The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 15, 1848, Image 3

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    r 1 ' ♦ *•„ f -
OyWMIBS-jiUimilfQ jblnwrapriiM onto;
t v old tad anr, 3W b«e« its k
• ftraßttCß&ci'biMeMinidftrnlobr':'-
. <• - t/.-'CAgSON-* MtPneggvy:
I doC«T»d«R3!ißd®
i iMnM«nirnl><BWii>Faylllttt S%?Sdo Uaniaoa’s 9*,
«> m Sff^^mi^SSSSS^S^-
t .! TcS!tta<ar.pWWtttJt*^^g«^^^^a«laby.
" : ' - - •tfWWWMAflßftßaUia' ;:
\ ■■,.'• U tt-EATOtf. ACo>W* rteeiyod by re*bu«ipft**
■-•■- ck>P***tftatb4 nun;
‘ ‘ in* riiftaa*..«iJalßiKtU4r«ououneftjM(ti&fe*ib«f
. ,’ -Wrti,aTWlwfxTtrikit*iajTe*tton«iri«x Utw <
. .'....-.’-trt 4 ' >--■•/■ •’ -if::'-u '. W.mifa*<«•■>••
bhl* prime NOMoije*e*, in ©»k
JliUli; by
BULK_POfIJC-r9O. pc’! balk «tdMy|a«t r**<4 oa*«*■':
KxnpetUendfareeleby -; •-•_
' !* i.. riitOWJ* CULBERTSON : -i i! *
MO •- i •/„••:• HflLlbewy»t -
i ED?j&AD (£KGUSH>--* reperior article, fertile
' *" -aaia . BkauN fc REITER
BOSS PtKk— 9 bUt ibe best by
• --mscT i > MttAUH ft, BOTEft
O - > * ' bRAUX * RE3TEB
IGAK4CANDLES-H3 ba Jio i rbria waffBs do
E^iihUm,Jim reed perjK»r.Nowj*tt«Uod*iJd for
"'■••/.aiM a^v/aXuiiAUca-
Ji ft&SJBr-G0 bbU BheanuinVjaw" wdir^iocgVj
vT4»ri ‘ ' a*^vtiAaiiAuaif
E L *S p - 0a
■'•' " • • tyi,";"" •- f ’■’ ■-■ -■: 33 wood «l
* ' 4 BUSTS 4 CANVASS-Oawmcfaeft end by »&« V*i
.»r-nary • v.. ;v. j gDpjg Or ■.
!.' T\* VUJESCp M K gYBUnVILB tab"
* - X/^B 4H TxiUUAOo
/T^fOLASSES—euTbWi PJeiitti&tijleddiofflfrcni taai
SUO ABr-» hbd* NO Sagw?«ft*U * » ,*T
Ifl cue*doable *efined learns**; Si bblfj w£f rt-
tl> WillsWßT—Old Wenoogebeja tor mIo by lie
buircL and oa'dreufJU 8 bliU y, old Boarbpa>U»
'- tTtChJsSES~U» bUs PUBtauaa ia piiflM order,
HAM 9 * oil family )uau; 88
eboeldea. >U« day tee’d pdr RBU Bibema«sadibr
•• |ui fjf ■.■•'•- bmi7 -■rf'MMtgA'llu'himßOff tOo ..•
,»: ’fctrw .dew totted.*jot rac’d aodtor
• J± ml* by aery ,TiAMKS A HUTCHISON ACo
by itmr Supper; aod Jar eale by ?'
nai7 . SaW^AKBAUOH;
V'tOfTEE—lBobdcaßio,fcrnleby ■ ■>
\j m*x7 - btUJUEB. ABICKET3QN
[ v Jr ; pm? • : ■ • nUIKa a giaffiisoN»•■
•tf ■ ■ ABP»4lke«*Nol»to»*la hr-- > v : ■ ■ ..
' Ji Mrt .* • -MlLL£2l * IUCXEIBON -
tßANS—JObbUsnUwhile, ia (lore and torulebr
■vi—*:r . "'■ OBLiCKBUHNkCq^
[iS~aODta*Mandta*tonsodferule br 7
mtrt ■ 7 ' : O BLACKBURNA Co
PfiACUEff-UObulalTM, Ifidofiaeclia**,
Molasses— as bfcUpUntidttifbr «j»br
i Mrt ItBOR
• CO£3b-40 U& prim HQ to flßNvpsr «aur Aativ
rf’flTyYTTlflTTTiP' B Inri r^ 1 * > 7' y *
1 VJ -‘tort WICKfctocCAUBLESSS
’ >-*DIQ&-fii tfeteat
■iSST-- ,
mv mvlfor.|«nfl«)te.n|in(ke>
w v.'X toff oMt H & Uayy PbUaddShJa: jwt, rwH* and
,tfrMtoJy naif Pa EATON fcOa,.
.- C)djLEB-~P. pEsaaJkCb, b*r» A»irf»PaJ»<Ht
v OM BjumU'Wiod*:
tw. faridiaTinr mi whhf? afro. BawT» and cth*r
£Mp. Mattel to^agaidto-.
* irr-"Tri-f* > ~rn~ r:k “
' XVUm-Oi fiomlayiiifht, * Brm»3tera**TH2*
± agMßrtftiwfa
'■ CxjftjtarTnifcrwtoty;;
HAFISBr-WrumM cnma wnmarMito doobto
... ; r fiutiias--j,; -Ty '- • r -'• ■/, ■ . tl WliCTit .
t t'IDOA&S’-pa bbli Lsreoax 1 * c nuked
TP ‘““‘i&Knßrrea * c
” 1
*2^?L I S
agty uo d»p»u» 7 tagrtWAWw* ftW y
'SfllsdlMMn «*«■ lj -jr
mmw-t- '-.. -. »y gs;snwr2a^_.
a-H. Bt ip
W n O Bnt^Bo
kUVOJtoIM^ jip&urftadibtMl* br'' "
. imgESß^a^g^wssasfear?.
' '‘f!{iom t gcg»?t^a.^’”'
TjßSlf’ - jfr 7 CoanieicUl Bow, liberty .
' -
»id* by"
r.:~ Htninttlni -
gcpsy;* c»
i fmi '"fl'ftff' ■ •Hitfßiiif ffig’ *«**"'**» 1
* l -'g I ''^V^,TOCTTttAPP
$ , ptocaSl -
'’'-^^••yjtt^V-f'*v r.'. *-;»-X- -
•» WmsMsws?
~4t <#2£‘?‘*'’
1 tm itrr
, Hr
f i vfi^i^lflß^^^fefej^feana^lKi-,
'"• O i taJU'flHi'iji TWX.tetwkiWbctw, fofc&qr
co .■-',
ia4fcf—l« by
fSSS gUt* frir-c-v.* £•%.>*■ WAffJtM i K '
, T»a^^.!!3BSBs^ga r
If mtrn -
/ AIXtES-I «ua Sat i»U by ' ) •./■■ t
Ji g nt»9 ? ; , ■ JOHNS MORGAN
/'USTUtBBOAP«>3cuei lbmlebffVu,. • •
M s*2__ JoawbaiogGA^
; .A Ib< tooeMmaled in lJb bottle
iLfegigbr -[naiai-: .Jcmy^oaSN
AmONS-A nulUot for sale br^. j 1 ■' - !••;
V ■■ >• --WICKAMcCAVht'POi
3bbUBpaaUh,lbraßlel)j-" ■
'-9 ■“* JPWTf.T.rAVQ
Hti|SSS^SiS'2&- A “-■
—-”g”i_ ir -V~ < LQQak, WILSOXACo
" opened, a linr 'auan*'
■ ■ , nMa r
>““ sl7 *>fe«lww;&
■imrnSJ**^landing from
WM I Jj*» 0 )«»d for ul* by.:- I DICKEY - A Co,
- “Sy*-. :water* front su*
? !S o , l< r 4lbt ? ei °° w Undine from itr Oswego, A
'P OOAf TO^LET—Oa foe second storyc/ the wart'
A»hoß*e Jip IB JiaVfojf
* - r. QEO COCHBA3V-
}E*N&—lSOfemb axaaD wfciie,for»aJe br'. .
JJ_< marg , J pwir.i-TAMa
Tf/TOTE LEAD-60 kegs pare; 30 do So 1, for sale by
ff mm jpwuZiA-us •
Shawls * RIBBONS—A few Y«ry richaodron.
CaahwMa Stawlaj-jim- fcceircd; tlao, Spria* Bio*
*“?■* ia gTvtfnnctTi *Ufcs diy good* bouse of.. -
ftbg <■ - - W. R. MURPHY.
HOABBS-Ta doa Rice'ilmpfOTMfPitfSi i
'» Zuc Waahßoard* frtoieuiaaodretailaimao*
v . < J ©WILLIAMS,
febP ™ . - liowSaW
fabla tnptttot ftraai<
I ~YH£RSE—abQ2**fornUbr . r
V/ ftbW -. «• r' .J p WIUJiMi
S» pKfiBIES-10 d»x. lldo* TW Xan; JQfr
rHlcfcolyßwOßgoacopriinoMatt'rifoMto ra. t ?
febl? " - L ~ J Q WTI.I.IAMP *
. ? .anido [ftfcir
SALURATUS— 10 ion* receiving and for aalft Ht
HOOT DAiara.!. a Ob
JUofhm priced Ufira keitWefr, {tom 10 cent* to high
pnced French, for ealebrfqiarli FtIEATOWJtCo
rifle, end roek
tori' '" * '«UESDBHKV*C»
faalDjr for aalabj
Jat\-:*ma - fbikxo i
S'IOFFEE—IOO bap prime IHrt, pciTigKona, for ule
Vby--v[maiaj~ ■> ■ , V -FKiK.NDkmiy'ACo
YrOLAfiSEB-Mbblefetele br • ’
Jliv? jam - FRIEND
p ang ‘ \ .FfiXEWP RHBVACdv
’■*Ut’BUQAR-«3bbU«ertd WoMrtufced L powi
J dead, feral* by iguua]"KHIEXPRHEVACo
|>ICQN*-10 ok* tortd, sum lb* M*ld la makt
Jj how; fat ’talc'by (meet] VjgIBWJP RHHY AOo
tOOBnmXGB 32 eahe praA, for talc by
fpQjlhCCO- rtbxa»openarseh>bacco;3Qdol«:lB«lo
AWk O do32*; 14 do Bprigg l * ArOfflaUc, 4J ken ttk
pariorg.twirt,fat«afoby WiCKfoia;oCAy»^-^B=
SOIL BinTEß«6bUifrtd, recttandforealeb
(YACOX-dOOO pound* coeniry eared, for tale low in
KJJ ctoeMqr r' moiQ- ; ~W k KhTOUTCHEOW
SUGAR— 10 bhde folgNCkfl do prime to arrive; for
»*io by v. .naio : ~wkst bowen :
iWEETODrdeubjMiimmd end foreale by
!■ ■ .—a , ■.■ r- •- 11-IgrtKf.l.CTtt *
BARIS GEEE2£-4 cans (3C Iba each A taperiotTJaM
we’d and fateafoby • [mart! y '
IfchU fCP.~<afWa bl* ' .•
' 7f? V 7 FQUfPErTER fc Co
i^at^^jbfl^llfoi^i^hhflforiale by -
mroSfcadto Stobry?sS£s)jjjiß
lbiTtfiin* ft*
-^^4blid*'ba{cioasdiiaiaokvhoiM«Bd£» > Mi«bT.,
% W< , ■ *-, » - * C»•
AH9-19 bbli.LbMel.QlL.i At.'WinitrZMili
\J*b*««tadAmlaJbr *:-'•• • ■■•• ~ :
■•: . mtfl <■ OBLACgSPfiN ft Co
C«AtT-MO bUfJKo I, at lb* !*&&% 1W «Ie by
Q - wrt. * , . MIIASE* JUCggreON
T|nKDOWO|iAas>aNO bsaurt, twabuilie
If ifeovasTUleliodiafc bjr
*» Mart * -
TnTKDQWfiUa ■atito XewGeaera,Wuk
Wby gfg , - FU&3VTH Jt IHJfiCAN
aad jfox«:
BUiu*<Aeekj.-M(kaarj-foe4«bom«fv • *. < tv:
‘aSkaacsEV ta,
lE£El#'AdU‘~l6bbl4in not# andfer»nla-by • :■•
TX7IUTS HEAJte-l*i bb& mall wtiuftbr eale by
•ff MM3, . ' WICK* b»cCAWOLEBB -
/SIOABS ■ IMBWcmiwnii, Sir mde by'
\j:’. -BX*l3 ■■ '"WICK ft]dc(
. i BTtrtClAi* LEAViA—A roaa
r\ icatafc boda. caitowa. *e,itm rccmodai-l -
mail r* , . - FUKATO-VACoV
/TfOITON FKINfIES-A pol BHOrtattat alwaya on
Qhaodti".- fraarlj- ■“ :F&IBATOK&do’t
LASS—SOQ bxa and abc*» IhttflxS to 94x30, eoon*
lXt*T brand*-in atom and for aata by ■
.■«’ • ' / c mvweLL
O>rTON-»haka,jp«iT»ctlfliif and <bri
mart' t >Tv lIBOVTM *C|JI«BSi
BHBONE-dOlbtfctiaiaby, , -
marl- ■' • w rbrtj.i!lm
P Xn '!s^? A “‘* ***
tjsssisir' * J,,, "' , ' ,i *" ’
. -
T')QLLBt/XTE33rr3 bbl* fr£Jh joct ree'd And for *«k
JVfry -na s " • iO#a 9 PILWOETH --
Wm3tP. BHKT* Co
y§at{ aanks'kiMUM eewtsot •
TYBIED PEiCaES-» beikYorWu br
•AxUdviMar Bm, fiw «I*
T tbUcadi hlf hbl*tcpufar, jutre- I
{ • ■•.■ .-■ /•-• •
~ -ma»8•;.*'••■■•» ®»»—-
3 PANOH WUHVfQ-® bUi ifl-iiw tailor sal*
.(Cfcroalelacopr-? : " :.
IPIRTTS TUJEPEKTItf B-U bbU far nit hr
I- wm» x .. ÜBAUN fcßKtTEft
:ISBSED'JOIL«IiiiU> Uvulaby ■:
| '*** v . UmUX XBOTEB
Q • '■ in*i7 > •*
> for sals by tfebg) '
filiED—l3o heah prims new reeu iuid Cor
_/Ul*bT tfeWl, -f . TABSEY 4B>MT
.floor.' SO bb* £o?a ma4,7do
l^fisar t&s&r
CJATINEm-r a: *ll vumxu. <£
fiasy, aofisnd,'eat sflk'siid,
opined by gHACIK.CTTIiffVamSf .
*Mf»-|qr< '±77
iTOoai MYggmwiw
» 9
S2£i^te3|Sf *wlulc, 14 So ,
>-i - ■',•?■■ bF Co'-
. yf;-- .mai* -, BFVON BOXffHOBfiTACo
hx» ; *opcrior MoaldCka-
AT± dto»,Sitofiipicandle* io Core and<or*»to law br
tttfaiH ; , ,C ; f OBUM. MeGßf:\Vjt Co’
• A COMPLETE Kt af'Boeket Machinery fanala -ifebM] r JOHN & DllWqbth^
J>-.tnrieAu4 feriaftt color*, jut opened Br • •
■ t«Mfl ■ ; , - . BHACKLETT ft .tVHITE.
mu* 7 BOOT DAi.ygr.T- tCo
WEB SEED~ltt> hub teceiting and for tala br
part ■ ■- N &OBTiaiLyFrt-fcCo ■
.-A 14X>H0L«4bhI*jmtreeV*adforMleby' '
- **** .JOHNBKnnfuv
“ « c *i* rtnirßrilliajiLfo
jmara].., ': JASA HUTCUmQ^
,aa» #mwrfjrnwMlw« fort
.- i SvyiM-uMA
{bbljostrac’d aadforsale'by tr
■j . K K
urn MocM, la turn* and
[&—to bxs in steel and far
! hbds WO Sorer. landing and far tale by
rtj:- ." I ’' BBOWT fa COLBKBIBOW
JULSSEB—IQQ bbla If Oiort rcoVl and for tale by
lbeiumiu« t>y : • :
BESFLAftnsR-atbsfirsalebr .
• R EB^J-f-v^a
)btifjfaoiiiCarolina farretsb*.•■.■•.. •
it'- » • •’ JOHN OBIEB
>bblt faranlebf •'.'
lljUfcNtc REfTER
• • Aafcaa*—Duty 3D pr. cent i
Pou 4
Pea*;........,...: .i?}ST| |
9045;Aab*<V....V.;.V404| |
BrilflM-Doty 5 per cent
American*-... .0
BaUl»g-per *
Hope 9012 J
■ Bean*—per baabeL'
Common* mix'd—»>®2o7s-:
Backeti p Sox. ■
PaJeax Borer**-•'»->
• Boeawax—Uoty 90 pr. cl.
Yellow-.. Vi.. ..i 2109.
‘BIIWI P tOO.;'' ‘
BrooM* ..yVtor •
MerehamaMe'.*«««B7Jo! I Bst i
Shaker— i
- B»1ii-yewL' .. .
CbemiUik<»»>...< o£O
• Ifrmloek. ■«•«.**■*«••-303^0
. Conl—DctfJOper cl • .•
At ike rirer**-4-»*«** •
From wacoa»x€*<—>*9*o34
Term. and AUbajaa****7j«7J
' • Cheeolltfr-P ft. - ■
Number l* • .>*.»-■*•* >lOOll
Cocoa. prepared"-.**.* 9009
Chr dipped .•••>*—•' .9091
P»U*burgh.Btar**v‘.*9o 09:
1 • da.....*
Cantor,; vefioed...4o 0 so '■
Chloride Liae, caik Cso 71
C«taTartar......S3 0 28' I
g «?•*»»»« ti a:ia
Gtu«'-r. 309 as
Gam. Arable*"•».***ss 0 .70
. *•. Copal v*»iS 0-60
.•<**. TYaneinth.."tt 0 37}
fifceHie .*.13 019
■»;. Mtmic—.—L2o BlfD.
lpeeu-«>— 87 OVO .
Jaap, powdered*. HO 91:80 :
Lithane *5(O-'6s
Liquorice Root 7 0 0
Uqobrieeßall>"'"lB 0 SO
LaeDye .....23 9 S 3 i
Magneea Cetb* ••• *BB 0' 37 I
Uiwr,' Drabro...-15 0 14;
- CrtHiffiflfti —I
Myrrh T 'lWkey.«.».2o 0 60 I
<» A
.H Cutor .♦»•■ OLSO ■
“ Caa*ia........34C oifiO j
“ Ct0rci....... 0000 1
“ Lemon*.*"*.*o2s 0a£O;
“ Pep'm't *.....-ifio 05£9
Opium,Tasker....&2S 0&flO .
QniaiM*.*"*.'** ..3£o 03JOO-
Khobiub, root.*".*6o 0 33
SaTAmortma. .....•: -90 0-18
Sal 0 8|
Seum.'V ....SO 0 18
Tartaric. Acid-•"«*40 0 60 '
Vitriol,Elae....^.-U}o IS
By# Wood—Doit Op. cu
Jam wood.-oJa .7
Sperm, best brand** • *90.033
fto inftrio!‘-V'*'BSo».
Tea ketilear *>* *•'•♦* *«O7
Wagon IOB ft • »
Sad iroo*rn Krt***^io3.'
. ft
Short i«d— loNo^lO**********lB •
(Lo*irooa l .elupped-*-2iia 3
I'.VMttfcera-datT SSper.cL:
'■ • ' •" -
fKeaiserf■ ••».—.
I Ohio 4t Pennavlra..
Altnonde ihelTd..» >flO 0 AS
5afi...... .....10 0 13
0 14
Caniutti, ; Zan»—.*l4 0 13
niberta-;:......... B|®->»
Groondnoti.«••••. @l,BO
ne»,TttiJcer«.-.-13 9 1«
1U1aa*..;... ..IS|@ 10
Rairina, Muscat*— * -O.
-2£5 @3^o
Bloom, 01d*....*.'*- 9
Crmberjiß*.'......... 0—
Jjnaoa»,J3idly bx. 3,00 @4£o
Cunimw**™*. Oltpr
- '■ fifr Wht.
Extra brand*,’
Bre tfoor.v*—* &£3O w.-
hK bbl»-..---9
Buckwheat prft.**» —@l- •
. ■ hH-bota.. •.••«*•• .non*.
Ya«A~*er.buhdL .
Bran—. ..-10 0 - 17 -
8b0rti*............... £0085?
•< FUfc- datyoa {ore’s, can't
. SO percent.
Mackerel:-No. l—v~olB£o
. Nftl, Uf.
/•N0.5,...;.....;; mimo';
:.No,a.utbbi*,...~ o ~.i
H 0.% 797^5
.No. 1, kitta— O
Salmon, No. 1, old—-0 <
Naw—i.. >l9 0 30 I
Shad- —....... i
Cod, per dnm..... 05.60 ,
• Fmr*—-'.
Red Fox,No. 1*..- 0 691
“ .... 0.37|
Mnakrat 10 0 lfi
Raccoon— 0 S 3
Mink 0 *5
Dwr Skin per o—l 4 0 U
Black Bottles
Quart per; froa-s-.. 09,00
Pint, • do— 07,00
Mad's wine,B£tofftl 09,00
Claret pernoM*—-09,00
Window Glass, per box—
j'■-curbraads..- •■■ir..-:-.
. BXloneV***"?'*’*'****^oo
10jrta..,:.......-,.. — @4s?
*llto 17
’aenumf Veeolpetlt> 10
Lan* mif Oou /..•.• -
«-•»/ ■ ■
“ fIOO- *706
n ‘TDO-. r .&®7
“■ 80QLM(Vll)00
Carpet-Cbuii. ............. bo ■■
.'Oottoa.Twiae. •
Candle -Wick* • 016
SOper etc f
lava, Old white-*.••••18014 i
I*agnayra——— —8 0 e{
Loj<— *—V*v—*.s 0 el
'.. Copper—Doty so pret pig
:'bar end eld S pr e t eld free;
Brazier* v ——♦ 37028
Old-... .............. 1B01«
Manilla—til lfi
Whlterope— —>•».*—0:18
faned—— ■■■ —0 II
Packfc'yam^fina——o ID
* -«: common-*—9 ;
leap Bed Crdi per dea—...
Ertfa 10ng..1A303,tt
dug • ■•*»••-
loaghlist* •.»..*-<-9701,00
Manilla Bad Cerda' pwdofc
Oyd. B thread—**-4MiOO.
to:fc » do—
Poieatlee- per yard. ■-
•...'••do v ‘ -do 4 07
ten Sbtfga. A No. 0 7(
Allegheny D*.*fi-*>*'ii-0
AUefyßHoMJn *^o. : 7}
•Oregon DUnion MUI..-0—
Puuborgh do ..7 •
Laarel o 07}
.Barege—* —o7}
Lormae-C* * —OOl
-4 brown eotum—llol2}
• Bteaeheddo—«•>--909
.'do. do*—'•••7}olt
•4V-do'- do——9lol4
Brown driUa—.-**—B 0e:
Bleached**——*«*lOo Ul
•aiekkge B}ott
Hamilton—-—**«• —Ol9
'.Lancaster——— *—ol3}
Methnen*— ••—••• —o' 10}
•Ko t snperior 016}
Fhnnr prints—.-i 4jol<
Fall River. Bine.* —olo}
. . • ........ 4SSr Wfcale^.'.y.—* 75 0 lOff
— 97,00 .IfcnsenperJ*!' IVX9&fIO
•;iax»i*—***—loSo#W: n»; .
CoontTTbroodk. .•.•?•.■ Pma,Bhie-TO 9 #0
SxlO--**-••••*-3£093 ! eSJ L«amtlick-t- «» 7
— 93,75 sp*£ Whmag****.'*ifo a
GUiPOwdOT— DanrSDor. Cnftune Green-*'..*3B 9 . S 3
. * • cent - ’ u Yellow: No, 133 9 35
FFTO----*-*~~*4,» 95£0 « -f .iNo.3*SO »
Euie,6t!bs-* —93,00 Brnniwiek qreen**l2 0 2D
DoTdo*.llb.c«niit’» 97,00 649. fj
FFPQdo*—*?*** 94,00 «* Oil,jmte*eir..l,oo OUS
Eute do.'iapopen—‘90,00 ** No. 1 9 1*35 1
powi!er ***’3£S Bed !.*»<!•«••••*•• «9 6
Dutjr SD pep- cent Yellow Ocbte 2JO 3 I
■e79W.Veii.lled...-.•—.•<19 5
8ff1...... *43 950 iVetdigria***-; 30 0 33
1-B. Bhie 4s Orange—ollf
r j--JDr«g*-perfe'"
Aloof— —l4 0 17
Atom* —3JO 4
Asartpnlda.—'— *!..IS 0.0
Arrow Root—..— —.O 13
Aqaafivti*.—-*..<**lo 0 11
— Moon Slooa'a
19 Beaday,
13 Moodsy,
17 Friday,
•■ roa tai vm ccocta ust snaoto.
TT» general charade? ofihe market, dancg the
week;jaiteailed,e3hibi(edbuilitile tf any variation
from oar quotations of la*t week. .The we fiber
his been ▼ety.iuipleainutt,' ae»
computed byconsiderable ittnr.od run. We
hive another fine me in the nver, and there is
now some * t a feet water in channel—offering ere*
lyfedEiy.f&Mhe free end unobrtrncled navigation
of our larger dan >of hfeatoerv nuy of which
hire arrived and departed: during the past few
day*. ■■■ .■: -■; •. i . ■■s,■■
. The Canal from thia point East is nof yet fully
epeodd. : 'The. present cold spell of weather may
.$u influence- m partially retarding the
ircahj hot we are informed that water .was let in on
.the section leading from Hsrriibcrgb, west, as ear.
|y as'hat Saturday, and that boats belonging to
saraalof oar |gies here; were gliding Their way
lathis direction!■ So that by the end of,this week
irevnasy confidently ■ntiripai* foil operations all
; along the Rue, from this point to Philadelphia. ;
•ijhe receipts of Groceries ' and Provisions have
been quite liberal daring the week jaat ended, ev
ery arrival from Jbelow being more or leas heavily
fteigbted-wiih ithese. articles. By these arrivals,
oar Grocery dealers are most amply supplied, and
every > thing • seems to. indicate a. coming busy
spring season. 10f . the full receipts of Bacon, Balk
Pork and large qnintitiei are consigned to
tbe Canal Une% for the pnrpoee of immediate ahip.
meat-Eayt, so that 'npon the final opening of the
whole line, transportation through that channel, cite
the lapse of number week, will be immense. .
k, ASHES— have no new feature to notice in
xbe market ' Quotations remam unaltered, and
«iif« daring the week have been, restricted to the
regular transactions nf tradfi, at the fallowing rates:
Pearls 7*071; SaleraUu‘7ifr|; Pots Sj Scarchiagt
4|£Jsa, and BodaAshat.4(9U cash
Tbo feeeiptsof the put week have not bren hea
vy, but fiomthoprovalmg steadiness in prices, we
infer that supplies ft present are quite sufficient to
the demand. ■ 1 '
< .AEEv-tlte market is without cbahg». / We
contmue to qmrto bonfe brewed at.sfi p bbl .with
«at," and tTincJuding cask.. • At these figures , oar
bouaesAndreiidysajefarall theycanrnske.:
.:• receipts of the
past-weeki eupp&ahare faUen off to a consider*-
bis extcniand; pricee Jtsre stiffened materially,
iwWTSTer, any marked advance. We
note modenie tales at t1,|63 far inferiar, and 91,75
to 92,3 ff ihr-good to prime. ■:/: ■.
v irno very material change in
pnces'since ‘car last weekly exhibit, unless it he a'
slight decline,,owing to,, the large influx Into the
market/ and ihepresent\Umited-tlcrntn4* of the
trade-V, Some 23 to'3o,ooolS»baro changcdbanda
at the' fallowing rates—Hams fil; Bides
Shouldm 3)e »B», with regular sales of hogrudnd
at 4JC ?B. We give these figures M tbe yuiing
rates at present Ordinary lots of coontry cared
would fiul Com an ito nio short tlume.tattm
while bnulfid kka pf choice city cured might attain
tofiom} ton Jo - "
'. BULK - MEAT—Receipts from the r .Western
markets have been immenre, still very Ctfle- ia do>
ipg here in the way of sales. Dealers prefer either
ooßfetting their stocks into Bacon/ .or shipping
fiit We migi£t tjneto 31 to 3|c.aa the present
nominal -rales. : 0 : ,
' BUTTER—Tbe receipu of the pasUiave fallen
short of tbdao of the previous week,, bu t the, mart
ket shows little if any variation in , price*. We
note'regrifir sales of RoU at 12013|: far, good to
r BUCKE7TS—We notic# no dhango la the nor
> feet, galea 00 dot Were effcdsd at fp dosen
for Faleat Bearer. - >s
• BROOMS—'W« usift regular ilau
•tfinpa rogwf according to quality, from ?1«25
to dot. f»
MBEESffAX-VeiT littleto fcfowfe itt it pieteot
cod air
, qaotaooß vt'praest; by theqcjmtity.- v >\v
: bqjtmailwiuLD afs7*o *
- b«n nuutoto
the nppUo» of the; midrat dwtsff
:'W« Aftft'sakrto the affiotutt «fXOO hole* Alftbuao
1 a?, sHEEmcs-ffo
UDUTuorjußoiK nlbuicx, fukightb, 1».
ißoreXf refined,* ■*'•* 34 &.S& ! I Oats*....
Balaam O2J5' Ootn..;;*
••9.0 3Tt j Barley...
• _Qlttt-pn ft.
: Pitttb.Common*... 11 & 13
: .
Western combe, ft 18 0 SO
OUUeftf—lfcjtT 20 pr. ct.
C™*®* ••••» 85 O 90-
ton oTOOOO lba~*
VSRgrt 010^00
| -BJoe».}) a t]r epet ttVL—
Mia0uri...;....-...V : 7-0. 10'
Bp»nl»h>.. .... 140 • IS
Do. salted
P»-kipj» per skin..U» OLB3
Green-. r .. _ o^4
ifgHl*, ..iwO-, - 2 O
2O per cent.
Tint *pl: q is
ire—Duty IQ-per cent
Mani11a..........« 01,00
Xroa—ltaty 30 per cent.
Bar, Jonlata* - • 4
“ C0mm0n..;.;..3 0; 3J
Sheet...;. ...........H9 71
Boiler; Plates... 6 0 6*
Na11*.... .....;.3»o'«i
-“r '51ab*........ 4 o ' 41
Baota Sheet*'* ja*
so per MM.
te?!S*v.vni 4 ,»,
ail* 50 £'■
Sole, Baltimore...>2l 023
..«swVoikv*--.'iis o so
0 M
- SlsagEier.......... 18 @ id
Skimog.;.....a ong
[HanißUj black* ID 0 21'
Bri<Ue*rWk,pr.<l<*; •
Cdei... ...... goflo ©^oo
: Huaaett do-.... 042,00
Dpperfiafihed..23joo 023,00
KiP*, £ni»hed; • -MfiO OSOO
Calfskin do-... lfi.oo 0201)0
Lace-Leather.... isjjo ($2l
„W. EngUndßeatS*
No.lperdoi...;<ioo 0 1—
No. 9 perdo* *• .£OO 0
No, 3 por dot. • 2100 0 \—
5beep«im»...'...;.,.2j0. 5
' Lumber—duty 20 p, eVed
- •. f’-T*L per id.
Hae, ePr, In, pr H. . 020,00
Comaott ........ _ aicrD
Clear, It aaoSo
Cfcar 3 -......._e <^c0
Com*n 3 ' ._osrtQo
■oor’f el’riindo.— oi&n
l UL. connpong -
Oti do . 01{LOO
*Pineslmg l »p 0 000
|so ;
ipwi*C«hree.v.o,oo 01B£J
_Mrt»«»e»-lXti]r OOwTei.
«f is
N.Orletni*....... 2S 0 ; 20
. - Havel (Staree—Doty so
-.-J..:' •' r percent. • ■ >-
Rods per &m : g -—•.
Tat, Allegheny.. &00 0 £23
“ N. Carolina-. 533 0 £5O
TqipenUnejgmll... Qog]
Veminh, • Copal. .1,73 0 tXQ
• • ® P- «•—p«r
keg, lOOlba, fcaainr »>■»?
1 cent advance peTlb.l .
100201 Julata.. 3&30 fcso
S 0 Sd 4000 4.75
00 7d S.QS
Sd - L-.-. . WO
4d « fits# £OO
ad '.,r. ,' ■*.....’.8,350 7-io
Spike«perfe..~...4|o sT j
u pmwd. ......«{0 4 :
BoUer Rireu 0 7 1
.. Oalcu*~per'&—
Hn*borgh.«.o 8
-0 C 9
lArd.Cltr.-M- 00052
OUre .....1,40 0 1,50
Sperm bleached 0 1,25
;■ Unbleached 0 1,20
'"Flril.H 0-1-
the market.There'isa steady trade demVodat
the following quotations:
. Manilla Tope, by coll; •• •
__Do euu.......
w : Wlirto rope, by;e0tL.**;,.........12 H
Do cut.... 13 “
Tarred rope, bv coil ......U M
'■ Do c0t..... i. ................ 12 “
Packing yam, doe ..10 “
- Do-commoo.'.. ...j 9 *.
- Manilla....-.... JflOßiflOQiflQ p dot
Do per coil. . . B>
Hemp.. » iaf
. Do cofl— ..................lie lb
Manilla .......100 Hemp...,S7§ |mJo* -
CANDUS-Wolitoote nlos'Sb. ham' of Pin. . ?">• cl '" r $3O p M
hngb dipped »:#39|b. Of <a»Slur .122023 c JST;,VV".\t 10 *> •
ind Cincinnati do al H» ■ . Gbcrry aluut Boards... I*»<J2o do
vpRIED market is toady, nndfor }*>*** .!M« ,
aw quotation* are folly aoatamod Wenoteaalca Lath#... . ”■
of 100baPeaches,in tots,ot 51,5Q31;62pb0,«n«J T pTt»\£’ i•* —: :
of some 50 bn Apple* *t7oc, cash. • ,^ R “'T“ e marwet is-quite firm, with.
FLOB*-The nirka irtW ctoge.ftom Mf"**!— . 1
last quotation*;. The receipts of-the put week mUitaOTesole 20221 c 4> : .
have.beenr partial, and transactions restricted to 1&220.d0 ,
limited loti to the trade at SI£OOI, C6| and $1,62, Waughtef... ISSI 9 do
according to quality and quantity. Moderate sales w*irtmg....: ..21223 doo*
have been transacted at (be river at $1,3701,40 » ...23®2Spd
bUL.. • . .. . . - ChlfSbtw....... .......13020 do El
- ITEATHERS—Conriderablqlqaantitiea bare ar * " • IP
rived daring the week, and the market is welt sap* T .'*•*, do
plied with lie article. We nolo tales in-a small . LAlU>rC«wideraWe quantities continue to erf
way at 31033 c, cashand time. ' ■■ . nre from the lower markets,, andonr market u
‘PiSH^Th-rn^^iiV.k^,.L:.i. w-.w. jm V/mUy »upphed Large nmodiiis are ia«ore
“f Cn here* destined for the Eastern mariret We have
6 reported salesamou&tipg to about lOObbla, atCO
e! Wo l, 812^0-No, 2 lofiO n ? j 6 *£^ A y ?®° |e I
bbl Herring so£s> bbl/and SIOSOw tiercel I METAL—Some small lots of Hanging Rock
Shad s3£o w bit «adsiiow V-M eym” l ®* B * havebeca offered in the market during the
• diuST - vw* *¥*’ t past week, baft we can quote only one amaifsafo
■* _ -‘ ; • ;•. ■t of hot Mast at $37, A mos. •••...•
.yb FLOUR—Ltnuted sales are reported to us 1 A* the Spring srrpmacW we 'roar now soon
UL | ' expect tmvais of Pig flora the Allegheny works,
BUCKWHEAT. FLOUR—Very Rule .-inquiry 1»® judge from the small stbeks in the bands of
in the market, and wa notice limited sales only at consumer*-here, we think that a ready «Jfr
ffplOOfta. • . *s., mandwillbe found in the market From the'(act
■,-,FRElGlrrS^Vc»lM.:|,aiini'ia : Uii, ftu l«lgcj»raoaot» of EnsMilneuil .re now be
fteigtu a pmwmii p rica, Ut“reta°oro 61 . nomt .’S,'"’”'
nal cbnracter,' We qnolc a» follow*—. 100 Css. “ tlo . n “ *5, ’-'f pnec. of iron doring Urn
To Cmeiniwli, drviroodj .TTXegas coming leiuon. To Ibe prcwnl low urig on Inn
- To Louisville, “ 6 « .. . \ 37 _ rign iron are our iron men alooo indebted for the
To Nashville, u ■ ****** * 75 •->' B“ ) ®P , y-P ,w P trt * ahead. It issuted that in view
' ToSiLooia, «■ * *'**“* 050 of the present state of things, some of the western
To PhiladeL,Bacon, LanL&c/.iooinizi ; tealers are buying;more sparingly, in anticipa
---'•> yAWjttfurpyiy • • * - ''-'-/at la* '* : hoaof a redttrtion from the causes above referred
• . light freights.- . 175 ' %?**£? /**- BclusJt y, to make pu^
« •• . heavy do * • 125 Nork. . These, with vanou* other
fiom Bahimoro, west, are given in tfae u?' * <b f C ca ” oflh ® iron
BallimdrtkAmerican as follows: • ®«“® f Western but we think it
• From Sakiaon to C««ierW-On Coffee and ETSTi 0 ’ • P , «« nt b ? bl supplies, the de
manufoctured Tobacco 30o»IOOHlandGrocerien Spring, will be
Dry other tUdse-gennally 350500 w «ch as to inmire a foir pnee for Pig.
1W j• •• • ; 3 - 1 B«wi»-Sales : r of 30. tons Tenn. are reported
• From Cnmberland west'we kt. 875,6 tnos,being * reduction of $5 & ton
quotolha rates as .follows, via: FroaCambcrifliid ¥o»,«st.qooti|iUona - : >
to Wheehag Cumberland to iOlLS—Ourquotation of last week are yet fullr
ytstained. WBquotetales.ofLinseedat62c.aud
15q commissions and draysge at Brownsville, 71 Lard at 60062 c Tanners’ 917022 p- Kd.
SAGSWinttcthre'demand wiUvsales 2000 fits
/ GROCERIES--By the faH rocseipU cf the past at 3|.£>r for white.
o_ s EED3--*The' market is quiet and little doing,
ooroiag to quality and terras of NOMoUs* Wequole 4a!e*2oi)blsCl<Jver,iaA2s„and 12 do
aee itmaia quite firm.wjtb safes in Varfons joU ot ■**[ notb y ll i ‘-limited sales of. Flaxseed at 95c
•Dae 200 b& ta'B9o29c «r oV Woe, the ms> ■v- / ! > ‘
Icet is.oow sopplted Wjih a good article. -We •-s;TALLOWrrWebb»erte no! change in ibe mar
note raular aafea'hy Mfe time at SL aqd-by the ketdaring the part week. The market ii quiet,
bblttokftJorßL Sale* of 2J» sacks Rfo CbP with regular rafesst ilcp-lb.
in tbe groonry not gnotnd lure, m, comet J * S,JS * bl‘l
- in above taofeil - WHta&bi—The market is qmet, with no
imn, moderate, nnd “ dßec -
ISLrt the fcUmiwmei-fwiieuaiKi^kJL “ d “'° Slh*“",let
-480aO«Uarloy40015c;'Corn*35037c, and Oats ,j>
at 260280 y~bu’■■scarce. • For pncei.of articles generally, not quo*
GLASS—For Window qnonuion. ‘" dmU,i,l ' rt
the following is a.opndensetf list of prices of
Flint ••Glass*- - ■■■ ■ ■ ■ •••-:.•
Flaia Tumblers i picltom C to 10 oa each, p ■
1 310 M
Pressed do i and * pint, ffum C to 10 Cute
: . dodo. ... t <V2(d\pz
Decanters, ot, Lgfat 2 ring, glass stopper,. ~..1,75
•do -• do heavy 2 d0airk>....,3,75
-do do .do plain d0......;..\,'.V, # .2,50
‘ dot” ' do dopilfer d 0...,
Wine glaases,jJam..soo7s
■.-•:.-d6-_ ; ;'-VdOr : '-i»essed^....'.»>.i.^;,w;-..,VJ > 75
Fitctes, plain - ~,!*.;^^7|s3
or. cream*; t .......j,. ...,.90
Castor Bottfeattfioted.'i , w.VViV. .'i ;63
Jars, * gaL Laquertd euw&fo&iXi ;v2^o
1 HEhEPrrSappliea are qoiie are
. PlffHetal—pr ton, 6 mo*.
_ Allecheny. ;
Not l. Toundry ©3&00
. “ Fcnre-* ai.oo eayn-
Jlannng Rock.
ito. l Foundry.•lK'OO ©37,50
**’ Forge***** ®—•
Teaoessee (9. • 31
... 0 37
40 0.43
• Mercer Conwy.
Foundry Pig— *•
Plone— 3
v Mahoning-County, Ohio. -
Foundry Kg-*31,000 332^)0
■ /PleaterPorla—doty free
Plaster Paris. —lO,OO 3i£Do
2[ '
Bacon Hams • 0 St
'• - u Shoulders ■ 3^l
- « -Sides—- 34*
Bogr«jnd,eltyfcare 4)35*
• **• country do> —0
Lard No. 1, in kgs-6*3 6*
•f “2, in kgs- —-3 6
t « l.lnbbls—A, Si
Btitter u I,la kgs— o &i 10
» «1, in roll. 123113* ;
Cheese, W. B 6*3 - 8
“ Goshen B*3 •' #
Crack’*, Piutb. Wst’r.
pr. obL——— 0 3,75
Bo: Batter -—3
Potatoes—per bush.
Common Beds-- •62 0 63
: Neshannoeksp. bbl 1,3731,50
• Haga -Dutygper cent
Country tniied —3 3|
Do. good white 63 5*
ulee3per 6
Rice-. 3 5*
Saada—duty linseed aupe.
Closer— - 03,25
Timothy 3 2,00
Muatnrd 2,50 0 3,00
• Bpleeo—per ft.
Clovea**»>« 30 0 33
CaarialnMati-*** 23 0 SO
i Ginger 10 9 ll
Nutmegi 1,50 0 1,60
: Pepper* OS* 10
Abpiee 0 Ji2|
feiiAkeroot—per fl>.
Virgiiiia 0 U
Senecca o— .
Soap—Dory 30 per cent.
Pittabargb No. L—*4(o - o
Cincinnati 4)ov, <|
Bttel—per ft. Foreign
Caat&ffltear 16 0 17
Dmaingle** *..Q 15
BertGeraan**'**.*. 0 13
Qgle*-« 0 11
** .Hoop 9 is
' PhnbuTgh Meaafagturc.
Geohaaßteel —. 0 M
Englithblister—>••• Q .13}
American blister**.* 0 <j
Brandy, BonTZ* -Zff) 0 ISO
; Boebelie * .. 0 3,50
Sam, uea'4ib pf-L5O 9 i,75'
: N, 07 9 100
.«* N,*—* .40 a ’a:
Gin,Hollandl,oo 0 1,50
_S«for—ltonr 30 per cent.
N. G. prune, hbd* —>s)o
«• air, hiaL 0 s
Havana, white, lb.*o 0 7
Brazil - « 10*10)0 U
Pol re fixed, FhQad* •• *0
•Salt—Duty 20 per eent-
Nal, afloat*— .'—o
'* l,ln »tore'»»»— —o IJJ7
•toot—Duty 20 per cent.
Perkeg—*..** 14,00 014,60
Per bag***.**—**.. 0 jjfl
laltpatra—per to. -
Saltpetre 9)0 10)
Totooeeo—per fit—{lOper
et off for caih for manuPd
' ’ltobaceo.) Duty 40 or. ct
C3&»rLeaf— ~~ 4 0 9
MrnnTtd do>* 30 1
LmdiM’TSrut—~.-I) 0 10
Plus In keg* BJO 74
Pluginboxes*~~..ia 0 19
OTwift 7
CiTendith'~>«»>>>«> 0 0
12a Lump in box*.*ll 0 15
fit •*; “ 15 0 17
16a .** « 19 0 - 14
Scotch ■wrfr.~~..H 0 18-
Rappee 0 la:
Cut & Dir} lb pap... 0 33
T**—Duty«)per cent ~
Imperial 89 0 80
Gunpowder 49 0 Tn
Yeung Hyaea*... X 0 K>
Pouehonc CO 0 ?j
- Tinplate—Duty 15 pr. ct.
Banea llloek 0
\ X. ;v 0 10 5u
_ T*Uow— Dory 10 pr-eent
Rendered*— */ 0 j{
Roaxh 0 • £L
Soap Grease .*4lO 6
Vice*—per box.
Solid boxe*
'Wines— Doty <0 pr. cent.
LP Madeira.... ®OO O 3.10
LPTenefiffe-.. l.Otf 0 1,50
tiibon 75 0 ISO-
Drr Mslas*. —.. ftt 0 :70
Sweet 03 0..65
Sd at
,13d,- IQdanJ COd.
ind 9d
uid 7d
3d cj
SPIKES—3 to 0 inch 4fi33il
‘LEAD—Xhe market is steady, with -Venlar
aie»of Bar at 41 and of Pig at 4jc
LEAD PlPE—Regular 6aies &t G>£3l3i ibr the
tnnercnrtze*: -
WHITE LAED—Spies of prime in oil al SL6S
> key. M .
LUMBER—Tho market is fairly supplied with
all lands, and uiodt ‘ 1 r ••
-. Hoac;> . and Dullness.
• Tbe chief lopio of imprest in the money markets
of tte Eastern cities, hnibeen the subscription to
theGovernroenl Lmd of five millions of dollars.—'
Although taken on foreign acoopnt, it does not op„
peat lo.bave relieved the Ncw York or Philadell
phea'money markets, in .both of Which one ■ a half
pefceola month is’freely paid on good psperTlfis
suggested that Rothschild has advanced money in
Mexico, and ts now paid in the Treasury Notes
afjtbe Government, thua potUog hale money into
oar treasury, and only changing the floating war
debt to a fended debt, i' . -
la our own- money market, there has been a |
change fur the worse, and good note* can scarcely
be cashed at one and a half per ««» a. month.—
The amoont of paper oflbnngm the atieetis much
beyond the alrffty; of hrekeretoj’ meet - .Eastern
Exchange has grown,-ray eearoe/and cannot bo
bought £ir currency under one aod afaalfpercent
premium;# indpwi I .it'oiC& be bad-tf-tbav -■ Fbe
ajwee, thp rale..Usoqe. per, cent pre.'
in Upt Eastern,i market* are- now
quoted aafcUtw*: v - *"*
\ f: , £ »%•
•. f '"-Hew sbrkr PbfUdel lfc
, SSb cf*33*z
; ! -*2^stoo»^
* *6 f
ManaUles 75
ftn> •>.... tin 0
Calabria jyg
jWool per ft—Doty X per cent.
Pnme.—i.... -••••33 0 35
Full blood**. 0 33
f ••••• 29 0 30
ifalood® 23
> blood ft Common © 20
Tub wasbed**..••••...... 24 © 25
_ WhlUcey— «r caiioa.
Rectified--..- © n
, 6S
Zinc—per ft
£heet....rr>...: © .
Slab. V. © 1
FnlKhtHwr 100 Iba.
To CiurinnatL
Dry GoOd#
Uetn i.
- To Louisville.
Dry Good*-. _i© 37
Heavy... —O3O
FromLcmisviL'e 10 th
DrjCoodi 0.
Ueary-...*... ©
Dry Good*
To Cleveland Erie.
Dry G00d*........ 0 40
Henry.. •*■•••© 37*
To and from Brownsville.
Dry Goods (down) 0 15
Produce, fte. (gn1............. 0 10
Dry Ci00da*........
HeaTV ;
To tVbeeJiuff.
Dry Good*
To Zanesville
Dry Goods...
[ Heavy
To Beaver.
Dry Goods
To new Orleans.
Heavy Goods
Glass, 4c
•* Q 10
***** of rsdoirr ox tux p^ymTi-
Apme* and green fruit per 100 lbs 00 eta •
Ashes, Pot and Pearl, so
Buster-tnd Bacon. __ xn
Beef, salted, do 70
Bale rope and Barnnr : do fn\
I gw**** _ _ - do ,»
gmtles, do 00
Brooms, . do 1,75
C-eese, do 50
Com, do 50
Cotton; !' . . • do ■-50-’
Chilled Rollers «£• jp .
Drujr* and Medicines, :v 'Vto'-VCT"
gry Goods, do 1,00
Dried Fruit do -' 65'
i'„ i (erbM.;-- 87|01,00
Fnn and Paltnes, : per 100 lbs jSfl
Feather*,- • . do •lS
fnnltan, i. • jSo
Glantwaro, ’yg
Gjau, Window,.' petb* 60 •69 •
Gtaaeny, . pcMOO It*. ,« 75 v.
Grwenea, -r do 00
do stt
!£& -as;*,*,. £ , s ‘
Lead, . . •do ' 40 '•
Lard and Lard OU, do 90
Oil, Castor, eo 75
Oils,(ti.Lsxdand Castor,) do 75
gork, per bbL do 0107
§*s*, ' per 100 lbs. 03|
Ropes and cordon, do 00
Ir» i » * do 1,00
Seeds, do 75
Skins, Deerand Baflalo, do 1,00 :
Tallow, ••• do ’©
Tobnijco, Leaf; do <Q|
,do Manniactared, do • 97
- do 60
do 01,95
Whiskey, per bbl 1,00
TO tax lAIT TU Mtr*mtaiWTT.» Pirf 1
Class, No. I—Ashes, Balt Phil. N T.
Bacon, Butter, Lard,
. Cheese; Pork, Tobac
. Co, Tallow, W.Glass,
- and Whisky prtOOlbl M
: Class No 3—Hemp, Flax
in bales 1 00 _
Class No. 3—Dried Fruit
leather, Old Ran,
Skin*. Seeds, Wool, i.Tfl _
Class 'No 4—Beeswax,
Feathers, FurSjGinsn’if,
liopt. Mdse, loose Flax 1.35 _
Marina Insurance*
Rate* of Insurance on carroes o{
•team and keel boats.
I'm Pittsburgh to Whealxnr.Vo. iif
“ u to- nnd from Cincinnati, O [ft |
“ “ to Louisville, Ky. ~|jp
a •“ 10 Si. Loots, 'Mo 1 #ls.
u “ .•! & a
“ u to Independence S OSI
“ u taGalena,lll, ■•H&li
u ** toMemphiSjTea js9l
u “1 oN. Orleans o|i
From N. Orleans to Pittsburgh-. 1 (3|l
Sulxjnii | q
Clinrzes hr rood Fiat Boats!-- 3>.
to Now Orleans . -}•••• '
. lm ObJa.
A TRACTo/laud, SO acres, in Harrison, Portage Co-
AX on: the Cuyahoga river—about 30 aere* tamer im
provement. Afoo, two unimproved lots in the village
of Wuren,Tranbiilt C 0.60 feet by Ml - Also, a totof
ground la the eentre of Hanford; Trumbull Co. with a
fine dwelling bouse and store—one of the best
for a merchant on the Western Reserve.- Any or all
this property .will be Mid on. very aeeoaunodatmg
A- ' Coal Load fbr Sale.
FARM eontainmg tBl acres, in Rostraver town
■®P* Westmoreland ecKtiny, begiuning about one
mue aiiovo Wiibamsport, on the East Bank of the Mo-
Joseph Beckett, deceased. Said /arm {touts on the riv
er, about H mile; about 40 acre* cleared, with other im
provements. Tbeforra is one entire mass of stone
coal. Ike. form will be sold altogether orinlots to anil
purchasers, and on liberal terms.' For particulars ea
qutre of Henry Sterling. Daniel Ewer, i Wn Larimer,
Jr., Pittsburgh, Fa. > Title indiepmabla^*7?
foh34dkwlm*S - New Castle. Meroer so. Pal
ler&le sates at the following
A. .*l**? Knit* lm Hm« Cbeiit,
LOT, SiorehooM and Dwell mg, j^o
Efia Extensa Canal, hi tie iKISi« of We» Mid
die«x;:» deanlle loeatiou fisr*merchant Ala©, a
Ul ud «©d Dwellingllouae wdl tailed £w* Tarem
2*“d» la tbs Tillage of OrengenHe, on State Una of
OUw. Terns eaay. ISAIAH DIQCEVA Co.
feMfl , i_ "Water and Front *tj.
' • . li®t fbr Bala.
AimT in the dth ward, 43 feet on Logan attest b*-«0
feet oa Clark tirrct; one of the most desirable* lo>
eattona in the dib ward. .Fot tens* apply tn the tub
tcnberaithe Methodut Book Store, 4tlt near Market
•treet or at hia dwelling on ClarkaUacucopoaita E.
Trovillo’a Grocery atoro, [TcbUiJ J L REAJX
r Wit Heat* !
-A tw» story brick dwelling with tboat Ax acre*
fcM of grand -attached, situated at Oakland. Tbe
■Surface ta well nocked with fmli of all kind*, and
Uade«tßbtejocattoaforafuml;bdageMirelT ost of
reach ofiha river end dirtof tbe city, An omnibus
leaves Oakland koariy for lie city. Apply to
4anap- ATWOODTjONES A«*'
. . Fer Reat. t;
Mi.A “» story brick dwelling house on
Wylie street - Pbsaeasion given oo the fim of
dßfcAptil or sooner if required. Inquire of - -
. 1 J * R FLOYD, us liberty atreei.
• i for Rant* ~ “
Rtt-1 A two story buck dwelling with about 3 acre*
EH ?' f Toan °> aitnaied on tbe bank of Use Ohio river.
JB»in;tbe borough of M nehetter. Apply to
'! ' ■ To bib ' . . " 1
M> THREE dwelling house* situated on 4th atreet
near canal bridge, in the city of Pittsburgh. JU
»d, a non 79 l>y Ub feet, with a convenient co
trance on 6th aL, near wood. Alto, a frame dwelling,
two stones, with an acre of ground enclosed and under
cultivation, situate on Ohio lane, in the eity of Alleghe
ny. Inquire of J J) WILLIAMS,
J«m* HO wood atreet.
To Brewers*
Adi FOR SALE OR RENT, the Pittsburgh Brew-
IgjSf cry,, with all it* brewing apparatus, sitnate on
Pena atreet and Barker'* alley .and now occupied
by Geo. ’V. South A Co. Poateasion given on the first l
day of April ehsuing. For term*. Ac. enquire of
fcfazaf . 145 libeny at.
M - The new three .story fire proof brick store on
second at. now occupied by: Edward EvflLs; fox
renlfroiUlatof Apnl rieit. inquire of
'i*alg : - • ■ = 04 wood atreet
MThe subscriber* will rent .part of the war*
boose now occupied by then. Apply to
: LEWIS, Co.;-*
-t - 94 water street.
! A handsomely finished'room on Market atreet,
.lELltiely occupied as a Daguerreotype establishment
by Moelhnd A Co. Also, a well finished and veil fur
nished room, suitable for adjoining the hall of
the Mercantile Library Association. Entrance at Phi
lo Hail, ED GAZZA&L
peer? - Office, matkautreet. between 3d ana 4th ■
M THE large mod cotrirehlent dwelling fiocse on
ra Federal at, Allegheny, fonaerljr occupied by Mrs.
Aon Gatxxra. Rent low. Potacnlon gircn on the let
of April next . El) GAZ2AM.
Immediate raasenion of lit# above hoow can b« ob*
tained bv appljrinjto M. Creighton, mt the cui&l ware
homo of Clark fc Thaw; dm3
For Host* - ■
ML i A Urge room on the »J story of the warehouse
gSBi occupied by the subscribers, near the toot' ot
AV«» street—a pood locaiicnfbr a steamboat
agency or an Insurance office.
’ A neat two storied briek dwellinghotue with
USB *eTcn room* and Urge yard, pleasantly aitsated
iq the 6th ward. Apply to WN fi SCAIFE,
febll 3w - let affect near wood. *
AeL A Fine two story brick house, on main street,
wjgL Allegheny city, near the npperJmdga.- The lot la
*Tieet m front by 100 deep. For term* bmaire of"
’ dclfltf 1 A WASHINGTON, 4th at
T* Ut. . .' ■
M' One new three story Dwelling Haase.'with
hath houKt attached, attoata near the comer of
Vylia and Washingtonstreets. Potaeatloaciv*
en on the first of April next. ■ ■>
JfL 1 THE large Are proof ftet front hr
ta HO feet deep, on second st, near wood. Bent «■«<■
erato,i Inquireof J BCUOONUAKER& Co- '
/ Mwcotfat
M;. A' Smoke House, situated on Plamailev.
rent. , Inquire of BOREBT DALBELL- tom
■ .Ltberty atreec ••• : >• "" jjq?
. The well famished oeroarJtajJuf ainat ’ha.'
KB tween UUrdand^trthjtraetay'at jmHi»Tsin.a
.>£■4 '-Am
Exehsage Market. 9
Aa UDprovemeol cf j baj oceorred in the mti*
i bet. since oar last "Yfo bow quote il 11
- per ct die, with a wpply about toUce de»
j'ttiad.-' j
| - Eastern Exchange* are very fyrWj ia no* I
j tire demand at £ per ct prem.
Cattle Harks L.
I Ammmr, "March 12.-^
Bans—Owing to the abandanl supply at the
Y*r& on prices receded a shade iron oar
hut quotations Over 500 head were offered, end
-nearly or quite all taken at $3,50(25 ? 100 Sis net*
Hogs The offerings were full, and the market
rather dull Soles were effected at y 100
lbs net.
Calve—A limited number were offered aad ta.
ken at 4c lb net
9 ‘iw watte ts chanmq^—valu-io.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wellsville.
• Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville.
Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville,
■ America, De Camp, Cin.
Wellsville, Bams, SunfUh.
Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.
’ New England, No 3. Dean, Cm.
Danube, Cock, St Loot*. \
\J. J. Crittenden, Israel, N Orleans, -:
Jewess, Boagber, Ctncumnii. •
ML Vernon,lst-Louis. - j-.: i’H: .;'
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Michigan No 3, Gilson,- Beaver. 1
Caleb Copt Moore, Beaver and Welluilby^ l
Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville,.-.v'■;// .
At!anttc,. : Parkinson, Brownsville. •
Wellsville, Barns, SunfUh,. j ‘yi : -i "'i-’-; .
Lake Erie, HemphiQ, Beaver. -
Hibernia No. 2, Klinefelter, Qn.' ; r :> ? ,:r'.' ,' r -
North American, St Lotus.
Skipper,Stoops,Parkereborgb. ■"}
■ :!;>:•
: beaver packets, at 9 anAio a. jl, 3
-O'clock, P.X. •
MILWAUKiE, Nashville. - <
The river last evening was 9 feet water and
falling slowly.';. - -; r
A Bargala la Real Biutt.
JbA subscriber offer* for sale a House and Lot
USM on Liberty streets short distance , above Cast
Lane, Allegheny city. TbeLot is a feet front
on Liberty street, and runs baek! to-'aa Alley 66 feet.
The House erected thereon is Brick, nearly new, two
stones Ugh, 16 feet in front by about Sain depth. :and
contains ten comfortable rooms, exclusive of‘pantry,
coal .cellar and cellar. AU the rooms bare fire-places,
and drains are constructed to carry off the water; ami
the house is in every respect in good orier and very,
convenient, and is well suited for two families/'. The
property will-bo cold lew, and time given on the Unrest
psnof the purchase money. •
. Inquires* the subscriber, who can be seen at the of
fiee or the Gazette, every forenoon, between the hours
m eight aad tern and' at 'other 1 tn«M at his rooms at
H*J* hpareinv house, Robinson's new row, Fed*
erU m.AlJefheny Gty.. . D N WHITE,
feolatf- ■ Agent for the owner.
FOR SALE—TTte subscriber offers for sale the im
provements and property he now oecupies, situated
on the Fourth Street Road, about three aules from the
cite consisting of a well finished Brick House, cos
taming ten rooms, aad a eellar under the whole; an ex
cellent Briek Tenant House, containing three rooms; a
lyge bant and excellent stabling; a never failing run
ning spring.of soli water, and a pump of excellent wax
ter at the kitchen door, also, a garden containing some
choice mutirees, together with about ten acres of ex
cellent groonff
The above property will be sold on reasonable terms,
and Mssesuon given on the first day of April; if not
sold, it will be torrent after thet day. For Umber in
formation, mpplyto the subscriber, on the premises. •'
febgadawtApjT : DAVID HEELER.
■ . Water i
For Btnt or Bale.
4 ' A STORE AND CELLAR, comer of-Federal
J&ind Lacock atreets, Allegheny. City. Inquire ©*
wanieronthepr^"r i '”t * foK’^ffwi.i
-C -IV "-'V
, .1 T ’.
: > 'BOL3IKB ■
Eiefamnge BrokuvAo. BA Ataw otrettv*
P»WWlj* l * l **-' ■'•• '''‘-'bidltlUr -
Ok«Af Bk. Vv.. v .
Gir«rd Buliv”»v*vPtriFvattri 0k.«fVt»»«» *
B*ak©fG«m»STO*WJfßk.«rtfc*V*Uer.---*. ■
*'QtesterCbaaJr*«*p«r,Bk.4rTirafaJi......;. *
" ’ Uontfoiany o& v *parr do 1 1 Mortiuupwa*-.*^
- “ N«nkßmbeitßad >, rar N. '|
Colombia Bridge CO. • • 'pan- do’.AV|nt«bmix
DoylMtowa Bar _P*rkenfe»»»**-« *>
Fanom*Bk.KeadiM*p»f-• , r
Ftaer*’ Ok. B4dta w. , wßttf v TWwMt«> ••*.■ —■
Rumen BTlAnew'r'perjFM. A Hertk I *>Bk--»*.
lAaeseter Co.Bk^>*/>pcrßtowe*Bfc*4»
DroWnenile Bk...4....par]BmtejßkefMiMiaTi**i*:!fr
Geuyaborrfcok.*~» -* U ißk.cfCa|»*P*kr-**->*
CbarnfaenboTK** ;»<*>•»'»■.lHe«ek?> j&VMdwfaea-- I. i
'Suqndiaiun Cfcßfcv'—l i
Lehi*fe Ooßuk. •••*<«
Lewmown- .^{CaadßßßkvH I ''"* *> I
Cartule I
Erie <&>«•••• * . «.iJ QA.'afO«»iiciom*M‘> I
Fannert* end Dnrtrt’; LBk-oMUmbor* 1 !"** •* 4
-.Bant, l|jM«ek*Ht* Bk*«j»* J ».—-1
iionemUie r* >•*>•«’ r l| Uk.#f Peeik Ca»laß*i‘. I
Poajville-«.»*»« lßeluKerc tfk«.>U;- •••■k*
JV ypmin*. i l l JUefcu'e AQ B H sert» /S,
jCenfittUiSjßAOf jtflo-' s
Helief Note# •..•♦;;t~^J*4F«r.lSe.erJtUrtUad'i rß
HA M Bk.*V{ftm«n>* MeStanie*®' 1
Gi/.*CoantySerip«»^.^ 1 L . |_-Bfc fYoderleS+v
_ „ Ohio. i . jfafcitaWA'Bl&ySs&ft
Stem Bk.ead Bitaefeet lKUegemowaßfc-^*-n»4’fv
; MoubiHemal* »»•*; •> H-pCieeni|Bk»-V~4#«»«tf-<^?
• lP*aipw)o.Bk;-»^*V.;-.«<
_ St.Cl*inTjli&«. .**, {WeahincMKßk^c'***^*,^
Uamtu *»« lßk,onvTmi»hmef>V»-^-
&ink.U«boQ*>»< *;l ■'■ ■■'
Ciaetaaeti Beaki*M |Bk*
Colembn* do* B)Lot)Uvetilsi4ev*j«~^;
Cunefcvnie*”** -«■••*<.¥ Michigan ine-Ca**- <• o -
ZeaftfriUe ■<■?••••• Fer.A Wrch^Biv^.*.
Putoem*— u Wlioonaio TerrltV*
Woodier #. M<r<tFiitlri.Gi,|tUie | «V
4* ■■ :<?iMdH ( .,.;;. '
OUaoifeaiDauktk***.* 8
Baak arEiiiludNttc* i
-«•*< ft 7»>XMr.
Vapolttn.:3 Com
sites to
BaglOfOM* i&slOU
. Kofoww Ott<
- Doenlfloia, gfflute It 0#
, to
' 80T€mjBi Li'iJO
.l. coo
£reBen«kadVn. J*>f7 £0
reeoTfcalet* •: ••,!* -.TfiO :
boshd’dn**:-'.;. 4a:
irT :i
SutdAtky *
Xeol»*. "
i Daruni'”*”*—
i Vectera Reaer*6>>- ** i
Chi Ui«cilw
■••***•;.«• *
tSetot*- • .■■•• **!
LUKtiBr>.U< l ,.<....tO
~Hiailtoß’'«f**’»v>v>»«i3 ;
Orantilli»*«*»*‘*. ••••'•## 1
F»ro*r* Bit Ouuo&<'«~aO:
Urban* 4, i
BkoTKenlsekr 1} t
Bijf UJoiirUfe*... «,■*. {
NorioTn Bk.Ktnta’kT''** l
BawTarik~€itr Banka,
ita Forcura nntf TV'w irfri' rti
ueporfte, &^ltote^tttd^iieie^SmbKraSvste? : l
If -oppowto .the Bci>i of-Huriaanr-c&XTsn jnasey j
reeeived os dgpmln tadcom
lections made os nearly all tie Bobw-lk'tt^l
United Butsa. *iV~|«£“"v£ *\*J
hi|he*t pnsziia'paid fe*Te?c{f&n>d AMtitptir' |
-/Adreace* made pa iomigMMtttf fttiMMalripJ
ped Buy on liberal tarn.; » *•> Air f
• <■- -v.
TOfiEPQ ft HILL, Btu ar.tbe-fimarWdbWlfiQ i
AC« S ]gai.WM. d Curry, (IkeMßrte,PriThinrj
entered into Co-partnerihipujider thdnzmeef uafcA]
Ctmr, for the' purpose of etnylng. atstheßenkiak eed
Ezehatrea btmocM insQ its branches, at No.« Wood
solicit the'eastern eftbdr friends endUttpabaocstWl
eraUy, - J JOSRPH ft Hiulv |
■mailt ■ WM.:CL CUKEYV? 1
Bankers a exchange brokers, Deafer* in
'Foreign and Domestic:Time end SightßEis bf Ex* J
change, Certificates of.Depoeue, Banknotes and CoiaiJ
o. 65 Wood street, third riobr .beloW west
mde. PtrFunda end Camney recelvedon duposllc,']
and collections made on all the principal citlcsia the I
- United States.
Sight Exchange on Baltimore, Philadelphia,! New 1
York, Boston ana Cinemnaii, consumer for sale. - 1
Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky,-Virginia and Pennsylvania j
Bank Notes betreht and sold on fovorafile tenaa. ! -- I
Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany and FVanee i
procured,Ac. . . . - , . - ■, j - ■ I
- - 2K. HOLHBS A «ON» |
BANKERS and Dealert-ln.-Exchange, Coa sad
Bank Notee, No. a. Market streaTnlubwidL™
Rates. Exchange. • Baying Bawx
«w -, ipr CiucuuuiL i ' -- tl^;«
’hiladelphia, ido Louisville, ; . }I do
Baltimore, ‘ido StLouis, f ■•-- -• lido - ;
Buying Rate*, -' BANK NOTK&7 i Buying Rsm*‘l
Ofo®, f • : Hdis; Co. A Mrip Ordere, tj dia---1
.Indiana, M do RchefNotea, -
Kentucky, “fo. PennsylvaniaCy «do‘'-i
Ylrrma,; . ** do- Now York t do “ do'•’’l
do. Wheeling, } do' New Orleans. •' -. *do'-
Tennessee, - 3do 'MarirlaiuLT 7 ;'•;
feb-Jltf ■-••■"IV- I
JO in .Foretgn and Oontestic Exchange, Certificates of:
Bepwme, Hank Notes, and Specie. Na 64 Wood at, I
one door above Fourth,Eul Piiuburgh,'
l>.eay ,«noout at ibe Cormu Rates of Exebanita;
Also, Drafts payable m any pert oftheiOld CornSes.
fr?® XI-to Xl«Wn» the .rate Of ,65 to the £. Steribir I
without dednebon or discount, by JCWHUA ROBIN-1
SON, European and General:Agent, oflee 6th st-ooe
door west of wood. - --•■-■■-.p -*-‘•'oeUfitf-l
iLL “" iX^OA« EII *
ut Forngu and Uoineaue, UUIs of Hzehaiun, Ce>l
JMak Notea and Coin, eoroeref
land »oodatrccta,directly ©ppoaileSc Chartea Uo*
,e k ■ ' ■ > manhUlv '
TttsirEnsvvtibk- ? — E2^
•If ) ;[ Ohio. - '•
lndiana- '•**'. -* i • **
. • ‘■ ‘•if ••
• i ■
* • Bank Notea; •
porehaaed at the loweat ratea, 1 by : - \i-.s ”
, i ’ . Jf. ftOUIES 4 EON, v
dc *° 1 ’ : 35 Market meet
BXC n AHOfc-SijM Cieek« <m -
?■■- ■-■
Coattmritly.fortale by ... N.iiOLi?i^i‘ROW ,r
-Mo.;; - - -aamrirttreft
yee*, piytbl« u> *uy put *RU»-thioii;- eoilmnt»]
the mott /»ror*ble ■UQLME&^WJnT?’^
-Mo •- ttJdarteraff*
•MnUy to'HJe by imi t CfmKY.VT*
■ nurt ;.. •- ■- '■ ! Wood SL, boknr Foorth.*.'-
\VPf TBtt ® Thft Ndlm of iho OhW,
it Indiana ud KeoinckV Buki,pmthuidttlar
rote*ofdlKoant,atthaclJjce«7• 'T?'---:.-
mart. W<SWjpodtvbH«Br>'bai&:-^
■/tJiECTIQM Ibo yi\hg't>TUiclnaJ~eiilM iB
roada l»jr: .1 . - HILL
b* ■ ■ - :f • H'coaorA^co^
JM __ (Sacce*Jor* to .McCord i. Kinr) -
B»uar:i. JH)
_ Wpui asui i-'ifck StTrM*. '■ ■
I»ARTICULAR itUulioQ'pilii So Bw-Bwiji
Jl Gentlemen. can rely li*)* and
Caps from cwr eitiblUhneql of the uvr uiTOuii iuid
wqaxausrar, of tl» LAn*t*m^aad*rih*i3ra
; Country Merchant*,'porehaaiaf hr wholeacV'im.
retpeetfmJy In Tiled to«aU fcnd Mamma our.-B^3;-at
we can. *ajr with confidence that a* regard* ocaitir
and wc*. U will iwj»tferair»-tonipMi»btt.’Witii. »oy
home In Philadelphia.-r- ( •: : - 6hiy;>-:
m ** w*sT^ri
JM - MeCOBB * Co., Jl
r^-,v(WT*Ji’cwLXf dti uso.l mnai) ’<■&
hUndoce the fiphn* Bttlh■ of n»i»tlw« dai.
Ihdr friend* *ad castdtn*r*<jaected to call and
el amino their tu<k ofSprm* Uau, jwi tecoivwl (Vm»
New atere, and Wood-it*^.^
AU tuoae tu want of* neaUnd lurwrior Hat, will plea*
call and examine ai Norwood aueeU'Jd tluor abate
roonh. . } .• y •..... •. .
.. • «f rnwraLT: T-•.
4 William |aie The
subscriber hai removed hi* iiat awTXfcj Mann
fcewry. loJio.J7.Wood ttreet,oeatfr cpngajte hi*
oid oiand, inirteUadneidefadtho
pohiic gineraUy » p , awortmeui of: • Hat* andlCap*.
which tot bcaaty apd^mlnUi^caanc^t>e«ur|»^ri^
; H*Tin* 'reU«*d'ftteb;s<Ju*iiiml CipManuftXjrr
«%«otncnlM!r VUi fotrrttaWwSfcu.
Oeiiwaaeawjriufti ato uted
ele wUlo)mm ctuend cxatauio. w
" cm-
. .
birjfcißMofrttajrMlSStpf ,
i '■ y-c i' ! zi3ifcr»rtz•****
P 5
■! \~
saTffteas'.’ii ft
IPaSgaaajaßS v ;|
■ ; i !
rOM er tMsvfaKtr«jL>t)«: meSieli* V: '
■'gg*MSß«» JwwntatbtoijttiiSU »»!«'
jSwgasgaga,as?a6jraS&~ 1
: ■'
:ffiigSsEr-r,T -■
’■^S^Bfeaaaßaa - *
t, j * - ■
pn« Inu * HjJ.
»#d «3r
awp@s6«iir(fs^ '•'••■
)^4fa|i^'?*wfelUU f gf
wWrfefcS^ppoftaiittba and ,
iMoamr/.llCTmrilvjJ’at : ' ■>'
, i*S;' 1
i.fe-jfrffilwffhjwfrilH «w<m nii=«iiw««. > s
i w*MM9;«UAiuiTt-keeDita’eiiroßie r 'tT- : ■»-. \
' «HrqrUw<yu)wd».iuupnttL?Sy , -A
•. (:»
btejugwyntoncr, ywßMd
f££“* lefa iu/biSSfi'forffi
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toms,e*n objtia «edieiue**nii direction* for-*«i SW
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