The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 23, 1848, Image 1
: -i': r i ; I - ; , . . r .. j. j.h’uxoct* * J'ltuborfL.-.j..• -•.- ' i ; '»> • ; ••-•■••--•’ •■ ' t • .• 'r :< «R -WUer, And M 7 *•'■» *M Ali Vt«» ■ I! < ' f J'■ I ■-■’l ?-:lt~*.;.U<?li.i“ ..’J /Uwr > JJj ~ . • 4/ -i '■ ■ ~ <ys£ ■ ; J.t't till 1 - 4 •’ i ■ if 'f ' • l*:u* '■’ -'*? k>* W 5-? <• -i -'Vh ». 1 j rr:: £ ‘ t . "V' %** ’i *? :t .V r v •' ’. ~_ .- : , ,:>. •;.*; v'-* ¥. : ; H?r ... 'M-i-SJsWvr •. r ,v *■„ [*. LS'" ■•‘■"‘j'v!' ■■'• * [>■■• 4.>';: : :.. l >'„uv..u > ..'; !.'**>>» -v-S-Si m*£i ffSifili lk.r&s|x *i ’ V'iv T K!^ r ■ •;%, -wy* k' ;'r!: :..; 'f'i - J,- s&M&pp .:’ vSjVciKjSMfiip-' 1 ; 1.," < ,' r’l&.v Broke »v«w»«r oOY#od J- ■ -«H~ WUIWBJ »»•»»- - -~r XOHN GRlEBrWkjl***!* Grocer, dealer in jp. t| dßOf.Kttrtf^'BtM«JWwr^T>aPUic«,fci*. "j* - H** 5 • Jt- V ;••• MBXjKdtS.'-* -■J '< • ’ '■' ; v. •1 M «—»■—»»;■ Ur.’iaProdaca and Kruto^r. WtitiMLiVixuimtk. jail*..- 1 J , stiur. ~ ■ -jaml* ■■ufV.i - ' . p iu 4 T 1 VYATERMANV TYhalcufr OjocgfrFpr^ard* M nt» */, -' Srt JiGmieeittrea*nd 2*4 >.nkfiwnogt* tttvaa K^r: wr* ir* vre *a»n ttSc&Ki*S&*ya. tsisjt W: ’.-1789. ' f.r-y.-BUsmESS CABDS. : 4j>« i» tf liiirtLflUhif lhk «<Aften«->«fVak.:» .* mnuscjy> , Jok9' Orwr htubsribt £• Lnic* * c SiHgehrtr-—«-*- aoUeiled. uid life*. im tniit&x&z** mefle, i/rt<i<ged. ■ i ■ LflPEg Coronfwloa: and For- 54 uUet tad V<^C .l^oaraiwynM* d. ?<*• . .•... A- Jure lemnied ta. Uietfeid ***■ Weiet ocfll sreffw. i.'cnntnoi. «. IBOWJT » «UIBE«ISOK?W»*IM*k C«m fßiirfeb«i w l.M*> I*^ !ic ECiiAttu®**!*"Ulllfti naf Uh»l«1 Bm- o‘- nuil.bX * wjrrtf, WfeMau Onwn, w. »“i > gJWuodiUrrt PrmßmTfc. •■•'•■■’' •■' '■ 1— . CA. Ui.ANUtTY * Co, .ftrmfdgt tad Coi* • nitwtafl •-’ v»rt fxSfttWk'C^-'UriSS!^ COLEMAN.IUILSIAS, fc *' WOOdl% dpjlwUgStfCtortM '. r <;-.‘. /Ac w. u ,*< . «nu sDOiitr. ’tTWal'P Wkoltttl* iSrofliberTT H>d yiurtxrj*, **- i* *^i*^S^| t Woodat, bttmu* <&** TtTFTzr- " r fi n iiitfii ir^tftn 3 ffirT**'* f“T **•*' H<i ,c*OMt‘VAnnt,’Nm> 67 Wut>, *adWlmw<^ Hiiyd.-JnstfaßWU^tKWpq^j^tpeal ■f,',. ;i ,lii;'| f J'll .Tpaa -.ntj'/.A.} .f*l ', .\a .3 .. .S a « :*f!* kX)KOB ‘4*ofc, . IjEUa^Caftnijai^n-iMeff|>yu<i I<* Wood tt, WBhNWt" * tf V*UENRY WOODS, BHetaUke*.* tl «. AUniftSijMsapiliy'iUed.. t*t tfctMglHhrJtotdiflc**’': v IRUNOT,TYkii» liA M US> * ai O * i H Stac —-yYm’ Irmi yiWM ifIUUWHQDN; fc Co. Soecono - Contoba Jtad 8l Loan BKta. Saw? gel * I*.** Nb.«'Mtir^«:aDtttiaM.»mteKW» K t.«. c. - JL' Tailor, Etchant* ronw & ONm, | -Wood firtct, lfciaond JOUy, fiu*» 1 \TOoieiala lastnoeaUr SehMLBMKI] •~7 Rjw, sSSfawu**; gunSttrr it gttafr«*tM AfJ Ce->VS©Jeaald iajf gM*C6nt«Urio^,'Mgtt>mn^~iy>itiy3n piu»tw«h Minnttftgre, No. 7 > Ce«sla*ti*l Ji2SsErEiS*tt!r htta**i»h»* *h» Canal, Fittaboigh, fa. j T-jiiFA i;'i\-*,/:i ;i>i'< » r» . "■•**■*+'teuoeiaiAXjat *t*- lyhoiewirj^ogiutt, ;.... tk ■'■ 7 _ .wxMtyaparJoaaoif•*rSOf<^Cbi£tfwlatt-.'ta*^»' 4ArwsDQl%4oß«hAAta. Wo* IS'liberty at, topjpsite * - frini^-'-T- ,t B -"p^on’*Bow. JOHN. 9» Auct£cm*«r, corner Sib nod 1 gtioW«, r Wttibig<b." ' v -> " : i -s!S&i£SS23&fiSa£t •jf> ! ' 1 >, v:" ...... Bboic SiorW '4 tli,* aty ... it n—<r»l T1 — t TT^ > , &»« j •-• • - • : «wi» MOTW. : x AMBKBTfc 1 BtIIPTOX.- WholtttleQroeewJKw* I la \nram?a M«- iVi.^SSrpfaUdelpfa^ *>t-d* uf*tpnAw*&l [®lsS2sffi^^SSfe ■banfa.._:u. „ . ~- ’~ • ‘ •* '• •■'- J *^*- V"'-~ ?x?sGK£amsam‘WO*i [■■ JlV4*«PliS»*a*flgT of Fourth, ' ii IS&IMmM SOU BfXttb«as«» pe]TQfic*M«fD»P«^ .. ■ww q,p,w^^AMapftgr T *jj> o—«j?**V At i^■,Jo‘/‘■ , ■ < <w * • .- ' ynftffiHarwW) taaoewiMiyTDDOtflfefl yto* - to bsy».w r> ’■ WTXOHDaoN VCal Wfacfesmie Groom* Pr&fau*, "~ *lvf*^ t **imklntinMirrlnm TTrrr^^PS**! hnrgk -Um&MMit;XolU* Ptl tJ^si ytl ’ >; Tfgb»&i-Gracfth ft! etTKMTKfiMAiff f iMJer.fjiJhafeMVMttfbubßXfh M*&ufe{aie* - -■■•:-•' • ir**;- -w* • !T*OBEisSjOQR&-TyWe«l* Oto&xjlbcxifjlitt u y ti »»if. LiTitett**. rimbgnfr H*nn f»t>, •n ,sss«g«aa^sa?iagr —?• vy* yurnw- “L2li . - «*.*• wKtriCV < OaACKLCTT k WHrri; \WV>»«a«l* .Datlerijp HAHHAPqH.-W«w>^lSTe^ •* \&S£^i@&?g!S3£fc. t “T - :iwf;-,’>- v-i -1 . 1 »!.!» -gpntg, HAOAlxy t Co, Oro»(»;of , .. & '***££* } ■ra&aVaif-JAX . T lZl * ■: ■-*! ..;@ff>»P::: ■ ... . ; -\ .v.-/ ' ‘ r CARDS- O C.' trirJ—ffoeccMcr to. IIW 4, Itfowne,} Irapor- CT» ter a~»-makufcctaxcr of Paper: flinging*; art Soaida, and dealer Ja VrtWntf.wUimtf, ond -wrapping Srerh'Wood Jfau-. wH« tempt pmch*»rt it , ih*Bi|rtieln,a»rt:<i pried .... '» : »cxkds: nrmcaoi L- ' • roa* jnericu, auttaUsn. SELLERS & MCOLB, Prodsc« end' General Com- O nu»»ion No.-1 7: liberty at, Pimblrgk. Bj*rnr Llnaeedhiid '■-.* n '•■' Srg, VON -DONNIIQBSR , cen, Forwarding tad. Conniwon Merchant*, tyfL< if* Kfnnnff tnwa and Wwlrm Pro daee,hM*remoTeototheirnewwarehoa»e.(olil sUndf No.SMsortrtwf-Fioatat tad,Choncary Lane. :. j . i aari -i r •/, iut --.* -.••.>•—t - 11 ••■)•■•! S&feXVRL M/KIERf aod 'Ccnfainituoa 'VaTghfltit t Tauter in Produce and PStUtrarfch mmn -1 ri^^»t.• , '■ "{dsa.-. ; f * .B&flY Wlioieaala Groesn aud■ '-rioo< Marekaan,«ad dealantu Prpdncaw. No: 35 t t- VotyTT**! ■ '■hL i i.‘fQfcjhfrs. ° .m . P,-J;paßvni k Tis, CommiMion .Mcrcttanu, X « dealer* in SaTt,"Lumber, Groceries Fiodaee and fu£bHnh.A!ainifactarr>, Canal,3tain t LiberTy wreet, .Ftit»bßiS»r.’ f - i ;- ;y •' f<»ia i. UtiNaV, Attorney and Councillor Cincinnati. Ohio.. Collections in SoniiieniOhio, iu Indiana, »dio KrMocJry.ptocnptJyandxare‘* 6tUf annulled la* Goaualtaiaaerioribe State of J'eun •ylvania,. tat-taking Deposition*, 'ickuowJedgxfieDt!, hf i Ac. .i i; i j- * ; Ben* jt>—Hon. tVm-EeU 4- Son, Cnrtit, Church £ Carothcnt, Wrn. Hay*, E»q-> WiHock-d^-Hant; ; lafilS turn* W. no,' . attfuxou a. Ibxu> "TV : W.* A,B; UELL.AHqineyi.arLaw\eseein 17. Siewan'aßuUdiug l FQUJih'au,eecand.di>orhbove Vyqbd aiieei.Hujluirgh, Pa. . , ( - j. IX'W. BelL‘ C«nmuMoq«Mb, lake Depoamon* Ae ' ktiowtedfiMiiU orDeedi, and oilLei;i»#lrui»«irta* wn* ting,.to bo died iu&lHsaml." * o<UM!g»* k'w. i - :.wii. V. puts*. I k. SHINN, -{«o<eeMOTi to Lowne wd ,ff WilJifin*.) Attorney? and Cconsellon at. Law, Gtfdi HOttJh aide of Fairflrtdreet,- awy* Suuth£<)ld. . - ftbl7fl£irlT > : : '■ 1 v; _. fe*NVBoWddd «traet, Knkbhnfh, ' 1 - **“*--- - dTETAL'U. PQgmau Agtat-forlfeueaaaoldiei* and i--ff ,proagTi ai^ha-offleaofw. S ih^ Aljf mu*. •In ib* fenttallaadotfiea atWajhangton.wiU atuadto >■trh ß^or **the f efre««d'«iteaen la!aßoUcasta.i J --i,- i..r i .'uTt.r • pa»i4-|ly._-., .TY7TB3T7 BO\VKN‘—<!cannij»tioti in4-.-TwW ,^in ? : f f ■ Merchant, No. w Front at. between Wood and .Market fcqeeto-V. -,vn;., ; , ,-v *, ■.%\ r«i>9t . .i‘ccrrtrtd>< l - ■ i;- ''rimr: te’cnhiifc* f I “Wf It; M*CUTCn|»K Wholesale CMeats.- rW «.I>etl<tt'ifT Protege; Iron, Kaßt/GfaM and "HtuScrgb Maiiattcttttei IM Liberty;street, •WtttTwiik^';*•• ■ •• ; 7jyi»-- .bcaarn.-«nre, : : n*rc».as‘c*»fnj» WICK *. lO UtoJ.p.. Wwk,> SV'MmU liroctfa, Fbrwardind and ‘Conariaaos* Alardhaßta,’daai*i» ‘iu Ixo*,’?<aUa; Cotton YAtta,aad Vioriwgh Jdan*»<aetti»a.««ufaDr, corner of Wco&and.WWy * Wcl *’ Ptiubnrftt.: i : ~ ‘xwr.rrVfi-. WALLACE, MiUatoao oad-Uill Fntniah >:jY-o-la(C«nUab»eOt f JK«.AMUl», war the ■tnaaL-i .• .'•/mb?*- t «»*r<& . W 'TV *' • iwrlS-dly ' " " j ’ .iv WItSOJC JJe'alat. ia Watcbe*,. Jewelry,- •Tlfit EETOUllPfltVWbbiesalefc&tnittai)deliefin -Yf , Foreign awl Domestic Cry Cteoda, nortlf iwt. ooraorof ••?-..•■•• > yi ;• T . BHYAS.I nAiiNlnA fflldiliatfi and WhoJUalc aliJilealariffS'onua and Dcauartfr Wises ami Li qnsre. No~lM:iiban* street, «nd *3 Diamond {Alley paj;r-J~iX . - :l* ’-» • jylTflly J IY. eorjwr of STdnl- ., ,norl9-|lly bide*, *el It in Liberty St-;/.r: J . f *- V.:». T jani-ly__- 4 *«r' .*• M. bOTCU£LT2£&-\Ybokaaio GHcera, T i t Jrtiifriri 1 Witi,lM i - ' wi™ • »*»i liquor <wmhanßL'hl*OM>BPVtaE»ofaod*A>b mndttiqafcalnj [FowdMa^ig»libeftMt.P»ttibafiWl^rJg4iiy ) ,; ouT»'iuoiatrict' . jeoxa. YY SUCOVu) .'A'JC&» Groce* and XJ* hlan* 'ataeriifd article*, bernon hind, *l*ll times, a (nil and rSoeraTaisortrimU of nodi lauutit line, ft die? we»v ; :r: V: / -‘TWCT'ic'TOwinEmvpraate*?* fl 4*o. 4> Hark**hiV-tine* 4oon«MV*'lYifd4L9Htu : ■laugh, win hard oed wagtlrofl band a-wli aefeetad av amqwutofthabCTfaad oobrnt HetSdiho*aua be. wOieeUartWamom leaaeQabfo-wttt*' 'Pb|ilci*nf ■*eadinfWf*M»,'Wffl 'bb TwompU* attended t o,' ul *op- WM4 1 widi'arflelM nay >dy apoa-cr seauihe. * PhjU.UniPiWtiiieauineriDbO'aeenratey and ■ aeSir fdaMred mm (btr Mat tsateHaJa, fctany; »or of the-'uy hr Bight; •*-’« ■ . C Alao for. sue, alaig* «otiof ffeahtaadfobd ferfa-. iiWur.S; Jjltara Cotton T«na Candle Wick, Baring, Twin*, Corerlel Yun, ; ; . e ,.- ■ Canal caret, New Or r Joj IMaNAceata fag J.B. Aratasta Eatenaitefieaa* oa,hnad.a.4«ge:»«»k of IxMLfaiwdefaLChaabcriClaribedapdßMtardSfitaia, r iA%tmaa«Dd«airaU. ,Al»o, SofagUoaM Uodurit; PricjwiibcraL and * fitiraUowanco made on alltalr* of oribora SPfcanefaf f if n't t ridtll _' DO.' W. MUTII V Cb ’Binnh, lies DemfcnL'Flncbwga abd point Drelr&W jrt of Bmkrt** Ailcy and |%sa'Street, aadfootol Pi-y “ ■. "■•' • 'j tt XT.AL S2aHDP,tniWinery Snrgeoti eaa V{wU bolltlhiiotH Kboeing E«uibli»linenu lealaria' Trunmiao 'and Yarieiy - i 4 wT t • Ilora JCfonb* ^- lha- J C*XSoSS?Ton woven Yam* a Tapes, Bndaa,&< 4<a «’ ifSllUMfeli STOKfe, r iHßtfgltimC bed tty.a|bcfc*rari tie bestltoar* fle WtafcreijtJ'. I uke i» dealers, that 1 ata pr»-‘ HKthdll goods in my iinei;(n still |»«l{hct dtalior “exeuisf»«y-* , ia' and Caniage-'Trimmings,! \dtar esabte' as a dcty-coiipeti ikdg» fcr yourwi ws - -, * • HO.«JWO< ■rate w*<g t»wed to tetter 'em* thu ten .. . Buwvwill yveetli Smddlerjr Hardwire ■ Cmll, we,mdjj VrmBTJEGH WORKS ANDw .- ~ t Ayj)Txi,ft FACTORY. ,;/ > t . '■**** -. JOlEl'tW”' f ~ ; XfASiUFACTCfi&fiS,«r *pttu*..*«iaUjijer ill. «loofK steel, «iml ploogE ww** r £o»cl» *e4 clip-: sn4<jc*kf*ut»a»l" cngipc u 4 |eoei»Urt corner, of *nd| Ft pm ■<!»•, *3**A Pggfif TEi 73 W6bd—All bhaatititt of Greet and b|m Black Teas* doneop in quaner, .salt ud -a^r^WAgs,m-^ d : i!H . To iiasggASCfi. 0A l ; '. ' TfrynttATTP BABUTfe THBtTB&HpK.-, llpHEl**«rtDee'C«i»a»y ftf N6nh‘AmoneLiblootl» .-1/ luduir »• -fiaka aemanert tad United insoratieaoir property, ui ihUclty audit* tod. on shipment* bjrtlie DIHECTOBS.' • V- :, vr' I ArO»taO<JofflfT,i ■ ■.■• •••' CStarlee Taylor, * *‘ B*mTW Joaes, ‘ • Amlirwe Wlme,: ; BlnMfWlir John White, - * - «■ A B nreß K a A cwm,fttV :ui“i w T*i» U the oldest laseraoeo Company-m n» w tut to •fifty knW beM ahartewd hr.rrtH.'lueharler is dMMttal. taafrom- tUhigb’sttMtogi M>g’«»p«Ty nea, «33« tlmcKr, ftowb* *S"\ ulsYciihlfJ totkeMlK' - ; "JIOJW'ATWtvD, CO* . p&© Bisks upca building* tad —raMndrn iSgafegS&k it has the adtttioadadtainages - MitoteSmotti mo«ftoun^iinir^,PW«ocl jpiWi.i msarcd JOs tue stufo di the *&ipt»«lvwted ; fea ture* aod* moatmtfciiTa form. . . ,j* . ’ : vv; -iflllSW gIfUE»j ••' 1 Pel^*^miiian> > Rtieh»iKiiie T »r.d jirot>-. ti Jt * t .ts Adolphus Panes t:.a ,'.. C. MOBTCfcr,.Jpriqsideot. • '■>Tmkwek'WJi*n*** fiobrefaiy.*'- yr -- r, ' in*urtae« by the *a«ye OdßjJJUifw^lbe ■Hsaasg^ yiSEiirKWUaofeco. tftHßFrukUnTi’a BwttMM Company, oW*hUadel« <pfw9m>\9 t ww.,, fh^coia'. .fiSgt*. ■/; -J.jggjfitb' ‘“'"^v'luS^fbn c° ■ jyjiciiay 100 Ojjifii for Mlo' 0^ .-sasissssjf LAW OFFICES. , • XVM. TIMULIN, : . ATTOBSEY AT UWi ■■ ButleT t .l’a : 1 , nnLL atio ptte bd to cotleclioos and nltojher buu* f Y ne»« entrQtted to him in Bntlrr aud AruM}n»ff couutie*, Ea., Re'ef to . M • J. klLJloyd. DWnyeLl ; W..W. Wallace, do 1. • . Jamu Martha!!, do | I’uuborgh. KajJfcCo.,W©od«. . J ! j>n? _ - j w . .’, of Deed* ■ A T.'Cl\a>VN*A'iL—l am putWieU l»y itoGpvfr- J'VncrofPeimi.yrvama Jo lake ackoowledKmrtiUor Aitififtntfnania oi writing, aUo affidavit* and Jepo* l ' tiooiof iwj*oo» to O2uo, ,lu be, ukil ot recorded m Peiuujlvauia, ,o£cf> t>»® .door* «a»t - w’ lh« N4>'« * WABD j. ; ". . • . * - Attoroey.atLkw. ~ JB6WKITZER, Attorney nt Law, office: 3d it ; 1 • oMWMtoSi. Chnrlei, Pitlsbßrfth,, will Bl» aUenoproiß Collections, ni'W'o»hinyU»p, Fayette ■and fitcca eouatifi, Te.*'! _ : • • • ' REFER TO Blaek’tock. Bell it Col, ~l , . t ’ Church £ Carotters, : ' NPitutargh/ ■ D T>Morgen,- j ! } foclft»r_ 1 FORWARD ft BWARTZWEfJDEK, AuorMy. »| * U*w, have removed their ol&ce.lo the iScotii tide o'. Fourth' *t; between anfl Gtant ttreet.^ JOSEPH KNOX, Attorney « bw, Pittsburgh,Pa., bM resumed the practice of his profession in hi* ot he*. No.?. BakewelPs Buildings, dial »u pccipirU, Juxinrkis absence. by.T. J. jUeliam tad J. Christy," .Esq*, -.j ■■■ -•- jSi*i&Wlf - J~6UN-L. GAELA.TIN, Attorney- *t Law, 03k* on 4th *L between Grant and Swithßeld, South «nle, paubuah. Fa.; wU( also attend promptly to Uuhmew jnthe acjoiiuagcouatie*. -. .■ • octa-ly ,\T T -JO. IL ROBINSON. Attorney at Law. hk> re f V- .'moved Lis o£ee to the Exchange Bnirtliiw*, St Clair ati, next door to-AMennanJoha*. " apply G' QRItANft,) LOOiliS, Attorney at Law,icflce ou FURWAHI>Ii\G frCOMMISSIM. Qineral Coiimluloa and AtietUa: . r., _ i Btthlnaaa. •'-■•••••• mUE undersigned ha* taken the Targe l-uildlup, No] 'X 45, next door to" Mema. Oldham,-Todd A Co., Stain «trwt,'fcr the purpose of aeUinfe aU ilescririuoiis Of good* at public or private •alea’.a* directed. Yalua- Ule eou*inanenU (at Auction Sale* will be promptly nu tended to* He will al*o accept of-Agencies for Manu facturers, and will n» hU best endeatoD* forthrir in terest. la all ea**a atooimt of fcle or sbr-ract oj sale* will be fonushbd hU Mend* weekly or monthly. : acc»»- panJedwith Cheek on Bank here, or Bank cheek on Eastern eitiea, when directed. ‘ ' t . , lie baa extensive room* over lna store for tite tala ot Fumitnm.'Carprtißg.aWtothnrbulky artieles.J 1 Wean ntnuadedby adentepopolatronof tQujile* or upward*, with th»»o«tfciiile*oilu« the Weft, ami generally worthy tiiiiwr*,wiih 25 to » Town* «ud til fage* tn that dUtattce, yet »t one lloMe *. li <'**!". " ■ A.- I«r, uItAiU-r. • - Ltutranm, Ky- Jaa. S 4, IMA ! 1 ttKt'KVEKCKS-i- uiroMUtuurT . Me»n.‘T. Artdenon A eo. Looi.,at,i ••p . G.-W- Anderson, Eaq., . - ' •W»*ichardaoa,Ca*U , r, : ..Messrs.; Springer AWhUemnn, 1 TaytoyA Odieroe, ciaeirioatl T.Neave, .• i, * ... J ; L. llaakink, 1 * • ) < ; -■ ISK-’iST’ u; I; Bodley, Eiq > ~ t AiW. January, Ekj., ) | ■ - Christian Shultz. E*)., J j - John B. Tilford, it co., .-A. { W. Higgins, Accl, A SLOwitiAco,. . t.} Lextngup. - -JohuDudly Aeo- |J . .. -M. T. Scott. Cashier. 1 / fchyj 'c-tiijnwm l ' J. *u**W* CHARLB9 B,BAKBiraOWKK A tubicco evasusio.l sebcbimti. c No. fifl South ‘Whanre*. ohdNo. 11? South Vli#»r it. PHILADELPHIA. - ' T>EGS.- to iaibna the trade anddoaletsfetierssiy, o( " i t% Pittsburgh. that they h*v# made asch arrsagcpriUs . with the .Yinpaia ;m>aufartu»et>- nod the ©rower* of tfce.We»v'Ve»t lndi*s.and.©ther places, a* wyl bisura a large and constant supply of uw following d®crijv ©on* of Tobacco, which wtll Be *old upon a* afcotn auNlating-term* a* any other hoOte ta tni» city of el»e where, and all good* ordered from thcia will Aa war rented equal to representation: . i*■ \ Havana; -- i*t. Domingo;-- 1- - < 1 ... Vara; Forto’Rico;} - Pemt'a-J ?Seed L*4f to- Cuba; Iguinlj- ' -i*Flortdaj> €>acA; < ALSO—Branch’* celebrated -Aromatic Stag Caven dish* with a large'acsbmaeul of other popular bjaral*, and Oualllies of pourldr^'fit. €*, 12%.1Cs and Jif, Lampi u; C,esaudDH- Plug) Ladie* TwUuVirauua Twuu. Ae-aweet and plain, la.wbola 'andtin. together wilh every variety of articlf.btloog iog to tn&irade. ~ • • - - jetfdly . CHAIG, BELLAS * CO. ! Plots Factors and Produce Coumisitoa ;■ ax«scAaato.~ T jpr~p*T. f a<h adsaMes osiis dTcou *l'i ■ij'.m.Mt. Those shipping to tSilt he *u» Uiee*ftarths ralae ia adrasce ia cash, fay Oppl7* iay tooarJ'rieadc i ■■ ' ' ;Tmcsst*. Wallttigford 4 Taylor, Pituhtjrfh- Mesit*. ThdS. BeU A Co:, Bridgeport, Ohio*, ! * ‘ ' : X B.'All Ptoduee eoastyned R* t»« i* In*u»eU'»hen latte W’hithbose of Wallingford ATayfor, ltasbargh, -OS'ia'oarstoraia • •• 'C.B.daCo. ' QEOBfi£ COCHBXS. j Coaiilail«a «»d I’onrtnUaf sgtlXlwuoDn.nraicuH, t:-. i CONTINUES U’tiftofsct • general C'ommir-uo* bow* '»*«*, erpteialljr in The purchfta* and uW ai' Ameri can Manufacture*! arid l*roduee, and la iecei%i*g.oud forwarding Good* coaiigned to ki* cars.. i> ■tho yUAntuietarei, he will be contuntly suppjicy with too principal ankles of Finsbargh Mnnafactrironl the Jojrcrt'wfwJerale price*. Orders and conakianenU arc rctfiectfaUy'toliciicd. . '‘ • i. 'i.'r'. ctmriT. ,JB. TrCOSWAT to CO., T>OTtTSMOUTIf, Ohio Comiatwion and Forwarding Merchant* and Produce Jhftler»«-el»t» r dttdnd to; •Pmahaae, Bald .and Shipment of piff Iron, Coal, Ac. ; avn TO: -Iff , Atwood, feme* A Co„ [ Brown, Bailey-to Co.; i«rm, Sterling A Co., ; Henry Oralf, draff. Lindnvfo Co:, ■<•'-' I>. Lcbch A C 0.,: Lytn, Sberb to Co., •.' '• Clarke to Thaw-, - ..laarlOdly . Ufitooa. joaa f. febbt, •. ; iLatepftbelinaOf Jdnleol»Leeeh toCo,,P, .Wbilaial* Gratar, Commluloa to . Ucrebaaft ... fiCALTSI In all kind* of Country Project, Q>pper, ’’ I y'Tin. Tin E Tinnen’Tool*, Zinc, Leni Koa* aia-Sbnet Iran, Iran, and Nail*. White bead, Dye Broil*, iCoupSiYamv.Salt, toe.,and Fituborgh Meaufoetbrei generally, comer' of Liberty and Irwin itreeui Fitta* bowhjPa.-- ' ' , v'v.. • . i , - .{□TliMrnr advance*, "tit Chib or Good*, ti*dc on tmaafenißCM* of Produce, toe. - « ln> 5 . .j.ntnrtow, 1 ' '•' ,’;'i.'\r.itpuriu. 'Lite of Vltubnrgh, P . 1 Late ofNaahvitre.Tenn. LEHMER A ANDERSON, jxealerb ix corrox. fokwarimxc to bon ; MIfWION MERCHANTS, H ... '9K S vsoirr Bluer, abotb aaoA»w*T,'«siaasATti«>tno. »pSW foewmwu jsd loiisissiimmciusT, AXDiDEALKRIN *■<! . IradrXallli Cotton Yanti to Plttabargl* naaafaetaru gineraUL I •-• .no. 10' woop' erirtgr, Ptfttticaoit, __ tiJCTIOSEEES t COHBISSIUJI aEEDUisiB- AtEX; LEVY & BRO’S. “CIKCIHSATI ABED ST. XOCIB.i pier to *ell at either ettmbltabmcat, all kind»ofMer« •cfaundiad,** thnlowckt rate* of ComrulnioovaO'lare alwnya prepared to make.advance*. The refs :rendM;|tveU if. required. Leitera addrc**cd fb hither will bo prompt!y attended to. . Jy^diyJ A.nOtiCß UYX. V 'C. V. KAkTDC. JL B. tLAAriuX , UOVEi MARTIN & CO., 'Aad Gemnliiira Bei«ti»it(ii - Y... V- Haltebobi.' Vn'iTOATP—bavidton.Sandcr* to Conjoint Kißhndal, ■nachJenkuu, Baltimore; M. Allen to Co,gelk£*;toXi cbltoUAianion, Smith Wbifc/l’iUe-' barfcJtt JL J 'Wheeler, T O ShaughneM«j‘foGd. rCsnciu ■MiE?* S!v> • i '!■ ' ' =■■■•■ -♦ * '^•^■SS P , os No. irt.Colamliia aireet,,,, ; , • ' ‘ CiiiasjuttJCbno. ♦. • ! *psily’-' 'Bj*Cuh paid for ; _■<: 1 WM. H. CLARK,! 5i | Fonrardlsc Merchant, BrowMTlUe.Pa. Attends 'paltietuarly lb ih* Forwarding of, Jrpdaee, toe. toe." - 1 -■ •’ • •-*■• ’"•/ •- • • ! • For car infonniilto, apply to-FORSYTH to jCUN* CAN, Watfrn: « octlM uar.XATUjnra,. • w. t i-Aten. - MATIIEWB to PATCH, ’■ COMM LBBIONMERC H A NTB. • > 80, 4« Water Knit, - -—- St. Loom, Mo. WUI gfrtl. priicuUr attention Id the! l'ro^ due*’, and to order* fur porchaaiag. ' < ■ , , . Hma «b-kieerge Morgan to Co., Pitubarga, I*a amtll ‘ ■ V ; i -i--- Black and colored alpaccas—>v. .R Morphy ha* to hand at very low_orice»i an fcawrt acat‘ of abovto-good»,Hnc!adiuf different »hade« tof Drab ColorV Common and Fm« Nazsnne Rite do.; Maroon do j Brown do.; Black mnu Bluo Bjimi’ stri ped Babu lUrred Fancy Flaid do J also, nn.W •ortmsnt of Mohair Lu*treti, uteladiaff .''actoie] T* r f .fiat and gloMjr. In tYfaoleude Roomct-np »uUrt t deal*, era will find a choice nock of above and Other; good* by lb* piece, atlovrCMh price*. ’ ~ ■ - I** 3 , Improved Imat Jaaeblwe.' ' mHE above tnachiitc* are now iilotp lii nbofott every X Slate ia the Union, and have twaa teaiCd by; expe- T irne<dfliUer«, : from'WbotoKvmlhianlf«didiUSoatM Bdabbbe ffivep; bnf we deem it Believ ing that tbay Ci»P<»* ■d toto* T ® them a mat Being B»ada,enllrtoypCtron ‘and ateeil will lart ‘JO year*. Noeblicaiioitofparehaae viß be itqobred before the- trial .of tM 'Maelqnto All -erdvn % • inquirie* addreued io ixk> Kscnffto Oo^Nb. IBaflritattetb Piuaourgh, will receive proomtl anen is£ , T j*fccf>do^2 vn ; ti? ;r->- l> | o'J PITTSfi#iI(JH, TIIIJRS© CftPARTNERSHIPS. •'• - : i" r CO-PARTNERSHIP* ■ ‘.l 1 T.OGAN&,KENNEDY hare llw day- as*o«aled Xi wilthpidm in the HuWWurebusiness, rhuip''» i. I son und'Eldwttrt Gredc. The. styloof hna.wulpeiy afterbe Lpghn, Wilson A CO.,’ Tms arrangement len der* it desirable to dose the* did basixie** *» *°f n •* po**ible.”'All persons whose liabilities have matured, are especidlly requested To tn»*n immediate ymypeiu. • • Pittsburgh, Jan>t,lß4?.~ -- • * T OGAIi, ’ WILSON ‘ 4b- ‘CO—lmportenli and : I i Wholesale Dealer* in Foreicn and lfcjraealic Hurd ware. Cutieky*^^Soddlery,^ Jht»- burgb{arohow Ally prepared wttlra vCcrntiy tgipof* led stock-ofliardWafe, Cutlery. &e.,to> offer ■verj'jgreht tnducemeuu- to-westww-buyer*, being rMtthhmnN.l? compete in prices with aiiy ofthe Atlahlir eilwsl *o on hand an extensive ussori incur of Pittshdrca Hard' ware', vHr Shovels,’Bpade&'-Eorka. Hoe«, VlctA Ad all of which will be feoM at'rhi lowest mnnofacmreijS prices. ••• ' • I'.‘- l -• : '■ ■ •' ► - CO.PARTBBBMHP. '- ;i ' A THEtnbeerbersh*viagree«nilr*o“ r f*‘£T; • .fTS- paonarahip under theDnae of'Ciai MMrjloOfij A. Ml»m. far Ukt purpose of oarTyinff Ctiutfi *>c*j *■* Vras* Foaaning nod Cu Fiuiilg baodc'» W all its brancbM, bam taken tho Mend fcntjf ny pcru pied by IL Gallagher,'No.' 100 Front atraeC,- between Wood and Sruithfidilsla., where they.are to execute all order* wtileU*, 11 raw Caitiug*,ot •very, Gu FiUjogatwiib ite*t««*;*®4 “ e *" 'patch. Steamboat, jobbingpitojMy attended to . .;. r. H. im.uaq 'i'. N. JLrrTbfl attention nptl, Ejigittyre u. invited to our aiui-nUracubu metal,Jot a fe< “ ie srE fl £*’ which baa been prououiwed reperiorto Dabwa n) utuabere who bare used both.’ StgamboatoUuiM* and the public, generally, tocallMWM; 'mine ,aur superior double behou Furce i»r. mboat and domes fie L,_ . GAtU\GHER, ; pqNG, MlHfJi •-—et-—* “Heeengp' TSJSKSf ssSSfflSfcSs 'fife and tradinrtthderxtmfitorof-Dfito'WGrtw* CjxfiUk, the city of pitubargh, isf tbi« •on* barip* rUiiiis atfainit tard flitn* mHpW»|c pro reatthdm to flw'»ob«nb(rK.*j»d.(Uid«iHdtte**id fina, molfk f'* d O BOM.i ' • ■■• -~; - FINLF.V B.lff’OßE'V. 4 * , K . | »-u- ; • ■ • co*p«rMenU#> • U-.. •, ' The Suli»Ptibtr* hSvMbiedafentefed talo <>pUl nerthip, in ilm c!rty«f ttiwbuiyb, uad*tM»»m«*r» wjrte ofOrura A- Mt.rcwi for Theporpo*e of irsnWCBM • general Commission and Forwarding aim wilttnuract bn«in«» at the place previously ooei**U by the linn of Oram, MHlreVrAiCo- p 9 ’ • MORRIS ORDM 1 ' marl .•.•RKI.tV B. M*URPV ii- . Dissolution. 11Iinpsmnr»bip fo loiwr epwin* undeMbe fc». Mv-ord It Klngi *m!»T «“«*•} on the Ut in.i. The buMite»« *ilf fcsckwfldfitjjw *ljl, standby cither nf tw,n*hiC'lh*-n«ra* of ibe ,Wl* lof. that purpose. Hebig desirous to hsvir sttf *'fT| closed with" as Httle detar Bspwsihk. Y*' W . iT' •pectfuUy iho^'tad#bigi |l »»-*^ i - | *»J*£“ e . ibeir umuMe • •* JOHN U « ja*9 'll. D. KINO. | y ; :: . ; TOHN D. .Mt:OHU*^«vli"*l *^et *»d ! V brother Jutae* Jtl*Cort»und«nb« style oi ll Cord . wi» eomtntH- lb*, list. Cap »ad >nr tw«0»«»tt»i nJl'ib various brsuchrs, , wtiolr«*l«sodtetsu.'at Jlie old ntsmi, rorm*» of Wood uod.&rtl streets. wterotney solkit seotrtinu’stWvn of the P»tronSfe*oubernlJy hf •towed on the old lino. AlOllN l> M £QRp ja*' r '"’jAMKS 8- M'OJjU)- IN trims* from »!*> old arid wtll known inn of M'Cord'* Kinr. t nwtivfpeetnir wxtJuu}<M n> Che patronitra of die pnhlie my *oec«Mor», M'cord X Co. - • Wbm > - H. IK KjNQ- Dissolution— The panfcijrsiup hubcn* «t*t ing uuder the style and hrut ef.Wighhnan «:**aj- Ktl, is tbl* day tSfitolTed by mutual couserU, Join Usi ult having) disposed of hi* ruiitc interest to Li. tvwiii g)tu< il# busiucsr t>f llie hie linn wUl t .ba settled by U. WLfhuoan, who is'authuriicd to use. the nMnt Ql the liu firm for il»»4 futpow. H. WICHTAIAN. . TUE Sobacriberia now prepared -to manata; Imt all kinds of Conan ami Woolen Machinery, s' thh 4wn<tl notice- ne» Liberty ..and Water streets, wdl lIICBtiOII. ■: • > ' 't r.- - li..WUIUUtArt, Leaeok at* between federal awl SauJ«skr»*fc sprAhlly ; •. , - Aiiccfacayjcuy^ Co-partaerablp. , l ' rIE Subscribe rC-naving : os *oe Luted with «** »> their bu*it>t*« uithc city of Pittsburgh, endT. S. lllair, t!iu bu»iiie«* wjll bt ronnmtrd under &e firm ofG. t-J. IE Mioeubcrger A Co.‘ ‘ U. A J.‘ n-SHoENBEBGRJL' • - / March 13,154?) - ■ - marlMtor nV)WNAENI>, gUAHi*U2*S *• SONS, LnporwH el 1 British, freueh and India Dry Goods, or* MMt me their uapply of Spring Goode, which they at th« orjmckMftJ ! •-'Bnti*lrPnuu.Tll»nche»ier and. Larlston Cmihaßw. - JilpacaCßtuhair* laisltrs,WbMsehnee.-'.,. ■ -: Ho«*re,U»»-n»,Tii«i«*jSp r T'i ! ■* - 'Ti»rnVutrtT3buUc»,Sauedai 1 Llueh Chichi. ‘ \\'et*lt, : Siik'Vti«T *ttd^(?#«£«Hansels: 1 ' --i Lasting*, Cotton Velvet*, DimtUirs. - . "a . / ‘TaMe aad Hi arm Cover*, Cloth and Woiwi t v li-m - ,T . - iHsaSliirtßi; Unensofapt^oTedantfufitciurfl*. Wonted pmwskt,'Moreens) Rottlnetis. < } ■ Marieili* Trttinge, whrt,! Haney JJnait-Drillr. r«.hTn«n>Kit, Itabn Cloths; Pane? Cwnnwei. “ptAJiTooon# fqji friends. Ptinß-dtofhaJMi lirkrne, Jttednelinf*. ' Cap-Crat*, Cattfe; Main &Iks and bhawls. ' W South Second »v J- XV. £ T. H: BKOWN. Importer* lll .and 113 William corner -of John. base memof WasMrwtoti -Store*,) Kkw To**, wfcem tUy invuil'the attention‘oftbelt friend* and Uj< pbblie, to their »toek of Mens’ Women*' and Cftßdrtn* ,; lJu£iWr a«d Scotch (lottery, {o*t received by the tale ainvaj*' from Europe, and irora Auetioß.- 1 " • • ' • tun com* Woßtsi’ while, black, *late ? brown.abd mircdCottoallo*e: ; ( 2) eases Children’**Jalc,brDwn,nnxed andw|uedo. SO eases Men*’ and BojVMtxed Drawn and While do. • Also, a (freai. variety of Silk, Lisle and Ctmoofllore*. AU of which will be offered at price* »oeh kiwlr than idcli rood* hare hcreiolore been sold-hy any haute in iKi« rny. . piajliw3tH !'N*wY«k,Mawbll)tMfc- ‘ . . -'KOT’i'eE , \\ TO the Delinquent Sobtcribem Irt the Mdnjahela Na vigation Company. Notice is hereby: givcti that ait ahares W Stock subscribed in 'the' Monongadwlt Navigation Company aud whiekhave become subject to &n«taro by teason oftbe non payment ©fiostal men» ‘'and -interest thereon will be ibnefred to the said Company, together with all. instalments-aheadt paid i thereon, !q pursuance of the provision* of the yhartcr of lncorppraiiou, ouleaa the jfepi*l2tß*taJjo*iHf together wiih' Uiterest from the dalb'on which Uiesatnfc were mad* payable by a call front“fhcTJoard bnMaaager*, be paidm iull toTbomaj M, Howe, E*L, Treasurer ot •aid compatiy, at (he Hicham's Uankl'itubiUM ou or before thafirsl day oi April. A. 1). 4btd» ; Uy order of the Hoard «f Man seer*. i t WU. BaXEWEM-, • . . SeCalary. L to lo'touxno’i , YwlisabloFwraiXorSale* : 111 IE tubtcribet wIQ tell 911 aecMwamlauntfitermN ihalTaluabieianotiinaletlou the Ohio’rivet about £i toilet below ritufiurgb, ui what it called Crow* bot tom, »Jjoiuin(» the property of Mr. George KOtrM. — There it abourilO tchit of Hint, 60 ncrtt'off-whieh it river bottom: the btUne© iotecuml bottom, iUt l»eau« ufully.aad aboaodt Ingoodooal, Iboeetose ted timber. Thrre ire from OU to ?0 tom eletted. There U 0 good two dory trick dwelling-boote f a frtuao bom mud other out hornet, a luge orqluud of choice trait, and t good »pHagofwtuer lu ereryfiMdba therlacb. Thepttu er pirt of,tl»e tana i» undci roo«l fence. IWolutdit* notable. -For term* apply to >VM ROVD, Attofnoy at few, office 00 4th sitUtretinithfield.' dcflXlUliawtiS , IS the Court of Common -Flean or-AUepherty coonty, pi March trim. laid, fife l&I. < . J t <—«-• *Petitiim m Fclertßeaid,' lor h}i.d»cß:ir&c « ?Ujc> Tnutcc'ttrMjwr O'llertt.' .. • ; *■ ! ‘ Andixjw tu'wit, Marvh 14, I*l3,Petition nn “ aeeoanicf'lWrtfie, filed, ami on motioaof J'Harrwon ttewell, K»| n ii irontered that aotieo timj be given liy pobUcaUoa ones, a weak inthq burgh Daily Uaietwoniil the lat day oTApril, *• xi whcathopinyeroftho petitioner, vriil i» granted, If so reoatm be shown to the contrary. < llythe Oeurt- > ''" nuulSdlavlAL '• WHAM HULI% f l*ro 323 XCx«cntor*» Notice*, ~. • •, • IETTEUS teitamchiiirr with the wtll nftrvexi'l p>* Jnn. T-ierinieot'lTobeh llcrn]>hill,lntc Of \Vt*i\ JJefcMavVii iitip,' ded, bariox been grauiod to the iub»f fU>cP, 411 penocaindcbtcovro ilia citato of uid hereby rl»)ueitc4(4» Ouko iiuiacdiito phyuntrl, nnU <ul ( having claim* >gam*t *aid estate, veil)present UiCm tor settlement to tho oxrtston eibrciaid. 1 -' ■•' ’ ! i - - ' lIKNJ.MUJ.FJ*,-' L david-hemtiulL, innHlwßt* _ . i> . >A»c.utor<. A'Pint lUt* Farm for nalfi*' fT~ MgOSTAtMNO I*6 acres, situate in ltaf-*Bfc falo townihlD, Uatler c«, adjoint hr land* of JohnYO'Bell, (formerly of lius within three tmfcs of Freepori and live of fcaxoflbnrg, in** ted on the fitato road flora Frctpon' to- Upper.— There aw 60 aorta eloated and anaer good fence} !® a* which U meadow, with a. good frame.banvandxnune corn crib and wagon-shed, a r;s.xl aquard log bty&fv,-. young orchard or first rate, fiuu trees. Tbe-Uad not first inequality, 'Theabove wiilbaaold cheap,***" owner -wubee to go west., For larlhei psiitcauraap*. ply to tho subscriber on (he premise*. : XMUKI, PLRHIKO. - TTr iirtinail tflnweri. rTUIE. MtoKribcrwiil gpcßtofttnuirnUi h“ na *' JLfWlonr, No. m north 3d »ireel .Fbiiaijelpliiii, * citoice and exiefwive n*»*«tn«nl of Aruucul Flo\re»#i Tarlatan and iict Capo, Lodi** l)n»** Capa, eeataet*. Quilling*, Coliarerts, Harder*. Fancy Ooorti,_4&, With a great variety ot other good* ii» b»* hot.-’J O erf •textreinvly low price*, aud 10 winch houivile* iho alteulioa of dealer*. J. JUW^ - - : AniflclaiHwer touuilUgturrrv laiOwivS ‘im north-Hd tu aUiTd newvPhllad'a 1 ; • ■ "OUVir Mian, ■•'' ' dedTur*hTwi‘“ TrimiiiliiKV I ancy Good*, etc. Ca*b to Wholesale. Dealer*, at the now Throod P m*»*Neodlo *tora, No. d North FoUnth *t. ttnd : a jmlnUlrator*e Notice.-• . 3.. -oiiet that I Have taken onlLetleraof Adoun* iiti*ilr“-““ Jtu> - of Gootfin U’Cohe; late of ‘ -North Common, AUefitteny 'liomffopMhleHcdleUMi* rpHC c»d«»ig«edtmvinf bewtppolftltllMle Agasi I for ibo cole of JJotaopaltacfifedicu>e», tbu method to mfbna tka Pbyu* cikuTand tfwfiiUW in' gen Wat ttttb* hM'received | 'SS iSiiuis |ih»'«»wu Apli*cc«i7) a»6t»»upplp of l«£l MwliciiW*- -All tf»»oew fwklicaUdilaOTr Itommo* SffirsSSr-fM G‘td»ievZev*x«.»lw»j.kepj __ .juforenert—Die. Rdcbhelffl.-Drake end SL&r ;: . jojnrp BACKOFJiN. • JtttwOt ’ ' liken)* »j above t*aiUdjeld «i. , rrJ- - - AdminlA(mjtr'i-ir«lie«. ' > ' ' T ETTFJIB of Adminietmiao ’to** bde* granted to 1 i ajtdcilirted on._the»M*t* of Mtfb LakmU,l“l° debted to the e*uOe of oiid .deceaißd, will w*sh make JminedtaM p*Tß}ent, and thbed" Tiariag. tmixm will th«a dtiy-oalhentloaied-fec —tllcmeht •• .’.V f L .a/i-i TUUStESONiHAItriN, Adm. ' E LtX a«»Tn,Febtt;UXfc>. ; .- -■ irfelAJwCCtJ wa»»i r >W^B'baWe*t- i r»UovpiMirMtd»o» iteatae .. r-; '•? ♦ii't;:—3v’4<J t f>H JilJiJiJ- jfIVOU-v 1 ft" MORNING, M&RCH 23, :18|S. ' "AHekhenf Coanty, 8S« . > Rzctxrxx's Ornca Feb.-‘25,'1513.£ " VTOTICE it hereby given to all Legatee* and olbei i\ persans’eoncemed, that the undertlrued Kxeen ton; Admiwstraiof* ana Guardian*, havenfed their to ■ speclive accounts in the HegisUr'a O®oe«j] Mid com fy, nnd that they '’will be<"preienled at tbe.jOrphan CoMLforoDii&ttnation and allowance ob Monday, tl 27th day of March next, viz: .. j .. Aecoont of “Oios Ryau. Adntinlsirator ot the estate 11 Jno H Shields, late of Elizabeth township, deceased. Supplementary and final account of B C Newpoi t Admluinrdtor otOw'enate of Martin Sodeuer, late < - Indiana township, deceased. > >'• • ‘ - ' Account ofWm DTaMeyj bom i .non cdai'tMtamesto anuhzio oh the estate of Jol t Womb. deceajcd. . ; .. v 1 AeeenhfofGfo K Riddle, Adminittraior ofibe «i ACCenhfolUr*. .. ntullie, AOnilUisu-.w. . of Frances McKelvy, who we* Executrix ot the cstw of, David. McKclvjyJate of tnocitjr of Allegheny, d . Supplementary and-inal aecountOf Da<tf d-Effesb i acuit# executor pf.the estate of John fiegtatjlaie i Findley township, deceased.' ! ‘ t’ipsu aeefluni of iJaxae* Mcßride. AdntlnHlralOT > the estate, of Mary NfUride, late ofFlpdley dcoehsed.;“ :,; '’:‘- *' ; ; I Account, of Jao .JV r ; Howland- F.m}, of tba extale* os Fanny Howland ondJohn Hptyluid, late of. Upper 8t Clhir township; deceased! " Acconat .of, 'ihoaPaAitAdainlsmtot of the «tau» ot Wot Ifoevlcr, late of Pitt wwnahip, deceased, 1 •;-Final aedotitn of wta' Ixwh, Administrator "of the es tate of Al«£ |-fu}c,aaie of JJppet Sl. Clair.iowi»hip v do- Account of Mosea I Clari, Esq., of the estartPf Elil. Simpson, late of Plumb township. ’ .- . Ac Zonin ' Ofl Ed w'E Holme* and Susan Wakefield, Exceuvri ofthe £*tateof4ame*Wakefleld, bn of AJ* : legheny city, deceased. • „ . i Account tof John' Kiehl-ani] John Laerza pf. Execu torsof the nstate of the. Be’ Qodttied Jenaon, late <■ Pittsburgh, deceased." . .. Account of Hush Tanner. Executed of the estate of , Rieliard Ta«meriTatc.ofiHu-towuxhtPtdeeea*ed. : Final account oriohn Bdgjf* and Sam'l Boggs, Ex* erulor* of the estate of David Boggs, late-of Bower Bt; , Clairtowiobip, deceased.- .. . , . Account of Margaret Fleming. ‘Executrix of the es tate of James FI eating; iats of.'Peebles township, de*. - - Aeeocht 6fJno M Best, Adnunictratdr bf the estate of Miehael BeaLialoofi’ioia township, decetUrsd. ; Final account of John Me docker, Administrator of Aw-eettui of Joel Chapman, late of Robinson township, deceased. • . / r Supplementary and filial account of Alex McAdams, cos of the Executors Of-the estate of Arthur F'orlds, de ceased. - ' i J • h'inal account of Wm Penny and Fauntly Muse,' El ection of- theactate bf W* Sill, lata of Yersaiile* ip, deceased, , . ■ , , .- AetoimtoTJohh McCrees, acting Executor of the c*ute of An draw Crees Jataof Ohio township, dscea*-. cd Account of Hobt Catotbef* and Georg* Graft Ewe- M>«-E*fuie «f Wm McCullough, lAt* atVer sailles towmhm. deceased. .... i . Aeeoam of Archibald MeCord, Administrator of the .estate afWm Hauer, Uta.of FtaukUn township,, de- Account of Adrew Johnston and Wb Gaft AdnuaU tnttow of lha estate, of Wm Elliott, Ut» of Jfcblaaon ip, deceased.'-' Account efStun’l liti«ftEiq,oftbt cotate ofOeorg* llucy. Ute of &IclUeu)art,jleceue(L •Account of tfaml Sklle* and John Bi&ftExeeaton of John Andrew of ObiO'towtuhip,de -• • Aceoini of RobtGarotherft 'Adatoistraldf “do bonis iuMi n eumtcstaarento onaeik»,aiitbo aatatoofWiliUiß Wallace, late of Wilkins township, deceased! . . 1 "Fhial aeeodst of Laurcno* ToouUU Adntiftlstrtior of the estate of Michael Walls, lata of Flam township, &er ■AeeootUofGeo P Hamilton, Administrator of the ef« tale otALUamiUop, , . , ■ , ' ' Supplementary account of hunasTlndle, FJCeeatot of the seats of James Ligeti, late of Pitttbttfjii,deeefce* Fiani account of Andrew Richey, the estate oflhmtl Anderson, Uuoot Indiana toumsaift deceased* - ; I Filial account of James Conner and Samuel Cofusflr, Exrcuiorsoftho estate of John Conner, late of U»er SW Clair towashin, deceased. ' j Accouut ofJoUn F Loran usd K C Loomis, Adaisit* tr*Uir*oflhe eusie.of mt Robert Dunlop; late of Aile* xbtny eiiy, deceased. • I . Account of N Hofmrs and John Snyder, Executors of the estate of 11 Found, late ofpmalmrgh, deceased! . . Account of William W Fearns, Admiiustratoref pe estate ot'Kscbel Hays, late of Pkt township, deceased. Ftnel account of \Vm Magill/ Administrator tlo horns, nun cum tcstaiueulo annexto on the estate.of Jos FU lina, lute cfLower Ml Clair township, deceased. • i Account of JchaChrisry*, Administrator oftheeualo of Joa Winters, lats;o(\hecuy $f Pittsburgh) deceased; Qaardiaai* ieeeoat. • Supplemental awFflhaJ account ofTbomaa Fairman, Guanuatt ibr the estate or the minor children of John Woods, deceased. i • • Account of Wat Cook. Guardian lor Archibald and Mary *°° Gilmore, minor heirs of James Gilmore, de- Account of Alex Miller, of Susan UeLain, Uie of l‘tfi*btugh. deceased. Areouot o( BobettWrlghl* Guardian of the estate of the minor heir* of Joseph TurtjecUdi'laie or rrfciiktin to*rustfpideeea«Bd< • ' feliaswois P. A. MADEIRA, Kejrsr ORFHAK’B COVRT SAXE. _ IS pursuance bf adordiT of the Orphan's Court of Al legheny county, will l>e exposed la public sale oa the pteoMei. ou Tuesday, the ieth day of April,' IMS, ut tOo’clock, A.M* all the tallowing described yeal situate in "thel-clty ut PitUbarcfi, being ihejrraleetate • fßem*i'dMeLrnan,dei>*a*ea.iowii: ] 'Allthst certain kaorpieeetof grocnd situate at the •fCrneiofSuuhand Graui street* l>etfl|r‘SU «eet in front on Grant iiirrct, aud eighty feetderp, and marked No. I ou (b* diauraW, annexed to the partition of the estate of k»,d Be muni ftcl>*aa.*iU*d ioXa 45, December uno, l-4i in the Otpbah* Court of «oid county.* , -i-il " At^O,: - » • . All tHn’tf rrtsinothef lot rewjted No £ ou theditgram aforesaid, adjoining. ih&*aid tat No 1. aud being to *>t in front on Grant \tre*f, cOid tunning back by the *a no width SO feet. • •>.. : • . • -'i-.VJALSO, , AH that certain other it adjoining the said lot X iR and marked No 3oa th* diagram aforesaid, being S ft} in front ou Grani street, and running back liy tbo n ae width SO feet. I —(ALSO. ! ANtiuieenmnm&ef Into* pirte of ground fitiuue in aud cinr, adjoiuingtb* k>t No a. above detcttbed, being lot No 4on tU diagroia' afore»*id, raid lot N 0,4 brine wrrtjx fettltr fttmt 00 Grant itrcct, »fld eighty fori dMp. ■ 1 - . . . ALSO. .. 4l> Ux*t errtaie other la* ot piece of around adjoining lot No 4 nbov«dcict*bed,audmuked No fi 90 said Oiß grata, being S» feet (a front oa Grunt street, and being nt» feet deep. ••• | ■•- • ' • ' ' ALSO, All ibaX Othtt Ipt masked *adknown aslot ISo6ln thelsald diagram, and described a* follow*, to wit: SO A ■ in pout on ifextn itrret, by ISO feel deep toward Fifth street. ..v, • .. -Ajiio; ; ’ All that certain other lot or piece of ground adjoMiig thasaidlet Nod. and marked No 7 in the diafram afore* «ctt. tata( SDfott lafroatoa Sixth streetl ihy ISO feet deep. • . AT- . . . . , . .. .• .. ALSO, . . •AH dial MRautoiberlolor piece of ground frigate In the Fitth Ward of The' dir dr PittiLurgh, dad marked and kadidn otf said dlag»di*U*lot No 8, and described a« followstJHeclnnlngat tbaebnwrofPeao dad O'Hara «reaUiihnee«joae .Oilaus<mt-47 tact, to an alley thence along wd alley 17 feelsibeacahy a une parallel, with O'Kara »?reci,47, re<t to Fed^fireeU,^ l ! tbenee r' l7 fcettothe place orbcyraiunj,.wiUi trrivdtg* of ilfcl alleys >• l • ■’V |- ALSO, ...-p v.v.k ' All Uiat other lot of ground, situate in the Fifth Ward, adjoining the lot last aboredescribed,*ndniatk ! ed oft sahfdiarrsnras lot No kTbeing 17. feet in fronton l Fetirisn*«at, and running boekby tteeamdrwtdih 47 ft. ton 3 fool alley, wuhibtiemifegi9of.tb*nnUallay. ' ALSO,-.. !| ’• ' -st; AlTlhat certain mher lot ur pieeo of ground *«ua»e imheVTfth Ward af the City of Pittsburgh; Arid marked' on amid diagram na lot No to, beginning at thy eofueiof O'Hara »tr*ei and- Spring allay; thence- along Spring Alley 60 feet; lina parallel wbhfMlarnst. 10 feet; thence by . a line, parallel with Spring Alley £0 feet to O'Jlara street, ana Jhenca along Oflxara etrect 16 feettotbe ij j.' ‘ ' ». All that, certain other icusriuata in the Fifth Ward, and marked NoHonuaid di*f**®> on an al ley 33 feet front Factory street; thence by a'Juia parallel with Factory Street 43 feet,' toward Elba pfiwt; thence by aline pnnilfel'wrth Ebta street tOfe«rt;thleneo by a linw pcraiM wilh' Factory nllry, aad tlwjice along said alleyJKl feel lowßla Factory ** > the place »f bcgiaalog» - • .... r. . I : : AlVthat certain other lot, *ltHate'ln.tijc Flfta^Varil of the city of Pittsburgh", nhfl marked No 12 Oh U» <iiu diagram, being SI feat in front on'Hina. strodtyby 45“ Ternwi Ttio widow’* third to remain in thahiudthftha’ puCch&scr during licr natural life)'the Latcrcit to. bo paid nnmi'afty.- oad" the- remainder to be phidois follow*: Om Utlnl in bind, and ihe-batanM fn two annual:. pnrnuiiU, withinterwu fronidatoof *ale - 'i' ■ . ALEIUNDKK MILLAR, Hjnrl7d3t AdnL of the mtateot li-McLePan.. TJoooired nt Sed> Miner**—Uiitorirol and •XLSeurct Memoir* of tbo tinpres* Jo**phiiic, first trim, of Napoleon,lkwapartm;' .lly M’haM A Lc Nor-' 'man’ll.' '• '* 2- ' \•’ •• Vestige* of tlto Natural History ofCrrntimt- *• Percy tlanihorpe,'Or the Vici»*iradea ofFortune; by Mrs. Gore—- r. • , ,; Ktiktuce Barectfrt, or the > lllcgitiraote-l-a story- of eonllktltotwe*i»tfoodaml a»ii> > s'flw Idysitmcrafthe-Threai Chira; by Augustine JIl aifnal,'orlhe K]sg of&e iDloclsle. \ - r. r The Pnuiiier'of* 3 ETuet. 1 IhfnfOlerclttmra Mogarhid -for March. - “ . r*; ~ • . A (pieodht articlo -Lnca Edged Kota paper and en velope* lo coticnjond. . .i. , . | ; v ”'Slo|ig*fQrthxl'e6ple,Jfo3»forMarch. • ’ - For rale at M A Miners, Stnithfleld at, 94 daorTrow Second. l ’ • -<■ '■ ■ - • .< BTATFailskioci,') ‘ A. B. Hctt,T4rVTCsy- U. L. KAiistsTociji-PiuilHiraL i;. \V. FAn3moc.j . .• -Wboleaale Dng'Sion In the City of New York. ■•' ri'Ub uncenijmed. ate exteaaively'damaged in tie ft WholetaloDrog tasinen at JSo, 49'John' ttrcet, ia the ci>T or New; York,; ■ad-MW prepared ia £appJy_ DruggUu anil country Mcrch&au with Drtigti Fainis Oils’ l>ye*«Uiß», Fortifti and American ?erduh«Ti Mander, Weaver 2t Mender** CbcmlcaW (of their-own- Importation] aud all'other article* la their line'of but** new, of a. anpertor quality a* law aj'tbejr can he ptt|» cba*ed In Wilt or any ea*ianrcity. •' v • ; TsewYoik I FeblO : B. A. FAIIN'E^TOC^k Co._ NOTICR ia hereby giveato (he Stockholder* oObo : Amygdaloid and ltd Bojrale Mining Cooqmny;uat ana«>e»iineutof3o percentea each that* ha* been made,payable to Zataon Fitch, Eeq^Treuorerof a*Jd Corapuay, at his office in of Cleveland, oapr before the fuel day of Apil .nua « , ... ' . WM BICUAaDe, BeiY Cleveland, Match Ist, IMS. . ~ -y rfrHpt__<. SDNURIES— <00 del pleytM cart#; hlf bi*- tardinen; 10 eetoaps: Aejffeatfcßlvmdaa porieraeart* and pint*; 300 do* Wi'brtoiUe«,.winft* f 'Ae7*tt)p eld; 4bbb» pow-. • d+trf*S ehainpajroe wine, pen to anite, •Jhhdetfam«3tsfor ulcby- ' mrlfr POMAiyi'lN' riirUITE CboDS-W Httjiiphy Invac* to ettetfkw If cf buyer* to tu,j excellent aMortment of Wait# Oood»,-jn*t comininr- of plain and ibarred ««d Ana; Saotenmail mn»Un* ; &wtu-doi bUtop’* U«ni,s<> and which en>.<jff*red *tiewpnc«4 bj wholesale rad retails v..•;' •■:■- ■. , r - 1 ...,i . : m»mr t TOVRNERhfIBJf *)*h’<d raw **»*• if'-rei 'Jotucpymeti CahimMaJtttritoso toMonai Pleaeaut, Vta cm the flirt day of Apnl. Applf »* •JUtt»Um Hooie at A otWo'cloek, : ,v£: , • - -iflhTg ~ y 1 -• >t - ■ JAMK3 fcgtBISBTSO^-i NOTICE— Pasa*** having claim* again®**? «?■“*' boat ATTowpretlom .to the 14ih .I'eb, will pleaae i>re»efltilt«n<!rraeultmchtto ‘ ‘ITW® SCAIFIV I ;- 1. aM-"’-.-! 1 - t Aj - lit »t.nearvrood .i jcsss^i^asssrsi isaKfr' T LiiPw 7M9wwPf»t i t: '«•*=> —ca ‘I f jih'Ursfl A. Huoa * .. t , ..; ; aatAUßsr.inwsicmKsiaJQmvtssmna.*'' TNFOBM their friends-tad the public fenaxaliri tit**, X - being aboilito remove to the spacious acJ eUffant ;St©».receMly dractedoa the udjauring'Got "•7**“ close out rhetr.lsrcn and well selected stock. of| Fall, and Winter Goods ai'eter,' and lb raanj'taiei lesgihan coat, toeaabfo.ibew. fo-open their Dcwsterewilh «n entire stock of New Goods., The sale will commence this day 'and • continue" to -the first of March, or.tTOOl their. removal. - Their ; extensive . assortment?-©»• Dreu Goods will be sold full 30 percent. less thait on* al prices. - They eoasl*| of the most fashionable Cara* meres and Delays,..GUia,, Mobsir,.fttlk and Ofegao Plaids: Also, Bombauucs, Alpaccas, Ac. j Cloak Good*—‘FrenchandGermanMerinos,Qrieenw Cieih, French Plaid Cloakings, Brofcd Cloths, of all the indsT faihioitable colory. ' Black aiid Jancy Dress silks. o 2 every variety.. Shafris—»C;u>tanere, Tfcrkert, Plaid, and other shawls'—a very large assortment; folly reduced one half in price. ' English and.Amdrican. of all-colors and qualities;. 'Uounet and Cap Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Gunpa and •Fringe* Wrought Collars and Capes, Laces, Artificial .Flowers, Flumea and Feathers, Scons, Cravats, Hand* kerchiefs, Fancy Huttons, etc.. lines Goods of dvery description WoollenGood*—Cassimeres, Cssainctta, .Vesting* Uesrei*,. Pilots,; Tweeds,, leans.. Whitney, and Bain Blankets. A(so an extensive assortment of Calicoes, ChmtieA'd«hwtKMjiwh*«»,Ch< C V*, gtjtpes, Tickings, brown suiiblesnhedAlusUns, etc.- .. i , ' Tbefollowtiig will be some of-the Prices: Cashmeres at '■ •■=] : ‘l!?#e.U«nslp«ee37| j MousseUn do Lain**, i Wi, • “ * SS and 31 Gala Plilds, B *1» Mohatr'fo Oregon Flaidi, SO - •• ®•" a 37*; Caninetts,- \fi9tottt ** ® . Together with every article la the Store, vriiieh willhe offered equally cheap! Visitets may be assured that uot be disappointed In “the quality or prices of pur goods.' _ fatnffp- AA MAfION NEW: lEmill GOODS. ■ ' i <> : SiIACKLETr-A WHITE, « Wood street»ar« now receiving hirg* additions to their'excellent assort ment of Dry Goodsitoirhieh they invite the. attention of buyers, behevptg they Can'offer-aoch indacemepls as will make it to their interest to make hills with thdm:" Wa are now receiving a large assortment of goods, direct Crest tha ftfaftattctarfisf Ac. among which msy be frond the following? 1 *■" - Plain double' drills,' hi! grades' and styles, printed Kentnnky. Jeans, blne,blite. dark mixed, gold, green, plaid* Jtc j satinetta, black, blue, cadet, Ox ford; plainffigurea ana printed 1 Wre'eds, a good aajgrv meat, various styles; prints, a tot large assortment of new spring styles, fancy, green, blue, rabies, prowns, b!det, Hue«iWt)Tange: Ac, iriaHvirfatiesJ ginghams, spleudidjtyle* of doiaosiib, English and:French, vary low; Alpaccas, new styles.ana styles and figures, jnst;. Imported; also, black* mode eoL faner eol.stlk and ootten warp; soate blacks, very fine... Allot whiih*re offered for salo on tha most'favorable terms. I v Ifebaa -4 .»■ > ■ • BHACKLBTT A WHITE n RfeAT REDUCTION, if* PJUPEB~tir-B JUnphft,. ij fK center'4tfc- and niartetetavwiU, fromthu dare, mU hi m arinte»4re«* «oed*> w>4»l*rsc proportion, ofhia'sioek, adapted only to .the winter *ea»on, at rr*atlf reduced pri«e»J' ; ft(bWnj-Mi object to ell off thu .pin of hit etock tie wore ewtf ppiiof ; •oppiff. nejegwd will bo bad to the co»i of the good*; but they- wyj t>e eflhred ttpricM tlu) their i ale—tuich-U Colifi)mU.Plkidfc.«tli| footer prion Jttc;, roper do. at 23 former pnee 371 c; "printed Scotch; cash* agio at l£j t font** price He; do. 89, throat price 37{0; French all .wool do. ».cti|.fcmerjrteej»«na.»tt., taperdtf. 75 former price 10fc doper pudd Thibetreloth, ft* and 75 former prieoMfobaide»a.lar**-a«ort»ent of wintor pfcawlt, worsted Hood*,fcc- *t. ppeeemucU .otwerthaabefore-ogcred.." jaiO isx. *. *n&h — BOOBS S BISOOBi .. , > . MEECIIANT TAILORS, ‘J f. jf0.70 asm mitt ttnsm mck rtVrsxuxnoMu.’ DESIRE- to call , the attention-*£.. ceanptaaeura to iie rxqpmr* Tswcnoal tuct uavt arramn in the ahapisg and raanafantnro of par menu. They crmnot'bai feel perfectly confident that Syery eaeemflnod-aftd ctltrratedta«ttf‘wtU rrerpre £u the caaazsan aomji *L*aascx ofibcroughly. pnc-. tlted Asian, to the wretebrd and ludlerpoa burlesques : of Use sons, the fad) add wortUesVworfcmanship issued (ron the erroneously : called cheape»tabbtera«u» ef Ust« and other ciuea. thia mutlclion, they proffer their cervices to lower* of coassenm,' nxxzrar and : mm. pledging their admitted skill and ambition so the gratification of all {nates, however difficult or cleva jThe long.association ofMr.Moontwilhhfr. Rosa, YfrxxnEnncx 4 Co., is, to the many patrons of that Üblishtnenl,asufficient guaranteeofhiaability.: A fehSDtwtf Riodrtd tnr «tH» A* lUitu*i. Columbian Magmrlnc for March;.. Union ■> - . • '• ■v* *• Robert Macaire in England, by.GAV Mfleyfoolds; handsomelyilliutraled; ; ; it y«eri« of Old London; by not author—part 2d; <iuyFawkea,or the Gunpowder Treason, by.W Unr ! risen Ainsworth; I •" " Eel wfPrnitio Fsleo»a> Bomaat«o<&l«Dc»,byGeo • ofCeOTfre Wilmington,'embracing an eedotes illustrative character, ,and:*®beUj«eil Anaravorsaf History of Atf todft remarkableetfnta of aUNniious,.£ro»a tya raUasi., ppaod-<n the,-present time, furtniugd complete History of the World, toll: - Ufe and AdvcfttnrH Valeutitle:Vox,(heVeptn!o qoi»t, byUeu/y Cocktoo—iievv edition; ; > r , . ’ A' Sentimental3oarney through France am! Ilaly.— TV tTagraenrand that History of u good warm wmch LrluwrenceSterne:.. , ~ 1... Tbe narel;' j ;lining Act. N'u lifcJj tr u ’ < Now and Then, by bamuel Warren, Esq—fresh *np« ply» ’ • |! • Jack. Hinton tha Goardsaraa, hr Uwi fash sap- tor sale at ■ : -l- ‘ M A MINER’S, - mail - Smithficld at, 3d door from gcgonfl bl of the estate ; Books. .!••»•. HISTORIES— Robertson**, Rollm’i, Gibbon’* Kns* •elF*M6d. Europe, Prescott's Mexico,'Pem,A«-j Juclwlet’s Franca; Arnold's Eoow.Harpert : Piy tonal England; Nicbuke Rome; Ilallam's Constitutional Histo- England; Arnold* Later Roman Commonwealth; Schmir* Reuse; Burners History of hJsown timet, with nous: UaUam* Midditt Agw Mill's JCnuades and Chiv alry; browning's History of the Hurtieoou: Thleoy’a Historical Works; NedT* History oftbe Puritans; Thiers Preach B<r;T«]rlot , a^lwtalotAna > l«ndUoi Mitto* tr, Introduction to the History of the Church, hy ilft« nightley’Sßome and "England: Ranke’s Popes,* The above, yrithmany other valuable work*, {or tak hy_ - • •marl' J ■ J I, READ JE&9EB A nomuit •YTTHOLESALEDeaIers to Prdit, Not*,:Ae, No»7 Yf. South i front Philadelphia, ha vow store and for aide, at the lowest; market price*. :..- •: - 1000 boxes OOfcO Sicily Oranges far pntoe order; 300 ilo ■ Lemon*;' • ! 1500 <lo and half do M R lUlsin*; • LloocaahiStmALexla . dat. ir - ( 50 bags NValnuD and Filberts; . ... • i- IUO do'S S Almond*," , i,, ltuo bushels North Carolina Tea Nuts; .. • ' Uyoo drums extra fcnd medium quality, Elme Figs, . , : 100 eask* New Cephatonia Currants; • - lOOboieslowpncedPnutea.,.. Philadelphia, Feb, fil-eodlur • . 1 - For evening dresses—w. r. tfutyiir has Justteeeived a few patterns ‘embroidered muslin for Evening Dresses.. Also, silk net scarfs, bs*wl dress cs'etc. Also, new style braises, for parly spriptfwoar*’ new style balr.annes for do.jebaweleon-silkAritaatuon able article, needle worked collars, new style; fchemt* •etls, entire new styles; black boned silks; etriiod tta rich stripedandwaieredtlo. Ladies am iuvitmfto call add sea the abore goods. - fcbfl>-v New Gowda for Sprint of 184**' ■ " •TIT R MURPHY,* N. E. comer of 4th and Market ,*> , ■tK.hastbepteasureofiufensingbiacQßomers and huytra generally, that he has.cotsmeuced (his rw eeipt Of his early Spring Goods, and has already open a great variety of goads suitable fee the season, aipnees that cannot fail to please. . . : ; !;' rtr Merchants' are invited‘to visit his wbpleaale rßuonu, up stairs, and.examine (he stock' of new coods,' jwhich will be offered ai about eastern.pnees , fcfalfr :• Spyai.t. ptflilßKD PRINTS—Just received, 'aqa*- - sortroent of blue, pink, lslock, purple and orange, small figured prints undehinuea ferohildraiu'wcan alio, dark anJ oil rscarirt do; also, plain, pink, and. orange mowed*laines, fordo; smallpamd gingham* styles; open itis morning,! b«m 1 handsome pnftu; gingham pattern*, and fast Colors, orirU) eSHia per yard, atth# dry g«xf*ho«ise of _ » •. ~ w.liiiiuttrUi ThBBSU GINGHAMS—Open .this morning, an as ~Aj sortincnl of fresh fingluuu*', ftorataternu per yd. ,Bp w firet quality FfroueSffai-tedaccd pnoea,.; Al», hoary ,Utuiebc»«r - Yeh39 ‘ t•. •■* .~. con MarkoyAfcth JOUGAK. SIOLASSES ANDCOEFKE—IShhUa prime r Q N O Sugar; 50 bbD N -G .Molasses 50 bngs JUo Cof fee,fast lawfintr ftom rttf Wyoming hnd for sale oy . .. M ITT" They,will shortly receive, per -Martha tVdalmtg lon ami other boats the following:—2M hbds frfiite N O Sugar; 450 bbls plants* an Molasats; 30 do fjngnr House; 3U bl>U Loaf Sugar; la ucrec.s Camltna Rice, febia ; TinXSH FIJkNNKIdI constantly oni Ittuul ht dry \\ goods house iof \V R MaTphy,.N E Yoritdro 1 4tlt and market feisonuenl of abovegpodd. wammted not io sh|ing.ia washing. fluilh. : /^tOßN—act) bashaUabelled-eorn in bbls «Ack>; SiSl'**I’jijiitt'iuSftfitLD 1 ’jijiitt'iuSftfitLD * mja..- fTtOR^CCG—iSIO kegs 6 twist TobaccVjust rc«'d”aml . ;, . ; ATWPQPj JOXES A Co. INSEED Oily—oo bbls Linseed OU in store find for solo by. . t SELLERS & MCOLS, i ,ebl7 - , - • No 14 Libertyst..- SWEEP MAUkOA it SAITfEUNB.WINIfe?sjO-oi, casks S. AL Wine; 15 tjt cask* Unut Sautrnic do, fo -' t iucKKiyoN..' • T)UCKL*TS fc.PLOUR—LB dot Deovctßpc|«*; 6» Rag WARtUOUJSErjIIttt-highest price At 'cash paid for good clean rags; olso, canvass, baferoao,, fabSfl ' :r> ' Wayne'st. betn-eenpcnn A liberty}: SltroKE HOUSE—Having iatarf the ’ modioas ftaotaUaMp-Bad Bacon: BtsxshPiM' nd* l juiiung ouzJVVjtyrltdu*e,oD.ib4 CanaUiaaiji, we pro pil lared to imOte and ' store - batorr baTCtsonabld terms. -K - - T-: i EIERA 1 • - r mart Canai_basln, pear t A : M~ ACKER FI r~f4).tiblaNa3Jarre 25 hlf do Itaa oal hnnd ard for sale by ffe&l TABBEV A REST • "fTtNEDAIt—W bbls pore'elder; We’d HA3 far kale by V Abad- t ' vr .MTAftS^Y.EBECT N- d,BCOAß<>4oohh4«NOß«fsr;iastbreirecelvl * lnt,;an d >tM»b»‘ - ■ geo A BBUtV--. Db» v ••*•*•« *’-•»•■ • ia wood it \TQLASSES— N O. rec’d pr financier, and lit for tala by [martl DROWN fc CULBERTSON' - -' l®ACOTf?»i(U)(i(»j.U)*;hog t .n)tind rec’d. fiomTriidko' J>JioqwrdH(jM«aieby,v. ... 1 ■.. . f - ..CABSOMAMcKNiGHT, T\RIEOTEACHES-ISOO bqsb, rec. on couiUntmei X/.Mrifelttabjr CARSON 4 McKNKIHT •:»;•! ~..;6U>frg»ct ctrboy* fcr J>7^ EXPECTORANT, OEMJINEfo ido*. r4JFitoulob r ■ ••'••.". V jd 0*«a« ?~«r T *r'- ij», : ~ .1 }s '.j jj V r*’’A>i' t i; ■Ki? ju " ■ -'a 3iWi4 U a i;;e J 4'=ai= |$T3 CAT , Htrchantt’ Tiwupartattw MS?** TO* TTH KOOLlJfntzr PRODUCE TO HALTWOHE. /I OODS consigned to ootiCurejvi&J* (j wilhodt delayfst tM lowgst tTttttgntTßtgr. • Bgls Of Lunin* transmitted, and *aUansißicoaca.piw»pt|y Wri tended*to, tree from “y • CDinmuriotK C A i.Co.Prop'r* mw3- ; . v. I ,; Canftl V**a, Fttubnifeh. , - i (Ponrwrlycalled Pietjeoftb *■ Co’* idn®J | ■).. < L ,?**2Sisl-> TJETWEEfI Pittttmrgb, BUinml^JoKiaK»*iUlloJ-. Jt> Jidnyaborgh, Water Co) ofcdall miermedutie places. ■' i? . ■ ,1 ,_ • Oneboarwul laarethe .whiebonsenfCAMwialtyi & Co, Canal Basin,. Liberty rstreet, Putiburgh, tr day (Sunday* exeeptad,) and *lupper* can pend on haring their goody forwarded withcot delay, , and affair rates, i i.. .u. „■•* - - J, This Line was formed cxcinsircly for thfetpetfcl ac commodation of the way-bqaihrefc l uTtne fWtf■****• thankful for the [very liberal patronage they hate w* eeired daring the tost two yekrs,’'wetua rt*pectfnil 1 form their old customer* and the, pftbue.gencray»tt»t they hare extended their facilities, during the past win ter, and are now better prepared to aec—*— creasedbn*lne*«j ■•'&•.! ,t . t »aorsr«xo» RH CAKANi&r 1 t““wM STTTT, - Eosnrr. i >.< L ,wm foltZvv ; JAMES A LOBE, tT JOHN MILLER, C A MeANULTYiCp,CEJUI bMittPltt.) : ' 1 HH CAN ANY fi ■•r • JOHNMILLEIL ■ - doHolM»b^4 , HORHELL A - . - /, i ' -Tfrr»r*»VfTt ffniTmtch—A Sinclair; J McDevitr; G 4- J H ShoSnbewer B &£H*m A Moog BSUiIOB | POBT4BIE BOAT XI _. i M i i ■ I I if* * 1 ro* njjapoarxTttrx. w-waafitannar WEEN PHJJ-ADEJ. ■* Proprietor* of thii told e*tablubedan _ ort*bfc'Bo*t'line, li*Ttor- reteored-tfc* oot m Philadelphia,’ to a .patch, larger. Wan oa Market ft, thaa they formerly occupied, and a creaMd. their room for. teorlge atPittabnigh, ai prepared to offer much greaterfiteflitierto-iheir I ana patron*. . r ji ' i tv <.. Good* earned by Uu* line.are not tratuhipj tween Pituburth and Phil*de!pWa, being earn liretylnPbrtaWq Section Bpate,. < arid other good* requin ng caremi. handling, th Importance. ' Noebargo made lor reeaTlw oral good*, or advancing chargya. All gooarfor* promptly, a&d upon ma Teaaonable teists a* by ai eTlia *' ‘ ~' ■ ..John mcfaden a co- V‘ ' ’ ' j f 6analltaJin;Penrf»ti’Prtubi o • :.JAMSteM-DAYIB>JrCo. . fejpl . - 227 Market AM Commerce *t, V JOHN .McFADEN Jt Coi Fenrwdior «ad C<inmu- Ba»n; P*im rrop'tK - v .*::-!v£C«a*lBwin;near7Ih»t. .U«rc>].w;B -. i .- ........ I'- «|Ude»tkro«gl forwmrdinj JV. chants, and 8 Lat^TaftS>'a3ringg»'«|t!qhrfifefl«ft».'- 1 «n| - m E w~‘Aßaxja qb « bar t M JD3& 1848 ■ i * i ™H3KSr Is4B PHILADELPHIA AMJ PlTrSßUßffll, VIA f»lAM«: . ;aERSBimu, BY RAIiROAB AK»}VACpll.v‘ ACAIi will love PhUadelphia daily afterSlstEeJi--. irarr, rwith the Mail xraia, to ChaznlKisburg, which will enable the WirtwW Ua« * amo day, with relays of horses, nuaune .day aa@ rirfrt, se cure* tb© certain arrival of goods brPhraDa&iroa -™>*&** , : •_■* ■ - ••> : •>;.: i Rttsbi = HAIUUa.A,LEpCHj a .. • •• 13 and lSwoiiad sfPbllndel We ’will recent farCUUOlbs riati] npiEi oxajti' *. o. DciiLn» A® chafe. ircivouii, ■Htt»bttith: j j S; - .. ■; .1 ■ --•'.lru/ClS*t»-43»»AnJP*WK'S.i:i } ' " •' UENRT GRAFF A Co-, Canal Basin, PirubnrtfcV j DUTCLH; HUMPHREYS M»rtet«,TJuL C. H. Kenst, corocr-Nott)** Saratoga *t« Rail- I*--;' Joaci.r. Cluke, No U, OMSlift New York,.. f f*T 2 - strife of air Anna .will Jw kaowp Horn and wter this date, at Pitlsbarch, as Henry Grad' g <tCo n aad'ai 1,1 VDMtTND Q DUTILH, ipwtiL-inki-; • •. ‘ GHAK HUMPHREYS,' ‘ - , , - HKSRy. GRAJFt, Pittsburgh,--- .;,ay43Ug- r *lB4B ****”* tflgUg ; THE Steruftioat DETROIT, Capt X. C.Bentaml»;wi!l . i TurvdnrinftlbOyeaaoftof l&tis Ci*r d and -A \ £aitlt tfte Marie, in (be ibllovriijß manner, touching at MtckinacHwiimJjrwaifeteplEeeaifeebwny.j /■•'■.. - < Lesriag,Cfc;vel%nd evAyyAlpoday, al? P.Mi Do Detroit 'dec Tuesday at# A.AC •- ■! ■’ -Do-'MackittßO'doi -Tbrndsy at7'A. M.- • 0 i ttetunine,wdlleay«ltoatl StnAlaiio.every Friday, at 10o’clock, AIM-; ami MaCkinac si lOo’clocfc, P.M. - ahdlfraTaDeiroitUTerySawtey aTtning'for laid, .al 7.o!dodc. ~.-_X »v- > * ‘ : • -AlTPtfc j a Rttd imURiN ACp.- j ICkTeland. -!i , (.GRAVES Jfe WJCKWARE- Detroit f 1 i n,:JtMrKßlOHT.Sidlrßt*Marie/ - • „ The'ltetroitJtnvbwntliroucMy repair^aitfreli:* | ted the oast winter.and tpe public may rely uftoctlhq: punctuality at'adrfertiscd. fcWam*- iE.B, WARD" tHi rTltvaM WnWifc Eifl^totlUeS.'ViaCunibfeTUnd:' mH&TßipriebM Mwolw liue< twTa xlnceiheir X rSvrgm>'*atiorilarftilyiricrea*^dlhilr fcciGuea to. 'ttoArth* wickea of-khippcrs'And wa-Tunp pnp arcd to y forward ,UWiy u'aJso by additional redial 1 wagcnV m low' me*. v Thin lin<s '*ill~ttlfl~TJifQUgtaoui the year, del|«nar and Pitttborga i«-owem and s<?imCTc«ratBj*d(Udjt»te*jind lima..: phuailclphia fotTllie lirid'ahooWbe' KobinioiV-BaXittbfe."-: .ai s up, q o ly.«,au,pp s fttr-j > '■ -ir?*aChatto«t,B»ldanw. j ECWPSSJ T|»£rv|*?ffenef AWpoatluLwrhmcbvtt* Ihc towrtCa*i«&aa''&to'tt7S>« of MfcKair'h Mtr pa*»A-|4iil i a*l(krt»*CkL’ii.i ... ; B» Jy«rtli'V h **»lt« Baltiiiwrt',U t)i«W). wlb<rgrffcpaicrihi»:LCTtia:U»&WT»dPM.''... - v ' '• •»■• !■- ? i • «*33tr~. . .. J »;HOBIMBU.t T -i3ifa^aft.: ■ . :3 ' ; ~cißß*ar*_«o.'bjejtokm j e r< rot cswomre,- ■xiafltoiufr.-w’.jqiitqaauit, mxilaj>jx,.J nni,rmvtoßi.fcafTos.*sDAU.TUEiijiiT«3d<crni», ' "I CEHCKANTgtako pqve«*p»2**gaodlßft inform*?: .l¥l. .ad-ihai UtU.i»,th4 A»tut, bouaxw*. *Btfoas, JinS (joinjrEß»K*o®Jß Cling' witS "Adahu ExiMMdaityfa»lWliiaDrfc.'r: r • -- • •■■ ’firouik receipt* wilj be given t9_pny pf the above' pikeet.' -Uercbaadixe tmd package* ofmty *ue or ll"vi- : ' • F-xprei* cknci daily «t . - ~ . - - •|!'‘ H<J'VICKERT* AWat : Buildings wood «i ■ • . T : vV- PAHJPyiACon ! ceKXXAOT WUW CBLWS OXtl. BiABIT, rrrnun'»WW' m ui- t «o>rfflMumifa; T ;« BM«p] ’ls aul firoii jpsit riThra rsj i TOL. XV. NO. 194;. . ■Omt E«|Uih B«ne4f< _ i TMm <Jo*Rh«. Cold* Astfamaaad Cen*unptS>n!. To* $ JtV GREAT ANDOXLY BHMFJ>V iat the cam of ihft tbore duessea. t» the IIUXUAHIAft OP ’-4. LIFE, 'toy* the- celebrated Dr. gnchan, of and ialrodscod into tbeUaited State* coder the imomrigic acperitneadenco of tfcd intaoinf. • •.] Theenraordinarymcceu of thia lb* : ~ cure of wan anti the American - : UgaiAtytaUpftfayiiiaihiai'iianl the amnp-.poWfibto icilhat can be-foond u>U*>£©amraruty—c»»e« that »«k . -rrUcf.m T&ut front aoylofjhe common, rtsnediei afiha - «eC r Whd'haAe ** *p*iy **■> mmi , physician* adcQßfinndandt&arable. The Hungun* 1 an Balaam tm can4.arul.wiU core, the moat denwrate .. of ca»ejk,.Bu,«qm»Jfcno«ttßm,hata.»lanAt«nl&ig- '* iuh-Oedieirie, orinowh and eitaMibed efficacy. lupplied .••' l .Btlaam of U&, nouauy u> . eoatttenetthoeoßsampuvo tendeaeieijaf the climate. •;■: btetto WtieWlMipWrenliraintdidaoufall cuet of ■'." wJdSj-cpoffci, .bloody pain Anthonie and : eneit, imianoa ana aorcnea oF t bitoe hiliij ..■ diflJenUy of-Brtuiag'; hectic Avar, night rweataLjejnaci- - ' .'•. hgfa&tttoa, at Si jUt< direo* ' tu 1 *ertM<iatei»aralTihfr titirtenri|jbni|la|flw lin ' -4 .vFor «ala .-by : B AFAHNESTQvK $ ,Cp+ comer of. ~ nuuS .' 1 1 i ’ L isa T jtl.s-reeei+sd'*; lam MupflfUmftSfahi&tM Sum mer Dry-Goods, wbicVwill ha a&red, wholesale tod retail, st the vsrT lowest Cash priee*. Attwhiitoor a*- . tmmwnftl—hAufy fingH f h ,*. anduUaeiiey.p.iiotijmd chiattca»,jßoiHari»uig every new'styie nobrui'ttie market, - arid v+eremrdaased at the wascatxtaw aaicai which «aii at lnut3spercent. lewthanformer-prices. Also, 10 c»- «jiWtafrpattems?fiut cclmrd"hfcrt£aatkastfCoche. ,eo)Mn%vtnr.MBt.,«adrilreinh(hi Acocumr etyle plajd, itnped and plain linen ginghams, of eyery shade sndrprfiityvS -eases-'spnny%%e"'|iiiiefc : ‘tfch and ,«ht*fe L ;srtortai . lW hmery;*n4 a pee ran* UutreSra-newaad splendid article-Jar tunes' • atiapc4*tei «UU ban* - - best tjcalhy khd gantiedieiM? kidiiiwiaL whito ' goods of every description, together with aceaaral as sortment of boose keeping goods, etc. etfcTcooiitry H*rfli«iiM arut yicin-' fitsimblywbkifo eaaieptJMrtabj i-nnlsoo 1 v n«rt> ~. .. . w >, r f A.AMABOS. . •• • r , Books Jut Raeely eiu - . : : \ftfSak.<9ilfstorybfSC6(let?PU!3^^Ebmp]eta itton One jolnra* from <hel«rt|4s*}oii edition, *3.00 .Lectures on the Law and the Gospels. by Stephen'll. and ealargod'eakiPß} orftlt ppmaii of ' Memoir fixate U m*~*f'**r*-f fifr iMTHiiidniftn. with /jSSutdfeiV i Ht&T , of i 6i f: iffin»tian i ßeiSS>n and Otweb, translated byProLUberoy? mi«“* • ( -,HawksJmte?» tale,of and fofVfrfrwr jn TP4—. <n ' t»o volttmesL-froin iowfaha j^, _ Memoir of w C(^oeker, : Misstottary toAitfttLdSets. PersonaytoepUeetiona bvCbaxlou* Bisartrth,with expUnatoft-Sotea,-soA*isafcied by a memoir embra '•Dhonons InEa|ihh^bt^etSH , lVft?7D. D. -MiWthe »AvtCharl<a lor, if A, astnpr oP'Becoids or a Good Man's •*Udf Uur,»TOtonft«r<* *e?»aflftfe. _>abj>ve4iist i rr { r : •■ elltott £TEwcnsu m*rl3 -* ■- - s fi# market *t, b«twaeii3Safad 4th •stta , «s , *assgK —--HaFHIDEK fcCa^nhhho-hrWaribersoM tfsFgnsstei! iwrSl^vStfi'ujeir. i Mnetthufy and attaAdfl'-iolhd wmtibr ihd eonn >Memuigrants;v-.WedovidlaUovrou paaaangcrs to robbed "by the twicdUng stamps YbatitSeSfiSe eea >rt»raw taka chaig* ofi thaw,!)» taettetfMbcy Vo. 't.jhemseixes'.aud • tbeu. fie- - * fc thctffvtfiaoat hby'detemian by thd Itafshipal— i .onroflcfarpassea .-to wow hoada,by nsim iverpooi; whiltT thomsadfoT otha*'w«i#rX«t»inM oetfastjontil they coald'bttkntjaMnatftiHiaft, at a ,> ,t p r?f e *yM e^*s?&7< * tbeth,coffins],. 'We nsend to perfinai mrr wnarwiskonbrabiT, cost rkat £, wajNteadal* act *a w*stheeMwbifcscssoty nth ether either perfonadd npr aIL or ' rhea it suited their convenience.-'-'t -;* « - , i - fa wriuhtoafl to i.-: / -;-,ipsuiiA i aOBIN3af, .. and General Agent, " 1 £ FlfljratweceaedoorbWowWo^L[.. . nt.ii .abftnoiuoii.oi gepuaaea.deairo&e ofpntchuuu a. 1 f&itttt 'ofStitcxft, i» ro ir': > » ' The having been eogiraL in thoJlarble oareea*ttfr-Uw-Ustthirtyyear*, inFUlndlipEiau ud V«i*g ABBB&cttued •work for almost every mart oOha >l9O, can refer to all who have favored thcmvuh lr-etuttea; iad to theft-writ, (considerable«T which .bMO nUopio foil place.}.», .They fcxvw always on *1 aniTTsupply ofMarble Mantels, and nfcw andon* \ DttiiW for hlonamasa and ethdrart*. Copies of Vw»utjuwe« wjUbeJorvfanled.. v, ■ : AUworfrihJppedliinwrtdfroaj'bttakaer. BnyMcje4atile;hnß*eir khiladej* . 1L . There uoplhlng in their line which they do not H^eitherdrtneirtieOT-tmpoited. 1 <>* ' • vA'W; peMopfc lp of Dnaaesis JX.yya.7j tfomitspreaenf tcinunafiotfat JVaiUunirtoii ftreot,' to W tho tie-Allegheny nwTt *f« hereby *w(iscdthat »plan at mci&enuon of• lie opening ofiaidDuqueime Way, Unav deposited in X tfafe Qfl>c4 of tlra pKlic ex- Qrdwanco of v .’ the 29th day ofNoreui6er,i£47i ambormn* iboopemtur - ;,&EAieGOWAJS. -Bonrr. Jfrmpimgßcgalator, City ofi»iajrt>ar*h " trtract front Section lW&afan Act entitled VAhAet to • nmhoni*«niftob*brought apontha'OttelaUßoml of . “And any owAer m Owners of around lying on tho -line of aaehMitet lane oraitey t -rwho ihnll soniider - that he, she or shall daxuago. frontthe m>ea ing or vndentejr or:be'»amc, may apply, by petition, to the next CoarlofQaaxter Seaaioarof tto Connor, of Al-' iegfaeny." ! ■ . .. • . marTtAl Mr —*■ -' ‘ " ' Uueher’i ChroneOntiu I mo PAINTERS, BLIND MAKERS." fciLwe, Urn faintyad U»pri,Mskers,<>{ihc city used and tested, and-are now mine a new article-ef Chrome Green, maimloewed by Geo. K. Marcher, ,ottMseinr,and welLprtf. dueiug a fino brilliant Fans Green sppearanM, with a very superior body,end xsraameodnttotKbnthKn wthe.jradc , every, penicalar tbs. bcatChroma - Green w« Baveever nied: '.'NewTo*, 1 Jana • .) Signed.bjr34 fen* of praiKical; palmar* of.tttt city of ihoftxtltuirai^eaeyfeEiiasßleiaPbubßjtfftmarKi _SELLEIfSVF.AM.ILY MEDICINES. • '• v ' Cool' Sf*Ero,Jeflcr*on Co, Pa,M**eli fTls^. \fßfi EftKM.Kßa—tha»»«»torty ««d* y et . , -ttl «ufnfiaw»d.CongbSyTOpypm*a!ii», YpnrVer* • mtfoKla wabout exception tic beurcveroßtrfti in this h*fiarpMfpd‘«ood;.«teßter u»e<L— The CougbSyrnp and Liver4*uJ»’have eltoeiren taf ' fsftcktai *Yoaro&tter*t r ~--J ! BCGn i vftosttfestey. ■■ . Fit pared'end. sold bjt-R EBEU£RS;ft-W6od its soldbyDrCaaseLdth Wan, DAI Curry. AlleStenv. A W J Smith, Tempertnctrills.-’ - ? cr??r « . - • gaan .MarlUit'gl^^Ty^P •il» tea The above works being now in mil andtKß33**au op. era lion. 1 am prBjHUX&J» execate orders with dispatch foiaJLiyodi .of machinery jfi my fan, sarh asjrifio w*. drawinc <iaae« xpwftmsrqotesils, looms, woolen orfiarle.ttw merchant or country work, BUriesfjsek*; hfc.-iWe and hggd lathes and tools in sen en for gearipg factories ox mills orreasonaiTochßrce Kennedy,' : ChildT'le CiL-Blßeistekk Bell A. miifi teii(Usi 6 *f3*httS Pift» ■JL'*ad Wasting PotnJw, of thisaaperiorosnodactare, quality warranted ansnrpasKd, and will seUaatovra* any good powder can bo bought inttrmfcAeY* i TUc Orpyxoan..employe d atthp Magamw, wCj call every tnotnlng on the etwtwnota \o fleUttr powder and ii£2assaai^'Sra^^6g:» T- fr-to:c*lt . lfrf -n ntmiob-ofd»»T Mcr WffllHc*, • Wmy- *lo« brWiaefclfiiSqSrcimirt, BMffwrt cellar, .votttintarab£«ouceN <>yfc} Mwikleujijj^djwßX of -wine*, liquor*, Ac, Direct to ibis coqpLnvpenotu can rely oa being accommodated cud * itituimiiti ta& SSB& imitfSa. c«. ffgMfteAtoyEß orlh» amiffikmili , . V/wid color*, from itaJarKjuiied re- Of direct itnpbninoiuibrwuebr . •* . > x-y Wrt» -TiU3H3ViaaKEY» Ja* rtja&tg^ff^SEg^hkattw tihcHtlSUS UnlSVinK 18 bbl* - ■: • .pe*M+*am puiNDKX'R^tTo bull JJfrtn <«e and the «Ha s ysosai eteo SJK'Ai,—IO uin t fitn) • Jstoealofry lutfeaiiopj <TTOKDgra?lg ft r ~ Jiaai for *sa « - r. WKCEXJEB A Co fcbd» l -*bqaUere-£i?<P ,lutitq4 do clear • *ldei£Ju*trtcd oaconusaunentandjbr •*& br..'. p-v-hwid «* . etfrarßftU»9 Uiil>%a^-41*iaoko< . mattfl ~r;; y l^ Ehdi'fontMijfe^la'al^aiuf&e o 1 r EAD-173 *** fct-*patP Wi r’ eta <i*ft<4tWSgaSßPM n w, HCTOBJDOW -a.Ty)3> drtatf s