The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 29, 1848, Image 1

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    - cukuc, i •"*' i. M’uooar.-
JTUR&ON & UcEMCIIT. ftaeeewvnto iL Coalter
V t Cio_) Wholesale Groeerik ConnaiiMoaaad For*
yraim Merchants, dealers la Pnadacc dad PiratrargS
m«L between ."Wood and liber*
ty, PitUbargh, l*a. .-••*« " ' ‘ 'oct4
DT. MORGAN &- -pot .Wholesale-Grocers-and
• CaxmaiMiOD NerchiuiU l lOC > .Wood*l. febSS
-;e i L
V.,. ,
GEORGE COCiULAN, Cotnmuaien and Forwardina
Merchant, No. SO Wood street. Pitfsourgh. my!7
Hilary imVNOT, white and Bed >-»«< uanu>
facturer.Paintaad Oil Merchant, comer of LU>-
uuy and OTlara. Pittsburgh. .- - • JeiSC
TOUN C AMITH—ItoU Turner, at GA J U Sboehber;
V far*’ Iron Works. Pittsburgh: Iron Manufacturers'
Bolling Mill UseUnery at Prttsbutgh,'are re-1
•peethiily turned to calL j i
JAMES 8 MeUUIBFVjIue of the firm cf Alee* and
McGuire,) Merchant Tailor, 8l Charles mJi-hw*
Third street, near Wood, Mtuhuryh-
Lewis Hutchison A Co- rynnitftiTn Merchants,
•ud Afenls-of the-SL lotusSleau.&uair Refinery.
No. 46 water and &d from street*, Pidaburgh.
’ ‘!• : r it
•'.•'!• •(;?, :• vS-i
Jib DLiACJC,Merchaat Tailor, Etjchanae'BuU*'
# dinyi,jLikair it, Piusbcrgß ■ • jatpu •
JOILN 8. DILWOBTi/-'WhoWlfl Groeer.'pro*
duee and Cummissam Merchant* Kart?, Wood st-
PiOsbcrgh. ; - . • 1 ~ - -
tiv*v.?.4K*;<u’.\v >4*.v
JOHN D. MORGAN, WlmUs«laDn, gc i«i,~. w it^^^.
er in Dyestuffs, Pauiis, Cats, Vtt.uK-.,*- w<s:f»a:
Wood street; «ae door South of fiumond AUey r Piit»*
burrf. --.:i .--f •• •
* TAMES PIRH. ir n ' A' Co- (successor to Joseph G.
tf D*us,) Ship Chandlers, 3u Water street ocai
JOHN IL AIELLOS, Wholesale and P«t»»i dealer
m Music and Al uieai Jastnuaeuu, ■ School Uoosa.-
Psper, States, Steel Pens,- Quills, Printers' Csrdsr' aaa
SleUonary generally, No. SI Wood at, RnthuMh. \ ■ ■
. lP*gan bought oriaten'in trade.' aepU .
, lnA«ad Conu£u^^Mamlln^^ija£nvla\Si
’ Pure and Putshnrffi' Maaaiactur** No, ? Coomerelal
\ Row, LiOertj etreey P*ar the Canal, Pmsburgh, Pf.
JBCHOONMAKER A Co, Wholesale Dcuadistsi
» No. tH Wood street, Plusonryh. " : .i .
-il'r v v'-'s:
: -s<<r. *• ti- r •*=£'
• y* * .* . 4*
JOSEPH JOBBON A SON; Coontoaloa andiFo*.
warding Merchants, No,, IS at,
twrithfiald aL,*) Sampson's How. . •; . ..... Mug ;
JOHN D. DAVlS,Auctioneer,earner SUi and Wood
street*,Pittsburgh., •) . -'i
},< .. ......
- 1 • "• • i
,: k
'iv’U? .‘il
“■'-’p-i ; »•
h’"iJ '' ,, M;‘k : .
JOUNSTON' A‘ STDCKTCef, Bookkallars, Printer*
and Piper Manufacturer*, No. <4 Market ft, Ptlttt
burgh. •’. '•••••• --’"r’-v'. ,*• - .'. ■ }ai.;
Jl* BEAXffi OookKterej.4th, near-Uarkei
• Classical. Theological, Historical, School, Miscel*
laneous, and Methodist Books end Stationary.'' • I
*p« ' • ‘ i - .-••■■•■■■■. 1
JW. A Co, Buker< Exditsfi
• Broken,'«oruer of Wood aud UJ t is_ Merchant's
‘Motel Buildings, Pitubsrgb, - pa. ' • . " " j. “
Ity Currency purehasod at the nsaal maa belli]-
JOHN.GBIEB, Wholesale Grocer, dealer in p|j>
dneo, Pittsburgh Manufiutlares* Tin Plate* Ao, Ac.
No. teS liberty si, Pittsburgh. ~ ... ja»s \
roiurrtoTo, r ; * • iTuctuso tlotd.
J AB. FLO YD, (lata J..FloydA Co,) Wholesale,
a Grocers, No. mat liben y street. v • «ep4-~
JAMES SALZEUi) Wholesale Grocer, Ccnmi.ssiaa
Merchant} and : dealer in Prodace and Pittsburgh
Maaalactttrea. No.S4 Water rUy PrtuUirgh;
• T EVV2SL JfALCKLL £ Co., of alt ii<
XiccaHu, sflaftt, Boiler lrou mod ,N kite ©flic be*.
qaaJuy. Warehtfuc,M water aod US from at.
_iaau_ •_ §•• • . ....
WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward*
inf and Commission Merchant. Dealer ia Piue*
a Manufacture* and Produce, N0a.31 Water sU
and at Front it > . -
T AMUKttT A SUIPTON, Wholesale Grocers, For-
Mj warding and Coaunituon Merchants, dealart in
Produce ana Pittsburgh Manufactures, NO*. L 3 and 135
Wood st, Pittsburgh. -■ • ; ' fcbg
1 \CEKCEn, KIumUOUJA Commission'Mcr
| -ffl chants, Phtludalpfri*. far, the -sale o t produce ge)
neralljr. liberal admices made on consignments.
febMo • - - '• \ - 'i
7as. #. iPciia, a a ecaaraw*, : trxtm c. aox.
'JhJrcGItV&UMIifIELD A KOI % Wholesale Grocers
JXI attd Coinmlssion-Merchants, No. UX Liberty *t_
PrtUbargh. -•- .'< •• ’ fttfl ~
M. Alias, ■ AXSX. KDRCS) ~ .WX, A KQUCK. ..
MAIiIHN.A Co n Conihtisitoa-’mnd -Forwarding
9 Merchants, Water and" Ftent 'between
■j and Market sis. h*»•• -•■ • - ' . . Jang .
w*. mujra, e. w- aatuiwnr.' -
\f ILLEB A jUCKLTBON, Wholesale Grocers and
JJX Commission Merchants, No.l‘o)Liberty at, Pius*
bwgh, Pa. •• ■ jaull
McCOHD A KING, , Wholesale and Betail Hatand
Cap Mauoiaetorea..and dealers-ui FhncyTurs,
feotaer o< Wood nod Fifth sis, i V * jamt
*vr u HOL»ti»'A BONi No. i 5 Market at, second
AT4 doorirem eonter of Fourth, dealers m IVrdga
nod ileMestie Kills of. Exchange. Ceni&catesofDemf
it, Bank N'picsaudßperie;-'. j - • ' .
(T7* Collections mad on all (he pri&apsl cities
■woaahomUte United SUtea. ‘ r ;V .!■ . doel?-
*. w. roantrrrn, c. u.a*«rr.
POiNDEXTKIt A Coi Wholesale Groem anti Com*
. aiaslonand Fowartitw Merchants, No. 41 Water
atraet • , ~ ; . ■ --.j .■ dectP* =,
‘DOBEKTSON A REPPKRT, Produce Dcfeer* and
hlcichanu. No. lU> .tfecoadjMeet,
EICHA&D T. LEECIf, Jr*-Importer and id
'.ForeLps and Domestic Baddlery Hardware'and
Garttage Thimajiic*. of all descriptions, No. Wood
Pittsburgh. mgea
BWS 0 PiUft 'Vlakuto .ndHnull Denier in
Morocco, SboemakerV Ti»i« and Find*
i! n, .swSf »*J;CwUr»»;Tool*, tad Tnmen* Oil
Ho. iw Wood n, riwrtßuh. ; ;7 . wplsi
Mtar aomnog.'
it 1— • •>,- - : jaulu
If OBERT IMLZELJU ft Col, t Wholesale Grocer*,
v Commftnfoaand ForwardiagMerchaM* dealers
xo Produce and Puubwgh
Pttttbargh.Pa. ••.*• fcM4 ’
i »OBT. ft CUNNINGHAM, 1 Wholesale Oraeer
pOB£ST MOOB& Wwlmie• Grocer, Rectifying
Jx Distiller, dealerfoPtoanea, Pittsburgh Manufw?
and mil kinds fit Forefgnrnaditombtic Wines
imiUqaors,No.Jl.t4bon/.sL,Fiu*bßrgh.-‘•••■•' -
C 3“ N. B. On hand a very largo stock, of (tiseiior
Whiskey, which witlba sold tew in
***»• ’• ••’ ~ • i •• ■'•WBhr.
arraaLns. . < ' <t. l. auxx.
TJEYWOLftjft &UEEV Forwsrdingand Commission
•Ur Merchants, tor Iftft Allegheny Hirer Trade, deal*
J 1 * *® Oroeenss, Produce, - Pittsburgh Manufacture*
•• -..-i
. *** H“*l prices, is cash, paid ai all times tot coaa
°J **<*• Corner or Penn : . Jan*J
< T>, OAKPORD A Co., Commission Merchants, Lib..
RMfi “** l*onw*tic Dry Goods. N’o ft) Wood il
• * v r a r* u ' -. . .. . -/./.;• lobmr
SfcSy uj i I i AUO “. w “> «utluu, Bttim
t V? 0 *I®** 1 ®** tod Fonrardine, s„. ii Wood„,p“n.
\ ~ 00 Vii' 1
~■ c • .ihftfj
■J _ . ■-- 7; " =
.y”t {, ,;y!
»’. a :tu v . :*d -> : *
z::^..:' :
i\ ’S. '■ : u-r-f s■-?•’■"••-
cgigaasssai; tatfs-vv-Gassfii
'.,'4 /: \ J !»''•-•; '■ •■•
ANBOX, LAFUAM A Co.—Hide and Leather Deal
er*, •£> Fernr «. New York. -
UzratucKa—John-Crier ? ftn»lnir»h', E 1 Leriek h
•Co. Philadelphia.'-: .•- - / .
1 CotuiensemaoT Weetern Leather aolirited,' and lib
eral gdroace* wade, if required. . - . febt-frM
A LKKAXDL& GORDON' Coamiitioß «nit -For*
J\ warding Mercknay64 -Water and >lO5 Front tU.
Pittboryh. • • • -r ' ■ /. . tachll
ATWOOD, JONF&.A Co- Coastlaojon and For-’
wilding AlerehaEU, hare returned io their old
•toad, Water and Ftoatoueau.-Pituboryh., •', ocflU
■ rBXSiXICX'KACir..r ■''/ arn*nw k'lw'''
• a »OAUN C UlilTfyi I '\\ , lij>le«ate and Retail Druy*
’ J> yUWi corner of Liberty and St. Clair Mreett, Pin*,
[.area.Pa. - . ..} /.. • ... - ...,p»tH
. ThBOWN -♦•cytaatTSON, moletale Groem,
Merchant*, No. 1«, L 1 benf «W
B A. FAiLXEsTOCK A Co, Whoieocte apd Be.
• tafl PfttyyUu, corner Wood andflth gto. ./. jyl-,
IAGALEV k SMITH, Wholesale Grocery 1? and
* g> Wood otredt Pirubnryh. ->' '•
GA. Co, Fotvardtof -and Cony
• raifaloaMetchonu, Canai'iiaain, Putibgry^P*.
(■*”*“*£***> johk w.'itxasaijy SAdaujt.
lOIJxUAN, IiAILMjJf, » Co, 2j*aa£k<unren of
/ Cwhajc Bptinn abd AXlei,' A- 1L and Spiihf
2tte«i,, and deaJ*n ib Coach THmmintt of rrery 6a-
Mrauoa, inauntMioxy on SC ClAir *t Warehoa** <"
Wood «t, oppoaico au CUmUiHottL - -r\r.‘ jaaffl.
- _A>sx
EDWARD 'UEAZLETON, Wholesale Grocer, tail
tide of Diamond, third tioar from Diamond Alky,
Pittsburgh. I j • myi
EWALT A GEBIURT, Wbbtesafe Groeers,deaL
ere in Prodaeeaod Piiubnrgb Manufactures, «or-'
Per cf Liberty sml Hunt SU-, Piiabzrgh, Pa. tebl?
Ifflc* m BKI ■BII| f <*’ . . ,t - «, ■■ r--TT.
ENGLISH* DENNETT, (lata English, Gallagher
A- Cd.)WA»k»ale<JrDeera l Gaamiaianafld:ror.
Warding Merchants, and ia-Crddaep and Piu»-
bsrgfa MaaoJaciurw, No. 31, Wood it, between td and
adureett.'* i - oeu
t. %. nwatf '• dio» uxr,' xajota'wDos.
*litJUt!Kfl BHBYA Ciw "Wholesale Groceraand
J Comansswn Merchants," and Agents for Brighton
Gouoa Yams, Koa. &7W*ter, and Ida Freni sJa_lsn*
fcaryh,Fa.i --it- r\ ■ -
FBLUME, Piano Forte Maaufaetnrcr and dealer
• in Magical Josttuaents, Ua .Wood it, near Ah.
1 .'.v-- • . s - i Pch33 ‘
\X -auiJ Gar Fitters, laTFrenV bdwaea
.Wood andSmithaeld streets, Pittsburgh, Pu "\ '
Q7* Highest price (ires for old Copper aad Brass,
Gexo-Koasax ;., U wanmus rams."
EPjJCK MORGAN fc Co r Wholesale . Uyocea;
andCommauioa Mctdnnis, 10} WoodauFiue*
bat,k,P»; , 'l■■ :
aatan ueksr, sxcazr. re.
TBAJAU DICKfeY a. Ct, lU*k
JL tniauon Merehantt, and dealers in Ptodioe, Nos. 68
V aier, and 107 Front street, riU»lnuj;k. „ ... ;M vS
6U. W.HDO, ••• •• *» '‘f( : -•
GfcX).' W. SAIiTU A Co,'BrcwerVMalriersfand
dealenin Uops, Pittsburgh andTolatßrewties,
rena and Prana, : « '• - : - jal ,
BUU, NcGIUTW Produce, Forwardiurand
Commission Werebahla/Na- CCorauurctal How,
rtysuPitUnunU.Pa. j »pl 7
, ,w »-***-«»* m \r£i&£ ■;
•-ti i O:..- •;•- - . '.• .-•. • ' AfdklJ.Si- H l -.l’} i.\ -..— .J x-.-.-'M -_* ' . j«.v ..." •• ■ • •'.- • ■■'/ •-/ *.. ••-••. r-:,i*~"'~^“-‘ r - \~—•—l • i.fjte:-<**♦«]. :*ii— — ' •iir.::--\:--.- ■) • '. n > :•-«+ •? «.• v_f.-;- r\}*. L >*. • tiliul' '& htonoyt-wVV.- •;•* >4 fH?*W d«To(£*uW 'l <* «»«* •
nii; rimiti iM.n imii;i
SC. iULL—(Successor to Hill A Browne/) lnpor
* ter and n«nf«taw of Paper Hangings anJ
boards, and daaler to writing. pfSniing, oud Wrapping
paper,« Wood at, Pittsburgh, Po. Rags nml /Taa
aesv traps porcbased al the highest market price. -
t. naxtst rmsucxca. .. rooa jccnou, xa*\la2cd
SELLERS A MCOLS, Produce sad General Goto.
. mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty sc, Pittsburgh
1 ... •-. *
. eerv Forwarding and. Cemmisiioti Merchant*.
Dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufacture* and Western Pro*
-dice, hare removed to their new warebonseJold stand)
No. ai/corner of Front sl ond Chancery Lane
SAMUEZ* 11.. KIEB, Forwarding and Commission
Merchant. Dealer in Produce and Piitsbarrh maun
fhemred article*, Canal Basin; near 7th st- • .
fpASSEV A BEST, Wholesale Grocers and
. J. «oo MerehutU, and dealer* in Produce. No. 35
\voodßC, pnubnrgh.- - " ■ . ap2<
T» r. rOOTTH. 1 » : t ./Ni1,.1...
TP. FORSVTU t Co., Commission * Merchants,
\ d !i e 2 m!^ l,, > L ® rabeT » 9n>ceriea. Produce and
Kii*?SlS WMttfi,etur ”' Ctnal Basio » i&«ty street,
Pltubargn. 1 ■ • ■ ftbis
B-IfOSTKK. Agent for Mexican soldiers and
f f troeftnorpenupiu, at the office of Wu. E Au*-'
tin, buUdrnp*, 4lh tt, PitUhuralL Mr son
tu the general land office at Washington, will attend to
toy business there free of expence to applicants*
,-WWr BOWtN—Coinmisitou and Forwaniini
martet streets. . • • /• j • - * - • 7 • Teb34
r*J,_.r •Grocers, : Forwarding and
Cgaainon Merchant#, dealer# in Iron, Nails, Glass,
2?“°" }Xs*y 4 W*™#* Manufactures generally
comer of Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh;
.WJDTMOEL + WOLFF, Importers and Whole'
* “!!••*« dealers ,m Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery,
* e i No, >*) Wood street, Pittsburgh. . ■ : , apttb
W w. WAUJkCE, Mill stone and MU Furnish
. __T" f mg eitabUiinßentj No! 2U liberty sL, near the
«anai. < m«r-v.
W, jjL.GARBdRD, Dealer-ln Fancy and Staple
110 Caoda * |ol 79 Market street, Pittsburgh.
WW WILSON, 1 Dealer in Watches, Jewelry,
* Silrer Ware, Military Goods, Ac-, No. 07 Mar
act st. - /•. uov7
AJk/"- K. MURPHV,Wholesale and Retail dealer In
TT • Foreignand Doasestie Dry Goods, north east
corner of Market and, Fourth sis. ; ,• , ...migSl ; 1
JURY AN, Rectifying Distiller, and 'Wholesale
a dealer in Foreign and'Domestie Wines tmd'li
rinorsjNo. lit liberty street, and S 3 Diamond Alley
.Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 ’ jylT-dly/
IfTPARRICK MARTIN A Co. Bankers, Dealer* in
If - Exchange, Baak Note* and Coin, corner ol Third
ana Wood streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.; " noTIH-dly
wao-aocao, . jho, u'evi re.
r\lf W- YOUNG A Co.—Dealers in leather hides, Ac.
ft 143 liberty st. ' .. . jao»-iy
"TXT A Grocers/
If. « ReedfyiaffrDUnUM*,-and Wine and liquor
Merchants, also, Importers of Soda Ash and Bleaehhiir
Powder, No;ICO liberty st. Pltribuiyb, Pa. j»n-Viy
turn stscitrxk, . osoxoi b. joxxx.
O TILACJUIUaN A Con Wboiemls Oroeeranod
in Qil*, Boat Store, and Piusburgh • Man-'
maetured article*, have on hand, at all times,« faU and
general assortment oEgooda in their line, Wate t strert,
near Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh. ... .. . aul3
JOUN hL TOWNSEND, Druggist and Apothecary,
No. 46 Market threat doonaboro ThupkaxßttU'
tmrgh,wUL baTs constantly onhoud a well selected as*
•oromrmefthe hestand tzeaheat Medicines, which be
wiir sell on tha most reasonable terras. Physician#
-sending; qrder*/ WiU-he promptly at ended to, and sop*
plwAwiUt article* they jnay rely upon as genuine..
ILr Physkisns' Preseripuona will be accomely and
. leatlr prqiared from the best materials, at any hoar of
ho dayoruldbt ;
/ Alio (ot sale, a lsrg* stock of fresh and good Fesfrs
- ...... .. jaal.- ...
itAGLR CufluN-WORtS.- PiltdiniytL hTanwftfC
X-i tore Cottern Yarn, Candle Wiek, Bailing, Twine,
'OcnrerletYam, Carpet Chain; Warps, Ac, Ae/ '' -
■ • (Saccetsors to Arbuekie A AreryJ
'' iM*'. ■'• - «v* .' Proprietor*.
. A „. No. .77 Canal street, New Or
jX.*: leans, Agent* for J.U. Armani's ExteasieeSieom
bogar Betnery.' Always on hand a lam aiock of
List Powdered, Crashed, Clarified and Bastard Sugars,
to Tierces and Barrels. ’ Also, Sugar House
Prices liberal, and a fair alum-mace'mule on all sales
of or above-SO nsnal*. •■ - ' mchll
, BMTIH A Co-. Brewers, Malsters, and
tJ Hop Deafor*.-pituburih .and Point Brewers, cor
nsrof Baker’* Alley, and Pena street, and foot of Piu
st, Pittsburgh,~Pa. . : . . .....
T. B. BISHOP, Veierineiy Sdtnedo, cad
rbe fomnl alhisUoreeSboelaxEstaMithment,
’near St. dair street Bridge, lately occupied
.by Messrs. Carr A Howland. madam.
J* H. EATON, Dealer’in .Trimmings and Variety.
r ♦ Goods, yhexois Shell. Irorj- and Ilorn Combs,
tOMaikct sSte
Taoad and <th st, Pitubnrgb. . jyyfrtly
SEff .mBLEST UißDffiKß STOSE, :
14 AVINU replenished my nock trixo the best sour*
domrsdo and "foreign; 1 lake pleasure in
aauonncmg to runsamers and" coalers, that 1 am pre
pared to furnish them with ah nods in my line, oa stiU
belter terms thatt heretofore.
that dealing" exdaairely” in
i Saddiery Hardware and. Carriage Trimming*. 1 obtain
u&reUj, advantages that enable me to defy competi*
Uoo.* Ositj’ace, and judge for johrselccs." apt?
tisic joms, ' ■ • • • ~ jotfsy.'Qcw.
I JONES * <tuioa, , .
Manufacturers «r spring and blister suet,
plongh iteei, steel plough wings, coach and elip
,ue springs, hi rnmrrcd iron aztes, and dealers in msi
leahie easuhgs,fire engine lamps, end coach trimmings
pncrmlljr, corner ofSoss and Front »u, Piusb^n,
{{Xitel •t*> l hear Wood—Ail quantities of Greet) »nrf
Biheft’“Tea*, done dp m'tjoarier, half; and
pound packages, ranging fromM cti. per pound
A- JAYN&, Agt. for Pekin Tea Co.
TUB Insurance Company of North America, through
it*. dnJjnuUhomcd Agent, the-subscriber, oden to
make permanent and limited Insurance on property, iu'
this <l*y sod its riciniry; and on shipment* by the Ca«
'nal and Birers.' -
Clmrie* Taylor,
-■ • . Ambrose White, :
Jacob ALTbomas,
Arthur G Cofln,
Bam'lW. Jones,
. Edward Smith
John A. Brows,
John White.
Thomas P. Cope,
Samuel P. Smith,
Samuel Brooks,
, • ' '' S.Aostia Allibon'e,
• ABTiIUR COPFIN, i*rc*’t.
. Him D. Ssmns, gec^
-' .TOtio’tMoldcst Josttrauce Company In tire United
, Slues, htn'ag been chartered la IJM. Iu charter j«
IptrpecnaJ, ami from -its hi|ti suudinf, long experience,
ample means, and »taidin(~ kit mluofui extra kax
arUonj character, it mar be considered as oUerieg »™-
ple security to thr.pßWrc. - , - MOtfES ATWOOD,
At the CostingKoom ofAtwood, Jcme* &. Coi, w«-
'lerandFroaistrceu Pittsburgh. feblO '
JOHN FINNEY, Jr., Agenl at Pittsburgh tor the Dcl
swum Alumni Ssriery Xnsarsnee Company of PhUa
»detphi*.'-Fmi Risks upon buildings ana merchandize
o»eray'd**cription,4o<J Marine Risks upon hull* or
cargoes of vessels, taken upon tho most favorable
terms. •• ; \
(p* Office in the Warehouse of W. U. Holmes A Bra.,
No.J7Waler, near Market street, Pittsburgh.
N.B.—ThosßCMMoftlihCoapaajrsmco lieestab
lishment of the Agency r .in thiaeity, with .1 be prompt
'ness end liberality with whieh every claim upon them
for IoM hM been adjusted, fully wnrraatthe agent in
’inyfUngtbe'eOafidenee and patronage of hi* friends and
the coinntapfry at large to the Ddawufe W. B. In»u-'
ranee Company, while il has the additional advantages
at ah institution aioongibd roust flourishing iuPhiladtl*.
phia-i-a*having an ample Paid-in capital, which by the
operation of Ju charter.'w' constantly tftereasuig, as
; yielding to eaelt person insured his due'share .at the
profits of tho company, without involving himinauy
rcsponslLlliiy whatever,’ and therefore as possessing
the Mutual principle diTcaied of every obnoxious fea
ture, and ia Its most attractive form. ‘ nov4
‘ 5 ' V: nfinUSCE AGAINST nBK. V"
r|l|lE American Fire Insurance Company—Othce, No.
A 7* Walnut street Philadelphia: incorporated A. i).
lolC—Chanar perpetual. . . -
Baikbiig*. Furniture, Merchandize, and prop*
city generally, cither in the city or county,'against'
lon or damage by. fire, perpetually or for limited peri*
od*,ou favorable terra*.
-John tiergeanl.
William Cyneli,
Thomas Aibboue,
John Welsh,'Jr.
John T. Lewi*.
- r SAMUEL C. MORTON, President.
- .Fuses D. Jaavtxa, Secretary.
Orders far Insurance by tba above Company will be
iteceivcd and insurance* ctfeeteJ by the undersigned,
agent for Pittsburgh. GElt. COCIiItAN, -
; • novlx-Sm* 1 . ■ - . -28 Wood *t.
TfUIE Franklin Fire luaunutca Company, of PhiJadcl*
A phis, wall make Insuranee, permanent and limited
ou ever)' description of property, in Pittsburgh and the
surrounding country, bn'favorable term*. This com
pany has a perpetual charter.
Capital, , «OOJM)paidin.
Contingent, Fund •3U»,000
-Office corner cfTbi'd and Market atreela, Pittsburgh.
■ MtVMiaisr iu iiui..unttUMiii-i a msiui-
AFACI'UH£HSOFPi'rrSiiUttOII-Wm A Ktaeioe,
u doers cast of the Port Office, Pun burgh, is an author
ized agent tor the Sieobeuvilte Daily and Weekly Her
ald. The lie raid has been established nearly half*
eeatury, and ha* au extensive and substantial circula
tion throughout tho pbpinoda and rieb countiadbf east*
era Ohio, western Pai,nisylvaai* ami Virginia. • Per
son* wishing'ld extend their business, win not tail to
embrace the above favorable epportuiutr to do so. .
- (Drrenas of advertising moderate, with an editona
nOUce rrahs, ifreouetted. ,< ■ marltiU_
/nHK BEADY RECKONER-For ship bulldere, boat
•', mad lumber merchants; t*eing a correct
mrtsoFerneJil ofscauUing, boardi, plauka, cubical cw»-
Vnts of square and round, timber,, saw logs, wood, etu.
ewaprised ln a number of tables, to which are added
tables of wages by the month, board or rent, by (be
week or day, and rail road distance'; also interest la
mias; by J M Scribner, nothor of the "Engineer's,and
Mechanic's Companion,* etc. etc. For sale by .
■"marH ... , . , • booksellers, cor, market A 'Jd stj
EMOVAL—C. A. M'Analty A Co., have removed
to the warehouse* os Sloan’s Wharf, Upper Cu
uai Casiugliberiy «t., 'where they ara'uow lullypra
pafedto receive a large amount of produce he , to ship
»n theopeaingof Canal Navigation to Philadelphia and
. *nA alt inigwnnriiftf fcbiS
• Jivt/er, Pa' VJ
LI, also alien'd to collections and al! other bust-
M oe*« entrusted to him in Butler and Aruutrooe
counties, Pa.' Keier to
J. A R. Floyd. Liberty fct.-l
W. W. Wallace, du , .
James Marshall, do j Piusbun-b.
dl>-__ Kay A Co.. Woodsi. J . jan7
ComnUselODer of Deeds
A T CINCINNATI—I am authorized by the Gover
»ur of Pennsylvania to take acknowtedgmettu of
all instrument* 01 wii-jug, also affidavits uuddepoti
lioas of persons in Ohio, to be used or rrcoided tn
Pennsylvanix Office, two doors east of the Mayor's
Office, Cincinnati, Ohio.
maya>iandwlv*T -• Attorney at Law.
J, B. SWEITZER,: Attorney at Law, office 3d st.
• opposite St. Charles Ho e!, Pittsburgh, will alsc
attend promptly to Collections, in Washington,Payette
and Green countiaa, Pa.
Blaek»tocir, Bell A Co., Y
Church A Carothers, >Pittsburgh
DT. Morgan, : • , j UclDdlj
EJ. UENHY, Attorney and CouhteHor at Law,
• Cincinnati, Ohio. Collect tuiiH in Southern Ohio,
nud in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and cure
lully attended 10. Commissioner for the State of Penn
sylvunia, for taking 'Depositions,' acknowledgments,
‘ Rxnm to— lion. Wm. Bell A Son, Curtis, Church A
Carothers,'Win- Hsy*, WiUock A Davis. «5
s**A», ’ ' ’ . ' ALoritSo)( 5. KKli,
-T 7 ! ''. AA. d. BELL, Attorneys at Lasv, office tu
JL/ji Stewart a Uuildlog, Fourth at., second door abov e
•Mood Mreei, Pittsburgh, Pa.
D.AV. Beli, Conroiisnioner lb take Depositions, Ac
kuotrlcdguents of Deeds, and other instnimeuvi of wri
tlng, 10 be used to Missouri. : uvl^-Ont*
a. w.wiimics,
W‘ SHINN, (suoceuors 10 J,owne ajui
JL* **“*®*o Ananiev* and CoanMllor* ai taw.
*“* e °r Fourth itreet, a bore Smithfield.
ItUlTo&wlr , ,
■ SKWELL,anon>ey or Law, offices o
\J Stnnhfieid, between Lid and • •.
L*w, have removed their office to the South aide <
fourth *U between Cherry Alley and Gram street.
• ' ■ ■ apstf.
JObLPil KNOX, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, I*#.,
"*» resumed Ute practicoofhis profession in hisof-
Uce, AO.UakewcU’s Buildings, Graut st. occupied;
hu absence, by T. J. Bighorn and J. Christy;
; jaM&wtf
JOUN L. GALLATIN, Attorney at Law, Office os
. •*? l ? 1 Gram and Smilh&eld, South side,
Pittsburgh, Pa.; will also attend promptly to business
in the adjoining counties. ' 'ioc4>ly
w O- 11- ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has re
_¥ f *■ moved his office to toe Eichange Buildings, St
Clair st., next door to Alderman Johns. • !
i LOOMIS, Attorney at Law, office ou
y/» 4ih street above smithficld. , nnl?lv
General Commission : and Auction
WE undersigned has liken the large building, No]
. 45, next door to Messrs. Oldham, Todd A Co.,
Alain street, for The purpose of selling nil descriptions
of goods at public or private soles, as directed, valua
ble consignments for Auction Sates will be promptly at
tended to. lie will also accept of Ageucie* for Manu
facturers, anil will use his bust endeavors tor ibeir in
terest. In all cases upturn of sale or abstract of tales
II be furnished his friends weekly or monthly, acccui
(tied nulickeck ou'Ranh here, or Bank check ou
stem cities, when directed. _ , . ,
lie lutf over his store jur the sole of
Furniture, Carpeting. *ud other bulky articles.' i
-We are surrounded by a dense population of 40 miles
or upwards, with the most fertile soil iu the West, and
generally worthy fanners, with 25 to J» Towns and Til
lages in that distance, yet not ono Commission House
here. i- : A. LE GRANDE.
. Lmsom*, Ky.. Jan. 2b l&fcl.
Messrs. T. Anderson A co.
L. L. Shreve A CO. • I. :
G. W. Anderson. Esq., ,
W. Richardson. Cosh'r., J ]
Messrs. Springer A Whiteman, )
Taylor A Odiorne, L,
T-Nrav. JCmemnsu.
J. L. ilaskius, , J '
I'hilip Swigert, Esq., )
IVier Dudley, Bsq-, ■ >Frankfnn. • ;
U. L Bodlcy, E»q. 3 ' ’• !
A. M. January, E*}., {
Christian Shultz, Esq., )
• -J John lb Tilford, A co. t )
W.:HigginsJAct>.,„ 1
- S. Swul A co„ > Islington. ■
■ JoknDudiyAco.. I
j Jtf.T.ScotyCashlcr.; j fclnClni
c. x nsaaanovrnt. i. axSaLeoasaa.'
TiIBiCVO atKUlJMfl>,
No. 29 Sdeth Wharves, audNo. 117 Si-utb Wau-rst
IEGS to iuforra the trade and dealers generally, of
• Pittsburgh, ihailhey harcatsdesneharrang' uicuts
with tha Tirginls manuiactarers and the Growers of
the West, Weil todies, and other places, a* will inure
a large’and coosuct supply of ihe following deterip*
lions of Tobacco, which will be sold upou os accoiu*
inhere; from them mTif war
rented equal to representation:
Harsna; t Sl Damingo; ' Conn.; 7
Tara; . Pono ILco; Petra'*.; >Seed Leaf 10-
CuLa; " Ignini; A Florida; J baceo;
-AJjsO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Star Carea-
with * large assortment of other popular brands,
and qualities of pounds, ss, **, pA,. Id* and 3A, Lamp;
fo, 6, es and ID* l’log; Twist; Virginia Twist.
Ae« .sweet and plain, in whole and half boxes, wood
and un, together with crery variety of article betocc*
tngtothetrade. - 1 JelOdiy
Fscioti and Pnducc CooaxDtsalon
Harebsiata, . • •
A; ItfGßAli caih stirunce* made on receipt of ecu
-Li atgninoui* •: Thoaa chip, inf to our addmt will be
rain three-fourths. value in adtvceo ui caab. tv anolr
- Meuri. Wallittgbrd A, Taylor, Pittsburgh-
Mraara. TTjot. bell k Co., Hrideeaort, Ohio.
Philadelphia, May 3,15 k.
7V B. All Produce coiuigoed to n« a insured when
in the Wnrebouae of Wuihnribrd & Taylor, Pittsburgh,
or n> our dote ta Philadelphia,, C. £l. tc Co.
Lanmliiton and Forwarding Mtrchanl.
: _ x • wood in, ruiMiiuß,
/ IOiYnftUES to tratuapi a general Commission bu*i-'
VA nets, eapediUy in the putchaae and aaie of Aweri
eatr Manufactures and Produce, and in irccirtogaurt
<or"iTiir>% OootS consigned lo hi* care. A* Agent for
Uie Monuiaciures,he will he cnnauuitly ninplied with
U»o pnnci&nlj articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the
lowen wpoleMde pricea. Order* tuul cwuunimeal*
are icapcetfully •oiieitcd. ■ js~
a.r.toawATl . >_ t khlhum
r' ». P. CONWAY <fc CO.,
PORTSMOUTH, Ohio ConusiMioa and Forwarding
Merchant* and Produce Dealer*—also attend u>
the Purahaaej Kale and Shipment of pig hoo, Coal, Ac.
Atwood,'Jane* A Co.
Loretiz, Sterling A tlo.,
Crhi) LindsaY A Co.,' '
Lyon, Short A Uu .
crarlOdlr •
jobs R. Neff}
KiebcdU. Wooif,
Wm. Weliij,
Prauica Iloikens,
u Jons p. pEttiiT; . r
.... iLaie of ilte tmu of JhaJcolmLeceh * Co-)
’Wnoleial* Qrotcr^Coualulon4Floor
_• ' . llcrchuilf • .
DEAj.IiU In ail kind* lof Conotrirproduce, Copprr,
I*% 11a Plate*, flaner*’Tool*; Zilc, l«cad, Hii.*-
»i»s>bMrt Iron, Iron and .Nail*. White Lead, Dye Stuff*.
Cotton Tnrni, Salt, &c.}and Pittsburgh Alarttitacturej
SantllP * *s ,^ n * r °*" and Irwut urecu, Pitta.
•' iCp Liberal aiirincc*, in C<uh or Goods, made on
cogMgumenta of Produce, Ac. • - m>6
>. p miwrKi- ;. \ -- o. nr. annuso*.
Laic of» itujitjfgb, P , . Late ofNculrWJle.Tetm
/mission merchants,
»a 8 raqrr rraxtr, abovx MOinu-iT, a.\ci!nuTt. ouiu.
nefcr w Merebani* general])-, iu Piu*burgh. »p-jj
<3EORC3E A. B ERftY. ~
'V'HcfLiiSALE CJ&OC4£n»,’
““ LOJlfliSillOA ffIBECHA«T,
IJKAtell i.v - •
ml Yuns * Pittsburgh
Itjrcs generally,
TjUrr,_.«rfBßcsou r p*.
jaiisMus MEBcams.
Offer to fell u( either e«tablulimetu, all kiinU of Mer
chandise, loWr*t lute* of Coraniiuioni.aiidaro
alwaya prepared u» make adranee*. The bettofrefe
rcoccs |iv«a if required.! letter* addressed 10 i ither
home, will >i» promptly altended to. ; jyjaily “
! Produce mid Commission Mtreuiiili,
' i • ' • UAX.TIUOEE.
ntraic—Daridscn, ganders & Co,, John K. Itundai,
Hugh Jenkins, IluiUtxiorc; .M, Alien it Co, Seller* & Ni
cols, Hampton, fcroith St Co., ShackJejt .& White, Pitt*.
-burgfc;AJ Wheeler, TO bhaugimestey Sc. Co* Cincin
Samuel C. MortoiVi
Adolpliu* J’eriei *
Ceorge Abbot, - .
Panicle Uiadj,
lutt* Tiioaiftoa. iw. u. cAursiux.
Atut Haanfactarer* of Ltnaecd oil,
. ; Nu. s® Columbia street,
i ' CisaiSAn, Onto.
•psMly ' Oj*Cn»l» paid for Flaisccd-Y y
Forwarding SXcreliant, Urowuaville, Pa.
Attend-i pwaieuiprly t» the Forwarding of Produce,
_ f’“ r "A 1 * >nfi>ri«atit»»J upplylo FOJLSYTH A CUN
CAN, Water a. ■ i ; PCI lu-
11. w: MATUEWB, , w v ~4 Tj .j,
Mo, 4« Water •treat,
* * • • ; >t. I.OVLJ, Alo.
(VjiigivQ prticular attention to the idling of Pro*
duec, and to.onlor* for purchasing.
RUSH* T<> — <ic< 3 r Nifiryuji A Co , PiiUburt’fi, pH.
fwira tt. »i»ae A ao, **&■»*). »«
(m the u|«l stand of Seay A bhcpiud.)
Wo, • NuahVille, ITenaestee,'
atiu[ f pt T?i *“ d ,I V U ‘ IU ' ■‘•tntiou w the sale
u *y Gouda, tiroeenes, and Mcien.iiiiii:«* • »■,*
k -0 * p,r *’ 9,c “ ■Hcntltudi the .1-*t>ri
weilu of U»L,f kujiiit'*,' tUicii'iiiiy a ui j iueaii.ur tit no
gpoOafof thtttro»»«:edßogtmjißn/atfv. * "*
h ,?s h* W ' A ,en ’ * Jw. Uuiier A Co., PiiU-
i j iteca^m
XJ Mundiy- UM <m bond at very law pnctl, *u »»wn.
went of abort» goods, mclodu* difliren, 'etadi“ m
Ur*!» Colors. Common and p me - rd*aaru,* iiiu« rfA*
Waromi- do: ilrown do:, W«i .„4 UiiJjp ?£ J"
ped do; Satin JJarred do.; Fancy Flaia do; iIJJ «, ui
•oruoent of-Mobair tom* Ve(V
fiuo and fioity. In U tiolume stairs, deal
era will hiyla choice Mock;o/ above had other K o©d»
by th» piece, at low CpaU pncea., , j ft.-j
THE partnership so long existing under the firm of
Aruord A King, was by mutual couseotdissolved
ou the Ist inst. Tlie business will l>e closed at the old
stand by either of us, using the name of the firm for
that purpose. Being desirous to have our business
closed with us tittle delay as possible we would re
tpocuuJly request these indebted to call and settle
their accounts. JOHN D. M'COUD.
J**3 I|. D. KING.
‘ vf‘ ; Co-Partnership.
rOHJf D. M'COlUf haring associated with him his
t brother James Al'Cord, under the style of M’Cord
Co., will continue the liafi'Cap and Fur busiucss in
all its various branches, wholesale aud retail, at the
old stand, eoruer of Wood and &th streets, where they
solicit u continuation of the patronage so liberally be
stowed ou the old firm. JOUN D M’CORD.
N retiring Irotu the old and welt known firm of
. Al'Cont A; King. I hio*t respeciflly reraunmend to'
to patronage of the public my successors, Messrs.
M’cord A Co. ]«u» 11.. D. KING. ,
Co-Part**e rshtp Notice. -
B l KPIjRNS of Wheeling, 11. F.*ssh®nberger
•Js of JuniuU, and J. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, hare
Uns.dsy entered imoe copartnership under style aud
firm of Stepheu*. cifioeitberger' ft Cxx, at the Anchor
iron works. Wheeling. Va_ tor the purpose of raona.
factoring iron and nails ofeicrj description.
IVJttmitg, Va,.
Manufacture all kind of boiler, sheet, bar ixou and
nails,'A. If. steel eiipuo spring* and axles. Being con.
uected with Shoeuberger's old Juniata works, we can
offer an article of Juniata iron fbrauded bhoenberger)
ciiual to auy made in the eouutry. All of which will
bo sold at the Pittsburgh .price*. Warehouse of the
work* comer of Monroe and Watersts. myll
MIE Co-partnersh p of tlie subscribers, under ihe
Xnrmof Lewu Hutchison Ac., is this day dis-ofvetl
by lanuiai consent. lather of tu will attend to the «!•
tlcmeni of the firm, and use its tiainc for that purpose.
fTMIF. undersigned have this day fonnsd a co-partner-
X *hip, under tbo firm of James A. tloichtson A to.,
lor the purpose of couiiauing me buiiness heretoiore
earned ou i»y Lewis Hutchison ft Co, and solicit a
continuance of the patronage hitherto extended to the
bwoM.-. J\MIS A lllTnil-l).\,
, LEWIS 1». IiPTCHU*.*N "
Jnn.l, li-H.
BISSOLCTION —The partnership lutbanoexM
tujoader the style and firm of Wirhttnan A Dal
xtmiaxhird*7 misam«by
**U having disposed of his enure inleiesl lolL Wight-.
1110 of the late firm Will l*o Milieu by
U. WlgaiißftD, who is authorized to use. the tiameof the
late firm for that puippse. Ji. WIGHTMAN
sptatthe Lulyl’-IT] i, DALZELL.
THL flubscribri is now prepared to manufacture all
n ndi of Cotton and Woolen Machinery; at the shortest
mmce. Order* left a: B. Wipnonan’s. Lnyuie Shop, cor*
aer Liberty and Water etreeu, will meet with prompt
attention. 11. AVIGHTSIAN,
Leacok *l, benreea Federal and Sandoikr »u..
tpiSMly 'Allegheny city.
T rtr% R Co-partnerahip.
HE Sob*cribera uvuig with them ia
their buin.e*s la lt»e city of Pittsburgh, S. C. f»°ir
li-Blair, the UuKiseM mil be continued under
tlie firm of G 4 J. 11. ShoeuUereer A Co.
„ , , G.A J. U.6HOE.VBEROEB-
March 15, l“~Pi r znarlOdlw
_ , Aaaoclatton*
tl >ug associated »hem,el»e» loynlin under the firm
oi John Farrer. A Co., for the purpura of commuing the
butuieti of the -Boatmen’s Line," will cimcmai 10
JrAMtoet a genets! lu/waidti.g and eotnmiMuoij tu»*V
ite«r at toe old ttanj at the Coital Jliuuu. liberty strest
GO.PAUTNERSIUP_\Via.'YcHiiighavi OR iTii
day associated v*ita mui. John H. Al’Ctuie, the le»
Jhcr btuiueu will bareatter be conducird nnder the
firm of Wpu Vouug ACo ; WILLIAM YOUNG.-
; ; , JXO, 11 .M'OUXli
_ Co-Part ue rah tp.
J, HAVE B»*ociaied^'Mr Arthur Al sVhmnej’ wsthme
Ain the Brewing and hlaJlin.i* lt.i*ute«,, under the firm
<1( keogn A M W liiuney. >l. KIX)GH
; lon Pltlbrcwery, marJU, t?d3. marVltf
It A. FAHTtwioca.) A. B II i'll, N. Y. City.
H. IfcfiaMrnnoca, J.pitt*lurrh.
G. W. >*AdSRST<K. }
AV’holeaale Drug Nlore io ih« Cltyof
i • Ketr York.
r l n Kf. . ef W ed arn eitcuwrely engaged in the
J. Wr holesole Dttif l»usine», at No. 4U John street, in
Ujc city of New and-are prepared to supply
" f , u K;‘*» ®'«l country Merchants with IJtuk«, l‘nmi<
• his, Pye-ttaffs, lore gn aad American l'eifumery,
blander, tveaver A Mander'e Chemicals, (of their owu .
iiuporuuton) and all otliar article* In their lino of buii*
»«sr,of a superior quality a* lowa* they con hapor--
ebased in this or any eaateru city.
_ New A orkj FcbltJ B. a. FAIINESTOCKf A Co.
fiwwit, Bailey A CO4
Hear)- Graf,
U. Leech A Co.,
-Clarke A Thaw,
. Mmher'i Chrome Green.
rj'O .PAINTERS, iiUND.MAKEUA, do—We. the
Painter* and MindMaker*.of illicit*
t»t new York, have mnl aud (eitid, and are now uunr
* n r. w 6 !* °} fhrotoo Green, msmutctured by Geo.
K. Marcher,. cl tni« city, and find it to work well, uru*
ducmgafino brilliant ram Greenappearnnce, wild a
very superior body, o»d recommend It to oyr brethren
in tac trade a* In every particular the best Chrome
Green we have ’. New York, Jam* 1, ’<7;
Signed by M firm* of practical painters of Uwcijyof
t*_4?/!1 «<3 Chrome Greru ninv be
had of R. -H HEI.LFIts, No 57 Wood streel, who i»a»
the exclusive ageuey foriu«alejn Pittsburgh. iuar!3
' I*opnl«r, because Good: ~ ,
_ _ t> Co, Pa, March h IW.
Jv| R*Z orJ.l.Lltf?—l have nearly said all the Vcr»
JJJ. tuifugc and Cbu;>lt Syrup you scut me. Your \>r»
nnlueeia without exception the lw»i ever offeTcd'in ltd*
iicjghborh<>«», having proved gqod wherever used.—
rhe Cough Syrup nud Liver Piila huce also given sat
iifaetnmr Yotirobt wrvt. J SC(/IT, l'o.t®u>ter.
I : " ,,d !’>' n E RKU.KBS, <57 Wood *U
4£ ld . L > ,ct ' £ * 4 " ®rdj.DM Curry, Allegheny; A
, »VjJ hnnUi, TcmpenuiecviHe. tourtt '
IN tiie Court ofCnminnu I'ieoa of Aliegheny county,
ofilarch terra, 1«13. No. IW.
t —■-? »l|etition oi Tcier Heard, for hi* discharge as
ji. « f Truvtee of Mary O-'Hexn. -
-And uow to wit, March U.'isj?, Petition und
account of Trustee, filed, aud on motion of J Harrison
Sewell, Laq., 11 it ordered that notice of said upollcn*
tioii be given by publication oner h week in the Pitt*,
burgh Unity CnxeUe umilthe lit day of April, A. o.
wheu tlie prnyerof the petitioner will be giantrd, if no
reason be shown to the eoutrary. IJr the-Court.
._ ma . r, y ,a 'r Al HIRAM HULTZ, Pro
■VTOTICEIs hereby given to the Stock liuldera of the
J." Amygdaloid and Isle Roy ule.Mining Compnny, that
an asscssmcnf offgi per cent oh each share has Imen
mode, payable to Zalman Filch, l>«j„ Treasurer of said
Company, at Ins office in the city of Cleveland, ou or
beJbro'lhe first iluy of April. I^l-.
WM RtCHARDS, Pec’v. -
! Cleveland, March l»i, ifejs.
SUNDHIEiJ— 400 do/ playinp card*; iSK> wbtjfn nntl
hlfbxs xAtdincn; 10 lofiteu olive oil; yi) doi a««'td
fflUUp*, &r;scualf* London porter quart* nml pint*;
SWdoz blit ureitdics, wine*, Ac, very old; 3bM» pow
dered sugarjGObaUeU chunij-opnc \vuic,jmntourtivc;
3hhd»claretdojfor »nlcby mrlO "PC.MARTIN
JL’ST’IIECEIVKU—A inrpe imurmientof Floor Oil
Clnthi, of Vnrjouo jiulterut; eompriHmjf: llUlydj of
4 yd* wide floor oil cloth; HU) do G yda wide, heavy do;
iKUTda 4-1 do do; 151 KI do jdo do; IMXJ 'i yd* wide, do;
all of which will he told on u» uccornnioUatin* terms at
cun he bought in the United Stale,*»No3 Wood etreel.
mart J 11 PHILLIPS.
U, MUEAbbHS A.NHCUFFIX—I6 bhds prime
Sugar; 60 bids N O iMolasies;CObag» Riu Cof-
Iftmnii/ Horn »tr Wyoming 1 mtd Tor Mle by
UTT'l'hey will rhortl) 1 r.-ccivr per Martha “Vvoahinj?-
tuu liiid other.uouls lt.«: following:—-dUMiliduprinie N O
Hugur, iM hbU pltmlalioo yti do Sugar House;
‘M F.L.U Ena/; Id tiercr* Caroling lliee.- febl3
SMOKE HOUSE—llaviug takru ilw Urge and com
wodiou* biuoke House und iiueoh Storchoore ad*
juiniiLp our Warrliou«e,on ■ lift Caual llariu, we ureprc
poteii to smoke sod store hncnn on teasonablu term*.
JilFlit 4 JUNES.
mart - Cnnat baiin, it.
■TOURNHUMEK WANTED—I wl»bdo engftge.seye
fj rnl -Jonrucx>4en Carriage Makers; to go to Mount
riexsant, I'a. on (lie first dayof April. 'Apply ut lleil't
Mansion House at B©r rjo’clock.
n,3rt ' - : - JAWLy CL'LBERTSON.
* CTOTlCE—Peigon* having claim against tbasieara*
. .T boat Arrow previous to the itth ictr, rwitl please
present them tor settlement to .WM U -
matJ * ~ lst at, near wood
COTI’ON'— lOi bales Mississippi, ia store and Tor snlb.
by marlU ( POINDEXTER. &Co
. .AN it have .tfe» :<lay-in*ocist<
j*H icin in the liunlware limbos,Philip W,
,»n aml Mwai J (;n.-S5. The atjrle of will her
;ailer he Ujjan, U itwti A Co. Tina arrangement rw
aen- tt to c.oxe the 01. l t>u»meu »« aoonka
iKrtnibio. Ad person* wliote hahilitias hare matured,
ara esjK-najjj-requeetrtl to make Immediate payment.
. Fiiuliurjh, Jan l,
Fnv I'n^ 903 " * CO— lmporter* aiu!
JU >'noWale IJcnlers m Fomei. tui.t Domestic Hard
”“flJ . Cu,Wj '- S J“I3O, Wood street.
hprßh,sjTeiiu\r fuily prepared will* u recently impor
** of Hardware, Cutlery, offer very prepl
inducements to v»e*iow:,buyera, beinc determined to
eompeio u, price* \ ouy ol tlx® Atlantic cities. Al
so ou band ns extensive aMoriment of PitUbureU flard
■hhof,eh-Forts, Hoe-, Vice?, Ac.,
ail oi whicii will l»e sold at the lowest manufacturer'*
P? cet ' • . iai.l
i, ™ I ?°" PAIVriVEIISHrp:
Pa ; '‘“Li.ub»crb«r*harti>grecenCyenteredini6
Cl under ihs name or Gal aßher, long,
Miller,forthe purjHJseofcartjiag ha the Bell
I i,.. , utK ' Brass Fouading and Gas Fitting butinessin
| all its branches,nave taken the stand formerly occur
: tiled by-lLOtlladier, No. 108 Front street, between
*• ooQWitl bimtlmeld an., where they axe prepared to
execute nil orders tor Bella, Draw Castings, of r.rery
dr«v.*nptiou, and Ga< Fating* with neatness aud des
paich. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to.
8: A. BONG.
.. „ . ■ P, U. AIIt.LEIt
*»• —rbeattention of Machinists oud Engineers is
mnted 10 our anu*auracLum metal, for a reduced price,
which has been pronounced superior to. Babbit's by
number* who have used both. Stcafflboai builders tuid
the public, generally, are ol>o requested to call and er»
amine our superior double briion Farce Pumps for
steamboat and domestic U‘r.
Notice. i, «■
f|\HE Partnership her-Hofore existing'between Marti
X Orum, Thomas 2). M'Grew uml, Finlyß UGrew
end trading under the iinn of Oram. Al«rew A Co., i
the city ojt Pittsburgh, it this day dissolved. All pel
sona uavmjclaun* against, suid firm, will plcaso prr
sent them t* the subscriber*. and all debts due said fira
must bc ftoilijo tha subscribers
. Mounts OKUM.
•- Pitishuqgi, Mure It 1, JfifS.
The SubsetiStrs have this datf eutered into Co-partl
- In tuj&iy of Pittsburgh, under the n'jtue and
•lyle of torthe porpote oftransacting
a general Coma(istioii ami Forwarding Business,at>3
will transact business at the place previously occupied
by the fina of Drum, Al firow ftCo. ■
c. tr. STKimsas. k. r. wtoirratsota;. j, a. •tocktox.S
_,_/•*« ■**?, Tucmo*, nflmnvß*; > -
Cm **»*“ establishment long sad widely known as
Pw I’*™? °* w ® rih ® »»« commodious in the citr of
BalUmore.haa recently undergone very eaten*
■ire alterations und improvement*. Au enure new
b*» been added,-containing numerous and airy
•seeping apartments, and exieualre bathing room*. •
The Ladies’ department has also beenjrompletely
reorganued and fitted up in a moil unique and beauti
ful stylm In fact the.wbolp arrangement of the House
has been remodeled, with -a single - eye. on the part of
the proprietor* tawnnis the ebmfijrt and'pleasure of
tlieir Guests, and which they, confidently aaoen will
c «*| l «nge comparison with any Hoiel in tho Uuwn.
Their table will always be supplied with every «üb»
ttnninl and luxury which the market afford* served
op ui a superior styles while in the way of Wines, Ac.,
they mil not be surpassed. j
conclusion the proprietors be* 10 say, that nothin*
wtft lw left undone on their pan, and on the part of theu
assistant* to render this Hotel worthy the continued
Patronage of their friends and the public generally. ;
The price* for board hare ai*o been reduced to the
following ratest . . o. • -
■ ■Udl.i'Orfinanv Sl,7Sj* tl Ujr.
. Gentlemen s “ ,
_N. The Baggage Wagon of the House trill a!-
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which wt» couvey baggage to and from the Hotel, ir
' ‘ . . cixcmiiL oHio, .
m; THE «üb*eriberi* having'pure hs*ed the entire
.ititere«of,Col..G. P. WilTiamioiv late or this
well kuown establishment, beg leave to stale to
tamr, friends and the publje generally, the they have
coutotodioui.HoieT for a terra of years, and
wilLCxert their best energies to make its desirable
hone for Travellers and Chyßoarders.
The; limel is spacious and admirably planned for
convenience, light and air, haviug a number of parlors
adjoirdng chambers, presenting unusual attractions to
families. ....
The present proprietors' having had the experience
of KDS in this city and'elsewhere, hope they trill be
able to give general saiiidaetioo, being determined to
give undivided attention to the bouse alone.
The location of the Pearl Btre« t House is uncommon
ly. ellpb e, having fronts on Pearl, Walunt and Third
straau,. sff Hut U-is equally desirable in view of the
coaytalence'ofim-iaes* men, orreurement foeprivate
boarder*. Hi, near by the Banks, the Post (Mice, tho
Masonic HalL Odd-FeltowS Hall, and bat one square
distant from Main.tlrert.aad two square* fresatho City
-Whotf> Ibus oflering the greatest inducements, especi
ally to country merchant* and generally to all persona
Vlfcling Cincinnati. • JOHN NOBLE,
. BAtn *°“ * SD *CT*W KS- BitTmoK, JCD.
S 3 .This tpleouid and spacious Hotel, elcgan’ly sil
£■ nated tor both basinets and pleasure travelers,
•MV* is so constructed as to ewntnae ail the luxuries
°f A* b«t hotels, with elegance aud real c«afcrti
_xhotco suites ofaportments are at all seasons reserv
od:(brlbe accommodation of transient guests, and fem
liies.visiuer the city will find tbe Eataw House a home,
unwrpassed-by ony Hotel in the Union? - ; ’
The location is elevated and salubrious, and ts also
conte nlent to the depou and landings, at which the
coaches and. porters of the house are al all times in
waiting to convey passengers end their baggage to the
Hotel. - . ;
Teucs.—Gentlemen’s ordinary BIJO per day.
■ ■ Ladies’ do i*» do:
Jahlt>taw3m '
: ElCHAarflE Hnrer.,
The sttbsenbey having assumed tbe manage
ment of this loug established aud popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Travellers and tbe
Public generally, that be will be at all times prepared
to accommodate them in all things desirable to a well
regulated .Hotel...The-House is,now being iho roughly
S aired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no
1» will be spared to make the Exchange oarfoftlie
vary best Hotels iirthe country.
The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance
ofiho very bberalpauouaxeUM.Hoaaehas heretofore
_ frlipdif Proprietor.
M». I ji, cancTfintr. rnmnwu.
THE subscribers, under the firm of Bridges A
; West, hare purchased Mr. Jones’ interest to this
establishment, and hone by tho strictest attestton
to tbe wants end comtonof their guegts, to merit aeon
unoonee of th* liberal patronage heretofore received
by it* former proprietor. - -- i -
The house has been thoroughly renovated, and re
paired; we therefore feel assured wo can welcome our
meads and tbe public to accommodations equal to any
in tbe city of Philadelphia. . S. W. BRIDGES '
•-jlyaaif JNO. WEST. ‘
„ : coaxxa mslv jlmd surru rrs. aacnresn.
SB . THIS establishment is now to tbe best order for
•H-ihe ree*puoo of the Traveling Public. Haring
undergone a thorough repair during the past
winter, and having the most experienced men in the
w ?« totbewtousdepartaientn, 1 Hauer my self that all
will be pleased wbo call. Hie location is central, com
tnodams and pleasant. Fare $1 per day
CisriunatL March 13, *47. W. R MAHSH,
N.B.—Although not exactly a new Broom,itisthe
same—a new Whisp on tbe old handle. ajifllf
UKimiUL KT. • I
M‘ AIMS THROCKMORTON begs to acqoaiut bis
'fnend, that he is anih lessee of the GALT
HOL'&k, Louisville, Ky n where be hopes to meet
all hfi oiu meuds, auuriitg them and the public! that
no court shall be spared to make all comfortable,who
fovorbim with their patronage. - jtnlldly
. UNITED states hotel*
vatt-vurar; awwxcir rocartr aao Tmnets.;
ltto -Bank of the United States, Phils
\J deirhia. M. POPE MITCHELL,
■toaiatf Proprietor,
aiLTtaeax, are;, i
M. OPPOSITE tbe Railroad Depot, Prattst-Dal
tlmme, HENRY M. SMITH, proprietor, (late of
tha Lxcbaage and Si. Charlea Hotsla, Pitts
BOOK TRADE- received at M.
Graham's Mazarine farAprii
Gcdey'a Lady's Book do
Lifiria Paris. br the Adventures of Alfredd* Robann
m French Metropolis; by George W M Reynolds.
The Xazarine, or the last of the Wash in cions; by
George Lipptrd. - * !
Hragelooae, the Son of Alhoa, or Ten Year* Later,
being the eonetuaton of Three Guardsmen and Twenty
Year's After ■ '
''»ews of Astronomy, Seven Lecture* delivered |be
torr'the Mercantile Library Association of New York,
‘n.tnatnonjhsof January an-J February", by|J P
An Introdoction to tho Study of Natural History; bv
Professor Agassis " ’
~'y,a i ff r* c * and Vagaries,# aeries of adventures; by
\v L Button, comedian.
Mysteries and Miseries of New York, pari 3.
The Hermit of the Hudson, or the Farmer's Daughter.
Awful and astounding disclosures of Amanda Ban.
uom. ibe Female Land Pirate.
Chamber*’ Miscellany, So Ui. '
L'omhey Jt Sen, No 17.
■ Living Age. NosittUand SOI.
Mnrh Ado About Nothiug; by William Shakware.
just republished, aod a large lot of other dramatic elaya.
far Ufa by a A MINER,
. smithOeldsuM door from fid
R"* 1 " 4 Sipmi »l U. X. Hint.
Columbian Mutmt for Much: 1
Union .*• . u , i
Bober* .Vaeaire la England, by G IV AI Borsaldt:
handwnnely illustrated; ’ « rwynouw;
- Nyneriev of Old London, by tameaulhor—pan M;
Gtr *>wke».or the Gunpowder Treason, by \Y liar
ri»ot Ainsworth; n ' i
i: * ,Ca ' * R°Bi»nee of&lexicoi by Geo
. r**etort«l Life of Georgs Washington, embraeingan*
rcdoie* Uliutrtuve of hi* character, aad embelUahed
with engraving*. ’ * -
mo»i remarkable events
of all Nation*. from the earliest period 10 the present
tune, forming e complr.te HUtory ofihe World. vol It
-I**'* *oa Adventure* of Valentine Vortbe Veutrilo*
<jui*U by Henry Cocklon-new edition;
■A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy;— '
The fragment and the History of a good warm watch
coat, br Lawrence Sterne; t.
'III* Light Dragoon, by Harry Harel: 1
- Living Ace, No 1W; ■
plr £>W * Qd n * Cn ’ by B>mo * l ' VarTon ' E*q-fre«h'«op-
Iy ntoll l^e Guardsman, by Lever—fresh at p-
For ealrat M A MINER'S,
. Smllhfielil at, 34 door from Second at.
Sew Books Jnat RecetTcd.
nkjrOßßld/SlUatory of Modern Philosophy, complete
if J. m one volume, from the !a»t London edition, foul
lecture* on Hie Law irod the GofjwU, by Stephen H.
Tyng. p. D; new and enlarged ediuoo,, with portrait'of
the outhor, .. ■ ■
Memoir r.l Rev. David Alice!. D. D-. Jute MiuionurV
to China; by hi* nephew, Ilev. G\ It. Williamson. wnit
a port rail, ■ n •-«.
• Mcamler'* History. of tho Christian Religion and
CbnrdjL, translated byj'rof. Torrey. Vol. S.
Huwkitouci a tale of nml for England, in 184—. iu
twb rolumc*, from tecoud London edition; 8!Jto. - " •
MenuiirofW C Crocker, Missionary to Africa, «3 cU-
Per*ona( Recollection*, byCbarloiio Eluadutb. with
explanatory note*, accompanied by a memoir embra*
ctlw theperiod from the close of personal re collection
to her death: by L II j Tonna; W| cent* l "
ifrcolfrciian* in EujUnd; by Jtev 8 II Tyng, D. Dj
/MurkMdton.the Aierdnyn*Clerk; by Rev. Charles
B : Taytor.MA, autlmr of 1 -Record* of a Good RJaii>
ijfei M*ry» l “Marart, or the P»arl,’»&«.
The above-just received and for sale* by j
5G market au betwcenSdaud 4th
E*l 9l V$ “ “•/*• Miner l *— Historical »ad
Seem Memoir* of lUe-Kitmrei* Josephine, firm
«i)e offtapolcoo UanupiTrte. l<y At’lie MA Le Nor.
• Vestige* of the Natural Uisiory of Creation.
IVrcy UanUiorpe, or the VicUsitndes of Fortune; bv
Mrs- tiuWi '
• Eustace llarcourt, or the Illegitimate—a ( iory of
condirl between good and eVtl. ■* • ■■
Mysteries of the Three Cities; by
•flie Signal, or the King of the Bine Isle.
The rmdner ofPerole.byJ Kl'ael
«imf. .Merchant'* Msgsrrtje f or March.
IkiDOcraUc Review. •* ..
'S'" 4 " l *"W» Uc. Edgpd Nor. paptr and
Triopea to correspond. 1 .
Smiljs for the Fwiplf,'N u i for March
Second il A ' UlnofS ’ * ,nUhfitU •«. M door from
Books. ' ~
ryofEngland; Arnolds LaterßomanCommonwealth:
‘‘flhoiU’s Home; Buruei'a HJsiorT of his d*S.. „i 7
Ajt,; Ciu3ti^SdCU»-
airyi niOWidiig's Huiory^o?the Hugueuots; Thierre**
Huioneal 'Votki; Neal's Hittorr of ite Puritan*: ThiJr*
French Bor; Taylor;. Manual ofAnc’i andffit ieL£-
m Introduction lothe Hisiorv uf tKiTrwvL»r?r
ftghUey'.Rome and
Hbors, with many oUurrvSluaUowoffi, for Mfebr;
Ilitcoatfe! lhC Suptme Cn «‘*t t*>e United States* by
Thu PoeW of Ufc, by W B Tappan.
■ !*'•*»'??? Wtgui
-v.'v j-i'i"' - sZmw
•■'a *.;< fT-b^! IVB
HE subscriber, fespeetftilly regy'ests the attention'of
theowner*'and cdptatns or boats, d tire ns and
strangers visiting Piltslwrjrh, W Ids large and splendid
stock of carpeting, now for sale at his- new store*, 4th
■street.. ;They eonatsV,of every variety of the latest ned
moat fashionable styles ofQarpet*. Oil Cloths, Ae- ever,
brought to the Western mtuket The store has been
built expressly (bribe fcarpetbusiucss, and has, (regatd
icas of expense,) been fitted op iu the most maritlnceni
modem-style. , •
~ Tb® carpet* receiving are of the Ulertdsrirtt. with
ibe richest end moat bnlliam colon.
'■ part, oftbe following:'
Superior Tapestry, anew ar>
• tide;
English and American Brus
Imperial Ingrain,' new shs-
Supeuor Ingrain; new de- *
ugh; .
Fine Ingrain;
Common go'
Plain and twilled Veniiien;
Eitfs super eoTd twilled do;
Koyal! do;
Sheep Peh;
'Polka; •
Jnterio; .
Wilton .
Brussels, "
{yard wide;
do do
3 do dh .
4. do : do ’
fl do do
.Cotton, IM. rag and hemp carpet, commfin oilcloth,
ou cloth table covers, worsted and linen table cfrver*,
window shades, colored and plain matting, stairTOd*.
trimmings,"carpet bindings, and all othergootls usually
kept ut carpet stores, all of whieh will l»q sold on as
reasonable tents as any in the city. Having made ar
rangements with one of the largest maiwfacßirers in the
east, orders forany style of carpet will boprodipUy for-'
warded by, telegraph, and delivered in one a
stuil advance of the tsantUacouer's price. ~ .
Purchasers are particularly requested to call be lore
purchasing elsewhere, as we reel confident we can sell
as cheap as they can be purchased in the eastern cities.
*wlS •-■ ■ IS.W.HYKP.'
Door Utii*
Oil Ololtu*
WritArrlrilofliirlsi Good ethis Season
■ _l3® UU&TT STREET. -
fjiHE: Proprietor of the above esublUhumntwoold
X respeetfoliy inform hi* uumeroua friend* and custo
mers thalhehas juit received mo entire new stock of
Bopd*» hdnpted, to the Spring trade, eontprisin* every
thtov that U JashionaWe, good, new mod cheep, in
eiothe, fsuuncres, vestings, Ao., altogether 100 name-,
rone to attempt to describe, Nothing obi an actual in
epeetkin eah conwv air idea of the beamy, quality, or
quantity of the stock,-whieh eurpaeaea any thing in tbe
aaae line in this city, and having beanponhaeed at the
neat time; he is determined, to Oder h at each price* as
will meet ue expectation* of ail who may fsTor him
with a call. Asusaa), he haa on hand one of the largest,
beat minaractnred.- moat lashfonable, and cheapest.
Vyfcof ready made clothing that can be met with.—
All who buy aa contraetoia, fur
nace men. are particularly invited to examine the
•lock before purchasing, a* they will be offered such
barguo* aa are not to be met with often. ;
Orders tn the Tailoring Une-executed with dispatch!
anu m ih* beat manner. • • ' ■ - : marlM2m
A.. Veer Spring Goods. .
A. UA6ON4(%, <9 Market street, have jast
• received a large supply of new Spring and Snm
| mer Dry Goods, which .will be offered wholesale and
1 retail,.at the very lowest cash price*. Actongatour as
sortment at hand may be found, 10 cases fancy English,
dnd American print* and chintzes, comprising every.,
new style now ui the market, and were -purchased at
the present low rates, which will enable ns to sell at
least 39 per cent, lass than former prices. Also,lo ea
ses small patterns, fast colored Merrimack.and Coche*
co prints, very neat and desirable) 3 esses new style
plant, striped and plain linen ginghams, of every shade
and. quality, 3 cases spring M do Laines, rich and
cheap, mode colored cashmere and M de-Laines;37
pcs Paris lustres, a new aud splendid article lor ladies' -
dresses, printed organdeea, saun striped and plaid bars
»?nr neb, a large lot of
*■< and thB French printed eambries aud lawns, 100 do*
best quality ladies', and gentlemen*’ kid gloves,white
goods of every description, together with n general as*
aortaeat of boose keeping goods, etc. etc. Country’
Merchants and the inhabitants of Pittsburgh and vicin
ity are. mpecrihlly invited to call and'examine our
stock and prices; which we will warrant toeompare
favorably with the eastern markets.
OHACKLETT A WHITE, 00 Wood street, art now
tj receiving large additions to their- excellent assort
ment of Dry Goods, to which they invite the attention of
bqyers, .believing they can offer such inducements as
wfllmak# itto their interest to make bills with them.
We are-now receiving a large assortment of goods
direct from the Manufacturers, importer*. Ac. amonx
which may be found the following
1 Plain doable drills, all grades and styles, primed
Kentucky Jeans, blue,blue mixed, cadet;dors mixed,
gold, green, plaids. Aeu aaiinetta, black, bine, cadet, Or*
lord; plain, figured and printed tweeds., a good assort-'
meat, ration* styles; pnats, a very large assortment of
Pf w spring sty ms, loner, green, blue, rubies, browns, ,
■ blues, blue and brange, Ac., in all varieties: ginghams,
splendid styles ofdomestih, English and Preach, very
low; AlPMcas, new styles aadstyle* and figures, hist •
imported; Slao, blacks, mode col. fancy ecu. yiift •««<
cooeu warp; some blacks, very fine. All o| which or* ■■
ottered tot sale on the most favorable terms. , ,
• • • Jut. 10.
; XX N.E. comer 4th md market" et*., will, from thi*
"yft •*“ ™ winter dm* goods, tad a large proportion 1
of Mi stock, adapted oaiy to the winter season., at
rretuy rtdtced prices. It being hit object to tell o S
this part of hi* nock to make roots for an. early spring
«pplr» no Segard will bo had to the con of the note
bnl they will be offered at priees that wiU ensure their
tale—such as California plaids, at laj former price SSc:
nperde. at3s formerpncejfffcj Primed Seotehcash
mem at IM, former price ad; do. 35, former price 37 *c;.
r*eacn all .wool-do. A ct», former price Qi and To e:
euperda?3fonseepriee"Uite wperplaid Thibet doth,
A and 73 former prim tOQ; beaidse % tarn assortment
of winter shawls, wonted Hoods, Ac. at prieee mush
orwer than before offered. . - j*io
CO- MQQtA mif g, •aoDom
: Merchant tailors,
so.?OaoxrTSTax*Bsr n «rrauTK'MCE'tr. i faxLOSxnutl
DESIKE •to call tha attention - of eonooissenn
-10 • dna*. to tha . sxQcass mraeaos sbxt
urn: aXtaisu in tha »h»pmj thl niaanfacnire of cai
tneau. *lTuy cannot bat fecl pcrfecuy confident that
er«rr om ofrefined dad eaitinted ujm> will er«i pro
. (et tbgTonxhlT prmc
u*««l**nsr*ii»ihe wretched and ludicrous buneaqaea
oftha von, the frail mad worthier* woikmanahip itsaed
from the erroocoualf. called cheap eatabluemenlh of
thl» aud other cities., >TUi thl* eotmation.therprdffer
ihelr wmeei to loren of eomurrans, tnccrnu and
*uvtt, -pled* la* their admitted ikUl and ambition to ‘
tha gnniftjoa of all tastes. howvrer diffieaJfor aleTa
led. .
..The long association of Mr- Moau with Mr. Eon*.
Wctnxxxxcs k Co., is, to thejnesy patron* of that es
tablishment, a sufficient guarantee cfnis ability,'
Btii ud Chalc* Vrttk lmporu. .
ROBINBO.Va CLOTH ttTQKE. Fifth street, near
wood.—Very grateful for past liber*; ptlroauro,
l (eel assured upon an examination, the beaoir and
rich fluhkmible styles will command purchases.'
nakea, cotorsj qualities and styles: Ye«tinrs,for beau*
ty t* axcelledi French fig d Ca»bmfr«,'l*llk*
and tfauns, otsl white Marseille*! Trim minx* of tape*
nor duality, 4 very large assortment. Prices second
to notia In the -countrr. raar2J-i*w
received a few patient* embroidered modi it
for Evening Dresses. Also, title net acaru, head drcj»-'
ea, etc. Also, pew styia braise*. for early spring wear,
new style balzarioe* chameleon silks, auaUon
able article, noodle worked collar*, new uyiel chemi
setu, emJrensw styles; black barred silks; stnped dot
rich atnped and watered do. La diet are iavitedto call
add see the above good*.'. * ' febS3
S*w QMdi for Spring of 1848. .
TXT R MUIU'HI, N. E-corner of 4th and Market
If* dt«. has the pleasure of informing hia cuunrasi**
and burirs generally, that he hoa commancod the re-'
ceipt of hia tarty Spring Good*, and ha* already open a
(treat variety of nod* suitable for the to aeon, ot price*
.that cannot fail-to pleaae. - i , -r
-„ B7* Merchant* are invited to visit hia Whole tala
Booma, up stair*.' and examine the stock of new goods,
which will i>o offered at aboat eastern price* feblS *'
CARBUTIfNOTUa* commenced to receive a very;
• large aud;dc*lrable stock of Fancy, Variety and
Domestic Goodfc'all of which he is determined to sell
at prices that cannot bo surpassed in this market, and
many of them ailow a* they could be procured from
Laaiern jobber*. ; Country and city dealers are respect
fully invited to cull and examine hia stock.
... j ' £l wood at, cor Diamond alley
SMALL, FIGURED PRINT&—J uj l received, an a*-
soninem of-blue; pink, lalock, nnrplo and orange,
•nuli figured print* and chlntte* tor children*’ wear:
also, dark auri> Oil scarlet do; also, plain,’pink'and
orange mouse da U'M*, tor do,- small barred xmehara*.
Ac. Ac., at the Dry Goods House of . . ••
\ . W RMURPHV. »•
handsome m
only m ceulspt
feW ••
IS Kara style*; open thi» morning, 1 cam
uiU, gingham patlonu, ud fat* colon,
r yard, at the dry coooi boon of
WHITE GOODS— \V R Murphy invites the aueattun
or buyer* lotus excellent assortment of. Whim
Goods, jum received, consisting o( plain and barred
jackonew; cambric*, low priced and fine; Scotch mull
uitalius.Svm* do; book muslins; blshopV lawns, Ac,
and which' are offered at lour, prices, by .wholesola mid
rtUul '-. i- - -coard . .
D litas GlN'QfiAhlSr-Open this morning, arias*
sortment of fresh guighams, iron till cenu per yd.
up to first quality FVeuch, at reduced, price*. Also,
heavy .Manchester gingham*, low priced mid fine,
!•__ ' cor.MhrkctAflth»io. ;
sOfURTING MUSLINS. Ac—TV nMcrphylja* juTi
kj received an additional supply oftbose. vely supe
rior long doth slutting muslins, at Idjr cents per yard.
Also, tnsh Linens, of vnrions qualities, iucluuing *oau>
extra fine,andwhrrauied pure d»i; at dry good*house
of mar!3 1 Wit MURPHY
WELSH FLANNELS coniiantly on baud at dry
goods house of W'fl Murphy,.N 1» corner t> •
4lh and market: at*., an ataoruneitT of above goods
warranted not tojslniugin washing. janiS '
II Eaton it Co, « market at, have
JLJ received a nfw (apply of paiierus tor embroider*
»ug. Preatea, inaslmt or lawn* embroidered to order,
or worked lor embroidering. Namca or Initial* worked
on handkerchiefs, alter lire latvat k'leucij urieraiio,
LaateriaJa ofaU kind* for the a aue purpose. - tuanCl
MONEY. BKl}rs>r*Back*ltin, ©it'd a]lb.!*od
■km Alonej* Belt*, of different aim. to reale br 1
-mam •» F H EATON tt Co, to oarkew.
RIBBONS— 30 cariooua Bonnet; 15 da Cap: CO do
Mamau Jo dp Satiu do; ja#i • rac'd «nd
for a ala by , marZl C-AiUUJTIINOT
~ inkn*;tabu>eiap;- -
L*- TAl>—. --*APLR—VV -RJUarphy baa wed
ma addluuoauuppiy of Lineu Table uiuen. ami
'iabte CpUwi.aiab, ToweU abd Tosreliiojr Dinner, ai
low price* for nufJltr. ’ •
ophjlno Bopism Hats,* c -a i< p.i« r t«,
«?,!*»? »V d ailjf<eelTin*, hil Spnh* supply oiiicoueu
“., *!■'»> «««* {turnery n«r and nctipatterut tod
•niev, alio, ribbon*, artificial Howen, Ac. gnaw
E SllEETiNOS—Bleached aud unbleached,
f-w one u>: three yards ’ urUle,to W Jband at dry
lanoTi [marid , : W a MURPHY -■
HOSIER V—A full supply of black. white/ uhbteacfc
!J° d ®ixed cottou ,ho*e eitd halt' hoic. nensV
■women*’ djjtj childrens’ iuuMiui opened by
I n v® siucxLErr a white
... Merchants* fftMpotUUos Hs«.‘
FO* TUT tSX39»HT4IioS or XXSCttAXjnzKAXn .
produce to Philadelphia; x ßaltimore.
GOODS consigned- to- our eawstill.fcb'f6rwarded
without delay at tho-lowM enrrwrt rate*. 1 'BUI* of
Loningtransmitted, and.*!! iaMraetiotiß. promptly at
tended to, free from uy extracbam for storggeor
cocuhlulon. C A Me ANULTY a. Co J ,Pxop’r»
-mart-'— - Canal Bailm Pittamugli..
; (Formerly called PickwortbA Co’* LlneJ ,
Kxctrairxrt roiTntraucsroiTATicW drVra^rutdßT':
BETWEEN Pittsburgh, BUimilieJ Johnstown, Hoi*
Udaytburgh, Water street, (Huntingdon Co) and ail
Intermediate place*, .. • . •
.One boat will lease the. warehouse of C A McAnalty
ACo,Canal - Baa#,’'Liberty *tiwt, Pitt»bar|b,'eTtj)f
day {Snndayj eideptad,) and shippers can always de
pend on baring their goods forwarded- without delay,
and ox fair rites. ' ■ : ■—
This Line was formed exclusively tor the special ae
cartmodatien of the way business. The Proprietor*,'
thankful for the rery liberal patronage' they h*Te re
ceived during the last two years, : would respectfully In-'
form their old customers and the public generally,' that
they bare extended their(aciiibet,duxinfftbe pas: win*
ter, and an now better prepared to accommodate an in
created business.
- C A McANULTY X Co, eanal basin Pitt )' "
RHCANAN. ■ ■ doJohnn’n -i •» wi* -
JOHKhIIXEH, doUolUdabpM* l **
'Rpnxscxa-THtubuixb—Smith X Sinclair, i-X\3
MeDeritijC A JilSboeabergen R.Bobihada ACoj.B
Moon; Bagaley X Smith:'John Parkeß.WmLcbaer,7
Jordan A book •■• • —• . mazStr ■
• 't - nm-wtsxii'oaTaTjoslorhttactunniHt'-
THE Proprietor* of this old established and first
Portable Boat.line, having removed, ihdir d®.
pat in: Philadelphia, to a jnaea larger Warehouse
on Market at., tua they formerly occupied, and in.'
! ereased their room, tor morage at Pittsburgh, on now
prepared to offer touch greater facilities to ueir friends
and patrons.
" Goods carried by this line are not transhipped be*
tween' Pittsburgh -and Philadelphia, belngeamed ea
tirely in Sbnabfe Section Boats. •_ *i\» shippers of flour
and other goods requiring. careful handuag, this is of
Importance. Nocharge made tor receiving or shipping
goods, or advancing charges . Ail goods forwarded
promptly, and oponasnasonahle terms as by any olh*
erJme. .
Canal Buln. Pena it-, Pittsbunk.'
: ; JAMES M. DAVIS 4tCo_~
febM . 237 Market Commerce *L,PiuU.
JOHN McFAHEN A COv, Forwarding rad
ion Merehanu,.Oanal Basin; Pena st,Pittsburgh.-'
«lan Merchants, 537 Market, and 64 Commerce tu
Philadelphia; ' ' ' fehiy^
JD* Adranees made by Cither of the abora on Floor,
Wool and other descriptions of Merchandize coariiraea
tolhenu ; J.. r-j; : frhfo
XT subscribers li«TCdi»posed ofthriria-
Xl twest u> the Penn’a and Ohio Line ta CLARKE A
XjHAW, of Pittsburgh, ruul JOSEPH 8 LEWIS, of this
•* *2tey will continue to transact for the fine,.
■tXaeir Ware book -on' Broad street, as usual, had be
•peak for it a ccctlaaanco of the patronage of-their
mends.. ••; ; JAMKS STEEL A Co. ••
Phiiadelpaia, March sth, JS«L~., *7~- .
Penn’a, and Co.'
. Double Dailu hme of '
ruraars to rmuaronr. boohs aciwzct rmsauacux
CLARKE ATHAW; Canal Batin, Pittsbunhl
LEWIS A BUTLER, tfl9 Markeist, Fhfladetplun.
JAS. STEEL A CO* Agti,-Broad street.
W. FOHRICK, l2 West street, New York,
Copattaanhip,, . .....
>|IHE subscribers have this day associated themaelrea
X together ondar the ityfeof Eer A Jones, forthe
purpose of eon tinning the business formerly carried :
by Samuel M. lOer, and solicit» rnwitm«,n. nf ih». ;;k.
oral patronage heretoforo extended to the hmtw.
' . '■■■'- y- B.F. JONES.
. Patsbmrgh, March l, 1643. ;
. POST A BLK. BOAT Ijam, .
Baltimore via can als+ railroads. --
“WJ E art prepared to receive and forward freight to
•17 the above and intermediate plaees'tviih a* much
fieipatch, and at aa lew'ratea, aa aLyotUeocrpoiuihie
«o«.t© balk, ia paxiieaiactiilnqaastad. iu
aamaea aaocr amazement* anabla » to carry ltdr
.amctes tarboeh ia better order than anyctiw line,.
KlEfe fc JONES, Proper*. V
• Canal Baon, war Ttiin.
1547. - ™v. ..
Hmbnrgh, Match:
B. SB,; • i» y. ;o)iM
-'nflEHJfc JO.YES—Conadiilim.*nd faTwaidina-Mtr,
JVchuu, tad Wiolento Dealers la IroaTwooms*
Salt Pioduee, &c.
; ' liberal ctaa«4 ranees on eoii-
1848 : lwe ■ 1848
CAB will leans Phil viejnliia daily.artw_i!Ui Feb.
JTX nuur, with-the Mail *ftaiu, to ChambeNborir.'
wltien will enable the Wagon* to leare (here the aamc
day, with relay* of horses, ranaine day ttud iiiaht, »e
-ccree the certain ’uriral of good* iu Five Days from
Philadelphia. Apply to
I) -LEECH 4 Co, Canal Basin,
• . •••••: - ■: U and IS south 3d u. Philadelphia.^'
'*e wvUrecdpXfor 6tX)ollss produce,daily, us »o
.throughly the oitoreline arter thetUstiasb--
Vfebr# "D LEECH A Col .
UtXIT. OBAtr,. S. o.:»nrUt, A.TD'CHAS.' BlrSlFiniSTa
.fitubonh.: Philadelphia. • • ,
■ .Ta. PhH|Mlcipma nag-iuiuittws^^
. Via. caxals ajo> aAiuoAPSI •
HENRY GRAFF ft Co., Canal Basin, Pi'.uiionth. .
DUTILH, HUMPHREYS ftCo,No. 147 Markets, PhiL
C. H. Koosi, comer Nonh & Saratoga'su Balt >
Jora P. Clarke, No 13, Old Slip, New York, { A « u ‘
VTOTICE—The stylo of our firths will be knows from
i.s and aifcr this dale, al Pittsburgh, os Henry GtnuT
hCo n Philadelphia, as Dutiih. Humphreys ft Co.
NDvtUND O DUTILH. * pi,,' , , ... i
, CIIAS. HUMPHREYS, . j «“«delpbia. . ...
HENRY GBAFf, ftusbatga. ... nar^f
1848 Aymfcgamani,
THE Steamout DETROIT, Capii J." C:Benjamlu,witl
run, during the season of IMS, between Cleveland ft
SanltSte .Vane, is ih& following manner, touching at
Mackmaeand inlermediataplaceaeaoh war:
Leaving Cleveland every Monday, at 71\ M.
«> IMtroit do Tuesday at 9A.M.
Do Maekinaedo Thursday at 7A. M.
Returning, will leave Sauh Ste'Marie every Friday Tat
10 o’clock, A.IL; and Macklnaa at lOe'eloes, P. M.
and leave Detroit every Sunday evening far Cleve
land, at 7 o'clock. . .
■ f W.’A. Otix ft Co.,
Agents. <C. DRADBURN’ftCo. frClevelnad.
(.GRAVES ft \VICKWARE Detroit.
• ' 8 iIcKNIGHT, Sauh Ste Marie. . j •;
The Detroit has bctathoroufhiy.repainrd tndrefil*
ted the past winter, and the. public may rely upon the
performing ofher trip* with punctnalily as advertised.
..feliaam . 1 HP, WARD.
To and Cron the Eastern cities, via Cumberland.
fT'UE proprietors of this popular line, have since their
X w-orgoniratlon largely increased their facilities tn
uieetlho wishes of shippers: aud are now prepared to
forward a greater amount by the'FlYK I>AY LINE,
as also !>}’ additional regular wagons at low rata*,.
This lin: will run throughout the year, delivering
'* " i “ •*•*'> Pittsburgh
..... —.. ~ax. delire*^
goods thro n h the agents in Baltimore and I’itttbuirgb
to owners and consignees *lspecified rates and time.
" Shipments from Philadelphia for the. line should be
marked “Cart, i B Bobiosoii, lls4tlroore. ,,
.The only eg»ni* are,.
. j uurtmNso.N,
- "WS Charles it. Baltimore,
. ' KDQBRTON&Co, CiunberlaiiiL : -
Q W OAKJ, Brawnsmlle..
feM J C BIPWfcKL. Pittsburgh. .
Eclipse tbanwoet4.ti<ui lisk
1U rropnelan of Uu* popular Ljbs hut* tHuup<l tfcc
A*w*cj it l uafertatd frwe th, boM ®f .MeKale 6. .•»:*-
|ui>« to ibtl of £4{«rleo A Co, -t
-riiuborjti ud wnUfft tmirtnati in Mijfiid till J C»f
ty KobiMuo. NoU South CbMlei.t. ttiUiaon.i. lieooli
•"•Jwai n*6tof UuiXijn la ihiEminitltie*.
-Tbicwlyafcstair* '
G W OAJ?S Ufowaj*ti)!f, ; » • '
EDGAhTQ.Vf CoCnnbetlua,
i B EOBLWSO'i, Biliimon. / .
fta cvmnmiu3.u, uAiiutoits, wasui.vouis, vuilauu.
-ntu, SEW VOU, KOTO*, Aim aLLtUk rAsrnjcv cine*.
,\J'IiRCJLVN'J'B olid others sending pood' arc uilorra-
Jjl ed that lliu is ihe rosiest, saint, oiufnuHl expe
ditions Line going East; connecting with Adtunt & Co'»
Express doily, at Huitirauie.
Through receipts wilt be given to any of the obovr
placet, Merchandise and packages of any sue 01
weight forwarded. t
Express clos*e daily hi 3 v. it
- ■ . H Cl. VICKERY, Agent,
norWtf Ht. Charles Hotel Buildings, wood at .
J. F>UIRES 4 Co„
coartsa or tuton «in ajiocjjtax, rumman.
P. &. VHETZ 4Co>, ' ’
j 50.330 tuMzxs sTaanyMiutottutul —■
. BOXTMBS»* LISE, ' *"
tooiMSUu-Sset/ifrAtrosoy tl »ta ...
will U promptly lorwarded&ee of eommuatoiu. •• ■ •
Bllf ■.
ossasssssaESsaatftiS*- V
•*? .«SSST-;r, ,y.j f - -
Or.Bwnjr***. CagSwS* tjrwy
Sss ss'jSK'nss; e? : -
Certificates and endences oLiit 'w ' :■ - -
'' ■‘' ;r
Wtt» CKXWT.r How aaar uCucts 40'JW* Ac .'.
pow» of human skill. •If such sufferers would only- -' il '? < % '" ;
••• - !■ ■■■'-'-
which °ur sewnaperh abound} th2<ToMSbETSS' '■' V v-V,
dr* teals the .unarmed Isoft, Buppfaf profesa alcht -V
*W*S>S, at thalaao Itrosindnriff j« rtr | r>:.
«P«tonßion, and the ptlieotmllaoon ladWmaalfla’'~ 4 ‘ :
lha enjoymentofcmafatablahealth.• Thaiw>»m!CSZ.Csate h. *;
baar in mind., that, Dr. Swarse it * xenEuvneSEi . ;.w '. •:
phrdeiaa. and has had yearenf m*^***--^ 1
9ftoxi^c^^ ; v;
“*■9i' le *so^y -«u : '•
w H f' sfrta IS, *:-*■ 3 ••..
ss^«as* , * , ‘?®«sSas!SiSrf i
-• ••■•■??'‘"cauim&v ' •■ ’ 3 - 1
Th* tnilf astonishing cores effected *t, . t '•
m«4icine soon spread lufame abroad; for it owes noS I ''' ' l ' '
•&»««*■? *° manufactured ' - ‘
pound H the ohlf cause ofit# popularity ltsaztenriTe •->' ,‘-
•aiß fooa ereiied the cnTyofdenain the'" ~ : '
afflictions of his fellow creatures, somuehso-that tom Ay -’>-t£<.
Jewjesrefrom the tune that my Preparation wn.inmJ Z. -
u »R r s*«*madd,‘a »-V '~v
at ®r. Preparation had -gained * hiah- -
x wKfSrr^^r^ss ! - ! - "
Sp3ISSSS?3BaSaSS»Ss: .-'
partuon; such St bot the fact : The abore Arm. tha »•*'
aJiiiTeator, sold tha recipe ahdriabt totnanathetuTato - •• •’•*'
urn. purni medic biTOto. iScSeKSISTto -
Sb^TST** ll ' •oU'num. inZZH; ..•.•••..
SSKanSsSSnS3: ; ffl!f‘ffiS^ ,^““ ,< ''
memittctimr. otlJi, p„ir, fetal” e^iSm.^S?.
the » cauuoa the public aeainst dux* • n'-'-'
efiaafccmymedieLte. the only irulyceuuin?uulofjkL : ' ’
naLMepatpdoaior Wild Cherry
Asn^iK 0 ” d fu ; “ f ?^ OTi,v b 7 the J '
thffCommouwealih.ofiPcnnsTiTauia, as-weiSs.»»»<*•*
i oas other official Jocumeuu. JJtH. SU’JI -
JSL*,/ 10 ?"' 10 ' of toe yeauine Com*
pound Syrup of Whild cherry, corner’ of Elxhth and
flace streets, Philadelphia-.-A , t \
■^ n^ eU r eatt ‘H obtainedgrati.%' setunr'&rthan' -u- ,
eonripM themost aSeoS- '.* ’■' l
FS^^?rer2 d dSf ,aTl,l,,eror ‘ " ■•'
- Of«»t Ksgliak Bemedr." ' - ’ n3 *
- ;
Loodoa, Holland, and tntroddced Into the United Sudes“' ‘ ‘» '*’ “’ T'V’-
“ tSI ?, a ,^^ dJtW ,B P er t l itendenceof the InTemwS ~ /-'•*- , l^
• JJ?' bexgwniirutrj suecosa of this medicme,"hi tHw •.•.'•
a aruraoM .at • t
Aycni iu >oliehing for treatment ih* atorst oossiLde ra. -■- ; . -s
sea that can be found io ihecommimtly cases that seek' ’ - *-jZ
,lw "mtnoulrSSirSfS-' : ■;
da>va,ui bMn ß i»ea upfay the most distuwu&he* -•^%*.,- ■*
phy wcutu aseoufixmcdaod tociuahle. Ttie Huoruri- 1 •;•'. * ••t'i 1
& ? urwl ’ *nd wiu cure, tha most Jnlunn.. u : r> ; : ; * ;•'.'
i-ti‘ * »?J o *Ck ito«rum, but a atandanTkw- •* > -
pfknowu and established efficacy; J
I irbjr*BrL-ii«®*i? id the Onitsdßtatci'shouid' beuiptilled ' l V'V
with Bochan’s Hfluyariaa Balsam of Ufe.notto --f =‘
i oonsuiuptiTe tendeodei of the rets iwV
but to be used as a pretemiT* medicine in all cases of 4 1 at rsed' -
i colds, coughs,, spiniug- of blood, pain £ the IS a£ '- • - !
chsst; innauon ahd soreness of brodmi*.- : '' ’’
diffiealty of breating, hectic fctet, nnrht streaU^emSl''''- 1 >
.- Famphlets, «mtaitting atns«of Enrlish and Anv-K-l—"
can., nod other atldea^Kto--.
-y, ;
. •• • c:
tmcnu., marlif ,
fc CO’*
•■•■•er »ttd lUnlttuu* n«»».
touunue to bring• penes* *• ' i .*•
■ n J r P*ftoflijglaad,lrelaiuL'Bcotl«ador ■'' ‘‘ \' : *
; : '2 ;
foiu, aiTri lake chsrreof them the mowrmt ther **.’'' *• '»v ;, h -■?■•
ponthaauelfes. and ses to their well beiar'anf o©l‘ r: -;• ?«>.
•pitch.ihem without any detentiontoytheAmshisa.— ■*•....•■■;■•.L'.rf'ic. •
' v « MYUu»wariM*ljr, a* we-ileft-, one of oarMsamt '• ■ ■■ •■>
Er*to show thatthey were detained 48 hoars bras in ■, ••
raped, whilst thousand* of others ware &»■ if* •
moaUtvuuui-they could besentia wm® ; ‘ .* ■
ch gp me, which to© frequently proved their *V
Wo intend to perform oar contracts honorable m>i a ••■■•••* "
what tt'infcy, and not act as was the-caea last season! #
wnhether odeen,—who e«her ; penonned aot tuKt- •- - ,
wbeaitauiiedthetreodreaiencc. - ■y.Ji--.
touU drawn at Pittsburgh far any shin fronTfi in ' ‘ ; ;
■■■■ p;^ V*
- fehl .. Fifth street, no door t>ciat»tV/wLt - ■•" •■‘‘•vV
llarMa Werh) "' **■?
riMlEattentioaorfentJetaen desmws’ofpurchasunr' ' '
X AUxna MiPiu, hlonmra or3r*ruaaT7iiir2 .
quested. i-,-.. . * . .. . . .••.••. > '
haring' maaotactured work for almost beery pwof So' H ~ V
l-uloa, can, refer to all-who hate fatored than with ■ - '
their custom, and to their work,(couaidenbleofwhieh ‘
; JO-Aliwurk shipped is insured from breakage ' ft
Ihcy canrefer to any Alcreamile hotue ia Hdiwlel- ? s-&z*i ’-l
phia tor standing and character as workmen t' - ;
’ jok-\ CTRuraiSTsoiv.: •r.'-r^Sfe;
Noacoljlghst, l'hilt
i iinothlnglntbefrTtaevrbicfiulejpdo^tot'
lUßiiih cither Uocnegie ot uopuncd. •
; JfotJee. "r : ' -A'-'-W-d-:x\
A LL person* latereced la lue Extension ofDuqriesse • - : >|
-iA '» ay. from lUpretem termination hi Wnitfnrioa vVt. 2*v* -S
»ireet, to the Koucro Una olibe cny,-ou lie Ailcirtinw -• <- j ,‘*T • c , r '-,s
nver, are hereby uoufied that a plan of epeci&cauou of <'.<•• : ,-S-£
theopcuingofsiad Duquesne Wnjyi* now deposited In' r
the Otßce of the Kocorduig Regulator,' for 'pablic f - a
unmaiian miliiupectioa, a* directed itj Urdmum-f
thotiliUday of iwvcuiocr, ls4;.BuU)on*jii„ - '.'.-. 'H
ofcnid Way. ' - . .. . • ..**<,*»."«VA “X K l*‘‘ ' JZ-:3§
mar? Recording itegu-a.ur, ..
titntci from t'ccuou tub oi u aci u>*u>.m 4V 7'j»c«'«u : '' 4 ‘ i r!l>
aufUoriMMUI Wbe broujjm.upon Ute Otbeuti itet-daf '*-' t ; t
.. " iliiam ll i'.itchtlf,iatc JiupcrmutadctU- 11 •. i imt&m'-''
“And any owner, or owners of ground lyin* on thw :
line of »ttcl» atreet, lane or allay,, wbo h l
tl»at be, afae or they, shull sutler duuue from, the onen. 1 - * v ; i f- ,lrr 5, »
«* wuiemug of the same, may apply, by -
Ui4 uext Court of (Quarter tfe&suuuoi tte Count* *Tk i
- • Penn MidtloeShoD. aiv;. ..\>S{
H WlGiriVklAN—.Mwiaiicturer oMUlkioda'cf coU''
• ton uid woollen machinery. -AUerteaSSir
rue above troika being now JamilmAwmSßrah
etauon.l antpreparcd u> execute on}*™ «£k Sr" ®*£.«*' "-*"'“*-.£l.
fur alliiada of machinery lamylii,*ScKSSfiJS. fl
pickets, •jijeadet*, grinding t!
drawing ifwnM, ipceders, 1 ?~^r > . t *t_ w *J r »P . 5j
canlti aoable oralmrle.ihr- ~ •.
A to, Kuif, PcnaaekJ;S ’
pI!SSS «£l SfflS Jf* *• «w tamedUmijj JaHy; J» i ;V|,;3: -