.. f . j r ...iioa'iof.tbft >*>cto'be hoped lih«rapledged tt# .fl ’ *r prope^ lut* fcn^ Uk iB fnrorh .. i'&p liieitqfovope^- _ jgilj. Ji/^ed^AhAmrAlk^ fl^ v PiXM^ V ' lieir caiW, 1 While It if 'fg. i be let jsSf£\ 4cr3Ji*' BCM* olOhla hi* no« gnuiied all the privj atipplata^^V v toenA&etiii )nd to oU«Ia the ■ fcrw* i*2L dor pled|»>^Tb«e*" ; cai S’-^?aaeD&oumttit 61midotothh midland jt*oo» VBttifrfab ohal TocaiW k &rtct beaSfft fcroci it." JJr * ntjjMfff Wi^ t iAjfOli , |)|i|a' f| a matter of nd cool fitfeietUof Tiu» A%js\ r*tW&n-]tiL. otbc u d lEsWi I mi‘& .Wat of “* * iie; arbat staked oHbat io»’ utemU dcihatldthriwa R&cker' dde^boM-wirii^d^iniM k/_ ;imio l>^sroi>Br» ■’ • •' * tan*-Arifl; to£kf? : ?£h« fj&^.VJSfc* ' C ' 3 iknS qwC ‘cisaciL iiev' bat ’bo- f* < ‘•muich 1 dad \y':'y •’’•• .'• jw« particular routeaS . > OObB gotowork in eardesi. ' We triQJt.aii \ ,_* io Jet Of .e nsiaqer*-. lo* 'i .. • • nWywf nl matt rigid ai^TiaU yyvy.;, I^jjflfftfir>0 T jMipi '".•'y bot oalyhjrdirtj •'^ 7 /ittMofil&htßai •eetiftry and import‘«nti. l; The v. i tiradei • 1 - ■ c -eaJ the iaharer, ’their;tWu>afa.lh^ ■ ; ’--l 1 tfo'incwaae of •"■■?■■■' ‘ r *«»**> • *»£HtU tbeofroatayqf hew; '.'■ • AV«iß(iAhave| i’'?lßi»'Cs3'aTfln»iwnW->}arfße wili be mow direct kl rtt»we^gre»lbenettj ■■':"' J \ WofA 'ttheU’ ha&a nt/ we ekri llic'road lo dui^ • jhwwila nnt«iatitk. »B ahiU bave; ! nv-I ; nil rap lage* the rvad . lt'fttarr'Hytr.tuw»i/‘^ l ‘ ;^'i,\ ’.';-:’-.-‘-V. i -. v --•- {17,-\ '■ -'■ j * a " r -^.'M : a»toUA.T'* aECGPTIO^.,• * i j : yj- . ;-; a '''AgWttiß^ J :w^o^‘i*^e a .Cofamiu)ee, Bi>ppmte«J j 7;J:y : . I Vy pieeidlog atail il ihe oew; ■). tXiartl'iloUSteyoa , Toh»d*jr^l3ijU losuht, iaei ai the' ~ vn w» ' by!appomtjnsGtro.: A? ;i: i ,*i * ) »cf^lftAclk!itiVßeenrtary. •:■ . .y v -; ■/ to cohfir t 3f ‘ U ' T - : ;-4*'.*^^:^ : «; : iv. ; ; ; i'i-: ,* * ? : * .plv■ : 7: }.^' : :’^«ppdjate4^ l, v'Ahaa''be .Ahthowed tdgire *Uoe> ; 7^.* - •• ’w *■ ' /f; K '^PM*i^i^ttaßp6bihtetioeof.the*rtivalofMr.' ' . I '’-"-'s!'lSn[^a^iflhoßn«fh'tttt>tKe public.''B- ATEoi^bt, to ; ;^:« : ; : r:'-*.’:, : ’’VK- >^iiriwMiiinrtW'. & ti* MoaocgibeU-Hoo»e. * V. K ±?& G. W.Jick <- •*”i-v.iHrvfiii-'t-: :\'\i'."* ♦'•' \-: y^ :; Deany,L.R.Uv* ;':. ' ; -.li - ks liyi ';.„ ■•-S ; ' : ' : ” jiisaiarsi luf—.y.n-M.Edtir. :' <%■ :Sj;!t >; : .'i-.-.- : :- s?^^^-- f '«»•«• • i»«m4 V*r , * ' ; * '■ F fe>.i.'-; :a "..: rr;>'.,.s. Win ihe •X^rV'vr•»/- . . •: / -.S“}L'iirx ;»t X 1 ’ '■■* ‘ r • a-f : J'' -f ■•■-■'.■- ■' 'Thrift wJUtinw in >e». feUowinfifeoUeßeat be;» shk« mailt-' - I Iniifrrttwiit. ITno fnrnrlinr Piifrifrtr; Hob. Wit |!eSYrv's^'*»JCGi»dlßib J 'WttL ri ßoKi»oß,’-Jri'HinhArJ)en* 'Adihu, tJeal Hoa. M.lnrih,X.B.Mflmywwi ‘ ; /:-V*f-- 7 ~ rf - ;^-htee— dTVuAißrvt ofthejCoßnuttga.’,“y. * : - MM rt'.lhn Mdnong*-' •!'i* , *Hv*’f¥^. ,, ‘ V:\sk* }. ’>■ : iei»Hoie,'oa. J Friday erenlog'{tooigWhe»t,at . »nr CBatlo—lron to' 55:ji!f1;: • : : rt. j'r.i’r! ■,£;&»• .■*>-: c-v'-', ■: .t l ' v n„4*-_ s-* tkn Aiugkiar- . : U;’ : *' <*■•:■ : 'S •;•<■,*•••■ \-. • ~yV ”‘'Wi«aa&*Mucil«;iMB.., ' t-ir •■■ -" H'tftlffy f* l^l 1 p»«f■ 'feiTH written to '^T!'i4i!^*hlr* , tT-' 1 .»V : <’ s< '*:‘f*!‘i* vK . ' • ere e&out to -riict Untt citjr to pet* •^J}- j Oftiv ' -‘ ,f j^fc^ifcUwwAbtoinPimborghfalbepdnthofJhchi tttde at 2 lure, ocular evi* >: .f hi-'* , 'p4j^ f^4»^df*«: li'npnrpQieM *.'• fkXj^rfxl&r lilA | l|^)Miw> f| l | , | ni | A’Btoa r ihd'Kat totto‘dqor» ; ' lb©city!— i. "Sdifc ?% % > ({, j‘ '! s / ' 1 tffciAttfttto l laKTW,^^ • ,: ’^^^^J qoAUtjr-of this i'lo .- jWSiliJte'WUi* »*w orimilcihg >orehase« at v>Vt?g-? •, • :-V' :>} ' it obeU «tt«wer the purpose* S$ - This '.. ' '.' ttMAthtlAtercwrgiflteSyhchfcrthe tapportew . ibidb pMiuyirAßis,cad partial '^'iliSlJS*m < '3‘ •’ r '«v;* '. |JMh ,l *ArChfMg,aloof theUal»pf;tbe;'All^bMy, ■iX L*’-^ , '‘ CK V ‘3* J*‘j ;' v, l -’..;! ;i A i*. s- . bAT»eooliibaled ao Urgdy to the 1 ?'"' ; ; V. V : _',f 'l _' Biffdtfdflhd ptAießt'iUaintfamon,,, - «.«.. ; . ' 5 ’ i bokob so yivaiThTAfiAtt ; 7,;,.’ 1 1 ■ •• ' t S'' r \ .VolMrlt«Uiadopooli{fiiAtttbonty t tb*tattbe , ’‘;J’';- r . < 'V* , y'* , '‘.':*'* ■• ’.' , ' < ',■yjoiotto*U»olatdlng , c.lilfft»nu.to^tbe-'hotaiii 1 y* ; ■ ; "' ' ■■''■•y •••::: -y. ; M’■ •\ ■ ;*•••••■ • e 1..,.. K~"' •t T I •4-'. . «=S=S’«SSS» ''t of Air. „ Wp. satefiekaowMgo btra a moat appro" s£4 this present incumbent. As poht* *£" w xngA*. - a -.j £sr « wpfiaeJ, ru case firWl Mil■** r6vr f {'n*l«~% l mt M. Iwng flrrtrA. •'TW»Tk**xr,M giTcafrjdauiluiu morning, ii ttpUfcanb*Star York rimij, «*d (hough not jintt'Tha ijbeieeatjr tesdfti* jkaom 'Uttdif, •'artist -.J.-; --Ala—Jp-r,.,--, SETTLEMENT; AXBBICI ' ■ ; 1 / ' 'OBD TBS ■!;•■• ’ [nscAKi BBPmio, i • .+*l Ki ~ - CquAdalupe hidalgo -,V . t •"• • • '•/ Q* THE r-~- ' ’ '( ' ' ■.V.»7i ; SECOm DA Y~OF FEBRUARY • AS» : . BAIIFIEO, WITH aHEIDHEST« ; -w. j •■ .- , ■ \.*r.loE Aaitrietß Senate, :;;:r,r , rri'.?r?iuEca'i' - »*■ *' £vlb Ibis name of AlmigfairGodr . ! of America sod the United Mexican ‘States,- animated by a-smcere desire to put ah tad to the cahupitiexcf the .war: whiob unbaf pfly :). immediately upon theratifi cation of the presen treaty; by tefa government of tee United Stare*, : oi ders sljaU the commanders* o tbfur jajidpad naw 'fcTOs,ieqmriug the latter (pre vtdedtiui tMllynhott ‘ Jtet& been ratified by th< govemmenrof the MexieantepublicO imtnedialel .to d«u* from blockading an/Mfjuoap,-pp^a: ; an( requiring; $e (under lie same .condition.) to Commence, at tee earliest ■ moment practicable, withdrawing all troops df the United States theu ii (fee ,interior of the*"Mexican td 1 poinuUmt shall be selected by.commqa agreemaoil. :at a dis* tiuipe"; the .’eea^porta'nqtj exeeetungthirty and such evacuation of tee interior of the republic shall be completed w(th the.least.poa&ible .o«i»y/ ( the Meiticaa'gteremiaeit' hereby.blndiag ib tug the' eaihe'convenient to the troops, ot^' their march, «nd in Uteir aew. poationa, and ting a good nnderstanding between tbem.esdtbe innabUaats7' : ln liki manner,‘ jorilcrs ihslt. bc'dis patched to the persona in charge of teo : cu»t?im nou*es at all points occupied by the threes of ilio -Uaited'SUtev requiring same con ,ld deliver, pc>we-A*ion, of.. tbe ome tbo - Idexfcan *juveri>iueul T iu ruit-’lnTlT, C%eUiir air bonds and evidences of debt - (or dalles qn importations and oh' eipor.alioiii. not yet fallen due.. Moreover; ifaitbluL and-exact account shall be made out; showing iheenUre amount of all duties on import* ’tiid oo exports, collected al sucli custam-hbnsen,or -Ise.where in Mexico, by authothy of the U. Slate*,' ■himand ailtf the day of ihe ratificaUpn of UuV ireaty by the governmentuf the Sleiicna republic* ' iud also an aucuunt'uf (be of.collections and udt eulirc atrduni, d»luctiog qafy tlus copt of oal lection shall be delivered to the Mexican govern : m*nt, nt the eity of Mexico, within three mouths , tiler the exchange of ratificalipns. ' ' ARTICLE IV. ' ’ Fruraediately after the exchange of ratifications ol the pre»ent tre.ily. all i'a»lb" teru, territories, plrt ! -e* andjaisression?, ,wnich .hqre.Jaeen.iakca.anO chupiwi by. the fbMS of. thdUtiite'd Stitesdurint ;lre present'WsrWithurthn 1 limit* '6Tthe;. Mexican : inide, wuhi be deliiutely re.4ored to the said repou ic.'togetbcr wuii.«n indlery, [arms, apparatus o' war, munition'*, and otber puMitv property,'whic.h .vpre-in 111- ►aid castle* arid-fjhii avben cpptufeU. and which shslliremaih thefc hi the tirne whenthiA treaty slioll be duly ratified by :the governmeol. oi; the Maxfcau republic, -To end,^immediately upon;tec sigcainre of ihis orders' shall be diipaiched to the Ahfctkan officer commanding such castles and pons, securing against tlw remo val ae destruction of* any such artillery, anus, appa ratus of war, munitions, or other publip propertyi The city of within tlje inner/line of in* irehcbmeots surrounding tee said city, is icompre* bended in the above l stipulation.*, as regards -the restoration of ortiUery, appQraUu of / war, &c. The final evacuation cl the temtorr of the-Mex ican/hpu&Uc' t/.iSß''d£cea'bfJhe uhited States, shall be'cmnplewifi thrdermobtha ..from -thossi7 ted Mexican republic hereby engaging, os in the fore; going article, te use aUmeana in its power for fd ediuting inch j rendering .it eonve* uient to the trooj«,'and for promoting a : good un derstanding between them and. the : if however, the ratificatkm oj this treaty by both partjessboold not take place in timetoallow the embarkation of tbe troops of the United States to be completed .before the commencement of tee sickly season, at tee Mexican ports on tbolGulf oi Mexico, itt siich case a friendly ammgemeht shall shall be entered into between tbe peneral-in-Chiel of the said tfoops and the Mexican' Gevernment; whereby a bealtey and otherwise suitable places, at a distance from tbe poets not exceeding thirty leagaes, sholl be designated for tee residence ot such troops as may pd t yet. embarked, until tee.relura of-teebealthyjeasdh'jgAnd the hpace of time heterefcrredjo mjeomprebeading the sickly seaaotvaSallbe.tindersihbtl tQj^end^omjhcfirst ofMaytethefirit dayof-NoTembers* - * 4 * *' AH prisoners of ivar taken ‘on either side, on land or on sea,'shallbe restored;sis aoon ‘ha preqti* cable afier.the exchange of the • ratificaiionl-oCtliis treaty. It iS' alao teat if any Mexicans should now beiield as captives by any savage tribe within the limits of tee United States; as' about, to be established by tbq following article, tee govern meat of the.U; States will exact the releaiseofsuch captives, and pause them to be restored to their country. ■■ i article v; f ;Tbe boundary Hoe between'the *lwo rtppblic# shall commence io the Gulf ! of Mcxieo>74liree league* from land,,opposite (be I mouth |of the Rio Grande,'ptherw}ae called Rio opposite, the * mouth*, at it* deepest branch, if ft should bave:xnore than one branch emptyingdi redlyintotbesea; from thence up the middle of thatriver,following the deepestlehannel/ Where it has more lhah one, to, the point where it [strikes. the southern boundary of Npw Mexico;-] thence weitwardly, along the whole.sbatheruboahdsiy of New Mexico (which runs north of tbd town called Faso,) to its western termination; thence northward alopg the western lute of New Mexico. until it'in tersects the first brands of the river Gua;: (or. if it should not intersect any branch of that river, then to the point xw spid line nearest to such branch and,thence la' adiredjlipß.to llie. same)’thence down iho middle of the fcudbranch and of the said river, until it emptier intptfce’Rio Colorado,tbcnce; aerolis the Rio Ck>loradoj tollowingthediviskm f line between Upper and Lower the Pu elffe:oce«£“^ 4 ; : , \ v ' s * Tfae h *outbirm'ahd'westerri' 'lfnihs of New Mexi. co, meflUoped in this article, are liiote laid’ down in the mapj Colitlcd ■ of. tht ZTuiitdMexieab State*, a* organised ami defined by, various acts- of the'Congress of said tepibUefindeonstruetedaannl ing tothebat authorities, limited edition; Pub twudal New Xotky-in IW7 ,by J, DistuneUT. Of which.map a copy is added to ibis treaty, bearing the signatures and seals of the undersigned pleni potentiaries. -And in order to preclude all difficul ty iVtracing upon the ground the limit separating Upper from lower. Cahlbriiiai it is agreed that the Mia i limit shall -consist of a straight line, drawn from.tbe rhiddlp of the ,Rio Gila, where it [unites with the .Colorado, to. a point on the coaU f of the r Pacific Ocean—distant - one • marine 'league. due i south of-tbfl Kmlhctaroost point of the ppr££f.Ben . Diego,teeordkg totWplurof'mid jmrt;7nadS_“rn . thtr year 1782/ by Don* Juait Fdpiojer/second 1 sail ing toaster of lae'Sponi-h fleit, and published ’BtMadrtd In'the year>'l6o2,in thc. aiUs'io tbe ivoyra of the achooners.-£«**< had fitexieaa, of "which plan a copy . is hereunto added; .signed nod , ‘sealed by the respective plenipotentiaries. I. ; In order to designate the boundary line with due . ;precfsion,-.upon, authoritative maps, and loestab iishoatfae groaod’landinarki’'Which sbalJiahow the limits of both;' republics; a* described in the ' : presenlaxtiple»itbrtwo:’gnTi»ameata.shall cadi nppesst-a •conjrais«oner/ujd a-turveyor, -who be tore the date of the - tfeatyp-aSall jnect at portbfSan Diego, and proceed to mn nnd markilne.aaidbouodary in its whole bourse to the mouth of the Rio ißrsvo del Norte.; They shall keep Journals: and make tout plans of their [operations; and the result agreed upon by them smU lie deemed a port’of thu | treaty, and: shall fhtve tbesame force as[ if ft were inserted therein. iTbe two goveromenU.will axnicihly agree regard ing what may hr necessary to these persons, and ialstfat* Unrir.respeclinr xueb: be. jmcesary; ••;*;;«-'> u /' j •- _ \ boandafr;line;i?ftiyisWd.ioy''thi» - ;aitlcl# ! ahail be relklbapy inon* cnani in,axeep( by.thd coasentofboth gfansnJ^rjhe ? tl»'.Unlte s free-asd /uohUnrttptcd .gsaseige by the Gulf of CsEfifroU, and byjUw'riW CmwsAj,- • beidwiU'' ebuflnence ; y«,npm tbeir possessions simaled north oTlhe gy*ry line oerignaled la the preceding article; it MtUUndentood that this passage is to be uvigw- • bngllwGulf of California and the river Colorado; l*»d» without the express consent of , jttottaueaaGmasMnu. / food enr wcxadi vmfnt -4Uy«ud -• ■ ,-r-^ or ia part, 1 *** kft bk- river, the government* of both repul will to. an agreemrnt- regarding its,eoiiaCrnciion,in orde that it may serve equally fcr the use and advan> - > The.nver GilaJ and 'the part of the-Del Norte •lying below’.the soul hem* boundary of.-New.Mexi* eo, being, agreeably to ■ the fifth article,': divided in • the tniddlo-between the two republics, the tion'ofthe. Gila, and of the Bravo, below ; said boundary, shall be free and common to tbo vessels . andcitizens of, both .countries; and-neither-shall wttlwut the- consent of the other, \eonstrnct. any work that may impede or interijpt'ih whole or in parti the exercise of this right—noi even ibr the burpose of .favoring new;.metbods ! df .navigation. Nor shall any tax or contribation,nnder any denomi nation or title, be levied upon-vessels' dr' persons •navigating the same,- or' uponmerchandise; ’ or e (Tects, transported thereon, except in the caae'of landing upon one of their, shores. '.IC, for, the par pose of making the said rivers navigable, or for maintalningtbem inßuehstafe.itihduld be neces saty or advantageous to, establish, any ux or.cpn tribuiioa this shall not be done, without. the con* sent of both government*..:. • . ".. Tfie stipulations continued in the-present article shall not - impair the territorial rights of either re public within its established limits. | .' antcts TUL . -Mexican* now established in territories previoua ly.belongingto Mexico, and which remain,’fertile future, within the limits of the United States, os defined by the present treaty, shall be free, to con tinne where they now.-reside, or to remove, atony timc4o the Mexican republic, retaining the proper ty which they possess to the said territories, or dis posing thereof and removing the proceeds . wher ever they please, without their being subjected, on this-account to any contribution, or tax, or charge, whatever. 1 -!• - *- -• iThotawho shalt prefer to remain in said territo ries, may either reuinthe title and rights of Mexi can ciUzens, or- acquire' those of citizens df.ihe United States. But they iballbe' under the obli gation id make 1 their, selections wjthln 'one year froni .the date of the e.Tehnnpw ~Xf, f thia'treaty; and those who shall remain in the said territories, after the expiration of that year, with out haying declared their intentions to retain the character of Mexicahs, shall : bo ..considered ;to hive-ckctod .to. become.citizens, of. the-Uhiied States.-'': - •• • '.lit the said territories, property 7 of every kind, now belonging to Mexicans not established there, •hall be inviolably respected.-The present owners, the ihein.of those, Mexicans who may hereafler• acquire said propertyrbycontractfsball enjoy, with respect io It, guarantees equally ample as if- the sarno belongei to citizens of the United States; 7 '• • - - . • •- - 'I . {r ■ , : The Mexicans whof 4 the. territories aforelmd. shalLnoi prererreibe'Chmcterof dteenaoftha rMjexifca repafe! ic, - OTmforftubbryritti what U jnipiii ih the ,'eiLtftfo'tfie Union ofthe 7 .United:State*,; and, ad* Emitted as soon as poaribie, according 16 'lbo priBCW iplesof [the federal constitution. to- the -enjoyment ‘of nlHfie rights of cfaieiU of. tee UUiled tyittir*. tho meoatlmc, they sbatftd-maintained iadprp* jectedin the enjoyment of their liberty, thCir-propcr* ty and the civil rights; now vetted!* the Mexican ! law*. With -’respect lopblrttcaT rijto tiejftttm .ditldn shall be do aa equality’with that'of them-; of thcAThilSd States, and at least eqij illy gocxTaj ifiat 4ay-of May, one-tbon sand eight hundred and fbrtjwiix. ' • i f ; ; ' '.Axriax xl . • ; Considering that a great part of the territories wbichjjy the present treaty, a» to be comprehended lor the future within the limits of the United States, 1 : is now occupied by enrage tribes who will hereof ter be under the control of the government of th*; United States, and whose incursions within the UN rlory of-Mexieo would bo/prejudicial' in the ex-- agreed, that all such incur-! sions ahnUbe fordblv restrained , by the .govern*! monti of the United States, whensoever this may be. necessary; and that.when they cannot bo pre vented, Ibey.shall.be.puoUhed.by the said govern* mcnlj and satisfaction lor the same shall be exact ed—allin the same way, and with equal diligence! and energy, as jf the same incursions vers corn* miued within its own territory, again its owock£ xensJ"* ; ; '*} It Jhalfnol be lawful, under any pretext wbaUs'l ver, sir any inhabitant of the United Stales to pur-; . chaM oracquira any, Mexican,, or any foreigner! residing ‘ln'Mexico,’whojpaylmye been captured' by Indians inhabiting the territory of either of the: -tworepublics* nor to. pnrehase or-aoqoire horses, cattle) or property of any kind, stolen with in Mexican. territory by such Indians; nor to prt>- vido!ilach Indians with fircarmsornxnronnitiba, by sale otherwise. ' . ' Aajt irtthe event of any person or persons 'enjv - ’turedj witfiiaMexicanterritory by Indians,, being cnrrjtfil into the territory of Ibe United State*,lbc - goverkment of the Jntter eogages anfl bind* itself ialhujinost solemn'manner, so soon . ; as, it shall, knowjofsucli captives being within its territory, f ami *dJall,be able, so to do, through; the faithful exj erciMijof it* iniluencu nnd power, to rescue thent .mid return them to their cAontry, or deliver them to the [dgenlor representative* of. the Mexican go* vernidunt: The Mexican authorities will, as far os practicable, give to the government ol the Uni .ted'Stitesnotice of such capturea, anil its agent aliall pay the' expenses incurred id tfie. maintain* uncej kud transmission of the rescued captives, who,;iii the meautime, shall be treated with the tri ms*! hospitality by the' Americau authorities arils; place. they may be. But if the government of thA! Uuited Slates, before receiving such notice from Mexico should'obtain intelligence, 1 through any. other channel, of the existence ofMexicsn captivks within its territomit will- proceed forth with td effect tbeir release a[nd deliver to the Mex ican akenVas above atipulaled.' ' ' r '‘: . For the purpose .of giving to these stipulations the fullest possible efficacy/ thereby, nWording the: security and redress demanded by their true spirit | and iatfcat,the.government of tbe 'United'States’ 1 will qoW and hereafter pass, without unnecessary delay, and always vigilonlly enforce, law* as I tbenatbre of the subject mayregnire. And final; I ly, thelwcredness of thls phhgetion shall never be: lost eigilt of byithe said government' whan’ provi-1 fling lot 1 the removal of Indians from any portion of aaidterrilories, or lor its being settled by lhAcit* sens of the United Stales, but, on the contrary,, tipecullcnre then shall be taken not.to placo it* la-, than, occupants. under the necessity:of seeking new' home*, by committing those intrusions which.: the United States hare solemnly obliged them-' aelves to restrain. ‘ iaricLxxii. i • In'raniideraiion-of (he extension'ncqdired lip the.boundaries of (he United Stale*,'as‘defined in wo fifib articled the present treaty, the govern ment of- engage* to 'pay to'that of tbe'Me*lcan repijblio the spin cffifteen million* bf dollar*, (nihe one or thbolber of the twomode* liknr. specified.•• "" ) ;Tbe Mexican govenuneot ahalL at'the lime of .pUiftrlng'.thiji'.VeatyV decUxo'-whlcfi.' uf'lheMlWp mbae* oT payment It prefers; and the mode >*o' elerfed by iMhajl by. to by Ihai of .^he i ,F»r*f'n»odc pf paywent-r-lzninediaiely tiuai' aent a (he Mexican republic, the earnvot tore* milUoii*'of vdnSam thall-be paid to the *aid go> by thirtf lhfr United: States, at theoltyf Of M«xicO,.ia the- gold or:«lver com of Mexico, l Fot tha twelve, milliofl* of doflan, the [.United' State* Magnate it itaJ* ‘>«naf, » J* treaty bythe gasafiaSt'a-iRTO-gJ^'-l l^- Ume maerAjpam of ntlSci lion, of ißf (naty; ia Aonlli’Tpiiblic snUcooflhe intention,to redeem the tun*.being previously atweh tUcbTin pwperfcrm, “».¥*% ««*•• aball be apepified/by the Mexican government, shall .be delivered, and transferable govern me at to the same by that, of the ■ Second mode -of payment—lrrimedialely after uii» treaty shall have been dulynidified bytheco* .Teronjent of the .Mexicanarepobiic, the sum of .three millions of dollars shall W paid lo the said ■government by that of the Unitrt States, at the city or Miaeo, in. the gold orailrer .com of .Mexico. The remaining twelve millions of dollars shall be paid at the someplace, and in thfe same coin,, in an nual instalments of three millions of doUars'caeh, together with interest on the: same, at the rile of simper centum per auoUral Tliis • interest -shall pegin to run upon the whole, sum of twelve mil* lions from the day of the ratification of the present treaty by the Mexican government, and the first of the instalments shall be paid at the expiration of one,year Com the same day.. Together with each .annual instalment, as it falls due, the whole inter ests accruing on such instalment from the begin* nine shall also be paid. . \ • [Certificates in the proper! form for the said in stalment, respectively in such sums as aboil be de sired by the. Mexican government; and transfera ble by it, shall be delivered to the said government by that of the United States.] .(N, R—The first'of these roides is rejected. The. latter is adopted, with the exception of the Ust paragraph, wnhin brackets.) • *. article xtn. The United States engage, moreover, to asiume and pay to the claimants all the amounts now due them, and those hereafter to become doe, by rea son of the claims already liquidated and decided against the Mexican republic, under the conven tions between the two republics severally conclu ded on the eleventh day of April, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, and on the "thirtieth day of Jan u»ry, eighteen hundred and forty-three; so that the Mexican republic shall be ; absolutely exempt for Ibe.fiitore, uom nil expense whatever on account the said claims. The United States do furthermore discharge the Mexican republic from all claims of citizens of the United States, not heretofore decided against the Mexican government, which may have arisen pre viously lo the dateof the signature of this treaty: which discharge shall be final and perpetual, wheth er the laid claims be rejected or be allowed by the board-of ■commissiouers provided for in'the follow ing article, and whatever shall be the total|aniount of those allowed.' . i . . „ . •i-- • AiTICli XV. ■' - The United Stater; exonerating Mexico from. all demands on account of the cloima of citizens Wntibaedia the preceding article, sad consider ing them entirely and forever cancelled, whatever their amount may be, undertake to make satisfac tion for the same, to an'amount not exceeding three 'and buA-'qtlaher tnftlioiiof dollars,. Tbiascertain ■■the validity and of.thoso claims, a board ofcomramkmers shall be. established by-the «>• veroment of the United State*, wbose.awurds shall be final-end Conclusive; provided ihai in.'ldnudi'qg "Updtfthe vtfufity of each claim, the hoard tholl be: guided, andgoyernod by. the principles .and rules of decision prescribed by the first and fifth articles of the uaranfipd convention, concluded at the city of Mexica: oV the twentieth day pCNoyembcr, on • ;*v; .w Uj io the opinion' oftbc said • board ' of commit sionera, or of tho claimants, any boots,'records, or documents in the 'poMeasion or power of the go vernment of the Mexican repubUcvshall be deam em necssShry: lo -the-' jus* dnmon oC nay ■ claim, the eormhittiOßers, or the claimants through them, shall, within, such period as Congress may desig nate, thskeaa apphc&onjn writing for the same, addressed to the Mexican Minister for Foreigu AP fairs, to be transmitted by the Secretary of State of the United States; and the Mexican government engages, at the earbeat possible moment after the receipt of such demand, to cause any of the book* records, or documents, so specified, which shall be ia their- possession -or 'power (or authenticated copies or extraeu'ef the tame) to be transmitted to the said Secretary of State, who sliali ioimediately deliver them over to the raid board of commizsion ers; -Provided, that no rueh-application shall be made by, or at the instance of any claimant, until the facts which it is expected to prove - bye such books, records or documents, shall have beeo sta ted under oath or affirmation. . aktiox xvi. Each of the contracting parties reserves io itsel the entire right to fortify whatever point within it territory it may jadge proper to fortiiy, for iu sect rip. AXTICtr XVII. The treaty 4f amity, commerce, and navigation, coneladed at the city of Mexico, ou the sth day of April, A. IX, 1831. between the United State* of America and the United Mexican States, except the additional article, and except 10 far ns tfirf stip ulation* of the said treaty may not be incompatible with any stipulation contained in tho present trea ty, la hereby revived for the period of eight years front- the nay of the exchange'cTraiificatiilta of thia treaty, with the aame virtue*! ifin corporated therein; it being amdencood that each of the contracting paniesrfMfefa&««a itself tbe right, at any lime after tb«‘i*otd-jflB(mh)f eight years shall hare expired, to lehmnate the tame by giyingmne year'snoticcpf such. ialCnt ion to the other party. ! . .......... , ■xxTictx xvm. All supplies .whatever lor troop* of the United State* in Mexico, arriving at ports'ia the occupo* lion of «uch troops previous' to the final c vacuaUoh thereof although subsequently to tho restoratfoa of the custom bouse* at such ports, shall be. entirely exempt from duties and charges of any kind; the government oftbe United State* hereby engaging and pledging its faith to establish, and vigilantly to enforce, all possible guards for securing the reve nue ofMaxico,'by preventing the importation, un der coyer of this stipulation, any articles other than such, both in kind and in quality, as shall really be wanted for the hse and consumption of the faces of,the United Stftca during the time they raayfe* mam in Mexico, i To thia end, it shall be the duly ofaU officers and agents of ffee United Stotes' X* ?! a ?° QCOU P‘Cni’of thatb*bics :dwois' ftaeifW Rrieved Bhafl bore maturely considered,ln'tbespir it of peace and good a eighborship, whether it would not be better that such difference should be settled by the arbitration of commissioners appointed oh each side, or bythatofa friendly t ed him. shallafierwardsbe found in amis,previous ly to bis being regularly exchanged, ihu person k» offending aboil be dealt with according to the e* tahlisbed laws of war. J ’• The officers shall be daily torn shed by the party in whose power they are. with ns miny rations, and of the same articles a* are allowed, either in kind or by commutation, to officers of equal rank in us own army; and all others stall be daily fur nished wirh sen h ration ests allowed lb a common soldier in its own service; the value of all which supplies shall, at the close of the war, or at periods tojx: agreed upon between the respective com manders, be paid by the other porty, on a'mutmd adjustment ot' accounts for the suleiMehce of pri**- ouersrand such accounti* shall not be mingled with or set oif against any other?, nor the balance due oil them be withheld; as a compensation or roprK sal for iny cause whatever, real or pretended.— Lach paHy shall be allowed to beep a commissary otipreo&er*, appointed by itself with every cait tonment of priaoarrs, in-possession of the other: which-eotmmssary shall see; the prisoners as often as he pleases, shall be allowed to receive, exempt from all duties or taxes, and to distribute, whatev er comforts may be ifoot to them by their friends and.sh.ill be free to transmit hisreporti in open let ters to the party by whom be is employed. And it is declared that- neither the pretence that war dissolves all treaties, or aoy-ciher whatever, shall be considered as annulling or susj>ending tlte' «lemn covenant coutaiucd in litis article,. On the ■eontrory.the hUteot war is preciseiv that for which it u provided; and during which, 'its riipuh.tiom, are to be as sadredly observed a? the most auk' nowledged obligations under the law of nature or -oalluus. _ : This, treaty shall he ratified by the President of tbe,l?(uted Staten of-Amenea, by and with the ad vice and consent of the Senate thereof; and brtbe President of the Mexican Republic, with the’pre vara* approbation ofita General Congress; and the ratification* ahall be exchanged in the’ City of Washington, in four raonlhs'from the dale of the signature hereof, or sooner, if practicable. In iailh whereof we, the respective plenipoten tiaries, Lave signed this treaty of deuce, friendship, limit*, and settlement; and have.hereunto affixed onr seals respectively. Done inlquiutuplicutf, at the city of Guadalupe flidalgo, oi the secoud day oT February, in the yeah of our lird on* thousand I eight hundred and forty eight. / [ , | N. IVTntsr, j ,jc*.j LCOj G. Cctvsh, [l. *.] BrapiAitoo C6sto,(i. s.J M«; Atbistaix. [l.s] Additional anil secret article of the treaty of ;- stances ia which the Mexican Republic is placed, ; be delayed longyr than the terra lof four months, fixed by it* twenty-third article for! the tkchnnge of ratifications of the. same, it is hereby agreed that such delay shall not, in any manoerj affect the Cnee and: validity of Ibid treaty, unleirit should exceed the term of eight months, counted from the date of the signatures thereof . , * This article is to haW the'time lorce ahd virtue as if[ inserted in the treaty to.which this is an nd-j ditiop. ./• . . - - Io fiiitli whereof we, the respective pleriipoten-- tiaras, have signed this additional'and‘secret nrti tide,' and have hereunto affixed our seals, respec tively. Done in quintuplicatc at tiie.city of Gua dalupe Hidalgo, on the second day of February, ia the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight. * N. P. ’Twsr, . {i»s} Behsajuxi Coxto, (l. & | Dms G. Cvsvas, -[l. s-1 Mro. Ateotaw, [xJsj Bow sd<] until the Spring of l&lfi. The case was an appeal from the decision of a Justice of the Peace.. The plaintiff* clnimedSlSiGO, subscription for the Daily Atlas from Maji 1614, to September, l 1846.- TbeClftrk ia tlie Atlas office, allowed that the name of defendant appeared upon the original book bf subscribers, cntoreAMay,! 844, in the hand writing of witness, as a subscriber for the Daily; Atlas; for six months.; Tho; books of ithe office showed that ll»e paper stopped September,. 1914, and that no payment had been miide. The' witness coirtd not ray whether defendant hrdered the paper, or some other peradn prdered it to be sent to defendant's nddress—4>ut lie testified tiitu among the terms of subscription on each paper weie .printed “no subscription stopped until aU arrearages nro paid—trad no subscription diaeon- Untied unless by positive order." " [ : It was proved by tho-, addresser of papers in the ’Atlas office, that iu the Spring of 1611 he received •.orders from the clerk to.’send a paper'addressed to • Mr. James Jaqutrs, Wilmington, und’ that lie ad dressed and wntthe Daily Atlas to Mr.Jaqucs un til the Fall of I£4C. The Atlas's collecting ngvut proved that be colled ou defoadaat iu September, 1840, with a bill for two years’ subscription, who told him that he did not subscribe for the paper, but that William U. Carter ordered the paper sent ill defendant's name in order to save the postage—■ defendant being Postmaster ut the time the paper . was ordered. 1 Mr. Jaqutts admitted that he hud received the paper, Vnd'that Mr. Curter informed him, d few dnys alter, the paper' commenced com jiug, that ho had ohlercd'tbe Daily 'Alins scut to de fendant for six months: that he, tho defendant,- had cooaeillcd to the.paper'a coming iu his name, und that he had agreed with Conor tu pay n pan ofthe expense: that defendaat had never ordered Uie.pa pgr discontinued, or paid plaintiffs. ’Carter, oh whom Jaqucs .directed the agent to would only pay for six months, and the de. fence by Jaque* wu that Carter only was liable— Cjuier testified Ibnt he had read the paper for the (to? Specified, and that' he succeeded Jnnuea ns P the arrangement, arid agreed to be xcs^. poosible for a part of tln> cxpenacjland the paper wntaent, this would be sufficifcat.lo'authorize the jury'up find fbrthe plaintiffs, although the defendant understood and ngreedrwuhiCarter that-faiares ponsibility ahould be to him and not to the plaintiffs, the plaintiffs ’ having no kniwledgeof.thia agree ment the defendant and Carter ’ Verdict : ißispixi. Marshkl O*Neill nrrested Mr. Randall -Hutchinson, who robbed the jMinlj from onbpartl ’arrived £O% Si,-Thomas at. Philadelphia on.tbejl3:lL ■ Tbs Leoßlitl-bx.—Both branches at' the Citato Legislature have agreed to adjourn on the llthof Apn^lMstaiaaeaih' (eaee efPittib: am. CIfAY. .Vejlearn by Telegraph, that Mr.'Clay arrived 4l Baltimore yesterday afternoon, and is Mopping with - dorre*?onJehcc of the rnuLurgh Gazette. i • - CONGRESS. Vashkotos, March 16, IS4B. SetAjrE.—A petition was presented by-Mr; Dix citizens of New* York, asking' lor - tbo «*ub lialunent of o line of mail learner* from New York to Vera Cruz, alio lor aline from New York to Havre,-which was referred to the Post Office Com- mittee.! . : T ' Mr. (Niles submitted a resolution, asking th( President to cornmumcate to tfte Sennte the correa pondence of Mr. Bancroft with tho British govern meat iri relation to postal arrangements. Mr. Cass, from the Military Committee, reported a bill providing lor medals and certificates to offi cers anil soldiers. Mr. Atherton moved to lake up the bill, making appropriations tor defidences, which was agreed o, and the bill, after some slight amendmeuU, pass ed. T&ere was some debate upon au -amendment proposed by Mr. Benton, who advocated o full Mis sion to-Rome. Mr. Badger opposed it as unnecessary. M r - Cntlenden thought it would be disrespectfu to other powers to send a Minister. - The Tea Regiment bill was then taken tip, and an nblc;speecli made in opposition by Mr. Calhoun, who alsjo entered a solemn protest against the plan of levying tones upon Mexico. The President had aetpd without law, and in violation of the Con stitution. • » Mr. Johnson, of Georgia, followed in defence o the administration. Mr. Uien obtamed tire door, with the un-. del-standing that the vote should be token to-rnor r6w.\ {. ; ’ Mf- Bradbury- moved to reconsider the vote, on th'e Pay! Jones relief bill! .. House.—ln the House, a worm debate arose u t»n o TOoU'on made to print an abstract of dD ton tracts make by the government, Messrs. Cro zier, Cobb, AlcClemand, Thompson, oYKentucky/aud MtK°lllahtng a part. The debatewos extremely racy arid, rich on all accounts. " -•• •- . " A motion was made to lay on the tohle, and car ried—\eas 93, Nays 7S. Adjourned. j” , tCo jwsirornJeiicc of the ritujtmrghG’azmiis...... {! \ Cincinnati, MarchlO, & o’clock." . The Democrats of Kentucky" bare,nominated' Hon. liinnEdyd(oow member of Cbngtrss) fijr J for idem Govern-i Caia and Butler have bert' meirtioned in doh : ycfflionjWittj tile Presidency. •••/ .. . : *■ Gen. Taylor was denouucc'daji’jt lixaa devoid of all principle. Correspondence or Jhe Piu^ufg^Caictie/ ; 1 1' *, . [ ;Giuciunaii, MarchiOi 1648. - The Steamer!Harkawny, which, struck a rock ttod.sunk, a lew days since while passing through the canal at Louisville, has bocu raiscijpgiiiii, ahd - is considerably damaged. Slie bad 700 hags i f Coffee pn board, which were covered by. insu rance. . j, v Philadelphia, March 17, ISIS. Then* has been another arrival from Venezuela. AnolM battle was daily expected bctvoreu M° narges,.the President, and Gen. Pacz. Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh. Gazette , ; PIULADELPHIA MARKET. v j . PnttJiimLnnA, MarehlC,'3r. k. Tiie market is generally quiet, and without and material change from ray last repoM. '. - 1 Eiclusive:Comr*pnndence of the Pittsburgh Gazelle j i NEW YORK MARKET. - = .f. i • New Y'ork. March 16, 3P. M .* Flnur-j-rTliere is an active demand in the mar kct. butjuie firmness of the holders prevents large operations. Dealers are .holding oiflor the.lbreign news. Grata—Tlie supplies c-l corn are light, and hold era are .endeavoring to get the market up. Provisions—;There i» less improvement in Pork,- the market being heavy, Western No. 1 Mess Pork is: selling at $lO 371 els pci; bbl. Sales of prime Westeni at $0 Sf» cts per bid.' Exclusive Corrcipondcui-e of Hie lY.tilniruk Gazette ] BALTIMORE MARKET- . / Baltimore. March 10. 3r. M. ! Flour—Dealers nre holding off for the foreign newsy and very liule is'dotage I hear of iimitfed ■alesofll S. brands kt $5 s7j per bbl. Wbeul—Moderate sales cf prime while at 144 c (3147 Ctn 4 and prime red at 132 cents per bushel. are only to supply the regu lar trade demand; Lard,- however, is very firm, and held higher. ; . CINCINNATI MARKET. [ Cincinnati, Mardt 16, 0 r. m.. Floury-Tbe market is heavier dun yeslenhy, aod thc btuincM done is at n email cooces«ion. Molasses—Sales 200 bills at 2515?200 per M'htaliey—-Moderate sales at ICjc per gal. Sugari-Soles fuir X. O. at.-llS'-llc tr- ib.’ Provisions—There is an increased deiupud in the'market. Thenris more movement in Pork, butnoch'oDgi*. • _ . Mess —Sales 1200 bbls ut 5T,75 p’er frhL Bulk ifeot—Saks of 00,000 lbs, hogrotmd at 2} cts per. lb.,—of 50,000 lbs; hams at 4c, and of 50,* 000 lbs. ilmuldern tit 2c per lb. - No change in the other articles usyuMy spoken ofin lhe|market!*. Fcnniyivsnla Legiriatore. Ham'sburgiC March 12, ISIS. ' Noble presented a petition to re peel oertuia dots of Assembly relative ittf Allegheny county. ' \j ; ' ". - Mr. Fdx otfered a resolution, Commit-' tees (standing and select) be rcquirertfto report ou all matters referred to thetiioii or l»clore Monday 27th instJ4 (lu plaije) Mr. Ball, an Act to prohibit the sale of tin and Japan ware in Erie, Mercer, Crawford and Vennugoivountic*. ' , _ Mr. Roberts, (city) offered on entire new sac-, tion in lidti of the first. The material changes in thin, compared with the section stricken onl arc, that hereafter the city Corporation of Philadelphia, shall be entitled lb.elect only three of.tho thirteen directors,fti»at a majority of tho Directors - shall ab wavs bo by individual stockholders.' -An amendment was offered , by Mr. Watson, taking" tonnago aV'thc rate of 3 'miHn, during the whole' )-ear, or two years after thffeorapletion of the road, accepting.at the rale of f» mills from the 10th' day of Marcty mid the Ist ‘day of Dcggraber, at the option of the Legislature, all of which were'ac cepted by tho friends ofthe bilL 0n motion, to postpone fof the purpose ofprinting, tho yeas were. 22, nays r the round trip to be Und at tho office of the coifipaiiy and on board the boat—price, ane dollar fifty cents; including meals. 1 Jas. B. Mcbray, Sec. March, jl7, ISIS. BUCKETS— —Uadoi Beaver, landing from stmr lira- xer.on.rfor rale l.y marl?! JaS DaLZKU. SUNDIUEi^— 10 bbl* lull): lit keg* do; 5 bills flax seed; :ibn-r* raff*: 4 Utils Hour: .*> bugs murtard seed; •JJ bugs com, Landing from sunr Ilbodfi Ulaml, and for sale by imar!7 JAS IJALZfXI. a^LOlTti-l OO bMs inuiity-. in store and for sale by I mnH7 JOil?i H DILWORTH R\ D—»W bush, in store und "for "Jule by mart?• JOHNS DIXAVORTU r'UNCINS’A’n SSOAP— luObxsin store and ibrsale by mart? ■ • JOHN S BIMVORTU jby mart* . JOHN S DII.WORTH EAISINs)— 50 bis, US hit*bjv. for rale Uy '• moVn__ IEI.Dt UOH RIO COFFEE—IOO hgs prime. ia«r reed arid for side by marl? : McQll.U ntbHFHXD 4- P.OE • • POTASH —Scsks, superior article, fm sale by marlft MeOH.t>UbSHMEI,DfcftOE 17I \ yRIENO. RHEY &Co I /T^IXJVERSEED—7 bb!« far sale U -111/ WB • : 1| yRIKXD, nBEY^Co for tain lir 1 D WILLIAMS B; i; & -inviLUAMS-: SIJ lucrty a M will iur »sl«- by** JUINSON k. Co R &AKFOKD k C# IUCTIONfc’i , ■ ByJohmj • -VI-" .'I i « «r. " . — —• ■ • KCTcatOT*»" Bto- - - 'OfLiirrty Strtet * - v OK. Saturday shernoon, the lSlh in*vari©Jek>cl;f will be sold, witboQl reserve, aw lie premises, by order oflllarctta afrtßOtfßiack, EX*c:oflM too Sam-, ucl Block, dec, eleven valuable lots of ground; situate on the west side df liberty? street*- between hlarbury .end Water streets. having each a front of 20 feet, and extending- back 110 feet, to ; Brower?..alley;.one of vrhichisacoruetflot.: . •. .. . s . ‘ There is also ©a.' a parlofthe premises fe two stojy. frame building, t?uihir»g formerly Occupied by A*!Mor tooasautvern. ■ -i* ■ ‘ Hie above u among the most desirable property bow for sale in lias city for manufacturing anu-bn*iMss. purposes, and will ba sold in quantities, to suit purcha ser!.' : -r • fy > Tenn*,;ot>e-Gwmli «a>b; midnr ia I wo eqpal iaufliol payments wilfiimeresu •;; j.- ‘i > ••••>:«,nr» >■•; raarl3 JOHN PDA Anei ' . JPrtmjim S«U ef 3)ij Gavdty tel - . ■ • On Moud*f:inoniin*vMftrcl»i'l ! ih,»tJOo-'ciocd*al li« Commercial Sales Boom,corner of Wood and FiiU» sUy will besattwitboatresctTe, tbrcasli currency,to close rtindrv consignments, an extensive assortment of lith, French and American staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 4c. -• . ' •( • • • •" ■ ' 'At*Pdlofcir;p.~nsr '• • ''' Groceries, queeosware. glass wan:, confectionary, ti-1 quors, tobacco, cigarerbu»keu,baha boxes, wrippingj {viper, axes, shovels, hoy forks, matches, irsnsparpnt and vcneciaa window, blind*. new arid second hand .carpeting, looking glosses, feaiiter beds, bedding, cook-: iug stoves, Ac. A large aitortioent of-hoosebold far-i nirare, of good quality; from afnmily declining house keeping.- . “ . .1 *; , 1 • ■ At 7o'clock p. m. r . ; ,! ueodjr mode clothing in great variety, bools, shoes,' cant, umbrellas, saddle*, bridles, combs, fine tablt< and pocket cutlery, gold and silver watches, sic corocons,violin*,£fes,vanetygoots, fiu>, ~, . .... • :s i iAlsd, SO brown and blue cloth, tweed, cawraieie, jean and other coats, shttiney end jean pants, shins, err ere 06 ts, ice. Tenns'at sale. • • ronrlO ■ JOHN-P DAm/Auct Executor*? Sale vfSecond stmt • ~ . •• ' ; Oil Wednesday evfcmng/tbd JSMinst. al 8 o’elccfcju ihe Comniercial scales Rowris, c'ortjfcrdfWoodnihl Fan, streets, will be sold, by order of the Executors of thfe lain Daniel Hunter, deceased.•* >u#a pfthe occupnal oftho»d)oining lot- ...- 'j 1-v * .rrct;- Tbe nbpve property, together! with owtotbjstLot,ii* anpmtt ground of or.t^^Leid) - i: .carlQ 1 ”- 0 ’ ’'‘ 'JOHN D DAVrg^AaltT .j VQßsAm«oniT saijs^ INpuruiabce of tut prdqrpOho.Orphnn's'CtiurV'orAl legliyriy codiifyTwdl be.'ckposcdto|uiblic ( laie'otrifie pre mi sei,-on-Tuesday, tlmlthlx day of Af ril'-l&iS.at lOo’doe k/JLki vtdi the foßortiai deserib-da real estAfe, situate in rn'Rotboteh, being Jhsi£&le4iile ptßermudAlcLeann T dcoen»ed,to wili':'.i -ija.id-ii *- Allthat ceßafn-tot arialljy; thence along said alley 17 lest; thence by a UdcbouiiiL jwiibOMlara street, 47 feel to Penn street, ,andibe'iu:« along Venn street 17 fettle the splice of begmmag’. wit# the privilege of (aid ’ v _. - v I All that certain other lot ofgrodnd, situate id lite Fifth' Word, adjoining the lot last anore described, and mark-' ed on iaid diagram w lot N* 0, being 17 feet infront on •Penn street, and running back by too satae'.tridth 47 iL, toa 3 foot alley, with the^rmlcge pf the igudwl^j^^L, All that certain other lot or'piece hf ground sSh/ste !in the fifth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. and marked' lon said diagram as Sot Ko'ltfc'begitiwuguftheedritdrpr i O'Hara street and Spring alley; throee-oioatjSpnng. .alley SO feet; thence by.a line paralleljtsiih.-O’jfantjt.' 16 feet: thence by f line naralie], with Spring Alley SO* feet to O’Hara street: aha thenCe'along O’Hara street 'IC feet to the place of beginning. - » ‘ - j All .'that certain btherlotsitaate in thc Ward,- and marked No It on spid diagram,beginning fl« ley 33 feet thorn Factory street; theuee by a line pander mth Factory street 43 feet,.towardEutastreefc theuee by aline parallel with Etna street SO feet; thence by a lure parallel tvilh Factory street4&jfeettp said Alley', ; and thence along said alley 20 feet tosWSftsFnctory *l,. i the place of beginning. V . . I. ■ ..' •• a 150,.- •:; ■ i All that certain other lot, situate in the Fifth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh,’ asd'uarked‘ No43ba’the raid diagram, being<23 feet in Gout on-Etna 'street, by 43 3 deep. i Terms: The widowfebbud to'rematald the hands oftlie purchaser during her natural life, the annually, and the remainder to b»paid a*£>tto«s>*i One thinl in hand, asd the balaace nii two equal annual payments, \ritbinterc»t fromdateofsale ' ALEXANDEEMILLAR: • Adm. of the estate of HJMcl>nnn.~ : • Map's cutPET/EatPoairni \ t FODJITU UELOW. W00D...- , v ; HpHE subscriber rr«pecUhllyr»ijae»u theaaemioa c£ if, the owner* and captain* cl citizens,snd< sir&nger* riilting PillsbureU,; toJil* large nod splendid •loci, of carpeting, now for m!« at iua netrstora*. 4th street.' They consist of erery Tarietr of the latest and most fashionable stylet ofCarpeta/OilCfotha, ever brought to the Western market "The store has been built expressly for the carpet bntinessTand has, {rtjrsrd*- '*-* t 1 firfttrrrrnnfiifjfniit modern .style. • •• ! The carpets . reeeirma nre oTtbe latesi design, withi richest and most bnlliaulcoioru. :• ; i Tbeycompriseylivpart-ofthßicdlowiije: • .Superior Tapestry, a new ar*. i -;;'\ - . i:. ! tide; .V;K;T.»: CT’.- Enpli*h and American '•'V--: 1 *el«. •' ' \; X •*■.:‘i Imperial Ingrain, - new alia* ' •• jding; ; • --- ; -V * Superior-Ingrami new ile- > Carpets* :'?< i ■! iign; Fine Ingrain; i » : i : • Goramon-do■ * , ■ i •• Plaiu andtwillid Venitlaii; Kxtra tupcr cord twiUed do:'- Royal do; 3 • j :\ ■+ , Sheep Pell; | ' r-y- '' Chenille, • /!Tv:.. OZS?' 1 ' ' . : /twr- Jute, ire; i 4 Wilton- • • • . • rjs'Ssj T >Mr Tufted; i SsX'r ■■■■■■■ Common; • •"} - ' • vv:..-.;v fyardwtdc; ■’ • ,'i ' 1 ■ l] do' do. , 1 , v .a; do «io-,.i ouciouu. *i .00" do ■ i oj do do . .i... J. : i..-; • j Cotton, list. rag nndhemp carpet, common oil cloth, • oil cloth table covert,prorated and linen table cgvert, window shades,, colored and plain .matting, stair rods, trimmings, carpet bindicp*; and all other goods usually; xept in carpet *u>rcs,jall«r which witl.bc'soldbnaa reasonable tertm us fuiy mthecity. Having made, ar-j' 1 rangemeuis without of tholargestuanufiicUittr^lathe cast, onlcrsfor.nnyttyle ofcarpet willbe promptly for warded by telegraphy ]ruul delivered iapitt.wxek, *Io tmull advance oftbc.maiiuCtoUirer’a price. . Purchaser* .tire particularly requested to 'call before' pprehnilng elsewhere, #» we feei coofideili'we'pan mu' at cheap as tbejr canbopurchasedlathectuterh-ciUe*; : marts- »•' 1 , : llW.l.yyn - &- ; Snraery Porfiaiß." m r VIIE Sobwribcr‘oBVra for -'talc hi* ftOek, in 1. low to -salt purchasers; a1 T very-reduced- prjeerf.— The collection i* not eqbhiled fora ieteet and e-nciiaive. vanciy, in U»e|\«ttern country; containing mabynew, SP**?“ Ild woweetetitneti root*incultivation. « o ' n *io* ll»« most thowey arid fineprizc: n V^l qwer . Eoot *> » large variety; -Vine*: •*******•. Ac.-Amateurv “l d otkera, who want to deeonrte chdr V®' pleatarti grohnd«. or Jrreen hooter, are invited U> examine the collection which it r open to visitors, except on Sundays.' ConrejWtf by ; and fnv*nwood forty. DesetipUve cata- - 1 l s url “»i J»y mail, or may be had at our trend, No *9" •Tl < i« H . 0n 4.? 1^ ,ke . tl whet®' orders ielt wilh -ut, or by iimil to Pittsburgh Pott OlEee. will be nrompthratteiw . g"Safc~•' ’ •!-■»*. TOnonor. • marlCtOm-• - Mancfrcstcr.'trear'PilMißtth. 1 / ■ LsuidForJale. , .'l'liE Subscriber ottersfatsalirihntfanaoClawltil— -L-nate iq Wilkins Township, outhe north side ol'Tolf-i ilo Crecß, lands of George. Bnnion^'Abraustn' 1 1 lowers, and Daniel Kahns, 1 ’ containing: one-baudred anil twemy.ijTe acres andtwenty-eigh'i perches and allowance. tcnam - lmr daretfay tenae ood a small-stable on the place. . The Pennsylvania Kail Bond passer 'immediately on the opposite s?d4 of, «t» creeiv The .soil'_,l» of good quality, anil there is' abundance of good umber, qu the place, Olid 3 Urge' qqautity.of rtoue coal, with great facility of traitspuuw •IK»ntomttrieL ' ' For Airthcr porticoli I’jtst Liberty, who ia q irs. i amir to TboiasrßaslscfyW by me to'sell theoama st private sale, or to sell at public sale on the premise* :o the highest and best bidder, oaSaiurday, the first day if July next, atl o’cloekin the Afternoon. - ■Li t ' e ,:: . .MAKkTERCHMENT.' ; March J/hh.ISK • • • nmcfadlw*-. . ! r:. ■: rplIK subscribers areooW extensivelyenrued in (Ee s ,ij importation of Soda A>b froaoM oftbe luurt nau&aum loKnfUmV im>- hn»'o*i,S2; &iarwsssa*s&tSsftTrß wh P |ci,?«eo“ P " ceal - “■« «»!*r4 •l.ens«, __g- I£.cntp*. 1 re ■■' wtbntfu. ! - - -s, '> i > 1 . ’ . L '• STEAMBOATS. CISCISSATI& PITTSBUHGn fTMUS well known line of splendid passenger Sietm- JL, er* is. now composed of fho hirgß#j,;*wiiiMt, l*»t tmishednatattniikid,and tryaM pdwcrfql_boau onjthe ■Mter* «f iM-W—i..Bvery.actt»mirioanllonjn)d w som« •ibrt taat money can procure, muTßch phiTldedTurpas* •enjfeT*. The Lme’haj Ueirfri operaaon ftf Gv« years, r-M* carried,n million' of rifotfle witboal tie least imu ry to 'Tfco boit* trill be at the toil of -.vflod weer the day pwviou* to starting, for the tiAy>A(!kET. "J: 7iV - The ISAAC NEWTON, ,C«pL A. «. Maso*, w... pttwirgfc-every » j«uiiday morning at It)o'clock; evening at 10 r»iL .. May,3Vl»l7 , .--' , 'i:‘ .••-•--•i * i—■ •-"•—■* : KOSDAY i SW»s.»(iU l««B rim borsh every Monday roohdajf atlt) o'clock; Wheeling every Aj|nday evernng alio r.». 7.. .1.. . " TPEgDJLX.PACKETi - “ ; T^«„yi 3. *Ki&nnß.TE*. will Pittsburgh every Tnfsdaytaonnugatlft oVWck; Uheejingeveiy Xtte«lpv:e T e am( j a uy? : j, ; ■ WEOSESOIT; PACKET. * i i . The NIfIYTINGLAND No.'S,'Cant'st, J>sai will tear* ovetyAyrdn^/^^J^Tlo o’clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at IIM-u. . * l -Tbo tspb Gkac«, v wUl leave Yilu bargh every Thursday arorurog aUo»'dork; Wheeling ■ eTtry Thurulay evening at lUr.k... ... • 6 *!•'.» fbiHat pack*-?/ •“' 'Ji ' Capu.Caooaa.viil Icare rin*. butgh every Friday o'clock; Wheeling eyeryFoday evMibrgatlUr.M.-'--. .. SATimOAY PACKET, . ' .TheJtfESSF^VGER,- Captri. ilno, •whl tea^y},,! bufgh erwy Saturday tnormngar-Uro»c)ot«t WhL-.Hif.#' ;eVeryS?jarcayevening-ntipT.s.— -n-.-.,. ■ „ .•...» BEAVER PACKI?TS.~NEW ARnA\OHM»iTS. ;• .hw k • ,Tlro siewher . ?,,, - 1 „ j caleb com-;' • i - vrill leave ftir Heav-er, Glmigow-Sod ■feSflߣ£3SßWel!nille, on! Tuesday, Thursday, and' 'Sarirrday« «f each week, ui 0 o'clocku-sr. ream’ iflg on- MotMayyA'Cedniß’ftdayi and; Friday.. .Sha ha*'a boat at the landing bctwecrr VYuod strati and thtbrullr, prepared to receive freightsiat any time.;;; :U , r - .. 9.&W. IIABBAUGH. Act*. . orjtl? ..., .VjjV ~i.....r - ;?dVU-i ■T-r.aii ii -. • TZic'liiit'itearnboat'?'' t&SZJb' V 'BERVEfc E Clarke, nmtw, casing .winter trip* tn>Be»ver«BdlV*M*plle, Jeavtnr- FituVmJl ettv ty -tnomma at a pV.ack. aod W'eUsviflo.at yo'clpegip. ■><• • ■ ■ibeßt.'-i C. JimAigON. o - LADY BYJIPX- or wu*m;e apply dn lKArit orto KJT - ihari? - --: JAVimTLLaA-XftO^gtk.^ v;n*a tr •• HBBKBiSaaroT the aborp>snibiitJ«rt(H4uits-.pori4 cawUday tlje.lTthlint.- I«rfrcjgl}tor-pasadge apply olyMntTd “ J “ -'••'•■» <-* a -uy -jA.t itndllj.ii ' iy" . “Tte mtrummig rtenmer • .> r.uvr :. :, 'far;,tS# iMBBESBEBBEPiIIove. A'-aU- iuiermodiaMt -pdrt* iii« day at 10 o'clock. For freiabt-OP-pasun 'oprdyotf . ; LOITTS^&'ILIdNOnf ; RIVKIf:-‘-\> rv . Thinewnnd tm!etnll»l fTCB!Det t‘ ■»yy-jp^iTTin3ati9»c.4induxtemtedutte iiotii' on tiui ldy tbc wgo apply oH board. j *' • marl? " -u:.:: toFOR:ST.vLOWS. .'r:/. :i M 1 k 'ilwroew-and mognilircat stcaicvu - .ML YF4USOX,, , .. t ... *6=a^*ASfiB .. Cipu Parlrirtion Alo«ter. will leas* . ■BSBSStSSa* tbmbdre-tnidhitermedtale Porti oa ihifl day Urc iiio ITUI iait oUO o’clock P. il. For freight jorpaaaagapply onlroank- -r\/ ~•, ,-«• .i •■ •-•-• ,-yoR NASHVIt.LEI* ’"y-i^» > i'v-'' - ' , ‘lTrt! k ■••'•* - ; a - *"-■ a - . .AMERICAN EAGLE ‘ . Jfeyjgwtfw i JUkinron. Matter, will leave ombpre ■KSSSSSkSpn Monday mdp. a.', >a**age apply oh Uiard. pr tb * • •'• '/- marlO - GHO B MtLTENHKnnr.iI/ ; . , ’ >C*eir».K'!'“TTto'hn«‘iteanurr Lv" »* ••'**'- >' LttSSig* * : . ROBERT aiORRI9‘ “ - Campbell:.‘hlaiter, will WidWtiu. • port tliw Uayvurio o*cloik>-= l-oy.trogat or parage,apply .on iboanL; hi: roU«-ti * TOR’ ■ - rv- TBdftitninthg‘deiijner:““ -•-brookijYn; - r ~ -fiir : 'aso ! m ml all ifttcrxncdintdjpbm oa WedneA* r» of cnrh.week,. Foe freight or Pa»> rd or to .,'r. u CEO I) Ai’-j. ,‘T 1 j rrri’siiL’HGU a-avuekling packbt. r I Mearner^ i.u v (> 1 tgSygjKfift Porter P Kinney, nm»ie r, 'vrilt leave \ ■■^HSanairegularly for Wheeliusvon TMoudav. Wednesday at 10o’clock prtciMly.. I t , | Leave Wheeling every-Tne«4ay, Tliunklay aiid uirday, at 7 o-'eloclc, a m,p»eei*nly.•••;.:l;;..i , A I The Conret will'land atallthe tntemedmte portiiv. ' P«tr ■cconjodauoii that can be produced for ifio conU Bre*eurcxpio*iDUt>.Forfrekrtnor hui»ilc'e-£fi. r :i-, N, * *v.a_ . McConniek. Mower, wiu’luave'forths * A iwenpedl tttc_'pon* 10-mbrrow ’ For freight or |Ti?»n'gtrapplyoit - i i- .. » L . k ’ Tile sjiieiulttJstearljcr. (< iJ&4M4P . - AIAEY ' Wa»t?r,.lmrei.fcr-tior rasteKssw^ »j bearu. ' . : mar,U-> | u ... ..FOR itftAXKLitfP ~V : *l> Wilier,■.Mttjj(T,Hviui«favo'{bi itlrt**** li* I i * •■“*' or-pauaj-o .spplp on Soft-arAsuViLui ~ • *iu Tftc loWwater’ cvnlcni m—~'viU leu* Jbeil/ Sv wafer; ’psrss alylsfe d »w*'jo«MjhipSK “tStfS?:. wJ? n lbB ' Cl,,lir,,tn * 1;w ‘ lli! -riwmlhtffclv-' | ti a “» pe I son * wer e nomnmieov»• i ; '-,-1 ..:. &.sS r-c TO. Cl ■ NiSSe*^' - MmumSa&tM fcuutouiJi, JjiermirewflhojJowlioftUifOiieruew'ei. Scwn r -M- .A;'» 1 . iUiaao4 ; .WriqjigcoriVA»bumubjUt?pafk»' l voH»Uil < u »d4i!, Harper's ricwrial Hl«lofy^f.K»ty-i/f Ilbtetaniilr* '*'* **“ prc?ne onf t.°C t/ttiiM J* Parley** Cabinet Library, 1» 18n io'r-r'"' >■■* iprtalcby ~ . . (a'.iJ.ii BlM.'i • ■: - i » ' ■ nin ... .»,* tl » TMPOirrAKT tOTHK MERCHANTS 4‘WAXLV ‘ -IPACTtIIERSOFPrrrsBUROH-WtaTvShi!^^V* *»«Joan c*»t of th* Fosl oisc<*, FiU*hurgii,ii*n« M ,xl,i •tm Ohio, we*iera **Oiin*yl»um aud Vihrini*. I°-,." * 3S2SB&’a^4SS2fei^P isissiissi BBSSiSiqBWBt j-.f~:«jJ.3aijSSSi'*»»"* “ ySss^WEiiffipfeji s§^^gM S l