• • . . _ • • .-.. • . • - , ••. . . . .•- ' • 1", . • • . . . . . • • . • • - • , • • ..' • . . . . - . „ -•••• . . . _ .• - . . • . • • • J • ' • - - • - • • - - = = ' . • " • . ' " • • . , . - . • " - . ' •.' • .•• . • • • 1 - • ,- • . r- • . ESTABLISHED - IN 1759 BUSINESS CARDS, AMON, LAY'llkAt kCo.—ill4o aid Leather Mal =:43rL New! Yank.• . ahli Cam. Putsburgh, E. Le.vick Ca. Pala&!pais. Consigumann of Wratcrn Leather klikitek sad lib eral advaixes axle; if revared. feblaXm ATWOOD, JONES . & Communon and Fop .esarding Merchants, hare returned to their old stand, Weteeautt Front streets, Pittsburgh. oc&I -•-• •• 13 RAUN & REITER, Wbideasla awl Basil Drug gins, comer °CLAW ny and Bt. Clair stream, Pin. inn% Pa • wayll routorrsos, r. ILBOWX. /LGOWN CULUF-RTSON, Wltoksole Groot.", lad Comoboiou Marabouts, No. Iffi, Libor ,/ GI ush. Pa. . &Mir. ' ' A. I'AIiNITOCIC t Co., 111 1 tualesala and Re. . Mil DAM II OI., Canter Woad and CY spa 1 p . AGALEY 'ft SMITH, Wholesale Groper", term! *to Wood street ?auto • • A.A.:AM:LTV tr. Co.; Forwarding blercbsAty Coral Bodo, /Wabash Pa. Wlll, cOLICILOI, JOUN V. an,.:; 'MI: IV. 111111.1111 S. lOLEMAN. HAII.4IAN, Co.; ala n nfacturets of .Na Springs and Axles, A.. 11. and Spring Heel, and deafen to Camels Trimmings or essay de• scripting manufactory on Pl. Clair sc. Warchasse 43 Wood st., opposite Pt. Charles Hotel. ianP3 JOUIC earwax, I. 11e[13041, tIAIRSON k IdeKNICHT, (rtiteesiora to IL Coulter Co.,)Wholesate I.:toners, Contegulion and For. warthog hierc hunt, dealers b Prodaee and Pittsburgh hl malisertire Pirdt street, between Wood and Law , . V. Pittsburgh, Po. • oet4 VDIVAILD IIEAZLIE.TO,,J, rot east slik of Lhanuml, third door to Diamond 'Alley, Plosbu h. AVALT Whanale OrDeers, E errhuhrodare an,ilittsbrgb Manorattures, ear. aer of !Abell and Ihold sus, PiMbtrgh, P.. 1617 • •••... • 7jitb:GLl:23H & SiEltinitxr, (late English; 'Gallagher _La .4. Ca) Wholesale Ureters, Communionsadnbng Mambas" and dealers in Produce and Pitts bugh Dtanufactures, ri0.37 Wood at., between yawl rum WORD. LanzoNla ;jet bA C it, i leeala tirecii. r tat Bahion Yams, Nis. 57:Water, and VS Frau% Ma, ents• I • 11, Pa. • : • • falai BLI.TbiE; Plano FOAL. Manafactarreand dealer .W dta.gral ItuttrAinewa, ua WOOd at, roar 61h, . . (ALLAGSLER,' 1.0 NO & lamps., Bell sad Brass f it Asulders gar Gas Fitters, - From, betoress 'sod sod Smithfield strati", Pittsburgh, Pa. 'Ur Highest prise gives for old Copper sad Bran: TBA.IAII =ill' a. Cu., IVlolosale Grocers, °M i. zolacton rderetsats, dcideri Pzedaci,Nos.bo W.let;fad 107 Pratt 'swag, Plaltrumb.`. • 00,9 . .. . N. SMITH Co.,&Etrovren4 Ithistent,7 nud dealers in Hops, Pimplargit - and Point Brogrned, Penn and Pia su. . • 7 • • Ja4 rr oz , opity/411..qiumwmfmTvrt • •.•,• •• "IDULARY BRIINGT, Whim end Red Lea' Illarin -1.1. Wearer, Paint and Oil dlerebara, corner of Lib 'euy and Cellars .I Plnin . h: jet:. T BRYAN, Reel Wing -Bic;tiller, mid ,1114rderale dealer in Foreign and•Doniesue.Wlll6ll 111111 Li noon, No. 114 Libeng siren, and •63 Diamnad Riley rinsbnsgti, Pe- • • 1717-diy. JOHN C Turair, at 0 s J H 'of.aber aera, Iran WaLta,Pittabariab. Irmx Malaufartarcra VIWIF Hill Machines) . al Pittabsaik, are re apacuuLly Invited to call. • l'araa done with exactness and In. h, eve 77 AMES S McGCi6F, Om of the, Use( Algoo sad tleGuito,llllerchdot Tailor, St. Chutes Ikuidings, had meet; oeor Wood, PnizburgO. • , • J AMES A. HUTCHISON,' A. Co:.-Stlecessets, to U Leeds Hutchison & Co., -Cootruission •Uerchunts, sad Agents' of the Louis Mem Sugar Refinery, tro. 43 water soda front streets, Pittrburgh. , lit .., B. BLACK, lierchaot Tailor, Exelisaga Bail due, St. Clair - ialuu 1011 S 9 DILWORTII—WboLuaIe Lapeer Pll,- d.. 0 C!"""" 41,4tItaut,No. V, Wood st., TWIN 11 hIOROAN, Wboleisliond IP •er In Dye Sits,Paunts, Oils, V to., N. OS Wood ntroal, 000 dooA . Sootk of Diamondy. VIA KERB, Jr.; (successor to Joseph O. U Daus") rltopehaudlersOLl 'Wales suort. . 0n31.' Whidasahr sod, Retail deals: tp fu allude soul Mos/cal Instnunsins,.l3clasol Boom, leper, Slates, Meal ,Pous, Quills, Maws' Cants; and hogdostary pus rally, Nu. dl Wood st., Pittsburah.. U:Kllms bought of taken io trade. • • septS • 004 r. Drusvals, JOSE2II3ORDON:& SON, Ccoamisslai mud For arantingblerchants,No. 19 Liberty st., toppmite 1 OLIN D. DAHVIS, Auetioneei, toruer JTOHNSTON & wrocrroN, lioaselkss, Printers and Nocr bliamfarsFraii&Oyiuketst,ONt. BEAD'S Nook Store, Ath, near Market meet, J:Claaale Theokogie kUstorical,Sehooli . , . Dar• 41 . AV. ROBERTSON fr. Co, Bankers and Exchange Brokersicoriser of Wood and S' sits, Dierchara's meal Bulldiags, Pittsburgh, Pa: BJ'Camaey purchased at the usual nuts. cell 081E14 Wholesale (hoe. dealer la : Pro- J. du., Putsburgh NamMetures, Pll.ll, &e: Ake. Le., No. 2.l..ihenT et. Pluaborel. , -leas Jon 7 .. 0 1' ; VOL. . '1" &R. FLOYD, (Isle ,L• Floyd & C 0.,) Whoksak. thoooi No. 1931 Liberty arcei. - sepd TAXES DALZELLi NVlrderale Grocer, Commission 0 fdatehazuomd • dealer la Produce and Pittsburgh hisnufactures. 'Zia X Maier ea, Pittsburgh. jeultl Vesuvius leen ' L' & manutlesareis ell d z. bar, Shaw, lioiler Iron east Nails of ihe Coat quality; Warehouse, Si Wider sad IDS smut st- g e WSI3ES4N, illanufoetarea and Prod . lic .- 7,3ol.llyVater • AhIHY.B'Y d: ,N NM:deal° Gmens, Yai• Cwounigulon minas sod piusbutslationdaemzeN N01i..13 and US Wood rituburg b. . • • feb2l =WHIM Y. Co,Commisaloa Tder %Yam% Padadardda, r the sale at pecsincer gej ne y.• Liberal advances made on candgranade. " ' Whim c. tot. !AL D. 3010.1. Au r 11 .I. '• • • • • No.' xtr lL AM EN Mir.. 10:111C1',.. inn E. koacs.• Commission. and Farmuding Xgrthuds. ;Water sad Rost RS betwses "Waal and Market Co. • • pod nrx. , itLCSETSON,yloksala Canters and LI c,ommlor4ou Mereduods,rio.llll,Libeny st„Piur Agecorip illtialasale and Baudl list arid JIL Cep Idanedastare corner of l~ ' aod aadP Aal s dealers in 'PU l, TT FUI 1101.3165 & .biorka,styrcit 1 . 14 4 : 711.1 cl: of I. rxr 4t i i=rl= 4 .ef n, Bank Notes awl W. Collection* mod on all do - g rind Woo . hoot the Maul Bum. - ' ... doel7 ecuzuunaN • - *c. N. °via ICuOINDEXTF.R 1kC0., - Wholcsals Grow: NNW*. thi.ls}o4 1.4 Put►tdUg Musclmus, Ne.4ll,Wirtur 11,05%aCrOON k &EPPEE'r j Psodnee 1J lu, 4n4 Commistioli thlmatkaatc. &mond sWet, R I „?. RD 7.l•Ealkh ia. " I ..i.iin Dcea kiIMAM) BARD , Maple-isle ond Rotoll Deokiln Lawlor, Morocco, ShocauketeToois and F Tumors' and Cutler. , Twit, and /tumors' Oil, No. 'Mara, Pituborgh. ,'. •-• ,: • • KOI.o t..C0., Wholesale Ginx-ers4 and CommithoisilierehanisomdDeatersiuriur autufaeut" No. lea Libeny Pil:s3bnalk • TOMER? .DALZI2.OL a Co., 'Wholesale - Grime% ,Ll 6 CsusualrtiOu and INITIIIMIADS - ALerribautr i deateri rtt Prat.* *rid • Pittsburgh lifttlailllLlVS, Libcrty rt. IDOBT. A. CU:MINIMAM, • Iltbolearde Grocer, AA. Dealer in Produce sod. PiustagrO Alroluructores, M. 144 Many cc; - ROM? MOORE', lYbolesele Omen RaelifYidil Waller, dealer ex' Prelate; Pnabargta Mead.- inn an •klediof awl .Dosnesdp Wines and non, ?la 11 Libery at, Passive/0: On hand • 'al huge mock sl ow Mmentalels Whiskey . , erbieltWill be gold low foe R E Micham; Mt thi Nue iccrwo4l.lsteimmaimion Allethany htfict Tank, doe in la Oi rattMitigh AlanWacturia • , Thahlihnt Pm; in cask paid it all niniiim EOO . U 7 Ma Caner of Nan iati Irwin au.' • Atnia ;- . BD Ca, Casaadolon If cremate, Lit, eM . 'n. 09loalta Collided, Dealers la Flour, A ede Saadi ilisalhater,Lod, &a, 'odady ... . k . tti ; it:ijrr 'A 'wimp, .Whole.,t,, D ig.. 6, F a sad Ddeaostie 1.1r7 Goods. N0.99,W00d st.. ... fahlffi S: &AV. 11..A.R1M.11013, Wool Muchuois, Deateri u la Floor sad Produce paerally, and Forwarding tal.C4coadssioa Werchra.e, No. gdi Watert.i pins. liyan* h.e Fiiitiai.tr*.i:k4liolessie Glom. ind .41t4 • 2SlAL,rketstreet,lontwesnith nitZ—(Sixiicsaar . . 11u por I,l3l4Candr a , ~ a t tetaz of Taw troPla, WoWati;Faul.nair P , f:.. - ...r. l ..vilkkethaakal at 04 kalhoot mutat oda". . . 1:44,=1-':gII::T'Xi.SJ MA''..l=c'fe. ..,.1111551 ,, a/1•744.a0u1 t iN.7. 17 I,Lcily IV.ftNLE.ecdula Lami Oils: • 'F,‘llO3 Borenionsr, k:Co,.Wholesala gra &J, dm; Torrardinc*44l Commasscul Mach.% I=l,lllimafsetnresindWrsuint Sptigir IIArOF WlgiabbllSEAtitik ?fa ',4 , 4sdaalad OF - mat r. sad ChanerrytAhe..:L. •s - rrau r? - 1 jelnacla • • . . ..• - - - • CARDS. Amami, tv,MER, ?annulling and C011104.“1031 151 Merchant, Dealer in Produce andPinshargh mann /I,4.mm' ani es , Caul Basin, near lib T A .7o ,4 g. k rfbauts ' ,L V d 1 1 ;:i m ue d e: C' No. W • • • • .7b. • 'UTE. B. FOSTER, Agent for Mexican soldiers and Tv procuring pensions, at the When of Win. E Aus. ti./ Fsq., /4.." "Idi.SK, 4th 'it, Piusburgli. My sou is she general land office at Wuliingion. arill attend to alp business there fit* Of eXpetl. w appliewsta marl4.dly_ 11TESP BOWEN—Co=mica and Forarardsna' y Merchant, No. DO Front at. batmen Wood End Ulan stmt. feb2l nut: intrsattethi, tom, te'untation.' NV it EL I WCUTCLIEON Wbolernie Groner. VT Dealers in Produce,: ron, Nail., Glass •Lnd Plitsbu • ngb.Muttufneturescenertdle,l:4l Liberty erritt, Pitutburr,t, - --- A-1710E hICAN MESS, (successors to L. &J. D. • TT Wick,) Wholesale' Grocers; Forwarding and Cotuadmicola Merehanu, dealers- in Iron, Nails, Gies, Conon Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally; .inter of Wood and Water sweet., Pittsburgh. : HITMOBE 'WOLFF, larirartera and %Vargo sale edenteru iu Hardware. Cutlery, Saddlery, let., No. Cal Wood street,Tuuburga. ap23 11 117 - 1.. ' l l o V a . ,.. W .b. AL l.ia Ltr n , , ,l:lll N9. 7 24 .l4 Lib ewl eny M a t t it near the -- 1 . DI. GARDARD, Dealer in Fancy and Sxplo Dry Goods, No-79 Marker street, Pinsbstret. stoslldly • wusoN, _ll . eoler Watches, Jewelry, •T Sdve r Warr, aldnary !Le., N. ti 7 Dna nov7 U. R - MURPHY. Wholesale and Final! dealer in roreign and Doemeslie Dry Goods, north east corner or Harker and Fourth/b. or-LL. VITARRICK MARTEN k. Co., Daokers, Dealers in T Exchange, Hook Nowa and Coto, earner or and Wood meets, Piusbunty Pa. norladly .WII. , YOIR(G r* is Co.—Deale leather hides, tee 43 Lawn at janVy & M. lan•CHELTLlZE—Wholetals Grocers, l fyi iestius ha Wins un4 . tworters of Sochresit sod Powder, No. lei Libetty st. Pittsburgh, P. Isaidly • •- •- -•-. . BLACKBURN &• Ca Wholesale Orman and O. dealers In Oils, Bast Sidra, and Pittabargh Man - untamed articles, hare on Mad, at all times, a full and genertd amrstmeut errands in their line, Water street, near Cherry Alley, Piusbanth. - • . • , ittit3 • berety ' aill hay constantly on head a well selected es— soroneat. of the a ka awl freshest Medici:tee, which be will sell o on the most ream:amble terms. Physicians sending ostlers, will be.promptly atended to, and sup.: plied with articles they snaystly or b % no ratline. n wid eed p ri Ppsettonalhef Prese i. ,=:terials,%l * 47l , of the dey or ea.. ' ' • .Also 4,e i dle,. singe staei of fresh and goal Peen- WAGLE COTTON WORKS, Pin-Wore', KLanuize -1:4 taro Coton Yam Godlo Boning, Twine, Covelloaun,Carpet.Chato Wozpsace. KlNit, PENNOCK &Co. • .. (Stkeensois to Arbacklerk, Mary,) I.E.DOVX & Co.:, No.:: Caos4 weer, NeW Or. leans, Ageutc for LH &manes EZ/Vallift - SINKLI ku,sax Rainery.. Always on hand. a rge stock of Lo 4 Powdaed, Crusbeq Clarified and B a lsa ni Sugars, in Tierces and ktarrels. Also, Sugar House Molasses. Prices liberal, and a fait allowance ands ratan sales of or *bore 60 bands. ' owial MI. W. SMITH k Co., Brewers, Moistest,' .d ajf Hop Dealers, Pittsburgh nod Pond Brewers, eon neiof Baker's Alley and Penn street, and foot of Pitt sh, Pittsburgh, Pa. • • T. B. BISHOP, Vat finery Sa 11, 4a (Quad at Si. Florae Sfsoeing BeatTi=e "4 t, 4 0 . 1 t.71,5L...e.t.i, thi 4 Se. Lately occuri n ed .Carr t Rowland. ' sySdant. , EI , .H. EXION, Dealer In Triermangs ad VarietY J 1,7 s Coodi, Tortola Shell, Ivory• mid Born Combs, NYoolon Vedas and Worsteds, batons, Needles, Pins, Tapes, Erodes, Sze., N0.C.1 Muter street, lemma Dia. !stood usd dth st, fttubstrgts. ••AroSdly NEWASIDDLERY STORE,. • • R. T. LEECH:JR__.' • NO. 123 WOOD ST., DITTSBussOn. AYIPIO-replenialked mysnock from the best lour. .Ur.: eta, both demesne and foreign, a take pleasure In aunottnetnip w commuters add dealers, that l tun pre. wed w furnish them with all goods it, my lino, on still Latter terms than heielofore.. ' • - Buyers will recollect that dealing'. exelesivelr iu riaddlest.Harderara and Carnage Tri=ings,' I GUM!" thereby, advantages that enable me to deli compel,. dots. Call, ace, and Paige for poured.... apt 7 )' - '7 . 1314/1011 ANI STEEL W F O A RKS. I RD SPELIN:Q ue•e taxes - ass r. gm°, - JONES & 44,131G0, - • itcASUFACTURERS of 141101% • Sod blister steel; klittsgb steel, steel plougb emelt sod clip its, ; s:gs,bsetLere . d isve l str.ks, stadeslers le Te l tehb lfy earner airs ° Ass., k P i ll=l.l • MIPIGHEIN TEA-MTORIC—No.'72 ?matt et, near Wood — AU. quasSilies of Oa etaV Orem • setil laaak :Teas ( done up l a guratleiaal4 , bad 100 , 41.1: 1722 Egiar float - Vet *hod, lat,firta JAYNWAgt..cor Ocala - Pais Co: INSURANCE, VII= AND 71ABIN/0 XN111:111LNO8.' ITlMlnsosalten Company at North America, Onrush' 1. in duly authorised Agent, the subscriber, .fm o nuke pertosacelannlisnited in.manosoo pmpenT, this city land its shinny, and on shipments •by 14t. Ca- Anhuiips eitan, Cbesles Taylor, ,Sam'l W. Jame, • • Mobrose White; John A. Wows , • . Ulm R. Neff, • John White ' Richard D. 'Wood, TLoau P. Hamad FAN:nth, •- Franke Hoskens, Samuel Brooks, • S. Austin' Allibone, - • ARTHUR (/.•COFFIN, Frei's. D- SIMILACUN SOCI. • ' Thu in tbe onkel insurance Company . In the Unita States, r beeu . enamored in y 94. Its charter' is. porpsulakfroos sts Watt mamba!, long enotieuee, = moms, and nnading all hake of an extra her-' elmnetar, it any bosons:Wend ns offering am: plc scanty to the poWie. 1110S12:1 ATWOOD, At the Coonting. of Atanzal, - .lones k Co, 'We ns and Float mats Pitublinti. - • tebl9 DIVAAINARSUUTUAL INSURANCE CO. TORN_ PINNEY, Jr,Araut at Pitudirogafor the Del-. tp IdefeManeareeee Company of rbUti - ' sidelphln. • Fire Risks Kea buildings and merchandise of eversr.desieriptiam and Maras Eska upon Imlle or: ;cargoes of remelt., taken ripen_ the mon favorable • ilep• der in a.; wi.,lai.aof lir; a. sift.. a Bee,. No. 37 Water ' near Market euseb•Pitutnagh. • • • ' N. IL—Thesacerise of this Compeiry sine, the cad.' lictuarns of Ms agency is this city, with' the nese and Liberality with which every claim upon them fof loss- has been. adraessik, Idly - warrant the egent in revising the confidence eadostronmaaf his friends and ;the emetannity u leaps to she. Delaware ranee Companyi wkile It bar the additional *de aaaattaangeeee , u in:M=lm amalgam most ScarisEagia :phis—as Meant art ample paid.ra capstali winch by the operation of sts charier iS constantly ‘ ateremlng, eleidlim.to each -pence sesnred bla dm share of• the profit. °C.de company, without involving him la env responsitillirrirhaterveri,and thesefore at possessing - die Mensal principle directed. of . every ohnossocis (ea. and in itstorat attractive tom. • mod viwurialumuzi .zaravaaarcil -..rvarz: ' , midis FA» Corroany, of Phitedeb • A_Phiai eallarales Insurancelnentance vat:manta and tial Wed on - every descrApdon of properly, m . Pinstriersh ead the .surscoodlog country, en (ramble terms.' .rtils cont. =tab . • - plaid la ontingent, Iked • SRAM Office cntra of Thad and Market streets, Pitultirgb. WOLF o . WARRICK . IdallON, agent. aubseribers have taken; the Type Ibiandry, • ge 004 street, Mid will . contlnne the belliteas by to condoetaY by Hobert Tay t' They will anendbii all orders wult ponetnality anddespatelk All the type el by• them will be Rand Cast; and' th e y win foooboh ell lands of Printers',olllrildS, or, the hest ?del A T Ovensed 2 is m/11 employed in superintend teg the onuternetraing deparneent. , • Proprietors or ...Two; who have not advertised f thasialAirriticr, *to ma publish this manse kir Mime months, will be entitled w i t eceive their pay to type, on perehaseng five times the streonnt *Men.. bills for ad. unarms Whittle o , e r \ il ly/14ga TA t zw i cc, t • Theodore Taylor, ci s umessont to Bobs Ta b ylor,) /sulk ,z - • , toren Gold and Ann , sts TIiPOBTANT TO Tag fiIEBOHANTS MAIM. FACTUAL:IIBOP 2117ISOCatOax-Wen A lintekte, doors eau of the Post Oftlee; l'andarfht an ired avid for the Bmb:bat& DaUy and Weekly Har ald. The 'Wald tout been establishednearlyludf a e emery, and has extensive aud soldunotal citcola tiou throeybout the populous and rich counties of easb ern Ohio, aresteta . Vetut spina% • and VirsiniA NI- A= their ludiumvaul eel fail to isobeare dr above leverage apporMmty to do . ItXTernis of idrettiiing *Oderate. remit aireditoria eaten pall • if reotested: , =slat . quiz KEADYIf.F.CKONEIL—For bniklats, and I .n and:ic nicretunts; beim • cad•ttel I.IIIOIOIIIWIII of samba' „boards, planks, csibleed con. =Vats; na t. / b az „, —mt . % la/Assaf .araes by.Tka. titian*, bawd at• tad, by inn week of danancl road dulantas; , also Warm is , bk"5". 1 4. 3 AL Scancrosalksa. °Caw sod ne's•ocumnion,a ctn. et For sale by . • . ' JOHNSTON ?a STOCKTON, • toad{ • '• booksallets, cot. market /kW sts. • l j aird • hg c t . e v e 4 y i eZoe . dthe Lricia: f f.Ride ,qualltrerarreateduatesposaed; nor ve d Ul eater so any good powder emi be boasht to the market. i 'Ate Airman employed at the hiegaxim, roll temsdosoa damn:femora, to &aver powder and thder/1.111 all be We'd IMdletly, ap plication at the armee . C. S. LOOMIS, ivklfer r.krt_abOve mo rtLL e . gnsa?tals Mame : ,141. doXLiptioas POWDER; (7 -- =oil ) of oafety scantly. oa had•oloo, e L UMI f."Pignir• ; , fSNe n P " Tio od Apl OMS 111,... • • • tasel2 :ielerot 2ad door above flnabdoid, LT OAF. SUoARS., ar.C.--41120bbla I&O'FoganAlmod numbers;lo W. Sugar HoweAbliaises; store &sad for ul• by; 'moo TIAGALEY & SMITH 10 - 0. 3 MACKEREL-100 labl. lug* No '3 NukelA, .LN locaahay - mara • • • IiAOALKY SMITH'•• PiterEatS , INK-41 kepi Printers' Inki epritis aml swam.; Jrrt received and tot tale by Mali'. Y.& FAILNESTOCK&C r e.. Mood &Ist sisk. UO te tTrD Itflitu S—_6'4,•,."24lSir.,".Vrelant,lr'l!l!4Y" W1%14 ' ' • ' • IlientAlltar P11.29- , .16 • Vol • ', , mule, tor salcli 1 • remuregg • • Alstamslit watzto - Rcuusf d rrt.AilitaP. twat. • :4; 11l 111001411440 , ' L • . 1 LAW OFFICES. • WM. Tama's. ATTORNEY - AT LAW, •• /hale; Pa l 101 MOLL also airnd tit Macedon]. and all other hum - y y um entrusted 10 WIZ In Butler and Antlxl(ol.lg counties, Pa. Refer to • .T.'L 'Floyd, LTherty IP. AV. 'Wallace, do James ilarithall; a. • Pittskurch. Kay a Co., Wood " troll_ • Ooniantaitalser or Deeds • T CINCEOZATI.-41' aux anthorised by the Goner- I/ net of Pennsylvania to take aclutowledgmenta of all itlstlll¢l4l4 of writing, also arulovits and &poll. tions or persons' in Ohio, ni be used . or recorded to Pennsylvania Other. two doors Coat of the Mayor's ()Tice, Cincinnati; EDWARD P. CIIANCIL may2ralandwlyn• ' Attorney at Law. °B. Wto St- EhitTrill, !rug 6, s;till d all; p attend pnnaptly. to Collections, in Washington, Payette and Green counties, Pa. REFER TO - . .Elaekstoch; Bell & Co, Church & Carottiets„ , -Pittsbusgh. D. T. Norgoial • 3 reici3dly J. . HENRY, Anonter and Coulnallok at Low, Cincinnati, Ohio: Collect low in Southern Ohip, E and in indigos, and In Kentucky , promptly find core s-oily Intended to. Commiseioner for the Slate of Penh• sylwastie, for taking Dninnntnoun,' actnoorlentpuelitft, yo taking. Writ. Bell & lion, Corby. Church & Corolhein, lisys,;Beq:, - Willuck Dax.i.. ds DAVID w..zsrn-r At.ocestt & scu • Yr.. ac A. BELL, Attorneys DI LAw, office iu D r i=r, p r o. oprth seetiud door etbovo Wood Cell, 'Pactionsidatteo to take Depoaltions, ktionledguteues:of Deiels; aiid Other iustrtrntenot wri uttg, to be um!d in htimulLl • • . nvizato • H. iv. wax.m.wa, wY. Y. SUIT f. ILLIA3i9 A. (succeoson to 1.0117 i. and I Y Williams. Anon:lces stud COUSISCIIMI 31 LAW. OtEee'Nortb side of Fe!nrih street, above Solithfielir fetil7d&Avly • " J•14.15141.7 1 1.0r, • - I. MILT O . =FILL. D U EL I tStd, E VI I 3Iri:MhT I . I . ' ' ' ~... woltiyAßD a SIVAILTZWELDER, Auenwys .1: Law, have removed their ottice to the South wart o Forth W., between Cherry Alley told Grant street. TOSEPII KNOZ Attorney at Pittsbanh, fl has resumed the pietnee of his proles.. is his al , ace, Bekessell'a: Buildings, Grad et-occupied, during his absence, by T. J. laigham mid J. Christy, " IZl.t.sstf TOILN L. GALLATIN, Auarney.at Law, once on IP 4U st.i between Grant and Seth .7.4,, South side, Pittstuarlh, Fer 4 will. also attend promptly to business in the mowing , counties. CIV• 0. U. ROBINSON, Autuasy Low ill. re. . tooved pia office to the Rtehoutet • ra,St:t fur sc, ann•door to Alderman Jahn. • opl7ly. CORLANDO LOOMIS, Atto rn ey at Law, odee 7- On. . 4th vont. Above ongthneld. • • • et • 171 FORWARDING' &COMMISSION. General. ;Commlidos and. AmnUew THE undersigned has taken the large building, No; 44, next .door to Wawa. Oldham, Todd S . Co. Mein street, for the purpose of ralin,g all deserigriorts of goods at public or private mica os directed. Value- Lie coodsaments far Auctlort Sales will be promptly ot. • tended to. Ile will era weep* of Agencies for 111,00. tantrum, end krill two bishow endeavor. far their M ee rest. 10 enemata adoual ofeok or übstruct of sales will ho llunished his ideal weekly or monthly, aeeone yarded with check on Bane hero, or IlUkk check on , • Eminent °idea when directed. Ile hatiewitiiive rooms over his rare for the sole of Corpeting, end other balky ante.. . • - We are *unclouded by a douse pupated. uf *I miles or upwards, with the most fertile wain We West, and .yenerelly worthy fume sox Towns and oil.: ages in that &sutra, yet riot one Commission Heise here. A. LE. GRANDE- Sly.. Jan. it, 14141. • , , IIFFERENCEI • Messrs. T. Anderson too. L. L. Shreve & co. • 11. W. Andrew,. Eel, ' • W. Richardson, Caster, Iletsre. Spliager;fc VYlitenten, T. Taylor 44i Cldie.! tintrionsti. Nee.. • J. L. Haddam, . I Philip Sarigew Feq., Peter Dudley, 11. q , Praokfatt. . If. 1. Bodley, Esq. A. N. January, 4- ~ Christian' Shull, EN" • J. 4111 e. TaCord, t co., 1 • • IV: Higgins, & cm, ' Stein &am, • Lelingtert. John Dray & co.. T. Soon, Cashier. ) _ febtliot • • DAIIiFiNtIOWEIL dro.CO. cumaissioN aISBCIIAMT6,' Wharves, had No.' 1t South Water st. PHILADELPHIA. - ijOGS to inform the trade and denier, generally, of • riunburglY that they hate nude saes areangemtute Nene the llirpnie auundarurers mad 'the Gravers of 'the Wes, West and other Pieces, on wilt ie.. a largo riodararistaiil aopply of we following &scrip. tie. of. Tobacco, which will be sold upon as seem/- modeling, emus as mop other house in UliS city or el.- Whet% mad nit goods ordered Moo. them will be war mood equal to represcolahom .• • -• Havant th-Dosolago; • Conn; } Vent; , Poem glee; • Peon's.: } Seed Leer Coble ' & Florida . . berate .6.1.90.—8i0nch , e celebrated Arosiyaie Stag Caven dish, with a .large issorynent of other popular bonds, add qualities' of - pound., sr, E-Ll9e, les and :ea, leans bs, 6, he arid las Plug; Ladies' Twist; Vkatnte Toast, &e., sweet .4 phis, in whole .d halt lazes, Wood sod tio, together with every variety of article belong lug to the trade. • jeledly I 11/11/1111E2Y 2181IBIT & GARILETHON, • FLOVA_FACTORS, Prodnees.oJon u Farsvatalias • " - . • No. CllNoters titnaarits; aND 15g Warn 9r, 'PHILADELPHIA. Hu-Ea . /a—John U. Brawn & Co. I .• Robert Ewa & Co. rhi1 ,,,,,, 14 ,.. ' • - italrnft, Heaver & Co. - r usiramy a co. ) • - Allen le Paxton, New York.. . Walters k Harrel', Haluntote. ' BAsaliy & Smith, Htubriore,Wilaon &Co • • Haller, umw . Putbare.h... - Kier tc Jones, •-•• .ID - Liberal ealli at:Prances on consignments to our address. marl/7111y & co. Flour F - osul Produc•Commllalon ' - • Morel:mato. . • • ' o a t; , rze , ipt w ots i o:; • rain throo-foarthe vat= in advance in “sh, by apply ing _to oar (viands, • i • Mews. Wainglard & Taylor, Pittibarati. , • Messrs. Tim.. hell &Co, Brldaepon, Quo. Philadelpala,, ?day 6,1113.' . - N B. Au Prodaca coniipied to lir it lannid when 10 the Waxehottaa otWa Itord &Taylor. PirtrinrOlh, or in our store in Pltßadelo • .. C: IL& Co, GEOBPE COCHRAN. Catawba/lox and 'forwarding iderthatit so. Ma WOOD sr., trnsacatin, nONTINUES to transact a aseteralCcentahlikin bad. nest, especially in the purchase and side of Arneri... can Allannactotes and Pnaluce his teceising and &pretties Goods Consigned to Li care. As Agent for the Zdanatactarea he. wilt be unrstantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh. Manufactare the lowest wholesale prices: I Orders and -consirernents . are rayieerfally solicited. . • • . to . 1. tanTAI t y t Z. Z. T080.U303.1 1. v.' COXIAAT £ CO., 101ORTSMUUTE, Ohio Commusion and Forwardidg Merchants ard Produce Dealers—also attend to , tae Purchase, Shia and Shipment of Pig Don, ocia, Atwood, Jones dr. Co., . Bra=r ih 6 4 , Lorena, Eteriing &Co., • Henry Grad, . • Grad, Ludsay . Leech Co., , Lyon, Shorb &Co, - • • Clarke' it Thaw. Late or rtnebrugh, , P:Lida of Nashville, Tenn. HLEHMER db' ANDERSON,___; DEALERS • iN • COTTON ' FORWARDING' . /c COM-. • • _hessham hiERCHANTS, • none STAISZt..I.IIO=IZOADWAT., C313411.0X4). Refer to Idereratuts generally, in Pt who .arid °JAIL:LEAL"... BERRY FORWDDIIiIi MID COLVIDISION • ... • •1; AND DEALER IN , . • -j, Irma, Nalini,COtton Yarns //.. Pluletiargb . Mania/M.lllTel 110•1•11111 r • .. ; SO. 10 Wcioll enzer,.rrnsarson, r 4.. • '.' AUCTIONEERS* COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALELEVY & BELO'S. - . CINCIMILATI AND AIN LULUS. Offer to sell at either esialdtahment, all kinds of Mer chandise, au itth, loweal ,ill.l Of . Commissions, and arc always vapor th mate advanees. The Gen gar refe. sane. gre en: required.' /Aunt* addressed la cithri Itaisfe wt 11,..,: Inalyalleld tn.' OCally: j a:no nonce : C. i.„ siaiiii7 - 117 - tCniiiiids •LO, B r MARTIN & CO:, Produce 181,Ad ConamtssioDa ,Avirchmov. Runt so-IDavidson,Sandera &C.., John K. Sandal, Hugh Jenkitilallintore, .4. .. 31, Allen & Co, batten & Ni cola, Hatopt al Smith & (.., Shaeklen . White, Elie berth; Al 1 tieeleriT 0 Sitauglinassey Co., Cinch. • • • W. H. CAUPOLI.L. THOMPSOE A- CAMPBELL. COMMISSIoN,MERCHAITEE And Mansyn.Finrdanof lammed. 11, tAColunadtTitrej, - _: -- • • -. • - Ctruannert. Onto.: paid • •.:WJE. IL CLARET, — Porittarditil ore Aim t, Hronvinovillo, Pa. Attends partivoiely to t h e rotoranting of :Produce For say- infornintion, upplk to FORSYTH a aIJN• CAl4,EY•ter et. r • IT. T, rang. • DIATUICWS & PATCH, " ' t,' . C,OMMIIISIOV MERCHANTS. Mo. 4V Ater stree iS • ' r. Lova, Mo, VIII give prifeill or &motion la the crifing of P • duce, and to order for parebuitig. • Mfr.% lu—tlecirze Allman &Cu., PiUsliutab, augit • f MIS 11...a./4^1 7 4:. .040.1 W I. DUK 7 A.II . . 3 PALM* DUNCAN,. UCTIOII COMMISSION 111311CONTII, =Pft=n , V of Lil gl y tiocida,thoc ti cricsiondtlarelnunliso• gat, TWIT. The)• feet prepozed to•ant off to WI the depon. wawa thou , bitanteits tificieotly Boa (deallok In no goo& for tlntli; OVA .00.1)imparnaliii.. Itetcr to of C0r.1..W, Mulct tr, Co, no. •- , 18AACV RUSE: . - • WAXER& COMMISSION atsitcliwatur • 004VA•tue;41•11.6•UVW1tODUCEIc PROVISIONS, Plo*:114 Signal War ND. o w; p,,lderebarits Of hastrartik. v t l a 4.oo Craze, t Co. tourFarli 4 . ITTSITUItaII I) Ai 0 A "": 7 B4B COPARTNERSHIPS. I CO.PAR.TarKESEUPt. L • AN & h. INN have this" day - associated W E.l/17 "ith diem ILL the Hardware business, Philipp mn Wil and Edward Gregg. The style of I.lrat WUI here after be Log., Wilsoolt Co:. This arrangement rem-: den it. desitable to clan, the old 'business as mop as possible. All persons whose liabilities have tortured;' are especially requested td make immediate payment. Pinebarah, late 1, need, •• • ,• • • • - . . T Off AH, • WILSON 6. CO.—lmporte ma! Weetesole Deilershib'oreien imd Domesd&Hard, wore, Cutlery, Sslidlery, &e, !! 9. Wood street, Pitts burg4lre now fully 'lmputed with • • reendy tmpcd tell soma of Hardwore, Cutlery, /se, to oder very grain inducements Cu lantern buyers, being determined' to compete in prices with slay of the - Adriatic cities. Al so on bond an extensive •1501103.110 f Pittsburgh Hard. Water flhorels, lipades, - Poch., Hoe!, Viers , so, all of which wilt be mid ct the lowest manuffseturars prices. ' pod CO.PAIITNERSHIP. • ••• THEsubset ben -- -oaring recently entered into partnnship under the name of Galoshes, long, • Aliller,lor the purpose of carrying pone pen' sod Bens Founding and Goa Fining business in all its brunches, have taken the stand fartstrelT eteett- Wd by H. Gallagher, N0..109 Front street, between ood and Smintield sts., where thel en prepared to execute all orders tor Belle, Ernie Comings, bravery description, and Gar .Fatings.wilb neatness and des. patch.: Steamboat jobbing prom tly attended to: . - IL GALLAGHER,. . A. LONG • P. H. Anu.krc.. '. - N. 11.—The attention Wilachinias sod Easinr-eu invited ID One antiosurnetiontnete, for It reduced mice, which has been otoliounced superior to Rabbit's by numbers who have used bon. Steamboat builders and the public, g - enerally, are also requested to call and es. amine 'our superior dodble betion Force 'Pumps 6, r steamboat and domestic me. GALLAGHER, LONG, & MILLER. ..deet7dly •—• '• rtiruPlu,"wTahal heremfpm tg.A4712t:41. and city under the film et Otata..lerareer fr. CO . , lite city qt Piasbaigh, le Ihio day Meeoleed. Alt per, ip 'thee Lamp elatme goblet said filmi plastnpl , sem mas t be to tesobsertbers, and all d Ore Weald a , o mast be paid to the subeeribere. ~ Grt • FINLEY-B. hIVREW. Piusbargh, !larch • . !' Co-parts:scalds • - The Subscribeni have Om day entered into COl/11. nankin, In Me city of Frimburgh, tinder the name and, 'style of Ortun k Mlltest, for Ile purpose of transacting. a general Coulmission and Forwarding Business, will transact business at the place previously orroPied by the arra of Orma.M`Grew & Co. MORRIS ORtYM. marl FINLEY ❑ Arcatsw. I===l:3 . THlpartneishfp so long •sisting.under Ike Arm of Tord fr. Xing, wan Icy mantel consent &molted on the Ist Inst. The twines: , will be -closed at the old stand by. either of us, using the name or the. kir • that outpost. Being demons to hare out 'btrAcess: oboard with as little debar as passible. sae Would Int , specially request Otiose indebted to call andsettle Melt accottant JOLLY PdTORD, tani -Fl. 11. SING.:..• Co-Partnerships J'IDEN D. I'd , COILD having associated - With hint hi. • brother hates Attend, ander the style of &Mord a -Co., will cominaa the Ilia, Cep and Fax buslaeas In all eta various brand... wholesale and retaU; at the old 'Luta, earner of Wood and GUI stersykarbere.they solicit a continuation of We patronage law relly 6.• stowed oa the old tine. JOILN ICCORD. JAhl6B G. arCORU.: IN miring foam the obi mod well kourva Grom. at King, 1 tub. .reepectfily tectdoutiood to the patronage . 01' the public toy leleeeteete4 hiefielL • !!`cord k Co. puIS • U. it. ILL'slO. Ce• Port ye , Ira blp notice. ' , • W..ST£PLIENS orWbeeling, F:Shtenbireor E. • ofJuninta. and J. A. Stockton of Piurbnrsh, have dny entered intoe erppartnerrhip puderstyle pod _ Go of Siepherir, Shoenber;rer &Co , thn•Anchar trop works, Mileeltn Vs tor the pu rpose.of menu. factoring Iron and Ina , Lueevery de,enption. S. W. ATU'IMXT. L r..131.11.1MM1L r.a. SIWILTOS. liTEPHEdfila 11110SilYugaar...e. 4 CO. • AliellUlt IRON WantliK • • If herliug, Vo, • kiannfaerana 'all kind of liar win and nails, A.B. sieri eliptie apringa and axles. • weeon. ted with Shoealiesree• old Juniata work. can otter an article. of Juniata Iron itwandisiblioeuhesrerl esual w ley wade iu the country. All ot which will be 'sold at the , Pittaburgh• prieca NViiteluitilie of the workaettier Of MOIISPe IVCICt : .11.1 • DISSOLUTION. ' • - Co-pert/wreak , of the mg.:seep, - ender •µ,e j firm of Lewis iluirhisop ia Ski. day illaroleed• by mina.) toiluriAl • 15ther•of as will auend to the orient of the firiniiand 1.0 it. name fur that inur , e • LEWIS lITCHI , A)St,. JiI.IIYZ A. itirreinsox: CU. •RTSEII.SII.IP. uailerugned hoes Cal day admix/ auti-puttet, T.l, ship, muter thrt htru of James A. COPhiton.a. Co.; toe the purpose of cosiittiaincyluo Wawa" hatetuitite earned' on•hytfulehosto & Crkjitud sittieit esnalnuanee of gilt, pairohhrh bifithtt....64ed Ira e house. . A . . -HIT GMs L . IIUTCIIISii ritssbuio;Jin.f,l/54.i. -- . DiIFISPL l'ho UT 0 poneurshm lutOeno ug d.. re style ”d ono of Mr sgbooma & use, is this day t tuolee4, by would equates, Joho pelt sell havirqr dispaied etas entire imeress to It Wlglw tease; The: busloas , bf the Sate inn sAll D 6 rulsdby LL Wlebtvala,trho is asulgadiye4 to use dr same arise late tires for that purpose. - 11. WIGWAM:K. 4. 40,13 . - LOY . . THE Subscriber Is nor: , prepared to miundoefore all kinds clew - too mid Woolen lUaehiner7, at the shortest notice. Orders left as Wightmanh hogine Plop, cor ner Liberty and Water weets, aill'alest Milk pm:o' auentioo. • • • 11. WIGHTALAN, • ',teak rt., bothreen Federal and Sandasky Allegheny city. Co.partnerxhip.. rreE. Stibectibern huvitiy assoeinted with them in J. their Guthman its the thy of Pittsburgh, J. C. Blurjindy. n.. Blair, the [arsine. AVIII twetentinned under We tfirmof U.& htiortibetEer & Co.-, (::q J. HiStICIENBERCEIL MOM === Tolls FAnam i 9IthItiC.IJATIGIITSIAX bar; log OSFOehtlee 11.11:Helves together onder.the heat OfJOhe Ferten t Co, for the purpose, of - cotatantaug the hamlets at' the - Homan's ” I.lne, Trill eoutiane 'to Iranian general furwanluig and ennuninian. buss-• ac. at r,ie'old stand at the Canal Basna•Lilxtty SUTI9. JOHN Frallth:N, • }satin - . • WICHITAtAN. • G u a rAH.Ta.nsulP—lvi.. Voturgbealeg Thal aslocarrd with Ma, Jahn Al'enne, they busier. volt Larcener be condneten under the furn Of War. Young &Co:. WILLIAM VOTING ' ', wrens. ' • . JNO. LL AMONG. C.Partnetsblp. • T HAVE•essociated Mr. Arthur 2,l3Whinney With me. the litendad . and hinhiarg !taint ander the Ana cd Keogh Wesley. Fan Yin Br:4m . y, mati20,149. d..Fassesrocca B Oro', N. Y:City. l i B. L. Pa.'s:aro. ‘Pittsburgh • •' O. W. Forrattroo • . iiVholeaolo Drug -*tore In, lb. :Clay of r Torte pm lineersigned. ate sawn-lively itigaged 'ln the kWholesale Drag basieem at N 0.49 John nee; la the 'city ot-.New, York,• and are prepared to , supply Druggists and counter :detainers with:lpm" NUM, Oils, itra•susga,: Pore gn.: and sLateriete- Fe,fortury, Blandly, Weaver it blkaderri Vhentleal.g (adult owe impOrfadon) and all Mbetanielcs Inthatline of burl. hew of mperharonality as low TA they: can be paw abased in this or any eristern.eity: , • • - • _ • NeWYork,Febls B. VAIINESTOCK Co.' Noiroberta Chrome Green, - - TTPAINTata , BIALND MAKERS, lee—We, the undersigned, Painters and Blind Makers, of the city or ew York, have end end tend, and are now atlas a sew With ofCluome Green, manufaerned by Geo.. .K.ldascher, adds city, and find it to work well, diming a boa brilliant Paris Green ammaratico, with* Iti er tUrral l e a ss ' b il y e ' ry d n =te w f,:ai b Chrom: Green we have ever tised. P New York, Jane 1, nl7- Signed bydi boon °rammed paintersof he cal ef New York. ThO . _ requalied Chrome f3reen calty hada R..E. No 57 Wood sinter, who has the excluaive apacyfor Its =do in.rittabargb. lactl3 . 77 A - Pine Net of Teiais e foe 915' XETUITI:' TEETH, FOUL BREATH, HEALTSY yy web, - .llee be ing once or twice cleaned with Janes , Amber. Tooth Paste, bare the appcatance of the mom beautiful ivory, end at the same lane ills Imperfectly Minimal nod el quisitely fine, that its conatant daily use is highly ail , mammas, treat to those teeth that are In II goal sea ditioa, giving Chetah beautiful polish, and preventing* immature decay. Mose already_ aseerSel it iistvents WWI heCataille wove--it else fastens met, as ore be• menu loose, mid by, persevemuce it -will render the foulest teeth delicately white mid make the breath dee lielortsly street. Sold by W ' M. JACILSON,oiLIbeny • • Popular, bananas Oviodit • DP.LIsEhS' FAN ' Coot. Sriuno,Jederson Co, Pa, March 1,1411 MM it P. SELLERS—I have nearly sold all the Ver. wifogc and Couall Syrup you held We. Your Ver. iiiitoge la without exception the Lest ever offered an tki. nelgiabothood, baying provregood wherever awd.— The Caugh Syrup and Liver Pills have oleo given sat. Isfaetiors. Your alit '• J scum; Prepared end sold by it E SEI,I,EKS, 57 Wood ith.; wiW by Dr Cassel; 6th Waid; U Al Curry, Allegheny; W 1 Smith, Temp...cart/le. ; mord NOTICE la hereby giaris to thepiocl.bolders of tha, Awygdaloid and Ide Moinle Alining Couwauy, that Yn avessincet,of VI per erns on each have has hero wade, payable to Lainion Fitch, nig- Twa.erer of said Company, ist hie office iu its city of Cleveland, on or before the brat day.oi r - WM ItIeIIAILDS,De.I , - 'Cleveland, March Ist,ilb4a. martallm . {Li UNMIXED-46t 'aus playing cards; DO whole and /..7 IN Vas eardinea; 10 hosted olive oil, Alden azald catiaps, Zee; Swink+ Loudon .- porter quarts and pints . =ides tals brandies, wines, ke, very - old; 5 blits pow , dered seguriGo baskets champagne oner,parl to artist; 3 laid s claret do; fo r sale by Utllo Pl. , hi AMIN • Q1,412.1t, 111t1l÷ttgES ANDS:Urn:I:X...IS64de pilw - N 0 gegar,,Abbleh U . Dolores, 50 bags Mho Cot ' lee, tandlUK MP] vie )1;p1!113i nul for sale by - W .or, 51. MITCULLaRk.f.,Diti ILdbeny IV-Tbey will gamily receive par Martha, Wailing, we cod other busts the tollowing,,lld libds prime b N 511g10;455 Lbloplantetion blulasises; ;Xi &Nagar noose; 30 Ude Loaf Seen tierces Carolina KW, . th NOME NORSE—lltiving taken the lerge and trah-, S =stow Finultelionse and Beene litowbouie ad pswing our D'orebouse,ou the Vilna n2Alli,.fre arc pc. , pared to rwoke. sty. baron Uri rta.ortabla trues. - MIEMA JONIi3, ' Crawl basin, netir7lsl2,l:::; ' TOURNERMEN W.A/NaLD-1. tels 4 haesigage eav gal Journeymen Carriage Malaga, to go to Aloua ~ Plisaant, Pa. on the fins day of Ana - Apply ,. Bell' Mansion Heave at Sot IV:clock; • • • • • mad — Abtligi: . 111.13ERT N .• N boisu rrLreTfeer:si-uttill:stb.•so.'."‘eil' ‘pirixth.. 'preeeM them to, entleracm Vetil kI b7 SCAUF I4 , taar'J -- • .. 10.1toleof wacal" 73?'des' pritui „ 6 ,61 L ,, tad 'for saiely ATWOODJONES!. haat Thaw De Win ClantiataM HOTELS.. •• FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREW BAL,TIMORE._ • ' soma ..11401CSION'Illtorltrtrols. • THIS establishment. long and widely known as being oue of the most commodious in the ciry of Baltimore, hm recently undempane ,very exten sity alterations' sod impnivementa, An i enure new wing tuts been ndded, containing momenta:Wand airy , stiminalls i ar es tme d n o ts, and . e i rt h e as nalz o bsthingroonts. reorganised and fitted up in most unlon bee n e nil style.' - In feet the'whole arrangement of the Boom bast been reniodela, with • single eye 'on the pan of she . pnoprietars, towards the comthit and plats - are of Weir Guests, and. which - th ey, cOuldently amen will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union., Their table will always be e p with every sub. itudil and luxury which th market affords, reread up In a superior style; while in the way of ITmee, they will not be sinrowed. • - I u conclusion the prom...mon begin say, that nodal will be led undone anthem part, and On thepart of the assistants, to render this Hotel mirth) th e continue patronage of their friends - and th e public generally... • The paces for board have Mao been reduced to the - inllowang rates: , Ladies' Ordinary, ' 11,75 per day. Gentlemen's .•• -, '1,50 • ,Iti; B.—The Baggage Wagon of the .Hone -al u.-Aqi be feint' at the Car and Steamboat Landing* Which will mercy berme to and from the Hotel, free. otcharge. • , • PEARL. STREET HORSE. -2 THE subscribers having purchased 'the At st intere or Col. O.P. Willi amson; late of, this well known establishment, bag leave to state to their:friends and the public, generally, Net they have - taken Ude' earamodioas Hotel for alarm of years, and will exert - their best energies to make It desirable home Mr Travellers and City Boarders. I The Hotel is spacious• and admirably planned for convenience, light and air, having ammber of parlors Animas chambers, presenting manual attractions to , The present pinprieusrs Laving' hod the esperieneq of 3 - ears in this city and . elsewhete, hope,they will he 1,1, to general satisfaction, being deteradned te. glee undivided ettenuon to the house Wane. The loestiod of the feast Sweet Nouse is nneceinnon li eligib e; having fronts on Pesti, Walnut and Third streets, fa that it is equally desirable is view of the , cannuiean 011.1.0141611 men; or retirement for by B boarders.: It is near the uda, the Nat ea, this .htssonia Nall, Odd fellow's Nall,. nod hut one sts *distsnifrosn Main street and UTO_squatatttasthe Ci Wburf, thus uttering - thegrentest indueenten es ally u, inanity merchants and generally tp_ pa visiting Cineuatail. • • • JOHN NOBLE, =hal • . • JOILV A. DUBLE. - 'EUTAW UOURE, : raven oi - Uvrceou turo arrase wt. HENRY. E./ACORNS PROPRIETOR. II• This tpleadid and spacious Rotel,' elagandi • aided for both buttons andpktuara trivalent, •- Is to constructed u to combine all the ;unties of the best bowl., With elegance and real camfort Choice suites of aparnowals are at ell seawall! reserv ed ilts. e accommodation of transient. pea% and tam , thcsvititlee Psi city will find the Eutaw Noun n haat, inaniawed ant Llowl le the Talon. The kuittfon Is elevates and soloonOthb and taunt rune nitro to the depots 'and landietsi al whirft 'coaches and ,porters of the Mow pre sd all thus in iraitins , courtly patient - us and their b to the otel . H -rientlemenst brattier" . RIP tar Ray ; t. 'do 2,23 a d • • SXCIIANGE HOT/Clic' forte* Cl Pl= /AD re. Mill IrtlL Irt 07t b as * lOns t e hl =d.:nd po 'h le a = . reikelfially IkIIMUULCS 10 Travellers end the Mg: operan, that be will beet ell doses pinared se accommodate 14e;Ip_ ell tbdrge . desirable us a well regulesedll aid. • Tee Hanie le new japing tberoughly senaired abrougbout, and um Funasure added,'add palm will be spared be make he EielLapre am of the very bast Haws la the [o.tlf ; Tee undersigned respectfully volteits.a cu be Of the ver) liberal palmate the Ilmse beratoGsta nrceired.. TIIO3LA . S OWSTON., • • \ 'JONES' noTEL,-. , . NO. 121. eIISICIL MITT, PRITAPZIIIII.. • 1 -.THE rutweribery, under the-And:if atrial.. Weet, hare purchase:lllc Jon.' buena m Wu unalitialimeni, and hope by tha StliCtellaltetalioll to the want, and co:mono( their guests, to merit a con tinue:nee of the tttKral patromge heretofore receiteil Dr in Conner proprietor. boom has burn thoroughly marratal, ansiLreii paired; we :Scream feel emowd we curt wen= friends and the palle to accommodationi equal to an in the city of Philadelphia. . N. W.MBIDOkS, jlr.eat' - - •-a JNO:IVET. GALT HOVE, ' • tuna mem Aso unit ata rusenotan • THIS establishmem is rum is Ihe-best order the reception of the Tasseling Ilaving 044 roar thorough • repose daring the peal wittier, aid baring the 1;139at ripetteneed , l2l.l .41 the west in the various departrnents.l daher :myself 14; all will be pleased who call: The-location la centtal;yoinr cuothcoir and pleasant. .Fans el per day „Cinciunati, Aback 13,747. .t B. MARSHL N. Ill..,'Althonalt net exactly a new, Ltroorth it is the sane—a new N.V4lNitas the old handle.,S , apart` ~TURO • • OILTOirIi.CIALT 11101111 E• TIIROC KMORTON Leah to &qualed lila (death that h e is again lowa at th e , GALT. 110113 v, Lgaiavilte, Ky.; where he hom totaeek all hit old Giesa4 sowing Oat 041 Vor pµb144,1411, no ethet to be spers!l to =lie aIL coaskttWe who =2IEM - IIiDIITATES .110TAL,. <II2LICTSE, 01111751,0011.1 ,rart 11,211 T POEITr. lap: Bank or the IJulted States, Phil.. •• . , 2 oPPostrE Railroad boot, Piing. Rdy ti inore, /LEARY SMITH, ramprietor. OM of the , Exchange and Sr. Crurka , Rotolo, Pins , , but . • . • ocr2odly ; BOOK TRADE: MAIAZLNE3IOB. Ar Bt 1.73 est rati teed Graham's Magazine for April. Codey's Lady's Book do . - Life in Paris, or the Adientures AVred de Roudn. in th e Freneb Metropolis; by George IV M Reynold.' Tbe Nuatio..or dos lost of tbe Wasblicton% . by. George Lippard. Brageloune, Ike Son ad-Atlios, or "Teo Years . Liter, being ate nonclusiOd of Three GuaydsineA and Tifeedi Views of Astionontri . Beira Lea:nits Aelircied be; Awe the Mercantile Library Association of Now York,. N asuman:a of Janteary and Felinumy,l3s,MO bY J r An Introduction to Ute BoAly of Natural Mindy; by, Professor 'Agasals. • • I We E t u :ge o nes and Vagaries, a Serlei of adieu:uses; by Mysteries ond Miseries U . N.. , York, irart • ' The Hermit oribe Madam, or the FaraterlDaughter; . Awful had astounding disclosures of Amanda Bon.; 'noels. Ate Frank, Land Pirate. • . Cbantbers , hriseellaur, NOM' - ' • onoNo Moab Ado About Nothirad by William Shaksieura, Iti:tau b blislied, and a large lot oforpliZicalays, 1=!I Rioelved 'by 'Express at. M. Ifintr's ColumbiplAbgailne far ?Much; Hobert Maestro in Distend, by 0 W:l4.llaTooldei handsomely ?timeline of Old Landon., by intim tuttlititt-Part id; - Gay Fawkes', or the Gorspowdet Treason, by W Hap. t • Del of Prairie Edon a R 061111.9 of 318V.t0,' by Ort* LPimodal Ltd, Of Georget Washington, espbtaelng an eedotesillusuativa of.tu a character, and embelltahed ' mgra An moven/ HieforYof the .masi. remarkable; trient4 of all Plellona Dom Uta earliest to!the. present Limey fanning a complete Malmo( Ma World, eel D.• • I Lite and Adveotores, of .Volvo Von the Venn*. quirt, lienryCocliton-naer edition . A ISenuntental ;manor througlt Prince and Italy.- Tho b y and. ahrt:lllmly of a goo d warm watch coat, by LaretenteSteram_ . .That Light Dragoott, by Harry kefr r etMen,Villesouel Warren, ESO....ereith nip , Jack the Quanta*, by'Lever7gresh imp! pl • matt .' at, 3.1 don food Second sL • • low. Baralci.ila!t Sooeo •, llifOßMWSilistoryalladararlalaoPhy,eozNta a 111. is tote voltuae,-frourthe teat Loudon edition, WO Leconte. on the Law and the Gospels,by Stephen H. Tyog, D. Y, new and enlarged edition; with portrait of Memoir of Rev. David Abeel, D. D.. late Missionury to Chhil by bin nephew, fLev. U. R. A . y/Iliamoon, with . eletuukett llietory• of the ;Religion and Chord', translated by Peal:Torrey, Ifort V.- Hawkey:met n tola-of and for ihtgland, in 184-, In two volume., front second London edition; 81,04. • ]tannic of W CCroeker,lliesiottary taAfrica,ag eta Pcreonal Recollections, by Charlotte klixedeth, with explanatorynotes ; accompanied by • Ingoloir entbra• clog the period from the elate of persons near - it:don to her death; by L H J Tonna; 1121 cent.' . • Recollections in llngland;byller 8 111?ng; D. D. tWark allltou, the blerchant's Clerk; lty' ter. Charlet it. Talker, A,'uothor of .liceords of '. ,Y rife,' "lAdy hlury,” -Alaya4;or the Yeeill,n.ia. ohoretort received and for sale by. 'ELLtarrelltlGLlBll f 4 tooth et et, betwe4ntkl and 4th -13...ty f a 111. A. Mluarfa—lllstorical and .I.L• Secret Blemtf or. the'lbepecas Josephine, first_ wue of Nopolerta Bonaparte: ify MA Le Nor. Vehttr,s of thrt Piatural Binary OCCreilon. 'Percy Handwrite, orlhe Vicusitudcaof Fortnuet by . Mrs. (tare. '• . • IW once Bert:von, Of the Illegitimate —er tor.y Cl randier between good alai eyll.. • • The Mysferica of the'llyee thtles; by Augustine J U - 11141 . grittf, or ihe Xing Of the Elbe T uns ' rner of Perolft, by .1 E 'Fuel. . H's MarcMhant's Magazine Cochin:ch. DCIII.IIIIIO Review. "• A 'splendid article Lace _Edged Note paper and en velopes to earrespood,' • Soele fee the Field., No 3,for Mora • ' ' • - • For sale at al A Moen, hanithlteld et, ad door from • • • . I.llBTOHlE—Hobertsou'l, Hallin , s, Gibbon% Rua. Hod. Eutope, Prescott's Blestioo, Pen, lac; ochelet's Frattee[Arnoldts Home, Harpees Pinata %41.11;N/choke Hom; Hallosa'aeoustltudonal Hist. t didle 14e ir ig io nnu , a Crusades and vete- Breoeutete History — rete Heenettots: Thletirs nialevieel Wasik Metre IHstory of& Parilert Therm Trench WY; Taylor's Manual of Anal stud Mod. ilmus latrodachen lade Hlstoti of tlte Church, by Jars* laightldraßoute and England; •Runkel Popo. • The above, with rosy valuable svorksi, tor vtlie hY tour/ J 1.11.2 AD 'tartar BoolsirfOrrilts Arrivato.ii-A Simmer In , J3l..l3cottandi by Jacob . Abbott' withongraringe. himbadi,'Literabite of the Booth of Europe; new ed. Luther alai the - Reformation, by 1021 . 6“111, 4. 7 -14fo' aiid Writings orWashintrbob; by 14.a,k0 rol . l Nos 49, 41 and tat, Harper's iltutorial /Helm ofßw . Digest of trap Bbprefaii COM of WI Vaned 9uw, by doleomb The Poetry bjW B Tappn. , Parley's abfastMbrary, skrmr, large 10 no. Fos see by - ' J.. L. BEAD, DRY 4t- - VkiETY GOOD& LYNDM ' CARPEIV ZSPORI7III2. • FollitTli ST' , lIELOW %WOW - . rpHF.. iadocriber mat to the manta= et .1 the owner. sad cenastos . beads, eldeams and stoat saithafpatsborgla mw, lame sad splendid stock olastpettag, nenetkrt se/e at lusnevestotea eth street •kttery costal orstery *gritty orate latest and 'most tlutuosable Mite of Calvet., Oil Oaths., key e'er beentght to the Weetera A:carnet - The stove has been bullterpreulyfin the urpet badness, end hna (mar& less of, ezpautea beet! fittedupla the most mannl at modemstyle. • ' • The carpets reeeivine U not of the latest deafen, with the richest ;and met Imilleitt colors: They Supanor Tape-urn a new ar• tielm • • English and American Stat. .Im4ll Ingrain, new elm. Suomi+. ingrain; new Aa eigel • • Yule llErndo; Common do Plain and twilled Vaninsw, Extra super cord twilled do; Royal do; Sheep Pail; Cheadle, • • k i t 1 4% s; . • Wilton • . Chenille; • • Brussels ' .C.ixamoni • • rdo h'd'3 do ' do .4 do do 6 do do Comin, list, rag. and hemp carpet, common oil cloth, oU cloth table coverkworsred and linen table covers, _orindoir shades, colored and plain marling', stair tads, trhemiePicarpet bLudbas, and all o th er mods usually kept in, tenet stores, all of which will be sold en es reasonable terms as any lathe city. Hoeing made ar , tengements with one of the largest manufacturers in this can, orders thrLany style 64 caspenaill be prompar for • warded.bf telegraph, initdelliared in one week, at a adeanca - of the manuthetimit's Purclaaara ate particularly requested to eau begone purchasing elsewhere, as we teal confident we can sill u cheap tee they, con he Purehasee in the eastern cities. mull, • • • ,7 ! W. LYND., 1:=EM!! Olt Cledhs. trintArrival otistring Goods tbla Ildisott maws CHEAP CASH CLOTHING; /MOM . ..• 4116 LIDESTY STAMM • • Tim re . p= p 7t r a ,,, L e htiri bov... l b i ltsilm ona . :n would own that lustuutfast centred an sante new. cock of oody adapted to tha flpting trade, comprisins arm-. Wu. it fashionable, - good, nerw .and cheap, in dtt esseldenrwaNga, de, altogether .100 nalllll rous to =aqui* esenbC.i Nothing bat as actual in spection can tawny an Lies of do beauty, tiusiol, or quantitraf the stm.k, added Inttpasses anY.thsul in the mask tine In Gds city; =Womack...est purchlwast at ths *ki Mao, ke is determined to odes it at subpolar-sus Ind 00000 thu epeepalatilbf all Who par favor Wig dsZaL he his tot hand one oats lawn, bast maunder= most ,findicatable, and cheapest stuck of ready e *War that can he Hat whs.:- Ali who boyauretr, contractnts, tusrcbeniV r.f* naeo den, de, are psnicalarly invited to szatabla the stock ibeforts pprekuLiang, as slier will tsiodetwi such • hardalas as are not to kw met with often. - • Orders la the Tailotind line executed with dispatch • and in Os hest manor. • nurstedim - ' New Narita( Gentle: • A A. MASON it Co., ft Market street, hare join reodrad • large sapply of Posing end Bane EINIf thy Goads, which be °feted wholesale: and retail, at theym . lowest cash ptiees..„.4lnongsloar men= at haM may be Wand, 30 rams (away English and:Atomic= prude and chitlins, - oneinising , ell'l ttew slgle law it, des artarkel, and were purchased the paean low rataai which will enable ea to seG. leutlt Per cent. less then tamer penes. A100,19 0t see smog patterns, fast colored Mertinauk and Cacho, co ptinti, very neat and - desitalde, 2 cases new stile plaid, awed and Main linen gingbants, oiosery shade and 01814, 3 cases' epcmg hi de Leincii nth end chap, lead* colored cashmere and .11 . do balers, M. pee glans Instr., a stew and ,splendal arucla (or lama' dresses, Filmed organdcoa sena striped sod plaid beak ps,l cue changneble tub, lot or 4.4 and 941 French prinied carobries and la cot,loD dos besrquality-ladies , and gentlernenal kid litres, white .goods every deseriptsoa, together Kilit a general as 11011111elil haw keeping goods, etc. etc..EQ=ll Merchants awl the hshablients — of Mtubargh and 'kirs lty am'respfetfulty inrititl to tall wet town* cast stock end ptiossoyhel ela spill siettenl to ilompare tarenibly milk dlegestalt , snarkets. • - • . nate • • Ai M.L9GN. ; Nirair X • • !G GOODS. • WU '99 Wood street, are now 1.7 xeceising . large additions to their excellent assort. went or thy to which theyinelte the auention of buyers, .beliertotr they can otter tech ladneentents u will toile It to theix honest to make bills arith • . Wei are now /et eivingu lane Resonate= of:good* * Mgt= b i t i elLT * th =L i fi ' . 3UCh *C. K°9 ", '..faubw pr4liti Kentucky Jeana blue, Ltraletil, esdeu dark mired, phi; green, plats, rt; sek, blue,cadet,Ox torah plat; ftvt. and printed tweeds, a pod wart , err:, various sty4e; pout; a very . large nasorpent Of, Claaattarrlrkerint k =r4gaini, splendid miles 'of dement* Eucliab nnd Perna, very tow, Alpaccas, new styles and - qyks-and Wiry; hp Worled; elin, • black% =riketn . ht w filuil 004, 0 , couert some blue ; _very of winch 11111 altered for sale on' the most favorable terms. - GAM . • ' sanoursrr & wurrE - • 1144,1-nolwinEt_4,- • • dembilay. J. 10. k r MAT Iffacnctri tritium-Ns , R Idatphy, . /0, &versa eth end nothet ets....rill, Om tam eelleis violet doors good o, sod • lure propenicet Mel, adapted only v. the triaser snow, al y noleted prices: It belay Ns etdecl le erd{ 4 0 0. wow to reek* ream for la gouty eptlog ad:ssferd wig be 1..e3 to the coal of the coo 6; • ar . . ui be oilald as p ee duo will mare - the eele—reck ae Csllkunia ' at ted tomer price Wei syperda; et ICS Comer pnee 37 ; Primed Scotch cube noes at led, former phre ME; do. a, termer pride Ski Preach ell wag do. 40 eV.. rot.. ride eld sod ni ei sew dd. 73 Weser plies .10 tam yie p ld Tutollt doll, 0 had 71 Comte price hood. • leap mortmeat . el erT WA 111aser sheer* Hood*, kx. et Wt.*" m WO eek 116 Wore red. 03. 'I!. NOM& ....... ... .. ... 111..0 IL =PM E 10011.3 1• VailDollll, Mn sk, on a aoTOsonmo= Dom ern a: iaaaolassant D. nsrrion rear arum. In eke sbniyandessnstscreie of icar • r t -;. - eig .a rtatlnt tm tittl . = tlus mica alga soma nassacsat timwshl= end carom, Io as mreceltiel and ludicrous bar of rho Kona, the dad and woretlekswailanstablp issued Gins thei erroneously, called chesp GmbH:sem= of We stud saber tiers. 'Mk sids correlotiou,they prudes their asylices to limn at cuesseekink mow= and won; p their admitted skill sad ambition to the6ndQao oriel enstelli dididtdt at c leer ung . acmaithm ormiamiitg.ttii Mello* Women® & Co, is; Inaba way of thss as ts&dessical, a Sullecicatki Rare .ad ClusioirProshilaperped Goma' tar Cler Trade, at • • riBINSONI9 CLOTH swim .VIM street; sulk Woncle-Yery mune km past liberal fall assured trpon aninulee , len, eterbe slob fsedonahle styles tlorgl ' conunstui ryas French Clothe, Cusioserei- and Doeskins aver, -bess snakes; values, dallies,. and styles: . Ilessinga tor bean.: a g ed moat les encoded; " Freon& Bed Casbmeres, Saks and t3stins, and whin Maxilla; Trbussings of ma tip/. Clanlidi•• lealtsbukruarat... Prises :mond to clone t ie country. - . essr2k2w . "EiGH-. EVENING ERE/AM—W. Altimby hen X =Ted • MerpmewiS embroidered. son Min (or Grille,. adk net mirth head dress: es. etc..: new style braises: the emipepting wear,. new dyke baltarines for dog chameleon alike,n tashkw=: able ankle; needle wankel mdlarsi. new alylei chemi ses* emir. new Apia; Haek :barred sithr.numed rich swiped and watered ladles ate urntedoi cell add mni the gene 'snob. - • . Mb= 7'7 New Goods to 1 "e* NYIt MURPHY, N. E. cosier of Ith and htuket . ma. has the pleat:luso( Inhuming his miss:mum • Mayen areetallythat he has d commenced the •ns. cribs bis early Swint Goods; an has nireade °Pane great serial: goods eantible Orilla season, at tutees Marctunta are invited rte. visit ta. wuusge Rooser, op main, and examine the stock cif new which bas oared at OmM mantra primp - HMO "ARBUTHNOT bits cenninenced to receive Yen , et IPylrr , and desirable track of Fancy, Variety • and Wines. Gaels, all of zieW-h be lit determined to sell er ylleezi Rua cannot he isiffeused In GUeetrubefi . aui many of rhea as low as day Lessard be Lproesaur from Salient }ribber.. Coultry batch, dealers are respect-. billy reviled E. call and errtnalne his stoeJc. -• many .• • liCwood sr, cor Diaz:aired alley_ . a MALL FIGURED PRINTS—Jur reeefredi an *A- O sottmeot of blue, pinkilalizek, pupils and orange, Noun zfigured priuts and e Minns for ehßdninsr wear; also, dszk . pad .011 seulet 'do; id2o, - plalsvpink, and amuse mow* de 'Limb, fur do; oritell barred sufghot! , , itc. to at the Dry Goode 4louse . • bibbri • • tdfibtPiPi. ffrikilio,gtuun open ham .lis na . 0714=1: ulyl2l tents f.:T U Mltthe km. of RPlff. • • • Oki— 1 :Moir, Invites ,e attentlon ;of buyers to hie excellent asaortraent Wbite • Just received, vonnisang of -plain and barred sekottets; cambrlca Jaw priced aud Ittlei'Seo;elt muldion,Swire do; book natant:s blnhbp'e lawns; an, and which are *dared at low prices, by . Witolesale and' DR6,39. thls,momlug, au tor aonment afresh gingham, from I:* e . ent•W_Vd• "4"" i n sa c rline A : m s ahem', pnre • h • _ • NV IL MURPHY-. S~IIQrtI7NU MU .of those T rai rcceived naltiona ply :LSH FLANNELS Oumt►aoy on ,band at dry V‘ gads house a W. K Murphy, N corner o kn. and yt►rket ate., an. uscounent a above goods_ Ivairaiitcd not to shring in,ZaZaina. . Janid Futonldait.OlDEßY—Fllto& Co, 63inarket In, bate AZ& waived a new iopPil or Pub , on kw noWWW4.- pg. , Lknwsen, mnslins or lawos wwbrol!lnyekt to order. ATLIVAILVig I =IIII:=I,IIsiVt: to otatiabl ' of all loads fat tini swan p C . : . I w:um i'.. .......- 11 - ONEY 13F1.M.-Beetskin, olik! Atstd* AIL I Ala Money Bans, of - Menton' we • "wale by tosio3. . • . F HEATON & Clo; nostkat st; • . tbiBBONS-30 cautions Donneti' lb • do Cnn to a IV, Mud= d l) 10do satin del Ifiet teed .sed. lee Well - ' ' - marlv, !. - . . C. ARIIUTIINCM .., tINEY TABLE 'DIAPER—Wit Brifitgly has veied , ' an additiona TiblivOispen t and laWe Callui Way: 'Airsb Sad,Towiatog Wpm at. low pipet for q0at14,.._ - marl* riTlliglitikZntiGlS-13kitilmi sad .1;abloi 11, nom mit ta goo Takdi belbtlatlitt - , dabouas Of! • ate .7w ANUIRPHY R = IZA". 114. ‘k't' a/ trerkleSnl it ; IVOIMISCO luidelOdraor weed b • .19UACIELETT. U RECE 4 V - ZIN.A. large assormat k100r044 C400,4014 7 441•44* pulams; 4044171444 , 30* SI C r 4 yds wide Oak 44141.44;100)44 tly4s vele4,l44kri4o/. lua de 44 ao 1% 0 4444149444 Mill yds 44144, dai 4 1 11444401414w11/4* void was see commodelinir toms aa lea belSoo4/4 kat MILO "pawl' , Nt'a W i4d su"‘" =EN E:MMETATION LINES: 9 ea Ltite. • • . PRODUCE. TO P/lILADWHIA & athilhOgin (AMA etiveipied t Mt ewe will be Corwardeal U 1 without delay at the lemma mint Own. lOW t=tralieralual,wed all Instraetiorre picespily et ua, free from ooy ,extra charge; (ors aroma or eounaluitia. CA hie/11COLTY* Ca,Ptoph +' 3LERCILARTIP WAY nuaxanr. writ. ate= /W;.11alla; (Fommtly callfd Pir.kwarth t dis Line,) ; • • • It POltTar-Ma:Ml=3oSOTßAlilirl.ngt HTWhTsNWart , '7'11,10173; =ugh, Water auto, 011udindan Col malt Lade O. boa: ardi laa*e the warehouse at C AMC AnalaY & Co; Canal Basin, Liberty areal, ,Pdobausa. day (Smdaya ezetyt.,) and shippraa eau adanya do , ndc2it . ILizalsay thew goods ft.ragded Idaho. Way, This Line was formed' exclude y (or epee ac commodation of the - way Weisman. , The Proprietors, thankful for the very liberal narrow they, hare to ceived dance the lan thro'years, amid rerpeotrally 3a• form their old earthman and the piddle annecally, that they have extendedtheirtheilinea,doringthe prat min ted, and are noir beater prepared to an in oreteedbanlneu. ...l. RH CAVAN &Co,' 461 SISTP - 1 • .E o kerrrr_ WM FWAL. • JAKESA Lica& JOHN =AA:xi • • . TRIN UeDOWELL, _• • BIeAIfULTY & canal Insizail • . p o u °Amor, mouth r" .l Rxrussee—riroburt&—amta & fUsiebthi I & MaDavit4 0 & J H Shaanberrsr, R Ilabiama.& Col R Won; 'NWT& Smith Jobe Ih . kei; Walt...loer ',I- ILIGLIANCM' POSIMAIiIdiI 'IIIOAT LEM MEMIIB4B Bzrrnuinr mrsouscia AND pa n 'Fez R0;111001% of this 'old 'extablistred • and .1 Fonda.. &mit Lbw, having . zsmated thati pot In Plidedeph3s, to a muck larger Waltham o6Maik irc, Una they bawdy cletptual,ind also =wed emir. roe* ke mmapu Ihrobusph, are saw oseoamd to ortrainch pilaf 4eflldeam 3e4l plods 44IPA F!'_;w4 1P1=1614 Oooda pat tarried b Mite= Pittsburgh and Pbtlidelp C411.1{. Portable Been= Dom , o shi orlioar and other grads requiong mega ' thin le it( importance. No eharge mute fornotairing o i r= goods, or admen. chugs. , 411 goods • Punnr" ll 7i az4 1. 1 .mi 7 . JOAN BIePADEN a . • i t us . . . . Canal Bssisot i PtustitifFn Parldarliss 4.34oosamitres se; hits. , JOHN WADES' k Room:ten sad eomliW lion Unship% Coma Basin; Pean itvPittOnzlh." JAME 9 DANZ& Co; Floosiketois era Onsoili. ft sino Moiehafi, Moan, ioxit 6.1 Foomoirca ..6641 CP midi by eilher Oftlatiberiii On Pion ' Wool and ofhleashaodi? Onsigned CE—The =busboys have dbposed of their M r A r l ' Yes* in th e Pen's' end Ohba Thus to CLARKS k T W, of Pittsbursh, .11:13$1!li LEWIS, et . shis • • . - will mama to tnuttaet•tatiaraa for theliai, at Uteir.Wasehoose ex Brood streat, as asaal, sa4 speak fiir ■ eatolnasace 0f:6.41.42m Ot' their Phuwevnia, iiaro Pesuaiii4 sad ~date Use. Cle! ' fiIiSTCLAS9 NEW ATS AND CARS,,' rum= to Amon 1NX1114.4111111M1 inanratta n. /AVM & FrAWengiatlA., • stpAia, AB. £CfEEL & CO., Ar., Broad meet. . comeN__,ciame a c..msone 4 W. POJAMCK, Asi., : LlNyest street, New . lack: • , Covitrtstoraltblp. , rrHE millimeters here thlzday modeled thetetielves JL:Pgether muter the, yttyle of Kier & iebehab , the purpobe deonthositkg the badmen formexty canted on by Sattmelnillet, andholleit acoatlaaaaea of thiliht eralvatrootthe Itatelefoto amended so the been. "Pittib • ImittlievALß BOAT Y OP AI F FIp CLASIS YOUR CaItIYZED.ENTiIitEL nu Ann YYYP. l7. . SECUBLl : b. lll4°l :pgrpaitjto r°9 lreeed 4NB std pyia. "l"taA iontard othzi4 f . redgl e to 1, ; sind Port ss Tits amnion sfsidp , sou to Balsams littro is pare w sti . anonetvasoor 0n.P.T:21. "th.une., arAdwhmel'!4lll:s,7lslrEs' ralicrfts.c.mmfaikii 6.44,0174 diamond Wboksaler:Deplets 10 : 11roo,aj = olvssmtsceemisigloneutt,, AIIZEIN A R4.ll6lElllllMtle . .. , . . , . intik : . . 1848-:;''''''" ,-- •lB4it PICILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH, „ .BEZELIIMIG, BY. pt iyantrer WAG O N . v ,, AGAR will hats . a roary, ath' the hlatl Troia,- to .Chitobenbtog, whiehorill eaattla iheiVagoae to lean there the mot dayorith relays of hones, atocodaeday sad night, ea tares tha eausin•artival of goods arrival page Gana Ph444 . 60 , i, .1 1 / azcil d. - C;a, Child", -..: litallitS i. Lit, . we will receipt for t 4 ' 0 d )Ihs wih grodetageo,dally, bl to go Maltby the above lsoa altar tieglet inst. , co:, . . socrir nun., L , O. I,rimut Axn cu. saiii!stra • .171511011 HENRY GRAFT kCy, CanalHosiss, flustoserlo DISTILII,M7II.PHE &Co; No:Maluku st,Flet. C. - IL loom, rarosr Norte is Wow: Os Bolt Jose! F. ClartoMo 13, 04 SHP, Pi L ow. Ye*, NVI Wier that, 4. 1 • b I'M b""" l a &Co, oaks,. Philado as D I V: 11.347 iati k. ON'. 0 F. oOND fililTrit.a us i CRAB. 1101.1PHREY ," - bilAeobia. ... - . . lIENIAY GBAFF, • '' ,' mor•00 -I 1848 "al4 a27"1"4"!'!- 1848 . 1%1E4 CLE4Eiiin, sau A i j iiig • itiLxer VlEsteammat DMMIDIT, Cant.• 7. C. &Mann, Ira coo, tba mama of MiLt. tlanbusd Bashl34o • in the following =Om, tonchk4 nt Mackinac told intanasdiata places each war • Leaving Cianalutanrrittooday, at 7 P. M. • ••• Do -•• • •Maeklitait do • Tkunday at 7 CAL ,•••' ' liatarniag La. Baalt Mt. Mania every Fridon_ _at o'clAtiltAti sod Mackinac at 10 o'clock, P. EL oad *lraq Sunday 422 • Cu.. • {W. A.Oti g a t edi t • TM Detroit La bout Moroanttlt repaircd vat nib• tad the past winter, sod the puntic may nay upon tha parinatuag of Cor tops withyonctuality a. advonlatd. 1848 &czarina TuJussikaaiTsor•zalne... To old data the knottern tidos, eta Catabestsad. WES propektoes of Ada poplar lime. turnriates thole JL,:ne•orvadasedet,largely a/creased their. McLain to' meet the wishes of thipperg and are noar plenum! to forward .1 sentare aosonaelty the - FIVE DA.T.LINBe an also lar addloottal =gum trastateat Thli line add any thoonghoat the inr,'delivadad goods thrateh the adepts ha •Balamots sad, Pfateb to owners and consignees at specified riots sad Om,. 14alostamt Rom Pidladelphis for ' , Hee - should "be ;anted (i.e.t, J B Boatman, Baltimore. The only wads are, J B BOBINSON; •94 B Mattis siteato.t.d.ata E f Arr ill ,Cegl it *RM. pas io llosOatEtgooKlo Coo; t : . ad inoleramortlantoame that .1 Boy, Botoosso.; Pio IN Sao* Ceuta ot, Bottimoo,L, ,ty suittorisod %sot of ilotil4•4 is ISeßastufaciks. 1:1 4.0141 r „•V X/ RAB O S O O K, aaldo • . - (3112111 N 4ii• CCMI EXPRESS. J ': • ro ehlthenehth...mnsttlisTeresurserci, rteesh freasa,===l4n......, ~...... the eg. ...._3.,hat../...39. e.. _ isms Uhe Ni i hiri=" A"..'... " Ea:pseuds:lln la se.r , .. t0.'70 , 1iact,....,,, , i. PsONIr !i' 117.1„...b.,4U1a..b•10.11.aati40rAtki ~..7.,.. --- " —.--- gio - 1. - . - a.mr - .3 i ii,... - O.A. ..":,,...' : ~: 'a / 1 r" 1° , , 7 - 77 aVvuncranr,Arm,:.... . mrat %.,.. azaza. ... . . • ^ . "'f PARESIN & Co 4 ' mut op warn as& CAXAII sum, mums. Au.X. 6 MAMF,T9ofh_ , IMAITAgai/I &MB* MIS 'M • .111 1140.11101111Wil1 01 h Atia4 sumo Wawa, Daa t 8.4 8; ft•tt . :At ighiN rotu r= l l l. 4 6 s 3 6B4 ., -_t 1:4.F , vs -oel.-41 . 41.7r,t,t, COO, VAit.l • , 'V? CU: 1101 VOL. XV NO 20 ' GLLANEOV cOrrailwaf t a....,• l . • =FA HERS .of.iliculx. fir* south adds, wand AM'OIU. barinpaL iee Picsbuil - / arm*, and tha sarriCaff parmar Lippaaatt sagaelated hbaself with Ur. Firm C Barr, Ca ka.after ° P. 44 S . F. t .f! t . U . 109; 9 Le L i g. 4.l?Likirg, Trial oft Wein Claelanati, andirilaia• ad awe yresent ludo *snag sookortB ibtelekba. CO* motorail Thorax &taproot' atfaa . The safe was pla4 in a armee ths pablislandhae earl .A . :o , etea 10 all imam bear at a Wans mat' imam None than tbont balm- In ore boor tad a halt dos sailreatorr. to • bor_n eel .haaa the. door : or the furnace .was then eloaed,which essaydbo Intrietwed awl steady beat for. lb. Wanes .tyke tuneitoull HaaaninnwbeaN wars yartia/ly melted sit the lo was that thrown rows sad the safe aootW wit woad: .7%e:Woow, - p.rs and boOks labial it conwhatil were BSperieetae.w/ren =Ththere, die binding wily a( the books being-in areal • by- Ina wad er In wolfs' Ws wee: •WO brats* ratwounandlng it to tha tuft =parlor to any we have aver toes wand; sad believer that a will woad any hear witieh"Stight ;be pierlatred. - zeept a beat_whfoh. would maltll a 11. *inner /a .Whitmanris Worthlio,. & Yemen, Baal. Tour, W 9 I! Meese, lal , kr . e.S.asinki, T. A-Co, !teems,. ilY.7!ri. Mead, W., eke andarsarnol; intreted ilie ado ' g=:Lt. above, front a lot to the ant at Timber*. A ;tutu, Itawafflerk _ 1 d . _ rLIPPALWIDOTT.otr.Cono , "o.: toit k[A.NIIFACIVIPARS of insimered and An &eel annals and genes; Ana and Ilasehini.rA . Menu and Cin Sawa, Hay and goes,Manocks, haring coispWall their annagensturta la the coostrandoe of anir Elnialtrys and la secue the hen workman , O tl i = brand estatinens of the East ar now tog en 4 wig keep constaatly on hand. and EDI, the above tinkles, having mind nuntelves a *a lma imparasielusi and are thnennined nudist:not. manship and miss ial they arinnothe excaUed.n.Tbeg promise to panics annum ingtV' non napirlat o .so any that unbend in the Ent. finttene ann. Sionef.draloirs to an anstinatien thtlr atockUnore . parchanng abanketa, net ariccinineed thn tlng Irian at& ton - ordain 'la Inns Ingrid thelintra satisfaction ot= i t i V i fek, dean West ..s.. 8.-Pawn having , boantetairtik WoLlocllso 8,0 P l ! , , ?eto,ca Lifriick94., ... __ ...' :JAIIIIMAIr.:WOODVITEM_ _ r _ _,." anivararillt.Parailltexelffiliint swum% 2 . A. Ism cad spliadld aisoroneas ailing. , . we, Wahl,' Car Seasmbaiajlouslitsalpri; • ,vate dmilinp, c"ostantly : " r Alsil. Fiel The ..potiesi metes hod calumloaxesedattif wasurra mars,. Paws :Al= W h oa ' It ' Pilo line urgtre eal. , 46.1 so daisoatird toysligoei WU *are pan . Of . . . 60 60661.116 Plualisagth&ciods'6.o , 66tlF9 4 • ••• , dos Alaticsay, 0.10164 iOUIII6 , , ' , 14 aic .• Sno =holm, z,..• maticiraar, Work dar. mahoriny Racking Chaim la-mak Da top Lont6deirifultan%- ' 6llTue=6, - slaM ind ossont l V:itt= Cansimi. aiulabairsi toaanmenu b 066661466,.!, , LADIES ARE CAUTIONED A US U 4.. - COMIONPRZIPASIXD TWEE are ea aware tow edpialtillytatoloa &LAO. the etio—holg CMCBC,.bowtopikhalt tutheallby &lath *SIT.r."" I uE NIP= pereAelothi l:lpadaritthhamousiaga !Irtrr::frial 'if : ll6mA) itcgisii;hi width gio ZONES' SPANISE , Mal= tat is perfectly &mow, Wog purillekof, &Opole& eptalitlea and it &pad larskiseii itatuniVatletryi glamor; dear ,thealsokiiiip &tin it gametic ote the &tin, making it MAT aul moods • Du:Jades Mammy Pgatilea Cam& *Maw animus, ear ,“Alter aelyslay ,Jazies' • spoddkur Mite, I & poseases the apt beligalrol &to gul, sada the sage time lottoadrailafega I • &really onsciaziallretaltusealio &o i l& Who SI& ing.” . •Pliee; Wenn& boa,Sold ii;WJA - FiglN.VALibe nudge, M==EZ/1=:1=1 JTOM WRIGEtr is Ca, are potato! to build Cotton andlroabuilnaelnany oarte:diandpach Drams hi = 3sl 4: ts .r wiupb-4V 4l 'ina: h. D "r thg jr, s=of Cassino " :Pallrat Rangers at Ignst -Wont*, gide antitind Ugh; and lona 4 . :4.11144 or kml/..4611.404. (antigen an shot nonce. Pasterns alga . to alder for MillGeartig, iTOU Hitting, Stessal - Poefor , lionts ing faatistiee,Cast Iran .lyindow. Sag - and Wog Co. - nun oatexally.. °riga leg Olga WiteaSt(l. Poter O Liberty anent; Intl trio prang row Slook.ttocf,l7.ll iCoo; 1: ie iroOreil,ll'"& Co., QE Wexner. Jobs train. IS. 9ms, Passineglisl3., C. kg. O. Wa rn er, Steubeneilla =NV/lila, Steal sat Areal • ma.N. Hlll,N - S o).,:basisarempaed Lam tw.r are 1101/ propaard • to asanaim tola every itoacriptiou of Co.). lad Ellsaie BO NO, Iron All.. Amels us, Blisam:Spriaa , mat ;MO Berl, a. W. Las of malkwiara Sad mail boa, vaicla thoy oda kw ottoolManillmmo, altaalrolue• bo.); No aWaßktirderitlimrner Yiq oa haqii acolapisamaa Lade). 'lir Caul I . llr= CO 6 Ore. .=4, 0 4 ,41 11Pr- C:11.4 00. ha. modo.maremtoes.lllolosola. Day &Coma,aotoofactaranoff3bovaliookt . m ll, Lp 0 11=.1)1 ot ,tur sa price& tam will boa motif U.). jyro APassA ti tm Er r& Iternaltla&e• 0111Lese . $ & Catmenharm Mal perm& Gem arty pot °l'D*As4 'Weed Elcatend or W von Os sae laboil setzug; with their lewd API WiltOliOn lb. 1111112.1• meets. Memaiirriate We deem alb. our pummel" ui obbed by Uke steirdanrsesuepr thee WartHu seee• polo. go ye, take [AMMO Oi Ostzt Os soalIMI tilla de port Oemselree, wed see as their well beim, veldt Uteso lIKINo say dangles by U. arm *Pert We say Uee feurielely, tame defy or e(oarjerset goo le JIM Aes they vela deeaLidAS bows by les is • Liverpool, will& theme& at eOnir wen Ileesteet cooellts, mil tees meal benne le Pm GHANA c. b:p rue, Poolety weed Oak es. We Weal io.peefuee ow &Maas boversien ea& vim le nay eat set eet as iru U. cue In& sease& with w u • et 8. i 10 - either wipes& de Apple Doan dome. ef fluebare. say &mil:says to.oo 6 7tri 'aim of Oe v r *viscid Haas he pet JOSHUA Einixtax, AU Pihhmmy.oe door Wow Om& " -- Ch= IS • ar -.4611 1: 1 4 •S ' The sa.....egviAt t;t4ll 1Mpji1 . 140..h61611 birsiorwa for the lam rainy pram ra =lll4aVela, banns marralscarral work for Whoa imp part of Ow • can mar to d who torn itrvaradracorirttli Utak woos, sad to Omar feostaidsrabiej% rYYt boo beat pa opal thla vacs-) Thar dm Winn, ea. 11.4 allsOmipply of &Goble hlftarls, sad saw Oar liatacarran aadother wort, caviar ar hich,picas will bar armada& irrial wet ataned la lomat Crow TAO . s aura ie. wry larcsraiks Imo=l6ll. um " . 10441 aadalouracar air MT7MMi= Hardware Start Herrarrel4 • ' • • wrraloge c WOLF/ hp*, menet am the corner of Liberty tad SC eelats.weete, io No. oott WV. dome 'shells elt:Clutrice Hail, mettld respect( ask the etumtket of bayetslq _de* mock et UMW ABA CISTLE3Y eat licigrusy, tett& pat WO Straerkr,Howepede and. Swat direct. Dem tee SOSSIAM.III7I. Eastaat gat Sat. • him, orAsoesicseiliaZtheits, fleeitheirSol , dpsltchrtorecurreti of the BAUM &Oa, • Ttair mock Clio( entirety •aser, end porch...ld epos . tits best torsos they 41 we cettearece Wage:tee sacoesafolly meet ctatoprtlhef Le" ei,arr tethete, ea or ere itudvise Wawa be•ceotitosed mita ail aw " • • '• JOSE& • woo° 'Cecil - 14 'Wool sad Ikt sts„ flosbtk. Aup. nig withdrawn from Ike ins of • sumer oodysil, oo Joist of asasary, -IM, I Ink* picsottras no to ary /rinds is ciai Ors sodmu" AU I bore oprned say es, score at Um stave maid Awe. lisrlag porch:nod /pods for tub, sod moll arrsotrascoats 'owl is chls coastry.aod s 111 Earo bo co:moody so 01 (Idly prepand Waal liscdorise kinds, on as goW terms and as low as soy balsa Ewa or West- Alorclassu sod abets W rospsotfoliy larritid co toll hod atomics my stock. beano punkas:4.ls.. orbors. The :Wowing comprisooso pan of Ids dock, tzessoboot sad saddlery hanfrtro, sso 11..4.4000s arolonosiory .coo rims, Looks, Isiskso,scriss ICIII" Ups /Us wry pluses, salsa, r boards nod, woompagi ell esker snicks corossead Inch SU ksrdwaso baud. mailer mhdt a dts ' ;8611 7, Dealer la 114 e. ten - .sae Damao* liudyrareorrnid etepecultlfy We nn H Ina eua and Oa gobbe gesenilty, that ecru %idyl mapply . 41(11.24.nm.1 ere... .I the old 4404 Weltsr WCW . 1 .1 .ill&Amor aillommlivissOrablevaras. Re Intl ,mOraW.essehiag Allah Hisonautu: tett from the sumbesimelalbanossta. u-Tortue ".111•011clirrsio WWI say LablabwentogiitsitatitlitW • Wewre seeleheiMl itcall t asd Annan' hie met kr*. pelre#ollotehleirbes4e.,:t, . - 15110M,LAN-4Lismfactoref eldicmdh Of „ at- At,:Don l " work • Wog I " .MiCailinuci* gr i Zll l Xfir i bla:;l=l: l ,== l tarp 9 =7,=piadiog multUter, eudy .ocameos lostrion.•( culti7 Vl* AU 0,44 Wok one laud to and teoh gent AU Lab of MAUI( mud* lo order,' br irt.“ to fat VlLVlng=o,o3iiis al TIMM hiPik Rata 'to— :Childs A. PennotAk Co , Cate, lc em,/i/A.-A.Orkl• alukving aarilith Ilalano. ' DL#4.1103 trOUIC7II2I. lino D rqsabid ma kood sio Ukair larMetiag, f =r..44 . .1 . lahr.p . = T h i of. selori eylit,lo.l . sh Ilivravi lo wall an ell llai my egl log Arran, v.. ogi#U. satimas OM woo, .1 orm abkra oorpor of Ualo. And ul tho :.!!lie.#. (WA at Alroaem # Dry% Dry Ooals ii..) - ' _ 'WI QUIMITOI Iit'SLUIS—N.A.OO4O althleida 1,1 Eireee 114 sad 7-Corlds, daadoQy{.• qualq, ea wake we LCITi4I, easeenlaa air auuumest k h Z l4 _ tearso ,75 mutat eiN W tor Caakeed— ..........„ 0 -4„.rir... .. v ...A....... 1 ..„.„",,.„,, .„„„,,. .„...1._.,,..„..._...;:itt,L..... -,,,_ . • Et=m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers