v«tf tmw* _ - fog Jawwu.citaena, wbo bsrc expert* - , Tbe*e, eriih* am tea ‘>• . • JQUTVNALa-OPvTJrE DAT, '- n ■■■ ** ifgbcdiejfafrepipbJel fona^andnaybeh*A ■; •.: * HWDBfiS OF BOTTLES 1 befell««rd in tbl» drr;. . 1 • THOUSANDS; AND.TENB OF THOUSANDS i . UmUd Suim u 4 Ceaed*, ud we ekx , • i IragetßyttjbjftjgiatoHie ;••... :.,. , .... r*i a ■wWH, JffcraUfaa'ttnpntaigiodirvcUo&Laadt** l^toldaJ* j fc»i>i«o*iel*ttUr.4i»Ms*nttad,t* ku ■ •rafUMQtO ... ■ .. . ■ :■•■ :'7 EFFB&T'AiPE&fjBCTCUSH ' : Wky, ihwu needihe bMtisut.i' by rwart to ' aiwww twtfiina, xomp-ep by a t*. o*a ladiftt. . WJJ raotipM Unia«f,«*njeof_*e«* e* .rieiaai!tii4Mri&Hl&to notoriety )»y ttnikexvt ..-. n-r --’. wa «qttlQy_6xAjtowro? WfciUt inedielMor , ’ UNPARALLELED EFFICACY .. .tsto MfeUiVtbpMTqubrn »n u < fewße l *"o*f aekfc« "-:.''konr-l>nT»r-«rbonUbM.'-. / . - fiRATCiIED FROMTXIE OB AV& - • /. laoidafUaf&UldraliiaideißedieaeauybepUeed . /.-/Wltirfa Uw.poor e* wcU the ri«V we bare . / m tba'fcrtca *t - , ./• • ■ 'Wi _ * ; s 5 ; ? /?- - •?’*■*■ '«■* tVj|«ji , ', , {«J-;v : ' > ;.*;l.-j*'.'-g!|'; vSj. > .V -♦ iipi:i|l» fill#® :|js; • '-T- V-Uir.j S&ssa®slsB&fsS? >4wfc9»*sfea& mmmMm *&'&%'• && v@s 1 '•*" : - , *L-'>Vv S ,s KCi • i '^'* ■«>•. <'»fS '* ■■>. *V‘.-"t« ’TO ■■' 1 • v ,r,:4 ,fv -'1 i - * s'Mrni Jfc**ib* ; utwui.i.M—. |;: ; tti paredHfJJ.Eßii N 067 Wood ‘ Vi byDrT^Mel, sikwmnl; DM Carry/Al« ■'.Vv • jjfreny; WUlia»j fietiUyTfEwanegTiUg - . •• )ili TVJ EWLy* i fcrmaaeot 4.1 Cmo/HIRKIA«rfIUfTUK. (Soiled io«V . V. 9mrt#«a*MSttf»fcfehUttajrbewom. The pidbi :4 v r s *a»dl(tiaffߣH4Ps«lta««ffofi«prißg«,rfdd« < ioJ>rtt’' , : »Wiea4ar Uihru-Jr/.cJi'Uj -" aomxpawnt mode bylbo r'wrtnjr* H'range "WonJ •- VriUflc|;iAieitaiMiMVVßta'a‘e«s«'>9«fleett3l.' TEe uib {> .attiberefuwt tiig'Tnana.'ician: ,MtueearalßallaTroaee,id * «Bperj>r*ij tr-*in V . 4>tea)a/tpdb«»»tlu>i?Boßftfr*tl; l iJOlv';::/-; **4 j p W’. tCAUFF]ffJ»W. .■■ ;>' j - jSUetn'oi .; •-I ■ ' .-JBCaiKaMttjL Obto, JanV £7. 1b49 ~ ■* - ~%y * K ittiMWnfr.il. ’ - WV- AX ad a* a M vaittdatrar(r, D and bsa girtoentira j: Tjaimietin to aUriibo hare bad occasion lo umJi:— Yaw liter fiik-afe.cl*e'gaining a high repetition . /'imv3r*«npMpaciWlf,corcaA-Mara - J. • ' v - McConniunux Ohio, Jajt*y ifl/lSia. ■ ■ •)■'. ;■ Mt-M. KSeUvarVearYenaiisge aelle remarkably -: taa, tad h— ftJwd.tiKfiril- confidence of aU arho me ' V Aa Yoon truly ' : O bun Gate*. , -■V ; ct B.- & Sellers No. SI Wood at,. ~Md fioby Ah: Want, 3. M. CurTy.AUe -•fissis* rn.J.Bialih < Teiapenuiee»iUe. ftbl U. store «ad Cot+mlo r'.tor Joel Hotter, IfrngzUJ, cor. Wood sadAtb stK • iJamifamclf Nyapfa»onp;_ „. •I ' - Amandinfor.CwpodHands; •[••■•:,. .BdMttFs •••:• So do• ■. do:. I .'.%'*•• SaparSne Storing Cretan two aaJnond; t ••“ ■ ■ OxAlurow Pominirn; _• r ‘ ■ * Cold Crtam; } . •*»• * Pate; 'l-'.-j -* ' Aimestnet tortha hand \ < -!. •■•* •' -.1 «.-■■ .-fehio I'?'.-'- Cr-fc iuua AUUEPB laliair V«**taW*llair OiV'fer paMflfecctMfiowtk*toAeiuocao4faaprovi]if ib» u>«»4 al>mauypiwtflUmr U from mu, /or V r ; ~J WOMI.Btt,OnrMi«; ; ■ > iMI KTwwaato ropy> tot WowUnditirm ; SHOfmrer* Mli. a rad. tnleie, *&.'&ptt Ml AMSO» 4lt taw by •' ■ - «>g . ■ JAMBS AIHtTCHISOX* Co iHTTHW 1 T'l 11 ' 1 1 / '*~* i *t ; i r-f--trJ f*r / ttfabf IIjUU . gfc W HAItnAtIGH. tWTAL VAMWI-AibU Copal wSiSTsf'Y-Kfc" / tmt4%lzf+*br ' JOHN D MORGAN. - ■ ■ -'■ . y^yiJFiyw— gfct iunr' •l»»*linr r'rooi ur Ladjr Zd* I !**"?®,SStaftfoiiiiK. . fMSg* ,^fey^i^£g 1 .&5! ,t7 « 'l . •>.■■•■■ £.' W.-.V-V--” f&Uja* » « ■■■■■-■ - : ; i ' ' ’ ■ ■ t )«t fbAbiaal coaorcovgh*. f \\ (s f» *ccsn iaaevtr cTtiy tawnaodvilUn . •toil* wt*t, whaarc'inep«re4io jciTe-f&liiniKm*. Benreltfrttoil , ~-.T. - . ■ ■"■■■♦■.! ■ , ..^BfWriwtT^CiadiiaaiiOhio.— i A erllAU. OH WFhCpt'n^OFUREATHWO.- ~ J3l. nitdufMi ta eittwi by * raroxymlfeautiiv 0M erjtbp odl«i iiUnir dsubminr, tteou *us^i te uflbeuum; WLjSWEirrSEA’S PANACEA i* the '■ *flrcertainnn. • - •* by • foe me of Or. Awerucf*Pfencen. m' . ' «cU, vUebtifaegieetad.^B .■■■ ■■tem to Cpowgßpuwy U BfectaaUr tcttered aa4 • ' eared >- •;. ... ,_Bißßr- i )aed to : tbonrhm_roAM nation, bet a tiawly naeoTDr. Swew j>Cibo or Sote WMMeoAMiM4iiOHtMM.eoaMqoeiiepcfioa.BC9> leet, »aca. a# elceaiion of iW ibroaL On the fimarop* Hm. Df. OUjmmeiVPafraeea; ahoeld be procendand. uedfreeir« <,: •• *, -.v---.' .=• ■ - \ -* .Coejba end CaUi:£a4--* Mxetdfß rtaedjr.io fir. .• •ereeutfeFaaatte. it.x.,-, •. •-» ..* Vtm* Uielosfi, ttte Windpipe; orßronchialTabes r . teeene fliogfed. op wiikpUegn ao as to impede lesai i ntton or breetiunff Dr.fiwecuer‘o Panacea, whleh it . >;*pewnftU Expectorant, ah?ald be tnkta mecordinr-to . ~ Ike direction.: t ■ y.Vv .Iftflocrux— Thij dtennisr eptdeaie, ao pra Talent ia ' ... ;vo«r«lin)Bie,iMpeedil7coreabj.Dr. SvMtaerVPana* - v,s.. .-/'.v . r .... •• 'Prieetiper bottle,oruzbcmlnfirtfi.'- fkrr Bole by WM. JACKSON, ttt liberty at, alga o t • . riabiyl»ooL ■: v .-. ,- ~,.: • •aprfialy . Mcrat«)*lfl«r«tolill-~v- . mETTEB. ITCH, SALT, RHECW.Ac—Who would . - l'.forasinyie day scratch, whraailUcted whhlh* Tetter, Itch, or ether diseases of the skin, U they knew - * who woold relieve sad care them.'' r *|te ho mbit Vt bo obliged to'mb' and aersteh when • diene. bet more homble to aUtain fyom it, [for decency ■ataj when Ineoapany. Let ii be that Dr.LEIDY’9 TETTER and ITCiI OINTMENT it the ■oMcuetdoat'Of tayotherpnptnJios'in'exitteoee. U ewiug the Tetter, Itch, and other diseases of the shin. Aral! djatameftbo akin tnftst trite ftotaiha imparity, of the blood and llmdt of tbs body,' tad where nchdhN •esebcof.lonystiadinf.end'tbe constitution'affltoed • thereby, tf Xhr. LeidrHk.&annpsrilla'Bloodl’iUs be escd . with Ute oiotxaettt, uey. wil} jrare. asy- «ate»wbathTer/ .■end d thermo hot, the twoerjeW he returned by Dr. < Leidy. HMt cares, however, mill be efictnaQy fared bjM*. UXj\ ,Teatx, sod Rik. otatmeai, anlesa’.the'l ' '.whole system It impregnated by the diseased honors •« which wtii be,compkttly earned ei" from the evstoi w ‘ fir Leidjr’j.’blooa'pillt, tad !U»e shrike* of (be skin beat ,■ : odby the rintmenu Price of olotintctls«enta. , ' _ ' :-. z • A fresh iaftphr of these valuahla raedbrion jaw to* ’ oemdaaJioTtale'by .. ' '** -v-..'. \ B A .FAHNESTOCK A Co.' \ - hb4 *• cDrri it k wood, also cor. ith A wood au. rrPSAOKI TBiGS U fc-j »t>rai«UCtkY.’‘ J •' "•••;;•■'* t. '- BUT UfEVERY.MOTHER'S HOMESTEAD.. 1 -frniE ooderwfoed hw-lony beew eoariflced of the •:J* ncei«a ur eotte tdedtejoe adaptetMoUieaaeof .>• rQJldrrn and Ja/euta-to; wpereede thease of-all those /•medicines which eeatahumam, and baa as leafth eae» .'■'Weeded la pftperu< *od-jooeriaytotbapabfie*mßdi» -ciae&tlly aaawaxiasemrperpoeeforalldiaaaaeaarthe . towels, wilboat,lhe«a* ofthatdakterioaa trarf or any . other ealettlawd toiajbteJiUhe leazt. ->Th* Ufiul PanJ -■> ACM'box'Amu ,6ti]y tested tried, the laattwalra . : —tniit, by nan>ta>«» peraoaijaad found to;poeten all the attraoraiaarj nrtaea, and toprodne* All u»aes&nw - • Wring cSeqeaajct forth on the hull ef dimcttoan -Di. - nrtbea, Vc«sitißf,;Cl»oUc. Uriptny, PBiss,~Bkknearend : JDbetati arising too Tsdmw, eetiny: immediately * < Wt*T* l * M f onwttftna of.tho body, - ' .pfeddctoftJn;^fpr*^* l aad'mert pleasant-transdoa : .. • aw violent nitin.io.Mramioil end joyeeaatate of frel* : 1 lulothe lhueaafeier.^.'-:•> r- * • '• • • Mb he haAwholesale end retail, ofthe Proprietor,-to/ JOHN SABCANT. -Dnyyiit ud Apotheeair, John ; . . MlmbelL Elliott* Beckham, ami non other Brayyiat*. • 'gp piUfhyny.aad PiUabargh.- - ■ V ' • dec 18 • - KLLEBV IMPERIAL COUGH SYEUP.—It has' • pk power toeirtri ; FTTwae*aa,F«b.H,‘lSt7.v g WgtmW-uJtTynrifr hrfnry*ar» to#n Sabjeel '.lftAdutretiinr couch, aeeotnpaoied with astfafok for." lb* Can of wfiielrato Wed - Md kad adilM cf the-BKn; r fttalfitet u ia F>«r > * l,a i bni all was tworaiimg. By; chance I "heart' ,' mi yearlmpeiaiibotgh Syrup, and in otdairt tb b«J7 1 | • tattle fat trial, although I had no belief that anything. -Wald rcnxrra-'htreomplaiin.’ To mr jreir aerprisc,' t*» doses raw fommatediAte tines troubled baitwoteasp&ousfolotSyrtp . •Ur»rssipps«l.->l*»sali*Sed,aAer*tlialt>£thrWor Iw yrats, that Seller'* Cough Syrup is the best cough • Medicine I bzrbirver tried either id'the Old or IVcw ' World: i’- : •• • • Wit Faiebocto, • . - : I7W sboT*'ccttific.ate ahw)d u«Ja».-aJL*ehp,ere; wadded with cough «e»thuu,'to pro the Syrup.a tri. iiL -It may be load for £> ceota a bottle, at the drag •••of • TT ! RE SELLERS. CT wood at vioMbr-Dr da*«l,'slh' wftrtj.andJD liCerrjyAUe- Sny'citr. • t~ ’ ■ V,- V- ••, <. • - -jaad-.... RTIER‘B. VEaMIKLUE.-'lh*- greatest Dfcl Wots medkijtesl w j :■ ..Wala tacertify that after ating diflmnt prepara* Ini for * ruling worsts, | bought of C.f, Helmut, of NfwLJabpe, two.rial> ut B EitteUers’ Verttafuge, and -MVO'thefoatutSior.ODd.Tißlta three of my chiklretL JM the drrt.ued e years, it expelled 45wonaa;- fcDM foe *ee©»d, el years old, rtf and from the thirty lyaarr oW, life tasting v£i& worms expelled by using MtfomTiaL ,|. recommend Sdlera 1 YenaUagea* a. •foim! o*lo (jftbempet etfertnal Worm medioae* be* - f I.iIUGSi drormt and im!i> . l lf tun, N. W.* earner of wood twfoUi m, Pitt*..' - Mvgk, .Wu keejt etfuttntif oo tond, dings, •ffr til nplieixßVfueseiipUosa coreftally compound* fip tol’lh ton it nap boor of ibe day or /■nt' Aino.*n assortment or peiteacr; fine lornbAair SlsMltmtos, Wwhfek to.Wui.aeii for ■m* • ~ 7 : -i.•/ marl' WtSALWM IB TIUWMM.;: -' - fl'Ulf is to eortiQriiuuJ paicta*ed cmtisJ of Dr. JLlisJjU** WoaoSpwiiSe, •omotrromoßtii ajo I mi nntit sofetf mist, boow mttq yews old, two M*se«»AUl, ud’sUMßfk the mmaani:nwy.«pp«ti tsrg% )st I ks?* ao doaot tmiibere wms o|nrsrttof IM.lMaui wusjo psatd from him. torasonnf i—wawtfrofoniashtotwobiebci ioim: ' GW lIOUJDAY. /' OstTol€Q.Teim,Dceg, 1647.. JtSI -KWH—• jßAMirtM’epta luodinfc V 73STT . »auoux, atwiKLpfc&oß >l g& Ctl>t * V BCBHW&.P Ic EOF. 1 ?*?**rW:*» - of »«««■>'the . ySpiSssiijt j^ss ” **• M#id by Lochta < ■yffiQaLymopaeyecfl Mr. aid Mrt. iveodbridye; by , V^sxQwtn^.Reriew. ’■'
ayUeh»I»>otetalejby 1 »>otetalejby JS Rohh. » . . w Rowland Aabatitk toil by Lady Clxmft ; • 1 2*Sjdeiidon Af-Vrnaiile*, and u t •‘rhßjggetic*! |i w!,h ; * ;Poeu tod yow^fjAfffriett by S&XSI Gtit- FWerjLH* hy.Wyii»™ ■•- 'it- Sb££?'*' ■; J ~.~* ;A ‘ ’* 4 •*-' - ■ Hie Poetical Worka of TV™., MfVfT“ - ,'-’ . • r - u m ttowuu :;; ■ sjaered Udutdiuv :’:iU-:.\'->i». .*'. t^SSSgfJ^SSS^SS^Si ■~. m I I-! ~' O ? JO%SIONi ndCSTON," dc3o • :; Bookaeliera,-cor^MlttfciA 3d m. !_.? a] b aMa ?Bla ad aTd Werii BEA«toE» RKCJCWA»U-A D,e4W of So*. tae»,ti»mar. *od «rt.«ompriw* tio hator, di*™* bo , tevhefc U b«dn kaowl&r*. SJS^!ftfll^t^3gsjasß! s*reu*otonnc(sos wood.' •*■<■ * <•■ Bton>.North AmHoo Ati», WBt»tti«bemlilliD? col. -L^w& , £ r ’ E 2?? WofftamTmo, He« H» Centre! i ■ sJlnP»jfyibßi v Tb» lustary «f (ko'puiUM Croat iba Moor*, M D, Mterof tiwnyal eafegtof ntniaui,Ae! _ 1 JnTtDlle Woriu. . - JT •hTSSKJS^ I rijipwnidai' i -i*"T o fr 'Spobvt MWfiranf aad csmac* ia daeJaaalN*. ariiTTaeio^, **» *f jwtw.'ky French T R*mk imna&r •fceatedlFr&cetaL ■)«—», uuu*™»r ThaftbcnwwksßctividMdtenbbr - • ' ; ,j.. . JOHNSTON A STOCKTON •*1 / ; &*Utfl»*,iaarkut«raßdari*fr _ ) ••• Palmiaiiry' : ITI. ,cwa to toy fellow *ren tun**, to atato more, wpectiur-roar Vegetable Palmonajrßaiaant »aee| tru u*eft.U»o Balaian- aboatekrenjeara.Mp. of whtck liuen im aa pare, bad acre mi *cr ere cwnplamu and attack* at my on* 1 a few day* »iuce, and In ererjr in nance 1 we Balaam alone with complete ami perfect KBcecas.. It ha* effected relief and cure iu a tenr few I «J* & £ eeitaLUy « «ti* medicine. Ido not know i^.«i , - , T*H cn,cmfljKsd bat I tetter* it wmlmtoiaauy.eaaeaApterwtlre, and prarenuoa i» fccner tluuj caret i do thereto*. &r the lore of my fel id* men, dareenly recommend ibesue fadlLpalmoatiy eompiaima.' I aaabeea lie mean* of preaemnrmYiir#jothudar/ ... Bonoa Jaae W»4a. BEKUtturiIABSONS. B A FaJxnejtact,4 po, comer firn and rood and >lio corner *ood aaf ftfr: • •■ •■ jajp CU£ .AJUjtf«’*Claaiie»JDi I;jite|»o«nrT *f Greek and Ho:naa Aanquiilea; : £ M Cellotfch'a Ctuaxats dal Dictionary; ‘ GwftlMiamrj******* — ■<: w3SS» Oorttoptfiiorrirr, ret htifciifee-: .Dicnoaam *-*< % WorcMtkr'a-ttntonarr; — : ;.,uddell anti SeettfcGrcek IjekicWi; "T '" J .; of.Xrw t««aaru • • . : Ulin teiWjUf *‘. • ' r ‘; *. * • **• Aiuawortb'a Latin Dictionary: Flrmiaiai aodTlWiin'a French Cheuoa&rn •• • ,- usck'> Theological Dictionary: • • ••■••*■ UniotiAUble Dictionary; - e.~ --BobmaoeCalnw’* I)ieiionary T ifce-*r • ' 'Ow Bborb, with * general ftuorrmeat ofTheobejeal, XartmAL MiKelianeoua, and Sunday School Book*, nl way*oafc*4dniwlforaa!* low.by ; • -~ • ” 1 ' - MM EUJafT*ENGLIBIi;/' - ■”. •. = --• »J4ark« at, between 3d fc 4th. ~ -- V- • j S«W Ttf ILTOPfS. POU4IS, Bixpttx -ncW wt>rk» of Jofen-MDtonL with .*»««. «4P*je»lmark* on Ua'gntlrifcri'-wri*' »7- JUnea. Montgomery;- tad one hundred and lirtwo yeSS* 10 ** from drawtng* by William ilarveyv ' i lborOoipeli and .Aca ‘.oTltaol AMKlea, is Greek, with Bigtidr: note*, ’ critic*!, philbeoplucal, and exegetical: map*, indexes. “25*5-?? AWjMttuaeio—Tartho oae of. .jAKn I Hen JV_.Tb# life el Henrr tboJbtmh. kutj ofPrsziee nndNavarre, 13/c". P.' JL James! Complete In fear f-arta.'nwr; f rolal doth. " ; PoraaJa by <*y JOHNSTON kiTEOCKTOY '■ janir- Ifeolcadlefr/conOTofnurk&t-nd Jifla PSQlilll -Cj elatioa, i torn ibe tanj liDgtlicircewl atyiVlKSrdltKOnrortho OreeK fter in* jofithe; vran •a od It anspaliar Miiwir bfieaofibeQrfek Patriot* ufKmandpi pirr frop Aa twovDi i d jMftj er&tjl nupi unTncT^;. i q ia ml llfrt» r ,u ■ • •■- ; ,i [““jWbiJJw .rnaancevWiiirSoengra- ring*.. •• UeUm’llh late j»ine^- : tlUmr-iio* -• loaf TnHhe Jo '2ruj imttJrtfiMcujelje* HStJid ’iOtytititn* ’J® fa* W"i& ik&n£*r& eS ssas«i{3ass^Kass?ii^«^^' Tbospaos’sB«uobs; • dei’fc '■: v‘- J ~• ; - r •• FWaala Ur J I, BHAD, i-*”* • • " I • ■■•• 4i-Wort« r 9 wit 1 - ■ .• ■-■ * ■SSpfeHn# Kxp«ditku4flTD{»iof«l«v®- r *.-- - 3 »oU Tartar rt«b*ek*. • , T"£ wu } > a of «le ■®oX i Common j22J! r A*“ *2£^*? Uxt ??l » il o/VirWcßuil U told: iffwerOnn irw offeijtd mt&* ibe old stud ? i a | - ■ KAV £, Q>. .'.:.ii j cbr3dt-wood*i ’. •j - *. piuot» H D**l«in camera Pino Forte*. »tL »t J. w. WoodweH*», No. 691Urd StntL hjaoiMl'Maßatd « •»igu.udtbotahiiri; tomu M» w, A/iL.^famSS' S, F. U. each day. _ ... Pimb'y, Oct. 22, Hfl • 'Ve, &■ woaid iaforn thoeitixntbf fttuboifb and w« Ut* neointedll?m*. BeibM . nto ■**«*!• Wetiera P«aSyhriai*,forUw talaed at cox owft *? .° b i BCWKS-Ctechim of Iron, or ih« McrcJuunVond Mechanic** complete guide to rbe iron trade A' ♦ewcoplponhv-TaiT acuee. -SiadndK Liter* tun of tfaenntfc of firon*. Chamber** Infermaiiou tot the' Cyclopedia of Eoglidj literware. tVendeir* Utackitone* Commentartw,* as* «4iti9n In 4 tieasxUfct rchane*. HaUcck'iPoemj, a new auj l »;ilendul edition. Parlor Book-of Flower*—6ut*a rutlA j |tfi] J L .HEAD; 4lh ueu attktitu. ~ ” ~\ rpUB- I«AST OK • THE FAIHIES-A Chriatmae X TWa, l>y O.P.E. James, Eaq.; .77™ "Jane EjrrO; an amotoofranby edition: edited hr Car* 'I r*>r BeIL Jwl received too for sate br ; | jitai : r - JOH.VBTON 4-STOCinXJW. TIIK OKEATEST book OP THE SEASON 1 — I ft. U'«b*«f« Great American INctiouarrof the tttgtirt Lacfoag*, BSitUMOi containing all ifeat fee former rdhlom contained; revued br- Cbasnccr A. Ooodrict», l*rbf, Yale College. The mori chßmleieed* 1 , tioo ererpabridini; oue nil. erova qtnno.>riet ML 1 KorsaJ# l!jr J/L.BEAB, . ' deeW' ’ • • a. a*m reselles* Ai/MCOPAL—n*» jtesr *‘ <*joi waTfr-wwiy ■wSSw' tii*nionil T Alli!*beoy,AvtPn'iitoHl BBB|H -Mas *ofP)y ci.lUnw*,oi‘vattous«otort , v » r ? w i a * lu , m^kr rien btndi liil iSS .a thu .i', IT't ’ la ‘““ ■>»r ">«• neat in y * an berwanverf mam* •Fiewi^fr f f^' er ‘* r »«h , nSt ari-fritUoutHM aid ■ W ' ,Cf: y j - - •“• OCI4JIVfc-'>lßn,l r - ffl^SKU"**? 1 * *!5‘ r . Mtf "IN public, Ual ttohMof>O n aert,V | . r^. A1 | > . ayi , 011 fioud rff' Übefl toTjuj-tery bcji manner, alt roru- fihasljw rewy 1 5“? thraudi orfl* nnel, Camlet t otid nituHu/niid aft Meftßade-m ;We kt:ep‘B lir*- in' •oronempfwW ttoniblock, tM;on.*iitr»ititf fcianibve*.' nW* tor pall bearer* Uw, ul erery tftm- ii\“ce**cry far'arc3»J?i» ib/dead; andcn reauoiuble icnai. ai we |mrc!»»*e allour eobda' i*lW t-**iern eitrw.*- Alw,»r(Ttr jildiwlTbr eirararliia the game aad »ge> Weftgvc awileudid.D'ew'bf *n«ia3 ««y n«tol*er6f lb< teil'iSiHagc*.' K*trj >K>ya»ciidedt«*prtHßm»r*a W* r '-#1 Canal i lAi-'VAySonliandghdtaadcioonicr.alaWo vane. A Pkr,CMuiTs3i«?Sß- *VP'» romh b!oitc* J MauameAt» l «illwhic£l: : '* — “? £■**{£?. ' c OPPI£Ii; BUJ£KT IKON, A.IU JDIM . L Improvement! J. lathepasua^ljpn.of aJwir COOKING STOVES EIK * l /^ r tiwamboW* to call 'tni!.r^» B « rC PBrels«lflS r os wfc ehn Supply them *??***’ *eavlari now *»*£) by *h‘«h we ura oat a»»pcrtnr anV Jr, i **!*•* flWfcaal oa this plan ii perfectly Kve/ and »ery£oeiawa Faintejaand drsttir-rra.- F e w «ait mud.examlnc' for lijcw- - - »p & BE ftOTHER, : ; -«>BtMd\KABK-.MANUFACTU!tKIW < -V; - JUrplßfiba»,|at*f,pic U b' tt fib.| p*. IttreAjmst, 137, WoorL£icn»tJre*, as we *rc deuf?B»wsl » -t-e IV becn-oieretiTo Ifespsb-' Riders mu by lulltftfcotnpamfti i»y ihectsli or flu<*»-etcye. will fee promptly aneodcd i» iei>W • Crnil; Wultm Enlt llinse'SaiißfitfiMj. A 6ARDNER!*.Co;, wOaid **fana lb* Jradathat they ure nyw. mtoufaeumo* the best «famtimn m tt» Baaed talc*. - A* ihku oar princi pie Sauries*, we iuicu4 W send out u complete «o ar tielaaeqiti possibly b« made. the berdwmc trade,,wo think, will firuf Uio u»e.ii utiercti lost* oar Bens" ' A Herder* promptly attended w>. jn>s . A OAHONEKMCo, cor of.tah t*-nrainsi*. ■ ‘j! UIKSiMUIUI. T3CI fJOTUKI. : caupbclu a chess, - . - “ “ • - NAILS, IIOUK HEAD BILVDA ' * -. ■ Iron and Copnr Tatki. ' 1 , Ht(lN ANDCPP|*EK SHOE NAlLti. • : ’ 3 '‘ ’ . - Pattern. Maker*’ PtrinU t of every' Stetripiion. No..4irt. lAarle* Uotel, liinl street, t ><** ■ ■•■■■■■■ ■.•;. Pitiaburah, . »ltrtei»T. .••. ' •••'“! Juan uTepli* - FL(S7 CLASH KSTAHLISItUIfNT.- MULVaNY A LJ£DLI£>a«AU tael ore snd ktrp con- F*a\VT on Joiad tuid l*lKia Hint U!ujvire, to all lu Tarict&s aVUtcir.Witfchcoise cut- Btrot Market undiWatr.y'Mreeis, Prunlatuh. Our W orki coottmid,in fail operation, and we ate' contiafl'ly adding 10 Cannock, which enables us to till orders with pwoptpe-aC;*«/cbi«rV. are rcsitrruulii splinted to call iad 'fcxkmw. price* and teru:*.. • epic H MAKI N O : >* ** *1 r , Fttoy thevosy liaerai-encodraxe SMS 1 the subscribe* has received state hm located hioßßlf-riitAlleeheny.- ol> iadteed him to- take* Instr/for a of years, on Ua property he mw oeta;»et, is Be4eeti.sueeuv«uaodlately :be«iJe the "o*f>KruaCkttreb. Front the tone e*peri#nbe id the •ohve bauiest and a desire t« please; fcd'l&pcii uimers Uftnd rceeive « ahdreof p&bfiypstam&re.'* ’ Non cube fed andfinrehtog lO ordcr, : Rocha'# ay Bui- JUOKopaMlaitd tr*p Baggies, tuid every •flesefipuon of wmvn madetaprder.Jhaa seveoiy«five dollars to ettfthJwiarl itsetfUtfl! fOllff BUPTH I ■ • ' .lialM Ull. ‘'\ 1 ‘ ID funtuli Ilieir , aud-ihc psMjc«aenUly, with su eiee.. Oil i>lltti»,jiwaK»MiMt*euJi«, which Uiey *< | lt »4il on MccmEHututing terns.* Jtre. t Oil a,.* belitreto b«wt«»dM»nfoffered ta'tbe-isnk«; f utf «ayi»*h:uatodtfmnwii»f*ct£*rv. - •-•••-, f ; - , M - JJOHDAN4BON - i IS HWor u, o?po*J!e sajiiSUct J :: ■ftA-Urt ann-Grease suitable tor BucUinery.tia fcsnd;fof *a]r aborw. . t lllUATlias medicine should acquire somocbuoioriof JL ly.isflotnttUjUangi:; when we tale into considc cutettthe rystiiumbers ibat angered byits ytt. Tor nanrjtan it ha* proved so astoutshinefy successful > at the north, that near!? eray''family rdkihUititlieur. I bouseujw antidote, to colds,-coaghs aad comutanuon. 17 /Hid no other jtrtide tbo 4 sine menu i* eqtall* aud, and tlie eonsurnpUTe'lewuiMhSt be can I ®*P®“u»Poa this medkihe, when nil others have prored worthless. llwre u rtoi-a-doabt'&prt&oucd/Kls are’ ■yearly cored by this inestimable,medicine, u>d inidany i WKUuccs 'ehere those given up to tu an in. I cretfibla short time been entirely- cored by its unriraii*'] ad efficacy-; The ..following. iqruukable ease of eon- I aumpttoawas.eured by.thisUslmmioflirtrwrm.. ■ As' yoP | rato»lite aud.heattb, aod would becurwb at oaee j resort to this article, anti rest assured, ypa will not re* aortm raiiv-rbutreadandJudge foryourscifc , , J Inaoruo -cent or coasvMfriox *m> uya ctrx- had a Tiolent eoogb,wiih Tariff of phlegm, aaereropoiaiainy-atde, back, slomactf and across my i P°y«*** \ I was'eo cold altitnes, it seemed impossible to kecp.*niia,ereiv when others- ware •eotnplalmnß'eip. -I : the Jteft. and myaUnwas very I tell away to ' akinapd bones, my reinssunk is and became inrisiW, I andayery person supposed tan driof;' -Afrfend ofuiius J me to try Dr. Tayiorf BnUafeJof'Urer* j wort, which I cob as ay physician did me no goat, pi/rf J iars meoiciue restored me to good health again. ; •••I': : jkavanaoh,; ; jnar7 - , Ship Carpenter, 040 water street -I AithaaghthousaaJs are eared by Dr.TaylnyU lUl^ m ofi4Tcrwort,-ftnddJn)itny stilldioofthal fatal malady', l to^dacse-is; plain, neglect yoar find symptom* and toCatrilrnth Udagt ot no BsennUi it is too lam, dead, I -P Ol -ererycOne can be eared IfibeywUL— TweTlus tacdjeioe at the rery first- approach of the foi I -aidioCSltoe, and yon will be cored. * Yet this medicine <“• f*w.e«MiSlmUrtion in advanced *tages,as the teati.’ itooalaUiDeloW’will prow.; ltutlbe aorest way is am to dNro tsdMelaysare alwaysdangerous. ShCTJPdjyaial told tt.75 Beckham slreeL New York. by J D Morgan, m Wood su J Rfrtffcsfind, 4Jhlajked tt'Srayrfr,' cor&iaUc eiand 3d' ariuiendhrsoaA’Co, fl "Liberr at." I’rice'reduced to diaper large. 1 bottle, j'-l 7 ■ ■' pint? FULMONaKV f ■'* V*ceUM*Tutataanr Balwiu;—l r?, ,lll W*“r Pnlaoßuy IUiAW uknl* i itbasken rued la iiiiipJ#e*vritkectopi»U |MfWilUwlUttli conpUiulof the lung?, .attended villi I nu>ag of aocb blood «* “ b»J rt»iilrt manyipprottd pmcrirtjoo* Alwf uueUw tama cot week ibe patient** roiee retimed. [pnOctry* en-.Urt a, ipeekviidibiy/ Tbie ewe oecuriW wcuiTihtsan and the oua u now eafartd onloalym tf ,T ! 9u, . lw4o ** L *U»p*ellvliyTo5 JV 6f»i and wood, «Ik> cor ehllyfc wood ttt. : t’decS*. . I-A De UYfit’S EX^ 1 I a *°P , , r< ? rto ' *'l <*ber r*»»die» lor I CotqpiikCnißßfbm, Bn»dMU»,AitljßU. and other Pulmo. P*rK**»h#eoauoe«eedth« S ss:*?“ “■ ?»** “T» *dw prefer h to a)! J other rtacdwio/ihekiadt as* where an; luy< b*tninduced to try rttoprepaiatuu they hate alnott iniaritbir baa dtapmoud u r«« fit* Jhe benefit .whkb ttwreawrablr PS^Jft^Kfi^iSiaasss * tensed/ 1 Dm ha* ncferftlted to relict# them and wbieb «gS»w • • >¥UB2S n '. AS Itm now engaged *» the loportat/.-in ef Brnn.J ; e t Wine* *nrfGiu«, Jtc.ierclßtitrcly.andbuvinniiwde | •i/afifftD«niein di3crfiOs poru of £«iom aod iC« j*j. and* with writ loolmhobiei for nyiauire tai«»lrof foteljra Liquor*. which J! wjl W able to Klt.ddiverrd i« tins Cnstoin Houaeaof New York or NewUrlearteor I in Un« cay, at the lowest tnafktt price fercaib or £rv' | p»*ed Pejver. Ibsve ro nor* a-d'cellar* vrrylaiee veryoupenor Winea and Lnjuon at imparted .er.ibentMtevleliraurd brand*«ad Vimarev for Mle’nn pirtririiterißal.y . FC M A HUN - dt * a - ■ > reflet* emiihCeld*a I •' • Pr>l ULore for Sale* —; — SJTUATEIKui.dw fiottridune town of Weiiiriil* iK« terminal of lie PhtfowS W 'CJe 'elind^ I W, CO miMO, ,;.« t "w , lea Indefinite It* The owner* within* m [ .-.• .•"• _•• .•_■■/; . ■' . chJnie j-e«“w «|i’3 ox 1 “-“■.i *tugrr« kxuumh, a mi.., few yepr neb ■*•“£*?•*«« nrfetr, at die dry goodt hraWof S “T.: , ■,: :> W.fLMPRPmr• > .QfjGAßrttJ hbda N 6, ion TwdMd rorValeby: [*pjpGE.Wllik)N*c TPHQIOV i am w -‘Wi!Oi«^Q«iSiY^f . iVßjlpaSSiwfxtfr ; ‘ferlfciSMticfe, ■ igssssssamssss?g?»%» : :^SSs^S3g^iasis» £UlE^SrjsiS2?'r ei ' ,i, ¥‘" ,fc »^ ? Ss»2 . sfiSaSssasefflßMiav-Sbj. >7 »«i« StSS ii rsaKßSfißgsaSe^®^; .WatuttKl ms lot* mify .l*l* tranwlnj iupirfr/ Jfe ' yfijEflSfcMflS 1 * fr* »*r of ‘vAmofty w«?JS J i> •“ MMhud oixpiaeoC*fcßi ■ B^irti«fii t*i r> ’'\ r ;l WeQ»**«a»kD«ri*i>- Foaej ?dJw, 4i \ - ; ®i ? T S r J ‘ , ®*';AV &lx&aZ&s3a ’■»*fw t.uuii. c . Too r»fce. "* TTI-l -•':' • 4... T H TUTTLE, Book-keeper' ~.jl *' ( » i- for Plwotli &at tap!*, ~; mi a. i'^?!L* lutd, .* 0 * l »- tkrtowaok* ajo, i ttnndtr UtoL .....: ]—• 'wft£ttM'«fo3!&r ( tßi&££.“*■ I •>: . - ».. - ... . rf M riTs >in >lu>d t «&d fi&dittobeiamt.«te*j!cciartiek for I «* 1 |*.»..*nMr o/ Libttlj «ad SaiUtPtM jjimli. PtlfrEmnft.P* . , • . .OcttdS* ' T B,MORraa t (V«i BLACK \vamNG IMLlor. fV, Jheeppying’.-prea.'TiUl' flxperiiae.ni* of 'UreftTyewj fl.ertiiW to the «ann/wt&re,*ou on. ertciuine acaie. lor theporowt. afX.cwEli«r; 7?^P* I tfcstiW; oflhi4 ;■WriSar" ItdricAiuiiulntWfol* nrflpertlflri 'FLnutrr-Hn whkn property it will e r> WJ-. ■ IDTAIi KOOd black ink; from its ‘tMtiu'nl cheilral eyauitauou, require* expoWrfclo Ola' airtoimpatt n rieeji color. It ino«l not, User*/We, that **« kfcwfll t?fc2iii tobfl a;jetblack-*rbo 8m appearance will be pale Bgta/lcrerpomi-eto ihecheuncal action of ihojuctot pkere the Inkjmndif will uure a bruhaat black hac-irn-' • “*~ B J^lrjjnaJtetable bySfco lap.* “f 1 * It wiU nt.rer fad*. On Uiii account, all in porttntree*nl**lJoti!4bfltaaiJe in this article?**'rian only deepen-mad afreogUten-ha rim. ' • jW h*k u «uttable for all ktui* 'of weutiie g?»and«»wtwo»4eirfquin*, and wrtfti U'lamor. OBRpnd eery derijaWe with many, will rive aper&ct ihMCpyinxpnrr.. -' •• - : • IET we anr uifogm • tneitutlhifiou* with ! which we are coiitiectcd. JJojni’.Lluf; black‘iwiilmr {jit* and in mpeetie flu%, WlCahey of b s2f ,l «P« rio ‘‘• D Atwood, iecretary, Fireman’. ia*urence UKtVttur, John !Uuir, agent LeJtiujiou WrauM Co; •uriui w Co, J H Jttmner, w W«r LoniarilU Barie« Insutuuoa- A i§filyd[ikßjSore:ipk4jtt*t.-fecei*eS and lux tale by 70UXSTQN *frroCKTqtt/J ; OArZUU 1 j pATBST fifiOIVEADi , 'Tills M ?Ikj Kf?» impravweni U<<»wl'«eaineM-«lwttMwoTur<,uui wttertver Jt it iwoaMvfKrfrnedtoall other lleadmead*. • :PBrilii:npurt»;t!ttatih AnJ-cooTcmeoccli Uaj nW x hr etjaalW,-** 1t lie* Lett, cbeapemad a *ue, and per fectly P«w^j*Wiii#L» i 1 i -it if Tio pie eJ>*i 'iWMMi nmert«rfcj Tenter* ia Alle gheny citf.and In *etute‘l Ki«btVu> r OAUoftaOrctiid t«ll ibr mniflr, Attfirrcarefponeus article* imperfect laiiHunmm the maikcL purtha t*nwau«2 do well tbexauua* (Mum Into platriW which m it.-r genaitw aniele the usau of-tba patentee,' V.. A*,*p«»fv/»U»‘t istripled i«i Pm ctttOiv ettef,-aia^;»bmeniiaset*wellkjiewa ; u*l , imhtija'aiul thn WeiWUMtbiniuod to the p.tllit: .• . • 7 ■ W t, ibe.tabtttibitiHPiatueai cabinet Red*ttml minoibktatrtß or tie tine* of l'liubucith an 4 AlltjfhetiT l l , a'.,'*lo Leieljr certify tb.n xvc have boaght Ur* r.ght to anitthicuit* bedKemlgwtfhUaxxam’t Pat eel Fasirooiji, ami chowder the tame »ufrvi*f lu jutf U^.niftt^injUtiiucbwttrtMaitamirJ. •iJtStet Lemon' . Joan UKjiew - , . ', »T:B Vounsifc "Kobert Faliman I ■ J. E,,ll«ule> , ._ .Jaatt 2J Carr - . J«!ju L'.ntfU.'Jt- " ‘ - Jtt.Uowry X Bcu j . ; iarprie A oh.ti " 'Kiddle 4 Lreniutij 1 . -T ItHAU Parle* r „ itovtj Lukcr - Mote* muSbck , . ■- - HuebAYtiitct ; Kobe hr. A£9 tie. - AAlnjert ‘ /ft* W WcchwcH -• 4 Ncehtew GeAM Snyder . • • “TTi* ilt»!tu J Mcblaater* iCo, ’. ■>•.3 » Alexander LtwtOa For l(!gbl&.t» KAln-tnd toU the above Celtic ad* xpplytb ; * “ V KBENEfEB F GA7ZAM, - "/; "/; ■ > L -. V- •• _P»uint«t - fpflE fcRKAT RKFORMATION—TLe PieiVrialEdL : X'tlOlfCri)'Aabigne , *?Te»l work on the Uelunuailun of JMBiat*c*U»-Ceaiury l ia(;e!inaj»y t Swii»i.'UiiLml,*c-.; Jilit pdbKtteAbf J(H<>plt'A.Sbeel. ChcrV) m.; ; Philadelphia, lilt splendid 12 too etiiliua oi Inejilmt'e with Id engraved iUuurtuou frctnoflpnatdoigtuj H volt talk bound in extra cloth and'library idieep..!. •_. • The pob'Klier respectfully etlU llie' attention of the trade end the public generally, to Uii» work. being tic publiibed in the Cnitcd State* JIo inutt the.be tiny of hi* emhelliiwtnU, Ui *(rpl>g -, ;«&b*tAmltl mtimer ia which it i» touiul. | 'conjunction 'with the kuowa popularity wf the work r self, will be a tiue recduunenootiotl to publie favor. ; ■ : JOS. A. SPELL,' .VoWCher '.AboreSixth, Phil*.' .Vo at AboreSSxi.-, J; A.Mi**lalelrpoMUhed a,fif tfandbeauiiili]etli lion of Servant Ocu> Bane 81w>w, a tuilable book to children;oe*U y doneap iaetfraelpth. "j" tuaraJlxn ,I'uo*. CuTTTifonaerljr ofßefty, M’lteax i -v * C»-'«»*****-**-»»- ; -**«i' : * i ••••♦ cineira«ls,o - .•••••-Zweerliie.U. ClUi 0. Co>*»--»-n- <<.M.;.;.NewUTleiiai l . , , BEATTY; BROTHER & CO.j : • WKStSSB^IIODCCC, Ao. 31 PuydrxajSftectf'Niiß Orkant- T - ..Rtrow-f ! V:'• : Martin A'CciJTinken;? J. ~ . j J»««M , oretbf *;o, f a i Dt»jd Co,Mial*oul!«.; i . ” j Kliia&Mortotr Binn?*fV ’ •*- £",*• Ho«» A FrtrtrJ : J Cincinnati' ' , ■■JLKKMtiafKMf. * • -» - J . II N Ktarney, bay. Ranker./aueavilte. o.' ■ 0 M>D*dW4 onvWelbTUle,O. : / ’ '« . ..■ .Real, fark»&Co,)ic&ver, Po, . J WCaLK«, W!H:elfoK,Va7 . Ml'ClerkirikCn,/' 1 w . wfc W MitebetUfte, J 1Wn *>' *»• i . ; - [ SELLERS’, VERMIFUGE—In popaturiiy dill in - Oereaainfr., - ■ I expeel io b« in jour city In a'fow weck%adta«hall - scad a larger aapjuy 'of .'yout Vermifuge, which U in i creamingin popularity M Übecome* known. We' hnft need it with aoectta lu dur own family, anti from our' neighbor* haru njany aoarancea of iu ercoUencr.— Touratrnif; ; ; : . .. ISRAEL ARCIIBULD. - Prepared and ao! ani. Jonflerty canied wbj bnu, in lu* :ifr iline, in aSal.er*.' ia* bihJ Glue Factory, 'fit* work* an* iif uintiptek* onlcj »>t earrj blather#, ivtihCiiorra. Ac,tuiii ti-ady fcroommoneing a' aiiy timif A llnrrai credit will It B>ven, u»n all known'by eallnij cp eitherafUtr>:underlined.• •• JAMES ULAKKL\, • • "John .MironEt.L. i.- 1 i AilminiMriUir» .firsifehubToxtCAiitSSiiliit- iitel ■” «l InM, W« nubtiludurt* pttawuoet it lob* what iiprofrti .**“ , b* beat article withiMlany eccrUioa. u.um. fcr'tht: . redofiUuo ud prcacmiiimof the hi-BM Uair..''lv« know “““wrwu* (nil into where bairhar beta hatotrd to litadi wb«u hare beta babl fcr mn; am] wrtbink wteanaot rf# . tTeater raror Uua to fcetuuauid I 0 alt our rotten Wbu ar iMiagibeir hair;tomkaa Inal «rtlu»Tcaue'uafta«liaUlr Butloa AiuU V ' ■ ' Forol< ia PitUbursH.at tha r«akia Tea Stnra, J?o.7i fnorth«ir>«t.-on»rA\• __barWAwT ROPS-Foi Mia ■%. {ew bale* Western ffew irork growth oOS4&~-from Bto 10 cents: > ~ AUo, and Western NV, early'picked. this , ••• , U. Prune Ohio dp. Belmont county. .- r >■■ • ;i fossil “3X 1 aiUn *-« r0 P I . o ‘‘ U»«nson'U now befog rcceired. < 11re*ers and other* using lisps, will find u otoch to thcisadtantaje to obtain their supply from the undersigned, as ihey.intend to sell throughout the «».. _ Pauinugb Brewery. I TV I ! D * W. UORBIS, lIYDnOPATUKTTwoaid -L/"respeet/bllj inibnnlut friends »ttfl the citizen* of w^atJ -‘ |, i and uprepafed to treat psUents placing tSenuclves under hia.co/e, according the system as practised »t all .WatercWj£ubSt? nfnu, for suiter Acute or Chronic dlseasea Th^T* L theuuclTet oftui services will call m '■ '! ti'.ird several eerere cbm. of dieeale in tM, c.,)- retrace™, jo to. liJfiSS IS ’ •UHratf’, "‘V*MM k KMj 74 s «n 4 Ul syi;^s«gpSsK feetf of groove*, in more ud ibrnhi byT V £ °r* . '.%■ : CAILSON & McKMGaT, Oth >L '. ssaasf^&A-sgsSfm = v , : : ■‘ .-■.. i^^ilhßel^tfront ,f.,. k&ff* prime fcatiier*r Hacks’ 1? l‘«Nm»;tcuk Uerstrax; j bbtdo.t | tack m b w «mUrntßent L p«r'itriir.§£?*?. JUrtfarMUfr : - ifOMn ffi!*®* ■ : : Bl*ANK£c£-W a. Miwptfy writes (ho attention of poiwm* aboat toecaannct hou«lwm,nh o hu V? lmshd«J fulf supply-of Uckinrt .heellngi, fefllow««*w»M JowsUuty, diapers, table diapers, &$. ,’ y. ; ; y. : VrOTICE-Takon in mistake from -steambo'u Anirrl- Ir**** 1 wlarfofPimbUMk *2£Jji ~ PIIMBCEBU IHmTABLE aitiS Rv r . t'UKlha uajiipoflaitou ht 6 w wecu FiUiliumb V And U» AUauuc inu.Uiri&ctls ;ifie:-way, «ml Hit eofttedimmtrlitof d*ia\ , ataiiil breakage and Kpamwa o? good*.• •' ' ■'-•■• ■- ?* .■■t' "\rfvpfti)atx. \u ■»••-•". „•> .. i EOBJOUWiJi A. OASU ; . ri- • JO'CONNOK lLa^NmhtuS^^^!iu'f" ■ .AV * i TTAF3CUTT, ?3aMjS«*.K ‘f Agetua .-JSncouraged bf.iAcrs»vd.bu>iijpsj £e pA,poeLort added totheir twJe Oa«i eatendcdUteir axnuiiS .meoudariupthcwuiier, sod artW pwStretfSTw? ward frugal wiihregttUntraaddißdat& SrniorwaaS I* any ouier Uae- 1 beir r kin j eapemaec •> carrier? •I*™ great capadiy and.dotaealeliee or Ite wsS? (WHIM* at each end or tbo tme} are pwoEarly caJedal ‘ ted to enable thepropnetoniofulfil tbeireuogenwut*^ uul accommodate thetr eawotnee—tonfidcrj^toiu MB&&&*$&% :i I **<>Vcnm will be irtM Stcombov diarcra paid and jjilla M' : Lfdinj muumuitd Ire, of: w ye sa^^js^.^'^SdSK March MW t;.: , ; ...._,i:.' v , ; :j _, :■ * M. oicKKV' t* - ' iOnWAUDIMfi; * t!oßaiSBiflfr; ftBBCUXT,' ‘l I Bait Bcmier ; f tint tout tindgewotcr, - '•* i :i i: -,_*JUTO» .COUM*,.**., A*eat of atcaiaeni •-. • . ' luIS; EJUB ud' sai&v wstwiur' rimcpaau a«j uAtipi be prepared on oajlfesi openiaeofeAnil n*v i * j -w roeeiTepretwny u jtUwfcr.rf boater |“' T * re^,P*, o» fi»r all ory firie ;Kxtcdwon, n«pM; J*. 1 * W\V«u*. porubn<*ajDsJirio«nd ’ fPP 6 J (o lorwinj produce, ctby k'caa’a. ' ; “iTO t s£ att - apply*} etaadrelu. * ’? * •• - •••'• '--'JAB'»)ICKBY, ! Wer; "i ir' - iisUß.'iiUß-jWii' niinlfijp: me: IS47. padifeaTtr,*.* freight aud PiUtu«r'to rffi runaUi» txuweca Beaverand foie ami c*rukeiln£wli’: V!&Stixa&ck&*Si&* « H»t lU * •*«* faeUny forecnrey,*. fclghiaai W- ami ibfwwiciw feipwuSnj solicit fiVw U*l»iS3« 3 ,t« ptfclic feeaerallr flteir naimriaae. ,« .wum «m •: •,' '\ 2 Kfi6iPn)prict®> ' 1 ' ' •■ * { ‘ ‘'V' 1 . BeiYer.lgt* Cet IHu**. A CAUO «EV, folUl^Mfo °« wUb “* *»«■»«»• UhwlefjCmckefACd, Mew York ! (»9o toms, Buffalo -• ‘ 5-" New C«»U« t do I^:s l&iii .•••*• *»» ■-:: |B47'/ c jrin. ■Mg&m : l SraESEiEK 10. IflE EAST BV aemMlfißW EODTE, _,7'A nKOWNSV'LLB* CO .HBKIttA.VD, - BiuJcnijrarO ■Po uow'pr«p«TTn>-- .4 HfuicrejJjuiin darior ihc «sa»u -ins wiatsf, oa lae axpt favorable term*, br ibis expo* •«miOnj (ome. P. i . • •..-Alljw»«lirm»!tiiej nkiwiUW(briiinle j a< ibe »we«t ra»M »iid with de*p»tch. ««?«<» by ihi« Toot* nnwipUy for '< ■ • J_ CjCiDW tLL, An :»J*iajiiuir»lj; «.j JV HASS. -Urawncyillr. h ft. Co,Carol>cri>nd, Hyrawßiiiittuii j»«iTuuEsnrtnns, :■ r • I‘ACKBT A.*?D PfiElOlIT mn r " •.',* ibb-rtr ar-4 ,(.re*q*iiJr l i»iL. by wbr«b fteijhi £!&• 2 . -WICK* A»CMER.t; rt en»ine Arti' • ' js is??* A^u U '°ij E h r ’j£“t W *'" , ’^“l*wS>V »pbt?- . Upptmte Iba ibmui. friud-rrh | J 846 , 15471 jS». mmtm Vtt W* J6AST anr a Ar.Tinoaß and .. , Oil 10 ' KAILHO A l>. tu&ftnten will rreriw/orihe ilelirrrr of Pro ' aiWßOre *>/ lie, Wonnnßthe!« Blifc w *ier »i the lol.’ovujp price*.— , ■ • r aeo# » BolKr. Lead. Lard, Pork, Taiiow. 'jicd G!w«—e7J i;t* per IUU lb*.. • ' Flai isd Whnt-Oi eU per ICO lb*. As.ier, i, oil Apple*.QtMh> Ktax-teerl, and gU!«Wk-il«acuperiaMb»; .. . j \ OTa , "OU*»‘ , Skln»i Wool;—l 10 m* per |«* loir imE’’ F ““ All prep«wireoaaiffiiedtd either oi (be aadcr>tened wiiltx) forwarded nriumal delay, free o/UxamiMioa. Biaboro rafei Wlt CLAIlh', UrowneriUeT : . 'WANNA A IVATF.UMaN,Fjttshanh. ... w'JUOH UJtticr , . .** TUK twirjrtnUii unit oWTo cakt»us7^' i and clevfxand. . iBN rARK^i-Cd l ClDTfJw4 1 0. t) - i : BO HABK3,lkam,l**. JlWiatauu W T MATHER,‘ftnsborgfc, Pa. J J /V; TllfS alwte-Liiw'i* sew fnliy prepared i 0 irantport Ftrlght aad llwnni* from »*:iubgr*b ami Cleve land, wan)- pouiluaiha Pentmlraiua A uhloiuhiobro .Canal*. . j- Xfcelaeihticaof.MhidLine arc anieqiuixi by anrots raid Cana!*, m irumbennud t;a,iaeH>'<»i o«n*. expe« ilrnaeef Captain*, and prDfn;»tnf-«« l hf Ari*«Ui *p Ogclfepu leave* auj Cleveland dsity. ran nineiaeoiinreiton Witmbe retainer*. j . ■■■ Mieblfua amiLafce JJrie, bmw«-a pad Beater, and * Line of Crsi rls»n Mraroboai*. 1 F repel lets, Urir* ami XrlwoncM, P*‘*h ® r any oih?r srea«y ywn. ,stance,/root aU hind*ofgentlemen's orlvdir.*’ clothing, cferpeu. table clotis, memo shawls, ladies’ bonnets, ke, wiuioaltMaviAf phyihuiit that pare water-will mx ,iojere. More itmn ono thousand persons in difleteat i pacts of the 6bwary have told.me they wouid itothe j wafcoot itf (lit ©ost one,dollar per cake. In trying thie Soap oa move iban 300 article* of light silks, ftaiios. ai 'pdeeas.ahd'ealiroe*, 1 have only found three pieces ol I >illr, iwo of aipacea, and tour of calico,on which it I changed the color; therefore before nulling it on a Uzhi I Orels iry a sample of me dress first. 1 *<4ie this because TBin dme/mliicd not’to rceotuateudUany e(lire—nntli-*»*iwH»«itori>TMedt-uiJ-ienipianl—' -iml matt fathionol>JaKii«ie«n piiirni* «nx«d<*iraumiu»ieato*» Cum pilcd Ecglhh Q'obe'j with addition* «nd lffl « w #lrft»bj'AiHiini.Nnilh. hniud,bv Horwdl Wtll CELESTIAL GLOBES, mUbipeiUi]* fcwJWtr*»*nT bebul*, &e. Coapi:«d.rro» lb« worka of u olhitps, Fhauud, Ue L» CaiUe Haitluiu M»ytr,‘Er*d ky. tlcndxl, lUuiflj-xii, the trenncUou of the A«(ronocj icii SoektYOf Lbodou.&Ojde- t"»wa Bmilb4 New r» P ' UIbOUM. •' . . 8 Johsthm 4 Sloektua hon juil rrc*fnd a few pun of ibi ebon Globe*,nnifig io ilzr.u fclluwu 1 mir JU u*eb«< ia diuwUr. c« «. ?■ ** -i ** ..-••• •• « I M mb! gfc>be* 0 u ‘ ** America*, Chronicle, aad Jonroel gopy. DERRYAJiICKEHSOK/; •/! i Menafartortr* ; WAGON CUYEfiRANDXIUJ.VIML’S 1 ; , nr tit, UfcSCKlf'i'mW . • • • If®. 38* BonUi FrontStrect, , ,■ Hack of 7A. Wilson't Cabinet W r wc ftanupy ' ■■■'■- {*HILAI)ELT>aiA: ALL ord«T» left with B. $, Moon, «i ibe nfflt-0 of lie Merchant’* lloir-J, I'iiubargli, will he pi*rapity' •Ucmledtd. i : . _ TlJitti. «J:OKRKV ■?" ; . -i ? A. -C; NfCUKRSON . JiOTioE.!-". ,r T. mil be unde la tip I’reeidenl.Mani ' ii |«j «pd Como u>r, fur t 1 reining a llndgfl over me River fdononfUieiaqppoeiie I’m.'kurxh, in of A»; I • Aildfhejr far.lhe Ivlecuiuf*of Joliu ItuuieridwM • ' ■ „ - •: ; ki'us! H^irrto'si^'T.' r PHB mlwri W vciclA mferjiTa fly Fni i! « £■ »odi 1 Urhlirmeit iQ-wtiif «( WNCY FUHS, mu* tnrf.lwoJhe.ri'lTßiiuee w>d! «* mjaubi. Allxhlare • KOU. STKAHBaATI, : ; T JJUSTABtB FOAG&7A vttj ccaVnt«r£o«rU‘ -, ■ •<*! . i rv. : . 'J&Xt tuet'ofdißcptnir untieComplaint*; ’ ' ' • hosdonsj ' S&O.CMtoe/itlcre&la? '•' l - ; .vj. ■.!■ DKATHS BV LOfSSUAIPTION' f -^*7*!p e ***f Salt ttteußk'Ploptaua'itaTaro/teL To-’ ' ' icila,*ni-, t ' l^ n 2*'.^ ci^tui k?l«. Aethtna, CougJi* r»u ‘■<’ i r*H*» pf-tfift fidtWndCtaftj&piml Atfcbtimia,Ax., fce. * >aB CT-' a l>d,l*l?®/. > .i\::t *?*>•. r . . w«ia« -A»4 Uw Jut wyald jnwtM-«uj**||*W nmol' of tta kUcf* Jmcom, andouragH^.Ciw»»u peruof the ' l&tteUiyocto*£^orSeML P ?H«» .United fltatea, inJonbing ua<,reitnurdia*rjciim. U. Van IrnrHitirTt V-ijinirihiiT!,*i. > n?' '.. *“ * J.,fufom» uj Uut hertprttt *4 ixur< lUaaUdc*. timi*l».»» 4 £ 4i ,,,fl .k ccn pwealfid m w.liit plKt ilooii.'"l but Jf lliiwmi)i!» of t«ci is l l * S'vßllv ll k NKtS (XIMFOUMD City if.JKw .*•>«*,.»fckb.»t*in-»rfferto ito.-vtMUin- ' VIL DCHKR#y ¥ t ..U.:. tad to men of chancier. It ii il* but medioio.fof die u V os . ®*®diclJte' tiaa BOW kcfoi* ih*. ni.ki;'. t'rcrenlue ofdioruc known. tired U,c luc *«*o«.ctglit jeari, sod ta Uie oriamsi OfWMIlill« ;.i .v. .-, I.:,!, .t •! : -X r ; JKIUI Uju WUd Cbprnr TrW«- 'V" B *® 4 *- r«P»fat»p» • 1: - ; fijtiuo CBIUJMM TB« PAtfT.StaWST .• .retOfdy fat C6at>ha X %Ai*? e a * U S?P® ut,oa >*# A*i«rrtioMtl ILecau*eof dueiik,anVjtfej*iPol ttedi f»' ‘Bunloilon of th«®» , 'j® fBD , C^lw ». .: .. -4-V * :X>.. ‘"“S'J 7 8 epoa iu.ia. . tianrco BTii»* Ornctju . ® n *** ow ci blit little to tafiateu MVimoer Cirt-.0. Pfirr,' 1 {,oie w{jo it tuiaj, beins henpSrZl J*mxLrcMbtM*«»bm|kiinll9•*«* »' V* «eowmcodvit ld ihdr netahhoTa"SSvffcSi ;M lhe,Clllu«lofe e»pliCcs*tr. it U.U ib o«rn Hory graUUDlly-and aurclr jiruil -HI 7 ?| ' °* j -• r Ubaa&wortS£*S*^w?‘!2f ,i r l^tor sG; ■Amr»w« I wvtakcaWilliUnluilueuta.aitdaij.nbale buillenefcr rail* Off mtualeft It. adk&Ultoied mU.' 'I Wt.' to try Ur. .edi bana|«rilb, and aftar Uimj tww or iUtea fcoti ’•duiDiur SfWUOWklii^St .*sir**‘ «dturib,., n .mini,taU« ; caelibouieju udpiooulmonarr dieeuet. ttJ^imjvilta. tha: oTloigatSutdldg «M .of Hn hma n\Jz7»2 l ißt>ri»t«atu7daji I Wuraii wed nry *« r » baiitlway* #l»da-relfeT ••atfc^iiUaliti^arMtcußitortiwr 7 . .’. -.'Ti i^ncea‘luu^ vj; !{J ’- • O. W.McLtui^hte U. 3. CBNB« .. . ’ WcLtCcj«V .■. ’.4 ' Compound Svrm •ThueerliauU «xjdLm«[ r r roTti'fl.a Uilj 'B*«3Tanlli : • ' Upof H UdCkcrru ' ’ hupcrfKt «utral wwr vu »«t cbmaiti dwew.of the. ReaiTtlMißbct Maißdkade wMdr-V> >:,: "^t-OMompoon '‘W.’T^wafanß—Dor fir ; I tuic the piujurt ao t»{ans .^ r Dear Sir; r retl Uidoblof»mitixla ■nwUtdtW.ttfdj-AWtid WtteaStrtdTfSasS ** c Ml fcy. th« Q*> of- jour .csodbai; uadieiar,' *4 a iny liumtle leaiimonr in fntorG todmw! tliieW ftrjuwJj.wuit oi!» uUa ibw pouttd tiyrtp ol Wtld t'berTr. - S rurlti iCl^- 1 S“’ssk?:j2a;f .. • - ; ; .—aaetyewpiiaenOledjacljarmjof olfcniW® rr^Sri ; GilKAf FEMALE MtDlCl«lf.. r luDg'a,«pcciallv npaociwcica oi'w^th^ '- gamptriHi ipudj I iei'l ao alarm ahout m. coniiilioD, iTut waapreUraoon conri/4^l »n^P«f's* , jQo tjf the yiUttf-ao mu« waauxr th« * r,a | u£ * l len S Qj *cAreelyabie W walk aboot or ■ -Sll^us^*SS'fia*g3!sSf lo«eaefll- B^'era>tkhfftbt»URtbatflUc|td,lhtt huodrcdiofcuu btibti npcwlcd awienLindlcr roor elafeu tn ih* M ° . •acrticu.-irttm-ISaaiulutakwii&SvsS: a f£PkSL • Bod eni tOur Mice t ftw Lctt>u ef ttsu bitlutlile twilcla* ‘ “**f , *"*»®® < *; baT, t n 8 ~B laitb IB : luß.tMa bUjt wait Lctkbr tC>i«iac. ’ «v? °* lonhwjtb portbaacd ol' .IburmtHt: .Mjr «(& being gtritlj dbtrtW hr 1,1 s “a w .: ono tJ9U)tJl£enta, n jifrir boiUea asd *«ibeu and (taanl daWitj^aadmffarinr rrwiuwUr -ewnwcacetl its uu. Mj diacMa afUriJ tloirm *3 tralud * *ns*um. .if Wriw down, Mbf .of tko 01. l»cnty Of iw«at«£to taunths'ataadiar £»««».' woißb.' ll b. * « *i W f co **‘ . WUriftuuacudeilibr »uch cwm 1 iurr tbtutUd.lobtain- h ul hfii of ,» nn * W ’ »Aer I auempled , rar. ue la • .hjut u rttanittl ,! rnh **? «WCB:«reogU» tod thereby h*rfbnob.utj«Mjmtorfdb«rt ) c*ltti.' feting grattful fc, rnjilurbd thoa«-»MSel* Om bid ajread* brran 10 *■ >ht* war, doutaJcfj, my euro «u imti» ' , t‘^ a r U n b i i ;- '#*&%***'■■ lßeon«nueßco4f acUnff t£;!2^ Aug.n, lt4L c-or tfo Wta3 LjdtmtU. Really. I bid .or* 15 brm«*bctt>!Jf wJi ‘rs>-■! ' . -• tT.rrjurrf tin IHf» ptflCCtlj mlOfOd,. -| tit 1C DO (jacatioD. a loocb . ;i)f til *gtaUar ntunber-of boiilcanunld made'are toMitityitiutuy w*»< boUaofi MCI sJnwtfltrtH,- #o*nd,Aml lor theaboro intiiscretion; Thei>»nio lw under ijx moti iluoatqj tt< MUHsI the lc*eruh lnbt|,»lid.OW3J ifjfl dittrerfinn &2f # *?**'*«* dMrr««l* '*«4i!**,r«r »':*loptp;«8 Jlsebarttof-nSttSfmJ . ai&^^tJSfjSSSSSISSSi' ■bo bid twi ft, w»* «u iudbtwla trj ii, »iiK liuL. Jr to *, - e d«i*n4>d offerjog thu cemficaio till U*? P»n*o®P •»* pe»g I’CifecUy aaUsflrd dai»J jrtt,t*4oaV.»ottu’b6 Ur .uf nauu.na.ta. iSVirr W IU« pßiroaftonej of |l»o care, tod now Hat I tkortartuaotf «n* w««k ofki .Uw, tfct droptr tad teK lotlpcricctljwell, toiler li'wiUj pleuoriT jraaOwiitA pit »u ta.M t4aidan* dw«r, uJ fccr --L, ;- ‘‘ - R£V. J. ? JORDAN ' gJJ “Y« Se,u * ““ •! Wpir »tog tut* K*. Dublin eoQBI J, H. a •;, • ‘ rM*fP*«F .H, Wl. t». or inj *mn#, to j«a or any one- xb» 4nob*i ,U*4 rmM of : iit» mdlnnr, yet tro rotii/ly wtfcoa*. • . 1 ntkwiiU uptlf ycuftstKt o‘. iisattad otljjrd" root. ToitorilEßS AND*liltUl£D LAWES Tbu Eanrt of £tm{ttrilU la>Um rtJxjMly prrwtd to rtfenuc* to froal* eußplaintf. A'o fcuulc ifbVtmrra •oa la IUMKm ihr&ifproartuD- t' at eriU«lpc'ried, ** TAt wr« .• dtiytJ tw jntrti je*r» bj oaaff tbußnlkiixl- i\or. utt Uw taliabiHO ituae Wt»o an ij'lWthing wotwnhood. “ *>*!«« by llx OlooJ *ud mtfirtlio; lH«*yH*n,. Ind. i.lliu uxtlicSir « >B»aJ uab.rd'f all »l tile ijcitntr 'd.*nf*< to ttiich * ! (aulna, »b»4i Uttx |ar ormoti r idkiaci uk rU ipr Irualt wtaieua amt Ourait OinUHtEAD THIS, bun wbahar* patae«njdrfidu«, duU*j*i, Wowbu oq th« &«,rough ikta, or lrw|U», aoU 1 rr fml v r »mrib':»-t«* 1 UiUio of t«u of Ur Tovsxo AkrorvrilL. It mil cWmo.youf blaadjiietnuta.lLo.* -tUu matt fcjouhei, -taU 1 pi* jMtmb<Kni. iiqrUil.g rjet. tia* tpinu, laid b UIW or "I*®*" it dmantiowt s&rjrsssssr “■■ o,t “- ks •i s-i*? T? in r*'" wer ‘ t w.ih min u. rfaiowth,u, of-appttru, catnm.lwrkum.tßd• ical to all kud»uf£xxi, wd £>r wMkkfwhsM ‘^ kU ir4 ,t .* 5 ' L* ,? . bf V l l uwb,r 10 r * t *« «»t a wuall ptmioa « fty iteawrh I tritd Ibr u*«at but ti.rt Uj ot liUla eriKtrtlrci «u ritu-jimg tl.»i-omjiUiaL .1 w'4l 4U wt«d,tbptlile rtiloml. uJ t hs W? 1 ® ««t*Rly r«m.rttdi aud l wooU taruuJjy rteoej- i Ucud the tu« 01 it to thu;*- hlio bate hc«n aillirUd aa I ' u ’* w - V:a».E«nr. ; * ■ ' ;- ALMOST:A )im'At ; LK SUI( “ I,tUI4 ' ■ Knd the Wlumafi anil doubt If , ou can, that cunmwn- 1 lwt»MolUeurrd j , caw that Tmnwml’l.Sjfuiwn.u'hau-iiffii. _l i* TomnmW-Orar Sir. I,«« ukru.V little orirt Ip H*» • * ***** eoorh tad pun iu ay tide, li «c. clfeSHd on w«p &M. lad«<4: jwu I,renounced by nh,. 1 tyardhiKuuM. tiiiuof tad Aatur, bad ■Oydortoratd he cmild do twthmj fcr me. fwSt.2i>lhe liurpital u 1 bopeof taag UncfitM. but Wu immoooetd then utMunble. ,1 wumw RTratiy dutnunlM the lung* m” Mold lordly b>MtU ;.l rocn btcaaw eaaciaUd, aadeijccud to die, »« eoufined to »y - tad, ««d wu Wired to tare 1-cannot pre Joo ; t»y demiption .Uoi Would dojunite to my at i »a fuwwud brarfi-wßcl. to ta put teetacry i I ted tried • gT*Muu»tar£f*rtitadi« and ttl waed to tato oopnrnw. : | real of uni lodil l^ traordmry etr« periUrard by yotr aediehi, tnd to S you the truth, 1 tuipeeted there wu oueie bttaW in ihm But iwu indexed totoyi. | did and t» reJt'Ckfoi lid.. I easivt njrtiut• itaentirelyWeD, bn; 'tteoyeredu andtape to be. nttaS lywalli * ;few wetaijly mJ? ,nd ££s tt*ST‘ tnd night iwett. tare left at, an?rate Wt rery utdd 1r f | tafulgamiof ay mot! Mrtngth; , *.* Alt U t - yoti g lutncent ot bt cm, to pobUah-ir yon okta' • * 1T * ■ I V* T««wk«*batooitdailyrtcmiue r , | tiuau ittdifanrt rnrtiof thgiUmn, - ■• < . tr, tro » phjrJ I Towaftoi'* *£*»p»riil»,;andb*lir,Viii 0 » 1 Dl ** f«p««£r « I- ■ ' ' i ,?••'* 11 V PvLtjcor. m i» - : I- : ■ ' ■'..*. *iY- v : I anil*, Ual fma it* koowo .Sf 1 fLj ?*, . K* pubUe U acrruml, M 2?.“,r?T “ .. rSifrf.S",’iWkiin«“ ' * •t» HTOWMftMD ,I. A P pt^f7.th^1 f W'wJ >a Jha»ut*t» miirW i, _ Ktttt... „rn v 11 *** Tkr w, o s ru , c Si:^ D r^r , '‘* i ' <1 - ac»tal landing p» l "‘i , wtP»ttaalli’uLMi.i-> °f *k« ania ihe«n>H , '‘ o J\ l ''* r r tb ™»lj Uk. l?.!haw! haw (if ««bcii«r« thU eiiiicl of tk* &nai.irilu”t££L V“ - T " ~‘ * }• SarVou* rHhiy^y : , el .IfeljKkMod:—lhiftUen.afflKMauwop i«i w th>U, cutdioca ia-U* 4, |u**of anpMitt, ji*tQ ia (h* Itmfi#, UHlciatnl dehibi* • | oroojlil uanalaiU t>» Ua.ewuianij bo t ail roWto. wKil-^ 1.» .MtjMu,iam,U««,..i i° OHaJioafbni with little | eea. *»«ii.Uuiidbr»kMi ttwiirlh«pan»r to teraboufc tof yoor lt«b vhieb 1 louaU rreit relief Ih.™ Tu£*h£' t J 9 \ ta TiZ'* ta ’ “ d *w.f'^uiLte I U . u *."* «$mM 1 hm ever Ukrt- the nara iS ™V I m** 1 V'*?'*» J *“Uoile i diflrreijt'iMo *Jt ‘ > : . •’ f “ OJ, **SmTW, 70AUr#« u«.|"!‘ o *r r JS!“:,)'a'”^ u bV .! 'Ttr d l r u oC childna -J «.n yo. IW,„ ,«ISK- “S’„j;£V >url Morgan** culcjh &XRUp~iTi>H£ZrzCt '*r~ • 0 **•'■•’ h*icr.~\\« 'i- ' «s*^3SggS?^^® Whs .< io««ji» nm.trtSßfe'Sl?*;.- .3 l&M^ffigssssmsr I • ■ wmcilhoss . cawtioh! u Av»i4 til apdrious .preparation* of Wild Ch«rr*. itichaj Balaam*,Bitte*, Syrup* of WUd Cherry rilo purporting to contain Wild Chen*. &e, dcil 4« U*»y are til; ucUitottsaad counterfeit, and contain aooe of. uie vineeaof the original nod Pennine prc paralion as prepared fay Or. , and tire urn erer prepared in this cponlrr. Doctor Swarne’e Compound byrupof WILD CHERRV Ucombed or TcgcUble ißgredienu,ihe WldUherrt, onu oth# er-wedical efficaeiiuiiil not 01 or B.«Pi Lie whole are ao eKctaally cooceotnted as to render u beyond all doubt' tbe moat pleaaaut. •trengujtaiog, nod. edectual remedy, erer discover ed tor o| pulmonary coniumptioa, sod all ducaMirol the Longs and Ureait. Theverj iacu u#a,y **F*™*to*> \ ettaaalo Sg tilt posto&oiii. princio * oiure or leu inherent is tho fancuaiTsteßS. Tbee#« fore, union iii« principle eu r»di- Shteh^if 3 c3ec^ dj tatiT'tta principle q?o* e “?;dopead«,.u, remoted, a «uir* K3£s£ ? £ , * J ii oMo *S 00 ““** oDrfcr * hat *wa f^hr^^°^ d , cuw! f* l ,tjeU - Thw.lhefciore ft the Jat.(u*& Al» zkatitkii -th uiu if •S£ , * U i e ?!* W * V*. Mooting iomanymaUgnant It deep<7* the .view or principS!.W iliXJ?** I ?' ana wiu>u ® Moodbeonwed J? ® ,on t«t bhre, remoring every pnrtieie of , « V ,lem - - prepared end rold at JNu. t Street, Philadelphia. • , I*3*s*' f' e V“ FdurilUtrc'c.j Mar. '^“A^s I cLf2;,f.“™ A i“.'P an ' r ™' li '* l ci ? mi. t Of Mam. ■^S^r^^ssssssstiis: uJ rnep Sicouu a boa. - - ft***** 1 ' ladle*,l’m •Jiouitied, .• - : ."ten l*u |y»o*-ih*i you am mmrff •••• • ••. Attain ml, l»fo*llike, (Idowt white ' »nVi 10 ? 1 *! 11 *s*, ilBw 'wnfnoneh*)*. 1 ' • ■••■•.* . J^saysaMk' and at the same time fire,. ../Vi** 1 n * , . n **J white, “ >TP iSigSSE^ f } * P* ) ' ■{ •, and hirinff (uucb./ever at 'll 1 / c iiJed Eo-iad aiw bavin* V*nS'.a rt>lt -atKHU y*«r VemufuiK I bu«*btii »taj tZ£v'** tt *l p ' >U ' ,i M ‘■To-womi* l K .Jv^jul“er Venwijfrf- irt-i'rrjsair.ajlmhens . - conataer em«toi.«t;d «,<() t.y k k a«k»s>* : U * “• ?*'' ***- ■ j : 1 ~ ;i- ■ »*»*<” " ' ' ■" Soak. ernpMmJr and duwt»>«nf .iSThu':' tracird Skin, and M3f:oTike **w! »W«1» mniireeiiernal reKrifj^tlV tioap«uui(Uufa}ataUed.: h al«a/jtf,w.i,. L«ru, Wotpl^l^r^ clc«rne‘*. .AucJh ■upp)T>var»tnni^t^3ij?y > y oß^, fa < t. «»•««» Uni reduced pr(rc of37| net fyf i T>;cinved k i4 otlpi»ln>r*ale brllA FAinuSjSfiij?** mxiwood bu>. vT;; _• ... v . ~ “5? ™ corner of atxik J “e>“ i SnKWm. iSESfiF ia*r*et*WM* j .. '9BD3CAL _ i fioJtiampii&St' reiteifiter tJuu it u Tfam&j ff Cem^j*wd^^^7V ; ioirf / H^arf jfc i it«i-VeoS«4- f if A ■ ‘.' ‘ WC/frpW< CUJfJ 111 '■ ;./j - pi :’ • Attittu, Bfuecaiuj,l?jS!ioi*o£ KuwJ, a A. Hid. 4 * ®****t, #«■* ‘lbnoU tIOAnTIMM, faIMIMHQ oftta -• , '•< r ■ ■*» - ' li •; | : t -:,~aef«wu irawi -Liter t/aq&uat,, „'. -•; ' *',* ' 1 ai'ilumofTarce • -•• -,a( - \ /Jr 1 !* ’* •.f b P u «wotf«< w iatorn >ou ol iu J •„• ; ***' ■*» cMf 4>, ]h . r*J\ , gmi ) ° a,tr * 1 ■*■'»« abotsbriif , , ! «itf«flotfo- r KtnarfeUe ; Car:. ■ .. " ■;ill./fide, ti ,l WX' -* jf. ,»S?.f »,.£££? i£ SS&r'Y' “• ' .l,»h Mt0.,0 tf Ai ..) _!T.!l7°.”-■»“;Jwsctmy limbs—lbm. t .. IS;!: tr fET ci r' Wio i .tttjuJU ■'.; i »JjfUjrowa wlo.caj*oi«»Qa*, »bmhfcu »4a . >wMnNe‘ • ■SSSJISSseSjWS , <.• ag%ssm&Bs&&:l "ms&siiii&ssss: ’ Vrertl*! '■ su*5 u *^ u ll>r ' «ip«? * *if. r!3wri/f*3 er T!fcf?!s?.^®•**••sjwitoa:*;“ ‘ ®£*au.UU«», ud. psrdxM Ti*i ,u ' “‘:. ‘SKWSS/iZSSr-lf l^*^?l *9» < I ,f' onitemltr wibr •■■'•■ V “?=“•'> NI! Loi. ■, ■“ nSiuUr ‘iW k W>.» l >» kapwi.ifi*'»al3i<7, i^o 1 - I a-alii/ Jtjfcaraclcr of Ut Mcdleion sicil lnli«' •J pill»jn{ Uicu M«iMiu to , *« * uSI «- c “ * a,t « » b< “ »# i> l a oU »'pm *-““'»■!■ ouoot»iu,, p .i,L , S^|»SWato^, 4 jr' i:-'viIOLtSOMEADVU:E. •"■ orr.t'trjoa Oaie (.cca-Kjn to.'laKe’iiitmfdi:. .'. ltL P* l^* ® r *‘ l berßiedie!ftei'vnifpfe« , - , * J I *-1 jwelMcd aodfecmaianKJed bj anoiLer liur ’.:' .wkeatupce ...... •., ,v,- - ■--. „ ; . r./ . u/ /jo ■ Leidif a SaraapariUa ■-Shod Ptlb, ‘ ‘ ri , Wv ®' bw:iU * c n lo tike ai ivibi».* !, ‘ f '‘ Sit- 1 ./ WH? 1 * B®°d itf aii' > •\K \ * on J l l uf dweiuc, iailaauuou oi «i»ttoma«rt.boii* ; '''' *** i •»aajfiii.c‘i/. cramp* ol iht ; i f 0 ; 0 ! -losl,brut*), bad *' (.F i ibe wublb. JHmreruelaUofis and acjiiilr bv - - - 1. ! tbe(ftomiKh/.ctwtiTciMsaiibntt-inUigtatioa, wjuV«- ■*, --i of ibe epleu' • M «nd of U?e »kin f •caJy f wptiy'lr ' • . r W orbluttberor \bf:izP\i* r '"H Bche r naiiij'6no* IK"’ -\}A tie bnta»t, sideij along iho Lick aikd r-' 63rt f vi | tom £u !«,< »i| kmi ~ *]??' , loul.mea«:k > »ctolat*,emipe,r' M*. »d«ton - ■ • r r rategot4m«>ldieeiuea 6a»ip- 3 .“* iqabwrt ti»ey - .;- U ! itoaacb, liYttr: BBtt mteti*** * M-facir m ttie '•• --* t -, - ; a “» aati of,liie.: .-.rf «; . . J -■’ • ’• .I t •> •{£ Siilh'aud f*J/W|Unl ( also - curiicr ul ~” ■ - “ • .■ . . eirpcjy’ :.;•!- l M V *' r l mjlßi. i r irarwra-assitirilk; ■' A J‘ .# M 1 f niele ko»wa-ibr,«leaal»g«»d •tTT r ‘ ! _ 11 -^f. rcc 7<* I f®yf^«oai^U , e Md»r »wer)rmas lb# • - : X. *LUfAc. a Should be used efeiy uirfji wlm -a-riul " ' roih,anilUjetccihand■uiuiLwiitotilyrrt— .>jj: -j ..: •*:■' .^v'T • Ai;* u u"“ ~ thing of ttidikißAio use,—./ir}' A*k luf fchenaau'sCotnpouod tari* TuoUi tuve.■•*ids*':: ja:.; ft ot«^Td^^|s.slg4AUt^aw.*nMbe4lo«acb»^rt. , : •■•>•.** “ - *ectetaen«JHl by l>r. Caiae. asi tfrouUwar.oaeuf , , «^. b .« ! ?K l^f l l!a2 Ild rt>e oid-Mtibfiahiti^ 5 Übltdldtaiea* aud erei** Xtcasiveir used " M Ay of Eagiatid *alKit»v»-. :-,.. ' •.• ~-v. ,»■ d tbc >toraachorhowebb >;v /-. • 4 uwely e»e' of the Cdibs-iie totejires wou*d-i i: '■• '’! § SiH.^bilicua bahits shoald stl-"' ■ l^ bor j a kad < Mj take adose wneoem ■'■.f.Xt'V taeyftfdliUeteastderangetteutiaiheirbeatUai Aiadi* X ol°casrt; 0( ' h^ p .:^? eaet * P« v put ibewwiis 5 •>-: wl .’/';•*' | {^"".^ACTiar,Wttu^fAidu; : ' •'•*. > y , : ! ; i^ • fSL®" •%!* etlebrtted twr.JPJb.- t hat* deUiAj daiw *f for LJ *.««• fcrfbtnugunitary Cn*k«u»* OMxim, -1* ««*?«£a£S£, "., tbr«v«faliAiu*of«an?ic»' , 'V'** ‘f^. **“•»vUivimiMArv -- f ' * Jbehct*th»y.wilJH«r»iT* - • 1:F SS^lisssa;^'?-. TjjttCißp *» iocuiaiu. la ■ ■' l ~' : - ■: a ' * > SefflSl^t&tES^^ - lr ‘ '--d for 0 or 7 jeart; *old knodrtda. o fbou*.aod hsn went ■ • r\r ! iW*V?*S • *• V‘‘ Wf n *^ riux>d > ■**•»» thotuime *itl-baoiatr tfc«ai alL' l i'';T-iVl'\ • tixm.Vi aJI ptnsu ceding pbjiie, 'v- •. ft. vfcalhrr W t»nrUuoplunt at s ßiUioaj *! y- ~:*• '•** Pin* Mm tbt M&k'.', : " c r^n« k y ,0 S b &^?* u, f w *a**Fbfn i■'■■■ .betwtm TfcirJ a&trourft * rr /••• ’. ' iJ _.^bjji. t ;u,,^ym,V-ni,DSlCcur,lll^ 1 a,,.__-.,; ... - ' ‘ ' -.v.* 5 , •••«•••• it •• • • , »aifemcem»eaihf pajom*bwetoUufe#*r»n*tni»v • tS' fiitcetrertwenty bam^v^ 'l • • {r,. ierwiirii»u*Su-wtieneferiodtcttuoneoi tbe iicproacii m r- >•/■ •■• w > , t - A t»Viea&tteiai"tSlSSf ••**- f' ld 1 ‘ t «^tJ' Qei . and Inn l«»—*• A - ' fofdiecaaekojiUeiUimacfiiiuJUiWeJv-. _*»* ■ j>/? • ■<•>»•<*• ••H** muniBBSST^&Tr^ — j«. £«»' ~ ,h pattern^.^'.;> >,-•'/.'ti» *• STio fo fSXSS^ I ! •?“ *«“ <> ifni«ati t ott%ln«t»pawij«9i^'.>'/-; ' fTx ioi*»n T*s*eUole nairoit, •■• —-‘ti J“s»'*«•'«, Nl«j!i Stap; Hole U !„!,,.. .’,J . a T;' Lst"™* -' v'-st froCnjico .... . PITTSBURGH <3/ izIrTE t rU«LISIIrfI.4.LY.TIU-WBU : jL Yi,V^5. y . g*>r-u«#L . f L sjSsSi!r%fcftwg'^ .‘***&»' ; ■ a ,TWfiiuertiuut Kiihtmialtenuou ....... *ti ■»-•><* r Two Week# j 1 . «• •Three.: ‘ x • u „"• * ) Two'j . .... s • ••s$ •• WJ« Tnt«« :« i ■; ?s> ■ ■■ ■*■ IttLanggr alTMUnDicira ]„ ’pripomcn '. '■ ; ’ '■* 1 U Ona A>Oi>lhs;V.(t]oul slloM {■€&'!•■* * Km 4 >v»in lines o/ !m», 05ej0ai.*..........* oft ■.•*. }« t ». .. aU'in00tt*,........ .a* ♦•••fi.QO.'. ‘ ••■*■•■ u -■■■■•- k w , oueyeaJvtffiJjra. «/.#£., 'y,lQ tO f . l r ' •' •{•'T ' • ”.. .« • eiit month* “ ;;•,>*•. ;.800 ‘ • .:*»TnTffxns^jt«.'jr?ury ;; f *r'rs,•' j kor^Uliiies ( -utJco«','6wiosctlKi)r ’ ...• #A’O 50 ‘ - P*AU tdrerOwMia tobw fK nrrrd V*; l **••'4™ tnJ*di«eoM*®