The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 25, 1848, Image 1

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    .. 1 I ■ ifi
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«• j* •
i*. 1 - - *•». .-.y
>•:■.. ,v
JOHN IX UO&CAN) Wholesale Drorntt, dcil*
ec in Dye Sttifle, VaniU&es, Ac., tio. n
■ wood •treet,oao:dooreoathef Uiaoud Juicy,
■ -luagh, • ' j •
■< 4.
* ‘ i TOHJf SCCOT A,Co., Wholesale Grocera,Forwmni
■;»■'.* V, iaf and Coouniutoo Merchants, Dealers in pj©-
% < tf nee ud Pittsburgh Manufacture, No. 7 rvmnwrH,)
v Bow, Liberty street, near tiro CubL Pittsburgh. Pm. '
' sl > L PCtU !; , ;:■•• -■ ’• ; , • :
* I « T:( BCHOON4ULEBB>Co-Wiola»j. Dronuu,
' », • V-* Ko.tH Wood wrooi, ;,. ■ ? .
yx- ■ ■«;-
L . 5 ;:
! >.n'\
■•’.i ,'i .v-
M. ATJ.XX, . AUX. BOOCt,' ‘ W*. K. KtXtCX.
JTLm. AUiEN k Ccl, CoanlMloa and Forwarding
‘JU> jMercltanu; Water and From «s~. batwees
■WoojandMßfktt-tu. "* ~ ~ . . JaaB~
• wbDcxxxe, T • | vnxnox. ■
MtU.Ett *; RtCJfKTSON. Whole ca la Grocer* and
CdttabMwa Mcrrhaw*, No. 170, Liberty »l, pnu-
OuTfbjn. 'I. I'-’.. ' . ja»l4
McCOBD A. ikSKOf Wholesale and Retail Hat i
Xao Ala<ityfcctnre*,ai>d dealer* in Fancy Fori,
-turner<rt Wood and Fifth «u. • • ~ • -frnd' 7 .
Tflf UOU&3.fsON| No, 65 Market aecond j
. Aw* door from comer of Fourth, dealer* U Foreign '
.and jQooeaUe ifclls of Exchange, Cenifieauaaf Drno+-
itp Miiti* j(otu and
/ ' (fT- Collection* mad -on all the principal eitie*
*ho Imliad fcUatea. d*cl7
'/WUJf, JkOBEW kCa, Produce, Forwarding and
W C—ariwioa Merchant*, No. 6 comtadreiai Bow,
- liberty at* PitlaNirgh.Pß; 1 ' - - . ap!7
Tcjr.'fcno*xTia, : ‘j- c. K- uauf.
/ ~
‘ Jt *ai»ioii*inlF«w«nuacMercb«nt«,Ko.4l Water
.• uzctt V' "i ; dectfi
. T>OBEKTtiON At HEPPERT, Prodaea Saalaia aal
JjbGmmitkum • No~ tat Second street,
. JHasbariW f: ;:. : V- : • - -•"• . '•
■ TjICaiRD T. LEBCiI, Jr, Importer and Dealer in
Xv PftrtifQ and Domestic frdolciy Hardware and
Carnage THmminr»,of tH descriptions, No. 133 Wood
; JtiirSsbttidh. - ■ -; - - Mpas .
DKBMRD UAUD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer m
J* Ijnihaft Moibcco, ttboaaaitra*.Jiooin and
***%Tanners*, asd Cutlers' Tools/ and Tanners' Oil,
No. Iflp Wood tt/Htubargh. . • ' tcpl* -
Wkolaaala Uiocer, Beeti/yln*
Pyy,aea t .fttubttnt>iAUcufao*
im attd aIT kinds oT and Doavstk Wines
udUraen, fto.ll Übsny Pjttsbarjti.
**" P°r^4'5 r TW7i*»t»«ockor«oporfor
. <gj£oaofijeheUWhi*k#7 l 'whkh will be sold tow for
. ». ?*»■ ••' • -' - ; , .«rt34r
MWjjre'tt, Bouili&eid,' Ifeokr* iu Floor,
yaio Ma ttedr, ol«o Hotter. Lttnl. Xe. *P«*iy
.»>jfc atAciLin/ " •' •'"*•
k -WHJl'ii \ Wbole**lB jhtliri in
- M Mp ibrGood*. No.M Wood *t
t*W. UARBAtJGU, WoaJ aterchinu, De*ler*
| fc» now sad V'oduc« noeniijr.sad Formudiaf
Onimhttott .ywchsau, No.ifl Wood »t, Pttu.
4 00-Wbolessle O racersand
ANHONi I*APJIAM A Co.—Hide and Leather Deal*
er*,#sFfcrrtr*t..New York. '
. .. BXTKSKStM—Jobu Grier Pittsburgh. H Leviek A
Co. Philadelphia.
Consignmeoisof Western Leather solicited, and lib
eral advances made, if required.
i LEXANDUE GUDfiON, Craaiiiufl and For*
A, warding Merchant, 54 Water and 105 From sw.
Rwksurk. 4i ■ • ; mchll.
ATWOOD, JON IS A Co. Commission and For
warding Merchants, hare returned to tWr old
stead, Waier aud Front streets, PiUsUinth. octiU
- ' TXnXBm 'MACHt’ moksb mm.
SKA UN A. BKITEB, Wholesale aud-JUtail Droj.
of Übcny and Ht. Clair street*, Pm**
.IpSUVVN .f, CULBERTSON, Wholesale Uroce'r*,
JJ MMfropimlaaion Merchants, No. Its. liberty *L,
RuibafKik-ftL.> i/'t ■ IJ. dc3Jly.
A. FAUNESItJCK A Co:, Wholesale and ite*
tail Druggists, corner Wood and Oth its. jyl
BAGAUhV. da tUIITII, Wholesale Grocers, Id tad
80 VVoodil/cctFtlulmjib. < '
Z 1! • A DcANULTV da Co, Fonraniiir and Con
'* V/« MW" Merchants, Canal Basin, Plusbargh l*i
: •'• , ■ ' - mchit
vnu oiLTnir,' joioi t. rxss&us, iuiuus.
fIOUUJAN' IIAJLMAN, A Co-'Meauflietiuere of
V tfprtnp «ud A*le« f A- IL and (taring
.. cHeel,and dealer* w Coach Tnnunmrs'of ovary de
•cspuwjiaauu&eiorTou tfu Clair at. Warehouse U
—i Wood at, opposite (H. Charles luael. .-. j«rrtt
- ,Bl ° ctfcKwt, • • a j, x^arcHT,
- AB&ON 46 McKNIGiIT, (successors to H. Coal ter
A Co,) Wholesale Grocers.Couhriuhtaand Fte>
W warding Merchants, dealers m Produce and Pittsburgh
1 • Mana&ctans*, Sl2li street, between Wood and Liber--
1 <Ti Pittsburgh, Pu-
Wholesale Grocer, east
•to* of PiMBOOd, third door Croat Diamond Alley,
PMaUrgfa. . _ojy«
k. aw alt.11;......,... . . • j., ■. jfugr oxaiiaxr.
EWALX fciGEBUAKT, Waoles&lo Uroccn, ileal*
er> ut fratitee mil t'itubnzgh Ma&oi&staxes, cor*
MOfLibortreiid Hmi fuulirrgh, F>. icl>l7
E- "«»»<■ »»»| <iaw* IMHWI, ,
WOUSU & BENNETT, (lata LocUsb, Ualiuhet
+ Cb 4 Whole*©}© (irocert, Cosuuuiua end Kor
- .wartof Merchant*, anddealer* in Frodaeo andPiiu*
Triugh, Kg. U 7 Wood *U betjroencd and
Oaatraa.' --» , • •’ ,•‘ ■. ' ■ • •
*•■*« tliJUt, *'/ I UEO. UXT. . 1 ' . n«« WOOS.
1?BU»N4 RHEY & Co, WkoUula Utocers gnd
J? • Ccaantuioia .Merchant*, and • Agent* lor linghio©
* P 0 *” 1 Yarn*, No*.« Water, ana lta Front its- put*
' , • i . . fete ,
T 7 ■ BLUAIL, Piano Fjpru MnnulaetarcT and deafcl
JC • « Muiicai hutrumemi, 11* Wood *l, p««f UK
nchHJ •
, At MHJ.KR. Bell cad Brut
\X Wcndert anf Gu Filter*, •I® Front, between
Wood and ttmithficld rtreeUfPitwiiufh, Fa.
given for ©ld Copper and Braa*.
--•" • ) ■ ■ dels :
•_O*D k *oltJAs,' ■ 1
GCOKGK MOBtJAN ft CW'boleulo tiistcri
aad CotnsUuloa. Uercfcauu, tUS Wood civ Pin*
. fturKb.Pfc : : ' .]
——— >• 1 xw»»r mrm. n .
THAIAM IUCkItY A Urocen.’Ooa<
JL Biutoa Mfltciiuiu, sad de&ler* in Produce, No*. £6
Water, tad 107, Front nttci*, Pitubargb. u'ova =
' on w. mm w. b. uowit. ■
Mv SiUTU Jb Ce., Unwen, Miliun, ud
\jr dealers lajllcps, raubargb aial Fetalßrownes,
Fean and Fill su. , .• ja*
COCHRAN, Comoiutou awl Fonrudiu
\JT llareAmt, J>io. SU Woodstroct, Fiasbgrgh. myla
TTKN'HY WOOD9i Uitokaaket. MouangilteU Hiv<
XI, er. All ordert pttxiciaallT tiled. Addressbylet*
tcribrowilnhoFostOffioe. «yu-iT
’ |i iL&lt UOUNCrr, White and Red Lead Menu*
‘XX flwtarer, Faint and Oil Merchant, comer of-lib*
„ tad O'Hara sa., PuutjarKh, • ■ jets :
JOUN CAMITH I BoHTiinifr l it (jfc J U tihOßibcr>
gen'lrouWerks. Pittsburgh. lruu Maaolkeuirers
fttuu Boiling Mill Machinery u Pittabirnrh, m re-,
‘■peeuuUjr Inmedio call. • • • ■ :
'_ Tentingdonewiih eisctaeMand dMf*tehj- -flaw*' ,I
JmtB 8 MetiUl&E, (lita ol ik« &ib of Alne ud I
, MeUture,} Merchant Tailor, Si. Charles fiuldisss.-'
ITunl street, near Wood, Pittsburgh. -
jAMi itiTcr
«41E9 i-.'lit, JHUO,N’, & Co.—Saecewor* to
.J4wulluletauoo & Co. Coounuioa
■ aodAgtiu* of iho dt Louodteu* Soar JUfimr.
Ko. 43 wuer aadM Iraut iuecu.ftaibßnh.
jml. ;
JR. lILACX,' Merckast Tailor, Exchange Uuil
a tlath ttt. Clair n, Pmahmgh. jalw
JO UN M.-DLU WORTH—WfaoieaaJe Grocer. Pro*
dace ana i*?mai«itou Merchant, No. »7, Wood at,
'kUttbaigh.- h •••-• -- viiaf**
I KF.RBj Jr., A' Co- (successor to Joseph Q.
i,) Ship Chandlers, ad Water street oc3T
' ~KwmN.IL MFJLLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer
(I nfSasie and Musical Instruments, Behool Books.'
hteper, Blaus, Buel Pens,- Quill*, Primers’ Cards, ud
Butioaary generally, No. ta Wood st, Pittsburgh
TO3EPH JOBDOSTM SON, Coaminloa uH For.
.tTigftftaf M«KbtBt4Ma.*l3 Liberty si, (opposite
tmithfleid et,j gsmp«oa’s Baer.- . • t-"*
JOHN IX > HX VliS, Auctioneer, comer Sth and Wood
streets, Pittsburgh: oety .
Johnston: 4stocctox, Hm^ngr^iMmaq
«ad Paper taaaolacumrs, No. 41 Market at,
JLb BEAD'S Book Store/ 4th, near Market street,
• Claadeai,
laneoQi. and Methodist i-’ooks mid Statiouarv.
r •■ app 1 ’ •!-, •
J;. W. BQHKBTSiOS tCo, Bankers and Exchange
a Brokers, eomer of-Wood and lid »u- Merebam*
. Motel Buildings, Pittsburgh, Fa. .
ICurrency purchased at the mnal rate*, oeltl)
JOHN G&1EB, Wholesale Grocer, deilcr iu Pro*
4we, mutaargfcjtfaiiiuactaresy TaaPla.ei.gx. *«.
-'♦c.»f»o.:£3Libenyn, Puutmrgh. . •. jans \'
'.nskniStvi' "- r ' »inm« Ttjrr : a.
if kapUJVD,' (law' J. Fiordfctoj\Vhole*ale
tl«G>6ccr», .No. Liberty RrrtL - - §eps
JAftEH DALZKLL. Whble«al« Gitmr. Oatni'uiM
Motehont, ud ; detier;laProduce and Fituburrii
manfrciatM. No.iH Waters-, tyuthirgh, j»nm|
“vlj. ■ i.- 'Zroa Wocki^.;: uJi
iX-£WIBi I)AI«ZKM«fc Co-,auianttctaranof ali»
JLi «« lur,bbect, itoUcrtam cod Nullof tb«»e«t
Wwtliotu«,M trtter end 105 from »W
juay »*•••• v 1 1"
T SWATEBUAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward-
JU» tiif audUoißUiHMni Merchant, Drain in Ru*
;b«yhiMttnfacmmaad Prodaee, Ko*.'{n.W*ier wtL
w p«i ' i . jojgi mfmji
LiiIBEBT * OUJITO.V, TOaluab Orocer., Koi
warding and Comjaiwoa Merchant*. dealer* in
i-rednce asa Rluburgh Mannlaeture*, No*. 13 sod 1»
-~ ■ . . : febO-
BROTHEBS ft Coy Coramlnina Mer-
UU, c junta, Philadelphia, tor The able of produce gej
rurally Liberal adTancnroade on consignments.
gift 's. K'exii, ' g. a. actirrm.n, > trams c. sos
'TUTcOIJLL, BUSHiIELD ft KOE,Wbok*ale Grocers
iXA'and Commiaaloa Merchants, No. IM Liberty *l,
Fuubcrgh... ■■ j• • •.= •• ■ • .■■ jjrdl^
*■ ' • ''fcUnrtL *. »o*aaoa.
■T> *WttNBON Jt Co, Wholesale Grocers, Produce
Xvt «gd CocamiutoM Merchants, andjkalen in Kti*.
No. lay Liberty at, Puubnrgh,
IUiZELL * Co. Wholesale Croces,
Xvvj«i|wiaj Jfemarduif' Merchants, dealer*
-Fitt*b«fjh Manufactures, Liberty «L
Htatnggt, Pa. ;: . ■■. . . ~ , •* ft fcH
;T>Ora. .-JC. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer,
lUsbtffgll ManuftcTuxei
_ highest paces, ia eahh, paid at all times tot toon-
y jswn
S' 1759.-
SC. HlLL—(Bacee»*or to Hill A Browne,) ltopor*
o ler and raauolgptuier of Taper Hauriiies and
Boards, and dealer iu writing:printing, ond wrapiiinif
paper, *7 Wood sL,, I*a. ifeags and 'lnn.
scraps purchased at the highest market price,
r. sTTj.rsit; rmuricu. ioax jucboLs. KaxrLsjcs.
S FILLERS A NICOLS, Produce and General Com*
mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty »t_ PittsWirh.
Bpcm; Linseed and Lard Oils. : . 8
S F* VON BONNUORfiT. ACo., Wholesale Oro*
• cers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants.
JUealers m Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western Pn£
dece, have removed to their new warehouse.loid stand)
• No. US, comer of I*lool sL and Chancery Lane -
. nov7 '
SAMLEL M. KIER, Forwarding and Commission
Merchant. Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh manu*
taetured arueles, Canal Basin, near 7th st. 1 dal
TABBED’ A BEST, Wholesale Grocers and Com mis
slon Merchants, and dealers in Produce. ft©. U 5
wood su Pittsburgh. , ■
T'SSslSi* '<*. *m*&fsSsZL
. feb!B
WM. B- FOSTER, Agent for Mexican soldiers and
pToearing pensions, «i the office of Wra. E Au»
Burk’s tmtJdings, 4th st, Pittsburgh. My son
in the general laud office at Washington will attend to
my business there free of expeuce u> applicants.
WBST; jpOWEN—Commission and Forwardini
Merchant, No. PO Front st . between Wood ant
outset streets. . tVLdS
me. it’cvtonwis,' • *nw u y n ,. u , rt .
W M’CTOCHEONVWhoie«lirt^2em.
,J“ • ® e * l , er » Produce, Iron; ftaili, Glass'ami
I lUsburgh Msnufnctsres gcnerailr, 133 Liberty sireet,
Pittsburgh.. ••• .• ~, 0 ’
TT VUekJTYLolcsite 1 -Grocers,'- Forwarding add
Commuuoa denlert .in Iron, Nails, Glass,
Y^!ljsnd Manufactures gcuerallyj
-copter of Wood and Water streets. Pittsburgh.
WHITMORE <■ -\\ OLTP, Importers and Whole*
» “» mJe r* in Hardware, Cutiery, Saddlery.
»c n No. SO Mood street, Pittsburgh. amfci
Ww. WALLACE; Sun Stone and Mill Furnish*
a. tug establishment, No. «4 Liberty au.uear the
- '■ ' ‘ •: pane'
WM. GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy and Staple
• Dry Goods, No. 79 Market street, Pittsburgh.
nwrtlWJy * •
TIT W WILSON, Dealer tn Watches. Jewelry,
T f * SUver \\ are, Military Goods, Ac, No. 57 Mar*
* et ,t - . nor?
WR* MORPHI, Wholesale and Retail dealer in
• Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north east
corner of Market and Fourth its. asgdl
J' BRYAN, Rectifying Distiller. and Wholesale
• dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Li*
worn, No. 114 liberty street, and S 3 Diamond Alley
Pittsburgh, Pa. jyl7*dly
WARRICk Martin A Co-'Bankers, Dealers in
1 T.Lwhange, Bank ft otes ai|d Coin, comet ol TUinl
,aus Woodsteceu, Pittsburgh, Pa. ■ ‘ ■ noyt9-dlr
_wat. yocsa, j m i v'cvxx.
WM-VOCNG A Co,—Dealers in leather hides, Ac.
i4aj|ibenraL ■ - . ; „ J«r?)y
W‘ * SL Grocer.',
f f « Reeufyuig Dtstiliers, and Wine and Unnor
Merehanu, also, Importers of Soda Ash and Bleaching
PowdetjNv* ltuLiberty su Pa. - j4««i|y *
otmm nucxtcia, econox a. jouxa
OBLAQKBURN A Wholesale Grocer. a“
• dealers in OiU, Bbat Store, and Pituborch Man*
uuetured anide», baTo on hand, at all times, a foil and
general assortment of goods in their W Watershed,
near Cherryi Alley, Pittsburgh. anIS ‘
JOlli'i. XOWTVSENU, Lreggmaiid Apothecary,
No. i& Martel ultimo doom aboveThirJ «. Pini.
. tmfKb, will hav# cpa*taaUr 9a hutl a well (elected a*,
•pnmettt of the ~bc«t ud freafcrit aiodlcinet, which ha
will ecu ,00 lac xoMt reuooeble lenni. Pbveiciatu
.•ending be promptly it ended to, and wi*
plied witk truck. they W rely epon a. r^uL-e.
' ID* iTJjeioenj PmaiipLon* will be eecortiely ead
P«P«cd frota the beit material*, at any houy of |
Also for *2q «largt*toek.of fmli and deed feAi.
.mery, ' ~
EAGLE COTTON WORKS. ritt*boreh, Menard
taro Cotton Vera, Candle Wick, Battinr. Twine,
Coverlet \ara,Cmpet Chain, Want, fce.*eT *
toJUbackle 4 Avcry.l
' A' I«EDOUX'JiiCo4 No. 77 Canal «roet,N©wQr.’
JX* leans, Agent* for 3. B. Anaaufa Extensive Steam
»o«ar Hainan-. .'Aiwara on hand a large
Loa£ Powdered. Crashed, Clarified and Bastard Sugars,
m TSejeea[and Barrels. Alto, Sugar House Molusea!
Prices liberal, and a. Cur allowance made on all aalea
of of above SO barrel*. * mcbll
* Brewers, Masters, and
\X ItoP Dealer*, Pittsburgh nod I'oint H fewer*, wir
atr Sf *r‘ eT .* Alley and Fean street, and foot of riit
»L, Pittsburgh, I*a. - - - -
ftb T. U. BISHOP, Veterinery Surgeon, cad
- W?la 6>«*d at M* Horse Shoeing Eau&lahmeiii.
" ***** S*» Clajr street Bridge, lately occupied
- ■ * br Hetm. Carr & Eawlaad. ntadftn.;:
1? j?; Dealer la Trimmings and Vaiieti
toL'-Jv?** Ton<rf f,® itU i 1 Tory and Horn Combs,
Wouba \anu and Worsteds, Batums, Scedfca,Thj2
Brmdea, Ae_ No. to Market street, betweu lita.
moad and 4ih at-,Piusbargh. • jyysdly"
A YINU repfeuiibed iur stock irom the W*t soar.
«*j both domestic and foreign, I take pleasure in
announcing to coasdmera aodoealers, thax I am pro-
P*r»d to ranttn- Uenwith tit goods in Btyliur, on atilt
better urns than bexetofora.. : • .
Boyert will reeoileet that dealing “ exclusively ” in
Faddfery Hardware ahd CattinTfrinSKj oJtaia
Uiereby. advantage that enable me to deiy eonmeti;
uob. Ceil, see, and jodgg for yourselves. • apt? ;
.mec • ■ • . _ ' joos 4. ocioo.
JOSES * <U7IGGf • r •
-\f ANUFACTURUW of sprnig. and blister jleel,
iU. though steel, steel plough wing*j~e««fc aid eliiw
be hammered - iron axles, and dealers in mal*
leable eastings, fire engine lamps, and coach lrimming*
generally, corner oflwss and Front sta, Piiuborgtij
r£S*l PEKIN TEA STORE.—No. 7tf Fourth
sc, near Wood—All quantities of Greeu and
OBa Black Teas, dona up in qaarter, holt; and
©ue'pound packages, ranging from 50 cu. per pound
61/OIX . jj£ A. JAYNES, Agt. for Pekin Tea Co.
rpilE Ineunutee Company of North America, tnrvaxh 1
J. itsduljr nuiborized Agenu the •nbecriber, Oder* to
make permanent and limited lmurance on property, hi
thie city and h« vicinity, and on shipment* by tbe Ca
nal and Hirer*.
• ••• • PIttSCTOBS. ,
Arthur d Coma, Cltaziei Taylor,
SornT W. Jane*, . Ambroae White,' i
Edward Smith . Jacob ALTbomoa, 1
John A. Brown, John R. NetT,
John While, 7 . . Richard IX Wood,
Tbomas P. Cope. Wtn. Welsh,
flannel ; Fraiuu ffoskeot,
Samuel Brooks, «. Austin AJlibooe,
ItsnT 0. Snnmp, Sec*)'. -
This is the oldest insurance Company in the United
Slate*, having been cbaneredin 1?W. Its charter isl
pergettn), •ndfroa its high standaiff,laDgexperieueeJ
ample means, and avoiding ail -risk* of an extra-haz-i
ardoc* character, it may be ©oosidered as ofleriuramJ
pie security to the pubbe. MIfSES ATWOOD, j
At the Courting Room of Atwood, Jones A Co., Wi«
ter and Front street* Pittsburgh. feblS :
T OHXfiNNEY, Jr.,'Agent at Pittsburgh lor Uie Del*
V aware iUotoai Safetylusursnec Coiopauy of Plula-'
Fire Bisk* upon buildings and merchandize,
,of- every description, and Marine Bisks' npon httila or*
isrgoea of vessels, taken epon the- most favorable:
inns. 1
jrr Office in the Warehouse of W. B. Uofmei 4 Bro.,
No. 37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh.
\N. B-—Tbo saecess of lb is Company since the estab
lishment of the Agency in tins eity, with ibe prompt'
ness and liberality with which every claim opoti them
for loss.ha* been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in
inmting the confidence and patronage of bis friend* and
the cotnmntwty'at large to ibe Delaware M. 8- lusa
ranee Company, while it has the addilioual advantages
as an instiwiioi among the most nourishing iuPhUauol
phis—as having an ample paid-in capital, which by the
operation,ofitt charter u constantly increasing, as
yielding to each person uuared tus duo share ©t. the
proßu of.the company, without involving him la any
responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing
the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious fea*
p»ra, and la its moil attractive form. ■ nov4 ;
>l>uE American Fin Insurance Company—Ofljce,?«o.
irj Walnut street Philadelphia: incorporated A.S>.
loiO—Charter perpetuul. .......
Insoro Buildings. Furniture, Merchandize, and prppr
•fty generally, cither in the city or coonty, against
toss or damage by lire, perpetually or for limitod peri
ods, on favorahlo terms. - i
.■, ■ r . DIRECTOR .
w»?i? e V“ t L i Samuel C. Morten/
Adolpbu. Penes ‘ •
llteceas Ambcme, Oeoige Abbot, :.
John Welsh, Jr. Patrick Brady, <"
i . - . • John T. Lewis. .
. SAMUEL C. MOKTON, 'President/ -
D. Jaavtxa. Secretary. -
Orders for insurance by the above Company will be
received and insonuices effircte Lby tbo undersigned,
agantfor Pittsburgh. GEO. COCHRAN, •
novlMm* • f •=■• as Wood s*.?
JHiS'Fraaklia Fire luiaraaeaUotnpauy.or PhtUdel
,• phid, will make Insurance,'permanent and limned
on every description of property,-in Pittsburgh and the
surrounding country, on favorable terms, Tbia com
pany has a perpetual charter. . ' r
Contingent, Fond | r «agyjoo ' *
• Offieo. earner of Thitd and Market streets, Fuubnrck.
apimtf • WARRICK MAItflN. AeryTT
.1" ARD—in bbl« No 1, in store and for sale by
Jj Ceteß . ; • If* WIIARUACGH! j
* ' AHPBLACK—3SbbU»Moned,fer»*Je by ■
±j fabaa i j acnoo.Nmaker jb co:
IPBOH BAI/TH—ooool6* for ula by L
|ft teg ' ; - JpC IiOONMAKEB k Coj
ABDOIL—Ofiba best qdftliiy.fer c*i* by ,
t febitt 3 aCHOONMAIUat* Co.;
A QUA AAUdOMA FORT—3 corboya ferula far
A JuUd .. . ■ Rti aSKIAKJIo.
■LACKING—IOO dozen for mIo by
- > jwl» it E SELLERS^
OUN£&iKS~-j bbU Urt; SSb«tk*!adried apple *,lO
O do paaebea; 4 Mun wootieu eocfca; CO Jb*b* «w»X
on Muiifnm...- i
OlttiflUMUtUl fcr»*i«br' " i
j a williams, no wood*.;
COFPE&-43 btga priajo Xllo rotT« lost reekf and tot
taUby i IjhU7J R OAKfuni* & Co.-
Nonb AJa.x»*mva per
puwmbf.Mi, by ... 'nouarru^Va.
» water meet.; s ;
mEA PAPEB-»4M4e«n«jiuTtM’d ud for nl*br
j m KEYNOLD3 k. HitVi- »
Uopa'fbt **i*’b*'"" ■ ' ' "
Jlui/cr, J>,7
TTTILL also attend to collections and all other bu»i
-?T nea* entrusted to him in Butler ond Arnmren--
rouutie*, Pa. Refer to *
j. A It. Iloyd, Libert)' st, \
\V. \V. Wallace, do i
James Marshall, do f Pittsburgh.
Kay A Co., Wood u. J jar ,7
Commlsalaner of Deeds
AT <TNCrNNA.TI.-l am authorized hy the Cover*
uor of PenjiiylvaniaTo. lake ackmwviedptnciiuoi
ull UittruOCuu 01. writing, also-affidavits ami depo*i.
liousof |»moas in Ohio, to be used or recorded m
lenmyivonia. Office, two doom east of the tUavcra
Offi- e,Ctuciauili. Oiuoi
, ; _ ; ’EDWARD P. CRANCH.
nur-Maadwlr»T i Attorney at Law.
B. WVEITZER, Aliorncy nt Law. olEco 3d st„
•/ « eppowiest. Cliorle* Ho pi, Filuburih. wii! «}m>
Mt«nd promptly to Collection!, in Wkshinrtou, Fayette
uid Orcpii count!*!, Pi, -
„ , refeA to
BltckMoek, Bell ic Co., ■)
Church * Caroiherii >Putsbunth-
D T.AJorgm, ) * roelMlv
Attorney and Councillor nt Law,
CiuciiiU9U. Ohio. ' Collection* ui SonUiernOhio,
und m ludjaum, and in Kentucky, promptly and eara
fuliy attended to. OoiumUiioner tor tbc State of Penn*
«*&c* as ■***; acknowledgment*,
Rsr**TO-Hon.Wm.Bell & Son, Curti*. i:ircrch A
Caro the rs, Wm-Hay; KWillock k Dari*. a&~
»4TH> tv; am, _ alusuxux 5. sox.
W. kA.B. HF.LL, Atlornuy* at Law, office 111
JL/m Stewart's Building, Fourth *i_ second dour above
Wood street. Pittsburgh, l*a.
D. W. BeU, CoßUuwuouer 10 take Depositions, Ac
knowledgments of Deeds, and other iiuirtuueutsofwti
ung, to be nacd inHUisumk nvia-ttn*
IL. W. WILLIAMS, tVM. M Wily*.
W SHINN, (successors to Lowrie urnl
" ” *» Ilhams.) ARonieta uu) Counsellors at Law.
Office orth ride of Fount street, above Sraithfir Jd.
fchlTdAwly '
D JA “as OLXWr, I. BlUtbOK aXWItLL.
LNLOP k SEWELL stlorner at Law, Offices ou
Southfield, between 3d and 4th so.
■pORTVAIU) & SWARTZ WELDER, Attorneys a 1
J. Law, hare removed jtheir office to the South ude o 1
1-oanh st, between Cherry AJivy aud Graut street.
JOSEPH KNOX,'Attorney ait Law, Pittsburgh. Pa..
• resumed the Practice of his piofetsioniniiis of
®c*> Bak^ell 5 * Buildings, Grant *l. oceanic J
during bis absence, by T. J. Bightm and J. Christ j,
’ JtEdAwtf
JOHN L. GALLATIN, Attorney at lusw, Office on
•>-. between Gram and Southfield, South side.
i*iiuburgb. wSI also attend promptly to business
iuthe adjuinmg octto-ly
W O. H. ROBINSON. Attorney at Law. has ro
• moved his office to the Eichange Buildiug*, St.
matr su, next door to Alderman Johns. api«ly
CORLANDit LOOMlS.Atioraey at Law, office on
Oeneral Ceuimlssloa and Auatlen
undersigned has taken the large building. No
. 45, next door to Messrs. Oldham, Todd k Co.,
Main street, for the purpose of selling all descriptions
Of goods ut publieor private sales, as directed, vaiba-
Tilc consignments for Aurtfon Sales will be promptly a>
tended to. He will also accept of Agencies for .Manu
facturers, and'will use bij> best endeavors for heir in
terest. In nil cases amount of sale or abstract of sales
will be furnished his friends weekly or monthly, accom
panied with, check vu Bank hero, or Bank check on
Eastern cities, whendirecled. - •
lie has extensive roornsjover his store fur the sale of
Furniture, Carpeting, and other bulky articles.
We are surrounded by a'dense population of 40 miles
or upwards, with the moslfertUe soil in the Went, and
generally worthy farmers,>tUi 29 to 30 Towns and vib
(ages in that distance, yet not one Commission House
here. j A. LE GRANDE.
Lxxciotox Ky„ Jan. SLilMr.
Messrs. T. Anderaon k eo. 1
L. LShreve kco. I.
G. W. Anderson. Esq, f LouisnJ.e.
\W Richardson. Caab'r., )
Messrs. Springer A Wititeman, )
Taylor & Odiorne, } •. .
T, Neave. : 1 y Cincinnati.
J. L. Haskins, , j
Philip tfwigert, Eaq., h
Peter Dudley, B*q., >FrniAibrt
H. I. Bodley, Esq. }
A. M. January*, )
Christian Shaftr. tiq- (
John |J. Ttlford, ie 00., -j
W. Hrggius, A eo- i
B. Swirt A co n > Lexington.
John Dadly A eo.. I
M. T. Bcort, Cashier. } fcldSlm
t *- miiouovna ;-idiU>oU!il
tmCUU UulUi&NiOj ffi£KCUi2r>,
No. 59 Sooth Wharves, and No. 117 South Water *!.
OEGS to lufonn the trade aud dealers generally, of
XI Pittsburgh, Utalthey hayemad*■ueharmog m tits
the Virginia manufacturer* and the Growers of
the » *«, West ladies, anal other places, as will insure
a lam and couiuuit supply of th/following desalts-
Sons of Tobacco, which will be «old upon as aecata
modaung terms os any other hoote iu this city orclse
whert, and all goods urdered from them will be war*
rrnted equal to representation:
Havana; Sl Domingo; i Conn.; •)
Vare; Porto Uiec; >Seed Leaf to
xf’ort" n Ijuim'; AFlorida;) bacco;
, ALSO—Branch’s celebrated Aiounuc Stag Caven
uish, with a large kseoruaantof other popular brtuuii,
and qualities of jKnlnda, ss. ft*, l»s, 10s aud 3S», Lump;
os, .6, ha and Id* Plug; Ladies' Twist; Virginia Twist.
At, sweet and plain, in whole and half holes, wood
and tin, together with every'vanenr of aniele brlotic
iagjo the usde.
i . .CRAIU, BELLAS «fc CO.
Wow Factor* and Frodnca Comnliilan
1. Merchants.
| IBLnXLculi advance* made on receiptiofcon
■Li aignmenta. Those ship |ng to our address will i.e
Paid Uiieo-fburuu value iu aijvaiicr in cash. by apply
ing to our frieuds, 1
Mcsarv WaUicelbxd k. Taylor, Fiiubur/rii-
Messrs. Tbo*. iieil A Co., Bridgeport, Oluo.
Pbiiadclp ia, May 5. fWS.
N B. Alt Produce consigned io us is insnred wh< u
in the Warehouse of Wa Imckml ir'favlor. I*itt*linrvh,
or ui our store in Phitad*)phia._ ' i\l!_A Co
Commission and Forwarding Merchant.
„ , •»«*■ ’AJ woon St.,'rnnsruiu,
/iON riNUIiS to tfuiruct a general Commission bu«i
\J ness; especially nj the purchase and sain of Ainefi-.
can .Manufactures and Produce, and ui tecciving anil
forwarding (food* coasigucd to hi* care. As Agent for
the Mauujaeturet-Jie will lie constantly supplied with
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Mannfucture at the
lowest wholesale prices. Order* and .consignment*
are respectfully solicited. tfyj
11. F. CO2TWAT A, CO.,
POQTPM* *irni t Ohio Commission and Forwordin:
Merchants and Produce Dealer*—also unend n
Uie Purchase, Sale and Shipment of Pig Iron, CoaJ, Ac
. , . RXnjl Tn:
Atwood, Jones k Co- Drown, Dailey k Co.
Loreuf, Sterling k Co- '• Jk-nry Cruft
Cruft Ljudsay * Co- ' i>. Leech ft Co..
Lyou, &borb k Co., . ClsrkeATuaw
<Lale of ilie lirm or ikj aJcolm Leech A C 0.,)
Wholesale Grocer, Commission * Floor
DEALER iuall kind* Of Country Produce. Copper,'
TJn, Tin Plate*, Tinner*' Tool*, Zinc, bead. Ru
sts SMteet Iron, Irou and Nail*. White Uad, Dye &tutl»,
Cotton laxna, Salt, Ice., end J’ituburgli Manufactures
generally, corner* of Liberty and Irwin street*. Put*.
fljT Liberal adraner*, in Ca*h or Good*, made ot
ottaignmcnu of Produce, Ac. m > 5
i. » LzitKCs, ■ a. \v. AMmaaoa,
Late of» ituburgh, I* . Ule of NtuhtilTe/remi
*o.soo.ttjtor.xr, iaorr sanitnvsi, ciocihsati. aiiiu.
Kefcr to Merchant* generally, in Pittsburgh. »pji
nn n .Hi,.' Vl,pL,iBAl ' E OROCAbS/ .
FOBWBbIJib aMI KljmmiOtl ffIUiCHAXT,
Iron, Nalls, Cotton Yarns A Pittsburgh
»o. 10 wooa rrarct, mrastaou, ?*. •
Offer to »«U at cuber establishment, all kind* of Mer
ehandiic, at the lowest tales of. Cotomluious, and are
always prepared to make advances. The best of refe
rences given if required. Letter* addressed toMihcr
house, will be promptly attended to._ iyUCUIyJ
n. jjojucb tor*. c. v. atAsror. a. *. iusu-jos
Produce and Commission merchants,
„ ' V UaLnxoas.
Rwr* io—Davidson, Sanders A Co., John K. Randal.
Hugh Jenkins, Baltimore; .M. Alien A Co, Sellers A Ni
cola, Hampton, Smith A CO4 Biiacklcti A White, Pitta
borghj A J Wheeler,TO Suaugluietscy A Co. Cittern*
• '■ maitxlly
And Naaotketarsrs off Linseed Oil,
' ' -No. 20 Columbia street,
- ,i - CiscOTait, Onto..
rpStly It/'Cash paid for Flaxseed— iqt
Forwarding Brownsville, Pa.
Atieuds particularly tu Uid Forwarding of Produce, 1
For any iuforroalloh, apply to J’ORSYTII A CUN
.CAN, Water sL ‘ * . ceils
t>. v. JUTcrvrj, w. T . vatcu.
Slo. 41 Water street.
• St- Loro, Mo.
Will giro pmculw attention to the ulliug of-Fro
lQae, and to orders for purchasing.
• Hum Tu—GeorgeiMorgin A Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mwpny has on band at very.lowprices, an assort*
?ff . above'good,, including dllfereut shades-ot
inao Colors, Common nnd Fiue; Narwrine illue do 4.
•Uroea do {Drown do.; iliac* sod Dine do., Palin stri
ped tk*jßatinilerredda; Fancy Plaiddo;ai*o, an it*-
sonmaut of klobnir; Lustres, meludiug touts very
*2? Kiox«y. - in Wholesale Rooms, up stairs, deal*
*“?.* choice'stock of above ani-o titer go&s
by Isa piece, at tow Cash price*. inti
IS tho Coart of Common plcevoi' Allegheny county,
■ofMtrcb term, lt»«. No. J«L
—* 1 PctUicu o. Peter Heard,' f or hi* UDcbarzii-a*
jL- i. V Trotteo of .Mary Oileru. Z
* ‘ And now to wit, March It, DJtS, Petllioa mid
account ofTrustcc, bled, and on motion oil Harrison;
Sewell, lt I. ordered tbarpiouce of said applica--
1100I 100 b? I'nl-lfeabon ooee a weak u» the l-jmw
burgh Daily Oaiette until the lit day of ApriLa, t> lbia :
when the prayer o» the petitioner will ba granted, if no
reawn be shown to the contrary. Dy the Court
mulMlaWtAl 'UIIUAI UCLTzi Pm
_ . 1
KENNEDY have! ibis nay as»criai<
wiffitliumin the Hardware bu»inc*v, Phili > W
aftirl i“ Ward t^ 1 l ‘‘' w - Thr “D-l* of firm wil her
alter be Logan, \\ il-ou k C->. Tbw arran«eme it re;
ders i dcMrable to close the old buimnwi as siom
posMble. All |>cr*ous whose lialiiliiir* have mi ture
ar ?»li' , l <,ClU | ly to mnkif immediate pa iner
Jun 1, Jtvi» *
L°W o| K ’ ,’SW* * and
r- ,U **'tl Domestic lani-
K;jn U ri Cr>^,'“t ' r - r ' kC VVood • ,re *LVPitl**
IrtSliblPu S ui,y pr^f A , red w,,h * recently iffipor.
i f H,rdwarc ’ Cu,lery ' &c - tooff e f ' v/ryireat
lurtuccmems to wnumi buyers, being detemtinal «o
comjwtc in prices w.lh any of tW Atlantic ciUr" i Al-
L * j'“ ■“ «w*onmeut of Pittsbonh Harth
v Spade*. For«s, Hoe-, Vices. Aru,'
all of which will be sold al the lowest manufacturer's
jgN Tin-, subscr bers luiving recently entered into
03 P B J‘ n «' , hip uader the name of Gal agber, long,
NltJler, for the purpose of carrying on the Beil
TT\ aod Pras* Founding irnd Gas Fitting business in
alt tin branches, have taken the stand formerly occu
?vi$ r N °' 103 -'ro 1 " liwco
W ood ami Smithfield sis., where they are prepared to
execute all orders tor Bells, Brass CaMiiiCT,of every
de*i-r;puon, aud (id« Fittiinrs with nealucss and des
patch. Meanibuui jobbing premptiy attended to.
11. GALLAfiHriJL
.. _ . , T P. H. Mll-LEIL
.j. ii—.lie auenuau of Machinists and Engineers is
invited 10 our aitti-atifaction umiul, for a reduced price,
o* aicti has been pronounced superior to Babbit’s by
dumber* who have used both. Steamboat builders and
the public, generally, are nl oieqae.-ied to call and ex
amine our superior double belion Force Pumps for
steamboat and domestic u-c.
• - Notice.
fj'llE Partner-hip LeretotoieexisUno between Morrii
X Orem, Thomas UAPGiewand Fiuly It M Grew
uud trading under the firm of Orum, .’tUirew A Co., ir
uie city of iliis day dissolved. All per
sous liuviug clHinis ’ugainit said firm, will please ora
sent them to the subscribers, and all debts due said fina.
mu.i i»e paid to the subscribers -
Pittsburgh, March 1, lota.
she Subscribers have this day eutrred into Co-part
nership, in the city of Pittsburgh, under the name aud
style or Omm A M Grew, for the purpose ofirantacting
a genera! Commission and Forwarding Business, ond
will transact businesn at the nlacd previously orcusied
by the firm oI Onnu. MX.rew k C«>
'FlEpartnersh : p no lout; existing under the firm of
i MCord A King, wit* by nuitusi consent dissolved
ou the Ist mst. The business will be closed at the old
stnnd by either of us, nsing tiffi name of the firm for
■hat purpose. Being desirous to have «ur business
closed with a* liule - delay as possible we would re
spcctfuliy request those indebted to call end settle
their account-. JOHN D. M’CORD.
OllN-ID. M’CORII having associated with him hu
M brother Jame* .MtConl, under the style of M'Conl
A Co, will conttuu tfie Hat, Cap and Fur business m
ait its vinous branches, wholesale aud retail, at the
old -laud, corner of \\ ood and slh streets, where they
solicit a continuation uc die pstronage so liberally be
stowed on the old tirni JOHN D M'CORD.
N retiring from the old rujd well known firm of
i M'Conl A King. I 1 most rcspectflly reoommendto
the patronage of tlui public tuy successors, Messrs.
M’curd A Co_ | ' jaa* H. D, KtNO
T'H.K Co-partiiernbp of the eubscriben*. under llw
i linn of Lewis lluichi-on Ac., is this day dis-olred
by mutual conte- t. Ijilher of us will attend to the set
tlement of the firm, aiid use it* name fur that purpose.
J a,it * . James a hutcuison.
»pIIE undersigned have this day fofmeda co-partner-
X »hip. under the hru u( James A.' Hutchisoa A Co.,
tor the purpose of continuing Uic business heretotors
earned on by Lewis Hutchison A Co., and solicit a
continuance of the patrooag hitherto extended to the
bol * a - JAMES A. HU rCHI ON,
_Piß*bargh, Jan_l, 1J43,
ptIBBOCjUTION~The partnerubip hitherto exist-
under the style and amt of Wighutuu A Dal
seti, u this day dissolved by mtuaol consent, John Dai
i*U having disposed of Ui* enure interest to H. Wigh:-
ma«Y Tho busbies* of the laic firm will be settled by
IL Wightman.wbo n authorised to use the nstneof the
late firm for that purpose. H. WIGHTMAN
*pt3Dd3w tiulyl’47] J. PAI^ELL.
THE Subscriber is now prepared to manufacture a]}
kinds of Cotton anti Woolen Machinery, at the shortest
notice. Orders left at K. VVightman'* Engine eihop, cot
tier Liberty and >Yater streets, will inert with prompt'
aitentiim. H. WlGtmiAN,
Leacok at, betwoen Federal and Bauduakv sta,
Allegheny city.
• Co-psxtnerihip,
'I’sIE. Subscribers oaring associated with in -
1 tbeir baii»es« in the cuy of rtrubturgh, J. C. BJsir
r.v.i ofoYj. u.
March 15, lai° ■ marltidlw
r> the Delinquent bubsc-riber* in tbn Mongahela N*.
vigation Company. Notice U hereby given that
*n •bare* of block suim-riUrU in iLe •tjoiiougabeia
Navigation Company and which have liorome subject
to I'ofieiiure by reason of tbn non payment ofinatml*
menu ami inicrrsiThereon will be iorteilrd to the sail)
company, together with *ll m*tali»enlr. alrradr paid
ibrrrou, lu pursuance of too provision* of the Charier
oflucprpcf*iioa.anleM the unpaulinstaliaeiil* together
with iutcre.t from'tho date on which the same were
made payable by a coll item the Doaril of .Managers.
li«7pm*l hi lull to Thomas AL Howe, K»q., Trex«arer or
said rutupany,«t the Hank P.tubargh. on or
before the first day of April. A. D. 1515-
P-y order ui thcEoani oi Maimxer*.
, V/M. D.vKIiWEIJ,
BPilt-’b g, FcbSldStnwtaplst __ , secretary.
ii door* east of the Post OiS-c, Pnr.Lurgh, t* .in author
ired ibr the tCeubcimllß Daily aml Weekiv Her
ald. J'be Herald loi been ntabli»b*d nearly hall a
century, and hs. mi exien>ove and *uu»tanijal circula
lioii throughout the populous and rich cotnitin* ul ciul
era Ohio, western Pamiaylvnnia and Virginia. Per
nous wuhmg to extend.their bunneM, will act fail to
unbrace the hliotq tacorable epjioriucity to do so.
iryTermi oi adreruueg raodetate, vytih an edttorla
.notice gran., tf tf<]ue«ie«L marlOlf
\l ew Books—FVeski Surmocrio
"AT S*eotlnml: by Jucol> AblH*n, with rtigraeing*.
Sisniondl, Literature sf the South of Europe; iiew cd.
Lnttier snd the lielornmiioii. I y John Scott. M. A.
I -tie and Wriuugs rtf Wo»hmatoh; by Sparks' vol blit
No* 40, 11 and 4i Harper'* l'icloriil History ot Kan'-
Dtgc*t of the Supreme Court of the (.'titled iinie*; by
The Poetry nf Lite. l»y \V H Ttt|>pnn.
I’arlcy'itCnbmci Ijbiarv. yu vein, largo 10 wo.
For talc by J. L READ,
.. _ 4th. near market «t
HPHE READY RIiCKONKK For tlnp buddere, hot
X builder*, ami iumt>er merchant*; lieing a corret
iiici*urrineul of (emuling, board*, plank*, cubical cox
lent* oftqburo and round timber, *nw log*,'wood, cit
comprivru. in a number of table*, to w jitch arc addc
table* of wage* by the tnouih, board or. real, hr th
week or day. am) rail roml tli«tancr,«; al«o biterett u
bleu by J M be rib tier, author of the “Engineer** an
Mechanics Companion” etc. etc. For *alc by
booktcUer*, cor. [ld at*.
UomtxopathlcTaiedlelnea.' . "
11HE undersigned nav;ng been appointed tote Agent
. lor the sale of the genuine UotropaUuc Medieiues,
tor the Weil, take* Uu» method to inform the Pbysi
cinnk nail the public itr general that be has received
Irani Leipzig (the central Apbthecary) a new supply of
*nid Medicine*. All the new publications on ilomcro
puthy, Sugar of Alitk, Globules,'Ac.;’uro always kept
on baud. Reference*—Dr*. Rrichhelra, Drnko anil
fchtldgtawSt Lilierty n. übove »cnlthficlJ «t.
bbsvius and' Hair tirtuiiiH ftultiuu.
ILALKHON & FOUNTAIN. Toiuariai Prs/morj,hate
' repaiotid and fitted an their MuTttr ( Hair UrtMiit and
Shuppeamag Saloon la lb* modem sljk, and are prtsarvd to
•aitoa geatkmta atonce, with etM, comfort and noJiitoes*
T^? mto wwl my rail without delay
Thaakful for past (stars, ae solicit a coolinusnce of the
wme, at our Saloon, onperof Union slrwibadths Diamond,
{back of Al«t»mi«r> Day’s Dry Ooml* 8i 0 ,«.y »y
Admlnlatrmtor'a Notice.
ALL persons having claim* agamst the I>ta*e of the
lute Henry F. ?chwr|rpe. will present them for
seuirineot. tutd all persons indebted to said estate, trill
please call and make pay incut to
' - t , JOHN IRWIN*; Adrn.
Pnuborgh, .March, IC. ’49, tmartCdJm} Jl water»t
T UST RECEIVED— A large assortment oi'Otl Cloth*
O comprising various patterns: luuu yds of heavy
door oil doth, lost article; lUU do medium do do: IMA)
do 4*4 do doj KMI dolM dodo; yuo do 0-4 counter do ilo;.
Mdo 4-4 do clo; besides u large assortmentof light and
lancy articles, all of which trill be sold cheap for cosh,
or short credit, ot J A H FUILLIF’S
n»arl4 , Nofiwoodst
Uoaengtheia Savlgatlen Company*')
, Notice to Brocsnouixn*. y
IN pursuance ofa resolution of the'Uoard of Mana
gers,the Stockholder* of the MonnngabelaNaviga-
Uou Company ate hereby notified to meet at the oUice.
iif said Company, m breed's building, Fourth street, In
(he city of Pi utiurgb, att* o'clock in the oiiemoonol
■Monday, the H lb day of April next, to Hike into consid
eration certain act* of tbc Legislature of this Stale,
supplementary to the Charleroi tins Company By
orderoftlie Board. WM BaKEWELL, Sec'y
Pittsburgh, March 7ib, IMA murJ)
RKMOVAJ*— C. A. M'AnuDy A Co., bare removed
to the warehouses on Sloau'a Whurf, Upper Ca
noJ Basin, Liberty *t, where they are now tully pre
pared u> receive a large amount of produce fia*. to ship
on the opeuing of Canal Navigation loTluladelphia mid
Baltimore and all intermediatn plarr*. felnfS
NOTICE— James At. Burchfield basun interest in the
Dry Goods Business coudacted in the name of the
undersigned, corncr-of Fouitb and Altuket sis, Pitts
burgh, conimeiicing Feb. 4, I*l2, Thu bushier* for the
present will be couductrd under the former style of
martO W H.MUkPHV.
LINEN table DIAPER—W nMurphy hit* teed
an additional supply of Linen Table Diapers, end
'1 ante Cmhs; also, Towels and Towelling Diaper, at
jaw prices lor quality. ■ raarta_
BRANDIES— 40 whole, half. quar. and eighth pipes
brandy, dark and pale, of aiderent grades, broads,
and vintage*, lor sale as imported, by
whole, .bIA «jr aud eighth pipes, of all
the dilfcrent win«|i now in use; part to arrive. Of
vunous grades, brands and vintages) some 1 very old;
for solo a* Imported, liy mnriu 'P C MARTIN:
SPRING HONNEru,; 11ATS, Ac-U ll Palmer has,
and is daily rccetviug, his Spring sltpplyhf Bonnets
and Hals, some entirely jirw and ricb-psUcrtis and
styles; also, ribbons, artificial (towers’ ktC Straw
Bounct fliul ilat Store, PA Market si. iniiHMjw
GII.ASS CL'm-IRR-One or two good GlaisCuiter*
I* w*uted,‘u> tvliotn constant Avurlt can liojjivea.—
Muil 1* men o/tcninerutu habits. Apply to
PRODUCE— sek* corn, UO scls oiti,Mt)in
Jo, 13 soks rags, Vi bblg beans, ado b inter, too
eim; landing tram mbit Ludlow, cal for safe by-r
"mart • » •- ■ J CHIP WELL
Allegheny Connty, 88. > '
N* fYnrv ■ OmcE. -Koli. Si, 1319. J
qiJCE n hereby peep to aJI Legatee# and other
peieoiw concerned, that the underlined Exeeu.
led -“"•>A<hmm*.inm>r«o!KlOuerdieu*,hßTefiled their re
•iU Jr 0 .!,? [ , k. C . 0 .t nUui Office of *eid coun
t's. llw, th ,! y wl» be pntieuied at the Orphan’*
:«• conflrmaiiou uu d allownnce on Monday, the
at <7tu day of March next, vie "
id, i ll u C iW t ff T i , “ & ?t-b *V Jn^aiMn,Wroflhe ««*t» of
't • „ 11 Shield*, late oj Elizabeth lown.hip, decennetl
Supplementary and finat account of K C Newport,
Adammuator of the estate of Martin Sociener, late of
Indiana lowuthip, deceatud. ’
Account of Wm D Thsrey. Adnuniitmtor de bonuj*
non cum ieiUmento amiexio on lie e*faie ol' Jcin
AceeuutofGeo R Riddle. Administrator of the eiime
of who w»» Executrix of the e«w
cpumJ 1 * 1 McKth T. late of tfte city
Supplementary and final account of David K Xesbil.
elcculor °f <»late of John Nesbit, late of i
Kindiey township, deceased.. •
rmai account of Jome* Mcßride,i Admiuistraior of ]
dece?S ° r Mar ' , '- UclJride ' lito of Dudley towuihip, !
VH^n«.°» i ao V 80w1a,,,s * Ksq, of the estates of
>«uu») Rowland and John Rowland, late of Upper St.
Ciatr township. deceased. r -
A CI -o ull * °f Tho* DaA; Administrator of the estate of
"*? Hoev.'er, late of Pitt township, deceased.
,„V?7' ««>ou.,t ofWm Lusk, Administrator of the es
icuei W Lu * 1 ’ * le of L ri* r Sl * C,air wwnship, de
»;m« C<> " U i‘ c^ftrk -of the ettatoofHiz.
.Simpson, late of Plumb township, deceased
• Aeeonnt of Edw K Holmes 6i:il Susan Wakefield,
Executors of the Estate of James Wakefield, lata of Al
ieglicuy city, deceased.
Account ot John Kiehl and John Lierza pf. Execu
p m , ' ,lale of Rev Gottfried Jenson, laic of
Pittsburgh, deceased. j
Aeeouittof Hugh Tanner, Executor of the estate of
Kichtinl tanner, late of Pitt townslup, deceased.
ruml account of John Boggs and Sam'l Boers, Ex
ecutors ot the estate of David Boggs, late of Lower St.
Clatr township, deceased. 1
Account of Margaret Flemiur, Executrix of the es
tale of James Fleming, late of . Peebles towuskip, de
ceased. . r '
Account of Jno M Best, Administrator of the estate of
“Bekact Best, late ot Plum township, deceased.
Flual accouut of John McCloskey,' of
decked ° f JOCj Chapmsu, late of Robinson township,
Supplementary and filial account of Alex McAdama,
one ot the Executes oi' Uie estate of Arthur>
cessed. .
Huai account of Wm Penny and FauntJy Muse, Kx>
ecutor* of the estate of Wm Sill, late of Versailles ip,
deceased,[ "
Aeconul of John McCrees, acting Executor of the
utam of Andrew Crees, lata of Ohio township, doeeaa-
Aeconut of Holt Carothers and Georre Gray, Emc«
uior. of the Estate of Wm McCullough, late of Ver
tallies township, deceased.
Account, of Archibald McCord, Administrator.of tho
estate of Wm ifcrner, late of Fruukliit township, de
G_„ . _ »j«nl-fcoa«l*/. Jan. 10.
R comer «ih and market sis., will, fromthis
®*“» Wlj }“ r d «M fowl*. and a large proportion
of his stock, adapted only, to the winter season, at
greatly reduced prieea. It being his object to sell off
ttus part ofuis stock to nuke room for an early sprinr
£°??[ > j_ no WI ! 1 hld ‘o the costof the goods:
but they will be offered at prices that will wtaaro their
sale such as California plaids, at I*l further price 23c;
tmper de.al2S former price 37 fc; Printed Scotch cash*
neres at la), former price 31c; do. 23, fonaer price 37i«
Wench all wool do. SO els, former price C 2 and 75 «
[snper do. 7S former price lift super plaid Thibet eioth,
« and 7S former price ICO; beatdes a large assortment
_ . *h*»l*i worsted Hoods, 4c. at prices nuick
Account trfOeoP Hamilton, Administrator of the ea» ~ t ~
tate of A L Hamilton, deceased. _ ]■“•
Account of Adrew Johnston ud Wm Cart Adminte
tntors of the estate of Wo Elliott, late ef Robinson id.
Account ofSam'l Huey, Esq, of the estate of George
Huej r , Into of McKeesport, deceased.
Account of Ssm’l Wales and John Biley, Executors
of John Andrew Emrriek, late of Ohio 'township, de
ceased. . ..
..Account of Bobt Carothera, Administrator “de bonis
k»” cam teaiamento annexie, on the estate of William
" MWe, late of Wilkins township,deceased.
huuil account of Laurence TbohiU, Administrator of
tha estate of Michael Walls, Ute of Plum town* bin, <te* ,
ceased. ■ . n
Supplementary account of Mina* Tlndla, Exeeator of
the estate of James Liggett. Ute of Pittsburgh, decent
Piaal account of Andrew file hey. Administrater of
the estate of David Anderson, late oflndUoa townahip,-
Flnal account of James Conner and Samnel Couner,
Riecutorsof the estate of John Conner, late ot'Upper
St Clair township, deceased. • rr^
Account of John F Loeau and. H C Loomis,' Admin is.
ir«or» of the estate of Hpv Robert Dunlop: Ute *f AUo
fheny cay, deceased.
Aecoom of N Holmes and John Suyder, Ereenton of
UM estate of 11 Bonnot, Ute of Pittsburgh, deceased.
Account of William W Fearns, Administrator of the
estate of Rachel liars, Ute of Pitt township, deceased.
Fuel account or Wm Magill, Administrator de bonis
non cum tesismeuto annexto on the ■“’m of Joe Fil
has, late ofLower St Clair township, deceased.
Account of John Christy, Administrator of the estate
of Jot Winters, Ute of the city of Pittsburgh, deceased.
Oaardlans' Aocosust,
Hopplcmentai and tinal account of Thomas Fairraan.
Guardian for tha estate ot the minor children of John
Woods, deceased.
Account ofWm Cook, Ouardian for Archibald and
Mary Ann Gilmore, minor heirs of James Gilmore, de
Account of Alex Miller. Admiaiitnuor or the ecuu
OfSawa HcLaiaJeteof Pituburgh, deeeawd.
Accoani of Robert Wrif at’ Uoardiau of the eitate of
the aimur heir* of Joeeph TuraoclilC laic of Franklin
■ C«b£>w'.Jl3
P A. MADEIRA, Itega’r
IN pursuance at an order of the Orphan’* Court of Al»
leglicny eoanty, will bo exposed to public «Ue on the
premises, au Tuesday, the Isih day of April, lbfck at
lOo’dock, A. all ihc following described real catate
militate la the city of Piliabarrli, being the reml>Wue
of Bernard McLciian, dec* ascdTlo xeji: r\
Ail that certain lot or piece of mead umatf at*the
corner of Sixth mud Grant aterei*, beiiur A) feet in front
oa Oram aircm, and eighty feet deep, and marked No I
on the diagram, annexed to Uta partition of the catate of
raid Bernard veLeaan. filed tu No *1 December term.
IMSfla tha Orphans Cnortof amid cuuaiw *
At SO, **' • '
All that certain other lot marked No 8 on the diagram
aforesaid, adiotning the Mul lot No 1, and beinirS feet
in front on Grant atreet, and running back by the aame
width Ml feet.
Ail that certain other lot adjoining the said lot No 2,
and marked No tf on the diagram more said, being VO fij
in front on Grant street, and ruimiug bark by the same
widtli Ml feet.
All that certain other lot or piece of ground utoatr in
aairt city, adjoining tlieloi .No 3, above described, being
lot No 4 on the diagram aforesaid. ahiJ lot No 4 being
twenty fm in front on Grant street. aiul eieUtr feet
d.'ep " ’
All that ivrtiiiii oilier lot or piece of ground adjoining
Jot Nr* 4 above described. arid marked N'o S on said Jia>
*ram. Ijeing -JO feet in from on Grant atreei. and bemr
-V fret deep. •
All Umi other lot marked and known aslot NoOin
the «aid diagram, and described a* follow*, to win SO ft
in tront ait Sixth street, by ldu feet deep toward Fifth
Ail that certain other lot or piece of ground adjoining
the said lot Non. and narked No 7 in the diagram store*
aani, being Wi feet in lion! on Sixth meet, by 12U feci
All that cenain other lot or piece oTground situate in
the Fifth Wan! of the ciiy ot Pittsburgh, and marked
and kuown oo said rtiagrtun m lot No ft, oitd-described
a* lolloir*; Beginning at the corner of Penn and O'lion
•ireeu; thence alone O'Hara strew 47 feet, to tnaller:
thence along aaid alley 17 feet; thence by aline parallel
with O'Hara street. 47 feet to Penn etTeet. and thence
along I win street 17 feet to the nlaee of beginning. with
the privilege ofsaid alley. b ’
... . ALSO.
AH that certain other lot otgruund, situate in the Fifth
Waru. anromiiig the lot last above described, and mark*
on raid diagram a* lot No 0, being 17 feet in front on
i tail sireet, and running back by ibo same width 47 !L
toad loot alley, with the privilege of the atuduller.
... , ALSO, *
• l Vi‘i t . c . e .C uiß °*ber lot or piece of ground situate
in tbe j- ifth \\ aid of the City of Pittsburgh, nnd marked
on said diagram at lot No 10, lieginning at the earner of
,. Hlt * •««« and Spring til.ey; thence along Spring
Mf*‘ J ‘ ence by » lino parallel with O'Hara»t.
}®V,i , 'JS?i ,cct '> r ■ lino parallel with Spring Alley 50
It* feot k> the place ol beginning.
• AJI that cenain other lot situate m ihe Fifth Ward,
‘ So ! l on * wd diagram, beginning on on a)*
1 fro “ *-«“»ry«irect; thence by a liuo parallel
r, CtGry .V^*.V f ee ‘> ,oward Kmn street; thence
£ i R*f* l, *V w V h E»*» street 00feet; thence by a
■ WUh £* rl .°n’ »«cet« foot to said alley,
f '" '"' r ” rd * ’!•
... , ALSO,
“ h . ep lnt i l “««*“ in « J '« Fifth Ward of
“‘wkeit- >'o W on ihe Mid
dcep^* 4 ' , ’^ CIIIiJ ' <Jfcet ,u fro,,t on I ‘' ma •*««, by4sft
unV^. % lZ h A ido . w ’ , Uiinl to remain in the band* of tlio
*“"»« hcr lik> the
oJJt .k.Z/- u d *£ c rr “» i "der to bo paid u follow*—
One third m bend, and tlta in two equal tunual
pa) ment*. with interest from date of sale 4
~ aueieasdek millaii,
inaH.tnt_ Adm of the estate of B Mel^ii.n.
Memoir, of the hfitnres* Josephine first
Bonaparte. By M’lln MALeNor*
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation.
MnOo>f #WhorpC ' Crtha Vici «‘iude« of by
D»^.IL , “' n '‘ ° fTkr " “'-t <T AujdiUne 1 B
The or the King of the Blue We.
7?°Jf r W? ne * of J ETuel.
K«”5 t ,iSi^" s “ i ° c . fcr -' I v' k
4A"^nSSSL L “* *»->-•
Bccoui* 16 * 1 “ n. 3d door from
IVboWI. Drag Store In the city of
V'&lf'TV'* *'* s"*<>r «»m«d ua.
ide S*‘"~ ■' « JoKr.Vta
tosdi/wSS.t u*". Afamor*
ed..'.d Id Udfo, mJ'SISJ “ ‘57 ” c »“ *» P">
.NeWkork, FcMG B. A. FAttNESTOCKA Co.
fa.dr P c“ i i' t ;:^E'A l !"f; M “>' «''C'='='d»l,«dd,
aevitoiajjjh UI, m? M BICHAE S;.S_
S u 1?S J 2jS 1 fS b » ! V r “« ««tai 3» whole and
JlJi, *. Üb«k«*oUT.oilj Ub « k «*oUT.oilj xvdo*su'ul
3W do* blliiinSJt poncr aad puna;
durcd *u»ir, GObuk «,,.?!!!A ’ ,W X oldiSbbU pow
-3 Uul» ciaiei dofort,| C k I **f»«wme,part to arrive;
oo.tor talebjr cult) P C ,\t ARTIN
W2KE2?K~ W R ««**» Irvri.eA ike aueMion
jn u lKaßiSr e * cetie “‘ •Monmem of Wdiie
. , ei . ¥ed > couiutiog ofmaia «n-i tmrreil
i»iuiiin»!sw^^5 lC *l * ovv priced aud^ue;Scutchau»U
ra*bfch^S.s ? l'r k , ma,u “« uw« <•*«.*«.
remil . 0/8 ofleitd at low price*, hjr wholesale ami
'VAV^KD—I wishWenjage »eve-
Y,'** u VL»*>K'nCKT tH , Maker*, u»t;o to Mount
claim* a£»in*tthe itetra*
. „, a .l Afr ? w Pr°»»ou« n> Uie i<ih i'eb,:will plow
i*re*nt them for wulcmcm to IVM U SOAlffe,
. -Jgg” ___ |n>i, •
L A “ ) T 7D *, 10bW»'do<tala su>ra«Mfor
Mfebjr *1 * ISAIAB uCK£Va4 t tfo-
A. i. Xtioa A c®.,
IWSUJKW w, nrrTrn* tiu*».a» rocxrn rrxrrra,
nPO&M their friend* aiid (he public ireuerallT. *k»«
beuif about to remove to the spadoas and •termnt
tMora recently erected on the adjaninr Lot They will
f'oteout(heir Urge and. well selected stock 01 Full
■ad Wiuier Good* at cp*t, and in many cases lew than
cost, to enable them lo open iheir new store with an
entire_ stock of New Goods. The sale will commence
uu* day, and continue id the-first of March, or until
uieir Their extensive, assortment -of
WressGoods will be sold full 3U per cent. less than tuie
al prices. They consist or tjic mo*; fashioiiable Cash
meres and Delanes, Gala, Mohair, Silt and Oregon
Hiaids: Also, Bonxbazincs, Aipuccss, Ae. 4
***»an Merinos, Queen's
Ctoth, Freaeh Plaid Cloakings, Broad Cloths. oTali the
c c^J or '- Hue): and runcy Dress ailkis,
2L7/7 ;*"«>*-, Shawlfi-Canhrnere, Terkeri, Tartan
SJiI’JJ/l? ° er , 11 TPr 7 larcc assortment. fUJIy
ndoeed One halt in: price. Eiielifctl
and American Hannrls. of all colors and oaolUics;
t™ 1 C "P»*- Uc«. AliiCciU
Itomn, Plume. and P«, Bean'., Cra™,, Hand;
kerchiefs, Fancy Buttons, etr. Linen Good* of every
dasenpuon Woollen Good*—Casumere*. Cawineui
\f,i U .TO i m av £ r "' i * l^. Tweed*, Jeans. Whitney
and Bath Blankets. Also an extenrivr assortment of
Calicoes, Chtnue*, domestic Ginghams, Checks, Stripes,
brown and bleached Mailuis, etc.
The following will bo some of the Prices:
Cashmeres at lfe| e . Usual once 37k
nlousteun de Laincs, la* * - 05 and 31
Gala Plaid*, 50 «• “ jOti
Mohair & Oregon Plaids, 510 u
AJpcccn*, l
• Flannels,
Wrought Collars,
•“> 33 to 31 - fio*
Together with every article in the Store, which will be
offered equally cheap. Viaiten may be aaaarcd that
U»cy will uot be duuppoiated in the quality or price* of
ourgooda. [jauJl] A A MASON A t'o.
UACKLETT A WIIITii, W Wood street, are now
receivmr large addition* lo their excellent auon<
inent of Dry Good*, to which they invite the atieniiou of
*!!!?> er *’J L *. lsv ’l‘ l ff cau offer snrh inducements us
xw**® ■ 1 ,p lhelr imere,t 10 «nake bill* with theia.
We arepow recoivmg a large assortment of good*
direct trom the Manufacturers. Importer*. 4c. anions
which may he found the following: . . 0
Plaiu doable drill*, all grade* and style*, printed
Kentucky Jeans, blue, blue mixed, cadet; dark mixed,
gold, green,plaid*. 4c--«atinetU, black, blue, cadet, Ox*
torn; plain, figured and printed tweeds, a good assort*
raent, various style*; pnnu, a very large assortment of
new spring ityles, raucy, green, blue, rubies, browns,
blue and Orange, kc., in all vanelies; ginghams!
splendid style* ofdomestib, English and French, very
low; Alpaccos, sew style* and styles and figure*, jus;
imported; also, blacks, mods col. fancy col. silk and
emten warp; some blacks, very fine. Ail ot which are
offered lor sale ou the most favorable terras.
JL 3tOOX. ISAAC a. ‘
Dygyowt-stiTaiia poe««r, rsuAbXLniu.
”‘*J» 'to call tic attention or connoisseurs
in dies* to ' the sxquistrx. mncnon nurr
ann attacoo i» the shaping and manufacture ofcer-
Btenu. They,; cannot bat feel perfectly cot&deut that
erery one of refined and cultivated tuie will
ter thectuats ASOanreut atmiASca of thoroughly prae*
Used isnm, to the wretched and ludieroostsurle-sques
or uto sods, the frail and worthless workmanship Issued
from the erroueotuly called cheap e«tabli»emeuta of
this and other cities. With this couriclioa, they proffer
their serrieei to lovers of coxncraua, atnf «i»t and
sum, pledfiny their admitted skill and ambition to
iho paufieanoa of all tastes, however difficult or elcra
Tho lon* association ofMr.Mooaa with Mr. B/»a
tt cinaxnn k Co ? is, to the many patrons of that es
tablishment, a sufficient guarantee of his ability.
' febSWwtf
’Deceived br Expriii at M. A. Sflner’a.
Xi Colombian Magaxino for MarcU; *•
Union .•» •<
Robert Siaeaire ia England, by G \V.M Reynold*:
handsomely illustrated; 1 .
Mysteriea of Old London, by ume author—part *d;
,uuy Fawkea,or the Giinpo»der-Trea*on. by W Hit.
rtson Ainsworth; • • •.
LirpanL Bllen ' * R*a«we ofUexieo, byOeo
ofGcorgo "athinrton, embracing an>
ecdoie* illustraiivc of tus character, end embelfihed
with engravings. *
tuntenarHisiory of the most remarkable «wnt»
or olj Nation*. from tbe earliest period u the present
ume, forming a complete History of the World, rolls
Ute and Adventures of Valentine Vox the ventnio.
Henry Cocktou - oetr edition;
A s*ntimea£al Joann? through Hranre and Italy
The fragment mid tbe History of a good warm watch
*®*i» by Lawrence riierae;
The lighi Dragoon, by Hairy Uaxel; .
living Age. 4 \o IVr; • •
Kid Tbeu, b, Suaucl Wurt-' , up .
iaek Hinton theGaardsmao, by Lertr—fraah «np»
at ‘ f V. .It 'a. irnffeaet*- *»■
marl Smlthficld at, 3d door from Secoadil
HISTORIES— Bobertaou*, Rollin'*, Gibbon'*, Ru*.
Med. Europe, Prescott's ■> exico, P*ru,Ac4
sFranee; Arnold's Rome, Harper's Pictorial
rjiglmid; Nietntice Rome; iiai I tin'* Constitution at Histo*
ry oi England; Aruold'a Eater Roman Commonwealth!
bclmu| a Rome; Bunin’s History of his own timet, with
notes; Italian)’* Middle Age*; Mil!’* Crusades aud Chiv*
niryjHrowTiuig'a iLs.ory 0 f the Huguenot*! Thierry’s .
Historical Works; Neal’s Hisiory ofllie Puri tans;'Thiers
French Her; Taylor’s Maiual of Anet and Mod. Iltsto
tr, Introduction to the Hisiory of the Church, by Jarvis:
lugliUry ■ Rome and England: Ranke’s Pew*, Tj,e
atx>vu, with many other vaiuabin works, for safebr
AV , L 01 ‘^^ I * K r * lfr * Fruit, Nms Ac, No. 7
f T South Front St., Philadelphia, Live »n More and
foMtlc, at the lowest market price*.
H*** box’** OO A O Sicily Oranges in rnmi* order;
JO» do I-inum.;
IjW do and half do-M R Rrdsinv
If*) cask* Sun it Lexu do;
oli begs Walnuts ainl Filbert*;
I lU) do S S AlmnnHt;
IUUU bushels North Carolina Pea Nuts;
> bOIXJ drums extra and medium quality fine Fig*;
I(*J casks New Cephalouja Currant*:
ICO boxes lot priced Prune*.
Philadelphia, Feb, tl-eoJlw
just received a few patterns embroidered muslin
for Evening Dresses. Also, silk uct scarfs, head dress
es, etc. Also, new style for early spring v»ear,
new style haluriues for do.; chameleon silks, n fashion
able arueje, needle worked collars, new style: chemi
setts, enure new styles; black barred silks; striped do;
nch striped dnd watered do. ladies are invited to call
add see the above goods. lebsl
Sew -Goods for Spring of 1848. i
~\XT R MURPHY, N. E comer of 4th and Market
Tf • »**• has the pleasure of informing his customer*
and buyers generally, that he has commenced the re
ceipt of hu early SpnngGoods, and has already open a
Stent variety of goods suitable for the season, at prices
mt cannot fml in please.
ID* Merchant* are invited to hi* Wholesale
Rooms, up stairs, and examine the stock of new goods,
whtch will be tillered at about eastern prices lulilP
SMALL -FIGURED PRINTS—Just received, an as
sortment of blue, piuk, lalock, purple and orange,
small figured prints and chinues tor childrens 1 wean
also, dark and oil scarlet do; also, plain, pinE tutu
orange mouse de laiues, for do; small barred ginghams,
Ac. Ac., at the Dry Goods House of
PRINTS— Gingham styles; open this morning, 1 case
handsome prints, gingham patterns, and fast colors,
only cents per yard, at the dry goods house of
-i**!® _ WR MURPHY
DRISS GINGHAMS—Open 'this morning, an as
sortment of tresh ginghams, from Itfj eents per yd.
up to first quality French, at reduced Aiso, •
heavy Manchester ginghams, low priced uud fine,
foliiJ _ cor. Market A Sth tt*.’
N O Sugar; 50 bbU N O Molasses; SO lag* Rio Cof
lee, just lauding from sir Wyoming and for sale by
„ _ WA M AirrCHKl/rUERiW Liberty st. •
ID* They willihoniy receive per Martha Washing
ton and other boats tha following:— au» hhds prime N O
Sugar, 446 (ibis plouiutioir Molasses tfido Sugar llouscu
z"i , Jf oa CB u ®? r *. UerccsCaroliiiaßicf. feblß
XTTELSir FLANNELS constantly on hand at drv
.T" roods house of W R Murphy, N E coruer o.
sta and market «U, an assortment of above roods -
warranted not to shying iu washing. janls
CORN— 3JQ bu»he!* abelled com in bbla and »ack«
form Joby
kcp a twiit Tobaeeo7u« tec'd and
\ba[ B " ow y -
LIN HEED OIL—C 6 bbla Linaeed Oil in non and for
_ NoH Liberty at,
Sweet Malaga * sautkkne wlnk-jio nr
caaksS. M. Wine; liqr etiki Haul gaulerac do.
just received and for utia by -
HAMS— IOdXKHba I'ttuljurtfh smoked Hams <m baud
and for aalu by ftetl| WK.M CU CHKO.N.
FLOUR— 109 bbla ex.S Flour for family ua* just rcc’d
acd for tale by WiCKA bi LANDLESS.
BUCKETS A FLOUR—WO dot Bctvrr Buckeye*
bbi< Family Flour for a ale by
BUCKETS— 73 dot Beaver, In non and for sals by
{fetaO] ; LS WaTEILMAN
Rag Warehouse - n>o hi*he»t price m ea»ti'
paid for good clean rag*; olio, cnnveu, bale rope,
rraii rope, baa ring, vroaieu rasa, Ae., by
faUUfl vraync il between penn i liberty
SMOKE HOL'yD—Having taken the large and coo
modioui Kotoke Houm and iiacoo Storehouse »
joining our Wareaouie,on the Canal Satin, we am pro
pared 10 irnokr ind store bacon on reasonable terjai
nuM Canal baain, near 7llt it,.
MACKERKI— K> bbU No 3, Urge: MS hlftU No 3, 0 a
hand and for mle liy [fevfe] TASSKV& Bren* •
YLNEGAK—ja 6bt« pare cider, rac’d and for role bv
D T. MORGAN 4 Co, Wholeule G'rvccre oud
• Comimewou Mere hanu, lOC, Wood »u falda
NO. 81/GAR-ttt)ixlids N 0 Sugar, In itur«, reeti*.
• mgj and,for tale by - a BERRY
: _j IU wood at
~\f TCC 'd pr ftnaUciar, and
i.ll. »r»a)o by_ [ cnaEl} IJKQW.NACULBEKTSO.N
B A b™«r»“S;i; c i;;: s ,on “' 1 K " f ~ n
DRjKD PKACHKS—IMO btuh, rec. on Contl.TJtueui
H«JI fiw.iaJe by CARaO.N & UciLNIUIiX .
>- mv3 l •_ _ L .- ... cijmtm.
lltwiluaui Tnajportylon Llm. ?
to* TllC TEASSPOBtJiTSf'jriOT kieUCiilMJlif lj«D
Gl OODS consigned 10 our. care will be forwarded
Twitiioat delay alike lowest curia it rate* . Billsoi
Laniustraiitmiucd, aud promptly at
tended to," free from charge lor storage or
commission. CAiCAXULTY*'Co..Prop'r3/ : !■
mart' Canal Basin. Pittsburgh, j
gfeags*' s iB4&
(Formerly called ft Co's tinej ‘' !
txacsmcLr roiTucr** taptisrrvriJ.v or w* t ratjorrr •
TJETWEIA Pittsburgh.Blaireville, Johnstown, Holt
XJ lidarsbnrgh. Water street; Oioauugdon Cojaudali
intermediate places. p . \
• Ojjc Uoat will learn the tra|ehouseofC A MeAnuity
ft Co. Canal Badu, .Liberty ytreet, Pittsburgh. every
day (Sundays exceptad,)Badjihippcrica.'i always de;
pend on having; their goods tarwartled without delay
and at fur raw's. I .
. This lino was formed exclusively for the special ae»
comnindnnon oj‘ the way businm. The Proprietors,
tliankiul lor the very literal ttatrftnaire they have.ret
ceivcd tlunnr die last two years would respectfully in*
lorpi their old customers said tse,public generally. that
they huve exteuded theirfaciirdei;,during the pm: witK
ter. and are now belter prepared to accommodate an to
creased business. 5 »
J nwrairTot.'i.:
I C A A'cANULTY A Corneal Latin Pin. V
ttll CAP>*AN. do Juhfwt'u ’ r , .
JOHN .MILLKE. > do UoUidab’e f ‘
Bxruu.xeßa—Pilubufgb— Smith A Sinclair, J & j
McDevinjG k. i ilShoculercen R Pobin«>n 4 Co; B
"•ooie; 4 Smith; Johipl’nrker; Wm Lebmer. J
iordinA Son. i ’ ' • -warftf {
SSSgTjjaf WTTsuunou jcsd i-mLiuKLl'iiu:
rpiiK Protmetors of Wi* 0(4 ..established and firnl
X Portable line, bavpii; removed their'deV
P°t in Pbiladelplua. to a much larger Warehouse
on Market *t, than they formerly occapied, and o!«o ini
creased their-room for *0 ragout Pittsburgh, arts now
prepared «o oiler much greater fiseilities to uieir friend*
andpsiroas, !J
Good* carried by this line f re not lran*hipped be*
tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being earned en»
lirely la Itonahle* Section Boats. To *hippen of flour
end other good* requiring .ca&ful .handUng, thisis cif
importance. So charge made for receiving or shipping
gooda, or advancing charge*, 5 All good* forwarded
promptly, and upon aa reasonable term* as by any Qll>
crime. ■ f. *. ’ .
Caiyu B*stn,?Peun *u Pittsburgh.
, • . j:\mes 2*. da via a Co,.
febtM • VS! Market A SI st-, Phlta.
. JOHN MeFADErf A Co., Forwarding and Cotnnni
jou Merchants, Canal Basin; |>enn su, Pittsburgh,
JAMES M. DAVIS ACo, Floor Factors and Conimis-
M&rkot, and 94 Commerce it;
Philadelphia. • f e M|7
ET'Advauces made by eltherWthe above on Ploui.
wool and other descriptions of Merchandise consigned
to theta, f’-bal |
NOTICE—' The subscriber* have disposed ot their it*
mmt in the Peun'a and Ohio Lino to CLARKE a
mi A)t, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEjPU S LEVVJS, efthi^
'fy e 7 *i!l continue to trsn<act|-bu*!ne*i for the IIne : ,
** “W"Warehouse on Broad street as usual, and bo
speak font ••eoutlnnauca of.iao patronage of their
, . „ JAMES STEEL* Co. -
Philadelpma, March dth. lots. 5
Psna's, and.
DoubU Daily tens of
nxraxn to raAsurotr ooot* ttnrxsx rrmaeaag
; • a*o Ksarcsa ernes.*.
CLAKKE A THAW. Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. •
kEjV BCfLER, tU9 Market iu Philadelphia.
JA» STEEL A CO. Agu, limad urccL
COWDEN.CLARKE ACo,To North eu Balt
W. POBiUCC, la Westfjurbet, NewYoik- .
aarig _. . ;
. • Qe«partatnMp. 7 1
HE subscriber* nave this day associated themeelveJ
together under the style of j£icr A Jones, (or tin!
purpose oieouiuiuinytfte curried mi
oy Samuel M. Kier, cad solicit a oentiiiumice of the libi
eral patronage heretofore extended 10 the house.
PiUiimijh,Jl«tsiLlWs. ,;j . j
EALTIMpKEVIACANALS* RAILROADS. i teed/u o§U (onvatU ireizM to
u» eiove aud uturraedan plsccs with at njuclt
attpaidi, tr.d at as low raise, as tnyctsar icspcutaiWc
t&aSSm&HUfpm wtf&uirtt arid I*orF ta h*.
con to Baltimore In talkt l*parvl« usafiy roe used, ini
asaueti as oar antiigwncuu eaatilt u loearryaueli
articles through in better order il-ao any ctier Hue.
lUE&fc JijNKa, ,
' •: Cats] Basin, near 7ih it i
Piuaburgb, March I. 1347. . T . !
m. area. ~~~~ -
¥7lKR&'3oXE&—C<’iumisslon asd forwarding Mer
JQ br chanu,.and Wlwlrwdo Delicti La IruinXlogiasi
Salt. Produce. tie. •» .
Liberal ca«o adTtnce»o»cnn»i{pitncnti. marl if •
“imaDixPiiiA and rrrrsniTiGH. YiA cham
A CAR -will lenre Pbiiidflplua fi.uly after t |>!»i
ruarj. wjiii ilit* Alaii Train,-; to Thamber’.burc,
wbid» willenaliic Uio Wagon* in le&re there ihe *.anij
tiay.mU* relay* of uonca, runuuir slav itml night fm.
ruie* tlie. certain arrival of gooihum Five Day* from
PiulaJelphm Applyio '
D LKHCJf<fc C(j. Ctinnl Basin.
i .Pusbnrxli. '
iIARRJS,fc LftECil.
... ... 13 and 1- uuih *l Philadelphia.
»»* "ill receipt ibrCUXJlbs produce, Ac., tlailv, to l-o
through by the above line after the Sj»t iu*t.
JeM® ' ft LKKOH A Co.-
iissir obaft, k. (..-tirTiLii. ins ciu*. uvamims
I’lUiljursli. ‘ PhilacMphia.
■ TO .i.u
A Co. Cana! Baiiii, Pitubur-If
Dflllitl, JIU.MPIIRKVJ* fcCo. .No .Markcl it, ft,
It. Koom. comer North k. Saratoga tut ItaJL - / .
Joiml*. Clarke,,No 13, Uiil Hip, New York, . $ A S l
NOTICE— The style of our firms will be known from»
Wil after this date, ul i’ntnbtt rup, as Henry Grad*
& Co., and at Philadelphia, u» Du tiflU Uumplircv a & Co.
. „ ... „ <J£NRY GRAFF.
XD'*LND G :T)\„ .. ~,.
CHAS. HUMPHREYS,' , if 1 bila«.o!fhia.‘
_ _____ HUN KV GRAFT, PiitutmrjtL. toar43tl*
jIB4S Sca * on Arrangement.
dbtbwTahd BAVX.T STeTmaule.
.rUESieamoontDetroit. CapuJ. C.fJecjimln will
ran, durtuir the season of IWs, between Cleveland A.
Haul! Ste Maria, in the followin'* manner, louchiuir at
Mackinac and inlermedinie placet each way: ■
Leaving Cleveland every Monday,’at 7 I*.M.
' f D» Detroit do TuctJpy at bA. M.
Do Mackinac dt> Thursday at 7A. hi.
Returning, will leave Sault Ste Ma(ic every Friday, at
lOo’clock, A. and .Mackinaclai ,M
and leave Detroit every Sunday imiinv for Cleve
land, at 7 o’clock. ■■
■ fW.A Otis & Co„ $ }-, , ,
Agents. <C. BRADBUR.N ACd. } ClevUmd.
b McKNIGHT, Suuli Ste Marie
The Detroit has been iboro’-tghiv repaired mid refit
ted the past. winter, tad tiic public may rely upon iti>
performing other trip* with punctuality ay adverti «d
1848.1 Je^
To and from the Eastern cttie»,=via « uinbcrmud.
’THU proprietors of thi* popular line, have since then
-L re-organiraiion largely increiuibd their facilities «•
meal the wishes of shippers; and aj* uow.nrcpnrcd to
forward a greater amount by UnnFlVli DAY LINE,
as aUo lty additional regular wagons at low rutea.
This Inw will run throughout the year, deliverin’*
goods thro .< h the agents in Uuhinjore and >itubun;C
to owners ard consignee* at specifled rates und time.
Shipments from Fhiiadclpliia fortUia lino should b*'
marked ‘‘Care, J. H Rotmison, Baltimore "
,*Th# only agent* are. j *
Enri ! KT,FH' , r* "•. Il * lli ""''=-
EDOIJtTfIA fc to. CuiuiuTitud.
, G \V CASS, jiiowa-viilr
fcH J C itHtWKRI.. I’iu-1 i.rc*J,
{'??£*** /onifs
*tf ncy at i uaturUod from tt* boh>a cf ' c. •
«*' *»“*> * ■ if *
ruuburjb *od »»»Uro tasrebacnitnu' fied dut i Hat
>y; *,««!, thsrits t" ahi**. u Uw vu
authomedagwi orihis Lii,, ia '
Tfc, only apais art ' • • i.
J'-fllDWELLPtUburrh, .
O W CA-S lirvHQ-r !|«,
. Cod '. TQ.Yty < nt’umbcr'ud,
dtefllf ■ J B HOSi.VfeQ ,
rastaa assaa fiss&ft
VjtW?u * a s **» M ’“* «"?**•' n: us. •
AT t^ c ,“^- N i ? > «* ouww wirfHig cowJ* uro (menu
AU. *d tii»» ibu i» ths (apical, *n>c»t, unJ ai»i cjp»
muuua Lu.e eoniff Eaat; ronawuaa wiUj'Atfaisa A<jo’'
Eapr*»* daily, at Balumoie. 3 ■ *
'Hrou-h receipts will be ffivcai* any of t« abov.
“ a
rioacs daily at 3r. Jt f ,
t,tJe * Haul Buildiuza. wonrt «
“““ w “SR'S
!»a 354 tuurr min, yimi.t?
,■•••••• HOATMBJTB la«E, .
1 ~ fSSSt.u.,-
it>ove dijuaw*, ii u,, i i 7« iV r^l i s . cuf * o^lfr * •
urii *4i»c*Yf%d b»
w.u. S&SZS!
WIW», 4530JU*, .tph'liflg W ‘ to ftL
clitJlj irritation ami icrrueasVf ?„. R ~
atJON aad«ii«nd.4ri4ihy t MtjW /
uiuTcrouj), . . n Ui **»rim t ■•
; Soiciia bouiei, «1 Sf j*rbdiilir : wIA : 'f«ft rji^l :
uouaiorUifl reoiunuicMt <jf.lit*iik7. . ■./ir. -T;® n *r •
PamjiiJeu, a laSrof jSi»tr.i.
«“ f>,rUficlt»L 1 -~u| oilier ,
•ortmentai hanimay t* fom»^
.“•» Atacricsn pSi
least U 3 percent !■•«
-m tma/l paatrnk, o?Jj
xo print*, very „«ut .nU ow.ralfV
j'bul, striped mid plain :j,.eu '’ Seft * et,w ' ’
■turf qualify;* eases ipnnr^dfW t®*W*W* •
*Hs%tWlw« '• i
7 1 “‘d fr'Sl’reucJi printed catab r t7 JtmV * W tof
l.ltestonality ladies* and pJSS^^^fnvWiJS
S ood< ofoTery toSJ* *“ ■
k.. P ins rXKu „.**“!***•»•
Alerchanu and the ttiftibitai^f^??)!'!^ ; . CwuiHJ:
a *V° r F*P«I/ully iuvitaj io ’
«ock and prices wfcich we m
favorably wniuta «a,ie» «uriw????V#W?W ; .,
' Sp —-- : 4-A*fABolfs*‘
anOmptmi froo u,, cISJ? Sf (SLiS? “ObS ...
ffeJS byLH J To,m“ ( £i I J. r^, '«Wl M |£i.
Hut «Ss?ul^gS?t^» ,l '.^B!lji»lbt'ii' •
'^^^yas^^ 2s
5; rti>fiW2!?i{cdiLf 2
*«r* to altoir Uiiu Okt'were “^nm
ISSETAiffi} U •_
chgp raio, wbic/toorliis*3B?J
W««tendiD penonKS »iW»^-®3S2
wfatl it Buy, and uot act L »nl? Cti . hoiiOimblr. iw
'dEiM* Mr CHttmd^********' l®S '
«««. p^bl^.waly^K
"""''S Uinuul-acturcd *oH , |'fS’.n™ ,U, **W*;»3
iitir eu»toiu, and to ih c ir -v,,^ Uuv **yorad tbsm wiih '
•<uid a lujj au W ,A. <, iy , ‘ r^e c A • W lim aJ** r a iS
fot . AiQuuniaMU aario LJ " u ' lo rt*
Ce ‘- "** £££s&s■
■ i i* l •* , &oi!ec* '
•ireej, !o llie tvucirm lina dfilio t' "°n,< W i 'VMidapon
nv«r. anr Ueret y i:o:idcd ihai« n ! vi ,e Alia,rfr T[l y
■s .
.., "Alia Uf . r“7 w
-liath 1 i a,r L"‘ ' u; ‘ c ° r 2liay , fc wi l o‘ J -^u Il * O nU»
'TO >A«?S*S'i\S r ?K- e, "^ : ~^“
01 .\*w York. l;avo used j j Ufc >d of tlw cay
a new article ofCl.rome c?™ l.
«v- Alarcher, .«rihi/g£
duciajj a fine tinili'aut V° Wo * '*«£?£
very topertor U*h- aiid rUj!f,?« '* V’ p * ur * rw «i W»hx
in the IrinJe j.. UWciul» loosrbritiitM
Gn-tsn v« fcav« ever uw£ -SS2
Mfiu«i.bysrt firms o, nr»en^oi Ctt • rk * Jul *® 1. H7.'
i\ew York. 'rhi# UUril^ , ? r f inters d,' Uleciiv Of
IjadcfJL K <***-'*s{l
» kl J*®*a««poisiT ,•. -in--
‘iiuujic j»wiuiwn mLTt' me v Vout Ver.
li'f l'»riiijp«r WI SS Jfcl^S™ 1
n.e LougU byrup mm i*Tii? h. * ,^ >,r . u,w^—1
p^ oll uUr^! t'»crvt. isctrr?^°* ,TteMJ * '
.ifcparwl aud wij t . ..t { *°»Ueajtax- , •
(lie above Works |. AUe ,ff { *««y eilr.p*.
e ration, i am prepared £» ~, j“, lu (Udcenral od>
ca«lt?irri, !?, J *?*> ‘J 1 ? 1 * ■* <mon
'nulc»,jacks, 4c,*»Jid c iuj «*wiy»art.
cral. Alt kindsoi »liuiUi« l o°sTinno
cu ,£' ****** r*i*»i*?%£a£ 9 £ ?"***’ .“TP^uSS-
L i’rauyck-io, jaj x 7 *»tlclUtg«lc; JJ
Mu uneilr»u, lo d j llv „ v", ■ -it
and U!a»liu£ Powder,ol tiuf. 0 lUe l' n «*-bf:fcHß
-.. • K«kl powder eanbJ U>~4 W™! ** a « |s*2?
Jl» UA} mm, •mptoyedm^J l ** *»««»•'. •*f
=v«ry morm, IKOI , Ulaß i. » ah-ourte,
i ' tadciitferpowde/iard
iicatwn ai me o,™e* ur' 1 11 * ita,u « Ly.
W Card, '"*- ••• ' 111
-'•rated LnuiCi Jtc. a B c P‘<‘i»Uii|r®» titeeuMtat
«w« ‘“'S'hSSSJS
—— «■-•
rs» v 4^sw c^..
tll'-lrio • L “ , Hit !>>>
“&i''. K S“‘ ,i ?' “***%>***;. ,
iiA.coM-5 •?«££&sss?•
* .
wssae&ißKßK'* .
rni [T;.. -! 1 ’ v ■•• • • ><^-".-’■■-■hi
; - ', : , ‘ .A ! M