The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 15, 1848, Image 2

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    • f
• • I
■■ }.- • .'jp*TT*B-iJfwa|K^’fc4- &
••' - ■ WEDNESDAY 15&
; mPt. T**»w«fcktr. «ad WwKir^rwvftuir.uaertifc
[- - Doiliff prf U*a Tri-Wetfijr is Kjru Doii*r» j>rr
1 tV«*UyuTwoDoOrnpar-samaßr'rtrecs jr.
'v*aec««t* /• ,r ’ --j 1 •-<, -, -' g
■ j. --'r, i .Adaeruaeawfl* uMleubacnjiiioiutot-UciNorUi Aurcr
. ■ •*• ;•leu and Unite! received
*nl(Brw»fUelirota- r j
-.-ByjjgTa«TaF*»*reearaB«Ur.reqaettedtba head ia
i’j . ■ im/<a.TOr» l*fare 6r. »c,»ud su ewyrai to day': nr ‘
■ ■ fridobte. j. •- . V '
1' ,» .I V' ILttwt Cosubcklsl luieiiifvhev.Domtfitiei'Mftx
. j- ' \ . <•■■■■■ .News, OaporUt Uousy iUrteu,4crsee
I BfclTO&tfOP Blfi. CLAT.;
.la reply to a private despalcthieal to' a gtfltle
* . •_lMftia Railed we am happy to %ay that Mr*
. CtoyjwiUJeavf tbai ;Ciiy. oa.llroreAiy vlaßalu.
v - -bota He may be expected to reach JbowuTille
. '■ J . 'SeeapUonefX^’.'Ciay^' 1 ' ■
Piosuuno > Doticwa verylarp s without.
ceepecMo {«rljr.vru beki ettheCoortroom ofthe
. : iQtle***-——
. 'The Hba.'Waller Forward called the. meeting
■„■ to order, r «Ad-iismiodlcd"tA tiwCliaJr;il»'Hptfc-.
0 of tbrr.cily
...i: L.lhie'Kiiowt^^ici*P*iwt^’w_ere.U)aanam
; trf, who appeared-and tob^.tbe^jiintfs’:- t
•<3ea W Jeckac*,- ♦ / .JamearPeoloa,*- \ ..
;■ Cha-80re0,.,. ~.... .. i Thofc.BakewplV ■. ;•
>Jofaa Uliana, . TJBtgbanr, *
■Chate,"."j - .
* ThifiallbwiAfc were hluo ntped «« Secretaries*
• • Majran Robcrtaon, . . \Vm McCaaillete,
, \Vf.H\\yhitneyj • '
r .. C. O; jiioomtk
. hundred be appqmted. loteccive Mr.Clay.' .
• ••lio*afthr*nao}UUoDmedoafcWTeraark*o(fdMg.
- ''-f^ktedtharih&pMCQltleeit»mpriae-pe|iw^|£Wiu'
;the poultry: n wdl ai cdy. Above. Would;
; r .meti of the city, wbo dout /a£t.
•-".-pnaeagTeatpartofiL * <.>■■. X.r.
. \ Mr.iSnowdoa..moved**..4n .amendment-tonp<
. foiiii a committee oftiirfcoople, b/wrejeope htm
, 4nl*i»nrerbpak. f' ■: .■ . . f.:
.... Mr.j Mgr*w»udjibe;people no doubt would
L ‘ ob the bant ifbdtappiriated as ecootmttis?s
. ..'r: JVlr. Shannon jtnOTgd tbßi the comniitUrobe op-
two.iKira.'ieabit «nd| fcAvn
‘ - 'ebJpjlo gil a'monr£*uval repAaematjbh cf lie
‘ • andowi.ty.f y•. .•>• - •-< f .
•.y . ■ • then moved that a commiueo'Of
’.cf Fauiilfe.[’ J -.^y^' -■ y?
” '^xri.p^'■ HdjL. ibe.
t:-. ; i ■ .TVMd«niuffiT’Vtco’Pmti4eDt*''WereAa!bon2ed to
. wbeniwiaclioatlie'ineei.
injr jurnrd-.. i . i > ■ ■ •■•
i ,;i >\. Toeiotßpi*!.; vnU tppeor-tojbarrov;.
wf! Qearj Claf) ii/tgbc&y
' Tie ftes&Senttofibe Seiecia»d.Coain>aiiCoun.'
", - «j«,
' • raiisbJe emsagemenu
vy. rtccgnizeixfianbw.
~ . , eTidflJVja .of tolaem tl odered to; Hem
■ «i * greatAciwiaui Slijesofjui yid bcflc--
uebor; ;and'act d* . iparlixaa -©biefisw- via
•ccordoacewith this new, their own •caao of .the.
«' proprieties of the 'becutoo,'aa'veil «s we-.believe
*■ * the decided wishes of Me. Qajr, we have token the
. . li&erty loeppoinfthe toUowing-citiieosifrespociive
ofpaitp potties to aid us in the agreeable-duty.
. . . . ~ : ’ \WSt'ROBINBON.Prta'(.9.C- -
„ 1 ' '<s. E. WARMER Prei’t-ala
v -s f'v ,;VI .oaaanxxsfc. *; .v. •••, ' •
- IVTfcosFDile !••.' Uo# Flrwio . *
•Jacob Paioier •>.: ; Jaa'AJcAuljr. ;•
JK Moorhead . ( . *JosJCinff f•' : . .
■> • JaoMormoo - i' HCbildi
-Geo R Riddle - 1 L JVryraao . .-
j ,<Pli.W{jrte > - • W'Bllclfstdoe* '
•-’l'AtSrckam-‘ Ttsw Smith' ',. .
- T«* Ffeimec •• ••!'«•• ‘Tho» Farknr
' : TbbaWilaun - ' : T.:LMcMdlih* -■*; . -
•i. r 3 -D Ctttfj' •' ■’• [■■
/"Tl* Cbmoittee Will meet s: the house oT.'Wrn.
« ' Robinson oa Wedne*d*yeVeauq'ot7o sclock'wiUi
*''v‘'tfWfiiitto.flbtiefc \-'2
/ bermpetf UBTCtzene..
• BATIF1BD» ■ s *.
s r: 'Y T - 10 ». k.
■-•■■- >Tbe , Seoaletftefi e~ae»esoir- of bine bonra and
. «rm nioaie* htrqriXifod the ( 'Ueaty’ by a rote ol
■ i .: y or3B Co Is. Niadeoi Senators .woald -have
4 beta-a number xuScieat to reject it. The amend
t atOals made are nearly pas : manythe articles
•, nobduited though tome of'tb«i£-'»r« unimportant.
The auction* atniek out arr thoao which refer to
. rrnirrmilnOunti. tfnniTiifliii*!i n Inn inTi i T .
>. .»eiitiril those whiSraathorixetkc tracr
: - ? ' Ha'dt the three iniHiom of; Government siocL,
* -which fs to make lbs irsi mil
; "■ • ' 'iau of dollars "Tbeirbole nns ’ls to be paid to
• - the Mcxieaa Government dt facto ot ds jar* in ;
-Mexico. . 1 .*' ?
The proriaiaa in: regard to Mexican'<daim» is
. "left aa it wae.’ _ f
. I- •*.. -The bevy win fiathjritfcte reinmed io the; city
Executive eierka of
... -. *3o''<iihhcrd( jt-trusty Agent will forth*
■■<'■■ ‘ »-®%;tertvde : apipj^.be^r,waaopoi r a pre;
•i . oooDected .vxth the
twgiiitwi of-ihlwTria,had doingaway with the
i. . to'Mr.Trht'a treaty. This wasrejected
V 61; airteeh the'nesalice, and’derided
, ■ ■■ iU iate open the. ratification. » Font more v_,iea
. .j.mrixtld hsWe defeated tfie rejeetipn.-The filial vote,
' ' all tfir Vote* were ofa nu'xed'party, character
cf,lse,4hle* &jsUora ou both tides • voting
The Senate spooned wail Tuesday, la baste,
rf.; [j’j ' >: si a.
y The impressoa prevail* .that the treaty.yill not
; *b»»afl?*f*rtrffy la Mexico. Thu I hare from food
* authority. - • •■■ z.jl, l
■ WfCniorarvr», March 12, 18i5!
■tJrnoo, lace, l* # quoim jaa srude from'ihe
I, „Post in- q*u«l aim ms ogam si.Mr. Clay
; ■ the'coiirie ; tbejr'ha re
.j v/ ••
. : •■*. thi, Mei . The best-auiw er
.'/sif #*«U_lb(»r.pietsacM :.v( /«cl;aa<l cTeJlect i*'|Msr
-■:- • ", traifli made,
;;.• •-.- r:‘ is-begrtiatAig'- «pctr« hraiy tM Peace,
•"' X. prepared'in.-Mesico to
'T ,•-s-:..-.: .sr.tfi«aißaik^JuratuvlBi(b~>]/ lliero-itu be«a ei
;■<«* in Mexiij^foGfc<jpis
**l Ax'"A hostilite*,. to remove
*" ! C btateo'a delir.
/,/”* * J -. , ... v •
* - _■ Whiff* htretJone their
the OofijaJ Hetuy qay ejjfl
rS'ffljQQ£*o£.lffitL Urftnida-ofUm eaeor.lbo '
-jZWffzjpi ofbtfio, mTtfg other ftoto I
disease.;.:. The-«w of
• Crhicndeaj ..vasja
' *ijHifrf ifre Gen!,'
1’ j^TwaofSobers oC the. pres
’ ;w-. of
’* vY TayJor. ;ST«y,
ftftf tbs
" " ,^|i&s^«if r friwijrti at .jut hotoorabtortad magaan
’ imoag i those who Jed bur
' £• boJbUoved them, even where (
' fa X v Aq; intelligent,
lIMII,' iijijiiVfiityf Vtfh all tbc frcUcopflcc-
■;■ tbs qjtfscce of tW - .waf, koimogbcwl
y r -fWwWf In nightWtttbagicAroide&w *rluu Mp6dy-'
iM- **»«»■* *»»«> otf air' &ct that •.
*,. X
0?~>r, fofrMifr JjMjppoacftJ -tmJ
f u
1 •:
BV.tutAsruo' moKJi
AJlertbe ceremony of lac reception, Air. Clay
accompanied; by hi* honor the Mayor, the member,
of the Common .Council,' and one hundred gentle
men from Philadelphia, left the hall of Cattle Gar
den, amid tbe.deafening slient* of the people, ami
proefceded to thegaie of the Gardrn: a barouche
waaia waiting for hint, led by Diagle itßrassßand,
playing‘‘Hailto the. Chief 1 The crowd was im
and a’general rush wa* made for Mr. Clay;
ercr and aooa, aomo one crying oot, hold
of hi* hand.” - Haring reached the gale, Air. Clay
ph-ced ia the the Alayur and Alder
man Franklin taking. seats with him. Thu ba
rouche was draw aby ssx vi bite hone*, beautifully
caparisoned, with agroirm at the bridle of each <>J
them. The «x*nl was given, and tbo way being
cleared, as beat it could, the liuc of process,ion m
far as formed, moved mi ward, when another gen
eral shout burst Upon iffie air. The .'cairiaru wn*
1 stopped in front of tka, Battery gate, when thowhoic
bae of procession wasybrincd.
An e»coit-cf about ohchundred, on horseback,
followed immediately after the bond; and tho car-'
riage in which Mr. Ctdy Was seated,followed next.'
The committee of reception, comtxwed of fiv«- :
member* from each IwAd of thc'Comcioa ODand!
then followed in carriages. Themcmber* of the
council were then brought into the line. and. were.;
followed by the committee of one hundred gentle-' 1
men from Philadelphia. . •
A handsome chariot, drawn by twelve spirited i
bay hCries, tyouglu up the rpor of the, Umre-and 1
everything ready, the procession formed, and
marched .sp Broadway, a? best it could force its
way through.'the dense crowd of . bbzaan'vbting,
Unit literally choked up every avcnat
to tbcVeno., .Beaching at length the N#di y 0 ffc
Hotel. aAcr bowing repeatedly to tho*i '-without,
Air. Clay f .&ligued and worn out, entered,.tkdinul
liludethu while, however, demanding a speech^-
nr as some of them expressed it—“only one ward® 1
from. Harry oflihe West. ‘ ’ : ' -
-• .Mr.'Jurcph Hoxie therefore came out upon the
balcony, nnd did hi* mmort. to portray the great ex
ertions Mr* Clay, had already made.since the toOrn
.ing.' It was a*£jr)g lu.mijch aMiim to .make u
-petrch, now tlwt hclj3dlrryellcd : all the way from
Philadelphia,-nod in the midst of «jL-h excitement,
rfoo: But no reniorist ranee was of any avail. The
din and clamor, the shouting.-chee>iilg,' : end clap
ping of hnndg, from tfm thousands assembled in
front of the hotel, were a)/*olmely we
venly ; believe, actually -.fpg.hteflpdrOJr.Clay' from
bis.would be retting place, for die- now- camofor
tvard, attended Inr Aid; Bmitb;&A<l M>i Hoxie,and
vaid tbot'he hod left PhiTadeTpbhr at .half past;
?ven;a*giocktbt» i»oniing*.lrnye/Bed : ihe' whola di»-
tnnee bclween' v *bai -city and. this, aud arriving ht
Castle'Ghfdea,and dragged me
through the .’i'M have -for me
whnl inv enemies never'can do—you have broirgj‘l.
Harry,. the dust! {Great cheering! and
-laughter.} And even ' lierc;, hungry, 1 ■ weary iand
exhausted, you will stilt-'call tiie out. Tjie rest of
Mr. Clay's remark* wo couhrnot hear, wedged in
mi:we were in ,the living mass below, but wc be
lieve bo at length-succeeded in clfeetiog his re*
treat, by dint, of entreaty and remonstrance with
tbo crowd, who npw good naturally dispersed.
To th* EdL&rx cf ike Pittsburgh Qautit: . . y •
It ison.eof.tbc marked privileges of the coartit
ueacyoflbis happy ‘reentry, it is oneoftbe
greal.priviieges of each individnpl to desig
nate his ' preference &r. such.person as .bercay .
choose to leprcsCDt.the interests of the coramufluy;
ofwbicb tbey.or be may'ba ft v metnt>er. It isfllso
one of aod gjorioas ndvanlnges of this
, happy couairv, that webave a preis/rtrc and cv*S
.erbu*i the ready and willing organ of the comma
n«tf, fatriess. to give utterance to , public sentiment
| or.mdividuai appeals to promote the general good
[ Tta; community, of •which- ,wp arc member* the
j with whOrt principles, object# and views we
| are tdeoufiad, and m;w hose success we profess to
| haye acotnmon iateresvhave-beeii tor sometime
) lookinr.rpond for a suitable representative io the
next Coftgfttß*, the- nominationa for which arc. to
j 'ofce jdace ia the oouriseqfihe present,spring ;
_ With this subject in vJeWinjucb pains care been
laktnio ascertain 'pdblid seniim'ehl id the distriU;
I cdnsnltfttiooa have been hold, neither small ip cuih
her, respectability ot influence, and-with the n**i
marked unanimity they 'harn'timted -In'-recdm
mending-Harmar-Denovto. thacoahJderaQoa'of
-the DeiegateCoventioafortho.nominatibatb Cca
grets.'• li ifero needless to say oneword as to liis
character and htnesa. -lie is a trae Whigj bfc-M.
ritjr of - lifa.hU oouaiiteucy io > poiitics, his
constauencycf lbo.dutr^-ft<juire ; ;nOVelaborate
d»phyJ ;• With experience.latiw-Jegidationof
Comet. wuh.tnjgtfmi».a»(pi«i^tfi V^w f(^ r af|
the wants and.-vrobos'of the people/and'who no*
er.geve. -8 vtxe is that body to dWisfr oneindi-
prtoiw fioeßty < »brt|Qld trusfhe 1
dWwkrjwty-tf {- »-• *3
■‘•JMJtJf TfOBBtaM Cxnrasn Qociax.*
/ mr~
Police agaix—-A fKcad of cure, a highly
Tfrirtfiiri! iif T filled with, glowing reepertable footle,can, while going borne frombi
r 4£b o* lgf*«S-?u«neM lalelasrSttohlay. nlght/aaV*
lijCte wao Imd a SborW
> ed'CiiS»rfi^s»-a nA ?*“* ’W: w »* apparently waking fcia way borne,
; Woortßjb^U^Sx-^f• %»>«»*.• «•!» tod a ,IwrdV-hi.^Mld«.
'«LU ireSj l 4 * W «•» <m fend tod lhe cmoaity
; = k**o tefcatedYo ttt£jlervieaoif ids )? er^ iu * mto reason of the arrest, and found
county. Never befcn£'riot even to l*yfovetu?,T\-5 l •? Gtrmao w w entire!}-sober/ Indeed be
nim .IVom Ike Bailey- to the Hear York Hold, frundav morning; our informant made it a nomtto
»*ya tie Express, upwards of two miles and a. a * ,eu d lue examination of the prisoner before the
kaif the tlreeu -pra«.ulul m- wUd niaw of £f : f Z' ? a -“. < *'£■>_ ptrimm was calk
crowded.^ - ■.■ .• ■?••••■•>• gpiunUidrunkenness. V > .
' 0m, . a . nl then'told the mayor that he de
tbe Common Council at tbebea3 of whom-was the Sv “Se ma < J U^a}r, ? thi * u ‘ oulJ
deraian, who welcomed himin the following do- bo peace or order. y
qucotiaddrewf " - '.‘lheniayar, instead of receiving bis testimony
• :lorbelfalfoflhe Common Comma bribe city,and hf “t°“ r infonn
of tta daaeaihlad to.*®, wko are aowWSSi b °“'“
,yoiiramrai,;io anxious expectation, lam the hon.‘ ihdnnm»««i.k u ”, ~ Jer he had enquired
tired instrument of.tendrrmg you a ainccro-and l*ea aksan-d faadaiuan, and had
Wdiafwelcoiae tdlhair kMaitil*\ad S”i.° ,e fe?3S I l .?&>**”**» h “ d >“l*
arpo dfa,»-»m’« B d kaartHlVcafi,™ lL“iom. Tli m.vo r V,DUS *&*•
olercial metropolis of our ■ the aalici- formtotkSit?. y fdd«odlo receive cor ia
palio»df;llij*;yoorviBit r aeeUoaal prejudice Si u MtSn m u " d - •‘P 4 *S? l 00rS ™“
»u otr “ iarms i ' pi ““ «*«■
ttnitedjaa ryftb the beart of one man.'in extendin'* ' Tln*«<> »• ...
tborfljiit hiadof 'fcUbwabip' fo.' ap distinguished a **?* aus^P üble 01 complete proofi
Jrtrwgero,. You-have our informant is at the disposal of
>*o*4llo gilded trapping*' of- mflOnry aplendci or bn JSS/Xi d ? Mre ,L A O er « otn eenqumra* totbo
trie bogle notes of it Victorious cSam no cha ™^ er ofourmformaut, bis Honor
puttie patronago with which hiSf W S *to«ffWfitto recall the order to arrest him, as he
'j?y*®bhut' :^i^rte yw'trear- *** a rigfUtpr^cnt*
S^SSrb“bS^„" V Jr i r?!‘eS brtk. watchman mrep> yW ,he
53d Jiebplo for doe oflheir nSa and dSd Imahr' ° f ' te S'“llemaa : Ctrl, .ho. th'aGer
hearts that we aniirjpate'wilJi shabby, and earned n shovel;’
.uome. which hirdly, UiaJ be waa drnaic Now,he fira. two, if
: to our constituents one whom all‘'Will fj*!.) W 1 *!? b ® conten^ eJ f' cre BU,UcJ ‘ et »t
er be appreciated byjiiTateful confiding poo- requoited lo state by liis honor tho Ma
when tbiajige, with nil its partialilics and or » the German above alluded to, was Gott
■your name will appear, in hoU relief amdhk «• jfo. i“ «rre«ed at - A. M. on Sanday., Thu per
! ;; t \,... son-alluded to, who said the man waa not druntc
; } ;T)Va<lio DJon* 'fuify r eppreciato lliia virit, sir, lie- * 9 smpldyed on tho Journd. Afler the man: bad
causes\i»-know thai you have yielded to our invi- been scnleuced; ho claimed to bo »wom and
verted that Ihc culprit waa not drual, , To .hi* it I
t|ie ? peop|, and to respond to - Was tliat, aomo people considered a roan,
iMwiab, unamrooualy expressed, that, once again.' druat wb «n be could not lie on the street without
*“ •' nWt
Whom Hey: love.'. fcy,,had you .consulted your '*">>•»'»<“»cue. Tim mayor alsololdUie wit
own.. feelingx,or the dictates of your ownjudg- QeAS fb a t wheu hafound any one in the streets at
meat, yonwoutd baveayoided the multitude which %i A* ho aliould !»e arrested unless he could civc
,o ‘: hi r c ~
uwonault your wisbeit so a» to render yeur visit “is waolo duty, and cannot fail to receive the
pleasant and : agreeable,' yet ii wouid be too much su PP° rt of-all the friends of law and order.
tot usio promise, or you td.oxpect, that quiet n>
jxjse which, wo know that, you desire and which
three acore and ten years demand. ‘ As well might
we umleitakc lolulf the raging say to ’
me winds be still/ oa to the exditynent'dJ
aur peole wbea tbe Sage of Aaiiland treads tipuu :
.ihtt.p soil,.and.walks within their tuicM. But we
u«n. aod do coiumend;you to'Him who cootrob
liny de»UQu» of nationa-to protect you a*Jn Uie
'.h<lLw of his hand while absent from your. Itouie
.rod again restore you to those iduineilio' nssocia
;iußs within the finally circle, alas! so recently re
duced. ....-.• 3
;“ln retrospecUng upon the past, or looking forward
to tbtf futare,you. may realize the fact. Unit, how
eveir aitoated, whetlier upon Uie ciassic shored o‘
Greece, ornmong the Republic* of Sonth America
Whether pleading the cuum* of dismetnliered IV
lreiaedpth© numt
i CLAY will remnm as a monument ul
devoted patriotism, from ‘ which tn> and our cliil
dren may derive lessons of ia-aruction, worthy or
ibe philantrophist, and tire scboolar, the hiatc.-mao
•urn (be man. Again, we -;welciKne you ■ou Uiartt
ibis Jioblcstcauier. The Mayor will respond to H
upon pur arrival, and all the people will jnia in
?i°,-vo a^?*?^ sbot,t * “'Velctyne, welcome to
ULMti CLAY!" .Afler the appiuse which fol
lowed Uus address hod aub-ided.
Mr. CTay 5 * reply was in his"peculiar, and such as he alone is'capableof mn
iciug. At Amboj* .he embarked on Ixiard : of tin-
I -.learner Vnndcrl»ilt, which was engaged Ly tic
I copneiis to, bring .him',W the cjtyi -.While coming
; up the Bay the follunrhig Ijeautiful and singular in
eid'cal pecured wiiicii atiracted the attention of ail
on board. A large white eagle, poised high in the
air. and floating with equal and steady wing, sail
,ed rryijp-trcaily before the l-ost until witbia a very
stt»rt distance of Castle Garden, when having <lu*
f f blcary Oays approscii i( wheeled. cS
and led iue pe tple to give liim a greeting: */ r
The Underbill rexebed t!«iw!urf at afew* min
utes before two o’clock, and the landing. wa»
made amid’the deafening roar of artillery commin
gled with the shouts of the va< multitudo ttai
wjtre waning, dosely packed, uloag the wharves
and covering ever/, house top: within the circuit of
a mile nearly, arid literally blocking up cvejj ave
cue to Castle Garden, whither Mr. Claywas'e?
Xleru iifi tro* received by the Mayor and cor
poration and introduced to the various Public bodiet
of the city.
Correrpoddehcfc of the' Pittsburgh. Gaieue.
- Cincinnati, March 13.
ThejNew Orleans Telegraph line is working to
..hc'L/jiiisviile and Nashville papers express
great satialaction at tho manner iti which the new
le^^Era ph hue has been put in operation with the
newly invented. American-'telegraph. Mr. Prcn
tioe of the Louifcyille Journal ►peaks bfthenew
invention with Wariu approbation,'Mr. Preobcc
says hei ts confident tfmt tbe. ucw instrument can*
uot foil to prove valuable, and that he lakes pride
in it, aa,aa American -invention, he adds that it cer*
tainly works to admiration, and dispenses altoguth*
=r with, the receiving >inagnct—an achieve
which, has been generally dwsirfetl impoMible,
ihi* is liigh encomium from a |wr*on like Mr. Prco
lire, wljo is not rnhjn praising anything. _,Tt>o
Louisville Courier my*—our Nashville friends
«?ep to be Lngely pleased liwTihe O'Reilly tele,
graph is in operation to that point The Nashville
Whig of Thursday contains upwards of a column
of despatches from Eastern cities.—-The Nashville
Union says, Mr. O'Reilly’s TWlegraph line realize*
all the expectations which had been formed by its
friends. \ The -part holes are dng to Florence in
Alabama, and a strong force is at work between
Florence anil Memphis. The- line will be comple
ted to Memphis, about , the 15th "of ncxi r month?
?hich >yiU bring. New Orleans and the upper
i country much nearer together, the work-between
Memphis and Now Orleans i* also rapidly advan
cing to completion, in accordance with the arrange* i
menu of'Mr. O'KeiUy,, ,Capt-,JolJa OlUillyims
. slespatclicdjj portion of hi* bp* force*; from Tlor.
ence to St. Louis and Alton to bony tait£ehok
throughjSpringfield ami Peoria l^o. Chicago, Ltd
the tfayj that line will soon ga up will be u cau
At tin* suggestion of several gentlemen, a meet
iag wa*[held on bonrd the Mary Stephens on hci
passage from Ciununnati toTTusburgh, March btl
for the purpose of testingtbe politics ol the pasaen
gers and thetr preferences for the Presidency—
Wnereujraa r n motion IL Sargcut was call
cd to too Chair and 11. J. l Horn appointed Secretary
A committee of three was appointed to collect tht
irtes, and on counting the same the following re
ih was given.
For Henry Clay, <vj
u *.»enernl Taylor, 2j
“ James K Poll-,' 3
“ 1 James Buebanna, 2
l ; Judge McLean, j
* : Martin Van Buren, 1
Alter this result was decided a gentleman lro.n
Xew York wn* called upon to tnoie some remarks,
which! to did giving a very full account of the origin
nd prepress of the division of the Democratic
trtypfSevc York and said it wns delightful to
ihe harmony that pervailed Ihelr ranks.
concluded the stale of the New York safe Jor. the
Whi* nominee bc40,000 majority if the present
dissemiutiJ. continue in the Democratic ranks and
in env event 10.000 majority tor the Whig*.
The-following resolutioirwas theu adopted.
That tire proceedings of this meeting
be signed by. the Presidrntand Secretary, and sent
the Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Gazelle* tor pub-
L. 11. SAftGBNT, Cbrim. ;
;J. Horn, Secretory.
JlEBCArmx Honor.—Edward Wilev, Esq., a
[ merchaalbf Snvonah, who Ailed ia business «ouw
j ywrs agu, and jcomjjotwded with hi* creditors bv
: <Bn distribution of hi* means among then!
has *iD«:di3charged Uie moral otiigation resting
‘upon him, by'paying. up‘ ail tho, arrearages from
which be jiad been legnlly disci anted. Hu credi
lorr, to. mark their high sense of Jdr. Wiley’s mer-
Ciihfjle honor and moral integrity, have presented
to him two elegant silver pitcher*, • with ■npronri
nto inscription*. • • 1
1 1 -?! e /' feat Comet, now rapidly approaching the
»uii T uiooked tbr,fiiglitly ut the Washington Obser
vatory:. ;H is expected to be visible nbont the HHb
Jnrt. Without the aid of'Ch/mrra-on which to rvTy
lor-proof, we have, of late, detected several small
'in this latitude, .oim..of which
looks hkc a peacock, with a pair of. donkey" ears,
. peering from beneath bis wings.
;• ,RO * MAxrpAcnrEtE wmi A?miaAciTE.-Me«rs,
Jevons, Sons Ac Co., among llieiuilures by tho last
C’reigir arrival were> tho oldest ;irou. house in
• The Tribune says:-The Messrs; Jo
, vona have been very wealthy, but &ave lost a great
.deal ol money ia.tiynog eapermielria. in mounts
turibg iron in -Wales with anthracite coal Their
•regular iron business is understood to liave been
iprofitable. ; ' - . «•—«s . •
- FcHEttu. HoNoai—This Furker ComnuUeo are
requested t? facet til iho Monongahela House at 3
p ; make arrangements lore delve the
75Stains of LrcuL Parker, now at Louisville.'
. Per order of.
Cliairmaii. ‘
Murao. in' Bavmione.—Tim- Jtabi.
mar* American contains n call numerously signed,
.Jjr n Taylor meeting without distinction of party,
in be belt! in that city on Monday the 2Glh jnst>-
The call embraces tbo names of prominent men
of both political parties.
Xew\ ConffTißrEiT.—Counterfeit $2 billion the
Chautauqua! county Bank at Jamestown New
York. Tiio bill'is marked with the letter A. Y'itr.
pelt,'female leaning da a shield; on the riglit mo gin
the figure : of : achild. The c’njy&Yfr©'»» coarse,
thoughcoJctilatedio dcceive.'• -
•-i,})** A ooxnnramcation this ’ morning ba
the gUliipCtof Congressional'
add we aroreqntffitcd to stole that Mr. Denny has
consented to be a candidate for the
thelW^gatc’meeting. . '/ i
CuLooir os : John Adavs.—We understand
that CoL Wrn.] Robinson, jr.-haa Icon appointed,by
the AUeghenyiCity Committee to deliver the eolo?
;gyonMr. Adqma.;';'J.
■ I-iTTiw Psaxsxi.— The 'City/gdincflofPliila'
deipUm present Mn Clay, on hu return trout'
rtew 'York, * Mull highly burnished telL-csst
.from tho hlmgaot ''
aiba aad‘oeallraiii.pry,^ißii l i»i . l , Ml j
Aituoitead tta PmoayJv'iat&'lroii Muter, Cos-
atßMrwburg v-^. ''-I
Correspondence. of Pltt.bnrgh Gazette,
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Curette.
'Washington, March M, 1818. '.
Secat*—The House bill providing for a loan Of I
Sixteen milGpns of dollars, together with the one I
tanking an appippriation;for; deficiencies was re.
ported' to the Senate with amendments, which
covered the expenses of Mr. Sevier to Mexico, as
commissioner. I
On motion of Mr. Mangum, the Senate went into I
executive session and confirmed the nomination of
• Mr. Sevier as Commbsionertto Mexico.
When the.doors were opened,' Mr. Atchison
moved to take up the deficiency bilL I
Mr. Cas* moved ip lay it on the' table and take
up the Ten Regiment Bid. I
Mr.'Webster aaid-thequefition pending when the I
executive session commeneJd bad the precedence
and should be decided befoul proceeding to act up I
on the Array bilL i
Mr. Hannegan was then oppoihied Chairman erf
the Committee on Foreign Relations in place of Mr.']
Sevier. -
Upon motion of ter. Berrien the Senate went
into executive session and so continued until the
House.—The House went into Committee ofthe
Whole upon the bill to cstabish new collection
districts in Louisiana which was passed.
Upon motion, the House proceeded to the
consideration of the message ofthe President refu
sing to give the correspondence which led to the I
return of Santa Anna. I
Mr. Tompkins addressed the House against the
appointment of Mr. Sevier to proceed to Mexico,
on the part of the .Executive.
Mr. Sum ton followed in defence of the adminis
tration. At the close of hi* remarks
Mr. Root obtained the door and the House ad
journed. I • • ■
. Mr. Walsh late Secretary of Legation to Brazil ■
aud son of the foasul at Taris, has been appointed
Secretary oi Legation to Mr. Sevier. '
Co'rrespoudence of the Piiuburgh G are tie.
\ - St. Louis, March 13,1518.
- We have Note Orleans paper* to the 7th inst,
from which we'learn that there had been several
arrivals from Vera Crux. Tile latest arrival brought
Vera Crnx advices down to the 3d of March.
The train which left Vera Crux for Orixalm, com. j
manded by Coll Briscoe, was attacked by four Iran- j
dred guerrillas, j An express; was eehl'at onco’to
Gen.-Twiggs for reinforcements. Three cotnpa
nies .of cavalry were, detailed to his aid, which j
proceeded as foe ns San Diego, but seeing aoihing j
of Briscoe’s command returned. ]
Letters received from the interior state, that a
desperate engagement took place between the
Americau forces ! and the Gucrril'u* at Matagorda
in which ihe Guyrrilias were defeated. Lieut. Hen
derson and four Georgia volunteer* were killed.
A strong bodylof cavalry and Infantry, left Ve.
ra Cruz on the 21 si of February, to clear the Na
liona! road from the Guemlfak
- The Free American of Vera Crux, of the 2d of
-Marck aUies an Expresajiad arrived from lhd I
.'Capitol, bringiogj new * au of'two I
months bad bccnlagreed upon by Gen. Butler and I
the Meiican Commissioner*.. I
{By this despatch it will be teen that Gen. Scot 1 j
has been suspended, and : hat ho has not refused j
to acknowledge the right of the President to orde r I
a Court o£ Inquiry Upon his conduct* J
.Correspondence of ihe Pittsburgh Caietie. '
St. Louis. March 13,1518.
The steamer Champlain struck a snag afow day*
since in the Mississippi and sank to herhurricano
deck. She wus rjra nshoie immediately, and the
freight saved in ajdamoged slate. ' j
The river is 7J feet deep from this point to Cl
and at a stand. - •
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazelle.
; Cirurinniti.'Maroh 13,fir. si.
The river is foiling !at this point. The weigh*
tsverycold. • ! ;
Correspondence of the rttSsburgh Gaxeuo.
-W-asbrnylon, Mwchiah,
, It wag. confidently -reported. this ynorni2|j’'&ai
Senator Sevier had l>eea appointed commissioher
to Mexico to conclude tho Treaty. > .
Exclusive-Correspondence ef tho Pittsburgh Careut
. Putixbtxpnu, March 11. 3 t. m.
Flour—Western! brßuds are held at 5d.23, lutt
hear of no sale* higher then s<> per bbl, for briui
Cornmcal—Sale* at §2.43ies? bbl.
Corn—Sale* Prime .Yellow at sljifi2c ]tcrl*u.
Pro vis ons—There is no ncliviiy in anv ariiyb
Quotations are steady. ’ "^7
Exclusive Correspondence of tUa Piitaburcli Gasi
f Now York. March U. 3 P. M 1
Flour—The market is dulf and holder* ore stiff!
Grain— I There is lbs* doing in earn, and the'.
market,has a downward tendency. /
Provision*—'Thej« is improvement in Peru,
the market being heavy. 7 -
Gjmmeal—Sales at 53,37i?3,13 p hbl. \
Market generally quiet. • \
■sssaaEfe"msst- g, “"^
Halt/uiore. Murch 11,3 r. a.
Flout—City Mills is held at SG,I2|, but buyers
do not appear.
Cororaeal—Sales at 53,25 p Mil
Prvision*—Sales are only for the supply of the
regular trade demand, Lard however is very firm
and held higher. -
Exclusive Corroiponeence of thr Pitwtmnrh Gazette
St. Louis, March It, ISJS.
Floor—Soles of Western at 1,5024.62* per bU.
Lord is held at Sic per lb.
Cincinnati, March M, C p. it.
Flour—The market is firm with sales of GOO bb!«
per Mii.
Groin—The market m without change.
Whiskey—Sales of GOO L>l>ls raw at l«‘c pec
Hulk Pork—Sales of 00.000 lbs at 3;. There
a increased denuind in the market.
Lard—Sales of 1500 kegs m Go and of 300 bbl
l 5| per Ik - The market is firm at these figure?
Groceries—Are without change.
Napoleon’s Design of Coming to America—A
Purling word to the Journal—Postage Arrange
ment with Great Britain— I Tbe Loan Bill—R«ep.
lion of Henry Clay in New York—Safe Siam"
Navigation—Mr. Hampton’s Sjieecli—The Con
neUayilljt Rail Road—Destructive Fire.
Political Arithmetic—Mr. Clay ! pnd
lits' DeCinter»—Worpepartraent— The Premtetiy
Conrt4circqit%— Congress—The
Treaty, objections raised against' and
Pennsylvania Rad Road—English Meta! Market
Interesting Correspondence—Prices Factory g£ck
—Telegraph News-Major Genera! Scott, hia rc
call foretold in the city of Mexico—Delegate Meet
ing—Pennsylvania Legislature —From SciitJi
America—Congressional Proceeding*— An Imbor
tant decision in the Supreme. CourN-Bncbantian
and Public opinion—Saata Fe in dispute—A Ones,
tion of Veracity. . , j
Latest Telegraph news, Foreign and Domestic.
Comnwrccj A carefully wmpiled Review ofrtio
ijarkets for Urn past week; The priced in the ffi
ei£markets;, The Cattle Market,- Tho iri«Vof
American prodiico In various’narta-of ilie itni,,,.
Aiouhtdf n o „\Vl,p a^Con,',to,":Scd l i"™'
till opoorng Of the Canal; Canaf brain™ S '
r„S?a N r v f■ °f V>° Wwi Copioiii EW™,
! ;
S3 a year in advance. ’-( i
.“• orlilmUj.tfecfia,, kfOt“i”riU.tota’ , Ste
ItoSSfeSKf ?£ isa''s*A's 1 h ‘?^ a
ta»l.b..'b:Uk4to-wUch l Ss.’fiSSj^ I *“fJ“
tarwiugmr «* Ike Auutie h
hairreittwdloiHuatont* color bSiio,ki • , r
, uabterciaedr, .laulf cues offinerh ul . niJ *
mou. ptauani »»* I‘iuc«iib.uJi*AV«iriiSfJi“
ft iswsss&sisja&swt
'™- Mcmoi.,
wmnm SruSSEKip’
diaetaM add' unhealthy /inof^hH?■ «*k®'2°?
slssa ds^S-' 1r l
ud -disfigurement of Morphew^
be 'panienJar and ■A•S ; jS^s2inE2? , i^a®.“• , *
Piusbnnrh al-WAL JArirww?*- be had in
,Kf“ K“^' V3 '
factored by Comnock * Co. N YTand^Jrkf^
C? Uaxnx Paorxa Mkjuis—lfyoa Wish to be iue.
eessfui m any undertaking, you mart always Wfoe
proper means.’ Thirelbre?u you have . VoaJHiS'
. Jaxr*>s EpscxoaretT and be cured, for it ia-thenroner
means. _lfave you Auhroa or difficulty ofbrcathuw,
I theiTUie. onlyerfipient nwani to cure you 'ia toiuM
1 L*P?? l ?ra ut i which will immediately overcame
the tnarawfodi contracts'the diameter ofthe hSau
ahd loosen* and hnnffs up the'niucus which don thm
up, ahd that removes every obstruction to a free reipi.
radon, while at the lamo time all inflammation J»-sub
dued, and a cure is; certain to be effected. Hum you
ljrouctutfo, Spitting ofitiood, Plenrwy, or in foct any
Pulommnr. Affccuon, then use j # /„V. g^£,nS
,o ° wui £ “> 'S***
Pckta T '* ao^jik
; D3-I)OMWi«jr/UJoß;aoe, y on,iurKnijm,
Is it harsh, is u dry, or dirty, | pray? “■ 1
IT ni* thas, you can make il soft, cdky and fine, i j ■
’ as this hair of mine :
; And to have,this, you have bat three shining. >n
For a bottle of ienas l Hair Butorailve'7* ; ®i
Reader, if you hhve bad hair you would really be W
louished at tim Jovely effiset a-throe *hiiling bbt'dacf
Jones’CoraJHalrEcioraUve t« oniqitnreOsbat ou
trial. Sold at S9.Liberty iL | noviSdAwly
r9 7 “J^ n •-Fool Breaih-If. y«t hare,’ are a
* W !P *kßhng btntiq of Jones’ Amber Tooth Paste. Hat
whiten your teeth, Ac.-
Bold at bU Liberty at. s ~ •
kark Tecth—they
made pearly whifo by one time.using a.bor of Jones
Am jer TopthTaste.; It hardens ihe gumL sweetens the
breath, A«. Bold at fait Liberty »u novlMAwly
„ CTTo.nt* Halt akd Gomstock'aNerre and
lhme Unuociuend Indian Vegetable EUn'r.Uthsmart
tfcctuahcure for Rheurasium. Sold JAC
KI Axcui tor Pitubargh. ! : . .. UovlhdAwteT
4*j l il« at, ! ly °i“ e * Bold'ouJy in Piinburghi at»
-überty st. I noytOdandwly,
Soar*,' Ac.—The Geuuioe Hays’ finlmeht
is au article' more ! iusUy.eelebnrteil as a core for the
above than auv- or! ail other*, lu cares are almost fol
numerable. Sold bv WAL JACKSON, Agent for Mtu?
1 ’ uvWwtlaT ; ,
• ID" WANTEiy-A young loan about 15 or 16 year
of age, writes a good hand,canhear of a pennanent ril
nation, by applyuigiminediatelyatihisOffiee. marl!
I wk * l f 4aa >' leave * for Cineißnati,-
**£l*!*?', f^ ktt ▼«’B»wusvillo no Baltimore and
Fhdiidclphin- H a. m. and ™ ““
(direct to Philadelphia, 0 M ! ,
Western and Southern Mail Coach line, fl a w"
Nortb-YVcstera via Cleveland.dailyTioi.«. , ■
hne and Western New Vork/daily, Pa. K.
North-foutero todadeiphia, daily, except Simdiy^
j,' arrivals and departure' OF Mails. ;
Eastern Mad via PblladeiphULdue 3 a. kL cW«si9»
West’n Mail, Cincin; A LoSis^du"^ 2 f
§? ol u'.i l *® a * aai ? re AWaahingtoh, doe 8 r. X. cl's 5 a.m.
North via Cleveland, due lOa. m, closes P a. m.
bie ffuttt. r.-.w Yotkl au.a 5
TtS"" {‘“'“l*"™, &;I«ud.«i
. PHILO HALL, oo TTiurnlay evening. MarcJi liith;,
to* maiical catcnninraent anuoauced, will coutittof
wlecuan* from the mo>t approved and popular Tmuie of
lie day; with other piece*, ihf motto ud po?irr of
which are onjnnaJ vrfth the family. 7
Aa their »ty(eofexecution it beliemj to'bn uneauall
«l »n povreraud harmony. the atlendvnccofthe ciuzca*
it confidently nod rrtpecifully tolieited.
jryTickew 5» cmu, Ticket* to be had at the hook.
•‘oreofILS.BQSVV'gHTH fc Co. Market
open at 7, *~Caneert to commence at 71
- ... ■■ •*at‘
i» Elfth WMAtr of lh< Warld. ; '
A •tiWhEod
,/Xdoor North of Hurd at., whoso body is covered
with b coat of don colored wool, m.llod, and nearer
htc the wool Of * fine roonno sheep. Lover* of curioi
r> will call. -marlfidlw :
FotßTii ST., uFj-ow woou - '
TV, E nbor r f*P«> ,f “ u y rrquefl. thdattemioa of
± the owner" and eapluna of boat., ettiren. ahd
«ran K e™ Tuning PtttlbMjfbr to hi. and .plerSd
»tod of carpeting, oiw lor .ale at his oewitowt a h
meet They conrist of every varienr of the Incited i
mtr« fathtottable .tylei of Carpet*, Oil. Cloth*,
brought to the Western tnaikct. The stoi2 hasten
buUt expressly for the dtiry-t business, and has, treiranf.
Ic«» of expense,) beep fitted up iu the mow ma ,
modern style. j 1
'flie carpets receiving are oi
the richest and most (militate
They comprise, iu part, of the
Superior Tapestry, a uew at*
tide; ' '
Kagiish and American Brus
salt; !
.imperial Ingrain. new *ba>
JIDfT, t
Superior Ingrain; new de
r sign; 1
Fine Ingrain;
Opßttnon do
f the latest detint, with'
oCoro. •
Pjain and twilled Venitian:
\Kxtra mper cord twiilejd da
Boyal da j
Sheep Pelt. I
Chenille, I
Allieaui;'. •
Jute. Ac;
{ yard \rulr;
1 Door Kata..
II tlu do
it do do
4 do do
6 do do
1 JTZ'tK** anJh « ra P carpet,common oilcloth,
ofl cloth table cover*, worsted rod linen table cotm£
.\ ow ’ * b,de »r cojcrej and plain mattinr, auirroda!
Uunniniffs, carpet hmdmcs, and all other nods usually
kept ni carpel .tore*, all of which mil bTaoldOn aj
reasonable term* a* any m the rity. Havinr made hr- ,
ranffenijnit* with one of the largest manufaeturerata the |
?2?sf n f a !' nr i ,y * °J carpet will bepromptlvbr
warded by lelepraph, and delivered in one week; at a
small advance of the manufacturer’* price ‘ ’t
lurrhaaen are particularly requested to eall before'
purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident we can Sell
as cheap a* they ctut be purchased in the eastern cities.
- ! K W.LVND..
jon ciouu.
bare of thrfria-
JtJ * w /u^. Pe,l , u * »? d ° hio Line » CLAHKE*
™ A"' ° f Pltt 4 ur 6 l, i aijd JOSEPH S LEWIS, ofihi*
'fy e T 'J'.'U continue to trmn»act buaiaeu far the line!
at lanr \\ oreaouw* on Broad street, as usual. tad be*
?r*“* for u a continuance of the patronage of their'
m gsr-, , . „ ! JAMES STEKI.* Co.
Phtladelpma,, March sth, J94S.
Peiua’a. and Ohio Transportation' Co.
Dotibie Daily hint of ■'
* ajib xastum crnj&’. *' ;
OLARKR It THAW, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ' ; ■
LEW IS A-BUTLEttvag Market it., PhUadetshi*
JAP. STEEL A CO.. A«», Broad untU • i ■■ ■ *
COWDEN, CI.ARXB tC0.,'78 North sL, Ball - i
W. POHRICK, Apt.,’ 13 Weitdreet. NttrYoik
marlS . ' " | • ' ' : • • . -•
Vj>vr Books—FraehArrlY*!*—A Sommer la
A 1 Scotland; by Jacob Abbott, with enrrarlnxi.
Sumondi, Lnerainre afthe Somh of Europe; newed.
Lotlier and the Hcfomjation, ly John-Scott. M.'A. : '
I Jfe and Writiae. of Spark*’ Yd Wtr
j No» 4b* U tuul ti Harper’* Pictorial Ilifftory'OfEflg*
pipett o f .tUe Supremo Court Of the United Smiei by
The l'octty of lire, by:WB TapponT '
I'urlry'i Cabinet Ltbrury: SO rot, lam 18 mo. : ■ ;
For »nle fcy ) j." L
’ ' <m. near market et
PI IT TOWNSHIP—At a meeting of )Y£igi and Anil
muons of ptfr Townrtup, held on the IXthiMVM
ihcbou«eofMrs Murrey,tonal ia nomination eomtt.
dole* (or Township Officer*: B A Fnhne*tpek wueaJL
ed to the Chair, and Willi* tfoqih the Becrttam-the fcj
iowing pgnoni were nominated. i '. - ; : . ,
For Auditor—Win 1 Riihbautn; Inspectors or Qeciioti
—Jchn Wdtt, - S D Herron; * JOdga oi‘Election— Joseph'.
Colurt; Township Cterk-*Jt»«ep|i Wi/ider*; ifjioql &
rectors—S J) Herron; TbOfA Campbell; Guardian of
the I’oor—George Clark;! CVftTiff;
Tre&surar'and Collector—James; Taitln; Cofuaiblo—
HamnelUnncn. - j . marlSdih
Steubenville trade—Mereh» amLothfn
S'x ierchant*.
wiihing to trndo trith the merchaattnad btufaeu
fncaof.ateubttnville, in reqtteaied-toi ealt ti
LOtTS Advert Uitiff Arency, {iav.Wlaehesitfriii.dtsf i
ito;c)3d iirteu .aextuoor to*J» Qtißtta Offita, atxi:
advertise in either the Herald o{
have au.ejten«ve surcnUlioato HteuwaTOlAvilafti
vicinity. Fiusburgk iaercbuta .wUi4p.*«llia*Bea3'
to thic. J_ »■•
WM. B. FOSTER, Agentib/lleifcinJoUlaramßd l
proflorinj ptntiooi, tube offieo of Wn> E* Ao«* ri
tui, fceq, Burk’a uaildinfß, 4di tt, P[ukbttnch. -.My
in the general lend office <tf: Wul '' Mil mttend to '
; nrv* bnliueit tiSere free of eipenCr ; • •“
Almpratt A goo’s brand.)
Olms .Uaauliciartr*, to anrii
lor tale by
SUGAR— 150 hLda pi
American iiaflo *>•
SlEtt’S DtAXll
■ matW
lO and fiffttlfrtor
and forsa^t'
. Awmfiaagyai
gfffiEsa-TOssss-sa: fe
Primaiy Branches: Beading Peummuhipl De- ' ijftJf.Satardar Micro oort,- th* o,'clbck?
oeutarr. AnUunebc,Ac.-.,-. m Ay. will be. sold. without —'-piTt Wamiif i lia
Grammar, Ancirut and Modern Gw>- J nod Row Black, Ex’s. ofiie Umßam.
ff n, pby f liutory, Aruhtaelic, Hocotloa.Com- ' jprl lflaek, dce.clcven v&laabla tot* of granrifl.^itn...
ponirna, DecUmanon,- Ae .... ..«um «m»be west sttft of Liberty «uttL.b»»tw M^fy
Ilfehe r Branches of English Literature, the Lai- aad ~W ater. strecU, ha\iiay each a frontofaofr^.M
in and Greek Languages, Mathematics, Ae-.-SS 00' *»** 110.feqt, in; Brewery. nlleyfepc: of
■ Alt branches uoffki prepamiare io a f eenrerlot 71 ■••. >/.•,; 7 '
College!eour»m iasirncuooin tin > ** abo 00-apaitofjiSapremiafta *.twoatorr
lusutuuan, hare rendered the highest aaiiaxacdoa to its frame bmlding.: JlaHdiug formerly oc copied Inf A MoiC
patron*, and they confidently iarite the attention of the V.f ’ (•-
.public 10. lie advantages afford* for tho educe- B^bT « i* among tie ut6« deamUapnp^nirnaw
uon cf youth, - The modeofinjunction, and lie adran* - r * 4le ,n «riy - w r tuarmfacnirmg aoa foulness
tag** of the lDtlitutiop l .are well adopted.for the didm* P ol !"**** and wilf bo sold saiitwreha
qualifieatian.ofyoung, men desirous of becoming, effi- **£.*• -•• : - : 1
cieni and aacceaafnl teacher* lit our Polilie School* si -‘ ietnU ’ one-fourth cash; reaidueiatsroeiittii annual |
large and eonveaiearrocnis will soon be in rMuUues* R #yTn * n^, willl “*? re *** .£ • ■:<.• •:P- ."•■•
for the accommodation of Students.- There is.alsoon .*! .■. “a™*.JOHN D DAVIS.'*
active effort in ooeialloti for procuring a respectable - i; ~" lV ' .v^’
Library ofiL»ceJJaacou*,Work»lor the oie of tie Aca*
deny, ..
E»*t Liberty, inwilcilhe Acadetny irlocatcAi* a'
pleasant and healthful yillage, aiutatedaboufTour mile*
thePhiledelphiaHirupike, easy of'
access, and well suited in every respect to such a Scs>-1
twy of Learning, r./-. . . • -v . |
Boarding canoe obtained in tie family of tbeAssis* i
lam teachen'ffroaißl jo to 81:75 per week.) with whom
alio, the Principal will reside. -
Itonaprca* Faculty of- Washington College; Pa,
B° n i^SlK r TTio* Mellon, Esq,- Pittsburgh;
Rev S 3! MeClang. A-B C Beatty, Allegheny Co, Pa;
Her Vim D Moore. Dr. RMarc hand.-Westmoreland,
la. Ortothetmdenlgnedfidaßiof Trustees;'. - ~
Rev W B J R McCUiiWck,'Daniel
c gl e FjThosOaviaon, £fqJ>VmPßanin.' , ; -
_marllw3iS*- ;777: 7 : :• •'
* T. It BRoy?N, Importers and
•“A.ysWtlliaia street, comer of Join,'(in basor
menl.of Wnshlnfftofl: Sloreal'Nzvr You;-where ihoy,
invite tie attcnuo'i of their, frkndi.and. tie public, to.
their Sices’ Womens’ .and Childreos’ Eu^iali
and Motch;lloffery,jast.reeeiyed by tho late arrival*
from Europ& 'ana ft«a Auction.,
s® cates CbOdrenli Blftie, brown, mixed and white do.'
M caseeMeua 1 and Boy*- Mixcdfcrown and Whiicdo.
,W U*'* ar ‘ d Cotton Gloves.
All ofwhtchwiUbe/oßeredet prices much lower than
•hf k been sold by any house In
T win Mneica OB the
JLt ttuta ltonphiKihtoof West I*er town-
Beraojut indebted to-tbe ; eatß»'or-seid deeeared. are
haring 9lstaurtgaißarMi4e«Uiiupvijl present them (at
aeulemcaiio th*sxectuont aiWeiaid. - “TT^T.
besj:, •'■
, TanpUke Election. . .
>A « Election wiliUe Wd at ibis pabUe boose of Jla;.
-tt. John Irons, in to borough of Canonsbarah, oa
Monday ftalOibday-pfApril neat, to elect one Presi*,
dent, on* Treasrai, and fire llannaer*. for lb* Wash
ington and PfottboighTanipike Bond Cobpnnt, for the
etwringyw -tteartttt >, IOOM U COIV; President.
1...- ■ JKavfete.Work*
j rpHEauanioa afxwulemca. deiireg*. ornnwtv»V. nrr
I X MjjlwJs iUirczu, Mojtcaecmr orSziir**t, ii
: que«UMl. V.y* i:- .1
ITjo SuUeribf ra htnec beta. in vf» AtaxbJo
biuLoew fo> tW lalit ihinjf :T«», T mxWlttdelnlii«,Md :
b«Tuiff tunofactußdwork for abnoM awvaamtfihe
Unloo, eon «Ilrvrho>li«T»Avorßlihemwith
tntir ca«om, and jo th«rwoik,lcouiideraMa ofwfcicb .
JD“43I troikahipped j* inaortd froja;breaka». v '
-ihsy qanrefct tqany;Mercantile botue inHjilwlet
poU (orxtaadiiic*ail«it«neteruworfcißeii.~>
ft* I *®?.: :• • V j•; - JS'oaOO High *t, PJJii
N.H.* There_ifaoihinjladieirUo«wffisu£By4oaot
farimh either dotnctUc or • • •v ■ ; 1 '
BoßoanluU'SkTigKUOß' Coapuri )
NoricS TO STOCUIOLSBM. . . ' * • f
IN ponuance of a resolution ot ; the Board ‘of Mint*
Ken,lh« Stockholder* efilu'ltoiabgabetaNavixß
uoa Company »ie hereby notified to inm alike office -
of (aid Cotnpkojylnßreed'* BtiiJdinr, Fourth ttreei, in•
ft* «»*y of H Übmh,-at 9 afternoon of
Monday, U»e lJlhdaT of April neit, tpiakd inipcotwid.
muon certain. aeu of the -LegWeture of th«,Si«le.-
•*BK»k»ent*rr to lha Charter oTthw'CainpasT-Br
««r «f tb* *?»<*-, „ BAKEWBLL, I
Mareh 7th, 1&I9. ■ ‘ mart*.
A'.M’Aniiliy I
AV to the warehoß*e* on SkwnV Wharf Upper" Ca
nai Be*in,.Ubeny at, where, they arp novr mJly pro.
pond to receive alarje uaoonl of produceVkc, to ■hip I
BLANKBrS—W R ; SfuTphy'fpvite*the ancudonof
•oriraeot of Bteakcu, ju*i. revived, Inckduiff
a few pair, lateßdod^erpcoaliyfareomraer use; also, a j
fßU«ipply of bekifl&i. eheethlp, (ullowcaae martin* I
towclKhs, diaper*, tablc-djaperatAc,^
HOSIEBY-A foHaoppiy of biahlr, White, oDblench
edaad bo«e!«uil ialf hove, men**,
women*’ and children*’aixetfJart opened by - • -•
moia - ‘StfAgKUnT ft-WltlTi; -
rUtiAns-e*,uuO Havana, ta qthare.,ofvxirida» and
choice brands foccale by WEST JjOU’E.N •
.febgj - -• -front at
[UNDIUES-421 bbla mail while beau*: 30 do. ritecd
t pork; 9 uo lard; landing fans -fax *alo K-*
raarii . • tiAaALKY AS».iTft
jRANGES. A LEMONS—I 9 b« Orange*‘2s do
’ landing £nim rtihr Schuylkill, for *aie hv
•®**M . • JlAf ALEVT & SMITH •> •
-■'• ~ le audaowood a. •
W Hfi« BHJmii.isuajat-iat.B™ ot nSS
•Tf qnalny^veraMndjy— -
RAISINS ifo tUCE~SOD.'bx* bunch raUias; ICO tic*
frdah ricfljjart reed and for udtrbv - ■ ■
i m»tn; -. BAGAksrtsAnfn•
■ • nutfli -
ULKP°EK-10,000 lb* recT'g per nmrXclelgrT
jwdforwlc by muili ■
SUOAH— ii&hbd* prime N O.'Undine fna'umx
Amerfe*ud.ABiencu Eagle, ibr aaJtrby '
pOTASIt—W cikt prireV oaeonilgnmeit, for *a]e by
X r m«rti l: « Jft R FLOYD
PEAKS— 10bbliimaH while, for idle by- “
fp narl4 . ..•■•„ JAR FLOYIT
CJUUAB— iso WuU prime K o,' landirjr frooTatnii
O Robert Worm, and foi sale br '• • -
_ carH . ~ wtMMITCIIELTnEE
b - !* Jiul seed and &r nle lnr
• m*rl<- , ■ ‘ BEMKU.KRg-
LCOUOL-i-9 bbl* jß4* recdiaii for i*!e by ••
» .-BttrH 1 '. . • 4;&.gmT.m
bbltitut recti Riul for »aJe hy
i^!l2?2S^^P? J ~ <30 bWI j" 1 rred pcr«tmr Pt
icuteindfoinkby nurU— 'ACORDOX
U'jnit reed and for ule by
• - JKIDI)
i USSIAN DLIJCNo t—7s bblgjiui rrctl and for*«]
■■by marl 4 JKJUD&Cn
lABTOROIIr-7bbl» for »ale by,. , , ~
t mart! . : J KIDD 4Co
. - (Chronicle copy.) -i
[PAMSHWTdrnXG-labU* for aale by
• aarii - ■■ Isaiah Dicgrcv aCo
■\rABNIBH-sbbUaßpqoalitr, for aala - *
lbl ‘ toU * r«*.lbi»d*y, aiulfor ule br
-*J~—, TASSEY 4 BEST .
Mlc Cw*aJ«by -
. •*•_ nafio TASSEV & BEST
bMh * ia Horn and for «alc by :
-gyl°- TAKSKVAI hfstp }
B®Tr Jtut , r ? ?a ** * ,r Cb pl* rN«a. ® fine bollock,
' ■'■*"l9.-... .- . -, r ajtroodf.t
Jiui ■“‘W from itmrßeave
►aarifortalo by; {marlOj s 4 W HABBAUOH . nifiO. • fIAWHABUAUGH
.TIOLDBPITERr-S bbls prime, iuiUandins: nnd fo
JV**leby- marlO .•; B&W.jUnn«i'qH
,T AHDrIObbUNo l,;iul reed andfor tale br ~
jQAM WttJft-60 bbU H*w .York for naloby
TIBY APPLES—SO. Jo«t«ed*udforWobr
u mails - 84 W H ARBAUGH *
T\&Y PEACttES" flOObiuh, lntore and for sale by
JJ . , marlS : r ISAI/lIDICKLY A-Co 7
T4JU>—7O kw yo«l*J<o.»bbU do do. la good
Aiahipßlngbrder,iorttleoY . -V. ;: W
.;■•■ narw , mUMPtCKEV fc Co
QPfIASwB bbds erf goottqoalUy, on coa tinmen t and
jij female fry " maria j • ISAI AH PI CKE V 4 Cu •
T3IRE BRICK 4 TlLE—for tale by : ■■~~ rr: ~ rr ~
J? ■ marl9' ; ' 18AIAH DTCKXY 4Co
>|<lUoTUYBE£3b^6bbkprime, for sale by;
X' «aai!3 roINPEKTER k Co)
B A «£-y*Sla SglXStf*
f—lOOydt ia itorojuid Jbrial® bv ■•'
’•• :• tASaisVA best
ONIONS— 1 bbl teed, la tterotnd fortaieTi
••> marll -■»vT4SSBY-Jt.l
- ■ >TCMAgnv
IRISH pouebeont IrUiT® dwli.-
Baib* A a|aritt,fo/atla «.
• PCMaßttv v
4JO» ud blfbbuobinrKiabbii^
i rpoiu<
• JL
J’V' vJf- : tyf GHHui jo; Tfi
■■•:■ ••• ». •• A* 2 o dock n.'m. 1 '
JSSSS-SZT *> * “More frW •£!££•s
• ■■! Smnr- '
'ilggf -ions fl DAym. i'„, |
Hxjyo disease*, 1 sihaHUXtofn 11vt>. fSRlQZ* I
UPt; discoemed by
iXoiiSoa, lligiiiiima IntAxlgeat b» llfuSEtejf
“S' mtoinfadiiiM ora“SSSS7
r...Tinnan^Emijr-neon.ifilUi mcffiSlriiS,.:
] 6ttf9 orPtUmonary diseases.-“rarrsnii I
A««oi in soliciting
**.£■> found in the connaimJn«sa£!?S£r.iS£l
t£^ fl £» , T hl
(daft, and. have beeDrirea.tipl>fltanmtidislnt««iafcl!i 1
j phMioani ucosEimed midmcoiaMe.
lIS W® l ®*® hasenred, and Trill core, thainort-aSrSSfc
1 SftP u ?Jj Unoqoack nostrum:l
| lishmedictne, of known and ecaSlisbed efliaicT'V^* I
I J&2T Wri“ to .Waited BlaWi should bo «mIW
l!^.^^ llaß g»ny« BaIMCT Of
j counteractihfrCooKOTpUTe tendencies of Uw climate I
I **?£? PV I ®* “ “rrerecuretsediduo fa»TaO r caw»
lXS'. ‘P m '"S <*Wood, Wu«. ill-liioiife Art
I end soreness oflibetlaus*. braUtia.-1
IbreaUmrteetie1 breaUmrteetie fere I
“Jf P' r '«“si »n*-&Il iim-1
iWS|»cj u>o restoration of health, f-Vi- •■■'•■ —>. < ;1
fv Pamphlet*,*omainitfca man ofißuitth airf Amnii I
”>* «wer Up uiU I
; . 44- j
Ljs r & BREWSTER ’
wanli«M tatSe yesrlßW, forthoher-
I i*S!.?«CSSPP , f ,n P lhea ty ■
pbint£6 cXucoS exclusivSy, H*
I ./low prices—<md oU seasons
L te«:
, o f: ~ j VUICKIBEOCOSD S" 11 * ? i
p»; nidMbir. a: .stAv ,-f S
pajnT,w4iiEn<roiE,> • ■;[
- Kprrw^jc^mr.,-tf • . tmiuti 'I
[.. notion*ftrtbo WoeMU -i' i’- ' '
|C I. O.T I* J 9 Gt- 110 w a 'oit XBAli B 1
. : -
IHp •»<*,«Miltek BoKmi'SiiU : bf-Vu
I SSfeSff 1 p l c S!'j- *}*>r.*i aodoj w^iSs£s
|- .\k«_*l*oBi»mH»caMA-« iecD v_. 2 -1
tl«s Urgent^ofoUrf I
[ cmbnwtny e?ery article ia ibe l&e. -: j j - r I
aml aoll immen*e"qnnkiit£cs of an I
te&? l £S£\r l ;r ula “**«>» S£»"r
“L ca i| “* e*wnu» oiir atoctand prj.
ti,cy partbasej.-aa wo«bq Etrt'wiU'aellai I
I Prtccjibal canaatfail m pUn« ' -. .< a ,-.. • f
d .fii 7«U *» *WirfaJ 19 trilb correctne*. aLd I
oeapaicn. --.• ‘ ~ ' 1 ...J
l itooppijßj.oC.iKl WoyTi. ioSSSJrS
in* or'iSrf 8 7 * ufi ' cr^tt »ago-ixoatlbonpen-
. .-*% '• ./BunttAl r
ni.iVSwkijS o ?! 6 ? cei ' u< ? a ben ever offered inibi*
iJr-.Sr Ti “s b y £«SXwS
up lto ?®f b oWTta -MMUOQ. - Amoor
pM«2S»a-.»teft t dLnenie rinyham*:
hl»«f bed and brown coomu. Ae.y- frWrtfrffimT^
' _ Hkrtbcr l ! Cbreiue n M . B .
'}* “4fCMJ, QDhucllT. usd Sid it ta mrk «»/l -»■
Tr^fn^i 10 W«« 4ri * oreea
lniLre£w» “4 reconuneadjUo-oarbnabraj
Rii*nS?2 M °- eTerJ '. P“««uUr tbe.J*tt‘chw®?
G S«s e^, v .°«* verD , BetL ■ < New York, Jaw
° r P»inte» dfitoeityof
Tnt? HowrtCwiPowdtr*'-" 1 ' ■•• ;
” bote reduced the price* of Bills •
aiid BlMUnffPowdcr, of this mperiormwmlketare.
Hontiljrwarrantedtuworpasied, aaawill aelFai lowS
“% P«oa PnWder can in tbo m “ke“ ■ M
TbeDrnytnan employed atihe Muruins-irß) iiti
iss I '-
;sir, r °° d K 4 I . i
,-# ■'S2*&&gsss^.
compwoi in ■ a-nomlier STl,???* rtc.
• boakamttirrm ‘epf, Qtafrcl AAj Jt,-
Pioduc. Coou.l.o^
JSfv* /vt* fcr,
1 BntfofaphmQal pueenfaeSten."
t»w«cfatpo*frd at me.largest, undestfew
| nnubed and lunuatou, audmost powet&l boats on *ko
y^qaofito-Wnl -KrcffrrnmnwdafiMfcadeam,
«U that money canprocure, has beenpnrrided for
• e ®Swa.;Tb« Ltaohav been tn operation far firs y«m
earned a AiOioa of people without the least ian.
*ibe bcui wilibo at.the toot cf
■J!®™, •u* B J,Uw to stanbp, b* Um rctm.
F° °/ the entry; of passeagersoo tin term*
«ulv*acd ' C^M Utepasiage money Bmsrbepatala
iem «&*>», * U
JSfS^SSSISw *“ “o' l **
- n.
n.« ma
j ' Tfce
burph ttumfli m j6dSddSwy£&
| QTerr m wr. Wheaßaf
L^C7‘ mpAir 3PA<;gg|L»
[ tnu^h
1 efwy Ppfl(f ereninf at tOy.y.^. jf.sTrirj?
•■'•"■* :J ■ • ■:■ ■ ■ >ATPBPiy piciraf Tl .
The Qgw. -
DfiAVea PACKKTg.'— NKW jppW.. ; ;
I uid •of wckWMklal
I prepared to receive Ijndjbts'afaay time • / “"V*
I, ~ ,
I : DEiVEE AND WTOierniE fiiCßr. .
■ ff&*i** K ■ The , ■ . . .
•«* ■■
hrfgy oMHAßmsfgSiFSt*
r«T»BCTtdB« iifeiitfaa 1 *
J&tm£ AT
«ry comfort *»Pdd*a. • E»-
(The DoauwiuleW?i?MSg^?**h" u Vi»»id^.!
to foot ofSpM st PMaJSpnrtS^iSi^iiS l *
.. k . Thoane steemer' 1 ' , “
: ■•
passage- apply on boari o?'S#** ‘ « r
K _ aaw OEO BatnjKVTTffftnCT *«
1 * ~ POBST.LOtTIS. “v *fj ,
- • K-'i.Tbe fine »teala« -''- ! ? .
, ft ”tos?"ii«r
_Tei>l4 -; , : geo & MlLTRVpgpngp- ■
{P&rT -•'< a iiV'.Vi’V' ■
• ir' 5° Wd m»
"T Uajter T .wlir Jferm ■
!sfe.2iJ,irtJ ,irtw > :
■" "'°CT<M , m«nd aS!a!,l<». - ■
' - -
*"< ” J ag frftBff : :-g3ui g* • «” m M°^«r
■iMVFf i *»«■
I <>■ V,. ;rr
T£!S° »-*». fa *^r%gigr
• • ItJB FRANKLIN.. ' ‘ .-, ‘ •
: for Nashville. "
.;.. > ! FORWABAUirnrm ■•
-. £*&?•&
~— " ■ ' ' ••’' ■'*■''• iMoaoafafcaia;||o^^ > -.
Pj»B BT. LOUJS. • V •• *
. o ,', ? / POB^T.’LOCia.', ' '
- ‘
Jyca boyj U, croa MlfTTaaSg^g~pffl-'
-;= .t - -FORTfASHVtLLE. "
:: “humhct b» fcfc,
JEH....1; iiijDsox,
- awutu® in. 1
Vr. roH'CWCJNJfA'n.
. " K Ihi ftocjW-anir*'
wSofertaS 1 " r ' c °»ei>
”»><» - s .
-% £ott ST.XOCIB, ...,.-.' !.!•' "
r- „ :- -¥ y 'n,^’v ' u ~
' ■ FOB CINCINNATI -V* -‘, I- *
jM&slt c£; ■■ ' : Vj
m»ier,' wSMeAra ufcbdri.'
JlSSSfFlipggr* ■
■ -x 'SA 7 •
■;;cJ i
Wf;- - ■;
$ taMjf-y
liyj»w£S3gs;gij* r