• i;gP=:= GROCERIES: , Sci, QUNDBIk.6-s , gtkai 4*; le do disseeck 17 do beaus - . IbWs 1=1; I. '.410 tallow: now landing Irma str Mag. tOdi f.r•ab. by i .S.V.IH DICKEY k. Co lass2o . • , . . iVatctind Front as "LI EATu 'az a.ccorzo-sa. rollvti br'ononnoneo.l 3.'010 On: 31•ec:: 01.. I.ln. en^ 1.0 c4ntoo.rd 'out .ant.i IT) ~.1:owzno heal_ .. 'JAS. '3l CI.INTOCg., M. Ix Gynyral. Operial and Oar - Oral AoammY. 3. R. u, , 21.11EN, 11. IJ, Mater.a...aledira and Tarr apetice. p. R n t n tNiat. Chemivry. 11 t::rißl'lilb W\:4 4. 11, Tboory and rrayt:ca . ..ll. Slodurtno Louis ff . nr, WV. M. U. 01.otctrto• and Di.... of Women and Chao JAM f-4.33reL.13.1 ".• tvo, Ike 01 Kur.tor). J .111•3i1W(4111;O on N, uiri.prutt ,lic+l NrCLl3.l . och, ce. m.U lannonstrator of Anat.. m iucilAnD BUM Fee for aloll eourar.o , 7ll. veo for Wu attendod twq mil 0041Tlf. in other' 13 , 11e.1ea. ".' eema 1.0 Pool uore 040. Pracut al Anatontr.ineltnlmg Veva tinonrory *III ViY.:n“ , Ynll l or March • • • nOtriturr.Nre-toent. parrrending *ore IA ever) tes• zoo to 11.. p,. trtl/11.10,surn of Ingtliaeor 4,f :11e1ieitte Ausrtinny will he oecurlcd by elofiltel ?colr”or. al on ea rot rl renal (miner tufonatition inquire of - .1.V.111 , Sle,Cl.l\'tOClC, U. PL,N. NO- I North Etrvrnth Imre; I'Llad,;,!iia. 1/, 7.7,1-.17. . jant M ' ill I R Ott no ' 01;1 air e estit rm' aud n ‘ nie . snit o y ' thelaten:ledte• oes! of attn.l from the corner of annduldiy e rYI Stress he r) *wren., where for the not twelve innoth• he tin. Inn, teaching. On and etler Aard la he will olcupy rooms on federal etecci •nColottmle now." lat door Mail the bridge.Aeati:waic Year will ecnienn of two ...Ilan. of Ove month each comowne. tan on the bolt Stolidity In relituary d Septeother. ROI. or MV0,11 04 111. Deportment,ltirludme Rhollinr,Oztlionta- phy and defining. Writing. Enzil.ll 'Grammar, Rliet. e.I gle. Eaglieh Cronlonition eon Critleivat, Goo. greatly. thotory. Arida:vette and the higher Wench. of Mathematirs, Nintura Plulovitaby.i Chermstrt, An- UMallY• rhyming . Gbellogy. Intellectual and hloral Salome and all other brooch. requitite a tholl7llo 0. education-- ........ zwit U. Claseical Ikaarunral—lncludion l the Latin, Greek and French lanyttagen each addi,onal charge of 1/4 fit Tbe SllrireA of competent Teen et. are mowed A r •ttett a• may di...ire To receive lam chain. m draw mil. painting and inuele. Those dreigteing to enter will find it for their intros :I to du no .o near the opening of the hearten ea yet roads will he received at ett.li ot. . me, doting the • nion and wall lan chate,ml'et Om at re rate, only fr the tune of calms.... No denim PI be tattle Gs ahzeurre recent in caws of prottneted iltnosa Any Information which may ei dreier,' wall 1p chef .- fully comitmatented to thou; who call upon the ht.= 0• tor at Ms roomy. • Belem. may alao be Made to the following gentle; , mew t . Dr. T, Dale, Allegheny: lion: C. Shale... Aittatv . P. Rev. D. Elliott, Rr. to. Iliddir, Mr. 11. A. Schwartz, u Arr. 11. Dyer. TO TRAVELFUS. Saffit EXPRESS PAST PACKET LiNE, kUK PRUAR •PHIA AND - - Eirctris v list roe Ps•lasorin4 HE Canal tail Riul lloana ny now preancli ant T order, the punting of the tine will leave arab 'p Is sengere en foliovev, every evening, ni oichitek. Kentucky Capt. 'flashy. Fridayigthlnet. • Logigaila—Capt.l P Thompson, Saturday nighbal II Obio—Cept Cr.,in Sunday Ilithl•t•th. • ludians—Cnie_P Ceikiy, Monday 114111, 2711: heutticay--lea pi II Truliy,•laienday I•Ouiviana— Copt I P Thom.), %, ealierday,zl. Ohio—C.oA Craig, Thureday .• boliana--Cept P Friday eight, eta. tininunky--Capa A Truby.Setiirday wain, lot Apt I.6Pilll2lal—CaprJ kilhonipnothbundur idebbild• Tan prop. iciorn of chi. line built new boat& duringg) he WSW!, wadi ihe ent•in nnierged, which will :g -lutei Freater coinfun to polls trunnio; will. meat her I .... angel...by Ode rota , : pit. °aerial roll Mid in day lighb If you deur° cheap trnveling and comfortable aidebM• moth:lion. troupe yonr ticket , . ni lie Packet ogee': Ilosiooknh ' ida lluu.e, *water rt. or of !petit I) LEECH A, Co, Cautil ? s not_ PASSENGER AItitANUEMENT.. 1 ' Pennsylvania Canal A: Rail Rot id Es. press Fast Parket Line, 1:4:1;a1Z111848.74$05Pt". FROM PlTNlitßat To ................ IA a:11.114- 01Xelurively for Itatt.angers„ , , I , lll:ptttlic are resprelfeally intortned that oth Lo o t will commencertottlito on.tho •=4!1114t, and COD WI. throughout the ~,,, Thultontt nre.new. unit of tt purrsitte ...Int, with en. !urged cabin., whittlt wlll r.itet prtittre • combo, The care ure the intent ruliOnlolllll. A bout vtill nyn be to port, end 00,„, are , go.,lttl to call iota hunt helm e rut:aging rot seen t rr. Vara only nit,. dotter* thrnurh) 0 2, of the l.nat•• thi. Coto vtiti trove the lending 101 l untie 11:S. liolrl, corner of It. Firf and Ceti eVer it . night at Mlle° , 10,14 Tun, 11 4,04. ttor infornr.titon, apply nt the 111:101, Mono,,,thri3 In D LtEcjo c o Pintilettrett.:llnrelt - Cann! Linton._ --- %% e•torn Transportati•Jit ( ow:1m). ...OD , . . e l: I 3 • Ib4B. al . J.Tall, l ht`d JB4B. TO PIIIL.A DI I NITA, Ilk LI IMMO, .4. rol.W 10111 SIA FC‘SNILVA. ,I A 01110 RAIL Ill,r, 111.prei wed.° Iva ncror polo nod produce. alit . /A from the nl OVP ,Jeo on Coural le leronn. Alll krros or ni I) 10 D LIR II & 10, Csotpl boom Paint nrnli DARIO , k Fell, .of Thl7o storm. 3 lAI / 011 lotrlo ken , . '%o KZ% Ilt Flowntd ot, Dalt A ADROIT. Art. , n X% cot xtreet Moo fork . fologh, March ISlth, ISL. tuna, TAMES S. CRA FT, Assmovy and Counsothirst fj boo removed to tun Mime vest door west of godi Potterson's LIT r) triable, 4th sterol.' Doings Isis rdr • seller upon public duty Meths couthm moods, soy bmi• • neer !at hint may be les) with AVealtmont, Esq., or above. reidlslos- LAND -44 key . No 1 Leaf Lard, fur Pldi by muV WICK a: IIoCONDLWA ii=Ml 17= Vexing 1L...W0 Seminary =OE MEMEMZ!!! Mt .MMOIIB. LisIiPPWEGOTT . (tow J S Strickler Se Cat.) • • .IUrtaNTIFACIVRERS of .libenniC fire proof Main, 11l south aide, snood street, between Wood. anal bauthficidlPinsburglL, J S Stricmer having tkceesed and be sunning partner Mr. Jos I..ippenciatt,having asseiciated himself with Ale.. Wm C Mar, the Wanes will bertefiee be conducted and the style of Lippen malt &Harr. ' Trial of safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, the nitdirsigna d we re present tithe Peeling of one of J S Strickl wu er k Co's improved PhecuLs fire proof Wes, The ante placed in a fortune on the public lamlimlind subjected to the Intense heat of a stone' cool fire in: mon than three boon. In one Lour end a half the safe 'mane to a bright 'red beat; the door of the ! id is., then closed, which caused an Increased and steady heat for the balance of the time, until the cast loan wheels were partially melted c oo led untornace was then throwndown and th e safe cooled opened. The tooney, papers and books which it contained were ea perfect es.witen placetkthere, the binding only of the oohs being in. 11 red by the melee in roolum the safe. We have no heination in recommending it to the_ public es a safe superior to ally we have ever seen tested, and believe; that it will stand any hest which might be produced; Inept a heat which would melt it to a solid rows. ' Sp tiger Jo Whitman, 11, Worthington, Kellogg fr.. lienj. tinier, W P Breese, blunts Smith, T I•llungEin Co, Stedman, Mayud Gu, Wm .filimse, Stead fr. Manson. • • -.... • • We, the undersigned, selected tl safe spoken of above, from a lot la the atom of Trober k Aubery.tbe• Isgeuts • • C U SPRINGER, SJ RELLOG. Refer to Cook dr. Roan', Brokers, Pittsburgh; Roue •• Hanna k Co, do do tWdkmlfB PILINTING TYPES will La sold at 13mce's New . York Type Foundry,- oiler March 1511 t, 1545, at following very low plc.; for approved six months' , rioter • /twigs. Ting, Ic. SAsnem,fri. Pica. per lb. :Xi es. /kJ Mx 90 rte. Small Pica, 31 f.4l' Ply Long Primer.. 34 GO , . lOU Bolugeoia, 4101 • Bremer, 1Y - - 74' Nonpareil. ' f BM_ et . 160 Agate, Pearl. 71 1 ISt 130 MID Tha above prides. in consequence of increased Cecil. tics for otanutuctitring, ars much reduced from termer rates. A liberal discount for cash lo hand at the date of the invoice- 4 Presses, Chaske, Wood Type, Ink, &c. flintished at the lowest manufacturere prices, either for rash of credit. Oar Specimen Book for ISO is'nove ready for Mari. hullo& to printers, who will send for it, and contains manY new articles that we have never before exhibit ed, shch asWeitiug we rip hes, Ornametaa, Ornamental rut., &A, of which we tiara an ample stock for the Prompt Me. Wiwi of orders. Printer. of Newspapers who choose to publish this advertisement three times before the first ofJune, and send ue one of the papers. will Le paidfor it in type when they purchase from us.ofOlitOWO Manufac tures, selected Bons due specimens, five times the amount of their bills. For sale, several good sAcond.h.nd Clllnder and Pla ten Power Prester, -Standing Prekers, Hand Printing nevem. &e. caeonui: BRUCE& Co, mariel ta eharnbera at, N Y • ClothlOg for lb. World. ALL Win, err CLOTHING AT WIIOL/CSALE, are respectfully iliforuted, that at. LEWIS .4 14 A ' , FORD'S C1.07111N0 WAREHOUSES nos. 052 n C 64 Frees • • New York, • vrAY.be found an extrusive assortment of Clothing, 171 mattufactiovil expressly for the Southern MI Is relent mikiErt. Alen, a pri ce s of Line Dot.. Shim, or 01 grades and Fancy do n do do.twilled stripe do do do; Maio.' Jo do do; and all othenkluds in general us I ' We also manufacture and keep constantly oo handl . the largest stoek'or oiled elcillilng in the United SW., miasmic every article ia the hoe. ‘Ve malt:destine and sell imminse quantities of all the Shove articles. and would toviordie alteollon of dealers hi them to Coll and eisinine our stock and ptiv ern before they purchase, av we can sod will. tell at poor.. that cannot foil to please. LEWIS & ILLNFORIi, :it andtlSt Pearl or., New rock. .A.ll *Weis will Fe attended co with correctness Med despatch. mariWlm YRINTS 44 CEDAR ST:, NEW YORK •.. . LEE & BREWSTER nimbi - tilted • wet-ch.:dm id rite rear pf, tee We kar: Tit VsVg j ail= VIT;3I %Vt . ' ' , aI th tee: prteee—atad esktiteting. at WI !Keeton. ar the year, the Lame. A/SWIM= ILL THE WORLD* • nig are now wadies Seven./ ttenthed Naves, competting ever( new etyle of Foreign zed Domestic. produchatt, many of which twee lust been puretuued, and an Offered for sale For Calsh god short