GROGBBIEB, Ac ? ibTttJeby 18AIAHDICKKYA Co^ - •■• au» •. ..■ ■ . . -ffm and Front as "E'EATHEHS AGIN SENG-25 sck* feathers; ldogia •L teng; now landing from stmr Ringgold; fw sale br _ ma«o ; , ISAIAH DICKEY ACo A PPLES A PEACITES—6 *ck* dry applet i*«) 0 xA.peached now landing from stmr Ringgold, and for HacT ■- • maigo ISAIAHDICKEY A Co QUNDRIES—Iti bbds prune N O Sugar, 41 bbla plan* O tatioo Molasses;Sl csks patent Soda Ash: from stmr North Biter, and for sale by 6 marSD ! : WA M MITCHrT-TRFT^ SUGAR CURED HAMS—7 bhdt and SO trea extra Cincinnati; reed by the Newton, and for sale by martO i , BROWN A CU>-WPTwny MOLAS3E9-1W bbl. N O, teed p,, .MrNcnh River, and for tale by i cargo ; DROWN A CULBERTSON* o,juttreed and for sale by Q cargo [WEST BOWEN OLASSES-09 bbla plaatatioL jut teed and fc tale by ■ marJO JWESTBOWEN taiTON—to bales good, in More and foriaJeTy * ■ jL' WEST BOWEN marilo I 70 Front ttreet S^L A^“",X^.^ d *» priine N O; 40 bgs prime white Rraai, 100 bbla No* 4, &, 7 A 8. m store and torjateby maria LAMBERT A SHIPTON SH.MOLASSE8 —100 bbl* Louisiana Refinery, ro • ceired and for talc by | , • maria !•• • LAMBERT A SHIPTON Eioiiod°aoLas'“r -«wl8 ' ' - I.AMBPTrTASHIPTOy QUKDIUES-10 bbla lard: 111 keg* do; 5 bbla flax- O-teed; 3 ban ragt; 4 bblt noun 5 baft mustard teed; » bn* corn, landing from star Rhode bland, and for ealeby mar!7 JAS DALZELL ■ .’LOUR—ISO bbl* family, in store and for tale by JO marl 7 JOHNS PILWORTH T) YE—3O buah, in *lore and for talc lb marl? . JOHN { /'XINCINNATI SOAP—IOO bit in store mndfortaleby V/ tnar!7_ JOHN S PILWORTH COFFEE— 2UO bag* prime RioTtn store and for sale by . marl? JOHN S DILWORTH RAISINS— fiu bxsjSAhJfbxs, for sale by mirl7_, McGILL, BUSUFIELD A ROE SUGAR —<0 bags while Brazil, fllwc* wlufo Hsran in store'and for tale low by fob* ii ENGLI3HA JJENNEIT ROCK CANDY—I 6 bxt witite and yellow in tier and for tale low by febM ENGLISH A BENNETT SUNDRIES—'J 3 bn feathers; Ido giuaeog; sdo ran; IS do peaches; udo applet; 18do flaxseed; 17do Leant; 3 bolt lard; 1 do tallow; to arrive; for tale by • marts : ISAIAH DICKEY ACo BACON, CINCINNATf CURED—23casks shout* dert; 6 bxt do;S ctka hams reed and for tale br marlfl • : McGILL, BUSHFiKJp * ROE BULK HAMS A SHOULDERS—For tale by maria = McGILL, BUBHFIKLD A ROE fTIAB—2S bblt NC, reed and for tale by X maria, ’ TASSEY ABI G (ANCLES—60 bxt Cincinnati mould, reed ondVor I me by marlfl TASSEY A BEST COTTON-50 bales landing from stmr Lady Byron: for sale by , JASDALZKLL % —_™« ; water st •VTOLASSES-00 bbla landing from stmr Lady Byron; ill, for tale by marlO jAHn*i.»cl r. SUGAR—IO hhda N O, reed per stmr Robert Morrit; for tale by BROWN A CULBERTSON ft marlO ; ' 146 liberty street PATENT SODA ASH—3I casks fine quality! (J**. Mospralt A Son's brand.) prepared expressly for Glmta Manufacturers, to arrive per North River.and for tale by • WA U AIITCHELTREE marts • ~ 160 liberty »t- SUGAR— ISO hhdt prime NO. jnst rec'd per Amenean Eagle and Palo Alto; for tale by marls JAS A HUTCHISON A Co /'TIGARS— 22,000 Havana, in qr. beixetof various and \J choice brands; for tale by WEST BOWEN. L • ~ * . *y 70 front tt SUNDRIEK-63 bblt small white beant;3o do, meta' porit; 9 do'lard; landing from stmr, and for sale by ■m»' - HAGALEY A SMITH ORANGES A LEMONS—26 bxa Oranges; 25 do Lemon*, landing from stmr SehuylUlLfor tale by . mar!4 . HAGALEY A SMITH . 18 andg) wood tt. WHITE BRAZIL SUGAR—I 24 bn of sopenor quality, for tale by BAOALEY A SMITH EIO COFFEE—COO bag* prime, in store and for tale n»y marll BAOALEY A SMITH EAISINB A RICE—2OO bxt bunch raisiat; 100 tret fresh tice,iust reed and for tale by tnarl4 • HAGALEY A SMITH H GLASSES— lUI bblt plantation, landing from >tmr America, and for tale by marll JAS DALZET.t, BULK PORK—IO,OOO lbt, reev'g per (tmr Lake Erie, and for tale by marll . JASDAt-ggr.t. SUGAR— 150 hhdt prime NO, landing from ttmr America and American Eagle, for tale by ' marll , JAR FLOYD ! MOLASSES —150 bblt plantation, in prime order, landing from stmr America, for tale by < . - marl<.. ; j JAR FLOYD TJOTASU—IO c*ki X . marll >n*ignmen, for tale by J AR FLOYD [EED— 20 bbl* clover seed, 10 both timdQiy, for tale Iby marH : ; JAR FLOYD BEANS— 10 bblt small white, for tale by matll JAR FLOYD SUGAR— i3t) hhdt prime NO, landing from ttmr Robert Mom*, and for tale by . marll W A M MITCHELTREE SHOULDERS—22 eakt family h.m.- go thooldere, this day rec’d per ttmr Hibernia, ana for tale by mart ; ' JAMia A HUTCHISON ACo rE.MP-0 bales Kj dew rotted, lost rec'd and for L sale by «arT JAMES A HUTCHISON ACo T>ACON-flo,ooo ham*, tide* and shoulders, just rec-*d IB by sanr Skipper, and for tala by » mar? SAW HARBAUGH ' /HOPPES—I£Q bags Rio, for sale by 1 \J mar? - MILLER A RICKETSOX POTASH— 9 casks eupr. quality, for sale by mar? - ' MILLER A &ICKETSON X ABD—43k*gaNol, forsaleby ■ -• Xj mar 7 L f MILLER A RICXETSOX BEANS— 80 bbls small white, in store and for sale by maf7 O BLACKBURN A Co 'AILS—3OO ken asstd in store and for sale by I mar 7 - j O BLACKBURN ACo DRIED PEACHES—I3O bahaives,!!) da fine cling*. forsaleby mar 7 McCILL,BPBHFIELDABOE MOLASSES— 3Sobbls plantation for sale by •mar? McOILLCBUSHITELD A BOE OUQAR—6O hhds prime NO, to arrive per soar Amer* OieanEagle, fox sale by mart : McGILL, BUSHFIOJ) A ROE O CORCIUNGS-in ctks prime for sale by Q mar? i - -WICK A &TCANPLE3S ThOTASil—SSesks prime, for sale by r mar? i WICKA McCANDLESS iptLOVER bElsjiut rec’dlnd'for sale by l; mar? : WICK A MeCANDLESS YARNS— A new supply of yarn from the manufac tory of Mr li E Hey, Philadelphia: jost ree-'dand for sale by jnart F HEATON ACo SOAPS— F H Eaton A Co, hare Strain's Palm Oil Floating Soap, for washing, and Old Brown Wind sor, for sharing and washing; also, Sand's and other Soap. Market 4th. • mart SBOIfLDER — BRACES—A new lot of braces of tbe most approved pattern, for sale by mart ■• F U EATON ACo. FJUND— On Sunday night, a Brass Store Key; the owner can get it by calling on mart J SIIACKLETT A WHITg SnfiAß-mi hhds N O.jost rac'd and for sale by mart • POINDEXTER A Co GLASS— 160 bxsSxlO Glass El>erhEPPER-SOO sacks, for sale by JT mart ; POINDEXTER A Co FANCV CASSLUERES—S eases plaids, stripes, plain colors, just opened and for sale by mart SIIACKLETT A WHITE URODUCE— SO bbls 8 F door; 45 do com meal; 100 f[ scks com; 1» do oau; 7 kegs buckwheat floor 20 ken lard; in store aad for sale by . marlb J C BIDtVKT.r. BACON— 400 hhds bacon hams, sides and i boulders, os consigumcst and for sale by msrlO SELLERS A NICOLS SroRCHEP SALTS—I 3 csks just rec. and for sole hy ■ marll : • LB WATERMAN MOLASSES— 30 bbls S H, St Louis Refinery is JuMdad forsaleby JSSu James a mrrcmsoN a c 0 kJtmN— mtU ‘°'° f^'wiCKi- mS'InPLESB [ or^“ ’ l ’.r.v,''^'sW'.‘- 7 '- :V ifi'-.T-'" , - . , . : MISCELLANEOUS. C- while and mineral knob*, tor sulc by maTa _LOG-kN, WILSON ACo bag * l’ ea *i 1? do feather*; 0 tierce* flax teed, now landing fro «uiir Otwego, and lor tale by I DICKEY A Co, water A froniau COTTON— 51 boles now landing from *tr Otwego. A jor talc by [mar. 1 ) ISAIAH DICKEY ACo TV 01-T - On the second story of tbe ware bouseNo2tl Wood tU, having a from entrance.— Applp to [mart] GEO COCHRAN BEANS —ISO bmh »mall white, for *ale by - mart JD WILLIAMS *\TriirrE LEAD—so kegs pure; 30 doNo 1, for tale b; TT mart . J DWILLIAMS SHAWLS A RIBBONS—a few very rich and tun. Cashmere Shawls; just received; also, Spring Rib* bona, in great variety, at the dry good* house of. fcb23 W. K. MURPin\ \VBOAKIiS—?2 dot Rice’Tlmproved Paient Tf Zinc Wash Board*, wholesale and retail at man utactarer* price*,by J D WILLIAMS, feb23 11U Wood »t RYE FLOUR—I 3 bbl* superior for sale by fobl7 J D WILLIAMS,UOYTood i^IHEESB—6O boxes for tale by y feb!7 J D Wn.T.tAM-S, SCORCHINGS —5 bblt on consignment and for talc bjr JDmLLIAMS. SUNDRIES— 125 dot Egg*; 15 dot Tow Yarn; 100 Hickory Brooms on consignment aad for tale by febir • J D WILLIAMS. FRESH. TOMATOES—3 dox in bottles, a tuperioi article [tebl7) J D nnVl.l A’MiT SALERATUS— 10 ions receiving and for tale by feb23 ROM' UAt/zi-n.i. £ Co T INEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS—A large lot Xioflowprieed linen kerchieft, from 10 cents to high pneed French, for tale by {marll F H EATON ACo /tf RIND STONES—4O, att*bl tizet, for tale by \JC mart S F VON BOXNHORsT ACo POWDER— 300kegaßenuyfoinperior ride,and rock powder, for sale by mart FRIEND RHEY A Co DICE—23 tre*prime qualily for tale by Jti mart FRIEND RHEY.A Co COFFEE— 100 bags prime Rio. perTagliona, for tale by [mart] FRIEND RHEY ACo MOLASSES-3CO bbD for tale by mart' FRIEND RHEY A Co SUGAR— 375 hhdt prime NO, for tale by mart FRIEND HUEY A Co LOAFBUGAR— 225bbltan'ldNot,emhed A pow dcred,fortalo by jmartj FRIEND RHEY ACo BACON— 10 etk* ass'td, 3ti,ooU lbt aund in smoke house, for tale by (mart) FRIEND RHEY ACo SCORCIUNGS— 14 casks for tale by mart FRIEND RHEY A Co QCOBCHIXGS-ttl c*k* prime, for *alc by - O mart WICK a focCANDLESS rTtOBACCO—#3 bx* superior 5* tobacco; 29 do tr;l2do X' 16*; sdo 32*; 14 do Sprigc'* Aromauc, 42 kegs su penor t> twist, for «ale by WICK AaicC.\NDt.P-mne hum*, 10,000 lb* shoulder*, 4 hhdt bognoad, w tmoke bouts and for tale br mart O BLACKBURN A Co OILS— 10 bbU Linseed Oil, sdo Winter Lard, in rtore ud for sale by mart ; O BLACKBURN A. Co SALT— 140 bblt No 1, at the landing, for tale by mart , MILLKR A RICKE'reON riTAfl—G9 bblt Wilminqipn, for tale by 1 mart MILLER A RICKETSON \*TINDO\V GLASS—2OOO bit att'd, for tale at the' 1 y Brownsville landing, by Mart : FORSYTH A DUNCAN TTTTNDOW GLASS—3OO brt New Genera, Air tale TT by mart FORSYTH A DUNCAN MOLASSES— 100 bblt NO, landing; for tale by mart • JSDILWORTH TTEAV Y SHIRTING CHECKS—Constantly on band,* Jl Stewart’s manufacture of heavy thirting and fur niiore checks, at the dry goodt boote of mart XV R MURPHY. CANDLES —100 bozet Summer Mould, iu store and for tale by mart . KIEH A JONES PEARL ASH—IO bbls, in store and for sale by marl ISAIAH DICKEY a. CO /"'IHEESE—IO bit in ttoreand for tide by \J __mart ISAIAII DICKER' A‘-€o rE BEANS—I2I bblt small white, for tale by mart WICK A AicCANDLESS /'"HOARS—£OO>OOO common, for sale by V mart WICK fc McCANDLESS /*1 LASS—II 3 bis 8x10; (K do 10x12; for sale by AjT mart WICKA McCANDLESS _ AR'TLFICLAL smairquontiiy of rose leaves, buds, callows, Ac.just received at 1 marl F tl EATON A Co's /COTTON FRINGES—-A rood assortment always on \j band at {marl] Fll EATON A Co's GLASS— dOO bxs ass'd sizes, from Cxß to £lx3o, coun try brands, in store and for sale by marl .JCBIPWELL COTTON— 73 bales, just receiving and for sale by marl > BROWN A CULBERTSON SUGAR— 37 bhds NO Sugar landing and for sale by ■ [marl{ BROWN A CULBERTSON MOLASSES —100 bbls N O just rec'd and for sale by {marl] imOWN A CJJLUKKTSON_ JT'ISH BO.NE— / BUJlWiffiOE, WILSON AC« i ao pr.ceoi. Borax, refined—-24 023 ;Oats 27 &28 i Fl*M*tal-prton,6mo«. Manaffle* n o -3' _ inßivirr 1 P«* —0 5 Balaam Peru— 02.75 ; Com 33 0 37 I AU«rhcnr. • Port.... ,„ ? n ABiuVEl», P«tri*; 7JO7J do Copavira-30 0 37tBarley —0 45 No. GFoondry 032. W Cala b rin .7' I 'k 0 Bearer, Clark, WelLmile. Scorching* 410 8 Bnnwtone.-----.--- 4 0 5 ; Olue-perfo “ Font*-- 31,00 052.00 Wool per ft-Dun-aOrerceoL Caleb Cope, Bearer and WellmUe. , Camptor. refined...4o 030 c<^ rao „.... u 0 13 Haiyriitg Roek. Prime--. "f!?. ”*33 V DispateMKeUoa, ErjwnavUlT Bristles— Dutysper rent. Cream Tartar ••••••25 0 SH We«eni comb p. 619 0 20 Tennessee- 0 31 Iblood IS BaJtic,Ja£Xib*, BrOwnavUle. American...: 0- Coppenu 3 <3ln«e»*_buty 20 rr. ct. Mercer fcmnry. 1 blood A Common -.OM AUanUc,Parkjnaon, Brownsville. Batting—per 6 S 1 !?"' U® J 7 c, ”‘* :n S ...25 030 Foundry Kg**** —0 Tub washed 025 America; DeCamp, Cin. *- a & ll? * r «£» £ a,l4 "'Y. r f®'2;’ _. h “7-P46 Ffo 012 Lard No. I, in kg* • *O4O 61 Heavy Bailie, Jaaibs, Brownsville. . Shaker-. 1,7502,00 Madder, Umbro---15 0 H Indigo-Duty io percent. - “ft in kn— -0 6* FromLouisrille lo th “ 020 AllnnUcpMkipson, Brownsville. Barks —p coni. Madder, Common-•—0 Bengal,Tb ljo 01.60 l - “ l,in bbls 0 5J Dry Goods a WellsvtJe, Bams, Sunfish. - • na ‘Oak f-jrao M.virh, Turkey 50 Iranian. 1,15 01.20 Butter -1, in kgs- -00 10 Heavy . v . 0 LaU Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Black Oak-• J404J0 0»'«r*ol 4 !® * -Manilla 05 01,00 “ « 1.1.1 roll- 120 135 To&tLonis. Hibeimw No 2. Klhefelter Pin Hemlock.-. “ 9»«?r f\jO Iron-Duty 30 per cent Cheese. W. R o*o 7 Dry Goods -0 50 i Coal— Duty3operct. , 3,00 04.00 Bar. Juniatn 310 4 “ Goshen fcJO 9 Heavy-.'. a os ‘ :: £SSi:::::::3S SS ?} c '”M“ b ;; v *"i a a „ HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &o. Cotton— Dutyfree. Pepm*t 5.00 05215 Boilerplates-- G 0 Do. Butter'- — 0 4AO Heavy »1 Tenn. nnd Alabama---7io7| Opmrn, Turkey- •• -A25 05,50 Nail* fl . potatoes— per bush. To and from Brownsville * A. Bargain In Real Satat*. Chooolater-P b. ' 'YJ-“ 1 wing? 4|o 5* Common Reds 02 069 Dry Good* (down) Q j's ifcA lubscnber offers for sale a House and Lot Number!- —r Rhubarb, root 50 038 Slabs 41 Nnhannocksp. bbl Produce, Ac. (up) 010 n ** reel t * »hon distance above East Cocoa, prepared 20022 ba Amonac 20 010 Russia Sheet 0 13* Rags—Duty 5 per cent To Nashville W Lane, Allegheny cny. The Lot is 2i feet front Candles— Duty 20 per CL Sal'toda—. 0 5J Lead— Duty 20 per cent Countrymixed —0 31 Dry Goods a on Liberty *t.-eel, and runs back to an Alley 85 feeL City dipped ? u r a -"";‘:,' Missouri Pig—..-;.. & 41 Do.iroodwhile 60 5* Heavy a The House erected thereon i* Brick, nearly new, two Pittsburgh Star---22 o*l Tartaric Acid MQ 50 Bar 0 41 Rteeopcr lb TO Wheelinr stories high, 18 feet to front by about 55 in depth, and Cincinnati do ~ 05S '‘iT o *’ —V e "’. u *° 12 'Dif. me* pipe nor ft C*o 121 Ric 05i Dry Goods- a 11? contain* ten Jotafortable room*, exclusive of pantry. Sperm, best brand*—3o 032 Dye Wood—Duty sp. ct. Sheet 0c ? 6eed*-dbtyLin». -S3 70 Kentucky 31 0 33 Skirting 21 0•» Cloves 30 0 33 Heavy * <» Inquire of the subscriber, who can be seen at the of- Couuter weight* 4* set 40 OliioAPennsylvx. 31 033 Harness, black 19 0 Cassia in Mats--22 0 20 To New Orlean*. fice of the Ghxelte, every forenoon, between the hours Sail irons t> fiJ nett 4)05 Fruit- Unities, black, pr. dor. " Ginger——— 10 0 11 Heitvv Goods. .of eight and ten. and at other time* at bis room* at Cotton Tarn*—B) Almoml* shelVd---20 023 sides <30.(10 036 00 Nutmegs IAO 0 IJJO Glass; nominal Mr*. Hays’loardinif house, Robinson’s new row. Fed- Short reel— Soft lti 0 13 Rii«seil do 36.00 042.00 Pepper —9O 10 1 S eral *L AUefhhny City. D N WHITE, N0.5t0N0.10 16 Hard 13 0 14 Upper finisiieJ. .23.1H1 m Alsnire--. 0 *l‘Jt * Al ** OF rxxtairr ojr TICK i-»_4id«VLvx- feblStf Axenl for the owner. u ll to 13* 17 Currants, Zante- —•l4 0 15 Kjp«. finished.. .<>4 jvi wf..w, , > , _ ' . , c*ssl ass sunoAts. 1 ■ “14 18 Filberts B‘o 9 Calfskin do-- 13 ou H : ,r- S^ketoot ~P er Apples and green froilperlOOlbsOOct* . .Orphan** Court Sale. Increasing! centper Hi to Groundnuts .1,25 01,50 Lace leather-. IU(MO ,W> ii r,r, " ia £ l4 Ashes, Pot and Pearl, 50 TN pnrsuaice 01 on order of the Orphan’s Court of Al- Lonc reeftMoz. s'igt Turkey 014 v Enelund “ benecca-- —o Butter and Bacon, 50 X legheny lounty, wtl. be exposed to pnbhc sale on No. »0-. 809 Malaga-. 1250 10 No I ner dor Soap-Doty 30 per cent Beetled, ’ do 70 the premises on Haturday the 15th day of April next, “ COO 708 Raishuf Muscat 0— No. 2 per dor-•• .35.00 % No. 1--4 JO 5 Bale ropo and Bagging do 87J at 3 o’Clock|p M, Uie following described real estate,, 700 007 Bunch.- ■’■>-■ O?SQ No 3 tier dor- asm % Cincumau—4|o 4| Beeswax, do 75 being the pioperty of the late Ezekiel Anderson, dec, ! “ 800.900,1000 510 OJ Bloom, old —0 Sheepskin* -.'.<>lo 1 F ?S“i n tv S ri * U *•’ do .00 nn.LotNoOOinihepiaiioflol.ofthe villageofCyHar- CoverietVarn ?&■ —20022* Cranberries i—- 0— Lumber-duty aob* L * fc . Ueiir 1Q &}J Brooms, do 1,75, Waid, of thecityof Pituburgh, sit- Carpet Chain 20 Lemons, Sicily bx 3,00 04.50 val. r>er k P d ? \° ee * e > do 50 uale at the comer of Peun and Allegheny sts, having a Cotton Twine 200-22 Orange* do-—3,00 Pine, cl’ nr M - £ J? S° m ’ do 50 front of on Penn street, and extending back 100 Candle Wick -015 Peaches, dry,ta-1,51! ' Caramon % Ji n J „ do 50. feet 10 Bpmg Alley. Also, that valuable lot No 61, in 1 Coffee Duty 20 per ct Apples, -70 075 Clear li *■- !n Hoop L-<-■ -0 15 filled Rollers «lo 75 the said plaa, having a fromof24 feet on Penn st, and Java. Old while—— Apples,Gram,bbl-1,02 Com’n l| - - SS MtnafftC^ lre - v , Medicines, do *7 on whleki» j St. Domingo 90 t 4 Fire Brick—per M. j Clear 2 “ ojn!nn S 2 ' I*7 ?£??• d ® 1,00 erected a stbstinual two story bnekdwelhag house, at 1 Lwruavr*... u6* ul Bolivar 025 ro iw.ii u " 4 “-™ English blister 0 12J Dried Fruit do 65 present oeaipied by Adam Beuder, 9O hj Common 12,00 0I&OO H«»»’Re|- r lindo' _ SjSm Havana Flour— Duty 20 per cent l in. common % Hira and Pelines, perlOOlbs nual paymmts, wuh interest, to be secured by bond 1 Copper —Dmy2opr ct: pig Extra brands, retail 4,750500 Oak dn do BM^dv^torfr 1 osn K eat^flr *’ do 1.25 . J“AT*IARINE RUBSH*, bar\ndoldspreiioMfree Superfine 4.5004.73 pine .hug's p “SSfctu X **?S 2fS u,ure ’ * do 1,00 Adm’rx.o the esuteof the lateLxckiel Anderson, dec | TiMviAfa .. 2T024 Fine. 4 so®4r ..ii. , lWt Roche Le-■ ••• “w.OO 0 Glassware, do 75 JOHNDDAVIS, Auct. Sheathing 20027 Rye Flour %250 Live Ram ’ aac * 4lh P f ‘ 1, » g }•?* Glass, Window, per br 60 068 March IS 1948. marlBd3tAw3iS . j Old— ISOI9 “ hlf-bbls -0- Breve* 0 r‘(» .» 6" So « 100 lb*. 73 Land For Sale. I C°r**Z*-Du\y'2Qpze'n. BuekwheUpr *i r 0 1 Hog.-- 3.W) 0 400 Gin, Holland—.l.oo OIS *fe T I,E Swseriber otfersforsale that farmofland ail-1 Mm*«» -f«* « l^hbfs.-...... Cows A Calve—6,oo Suirir-Duiy DOpefeebt IlSw. ’ ,ll 1 uate inWilkins Township, on the north side of Tur- -~0 12 Feed—per bushel ■-2.00 a “50 N. O. prime, hh/- 550 64 Hemp, gl £t Creek, sdjoining lands of George Brinton, Abraham I TarredU Bran- 16 ®l' _ Molasse*—Duly DTI pr. cl .•» fuir, hhd.-. 5054* Hides. (ravr7fie-drv an dn im' Bowers, aid Daniel Kuhns, containing one hundred Packg yarn, fine**-—0 10 Charts-**. -<-COo_s Sugarbouse 40 0 45 Havana, while, Ib-fi 0 7 Leather ’drytl) do 1,00 and twentj-five acres and tweiuy-eigblvperches, and h conmion 0 9 Fl*k—dutyontore'nvcnui N.Orleaus 2s 029 “ lb-1040 11 Lead ’ JS allowance There is a square log dwelling house! Hemp Bed Crds per dor— SO per cent Naval Store*— Duty 20 Pulverized, Philad--0— Lerd snd I.«rrf rut m and *ismalstable on the place. Pennsylvania prolong —1,6203.75 Mackerel. No. 1 percent ’ W| £ S Rail Bo* d passes immediately on the opposite' side of I — No. 1. hlf-bbls. O Rosin per bbl 0 Salt—DutySOpcr cent. n ,5° IS the ereek. The toil is of good quality, and there is Common— —OI,No. 2. Pitch 3,60 0 3AO No-l* »R«*t 0 Castor,) do 75 ab« ndane< of good timber on the plaee, and a large rionghl^ie*---.••8701,00 No. 2 hlf. bbls, 0 T»r. Allegheny - 3.00 0 6«5 tt I* O P * r LW * nerlOOlba* *£l quantity oistooe coal, with great foeSiiy of transports- Mamila Bcd.Cords—per doz. No. 3, 707,25 u N. 0 5«o TyLle. doz. box— 0— D - *** perlOOlba MJ non to market. i lhread-.--05.60 No. 1. kitts- -0 - Tnrpenlinr. gull-• •C 2 0 05 »h«C-Dwy 20 per cent •»£»«»«•*«■«*» ■ do 00 Forfurtler particulars, apply to Thomas Davison, in W&ao do 2J003.V5 Hernng. N*. 1 oOJtf Varnish. Copal--1.73 0 2.00 £« r *** 14,00 d ® I»“ East Ltbegy. who is authorized by me to sell the same do Plough line* 01.25 No. 0 “ Kalla—Duty 30 p. c.—per bry**— —~* —<_o l&i f? .1” at private uue, or to sell at public tale on the premises, Domestic*—-pctyanJ. SMmon, No.», old-- 0 keg, 100 (casing nails „ B^tpetre—per 6. Buffalo, do 1,00- w the higlrst and best bidder, ou Saturday, the first day 1 ItoJ ct added for ume sales _N« W 1® ® ‘2° 1 cent advance per Tb.) '■ a liP c^ e *®i® « £a of July neit, at 1 o'clock in the Afternoon. I Boown Cotton 4506* Shad IOO2IU Juniata- 3.75® 4,50 Tobacco—per to—[lQper *®Dacco, Leaf, do ©5 . MARY PERCHMENT I do do ---0 07 Cod. per dnuu 05,50 80 9d 4000 475 ck off for cash for manaPd «,.* , Manufactured, do 87 March Eth. 1548. marl6dim £l£gs'a£ Ko -‘--=/’* bJSSTn. . _ o 021 S? TJ “ KS/J 5 c i Ju^L D ° ,r < o pr -'. L -gsr-taabas-^ai,-“.^l -S l|, ' _ 3' : i Rawwi —0 13 s“k tfßiStaE? 1 «0 »»w* wt m nmmumt wo' cuf, ccns.ungof a * e Unfinished Brick House, coi^ -3.J Desr Shnj«7 U ---H »15 Bollci_Kirc«-.... -0 , Y.i 4 *2 I’ It-Mi, Bouir, Ijri, lup ban ud .xcllcnt .abUii® ■ nSrer ftilin»7s|. feSS,«v::::":::::zs8 B>jS ~_0 a «• - ” dZiJSsassfflSi 5-4 brown cotton 11012| O9,W Ij»rd.City r- 60062 Scotch snuff* 14 0 16 -inbales 1,00 The atove rronertY will be sold on reasonable tenn*. I Bleached d* *39 Omt per grora---00,00 Olive.... 5 : ~‘i.4o 0L» f £ CJ«sNo.3-DnedFnu. ’ an?lhe fiSJ 5^ j do do»—— iJOI2 VI tndoe Glut, per box— Sperm bleached-• •• •0 1 * t v* CutA Dryi lb pap •• • 0 J 5 leather. Old Rags. sold il'wll be lorrentafter that d*v For furth^rln. 4-1 do .do 91014 City brands. Unbleached -0 [3 T*a-Duty «per ceuL Skin*. Seeds. W& - formJlfoL.Slf UUha wblcribl; on thfpremSfa Brown drills 80 9 Bxlo net, *84.00 *• p» U _ ! Imperial. P 0 Class No 4-Beeswax. wSdnrStflT 'daVI^B^EB. Bleached 100 ll| 10x12 04.60 IThaln 75 0 100 .Gunpowder 45 0 70 FeatheraFuraGinsn'i. wwwwiapu DAVIDBLLGLB^ | c Tickings 81021 13x19 07,00 Tattnersper bbl ' 16,09090.00 I \oant Hyseu-..» 0 B 0 Hops.Mdse, looseFt« jjs ■ Coal Land tor gal*. i Hamilton —Ol3 Patent do., 10x14 to ' 1 Poucbong 30 0 75 ■ Bfarftnalnauranee. A FARM containing aJJ acres, in Rostraver lown l Lancaitcr —ol3* 16x1*4 1050015 , Point#—per lb. 1 Tinplate—Duty 15 pr. et Rales of Insurance os eartoes of -fX *Mp Weiimoreland county, beginning about oue Brown’s A. C. A- •—0134 Country brands. | lWs, Blue 70 0 90 ; Banc* Dock 0 ( steam and keel boats *. mile abore Williamsport, on the East Bank ofthe Mo- Methuen*: * 0 164 9xlo- 0jn03.t2:4 Lampblack SJO 7 X-- 0 10 50 , pitulmrgli to Wheeling Vo 40— “ngahea river, the same l.ein< the farm of the late No l superior — 0164 10x12 03.75 Spad. Whiting 1)0 3 1 Tallow— DutylOpr. cent' “ u to and from Cincinnati. 640 8 Joseph feckett, deceased, {-aid iuro\ fronts on the riv- Colored Cambrics . •—*5409 Gnnpowder—DuiySOpr. Chronic Green 3H 0 55 Rendered 7J 0 ?|j *• *• 10 l«ubrille Ky \& r er.’abda(U utile: abool 40 acreseleartiS.tviih'othcr im- FancyPiinu 4J014 cedi. ; “ bellow No. IS3 0 ys ! Rough 0 6); •• “to t«t Louis. Mo- ’• 1014 proremsit*. The farm is one entire mass.ofston« Fail River Blue —OlO4 FFFG 4,».'i.3«i ; " No. 225 0 ; S>*aj* Grease 4JO • 5 ■ •• *• to lloonviUrxSo l 0 2 ct*al. 'Do f*nn will be void or in lou to sni Merrimac —dr II Eagle.CJlb* 03,(0 ; Brunswick Green-. 12 0 U> ! Vleea-per box. <• •• 10 Independence .. 2 goi purchassra, and on liberal terms; For particular* en Fall U. Blue A Orange—oUt Do. dot. 1 lb.caaiii>— ,07,00 , While dry —C|O flj ; Solid boxes 0 j(j .. - isGalena.lll I4oil quire ofHcnry SierlinV, Daniel :Kwer, NVm. Larimei Drugs-perfi FFFQ do —04,00 , ” Oil.pure keg.. 1.60 0 i,fd 4O pr. cent. *• “ ;oMemphis Ten- 401* Jr., PiUitargh, Pm. Titleindi»pui*l»l«: Aloe* 14 017 Eagle do. in paper*—o6.oo ! fc No 1 0 U 35 L P Madeira- -• * 2.00 0 3JX< "10 N. Orleans 1014 ' * JOBJAII HUTCH MAN. Atnm 040 4 Koek powder 0.23 OX3O •• • • «JJO ! ri } LPTeuenffe-•• 1 tti O\M From N. Orleans to t»itreh.«r»l.. .1 rtrti feb34Awlm*B New Casite j Meresr co-Pa. Asaterida Id &2S Grain—Duty 2U per cent, bellow Ochre 3 ! Lisbon* 75 Q iao slLouU 1 & 1 »*..» E-t-t. •« nhYrT Arrow Root* —0 1* Wheat-- h7oi/O Nen .Bed 44ir o ] Dry Malaga 68 0 70 Clianre* by tood Kat Boats) 3 -"W Aqcaforu* 10 011 R>e 4d G M 'erdigTi. 30 it 38 i Sweat 62 0 63 i toNewOriean* J*-'* COMMERCIAL RECORD Is Saturday,. 19 Sunday, 21) Monday, 21 Tue*day, 22 Wwlneviay, £1 Thortday.i 24 Friday, PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADK. COMMITTEE FOR MARCH, FISH—The qiir,tan2'iO—Macker el No 1, $12,50 —No 2 10,50„ No 3 $751,50 p bbL Herring sf).2.'i p l!i|, and $lO 50 p Lcrce.— Shad SVO p hid, and $-1.50 p hlf bbL Cod $6,50 p drum. _ , , i FLOUR—No marked change baa occurred in Since our last weekly exhibit, the market geavr- lhr markcl since oor Ua WCT . k j y cxhil)ll . i n , htf ally has undergone no important change. Every early part of the week, rtiuMilerable quantities thing remains'quiet, and we have few, if any, ah arrived by river, being mamiy intended for ship •— of^ Considerable ram ha* fallen dunng the week at $Ut) to f ,50. and from »ti>re ot just past, and, as a consequence, we have another ’ $4,*526J1,75, according to quantity and quality.— Cut Ac it the river, which oiler, t lair opportunism” ™*»!«> of eMra Cue family brand, b,v. „ , ... , , • ngured as high as >1.7.7 to $5 p l.hl. The news ,y for the ejpecled revival 01 ihe nver bo,me„, b) . Benm „ haJ „ j cllre „ 1115 „I, cl „,, jn u, c upon the opening of the regular canal communica- eastern market**, hut vc believe nothing has «*c tioa with the Eastern market. This channel, we carved here showing any materal change in the are happy to state, is now open, and all the regu* | raar ketT Ur litre will too he it .uccewftl operation. 1 rll_L,m,U ” l “ re p, >“ n " l “ “ _ , _ , , at 5J.20 p UhL The receipt* ol Groceries and Produce, by nv, BUCKWIIEAT FLOUR—Very little inquiry er, continue quite liberal, and there aof the laUcr, markcti an j wu llolice hnuted sales only ot now in; our market, an immense amount destiued $1 p 100 lbs. for the Eastern markets. Of Groceries, particular* FEATIIER.S—\\> note moderate sales at 31® to of Sugar, and Mola,ae«, the receipt, bv lln rciStf a, cash and ume. The market i, ~uiel, and 3 * t , , .7 _ , , . i not much doing, ‘ cent nmvals front from New Orleans, nave beeu | s full, and the market is now* more than sufficiently REVIEW OP THE PITTSBURGH MARKET, FOE THE WEES EXDI.NQ LAST EVEMSO. supplied to meet all the wants of the country deal-; era. Every department of trade seems well sup- plied with ;sjtfcks, aud'fully prepared lor all the emergencies of the coming busy season^ ASlfE^—The receipts of the past week have been lurbt,’ and confined entirely to the coarser kinds. "Quotation* remain steady, with no impor tant variation since our list weekly report Pearls and Salerttus are scarce, and may be quoted at 7J Jbr the former, and-7J for the latter. Regular salea-of Pots have been effected at f*. Of Scorch ing* at 4ifi?sc tt. Sales 10 tons of Soda Ash' at 4(S4|c, cash and short time.. ALE—We bavo no new feature to notice in the market Regular sales are cilected ul former rates. Sec quotations. ' APPLES— I The; receipt* of gTeen Apple* have been quite Jight, and supplies are becoming limit ed. We can sales only to a moderate ex tent at prices ranging according to quality from 51,62 to 8202,25 sbbL BACONS—’The market is steady, but not active- The receipt* of tlie week have been full, bat in the absence of any demand in our market beyond the regular wants of the home trade, .no Inrce transac tions have come to oiir knowledge. Sales have been regularly effected at the following rates.— Hams 6j£jsf; Sides 41(341, and Shoulders at 3|{3 3(c ft, as in quality- BULK MEAT-rlmmense quantities have been received by river, |iut as it is intended entirely for converting into bacon here, or shipping East, noth ing has transpiredj worthy of note. BUTTER'—Of 8011, none is .coming in at pre’ sent, and the market is nearly or quite bare. A ,food article would; now command If*o B, readi. y. We note regular wiles of keg nt URSIOc B». BUCKETS—Wo notice uo change in the mar ket, regular sales were effected at s2£s dozen for Patent .Heaver. BROOMS—Wo notice salea V 5 doz to the trade at prices ranging according to quality, from 51,25 to 82 do*. -•> BEESWAX—Very little is brought in at present and nothing doing—2ltfr22c inny be given os a fair quotation at present, by the quantity. COTTON—Sonw small lota have arrived during the past week, but no sales, excepting in smoll lots have come to ouf knowledge. This article has met a further decline of l to 1 »« the eastern mar kets since the arrival of the steamer, which decline will doubtless have its influence upon our market here. Time soles, io a limited extent hiivuj*en effected at 7c Eh _ ~ 7 COTTON YARNS ic SHEETINGS—No change hhs occurred in .quotations. The manu factories hove been briskly preparing for the spring trade, and the supplies on band are quite full. * For correct quotation*, see abot’o table. CHEESE—lteeei’pts continue very light, and supplies ore quite limited. Moderate sales of W Rare effected nt Cl(37c, according loquulily. Oj Goshen, tile market is bare. , CRACKERS—The market Is without change. The following are the manufacturer's prices . Water Crockers 1* -83,75 p bbl. Butter do. J.. 4.50 Pilot-Bread J..3/KI “ „ pug&r £c Soda Crackers. -.••I-- .‘‘ctP-Th ittAUNfc'fcrrdt CORDAGE—Wo have no changes to notice ir the market. There is a lteadyj trade deroaod al tlie tallowing quotations: Manilla rope, by coil. Do cut.;...;...., While rope, bjpeoil.. Do cut.....;...., Tarred rope, by ooil. Do cut........ .Packingyam,fine..; [ 10 *“ Do common. L.,... 9 14 ' ' ‘ttDcoaoa. 1 Muulla. » dox . Do per col. A.....— p fit ' Hemp..........••<1/002,3003,75 p- do* • ...Hop n THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PRICES CURRENT, ASD BATES OF MAETKE ISBCKASCE, FREIGHTS, Ac. Manilla IUL) 11emp.... 574 p dox CAN’DLES—We quote Bales W lose* of Pitts burgh dipped at !>29jc. Of City Star at 21022 c and Cincinnati do at 22c ft. COFFEE—The receiptsof have lwen ra tber partial, and supplies do not' exceed the pre' M-nl demand. .Soles 5b smiiLa Rio, in lot*, at a rang? according to quality front a to Me ? ft. I>RIEI> FRUIT—Them «* a rood demand iu the market, wi'li regular sales of Peaches at $1,50 •21,62—a0d of Apples at 702f75c, cash and aWt tune. .MnoiV* Sun rUe*. ''tin C3l 5 7 7 71 635 6 0 a tU CM S 10 0 41 0 22 Sit 10 47 o at i I:' it so 6 JO 5 10 tuom. KOET. TtAT.gxr.r- E- E. btXLE&V little is doing in llio way of freights at present; prices, therefore, ore of a nomi nal choncter. We quote os tuliows:-- y 100 Sht. To Cmcmnsti, drygoods —■225 j To PluUdeL, Bacon, LardAto.. llj6oU2i To-Baltimore, - - 0112* ** light freights, 175 “ heavy do 125 Freight*frnni IlaJtittiorirr'tveM, arc given in the Baltimore American as follows: From. lialtitnore to Coffee and manufactured Tobacco 30c 100 D), and Groceries Dry Goods and other mdse generally 35350 c y 100 lb. Frtighu —From Cumberland west we quote the rates as follows, vis: From Cumberland to Wheeling 125 c 100 lb. From Cumberland ;to Brownsville, 100; amTfroin Brownsville to Pittsburg 15c; commissions and drayage at Brownsvillo, 7* cents. GRAIN—No important change has occurred in : the market since our last weekly exhibit. Receipts have been light, ami sales limited. We quote nominally as .follows:—Wheat 90c; Rye 50052; Barley 45; Corn 35037 c, and 27323 c f bushel. GLASS—Prices of Window Glass have mnteri ally stiffened, without, however, any marked change in prices. Regular sales to iho trade have been effected at the prices quoted in tabic above. FLINT GLASS—The following are the correct ly quoted rates: Plain Tumblers 1 pt, from 5 to 10 oz.cach, t doz, net,. 31(332; Pressed do 1 and 1 pint, from 0 to 10 flute . dodo G 201,25 Decanters, qt, light 2' nng, glass stopper...... .1,75 ' do do heavy 2do cork 3,75 do do do plain do.. 2,50 do do do pillar do W 0 Wine glasses, plain 50075 do do pressed 1,75 Pitchers, at, plain 1,5731,75 do «fo pillar and ribbed 7,53 do * iit or creams •. 20 Molasses Cans, pt plaiu 1,25 do do doribbed ...I^7 Plates, G in. pressed and fig ~.. •75 Castor Bottles, fluid] 02 Jars, 1 gal, Loquered cover 2,50 do gal do do 3,75 HAY—Is in steady demand, with regular sales from wagon i)l $9310,00 ton. HONEY—Receipts have l*ecn light; and sup plies are quite limited. Wo quote at 18020 c ♦> pound. IRON . LEAD PlPE—Regular sales at 610121 for the different sixes. "WHITE XAED—Sales of prime in oillot $1,65 V kc fr LARD—The ipafket is withootchange.- Large quantities bare arrived during the week, but sales have been on s restricted scale. We continue to quote sales in bbls at 3|os*t and No 1 keg at the" supplies of the market, but former quotation* are still nmiiy sustained. Sales' «*l Sugar, during the week, nave amounted to. 1 *ome 100 hhds at 505* c y ft, according to quality.' Sale* in Lbls ore effected at s|c if ft. We quote N O Mulosse* tine at 23329 c if gall, at which rates we notice sales of 50 bbls. Prices in the Cincinnati market are quoted firm St 25|02G*c » giriL i OILS—Our quotation of lost week are yet fullv ; , ■untamed. Sales of "JO bids Linseed at 62c, and lS do Lard gal. Tanners’ is held at 317(221 and for a prime article $22 *» bbl,' is asked. PiG METAL—W« have heard of only one or two arrivals of melaL The only sale (he .terms of which were ‘made known, was a boat load from Cowanshajock Creek, at $31,50, ti mos. Consid erable quantities of Meta! may be expected by the presetii rise in the Allegheny, but very little has as yet been brought down. RAGS are in active demand with regular sales at 3i for mixed, and 533ie +ft for white. SO A P—Regular sales Pittsburgh Rosin at 410 sc~rond Cincinnati at 4|c ft. SEEDS—The market is fairly supplied, and sales are effected at for Clover, $3,25, and for Timothy $2,00. Limited sales of Flaxseed at 93c * bl »- o TALLOW—We observe no chaoge in the mar ket during the past week. The market is nearly bare, and we hear of no sales to any extent—7*c D> is a fair quotation at present TIN PLATE—Regular sales at 310,50 cash. TAR—Moderate isles N C at 35,2505,50 f bbl. WHISKEY—The market is quiet, with no obango in prices. We quote Raw at 18,- and Rec tified at 2d021c 9 goL WOOL—There is nothing doing in the market See quotations. Stocks of Wool in the Eastern morkets continue light, but prices remain steady at former rates. For correct prices of articles generally,giot quo ted in this list, see general table above. ; Honey, Stocks and Boaltkeaa. There has been little of interest to notice in the Eastern Money Markets during the past week.— The excitement attending the negotiation, of the Government loon, has been succeeded by a com plete calm, unbroken even by the last news from Europe. The Banks at the East have increased their loans, and the rate of money in the street is cheaper. The Cambria brings advices of an abun* dant money market.iu England at 3per cent.per annum. Under this state of things, we alio!! toon have a good nmountof English capital seeking in-, vestment here. The lime has gone by when re pudiation is tolerated, and our stocks will soon go abroad as of old. In the local Money Market there is n better np. peiirnnce, and borrowers of good credit lind little trouble in getting paper cashed, though at retea far above the legtl marks. The Canal is now open, and in the best order for navigation. The amount of produce waiting shipment is large, and our fos warders cannot fail of doing a very profitable bi sines*. I’ncea of Stocks. . P New York, March 9: . PhilftdeL 10,' USS s of '53 *1X3941 ;: U S G e of ’G2 102*0103 101*0105 Treasury Notes —OlO2- " 0105 Ohio ft —OlO2 Ohio G’« 98099 ; Illinois Bonds —O4O r Indiana Bonds —065 -- , Penn s's 735074 73*074 J enns ,» „ 83 73071 Kentucky O'*. 0- 09*0101 Ihttsburgh 0V Sl^O! Exchange Market. We hive no changes to notice in the local in*, ney market, every thing remaining unchangol since our last general review. “cVtUe'MaVket7 “ 4 . AixsonEtT, March 22. Bkkvo—There was decidedly a better feeling b the market on Monday than the week previous.— About 400 head were offered, nearly all of whidi were readily token at 31,5000 y 100 lb net. Hot* —Only a limited number were offered, wiih sides at $3Ol p 100 ft* net. Sacsp—None, KT You foobib, silly old fellow, read this, and be iio longer bald, whiskerless and hairless. Mr. W. Jack son, of 80 liberty rtrwi, Pittsburgh, Fa, certifies on die 3d of February, 1947, that Mr. Tfcos. Jackson's bekd, on the top, was entirely bald for IS years, and thatby urfiirtwpb bottles of Jons*’ CotalHalrßertoratire, the hair is growing fast and thick. . SoU ta Newufty & O LP9 * SON.STOBjoadsIJR. Broad andNptackat «■ . PORT OF PITTSBURGH. U nacT; watsk n cuaxxtl—fallbco. A TRACT of land, on acre*, in Harrison, Portage UJL on the Cuyahoga river—a tool fo wire a under its provemmL 1 Also, two unimproved lots in the village of Wartu, Tnushnll Co, CO (eel by vu. Alan, a lot of ground la the centre of Hartford, Trnmbull Co, with” a one dwelling boose and store—one of ihe best stands for a tnirchant on the Western Reserve. Any or ail this property will be sold on very uecommodatiua terms, j ISAIAH DICKEY 4Co, fehia Water and Front si*. l«tl Estats in Msrcer Coaaty. A LOT, Storehouse and Dwelling, situate on the Eie Extension Canal, in the village of West Mid dlesex! * desirable location for a merchant Also, a Lot sum good Dwelling House well suited for a Tavern Stood, A the village of OrsnrcrfUe, on State line ot Ohio. Terms easy. ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. fehl< __ Wafer and Front sis. .20.321 c * .16220 do .16319 do .21323 doo* .23229*- d -15220 do B> .10221 v .17216 do foot for Salti AWT in tbs 6lh ward, <5 feet on Logan street by 60 fipt on Clark street; one of the most desirable 10-. eation in the filh ward, For terms apply to the sub scribe at the Methodm Hook Store, 4th near Market streewor at hit dwelling on Clark street,opposite E. Tronic's Grocery store. [fehltlj J L HVATt mA two-story brick dwelling with abont six acres if ground attached, situated at Oakland. The .dace is well stocked with fruit of all kinds, and is a dttireble location for a famit; being entirely oat of reschof the river and dirt of the city. An omnibus leave! oaktuud hourly lor the city. Apply to janl* . ATWOOD, JONES A Co. For^Raist. MA new tbreo story, brick dwelling house on Wylie street—Possession given on the first of April or soouer If required. Inquire of jail JAR FLO.YD, IW liberty street For Rent. ft A two story bnck dwelling with about 5 acres ■of ground, situated on the bank of iheOliio river, JEOto the borough of M nebester. Apply to jaxdl JAMES A HLTCLIISO.N A Co. M THREE dwelling bouses situated on 4th street near canal bridee. jn the city of Pittsburgh. Al so, a room “5 by So feet, with a contement eu trante on 6th «U, near wood. Also, a frame dwelling, two dories, with an acre of ground enclosed and under cultivation, situate on Oliio lane, in the city of Alleghe ny. Inquire of ID WILLIAMS, jart UP wood street To Brewers, FOR SAI.E OK RKNT, tlie Pittsburgh BreW. jpj ery, with all y* brewing apparatus, limits on ■"""Penn meet mid Barker's olle now occupied by teo. W. Smith A Co. Possession given on the fint da) of April aiming. For terms, Ac. enquire of • BROWN A CULBERTSON, 143 liberty it fteftf to Let. MTbe nfw three dory fire proof brick itore on second *<- now occupied by Edward Etooi; for rent from in of April next Inquire of » J SC|!OONAIAKER tt Co n jrnlP 91 wood nreet STbe sabacribera will rent part of the ware* houM now occupied by them. Apply to LfiWIS, DALZELL, A Co, frnlP : M water ctrect. For Beat, AL A. handsomely finished room on Market street, JElniely occupied at a Daguerreotype trtiablishmeut b)Morlaud k Co. Alto, A well finished and well lur ched room, suitable lor societies, adjoining the hall ot tit Mercantile Library Association. Entrance at Phi* lollsll, ocn?7 Ofllf «*. market mrcet, Ixtwccn ,'U and 4ih For Rent* THE Urge anil convenient dwelling home on B 4 Federal >u occupied br Mr*. Am Oaznm. Rent low. - roueulon riven ou the in olApril next. KDUAZZAM. otionjxMhe above houte can bo ob- at (be canal ware* dcca Immediate poweem lined by applying hi dm or-Cuirk &Tbaw. For Rent. IkL A large room on the ad story of tho warehouse Lnßoccutned bytbe subscribers, near the foot oi w ™ »Vood street—• good location Ibr a steamboat seneyoraii Insurance office. jantt ttOLLMAXS A OAHRISON. For Rent or Sole. M A neat two tinned brick dwelling boose with •even room* ami large yard, pleasantly situated in the Bib ward. Apply to WM 11 SCAIFK, fcblt 3w Ist street near wood. For Sale! A Floe two story brick house, on —..— —i ouunalreei, jt&Aueghrny city, near the upper bridge. The lot it 21 feet in Irani by HR) deep. For terrut miiuiro of dcl&tf A WASHINGTON, 4th «t. MOne uew three story Dwelling [louse, with bath house* attached, situate near the corner of Wytio and Washington sticeu. Possession giv cn on the first of April next. JOHN F FERRY. THE larga fire proof warwltourc, 'il feet front hy ■ta SO feet deep, on second si. near wood. Unit mod erate. Inquire of J SCHOONMAKER k Co., dc>o at wood st To Let, A 4. A STORE AND CELLAR, cornet of Federal all-« and Lacock streets, Allegheny City. Inquire of 11. Warner on the premises fi-l>«tJBw ” For Rout* * MA Smoke House, shunted on Plum alley, for rent. Inquire of ROIiEKT DALZEIJ- Co, Liberty street dccl3 , For Renti MThe well furnished store on Market street, be tween third and fourth streets, at present ocea pied l>r JJnrrewa and Turner. Possession given on the first ot April next. JiivtSl] E D OA7.Z AM. - Tsfist- Mji dry good* warehouse, 07 Wood street, second doorabove Diamond alley. Inquire of df C a d t Morgan k. co. CO All LAND'FOR SALE—Seven acres coat land for saje, situate in bend of the Monongahela River, above Urownsvllle, I‘a., haring a 7 fool rein of coal, which trill 1* sold in nxcliangc for goods. For panieu* antapplvto [oc3s] S & W IfARtIAEGH, 33 wood st ■ ■ 1 UttflHiag'lDr IN MANCHESTER FOR SALE—I have.for sole a UeautUhl building Lot iq Manchester, near the ferry*, ICJ f f et front by LUO feci deep. It will be told low, nnu on accommodating terms. Terms unexceptionable, mvlP JA3. BLAKELY, Beal Estate Art. Itota for Bale. r|TWO building lota in the sixth ward, each 34 by 133 J. feet on which there is a never failing spring of water,...; . Ifch7] - fiFA) COCHRAN. 10PPEHAS—MU bbls in good order, for sale low by / fab2S ' JpCUOONMAKER ACo folforutfeby J BCHOONMAKE& fc Co /ILUE-10 VJ.yfeba; 'HITE FISH—B - bbls' prime inspected for salo by fcbia S F VON DONNHOKST A Co. ijtLOUR—I6O bbls family, just rec’dnnd. for sole by' J part • RROHINSONACo SODA ASH—3O c*k» first atore' and lor >ala by; , J C Bi£fW£LL, Agt, : mar 10 • .water crest ; - ACON—IO,OOO pound* hog round,; foraalo by : ” * «kW ' IDWUX4M9 rates of discount. itATKS OF DiSCOOI 5. HOLUf ' E»rb»Bgj Broker*, Mo. &{ PenujlTtalit Bonk ofPitubsrgh - • • • >p«f Exchange Bank —...par Merch. e, Man. Bank *pmf Bfcaof Philadelphia • • • -par Girard Bank--*- par Bank ofGennamown *pa| “ Cheater County-■-par “ Delaware Gb.< ••pat “ Alafligotnery Co- • -par “ Northumberland' -par ColtunbiaßridgeCo." pat Doylcitown Bonk par Fanners’Bk. Reading-paf -Famer*’ Bk. Bucks Co. par Farmers B'k LaneoFr-par Lancaster Co. Bk."* -par Lancaster Bk. par (I.State* Bank- —•••-30- BrownaTille ilk. par Washington Bk."* •••* Gcayabutgb Bk.« *— • it; Cltambcnbarg Suaquebiums Ce. Bk.* I Lehigh Co Bonk, —> Lewiiiotrh' ..... —i Middletown |> Carlisle “ Erie Bk. 1} Farmers’ and Drovers 1 Bank, Waynesburg.. 1 ** Houesdflle-.... JJ Lebanon per i PoitmUe « Wyoming 1* York Bk.* I WeM Branch Bk. I|' Belief Notes —• M ' Mi MBk. ** City JkConntvScrip'— H Ohio. Stair Uk.and Branches 1$: Mourn I’leaiont u Steubenville St. ClairavUle* New Lisbon* Cincinnati Dank** Colombo* do- Janesville ■ Putnam • —• Cleveland**— Western Reserve- • *-. “ Franklin U'k Co! umbos u Chillicotbe •—**♦ ** Lake Erie « Sciotn**,* *..«♦•••♦•“ Lancaster *...10 Hamilton % 13 Granville 66 Fann'rvß'k Conton—3o Uibana ••••• ~,*50 KentaekVa BkoCKemacky 1} Uk*of Louisville*—,••• ** Norbem Bk. Kcntu’ky* u I Sew York— City Dank*, EXCHANGE BROKERS, HUSKEY, HANNA * ! "DANKEBS, EXCHANGE-BBOKEHS, and ’dealer* 1) in Foreign and Doaestie'Exchtnge, Certificates of Ueposlte, Bank Notes, and Specie; Fourth street, near* ly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current.'money received on deposits—Sight Checks for ode, and eol* lections made on nearly all the principal paints in the United State*. • jr j Tho highest premium paid fbr Foreign and Anwdean Gold. ■ 1 s | Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship. 9. HOLMES * BOY, - i BANKERS and Dealers In Exchange, Coin nd Bank Notes, No. 65, Market street, Pittsburgh. Selling Hates. ’ Exchange. Baying Bams. New York, , 'i pr Cincinnati, 1* dis Philadelphia, 4do Louisville, ' ,lldo Baltimore, Ado StiLouis, !l{do Baying Bates, BANK NOTES. Buying'Rates. Ohm, - Id dis CoL A Scrip dis Indiana, u do Belief Notes, *‘«lo Kentucky, “do Pennsylvania Cy . u do Virginia, “do-NewYork do “do , ao - - Wheeling, ido New Orleans, f ( do .Tennessee. 3do Maryland. HAn ’ febiKtf ■ V j WILLIAM A. HILL A CO- ! BANKERS. EXCHANGE BROKERS, and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificate* of Depdkite, Bank .Note*; and Specie. No. 61 Wood sl, onu door above Fourth, East sale, Pittsburgh, PaL - oetSdkwF «_ * • j • FOBEIGN EXCHANGE.' BILLS on England, irclaiuL and Scotland bought to any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange. Also, Drafts payable in any part of the Old Countries, from £i to £lOOO, nt the rote of S 3 to the £ Sterling., without deduction or discount! by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European and Genera] jhgent, office 3th »t one door west of wood. £ oeiigtCv - iLLKJ RSASCEa.! 3 ' ' fXSWUU)'*aiIM > KRAUER AIBAHJI. i BAN Kims AM) EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers in Foreign ami Dome*tic Bills of Eachangti Cef* t Scates of UepoMte, Hank Note* and Coin, corher of Jd and Wood streets, directly opposite Bt. Charles H> SsTES! Ohio. Kentucky, Missouri, , , . ?• Bank Notcr; purchased at the lowest rates, by . . N. pJOLMES A SOX, _dclO j 33 Market street. BH.Z.S OF EXCBASGE-Siclil Cheeks on • New York. i | Philadelphia, and ! i Baltimore, ■ N. HOLMES tc S6X. 5 35 .Market »L Constantly for sale by dclO i ~iOI»I*KCTIONS—Drafts, 1 ! Notes, and Accejptan* payable in any pan of the Union, collected ca the most favorable term*. N. HOLMES A SON -*k<° y ' C . Sfl Market «t. iUT&' OAI’S ANII IiOiNN Efe. A H*COBO A CO M JM (Suceesaors to M*Cora & Kiar) ' fIHH Ptibiomblc Coriitr of Wood-and Fifth Street*. T>ARTICL T LAK attention paid -to our Retail Trade. JL Gentlemen run rely upon petting their Halt tutd Cap* from uurciutbUfeliroeni of the best uateeuiJ uud woaastAXsntr, of the um srtLo, oml at the lowest FXICES. ; i Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale! are respectfully invited to call and examine our Stock; as we can any with confidence that aa regard** and rates, it will not suffer in a with! any home in Philadelphia. ij fctiT »" Poihions for 1848. |r> JS MeCOED * CO., (LATE ‘ U, , m'COBD a 'SPaillO BTYtEZs MOOEEhu juil re caved from Nevr-Wk.the Spring Style of Hals, which he will introduce oil Saturday, March 4th. AUtnasein want ofn neat and superior Hat. will please call and examiue at No 75, Wood street, lid door above Fourth. j; i ' Oemevair rj— A William Dougla*, late IJames McKain. (The JB tubienber ha» removed hi* Hat and Cap Manu- to No. 77 Wood street, nearly opposite his old stand, where he would tnVile his fneuds and the public generally to an asaortmeiit of Iluu aad Caps, which for beauty and durability'cannot be surpassed WSL DOUGLASS, 77 Uoodjst. Having retired from the flal'and Cap Maanfaclory, I most repeetfolly the patronage of! my friends and the public generallyto my successor, Wta Douglass. [tcbl4d3m] 1 JAMES McKALV /-* SEW INVENTIONI—PATENT AIR I JCIRCiiLATER AND HAT PROTECTOIL-The will iutrodnee "On Saturday. Ocu Bth Gentlemen wishing a hat tried with this desirable Arti cle will please call and examinei ALFRED KKEVIII Practical Hauer °CtB . =lsa, head of C D GAZZAM, FALL FASHION—#. MOORE has redeir /Jed from New * ork, the Fall style of Hats w ik-b will introduce tliis day. 1 ! Saturday, Aug. fcth All loose iu want of a neat auu superior hat would tlo well to call at No. 75, Wood Strict, 3d door aboveUth. _augsbtT i ' I a FALL FASHION, i A 847-.RKBRK A COSTAR’S Style Gentlemen's Hats will be intro duced et KxxviL’s on Thursday, August *?th. ueuttemeu wishing a cheap, fashionable hat of Pius burgh manufacture, ahead of fashionable Hats import ed and advertised by some of tho trade, please calliat fKEEVIL A Co.'sJ i _wng»lf mheadof wood-st 4 bummer fashion for hata- JL'ST received from New York, the Summer Style for hats, consisting of White Bearer,' Pearl and White Frcuch Cassimere Hat*, with Ventilator*. Those In want of a beautiful, tight Hat are respectfully invited to call. g . S..MOORE' maySJ 75 wood gu, 3 doors abofeT^h- REFINED SUGARS—bU. bblfsmall loaf; su bxs dou ble refined large loaf; bb|s crushed; IMdo pow dered; sn clarified, in store and fof sale by [ JAS A HUTCHISON A Co; jiiart Agt for St Ixiui* Steam Sugar Refine jy Raw Warehpaie. { IMIE highest price in cash paiUior good clean rags; . also, canvass, bole rope; grass rope, baninc. wool en rag*, Ac n by L;W. CHADWICK.: maiO wayue sf; bet penu AJil-erty OHIRTING MUSLINS. Ac-W R M rphy hasliuu tji received an additional supply ofthose very rune* rior long cloth shirting muslin*, pt I2J cents per yard Also. Irish Linen*, ol various including sbine extra fine, «nd warranted pure flax, ut dry goods house ol mttrl3 . ; ii W_U MUItPJCY Linen cambric fuius scrtmenl of above goods, some as tow as 1U cdttts, just reed at dry goods house of jj . • t 1 m,ria : _ _ ' jj WR V URPICY POWDER, (HAZARD CO>—ah description* con staatly on hand; also, a iiuamny of au rty luse, lor Igniting Orders promptly filled at all times, by m ...« C ft LOOMIS, Agent, marts waior st, 2nd door olwra Sniiihfic d TEAS A COFFEE—Youngliyson, vartousquali ics Imperial, do do; rou*cboug, do do; Souchong, dado mo Codec; reed an consignment and for sale loiv li • -JUS!*® _ [K OAKFORIIA 1-0 - GLOVES- A good assortmenli.of black, white and colored cotton and silk gtov*i*lirge sue*.lustre* caved and lor sale by SHACK LETT A Wlli •E! *** tnarti il u 3 wood street BUTITEIR A EGGS—S barrels'! fresh roll butter ft to ftrsh eggs received on consignment and for salt by ' S A \V HAUIIAUOH.I TTTHITL BEANS—IS bbls Navy. Just ree'danifi: lY “*« 8 A SV. iIAHJJAUUU,; - feM® it . aa wood »l ROLL BUTTE®—. bbL freibLßoll Butter Jtm rrc’d ond lor >»le by WJCK 4 WCANDLESSU " fobla .5 j FAMILY FLOUR—llh„' bbhextr* Family Hour iutt ftc'd and for wUc by_ AVICK & STCANDLESg. FRE3H BOLL B and for aalo by BACON— 10,900 Ibt'prtßibßhoufderi, city cared' arw ibepnmetiide«,ferulabr il-.» . - '77? !; • ; ‘ t^••ttE^ybLl)s•fcsalgk, •^■ GUEESK-00 bcia «becH iuM ■ml rir .i '. . Mkhino fw UJa by iftblS • ■ ISAIAH ' EJ'HENG' k. BEES WAX-2000 iu a^ owUfci “a^3f. MEIHO'AL |PITS! FITS!! | L.— ; ; ■' (S * :SOVt S Market meet. bear 4ta *t ladltuiu State IFk A Brasehei- U S'ate Scrip . J '• Virginia* Exchange bk. of Va.« • 1| Fanscra Bk.efYa*-«** “ I '• THE OKLY ItEnKOYil « Harts vegetable extract <» »<> mvaiu» ble remedy for Xpftcptie Flu or Failing Mckneas, : • - I Couvulsioiis. Spasms, Ac- It tswellknotfrn,:that from: ! lime immemorial; physician* h»v*'pronounced; lie Fit# incurable] It has baffled ai('theirjtyilt^Rftd. I llw -.' boasted power oflall medicare,-am! consequently thou-. suds have suffered through ■ mifrcrabJe existence,and V at jast yielded up their, lives ou the aJtat'or insanity.- - With til deference, however. Jo the ©pinion* Df«tl»V great and learned, we tny that it has bees cured - | HARTS YhGEt ABLE EXTRACT, / ■ For,(ixteen years, has been tested by tnauy. persona . who have suffered with this dreadful, disease, arid In ;. orefy ease where it has had a bur trial; has ejected »■ permanent cure, | •Fits of 98 years and S months, eurtdby the uso off thisimlywouderful medicine. J . ■ * Bead the following remarkable ease of the son 0f,.. .Swore. Esq, of Philadelphia, afflicted with I leptie rears and 8 months. After travefiuif j through England, Scotland, Germouy aAd fWnce, coa» ; < sulung the most eminent physicians, and expending for j methetne. medical treatment and adriie, three thou- ' I stud dollars, returned with his son to this country la : November list, without receiving any bfoefit -wbamv. * er, and was cured by using ’ I HARTS VEGETABLE EXTR^pT. Mr. iWlllism Secorc's Letter to Drs. Inns and Hart, I have spent over three thousand dollars for. medi cine' and medical attendance.- I was advised to take a - tonr to Europe with him,'*which LditL ' I first visited ’ ‘England. I consulted the mostreminent physician* there tn respect to his cose} llhey'examiiied him and prescribed accordingly. I remained. three without perceiving any change for the better, which costltne about two hundred, and fifty dollars pocketed by the physicians, and the most that I received was - thetrj opinion that my son’s ease was hopeless and posi tively incurable. I accordingly left England, and trav elled through ScoUand."Gennanyand France, and re-' turned home in the' month of November last, with my son as far from being cored os when I left. -1 saw your advertisement in one of the New York papers, and-. concluded to try Hart’s Vegetable Extract, seeing your statements and certificates of so many cures, some of " twenty and thirty yeprs* standing, and I ciut assure you 1 aralnot sorry t did so,*as by the use of Han’s Vegeta ble Extract alone, be was.-restored to perfect health. His reason, which was so forgone as to unfit him for basinets, is entirely restored,* with ike prospect now before him, of life, bdalth 'end. usefulness. Jie is now SS years of age, and 37 .years and 0 months of this time hej been afflicted with this most dreatlfoi of ifi*. eased; but thank God he Is now enjoying rood health. Now, gentlemen, faith without works I don’t believe' in. To say that I chall be ever gratefal to you it one thing; and as I here enclose you one hundred dollars, I havelno doubt but that you will think this is another 1 and i}uite a,different thing. The debt of gratitude f still awe you, but please to accept the present annum* *• . os interest on the debt in advance. ? | Yours very respectfully, (Signed,) . • WILLIAM BECORE. I TO THE AFFLICTED. .One of the proprietors of this invaluable medJeln* - was afflicted for several years with Eolleptio Fits. The disease; had preduced the worn effect upon hie ' system, viis Loss of memory, imbecility of mind, and ■ perfect prostration of the nervous system. He had tried the skill of the best physicians for seven years, and grew worse under their treatment, and he knew • that this medicine, was his only hope for health and life, and was therefore determined to give it a fair inaL and to persevere in hi use, did, and the result was • perfect restoration to health, which was con li ned ummerTupled tbr nearly sixteen yean. ■We would refer to theTollowing persons who have been eared by using Hurt's Vegetable Extract: j Col E Denuow’s daughter woa afflicted nine veirr, - resides at Yonkers, Now York. W. ReaneLjrixif yearn, in Grand n. J EUswonh. m tut ycatr. tv Dover- . , Joseph MDougal, nine yesrn, Ka«i Drvi'xirr. j I BV? Smith, New York Custom HoSJ 7 * 8 KcUt, twenty years, Buuen Island.' . I? yetTSj Yorkvilla. ■ >£*» E Craae 7i nrehre years, US Bsmmenly ill 1 . Thomas & Jones, of the U S Navy. Dr W L Monroe, Guilford, O. Mr Jmeph Bradjey.llfl Orchard st, N Y. C H Doughton, SC3 Eighteenth st N Y. Mrs James Bertholf, Chester, Orann to NY John Fiber, 178 HiWth it, ‘Jo D A Rlchtoa, gift Delaney st, da James Smith, 198 Suffolk it, dm Charles Brown, 100 Water *. do pl 4J* “T -“'J* “V e«Uo4 upon/or liirooiod, pot Dr 8 Bax, (tats Itui t Huy on? *{• M * to 'h taotirion 34 tn 4 Jut Sts, and_lo Main it, between 4Ui and fith streets. Sfo MdwSl V Wh ° #ad * rett ? *ffcnttfo?S ißk.otibe VaHeij- Bk.of Virginia" M. St. Ut., Wheeling do Morgantown N. W; B*n\ Va; —— i- do Welliburg I do Parkersburg-—* jr Tenneue*. it Bk.of-Tecne«wrc*-'* • sar Par. ft MerchV Bk---* '? Planters’ Bk.--** ••• - Alstoul. - State nkofMiuoeri**** JJ ■ North Carolina. ; Bk. of Cape Fear !| • Herch's Bk.,Newbern* t. State Bank * V Sontb Caroline! Camden Uk • 1 Bk. of Charleston;** * Commercial Bk**-***-~ Bk. of Ueonmiawn** • • Bk.of Hamburg* Merchants Bk- Planter* iMechai'sßk*, 1 f Bk.of South Carolina** 1 Maryland. Baltimore Bks.*-i*****par ; BalufetOßßScrip -10 Cumberland Ukloi’AUe '* ghany**. ••• H [Far. Bk. of Maryland* • u Farmers’ fc Mechanics M K-Bk. Frederick “ [Frederick Co. 8k..;.-- 'HagerstownBk •••••• Mineral Bk —•*■ Paupscoßk ■ Washington Bk*—**'—* Bk.ofwesuniniter • • • • Mlchliani .offlt Clair—,*- of River Raison- Michigan In*. Co*** .. ft Par. & Mreh’i Bk- 5 Wisconsin Terrify. Blar.&Fireln.CoJililw’e ft Canada*. AUsotventßanks 5 Bank of England Notes 70ri*tr. Gold * Sped* Value. Napoleons ••• —.* 360 Ducats.. * 15© 3 SO Bagle,old* *•'* ■ 10 60 Ragle,new •••* *: 10 00 Doubloon*, Spanish. 19 00 Do. Patriot •? 18 60 Sovereigns 4 f 3 Oaineas ft 00 Pirederieksd , ©Ti-**»*s7 60 Ten Thalers* ** .t 7 60- : Ten Guilders ••*• t 3io lionisd’ors* ••••.* 4 fio S. Bxehaags. . New York ••• ftpnn Philadelphia yjpnn Baltimore f ••*•• i* kjtm i, par. Interior B’ks-*** Ift BBDIOAL * SVBGICAL OFPIOB* • , No. Oft, DIAMOND All ft lew door* below . >A »*ooo auee:, towards the DHOWJI, hftT *ng been regularly educated 10 medical profesrimi, »JHI been forsome lime ia RxfttB£Ai6»ftMly*r, t general practice.' nowcoiw BjyMHBj 1 Vy lines his sttenuon to ibe A treatment of thoke. private . and delicate complaints it f \\ which lilt opportunities m d wiv® iis/JL'lettpctieiiee peculiarly oujL •> ‘ ijr hint. EJcvcu ycifri aa* _ ' . 7** 1 "~*T\ siduotisly devoted to the r< i a ’? eut 01 - lJ ‘ os c complaints, (during which ante he has hod more practice am) has cured more no uenu than can ever fall (o the lot of any private utioner), amply, qualities hint to otTot assurance* of J\ p * rnia ,“ Bm » •aitsfactory cure to all afflicted delicate diseases, aud all diseases' arising there Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted, with'private disease* which have become chronic by. time or ax* Saratrd by thense of any of the common uostrumsef o day, ; that their complamts can he radically and tboN oaghly cured; he having given hi* careful attention to the such cases,v ß nd succeeded in hundred* of msttocesmcuruig persons If inflammation of Ibe neck of,the bladder, and kuidred diseases which often, result from tbosq cases where others have consigned them to hope.ess despair. Me particularly invites such as have been long and unsuccessfully treat «i by others to consult him, ■ when every satisfaction will l» riven them, and their eases treated in a careful, thorough and intelligent manner, pointed out by a long expenenco. study, and investigation, which it is. impossible for those f Sise*” 1 practiee of medicine to five any ■** °? —Dr. Brown also invite* pep. sous afflicted with Henna to call, as he ha* pMd oartic ular attention to this disease. ™ r Skin diseases; also Files, Palsy, etc., speedily cured. . low, • : • * N- It—Patients of either sex living at a distance, by.. stating their disease in.writing, giving alLthesrmii toms, can obtain medicines with direction* for use, br In if N> 2Ur post paid, aud enelos Hmt*e° Diamond alley, opposite the,-.- aterlyj _nyNo.cnw no pay, - ' declP. 1 T w.**?? TAatT TO T«EI.ADIKS-C!»iar,« J. Haxr ,Cream, a matchless article for the Growth. Geautx fcnd Restoration of the Hair. Thu Cream! when onbe knowu. will supercede all otlierartiele* o? the u*el When tho-lmlr is detid, harsh. or ‘“ rr unff rrey, a few epplicai[oiii will make the hair soft and dork, «n,d give ii a beatifui lirely apbearanec; and will also make it wain its Use. liness and healthy colorfwiee as long as all the prep*, vylnch are generally used. Every lady £id gentleman who are in the habit of using oils on their hair, shduld at once purchase tn bottle of the Chinese !‘1» composed that it will not injur* the hair Uke those piber nreparauous, but will beaotifr tt, and give penrct satisfaction in every instance Fortesumony;io ‘itsvery superior qualities, seethe following letter, from Rev. Mr! CaJdwelL w Messra. Hendershott * Stretch, Nashville, General Aleuts for the. Western Biaiet: . ■ ■ Letter goo the Rev. R. Caldwell, pastor of the Pro*, bytenan Church, Pulaski. .Messrs. Hendershou * Stretch—Gentlemen: I take pleasure an adding or testimony in favor of the excel, hot preparation called Dr. Parish’s Chinese liair *“** *»» ,K«* ■«». my hair was very dry, bnttly, and disposed to eoraeout but bavin* or©, cured a bottle of the Cream, and used it accoruniejo the prescription, my hair is now soft, elasiic and firm to the head. Many balsams and oil* were applied, each leaVuig my hair in a worse slate tlnui.beibre.— This Creim, however, has met my expectations As an krtiele for the Toilet, my wife gives it prefer, enceoverf all others, hem* delicately perfumed, and not divposed jo rancidity. The ladies e.jn-cially will find the. Chinese Cream to be a desideratum in their rations for tb< toilet. Resp»-«ifoHy, Ac' Pulaski, Jan. 7,1-17. r cK*’t\V r; ■' . CCTSoW wholesale and retail, in Pittsburgh, b- ‘i‘“. n M. Townkend, No. 45 Market street, and Joe? 'InV r comer of|Wood and Fifth streets. jnUii ' H 0 hoahhound * liver wort Cough Candy is offered to the public aka pleasant and effective remedy for coughs, colds, hoanC ness, Asfhmi, Phthisic, Whooping Couch,- Influenza. Croup, Bronchitis, axtd.geueraS. affoctlorei of the Chest and Lungs. ■ In such eases it is. known to have afforded decided and pennunetH relief, and from its rapid jsalh and groat success as a remedy for the above disfese. where it has been Used, it proLses to of ** m °' l u * fnl •** Pettier medicine*. Il ls oderbd soo, at a pleasant reliefio the consumptive. ajdstant to voealuu and public speakers ges The name of the preparation indicates its in* gredient, land u ;whl be found to be by no uieaus an* pleasant fa the taste, and may be used by chSKlTaild ±“i U^« U,re * ra P u,u ‘y- The materials used in the xuc “ ,c quality, and it taay be re. FMlili , eTlwonM^ y PUrC * J “ i ' R MU * u ® ttflicla. ujfhiThl M promote-their comfort aud Colds by a e»l*cio!ly in the season of This valuable Cough Candy is considered o great as uslani lo .Mothers, li«ius» superior to ali the piiieni It®, hy Jumpers in erratum.’ as children irrm never known *•} erywlwt 1 l*us candy is used, except for more Ain at of this article will convince any person urit* ewca cy.»»d the proprielors therefore Jeiy any juwsou in the United St lies to produce a cheaper, more pfeasaut. or effective : emedy, 7 Sold wholesale end mail, by the General’Agent, \ W •'IVSKU, Druggist, i corner -I and tnurkel su, I'tUaburKh IfoweAC©., Proprietor*, No 1 Coltege Hall Cincin* nati, Ohtt. • ; _ ja „, 9 BA. t AHXESTOCIvS Pneumonic orCoogh ifo). • Sam. luu a greni nilvantagts over many other Coiujb pr parnuon*, a, its pleasubi m-fo penmu it to be used iviihoat m.uji:vc-ri:-ca.’ lim it* Vtt j uc Halsam c .usists in the fpcudia>*s ofiu cure Wr have known *r me of the most desperate .coughsioonw 0 I which had been running ou lor a ccn»idrnilile leinnh Of time, weld alipost iminediutcly io it* notcer • KW In sue! weather us we have fuJ during W winter, every one is liahle to take cold, iiitfe*« precautions are used. ■ a*cai. Wet fe' t and undue expuauro to the the weaker often lays the lou.nlation 0l x”S,3 2 wicl “ eß l u a 9«*k rtmedy'to P rtreht « n >^ We ha o numerous cenificatts of essrem which u has perfomeiL many of which »» r«7*' Wuc ‘ l ** this city a id the neighborhood, and £ e J?£ n ! m reference without saving- wonri^?. 11 /-* affic,eßt Prepared md for wire -Whole-Tn ** f ?T or - FAIi.NtSrrOCK h. Co, conter S’ J^4 reUu J wood andjoth its. * - onwr of ' vowJ «»d. Ist «ml VTK- o) H ~ JM. ringjthc pfcviou* \vjcur. 1 * w^. l ® p J m l** wWl with a «crofulou* eompfiiut th for «ome fooafo* omler iheeare ft/ n?v«iri« jmdmyciuo »wnimojt iifourLbl e P hareeon tinned, and ami^?in?h^.. th9 i but ■te»«^^aSS5SSS!StS!f q&' h ' • Jijroc**' —| t-tH ' .-c'4‘ ! j i j-ytlrfl-.icjcu'rt v , . > 5.; f ■ 'f' V '