The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 18, 1848, Image 4

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    *:•■ vno Jfsott' vrrvnixo with •. sbbassd i
.. JL mipiiii k kn!
■; OTrafl l ltU'dsoOf isQ-'j- r&?jf>Zi.xn- -I
; .'i l - ■!
•>: ■aS the Terieaefaeaswhfeh briarioaofihotasgs Mp l
. .- *KMd,'Ja* again to tail «tua-i
• ;• Tfce.eitttfaMd.seeafher'wfcleiinirkji pot fUlaad
: wtearaMb^J««hr*jva6«hailaoue«or >< ; v
•' -M . \ COLDS AND COUOU& :... /. *.
Tta*»r l If zjijleeted, 1 Krf.bstlbe prvesnton of thaileD
dSIIIUJUy . •■• " ••. ‘f
■ r • 5 . * . } CQOUKRIOK. - -■;
• then, how ihdli^Btptbßdtiwjffijs
• **y»4he*<ibab.'xi eoogfcs sad
'■ ■ •“* ■of iritil ismortaae* io the Mblk/ "■ V. '
' v PaStea^Swoof of this
•. *®**2*,®f t* J*f* who hare expen*
- J l *” m oaitM indent: • Three»witfr a mwci tea
' v^^J“J'*^**opnS?i2S^SL.viniio,
f. WWW.BO*
T' • .
. ■!• oatadiod laDaanhlst farm, anamarhohad
fruk of oqy.of-ocr agents tkroejrhMi the country- ..
» 'r* 1 Hpypgga» OF BOTTLES
IW hintawjd fat this eUr;. t
: . tbs Pdaed flub* and Canada. and ire ch* i
... amt* oaymatoMtat oas*i:. i . -•■.;.■> ■ ■■; ...~\
• J [ ' 7 * SUWI£ INSTANCE
. t. ■ *>teh* wheii taken according to directions, mad be*
1 fcw^!, n*S , * ik * < disorganized,: it hma i
i■ <• OrtTßUiadtO- : :■■■>'■ <.u ..J---: ;. •., _ |
’ “t»osod the afflicted hseUsiet *> by mort to .
/ ,ue«krr»BWao<«r—, gotten ti> bya k. onetadrrld» i
• psi*i
araa equally onknowal-Whilst* medicine of i- . i
: »to ootodrwhoop «®®hefi«»oti neigtS i
: here, wiu -ct whom Ithhs . •-• • v ~r^-
<o«sdn bu (Uiinralatblo awdieiao oar-bo pUoed i
jSSpSofe* * *** P °” ** *^ U - ** h * T °
.. Kt sate sTflo ussii in nearly ererjr lows sad Tili**B
■- •■■'?■• -■» ' I &B»ihBlY nlwtiimji /wjt,.
■ aißtte^ss^ssss-assssi
PSi ACEA is tho ;
l °^ |^* cg^ral 7 Cared by freoßio of Dr.:
. ; <'••■» •'* :
; _sscUdt l/ Bsehoeked, wUI sfiotasllr lesd 10l
: timely ase of- tt. flwoov l
. osrt».P«as»«wilfeßbCtßsily eotoo. • :
! lofayMtuw-of the Tomdls w flcro TtoooL-ami
; wmm« odea teadsm aerioos eotaeqaesdet ten an*
\ loet, «BohMaJcemkraof tka U«*L Omhofimsrrap-
sheoid bo procwed *£d
; -’ Cotfhs ud OaUs bid h ttmtAf ia Dr,
Y Poeggwwis fstsl dis«ue.'ronhiho
fraovioJ«BteoBgb.aad«olda& • debiliturt or bro>
; i. MadowoewatodioOjojtdpetsoiusrOißhjeettbiC-.'
/-1 Dr. SwoeterV be rosed oa the ftrst
/ i ■ deldtotiflg eoetplsint will ■set'
: wfahtdariy cheek, br adarDr.Swwtsert Poaieeo.-
/ u^Bwn»rtp£iSS
1 i be.ukea emrdins'to
-. . '.' t.... • i tte GUeeQOtU. ■ ■,[■;: .■:■.• s: \
, [
wellßaa,te.S9eeday B«eetsei a s Ptao>
:• ■ ■■■' ML ; ''••L r.vT
- w . Price flMtboaie,oT six bodies far Bd.
Pw «*!• or "WM. JACKBON,» liberty st, sifo of
■ ■ • •; . BQTfaslr
i •• - - ••:*. Sentsht teratcfait . '■•
' fpEITBR, ITCH, SALT, RHEUM, * e^—'Who would
f A- faro oerateh, whea-offlieted with the
i Twer, Deh, of other disesses of the skia, If (her knew
i who wolsld reliew sad tore them. v ; :' i. '
’liehhrrihie to be obliged to rob end scrotch : wbeii
: •lOßS.'.bht bmb« horrible to tbsala (roa It, [fat deceacy
i . the.} Whoa far eoapenr. Let it be • th*t
~ M effei.cws of en; otheT preperedoa la .exlsteohe
® ewtirfthe Teocr, lick, end other dtseuee of the skin,
i As aß.fliectsee of the shin amst arise frocuhainborit?
: «f>W>k»4Qd furtivCCM, hrf,, wtonnilSl
■ the eonstlraiioa'effected
: : tiidi*eS*mp*rille Blood Pills bo need
: whtfiejriaßßentjtiiejr will core env ease wtuasrer,
,! ttydonovthejßooey ; wilJbe reom> Dr.
• 2*%T: bqtrerer. will be rfrttoiily cored
j 1 ead lich ctattxaw oaless the
• the diseased fcnon
nOCaUj’s blood jails, mod the sdtfaee of the skia beet
1 •• hr the outsat rrieo of olntm«a»eetae.
■ - A&APAHNQrrbcKfabe..-
»*____ wood, also eor.hhfawood tta.
'■ ‘ CBTI ,
ill "0 7
: I. ; : ('■'
«*• i
' A j
•v« * **
r«*r ■ *
1 - .' Vfl9 b b etrtiy thit I pnrchuedotM vis! of Dr.
i' - X SolAaato'Wom'Specific, eona two auudu i(o
to 3 fwa to * *aa. of bub*, soae eerea yean old, two
- • • (■MOMW’tfd alihouaihe amount a*7 appeal
> ' hM|% Mt J -fiat* Vi i 4oaot but there wu upward!' at
: fww «aoaaa» aroasa paseed iron Uot meaaarliif
}.■■ M«M qaanet or u iack to two jnehre lour. - • •■
i - . ; • . • - i .0 W HOLLIDAY.
• ' K—ttCtotfc, Carrol eo.,Teßa,Jbee iff, IM7. JaSI
TWA aiUIEL’S ladiw Veritable liair OU, to r
|9. PMMHf UM aowib, nfteiutf and improTiof the
flafl^MQ aSawaauy petrcatintli&nCTfalUny g«t, fot
Wm :iOwlalaK<>7)- • «oWood iSffKttr 1
BHBPtEU*-90 MIA a nod article, ree’d per
JMBfMfe fifed for uUbr~~''
, i
* .v\i-> ! ..->. ;• •• - ■ -■
.■ »•*’!. Of uxiClk
fIWB sadmiAßdlM Jour beat eoßTtneMl oTUw
; JL uecttur tot mh aediciu adapted iotbeue of
'.CkUdm sad lafinta to iiputda iMiuaof.alltima
, ■MfiriMa wbiehcoatalaopiaivaad baa at length ue>
ciiieJ ia pntparlay and offeringto thepeMteamedK
. AiaafoUf anavenog ervqrparpoee&raUdbeaaeeorifce
.•Mnbj.vithOßttbo ue of that Oeietßrioaa dreg, ortny
«uer CsknJated to injure hi tbo Jcost. The Irani Pac
: beta tolly, toted and tried, the last metre
■***■•» by macmapcTßOK aad. foaad » noaseae all
pMcxtrurdiaarr vutoM, ood to nwtoee alfUie «su»>'
i aaiav afffeeta ae eet fanh on tha bW of direction. DU ,
, «nh*a, Vfluiuag, Ctoolfe Griping, Pain* Stckneaa and :
: Amm Mima? from Teetiniig, imtnedinteir :
j-witbo« dlttartnng-any of tho feactiontof the body,
t t CMBoudM happiest end-mot pleasant traarition
.** ixkOßTlOtctituiaaAtnuqisUaadjoj«Bsitax« of foci- i
.lluiAtUUtuauAcar.'' v-f.v-•
! J&£*2 “* nmiiotiha Proprietor, Dr. i
. BABOANT, DnnSirud Apothecary; iofca I
vEUiott Ar Deckbam, aad nut other Drafglsu I
6 —aadPteaburgifa--. j_deel3 • • I
1 £WS!Sr to ! c * , * ! :. , PrraicnasjJbb. 11, 1347..
i ■ *>JL B*ti«w>-Uf wifthu for run beet? *nhje«
; toadiatrearigr cocah, accompanied wixh’anhma, for
ate cue of eoath ranedtet
: ®>* the tdviee ®Cthe tnoel eminent-porrieiane to
; 3h%tae4, beua enwaotvaUifl* By chance I tend
: *,T* r IsperUd Ctegh Bjrrup,jai)d wiadaced.te bar
; w faole fer trial, ahboaffc J had no belief thataarthlsc
;<oilb WHpw tb nr pttt aupriae!
’two mmi rare .her immediate. re!ie&..She Uat times
traebled wiura cosgh/bat two teaipdoxafid 6f Srreo
■miwejsalOMiL 1 am satisfied, after * trial of three 3r
(09 r yean, that Seiler's Cough Syrup ie tteteet conch
ardMuae lhaTeerer Bied either in ihe OWrcrTffirw.
k tVodd.. . k;;:':WnPißwn,.',- 1
w>-'v-- -Seventh Ward, city of fioabarrlL-: •
; 2 v*ba 'above eertificate -sboald induce all' who'no <
wuh cough or Mthma, to give ihe Syrap a tri
-I*l.l* nay, bond forSdeeatsa bottle, u tie drag.
: ; B E:BELLEB&S7 woodeLT*
waidf.ead D H Cnrir^j^
obli.eb’b veiimifuo!L-t»« fmim or »i
' ( U.-Wormmediciaeslj;’ r ' 1 ■‘t-.
v ' i TU»iiio.diriU|r ih«i alter tutog d!ftmu ««pv».
, <iaßsfcrazpalUm«arß%lbeßduoraP,HSttaii r or
V llshoo, two rials or K E Befler*’ Venai&g*,aad
wnQmeoaaaauoTooayUlto three efareeSudrea.
• aged d years, ft expelled 43 worm;
eocotad, s*y«i» old, and from the tfaird~*ft
en oW, ,11ft making MS wonn*ereefledbr*jing
om«uL‘ I reecmnwad Belters' Venaiihfe' u i
? teali ydoae cf the moat eShetaal Worn taediaaeabe..
■4 ■ ■ Iwythepabbe. -■ BceHMciwnr.
: tntanymai
il OtneftfEKNU. of BVPTUaB. ISaltnl 10 .11
- ntaes.)* -j *. t** . *
. The saperiorplaliw of this Tram eocsltt la the com
, Samira esso with which U may be worn. The pad ot
wjodl*iog neatly balanced on aprfegs, yields to pro
' tmte may pan or It, aad.tbdrofrgftiy adapts Heel/io
:. mtemfiwioa,wttUa etre ia
- - wet bars Jure made anangeamnts ter the manitiactnrr
inawpenbr«yle;in Phils
- ■' * : •
, * , tfUMytmuynidaMlaOhle. > •
w**.** ?* * deatreyer,” and hu given entire
ES**”*SV°* *^.*Q ; who hare ■ had occasion tone
9* foU ccnfidcaca of all who ask
•d W C<a|b l7n|i,. Toontrely
. ftamy,aadWta. J. Baiih,TteaipcraneeTiUc.- • frM •
w - f. S “
' f iSemealh '- do . • ib T '
-J' SsS^SS^ ,0 ’^* 1, ~ J i
/,! *“''ssissw«,
•-••■ -'• ':*••li Water, few extract ft* the hand.
• T \IUD9t UoUer, dnont ud uolh
X 9. aearT. N. W. eoraer of wood auf oh au, ritt»
- taigh, wBI .heap constantly on hand, dregs, palms,
' *■' ■ . X preac ripikoucare&lly eatnpoead
«* Am the bar materials. at any hour of the day or
, fttaftl. AllOj aa aaaprtmeaJ ofperfiaacry, fine toothAair
aad aladt - will sell low Cor
" Vf--. .r>,»■-T ■■■• ;• marl ;
km meald Candles la store and for
UhkK/ lteU] Sdt W-HABIUUOH. ;
g TOrAtTriIMIJII | hhUCopal Vanish, N V.No.'
Ifi laadjldtgGiby: JOHN P UPBOAK.
IfiOiflUft dL~4 froa put r#cM and for tsl* by P
IW fchM . . . v■: JOHN P MOSOAJf, •
rfbipMh^»h , *wnn'iCTml—fcttfr- ••'•
l/SagT/ ~; McCOLU BUBgEIELPfc BOg. •
COttTnreakßferuleßr .
» • I rMcCttlt.' WTBIIFIELP k ROE.
: i,iumil-47 aeks cow tinding from str IsAi
£ar ■
as, -MUSIC, few ■ MAHUFACIOBIES. v .
a p.J
H. Borot «f ' TUrAOTPACTUtt^ 1
E^Sc&S^^fthrns.^ * ore ““ J
i ***••
«“»*'• “4 by w. ifliptOTcd rteS'SSf'&'SJ"
Z«d«i Quarter.yßeriew " ”S’ ’’ ?" 1116 pnbUc u “ Ua 6; *nijec&d
f,ga&f^.: : ' I
. ■ - WM 8 OALDWELL,
. dad - - 3d et, oppotite the Pw Office.
j m PDBiioi'nbs
Xy fef /• A. A U. P. JAMES, Cincinnati, the Allowing
-newandvaluableWork*—: .- * ■<- ■
n ErailtiOT-Coziuintar , .kclth of th«
uft ofCoL.A. W. Doniphan;-the donqoest of New
Mericotto^Kearney’sTlTerianaExpedition to Cali
brauj imwpban’s Campaign against the Katina, and
his unparalleled March upon Chifrnabyi u d Snnturo,
U|d the Operation* of Gen. Price u Santa Fe; Wit? a
Kenwdty-!u Antiquities and Natural
Canoemes; Geographical Statistical and Geological
descriptions; with aneodotea of Pioneer* lilt, and more
than one hundred Biographical Sketches of diitißjrajah-
Od, Pioneers, Soldiers Statesmen, Jurist*: Lawyers, Di
illustrated with forty engravings; by Lewis
Collins, l voL octavo.
. Htc Twehro Months’ Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri
nta in the Tennessee Begiment of Cavalry, in the
Compaign of Mexico, daring 1&W47, containing an ae
countof the March of the Begiment to Vera Cm, a
description of the Country passed oven manners, eus
toas, Ac. of *» people; Sketches of Camp Life; ao
founts of all the actions of other Volunteer fieriments,
u d a All History of the Mexican War, List ofthe rai
led and.Woraded, Ac: illustrated by a lane number of
correct, views and plans; by Geo. C, Fcrber/1 valame
octavo, • • . ■ - - l decl >
J) Geau of Saered Poetry; a splendid imperial Siva,
with beautiful illustrations on steel, by Sartain, and 2b
illuminated pages by. Bchmiu. and Sinclair, richly'
b«nd inTarkey moroeeo and whiteealtsuparblykilu
. The Christian Keepoke, an annaaJur 1643; with
splendid mr.titmint engravings, by Sartain; hoitnd is ar
abesque morocco. . j ; .
- .Christmas Wnssoma and New Year's Wreath for
a Bull quarto volume, printed on anow whito pa
per, embellished with apieadid mexxotini engravings*—
This js by Ar the most beaatifuliuvenile annual pub
lished la the United-Stales. - - v v •
. The Poetical Work* of Oliver Goldsmith, JILH, with
to u “
designs, by
tboEtelungrCAls A various styles of binding. ■
JBg Pools and Poetry of Amcricd; by B. W. Gris
_Tha Foetaand Poetry of .the Ahcwnta, by Wiliam
X- M.;«uperblybound in Turkey ma roc eojsnlen
mil’s of binding J
HemuSlfeeticM Works, in various bindings. 1
Lord Bynbtr ** .. •. u. ~—i :
Shakzpeaie s “ - '« . -•
T[hc Pcctieal WcrkaofThotnaa Moore. 1 \
Baliari* ard other Pofeaa, by Maty Howitt.
• Foetus by sip*n>. - j ■ ■
HeadleyA Stored Mouniaihi' 1 : ■;
. The above, with a great variety of other new works,
jaylendidmylca of Staging, suitable Ar gift books; Ar
deaO : *, -Booksellers, cot. Market A 3d sts.
'■ Ulßßble Standard Workii
pgXNDgS Dictionary of Bo
hnnach of haaan hwtrtadgel
withiksdsritaaoaaad dsflatbco ef ait the toms Aram!
W TBreade,Fttfl,4*. Uhatnleffbym
awreus vnstvtiMs re wood;
Moss’s North American jltln. coatsmogfaeattiADy eoF
ersd mspe afKwth ifria,<haada Eset, Canada iTtst,
2** *■■•***» Wwtheru TnasrJlewMu!
yr fWoreto, Mexico, Caatnl Aemfca,
Udt* Hands aadaQ tA^tiles wiTmi?
.Neal's Pnritms—The Mstaey of (Ik Paritaas fm the
rdwaanaa a 1317, .to the raStka of IKS, caaprsW aa
*e. xe. by Daniel NeaL M L
OChoatw, M D, with alas ponraiboa iteet;
A-rektAiito*. Mod,by Gewp
Moore, of 8»a royal ealtege of ay&aas, Ac.
_ „V : jlavoslls Works, • •
I ■. ,~r
aamtsoos of shipwrecks,
BuUih oMhre—Tbo Jmnh Speaker, soaprisiar
draretary nocssadexerdwt Adwlaa£ira, ir.Aa sale,;
The shore works reeeiredaad Cvah by -
.. johnston a Stockton : ■
**l Booksi tiers, car asrhet sad 3rd efa -
■»»TSSE3. lt . I
JH owa to .my fellow ereatmes, to state someiiunr
•more vypectay your Vegetable Pulmonary Mlssim
muce I fertt used ike Balsam, aboot okrven year* ago,
the happy effect of which 1 then gave an aceooat or,- 1
hare had several severe complomia and attacks at my
[uuga,ou a AW days since, »cd la every instance I
have used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect
•ncccsa. - ]t has effected relief and cure la a very few
ttys. It is certainly a safe medicine. 1 do nor know
that it wflleare a fixed consumption, but J beliere it
will be ta many cases a prevenure, and prevention is
better than cure; I do thefeAre, Ar the love of my- fel
low mea. earnestly recommend the ose of this R»i»,
■ ia all potmnnary complaints. I am confident that it
ha* been the meam of ptesenrOyrmrliAioihisdav.
; Boston June Id, no. : BENJAMIN FABSO.VA
For sale by B A Fahnestock. A Co, corner first ut>d
Wood and alad comer and ret. . i.iu
; Antboa'sOanicalKctionary;. . .
i Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities;
• M’Cufiough’s Commercial Diclionaryv
' Uro’s DWtionaiy and Supylemant, arts, minuAetures
: Webetcr* Oetaro Dictionary, revised edition;
- Todd's Johnson's and Walker's Dictionary:
: Wortwert Dictionary;
; LiddeU asd Scon's Creek Lexicon:
! Robinson's Greek Lexicon of New Testament
.:.i ; J ;
• Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary: *
Flemmm «nd*nbbin's French •njcilfm.rr;’
; Bock's Ineologieal-Dietionanr;
; Union Dibit Dictionary:'
• Bobfftscw GnlweVs Dicuoosry, Ac., 4c.
• ‘ I Dw *h c SX» wM* * jeaend assortment ofTheologieal,
CtasaiCaLMiaeeUanaoas.aad Snndar School Books, al
ways on hand and foe tale low, by
j dcS ' : . SB Market si, between 3d 4 4th. •
*nj.P«kUc»Uo*s, rr_rt *
TI ) TI1»T0S'8_ fOQB, dostreted. Harper's new
IU. edition of tha Poetical works at John MU ton, with
• memou, andcritical remarks on his genias im wri*
Bags, h 7 Jsmes MaoJgoajerj; jnd om hundred and
(ran drawings by 'WIUUm Harvey,
• lour Gospels mid
Acts, of the. Apostles, in Greek, with English notes,
enocal, phi loaoph leal. and'exegetieal; saps, indexes,
etc.,; together with, the Efrinles tad-:nnocaJypae; the
• ~ntfag Jho New Teeumeat—Fer. the use of-
Sehoda, CoU*ea, end Tbeotoglcsl Seminaries. By
Her. J. A. Spencer, A. M. .. ’
. A NwrNd»n MlilnnhiiH rllEviL—A fairy UW oT
toee-Bjr Mrs. B,C.H*IL . .
rJunfßnn lifa of Henry the Fourth,
Uag of Fruee tnd Nnrvre, By G. P. R. James!
in taoi Peru* WetjftTois. cloth.
: .Ppraalaby . JOHNSTON 4 STOCKTON, ’ >
: IMS--.-* Booksellers, corner of cuikef~j
®OOJt*—Hmorr of the Greek Rev*
AZs elation, and ofthe wars and campaign* arising
fte« the straggles of the Greek Pairiot*la Emxncipa
tie* their eoontry frees the Ttrkfeb Yoke—in twovtd
trim splendid eepy with aneisu mapsand engra*
•ftta'Tripi.rfwaii.* 111, Iran
IM id IX6—with fMptmraiu. m t eels. "
Ootoptniooto the stadrofibeffoty Seriptare*. -
fiDgs* 7 i^ombnr, rotuutoe,- with do eagra
i Toer H the Holy Usd, Fmeh Stage, aad Sketches
ia Chln*. Jen reo’dsad farsaieb^T,
McDONaLd A BfeEBoNi-,
' »pt» .• • » market street
Isw BoOkt. >' ;• i
PhflosOTby of -life and oTLan-
JL . roage, by Fred Von Sehlegel. :
Researches in China in 1844. ’45 and ’4O, with a
map and plates. : > • >
»»* «f »ho Departed, by JaaMettry Hobart, 6. D.
The Church Uahrornd, by Dr. 8 lone. V
| Joldsmuh’s Poems, tilostramd. - .. ,-r r^
rtanpeoa’a Sotaons; do . •
For sale by. •. - J L READ,
Ja ' • 4th st nesr market.
:Vl»w T»u*i Praseats.
,»»i irerteyKarel*, ST volumes, Utao, iifesiraierf;
Jr» gherwrafi Watti, 18 toI«
ulta Edprorthv' “ 10 *.' “ « * .
Harper* Family librafy.'lSSvol*. complete;
r“ <3 •*•••; •;
2uS=ferssJ *"• b '“ Uf “ l
f«n!2 ' l "“ 1 ' 7 “*»“ ■
txptonni Enedido^OTolaWa! tro-' [ •
of wwSwiSu®' 1
of oTer Dleredia dua ipatket,
' corMinroodst
raPiMoFort*., j
baa will la llmSSSrjfS‘S^ff i . a ! r”uia
f, P. M. e«h da,. T
B«a«r *ota ijeot I* WaMeiipaoJHJSS&A.
Mia of oar Piano Forte*, from whora l . ,
ttmed mow own (Nwr York) |jge*m. tteytt ? jr *• ®^'
■ NcwYor> t Bept.l,lW<cg«t? n^BfcCLAag -
XtriSfc, or (h« Triwttfe «f Lnimr, '
ChrMapbcrlWMfefM''Alknt!oaithV' -
rjwilnaf MafajtUastni^
; Comtatt«f MortalityrtalX Em. - . . • ,
, „ W«. *. CAUJWC.L, "
•;_ • i • uirtftff flppotitepeattfief.
iPfaMfa ritw&um of Iron, or the Merclujit'sabd
J 9 futOß to iho iron trade, a
few topk» oahy-Hrery octree. Slaondtf Litenlnro of
Math or.fiuoae.- lflJbrteatioo.torUw
P«pJft.Ck*atl>er»’ Cyclopedia©* English Literature.
'WesdtlFi BUckuoori OmnnWrtriw, * sow edition
fa4beusi&lroloaus. BaUeekjTFWtHjViMw aod
kplenJU- «aimu Petto 'Boofcj oT FSowert— for *U
. Hq y'.-J JL BKAP>4ikae*tmarket*t ;
' raw sorni.
' i«»- >•.,-■ JQHKgroittgrDCKraw.
.* K* WefetWi Gmi Americti) UetlooaiTof tto
Fw*— a «~-
JVVe, the undcrripned, eeieeted the tsfo rnoken df
of Trat^r^A^rr^e
Refer to Cook & Harri*, Brekenj^ftuba^^ 0 *: -
- ; * C?,:do ,_do [feMAwlyS
■ rrrriiACHiNE works ajvd foundry,
■I _' PrrwinßGH. Pa.
■ JOBS WBIOHJ 4 00,,
A RE prepared to build Cbtioa tad Woollen Mtehln
f #-«T o» even- deMfipiion, »ucb •*—Carding Ma
cbmoi, Spuming Wnißea Speedew, rtme«,
Bfcjiway Heodi, WanwrwTwiUe^Spooie,screwing
Frame*, Loom*, Cardtirinder*, kc~, Wrought Iron
Moiling turned all *iie» .of Caw Iron, Paltie* and
i,^fsl!?, * > J , n e J*?* t P" ,cn,s »‘ lide * od band LalKet,
aid tool* of all kind*. ..
.CsutiMi of every description famished on short no
uee.. PdUcros made to, order for Mill Gearing, Iron
nulmriie. Steam Pipe for heating Factories, Can
Iron Window Sash, and fancy Canines generally.—
OrdersUft at the arebeure if J. Page?*
c^tystreet,willbaveprompt attention. ~
' ' ' Bsrxa to -f •;
BlJcknor.k, BjlltCo, J K Mo«te«l * to.. O E
Warner, : JohnJrwiafc tfonsj Pittsburgh.
•G O&J ii Warner; StenbcaviUc. . janl# ■
TAJXS. Otis ’method to inform hia friend
<aad.|bo pnbhe at i urge tiiai his Factory
iv®*” utlloncruton, on the East side
iOf use Diamond, Allegheny, where a coal
-.•Mat supply of Blinds, of various eoUro
Si** atfio.S Wood at, PrMbbrrh.wJ.Jt
cloth warereem/ :
'niirrf. ~^“ ! i er, ? Bd . o to or<3cr in tho best style.
S‘‘E* fWred at the shortest nonce. ..
„*«;i J. to ■ tWi . w * a *>« rat up, without any adds*
uenal exepme so that they£an be removed in a mo*
tnent mease offim or forwaahlnr, and without the aid
of a crew dr - e - octldlyAwlamly
TAKERB,©nmef of. Penn and St. Clair streets,
opposite the Exchange Hotel, entrance on Penn street,
respectfully inform their frirnda and the- public, that
th«y are prepared to fnrnisb and auend lo cveryininria
ibetiocof undertakers. Always on band'a large u<
sortmeitipf ready made Coffins,covered, lined and fin
ithed ip tiicycry-best manner, alt sorts and sixes ready
made Shrouds or ua artel, Cambricfc and muslin, and all
made m approved styles. We keep.a lam as'
•on.mentor.whi e and black,.cotton, nilk and kid Gloves :
sahle for pallbearers and mourners, crape, cops.col*
lars, and every thiuu necessary for dressing the a cad,
andoukeasonsß wo purchase all our goods
m the Eastern ewes. Also, stiver plaits for engrmviag
mo name and age. WebavcasplrtHtidcewhearecand
horses, and any uumberof the best carriages. Evprv
thing aueoded id promptly and punc tiiiill r oct&ly .
Mt. SH ssd 1W Lfocrtf' srrwc, near lit Canal.
A EW A YSpa hand and tmuJe reorder, a large varie*
'XX'iy of Marble Mantels. Pier,Centre Tables, and
Bureau Tcj«, Tomb tSuures, Monuments, Ae.j all which,
betngVuado of the choicest marble, and manafaciared
principally by machinery* will be sold low for cash.
;.N. U. Person* |wishiog to pnrehaSe Mantels, are
informed that it is, henceforth unnecessary for them to
go East, as i can furnish them with an article in all
respeetsa* good,andifreißktoosuranee, fee, consider*'
ed.| a» cheap atithey can purchase them for m the
,lv'*t. Call and sco. ! Jed#’ :
i • ... -- WARE MANUFACTORY. , .
Market atrectr Pmsbiugb,Penoa:
i I ?*'t su'iscnbcrs having made peat Improvements
M in theconstruction of their COOKING HfOVES,
re«peeually invite persona building tfeeambabu to'Cali
and examine before purchasing, as we can supply them
With Deck Sam*, Vbrgris, and- every oiber kmd ? ol'
Mapper, Tin and bheetlroa work necessary in famish*
tb* »Steamboat. f ■ -• \
We alio wake to order on the shortest notice tel
Tubes and Chamber; Copper work for Steam Engine*
.and every v»t“t:y. of won in our line. •.••••■-
; ‘"bfl _ . . SHERIFF A SHIRK -
V , -'?rn. ncouuiV *.-Coi
laan/ai tflrrn qjr Vials, Bolfles and W. filaiij
No.M) Wtrtw urßKltr. ;
| tuß (ktuttm <'cuir now in fail operation, w* are
v*'prepared to execute ortfeis in*oar line, promptly
Dtancg tbo Im: tiunmer we.hare adopt ml ■ nswnlan of
Cilaaa, (the most approved plan now
****** in the easL)_by which we turn out a superior «n*»
cle. Oia-w flattened on itu plan js perfectly lerel'and
Hue, w«th a One lasire Paintcrsood dealer* <fea«
r/ally, aro requested to call and examine fat Uietu
•£'*«: . ip.fl. ;
« inetr Fllubuftitl Pa.
w cnJimue, ; A3v 137, Wood tired, fitUburgh.
WjftWlLLcawttniJjr keep on baud a rood kmn>
VV are, of our own and
*upcnor<jualuy, and rountrr Met
“ : cmst» are rerpectfulJj- mriied to call aad et
apuoe far ikcsaclvc*. ax wo are determined t» »«fl
cheaper tins kai crer betoro been offered to the pob*
feat by mall, accompanied bptheuahor
eiiyrerereDce. wiJl bcprtirnpifjr amended so. f ebSJ-
Great Western BaUfiinge SaiuXaetorr,
Ai GARDNER. & Co., woeld in/orm the trade ifcu
Ijl, they are now maoa'netaneg she beet JWu Hinge •
ececmtde in the Coiled Puses. A* this is oer princi
ple banner*, tyo intend to send, oar as complete uu
tieie a* can possibly ue made. Those eugagrdintbe
hardware trade, we think, Will End it to tncir interest
to see oar Den* All orders promptly attended to.
IttyS A GARDNER A Co. corof bth * ataln »f
! mo^il^oppfiniio^uM,
-! ; • i *so - i
Pattern MaJetrf JV‘—'
——.. « ointiy of toery dacrxpttm.
> Office No. 3SL CUarica Hotel, Third mtccl
i ,__j •_; - - - •• PltUburyh.
P, 1 JuJtt* hi'Lamia!
MUL?ARY:fcLKDUE manufacture and keep eon*
•tantiy oa hud Cat,.Moused and Plain Flint
Glassware, In all iu tbcir Warehouse cor*
ttfof Market and Water streets, Piusboreb.
: Our Work* eonttnaaln fall operation, and wear*
: eon»tan-7y adding to oor «oc.k;which enable* esto&li.
enter* withpromptness. Purchasers are respectfully
solicited local] and examine prices and lerrns,
' znylOdly • J • : ... .
i FKOJC Uie very liberal, encoonfa’
<aenl tb* aabae riber baa received ainae
hs baa locked himaeif in Allegheny,
Uly l - w baa jadaeed b!m to take a leas*. for a
of year*, on die property be now
«eopie*, id Beaver street, nnmedioiely betide tbe
Presbyterian Church. From the Jcug experience m the
above butinest and a deaireio please, be bopesto ner>
it and receive s share of public patronage. - j
. Nowon band and fiaialuaff to order, Kuekawsy Bag.
pea, opdn and lop Baffin, and every deacripUafffof
tarnafea made to order, from aevoir-fiTe dollars tt
eirtyhnnaret faepiWifl ' JOHN SOUTH.
1; .• , iitnum. ““' .
Uiß anderaifnrd are now prepared to farnirla ttolr
jeaziooera and the public generally, witU an eic*U
ientjaniele of Lard Oil of then own mana netoi e, whitb
iseyi will Mil on accematodeting terms. *l|idr Oil they
3 *e to be a* good aa any offered in the maikei.and
be retained if notaaUflaciory. “ '
. • . ■ 16 liberty at. oppotue arnhbEeld • .
&—-Lard and Grease suitable for maduoenr.oa
for aalts shove. , n v&
fchavlxtff and Mail-sai4Mn« ■
BLACKBOX * FOUNTAIN. Tentorial Pn /euerty bare
ftpaatei] and fiUrdOp their fhating,'Heir Ortminr and
pliatdjriouiug Saloon Utbc taodenaitjlc, and are prepared to
W*><«gtßtJ«®eß ttocw, witheat*,comfortand pditroo*.
Tbjyaf* jwepafed to trail on all that nap callVfthoot del*;:
i Twaklul for puttaron, w« tafjrii a continuance of ait
«meJat our Saloon, eor per of Union it reef andtbr Diamond,
[”fk of Afeaander t int j Ury £Jo*dt tfiorrj #*j
T timpropritlonaflbc Vrgetabte Fulmoosrr Jhlnm;—l*
lun oJhdrd lhal the Vegetable Pulmonary »arml
; table medicine. It bat been uard in thit plica willreomplele
tMcefc>aanobetinalc complaint*,f!!.«Ju&gii Iltrtxjtd with
■ “’f" w*b, J«M»f voice, and (be raltiog of taoch blood
alocli had prer toutly reewied many approved prcttripaoaa
AArrjaaitf tba taimn car weak the ptUnt’i Tutcerriernrd, :
Bad he war enabled to apeak audibly.- Tbli (MteeanM
bom* tune tinea, and the nan it note engaged not only in an-
Lra hot to laboriout botfoeee. lUtiwellullr rouit.
p4»«rd,.N.«..;J*n UJ, ISO,, . a MOKU4IX, M D.-
oow to I'jtUbufgh by B A Fahnetloek, A Co. corner of'
Bm and wood, alto cor tliil, fc wood tU. ' dedll
I E-TOBaNT it tuptrior to ail other rtmtdie* for
Cough*. Cotiawapiloo, BroocbitiyAitbou, and other Polmo
naxjr eneruona,!*that the tame peraontwhocbmtaendtd the
tua of it In their fnaiiitt tm rqtn ago Mill prefer .rt (0 all
tdfeer femediceofthe kind,. iu where any hare been induced,
to IfJ other prrparal ont they tuj»e almoel inrariabljr been
dinppoialed u receiving. (hr benefit which we* rruuoably
I “h«tpatedirtan the high praiwebretcwedljtlie proprietory
! “d hire retained to the n*e of JaT*u* JurtcrpiAirr, u
a re tardy that haa ncvcrfeilrd to relieve them, and which
probably tmr had itteqomi in arrvvt iegpulmontry tlttnirt.
; I'rrpared only by Dr 1), Jayne, pbi/aJefphta, and rddoo.
dcrdhdfewtr . 7-JFbanh *t j
a vtii b W jTp cf r * *.'
loins a. iiwaip,
Lite Seay tc. Shepard.
; (it (be old tiaml ofSea? A Shepard,)
*. • ' - NtubvilJe, Tentewee,
:IX7ILL give promptandfaiUifo 1 airemioiv totbe'iale
• * * ■ of_ Dry Goodsurpccrir.*, and Merchandize jren>
they freJ prepared to attend ipall Lhedepartf
roenuof their bulncv* efficiently and (dealing iii no
good* ffir their own accotiiii)rfß«arfiaJ/jr. -iT
Refer to M. .Alien, * CO5 5- W. Bailer tc. CA, Piils-
T • ; • deeVMan.
A*.' r i CAEI), _• ~. 'r
aiiamr»ow«nga*etlin (fvolmportationofUraodiea,
la ?> Aoiexclamcly. and iiaviiir mode
P“n*«f Kiropeenrl iCe 1.1-
purcirt ii* known (mUMis /of m/rolure mpptyiof
No "L v « k « Now Orlcoruor
rojfedti.irV b i v, l " ,C * ,!Mr kr< price for cruft or. op*
k '^*" nd t:®ft£r“
—! oCftrlitfr tmhlificLi Jtf
n>«. Penonrtrifbitig to bj^m,!!J? rm * ol Priv*ta,
' sssss
XX PIsCID~Ia-MifcstbttU’p ; j>» iStii
firlUia** Ufa kSTicht^pf
2W2S!*!? Swapper* bhwdsaoidd he Jolty ndfe,.
ty mfcathaadatommnanaeteate [ha that the urn]
uutrvillMtliißfaMnißkf tafactf: ,-.' C T"
b mpontsd (ha gta aadprteipitatß ara kft m a na
» (be pea or inkstand whxh cnntiias it. life akoroMoo
to add Tmegir lo she Ink anstara to make it store fluid.
olrttc> .? lp ?* «*a by«e tag «a the pea, if* itaJo**
lit* FTwd”diflb*firwath« l auxtaje* in amp respect,»
it a aehaisfcit so ha Leo repairing ao risadßmturtoboldit
teDtther,ther*fcra wU aerat get thick, and bain. mrdaiil
How* from the poZatoa gma sneataacteZ
j tiny c**per ialo the fitira of Am p»pe>
J**™*”* «*• fcwwfottOTt* bp attriuoathaairilwai
oaip pbsiertdeo the sorbet; ‘ Jlalso coßtaiuumatter that
bai an affinity brnscblk uea, therefore will dot eerroda
irael pen ttwdl notmonid, and althoagh itwntc* of*
xalorpat in aft v hoar> b bactMus a detp Uaek
which will endue Jbr aget. Unwarranted superior to,the
fort** article known by tha nun* of “Arnold’* Wriifcm
thirdnoragtrea bt tha maa price.TvS
a gmntea aphnt impodtkm of ear kind baiag attempted
toy toUowiac recommendations will eufflee, as aQ matt be
a Wars, that the names then given coaid not hare beta oh.
' taiped bp any mans tar aa unworthy porpoes.
V \Y'e neoCßScsd “■ Hilbert's Cbcaiest Writing Fluid® to
Ibepatnmce of l MbUe,usafintfato iitSaiUm.
pedtofit Bows free foes the sea without clotth* it spend
n the course of a few hours becoaess imp brieht black.
’ D A. fiaapiao k Co. Week nad MeCtadie*
; Robert Moore. Join Parker,
;We Lipptaeottk Son 8 Wiehtana £ Co:
: McQoswaasfcDMgias 'Treats Seilers
; B- £ l^s l £WH l ? eek P’ r C A MeAanityk Co. 1
.»-, ■?*“** BohraflMah, A«* 50,1M7.
r.k Mp Hab^-De«flirt 1 hae* been usia* your
WriUnf Floid. aad find it * first nle artidVfer flows finely from the pea tod bceoacsjetbttk
■ 0 few boon. Foots ke, *.
T B TUTTLE, Bookkeeper v ’ l ■
to* BUwUi k Bcaplc.|
;• _ Pittsbarrh, Aug ftil. 1M7.1
n T “f procured * bottleof
T®' ",*??■* Fluid, sanethree weeks s(o, I consider it ful*
iy equsd ir not snpener to ATSold*s or say other ink now is
u», I knowoC Rttsediulty,
WILLUM BT£WART/Book•keeper
Sat Arthur Kieholaoo tfr Co
.. ' - Pittsburgh, Sept U.fetf.
Mr T K Hilbert-Dear Sin J tm uuw your i
Writiaf Fluid, usd find itto be a sot exeeueat article for
•toe) peas, as it does not eke then uptake the pseralityol
other inks, it flosrs free and becomesa deep black m a few
boon. Tours, Beswcuußy.
R r Book-keeper
_ '* " »fcr Joka.Parker.
; Prepared tad sold Wktluale tad Bettil hr Ttatt* K
Hibbert, Drtffift tad Chmut; -«mr or Liberty tad
ftnHMWtdMtmU.J , ui»batgh t pa , ; . OeCMUni
• tteel orqailipeoi, end the copying .-press. Thi>
utk is the result ortho experiments of several years,
devoted to the manufacture, on an cxtenaiue scale, lot'
on erode salted to all-the purposes-of-the eonsamer.
TMperfeetion.of this writing Ink consists inthefol
lowing properties: Ficiditt—in which property it will
he found to stupas* ell previous preparations. U will
flow with perfect freedom either from quill or steel
pens, and is entirely free from any corrosive qualities.
Cotoa—The color of this article is • rich, beautiful
bine black.' It is necessary, however, to give com*
mere th* following caution.
QT*All good black ink. from its necessary ebemical
eyiutitalioc, requires exposure to the air to impart'a
deep color. It must not, therefore, be-expectedTlhai
the moment the hottie is opened, the ink drill be found
to boa jet black. Thefiret appearance will be pale,
attafrer exposure to the chemical action of the
pheroether on poper or in the inkstand, itwill assaro
a bnUlaxt black < .. , - .
rntMaXKiCT—The color is- unalterable by the laom
dme." Itwill never fade. On this- account, all. im
portant records should be made in this anielaan Tears
only deepen and strengthen its tint. . ..
• N B. This ink is suitable for all kinds of nutVlie
pens, and for pens made of qnills, and what is impor
tant and eery desirable with many, will rive a perfect
impression by the copying press.
are asug to the institutions whh which we
are connected. Morris* bine blaek writing ink, and in
rosptct to fluidity, brilliancy of color and permanency,
believe it superior to any ink we have heretofore ased.
. A Thurston, caihirr, bank of Louisville: -Wm lUch
ardson, cashier Northern bank of Kentoeky; OeoC
Gwathmey cashier, -bank ©f Kentucky; L L Shrove,
presidenl of thoOas bank Tboe L Helm. elerk
rep county court; Cunva Pope, clerk ofJeflenoneoon
tf conn; P B’ Atwood, secretary. Fireman*. Insoranee
Oompaay; John Muir, agent Lexiagtou Insurance Cm
Portland Dry Dock A Insurance
Oof D * Chamber*, see*y Franklin Fire * Marine la
suranee Co; J K Rhomer, treasurer Louisville riavinn
Institution. A supply of the above ink. lost received
sadforaalcby_ [tea] JOHNSTON A STOCKTON.
. j TI1I8" If*. Was Plrra Improvement;
ha* now beett in ore about two year*, and wherever it
is koowo, preferred mall othdr BeadsteaiU.'
1 Fotchcnptiee>i*irenirth and has not
and esutn-n be equalled,ts His the best,
ebeapestand most convenient Bedstead in ass, sod per
fectly proof against Buga.
The pm clpsl Cabinet makers and Tamer* fn'Alle
gheny city and in Pittsburgh, have eeeajs-| Rights to
mahuractsieasdoei! the article. As there are spurious
articles aid imperfeet Imiwtie-t* m the market,pereba
aen would do welt to examine the east iron plates on
which m the genuine article the name of the patentee,
E.P.C*isa«.nlnvariaMycast Asaproofofalitfart
is claimed for Canam’s Bedsteads the following certifi
cate from Cabinet makers wt H Inown ta i'/taburgh and
the West, ts sabmiued to the pnblici. . •*"
' We, the subscribers.practical cabinetmaker* and
pxUyLrfwngfoftf rers of the cities of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny, do hereby certify. th»J wo have bought
the right to manufacture bedsteads with tiairun’s Pat
ent Fastenings and consider the same sayerfor |o any
arc acquaintM.
James Lemon John M*irew
TDYoangAC 'Robert Fairman
J R Hanley v Juan B Uarr :
John Liggett, Jr. Jat. Lowry A Son
l<owrto A arbin Riddle A Drenuun
Thomas Farley Ramsey A JPCleUand
David Loier MoseauuUack
Ilagh Wallace Robert# AJfanr
J Mayen Jai IV wood well -
J-Neehaare Onorge Snyder ‘
WolUnlcr. j McMasicrs A Co
*: Alexander Lawson
For Rights lb make and sell the above Bedsteads
0*29 _ _ Patentee
Tikw. la*try.formerly of Beany. ATKmxte
ACo 1........ ... ...» Cmetanati,o.
Jaw. A.” BtaTTi---?-*-- Zaaesvillr.O,
Cbu. 0. Csss- -NewOilcans,
Oanartfsi Cobblhlob nirchtm
Ao. 3t Poydrm Street , Tine Orleans.
JUrxa J»r
Ueuti Mania A Co, Banker*. > M „
" JamcsM , t»rvfßr4Cn l $ p '' u • •'
* / David \Vlthe4Co,MAai«ea.lA.'
" NEllisAMono&.Bankers,)
n liofe* 4 Preset, } Ctneirmau.
A M’Kefese, Esq, )
H N Keirncy,fr4q,!ltaker t Zanesville,o.
' D M'Ueiald 4 Co; WeUrvllle.O.
Meed, Parks * 00, Beaver. Pi,
J W CiUt £*q, Wheeling, Vi ■
MU'Clm-ken AC©, ...
W 4 M Miteheltroe, j Pittsburgh, Pa. ,
nvLM®. ;* .■•. •. ' • _____ • j
O—The Administrators offt Utr J sates MeLsngbiin,
offer tor sale the smabiisfameut situate iq Ninth. tv «d,
formerly cairird on by bio, in bn life time, as a Bakery,
les and Uioe Factory. The works ar? in complete order
forcarryjfigodtbu business, with fixtures, Ac,and ready
tor caetmeoringfatany ume. A liberal credit wdl be
gtwn, and ail particulars made known by ealbng on
either of the tufdcrtigued. JAMES BLAKELY,
spifi Administrators
JAYNE'S HA&TONIO—AIter gntae this article »
trial, we uabasitaliagty pruMuaes it ton «hat it pro ft*
•*—U>* bast mtkls, wttMul say tierptioo, in sue, forth*
rsstontiaa aa£ piantlitiCftM knu hair. We ksaw
of aoanvus gttUani wbsrvhib - ha* beta rtstored to head*
which hsnbceu bald for think wtciuxrttfo
tmltrthroe tfcu to nraowi toaQ one readers who ar
tosing their hair, to task* a tmlef IhtsToafa launcrtiatrlv ,
Boston Mail- • |
Fer saiga Isftilarrb at the Peak ia Tea Storri No. 79
Fourth strait, osar Weed : wrtiksT '
| 1 OPS—For sale a few bain Western New York
n growth of IbM —from dto 10 eeifts: i
Also, Eastern and Weiterii N Y, tarty piekcd,lhia
year's growth.
PrimsOhu>da,B«}B»nt.county.... .
The general Eaalentcrop of tha lesson U now being
rereived. Brewers and others using Hops, will bod it
much, to their advantage to obtain their supply from tha
undersigned, as they intend to sell throughout the sea*
aon at ivew\ork prices. ■ G. W. SMITH A Co.,
oclUddq ’ ' Pittsburgh Brewery.
J J respectfully infonohis friends and the citizens of
Pittsburgh and Allegheny thatho has decided to remain
in the city during, the winter, and is prepared to treat
putieots placing themselves under his eare,'aecordinr
to the system a* practised at all Water Cure Establish*
.menu, for either Adute or Chroaia diseases. Those
wishing to avail themselves of his services will call at
Mr. MUler’s, comer of Liberty sl and Evan's alley.!
' Dr. hL has treated several severe cases of disease in
this,city with great eucce**,to which he is permitted to
refer., .. .... tibyaf
SUNDRIES -!50 bags prime lUo coffee; ICO bbls N O
: Molasses; 75 boxes manufactured tobacco; I£> half
ehrsti grCen and black teas; 75 fl and 13 lb boxes Y 11
atuLU P COO boxes German clay; 10 casks salera
tu*;.|o do. potash, together with a general assort*
tnenl of groceries, in storo and for sale-by
jatfl CARSON A Me KNIGHT, Cthtl.
HA.VANNA CIUAHS—ICXJ.OOO imported cigars of
the following celebrated brands, part to arrive
consisting of; Ceres, Aubiquedad, Washington regalias,
Hspides, Escalnpist'Doe Amigos, d*Poster, London
Urania,-Lord Byron's; Falla princlpes, steam do,
Villeya extra do, Sylvia’sdo, 1m Uayadera Ist, do do
Sd. Ortiz, La Palma, Csxadores, Eagle principes, for
sale by P C MABTIN, .
, feb7 • ___ __ __ cor Bmlthflcld A front st.
17t£ATHER3« Ac-—37 bags prime feathers; 14 tacks'
Pea Nuts; 1 cask Beeswax; 1 bbl do,; 1 sack pealed
reaches; received on consignment, per *tmr. Pilot No.
U, nod for suleby IHAIAII IdCKEY fCo- i
Jaidl_ No. flt Water sV_
BLANKETS— ;W . B Murphy Invites the attention of
persons aCouttocomfoendehonsekeeping to bb is.
sortmeni o( superior Blanfceta>jost Tecelvetl, including
a few pair, intended etpeci&Jiy. for summer Use; also,'a
full supply of tickings, sheetings, pillow cats muslins
toweUiug,ditpers,tabl«diQperi l Ac. -
CODFISH of good quality for sale by' j
■fel>3 ■ . . . water Afront sis. i
ses, Louisiana Refinery, for aale by
WHITE LEAD—IWU kegs in store, • -
Janl7 - FORSYTH A Co. {«
F^OUK. —1W bbls Pauersop’s brand, a superior ar*
dele, 93 Webb's -do *do 1
jnstzaeatved undtorsslo by SAW ILVEBAUGJL'
• toW . ;• no 33 wood st.
markeT priee will be paid
X for a few barrels ©fgood follow by •
' SOTICK. . . |",
A PrUCA-nON wit! bemadeio ih*rreside&t,Alans*
z\. gen uul Company, ft»r creeling a Bridge over ifce'
’Him MonongapeU opposite Piurbargb, In tne connty of
:AHc>hehy< for ibe renewal of thiee certificate*, Wo* :
[117,120,10, in the Bavo 0/ John Hunter, each tor two 1
i»hurt#of Mochlniaid Company.. Haul cennieatea
injr l«rtormi*Uid. tUCHARD KLOYD >
. Auomoy tor Uio Kieculora of John limiter, dcc’d
T OAF HUOAB-aM bbU Sot 7 •ml «
J iibs' tM, 2Jffi^^ I b<.;wmrl ' <Btorrauti nuiit
PIG MITTAL —3O tos> Fit Uciai far iile bv
febO • . i ; WICK & M’CANnp-yw,
<HEESU-a> boxea W H Cheese,'jB mh doflir
* «»ki by i : . WICK fcWCANOLKSS. i
'' WU Whole*- •
feud htlf bfoi O. R
•Vf and baifcMJu old
Vila by
OLt> WIBKET, fce-40 Wbot
.-Wfcufcejr; made 1837; Iseul
reach Ucuunr r nuuta iu UhO, (or 1
LEAD * SHOT—Kept eeniumJy' on bsnd till tor
iHnylo aoud«i,jnj
. TjACOJf— ® hljd«'pria» ih^ot
tbakspobtahon likes
aafcaB47.:u i M—B
T?pH the uao^ortationofFreightbetweenPinsbureh'
r had the Atlantic dues, avoiaiag transhipments on
the'way, and the consequent-risk of delay, damaee.
breakage and separatum of goods. ' •' - ■ ~
W AJTTAPBCOTT.TS Boa that, JU f Agent*
Eucouregtd byincreaaed business the Proprietora
hare added to their stock and extended their arrango
menu during the winter, and erenow prepared tofor
tha palpable superiority of the Portable Boat Smetn
and the great capaenv and convenience of the war©-
holws -t each end of the line, are peculiarly caicola
ted to enable the proprietor* to fulfil their eugogementt
and accommodate their cnsiamers—eonfideniiyoffenn*
ha.past os a guaranty for the fours they respectful
All consignments to Taafle A O'Connor will be reeM
‘N«S bS
Lapling transmitted free of aqrehnree for Cbmmtssmn,
adtancmg or storage. : Having no uuerest dirceUyor
indirectly m steamboau,the.interest of the eonaiiaora
mutt noceMariJy be-their, primary omeeim snipping
west, and they pledge themselves to forward all roods
consigned to them promptly and on the most advent*,
gcous terms to tho owners.
March 1,1647 ,
*“! -J. H. DIOKIsVI • *
JSoft Bancr Point and BridgmtaUf t
baatir court'; >A n
: Proprietor and Agent.of steamers
daily utvux rtmncaas a»d. bsatxr,
TX7IU* beptepared on earliest openlngof canal nav.
. VT igatfoam receive property at hu arbarfboator
inwarehoaM.forallpoinu on Brie extension. Cross
Ctit, and Oslo Canals; for-all poruon Lake Erio and
epper Lakes, as also to fonrardprodaco, i Penn’s.
Improvement*. Apply to or atulrex*
fcbSfcdtf JAB PICKET. Bstvcr:
" 1847. teiiteg^
and Beaver, and freight and passenger Canal h^T t
nmnihg between Bearer and Erie andconneciinrwlS
C:M Feed*. Lixie of Bteaaboat vLrel.-
*4 the Lake*, wdl be prepared upon the earliest open
ing of Navigation to carry Freight and Passengers to
aH pomtsoa the River, Canal and Lakes
Jtnving every facility for conveying ftiisht and nas
-sqngere wiikproapueu and
and ageou respectfully aolictt from their friend# and
hßpabliogcnertllythetrpairoaago; i
Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New York
-.Cco Davia, Buffalo v
;E N Parka A Co, Cleveland
R W Cngninjiban. New Cas'Je, do
: VIA PROWNaviLLK ti ruSinKßT.Aitfn
H'HB aadendgscd mo now preptredto forward pro-
J. (luce, Aptotic Eastern filariei* daring lie en*o
»«K winter,od the mostTfiaTorable terms, brthlseipe*'
: All property-con*;fned to os willbe forwarded at lie
iqwetl nuei ud with despatch.
: -Mricbandiie received by ~‘bi» route promptly fbr
warded. 3 O UIDWELL, A« r t, Pltubarrt.
• <». W Cass, Brownsville.
novOT EEGERT*'** ■ ~ ■
i • pprYsstiiUiu '
111119 Vmc«oa*i«iingot
. eu, will run rcfslurtr
(Jt-aver and Greeimite, 1*
acuTcra between Use nrof
njiti at Use lawear rate*.
afrC!v Oppaiitf the Mop--
cmos bix£Tl *
behveen Pittsburgh and Cleveland.
E ';N PARKS A Co, Cleveland, O. )
B ti PARKS, Bcsvei, Pa. J Proprietor!.
W T MATHER, Piwboiib, P*. )
THE above Line >• now faliy prepared to transport
Kietgbi and Pmtxnyer* from PiUiburfhandCleve*
land, to any point onjb« PenwylTawn A Ohio and Ohio
Caual*. -,
Tie facilities of Mid Lice toenot equlW by any aa
•aidCoaala, ia onmlrfrs and capacity of Uoats, expe
rience of Captain*. and prwnptnc** of Amnia, Ac.
One Unat learc* Pm»t*orgk and Cieaetiod daily, ran-
Bin? in connection with lie ita’amen.
Michigan and Lake Km, between Pjrtatmreh and
Beaver, wd a Line of fint eiau Steamhoaty, Propel
ler*. Dri** and thihooncra, qn Lake* trie, Huron,Mi*
clugan and Ontario f
Property forwarded to an? pan of the Union with
despatch, K N PARKS Cleveland, Act* .
JIEKD. PA RKS A Co, Beaver, Agu
W T MATHEK, Piuabergk. Agt,
~apfH Cor Water and SaiUi&nd auvet*
£&£ 1847,
PACKET Coat* Swallow and Telegraph leave Bea
ver dtiij, at 3 o'clock r.*., after uto arrival of tbe‘
morn Inf Boat from Pitubargh. and arrive at Warren In
time for the Mail Ltne of Sufoa, arhiclt leave unmedi
atrip thereafter, and arrive at Cleveland uSo’ciock, r '■
n. ■ ,
iTburoatelathe non exrelitiotu and-comfortable
ope to the Lake*.
BKEI).PARKBfcCb,BeaTer,A«aU '
jIIILN A CAUfiMEY.eoniw.Wateraml flmilhCeldtia
A Chtllran to the World*
Twenty-five paid to anyone
»bo will produce • wot of pamt, green or dry, that
cannot be axtraeied with*llo*t’* Improved CbrejieaJ
Soap. lbaT« itwMU»raciipno/»t»lfl(f 10 taa people of
Una place* that thi* article, fcy my own improvement on
n, now nandi unrivalled country lor extracting
in'eaio,U7,piicli,oil ) paltsUor any other greasy tab-.
»uoce, from ail kind* efgerdlemrQ'a orladic. 1 clothing*,
carpet*. table, clotit, memo abawlc, ladies’ bonneuf
kr, without hdoring anythin* that pare water will mi
injure. More than one U»u*and persona in different
paru of the country have told me they would not be
wiifcontiliJf itOMtooedoliarpercahe. in trying thia
Poapon more tba»SU9anieieaof light auk*, «aiin*,.at>
pace as, and calicoes, I bavo only (band three nieoe* ot
»iik% two of uipucea, and four & caUro, on'
changed the color; therefore before potting it on a light
dreu try a aamplo of the dres* &nt I *taie thia hcetase
1 am determined not to recommend it any atroncer than
Ikoowtobeatrictlyttoe N lllior.
1 l'nce, Id) el* per cake. Sold, wholmle ami retail
i*r • n e B&i.M&a.
: decSl W wood at
before' ■o'uie on the moat approved Eastern
atxl noal fashionable Easternpattern* andeolort- AJ«o
or made (o order of aU itutr and ot all prieeal
• * Country Mcirbßjrt* and other* aretnvited to call and
examine the above for thcmsclre*. as oil will be (old
wholesale or retail, add n'-ilbernl deduction! mode to
vrbolcoale purchaser*. ' \ 1
apldly A WEsiTKRVELT '
GLOB K H . ~ _i ' ! T
lb* hit dncotirio, tad Geographical baproreracant
llto Uw Mriu of llii Dott etbbrtlff t i RuuMinioii Coa
£ikd fro* Soith'i or* Eaclith Globa, wJUt •Edition* asd
sproteiKM* br Aaaia & BaiUt. United by I’wk.
fcsovn tUr*. Mbolte, Ac. Compiled from tbe work* of
eUailoa, blunted, 1)« L« Caillt Harelitu, Merar, Brad
ley. llmcbrl, Mtikeljie, (be traaeactioat of Um AMxoooat
ical Society of Laodou, £e, d-e Froa Soitb'a New Ear
litb Globe. ' _ ’ *
•' Jobation & Btoekloa hare jolt received a few pairt of (hi
above Globe*, eirriiif in iizt,u (uUovrti ,
I pair ]2 racket ia doaeter,
i“- n « -
.i u » *• __ “ ;
1 u tetai globe* 6 u •*
Anerfeut, Cbreeida, tad Journal copy. deeil
Mnnnfaeiurera of
No. 38* BonUa Front Straat,
Baek ofl A, Wilsvn'a Cabinet Wart Mamtfu
ALL order* left wiib 8.8. Moon, atlbeafficfecfih*
Merchant 1 * Motel. Pittsburgh, will bo proaptlf
attended io. TIIO3. G. DKRRV .
acpio-dir a.-c. nickerson: .
rjiJlK snUsetibcr.woald rcipecifully iimie tad
1 Oenlieoen aboat visiting Philadelphia, and in want
oLk ANCV FUBS, nth « Staff*. Boa* rtpp*,
give stfa etU beibtopnrcfaarnß elsewhere; a* ibarwUl
Sad it to their advantage and no mistake. Ail order*
received shall bo attended to at No SB North
Third st, above Arch, Philadelphia. |.. -
' R/>b««al—hand 1 •_ ; -
jORTABLB FORGB&-A toj eooreiiiejir»n/cla.
A Udloinittd iU tiMArfeeuiMccTriedby ikyttfia.
dlaytwpjwo. ,-jV fep jot ne’4
f'i: ix?.
- !;•
Ipat extraordinary Mediant in iht World*
Thw extract to pot up n startVott!rt :k urn t&mo.
«r, finaaur, and warranted saperitt Uur fold. T'earo
diioM without Taeutiag, f uigst: nekncw or da :
. TAa gnat beauty aad eaperiority of this StoapariOa one
41 othsr Mediantis, whilstit EnmimlciDtocfot H latwak
alcdtb* Body, It ■* cm of flic very best SPUING *vn
SUMMim MEDICINES ever known, ilnotaily perifis.
thaVholt system and strengthens the person, bat it Crtala
tfritj Pm ti end Hkk Blood ; • power poaetssfo by bo ether
Medicine. .And.ia this lioUw grand saeretof it* woodctfol
smfoss. UKu performed withm the jast two year*, more
tbai3i,ooQ earn «f Strerm Cmci of Disease; *1 ksat AUh)
of flies* were considered incunhfe. More than
’ 3,000 cates of Chroaie Rbcpmatisa; •
2.QQU cure of Dyspepsia; _
dflu cmc»,of General Debility end Want of Energy;
•DOOcaseeof dißerartFaael«CompUiat»t - P
fijoOO easetdf Scrofula;
ease* of the Lixer Complaint; !
1500 cam* of Discern of tbaiUdncy and Dropsy;
1000 caaeo of Consumption, . ’
Am Thoomndi of can of Disease of the Blood, ra: Uleerx,
Erjupeit*.BiHßbeus,fimplas<nth«Fac*,ac~A£. To
gether with nunerouscsim .of Sick Headache, Paiaiathe
ud* tad Chest, Spiaal Afl*ction*,&e.,'l(e. :
This, we aha aware, mot appear SDcredtble. but era hare
letter* from phyadans and our agents from all parts of the
United Statoyorfbmiag us ofcxtnoriisarircure*. R. Taa
Bushirk, Esq.. oaeof the most respectable druggist* m New
ark, N. J., in Corns os that be can refer In nwre than LW ca
ses in that place aloes, Thera are thousand* of ease* in the
City of New York, which we will <R&r la with pleasure
and to men of character. It to the best medicine for the
i'rneaUro of discuss known. It undoubtedly saved tka lire
of more than
lib Parr beakw:
A* Uremoced (ha causa of di*eaet,«&d prepared them b
UxtTtD Statu Omni.
Cut, O. W.McCuuji.or to* Uinwa Statu N*tt,
and member of the New Jersey Legislature, has kindly sent
us the following certificate. It tell* its own story.
RaSWaY, Jan. 25,1647.
. A year rioee I was taken with the lafloenta, and my whoi*
?stcm left in a debilitated stale. I era* iadaeed to.try Dr.
rirsuesd’s Sana peril U, aad after tohing two or three bot
tles. I was very much mitred, end attribute it entirely to the
raw fiampenlit; 1 hare continued mbiwj it, aad had (hat
1 improre erary day. 1 bcllrra'lt atred my lift, and would
Mt be without it under thy cenridsratioe.
a W.MoLEAtf,hfe UiB. If.
This certificate conclusively prorcs that this Bvtapurilla
hat perfect eautrol orer the most-obstinate disease .of the
bleed. Three person* cured In on* boose to unprecedented.
Dr. Towworo—Dear Sir: I hare the pleasure to inform
you that three of my children have keen cured of the Scro
fula by the use of your exeelleat madktn*. They wen
afflicted eery merely with bad sorei: bar* only taken four
bottle*; It took them aw«y,~*r which I foe] myself mdet
deep obligation. Tours, mparlfully, . .
Isaac W. Clam, 104 Wooster it.
Ifdir Turk, March 1,1017.
Dr.-Townsead 1 * Bampuri.Ua u • sormign aad speedy
cun for incipient.Consumptiq, Barrenness, LenuxTbo,or
Whites, obstructed er difficult Menstriatiou, Ineentinusnec
of Urine, or mrohotary dtoeharge for the gun
cral prostration of (ho system—no setter whether the result
of inherent cease or causes, produced by irregularity, illnes*
cr t—-
Nothing can be taon surprising than its farigpcaii&g «f-'
feet* on Ihahuma framed Penou,all weakness aadliML
tude, from taking it, at eoca become robust and foil of energy
under; its influence. it immedialsly the turn
kiubessofths female frame, which u the gnat came of baif
. It will not be expected of os, in cases of to dclkats a an*
tore, to exhibit certificate# of ecru performed,- but we eaa
usun the afflicted, that hundreds of esses hue mi reported
to us. I Berm! cases when tamilk* hare been without child
run, after using a few bottles of-tfato inrahabt* sediebe,
bare been blest with healthy sSspnqg.., .
Ih. Towittnd: Aly wifo being greatly' iCstrmeed by
'.wetkoem aad general debility, aad saflenag continually
by paa aad-a se—tkm 0/ bearing down, Ming cf.lba
erash, and with other difficulties, aad haringAaown cases
when your medicine has efieeiad great cures j audalnhear
itw ilraeomiamdcd for inch eases 1* I hate described,! obtain
ed * bottle of your Extract or Sarsaparilla, aocf followed
the directions you gmaa • fo a short period it named
beroomriaints and restated her health. Being gnufol for
the bcaciitsshc ractised,] taka pleasure in thus Kknowledr
iagitfisdrecommendaffi'itthepQblie. ’ M.P.MOOU,
Alhuy, A eg. 17, l&M. Cor*, of Orvsd tad Lydias sts. ’
Cexaacxzi, Sept. 39, ItttS.
Dr Tewwmdr To all whom this may cocetro—This is
to certify that lay wifo used eat bottle of your Snntpariiit
pmfous to her coafowacßt, under the aotf aWwiag n 4
being troubled with the dropsy, «wel»-
lipg of the foet, ntnoui awetieu, and. very much ackilit*.
tod; with rnypursnsaon, and 1 the wam—i»i{- -cik—..
who hai used it, shs was utdoetd to try it, with httto orno
foith; end suihee it to say, the had (ha horn aad
desired * fleet, not only in the hours of confiaeacut, but after
tio expiirtsow er ooe w»*k «f it* am, the dropsy aad wt
reus aneetiea gan way to an e«iw»M»n.g degree, and bar
health is now betles taa it had Beo for nkortaa me*
nou;<; , 1
If this will be of aay [ssiriee to yon or asy <m who
fouhts ths roccusof the ctodfeins, yoa are laiirely wtietua*
1 subscribe mymlf jaer.iaast obedkalind obliged r Trent;
j • S ttJAXMdT^
This Extract of Sa,mpAriQ> teu been expressly prennd
t* reforcsee to female campUats. No who has tea
sou to suppose »h* is approaching that critical pdried, u Tki
runt nf lyt,” should ocgkct la take it,as it toa certain
prcrcatit*. for any of (hanumcrou* and honiUe e»« m
which fesaleb arc subject at this time of life. This period
mey budehyijd for sctml years by oscag this me diem*. Nor
is it fees valuable to tboee who are appraeehhw wosamhood,'
at it is ealcumted to a wist, nature by ouiekeninr the blood •
•ad ianjerallag the ijsum.- Indeed, this median* b iaraL
mbit for all of the dstkato diseases to which women an
It brace* the whole system, re&ews permanently the aatw-
U energies-by rcmoeugl the imparities of (he hnh- hot
> for slue slating the spurn u to produce a
italioo,Whkh is Use fee* of most medicines token'for female
Toa who bin p*k eomptoxiaas, dull epe, blotchrs on the
fees, or freckle*, and ere "oat of spuiU: rt n»e
a bottle ior two of Dr Townwnil's an.m-11. . fo toil!
eJeansoyour blood, maorC the freckles aad blotches, aad
gin you animal ion. spurkliejg *4ei, £a* spirit*,' ud beautiful
auapuctioß—allnf whkb are ff «’—»■«»«— ealuato unmar •
riad todiee. .• • - • . *•
No fluid or latdirmf has 1 to been discovered which so
marly rtaembln the gestie 1 juke or mliaa in dceompamac
food and strengthening the organs of digestion, as this prenl
ratioa of SampriQa. ■ . .
- Bm UtTimmiT, Albany,May 10, IMS.
Dr Btr—-1 hast been uucira for mtnl
l«n dpp»| mix ia rtj worst forms. attended with coord
mm ofttocasch, lou of appetite, eitcsW heartburn, and a
great mrefoo to all kinds of food, mad for weeks (what I
widest,) 1 bar* bant unable to retain but a wall portion
on taf stomach. 1 tried the usual remedies. but (Mr hid
but l*Ula or m eflect ia repeeiog the |j«—> . X was ia
dneed, about two months since, U> try your £xtraet of Sarsa
parilla, and 1 must nr wiih'litUe ccc£jrnc«, but after totac
aearlr two bottles, f found my appetite restored, tod tbs
kartbura call rely l would earnestly recoup
mend thsnae of it to tlioaa who ban beta afflicted at I ban
Vow, *e.,: W. W. Vast Zajpt. *
. Sot 12,168, tiifw
Head Ibe.folfasring, and doubt if you —n, iw
;iot*feaaaeL be cared. TbieiionJyobeofthe seseraibundrS
taaes that Townsend's saraperiUa baa cored:
: Dr TbientmJ— Dear Sir. l was taken, a little amt
year ego, eriib a seme coajb add paia ia nj «id«. .it is.
tretMoa atni}:HaA«L i armspniaauoccd betbr-
SKiaas to bare the quick eonsjwnptioo- 1 nimd tare quan
tities of bad utter, bad night sweats, and »h»bW m fan
py doctor said be could do &p thing forme. Iwent into tba
baa pita! la hope of being bendtlcd. hot was u^r*
as iucurabk. { was bow greatly distressed at tba lunge abd
could hardly breathe; 1 soon byceau emaciated, aadctpecud
to die; 'was confined to' my bed, and wm obUged to bare
watchers . indeed 1 cannot gtee you toy deaentdioa tbal
wouU do jastiee to say cms. v I was nppoed by my friends
tobe nstmorcry; I bad tried a great number of remedies,
and all seemed tube to no pafpoea. ] read of,some t|.
Inordinary cures performed'by yoor medicine, mul to Ull
rm the truth, 1 suspected there seas some humbug in them.
Bull was induced to try it. I did an, and am eery thankful
Idid. I eannol say.that, 1 am.ealirtly well, bqt am so fa
recovered as to be about my boirrw, *Bd hope to be entire
ly well fa a fcw week**- rfy eotwh and pain in th* tide,
aad night swats hare fait me, aad>itsc bat eery little, and
am fat gaining bt usual Umifih. I fat it a duty to «?#'
you a statement of or ease, topoblldt if yonpkase i
Peru Btown, 47 LiUie it, Brooklyn. ;
: Oplaleu «f Phjptieitai.
• Dr Towwheod itnlmeitdtilrrtcurinr ordm from ch*»
Ihubj in Eifftralart*of tt»Union.
u n»fwi an mcriM Dr
t««wsd < i SuaptrilU.'wKlbdimitlobeSofiiuißwt
r»Ju«W* pnjvntiotu of la* B«n*arilk in tb« market.
Ef Puuxa, mtt
J Wiwosja b,
R B Bum*, kb,, r
Tha t* U wily Unt w», the udcnigMl, pneUctsr
TbotoMUMl'liTMeuM oftl»* Cilyof AlkMj. Wfrtttttwt
MmttnMPtT<rwaKßi*i Compound iUlnet of im
•nils, sad from iU known qualilia, wjuld recommend itd
fc< public for wrcarUl, tmfulovi, *nd ©there uttseoa* wo -
«ue*,ia prefetrcct to xsyof the sdnrilted irmudhi moat* -
i '-wiVSSffif/r.
: 12G ballai it. Bua Buildup, N Y; lua.
Ojoit , Kotft Sra.
«tu «t 1 hitedelphi*; 8 SUioet, drurjwt, Beltioorr.-todW
priMital drugguU gtamDy thrane&mt tha United m.i~
Wtit India end the Ciuiiu; 7
-; None grantee, unia* put ep in the Urge •QBer*^botil t * r
wbith eooteia a nuart and rigaed with the written d-nhtefe
•f 8 PTOWNt?fcND,*ndfii.n»m* btowa oath* <!£*
Freest!* New Yor*J>ify:£xpr«M of April It, £>47
.ApwßyUunrupiwwd inthcwmto yntcnUy. ii mi
ih« admitting cab, or iampunlU of Or Towmeod.
The wboW thug U got up in good lain: tome of lh«‘orna
mental Uadeeape pain impart beautiful, which, tmther with
“ “V“*i «-!■ • .bow
rwulj equalled in Bresdwiy. We take tbu opportunity to
ley w« believe Urn extract of the jSamnarilla dewrra the
MryJjTtei popularity ithai aojnired.
_ • , ‘ .. Wsw YonX, March 97, IW7
Or. Towurod:—l hatebetn afflicted more or tea fur 3
B‘ i a UreadAdriuVlnj in the chat, giddincu in the
of aw elite, pain in fy limb*, and ccnera! debility:
iDodoubloy the continual heal tad cold to which
et toia ajnuineaesadjer. 1 hare taken other,
100 numeroui to mentioa, but with liule ornotuc-
J induced br what (tawtn the paper to try a bottle
mpuilfe, from which I found prat relief 1 hare
i several mot* bottle*,' and I can onheiitalinrly '**»
eat medicine.l hare ercr taken—the ram in my
ie, tad 1 let 1 quite adiOertutnuaeltoptheraiace
i Mre taken your StrapariUa. I hate now a belter apratiu
lLan crerl had. My wilh butekrait with themxae benefi
cial multi. ' I would recommend it u a family medicine'
‘reoeraJly, and I frel convinced (hat if *q turd there wonldnot
$* half the aieknem there u, and ccnaeqneatly not to manr
Doctor’* bill** for while It re*lorea appetite, it aim rim to
ut atomach and bowel* (heir refulartoaetit keen the blood
in a healthy elate, eo that dueaa ii not *o likely to atteek the ‘
•yalem. And loeUthotcwho are not in ebealthvitate.l me
trjr Dr.Towuend’b&neparilln 7
. Ttjo*aiS*mi,'TOAfle»»t.
... Canker In tbo Jtloatb. •
3eJowiiuneeon&tofanother chQd mred. Dr Townacndh
9-mranlU lie* mred the lire* of thonmnd* of children.—
Tha taiiowinj certificate i* teltctcdfom a not somber
received Uu* week. *
■'«.» liiJ.'*wrow,AprQ9,iBd7. •
■mure jonj fed very gnteftil, > Yours mnect&ttv •
W Le_ » !•“*■*> *™ Fowt**,Y7 DSbnteM (t ;
For mk by BE BELLOW Dn«St, Norwood*,
be twain 3d and 4th at*, -who ha* beta umhitt
TOWNSEND ml, ijk*far A l\r 7 hJ T STASIS'
P P acea ** coiTnff my
FromthaTempenncoßanner.NorniftiT .V‘
Coroa STan-.-IVe ar ; n«"Srt£ bahii «rLir
mnchieaaukinrpatent n*dicloee!butwwfeiS
to rccoimneod Morran<a slrop to
mpini wboktttegi rtuil by ft. p5i.,.., •
~, d iioi/ga^kX;-
4j5Hl M by ftSwbr^ia
of my own parted 14 larre wonse.-
mWimnSir’ “Xta.i.T"
MEDICAL. 1 ' i:
.. cOMPoPwraYKOpcr wiLij cnEMY, i
A cerium andeafocuMler jEOMha*colds,asthma, <
. '
broken . conrirturtthij CpltaOMP* i
TlOWotMyiliiemcfi^mufcr■ ...I
. breast. Reeder art yon nfienag
with scold or.titaease of foe -1
. ..lugs,tiyUi»remedy, ■
r • • t youynfl ebt perJi
, , hxfmnmui.l, 1
It ;wtll arrest all those diaagfoeablaiyaptbnijuuek;
•tnke such terror to the-sued, fcprolcng your days. 1
BewareoT. all preparation*, pai£oi ting: to Contain
w iid Cbeny, except that bearing theaifutiuu of Dr j
H SwAfe* os the eetakf* wrapper ot each bottle. I
as foey ore quite likely destitute' of, the article Jitaa
wbafo they borrire alamo, :\V. .; . 1
[ Recidv&at itjuadonef •
WoqW perhaps bo 1 small estimate for the ravages
• this dreadful disease Ufa then add
the fearful catalogue of those cut off by In Sima
todn ol the Uap,Hemoryhagd, Asthma, CoegM
Induces*, Bronchitis, and other diseases pTtbe
Langs and Liver. . . ; in;.;: .7
And tho list would presents apimW proof <ffibe
futility of theae two elm*
important to kwnrthtt nearir ail-oJ tUa dread
waato of.hamiiTJife might have' been prevented
nowttmea before the public
£ **■ preparation
fromthe l Wild CherrylVed. Itsirdpstatieu as a
remedy for Coughs, Colds, rßrondriti*/ and Cob*
sumption cf the LungTtaid smirelTreonitslo*
owee bat Uul* to tsfialeTsewsptper
nofla. Thorewho give u»:trial, being behefitted
granaallyahd surely has it gained aneomble rent*,
ttuon sod worked us way into general-use. ; <£■
botUe pererfaila to .cere a recent cigegh: or coSS
while with strict attention to tba directions that ac
company each bottieJts
of long standing and pf tbf mSSaKcSSS
b«MCM bS 7 *’^nS” l ,
Read ih. non raiitau,'
ever placed open record— f. . :'7 -y wl “* ÜB P* w *
Dr S»«T»-»e«rS.n I f«l it.dkluormuiaj.
due to jo ur-aaul .d.tjtotta ifflielwl tmSnlSto
oUernj huobb teuiniioj.m l» TO ;
pound bjropol Wild Ctomr Soie iree
•IDM, I wu rtolentl, attadted wtth CoU uld S.
.mauonor the lup, whiC *«i ittbimuka
a rery diatraahf coojli.pjijiia lie breumul bead
—a rer, coaiidoibl. tfKMtf. of BTeaiire meu
from tbo langa, especially upon ehaares cfvmihtr
however alignt.., At first I fell no alarm about mv
condition, bst.woa pretty aeon convuieed tbati w&»
rapidly going into consumption. 1 grew dally weak*
er,and at length was oearedy able to walhabedtpt
apeak above a. whiapcr L «4ch. waaffop exceodiM
weakneaaof tny lutga, During tlua tima *i 4tri3
Tarioua preparations and prate rations, lot found no
relief—(roaring all the Ume ; woiie. Jeat bare! warn'
■dviaed and pomaded by a dear friend in Wliaiac*
too to make atrial of your Syrup of Wild CberA.
1 mast confess that prenoiufcibadMee oreivdtc
ed 1 amatiil against
those coming out of the band* of empirics, but
undentandingyoar elaims io the prolession dad
practice of-medicine, end imjdicite' faith in
the saying of my fheadi, ( forthwith pereluiimi bl
Dr Sluw, one of your agents, a few; bodies and
commenced itreae. • My disease at this time was
of twenty or twenty five numtha'atiadinc, : .
qnenily waa deeply seated. I found,!however, con
siderable relief from the &ni lour at five bqUJe&f-*
ButbeiagspahlicspeakerLfreqeentJy attempted
to preach with my increasing strength and' thereby
raptured those .vemel* that: pad already began to
heal; in tbia. way, doubtless,; my eerie was great]/
ln consequence'fef- netiejr this impru
dently 1 bad,touaeit errlfi before 1 was
perfectly restored.'U hare, do qtmstiou. ia' munh
smaller number oTbotiicslwouKl hhve' aade-'eie
toend,but for the. above ihidUereUoti.i .The Syrup
allayed tbe leterish habit, did away,the distressing
cough,put a stop to the
tbe lungs, and gave tbefo and the entire sretea'good
health. JluveddeimdofleruigthfocamficMe.till
now,* for the purpose of : perfioctly satisfied
wiih the. permanency of iho- : core, and now that 1
leel perfectly wdj.lofiarlt'vrithpleanre.: !f
r REVi' J. ft JORDAN. ’
Dublin county, { V j
A . ■ „cAimoHi cAimoxi -.U W
Avoid all spurioea preparations of Wild' Cbtreyl
rich as Balaams, Bitten, 8/repa of WiM Cherry J
Fills parportiof to contain Wi&.Cbeny, dec, ,&e
aa they are all netitioos and counterfeit, and contain
none of .the virtues of the origujalaiid genaidepie-!
paration aa prepared by Dr. Swaynej awf the’first:
ever prepared m this chantry. Doetor'SwuynM
Compound Syrup of WILD CHERRY is composed,
of vegetable ingfodientr,tbe Wild Cherry, and Olh*
er medical rabstanetseqttiyas efflcaeioQS,U cot
more so; tbe whole are so efiectually cbneeetniad
as to reader it beyond ell doaht the .most picssaal,
■treugiheaibg, and. effectual remedy ever discover
ed lor the care of Pulmonary; caasumptioo, iuid all
diseaaea of the Longa and Breast. The very * (acL
rrom Its having taco a.train pt apurihaa imitators,
stands to prove its great properties;
. Therefore, invalids, inquirefor the onginalprepa 1
ration, each boule of which fo enveloped laa-btatil
tiful Wrapper, with a likenew of WlUota Fean
graved Utereos; also bearing foe signature-bf J&rH.
,»» syne, the counterfeiting of which wHI
Übed as forgery. ' •;
l’tepared only by Dr. U. Swatukl N 'W epnicr
oT fcJOHTH and Rack Streets. >
" uin ‘ j ■-
UGDEN ft. SROWDEN; corner tUk Woodrtsi.'
.B. A. FAHNIJSTIICK* Co., cornerol - lit) and
j Woodand6thandWocdstreets. ! ; -'i ] >•-
S. JONES. 180 Liberty street
JOHN MlTCHELL,'^AlleghenydtjU 1 E
And by aU rtspccUhie and dealers in I
Medicine, throng boat the United States and Cawi
*» ■ ' • ■ ')' ■ , naptiO 1
We ka»e bees iaibind Jby Mr*. Ron of a etna per
formed on her byOndayM l * Allef*UT*,wEjdi
aapeiioriJTewMerefy oilmrßemedy of tbe
niL she ka> Irtea afflicted fee the te»t aixieeo year#
triib aleeratioa* and eofoliatioo of Teriotabodeiida
ring whieh time many pieces hare been dlaebanedfon
the iroetal kooe of Uaeraaiaa.Dga both, imr anna.
«nata and hands, and from Otaa the 1e
(&T oral bone,-and from the right bteeTbeSdea paiafi
ttleera cm other pan* ©f her perepo, wUek have baffled
theskUiei aaamber of the moat eoiittnkphyaidenrof
one cjiy—daring moat of. the tips her eadeiaia ha^».
been eaenuaLng end deplorable, - Aboai-ikree aMoths
rmeo she was indseed »4rp Pr. Jaynes A&etaUrti
which kae had an asttmiahinglyrhanpy cdhei anon ber.-
by renoein* aU paiei aod'awcOjngi.aail ckncmg the
»I«t* to heat, wiule attheuaetußeherjnaerai wait
fiu become rettißiit, to that i& now weigfi
» Uis mors than abe did before ghe cestmeaefed the aw
Of thle truly rateableprcpaimn.—(Si. Rt*,
| For farther iafonwiioo f ioq«lrg.ofldti Boee»Noi I*B
FUl>«t*i,Fhlieddphia. i • - . i .. . .
Ktte iOTkTCA &rc®£
-• •: .j ! .-.a
O !RGS.»SerDhda ia air ns' fiinhg
whether in that of Kins'e ETilyenUnremenUo ’tbe'
gland* or bones,Goitre. Whitg SdreUim.LVMnjr
Rheamaliaa,Uaneef t dkre'iiteof the Sbadf Splnl)
I rot F almo nxry etaaute trrm ban
nd the tniee caaee, whieh is ■ poieoncKU-pnacipla
flora or lee* inherent in the human mtra. The roe
fora,Bales* this principle dm bedestrojod.ho ridi
tai care cu be eflected, bet if the priadpl* apoo'
f hicb the disease depend*, U,; ruadred, a ears
matt of aeearaUjfoUow, eo matter adder whattorm
the disease shoo id muilest itaelf. Thia, therefore
w the reason why Jatbs’s ALtuUktrs » M aai
Versatly snceenia! is re moling so mtoytnaiuiunt
diseases. It destroys the: tires or prindpTs Trom
whten those diseases have their origins ly entenu
nto the circatation, asd with the blood is edoyera
o the minutest fibre/reinorieg emr phftihleo
lisesro from the Prepared tad soidht Rd.*
; SoothHiitdStreet,FhUadeJpMa. - I
Sold at the Eekia Tea Spire/Ro. It Fourth stree*
. ’lUShtUffa .' ‘ j.. BCbSI: ’
tADIBS Who UaeCbomoa;Prepered Chalk, are'
often not aware bow frightfUly mjariou ‘rl* to
the akin! bow coarae, kow roagh, how aailow, ) clbir, ?
. psfy^issss^ss^sSA
iry of lead, .w* haye prepared is heeaufal regetable
nicie.jurkieb we call JONES’S SPANISH*LILY
WHITE! It i» pcrfeciiy Innocent,beingporified of all
deleterious qaaluies; and nlmpam to meakioanaia
• ral, healthy, elabaster, clear, lirittg white, ai the tame
Pmc acting aa a cosmetic on the skin, making it ann
and smooth'. . ■- -r •
{ Dr. JamerAddersoß; Practical Chemlß'of
s^?T rl^‘Br“J*r > ‘ 4fl * riJ[l,ll3r ‘ Ja » Joac,, *^ , *» i *h Lilly,
WhiiCtlfiaatipossesseadie.muat'beantiftiLaad nam
fal, at the tamo time innoeeat white J ever aaw 1 1
certainly cancooselentieasly reeommeadito ase tohll!
Wlioectkiareqairefbcauu/yiiig.”. v*!
. l£3"PriceUseemaaboit ....:■ l . i . : ;
D o7*Sc!d by Whl. JACJtSON. anda Boot aad sh J
Store,»Liberty street, head tlWood, « theiien of
the Big Boot.
Ladies, ladlcs,rm - •
Whft mtnr Hut J... nijromll d 1 K."
A natnral, life-like, enowy white,
••That yoa will atilleseeamiMdchalki :l
Andiook a.daathly yellow frig&L ", v-'
The theme of iaxghier and of nJk r -‘
If r>i m.ll nib« ofJONlMiairlwhiie 'h
woiibl ,1T« yoorikm u tlftootra
am! at the same time dear and lmoro« 2
£fe."SsasFsa :
desertptfoo, umorted and kept eotmaatfy el
_ • BAG&I it
. I nor Ww Vorit. igrjSir-
S , S!SS. V ““' PUOE ’
fWft “« b.»ly fcmi f»«rlu\»c3S2i
doses, whichexprtfodMwnrlarge
your Vemifme better than allother*. r
Prepared and sold by R. K X
-Bold by Dr. Casral, ttth ward; and k U.
ibenv city. >
I T. JamUttllia CluatMi fu,- *•*-
FOR all kind* of eruption* und dikeueuofuV*iu.
j Bpou.chippedor cnekcdAia,endtoruUWteriuff
1 »e» of iha Skin, wiuek rwmre eitenuU;
Soup *und» imporulied.:. n«l»o :
bam, Worpkew,T»m «id
yeUatferdaMaratt *kia,n a £s*, fceaOta wuShf;
dewnw*. 21 freak «appljr, wwtamed etimiVl/VrS
■ole kt tbe redaeed price m wr »■£%?%
received, l* offeredB* tab mfxpvSNE&fecjftf
SSSKJf *“ *" - “* *“?
—. — - - : •------•-••■••■ *wt.i;
TVmmJqV j >
Oompowsd Syrup of-Tar aad - Wood Jtsp. ; ;'
,1 tka wk&M to dafytfedutg nick rt*
.} ! J--
4*Um,lrachjta l 6Fitlia*o{'i&9d t PaimiatbaBMsaaJ • '•■ *
; finMt, Son TMaalgUoancßCW, flirtation of U» •
Hcut, U'kopß|'i«tk)CrNK :
■i :•■ • JwBMIWBIIIUr ClMfiim ••- • >:■ : 1
•l j . . ‘-a*4l>ua«w4)£i4am,ota. . - " . f l
fpIiEBEPOM, Iran •Tall mm Miitera of Tar or
<J>2fataeMinrtfciiaovoa»nod. .
:_*t?• P.ThooKw^Dw 3tf—l bamtooUhiae fcaatStl ...
■s*i.^KF* , £ t d M-tfca'.feMOf roar GoCßPowriSnupof • >
2£Ftffl*P*ha**ad*j» joe or it. IV*-
i ylffc nritb t tizt nod tough, oauor wm .'
*hh gnu cpprMio*, 3ifiesjwbiraih-
UfkßdiMß Uc£ YVMKaMJK Without . .
?**•- 1 11 liriir, tut •; ,-'■
2*}r2LH "*•* ■«* •jT*rt l £,Wi^iu>oc t M. i t >i
*?-'!****het* Bttt. Filling Bp*l£
*V*»- atrkad pf imdtrfuw to trrt bottiu of yocr . -
***» owd hit life to i» THtBo.” I fett .-i j
l*o eoapkttJjr r*»*o**d to. • •
; «to»bn.r .;.,.
Ml ba aada U mj n>- V .
. data, MS Calbanaa HntL - V - J <-
v i -*r ; •.»»*«. <:«
;i I SMI OMlio- Ranttrkabtt Cun. .2
'*« b .T CT " *J .»* lUoaol a»«iK nMa Cl
(anil pm.pj, ■ laioj »u,«W -
•ttlapUjai* Woof. Faa abcaumr™dttaiiai- ,
aUrthrawa aita tpaTal«ieaia I »hie(i Uft ax i. :, axmU.. ’
•tMofftaUcsaindhcfwiiokfiKtaTßtaA. Fran ituw'
ft timwf*Bo*'mp w«ro am er Icm mm. until u fawth
ibef famaMd-lktaA-i degree, and th« tfainco ofUe •’<-
rapUeaa .wm to uiptld,' that for » wtak tear 1 m
.M 0« to attend to aajrtoabcw.' Dirtrg thbllau Xcemll
,«4f««abb jdmkan* hadattendodto .their pmerAtka*. J. •
bjuTaO Umr .aiia
i&u awditioß f was mtoaaad'oi the rf - " 1,
thMnoe’B Oanpoood Smpof Tar and Waoi NastW li •
cbm Mnawfajtttßfltf loan*. arttlioa|%!bad giTtbua all ,
.fxjKetauou of ivfcMM >' l
knsa, jetbeiawatfooflf wirbcdtotiytytaßcdiUM. |. •» '
I act now ahj« to uttead tohoKMM witk ms noeb ttedtir «
• • : HllfßT fllY
fV " • OfDtAmmT liWa I
JPrtfnodonlyhoAlfOmnr k DlCXsONsltlwlCft. '
corttaroffltUmdSoneaitmta ..* •
_Botf bf id, WILCOX, Jr. FitUhsrfh. and rurMtilh L- ~
OittAUnaenny.. rrinaOeU.orVMdolUrMrfeDtUa.' V
CluTiON.—Bewartof tnut>li«i>|'«Bd purctuM ThM ’-'
•npi Cat|KWind Syrup hPTar iron mh but mdmtiwtf 1
teteta,«Kor ihenetanlho anpidaLjOfdealfßvia «M»> ■ .
r., , . v.,, rr* : cTTaildST>.
PiliLS atebocooriM wff tnmremJlT pjMtaT '■<■ ■,
•. %cao»e the)' are prepared bt DrW- B'l>i*^ s '-
■oy a regolar Dr«»wt r CbeB>ut4ad. Übjil?—.
cian or PhiladeTphlßj Who alutowe tb« nolare, tbe -
tbeMedieisee iucd (■ -
poblie cap lake , then -,
treater coafideece tiitu matt other piila which arel k
! pregwi bjr pcraoM itaoraat boUt of raeiliciao .ena,.
S , 6S.”SS.^“ ~U ’. l, ”° :: ■
l»j trt* tha dieiput and bal_ <
tteojcioe box eonia* katSAccslo. {
aod toperuona a« Baor«.!
Agate oJt timcr ir; Doctor**-, nod ootnetooa
Aedicmei bought dfc.tried oa the-reeommeoiiaiieo . i
ot'otherai • .- . . ••* .
Whenever youhate occiiiaa to. lake' tar tnrdU * .
Cite* jdo oot be trilling'with roar, coiutiuition br ,
JijuirtlV kiednof pitlvorolher medicine* yon tee* •
pouiuhad a od.recommended 6* one and another but /
jtkeM«iic«v..:;u' sj
' ; . pr.UldifA.parsap*riilaModPMi',
tddyoowiU notlare
• wiil.tiwsydbe {band good id almost aft '
wpnatol diaeoae, Infuunation cl laeaiomach.bowa '
«I* ( liver,tad .lnteaiibe*i crimp#' ol the •foraicbjV
"eolie> Wtterbraibt inward lover*, Krai breath.btd ‘
ito tUMatcn* cottireaett tad'indigettioo, wtat-ol }
dppe the, bill fob* a&ecuda#, .dinettes of tbe tplee* ■
add kidney#, diaeate* of the #kfo; aealy cxoptiond -
dprond wtterjpimpTMorblotebe* or the laceanac .
body, teller, raft,pritUe heal and tall rhucm, bead- '
tens, (iddinew, leintneu, point over the heart, of
the bre**t, elder, along the bock and «pine, rheoma* vr
Jfom'tadgdt»Vrerrr**| til hind#,-email poz,vtria*X
l(fcd. tteaNQt^aerofdla y e(jtipelw,aad la abort they >\
.an good i» tri duetaerhaving' their ontia la the <
I'ftbmaeh-,, liver;andUtettiaea, aad ioponty of tbe^<
i : '• V-'- '■> r r i-j. ,i.\
1. ILrTwefltrJire cent# a Box' •••' -v-.;
;SoM Wbofcale nod Retail by B.A.Fabnedtock • •
fc Co., corner or Jim, flod-Wood; 'also comer of *
Sixth tod Wbddatrbet#. eeptS
"a i **• “
—■ijjuunTitWTH pjutyjte»\'77Tij •
H"* JtE* b^it«tlolo'kiia§S'^TC)caSniand whUeninif
A the Teeth, atrengthenfoy We sweetening the
trtuk,«.HU «tonurfbotued every night with a
brush, and the teeth and Booth wiilanljr recairea *linh i'*
j washing in the ’morning/ .Wet the brush with wirti'
“water,-or cold wilt answer, and rub it a lew nines oi?. t
lP*9£dj,..,wbeii. enooghwiU adhere tor e.camagtbe
; ltl«nTftandeUetoasuuleinUie~nwaar.*'
P*n»*»>ostdcfii:hlkttfthyntiui<s to the breath-ltst»p*a.{
'nannaedu a-Ereaiidt, waeacldHS,' ! c«tveBlent,'«Jld •*•
uieaentnSee. lili w*mnu>d nottotaiaraihoteeth. ,
>aitopmemCtem. h -.•> . j
prevent, us gcciiißOtinan- ■“ prevent too tootfmeho-
Ole gums, ahdbrmnt aH diseases or u»eo ‘J.
J ttey«*,pbyatcMUtt t fecoanaand itw *l>
.drciffediysaperinrto'evcry thing of the kind iu «se>-
t Ask for enemaa** Compound Orris and ..
okwmiMsicnnmlfvnAehedweaebpoi.7 7/ .
i 'ReeomneuOfd by Dr.iCystle, 3Si Bnadway.OM of -
b T~MQ«f of thß-oM>a«l)il»hrat f
ohei m the United BttJc3, ond even xtenslfolrrued i
byUttfltoijjliiy,of .England and Fair*. ' '
■“ -A'Uifß.pTopwwmp/ ikediiemv.iystafllletmsakiQd’''
ame(nmsomedomnyeinentoftht«UMn«horboweU, •'
whichajtmelyuißoftbe.Caihs tieLoungerwouJd<.«
enurrJv obviate. , Persons of biiicaababiusbaald alii -
ways fcave a box at hand, and take adosewheauw
ffey feel the least cerangeaientm their health., Aiatfi- -
jCjptaM of uaa Lounges wmU prevent ihounads |*
iForiiaJtat WSfc JACKSON’S,
Libenytu... - decs) ■
A CCR£,pJti j md by Um ottgiißlßßdady lira*-j
ftgtfffMy.liwrTUl,prejwiwtadmid byߣH£U t ~
j ' .J'i/...ltoMMU>FACmKT,Wt*uortUadC^'pi^>' r \ '
JMr r &. AJBU»ofdwyttjTooWlfc«»flbrttd J
&^P t W& ±c ?i ■«*»> “* ««V« «•kbiX
ttac»ab«^Jf-U«toftha , nn]rprcjmtiouereatane* ?
ad ovaekiihddtd u the hm mk into sUivio* aiaa/
joar.lacfCiJ*kßnbMßotKß4(»tbtp«b{k, : -
•I btlicn th*y will •writ* tbtm «IL**: M ,*b«t
ijm itpnat bc< .1 hut km tfflftcd with, Liter ,
*J. yonth; .kiw .mfered 1 much; cagfend i
■aHqrew&mtrimetu^ioirtMmlpudaadTnowjfiM 2
•m* aMdi Mood; pbpfckcd tbmtu dalfe -
P **? ? ****** fc‘,
, BWI wnfadoced la try your Lmr POL, asdsoo2T OOT
WELL. On*ba*cfwSichiiDow»ufflefcnttob«ce®telw
TotunliJUTabotbebc*tcaUanicl«reTitfcd;< '
*l tU ala*-.
•a, bet meat mck.irli*f 1 ban k«J>t dm* ia Bjfldr* ; \
“ * ** ? y*m;.»W bud»ds.«f bests* f&d'bm betar ‘
•j^ , e.«apUat vltaxad byt»y<aa vbq La mad
aft faihia jf
sefebtetraod, adfe * (hen ttee vffl faunb tbca iIL V •'
•uottUrmotood -Ota to *ll |«mu baediag fthyric,-
*b*tb*r dx'LhtrOmphi&tbr BUlioa*
toCtknrioatbKittPiJl. Raspct
! -
**£f*»laik*a«W ibjmthem prtputd»dfold'bylL
Mo 37 HW«t btfw Thud tad Foargr'
ITfriDM Ccut,Alie^ew; J
Ity>. :.. = ... „ ;•: . •. ..... ••
DH.iAYSE’g CARmifATiVB n».« * m
E*KpMUso Bev ASA ESJUNN,a rrcllkaawuinil no» .
Volar OwtraiAef lie Amount A!eita)>«t CbarcW
j ft* ondenfraed b»T«ngi>ecn afflicted daring the nak? '"
fri&ttr.w&feadiKas*on*e •ioauch,a6aeUaea ph*|
daeusf (twumlb ia lbdfj«a*th<i>r tenor "
tartar uied
i**Rs*|» wHJUudeafcct,wm fainted wl2 * bws i
(OfDr D Jayne** Oamwmure Ualtttßi 7%j* .
«ortu)* »tte dteetxmani found inmHmirit iffiSi*
*•. o.fSSiCE.^/ssssi'i
ad wiwbmca tafhe , morning., and la ■ -£» «Zft
ordt«caaWßftae»tanubandboweIt. ,
■'*'i'km * C 'J KA'sluu
w wteMa Ataeic*. Car »ka>ru:ri ' ’•
Cre«m »I* Baae, lor «haTJMi
AjmbalpOrehj*, ••'do; . . -. >
ometfiftffKongf,oiil'orc«Uia»taod*}: • ;♦?;
I ? with LaTfnJw, Aogfa
: g«wifal Pffwdcirpkf*, of'all patiernt; . '' 11
\ emboucd toilot boxr»,eont«irtU!j fra*ren! extreeti
yr llw lundketeblefi steent fcij.anJ w t icffo»w,Bu«r.
able for. proton*., .. .. r’
- J*M«M»i<irC|ufie*epowJefj '
; Indian Tillablehairoil, - • _L _
k **>*“ OT «•“»« wrappow, (me *c«nv„
eheil eojf; Berta *oap; Lopther wim a iicMrnrictr
of fiae pcrtUmery: jut received; for *Jel>r "• >'*•-
-frftr fth .&. wood >t» f\
Ajbammstituiitt, ajttViWui riniQen?
-Csvißsertlonof IS Use*, or less,;. ..SO W
•TjWoiasertiQw.wjUKiatwurMiou;;..'....;.. o 75
Cue Week ' « « ; {$
3v>;>ve«ii « ::::s2ws-»:-
OBeMontV ’’■ ; 4-CO
lET LMfor •dfertbwneoti to ozae ptop*rti**° u \
Ope aqoaife,6 month*. Without l®.tW
« '*: IJ-" " « ..,.Jstt)
i lEfceh additional} noare TorG mdiths, : Aoo>
I- Mvi.*.::.-;:?* .. . JOiJft- •■ •
1 o|ie tqasre,6 Rostbß,reBßirsb!e'Rl plesi«re t -13 M-
E»Chiddltloß«l«qß*r«lorJ2BOulb«,..i. t .. .10 OQ
TWq Moves,G month*, ro'Bßbleirpteasaroj'9o Ob
Eieb saditioDtl •qoaißrCßooths, 8 tlft
wjiut oi iu«ttui iK U»T nnu.
One ftiture,3insertions, ■'.••• **sl M
•• each additional insertion, SI
''i V-ii’-'V- ; ■tnjr*Mif ; *A*&sV '.- r
Ki*« lines or less, one jest. ••••«'•« (M _
: H <« «• aixm0fithi,.............. 500
« oneTBM/diilyit wrtklTj 10 80
‘ “ , .••« st* months »• •* • BW**
tUßriiTiniCTJrT l «* to*i» ''
FdrStni»c#»cr le*»,Oße ißserlwii, go
i “ ... *' " IT 0 ’ . O‘S
Ttre«mooaif / „-. < „ u :3 ifio v
"■ 2-*5 ‘Tiiwi J *' oo