w7^V|HHHBBBS99999BSSSSBSS^S!^S '• •• '«AI.TKR»B •• ■ ___ ‘ pawrceai 'PO THOBE SUiTEEntO WITH DISEASED v 4’ - UJMJA>*/n*. BUpreeedcsxed Mceeia whie& tal !Mtadedtoaatoftte ! " QNBEpro' PANACEA. * tttvoriou.fenni which Imuuion of tlia long* u. Jodaeod the proprietor tgtizi to e*U attea. timietfci* - •J_ > - WOJtDEEFULPREPARATION. Tbi ciiaftbls weubejr whieb auks our fill «sd WBW iambs, a tlwsys a fnhfo] scares of COLDS AND COUGHS. Thcw, If neglected, ere but the pneonon ef that fell detroyer, ■ =. • ■ ‘cosOMpnojf. . • Tfco question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer to , He bodt how shall wo pet clear of oar coughs and ; oHiMaef nta! impottanceto the public. : THE GJIKAT ANDONLV REMEDY: ~ WJ b* fond tn the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this - : we Bare from ttaic to time published the certificates of •wens of oor best kndwu eiiiieus, who have «pen* anced its einsure power*. These, with a msisor us • fll ?fWLV^ , .“iP tn 3 • OP THE FIRST STANDING, " Stsfion. tc " 1 copious no*! . , JOURNALS OP'THE DAY. V - oi hare oabodled.la pajapUeifona,andiaay’behai ■ lan beta used in this city. .THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS. . * thfoackooUks United Buies mui Canada, and we cha . leaf* ah? man to point oat a . : . r t ’SDSCLE INSTANCE i ;B ntueoi'wbaa takenaccordiurtodlrecQods, andba« • . ttn tba low bad become totally disorganised, it has • vmfiultdto i". '■ EFFECT A.PEHFKCT CUBE. VVVy, lien, need the afflicted b**it*ie! '•br reujnio tasaiannble ntetnuafcfeneii np Lya , n-t, Individ* ■ait anger tie tMtuaMatme of wae ba •wapby rislas, tad puffed Imo ooioriety by eeniiie* « . j.. *• MM equally unknown! Win Jet a medicine of j UNPARALLELED EFFICACY MtO MUdfirbate veuebert are at bgnw,—oar eaigh* l>n ( mny of whom ir ha* \7 ;«NATCHKD FROM THE CRAVE. In oroer.tba: tbit invaluable medicine may b« niaeed vHSMa.ftjf retch of ihf'poor u well lie rich,m tare OirX.Y FIFTY CEBITS, VMM * LttflTll. tel oat half U>e uu) cot* of sough mediclnec. It U jbr tala byour agenti is nearly every tows and village «mthaweti,.wuoaraprep«edto give fail infowny tiesrelativetoll, SALTEH,Proprietor,. I . •J [ Broadway. Cincinnati, Ohio. A iffJiwA, ua difficulty op 'JI. TbUdiaeate laetnsedby aparexytaaJ contuse* BW oflht air ceUtfit la very debilitating, abacs: cam* . fa* anffocailon. DEL PANACEA it the only eeiuia aare. ’ -jf _ Hooneaeas eta be earircly cared by e fret ste cf Dr. ...' Bwoetacria Panacea. ; Cmarib, c* common cold, which, if neglected, will ' lamia tie la Conssmptian, it eflectuttty relieved tad cared by Dir. Sweeper* Panacea. - -JElrancmiit,'.if Bncbeckcd,-wtti e&ctoaUr lead.to Bronchial. Consamptioh, bst a timely ute ef Sit. Sweet* >-• Mr*i Panacea will efleetoaUr core It. v. Inflanxmilionerf ihe Ttmult or-Scre ThroaL—Tbit . Aiaeate alien leads to seriods conrcqaenees from neg lect, anes at oleeratiou of Ihe throat On tfccfim nap* . '■ 'feat, Dc. BweeuerV Panacea thouM be procured tad .. ■ ■ yiri freely.. - / CougUa and Coldt fiad : a aorertign remedy ia Dr. Sweeter"! Panacea, / . Pneoaoaia-NbibtAA Terr fatal disease, retailing ;- fiva a Tioteat coach and cold on a debilitated or. bra* .. . fcaa down eoostilouoni aged penoui are tobjeet to it— : Dr. Bweeter*t Paliacea should be rued ea the first - ■ymptomt,,w;bidt are a coogh or cold. ... Night Sweat«>-Tbi» debiutaiing complaint will meel -with a umehr check, by Bring Dr. gweetterit Panacea. ■ Ooutuinpiloa,—lf oaxhe im appearance of Conaomp* tirvmaptemt, which are a pain in tha aide and bieaat, .oosgh or soloing of blood, irDr. Sweettcrhi Panacea It .-.ftelr oaed, no danger peed be apprehended. • ■ .•’ .When ibe Long*, ihe Windpipe, or Brouchlal Tabea house clogged np wuhphlegm to at to impede reapi - rarioo or breathing, Or. sweeiter't Panacea, which is :l/ apcrwerfbl Expectorant, should be token according to tbe dlreedoita. distressing epidemic, no prevalent In - - u apeedily. cured by Dr. Sweetest** Pans . Price 81 per bottle, or lir boniei for $5. Tor tale by WJI JACKSON, & liberty it, sign of - ifce bur boot. j nev&tiy §r- ’ 'i 'lcraubt Scratch!! R 1 ,'EB, ITCH, SAET, RHEUM, *e.~Wbo t wwi}d U % • !>!>>«.) ~ Hw nvw . : - : '?t- -‘ J-• Ibr a tingla day scratch, when afflicted with tb. -., . Tetter, Itch, or other diseases of the skin, if they knew ■, ’Wbo would teliare and cure then. ■ - ’ll* horrible to be obliged to rub and scratch when I“-.-i ■'.<'■ : *leae< bat more borriblo to abstain from It,[(or decency uv •* cfieacioua of may other preparation in existence '• la canag tbe Tetter, Itch,end other diseases or the skin <£**:. ;•£.V-A* all diseases of the skin most arise from the imparity ivn',‘ ' «f.tbe blood tad Holds of tbe body, and .whew such dis s c.*/ > Mm Im of Umir standing, and.ibe coastitatisn .affected £.•••• • : thereby, if Dr.Xeidy's banupuriiis Blood Pills be used \\ • with the,ointment, they will cure my case whatever. <; , ; • fend u the* do not, the money will be returned by Dr. . I**djr. blest eases, however, will be effectually cored i • -tj Dr* Leldy'a Toteraud Itch ointment, pntm the ~k ‘ " ' sytiem is imprernaied by the diseased humors s-j';Sb,v ‘ jWch wil) be eomwetely carried off from the system by ■■■' *Vf L*tdr» blood {alls, and the surface of the aJtia heal t’.v'iii ■ • ■’. Mby the, ointment. Price of otouaeutSScents. J - A ftciff nppty of these valuable medicines Jon .re* , Mlrad sad lor sale by>: . :.■: , v / , IIA FAHNESTOCK A Co. r eon Ist A wood, almcor.eth A wood m - • IfBACBt .PEACE It ! fo--• . >otnrjuxicd, , PPTJN EVERY. ftJUTHUTri HOMESTEAD. RT..7* £ _ . rpHE undersigned has long been convinced of tbe 8■ .JL mCMMty. lor some medicine adapted to the ose of ;•£>. -wildtea and infants to supercede the oseof all those ‘ - which contain opium, and has at length sue* •vt'/'r-’Meded la preparing tnd offrriug to the public a niedi* «in* fitUyjausweriug every purpose ibr ail diseases of the SsJ'-’-itj.:.. bowels, without the cse of that deleteriousdrug, or suty ■s£>/;vV:.> •therealcolaied to injure in tlie (east, lire lurtuit Psnj — aeea has .been fully. Used and tried, the last twelve j?ji'',_;;/ i’.mDmh*, by numerous persons, aud (bund to potsen all ■Hy-’i ’-' extraordinary virtues, and to produce all the aston* > . IshiogßUectt as set forth on the bill of directions. Di* f jwyj >/•••.• arrhoa, Vcnutmg, Cholic, Griping’,' l’aius, Sickness and ~^; - -43iseases.:arisiag mua j'Jcetliuig, acting immediately 1V..-’ without disturbing any. of the (unctions of the body, ■£.t 'jftodttriag the happiest and most pleasant transition horn violent pain to a tranquil and jeyooa state of feel* the iinien&rer.’. 'i?.'/'’’.’ Tb be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor. Dr. SARGANT,. Druggist and Apothecary; John jgfcgffl; jftrben, Elliott A Beckhiua, and most* other Druggists Cy'JlAilegfaeny and Pittsburgh. • decld f§f " CkXLKHW IMPERIAL COUGH SYRlfP.—ll kai Jjwr -O power 10 core! • t Prmjußou, Feb. 14, 1b47. s%f vS.* E, Sn i mr—My wife has for years bees subject adrttreastotY cough, tceomimaicd erhfa n«Hnr>« ; lor ‘rb.J'wAa'eare of which she tued'difiereot eodgh remedies, &»{?,■*.*fM hfcd the advice of the mod ctaicent'pbytieans in wu unavailing. - By chouse I heart lmperial Cough Syrup, and was ludcced to buy Kfgejrm Mttle tor trial, although 1 bad no belief that anything' M remora her complaiuL To my great surprise, tort ytn her irtunediite relief. She bat times emh a eoof h, but two teaspoensfoi of Syrup stops »L lam satisfied, after a trial of three or Vt&fkdr north that Sellers Cough Syrup is the best eougb I have ever tried either iu the Old or -New ■ijaWda.V:- •••- Wm.VAiarocaar, - Seventh Ward, erty cf Pittsburgh. '•j*y .Tap above certificate should induce all who are with eougii or auuma, to give the Syrup e tri* lfm'2 It nar be had for 25 ce»u a bottle, at the drug - ■ • j R E SELLERS, 67 wood at. by Dr Canc!,fith oud, aud D H Carry, Alle* Nnyofiy,. :• _ _ ; jaud ' oiiß' 'EfAUn.7 Vt . COR—The gitaUA ef*al . A/' ffom ncdicutst: < Nxwr Lraaoa, Omo,) •J«n.e,lMB> •{ thitafter ctiag different prrp*to jjp**»rexpeliiug worm*, I bought of C. F. llcldin, ©t Litfttt, two tuU* Of R ESeUere* Vermifuge. &ni |&ffy«#tt»ihe coaieits ci cue *ial to three of my children. aSS»;l l |rnL‘ tboinLagcd U ycnr*, h expelled 45 worma, BJ.;p£*»9,lbo aoeeud, fci yean old, 7U; end licm the third, t( oMr’UO; maiuiff «4o worms expelled by using b— T§t). .-1 recommend Selim’ Vermifuge us a sre&Mhßßf bn* of the most effectuil }VoTta medicine* be- T&rslWlfctpttfcHfc •• 1 Uoou Mnuow. *od told by R E SELLERS. No 57 Wood fof&jjEjyt -:.Bold by. Dr. Cued, Wt ward; D M Carry,- Ai* J Smith, ‘fempcranccrille. ‘ j»U i 'JPkURI UlKk ftiiri iu i rtMt, XW^V’l^VKNTbD—Forttie r«i:< feed iMrraanrtt _Cw»fi#_uEKMA «- fttiriUKK. (ftriied to ti ■ cUtasof ihuTraw comm in theecm *ilbwfcltbit»Trari‘ew£.rB. Tbcjuulu atly 1 balance*! on tpri>s? ; yield:* to yrea rvof iuaad thoruugbiy aa*pt» iueif t> Madebyiue wearer- Ircan be won iMJOo.oaillacutelattlcciei. Ti.er«n Bade ananjetnrim for the nsmiiactjr ileTnoj«»,iß anpenor aiyiei in i’nda ire them cow (or taie at then office. No c. near tuxth, Fauborrh. * c. -• f■- uw>. vvaTT, -••••- ■••«•< o-w . " in blito. vy V±; : ■-*-•’' AVataiaacauu.Utiio, Jeo'y 27, lots TrWf , a'^'* w J- t '- n * | - v « |> Vermifuge udneqaall* \>«Ntwada»-?wpnnda«royef," and baa given entire «U who bare bad eceauoa to oee tL— BftXfbWib’iUd'art al*© pining a btgb reputation ; Cwoiftoun. Ohio, Jaa*y *7,1K3. V-&*cBefß»-.toer Venaifuge >cfls remarkably tAM pined thfl.full-coufidencc of ail who ore \A*9Mfhi Syrup. Yountruly lsua Gcct br a E. Seller*, No. 87 Wood at, 'W. Caud, 6th Ward, D. M. Carry, Alie* sVyWetMAV*. J. BmJm,Tctapcfanc«TiUB. - -fcbl ' f SOitRS. Ac.. ia £tore and for sole J«l>t abler, DrogfUt, cor. W'ooU and 6th rt« Sv JaWtjaacl’* Xjmpbbou?; .. Amandin for ChajptdHaada: . . - do l.\ do do: s giijH'; ■ v. Saperfloo Sharing Crum, rooe A allaood; yc?=.ojy-.-;.w^. , Ox ManowPomatum: fcA-O- '• r OpUCnoaj' ... ... ]*oas!Ztotbfaau; ' ■Hj£-iiv'‘vr*:- r - .Cofofß* \V4t*r, Jin* extract for the hand. sgiiMlfcW ■■!•■ .•; >bW —Joel Metier, and spath* inter of wood and sth eu., Pin*- uatahdy oh hand, drop, paint*,' carefitUy compotmd* ucriati. tnnuy bour of the dar or j «*nt ofpcrfmuery, fine toothJaii !tt, whlch to will *sil low for ifr'.-h? WiUcbMifcte I'tlWUHt. - - • . . )Ri«#’bniiy' (feat I porcbtMKl one vial ofPr iMIMI Wona Specific, tome two. months ago fl3tr'«ir«(aDof uarte. tome *ercn jinn old, two tithossn the amount roey epwai l£fif 9-fenit'ao doubt but there warupwwiU oj £OMN*M -wood- puird Ijpo him, immiuri.'ig k«UqMß*oof ub meb to two ircp!«r* long. V'-£p 7 '"’- ‘' • ’ ■ a W HOLLIDAY. • fuoreoek, Carrol coLTtnn I lx-g V 7, ja24 ||M;*iJUl£L’3-IndiaaS Vegetable Jlcir OU, foi HMMC.lMjrrowib, »cflemug and improving ib« it irons tailing oat, foi i J SoitUEK, UrocgiiL ecpyt i vot Wood nnd &h «u Mil, > good axils!?, isc’d ptt Iforaaleby rwjW^?'-- 1 "- , iAMEaA'tIPTCHI8ftVfcCo MJtijiiSi taxes Mould Candle* In tic re and for iAyteVjfcWl • 1 HARHACOH. ■ Y.No. littSSw - : JOHN P MOBOAN. OH* "tf groia Jan rac’d and for tale hr X - . JOHN D fiIOKHAN. - k'akaUed com landliic. PtfSltflELPfc ROE iriflFKCAßfortatby -> IteOILU BUSHFILLP tc ROE. fLgJiaeke jw> v ionding tot a ttr ladjr co. Syo"C»«s fltrw ap^iig *-WHITE. m’jg®BsgiB£*: gwViiifrTrriTdn tr— t l; tjJ '-''--■Mm&mrtar- ' < IKW BOOKS. Hypocrite Unmasked; by O. P. JUhon; by RHowerd, author of Ratlin the «mhoror Blick Bi3if l . M » i 5, Fi »? re or tho Indy of Green and Bite; by Charley Carey, of the U. 8. N Unde, or the Maid ofSasony~by.lxmira ■ f? t^,»P«i««hofof«smkia e likeae.Ka,’**e. ' M**- Woodbridge; by Loudat Quarterly. Review- * Un»n Magazina for December, juft of Joseph T iiare—* large supply. Mother, by the smborof‘History v jh® Wiifulnesa of Woasfa, by the sunr. .The Oid Commodore; by.E Howard. - Jeanette Allison or the Voung Strawberry Girl—a tale of Sea and Shore; by Ingraham. Roam, or Daylight, a prize tale; by J S Robb. Sir Rowland Ashton, Jivo!; by l.any C Long. The Splendors of Versailles, and the Court of Louis Flowers Personified, Not. 0 and IQJ Kant! Cemeteries of America, part 9. ." Magnzloes, Newspapers, etc. . London Punch and Pictorial Times, per last strainers. Brother Jonathan, Philadelphia Courier, »»<> Van* ket Doodle Pictorials. For sale by ; r WM b CALDWELL, caPiKDU-jk Dxtianxry of Bci- J tnee, luerstur* tad art, comprising Uic huwry, description b«1 leit-nUde principtsor retry branch of bunas knowledge, rith Ute litriniMii and dtGsiboa of nil' tkc Icibu in general asr,edited by W T Brnnde, f K B,se. lUastntedbyßO* uni) eaxran&gi on wood, Mimc’i North American dUax. containingbeautifully col* •frf taaptof Nucth America, Canada East, Canada ifcsi, Nora Scota, tirm Brunswick, Northern Texas, New&lcx *o» Florida. Texas, CaliCsrntx, Mexico, Central America, Yoralan. frat India Jshads and all tha Stales and Trrriio. rkiiatbe Übm. • . , Neil’i fantae*—The history of the Pcritia* from the rtbrotion b IS.?, to (hcmaluM* of IrSieoraprkjaeen xxoont of theirpnsnplcs,&e,&e, by Duki! Sell, if JL, rerised br Jehau Cbonics, M S.wubuae ppnraiu on steel; In two rvremes The cm of ibt Body hi relation, to (he Mm 3, by George Moote,M D, member of the royal college of Ffcptciaju.oe. —Jnjrtnlle .Worh«. . m . rreittb'aßO tFoelh or nhich makes the BKrv awn «o|>- olv Juvenile work.. i Perils eJ the Sea, btisg affecting narntioee of shipwrecks, lUamlJ’* tpeahe£~Tb*_Je*«»3f Speaker, ecan-iung . eloeesUry raws tae ntraset in dcetaaalica, with a #»i«e -l« pieces lor practice, by Pnaea T KiueeU, Uxrwtur in eloctaxai et Princeton Tht ikonmki wei>«da4 bruit k - .. johwsto* a Stockton »U &jekj'lJ'r*,ct*BV**tud3r4rt> Pulmonary Btlukw Messrs, reed a cutler—i i**i u a dutr.j owe to my fellow creatures, to state somethin* mare respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam?*, tsuce 1 first used the BvJsasLnboot eleven years ago. 1 tlio happy effect of wliieh f th*n pave 10 account o/J i hare had several revere compUifiis and attacks at 07 loafs, one a few days linee, and ia every instance i have used the Balsam alone with complete aud perfect tucceis. it has effected fell** t, oral hare in a dcry few days. It is certainly a sale medicine. 1 Uo nil snow 1 that it will rap a fixed ewuatn-tic:’, but I'leiieve it will be in many cases s preTeuLre, and prevdulion is better than care; I do therefore. for tun levs of.my icl low pea. earnestly recommend the 'a>c-of thU.Bai«m,. in alt pulmonary complainta 1 am ponfideut that it baa been the meant of preserving my-bfe to this'day. Boston June 16, US. BENJAMIN PARSONS. For sale by O A Fehnettock,fo Co, corner fixrt and wood and also corner wood and Ctb. bit) Anu-oo> Ciasaieal Dictionary; .Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities; IPCulioogb’s Commercial Dictionary; Ureh D*ciioaary-andSappleQ»nt,-ana,tß3snf&cttire« and mines: Webster's Octavo Dictionary, revised edition; ' Twid's Johnson's and Walkert Dirtionary; Worcester's Dictionary, .. s - Liddell sttlScou’s Greek Lexicon; Robinson's Ureck Lexicon of New Tacasunt; Leverett* Latin Lexicon; . Ainsworth • Latin Dictionary; Piemmana aud Tibbin’s French Dictionary; Bucks Theological Dictionary; Union Bible Dictionary;. Robinson Calmet’s Dictionary, foe., foe.' •Tlie above, with a general assortment c fTaeologic oL Cnviesl. Miscellaneous, aud Sunday School Books, ml ways oa hand and for tale low, by ' ELLICTIT & ENGLISH, IJ Markets!, between 3d fo dih. dc3 ■ Sin* PbUlcaUWi VTILTOrrS POEMS, illustrated: • Harper 1 * p<» : „ iIL edition of the Poetical work* of John Milton, with a memoir, and critic*] remark* on,his genius and wxi* ungs, t jy James Montgomery; aud one hondred and twenty engravings frwa drawings by William Harvey.' Ui two to James. Broca's Oases Txsraxxxr.—The four Gospel* and Acts of the Apostles, in Creek, with English notes, critical, philosophic*], and exegetieal; naps, indexes, etc, together with the .Epistles and apocalypse; the whole forming the NewlTsitameui—For the use of Schools, Colleges, snd Thcologic*! Seminaries. By Rev. J. A. Spencer, A.&L: A New Novxv—MhUoinmer 4 * Eve.—A fairy tale of fev«. By Mrs. S. C. lUU. Jaxb? Ilssn IV.—The life of Henry'the Fourth, king of France and Navarre, By O. P. R. James. Complete in fear parts, paper; 3 vols. cloth. - , For sale by JOHNSTON * STOCKTON, . land Booksellers, corner of market and 3d sis EBGLXSH BooKfr— lli.u>ryof the Greek K«v o!ut>on, and of the cnin cud rantpaJgni arising irvu ill? atniggle*of ihe Greek Patriot* InKnuncipn ungtheir cMoiry from the 'J'nrkub Yoke—ia two vol umc»—epiendid copy frith nameienf map*and eagra- Utters’ illuimuKoof the reign of William 111, from tOMt to 1715—with fin* portrait*, m t voL*. Companion to,the «ndr of the Holy tfcriptnrm Harry Mowbray, Bulling romance,- Win flu. turn* ring*. , ;. • * . I our is the Holy Land, Freneh Stags, and Sketch-* in Chinn. Jun recti and for tale by ' McDonald auekson •P*& c Hr market »ttret /|IHE Philosophy of Life and Philosophy of Lan- X / Ami in's Researches in China in 1644. ’45 and ’ld, with a ■ map and plate*. • / The Slate of the_ Departed, by Jno. Henry Hobart. D„D. The Church Universal, by Dr. Stone. . j ■ \ Goldsmith’* Poem*, illustrated. / Thompson’* Season*; do / Foraole by J L READ/ j*3P . 4th »t near market. Saw Year** Pmaatt. f ' Waveriey Novels, 97 volume*, Dmo. illustrated: • ** m •fi • “ &TO / Mr* Sherwood 1 * Works, 10 vol* l&no, Ulwtmedt "• MU* Kdgwonh’* • « to “ • * .' / “ Harper** Family Library, 183 vol*, complete: do : Boy'f and Girl 1 * “ '•/ Work’* ot Sbokespean, 7 voU. BVo. thi/beantiful Bos ton edition, finely bound; / Butler'* Live* of the Salnu, 4 vol*. clekantly bound: Hannah Moor** Works, 7 vols. . J Exploring Expedition, 6vo!s ritg Bvo l:u ; do ddo ig/do British Essayists, 9 vols. Tarkc ■ r. back*. ; The above, together with a l' ff auortment of ele ratitljr bemud 'family and po Jm Bibles, Common Prayer,-nil sires era) binding*. >/!• which will he sold lower than e v-r offered in ini*, Mg tCI, allhe old aland vt 7 .. KAY A Co. ' J** •„ /_ cor 3d * wood «t • PU50l"l SHAKOS II HENRY KLEIUEH, Dealer ineuteroPtanoFonei. at J. W. Wood well'*, No. B& Third Street. The Piano* may be examined at all hour*, and the rabaeri t>er will be there from/ll lo u» A. M-, and from 4to 5, P. JL each day. /• • I’lUab’g. Oct.»,’4C We, ike tmderrignbd, would inform the citizens of Pltutrorph and ticuuty ihalwe have appointed Air. 11. Kleiber sola ■pot'for . Western PenjisylTania, for the sale of our Plano Fonts, from whoa they msy be ob tained at oar own (New York) prices. / ■ NUNNS k CLARK. Sept. I, l&id-octZWtf * MOBK lf£W DOOKl.fMitint OrahaaT t«» end by O PA J eater, Price C wot*. ItnJ&,«f,ikeT/ioajifa of Liberty. Chri*ttfj4xr Tad roW, br Albert Smith. . Coasawderof Malta: ulattraied. . CoasM o( Morice. by F SeaLe, Irj. Lcjeediol &i«ico» by Uco. 8. Lippard; Crab wpjlj. Sufttm fir October, if«w ju>t rtwiwd by _J . Wil. u. CaIdWALL, MJW ••• .. third d, apjJCHi U |*>*t office. BOOM Calcchlam of Iron, or IbeMerchani'* nod Aleetenie'e complete fuiu to the irou trade. A (•*r topic* onlyf—rery eeaftc. Simendi* Literature of the aOothof horopc;Chambers’ litibitiwtlMi Cbc the people. Chan, be re* Cyclopedia of l&igiith Literature. WcndtlPa Idaohatbae'r Commcntaricr, a new edition in 4 boaoUfol ToUuses. Halteck’s Towns, ai*ew. and ipiendid edition. * Parlor Booh, of Plowera—for oU MAaoLa. ; paB]-;J.L BEdA 4th near market at. ; . • -,'BBtfir sovkls. . • fPHE LAST OP TMS FAJME3-A ChriMma* J. Tale, ItyO.prfL Janie* £aq. . Jesa'tiyreiaaauiobbgnpby edition; edited br Cur reriWL Jest received end ferule by .•••• ’■W !'■ I-. JOHNSTON * STOCKTON. QJ(4>WI»9 & RIBBONS—A fo»r very ncJund «n. -- - O C*Bhaer*Sh*wl*jJ«t re«iF«4; tlto.Sprliitf Hib. !UB onCATEST BOOK OF THE SEASON— bonaiifl gre*l v«ieijr,aib»drjr.p»«l*hooM of*.).. , _ Dc.-W*lmef‘* Oirat Anwlwn Dictionary of tha • • ■■■' W. R.MUBPHY. *•* *■ OWUB-4W iiM»NOJiitt.rtcrt-«iKl for uli by~“ O ‘ «■»!» BUgUIUPUE.WLaoNt r co I to mr nUiMim vj. mm UTLVDOW OUSS-So bn (no ud lbu TC TBS* W OUu.fc.Ml.nr . BgMMMf*ori ?rr?ANDPourwtY, iiU»aui*«caK)iG vl-weitiho JOKIrWaiQHT ACO.I j! £rtl?‘!lJwP-Tj l V?^S?* of Can Iren, Paffje# and hrm i^^r n S^t?. , ?vrJ!., ptt * J fr te J ln T*“ rtr Hanger*, of. the iatrit patterns, Hide and hand Lathes. fTf”* **&«* fa »hole or pert and tool* of all kind*, • h ’ - o{ wy 4»«ipiion famished ea *ben iw 2 SPrtw^ S Sr W S‘^22^£ Jl“if 1 * 0 tee.. Pattern; .made to order for Uill Gearing, Iron wh3TbS22i ? r ""* , ft,ud ’ railing,**, steam Pipe for beatinir Faeiorie* Cast r£Si!f. • ■ "* *?*?t m .«* P”»*■ *«*lose. Iran Window Mrii. ami taey«»W*SmUy£ i **"«•*■* it«“Wri- OrderaieA at the Warehouse of J. Pa»erltCo!, Lib- rit . mslnt *f “* T * l 7 «»j»ect,t* tny street, will have promt* "**» *«**r «• Wd it • i i o S t^* r » u^T6«'nllae»«-pahick,an4lbtin B TMT fluid Qiockr-tock; BeU * Co., X K Moorhead Jt Co„ GE ■ i M-? yaaUtyflnwsfrom thepea mtp agirta span ptoetry Warner, John Irwin * Son*; PiSSmL ‘ r, th * “*“l* i:S^r^A-TOsr l s£'H ALLEGHENY VENITIAN BUND FACTORY. ;h»» an affinity for meUKe ins, then for* wil] «« corrode -JOHN A, SHOWS' stwlwn*—u wi.l aot amid, and ahhoorti it writes of a this method toinformhi* friend* “JP?n**“ lor ysti“«fc»bo«»itbeeo«oe»ade and the pubJit M large that hi* Factory EllfL h « »arrenud superior to the - 3H!I f«uop,rS,.i,d..Ei.TSdi "**“*' frf’Tß Of the Diaoood, Allegheny, where a eon! ! 2fT U V? i ***** «*■ !*»• A* mESgB ttant 'apply of Bflntu, of varidoa rotors .kTOE 1 *?**»*“* i »P o * t * o " ** sat kmd hem* attempted ££S& andqaamie*,are constantly kepionh&mi, flLT t^“.ae.*«»anJ f tte arLde m all res -s;f»s'isr "‘SSc? a " c^^ t WaLipptseottfcSca S WieStman A Co. UeQumsik Itohi Fuse s Selim Roht 6 MeTafl, Boekp’r C A' MeAnullyk Co. 6e W W Walbeo, 1 ‘W9i AbßXAarfißß i SOS 9. ( ’OF/iN Makers AND FURrtISIUNUUNDEB TAKERS, earner of Penn and St. Clarr streets, fpofliautg Exchange Hotel, entrance on Pena street, : respectfully intorra their frirodi and the public, that ih«y are prepared lofdruish and attend to everything In the Hoc of Undertakers, ASwaysoafecnd a large as rortmentof ready made Coffin*, coreredTUned and fin* itiied in the very bcsimanaer, all sorts and aim ready made Shrouds of Cashel, Csmbnck and raorlin, anil all ■=se« mide in approved styles. We keep a large » n’rnnentof whl e and black, cotton, silk and kid Gloves, whir, for pall bearerf and mourner*, drape,caps,coi- Ittr*, and every thing necessary (or dressing the dead, and on reasonable terms, as we purchase all onr gixxti ut the Eastern cities. Also, silver plated (br engraving ihe name and age. We have aspfemtid nsw hearteand bursts, and any number of the nest carriages Every tiling attended to promptly and punctually. oeidcly W. W. WALLACEe ' PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, rft'rr. 'IW and- 2-M Xfbcrtjr strut, war. tkr Caul I A "L WAYS on band and made to order, a large varie* i'x\. ty of Marble Mantels. Pier, Centre Tables, and 'Uttieau Tops,Tomb Stones, Monuments, Ac-} all which, being rondo of ifao choicest marble, and manufheturea principally bv machinery, will be sold low lor cash. N. B.Fcfaoes .wishing in purchase Mamela, are iatonncdtbatulsheheetbnbannccessary for them to g° East, es l ean tarnish , them with an article tn all respems as good, aud(freight, insurance, Ac, consider* ®d.) as cheap ap ghey can purchase them (or In the East. Call ana see.‘ * • '• j c jrt COPPKB, SHEET IRON, AND TIN , WARE MANUFACTORY, _No 8 Market strecti Pittsburgh, Peana: 'HE subscribers having made great Improvements J■ tn the construction of their COOKING tVOVEd, irspecifutjy itviie persons building StearaboMs to call ai>d examine before purchasing, as we can supply them with Deck thoves, Forges, and every other kind o( Copper, Turand Sheet Iron work necessary in furnish* teg u Steamboat. We alu> ij'jike to order on the shortest notice Sal Tnl>esann.Se made. Those engaged i a tiif nardva«c trade, we think, wit! ftod It to Ibeit imerrst to *eeoar Italia Allorders rHOinjniy attended u>. mys A OABONEH A Co. »' main ata Wmi :hksB, ! UlKßlMiaa TACK CAHPBKU A Cl amicr acts out*. rmisuiNu kails, hook head hbadh. Iron a&d Copper Taolu* IRON AND COPPBKBHOE NAIL*. AAB Pattern Miters’ Points, vf exry Actcript'um. Office tip. S St. Chir'e* Hotel, Third mm, frM I I ‘ . Plmbgtgh, •P. Mcltast. J«vutl.inu£ -FLIHT CUSS ESTABIIbIIMKKT. V. 4 CLVAN V SLLKOLIE nanmme urrand krepeon .lVX.rtaaifjr-oa l|«n4 Cut, Alouldr ( aid Tibli Flint ■G!*a»«rc,ln*ll ju varieties, it the r Warebau«c eor oetof Market and Water street*, F ittburyh. ‘.Oar WortoeomiDße in fall cpentum. and wears eonxuii ly adding to oar stack, whirl] Mjabin* u»in HU oi Jen with preenpmew. PorehAwi are r»-«j»r<‘U«!ly solicited taeaJland erasina price* ahd irrm, mylWlr \ ,1 CO AC H MAK NQ. .;: l FBOSI the very ilderal eoeoonc* mem the subscriber baa received *;nce |»yit »lir fas faas located himself tfl Allegheny, UW 1 — RO baa lfcduaed bias to take * lum. far a yean, on the property be now aecapie*, ia Heaver street, immediately beside (be t*.c*i>ytcx.aii Church. '.Fromthe long experience to the above business and a drain: to plesae, he hope* to mrr- It aud reserve a shared: pabltc patronage- Now on band and EatAntng to order, Rochaway Bag* Kie«, open and top llojyrsev and every description of Eamtgek made to order, from seventy-live dollar* to hnnamr . f«etO-tltfr JOHN SOUTII. I'IJE uaderaen-rd are now prepared loferndi their cuKosereacd the?public generally, with tnctctk- Seat trick* ef Lard Oi^ottheir own msAo'scuiie, which they will aclloa arccatiaodatiof terms. Itt&r o>t they bcliere to bees goodai any offered in t hi »«ue.,aod maybe mornrd if aitsstsfeetory. i JORDAN IS liberty st, opposite souhCeld P. S.—■ Ltrd *ni; Grease suitable lax maehiueiy.an hand; <K*immoT ass utts com n-iETT.—I had a violent rough, with raising of phlegm, a severs pain in my side,! back, stomach ami across my bowels. I was so chid at times, irseemed impossible to keep warm, ever wbeh others were complaining of the heat, mud my skin was very yellow, I fell away to skin mod bones, my veins stink in and became invisible, and every person supposed me dyior. A frieudof mine recommended me to try Dr. Taylors Balsam.ofLirer wort, which 1 got, as my pbysJctsu did me no good, aud this medicine restored me to good health again. / ! 3KAVANAGH, mar? / Ship Carpenter, 640 water street Although thousands arc cared by Dr. Taylor’s UaJmnJ of Liverwort, and as many still (lie of that fatal malady, tbe cause is plain, neglect yoor first symptoms, and then tnfie with things of no use until it is too late, death follows.: But. every one can be cured if they wilL— Take this medicine qi the very first approach of the in* tidjoha Ibe, aud yon will be cured, this medicine has euredYousunptioii in advanced Stages, as the tests, mooipls below will prove, i But ths surest way it not to deftrj aS'“delaya are always dangerous. / Prepared and sold at 79Beckham street, New York. _ Sold Ip Pittsburgh by J l> Morgan, 034 Wood »fc 3 Towhscnd, 4 S Mane) si; H Smyser, cor Market and ltd sts; Heudenon k Coi & Liberty st. Price reduced to Blub per largia bottle! ; miry V«U*fc.TA ULK PULBONaKV 11 *h*prDpc.ftarsoflhe Vegetable Fuhaemiry Bsisiaw] “»s**ld«.d.th*t the Vegetable twlmuoary Balsam tssvsl oMt padiciM. it has been used ut Ibis ptae* with complete fueeew.nuolMliaai* compUwiertHsliuyi, elleodsd with **"•*** of vote*,asd the raltiag of aneb blood which bad pmiom:y resisted many approved prceeripCosa A lt«r iu*ag the »a sen one week the peiteal's voice returned.. •id hi ws* enabled ta epcak audibly. This cesaoeeuried scene Uae naee and the man i* now engaged actual/ ia ae mlfbunoas basinets. J Kesjxrilollv voo«e, * 8 MOUIUti.IM D. > ®°H B A Fahnestock, * CoTwaer *f G fcwoodsu.' dc^lt A EVIDENCE HU S..JATKKW E*- aA liE-JOHsief Is. iu|j»rcr to a:l.other remediee for Loughs, iXotumplion, Brouchitis, AUhaa,asdothrrPalao •aiy eflccLob*, it ih*t tbe iaa>i {trrsuas who cutaiaeoced the oee ofit in their Crtaiiie* ten year, igo eliil prefer ITto all other remedMeofthe sibd{ aodWhcre any hare Uteoiadorad to try other prsparatOo. llxy'hara alaioii mvarisblv been dlMppnmted m reee nag the bnefit which was reaioesblr snt.e.joted from the high pnisee bestowed tw the propntti.ri ’ sod hare returned to the u*e of J*r jra’Bxr*cTOi*irT *« a remedy; that has sever foiled to rei.cva them, and which probably aerer had itMcwl fa arresting puimonarydiseases I reparat aoly by Dr D. Jeyne, soldou •£«C«»on Onnri<>x and all p.iiiein/ made to order arlw - : ’• - ' JL'gT received and tor rale, fifty Copies of ft,* p»,;. of Union for ibe United PmbyicrUo Church, tttetd npou |n Convention of 'Reformed Churches. at Pius, burgh. September, 1847.; Price, Si cent*, nuriZ3 ; ELLIOTT k ENHiLISU, 20 market M ’ MSCEmSEOCS-" * U Janiate BoHing Mill*, At* BD.IW. K Hibbtr*—DcxfSir: I hnbMMuSatTov Chraktl Writing Fluid. tad Cad it a first ntiaiulifv tbsoflic*. it flow* freely uver the pea tad becomes jet black Rifcirbeui. YoanAe. T U TUTTLE. Book-keeper Car BlaeU* 4 Staple. Pittsburgh, A or 2S, IM7, Mr T l UHbut—Dnf Sir Haring procured • bottlsof tojt WnliagFlaid, nne three weeks ego, I consider itfol tj equal if eol superior to Arnold’* or ear other ink now ia set, l kaowoC Bcspcaodr, WILLIAM BTEWART7B«kie*»r Car Arthur Niebolmiilt Co _ Pittsburgh, Sept (1.19*7. Mr T I Hibbert—Dear Bin 1 la uir tout Cbeoiei! Writing l-'hiid, and Cad it to be * meet exeebant inkle for elect peas, as it dots aot elm them oplike the generality of ether iaks, it flows free tad become* a deep black (a e Air Yours, Restt-eiiaHy. WILUAM CARR, Book-keeper IT for John Porker. Pmaredaad sold WkehMl* tad Retail by Thomas K Hubert, Dnggut tad Chemist; corner of Liberty ud Aauthfleld Streets. Pittsburgh, Pa Qety^n J 8 MORRIS 4 Co'*, BLACK WRITING INK, lor • eteel or quill pens, and Uw copying. press. This iuk.ie tha result of the experiments of several vean, devoted to the manufacture, on an extenstua *civle. toi aa article suited la all the purposes of the consumer. The, perfection of this writing ink consists iulhefot lowing properties: FirmrrT—in which property it will be found to surpass all pterions preparation*. It will flow with perfect freedom either from quill or steel pens, and la entirely free from any corrosive qualities Colo a—'iTie color of this article is a blue black. It is necessary, however, to give consu mer* the following caution. ETAII good black ink. from its necessary chemical cynstitulion, requires exposure to the air to impart a deep color. It must not, therefore, be expected, that the mumeat the bool* Is opened, the ink will be found io be a jet blaek. The first appearance will be pale, llat after exposure to the chemical action of the atmos phere either on paper or in the inkstand, it will assure a brilliant black hne—TH VuutaxzscT—The color is* unalterable by the lapse ©fume. It wiU never fade. Oa this account, alluß ponant records should be made ia this article, as years only deepen and strengthen its lint NR. This Ink is soluble for all kinds of metallic pens, and for peus made of quills, and what U impor tant and very deairkble with many, will give a perfect impression by the copying press. OT'We are usiug In the institutions wnh which we are connected. Monts’blue black writing ink, and in respect to fluidity, brillianey of color and permanency, believe it superior to any iuk we have heretofore ased! A Thursion, eashlrr, bank of Louisville; XVa Rich ardson, cashier Northern bank of Kentucky; Geo C Owathaey cashier, bank of Kentucky: LLSkrcve, president of the Gas bank; Thos L Helm, clerk of Bar ren roomy court; Curren Pope, clerk of Jefferson coun ty court; P B Atwood, secretary; Tiieruan’* i««i»mnce Company; John Muir, agent Lexingtou Insurance Co; 8 S Goodwin, aWj; Portland Dry Dock 4 Insurance Co; D S Chamber*, sec’y Franklin Fire 4 M&riue In surance Co; J 11 Bhomcr, treasurer lf Bafx Tbs ptitelpnlOabioni maker* and Turner? in Alio* ehcay ouy and in PiUrbiirjth. have •roared Right* to raunutacuie and *ell the article. A* there arevpottoc* article* and imperfect LouMfcon* in the nuk«L purr ha *»t*»oa*d do well to examine the eaat iron plate* on .which in ue genuine article the. name of the pau-ntee, K. K.(Ufc:a*ui« invariably can. A* a proofofalith>t i« eJilcsed iorCuiam 1 » Uedmadt, the following ccriiS* rate from Cabinet makei* well known in i’ituhtirgb and tho Werti Li aubmittrd to the public: We, tha saUseribers.praeticil cabinet Baker* and Bedstead manufacturer* of ike cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa.. da hereby certify that are have nought tht- rght toitiaoufoeutre bedstead* with Gaiaum 5 * Fit fin pa«ie&!Ofs and consider Ike sarae superior Pascal** THE GREAT REFORMATION—The Pictorial Ed>- touof l>’Aol)ign«'» (real work on the Reformation ot the Sixteenth Century, in Get moor, Switzerland. Ac. . Just published by Jowph A. Speel. No IS Cherry at., aliove Sixth. Philadelphia, hit splendid IS mo edition of the above named work, with li engraved illustrations from original design*. 4 toU in 8; bound inejnra doth and library sheep. The publisher respectfully calls the attention of the trado and the public gens rally, to this work, being the only illustrated edition published in the United Stairs. He trusts that the beauty of his emhoUiuoenu, the strong and anbsianua) manner in which it is bound, in con;unnloa wah tbe known popularity of the wort it self, will Ive a sore recoauueadauon to pnblic favor. JOS.A.SPEEL, No I*6 Cherry »U above Sixth,*Philo, J. A- S. has lately published anew and beautiful edi tion of Sergeant Belt's Saree Show, a suitable book for children, neatly done up la extra cloth. nargldltn Tnos. llaATn.tonncrir ofßeauy, U’Knsie JtCo-» - Cmcmnati.O. Jno. A- Dcatti ZtiMTiII:,U. Chav. G. Goan- BEATTY, BROTHER &c CO.; - Oensral Oammlnlea ttsrebaat roR TBC SALE AID ronwAXDtffO op - WKiTtBX PRODUCK, Ab. 31 Pot/drat Street, Neto OrUana, . - Rrruvo— Meatrs. Minin A Co, Bankers,) M n " JaaesfiDUregorACo,}” ° > * l)«v;d White A Co,Maun>*irators J rptf T ATRE’S HAlft TONlC. —After gnint (hit anal* J (rial, w« oabaitatißflT pmoounee it tola what ilproie** n ibe beat artteie, without «nu ran pi too, w mu. forth* reitoraiioa tad pmemikiaor the hrcun: hair. IyoAmb of nuatrow mum vkm hair ha» beca ratorwt which haiebra baUfcr yrtrv, ud w think wueaauldo Utraicr htor than to maantaii to all our mdirt who u louag their hur, 14 tnake a trial «/fihi»Tobicimta*diaulr Bcutca A/ail. Vef nl« is FStufcwjk at th* FtakU T«s {Her*, N 0.73 Fnimki"« of hi. .errlet. will 5?!5 '“"‘"o' bbcnr mi i;,,,,., " Dr. M. hM treated lomul wren run of dUcww Jo Ibta cur Will, greai nice..., to rrhlcl, Ire u JSS u _ IWTjfcf S prim* Bio coffer; |fio blits N*o C 5 .Molasses; ii boxes mamifkciored tobacco' i«u w*jf *«•*• r ecn tr,d W*ek teas; 7fi 0 tuid Uib W., vii «* ft K d °' ; °® ****» o«wan “l»y;10 ,u »; JOrio. potash. together vriib a naenl «Ymh‘ meul of groceries, in store and for saleln? ” J ° n ’ I»a carbos t McicviGirr. ou. •■s'’ ■- c “* io "' ,%s|‘- fo ' f,b ? »r*allMeld* S|i lß _ ■ —:—; ; ' Wo.-awihtrt BLANKETS— W E Marphr iovlK-i the •tienUonof penotu oboat to comment* houwk wpioYw M?°" f ■s^i^» i j bssls&S?s ■VrOTftK-Ttipa in teutaka from «ieamboiuAuurl. iis can^*,>r^flr»»tae wharfofpiUibttf.h.rSfil; gs™aMs?a.iaisft^2 At:-’*; mraSPOBTATION LLN'ES. PITTSBURGH PtIHTABLB B.LIBiB, fin 1847. mmm li'Olt (be rraarponatioo of Freighilefweeu Pittsburgh V and tlie Atlantic Cities, avoiding uanshipniruu on Ite war. ondUte eonterjpem risk of delay, damage breakage and reparation ot good*. t ' Pnfriem. BOBUBIIHiK A CASH No ST* Market nntl, Phiiadeluhta TAAFFE A O'CONNOR ' P Cbr Bonn and Wayfls «*, Pitwbundi O'CONNOR A Co, North street, Btuimore l' WA JT TAFSCUTT, 75 Sooth it, _N y. |Aie«i. Encouraged bytifereitsed business the Proprietor* bare added to their tiock and extended their arrange* menu during the winter, and are now prepared to iot rfard freigjt with regularity and dispatch unsurpassed by any other line. _ 1 Heir long experience at cariiere, the palpable tupenomy of the Portable Beal system! andthe great capacity and convenience of the ware? houses at each end oi the line, are peculiarly ealenla ted u» enable Uieproprietor* to fulfil their engagements and accommodate iheir eo*oim-t»-confidcnuy offering be past a* a guaranty for the future they respectfully solicit nconunnanceof tnai patronage which they now gratefully acknowledge. f AUconsignment* to Taaffe A O'Connor willLe rec’d and forwarded, bteamboat charge* paid and Bill* oi Lading transmuted free of anyxharge (or Cotninueum, advancing or storage. Uariug no interest directly or Indirectly m steamboats, the imerert of the councilor* outEt neccMorilv be their primary oojw ,u snipping west, and they pledge themselves » forward all iroodi consigned to them promptly and on the moat advtnta* geoas term* to the owuero. ■ Mareh 1,1617 ■». ■. DICKEY. 1 mWABDUO A COHBISBIOS BBBCEAET, East" Beaver Point and Bridgewater, math conn, pj*, . . Proprietor and Agent of •teamen Cl* AJID baht mviu iinncMi uid • aii/ru, IXTIIX be prepared on earliest openingoi* ennui nav , " igatlon *f> receive propertyai hit wharf boat or iawarehouse.for all nouns on trie Extension! Crow Cot, and Otilo Canal*,- for all port* on Lake Erie and upper Lake*,ualsotoiorwardprodcee, c.bvPenn’a. Improve menu. Apply to ormddreta ftbtt-dtf jab DICKEY, Beaver; Uiß BRIE AND- SlCHliilil UNlsi 1847. and Beaver,and freight and passenger Canal Boat*, MkfjMSif SSraJBfJSSSSSSE all pomts on the River, Canal and Lakes. - | iiavingeverr facility for conveying freight find pas* •engert with promptness and dispareL (he proprietor ami agent* respectfully wlieit from their friend* and he public generally their patronage. g W *“ D » Kf'**. Propnetor PARKS A Co, Beaver, An* „ - _ JOHN A CAUGHEY, PitUb’Ado COr, g^Lhrhfj*au»c 3 ' Vwer,u ' O PP &,II ° ihe Mononga- .... . t*rert to H heeler, Cwker ft Co, New York Geo D«vii, Dotfiilo ' E N Parki ft Co, Cleveland o_\\_Caanin ß hm. New Castle, do marf 1847 iaSfißa ms TO TOE EAST BT SBRORUABEIA BODTB, TVIA BROWNSVILLE A CUMBERLAND. HE andcraigaed are now prepared to forward pro dace, Ac., to the liHiern Market* daring the ensu ing Winter, on the most favorable forms, by this exp*-' diuous roote. All property con»igned to us will be forwarded attbe lowest rate* and with despatch I Merrhnndi*o receivnd by thi» route promptly for warded. J c BIOWKLL, Ag*l, PilisbareiL G W CAHS, Brownsville. \ _nnv*7 E EGFRTO.N A Co. Cumberland PlW6BiiHfffl'A'Kß"6ttikaTirur B&ss& r 1847. CIELJ packet and freight This LmeconvisAtgof freight and pa*sencer Pack- will run rfcgulaily during the season between Beaverand GreenvUleJ'a.. by wbich freighi tart »a* teugeri between Ui?lWopoults, will he carried promptly and at the lowest rsie*. ’ • WICK A ARCHER,Greenville, Arts ' CRAIG A FRAMF/gn, asreVvU w do; AIcFARLAND A KING ll.g BenT’ HAYS A PLUMB, Sharisburvh. do l W C HALAN, SharonT fi W'M. MATIIK \VS, Puiasil. dm KEEO, PAktKA A Co, Beaver, do: JOHN A CAUGHEY, corner Water and st* ■pdlv Opposite the .Mnnon»abfta House. Pin»b»rgh 1846 *»» • 1847 iO iWiin ■ ii i mmUUk TO TOE BAST BY OALTIHORB AND OHIO RAILROAD. THE suUerilw* will reeoipt forth* delivery of Pro dscr io BaliAoreby tho Moooagabeia Hlaekwatcr at the fallowing pneet.— Astie*, Ifocoo, Buuer, Lead. Lord, Pork. TaJlow, whiskey, ?, and Glass—b7i cts per HM Ib«. -Tot>are«,flectp, Flax and Wheat-M els per 100 lbs. Ashes, (Poi) Apples.Fhecse, Flax.Serd, G!am, and Laiather—iW cts per 100 iL» Oita, Skins. Peeil*. Wool—.) 10 ei* per IOH lbs; IWswax.Festhers, Fare, Ginseng, sod Bnake-Koot —l-31 els per 100 lb*. All property consigned lo either of the undersigned -will he forwarded wuaout delay, free of Commission, at above rate*.. W It CLARK. Brownsville. : HANNA A WATERMAN,Pittsburgh. Mirbdif Vsiom LikgV 1847. •V THE t-CBRSTLVSffII SJ*D OHIO CSSALf, ' BETWEEN AND CLEVELAND. E N PAKKS A Co,Cleveland, O. ) RG PARKB, Beaver, Pu. } Proprietors. W T MATHER, Pittsburgh, Pa. J i rpilE above Line is now fatty prepared to tranrpon 1 Freight and PasMnrere from P.usburghandCleve land, to any po;ni on its* Pennsylvania A Oho and Ohio Canals. The facilitie* of amid Line ere not rquallfti by tnvoo raid Cana!*, in nmatter* unit capnnnr of. Ifoatai ripe* nr nee m Capiaip*. and promjnnra* of Agent*, Ac. One Bnai leave* I\it»burgb and Cleveland d&il}, run nitir in ronireciioo with ibe Meamer*. Michigan and Lake Ene. between PtUaburah-and Braver, and a Lae of time l *** tfteamhoata, Propel* lei*, Bri*e eiul Schooner*. on I*akea Erie, Huron. Mi* ehigaa and Ontario | PropeCT forwarded to ujr pan of the l> - n:on with despatch K N PARES & Co, Cleveland, Art* RPP.DjPaHK.H A Co, Beaver, A*te W T MATHEft, PiiUbnrgb, Agt, Cor Water and SmftUieid aireeta TO CLCVKUSD TUrWAaBEH. 1847. THROUGH INI BA lIOL'RH. PACKET Ik>at< s«ihow iad Telegraph leave Bea ver daily, Mil oVloeh r ■-.aiWitie arrival of the morning Hou from Pmsbargfc. and arrive at Vinci in lime for the Mail (.me of tftajo*, which Iftve immedi ately thereafter, arid arrive *i Cleveland»; 3 o’clock, r.. • New ih leans. K. • Thu root* if the man tt?«£ttiaa» tad coofonahte oae D the l-^kea- COTBS ft LEFFI NO WELL. Winw, Cipw'i REED, PARK!) ft Ce, Brmr, Aganti JOHN A t'AlJlil|EV.«i*nr-r Waterand imithfieM»i* MISCELLANEOUS. A Cballni* to lit World. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS will),e paid id any one wbo will produce a spot of palm, treeo or dry.tbat eaaooi Ac aiiraeted whit lion's Improved Cheapen] Soap. I bate the satisfaction of laying to toe people 01 thia place, ihai tbia article, by my owu tmprovcmcni on it, bow stand* unrivalled in ibtr country for extracting ireaseftar. pitch, oil, paint, or anr other greasy »ut>- atanca, trom all bind* of gentlemen's orladie*’ clothing,, carpet*, table cloths iaeruu> .bawls, ladit-t* honnyu, ft*, widow injnnng anything that pure water will not iajorr. More Umtt'ObA iboasand-person* in diflrtent nam of the aoaary (tare told me they would aotuo wuboai It; if u coat one dollar per cake. In irjrug Out Soap on more than 300 articles of light ailkt, aaiina. !*J peeeas.and calicoes,! have only found throe piece* oi >4IK. lj»e ofalpacea, and four of calico, on which u changed the color; therefore lie fore pulling it on a light dreu try u sample of Uie tires* first, I state this because 1 am determined not to recommend it any simuer than I ki»w io be atrietly true . NHHotr. pnee, isj ft* per cake. Sold, wholesale aud retail by a E BKU.E&S. i Tlh.„ ..vorielj'e. ..aiaciljr before—nude or Out ipo*t approved Kantern plaoa— audrwutforbionable Battetnpaurni* and colon. AJ«o T»|K CllKAl* HULL, or BOSTON BLIND, on band or made to order of alteizea, and at all price*. Coaauy Merchant* and otbert are invited to call and examine the above for thetnwlvc*, a* all will be cold wbdlerale nr retail, and a liberal deduction made to wboleaalp parchaeera. apldly A WESTKHVKLt ■—' OLOBKS; ‘ . LORINO’B THBHtSriAL ULOOEO, mtaialag all, tU bt* dumcrin, and Ungraphieaj iaprotcneab;' *j4ojh«tncktoflh«WOftetLbrmtcdrircumtsaTigaloni Corn-;, piled frtnt Saiilhb new Ea[li>h o,t>b*, with addition* tad! .»rfat«mmt* hr ABcia A Nailh, Ke. mg lo*tnrmuLid. iiICtiAKD FLUI D Attorney lor'ihe Executor* or Johj Hunter, dec'd* drift 1 ~ ': FfSITTIfiM!! HUS!!: f njiu vttbtcrlbef would respectfully inriie Ladle* and J. Oentteaen ■boiilTititinj Philadelphia, and in want Of f> AKCY FLJHS, tuch »* nlvfli, Uo**, Tlpp:!*, Mb ,!o Jive aaacall belbtO|»aietoaiiu*eU«wbere,**UieTwi|l ad It to their adeaatajre end an mlMake. All orderr rretivfd ihaU be feithluii/ attended to at .Vo W Worth Third «l above Arch, Philadelphia. . . JAMES AKIBCr ■UniToln »>■««>* FOR BTRSAM BOAT*. PORTABLE FOROES— A reiy convenient anfcle. jtelkrn and all tbe forzeean be carried by the bis* dte*bj»*on»o. AfiewjaKrte’dandfnr*ele br • Mtf Wild KAO'S MEDICAL; 08. TOWNSEND’S iS AUSAP ARILL A. Most extraordinary Iledianc in the World. This extract U pat up w Quart bottle*: it » mx too cheap er, picamstar, and warranted tuperh’r (assy hU. i» ettm disrate without vumitieg, puejfcg, rickaem or d# biUtatiagthepi- -ei. GBKAI SPBISIi Mi) BUSIZER HKDICISK Th« gnat beauty ud superiority of thi* om all oth«{ Medicine i*, chilli it Eradicate* Dimam it levim ales th* Body. It if ooc of Che very boil SPEIKQ AifD SUMMER MEDICINES ever knows, it Dot coly pu>i£e th* whole tysUm and rijvaglheas the penoo, but it CraaUf Kne,Dvu anJ Hkk Blood. apowtrpaucMcd by no other Medicine. And in Uiis liesthe grand **ertlofit* w«ideiful luceew. It haa performed witbis the (ait two year*, more than £>,ooo core* of Seven Case* of Doca*; at lean S,UXI orthtM were considered tncunble. More than euti of Chronic Rheumatism; 2-OWJ cam or Dyspepsia; 400 cud of Cesermi Debility and Want of Energy 7,000 care* of different Female Complaint*; 2,000 ca»e»of Scrofula; * l,SOu eases of the Liver Complaint; cam of Dumc of the Kidney and Dropey; 3i ofiSick Headache, Pain in the nda and Cheat, Spinal Affections, dec., he. Thi*, art an aware, mart appear incredible, but we hart letter* from physician* and our agent* from all part* of the UnitcdStalaSfinibriunf tuofeitnordinarycum. R. Van Bnskirk, t>q.. one of the most reapectabfe druggnt* in Sew* ark, N. J., inform* u that he can rafci to more than ISO cn ee* u> th«t place There are thotuand* of enact iu the City of Sew York, which we will refer to witb plexiure ui to men of chancier. It it the beet medicine for the t*i«veative of di*ea*e known. It undoubtedly saved the live of more than •: d,ooo iniLDUx thi Past Saaaox! At it mooted the cause of di*ea*e, and picpared them to Uxrrxn Btatks Orncsa. Carr. (J. W. McCiaax.or tu UitctxbStatx* Karr, •nd member of the Sew Jersey Legiilalure, ha* kindly *coi w the Allowing certificate, it telle it* own story. Babway, Jan. 53,1517. A year since 1 was taken wilh the lnfioetita, and my whole ?stem left in a debilitated stats.' 1 was induced to try Dr. ownschd't Sarsaparilla, and after taking two or three bot tles, I was eery much relieved, and attribute it entirely to I be said Sarsaparilla. 1 hare taking it, and find lliat 1 improve every day. 1 believe it saved my ufe, and would Ml be without it under any musdantjon. a W. McLkaß, Lie U. S. N. Soioiola Cctan. This certificate conclusively prom that this Sarapanlla ha*perfect control over the uo*t obstinate of lh« bleed. Three person* cured In one house is unprecedented. Or. Towaaovn—Dear f ir: I hare the pleasure to inform you that three of ay children lave been cured of the Sero nda by the use of your excellent median*. They .were , ir y severely with bad sorts f have only takm four bottles; It took th*m away, for whieh I'Csel nynif tudvr daen obligation. Yours, mseetfiilly, i«AAfI W. CEAim, ICS Wornmr at. Haw York, March 1, IGC7. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE, Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla u a ecrareigu and speedy cure for incipient Consumption, Uarrcaneat, Leucwrbo, or Whites, oUlxoeted or difficult Mustniatiou, Jncontmuence of Urinti or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the gra tni prostration of Urn system—no matter whether the result of inherent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness ■r accident* Noshing ran be more surprisin' than its invigawtar af fect* on the human frame. VerAoni, all weakness and u**»- Uidc, from taking it, at once become robust and fall of energy under it* influence. It immediately counteract* the nerve kamas* uf the female frame, which u the great mas* of bar| roaafcu. j It wifi act be expected of ns, m carrs of ao delicate a na ture, to alhibit ccrtiiieal*i of cum performed, but we eta assure the aAicted, that hundred* of cases have been reported tons. Several case*where families have been without child ren, altar using a few bottles of this invaluable medicine, have becn.bleO with healthy offspring. Dr. Xitnmd: •My wife bring greatly distressed by weakness and general debility, mud suffering. ccßtlurally by (Bin and a sensation of bearing down, oiling of the womb, and with other dxflfenlties, ami having known cam where your mesiicin* has effected great cure*; and also hear ing it recommended for such ease* a* I have described,! obtain- Ms bottle of yoor Extract of .Sarsaparilla, and followed the directions yon gava ta* lu a short period it removed her complaint* and restored her health. Being grateful for the benect* she received, 1 taka plenum in thus ackmiwledg log it, and recommending it ih* public. M. D. Moo V, AJbosyj Aug. 17, l&M. Cor. of Grand and Lydiu* sl». Cosaicxts, BepL 53,1815. Dr TbtnunU: To all whom lid* may cuncern—This is to certi/y that usy wife used on* bottle of jour Somparilb previous to her MaOntmeat, under the Rost alarming an* dtUcal* elresmitanrc, being truukltd with the dropty, *iesl lisg of thi feet, nervou* affoeliims, and very much debilita ted; with my persuasion, and the recommendation of those who had d»td il, shs was indoetd to try it, with little or no (kith; tad suffice it to ay, the mvdieiaa had the happy and desired sflaet, not only in the hour* of confinement, but alter thu expiration of ou* wetk of iu use, the dropsy and ner vuui aßceUun gave way to an dtgree, and her health it non better than il had been for a hmg ua* pre vious. If thu will be of any acme* to you or any om who doubt* thseuesaaol ths median*, yon are entirely wefeoiac to it. 1 subscribe mysatf year oust obedient and obliged f'rvant, t? S Jattu d| . TO MOTUEBS AND MARRIED LAOIES. 'This Estraet of Saraparilla haj been cvprvndy prt|wred ta referesee to (male cumplamla. No female wW ha* rta aoa to euppose she' is approaching that critical peried, “ Tko tur*% of lift should negteet to take it, u it is a certain preveauvo fiv any of the Mamw and bonible disease* to which female* are subject at this time of life. Thi* period aay be delay «d for severalye»r» by tiring thfemediesM. Nor u it less valuable u> those who are appruMhiag womanhood, ■ as it is calculated to mstisl nature by oukkeuing the blooa and iarifsruling the system. .lndec« t lhuosediaM u iutal sable for all or the delicate disrmre to which women art SbbjrCl. ■ It brace* the whole system. Knew* peasant oily the natu ral caergics—by removing the impurities of the tody—not eo for sumubliug the system ns to }*oduee a suterquent re . lautiou, which it (he one* of most mediant* ukrn for female weakness and disease. GIRLS READ THIS. You who hare pale complexions? dull eyes, blotches ou ths fee*, rough skin, or fracklea, and ara “ wit of *mrit* ;*? u*e a bottle or twv of Dr Tuwucod's Simmri'ti It adl clean** your Mood, remove the freckk* end blotches, and give jou animalioi. sparkling eyes, fine spirit*, and beautiful eompl*eii.m— all of whkh nra of !»■»« teluc to ried ladies, DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medicine ha* ever bees discovered which so nearly resemble* the ga*tie juieo or »!»"■ in dccoasymaing food and strengthening the organ* of digestion, a* this pmw ration of Sarsaparilla. * Hi** U*f**T«£JtT, Albany, M»T 10,1M5. /V !fbtei isettdz Sir—l. lure been ujicbs l/f htcyi] fear* mtb ;dy»p«(wta is it* wurrl fe.-ns, aUcteied with tear) MM of stosnacb, loaa of appetite, eitre-me beartbim, aod a treat arersk. a la all kinds of fcixl, and for wreki (what I Could cal,) t harr bren usable U> relam bnl a rmsdi pjriioe •a any stoaacb. lined tb* usual remedies, but tbcy'bad oat little or so effect iu reiaoruig ibe cowplaioL 1«u in dacedt about two humtAi (loco, to try your £1 tract of Sar a puwlia, anil I most ui witilitOe ecobdeoce. but after tutor oearir two hollies, I (jond (ilia* of bad matter, had sight ureal*, and' Mi.femg terj (asu aydoetorsaid he eeoWjhj notfuug (or a*. I west iota the borpital iahops of beinjtwotfiucd. but wu pronounced there la incurable. I wssaow grrallj diitmard at the long* and could hardlj breathe j 1 won became emaciated, aad eipcttrd to die; was cos&ard lo raj bed, and waa obliged to hare wa ehejs iodod 1 eiuvt girt yod any dracnptiua (hat would do jttrlke to «J «aac 1 waa aaptuerd by raj friends lobe (watreeMrerr; J had tried a grew number of teaadir*. ami all £*■•{s to MjoMpuipoic. I read of rocae most ex tnorditatj ««**» performed by poor sndicine, and to Uli evil the truth, ( ampeeled (here waa *om« humbug in them, but I waa induced to try it. I did ao, and am rare thaakfui (did. 1 cannot aaj that lam entirely well, but am so (hr e» to be about mj business, sad hope to be entire ty well ml l«w weeks. Aty cutuh and pam in the aide, and sight iwr»u hare left me, aiuf rniae but very little, and am (au ghining my nasal Mreogth. I frit it a fay to gtra jou a aUteaaeal of tar rur, to publidk if job pleaaa.,' f rrsa Baowa, 4? Link at, SmoUj-n. ■ ; Opinions of Phyilciiai. Dr Tomb cad >i almost dailj rttcnicj ardm from phy* •khu indifferent pub of the Union. ‘‘ Tbii h tocerlify that we, the undersigned, Physicians o! lb* City ef Albany, bare in numerous cute* prescribed Dr Towawnd’s B*ns|wriUa,‘and belies « it hi be on* «f the moat VtlotkU ptejw rat iocs of tf* BaroaoariJU in th* market. it r ruuxo, ■ d I Wiuoa, m a, II BDiimi.l d.- Alhany, April 1, IMS. rCEuixiwu.Mi), This u lo certify that »#, the nndemgned, practicing Thomtceka Pbyweiau of the City of Alban*. hat* frequent y prescribed Dr Townsend's Compound iUtnct afdaite arilbi, aad from its known qualities, would recommend itd h* public lor tar reuriai, scrofulous, end other* utaucoua w 0 -tax*, ia preference to any of the adrertised rrmedic* iaoab ***« A W llraau.L;T r. Albany April Q, 18*4. W* D Staktu*. t P. rriaeipaioAet, ISO Fulton tt, Sun Building, N V; Rtd disc 4- Co Bt*U si Boston; Dr Djt.lt BociTF.fi North 8a- MS Philadelphia; 8 8 Hum, druggist, Baltimore; *od by pnaeipaldruggul* generally throughout th* United Suu* Wkrt Indie* and the Canada.* Aosta genuine, unUsi put up ia th* Urge square boUlcs, which coataia a quart and fined with th« written tiraaluia •f 8 P TOWWStND.and ho name blows on the <3laM. From th*' New York Daily Kspttet of April», 1-47 A pratty thing appeared ia theaUeel* yesterday. It wu th«Mrertmogcab t orhhnnr«rUU KxprrasefDr Towaacad Th* wbol* Uung is got up ia nod taste: com* of (he mental tandteape jmloUngsirtbrautifbl. winch, together with the scroll wnrk, ia cold, glistening in the aun, made n show rarely equalled is Bnadny. We take’this opportunity to tey webeliere Dui eiwaetof th* Sam]wnlU dewrret th* popularity it has acquired. Sirroai Debility* Akw You,March37 t DH7 Ck* Townsends—l hate been afflicted mure or lets for 3 real*, with a dreadfuluakiag ia the chest, giddiness ia the head, loaa of appetite, pain tu the lunhii-tud geaeral debility, brought on nudoubl by the continual hret asut cold la which law subject to in my muinsna* adyrr. Ihare taken other medicines, too Dinar rout to mention, but with Utile or nuiuc* cess. I was mduccd hr what 1 saw in llic paper to try a bottle of jour Sarafan!’*, from which I (utuul groat rolirt | Lara ■idea takes acre rat more bottles, and 1 ran unhesitatingly say it ia the best medicine I hare ever taken—the paia in my chest U gone, and I feel quite ■ different man altogether tint* I haretakenjourgampahila.. 1 hare sown belter appetite than errr l bad. My wile has taken it with the same LcskH eial result*. 1 would rrcoamendcil a* a Amity medicine reocra!ly,aad I Tml eoarinerd that if so used there would not be half lb* sickness there is, and consequently aot so many Doctor’s bills} for while it restores appetite, it also, glre* la the stomach and bowel* their regular tour; it keep* the M<»>d w a healthy state, so that dims* is not so likely to attack the system . And to all Ihoee who are nut itt a healthy stair, I ter t-y Dr ToWnseod’i Sarsaparilla 7 Tenant Sarm, 70 Allen « Canker ta Abe doatb. BdowUanaceounlofanolhrrchild eared DrTawnacsd’t Sarsaparilla has sarodths Uses of thousaada of children.— Th* Allowing certificate it setretrd from a great number rteelrcd thiawtek. .v - , J ' N«w Yo*s, April B, 1847, Dr Townsend: Drsrsir:—One of my children wu **r> «ick withlhs'Cancer in the mouth and threat, attended with great debility. I team* near dying; | obtained tome of tour ncillenl medicine, and it eared it directly, fiir'which i can assure you 1 teel r try grateful, Your* mrwctfully ' . -r • hutaarnt Fowt,rn,2JD«eiric L TM l eLi*n?’fw ,^L l sSI: b ? of Honor “P w Vf! °J' W *od bT the see of Mid AedieUie • ehdd of ray own naeed U lain worm.— ieco.l oanuro two nwr* Tula. - WMQXUKOBK OH. BWATN&»£ COMPOUND SYRUP O? V/ILD CIIKRRY. ? A certain ami safe cure for cough*, colds,' asthai liver complaint, apiitiag blood, paiwyinVhe * orbreaal,nerroosdctHlitj,whoopmscoti2{i % broken coutUuiioo,! CONJsllall*- TiONoraaydfoeaseurtheludgior breast. Header are yon aaflinng with a cold or disease oi the lung*, try tiii* remedy, . . you trill not per. ' . hops regret iL— u wtjii arrest all those disagreeable aytoptom* which atnkc such terror tu the mind, Sc prolong your day*. ttll preparation* purpoitirg to contain si « . herr y* e * c «pt that bearing the signature of Dr n ovvaykk on the outsida wrapper ol each bottle, a* they are quite likely destitute ui the article rmio which they borrow a name. Jteadiohct it has done! DKATHS BV COASUMITIO.N Would porhufi. be e .mail estimate lbs the rasaec. ol tbia dreadful duea.o la a utnglo year: then add Uio tearful catalogue of those cut uU bV lullsma. tion oi the Luog., Hemorsbage, Aitbou, (.'oatib* loUueosa, Bronchilia.and ouier diseaaes of iho Longs and Lirer. Aud the flit.would present an appalling proof of the lalalitjr of these two o I asm of d:*ea*t:,. Bnt it is ■ mpnrunlu too. ibat nearl, til ol this dread waal. ol human Uo might ban been prerented sYbu” 1 0 7 KWILD6i^if ,K ’ S C “' raUND i Ina medicine nas now been belorn Ute public from'uf it “ d S th " “V™ l preparation , Its repnution as a r 0 .;" 1 , 1 "’ Cold, r Uronchius, and Cen ““ U T b “ cd emfaßlV upon iu in tnnaic merit*, owes but littlo to inflated oewsoioer S“r u J sLV 1 ? 8 "”: 1 ' u ‘“’ U . ,lil^'l,eir “oighbur*, and tho* gradually and aurely haul gained aa enviable repn uupn and worked iu way i nlo general UM.-lßft n Vw VJ!* 1 * locß * * recent cough w eoUL while with Btrictatteniionto ihedirccLon* that ac company each boUie,iu n*e in of lung standing and of the most alarnung eliarac ter, has always men relief, and in very many loslance. baa effected eeoplet, mid |S,7m3 Ur. &WA YNITS Ctltbrahd Cmpound Syr. „j t »/>»/ Wild Cimj, Bead the m«l car/of ConaumnUon erer placed upon record— " Ur boamr-Dwbm.l r«l 11. debt orcmiM. due to jou-ind a dutj to u.e afflicted ceecnUlylo oflcrm humble teatteueej io iaaor ol jour tim. pound Sjrap ol Wild Cberrj. Some diree reuj unco, I waa noleaUj atUcted frith cold and lode, manonof IUo lungs, wbich'was accompanied with a very diatrescing cough, pain in tho breast and h f?t ). —a very considerable discharge or offensive maeaa from the Inugs, especially upon changes of weather however slignt. At tint I tell no alarm about my condition, hut vu pretty toon convinced that 1 was rapidly going into consumption. I grew daily weak* er, and at length waa scarcely able to walk aboat or speik above a whisper/ such waa the exceeding weakness ol my tonga. During Uua time 1 bed tried, various proparations and prescriptions, but found no relief—growing alt the iime worse. Just here l wu ai|sued and punoaded by a dear friend in Wilming* ton to make a trial ol your Syrup of Wild Cherry, 1 muitconfes* that previously 1 badbeeo prejadic cd cguust patent medicines, and 1 am still against those conuog out of the hands of empiries,but undemanding year claims to the profession and practice of medicine, and having implicile faith in the saying ot my friends, 1 lonhwith purchased ol Dr Shaw, one of your agents, a few bottles and commenced its use. My disease at this time was ol twenty or twenty five months’standing, cense* qucnUy was deeply seated. 1 found, however, con siderable relief iron the lust .lour or live bottles.— Hut being a public speaker I frequently attempted to preach with my increasing strength and thereby ruptured those vesselstnal bad already began to heal; in this way, doubtless, my cure was greatly ■retarded. Inconsequence of acting thus impru dently I had to me 12 or tS bottles before' I w«s perfectly restored. 1 have no question, a much smaller number of bollics would have made, me sound, but for the abovo indiscretion. The Syrup aituyed tho !e*eriih habit, did away the distressing cough, put a stop to the discharge of matter from the lungs, and gave teem and the ehtiresystemguod health. 1 hare deterred offering this certificate till cow, for the purpose ol being perfectly satisfied with the permanency of tho core, anc now that 1 teel perfectly well, 1 oiler it with pleasure. • REV. J. £ JORDAN. Dublin county, W. C. , CAUTION! CAUTION! Avoid all spurious preparations of Wild Chany, such as Balnms, Bitters, Syrups of Wild Cherry, Pills purporting to contain Wild Cherry, &c r Ac, as they are all betitions and counterfeit, and eontain none of the virtues of the original and genuine pre paration as prepared by Dr. Swayne, and the first ever prepared m this country. Doctor Sway no's Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY is composed of vegetable ingredients,tbe Wild Cherry, non oth er medical mb*lance* egaliy as efficacious, ii not more so; ihe whole are so efieetnally concentrated as to render it beyond afrdoubV the most pleasant, strengthening, and effectual remedy ever discover ed lor the cure of Pulmonary consumption, and all disease* of tho Langs and Breast.- The very laet, - Irom lU having such a train ol apunoes imitators, stands to prove ila great curative properties. Therefore,-invalids, inquire for tne original prepa ration, caeb bottle of which is enveloped in a beau, tiiul wrapper, with a likeness of William Penn en graved thereon; also bearing the signature of Dr H. s*i»yne, the counterfeiting or which will be pun ished as forgery. Prepared only by Dr. H. Swats*, W W comer or Kjbuvh and Race Streeu^ThiJadelphia. For sale In Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by WM. THORN, 53 Market street, OGDEN A SNOWDEN, comer 2nd A Wood its. u. a. Fahnestock a co.. comer oi itt and Wood and Gtb and Wood streets! S. JONES, ISO Liberty street . . JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny city. . And by all respectable Druggists and dealers in Medicine* throughout the United State*and Cana *»• septS9 DR. JAYNES ALTERATIVE. . u e have been informed bj Airs. Baee of scare per formed ou her by Dr. Jayne 1 * Alterative, wuich Eruvea it* superiority over every other remedy of the utu. Bbc has been afflicted for the tut sixteen years .with Necroses or white bwelunu*,attended wi>b ulceration* and enfolintion of vsrioas bones, da rirjw-tnch time many pieces have been diaehaigedfroia the tromal bone of lire cranium, frsm both her arms, wnais and band*, and from both leg*, and troth tbe left 10.1 oral bone, mid from the right mice, besides painful nicer* on other pans of her person, winch have baffled the shill ol a number of the-most eminent physicians ot oar eit»—during most of the time her sutferings have -been excntiabog and deplorable. ■ About three months sinde she was induced to try Dr. Jayne's Alterative winch hu had an astonishingly happy effect apon ber, by removing all pain arm swellings, and causiug the ulcers to heal, while at the same time her general health has become completely restored, so that sh» now weighs ii tbs more than sbe «ud before she commented the ate of jins truly valuable prepauoa.—{a*t. Eve. Fort. For further information, inquire of Mr*. Rose, No. ISB Fnbert ft, Philadelphia. For sale in I'iitsoargb, at the PEKIN TEA STORE. 7* Fourth sl near Wood. • Jyj SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL INUS.—Scrotula is all its multiplied forms wbetherin thst of Ring's Evil, enlargements r» the {lands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, Chrome theumatum, Causer, diseases of the Shin or Spine, or oi Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one and the aame cause, which is a poUonotu principle mure or lets inherent Is tbe human system. There* fore, aniens this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal cure can be effected, but if the principle updn which the disease depends, is removed, a cure must ol necessity follow, no matter under what lona the dtseaao should manilett ilseli. This, therefore is the reason why Jariu’s Altkbatitx is so urit serially successful in removing so many malignant diseases. It destroys the virus or principle irotn wbicit those disease* have tlieir origin, by entering into tho circulation, and with tbe blood iseotiveycd to the minutest Cbre, removing every particle ol disease from the system. Prepared aud told at No. U South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold at tbo Pekin Tea Store, N 0.72 Fourth stree. Pittsburgh mi-hvi LADIES Who Use CommonTrepared Chalk, are often uot aware bow frightfully injurious t is to tue skiol how coarse, how rough, how tallow, yellow, and unhealthy the skm appears after asmg prepared chalkt Beside*, it it injur tout, containing alaige ouan' tuy of lead. Wt have prepared a beauuful vegetable snick, which we call JONES’S SPANISH LILY WHITE; It is perfectly iunoceiu, beiucpuriSed of all deletcnouiqualitieij and it impart* iu U» skin a aato ral,healthy,alabaster,etear, living white, aiUtbsome utno acting as a cotmelioon thor n '* binds made to order at short '1 :io(lookof PRINTING.PAPER U «nu>u«ll, rti^"Aasß!)riassSfii^ of every description, impelled and kept constantly on l «. l ? a ' ?, »T lf}^*,,,n S ,, j " ,,rc Cl«h. Fourdtinier Wire* Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultramarine,Twine, >tc.,Jke RAGS4 vioivmj*, B*ie Rape, VKHAUFL’OE, -l coo.iiicr teller than O allotbcri.” JUlitketty October niJ,l6<7.' ( Mr.R. II BcllcMt—Myfoosi momhaold,beingvery rsjilct* at night, and having much fever at umeeTl con eluded he hud worm*, ami having heard a great deal about year Venniluyn, I bought a vial uud gave Aim S doaet. winch rjp*lied M very largo worm* Icouaider jour VctQuiutv bet or ihim ailoUwrs. . sixes P. Hktok-c • Pirparvdaml wld by H K StvJ.l.Ki S, iff *U Void by Ur. OHwal, otii wait!; apd U. Al. Onrnr, Alle* gbr.uvchv. •**«** T> Jonea f luliia Chemical Soap* - FOlt all kiodaof eruption* and diseowsof tie Skin: a uch aa Pimple*,Blotehe*,BuU Rheum. Scarry, Heat Spot*, chapped or cracked Skin, end lor all other di»ea, «es of the him, which require external reaedie*, Ihi* Hoop stand* unpatallcd. It alto tllrpcU Freckle*, ttan* bum, Wcrpbcw.Ttn, and change*, tbe color of dark, yellow,or divfigaiod akiu,to a fine,healthy, youthful, cteantraa. A Irrah supply, warranted genome, tad fer I valent the reduced,Mice ot 37* per coke, taojofi bt*n received, la offered tor oato by fi A FAHNESTOCK fc Co, roruvr lot and wood and abo at iha corner of «i»ik andwoodoto. ■ ’y. ■' ••.yltgg STEAK BOAT COOKIBO ITOTE9 hr “i«i uiHfiiMaiwi JIFD'ICAL —. .! - ~ : TBivHPiim svccus, " Cotudapticai remember that it it Tfomptan't Compound Syrup of Ter. and WooS'Jfap. ,tha ip hick it deifa effecting tuck rt atarkabh eurtt tn PULUONARir - CONSUMPTION"! Aithwa, Prmrfiiuß, SjuUi&g of B.ood, I*aia ta the 6hl« aad Brail, Son Throat, HotncucM. falfitotiao of the Heart, H heoptsf Uigk, Croup, lLrei,'_ Kcnoulnaen LarerCasfiual a&rf Dimad Kidscta, ate. IMIKBEFORE, beware of alt ifitwu niitwa of Tar or •- - _ AX,a. t'.Tbmaaa—ficar'Sir»lbc aitoabhiag beaefill * **prr*«tf*d from the iim of joar Got* pound Sjropof J®" titfik a reader* it my duly to iaibra von ot m l ®“ ***» «*kud wilhiiintuicouch,muisy amro yam iaUiabfvaac.wiih£r **• WUAortk,' nti rapdjkb Ts^Ti/^ cn S r - **»«t»,«*«doH.r P «Sk*-«. w£kiEz2 ,m 2 parch** TV» Bfnp or it, £2 Mwbut g«|i,or o/tho* abois li* M» P tdoa of rfttiiztf n «m -w - • 4tcUd tm JKJKgAJL BEABOItS WHY DU. I,EI - B LOO B * ra becoming eoonrvemily popular ,Jfectß*e they are prepared by Dr|S B Ui* t»£? Chemist tad fhrri knows Ibe nature, u'» % n *T character or tbn Medicinea uaed iu I>U pUUandtheir adaptation todiscaco. wjcond, Because the publie can take item with E??"!*®,*" l eace-lhao'moot other pills which are bjpcraons igaorant both of medicine and Ul ' ir '"“WocdcOccta, proper! .. . 1 ci,m,inri ,n •», other pill.; nemclr, purr» log from the ilohuch erul boot!. tUlunbeilU!, lob. u “ “■ “»<- Fourth, Because they are tbo cheapest and beat medicjse known—a aingle boa costing hot 25 ceata, and conumung 40 piilay*aTinj io-pe f *ona ci many mMi?,? P?** 0 and mimetens medicines bought St, tried on the rcdunmendaiion ol others. . \ ■ -s»n WUOLBSOMB-ADVlck Whenever von bave'oecasion to take any mcdl* cute, dp 00l bo trilling with your cumulation by trying tui kinds ol pills or -other medicine* yon aee p swished and recommended by one and another bat take at once _ Hr. Leidy'a Sarsaparilla Blood Pills and you will not have occaaicn to take anything else. They will always be round good in almost nil worms oi disease, lotftunaUonol the stomach, bowt els, liver and iatcjtiaeij cramps o! the stomach; colic, Waterbraib; inward levers, luul.breath, bod taste in the mouth. Sour eructations and acidity ot«. the stomach, coativeness and lodigestion, want ol appeuu, bUlious aflecuotu. diseases or the spieea and kidneys, diseases of tbo akin, scaly eruptiond dry and watery pimples ok blotches or the lace sun body, totter, rash,prickle’heat and salt rfantun, bead* acne, giddioeas, leintneas, pains over tbo' heart, ol - the breast, sides, along the back and spioo, rheuraa tum atad goat, levers ol all kind*, small pox; vario*. loid, mease Is, scrofula, erysipelas, and in short they are good in ail diseases having tuelr origin in the stomach, liver, and intestines, and impurity of the - i blood 1 jp*T*watyi6re cents a Bo*.' . _ - . » cold Wholesale and Retail tij B. A- Fahnestock & Co., corner of First and Wood, also comer of Sixth aocJ Wood street*. . teptS9 , miKfthAfl'* TOOTH PASTkT T' .r* s-mxxoti tcmma. • ' HE beat article known for cleaning and whitening' iheTeelh, strengthening the gams, sweetening the •• ' breath, Ac. .It sboaid be seed every night with a stiff' brain, and the teeth and mouth vrillonly reijnirwa»liyh °,' washing in the morning. Wet-the brush with warm v wateii. or eoid w.U wiewrr, and run it a isvr tines on the paste, when enough will adhere for e.eantag the. teeth, lileavesadeticiooslattein the mouth,andua, —r~ parti a most delightful fragrance to the breath, ilstands.. anrrealled ai a pleasant, efficacious, convenient, and T lafedeutnhce. It is warranted nm uimurclheteoth. - - ballopieservethem. • By using it regularly, it will remove the tartar and ' prevent in accumulation—prevent the toothache ' ~i''. strengthen the gams, and prevent all diseases of utest Chemisu, phyuoana, and the clergy reeommead it a r deeidedly superior to every thing of the kind in ose.— ' Ash for Sherman 1 * Compound Orri* Tooth Pasio, and - observe biiiigaatare is attached to eaeb pot. Keeommended by Dr. Castle, 3gl Broadway, one of oar bear Dentins, and by most of the old established ones in the United States, and even Xieotively ' by the Nobility of England and Ptttrm. A Jarge proportion of thedieeue. t batal&iet mankind ari>e from some derangement of thtatomaeborbowels. winch a timely aso of the Caths uc Lozenges would entirely obviate. Persons nf bilicas habits should al ways nave a box at hand, and take a do** whenarer. ' they feel the least derangemenuntbeir health. Ajadi* cious use of these Lozenges would prevent ihrm*sw,u oi eases. . Foreainni WS. JACKSON'S, comer of Wood and Liberty sts ■ . nca,aod finally nrra tro a* focaiable. la • IKK-71 was induced to try jo or Liver FilU, and BOON QOT VVhJX. Outbox of which u now eaSeksl to keep Bwcicar " of pauiia the side, and all tb*. other sjmptaas, tot at least IStnocth* Your PilisarcataothebateatharticleTerßMdf being mild, cot griping or giving much Mckatw at the worn •eh, bulgirv mamueb reLef I bare kept them may stare . far ft nr 7 yean; told hundred* of boxes, aad hare aarer heard a^Ung-e eon plaint uttered by any one who ha* naed them* They hare snperecdrd almost erery other pill in thb aaghborboiMl, and in a short time will banish'them alh I earaettly recoin mend them to all ptnooa pbnle, whether far Liver Complaint or Billiou dfleetkiaa. 1 con* aider them far superior to Calomel orths BloePilL Rcmet faltayoara, JLMotXU CAUTION—As there are other Pflls be fare the pub lie CaLLaa Liter Pilii,per*os» who want theOKNUrNEahoaid B*k far and take no other than those prepared and an Ed br R , £ BKLLERB, No 57 Ifood-it between Thl'd uifwrfit street*.' . Sold by Dr.CaiacL, Fifth Ward, D M Ccair, Allegheny' agS Dtt.JAYNE'B CARIUSATIVE DALSAR |?KOMlhe Kev'ASA SHINN, a well known and poo M: alar CierrvmaaoflhcPtotestaatMcihedirlChuth Tho undersigned bating been alflicted during the past winter with a disease of the stomach, aouriunea-pro* daciiig great pain in the atmnach for ten or twelve hoara withoat intcimtaaioo, and after having tried vat lona »*“*'*«• httlc effect, waafarnlahed with a bottle of Ur D Jayne’* Carouiauve Balsaia, Thia oe used aT cording u» the direction*, and fonnd invariably thatUdi medicine caused the pain to abate ia three or fourinM* olc N **d ia fifteen or twenty tainatcaevery nawSv The mediae waanf terwurdsnaed whenever tndicationaof the aconmekof pain weicpereared, tad the pam was thereby e * He continued to u« urn toedicino carry iveSng and apoeumca in the momiint, and in a tew weeks the auife rcr was relief eairotanlarge.iraomuof oppressive paiu. From ex Werelbrc, lincmjc-Wlnulj- temmmt.J U “**•“. “ * 'aluiary medic in lor disease* oCthortumaeh and bowels. ApH INN . Ptot «* ** ' ,ll( * PHAi N*slil” stfKfl 7m fourth street, near Wood, and »lao alike Dra Stgreof H P SCHWARTZ. WdeAl atreet. Alfaghg? C'INK PEKFUUKHY *• de’ Amanda Ametc’, lar shaving; Create a la Rose, lor shaving; Almanac Cream, do; Superfine Rouge,os Porcelain stands; Kiegant Kent bags, perfumed with Lavender, Angle. tern flUel; - Beautiful powder pul*, of all pauerct; Embossed-toilet boxes, containing iragrnht extracts for the htndkc*ebief; ascent bog, an it toilet soap*, sou* able for presents.. pßraign,orChineupowder; ~ IndittA vegcla'ile hair oil, oil, m fancy or common wrappers, (rose aeent. ioaet’ Soap; Nymph Soap; R«e Lip salve; . BheUsoan; Soda soap; together wua a great varietv of fine perfumery: jnvt received; for rale by . BA FAHNESTOCK*, CO cor fah A wood *t» ‘ PITTSBURaH GAZETTE, PUULIBHED DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY A*>VEEKIY AUV’KttTffJSfS One insertion of IJltaes, or less,,,. SO 50 TwoinacrtioMwtilMmtnlteraUoca n es Three .. /So . One Week ! m Two Week* *• * -S' Three ** ■ •* • • * *** sno One Month, •• . _ •••••••• • IE:::: IS , CT Longer advertisement* m nme proportion. A)n« square,C montha, withoat altcratioii,.,. 10 00. - .. . }- 14 “ “ .... 15 00 Each additional square lb? 6 monlh*, 600 a _ 11 'IS ” 10 00 Uneaqnaxe b months,renewable at plojsure, 15 00 . * ~ u IS «•■-««■ »• »• 2000 Each riditiniul square for ISinonth*.looo A w m «oHu r re’wableatpleaaure, 30 00 L-ich additional «|uare,6 monita, 8 00 VKSKLy OR Tai«WKXKL> |M t)*|Ll XAPgfat. ' One aqiiare.3 inaertiona, •••••*£! 60 *• 41 u each additional insertion,........ 37'- ' acnaxsa - Five lloea one year. .... 600 ' • 4 - “ aix moniha...... 500 ' *■ i " ‘‘ " one year, daily & weekly, 10 00 "• " an month* *• «« **; w TI * T,, *.* WTB ** wittt rink, for Ji line*, t»rjm; One insertion,........ eg fi 'it M • Throm V ' ***••••• 0% u ,j ii "ii ' „ ” -1! . Three month*.... •• an •- - • ; , f SU ...:v . >. - 11 , ’-‘•••"Go. '*■ Ui '" ie