Captl , Ilettay,Paturilay, Rh. r • • • IZentucky,-Cap t A Truliy, Sunday, fhb. • . Tile propnetors ong line built new boats Jilin/the Wham...with the Indict.' cabin enlareed, which will af ford greater comfort to pewee imveltrig with their . Paisenters by this route pus over lbd mitts Wit rout If youdesire cheap trawling and contibrable accom modations, meat' your tickets at the -P re oho?, Alimougakela House, waterst, or of.- • .. eP ry D Lhlt.ltli L Co, canape., PASSENGER AB.IIANGEMENT. Pommy/Tanta Canal & .11n11 /toad Ns• pre& Vaal Packet Line 18 48 • M: • . FROM OTTSIJUGH TO PHIDADELPHIA 'de BAle (E.I.I2iVPIT fOrPlt64o.prll) , •" rttHEpeblienee respectfully:informed tharibis Line I will commence running son the Yei Ond eon! liana throughhot the *Evan. „ The boats are new; and ore superior elass,!vrith larged eabias, which will give. greater -eostdo"t_ The, cars ore the latest constraction. . • • A Loot will alwaye port, la_ po, and travelers are is, qateted to cell and astatine thernbefore engesiag po ttage elsewhere. • . • Ware only nine dollars through.) One orthi beat's - of thrs Line svell leave the !wading toppooite U. S. Hotel, corner ofPcnn greet and Canacevery so . 1 " o' stock Timed days. For information. ePt l .l-al the 131:Bee. hlnuelneshel Mast; or to Id LEEeI ts,to Piniburgit, March .22,154. U. Canal Hasist.,. Went.% Traitsportatioii , Compasty: 4103* 1844.- willif.ll l Sl Citti. 1848: TO P/41LADELPIliA, KEW YORK V4•MVISTI.VIr34I. ANL:01110 %DAL 111.01... REpremired to transport Amok mid prodOet M And AA from the above eitio• on &nimble tortam. Ad amee or emsAy to ' " D. LURCH & Co.. Canal Bann, Milbank. HARRIS fr. 1.1:Y.C11, Nos. M& 13 tinath 11t1rd Phil_ J. TAYLOR & An!, 14,Nlit Inward st,Balt. A. A osorr, h o "Wen larre . t, New York. • Pittsburgh, Mareklant. inaMir Oooin Steam N.vifitios Company. S. :RAIL LOX VIII SOirMlllirrOS ant); Hllll3ll. The WI.MI of this Company will mil , regularly once a month, as follow*: • %.1„2: ;ff. FITAMINYAT YORK. .. Wadinicon, Cain J an we huh April.l‘44. Th. Hemnum, CMS Crobtreshon the Nab Mae, 1542. ILIUM IHIEMEN. • The Ilernmanthon th.C111.4 1141. Washntgloti, MI the 15th &lay, letg. FROM SOUlli A HPTON TO NEWYORK. The Hermann, on We both April,ll4l. . The IVashingion on We :Nab Atity,ll.4e. . • When the :VW oethe month fall. on Sunday, I,he day from Yaw York tirDl be the 21M. - •Psaamge from N. Southampton Of )31,01., SLID , f i rean , Bremen or Suuthanuntin to N.l'., CO ',cell surgeon on board. A o,e freight et. pmeage apply ni the °Mee of the Ocean Steam Navigation Company,* Williams% N.Y., or to I It CIWSKEY, Adt at Southampton. - WILLIAM ISFIAN. Agt at Havre. marls C A lIEJNIcKEN & Co .. Auto or Dream. _ _ _ - - An Ordinance, Artihoriring Hoed., to i.icererd to Jam., .114clorrl. Jars,. Pirea6r and Irtillera reveqirrly, SEA'. 1-13 e it l ordrinnol and enacted. by he (311.11. of Pittebaryh, to Selert and Coniumn Council. roe ambler, That thc,,lnyor he, and is herchy,antliorireil and dirreled to issue lily Ronde to the Ferran. and for the sane Iterelnatter mentioned, ra•perritely, Dour lona. for the aunt of three hundred dollars tech. to Pima Snickered. in port for gosling Diamond street and alley. One bona to Diale• .310;ale, for the corn of it,,.. , hundred dollars, in pan idt3Taeta wear. beg done In peeood rine hood to larllnica ''assurer for the ism of tiara houdted in past ',assurer of coding in Ihlh and Welider streets. Each_ of the sonde u. br i,sosd rieber.o ,':alt -bear an I interest at rue rate of 7. ref cal. per ...mut., payable I eetaloodsually ai the: pate or die Orr Treaitirer in Plitaliorab. and be retie/onside a ten yearn: Sac, it ureter ordained, ke, That the Celt. landi rave:air, a n d corporate property of do Clip be. and then/Wo e - are hereby pledged for the te r dnaption of theasid Ikeda Ordained Mild enacted into a law lu Carrara.. ib". j tidal day ref April. A. 11. Isis. lArtor.l 51UltflAti ROLICIITPU,N, CC. IL Diode Donna . . .Clete C. t 3. .101 IN Pray S C. lows Mao', Clerk ; _ .C. apSult An Ordinance. Proriditigy 177 r :la aypoilaaltnt .1 a Clerk far th e S.taidilti Committers of Couricils. CI EC. I—Er it ordained and enacted. by the e;tirenr, 1,7 of Pittsburgh. in Seird aid Contd.: Caudillo si.- szalavi, That toe Select:and Common Councils ratan within itnittern days after they arsage of this Ordi nance, and sonnall) therettder, PI thew brat merlin WI Jtkillattry,o!iet a antalde renal were as Clink far the Slanlittg Contatittirs of tOrwriti, whoreduty 0 4all he I. cep tidnows of to-or kb... din os. and also ta keep. trotear ',tad , of ad troilism...boast by said Cunun, ibe Marto, whiSh 011:alba recorded saltabto bookslo . lw provided for that miaow, which shall lm open at ail ref...aide tamesttX. lllllll. non of all bawdier. of Councils. Sw. ll—lie it Umber orttaioad. That the ak;OrY of tlut said Cleft shalt is hied at the tam or,m. Linn died Dollate, to he paid quarterly, as other shy oaken sre Fau Onlaq, tned and enacted into a law in Ctionells, this thud da y A pith& IX LA rralaj .MOrtEd n011ar1...3N, Patna C.C. I . 11. Moot, llamas. Unit' C. C. JOtt i Slit rras, PreeLS, C. Jolt ?lobos, perk d. al - Cloth's( for Um World. ALL svUo ACT CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. nto reapeedully infonnegh in' LEWIS & HA‘FOR.CI'S wAßELiousu, 1... rota 131 rsAlo..strarr, Nair , IjTAY ho found :n esteanee.aoritinint Orthing, nuonstacturia elpreia4 En the • hou in and cAterAl market , • Alo, a large itnek of Liana &nova Rim. of AI grddrA and price.. doy do do utipe no 00 doi_FlodUci'do do 44 awl all other kludn in general kte also manufacture and keep eonatsells an head 4 the largeat Mock of clod clothieg us the Unned knees, mitaco , ; Vier) . article in the line. ' • IVe nienulketare. and sell immense quantities 01 all EiliiVe 12111Cieil. nod would italic the .M.1410:1431 Jeri.o Gt them td sad SO examine out sleek and Pd . ces nefore. they perehate, an an emu Add will sell at price. that canted Callth please. ' LEWIS A. HANFORD,t 211 and 241 Pearl 444 New York. All orders will ho attended 11.. with carrectue.. and I •-ksineh. . , nuttlidlea . . Jaynes , Expee toiseit. ,• " - '. , • Kum, Colunalsiona ci, 0.; LI 'Apr. , 18-It. I 111, D. JAYNES . Dula tiiinif feel bound' to you JJ and the ogliete ' d pplilie, to avail taytelf of this op; portmdly of initing publicity totbe extraordinary cretta of your Exmoor:n.l on myself, Naving tato agile:ad Int attest yes. with a severe cough; beetle fever soil ill coneofitimut disemo:s, and teemed only doomed to linger out a short but romeralite eximetice, until the t ., full of 1938, argon,' bein mots sererely altseked.and baring retorted mall la former rentedius. trail tho pre, reripuoim of twobt thelcons respectable physitiana to thee eighbor otturotting but hood oritha t deriving any benefit. or the connotation a let, days or weiska ai ferthest—whoa the lost gloom of .hope•ore• about,* vontsh, I had recommended no nen your Expectontol nod I,lmittol by that tieing • who dime •11 things lin the , use o r We tnsann—tool contrary to the oxpeetatirom of my pbysiciant and Gland., I mom ia a few days raised fr ost my bed, roil scut enabled by th e use of • bottle, to knead wry boobies', crjoying .ICO tuner bc stall on I bad for taii years pretrioun,i • ' - - • t • llcepectfullyl Atours, c, . ' . Jos. W. `Far •tote Its liilltilturgh, it die Pekin Tea SID • r.,..1.1?.1..*:,,.__...,.__:........._.....j.._._-_,Pl'g,' ~. FANCY DRY GOODS SEAMAN er MUIR, 3511 Ilroadavair, lt••cis • •"151PQRTER9 AND JOllllllll9 of bilks,Fiench 1. ted Studios, barely., Laces,. lloshroldsvies o . • en, Shawl., bout ry, Gloves, Lawn's, Bocabastat AND Alol.OTillat VA itiurius or kk'ANCY G They s invite iteontry Morchants, eluting Now to csasnithk their Dock before sWting thew, porn • • Me: AillirWOß for twiny Tens Of use boom of ?Amen & Co., IMO, which he !retired on the Ist o 1 Intik and Mr. Jesse. Dlcbsoa,kolas he. so inter n the businees,yaren alto fevorably ktiotonf in thin est. liohnterk. • saavbky I,IIIOE AND FLOORING BOARDS .—he under ji_b signed now los BFF.A.II BRICK /MACHINE and t o ( o n in successful Operstitm, nod pre pared to furnish pressed Front Briolr, common building •Btict.totd•Eltnnotg barna', nll of which ha rumen at:parlor arucl,, mud nt Wrest prices. • . •• He 1i.111.0 tu successful Operation, Lis Slinir.g Saar, alaiding boards soul plank'ot the awe or to /tun Met pkt dur, and will dispose of prima jiglai for the Um , •. - uilvAnu GREGG. Birmingham, Absichlll,lB4l.. • • - - apt , .. • FcrILINVAI.IDS AND INlKAras.—Wilitney's A.r. row iloot Rink Powder.l delicious and highly , nutritious mad, which never turns ;mid on die stomach, and E. nom aid rrrrr I y recommended by the *multi id preference to Gruel, bop,. Toplocri, or plain Arrow Root, as beuer suited to the delninoted sumach of to. valid. and more strengthening end mhnlesorne food fur inlaid.. Fur sale by . It E SELLERS. mart , : • I 47 wood at. DFSHILHATUiI TO. ALE; WHO IL • Narks` India aubiwt Fluid, for preaknaug pens corroding.. iit elw for adopting theun• to whoa Ott psrchwent without We aid of auntie*, awl an fealliteta the ink &Min free_ 1E stnnentehnotreeyanents, end mercantile men, his inualuebia. ii, mere!yr . adding a ea Ik drupe adds Fluidic, the ink in use, it will woLair below:l to be the beat wilding,. etrer uttered, S. tratizes the acid, preeipinues the eediment Luau.. An.. Dow of the ink, awl dispenses with the trtittLii Of wilt' iug a pen. Just rewired nod for sale by JOHNSTON k STOCl:TON,Stettuoa r a tulteJi• • cotanurkei awl ad ate.: - - XTENV BOOrt, rust r e ceive IttroCa' England mai Peorland, . J Merle ljAubtgne, A.A. 3 1 "Hie chap Returouttion,Ule prCzo.AtJJ,k!... A ?tactical l'aofitic. o f ' 4- MM. tpcar and 0 Plant, itt the form of I.ectarta, intomied, to maid the practice of dosoesa4 lograrrirot 'war; bp lobo - Mal iPupmer.litAik_thila Vacua =IOW* GUM, • EinalesAii llNba Wad 4411., 11-0- trESEVA 3 ' a'c L ItisrgitilseLit'lgWeil Idstatoi. , . Al < Theetibseribee acts ftir sateen ROMPS 1111d1 fat oe Libratr etred4 'dine. - dins*. alave East L, I 1 etilt.f " PM' Lin isl.l fea twat ou Libernyaireet, adul nuis Welt atFAller t 35 fest The- Hon..' circled thereon M twatiTiauti .l.l.° storks IS: feet in front tr. y . about as In deathoug umaia, ted eateortible' Toone! . erritt of paatrYi emit-easy 'sad o r., All the room have ilteddiuM wit - drins ere constructed trief mica tho water, St the house is in even. tepees In good order and veer' convenient and Is well oohed; foe two fantilice:. The property will belold lawiUnd lithe - given on ilia tersest part of the purehase rueney.: ; • t Inquire of the rabscrtherovito con be seen at the of- Sea of the Gautte, 61 ,, ../otWeen the bout. of eight :and tea • and at colter tune' at 10612111 Mrs. naps boarding house, 'Acta:ma% new row. Fed cool st. Allegheny City.- • . 11) . N . _ : • Agent far thee owner. - Laud Ft ex Bale. , e Till Subscriber otferaftWasla famstof land 't nate in .Wilkins Townsliip, ou the north side of Tar- Creek, adioioliqr lands of George Minton, Abrahain Rimers, and Daniel Kahn a, containing ottarlit vdrell ond•rwenty-five acres und •twenty-eight• perelotßoali 31110RIACO.. 'lttire is a square log dwelLor bane and • small stable on! the Voce. The Pennsylvania Rod Rood posses , inwoodlowlyt on the oppaaw aide Of the 'creek. The soil. is of yood quality, and therals obuadance of gOcal Psalter oo She plsee,itad alai* quantit t y of solute coal, with pea; lactlity oftrat . telent. For ranter particulars. applg tei Tiontuts Ihrrison, in East Libetty, who ts sunhats by 'Poe to sel tha Sable at private sal. or to Sell at public SIN tho penalises to theitighest and best bLideaon bbstordoy, the fUlt ofJuly neat, at &o'clock in the AR, • .• • MARI: PRJaCtial best , March 16th, r, • . - ,I:TATILS. PROPERTY :FOR' SALE: THAT property lately occupied by 11. Ni 3014 Fie, oniGraightreet, near. llobirmati, Allegheny city, will Witold on mconunodating te-nns. Mut lot h5l feet 4 inebee on .Craig street, naming through to the Canal ilin feet. There as a good me. stotY 'assn. dwelling_ house an the pormiscalstely built, and the lot .it well unproved, containing a variety of choies trait trees, grape, shrubbery, he. This property,is tenpin. is ody sliutoed harem:utdoing humor. iu either burgh h or Allegheny,. and n detlmble residence. Title Indisputable.. For tenet apply toIVAI..DOM _Allot. ney at. Late office oii Foorth absei l aboTe BroUleld., 7-- 77 - 7.iii..1.„,...1n0.,,,..._ ~.._ ATBACrof bald, ye arm, lu Itarnnekl'oelede , Vde , •on the Cayshoga river—Omr 20 acres nada_ .. em. two linindwo. 4 W. I ° W. " 14° pronment. Also, , . b1 , , , ,,, ,, e. . di _ .._ of Warren, TrorObali Co. 6) Le. ... ...&'!N ..... ground Willa metre of Vartford, . P., Wk. Soo. dwelling / tome and atore—orue of the . Wes stands fora merchant on toe Western RlMeryt i , c irja ni 4 11 zhio Pur.r. .. 111 1 r. '' ' all ell ITICUY & Gee '- 2 ' ant Ettat► is Nome? .‘L Varstettalon-B=6°'"LVl,lnitOnAgMat' sold vieseA•: desirable locabm for • merchant. Also, a Larand sisal Dwelling Abuse well railed fix a Taxan latand, in We village of 01-reille,' on lalteselinw of Chia Terms wrry. MUD DICKBY Co. rebid - Water end Prom lei ' 7 . Lot for. Sale. :11 = I L s w"4" ooa re?: I'V t " reirtg i fe o , rits 6111ror terms apply' to do esej scriber at the Methodist Boat Bons US ..mar Abuts% stmt, or at kis dwellioa as Clare atreekopposta Troviilo , eotOccry surro..... J 1. READ. • . . —. Per RAUL. . -.• ' '• ' '2. A.. two nary brick dwelling with Ibillitlinisret , o f 'gonad attached, dunned et - Oakland. -The place is well elected adds fruit ask kinds, and Is aliesiroble location I a fandn being entirety out-o 1 reach of iii.r.h..wma tur orthe:Lthy• A. onubat IeITEA anklets; hourly atethweity. :Aordy to , : . ". j nen : ;,..._ .-• . - - _AT W. 0016 I_ol L IJAS a, ea. • Ila. stew _three 'story . Wick-dwelling Ent. on . Wylie street-P.P.." di," ont the im'of • ril or wooer if renuired. Inquire of ~ . , .. L.. 1 1. ___ : .1 is 11. kLpliAl.i!tkiillrly si_teo . a . .: . ,2A two story bneirderelliug with should acres 01 around, mingled Co the hank °Lille Ohio river, le the borough of kl nchester. Apply to . . ~ deal : . . .111-ILES , A titrrClid6UN a Co. .. --_.---. •__ • . To Lat. ATIIRE.T dwelling houses Sir] ated on 4th street belt/ carat bridde,t a trio City o f Pittsburgh. id. so, 0 rows :75 by MO foci, with a convenient en trance at Stly sr., ocuswood., a fame dwelting, two stories, with an aeon aground enclosed and under ltiessaw, • sittuste cut Ohio lune, in On enrol' Allegle- L. 'souks of . J D AVILI.W.IB, . - torth , _ llolood street _ To Utorwerni• • FOR itALE UIT ItENT,tbe Pinsbukli Brew. eh , . 'al& ail its brewing uptistutues situate on Venn greet •Dil Batter's alley,und note twenpigni by Geo:VV. Smith Co. !Possession firrn on the beet Jaya Apnl For terms, fbc. enquired' . BROWN tr. CULBKRTSON, las at: new three CT"' lite proof brick more o pl.) ad st. now occupied Igy l Edrrard Eva.; fc teen Com Itg of April tierg. tupdre of • SCHOONIiIdVaI & ‘vCo, oal gorcet. • To Let.- Tbe. oub.eribeta will tent pad of the trai• balite now o,erapied by diem .: ear,witier Attest --- 7 - .. For Rent. • . AllA large room an the 1.11 shirr of the warehrou - oceimied by did stehsent.oo., mar the foot 0 Vootlsitecl—a atmii location , fur a mambos • acamey at ea livonnce office. lant4 1101.1.NIANS. A GAMMON: Ye. Beet. ATill": tstotoctry Wick Ibwelluttg flottac, coo . laitting ...yen roan., Ittlely ortypted by Ala. Stony , It . ft:ca....lily .1i . ..tit.% bet. tin. 11,11• tie. tof !lief ta ra I:awe. 1.....4.. ;It /01:4heny. hap , . Slate 104}1,,atUlt ,;isca. Il.cni Slt) per tmunt.. Apply tit' F 111:xru: i Co, -_ 61 intake% Atterb . riiirttist. -. . . incTIIAT well - bathed nod furnisbid Round ott Mortal ettset, hoctont ut Frank-lin lialL . • , Also. novena other moms salable foe office', -lathe 'peighbothoodof the Port Ofwe. , moth ' - ' • • EDPOFr DAZZAm. ' ---rar Rent pe . Sole. A neat two wanted brick theeking bonze will firerell (13031411314 large yard ‘ p.cosantly ered • in the eth ward.: Apply to %al H SCAD• iebtlirr let tomes near wood. • dwl , or tete. . A . Fbee teeittslO ry brick hone, on main street, nAltekbeuf city, near the tipper btiffiee. The lot is et in trona by Intl deep. , For twos nittoire of . • dela(A WASHINGTON.4th rt. • ------Tii'Vek;-_ .----• • - . 7- itOne new - three story:Dwelling Hoare, with both bourns eltlehetl:sitpale he•l the corner of Wylie and Wnshington strew , . Poweasion Or. [...tette Linn Of A 116111051. AP ..... _ ' .. JOHN. p yERRy, • 7-: ----- 'Veri . Wniik. M THE lotre fire proof warehOnse 21feet frootby zap) feet deep, on 'mind st near allied. Hens mod. crate. ' ' Inquire of J SCHUONMAKER a. Co. I dolt .. IkAnTORE-AND CELLAR, corner of Federal - and Limpet street., .Allegheny.. City. loquire of th: seer on the premise , . - '-- febt.Vdtar , '''-'-7----------iireitiLiiii.7--'-- ---- . -.. hiA Reinke H. situated ott Phan alley, for rent. Ingoire Of 1100EHT DAIZELL dt. Co, . ; , Liberty street a . . deel3.. (toAL Last , con K.U.L—Scren scree et a3t_ gale, :mime in bend attic NW miebela oboe. Stowe., ilte, re, having • Lo u t TlllO 0.11 7 . 0114 With vn U be sold in exchange foe goods. lot Wien. m exply to t0r.9.9 S IL&Rtal:011, 23 woad et. Biala's, Lot ItANcifFirrEit von bALE-1 bate kr sale • 1. besotlful *Odle* Lfit In Manatee:es, wear the ferry, Mt front by LSI horeieep. h will be sold Mr, owl . on accommodating wrens: -TermatatempweaLle. • baylb . • JiS.Reel Emu • - Agnate .. —ot.d• • 0 canyon AN soil to new and popelsfeeoths; mite. I: cotivrf ilali.therot the United Few, To aerate t ry mow lineal coecologeenentte admit —with a amall Capital of Naas MS la 11.1011.. A chance is &rent srorwhe m at/macaw taste from PM to ea pet wee.. D'k''';‘ ° !''7'" ni " l " .l. l7l:7. ll ;: "‘ et •adttLYA • NO Pi Noon Second st. Prom I(rilnltr refejetetrilfoarneW_ . }lash Becks received moodttttendanee cam. • Reference; the physicians of Pi l lchorgh, all chitty •ad llinninabant. • • • II moot cheerfully. reecounenst to the physici. a Util ities end all toy former Steads and patrons, AB. X. 11, nada an being thoronahly acquainted with the. Luc!- new and worthy uipsironage. • • ' • roadel-ly . . .14 XISLOLNY. ilowoutgobelaJllavaT • • . TN parsossee of • Moot oc. the Board of Noma ' ger. the Stock.holdus attire blentontrabcla Nevins- Woo Compuiy an. hereby AMifted to meet or tha oiled Medd CAN•phO7,IO Breed , . ltuilding,FottlikoLLlll, to thiTitt ef roleberkh, at ticlath at the afteratroo of ktondrry, tbel7th day al wellA ext; to take into this evailoo cettain nets of oglslitato of this Sown, soppleamatary m thil.Chaner of 04 Cantonal . .. By Woof the Hoard . LtAXLIVIiLI., Reel Pittaharals, March Thtllll.s. Marti • 7Litlieiliralingatierilets. , A 1.1, peewee bschit Wnee egetnel the Fatale DM. c. /1. Imo Henry F. Schwalm will present Wawa kw settlement, and all Parmaitedelded to told *WM, will please. call Oral make payment to ' • • • • .• JOHN IRWIN, Adm. Pittsbasth;hloreb,-10,131mutled3o9 1 vvotertt_ • :3"VRF iLF•cr/vu?--Aimr, snott.r.hi commolog .panmust IMO yds of Lucy deaf oil cloth. best "allele; lON do medium do dm WV do 44 do dm teal do 34 do dot teN do 54 Moaner de do: 401 do 4-4 do do; besides a kegs assortment of light and fancy articles, all of wide. wgtho sold chop far euh, or abort erdt,er J Is.ll PHILLIPS ••• merle • .• •• • . Noswoodst. VoPlCR=.lnstiel-Scilu—r—eitTel InT t-Tt—toilir.mst la th e J.‘ ' Thy Hoods conducted la the name of do andyeslgned, comer 'of Fourth and Merkel ou Pitts honk communing Feb. 4. ism. •Tbe barbels for the present will be conducted under the Sumner style u HfY • • anal . • • W MURP UNDnIEo.--Toorit knoi. Eye Wat* 'Jam.' dude; S'Jew. David's Cloiter. Orris' Toad , WWI; Chlodue do do; Cldodoonook Powder; lloopool's do do; Ilsooll dodo; Monts Tooth:Vow . ; Roosters do do;io uao and Coo sole by JUEI. MOHLER, • enmer wool and fifth Cr_ . . •,. • ILLIAIOVAIL. . • TANNER o.' St Wood meet, • door. it co,W. • oitoce the R. Chstics Hoi• l . criminal. deltic:. gloat., Oboes, Bonne.. Palo , Loot Leehara add Pse ud:Hots, s F cko ald Ammo.ikt j ii o t g cl v a ec F i l r ad d en &Aelmlow ••• welt OV .• - • • rims teo.rett w 63.. Wait r eat tet Root mo• Ow wortberett bleitetty occu pied by Yount, •es /b.Ploeltett.. •••• • . • . • • • '8 •tt WV lIARBACOU DI...HOWSON it twee ttateeeil . ;iota; I. bees* Otteedif eeettitta by blestts.a alb)* tie let Libesty!tteeteptes? below itriAsesmonsi 9PECiP ICACO pee. la Rawl. Valet? orgasm. Delhi to pastime It e semi, of Mos soder Inedieiso,beedtedor of centimes cut be 'haws of ttasktey. Pot nip by meat pCON-10081lbe ofenti toterflotint, hog round, os method ad in eel* by r . • .. - 8 er. HARBAUti Dntr. 11111 w d,y links inu Rea sad fa Ws. br • • • mat .•. $R 13HAES•111 Maßi=lslllsMUWerieiliinas 0:m1A Sisd Ami .64, •.• . DALZELL • 21% 1 . 4 .;FY . R-41,1(01,1ROissessissaoiSiirRT,ToTht I • . TA WWJAFS, tie IMAM .? vat . . • - 6 e ? 1 ""1 1 411 - 3161ZCLinktilt • VILVGLAMI;II7 too vt i Oits • • •141011 sV" wEsiour X. Jain ' Elefianlre ' n"k" . • 14°. 34 HarerStlerMP S Exclamos Dank_ eas Muth. t 1/1112. MM •P Skoorrldlndel ...Pas I Girard Hank— .... • Monk of OcassMaHoarn :pat Ctutrser Comity , U . Delaware CO: —Par , Xentgesnall ON • •Pt/ " Northamberlud — Pa/ Holm/. Hrldp _CO , • P Mits.Mans Max Fanners , Bk. LLandilkt•Par Famesßk. Enka Co Pso Mullen in Lvicasl•pal Leman.' Co. St ,. • Lancaster lak••••••••• I.l.Sume Dank 30 Brovralivitlet Ht. .... ••Pr Washington Bk. 1 Glettystnat . taik 13. ...••-• . o. ol LebigG Co Bank, • ••••• Mtddlekkwit -• ... • . ••• Fanners. and Drovers' 1 Sank, Waynesburg— I Ilnaisban: Honesdale Lelbanen,••••• s• •••• Kryoratn ....... • • •• York Bk. g / West Sawa. Ba. .... ~ Helsel' Nom •..• .. • •-• " thitc 1111 k. rittaM. " Caty Consarks•P—^ " Anne Ilk Auld Manche, 111 Xnanaleasaal••••• • • " litcobensdle 'St Comarale Mm rim Lisboa. •••- °...1"!.41 ru..1:10...t.: - .0 - , .. .3 i f i i0y i14 111 ....._ ; . 61 .,:i illei" Trilk. ;Oa ' L' ' ' n i Bk. 61 - V ........ "I ...n 3i. 4 - keeling e R. Vi . 'Usti Na-7 , -•';• I no ...Well*l'S _ 1 r 'nn : Parkarkbnrg."- ...., r ' Takunassee:. ' r Ek.of Tennessee. -• •• -- I m sYnr; ec Steitteur Bk--..-. 44,0410 8k..... ...- '..:- I tidion IA: ... • ... ..., - • ll killissOurl i . Slek of Mitabari•-• I/ • ' North Carolina. • ilk. of CAN" , Fnu ...... lk Akron's Irk, Newbern- 1 ..Slate Oink ' r• I Sant& CarnUina. 11 ,,1tt. , ,Itt. or camiown-• • - 1 'Comercial Bk • -,--• • - 11 ! Bk. arGeorannrn• -; • -• 11 18k.nt liamball•-•:- •L'it Ikternhants Bk.- .. • .. ' I I Plnturrs &Machu', 84. I ,IBL'or Son*".• • 1 4, ..• oNaskinuid.. ~ .., IBII.IIOIIIIV Bt.• .... •• •Par. hlulusve &O RR scrip -to iCumb.thand I:W.4OAL'. 1 0 - Omni ... ! I P t. a n I l r i at=" 1 _ lik.Frederick ..... - " Wrenn:ink Co. Bk.---- Y_ Itllvessumnillk .-••••• " 1 1 1 . lidurern I Bk .....••-••••• " Pttinginullt. .... , I. l llk.ofTreounfmter • • • • . t , ~ok. of En. Clan 'Bk. or River Raigen.••-- /s.chigras /55..C0... - 3 Par.lnMetten Bk .. '`" 6 ,Wllsopusts Terrier. r. 5 114 folverraßanka••• - • 111- Bank of England Notes L_ jenold an S s pecie Volum. 'Napoleons •-• .. , .. ,3 k 0 Brims 91F. 3 MO • Engle, old •-• • - , , It ea Bagle • new •••• • /0 0 0 DoublannhePkwa• I S* Do. Pattie/. •• • . 7. .. / 5 50 1 Savettigi2s.--.,.. • t Eti Guinea/ ••• •••• • -.,- 103 .1 "Frederieksdlcil•••• oo ' TenTbalers • .• • • • 90 ' ' Ten Baader, ;-• - •' 00 . 1 I • - Extbanip. __- INew York . • Ivi - ".' riladelphiii . , . ' Prln lftore • I= ,par, Intennt MP... • r II Ocihennas • 4.a, •• • thee feriae .... Xaneseille •-• ... . . Mow r .... . !Amnon y. • • ...... Norwalk .. .. Men Xenia ' Devon. Welters Froaktiain l%laskt!is Lancaster ,7•,-•••••• • •••• 1 .. 0 . tfultilton•••••••• .• " • Onmvill.• • ..... •;••':••••• Tetruets n'tegatn , -“•• 30 Lretranit' • ilk id ea t elk ... IM.of.Loals7l ........ .Norhem Kentati , .New York-qty Bank' EXCHANGE BROICEPA &G. 11AZINA'Ab OO - • Euernants,tactmcoulatesmss, ina &den Oreign sad Damneder Eiehende,Cehiltddin 'my Bank Nary end Epee* Poach ehred; ■sar ty of . p . opes ned.44,e Omen,. ar/ Chen fee e - Ireflene mei t de er Rawly Ides se-Weird Deem 1P the Vetted Stare.. • The highest premium pill Rr Pyrelp end Aletriclen Giohl Advaneet nude of teneidsinents of lledisea, ship pal East. on libeled Weis. .:.dlehlit N. U 01453.0 MIN • • and Rank Notes, No. and .Deafen is street, " Pli= i. &Mei Rates. LYchroas. Unto; Rama. NsieYork, • . .' r rj Cincinn • Ms .11aodoirdoe. - ' Lontssille, . . 31,4 Kahn. — re, do " tu. Louis, 1/ do nir n, lodistot, • •• da—Kcliet Notes, do Kentucky, •: : lienti o learna Cy do VA cr i . Wlt cart, Ido ~ .N" W e Otitns, ", Tennessee • ZI do Maryland, do 4.1144 ti • • 1-11 L of illellawti 3CUIL re.CeßY 7 Baakers and Krehange Brokers, „Lk Deafen, In Dorelen and Dorn Dep esue 'rase sod Such - , w Dills nificatra of end., Denk Noa end Coin; No l Wood meet, third door below Fourth, SVCRI ude. • • • marettf • WILLIAM A. TOLL & CO" ANKEEIO,.MECLIANGE DROKEE2, and Dealer ß in Pomp and Dosnotic Exchange, Certificates of Deposthe, Dank Note.", and Spec.. No. 6115'..1 one clan... Fourth,Ea' Pinabstrgh, • - roximgq XXCE/ A 3 lbE: ' • ,D 11.144, on - BoglatA Ireland, and Scotland bought to 1371Tj'auTabt Pf2l,=.l=VlS; tuna Li to 1.11.00, at n the Y tete of 63 Io the:,, Burling. without deduction or discount, by JOSIIVAROM" , 'RON, E:oropeou told Gultepd. divot, °glee litlt at ono door SCSI of woaL - • • ocilelf:. uuu SLUM zzazo i & A, • - • (croaraat. ax t BANKERS AND EXCIIANGE BROIsEBS, dialers -JD is FmilV Domestic Bills of Emhafige, Der- Wiestes of Derma*, .Bank Noloicsrd ca. - serif and Wood meets, dined,' oppoto El. Omelet. 14s. wo l -Wiffitt4llll.lllNll373-.. • • • pirc.kos,l ai the lamest toes, , h. lIOLSIFS R SoN . ._ deco - • St!Markel IC<w• 1 °! k i1da".44,1.."4' • Couitiasly.far N. JIOUNIE-Ji SON. 010 . - • , .23 Market v. fIOLLIIICTION.I—Draiti,- ?Cotes, ..ct.eptuo- Vref., payable in et, pert of the 'Union; colluded ou the most favorable totals. , • 14..1101.3/303 del° Go Minket . HATA CAPS -ANN BONNET. NEW SAT. ND CAP STONE. JAAILS WlL.SON.Haissinufletuter, formerly feaster of Diantood alley and Wood ,urns' begs ieare respectfully to• infants .his old customaryy, publie. that ho hes °Peed. 7NEW eI'ORE ou Smithfield street, remind door SOTith of ids street, where 0 choke araohrueut of Hato and Caps' and Ladies' Furs, as good, nealrfashiourSile, and cheep any in the eny, may be had. J. W. eery °weirdly Mites htirriendi and the pub .lie to remember his new location and.establislotaeut, and giro him a call sis hearty ay hesitated, to welcome them. • • • orarfillidlnidore.lnaS P idger; C oto al i teednii‘i Vaslatiaisonole Cower of Weld ass . plui treets. • vourrlcruit saneadas paid so oar Rand Tiede. eiaa noly• aped robe *nit Hata and caps trona nu onebihboest of noun aanassaaan sad annisnaninady, et albs Lama TT" and trine Lamar Cowart IS ercisaz;is, iiiirebitaing by arbolendP, ane neaptelWlrtnlited To 5.111.0 d eXarra. oat i 4.1 1 .; as We can 117 wine evaildestee duo as mania grettn and eiscs, it will oat sada la • companion Wilh lay Mope In Pltiladalpikia.- 16b17 gigs. tpr 31.u.”' kutneri , cr 12 ..41 jp,Was: um; Km, the storm of W.A.. A A. W. Whim.) • convicts ILISORIDOILI I tar•Trinsologe, Silk and MlgOla P/n•hey NAtver., an. , oftt,.w ~ nlr, tun own importation, to •rbirtt lot unites Si. at toution ofpurcbuers. Tip• prumult in t•cry winery. midi v*lll3l/.11 and despatch. Panirolir anwition p•kl to potting up order. • id.:. Arill be made for tafilt. • :JAS. W. TUCER, • •In Water at. Nese VOA • 6TEILAW GOODS. DEALEY:t are Inn and to tISZIarI• IL IL ['ALUMS'S met,. of Straw Good., of the wing style. ecooPtdd In EttYkor DOKNETS—Fknerteo Brunt Dtaltalk Dan. bls do; 4oeeiva do do:MG. . Pearl do; Cob" do; • Holland do; nnuettLate; Fanny Gimp, 11A75-loy4ntskihlnt Leaf, Panama, Fancy Suaw. do Btald, Almond maid, Pedal do.- - *. 8..' • M.o. Mllkio* FilMerN ilibiKON net Waretoor.o7 Martel et . oar NI • ----- i gt iVeloor Pastillona Mr • "recoup is ..41 • (..ors "iota k. Ordo:) Aaiun% ILL tot:edam tho,Spricittntyit Loud& - . dlll, Solorth q, Morel 41.,1E13. . • VOcir intro!. and ooalomot. oin &Pi ossolino their slock of Sriog noth. jut monomial:go Now Yort, at emir doom, p comet of Sth and WoOd N. mail • DPI:LINO STYLE-8 3100 IRE holden se eelrod Soto IC...York, the Soto, MeV . which he oil; losoduoo 012 Satoteloy, ASO*. In Won erg►teat and superior Ital,stiUl4.... toll and No 73, Wood street, alders dor. 'Forth, *- William Dong Las, Jam.. Najd., Th. Itsulmesiber bas removed Sat mad thip Esau, facto:, tO N 0.77 Wood .arere, nosey m.o. hla .old stand, ben he would lost. his [needs and U. •publle reurrally . ba an aesontrneut of Hsu sled Cop., ....Web (clef/eons and dorabllely cannot boonya...l. WU. DOUOLAS.. , , 77 Wood .1. liming wind hos **UM ogNlMmllLosafmumy. I mom ceprethily .scommackd patmrtage or my Mods sad do pebtio Ml:emj mmy_smemmer,WEis IMM JAmEZ Allow nroliretast-INMCCT . AIR CIRCCILATFR LND IIIT PROTOCT01:71 1 .1 abscrilow hdroduee onlktutdayio6. ttnineuttri?..n d hat . zt in tth this deural,i eri! ALAIMO YEMVIL Prantell -...-.-----------------.......—. . PALL WASHIONe-8. 3100= Bei retell.' JILI tom Neer York. the Fa style of Rau whicA he will Ildlodoeo thls day,'Saturdsi. Aug. es; All lu want of a nen sad saps eloreat would do well to toll at N 0.73, Wood Stood 3d gout .eleri 4A. ..rEtr . • .. . . PALL: 1111111.—B MI: • COSTARS/M Oemktute. Hsi. wit! W. tom. .44013:5. .Thsnalay. aaaa. , %Mk. .t a <leap, fashimabla bat of Pa. .Inuet issaa4Lettua, atdral of flultioaablo Haw Imort. .14 mud atlaallim4 14 'cacao of tho trade, plasm gall al, 4a4Clt ICESVIL CoY . r . 14. brad of •aoaa 'illllllial It P.1121110.iii 0111,-) thil , MUST reevlved 'from ow VOik, the Soma. yk for bar% ceadola Pr ll'eflThito Amer. Pearl AWE' %MN Death Cluoirerrer Hem with Venerators. OV Thollla east al • beeadital,l4,ht Hat are N reolleu lei tv lertirea 440, .' • " EL = • MOS r. • 71 . 1 0 9 a, ale "doors above ltb DEFLNED wum—az bbu loef,Viibn 10. ble ratrult. up 100.116 bbLetwat.t ZrArvictilom k Co• esart____Narrilltiadelksam Sow ILeGneti Fax ammo OADECIERCIIIRPS-41/tdlsii ditsberiati, saw. tagrainlaist4 PiM onsodlistbo . 4l4_ ma s a 111 , p- 1021—roesyskir Irma. PUIP' y - ~ ~ ilUl:le.! ~ :r 01 ;" 4 bbls i usa 1.-T!"l,rrM,l lies “ Mmoiygarleptss hournbions, Spisms,'. hVellisno7 " rm the fi - hi hose isammoomd, phyei 6.e elsos hue paseesesty.6 adMilses tie Mrs triennia. Islas batted ell that OW. hee. basted poem of all mallet^ and todsevactur made hem mgered through mreereth mar et lest yieldtdop their iiveh Sbo,shatA„„in . " l _ ' Wish ell deference. knrerer. e. gl.ll Valr that ' it has bees toted v prenutsrrakcr, -, For sixteen years, has been iested by men! W." who have .offend with Ude dreadful dieteme sad la envy ems when It hos had fair uls4 !rewarmed Fits of 66 years sad II . comb., venal) and . - Read the following remarkable !WY; a tie :MAC War. ashore, Emosi PhitedehAMMlLleted With tepele Flea V sroenr and 6 mon.-.ddlen Smalling , r shroogh Engiged, Bombed, German andEtemsr, eta. 1.1.1thigt , 704 =mesa pllysiaigun, =id eandbelbr-^ medic medial treatment and advice,. three Mee. , wed do t rammed wish him ion to Side COMM, hi, November lea; erithostmeelving any Meek, whitey . wed _ fIMIT S kdr.Villiam &tones Letter do DO. Imus and Efirt ic; . '• I ham .Pcut over three: Mamma dollars to emir d iMe and medical stuntdmcs. I was whiled to lola a - Am to Iheape with him, wi ,M.I. a mine d.. I gnu. visited,' , ' - -England. . 1 .considied dui may e physician. ~. there in inlets to bit ca e; they exandoed hint mil prescribed accordingly. I remained .three,wouths i without perceiving atop clang. for .the better,: which • • eau roe.coon two handed and lily dollars m:Mteki br the physicims; and die . moss Mat l receirad ants ..t their optima that my watts coo was hopelma aid - posi. tively .nieur.bla- I seconbikaly ba nd i, and tee.. eded througlikgeodand. Cienmay a Funee,'auty to. , • turned home= the lama of November last, with, my V ' . ' ..on m far (torn being eared anwhen I your o m e rgmemit in ows , elks New York a.m., addl.. -: coachatal to tel liat's.Vegetable Extract, seeing yoogft -. _ watementillllll certificated (trap =my cures, some 4. . .. twigs' and thirty years' moan& sndl mamma you,,r, . . lam not were ilid .o, as by tot tdv: drilard - s Y.freutem • 'i• - • ta. Darnel Mae, be was restored b a ler . iect. heahh. - 'Ms ressOk which: Watt .o Culdds as lit it hit. CZ i. ' , bminess, - la resto. with' Me rospordnoW g -• • beMre him, ot life, health a ro nd di usefainess. p lie I. now Id man „or age and. 2;', mars. mule months .of this awe has heed altered yak Mix . and dneadraLof dia.:, soaq but thank God be I. now enjoying good helildb, - ,,,, ... WigNovi, geutleware. taiddwithout warts ..dank Indiekh • o say Mat I ,e. be ever putoral to melt am, and ao I here Mame you nue handred.doilais. Li' ." • hem no doobt bat ton yon will think. dole ia.Muldhsa, • • and quite a diremd Ming.. The dibt of gratituang, .7 stilt ewe. yowdbut gratiow Met T. the 'Maud kdaddtfi ' • • as lnteeal on the th adranea - ow a tie proprietor. of thin brTalaible iiidtiliC • VIM *Mimed for - several_ yeltra Witir Tedeptia :Ma ' Tx disease had 'peed ..-- the wont !Ma w r y*,, .)***, ,i, 1, 9 *.f onemrrombecillerof mil la ' M 4 rtii: skil "2 l 4 4 4 l:s r boil rttl:=Matzent., :julk ' • and ignme wane undid their treatment.' aa)lvaairw 4 ..' Mt that this medicine -Was his - only DR aid. Mk, • UM and was thendim determined to it thit 4114 ' • wad to permed e In im ussi "Mat be ihk Oda re u d It= =ll . Mot! ta th. l•W . IMA , ' POILIri Aire Mild P kVei , Pktwid - Yitaltsiti... been earegby Hart's Vadets illine.' - : ' . ii , - 4 . , , 1 smi g,Housiowt. sitar wad algtoug aisar, - 7, ... ' reigns al Tankers, New York . .-. ' • ' -.-; '-',, . VT Be= at, aim yeart.l7,l. Grand et.. , f .-- ; .'''.......;,,1 1 . 3 ITerworth, wen years.l2 Donut at ' ' :' .".." ' ' '. a _". 3. i itant r fal,W erj tat i lk ti tatark.bwi Ltdr, . • ft ellr. r.y. , IM yaw, Enora bun& - ' L.' .•:':.'...-:• : - ;. u ,; ' ' Ailw I. maw, man rum, Yorkville, - ' : ', - - . ..' - :.1 • • . ; Mb. E Crtur r erSe years, 11.1 Hamaterag, ag,;;7„`.., • Wits 111 Hos ;twenty-lbws:ma% 72N2311.12111 .....; • 1,...,,b, Ton maw, 1.74 Delancy at ; • ......___," 1 W e, 10 a =7 4 .1.111,, eight yetan,QuotaessM.7l!:, .neat Bidadwar. liate Turk; ~ ~...,,,, . Thom.. R Jones, this Get Now ,...: \ cap. Wm Jetairv, tatAtan, noziw' •utc . itu•:; - :,;;;:,,, Itetereare atom ag4 "& mb i . t . ,..,,. - .. ,, ..:' f ' ' ...-;- ,'" . Dr 192 . 1nrz .,,,: , vre iii,.it . ti t _„, ~ . , 111 ,,,T 0 T o wrifd..tim i l i al 7. i4 e.. i .,.... r ,.. - en DaddittoM4laeath zt WT. - . . Mrs Monet hart el f, stot,,,Orengs ea. N - t; .''.'' Jot. Fahut,• ITS ,Ellkoliedli at, . , . .16,_ .:j. -.. Dly Hiongot,lllB Delaney in, . - '. -. du; ..` i, . ' • imam etiud,, ix e.a.0ut..4, . .. - • . de. - , 4 • - ' , Charles Brawn, 100 Wailer at, -,:' ; , - do _,-.... All of which may ha sallmi tune , or adakeltakds :PM - f ' pdd ICS' Preikand by Dr' B llinT, Wits !MOS .1b• Holii;' New York. di P THOMAS I Ho; 148 Main IP, betwatin id awd Ith . o/o, , ima •169 Main et, between et aid Stir elkallid C noth lutriond,. Ohlo, windmill, and wadi .egidt. far OW ir L waLoWL 3.,mmer. rir klatketMand MU pia....1 Piond. only ark In nudes . Pa. •." • . j.r. - - ' miaracki. its IIIIROICAL : °smolt: - t ': - 7; • _ . • No:68. DIAMOND AU, ..'...o ' ' ,- LEY, a kw ..dows holali, • I '' Wood 01,4 1"..Pri10bh 1 0 1 ..i • ' .. ~ '..,.... .1.1; . t... ~ • .Dfia; liagnAnlie haig , .. ,'' -''' • -L•ki l4 l — ...VP' 4,-, tw4.2,,-,,,'.7.....,.:•;;;,,,.....„... her . r. ,,, tir ,, : n r , ~.., ii , i,.:. , ,. , •*.r......--..1,...... , ~,,,,,,,,,,,,-• ~;,.._ tranMeent" of Mom_ ,printle . . tf." k, - i ,?,— \ °. „. 1=4:11. 4 1i b i i . rol - \401(. 4 .. -, ~. fe; e ff ipe hi.. riente... o. peg .. alinr ..y. lyqouda .; •' - - wswalle l° , sidnonslY , denoted- to tior study and meanest of those eceephat; ideting•Yddish...' time he has bad more pinches and has sated Mote uteri than can ern fall to the lot of any print* prnoi , • . tidoner) -amott'ottalilies hrs 'to elfin 'statism:WWl speedy, permanent, and s h atisibetory ems Wall allittnal .', with debeate diseases, and nil dhseuel wising Merl K- , Gum l , , Dr. Brown would inGsrm those ailliSted' With' WM* *, '1 donate which hare • become chronic ,by • tions Ate se. 1 trended ha Moose of. any ofthe eanaciontioitrusalyer , the day. thstMeis sosoptaints esn be tisliesnrand thotws ooshly cared; !wheels; gins his enteral otteatismAWs the treatment *finch cases, and di inhandresisdr . Or illnalle. hl Coring persons' ofloilsammailon of tho. , ova *ells, bladder, and kindred diseases rehlelteitsals remit from thins eases where others haws .oensigneta 7 them to hopelin'despair. Ile partleularty , imites ender as bays beeniong and segues... Wry trea d hyothetisi to consult tdm, when etery aatisfeedon win ir leitinin,,' them, and their cases treated in a easeful; therm Ind , intent:ea manner; penned oat by . a Image Shea. sindyiAnd invesilganon, which his anpossMls foribmw .-, tooled lo general . - practice or medicine to Ow stry'... , one ass of disease . . V.-Hen:do as Repture.-Dr. Brew; alsnlniitittilwa.:, poor Afflicted 'HA Hernia to call, as he haapaitipan4o , 4 Brain Shin dissa myse Wes rodso Piles, Pilo, Me., speedily Mini, 1 . . •N.: -Panama of either,try,. ender their &sow Se miling, p. 144140.3 syligir , '. totem, eon obtain medieines with drreenom. tor ase,,by.. eddres . siog T;IIROWN, IL D., post peel, ead eneteefi , !IltEl '''' Ne. 65, jliec;A alley oiineite the ;S: liteiiiti ,Ileee:. ! '.. ' ,-,' ' ' - ::, .-- ..., • ~,, TE1.11) . 8.2 . A M it If --Cll rust Halt Comm, • mole ankle for tha'Crowthi', !team and Restoration of the Tido Cream • asDen oats knonsi...‘ll sopemedo all alter artiele b d.. sfe klod am med. When We LW Is' 44 Ws. unatalthy, or toping glen a few =V. wed. maim Mohair soft and data, area Ova It lively appeamnee• mid Will also task* retain its • 'Mesa and lleallS;ccdor moles ma root im all the t Wiens 'stash are gauntly used. Evan' lady 'seat lentlernan who ars to Um babit of naiad oils ens thatte fair, ab m u oold at Ones. pucka so a bank et rho is Mali mi S M Cream, 0.8 it .o composed that it oral not inlare the hats lilce (boo. otherl.. tradons, bat will band* It, sad siva perfect satut to of Moaners. •.• • For tostlmooy to Eta very Summa r ortalhim, W OM: fnllmrimto latter from Ithe: alt. Ostdorell; toldmetrav Illenderdron Kernel, Naahvllle,General Aim% flair the Weatem Souse • • , . • thine, Rom the Raw. P. Caldaoll, palm of Oa Press; Frees. Mama, rolaakl- Melon. tleedittsholt k S — _ • —'• a gage , Psame in addimg my testimony in tarot of 1W saltsisa ent prillutrattoo salted Dr. Pariah's • Moan. Hats Beam—for shoo two Tann ago. my MO mml • ilry, brink, and disposed to come eat; Imo rat=Lo....a cored • betty' of tea Cram, and used . the o. hn npuaq m 7 hair s nos mM: Neale at and a'ls int. 4641 ea leaving my Llf In a vow awe than betormos. Tina Cream, aossorst, ass tut tar asoodtstions. • As aa gruel. fot Toilel,nly oda lOW it ones over all others, tviti . ig parianted. anima; - disposed to rweielny. The ladle. emeelalig.yeal We Chloe. Cream so be• • desidentran 4a Wit pnor • - num. for the mist. Itaspectiallytt ea Pal Jan. 7. MO: . comet of Wood and Fill!' aroma. .. Ls3WE'll 'liliattAN 110A.11.1.10UND ils• . • . woma=ly is oSe , r , e4 . to the publiea2 . - seax, • SalosfE , PlohlaT,ltaapiaqthatsb, laP.oeuse. Comp. gem Thom, in nod 11..6m] lake o ., . r ns. . Clima mid LW. in soca own it Is ,kemart goi.t. time sauteed decided and permanent seeaf, and gum, .: • . i,, ~,,,,. wend gram some. U. remedy ardor: • . • ~bore dimes. wham it km bean mod, It . pomajam,le 4 .. lbecom•om of dm mar awful and papaw,. di,im,.. k g,,,, soo, es a pleasant entotraNial. • awl an annum. to vocalism and public amakom rm.,. Th y • • The mum of We penman. Indleasn Its leading Is. ;..diem; and a In be liana .to ha try am mem Is plasma m the taste, and may ha nand by etildmo asal 7. .d.u....60. anttalMrtals.7 She aVat m a .ad I4a Os t tero?.. ct . to n ey n cry re 'lleraipanaSSl se i l l Visgrale. wool& to doubt: pIutIMICUMir menial and Math by keeping a supply, sum. mmfm.,,,e Cole.. This ralemble Com% Candy I. aokkhked ii . risai a, listen. M kirnharr, Gelng anpaMmalgaltemPulaaa Bah by Ammer. In mono, as Cbllo.lllllllMllll~ooWil ' ea cry when 4.1:6s candy L. ova, mast Illi OMs, 'SI 01 .• al of this article will cmrium mypelloitlif Ithilitas er. and Me proprietors therefore del I. OM I.,olted ewes so ptoduce a dm tzar, matudhalmgmyso , • • rotl=ale mid MAX hr iaideiMMl 4ll dma gt ' • ' 'comer Irsiallso , Meet Ca, n0p+ 10 , 14 ,4.. . ~ .1 .- . Sits4L,lltt•,..._ _ . , . 7 ... . , . end? linter. jomm ar l it i kiLi .• 31R-4 r-s w, f4: 7- winter. I was inartly hAlleto4- 4 , ..lwakttibeoepp72nOth...lahode:'':Tbat; th ei4.:ate',lMMa.imictol:jaken- t MO /sale dit mai I yea. Seemly Dalplataa,Loi ralth_ old of eratettektduld valet 411Mc nil ygo ahoy- ItaXasr pig, I Duadtabta of goo. and enuumuced ualon Am.:: lora &Minium,: ' /I.r tha Mai of two' Eturn,- we: Mom eomatamed Mahn. attl I Lad aahliacts.4 . ....,il4rowv .taro:n L diltunsed with' my t ane; had - Mahe tante). fiiaill, was no well as to sasiat b. aatattag ahatap. iii all, I used Am tumbta.Thu. motets • and anca • Its,* ' all .bauletlvlti end siacaial - =Matti ba. .sces be. agnkanusairOa tha 5 ' bare combated. hod am maw, to I ouale web emladence, • hopingthit others NAY b*Mll.l, .. .cudmMa same 'my, 12.2.,Jp,smipousa .., b , , you, haa Deco Ma means and th e only means merlin's,- , %h. ~,,,. • '. ' 'CORNELIUS J. g011r: , . i ,I - tor .40‘ wholesale anTretell,by ,-.• • • •. • ...i.4. rA ' aa. • • ' . e -' 1-A . Palio.lTOtaraCi:'. sm,4al.oppyear,woodLagoiy nitaat!' Campau..l•liamp4rja..W WIUI Ch .tg x ORTICECUREOfCaaItt, ..'• lag °Mood, mpetook; mit MI othadimatelrog,„ le Um tyoein terrains to PULatorraitYCONSUUMON.t. ••• Thu meat and. unposeade,ded enema of Iklaigalwa- • .. bl• emalelne, ...I a daunt ut &swain lelsi•bemilmi;..• ham tolucsditm coopyletomM/Lethe4rlcsi al lig Isola) .., balk thin , plaalag Hirtiblusiler Maak of WC , -• UM)) should he yahoos, et emit Wilk whoa nag &Mai Otte use aid appopelmaitits altztaultatantattiouSett doh to lb me Of th• &Dan coarparai. 1204 .. . , iv Or • . .