The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 24, 1848, Image 2

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gy KBAtffUS flcnOKS * Co: v»
ViTVlßmaßi .
Ptmacxa* Dau>t CUxxtcs j* bobUthed
; Xmr ( 7VvW«d(lft«sd WrtfcJy,~'n>e StifrUSeTea
IMlv* p*r«n«»fil»‘m-Weekljr tf’FhclMianwf
Wttoajd* Wttklf is Two Doti in pot annum, tvwtif
; noiin&FaiA boktb Americas.
jUtmbetmttfs sad Hab*enpuon» to the Nonh Amtx
~ bo tad Umiod State* Gaseoe, Philadelphia, recmed
.■s'. are earnestly request the nand is
.itrera bwbrt-tT. it, tad as early la today u
/.practicable.; . •r •_ ■
' 'FaaidTXsrCommercial intelligence .Domestic, Mar*
. ; Aw^Javer' News, Imports,- Money Markets, Ac. see
»M AatWMasomlc iSoaiuttM,
• V. /! •’ or ssios cosTrrr:
fiditoriil Correspondence of iho Fnisbaifh Gazette*.
'-•! • Wsaanorox, March 2t,18i&
: ,Ottul«swsi CSia is arealtuog u aboaitawn, n T6>
.•■■■ ly.Aa&h, u the tenders* sod “hair restorera,*
• 5 nonaitdank. perfWptf f aod' public pedlars,: ad*
. vertisa themselves end their vires, an account of
. hi* own life and pubbo services. -Is is the Auur
biography of. •mu putting himself up as auction
fcrt&e.popular lad and the Auctioneer with on oily
tongue and flttteitng speech , eels , forth ; itia own
•7 doe who thinks much better of himself
: ■ than the reat of mankind, la this life which is in
the coarse of circulation frost the capital, by thou*
' auds/of .copies, there is an infinite rtnety.'of
. wares, tears for those who weep, smileA for those
who laugh, fisttery for the weak, boasting for the
. : boastful, and* thorough infusion of.rank Dembc
: laCFtocatchlbe support of thoee who live/to be
. fished upby such a bait. /There u too, a renewed
. bid for the Southern vote in a renewed hostility to
the free.pnociplea embodied in the/Wilmot Prori
‘ •n.or more properly spending *ihe. ordinance of
•>. 1787.*. Mr. Cass forget* to mention that-Thomas
. Jefferson was one of the father* of this ordinance,
• end that he.htmseUi though over and over again
..■'boasting to be the pattern of Democracy was once
thesrearer of the “Federal Cockade. 0
t iMr. Cas* was born at Exeter, ft ft, oa the 9th
Mol! October, 1752. He emigrated to the Weaat
- the age oM?, and settled at Marietta, Ohio, where
- be,was admitted to the bar. He was a brave sol
dier la the last war, and hu been the opponent of
almost every peace, and the advoeateof every war
and project of war since that tuje. War, indeed
is tnS'bqbby, and Ins faith, u that “the whole ol
. Mexioo”-and'tho ,whole Continent,, perhaps the
Wnole worifk-Mmsy be to 'quote his
aiasiw expression,without doing us much harm.—
If elected to'the Presidency, the country msy pre.
pare far a .scene of constant war both with foreign
soiionr and Us own internal resources.
. .. \i :TBx.ritxßCttjutvotgaiow.
&me thinning Revotaiiontry sentiments were
uttered uLtlie Senate yesterday, by Mr- Allen, of
Ohio, and Mr. Foote, of Miss. The Ohio Senator
defended tbe recent outbreak in Pans, in all its
. hsnglh, and.breadth,—-hot.qusliiying his’praise and
citing the act of bearing the throne upon the should*
- of the mob,—the same mob who threw thetfitr
xumre of the Tuiilenes into the ■ streets, who broke
.iatp!th^ , cefius l ' , ahd dutributed lie wine among
. the populace and who attempted to burn the Pal*
eoe,—with marked approbation,, Beforejhis Con*
- great adjourned be hoped Resolutions would be
. adopted by the two Houses, expressing the'sympa
* Iby oftbe Nation for the People of France in thei'
revuliUsouary efforts. It was qo time for ms to de*
-liberile hc iaid.'Wben.lhe.Pgople of Europe' were
thns acting and the Senator from Obo wenton like
'. Pretpa and Robespierre,fresh.fmm the* Jacobin
dob and before the. Committee of Safety.- to dis
coursed the very people he would betray and dr
Stroy.r' ■! ■■■■■<! *. ;•. . ;
The pending was the proppsed Minister
Plenipotentiary to Rome-4 subject which. the
Senators made the occstion.oi their .furious hsrsn
goes. . Alien had i stormed himself into a ptnsfop-'
Hls hands were literally bloody from the fierceness
with-which he had beaten the desk before him.—
' Hut word* in<T appearance rcmiadedt.rae. of the
tarriNe'Wwds of Collet d’ Herhrois. '"Themore
. the body soda! perspires the mote healthy it be.
■ ■ cotrfttafd OoDct jtnr when Bbbespieme formed
■■? vUh St. Just end Conthon, a tnumviraiejfor wha*
Ibpy eaßefthe wtabfaihment of Hhe Reign of. Vir
< toa. B il was then the People were tried m masses
:, instead of tangly, and aoonduapipe became neces-
'the blood flawing thnuibemaityi*
brwulrd upon- dteacaflold of Pan*. It is aiyta*
palhy branch wretchesthat some few of the rgm'/
pent Benoenm would, seek from the American
•• people and the American Congress,—«aeowho
-would destroy all liberty,—all order, ail true reform.
. Mr. JEbote, of did.notgo quife aa’fiur and be'
, jog of the- nerroos and fidgetty order' of meo,»
oantepled.hxfflseifwtUiit more modified expression
■ of sympathy; ■ • v • •' • i
. : ,-iVnx rsest xissax. ■ i
-• /Mr. Bale, of N. H, upon the renewal of the de*
; ; .bee upon proposed mission to the Papal I
gtsteychaiged.tbe AdmimitraUon with bnagutgj
•? Afwardl the, subject for the purpose .of pampering
‘ tqtbgQslbobc church, far the support of Cliholrc
wqtei;| : j r A'AAA!,. >•,A;' ' : :' .
: Mr. Fgota tooktlrii in high dudgeon and -viodr
as wtlj as he could, ix a rery wnibymsn
ihO AdmhujUttioo from- any such purpose.. The
aanof .wrath,was most vocilerous in hia deoiai
and gestwflWtioas, and was a little pentphsl. calling
q)» effofts of the K.;H. Senator vulgar, Sec. The
-. wlQTlof Mr.H-.waa mosthappyand Secilora were
. animated. -’Mr.-Foote said that by vulgar lie only
: meairt common, to whichMr.H. had no objection,
••kr be only claimed to to a common man. - Some
; Anil however waajbuad with the uae of the word
• tba nsa of which Mr. H. (bringing iur
‘ ward tha big Lexicon of Johnson) vindicated from
the authority of otie Shakespeare,- one' Howe and
ooa writet of “dcggefelby the name ofMilton,”*—
• Ito fidpny Misidasippian'was n dozeoi times upon
tbs floor,'{Kmdlagthia scene, and the butt of genera l
. zMienle.; Later in the day be made two deliberate
attacks upon Mr. Badger of N.. C. who refused to
. take notice of cneiilllte rode and vain. '/
■" ; Mr. Badger howeyer, wasopposed (o the mluion
and for mtoss which be deemed good. -He bo.'
. tored that Ptiis IX was in advance of aU hi* pre
. 4eeaaeor%hot.todeatedtbathe waain every sense
. a Beforffisr.-‘Where was the Legislative CounsCj
ig the ftps! Ststes,—where the chosen Bcpresen.
Utires of the Peopky—where the of the
Oeamhtp? Where-the liberty of
rWhcre.toleraliori V He did not, however object to
the.appropriation,-or the mission because it was
ferßome, bat.became the only reason urged ior
the.mission, was fer« representation
cf the Government befcre the spintasl Vvd of the
BonushChorch,'if there' was trade and commerce
any re»* oa affecting the interest* of W
Goronmeni he Would iiot objeet. The "question 1 *
*t» finally taken aat late hour, and the Senate to
jected the amendment, yeas 13, nays 29. The full
aisinoo therefore, is rejected and a Charge d’ AC
Aires will go oat as proposed by the House of Hep
jeaentetivea. .
. ' The Beose of Kepteeenuum haro been eaga
g*d.op«i_tfa9 oetjertJ Appropri*litm BilL There
was a threatened qaami between Hr. Sawyer, of
* Ohio, who moved toetribe oat the appropriation for
flH.ChocSaw Academy, (Colonel R. M. Johnson*)
; . ariwi {W;aflcffatioa thaithere wu fraudulent man.
: ngaacot.^'. ' ■ ■ ■ "- 0 '
Me., Johnson,, of Axkanuv(*- nephew of the
CUomO ipranoonced the charge of find upon
. CbiOM]J»‘6be,—end Mr.. Sawyer practically re
traaed, by saying “the old Tecomaeb killer*'
wae.Ue fiteftd, and by withdrawing bis amend*
ITtolouf/wished fcr Bachman, Scott, Marcy and
• CQPttpondence has cope at • Ipjt, bui scud<^
• wtot satiated 4 is Mod, under the anthcrtfyjgiren
■ IntblEuAUTp what portion he please*
~ canao amassment
«ttbft«qma*af Mercy -nad Trist, and will ele*
Vllft 0«A. flwH BMre end toon m public esUma*
-nc+ c It ia UAfietoaaidy very voluminous and me*
ny .wttb gnm aUpao befcto rta appearance. Tfic i
• are cmwdrd with wort* mod fSO,- 1
*OO. , to puA through the Patent I
Jlw OaßWittoe oa .Oomißerca hero iumrucfed
. yy» wAaort' backiho petition er the IfeV
Talk the adoption of some oeana;
.►. to fcaepctoct the icoaatxj d&aefauVivgt, with'
* ‘ jaWlTf to* same tar,* Select Cbnxzui-'
Wrfjllliwwi nßun.lWm, quilS'l
jiiiiiiliH 11' r- 1 -- ■'*— l --
Mr.H.«fro r pre» g g J^lJlg ot lba
, VmuMnm'Uii&nn. partaf.caa*ns*aw
. fcila WMnqJwl* Mmi. Ht-Wila*pt
"■ ' Asijilcf itcOmrittUA bf
’ . - 1
_ A “- &cl * tbei note’ of the County
•^ £Etwl ®icr* nave been for sometime before our
wew, as to lb* cort w to the eoaiiy.tor naiahcy
wwflnwfceaaeJ. The eost for these atone, for
°°* Wu 33,230. The sober ««<1 iadastnoot
of the county bare to pay this heavy iax,
wr the support or men whose vicious babiu are
n/«.only ao.expchsive, bat whose fexarople entails,
. posaiWe, a much greater evil upon the comma
aiiy. It i* obvious that some salatary reforiu is
necessary, and that wiiboulrdelay.l. The friend* bi
•temperance have much to do in beginning the
wo, k inform, for the' example anil the cost would
bothbearoided-if there were no Intemperance.—
A penn&neat remria here would Strike at the root
of the matter, ana coaler great good upon the whole
. This, however, to the extent rejuired, may not
meet the difficulty, and the Conuiisaioaers, there
tore, prppoae severer punishment* tor delinquents.
They desire that the imprisonment should be lons’
er, and that the guilty parties etould be ■«ni»n'-rd
toward labor as! well to confinement.” To effect
this, it is deemed necessary to provide tor a Home
cf Correction, ana to make the establishment com
plete in all tta parts, there should be a farm and
workshops, under .a good soperjqtendent. At
tached to these might be a Houee Reformation,
tor juvenile delinquents. There would be less dis
grace in being cdafined there than: in the County
Jail, and the meims of reform, uhdeV a proper po
lice or restrictions, would be much-more salutary.
A poor bouse, or alms bouse, a house of corvee*
tiotr or reformatidn, might be provided for at the
same time, and they would soon be a source of in
come to the cbuijiy. We might expect at a very
ea«ly day, that the expenses incident to vagrancy
and drunkenness would be removed, and at the
«nie time introduce a means reform which
would confer lasting good upon [the ontorlunate
.victims of vice and intemperance. ' Those who
would seek this permanent good, and whose duty
it is to take the lead in this measure ff reform will
find it important to study the institutions in the
neighborhood ofNew York, as well as of Boston,
and ether New England cities; whpre 'great atten
tion has been pan! to this class of [institutions, it
is due to the community that some provision should
be made tor the more adequate pu lishment of vn*
grancyand drunkenness, and it is time that those
who have to support this class of persons should
more in the matter. r
Ms* Clat at i
it Lexington, He
ourgucst a prop*
Chief JuttiJ
bon dobut echo!
Whig party of ill
tido, there idopteL.
Resolved, Thai the Whigs of Lexington and
county of Fayeui, approve Mr. Clay’s passive po
aitwa m reference to ibr Presidency, neither seek
ing that, distinction, nor declining it*,
honors and responsibilities, and they ventnre lo
exprrss the hope that, with his accustomed patri.
otum and heroic devotion to his principles, he will
maintnin that position until the Whigs of the Union
through their National Convention; shall have de
cided whether they deem h most expedient to
have, for their «j ndidau him whom they would
: prder for the r Ptendtnt — an unquestioned and il
lustrious" W'hig, nominated only a! a -Whif;, and
whose election, therefore, as a H'W, would cuurt
such a prevalence ot conservative ipn7?ojdt< aud !
policy as would rdsene his doomed country, and I
.restore bar- eudetiog character and perverted ins- 1
Motions; should that Convention see. fit to nomin
ate “ Henry of Kentucky,” tse Whigs here
assembled would [hope that bo could Hot decline
the eallj and, if he should accept |t, they believe
IhUhe would bd elected President of the United
&ates, and, by his administration. Mess his
ltr i. .**
The meeting
which are give,
those who know
expressive of the
heaped upon him
Hosx.—A meeting lias been held
Wacky, to take measures to give
|r reception upon is-return home
fc Robinson presiding, liis neigh
j the feelings anil wishes of the
|e Union, in the "fallowing resolu-
also passed another resolution
[*» showing the land of feeling*
| him best; have for him; nod as
Ipride they also feel at the honors
by an admiring and appreciating
‘‘Resolved, Tbj
here aaaembled, i
satisfaction, of ibu
return to his hoi
their gnieful act his 1
bis distinguished
eminent .labilities
mountains, by his!
sad sexes, in coos
neourly made wit)
citizen.? . ]
lit the neighbors of Henry Pay
ivail themselves, with unfeigned
d occasion of his expected
J jue, to make a public o tiering cit
irnowiedgments, fijr die nmrted
weverted p'atnetinn— respect for
services, and admiration of hi*
recency manifested, beyond the
ijcouotrytnenof all classes, ages,
spicuous demonstrations sponta.
tL an enthusiasm' and unanimity
» civic; triumph of any untitled
i, instead of the unnecessary and
tjaps, irksome display of such a
P’.that with .wfaiehfhis neighbors
d to greet his welcome mum to
J Dudley, John Tfiford, Grow
Shaw, Wm. Rhodes, 0. H. P.
{ Wartiied,' be appointed a Com
stall; to communicate to him thQ
hts, and to assure 'him that the
and as they believe, the Whig
cherish tor him an unshaken
Ipace and respect, Which official
* increase, nor th<i hopeless pri
{tarnish." '
• . “Resolved, Thai
{to Mr.. Clay) pern
public reception, s
would be pleased
Ashland, Benj. WJ
R. Trotter, .■Xar’h]
Beard, and Beq>{
mittee, in their bq
foregoing aeatimei
Whigs of Fayette,
party in Kentucky
and obidloff coofid}
station coofd nevei
vaiioa ever m
• Ecxenaa Potmen.—Th« New York correspon
dent of tf» National Intelligencer in; noticingfibe
of a general coavulstob. !in European
polities, gives the following well timed, and good
• Jrice - “It appears that -we must look forward to
yean of agitation, violent commotio& revolution,
and very probably neree'and bloody These
troubletame limes fcr Et|npe r «iQ be'critical times
fcrourown wontij; and, being myself one of ibe
paaaengen in our tom good ship of Mate, I nt„f m
the right of a passenger to hold councijarnh fellow'
paaengecs upon mkten touching the safety and j
welfiuo of all of da. We are to determine in «'
my few months who are to to selected to nke the j
lead.and-directfatt Lrfthe affairs of the nation fin
theae critical times dhead. Lei tie be Arifiri. rnoo ? h I
to look to oor own Safety, and placo the destinies'
ollba cooolry'in ihe hands ofthose who are wor !
thy bfonr entire confidence. Let us jhrow wide
mere partisan feeling and all minor differences, and i
unite upon oor Ust dun, men of the greatest ability,
[irisdom, and experience. Any ship's 1 crew, in a |
«ormy time, and on h dangerous coast,-would have l
wisdom enough to desire the best and (driest com- '
mander - If at such A time they had tojselect their'
commander, their o4n safety and welisrc would,
impell them, regardless of any bickerings they
might have in the forecastle, to call foreman who
nderstood - - •* ho knew the
<e ability, the
tacjr the ship
W«i® Nanoxaz. CoavEmoa.—The New Or
iMas 8«e eonuiai a tall hi .'a publio Tmeeting, i
aigned bv abemt five hundred whige, including!
n>aoy <tfthe membew of the Legieiatiire, with
the . Vie w cf. aajpaaf each measure*! a* will j
•ecwe. lo toe . Whis4.of .Louisiana a lull and
airrepfwoßlation ia tae .Whig National fconven-
In AJabjma. too, a ippuem ihuihii reaolu
■ oi the w ’ ' ■
Uonol ..hi g met
pudiaUng the National
repudiated by the peop!
the Stale,' with a tingle
of aeadrng Delegates u
meetings are about lo (
appointing them,. • •
We are gratified to i
Mimiaippr likewise the
are beguiaing to yield t
of organisation.— BieXt
en of the - Legislature re-
Convention; wilfiw itself
ftf ’ Every Whig j-aper in
l**cepMon, tt now in favor
pPhlladelphia, and public
* held for the purpose of
Id that in Tennessee and
friend* of General Taylor
*i> objection* to this inode
Wid.Whig. -,z ', r
i 1
. u Mduoo.—The New
uut, alluding to the leUers
city. by lie late arrivals
I Coasmmt or *m
I Orleans Della oflfie Ob
: from Mexico, .ays' i
: details! of news from erery port
of Mexico .bow that tfcf utmost peace aodquiV
lhal c ?? n 2? r ' “* P ve Ufturiuice to
J* rof *| Jgl “ 3 - «* Pfeecot opportunity to
a peace. / Tbeco has not been. since |
crde* and quiet in
Mexico u alibis preset moment. This war has
Pgrthh adraniagca of
- kedeneo.BcMtlLiCoun tl
£2°**** Gtoefal of die Eind of
Zr2l!Sz*L* BmaM OD U» 4 29ib cliimoio
lubei IL He di.plice. Doa
-.'%h08» iw»d afryatedio
torjrto.tbi people tad eoldicr^. coafrafrifttW
jyPPT* “u* pnoperoOicoa*
ggjJPtteMuid. He|biill»eafea„*ji»c.p.
yowis who ,
good head, can have a permanent situation in this
office .as mail clerk.
The city canter of tho Gazette met with.aeri
ou. accident yeMerday. while delivering
whici. will eocounl for the ataeuce 'of Ik. Gazette’
to many subscribers.
Ma. Cur is Alleciiext Cirr.—The reception
of Mr. Osy across the river was but a repetition
of the hearty gyeetiug given him by Pittsburgh-*
an parties vieing with each other in paying him at
tention. At 101, x. m., the Committee of Councils
from Allegheny City waited upon Mr. Clay, at his
.lodgings, at the Monongahela House, and escorted
him across the river,where his welcome was mosl
The procession closed at the corner of Sandu*
ty Sireet aad South Common, m front of Dr. lto
yers 1 Church. He was welcomed in Allegheny
Cityby lfr T. F. Dale, in n very eloquent speech,
to which Mr, Clay replied in his usual happy maa- :
ner. The citizens Ihea paid him their respects, m
peat numbers—after which, at tho invitation of the
proprietor, he paid a viait to a new public hall, on
Dacocfc Sued, Err the purpose of naming it, which
ho did-pcalling it Quincy Hall, ia honor of Ins dis
tinguished friend, John Quincy Adams.
■Afrer dining with Colonel Wm. Jlohinson, jr„ he
received Ihe calls of tho Ladies of Allegheny, who
turned out in full force. The reception ended, he
returned lo town, alter having viaited Judge Grier.
To day, Mr. Clay will receive the calls of the
Ladies of Piuahurgh, at the Monongahela Honse,
irom eleven to one o'clock. '
Tux Caxau— Business has been fully resumed,
amllhe-usual bustle can be seen atlhe Canal-
Twelve boats cleared on ’Wednesday, with full
cargoes; and we shall soon see the return freights
Tho tolls collected Uje first day (Tuesdav)'were
A breach was made in the .canal, a few miles
this side of Tarentum, on Wednesday, but liule
or no delay wasoccasioned by it.
The following is the Freights, as adopt
ed by the leading forwarders-*. Philadelphia and
Anhe*--Pota;ind Pearls, Wo per 100 lbs.
liacoa and Butter, 6W . ” i
Beeswa*, Bristles, and Hair. 70c " •
Cheese, *J5c ” •
Com nod Rye, , One per hufteL
s*“°?* j t . - C°c per 100 lbs.
Ur) Goads, furniture, and Eggs, 100 c, •
D. Fruit, Hops, and Hollow Ware, 75c
Hour, ' JOOc per barrel.
tun, Peltries, and Wool, 100 c per 100 lbs.
Ginseng and Leather, bOc
Hides, green, 75c, and dry, 125 •>
Lard, Lard Oil, and Tallow. 05e
Linseed and Castor Oil, 75,
Pork, per bbl, 160—bulk, Csc
ilaga and Seeds, 70c
Skins, Deer and Buffalo, 75c
Tobacco Lcat; (Ohio,) 75e
(Ky.,) 05c
State Taxo. — r h© Board of Revenue Com
missioners, which had been m session at Ham*,
hurj Cto weets, adjourned nrti <//# on Saturday
la<, after transacting business of great importance
to life welfare of the State. -
Oneol the results of their labors has been to lu
cre ase the amount upon which a three tniU tax is
levied, over the returns made by the County Com
mtssioners of the several rofiiuie* of the Common
wealth, ice the year 15-17, the sam of $7,0U,27fc
This amount is the assessment upon twenty-two
eounues. , 3
In Allegheny. County the amount subject to tax'
aiiou is as tallows:
Three mill lax
Twp mill ••
One mill
Edccatiox w WkVraoaEL4.Hu— The Ifo (lowing
interesting correrpondenoe, is from die county in
which “the favorite son’ 1 expects 10 get a Urge ma
jority, nordo we thiuk beVill W misUaken.
Mr. Eraatus Brooks & Co.
Edtur of the Garette.
• _ l*a
you* Pappy** sent to Una odice tor —.
«* not Lifted and fkor what Ke**,n / don't into*
ntx - ' , Post Master.
• This is the kind of counties in which Loco Foco
iam thrives well, and where Mr. Cuebajua*. de
mocrury Wl y - BD { deputed. - Wheie the i\*t
Master is so JweU in (brined, it is not hard to make
the political friends of Cave Johnson believe that
Mr. Buehsoan is a democrat'dyed in the wool, and
not tho old federalist who saw the whole crew
ashore,- before he left the superanoated ship
.lUYnoyoic Wajuxos Mruonut—This limou*
exhibition will sGut oa its travels u soon as the
roads become passable with comfort. It is without
doabt the most complete of any in the country.—
Daring- the tetter, Mr. Schaffer one of the keepers
h|s MiceeiJedia reducing to the moatlbofough obe
dieoce, an African lion, three leopard., a penther
and n-Hojra! Tiger.- Not only do they obey hu
call, but that ofhis wife who trains them with ail
the fearlessness ofKerr DriesUch.
WASm.tGTo.ts Fiasr Cavfal&n.—-We have, tiutn
the press, of \\ right & Cbasllon, a pamphlet with
the above title, edited l.y Net-tile 15. Ornij, Esq
Craddocks defeat is an event that wiU nercr cease
to have the greater-i interest with every citizen.
and we would commend the explanation of Mr-
Craig to the attention of all
Pared Mill for hsLr- —We u-ould c«U alien
jion to the advertisement of pa|>er mills for sale, at
Trenton N. J, as offering superior advantages to
capitalists, and men otbusinew.
-Macarrit will be performed to night by Charles
Dibdin Pit|, now playing u n«c«-v»sfull engagemeul
at the Pittsburgh Theatre—a rare treat, when well
played, as it will be by Mr. Pitt
Extcxuos op th« TaLEcaara Wist —A tele
graph letter received from Vincennes, Indiana, ui
speaking of the new,- Columbian telegraph on New
Orleans line, says:—The successful operation of
this new mode of telegraphing, has occasioned
great satisfaction to all who have witnessed it as
shown by Louisville papers since they were pul
in operation—means have been devised fur making
their efficiency still more valuable. The instru
ments at Nashville and Louisriile are being repla
ced bjj instruments of still greater power, and this
i* r of Arling
ipu ft E Lev,
ioJe brilliant
elicited tbo
with the fob
□era) Wa»V
of January,
istis to Cap
rfuary, IMS.*
f liable Irom its
jton ever pre
>wn band, to a
tproremcni, with some additional fixtures in the
line between,Louisville and interrupts
operations for a few days, instruments enough un*
der this improved plan of telegraphing, will be
ready! to work tho whole line from Louisville via
Tuscumhria to Memphis, u distance of 4fiO miles,
about the 20th of next month—April, the whole
line, O Reilly line, to Ne«- Orleans via Natchez,
and Vicsburg will be ready for operatiou with the
new telegraph system, aliout the 4th of July.
adopted «on,
was attend
sir, you are
' defence of
.. jigo shall
irtiaf spirit ol
'lt that once
lUhjr?— Nat.
Ptuaiyivanis Legislature.
Haxkisbl-zo, March 20.
Sckatx.— -The Mil to secure to uinmcd women
the use acd enjoyment of their own proj»erty was
spun taken .up,'and was rend athird time and
pawed.—Yeas 10; nays 11.
On motion ofMr. Smith, the Senate reconsidered
the vote on the bill to encourage Domestic Industry
and to. facilitate manufactunfig Companies. It
wa* then amended to eiempt all ntiuing oj>
eralions. It was debated till the Senate adjourned.
Fbom Tabasco.— The schooner Gov. Anderson,
Capt Trailer, arrived in port yesterday from Tv
basco, which place he Jell on the 3d last. He
reports every thingJquid. Capt. Boyle, of a
United Slatca schooner,, the name of which Capt.
Trainer does-' not recollect, captured two Mexicau
schooners loaded with cocoa and other merchan
dise, on the 28th uIL Their cargoes were valued
at «16,000. —N O Pie. of 12/A.
Tux rßomrrbasof the Washington Union au
nounce that they “have concluded henceforth to
make the Union—-what in effect, it has always been
instead of an evening journal.’' Why
-not’makeit what it has never been—fair, honest
and truth-lovjng.
A osur Cuy wrrriNO waWield at Mobile, Ala-,
on the 9th. The Advertiser ot that city says tha{
it Was one of the largest ever herd there, and that
the Clay resolutions were adopted by au immense
majority. v -
TutAt Tftir of Tin Umtzd States. —The United
States stcainabip returned from her trial-trip to
New York! on the lbth. She had the full benefit
of a regular March northwester, which she breast
ed nobly; making against wind and - sea lOfi miles
on hour. She is up for Liverpool on the 6th pro
ximo; and probably .will have a good miaypaisen
sew. a
Chicaoo.~J H Woodworth has. been chohea
Mayor of Chicago by ; a large' majority over .Mr,
Curtiasjthe regular Loco candidate.. The Chicago
I Journal claims the election ofeity officers to be a ‘
L decided 'triumph of the people.* The vhole vote
fer Major wm33lS.
Corrtipopdenceof ie Rttibiugb Gueaa.
| Wash ihoto,, Msrch 93,1 "Is.
JHApr-A tnwtmgb w wWhßll
Hotae,|.ccomp u ied bya raoloUon *cUiri»',r
»lwiijcOMidewl Ijyihe Homo. as imialkclorv
• V ' d ““ °" U ‘« P«» ofappbcaat, for bounty laada
■ Cpo, motion of Mr. Albert™,. the of
tin Loan Bill vraj resumed.
Mr.Yebster.wholmdthe door, addressed the’
. Seoul'f that trill commmtd the mien
hoa of public, a. folly a, any apeeeh he ha.
ever made.
Mr. next obtained the door. The
nile pent ipto Executive Sesaiou, and soon
adjourned. |
Hors t OF R»ocnwTATivi3.—A resolution was
passed Jo pay the arrearges of the per diem of
Messrs. Holley and Horobeck, to tbeir widows.
Oo motion of Mr. Vinton, the House went into.
Commitjee of the Whole, and lookup the Deficien
cy Bill, « l.y the Senate. The Committee
was addressed by several members, who proposed
various;amendments, which were adopted, and
tbe House adjourned. '
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Ci.scisxati, March 23,1518.
New Orleans papers have been received to the
16th, giving dates from Tampico to the 4tlj.
Padre, Jaraunta has been routed and taken pre
toner at Zacuaatapan. with all his force, by the
Americana. Mexicans were killed, nnd
the reduced to ashes.
Daleajfrom Yucatan have been received to Feb
ruary Isth, giving details of atrocities committed
by tbe Ihilifltts. The savages murdered thirty ohc
persons,;principally women andchiidren, and were
about ttj> attack the city of Becauchen. The city
of Causennte was taken by the Indians and burn
ed. A skirmish took place near
The Yupatecos triumphed at Chausaxasurvt, put
tmgto route the savages. Twenty whites were
Tbe Yitcgtvco, cry for ibe extermination of tbei
foes Kt Kapecftbchen.
Correspondence of ilie Put,burgh Gazette.
■ PmtAOßtwiiA, March 23, IS4S.
A most .boating and bomd murder was com
miued lap! night, m Fourth Street, above Arab, upon
Ibe person ol ;he wile of a German book-seller, na
med Kndamaeber. She was found dead m her
bed, cut had mangled In Ibe most disgusting man
ner. Her husband wan.wounded almost a, bad
bat still Survives, though speechless. There in a
dreadful mystery about this bloody atfair; but tbe
|»lice are actively engaged in investigating it, aid
ed by- the Mayor. 2fo clue' has yel been dis
covered.: i
Kxclumve Correspondence of foe l itiiburph Gazette
Pailadelphis, March, 21,4 p. st.
The market generally is very quiet, with no
change u> quotations. ;
The same may be said of the Baltimore market.
Every tbjng w quiet and prices are unchanged.
33c per bushel.
JUctusiru Correspondence of foe Pittsburgh Gazette
... r „, * N>W York. March 25, 3P. M .
Hour-ri here is no marked change from yeslcr
dsy, but the market is, if any thing, more active,
fncesnrh on the decline.
B°bd m,juiry for wheat, for
muling, but other grains are quiet—the markets
ter oats abd com being dulL
Provision►—There is nothing doing excepting
in Lard, j The saJea of Pork are to a fair extent—
£? “ Huh better. The market for
Beef im not so brisk.
* .Oofft 'Meat—la held at S 2 2.7 per'L&l. ~
• Lard pales uf 4l>o kegs alt ".} cts per lb
~. t , iii. Louis, March tS, iSla.
- 1*1001—*ale» oi dunce county brands at 54,631
®47b p bjbl.
WheatT-Moderale sales ere effected at ‘XxSvfic
# bu. j
f° r ?° r b anilool4 market Ls dulL
are regularly effected at :*Ho2>le p
Correspondence of ih« Oaten*.
; | Ciacinnati, March 23, or. a. k
Flour—The market is steady bn! not actir»
Sales ot WOO bbls. at $tSO ? bbl
t-irain—The market ia without change.
Groceries—The market Is well supplied, wilt
ua quotations. Sugar is heavy, MoW
te« is dullj
; Pruvistous—There U Icn movement iu pork,
and the market is rather heart. The foreign news
has produced a heavy market, excepting in bulk
pork, of which 40,000 lbs Shoulders were effected
to-day at 3c p lb. .
Flixscejoi]—The market is dull, wuh moderate
nates at 60502 c + galL
, Cheer e-pS ales of W R at 7425 e » ». Sup
plies aro arc*.
Cai(&prnd*at* u ( Up,Oaretis
i Cincinnati, March 32, 6 r. u
The river is ruing fast at this point
A Imrw Maxsviux.— A tire occtired
in May.v; fr on the 15tli insL, by which a three
tloryhnck | warehouse, on Second street, occupied
by Charles.\\. Franklin, was burned to the grounJ
together wuh an adjoining warrbou-* m U»e occu-
P *° CJ rf I> ? DlcI S P aU ‘ n ff. Jt- Nearly all the con
tents of both were destroyed- The Eagle states
tbe btvi a, follow*—Ur. John Shackleford, about
».f vChich $3OOO was insured in tho Cincin
nati M utual Office; C. W. Franklin *1,300, 103ur0d
in the Hartford Protection Office, It Alexander |5
loiulletnp; stored with Frontim, $4,5.00, R. i E.
U -Taylor,; tons Hemp stored with Franklin,
51 out), insoted in parti Spildicg.jr., about iIOOO,
covered m the Hartford Office; with a numf<er of
ambunts, making an aggregate of about
al t,OOO. of which *i’,4Wo was insured.
EstAtcs Mabxieu Woacx.— <Au act secur
ing -to married women their separate estates hat
passed bull Houses of the Alabama Legislature
and was approved by the Governor! on the l*t in
stant U provides tiiai tbe wife*estate shall be
.held by the {husband as in trust If the wife's es.
late be eipial to her right of dower, on her tins
hand* death, she lias an claim whatever to 1»»
perty.ond otherwise onlyto U»e difference between
her estate and Hue dower. At the death of his
wue, the hupband comes into absolute poswsiion
of her personal propertv.and for life, of her real es
tate. Ibe biisbaod and Wde are jointly maJe ha
bln for articles applied fortamily use.
SoLTiucnpuar.—The Mobile Tribune ssy, 4
lellei has be|m received Iron. Ckji. Liol, of the
Well India .learner IVe, dated al Havana, giving
a very favorable aeeounl of Ibe- IVacaloo.;. coal
whicii v« taken on board at Cotlaland for eaoee
imeol. He .tale, that tbe coaj ii 1 j„r cent better
than any yetiurwd on the slcamert of that tine.
Ilua foot, the Tribone say., will dout.lle.a lead
apeeddy to eiteu.ivc o|ien,ii ol „ for keeping a .ap.
ply of coal at jMobile. 1 ft '
Airful 'fray of lalruiytiantr—lkdli a/ a birier
*.*' dc:ld H‘«» uf Oedrge and Jona
than Archer, {father end .on, were found on the
V° Ti r 4.!’ 0 "'. ■y w Wt Monmouth
county, Pa. The Cither had a quart ug containing
luiuor, under |u. arm, and another half gallon jug
bod[ea fU ' **?* faund *' d,ort dls *iuicn from the
IUK aTKEAUa of all the Mill Privilege, tlii,
region are unusually high, even tjrthi, (uauuly
plenteous) wmlon ol tho year. BolmUful nature
has .oppbed a[ .ullicieucy of water. Unfortunate
(y the manufacturers find, m the [.resentstate of nf
fatrr tu the country, that the more' goods they
t 'lyavdUr! >TV ’ i W °" ! U "T " d '-l'-c«cn
foga. Scorr.-pThe paning ol this veleran chief
with the army,; niter the arrival m Mexico of the
order auapcndipg hitn from command, is represent,
ed aa the most sheeting aceae ever win. eased since
tho days of the revolution. Dtfl ‘
The accounts from France reiircwnit . On . M
want ot confidence in monetorv atf-iir* n*i ®
1*“““ of lb.
doacJ under Up firm of Mem. Duboi. wd a,
t- o,„ W d oo M , en ..Uo o T,to S!y
mocnuic Conveiliiou. 0 lum 7 •*“ re ™«>
The Cbidwo Jink wu «e 0 on th. 05,., „ r p„,
nuiy, m IM. 42 45, long. 5J 40 miSkff •
uSStaSn'lSd ““
effectual cars • for HOeanutism «oii^s , &i , ,V**. #roo,t
or Cctxwi*i.lUia Tomc.-To ihe’fiaJi'
-nd Grey—lfjon wuh a rich, luxuriant head df bair, ;
tree rrwnaaudmff and scurf, do not fail to procure the'
geurnae Balm of Columbia. In cases of iStoudwft
will owe than exceed- your expectations. Manr'wh©
hare-loet thmhait for dD year* hare bod it restored to
i« ongntal perfecting by the use of
state or condition appear to be no obstacle
hlso causes the fluid to flow with which the delK
hair tube is filled, by which mean* thousands (whose
a* IhelAriactic KaglelharThadffi
hair restored to ns natural color by the use
uable remedy. In all cases of foyer it will be found foe
most pleasant wash that can be used. A few analirZ
Uons only are necessary to keep fo e hair frornffire
out. It strengthen* foe roots,it nere rfailstoknnanf
nch glossy appesrance and a, . f„
it is unequalled; it holds three dm-, as mur-K ■■
miscalled buir resioraiires and is Tbi
Y«k Uretl b) ' Con “ to< * 4 a Counland
<x™«y i sonrfo Sr iSS,*l o 't™ k by
in Canonsbnrg, by Dr. VoueL- aIL »£?® * Crocker,
ererj- town in Pa., Ohio and nlrMt&Sr*
ILr-l'ua Cuxatx IsistrangeJy destmeure > n .v>
“ H ' xi” ‘"L” 1 "" I'kxngS from beufo
cold, and the smoke causes rellnw " Cl;
?ti eXi P™ “ “ lbi’pore. Jf fo'/.k"'
should be kept open—4hal their mouths should be freed
from tmpunty-'.was thus foe aaoient !W,
S^.Vfr 1 £, 7385?7.krS
If‘S“’ “r outlil ill
wlisi. Uivy w.Ji wilh Jon.,. li,|i„ C hS Sfo h «oso'”i
B'-tmil furo Uio | worn. nnd oldt.t ofv..
Rheum, trynipelA,, Old Sore. Bntber’n iich ffor. li..H
R, " S 7Tl?' !, , e s •»vr-«S«r intenuU iid
rerned, h.d fmled-HVeffeet rendering the aiS SS*-
clenr nnd nolt, though It be yeUn* nod colrle n. '
remove* Hecklei, Tun, SnubgfsiSnfoS'
s'yiaSiS'H & s js&tysKrS?
l \j~ Ciuxetu are' honorably assured that the rollmc
tnx are foe actual qualities 0 t a as. bonfo of JorSfe
ralHair Restoretive.i If they doubt our word
triedTt- U * CSe ' hISU> re *l>c««hle citizens, who have
Mr. (ico Beckett, 41£lm st, New York.
mo ,‘i e ! haa ■hundred others stnte, thWh thi* must
Sm stoD h ihllte/ 01 '• !* e h *i f 10 ? r!nv on * lhe head or
itf.t’r ? It 1 ,t M lin r off ’ sireugiheu the roots, rembrinir
scurf and dandnil front for tools, and inakine liirht red
or gray hair asaumg a fine dark look, and keeninsr’drv
harsh or. wiry hair moist, soft, clean and beffiiTi
UulkVZ ,onff,une - >“ “ l "*M. JACKSOMS »
* ' tnartff
nSfJhfZOL I,e «*PW»«ot» of some females is
??lmr ~ Th ,e lh '’- rr P u, * ,T *- coarse, muddy.
mJul e,t ‘ er *> erc,t ' !# dMgust—the sac, wi f h
Could such people be induced to try a cake of
the tree Joxas Italian Chemical Soap, the* would b*
enraptured with foe change • The?w P iuß ha« adefc
Zh •* oHe *’Spanish Lily White, have
wm J ,*£ h e transparent akin. Of ihi* a trial
Liberty *“ y ° ,,C ' *° ili ° nl> ' in P»tt»l>urgh, at tti
y ‘ l novlSdatidwly
lp“ Don't hare yellow.dark Teeth—ther run he
‘“"T’.tTESIy 11 ”
c s r„.?, , „ TTHUIaGH theatre.
' m .V,GOTOFMIl >, “‘i'm , T L “*"
tt, SSAsr mm ‘‘ “»
Macbeth v . Pllt
Hecate ..V.V. ,:V.;^ y
Alter wU'ieh. DAACE, by MtttAonn Malvina
ri> conclude wnh ihr
i; j>PKSCOTT & BiHH, '““
*"» r
Amiifola s sSc?"h.',"u,l V <Si»““
mi l i7»MT <!f <, ° r,du S tco under tba style of Inppen-
Tn»l iff* a*fe in Cincinnati, O—We, il> e uiulrrum
cLZ e i£n™V*r\n l l S tun * ont J 8
: Pham* fireproof u/e*. The »ui> vrn-.
plseetl in * furnace on ise public landing, and luhiccietl
*',* * U>,,e Coai fir « for more than
i'“l“i J , ‘ on * h «l r 4,14 * k *“ •«& «Bl“ to
piollsi h, J? I J ,eW; , *} e 4oot ol tke foruace wuihm
which c»u»ed arj Increased »ud sieady beat for
ihe balance of the time, liutil the cut iron wheel* were
and he *afo cooled and opced. Thr money, paper*
iwiJ hooka which ft contained were, at perfect i* when !
f’?fj d ,‘*‘ r | r s > *** fading, only of the I wok* betrfg i»-
«**» w*lrr »n cootiug the sale. We have no
heaiuuon m recommending it u, t b e ~u i»ijc u i»ij c u .
S£ > MW I, V^* v « w “ ie*lriL C »ud believe
that it will aund any heat which might lie produced
WoBjd rae, ‘ it to a solid m*3.-
ir * L Worthington, Kellainr A
Sttmwia’ili W H P Uieeae, Slum* Anil? T
IW. tb* undesigned, lelerted (hr nfe spoken of
above, tram ■ lot in the .torn of Trulxr & Acbery, the
S J t,iXi
Refer to Cook A. IJarriy, Broker*, Iliuburrh'
lUu»fty llsao# ft Co, do | do (Uklftwly!*
T‘" P>per Xuii itr Itlc,
IIE urge inantfiiHrt t*mper .MilU situate m ,h„
city « Trenton, on tbe LMaware FaK* Company's
waterpower, are now offered for sale. Thermll* mu
elrvrn engine*. all the requisite machinery. of iV
leteti and iuo*r improved manufacture, from the e*iab
itihoient ot Smith. Winchester k Co_ of Massacbu
•ett*, to whom rNirrfce u made for its character 'IV
subscriber would direct the attention of capitalist*,
mauu.aeturrrc and lUanutscturiiqr companies Ito tie
rauoauig advantage*, possessed by these mill*:
They are wthin thm-hour- communication o New
tork and Philadelphia, winch cities afford tl s l>Mt
“*' k „ e '»‘°. r ‘H? "J 1 * O 'W* 1 - purchase of nock.
The MirtborboodofTreuioaakme.iwdi furniih X»pcr
cent ofa.l the stock used. at much l<is than city raw*
Cod «' delivered at the mill* at fd par ton of *»li Itn.
spring wash waier h abutnlunt and clear stall »e sou*
The nulls ran be *een ni operation a: anytime by
applying to the foreman. Circular* containing a fail
deurnpiioa may be obtained by addressing ihesobscri
her Inr terras of tale will be'very accommodating,
and * large portion of (be purebaae money could be
paid in paper Large and profitable contract*, held by
the eutrsciiocr, would, if desired, be transferred to the
purchaser Ad dr-** JtSPEB HARDING,
tn>rJ4 -' il Philadelphia'
Q lUA\\ bO.V\Krs—A On A Co. S 3 market iires-l,
)/ have } u*t ibfir *pria» slock of Lulie% *jid.
.Mis**** Strew. Klorenee. IJraid and Lace Bonnet*.
Alto,boy* Cobarg Brenl.Hat*. niar44-Ct
MORfcThXS— White *ad drab, for skirts, ium rcc’d
by insrflt SHACKLfHT A WHITE
FL'R.VITI/RECHrX'KS— Ou» case a*sort'd psttcras
jii»i openvd by msrei SHACKLtrrrA WHITE
/” IIIOTON CLf>TH?e— Au tovotcc of atcdiom and sued
vv Coaiingviusi opened by *
.“«•* MIACKLt-riT A WHITER wqod_>i
UIIAP L> i:rn-A jjood asvmiiieni of .3-4 and ti i
medium and fine French iwlJled Surato»r Cloiti.
At-.jast opct;t.d by inartU SHACKLETTf k WHITK '
PANT STl'FFsi—A full assortment of cotton, wool
|en. worried and !me!i yood<, tn great variety of
sirie jndquaiiticu.juit received end for sale hv • ’
CIOFFKf>— tst) baits Prune Rm Coffae, landinz frone
/ siefoner lionilotier, fur,sole by
mar-.U yAKf*LOVI» :
uerce- Rife, landing trora stinr Gondolier
fo*'*}* '■) J lit FI A) YU
T jTI N)X»AR—'Jo <it»!s pure Cider Vineear, for sale hv
libl» txiu aiul »u|terfin<- Flour, m £»«•
snipping ot4ir, for *»le by s
. . _ n OAKFORD A Co
pi.OVf;n SKI:D-<* t>„ .al e l,v
\ * F VO\ IJO.N'MIURST A c ()
fjl.ASS—6ooV*» 8x10; *X«iJo lOxifc luu
>f rfoICUM M(Vdi>?x9: HUdofli* for **le by
m^ r ii * *' von UON'NHOKST £Co
O AL.KRJITI'S—Io rc»k», « boi«; for *alr t.y
P, _ J anrt?> »P VtJN BONN HORST & C
TrriHTEI.UAI)-jo(i k P . si : nu fr ; f U r UleTy
\y—J**X 2 * » D HOX.VHOIIST 4Cu
BROOMS-10l »loi Rilr handle* Corn lit wont ft
WAN-fER-.v Vounff.Man in n
... ..«M ,e,wncM «NuireJ. Apply at «y Maj
Xl' *»F« uii iianil arsJ Mr «atr „„ noronirnotUtiur
„ j"««« vv4 mMmrina.Tßfis y
SIGAJt —Ul> libila N oiuffur
North KJvrr.ndjMwl/hJ '' “*“f er
•n.rtl it nuHlNSux *j?.. im» Üb rn y L
ft*"-*™* P-r'.Unr
. mar ?!. _ H KOUIXSON ± Cr>
RICK— Wi-i»*ka N Carolina Hici-p Mr Caif bv ~
“5Cd . Jutoujx»o.\ a; co
LbU N C Tar: 1U |,bl- TaniirrV
1 Chi; lor .Ml,- L> martM It BOntV<nv
■J SACUN—Is cask* Cim-iimaii cured Hn"m ~7s 7
L Ali “:Sf“' L " Jtb| . ii
CIOiTKE— iGotiag* Krrcu Kio Collee, rec’d and -or
y»alal.y inarJl R HOHI.NSdV 4 c „
MACKKIUX— soi.btalarM.No J lUarkcrol,
and for »«ir by matttj K UQm.N.SQN 4. Co
gross pint llasks; 25 grois quart bottle»:£ohxs tumbler*
in store and fur tale by fmargJ] POI.N'DKXTEIt 4 t’o
1 EAlMWpigabeitVLowrTsiineV' for sale'm n -
Xj nve, by (manEJ) FOINDEXTKU4Co
SCUIICiUNUS-n ca*ks received on camiennisni
and'forsttlshr marva . HQINDKXTKR s Co.
SICKLKS: SICKLKS!:— A turiener miUcle ofSickln,
tor Mis by the qiiamitv 1 ' SPANUACo.
. * un r23-tlltV SH and 39 wdipr ii
yEPIBaV-IB» poutuli prime Huut, for sale by
. ,0,,a i 0 >VILUAMS, 110 woodii
BEANS— -10U bushel* small white, for rale by
. ~m ara3 „ )l> WILLIAMS.
SCOBCHINUS-fibbU uucousijminent 'and lor . n u
JSLn * % U IIriLUAMi?
WSS3S&S huihsli <>f wtiitp corn jusi
Blu“S7riffidri,7l‘n u “ d »*'•* •»*
,imßa _ « A W HARBAUCH I
|RY JriDKiS—4U>-dry hides just ree’d and for sale
nmryi S 4 W HAUHAUQH
S L i?iih7 <Wlibd “ W.'y* (£«“•«»* r.ns, -and for
J_AMjS) DALZKLL. 94 water n
PAL."- - ~
SOAP 00 bxa landing-' from jUnrMooaQua
and for tale by j|A r^FrT"
S HA ss UERB3 ' A f^gisa^«a
»«2J«S? , *S?-' ~ *■« ‘
aSS.’SSSf*' - «!rt?USiE?fr
Hragelomie, the Son of Alboss or Ten Year* Laier
vS3» l Al5!“ l “" 0n orn ''” G “" d «™» irnd Tmuty’
VhnnorAniiitMmn s.™, Lrcturc. ddivmd bc
b r , e AjMjciulioli of New VorL
!\i^ol!T , l h Ir ,fJl,nllllrT * n,J rebruM >'' I94s i by J p
i^S^S£“ ,ta »«T, by
WB'ESSSSiZffi?"’ * *^" f »f
Mytieriei and Miseries of New York, pan &
The Ilennit ofthe Hudson, or the Partner'* Daughter
' A^Vi 1 "* d Mioundinr disclosure* of Amanda Ban
non*, the Female Lana Pirate.-
Chamber*’ Miscellany, NolS
Dombey & Sou. No 17.
Living Ape, No* 200 and 801.
. Much Ado About Nothin?: by William Shakspeare.
ju*t republished, and u large lot-ofotherdramatic play*
for *»y M A MINER, ’
_mar£l satithfield st, 3d door from SJ
Bitters* Compound Byrvp or Tor end
F___. «VUd Cherry,
OR THE CURE of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Spit,
uap of Blood, Dyspepsia, and alt other disease* of
meryi-iem tending to PULMONARY CONSUMPTION,
t.i .P** l and unprecedented success of this valua
ble medicine., and a desire to disseminate its benefit*,
have induced the proprietor* to fix the pnee at 25 cents
per bottle, thus placiug it witliiu the reach of all. No
tamily thould be without, or ever will; when they hare
once seeu and appreciated it* almost instantaneous ac
.uonm the cure ofthe above complaint*. Containing no
mineralor narcotic ingredient*, not the slightest dan
ger or inconvenience can result from its use. Children i
•oaenng from croup and whooping cough will take it
wittj aridity, and buy immediate relief no matter how
violent the paroxysm, if given according to direction*.
borsale by sum-keepers generally, in this and ad
joining counties, and wholesale and retail by the nro
Western Transportation Company. "*
D. Leech * Co»i Old Establlshed Lines
A KLprepared to transport good* and produce to and
•OL iron the above cities on favorable terms.
Address, or apply to D. LEECH A CO.,
........ Canal Batin, PilubonltL
Ud. R £ IS ,£ LEECH * No 13 il5 S. Third n, phii'a.
JOS. TA> LOR A; SON', Agents. \o 1H N. Howard
atreci. Baltimore.
'Land for Sale.
rfUIE snbscribcr offers for sale 6UO acre* of Land, in
1 Middlesex township; Butler county, betweeirfJm.
ler and Pittsburgh, ond seven miles Ironrllutler. djO
acres cleared, Uie balance well timbered, with three
tam houses, a Urge burn, and a good mill site, with
sufficient water for u grist and. saw mill, thereon. On
the same stream, four and six mile* above, there are
two grist mills and several saw mills. TTiero is no
betier land in the county. It will be sold all together
or in one, two or three hundred acre*. Peaon* wish
ing to have good level land, easily tanned, would do
well to avail themselves of this opportunity and exam-
Ui. th, lam!. WILLIAM S EOVDB
_ loar/J-wlmS *
E »fiU«h and Claaalcal School.
A DDITIONAL accommodation* baring been wen-
red for the boarding establishment, a few more
scholars can be received in Uu* school. Summer «•-
rion rommeuces April lid. ,
I‘cf 1 ‘ cf “ 1 V «10.« I per session of 20 weeks, for boarding
and tuition; Referto Rev.K.J. ATHWART, Connell*.-
v “i e !_S: manO-3t •
ggg*yg*la *“ ‘“‘U* have on hand a large nnsonment
Nuuk Frame*, Swinging Berth*.
Maura.«»es. lucuioru. Pillow*, Sheet* ami Slip< .Mo
centand Trimming*, well made, and at reduced pri
e* wm. som.n
opposite Bank of Piiuhnrch.
JUSI RECEIVED—A large assortment of Floor Oil
Cloths, ot various patterns; comprising: lOUJydsof
4 yd* wide door oilcloth; JtxKldo tf yds wide.heavvdn-
WWO do 4-4 do do;1G0Q do | dodo; 1000 a yd* wide* do!
all ot-wbich will be sold oral acccuniuodauiur terms a*
can be boughun the United Stalest No 3\vSod street.
- J! ,ar ' J II I‘HIIJJKS.
Ageuta Wanted
' I Hi canruss tor some new mid topular work*. tneTe-
X ry county throughout the United State*. TougeuU
tbe iuo*t liberal encouragement is offered—withasmall
capua. of from «23 to *iw. A chance is offered
a** Agent can make from !i!u io*tS per week
41/"rorturtlier particulars address (po«l paid.)
.. • "’SI. A. LEARV.
mnrJlilAu No 165 North Second «, Fhila.
' Co-Partnership, ———
"A VIT associated Mr. M'VVhinney with me
. .lit the Brewing and Multiog Basilicas. tutder the firm
W keoyh 4tM WiuuncY. M. KEOGH
J-bn Pm Brewery, laatOO, IS4*. maSltf :
1 We Mo hud apnjicutiont for steampower lor va
nou* email branches p( manufacturing. Should a
satbeieni number apply, a building and engine wilt be
etei ied fur the purpose, to salt both heavy and light
' r "' k , „ . ISAAC UREGU, A Co.
mrttnngii Marches, 1&45, - nirtSd3t
T fece,vct * “id for sole, fifty copies uf the Basis
y °i Lmoit u> r the L luted Presbyterian Church, agreed
upon in lonvcnuon of Reformed Churches, ut Pitt*,
burgh, S.picmber, 1«47. Trice, 23 cents.
nura ■ EUJOTT A ENGLISH. SC market st
IXMIIIIOiBERV— F H Eaton it Co, 63 market at. liaye
U -receivrd anew • apply of patterns lor embroider
*«>• i J re^, c *i «lawns embroidered to order.
°f worked fer embroidenng. Names or initials worked
on baadkerohiefs, alter the latest French stvle: also
materials of all kinds for the same purpose;. roar 33 ’
M°t; E \, I,KL^r liu 5 k l *y u - •*’* *Uk. and sheejw
akiahlooey Belli, of dnfrrsnt pi» ff for sale hr
ACo^3%art c trt. .
Cl AfUiUTIINOT has commenced to rerdre a rerv
/, large and durable atoekof Finer, Variety and
ix>me«ac Good*. all of which lie i* determined to sell
at price* that cannot be *urpas»ed in thia market. tmd
many of them a* low a* they could be procured from
En»tern jobber*. Country ud city dealer* are reipcet-’
inlly inriied to call and examine hi* Mock.
- wo°d_ii, cor Diamond alley
lady* bracelet, which can be hud by
X calling ou the Suhacntxr. and paying for this atf.
• CUHOOU4 Bonnet; 15 do Can; aido
Maniau (Q*oried;) 10 do Satin do; jiut rac'd and
by margl .C AHBUTHXQ'r
r* J A lorj* aMMrtmeatof Lace Edging*
* oJ Inserting* C AfUIUTiINCTr-
SILK HDKFS—I2S u fcyu; Afferent me uut pai.
ier Uj rcceiTedJoJSy, xH'or »ale by
SL'NDRILM— CD bale* Cotton.
sacks Flaxseed;
•J 3 do Feathers;
24 do Beaut;
7 bill* No 1 linrd;
IV do Noi do
To arrive uy steamer lludsou; lor tale by
naru ISAIAH BICKBV i io, W.J, anJ l.i ,u.
OIIANGES AND LEAIONB-16 boxes Yn'ewuin.
raent; for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co.
SHEKP I , ELTB r -SIW, per sttur.Corneu for sale by
__ui«rtJ dt.morgana*.
Window ci^Asa—ao'lix* aVioYo doiuxii
do .x#; £0 Jo J>xl2; m store and for sale by
PJSS^ 1 - J__ jakdalzkll
INfc OlL—Fresh, reed and for sale by
. martt JMom.ITB
|>Kt“D BORAX—3 cases in store and forsalo by
At IUUjI ■* j
PURfc cjflßoMl2 URfIEN Nu l—l *an in 'store and
tor sale try mnr.'l _JMQHI.KH
USU kegs in store and fur sale by
Jj «*!« . WEST BOWEN,
\\ r Htuid WAItU-Dc ' 111 J, rW.CSdonrsaUire
WANTED— A juoJ BakeTvrill hear of a permanent
situation by catling 011 1
_ xaarH ENGLISH A UKNXEIT. 37 trood st
/TUBAL V aR.M?!!, No i_ j U m wed and for sale br
PL , RK\V|iiTKLK.\D-?5L s »,br'«U«V ' ‘ *
P KIDMAN, No i—l caw; Tamila ilo Jo;in
•tore and tor sale i.y j MQULEit
ior Wood k Fifth »u
P™*«- in »tor» and Tor sale hr
new supply rrcj on the 17th ijnit.. at Ui
trimnnng mote of F 11 EATON & Co
_ Market »t
lUfIMMINGS— i'tuiget, yiran-i ’
pattern*. ■<■>*
giraji*. *.button*ofrariou
1. ptueriu. lor Hiring dre»»c». ur* iced and/or »al
?>_ njnrtu 111 EATON* Co
C/OTTON-fci ba!c» good ...iddliug, iKrttiiixgbM.'i?
/»ale_b> PiatlU I tULXU, BHljv* Co
MACKEREL— 100 till.. No 3 Mackerel, branded
large; fur aak by iuur«l JASI>AL2ELL
PILLOW CASLML’SLINS— Coiiiiautlr on hand at
tlry goo la hoJaejn' marH- • W U MURPHY
LAIIU— dbbl»pnme,ionalc !»>• “*
PAUULNUSKINS— 1 boi, tunable fur eaddlers'uiV
. l, i r * ale _. I, > WHAUUAL'OII
( k °ATS—Su hogs prime yellow uorinitl do
KJ Oat», ju>>t reed and lor sale by
-..“"W. ... . . A W MARHAL’UH
IMAJL'R— Tl bbit just landing audlur rale by ~
PLAISTKII— 15 ion. No l white. Ohio city, in More
A tor »ale by [mart*] I.AMUKRT & StItPTON
EUCKKTSU —liidor Beater, lauding fromauur Bea
ver, and lor talc by man: JAS DALZELL
Gt LAZinn* DIAMOi\IWU.»3 .„»« ,CC.J a „d for **le
Tby _w«U . JKIUOfcCtt
'2ALTKR* GIKHEfIGI*ANACi:.Wlgraifw tegil
“'i.l“r , * l s_ h L _._»ar!s _ J KIDO A«Po
A XDKRSO.VS I'ILI. BOX liv-lii B ;;^7 U ,, recd
•tVA“ l l_ , ? r *"!'■* b )' »uarJj i KJDUA-Cu
Jj U(;aß—'.it hliJs prime NO. tiO l>bl* WdlaatCUto
OoUnLeJ. j or .ale l) J U WILLIAMS
— : m - arl *.. HO m
or VincO-j iu »u>ro oiid tor wile by
OH. lo btil* ju.t feed and lor ■«(« by
4- - .tt K SELLERS r -
ALCOUOL —s bbUjuit rccil au.l tor sale bv
. ‘ n,tU ' UK SELLERS
Cheoroiurai-u, bbi. j^rsnsrisnarirr*
._..I narU . .. . RESELLERS
LIME—4O bbUjust reed per »tiur Pa.
eibc_aiid by_ marU ' • A GORpo.y
' LCOHOLr—9 bblj ju»t teed nod tor »al»i l>v ~
‘““lli i J Kll)l> ACo |
SrOAlt— b hbUs ot go*.«l ■juahiy, o n curuipuaetumid
_lai »ttloy>- ISAIAII WC&V* C« .
BRICK it TILE—For sole by
'-P_- atn DICKEV i co,
riMMOTUY SKEO—fi lbl» prime, fur **ie"bv~~ '
A J : wjinoextjLr 4 Co
/■\NIONB-4 bbl «e«l,in*iore*attd lbririe hy “
y p * Tll i ■■ • TABSRY &BfXT
10 c»(i» Jiut reed and ferule by
y* rt< ! KHIKNII nHttV fcCo-
bbla for ule by
V marl 7 I FBlfclND. RjIEY tCo
PRUSSIAN BLUE—ICO Ibi superior; for
anna jschoonm*-
~ *V-v •
A. ABBOTS, Agent, No 7 Wen st
N. Y. mur^t
coracr.’oflth A Wood «n
r, for ilie by
? By D> DtrU,A«UMtt«r.
Lrirg |Sait af Dry Chod*,ifcJ[
-W« .. _
ON Monday tnoful'ir. March iZTtb, at 10 o'clock, at
tie Commercial Sales Soon, comer of ;watd and firth
sis, will be sold, wjthoril reserve. a large nml general
assortment of'l>gtj*ti French A Ametictut Dry Ucodv
At d o'clock, p. m. i' *
1(1 halfchests ofyoung by son t<a. coffee, sugar. black
tea, spice* indlgu; madder tobacco. ,
wgars. Acl, together with • variety of; groceries and
coriieciiouaries, irtnu a retail store, baskets, band box
es. axes, hatchets,! shovels, hay -and manure forks,
counter scales, ttpre fixtures, leather beds, bedding,
mattresses, carpeting, transparent and verulian w indow
blinds, lookinf glasses, a large assortment of new and
second hand household furniture. cookingatnres, kitch
en utensils, Ac. ’
-- • At 7 o'clock, p. m.
A large assortment nf ready mads clothing, boot*,
shoes, umbrellas, saddles, bridles, fine table arid pocket
CQt lrrr, jewelry, gpld end silver watches, rides, pistols,
occordeoti*, fifes, staple fancy goods tn great varietVj
**• tnarjf JOU.YD DAVIJS Anet'r
Valuable Lpndot t Boole by Catalogue.
ON Saturday evifnine, the Ssth nut, at 7 o’clock, at
Ihr Commercial Sales Koorn, corner of Wood and Fifth
streets, will be sohjaeeryTaluahie collection of scarce
work*. Included ! I will be found-Cuvier's Animal
Kingdom, 8 vol*. I,fiUo fine colored engra*
vln s*i Kirby’s Wotyderfiil Momiiid of Curioas Charse
tera, tf Tola, Bro, many plates, London;- Loudon’s En*
Fafcraee’s History of the
« * lu ? Commonwealth,« roU, 4io; Jltauxiualcd CaJcn
dtr and Diary for M4B. do; X artiu's Eastern India. 3
tow. me and eagraTinffs, do; Essar on Old
Maids, iAndon, Pietonaily illuatr*ted,bf Chu Knight'
t cbwl *°“! , G Enc >’e | ‘ ) P<diß. , i* tols. plates; Mil
!£ of Greeee, a toIs; History of France and
■ “ e ™cbHeTolui|on, 4 volar Campbell’s Lectures on.
tef; ““pnr. » *ols; MoE* Phonographic
I PloMf ?edl s? "• «>»' France; Vernon'S.
f£*?J»®ls Sir Ralph Thoresby-
Diary and Correspondence, 4 cols; Ure’sWetionary i
Arts, Mines, 12UJ e uctu tin irVrHiu ne
Correspondence, 1 tot 4io, Ac! Ac •vnjmprnuam
C nk? eUo £ o V Aanua,, » Illustraieil Works, fc
presents; Bibles, Ai. fce. ’ ’
Catalogues can be obtained, and the book ■
«d. auhe Auction ijtore.
raunS ij
„„ r. ./ 7ai/vAo^ Furniture at Auction.
ON Friday mornra* the Hjhjiw, tt to 1 o'clock, ai a
dwelling tense In CEathamit., fcnr door* from Wylie
street, will be sold j lut quantity of well • kept, L
dern «y e Hoosehdd Furniture, imonff which are ma
hogany bureau*. dtwnj and bwakfait table*, work and
wa»h .land*, cbairihigli and low jioeiwJ bedsteads,
looking glasses, infrain carpeting, floar oil cloth*,
tuuaa and transparent window Uuid*. bras* stair rod*,
astral lamp, bronzed mantel candlestick*, knire* and
fork*, qneen*waxe,sfla*»ware, kitchen fiirniinre, Ac
man*! • -3 JOHN I). DAyisCAjlci-r:
Itoiuekold Furniture, Batvuck, Je- at Auction,-
OS Saturday morning, (be SStbinst, at 10 o'clock, at
Ibe Louse of John McCreo, on Penn meet, near tho UV.
change Hotel, will $e Mid a large quantity •>( Hftnic
hold Purniinre, among which ore: feather beds and
beddinr, Id bedsteads, book case, mantel clock, chain!
table*, bureau, wash aland*, queensware, glassware
cooklug itove L kitchen furniture, Ac. Ac, Abo.'one
two-horse barouche. with falling top. 5 ,
marJ tj J OPAVI3. Anct*r •
131 Broadway Bow York.
Adapted to the beat Tra je, and purchased much below
the coat of importation, which they are offer*
in* at d Very a mall oil ranee.
They hare also received from the various Steamer* and
«£t c Jl el \2 C nenil M»rtment of
To which they the attention of purchasers. la
their stock will be found the 1
’ £2 l ’,yS A F n 3.5 OF PAIUS A.ND tONDON.
(Vl **• MUIR was or many yeara connected with the
AT A houac ofStewyrt k .Co., and his long experience
iu u>e business, will enable him to offer at all tunes, an
aitraciire stock of seasonable goods. : j
. 'They beg leareto present theirthanksibribe patron*
age so liberally.besujwed upon'.
to assure pnrehaaera that thiy will strire to secure a
continuance of confidence and rapport
Ii Is their purpose fo extend tbeu already larre busi*
ne»a,-aud stimulated ;by their unetampeld auecess thus
ur, they are determioed to leare no honorable effort*
untried to their design. A considerable
amount of experience in business has demonstrated to
ihetr satisfaction tbatithe only rare method of obtain®*
and securing a large Amine**, i* to hare it basedußoa
correct principles,. «uid that while, os merchants, ther
consult the interest of their customers, they are puna*
mg weonly truemethod of advancing their owu.-
EuaWwbfd a wareWtaae in the year tee, for tht wA
’™s®>s ass&iss&swt^
low once*—an? exhibiting, at all teaaon* . .
„ TaETwsirffif
They are now upeginj Several Hundred Packaee*.
eompnaln* every Myla of Foreign «ud UoroStic
p redaction. many of ♦hich have ja«t been porehaeed,
and are otferedfor safe for Caah and abort creditTat^
Tfrost. .i
per yard below lEepnee. of April and >££, md£
New York, gone, 1547. J
CletUal for the World;
are respectfully informed, that
SO*. S5‘J *3354 r.KABL ITIBCFi
M' Br*wT«rtt,‘ ;■ ••
A\ be found aa «n*n«Te oisonmetit of C4otiiiur.
to u» sraitaa
/io,» l*we ttockjof lines Bosom Shins, of all
gradesand prices. Fancy do do do; (willed stripe do
Flannel dodo <jo; and all other kinds In g^ny’ril
*i»a*na(aetareand keep constantly on hand.
iheJaije»isU)ck of oiled clothing la the United Stale*.
*®^r*«ng*Teryarticle Iniheune. [ , *****
'* • wannfscime add sell immeaao Quantities of all '
**S? ?° ali inrite ihe arteruion of
d«ler. ui them to eaU jmd examine oar stock and pri-J
ce*. before they porchaae, u we can and will sell at
prices that cannot fail» pleaae. |
* it . «®"d» Pearl st, New Ywk.-'
wd 1,0 ettsnded to with come Hess a^j :
patch - ~ • j marlddlm- |
f6™o«ASi>,jro.g3 jfA*ut7,TO« auuvir, * y
sS!S!sfc* f-k ’“"'-
talbithudsud eoSTg^L.^
•Hdfe-W 11 “" r I-fKaiujl. fcr.lkS
• Tho« dealing: in the article will find it maUv to iw
advantage lo buy of hi. Uotue, for they will be able, not
SS?™' , Si' k " r '<“**!" • «eil radvSumu?
SSiISv te2 "j “' Uls *™e profit to
JSS.bfS”^’ 4 * noimil is die .rlicle, batitiuho
E?S* lilt! prooc, noar Ip your tip,,. Airoudryour
'T !C T’ |for "*“« r«^rS™^S??S
pia better and mow.genteel garment ready mad*. ii,. n
?•“*' **
ro™ite l i o “' r, “' r ' 1 “f“ a;l0[ J , “« '*ll *«j uliify
■ ———•- - 1 martdgw
A mil commence running on ibe £M hut, and c6n
unae throughout the Peartn.. h - |
The boau are new, audpf a lu'perior daw, with en
laired cabins wluch will gire greater comfort. The
cara are the late»t construction.
„, A w*f}wUl olwaya be port, and traveler, are re-
Mff£d^where tWI * XaBUDfi tiemb<f, »™ engaging pa.,
ii uul >; «**« dollar, through.) One of the boau of
tht. Line will leave the lauding (opposite (7.8. Hotel,
corner ofrttiu . treel and Canal, ever)- night at niue o*-
Timu Jl day*. Far information; apply at the
Office, Monongihela UoaaA or to D LEECii £ Co'
_Pin.burgh» March ai, 1>& ' Canal Hamul
via I'taxrtt.vA.MA asd ooio kail soads. ;
A. AIIHOTT, AgtSoT&iL Jiyt'' i y io '3‘ rd * , » **•»«■
pitubutgu:My C hi 0 ; b ; , igfe* lfect »^ w >°^ r|ri|
T>oniNsovs cixrrjr
ra'2& v a n^ iSSs'SS.K
rich ®[' «JHtfbuuUiom the beauty tm?
FKncScSShPn. *»*“ . »jll co»,m«id piSJS
iNti nch Uoths Ca»«imere» and Doe.kixu ol TerTt^S
WRiPtlaot 4k- a f<v.
S' l " 4 ?, Nnr To,twill Irourai.ZKS'SS.
“-Kncnd cataloguer of Trerr und PlimTro ajl
non.puld applicant. Alro,theirncwfcalnal ecu,.!
loguc. to all namne* and veiiler*. Tbi«'er**f ~,ii“ I
tiddU u»r,u.llrd P,. ; ,ud,| , u A " '
■tj, audltepr.cerkaiekcuuroelireduced. pYuiliSi.
S.”riS?.« ' f t“"►*“ ■* -PPPlird Jj
pctnoß uge. y marrliiA- |
jouru a. mu.. j . ~ wu ” i
HILLACURRY-BaakenUd Excha^
Dealer, in Foreign and IfcmeiUc
Bill. ofKich.tige.Cenificatej^ofDepo,;,? l^*^
„d Coiu, Np w Wood „„r, jhfSK^S;
T_ mnitf ■'.
—°H l7 : ; \ tamßvygfer
i ■■
_ .■JjC&BBg . HUDSON, ‘ •
UW pou oa J’mbQrt ■»<+ iutnsudlM -
l'?' :
■S I:. .
■ I -I- .i •. ' ■• ■ <
D a fine anjele, Torule o
uiartl • ; •
i whit® Boiulet Boards
:■} ; . 7 ■ :• " •' ;.•(
TlUS.wclt Vacant uae of spleadidj'Maecfey Boom
er* is nov composed of the largest. awiAc*L”besl
hnishcd and furu»hcd».and most powerful boats. on, the -
waters of the West, Every accommodation and eoin
fon thaiinadcy:can procure, has bceaprwidcdftr pas
sengers. The linobaabeen in operation for flee years,
—baa canted a million of people without the Icail inju- -
rrto their person*. The boau will be at the foot of
Wood atreei the day previoua.t© starting, ear the ireep. t.
lion of freight and die entry of passengers oh the regis--*—
ter.' In all ctue* the passage money-must be paid in
advance. v ~.
.The ISAAC NEWTON,- CapLA. U. UilO, wi.
leave Pittsburgh fery Sunday morning at 10o'clock;
Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 ft u. *,
.Hie MONONGAHELA, CapL leave Pitts
burgh every Monday morning at 111 o'clock; Wheeling’
every Monday evening at 10 r. U.
. :H»e lUUERNIA No. ii, CapL J. Kuttrum, will
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock:
Wheeling even* Tuesday evening at 10 ft x.
Hie NEW ENGLAND No.. A CapL S. Dzas, wQI
leave Pittsburgh every- Wednesday ■ tnomiag at 10 ,
o'clock; Wheeiingerery Wednesday evening at tOr.M
- The BRILLIANT, CapL Uucx, will leave Flu*- '•
burgh every Thursday morning at 11) o’clock: WheeUat
every Thursday evening at 10 r. x. ■ ; •
Hie CLIPPER No. A Capt..C*ooca,wiH leave Pitts- -•
bnrgh every Friday moraiug at 10 o'clock; Wheeliar i
every Friday evening at 10 p. x. - ■-
; The MESSENGER, CapL 8. Rsso, will leave Pitta,
burgh every Saturday morning at lo o'clock Wheeling
every Saturday evening at 10 p. X- • •* i
- K ' The ateamer • • .
inTrrTft : caleb copev -
snSgqSffaK will leave for Beaver. Glasgow and - - 1
■■MBMHBWellsviUe, oa Tuesday, limrsday, ’ -
and Saturday, of esehwvek, at 9 o'clock,*. x. ratura.: t
ing ou.Moiicay, Wednesday and Friday. She hast- '
boat at the landing between Wood street aud the bridge, "■ ’
prepared to receive freights at any time.
Aft W. UABiIAUGK: Arts. V
oeU9 No 33W00J st i L
. k The line eteamboat
" Lfr.-Ji.Titf- ' BRAVES V , ' !
Clarke, nuter/wiH.dufta*
coming winter teueo, make daJt> •"
tripe to Beaver and WelJarJlle, leaving PilUbenrhere
rj morning at 9 o’clock, and WelUviQe at 3 o'clock, r
*•.- deelO - O. &1. MARIOS?. A CO-. aiJ '■
IB%8« -~- ;~ • . ■ 1
FEBRUARY Ui, ltd? l«, IMJ
(fst '!—>—* tv new boiu complete *•
Uk-JjmhdC BettoaiAl^r
’^ssysr I ®!' ■
enr contort thaimooey cin procure hn* bctu provided.'
lie Boats will leave Uie Wharf Coat at
die toot of Boss st. will be pnnclttal on
Boari as the boats will certainly leave itjha-aiiTe* -i
Used hoars, 6A. M. andd P. M. • jaaST t >
.. jiszjsi. - j
jfegiySilji^Cipi r C Gray, will tear? /or tho i-
and ail Intermediate ports on - '-
Fnesday, the Sbih last, at 4 o’doek, r. u. For freight '
or passagejhaving fine accommodation*)' aoblrou
board or to makß J .NEWTON JONES. .1
- k -The lost running Meaner
uk-*lkMt-& ~ COUHUDO, ’
*Jfc*£?fijttfiC»onßly, master, will leare as above.
day at 10 o'clock; For freight oc‘
passage, apply on board. ■ , : BRft 1
k The splendid steamer •; •
Collin, Master, will leare' for lha >
eand all intermediate porta, this
day at 10 o clock . lor freight or passage apply' oo ' i
™°' ' ' ;■ • • ■ mia- 1 l *
k .Tho spluuUd steataer\ • .. '
fJCu-rf . ... JiCtUTTENDEN, '
Tor the aboto !'
lawmedlMa po«»rta* <hr,Bih> «»
C *° C nM* lC * ' orfrei *kt or -P“* n J e ai'pty r onbb»rd^
■ :1 " —vf,
' Tpitsr.ijouia:
h ’K The, elcgggt ilearocr ~ \ " t
il&jr&tEfilUaraua, nuitr, tb«r«-•
apply ou board, ° P (y
tfi-v-'K *H« fineateamer I I •. It
: ffi , ti.f.Jf j . NORTH CAROLINA,
-JfcrEsSSiK. Dcyumer,ma*Uf,lcarci mm ,
o’cJoelL Fprfrcikhiof jm,* j.
—K" *Pply op board. , ' **.
The fine steamer. v
Stewart, natter, win > tY , fa- v
otb elUrrtßrtoediete port*, ttS» i
For frcigbfor pauag* Sppiy^J
-.1 „V_ • marts
*&&&*• (v The new and Cut steamer • : y ■
IJkntMaS ;*_■•, : LADr BTEON, -* . i
matter, wUllpeve foTtbaahovw
outfaii dar atlOttw PorAkMc'
v passage. apply on board, or Jo ••••
J WIIUTT.I.B t. nan ■— -
3lay.»t to o'clock,
board. * • ■
■ Al - it
I f fobsiCLb'Ciic —t.
jßymE.Cock, Mailer, will lean Be tte. .
3aT«lO?soe? J3o^Lr#lS^,•J.^“^0 * dio, * P°«* ***
Iw To* n^*r and vpiendtd steamer • • ••’ I
UStefa? v v u r .I*
■KBi. I""*?* w*U tear* fer u
; BMJiZ ■
S FOR ST. LOUIS. ''• .- , • •■■■»
aJBSSSiS— frP*; pju-fciawa-Master, win »> fTa '~v 3
to,„ R™LS°."o“dS'f“M ,, ¥sM i
on botrd. • -• {,
- for Nashville!
' /f-'JoW k Tha£he : steamer< ; '• - •><
‘ Uyy? i( .. A3FERICA.V EAGLE, • «
?i U °i will leaTeisabotw. l
k- The fide steamer _. V “••*•
■ jJfejj. ft.jgt „ t ROBERT MORRIS •' - - V
■SENfI Master, wiU-iean/or dis '
1 FOR CnvCTNN'ATrr* - — 1 — '■■•T . i
.rfvW—K The fast runfnir steamer' ' . •
JgjK^Boie*, ator* 1
, tk Tht ncwaad frit .teamer • .
: !*»*• tor iWi/
■WB apply oa board or to
-?£!’ ■ iUiEO B
; prrrsßCßcn tWHHSSo packet
k rThe *wift*ie«nh»r '• ' --
i ?ssmSS§@S^P
fort Bad , fff ** «MC—■ '-'
boat u alao provided.
comer of lu and -'.
i k - The UCW Meamex. _; , ,’., ._ '■ { f
mtrter, will ran u ibcreO,
SSS rSS? r , «i ti“J!LC% ISSmZ < i;
board; ; r >' * or frt, S hl or pa««*e -
FuiTKinKfilu., '
ITie new rmi lyrht dreoehliWimm^, '••
: WnsJor, will leavo Tar'&rf >
and ii>t«rn«dia|e pon«an'l%arW 1
day,the«u.jn,L For fttiffc or >
booM, orto j 8 .- nurt?.
' FOS WABASH IUVER. •■'=••.■■., H.!?« .
,^ a / r w “ d ‘ ab «“ nt «Higiiidna f itf i
Rfno, JUaaler, will Inn r _.•
layette- nod snunaediftte pen*- 1 on >\U|. «? ....
• *ll o’clock, v. M.
FOB J*T. LOUlg.-"'
• *SP cracnottn •• : ,
Ifr *«®*Bne steamer- ■ 1 '' ) 4
■nr o« ■^•jys^^ i y?'r?gßyy-;
k The fa*t nmajoritexmer ''
McCormick. Muter, viH Imto lorttitt { '
k Inlertnedhicpcm L
boirf 0 C OCk ' *• *• - I ’‘ or Of.t****f* tpp)}* ggg .»
~ ' . • ~ - lakrH •• '•'
FOB ST. LOUIS.. ....
k* Th**w«jwli«l ■learner , -'
lin jf J~.r§* JJAKY STBPHKXS, ' . *
laKowßw Norton. Alulcr, will leave -in th* t
witi imcmiediaia to »uTT .
row at JUo'clock,*- jl, iFor (reight or
xbeanL . 1 •.'■l . -^-Z^S^T-O
■ fcrrji la
-' yjffit A o° h
urdjj,-«r4P.M. For Irrljhl or ; I