« \ "^ ebr ““ySSsL ■ . S' SuS^.^ c « e sfe«bti.p|- ton.unrNonbßiTer, andKib? A ‘ b ' I * n,,t71 * —:—i >y & M Mltchri.trff. ! ■■ I MV »w «» -sag— br ga smtaafe r ta * nß . -Brown t culbertson “ a,pnn ‘ eN O, justreed end for sale b~y hi “SSL WIMTBOWKN r S* U P**»«a**b«fa jnct reed and for - “it by , marJO WEST BOWEN S >Vi?, dsp rtm * N 0,40 bgs prune wtiiie Sr 100 M * l * No* 4, i, 74 ft Lonl, ii don and toruieby marlg i.tmmrr* «tnpfnf>f j bbls Louisiana Refinery, re * eeired and forsale by ‘ LAMBERT dc SHIPTON 1 intrlfl LAMBERT k SHIPTON 10 bbla lards. iu Jkejadoj « bbls flax •Kk.**™' bagi irefs; 4 bbla Board bags mustard seed: • .** earn > landing from soar Rhode Island, and for •*» by ? marlT lAS DAtJggr.T. iL'liOUltlui) bUs tamily, in store and for sale by •*§•.:“«M\ . . JOHNS DILWORTH *D YEr-QO btub' ln store'and for sale bV AV -marl? JOHN 8 LILWORTII /"UNCINKATI POAP—luo basin store and far sale bT \J marl?. JOHN SDILWQRTH 'KH'PKE—SWQ bags prime Bio.’in' store and far « a |. Jby - laarl? JOHN S DILWORTH ' £ OOUx»,23hl4'Lx« r /'orliie try AfcGILL, BUSIIFIELD 4 ROE OUGAB—4cEM*.«hiirßrias"tf Vx» white HiVYna Oia wort aadwriaie low hr . ■; febM l ENGLISH 4 BENNETT *P°CK CANDY—I 6 br» while udyellowinwore J\> usd for mIo low by wre ENGLISH 4 BENNETT ' CUNWIIEMteiRwIier* 1 do rinwn- S do nunc Mftna,StuU J#xd}l ioullowjiournTeiforniebv -gg» MAIAII p/cravt^ eiKONKAI-I CUEE&-99 wui, < J cr *>J' b** doffi e»ki hantv reed and for *aJe hv BDLK U4JIS » BIiOCMF4IS-Fo7.i,Ly : ’ • Mconj.FmaitFitTnjl kW* NC, rfcd khil for u] e by ' " ’ ' ■ TASSEY * BEST aafeg^fr - - • wmni LlmU N S' Umr Robert Morris; **•**« DROWN’ * . ._^r 10 - .14S liberty street xaaaka . w*£l? _ ICO llh.rtw SUGAR— 150 Uuls primp XQ. j ßgt nt .» ±lrnr American Eagle and Palo Alim for «aie br P •*^ ai g”U : MS AJIPTCHUtON&Op ■e^iassS3fty»'-^s¥Siiss*?> -*=sl-.;: ; Wftiattt , JMri* HAQAI.KV a- XhttZ RANGES * U3IONS-SS' bx. onuim 25 do '^i^ a ?2 n^: **“*“* •««» »tni» SchoylklllTtor »mJo by ““W UAGALKY * SMITH - - _ ■ la and a) wood H.' ’HITE KRAZIL SUGAR-134 bn of npenoi far sale by > 11AOALEY & sS^TH •*¥>lo COFFEB-fIOO bags'prime, is store mad for sale MWl< i BAGALKYfcSMITH A RICE—SOO raisins: 100 trcs ?fresh nee,jostreed aiidfor sale by ■ p * fl< BAQALRTfc SMITH '“■wssrss marU ■ • jas n*T.7Ft.i. • •DUUt lb* reer’g per imu Lake Eric, .£> and for eale by marl* JA3 nai.ypr t. iP™*' N fremWr ■ A,oe ” ca and Amenean Eagle. for sale by - pmrt< : ' JA R fLOVP lOLASSES-ISO bbls plantation, io prime order, lafcdmy from umr America, for smlo bv _a*,U -* J& R FLOYD T>OTASH-10 cats pare, on emuignmeu, for pale hr X_ mar!4 i JAttFLOYD clover Med » lo Omotbr, for sale LgT_ nurU JAR FLOY II tEANS—IO bbls small while, for tale by' •• —- m-r rl4 I I JfcfcrLovn ifio ki OBLACKBURN ACo kTAILS-aco keg* aasld in store and ftr sale br V aarT » q BLACKBURN’ ACo 'ICOLABSES-fOSiftbLi plantation Car sale by JJL t - «B*r7 , McGiLL.*BDSHFIELP * ROE SIS^!;SSSfK 1 * ft “ , hmmtS ■ ■•.; McfoLUBUfIIIFIELDABOg C*CORCHINGS-dO ctk* prime torideby • ’ Kj n**t- ••; wick a arcAJtpr.^ prime; far saleby X■■- W 7 - - WICK A MeCANDLESS /iroyEß for •'*]«■ by* V"- mar? « WICK A AIcCANDLESa TTARNS—A uew supply of ysrnfromihe mannfac* 'jL iott o/Mr II E Hey, Philadelphia; Jo« rac'd end , . . F H EATON ACo SOU*B-r II Eaton A Cv hare Strain'* Palm Oil Floating Soap, for washing-,‘ and Old Brown Wind sor,for hkaving madwrashing; also, Sand's and other reap. Market st, agar 4th. mart StlddliDl'Jl BRACES—A new lot of braces of the moat approvedpattern, forgaiety' . ...Bart; r . FH EATON A Co. FOUND— On Soadjfy night, a Brass StorcTKey; the owner can get it br eaUinr on- •'• ■art ; ■ SIIACKLETT A WHITE SUGAR— 133 hhtlt NO, Just rac'd and for sale by mart . '.POINDEXTER A Co bxa Bxlo Glass Eberbeart*,44do 10x12 \JTIa Bore and for sale by POINDEXTER ACo •: ■ B*rt ■ ' .", -41 water at. PAFEk— 100 reamscrown'wranpinjrllOdo double crown do; for sale by <* POLNDEXT»JI ACo mart' ; ■ • 4rT.atcr«t ' /TOFFEE—2OO sik* Rio, prime, for sale by mart, , f . POINDEXTER &Co SUOARS>2Obblt Levering**'crushed A pulverized, » do Louisiana leaf do/for tale by" : mart ; r v POINDEXTER ACo *S/ft>LA6S£S-aOO bbls N O, for safe bir JXL - mart / : POLVDKXTER&Co eachsTfor tale by mart = r rOPiDEXTER ACo > ANCY CASSINI HR Eft—s cases plaids, stripe, plain colors, just opened and for sals by mart - :. * -SHACKLBTr A WHITE RODUCE—SO bbls SF dour; 45 do cord meahlbO Jt: acks corn; I30«lo-oals; 7 keg* buckwhettfloußts) kefs lardriu store and,fer sale by marlO . > : JCBIDWr.r.T. BACON— lOdhids liacdrj bams, sides and shoulders,' on consignment and for sale by marlO T SELLERS A MCOLS_ SCORCHER) BALT&—U ciki jut-rec. ud fur isle by L.B WATERAEAN *Vf GLASSES—{D bbls S 11, St Louis. Refinery in . J3U. Bert and for sale by mirll ’ ; • JAMES A HUTCHISON ACo BACON— 325 pcs, just reed, tnd-for tale by marU> ; WICK AMcCaNPLESS Molasses a sugar—hd hbds n o sugar, tso bbls N O Molasses, landing and fur sale by raarll .j JAMES DALZKLL. . > XIOCIC POWDER—For sale by ‘ . Jtt*- mtrjl. j. - ISAIAH DICKEY ACo . APPLES—SO bblsrecd.br stmr Caleb Cope; .naarU -RAWHARBAUGH /I bbl grand Otngeffor sale by \Jftbta., . - JOHN D MORGAN. T>ACON-;do pee hog roond Bacon on cornier meet •Drad fermleby: , JOHN SCOTT A Co. tecum ' ••No 7 Commercial Row, Liberty si flaxseed; So' kegs and fibbis v Nollard; 5 bbltirethroil kaneri for sale by mart ■ -CARSON A McKNIGHT \it WiHßtlANl^idbbUfrfraaleby ~~ ~ If— Bart FRIEND, RHEY kCo PRIME BACON—Ia (tore and smokehouse constant If for saleia any quautity, by, JOI&fGRIER, * “Brt • , * tfßlibcny «t TfiAOLASSES—apriiae article Sugar House, for sale JULby mart WICK AhtcCAKPLEsa HAVANA 8UOAB»~ 401 bxa white and brown, for Leak by mam ‘ WICK A MeCANDLESS LOAF SUGAR—to Mils for sale by mart WiCKAsdcCANDLESa PULVERISED SUGAR—B bbls Levering*, for sale by pare - ; WICK A McCANDLESa iUSUEDBUGAR—Ifi bbls LeTCriag’s, for male by mart < ’ 1 WICK A NcCANDLEaa N’ oA(?LASSES—3oobbTsprirae fursaie by • _««« _ j _ CHOKED UEJUUNG—I4O bxa small and large, for Ossie by mart WICK if McCAXULESa ABD—A small lot of No l Leaf for sale by i mart WICK <• fiIcCANDLSSS -C ALESaTUS—IO tons, in casks and boxes, landing flj and forsak by , mart BOOTPALZELL *Co m.^junm'd.gjtoyUbi, pg^^'swa?a&agvsia^aßi ' . tsuiumkßEXXEtt GROCERIES, &c. store indforwieby - WEST BOWEN 70 Front ttrcet it&«f£arw“ C ! a - 1 H*« 0Ild «oiy of the ware- Ap£du> *>»« entrance.— Ppipto L«n«g? GEO COCHRAN* T3EANS-—ISO btuh small white, lor *ai» br i u williams PJHEESK—SOboxe»for»»ieby J D fflt.l.uva SST* 0 ” bb " T ARD—g bbiipritne, for t&l. Xi_ nwrifl PADDING SKINS—I kox,iuitabltfor taddim _ jgM«le by tnarlS - s(t \y jiahiiai ni COBLV & OATS—fiO bag* prime yellow com: SO dc OaU, just reed oad for.tale by — pmrls Sk\Y llAltiiAunll Tj'LOUB—7I bbl* jan laadiag and fur sale by 4. StW IIARUAUGH JJLAISTEK— is loujio 1 white.Ohiocity.'in »iore X_& for ule by [marlS). llmwatr t. SHUTON jBg^ESOM.VAea-tj^nyj, waft P™" bbla aw'd loaf,3do kJeUnfiod. ioraaJe by J D WILLIAMS arls 110 wood it f or Pino Oil in aiora mtO for *aJu bv v fctjl7 i JOELmoulkr I OIL—IO bbU jtut reed and for uie by ..j resellers; I A IXX)UOL—B bbl* jajt rccd and for *ale br' • j HESEU.EH3 C H m?M° IKM ™ W t,bl ‘ ,u,t recd Aw laic"by jun reed per ntiuPm. clfic and for Mia by < marH A GORIOX A LCOUOL—S bbls ;uit reed and for laJe by A_. marll , JKIDJJ^Co sj^S^sr 1 ’■aafflsESisKF 1 ■PIKE BRICKATILE-Fer.ale by ' A. _ Ta»rl3 ISAIAH DICKEY ACo rpIMOTHV 6EKH—SbbUprime, for rale by J._ roar 13 - - : POLNDEXTLI TITOLASSES—3O bbia N 6, jusrecd and fer ude br ATX roarlO ; JCBIDWW-T- baeoQ * ~ booWer » and beuiu, ior ealoby marll ' - ENGLISH fcUENXLTr r W lis*? Pf “’ 100 T 4 ** to wore and lor i&le by mart! - ■ - ' TASSKY & nfe-r ♦ lbs prune hams, 10X00 lb* shoulder*. « bids hogrouad, m smoke house and for sale br * 0 BLACKBURN A Co OILS— 10 bbU linseed Oil, Sdo Winter Lard, in store and ftr tale by , ' . j ; OBLACKBURN »|co SALT— 140 bbls No 1, at the landing, for sale br °WO MILLER a aiCKETTSON fFAB—® bbls Wilmington; for sale by ■L mart • MILLER A BICKETSON PNDOW GLASS—2CCO. bis oss'd, ftr sale a; the HrowusviUe landing, by M** o FORSYTH A DUNCAN Y\f iSDOW GLASS-000 bis New Genera, ftr salt IT b 7 mart FORSYTH A VUNCAN "OLASSES—IOO bbls NO, lan din#; » ■ . 13 PILWORTH HEAVV SHIRTING CHECKS-Constantly on bend, Stewart’s manufacture of heavy shirting awl fur* ttute checks, at the dry goods boose of ' WR MURPHY. /■IANpLES—IOO boxes Summer Mould, la store and V> ftr sale by maid ■ gis*» k JOSES PRARL ASH—IO bbls, In store and for sale by > ntaM ISAIAH DICKEy **. CO /CHEESE—re and for sail VJbr »wr7 . t J KIDD &. Co [WHITS TURPENTINE—IS bbl« forsaJe l>r' ’”~ > lCE—OOtrcsjttJl reed ud for sale by , XV marlO • -BUEBRIDOE,'WILSON’ jb Co ABD OIL—SO bbla winterj oa couugiuMnt and for i sale by [tonrlC] ‘BURIffiIUGB, WfLSOW A Co MOLASSES— 25l>bl*N O; JO kegi golden »y rep; Tor »«de by roariO • JDWILUAAiS HOpS —(£2 bale* prime wot New York ai:d New England Mope, joet reed and for rale by «n«jd i BROWN A CULBERTSON ' RUSSIAN BLUENo 1—75 bblejnit reed and for uic - b >‘ 1 marl< _ J KiOD ACo ‘ | ■'tAST^IROIL— “bbU for rale by PAPER— ax) reamj ai.d, de*J er , kJ mppLied low ‘-y KIDD& Co Spanish wiiixiNo— lo lm> for uie by .. r :qVi* . ... UgAIAH PICKET fc G 1 UM COi’Alr-a ’ - r - maxU 'AILN'ISII—S bbls tap quality,for'talaby "* I - nwH ISAIAH DICKEY k Co BUTTIiE— 7 bbla roll, xcc. tiuadajf, *edfcr-*«le U. “ B r10 TASSKV * BEST 7 PEACHES —1 sole pared, reed, soil for i»! e ~by —T"i nurlO; _ TASSEVA BEST • CLOVER. SEED—-100 boHOn (tore ant) for i&Je bv tamlO • TASSKV ABLST > ■>EEF—Jo»t reed bv «ir rii«»—- BEKF— Jc»t reed by sir Clipper No 2, a fine Lulloci *ii«i for s&lc by S* W IIAHUAt'Uii. f rnsrlO . ai wood it' (ORK HAMS—SOO just loading from stmrUeaTer. andforsaleby jtaarlO) SAW IiARUAUGH CLOVER SEED—I 3 Mde prime, ju*t rtcd and for *ale by marlO ' SkW HARIUUGIJ ] ROLL BUTTER—3 bbU prime, hut landing- and for uit by ' aarlO . Sfc W ILAfUIAUGH ' AlU>—lo bbla No 1, joit reed end for sale by _J. lj icario ; SA w KAKUAUGIi »OPLAR LUMBER, and Pina Jolee,7cr'iale by JytMtf ■. W. W. WALLACE. /"'t IVOOD—SCUiIe New York rroutd: for caie by mer 7 * J KIDD t Co DRY APPLES—3O ueki. julrtfd end foreale by __mam. Sjb \V HARBAUOiI DRY PEACUEB—2OO bn»b, in'ttore and for eale by ««»3 ISAIAH DICKEY * Co Ti^vsr , ° k JP good No 1; .10 bbls do do, in good .Lj (hippingorder, for eale by •> * —maria - ISAIAH DICKEY ACo Ni; Q SUGAR—I 4 hiuli prime, for sale by » . v sellers.a nicols hoy round, a prime ahiele,for ,D **!• tew, to eloeo coougnmeaL by ; • buß . JaS A HUTCHISON A Co SO4r r »bx*pilin',ado Tiriejned,sdo.while, •navinj; for m!« by « SF VOXJIOXXHQR.ST k. a, Window bash—owoiijhi* ***'idT for »aie by superior MocidCaa dl«, e- doTlipt rindlcf, m store and for rale low bv -” n -3* 1 ORF.M, McGREW A Co' ACOAIPLETK *et of Ducket Mecbinerv for -WgnaSßife Blue a orange pejnts—aTi**, elltir . MrJea and bright eo!or*./u*l opened by -* eM ” SIfACRLKIT A WiriTK P tass'£Jjfc, 0 !lr^ l '« Fr “ lli ” - _ r BOBTJWUEEU, *Co A tiCOHOL—S bb!i jlul ree d aiidfor »i e by m ** a _ JOHN D MORGAN ciio for tale by JOHN D MOB< UM SHEELAC—(Or&n£?) for tale br 2*2 JOHN P'MOBfIAN fIASTJLKSOAp—3 cue* for nsle by VL-. JOILNDMORGAN lONS—A null ioi for a«le br m4rt : AVXCK A McCANDLESS I/“ a^« bbl ' *Wct, for .ale by ■ ■ : JPWIIiIAMS bU * S P« ai fet taJe by U “2* J D.WILLIAMS T/ W F„?i^ CK ~ l CMk “1* by J “'— wan< — ■ • . ■ -•iDjyiLLuvs rS^ G_A , “ 11 - — J uwaN.jvulson Sl Co " LOGA>', WILSO.N £ Co •uzurOtwern J_,» V erc *? s*ed, now landing troxn mVi? 1 ' f " **>* ‘r I DICKETkCo, r7~- .’■ ... yamr it. from *u C^^.^^Ssggggß* 1 ?? ,^Ot*R— 13 bbla superior for tale br' J I> vfrlJJAMnunlvooJ J DAVILLIAMi .BUTTER—3 bbl» freth Jotl rec’d and for tale JOHN'S DILWOBTII (Chronicle c< 0 bbls South Carolina for sale by *7 . JOHN GRJER J KIDD A Co (Chronicle copy.) ir sale by ' * JSAIAH DICKEY k COMMERCIAL RECORD ALMASAC. ib4s ; March. *3 Saturday £0 Sunday, 27 MonUsV, 25 Tuesday. & Wednesday, 30 Thursday, 31 Friday, PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE. COMMITTEE FOR MARCH, BOBT. DALggt-T. .g. E. sQini. w«. Blum Omce f'rroßcsoff Gazettk. > I Monday Morning, March 27, ltilti. j The marfcet, on Saturday, was steady, and noth-1 ingwaa done to indicate any material change iuJ the prices generally. Flock— Receipt* were quite full, but were ii ended,, with the eicepliou of n few mail lots fc ihr Jipment ea?L We hear only of moderate trans icnop. from store at $1,62£4;65, and by retail at Si,ls per bbL Sales at the river ut p l>bL Giuiw—OfWbeat, we bear of no sales— nominal price 90c t> bu. Rye is qntle scarce, and order? are in market for larjre ounn»;»f— -• market for large quantities at the full quoted rates. We quote 60352 as . the present correct pric? of the markeLSales of 100 bu corn at the river at 33e, with regular store transactions nt 35®37c ? bu - i Sales of Oats from store at 25(227 c bu accordii *olitv according to quality. PBoyiiioKs—The market remains steady, but not active. We quote regular transactions in Ba con, at, ibr Hams, s},Sides4t, and Shoulders at 3lc pQI Choice lota of city cured might reach a. Slight apvance on the above rates, while ordinary) country cured would rate a shade lower. Large quantities of Bacon and other hog products, are shipping east, but not much is doing m the market in the way of sales. Moderate sales of Lard are effected at s?{3Gic, as in quality. Grcckrid— ' The market generally is without any change worth noticing. \£e note regular sales ! cfK£> Sugar to the trade, at 52?>ic, and s i£o* by the bbL ,In molasses, the market ia quiet, with sales to a moderate extent at 2SS'2S|c n Rio- Coflce ranges from S to Bjc.. according 10. quality. Rice is selling at s’c.by tierce, and 5i to 5} by the bbl. T|£E \y KATHKE— Ti.e rooming of yesterday was dull obd: gloom}*. In the afternoon, a druling rain commenced, and from 9 in the evening ull our paper went to press, there was an uointenmt ting shower. Another rise in the nvertnaybe expected, | IMPORTS BY RIVER. C.Wnnnm-Per Brooklyn, 2291 pcs bulk meat. Geo W.Jackson; 3010 do do, J Jordan A; Son; 42 bxs bacon, 1500 hams, in bags, 24 h!id» bacon. 25 tcs-lmnis, 105 Mis do, 1) Leech A: en; 130 bbl* 110 fet- d v C ? rolhu r*; '3 l«- point.**, W ick iV McC.andless; 50 seks coffee, 12 M>l» loaf sugar, JO Indian hbls wine, 21 bbUsoda ash, 3U do molasses, H M Mitcbcltree; 10 bbls wine. M Mar iSi ,15* "“Jjr. -5 s *’*» «**««, II lioN,„on; a» bu teb, W \V Wallace; M bbl, Bqgaley Ac Smitli; 10 do mackerel. Burimdgr, Wil son Si eti; 30 bbls 311 molasses, JA: R Floyd- 117 mk. polalbe., 9 bbls do, Wm Child.;oska bacon, Lurtiss; 51 .beef caltle, Curtiss A; DaveU. ilm/^rport—Per Wellsville—o 2 bbls tlour, Sami . co ' f *doJo,W Bingham; 427 do ft^5 S tj fot od' , ' k *. l ' 0; T 7 , 2 ?‘ ,odo ’ 4 doxiheep pelts do. J McFaden Area; 144 dbdo, OrumA* McGrea-jQI hbds tolacco, H Mitchell; 0 bbls dried 'apples Grom A: McGrew: 14 seka d >ples and peaches, Burlridge, Wilson A:eo:ll ibis flaxseed. JDuvis;! platform scale, Livingston. Rogdcn bMsbcans 0 seks d apples, Wick & McCandless; 2t kegs lard r ll Mitchell: S boxes whet rlones, Whitmore A: Wolfi 7 bbls flour, J McCaskey: Cincimmti—Ver PaciHo-Jllt pcs b bacon, Brown A: Culbertson; 1500 cured hams, 30 hhd»- baecn, D Leech A: co; 55 bales cotton, J W Butler Ac Bro; 51 tons pig metal, M Allen Ac oo; 33 do do, lianna. . j Hudson—27 empty, bbls, and 7 lilfdo, G W .-irnth Ac co; 3 bbls potatoes, 1 do cop ml# 9 f°? * NickoUon:sl bgs fea'tbe£ DI Yf- e« .4c co; 3 pcs coopera ware, W 1! P Jl l te &s .*fhS B f sceJ ’ Sl do ba*n». 23 do feath ers, 7 bbls lard, 19 do grease, 2 hlf do fruit, 15 bbls peach brandy, GO bales cotton, I Dickey Ac’co: 73 bales eouon,; n csks bacon, Atwood, Jones Ac Co ld bales cotton, Kennedy, Childs'A: co; 11 bales cotton, 2! sek* feathers; 1 da wool, 10 bdls coon skins, l bax/ur -M Allen Sc co;4l csks meat, I *** d ®’ i A , L “? ul, n: 13 bbls lard. lard. 15 csks ba con, 251 dry hides, James Laughl/o; 16 seks featlj ere, 5 hhds sugar. Brown Cc :CuiLi:rt*m: 2 bale < deer skins, 4; do fur skins, W B Holmes & Bro: ' | mules, W McCullyjS large cables, J Moore- 4400 cigars, owner, 13 csks bacon, 4 bbls lard, 5 kew do, 3 bgs beans, Spang A: da. , RliS" ' VI » VoUUSi wj-. 6339 po b pork, 13S dry bids... Th,» Gilc; 31 hhd. bacon, 131 dry hides, 125 doz com broom., b , P?ri ’ bide, R Robinson 4: co 10 w>u molasses, 5 do loaf sugar, 10 boxes oranges 9 bbls eggs, James Graham. CmnW.-irPer Isaac Xewtou—S bxs oranges. 14 do wap, 10 tobacco, 6 *cks peanuts, 0 bxs ber nogs, 0 bags almonds 4 bxs raisins 2 bases tigs 2 Sjv* ?*«. ““V Row-cn; 100 beg, pen now, JSBonnet; 1 Irnx mdse, JHMellor; Packs rio > «ng; l bbl 1 ick beesfrax, J S DOworth; 20 seks bacon, 3000 banja in seks, 3 bxs specie, D Leedi Ac-co; 10G bale* cotlou, King, Pennock Ac co; b bl.lj ■ lard oil, BA Sampson Sc en; I2S bbls h«m« II! GmS; 3 bz. mdw, J McFaden M co. 2 bhd«’ do ; 3 , * ** Mitchell; 39 bis bacon, 3 hxs tuus-! lard, Walhngfiml Ac co; 5 hhda bacon, AG Mason. I Per Hope—3o6 bbls flour, prim cmaUy ftr eastern consignee..; 2* bbls whiskey, wm Holinestfe co 3 WwwfcijPer Atlantic—Sb pk gs mdse, ii Graff; 4 do do,\W Bingham; 03 '~l‘>'od uncii a rieh, luxuriant bead of hair, tree tram dandruff and scurt, do not fail to procure itc geruuun Jialot ofj Colombia.; in catei of baldness it will more than exceed your expectations. Matty who hav« U»l their bdir for Ub yean hare had it restored to iu original perfection br the ate of thii h«tm. An, atate of condition o|rpear to be no obstacle whatever; it aUo CUM* the fluid to flow with which the delicate hair tube 11 ailed, by which moans thousand* (whore aa.'the Asiactie Eagle) hare had their batr reatored to liar natural color by the use of this inval uable remedy. Iq all cases ofierei it will be found the most pleasant wtuh that can be used. A few applica tions only are necessary to keep the hair fronwailinz ou». It strengtheiU Use roots, it never fail* to impart a rich flossy appearance, and as a perfume for the toilet tt is unequalled; it bolds three limes as much as other miscalled hair restorative-. aurl i* more effectual. The genuine inaiiuficiorcd by Comstock A Co., 21 Counland street. New Yor^.r Sold inTittsburgh, only genuine, by \VM JACKSON. e> UlHtrtT head of Wood, m Washington, Pa_ t.y Sweeoy * bon; id Brown.viile, tiy Ilennrt & Crocker; in Canonsbnif. by Dr. Youth slvo, by our Ma.ul.J rvary towu lit and Md. novi-diwtJmT u KT" Uagir ’To STWiMBOiT Mu *rtu vrmta*.—Connell’* Magical Pain Extractor—lt it nowconcedcd by medi cal men lhat Couuell's Magical Pain Extraru.r. maim factored l»y Com«t*ck & Co. 21 Caunlaud »t. N Y, is the greatest wonde* of the 19th cetityry. Its Hfect* are truly miracqlotti. ’.All pains aro removed from burn*, •calc#, nodal] external sores, in u few minutes hi ter it* application; healing the some on Uio must deli* earn -skin, leari^g! no scar. It i* cejuafly beneficial in all kinds of inflammatory diseases, such a* sore .Vln. pies and Eyes, Spjfain*. Rheumatism. Whits Swelling ‘■'Jeers, Knilspa, Burn*. Chilblains, Erysipelas, Wiles, Tie Dolorcaiix, &e, We might add as proof to aUwo aar, the nudes of many eminent physicians who tue It in their practice, and bundreds of the clergy who E raise it to their people. Kifid parent Weep it constantly cm and, In eases of net-idem by fire, lifd miy be lost with, out it, but by. it* ilia nil bums are subject to its control, unless the vitals are destroyed. Caution—Hcmetnbcr and oak for Connell'* Magical rain Extractor, manu factured by Comstock k Co. S Y, and no other, i ."Sold by WM. dACKSO.V, Agent for I'ittsbnrgb.SO Liberty rt, bead of [Wood. itovlsd&wGmT j |p" L'tx iii* Paoff.a MKAss.-=-lf you wish to be *uc eemiil in any Undrftakipg, you must always ‘use Lite proper means.’: Therefore, if you have a cough, use JaTXK's ilirECTOaxxr and be cured, fer.iri* the proper means. Have you lAstlima or. difficulty of breathing, ihen the only efficient tocona to cure you is to use Expectorant, which will immediately overcome 4h« spasm which cokiract* ihe. diameter of die tubes, and iooseus ami brihg* up the mucus which clogs them up, abd thus removes every obstruction to a free respi ration, while at the same ume all iuflammalion is sub dued, and a cure certain to be effected. Hove you Bronchitis, Spitting oflilood, pleurisy, or in fact any Pulmonary Affection, then .use Jayue's Expectorant and relief is certain, and you will find that you have used the proper meaiix. For safe in Piltsbtirgb at tho Pekin Tea Store, 73 4th street near Wood.. I. s j jan!7 [lr Does yoar harrlatl off, does your hair turn gray Is it bareh, is itdrir, or dirty,'! pray* Ifli# thus, you cal make it soft/stlky and fine, ‘‘Dark and healthy, land beauteous os this hair of mine And to have this, Voo hate but three shillings to give For a bottle of Jakes' Hair Resuiratjvq. Reader, If yon bare bad hair you would really be as tonished'at the lovely effect a three 1 shilling bottle of Jones 1 Coral Hair Restorative has on it; it needs but one trial. Sold at bfl Liberty si. novlUd&wly 07“ Von foolish, silly old fellow, read ibis, amt be no’ longer bald, whisker;lest and hairless. Mr. W. Jack son, of bO Liberty street,(Pituhurch„Pa. certifies on the l« of lt»47. that MrrTbus. Jackson's head, oa tlie top, was entirely bajd /or IS years, and that by using two Its bottlesjol. Jones’ Coral Hair Restorative, the bmr is growing fast and thick. “ : i,??t J ..*. n . Ne * arkl, jiS,OLDS it SON.Ws Broad si, R. VAN ULSKIRK, toriier of Broad and Nantucket «t. raanu ‘ . a D 7 Yellow Teeth and putrid breath, • Spongy glims like rotten death, : I* repulsive and disgusting. All cookl have teeth as white as j«*sr), yri'Mrt brehth—hard gams—man or girl. Why delay!—nay, quickly haste i -H IC * *'°* w Jones* Tooth I*a«te. tl 1 . 3S , cen i*i had ri really a beootifu! article, W fjK.fi?!. * Mh *i " e »» w .«" Pinsburgh at ” I noTltMAwir Comstock's Nerve and ESS 1 M{^ au Vcg«ahle Elixir, i, the most lr»N «® w PY 'VM.JACK- S*»V A*eot for fittsbunth- ijovtgdAwftaT alwma Si*"** While, have • I^* r L*.X? awU « tkin.^Ofthis a trial JjbLnvw* an7 ‘° a f‘ ■ a ° ,a oul / * Q Pittsburgh, atW Llbeny it . , ] • ttovlMandwty Ley dark'Teeth—they enn ha r Am ySf i! Sgs™ u» rwu, nrwten, ib» ua f k 9» Sold *t|9 Liberty at, - 1 novlPdAvrly '■i‘-..-■■■-' ..... : ....;__ ■; ;' v ;v’ r ' .'■'a •■■■■■ >:■*■'■ ; '- , : L -;?v’■■?!']' :: . :; ' ; " :v - & FEET WAIEE IN CIIO"LX—STAND. 'Moon :ri»c». i'c s'*;- o is" G 9 ■ 7yj o : *j aw 010 ; . 041 615 !1U 47 cki ii a 013 moru. ARRIVED, Michigan No 2, Gilson, Bearer. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. ■ Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Monongahela, Stone. Cin. American, Gharty, Louisville. I*nac Newton, Mason, Cin, Ben Rush, Hi - ‘ - —*ush, Hunter, Cincinnati. Donuiw, Cock, Cin. yomin?. Greenlee, St Lou id. Consul, Dnslrane, Wheeling. ... „ departed, wclLwtlle, Barns; Sunfuh. b/uun, Greenlee, N Orleans, iie.'sengcr, Reno, Cin. Isaac Newton, Mason. Cin. Eafce Eric, Hemphill, Beaver. Baltic, Jacob*, Bcownsville. Aliuutic, Parkinson, Brownsville. «!r..m^ SSK £ G !' :H ARRANGEMENTS FOR l&tt. iff ' Un *. »««* J«uly for Cinrini *tolSBiSJP c \ e ' Via “> Baltimore and xr* ,1 “ ■ *. u. and 6 t. x. "nd l“ , u U “ r '“ recl ,D 8 , W«Kn nid Souilom Mail Coach Line. 0 » *. nonb-Uestern via .Cleveland, daily, 10 a. « trie and H extern New York, daily*, 9 a x. - Aonli-LaMeni toiladdplua, daily, except .Sunday*, A-\D DEPARTURE OF MAILS. If* Philadelphia, due 3 a. m,. close* IV «. ‘'evi’nMnjl. Cincin. ALouijv.due® p.k* close xS a.m. \nMh''^. BBalu,D ««A''Vaakmytoii. doe 6 f. x. cP* 6a.k FH^^.e en ' '•’“Cleveland, dun 10 a. u., close* 9a.m. Lne and Western New York, due 8 r. x„ cloae* 8 a. x PS£rkS’ GT £ PE 2 WiU A be so!d « Brocc-a New rk ~ “fter March 15ih, 1649, at following very bwpnccj, for approved fix month*' k Title. Ac Siuccn, Ac s*“;, n P«ib SOctr.. «2cn. floetj. Small Piea, 32 66 05 Lon? Printer, 34 60 100 - Bourgeois, 3? 6C IC2 Brevier, 4* r 4 i2 r, Minion, 4% **4 iC2 Nonpareil, $» 100 jjq A? a, . p - ‘S 12u I iso Peatl. 100 160 i too l fix above prices, in conrequenc* of increased fucil uet for manniactocing, arc rnacb reduced from former rates A liberal discount for cash in head at the date ot the invoice. Presses. Chases, Wood Type. Ink. Ac. furnished at 'rcdr WCSI manij! “ cnirrf> prices, either lor cash of Our Specimen Book for IS4S i« now ready lor distri >• ooiion to printers, who will send for u, and contain* » ?/"L n ir\^ p|es i al w« have-never before exhibit ea. such ux y\ nun/ Floim«hc«, Ornaments. Ornamental routs, 4c . cl whicn we have an ample mock for the prompt exeruuouol order* _ Printers of Newspaper* who choose to publish ilut twiverueemciu three times before the first of June l“4“ and send os one of the papers, will be paid for 11 f» type when (Lev purchase from uvofeui own inanurac tures, selected from ,j U r specimens, five times the amount of their bill- For sale, icycral «ooj second-hand Cvlmderaod Pla ten Power] Presses Standing Presses.’Hand PnntiiiF Preues-Ac' GFjOBGE RKUCE*Co. marv3 13 chambers *l, N Y , Sururj-sicck Porfial*. • '•f'HK Subscriber oiTer. for idle hi* entire .lock in I. low to suit purchasers, at very reduced price*.— Pin collection t» not equally fork seWt aud exicuiive variety. In the \\ e.teru country: rontaininv many new, f * are * ml plants, consisting tn pnriot Camellia, Japoiuea*. large thnvruig plant*, from 1J to 6 tivi in •,‘5. : Cactu*. A7uloe«, (ieriunuma. Funhcias, Mootb ly. Noisette Oiu.w, Perpetual Aid.., Vintnc or Pillar •^“ALu' C , ne *' aiuJ '•'teemed son* in cultivation. Ihy Dvhlu li*t roiitmn* the ro«»i.howry nnd {me prize •urn* grown, Flnwrr I tool*. a large variety; Vine*, shrubbery. •hade tree*, evert; reens. 4c. Amateur*. Nur«ery men itiul cither*, who >vunt to decorate tlirir yard*, gardens. pleasure ground*. or green hou.es, art respectfully invited n> examine the collection which is open lo vuior.. except on Sunday.. Conveyance by tbe omnibus mid greenwood fern". Descriptive catn- Iwur* scut by mail, or may be hail nt our stand, No JW Diamond .Market, where order* left with us, or by mail to Fitwburgli J'ost pflice. will be promptly attend ed to John (iraltnm. a practical gnrdiuer. will attend to ptamuif; shads tree*, layimrot garden*. 4c. Onlen left a. above. JAS. WARDROP, raarll«l3n>4tv3tT Munrbertrr, war Fnt*l>urgh. ! lUII Hoad Notice. iwWtj. it hereby given that tbe booki gjUTfgr ’of »üb4cnptitm to the Capital Stock o ■ "J Ohio and Prune) Ivania Kail Ito.d Com. pan), Win w opeurd oi tbe following times and place* and between the hour# of 10 o'clock. A SI. and 3 o’- clock. I SI. ot each day named, to win—On Wednes dny the -rh day ot April next, at the otCce of Janie. *J“™r* “ W®n*field. Richland'county, Ohio; Thursday tha Cth dav of Apni next, at the American Hotel, m W ooster. Wayne county, Ohio; oa Friday the Tth day o| Apm next, *t the Franklin Hotel, in Cimon st ar fc couuty. Onto, on Saturday the eth day orAprii next at ntson *flote!, in New Id.hori, Columbians roun'ty, O.no; on Tuevdny tbe llth day or April next,*« Davtii lorter*. tn Ueavtr. Denver county. Fa; and on Wed u'iV' '• h ol A P"‘»' ite Sl Cbmlc. Hotel, 111 the city oi I’nt.burcb. Fa JOsKFUJ. imOOKS. i ZADOK STREET. w.«r x - PASSENGER ARRANGEMENT. PfiiwylmU c*nm 4s RallßoMiEz. prcuFtit Ptehet Line, IS4S. rltOH PlTOßUlill TO PillDlwZmA tuin TIUOItE, ~. lExcJuilv«ly lor Paßserurirs.l 'THltipu.dioare respectfully mionrtrd (ha: tins Line J. wtU commence running on in? imt, and con* tinoe throughout the reason. ,_?? e . L “ re ," C ? T - * *°r w ' rior class. Wuh «n -wr k ea dtbtiLs which will give greater comfort. Tlie car* ana the latest construction. » A boat will always be in port, and traveler* ore re. ?S?2L“ "■ ,m b ' & " p— -,hL F fi? °St.T’o™ ofihc 1,0.1. of Hus Liue will leave lie landing (opposite U. S. Hotel, corner ofP«ua street and CauaC every night at nine o'. « B 0 ‘ lor ‘Wormauon. apply at the OJ ce. .Muiiouruhela House, «>r it, D LKKCIt ACo J’.tLburgh. March Canal Dasn Western Transportation Company^ — IMJS.' D * leucii Old Ratabllahcd Line. 1040. TO PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE* M:\VYORKj via ns.t»YLvaM* *\o onto KSU. K(MU* ARE prepared i» treiwwr. goods and pioJure to sod irumtnr above a tr<. on istontble term. Ad ores# or apply lo D. LEECH A Co.. Canal Darin. Pittsbuipi. ,\ca IJA 21 South Th.td it, pbil \ K); S A *? ? ; * No *«. N'lh Howard m, Ui.ll A. AUBUTr, Agi.No . \Ve s i street, New York Pittsburgh. March iPth. 1-fch ruartb Western Transportation Company. D. Leech 4 Co's Old PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE AND NEW y ORK, A P n t ty NSYL^ A ‘ N,A canal AND RAILROAD. Kb prepared to transport goods and produce 10 uud Tro-n toe above cities on favorable terms Audrey*, or apply m I D. LEECH & CO . . . Canal Basin, Piitsbnrsh U^ R « ,S A , ‘ u c,f ' No * 15 s. Third ft. Phil's. JOS. TAYLOR A SON, Agrtn», No in N Howard street, Baltimore. A. ABBOTS. Agent. No 7 VYcm st, N \ . luaiZl Ritters’ Compound Brrop of Tar and I, Wild Cherry. J'OR ME CURE ofCoachr, Colds. Bronchitis, Spit tin? of Blood. Drspepita. and nil other disease* of Utcsy.tem tending to PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. Inn great amt unprecedented success of this valua ble medicine, and n desire lo disseminate iu benefits. lmt« induced the proprietors to fix tin- price at as cents per bottle, thus placing it within ihe reach of all. No totntly should be wiihoui, or ever will; when they have oner seen and appreciated its almost instuiitanrnus ac tion in tins cure ot the above complaints.. Containing no mineral or narcotic ingredient.. m,t tho. hliglitct dnre ger or inconvenience cao result from its ii-wl Childfcii sndenng from croup and whooping rough will t.ikci u I with avidity, and find immediate relict no mutter how violent the naroxy.m, if given according to directions. Forsale by storekeepers generally, iii this rind nd joining counties, and wholesale and retail by the pro pnelors. JTLBJ RITfER, Druggists. |pnan.; KM N. Second »t, below Vine. Phil'a. rpiffi subscribers are now exieusivcly emrageil in the J. importation ot Soda Ash from one oft lie most cele- Uratml raantuacturers in England, and have on hand and wtjl receive during the spring, a large supply |icr eral ilupmenis being now on the way) which they will warrant equal ft not superior to any imported into ihe Lulled States, and which ihcy art-prepared to sell m ! i i , . t,w e*r * too lub'-ny^st. iitard, I MOULD like to call the attention of Country Ml« No 1 Lunl, lu dp No a do Tu nrnvi' (>y strumtr liudtou; for sale lay luurTf ISAIAH IUCKKV A Co. Water uwl !»I tf Lttclilnff, Cupping nn«l Bleeding* T/" JJ. NUIUIIS, lbucc«»or iv M. 11 lWany ) JVs Fresh Icerln * rrcrjvcil monthly—' attendance nil hour#. KciVicitre, the physicians Of I'ilUburgb, Alle gheny ami Ummngham.' 1 mo»i übrerfmly recommend lo the physician*, fam ilies and oil my former friends ami patron*. Mr. K. li. Norris ns being thoroughly aetjuaimed with the liuii uessaml worthy of patronage. Rinfia-ly \Vm. A. Prince db Co., Proprietors of the JOT* UNN-tAN GAKDKN AaD NURSERIES. sppPln»bing t New York, will transmit, their new and' general catalogues) of Trees and Riant* to all ixut-puitlianplicntiU. Also, their new wholesale cata logues loti! [iur*erit» and vender*. This grest colice, lion is utietjuuTied by any oilier in Europe and Araeri* on, nod llie prices have been much reduced. Fruit tree* of many kinilr, mid e«|>ceial!y pcars.con be supplied of bearing uge. ' inarVldSt* PATENT MEDICINE DIRECTJONS-104 grpss oil consignment; lor sale by niartO S SCHOONMAKEH A Co. SUGAR— 0 Hhii*. m store on conslgiimentiforealoby marO 19AIAIJ DICKEY A Co^ ORANGES AND LEMONS-IS boxes on ecusirib. meat; for nUn by, ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. SHEER PELTS—COO, per »tmr Comet; (or rale by *' 5*®.... D T .MORGAN fc Co. GLASS—BUG bxt t-xßfc ttl do lOxlfc 25 do 7x9; £0 do 9xls la non and tor sale by nartl; JaSDAUEELL ~, n . cojracupTios, - ofthe II«r;, m°opi4 Cough, Nc ™” Tl W?' LitcitompUlnt, 2X * I>i»eftsed Kidney*, are radically • n . c _ . . cured br Dr. S«.,n«'. Compotmd Syrup of wild SISS£S»^Er3arS poMiwe » ™„S"c s"™ ■" >• i». erf lb* hu been rrli»r^f^gs,b c 5 Jr'S?7?7*" wr. calculate the immense bcnefitthat shaft 1, nor c>n It hereafter. All arrc*. lexcL .-T*™® fro ® tofeSffS’ Uie ®?¥W U o 0n "P** lB * *nd hfJo, tored 1 j the u»e of D*. Swats*'* Compooxd Syirn* or Cinaar. How many sufferers do we dnilr L. i.ufj? PP /- roac y n / 101111 nnutne l? gwe, wrested, m the ed«St* >f ?K Ul , ei s rel “i VM and friend*7afflict b° - ‘ at *[, CONSUMPTION, which i. uc ” bl , e , ,ufferer until bo » beyond iho J?!T" °, f . h , lun “n ‘kill- If *nch sufferen would onlr X'K »** Wo ® w find themselves *ooaer relieved p,nff Tanou* ineffective remedies with d? hr^VK ew^ papert J ‘l ,ounpping profute night Sf natural and healthy erpectoratjoti, arid the patient will *oon find hitnielfln br.r 7.7 n 7 t ,’? f ' rO l7 0 n :,ble hcnht) - The public abtluld beer m mind the! Dr.Sm.rne iea reru&r preideinr *”i h “ bed yeer. of erperieVee ij diSeUX Cl J est i &c - The lorijnnal and only) genn* MrSriSLV.! °" l£ ft ■P nr ' ,, LR - BWAYNK, N Wcor aer of feace streets, Philadelphia. • Ofall .h H I OMK CERTIFICATE, urall the cures that ha* ever been recorded, we m«v !uroisl"i^i?wt?"if 1 * furnish cuSmw V bch " ow l fl » 4 proof of the d“«iiieLr f 1100 - «*«» when life had been ChJ£w?=t f i ® Compound Syrup of Wild I n o True ’Bicku of Life w Healik. . \ l^g^^-XSSStfg ifnr i'rTt 11 ' a 1 ”*£* afflicted with a violent cough, *&j|. & Q f ir b lU ? h V hoirwneM. andwofof raff I2L«: t ndjl =«wtg an alarming smie of the diwaif' my appetite wiu joßf, and my strength hod *o ikrfaU -2,5? n^f 1 m * ,ncml * Md Ph/wian swS.rn.sid i care-taker. made inquiry waere the would be Sim If Dr s5S?n?" r 0 SHe woitold f«nl.i trT'.? * r Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry feilrU mihecufe, my li& waa then hopeleu.Yoar medicine was immediately procured andLiefini bo? mf.'i ott e “5 «“sb hod left me and my strength wa» *®Prored. 1„ ,hoit, it has made a 3 CB « ? f “.’ M ttu « prewnt time as beany amu u romtertlSV * oort w belie re that.ibeuUe of Hhll? l h« nU« eb ? B ** T * dme - from * premature grave; my h ca« P d Wflve mformatioa respecting 2Sche«er»M>c!weea rare and vine ‘ CAUTION! CAUTION!! Consumptives. Feed; Head!! Dri Swayne* Compound r, * , »> rup of Wild Cherry. ■ nrS«S?f" y " r * KB ' 1 f* fcal “re. s ™ ve l * cn , a cumber of other preparation* pur porting to contain \\ ild Cherry pat out since, from ihe a^i'il,« or,n^ ,penCnc,! -' ytbi^ t POblic shoaldtmard ErHr'F™ •hich i» proved tatiiftctorilr hr the tnibiie reenrds of the Commonwealth of PcnnVytVanufa. welTu ous other official document*. DR IL^IVAYXK £££&&-*£*£& * c#n be obtained gratis, setting forth an 5 r.t r,e,,1 7. that ' rlll convince the moit *kem£ cESU'""r' , „° rU ;Co»IS2 M r 'J? ? p nr Vu. , Cn| l «nd KCI Otic, that all may reVtl. Purchate the medicine, and ax cvxkd * Warrnnwv 2?*S rel Ai - the Arentx. jy?] ? 1^',K * SNOtVDEN. !K •, A r AHnESTOt*K It Co. corner of Pint « n d SSwff ltnd ' v «* J ; «ud JOIKV aiITCHKLiJ > ' reartU JAMES W. WOODWEI.I. PUtibnrgh Furniture Were Boone. ■ |||a a 55, THUD SrKtZT. ZjhKJ a lar F c a nd*plendidM*ortraeniofFanii- B »»i euilnijlo formic umboeti. Uoielt end pri £jpan-i Tala oweUlnjf, ct>n»iamJy on hand iud ™ made to order. Ore. preirnt uock on heed cannot l*e exceeded br n J r . “■nafeetory in tbe wettern country. I’c non* i»Mnj to pare tin »e would do well to give me e cell. I am detertmned my priee* shell plane. Pert of nock consul* in— -50 wfw with pj a »h end Haircloth coren: - out Mahogany Nnne Chain: M pajr Bivens; ’2 doz fine nuhogar iS doz fin# Ru-.ofany Chaim: ISmabogarty Work Siarn'c n doz mahogany Rocking Chaim, IJ pnarble lop Dressing Bureaus: » pair Ottcmanc; marliie lop Work Stand* H cherry Work Stand*; .11 t V: f7 ,M:li ‘ k i Cherry, and f»op!ar Bedstead* of n!L‘ «, rn * ,a ? , '*< * l,d a Ja *Te Hconmeni of common ' U mnr**tf 1111 J c * lau, ’ 100 "Urticrou* to mention. „ S«w Hardware Hou*. itUdSLetea Joseph KftwSgSCTl Wood anil 2d Tt*., I»»t,bnrrh. llav •“* withdrawn fiom the firm of Goodwill. o» the I ** for « Purcia-skeeDe. r °Ii JTTi H eowprtw* a part of hlaetock: *u tc S?*^? ,, . nnd hardware.tun.trfmminr*. 6le* t .yylor 3 rtecl, cutlery, rdpc too"*, annls, vice* - jockt, btche*. scythes, bun hinge*, screw*, Cniou Kme maW»n 7 board* and veneers, and »ti other amclej counected with the hardware busi* ne ”- mehiltf M,Ory Gooda at Wholesale till lIV, WILSON A Co., Wood sircet, are now receiving by datiy amval* from the import et* and maJiumcturvr*, tunplo supplies of desirable Coo rtpamud wd Gtud un ih.j, Mating, H*ir firstting iwd Sbimpooaing Ba!uon a the modern style, and us prepared to .s.t on genlismsa at «e*,with sase, comfort sad pJteaaa. T t7 **“ *’" 411 *h*Uujr«aUwit&sd«lar. JJ* ~TOT* » arwUiausnee «r th* swot, sloor Saloon, comer of Uawn stmt and the Duoood, tjykof ftsr** Dry Goods glaee.t ' i» A Administrators : YjjrfZ?" h l7 ,n J ? ■S’Mpw Estate of the rm7o. ,I 7 l i* II 1 * wtil present them for pi ™2«ai ej to i#u e,, r- wii ' _Phhjiurgb, March, 10 t N3. J ,arK * ““orunent of Oil Clothe y i.ompmi i S vnnoiu paiicrns: IUWJ yds of heavy n i j°'J c L ulh , , , w Lc ‘ l “«iclc; IUUO do medium do doTaxiO mi oXLT Cl 'a* 031 otwWch CTS.P for i“k raartl dU,al J 411 PHILLIP'S -VJ* No 5 wood st Monong.h.u »«Tl(,tloo Comoanv, 1 I v Notick to StocxuowKtts. c tit? JSLSk* l r ,“» lu '; 0 ? of 'ko Boonl ofUuu if s ‘ocf holder, of lie ilonong.heln Kuviea me icreby noiified io rawi .uio omco ?ie civ of PS, ““V. •<'"<, l» IM'-V o clock lu lie allemoon of ■rnffiMiLW V or . A, ; nl ?“!> 10 mko iolo cocld. »uoolcnienS^“, n o! cO lh ° ol ihl. Slato, •d,WS. n . u £ja““ ch *w» I °E&SSS!rt “if I’litsiurgh, S3_ Eunness couductcd in the name of the ,^ned ' cofnt-r of -Fourth aud Market sis. Pits- The buiueM%orL p maesn u 1 co,ulucted the former style of £*2L« W R MURPHY. ''' h ote.„liolf. yuar. and eighth pipes H 2/7 a, ! a P** B . o r different grades, bnnda, a» imported, by • • T I»C MARTIN wll . o,e * hlf.qr And eighth pipes, of all vlrL 1 „^ crcu . lwk s* use; pantounve,of foruix ® r f ldc *’ brands and rinioges; some very old; < by marlO* PCMARttN M. R DEL ANY G 9 ? PATTERS—One or two good Gl»m Cuttrr* wanted, to whom eonsteni work can be given.— iuu»t be men of temperate habit*. Apply to . . HANNANS A. WALLACE, lIP wood «t T>nODUCE-09 *ek» corn, 133 tekt oart.Hßajr, X do, 13 *ek»r*g»,jfl bbl* bean*, 2do bußer.Vdo landing from Mmr Ludlow, and for *ale by _ JCBIDWELL BOARDS—TV ilox luce's Improved Patent TV Arne washlioatdt, wholesale and retail at man. r JUl**• price*, by - JO WILLIAMS^ - fet>!g ' HP Wood n PURR CHROME YELLOW, fraud in oil: l lb eua in store and far sale by taanW J'MQm.pp * v CHOT—fits kty* Noi 1; fiaod?, ferula by ‘ T P naria • JAB A HPTCHLSOtt A.nw T7ISB-70 bbla No 3 mackerel, for aale by r T* _ J maru JAS fc Co mrct P *P W *UU fbr lali. . rpHßlAweaodeUMmTe Paper Mills sitnate in the JL c«T « Ttcnton, on the Delaware Falls Comsanr ’■* srenow oflered for tale.- TheniGnia with all the reqnisite machinerr, of the a r°t t i Mp r ?J? d ntaanfaeldre,framiheestab* f C ? f Winchester k. Co., of Massaefcn* “v*’ hom "ftreuee is made for iu character. He I subscriber would direct the attention, of capitalist* raanufactorers, and manalacturina companies tow fp ~S"^ n S posseued yS bot ?? communication of New ii® a J°7 Pwlndalphin, which cities aiord the best 4nd purchase of stock. Tae neighborhood of Trenton aloue, will furnish 50 tier cSn* •"“fjekßwi.M ntach lew than\!£y ra«£ £°2{j*• delivered at the mills at awi t » thort . IUtUjIM oaUb^ir^L£S n I„ e,, , jr - v The Lol irSSfeetfrtat S? bSt£ i n \ Colu,,ue,n, 10 ewnr Off the w££*Ss l £2ff ’¥£ * "8 i"" “ ■>- '“K S T ?s W s ?^* , SS *?? ,e *V. M ot^r tunes at his rooms at b ? M ‘“Og hou*e, Robinson’* new row.Fed %,Vs$ leyheorGty. D N WHrrfl, ~g. fcUlf Agent for the owner. I Xisad Pof T*£j otonfarule that ranaoriand siu F°*rtfr oa ■** noni “ d# oflW? I < T^ , Si l^vH o^”eor ® B ! ® nnl o 0 i Abraham -smTtTJIJSiL 1 *"' 1 containing one hnadred tnd perches, and aiwwance. There is a square log dweilioirboaie * ,4ble on **• P*« e - Rail Boad puses immediately on the opposite side of the creek. The soU is of p»d tjualiiy'Sd thm jj abundance of good timber on- the place, cad a lam uS“tomS*£ D 0 ’ «”■* f«aiiT of traa.p!jSi! M , P I r * Davison, in . y f wto 1 a f “oiiied by me 10 sell the i«im “* p. nTato * R ‘ e > or to sell at public sale on the premises -Jteaiahaa MARyPERCI^J,„ *ak»criber<>irort for eale iheim l^ n i. Bnck T cn " , „ Ho “ e « containing £ree*s££. Iwye bam and excellent •lablinnanerer fail in r ran ilfft?ii^-.l^ ken^ 00r '^ w ’ * p*rd*n containing tome S°SSSS"' “ P " 1 " • “» «M«Of «• m V? "® T « property will be sold onreaaoaabletanna, P iT^t^l n / nrea ®® **» Cmdayof April; ifnoi “I£« »i u rent after that day. For farther in* Wf* lh ® •obfccriber, on tbepremiaea. DAVID RFpTfp , Otkl BiUtt la Ohio, A ?L w '“ rM i la llsmaea, Poru*« Co :£-;ii 0 “ nwMUmtMacresunder it£ provemeni. AJ*o, two uniraprored lou ui the riilare of Warren, TnunlmJ) Co., CO fee'tbr W. Alio- a lorof rrooad iu ihe centre of Hartford. Gumboil Co, w& * fino dwelling howe sad itore—one of the be« «taad« for s merchant on the Wenera Reterve Any thw pippeny will be «ohl on-Terr aceommodatinz • ISAIAH DJCfcEY * Co-T^* —_ 0 'Veter sad Front au. Bitat* la Canaty, MJT, NBlOfehoJU# and Dwelling, .Uaajo *' th *“ *i*opparatua, situate on hx rJ?\r *'. l ¥ d^ B ** « er * aJJc y,*u>d now occupied n « JS?'« ;, Srai d>A Co. Possession given on thetirst day ofApnl ensuing.- Fortemu, ftc. enquire of BROW.Y k CULBERTSON', 145 liberty at ' : To £*tT «» Hia new three atory fin nrooflmck atore on Egg owoad at. now occupied by Edward Eyas* (oi from Ist of April next. Inquire of I ia l SCHOONiUKER A Co, ' - italB ■ 94 wooditrect. : 7” 1 To let. “ g» The snbscribera will rent pan of the wan Cw *“•“** now occupied by them. Apply to “ 0 LEWIS, DALZEU; * Co, - Jt>n . ia —i 54 water street < , For Heat. ““ , ' flashed room on Market street, lately occupied as a Daguerreotype establishment S3™*^-m A5 /°> * *«»won fur juahed room, suitable for societies, adjoining the hall of i!l°n^ii rc * utl e Ij!,rar y Asaociation. Entrance at Phi. l ° ». K D OA2ZAM. octa? Otfice, market street, between 3d an j 4ih i For Rant, ’ M TIIE large nod convenient dweUinr house on Federiii.su, Allegheny, formerly occupied by Mrs. ofApriinert: ReM *“*• IVieisio,, nren on tha Ist JZtJbH’" of «■' ■bov.ioo.'i^taob- ,r. , Far Beat. i '.? Ur? j ou the ad story of the warehouse . by tbe •obscribers, near the foot ©t ? treet— * P»d location for a steamboat or an Insurance office. ' DOLL.MA.NS A QAftftTun.y 1 : For Beat or Sole. a '7 lcye yard, n'easamly situated r ward - -'rpiyto WM B SCAIFE. -igbH3w Ist street ne »rt™X« v _ For Siler. * 'ft'iiu t ,WO ,wr J* boose,on main street, jS&Ajlegheny city, near the apper britUe. The loi is , a “° ,u by 100 deep.' For terms inquire of _ffib?£ 1 A WASIUNG"ItIK/4th« ToLet.~~ M One new three■ Mory Dwelling House, with “ u ‘ BiB ne * r ,he *»««■ ° i Wyiie ; aud Washington «reels. P©.«e**ion pi*, ea on the first of Apnl ncii. jmfti . {OILS' F TERRY. ■ i For Rent. '"• ■ tfS tnri!, K .‘ ,r ! e finr warehouse, !M f eel r ron , bt RRWJfeei deep, on second «. Bentwood. Rem mo* Inquire of J BCHOONMAKER &. Co.. 81 wood st To Let. A '*^ D CKU'AR, comer of Federal AUeghc*.J City/ Inquire of ,i afner p f i the premise). u fehi*id‘iw . , For fttst. . ‘ : JlEk A Smoke Haute, wtunted'on I'lura ailer, for lnquire of lIOBCRT I>ALZKI.L*te Co,' . Liberty ttrcel j fel3 ’ ' . For Rent. 1K». The well furnished tiore on Market meet. be- Jtfj^lvrern third end fourth meet*, m present oceu ■J—Picd by Barraws und Turner. Po.Mwiou riven fir.tof April next. [nvili) F. 1) GAZZAM; I. Te t*U tfe* A “O' food*' warehouse, 07 wood meet, second above Diamond alley. Inqtuie of i j._ . D T MOKHAN k. ftn 'IOAL I * " ?ALE—Seven acre* coal land \J forisje, situate in bend of the Mononcahtla Hirer wWK f' r "" h “ Tin K » foot xcin of coal winch will be sold m exchange for roods. For nariicu. ats apply to [ocBs] S_& W iSiS/IOH, 33 w£drt Dnlldinr Lot" ■ — T.N MAXCIUKTKB FOIIBALB—I hare for salsa •ri f ea , U building Lot in Manchester, near the ferry, ti, leen^W- ,2U feCl dCe ,E' ItW >" K>ld low, imf ° n mvo C o mmo N. W, u»ak Vm--... 1 Colanibiaßridge;Co.'.. par do W'ciUbar* t> Doyleatown Bint*.—par do Parkmbur*.— ‘ Fanners’Ok. Reading-par Tennessee. P“ttri’ Bk. Bock* Co. par Me. of Teauesner Fariaera B’k L*uca*'r-parjFar. & Merdi'is Bk—. Lancaster Co. Sk.lv .pariplaiiiers* Bk _ Lancaster Bi.— .;... pariUniaaßk - L.Stater Bank—f--. 30 Missouri. Browns nils Bk.LL—parsUtrßL-bfMi«*ohri—* I] •Washington BkJ.< ii . Worth Carolina. Geuyaburehßk..»vl l* jßk.ofCape Fr» r Cbnmbsnhßtg.. j.. 1.... *» Merclfs Bti Ncwbcrn- I Sunjaehanna Co.'Ok.- Wane Bank-!. I Lehigh Co Bank, 1 . Sooth Carolina. L*’""©*!!' •• • jCasHlen Bk U Middletown ...... i. .. i; Bk.orciiuilewou !J t at ‘**i* *;• vr [••• “ CommercialßV >1 Eri. 8k....... . 1.... 1J Bk.or(lK,r.eluw,i II * - £ ra ! r *.. an “ Drivers’ ißk.of llainberg—. li Bnak, Wayuerbarg.. 1 iMerchabi* Bk l| Harmbtu* — .....J « [Plaweii fcMecha’sßk- )| JioiiesdaJe--. —f’t— lkßkof SohihCarolini'. 1| Übmon ..... ;...p* r f . Maryland. nnisTille a ißalmoore. i.k*.— par vftwK?* --H '• Hlßalun’e&OßßJScrip *lO !! k ' *V «' *i"*’ * * 1 • iGwabeilohd Oh. of Aiio* WenllrMchßk.ij|. yluuiy... |» WuylMul.. <* SS *&SSP-^ - f *■ IMuta “ City tCmw-Scnp.... - Bk. Frederick “ „ »iu : I Frederick Co. Bk. Br *»ct** U'Hsgemown Bk •••. Meant Pleasant—j...- « 'Mineral Bk ... “ ' jPautpseoUk u Michigan. Bk.®/ St. -Clair. ~ Ok. ofßirer Raiaea— • Michigan ln«. Co a Far. 4 Neck's Bk 6 Wisconsin Tstrlpv. [Mar.&Firela.Co.Miive S- ' StefibenVlile v.| . « Sl Claimllio Ul.- « l 1.4. . « ' NewLiiboa- u Cinelnnaußanke-H” ** CoJoabns do* --l-;. « Circlevtlle \ ... u ZtocsviUe . ; 4. « iPataam**- u Wooster - «• JftuUlon « Snndasfcy « Ge*aja -Norwalk '..1. “ CleTcJaad---•—L.l. « ; Xenia - i.i. « Denaa-..- 1. n Weßeni'Rwcwe-i-*. “ Franklin B’k Coluaibat u Chillicotiie m Lake Erie-- —« I Bdota-« * u Lancaster ••—.....<,410 Hamilton .vJ.jj Grenville ..4.j.c0 Parm’re B'k Canton ►'.3o Urbane .. .41 so Kantvckn : Bk of Kentucky « 11 Bk.of Louisville....,.i « Nor hem Bk. Kenm’kyi “ New Yor Jr—City U- (All solvent Banka-•• iSaak of-England Note*. J .$4 Toyitcr, OoldASjxsle Valati (Napoleon* 3 6ci jDacaU'i IS 9 2 SO lEagle, old* ... 10 00 i Eagle,new loco Doubloon*, Spanish. 10 00 Do.Pairiot isaa. Sovereigns-*-.. 4 fi3 Oainea»..j» 4 00 |Prederick*d J ari...i*f7 60 Tea Thalers* ••-..•;7£a Tea Guilders It 00 Loaisd’ors- • .... 400 Szebaaisi New York •••••' iwn' Philadelphia » epra Baltimore ••*••*« . { pnn i,par. Interior IPka**** ij EXCHANGE BRfIKERR fr. HUIIETi Baiha 4 da.. TJANKEM, BEOKERS, an d dealer* .PinJomyn and Doaestie ExehtasvCenific»i«of Depoeite, Bank Note*, and Specie; Fourth itreeL neu ip opposite, the Bank of Pixtrbareh.'. Current nwaer °j depoatoj-SiahtiCheeKi tot uie,-&Bd eo[- UnffidS^ m ““^p the Pitaclpal polau in the higheet premium paidfer Foreign ftp American madeoa consignment j or Produce, .hip ped Ban, on liberal term*. : ! ; - • m ehts K . V* BOXiKKS dt BOH.! TkANKEIIS and Dealers ia Exchange, iu «&e, FlHsbargfi, Pa.' - roBKIQB BXCHAHOBi’: TIUXS on England, Scotland bought lo ±r *?£_ waoonf, «r the Cn/renlßatea’of Exchange. £*?* Draft* parade In Mf part of the Clld; fouwnw, “9,® - £i . txjo ? ®l the Inlte of S 3 to the £ Sterling? mthoot deduction or dueoont, by JO3IHJ V ROBIvJ ■ a T* Aggnl - BAniTr” ~U“ W ,m^! e r m i a r- — -T**- Indiana.) j i lieatueky, • j- I j Muaouri, _ 1 porchaced at the lowest raid*, by * Jaa^ , d„,r. i p- HOLMES A, sox, . lA cl ° ! f 35. Market street . Philadelphia, and j n ) Baltimore * ConattnUyforaalel-y j ; Jf. HOLMEH 4 SON? -^2—| : 35Market at. Accepun .V^« P ? 3 ? W * l .V ,anyp^nof,he Union. collected oa th S ?S n f,Tor * b!e term*.! N. HOLMES A SON -2211 i i SlMarketat IIATS. CAPS AND BONNETS. »' in St'CORD 4l CO.. - ■ jr> _ JM _ {Successors to SPCorcl * Kingt . 6Si3 Corner of TTborf and Fiffll Street*. ARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade; QenUcmea can rely; upon getting their Han and J£Pf from our establishment of the am uxrttuu and woßmimna, of the Laxmertua, and at the lowest Goonmr Slerchama, 'purchasing by who!e»i!e.«ra . respectfully tor Md to oUi; Bid eiLto„. our SuV£ “» **T coaMoß. tou u n,s»td,“™ ■»» *i£|£ A ■princ Faahioaa for leVsT"#^, JR MeCOBDI* Co., : /l 1 T M ' C °f D *'*«»•> «UTTEM, ■H , Ws&asftsiSi?® < 2 ,i “ “ Their friend* and customer* are woueited to call and «Mh ° |Ck ,° f SprulJ * Hals ' 1«* received ftwJ *'nni ’ ' u,eir orv * c °rner ot 6th and Woud «*. fj MOORE hot just BimovaC ~*~T A william Douglas, iate Jnmes McK&in.The Jg subscriber ha* removfi his Hat nod Cap Menu. ®wametory to No. 77- Wood street, nearly opposite hi* he would , lnvitt Ws friends and the t "-‘f toan-assoraiieiu of Hots and Cups bch lor beau, y ond darohdiiv cannot be sunmae/ U 31. pCjUGLASS, 77 Wood at. Uaviug retired from the Hit and Cap Manufactory I most repectluliy “recomrapj tho- patronar“-“f 5 K? ** «■““St”?Mr lo ray (ueeejwt, Wnl **“?*“£. ... (febl4d3m]| ! JAiIES McKAIV a sew nrvKSTm i—patext aTh ANO'HAT PROTECTOR.— Tho Subscriber will introduce on Saturday, Ocn bih :men wuhuiff a hat tried with this desirable arti cle will please call and examine. ALFRED Practical (latter, -9**.-- - ~ ISA bead of.wood st' ' p* IJBl'i Ncw lork. thpjHall .tyU, 0 ( iitu which «»be will introduce this day Saturday, Aue. wlllm n *«, rv Dt Sf V!^c. ,^‘UfM ‘ ri,,r would do ailgSSif N ,S> " **»*'««» W door above h | ‘hat«awiU : ihlitk-ihi» ia another : and quite a djfferem-ihlng.vTJm dcU of rmriHSTr V 0„. « rr , ;L- TO THE AFFUGTmf“- proprietors of thia inraiaable mediifm. - was afflicted far screraJ rears erilh^lcp^RS wont-Xt P soilS *ynem,Tu; Loss of '' S?^ eC ,Vf”s^°,°i. of I th * oervottf aystamTufe Ud’ - .■ggfi l^;a , sss i ttßdß i »|psa^t!a,shr- I !i'® • . ®T • ' yC^ nine years, 171 Grand st \- \ r^teSfe! BT 2 a T etrt ’ UDoT «r«**" S^^t l^ ra y , ye«»,Smicnliilaad. ■- -i H vl ' ; - teOSHdr" * ■' Dr W L Monroe, Gulfoid. Ot - • 1 oni i> “ nt.: .Ctariea Brown. 100 Water r* *' ' i 8 p JUI .of „u c h my b. nJj rf ■ iUfiw»4n«a ' “*»<«»!.* iimsiou oinoi. •'■Jt&ittesaxm*"* *•- JgmEj9>*tf ,„ o t n ' HHOrwir, hIW s?teag?ftaaf- ; ££2§M«sgE3f ( and.be«9 for uuo tS* jjJ now coo* TffWrmliTmr - ri'^ iie * *“* ooewlorf to a* HNHKgHHQgNU of tiiOM prirat* . ' p!l *ftu* j P^SSSiSga) ; muouiM-hiclv aro scucraJiy i MitUeraan who are io-lhe habii y bc^s?,w^«sa^f”„„ c ?s t^^pux^strjsir 9 ~'. “i? w. c?* •srtsfc mSs *sk«. ; ksks'Sk.'S? assra s^mS aaa^S^^H^^^gSf.X-.. , fcst^g‘'« i corner of Wood m BUI, £££*!. •***<*jtobte ,;gj ;- ITSiLSSS#!, i&mg* v*™*'- Sir? “ “ v “'” ii ’" ■>”J_p«biic;n»u“ p £s «fS2s“?!lj' r .‘ h ” CT"':"' 0 " laficali, ttf'lwdin, fai * wIU, 4 rouml lo b* by uomeans ua. £!uif* at ' t ?^ ,O . , “J e, ’ ruw * lUaj* to used'bjr children aud ll>e mtemtl*u»cd i& tba = at * of *“ e ~e« : Qualify. and it may ba re- Miu ov "?*« • P»* * iul famine arid* FataUiM .woulJ uo dtmbi promote tlt«ir comfort and JggJ L f keeping a supply, cspeciady ui the rcasrao* ,TLi* TBlublß Cough Candy is eonsitotsl 4greiu u sun ant to Mothers; belli? superior to ail-iba paunt n,. by Jumpers in creation, a* caiUreu were never knowa to cry when Uiu caiuly ii oieJ, except for dore A wi ni of this article wIU convince uiir PCisbuEsewmi' cT. ami the propnetors thereto re «£ny any piraou inth* SgtfSSSr*™ » SoW wholesale tail retail, by’the Centxafireni • , 41 dMYflEß,Bjsgft „ . ■ comer 3d and market-eta,' PitUbunrh. n."?Ohii ’ Pffit • Purify TftnV'pifpoii''. ****?- ■vr e o. e. smtaf-WK a£iZXi!iZL~±. ~ the pnriwt, wiinei. I ?“7 »ith a icroluloiu eonpUat ia ' lor»mcn u ,alh,aad,;!KcSM r ;K?j!S;i W TJS.'' >ud my case was Rimast. incurable 1 but little for me. J -was nr *-: f \Jr*T Sfr", > - I » pryaraiiunyai tfe |i!cuautta*e'-]*nmu it ,t» U in V nrtKieuee;:;ttit m * j Balaam {onust* intbeepe JdiHess ofits.eareiVYe havo 1 * n J^ n .* on,B of which h«d been ntpaiagon for« l ewt|id«abta leuxtfc of tune, yield aJinosummqliaicly.toita powig. -r® In such)weather as tre bare had datoir tho «»■■» * ' - winter, every one is' liable to take coiiL tutfew »Clf ■ • precautions are used. 1 -bi-M • 'Vet feel and undue exposure _ the weather'otlen laya' the toundaOoaTSniThjwft®® which ueeda a ijaJck.raaedjr to ietio2s • We hare nomenma.caniiaatgsf: af : .. '• has performed, many.of which mTmluH?,-. L*kiea It ; . • this city sad the neighborhood. andlhevSiSf’S •■'•■ refareuce^withaat—Ting another * * • -'Prepared and for,da&whalttiltf««ii*S>FT®*-