.;'. 04. to;l BY EILMnrOS ktlitool3;le:Vd , , inDiEsray adoarnacc, 5, m ,44 -•••••• • arajtrzinue- . AlCrits - 'rcrtis . doit Damiuirrat D Trkrnenkly, sod Weskly.—The Daily is basso goys= pat oistosur, the Th. - Weekly is Viso Dollsirslier USE* W SVeeklyV Two Dollars per siarous, Wiaty Ofoeloed. ' lLoVairaalse ate earnestly requested theChead favors balm 51. w, Lad, as early 4n to day u . • iatia Cosaracielal Mar . tbrorsi impute, Markets, ite. cse „WM; and Antl-Kasolite FOR. CANAL COIdmI.4IONER, XIDD L'E &WA T .'• •w vsvv comm. TRE IRON TILikRIC The Wisbiegton Union comei into the Hell With tome figures In relation to the price of Swedes nee, which ate given to .shonr the Prosperity anus hods manufacturers. 11u#, withal due deference to the organist, we beg leave not to be conVinced by his 'haunter and to submit a few facts, to ehow .than his petition is totally groundless. The price of Swedes iron is higher now than under the tariff of ISA but the price of that quality of iron is no a atm:taloa of the Prosperity of tie hone iron :" trade than would be the average price of carom. hers' In the same time. The import of Swedes iso bears ma fair proportion to the quantity used awl made . at home, as lie-will show by the figures, 'combining Perumylranin production and the im ient of lroci frour:Great 'Britain and Sweden, in . 1516 ,• • • . .E= L , ltratiia production, 1516, 2,106,223 cwt. ImEart, bar, C02 3, ,5 116 63 26 " '-' Stocks of 1816, 2,942.291. (We assume the Worm( Peausylvaniato be used • 1114*iron, leaving the production of the rest al 4136 Union for other purposes) . • • The; proportion of Swedis iron, in that year, we : 6n4 mass right and a half per cent., and yet the government organ, from such sballo'w Wets, res. • ' stros that the great iron manufacturing interest is prospeoooo. ',To show bfiw IMSO6II itemthis pro porous Swedes 'whale in, in comparison with our I bane interest, which is depiissed, we =mem the following-showing 'h....quantity sod value of Swedes iron imported, for the fiscal years, ending Jane 396, 1844, '45; and '46. _ 1844, 162p99 cwt. . 1 640, 258,981' ' 591,513 . • 1846, . ' 230,998 ' 6,15,951 Baled . dittO, 162,118 ' 59,39.3 We now give the amount of the trade in iron of our own State, the prosperity of which the Union hies to Measure by the pace of the small amount of .Swedes iron imported. • In lacking over the valuable statistics which occasionally appear in the Philadelpbia Commercial Lint, we tind in the number oltlutt Journal tearing .• date January 22d, the following results of the iron mining and manufacture in Pennsylvania, vim ICli. 1416. 1847 Exec. la Fa's. io • over 1160. 1916. Pounds Pornds. Pounds. P;1roi; lE= 1519151311 0 . g ti,,7 14. Nails 19,551;177 10,017,773 2,931,041 •••• • • '..oootas, e„ 90.676 9,710,736 •—• • • 3,121,611 221:140.1.5tU 7G.N.1.199 342*C.0 1,4 , 4,000 • rtv.ko - aro Theguantities above stated were brought from theearious miningestablishmenta in the interior of Penasylvimil, over the differeut Mil roads and ca . oats of the State, to Philadelphia; during the list year: The excess of all varieties of munufaetured iron brought to Market in 1817,over the quantities brought in 1% 6 ,1 3 7 00 56 , 539 Itoutlde •.We now give tho prices of the Lome made nr tick, at different.points, and ink the Gee traders to show in whit'part of them the profu lies, and how loni it will tabs our, =leach+ is mate a fin , ' tune, shOuld the' range of prices .centinue to tend .as at present! ' - mom Or 03:151ck.n . - Oct. 17,'47. Ap. 1, '44 • AMlttimin Fotruary,pig, sat Rau 529 oat Fenge, Y 3 61 34 2 S 6 29 Anthracite pig, No.l, 33 035 26 028 ; Nes.2 and 3, 32}0331. 211615. - .Bail road bus, 61 070 61 065 _ bar,barolps, 5393 - ars rolled, 7210771 671070 . skans,. ._ 67 ap72 550:0 . . Jan. 3,'49.. Mar. 25, '45. American pig, No. 1, $37,5004000 550,00=50 . • Common, 30,0003 2 ,5 0 29,0 1 50*00 Amer. barorolled, 53 1 30 77,306350,00 . . . American Foundry Pig, . 835038 1 1P52231 What& fall is here! Look at if! - The tiiich explains tbe prultierity of iron ma. 4. "The iinpetus which the li b eral revenue taxiifof • s 38t6 has given to the agricuhural interests of the onuutrj, has increased the dernandin tbe-usu sad the boa; and has clamed also a large- demand for • "lion for the contraction of rag roads to transport the farineei produce to market." i , Llasfor our nantufinnurcra, if this is t 6 basis of their prosperity:-it lo worse that the story of Svicdeniron! The prosperity of qui farmers, of which the Union Prattles, is ainongtbe things that were . . From the day the Government Organ cried out— :wheat is two dollars a bushel! -sad brought &hint by Decattanaic foresight, the Prices have gone down, ." and we are new busy In feeding currant country " • inert arid no others. Produce of most kinds sells XI a bad . and the agriMaltursj.poospenty is, seen universal krues. The whole Sainte of the Union is sheer - nen" except the following, which is tree—it says,. io epeattiug"of the next election, that— .; The tariff is one of their initurs, and throwing all masks aside, it is detained to be ou al the great lout" , of lheWltig party !be next e Pranidential ;Petataylvania has been cheated once, and will trini you no longer, but will make n stand fur the . _ . SairAl orrog,-6 - poor woman of our acquain tance, who tams support for herself and little son, by bard labor, has lor one , dollar Wooster actg.! Of course shefects the effects of Ohio Banking:— . /Tss StockhoLdes of the blank no, doubt live in way vireillatutees—Pote. . . The :Wooster Musk was a good specimen of uDectioarsahe Snancieriug in Ohio, avd we cozy ilia Illiaterf Loa the Ohio State Journal, that poor Imo= cosy krisAi *gigot bee tan: oae • . • 'The '.Wonter 'Bank was. chartered by a Loco Lershilinure., when that putt held undisput rnal mray in birth branciten To promm of time its _ • abater extrierwent a mvision. avert by a Legicla• pate Lien Toeo in both hexer:leo—and was made so magma' to the mere modern Meaner 'Bank Au.. • - Acme , The &Maims of 'lndividual Hatay . was .epplied to EL. There was no objection to this on. - She part of the officers or stoclthrilders,'. ; were of the plink wto'restarded this mine - 105 is a paasmet Mr all the 'evils of banking: Inns, immtfonsithanahhough the Bankrutsy have failed.. lbws will be.. no very serious loss to any . but to them by whom its affairs Lave been mannyets—c - Al all errantn,the public may now have a practical. '-issamrstral4o l of the. opmhou of a sYstem which was urged with to mach vehemence as the . aaainia of monetary wisdom." , Tbli Ohio Lien 'Foci pnmses are ideollusion .4ith ibis beak, and the Ohio Suateettan toys that bental intonn crel ita Allure two days tenni . - . -7 : a transpired ,otherI r ine...Ancsber of; the - Stater 'qhfrally seemed to know more about the corn ."' ":; ahe ieg amint ka th l sl 4 tire body Z,,r4rl„t'le , x - 2 4 , •of all the aunts at Lake and ale Wooster Beak easy be=shed. It would present some curious others, unless Maier) , hssleught 'lt up within the last year, will to 'Entail a mon. , Ems upon the Ohio .%aleantatf,all.its property end sll"Mtgm. Tr l y cold '" o f the 11' for in 1545. We do not think much capital will be made tar . Abe Itediemati out of this rotten: bank., . _ atl --Woomiwax. or Mr- Ciai.—The Catmint ationktie kites that, they have /tea a letter from a ,liihipaithed Member of Coaffccu, from which „is aitpearkthat Mr. Clay Will not staffer his name to b• used in cucnectioa with. the lireablen• •-• biro it front authority:which me think hone than that , alluded to by the Citnotiii4e, Mugabe above Woo katadatioa. In act .••:',.con•talratiiivi that an living moral knows Mr. Cafe *iamb; rekrezioe to this matter, aad : vo . that Mr. Clay has not :etpresse4 . o *, co the topic reaionthat as 'rice= to' oconahOtlon Upon lie tali:. Wit Nov On doubt hownvie tbat... Gay tktte satisfy. th e the mune of a Y e l • • • •• fa l ,,f r i e pprat larixts to ,ftr:erF. 4 3hiali i !!!..77 •• * • • New Yak Canal, td, Cac4 l,4 th iva b . woodstoat r,#o.WAriWahl - a aa.s . by, . '1 - • . - lat*UhartsoluiCtioit one rig Atrial," You- - OPlDaNci..—.-11*'_11i1401i. 'and Queen:; ofthe ' breach leh Nevi tumid inn ropaL carriage shortly alter ediaa o'clock as Saturday.miorning,. the ieccimpirded by riegenTFmtieh of from Bulb too, and wended lir. the. Hon. Captain Meaux one of the directors of the Brighton Railway, and they_arrived at the Croydon station at precisely' twenty minutes past twelve o'clock. The Duke , doNettlours, she Duke and /lichen. of.Cohourg, the Count de luau, and two general officers, whose names we Could not learn, kilt London by an early train to await the arrival of the royal stran-. gen., A large patty of the directors were in wait tug to receive them. Upon the arrivarof the royal carriage Captain Wilms put his head out &agave Asmara tithe - directors. When the door of the royal carriage was opened, his Majesty stepped nut, and upon seeing him, his daughter, the Duchess of Coburg, gave a stided scmatn. .'He was immedi ately locked in the arm* of his soh the Duke de Nemours, whom he embraced With great warmth, and instantly he pressed hie daughter to his bosom in the most affectionate manner: His Melody was overpowered, and shed team as did his daughter ilex The scene was a most movingone, and one not easily forgotten. .The Queen upon stepping from liar carriage, also adectionately embraced her children and was irreatly agitated. The royalpar ty were;then ushered by the directors to the Wait ing room where they were led to give war in pri vate to those mingled emotions by which they were agitated. After remaining a few Inmates together the royal party intimated their .readiness to de , aet Three private carriages were in waiting at the back of the station, in readiness to convey the ex iled fierily to Claremont' About a hundred well dressed persons were assembled round the tint carriage, eager to catch a glimpse of the King and _Queen as they stepped into the carriage . The King !made his appearance first, end ediprmsent instantly uucovered. There was no cheering. The recep _Con was cordial, but impressive, and was highly _creditable to the personsassembled, and might be taken as expressing the feelings of the:nation to wards the exiled monarch; it woo an ansaMace of hospitality; mingled with ay:neatly for his misfor tunes. The King was deemed in black trowseng and the rough fearnought great coat, or aeameisa jacket, which was given to him by the captain of the vessel which brought him over. He no sooner stepped from the door than he turned round to the persona who lined the passage to and shook hands with all who were nem him, repect. edly bowing and saying, ;Thank you--thank you sir," "Much obliged to you obi" 'Much obliged to yon;" to which several responded, by exclaim- I ing; .Long live King Louis Philippe." Upon en tering the carriage the crowd assembled round the window, and alinost every person present hail the honor of shaking hands with him. His Majesty. looked dejected, and appeared deeply impreeoed with the reception which he met with; The King was Gillowed into the carriage by the Queen, who wore a black and white tartan shawl, n black fig ured Silk gown, and black bonnet The other members of the royal family having taken their seats in the other carriages, the royal party drove oil' to Claremont. the residence of the lite Princess Charlotte, and Prince. Leopold, now King of Eel , gum. The Duchess de Moutpensier, the innocent care of all the uproar, after having been seared from the palace by the inroads of the mob,-Wandered about the greets of Paris until rive o'clock that day, ac companied by anold Spanishiservent, who knows not a word ofFrench She was met in the Rue du Havre; close to that railway station, by tegentleman, who knowing her by sight, took upon himself to protect her and conduct her to bit house. How she managed to stray utimolated and unrethunieed so far from home is a mystery to this hour, She says, seeking to avoid the crowd, she turned ' down the streets which seemed most free, withont caring whither they might les& 'The Duke ce Nemours left Paris directly, and on the road to Boulogne fell in with his royal rela tives, the Duke and Duchess Auguste of Saxe. Coburg. with whom hts torsi highness crossed the channel on Sunday. ; All the other branches of the royalfamily of France. with the exciftiiia 'the Duchess of Or leans arid her children; have arrived, One afie another. safely in England.. The The Duke de -Netnoura the Duke and Duchess of Saxe Coburg, (Princess Celmentitel-end the Count do Jamae, arrived in London on Sunday the 27th. The Duke, on his arrival at Hertford House, seemed greatly dejected, as he was evident ly suffering from excessive fatigue; and wttegret to say, from thew escape from the French capital having been the act of a moment, not the ',lightest lugguage was bronght, so that in fact none oftheut pounces a change of garment. • On LIMN; their departure from Paris, the Duke de Nemours went by one route, and the Duchess (cousin of Prince Albert) by sootier, intending to meet or jour at the same road at a place appoint. ed. It was not discovered till the Duke reached the want that the Duchess had'oot proceeded him. It appears now that she was unfortunately lell be hind.. . MORE Srcavraa—By the last 'temper. advice, were received or an arrangemeat which the British W. I. mail steamers are b call here morn thlyl coming from Bermuda. and going hence to 8, 'Thomas, whence the mails will radiate.—N. Y. Jour. Cont.' " The ZlOniteur publishes another decree., which (nape ißrParis LS read Irish universal sariaSictiou in!lie - and. S'avery is to he abolished at once. The followin; is the decree: - Fitmwit mat - lilac. ÜBE= —incalw—reienamirr. The Provisional Government of the Republic, considering that po French land should any on ger bear abstrim, decrees: Colonies and the Marine, to prepare, within the shortest irelay, the not for the immediate" emancipation of the slaves in all the Colonies of the Republir— Paris, Werth 4. EFFICCTI OF rtteCarsoonta's NEW, IN Nrw Von* —The New York Expresa rib Thursday says— There had been no failures iti London, Pans o other parts ao Car as heard from, affecting the A _ - It is stated that emensiVe orders have been re ceived by this steamer kt investments in Ameri can Stocks. This is the natural mom of things, —there must be good sense enough left in Europe to estimate the value and stability of our institu tions. Capitalists in Europe must _make invest, meets somewhere, and there is no spot on earth where the security is as am le as in this coon try, and the rani of interest double to what it is us Europe. . .„ • Our banks are in a strong position, and have am ,ploi mesas. 11." restoration of confidence is all that is wanting 'to make money . plenty. This cond. 'dente is principally shaken us one department,— .the French , tiede. All the Internal trade of our own country is per&ctly sound and safe. The state of things id Europe, after a little, will tend to maim money easy in this country. Vast mien most centre here. . • Specie, instead of being sent abroad, will at the present rate of Bat begin to return. The N. Y. Courier of the fame day saya— Para haters of late date and high authority, al. though decidedly discouraging and disclaiming for the pment new undertakings, speak w;thout alarm of the Acta coridition of thing. The letters from Amsterdam, whilst chronicling, the commercial , stagnation occasioned by the polit ical hurriesee , --waysl that no failurra,had occurred likely to tiff.seLAmerican commerce. from London-Ilse note of caution is sounded— but not of aPprebension; but from neither of these jrrent Commercial Capitalists (gad that we confess as greAlly , surprised us) in any encouragement gieewthat thaanention of capitalists will be turn ed to tf. S. stocks for investments. The continu ance of Oa Afemidan war, wit), its indefinite drain upon onObaboances, is the ;balancd cause in Lon. don for thei,mrslayt of the IL S. securities, amid the turnbliFitaci*Lies of Engluid and of France. frolland;sayawhilaitiare remains .one repudia• wjil: not. teach American %Leda of any port. • • • FLCMOSS,II.O;ir SANTA FS—DITLAT or Col.. BALLS sr EL Pseo.--Tbe defeat of Col Rails at El Palo was mentioned in our telegiaphie reports yester; day.. The foluarthgeculms we copy . from the • St.:l4p,ntTraperttof uesder icatleman, who a Santa Fe about the 25th F , so_tv •on Sunday. Ile brine news 4 n Col. Rolfe regiment, 'an• tinned alba Paso, (about 800 men,) and $OOO Men. icans.• The Amerman fumes were defeated, Veer ing n loss of GO or SD men, and CoL Rath - was re treatius before the Me:leant'. On the reception of the" news ci Santa Fe, Geri. Price immed i ately or dered all bin disposable firm , to march lathe aid of CoL Hells The exprev, with the mail, left Santa Fe three dap before the hearer of this news,. was overtaken by hire, and rum'ed. The knowing:, from the Weston WO Herald, cuMi, of the 21st, though cot-so Into, goes to con. firm the 'Mein intelligence: An eipreas: has jut arrived from Santa Fe. We seen A• letter dated Albuquerque, Fe. briery 7, from which we extract the following „ . 'Ou ths 3d of February, thg dragoons stationed here, were aroused by the. nmval of an-American, - who escaped from Chibuilitut,uhd came express. brought intelligence of all the movements of the Mexicans in Chibuabult r and that Geo. Urea was' advanung upon El Paso with 3000 men. Three or lour companies of CoL Rail.' regiment ware stationedot that . place: The dragoons here were ready tamarcb to their relief at a moment's . . waning, and woms only awaiting the nrrivolocUen price fr om Sidqa Fe, .14,0 Mao oxpecied in 'a row daYe r We have also received a Sams Fe llepublle,,,,- dated February 13, from whack we obtain the 01! '•Santa Fe was in greet satin:meat. It, was re ported that 1/rseri:svu adiancing upon El Plum with an arm j of from 6000 to 10,000 men by rapid marches-1 Oen. Price immediately made prepare ' tic= Letisieshing With several boillei of limps to the Mei` of the place. . • hit I Abelarriveu at Stuns Feciu the Ilth from El rairio, - and brought word that' the troops below ward all en a forced usasCh 6r El. Peuo, nod that th e re wet e prong prupset esid at that place- Large bodies of Mexicana were reported to he approaching.: 'COL:lhalli Was kutifying the "Gen :Erica and war left on the Sth.' wdl here, on &dying et El Pieso, about 15,000 men : Isibigtosol64 . Appeal, of the 21et, ewes that s letter held beta stewed thets froth ttdepes., deuce announcing. the arrival of an Uprise (note "lards Pe, with pews of the defeat of W. Hells with c(elml men. =WI 'Local .tifila_tgiiimt.7,7:"" , . Proceeding* isagnisuac.. Qitiscsl--Ptesent4lessit. dating, Bake.' weil,l3l•le; Dearly, Drum, all, KUscaikLineno. Laughlin, Lapin.; Murray, McGill,"Porter,Tottea; and Mr.Shipton, President. . Mr. Drum; Chairinu of Committee. on wooden buildings, to whosit was referred the petition of W Price for permission to remove a frame buildingin the fah Ward; also, the petition of lone* ed . ,Quigg fir permission to build a frame addition to their steel fisatOry. , , Iteponol against granting the pray er of the petitions, which wu read and accepted. Sent lb C. C. , Mr. Laughlin, Chairman of 'Sanitary Commit tee, presented a report which was read and ac cepted. • • Also, n resolution authorizing the Muyor to draw his Warrant in favor of Imo- Adams, for 513,55; read 3 times and adopted. Sent to C. Council. i A resolution authorizing, the Mayor to draw hie warrant on the City Trews:merit:, favor of Dr. Watt for $4OO, wan then called up,rmil on motion of Mr. Bakewell amended by atrikin,g out $4OO mad sub stituting 5200. Read twice and laid over. Mr. LlakeWell, Chain:nen of Special Committee on Allegheny Wharf,presented a report, which was read and accepted. lso, an Ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance, en• eutpting owners of certain lots on Duquesne Way from payment of wharfage; which was read twice when Dr. BlickMoved that the further consider°. tion of the ordinance be indefinitely posipo nett M. Lorenz [moved to lay the MOUOO ibr inde finite postpcmement on the tattle, which was .0 ned. Mr. Bakeivell moved to amend by strikitig out 20 and 30 ybans, and substituting 30 and 40 years, which amendment was log. Mr.. liayng—The words "manufacturing blishments" wherever it occurs, be stricken out— Carried.; Dr. Black—By inserting ell grading and paving hould 6cl done at the expense of the owners of the lots.=-Lost. The otdinrmce was then called for on the Urea. ding, and final passage—when an motion of Dr. Black, it wan ordered to be published as amended, together with the report of the Committee. " Adjoumed. Monday, April 3,1848. • COunOil ink on special 'call—present, Mn.ess , Armstrong,lßell; Black, Curiningimm, Jones, Leon- McClelland, McCollister, McKeliiy, McKnight, Palmer, Roggen, Sawyer, Schaffer, Sew, Smith, Stirnple, Stotler, Yon 8011111- 'horst, WilsOn.aad President, Mr. Robertson, President in the chair. Tho first,husiness In order under the call being the resolutions for the payMent of damages twat, hag by the Opening of Clark street. They were ta ken up. , ---The Motion for iddifinite postponement pending when Courmil adjourned at last meeting, was first in orde'r. The yea. and nays were call ed for, lad there was a second. andthe motion was kothy the following vote, vie; Nees, Messrs. Black Jones ; Leonard, McClelland, McKeley, McKnight, Sawyer, Soon, Von Bonahonst. and President-10. Nay., Meeire- Armstrong, Cunningham, Levi,, viagston; McCollister, l'almer, &two, Schaffer, Smith, StiMple ; and Wilson-11. The amendmeat of Mr. SaWyer, making theci ty liable Gar one half of the damages only—was next in'order—was read a 3d time, and laid upon the table. I The gueition, "shall the resolutions be read a 3d time—being in order the yeas and nays were called tor, ind there was a second, and the were as follows; vizs yeas, Messrs. Armstrong, Levis, Li, tagston,ljeColliattir, Palmer, Roggen, Schaffer, Smith. StiMple and Wilson-10; Nays, Messrs , Bell, peck, Cunningham,l Jones, Leonard, McCOI. listeg; IMcKelvy, McKiliglit, Sawyer, Scou ; Stoner, Von Bounliorst and President-13; so the reaqu- Lion. wereirejected. The unfinished business (nom the S. C. of the 27th of March was taboo up and disposed of Mr. JoniSt, offered .n resolution directing the pus. hae of tWo copies of Dunlop's Digest, for the se of ConnciL.—Reed twice rod laid over. -* Mr. .McKePry odered'n resolution directing the greding of (Filth street from Smithfield to Ross S;t. Rend .d referred to the Corn. on Streets. 5:.e. Sent to S. C. `Adjourned. New Boots. 'Life (Lod public services of Henry Clay. Revibed, enlarged and brought down to March, 1545. By Epee Sargent, Ecq." We :anal indebted tour enterprising fronds, Measm. dmely S McEJrath, of the Nos- York _Tribune, Air a copy of the very• able Biography of the Sage c i lf Ashland. Iris written with great abil ity and is a full and faithful monde& all tho.e flog eTeati!, incldenti and acts, wycli make upthe history of Mr. Clay. Ii contains onelmndred and twenty five pages of closely printed matter, printed online paper, with o portrait by Sin... nt the !ow price of 24; cents, The usia7 3fariszilm7cor — April, under the edit.O. rill super v ision of the Well known 3I m. Kirkland, cm . . to is like spring, laden wall bbwtns It is one of the most agreeable hie of the many eacellent monthlies now4Mbeshed. Hoxima l a noctaa 51.114.67.L'ir-Thi, is on adirurs• We wOrk;_and only deserses to beaien to be tub dieribeillkir, it is,published at Sew York, and Bounds with interesting reading matter, We are!iadehted to Mr. lost; n copy of his buriness directory, and cordially recttritnend 3t as a desirable median:l . ot advertising, as well; as valaabletiypendsos to the counting ro,nm. Nita lira intlebtrd •to the lion. Mr. lime, o-u, • copy of his able ,perch on "The origin of the War with Mrslro MEM Tar Fat; yesterday morning, occurred nt the fr;mri Imitate. known as the Oregon Honer. ou 4th St.inest Grant. It was Awn estingutahed, and did very Intle_demage. : This old house was therMidevoe of loouie Phu lippe, the dethroned King of France, during sere. ral months of his former exile. linns then ores. pied by a '''renchman, named Marie, with whom Louis Philippe hoarded during hi. stay in This city. Arrant lulu AND CIXVELAND ZAILADAD —A lec tor by teldiraph frlnt J. A. Harris, Eaq.,._eddur of the Cleveland Herald, iniarma us that the city of Cleveland his voted one hundred thousand dollars subscription to the Cleveland 1. Pittsbtirut railrruld with hardly a diuenting voice. firivv rinuaom.—A jury• in Philadelphia lately gave the pLantiff a verdict far ten tiumsanzi datars, in &breach orpromise caw. Thin is. the tenant verdictof the kind ever given in thin country so far ns our knowledge goes. The jury were much influenced no doubt, by a streimum attempt on the parlor thedefendint to make it appear that the plaintiff had been unchaste before her unfortunate acifiaintinee with him—an attempt made in an atrocious way, and doubting, conaidered r hy the ju • ry has utterly failed. Coateas.arres reaccs OP Pro mors.--The price of pig iron at Glaacxre on the 10th of March. - ItiSS! • Nees Cd qr too. 13471 " 3 ,, IC!, " Gd 4, toil which is equal to a fall of $5,59 per toe. Asa. usi Lgrruscs or Mon. Consiscrs.—The Postmaster General requests us to ely that the bids received fur the mail aervice, in the States of New Jersey, Delawate, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Ohio are now in the course °recrimination, and that he will be prepared, on the 13111 of April, to open the books, and announce to this.e interested the bids, ,preparatory to the making orn Gnal de cision awarding the contracts.—troion. The. piishops ot the MethodiatEpimcopal Church have isinteitt circular recommendtiti, io fir* af . the important spatters Co coma bane the Geneal . Cottfcrenee of the bburCh, that the lest Frdiay in Aprithe observed throughout the Churches as a day Of humiliation and prayer; and that liars:must. delivered daring the day. Gciver.soccer Finances—The amount of 'Money on deposite, to the credit of the Treasury of tho Stites, and subject to drat), on the 27th of March, was 82, of which sum $2te1,36 was in the strong •s. at Pittsburgh. .There Wan grand celebration in New York on Monday . . boner of the new Republic of France. , City Hall and 'other public buildings vere . fo 6s; uminated by order of Coaunon Cone. cli. In t • "evening there we, to* a great meet. log in the Park, at orhich the Mayor bad convented to preside. WiernihTbe 'hires of two ofthe French minis• try, Lientrtine and Ledru Rollin, are Irish /edit', and they are both characteristically engaged in pet rel:lain Lally and concerte, fur ilia benefit of the .suirerers by the revolution. .The nu'muer of siudents who attended these' , - oral Medical 'cheats in Philedelphie last ;winter we one thousand - two hundred end seven, Of this number, 509 were student" in the Clniyensity, and 492 la the Jeffereon - Ot v. Toss Tnims-r-lt will notlouhi gratify our Juvendadiends os well as the ladies, to litipprisi ed that ibis interesting gentlemtua .is „re' route ,far, this city; bilis; at the last dateVitt Louisville. M a ths West dates frons.Paris, as we leafs' froli, a Reach &ue, We Rothsehild, Were disc:ousting at ,4 rex calk, load Ifottinsuer at 3.—N. T. -Jour: . The nbt Couto Mill of the Ainosiceng Curnpauie a‘Ckgffideurn, N. H, was burned on Thursday hut, Ices 330,x• -r; ..VAMPArtak PAPEIU 'indieeies thae . theikiei campaign, will be the most exciting eviejbeght. Upon .all shim we see Feperatanto, inelattit by the admiaisirs tiou press to sustain the executive by the cheap circulation - or the decal stsninfetai with which they gull the publieeas on the eve of election.. • .To spread the antiikite wherever they may halms their poison, we 411111 ISSUe 6 Campaign paper ',lt a price,. moderate as to place n in the hands of every good Whig in this , region, as well as in' t• e handa of all . those who love their country wi • an enlarged heart, and who desire to see our ale' constitutitirr, for which our Fatheni knight and • ied, preserved - from 'the danger of being torn i• a thousand fragments by an unprincipled and mis. guided faction, who . se entire and devoted obj is to obtain power and - the spoils incidental are, to, and for the sake of which they nre read and willing to sacrifice every principle of right a. tice as well as of Law and order. The "Gazette",halltever yetficen found we in its duty and devotion to the great intere is of Western Pennsylvania, with which it has teen, identified fob nearly three quarters of a century- d we trust to be intod in the foremost arnim,dtt• ring the. campaign. When the National Conan Una composed of the chosen pairiotsof the republic shall decide upon the man who is to bear oar Pear ;dentin! banner, we shall enter into his support "th all the energy and'lndustre ve pcosesse, and hrowlng away the scabbard tight for the good old • use, so long as the enemy keeps the field. We shall put upon our banner, as one of earth- nal principles for which we contendiA PROTEC. THE TARIFF, one that shall secure to those living on American soil, the labor requisite to pro duce our own iron, our own cotton, oui own glass, our own salt and in short all that is requisite for our comfort or: convenience] that can be made at home. We shall go_tbr the good fanners policy of baying nothing that we can produoc ourselves. We shall demand too from - the next ndministra. don appropriations for the improvement of our rivers and barbels, and shall insist that a pan of the revenue we contribute in raising, shall be expended for our benefit and not all be given to support useless wsrs, arid greedy, lazy, worthless officeholders, and COOLIIICIOLN of the gov.. ernment. We Mall go for those who will give us a gov rnment administered upon the most economical scale consistent with honor to the position we oc. cupy among the nations of the earth. We shall go for non-interference in all European politics either by direct- action ar the most remote implication, believing that our true destiny is to mind our own business, within our own bounds. ries, and recommend the virtues and advantages of our form of government by our example and not by arms or diphimacy. Wo shall oppose the acquisition of any more territory, and shall insist that, Mi_.2l2C-110.1 shall be spared to restore us to an honorable peace with our sister republiq: • To thou who at.prove the declarations we have Made, we now aplienl and ask them to aid as in the dissemination or the creed we. lay down. The Weekly Gazette of the 10th of Stole ail contain the National Nomination, We will co meoce on that day and send the Guette until tL • the, result of the Presidential election Is know. upon the itllowing terms . To one addre., Ten eopite... Fifteen - copies Twenty " Filly • Coe hundred _fopieo No package will be made up emit•irling leer than fire ropier, fin. which 82,6 l eta will he chem . . ed• and so in proportion. Car additional eeries. We would aoliut the attention of the present patrons of the - Gazette to this matter and.aak their aid. The extremely low rate at which we oiler the campaign paper . leaves but • small ini4iti neer the actual expense of publication to us, and all orders mast be attended by oath. The money can to cent to us through the post masten. EFLASTM 4 . nnooKs.,v OM WQGT Cior.—Tbe 'Llaevnlk , Fourier says— From thenountry, wa heat the mug encourag. ,4 aceounts-ef the oandition of the wheat.—. From the fartrartatheinieliei, feint treTrel, kn ot our agent who in traversing the entirety,. and lima oug..owa oabaerration, we Wher that the ming grain • has never looked better, unkann, it may be, two yearn • ago: and then not Noy much he'der; The plans. are growing finely, and 'show no tl feats from the open winter. The fly was hod its *roe platen, and the crop may yet be injured by drought, or worm, but the prospect new is fair be an 'notionally fine crop. The Cleveland Herald nays—What; kw, reports we bare reveived, relative to the Folioed, of the Wheat crop, in the interior, are somewhat contra dictory. Indeed at this time it it napirtadole to bran definite opinions in regard to the matter, an the wheat plant is liable to be materially injured during the two or three aucceedintweeks. A Pose IVlAartat Cosetcren.—.la the one of the Proprietors of the Daily Advertise, an Jobs 1107 . the rangiest.. at Detroit, for official corrup tion, in refos'ng to give the Post Office 'fainting to the paper having the largest circulation, the Cyan rendered a deution yesterday against the Post Master, and as...eased the plaintitra damages at the sum of 511 0.1, that being the value of the either. tisement for the south of •March,'tStf In pursuing the Neil:rawer &our city to a cute viction far offirial perjury, - we have been actuated solely by a dn.ite to' obtain a plain legal nght un der the laws of the land. The Daily Advertiser has for seven! year been deprived , by the merest fraud of all the patronage of the Post ft drce r k .. pertinent. • - " The Ire proprietor. Colonel Williams, found his .application to the Post Master treated with con tempt. The same degree 6( insolence and con tempt was bestowed upon the present proprietors. An upriaitt and fearless Court of Inoue has pla ced the matter rightly before the community.—Pe :mit Adv. Arroa's .Istart.—The *Mon of the best informed men on the subject of Mr. Astor's estate, is that he has lot 'over $25,000,000. The Tribune says the fallowing gentlemen arc executor+ of the Will of the Late Mr. Astor, ris Wm. B. Astor, John J. Actor, Jr., Date/ Lord; Jr. limas U. King, and Washington trying. The Will is voluminons and was drama up brn. Lord, Jr., Eire. There is so much dome to see the Will,that it mill no doubt; he speedily published. - • . • "Mato Ur.—The locomotive .-Stephen %VIA' ne - y," which Wu euni in the • Pastwic rive: lait week. id the time of the reamed accident,has been recovered and placed on board of a *awl, which is now . on the • way with: it to lerarg City. The damages to it, it la draught, i will not exceed 540. Abraham Quackenbush, theengineeri is able tube about again. • - , SAVING!, BANC or BAI-713.1411110—Tt0r lailtllloll ha% declared +incubi epco fds fah of its buiineeshir the last three ylitni;*ambeet log to $51,000, which will be dirided.beiweeo positore who haveleictiume in the Blink Or' nee , year or more. k . • "Ssuo Tuicautxra"—Mr. Virebmei, when-. 14 chases to be, is not only one of the abler, but one of the wittiest of public Inen: . . We hare sees Wen any' thine. happier than hia onaleuir4 poorlJenerel Gas, Who YAW henceforth be • tidy me:optimal by, his:title of Snug the -Jane . . SP by. hill 0V721 patronyteic. • ' • • MO= Tazon.--Threr hundred end fifty recruits, Or the volunteer and regular diyislonaol tho U. S. Army, iit , ere to learn Newport !Unlinks on or about tap first day of April. 'A portion of them are kr the 2nd and 4t&Ohio Begirneuta, eoratnimded by Cols. Irwin and Brough. Tug Paarrvcarr =ruin - wt.—We learn from ruitucket, that up to Wedneatlay afternoon, el.. en dead lashes had been recovered Iron the ruin. nt then Hcime'Print works, and it NFU feared that several others were still buried beneath the ruins The Ohio Cultivator of the lah, sais that the Whenterop in the middle and northern portioos oi the State continues to appear healthy. The dry weather hoe thus Ear prevented the "hearing oat" so common at this season of the year. ED" Von frurlish, silly old fellow, read ads, and be no looser bald, whiskerlers and hairless. Arr. W. !sok. HMI, of to lAberty street, Pittsburgh, Po, certifies on the :Id of l'ehroary„ 1947, that Mr.'fbos.ittefisou`a head, on the top, was, entirely bold forlS ).ear., and thalter using two fie AMU. on Jones' Coral Huit Restotatiee, the hair is_ manna. fast sod Wei,: Sold in Newark byH. OLDS te SON, fill !bond sl, R. VAN IIUSIORK, tomer of Broad Mali Nnellekel st. otat'2o ETPlma, Ilan, ac.—Thu Genuine Hays• Millman Is an article more justly celebrated as a turn forme Wove then any or all °them Its rarer are almost mow:4d, :cola ey tb al. JACKSON, /seem for Pitts burgh. novlellteurcnit Wu*.Clon't have yellow, dark ream—they. V.be .. de = Poorly whin. by pale tune osioa bon J on . Amber Toad. Mute. It Leiden. the !owl, the breath, kn. nand aura Laberly at norlikluwly "That whiter skin of hers, than mem And pure as nionamenud alabaster. , AU females base akin like the above, whonse,Jonee ;Vanish Idly Whoa. h tnaketh pure snowy, yet natu rally white• SoLd at 41 Cnentast street. ta"" ljr Don't have. st - Foul Dreath. , -Ir )on hive, "" tw/a eb 1 tY bottle of Jones , Amber Tooth Paste. That will make your breath sweet, whiten your teeth, &P.-, goill at Wont, at nuirladtsrlT - . Vol this S , X. sr..-0/ms . tockit lierre Lod. Uoue Lis.ut end lueszu Veiretable 1.11:lr, We moor effectual cure for Ethouuruktiurt Sold by M. JAM 5•04. Alf. 4 fot Ana6..416 ffrtiLtlG_Tclf: VgGRANI. VorreiposidensO of Plltslopitigh . • . tormspnuCtince of the Pittsburgh Gakette. CONGRESS. • Washington, April 4, ISIS. Another Member id - Congress . is no more--the Hon. 4. A.4lack, of South Caroline. He hos been ill for some time, and died last night,—attended in his last moments by his Gamily, which bad been . sent for. A large meeting to sympathize with France was held Isar night, at' which the Mayor prOsided..-- There was much enthusiasm shown in all the pro ceedings. Nothing was done farther thin to announce the death of Mr. J. A. Mack, nod passing the custom ary resolution. • LAETIL FROM MEXICO PmuDELPIIIA, April f, I g!...9. By the Southern "Magnetic Line, we have Inter news from the city of Mexico—bringing one adri• ces down to the 20th of March. • • The Court of Inqulry commenced its Stnioll ou the 10th of March, when the,charges presented by . General Worth again's General Scott were with• ' drawn, as well as the charges Of General Scnit. against Colonel Duncan. General Pillow will be toed. A tangle word tells the Flory. The Whigs have' swept the State, by increased majorities, and hare secured the two Senators. Tbs . . Lower Souse Or the Connecticut Legislas tere strands, 80 ‘17616' to . 54 Locos. Senate ; 17 Whigs too Loco Form. The Whig State Ticket has been entirely sueo, cessful, and the course of the State laid down for: the November election. Nry Yo April 4,1 S The Steamer Herman, Captain Crabtree, benne for Southampton, put into,Hahfax, on Tuesday last, in distress, having brOken Ler engine in a Bala. Pumuncant., ApriTT, LS4B. • There is nothing - doing in any of the Atlantic Markets worth reporting. All is quiet, and waiting the arrival of the .New York Steamer, now fully "due. Ciniinnati, April 4, 1548. The election yesterday, terminated in the sec• eels of thi, Whigs throughout the city. The Whigs have gained abghtly, end have a large majority in the Councils. Rumors ate current unfavorable to the credit of the Bank of Norwalk, but they are not generally credited by the brokers. St. Louis, April 4,151 E. The election yesterday GLr municipal offices, W suited iu qte choice of loco Coco officers, including the Mayor. The Mayor had three hundred inn. jority. 53clusive Cotres - pondeuee of the Pittsburgh Gazelle .CINCINNATI MARKET. Cmem-sert, Apnl 4, ISIR flour—The market, wills moderate human., is in favor claim buyer. Rye—Sales of 1,400 bushels at 5:1ar55 ets. Whiskey—Sale. of Common at 14 ate. The market is firm. Groceries- We heve no change to note. The market is in'active. Provisions--There pa a dinurushed bale, of sugar cured llama at it.. Western 16.1 ea are held at 3iy; Shoulders at 21 cis. • Linseed 04-.-Saltss at agargl rt., per callon. Cill/Cllll are honorably stunted Mat thr follow ing anti. actual qualities of a da.botUo of Joa Co.. ral Harr Rebtorauve. If they doubt our. word. Mcy cannot Wear highly rrelarcmble Cllittlll. who /...I‘n tried it: Mt. (Mo. 14rcketh 4l Elm a. New Yorh. - - ..Nlts-ItaAlmle avenue, I..ruokly.. Tonykqur, teJ King .1. New York. Mr. Thomas Jackson. W I.therty At, l'ittsnagt, U. F.:Cullen, late I. , arbrr • crainboat AMCIICMI. . . Andlllo., than a hundred otbera ,rate, though Int....kr utaite, that it will force the hats to rrow on the hund or face. atop it I - Alma:gut otrengtheu the root, removal, neut( and Quadrat from the roots, nod coaling pght., red or gray hair an.ufna; a hue dark lack, nad bury). wiry hate snood, am:, cleat. mat beautiful, i Vert , • ery long :MI, Sala at Wll. JACK.SON , S I.4.Crty at. mare) 07 Lb. rat Pawns Mattis-4 you *rash to sac control. any undertaking, you must always hese the proper means.' Therefore, if you hale cougn, me. Jo vet Et.ersinettxt tell be sUrthi. we is the stdper moat. Have you Asthma or difficulty at breath ing, thee the only edicient lot.. to cure you is to use large* Expeetcrfant.'which - Oill moranlistelpreercume the spun, whAirt, coutngrt• in'n diameter of the tet,ef, lad Lowed. sod brag. up the mucus Winch clore turrit up.abd tbns crenocc• este) , ob urem mo to (eV, tarn,, While it the Hulse Wirer all istammustiou is•un deed, and a mire certain to be eibeted. 111,e tot Hantebstis, Spiting of How& Pleurisy, or in fact -.soy put...nu . Agree... Men use Jaynes rapes - xi.. sad rclici i t trtukiri, and you will find that you laAvt pod tlea po • Fo sale s IPisaigh at the Pekin Tea Store, Ti Vile atract neakWood. tool: r, • Th . c .oll.lm el uf ,nr grateful w s sew , wad., the repulsi‘ e. coat., tou.buo. yellow faoes ' • , --; . 1 ;10 ' , 1,-,:- - - t . ''''',.., 4,' s I.rt . '•'. ' ' 1 •'• 5 5' 41.0 21 , 4 6.. . . , •-• • 11A*111011D & WARI.IO4I • • • GR A NIG M E N . A GERI E. - r TILT. lIE f~{DBITEBau Tnesday„Wednesday, V% and Thrirsday ; April 11th. 1211. and 13th, for thre a days only,,nder their mammoth pasillion , be erect.' ed ut front Of the American Hotel, Naha street; and al in Allegheny city on Diday, April 14lh. w ~np;n4 &Mtn.g Could respectfall annonnee to the pu i blic, thee on this occasion they w ill hero an op portunity the novel and daring perforta7 . nc. of I " - who, for her courage , andl int repidity,.llas gained the name of 1.10 1 QUEEN, and w ill appear with We renowned! • • • lillta DRIF.BI7ACIf in his unparalleled pciforinances, with n ' t e rr. nruphal ear, thus showing Mat even l:l.:may leant to cont.! the lIIONARCIAS TIII.:FORFATD. V - Doors Open each day from 11 la4l, and from 7 to In o'clock, AD311•611iN,y.5 cents—children under ten years of age; IS cents. ; AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OP GOODS.. .- • MITE eabadribera have taken the stare, Na. blur ' km inrceE 3I door above Third acerb suberalbcy arc now opening a choice mock of Linea, Cambric and Silk Ilandkciableilk' • ' _ • thraw G ' RibSons:l • Glover. ArtificislFloseers, Comb., Lace Goads. Buttons. Embroiderica Tbreads.- Umbrellas, Nicedles,• • Parasol.; Jerreln, To which tbey mould unfit dm alientiou of Milliner", Country Merchants and other. The above goods hero been purebaied for Cash of Ma Easters. manufacturers, * nod at the recent package 'sales, and mill be sold for Pas low it/ tall be bought of either Near York or Pldladelphiajobbers. • ' tioldUataTit ' . 'sawn' &JOHNSON. P MINTS ONLY. CEDAR ST. N EW YORK LEE-I-BREWSTER &tablisimd tstraretantse o, the'year iht4 for the yell roe. of sojtplying sim City twat taterier Ihsule wtth PRIN - rf:D CALICOPS 'EXCI.I.IhIVELY, tow piires--and eskibiting, or all masons • or the year, the Lamest Assortment in TH , LIWILD • r err W Hatratetl . Packagrs, rtemprasing yery,aew- ogle of Fotalgu -Dostwatie produr,tioat Inaisr,of "duels hen jest been purchased,. and ue oared fin tale for Calieborrwardit, at • • IL PRICS-ILVERICI;D ONE, TO FIVE -CENTS per yard to . * the pnees of April and Xleg, fo pcs pruard 'lrAnlTes, lrlts l - eeNeese:l 4a; y, for We ruf . Neer lork,June, IE4I S : SY2diVi • clombllag hoe the Wfar CLOTHING' AT WHOLESALE . respectfully informal, that at Lewtsa. Nky . .FORO , 3 . CLUTILILNG WammOVEL,' ' son. Sat! .t.• 114 SNARL oraxxx Row York, -- AI .IX hp found no astetuire ussonusent of Clothing, I.lmann:act:a red' expressly We Southern one NYestern market. • ' • 'I Maw n lar-e stock of Linen [lissom Sfins, oran• grades and piles.. Fanny do do do; twined stripe do do do; Flannel do do do; and all other kinds In general use. Whtis m . We aannfuentre and kap constantly on hand, the tampli stock of oiled clothing es the [tuned ..Stuira; embractrig crazy anicle the hoe. I . 'lVe manufacutre and aell isumensittuantities of all the above atticles, and woukt invite the nttcatiou of deafen itsitheto to call and esaminn out stock and Fri. ces !Jethro: they purchase; a we eau and will sell at prints that cannot fail to plewe. . LE:WIS t 11.A.NFOItIL • .2.32 and 2134 Pearl at, Nest York. All °tics tbattenticsl to with correctncut and despatch. • • ' suarlidlat FANCY ikRY -GOODS: :SEAMA &•MUIR. • 391 IDr•adir Mani 1 ork, ILIPOSTF.RSANDJOI3SERS of Sills, Etinek Ho: ISA M lin., Bareges, Lewes; End:mut . ter. Alert. nos,"Shasels, Hosiery, Gloves, Lawns, Honstessittes, AND ALF,OTLLEIL VAlLleflEfliFt FANCY GOODS. .They iante cot/levy Merchants. sisitient New_ York, to ersmiliesheir stock befoie mak tug then purchases. Mr. Blnirwas for nanny. years of eke. house of A. T. Stewert es. CO., tioe, which he retired au the Ist of Jae, Ik4o. SuukAir..loneeit Dtek son, Aveho hos so inussese iu eke Itioslness,) was oleo favorably known in eat estab littoneed. • owakey. Jaelf Ex c lmato .. • Colozubm ia c0.,0, Apr. 24, 1241. Ste--I D R D ~AVYY3: Flux feel bound to you and the aillieted public, to avail myself of this op.' pont:oily of givingpublicity to the extraonliMary effects of your tore on myself. ii/VILLIg been afflicted for ovireti years - with* a 'ovine coup, hectic fever and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger our a short but miseraWe ezistenor, until the fall of 1,44}9, when, being mote severely snacked, and hoviog mooned to all my former remedies, and the pre• teriptioneof two of the most respeetoble physicians the neighborhood without deter any enefik . or the ronefiladoki of surriving but a few dat a Or weeks of fardiest—wheu the last gleam of hope was about to vanish, I bad reromnaended to toe your Expeetorant and blessed by that tieing who does all things in the use of the ineuns—and contrary to the sapoctations of my physiciaim and friends, I was inn few days mired from toy bed, and was enabled by the moot. honk, to attend to iify business, enjoying since better health than I had for ten pram previous. . • ' • - • Respectfully yours, the., Emu., • I For sale iu Pittsburgh, at the Pekin 'Fes :Store, RI Fourth street. • •••••• • . . • A DEISIbERATUIS TO ALL WHO A burp , Indin Robber blnid, for preventing pens conottimg :itt Ink; rile* At adapting 'them to write on purchmenf withonl the aid of pumice, and to facilitate the Ink doyring 'free. To students,conveyancen, and tcanttlit men, it is Inv tilunble.' By merely adding • few drops iof thth Fluid to the ink Mum, it Sill instantly ho found to be the best auxiliary ever odhied, as It nen• trulirearlhii acid, preelpitaMs the sediment, enures titre* don orris; luk, and dispel/net with the trouble of tug a pen.; Jeri received and for sale ;WINSTON & STOCKTON, Statlimen, mar3l. , • ' • ' tor market anddd sts fAV ROOKS,ia.tmeetied y Lapresmrotauy, }lngland and Scotland; RecoUeetions of a 5.... baster,J II MelloTrAuhigue, D.' D., Author of History Oft he Reformation, Life glen/a:moll. ke. A Praelical Exposition of rho 00sIMis Si. Mat thew and St. Marl!, in Ma form of Lect ur er, intended assist the practice of domestic - Instruction-awl deco. lino; by Julio Bird Summer,D.D.. laahop of Chesiru For mile by ELLIOTT JO LI , IGLISIt' febtl • market at, bet 3d amx,, SUACKLETT £ WUITE 7--- 1:11110144ALF; DEAL IN DRY (il'AiDs, y 09 iVoal 'street, ha* on hind, .a ire constant ly resilvirtg daring Rey business It large end extensive ttssonment of DRY G00.D.4, which they ot• Cr , rtsrrittnlr st Ptirert reuoitable terms. Believing - pant they ean give vain% stunittetion, they -990 % 10 1 iovile mer o im:ls visiting the city to give, Loom a • ty .. ritiTlolo TO SUIPP`ER j. Iy.£ 'inve:takeneen MSc* immediately. opposite to ottriburnt Wireltionie; for the p relent, .orhere me md transited husinEss rot usual antic 'a neer - house eau be erected, arringements, hitting already been' made for that purpose. ROE a Rill always he tit readiness at • our whereto receive (might. • . C A Id , AltliLTY & Caned Dalin, Libmy et' C.lloEll • LCVI BUM.- LIEFLORIIS t AMEX, MANT.TAHTUHEHS I.7hovela,.epades, :, :hlanote Forts, Hoe 2, 31nOoek a lie. ac. ' Warehouse No, 14, eorneriof Wood and Eton; .2areeta ,IN‘Hboegb, 3.. COPARTNERSHIP. . .BERGER SON having,. this dry ',hid to Wni.. (late of the firmer Black it :ti`Keet an itt. wrest In their Shovel nod ;quote inentilactory, the Leti tia... in linens Will be conducted meter the rtyle of Her. Serf SidnXee. Nr : ,l4. corner un er or Wood d•Front street., iittd.urdh, where the favors of their friends noddle palm scocrully trill he thankfully, received. 'April 1, - ISka . • , „v 3 Au - .1101:01ALE01 . 10GER gni Can irrs' aim Mp, MIL eintimeathe - aboii bigness, at Uti old nukt 44,•Coritsc a Woad aid Front Elves, VATENT.,I3ODAII—ei. cut* (Jai Nispris •%P'kbr..d)bniaiugtain steamer firmest, and X71014-40bbla Lasd /Jil t landing pow. ablantar liewlEagland, and tor tale by • - 1 , • Amaral 1.4 jamEg gau2itj., l grainea , RALSgi%ke.--100tIozos Woad; Itsholuo ;Co bill Ooze; do; Ido bap Rpm; al bap Pdoordcs .ale bY mat, LI - AG...LEY a Mall ..i . .,; .: ',: ; . ; ' . i . :,,.1 . .,.:7 ,, :. ,, d: - ...;;• - ,...r,-w^^7 . -- IM=s= ff•M P C INt • . 1118 well known liecof eplehdril paeuncer Sten.' er , p.A 04.„..0,00 of the larger, outrun, beat °dud and furnielired, and mort pourenuk boat. ou waters of the .Verit:.:...teetT tinnnuanciak‘ lo .„ and each'. fort Wit money can procure, has been provtaed for pa., . earthen. Ale Quebec hoe, in orerauno for —bea carried a million of people without the tinnier. ry to their persons.- - The !exits will he at the font ofd At'ood streel the ility pre en vionc to starting, for the eneal/.• tiou of freight and the try bf punier:gee. ou thy lea. .111 al/ chant tire pueage lacaiey /suan toe plyl aarraea. • SUNDAY PACILET. • The ISAAC NEITION, Cala. A. 1.1-. naves, .14: leave Pittaburgh every Sunday au:unlit ai 10 e'elaek;, Wheeling erery Sunday evening at 10 el ant May 21,19 CL ' • •: % • MONDAY PACKET. ' The 1 1 10NOMIAIIELA,"'" barg6evel7 Aranday roaming at 1U arebeke IVheelinig every Monday evening all!) e.Y.. TCEBDAY PACKET . . . The HIBEICVIA. No. Capt. J. l'al%1771:1111; leave Pinsharsh r very Tuesday rooming nt to Wheeling• every Tuesday everung - et tor. mt. . - • '• WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW F.NGLAND No. Cala. 11• DA I O, leave PiastengS. every Wedueedny morning' el 10 o'clock; Wheefing every Wednesday evening ;010 P.M . . . _ _ ...... . • TIIMSDAY PACKET. The 11 RILLIANT, C.ixn. Giucs, will leave. Pion• burgh cwrr Thursday miming , at 10 o'clock; Al heelwr; ...en -Thursday eirwiwg. al 10 r. x..--' • . . . . —..-...— -..- . ' FRIDAY PACKET. - - , The CLIPPER No.; Cart. Camas, will leave Pine bomb every Fnday metraug lit 10 o'eleek; Wheel ivory Ftidey overall; at 10 1.. X. SATURDAY PACKET. 1 The MRsENarni, Mpt.t.+. will leave Pin. beret, every ga.nl.Ylnotidne'at tOo'Clett wnee.n.t.: every Sauirdsy evening at itt t. aa. • DEAVER PACO:VS.—NEW AIIDANGEMENTSi, The Metal • CAG/ COPP., tall leave for Deemer, (:Ina ow wad Wellerille on Tuesday, Thrsday, and Saturday. or ash we ek, at 9 O'clOci.A. 0. return.; log on Monday, Wednewluy and She hu a Mount the landing. tretamen Wood street mid the briddsy " prepared to receive Frei/his at any time.. /rutin . No al kViniFm,. DILAVER AND WIILLSVILLN PACER'S'. .- The lineiremnbout DEAVER. Chula. Clothe, master, will. dining e eatalnE winter semen, taste daily tips Lip_a, oi4ld Wellsvi ll e, Isariug kutabotth eva ry maiming at a o'clock...l Welsnkleati ablo dents (ii M. itAaroN, a CO, Agra. 111414 - . - 1849 rvirssnunGmt, uhowssivrizai Daily Packet Line: - FTDRUARY 184.1 FELIRUAIIV Lq letl LEAVE, DAILY ATE' A. AL, Anil/4 The following • new , boats complete hi the line for the present reason: AT. ' • LANTIC, Capt. Jurors Parkiusesid BALTIC, Capt. A. Jacob. ; and LOUIS • At'LANE' Copt IL Bennett The boats ore entirely urn, and' are Wed up without regard to er.petme. eßs cry comfort that motley can Procure has been iirovided. • The Boats still leave the 'What( Ikat at the foot of Ross ci. Passengers will be plicate-el no board,., the boats will certainly leave, at the advice, used hours. SA. Al. and 4P. xd.. -•- • janal • .• • FOR • • • -- The toe steamer , I WIL, • - , - Boyd, ld aster, will leave for the above fiend gunmen:ode port. :his day, an I r. For freightor { w FOR on boarchL • opn - FOR — ST. - .EC1P1:47 •, _ • The new nod ma cent steamer noirrtiElmi.a(nrr, • •D F IllitchlnsonAllisten tearnfor above and hitennediam Ports on patentay, at 4 o'clock P.M. For neigh: or pissace ply on board. . • - , moral , FOg CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. \ , . ', 11e fine steamer I . - . - NEW ENGLANIA , Ebben, d oll leave for the i ore and 01l lancrmainic norm, au ) 100101 ,10 Y. Aprd 'l, allO o'clock, a:. a. For - lreigln on ) ionssine appiy on bonni• ' ' ' ' )* morg . • . . FOR WIIEELLNO AND Bina *TORT , The net, and enbetantint Jaw water • Alt.iDSt:ON, • • ' Andre* Poe Master, nn• repented hgr reg.'s, triton etween - Wheeling, I.4iilgeport and Pitt. burgh, 1, awns amen ou Mondays and Thuttdayt. FOR WARAEII RIVF.E.7 ___ . The ne w o dd splendid liala draught , . steamer EUREKA. • • RP /homes, :Ranter, wiR letWe for La • ayene- and intenuelliate ports on naturday-, the Ist Or Aptd, at 4 o'clock, P. AL .For freight or kassop apply ortboonl, or to otar•M J NEWTON JONES, Mottle Ilonse.• REGULAR PAcium FOR st.truum. t ' The now n steamer ' ..,"7" „,,,rk- odEs -IvEmsvir.4.E. . i . ~.,.1..i . i . . rd Eames, mesterorill -leave Sor Gwen al all hdenee'tliate ports* n {Veda,. dot - sold tleturdays of each unel, ' For neight or pan! .nee apple ton banal or to ,• • . .1 labla- ••• • is GEO .1 1 / 1 11LTENDERGE.R, Art. PTI3'SHITIIGH & WHOMING PAChMT. • 7:1! I Y . dev, villa ' lean ly Monday. WeilitealayFrtday, at 10 cielottw.:.aly, Leave 'Wheellug, ever: - Tneslay, naspa,:y and Sr birday, at 7 "o'cloc 1:,"0. Collilll will laud at al: o.:e anetiaediate porta...— Every accomorlatioa th at can be p ro ceed for the come fort aud gaiety of passosurars has beet pftwiditt. boat Is al. provided Willi velfdieuug .gatety sward to prevesst expiaiWitut For &eight or tramp apply OR Lund or to DAVID. 1.11:H L fr&l comer of Icf sud Britithfieldsta..e 31eICEESPORT, ELIZABETH AND AIDNONGAILE, - • LA CITY rAciaz. • . .. . The ant r e ame r. . DEISPATCH, Net. a, cancer, -will ran as altars; leaving Pittsburgh 'erety Idisidar n edneaday and Friday, at Ilk ulelock,A. as, and Has lionanhelaCity terry Tuesday,Thursdayand Saturday, alb o'clock, - a. tr. Fat fretght Or pu.ga apply as • ~ FOR Ffr.A.KIELLN .,„ h. The. nc7 ."'AdRI L OWLI.4I; • "", • Mahler. silt leave foe the A bo D Millet; la: 7 F7 1 ., 66 1 .1 .tr Ptel!et.S. arPr ureay, et 4 t. 0 NEW-and. spleglid • variety, st ZEDULON. KINSEY'S, C 7 Mark** 50 goldlever Waghesl IS silver lever 'watches, V.nglish; delaebed lever watch.. r; Al' silver ..I..`krise %eagles; 24 silver quarlir e watches; Melee goltLehains; 1 doe new style ear rove; 5 dos plans geld hoop rings; 0 dos assorted tingle U.° b...ark Playing a canary 01 popwaz ' gun 'steel hides, all suss. . • 5 doz fine Fmk silk endpaper; Midas earns Fans; G dor. Ens velvet-bend bogs, ne w style.; lb dris fge crotchet bead bags , new styltik .5. des fie se,r.eksr. parses, new styleF; 2.3d0s fine parazols,riso rte d ; En s s. s , tassels, binges, gilt and silver, for regalia, .; loans fine flower vases, assorted; I don COO steel scr ew pin . eask. ions; I deflate ivory sensw. "pia easld ens;dpa fine 'wood screw'. pin Cashion*, , •A Lne 'asi,smne s t of esw •- ----- EW and splendid variety orni rerrdr,g s of she Infest N stYles, Stst.Weelved at =WOOS hlreSErS,No Ii Market street; 'among whielvaw, - • - • •50 gross dewy buttons, asisarttsl Mewl • • 114 gross plaht covered writ net, assorted colors; 150 groom plain undl, ruse rts‘i cobra; 50 gran cotton, sinew a nielen will wash:esed e's; Also, s large valley or fringes said widths and eel's -GLOVES.' Avery largo sleek of the above article. ado, open worked. Mlle glover. ' • 3 dos gents' bray). milk • do • • • dos ant bib a d o sem., n o • 3 doe do Cagy top:fiale rhstd de tror Indica ... •d,. • SO dos ladies' raw', , ak • ‘ l, • • Al doe gents' raw; .• • ‘ 2,,. • , • . 12 dos childre.so rou x,, . Shaded twist, at“l and gilt beads, passe range anti unwell, head '‘gps, steel sad velvet: 2s.P fees, lawasobs ovv"slevn.... k w' An •7 1 . Icart V.1.!..214ArA CUALLIMITX, son. vesrttr. E.I_LMAKER, , EcKy r A. co'- . • -.VLOUII Ravrorti; 'And Glasteral Com:Minh:is Alereb.alata, • No. Ll 'WsrLa Smarr,' V • • PIOLA DJ p REMEILENCM —lfenry duff rg . h. lan Rodgen &Sherlock, ei„basd• ' , • A. AL Januar, Mayan ale. • - • Charles Y.mbaco, Jr "Louisville. Mercer,Dutdh Burs lire. la sq., (Plulad'a " R.! Brother,' ! • 3 ' .3futilh ACimaiiiEry:, - Aliw 1 orb. 1 3 edrn - '7d. seestaiisn, Daliarn;p7., YIFO 4 .1110ORDIAD AD, - Wrill3LrmALE GROCERS, Mammalian and Cetus. I „TY, Es.nion Northam. and dealers in Produce- mid Ithumfactures, eortier . of Don.and. sod td alley, Pittsburgh." - • ' • en.ratirrhs—Riche P. Shenbergir a j f ,_ • ; rrd, ' • , lion. Jos,Alraviiim, • .• Rich. S Llltatt, Esq. f . • pears Dram. LK, Grecnsborgh • T. Gnatilll lc Co; Philadriblus_ • • '• J, Milliken &Son. Lertnintm, P , • I • • Han. Af. so...LDevintileity. • a rt ; Mulhogiut Ray, 131airavilia. • AlinnilitatAglinl ALL. WtIO V • lirff Marks' India Rubber Find, the leave crop pens, corroding in ink, also for adapting them a ware oa t parchment without. :be aid of purrilEe:• mut a facilitate • the ink flowing free. To antdent s,' canary sneer. and mercantile men, it is ''soy Wen .Jy adding a few &eel. rifthis Auld to th e iuk its we, if will inuandy be found to be best auxiliary hem .red ; omit am- Oland. the acid,' preeipßates ot h siert, eauses al Dee flow of the ink, and dispenses fsiSh run trouble . all wiping a pen. Just received and As sr .le by PITT/111VMM 1P5.M.A.1.16 THIS Institution, under the sieievvi.ton of MI, and Mr. Goshen. is milieu. Or ; the iveeption of WW pits,and will be COW:lulled at iNENtACplace onLib4ny • *UV.. COASUiIIeACe omF,cIAAArAs having taken plane, a Myr vacancies have rate nod, those 4mir. , ow of placing their daug hters ;Aden their Cure, would dowel' mole an ea rl y apfjlcat Fer terms nee Circular, or Apply lo the Pnr • apt laser'?lven'TrusinAEashieChlan doldat P " do; Chlorin. T u wu roe deer Rousselts dodo; lianst's do tin; Ratiers Tooth Mas do do; in store and for ale u3.' , RAJ, Mt ' aditql• BALMOVAL. Re RODIN:kit CU.. 'egetcri,ed to the wane( latiret i tMV, 4 41:Tn. , t!rovelri, ' , 4't r a l " Steam Eiegisto mrsaged. Asir perm= hating tor saim apulttlteem 'Engin% 111 Lb. Gowning of the (iF!!tte,.. ,44 1T.AT.310 P VG i aII ' UtiVELD k Bog_` Itice- 8 Oa". C ooll, * 11 .4itt re and 6r ub br".' M. JA / 41 . 11 jvAritsonra Co TEA- 21, CH r2 - 7 FSI ,- ttetteoslief ma _An; An bY 4. J& IC FLOYD I s[l,3= broiru ` :3'.