4. tr" , OROCERTM:4r,c, ]E l lBll6.lanse-Cnre, 141thoorit Ill&t eau!! •Otdsts frog his hinds fa: oriff ti sad e4siiiihere, for the ',wave of Mad =ld tinTms• da ..oz bra sefuois. • Onion etictsed with deopaieb, luad rates.. Charge. farpenhasipg light.: cum: ettrlAlM—Or bow double relined lame Loot; 410 bble 1,4; 5,11,-raw , e'rina 1;04 no Ie molt* 'll.B bUls powdered; wt bble elacified; store and ferrate by JAMB A lIVTCHNON A Co, "Areme LordeStesor 1 - 19 - t,nT. BEANS-41T bbli Asti. White Velma; at TT rzegiyed and for We , CIL" aIteCANDLESS Dnualusc—na maism. nu AY by nista , W3CK bICANDLEI!Lq S OAr . -4 r d a bT.s Pi" % b %'Z ' n tr`cen-iM,B—' ROUND NUTS' -8 sacks Tenneasee filisd • Nuns Vlto aale try . marY7 WICK a. ArteCeNk:e3: Ct&ISTILE teOAP--4 bore. just reed. forsale by VV searC , Esyt sane • P' l llll - A7ViTltft i 'l 4 Willa sod front as ILTACICEA.I3.-40 bLla large NO 3 )Mackerel, need —, jyX and 6t aale by =Ms .11.0BINSUN I CO Tirmort GLASM ANDGIASSWARE—Mbice TT , vrioGlaos; fioarilllo2da; 13 4010.1.14.4 o; 1.0 gropitffirrs;j3.E;Ortioalrlaittr4car,e, T EAD-.XYrigs J•ext oLoorir /Mori," for We, to or -I.lrife by • 10m23) POINDEXTER 6 Co Q HOT-2n kegs anarrotd No., In store and for tale by A 7 ~+rt3 - roily vpxrEu &Ca 7omx-'4 so bap green Car.. reed and for sale by . Loa gni a sosaisas & OLAM.ER‘I.46 bbl. pixie N o,ld rateiveliaml 111 for sale by tame/ 'ItROWN h. 14;411E.W.CKIN • - 43 M. Idols prime N 0, Jest reel .and for sale 43 . 4 nuarb - BROWN cutmontos., Q1.331H--21hLda scgii, . laodipg from newer Sea 1.7 alstutiassi. ler we by .. k 6 140:117.1,114 hbeity et QUOAR MOLA99r3-49 IA& 9ll'Moliaiei In g "'"° l 'lAc i it A Hiriclootico; -Ara Pst Lout. Stem Eharat fhtraarf• BTOCK'L N base lust fl Weppp t o[ I{'uhbuo d : H . o Wa n aoles Paeardat ti Quht House uaolaaseca4 aata eels N. as Mer, lest= ed .144.9F-Btooklye, and eat sle by ". - 'AWN 1V.41.2a uricutaxszt:. •CI YRUP-40 bble CaneDyrup, for sale by • • .z• 0 maven . . . D T TIORUAN& Co --- , - tri - sA DiK--lie — e Celia Ina ia - iii - a, iii - pii • rior article, for sale by. eel D? MORGAN &Co: TIOTTIX—DIin bags prime Oram Elio Colree, in more kj madfor sate by marl& 'DT MORGflebl& Co bales note sanding Esent ancir Hudson V/ los sale by itleldai DICKEY it oa,. men . watcr and final sta. VTA:MX4ZPN44ffI Ta i t . THX/Is t ;2l4n i te :Lars now landing from mara ..; -, !SAAR DICKEY S Co_ CURD/ .111 - S--411 !Ads prisnaN 0 Sam 41664 plan -4,3 tattoo Malayans 11 oaks - foam Soda Ab land& float alas Nob River, and for " ale by.: vaar,lo W IIItTCHELTREE FOTASIIIO este pure, or, eoavignoten, for sale by nada J & B. FLOYD gr-20 tio:Ter!sc7ed > l . 0 hasit 3 hrgriry6Mlo b LANS-10 liblaimanAl while, for bale Lb • ,main' ' r kV. ptorii bbdsprime ' 0, loo4ing from® *r Robert lilorrrs, and for sole 1,7_ - • - IYt M 311TCLIELTREC HA 811OULDEIN—P1 esks family . ll.smi sluroldeno, ibis day ree'd per war Hiberwta,sad far sate by man . JA. 1 kZ'A HUTCHISON at Co HMP—CI 'bales Cy de* rowraTilat reed and Coi ale by • anas7 'AWES A lliJl'CtilBoY & Co 86 . C0N:-.14000 banso,Ykles and sboabb" Jost rated mnmr Okimer, sud for Ws a by , • y 7 ,* Iv zuwaucll. COFFEE -1a bags • po r. - - BANG—Wbbls unit white, In uons and for We by ossiz, , - °BLACKBURN k Co N. 11.11.8.-91.0 kers asild ba .lON and for side b 7 • letarli.. , • • • o CLACILDUILV a. Co - HER—,I9O bu halves. 10 do Esse eline, .ileon.7.4l;thsarrei.nr. ROL 3/oLesgsg-xio ...i b a r .E6s. , o,Ticiii••=ambu l ninieN 0, io aniveiciiti7u Moan. lean We i forma., by • Si eGILL, DUMMIES k ROE GB-90 4." Prillikril'CA" e*"'M Wic,k e ' rec. WICK & eCAMIII by LS IVAIINSA* neve Arepplia k the from th e meenfee. tary ofdlr II E liesy 12 _Wei that eft d end for rale ey ;maze ' id EATON &Co OAPS-4 , 11 Eaton & Co, km Smiles Palm Oil 0 Floating limp, formaalling, and Olt Broom WhoS. For, for shanty; and moaning; alms, (MOWa amt olbof Soap. Market st., oar 4M.• - • • - mon • SHOOLDERI3IIACI:I3—A mon lot of broom of.lho most &proved pattern, for . •,••• frouSlofe lon Mir .crester can get it byealm. SUCIATZ-15011ds N 0, Jost reettvaterjrTtklittyce GnLess-wo ban 840 Gan Eberhelarte; 44 do taxa* in SW= and for ule by POINDEETER &Co • ICC •teams emorn wtapipangloo do deal* , ctvich• fin saki by P . OIIII=TV'T. Co. C ° marA . r c" leiglairliS.l%ll;Cci SUOAREIriort crashed pal reriasti, ado La p iciarta leanly; Tbr calo4 ArLASSM-300 bblo, fisr.=6 fr.. • • . 6 100EPPEC—IXXI sack, for ss by • - asa.t9 • • POCIDEITER .11r. Co CIAI ' cue, Ptripes,• plain eolz,lnst opened ind Ws by =Ai • • • • . sii#cm..Err ftWR/11r. bbl. SFBom, 45 do elZtoeslino seko corn: LE do war 7 ker entrAy!hest pun' 23 ego nore•aed for nle by - C011141411= 1 and oX We by • . • SF:TILERS Ar. NLCOLS • --_ _ • ____ 9ALTR-42 caks but ice. sad kir nide' 410.01,r- '- •I; WATERMAN- AOLAISE7.I bbls kt, St Loads Refinery . In C annes and Eartmle by ' . asrll JAMES A IitITCIIISONTit,Ct: BACC..3 ard fo, o, by.: . 'WICK 4k. MeCANDLESS MA - OLASSIEN 1 SUGAR—ISO bad a N 0 Bogy, W . al. bblerN 0 Molasses, landing sad tarsals by matilJA3IP9 DALZELL . _ 'DOCK POWDER-4 _W =an InAIA.II DICKEY k W• • . e itEEN APPLES—VO bblo ricd.b?otoir Garb Code; . for solo by ._marll Sk V HABSAUG (tINOER—I bbl gourd OL. fa~u(ebr . ( bid JOHN D TIOROAN 17NDILIES—ZIO lb. fisticAd; 50 keg* and 5 bbl. S No Ilartl; 5 bbl. freAnAl batter; for sale br.• madl • . CARSON k.MeANIGUT. WHITE Boilili—L3 bbl• for ogle by 11. Co • • faase - • PRD3ND, MET t• al= EL&COF:—In more lad nooke.boaaa coturtan. P •ly for New any auwiry, byl JOIN OEIEn, • • ttttlibeny at Arb", rzi• Pd"C in k Bn6nr I 3 .. for sale opiTP-45 big Kmlrribitis, reed and for male by 0 zoatiV . T.A.SSEV kBFYP BODiNETROARDS- , ll4ros.vrUita Bound Bonds, • libel ankle, for . sala by - • mann • • REYNOLDS fr. snEE. 'DINE OIL-Freda, Jo* recll!Lnd kn. ado by • J. ' marl' •-- ' J BIOIILSIL' RENOIR -MAX-3 vanilla Ilan anJ Corwin ,by =sal .1 11011LEIt Pun - cligotrancr....oniciiii. store and • _lt .ale by oar% •. . - J MORLER, —_......—. - --... WHITF.LI I / 1 0-7=lkego In man and for Inde by.. ...rdi - • , . • WEST BOWEN • . Wu. WAILD-Drinisl, Yana. i, 3 doors bboye Hand: •. . 1 • mania ANTED-A good Baku wil.l, ofapaymaner! litailli. by ulling on _ __.,y.-4 • !min ; IstiCilJfiti &BIWNE7T,37yrocd at ' ' • • C9PAL VARNISLI, ?o I- And rood and Cos nob by.. :DIME WHITE LEiD -73 kP 004 ..1 b ,l - 0 . Ham .. .g. DZANSI /111.00MS-04 bbinmdlwLU Stia23o l ll' 41e. Com Mown; for silo by . .". 30 ' - BAOALET blnyy UNTILYLAIII) btds and kegs,lonat Otani, fu N vale soseJo HAHALET &SMITH yincuut,aobbl• tibaseureo superior:num, for 1110 bY BAGALEY a axial; . rfniudiimos . "- - rtiplii; sew. & buttooo patterns, , for smog dressery ore reed Ira. for Ws by mono • F H FAWN &Co *;4 bales good adddliniy, r 'Unpaid foe, Ws by FHILI% D, MIMIC & bbls No 3 - . 2:ll:ctrel t branded largei for sole by ma 92 JA9 DAL:LEW.— 1011171.11WC*BEBVSLINBConstabily olalond at 01tyeodsbooso Routh 'W it BRIEPHY ruaprEß.Ce.T.O- 7 7 bbloSlssoala by L • lEND. MIRY * Co IPWRSANTsC.II:O I 64 ovens* . kot We by tura rSCEIOOONxAILIi* Co IMCORN=Ariii btWeLgfwbiu corn last ive4 and lot sato by ßJc W11•11BAUGFI WRiDOirOtisK, . 4, -;23 Wltkdow Glass, .Oos *SR broad, lot Sao by' ' As** . • FORSYTH& DONeas.ll COAR CVIIIII HAIRS- ? bids blodI•oa exist, se. oaiseal sod for sole by• soar! , BROWN k.C111.11S111WIRT:14a 0LA54121414 bnis rime Plantation tdoitmes; bu - daltp,t i,ou, dcr, per Sava.* and Brook!, n; to[ Wa b 1 : . manll) & ft FLOYD TOBACCO'-10keti ICetatiekr a Tlilst, 1a00.4 flat L nriat Parsons; for awl* by C. •rs b .--A 1:0E!EME1 =IC • -•- - lARFSSOINGII4W-WAknii•stop.tpd, Ay fat itarsakm .dWtg quite . . UOLSLI DE LALTlP2e—tilquelio de Laines ot TJOSVI wile. and very the=emeleed by •"" A 'OE9 & DAYi nOTTAYLN, it.C4-040 C*ted Nai; lOW do. d od o 11.10 Imam Banhar. •Cbam. Ca - 4.ta Wick Cogan lor sale as aumfactarank , 1... ea piaci, by , FRIEND, =EY k. Co, NAILS-301./ keys for sale km by mun ..-FROSO • RiIEY k Ca -1- 0.078C1111:03-licatks faint! by lannO .FELIY.ND. Ram C_o y 67 road ~t TILAWBONNEML . A Orr Ca., *2 market sane{. 13 Wm km avelled theirsptimislock of Ladies and St byes $ traw, noteues, Braid and Lace Homed. Also, bay.Cobarg sad Pad Braid lints. mar 24.44 • isi o br _ 7= . s l i Zt. im faA . rt . 4strrz'd -- - unnirmaz CLIECEI3—Ctus case assosvd parvenu just °puled b 1 markt SHACKIZTrit. IILTE se CLOT/I.9—:Animalee or medium Zliotid la Croton Costino, but opeutd by • seerFl ' swam-F:l7r wffrre, po liT mi t i. V a mt i rg a ut of 3-4 , itA24 az, lux lipased by .osSi4 SHACKLE/1' it WHITE 4' _ '[CANT STUFFI3 :--...1.'Pa1l assortment of eottonos.vol. les, worsted end linen goals, An greet variety of style and putiliiits,lnst elemed and for enie Lp molt • . SHAM:ZEIT E. 11111 TE • i 1 FFL ' F ILO Lag l ' riee R( dg Crom \,J,ne~mer Goodnber: tur ule bf Fri_3=l Itlf...E—i7 — Coutiolit7-, 4, . J IVFLOYEi NEGAB-21ohlslorre Cider Viorpor, for talc 1.4 iN14.1F: 2 -703 bble extra' and enperfule Flour, is Elie sloppos order, for sole by - - Ibp,Nlll. do by WINDOW CALASS—SODbro 8.181, =I do 10.‘12; • do 10114; IUO do 71fl;'111 do dr% for dole bi marts 81 , YON agiNtiolisT co S _math AL : ELLATI . : S77S Tmat ) .;; .. : , ?Lee by for s;let by moat.. BF VON BOXNHORst 10p8OOMS=100 "dcr . esill • poni . Broom Our -Lt.. mmIN :5 F VON DONNHOILST is. . WAN vr WANTED -- A Yaual Man in a Dry - l;. cTed Same— i=Out ratereacea required. Apply' amt.arli.l42dar • • DIMMED NYILISKEY—Of superior qualisy, al - oa bowl MI fur O. ea. rtecoramoaaang terms by , ruar2l W & 3WPCHELTREE SN 0 Sugar reseired per neamer, North Maur and for aide by - • :.uar44 R . Ruptssuri IN liberty !I_ , lIITEIXEAN-41 hags, aoalandiug tram steam er Fludarat; fur aale by .. • mbr.l: ' DICKEY* Co S tr722 txs palmldo miegatedys do !hite,ls do tona . F VON nosratoßs-r* co_ VIITLNDOIE SASII--31X0 lights asal.d, for sale y .11Y • marl S ENOS DONSHORSTA. OULD CANDLES—IS su bzs penei.go — u - ITCals. Mdles, ado Ilipt easelles, Is Mare mid les sale low by teb24 •. • ' • OREM, SLeGREWA Ca SCOMPLUTE wt of Bucket Msettineil for We kraGloy ..He1.r241 . JOHN eI..DILIVORTH TIMM & ORANGE• CIILNT3-4 eiies .w :A ka ". !1 VitteaSSilbAmlTE. pu MAL—Mums Allegheny FrlatklioPurnace. . . A SAVER SEED-100 I.s4llxcerring sad for sale by V marl' HOBT DILLZELL &Co -A LCOIIOI.-6bblsJast teed arid for sale by , mea - JOHND MORGAN cam! for . !la! 20101:D MORGAN tiq sale by JOILN D MORGAN riABIILEBOAP-3 cuter bbr sale er kJ ...a •- JOBS DBIORGAN CLINGER cans powdeied crhiie}amaielorenrant , ed pttre;ra, sub rmarJ) JOHN D MOROAN• AttligrA. -I =r-unralDW= , ONIONS—A mall ka for sale by • • • . mar 9 WICK MeCANDLIMS L LIIE , -10 Louirrille arbiteifor sale by 'I9Irr!IITING-4 bbb!Spazilab,for ovde bf •:- • . JD NVIL!.LAWS T . Ahlr IILACK-1. auk for . oak by canri J D WII ',My a lOTTON-4.8 bale We day raed pa istatritsiLliant, NJ &a sa.h , .14111. HUTCHISON Man MOM & VELVET SEAR G-4 full as sortmerothutt received and for sale yact, MO CARPENTERS—Jan opened, a large emu. .11. meglair /mob lacks anti latebes aria white slid mineral knobs, fox axle E. - • martLOGAN, WILSON &Ca S l ir• l'ik titra g trargl a ll "th Z. gunt Osvrtip, and forAthi • , 1 DICKEY - [4111.2 , • ,• •, :a 'ruler*. from sts MSiieZSMMM ROO5l TO LIIT—Oct tbeeeeoad .wry of the ware hoseelio26 Wood oc., !cuing arena entrance.-- • • =at= • 11. a. MMg=MM %,FPPR - " .11, DEIM .bL7. E-151/ boxes fordo by C S Cret±7.s-4 con i mcnt ma for ecse S -Vl9-iti ory Illoomf L 4"."5 e T .I tn. Cl u e 53 IAR,I)-'21 :3 b4 Pnm" " ' 4 1 1) IViL P. ELMO —l . Nix, mutable far iadAlleis' tee X , for sale by, marlB S & 11A/111AV:it (10101. k OATS—aI , Wiwi pritqe yellow , corn; 50 do but rae4 uulfat ides ly mutB • : ' '• B{V ITAILII.M.:GLI F L °, Ult— rt 7 131.elfflIER-15 tow No 1 white ~lzw.'lh Coro k - Car inde by Onsal.] LAMIIERT S IPTON GLAzrews DiA3102 , 53714 J ust aut.& for pale muul& .11.1. DD & Co QALTER'SGLNKMIG PANACEA—I 'gros. jct.( recd 13 mod (oral. by matlA / KIDD &Co ANDERSON'S PILL ;BOXES—LW gro..)um and for sale by mad:. J JUDO &Co QUGAR-20 hbdo rime fl 0,30 bla.a v =3 1.7 elarifie<4 for 'sale by J D N taxoo 110 rood ~t CIAAIPIILIE or Pine Oil in eon inn MU& by A/ lent? - JOEL MOHLER FLAXSEED 9[1,740. b . blo jut nod and foe rale by •mazill • - /LE BELLERS 'ALCOHOL -8 bbla just reed and for sale !L imns ill FORM-4U bbls jam Teed nod for sole by bblatisoth Wolin*, for sak by • Sirtrira ° ll.- "'"'" - Tirau q 1,484 CATMEI32.—Orto or two good Glass Cutters ormood, to whom ecoomot work mak be girea— '''!'"'fq"/lIPAIWAPiStPVALAtI-:, • • 116 wood st IDpATENT i,EDICINE DIRIXTIONS-101 gross on ennoltomemi for atil6 by. mar 23 - • I IieIIOONMAKV.II k Co. _ rrne vfor sale by - 671:11--6 /5146.41 gore an eon.i meat ISALIII— 11711 , D whole, !dr, vend . iv the diderent winos now 11l au; part to suave , orru .moss punks, Wends and viznagee, p 7 c T lA or :tor sale me Imported, by main ORANGED AND LEMONS—IV bores ma consign mum for sale by DIcKEY & Co. RICE -40 eseks.N Cerolißs Wee, for iale by wadi R ROBINSON & Co TAR AND OIL-4 0 Mils N . C'Tor, Tam."' Od; tor WE by warn • It ItOIIIISEAN tr. Co DACON-48 wk s Cinchreini tinted Ilmaq IS nuke XI do do Enoulderr, nag reed and 63r tale, law Ly • B, ROBLYSON & Co Mils Freak Family Floor, in MOM gold .1.7 for multi IROUINOYkCo V IP) -319 laid..ln :. bbl, r i tt o kn s tr N VVY s SQCOSCHINGS—Ikeuki reeelied en couipment, and for We by tuarY3 POlNDkallit &Co. TO AP Secum.-60 bbl. Loateogar, •4 N 44, ...1-4sala fir D TINOROAN 0.1'; DOPLAH LUMBER, 'and kin Join, for ralo by yieltr • , W.„ W. WALLACE. • 11.411 4 SkZ—BS' U • re., tee • per am/ ' North River and finjude by , . • .11 ROBINSON it Co TAIL MANE'S Unit TILLS-230 ro e . 0 . 71,7;,,, 4,/ eidebreted !Mi. A Wye prolit Whined io cow. - ey dealer • - meta 1 KIDD &Co chew d chest% II and 0 P Tee, for ...1 1 2t3 D T SIOROAZI kCie 43 . 7 .1 if i gii0114 te Co • INDIOO-lUceroons BF Indigo, fir sal. by • . mar - I9 : • • - D &Co **TAILS—FOO kegs Aerial. ?int* gif pale by 1 , 1 - surd ' D T AkOllpAN at _ Lfor s EAU ale try nerrY9 • Q' ben - .POINDIa k Co MrlLAiik..l—vuobtgo Tlvgauou Maus., for saki by • matte" T MOHLYAIS a. Co ID OM UTTEU-3 bbi. fresh Jost ree'd and for was by ..asar3 JOHN S 01M1 - 100ATENT . SODA ASH-- , 24 cask. (Jas I.dn.pratt A I. Van's brand) Lugar fiord inearnrt baranaa, and IPPuLIe bY -4, as strarmaintEr, , T. ADO OIL:4061a Lard Oil, landing , from steamer Near Enalandoind tor sale by - • • ,' ' RAIIIND, AC.400 boxes bdn ' eli sicmr - I(obar bout da - dte, UP bags Peoty; 33 bags Pirnenan or .e. br . .01.129 • DaueLrir r surrn T 418.1)- *kers 1101 Lae, ibr sale by Jla mew _ IiVII.L.III.IBIIF/k:LDJ!. SOE --..---• • • eltlCH—lllier6ll)4olthaliavgn'suii &oh ,41. fq matt! .• JAMES A HUTC/4180N•leCo _ MBEA.CHEIC) bosisl. prime Peed" 4or FLOYD vale by J IL , _ 11,„.74,4-71'7„W.4154,t,:"...17.11944 COIIIMERCIAb •; '''' ,- • ' - 'ALOANAC? :• 7 ; .:f. v...." ; .74 Teri ...ill= riCous66s,.rautaa.• . _ . . '_,' 1617' - , I. Fan -8106 1 Atom f ;510011 , * .. ---- AP8.1.4. .; ; I .risia sets.? I 000 4. 1;086.6i. • 17 - Kaitidiry7 7 - 5 5/ 6 6 — r4l3 -.--- - ; 3 96 tai 0 T, : 553 6 7 7 . .M a 3100 day, 686 6 - 8- 836 4 Meads ,p ' 650 816 •9 41 -•; .•'- ' 6 Wedatod— ay, 646 64?1 0 47 - - vale , 6.l . banday, • ;6 49 612 •It 60 - 7 Friday, 547 613 isva64 -• vivrintritan- BOAB2 or TRADE COMITITEE FOR APRIL. . ,.. 1 / 1 31Z1 . EAT. - MYR,. RODS. 'MU- &Inca Prerserson Mumrrt, .Thuraday Morning, tiprils, gilds 1 The general aspect of business bas . undenronc no change since oar , hunt report. Zifoney, pc haps, in soinewhat easier,—at heist we infer, this, from the fact that remark is less frequent, among the Inisineu men whom we meet inner walks, and to whom we are deeply indebted br the considerate kindness with 'ailich every-infer minion is given. The steamboats ore:cordtantly arriving with their great cargoes of all descop . tions, yet the storehouses ofile merchants seem to* be no fuller—though their sales. areso.y t uirtand rsgular, that scarcely any important transactions are fuulid to report. The firer is falling pretty rapidly, hat a little over seven feet heing the stage last evening. ' Weobscrved, yesterday, that, while almost all rho wholesale grocers ou Water street, and near Ilse foot of Wciod, alicet, , spoke of We day's tarsi. Acre AS finite An average, exactly the rcrerac War, . . the care ea teliorrty street. There every thitifi sons especially quiet Haring stet with no large trans action., oar report is necetrarily meagre. • ; FLOUR—The;inf.:ll'of the day at the river, aMonnt eil to some "'...d0 btds, at prices"maging from 21.32 to $4 . 50. • Soine. of 'the 'sales were at 54,40; email amount 'at. $4,37, and the larger pArtion at 51,50. A few miss from store by dray load, were tusk ei low aa 54,50, and some even as high as 54,70, for a very_ superior rutiele,-I>ut $4, 6 2Gi4ir3 was about the tango from store. There is no ant. !tuition in 14,6mA:et, and the prase bolds up Mete , ly because no groat an amount is offering foi nale . Wnsap—We haven sale D(56 bu at 93e. Cimil—Sales of 310 bust, at 371 c... • Osier... Sales of 250 bug, at the river, at 25c.—% Sales from Store is small quantities, at 23c. Linacca—The imard men have mw fixed the price in 43.aad $l6 p eo, and sales are beginning et these rates. The quanttly now on hind and ne iivieg is exceedingly liege, and the quality good. Sumac= are still held at $2,50, bactione arc - ta. hea at that 'twice, except by theta just oeedting them to finial. aimals: We naderataad, they ars nett so abundant Isaras at first believed. Flaxalarr—Sales 290 bmh at 95cII31,90—other small soles at Sri& Fravvrmur—AV 31633, several small 'lots were rlisixosetler. CanSe—Seme burslm.l hags Were sold daring. be day in senslOots, stBlo3l. Gnoacems—Generally, sold very freely daring theday,at the &met rates—Aentirely - io 6U moo s ' try bat,. Stnsa—The whole. sales of the day trete ink lots ofone or two blots, at 45551; ... , ortlitln quality.: The article isquite doll • • Motestre • --Beyond the sale of a few barrels and. hbds, nO sales were reported daring the day.—' Those reported,-wore nt trl(4.4c- No change.' ; • Bacon—\l' icar of One of 13 !Md. Illinois, at 31, Ifogroundl The quality of the article is of Course inferior, to ttutt of Pittsburgh curing, and the sale, therefor., is no criterion of regular prices. 'Several sales of Side's at 4e, and of Rams at 561 3 1 occiured. A mitt of 3000 lbs Shoulders at 3e. and oflooollo HauM at.is report e d. Vintnow Guile—There is . a great demand fox SilO ofboth city' nd country Manufacture. The most eitensive city' manufacturer inkutas us that he has 'beat compelled to employ all three of Lis &meats in the manufacture Maxi° alone, daring the present weeli, and cannot yet meet thei do mend. It still rates, however, as at butt report Smon—Clover either dull at s3,23tTimotity,st 8 2 , 00 : • • • . Corms—This 'article stands as it stood a week ollina to 'buy, and holders waiting on the Eace-:Sales 10 and 0 Lble ellOc per Jos. Wetisere—Sales m a small wry at 16t620e. Pto Idrras.7.l:iot much done yesterday in this article--the sellers had come to a stand on E3l, and hum held out Cot:131,1::-with comiderable; determination on:both side.. We bare two mks to add .ta those given in the table of reaterilay, which brinatithe .rbolo amount of Allegheny pig nowlsold to 4= tons, a. btlawie Amount of cal, ot:Allegheorpko, rim" 3 ea iereay, :al. led, Since repotted—lkyr Creek, PM. 0 etas. ten ali.lioniny, $3145, 0 mos. IS) The itzounlyet left for sale in estannted et 1,000 to 1,200 tans, and: the fever will therefore subside in R day or two. • • In nddition to the sale.. of Allegheny pie,29 tone Hanging Rock were sold at 537,00, 6 03014 Too steadier Cumberland, (our old friend Capt. Miller's new briat,) brought to this part 30.129 pieces hoary bulk pork, consigned to Atwood, Jones* Co, trots 2sfayette, larg , eat shipmmit of pork yet made out of the Ws besh, by upwards of :0 tons. Too ALLC9I36T W 11.4167 continuos to hi a bu oy 'scene. The lorabeeis now being draivniend this, with U10..1120:661= of notions down and ar• riving from Weittern New York, - and tho Abe. ghaty region of our own . Statc, gives animation to b.& sides eif the river—Allegheny doing a large dude . is the lumber operations. Ito addition to the Minimum quantity of scythe smoothes, rekess cradles, boos, Anoinotked some days since, among the flatboat freights,7e visited, ye:Menhir morn. tag, two bit boats just landing, Which brought down tome 31,060 lights of sash, very well tin. fitted; also mounfactured at Jamestown, N. York, town at the !outlet of Chntauque Lake, now conteiniag 3,000 inhabitants, and of whose tarsi• ness importance some ides may, be brmed from tin act that: among :its manufactories are two water power waillea factories, and another betog erected,.to be, ptUpelled by steam; Mae - ettonsive sash a:samurai:toil, four extensive manufactories of cradles; wreathe", rakes, hoes, itc.; !aril of edge tools, angers', fcc4 . 1 of. doors and window alma• tersj coo of paling fences, .toady for putting up; Controf graio,(2ll.l; and one of pumps. These are - all driven by water power, derived from the lake, and. do a thiiving businera. The place has aim one Bank, a Hotel winch cost over; $12,000, with many otheekaudeome buildings.. This is but one of nurttading points on the Allegheny. • • . Cuzura k etningely dean:wove to the hu man ankle, (or akin) the sodden change from heat to maid, and th e smoke ceases yellow, dark, coarse com plexions. Then it le requishe that the pores of the skin. should be kept open—chat their mouths should be freed from iinpurity—'twin thus the anoient Roman Philoso phers eared ell dlieeses—they computed that Duni al mai unhealthy • W/OTS Jeft through th the Pima of the akin, than any ether coact of the body It is seceasesT, therefore, to keep the pares emen-all. harm% are Mspelied from the akin fnma the pores, when they wash with Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. I have men it care .the worst and oldest caws of:Salt Rheum, Eryelpclo,Okl Sense, 'Weber's Itch, Sore Head, Ringworm, when every other internal mid external Cemedy.had falledits affect renderine th e skin white, clear Stud soil, though it he yellow and coosa is won derfait removes7Freekles, Tan, Sunburn, Idorphor, and ,disfigerement of the skin—but 'persona mot be paniesdar and 'ask for JON= Soap-4o be had in . MU/Hugh at Whl: JACKSON'S, sign of the Rig Ikrot, en tallow es. Nice So cents. • coalialk.wly •• • 13j - The rod, Atehe expression or some (entitles grateful to stew, w le the repuldre, coarse, istuddy, yellow hers of ethers, excites diagnin—she same with nudes. Could mach people be induced io try a cake of the true Jane Italian Chemical Soap, thee would be enraptured with the cbange t • Thy would hare a deli cate, elder, white akin, addle every diskkarernenl or erepUon would be removed and cured. Psalter:Lan Nonce—Persona who hare bought chisit counterfeits and imitation. of this, and hare bed no ets feet ersduted, most try Chia,' the original. Mind, ash for Jane* , Soap. Per We et Wet. JACILION'II, hh Libor tr meet. tuarkl HELL AND IlitASI ITOIUNDELY• ALA FULTON, Bell and Pres. Fewlder,bas. re. built end commenced busierse at bit sad gland, when be will be pleased to see hi. old cocom ars and friend.. , ••• . , • Church, Assainboas, and Mlle of every else, from 10 to 1000 pounds, east froorpotterns of the mostaelnov ed itiodele, nod warranted to be of the best materials. ?anent! Ilfuer Pumps, Coonter ko, toge %beewith every Tit ety of lintss Castings, if regatta., tamed and Ilalibedin the neatest mune. A. P. Is the sole proprietor of Beers . rba Mare. so inrily celebrated for the redaction 01 friotlon at niaeblitery. The Boaz. and Compoeltion eon be had of Pintas all dines. lobby vinantiA• noTzL, • NEAR THE'DEPOT, CU.11131.31 LAND, ID. Louse lo Inner Sued up for the TeCt_ption and - entertain:arrant the trarrhog public. Ye”ont iti search oresse and eantlbrt rrill dowell w eel I—they - ill find the eheutbers clean and oleo, cod the table as styli fundelled se any hots! in the town of Curtin Hand, nt meempsve cents *meal. • Ease and desperate means here been madi oro of by Inlnos to injure this errablistartertb Lot an Intelligent ptddiontill mbuk•thera .71se Vilinla Hotel has omit. tog to feat from bermrable compettion-11 tsieurted. .13j male opetithe table on the antral of the coach es nod Care, WASHINGTON EVANS, Proprietor. PORT OF PITTSBIRWiI.' ASKIVELi. r Lake Erie,Flemphill.,-Beaver. - - Beaver. Cl erk, Steubenville._ Milne, Jacobs, Btennzirille. Palo Alto; Bleamtdd. Bearer. ,. .: . . Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Wellsalll IluSwq l'oe,llrithrepart. --., Frani:l/I -Cl:maul. Kinney, Wheelies. Camden, lientiriekiem, ll'Keeaport.. Clipper No. 2. Crooks., Co. - Cumberland, Miller, Lafayette. DEPAIGTED, - Consul,.Kinney,' Wheeling. Beaver, Clark, Lake Erie. Hem_p hill, heaver. 1.04.1i3 McLane Bennett. Brownaville. Caleb Cope. Beaver and Wallas-Me. '; Palo Alto, M'Dortald, Beaver. Wellsville, Barna, Sunfish. Comet, Boyd, Zanesville I. Savannah, Denison, New Orlean, Pontiac, Fowler, Nashville. Ili. 'Vernon, Sr. Louia. Atlnatio, Parkinson. Ilrearnanilbl. New Ensland. Catudan,-Hendriekuna,lll'Keespori, = MI a`fit. /Ena—Per Rio Grande-19 ban baec%n. i 6 blob. do, Clark & Thau;.42 hbds bacon, W 1114- bans; bids lard, 14 kgs do,D Leech& on; 41 Wads bacon; ten D S, Atwood, lone, • & co; 20 I,hch. ba con, Lorenz S. S.erling; 59 elm potatoes, lot of ba eeni, Kernbel; f bbl, hemp aced, 'trio BfeCully; 16 •bble.scrap• Lindnitv.& err; 31 ate sac*, 2 bbls oil coppil4Bollrnan 0 aimison; 12 bhls 11 A riihnessock Sc. 'ern 20(0 doa lildesilVni.YounE & err, 8 bon cigars, Wm Garnaly,..l2 bzs eigara, & It Floyd; ti do, A Kin7;l2. do,'A Painter; 15 do, A. Greer; 203 bbla polnha.s, 3%1111%1Mo:0 Idul eutar, 1 Lox books, filmrplesa;bu potatoes ; 2cl ekndo, I Young; 105 aks rotacen, Jos Berry. Cinrinnatt—Per New Enyland-30 Mids . hams, 100 bbls do; 50 tom do, II Gra & co; 24 bales hemp, Hu tellies.; 95 do do, CO mks pork, Clark Thaw; 42 Lbls hams, 12 lads boner, D Leech; 4 bales hemp, Irwin; 0 by, eetelles Longhorn; 3 bus, Kidd; 5 boles cotton, Atwood, Jones& mi; 17 mks wine, Ober; 121 by. srisp,ljttle. ' Neslieulr--Per bbla lard, 3 arks feathers, 1 hr Meshes, I'D:rimy; 4 cake beeswax, .Cooper 20 Mk ems, .Dycr;,lWJ bbls lime, Mehl. , son & Dogg; 1001 hams, 20 !del., bacon, Taaffe O'Connor; 105 bids svbiskey. Miller Sr. Ricci:email; 20 hbils sugar, J Benny: 1.• lot old coppeiL,"A Fulton; 7 bags, G W Smith:AAA bales canoe. ..King,. Pen nook & co,loo do do ; J W Butler. • - Sr. Louis—Pei-Mary Steven.--21 bgs feathers tch baton, 62 Iwo tobacco. I) Leich Sr, co; 9 elm bacon, Wm Holmes; 2 has, D G Victory; 1604 pen b pork, W B.Holnies & Boy 2970 pea bacon, 50 bblaboll, 17 lure do, 5 csks bason, 50 bids lanl f 17 kgs lard,s mks bacon, T B Gridsclk 63 Idula ba con, 30 hhds pork sides, IS hhds bulk sides,' 31 lib& coffee, Rhodes & Alcorn; 'ZernmerVe-Per .15.1ingo Oiler-100S 'head bre hogs, to Plaiburgb;lo.lilads bacon, 20 bbli W* 3o bn bran; 30 ales oats, 2 bbls bee 1 kblbuttee; I.de clover seed, owner. - • .• , , Itiverr=Per Lske Erie-44 able a1e,15 blf do, D Smitbf 30 bwilymon yarn, Friend, Rhey - fitem 1 erste rags, JIIMellor; 2i bbls flour, lola, Stephen. ram; 1:43 dos brooms, W Farrell; 103 do do,O Lee; 3 bbls apples, 3 do eggs, S do utuOthy seed;4o *b. dried apples, 1 ha butter, I H Clouse & co;12 tons r,narketini, owner aboard; towed barge loaded With fire clay and store hare, 'nod flat loaded :with crocks, jugs, a,. Irrlbride—Per Beaver-1 by hardware, G Harlon; 40 tax corn, Brown - 6:'Culbertson; 1 boa mdse, G&.l Cl Slirmnbeiger; 5 bdLt paper, C Hill; 2 sgs bbls corn meal, B Ileasleton; 9 Not corn, J Donaldson: 15 by, potatoes, S Catighey; 13000 fire brick, Bissells Semple. Brverlestigt— Per Atlantic--'7;blic 2 trunks, 4 1 bides Forsyth & co; 29 bxs'2 hales;Poin , dexter & co; I box, W• Boiler &Bro; 9 471 P C 41113; 10 bxs, 9 trunks, 1 Mfl,l. I. C Bidwell 3 W Bingham; 195 pen iron, Jones & Quint; . 25 bx,, 7 tnialdi,M Graff; 29 bxs, McCurdy & Loomis; 15 his, R Tanner & co; 1 box, G W Kuhn; 13 hxs .11 Cbitds & co; a do. T Kennedy; 1 do, P Strom hem SO bxsglass, W Kyle; 21 bbls floor; 11 Mitch ell; 201xs glasi,Sliech Bentley; 151 ale bbls, Woes &Might, • Per Baltic-2.1 b 2.4.4 gour,las Todd; 3 Li. md4, G2ll thrum: 3 bye, 1 chest,' bagoket,J M Town.. end; 1 boy, J Kerr; 2 bale. I box:, Church & Ca 'others; 63 (,re iron. Jones& Quip :15 bbla flour, J Stroud; 42 do, 31 Ward; 60 do, J West; 46 do, AV MeStee. . , Su fish—per hbds tobacco, , R LI/thrill & co; 107 jowls. 3 Les lard, 1 bit & 1 keg butter, t bbl tiasoSeed, Wirk & McCandless; 3 bbd, tobacco, 1) Leech & on; X pre becon,R Robinson & w; 100 bbisilour. :re hhdi bran, D Leech & co; 150. bbla dour, 14 bbla rpe do, 3 L4a lard,4 bran; 36 aka ecru, 3 lila baron. 1 bbl daxred, G A Deily; 19 ski pencheit, I S Dilworth; I Mid tubs. co;-3.ARne; 221 bbla whug.D . LAVA ar. co; 100 bbl. flour. Kier & loner; 5 bhds Lobocco, 11 2 Ws &Aar. Clark& Thrsw:3l bib done, Oruro, McGrew & co: 59 do do. C Denned: 2do bacon - , sdo core, MeGiit, Ilushfield Sr. Roe; 66 MA, flour, R A }la, den; 1 cow, 3 calve, 3 boa ptoduee, .1 aralley; 19 bide dour, 13 Little.' - • Brisf,„^rport—Per 111,da trArteco, 15 :Lomb & co; 7 do, John A It 0e;,431 Ithls door, A llM.Walingford as oat 15 tan flour, n kes lard, It A C, Harden; b Ws flour, 3.13. Pell. Laferiate. (Ind.,)—Ver Cumberland-30,7:S pus ;bulk pork,'Aranoll:lones Ss eo. .• TVlkeelloc—Per Consul-1 hr. mdse. Crum, Mc . Greer oo; 11 bills deer akias, Poindexter As :,co, bids flour, owner abOard; 479 pea b pork; M Ricy; 40 bbl. Dour. Wick Ss McCandless; :t2 tails skins, 30 hides, .1 Connell; 3 reams paper, C lItll; 1 lade hattingT - Clurch Ic Carothers;lo meal, 11' do chopped rye, 1 trunk, .1 Jack, liman; 6 bus potatoes, 1 box em, A Itt Cannont . !Et Ibls erg', 1 dobutter, lolm Could;, 73 bp ecru, owner aboard. . Frmalis--Per Arne:char-76 tons Clny Fur :since pig,. metal, ?dyers, homer Ss co; 17 esks pot ash, owners aboard. • MOMMUII 111 R. N. W. NirrcALF pot tonere to the citi- IYJL Yens o:Allegheny and visinite the intended rat itiount of his school from the rertir of FundUskY and .traselsetry streets. where. for the last twelve months he hot been teirbinz. On end after April let be will occupy solos oe Federal surer io "Coloiatile Vow," r2a door from the bridle. 'lle Arsdentie Yens will bonsist of tag sessions of 'fors months vault crantnenc• g on - the:int illonday in February and September. EM2MZ==== English T•h . . - . rlirllll,ll,—l tneloiinn Ilerafinx, Ortidm tn. play and deLninv, Writing, Ench.l. Grammar, Ithen. ricadmie. rad CrltteOin. Ger. trout:nay, 11..imurctilihysiolovv. Geology, lidelteMaul and Morel .Seieme and rill difier branch., requisite to thorMoth English education Pitt 00 Classical Department-Inclnding the Lade': Greek and F rench lengnagesrmt, on additional charge of.', 'l6 n.) 'The at mime of competent Teacher - a em aerated for rich *al? dreire to receive lattectimMin drawigg, Thote-derigning to enter will Tied lithe their interest to do roam pear the opening Of the tremiott naponitile; yet poPOIX will be megived at anyilme. during the Sec and will be charged at the atom rattle-only from the lime °romance: No deductions Will beatude for abeences except in cases of muscled ilium. Any information which may.. desired will be fully communicated to Mose who Call upon the instruc tor at Ids too . Referee., may alto ho made to the followin - g geode mew Dr:T. F. Dale, Alle gheny , lion. C. bhaler. Pittsb i g. Rev. t. Elliott, • 11. H. Ithithe, • •••• / . . 1 " . tkhl r _ , 2L_ PT Misery litoolr. For 84. MBE Subrcriber often fly .role his entire stock, in A.. haste suit purchasers, at eery rued l The collection lo amt equeillcd Mtn select and ?Mend. ' variety, in the Western country, containing wool 4OW, rote end vatuable pLants,_coniamingui part ofTurnellitt, 1 Javicas, .large YOW(114.111010.0, from -d to 6 fen in he Id, Caeca. Azalea's, Est=ronituns, Foamier, bloods. IT,°tribe Choler, Perpetual Tiding or Tiller Romig the Inc.: onil must estevamd aorta in cultivation.. !The Dahlia list containathewidt drawcy and fine prim torts grown; Flower Roots, a large retie:St Aim.; hmbliery, ghat/ellen, evergreens," Ad. Amateurs, Noreen? Men and Other., who wont to 1ite04.1.0 1404 7iitt4ll•Tdetit, plett.Ofe g - roonds, or green homes, me rdsmedully Invited to examine the collect' on which la open to visited., except on Sundays. Conveyance, by the mutilate told greenwood ferry.. DescripuveS . alte • r " on s rtiti; t a ,t ref ' : r h n ' tell! t ev o llru n s a ,lr ry mall to Pittsburgh -Post Galva, will be promptlyattend ed to. John Graham, a prnettcal gablieer,• will *need to planting abode urea, lay lug of gardens, de. Order. left above. JAS. WATIDROP, =wird:ft/M..3M /lane:tester. mar Tiu•burgh.- • Ploughs. Ploagt. Castings,.Viragen, • . .. Uozeit. ile. ... . • • HOlitar 11A1.1., of the old . firm of It'k II 14111, is mautor . Letteg &rite eon a t i t I e s o I' lo .._ . , , ~ r , Ugh!, Plough Costing, Wog. on macs, o.e.,wau I. 101pfneeirlenill Of the, tones , Peacock, Illinois, end other ' , roughs, orae haat and belt patterns now us use, Warehouse, 1116 Liberty street, Pittsbunis, opposite the liar Beale; Feetory, lis Allrelleny oily. neer the Callon Factory of - Messrs. Uhtekstock, 1101. le Co. - dotal . . Chlelcarling , a Manna: — WOA sup er b rosewood flit s mw Plano, new male and proem belt frame, footle by J Chockcrintr, Ik•Atop. • ' K . verylegant rnsewoorl nil and a bed/octave }nano, new scale, and prank lout frame, kande by J. Chlekevlng,liosion. Pho {hove instmmrnts revived to day, ant, now open for cilltalnation; for sale at Mr. Chlekering's pais ctil tot cash or approved . perml. Also on band, one elegem' rosewood.Onthic panel., carved Mouldings, and moulded legs, tl octaves. made by'Gale and Co, new York. One do. carved rosewood, G octaves, lambs by Gale & Co,lyear York One mahogany second hand Piano. G ocineci.of ens cellent tenni out In Coot order, made by Chlelierino k blew.). SIM . One aupetb 'land Plana, m meds ny Ti. Paris, and goaranieed to be the best T imm burro In .the 01., be Fold at every moderate price, - ' • ' 1'0,17 /MN Ii • ET.LOR, El wood st • Bolllo3l.ntid fliarr,lrork Fianna. fori.4.gez NG'S, and None &Clark's. • lilt, 61 Thirdsweet. al reeelved an additional tot of roano Forme froze the above eeiclnded man oinerarets. Ile would /Street attention to the titan. tette of baring the instrument. of the two beet_ foam in the Union, side by intle,lo select from.' 'nil. is the toms splendid .election probably ever offered, and e •is deteltnined to set/ o. 101.,41101 lower, than esti b banritt <lavabos!, Call and examine. ontral:diw • " - natant Frame Plana. tiffpiti A 811.13.ND1D ea oi Rosa wood and3.NDID read fwd. Pi. alos,just fosished and for tale. .• with Colerneols sehleir'rerialnallsßj3terhoseat, 4n •- - lo lo tie molt modem stile, and for sale at je... . , r-. r 111.0 ll FM 114 wood is••• - • • DI 0 CHFFEZ-400 bap prima i;repn Iti. Cof., Ire per vs, lama; 10 r s a l e by man HAOALNY L SMITH ~~~~: 220103115111 VISCELLANE ligo t} • . , Pivrinviiiin ponTanut o stay LINE 7 .......- .9= F. tie Foouportottsoot of 1-twasitt to mut intoo TIT3:011.71tOkl. PHILA.IIF.LTHIA,IIAUTLKURE, N. 1 YORE, BOSTON, le. i Beeman &rang, Phtladefphie Ts sant k 0 Oomet. Putb r, n7h. ' =old tablisbed Lim e be= no . w a g II opera. meats to loreeit=l,7lL " l.l ;radon,. with thrsplfm= no the most lantrabin tem. 'They confidently lime their well know. prompt In delilering goode—pe , mhos eafety mom& of carrying•—caperiem W itt sex al emelt port, teaselled accommodatione to °tippers atid owners di prodmce—soirether with MM. kin co pe and unrcenoungamotion to Mimes, enlist-0m to Mein a conentuance of Met hberel idetronage lhey hereby gratefully acknowledge , r All consignueents by nod toe thrs line received, cher gespald, mitilinranted in any required di:tenons free 04 Charge iureettinuratitimuttlincilig or Moine No iote_o•st. directly or Indirectly, in stratoLoatie AU commardwolom premmil yr attended to on eimhca hc • Melo lien tollowtog agents ItOlUlIDGE& CASH, 270 and ; st Phdidelphot. TAA I. Y If & O'CONNOR. Candi kinsin.littoburgh CoNNOlift h. Co, Non', st, 11..domorn AVM. B WILSON, frti Cedar et, Kens rorl. sp.; Pittsburgh i.ortablot 110. t Lln.. ;11848: r!ilte7l;l='‘,l'll"cs",:ZOlgrrpg P l,Utnho the way, snd the consequent tick of eelny , grammar, bre Wese v nd,the senuratien of emir TROPILII:SeiIet LURIIRILGII A CAutl, t:Barmlet if TIM tdriplau TAAFPG de 0 CONNOR, cernrY Petri aid Wit) tic 0 OWN.= a CO. :Willi Creel rethiinurn IV J.T. TAP:3CO37, 73 :both to Ncts N'tti Eamon:w bus ed lig inete.vad hier,: the , en ha added to end extended their ern:Op:wends during Biennium, *hit urn now prepared lir 11.4 Wald knight arith regularitif and deapatalt.utworpnt.sed by sni rother Line, limit lung experience s 4 Carrient.-the palprible eupetierny of,the Portable Beat spat.% end the gest eepneity tool übnvettienee allot warChnates at oath etut of the Lind. ere pretdintly coaleulatud to enable the Proprietors u 174131 their. unaneuteniti and dew thew ensue:nem and coalidnntly the part as it eilarrattec for the noun., they rrnpectfully f obeli ti run . ..tanned of Owl patronage whtela they - uow . 3 tau funs uelraowledsw...• • • • • Alt cousigitments tat 'Pude 1- (PC.onnar will he ro eritcd• and litwurded, Stentoboui charges paid. end Li/la oil-tiding annwtnitted free oSesig charge for emu missintt,oulsonetug or chance. Hasion /13.11,14 di ,not'y or - ibatrettlP , to steamboat,. the interest of the Cousannecs mast neeacsarily be their primary obleet to sbippseg west; iud they pledge theuntelvea to for ward all goods continuant to tbefu.prtuoptly, and on the mewl attest:waren. terms it the owners. custaLdsi T O. TR A VIC 1848.111140 F2CFIZESS PALM PACELT LLNE. kVA YUILADEL, PULA.. AND IrALTIMOUJi. , (LxcLusivet, Ylt PASSEMOZRA4 TiiE OWL/ and gad Ito s bun .rlow laexcellent order, the pocket...of Ws Lipo will leave ISlth pas sel:gets as follow!, every tremor/one o'clock, • Orno—Capl Croix, vl ouddy, - Indiana—A:apt Lt Berkey; Tuesday, 4th. Kentucky—Gehl li Truitt., Wedheilar; sth. ' letuitiens—Capt J Tboaspson,Tburdayi ea. 'ol4o—flap. A ttreig, Fridtry. 7th. • ' ./ndianet—Capt Y ilerkey, Seta Way, Kenuieky--Capt A Tru ly, Sunday, Oth. Tha proptietors ihjthir line built new boos daring lie winter,vrtili ihrlailiest cabin .enlarged, which hint! et tont Granter comfort ht p[1101t• tnreltng , with their . „ , I•w.en en by this mute pass oirrt ISO mites rail risad .1( you Nsire cliean traveling sad eactifottable scram attodatia envois your tickets at the Packet oglee, Monongahela ikiitse, wale rel. or of • aP4 DLE47CLtCo, CattalDairtn PASSMiGIiR AItitANGEMENT. Penakiiimaida Cml & Komi pre. Fa. Peek. Moe, FRO3I , IIITBMIGH TO PHIOADELP/11A &UAL, . • (titelnelvely to Passange .) /1111 E pnblie are respeetnilly Informed that ibis lam 11l easentienee running on the .Att logy and con tinuo throughout the Seven. ' . The boats are new.. and Ma trupesior class, with en larged cabins, which win give greater ;comfort The cars ere tho latest colour:moo. • A boot will always be in pon, and tiotoolmo are guested to cell and asamine them *ton engaging pa. sageolsetchere. • thiWant only nine dthrough) Orri albs boots of s Lino twill lease W e nanding lottP‘o4o U.S.&d o!, corner arennatrOtt and Coma, every aught at abler, clock Time 01 days. For inforainuou, apply unto Otheo, Elonongshrls 'lmmo, or to 1) Ll-1C111& Co - Pittsburgh, March 2.!. . Canal Casio. Western Tromsportanon Company. AUMAWat 1848. Ofit atflltd 'LI: 1848. TO Pill LAMELPIIIA. BAI.TIhIOTO:& IEW YORK VIA MATISATIL MOO MIL, 101.14. .Al E9 W7il a 'et'crieP:Ornr:R.Artej",•W raid &rot or apply , „ H A RRIS}! LE E Canal Bono, Pitodungh.• „ • & LECH, Soo. 13 & 15 Smut, Third of, PLR J. TAY LtIR & SAW, A gto. 1.1. Nth !towrd tat, Rah. Auropr. v. N o: NVeat Er.; Now York. - Pittgtoto,, !data 114.- taart.9 - Doan attain Navigation Company. ifi•Alan Luta an Snit-ono-rot tau. The steatair.of ilia Company nal trpmndy on. , a month, at stOiowv 411 • 0 V NEW VUUK. Wobingou, env J Johnson, on The liennatt,Cant Craotrce an the 'nth slsy, 15.49. 131:YSIEN. Tite - Tferminta on the ISiD Aptil, 15451 ' The IVealarMon, on the 15th 141 ny, 1.514. TIIO3I StrI;TIIAMPTON TO NEAV YORE. The /ter:twin, mt thetalh April 1945.. The %Vat blazon. on the MY& May, 1143. When the...4till of the mouth fW r no Sondity, tLe day of eailian from Fear York wall lar the. trist. Verruca from N. Y. to lttotabampton or Bremen, elm • hoot liftmen or houthampton to N.Y., IN/ An erperienced Imrn eon on hoard. , For (,eight or Nonage apply al the omen of the Oct.,, Strata Mangano. Comp t0y,43 WPilom it. N.Y., or to R CROAIINY. Art to Konthemplon. wst.taAM IHEI.IN, Ast al tlatTe mar=t C A 11FUNFJCEN & Co. Arts at Bremen, An Ordinance, .• Ake! riri~r Rondo to le/sanest to.Jaram Jrtorrs Iliceolot IViL'ioot .IW/son, rcirtierly. Sl-0.. it ordained and enacted, by. the musette of Pittsburgh, in Select Land Common Counctis stem:ant, That the Player he, and is hereby tunhorixed end directed to inane City Conde to the persone and for the mama Lertismiler mentioned, respeciteely, vie: fern, hotels ter the gum of three liondred debate to L:.1111eA Ml6Ckrltt, i art fur , .grudinz Iliamond strait end alley. Mee bond for emos MeCtael, for the sum of three hundred dellure, tupertpayment for ding done in Items:ll street. One bond w gra for the tem of three hundred dollare r le' part payment of reeding in digit told Webster street., Each ot,the Clouds to tm issuca co Leman authorised slndl . bear \ r interest nt the Tate ofeiz pper Cent. per .11.3, payable ' pmsbettunally at the Mee of the Cite Treketner In Patsburylt er.d be redeemable in ten yearn Sm.. ll—lle it t further ordained, kn., llat the faith. en.ild, funds ' revenue, and corporate property Of the City be. nut the suttee are hereby. pledged 10T the re ntmptiOn elf the Conde. Ordained and muscled Solo a. tote an Conceits, Chia Mini day of Apr* A.,11. [./trry.sr.l MOBCAN 11011ECTSON,PreVcC. C. ' It. I:max 'tram's, Clerk C. C. . • t . • - JOHN 8 kIIPTON, Prest. S C. Jo 3Lousk Clerk fit C.. aper. 32 • Ara Ord'Alsace, Providing foe the appointment 'of a Clerk for the Standiag Colitosittere of (4 , w:eat,' Q EC. I—be it ordained aud reacted by the Chino. Of Pittsburgh, lu Select Sol Coratnau. Councils u sembled, That the Seleegand Conneee Council* shall within Goatees days aver the pampa of Bite Ords. saner, and sunnily thereafter, at heir aro meeting in January, elect a suitable - per son to serve as Clerk thr she Stenliug Committees of Council., valuta< dn.) , It bo to keep minute. of theleproccedinga, and also to keep regular records of all requisitions - drat. by said Cocoanuts on the Meyer,' winch shall be recorded in imitable books to be provided for daunts: posts Isiah Abell be open at all reasonable dotes .ist the eau:eines don Orli numbers off:Danielle. • . her, 11-130 it further ordaisted, Re-, That the salary oldie odd Clot shall be fisted at the awn ofTeno oldie Dollars, to be paid quarterly, as other city officers are paid- Ordained and enacted into a law. in Carotene, Hai third tiny of April. A. A 1849. • • , (Antra) MOROAN ROBERTSON, Ples*CC. C. R. lima. Rowers, Clerk C. C. JOHN SHIPTON. Prest. - 13. C. Joel Marna, Clerk H. C.' ' • npl/Ot - - - Clothing tar the World. • • • 0 LO T AT. W.llOl. Ell AL 114 • . ore teapectially satormed, that at • LEWIS &• HA FORD'S • mamma 'WAREIIOIII.4F, • " cue., tall re 254 re•au - Naleferk, , ! •.. lilitittlollrafecture lmtml r '. !Zillriir for the roautgm sari nh mo Yes market. Also, a large stook of Linen Cosecs of or alir grades and prices fancy do dodo; twilled pulps elo d o du; Flannel do do do; aad mitaltinds hagenerel o iVe aW insiateanireloul keep coastaelly an hand, the largest etock of oi/ed.-olotting in the Vested Sate.. embraung •wery amide in the hue. We anotufeentre. and sell immense quantifies of -the above articles, and weeld loons attentionti , dealers in them to cell and examine our Meek soul or/• ten before they pumas., an. we can sad wily Mil at prices that cannot Mil to pirate. • ' • • • • ' " - LF.WIB tr. HANFORD, • • - andl34 Pearl et., New York. • All order. will be attended to with' eorreemeas and &veld, - • • • marlidlea FANCY DRY - GOODS.. SEAMAN ,&;.MOIR, • 391 DrosAwa - r; 111•ivIr ark , mronTr.ns ANDJOBBERS of SS., French' prin.: I red 14 e.'W.n2 bn'ngn•-• I.eet, : l.ruhroulericm„ dleri n.. uhroirts, nosiery,GlmeyLfmne Ihitplmumes,._ AND ALL urritac VAIIIMILSUF FANCY WOODS; They invite country klerehants, ...Dina New Von to examine their stock before nehingthen purchem.:. Mr. Muir was for many.yeen of the hone of MT.: Stewart k Co., Inn Which ha retired on the tat of Jan. loCk Dr. inntartihnksen,'issPoitas an Interest hi the hairiness.) was also favorably known in that nuns BRICK AND FLOORING 110ARDSI.—The ander.: signed has tow his j'PEA'al MUCK MACHINE and PLANING in sunenfel operation, and pre pressed ared to Punish pressed Front 'trick, common building 'Stick. and Flooring Boards, all of which be wetterts wraerior articles, and al the lowest prices. tie has alto bi suer:mad operation; his Slitting Sew, (*.dividing boards raid plink at ho rate of terintel feet per day; 11114 insole of patent rights for the wont, ' • . . EDWARD ORLY3O.• guninahain; 'Starch 34 . 1644, _ apt 7~OR INVALI DS A - [ raw Root Buck. po'Dd2.ly'aAlrtiSt.c utgihy mai.). food, which never tip= arid on no ninnehr and now universely teetanntonden by the faculty In ~ n n'..nn to" , kers Te Am.!. no., no better suited to the debilitated sit:tomb of ta w:lids and room streurphening and -what... food for Wenn. For son by La:Lis, :• • , woods% LT kens t Leaf Laid. for sea by _ 0 . 21 ' WICK & afeCANomss TiIUPD PEACH/5..0;3i APPL:6 -150. Lambda dri jJ ad Pleader; ICS/Aria, .;appler; for ad:lay- - roar& •:, , JAAIII.II.PALZF.LL clirdiM3—.4o3 . lbifitaiii by .3•A • • • - tiGAII-10:111d. prim* ?; 0 Seigat,tu mare and for 1,) male by . D xpaudzi &Cc) . . . , . . IMNA= , OMMI ‘IIOIISIR FARMS, sto M=M:=M _ . .1a pi. The imbeavilert f n ule Slioacs dell tut osiebarty isseL a Wvn distaste above knot Law Lilt gbroyThe Lot Is ft In front ott Liberty strew, And rote is to an Alley VS Net The kisses crocus, Mentos is Rock, neirtlY two souks big* 18 Peet la fecal by about iu depth; and coatalos ten comforuble moms, evelusive of poetry, accd-cellar cad cellar: All the mew have Ste-plum aed &aim consameted to carry ottho water, and the home Is -in every reaps. in good order 11/14 very ! ofottraienf, snails greli vaned Orr two • families. The property enil be &ld low, cat time given on the lerges part of the purchase money. I Inquire of lie mrtiseribert. she ran be peen at the of , See of the Queue awry foremme, bertiven the boars !of right sod too.'ond at other nose 111.11,0 III.• at 74sa Hays' boarding heart, Yebbmonb• eel. row. Fed , . sot Alltgbarty City. n N th _fchtS Agvnt for the ovnter.. Landli - ro — r11•1•. ": • •,.'•• gers fot Jul thet e oWoe( tle Crtek, dl ,g land. of teorge llonlon,Abtaltem luteinllki Bower. and Damel Nub's, containing' poeinsulred and tvreAty-kve unt0:01 twenty-a:O4 .oeMbrA allowance. Thera la • aware. dwelling . . boa. luta • mall stable on the pleee. . The Tantsylvadia Bail lipid puses immediately on the opposite rbleof lb. creek. Th e roil is of oond quality, aed them i. abo.dolica of rood Umber on Me Kane, end • large quiutirr of Mune roil, cab ;teal inctloy of trecepartn; non to mutes. . . . . Foe Anther jeettleolare. oLyte to IhoroJe Dot iLo,ia DA (Amcor. who Is anemia...a Ly ute to Lcll the its6rt Pli”.o4 , Nde. Of 110 ben • public outla ou the pomades Onto , klklimol soul hose Ititklek,oo Swanton tea Gni dap; .ofJogy DM, all o'clock so Ilet Mem., MARY VERCIIMIINT. enorifslim M=lM VALVABLE - PROPERTY FOR SALE; THAT property lately occupied by IL :Nixon, Fol,ort Crelg etmet, Imae Itatitonn, Allegbrut. oily, Will be gold no occocentodoeug luso•. The let Is :13 /en 4 melee on Crelg through Ow thutaltlO feel Terre tr a good two elory decel/Im. bat, on the premise, letelr the let Is cool; a/proved. contenting• cetitly or choler Moil mei...crepe. shrubbery. be. This p un is convent. celly situated fur rtl.lll. dole; benne. is eaa learn or Alleglenly, and is i desire/4c widener,. %Ile ledoputubh, For tern ebrlr to WU 1101 - 0. Atior. ner Wise, office au YuertlietreelhebOUCEmidAdd.. .... • • _ • I:==3=:: ATRACY of land, PO sten.; In MI IfiaMi. mg• en the Cuyebtle river— elnuar,73 erten intact 114- prOVCSImisL Also. two urreeproted hen in the *Moto e(Worten,llosobnil Cu-03 feet lay 90. Ake.* lot of Citin the centre of Hertford, TrotabOAClo, WO • ertlthic home and cure--one of the hest Muds W e merchant ea the iVemterst Aenerve. Aoy et ell This property will be sold on Tay seerneuruerefieg tame ILdAlAll DlC=l* I Co.. • feta° • . • War and Front sta. : 7--- Rang Zatnea liNre _water LAIC, Marabou. and Dwaine, situate on One Nti• Exuma Gana]. la the villas. of West DILL a analrahla Waseca far Iternaleitaldt tallllo.a mad goad Ihr•Untg Lieu. orellm&ol faro %nen Sued, la the 'alms Ornotrwille..4ir Mae Lao . ur Oh , Ten= ...W. ISAIAH MCZEV & Cu. lbw •• • W.Arr rm. Ito. ==2 ALOT In Oka id wan!, 43 Amnon Logan stain by 10 loot on Cut .beet; one of d. mai dealrable la wn= Li We 6th ward. For terms apply to the nib; scriber Li Ned Methodist book :tune, 4th awns Marked street, or at W dwelling an Link We...towpath. L. Trovina's Gommstoro.. lah/Of J L AIiAA auuran • • A owe Amy brink dwell* with about an wee of ground .cached, vitassed at Oakland. TM place le well awaked Will! fruit et all kinds, •aild la a &nimbi. lecation fora Wail; being entirely eat o stank of the neer end din of the till. Au =alba. lame oakland heany (or the eh". Apply I. ATWOOD. JO:4F11 t Ca /L il l tayit.ASe• army brink dle11110( ham on . VllViaigmetwroeseenintr goon ea tie lint of es asearril rainind. lonane et _ _Lk& AULOYD, 10dlibeny amt. . . • Per • IWlValgay knelt dwelling with shoat cries imfigiMad.aniandian ths bank or We Ohio Tirer, Inilaboungli of M celesta,. Apply no 'Jolt.. • . • JANIS A HUTCHISON It Co. • 1111EIC daralboa bone! ducat"a on ill matt was easel bddn.naWa oar or Pittabarab. Al . co, • nom n by 10 few. ' , ilk • waved.' an. trams.= 6.1 at, was woad. Al., • (ram darelana, I-, ratios with an molar (mad eocloacd and ander cativo/dm, utast. co Utdo lass, io tba city of Meat. ay. laq•b• of .1 D WILLIAMS. D O wood amt. M=!! jilkFOR HALF. OR amr, a. Kaabaalk Brow try, wit& all Us bargain apparans&• mato oa Pena mein sad El&plas•aaliay,aad Dow occupied byCal Faaacasioa firma am dr int • day otApril amain. Far &rtas,A.e. watilgl im ar , DROWN & CUB latent • • • .14A libejly at . • --, r - ir. ------- • ®!M sew ihmt Myr ISre proof brick Blera 0,1 second M. Dow occupied by Edvrap.l Evaasi Cm nod (rum Ist of Awsl nnst. !twain, 0 I acuooNues:F.a a co., • . . *ale • - 91 wed meet • Lot, . The subscribers grill :apt pan of the. wan, lonic clugg occupleil by date. Arplyea , • DALZlailii Cixr Ge water egret 1M1E31:2 A Imp Mem on the of Andy albs trarchlinzoo occupied by do ooloserlldro. near vbe Sot' el Voad otrost—lL rood Location far a otentoLnat Kency at an loodrante Audi /ALLMAN'S /4 GARRISON. 1273Z01 • TIM nragtor, thick Durel:ing iloonNeon. ••••gu wen.; reenpiedhy !Lunn. II Ir p 1.10.1311, rinorte.l. mear•the reel tiegegiof Earth 80WC.1..1...grin Al*Agin . ..boort /We po.rrr.iw cix ru. 'not .$lOll wr awns. • . .FIIIRATI.Na.I.b. • • • ntar7) .' • 63•sgsrbeintreel. — "re — .i 7 ltent TiDa well 'W.W.I sell foroirEra Room ou • •Dorkri rtne4 kraws, ' • — Aly revere! other nom.* ougabio /Ofliet.• • wghbothooot of ha Poo Mee. • • . i..raN EDW. D =M= - • • -A,y. gentolo Wiro tinned bric kreed dwelling bonne witk • 00 00 LOlOO . .1..1r wowed 1n thetth emit: Apply K. )1 SCAJFK Icbti 3nr to Own now .rd. 16 A Floe two son. lone hulin brilitim on to . 71. 0 Aii r n L• 64.."ta doop. ' ibr- 1 ,4 =2. mown. of l'j d 'e ;34 " r n . "n‘ ' WASHING"! ON. 4111 ot. • One new three aim w Dwelling )1a.., with •nbath bootee attached, Pallale near the earner of Wylie sad Washington intro.:. POWlglabillgis . - en on the faster Aptit nett JOHN 1 7 PEILR's ;•. • " ke. 1118 !Wojcik, pesolenusbanne.glieethoon '.So foci drep,on weal waft, wood: WM tewl eraw......,—.lapaite 01 JO OGTOLVIMA11131k1:04 . . , . . i ¢o t, • . . • pA STORF. AND CrJa.A.p, corner of Federal . ' _and Lueock meets, Allegheny City. Inquito or Won:Wan tno premieeb. ' feICAI2,.. • ----- Vtii — iteelt. AA S,Aloko Bowe. .itettaeA on Pima alley,for rent. Ingrate p( COURT DAL,ZELL ,1t... Co, . Lit., street , . ,• • 4m13 A Mry goods Watchcase.% wood street, seeend door stove Diamond alley. laquire of • deal r I/ T MOIUSAN Co.• Oil. LAND rop ki for wile, situate in bend of Ilia AlonOsicahela.River, above 13rownsville, booby a 7 fool vein of cool, which will be sold in excliance i Gir For _ ... M!!•'%im•:S4a. Olb %lewd yr PA l LlNTbUildirLlTlL Ai ebest l ar b , o n v ea r rt lb ' ry a . V.l frog (tont by I% feel &cp. .11 will ha told low, ' awl On accommodating WM. 'Cross oneavesnionable. toyla • JAB. IllikkEJX. Real Ro tate AO. . Agents Waixt.d raw eaftvasa tor woo new andpopular aiorkt, e ye ey canto tarnajbout me un it States. To agent. Ma thou liberal caeoanigament is of a email capisar :of from $25.1a,- SIM. A ebatare in offered wberedyul Agent can make (man $lO mBs per weak, F77For forth r parienl• toss (poet pud,) • ' A. I.KARV , a aaar9l42o • .• Na 09 Nana Reaped at, Ma: Lego,* Ogrpptap st*d - H. NORMS, tduceograr to At. R. Remy I— . Fresh leeches romivisi martilily—atteiolsoro rll rs.. - Refereueo, the physical:. of Pittsburgh Alle. (hotly cud klirminstram. I most cheerfully reeommood to the physician, tem, •ilies and ill my former friends and putruirs,• !dr.R.- Norris as being thoroughly anatuilmod with Me' bus!. Loess and worthy of pabwrorgit.; • !Monongahela NOVIEIdIOII Collllpla7. 'lli pinnce R o ost omelettes of tharDosed if Cana- J. gen theelrisoldere of the Atententabelehtettint• .tioa Company are' hereby notified to meat at abe ogee of ntidetattPerty, B..rs Ballding, remota street, le theeity , of ritsbargh,,t P Weloeleur 'heath/noon of : Monday, the I7ib day of Armil nen, to take into cowl& erythema oerrain • 11.Cli• 'of the • Legildantse of hale pate, atapplementary lota Chanel' of this' Company. • By ?edema( the , • Wel DAXEWELL, -mar '. • Pittsburgh, Muth 7th, lE4e. , • e .• - • , A T ilt‘.l , ll7z a y ba, J . lnglems.ar:littibet t uld r i t t. :sesti cm e o ,la n diell rename iodated kf ' etthl:teleselea aiii pletuntail andheale payment " • '• • - ote; .1 '• • mob. • ;1 0 0 , .. 44..4104340 t water st T UST HECEIVED—A larger•aamtment oral Clolho compriaind various- penal:a...lWO yd. et heavy floor oil c/oth,.Lest ankle; It% do I:Bedlam do do 3003 do 4.4 do do;10U0do 34 dodo; 61:0 do 34 oo.doWdo dot ILKI 6,44 dodo:l444es • larg• l Ausotoorot light - and 110.1•.'ke t7-Ile .417 relarig ", . VOTICFIJ 41404 M. fitliebfield hi• nn inierent 1n lb* DIY G 004 4 .114414444 conducted iu tho loutrof this tintler4l,P.44l. edr or of F 0.42111 nad Aletket na, Pit. • burgh-comrtteticinr Ft it. 4, UWE...The buslarg• for the .presentsrtll I,4caulaefill.codelitke !minor style of • aural - - ' switmtnetty • ACHY -1000161, Ilocest r isrcrvacnd. received per I.lotecmrr Wellovillei for vale by urucrr •.' - . R irOIII:NSONte Co • ACEGOODg,:A:largcostorimeutof Loco Edging. 41 and luwnlnja (or oak by, urn L: Lpigs 1n4013 lll lIISON Sr. Co IifOLLASSFS—NO bbis plaittAtiol, for sale.. y /IL ' marla JAS A IIIirCUISON & Ca. : lbs , kreal .. ety rt 11 .. sriuns 1)1r - SPEKNtgliTiliSrVitanc-':•200 grosi to sum, Cou.stry- mercbetiu - ontlt purchase Lop, .arroy - o( thia popular ipetticu.o• huniltrds at xxitificries ran I. 'ishown'of For sal, by Bll;'l?..Nr—eullY:° Ibi l p„!do r rTale ll 7,7 nal 13"°;1!F7,7.mi; trutiw • • ' BRA'S= dry hides jual !red 'raid' far Pula ' - :Maya ItARRAL6II,: • -1 - x.i.tat—lnil la fromanar Conral, anti for 'A! u r =arm-. • 4,111E13 LAI.ZELI• TUl• n iag.) . lit-T , TOU landini A l t ino4t i - Sl i F i ltd Nri-ftiON7-!•/W patandspraua Rant, ~..1.- 6 577. • JU WILLIAMS, 110 wood at •• ' R leuxitsin Trvat. for o - a Tif - ry • • WICK ::McCANDLESS 'WINNOW Otaii:.g.gy boaaa Es W tßais,'for 'T lona.= - k lIRCANDLEM. ' MIRY APPI.:R3.;./0 sacks for male by - =Mr: •,•-•' • tViRK AIaRANDLERSI 110Iba fin ale b n y x. sr• M=M.II RATES :Or DISCVM;',.':.I - - - - • a A'rm• el! _ . s....isoiisucs...4, • Laramie Liken, OMANI Malta m lsltoetiatearato Psa oway/iasalta • Osoknertnatainth!..s•MlNarlsoo , • Carlson/la Dank .....1444 • 'Merck. C. Dail V ralhalaa.r . . • tik/JaPhilatleipila • 4 .4 w. gabled. Ult. of .111 ()stud 'POW Va•• • •• Baal ofGerealatown law alk.'os she Valler,••-!--; 42teator Coarny•••par Di. sit Virg trust••••.• • ••• o Delaware Co.. •:par hi& al. Wheeling • . Mootesomery Ca...par do • Morgantown!•• • ./1 _ Nenthoolliesland;:pas N..W.lta•Vo•—••• • Goforth...Mit Co.• • pat Jo W.!!•lowl.•j••• JI Doylewnwo ok • • •:pas •oo ...PN/asaaaelsl...• • •". .Fatmet••Bk. Dead.rw•par. • • • wewastastoo. F.= es' DL. Paelo!Co. pups. ofT...etnroi , .-I. • ••• Tatmere•llis loor at'epese Var. k Vrolirs aki,•••••. Inoca•an C0....:Ck.• • • ..patatelossiera • • 1.- I.nneasser Dr.I•••; ••• pan Dolan be• ........ • • • • I.- U. rm.., • D001t:4..• Llimeotrellle•l•••—pi• r111:0 Six oiali•eoun• • • • Wachtngtoe 14. *.•• .. - fy North Corollas. Gruysbaro 11.1111 k. of Cope Fear•• •• I Cblantwsgbureii ...... L. AI Newhi.rn !loaqunhtsona •-• Solle.DrWk t•••• / .eatira Samala earoltara. • .• ••;; • -.puke...a 111 ...... ••• • hliddiesows •• I.: ••• .111: no' Cho de..., • • aarlul ~ •• • • .e.nortrial .•.. • . : .. •-• i .u - t • a-u row.-r.. i voio •.su.or • .t DKNOP. '• lll.ola n ° V . , j .. .11.salc•NM , ge.t."A' s e 4 " icki " fit 1,W)U.•',1 • "Wires & rt. 11.re.r:4,11: • •1 • ..... 11.81. ocroa sh C. aoo;.na• • 1 ... .. . . I.Cletwo •-• ;re • • Mitcylimed, PD•15.31.-• 4 -1:*••• ••••• inekoven 810...... pa , Ilfyou.iwt•••• •• -• •• Ititahneo &O 11 R : 1 / 4 .4 •10 Vor14.10.,•••• 0 . .... . ... I . : 1.&011 berland Bk. ee.tt ha •Wrallrmeeb IL Ir A.m . . . I i Itialet Itiouto.4•••••••••• o, •ror.llk. of Minland• • 0 Al IL: Al 16t. Plidi.dn: . 0 Warne& & Meehadies ••• • Cat% &Couny Tajo.... 0 r Et. Prederek ••• 'Olds, :Iro•Jczlek Co. r.: • • ~ • • • • Slut ILlk.and ;lamia I riteM 4o ... 8 / Nava o u P o i t s a tl meo • :••••:. . 0 W4oetar n . I e b. B k k •• •- .•. '.. • . . St.Oottevliie• .IWasllnFuml) Neres4--- ....-4- . 1 4.er% euroimrr •.. .•. . "• •A •- ° • . . ' Nast f0i40114 •" '; • Diltiblasisi. : Cancinasti be r " , ttk. a( Ma. Cistl••• :,• • •- Cobalbs4 * , 1111. a L../ P/11,1) . Odetreilkol .6 . ... • . 41fiebitin fn.: Co-: • • • 3 s ta ys ........../ Per. 4.lllcsbh. P 4 • 3 Palma -•••• ::••'...... Pc IWlssonsas Terirll.3, Maar . . ' * . 1 114es.trifels.M31.1•Or : idopoiloo ...A. . *I. • . Casuals/4 , .1 esalaki •••,• •••. •••• k •AllcalsvettUalai••••• . 4 0994 V. •••• • ~ •• • . *4l.:sok of grslan4:4stre bfacstalf•.... ...,.... o c .....—si ;.4.,,,,,,. Clevolood• " • ." ,Gold a ipsels . )/allas, Xcola 4 . Napoleons ••••:•••••• 381 Westrin Rains " 'En's, obi • p.•: . : ;, 1, IS 41/ Fiantlis Irk colaslai " Iraglo, oar _ .:•• f. 10,in. Milli Cabs •••••••••• -- " •Dasblaa.o l 4 4 a *l' Lobe Er . is:•• 1%.*••••• " ;Do.Palfia . ...V 49 B.Cias• • • • . :1:• , ...••• • " 011 . rersigue •-•? .•. 481 Lamaist •••• ••••.:•.lo iGoioooc • 11 a thiaaaos.• .. ~ ..... la Wroduklisorsa,•••ill 99 Grossic...;• . ," • 3.3 ..Teo Thaler, - • .••• •7 (41 FursOto 11t4r440•• , •34 ITcs flaibicfr •:=-•.' 3a Miss •••••• •••. •••:30 ,Losi4Pon. • ••• - 4On Kant ,51t3 , .. • I liraiebsaga Ult of RalossIrr••••;•• I Wirer York 111. of tosisvillot .L' . IPkilmalcirkia • 1 : '''' Noslcas Pk. gcsally..".l43liissoss NOW Youlti-Cuy Realm par..- ;steno, Bits. - • 11 dealiGE BROKERS,. ik C . ETIONLII &ME MUM and deaden In Fmk. and Ditounde Meange, Coni fi ctuatool 7 4" Bank Nolo* and Elpeetr, Fourth Minn, nous thj Bonk of Flusbnrgit. Cuivent money rev vcd on Checks for ulo, and col: lection• dumb as measly WI the principal pante La Um United Maine Taut blettect "maim pali Oar Foreittn and'Avantic OoLt. • Advances win& on conalitnanntu of Papal., nhip. ted En" on liberal wean • 110 W • . • . X. HOME= & 1110/4" _,' • ' ••• - 13,m0 Bent ce u t, D a i.. le t EXEM 6 .l44liii . Yet, keet , . ktuheakt , Belie" gum New Yeat, I e N t Cipaimae. IMs Pkiladelpide, de Leslavtlio, I de Baltimore, .• de Rt. Latd.a, de baying Rau. ,/3 F NOMA._ DoyloK a . we. Ohms I 1k du Ce.l Scalp Oaten, If du i.ai, . I ,' do M;Node. 1 ,... e i r , v de . tram& Cy "do Vierieit; eoi New oat do "do. de Means, Ido New Orleans "do Thandree, .i 3de " ildefreed, "do nacre . ins.o • • wit c. ream . 'DULL & Cl.lllBY—llanters and F.zebaese Moltn, Ilk Dealers 10 roteiert end Done•cie Time and digUi %its of Ezrhenge..Cenificatcs of Dereeile, Beal t ie.e. Ct and !.In; do &I Wle {Coed me..l, thlfd teen 40., , &Mb, wet aide. . id -- 71ins.z.uul A. HILL a.. 00., • . IiANIMUS. MICH/LIGE 1.1110111119, and DoaLeas Fonadd and Doomode E.YobananalDmiSeceoof po to aiuy bank Nora . *rola N. 64 Wood od cao door stand Fannie, East We, Pinstrugh, Ye. .. oradtwF • • WISSLICALS SEEELLSOW • )17LS at Ens Itolud, and Scotland boo& to any antoona at • Comutßatas of Mebane. A , Unite payaldet is any part of the QS C•ont (nsa - 1.1 to LOW, at Os sae ttf 113 00 th e f. without deduction or dis-aont,. by , BNOVA ROBIN SON, Doormat and General Agent, oleo SO at ono door son of mood. . oettStf oLr-si [Witskl . _ - fcomflao Lam IDDILAIIIRD. Ai ILAIIX, y/LNKERS AND EXCDANGH MOILER& dealers ha Farrign and Domeole liaLls of Exchan;e. Cot , cotes of Dopealm, Ilmig Note. and Coin, corner of 3d and Wood aarGelsolitectly °pewit., ft. Mattes Ito- I{ . tllVSYCNlVOilis— notylidly 7- • Oki. • • Emden. . Sto•nari. Nam. - primed of we icnrest rms. by . . X: mows k. SON. . OS - Markel gnu:. 'rise ov.szclumus.-eiotch.k. Keit S JLI 601 4.6 11 1 On "le VOL.IIIZ a to. .k•lo • ,Ilialura nOLLECTICIZW—IhaIIa. Notes; lad a mablo iota.) laitlittibe Woo. ceca.] on• Ibo omn Invoralde term. 11. 1110LOM4. R SON. dean • • - • • St Mak. a. • HATE. CAPS AND IONNETe. NEW • NAT *3D OAP STOILIZ.• -4JAM IVILSON. flat mantiobevineg finenerly of corner of Di mural &Joy u.d Wand meet-leg, .enve norgentfully to inform him ohl noloeurro., from. mul the ria•li. OWL Ihn•liss opened • NEW MUM.: r.. 4 Smithfield .tree'. 1400.01.1u0r or 4111 wen. when" listener wanseut of Ilato wed Cop. awl Ladive Furs, •• gook amt. loslusuasle, end ehcap, an be m city, way had J.W.J. very eurdlally inriteihm friends end O. rob. NO to remember his nem lotailon and enaLlishment, and give biz a earl as hearty to he Intend. to yr elrnenn 'ahem. • • . nardualltrifivedneY WCORD t CO.: lEgartemer. in 111•Ctor d t Kin) • 1114, d l 4ll Paskloaabl• • Hati•.l ~. • • • Corner ef Wad ova 1124 Soreds. • ARTICULW A attendo paid to'oar P 9ootleuteo coo all opou getting Coe'? Itate salt cap. hate oar entblialioteol of the Dyer alaatith, IDDlallial tar. of the Lorror /Dila and at the loiatert mote . ' • Cottotrr • Bletektials, potrhulog oltolotale, ere reepeetnally united t. CIO and .a. = ear Swot; as la an car with DaLIDIIDD that as fair& prawn eat rotor. it will alit starer is • eatopanoom with any know la Philadelphia. ' . feLl7 . Nom Stare tar flatters' Whamlate. 4 TIM eaboalber Is now oponolg, at 11. e Water mew; lil•Er as Won of W. A. & A. W. %%lite.) a emplane *wenn:toot of 1131. ten Trietwiews,llll3 awl Anklets Mabee. Skive.. A. At ,oflua pint Imponctiou, to which Ay is at. tefOloo Of pOletAwto. Tip" printer to erwy orids SeOlenew onA ?wealth. rankest et pawl to Maas aposder.. A Metal apeana aal owls tor rash. . • .si • • • 173 Water W. New Seek lITD.AWGNIODS • : m GL MIALCBS w isevited to exariase It 11 PA Llll4lll Meet •o( SH . G o od., or the 'Mae dayle.essoposed le en of • BONNETS, —Florface• Iltaia; English D.- dial* do: Aserdiemsd• dig Cbi9d Pe92 l / 1 .; C9bwg d*: Send do; 'Freiseb Lim Rimed, Gimp, 2. te, 111A75-I.9gbois. fidimi Leal, Panama, Flaw y Snow. do Broid Itauaad Bred, Pedal d 9. , • ;. Alm, Artilkial IFlorm, 1ti91.999, ike. • Straw 199.• set Wivelmos.llsmaTlll.l.G. • 4 Spain, Pas Moms tar 1.4 e. 1 4 • ... . a •001/13 Al& Oar, •! OATI arcaaa it maa mmvs, • • IRA. latrodace to Smins , /Its orllats this dah • Satunlayaaarch 0.14184 a. • • : . ~• .. _ • Ir friends ma custom's an mamma li tall aid ausaina their mak of Spring Has..lsdi raesiMpa Mn New York, ail their start, comer cram asal WM!. OM • • . . .. . . ". .4r 'pan toSTYLZ-8 310021:634bettia alnd Ina New York, iltaleoript eryle'of flak which be will introduce an Smoothy. ldattbada All tow la .Wabt or a rat ittt i rliot Hat, will oill and examine at No 73, %V atm", al draw Here • 13111isaa Dan a% a.W i lau Jamin• bleTaln. 'Arobwrilwr has rumored bla Hat and pap; Hunt- Anna to N 0.77 Wool West, minty made bla old wood, when ha woold Intim Me Alai& sal On qubtie generally no no somata-at of Hate .arod Ceps, width tOr banal. add dart:alto yeanotto Loa satranok. • Mbl. DOUGLASS, 77 H ood . . . . • . • . Molitor retired has liar Hat and Cop Illsonfwitori, wow reptcofolly're. torawead romans :or•ety (death' and ths pabElt atonally to Cay aceenor, Wiso. 'Ddoilare. ' • (lebl4fta) •JA3II.I3'3IcEAIN. • .41 HIM LT VILNTION i—PATENV 4111 CIII.CVLATI:R AND HAT 1 . &(//T.CrOFL—The satxtiber will loUcolnee oo Sew Way, tkl..Ctio. Genueenen eri4,114 a Itai vied 'ill, 0 . 4 drealtde ern elm gri ll pleue call sad <mend.. .. .. , i . . . ALFRI.IO, lintAnr; l'faCileal 110.1er, .. xl9, ls;_beed Of 10 . 0 . c0l It ‘,, • FALL PAS1110111:— . S. MOOSE huieceir ed Iron Nor Vosit,the Fall, ssyta of lima whisk %rill Introltad this &Ili Ilatonlay", ~ Aure. ttib. All it Isaac( a 'oast and seignior bat woo* do well to sail's% No.:S. Wood 61eat, Walser above 411. &..„ WALL rhuraroar,ssikr,-ntaim to ,- COSTAE'S !kris Oesdafate , o.llau wlll tio lava el ltiOtrtilf tai Tbaiodari 'Avon mth. Wilblug • eleop, Aubhinab.• bat of Pitts burg% umupallisomp, stow of Iluhloo•Llo Hata 'Won- Oft Pal Vt#10,444 NUN or **trader.* et!' at . cater_ • • • •••• ' • .41- trWiTianki=e usTwis von Juin. retildtd from INlnd Vott, 11. tainwatt Ayta eonalwing of White Headet ‘ • Pawl and Masa rioted ataannarn Hata wad Vantilaaint. Thaw in want of a beatnik!. Ugh , 11. an , dalvettraity Invticrd to tall. • s. ill(* 8p • 11 wood nt. dnota al wire 401 . TA LYIN ED SUL - lA.IIB-0M OW. moll Lair 2 0 Aga don. lA, U. rollue,L. largo 1.3.4 .moO W. o M b.d ; . 103 do pow. do . egl - cloti - g ot• • t0.. /Mt A 'IL . I CHI y ON A f 4 gidie .1". Agt cotrßi LOOO &ed.& 5:...5•1' 11, Vteu-__ L 'm ERIC iIANDI6S6II:II..ZA Misr ODlMltott Itl . allow* goods,zoloa ~ kes. VA w . 11M.Y114 ',pa fir di: . 10 d. f. 2 w KW:Rijn . • VICK Cli . T i r AM tr U .1. gr r 0 0 g0d1 . 75,11 a v u. ..... - eg10V1.11.11,19 , -For gain by . - ... V mara • ;rum. uusunKr.uk. Rog ...-- M.DAULEY-94 sock..lttat torri wed bf '' • • • 111 tograta •• - •• • • SIAIILI o ilttgli Fila.l) I Eftk .. 1 1 =!fd - !1,31;',. - . 11114181" Dot Ultra forty AA by am* . Woir,rkg , ~Ifl CAL..., • • ••• 1. - 11'1‘ St! 'r- • Tun mina aulssnn EFAIII , 3 VEGETABLE: 1.411,11•OBRIlliklavalew for lbw tfar r 100 lanonaorial, plaraciais lave grosomtal Ifyll tt ey0 ... ; • Urals iti , care , bf l.;l l l t ,...dia,m bas leallett a il i th•i o 'AIN* ••• U•-• - I seeds bate sale ed *maga a raiseradit " ==. yieided up .their Urn co 'tla eller of (romity. - ._ • Wilk .all defentore, koveaver.. l e t th eldalaa, tas - great and Mum{ •er any that It boo e , var.? ILAUT3 1r eta:CARLE PATRACT,' . - liar Ocoee yam, tin , be. mad by may pergoort who have sneered wall Oils dreadful disoutei mil La artery cam where it bee and a fiat 1.04.4ar slleCtild • •• panstaitent care. of % part and d termite, rand by the u 1 of • Bead the following nartertable rage of the eca of Wm. Peron.. Pm:, ef Philadelphia; Whined aria 11* ' , mit Pim to yeara and 0 mats. 'Aran berelllog throsgbDigtand, &inland, Germany mil Prom, selling the moo eminent pLynclurs, end sapersellag icy -.. medielne, medical lanossent and Wrier,. thaw thoo surd donate, reamed with Us nab MI/ mean Nevelaber last, whined reciting may bereft wawa. et, and erns enrol by aging • • f• - • hTZETABLII Iean s:PATRAL AI Witham gat b e'. Latter ter Ine tel Not. 14me spud beer three thalami dedthre for audi ting and medical at 1 wes whiten in tart • "MO to Yampa with Liea en 0; 1 did *1 km tinted Piurteint. I tostealive Oa um general payelelana • there In respect to hie epee; they cZallibed and '.mein trees 1 ermined three mouths whiein perceiving any thane It. the Lotter, which met Am ahead latiand . ad My dollen. roamed 1.7 the physicians, and h e ma that I memo! was 00ir opinion liar my Mir rasa was lopekagasil mar. 01 Imarable. I Neonate/1y let Weed. and mg.. ailed through :trellised' O r me be Pmite. air! tea. • • Ornited Lam la the math el November hat, ofth• tty am far from O ne 4ear maraca Ile& Tom yeur . • • ' adiren:nenknnt In Oof the New York papenkaso . ednelednl to try liana Veseiable a ny metro:you mammon. end centhesines of or. o f ram, acme. of • . • . twenty sod tiny pare' standing, and 1 ten matte yes . • • tow nor tarry Idse by the eur of Meta Veen. • 14e F.ninke, alone I. was nnlnced pet Net knainA.- Ilin mono, uttan vat CaTgoPq WI 10 11111611110 Mi h e r o ,. b•nina man:ly tenon.* silt. Jim new e Ma; of Math mefelbera •He Is now •-•-• re years of age. end* arT rests end • mibthe•of dos 'time Ma lees abetted with thie camg 'drradfel •td Oa- •• • exam Ws gnu* 4•0 lie le cow enielluir mad beattk; .1 _ • Noss.oreaream Oath witheat wort] 4 doll In. To gay OM 1 ,Mall be ever grutlLl Io ytm !.wee • Wog, nod ..l been enclose yea seeksoilard 640 rm. J lase no doehi bat thet you will think this and quite • elliferria thing.. Tb. dad of gratitude 1 ' sin rove yea, hat Meese to ascot the MIMI moon •111111/4.1 oo the dela In 'Asa., • . • • • • W.'n m 7 nsfeetfally; - .• leigeed,) . BnLLIA..II RDICOIUe * to TILE Asnicre.o.. Om of the perperethas el ints levee/that inteßehat enrol • • Tie divans P ha symm vim Loss Of momuy . efaitet, • perfect promedoo at the tattoos gram the lad vied Ow skill of the ik•Sl pays:clam far lieges yearn sod grew weer. aw their mama, .and torte Oat this asedieloo was his . yeal toms for heath tad . Life, and wee therefor* &lammed to ern 13 • ads and to personae le Its a.., which he did, sod the moll was a pergeat roamed= to heal* widen- wart -!wall . Red etuotenepted for nearly sistreo years. • We armlet velar to the follovelperwom who bere bout rued by isnot Hani Vela a Armen • • Col F. Dmbera duyhter arm athleted rdm Iraq Main at Peckers, New York. •• • . Wif/eavelohte met, 171 Owed • • .. ' - • PG 1 • 11 011 1 1411wo Math %Dover • . JIMA knleagel, nom yet* Drcioglyvt, L Lll S SW% 'enr. York Ceram u m . ma , • , o /ay, ten= yea", Stara - • ' . • Mae B 1.19• Sol, meaty years. ' • • Pens, twelve years, IL? fleamerey • . " Wm menty.thmo_years, 71Nor Mt Of . .leriedi Petry, Mar yeinn, 17n Delaney et • • Pills lelomoo, twenty- eight pent, Orecaranama ftn.Ranlall,l4 Rest Brootway, New Tea, • • Jaw; of On 113 Nary.. Wa lavabos. liars a. Bridgeport, Cl. • • • ilifaegua gam made . . • • Dr W L Nothrtte, Ballad, O. ' ' Rev ltieherd:Taggett, Won Disarmer% 31 7s. . ; • , • Rot 71. Retina; Bahlraigre, Ni hir Rama IL Ilnaley4Orchard 01,11 .• C Oesghloo., ;sect en I`. Y. M /meta Berthed, earn, Orange.. N , Jake Patar,l79 Fllsaboth et, ;• DA Ithihnot, RID Delmer et, . eo /use embh,loo Be art at, i so 01114Ciltroantatm arts ni, die All of which may be galled weep., Of addreaud, jelf N P. C7 I4 y ranter , I.y Pa 3 lute, (late itara ' R and ' (1 P 011141 A Co. 144 Vale nq, loirtaek:34,,La • OD am, . end tell Male 03, betwaa 4th Sth grads, Oltro, who:male and Moil agora not the • • • •••• • . •I. WILCOX. 1 mai, of Lleeeket nerd the The. eao4m tiot Pltu Ye -bLeXlewilt. ZIMIDIOAL Alt 111711010 AS OIiPVIO IL: , ~„ N. ell, DI AZitO3D•da ~,,,.. ''' '' LEY,' a Wit doors kehell _, ..:.., ',. .W . c. , e. , o ,.. atrett, • Writ4,' itdi ---: e- .'. ; • •• ,• 13. • DEL. BROVITINV itivi , . • .;..i. ' '• Tr .... ; lag hew .tatitltury educate.. I) „...., ;' ~.- :: ,:., ...ri• 1 . 11 .,... nt 0., ~, some t,.4. .: . q, , t : .,".,....,.......„ , coinl practice, mar cat* : - 4.15 . C. , , ~ ...,..., i gio.,Z.2t.of the. i t tfirstil • • ~..). t4 ,•: . ;. •:,...-..... ` sad &Herm exeriplunts kg .. • ''''',) which titrpporait ia l , flA cad. . • ' ' Ur bin. E=rl yoltrel l • www1111.• . eidarittery devoted. ha tlre• wady and unmans tithe. escaplalota,(dtarlzq which. lilac ro tal hod mon paste, awl bee eared' more r 0..• • tients na am ere, fa to aro ha of any prtvato one.. thiesori eseply qualifier him in elk, assunornvoi. rpeaCy,lteresaseat. mail satitifttelat7 cat* la MI Waisted , - with oldreatedikessea mat all discus. arising then • • - - .'- Dr. Stow. envied Leo= deo.e afdicted with prima' diseeties which have become ehevoio -by time or so. rivaled by the we* of Guy of the resume nacrasati of , the tber, lard theirrasslilefr is cea be rsdieally had draw; • °uglily earndi he hams gives hie cutlet =waists to the ttenrotest atrial. Cu.... and etterwoded I. %imam*: of Ingsneve In mi." , person: of indereserkiloa of lb,: • neck of the bloiLler, end kindred dims. Whial oder. , •. result term it we cues *ben others- hare essiligasel ..: theta to kopek.. despair. Ho partirolarly Invitee garb- ;. at bare Watt keg and unemeeossfelly treated by co4rent. ...t to outwit Link rice ovary waislketlan will be sawn r - , 1 theta and their eater uassed hi a curial, thertwegb and, e• istelligest tattlater, p.m.( oat I2y • long, expertracf„, statlyotatl Itattaigagata t 'thick a .i.r.9...14 C. , 11 , 0.•' engag lad ed in r:e . rel practice of roadies* ta give say. ri : ErHemia with P.nyttint.,—.lly Broiitu also laritoe yrrvi , .' , . 6.111 abated ta Items,. to WI, as birdie paid pan ic. :lie attention to this diusre., Skil. direrter; also rd., Paley, eta; iirioedity' eared,` Cakese very low. . _. - N. 11.--Parlents of author sex. living, at a distenee. by. r relng.thelr Jura." to ariiiity, giving oil the rya*. i lam., eau oLtoln enrilleiu. with direcdons for ore— UT • tittat•enlui T. IatOWN,.IL•II, ;vitt paid, seed tattoo . is: s fe.- . . . 0.1,.e.Nit.'0.1. Iliaievad irkey, appetite do orerli - I Ithoe_. - 1.7^ fla rum no pay. • • • • l rentira - katifits=db . :77. - ` • Dar Crean, • mmehltus sale for fa 'Dna tb, • LLL oar and Restoration of the. Dale. 'Yids Cream. ' whew meet known, win tope/ado all oiler raids* tee the hind now med. IVlten the hair Is dead, trine! 4, gat, nehealtly, er turning , a few appleansent„..• will male th irmy e hair NM and dark, and glee it sheathe 4, ti t e r. emerauemouni Pa. emk• n retain It. liter Yew. healthy color twice ae long es etiStio` ASIA.. • nukes which are genereily Every lade Mai gentleman grim se fa thq bawl of slug ollsetivehrfte bee, 'Wald as sea packs* • honk of the• Cders !lair Cream as It Is m composed that ft will not Lore • • U, aeb the hair bk. Mos other preparationo, bet will innininy in.•pnanci nunwnion in may lamas. • • For MOiroanr 10 Its ray importer nuahika, seethe Collaring letter from Hs. Alr. Calderon, vs llestme-g 'llcadershme t Etretch, Nashville., Inners' -Agenm ker-:7 the Western States . • • • • . - Letter frost tbe.lter. Coldwell, pasta of the Premist byterian Chorea. Pasha.. • . Mew. Pie.VOrwtrou Stretch—GrnUemesu I tabs.. r , !castne he skims My toplimoni its favored 1500 . 2N.:. ttl Parporatmo cooed Dr, I arithse Chinese. Debt • Creasp—ror about years - •topts my hair was eery,. • • m ay, Linn] se r, and dlrpod to mo set trot Insinuates • eared • bottle ef the Cream, and saki il scatheless, . . • the presergotle , ly hair le new malt elastic gad GM to th e Sad. balsams sal ale were' each le:trio/Cray A rkin a mons maw Man before., ; lids Cream. wrest, has Mot Mr expeetatlons• . it. an article for the Tenet, my wife glees it care over all etberulglons delicately perfsard,s.l6oo . disposed to rancidity. Tao Indite especially usll . the Chinese Cream to be • desiskesteen in th eir pees*. ratios for the toilet' lloppCCO01), to Pelaski. Jon 7, MI?. IC CALDWELL., •.. so-m t dd wholesale and rem], in Pittsburgh, b yJohn: 43 theist etreit; end Joel 'Dishier • tinier.f Woad nod FSIIO mans. WILL . . VOWh."l3 110AfteiltUND t. Libb.l3 . wort Cos la h Candy of to th e paths. as '• - p sant and eked. needy for coughs, sale, hoots..' new, Asthma, Pathetic, Whooping Cough. Croup. Sore Throes, Ilarechldu and stand tastiest, of the Chest and Lamm: in Welt sass a la hewn ts.• hare &forded .deolisi extdpelciancatrelisf, and fees ,, -its mph' sale and grust sass as • remedy be "L.,. Oirome•mholo it has IMO, sod, premisas PO become one cl ills. most maid .4apoputerardlemmor Ills edema mg, as • pleasant relief so Om esamtaptinee Mid en saran to sentient and palled speakers geso sraily. Minnow of tea preparation fadleitsalts gelidissl. end It mitt be found to he by someam ono ,plasmas the mac, and . may be and be ehiWlen and - sdidleerlds mare impenus. The metafals need OP 40 by 0 the best. quality .' end It may' re. idtr t a u tesTs lll lacer, ewers a pure and emirs* nicht. nO 0011.01403100,P1Pdr °Moronnog • health by keeping a 'apply. eeperldly fa the mason at • Css.l.ls. This trahreble Omagh Candy is coadAned • Neal of eldest to Nodes. !smug espenor to ell the ',mem , bY Jemitere In eremite. tut ;Eldred were elver leenol try wino dos windy Is userlotteepr 6r , mom: A ;xi ad •r Jos mide cohvotee goy perm., di Re ewes eyond the propriesom dtendlce trirroly pence totbe tuned Swot us produce II thrliper • MOM plemotro. effective remedy.' -*1 Fold wholesale shtl mud:, by dm Geocril Aral, q:,., term, SI and ...Yet it., Mere &Co, Nepotist. lie College 141.1 Com* esti. • • 7 ' ..---- Pillill•IVOIrt - 13/011 . 4•• •• •• • • ••:•• 5le1":1; ve alms *mallow ressoNset In my IN. essilioid SeleNott . . for some muothS ander 11 PM el pYeleiesue,... P.• nil my ease was Noted ocaroble. and , NNW tod huh, tor me. I rue pearly letpresi, NO Ida .• . ail of cretebescootd vetty get abNit....lollllllA • tasS, I purchased of ye.. susti emarocrteett efoileiss•• - . coin bseieregursa. Ade, the see efilsolgelikettheJ soreseleasestered Naha. sod I Isis) aehleipy Y • woulyr wily. earl. I glocented arnuoiame at taw loot ikons he Wed es Ist i y .t ulslot.N.4 altruieg sheep. la ail, I wed 6cp serel'Wa mei ems hank all healed gistisbttify.. • • canna I have Nem w appytritsee of the teaggly. se,'D bare etteuesed.jutd ma Mier. lit the rat:KIN, et; maid .- , 4 4 • • I w t, estehetoce.' hold." thaisoLers . g a y he bee=..:.: 4 - 04-emOS Ivey, Out Ore ehrievigeile ertlg J you, bin been 14 mean and the attlk_Legeto et t_P • weer the cure- conpaq. 'SJ. „ . or sale 'shalom/4v NJ WAIL - ) de. • - • II AI VAllN'enDelff 1,0 Messrs , Cassrmaiisnists 'tar vidiv..l. WW . Cheer." .• -8 ' VON cu RE or Ittsegits, INl•riebitc:l l o4 . ) C ling s t tn.* Di yr vete. egd - all. triter tbes•••••‘..i, ate eysrme teed., to L%lt tts.kit tAilaii:SPl WOW e • yrr nut usersceetroted sumac.. et du. vete* hbr smoticitte. mot • desire b dtgorromate its towJete. 3 . ' • here lodeve-1 he proyneters to 01 cips•erki 414 Prat t•pr beitts e thas sense it within the mesh N eh " WWI? • Itodd be Wiltol4., or ever wilt. when M.) SAN . 7.••• • One. ibegm aeJ appreciated I • Norm tegreeteheeoeeNtj; o ; don is the ewe oNbealove'roaylettas.' totose,.yriOlgi sr*: sesnender itareelie 4,,fialipsaa, 011.••••01,0•1•••P-411.,.......• • • btcosvcetreer can molt irtno So as, 0044.4 gaffer's, Wu emap Not gebeeptag coasts Ind trekelP whit sr 3aity, sad leg betteeduna relsor,l.o water .9,11011 W• *Went the yemsystat give. em-.4l,sffd'N.4.o.rjr'" Per NOst by storekeepers yemersi/y, het/Steer:sr mot eamertesorted who:mete Nd refits/Ay INApyer ptkrora .17 • 4 17 JINTI'Llt,Dnagreuct - , , ,terset, meg/ N Nasal oh Virs. tt• • - - _ 11,XTRACTS.-Ncireet be* preelp4; 0.1411.4.4 .• • X,ao d iet.. doP4P+l6.69, rs..tur :=P4....b i t if t ..ol :VP." tlitutsin,
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