The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 04, 1848, Image 4

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    •,,. „
2C ~N ( .:~yi:
isivrEn . .
ttiSg.NG- P,,,NAC Al
IrdiiTaost-. , surnitmaWrrirosE k s ED
fEUNGl3.4ltoottP..s... l ....l whicb
arl Via yarloat for,. sohi : chkrita . iiott oltholtiogia.-
:.. , r4oca, has indeocal.the prigiator Brain moan uses.
PIit . PAPAit O T- •
ohaitrahla weather -which Jmarks oar fa and
61.7.C.4.11...1.47..frtatra50unis of
Theio t ii4tectO, am kali= proms:son of that fall
. • • • -••costrsunor: - -
; Ile question; then,. bow ShOli . Me rip the destiOyer to
a thr hod! Lem altalLarerget :Moor of oar nought' and
olds"! is of vital importances to t h e Public- '.
•.- will beiorind in the Ginseng "ranee... In proof ofthis .
ii. 'lre bore from elate to tote published the ceridleates of
••:, derreni' or mar hen kimult citilom,athO bore '/..P.. a'
- cloud Its curative powers. ,Thme, with namass ell le
. tumor (tom all ports of the; country.—from -1
, ' IdEDICAI: bIEN OF '1'111; EltrsT !Ina's/DINO,
. ,' Ministers of the Corpci,,fira4 together :with copious no.
;OUP-15tA1,1,., OF THE DAT,'
we bove'Onbodird In pamphlet forum, and may be had ,
, gratis of any of our agents throughoth the country . I
‘ - • '-'.- '
have hien in tfiis eity. ,
.•.- 71.10CEANDS. 2,2413 'PENS OF THOUSANDS
' thoVegbdat the ' Muted Smut and Canada, sad see oho
: ta ng ' ' 'Y '- ' - - .' ./ P \ - : 1 61.Z ul l 1 .151' ANOD__,- ~_
a ashiett, - when token secOnling to direcuons, and OC .
fora the loop had become fatally disergsaued, it hat
....WIT, then, need the Uhficted hesitate!, i.' by-resort to
- -She osismoble mato.", fettrikuP by
e ' , n , a lodivid.
' 'Simla under the assumed name of won re • ..,...” 8.1 pby
, slcian, Pod puffed into notoriety by . .. . 141-
, sem equally mammal Whilst a medicine of
.. Is oche had , whose ranchers are at hOrne,--o as neigh•
bors,—orany of tritons it has -.. .
-.- In otter drat tide invaluable medicine rosy ho placed
, within the. relteO of the poor as well the deb, we have
::pat lee peion at
....- ~ • . . OILY FIFTY CENTS,
. ' : ) ar e one half u. 'usual cciit orcough medicin“. - It is
. Dar stdo F our agents to nearly every mull and voltage
--over theoati . ..Eu . 2re preparcdto give Pall Wort.-
, ton relative. to It. ... - ' ff. MAEVF.R., Proprietor, .
~.. ' . -...- .'' DroodrefiT, Cincinnati, Onio.
,- ,- Ern au, OlCLlFficutav OF BRI , AII'IIING ,
, ? i.
•, ' .This'disease is caused by a Putogymaal cam:von
' ..- n titre ate cello it is very dchtlitsung, ahnoracoas,
. . j suffocation. DE. RWEI.'IISERV, PANACEA Lt u
,_. . 1. - oarseness can be erthre;y cured by . free one of Dr.
latetser's Ponsst. :. .. - ,
... ,
~,,Qauttrifi. o r coW . on
. eold, syloch., it negleetedOsall
stsMusoto to Consumption, bt edhewally, relieved and
, carettlay Dr. errethmi's l'olleeen.
• • , lizOncletir,jf unetteeked, will caectually . !end *to
Panacea. oil co Conran:Fan, bat a timelY use of Dr. Sweet
aces rnally cure It. . .
' - ... Inflammation o 114 Tourils or Sere Throar—this
• ...Ilitertso often leads la action 3 COeSMtientes from neg
.'. lett, melt as ulreralian of Me throat On the Grorynii.
", toms, Dr, Swoaser'm Pitherna should be procured , end
- - __.- ~
. Coughs nod Colds 'find. a seS.M.Mgn reniedf in Dr.
,Igareetres Panacea. -- • _ •
Pneumonia. Nothm—A very fool Canoe, manning
.itema violent cough and . cold On 0 debilitated or bro.
• ken d o wn consolation; aged perm. are subject to Ira—
o " Dr. Esveracia Penance should he used on the first
„,.. - .7mromil-vrath ire is roar!, or cold.- -
..,NiplaSteOes --',rei. d0bi1.....g enalpialet w i ll Meet
veal a tisuely,elech t by using. Dr. Steeettern Panacea.
CotssuldpitOm—if On the first a n of consume
the symptoms, 'whichate a plain to the ads and breast,
- smash at inlet . or blood, if Dr. bacemera Panacea Is
Prealy as. no danger need be opprehended..
When thuLungs, th e ,Wiltdpipc;or !Domino' Tubas
. - 'talcums, clapped up wail phlegm solute impede resm-,
ration' or breatiluq, Dr. tmeetser's lanauca, which is
a powerful Expectatun; should - be [akar according to
littlrx.—This Jidtresong epidemte, so prevalent in
our elinatte, is eperdily cared by Os. StseaLter'S 'Pant-
Price Si per bonle. or stc Looks fore& -
t For ode by WZ ./J.CIOtON, V. 9 Libenv st, itea
glie_hhe bind,___:__________ osttusi).
l' SerotottZ Plevittoltll
ETTER. ITCH, SALT, RHEUM, he Who would
I .' for n erag,e day seratch, when allliewd with the
'Feuer, Itch, or other thseoes of de alau, if they knew
l'4'lssr.oulrfe4teovZe'r'o=J-5,:;?; aad wretch wh a
sale, bur but more horrible tu ahrtain from it, Ifundeeeney
salfe,l when In copany. Ler - rt be wotembered that
Dt 11.11)Y S THVIER twrl s l ICH IIEiT3IEXT is the
moot eßcactons of en,. other pee r iu elletence
le tannic the Teller, lab. nod other &seas. of the ekos.
As all dlsess es of the slo , manor,. frame
li e impanty
of the blood and dente of .11e body. andwhere such lbw
tal o e be o , f r l i rls , tl , a ndlav , and he fleeted
with th Y ,LI mermen; ley well any ewe whatever,
t Zed if they do not, the woney wall be returned by Dr.
ellardy. _Stott taro, however, well be effectually cared
kby Dr. lanit'a Totter end Itch utotroent unless the
whole eystern w Impregnated by the darlsod humors
, talurksetil la terupletely earned otlftorathe system by
Dr Leidy's blood pills, and the =raven( this stem heal•
t sed - by the otrument. Prme of °lament 25 tents.
s A trwasupple.of these valnable medasstess lust re.
c , •fele4 tort la &es orsl_also cor t 6llllc worod ate
t alt-----PlEatJJ.'t -F
3x Yletat
THE undersigned bus 10011 t o
convicted of the
• eteeestgy the toted unetentastdapted no the use of
tuldren 11114 lulatna to sapercede the use of all those
' avacUeines whteh contain opium. and besot length sue.
- erreded In preparing and olicrurg to the publre mod,
eine fully antwenng every purpose forallditeasesof the
bowels, verthoto the WA 01 ZhAl de te1..101. anis, or env
eater euteulated to ardare in o a f. The Intent Pee
aces has Leen WO - to trlctl. the last twelve
•WIDMIL, by Isturtennts pertons. and foetal to posswa all
thanalmordinarynirturs, and toproduce all the aston-
Iskiag carets as eel forth on the tall of directions- Ds
anions, Vomlung, Chohe, 6 njung, l'euns,Nektuess and
Dames anong from :the) Ted, ocung, tounediately
'Without ihetarbtag any co ucons of the body,
•=threntg the huppleet and most pleasant ttaillittou
lioi Dm pain to a twit qui. se id Joyous slate of welt
he Le bad wboletate and rem-1, of the l'roprretor. Dr.
t.TOIDi SAItOdtIVE Unwind it Apothecary, John
Ftretchelh Ellrott /4 Lerioltun. and matt Otter Dragglas
la Alleghvuyrind PnuLdritt._______ deel3
powet to cure' Prrrssudon, I. cb.14,1047.
• E. hr....
-7.1), wife lint tor years beenaubre.ct
th at coup, acct. p toted with asthma, f or
t WIT of ‘.111.C11
LitLeD a ferret cough recuediet;
tad had the advice of the 'meet eminent pity } 111
E 011141113, but ill sra• mutt whin,'" Ity thnwe I heard
04 your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was rulaced to Loy ,
a bottle err tool, althourb I bud no belief that anything
Could remote bert complaint - 'I o tot great surpnee,
two doses el 111,. bet { Miler. 'She Ls attunes
.001.1 ...,i,h u cht4ll, but two tcatponwful of Spey
Stlwa a D. I Utu .DIDGed, after a Mal or three Dr
-tau i ear, tint S Seacr's Cou g h syrup is the Lest cough
anedieLtel Lure ever tr,LI either iv the Old or New
' 3Yolidt Wt.. Firanonot,
S.:ye-y . 2, V. ord. city of Ptunburgh
It T he : oleo. err/at-Ida -should Induce all 10 0 ere
;✓- Itrecblol ....11.b coUo 4ur .wthaut. to ptre the syrup a trt
-1 "'" att 11. tratt IIC Lad ter 2.. h Dellis a 11011iC, .4 the drug
1 ..asatrn of Y. lett:ULF-ILS, ET wood at.
' Sold by Ur Calt.l. 5111 ~, aid, Ulla 1) II Curry, Alle
' . 1 0-1 2 f ..I . ' _ - - e'''
-O„..k:ELE nqi—il.iiNsiii76l---- i t
. ~.7 Wonn areeheinee
Neer twaon, Onto, i
tie Is to certi f y that'Jjer aeon , daterert prepara
tions for expelhog wo I Loan. et C V Heiman, of
New listwl.. turn vitas of It E tells- Ye nrult, Raul
a e of ate veal to three of my
I =a ltil the l'fi'recn'aved d t, cart: it , :polled It wortns,
from idle Seto.), tli ) runt
n.Wit I
S lt e eg l le and
' spelled
a t C hne
b e l . n ;
tan s
:*li, I meant- 45 trms repelled
mna n t . fctualNlo , 4l
Jte- reepuboftheuee lit • ouSloapoW.
Prepared )
acid sold by It E SELLERS, No .l.: WOod
ws.t. sold by. W. Caved, sth ' , rani, I) 1,1 eurrf, Al-
Owlsny; Witham) Situdt.TemperAner role. maltd
• it ertitral• Blicirl - r. aiiiirsig ')...luir ----
-I\IIIWLYIISVI)NTEID- Fart))) re:Let:tont Permantat
.41 Cure. of 11E1IIN IA of Ilt.. I` ry au. l%tr' it'd ID all
" Th e i . e . the eixo
11Wnwive ea.!? with which a may be vrrM
fle . of
•w amt. beios nrat4 balaneri ep .11
irtire On anyrana it, r 4,4
way movement made •bV ,WeaWr•
'l 6e ran
it dam% lotewaterion, until a' Cure etrce all. h e
i.14.r• have mule orrsingmnests far the mr i a ,
• thew =Nat& TrUnees, riatioeTtor 1.4;
del; ebi and lave theca now for fink r ,
; si. near !fall,
I , t , laX N.
liallara 9 Vaigaly
17 1ra:3.
KELLEES—Voui o„b .114
+dins a .^,rotta destroyer," and has gc ,
deett t o ill arlzo !save' had cm... to use I
Twr .Lfrar eat, - are ag„h ZSt . . m u
'.l=wy 1,40
• mccom.ow.r
u. ,
E.tellar•—•Vour Nertrabrge tabs Tr i art :
ü b ,e ly
and bou 'gained ,he obfide r, ,,e , a . of al , 71,
04 .or ." 60h '
1 74arpand and eatd r... Y. 5e11.% N 0.57 Wood st,
Sold siseby Dr. Caascl, dth WANIZU..4..r _
slurry, and Wbb J. timsdi,:4l:7.d.q.dtaccevd bt
NIERFUMERV,•SO.,6I.3, co* and for sole
• Joel Mahler, Drualit, cer. Wood auJ fah rut
••• Job* hissers Nymph Loup, • • •• . • •
bac Cr 'W e . rosote•
..Crm Marrow :
• Cold Cream;
Sicoceroods Paste; , • •
st, • coLague Water, h. extract for the Warn!.
or [.l:ii.leei,llroaktLltsot:el opt
1 1 1;et: 14' issra' s p r _ yei
41.1mii.b.eit. materials, at aufhoiii or - Om op Any or
Night Wzo,sit zoo =cut of . pe . Timor r):, rule t.:lL:imir •
beaslr,toti bi',.7•7
oi cao .tor
.Ira,ossoliC,A.Cianeosea, • •
lUDS Ls so cortify:lharT parritiLSCll ouireial of Dr.
lieLesmo's your , riLicelf,c, sorme,TWe mouths sist
. give to 7 a acio of mune, years old, two
liellpemep fog, althour„Li the oda.: ma> appear
WV. yet I have no:doubt bus there was upwards of
Tiro tritalostol-Woarre parsed 1 100 i
r;aalt , Vr of ao-iOCIA Iw o tong.
- ' -ROM's ',reek, CoriorciLletur,iDee Lr 4 Initt
UL 1----- Ti --.---.-..----21.5 la V gerabo; for
iliarij2"l" rowth ' , al improving. be
' ,spirdool t elt% .1. pretts rmlfit"fruro fulirssir. ow, for
!Web! • ,'. !,- . • - ' .I AIUJILt4t, Pronsr.,
•-lebso-, rektmetile ropy) . co, Vt rx.,4y!tdsA cr .
..-------'- ----'
. Jr ite'dper
RHEE1:11.41.11,3-0041 :'..t , .., .. ,
•' Ne • ,__: W ?' - JAMI. - Ait Lirmisb:v an co_,
. -- - 7 . d'•••• lo woo and for .
!, ANDLEI a l blz l, 4 • C it l 4Altr:A111 1 .
`eels-_` ftb
' ".
:all. N V !cc:.
6°l2:24V,""Jeeklt t ' .1i1 • 01• 1 1ti:.
-. 30111CANNIIIii 040..4 tromiumreed, end - for,risjek ir 7,
' fosulti - P. ,J9kiti .D MOIWAN..
, ---:--,--.------- ' -----._
LAin , ell 1.4
• Co
iusi Wol k ' isahlf DICKLI _ _
-- "'" ---- saplarfet tele by
'eIIUnIVR . " k id ik t: • JOll3 D MOna"
-1 185 4"Pr e " I' SILL ia.Cr? tr. scam.
.3 , -`
• • ininilt MADOXIE "
Cennier .
• ef
e *refills UnsesialraiV,!TOi
/ j =ty Ltoworo,.: oodoo or aogio aka
Re '
.Star of the Fillet; by..Cloas; ranker of }Reek 1
The Magie Figure End. ix th e Lady of amen 'and
Blur, by.C.Wtrley , Carey, of the • • • •
Too Lwow. B6de, or the Maid ofSismay; by Loaisa
Stanhok author of "SedkinLeararsies,” .ke.
• Lennie Lynistore, and Mr. arid hirr„...Woodbridge; EI
London Qoarter.y FterMW'.
tinion !Legume Are December.. , • • . •
Life of Joeeph T Lore—o large sappily. •
The Mancetwering Mother, by the whew of 'Rotary
Toe Wahines. of Woman, by dm mime- •
The Old Commodore; by E Simard.
Jeanette Allison or• the Tame Strawberry Girl—st
tale at Sea and Shore; by Ingraham. •
Kona, or Daylight a prim tale; byJ S Robb. • '
Sit Rowland Ashton, a sal; by Lady C Long.
'; The Splendors of. Versailles, sod the Court of Lonbi
the XIV. . •
Flowers Persoiliked, Nos. p ead bO . •
IteralEemeterie. of .Aseerica,partfi. •
Alegazioes, No waisaispm. em. •.
London Punch awl Ptetoriallims, per lea summers.
Brother. Joomhaii. Philadelphia Calmer, and Yea..
tee Doodle Pictorial.. For sale by I
• AvAr s cer,,DwELL, ,
deal 31st, the POP Mee.
by J. la & U. P. Ja3IES, Cineinuati,thefollowing•
now and valuable Works— • .
I.Souiphaes ExpelEtion—Conutlaing a sketch of this'
life of C01.,W. DoniphataCormant of New
Megicegpea. Ecarneys °retinal Expedition to
f t! s'itin=lTet'da Campa ign a
e CT= t h e
a o N
a'ijos t and'
and tne Opemtions of Gen. P9 Priee Soma Pm with a -
Map and Engravings, by Sohn T Hughes, AR of the
Regiment of Mimed Cavalry.
IL 0'
History' of Kentacky—lts Antiquities and 'Natural
Corloshies;'Geographical Statistical and Geological •
'description; with stheadotes of Pioneers life, thd more
than one hundredßiogruphical Skeena of distinguish
ed Pioneers. Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurist', Lawyer*, Di.'
vines, Act illosuated with forty eagorriags; by Louth
COIL{IN t vol.. Octavo.
The Twelve kfenthet,Volitineer, or Journal of a Psi-.
. ate in ihe TelotelaGlC Regiment of Cavalry, in the,
Compelen of Mexico, Miring 1n16.47, cottudnaug nts
count of the ',larch of the Regiment to Vero Crux,;
description of ibe Cotmtry.paued over, mmness, coo-
&e. of the people; Sketches of Cam L ife; no.
counts of all the aetimu of other Volunteer nu,
and u Ilitakiri of the klexieart Waal Lin the Kil
led and Wounded, ke; illustrated bye luxe number of
Correct . clews awl plans; by Ceo. C. Fu ck er, I voltam,
octavo. deck
13001E9 POD. THE SEASON—llliaminaied
Ilems of ..3acrod Postrr, a apleadid imperial 8 wa
with beautiful illustmtious ou ateel,.by Stumm, and 2v
illuminated ;loges by Schmitz and Sinclair, richly
bomni in Turkey morocco and whim. calf, superbly
• *rhe Chrimian Xsepsate,. as sumnal (or 164 g; with
anlencruttineziuniut engravings, by Sartalmbound ar
uheume morocco: , -
Christmas ISlossorna and' New Year`i Wreath for
164$ a mall quarto yo 3 lte, , pr . i.u . ted . on .now whim pa
in frlfi 'b ll• li ia h rlbe i m th
oltie thj atuiruljtr ti vettl e a Wa =
Imbed alma United Name, . . •
The I n AVorks of °neer n., With
'lmam - ran en tishe devigns, Of:the - Dishing Club, in va
atylea of binding. • - ,
ThonspscaN Ectiscuts, with seventy-seven daaMn...
the LlchingClub, earimmerylcs of binding.
The Poem and Poetry of Au.sig4; bi A. W.
L Tun Peet, anti Poetry of the' Lemmata; by *Milne
Peter, A. hl; monekly bonodluTurtay moroeccgsplen
didly RitL. • •
Willies Poems, in vitrimisagrles ofbinding.
' ()my's Elegy illustrated: _
I leMan's POGtical Walte, in razilias hirairagn
Lard LtyroaSs ••
The Poetical Works of Tbamnit Moore.
.Baliada and other Poems, by.fdary Howitl.
Poems by ameba. •
Headley'. Sacred Aloanini&V.
The above, with wrest variety of other new works;
in splendid =flee of binding, suitable for gift boob& for
Pale by
d e l rionlessnliers,cor. Market 3d eta. •
Valuable Standard tans;
DRANDVB ENCYCLOP/6011-6-Dicticatery Bri
ll nnee,literaterestadarkeumpriring the hritoty, dwenption
and wientibe principles of wary branch of hansankains i n
with dm &naafi.= and definition of a ll the Lem& in
ape, L edited by y: T Omura, F 0,4 w. Stuns'. bib...
etwn . . taltannie ail woad.
klurse's North ansiviran Atlas containpng beautifully
ed sna,L. of Noeth. America, Canada rasa, Canada Weit,
NAT> SANilf, New Brunswick, Bit:admen Tews.New
ea, Florida, Teas, California, Menke, Can's - al /Mats,
Yucatan. West baba Wanda lasi aD 'habitats earl Trim.
Orlin the Union.
Noills Perinea—Th.; history of the Puritan. from the
nfoundien in 1117, to therevelatioa of 17% Patelvhimir
...Ili, of hi Dasisil l ful, Id A,
robed by John O Chown, NI Bonds aim plibritti WWI:
bi tee volumes
The we aril,* Body'a erlation la the Idled, by . Ciersigi
Novel, hi serionter or the mild carp of thyedosn,Aul
Juvenile Works.
• Wealth did Werth• el which man the testy, • Wry ppp-
War Amain work—, ; 't.,-I ,
• Pecihuf the fica,briag affecting morations of shirnecio;
• lb: well's Beadier—The Speakek anaprising
eleseodny reW. and exercises is
dernesabea, with gene.
tiou aorta nepeutiereby Venni:4T Rased; inrust:len
*Leninist Princeton. •
The store wicks received end ;it. eue by •
. • - • '"". - JOHNSTON it STOCICTON
• an • Bou,k . asp sre,iiar market and 3rdsts_
=re feet It • drUY.
owe to my fellow creatures, to oune something
more 4especting your esexahlst.Pulesouss Blsam.
Sincel finessed the Ohu., OW eleven years ego,
the happy erect of which 1 Man pve an' snacks of, I
lun g bad several macre eomplainte wad attacks at toy
luns, one a few days ince, and in every Slum.
have need the Balsam Wows with .mplete end pocket,
mecc It has edected of RIO cure in • very few
days. sil l s certainly a safe medleiw. I do not knosse'!
that i can n fixed vamp:opus. but I believe R
U be To many earns a prevedthre, and prevention as
benne Sum cure; I dosherefore, for the love of my feb,
law Men, clumsily rmom. the Oct of this Dana.,
in all pulmonary complaints:,
that it
has been the. mems of presemng mydife to this day.
Person by B A Pahnesteek, A.Co, corner first and
wood end also corner wood and ath. . jell
-I"="klC'tlitilllMUS-S7rlresene EragifilTtlinie
IJJ sleeks &es- -
Anthon's Classical Dictionary; ' • ; - - "
. Dictionary of Cheek end Roman Arm-genies;
ElWCullooptt's Commercial Dictionary;
Dietionasy andamplecitudulass,2Ranninedirca
Wenger . * Ocutvo Dictionary, revised editing .
.Tqd's Johnson's and
Woret•ter's Dictionary; •
Liddell And Gr ee k
Le • . ,
gobbuniet Greek Lexicon °Mew Takuudent;
I.,es teen's Latin Lexicou - • '
Ainsworth's Latin Dietioluirr,.
Flemmin and lalbida French Dictionary;
l llnek's 'cal Dictionary; • .
Ifsble Dtetkmary;
lloblocen liners
Dielsoitary, &a., toe. •
• The above, with a general assortment OfTheotia.
Cleasical.blioccibuteouz, and Sender School Bookslinl.
ways Olt and for mile low. by__
L Xs Market st., !wieners dd th. •
— I 'Nee" Publication. • --
NIS POESIS. — Munn:lee Harper', With
son tif the PostiCal works Of John MOW., with
ruelneir,Vtid critical:remake not ide pipits tuur'wri.
i,oga, b' James Alontgomery; end ane.bundetAl and
twenty, engravings from d wrier by Vilnius Harvey.
la two'volurdes. • I
Scrinconsliarett Tairreauccr..—The,krar ' Gospels' and
Acts of the Aposolea, do Greek, with Engtieth
entice!, plijosophical, and excgati6bl; übleies,
cic, together den. the Epistles end apocalypse; the
insole forming Ma New Tesuwient—kor the use of
nchools, Colleges, and Theological Serainerie. By
Rev. J. A-Spencer, A. "" /
A Neer Norrh—hlidsomme es Eve—A fairy tale of
tty Mrs. S.C. .
- Jan.' Titter W.—The'llfe tit Ilenrirho Forth,
.king of Franca and Nevem,' By O. P. IL Jute,
Complete in font parts, paper; it robs. cloth:
Poe mile by • J OIiNSTON . &„ STOCKTON,
fend Booksellers, corner of market aud dd .is
rthiGLISEI DOOKlL—Thrtory tha Greek Rae.
J.Z.• oution, and of the wars 'and cumpalans sol Hat
foam the situates of the Greek Patrura Duancip.
sg their countrylrom the l'utktalr Voke—in too sol
untee—noltarlideopy with numerous mane and GSlgr."
Letlere illosuativeif dm reign of William !IL Hum
IRO to I.;SS— , strith flue portraus ton rota -. •
Conirmisse to the study of the MY EmlPitucit- -
Hurry, Idowbray, thrll:lg romance, rith du onsule
lour to the Holy Land, French Singe, and Elketehee
in C 41,14, Jolt reed .nod ror ante by •
• Mein...MALI/is BEMSON
• EU marketstreet
•.• • •
Philoeophy: of Life and• Paikriophy of Lan
. osge, by Fred yon
Iteteerchee at China In 1544,45 and .inth •
Lone and oboes.
'll,e , 4tate of the Departed. by Ino. Lleary.f . foban.D.
'The Church Unirerul, by Dr. Slone. -
Thntnyewei do'_•
r.."" Iy. . r
.b at num market...
. . .
ALUABLIC N0w46 , 11 •Piouskti.•
Waverlei Novels', 47 volngtes, 12mo, incanted;
bin Shanriod's Works,l6 ao4':l;gruo, illusunted,
bliss Ediervortb'e 10 "
Hars Fundy labtasy,l2—^vols, complete , •
- o I=dGitl's . • •
Work's of . *we, 7 rots; Svo, the bearnifel,Hato
ton edition, finely bound i s
Butter's uses or WM; 4 4;As• 61 6 6 64 4 boo
liannuh hicortir Works, 7 vote. •_ .
Exploring Expedition, 6 vole royal Pro - •
• ra, do '0 "do 'do do •
P,teryir.s; Bien. nuke) . nr. boets: •
'l'ne eboye, toge th er loth large do•ortatent of, I.
oandy bocuol fam il y and pock. Bark,. Corot...
huyer, ell rites and, r , o: which bo mid
lower thlot orn•otreTod Mi. MAO, at the old siwkd
' '' '• ' rot dird. wood of
. vuolosit P.T: •
T_Tt:NRY KLY.IIII2I, Dealer ince:nem SineoFortes,.
• jj. at , J.. W. Woodoolru'No. 8511do1 Street. The
',won may be examined et •11 hoots, eud,the rubseti-
Ler "kill there from 11 to 12, A. AL, mid trout 4to
5, P; M. each' d=7.:Pinstegzeret.lht,
_ .
• .'We, the. undresignal, would inform the citizen of
PittAborgh.end vieunty that we have appointed Mr. IL
KleiLet role agent for Wonern Pennaylrarda, for the
sale Of our Piano FOliON . ffom whore they may be ob.
to at our own 'New 'Pork)
':New York; 50r0.1;1 8464 .•=w -
13(KlICS—Carechisso of Iron,' or tho Iderchanfi and
'Mechanic's complete pride to:lho iron trade. A
rew copies min—tory scarce. 131slonds , LkCiattlre of
the south of Furor.. Chambers' Infonnation Ihr the
chniabers , Cyclopedia of,Farglisti Uterus/a.
IVendell's'll COUlaNtaillltfy new edition
in i beautiful volumes. Llalleck's roans, a 1109/ nun
Parlor 'look of Fierser•—for all
sessoLs. -.ll‘o] ' L READ 4th near snorkel st.
' • aisw Novato" •
UWE LAST OP THE Cbriitras,
J.,Tale,by G.,P. 8. /fades, En.
• Au.. byrr4 as dilusbx=bl bditledi edited by Skr
rer /au received for We by •
ja3l, • • JOHNSTON k. STOcriiXi;
1. Dr. Vlchrter's Greer America 'Died/marl . a( the,.ternabiog ell that the
Conner editions coeuritirk revived_by_Chanocel A.
Goodrich, Prof YeleCollege. - The mot everplessirdh.
00, ere: podtahed; one voilercrprirletricr.:'Prires
. dee27 Helm ,
A i SSAFECTIDA-4(olbe Noe 7, far sale
qopez-ezr!.! MptAKi
ARASIG.-11S,kilWariate si Mforsail i by' .
••• 'F;$ CI Ingst
1 -µr.:s,
- . -
*- 7 - 11 : Pr — WL:".1 , UNE 'WORKS Afar FOUNDIty,.. 1 j.
401111r14,1110 IP - &: ! cr)., _ _ - t
A!/CE reared to bald Detail add Woollen Marna., i
ay_ of every drneripticew each ge-Cardlag lir
chines,Ppitating Pews; B -.• as, Drawn Frames,.
Ralany Meads, Warpers, , Torilers,Spostlss,lhatatir ,
Frames, Loom, Card thinders,. Le:, Wto
aga Irnai. ,
.eta tarred all Car a; Cu; Iron, Yalta and '
Hangers, of the latest plans, slide and had Lathes, •
• and tools oral dada , ' •-l• 4 .• -
ICarnal* ofernry diseriPtlori tarnished on abort itss•
tire. Patte rn s's:We to order kir Mill eadiatalme
Wing, Le. 'Etna Pipe dar lboadag Fatortes. Cat'
Iron Window gash `ear Way Gawp g
, Orderst eft at the Warehouse or J.
erg - Strat, ICU have anemia.
Blackstock, Bell ,t' Cia, .1 ,li Matiracad k Co., GE
Warner, 'John Irwin tr. Pas; pirtabugh.
Si 0 fr. J 111 Warner, dicabeasille: . janlo •
Joll2ll'/L: 113.110WN t . : .• ' .
ITAKE-4 due Methoil toldeten hie friends
and the plane et large Matins reed/
: a7tl7= l I nd., l =, _ .571'4,rheTe'. Fin lido
Kant apply ,or Wine., et variant eclat. -
. andquebnes,ereconsterlykepton head,
also et No. b Wood et, rash . ..nth, etJ . Ir.
11. Pldnips'oil cloth nratemem., . •.. .
ettaten Shorter. Made to older in the Matsui*.
• Minds repured at Ihn shortest notice; ,
N. B. lits Billbil will be 1 piton, "'Went any addi
tional eaepese se that th ey . can I. removed in e air
meet In case afire to; nor, washing, and without th e oil l
or a cope Air e ,: _ _ ,i , ; , oeadlytterlamly r--
V TAKERS, corner of Fenn i and .7t. Galt street.,
'opposite Egehaage Hotel, crammer on Penn sueet,
respeetfullpfnanenkhear - ftirati 'sewn the pablie, that
:they are prepared to famish and anted vs everytddig
the Wm of Undertakers.; Always on heed • Isfge ev•
mattnent of rently.inalk CoNns, eave lined and &V
tatted In die very hest manner; all sorts md,
and slues relay
made Sarnia' of tannet,l.Nrabpek and mann, and
sixes main m spanned sarlea ' We keep • Ism , as
aonment of mist a and black, cotton, milk mad tend Glens,
sable for pall bearers and mama raera eraPe, caps, Cal"
ant every thhtir neeerargy for dmvssing the dead,
and on namable team,
an 'we purehase LI our goods
In the Eartent elms. Alro, mart planed for engraving
M e name and age. We hate a - splendid new beam IM
horses, and am , nuMber the'pest aurrlages. Beer)
" • • and panetimlly: oetfrAT
Nor. Si 4 and Sid 'Liberty , area, marMa Canal:
AA IN/Albion hand and made to order, lanye aarie•
ty of Marble Mantele,Pier,Contre Tables, and
Macon Topeondbfininen,lllonamenthitaVail
belor . mode of Ilio:choiceat marble, and mannfnciur
principally be machinery, will to told low for cash.,
Yeisonforttlint to, Patinae Mantels, OS.
informed that it la hencefonh ansiecenary for them to
'ao East, as 1 care famlah them with an =tole ut all
r d. ‘ cre d ' ' l dt' tenh a e fll d fhnirate: P'.
NO S Markel "greittrborgh, Penn.:
trllEarhoeribera knetng mode Great lorPs.vratelli.
1 in the construction of their COOKING
reepeetfallyineno pectoris lath:Soo SreamboSts to colt
and e motto. before parehastror,sa ore can sop ly theist
Doek Stormy Forges, and ovary other kind of
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work freeman in (=WO
ho make to ttivir nit the shoneer notice Sal
Tales and, lumber; Copper work for . Stenen EstairteLe
and corm , . eery of work molar line.
- - ,
' • 11111. IlloCUictilf le co.,
Bottles and IV. Riau,
ALM Victories limps how In fall operatlen,We are:
prepared to examine, orders in our line, Promptly
Dorindtbe last nominee re beveadomed • ...planer
damning Windowijlass i (the mast sppioved plea now
mod in &decay) brerhich weirdo:out a eoperiot ern.
Me. Gam flattened on this plan is perfectly level and
true. VIM p very tine Incur Painters and dusters to
trally, are requested lo call and examine for Maw
wlv ey.6
131rannghem; (near Pittetningb,}Pn.
Ilare/souse, No. 137, Wood strut, Pitt4tegli:
IFWILL erinatainly keep on hand a good‘avoro
merit or Ware, of oar own manufacture md
everior mutiny. .Wholemie and coon ;'Dieu,
chant. are respectfully invited to call and et.
amine for iberodelveo, as wn are determined to.IWII
cheaper than heie ever before been offered to the pub.
11:7 - Order”ent by Mail,accotepenied by the each or
env reference, will be namely ameldeil to. fete
- - •
Great Western Batt Binge itanatattory,
GARDNER & Co., would manta the trade dun
A: they are now mannficturing bent Buttilinke
es./ made in theiUnited Mayes. As this ie our princ
ple LWOW'S,. WO intend to send oat as complete an at
nolo ns can possibly be made.. Those conned in
bantam e undo, we think, will find it to their 11111`rein
W see oar Bata, All orders promptly attended
myti ' A GARDNER &l%o.carof.dth • main sts
• 818,11111011111 TACK
R •
. .
1.11.2tr/..?Clifis or
and Copper Tacks, ,
Pattern Alakeri . Pansts. aj exey desaipi kal.
- Office No. t S L Chide.. Hetet, Thad 'pey
6h4 • • L i • • Piteebargb:
R. Mccya.r. ; IILP E. expel",
M * S &NV & LlEDLlLtaawafactare andtte
lep cost
al unsex ow liand. CaL Nooldell and ?lodes Flan
Olasswese,stiall varieties, althea Wawboake env,
swear Malta and Water Weems Pittsburgh. •-•
Our Works eontinnrc in mlt operation, and we Site
toasraady dding to oat &wk. which enables us to 11l
order•. with promptneas. Ysienhasers reepectintly
solirsted to call and evannine prices. and terms. '•
essyleltdiy • ' 4 •
. FROM tire -very-liberal encourage
ffl i t,„,.
, • e;tentthe sulneribethig receive-Mance
he' big located hiavelf in Allenheny,
hen 'induced hint w take a legge,flieg
wear yew.", on the property he now
°coupe* in nerorii , area, ilarnerlieLely beside the
Prethyterignehnich.: F. Oolong experienee to the
above bounces ad ra dogrel. , plea., he hope. to mer
it and receive g *here oryieblie,patnntage. •
Now on hate on& finithurg to order, Rockaway Deg
-0,,,, 0101, ~,,o Aop liSe&, ~ ed every deseripeoa Of
l.mays ranee . to eidetarate seventy-five-Sellars to
torh , somai. , reia4lll, r MON BOUTZL
r sodersumee
th ere atm prrpared fs • leek
J. 9feoftve e,
an d e oly. wILI. a exec:-
ICM r.ile of Lard °Moir oleo 014411OLletat whoeh•
therarlll oo aecisomodaung terms. their they
believe io be as good as any offered In, the snalliehapd
w*l rotarned if am satofooOorY. ,
r- ' • ' IJ
JORDAN k Bing '
-• " Iflli ben) to, oppoote esaOhield
P. 6.--Lord - pall:Grower peutaOte for' =du -1107,04
or • , eor
media. should aconite so much Suldetie.
ty, is sot at all strange, when we take iota conside
rattan the yaH numbers that are mired by Its ask. Fur
many years it' his ,peored aalOuialittaly suicessful
at the north, that neutevevery moldy retain it in their
house as rut antidote to colds, coughs bud connouption.
That io other article possesses the acme racsua
equa/litsue, and the consumptive teams that he can
depend upon this nwiticiae, when all otherstrave proved
worthiet , There is net a doubt bat thousand; are
yearly eared by thisincstimable medicine, and in many
instances where noise giVen ap to die, have, in 00 jo
cdible short time. beau W ninety cured by its unrivall
ed efficacy. The follohing ritnerkable ewe of . cent;
sit:option was cured by this Balsam of Liverwort, A.
1 you value life and health', and vrould tw cured, at owe
resort to this article, and test assured 'yott will not ee
-1 sort at vaiwrbto rend and judge forourself. - •
LITIMTIXEI Cltalt Olt 0.11311.1117105 AND urn coa
-1 esserr.—l had a violent. cough, with sliming of phlegm,
ere minium/OWe, biek, =Mach cad +cows my
bowels ' was so cold at' times, it seemed 'usonssible
to keep warm, arenawhan others were complannog
the heat, and my skin was rely yellow. .I fig! away - to
skin Mid bones, my. Winokur* m and became invisible,
and varyperson sunil me dying. A friend of mine
recommended ma to try Dr. Tayloth Balsam sifLiver.'
won, which I got, ag my physician did me no . good, nod
this medirizie,restoted toe to good health ast__tua.
umr7 • :Ship Carpenter, 640 water street
Altheoghthonsands are mired by Dr.TsyloPellablios
of Lave rwon, and uittany'stitt die of dint fatal milady,
the came is plain, 'neglect your first rymptoms, atsd
then nide with things elanare mill it Wuxi lam, deeds
follows. • But every one ead be cored if they w
Take thin medicine at the very find ellimmeh of the
sidle,. foe, and yea Will be cured. Yet this medic' e
has cored consumption in odvanced stugmas the inti
m:ale& below will prove. -Bub the saran may is cot to
defer, as .delays are glossy. dangerous. • k •
Prepared and sold 0173Beekbanuureei,Newl Mk.
Sold in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, 03f Want eh .1'
Townsend,4slll/skir at; H Bmyser,mor Iderket and3d
ME Henderson & CO, Liberty st. , Ptice reduted
VASUICTALII. , IC r y..mosnitt BAIA; IN.—To
werwtossofthe Vegetable stamen
am sa l
tis that the Vegetable Palemotary ,Bdasm • sal
wilds medicine. law been reed tats piste with atomism
emma al els obstinate simptaint et the bogs, attended whir,
• wren rough, to of mow, mid the gelds% of mods HMO
wLich bad prerioesly malobid gamy appeared prescripbees
Ages whop the Wilmslow week the pewit's vow mooned,
sod Ise ems gabled to speak small, This ewe Demised
some Ow Moos, awl Ibsen= is tow mimed oat only in's.
tho but is laborious business. , ILesparilutly youss, -
Comord,N.ll.. Jan. is) MGR KILL, td - O.
Bold to Plusburglifiyik A PahaettorA, it co: corner of
&Ward Wool. alga eer dads k wood st, • ' deeo4",
--- • -
APZ•ITORANT superior ta Mhos _retain 6r
ca.W.comiums4o.; treedhitio, enthon,aedollter Plittbo•
eery - ant/060i that the non peroom who nanieneed the
nee a( it in their lintlller bar nap ego, dill mein It to all
*We remain ofthe alien any bare to Wand
to try other prevent. del they ban ahead Inarially been
deappoinitel ia woofers the board which we reaoatably
initlemded from the hit peelers bedewed by the proportion,
and ban nitorent ine of J anse,knetcrolewt,'
• remedy Ma hes win idled ia Wave them, rood which
probably aeon bad Ito }reel In arming pulmonary &DPW
Pnrand may by•Dr Jayne, Philadelphia, end end an
ageray i t MYNDS
der3kiter4r. • - 1 • -
A --*• •'
re.7"tilso Moillrand - •
n o w.:=3:La A i t
'"": who itt
41`..._rnIt'k."'"P;i'r! 1" . . 4
7.: 7°,."er :
Fidelmi whieh will he Oki° eollideuverea
ply of
la the Cement I tr 0660 of New York in New Orlovu
m this city, at lb. lowest market price for pain or sp.
proved paper. I have to to not CVllllf 11. erIT lame
stork Or WIT aspen. W i oe lnot Lplnale Lbepottrol
of the MOIR celebrated tinnily and women for ludo on
Mewing wrap • • • • Pt! MARTIN f_
dello • anima . staithbeld ots
S i te Una 'jP'sbrgh aud •Cleveland Ran
Road, nit Illes * by rl r ‘ frorn Pittsbugh. The present
business ad. establishment is fair and can be Inc:tatt
ed indefinitely. The cronitrs wishing to retire from
the businets,vrill he reasonable terms at eae
sale: Venues C
o, 'rnake inquiries ans reantd
to Son. Meld k Co, Randle rgh, or subseribeiVelle .
Isbnuer, Pastern •Nalier, Miribe yci Oa J:111,
me niWtAt Pancras ,kr Stores en h t
idier caller In
sriron 11111 Geatibe awl ell penman made twordl.
JUST received sad All nit. ear caplet ot
Vpjap firr the Rimed Presbyterian Chuck egnut
lipids in Convention. of Reformed Chumhesi at Pitts
burgh: Stlptember;sl 7 . Pries, u 5 cern..., • . •• ,
.! ELLIOTT k V1U0L1811.66 Market
SHAAVLS k - 11413130X8,-A few Teri nett — NM sob.
Cestneie. Shatel4 jest reeeLved; oho, Sprint &(
bons, in pest twiny, at the dr; roods house of .
ittegl - : : • IV. IL MURPHY.
SUGAR -40 3 1.1401 o,Jant mai and tor ..alaior
-mule ,IVILSONk Co
iroow GLOB- 4 M • bp' extb
-Cl4l'4so•oto7 _ IlitOSSlDat s
iiims a
H 'nano vatitigiL ieasiairs eplArojv of the.poldisi
for Mb eitiode, it is bat right mar iirw! *..i.• se Huai
1,166 thcassnortlabeld Wald b. folly sad
17 vadat& sad .1.. Roam geonnt..& b. gina tbsatoosor3
omit) will moth. isepasednam&Y lasing " I
lo trilled yea Is it siss2 iambs to • yist=st
lads wlsbn compossed & preaplates. bald
by pie Arthic,ood othathis.wwiescoisbeediesbole or pat
wrayaratel begat sed peadiliew oth kanet. poskyroal
is *epos or inland Irbil* coolsia tho ammo
to at *aped. to. Usk =Lbws to mac bison laid,
which bream assi leg by Utica tbe peo, o A s 4
tostedAitthroves la aver ' , herniae," liar' ea • Wei
wdiffas troalbos atdaza rray respect, i
' A l a ands( sohstaa requiring no viscid matter to bold is
=Aberdare widener grad thick sual 'win eta
Tway doses from the pth Want. rya en.
Car deem into the Ede of the ppa mi►maw yams
seta Oland awsndp tdbpW a
only phrasal as thst&atate. It the cossulaso Du nth
lap !mania fila. rebetere theredwe will not corrode
Owl pau,tt. will sat could, and eldissak IL writhe of
With great color yet iss a few boats becomes w deep block
whirls wiD adore for ere* It is warreotad &valor tai,
fienjp bee
bow& by The' am& Amid , . Writing!'
and assodbird move rim' Ser Übe ems prim. As
spiraled &Ow losteollima of say kind *log &strayed
the folknelor rocassosaldslioa rake, so all mut be
&were, that the news then rim could sot lave bsa ob •
tabled by of mass d:Walsmoos* pupa!-. • • - •
. •
We haeamel 0 HibberthChestkel Writheg Man to
the palleetags el .... oddity , . fire rate' article in ail res
pear, it now 6Pt Creat the pen without eleain it ap sad
um theeierree of.aire tomb
Wicl=e&dr: .
. - letlet=" Co.
John rather,
Warleipe la Sae ft Wilhanae 4., Co.
• , Ilegoetrane k Wmaihke_ Frame Mien
'Boit 13 Mad!, Baehr C A Me Malty it Co.
far W W wa11.,•
. •
. .
Josiah. Rolling Nil* Avg 20,18.0.
. Mr Tim C Halima—Dell lir 1 ban tom mug your
4.llamical Writing Fluid, and atat it a dot na. Lead. ta
the aißee, it limn freely Seawall. pea assii banavesjet black
a a dreg. boara Toys tz.
T 11 TIMMY, Baak4Larra
tor Bina, it e.
. . . , ?kWmilli nog St% 1151;
de Tit ibbed—Dar Er. Haring Faunal a bool.of
rWriting Moitt k aaos throe grab go, I wonder it i'd- •
%mill it ant wpm= in Andes or loay!tharialt non in
....1 blow
W of. ,• " • Re. _
•r, .• . ILLIAM STEM itaT, patta tty
• for mem. Plicianinsa *V...
, .
.. l'inaburgh, Sept 11,15[7. .
Mr T.X• Sirtritan agog pow ftani.n
Writing• Mont, and MA it to be a mot and- tent artiel. nor
00 pcna,.. it don oaten tbeis lapilli. Ow gawr7 ot
other now free cal bectatesansp Mira • in a fr.
nom. . . ' Yews, <tinny.
. .. • ' muunkt cant!, knk-kaeper
• 117-Foiatirk..
nek BARR by Thome g
Ribbed Droggist ..d Cliamiswooroer of Liberty •aral
Itatillkeld Nese% Pdylooktt, Pa " Oethiekts
e) steel or quill woe, and the copying press. This
ink I. the result of the experiments of amoral years, ,
dared the the inatadactore, on an ertenslne
an ankle 'suited to all the pozpooes of the consumer.
7Le perfection of this erridter Ink musters In the &I
lowing properties: Frolarrt—in which piopertr it will
bo f...d.,...r.,#1_1?!1t0tt. Itt.yttmtllons. It will
flow arid, portent tmea . . eidatr' from quill or steel'
pens, and Is entirely Into from any corn:core qualitieu
Cotta--The color of this article is n rick, leeentifor
blue block,. It is necessary, honorer, to gm consu.
mouths following cannon. -
• Or
All good !duck ink. from its mcmsary chemical
xynatitutioo, requires espouse° to the tit m impart n
deep color.. It moot not, therefore, be expected, that
.the nannenf the bottle Is opened, the irk will be thing
io be ajet block. The first appear - mice will be pale.
rant after exposure to the chemical action of the 1.30.-
iphere either ou paper or in the inkstand, it will assure
brilliant black hue...a
y Piteaunintes—'llia tube is unalterable by the tare
of time. It will mem fade. On this account, all im
portant records should be made in this article. as years
only deeps god strengthen its tint.
NU. This ink is amiable. for MI &nubs of metallic
pens, and for pens made of quills, and what is impor
tant end very desirable with many, will give a perfect
unpreasion by the copying prem. •
IBIO . We ere using to the laminations with which we
are connected, Morns' blue black Smiting ink, and io
spec to fioUlty, brillian of color and permanency,
lime: it superior to any lot we barn heretofore aced.
A Thurman, cedars, bank of Louisville; Wet Bich
' ;salon, corker Northam bank .of Kentucky; Geo C
Owethmey cashier, bank of lientecky; LL Shreve,
president of the Gas bank; Theo L Bello. clerk of liar
renersentY etstot - Ourren ]ape clerked.% env.= coon
ty court; IlAtwond, secretely,.Flreman's Insurance
Corammy; John Moir, egent Lextutt Insurance Co;
9 (Modulo, seer Portland Dry Dock & Insunuma
Co; DS Chambers, sec'y Franklin The & Marine In
sorance Co; Bhomer, treasurer Louisville Savings
Institution. A empty of the above lob. just received
and Mr sale by • [ t en] JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. •
IBRINTING TYPES will be sold .M Bruce'. New
JE York Type Foundry, after March 13IN laid, at
following very low poems, for approved six mouths!
noses: _ Itosts. TrrtA,Le. BoO , r.fs
Pica. per lit. 30 err.. At eta Wets.
Small Pica, 66 93 •
. Lena Primer, 34 . ills tab
Bourgeois, 37 Go
Bremer, . 74
minion, • • • • •
Nonpareil, too INS
Ague, 7s.t Wir
Pearl, 119 • lOU
The above priests, in consmpsence.of
ties for tuanufacturtur, are touch reduced from tuner
rates. A liberal discomt for tests in hand at the date
of the invoice.
Prams, Chasm, Wood Type,
de. furnished it
tit. louver esuomfacturerss prices. either for emit of
Our Specimen Book for 1149 Wriest' reedy for Matti
button to printera, who will send facie, and VOll/01m•
many new anirles that ere have never before exhibit-'
ed, reels arlYriting Flourishes, Orrounents, Ornamental
Pont., Ire., of which we have au ample stock fur the
prompt exec anion of orders.
Printers of Nevrspapers who choose to pablirh
advenisentent three lid. before N. first of Jtine,ls4.
Orld send u. o,re of The papers, will be paid for C tit
type Whenthey purchase from ter, Moor own manufac
tures, Detected too. dor specimens, five times thrl
onsount of their bills. -
For tile: several good rem:l-hand Cylinder and Pla
ten Power Presser. Swaying News. hand Printing
Presser, Ac.. GEUBOr. BRUCE
molly I 3 Chambers .t _N Y
lion oflYAnbignes great mark on the Itefornoulas
o the Sixteenth Century, In Getman). Switlerland, fee.
Jost imblished by Joseph A. Speel,lio t 5 aunty
above Sixth, Pldlatlerphia, his splentld 12mo cdinott
the abate , named work. with vieugraved illustrations
Own original destput. 4 vole int board extra eh:4h
and Ithn ra rrTy "he ieSpeetfully as
the Intention of the
trade and the public getrerally, to this work. being the
oar illustrated edition. published in the United St
lie tea that the beauty of his eudiellisnents. the
stroug and subitatataltromer 'Which it Is bound. to
conjunction with the known popularity of the work
self, wilt be a sme rieommndatum to public favor. • '
No Rd Chem rt. above Sixth. Phil..
- hut lately published a near and beauti.ful edi
tion of Sergeant Sell% Rome Show, gk suitable book for
children; needy dose opextra sloth. utarfidlui
. ----
Tuoa.lll.l7o,lollili] of Beatty, APLeann
& tratemnall.O.
• • • •Zantwille.U.
Crlai;,(l. Coax. ..... •• ••• • ........ Nese Oilcans.
nerrTY, aitcrriisivaz CO.;
Oanoial Cialmatallatramillirrneharat
Nu. al Poychaf,litree4 New Orionis,
Alcsars. Marna It Co
galr&CO,Blnl en. t
" .111610 Bl'liftl
" David While lc Co, blartiaon, la
Eo& Man. Bankers,]
Hosea &rlo
• At'Kenne.E-S. •R . •
N Kearney, my, Canker,,
O APLlonahl & Co, Wallaville,o
5151, Parke & CO, Ileaveri?a,
I la Vat, Dal, Wheeling, Tx,
)14.Iturk. &Co, /
W Abwheluee, S ' -•'"
"QELIXIIB' VrallIFIL/011-11i popularn an•
kJ crewing. . Lasamun, Ohio, hunch 13, ISO
.lexpect lobe in you: any in a few weein, and gall
need a 'art.. supply of your Venunbge, which is bi
ereasingiu popolarity run become known: We bate
ruall:nwilla mamas ra our own family, end from our
numhbors bare. many .merman eneelleney...-
Prepared awl aold by RE Sell Wood at.. Sold
by Dr Camel, sth Waid; and by D Al Curry, Allegheny
cloy. marl?
Y gult SAT
—The Admlnlstranwrof he late James hiamaktitte,
offer Mr s he establlenceent Monne tn fklntk
formerly earned oak, tom. to tos Oft Onae , Mere.
too and Wee FaMory..The worts are to complete order
for earn leg on the bonne., with fiettual,kt, and ready
Er commencing
era, any lime. A litk ral credit will be
given, and all pdeulam made known bp canal on
either of Om undimmed. ' /A Mttft knack/RI.
• JOHN ediTekl l.
• AdreMilmmtare.
- _
TAY . IYIOII RAU!. TUNlC.—Aftsr going 11010 toilet. • "
trio wohnstalirOy m aser It ss aloud rano
es--iho best wink; etraost soy morptwe e no use, fordo
remorstkai oad promestio• of the homes loaw. 11 e bawl
of ottaareos moon ma Were lair hoo Sten reamed tohe.d.
Which ham Lauri:old ke yeses; sad as dash wets:outdo
voter Woo taut to reonswead to All oar radars who so
Wog dark luir. to makes teal of this Took icaroodistely , —
Bunco NUL ,
gar role io Pittalstrgs st the Peskin Tea . fiStre, MCP/
Fourth awe. rare . sotredetaT
7lolNll=el'or sate• a few holes Wastera New l urk
1.1 growth of as46—tmta 8 to le ems,
Also g, anern tool lYsedora Y, early picked, this
-The general Foolom crop of the Omen mow being
mowed_ Ihswers and others using Hops, will find ot
much to their advantage to obtain their cor Isom the
undersigned; as they intend to Pei throe t the ses
sten at limo York pnees.. W. 8.111 /I it Co,
cootiCelfar - kinsbatirb Ureicery.
kIL. Its W.J1101LR1111,1111:MOPATI1OtToirould
respectfolly info= his friends and the citizen. of
biugh end Allegheny thattle Ms deeded to ranaill
ht the city Marina , the winter, and is ptepsied to treat
pstiente placing themselves under his ute, according
to the system u premised al all Wear Curs litablith•
meats, for either Moue or Chronic theme:di. .Those
orishine a avail theovelvee Otitis Sacker/rill call at
ldr. Way's; center of Liberty a: and Evan* alley.
Dr. M. has nestled several severe eases of dianue in,
, this city with great success, to Ishtar he is permitted to
SONDRIES-140 bogs rime coffee- bbl. N
liiViallest 75 boxes [unmake isredt.W.,o; .125 half
he to seem mud block Wu; 7.1y6 oud 13111 boxes Y ll
and ii P do.; odd boxes German clay; 10 casks sale ro
t.; 10 do. pootsb,,logedku
meld of gtOCUMSIII /1019 - .324 foe side by
- jai, . . CARSON a XeKNIORT;Sds at.
ILT.AVANNA' CIOARS-1.. imparted vigira of
IL the following. celebrat balsas junto atria'
of, Cora, Aablounial, Witsbagtori regalia,
Rapider, „Eirmilaplei, Antigois,' derester, London
Timis; Lard Irmo's, Fall& prapipes, meam Wm do,
Vllleya extra do, flirts's do, Laparadero Lit, do do
gg.thid g , U Prima, Caradoree,. 'Fade orb:tellies, -for
sale by .
fett7 • • MARTLY,'
. „
- • ' tor tlendhtleldig front.
pi KATHERS, kc, , -47' hadaltrtine feathers; 14 wk.
r.. rtuk s 1 cask Beeswax, 1 bbl 4 04 1 pack pealed
Vechleg received on coasigameat, per aims, Pilot tie,
and for rale 14. • ISAIAH DICKEY &Co,
pod ' No. &I Water.d.
T zL_MilalTE b i znny "11 . 0 11. Merida auso i r of
iV, r l,llo,olaaptior Lialakirtadast recema g iirchallog
few pale, Intended especially tOf laimmer use; allo, a
fullaupD abaetthailpilyrro , ease-lanolin%
tooramg, iLlaperkawia ,k 4
'pa/1%04444 Al the rdastafrataburab,. ffy:ili
sms.ll.o4ll!,.eare of A. trothou.
;;;v e - n „,,,. hew i eg th e ba.F, *lll./IMM at give toy
fmmttloa the as..ljul wlll tat ,. , taltably rewarded.
irlbsbursty'grOl.r.. Utit, ; maralliv
Laiw Notice. I ' "'
TAMES B.ol,4ll•;4uatuer einLeausuellor at Law,
Eaa raoritedlo god*. nett".lo4/ 'not of Ratty
Yntulodus Lkerl
i i i r "an: Antal 1.10-
nonce upon pita+, .11Orth. 02, 16 T
Nu tor tilinAttz !ut ottrilkok. A. Ept ,
• 1017 . ,
oa ses, avoing transtapartenti on
the way. nod the consequent tech of dem,. clamor, •
breakage aid w parttime of good,
pio Market eniect, Phitidelptua
Cot Peon and Wayou sas, Plumber*
SCUT&o at
ad kla.timre
AY J TiTAP, 7. Hadar; Y. Sege."
Eaeoursged .by increased bastiteas 'the Putririeuire
have added 43 their suiet and extended their armor,
treats daring the minter; zed are now prepared to
Trani wub regularity and disporth unsurpassed
by ally otner liae.• . Ttteir loot elperience as carriers,
the palpable aopenouty of the Portable Haat System,
and the great capaCily' OZd COnVeiri eOf the ware .
houaes at each end of the line. are peculiarly calculi,.
Led tu enable th e proprietors fulfil their mote:news
and aCeOsaracteate theit modoeuers—asaftdentlyodcring
be past SS gliaraply foe the fr om they respectfully
wiled a continuance of gust patronage which racy pow
pa...fatly acknowledge. • _
ell consignments to 'resale EC O'Connor will be ree'd '
and forwarded. •, Steamboat charges paid and Bats of
Lading trartotaitted free of any charge fog Cotaraurreco
adventung or statute. Having no merest directly or
Indirectly m ittramtioats. the Otieren of the cOOII.OIII
mast necessarily he their primary reject in srutiptot
west, and they themselves to forward all goods
consumed to diem promptly and on the oust advents •
goons terms to the owners.
March 1,1617
" . J. tl. DICKIES
POIMARDINCI C01111581.0i 111111C1107
East Beaver Paint and Bridgewater' ,
1111/4•li COOTTI, 14,
Voris= and Agent at •tetuners
6nron ir.
MAT 111 . 1,1111 Firrirstmea Jam siurin,
t pelmet! 00 essileit opning of eannltta ,
n" b e
pa"yr rz ten la r _ . ,n t
' Cut, and Onto ZnAtult; kW all ports on Laksbria 'and
ow, Lakes, sae. to lorward prodace, n.t,y Penn , .
Insprovetnents. - Apply toortlProdaee,
or addreut -
tetk2l,ltr JAS Selt , •
l i m i t • .1847. Mika
1 7 ." 1 ,1 kft7,P,g
and amper s and freight and gamenger•Castal Haw,
fanning between klearcrand Lee and connecting with
C at 'Hoed's Line of Steamboat Propellers had fermis
o n the Lakes, will be prepared aeon the earliest Ogna
g of Navigation to carry Freight and Pawenarts to
all gairdson the River, (..nal Anil Laken. •
Having every facility for conveying freight amigsm.
magma with promptness and dispatch, the proprietor
and steins respectfully solicit from their friends end
. Ite
REEDS, PARKS &Co, beaver, law
JOHN A CACCHEY, Pinsn'eti dr
Coe Fraithfield and Water an. Opposite Hie Wooer
ganela "loose.
even To
Wheeli,, , Crocker_l . Co, New Yor%
flea Days', Rea la
E N Put.a Co, Cleveland
R VS' Cunningham, New Castle, do mall
.1846. , _ A ND 1847
- _
rIMIE undersigned ned'now prepared to forward
.L duee.,Ae., tone Eastern Markets during the ensil
ing %rinser, on the inort'favotable terese, by . thisezpa-
All property consigned to us will be forwarded at the
hr., rater nod with despiteb.
hlerehandise received by this routepresently for warded. J C BIDWELL, Agh...Pittihergb.
G W CAdB. Brownsville:
nod':E EGERTON A Co,Cemberlind
gaga • 1847. 6,Miiit e .!
ruts Line consistingof freight and passenger Peek.
J. CO. will coo regularly . during the cerium between
Beaver and Greenville, o..bywhichfreightandpoe
seugersbetweenn theism points, will be eirr,eo promptly
and it the lessen revs. .
• '• WICK & ARCHER. Greenville, Ago
.CItAIG &FRAMPTON, Clanstills, do;
hteFARLAND & KING, D ig do;
lIAVB & pLumn, do;
W C hLALAN, hirartin, I do;
WM.:BAUD:DNS, Pnldeei,. do;
• REED, PARES A Co, Beaver, do;
JOHN A CAUGREY, ecuner Water andfluntlifield sus,
seal, Opporipi the Menoninsberi Irons, Pittsburgh
1846 • AND 1847
41 - tllEaabWrilors Will receipt for the alebeerY of Pro.
dueo to klokirnoro by the Monongahela Platt - water
at the 'dallowing
Ashes, Paeon, DuettitLead, Lard, Pork; tallow,
Wlntlor: e,ord Gloaw-ell as wad Ris.
Toldree.,ll , wart , Flax and Wheat--4l eta pee lOC lbs.
Ashes, (Pot) APptet, C10d.., v.tteed: Ulirs, sod
Leather-100 as per ICO
Oas, SklnArleedn, Wool-110 eta per 10010.. ' .
Breana,Feathera, Fun, Woman, and hooke•Root
—PM et. per 100 lb.
All property eorougrad loather of the radios:grad
will be Concordat 0010001 delay, Ave of (Zara:scion,
Ail above r u les. . IV Cl.ARlC.Broornsville:
, ' • HANNA A. WATERMAN, Pittsburgh.
111111 . 6N.1.111.1C,
MIN': 15 47 . .•LirOVZ
or Tug
. - -
N. N PARKS &Ca Cleveland, 0. •
It G PARKS, Deaver, Pa. Proprietors. •
W T•IdATIIER, Pinsbargit, Pa. '
TGIF. above Line ta now fully prepared to transport.
Vreight and Passengers from Vinshitrie. end
lead, us any point on the Pennsylvania & Ohio and Ohio
Ganes. • .
. The facilities Of said Line are riot Keeled by mtl on
raid Canals, is numbers sad eapaettv of Stoats. ever
t:rode of Captain!. and plowFinno. of &gems; he.
Gice hunt Waves Piuthurgh and Cloves sots daily. run
ning to comment. with the Steamers.
Michigan sad Lake Eme, between Piusherei and
Veneers soda Line of first elm Steamboats; VropeL
len, Sings and Schooners, on Lakes Erie, Thom, Ml
chine and Ontario . •-•
Propene thrwarded to air part of the, Union with
impvteh E N PAGES & Go, Cteveland, Mos
ISEED,_VAIMIS & Co, Ileavei Agm
.T MATHER; Pittsbargb;
Car' Water arid Idafitafiald ats
6ria. 1847. MAN
THROUGH IN 94 1101.T0.4. •
D At: gET Dans :Im'allose tad Teleemirt of
daity,at 3 o'clock t mat r the arrival of the
morning Mr from Pittsburgh, and arriVe at Wiltrrn in
lime an the Mail Line of etkr" which Imve Imagedi
amly thereat:a r. and art :r at Cioreland 41:16`eloek, r:
This rinse Is the most catettlani tad esidonabli
one lathe Lakes. •
REED, PARK'S &DK Deliver, Avail •
MIN ACA FY, entnee,Wwer and Alsidormld
A Challo to rho World. •
rIIILVEht eil•FirE nllfl will ninth/ to anyone
who wilt prattler harsh of'pruitts open DT arr. dkat
ttfabat 130 aatraeted with lint'. Implored Chats:oast
Soap. 'I have the oatianiction ofasateor le the people u.
thw otera, that this 'Otte le, by try own haparnettaera Win
new nanda unsivalted in Witt country for china* .
oyo, tar, patch. c 01.141111. or any who.. gre r avy sub.
stance, town an kinds of patient ea'a r* lidle.etktltang,
carpe. thhle eto th s, Merino shawls. Isaias', bonnet.
he, without ithattng wasarting that pure water will not
Injure. Atom tine oneetbonann4 pet.ts to'Oitorent
rods otthe moat y have sold nte they would Pat at
dalist per cake.: In trying this
soap an =ere than IPA tither. of light Wilts, salt.. al.
and I:theme, k hove enlyfound three pieces of
two at olpacco, and font on calico. on which it
ehanged the color: - there/ore before poinuk it on a light
Oren try a sample ofthe deers firse l`runethi• tieeuiwa
Inns dewing loetl not to recommend it any ...ger than
I hwy.. to be strictly lt tie Ti II Harr.
Prwee.lak eta per calm. Sold, wholesale nett retail
Il E •
(Natant alas ..... m thine:ly
J. d - fi ,fi nm-mad e ° b l a st! , moat leaved . ;Lament plana—
r d cobra. Alm
1/14: ittIEAP ALL, or /UPS ' a14 " 11.114D.' an hand
Of made tattles Of all Biwa, and at nil p fief*.
COnntr, blerehants and others are melted to call and
examine 146 above (or Deamelveo,•• • •ll will be sold
wholearda or eclat; and et liberal deduction mode to
' •
°KING'S TERRESTIAI. 0/.OIIIA, oevitibt4 all
I.a Ow boa diotousitut and Gtogripitiria improvements;
alto Its lucks of Osgood ettlebodea plrousituidaton Coos
Ailed Enna Smith'', foolish Olotv, veldt additions nod
Iikr,OICONIAB by Alms Reviled ity Roman Part.
LORING'S CF.LESTIAI. 01.011ES,mataittio; all tbe
boas wan, Whota, ke. Compiled SOW' de works of
WoltutinktMdilia Brod
itirll.o'ele'ty Londorie'fr •1' OM j 'rew
UM , i g
ardooloakfllochke haveitatewelveda pain ac
..4•1 11 1 SiONI , 6 • • •
• A...kW C6rostele .1 mu aal may:
- • klansfietwero •
•nr ALL trtscitirtioNs. •
Ifa INA South Prowl ;
Bark of T,A. Wilsem;a nu. Cabinel mir l p itre n A i t s, anvf i y
A I:Larders leawith H.S. rdoou, at the office or the
Ablerabant'e Sleet, Pituelotraht will be. promptly
attended to. ' • ' THUS. G. UilliftV
wplo.dly A. C. NICKERSON
A PPLICE • ION anti he suede to the President, filana
gen and .
Coin tan for erecting a Bridle 'over the
gc,,,,mawasehela opposite nuabosglain Ike 'meaty of
Allegheny. for the reaewal of (hie. certificate., NON
117.16;104 is came of John Water. each for two_
stereo of stock in caw Compshlf; Sant rest.heates
tog kW or ousloid.. • • stlellaltis FLUI D
Atone) ibrilie Executer. of Jokui I tante r. deed
1 , 1113 subscriber would respectfully invite ladles sad
tient Wool taigas visiting Philadelpdia,and Inward
of. FANCY FC UH r aneh as stags, hoes, Tippata ie„
tre tat ran, berate parchavag thwerhere,ae ibex will
dit to their advantage ao Waste. - (mien
'received shall be &Waly attended td at No in Borth .
Third st, ebevo Lick, Phdadelpkta:' •, '
. . ' . .ineti**Essifff:
el.,NOtolp FroLON•Nrolto tot
. I.llrot , ".
voneamAit AMT..
onmuLe. FORO FP3—A - very a n
Ptkllawp lad all we Roseau boePaisdtithip
ditAhl nip ma. A row . len
id cid for 7.ezi
ccirandiwzry Medicine_ in the World.
Thu extract ti petal. Is quart bottles: uss toms amp,'
or, plemester;esal waroustestaperao tato, odd.' m mom.
dim. w
: ithout n
bllitatieg mitin, pacrar, .Wnam or d•
• dup.!
Tha rut licauty.angimperiorlty of Sitsuperilht emir
adl other Medicine es, whilst it Eradicates Dimon it Immo,
atm tba Body: It is oss - of Os. 'very bat SPELT° AND'
ittalball MEDICINES mar, booso it not only
W whole eyotem and sionnalloas the penon, but it
Nes, Pient aster Nita blood; a poser pommel by no °Merl
bred.itto And in this lies th e good seoretof ita antesdrnbal
memo. It to, pirGirated arider the put two years, more!
Can IDOOO euresattserms Cam. of Disease , at bast VOW
of thus ova onitidered iumtrable. More than
3,000 eases of Monk Ebensoatiam ; •
4,Did mom of Dyspepia•
400 roses of Gioesal flat:4l4mA Went of Err
7,10) num of dillermo - ferooleCandaints;
4,000 raw of Scrofnja; t
1,3011 MU of the ' Liter Complelit ;
F,Slo easel of Door of the Kidney and Dropsy
J,UN cams of Cototdartko.
and Thononda of astir of Disease oldie Mood, via': Ulcer.;
Erysipelas, Salt Itbeten, Pimples on the Pim, Ice. To.
fewermosahrom cues of Sick bleadaebe, rain ni the, ,
sida and Cling; Epinal Admit:ass, kr, &o.
Thb, .111 ant 11111 . 111.1... 1111.0. Sprat inCredat¢ l . ono hoof
letters boo phfuetans mad oor stmts. from parts or kin
'sited States, informing its ores...ordinary norm D. V..
Buskirk, Esq. moo( dm most empeenddedmi taaa os in New-;
ark ? N. J., bilonni m tint ean ram to mote
that planehlone. f There sec tbobsoods nom is OtO
City of New York, which we refer to INN, pleasure
sad to men of chancier— It o the belt mithetue for tbej
remand. of disease known. l l undoubtedly saved the kim
of soorcikna
yip I.pILDf[M raz r•Ili 511.1 , 0 X:
iq it tenaened the eat. ar eltemei and fe tiara theta it
' •
Uttrrlit Erarerits br Acta. • "
Cert. O. W. Dl
- cCtsAtt, 7-10 llarrno &tette Natq.l
and amber of aa Jertey Leurielature, has htudly mat
to the fa lowit4 eirtitirste. tellt It. own stuy. "
• Ranter. Jas.. 4.5, LEX:
Ayear Pises t was tah.rat with the lariumea, =dray 'rho*
rystemkft a a dehilitited tutu. i wu induce& Id try
Towneesdht lihrtetteritts..tttei attex earn two or
. threr. lott4
dm 1 was very touch rellerrd, au.l'earit.ile it namely to did
n.irl flarrapttle: I have ettatioent taking it,s d Gad thti
i improve every day. ' I Where it M. 4 ey lik, mad would
net he laid:Luta tt ruder mol d wastitletVioa
W. hlashz, Litt' 0.14. N.
• • gmaraaCcaini - 1
Thio eartlfwiii rtarlixdvaly prom Mat this Sanapartlloi
has parfort eotarol *math. mart „agitate disease of „tha
bkaoL nreli 0.1141:1).1 ,4 iu mehour 5J tavaaciaiwd:
owa.P.-11car ar t yr have Oa •leascra to lanai
yow that dol. lay clolar Lam Lem cora of tla Ser.!
fob ty the Oas - of 'yodr avail= .1,11‘613.11, Thry
WSlicw4 airy aintraly wala Lai wars i lam oey.laara lot 4
batik*: It took thew away, I re
a vi a a tru l l lyl
fed apot; g•
dapubgatou. lawn.
W. p Ca.&ta.laao
WotWr ot.
Veto halt, Muth 1. ltfl7.
• :
... . .
Dr. Toiraierdh fEatinparalta ta • soteedig •
fa tad opeedg
we Cot incipient Dcatatoptteai Demattetty.lottkoretrop dr:
Whit., db.-sated or di eats
f Uric., dr Idiot datary discharge thereof, add Dr the4mi
oralprostratiou or the systeth—vo matter whether' Uta
of I:lrma Cause to wises, gassditictibl irregalasily, innate
tr ecrideutsi :"
Nothing catt roomsurprtallg Una he fart i•
fade ett the Luis. Emma. Pereatis,'al emaknees - awl land
hale, from taking it, •14SAAV became robust 41.1.11i/tar tong
ander itt tacos... It icatardistel, ectuuteracts the hem)
Imam of the female Crew, which is t h e [entitle of Istu
=um t' ' • . ,
. •
It will of be Mitsui of us, co cases of so &Mee • tat
tors; to exhibit certificates Or performed, but wit eu
Luau th• MEMO, OM htuddrds Glum two• butt ritpda
Whs. Buena Mil whim finilies hue ban without chiral
rut, Ulu mica • kw bottles of ibis itnaluta• .. o boo n ,
brie Woo batirwsth healthy offspcing, • • ,
D. Rbetensuit: 'llly wife be ma• greatly distruised b
mamma usl geormil debility, mil laming econtmally
by latio Mt • IfllfttM of burley dun, fatty, of
ob, and with Mbar dialcultiii, ma luring Mom auej
Mono youi esedlehie bat effected gnu cures; hod Mohair:
im ricosoutudicafor ouch own as I Lave sleseribed;l obtsaiut
di • !milk of your Extract of sarsiyarith, .4 Mama
lye diroctiati mature ow Mat Mort porta! at ressore4
MycosatiLalow md esstoreol her liesattt. Mint palatal Ls
the bmefiti Me icesived,l Mkt pleasure ha one arlosowlittat
Mg. it, and . o r umestlidg it ita pulls. • M.D. filootu,
Abu, hut 17, lbal. Ear. of Orbits! wad Lyilica sta.
• nen—
• Catooktio, Sept. 29, 124&. i
eDr Sliseasende To all whew this nay awoken—This if
to welt, that my wife resod one boob of yoarthoweliarilla
fm la bet eorainerareit, ooder the mbar alarniv_ ieli
aelbate eirranestwatte, hoink troubled wins the dropoy,
ne of the fay eseelins obedient:TO- very lowne
Lei with 117 she * XI; ilthe eud th ed to try it, with oe
littff thine
e or nee
fable, Weil arlioe it to ally, tho needienes hail the barwy neq
denied Obey nut out the hours of eadoecirra, but 2304
the eariratiou of out week of its coo, khe &Islay sod mei
Taw effect/au pee way to an astouishing degree, aad het
Pettit, le sea
better own it Lod been for a lon dray free
If PM VW by of any revoke to yooasy or oa • who/
double the .octet of the yoo aro entirely welemai
Li le.r
I nil weilm myself you mast obedient and obliged te mint'
3 tldlwoo oe, I
Extract of &swarth. hot bees .presaly prepared'
rehrence to female complaiam.. No Moak who hat nal
wawa .opient she la apgrcaching that critical peried; vt Tdd
earn J lJq' , .ltoola weal take star it is a &Haiti •
the any of the nunwrous and nor, ibis dipeassal4
hick Annales sabject at this Haw Of Aft. This periot4
Mr be deleyed Mr antral yeas by e sling tailarandiamth Hot}
. 11 It km valuable to these who ve hing wornanhotid .
a e s it mandated to *meat nature by Anklet.; •Its* %Maui
and invigarating the system. Indacd,this medic= is in
ttable Mr all of the Mom,. Co which ermiwn o,
enticH. - •
It brace, the whole tyska, mows to momently the saint
cal ttietgits—by removing dal impolitic.* of the lictly--ima
pa far atiaulatirq the syacm as Co produce • sabacquant.4
haaiory *hire lb the me of aunt medic.= taken for hintalai
waltneva.d disatm
• UIRLS READ THIS. . • ... •
You who Moe pa complezions, doll eyes, Machu on Oil
kre, math akin,' or. [meth* and are .• out of apiritt ;" Jar,
a wir
bottle or two of Do
• Saraeparall. 1r
cleanse your blood, mature die freckles and blotches, and.
give you animation. sparkling *pairing. twill, acid beautiful
.11211Ae4iati , 1111 of which are of smmrmse vision in hamar
ried Winn •
N. Said or medicine ha erer'bem dimmered
clearly ritsetables the gastie Juke or lam in denstoposior
food md almogilmaing orpos of dipilloo, as Um , prepa,l . l
ration of Sarsaparilla.
Bann acs., Albany,blay tu, Lila
'Dr Thmuntebs, So—l Min bee n dar
yommorills dppepros in its %worst totem, attendod with sourj;
mss stoma, Yost of appetits, *Wawa baseborn, and a •
rest aversion • us All hinds of foselocid but weeks, %wind I
eattid ea 4) I have beau itaalee to wait, but a imalt portion
on my Marnaeh tried the anual remedies,
on .but:Mayl.d 1
bat laile ma ebreet to ramming the complamt. 1 s in
domed, about two months Moms. yom Est
of Elarm
prilla,and I most say orith conUersM, bot al/musing%
nearby two boildra, I found my victim remora, and Me
h,, o rtlattn entirety roasted; and I - would clammily retai
mo Oh. DM of to it those Soho hue been •illiotal aa Chan
beta. i Vow+, 4.e., W. TV. Van Zama'.
Not 1845.; Boma
• • Matosr rauLA.CIA •
Read the (Amity, and doubt if you no, that comettbru.s
timstmtmot be mild.- 'thus Ottly one of ths amerslhamdrsd'
roes thm Townsend'. Sarsaparilla has moods „
Da Toteasaria4— Dear Sir. arm lam a 1114, overt,
year ago, with •'serem mach and pin in my lode.. h in-,
emelt on ow eery fail, mama. I sms pronounced by pby-:
ham the ~nick coottunpi. ' I raised loop pm.
aim of kill matter, bad night maw, and sinking mry fasts!
my does. told he mold do nothing forme. palm tam bed
hospital inlosy• Of befog brooks., boil.. yronottneed thorn!
as 'towable. I was now greatly shammed no the Wain .1111
mold hardly Intalbe i loamy became emaciated, and aerated ;
to die; max maws/ to my hod, ' and VW obliged la aura!
.000 hon ..indesiusb'r .auto(' frti 745 blay 'diermyilon that!
silauld.dolmilesSomy I was sapposol by my friends
mM is ., mammy ,I Usl tried • pealmunbir or remedies,
sad ail .aimed tiabe to putyam. mad of some toms ms-
Incantatory cons perlbrood - by your Medial., and ilia MU
roe the milt I anapaest& Chem was some limbo in Meta l
But i7allliadt'ated' try it, I did so.,and a
l, Manisa
bdidd I eannot %bat 1 am eating toil ansao . far
remerrred loam about my. bonne., and hips to Ist eistue
ly troll in • IMO, ereebs: ' VT mop and yam in the'ride,l
'mot pipt menu Wile 141. nos, istol raise Sot mnsy 11111 e, olds
sat AM gainiog anal Mreogib. :I felt is a duty en 'Peel
feu •,OMmamt of .1..4 0 0 Imblish if you pique, , ,
„ . I arca Gmaltat, 17 Little st, larooblyn..- •
Oirlullmiof Phyldeliisks.
Prlonaliana N aliatioraliyairenrisig arderr frail ptin,
ereiass fa Aillercril poirtrof Ma Union,
Tbia is tiiartity digwe. anikrAorril, of
i City of Albany, hare suareroar carer rescribrd Dr.
It II Buses, rt
Albany, April l r 1813.- r K
This ss to ratify that we, the aapeistgar4,.prscUCuag
thamicaiou Physinatu of the laity of Albany. hen frequent
a'rted Defeemsod's Ceospened Extract of &we
es' sod flan sts fWuec gualithei, would recomaimst4 is
paalie fur nemesia, enefekno, east * ,1 .7 ,
I. prefaces. to any of she advertiwil remedies 41612 b.
WA W Itcssrti,T r,
AN.I April 0,144. ' 0 Drarrest, T
Prionpaleffear, Cultoo Sun otiid4,l , l !DJ,.
diet at Co . slate et Bon tiestDr Uyett Opthact L,2 Muni Ses
soups! plu d l=ia . ,
8 flaw., Uremia, Itsahleorn nut by
pnae~pagoineally Ilireugheiit Ne 18sited thah •
Nine gentian, mhos put up 'ha De Urge ,eittart bonne,
whieh canna a quart sad kind awls the wriucti
of P TOWlidk=, and tussawan bows; we GL...
the L
Peon the NewYeeda Daily Espouiref April 9,1e47.
A pretty thing appeased Ca Die stints ynterday. • It was
the talsestiang sesh,pc Sereparina Fnprge of Dr Two:utast.
The whole Dunn yet up m good twin: so of Pie own ,
wad Laudsesprpaustiaisaretwautifishichleh, me
toptlisu with
'the Sewell srostonsoli, glistering,ia Use to., undo a dun
rarely equalled tir way., We lahe this opponents, to
.ay ere believe this ,oboe! of the Sassepasitli'itrairris the
- ewrylerit pprtiarity_i•l paptirea.
. • ' • •
lidOMOCelli Dieltilllty. •
Nam Tqaa,llarchtDi
Tonitetiael,—l lice bees edieted wee or low Dr 3
ye-m.mM a disalthleinkian is the. Most, gliedinem is Me
heal, lam of. appetite, pain salbe halo, and Famed debelelye,
t o MO no dimbrbieds continual lest and cold to shirts
LotM My business at • dyer.' I ham tabeanthir
medic-Meta too t o or
to mentinn,tst arilhlittle or noels.
ofl war induced by what main the ppm to to a beta.'
of your Serseparilim from which lf.undgreet relief. I ham
elms tabu ameralamm bottle, I can nemellatingly
it is disbar medicine hare seer tame—the pun sa
ebest Fatt e ned I Owl quip ♦ Marred men ntbanethee Meer
I bug talus yinerlianisperills . I hare Mon beam appetite.
than ems I had. y ifs liae taken it with Me M.
eilbretalte. lairould nodommend • et 11 es family medicine
nenerally. and-1 Ceet morimei that idea mod them -would OM
be MU the Wainer them Mond caaisinenttnot en. many
Doctor's Nita 'for akar it mama eppetite , t ale dime
OK, ILXILLSCh M.l bomb. them regular Ong the blood
in a Minty' Mae, to that dimes. ill not likety to attack the',
imam: And to all Maoists are not in ahmhby one. I s 7
• .Ceetaker in Um Plamathe
• Danis Is an amount of onaher AN ed Di TowlUited'i
Foreeparelbe has timed the lima of thou
of children.—
The W
*d ilo too wenn Mama* in.selectoi Crook le Feed 'amber
' • - o f DODD:
br Towisoide . gri—Otte ntany children we, very
Wok with Ma canter in the month and tore., Okuda, with
Foe debility. Ileum imardlinF, obtelned.Mene of your
mealiest medne:ma it mired ifalirect/y, Mr which rio •
noun yea! Mel may Fateful, redlleetlialle
_ . huaanarli Forelots, DeMarconaa -
:For ma - by /LE DELLIMS•Drogist, 11057 Waal et
between lid end
who Ism • bon sppoloted by D
TOW NlibllaD rah Anent liar Allegheny es -,jeDdteelylil,
COCCiir§ilitir—lt.vovett to be • o
M ;trout Pauccom etttitor :tor c ... llll:adircl.ts.l , og
C9g f iL iipt;c'*itii.otitictitire Nov a •
to . ' o(p u
much ten miring patent Medicleap, but we leer disposed
tofeconunead Blergante Ityitip to Mow. whO •re edict.
eat wither cough.. Adarituaturr wird 'the usual...vortte.
die s to remove n constant and slistrsuing
.coughi ohm
had for several thtya dietedl one of our childrati, with. 1
out success. wowere induced to try Itlonon't cough
arm., and by it relief...a obtained in at few Wart, It
proved to be dm penman In this-ease atdeaat. . •,..:
frepared wholesale and retail by the preprint,
. • . , .101ELN D•hIOII.GAN,' Dm it; -
:thby. •I - : --., .1•116104'door below Memo lanai..
....:,-- - . sir., alataisaliiillhena simmui.3 7 -,,
Tillsis4diuuktio, 47...taldngolie 31.0 0 .o.nor ,
.I:JdotAine's Worm Apatite *child of Jima plutada..
patted .optortida 07'711 WPl2l6..aia LI the er,aald
inedltilittilthddararrown, pumst•li law *On
Wils , ttalr ikamosrurpriagg vivnalmmuciziellirt
seem_ - I soustion two none 'vials: , -L. • - -,,,,. 1
.l• y',;;,r. 'l - 11 ,Lt,,Salrfai . 41 4 1, 10 1 4# 1;,4Z- .
, - ',..i:: :a a.,:a..11;:-,aaa1.:.. - .N.
. .
-- t -- 1 -
. - ..irouroOrot av atm OF rata ditEstmr.': .
- A eartalikandaafe entaior congen,'„enaaa, awl*,
- &ter emplauiti spitting blrod, parnain the aide .:
or breaak,nervone deonity.whoolongeonzb
- broken - nonatttotion, .COleblHdra
'TION'or any dieea-se of tbe Mop or
... - •
• • !neut. - Reader ankyoe 'atrffenng - -,
with a add' or &nue of the " • - '
.luairr,uy this remedy, - ...
" you will not per ,
It Till arrest all those disaireetahlen3 , mytonsa *ilea
ittike nob terror to that ound, da• proien your ich.r.
Beware 01 all preparations purporting.. to tale:
Chery,ezeept that beanng the Hsu °FM
H Swerne on the laotaide wrapper al WI 'UP ,
as they are gaits likely deatioar. el 'the *Mel inlgh
Which they borrow name. •• -•• • i • - -
' • • • Rendeohat it "undone , '` - '
Would perhaps bode small estimate for the I. , Eje.
of UWI dreadful itMease in a magiejema thell*44 , -
- the fearful catalogue. el those cat ell by Imialke-,
41111 Of the Lunge, Hemorrhage, Mien's, cough. I
Indomota,•Bronchitis,and :other disc "o 1 th e
Lapp ast Liken.
Ald,the list wink!. present in appalling p of the'
fatality ot these two chums or Mathes,- _-_ es It
Inagoortant to • knee , .that comf y ' • .11 'of , ' ,d rew ;
*aide Or hiainal fde might bath bans lid
bye timely rue of Dr.- SWA SHE CO.Mk.
siatur or wU.DcHEIt4Y. , ' , i: , -.. ...
'me medicitie hat 11011, been' the Waite
some eight - yeast, aid iii the, veil , intiand4t
from the Wild .Cherty Tree Its r tthieli Airs,
remedyWV Coughs, Colds,' Btosiehltie - LW COI.'
'amebae of thoLumptlathed nailed, njtoo - its fife.]
oinsie merits, owes hut little totalled finwspapbr
putts. Alamo who eye it s- trial, bethr•berielitted,
brit, recommetut it to their. neighbors ,And thus
gradually and surely bask gained an enviable te -
lotion nod winked its way into genethl doe.'
bottle never fad. to cote a recent cough or • cold,
„while with matt ettention to Use directioes that ifc
company each bottle,ite we in pulmonary derAss
of long standing sad of the mod ainaling cleri c
• M -
r, hss always givers re li ef, gpd .4,....qm0 .ay
tunthees has elected complete slid prenwllOPl
Dr. .vIVAIPPIEW Ceara:ea Singparra. Syr:,
. • upof li'ild Cherry. .:• . . ,
Read the most ramaftablet care of Catiisiaiptiihr
ever placed upon record.— ,
Dr Searoe—Dear Sot I feel it i debitiP • atiado'
c ,,, w
. tou--and a duty to the aimed game:ally to
,otter my humble testimony m favor Cl your Come
pound Synip of Wild Cherry. Some three - teeth
•-tnee, T was violently attacked with cold, end theta;
--- • mp, which was ace.—
a vesyTilistints thebriast sodheirf
—n very coosiderable disabuse of offensive meta
from the lunge, especially epee Omelet of weather',
honevereligut At first Whim *lama about: Ell
condition,' but Was pinto sans convinced that l*as
rapidly going into comumpuon. I grew dolly *ma.
er, and at length was scar c e ly abyatAlidk
open/. above whisp er each'
.eakieis.ol.l4 . hop.. During hum time I Wu:tided.
various preparations and preneriptions, hat Wend ooh
relief—growing - the time .womd" hit here I wis
advised andpunniadeil.byetlealftienii is *fibular!
ton to make atrial of Joel Synipef Wild ; Cluury.
I amyl confess that previetudy I tad Weil' ptivioc
co against patent dicificinet, add 1 . am Miff, drone;
those coming oat 'of the bards' of empiric", but:
auderstandieg your claim to prole:Woo 'add'
practice of medicine, and havinghdplicite faith 10'1
the saying at my friends, I forthwith purelizse4 id I
Dr Shaw,. one of your agents, e•lew bettleaddif
commenced its use. My disease at this time - rhos.,
el tweet, or Meaty firs month,' etaddlog,• cease-' ;
ginned} wu deeply mated- I foadd, bower*, cOd
solemble relief' frodithe best Mum
But b.:ing a P.W.-fr.Ttauttiltheulited.,
to preach with my mcreduigutrensth
reywreeihope_vessell teat sad a nindy beP,I Lin
leati•in this way,Tdostiticse, 'myrnalia was piggy
reverded., la coMerfainew of Anhui - thus impru.!
dently 1 had to we ld or lb bathe before, I. wu,
perfectly ieetofed. - I . l3are':Lo Suesfluni, a: mash '
smaller cumber' of bodies would kaie made me:
cooed, but for the above Militate:ion. The Syrup
allayed tie leycrisb habit, did away thirdiatimainft
cou g h, put a stop to the discharge of maiterfrom
rho leap, magma them UM the entireSysteet geed
health.' dime deietrod offering that cemicale tilt
now, for the purpose of toeing perfectly satisfied.
withthe permanency of the care, mid now that I
het perfectly well; I offer it with pleasure.
. . 'REV: J. 17 - .lORAft
D, ;
Cduity,''ffi. C. .• - • •
• Avoid all spurious preparations of Wild. Cherry,
each as Bahama, Hitters, Syrups or.. Wild Cherry,
Pilla parr:env to contain Wild Cherry, &c,
as they are all ticirtioes andcounterfeit, sad contain
none of the *blues of the original and genuine pm
pa-ration as prepared. by . Dr. Swaim!, and.lhis
ever prepared in this county. Doctor 'Swarm's
Componed Syrup of WILD CHERRY lt COMponid
of vegetable mgredients,the Wild Cherry; min tith
er medical sonsmones amity as ellicaciscw,o . not
more no; the whole are sif.fidecinally arixiceotratei
as to render it beyond &Ili:Ionia the most pleseint,
strengthening, and effectual remedy eve
tin. the cure el. Pulmonary' ermanisption, aodall
diseases Of the.Longe nod Breast. The very, lent,
from 'sr - haring seen a train or spuiroii iinitato**)
steads to Kora its great cnowiee properties....
lliermore, taralios, inquire &me angel.] ptepe
each bottle of situch ❑ enveloped ins beta.
Sail wrapper, with a likeness of William Penn en
graved therm; also nearing tbWeignetare'of Dr 11
ay no, the counterfelung of_
_which Wilk be _
Piepared only "by Dr. H. Swekallai N 'Coiner
EtOXiti and RACC Streets, Philadelphia. - -•• „.;
For sale in PwrihrirgSWholecale. and retail by
WM. 'PktOHNOM Market street, .'
OGDEN de SNOWDNN, comer :bid &Wood sin. •
H. A. PAHNESTOCK re:Co.:corner el-let and
Wood add6th and; Wood Erects. •
S.JONES, 180 Liberty street 1;.•
JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny City; • ...-
And brill respectable Drugysts 'sad dieters in
' Medicine, tlicraghont Ike United StaltWand Can-
.• • 80, .1.1.Y4F;1$ ../..TEILATIW ,
• We hitiv been informed by hlra. Resent imam
foamed on her by Dr. Jaynes- ialtarattive,wW.h
proves Its artroeriority over every caber remedy of the
kind. She hoe been Wale...J . lpr the lan sixteen yea!,
with l'i witosr.s or witirgSWELLlNtiWe#
with ulceration s and enfoldulian of Variant P oe
ring see ich time many' pieta, have been dhmharged mat
the inantal hate of the e reason. from ;oh ket.froly
wrists and handeiaral nom both lege, and from the toll
fe.l oral 1,411 c, and from the right boost heMde. Pkittrni
Cicero on other purser her pada; which lureit.hhilfal
the skill ol 1k amber orihe epoottialneal ptrywideatiof
or eit...=dint moat of the time her salferinga have
been exertnaung and deplerabla Ahern three ntaulA
since she-was :named ID try IN. lapnelcAltentriva,
whleh has hod an asuatiat.WY happydect epee be'.
hysesnotrina all pain and swellahm tag eacturg the
weal:vet heal, while atthe s a me time her general /malt
' has treenne completely restored, eo that the now wags
75 the more than she dad. Wore elm cormeeneednut !
of dde truly valuable prepanerL—{NO lids. Posti -
For . further Iniormation, untuiroor btu, Rotes No: LIP
Fuhen al, • • •
• For sale in Pitennargh, aithe 'PEKIN TlA'rewntMe
72 Foorket. near W . eted. , • b',
CitOll.lLA SCROFULOUS '.S.W eta.
ili¢S,—Scrolula in all De multipliell,forma
weedier ie (hot of King'. Evil, nelargsamots P: dot
glands or bones, Goitre, Whits-Strelliughl:cmitut.:
itheitmatimo,Cansei,disemen Of the Stet cieSpine;
.prod l'ultooltary, COOSUITiON emanatehorn nen
*bailie same a/11'4 101 i /
more or len Inherent in bauma system. There:
foti, sinless this piaci/tries/ be destroyed, rlti fadb
cal cure m be eilfctml; bet if the Matilde a
-which - the diseasiadependar ie removed:lk cam
must ot steminetty follow, no mattemioder whattorm.
(tie &mate should manifest itaell. tbenelbrat
is the feagoll why Jeturs's ALTWqlfilllttia.
vernally auccesaltil in removing so many malignant
dimes : mar It destroys the virus or principle from,
Wilco (bole disease. bare therm:iglu:by entitling
into the circulation and with the blood Is conveyed"
to the, unnutest Slits; removing evm7 ist
disease from the system. Preparedend sold at fib:li South 'third Street, ' ' • •
Sold at the Prthin Tea Store, No. 72 Fourth titres,.
L „ .
ES -W Use commas PrePdtm S.l.amik....ADl ho
often tat aware how fnandally minnow. :1: is 10.
the skin! how coarse, how roan how Whist, ocllOA
and unhealthy the skrnappean after atiof are .
chalk: • lleindes, it itimanous, contalaing a large qtWit
fay of lead. We knee prepared • beautiful eepooble•
article, whieh .we call. JONESRPhigAbileal LILY
WHITE! it is perfectly iuntment; bantam/Mod all.
deletertoOsqueLkeec and Itlmpart. tio the skin a man.
rat, healthy, alateuterieicar, hying whitc,..atite s
tane• acting a. • roomette on the akin, waking t ad
D. James /mamma, 'rctical Chemist 4•Pdaiini
chusetts. says: 'Wm atuttysingJone...Spani.h Lino
While, I find it poosesimn the mast bettaufal..ana Onto
' eel, the UMW time illeaCent white I ores almir.•
tenant can conscionbously. recommend Its . mie to AU.
Itkose.ain rembresbenatifYing.O • • .••. I
tl7Solu. by AVOL.JA.ClikoO4o:this Dom. and'lShoe
,:ttereait Liken, street; head 0! Viotxt,TaV the sign of
I! • • Lattice, halm, aMOoli6ed . : l ," - •;"k
: • When yen know that yeti an ganglia
'A natural, tiftrtike anowl whuO, •
Thuyolk von atill ' aee common ehM
a, •
-- And look a deathly yellow fright,
• • .The theme of laughter and of , , ~
lla bolt of...fONKl3l4ll3 , emitto;
',weal - 4 Rise year skin an•ltabaafet ref natural whip,
'and at the soles time elear and implore it. .golCat
'JACKSON'S rf LltiertY It; hut es crmaber.
so,; &nuns.' so sz. 1.,. saw -
YRUS FIELD offers tot. sale , -aVilia - . lcrieesi;
rt Illinarselarers , priees, a very este:isle* assort ,
maul of PAYKR, eoregrlsise every ,901.4.1.
- astupteltto taevraats oi eonsatairs w a ll I seetlies 91sho'
easiury. rapir iirfalV.kinde -tessle io tir4er ii ohms
oe area qr PArk.R ss imassally large
_ .
mar which.° laws L[ITERIAI.I•
a " pApERIII4 ~d And ImPL,muu4d.;
ooth sworn. ,
or eVellr
nre „ ,
'"" itin iP br
Elltni4.ll •
in t,yMtririce in,ClOll.4r . UlO .
Pala whir J4741h4.,-
, Neq
sttutaeo.9KOlLl"_, e". or
Mr. U. C.S.:llere: , •-gly rout swaths 4,1*(4 very
mak.* at until. and having melt firtats Meer.' eon,
eluded he had rut" end having bra great dell
&Wan your Vemerage, begird a vial and gave ; t4all
dcv,v. whlea expearat N•vtrlallevkithit- 014idvr
noel. v'e•reatage Ovt , rvitlan_ad ether,
rtreared aralveU )40. V. SKILE IVeed .
r..eld by pr. earaal:'soa ward: and U. U. Cvrnrrdlle
_ _ •
T. Jeitioa r /tyUars Obe.iditit fwlp.i ."
1" . 0113111 kinds or enguora tool 'dlyiirser °(U., idork
r *Uh sS rouderatiotrus,Baitlitym
opory, yhappc4 or suety* didsourdforylkoter Urdu.
igg sy*, whick rums. autual mondookohit "
Soap sued. upwallad.. h alto Opel. Prgokipo'doy—
Own.' , tdd - ottOtYd *OW oir. - dart
yeliow, or .1 isligarod•Uit,lar .4nriY=Ointrar,
'mob saggdy, yurrgopi . 7A
rito udrourl rake of per Leek.
received, /a oforredd* silo by 13 .ATIVIVItori,4
tat, tooter aid omrlautstryldes eirdiVe
commic-apAirtimoitavitr , -
,C;rllititikkeussmitivirvii •
••• -• Taionetiamr
6ewilarptive4; rartanber Mat it it - Thonvoorei
.ainipouralitriO.of Tar:aiid - Wood .
tn - ikaly
r-rputmetttigy:!copiBtlmPTlON'nt • •
Aria% Brombiliu, of SAW, Pam La Ms 'Skew •
Hmmt 6.1 hew% Haatinfora, falpitation of
• •Heatt, Wbooptmg U.ib, Oros,. 7,
MILLFORF., biome of all rpome?, mlatsres oriar:at •
. & P.lltoueou. , Date Sir-- Oto ataidillag tealdfl
Law aapaimmea from tba.-mt of yotar Compoasd Syropot
ltae and lf optics name it terdtay to incase lam ot ,1 .
&ad Wm Smug alliatedwith a very bad denbotatadem ammo
palmed Sottumustivitb great mint., 44..4 " 1..4 " • '
am and Imo of appatita. Basel •fleicate mamma vi. 10,01
' effect •A looms Lamed, 1 beard of p o or modietar, but bey
toy dew to ;Wag mom auiertnimi me.lteium. Mooyht,l
`mold adbeet u what I bad &tea taut. Fit lose mrilf
&emit warm. a Weed permodad ma to Ivy a tottaLa yose
r•p• Soot mYtayhe enredlie life to ill
medial tirmety• 1
my mewed abaft& eed amooteuwd oaks ,
tam I had tabu bottles, Imat complaturfreetm... •
&Leg Sm 0& b.ifi, f.ak. W. allot. bncf
totr.mest. Any further ittputui can ne Enda t 0.7
• U.P. 1411 71.., Iskr.cla rattrOst.
.ata Artutiterr . litincirkabli Cum
Catlitio, la, 5Z0031.13.45.. ,
dieeit sit req...amt. b emartiumma of tem tedoe.O. ••
nature of ay memaam,l um attacked mill. *me pthm P •
We bread.. putpitilkoi of dot Watt sod sbartasm of WEALS,
'Mich mere mot &Omni by We Yslvn el . mirto4.-ettrcar
makeftdmod moltbt mod peal pre leis May Gob-thine
a. 010140 1
whb Olefin of . For about Iwo lama mos mama. • •
lase.iota matodeittes,.tehieb,lol I.
' oringtiUniniand't% - mn ante my win& fie •
o . ll yir.inge were son or legoarcre at. &MA
-mei: &trammed to wet! drys., sad Oa :iddatdm.o( sate
symptoms' *ire dud Or a arholeyear 1 011.
oaabbt to Wood ea") Doha Ws time I taut
• ed mob !ahle physic to and attoaded b their presenpre -
bat all their AS .as ottani ins to proem, um ma ei . 4 ' -
t looph they sagardad my - teettemy m soaralr latyalate 101
.coolltioa 1. mom Wormed of aim Hoary adieu' at 7
boottou's Compound Syrupa araad Wood Napem.,itt a ,
"cam *..her Oadtar to mine, ad dough hal given - op 41
teryieu . of a romrotry of my lamer Ursa.% hl.lll
=au; yet be/or utmost adomd to My Ibis lambettet„Smm
kityth pee•Wa wt to,d.• so, and I Won sow. to yuly,
dixtby Sto watt Sultotiksam health halibuts rumored:tad
rut now abbe to tamed to Popes wild es Math &city..
mak .7 •'• ligna Ittlframt. I ,
Of Diatom= Toaatit*-
~ Prepared ordy by &NORM' & , t 4
corner drift and Spruce Amato •• " • '
Sold by L;. IMAM, Jet- rittsbourit, - and 'respeetsblt, ••
anomaly.. row .30 eta 600. doter perm
:EI TIVION.—Beerato of imitatiomy Sad paten** 7%*
aza'a Ocauposad Syrup of 'I ar from mom but adottima "-
of ih0w,.b......W,tm0tm.° of dr. h as 30. 'Ow
. •
FILLS are becoming ao.usureraally popular
fkat, BOCDUIii they ari pteparmi by De r'•
bireaell; a teridar Druggist, Chemist teril:Pirleair
man of Philadalptria,eihe Snows the natuni;Abs
quality and &erecter orAke. Medici:ea lewd lit
'pills and their adantatianl to disease.; • -;.
, Second, Because the public can take them With
_greater cenfidenc.c tuert"elbeflidla which: re
prepared 41.0r:rens igalicant both of modicum Old
of their combinedereets, prripe
tie• wit contained in any other phi • •eur•iy. purg..
duig from the stomach and bowel; all unhealthy sub,
stance*, Mil at the name time the bhuk,
and Cildiol" the body.
-Volute, Secaeso they, ere lee.cheupras mulibeet
'medicine know ate& bat coating eel io
and containingo, pill.. raring to perinea. as mutt
dollen riltAimes I.Letor's •bide, and iMmeiCue
'Medicines bought & tried on the recumaien&tisity
of other&
. WHOL E SOME ADVICE.!---. • ,
• ~••
eracyor you have occasi on to take. any role
tine, de not he trelling..inth your ,coortdmionjay
trying all kinds al - pieta or other medicine. you see
published and.tecommcideelhy • one and anniteesbut
Lettlys Svirrperrilles Wood
4, 4 M ,
9PuPknot nava o eea,icn to, take al •
elec. • They. will relay:eye be lotted good en alruudal
woman( disease; ludamature el the chnliarit, hoop
el:, liter. And' illIC•Ill,04•CAUIpa 0/ she 'stoma ,
eoled; Watchmen...leeward levers, 'lOl breatit,lo
tastote-the pdai ornetaurnia knot. snidely tea
the stomach, coittreneei and indegeatinec want ..l
appellee, biUlouq alleetione, diatamm.of Lbe..P 1 1 ,6
'serf kidneys; &semen of the lain,. scaly. eruptiend.
dry nod ividery pleaplea or blotches - -of the lace save
' body, taah,prickle beat aud salt rho ern, head.
•icher, ghttlitecto, faintness, paino over . the beartl ab
she breast, sidesoderig dem inch and replier, cloaca: -
dna and gant,levers of all Cade; small not, variok ,
terd.bliasele; serehda,erysipetas, and in shoes way
are good in ail disease.; boa ens ,their origin au Ih4
stetasely liver, and intestine*, and impuritr of i!,4
.• •
blood • " .• -•
aletTi v edysfiee otitis a 800. • "
- Sold .WhOtanato and Recoil by B. A. Folitiesti.Ot . • -
& Co.,coroor of First !and., VY oral, also, corner or
!Bath cod Woorlidra.eli:. • 'L
Llirda&&nelk.TUNlTYl-P-.CBTh.., •
pus bestaritele known for lanianand.w awl:tint •
..1. the Teeth, adengtherdne the gums, oweeternaa the"
!mead:, ko: ' It. Wield be r osed eserY 0 1 4
brush, iad - the ieeth ininsith mi I y minden otigh
wukiti:in. the ' Wet the: brash with. snug*
tobt• will answer,' and rub ire ies - irdnes'oA,
die pure, woe!. "eutiab will adhere for 440.112 -
teeth. .Itlesies dental.te rule in the 14.14, mid
pant rentilirdellittfulfragrance tothe breath. It .
lut#t abed ... as plenum, eglearases,Lconife. ideet,;.l •
L eak deritunee„ .itis tkolltalailste tboAce ,f
By tiring it , malady, it will release the tartar slat
present Its seewnalatleri--prerent the :toothactirs. o
strengthen %helm!, nod prevent all disci:m.ll'ld write , '
Chenests, pi,ysteiarts, and die
deg4iodly, ?opener to every, di log of the hinds n use.,
. Ask for - ahertnan'sßoinpound. t.trris• Tooth .Peate,.atoi'
obearreithiaigatan is, attached to inch pot: , I
Hecomenetterd by bit. .:kAlinaralway, of
7 000
i n t: Bennet...And by MN{ of the. old eetablislieo
ones in the Baited &was, and rem,.
. by tie Nobility of . lFAllend and Free.. .
Llargeproportion of the disease. t hatafalet mankind.
attaches some derknoreent of Mt it triaileitor bele elk
*War etlateiv . Oho' of tire Cadet
e n s lartenacs woubs , --
entirely Obviate. 'Peron4 of; bllieas liabitrahrodd
ways - have a boritt hand, and take eileieWlienever
they feel the denuigcntentuttheirkealdr. , Alsoto
von* are of !Ileac Loactiars. would Prevent thoissararl
loreabsat,Whf. boi-Orjot Wcod eel
el'OnATCRIalt; ericlidarlpialyerato
saa {Wipe Lira gUkaispal}l admit lq 6E4 •
.Idoisienciturr,w.iminh.d •,• •
ibar,...S. Saint —Sorsa of dog scrum. tag '
kidatesue as ota !my kalable tegiscay ix favor al ylationly •
eakkard Um , lt/b I ha. derived doivvy Ilbe n a .
liDovig 4 D.', Crveltates saute, Nat ear. micro.
ties re Una alb* may preparations at
tad ameba. halal to the Ain, am nut law obLisicarba.
I yowlareillb bon beumlund team p•Vasa.Uaithk.a.,
Velma abaym.ll...wwkr• .14. a. Dry are .ja..
lot mt eans. them to be ...1 kam be. alerted oath - -
tompenhat floe aty potent law ealtorod oval.; aaipleY.P .
..aayasurvtat —l....daei to mi... Irtivi made abeam lief,
kot wocli bko.4 WE. !Imam sal yhyucked demi na
ialtrakel sor 5 Lamy daditirna up aciscatania..l.-
•lea-llnras indoeollo Up your Later Ms, aatil/0014 off
tY tee': Mabee ot leakiatear•ealleasattonelePlaeetrar"
of polo is la. UN, sal all abe oust empamon Ito al too(
la matltn. Wit tilia amen ihe ben eathariia loser nti.
moninainissaii U 4 IL SIN
=At abre_i a ht deal M
kr mi. 7 pars; sold 'may& at' b Real blipkatreat
besnl eing • saipinale awed by asp .w whs. Ira wed
aben....llsp lam d a pareolnel atoms wary
M l / 4 aavl Sim 'WI 6.
imattip teem". ti•sn reams 111.•1116riiiipit,..
brkiver Casphist at Italica. Akreikiva
Wart a.= [neuritic', %Wood on time Ingo NIL attspicli
' Pa. ea.
cnilast Liras tills;pillessinimmaliselb.o224 131 U ett.
*slaw asa talmootlnerdaalltalapeopmal mi.*/ 1 4 .
812.1.124 No St /Itad4. henna nil estal Fralett..
Bold lOksisat, SS'
AVA AUVerl, Aoki' Melia end pt
r 'War ClesprleithAillth rraktianahlelltheidt Chattii
: The eadenognedhathir her • alhieted Markt the pAq'
Wiener what • tiara** of the • WSW., NM 0110nem PAL.
10clifig the nosene It for Weer twelve hue re
'menet tateneisaint, and atter brae, ante ea: lone,
rethed. with lathe caeca, eras &tattled tildia tunt;ei
. etlX D aye" Carminative Liaises. ; TIM he need ea ,
condat to Sr direedonpi wad toes 4 layer/ably that aim
enselkine saseedthe pats to ha th ree or fala
fan, and in fatten or 1:11011100eVery
Noma. was coAtelp gaie The anedirain war ay
lererardsesed erbenercr tedieadapee of the alfpnntlf at
pa 101•0 le pe mciireo, and*. peat Au theretty parleath,•
ed I k ceetthand 10 Übe the stailtios InVur
and Anuarhanea to the atomise. and iu a 1... v ernes
heath Au Polarleatered; teat the lade etc 1100
ed troth • lam atheatat of oppreAd* pans. Iran WC
periense . , therefor:4%e net ewthaleui ly ar sm. t.d V
UJa) see aurAntilve tiAltkw. to a . 0 ethq saedte
ddiettice of she thrinaCh wrack. A 511/N:it
Allegheny_ eli)%tv ,, /
For Atli in Pinder/A at • the PklWh tA 7WI
Fotanla street,,' nett, Wad i ted ei LLd 1M
Sinner al P :COWART/. ittattal
Dream die/Moods mum', 4r Aari -
Ctrust L. Ron, 0. absram _ ~• : :
bopttfitto Itoosoo in fliods; . .
Kir Kent WV., perfumed Intl% l e avendyr, fiorl
• iluatalfal Warder pOlfs, of all p ' -
k:othosoal iodst. dues, *Matsu.* IMP.% ultui(
for AO h4follifrchief; 2 42[21 ir,lnd 1002 alaph?o,l4
V 2214 au, of Mints& oninfel; .
InJafOroge.to4lo hair mt. . . . _ _
Head la Mary or easmoo orrantera, (you. Year
iPpl, t.oap;ll4xt .17
ilog dodo soap; 11 . rifir . was a . veva
1, ! 1* . it; "'1 7 . 7 .... j. . 4 " 117= 1 / 4 g . elClt .
• . • If FA
o• le • • • cot Ith Irut.l , " • .
YUDLlellelD DAILY, e:
.w ELKO(
4 Gram Pollee" 3a siolia;ge.f4t teds."
st.•Tlill OP alliViast . P/PlAilll.
Os. mood/oak 01 12 loam oe less • •
Toro MlettiOnt 011atOOMIMA/1010 AL
Oa* Weak
Time "
thee bl gate
b Loner 6.l.6ertiegnatat• in sun/ prophr#h , •
U 66 square,t, mouth., without a1u1ari010......1U
• " " • • ' 7 ;:e1...4519.0)
Each additioctst iccitiri for 6 months ' SW.
.•• : .
. _ . . .....
0...0.1 . 0.0..b.,raaa;attia at . 14•101,1%.1b.IIIRC
fai' i 9 stood a
ta s wabla i4aaatla: 14
: wseeit Oli.eil4sssw 711 n . a . saor
thielitß.Siasertioni, • "..4'4411ta
; milk* iorerii '''" ••• • •
,aguyisi C• 1 1 1%
MO ilia Of len, oae yen.. •
tit =Oa*
11.. 4 ,
.... '.. 1)00 1if1i,411.7 11,...e.)041111f.
MTh , 1 ' ~‘' . sill tn0:10111 ....:. " :.'. ;ill ,
iiiirarttuinure's tir vrEr.cav rAturV. lipipp, ay Ina, one is:,aertir.B ' j(l' 1 .
i'..7: - :2. 7 r. i ..7..!'' . ./ . : 4 '. u..", • 4W.
AVIG.VI-N. .1. Twe lis !". .. ~.... lIM ,
triationussaino tO In okarrott by dr .11•0• Iii,
ilall ilitilit ill Ow tielit to I, lik*O• 5 ,1 11 01 ff
1111 11 110.1 ellesul 10 mem
• r '4l
~Wks z
• •
• 'l,