, i!«umn •?. F l ’:*| GINBEI«JfPAN3«SWI TITO L TB^ J ;6L-Prtfi*!ti: , W»B;SS)(*Ei9t2Q' WOSrna Vffiut .to* •Oeadeitlui'p^fteftiujjlv" •’f : /}::•:/ corsENo:-pjaaMCA.^ : ;.; ' a *D tbtT*&m form* wfakiityfefejtri'dfthij }* . note*,'jiaiftoiaMd v tjia'r **" ti«nto - -''.vyr<& Tfcf tfongatJfh vuttVaeßibkl */;;'l.:“ |Tpr .: deigoyttr, ' /™ 4< . ../,.tt*jbw ■’ / old*t* W / /«> / -/•' I * : LJ V : -' r •oiler*’ Family Wirnw, _ _/£ -* ■ TLT® K- SfeIXEKS fo’gffipijfofaiegßalfc' >.v .ViU.edu a ••. oatniaeuajtUo all who Voor-Laws Fill* «• *1»» : gagunaaJilgfcftepiWJknr* .i.r-<;;'hcio. Yoottreijtecuully,' ':...;-.CoaaiikjMix»fa Ilf. R. E. * ■ tet|and ha*gained Usa 9 ' 16 •*»•!«, the Cough Snup. - c^i-s^. i.':■■'• • , Viiiii'tauuifc^Gontf''-; V• ■ ■+ /fcolialaoby Df.Cu»cl, AU.WajiIJjLSL-Ctt^^AuO^ J l jhuy.Bod 'Wia. J. &uiOvTmpefi»ee*!&* «Jrsb«is *i ,' <- Titan; mervChiaps, m WAote to fcrjge* ■*.. '. Superfine Sharing CretfrrkWtf fc'Jldnjjilj . j Qx NaOOW Pmulutoj £*W. W.VvV '»•-/.•• X-,*: ''■'•* i CoU,Cream; . --‘VV. '.vST-!-^^ '•.■•< UOMTootbPuu; < Colofne'lYmier/fcfaLetgatta^iißk^fe.] JCSVIoeI . 'VV",!cbrae£ vfirood, aad ..ra*». ioep'jooa*lw»uf: ou fcaaiV.drag*,:fcfb**- ' m .ui , V.--T ... - • :?■ •■>■- - "«'• preaenpaooacafr latertaUjiavanyh' Tjeaiwpen'njar -.▼hteh >e ; v - t *-v ;y \ s r. >• > N *•*' ■ Vf>. - llgi K w v . P^SiSkkiL':■ - iJPwijrioaitt P. f ;«adwr of Roilin the *•? tfaoinj.by '.Curti*, junior* o‘f fcack CTre ilea&qr iio Ladr of. Green ailv ..aasSjSw^Sftfe^.'i '; ■' * fbr'.Deetja.lxi^ ofcrW'ocian.' liy, iLe tajoc. HKMSI& of Loui« "tJ^^tS^VSK^njf’nmcii'pprjiMaletuiieM. ?^^@^%^S3Sr c, r i, >' “* >'“• •" .\.!-- *« s*. .Wit&;cALD>VEU4 •^:, t -/3.-7'i'M-«>i oppQ4it#ihfl.ro»toftiee. "~vCawlnrtki£ ) the folloa-tog t?of Qrwflfjr,- iatttef] 17, containing- anfcc- I tarto>Vera'Crez,:a | rn% InnuuK; ioC'Cu%uis almiteer. ; Re(rtmea«L v | •Wwflsrtofu.e|s. /‘•ftoftw&imbej! -,Ctstda. Jr«u -• or then Tttaa, Nut Mui Central Ameriou -AM* tod oQ the Slain and jerrilo ailii Parkin*,from the *i» t» the Mfwl,' W.Oeorw , PbiMdasj, A*. ■ jaakto tte taaa, a wry pmk .’-^V raafitma of afcifwrette,. tp-—CD*e ‘Jafta&t Sjmkcr. cetapmbtc A* with.* Mice.' Raak) t,iaitruetorfa>' JKftCTOK & STOCKTOpf i ' ila«H»T»,e '.’art ai I ** tmVJ'aiiaefcn riuirv ' 1 U ,-e ri ,iml pretemioa J» . Ac love ofiflV, C.*r- UM. of thl# IkuULO. .jjfl'confideut/ifinO finf,n>fr.lift'~to Uu« day, -wsurv—• '•'benjamin and zuid pth:.-.-.. r; _ jain’ cia*. '^■''-vqas^^exsucrir^•*- ■' ' ■•• •'*' »•■ V ajht flatnaa Aniiquiue*; aria, axumiactfrt* rc-.i«ca edition; (X'T«ffl£*'JindiQa!».mj»df\Vßllcct’» JDidiotjarr:' . _• • ■ Crecjulrfgpacqp;.? •• - of Sew T»:»iaincni; V; 'rnmmmsm PaUleatlons. aftterPoHrt'oJ wotk*fi‘f 3Uw{am&u,v:ftb FTHTrtftawugi by Williata_Harvty. >WifeCTEstiii*,Tr.—Tlie foiii'ddlkiS tpJ Cr flrcrk; wjffi XnEfessTugil '•'»r modLO&eslojieml )^dnjßißer3, tel* of f ,ju*d XaY&xre,-Jlyifr' fiit Wlkk Wttk kAMJ Hi Km»ni‘ipn. >py.»M» attjawdttf' to « St*ra- Hf, from fine jwuTuu*m vo if. ~tfcjiltoir fomtuccj so efigt*' Of-Life -ftmt Tbiioibjihy; of'f.ttn-- t>yried YotijicMcgu!.- 1 ** in Chinainli4l.'j3aij4Mo \vii!i u ‘'ir»*j>wid *»!««».'•: .•:•>•-» v ■•'..•'•.•*' * of4b« Dep»«tJ,-byJi:o ffehrfllofcnrt. 1). D. Tno Clurch Ua>x*?uliby_l>r. Stone <■' ,j *; . : •• _ •- V%flfslffToJ*-'iaM J nltuuated: *-• ■wtyljbiityjlea-Totf t*ompkte fpeow/7 Vol*. Jtooam j; : ■•- ■.* •'. >*• -».• • • u»BaiiiU,-4 vrti’elegudr.fcOTjiil: '’-rk*,7rote l( ‘Qlrblr- 1 -4o ' 3 ' v/TUrkey-mbr, u ' '*• -ok & tarjp***6tt»eot«f iele* '#?f.«3L<^«^iCoaunon of *£s4- wj)lfe«*oM m fto«kl aUuUL ■ KAV»* Co* JJU-v w W&JMgl.aJ* - viinogir - ' ;■ '(to c)i*«oßcßa*K>Jijrte*;' 'V»TWs&fc^‘r>e ‘MUf r 4flliwri* ■ rM4fPACY.OIME 8.~ ! r ;ofSPU uttzmott. - , . -* v; .v • ** baUii' . ,rW *‘ - ■' • iLutr'JS ' 'l -v. i Aihu A M rLKi:R;S . ** £*> ?r**s *afc»r 1 M ‘ coTl '* street,'-between.. Wood and f fecdlhfie.ld Pittsburgh. J S drteafcd ’wiJ.thft*arviTua: partner Mr.Jo*Ujij>enc«t, having-' J u-uh Mr. Win C Dorr- thc basmfeiu e^aTierl«:coislij«ed-U!i< !ef‘ise-i> t yie,,.&euiu]ergiffni j ' c , u ? tc present ut ;h- tening of one ofJSiknctter & to • unproved Vlia-nijc fireproof safe*. Tft£ safe was I placed m a lurnaca.oti the (tubiietaudiiM*. nnd-Vuhjctteii ] w ih»‘ ■ f.nslime coal fins tor Inorr* tlmii ! fl f re hour ' }" one hour and a half fne‘«afe came to | AbnKlit.ted teat; .the,door Of the furnace -w«. theft f A i , lv " icrt tiun-eil an meretu-ed and *L«uly heat fuj 'the Imlucee oi the time, until the east iron ivbeel» wrn- meiifd off, Uir furnace was then thrown dnu-h I 11**4 !" r A' a,) d Tim inuney. paper* '• 4nd fx'ok* whn-h it eontninfd wen- a* perfr.-t u-s when ; Ijlru-od ihcn-. the binding only or tl,r hook* being m i-H }■* l "r inronlu. fc -«.«*nte We hate* i IrMtajms m rceoramrmluig »t tnttn- public a '< a «.«re to any «••• have ever muii le.icd, ajnl believe t.mi it win -tatid any lp-ul wiucii tiugiih trn oroduecd xcept a hem whifth-wouM nieit it to asoild- mri«*. Fptmcer A- \\ hiuuun, L Worthington. Krlknje & Iljw. »V<. 1- llw-4 Ih,™ "3® ■* M°tdi lU \Vin-t»r P ' m^l MayUrJA ' COr Alm,re >' Vic, the undersigned, rclccieii th« *' n fe of above, Horn a lot m Hit ilore of Truber i Au*-er\, the A S cn!, «'<; >IMy\t.KK, Kcffr to Cbot Aiiiartis. Brokers, Vltuburdti. - °°> tloti, >i,dfi ar—Ctirdiai;' 51a* fra***, Ac-7Wrou,.hi hoa .aUdUtf •tHrnetl aU.a-jes of- Crs Iron, JteUir* and TtJpumfgs of every dcieAplioaifornUlicd dn>bort no. WS-.ltetieTn; mwle«i»-of«fTor lron MmserAe. ' Stum-Ptpo itop : Jieatiny'Factorick. Can Sirh‘tald faicT CMtine* generally Ojdeffteft Bt4h».-)Vtiftl»nw»W j. WinteriCo., inb- .tutention. K t Co.. G E fjWaniH.japSMUi Piuibarjli. -,-.C j.ll WnraerfSefibcHTUlt. janlJ ■^g.puNbFieronV. tkiA.method to iuunn lus friend* M'Xksjroblie eJ Itugc that hia Factbrf CpOw«l fuUoperauoft v oa thc>X»i *ldc a cOnS , KW..obvpTiott» color* iapqauiue<,ar« consiamlycentoQ hacd. ihtjir 1 frirndi am tho piibll?, tint «raafcotof icWjr rtadoCoffida. wvEred.Hnnl nu& tihod rtHbc vert-liMl taaouefjalleorteand #ixes ready' V-fl«enol,€*Bib*iclnin4iaa*ltn, and ml r.ae* madam tpflrovcd stylci. Wo-keep a Unre us “oajjorijdijl toourKnn. crape, capn. cot • for dreum? the dead, • ,^B ? .tfnnv-. m we purchaieeil our goodv i*-lfi9.<»Ker».ctUci. Al»o,B!lveT plate* for enaravina ibe ftaGfe *wt«er-We!have*ob i Sioiiea, Monuments, Ae-j oil whici, -perdgontab_firxtiecht>«e*iruarblc. ond manutnetured will be lold'low for cash, j «, purebase Mayfeli, aile ipfomeu that itla uenclarth tgmeecssaty. {br,titrtq u> i-g_W ,« h can, /utailfi theta tviibaa.anicteat all a» good, A«,‘CQa»idcr> '^icy, dm painhase' ihun dbrinrfb 'Caliandjtsc- . - . f . . jefl copFEit, hurkVraoar7ahiTti s Wars: .MANUFACTORY, slieel, Pm«bß^h,'l*em..t: l H.-iahschberi naving nmongreat (inpr»ivetn«M» A, inltiCConpirnt-t tm of li.cir COOKING rtl'tlVKs. trfpeetftJjy.i.tvjtc pertain huiiilunt Mctunbcfitfs-ft cmi nnd'.einmlue before puri.has.ug.ai vis can supply !ht-ia with I>ect itove>, Forges, no it every other Kiinl ot tapper. Tin and Sheet iron work nrcosvary iu iu-.n*i. tfic a Steuml-oat. . C *° or, '-' :r lbe nhorteM notice Sal r '‘iwe* and CrinraPer; Copper work tar Monm Fjimnei imd every T»r>tj- of work in our line. . .. MIKRU-T .t P-tIIRK j |,*nptTi*lvMa^ SSS&gS*. ta}l>oiuid u»-*r*’ . xi n. .-icot.i.i.r ■ Hftum/acinivrs oMiulvDsltleraud W. film, STiikKV. f |LR freutnep Jwtnf hJv.ia full operat-on, v™ arc y» ;^ , rcp»rtJ It cxeeuur; onJew jrt .our hae.JUWSSUy,' .Jp£!B£ ui* ia\ -fuoiCicr Wc Itayv Juiopied a flew planet tV'CjroNYli ttptt apptpml ptin oow • c f*3 iiy r »liietLT«jLtta'!m irpcrieciiy fcvet and 1 * foe Juvtra. router* g*»« tfvtyyMO tt(jao>i£»l in, call nuU t-saaiine for tfeem .-.--I, . . * P .-6 ENt-IETT 4 BROTH ER, iMANPFACCCEEItB,'' pirmljlgliamniieUr PUtablirah,] Pa. HqnOMOe "Rood that;ruutntrgh^ ]<«[. on fcnnl a pao4 ...orir ___. TOjt-jrorqnTir.t}. v.'to]i;*aic ujd country aici-, .• : , ebmuVatcrcfpecyiijJy mvu:il io call and cji .anuneTof jbcefcelcev ai 'w? J atß determined to *eil fcM ever l>clort kfrtnodctCii to- the pui>-' ?***.• 1 ~ 'r.** T *6© accompanied by lie easier xityreftreflcc.mH-to promptly steaded u>. fctda , , lireat. Wti Bnlt UiDgr fiamiaefcr?, ; • • ;:. Ci2^CISSAii,O. A • • yoifltjtiafomuhc iredt ifcji; -JL*,UltyßfC il&jr'lflaiyuaaMwg.tbc t.«t HatHliigc evdreuid* Is Uit; v&ued SftAVM. >.\4 Uiit i 3 oijr j>naci.- pl<: Jinfcwifi4l»!wo tuteadiuj *emi out a* eooipldte.ttJtar r.clc ha tail Jtdffiiiiiy be made. TLumc tbc • hhrdwa.eUßdo, t*o think, %Viil find iiuuueir mteroa 1 loser out tluair onferji prompt]* attended «*•' . »t 3 A fiA R DNKg A Co,fOfof>tb »■ tn»:rt«i«- ■ : BisaiffießuOifflEyjeSiai.- > ~ OAHPBBU'AOIIEfIS, • i - ■ -f '•' : -KAwratraiSnso? ■ FINIcTIINU NAIL*,- HOOK UKAD MUDs Iroa uid CQbptr TMkt, " • IRON AKpiCOPPBB SHOE NAILS, *jp‘ - • Patterit; Makerf.'PoiiiU, dfaoyideioipkon. V • OficcNo. 3SlCbarlcflk>;el, . afaUlC.—i- . K SlcaroT. • •» ' «• . laxu*ij. IjvuLik ‘ • FLIII.T . OLABS ESTAIUaiiHMKKT* .fc'LEUL/EniiriolaciurcanJ keep eon- on hand Mourned arid Fidin F*|:ni GlaMwnyt.in ai; »« Target, at ibcir Warel»ns»cor orr'pf ilnt.crt ouil Wmcriirreus I‘iiUlmrrb. / V-.f VMT,'Vt>rii< coiibiioa iii fail cpeiaueo, confuui.lv adding U> our a:t»t}k,>wtitel»ctinMe: u* infill orders tuiHprtmiptin.V,*. I'urdiasrrs arc rr*peo;A:l!r' tccuil anil t*xttriine price 3 aud t-mi*. . 1 _m finely :** t COACH MAKI N G . | ' ' cKOMine very ijjcriu m.courapTi - .. iii-nufiaaub-cnlirr h«i received ban jail'icoil lutn u> ukt» A l*e»e, year*, on the property be now became*. in Usurer tirret, .iTtmrdiatety brjr.j* i!ie JVcAbyienau Church. From the Icmif experience in tic iborc btuuicM ami u dr>:rc t» please. bohnpc* ;o mer* t and receive u share in public putronßßr, .Now on band and h.iisnaig to u'llit. Koeiawny Upg :*•»! open aid top Huggni*. and cs'-ry ilcAenjiiion 0/ arrmjet made io order, from revemy-fivo .iollara w •ytithanwret, „ f«ep‘;l.itn JOIIV WFI, |, ni. 4^6-fropTlh,- \fL> Saivcu min arc ni««nr prepared :ofuix.-ii tbr;r .£"Tn«nini;r-* urr-i ihc public w:j|» biirtro •:it a c-ict'* Of l.oz-J Oi, v«ialnf; Saloon pUCKSONt FoT;NTAI’.V. 7 N;V w V,hiM 1} repiinti-tl tod filifd nplhtir Humng, U;'* Ui) > VBOKTABLE I’ULMUNA’.iV Ual.S.\U.-T u the pjnfiritlonofthe Vegetable PdJinci.ary Ba!i.bi;_J ‘ af' aatiified that fhe Vegetable J'ulmoiiary IhtUuin uabl ii cum occurred • tame Urn* i.uce, and Ilia inait ia a sw engaged not unly in- k-~ t»»e but ia hburiou* buiir.r**. JUiperJJnllv your*, Jin irt, IrCJv.j 3 .-vjOiUIILL,,M D.- iHuU in i'duburgli by D tf C<> mrucr of Gfit and wood, al>o cor «i«t|»lA w.»>d ,u. H‘*i Ur uVi\i.Cv I X . I’E./iOßvfyT.u iupci or to ».| other 1 readier fir tiiugli».Ton»uwptiou,irou<)i4ii, Aiiliun.aad other Pnttna. airy nfleclionsvii that the mw perton* Mbucmtuact.-ctd th* uie of Jl in 'tlir.rfnmlldilen \rar« ego HfHj-rtftf 1110 nil '.lhermnrdieiofll.tklfldj ten) where er.yhire been yidured 'd try Other prcpant-oui they h:ie. alirmrt been (dliaptwiAUe] ts fere ring Hit hem lit which-waa naannabjf lujiieijoied.froa tie high praitct beatnwad by the proprietor*,, jypl bit»r«anj*d to the u*yif Jmei l Kim ti.rur at • jr«n*dyThhf ha» never failed. l<> rei.evc thrro aud p&bably neter.had iu canal in armiicg nelaaunry . Java*,-Philadelphia, aad .old 00 Hjoieyby ■••’.. ALKX. J.\\ iM.h 1 ■'•. 1 7j fouiib ct fjcbkrsii »u*p*m, . Jrite&ay'iehhrpoMr'X 1 " f • 1 ■ - tHIKPAJID * DCICCATf, - aucwoi! & , «iiasjssi(is heuiuixsts, • | • .‘.UI tiCf>ltt caray &.^bc]iardj •* i *■• - Naeltyinc«Tev«wee, fftulinpua faiOifu : anention toihe.anfß'- -tff-'.of lit)/ Au.S vVr-K ■ • ■’ t '■•••' > \X* ‘ v ,':v ; -A S l*mjw*r.a3|atta in um In.potiation'ofllrMdie*, •'«£*Wine* ( «dtl’plB«,'«c.-‘,b;Qr ayv' r *^^ r #aJo qo> 'USg ldmtby t . - P 0 MARTIN *■ • ■ - ;. amlihfield »t«' raaaiJSJWi^s^ ■ c, ,*=.m* rcwKiTij# m£s. vriTtoMta that ttajeasnli’ycf. ■ “ •**l lo *V*4 *ad pmipitssd are kftws-rnstT Su» -k^T 1 ' “****■ {o Mw.laX-ia.»tare-tomkirii . Viy» increase* Ute.cn! br act/oft flD,iU«' pea,if » Wl UnfkTuai di&aJt&U&£at&}<*7iajltTj_itsr,KUty ,it »*y« [Trmt J Jt» wcoaUinsotßaller |M toswrafinlty.Xtr-tteUlteSrc*, UtcrtUve wjU aocJconvU. .*l9l of *, ™“f.ra CtPhoiirs it becqnna deep b&k. wn:clt ’Tili cmlure igr ogc*. , wperior to the til ® B*me:of *• Ampul’s Kiud, »no nort fireti Sai the nene price. A* » cu4rinu.tef*ut*l iapwitiuaefear.k:sd beiafe.aUenipUd the wllowmb wilt itdflcc, w eljjEßast be Ui«l «L*QMP*rU>tre pitea eouTd aot-kyra been pb ■■ taiced bjuy ocbsaauawpnhj purpaM/' -i . ~' W e reebuimmd.V^Bibbcrt’sChentiaiWejtia j?W4« to Uie palrvnip.ol _r public,•««firet nte article mfl! res pecti, tt flows free fam (be pea witWcd’ r C A MeAnukJji Co.: ’ fcrSV WWjdUce,.. , . - ~ a« - RoUoff Mills, Atis 5*5.161j..'... Hibber*—Deai Sirt.l hare been using TOUT: Chemical \V riling lluid, and fiudit « dnl rale article foe lueorfiee, it flow, freely £rcan Uie pea btek a a few lioun. . * Ytonkc. . T H TUTTLiL IWk-teeper ... ... ' Jbr Bissrlls (c Semple. V * bohUof rour «riUn £ Ffuid* won Ou*e week* aro, I**uid«r itful. *) *T**l *f ■oj •nprtwr io Ajnold’i op ad?otlitf ink now u u**, I know c£ j- v Rcipecttol y. A TYILtUS! STKWaRT, f ftw Arthur AicKotida it Co MrT K ««!«. " rltiotHuidvßDd find it to he B urnt ordjtat Orttclo for lice. «i»u. uftdwi tree anil bwoaeea deeri black 'in'a *w b?««. . • Yotfr*; RojvetudJf. , 1 - ' v 'for John' Pat bcr* *■ Ptijaredaad aold; Wbtinaitf'snd.Bcbu) bv fc 1 ? Q> .lff?V. I ? rug “ t a»d-Qtsatot;icorotf of Liberty gnd-l ' ; ~ OsKOinj- T 8 MORRIS uitable for ail kind, of metallic pen*, und for pen* made of quills, and what i* jmiw fant and very-definable with many, win giro a perfect impression by the copying press. * T , D3TAN c ore uwug in the institution* writ which wo arc conuccKiL Morp,’blue black writing ink.and-io respect to tluniity, tmiliancy of coior and permanency. beltesTs j{ superior to any ink we hare heretofore aud! A rUuMuni, ca»!urr. hank of I«ouisTi!l«' Wm Riel* arvlson. cashier Northern bank, of Kentucky; GeoC l.watbitiey cashier, bank of Kentucky; 1, L Shtove, prc.niem of the Da* bank; rno* I, lido, elerk of lhw-< ren ronun- curt; C.irrcn l'ope, clerkdf Jefiersoiaevun. eoun. t »» Fireman's Insurance t nmparij. John Muir, agent Lcxiiwto'u Insoraneq Co; I.oodwin, ste'y rortland Dry Dock A Insurance « «..Ji M.iininbcrsiweYKranklin Hre & .Mariue In ..imiH C t'.j, j H Ulioiner, treasurer l.oui«viiie Sarinrs I -i*iimuon, a supply of the above mk, just received ,J, " ! 1,,f ' ai ' - ''V (ivfj JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. •' UAZZA3TB 4*ATCfJT OKOSTEAD. JVm DltTi improvecuial ha* do*' Urea tn u»c ulmilt two years, iad wucresiriit ia knot'll to all ot>»r H»-oi!«:ead». ' - Fortu* vjnir". KJl’ugjii QiiU courmienpe d ha* , not aiul 'eaiii '* l *»c cqaaltcil, a* - i- «lJy the best, tlrtv** ll nn;.«i vonreii rut in u«?, ud per .••< .1,- j aj*d ti x •duuwJudarc bjiJ WjuWMueSc. Asifctftiifsjjuriea*. hn.r.lfi'BM uupcttcetimltoupti£id the Aciketi purehi. scrserwiki do well cdQwtftaiy tha- cast innr'putea on .Kli.cb i!» i a* •itcctodmaiL-lßthtfiOftaieo/'.Urt paten toe, K. F Ua---a-*, in La*i»tMrty east, -At a, jJTO>rofall}k«V Hetnaue- tut vutwt'-i U-nlMraJ*,the foUavriitx %dle/cu Ac WeiivV* to Hi*: I'litilic: . w .: ••} • •-.We) tie V-jL*tnbe.T» procta-ai cabinet rankers and’ CW.f./.vl tetrt*ntHr--T. r> t in- ot;c?of l’ittib&Mh ft-td, Aitrparoy.’Fa i-pielj««uiau ;ut.i j-. l~ch Jir.-C* tjerenn i John MHJrcer • ' •■>-.. =*uiAgaf c t — Jrt.a iri‘* J«- Lu«xy & rton . 'Lowpe *• mKii Kiitdie & (ircuiian ' 'Pjimdu l-'vk-y Hnmser 4 M'Clr.llaaJ * batid usior Most*Uuiinck . , ' .linrh WViaeo knlicns & Kane n h _ J ."ilajet* Jat tV wfctlvrellc-r. - J Nr,::: iu-c (ir-nrm* Unyit&r • l V*V. iiaj.c'.t i McMii.eofcCs ;_.. Pur anil stU.uvt-uiMTa Bedtlrtfi/ UpOTjo tXKNKZFU FGAjgJg^ Tn->< Jjjuxrt .tvnr.i f .> t>i i. pO- U..- v . . ... 45b. A. ne*rri -;• vSsncsVulejO. CnAs. O. K. fox? iMeailst V: BfcIA'i'FYyBBOTUEtC i-CO., •- t~.: General ■' yoa th e aiUfc'ikl> roYwnpjHiTeor i ££.> 1 WEsrmTRODTOK, ’ : ■£■ '' N6.si;f*oydrafStretl;lfeaf'Orle4Tu.'i‘ * IlirisJOr- • '.Me«w.-Man;ii A 00, OinflfCTV? «j Vi , > • * •' 'V-‘ rJjuws iriirtnoT wCa,4.‘*l.y*'• i n J>»yi4>YPivA'Qq,iJsu?*coCl*.- • **• i EUis*>lofUm B-yjicct) i'iv■ ' *>.’ ' l r ntci. . A’MTJaitrev**}-. '■ i•. • < 11 N, K/tnincy, E*i. lUnkrr, ZanewllfliO.- v , Ruuli I’aikv A Co, Bearer, r-.'/uV’ - /;• j IV ' attinie i»r Nuna-w bto. "foutierl? carped, bt* Sf* lime, u gSilerv «v4b ecmpict* order ftrjarQ j;t£adumbßlioAM I ,\^lbfilairr*,&.c i tlttdirl!«{ly. roaiwniiWrtf Viyilive. A/HKwl crcdifwin i*. e*etv*ft4 Wfr»fO*n>inn« maa*i.*ntKrn , by ealhn* v t» 1 •*iitaefe£UV’,lluu»di*i«ieiL• v ‘/ABnCS BtiAlPfiLYl T ■+i J: -V.’ -i'JUktJi MCftUlEUt,^ i . • •--• : * . ~ f ~v AOTICK. .•• - ; A J-UPemina koovine Uvetaie|vc»tttdekuii(j»jfcd,ji. ■ S\. tstfe at lif. ioio A.uravo. Jt-. hereby, -noilCed to fchlj and rente tltf if acW4»lff*»Jthose !>»... ihe tatnbeaubiaeO or aettieffltut" t?. < tfci»*Ab*ettn},{SAhe' ' ] A V -N t'S HAJR TON IC\- ‘ <1 triid.wt uuhewUliuglf »•—Uir ViistaUle, without say cteeptiuo, ia-cir, r«taralirtii of the hrmaa hktfJ "iyai&Sfc vf iaitanen Ktynr Bail’ bar been lutiiiWteWilf I Wiuehkkt* i**» baUiorycafn.saOiXtthißittKflmaMdei" | L-rcatrrfame Una ivxteopnuid tviilFw rsaifety.wfco wL loeiutUitir'l;iir,u>in»itk Iml nf thiiTtsiii iniindiifilj ■ Bostod Afrit ‘ j ’ ‘ . I Por ulc is at tha Tea! SUiTc/ jETowt J FnurC.»xi«*».war Woorf rt* t MOPS-For aale giow-iii oi i-10 —Uommi> lu eeata»' r :* i: ..' j -’!, . Aiso, Di'ienv jui«l tFcklßro.?< V.earh'pjekctLrhid yenr’* i i, r riiwrti.‘ i*nmn OLit» Bi W, lioaiiisi UVJDKOPATIiIsT, would ia/omr.hia fdcnCLvttad tM eiiueiu o t FmetiOruM reauir in jhe miV .-rktinr. iha winter, dnd laprapired (e-tretr. pnbenu placing tieitiielvcs Qiulirr 14t care, accanltog it> Uib n« pnveii»«l at nil Water Cora KeialilUt-> no-ftiu. for either Acotd of “'rtkOie! . wi.tiuterto aruit.Uterna^f vetitf hliTwrvtrM Will eUiaif Mr. Hiller 1 -, comer of Liberty-»U‘and£v*|i'i aUer;! 1 i la. M, U»' fcvbnl ecvere cases ot discuo ia t>i!* ciif with great -afee**, idSvfclchTidisjttnahlcdta’ r t‘«; . j • SL,N LiUlw”* -iau.l>a|»>rimo Hif» cbffeojjarbl) UNO Midiw-wiN 7i boxes auumiacUlTqrl lobAcoo; 1& hall piTi-M and bTadk teanj pud pili boxes-Y H ; ai»! <» J 1 do.; ifuu Ooif»'•*'- 4*>! , '*r Wither Wh|»,* xeaejfid-,U»oit/ mini of groceries, in 8io(a kml tor sola oy. ; ,. k .,.. CAltiipN d>~AlcKJ{lrfin*. flih »L ‘ HAVANNA .eigra U the iolloiring'ceWmrtttl tirand*; panto arrive ■•(ri.MKtniK «i, Coves, Aubnjuedaid, Wostdujrton rtealias: iei>i»drs. Eecttlaptu, Uofi• Arnigoßi -tlrfFiutar,iSkdon laird l»yrmi*a,.ft*i priAdm,. ataaos boat dor \ iilflyn runs do, Sylvia !»r«ief* tirt, , - l io' do 1- al,On»s, L« i'aliua, Cwadotesj Smlo prifleioes. fsrf ~al. u ,’ >' . .1, r ,F ~ • ‘ y.! 1 'cor BmiUifida 4'froutii^ : .rtdclie*; rvWveuon l*ifcrVfc. . • • l iiaiAß®Kay4?co., * :Lj&£al.v-; : ':. J*?L ''‘U"i.V X [ * lZ y*v£rteM ntki/-' *. ‘ft uoa t-ifoiJBK 8 ™^U^lWlO>epln» :Vil*d It* »-! a'J^gp^' iHC-reoitsediual f ■O_V *t.tr.*w i. tu.Nco 'Vv'"- v ,’^L sa&lf®^^S£'^iqashi&ss , 400 ***& of} Guxnl^5aiifTrni.lt'«>jl£iW ! ta; ; . rH? vHvg* piWwuh BiimwoMflMi cTßi«fc 'Yhu, wi swdflrti htwkni fePfflfe* M wr.(fWJu : JtaiimWSmti^&'. af non t •> .->■-kl fc : Yi «£>; tad tteaibcf Jatlkiafllrttar mtmJ>fttafcjiUluUlßluL«Uta; 1»m .&&SK, .r“sgf!t§Mfte ipj^^SS 1 ■ .:■ " 1 otaiT . .Dr.TamMßdY'' :nr*fert*e* ‘Whit**,' I '' of'Urfu, inlfr ;of* ftetiMt&fcdiaft'Au*;,. , teda,Ch»t*ki«Ui*l«te.U_. wader »b tnlhTm. tt fjfliiilij’eh i, tmm cf«W« J v wait shaaflUcgdj thtt httadrtdi oTesmlumW l* ui. -Setcnf cue* when ftialiHhw faero.wl res, «fier. übs a &w: tottlra «C thii bbtebk jure beta fates milsbwltfav o&tirie*,,/ & Dr. 7b\B7cetu!fr Blj rim, War Jiwlr dMc. vcikata.isd {taetsl dcfaiUtTi k*4 *»4&SwrS*« by/josa, usdtt matte mnsr’dcftaTMte woihtapd vitli«tl>tr£££(ihte> c3m|*kcttea-»»H taf-which-ar** of usjkbm tum ft.nMri .rifd Wipi.' ■:*:■■:;■ \: . rnn mth dj*i«fcia.j&ia MM o(:*v*B»ek. W«fxraui*,.«u m trni '•mmaTap'ilrk&ias of foiLu>& «oaU *O,? ftwir* iboa^dnftloUfd&tf: '<*»£'l but lath or*e dferi* tntfriictoar 4eecd,aboßli«»muauace.'tor ' saHt twat Ma^T'lftodi bcaruunt cetitdj rmgtodit . _ net fa im rfiCfa Unn»j»b*'JMntf.«Ml * Tkyupiaar* uifcea»Jv?^«- K**Ath* tidknruJg,a»d 4oabt If jt*i «anaw^; ' jearaco, with a, wwatwh jind.T*toft - ■£ dgfjfcfcl’ c»Um m [jM«jtorbor• *m ki»A «afMtt>»uva;m) itrticth. | fttt H » diiHdcM? >» Aiuuumaf aw to*,* frtti* itm&lm* 7:?iai ...”!«« °toy»V.tluM«,jaeiu ? n Usss B *®^ I’- 1 ’ - ■* *'•■' .v ..i - •«■&*}*»• «nUk.aa4 tem iU ioawmvr' . :h« poDlic tramml,'d twi, a puftmtto d mj/ ■ htae>nioScvl9BE*}ft«t HoaiCaamtttoiS^r ta±ffifa‘t2a,". 1 tfauf faixdmi tateM ptrt *'r yrUrh eantils’t'raurt and itr •f ■ T TOWITItEND. bd L {-KretoUHifcwTarKOiito Anrtßj thi^ lha vinrtinae oh, or£wim< -Tfa* «toWftu(i* atQta) laptop* paoflaet too 'K^SK'IS^ISSK' -««jwabuKT%Udt atfroetpf fh' rtrjJfTtatpopßWitjHb^ -.‘■:r::t ;;.-r:' -i -•<» v *.t,:4 > Or. Tomadi—>l harcUc -mra, with • dnadfUunkisf i : h«*d > 4ow ,'fft > bNUftoaLßMoafalfrj Om I Ml Mtbjed to Hjb j. ewi' B>cdidht9,'(oo fctaaJ*roW\ of jour line* UkrtatoWßlaamlioU U ißlbo-WNt.'toeflitttif fan etatHCfefeUd I ta*»4kta joarßan«|ahUu tHu ererj hi4..ft]t wife xcpmitrtud I mloa 4« bdf th« tiebsUa u«. < lit dltUt 1 ■Op •£»««* nUmb t iff'"..- - - i. ,i' •-jmcßann i. pauki T'HLS- Lime co ttMjirilLnrr E6*rerw^ r , ironi' fOgfeMbpl* /- sV*w [ "K I x\ i f -;; j£ ; £?fftffUSo ax^ -“- : r lUntpptKiiJ prwrfof tbt ifeeMMaMtfi Bullitt or^fl^^»rep^r^pn jHlgilMd (Wiaifii feaeftl«fc. \(& ( TV^Stz tffyP 9 ae* t JLien/ka *w»t «iuttu| cbarao-- Md; i« •^* , y J ttaojL •-IwrWpttWP**** «w ptiaJu^tAt Cktny. ■' * i “ cufte-cT Cogscnjiiioa •'«-litorii)t;WiiiH!.W >^L^ C . .“ rT *- ?eUl ‘■eeUny.ia.-i.- . • > ■ i> • nau£piu sr - munptixt, ■■ ...Qtitp&oul Syrqp y +ar • v/.:. , Kiicku '' i#.; W, :V,. markMs I' PULMONAHT CONSUMPTIONS ~i. " Btnit SSan'JktaUf Haag—/ftfrttifaa tit ErOBI» twill of ah »par«a dh\l- '- r \ y r '•■.■■ ™ •»*— i w nr^i~- = iTr*,l**Tiff l iMtritf|f •.•. *•- bcrVcxpimaefarfraaf ©TjiXr ajaMMmif • v>'"- ; ■ ; ■■ ; SWfc : MMUit I*. -- .•• ur ur»rtiiM »*4*b«.T iSgocfet! ’V •*mm «ther».-io-«W I-Wrf teat-Mi«r~7ti4Jwnmir ‘ £Es^:^t££&s£i& :**> .%».* - yAttf&Wvjd fin livh *f — 1 gsafissjffi&aarsta} • - ' "''*** • v—' zHSi/'- .feS'fs ti-.: * • r ' w 'y; /;•> -'•fill