The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 31, 1848, Image 1

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    :T--' V,:
: rt‘t t\ : v
AUbOS, LAPHAM A Co-Hide tutdLeatberitoaJ.
Pe/ry«-N«w: Vork. :
\ ■ Owr.i'ilUbarjh. K. Letici k
.3. . •
"! . ■ Cortiguawi* of ” e%tera Leather tdicitctL and lib
j rmi advance* mad*, if regnlrcd. febluttm - •
AWvXAKUHR' CORDON, CoomUmumi and For*
wan-’inj SI Water aud lie Front»:«.
Fi utwrjjJi. . ■ . nsdrU
ATWOOD, JONKSA Co. Coaml*n»n and For.
-Wa/Uii*s.Mercljaou, Jutro returued to tkeir old
'■■i ..Maail ritUbnrgtL octgl
• rcnntcK' buck. • czokoe kstul
IIItAUN A JtIUrER, Wholesale aud Retail Drug*.
JJ giti*, corner of Liberty, and Sl Clair street*, Piua-
'• . „ roayU
B"lSv»N~i 7 u Vi-BEBTSO}«, Wi.oln.lo Groceii,
•«M CoaunuHoa Aierclunu, No. *142, Liberty it
rtiUfrgfglu I’m, 'c.:. <;> •' . deafly.
T> A.TAHNE3TOCK & Co., Wlwleeaio and Be*
;!>• tSU Dfuganu, comer Wood and ClhtU.' jyl
BAUALEV a bMil'll, WJjoiciale Grocer*, Is and
<1 Woo&atrcei Piluoargfc- . > *
A- HdANCLTY. A Co., Forwarding: and Con>
/• rusf iou Merchant*; Canal Hi tin, PituVurgh Pa.
' •■ ' ' . . mchil
7 wK-eteau*,* jtfHjrj. Tiacsww, ui. : yr, tuiuua.
HAULM AN, & Co, Jttaunfacuum of
i Carries* tiprianaod AxJw, A.-H.' and SpfiHj
Meel, sud deui«»ia Cotch'Trimming* of Wefyde*
•rriptiOUj.manofaelofy on SW Clair «L Warehoti*o 43
Wood it,-Appp*ftoBt?-ChArte* Hotel. . /anM 1
»- - . - ;. . / .y • • *. K’KBISBT. -
/TAKbON x McKNlGllT,{lucceuort laii. Coolier
V/ k P<>n) WtolesaJa Grocer*. ContßiMtoa uni For*.
,* .wtftluif aierplie/uviieelcr*in rrodueemiiis Piiubnrgh
‘ street, betweeu Wood and Liber*
»i% JftUAtwrgtfe!»«.- ■ -ocU
>jtGANA,C9,.WholeasJa_{}rq<er* and
ssiOuAlerchanis, 100, Woodst-'’ ? frb*3 ;
EDWARD iJEAZLCTONV WEoleiale Grocer, ea*l
side of lAainoud, Uurd coo; from Diamond Alley,
Puuborgh. '. .; " ’■ ■ my 4 1
IJUVALT & GEniUOT, Wboleulo Grocer* deai-
J fcr* bil'nxlucß »udl > itutwrgti WwMifMturc*, «gr.
mr of B*nd iU., tiutbirgb, t*>. ? iebl7
k ...; *uf*fc VHsuss.. •• i'• turn i:.taaajtn: ‘
* ‘ TKGLISU *• itoiXKIT, (UU>
. li ft (Co.) WholcwleGrocer*, l ro r.
! ,'intrdiuf uerclisau, «bi| dealer* in ftodaeo aa<t Pnu
“ ' barjli l&auuUcturt*, No.
.; - ■ aJtmX*. -■ • -—!••• .• 1 OCll
. .v.r.'.«Mwxs»;£ v. :i -sto. xttft.i'* - ruxn mow.
•V'lUtKLt, OHEYJfc Co, .-Wtoletata Uroeenuul
i i •. ,i JC- .Cqiiusimmu Meicbatus, ud AgtnU farßrUbton
Cuion'Yftnu.!to».£7 Walor.iuul ltts Fxont iti-Viu*-
■' •■ •.•••■■'.'• • •.-• . . fefa- .
'• *nv t BLU6IK, riaooFoiia:M«roracutfgr-aad dealer
, :JC .at In MiMieftl liutrOneuto, 114 >Yood lU nur toh.
~ rr..: v ~
1-- .•\jr : rtanderi'-au(f<la» Huei», : lWl Front, betweeu
-VVoodand yntiihileid »trecw I l , ittabttrgh,Pa. '; :
.> >i' - U7*llighc*t price given for old Copper asd Brut.
. -j. ■•■■■• -/-• <f f-'-'dClB-:
LOUUD MORGAN A Co, Wholesale Grocer*
and Comini tabu Merchant*. IUS Wood at, Flu*-
trurghj-Pm.- ' ' ’ . , . aogll
■ umiiisiif. jiomr mean, a*,'-"
ISAIAIi UICKEY A, Co. t Whaterala Crocm. Com*
suuioa iul'rodßce, NoubG
Uaier, ml to?Pnuaalrteu,ritubargh.- .. ... uotti.
G'fcO. \V,aAiiTil •£- Cavßfewrrs, tod
r Ud»ler*jii l’iiuirorgh *u4 Poua Drcwrie*,
torn mnd put m., • -,'■■■■,■ •' , jai .
GEoiIGK COCIJIL4N, Comznisjiian udfbnranUng
Merchant^No.SU W<?qdtUCTvHlUbtttgh.* myl?
HUiABV DRLTiOX, Wtite toJ LettMand
f»ciuier,|X*aiuj*o4 OtUUerchaat, comer of Lib*.
■ ' *»y and o , HapL«i»i Pimbnfgh. ' . jclS
»• !<<■' 1 0UN C SJtirrn*- 801 l Turner, atO*JU Sboenbe t
u ’ - V gen* Iron Worfca, fimbarglir-lrt>a~ Mmuficiurtn
4. ~ 'g'rfting.ltoUwg Mill Machinery 'at PWJsburzb, are rc
;-.-npeetl«Ujr*inT»tedto calL' • '
• v ’fuming dona with ‘ * -- -■
JAMES S MeGCIBG, jltli oftlis finaofAim iul
.'McGuired Mokchaal Tailor, St Charles Buildings,
Thtnlstreet,uoaf Wood, Pittsburgh: ’ .
J'“ aales a. mrrcmaoN, * Co-s«c«io™ to
Lewis Hate bison A. Co, Comhaision Merchants,
' .> anUAgcuts of the St. Lotus Btcmnt SagaT Re£gery.
Nul 45-water nod vd front streets, Piusborgh.
;aul'i" '• •_
T Rl - CLACK, Merchant. Tailor, Exchange Rail*
• ‘tl * dings, St Ctair n.,i'ittstmrgfa. - v... jailtu
1 'TOUK s' inLiv-ORTil—Wboleaalo arocer, Pro*'
• |J. fIQGc mud Commission Merchant, NO.-S 7, Wood at,'
-.•■piitoiiurak. r . ••> ‘ - jaai
JOIIND. MORGAN, tnioleaile Druggitt. mod deal
er in Dye Siarf*; Punts, OiU, Vaniii&u, fee., No. (U
Wood iiree i, ode dooritoatb of Diamond Alley,
mrcU.l - 1 •'•■■■-•; . • _ ■>...'••■■ -/v -jstil
TAiiis KKItR, Jr- A (umiioclo ioKphti,
j. ||'iltiyupSlitp CAniMUen, w IVticrntm. odil
JOUN U. MELLOH, Wholesale ami Retail dealer
iu MusicaadMuricai Instrument*, School Dooas,
} „ taper, Plate*,feted Pens, OidlD, Primers* Cardvaad
“feiatjoiiary generaUyiNo,ai\Voodst., Pittsburgh.
, i - (Tf Rags bought or taken In trade., • . aeplS
'V *IOiRrSCOrrr& Wboleule’GrMMi.ForWaLr
dvs |f iaglcnd Comuilssiou Nercliaatv Dealer* io Vto
au;e aijd Pittsburgh' Masu&ictare, No. ? Cocsmercial
' Row, liberty street, near the Canal, Pittsburgh, Pa.
' ' ociu ; • • - ;■■ ■
J WjBOONiIAKKB A Wholwala Druggists,
« No.-tH Wood street, Piilsbnrgh. .
JOSEPH JOBDG.X& SOS, Commission amf For.
. -wardingAl e rehaau, So. Id liberty at, (opposite
fcmitoficld au,) Sampson 1 * Row; - - . jano
3 OHS D DAVIS, Ancupaeer, roniersth *bA Wood
-street*,Pittsburgh. i ; beta"
JOUXSTUX A STOCKTON, Bookselleriy Primers
and Taper Mttonfoetater*, Xo. 44 Market ax, Pnu
bargh. I •' . -.jet* '
J • I*. BEAU'S Book Store, Ith, near Alarkcistrcet,
«, .Classiest, ’1 beoiogieal, Historical, School, Muccl-
Unooas, and hlcihodm Books and Stationary.
V' t;.. YV:.COGERTSON 4 Co* Banker* and Exchange
. .’.tl.Bfobecs, comer of, Wood and «d sis., Merchant's
, lioid Building*,Ptffriiurgh, Fa.-
fj Currency purchased at the usual rate*, octtl
TOlTff CElEtt,- Wholesale Grocer, dealer in Pro
> tl. dace, Pittsburgh Alanaiaciuie*, Tin Pla es, Ac. Ac.
Liberty sl, Pittsburgh. janS
. jutta Jioto, \" ; txaso rtors. •
J AB:FLOYD, Date J.,Floyd 4- Co J Wholesale
S-Gtocera, No-IOV Liberty klrceC.-j- - .
JhMES pALZELLj WholesaleGrocer,Ccmiuuuon
Merchant, and dealer in .Produce and Pio»burgh
-MamilacUirw.yjNo.lßWatcf at, Pittsburgh. jaalb
Vesuvine Iron Worfca*
T. hVHS, ItALZELL 4 Co, wamilac turers of
j tca batj Sheet, Boiler Iren aud: Mads of the t>e*t
iioaiiry. Warehouse, 54 tyater and Ktffrout at,;
«.MV janL>- ••« ‘ '■'
l'f . g;WATE2lUAN,«Wfcoloaale Grocer,Forward
i1 T iiry »md Crmmrissioa Merchant. Dealer ittPitU
ooTub Manufactures and Produce, No*. SI Water at,
*"’anuttfProat»i. " - - r jay
\Ctxii Smusut, .X ■■ ■' 1 - ' - - ; ; -wfljr nurxox:
T AMBfclhT t & SHIPTON, >Yhole*ala Grocers, Per
l's wardinjaud Cof&miiaioit Merchants, dealers-in
prodacd aint Pittsburgh &Uaulh«taTe»,‘Kos; 13 and 133
Wood at, Pittsburgh. . ~ r •r r- ■. fcfe3 ••
HyTEBCEE, BBOTUEES 4 Co., Comaiissiob JUr*
■ IVI cHanli, Philadelphi*,Tor the ot produce gcj
•oetaJlr. Liberal adraneea made on coasiguosnlsl
imu n. M’etLt, •a. s. acannato, - wairr* e. xoa.
TkjCcGILL, BVSBVUZdI 4 UOK, Wholesale Grocers
IYI and Commiaucn Merchants,No? 194 Liberty at,
Pittsburgh.: - :
. -««**■■*, .. n tr inxica, ' vne r. naio.
.Tk/f ALLEN 4 ttt, CoramisMna mud Forwarding
ilia 34a* Chants, - Water and- Prom at*, between
Wood and Market au;. ' •- • jaofl
•2><-u*hti : VtLa. 1 - c. iv. kicatxaoK- •
KUiUia 4 HICKET&ON, Wholewle Grocera and
CoouniMiOu JJercbaata, No. 170, iiberry *t, Pitta*
. ttu-jb, Pa., . • ■ ■ - »jauU
-TVTcCOBU 4 KINO, .Wholesale aud Retail Hat aitd
Alanutaclurea. anddealcra hi Fancy Furs,
cornel ot Wood and Kifto tu. • iaiQl_
TLT. fiOLMRS 4 SON, No. tA Market at, aeeoad
(h>mcorner air Fourth, dealers in Foreign
• Mid jXwteaiio Rilisof Exchange,Cemhcaiesoi Bepu**
, it Bank Notes andspccic.
fry Collection* toad on- ail' the principal cities
throughout the United State*. '; • • dect7
/\BUM, McOREVV 4 Co., Produce, Forwaidingaod
If comoisaion hictehenu, No. 0 Commercial Row,
iJoenrat. Pins’urglt, Pa- • * : : «p!7,
.•- •• »ixtjtnEa* < • ' 1 * ’ • c.'it ottiar.
' TYUlN'UiJiTfclli 4CA,>Vhole»ale GroecnoodGom
’ML misaiooand Fowanting Merchanu, N 0.41 Waur
,Sncu . ■-■■■■ teas
IOBERTSON i BEPBEBT, rn«Bi«D~leri mid
\ Afcitbana, .N-J. lUO Second sUeet,
ttahargh. :■ '• '• ' Jr -’- r
EICHAIU) T. LEECH, >r, Infflotter and Dealer in
■ Foreign and UomesUe Saddlery
Canton Trunniin«*,<rt all desmptiotis, No. Ist. Wood
, '' it.llttttttrgh. :... .
■ TJICHARD BARD, Wholeaato and Retail Dealer w
. XL Leather, Morocco, Shoemaker» , Toga and nod
- togs, TanueraUud Cmtora' Tool*, and Tanners' Oil,
, NOtlOq Woodsy Pittsburgh. ; J ■ . , **P W:
r 'Jk Oo- Wbole»«Je Grocer*, }*/odiieß
JEW >od rommmmo AltKhabWttadPealgrtio Hui*
• Garth Abumfketure*, Jio, LsU liberty
*■ Pa. •. jofiuJ !
>/ 'YYOQEtrr. DALZELL k Co., WhakMlfl Crocer*,
’'XV Comminiou audForwardißf Merchant*,dealer*
iii I'rpdac* and Pittsburgh JUamiUetares. Liberty ah
. Filtsburgb; Pa. ■>• .•:.*■•••- • T.r.r.gbH't
DODT. A. CUNNINGHAM, WboleialnGrocer,
Jty Dealer in Produceami Pittsburgh Manufactures,
stpTn< Liberty st - . --iy**.L
KOJJEBT MOQUE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying
Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pi(t»Uirgb.Majinfsi>
lures, and all kinds of Fordgu and Domestic Wifte*
-liquors, No. ULiberty so, Pittsburgh. - ••
iryN. IL.Un baud.a very Urge auwk of ruperiof
'Ow/JWJODgaliela-Whakey, which will be sold low tot
caelL" mr-cWf
• L oJaxrwfcbS, r.L «rxc ; ;
• TrtBVNOLDS ft BHEE,' Forwarding aod Commutwii
Jy Marehanla. far the. Allegheny Hirer Trade, dual
'•raia Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Mamifactbrcri
•odCfchjiidebfUruc...' . '>;••'-•••
■ . •.. highest price* lu caw, paid at all timesloteoon
try rap. Comer « Pena and Irwin ala,- • •' -jiujif
A«i *ny, »t, opposite Smithheld, Dealt ra ill rJbvr,
jUmUaad Seeds, aim Duller, Lard, ~ »pt44y.
-OIiACXLKIT * WHITE, Whaleralo Dealer* la
■l© FWsiru and Domestic Dry Good*. N©.» Wood *t
■i V r- .. - - 7cM7H :
lyPtoM and Pnidoes generally, and Porwarduir
Merchants, No. aJ Wood at, Pin*
BkQAUy.k CoVWhoUialo Grocers and
’Ji V®rJt , «*tlvt*»Nn.Ba34lark«i atraat, bctwwn Mi
P** side, • . , Bor g .
■n M*»'. •-•irr.
'■'■*’■ . - - , ,
S C. HlLL—(Successor .u» Hill A r Browne,) lmpor
i ier-aud manufacturer, ofPaper Hangings ami
.Hoard*, and dealer io writing. printing,'oud wrapping
.paper, b 7 Wood m Pittsburgh, Pa.. Rags and Tan
jicr’s scraps purchased at the inchest market price. -
r. s hazes; nraicsciL- . joux xionora; muitza.yd',
SELLERS i NICOLS. Product) And General Com
mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty sL, Pittsburgh.
Sperm, linseed atal Lard OOa. .
S-F. VON BONNJJORST. & Co., Wholesale Gro
. cm, Forwarding and Commission -Merchants,
Healers'in Pittsburgh Manniacturei* and Western Pro
duce, bare removed to their uCw warehouse,(old stand)
No. as,'corner of Front st. and Chancery Lane.
. iurt> '■ •••■■.
SAMUEL AL KIKR, Forwarding and Commission
Merchant, Dealer in J*roUuce itud Pittsburgh manu
factured articles,Canal Basin, near 7ih st. • dai
npASSEY A BEST, Wholesale Grocers and Corarais
i slotr dealers in Produce. No. 35
wood su Pittsburgh. - ' - • a psa
t. r. louarru, * a. j. roiamr.
m P. .FORSYTH A'Co., Commission Merchants,
1, dealers in Sait, Lumber, Groceries, Produce and
Pit'sburgh Manufactures, Canal Roaia, Liberty street,
Pittsburgh. . - ■ .■ . . ■ ; ; . febU
TATM. B- FOSTER, Agßnt for Mexican eoldicis and
Jf procuring pensions, at the office of Wa E Aus
tiu, Eeq, Burk’s buildings, 4th it, Pittsburgh. My sou
in the general, land office at Washington; will oiteud to
ray basin ess there free of expence to applicants.
*IX7'EST BQtVEN—Commission and Forwarding
V. . Merchaut, No* W Front sc between Wood and
Marketurect*.. - feb94'
wm. si’cncaxoa, soar. M’crrtuzoa, .
XXT' d- R- M'CUTCIIEON. Wholesale Grocers.
I>T a TJealer* m Produce, Iron; Nalls, Glass and
• Pittsburgh Manufactures gehenUtr, lSd Liberty street,
Ptusbargb. . -'jyiu
loax p.- UTcs, : . ’ savur m’c/xdlbb.
\\riCK A M’CANDIESS, (successors to L. A J. D.
TT . .tr.wkJ tVholeaale-Grocers, Forwurdiug and
Commission Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nails, Glass,
Cottou Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures scuerally,
-comer of Wood and Water streets, .
TinUTMORE * WOLFF, Importers And-Wltole
' T ‘ **le dealers in- Hardware, Cutlerjv Saddlery.
Ac^No.soWood street, Pittsburgh. ' apdd
TXT . W. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Furnish
'TV • tug esublishment. N 0.844 liberty sL, near the
cauaL • ■■■. - • marts
TX T. Mi GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy und-Supl
.IT • Dry Goods,No. 79 .Market street, Pixubureh.
,1 uOTI3-dly _ : ,
TXT W WILSON,- Dealer iu Watches,' Jevrelry,
; 1T- * Silrer Ware, Military Goods, fcei, No. 57 Mar
ket st* ■ - v . • - - • nor 7
Y\T - Rl MURjpHV. 'VVholesaJe and Retail dealer in
. TT: • Foreign \aud Domestic Dry Goods, north l east
corner of Market and Fourth its. , augtil
J, RRYAN, -Rectifying Distiller, and Wholesale
V dealer In Foreign and Domestic Winds and Li
ijnors,No, XU liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley
Pittsburgh,Pa. ; . . jyt7-dly
W) ARRICK MARTIN A Co~ Bankers,' Dealers in
'T f Exchange, Bknk Notes and Colmcemer ol Third
aud .Wood streets, Pituborgh. l’a, aorltMly
tra. Tonro, ' - 1 ’ • ■ • .- ■ ran. a x'citxs.
\\J M. YOUNG A Co.—Dealers la leather bides, Ac.
Tf" 143 Liberty at. - -- ' • lanS-ly >
•XIT AM, MiTCHELTRKE—WhoIesaIe Grocers,
TV a Rectifying Distillers, and .Wine and liquor
Merchants, also, Importers of boda Ash and Bleaching
Powder, No. ICO Libexty it. i’a. jansdly
OLrrsa uacxßrxx, orosax tn. joxcl
O BLACKBURN . A Ox, Wholesale Grocers and
• dealers in Oils, Boat3lore,~aud Pittsburgh Man
moeiured articles, have on hand, at all times, a full and
.general »ssortment of goods inthtir line, Water street,
near Chcny Alley, Pittsburgh- . tul3
JOHN M. Druggist and Apothecary,
No. 45 Market st, three doors above Third st. I’iu*-
burgh, will hare coustsnUyon hand a well selected as
aottment of (ha .best and freshest Medicines, which he
will sell on.the most reasonable tetme. - PUysiciaus'
sending orders, will be promptly at ended 10, and sup
plied with articles they may rely upon as genuine.
*11?" Physician* Prescrintions will be accurately and
neauy prepared Rom the best materials, at any hour of
tbe dayornight '*
. Alaedbrsaie,-a latga stock of fresh and good Perfa
tneir»';-' ~ jaui
EAGLE COTTON-WORKS, Piiuhurgb, Maaafac
lure Cotton Yanr, Candle Wick, Bauiug, Twiue,
COTCrkt Yarn, Carpel Chain. Warns, Ac. Ac..
... (Successors to Arliuckie A ATery,)
JaaZ ' .'. ~j ; L ' . Proprietors.
So. !?7 Canal street. New Or
• lean*, Agents fbr J. B. Armatu's Extcnsire Steam
t«gar Refincrr. Always on band a large stock of
Loaf, Powdered, Cnubed, Clarified and Bastard Sugars,
in Tierce* and Bartelx.Aiso, Sugar House Molasses.
Price* lilieraLfnd s tair allowance made on all sales
.of or abore 50 barrels.- . > •■; • . mehU
GEOi-W.-BMITH A Co.. Brewers. MsUtn, and
Hop Dealers Pills burgh and Point Brewers, cor
ner of Baker’s Alley and Finn street, and loot of PiU
styPiitsbarghyPa. .• "■ . •
Cfc_- - T. 1L BISHOP, .Veierinery Bnrgeoa, caa
tSsAjs be found at Lis Hone Shoeing EsiabUsLmetit.
£F*MJ near tit. Clair street Bridge, lately occupied
*1 'by.Messrs. Carr A KowlamL us^dOm.
FH. EATON, Dealer in Trimmings and Variety.
« Goods, Tonoi* Shell, Ivory, and Horn Cotsb*,
Woolen Yarns dad Worsteds, Buttons, Needles, pins,
Trfpes, Brades, Ae~ No. 63 Market street, betweu Hia
moudand4tbst, Pittsburgh. . , jygsdly
R. T. tEECH, JR.,
io. xaa wood aT., pi-tTSßimcn.
|T AVENG replenished mr stock trom tbe best soar-'
Jl tes, both dotnestie and foreign, l take pleaenre in
mnnoancbig,lo .consumers and .flealers, that I am pre
pared so furnish them with all good* in my line, on stilt
better terms tiiatf heretofore....
Boyers .will recollect that dealing u -cxda*]vely n in
Saddlery Hardware and Carriage l*iimmings, I obtain
thereby, advantages that enable tne to deiy eoxnpeti*
lion. 'Call, sec, and Judge for yourselves. ~ . sp!7
saac ronst jobs r. ecus,
MAN'UFACTI!II£K9 of ipripg oinl blister steel,
ploujb steel, steel plough wing*, coach ard clip*
ue wrings, hammered iron axles, aud dealers In miu>
(cable easuags, fire engine lamps,and coach trimmings
gsueittUy, comer ofll.#«i-uDd Front anu, Pittsburgh,
Fa. • •■>■•- • _ ' ebi
PJBKI St TEA STQIIE.—No. :j Fourth
EyW, at, near Wood—All qaautitie* of Green and
EjgsUp Black Teas, done up in quarter, bait; awl
o.e pound packages, ransing fro.n 50 cts.-per pound
01,311. jyr A. JAYN^jAgt for Pekia Tea Co.
THE Insurance Company of North America, through
it*duly authorized Agent ibe subscriber, o£e»u>
make permanent and li,toiled Insurance on property, in
this city *nd ii* vicinity, and on shipment* by theta,
ual and Rivers.
Arthur G CoHn,
Sami W. lone*
ioliu IL NetT.
Richard D'. H'ood,
Win. \yVUb,
S. Austin Airiboiie.
ThiJ M the oldest Jtiiarance Company in the Luted*
Sum, having been chartered in ITIM. Its charter is
perpetual, and Irma it* Ugh elanding, long experience,
ample means, and avoiding all rixVsof aii extra hai
ordoos character, it may iM considered as oßetine am
pie security to the public. UOSK& ATWOOD.
' Al the Counting Hoorn of Atwood, Joue* A Co., \Vs*
lerandFroatetresu'Pitulmfßti - 'l'cbiU ,
John A. Brown, .
John* WMw> •' -
Thomas FlCope,
SarmtelT. Smith,
Samuel Brooks,
3UHN FIAiNKY, Jr.,Agent ni Pittsburgh lor the Dei.
aware .Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Fbile
adelphia. Fire Risks upon building* and merchandize
or every description, and Marine Risks upon bull* nr
cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most favorable
iry» ofSee in' the Warehouse of W. B. Holme* A. Bro.,
. J«a37 Wafer, neer Market street, Pittsburgh. ...
N. U,—The success of this Compaijy since the estab
lishment of (he'Agency fn this city, with ihe prompt
ness end liberklity with which every claim upon them
for iota has been abutted, fully warrant the agent in
itivJunr the confidence, anifpairortage ofbis triawU and
the community at large to the Delaware Al. S. Insu
rance Company,'while 1( has the udditkmal advantages
as Bfllhstiimiou among the moat nourishing iu l'tilaJel
phia—as bmvlug au ample flaid-lifeaptiaj, which by the
operation of iu charter Is .constantly increasing, as
yielding to each person insured ' bis due share ot the
profits of the company, without involving him in any
responsibility whatever, . and therefore as possessing
the Utitaei principle divested of.every obnoxious fee.
.lure,atulinjlsmpstettractrre(ionn- , nov4
FpilE American Fire insurance Conipauy —, No
X 7U Walnut street Philadelphia: incorporated A- D.
lelO—Charter perpetual. l.
Insure Buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and prop
erty generally, either in the city orcounty, agsiust
loss or: damage by fire, perpetually or for limited peri
ods, on favorable term*. .
.John Sergeant,
1 William i-yneb,
Thomas Ailibotie,
John Welsh, Jr. .
. John T. Lewis.
SAMUKL C. MORTON, Prcildenl.
Fsincts D. Jarvis ft. ijccreiary.
Order* for l&eunuce by the above Company will bo
•received and iruanmcet effected by the oiideriitned,
o«nt lor PiUAlmrjli. OIX>. COCHKAN,
• iK»rlff»3ta* •' • V 6 U'uod il
aaxcix a-sonioox.
msKLis ratß uiamscE co.
THK Fraukltn Fire Insurance Company, of Philadel
phia, aillt make Insa ranee. permanent and liudied
ou every description of property, in Pittsburgh and the
unrounding country, on' favorable termi. Thu com
pany baa a perpetual charter. - ■' •
Capitol,.. SluO,ucopaidia.
Contingent, iftind . • ~, * M *V** l , '
Offiea corner of Ttu*d and Market streets, Pituborgh,
apllWir > * WARRICK MARTIN, Ayciu. ;
■ Ainibl4A> JitOWWlllP.a
I FAcrrirKEiwoFi'frrrißuaoii-wm akuuioo,
adoor#eastof i he Von. Odtce, Fjiul/urgh, u ao author,
lied arenffor the SleubeßvJUo.DajJjr and Weekly Ikr
aid. *Jbo llerajd baa been cfiahtisbed nearly half a
CenlUrj, and boa na eglenaive and aabatantul ctrcula
tlon throughout Uie popuiooa and neh connUee af eaat*
nonce rratla, if rcgacstod. gg x ߣ.
TiTk IipAnypKTKfJ.VF.R - For flip baildere, boat
bulldef*. and lamber_»erchanu; bciug *
iiteaaurenieni'of #eamluM*?arda,
tenia of wjusre and roJTuntber, taw h«*j
eumprUed.ln a latmbW of mble»i** nr* h
talUaof sragea by the or leaMJjr tg
week or day, and. rail road diattucaa, jdao iDterwM*-
lile* by J M Scribner, oothor of the -En*ineei^rai*d
• : -narli. ~f ■ booksellers,cot, grarkclA 3 •
REMOVAI.-C. A. M'Anoltjr
to the warehouse* on Sloaa'e WhirfJ •VPIJf r Kl J?**.
u*i Batin, Liberty aw where they ore now-wily pro*
. pored to receive a lam aradaot or prodace AC-,U> awp
'on the opening of Canal Navigation to PuladelphiaAnd
H»himara and all Ituermaditiaplaeta. . »M(W
• tiittler? Fa
WlM.'tttto attend to collections and all other bust*
Bess entrusted to him ia Butler uud Aimsiroug
counties,'Fix. Ueierto ' *
• U. 4. It Floyd. liberty st. y
. AW \W Wallace, do «
'James Marshall, do f I’itubnryh.
<lly_ Ray & Co,, Wood,si. . ) jan7
Conaiiiloner of I)eedi
AT CINCINNATI.—I am nmUorized by lha Gover
nor ofl’enn»)l»anio to take
all insirumebu ©I wilting, also affidavits anil dej*t»t
tionsof persons‘io Ohio, to be met! or rocotdcd in
PeiiMylvania. Offif e ; two (Joori cmt of itid {Mayor's
Office, Cincinnati, Ohio.,
Altoniey at Lave.
J, B.i SWIUTZKn, at, office ltd •
« opposite £i. Charles- l|o el, . Pittsburgh,' wilt nl
uttcntl promptly lt> Colteclioiis, in WaAUlnglon, Fjtye
aud Green counties. Pa. •-
EJ. UENRY.rAllotncy and Councillor tu Inti
• Cincinnati,Ohio. Collections in Somhrru Ohi
and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly amt car
Fully attended to. Commissioner Tor tlio. Suite of Pen.
sylvoniu, fori taking Deposition?, acknowledgment
Ac. Ac. ‘ !
Hcrm to— lion. tYia. Dell A Son, Curtis, Charcli A
Carotßfcra, Win. Hay, fc>q., Willock A Pavla. ads_
VAVtp w. boa, AtoKSStrr s. asu-
DW. A A. 8. BELL, Attorney* xt l4tv. office in
• Stewart's Building,FounlieL,«cc<<nd door übuce
Woodstxcet. Pittsburgh, Pn,
D. \Y. Bell,- Commissioner lo take Deposition*, Ac
knowledgment* of Deed*, oml oiherjnatrumems of wri
ting, u> bo used in Alissooil. ■ jivlli-Um*
u. tv. tv'auuit, > ivw. 3«.‘ MUXS.
WILLIAMS A SHINN, («ticce**or* {o Lowrie and
Wiltiarp*.) Altomets ami Counsellor*
Office n onh' aide of Fourth street,- above SioithiHr
fcbPtlAwly - ■
JAMia orator; ' ; j. uauuom srivn.
B UNLOP A. SEWELL attorney ut Law, Office* t
Sunihtiefti,-between ltd and 4tk at*. _
I FORWARD, * SWAHr/'WYil.DEliAUorucy.
. Law, kayo removed tlteir office to the South mile
Fourth *l, between Cherry Alloy and Grant street.
■ : • Upttf.
J OSEPH KNOX. Attorney at Law, I’ilt.-’Uif'gb. l'a.,
ha* resumed the practice of lit* profession tit hi* of*
nee, No.?, Bakewcll* Uuildlug*.'Grant at- occupied,
daring kis alienee; by T. J. Bigh&ra autl J. Christy,
K»q»; • ■' i - ‘ yi'dAwif
JOHN 1». GALLATIN, Attorney at Law. Office u:
4th su, bctwecnGnint and Smhbficld, South side
Pittsburgh. wilt also attend promptlyto bu«ine*i
ja the adjoining counties. ocVSiy
'VTT * 0. IL BOBINSOX, Attorney at Law, ha* re
Tf •' moved lua office to the Exchange Buildings, St
Clair at., next door to Alderman John*. upllly :
COIILANDiI LOOMIS. Attorney at Law, office os
» 4th street,alHive«mitlifieliJ. nptrir
rpUK underaigaed ha* taken the -large building, No*
I 45, uext door to Messrs. Oldham, Todd A Co.,
Main street, for the purpose of selling all description*
of good* at public or private sales, aa directed. Valua
ble coiuigamerile fur Auction Sales will l>n promptly at*
tended to. He will also accept of Agencie s for Manu
-1 fajturera, and will ate hi* best endeavor* fox ibeir in*
tereat: lu all cases amount of sale or abstract of sale*
will bo furnished his friends weekly or inonlltlyi ac«orn>
named with check on Uank hern, or Uautr check on
Eastern cities, when directed.
lie htu extensive rooms over hi* store for the tul.- of
Furniture, Carpeting, and other balky articles.
IV* anrsarronuded by a dense population of 40 miles
or upwards, With the most fertile nod in - the Weil, and
generally iworthy fanners, withosto 30Townt'*aiul vil
lages in that distance, yet not ono Commission House
bore. . M A. LEGBANDR
LvxLvnvri.v. Ky., Jaa. S4,ISte
Messrs. T. Anderson A co. 1
L. L. SlireveA eo. [
(>'. W. Audenofl. Esq., . Lpuisrufe.
W. Richardson. Cash*., ) ‘
' Messrs. Springer A Whiteman, i
j Clncimutl
J. L llaskint, J 1 •
• IHiilip Swigett, Est|, i
Peter Dudley, *
tl. J. ;Uodley, £;<]. }
A.MJJanuary, E*q, / ,
Christian Shultz. Lwj, J
John B. Tllford, A co, t
W. ‘Higgins, A eu., I
-S. Swiit A co., V Ixxiugwo. ,
John Duofy A co..
M. T. Scott. Cashier. ) feblDlm
. a. UAtixanowea. ' s.'iinMktxo nsaa.
N 0.53 Soath Wharves, und Nn. It? Mouth Water M.
BEGS to iulbrnitLein>'.teui>d(lcaleT> irnera!!y,of
PiiHburgb. tbuTlhey havr Blade such arranct ai-nt*
witb~ihe Virginia .mauularsurrr* and th<« Grower* of
the West. West lodier. andotucr place*, aj will incure
'» large and enotiaui Mjpply of Ut-j following de»ertj>-
Uotis of Tobacco, which will be sobl opoa a*, surooi
mortatlng terms os -any other bouse inlhis city orciw
where, ami all goods nrdeieil lrom them will be whr
reoted equal to representation:
Uavgua; ,>L Homiuge; : ~€OOO4 ~i
Yarn; I'onb'Ruro: Penu'a; [-Seed Leaf to-
Cuba; ilgumi; L Flotilla;.) • b*ec<X
ALSO—Broach's celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven
dish, with large noortiHent of other popular brand*,
and qoalitiesof |>6umls, 2s. n*. 13*, 16s and His, Lump;
sa, C, ft* and 10* Plug, Ladies’ Twist; Virginia Twist.
Ae- sweet and plain, in whole and half boxes, wood
and tin, together with vafielf ol article belong
ing toUte trade. • • y- • jelCdly
Flour Vaetori and Produce Commlaatoa
LIBERAL eash advances wade oa receipt of coo*
si>*umeJit* Those chip. 107 to our adorer* it ill l*e
tAia ihire-fourihs r*lui* hi advance iit cash, !*>' apply
ing to uur friends;
Jtevsrs. W’nlliiigfbrd icTriylor, Pittsburgh-
Messrs. Thus. Dell ft. Co- Uridge;>uri. UUiu.
. PUiiudclpiia, May 3, ti4A
X ll All Prodoer consigned to u« is insur.-d when
in the Warehouse of \V* luu-iord A Tayloi, Piu.lmrgti,
or in oar store in'Philadelphia. C. It. A~ Co
CommtasJou and Forwarding Rrrcbaat..
sa IS wftin nr., c, rsivMH,
CONTINUES to tnui'sci * »*n»nii Commission busi
ness, especially in tbe jiu.rc«iß.«e jiivdaalc of Ame/v-
cun .Mamifacluris *i.<! Produce. uj.j in rcCcvne;,* and
fortv&riitt.p Good* rotiaigced to hi* care. A* Ayf-ni tor
the Maiiuiaeture*. he w:lll>n euii*i;mlJy
the principal anir.iesol I'iUivburgh .Manufacture htlhe
ioweal wholetale price*. Order* and ci»h«t^ci|irn , .i
are_reFpet:>ully Solicited. jfili
B. P. COBWAT. • fc ;u*UXm>.V
PORTSMOUTH, Ohio Counnit»ion and t'orvCaiihnp
MerrhouU nud Produce Dealer*—aJ«o oUernl iu
Use Purchase, Sale and Shipment t>f Pig Itou, Ctibl. Ac.
Charles Tartar,
Ambrose white,
Atwood. Jones A Co.,
lAirenr, Sieriinj tc Co.
(irtlT. Lindsay A Co,
Lyon, ghorb A Co.,
Wbpleaoje Grocer, Commtsalon A- Floor
. Urrchani,
DEALER in all fcintls uf Country Produce. Copper,
Tiu, Tin Plates, Tinners'Tools, Zinc, Rus
sia Sheet Iron, Iron and Nails. While Lead, I>yc Stull*.
Colton Yarns, Salt. Ac., a:nl Pittsburgh Manufactures
generally, comer of Puberty ami Irain sfrreiH, Put*.
bur*b, Pn. :
IXT'Eiherat atlvanci'*, iii Cu*h or Good*, made on
cousipuuenta of Produce. Ac. ro>s
r. i) ixiurca, !
Late of 11st*burgh, P
so.‘a roo.xrSTKZKt, asov£ aaoanwAT, ns(T!T\ATi, omo.
Hefcrtd Merchant* generitliy, in Pittsburgh, ►jntt
WUObkHALE ghol js.iis,’
dealer in
Iron, Sail*, Cotton Yarn* A- pittabnrgh
i Nanufactares gintrally,
j ►><». 1U ivoon MUtrr, nnsßiaon,! pa. ‘ -
.mußMEm't celhiiuM umicuisTs-
Alex; lew a, bro>s;
Ofler to sell at cither e»tobl!tlniicm, all kinds uf Mer*
cluindise, at tne lowest iate».of Commiition*. and are
always prepared to make udrance*. The betl of refe
reoecs plven if required. Letters addrestetl to ♦ ilher
bouse, will be proinpily attended to. jylWdly^
a. lUOACE bofx. V. V. AIAOTOI. E. 1. ItAMPtII.X
Prodace and Cominlaalon SlrrchanU,
'Ualtuiobe. ••
- Rkpcrto—Daeidrnn, Sander* A K. Usndal,
Hugh Jenkins, llalurnore: .M. Allen A' Co, Seller* A Ni
rots, Hampton, Smith A Co., Shukictt A While. Pitta
'burgh; A J Wheeler, TO ShaughueMey A Co. Cincm-
: 1 ntarMly
Samuel C. Morton,
Adolphaa Peries
George Abbot,
Patrick Brady,'
js*ca TUOMrtoa, w. u. raaratux.
And nanaiaetnrsri at hlnitttl OU,
Nb.av Columbia street, .
Ci-scctßAn, Omo.
BpSlly K7*Cath paid fur Platt seed. _f-j|
Forw«rdlngSlerclian(*llrownarllle r Pa.
Anends paxtlcumfly 10 the Porwoniius of Pruduee
AC. &C. . :
• Por any informaiioit, apply to FORSYTH k CIJN
CAiN, Water el. ■ • . • octlh
b.w. UATiirtrs. ’w.t. patch.
Bio. 4» Water htroat, .
i Sr.LocUjMo.
- Will give pmcularonentjon to the selling uf Pro*
doce,nndto order* for purchasing.
Rarnt to—George .Morgan ifcCo , Pilttburgb, Pa ’
to#sr« il siiWAao, ssoaavr Lpcwia
La.ebcasiteKpiiid.- ,
.. lailiJC uld eunui ofOcay Aabepaid.)
, *" Nashville, Tcnarsccr, - t
IA/rlLL.givo ptomptaoilitiiuui-aneniiofl taihr sGe
f rfyjt Good#,Groceries, and Al-.chAndiie r'u
erally.' they ted pr*-psttiU to aitcnd to alt HicdvLiari
vaenuof Uieir bttajae*t eAciently and (deehnr lu no
good* for their own wreouuijtmseftiiiWp. t
Hcirr to M. Allen, A Co; J AV . Uniter * ft., h;i«-
burgh. : . - : ’ devoir .
Jj Murphy has on hand at very low prices, eu assort*
loent offtbov^ goods, i„ c lud, lt g diflemit shade* 'ot
Droll.Color*, Common and Fin*; Naurine Blue <lo H ‘
CUrooado; Browu Uu.; Black ahU Blue d*; Swia »Ui*
ped do.; baiiu Barred tk»; Fancy l'laut do r also, an a**
■Oftrscut Of. Mohair Lusuea, meludihe -KmOr very
but «nd gtowyi - in »> hole sale Room*, up emits, deaf*
cre wtUliud e Choice nook of abova and otlisr iiooda
by thepiK«,Mbw.C*ihprice*. f t ya
Black*U>ck, Bell A Co, Y
Church ttCarothers, pPittshargk.
D T. Morgan, ~ } ■ I»cl3dly
General Commliilon and - Auction
Brqujn. BaiLcy k Co.;
llrlvry Gria;’
D. A Co .
Clarke k Thaw.,
(Late nf tho nrui uf Aialeoltu A, Co-)
o. nvAauasAos,
Imte of NushviHe, Tcim,
Logan a Kennedy imre um. day-. n-ioci.iicd
with them in the Hardware burincr*, Philip YV*!•_
son and. Edward Crete, T«e stylo of firr'o will here
afier lw Logan. Wilson A. Co.' 'l'hi* ten; desirable to clow the old business ns>oouaj
possible. All person* whom liabilities, hare matured,*
arc especially requested to tnak*»-immediate paytneut.
Pittsburgh, Jau.l, ISH.
LOGAN, 'WILSON d*' CO—lmporters ontj,
Wnnlt'snle Denim m Foreicn and Domestic Hard*
stare, Cutlery,‘Saddlery, Ac;. 130, Wood street. Pitt*-'
bunttijute nuw fully prepared with a rrteutly impor
ted MocC of ilnrdwuru,Cutlery, Ac.,in otrer very great
inducements to western being determined to
compete in prices Willi arty of the Atinuiio cities. Al
so on band an extensive assortmeiitofFiilsbureh Hard
ware, viz: Shovels, Sondes,, Forks, Hoe-, Vices, Ae„
all ol which will be (told at the lowest manufacturer's
Prices. - Jtrnl
A" TllK»*uf>»cr I'its having recently vnlcredint*
pnnneribip Under the name of fiat richer, long,
* Miller, tor tln> purpose of currying on this Bell
wnl Onus Founding tind Gas Fitting busmexsin
all its branch**, buve takenthe stand formerly occu
pied by 11. Gallagher, No. 109 Front street, between
Wood and Smhbbclil »u. t where ibeynro prepared to
execute all order* tor HclU, Ureas C'dMingr, of every
dcs ription, nud, Gn« Fittings with neatness ,aiid des
patch. Strumboat jobbing promptly attended to.’
l*. H. Mil LKJL
N. 11.—The attention of Machinist* mid Kiiginecrs is ;
invited to oar anti-nttractiun metal, for a reduced price,
which has been pronounced superior to Uabtiil’S liy
numbers whohitveusrd boll). Steamboatbuiltfcreand
the public, generally, are ul.o requested to catl and ex
amine our superior double bciiou Force Tumps for
steamboat and domestic m.«.
fTUIK Tartnerrhip heretofore existing beuvern Morris
J. Orora, Thomas 11 il'Grew and ,Finly B Jll Grew,
nud trading under the firm of Oruui, Al'Grew x Co., in
.the city of Pittsburgh, is this day di«H>lrcd. All per
rons having claims against said Unit, will flense Kre*
•cutthem to the subscriber*, and all debt* due sold tun),
iuu*t be paid to the subscribci* - ' '
. TiUxburgb, March 1, isltj.
The Subscriber* liuvo this day euteted into Co-part
nership. m the city of Tiindiurgb, under the oaoia and
Myie of Orutn A-M Grew, for (be purpose urirnntneUng
u general Commission and Forwarding Business, and
will Iran*.-cl Lumhc*s at the place previously occupied
by the bun ofOruni, M'Grew & Co. >
a MIR pailncnh'Ji m> long existing uuder the firm of
M’Cord A King, was by mutual cou*rui dissolved
ou the Itlintt. The business will be closed ut the old
standby either of us,using thentUDeof Uw.firm for
that purpose. Being desirous to have our liusinees
closed with a* little delay aa posstblo. we would re
spectfully request those indited ip call and settle
tbciramnmls.- JOHN D. M'CGRD.
jaih . IL D. fcl.Nf/.
JUIIND. M'L'UltD having associated with Idm bis
broiher Jtuuc* M'Oord, uuder the stylo ot'.M’Cotd
A Co, will cominu • the Hal, Cap ond Fur business m
all Us various branches, wholesale audxtuuL r*t the
old siacuJ, corner of Wood and 6th streeir.'Wttet* they
solicit a continuation of the patronage «o liberally be-
Mowed o& the old linn- JOHN U M CORD
i«S< * - JAMES y. M’CGRD.
XN retiring from the old and weti known uid of
AFGord k King, I most respeclflly restunmeud ip
the pauouage of the public my successor*. MessC*.
M'cord A Co. ' ja*f_ IL D.THXO. •
rablp Notice,
I A W. STEFIIL.NS ui'\Vheeiuig,'E. F. Shiriiherger
T of Juniata, and J, A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, have
tlus day entered intoe co partnership under nyle aud
firm of Stephens. tsaoeubertfer k Cu, at tboAneUor
iron works. Wheeling, Ya.. K*r the purpose of maun*
factoring iron and ualii of every dstctfpiioa.
w. snremxs. s. »ao«xiiaa'xa, j. k. sk-oxTvS.
IVfoelwg, lor.
Manufacture all kind oflmiler. sheet, bar tnai and
otula, A. B. steel clipuc springs and axiek- Being con
nected wuh Shoeubereer'* old Juniata works, we can
offer an article of Juruata iron (braaded Shoeahergert
equal to uiy made iu the couutry. Ail of which will
be Fold at the Titt-burgh prices- M'orehnate orthe
workscoinerofMonroe and Water sts. myii
I'BH Co-parmmh p nr the under the
firm of l«*»is llutchivon Ac., j* this day dla olved
L> mutual corncob Lnbrr ofus will oJtei.d (o the set*
tieou-Mi oi ihc tirni. and use it* uacue tor that purpose.
- i-Bwis inruiJcO.v,
fpIlE undrr*i>ritn) bav'o this day lurmedn co-partner-
A »b.p, under the nnn of Jjuavt A. llaicLiroo ACo,
<ur rhe purpose «' co.-iuiutng ibe bvuecs* lu'iefuipre
carried ou by Lewis liuu*biKm A Go.', and solieit a
cuiiiiMwii-t of ,he |.u;iouag . biCwno extended *b the
»***«-••• JaMIS JC. HUruTH ON,
i.gsvis-d: nrii'ni.S(f.v.
l'iu-burch, j»o
'pvIBSOIiCTIGN—The partnership' lutbrno cxLt-
Uia& nrnlM the stylo oud firm of Wigutmon A Xhit
acd,t£ thus day dtuotred by nrfituslrnqraat. Jottn JUaL
leU having disposedoTltia enure int«e« Ui ffWirhl*
man. Thc-buMneM of tse lute firm will be reuled by
11. Wighunautwho is SuLkumcd to osetu# Kama ul tho
late fina fur tiarpurpoee. IL WIGIITMAN.
aptSUUw Uttlyl'4?! J,I»AIJH^.IX
THE Subscriber i« now prepared to mnnafaeiare *ll
kind* of Cotton.and Wtmltu Machinery, «t tbe shore at
notice. Order* led at 0. Wightmm's.fcoigiae Stop, cor-,
tier Liberty and Water atrrru, wilt ue»t with prompt
attuauoo. ». WICHTMAN,
' Leaeox il, tottreen Federal sad Sandusky tu.,
sptStoly Alir/Ltny nij;.
t'o-partncr»blp. • ‘
fri-wnl-rh u*vjn- aUyria« J wtUi liK-in ia
X tiic.r buit-cnj i» ibi* nty nf l*rt»buryli. J;l\ H;air
i“I 'f >, liioir. tl»tf l'u*mc«» will br cwnusuffU uiiilej
iff Grre ~fu 4 /. n. S!.i>ffiil-ffr«e/ 4 C<«.
w.a j. it.*iioi:suvjiGy.u.
Mnrrli t,», 1-4
John faukkn h. wiiiinwiAN h»v.
mg sttrwnetcd thrm*sl»r» tiveih-r under the firm
•>! Joint | siren & (Vi, - ii»i £Lr put}.- "i i-o:iimiuin; the
imwHri.. tb- " lt.Mi;:c n'< will rudimu** yj
UJi'.-.u i 4 cvf ra: tornayhu;j tuu) ■ viniui-i'loii liu»j
i!< *» a; the ui«! stand as F>ut;ii. l.iberlv titrd
iant l:< V\ JOimuN.
CU>-P.UITJtKnSIIII*-Um .Vising havi..gtbl*
i day mtMrtsated with mm. John 11, ai'Cmic, the Jen-
iher umneas will jierenher he rnridncteii ourier the
lirm cl \\m. Vomi* X Cv WILMA.W \Ol;Nq,
...... JNO. it. m-ci-m:.
Co-Partnership. .
[ n.W'li Mr Arthur ,11 AVhinnty wit*i me
I.lti the Mrcwins mid .Mulling ll.iiu.-rt, under the firm
i Keogh A. M'Wtxinnry. • M. KI'OUH.
Fori J'tu Brewery. marsh I<W. • mart! if
H. A. PAiiAtsruus,') . A. H N. \ . Oiiy-
U. I* FAiiM.«nici, Sl’ituburiii.
(i. VV. Panviorec.)
Wholesale Drag Store In the City of
tNsw. Torh.
fIUIK undersigned are exisrAively engaged in the
JL tt'lioli-iuiie Ufiigt biumer* Ul So. 4U John street, in
the ei:y of New \ Ork, and ate prepantd to "opply
am* cootury Merchant*. with Hoik*. I'uini*.
Oilf, l>ye**tulf<, Fore pi nitd American poifuiuery,
Marnier, MVftvdr X Maude/'* Chernies!., (of their own
uiiportsuan) aiiij allViber sniclf* iit their lino of bu*i
nrM, of ti-supetrlar quality su Io»vb» they tun be par*
rba.rd to this arany eastern iitr.
_* C - V V ofk i KeWft 11. .V FAHNUSTUCKA Co.
Marcher's Chrome Green.
f |'« I’AINTHItA, JiUM> M AKHJIS. &< —Wr. the
J. unilertisned. Vainier* ard jilind’.MVur*. of the city
vi New } ork, have used anil Hvtrd, anti are now ujUrjj
*\ ,l 5. w artivle w Chrome lirrtn, manttiuciiiiedliy (Jew.
K. .Marcher, of this ciiv, and find it in work well, prt>-
during a fine liriilis-'it i‘art» Often appearance, with a
rrry superior hod), aud-recommend it. u> our hrethm'i
tn Uie trade as in every purliculur -the l*e»t Chrciae
Cireen We have ever used. New York, dune l, '•!?.
Signed hyJl firms ofprartiir*) painter. of-lheeity of
N«-w »ork. Tina uue.|ua2ied Chrome tireco niiiV bo
had of 1L K HEI.LniS. No 57 Wood Aren, win ha.
the exclusive ageiioyiorits »a|rin »mD
Poimlar, because (.oodl
Com. Bnu*.i, JeflrxvmC* Is., March I, IM*
ME K M —| have murlv sold all the Vur*
tmitije ujitl Cuu;;h Syrup ym k»iit me. Yutir Vcr
nmuye is without clcepliuii ti.e ben nn odcred mllm
neighborhood, liaving proved good wherever used—
TRe Cough Syrup auJ Liter Till* hare al>u> j;ivcs, sul
i.iacijwi You/ Ot>*t rent. J bCt/fT. l'o.:ni9*u.-r.
'Prepared ami soltl by II WoodtL;
“W " “fJ, V M Cuiiy, Allegheny; k
| \V J .Smith/lViiJjwtnnccville, tuarb
IN Ilia Conn of Common Plcui cfAlleglirny ct'liuiy,
of March term. loin. No IW.
I’cinion of Peter Eriud, for hi) ilucharfo n*
»i «.} Turned offtlarr C Jlcru.
— 1 Ajul now 10 wit, March 11. HP', IVtiiioti and
accouutofTruslne, tiled, and on irmtiou of J Harrison
.Sewell, hwj t-til* ordered that nolico of said upplicn*
jioir hr citen by publication oiicu a week jn lbs
horgli l>uly Uaxetle until Urn Ist day of April, a. »>. IM*,
wlicn the prayerof the petitioner will !>»• printed, it no
reason bo shown lo the contrary. Uy the Court.
NOTICE is hereby giren to the Stockholders of the
Amygdaloid and l*ta Hoynle Mining Company, iltfit
mi atsewuneiii of IKj par cent, on each share him l«?en
made, payable tu Salmon Pitch. E»<|, of said
Company, at his office in the city of Cleveland, on or
belore the first day of April, INt.
WM 11IC1IARDS, fW’y.
Clevrland. March let, ISIS. . tnatCdlm _
SUNDRIES— 4«t do* playingcard*; VOO whole and
hlfbxs sardine*; 10 baskets nltva oil; VfldoxuM’td
catsups, &c;6cuake porter rfuam mid pints;
3W dux Mia bramliea, wines,&c, vnry old; fibbls pow
dered OO basket* chatnpugne wine, part to nrriwj
ii hints claret do;for sale by mrlO 1* c MARTIN
JUST KECEIVEiWa large assortmentof flonrOil
Cloths, ol various pattern* comprising: H*JU yriscf
4 yds wide floor oil cloib; JbUrtlo Hyils wale, heavy do}
iSiUUdo4»4do do; I SMI do | dodo; li/OO B yds wide, do;
nil of wbicti wIU be told on as uccuimruiilating terms ps
con be bought in the United Slate, nt Nofl Wood street.
mart. j JHPUItLIPS.
SUGAR, MOLA&SIIS AN ltlids prmw
N O yucar;s<tbiils N O .MolaisrsiflJbogs Hu» i'of
fee, just landing from sir Wyoming and for sale by
\V * M MITCHKLTIIKK, (to Liberty it.
in7**rhry wUUborlly receive per Martha Washing*
ton aud other boats the following:—BU) Hilda prime N O
Sugar; 4fio bid* plantation Molauc«;<Uo do Sugar House;
UUbbl* Loaf Sugar; I-’tierces Carolina Rice. felilS
SMOKK IiOL'SK-wllt»vwg_takeu the large anil eoio
motlimis Smoke House and tiacoa Storehouse
joining oiir WorohouMi.oii the Canal Ratio, vre are pre*
jiared to rmoke sml store bacon on reasonable tens*.
marl ~Canalba*hi,nr»r7tlt»C .
JOUKNKKMKN WANTUD-I wish to engage seve
ial Jaurusytnen Carri*c o Makers, to go to W wf't 1
rleasoct, Pa. on Uie first day of April. -Apply at Sell a
Mausion Hoaseat Sor WO’elock. .'-A,,'.,,’"
NOTJLCK— Persons baring claims ogafttst the ateam.
boat 'Arrow previous <to tlie HUt leb, will plflase
pniiteul them Jbr settlement to WJI IiSOAJFfc,
mart ' Ist st, near wood _
COTTON-tOl bales AUssanppifia store end tot tale'
by roar 10 h KOINIIKXTER* Co
light ht.rekt baltimobe.
ruoo up -nti’xsroa, rtomtiaan.' '*
mTHIS r*taU!is!»tnent long- anil widely knowu at
' being one of tbe most coramodiona4u the city of
1 Baltimore, has recently undergone Terr extern
aiva alterations nud iioproTentettu. Ati entire uew
wing fiaa been added, contaioing nuraerou* and airy
sleeiiiiiu apanmentr, and exteadre bathing room*.
The Ladies' department has alio been completely
and fined l»ji In a most unique and beanti.
/faTnyla % - Infaettbo whole nrra’ gcnjant of the Hotue
' had bcetr remodeled, with n single eye on ihr part of
th? proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of
tlieir Guest?, and which they confidently assert «v>ll
challenge'comparlßon with any Hotel to the Eiti ’ii.
- Their table w ill Always be supplied with every sub
■tantol an A luxury (which ton market affords', served
up in a superior style; while in toe way of Wines, Ac.,
(bey will uot be surpassed.
In conclusion toe proprietors beg to say, tool Jto thing
will be left undone on their part,'and on'the part of their
assistants, to reader thi* Hotel iworlfcy toe continued
patronage of thoir friends and the puhlie gent rally.
The prices for board have also been redoccd to the ;
following ratcei .. .
Ladies' Onlinaxy, ’ SI.TS pur day. - -
Ucntlemen's M
H. It.—. The Baggage Wafoa'of rfia jwill al
ways be found at the Car and Strainbqai
which will couvey baggage to-and from the Hole),' firee
ofchafge. , , , mayglf
• ciM'tixxTi. oino.
M THE subscribers havinx pnrebased the entire
interest of Col. G. f.
well known ettablishment, beg leaye w ktotg m
toeir. fri-.iwla tmd the public generally, tout they have
takuu thi* cuamodioua Hotel for a term of yearsf and
wiU exert Lest rnergiesto make ila desirable
home for Truvcllersaud City Uoardcru. )
T»!« Hotel i* spuciou* *ud *duirat>ly planned for
conventerute, light end - oirVbaviug a Dumber pf barlora
adjoining chambers, presenting auusuhlf ttrecuops to
families. . i • . * , '
’Hie present proprietors tutying had the experience
of years iutbis city and clMwbcre, hope they wilt he
able to give general 4eton°>»cd to
give undivided attention to the house awns.
Tbe Ideation of die l’earl'Sire«-t Uouae is uncommon
ly eltgib e, having I'ronU on\ Teafl, Walmtt and Third
street*, so that it i« equally, desirable- iu view of the
convenience ofhu iues* men, or retirement forjirivate
boarders. It is near by Uie Banks, the Post Office, the
Masonic Halt. Old Felluw't llsll, and bat onetsquare
to»UJ)l froju Mato street and two squares from the City
WhatiVttais/jlJertov tbe greatest inducements, especi
ally tu country mareban:; gutj retierally to all persons
visiting Cincinnati. , • jhllX •NOBLE,
. mch-.7 - ' _ JQUN' A'.' piIBLK
coaxes or kiLTivoitK an erraw rrs., laixrndtJC, jeo;
Stt This rplendtd and spacious Hotel, elegari’ly ait*
uated for both business and pleasure travelers,
JSfV Is so ronstnteted aa to combine all the luxuries
of the lie* with elegance arid real comforf
Choiea tuiioi era nt all seasons reserv
ed for the accommodation aFt/feulen; ond fom
ilics vi-utingthu city will find lbe'EkitßYtfo)u!fphb&e/'
unsurpassed bjr any Hotel in the Union.
. The lotjaiipii is eleratel aad salubrious, andls also
cotivenJrm to the depots and ilandlngs; at which the
eosehes and porters ' of the house are at' all times in
tvaitiug to convey pawengersand their baggage to the
Hotel. ' .' ' i ' ' ■ -
: - Txpsis.—Geoilemen's ordia%ry . ftySO per «lay.
. do | 2,'JU dd >
cckttß or ru» in *r. cutftmKTUJß, >4.
M The mbterilier haring the nuiue*
neul of thi« loiitf eatabluhed and pipntar Hotel,
respectfully announces us Tnireller* and ibe
Public generally, thaf he \yiU hq atall tinea prepared
to accommodate them in all things. d titrable in a well
regulated Hotel. Ibe IJoum ii uow being thoroughly
'repair??* throngbont. and new Panuiure added, and no
pains Vjllbo «snred to make the Hxdramre one'of the
rcry beit HoitU In Uie libfitfry. '
The undersigned respcct/ally solicits a aenunuanee
nf the Tory liberal pauonare taellouse has heretofore
reeeired.- THOMAS OWSTOtf,
so. isa, cunxcr rrairr, rxiLxosirnu.
C 9 . THE subscribers, under tb« firm of Bridget &
fi*]3 West, bar* purchased Mr. Jobe* 1 interest to this
jwafc establishment, and tope by its strictest sciatica
to tie wmii aud comfort of ibeir guests, to merit a cost
unu&ttoe of the liberal pstronsg* heretofore received
by in former proprietory
lb* fiense hasbeen tooroiighly! renovated. and to*
paired; wr therefore feel taunted we can welcome our
Irteud* aud tbe public to [aecemmodsttous euaal to an?
to lb* dry of Philadelphia • “ Pf. W. BRIDGES, 1
jlfSAf ' ~ \ JNQ. WEST.
. l«> scent itv'ciaas.-uir.
MTHIS establishment is now to tbe belt order for
the reception of tbe Traveling Public. Haring
undergone a thorough repair daring tbepatt
winter, andhaving toe most experience* men in the
wcit to the vanous department*, I flatier myself that all
will V*pi*,vM.trUo r ? U. T&? location I* central cent
taodioot aiid pleasant. Pare&l perilay, : ■
Cincinnati. March 13. S 7. •; ;W. g. MARSH. 1
S. U-—*AHboueh not exactly a new Broom, it u the
aame—a new Wbiip on the old handle. epOtf
. . ; . totnrttAß, ti. ■
M A”|flTimoCKMOpmXl«x» to bit
JVieull* jhta he it B7*Ut Unhe of the tiALT
I ICfUS ; , Louisville, Ky., wiiere be bopea to meet
nil his old triend*. asssriug them aud (be public,-that
tm effort ahull be spared to make all comfortable who
tncorbinwith their patronage. # f jtiilldly 1
- enravrr irr. mwto rucxTs Ais rtnsi ra.
OPPOSITE late Bank of the ITrvitsd State*. Pkila»'
KJ delj-tHj. ,4|: pOhfiMITCHEt.I., :
-I. £ •■ d Proprietor.
, sjinaoax, tm, :
OPPOSITE the Railroad Depot, Pratt at. Bal
fjjfj tiaore.HESEy- JL-MMITH, proprietor, (late of
mad*- tie Exchange aud Sl Charles Hotel*, PitU.
borahl .■ ; oecXUly
Magazines fur april-Jus: received »t xj.
GrabnmV Magiuine for April.
Coder's l-njy\ Hook do
Life in Pans, or ifce Adventure* of Alfred de Roiann
m the kreceti Meimpoh*; by George \V M Reyuolds.
rh- Narariiw, or the leu <*f U.o Washington* by
George Ujipard.
Uraßcloniw, tie s»n of Albo*. or Ten Years Lnter,
r.rni» tnc.rtiiiciti*i(in of Three tii.atditoen and Twenty
V ra»*« Alter. , • - - 1
Angjnmnt-. S(-»eu tsrfoua Vetiycred 'be*
l*'rr the Murvumi'e l„brury Association of New York,
in tiip month* of January und February. br J P
Nirfaol, l. J, D. ■
An I«!red<'cl;on to the Study of Natprnl History: br
Prr, lessor Agassi*. ' ; . ’1 *
Waggeries aed Vnjr-uicm a terieaof adventures: by
;*» K tlutton. comedian. >
and Mi,».irie«pfNew York, parti .
Hermit of the Hudson,or the Fanner's Daughter.
Awful und astounding di*closanr» of Amanda Ran*
noris. the Frmab* I .and Pirate.
Chamber*’ MiVceltanv, No tfl.
Dotnhey fcSou, No 17.
• Living Age, Nos 800 and 0)1.
Much Ado Ai>oui Nothing; ty William Shakspeare,
)u»cr<'t>nb!nbed. and a large lot ofother dramatic plays,
tor iufe M A MINER, ;
tp .n‘-l . sruithfieldst. ltd door from bd
IlcceiTed br Kxprsss at M.' A. Mlntr’s.
v (xilumiuan Magazine tor March; :
. Faion ~ - -ji : .
Robert Maraire in Knzland, by UWM Remolds;
handsomely illustrated; i . • •
.Mysteries of Old London, by same author—part id:
Guy Fawkes, or the Gunpowder Treason, by \Y lUr
rtson A|n*<vortli;
Url ofpraine Eden, a Romance of Mexico, bvC'eo
Ijmiard,. l>i;‘ -
Pictorial life of Gcarre W ashing ten, embracing an*
ecdoiLsillunraiive of bis character, and eml>ellulu'd
wtlh enerravinffs. [ ;
An uitiyeraai Historyofthe most, remarkable erettit
of all Nations, front the earliest period to the present
a complete Hritorrofthe World, rot I:
Ijic ami Advnilores of Ynlentine Vox il»e Yentnlo*
ijuist, by Heury Cockum—new edition; ) •
_A Fninaitiital Jourwoy through France and Italy.—
The ttagment and the History of a good warn watch
coat, by Lawrence Sterne; |
‘llte Light Dni*oo», by llarry Hare!; :
Living Age. No tits;
and TLeu, by Suaael Wanee, Fuk}—fresh sup-
Jack Hinton (he GueriUmao, by Lerci—•frrih lun
I'or «»lo nt
SnmhlieJJ *i, 3d door from tfeeoad *t.
S«w Uoaki Juil ttteclrtdi
MORKlJ.'tMli»ii>ry ofAfodern I'hiloiopbr. complete
in one volume, itom lb a law linden edition. #3,uu
lecture* 011 Ihe Lav.- anil the lltnjx-If.'liy Siephcli 11.
Tyup, I>. l>, new mid enlarged edition, vrtib poilrall ol
the author. <l-I*l.
.Memoir of Her. David Abet). D. D, late Miniorinry
1o Clun«; by tiu uepbaw, Ucv. U. U. WiUianuoo. vriin
• portrait. • - .
Urnnder’* ffisiorr of ibe Ckimtiaii lUUfiioo and
Cbarck. iraiintoted by Prof Totrey, Vol, V.
Jl»v.Utoiio; a tale of and for utriaad, in 184~-. in
two to luma*. femaeeotul i/jodon euilioiu £1,60. . •
Memoir of Crocker, .Mi*»iouary to Africa, 68 cu-
IVnonal Recollection*, by Cborioua Eli ladrtb, with
e&iiJuiaiory now*, arrompauied by a memoir embrn
clu«f ilic petjod from the,cJo»e orpcuonurtcollecUon
tol.erdcaiftjby 1, H J Toniia;&ii cbiii*; '
lUcollrcuom in England; by Rev Slf Tynjr, D. D. •
n rtinMcrchaiit'* Clerk; by SUi. CWtn
”• roylor, Ai A, author ol “Record* of a Good Maa'f
*-»«;• "Lady Mary, n “Mayan, or the Pearl,”&c. . 1
iiio above }u*t received anil for rale by •
'6O martei «t. btnwiin 3d and ith
B*e?lv*4 m. A. Wlnar*e—Historical and
.Seem Alrnunu of the Empress Josqililue, first
nionil° r Nupoleo “ by M’lle M A Le Nor-
Vestige* of the Nnlurnl History of Creation. '
I erey Uaniltorpe, or the Vicissitudes of Fortune; br
Mrs. (tore. I ' ■ •:
Duytuine^ MCr * e * ft< l^*e Three; Cities; by J II
Sight!; or tt»o King pf the Blue We.
,V‘n l*n»oitcr of J ETueJ. •
Jlimt»Merehnm’s Magaiiue for March.
Ifciiiftcmlic Resicw. «i u
- “nicle Etc* Edged Note piper and cn*
velopcsto correspond. .. . 1 •
Hoog* for tbe Keoplc, No x for March
Hecood!* ?~" 11,1 * , -hier», SmlihEelfl. it,.3d door from
T-T!^? R J^T. Robtns ' ) ‘ l ’Vnomn’., Gibbon**, Ru»«
. .Thriiit KwJ Pre»cou’» A-exico, Peru, 4cJ
WilmnS^•J 1 M f11 ” *•*? CmuteiffifalS
■Jrjr 4 Urowmiigx Hiiiory of ibß Untnenotr Thl*frv , «
ftenchJUr ,lh W of “» rrbirt
.rrencD Hevj i»ylor • Manual if Aae'l And ModJllißU*
7M , !»2!f B 5 WB to Hktoryof the Church.b/jaivnl
*ugl,tie» »Romo and R*riko'. PomV 'tS
abovf.wlA many oihe,
_ „"*£L—— I ji, Rfc'* ■
° r "” V Oll ' 11 S'.l.t; by
£*• *k®*nr Of Life by XV !LT»ppn&
■ _ -.mlily.t." _ •-,. 4th,se«rmukluiti
THU subscriber respcctfotly U'ljuesu the aujwiou of
the owner* sod captains of boat.-, citizen* aim
strangers Tuviiug Pittsburgh, to bin large and f plendid
stock of carpeting, now lorsaleut bu newstprM,4th
street They consist of oreiy variety ofihe latest and
most fasbionfible styles ofCatpeu,Oil Clt>ih» r brer
broajbt to the Western market. Tha store, boa t>e«'u
built eipretilyforthe carpet husincs*. arid bos, (regard*
less of expeuse,} been fitted ap luthe roost marniureot
modem style. .
The carpets receiving are ol
thejiebest and nuwtbrflliaiitci
f the latest design, with
; jfotloirlog:
They e on>priie,in pan.' of the i
Sujywr Tapestry j a new* aT- '->)
£o<iiili American Bent* [
pels; 1 ■
Imperial-Ingrain, new aba- i
ding; W i
Superior -Ingrain; Bear de- }
Flue Ingrain;
Common do
Plain and twilled Yeiiitian;
Extra super cord twilled do;
-Hoi'll do:
Sheep Pell;
Chenille, ;
PdlJif '
Jute, Ac;
Door Hatsi
Common; "
f yah! wide;
1 do
•Oil Cloths.
! ■■■■'■
,0 do. . do J j ...
iF°!if!•» hemp carpet. common oilcloth*
oil cloth table cprer*, worsted {ha linen tabic coyer*,
window shades, colored and plkJnuiattlug’stair Weis,
Inmuun carpet bindings, ajui all other good* uoaaliy
kept in carper stores, ail of whic h will be sold on os
reasonable terras a* aiiy in the city. IJariug made hr-'
ytutSYptCnu with one of ibe largest manufacturers lathe
easConlcrs lur.auy tuple of ciirpetwiij be ireraptly fur
vrsrdecWjy telegraph, utd.dcliverud in on* week, al a
small nflrance Df the manufacturer's price.
■ Poretaser* are particularly requestedto etUbefore
purchasing'elsewhere, os we feel confident we eaa sell
as cheap *4 they canoe purchased in thrracteni cities.
: a»H3 : . ■ ■ .Ji.WLYNttj
w ss«!aa^ssaaa?.^ss:
rrifE would
X rospeetroUyfnftmn hie nometous friends andensto
mera lhsibeh*sju»lrecelced an entire;new slock of
goods, adapted to the gpriag trade, comprising every
thing thatis tasUonahfe, good, new and cheap. In
eloths, caasiraere*. Testings, Ac, altogether; top 'nume
rous to attempt to describe. , Nothing bar an actual.ia-. 1
spection ean eonTejr an idea of the beauty, quality, or
quantity rfthaetock, which surpasses any thing in the
same lute in this city, andhaving been purchased at ’ha
rfrtl liqie, he is fiefcjtftiued ta oSer Irii 4hgh ptfcKHii
wjil meet the c jpgetouptu of a|l who may (iror him
with q cau. As usual, be has on hand on# cube largest,
Pest manufactured, moil fashionable, and cheapest
■tbca of ready made-.clothiug.that can be met with.—
All who buy largely, a* contractor*, merchants, fur
nace men, Ac., are particularly invited to examine the
stock, before purchasing,** they will be offered such
bargains as are not to be met with, often.-
Order* in Use Tailoring line executed with dispatch,
and in the best mannas.
1 ' X b*nim.
* rceeivod a large supply or new Spring and Sum
merirPr Gmsda, will be offered wholesale and .
retail, at the very lowest cash prices. Amongstoura*-
I sortmentot hand rosy be found, 10 eases fancy English
: and Americas prims end chintzes, comprising every
! new style now in the market, and were pur seated .«
the present lose purs, which win enaiilu nlfttwir at
jean s*pcj ctfli. Wfi HMW'ftitaVr- ptice*. -. Alio, |Q ca
sts pvtarns, fast colored .hicmmack and Cocho
coprrats, wy neat .and desirable, a caserne w style
pJald, turned end plain linen ginghams, efeyery shade ,
and quality,a cases spnogTH do Lainm, rieh and;
cheap, mode colored eashmerc and M da Laine*. 87
pcs Pans lustres, anew and splendid article for ladles’ -
dresses, printed organdeea; satin imped and plaid ban- 1
57* 1 fVf I wires, very rich, q fome let fif
goods of every description, together with a general as
sortment ofboase keeping'goods, elc. etc. COuntrT
Merchant* end (be inhabitants of Pittsburgh and tie hi
ity are mpeetfclly invited to caU and effdmine our
stock and price* whieh :we will warrant to compare
•favorably with the esstom market*.
~~ - •' —-‘a a MASON-
«n.«..££ W >PIU > Q GOOb«; -
C IUCKLETT * WHITE*» Wood atieet, are now
ij fccgmng largo additions to their excellent assort
ment or Dry Goods, to which they invite the attention of
• I they can offer such inducement* as"
it to their interest to make bills with theta.
\»e are uon- receiving a lnsge eisomoeut of goods
rrpio ta» nlsnufscinrer*. Importers, 4c. baton?
which may be found tlic ibllowmi: »
_ riain_touble drills, all grades and styles, printed
Kentucky Jeans, blue,bine mixed, cwlet; dark mixed,
gold, greea, rtaios, black, bloc, cadet, Ox*
lord; plain, figured and printed tweeds, a good assort*'
tnent, rartou* styles: prints, a very nxmau»a!t.of
uevr spring sty las, rimer, Vl4u.tubics. browris,
s n ® *l*i*P*« hi all vsrietierj einrbßms
ipleodld itytei of dotueiiib, English and French, very
low; Afoaceas, new styles and styles and figures, jiitf
imported; also, blacks, tnodd col. fancy cel. till uiiil
e 2*ten war;i;some blncfci, very fine. All ol whirl* arc
osered for sale oa ibc matt favorable tcito*.
• • •-- sitACKLi-rrr & white ;
ryxAT SSSiffiSiA*-.
M N. R eonwi 4ihVa*dm*tfc« its*wUl,-.fn>mtiua
Wa his winter drc** roods. and a larrepropoiuou'
oi hia stock, adapted only to the .'Winter acajou, at
ireatlr reduced price*, it being-his object to sell oil
thii pan of his stock to make room for an curly- spring
cuppl?, t» *regard - will be had to the eoat of the roods:
b»i they will be offered at prices that will ensure «*-m
•me—saeh as California plaids, all*} former.price 95c:
e*p« do. at s*> former pnee JJTJc; Printed Scotch cssh
meres at 1?|, Ibmer price Hie; do. price 371«
French all wool do; CO cts, former price ft! and 75 c!
taper do. 75 former price loth super plaid Thibet cloth,
(U and 73 former prico 100; besides a large assortment
ofwmwr shawls, worsted Hoods, &c. at prices much
olwtr than before offered. . ■ jallX ,
CU. K. *TO«i. _ wwf n tr££ZT
fixoonk * ttisDos,
so. »o*octii nOxoar., orroqn oocx run-iCKunu--
DKSIItII lo cali the attention M ccnoouteura
ui dress to the xujcuirE rsaraertos tust
n*r* ATtaisxo in the ahipinp and manufacture of gnf
thents. They euutoi but fe«l]>erCrcily confident.ih U
every one ofreKurJ and cultivated into wtU ever pre
fer the ciuan xxv tuttic of thwunfihlr prac
tised A&rtm, to the stretched a'-id ludicrous
of the mods, the frail and worthless wothmaiuhip issued
trofa the erroneously called cheap cstabUsemcnu at
(hi* and other cities. With this conviction, they proffer
their service* v» lovers of roa&vrtssu, iraaxTU uni
besott, pledging their admitted skill aud ambition to
the-gratification of all tastes, however difficult or clova
ted. •
- The lone association of Mr. Moon* with Mr. Ron,
Wotiip.m & Cm, u, to the muy patrons of that »-
tab Uthatent, a sufficient guarantee gfhia ability.
Uu« kind ChoCcTFmHYaporttd'tiooili
for City Trade, at •
ROBINSON’S CLUTif STOUR, Fifth street, near
Wood.—Very grateful for past liberal patronage, :
I led a»iurtd upen-nn eioiaiuatiott, the beauty hiui
rich fashionable styles will command' purchases,'
French Cloth*.Caautoeres and Doeskinsotverjr beat
makes, color*.({italitie* and style*: Voting*. for beau
ty cannot be excelled; French fig'd Cubmercs. Silk*
and Satins, and white' .Marseille*; Trimming* supe
rior quality, a very largo asaorimtau Trices seeoud
to itonejutbe coantry. •
•pOR KYKMNO R. Murphy has
4- ju'»t {eceireQ a ww patterns embroidered iqoiliii
for Evening Dresses. Also, silk net scurls, head dress
es, *tc.'“Al*ix new style lirilte*. tor early spring wear,
new style b'sTzirines ibr do.; chameleon silks, a lashion
able article, needle worked collars, new style; ehemi*
•yds, entire new styles; black barred silks; sinned do:
rich striped and watered do. Ladies are invited to call'
add see the above poods. hb'ZJ
Ktw Qe«di Ihr 3nrlnv of IH<B<
\\r ;R MURPHY, N. >1 comer of 4th and Market
TV • »t«. has the pleasure of informing Us customers
and buyers generally, that he has commenced the to
ceiptot bU early Spring Goods, and has already open a
Sreal-varicty ot poods soluble for the eeasou, at prices
tat cannot tall to please. ,
ID“-Merchants are invited; to visit his Wholesale
Rooms, up stairs, and examine the slock of iiew puxis,
(1- ARJILTHNOT ha* corantonecd to receive * very
J* large and desirable »iock of Fancy, Variety arvt
Domestic Good*, all of which lie i« determined to sell
•at priers that cannot be surpassed In this rwkel, and'
many uf them as low at they could be procured from
Eastern iobbers. Country and citydealers ure respect
fully invited to call aud examine bis «tock. .
mantel . .SI wood at, cor Diamond alley
SMALI.FIUURKD riUNTS—Ju*t receive<C'an as
sortment of blue, pink, lalock, purple and orange,
small figured prints and eluntiet tor childrens’ wean
also, dark.and* also, plain, pink, and
orange mouse de tiunea, for do; small Weed emgluuni;
*c. Ae., alibe Dry Good* (louse of
_fetnM - : • \V R MUHPHV.
. ■pßlNTH—Oinghatn styles; open this morning, 1 cbm
X handsome pnms, gingham patterns, and fast colors,
only W| rcuts per yard, at the dry goods house of
WIU ft, GOODS- SY K Murphy iuviies the ntteitlion
ol.buycrs to his excellent oatomnent of White
uoods, Just received, cousDiiur of plain alid barred
jsckoucisj cambrics, low priced aud hue; Scotch mail'
inusUitt,h\viM do; book inusliu*; bishop’s lawm. Ac,
and which arc offered at low prices, by wholesale oittl
mat! j ;; ■. mart ...
DRbiy.S ciiJ^GUASfS—f)pen ttiT* morning, an ar
Kinment or fresh fhiru I*4 cents per yd
up to first quality French, at reduced prices. ‘Also,
heavy Mauchcster.guiglmiui, low pricctl and fine, . ;
, ’ , WKMURI'HV ‘
|tfb29 ; L cqr. Market A Sth eis.
S’ HIRTING iIUHLINsT-ic—w”rm rphy hasjusl
rreeived an adiliiiqaaj Supply <tltJ,ow,vury »upe*
nor long cloilr.slurtlug muslins, at‘U| cents per yard.
Also, Irish Linens, of various qualities, lueludiiip some
extra fine, aud warranted nufo tUx, at dry goods'house
of tftorld 1 Wit .MURPHY
TirELSH FLANNKLycgnstmitlyonhimd at dry
\f goods house of W K Murphy, N|J corner u •
4th and market.its., an assortment of above roods
warranted not to slicing in washing. janld -
C'MUROIDKRY—FII Baton & Co,Qinaik>tst, have
JIl received a jiew supply ol patterns lor embroider*
lug.. Dresses, mnsliuv or lawns embroidered to order,
or worked foreiulmmlcring; Naiuevor inittuta worked
ou handkerchief*, a/lcr thn later.t French tiyle; nln>,
materialsofaUkimlsforthoeauwpurpCiso. ■ • mat'd! •
MONKY i HhT.T|t : -tluek , kin, o UM silk, and sheep
skin Money llcltf, of different sues, ibf sate br *,
matttl ... P H KA'i'O.N A Co,-.fid market tt,
13IWBON3 —30 cailoons liounet;-15 do Cap; : Xii'do
IV Manuma*sotiad;) 4u4a Satin do,-just rec’d and
f«r sale by wir-O CAKuimianr •
S™£o fiijfNCTß, HATS, Hc-K linger Sul
{*.4**1 ly. hit fcpnna •ufpif-oftioji&cu
W ~~
•», • V 0 ® oa 9'*° tl»i*« yards wide, to 14 round ai div
foodabowof I iminJ. \V a MURPiIY ■
TTOSIEIiY-i-A full »opplj of black, whit*, cnblcsch-
AL ed and mixed cotton bo*e and'hiur boi«, mein’
women*’ tod children*’ stze»’]att opened by ' - ' ’
ntarf ; sUACKLHrr te WUJTE '
Vs'fi .!
! . TSAVH'StATIO’C OT. itf-aCUAXPttE A*D '
OODS rooxigued o oat care TriH‘t»«»-<ijrwnrue»l
\jT without delay at tl e lowest curreu(mie». Mils of
ai <( all-imiruchoni
tended jo* /ice from «uy.-extra charjre (as norfl'e or
c6mrnajMou. - C t A ucANCI.TV A Ca-PropY*
■mart • '• •• 1 (.’aria! Kashi,Pittsburgh.’/
{Porroerly called Pictw<mh'fc.‘Co’* Line,). .
I<vTtZ I**^* I*Hl>burgh,£noir*vilJe,JoimMotvd.Hol-
JJ iMUTKlnrjtli, Water street; tHmiliii-'den C©> and all.
uUermeujate places. - .. "■
5"* wrill leave the wareliotneofC A SfcAiraUY
& Co,Cmui Basin, Liberty atrreit Pm«tmr»h, every
dny (aujiday* eireptad,) aud *Uipwr» can aJiruy* de»
petui oir having ilteti' good i fonruidctf wiilioui delay,
and atfaanlea.- 7.* • i - -
'riu* Line wa* formed exclusively Tor the ueeiaf ac
rommodation of ibe way'Ons’Petij. .‘ Tbe Proprietor*,
Uueml'Pairbuara iheyhavere
fnl^ C h.^iiP n is U lf ***' ,w y«»"j vroold xe»peetfu Ujr in
jonti loelrold e tuiomcr* andtbc publie'gcneriiJly, that
Jief have extended tbeir iacilit»e*,duriiij; the 1 win*
ter,and.are nowMicr prepared to occomotoda'** tu in
er*aaed ; buj>me**. ••
: stttp* :
)a^a|ouf ? ' : SilNMiSa,
I t trindle it McDowell.
. C|AMoANULTytCo,e*naJb*»inp:r.\
HOHaELL* 81YSTIXGEB,tli: : ; '
BsrikUcu^Pinsburßb—Smith.. &. Sinclair, 3 A j.
McDerltt;G& JHSi'toenbergar; It Robiiuoii k C« R
- ’ *O% TXXXUVtTLTIQX 'or 'jsxrrT.4 M^TTZ
f|IHE cX ; lhUftld «»t|LUjpbed;anilfirt[-
JL Fcrubfe Beit Uat, hiving-removed their de
pots, Wu£cui»
on Iklirhiet eL, thjuuaey fomorlrjwcflued.'MdUMilhl
cTewedjtbeirroom for
Prepaid H> WWT WBC& P*>i« koSUtlea to their ftiends -
Goods! carried'bjr this’line w tat truihipt4dl»r !
iwven pituhnMh.iad.Phllsdelptftj being earneden
tirely la ;»rtabre Section Boats, To shipper* offioa*
goods, or adrinciajfeharm?. - 44 g«25
er°lin» “* n ?°-" ?’ ttftW*K#Ws»i by W Otfct.
I . ‘"'"JOHN McFADEN 4-&JV V
} 1 - Cuut Basin. Peon st-Pittsburgh.
'fthM 227 Market A5l Commerce st, PhiliJ.
JOHN ItfeFADEN fc Co- Fonroditnand Comtei*,'
|4ioa Mejetintt, Caiud Baaj&j Penn
i lC7*AdTanee« nudjjbj- eliier of the tbov? on Flour,
°“* er ■OfMerohundiio cooiq^»^ ii
LTCmCE—Ths subscriber* have dispo**v»3f their to.
•ru i'eim'a and OKU, Lfoe to CLARKEA
3CSSKPU 8 LEWIS, ofthis
Vw wiii continue to transact,bntiaesa (at the’lino,
hi wit■ \V arehousc on Bread as usual,'And b*-
writ A;COBUamnco:of the: natronar* of'thelr
fnends. y . • iAMM STEEL A Co.
- PhU«l|lpal^Mn«bsUt !
, ■ "‘ ? • ■ ‘JDouUe Vaify Idtu fff - ' ' - i:Si
raxMxut to tKAXtroR eooo* bxtwiuh Kminan
•l 'avb mrm etna
CLARKE ATHAW;CIoa« Basin, Fiusbonhl
BUTLER, aiPMarhctit.PhUatiemhlm
“ ; JARJ CO., Agts, Brood street.
CLARKE A Co., ?u North sl, Bali.
W. PO BRICK, AgL, LI West street, Near York,
marld •: •: y • •.. • • : ;
subscribers bare ibis aw&clated themselves
X toother under thn style of KierA Jones,for the
mtrpota busiue** formerly carried on.
by Sad&u*) 51. Kier, and solicit a continuance of the lib
i erol patronage heretofino extended to the hen**. .
{ ■ . SAMUEL AL tflpa.
■ • ) ; - B. F-JONUR^^
■- • ■
n a ltimore yu g an als {umlroa us.
We are prepared to receive aad forward freight to
the above and lt\lersseaiftte places with ns much
despatch, kn(t«tu low rates, ns any other itsiKHtriblc
lino. j
' The aliention'ofshippers wirhingto’sem! Pork er Un
eon to Baltimore is p&rlieuluty: requested, in
uznueb as our arrangements enable us to carry such'
articles thron chin better order ibaa mny other line, .
,1 .KIKR A JONES, .p.-op'us.
. 7 ' Canal Basin, near iihst
. Pittsburgh, March 1,1347.-> •
lAM*L. K. jttXV -1 .<'7 : ;, - -• *.». TORES
JUNES—Ciminlsslon and forwardingMer*
Jjs.ehants,and WliMt-sale-Dralerr in iroiu-Bfoflins.
Kail,produce. Ac. r ,:
• liberal cash adtanci-soßcdnaigiimcnt*. inuritf'
MEW A^^BK^EltTi;
18481 “ rß^^ o - VU! ? E 1848
-A CAR Will leave Philadelphia tla/iy niter tut Pc!.- ;
«ci. runr}*, with the-Mail Trohi. Ui Ciiiunl<r»!iuvr
which. wiUcnaMe the Warpumd IcnYe lhen*'ih*- js:»'iic
iiaj*i with tclaytcj’ iiouesi numius tlij-; ««J uiglit, .it:-
cores ili< fceiraiu amvalol'goods. in. Live Din .i iVura
Philadelphia. - Applytto. -
j i) LEECH A Co., Cairn) Basin.
I .13 and 15 tooth 3d st. Philadelphia,
(receipt for AJOOlha produce, Ac., dolly, to go
■ the above line oiler thetlluinst. . , .*
itcxCT otirr, .. K- ©. BCTtLir. axt. coai. Hunraarvs
I’ittsbttrjh. l/tUndflpW*. •
•• • )' ■' VJnOMITINE,
'! ; }•' TtACASAL? AST* BUIjIOAM.'
IJENUV GRAFF & Co., Canal Boain, Pitubareh. '
UUTILH. HUMPHREYS k Co. No. 147 Market st, Phil.
C; 11. Koox*. comer North A raratoga »üßalt >.. _i .
Joils F. Clarke,Nol3, Old Slip, jy'ew York,
style of.nil Cp will be known item
jLI and, aiter tfua date, at Fiiuburch, n» Henry Ur&tf
k CA, and at Philndeiplun, a* Dutilh. Humphrey* A Co.
>. N'Dl'.N'D G DLTU.H, .... .
CIIAB. HUMPHUKYSs . J Philadelphia.
■ . HENRY.GRAFF, Fiitabnrgh. ■ 'martttf .
:1848| 8 *“ on Arr ***R*«*»t.
THBSteamootu DETROIT, : Capt. J.-- a Benjamin, will
j. run, during the aeason oi l&fo, between Cleveland A .
j Sault#le«arie,in Lho luHowiug manner, wuehitvr at
j Mackinac and imennediaic places each wait
Leaving CJeTelatrd every Monday, at ri'.hi. '
Do? Detroit do- Tuesday at 9 A.M.
: Do } .UaekioMilo- Thursday ul 7 A.M.
Returning; Will leave Sanll. Sta Marie every Fudhy. at
,tmd Mackinac lOo?clo$K, 1% Al
and leave Detroit every Situda? evening tar Clere»
lend, at; 7 o’clock.' ' . ■ ■■
, \ a : l J Cleveland.
1-. i .iGBAYCS A WiCKWARB Detroit.
; . I S MrhXKHiT r Sault Ste Marie.-
*»e Detroit has been thorbaehly repaired and refit
ted the ppt winter, and the peblie way rely upon tbo
perforroinr ofher tnpi with punctuality a* advertised.
feUKtof: , .■ .■ .... , tut. WARD.
184 s
r To ajiu from the Eastern cities, via t'.'iufilerlaiid.
rp H h proprietor, of this popular line, hfive since their
[X ra*ocg»wx*&on large!; increased their facilities to
meet the yruhesof shippers; and are do w- prepored ta
forward « greater amoam by the J-*IV'E DAY LINK
. try additional regular wagons at low mien.
; This liui mil run throughout the' Tear.'delivering
good* thra • b the acehu iu Baltimore and-Pittsburgh
to owner* and consignees at specified rates and time. ;
Shipmentsfrom Philadelphia for
(narked “Care, J D Boblnsoo, Uuitiomn^ n ■
The onlr agents are, : ;i.
« . ■ J-B ROBINSON, .
5 . • • W 8 Charles st, Baltimore. ;
5 EDGF.KTO.N A-Co, CaitiUerland.
i ' 13 W CABS, Brownsville; •
J C PituUifh.
1 *opei«U>H ol ll*i* i<iiiu>«r. Lii>* lt4V* j ihr
Ag< «*ej- alt wnUrUn4 In* iL.' boot «f A. -v
jui *lu ti\ai oi Edgtrhxi' l Co • •-.- . . ?■ ** .* .
* ' P*"»borj(>t w 4 wotOR mockea<* mrv oui titUlha! J fikt
7 - vhnMMa oihf Kautb Cu«fl«( ( ..&luu».rr u il-r «nlt
»utbo<it»U.*jtnS af ilii* ihcUwurocit ' l*. -
. t J • DIDA F.IX, P.ttiburth. '
■ *.:■.• ' U H ».A>.SUM>wH*T.ll«,
*?.•' VfuniHfillK,
LD(j TO.V toi'otiilar »ud
J B HOBtNSO \. BalUtnoft ;
MrulA, TOUH.mnysJjIVU AU.liißKAfrttl.-V i;nifr
tvIUafANTS ai>d other. *oMiiiS{;oo.U*n- want
ed thnt UtU u the ln*io»U rate.t; tuu> tutui .it- '
lijuous Une going Bare ijoimectlup a
Kxpnu* daily j at lialttraore. • ,
'■’lit rough - receipt* wilt‘be given to an> of bo ai.t/V.
place*. tMetchaiiui»e. uul package* of our *uVhi
weightiorwarted. •:.■>••'* -••>.
. fcxprewelo*e*daityiu3.f..ji. .•
. '• J. .- . . V .H tt VICIyKaY, Agent..,
MorSPtf < St. Chattel Hotel building*, vro<xl »t
' , i ' i 4* * Co'i ■ ;•
cO *5W mrwcMtt
. ••: ‘ ..? , K * FBJST* *> Cov/; .. . - i
■ 'trot 35A-Kiiiß aricrr, ratuiuktrtujL '
: ■ AND iXtsmV.'- V^l
I -D7*AU kmdeiof Jdereb«ivliireeil(uiUn(t(ito P. K.
?»***. Vhilad«lphia*.oe toJ. ifarrcAfeCo;, lhuebarxli;
y'ggPWWWwM of .j. t
' ..■ ' ' "
f ; r^^ass»r
‘A A"SfS£S; ****** wfe'^
: SOBrtiSeu^^SSPßlXat,
I Ccnifi£-aU* «ad iftflfic'odpublic.;
■ i? 1 i , tZ r .hS’r.l pa, '"i , '!'“ ndi ;
; J 221
I nirJ*!ri£.\i* ie H I,W u»d.«d«** a^«lM4be«sLT
• ty.u a? JIJJffiH, 05 *" rawnFicSns,'
*W|ftw fara-lakor. nuuleiuqaifT~whcra ihthMii^.
fewnieilie -
wajrDeaCom l ,OUßtl STnipefWiidawm
rai?ut • U * e^re « »*•«« was then-hweieSL- -
»*““ saa£“ -
m&L' y “ r ,a 37 ' 1 fc4 “ l -'irSfew*' In mr
P racQe «i Jo compound* niedicinaffereoar
liuoa Jot diseases of the ehcwt md
2?rfsi« T s®_ lr “ij r *na ,l irWuff curc» «ir«ctfdsly mr
roe*cine sooaspniad its fame abroad; foritowwiiani
®fi’* “ aaaaiacittnid nempenerpafttirfei-'
ffodcerufic*^*— HtenUwity eona
pinmd Iks only canto aCiu popularity . lii«tt.nii>a
■SfeS^rfw 1 *? H 1 * CDvr y° r «*}*i»»peealajatt in the
■t3icUon*-ofhi*f« lowcieatuTe»J«o mnehseih«i in ■"'
aoeedtothapabliemad im.
£uf(Coding lial prepuriuiojitad a jj-jj .
p «n*nie*r cS£T«m! with
»ra*t they callwJ Dr. tVbfci’*XiaiMi?of Wiltl'Cherrr
u^£?Jh?hi bto “? d ? <, P alar bad ao nwii ‘
'JrfStvu.U?{ ai, S! # iJj P^eomPatch. Tfcenamo
\£**StolS?23g2B&E*££3%s"-. ; ' :
■l iitrentof, told Jw recipe and rhriu to fnanufaetnrA **»
52"£ £SjS!.y dic .i l *' k ,c - r ‘v® 'CurtlnhntTtor^to
I r>l^K!!L? 0 2^- a^*aothermN *w Vork for the East.
wMottttfta tmwiuin •: :
[ wMnnhSS^
S t, “ IM preparation.' whieb hears tho-w-'
2I2SS.'!IS‘ i f ,r is -
caMinjmy m**ditiite, the only trulr anrtnrtwj -
•*l pn-pawiiou of WiM chi,™ Wore
wh*h U proved eada&etosU.. b/fce Si So-ffi «f '
the UioononwctUih of m *
ou». other official itoctimciii*. DIL 11 sn avw
. f amphlcu eaaJio obmlncd etaia.-seuinr forth »n '
,*?** ia ' wSvit.s SffiftrtJiS ■ ••'
mr&w 1 "?.",,'" lh s«i™vr£n“SSi
WurHOBV 1 ?■
. v l4 ■^“ d ' * n4,
n: 6 ? # * l * E ®fH»D RlßHdv.
i F
Lin! S!''rej\'r”i!,"VSi A ,™^Ln“ A iS J, f*'' OF
«ui«' l ln^ l i l^' ft>u,,d ,nb - ecan,n,ani, y "Co*MA*t«e«k
coW*. eougli*, tpttoug of blood, Prdii" n?i 0 ®i. -
, d»^c^^^^o^^S'£lff s Si;•'" , ■ v x X“ j™*"'* ."
I at oml Wood La '’. co^°-
_ HARNDEN 4. CO ," —~
. s^ssssagS?
«>atcj{ iVio without any detention bv ihtclf! A- J '
Wo u r «hi» fearlewJy, u fe£e m^i**"*'*
«m lotlKtnr that theywere ckul&J SS
Liverpool,whilst Uioa*WM& otothen? S?!? i? “
mouiu, uaUi.U'.r coahl't,"LewiniiSJwdtSfwi -
S P me, yhleh |» pnSSl££ eSI
■'|,“Si' 1 ' coi'iuacte ho^oreuf^,,,
vvLat l 1L may, min tint ■<<>•»« _■ cost
' whemt soiled ilietr convenience *^^ noea W..-*u* 9» .
bmJU'dnnrii m J’iiubuntU fet mov . nm ',.< ‘
»***h,i£ .
'•> \ - JOdJIUAEdaiNSOX V
.“•». 4
atm rbl.Work^
r nuttleiODtt :
ihcif custom ojid to .licit Srk^leo^Jklortul^r^
. « M,,pnee.S?PM»'
pnia toi'elaudiiig .„g Sgte »li»l- :
fciibdin ' - arHU-J'HEHj! t SOS,
I: :' • '. - Malice, .
' *“ «* tfc«uiwof nU&„e
•** '* ircm ji* prctem termination at Wa«j>m»
Uiutiaiion and iuspeciiau, as directed br
>4S£. 4 -'
T''* •'
- ■—miii,tA.. ’•:
Utif .ivki w*a i, v.-.i.
i | wiotf.; >
.LX* luiiaiul vvooiit- uuicai '
tor uU'liiitiU & in«eiu»«rf u. ’
' «;«•:#- a, .«*** -
* . v.. 4 uu.v'k' - . ...... .''. •;'j' r '‘£;' .-
■‘-rr-- r .
i lm Unytunii w.u ciit
1'U(.iiiar« wij] fc* AU«dlhtm«tfitatacii«tL
pbranon ok the otficc uf c, S, i^W
• • ... Uoof atkOTe moiicmL-a&kn Jioute.' ,
UKUtUyAtfcjiiiJ. i* to. -> .v , jaaxu •
SiiMviitg tud 4>«d u
J)I.ACK)SU.\ a fUUiN IAIA ■■.-
U ':o
slraafwowj t>»K»u «u Hit -'
.*Nlangtnuc(ti«**',i»wt» *nb«W,o>» 1 ' '."Vt-ti'* :
Thcjaramparwl .maiMUM #*«)•)s-*
Tlunkiul tut ja.t ••*-*• * Jjl ' l * > - >l a '* l —W gf
mom, ai iui* l/iHaaurcc'midllnMMßaai. -
(hack of AtcaauJcr 4" Oiy% O’J .
bU* KoJ ioaci<nU^^Wjj^;t■ v
* TBBrtJ . M 3 A. UV\xS2§3»{4
"- ; : ! V‘ : '"‘^V