■* ■ - ' • y iiiSilft: * <■••• .ov.vivv Vrr.i‘< mill! ifilii liliiis isigsiis «#;«»§■ tjj; ! :!$'&: ji>rv,«o.-j(jK';i:fe; i> 'y >•;•«•■•r\v>‘i'-—-*"*'!sfc' i»ft>X' jJf' II >. ■W --••«. I '** rA K l W' J i Ns3?ifKs^#«afe finf! SHl!®* Sills SllStli I «s,-\<. : i,'£>.« y/ T ; ?>v , iifiisN , >^’ Jfctg.-rtlwHinrty k^^^te^s^ffltfSafegi'-.’! —■> hi*.cwd«.itt»;tt.«>,i9P. .-gw* ' numtmnaw ueta nmau HtiroFftr J ' ‘ • : -I. TrTisSTi-.'t au 1 1 : i5 , :, * , ‘» , a' ll ', MU nt>« «l l _,•••■’ ,r ''4M COtBS *k». {•. va ■ Aflq i ; ' - ,!!U T f' 1 ' . :- \ft TTrltnfT to iwilif imiiii ■■■■)\ wu7i»iii :> mof Qw all lialto litoiim itoliMtoiiiie ■»■»«— mm >Hj ß? l Mminii?* > frw^afr^flraUcgAiTS _v -liCLMtk feMlmituflktltall yjM»i«ilwi«irS«Bj Ttb»« : . «p»il«Msl.^iSii^^^l»r^«»»tS l i , 'i*p»^ j rriCT'a?iixfceaijUfcrjß. , i ! '-■ , - n*«Eb-«rjL~]*cxBoN > tfjkar . ».«>£««■ ? aw** a*«»S& * ■ : .“v ■ —r«t»lu tiwtuhSu!: 1 •'* flitl'rtK, rTQU,TUHT.»KuH, *«a3rho 4dt. , ' X’ toc»*inxl? wilV tk. r dimsu oromrukir Hey iinw ; alee*, baimc* hcmbto u>»i>«*la&«rij l tfar deoeacT •,. v - MltMirtmfa«waaXaT.- Leimbi reaiabeTtd sfttf ••>StEBDTS fHITUtIiArTCHCHNTOEiTuHIi* VI a i^9Saffi^teasasy,sss*ffiig - J-Ilr Lear* btoedfe. ted ~i r “’*i '! ' Jmi; m ?'''?-" m\. i. jsraanj?SSM^w , 6oiiraTEAi>- ? rjiHE aadetotoaefrhaa kmg -bwa coertocad oftbe' VCaurfNbtMTxaJiattaaaapefCßdßdMaeeef all ifcoee i .JJ— aa&feaa aitowth toe* j. -,-■/Wwdedia'pwpariß^’and c^n^toUwpoWierntedi- V\ :• be«eU|WitboaithesmoCthatdclewrieudieav'erur i >..vefra*.raleatotoaaehdijeißtfc»to«it~ < nalgMat .., .bcar.baa;beaa '■■■•-■'-laxlatbelhue.l be M wbel—to aad mfcß, edilie'PiepitaeK i aMjOAW^ft«ltoraadv.Apeil^y,=4e3j* - jgmSPsTHBJUii tattoM SVRUPa-I.Vu -.a; stea^Wßa^ » 'thesu« o?w£ckjS»' ibi tWto at Seftoad. bat aU vxs anartiUi^; 1 By-cuaee J - beard ’V.’- ba».«eßjlis«i' t» «/ mat ee^tiee. : r «•«. doNTMto. hfo teaediaer rdiei*Tsbe i* atiioS : . Mebted.-wuli : a’ eeuh, bat two teupopntfU'cf 9fr» C ;> f r«5 MUdedL aitdr atrid bfihM eir ' «J£kef' la^iCl^bt^inr va iihpr" vvkJ?v' .-faku.Bii>a pua «C ti Jpijyipmxcdktoa*/:;.*/v.-, c KnrlnßKOns,}: , ..iitoibardfr ttoa*er~atoa|r4ssrOTt/gt«per»-: xr ;• i-UpNo Hraxpaßtaf worna,'! taufcrof C.F.HeWh, . v-uJMiirAhhtoi, two tola at BiXltUato-Veriidfoge, and. : . -RWtAacof ouof osto.vial w three; of tot yi.: ? -yßixiAnSm.- Aired *ye«tvtt»mOed<**vo«Hc i|WiMi’i«JMnr > w’mns>«nMHiyn9 :'-wiMniL' ; i reeocmaead Saltan* .nasil . gjg^RhdlMiwAaa^ay&'iny VW* o®f*» ■».- »3 ! f: :t.': r-iU. ft, ftMm4’ar rwtaSSiy m foil tiwiliSiSg of oirarhef*se •,r / x*k o-v ;--.v »- tj _.. ££■ 'SSSS^SSWiWss I1 » J!l>TM « to •”**► *«. i v. ■ l^gMjiawwin4Mr.«adMn-W*xlbnd«e;bjr CVsimproTed»®nix iSes,' SSwu ■: }gg|fat^u»mr: ' '‘ ' 1 10 the intense bcu ef s ■»£S^S^^B^r^ l^t!yiS^S^|| . 1 ■ x^^ru^’ofS'r^isS ■,J?“»‘‘"* torfV, ?**^^" <^rf^'>»1 * ear £*kXero? Sw mS&Jmm' •*tSr.l-Tii , /a~toi» l .Vi.:»&' : ' v “ i: - «»^ 1 wuh betntifciUlfoilTlttOii remccl, by-S*«tsifl,atd£r ' tUapisuadV MCUi Ix-'Sclu&iu iu,SiactiiZt' 'tffhly' b«nd la Tmtx nneep aad.whiu cidt Mpnbl fgflc: ; TbQ.ObiWaaKnpAks, aaannualforl64ft jsrtih ■aWntiii nrotourutttfriiift, by-Sarnia; b»«n4 ip *r- ,-■ ‘4-j j j?~ 3 i * !•■ .Chriaam.inaMßray aad-N«w''Y*ar > iWre*i> fa 1&4S; a null quartp Tohnne. primadjoa «aow.«rbii* pa-' capwin^i-r. 'Ttnapaos* Suiou, wiib lertntT-aareatleiUTi*, by t. ThrPßenimd-FMor •TAawieai Ay JL. W. Gtk maUt .f r/j ..: ( ! :.. > isJfea Poaw ud.PMoy at iba Anaesa, by WOka apexfclyb<»adiftTßXkernozoceo;syl£n i ififrukfeFoaßaiaTiitouayk* affafa^inr-- ) • Gttr't Bht ilfautnud. W«k%latfariaaa hiadjap. ! L • Lowßyim’* . u ° ■ ' ‘HMdigy&gaaraa Mraiataini. /ia - » I -•■ >Th* star aeteVitk* hbl ■pteßo4«ylM of biDdiny, wiiabia for gift book* for ■ ,»;-■?.* -t* f--. t;- r-' t Jo«N3TON Jt STOCITOKi •,» ds3tt ■,•■■' -yßook—Um, ear. HarkstfoMa*. V*ilS>laiMWt Standard \Tor)&v ! - D.etkwT crisd- P ■a6i l ,K>B>Ufl «d frt, taapriasy th i ytlhflw i* < ftttbc«.aftf ah»Ui —, % wry j»^- ’' ftrifccC >k»|h%Hhy>|Birftf «if ihipinyMa, ■ Spacer, wnriaaf nimutiry mlw ml nrniw fn 4 ... V-;:- • J ' • Wnhir fa Ortrro Tlirtfrirsij rrrissil oiUitiiii. ' u wSli2!nS!£s'^*.“ e ' i T^ ! : ■laddeQaad Boot?*Greek Lexicon;'' vßobiaaßafeUnskliufepanfiifbw'Taasneat; • .'.rLsrwstfsLajiaLexkoo;. , > ftlnswofthbldaUicdacanr; - *aSS^l^^toeeM.sßd6&adaT.sbte%M, e £ wars on kaad esdlWMfe low, v Til ‘fcetiMMjjic.'ilh.' J ■ >-• ■ lf : '~ i I TtfTLTON’fI.POEMS, Ulaancted. Hirpepabew v iTAcfftfon offcaPfrtttolwadatf John hfuwn. fifth : *»**4j,«nderW*alx*nark*o*hit t mi. •: liwßiq—iy;.and o— hqafltodjand r ten drawing* by William flarrey. , BrjemhOgaltaTtwirf-Tta focrOoanaUand :• nbteo, ‘ Marl sr?^ B °* Henry the Fodrth, .toy cf. yrance .tfS TUnm, Jy q A SU; Jatoet .^^rxßt^vT^SS'ro.vtsTOacm^r: ..Jk^BßeMalftii.eowrrf«Artat.ndaiis ssss^sssßSh^ fapwpaa.papt asyr*.. laOlu. Jumlw . - v tST^ : : ■■'■ ■;. IkOONALDknEaoN!, jmmgiwtoaia CMn'to Utt. *tttnd m, with • ggtoygj hy Hhbars,& D. ’• . J *< •-•••. ■• ..-:. ■: dlhsl.geardiarkai. .TTA**®AJB»». iwtti..'. .Jfi*.«»/-, ■•«*- ;!•■?/ >-•«;■ i . \‘ ‘ Bto, tb« beutiAU lL\ Z**' <4o DO ■ •* ""■ bia *- ! "j i l:t!£yfTT^. w y ,t W’.*»t)a.DtoaD Dtonaaniof «le*. “*fc,Vjd,tDek« Bibtt*, Commntr .•K-, - _♦ ■* .*.« }-T7~~Z KAY * Co. ‘ - ; ¥Tmiiiu f ,Y RS«f«y a teS?Sig£t^ vmmmmiiimhHmKFyFi- ” “• a^EE - - ■pOKl.-Muimt ' r * ■ z\;i A r*ufisi.yra*z\ - wm.*.caldwill, i' ~ T ' ,I ->•'•: /. ';.'• .*> pe*<<>M,- tow, qr tfctMmtoif* ppj fpg> lo ito a A J . *gg^^cmap*djfc v df^uiii|itfrefßr». [S^SJJ Q’AAfS. - ’ * WTIJ MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, PrTT**p*aa, Pa. , .. I ... ; JOHI wright a cov, A BE prenradMteildOMMß ud Woollen Machia- every description, anch aa—CtuAfig Ms- Fruutf Loenii Cini.Qruden, t&i Wtengkilion KMOiiig tamed, MI *ut* of C*w lron,Pajlie* tud Utngen, of the latest patterns, alido %ml fcanALdlhea, and, taels of ail kutda. .. • .. Castings of every descjipuon iuraished on abort no tice. Patterns nuideto order for . Mill Gearing,'lran rtilinr,AA. Hu an Pipa for boating Factories, Can Iron window. Hub. ,and foaojr-Caatinn Orderslert at the Warehouse of J.FalmesACv.;Lith arty suqmyiU have prompt aqrotioc.- il • -• btruiv ’ • • . - ; i> .. Claefafo«k,'BeUAi Co-IKMnorhend A Ca, q E W Irwin A flooaj .. . G C fo J Ui WaynCTi flmbtnviUfa.; ]anfo ■AU.ECHBm^m^uNo^croßv, ■ItaXES -this method to In fom fcUTfrimfr »:«n44tafli pnbUe at largo tUt Hie Factory hi cnpvrinfall operation, on 1 the East aide i 6c tbw oi«md, Altonktiiy I -»aere'* eon| V*Mm»*TOly W-BUndnjofywriowa'color* r-cndqaaUunAaMeedsauulylretit&ebadd. I nitaaiNo.n-Wsotf tt,P)n»btrgfc,«i J,4 .* Bhatarnmadeto ordevia tbe best style. • •; .• N. B* ELr Blinds will be put np, wlthutsay addi (wfeal eXepoM so that they eao be removed In a no- Bteat Inessa affira or Jorwtshing, andWJtboaithe.aid of a craw dr.-e t-* ofcrtatyAwlteUy - « u WJK ALBX&SDIEa A «»A n °EFm makers A$ D F. WBNiaiunoonder- Yv TAKERS,.cornet of Tcnii and St. Clair, streets. oTfoilia'tlte EiehaOge-Hoteljentnuxa oil'Feqa street* mpeetnlly inform their iHrads aod'.thg,yaffle, that ut*y an prepared tofamlab and attend lo'ererythingin the lute of undertakers. ■ Always on' hand'a lane as sortment bf ready made Cofiaa, eoveftd, llnfcj aid &•' tvhed in the eery ben manner,all aejtu and aided ready .made Shroud* of tuuUp»andail sUetmadeuapprovedatrlea.: We keep a large aa wimwalof w hfe asdblack,cotton, silk and kidUfovea. table for paJlbcarera and moarkm,'crape, cap*, col lars, and every .thing neeevstry for drening the ’ delid, andco reasonable.ttna*i a* wepnrehsseaUpargebdi jathe Eastsm emes. - A iio, atirer plates toxngruviOjr the namuaadaget Wahaee noleadid newhearagsau kora#*,and noynamberof.uae.bcH earriagesj Every thing attended tapragpdyaad pwoctnafly,' flet&jy ' * MA«£S'WORK:), l ' Hoi. *H ead yvi . LOfrfy xtntL,'ktar tAr Cunati- ALWaVh on band and made to order, 1 a lam varin* /J- ty of Marble Maatela.Pier,Centre Ttbtes, and -BsueanTopj;TmabSlQne*,'Mooom«n»,fce4allwkteli, beiOfmsdg of Uteehnledst marble, and toauttflifcouea principally br aarhinrry,willbe wild low for cash- 1 'NvJkiPenqaorWPihioff ta.-fwrehase,.-Mantel*, are informedthat.ltiakeocalonhattnoeeasaqr^rthem to go East; as I eaa .tarnish Uwa.witkananitteraall tetpeets.aa good, nod |&foght,tß«nraaoeiACf»»ijc, JVb. IT7, Wood Pittsburgh. ».WlLLeaosuiuly keep on hand n aunt oi Ware, of oer own mannmeratey and Wbolesaleaadeoentry ktei chants are respectfolly invited to ehliand ex amine for themselves, as we are deterained to sell cheaper than has ever hefote beenoflrted to the bnt>- lig. -' •’ • • • : - -;«t .-i tE7" Orders sent by maU,aeeompaaied bjfolesjh or gnyreferenee.wtll be promptly ai'ended to. Teb» Great Westers Bstt HJsge Massfaeton, 1 CIHCINNATI,O. A GARDNER inform Ihe ir» Jctiut J\* tA*r Are note nunaf&ciuiojt the l»c»t jpati Hinge ETernade in llie United A* thii i» Mr^iriac* : pte boimees, »e iotebd to iend oor u eomplitae* u ticle U €*n jW>t»if)lT l« made:' *ri«iwen|i£eff>d iii' fcitdwate tnule.we think, wiilfijut it to lheir,iDt4u«l toaeeoar&atu Aliordcriproa»piljtaU4ndedio-;, myS ■ A GAttPWEIUfcCp. cor of wb *■ main «i# eiksisufliS TAii i-AClyai.;: • ■ OAHPBELL A CHJ2BA,- r ■ juscrAcroxsaa or •*; FINISHING jNAILS**-HOOK UEADDftAdd, Im iad OnHi Tuki, . IRON ANDCOPPfiRBHOE NAILS, Pattern Jfakerf Potntt* af evny dufcription. . . Qfte* No.SSt. CJurJt* Huiel,'T£ird »ir«r4, ■■= •■' ■•■..■■■■>>■■) -A 1..:-.. ■■l CO‘A O H A KIN-&-S - FKOJI um. y«y tibetal eacosrtf*' received since he buitKßTrd h;m«elf in Allegheny, RyJ- . Hftato lake « faT* ■""* at jfeara, *ii ACpropeiry fc«> now cie'enus.' lk:Be>r«r' the Presbrtenaa Charth- iFronifbelon* experience »d the above usmess and k desire io please, im bopef 10 ner* liindreeeivea*sisrsof*dbliepß»«ia«. ■ ftewsnbaad and tainlng teenier, luckur*}- flag, ms, open tad tojr Books, and freer de»cripiiau.m Osmans Bade to frdertwna. sevesmlvs dollars to eiflrtkeiaw* ■ • IssoMlfl JOHNSOUTH. , •• Ls»d ■ kadersigse# are oar prepared: to rosirii ifevlr i ■ castoaerrsad tbcjmblie geesrsUf r -aritb leal ankle of Lard Oil of Iker will seU eo weesUDWUsisf terms. 1 TbeJrtkl&ey believe tabs asnod essay offend (a the dautet.ata eiayboretsrM&Ufmaatis&cioTY. - ... -■■ t 18Ube*tTC|Owesj.kSBiiikfleld '- F.S.—Xmrd aodGiwsesailableier mscfcmirMoa tod; fat sole shore. - r-> '■ M--.nsad:^- D npuiied s*4 Ctlsfsk tbcir m4 • •iliMfississ lifawif iki.swfseialyl*,sadueptsfer+lk. ea SSBUiwa 41 Met, esafart sad saltteSus,. Thsvaratrmrtd far waifs* adult air all witSiMdtin. .Tnokafte pfatfaren,** atieU s eootkdiKeOntM mmu tubs Balm, tana ofUsfa* itrscUsd Um fiiuW, (kes*fAktasdxvß PayVPtyPoodsßtor*.) . tf,. \r*MCT»B&B-m«ONi«YB»L*AII.-.T<> T UHjftwrt*ionofats.TmisMs'PslaMo«rrJidsßai^l ;: laslidHim ttvTtgttUh Pubs wry Bslw isanl dUo BkdkiSS.! ltbk ksn vti is Ob plan wfifc ckufcta sotfasunaanlmlaamjinnlatilcf (bslusn, alteadtd #flb s eeepkr Isas «f cod tbs i« bk| af saak kkMd 1 wUefc tyl prswootr mblaf assy wesrsf prsaerfptiMs ’ After s*lf tbs WwabMWtebtkMUsMVrodbnumsd. ■odhawv «sahhd t» weak aadibft, Th it afaoeenTwl man liaacaxs.sad 4* ana beoW canrtl sof Ml* k :«£- ,tfrs hoi abhxkaxbaiatia., ' BespseUalty yottn, t Cooasrt,tULAa-KISH.' V O, >BaMia,PiUiaagb*y B-A r»hs**tp Co. ccrfteir of faatasdwsod, slm»falh.fc*pod«la T • ; .dsdH A aTBOItO EVIOENCE fett Df JaTNCI EX* ■ I'XcTOßANTJiscpKiorto *ll otfcir rtmtiti'&i —ry-ittt|flw>,litt«>lW«a»» penoerwtacaaDßncad'the M ofUto'tbtit fcnUrfn tavern «jo,still fvtfcr itiaaU otbtr rtwdtd oftbtktoft i®dwUit»Bjl«Ta bera inland to In stbcr pf*faWttito*.th*fwn tint InTimiJr be** iituaebtodK nnifitf tM taft&wfck&tal rtwßalHr tstkqatoi frsto tbt Ugh pnltn bntevcd Ktb* prarictoio, aac4tou4 a**ef J*nu’Emo»UJrr» n * nifliir tibti fcn amr fciM to. nli*>« tkUK tod which totitoMy QtwrAitd la tend U trrntiaf poltoogtoyditeton. Prattodtaljr WDrfc. Jtyn,PkiM»lfhli, : ia4tototo ktoCrbV >*- 7* ALEX. JAV««B,-? ; ■ Wfbirftgf; - axbuw>. Bracts. : iucfni t cosaniioii- aEidmra, (it tbeoUwxlofßetjfc&lwMud,) - '** ; ■ ■;• v • Tec*#****,'- IT7IL& -dte- I piofluit ud fmWui lue&tfaatefEe ale fr of Dry GoedvUroeeriea, wd Meretaatfixe «*■ eallj. rVbarfcei prejirwMo etteai toil! oeaieef (heft batiaesa eflwenUr tod (daiiiaf [inao food* for their own ■ceecjt)(gygrtog|r. ; -- •• _■ • JUfer,*# ,H. : AUeo<* CerJ.w; ButtrJfc.Oq^PiC^ ' vr.- : .. . OAKD. v rf i< ■ 4 SlenjDowcnjiMilflttiataporaikwafßlbadie*, AWtaet sold Ola*, ce., exalaiitely, aad k*riß*nUde 1 amacemenu In dtfereM pan* of Earope aad Uis M* cadiwiibwell knownboseeefor mjr«W« ebapijtef FU t b%b Llqiiort, wfciek I will be sbUto sell* delitefed 4 ill CuMllautiC New Yor* or NswOtfeduee tn tbit cWjVAt Uwloweat wicket price tor dilbr bp. Bind neper.'l b*ic in store nd «eU*r w-verf-Jen* •—clrOrVwr«4w rig Wince sad Liqeors tfe Imported' XUw as»«Wi«ifd,brea4i end j°? f - eorletfcaaUMieffett ... ■. ••• dtwv•ieorwla*'•nuwiv-..* «j' 1 M . CITUATED n wrahaa* oTlk* 1 PmebawS And v WatdJßftaUoa bp nrerfnxa Pitubttrgb. ttbn preiest bSwnsodtbeesubtisfaneatbfidrasdeaQboiMma* •d iadelaitelr; The owsrre naabiaf retbe Jtroni tbe hTMintrr rW sell « reeeoaeble terse* jd private' jal*. Person* wiihicg to. rank* ioqniiieß ny* l rafcTT««r Plan—ii rain ln* T- 1 . ■. Tfa.li | 5T - ;..4^.c«—’T/'.^ii^.c li ./ > *J>w!-'i.-'-,. v-4 if BSSSSSjaSSK UxkDanMl ol . fmUtUa, itu folhejaAov Msdl nhiUi eantatasA' ttAaboSowm atxtnra mmakeßkMoßohL »*7 m ltsitocoataiQsnowktw-that hu usNtfoy for rna, thttMbrr'wiß- not corrod. a&d atdMdi' if «n£T«f ■ iSfftlS*k fcgboorr ir beSui rdesdblaek , wblHlwffl Sodefo forkgca: r lt Is #umted seperierio the. grviga srtlel* kaewa bythv’naae «f “Amort’s WVilitw Fl^ w mere gina £r 'ama prwsi As KgwTStteVigiisstAipcKttoe of uykiedVag atttfopud .the foflmMhr reyoinwißditioai will tufUttsTsH niit. ewan, that mis’maws tbmgiTvn-cbart not ham been eb* .rttVrrbyhnymsfoaforsaeaworthyperpesß. ‘ Wsro>nmiani(H t Hahert l iCks«lesl Writhw n*ld*» to tkspstrtawgv of J^ artiSnafl m* .pacts; it flows frsv from llrt pea witboat doroiag U vaaad ts tbs eearwtf ththmnlinini adm briebt blam. ' j B A flaamaa A Co.' ' WkkanaMeGaadkM : Robert Jfom • • Joha'Psrktr,^^' . Wm UprtMrtl A f .• • Metlnrmwfc'lWlu ffWKis Bslkn •'•••• ' • Robtß 0 A UeAaeltyA Ce. ferW * , ( ; :v I * bars bM Bttzw roar Cbsmksl Wntfog yhqd, ad fiad ii a flest rata article for Filtiburgh, Ats 98,1547, Mr T Harag praebrsdabtallsof year W ntiag I fold, hoe three wssks m, 1 coai iAr It fol ly coos! tf aot superior,to AraoU’s or nr e«W Ish mrw is "i: WILLUM -r ' ' " for Arthur rticbolsoa d-Ce , M, r k , Wrlliag Maid, tad lad itbbeaWort csesliat article for Stsel peas, uildocs sot efo| fbeta upUkc tba rtaetalitf 01, other tßks,itflosrifrcriad bteocsess dtee Waek ia a ft* hours, ‘ 1 * ’T'iToais.Bsspeetfany. • i " 'V ; 1 MWLUAII C&R,Book-teper o . »< for Jobs Psrkcr. PtsjaftdUrt 'ioli Wbolnsk od-Ratail byTboau K Htbbnrt, Druggist aad Choaist; corner, of Liberty ssd flailhlVltftossts.PrttAergbi W - '' /• •• . Ort9aflm ■ JB MORRIS k. Co I *, BLACK >VRITLNG INK, tor • sleelorquiilpens, and the copying press. This ink utbansuLOMhe l experiment* of aeveraLyea»i devoted VP tha wsnnfsctart, on an oaensjua ecato,fl» aa article, tailed as all the purpeaeeof the cow outer. Hie perfectieaiof.tlu* writing luk consist* lathe fol towns propentoK-FinDxrr-Mn which property it will be found *o«urpase all previous preparation*.- It will flow with perfect-freedom either from quill or atecl pen*, and is entirely Area from any commve onalitiea. Cnrrra mar cotor of-tin* artieto i* a rieh, beantifal •blue black. It is neceanry, however, to give cojuu menihafeUowiagcsution. - goad black ink. from ita neeea*ary chemical ! eyastit)uioa,rB9Uttaasrpo ren emptyaourt},{tonv» Pope, clerkefjcfferscneoaa r*T court,’ P B Atwood, secretary, Fireman's Insurance Company} Jolt* Vain agent Lexiagtoq .Insurance Co; 8 a Good win, •ec’j Portland £ry,JJoek& laurasee Co; DS, Chambers. *e«*jr Franklin Fir* 4 Manna In surance Co; J H Rhockqr, treasurer Lmtisville.gavin** Institution. ; 4 supply of the above' ink. just received 1 and for safe by tfed] _• JOHNSTON A STOCKTON.- BKDSTEAD. ' , -.rz:.. .. . THIS flfir fha VUn lapiwrrseat! Ini qow teUHA «»• about two ysro, and whererar It: Is known, preferred in ill other Roadstead*. ' ■ For and eeavcnieaco Uhas not and cnnn» U'i» decidedly the theapesiswl most convenient Bedstead tn use, and per f«*Uyptqnta -. Jas. Lowry fo Boa . - Lowne,&:.' arbint Riddle A,Brennan ' Tbotanj Farley >. ttamsey-B iFCteilaod > • Oavtd irfiker .Bloae* ifoßack <:. llopb-WaUefl* ;• .KobeniJJCane • V J Uayrts.. ' iu W wßoawdl >iJNeclMUifte ' Cot« Snyder r IVn-iisstttt ■ -■> 4 Melfastea ACo Alexander. Lawson... . ;Far*BxbUik>'iiia*«-*ad;!*ell ibaabovw Bedsteads : EatwNEZKBFGAIZAM; - •. ,•• -. . .. • rPateoiss ,Tjibi.£iATrf»&cmet]yofßctnr,&PKeQtei *.• Jxo- A-Uurrt •'« •• •• ** •• •—-ItartTlUejO.' :::: ; iwat* y, brother & eo./ Q*»iir»i C«ntai|ii(oa HafpliKXi ' • .*; gftfL TQK JALXRJTAROISO or , Wtsirl&l paODUCK, Poydrm Stmi, Nao Orkant. Barrnto— ‘ ' - MettitMinltf q ' ”• Jane* . * * • ” David White c Co,Madison, U. ” Ktib* Morten, Batata, I " lloiea fc t-'raaer, I Cuteisoati * M'Kenxioi ' ; n . -. • j : II N Kearney.EMtßanker,ZanewiUe,O. •Diiwiai4Jt<3a,wrtUTiiW i a ; Heed, Parkl ft Co, Beaver. Pa, J w out. Eta, Wboelinf, Va. S M’Clanan s do, > «- /,• w*MMlßk«lls*..-JP®**!*.**- : OTIMa 1 if V, ..... . • (JALKKATUaANDOLUE FACTOE VFOES.vCD bJ—Tbe AdminlAratonoftae late JaaesMeLasghtia. offer for pale tb* •nabllikmem eitaue >a Ninth Ward,- fojaifTfyrtfnuToo by bun, ia bn life time, aa a Safer** ns* ud Glee Factory. The works an in complete order forcanjinf oirthfltrailnee«,wuhfixtaree t £d,aJid reedy for commencing al any tine. A liberal crpaif will be given, and aU'pariiealan made known by ea&inr on either oMfcahdffereigaed. JAMES BLAKELY, ' JOHN MTrOHRLL, apt! Admlntetntfflrs JAYNE’S BAIR TONlC.—Alter antes Ibiaattiele i ■ Iriitt |mwnunre it uas wbat it prefa «•—the bat ertkfei without asy creeptiA, ia «w, fertile reitontem and pewmtioß of the boa hair. We know off aemmeae jneaoree where beer bee been nateeed to bexii wfakh hen beca beUfar pan aai wr (Uab wa eenaollo tnitrrfcToetbae amwawd lo ell ear readme who sr fawar their bair,toaahtatrtal of thwTeaieiwinedianly •tetewlhlLr.' ..!• . *•••• ' ifotaladaPUfaiieiih at the fimkk Tea Star*. 8e.71 gwrthe«wn.nan • ■arffdAwT • tale a few bales Western New York groienof ISV^-ftomatoiacems: , Al*a>'BMttnt,«»d'We«teni NY,earfyplcked,thU ;i««%growth,'- '.■ z \.j •" ■ : ftiaeOhtodo^wuttntcoarity., • ■■■'.••■■■ i. Tta mmiU Eastern crap of the *cuoo U now being Teceirft Brewen. end other* using Hop*, ■will find u j «meh to their advantage to obtain their supply fronj the 'r*ndeni(fta& *»lhettttead-ftiaaUibt*ogboat'tbe tea* atNawYbtkprtaea.- O.W. • f i :• ■> Till*».W:MOMl<*'HYXmOPATniST,woal l l \J tbo'ciiuene of ruubygtt'uvl Allgfoißy that he.ha* decked to rcro*i& it the uir iUiux The wiater r aad It prepared <6 treat pstieata plaelarf.uimaelve* unflar'hli earo.aeconluir lo'tbe iyitpa'aa Cwe E*labU*H meat*, lot either Tboae ■»UhipjLto'tTaU ttemael*** of lu» eexvkea will eall at ,Mr. W3&i'a».cSiitt’®{ liberty ji.andEvaii’a alley.! > . 1 .fir. M. ha* treated aeveral term cauiof dUeaao in iUi dgnwult great surcei*. lo yWeh ha i* permitted to refrr.i 1,/'',:,.'..'; ' tiovaf QtlNDßtES^UQbapprhaa RioeoAej-ISObbUN O Q Motaaaes; 73 bo»M manufaetaraltobaeec; 185 half eh«tiprw?rk aodW*cb«a; 73 oajwlntbboxei Y U aod O P da.; SCO boieaOe nnao clafj to eaaks aalera ess; lO do; poiyfe-together IriUt'a' general aa*on> n*ntof atora aadtbtail* w« • • jag ■■ • ' -!•<: CABBoff ; ( t r*»Y«. | Anhkjwadmit, w *‘htOjr l ~n r-rftllnjfi Eapiiiefc birr, London Urmni*,-l<»rti#yron , », F*U» prjactoes, xuam boat do. VUierfcext»j&B?t?i%’9 l&aetT.'gwrkUßbr <»** ACb.- •lOQOkerrifi flora; ’ POHaYTH ft (jo. tmmmni «ttd{to ni* by.> .8&WHABBJUIQ!!. ~ tT ~ - PO3I-Wood «n : sS9Bsase»^'*?!“- • ,-> -■ aftWHABBAUOIL I .:' it*. A YTlClCft M’CAMTM.rgfc $ u.«w. .. l»'.t^%afsSSS^/3smt’ci.wui,'«.. wbea* iwd ttlfibUO. B. ««- wTS > -■■■-!.* i-PiMAglUt i £au> fc»aot-»WMMii«flr« l i:i ttMlMro , in»»y or-jtfr *»■ >BBiwni>ft co» *■— - LmMWMQNjtfliEg. J* BH JL|gl«> T?UI the tixnipoittuoa otf• \T »«**>■« Atit«>r^,ni»t»^.'«»fis;-g-|nfftv|l>t>n^-°r the w*y, «ffHJw‘ewueqee«tt*efael*y > da£n, brcelfciehaiiepemy^fwxcv. l |P ’i ' 4 Qiiai Cbrfeaa ItnmiUi, PitMbaitt o*OONNOB&Ce,Nenhetfea; BihlmoM > TP WftJTTAttsCurr,»BeK«ts3r? f A «T a,, v Encouraged by, iaenued btuiaen ,the -proprietors' here added touieii stock and extended, ibeir srriiJirc* stent* during the winter, tad bn new prepared uTtor* ward fretg.it wnS iwn&iiy «nd tiinpudf ÜBiarpiMed by any MMfiaki ‘tffalntonfc upcmmeeat carters, die palpable superewjiy of-tha-Ponabla JUfttt Sywdn, end the gnu capacity and ebnsemenee of the houses »t each cad of the 3tae, are pecoliariy eaJfcoU* tad to enable the proprietor* ttXailidKfrenragcadnU ■nri ■frrfflintrl-tf thrirrtrnnßMt«.^»nM>Vy»«y«fl>mtr bepastusa gnarwuyibrUie future, they TereeeUiUly 5^,,,, * ; All ooasigimraiUto TuaTe ft tPCoador will be VecM and forwarded. Htcawboat clargea.faU'and Bill* of Lading ttta*WOed free of tnyeUnre fefCouum&Jcei adraaewgor storage. Ihniagnitfritnai diwcdyor indireedy ta ttdainboati, the interest or Uw eon&iiroori consigned to theaproaptlydadea&o/auat adrufltt gecms ferns jo the pwnsw./ j , j P : .. '.!■ .! ■. PIWSBI - . «!• ii. oiciucr, ~ ‘ ■ _Tr " mVißMflft ft COUIBSI9*. IKJtCJURT, Eat Beater-Point endßridgncat*, ' .„•! mm .CpVpTK, j- ; *»4 Afeai j “fiSthBHIB ABO o&xxv akrvui rimiDua i**D -ifr-Yu* 'IXTILL bo prepared on earlier openinrofetnalnav- VT' igatiea toTecciTepropenr ai big jrharfboator iownreheu«,Tor all point* on KHe .EtfuwioiL Cro** Cot, and Omo Cantu;iar alt pons on Lake Etid and ■ppcTLaies.aaalsototwwajdbrodtec, c.byPetm’i- ImproTemanu. Apply to or address ■ 6bttdlf - , . Dwt»: . .UU EBIE IHD IICHt.UK UREJ , ■* i&47.iajfak eoßfflps/d of fcieaSoSlakd&Te ■rattiTMleblgan: reading daily- betwSmTWmpareh and Beam, tad doaE vanning between Beavaraad Erie and eatftgdditi'wltli C id Boad*»Lu»o cf autaaboat Propellers atwfVSiinU oaibo Uirea,.wiUbe prepared mu* iba earliest *pen taa of Navigation to, cany Freight and PsMcmrcrs ts airpouusdntha Biter, CatulijSLakr,.*;*! Having every facility lor conveying freight and pa*> Hogan with immptoess and: dispatch tke proprietor and agents respecti'nlly solicit fraca their friesdt and • be pablic generally th*ix patronage; . ’ «Proprietor - BNKIW, PAHIfBACp, Bearer. Agu ■ _ • -JOHN A CAUGHEY, Piusb*gM® Q** Water«t«. oppouie theUonoaga- ■ ' imi to- ■ • •" Wheeler, Cracker & Co, NcwVcrk . Geo Davit, Buffalo' ' 8 N Parka fc Co, Cleveland B W Caanlng*nga, New Cattle, do ; nktS TO THE SitT BI.BBKBMABBUROIJTE, VIA BROWNHVILtKi cumbehland. THIS nderaiffaed are now prepared loforward pn>- daeß,4c n u>ilM.U*nernM«teudttrjn* the en»»- isf \Vimtr,oa ibe'noeiiaeotablc ten»a, ; b? UjU «xp«> ftuoaa route. . . : , i ‘•_AU.ptoj»w»ir consigned lo u wßJbe forwarded atiAe .loayu rtuea and wlib despatch. ~ Mernhaadiao rectused by ibis loau’prompUT for worded. ~ J C DIOWELL. Agt, PUWwrgh.' G W CASSifinvniTilk . r**2l K ECt&TONA Co, Cumberland 4 «rr D FBEIQIIT : fpms Line eenaUtiaf o( freight and paMoatei Pack - X eu, will ren regularly during ibe feaeoa peiween Bearer and Creetmlks Pa., by which frnrbt and p»*- leogen between the iwo|jdinw, will be coined praoptly anaaltieloweuratM.-• V" . . ■ WICK fc A RCII £R, GreenVillei Jiklt •r 1 t cbaio it fkamptdk, d«> MeFARLAND AKINU.BijrBeDdT do! HAYBAPLUM%Sbt,^t. u B T rt l ’ do -WO MALAR. Suoni i? d* " WW. MATHEWS, Patio*), i> «o aka Waur>q» i- TWBWrV-PIVE «aiAßBwiUbe p*id toknyoM wbo will prodaeo aspot ef paint, gteia at dry, that runei ba extracted wua lloit’* Improved Chemical Soap. I have 0>« sauvfaction of saying to the people o.' this place, tb*t til* a!niele t 'by ay own noproaetwru oa it, aow«unda annvalled in tbtc eonatry for extraciiny ymre, tar,ptteb,oil, patat, or uy other treaty tab-; atawa, from alt kinds of gerulftmeo'o orUdiei'elmhioc, carpel*, table elotu, memo saawts, ladies l bonnets, Ae, wiiboM (rdartsf anything that pete water will not ajaro. Mora ten one thoasaod penoas ut different parts of the ooastry have told mctheywoaldaotte witbMt hi if it oost our dollar per take, burring this Soap on more tea 90Saniet*»of-lifbt site, aatint,. al paeeas,ud calicoes, 1 have uly tend three pieces el silk, iwo of atnaeea, Ud-fo«u erokJice,oa which It changed the cow: therefore befartpewng Itcan light dress try a staple nr the drrts firctJ 1 mid UUs teeaare. 1 aa determined not to recommend It my urooser than I know® be strictly tree: *• ;NHUort. Price, 121 cts percale. Sold, wholesale amt retail by.- . REsellers.* ; decSt.jv'wwoddst r|*Hß greatest and teat variety ever offered in this city A tefare-aadei bn dm most approved Eastern plw—. and sfoorfsthionshlo Eastern pa ttera* and color*. d|*o THE CHEAP MOLL or ITOdrON hUNIJ.on hud ’ or'mtdo toordcf of all sixes, ud at «n priees. i: <■ CeantryMerehanu and other*, are invited to call and' examine the. above for themselves, as all will be sold wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction’ toads to wholesaleJarthaier*. '■ » ' ! i • •' , uldly- A WESTERVELT . . .__ OIUBKII, ... i; - ■ I ORINO’B TERRESTIAL OLO&ES,'U>Uuiaf all U the jMf.dfltmriM, ud Otoenpttinl iutransMti; ato&atryefcfortbcatttcckfcraUdeireflouiMmtarr C*«- piM &o« B»ilh%etw GmlMi Ulote, wil& addition tad feßMtaMt*»»7*B*ie*6iai& JtwfcadfcylUtwoal»«rk- JU){UNO'S CELESTIAL GLOBES, mtaiaiar alt Dm kwm «t»a. ntbtiiß, fce. ConfiM-fteek lh« wwki of iWoUwloe, FhsuUd.D* U Ctih*,' BmUnJ M»y«r,3!r*d* Ify.Rmebd, MaUaiyw. the tnnncUoat of iho Aotraiin, kal SoeittywLondon.Ac, £e; Prom Sofcli’i Nrw tfei UAGbbe/ •: 7 •• •■' >• v. • • JokntoaA Bteekfetihav* jotirKtircda Aw pairoaf Iho •bet* Globa, nrying is oUoj ■* fcUawc 1 mir U&ebttiadiatMfr, . I. *.•••.' « » - •'• , | W Q tt'.. rr, i M ■ :.. •(• , 1- ** Kmi rloboi ® «*. •j* ’ABtricM, chrwifcle, sad Joqnal copy.' DERRY * NICKERSON, ' MannftetareT* Of- IWHffIBS, JACIIHB '1 BOTTOM, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS i ' W'ALL DWCRIFBIOM- r‘ ’'' /, ! ■e, 3B« Bewth Frwut Itreet* - ' Bdsk of 7 As Wtsoh’M Catnnd Ware mmufi ( \ pnU.iSSLFHtU; ( . ; ALL order? left wiihB.S.Moon, aitfeegdiceofUid Merchant** Hole!, -Fittabantb, will beptwnpUy attended to; THOsl G.DEafi Vj ’ wplAdly • A; a KICKKEBQN ,- r : • -hotiok.; i A F PLICATION will be nade to die President,Mafia*' /X genual Caaptar,for eraetinf aßridfooair Ilia Biter Umongßbeio cfpoattn Piutbirgt* in tie efcaty o? Alleabeay. for tiw renewal of : three ceflUlenietj’ftos 117,1*, i»S* in ihe emxte of John tinnier; osob for two' «h*r«a of stock io said Company; Said ee/uSeatea be* TnfleilormisUld.BlCHAßOJl/m) | ‘ • Attorney for aepyeemor* of John HntUer.’dec’d /delS ~ ; • " “ ; irnusi! m»!l!. . rr'HKmbicrilxi.Midre.Mcir.ill. fall* Unit .nd MMisr *■ f. * r*j ■•'■ - FOR BTKAJI BOAT*. j- PjkUowaaad »U i&ifezo out bo cwreJb? 1 ifijiui£ L - i Alii *>ll i ? V vMBDI I OB* VOWMSENU'B' iS AR S APA RIL L , •r, pl«4mtf£fts4 'f*l t wilkec^Tfra-niaf^Bgfry,, wcfaiwar'4*j _ KKiT JFIIJIMS) , Tfc* grat taaaty «a 4 eßparioritrof thiiB>nmapU«onr iR otter M*4«wo »» wMrtM Knilicalc* Dmw it tram. . Matte BodrJ It u OM of (te nnr tuLBPBUSQ AMD HTOiyaj*Wi» ■^y.ij r X«i t 'Ota wtele mtemeiS *tn£rtaiajjitte pence, tet n-vLaa Xt» t PwnwM Jttftl Bi+od',4pom*T pimimti by aobtcr •Medicia. X#4p» tbi»ii*slte.§raßdt««t.o£»U "tetxm. ~lt bis pertained within ttepest two yean, nan Qua S£oo cam of Seym Cam of Disease; at least tUBB ofltest wan'tbtaidenXraeanVo: Mon thaa J u: 3JBB cheaaef Chronic Bbrnanban £* Vfml«( Emuii 1 '• gJQftcaoaoof difacßObniwaC’wrudatat*; - i 2,000 earner Scrnfiila; . 1 7 l,MGaatohfti* tkefCoanpiaint? ■ - s -•• | -: fipW.cmeaV Dim**uf theJUdnej and, pnajajj. y jijtifl j AMTlibaisdapfcaaaoflKaeaMoftfaa Stood, via: Ulcer*, Salt Übeus, ficula on th* Face, lie, te j T»* WW.witannißcrott'caaim of Bkk Headache, l*»iu 'fcc. • Xhi*>wea*n awt appear incredible, bat teller* from pfcnfciaaaendoar agent* from all part* of the Uaitcd tttaiea, m forming u ofeuiraotdiiwytuea. v B j Van Bntkirk, fckq.. eenof tne taatt rwpectabledreggiit* in New ark, fl.J.,ißfe*m*t* Cat be can re fer to more than lft> cn ee* m chat plana atone.: .Thnc*. act Ikowmiida o/ tam if tbo City of flew York, which v will refer to with pleasure aba to sea of character;' It* Irtht btrt mrdfeiae tor the .|frmatitt.of;iiwa ■’ - v liinw Hamomcn. •-! ••• - - t , C*pt,o. W.fi4cCwu»,«rrM Uxxrxo St*tx* Wavr, im ciember of (be New' Jcrstj Legltlatm, hb kindly teal attbefollowingcertificate. It telle iU'owaatmy; .... > . ..... iUirwtT, Jett, 2?, 18*7* .; -'Ayiariineel wa* taken'with'tMlnftuenti, and my tfboto •rates feftin a debilitated etoto. iaw induced to ttj Dr. Townaend’t Sanapaxilla. cad after taking taro or threoj bot tk*jl wi* very mueli micecd, aad attribute it ealiirty (o the amid Itoraapanlla. pi. haverrptpmad Mtog.Uqifed 6ml : that 1 Improve every day. I behave ii anted ay'life.aud woald nafM without it under aay'eunotdmatfoa. ■, . ...; , U.,W.McLL* A * > liUU.B.rf. . •ftcionjtaCo««o.'-''--'| v-r . Tbk certifiale coacloitvly prove* that, tbii Saraapnnlla baa perfect control over the moat oUticata diitaei of tha bland. Throe perao&a cured in one honsa it nhpreaadeiiad. ... , . . t , Taaaa Ouitonan. . | { / " Dv. Ttnrmbb—DttrfUr: lhavefbbplarara toiafivri ran that tkrvecf njchildrtn have.beta' cured of. to Bdffr tula ky-tha naa of jour etetlla&l medicine. 1 They jwer* lAidad wry aevaralylriUibad aorea: have only tahrn-.feur Wtticn; It took; lima away, Air which ( .feat aymlfnaJar. deep obligation. Toa« r re*poeU\jlly, ' •'- ••• i T U*i« w7c*j.i*.ios|Wock*rih New York, Uarth ....... , - GR*AT FEMALE MtDlCtNfc , . Dr. Tow&acnd’*-Sarmparilla u a amrogn andvpeedy eara for incipient Crammptioo, Batrvon***, Leaeorrboa,dr White*, obstructed or difficult- Meattraatwa, laeontabeae*. of UriM, orjiarolunlary dim harp wi ferths (an mlpratratua of the fjiteu—no malterwuethtr tba mull. of iahereat produced hj imyidnrity, iUscaa tr accident* ] . j Nothin* eaa be Store ntnTbbtf than it* itoigaraitar' eft (atom Urn haman from*. • FanMa*,aU waakneea and Xtnfe tnde,(ma lakin* it, at cue* become robuxt ami fijli of eocrjy under it* fadaenee.' It imamdiatrly eounUmt* the pen* leases of the female fasten which it tba pent can* of bar) *«»»*»•• • ~ . . : ItwiOnotbe oxpacUdbf aa, id cams of noldeQeaUa na- exhibit ceniftalea of cam parfiimed, but an ran agura the afflicted, that hnndrrdeof tarn* bare jbeen reported to' fed.' Several oms where fa*ilk* hate bceo without child rat, after irang a few bottle* of this iasalnabU modklDe, bar* torn bled with healthy offspring. Dr. ZbwnMHd; My wife being greatly dietrt**c4: by witknaai andpaeol-.dcbUitT* and *nfferßK‘c«ot><*ial)y by pain. and a wnmtioa of nearing down, ailing cf the womb, and with other dtffktthk*, an J hating known ca*n where yonr cmdieia* btoefleeted gWti cure*; tadaleobear-' *?a bottle of your £sl*et of. Sampazdb^u^' Ulowed the direction* jobjpr# eu> Jo a short period. 4 removed her coapUinfetM rwldrtd her hnllb. "Seiog'grateful. Cir Iba bawota At rectittd, I take pfeasdre ia tins eekntnriedg inf it, and rxoumending itthn peblie. . dlbay, Ac*. 17, lodi. Cor. of Grand and Lydia at*. Connect*, Bt|4. S, IMS. '' Hr nwUiu: To ST wboa tbi» ear to&£*rp-—Tku h to certiij the! nj nifa we4ost bot(i»«r you iai*r.»B&itt»njt, : wrter tbeawa eltmiej!ul ielieetetjrthxwuaoa,' being irouMedwhh tho dronr, tm*l~ Use of tlie fttVotTroß* tratioa, to*l »c+y nbu otbliito* t»4; wiOi ttf pmttOMOb, h*d the reacmMsrfstieabf (boa vteWiM vuisincediatry it, wiib ttU* or no fcilh; enJM&eeii to uj. -Uo nediejoe ud U» happy v& .dais*! *4*ei,uot«Jj a lac houft b t asiseistat, ina tArr lh» (iplntioa of tat week of its tt», tho drosqr t&i Eer toai tntlioa n*b way to n attaahikg,itmc, tad; her health it sow Delia tbta it barf bees wr * Stag tiao *jwo» TBWfc •. •' . V ■:•. -o : -; '• l/.ths *ill.bo oftnj «mie*r to jm .in tn m Who 4duht| &• tuttcacf (ho mdicia*. nt triiaiiruT wkeoo to it. ■ * • - - ' ~i aubeerlbo aye* If yoor nort obedieata&d •U^WP’mntj TO WOTUmS AND MiKHirri t-nniM Hu* Extract ef.Sinprilli lui been iintah pmin4 tn rtbttui la bnk cntpkjdi. i) No Dave ns'ktma nb to mfjiQM *hk it approaches th*V critical peried, tl 'Tki turn V/(/«,” (iioiOd nejkclcjo take it,a* it Ua certain jrrTfßiiTC be cbj of the oupieroß* esd bonibie dim*** to which battle* eabjcctatlhia time of lift.' ThttpoM my be delayed bcseiwral pod* by übf th&aedJeiae.Xfer uitieei valuable to theecwboiv* approtthiEgwawa&Md. C* it i* ralrehted to »«w*l nature try the blood aadlnTicentiBg.theey*ira. Uodcea,t&i*BedißDeu icrat ■able be all of the delicate SlMaxe to which women arm •abject. 'i 1 - It bteetsfhc .whole cytteayrenewa pemaacady the twht ral eaoiyico-byf t*mo«mg the iapoiitiee of the My—not n> br ttumbtiaf the iptra a* to prodnee a ulMcquc&t re* taxation, which h (he cm of Boat medicines (or female * weak ntse and di*me_ J OIELS RSUD THU. . Too who hare pale ctunplriioc*, doll eyca, blotch** «q the bee, roofh thin, or freckle*, and ere “oat of spirits • bottle or two ofDr.Town»end , » AnapuillaL ft {will ekwueyow blood, remote the frceUee end bUtebcs/ead (ire yoa aaiaatiM. jparfctiaff eye*, b» eptriu, and beautiful cpajdcclioo—aU offwhkh an. of *»«■—»«» value t« umar^ r No floid or terdkiae~hae eirer beta dacortrrd which *e nearly ratable* tii_ (utk.-jaice or mjiaa in decompwinr bod and (tresfthcsbr.ibc ornoi of dimlieo, u tkie prtje; ration of KhnaydaUat : : 1 _ _ . Beni iJ*r**Ta*KT, AlbanT,Meyl(hlS«. Dr IbtnumA* Kir—l hare been uawf fer erreral years with dyipcpria in Us worst bra*,aUetifediwithaarf nem of atoaach, lon of tmetit*, ett/tnw beartbsn). ead a pnl twma to'all kiad»drdaCd ( «ndbrwT«lt» (wbat 1 conldieat,). fhare been onihle to ratain bat a eetall puttied on tty Oiwwerh L tried, the tuoal {roadies, bttt they hid but little ornocfiKtin rrimmnc theeampmiit. I wet in* dosed, about two month* tince. to try yoar,Ex tract or Kanm -penlla,and'l*o*tttT ariih Utile eoafidedee, bat after mine nearly two/botUee, {bandmyappetite'miored, mid;(he heacuorn /entirely remoytd; and 1. wymU earnestly rwoml mead the nie'efittothow who here been afflicted u | hem' ben; ' Ytmr*, d-c., WVt. Va* Zinrt. • Nar29,l&lfi: • • dUtnUland. , t ' ALMOST A UIRACLE : . Bind lb* Allowing, tad doubt if y« cu, that Ibdteaaik* cured. TfuiMooh toeofthe mßiliuulM cue* ttolTdwh*ead , lSimyeriiutosc«rvd: Dr 7bwtomd—Pm Sir. 1 w Ulm/e litflo errrt ytu ago, with a sever* caeghuri fin fa aysid*. Itib- CTcaaodoa no very bsLiaaccd. Ivu proaMoced to ehy. ileitßs'to hue the qoiet cowptloa- I imbed top qua* thto of ted tutto, tod night sweat*,'tad staking very EuU ay doctor mid to coaid do soQuag ferae, l wag into the hospital in top* of. toing benefited, batvu pramnecd thsro tsiscanhlt. I«w now. greatly doircsad uUm lugs and coaid btrtUjhretlhe jl sooatocearea*gi*lcd,»i>d«aocettd to die; w» confined to nf bed,'hud m obugtd to tore Witttor* . Jadiod 1 cahaet pro yw* uj dssrriptkm ttot wooU dojastjes to nr ceee. Ivu soppoad by ay (mads tob* past recsTrry j 1 and tned a ptstnuaber of rrasdis*.' tad ell used i dm to na partoee.' ! read of some moat *i. tnewdiaafy eamperfanaed by yxrat nedfeiat. ad to.tell yodtbt tratb, X saipceit&« UJt**. •■.FroaOia'WcllrYort DaOy fflspnn of AprU9,lf*f7. A iwtty Ihkf iifiiU athaatmte yrtwnlay. it nr lh« ad Terming tab, or Skraparitta Esfctas ofJJr Towawnd. « The wboklbieg font up » good taste; mi of lb* orna *«t*] kadieapr painting* nreheanlifoJ, which, together with - : theKrOUWork, lajaM. jifatcoiag inUajua, nt< a &bu«' .rarely tqrallad ia Bras way. w# taka this opportunity ii» tayimkaliralhw ettmctoftha £4np{*riUa demrvm the rurjgmt popularity ilkaa nequirtu. ' limuDcblHtr, ' -•’•'1- - Naw Y«**,Maitb»7,lM7 . •Pr.Tpwaared>-l harabwa afflicted am or kw forJ , mr*, with ndmdfalattkiagia tba eh«*t, gid4iem to'th« | Mad, lew or mettle, jwla ia the limb*, tad general debifity,' brought oa no doubt Vt tb« continual heat um told tin which laa rebject to ia my Mfiana u adjrer. I have taka other' nMioaer, too nuaenm* lo tarn tins, bat wilhliUl*oruo*ue em, tiwasisdaocdbYwhall aawtalhapapcrtotryabottJe L «C your SarwfwriT*, from which I found great rebel 1 hare 1 aided taken armalmori bottln,*udl can unhesitatinglyear : 1 ft bathe beat ttedleinr J bare ever taka—the-peal# aj 1 chest is goo*, end 1 As] quite adifirrcutaaaaftogethaTUDec . .IhevataßayoorSamparilit. i [havcaow* better appetite than eterl had. My wife ha» takaaitwith thentne mbcfi rial result* Iwo aid reeosaaad’ it aa a Emily aedkiaa ratnlly,a»d I frtl eoorinet4 thftifiouifd there .wouldatf he half the tfckuem there billa; for while ilrcatorra appetite, itabe'fimto th« lUaaach aod bewaU their regoler tempt keep* the blood » a healthy »l*t», *» lhaf disease libel »0 likely .to alUekth* eytttfe/ And tn’ali thoujwho are net iaaheafthystiu.imr ay Dr Towuead’sSandptritin.' > ; 1 - TumusSarnr, 70 ADea 4. ~ CMkarlathaUoutli. - BckarEaDheeoasterkwthdrehßd ak*ctf; Dr-Towssend’i Saranrifli hat sand the Brya of c f ehildna.—' The following,etrtiJkate ia aalertedfroa a-wmi aaobar rectfyed thla.mk. . - vi & - m- - < i -i L- ■•••; . -S*w.To**,'AnraB,lBlT. . . Dr ToauiuJ: l Dear of.my children was mt> fifk Caaerr in |ba aiaalh and throat, aUcodtd with yaatdebiUty. JtcuM&cir dying 1 obtained aom* of jour eieaOeat aneiiiciafj and It cured it directly, for. arhkh 1 can' aw ora palieelttry gryle/ul,' , Veura mbactfijlle. ' Jjßuun*TiFoiriia,B7DeebfaßShsi.i r : uCOEOANtDCUDUH' SYHUP—It prwvedjab* Uie P»ae*B‘in? awing. my chikr.diatiSiiirr eotuk.'• •• -.«•••;. $ I- , * : doejur HT.O.A-W. .re m:i. Ih. puffljw. J&ach Ua uUiu pu.nl miUleuniubin m lo ncnnuauid Uorssa 1 . SpnipinllioM'Wbo niiuSci. - Ailnruringuiad die.lo iunn.B n«tt**U uii diiueuia. no™, .t,, toil bt .lull lUyiaffliued on. of not aiumvtri“ .sa^waasaKas&i proved lobatbapaouaiaihiaciMithitL « .n Drt]iand'«hM«land,retail hr.ihai»»tetor • !- A MoScUJ?Smffi • b 7: .I n_ij_w«odah l doortmlawdiusounllrT. r OhtdelMUNiWarm •nwcineT' Tff ttktaf oaTruU r 4 Dactor ! '■& JeUiAWffl«& • efiu «f dauee BhawN t - j-rrr-tr <■' ■mm -ooiuvufui 1 • v Aratfewindsarocm fercoegb, «oU», Mima, /bverraopi^ut,«fettißgMi»o'pairaliUra ( *4s • .! “ .'‘brfcfus&aervoradetiiltfj.wboojßaierato; . brokeheontiiuueo, COHSUaK T''\ TlONorinydisfeseoftbelunjv*/; u '•■ btsast,’JUadertre job - witkscoM ordiseawot-ihe ~v~ <‘."., j -V :\ • - fefc rebody, *‘; | ; \.| '.•'■•’• youwillinotper. ••"•*• , • r- ■ - •.--•>•; tapofegmilt..- ». ItWiU ißestnll those disOgreeabtesymptomwwrttich suits such tenor to the mind, & prolong yoorday* Bewamor.aU.pmfeuttfenaißurpatfng-tdddnura Wild Cherry, eiraptfettbcsniif tbnsigßalajeefDr H bwAi *■ oh the outside wrapper 6ieaeh bottle/ 1 w Ute; «« quite likely destitute at .the article from .whicbthey .borrows disk. :.. J2eaitc&af*f bft&mtl- -.: t S ,;i £O,OOO DEATHS Hlf CONSUMPTION ' Woold perhaps be a small estimate (otthe ravage* A oi this dreadful disease lea tingle year; feed add the fearful catalogue o) Hum cat off bflubw*- tion el Urn Lungs, Hefeorrhagt, jisihs&feoegha ' inouenri, Broacbilit,ind other. rihtmrir of the, LuMsand liver 1 -• : i • -,i And fee list would preseat an appalling proofed the! .latality ol these twoclamee 'rif.riiismca.~i Butitis Impenaatto know, tbiijaearlpi all oL-thls/dreadl waste of human life might have been ; prevented < by a tiaelynse of Dr. SWAYNE'S COBfOUND- SfKUB OK WILD CfUHUI Y. ** \ r | Thu medicine has beee beftaufeabublic ebme eight Veers, jind 14 the original preparation from the Wild Cbeny Tree. . Zla rerateliuu ki i remedy, for Coughs, Colds* Bronchitis, ud Corn tempura oT the liangs t&sed entirely upon its ut triuic merits,'owes butiltUe toinlLae? asWspupei E' üßsi* Those who five it * trial r «being beneflubd r it* reeommead it toolbar ntigbbors;-aatl ihu gradually and rarely ha*{t gained an enviable 4ation and worked us way uu> geuraftuea |Ov bottle rarer fmls to carp a recenteoegh or cold;' While with strict aUentliJa to tbedirectum that ac company etch boftlejla juci in miimoaarr kSetsei« of long standing sad of; the mast slimingchsrsb ter, has always given- relief, and .in ,«an .mahy;i ' instances baa , effected jeompleleVand pcrpuLOehl fiti'kWAYH&S Ctlibrattd Catopound Sun .wfwiucim 3 .rr~.,;r :-.\ ■ Head the most remarkable eve of Coairtantjoß everptoeod Upon record.— Dr Swayne-Deb Sirt* I feel it a debt of gratitude I due to yoor-sod a|dutyjm the afflicted ceaeraUrte i oiler my humble-tesiitadnyU lkror el -yovusßi pound Syrup of Wild Cherry., ■ Some.three resit since, I was violently atfeekpd wife'cold aid station of fee lungs, which was’accompanied with a very distressing cough/,-pain in thebreastsndhead tery considerable disc barge ef offthrivs jaucoa Trom the lungs* especially upon changes of weather boweversiigni.. At first l isllJW alarm, about ray coadUiea, but was pretty soon convinced that I wu' rapidly going into,iooMuupUoi. I ffev, daily weak* ti, and at was acircejy able to walk •petk abore s whisper, soak .was-the exceeding weakness oi my lungs* ’During this lime i hadlrira various prepanffona but found so. relier—growing alfthewnewcoa. Just hire Lwas advised and persuaded by a dear dead in Wllnungs toa io mako atrlalol your Syrup of Wild Cherry,’ 1 niastcoalesa that pcayiossiy hbadbeea-mjadie* cd against patent medfeines* end 1 am stiff sgainst those coming out; of ; |he hands pf empiric^but understaadiqi your claims to the profurioa :ud practice of meUicine, apd having implicife feith in the saying ol my fhendf, 1 forthwith pterchaed oi Dr SLaw, one of your agents, a few bottles and commenced its taia.-vft|y disene at this timrwas ol twppty ortwentyfive months'standing7«sbM* qoeidly was deeply sealed. 1 found, howerer; con siderable relief from the hist louorfive bptilas.— But beisgapahUc 1 fretptently.kttembted to preach wuh my iacnasing stnmgth and. ttoeby roptared those Teesels feat had already bdgta to beaj; in feia way, doobfefss. my curo was greatly retarded. ; lueoucdheiree flf. acting thualmpfti deally.J had tuuaU pr. 16 bottles before iTSraa perfectly restored. 1 have no. question,, a nfeeh •mailernnmbet of.bohjlos would hate' nmdefine •oiind, but foe the above indiscretios,'. allayed the leverish hahst, did away tha'dfrtfeming . cough, put a stop to fee discharge of ihatfeHrom rim.ißwp j « T .dg»” th **** ,u4thW ontiroayttsairot>d health. IfcavedelemdofieringthiseetUCcgtStiU _now/ ‘ for the purpose oi being 1 perfectly 'tSUSfled with thn. permanency, of the, corc/uml uow that 1 leal perfectly well* 1 ofler it with pfeaaare. JT t - rJfiVi J.IVJORDAMj Dublin county, ; W:G '' j %i . . CAVnOffl CAWlom -y f -•' Avoid all spuitoas pfeuerstioaa of Wild Obsm. such nsßakuna* Bittefe, fiyiura ofWUd'ChtnT. Pills porpoftiag to.eowafeWUdJ-Tieny, A4Oar/ as they are allttctitioasknd eponterfeit, ■ , yl*T‘T*i" none of, tbevirtaes of the feijriaaLaad gemdap fee*' paragon as prepared byjDr, Ssrayne, aod 4pe hnt’ ever preparad iSithia gountry. Docior'sw&ne'a Compound Syrup ef WILD CHERRY ireompjwd. of vegetaUe this WiMCheiiy/ spn dtb^ more so; tha whole sstorenderitbeyondnldosbtltheißostpMamnt, •tnragtbeung, ami effectnal remedy eiezmrneoter l . ed lor the cure of- f y l! diseases of fee Longs aid Breast. The -veryTtoct: from its having such attain. ol nerfeos inrt. stands to prove .its great caralive propertie*,! > \ Therefore, invalids, inquire fbr fee pry pa ration, eainh bottle of which la ehveloped'irfwbeaa* tlfal wrapper, with a likeness of William Penn ‘eeJ graved tbereoe; also bearing the togcaUn H. Swayne. tbe counterieUmg of .whirdi will bo'pun ished as forgery. . i. ”,, ‘-I [ llepared only by Dn H. SwirWSf N W'CWntT! oTEioßTUandfUcic &r«efe, ffeDadafehte.l - ,v ;j gov sale in Pittsburgh wtalesala aid ceUiuni WM. THORN,63Mnfeetstredt.: r- .-H OGDEN &SNolVDEs,'Corner B. A. f'AHNESIXICKjdc COo comer of lit and Wood and 6th and Wood stredti. f i S.JONES.lWUbertystteet ' U { 5 1 JOHN MITCHEIX, Allegbrhycity. ~ | ; AndbysUrespeetablnDniggtsta.asd deilan ln : UedieUmi throughout fee United states and Csui* lv £r -i sept® • ■ t DB. JAYffEf ALimmE. \J \ 7 TOe have been in&rned by Mr*. Boa pet-: Atmedodber byDr.JnVmn** jUttraUveiVtici proraliu, ;*jed.-Kheba« toenelflicied tor tba lattvixtceii years with If ECKOStao* WHrailJfrpLUWU&tttlirfcd . wild, efee&tioet a&4 cntylimtibD of virions boot *. da;' ring which time many pieeco have been disetorgta ttaa the inoiil bona o< the qtuiaal, from beikhor min*, wriau and hand*, and frees both 4c%*andAoiaf tie deft fetcoral bone, and (tea the right; knee, bnidaabaibtU nicer* on other porn of hfr person, which have raffled .the toUiol a number of -oar efyy—dnmig mm oftibe tin»T»r saShridgh have been excraixtmg and depljprable.l Aboot three months sinefl aho was tndned -tttry tt.7*yiißV Aiiwnave, which bnji had an astonishingly happy eftci epon her?' by removing «U ram u ’• Sold at the Feki ■ Tea jptore. No, 75 Foortliifaie*. Pittaberfb ' i‘" > ’• -- LAD IKS Who UaeQtamoa Prepared £badb, are , aflertpot aware how*frt*huhlly duanooa %U t» the akin! how eearae, hear aallow, seUew, 1 and nnkeahhj the akin appear*' after >miag prteisied ■ chalk!- Baentea,it I«injaritua,eomaialnfalargraimn - ti ty of lead. We kavoprebared a beaantkl wcncabie 1 anTefo, wrhfeh we call JONES'S SPANI3UTJI*Y , WHITE ft It perfectly Inoocem.helnfpwriSed of all .deletenonqaalnlet; and ittmpamiio'unrrala'awatß*- , ‘tai,healthy,aiabaiter,e)ear, living;whltei attbeaaiM : tune acting aa a CMsebdau-tha ehiflt:BudUim-4tkM and anootk. j • 1 •:].?• •.-■ j 1 - . Dr. Jamea Andenaa,- f|aetieat Cheaitl or Miuu* '■ ehuMtts. : uTW "AfteraaalyttegJofaea'dmiudklildltT' ■ White, IflaaitpotaeMeaihemoet bcaatlftU Tsd»nato. ral, at the aame time tanpceai while l-everuw'. I - certoiafy caoconaciehuotuUy rccommeiidftt 'iadtoali wbote (Kin rccHires heaaii(jriug. n I .. .• - !D*Wee*scenttahoU :: - i Ai > : hr WM.JACICSON, at hia Boot md Shoe Store. 9 Liherty meet, head ef Weed, at the aim of - tkaSlfflßeot.-. ■ . i L.-1 J--;: ;»;■ r.f , •A— • ] i Whoa yottkeowlhatjM are prontited - A natural, Ure-like,ano|ry white, • • Thatyoa wiH tdllaaeiotamehehkik;"-' ' J And look a deathly, yelldw fright:-- -jJTho Ihoacof laaghier'dadorialfc. 2K“SS!.|S5a’f». co g . Paper.-ef all kbdln- made te order than «Mjnii^nnianMl>amb,a>M«A» apanof which I* of very auecriomaalitir;; ; ; PAPER KAIdtBV'nATSeiULI 1 ,, )i every acacripiipn, impotwd and kept eoniu&ttyioa . ; r-rJ EAOB4 P«S3:KtSr£“h3»f?g&SuSi : paid- -- irOr ■- j New-Vork, JerJlStA i ■ Cm.Eaa’i'VEBUIFOaVi “I caaUa tooe/iku ...Mi I .IL &fttleis>^rMlHriMl]»^MjMi T «»ilCT»«tni < ii^«»4fc«»liytJnnckfe»cr*iait»t* J lcDn> cluJei ius h*d «mu drfcl «ad'(st#l|2ai« dO«r«,' whleb expelled 5i very iMK* wfliax l£ift%ww pwr Veraifa^ebcmrf - ' - lid liU bjr ft. B- & Wqo4 iL Sold fly. Vr. and Sm^iAJu. fltevroim-' '■ ■’• , . . ?' ,H > 4 ....-.i. Jito 'S ! T>J*H*4* lm^T: POIUIt kind* or di*eUe«rS?«ki a . Jc Efcojal.Sc&hry, Hm t«pci*,eU**d orcrooked »|ka,«ed ftmiUttitfrKiieof | ki tflh*,»kiu,w^'«jmc*iecdaU c s3*sto ; flotp§andj«np«rmiW. li «i»o dltpetrßwkfr^*^ ;S2*E^?£i^2S3BKi*s r ■ i CfeMaM&bet* ttmtm&cr fkat it it nt&igiA • ■■> ¥ Tar "t* W& &p-' , i r» T .. i. • I rrilEKKFOU«hmcthf•)» «pTOW*uitmi#rir sr--: X Bfto* igtftstfnmjis ihrusJ. ;v<«{ • Sir-Tl- iWt bcasStl have ssawwawl of oOkt* fwtto ,lto stop toi«f 4tee«yUßohtbuiM torn? , a ' 7 -' '_.- Sapwt&byjovn, - -T*asc«T**to*t. ' htalstf >i*sH«fa», jt cfaiemkaes V(h« sMat"? t^&&^'ss^£sr l^k which v^MJUto^lTSTeLSm^S^tiißM. ■ WUfitoJ rtatftl* P&a jiS^lKto-tom | with spillistof Uoa£ ?fW MMHroMnl«u<*tiKß- . t2ty.lfaetJibiS-c***ahiou,*iiidi left •*(■*• •UertU* - , ns if pf.teMncMsvd topa to .«%* sir mi fm lw, : ' I the* teissmf to toe** a 4*m« f mi’tW.’eWwsJrf tu : ijwptars ■Wets'toanrtwtua,- tUr'fcra whole yrtf 1 *w I aomlotoinsadtoutjroKsiana. DUrintluitaiit IcObmll* j sd »q—.rttophyirimi yrtdittrtdtototortrittssotottouo I b« «U> tUr slatlgru MBmlußctofr«a»Krftu;a«4 fo” .V?? ryrdblOT wneetju talfrtlyVj»h«» . la .this cradiUon i vai Is&rawU ox 0* njuaW Vliata «f faapohad SytspoT TtrtabWood Katas, ia i - T— r v T~TTi-' t i-‘iT*iflnt,iiinialalMtia< ilii its sB npmtstnajhafaiweowyof »y feresrtoaito hlwi> > ; IsaßOwatototttaritobawatowitoaYaisdi&dbty • '_*]■; -''. ■ v'y - ' SYkS - '' Prepared only to AIfONEP B. MtsucfnfthatoLSuwnitmis i . H<-■> Sold,by WILCOX, 'Jr.;TaUtelk, ainmMto •on’* Cenpotat'Sytop of ’ite~£ra» MM-tohtottrttoS o u becoming so ttArremiljf boSwte - Furt,Boeahpe thevar*prepared b/Dj/r B Lai ty himself,* nmarlPniegtst; Chemist *nd-Tbysi-/ etaftftf PbiltdtTpWs/wh? know* thr I *sh*, the qnlity tts character of Ib* McdlelbesuWla hie pill* PM «n Ht—.-t! A* I ’■ v/Sbeond/ftteanselhe pablie can take them with greater confidence than oort otherpiOatobtoh an prepared b/pcrsocaifoonat bothotmilcUb ml 4 iaM * e *tij r-,.; ... r ..; '. .... >':72ur(4B*caaioo{ trope rl Uc* not contained ia surotber plUr. BSBair. pare 9 ing liba the stomach and bowels all unhealthysobe - •“S*•*&« tie uauL.umti«mr7slPtl“»l ud fluids of the body. , ; PoorthV. BetaMe ihoy the ebei&i «$ best BMKueia* known«a* single box costing botSS cents, sod containing 40 pills, mint to peisoitt s* but dollsftolt>timesr hi DocWr MlEbßi xbinou ■ flr tried on the ntotbenivr - -.i"";-' wholesome advicl-., : WhenCT*r rpu base occasion to take snj mrdi cino;do! sot b* tiiflihg by tryingsii binds oi pUU or "other medicines yon see pebliraM sng recommended by one bat jBImI tnd yoo Wili'not hire; occasion to -tain nnytbiu else., .They will ilwgr* be fonod nil itirbnnsoi laflanatioabTihestomafchybom els, liver and intestinesj czymp* oi colic, Watetbhsh; InwardlevenL fool bmtkbMl tasteinihetoooth,'i^our , enict»Uofls4i^' ; |etiDty ot Uto.stomnch. cortisone*# and indigemxa, want of .. billions, pfleetions, disuses vSmi'nltt*' ; and. kldneyr, diseases of t&crskln; *bit^ l edUftioad dry and watery pimples dr bJotobec OT the fabe ui body, and aaltifa&Mlbead* •aeb*/giddioes>; pains over Art, of the breast, ,sid«w, along the back and spui*, thpnma tlsm andgoßtyCeven.d *Ukiads>.smiUpoMrario« ■Mid. aesiels,scrofrta,eiysipelts.andtnshort they 4h*jr«igin ln the - stomachj liver, and intestines, dad the . Idbod ' j*: j v -. • .«t v .-ixnii' i iSold WholemJe and&etaitby Bi A.;Fabttsioek tt Co., cbner'pTYart,. and. T?«>d/ jabo;corner of . l A <-..■■ ]\.. :^j£p£9. • '-» t eHliflas w’B 'foOTA PAITKy . - [ !. ~ a,ranccwjaiiaiti. . / r . TpBB befttttieldldioihi wltenlay ■L-.iboTeetlLstMnathiiiiiif thdymna, swedudbi ths brealb,'4t«. ii-shoald be Bsod every ai£bt'iiiiii-a stiff brntb, an* the teeth aadeaoathaßll only reqnlra ft slish i •washing in the morning; Wei the brash wiiMwana water, or cold will answer. tad rah he fcwimeson Utb'Mtr. when'bnowh will- adhere fof ee*aWf ike teeth. 'M«w»t'<>iiinnm«eß *• »h«> BwrthjHaue; p4rts e noctdeUctubtltn«rme tojhebwsjJLjts&tnds I «ariTilkda» e pleasant, effieae was,; cewvetugl, ind tafedcntritcc. riiawmimod cenaruJaietlie teeth, bans preierretjjeih.-. *. '.v -57 V. JBy niu iv refaiarifi' UWUI &mM ifewn and yteveaf jiU: eccatejauoo. prevaot Qtdibasteche wreagthatihetwai, ■iiiT|>SH m all rtbeaw agues y-HTTi-MT mil ibr 1 1 1 Ilf nin—lsi lilli a ta.ientfy tittag:ef the kitrflawto.-- obeemhUaignamlaauicfctdtbeedfcbot!?TT by Im tanl«, : 3a DrudwifeVaa of «w. best-jlßaust*,sad by w*t eOie -oU-etukiiltod mesia United tatta, apimw<> d -,*jtlw-fipbilityef.En|Jaii(i amlFrvrre. r. '- A large proportion or the disease, t ksttstetmakiad •rise frwa soa* deraafeatoii oTtbss mmUrbaralSr •which' s tinelyjMeottbe Caltajis'ljMfcpjes.WMid • entirely obviate* bilie ashabltaswald al ways Jiave'a beX at bsttf.'SHd Uke~i(lW¥ft£evßr they wutulirdulbaiaeuisihtii'UllilZ3hLit!a cioas, eager these -LueaccfeimMißavcßliboßuids efimex Idbwirswi.: ,-■ :■• >'r;t -t-tt rtdice ' k hy thsprtgfeiltadiwy Q us "' jbtqiaja* 'fMmoxt,ytutimtihuice-k, > 7‘ M+lß. S. fidtiri-' yWatf efiln^n^nniffWaJlirtid tadaeesawioadd ay bnatbls testisMoyia tofi ftjmmjvulj TsfaVatrd.Lwer. Mb. , l A?ip£ •ota'jytir*, v adbenaf to Davy CraektUTadiiou *be mm yeanhrViehl, 'Aea go • Jgwft bribe way pepwatfib* bf crane* sad eoaefaulaadcd to the iMii,'law iahliltidttrCliatt '■•wuserTii» hM hhaaftnd to the pohtiKeod, tadeed, Ibclimlhn wQl < ittrTir*tbcmalL’%sth«Y«r» but rrhsi JW rvereesaithewtpie.? 1 hMhktaUD&dWi&Lirer - Ccaapum|CroW' SSyyifalb; ban ■aSucdw!hEhi-cwph>)'«d wsny«a»*stkbiaieeaß ( ia-.«bawlsaldWßeMMS*Btets - -IWtwifcb'hmitiiWimawitedaadphysfclwdalwoWigdtaUi; eaatraM6or«t4aM,sadteDyjefraoss:isranthk la ldt>?i.wß ieJspd tertnr year Lmr I WELL,* OwWef itW iiwvnSdtnl'b kenwclar I Mttr lyWpMwUarV'lcmst [ 18 ■ootfae.rY'ogrril leers sbd the bet real med; - Sch/belginmeßncb r«b«C .1 hate kept ihsaianT store SvrJl j,yt«ni sold hm3r*d» of botajwwa4mr : beards tbzle epaphiat, altered ty spy «» iwlW ord .Uwa. IbeyhatewprrMsHMriptfcntyoUfcftflffcthis_ asiefahorhoOd.sad iaastort tiftis* wnrtanMr thm’blL' l .*> earawDy reeeaaassdrthtar ii ’ 1. ,wbstbtr.‘jhr.LiterOXßfhtotW- Bi{flwtJPilfc,ia.Qco»- . eedsfthew feteperioc toCskssel or ths BhaFOL? Bnpoet ; ihhrf jwCbik- Mft4»ldet»nL,HsteaswbdirsldlhS(mirtn9inboald aek lor asd tabsaeUEsr thsathew prepend Udteld. by R BBELLC&BjJI« 5J fTeodMi:htUMca^ldrilaad^wrfii bttoUYHE’S OiUunjrATIYKMLBAiI FROJIihe ReTASATSrttNf*, rvett kmnrn *nd poo vluCfcTKVotabfttftttfetUtnttttiM&Marcii ' Tb*fcfefcnifiifAfcavi&jtbeetf*niemn!«rf&kiBapMt viffierwithadiaieoa ei'me ctomacb, •o&ttaet pro* ducLn® (km p*b la the ReotaeUfar tenortwoKekoci* wub»«ipiiiiii\Miinp, ofld slier haYiaitz/earaiou remediM with little effect, wufhn&be3'-with • J bouie of Dr D Jsyn’iCtrmi&cifo Bales** -THs h* Mad sc* eordloi ».|be ttvedoo«ft«d (bead amfiabtftßithla Uireaarfean&ia* wnir»3ittssf WSdaeTefbalctuStofS^wiilKof iKa!affiS!^.ss*ssiasss f !®S‘ Tttnenee» fatKlore.'iia feta confidently it no* pend D £jeyAa'».Pemm4iiien >ilwniTiW ttrl i forduceKppfiiqftoauohaadipweUy. iSn** Piuitnfh tt' lie i Tff Foqna erect, near Wood, sad oliosiW Dr* •• I SwwofH t 1? Vreua de* Am*ada Arnett?, for ihirinf; 1 Cream's la Boar, ftrabatlM/ ■'- ''MaoaOoCrem, do* —rirCi p afli? oTall aaoe - - Fmtnanid Mtlwfcaxa«ii«oa»ni»*Ltow. v. . la&aa;reieiM«k*frdil;-' :; = if* _Seart oUfin fkbejr or common, wr*ppmv(rtac jeenw ; - J^asssxawa^ 9 * :iJ-».‘ v -; 4 .A»t ,••:• BAFAH«EBTOtSttArft wftVfcTOi 1M . PITTBBURGH GAZ£t+4. fßmflHsnmatv. TarAfaar.vA'MJ?* ■>:•: ■ Ml Oi6tOBIJ»M«aLAi »>.* Al'Il!!' . batki oooVmniM Ob®Uuertioa of ISUbmV v tea:;;v»i.Jv/ZtfO SO ton JWrtloßß - - 0« Week w «*■ « ?*vrr^,S Three, « , “ « > j.-iAfttS 00 Tio ■• - : ,Tkiw “• ii .. - >«4f> to i ,OT f* r wrtrti|eawßtß to «am® | V“? |Bontht,wl(beßt E®eh tddiUiattal hut* f&e &M»ntk*, v r 5 CJO '*£?s** : IS “■• »’»..aJ[o 00 jjj OO s*eh tddiUoßil tqoire,S moatb#, • ••»••• *»r 800 Ob® waare. 3 iMertiow,•*««•• • • •••.►*»« • •fISO ''.'-- u ':\ **' futjs7 V. ■* ; •_ _ • Kir#litu or lnti tuf'f&ri "**■•**•••s*V*«l'6 00 ' at 00 u-. u.' >i u i ■**.;,cis (#, umrui«l»-i»-w»*BZimfc' .• * rbf »Hbw, p* to*, Ob® iaertjoi, .a.uijkQ 00 „VJ. i«m Three. *< , !r- ::U* u A "