MMEM!!! Ei==l==2l ,• rurT4l,l4; 'spas SATURDAY MORIiiNG, APRIL I, AI& D ir r its . =mai lhamlisisays Is pabllshell ,sbd Weekly.—Ths Daily bersa _4=y . s " .!!!,Zl.:Weretty Kra Wi Is mps]. CY. , 16 ismos. .muggy • - PIiMiDELIPHIA BlidaTit AMEXICLE. ASCIFIUManas and clabocriptscods 10 theSof* Amu `.""(Can sad United States thrutle, isecivol 11:T.Swim= ore santoody • btflos Sr n Ibi ttua • ouly la to day U ',tat Lout Commental Intelligemee,Domescle, Mar. Satin' ?NM, impala, Wail Mutsu', ice. sea ir . , Illnd*Allt Anti4lllfteinlir TlOZAbgAllan• FUN CANAL CONIILIPSIONEIL ZXA A IDDL XISWARTNI, =l=3l /hi* Triode In Iron and quiet MM. Fur some time we hive noticed that the rolling it& COI the Monongahela Wile of the river were Waived; end, upon inquiry, learn that newly cue ballof the mills an idle. wee am so= year, at this titre; and an. inquiry Lito the awse ce the change is not tuna& The toils have slackened their production, in, =Sequence of the =ration Of the swindling Britishlunevican Tuff, inflicted , . npott the country by Polk. Dallas, and the mat of the .16lywisitql demagogues, who, under pretence arras. tads, and equal buzlens, hare defrauded the laboring man of his Illegla. - lire..o.xxL "The change of the duties on iron, - from specific to the . wentktgly &wow •W =trent raw, has allowed, end in feet =waged Eititiiith lion to come to our shows, In all its variety—from the "leaky band thateecum the stares, in a Beaver bucket, up to the tail seventy five pounds to theijanir Upon which Qui rail road cars tuna Britirh iron has bees twinned 'at I;ew York to, compete With • Ponnsylvanta inn hithe lake region, and drive us What was the cum last year, and haw dilletent: Then our lumen chiinneys ceased not to belch iuiih emote ay and Med, except upon the Sate tettt CMS set Of industrious toiling men sue- .seeded another in tho'worlihop, end production, Pushed to to utmost, was unequal to the demands .upui us., The tariff dint now eats out our vitals was then now, and its elects less felt blor had English mills then time tc;oubs merchant bar iron. • Beiluedis wens limit bobby, and we were fur a ninuott . lipared their ever potent competition.— blow Garold andpowerlid rivals ate in the fialikand aukeed of a taritrot 73 to 100 per cent, fin& dal pcieunt. hoe oily to :Oppose limn. The' come. nerve is that our mills are partly idle—nor van t bey be kept 'ha operatlu at a probt that will repay their owners. We cannot look 60bencr times itatilwelaVe a change of policy, and Um sound . the people of Perintylvenla give their attention to the matter, the better. We must displace the Pre sent scheming: Managers of the given:meat, sad due" thole In power . who will protect our labor fully. We have had enough of revenue measure.: 'we now demand pretUtion, far we fad, that while the public revenue is gathered, our private re* -.nit* has .ailenUy bat 'surely diminished, swami.* us that we tutms ha , u a clumsy fat once. j..Atortai COMIIXR.IO. O4 the.ntternigh peace " ueposessuit Weird, 'tilt , 34111t1JiLee• by a • - • . Lousiness Senator. • The. Lesirißitt. was begsre the Semite yesterday and. today. - :;Tile speech of Mr. Wes, of Coon, Medlin mply to the Chairman of the Committee of • . Fume= wean west important sad appropriate ar• gunent far th e subject and the time. To the Ben , itnsigtrt seem as no more than the reply crone itdmirdstrielooSenator to another,—but to the pub it will besets? more'importance. wish the 01: 0 CILICICrier H of , l'enzisylvania might read some • . r 10143123 ofd, 2iIOIViDIS IS it does Bum a very MCP , did pommel minded men,* concession to principle at expense of party... For example to quote some Sear *pinkies from memory, It was said that • the Tule, or 1540didnOt yield' a revenue equal to the Decessini.etwairs of tioverumeat in time •: ;of Pelme t The image rate of duties received . underllwall 2B per cent., • wheteal the exPendi• urn of Government could not be lean than thirty , . per cent., WittOUt war and without extraordinary expeodutur Thinis only cohesion to Whig mite cipics. - Another one win X warn, truthful and wise de ,- Same of the Bonus market. It wan said that the • - great staple of the country had hillati nearly tiller 'theese' per cent. at Liverpxl which um the great crotton . ouulosicif the World.,"- Now had it been deli 7 By the Beak of England! , For what pair pose In order to dePrees the the Cotton market atlases, and thmsby enable the English manufsc ' curers tipcinchase at their own price. By control - thg the money market as it did, it was enabled ehroggh the poteatialoenee of money so to mu ., 'late the uside as to compel a reduction of price.— The effect was ;t0; create Feat suffering at first but etletarards relict was felt In the. greatly mine': " • , price of th e article. - One moiety of all the ire pains of. Englaud was .kir Colton,-end Engleuni monopolised the trade of the world in this article. •' The remedy was to be forted in a Acmes manic,— no numirlerteding canon' 'geode in annum crud . .Entriand, and tie slaving serki Are the trade of tAz . - This is no new principle, and-no newly discos , - ere] trath.• The Whip hive been &Standing Lb, seisms Rome market from foreign and domestic nr tact:six the las twenty. Yeari. It is dike one dare marked (eater. of &whey administered Govern - mint, and one of the mom sacred principles ce the Whig party. To a State Like Feartsylvanis; a naighbotheod itle'Pinslitimb, with great industry on the part of her People and great resources ell Armond her, it is a autdeet of momentous concern. The esteem' n for every twie man in the -States, and particularlifor Pennsylvania toucan°, is whether this indastryiand them resources al.& be sacrificed to the foreign market to enrich foreign capitulate and proton foreign labor. _lela a fact worth remembering that Lord Jon i Bane* din the only proposed change to the British Illarienne system, advised a reductien of duty 013 raw copper. And why Solely. to create n pro.] " Waive duty open the matinfsetared article in pldi - Una to the duty Imposed. England has perittaded dad ts'priastioling ether entices to abandon their Moine market,, but she emit. no Occult= to save her ilia. With an exPendiuno aSZSO" ,000,00 D per annum, the seeks to enrich herself and prawd istimaime, bet capital lad her people just so far el is consistent whit thrt'osost swinge= nye= of . . Claensineitt, Mn. Hiles taday dreW, a. parallel between the Melt Load English- Tveastuy and our own Chancellor - of..ExeiWtpier. There as; here. there wash delleitancy,,but here the remedy was a Loan . ead . inereased indebtediesse While there it WO/ 1111V,Lsaelife of tow rind he liked the. English spins Propissd' . hy Lsiri john guisalthe beat:. Assenedieti lone bentrinea,asdinfonnationwhieh could dubs the public del:, of the ammo , 2 Istmle Emlettha 4 0, gc Pre.els Ssca yeas xpi T gesswarmutass Mr nentsast 'Tins woe ms . chanting extergirfact,*ugh it nailed no Mon; INCilase the :Cilia of the CONITOLOCOr was just saw scoliandmoney could ho easily otesined ....'lltif.bli;dreistbebruul Who did act see that this syskii(thines COOLI net tut forever. We mast ItirenhalresPilde Some monad meeting our c m - . . geeifee,er ter credit would ba gOOO. Setritiill of the Treasuryoff ...... misi nus . **, but !sot without wing many HOS_ ClittSwitetintuites Were enormous and very *mit< They were Based upon false estimates efoisiihiryieleis Mend Oovesuntent,nod ibc most • ferixeridalluirit conclusions Gum maziSes, which -- mmitinlie &AFC'. The feI.OIOCO upon an increase • .at the setions of lass year, es the prescaualon of deo ischiikes an a belie of increase and calcult:' ties ,mtiee ahscameriteti as tiothfalse and deceptive, , Mt. Zaiss . . - oes inowing that there was amu she tawileinlcderiepeen; expressed his astomish• MaillitCld Ii had been allowed to.L' ad Its weg into 7n 4 suri r‘mrtiment. I meagbello hear tke:!esMor Dom Connecticut, epota approvingly the rainwake of Mr. Iluslin sort, or England, who said that the man who would plane his cuonssi into a !mercenary wax, so al to "iintiMum the debt of , Bucked. would desm4e m boo Ws hoed! What shall be mid Mao Atomiccc heodernverholaw plunged he country into -an ...,mmermoinitY and unuot*totioual vrar."' Let Mr. 1. tare thia Iris own rule, I hope in a political ion ugy Le would tronrent to lever Mr, PIohY. head Lem his - Most was &tog gulps made today to raise Tixeralagisr Baz trom the Speakei's table great =say Whig Metibern ienntaly:Witerni. Mit in Ihe House, and the friends' aCab~"4aaaidaathvptd by vier Osenotsci .real a rite lam .third.wie ssece*T; sail pus Bt, to i patty rots }ate As. Iwind. Al a Wet kw in the day, with a Mier Ru m' the alwicitY wonlOittbeen Whb the Tuday. is the Route a IssUle is to be made ttp• on this Oregon Territorial Bill o —leith eiattesopt to imamate the Asti-Slavery principle. Next day the speoisi order is upon the bill to - milted monies Tunsalted E by individuals fir the equipment Of col unmet. proton-din to Mexico. - - News was reivi red in the city this morning by T..15 11 p1i hum BON= of the death of Co. rem. LIM, of the Ottliillate Department • He resided in this eity, and has let a widow, the sister of the late Judge Baldwin, of Pa. TAX Fite co Itsvoirnax, Wilmer and Smith discussing the French/evolution, nnSsi— The queuion which every one axles of his neigh bor ii Neill u Isar Every man in England and, we believe, chtewhem. Imp. to. .Limartine self says, il2 his address to foreign power-.. Wr dui's, for hienswity r efint prow may in olturced.— Wr font hop! it" Sincerely do we reecho these words, applying them emphatically even hi a more enlarged sense than M. Inniartine. We hope that ma.= may be observed both .witbout the Repub lie and within the sptiaveof its domestic dominion. Our sympathies, nay, our interests, are all inter• wove,. with the maintenance of peace, but the great Social problem which there men, who are aiming to govern millions by a stroke of the pen, in riga° intricate and compledi character at once to be solved. The difficult question of human labar,the real a ad only eduree of wealth, and its more equal distnbu than Li - the great argument to the height of which they Rogow to direct all their charts. They may cut their gordion knot but the One process of the developed industry headed upon peace and se curity Gramme& the ephemeral power of any pro. visional government "However absolute or well disposed to make a government," raid Mr . Burke, mos than half a century ago, upon a similar met. alma, "requires no great prudence to settle the seal of power—to teach obedience and the wort• is done. But the fit:matron ofa free government ism tom per together the opponents of liberty and °pp..- WOO, which requtrea muck thought and reuemion sagecioas, powerful and combining mind." The French are but is thefinst stageoftransitnin. They must not only teach, but they must secure obedience from the masses, before the regular edi. ice which ism crows their hopes can be raised.— If thektuntlivices wield in peace, the French pro pie may erect a proud monument, to consecrate throughtont all ages the glory and liberty eta gab hull people. But It the elements of war Insinuate their fiital agency into the fabric,' the whole will assuredly amide into dunotad The prtHerisiorial government became constituted - by an usurpation, or rather by the free choice oh the mob. But, however that maybe, eleven mem. bees established a supretne authority at the Hotel liTille Royalty cud peerage have been swept away in a few brief hours; but hunger, gaunt biro• ger, and anti hundred thoinand mouths, yawning around thereat of owlernment, and something was to be dons immediately to appease the multitudes. A gigantic system of outdoor relief was conceived and Immediately executed. Formidable legions of .Nationat Guards were then formed at a stipend per day. , Theac have been packed off to the nontiera The. compact between . the employers nodthe em ployed was broken, and in a short time a decree waaPassed limiting the hours of labor. 'The rmirnals were alaccto be propitiated. Ae cordinglysthe atatim duty was removed, but these and 'numerous other decrees will not sati4y the hungry, nor does the taxing of one large class who ram their bread by industry, in order that another blase may coma musket on the frontier in the garb of a National Guard, tend to carry• out mita legiti. mite end, the old-received Jacobin doctrine of fib erty, equality and fraternity. , Again another decree has gone Ruth that a new National Assenibly is to he called on. the 20th of April, when the Provisional Government will re den the pcovim into the hands attire &fan itive go, emment. Universal suffrage, and Vote by ballot are to secure liberty, equality and fraternity to France. It IA quite clear that the good work pet.- ple of Pan, will have the van msjonty in the new dasembly—leaving more or 1m profitable occur. WON Via Ur their fronds u statesmen ; _Shipping, is the meantime, and commerce is at a nand.— The fund, have fallen enormously. Cansidelable field*ea are announced. Clubs are in the 'come of formationto advise oroverawe the government Sonata among the workmen- are becoming more lIIMIVIOUIL Daily operatives demand 111113 increase of wages, and have expelled large bodies of the English workmen Gm their rivalry an the construc tion of railweys. When Louis Philippe was in the united State. the celebrated Talleyrand aim visited this country -in exile. The latter remained here but a abort time. The Journal of Commerce has the following respecting the sojourn of these two distiaguished personages in New York. "Tee Etna's Horse—The house where Louis Plafiippe lived with the aged. lame Talleyrand, on the Bloomingdale road, at With street istinoemmird and might probably te obtained Ott the King now, trthere is 11131WIIIr In its associations to wince him in his second fugitive stale; the stole to which royal blood seems to mach exposed. On a rock no the banks of the Hudson, in the rear of the. House, Talleyrand used to sit end read two hours each morning. It is yet called Talleyrand's rack. We would not reproach the taricefiallee Prince, butevish him idle: luck next time" Pageot, (or Citoyea Pageot, we suppose 'intuirnow call the PreatU . Plenipotecnary at Washingtoa,) way it la said, dining with Speaker Winthrop when the last Preach neva reached the Capital. - 4t - diplomatic pm?T was prevent as • excitement among them is said to have • - • • tease. A leorg writer says that the amnia. meat of the memeat, each one began spealriag to his vernacular. A. mime emotion seeks generally • Fs= 2dructi—lly the U. S. sum rop. eSer Nancrimear, Capt. Woods. (tom Vera Qua" are have nceived oar Ulm of Pam Cron papas to the II th, and :hare :uf the .elearioss Srer and North Annie= at the city of Mexico, to the 4th but -2h O. 7fawa. The mot important item atoms by this alibi' i;,that an IreitAlee has been concluded between (inn. Bailer sad the 2dexicaa Gossnunent, the or mils of which are too long to zit* to day, hot of which the following is a snotalary. Article Is., Dal:urn the fret of tbe armistice, sod that neither•pasty. shall commit any Motile. act 2. That the trwops of the United Siam shall not advance farther' into the Maxi= territory, nor ex tend their lines ittoeY_ port albs present Pats.. stuns—wor Waal the bleimma :tows advance from their precut positions; but both parties to more I freely in their prawn' lima 3. AU persons as. belongiag to either army eon travel freely, too all those beloogingoAither army, can only travel with passports or tugs of tro I 4. &pahaea fora saopension Mae calieco of an contributions imposed by Oca. Porefrito the States occupied by the dartenClll2 ;mops, ex the duties on liquor and gambling entablahme 5. The biezimns within the places by the American troops, to exams elf Mir pad/. col onvileges, and to elect their kcal 'akin% , sad all their ptivikapcs to be respected by the Ametican army,and rte liner to consider as lesitistatestitba. scaly those recoymised ssvoch by tbeldrosma O. When elections are to take place, in Macs co cupied by the Americus trcops, the hiller are Io he marched. outside the limits edam city, sad in . Vera Cruz to the mmparm, aid the said troops in no may to interims wnh said elerdlems. ' - - . 7. The Mexican ambornies, In pieces occuPled: by the American mope, to be at maim Maly, to impose and collect all taxes or teats, srherberversi mat or municipal, exceptin g tariff dusk," on thml betareen• the differmrt , t , . 8. Reestablisheithe Mexican Post Orlon In GM, ;a they prorriously'mimed - 1 .' . /r ' 8 Authorizes thn Meshing,. Government to . 1 pmsession ofany depots sal' trAmemsloaloPea .. at cards," belonging to lt,mul - to reincrrethe " • as it may think Fever. 10. Supsdetecirr the rimonlienr of j ell i • ' and all the public. offiala nos tenanted by the . • of the United States, sad that so won as • rest eau be procured. they shall alstisdoe all • vats, mor.asteries,coileges and charity homilbs.:- - , j 11. Bthrulmes cm the free action of an *Wien tribunalsin places aempleilbylkdrAmerbipPacinr and that the Courts , °maraud be the lailisktleann, elan have no jrnisaletion, except wimiitireriour belonging to the American army are • • •aelticrned. - V. Provide:lBr a Mexican pollee illinelor COO lien in the fild/All district, and a aseilikiefain• allat Lime, in other Papas occupied , army. 'l.3r•-vv - v:trtr- , .-.,-. - P , ?f , 21 fitips6teilSr th e tibia ii, ' via Mexicans and foreigners as 'guanuiteed by the COMilittnioo, and that tie American army snail pay a just price fr•c'ell it may -tenet . . 14. The American anal on tbe-Nixthern am ber, to use their exertions n;:aitut the incursions of 1 - the Indians. 15. The Mite/Wan army to a: animus to respect the Churches and this free cxerchieof 10, Both pat tas to join in puumplowo anybody who' may hand blether to COMMU 1% The armishoito =pito with the time for the examinee aft e ntificutons calm, trawl, with a, DOUR of 5 dap., for all place. withto 51, leagues, days far 90 leagues, and 20 days beyond that dirwacw Gen. Butler approved the Move on the fgh of March.the t h e t s of winch appear is be very uszn f vomble for Mexican, It will be seen tint the collection all oontributhms le surpeaded, and the . Arcerics army are tops) , far all supplied they may minim No order tied been tuned by Gin.. Twiggy, re specting the armistice. A. mil it to ran regular between Vera Cruz nod the City, twfce a month.. It will be Muted by cavalry. . : Cliextatto um Prrimmacu Ramanan.-We learn from the Herald that the "Mayor hes convened a special erasion of the City Connell to consider the expediency of subscribing $1 00,000. on the psrt of that city, to the stock of the. Ckrelaedt and Pitt. burgh Railroad; audit they deem It judicious thee to subscribe, to take the proper steps to obtain a vote'of our citizens upon the question at the elec tion on Monday next. Where so much is at Make, aua.wher, so small an amount is naked, and that all to be expended between this plum and Hudson,in Sammit county, . and where the effect will be at once to the eon. *traction or tits Collnabbs and Cincinassi road, as well as to connect us with Pawl:milk Philadelpb la. and the pest cities and Railroads:of the Ems; we feel an • abiding confidence in the Count:R.- tbe chinas of Chureland—sind this Coamilasioe. ers,will all say AYE, and that in Mir Isstfixage of Nammuises we Magoon be in coonstaleitalair Rood we 11:11111120 with {hal miaow world. hr L.:m= 3 =er o.ussat.:7—For souse . mouths limier Lai been a defeitisinirtstilort medisio show , that the able editor Of this staunch Wlogpaperhas abandoned the support of Mr Clay. Let him now aiseak . be himself, and donfOund those who have slandered him. We know that there is a very great number of Whig. herr , as indeed there is throughout 'the Mate, who awe not only unwilling to give tip - Mr. Clay, an long as there may be the alighte*uhance of his nomination and election, but with irmly convinced that he would be the strangest and the morn available candidate that their party could pasaibly bring forerun'. Feeling and thinking thus, at is natural that they should determine on holding a public meeting to give expresaion to their views. And no one can justly censure them for -so. doing. The friends of General Taykies nomination have held two public meetings in Louiaville, and it is natural and proper that the friends of M. Clay should adopt similar means of amides' themselves heard. We have the fullest confidence that thelriends of Mr. Clay, as thee , proposed meeting, will do ruu thing inconsistent in the alightest degree with the present mid future harmony of the Whig party of the teMOM All of thefriendeof Mr. Clay, like the great patriot it, whose name and illustrious sere, I. ces glory, am fitmor.of a nationalconvenktbn for- the nomination of a Whig caudidato gar the Presidency, aud, whilst they will no doubt unrest with warmth and enthusiasm M. their projected Meeting their preference for the selection of Ken , tacky's unrivaled Statesman; they will not oul kel and avow a determinatioe to give a sealout. support to the nomination, even though it should. fall upon another, but they will carefully abstain from saying or doing any dill* that might shackle or embarraw them in the slightest degree in their !apprut of that uomination. There are no truer Whigs or truer Patriots, or truer Men In this world than the friends of Henry Clay—if they were not truth itself, they would be unworthy to,call them selvmshis friends. . "Ati for those of our fellow .Whigs who believe Mr. Clay would be the strongest Whig candidate for the Preaideney, it is their right to meet together ;and - make known their npinioas to the country, end probably it it their duty,. In anticipation of the action of the National 'Convention, let the Whigs of the Nation give the freest possible utter once to their views, attirays taking care however to do so in a spirit of kindness, and conallation, and forbearance toward each other. IL from the free expression, of public !sentiment, in all pull of the country, it shell appear beyond the posebility of any reasonabbi doubt, that Mr. Clay is the favo rite of the great man of the Whigs of the,' !ailed States, u a candidate for the Presidency, and Mak he can Er clued; then - it the duty, lisaure'ly it will he the pleasure of the National Conventieu to make him the Whig standard hearer in the elec tion. But we are certain tbatWe do but speak the deep and earnest feelings of all the cairn and judi cious, and right thinking Whigs of the country, when we say that Henry Clay, the gray haired pa kid, now more than thous store and ten years old, who has served his country as no other living man has served her, and who has been more cruelly wronged by bitter and envenomed calumny than any caber living man was ever wronged, must not be called forth by the voice of his party Wm his quiet but glorious retreat at Ashland to cotter an. that., defeat inn contest for the Presidency, or to engage in a doubtful contest. If there shall appear to to a reasonable certaintythat he can be elected, then we have no doubt that nine hundred and ninety nine out out of every thousand Whigs will, when convinced of the fact be in favor of his no mination; buC;if, oil the contrary, there shall seem to be any consfdirible doubt whether, in the event of his nomination, he would be elected or defeat ed, the whole 'Whig — party should, by common coo. sent, leave him in hie Mullions retreat. consoled 'as he most always be. by the reflection, that, the never elected to the Presidency of the C, States, he is hailed by millions of voiCes as the greatest living benefactor of his country and of °unkind" Taut WITH Gamut Lanpaga.—A friend of ours who had octane to employ a German as a laborer for a few days, slier paying hits his wage» one evening, (St per day,) took the opportunity to make a few inquiries as to matters and things abroad, and hie reasons for leaving the old country He smed that his wages there, as a Jay laborer. were 30 Kreressr or 20 centi. That board was 15 leor 12 cents Per day, leaving 12 k or $ cents fin other purposes. "But," inquired oar friend, "how does amen with a Gamily support himself om suet, wages. The *nearer watt dust - tech one tried to procure the tenure of an acreor two of ground, which Ina wife pleated with potatoes fret.. .family and sugar beet for. the cow, and culeivated the ground hersel4 while the husband went out to work swathe children to beg. The food of the la borerhe described to be Seattle, Made of flour or on ions for breakfast, occasionally WHIT, mush and vegetables* Gm dinner, and black Iresd, and .cheer of the poorest sort for supper. No won der the poor fellow, as well as bin wife, gave a de. cided preference to living In America' Free trade, according to tie Report of Secrets. ry Walker, would be hinged.. ies the whole world. But suppose that gretateal. would we be the gainers by the equation? The halfsearved soupeaters of the continent might gradually fin bag but, we fumy, tar laborers WCUIII (11l stony in the :me proportion. Free trade, would tend to a general equality of mended.. Hut if kneinie go vernments were willing so reciprocate--ared they have shown bat little disposalon that way—what would we at most hope for? That American pos. &tent should be ad:netted, duty free, end in return to the manufacturers of our be the labeto Euro pe, *of own E n x Of tours. oar labo rers would have to Wllktk for the wages they re mi., and live in the same way. It will probably he acme time before they agree to this—for. if the , • protecting they-now; read. does not Yll to of them the S 2 per day and roan beef tv-there are few that—instead craw 30 k and soup do not receive at treat dim 31 per day—and root beef tap, if they please.—NiaiWic Dads "Stcestrr To Sot - max bierntruom'"—Mr. Sevier, iorto bee jolt bectiseet to Mexico to recd lute sad eapenntend the tatificatioe or the. treats with Mexico, made the following er,therke iv *speech .-which be delivered ► kw week. 111110 r- $'1843, for redone wrath 1 geed not fully go into, new wan invited by the Government of the Muted Beata to COM into the Union. Security to Scadbeni limitations was one of the indecent/ems on the part of the United &alga Trade, 'nom. amerce, sievismion, the extension of our territorial dominion, in i desirable direction, necurity to the Union in it. moat vulnemble point, and the mauls oly of etiattern preclude upon which all the chief powers of Europe depended; and which depend. elms wu regarded Remote efficient end cheep sad safe it the preservation of our peace than sanding armies, were gle , cdai: inducements to that naturr." . This avowal is Do more important than use. It hu chat teen asserted that Team was mailed to benefit Slavely; . I•at it has been as often denied. Hem. Imwever...a is admitted. Tens was an nexed to saiird "avtaity toSoutbern Inns otiose.' This avowal comas from a distinguished moor In the bloody damn It Ira tostreasthen the coeds of shivery that-Texas was invited to come into the Union." She accepts,' the invitation. A war Wowed which will cod the people two hundred 'milldam of doilan mid ten thousand lives. But for this desire to eiGird . sectuity to Sonthern fob tatiorrs4'we shoold bare hid no Tens and bower. Tninneasei the dinuand ice slava, and tit *dad Miti slave breeders.a more semuntratiny market, the national treason, has been' etthaunted, sates of wives have been MIL4II widows, hundred,' of pa. rents made childless; aid thousands of children ; made orphans I—dhiony IssintaLi . ":. UP. 117 mo Wedrk . ;thy was a stormy day, yet the fedoteitableWhige , ; came up thmogh the rale and acme to Jake corm : eel and advance the welfare of their country by +Jeanine their mamma: for the next•Preaidem. in the language of a Loco Forocontempormr, the wood Harmony charamerlied their &fiber. came How could it be otherwise? Heady mau declared fat "Ham Of the Wed"—true, we beard mom any they preferred GeuenlScott. Bo do we; km the rearm that we believe be would leave Loco Formiam an fu behind, it would never agate be beard or We are sot over _nice about who is the candidate, provided - ma Whig—e whcle . Whig, end "lathing but2, - a ',Whig!' Should the Whig National Convention ormathateScoo, we will be Loud at our pow—sbeadd 'Clay ter their tholes, we will be found thremoit ts"the Sgte-. should it be a.Corwin, we will greef lannertedia .• with bloody bands to hospitable graven" araboald it be the hero of iluena ti iota, ourj Flag shalt bear fisarritwftChweral Taylor never aunendass."=- _Tires (0y Cann+. ! , . Cantu: Larrtrona—forty miles of the - Wabash and Erie Cants; In Whim; are advertised to be lot at Terre Haute, on the 24 th &lay next, In rm. Hon", of half o toile in length. Tha workleall de serves the attention conuactori and laborers.— The Commissioners who advertirei these lair" have about 500,000 acres of lend the sale near the line of the Canal, at.low mien. !Et:Unplugs and la borers, by Laming association; Might safety MM. to for sections of the Canal, and 'place their fair Ikea at once on tracts of good land, to be opened as their labor is paying for it, We ! anp not ann re of to good an opportmity, thr an Industrious poor man to settle himself upon land of hi. own, an this atkrds. Canal boats now leave thin city daily for Lafayette., and the line of the Canal. Labor is moth needed on the Canal, mid those seeking en,. ployment no canals, with certain pa , may find it at .Latayette, without loss of tionie.—Cirldrt, CONTOO To boar.—.A Washington corrosion. dent of the Day. Soot: staltAte you aware that Mr. Polk instructed Mr. Slidell to call five millions of dollars for the boundary of the Rio Grande? for the very country which be illerwards claimetkas .American sail,".ttpin which -Ameri can blood had been abed!' If it wasours, why otter to pay ft:vitt If not, why ortlerunAtroops to toko possession of it, and by doing so, involve us in on unjust and untssuatitutionol,warr Lel the in etructions to Slidrll mum to light, and we shall see what a peetiy dilemma Mr. Polk has placed him self in. Jim Hamaniam—The Democrats have carri ed New Hampshire, as was etpeMed, but it Ls gratifying that the result of this election is a 00. =ph In favor of the Wilmot Proviao.- The State Committal, by which Williame was nominated, came out indistinct and emphatic terms in laver of the Wilmot Proviso, and the resolution apptov ing that meainte was unanimously adopted. Ran Orrice CONIII. • c -The Inn' Ind lein q p 'of mail oontseeteare about to commence, and number orcontracurs andother Libidos amen the pmed, at Was4caton. The - acinket comprises Icier Jerrie . , l'anneylvanhy7Jel4rare,,Maryland, EY PIAfT'NETIC.MGRAPH. Correspondence it PittrinarghGeso---ttin !overtone trim of • i'munimrsru., March SI, 11112. London papers of Sander, March 12th, received in Liverpool brexpress, before the Lading of the Caledonia, give no additional news of intracm,— They anactance the resignation of Lord John Rua sell, Premier of Eastland, and that the new Minis. try contemplates mating very important noncer lions to Ireland, and ins intention to extend the elective franchise. FRANCE, - - - The -Duo de Aumale and the Prince de Joni. v.dle, it is ahm aid, proceeded from Leedom to Al glens to proclaim that country a part of the Ith• public. WErEcuso, March 31, 1848. A man named Michael Whalen, living in the awcond Ward, aged about 40, stabbed hit wife in the back, with a dirk, this afternoon, which caused her death in akw minutes. This dorm, he came to the door and remarked to two men, that ha had killed his wifv—showed the bloody knife—and ex pressed sonow that he had not disposed of her beg ago. Ile was commixed for triaL Jealousy was the cause of the deed. ." Cmcmcun, March 31,1818. We have dates from New Orleans to the '2 s th iroaaat. Cotton had declined of a cent. The Mteiga Mews produced a depressing effect. The Sugar Market was steady. The market for Molasses was dun—Selling at -19 a 20 eta. Flour--Tbe Flour Market is steady, but no ac tivity suaitiferded. Ohio w selling at $5 25 ctn. Exclusive C;;;;po - 2;1;nee of --- the P - iii;b — urgh GaseM Sr. Lou March 31;1E48. Advice"' have been received from Santy Fe down to the 18th of February. General Price, it is said, is at El NNW, advancing on 'Chihuahua with fifteen hundred men. It was rumored at Santa Fe, ant General Cana was also on the way to Chihuahua, via Sonora;• but this rumor is doubt fl. PuttAnimrma, March 31, 1815. Leuers from the Army in Mexico gate that Capt. Denny has resigned, and will return home al mice. Both Refoment:l of Pennsylvania Volun teers MO now at San i ngel--all \Vynkoop commmding the Brigade. in the Absence of General Cushing. ESeluAve C;;;;;;;;;W:cithe iitiZurgh Gaze PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Philadelphia, Mani! 31, 3 P. M. norm —Salem of Western Common at $3, 8 7 - 13,- 931, which is cheaper. The market is heavier than yesterday, and holder. readily accept this re. duation. Gcsis—Salea of Red Wheat at SIX, per bush, and of Southern at 51 3Calgle. Yellow Corn 51 ass2.e.—Mt without the lewd change. Yttos•taoy—Are without inquiry, at recent qno• cations. Lard may be placed at 71e. EieluAire Conevondeael'ot die Pittsburgh (itseqe BALTIMORE MARKET: Baltimore, March Flour—Howard Street may be placed at 45 NI ets per bbL Grain.. The smeller in market is moderate.— Prime white Wheat SI 49011 50 cts per bushel. lied Wheat SI -.4 - 311 35. White Corm 43.7146e per bushel; yellosr,47alB ets. Provision Sales of Mess Pork (Wester:):3lo 300310 75; Prime, SEi 75019 23. The sales are comined to the supply of the city and retail trade. Sales of flacon, flog mood, (Western.) at 31 is per lh dry salted, shoulders, iler; Sides, 414iG' 3 ets; Western limns, 5,a7y em. Sales of West• Cr,. Lard, 71 cts. grehoOvCorresporoleare ol the ihnlberie thisens NEW YORK MARKET. New York. March 91.3 P. }lour—`Soles of Genesee at ¶ C2i per bbl. The market is firm, with a good demind hr the eastern and coy trade. Grain—Holders of wheat are rely Kern. and buyers do not meet them. Coin and other ilia are steady at pies - tons rates. Provistoor—Weeteru Mesa Pork at $lO 121. e, and prime, $9 or.. Lard, unchanged. .Batter and Cheese are held with more &muse. Cotton The market is attire, and bOlden, exportine. ==l3 ... . . . .corcaleArLittßarr. • Cincinnati, mpior Flour—No change in prices has occurred. We note Moderate pale?. 111 tonne? rates. Crain—So change Las occurred in the minis. Whiskey--We have wahrs at 14c1151 Gruccrics—No change has takes phrce; rhicon—Sale. 4,00016 s Sides. at 9/ cut . Butter-,Seles at prices ranging from IS to lilt , Choese-;The market is hare. M. ticeesssal. °rms.—Mr. SlideU., when be =ls war to blealoo the yea: W 311411110 wet with Mexico ecenthenteed, was isistroeted bpi= Execii• bre to ma= the foikrwillig =my For the boon/defy of the Rio Grande, the litwooption, by the Vaned States of the debt doe out =i lea/ from Mexico, suppmed to =own to aSout gn,000,000. For the balance ofNew Mexico, 55,0001100, For do. do. with a bee doe West to th e PaciGe. so as in gimes the Bay of San Fancier°, !FM; 000,000. For do. do. if roe was to give, us also Calikr , oian Mowery, 525,000,000. - We should-like to koaw why the President a feted to pay the Mexican Government six =kens of dollars Gar the boundry of the Rio Grande. if our / 'title kith= !wander) , was aintadyots he het 4thent asserted, indisputable? Lit the =atom az' •• • any atom than of individual., to pay for whas• alteady beloags to tbemt le this es/flying outjesk actea insinn, to =lc for nothing that is not right, and toeubmit to nothing that te wimp, in our ie. tathouriewith .frreign astionsi--Rietisiond Wife. i Tart Dam or Emarrars Mani= EIiIITT-nanr. -The yesir width dower yenterday. and aili .* with the Ancients woo regarded as the end i . if natural- year, the San having entered its %Ws*/ equitioxiequaiising the duration ofdsp end has been rendered snainorablel4 Me death . enamel number of eminent Americans, i whom the names of Sass 'liiraseirr, lutvi • . foals Quasar Arius', ANNUM litescmi, and I or Wnessian, occur to all. fudge - Wilde. or ts. his, • ripe scholar and distinguished Musical P*4 and Ciale, the beautiful. Landscape Pai nter , - , *4th several distinguished Diviner, Jurists, Physicist's, &c. might be addial-411Arny Eneniag .Townialqf '224. f Demme oar mut “Oxn Gcamt."—The Raid. mend 'Whig eark—A letter from Washlngtonleo the New York Express ittkems us th at the purl& let e'shotch of the life tad public novices of I.e Cue is forked out 'boot the streets of that =the object of which is to show, is the lenge of tile writer, that the Michigan Seilaitlf it Man for the tunes, and the proper extoneeut of Ameticart Ihnnocricy.'• This, saysth e write is = well kw one who more the old Fe Levi et 4'netrxer , ..Att exchange paper NIA" .. niti:4llVLlt Ms ttlitliitilt liaoll the gthneas Make ties of our Outs in Mexico, expressed the' wisk that he 'had been in Europe at the time the ban* were foeght,'ln order to beetroot country prai."4l upon which, x he deuthpon OVl.cansia-After a says, that 'lf the General bad been prate* 0111 , ticogo at the time that his letter to the li e Convention was read. he might have beanlAi praited,,ne the bloys nay, over the lett.' e. CANAL liiigiontion.—The opening of our lines to the Lake has nen delayed by the contraction of a new lock at Malaria, which was kept back . be high water. We are mind that navigation will be commenced by the end of. this week, coo.. talpy by the first of next vreek.-L-Brarer Argus. Tos'Olilo Carus:Several boats have already cleared for Akron, from Cincinnati, and wieal are deily,expected from that point. It Is not known here 1$ what time the whole line of. she Canal will be in icadines• for use, Gut the probability le that It will tie tiefure many days baye elapsed.. u ty,th • I ''- nounres.—A young man nulled 2 , 12`t employ of Mr. Charles .Vyse, of New York, has net Wraith (any thousalid dame, in doubloons.— IS fa said dud be Kea made pis way the Malibu's. Fars= Aprotnrwrers..iicrierous 'diplontsdie appointments aro announced, among which an M Chiriqui; to Constantinople; AL de Pecan, to the United States; M. de lIIMUtIIOIIi V 111416, to pen• mark; M. Cidevant Mathews, to Spain.. New hivoin—We would 64 attention to - the advertisement of Smith k Johnadn, at No. 49 Ma• ket . Street. .2.he new firm is from . New York, with a full a/Alone:tent of seasonable snods—Meaw log to make t 6 Iron City their future hornet:end we hope the lady shoppers will give them a *hare of their patronage. Navtorncet OFLI To flurraho.—NVe Nam legrsph that the steamer I-Tailed Slates attired weir et Buffalo oo Saturday night from Ctava • . . Com2—The pneloct of the Cliff mines, nista ins fieely la Cinciesati et IP cis. per lb.• EVP.7 Darn kaye yelkerr dark Teeth—tbeT Le MOP peavirarbace by tate 13111 e 12111.13 g a boa or .713.. Amber Tao* Pasta. Iv bardeas vas, puns, tweak. lite Ittsatb, te. Ittald tav lilted st. turtDdk.tris whiter Ain of h., than moo,' , . Said pore as toomootatal alabaster: ,- ., All females have akin lite the above, who me donee pioiok Lily Wkile. It match pore savory, yet amo rally white. Sold at °O ext.truavt greet. marld fig" Don't bare • Foul Breath- t if you hare, twe • nrT billing horde of Jones , Amber Tooih Paste. That will make Veer breath sweet. whiten your teeth, Ad.—. Sold at Ed Libertr or nwriklikwir ErrTo run Mar . /1.11, Lta1t.....000131044 Nerve and None Liniment and Indian Vegetable Eixir. is the most Sfeemal cure for Bbeutamissa Said by WM. JACK •IN. Arent for PittabargtL ,aorldelkrenif Eig- La di es who use /ones' SplunsiiLily White, have always a fine white transparent skim.' Of thisa trial wIII satisfy any one. • Sold only in Pinsburghott kV Libeny at. norl9dandwl y (13 - Pnma, Sot ate.-,The 'Genuine Hays' Linimen Is an article more *thy celebrated as a care for lb* above than any or all other. Its cures are.almost inh numerable. Sold by WM. JACKSON, Ageta foe Pats• burgh. noribilkortraT Prrrsaraurt HurriceratisS §E . ;nzre.—Th,. quarterly meeting of the Pittsburgh Horticultural Society will be held on hiondayobe ad day of April;et the comer of Wood and Birth streets. By order of the Committee. nuir3l I,D"- The Net'. Mr. Teesdale has returned to the coy and is expected to occupy his own pulpit ttrtpoSTOW. An account of the great revival of in Ztutes. vine, Ohio, in which he has been engaged for the last seven or eight week., will be given doting the day and evening. . apt:dit• BE Alt !MUD, On the 30th alt, by the nee. A. AI. Bryan, JOIN MeQUEWAN, E.q., to Alm AIAILY FUNDEL aL of title eny. DIED, At,dtiurn.illcno the 3elh nit., IFSSIE ELLIOTT, third denghter or J. I). Jane P. NViltieme. PITT Manager and LeK.e. MEM LAST NIGHT OF MR. C. D. PITT. SATURDAY, APRIL I. IM, will be rireetued We gedy of ' GISIPPI/S! Gisippus 1 Mr. Pin. Tina • 'Jr. Oxley. SophrOnio Aliss Porter. Aber whirls, IRISH LILT. by Mira Anon MaDion. To conclude wilt, We Farce of We MAN WITH THE:CARPET RAG. 'limes Mr. D.. , onn. _ Moodily, beinifil of Mr. C. D. Pin: • • NEW STORE. AN ENTIRE: ro:w ZIU,K OF GOODS, TH E subscribers bare “ken the store, No 46 Mar het streel,3d door above Third street, where they are now opening a choice stock of Limes. Cambric toad Silk Handkerchiefs. Straw Goods, Hosiery, Ribbons, Gloves, Artificial Flowers, Comb., Lace Goods, Simons, banbroiderles. Threads. Umbrellas. Needles, Parasols, - - To which they would invite the itiention of Whiter, Cowry Merchants and Gibers. The ebore gouda have been purchazed tor Cash of the Eastern nuthuthe hirers, and at the cereal piscine sales, a n d will be sold far ease as low as at be Naught of either New York or Philedelphie jobbers. S.)11T11 JO/LNSON. r.e- , 1“.61.01 WE, WATION. EUMAKER, ECKY 4 CO., LOVE FACTORS. And General Commission Merchants, ==tta R.F.STIRESiCE.S—FInry Groff & Stltsburgh. ftornreg re Sherlock,' Cinc , Seltrrnley Son, A. 141 Jotrnary, 'Charles !foghorn, Jr.. Louisville. Iltunphreys le Co:) Alrreer, Best a, Co. :•Philseka Reed kbrother, 3 Shaine Zs Cornainuey, Neer XXOTICII—AII persons indebted to Ih. tonally of tll - as collectors of talcs or otherortsr. Ora renstiml fo rustle payment df the am:touts (or artich they are respectively Indented, 011 Or belore the first day of June next. othensise suit will posinvely ne Unaue at for the rotor. exatost ell delinunents JOHN hi'D(MTELI.. JLICI I'll T. MARKS, TrIOMAA PARKER. • -• _ Connufoxioners of Alleg I, CostmasuanueekOefir, • Alarch apl:•l.4wr.l”, I)RICK AND FLOOR LNG 414/AWDS. —The ontlcr. sign. has ' now Mt aTgAhl DRICK AIACIDNL sod i'LANINU MILL, in soece...r.l pared to furnish pressed Front limit, ennuttoa buir.bng stick, turd_Floottng Hoards, all of winch beseartrtt. superior nrucjethaad at her lowest prices • iie has @lsom suerescid'operanzu. his Minion Saw, for then., boards and plank et tire rate of 2 to Ihrts. feet per day, and will dispose of patent nests for the seine.l./AVAIL., (1147.1:.. C=SZEMI • 1\70110E: .is hereby green that the ifookr will be olh'ned on Thesday, the •econd day of his, for teeelytut Mod: for tire. rourtrueuon at an Arhfietal hoed up the little branch of r+MITUIV/ rtat..-at the 'Shure. in, place.; TIZ; At the reside., or J. lc. Aiez water Carnahan. Fa , bud Rohe Saudg nun sash remain open three tle.)• to uceehoolt, tryzu 10 A. to 4 ...lotk,r.u, WY. r -,-WV, apt:arLtS ,Chturznatt of Committee, I\TAILS-100 tree remorieir sire, Mr PAD by J.N ept • WAATDOWt:N. TO tit./1 11 'TebibrCo, * (er lAD • apt WAST lAIWkiN DACON-6?boyes Ilems. Shoulder. and Pidos prime Sedeie,mor receive. per Ora., Hen Nob, emit ear= ATWOOD JONES& Co.. water KIWI 0. StiGAD.-11E bids puma N 0 Sum, tenting .1‘ • (lola susalar De, Wm Ciwitio. mi for ',Me by isurat bAUALEY SUM' licr irrOAR--10) prime N 0 Bag•r, lanEiug • froat 1.11.41111 . Gelititwe, Slid for LI. ur man/ OAOALEY tr bllllll DICIaLF2P HAMS a khris extra *ajar curse limr. Laxehar C , cre strawy Neria +4.Weals a a7:11,r yak by tearer • UN.ALLYS S Urit PllCkTe.ll,s* kegs Presses , Ink .print vu; :I=WU,. Sill/ Waited and An sale by =IA b A VAILNIESTOc&& Coot-keel & lsi rt.'" " Ol D ars. l irs i n eke Chid Ciente far ewe., Shade stet aloe T..„. ins of AU Cads, fat oats log t , F.,41 I Co, sneak 1Lf:,%•1 11[TI:iLXMVULASS-SR - 0 RIP Window Was, II 44 . 11 braml, ler •ide br• mars) .FOUSrrH t 131:IiCAN GLASS holes New titaliva Wo4ow Glasc in vote for .sla by -mu*, raesrrit & DUNCAN - - DACON-13 testa EU Laois city aured, a pene a 11 ala, lanciag !mut Ana ban:4omo,, ani roam twat and fat loam by UT MuItLIAN la wood • itrurrEn WHALE OIL-10 L.l.b Whale Ibl, fire sate by aura; BAG ALES' a SMITA 131:.A/PS k 1.11100%15-31 bbl. velum emus - .All j 3 dot Cara Liroaxs; fur aala Fry IIAtIALLIV 11,111T11 • TIOI.INTRY LARla—la bbls anilae;s, ;liar order. far aale by Waal , lIAL ALE% k 11.111 V/1 VL'IM.4.II-4Obldo Fltertuaa'a aapenar Cimsae for dale by Inar3o HAGAI.BI" 1131/111 MOLA SSE 4 I— , . bbla ivirue Plaailli4lllllalaaae, SO /la Puga, Housedo iacrllaraluut and 11roolo/ n; 1/x .We b ma/19 JAR fil/Ul'll r stlll4CCO—Sikey Kentucky 11 Twist , litaclitsc trona _mMeat., canna; for sale , by ans J t Et FLOYD I) gACIIM-000 bucheln prime roaches: tor .411 . by mart J k It FIA /VD ME=MM LEAD —3OO plyro Galena Lead, gyeeiyed per wean, Wyogsuby bad for .ale b man 9 JASIESA H1:7C111.90N 1: Co . e"g".a7FT.ZII.-Plii.Z'o" ,l 4gl reIOTCON-33 baler frionia ribeareeippi Comer. re.' kj per Mesmer $1 Cloud sod for rule by earrM ' JA.IIII AII UTCIIIRJN 1 - Co EMl'—larb•Lebrupt , rior dew rottnailetup, fin' s xi • JU. try ' MatV , JA3It'S. A iILTCHISLIX Fri ri , E.Ali 4SO packages fresh Tens, commonff .._ ji. Toeing Hymn, Pelf cheos end cony bones; • Impetus! do • do Gunpowder do do . Psochong • du do For sale by marg. • H,AGALIIV & SMITH - Diu GOFITIE—Iuo Wigs Prime green Rio Coffee, t• AI noire per steomer hosanna- Lor sale by marl, . 11.4./ALET & SMITH - SWAR AM . .) /10LASSF. U hAds N 0 Bogn bbls N O /lobules; bruote and for sale bY tonal , 'Ll40.41.1;1( LOAF SOUA &C.—R , Ubbls Loaf Sugars nssosil umbers. GU bills Sugar Reuss Names; iu store and /or sale by mall LIAO A LEY & SART/I 70.3 MACKEREL:4In; bUls I. No 3 Alacierol; . 111 for side man& _IIMSALEY & 9.111 T/ I IJiAIBI9B, &Ceesle bases bunch Rsisuu; ((0 buff jx, boxes do do; NO bags Pepper; :JO bogs Pimento; •ale by mOOl9 S eall T AnD-00 bbl. Cm ea Lazd , forsale by J-0 mane' RAOALCYttllllTll,t3AYo3neod.l L't1it,,V11, 1 7„21;t4".,', marY9 JA3ItAiIIiZEI.I., i 4 water at PATENT SODA Abit-21 emits (.las Morpratt & Itort's brai!) itattliste from steamer Sanitise', nod lot /isle by W & dl MITCHELTHNI., Mai liberty st LARD -40 keg. No i Leal; for win by marg9 24 , 611.4 LUSIIFIELD & ROI: fRAVI:RSEEIFor Rale by oasr.9 • MOIL', BUSIIFIRLD fr.. ROR '' , DARLEY-91 meekly Jug received by eery MWILLI3UMIIIFIELD dr non —Jhbd. 4"4 "'" ""; " =mai DROWN :CULBERTSON. 10 lib. oil lULASIZ-101, Lbl. prime N U, Jul received and i I for sale by marl) }MOWN h CULBERT:49N bbd. prime N o,Juai reed and for rale I,Z . by_,_marm BROWN acimi3EivrioN O.I7OAR—ZO Midi! Sncor, IwdWg tom steamer go •anus, and for Yale by toari9 - J k R FLOYD, Ilitt libetiy it VOAR /1 ItIO/iASES-40 tbls • S Molasses, In store twifor We by , /Alias A HUTCHISON A Co, Arts St 'vol. Stoma Purse ROthierr. citiNsTust STOCIZPON have Oft reeelved sapply oIW .haunt & !labia sou's rrerallan quilt Eta Nibs and Quill llolda n. • . tp ar24 s ItUaLON %A.. G m? 7, 11 370 . , youn g p . gx,.a ; f o l u e . r k . thud rtterestres givelt.: Addregs .:)1.," at thig case. ~•NIVIOL*--41 bags prints Um thitfesi ig bbts Loaf ,sugar,. 1U eiudis poem Soda Ash; .7., bbig Sugar si hlblusgst gli Ind. bbl. Malaga %glue; lust I=d t:um steamer Brooklynould for gale by ir , gantlet Wig hi hirivarvi HEE, IGO lib, st r~y_3_jl~' ~lo7r[R~'7.yT,'~;;r,}~r~~ ty)=Vmait,cifi,Tr rtJOACCI.I-IWcoif J. :lot ankle km sallt : - • Inf b .-00 bags prim. Green Rio Coffee, in star 40 Ws by mum DT MO/Iti&N & Co ,. -~;-.: ;~, Lerati Faehtel and 1 - leriFacbte, - iested oat lef latirriai Cowl idlellqtherny county. and ;owe directed, will be exised vile ai the Coa ti Ho fa ch e c i, r of linthuna4 n Mdad.ri theOlth edApti4l.. D. 1344, at 10 o'clock, A. 31, 'the follotriag , dezenbed property, la wit: • All the right, title. interest and chum of Patrick Orn ainghant mid Peter finligne.,..f. in. and to all shut eer tuba lot or piece of ground, situate in the city:of Pitts burgh.. the mouth ride of Grant street. end frontingon said street 0 feet. and extending back tete...on which' is erected a three story brick house. - • ALSO, All the right, title, interest mid claim of Peter Rati gan, of, in and malt that certain lot of ground, situate In Pitt township (now 6th Weed of Pittsbargh.4 begin ning on Chatham 'street. at the distance of 404 feet 7 Inches. from the corner lot Nn.6. in the plan attrieked to the partition of the estate of Andrew Watson. deed, and running atoeg Chatham street southwurdiy 40 feet. and thence at a nght angle with Chatham,. 0611 mart alley 12 feet clue inches wide, thence along said tiller northward ly 411 feet, mad thence at a right sue* with said alley 06 feet, to the place of beginning, out of which is re4ereed a vearly ground rent or/IWO seized and taken in e keeturon as the property of Penick. Can ninfttem sod Peter antigen, at the snit of George IL •• All the right, title, interest and Orden of Thocmut Mc- Carthy, of, ',in and' to, all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the 6th Word of city of Pittsburgh, being pane of lots Nos. 66 and Vi in a plan of lots laid out by James C Cunnuinv said lot fronting en .wht run ning formerly called Cummins street 50 feet, and n ingark TS feci, ou which is erected a two siorYbrick dwelling house, with bock buildings, mud also an out house used its a shop; seized and taken in execution as they ropeny of Thomas McCarthy, at thy suit of Johtz Air , . . . ALSO, • . . . All the right, title, interest and Maim of John Coo " of. in and to. all Met certain lot or piece of. ground, shi and in Indiana township, being pan of tract No. 44, Cunningham's District. containing:lame* and 30 perch et, Wler measurer pelted and taken in execution as the property of John Cook, at the mil of Thomas C beans. All theright. title. interen and claim of Iridwuni W Haya.irripleadCd with Arthur Blerill, partners, &a., of, in and to, all the following. described twee of ground. shuttle ilt Pine ....MP, containing , one half neon of ground.on which are one row of frame buildings, part ly two stories high. and panty one story: high.- rind a frame stable; wised and tokenin execution as the prof Asa rt Fo y of Edward.W Hay., impleaded, he., ensile motel Amyth. ALSO, • All the right. title„ Interest and claim of flush P Dean, o r, in no d t o ., cetuon lot or piece of pound, situate in the city of Allegheoy. trim lot No. Si In the plan of lots laid out by Jacob Geyer nod Thomas Bagmen. in the Borough A IleGbeny,which plan is composed of pions afoot Into Noe. 1.. sold 170 in t h e Reeen, trait opposite Pittsburgh. There is thirty dollars of ground rent issuing yearly out of the above described lot or piece of ground; erized nod taken In execution as the property of HughT Deno, at the suit ofJocoli Geyer. . A leuo, A certain . piece or parcel of ground situate in Roes [mulishly, in the reserved tract opposite Pinsiurgh, boundedd described as followers:, wit Beginning at a post at the corner of • lot owned by Jain) Reed. nn Bank Lane, as laid out and located under the direction of the borough of Allegheny, thence by the laud of said Lane northtvordly; 110 fret 9 Inches 3-sth to a post, thence north Sit deg. west 11 perches. to the embank ment of the Pennsylvania Canal, thence soathwurd along said embankment 410 feet niches to Ibe cor ner of said Reed's lot, more or less, thence by the divi ding line of said Rime's and the property above de scribed, to Ilnnk Lave, the plane of beginning;seised and token in exectrion as the property of John Bum nen and ism, tlatunett, at the mita James Chad wick lor use. An that parcel or Meet aground situate In Robinson and Fayette townships . , containing. 70 neer, more or lenis siddelatinq lands of and Gabriel Walker, on the Mlle. 61 Robinson'. rum and brine the sane land which Rebecca Walker lute of said township dies, aei zed, and ity , her Intl will duly rekimiethrate thud he-• queuthot the ssine unto Ilse sold Resin Walker, ny Ann, the said Rielll Walker, plying to hie sister hind Walker two hundred dolled, it It should come Mph. that the said Resin Walker nhoultl. din heihra he Is arri Red. then hi. sister Jane s to inherit the 70 mserve ofland, en by seferruee to the said lest will and testa ment will fully appear. seised and taken in excels:ion us the proper - o . ot Joseph II Buchanan and Tlary his nrite, with natter to Maxwell Riddle, at the snit ofJolut Resler. All the right title, itnerertand 061111 of Robert Mar and to and not of all that certain lot or piece .of ground rdtnate is the yigh Ward of the city of Stnr barer, fronting os sit an Street 12 feet. sod cmondin2 heel, by ilia mane width 1(10 feet, more or' less, to 111 ol het'ry alloy: bounded :by property of Jonathan 11 1lbl• dle on the wear, and the Lei, of Jam, Lowry on he eaat and on which icerected a three vary brick due:- hap Itot,e; scheel and mien in.czecution s, the ppp. petty of Rota Morton, imp/elated with lhoe Sheridan, at tle.l4lllof liaroptett and Mill, for oar. • A LSO, All that certain tract or piece aloud lying in Weil Deer township, containing 117 acre. and allowance, Lento the sante which was &rimed to said John Haz lett by hi. father. Jame. Hulett, deed, in hi. Int will endless:mien', and Leaning date the :1h ,ley of March. UM, add recorded in the Register's °lce in and torid cranny, to Will Hook Vol. S. page 10.4 seized taken in exerulinti as the propeny 01 John Harks, It the Kin of IV 0 Leslie for two of Hitt & Corry. ALPO. All the rtglo, utts, interest mud claim of Arthur :Sta, gill, rot, In and tooll the following lot °rider.,of ground' situate in Pule tan lohip, bounced as tollows—ou the' east the Pittsburgh and Butler Turnpike Road, bpi Sonanel Cuslin on the north nail nest, and by the Per rysville Rend on the booth, containing a oat cue rigid of gridold , which is erected n row of frame two stories high and panlkOne story higb. tad o Iwo story unfinished fronts and trams' stble, hi} hut same property recently occurned by Edward w anal clromed by hlot, sered and taken tti ration as as the p,ativrty of .Arthh.r Mardi, at the suit of farideth 13,onett. ALSO. All Pont ennairt Iwo slory deck chincio, with roric blip:mak undon in n o. -Ph Wank in city of Pill,- burgh. and fronting'Weston run, fct and 31nob as. one encoding' in death a distance of Go ii•ek and 44. iinniot property of fames Wilkinson and Andrew WM. toucan* and property of Alti Mack upon Ilic kali, and 11, lot or ponce pinioned and cartillace io raid, building; and taken on cacculion as the pOperty of alsiloro Patrick AleCoreand. Wei lipooh. °senora cnil connectors at tan Mil of Rota McCready . A.LBO. A'd tine, certain piers of ground Intelsat. in tbe city of Allrabeny.benip pan great k n Ne.. 10 in tia re. tta..l boinated and itererebeolaa Ibilean , firA Rebecca siren on ec...Sernir f bd the reel brill!'" Vd. Clair Lenny, on the 000 by the. Bosun Caanzna, ea the 7 .. 12. lobo {nein. conininina 21 ACM,. were or jean and taken in' areennon a. the poverty . or Alt. .tephena aad Wen A !rhin o Adnuautraiors of CornaliriF Stepbeen, deed, at the Mtl3 of Edward. W StepSen* , • All the rocht, title, Interest tool skint of 11 1' Crate, of. ire and I.) a eertam lot or pone of ground situate io Ali•ie.h..Y eat'. tome Pio. =in the plan of loth laid our by Jared , Geyer and Tana Haman to the borough of ARegheny. twhichpl iv is composed of parte of out tots Nos. 177 mai llnut the reserved tract opposite front on tgebstcr rioter do feet, istoristroding hack eastwardly. preserriont the tome width PO feet to Veto elreet.l.odmiars ground rent •is euiag yeatly oat of the eDore described piece of grono *need and ulna hi Precut on as the property of Wed S the loth of Jacob Guyer. u A LOO, 120 4 pLeatr — *Mil - ' lint ' s Moore, elatmoflames Madre, lately An. 04 and le 01116,1ftftli0 1011 of ground mutate on Jempltthecareet,in'''the plan of the division of the goo tete of OliverOnnshy. deed. in St. COOT township.le giontue en Josephine . street, it the distance of 41: feet and Jo ofatiloch term oflleadow street, thence wester ly...toe Joiaphlor sdreeLni feet it-7-einchee to a let owned to Ithnstian Johnston, thence along the hue of said lot. and pseetlel with Meadow street un !iv to dl feet alley. thence couttwardly along raid alter 11 51 feet d An locker to the hoe of the lot mewed by the heirs of the said Oliver Oonatoy, deed, thenne south wardly along the hoe of said heirs te: the place :taw- ' • .nongege in favor of Jobe Brown tot 00; neordevltu mortgage, in the Reconhoes office AllenthenT'ed...): seism. and taken in execution as the pro my of !moms Moore nonleaded abbe suit of Richardson& Lee for tam of Antes Richardson. ALSO • All the rigid, tnin. nurrest arul alarm of Robert Brown of ie end teAlie fonoteing described lots of growl l : anal lour feet of let No. an, ad jo Va int.... le. No th-, in 'plan of tole of (I IVattier, Ja cob Ileintei and F Latent, having a team olio fret on Mein at.,. end extending beet, 11 - earning th e setae Wolin to Ceipeuterhi Alley, soloed and taken in execu tion ...the properly of Robert Brown al the halt of Jobs Kenyon. ' . AI.SO All the right. title, Intercot and claim of Without T Smart, of in and to all that certain lot or plate 01g :round situate in the city of Allegheny, being lot Nn. 11l in Georg. Latino'. plan of 4 .L-Clvivion of out lots, No. 174 and 173 in Itowreed Iran. Also all that mbar cer tain lot or pier, of ground situate in the city of 1471.- ghony. being lot No. at in Georico Ledliotsbtlan of the soh-Mention of out lots No. 174 and 174 m the reserved tract, 816IGAI and taboo in r ereartlioll no the: property of Wm f Storm, at the suit of !as Kerr. Jr. and 1W Kerr, administrators of Jos Kerr dereasod. f ALSO 1 All Ira eight, title. interest nsni claim of Da'rid Grubbs, of, in, and lathe following described niece of laud, situate in Pine township- bounded and diewribed at follows, on the North and West hr. [Ma 1 , 110.• occo-1 plod hy. Goo. and Wy hie Grubbs, nu thc Naafi by lands of !Millar and whom, containing ton nem, on which is erected a two scurf log house, and double log barn. a considerable,poruOtt of which Cr mole, cultivation wir ed and taken In ...onion es Mr property of Do id tiruttbs. at Meson of Wm Dodds. . ALSO AM the right, title, intertal. property clahn and de mand of Jaue Cooper an tElizaboth Cooper, of in and to Or out of all' that comma lot or pieceof ground, be ing part of lot No. lOU inthe Ildrough.of Birmingham, wonting 30 feat on Carson street, and extruding beck. prefferentg . the game width Mt feet inure or less, on which is er ected a two story brick dive/ling litillflrlVllh back building., wised and taken In execution no the o properly of Elizabh Cooer and June Coer, a the suit of John Yanetu et nn'o Ex p ecutors for of of p Mrs. t :llmi ry Parker. Alpha right, title Intermit and claim .of Frederick brit; of, in and to all the ' -following described part of Lot No. 454 In the general plats of YinsPurgh, situate on the comer if braidtbeld , nod birth - sweet, fronting Las Southfield were 9.3 feel, toot on Stith strew GO feet Olore Or lent. r3.l3ilinel ton yearly ground rent of SW which are erected sundry old re me tenements, 'cite no d and taken In e.reClllloll of the prOprriy Of.. Frederick Seitz at the suit of Chas 511.eupp &PM., and at tho wit of D Deford &Co. ALSO All that certain piece of ground situate tat the city of Pittsburgh, being. pan of lot Tio. :CA in Woand plan of the lon of Finithurgli. beta:wing on the South 12en avardly enter of Market and Fourth ntreets, thence extending in (tont on Market street, southwardly about art feet to reopen). of .thence Riddle, and in depth along Eolith emeet weetwarOly. preserving the same width about 14d feet alto io roreny of dames Riddle. sexed and taken in execution us the reopen). 01 James tiny Scwickly at the unit of Bonk of Putiburgh and others and to be told by epinestS JOHN F 01181 7 .14 Sherif. Type /roan ry. T i t2oil 7 :l i rref,..itYw e rcOn tgu ' e l arb r a:ll " el7int . ! ly conducted by Robert Taylor. Thcy will attend to all ornate %nth punctuality and demon:h. All the type menufactured by them will be hand Can; and they will Airmail an lauds or Primer.' material., of the best quality. n Mr. J in T Overend tn e• red iu supeilutand. eutploy Proprietor. N ' et . t ti tt i ru i ktroprietors of I.lMapairent s who have not advertised or the subveriber, may publish this matelot. three mouthh . wi/1 be etuided to TeCcIVII their pay type, on 'povehtoutig aveßutet the humbug of theig4tills (or ad vertising. 'Chid type taken Ihezeloutge for hew at 9 eta per lb. Charles wisu &TAYLOR, Theodore Taylor, $ (Sodeetaute to Rota Tagtord *nth . . aurae, Gold atid Au u. • DUQUISSNE Spring', Axle, Steel and Iran Works. CArt, A. Co., haring completed Merl new Works, are. new prepared , to manufac ture every description of Coach and }Zink Spnoge, Ironi Axles, Amenerm. Slider, Spring and. Slough Steel, nut all lime °lnman, square and round Iron, which they otter for sale on liberal terms, at their ware hon., No 4 Wood street; where they also keep re baud • complete and handsome aisordneut of Coach Trimmioge, Carriage liirdware, klalleable Cosudge, Nails and Imo. C., H. k co., have made irnangemeaU with Maser.. Day k Cron; =aurae lures. or Shovels, dpadet, Fort a, , fr.c.o.wa will keep constantly au hand every article by theta. I Dealers are respectfally soucilvd to tall, I. pries. and turns will by made litmus]. Jrkl' ~ k F .' ...~...5...~`'...?.•~ "£" ~ ~ '>.-,~~L}....,,~~~, I~' ~ ' laa`i_, u t tip. •A'l7Cllol4:.','S7Otk.t : i! -, , 7 . By John D. Davis, lust Nate*. • &At* of Drj Gordy fr,;• r : L • ON Monday umming, April 3d, al 10 &Mock, it the Caumercial gales Rama, corner of Wood and Fifth wry will be sold, an =evasive - assortment of English. French and Anscriesa Illy Goods, he. . At 2 o'clock, ;urn. . , A large assortment of boosebold furniture,. — ng of mahogany sofa. rotting ,ei12111., bureaus, book caw, work and wash stands, thrung,. breakfast sad - kitchen tables, high and low post bedsteads, crib, feather beds, mamas..., beddipg, looking glass.* tel clocks. reninan and triumparent window blinds, ear ring in great variety, fenders and fire-irons, mantel tie ea ;le ' 'U" eoi,ii - nrerh 4 ' le m sr h eo k fultef st. : 2a: " Zos o, Estrous, he. Onweries,glams4mS.2nerisamwt , n 2na, shovels, hay and - rammer forks. w ri ting And wrapping poper, band boxes, tabs,baststs, bolos, and forka, At 7 oleloct, p. m. • • Ready made clothing, fine French style made shirts, coots, shoes, caps, bonnets, umbrellas, -hoe cutlery, combs, jewelry. gold and diver watches, riGes, pistols, musical instruments,' saddles, bridles, variety goods, ha. - • mann JOIBLD Aunt. - Books Catakrue. ON SatardaT evening 4 April Ist, at the Coramereird Bales Hoorn, corner of Wood rutd Fifth stream wet be sold large collection oflaltrable otiscellasseons books, sithopg abler will bn found standard worts in the tarp oaa 'departments arliternture and scienee;• also, farad" bibles, letter =I tap analog paper, blank bosh, mute beaks, Ike. Candogaes are now ready, and bean maybe exam ined on Saturday tIMMILICI, D DAVIS, Aue* ,,,. • mar= • 1"° Fire Value's& Bu'adirsg ra. atAnds°. ON Wednesday afternoon, the 51h day of April next. at 3 o'clock. P. M., will lie mid on the premises, by or der of Wm Noble, for cash per .fords, the follovrins real estate, vim one eery iLigibly situated !mot prom* at the minim of Ems and Second stream, ham/ a front of 44 feet on Second Street, and extending back 65feet. Alao, four lot, of ground. commencing at the comer of Thltd and Rosa streets, baring each • front of IS feet. and extending back 65 feet. . r.O JOHN D DAVIS, Attar. Pittsburgh Portable Boat Lime. 1848. FOR the umuportation of freight between Pittsburgh .sod the Ationtio eines, avoiding transhipments ou the way, and the consequent risk of delay, damage, breakage end the separation of goods. • . - PROPRIETORS. . lIURBRIDGE &CASU, v 76 hlarket a; Philadelphia. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, corner Partn" and Way. street:, Pittsburgh. AGIE4TS. O'CONNOR & CO., North atreet,Baltiotore. In.& J. T. TAPSCOTT, 76 South at, New Tort. Encouraged by increased basluess, the Proprietors' have added to and emended their arrange:meats daring the Winter, and mernow prepared to forward fre'lrht .ith regularity and despatch, oasooassed by any* er Line. 'their long experieuse as Carriers, the palpable superiority of the Portable Boat system, ear the great capacityandjconreaience of the warehouses at each end of th e Lire, are prealiarly calculated to eneble the Proprietors to folfd their arkl• 11er013111.- date their customers, and co &tidy offering the past as a guarantee - for the fatale they respectfully solicit commuance Cr that patron which they sow grate fully ochnowledge. . - All comic - anent. to Tattle & O'Connor 'will be re• netted and rewarded, Steamboat charges • paid, and Bills of Lading transmitted free of any charge for tom. mission, viva:tel. or storage. Hivrag no inteurst, di. teeny or fedi reedy, in steamboats, the interest of the Coustgivirs most .cessarily be rtheir primary °Weft in gripping west; and theypledge themselves to for ward all goods conitigued to them promptly, and on the moat advantageous terms to the owners , . maillidlf Jays•a , rapeetoraut. • Suwon, Columbian. i0.,04.11gir. 44, 1841. 11. D. JAYNE& Door tirei—l.feel bound to you D and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op penanir y offering publkity to the extraordinary effects of your Expectorout on myselL Ifarinbeen afflicted for several y ears with a sere ceng beetle fever and its conemailant diseues, and re scenic only doomed to linger out a short bat miserable [liStetlet, WWI the fall of liar, when, being more severely attacked, and bovine/resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre. se notions of two of lire most respectable physicist. in the neighborhood without derjruig any benefit, or Lb. consolation of aurviring but a few days or weeks at farthest—when .the last gleam of hope was about to vanish, I had reconitnended to me your F./TU . IORM nod blessed by thut Being who doe. all , things in the use of the nicaos--arul cannery to the expectations of my physician. ”d friends, I was inn fear dzys raised from my Led, and was enabled by toe nse of a Dottie, to stand to my boolitess, enjoying since heuer health than I had (or ten years previous. R.. 1 .00 84 Ychrin JAIL W. Fiats_ For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Ten Siore,73 Fourth street. taarfflr '11) FAIINESTOCEr3 Pneumonic or Cough Cal. Bsan, has a great adrunter,e over many other Cough preperstious, so its pleasant taste parings it to be wed without 11.1COIWGrIletlet. Dot Its value as • Balsam convists in the spesdiners of Int cute. We have known eome of the most desperate. cough., some of which had been running on for a considerable length of time,yiekl almost immediately to its • power... In such winuller• as we have hod datiog the pant winter, every ono is flails' to cafe cold, soles. gnat precautions km rival. Wet fret Land undue exposure bathe inclemehey of the weather often lays the mondatien of a hacking =which needs a quick remedy to prevent netiotis We here numerous certificates .of curet which it kly performed, many ofwhich are - from (ernes in this coy and the neighborhood, and th ey me a sufficient refinance without sayuts,another word In tla favor. Prepared and for. Ate wholesale and retail by B FAIINESTOCK It Co, corner of wood and Ist mai wood and MN sts. mar= . Ztl/ITIA/V. lArli.l l 4,7Park W et gold layer Watllek; S silver lever ruches, nunish; alu silrerdetannad layer stair/. es, ICI silvan L'Lpine lewd.; ZS silver Runnier yeatebeg 12 fine - gold elsainn I don new style ear ringu 3 Pad bnOPnllgig dor unused rings; urn..l Ideal tuxes, playing n uniety of popular sin; Le guns nee! !kites, all they. timer b bet Us. Peas, air[ Rea man. sa y i ng roma Fans; b deajtaa velvet brad bags, new sa 1U dtsl Sas Ist`st " : l t4tS:= l Ptu r atti dos ,13.0 1 :: r . craWk" Gov triages, gut and silver, for segalimg Tat bower rases, aessseted; Ides bad steel sum pia cush ions; I des Sae fem . screw pia east:Song 1 doe has weed serew pinaasistoes A Es asaerseeat of row Toys, lee. he. - mara Tangitrzwas . X. - F. W sod splendid varlets orrnmeologs of the latest .1.1 style., jou received at 21:011LON KINSEY'h, U . Market among which arty • 60 giosa dusy batonss, assorted colors; No grou plsla eo”red with net, wortul colors; ISO groan plena mall, Imputed colors; pa gross cotton, a nine ankle, millerub, toted c's; Also, a large variety GUY offrittas, cod widths and ers A very largo cloak of the above article. fl dos Indies' open worked silk glover; • dos gems' heave slit do . dos ladies` pet d k and while do SY dos do fancy top lisle Ikea do 59 dos ladies ao at dos rase silk do go dos gents' rase silk do • - id 4., ebildrens; cotton 'do Shaded coin, steel and gih boa's, pone rings and tassais. bead bags, steel and velvet; hoe am, parasols, per...Me/tn.. dre.Ae. morn . ss..rirreicorr. .1081 D. own. a. LIPPILIICOTT & CO.. • AXANUFAA: I iniERS of Hammered and Cast Stea . Snores and Apadesi, Aim and flinches. Hill, te Hui, Circular and Haws, Hay and Manure Fork!, Bees, hlattocka, Picts, &A, having completed all thew, arrungenteau in the constmetion of acre machinery, and in securing thanes:. ...trace fonn the most echs. ated establients of the Flat are Dow man.fact.r tns and willikeep ter.stantly on hand and for We all the above ankles, having availed thenmetnes of this latest improvements, and are determined that In work =whip owl material they Millnot be excelled. They protium %opted...l erne ea equal,it not sanerimi'la any that eut be ha al the For- They Writs the atten tion of dealers to an e enwittlidimr of their stack before parchniing elsewhere-4A they are convinced that th ey' irate able to all all: tilde. in their line lothe entire satisfaction of porchasers. Warehoomy Water street, 4 Jae. Wes: hrotiongatnala Hoene, Pitrthunett, Pa: N. 11.—P,reons having badness whit Wet. Lipper cone n mill NoltDe can on Lippencott &Co. oricaViDorlls Cents. ' TEXTIL FOUL BREATH; IihIALTIN If GI;318—Yellow and intheelthy meth, alter be. .ing once or twice cleaned with Jonee - Azaber ooth ream, hare the appearance of the - MOW heautUhl leery, and at the mow tune it Is so peridstly innocent sod ex quinitely Met he constant daily use iv highly ad vantageous. even to Nose teeth that are In a gocd .- clog dition, giving them a beau*ild polish, and preventing a anaaalare decay. Those Identity decayed it pieventi from becoming worse—it also fastens such as are be. coming loow. and by peneveranee It will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breatlidw licloasty sweet Vold by WM. JACMINi tabour trelet. • ; reari9 - • ADERIDERATUM TO • 'ALI, WRO WRITE— /darks' India Rubber Fluid, for PmkettlingPem corroding in lob; also for adapting them to some on parchment without the aid of pumice, and-to facilitate the ink 'lowing free. To students, conveyancers, end . mercantile men, It is invaluable- kty merely adding a few drops of this Fluid to the ink to usafit will Monody he found to be tha best •otiliory arm offend, as to neu tralises the acid, plecipitelet the sedieleat, eatises a free dove of the int, and dispenses with the Mouths of trip. lug a pen. Just received and for sale by • . JOIRVISTON & STOCKTON, Stationers, marak e tor Inaeket and ad ste" NTll` 4 o,l".:',?;,"o,7.`tod,itar"oa - ;f47" - ' baster; by J Merle D'Anbigne, D. 11, Author of ilia uny °fibs Reformation, Life of Cromwell, kn. A Practical Expoon of the Gospels of lab Mat thew and Si. Alaq, in the form: Of Lectures, intended in assist the practice of domestic instruction, and divo too; by John Rini Pammer, D.A. Bishop of Chester. Fur sum by ELLIOTT A. ENOL/SH. • 56 market st, bat ad and 4th OTTON—ai bales new huldin6 from near Hudson; lin nib, by 15.A.1 4 /1 DICKEY k Co, Inar27 Water and frant so LARD—: bblr No 1.; 12 bblo No 2, now lowboy (om . manor IlLo1son; for rale by . • _mar. DI9NEYA CO • FEATHERS -2.1 sacks Festbers haw tap lin fnom stonmarlludsoa; for sale b morn -. 18 . &11 DICKEY & - Co °Nitrlsitt,l bro'', N.° it' fte'd 'th'r num ROWNSON & Co SOAP.- 11,1l.N& ZdeCNNDI.4.S BACON -273 pieces, he's. round, iW received and, .1.) Ica NW by mart 7 WICK en MeCANDLM3 GliiiiiD.NUTS —8 sacks Ten a easel, Eresind . Notat tar We by________mara WICK & laccANDLmts , swax& IMO; r•Ra"..—ier ankle of &Wes, - ~,L for eels by Ike quanliii. . SPANO le Co, • - mv3llvs .' , ' 39 and 39 lamer st. luy lAda No 2 and 3 Mackerel for EAN3[ltlitudteCincllnlrPL*flir ei l l ' e Y by: 4‘', .. .. M ACNFHvI _ nn DT - MODyNN te:43 _ mar2.l ) D WiLIJAMIa. DR. bI'LANUSLIVEIi PILLS-2CO poen ter these celebrated Pil/a A lame profit &towed to coun ty dealers. marz J HIM &Co an • cleats ' and r • ea, *de by boar& • D T MORGAN &Co EPPER--30 kegs Pepper, for sale by , ,;ggrig DT MORGAN& Co NDIOO-10cor000• 81 7 . 1ndigo t ior gala by tonr/S. T MORGAN k Co LT, D : — ..1 1 .1,0 P ruurJ b -4- er Z71)11E11 1 4' 4 F i fal 6 , l l;" b.b ra i' Ll t"ti"d • P l r ;D ki ll.l% ' 'brr d P ' ARD-30 LblsJustlsivid per BVRI . ‘I, Fde nORN: In - store aral far sate by m.r3 J$ DIJAVORTH,I7 wood in INS-2C9D lbefor ale by Ur SE J 8 DILWORTH - - - - Ttel• 111011CiAN k Co ot.eases—auo bbl. Pantattou Atobusa thr eAle ay by mark) D MORO a. Ca RIERPEACHES AND APPLES =60_40441*i e m heekee; 100 APP I "; 1 " I "' b rri : JAMES DAL 1.1. R . OLL BUTTER-3 bbis Coeds list roc ha and ar saki by. maul JOHN 9 DILWORTH'S STEAMBOATS. CINCIS . NATI ir f Prrrsatman .. - "'i DAIL L Y PACKET LINE. rbas Isiirkiiciern line of - splendid pmccuger ers Is nom composed of Me ./itscsl,.. Melt, 4444 d and furnished, and mom posse rid boats ma the *mem of Me - West.' I.'sery accommodation and coriu. fon that money cm ;mamma, has been proridmffor pa. eengers. The Line hai beet m operattou for fire years lins carried • million of people althout the IV -01 . ry to their persons. - The bar. Will be at 'Um ken of Wood street the day previous to carting, the the romp. non of freight midthe entryof passengers oar the mem. ter. In nil eases the passage ,cieney most be paid in .. _ . The ISAAC NEAVTON, leave Pittsburgh every ,eautlay.marningat, 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Sunday ereurng xllO rgt May , 1E47. ' . • 310EXIKE PACKET. he 110N0\ ."UELAIC O PL. Swam, will teat.; Mr. burghevery Monday morning at 10 o'eleaelq Wheeung every Monday creams all() e. at. TIIEBDAY PACKET. • • -- The HIBERNIA Nu 2, Curt. J. bass:rex:ma .111 leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday teeming at 10 n'e/oek; Wheeling every Tuesday. eventng at ID t. at WITHEIDAT PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No 2, . s. Dux, will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday, =truing: at ig „kw,* wbetung eery Walnendarevaing a 10. it 410V1Valkj (4 . 4 . _ The BRILLIANT, Cep(. Gucz,.2will burgh every Thunday morides at o'elockoll.ll4 'every 1 1. 1 .4.7 . 110 z . • FILIDAT PACZ T. • t Ths CLIPPER N 0.2, Capt. Camas, will leava Pitts. burgh ovary Friday: motalog 12 OrlockiWireliog every. Friday aventog JO . SATURDAY. rie.3IESENGEH, Capt. S. ktrso, wiu h," Intrgh every Satarday morning at 10 grelaaa Meeting every Saturday evening at /0 r. m. BEAVER FACEIT. S.—NEW ARRANGEMENTS. The steamer • CALEB will leave Sir beaver. Glasgow Wellsville. on Tuer . day,..lharaday, and Saturday, of each week, et 9 act , a. return ing MI Monday, Weduesday and Friday. She has ar boater the laridnig between Wood street And the Midge, prepared to receive freights at any lime. •. k W. LLARBAUGH.. octlt ' - No 33 Waal ot. BUYER AMI IVIaLSVILLE PACXET. , , The Lille steamboat . Cherie. 1: Clarke, muter, will, during ceedng winter waron, make tUdly trips to Beaver and We/131111e, buster Pit:Aaron eve• ry r at 9 o'clock, and Welluille at 3 O'clock, F. It. eel° G. Al. IEARTON L. CO- AOC ~ .....--1-__ lil . ' • miTs „'""Ert.l":l 7 g_.” PIEuRILIRY Isj - I FEBRUaIr.T 1cy18413 . . - - - - LEAVE DAILY AT El A. 31... AND 4 P., 71.1. -- , ~...r . ...... The following now boats complete ' the lino for the present scasotia AT LANTIC,. Capt. low.' Pezkinung ALTIC, Copt. A. Jorol's; and LOUIE ItPLANE, Copt E. Bennett The boats •re mainly new, and are tined op without regard to expense. Ev ery comfort that money can proems, has I welt' provided. The Boom will lease the Monongahela Wharf Boat at the foot of Rasa st. Passengers will he. pinensal oa .heurd, es the boats will certattilyrleare at s he• &dyers Lind hours, n A. M. snot! 4 P.M ' lomat '. • Mgfigiao • FOICNAPIIVIL7X.. , . • ~„,_ ' . 'I he /the almoner. . . .. '' COhlE & B' n ' ' l lle r. l7, r 4l4. ' io ll s i t,trill, "N lt. 'hvill. For freighter passage apply on booze. . ! ; 'apt ----,---,....-.------ -----------..-- FOE SC.. LOUIS. .. e. Th new, splendid an ;Lammas. .. ffii ' steamer WYOUING., . Grandee, otaster, , cill leave for above a and intermediate'. pons on this day, ate o'clock. For freight or parrage. apply ou board or to 'GEO It AtILITZLSERURES,AgenI. apF__,_• _ . _ . _:.. , • FOR F.M.LOCIS. .. - The new and numnitmeth Steamer. :At" ii i 11,Pg3t0,'„ 4 , 1 7..1 1 4", G 11ft a re obove and gmernfentamk'Olu for bararday, dt 4 o - eimk P. AL -- To r, freig•M or passage 141. Or on board - - % 'moat, FOR CINCINNATI AND 5T..1.011. The inn etranter ~ ahn. NSW ENGLAND' , ..r , Ebbert, _ldurter. it Jeariefor .the ye and an intennediate pons. on Saturday, And! I, o f 10 &a/oak, a. re- Poe. freight or paaaage apply on board. • mnnll • • FOR 1.1/BEELINE; 10.1) BRIDGEPOIZT. The at and substaniial low allot steountrost HMSO; drew Poo glover. has tamed het regular tripe between Wheetritg, Bridgeport and Pius— burgh, lensing Pittsburgh on Mondays sold ThseSdays. -toars - - FOX VVABASJI RIVER. i , "..' i s Tho near and aplondid 14..drough 1 ---: , C s:e amen EUREKA. - - • • .._ , R J Thom, blomer, will are far La FaTette null intermediate porta oo o..ordar, the 14 of A roil. nt 4 o'clork,-P... SI. • For freight or pponge apply on board,. in • , mar2lo. J Nt..%s"rux JONEZ, Mon . .. 1i00.6t. • AMMAR PACIff.T FOR SUNFISH. Tbe oratrin'yorarner "2"" wELL.sviux. Eiarnesonaster, will knee Gar abort doll Intermediate pans on.Wethse. Ono nod gamins of etch :Week. Foe frolgtoca pas. In 10 Mi . ? * " . GEO II AIILTE*.s. =GM. AO. 1111511UHG1I k {VHF-MANG pACEI2.7I • o ni ffitii:! . . 41 .!"...ta .. ...,, • v-• 7Piseter waste; '42 tears otterly, tot - I% heelnltt, ort . Altandayi Wednrodayond Friday, at to caelocreeirely: • • Leave lt.leehag every Mataday, Thmaday and So. undsy, at 7 o'clocko ea. precisely. • .The Cooed win lied. at all the odestiiedlete posta.—; Every were:sedation that C. be preceded tot the cos. Ott owl safety of pas/wagers has beep provided. The 1.0 a 21. n prc : via.l with n !.elfoetiux peaty ' w ard prevent ezpb •: cr,s. to } Or.frela i tZ L in;llai r agy On or w feb4 ' . comer of end Reniiltdeld sti • MeNLTSPOILT, ELIZABETH AND .110NO — NCITNrc -- LA CITY PACKET. '''.— The acv steamer ''. ' a • • DIiNPATCH; •' ' Nelson, mower, will a rinl e P ve •-swbrra Wednesday udFri n a g .at b o h ck;s r .: lo Mo . nonsoleLa City every Tuesday, Thursday and !Saturday, • as d o'clock, a. st. For freight of paw* appsr .1 hoard.. ma C=i3El _. .-. . . cea,.... .The . new anktilht itreetht steamer neitowuNr.; . • A D Mlle; Metter. wilt letivelor the ..e port every. Wednesday and Bat ettlarou 4 P. Al.ifilrof freight:or pomage att9l7 ma . FANCY DRY GOODS. SEAMAN 3 9 I way, Bow .York s TOJPORTF.RSANDJOHBERS of Silks, French prin. ted lfo,lioa , Raregev, lama Embroideries: - Nest am., Shawls, Hoeiery, Oioves, Lawns, tharelkeh‘ee, A.TiDALL OTHER YAWL - 171E130F Wl - HOOD& They invite country Merchants, visiting New York, to examine their Hoek before making their _porshesen Inr: Haim. for many years of the howe OA. T. Stewart A Co., inion which retired or, the tit of Jan. he Mr. James Dickson, (olio has. interest ht the business,' sow also favorably known in that estab.. lisbment. nier3l4 BARNET, NESBIT & GARRITsos, FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Commission sard•PorsirraselAg . . -- II ORE RANTS, ..r. No. C 2 Not= 'Wneirres, AND 129 Wass.9ol A. ' Aim John 11. Brown A Co. 4.l)!jA ' i Roben ti Al, n. . , , • .. , - Eamon. /leaver A. Co. 4 .".µ.999 , Surilh,'Eseeley lc co, Allen &Came, 1 , New York. .... • . Walters & IlesseT, I Bradenusr. Heist!). re Siefilb, anbc 9 ,2n,Walson &Col r ' . '-'"'",• , • EeileT, Crosse re Co. - . '" , ga Kind Jones, •' , je. - Liberal nab idea:tees On COOSignlOrtntl SO Oar ss -' : -----r 7 ----- " --- -- n '.' '..k.21":_.. ISAAC CRUSE; • r 'GENERAL CORIBI/SION m aßegion', PORTHE $.11.1: OP PRODUCE fe PROVD4LONS.-• - Nos. KG and IN Raines Wm.,. Rarrnzais • DALTON/RA AID 31erchantaor riniburgh. • skLAso, FOR INVALIDS AND INPAN.lVhitney's An row Root Rusk Powder. o a cid pad highly nutritious food, which:l.4Sr turas acid au tlas stomach, and Is now taurersal ' , semen:waded by the rally la P. 00(010 .00 Rmel, So pa, •Tapioea, or plain Arrow Rath as boner suited to the debiln MEd Its...pea of h. .valid., and a mare strengthening and whoknome (pod for infants. Fot ale by RT. SFJ.LMIS, mar'sfa WIWI Pi • _ . WlSH—lsaac Cruse, Baltimore, hrd, sciLl hddlitd to have orders from his friend. in Pittsburgh and elsewhere, for the purchase of Shad and Iterviugs da 'tug the wawa Orders executed with despatch, and at lowest rates. Charges for purchasing ligto. meal . - RELIXO:CaIbIIS-a baazoblerefined bklicausd4 blt4atelia:...iitttd; an I,* rlaEi elo slam sad formic by !MILS A lIIITCIIINON & Co, morn Agent.. a& Louis Stearn Sagarilainerr • BEA.NB—fr e 431 bbl . ak White Beak.% Jrarl T received anal far sale • . aura WICK IIteCADLTMS OW HEARING-131 boxei Lbarri r air for , sali • 7 b p maw: ' WICK*. 31V.:41% 01.1014 r • Ll,oue on " SIVEL44 I. CLOT/LIS? AP -4 boxes ju v e - iieed, fo..efe • pookcd, of good cosettp. 1 do nil; ISAIAH DICUY • (.14, agid tradrii ACI tur;-e Meekerel .I.U; and for sale bymsuzs a 110111NSOZT IT/1/4DOW ANVG Tr Hz to Chau; Z.O do 11A1,9 do; /5 102111,5 Z Froesplot ettakn ro W store and gu quantottles; KILT, Jonah, by InzarZl) PULT,M*2[TER kco T n—r.rds .1-- - rive, b 'VEZERUIN Q 1.0610 anaorted meta . hi wWe ATEfaR .POIN S GroPPks:.uo tkairigregid Ce k i, eo l iivr , 11.4 R HOLINOCIfft:Co on try OCCUR/NOS-4i buks recely.;i ba and elt sale by -m nn PUINDWITEII T OAP 151 J OAR-so bb1.1.1- 4 . 1 . 6 & 14 # 1, 7 Awn_ DMZeirgo4.4 to.