£ : ■J.J . •<*; *:■■» WfU-.-rf.,. v:i < » i.!i t 1 * I • v,.vifsJ »4_ f' Jfjpj&i&SdtlZ-lLLiy -v - S&W r 5* -V. .-.-«» .. . —:i_ "f-* '■ 5: tr , • . '*^>^fil3oHlißlS>SaAS' k r^ 'VViStU; O^ew Y -. V .pStj. . •adfiomaH«>h« t 106-WooI: - 'lt 1 ' rTBAIAJi inamv*'* Ce,.WtetatttfUfßCtn,3Boa«' j s - r^H^A'Wj^lacrehut> | -iU)ildMUsnlo?tsdcss I |iDft.« 1 ■■ . t > xi^fS t -" . . V.-V ; kCo,^BreJjwpJjSASJSrf -1 , i-maWhnr i-: --’ -* v ~ - - ji 5 V’ ' ~'£' > t ** ft L' ■:--.•»*S'- |ik^ ip-vf - I^3' £ * f- J ' I I i&& P r M fee m ‘•jEyfhfer^ C * ft fi * 1 v i A ’fSvl lr^ C lUj > fr^T' f K m ■ fcx. sssS.a ©t> |V# #• ■> AVEBpsEfY } 5 , ls4B. •A.vBLOODLESS TICTOM tl i ExTßuaii. obbedi, HUNT’S LINIMENT, ‘ ‘ -f ®bqsuuuua notoriety unedtialled bf anjijlmtlar A-remedy, -It rcqiire* no pufllngto gtteit'af'rtqm* lau°«; it ha*been for idme tithe,hil«t!yind«urelj oowwben iu beneficial t&ccin fcaso I beer» experienced by *o many, .iho. expressions' of • continually appearing, arid- thd« who been .made nfhole, by it uccon*, are doiirpca .tbJ4 lho,aflhcted ahoald no lonj"trre*wn»'tMorant ° r •»*» inraJonblo and infallible efficacV..'. 7 \ '' **»r. ««o- & Stanton, the Hrobrielor, is conajantlr testitaaiata of bcnifiia' kbtn.it *ta cure* eflectetl almost eicecd P 6 ?*®*' ,io oopca»e,a chiJil Jttttl been a crippli fdr 8 25V*» WTinj.wfjeacbed' the tptae-whed at the ago of -rwn.bya toll from a chair. Medical tloaftnent 4iic«tpbst tom bottle* of him tobtrengib; with hikmayiuarea fn thetr yoinMfal gambol*, it* robust a* tha*ltea|tbir*t ol tMm and on/y.a ttroall tamp bojtts tack-to ri-foiml 4umo( hi|carly BBfl*nng»4. . . ;- y. »!.•: -.A cam ol 'RdEUMAnC- GOUT-eniirtJlj derrid op the appltcaiiatvot. tha wondcrflil medicine r • ‘•'ii . NIW Yo«a,'BU* 17,-186. ..£*•£» Stanton—filnl have been attacked sevaialtinie* .wjthln e iew-yem wuft.naevero pain. uitendcdtwiUi * great infcammanqaiamy foot and grear iag,atKi have beea laid op from 4 to 6 week* at each time, not teing .able to ben; any weight upon «y foot Onube 4th cf '.Apn’il led.rtewiYvtk.for Danbury,Ct.-when I dgtim , .y°k. a WckcJ jT«k.Uw*cowUinL,ttu.tl»recn»ete*rivr l daya and |ttgUS|L;c*uld col ckmt my eye«tbrpai% -At Uie ruggeiuouof kopje petsoo in the hflttoe t cant ia Dr Steven* for a bottle of joar item'* Liniment. 1 ipblied 'I Jfttn a dojut;iclpih,amJ in l&miautesJ was antreiy and/roe, from pain, and lipil Agoodmaht’tTciti. .1 wos.eaabled to attend u>.my hiMiuea* the next Sayf ,and havenft been tiwiblod *mc«,»aiihatiBhithe in/ftm? of my business is tiich im keep-anew* nyfwiisdl jtay.' kconaider Jt*m ‘ 'END OP UIPaoTEaEKtS in ’• * • • HACHISEB,. •■' - •* • ■ r. ‘ LULL’S'•jPditnl.-Frrntfb ’ Uoir ’ xVll 1 lx | fmafinircHne, thalinfacdired L? Wallace, 344 k.’Jlfi Llbcrty i *i, oeantbe' canai.ri'jifti.urr^.-' keen in ua* -fot4 ycar*,dujiagi»b.eh umf thry . liavcbemuwcd ati.bandreda nEUa ’RMleitcaswcnall* In tliceointrft i\H K!\y : and have acfjtmril khc, lap'll rtpo * 1 uailjmofl}eine'fu»cjiorto;BiibilMlti 'want machine* ior efcaninjfcralti, whilst jtruuvl iytatper'tbrw alt father* in tbit VpiV ImpoftaiuuiStfiijV durability. The dutapiJiiy'ofHhe'tturf lUa» U'ftiahyvalued, aiui Lull 5 * intent ip junly deem* ca-oadof the firrt Improvement* iijmoderi hjiU tnur bin «rf. Mlllcfe and min.ownen wbff have heretofore,),cep •Bajeeied toVhpavy periodic Al, oftpiiVemi Vminpl, and o*ebyln k 4arjfc merehhmrfiltt*, wrfrtf frequent but7aj» fot the ptfcfrkd»e or repair* oi iron frmut Alnchtbe*. fu» »ut. notamg'enbe dcrufi/tement of bii»iuu«in aauli, been* wooed by Mopping toteifcw oi repair thkdwhhrtfcry,] are awtued *«l.Uia)PUialt<»c«f J-ail'b« Uoek«; KJ»nk foot*. I'apcr Sin- P^?HS o J^ k,wroeor * cr -«' »nd3idM».- w li h.KYXGD • VTiftMERS AND MECHAN'icsI ** W,, A ™ VOUH INI taw W. ! Anflajir*; well the name, and p4olh*tma'*r»univ Tluf KliLVli’S llAXtiwo tbcchenpeM to b* fnotd i And if our Iron liuJinr with a I ,-fle mre iu find lbi» jtoroamJ rot to iu Gentlemen in wani oL swd itfu wau'.i fio 'well to call titlee NEW HAT STOttK. IW Ww-l.«not owi.i&eny.nnd next door toMtCnuj * Flour IVafe- I Tbe laUccnbers aro determined to n l IW lltt«,orailkind»,.t)f toanmaciore, a; ton per ceniiiu than any oilier manufacturer. Sodon’l forget the name and mmibero! Uie*wjir :•„■ KiXVlij Jt ifo, i g - TO HiTTEKS t COCSTBY 3IKBCUASIS. . . v Win. |». KHHAILDT, Jw. IS} North 3 d tt. abort Hacc,'vpiuiiUt Brandt, • * « • ' 'jfggS HAS on WjiJ a Ur-e M-omnen: or new and faab;ouVil«! Cjpmk n i >»inror» l--on ui ttite parueuiaf -foafielt, oa>l sorteeied m bruiftiur;i (■> •o&b perfection d« wiu be *«*n by itic to.b •Yim eatcaet JtflßUwlUportot ihe{Wnmeeon fUc. KiLiuUoii ol OllkTiutkint tattiiuf,Hjt«MpbL. w!?,?; S°- .ft 5 ?. WlTO* Cap* tj Wm I* Krlmjtli, NwihStd'Weil iuid ne:.i*y t.-inde Vu|o( ihc»e cnprar»ef»e jome ikHicc »n ihtoluv «,f _iu apnvenienceytne »!de i«ol rloih, «0,l il.t rfiher of jiJk, ay'either eaii Ee worn ouUUc ai Uic idea* |ma«r mewtarer Jhi'.fofaret' om Jufrea hu>w UnC ° ,lrth lO B* """ COMHJU.MJ'HYAOP ORTah'* /ILl> CIfKKRI. #hi» preparation- l» ftcii«**t4 ,4 lie ba*i medicine j)ow maim Him|:f cun'of xli» /5*T-*4O Clw«uX4ißs«, Uroucblfli. *ol Ar, whrl> at.which ii io ('otni»!icd,.l)nnf* u-nithfn the /«Cfl' Or Wi. .Aownf rnutp UaHtnoo ien<*i« «- Cfora iff cjulrio in »nJ li.nwn In tut* dry * On *»»y*WK » it-rouj- J< 1C or*» dojc ■wlfwrt Wffpd a airftlc l*ouJe cuitu me c.itin-l)'. *i'®*J , r«pecUut | y ; ' M U r-TAillX. I?*^^*°*.f f ,lr^n>l> P« r fcoUla.i,)- »U*n''. iuiiominx cwhtiA, and *£*fe*aie by the proprietor*. ••iKfiS'.'w wiw Jruwf-f ; fi,. iaa| njrrtj w ml’bijad’* once' : A.CO., continue. to bring p<-r«on« UlHm.yie nunUilterul ;erm», \Mili then JtjMUimi lfr'tba aml'com- Ay«,«Ja neiAllowbu; iiuifriisor* to 4CPW. ilni'infcuie » • °^^ ,em U'f,momentjlio) re ft then well being,; and >lc i _. y dhlemtunby Uib fearleAdyy omk Oofy <».« of ,>,,r pusrn :f?7*®#»»*jM»»b«sWC«e«letMi«iMy Imir* by** In mniftr-ffi* .wrc ,dt-turned tpeyaCPJiM b« #eot in tome old craft, at u ’‘TAP. proiod rUeir rof&M. VWajpwftJo pOTpifniour. contract* LoMoratiJy.'coit 2m?i£i£Wk V wjw tie ctur la* Meion, 2~ ®Jf£ oTßcera,—who either ptrionneil not all, Or flfawo at rituliurgli lor nnv mini irom XI (4 ?^fs**L,P t ataajf«ot'nflfl|.;ovtiicifil Uuul* in Ire- Iww, \Vnlc>. i '---"i i. V ' .JOSIIIM- UCUIIN.^ONi -Europrpn tufil (iViirrnl Acent, ■•. ■*- Fifth street; cincdogr heiuW.AVboiL'' V'-A'FU-atcTait', . lfiU in U«f- f£L VitoibwitioWi’lluileh eo . ailjoimiiß, land* »7* , v*<*»YtfWKntahetV •rriu£ni«isr?“" iioemiteaoTVrefcW/ft aiuf uye oi.iMaoDtmrx- from Freeport, «». Jfuilcr.— ■“na clcarcd ami under )G of ''Wilt*'KoOilfrune harp ana f(umc -airdt • {i>(» *S Qife lw ida'*Ojami it rate rrutt tree*. T(i,o:land|i» l o>’ be above RiUbr-iolil wpit For fufthei parusitlwJ^)-.. a ib&preau»c4. ' JJAMUKti FLEAMNO.-. iiOTKb.- ieo of rhia old'ind treUkTiow 1 -Heßr Ihe Wd ,w*pabtlc i ti«»t-hc oa*»parpd » , leftttinj-arfd-preparing it iToller* aadiftouKera. Hie'lnat- i meativc, an4tritiar*rel] auppliod , *»r«;. .•_• .i t ■ ; T anJpJßleJ , Lyffle‘:.we«si (ja j .TRANSPORTATION LINES. BZeitoh&ati’ Transportation Line. xxv .SSffiS? ABALfLMOHE. OObs-pon«ipnn] to our care will be forwarded \JT without dclayat the lowed rtuTTcnfr»te(. J uiju 0 f , J-amii"lra!i»aiHlcJ, anil- iiisiruetioru'prorapllrat-' landed to; freo from'airj- ertrft charpe for storneeor , coauniswon;. C AAioA.NULTY*fcCa,rn>p’r» ' ' marJ : ! - Cnnalßiuun, PUulmrgb. art.RCUAS.TS' WAT FREIGHT LISE. • { Formerly filled Pick-worth k Cq’s Line,) BEXaVSIVELTFoaTIIETIII.a.-srOirTATIDS tfVtVA+FunaHT. Fituburj'h, UlmrsTiile, JohnstoWn, Hoi* Water street, (Huntingdon Co) and fell intermediate place*. - - ... ■' t^ lle J. K,ul . Iciivc the warehouse of C A McAnaltr * .... ''Kttiln. Liberty, street, Pittsburgh, every aay*(Sunday* exceptmt-j and shippers can'ahvsri d<£ pend on having Umr good* .forwarded, without delay, ■ d Affair rates. • 1 ■ • 7 ’ .ThisLinQ wosjorrard. caclativcly for the special ae-' . fotnntpontioii 01-tlm way business. The Proprietors, thanfcfnl fo# the frfy liberal patronage they libye tc cmetf durum the,lun two .yuan, (would respectfully ia orm heit oidcuim.n.-r, nnd th« public generally, that - hei Lave extended thdir facilities, during the pant win- 1 t«. r, ar.d are bow Kite r prepared to accommodate a n iu* created bufunesßj • . wM sxnx • F> G STTPT, • \v\t FULTZ JAMES A.LOHK, - • - JOHN MILLER, - »£ canal basin Piu.) IUI Cub\4N'. , • • do Johii«t‘n I -■ ■■ tess^ 8 **? - BOATinTEj _ I'iia'rtAJ^fOSTA’rtoX SSHra? 1 ™FOTMIII *XO WIILADELI-HiA;' l-'Vf "« , J >ne *ari‘ of.tbis old established, and :Cnt* .X-.loruiblo Hwu Line, havin'- removed thdr.de- X * \ W } llu< h ll, r n t ’ io ", 4ar«e6 .WnreKms* t>h Market st., Dmli t[iey formerly occupied, andal* Ini' crea-a.l jthcir-rodm for •rtordpc ut Piftsbdrfh, are now. idlfp tft> ° °“ Cr sJ ' ral ' Cr A»cUiUea friends’ .Goodjccapicd by this dine are not transhipped be- HlSii2f i,er ca«Ful-Ji«dfinjr,dii»i»of muwrtai'ce. made for reeeiving.or shipping £***' or wH«njenur*l»*rjrvs. All goods l forwiitUd B, .‘d upon »s reason aide terms as by any olh- ’ * ‘‘ ' JOHV .McPADFJT&Co.. ■ . -CBJial/|liuurK.i*wm»t.. Pitiiibunzh. « Oi- ' MAH-S^?:DAV IS & Co., fe M* ■ SD Mhrkct &54 Commerce it, Philo. •JaiiV.McrAllfcN k Co., Forwarding ani Coiamu uwi- Mcrehalits. CuuaL Utton;- Penn Stvlluaburgh. ' . JAMES M. DAVISAC... s on 4f7 Merkel, nwriM Cmnaerte at,': 1 iulmldphia. . feb*4 •„£T Advance# landr'fy either of tht alove on Flour, 'o' °^ ,r *«««*" °* donsij-oed f • • C6-p4rtnermhlpl r —*■ ■ I V l: ' ■' l } b! ‘ rrll *«*^ v a'W* ndvnngf son ronsfynm.,,,^. 1 . • ’ - - r ‘; 1848 A? *® via ch^S HY RXIf.RUAU AND ~\VAQO^-« o> ruiminjf.Hnr, tad aurtlTwT ko “ u ) C T.SCCH * Co.. «**!!•*. • •*•' HARRIS 4 JLKRoii. l^, |- - ' Vc WH r«#ipt pi'i^«^A-“Si^£h*o Ikrwißii fay til} ul,(nrrliio tfter UmsCl« inti •- • *• / d,U ' I JfcTo - 1 To tnu Usiiliuuir. 1 HJJVRk flßAll-' ,V i ' ( . r i '-annl l'lltsjmrvli IV H. <*rx.»-> .Nor.i & Hiniuw j Jo-y. J-. Ctarke. V,. I* ( :* M,p r New YorkT*^^ , ‘V'OTli;}' Til.- H) ;•• <>■ our hnn* will bt- known ttdm ■ ’ 1 ne-Meury Crstf A <.o_ nitU'At ] .i: ui.c.jiuU, a> Diihlb, Jlnmplirryi £Co ■; %„anmu,. ‘“Fff““f *• ' , CKAH- HlMl’llltKYs, i PWiidejpijw. JL- IiKNUV (iR.\KF, itonrttif Arrangement.' 18»4§ ' &a§tes*! c '■ ,; 't« • J ?m^ a ° ,T * 3,D SA^LT STETMAaiBr ran. rttmndthe J-*-, [.rw Tttl i 'fvv.-i&iul he. \ Nii.li Me Mane, iiKhvanllowiiu-manner. tourMrfg oi Alackuiar ai-d ijiiruoeuua.? wnj • . L-nvm- Owr’and.tVcrr *v 7 I*. ,\t. I** I>t<..it -lo •fua.Jay. al!) A.M I>> Miirkm.ir ■',> TiitlrAt.iv-at-'A. M. Krturi.in*. wt]i'rave f*»v ' J*i>; lU*nt‘ I'vrry Friday tt i 10 o-'. lock .A. M.; oiul .Mnrki'iac fit JOnVteeK, JVM. iaudat'- £ , . T, ’ l, . c ' er * >umiaj oveuifls. for Cleve (HWOtuA 10., > •\grni«. j. r; URAUHLUN .V To < Cleveland. T,‘ n- I f tRAVBH> WICKWARK lVtrt.it The UctisniJuiA ;J.«ea)lioroui:hl7 rrj.aimj anj refit. |m! Ur pan winter, mid trie jml-lie may triy upon ttie kit. ward. ! . 184 S. ’. | KULli’flh LISE. I riirtV 4 "' l ~K' >Jl *" lr " Vin <; [ r | n * ' o: iu,.-.Uiivc «|||CC i)i«ir ..u n-d.r.l s(M-1r tacililics to i Ulr-rltM vvxl.r* 0 f n:..Vor.- m.n pr.pnrcl to ;”f w n* cry.tlrr. nr>i,)iy,i ti\ tb.-. KIV|; IMYJATE, ", . ° V T*-vß , nr mpmi at low fair* Tlti Pmn^lvanKiVaKon r ifoN— 7 " ' fiste mmsa. DAis ***«>•« thigadkl i'iua to n'rrsuMjHUH. hy wagons, i UunmnK nnyßiiil'Nißlirl.crwrfn km»t>u K li nm i Clinm bcnJ...rj{. by U4lliua'* .' ,h « EaiUrn cl?t*. J . IfaKonJ/a^taUiwc >... m j •..«. . , j -. ■ - Si W -CIV'S Uruvtmille, , i " EWIM-TON 4- UCunterUod,, TiC>nfis'so,v, i GtIRGS & IiXpUKHI *o* P'aiutkiaA>u,, tnuzuu'ivu WAOiusuros^rsiLArxLi MMqHANW. ttnJ'mbcrß/ktJidiaitgoixli ara inform* W-M ?*j >ni4a»,iluj ln#k'st, ««feM,»mAino»t ezpe* MUiou* Line siijuk La*l;,riumccliiia.wiibAUanu A tfol* lljmcasifoUy, at •,. , •’iVoijgli, r?c*i|tw ...will Jicgiren to'.anydf foe afore, pkcfc*-. .Mu.rebuQduc *n4,package* ofiany-Mcw wcltfpt roi«imi*iL , , KwrcMclo»e*iiaily.at'3*»jfc. .\, V . : Af •: j *- •;• •• • iMMs of ai2r2Kiiflizo coiaigneif-to ft & Fret 4. lluledelohiaKrfiWarUQipiora CoT PiiUtatrrt, iviU be promf dy «?f fiPti&L STANTON '«tiitbe practice t>( Law we.-Pwjrtir-K, kfhrfer*- r-ocbnpi&4 far uaier iwltßrdhJ artel (vCLwI wfl lUJ, ' > >***•' • •"‘nctrtHii •a* turf* Ip K f-TiS'KD li ble f g«£;.;;•' { ■:.■:>■• iV ■’i: *. x .;iU*.W- d j A , w .:,‘-> , I .... V«Vbau. iSSteu; - ■t, B * 1 “ « r Liverwort. *nAl tut medicine tbould icqture to moch noli .OL nqt ai ah strange,'when we take into conside ration the vast numbers .that are cured by it* use. Tor taanyyeant it has proved to astoniihingly successful at the north, that nearly every family retain it in their .s?® ** ahanudota to cold*. cough* and consumption. That no other article possesses the •nm* menu ia y' ahs liium , bowela. J was *o cold at tiroes, It aeemed impossible the whclJ were eomplaming of the heaLandm) akin wu very yellow. 1 tell a wav to ■kuiaudbonca, my vein* sunk in and became inviibic! n, ? PlW^ d >; in J- AfriendbfS me to try Dr. Taylori. Balaam of Liver 'f? n » whiclil got, a* my phyaician did me So gepd, and Uua medicine realored me to good health again ■„ y ■ . ■ J kavXnagh, »»* Ship Carpenter, WO water itreel - Although thousand* are cured by Dr. Taylor 1 * Balaam of Liverwort, and a* many atill die of that fatal malady. “? ,ect yoaT »yniptom*,mi J then trifle with thing* ot no txso until it it too late, death follows. Put every one can be cured if they vriiL—.l Take this medicine at the very first Approach of the in- I aidiouijfoefand you will be cured. Yet this medicine ,na* cured consumption in advanced stages, a* the te*ti- I monial* below will prove. But the »ure*t way is not to dcier, a* “delay* are alwny*dangerous. Sffl?i rc< L“ n, \* 0,1 l . al 75 street. New York. Wood J '.MI 43 M . n,kr ' H I-my-er; cor Market and 3d *?>• ‘ U*«»V at. Price radaccd to 31A) pei large bottle. mar 7 j BiEW YORK ADVERTISEMENT. ■ ■ ■ • ■ 1848. READY MADE CLOTHING. C. T.' IkW'CSTUKirr HAS removed from his *oE2ixaarAsn > 5a.33 XAISAU, voM n., x. b . e •*““ the largest Clothing Ware Booms. *!X#S »fl^ h “ir ,rgeil • thc cS ‘JV«tJI of which he iledgea fcimselfare mode in the most durable, fashion*. Wo and workmanlike manner. ’ “r“ uu r The demand for his style of Clothing having iocreas ed to to rafia extent, be has found if necessary to - ,Those deling in the ankle will find h greatly to their advantage to buy. oi his house, fortbey wjpbe able, not onJv to-self their customers'a well inadeTfashionable and •TOUehl.Barmcny.btmat ti price lower than they ihemuSwi. 1 * be^fe '- Profit to To those who do notdealinthe article, dmt till the cA°d* Hi the piece, now li your time. Already! your Cloth sales are dropping and soon they will entire whirwi,* n ?»! 00 l^ ne ““'f yourselC seeing .which wbj -the. trade is going, will be selling clothing. 11 ““ ,l * n » w»Il he *©W ui every vUlage.ii America Within two yenra, (for this reason.) yonf customers can get a better and more geuteel gannentready madeiihan' »**• Vb f'“. , S. R rCwantry Merchaou all of you eall and satisfy yourselves. martith* t SEAM-AN 4 MUIR, ■ 3JI Bi°»d )WI |-, a«w Y J O»k, '•ABB DAILY BECEIVtttO FROM THE ; LARGE . AUCTION HALES ASD ’STAPLE 'DRY GOODS. Atlopud |o the beat Trade, and purchased nueb below the £ost of importation, which they arc off** • ' i •*“» ■« * Ten-small advance. ,TVy.h**aaLo received irom the various Steamers sad _t“V l ‘»s JEfY general assortment of „ ' *l®H FANCY - DttY (iUODS, |To w|u 9 h they to offer at dl ffi attractive .lock of seasonable goods. befr^Terre htpresent theiMhanks for the patron-' ngd sobrally bestowedjipou their esuiblishmrntiand to assure purchaser* that they, will strive to secures couaiunnofe of confidence had support. , • 11 puroove.ta exterilf theitalready lanre bntl nesf, and stimulated by their uncxampeld success then ,tar, they are dele trained-todekvc nohdnnrable eflbrt* A considerable oPerjlei’ienee business bos detuonstratdd to •Mmmuatettnitet thocfelykaremoihod of obtaiTinir ariose cumins aiawe business, ia to have it based tipoir wrtfoct rfrmrrfilek, andthdl While, as merchants, they copsalt,the wteraM of iheucuatomers, they ora (Xu ws ’keonjy true method of advancing their 0wn..7 • 1 V L;*. 1 . 'S«r*r J Sprlnitood*. r : ' j . . A' t ftt'Alarket street, have lust tesßEsssiaa-sisait saaasEsassa®i ~*sU ib.jii.KtM. i shapresenL Jhw~ nxc4 which will enable us to sell at I newsfeEi ! Cff £' good* w every description, together with a eeueral as. wnment of house keeping cuods, etc' .fc Merchants aad the inhabitants of Pittsburgh and £ci!£ "> f'T w*l*«eiiully mrtted to call and examine our 1 m “ H . AAMASOX ! Sew Books Jut Uecel red. , •*»“ ">“UI a. lair HiutoaitlT "life $ "Ww. "•«• aH- Williams W ,K lli.ior, of the Ctirulian flrliemn B ful | < burrh. translated by Prof. TorteV. Vo!, i ‘ : ilawkstone: «Ulo of aad liir'Knaluid in iuj in two from seeotjd Jetton edition, SI &. ’■ I Memoir of \> CCrocxer, Missionary to Afnco.Cici. L- Personal R,-collecUba», by Oi*r!o. lC FJi«dft erplujnuory-notss, accompanied* hy a mcrfioirlmbt 'Uiwlhepnrujd (•hDiatkeeliiso recollectiba ti.herdcAtitbj LJd4 To|ni.Cii «i,rt. - . P Rrca,Wt,nn* tu KoglpniUby II Ty/ig, I). D Mark >tlltori r the Merchant's i lrrL by He* ChartCs R. Tay ..r.'M A, 1 author of -Itccontsc./a Good Maa ! i *''•£ Mary^-'-Mhy an.* dr tire Pearl," Ac. ibs above jun received and for salo by - „ r. ' .. ELnyrr a English i IL* 8 / 1 - 1 qj market »u lieifeyen Jd nnd 4thi - »* *• A. Mlner*s—Wi«ionear»od ■ v^'^ et!,0I ? :0f ’ lh * Uopress Josephnr*. fidt . “P® 1 .^ 0 Bonaparte, liv Mile U A LeNVfn,r ’ oriheThr ' e Ci!iesi ~y Au n*tineJ U The Signal, of the Jung of the Klue We. Tlie Prutmer of Perote, by J K Tool, llnnt’s Merchant'* Magazine thr Ainrch. Ifcmoeratic Review. •* •A •pJendid' anlcltf Laee EBgeA.Note paper and ei Tclppe»io-corn.»pond. i - gwHP »w lie I'eople, No 3, for March *^cond' lJe " I . M A • Smilhficld .t, il door froi l^igsof #r nvtuewljip luOierto eiuj niidmhtf mle «nd And of VVigbUnau 4: D&J *•} »!*• *!“• d *r oHib*! «on»eut, John Daf xeUiißvujff dimmed or hu-omire im«t»rto if. Wight. of 0,0 wiU he MUleJbr i i « i h / miu !‘ who ‘••“‘hunted la (etc the tuuoe of the Utr Crm forUial purpose H. WIGUT.MAN. •ptJOJJar IJiily 1 Mr] J. Dal./KU. t . \'^ 1 ' ,rnbrr A\V 1, ' v " r rT* Tf ' i » ntaimfifctitre all hnci. of Craonaad 1V«*» Machinery, at the ahone.l nouro. tW.rfM.l JOVtghlman’.it,too Shop* cor. tier Liberty and Water alreeu, will me?i with prompt attention. • • 11, WIGIrnIAN.T ■ Lfacok aL, betweeh Federal anil Sandtuky atii apngkily j Allegheny city, ? la hereby giecn to tho'Stockhofdera ofthe Jal -Amygdaloidand laleßoyale Mining Company, that an ao'cuoKiu ofJU. jw cent;on each aharc hu been .®a^.,pay««o E*q H TWMQ«r of said Company, si hi* office wihc ctty.cf Cleveland, onoi betore the firai day of April, 1549. • “ -wil KICHABD9.Bec'v Cleveland, Match In, 1848.- ■ - ' IfOTIOB. . i ■A r-»OP‘ lurtw tiiuincu' wik Jtobcrt a cm- J\. »»t, mo requeued to call oii the undewlfued: ■' -noDEBT HcKKlbirr, ,<»h t»n»n> irrint , ft ilo j_plifibj. card*;• 800 whole and! sardine*; 10 bosket* oUre oiJ; 20doaa»*’td S^«SBg^iS^?Ssr 4 BjlSSS. wjiole, mi*r,*iu} cighih.pipe*. JJ brandy, dark MapoJe, of,.d!ftrcntffrade*, brand*, Uod'vraioire*; for isdd a» imported, by • PCMAHTtN I *. I’ 1 1 iM », HON NETS, HATH, A<*-R II Talmer ha* O and i* difty teeeitto*, hi* Spring eappty ©f-Boaftit* some -epKrery new ana-f»ch j>*Ucnu mad o*p.« nW**na,\«ißeiar flower*, 4c. straw /’’•LASH CL'ljlkS—Ose'oituo good Class Culler* JJ ayaotedi t»,wbo«i coatunt > WmVctn •y u »l,uq trieu o/teippctyo ° j'WW'r '■•■■ ■■■'! > _ V *os It d(v.lJ;icTti rm*i,irtbbh beau,. fi do baiter - ado eggs; landing fnim kmnLwUowykAc fervde W • nlar ! • ■■ ... |4Tdtwß^ro»tisS®®SKraufJKg!rt cg£^&£gSSß& -■* ' : -Sjaifltaßwo*. i e^S i rssa&ssifc', wsiSr *cxojuj«y l- - - -• :3r* ~v_ - ~ - »*• ' • -A. Mastni;*-. ' _63 *A»cir *r, mwiu TmKDAsa adticra mxrn,' . TNFORil.Uielr friend* and thepoblie gaoenJlr, thn JL.'being abottt to ronjOro b ; GwaiSadotie‘aadetegarrt &tote recaailr erected M. the ad)ouriflgl)ot{!fiber will elojeotit fte&leirge and wetl..eejecuhl «tock or.E»U | and .Winter Oooda at «o«r,’anf iti mur dawi (euuuu^r co«u to,enable them, to open their sew. •tore-with a* entire RofckefNew Goods.-'-The eale vriU'eetnmeDce tiu* day and continue to the* firet Of or until bcic temoTaL :Tbeir i extcc*iM_ assortment' ol • Dtom Goode willbA sold lull3o]wr eenttfix th«jus» alpdoea Tbey-cOtaietoftM men* u d Delanes, Gala, Mohair>, Slated- Oregda Hwite Also, Bomlianee, AJpacea*,‘**^eH_.- Cloak Goode—French itnd Ccnaan.Mej£joa)Qooen’* 1 Cloth, French FUld CloaUnn, Bread. tioßgCof tall tb* taut thehionable color*,',: Black niid ■toerTjHsa silks, Siuwl«—Caetrdtre.-TcrtsrfiThnarf Ploii), and other, ehawle—a Terriawa-aaeotmeacwlr. reduced one half in! priecL. Ei»nn<.r«—.wai.**. fPnSatfc, andikjnerionj- FlenneS of ljlp>!o h]S£!£3S£iS 3MMI tod CapHlbboiulGlove*, Hpditm.ClrfSSd- Fnajo., Wrotgit CollnSVndCSjpdKpttSflGßfflli Flower*, Flame* end Feedmre, SearifcCfmtVttfemy, kercMei, Fane)- Batumi ere. UeSpoMeoferUF deienpuee. Woollr Guuaelte, y' ,l W,»!*''r*. Pilot*, Tweedy J&SL-jntmi eed;Baik_Blanket*. - Alio an >ilr::*irc'«i*ortKWrolol ■ Caljeoa., Cliinae*, dommtic Oinaktoii.-Ctetka.lSßipaa,: brown and bleached Stolen*, ofta :; . Fire lollowiog will be fame o£ the Prieea: .1 1 - •ssssssuw. Gala Plaids, 7 g) ’ J ** •. n IS - • 1 Mohair A Oregon Plaids, » 0 ' Alpaccae, led « . «- 37* .* -a S '^‘l Calicoes, ; - 01010 ‘•" «'•* »o| •*'- Caasinetts, SBlo3l ■•-it ■-i .. Togplhar will, every erliele in the fcrorm«hfch,wili So oflered etjuaUy, cheap. Vuuera majrlbe aeiajedthat they will uot he disappointed in the quality or price* of our good*. pan3l] A 4 gfoi I _ [' KEW jPRIHO GboDB. - CHACKUJn’ikAyiUTE, IW Wood jiMe^droaow O receiving largo additions la thea exettfleotTassart. 1 raent pf Dry Goods, 10 which they IrivlUitheaheaUoucf buyers. heheving they.can odW «re&tniiiie«oeca u willTOnke a to theiriuteresUomaUMUs'whh them.- \V o areuow receiving a large wwnmcm of fcooffi gold, green, plaids. &c.;«atmetts, black, blue, Cadet, Ox 3; tort; plain, figured and pruned iwftds, a good assort mentj vanons styles: prints, a rtryiarge mspnmeuX of. new spring styles, fancy, green; blue,rnbie£ bromis/ bluesj blue and ©range, Ac., in'al! -vanetiesr ginghas£t splendid styles ofdomestib, English and ■f’reaei, eery. new styles aadaiyjes and figures, juui imported; also, black! mode eoh eotten warp; some blacks, very fatei A& of which ** ifiered for sale on favorable terms. ’ i febiO- aiIACRLETTA WHITE I ldT *1 ! /2.RE&T REDUCTION IN Murphy. ■V N -*r. coroer 4th and market «ts_ will, ft3ta“tki*v «N *“» winter dreea good*, and a large proportion ' oftug.iiocki adapted;only, to jhewinter. aeaEn, at greatly reduced pncet. It being hia object toTell’ o ft fim pan of- bis *tock to make room foran e«My]*pring •apply, no regard wil l be had to tho cost of the good*; but they will be offered at pncr* that will jmaort their kale—lueh a* California plaid»,.aii«| former nriee 25c: “Per do. at 25 former Printed Scttdtfcafti Sl r ”w Bl \l*’ fol 7 l ', f ce'3le; do.ta,fomi*irj)riceiJi«; ■French all wool d 0.60 cts, termer prieo aland ?5 c: ias.aa a y I EW« A'MOOIX jiin w | MOOES * klffD»Vi K f 00X . MERCHANT TAILORS, "I *®r«9■?££? TUEU> **■»orpouTifDoct «x- lioxjjetrsu. T\ESIBE« to call ths aueliiion rc?, poautoUaears' ±J ' iff ;dnn to the rarxcuoa \ raxz nAT * A 7S£ D,ID Jn ,ho »Hapinff sod manobctore'df nr.' toent*. {They camwr bnt feel fcerfeclty confident th«f every.opeofrefiaed and cultivated lff*to-mUwver pro fer the ctunz axd antnjs of-thorooghly ptm- - UMdAsn9n,toUie wretched ud ludicrausiSsrlonee frail aaork»:NeiU’aHi*toryhflhepßitnr»;Thler» French Rer; Tuylor 1 * Manual Aitt, Auu, 4e. N*. 7 fo" 'to**"*™ f* *S 001 Q w-ggin prto. «L -1300 do and half do Af RHaS ~ 1 ,V„ , . IWi caste* Jjun it Lcxil , -ioj .•. ' 30 bag* Walnut* »u 4 FUbenc; .-* 100 ijo S S Atmoud*; ’•• 1000 biiibeJ* North CBtblfn«Be4Xixii‘ ■JWO atedißw quality Bae Fig* *^cw-C«ph*|loui» ni »»«* low pr,ccd ‘ Philadelphia, gl-eodlw I 1?0R EVENING DRES JL just received a few pattern* ! -for Evening Dresses, Also, silk n : «*. etc. Also, new style braises, f new stylejialturines fordo’.; charm .able ■rocle, needle worked «?ollai jetu, enure .uow styles* M«ck la nch striped and watered do. Lad asd see th.o' above goods. > '* . Sewr G°od« forlgprla TXT, MbIU*HV, tl coruei '"J • »te, bas the pleasure ofiru'c andbujrentgcneralljr, that he has ceipUM bis early Spring ujods, an great variety oi goods suitable for that ca»mi;.iail to please. • o ID" Merchants are iurtted ,to Rooms, up stairs, and examine the wlueh will be offered at aW>ul east jr"' 6K. -Murphy rojdcml roufdui arts, head djos- 1 irlygpriugwrta, iwlUs, s isshi&ri ew style: cluimi*’ silks; striped doe re invited to cuu fcfctO ig of 1848. | ot 4Ui and .Marke, jnniug'h!* customers [commenced the te |t has already open* an season, ai price* *i*i« V* Wholesale dock of ucw jjoodt, :ni price*' feilP alio, plain* pink, aad oreapmouse delaines, fori do; un> llbarred gui*hams, id. Sc, atlhe Dry Goods House o' a-. , | __! ' W BMCRriIV.. ' ityla*; open -t buub&me pruiu, mu< # r * >er *“™’ “*V)®7^7' ui morning, l.«ue rtu, stui ebds houte'of "i W R.MLIUHIVi * D RUSS GINGHAMS—Opes ih » mwiiij, an a*. offrt»h gihctyuta, (tSm Jvlccnu per yfl. op to fir* quality Frenofi, til noticed price*. oeory Maoehaier ringbanitJow inccJand fine, f> ■ . ;i • . T; V KSIURPUY wl /cbaa_ , ; cor.) Market A-fitb*u. \j | SUGARf.MCLASSES A-\DCOK 'EE-15 Utd*prls4 N OIWjSObbUN 0 Molat c*GObagaßio Cou lee, ju*i laaijiiiff.from *u Wyotninc uuLi'o'rtaio Uy ' U yy 1 m MrrdfrxTiti k, u*>: Liberty »u £ ILr 'Ricy will thonijr receive per Mantra WaiHtiii ton tuid ether boautbe following:— WO bbja primoTfO »“San *» bMi plantatioa JUoluaes; Wdo Sogsr Howi;' >*> tiereeaCaroJi laßier, ,ffblBf. KElJSH'rLAsJffiLs'coluuM r o„ .Roods k00.0.0l W-ft JIIU|.|J-,N;.E ked Utnnonbuui iM'CjUf ' -oily nwiuit we’d: .MCANbLfcSS. ; -WESS? £ FLOUR-130 do,' B lJcl r£Sr gMii * yj :arer Bucket*; 6» |DiLWoam_ M and far.taJfl hr. B WATBBAIAN f.v~ ' ! ! J VV UItABWICK .."v w , ;>TBync»t. btl\y.n o pcnu a’libcnyj_ iakcn tke corj. lfousß utiMtaci «• StorehouM ni oCsua Ba*' a oui v ui:i W|ia]wM,oD ifrCaMSitaaia;woiropr*. uQQta and •tore bacon on rca*oaabU>'tconK . ...!.. .Kite & j.uwsa,. - maw . ', r • ; | CanalJ>n>in,'uy>r7ft »L ; .\o3| Uac 1 , US WSo NV&oji «i Mnftanflftr««la'>.y'[fcyp] TASSLV A UEbT ' i»bi«por* cider, rw'il utdio/Mle li; ,i T -yfcfa j. TAsam dcUL&T. |t Ca,, Whalckals .Oroccn cad « Coaamfiaii Wood ■{«/-, -febitf - f\T* • OBo|f»r,ln nor*. U* *Mr bjr. .]. ,<**2o X UeSkV : ___feba> • . . i ivwood.ni *—2ss2—C&imnV* iurxir.irr - u •, fTfr fßACllßfr.jduo bai^^ r miw>»«*|Hr»»ffg^< by ,: causqn l ■' - i■ •ji't br - - «!r~‘ 7 1 t-wid * c«^-v;' VOL JSJ. MACKEEEt-^»6bl*‘Noa-SoWl ; Jd«ck«rel;lod > wKf'S'd© do i, 10 Wf bliliNu 1;-10 tlo do .No Ain wu«iui4lor»i«b)r. “ • * - •< - •-cot.iibenv.aualj tut tu »a iaudirfj ftiid IbrWicbir - . AULLKHiiUCtOii^.V .l——*— •btol* Mgvod onter'iflt sals tow bf J aCiIoONMAJUat * Go Icfrtt «tt*ori«4'ibr’*»fc by Xi ,ett ® y J btfilouA-HAicuH * CO' ‘I^PSOSI SjJUK^atuHU . fc .j ■ ~ eWH _ :_-s_s * WiyUM-NjJ-IiEHA Co ■ *f Jor.KUo t*y' j • X^-fcaa . - .'■> -: — 'H luia lur tuie by > teo*a —r ~„ iHi r t “.'*~V < -~ 1 sun; •: - -cof.Uucfiyjmauwiutu * bbUforale by . , * . ~ J-t-fcfc** - iiliSlix < 'fEllo t tc HOU I)Al , ls^' i r f B U CKi’lS-^-W’doi lor «kle*b¥r ‘ ’- '. ! i- • IK *^ i *- i ‘■‘Urjiiut, bpdiii-ukJJ it ROE «l>‘lGS d 3fl6fl&ie3^?<»* , »ai8 i by• ; r -- ./a -tV -**bX t , ~. f. AicOjuU-RUaHKlEUi^nfiF. fcJOAP-afc ; lww^.ai&^’tor ) «Uasii)l6’»Sußp ju»; laud* » x-.-j , r J ~ * juiiA_a - »'< m.' ••-.=• /. vpoaat tbWi “ .iJL ni - '• ' • * I»QIXbEi.-i'i:ti & “ ** **x.iX;'ljLx :* Mi it RKK __ ■ a 0 •V'* " J »>' A; ni .NOTCatXTRKEj < v ‘VROSV'N '4, 'CULBt^TaON Jiit ‘s’;- ' - •;•• •■' •: v . Wba'BbQWEN tircdrf and.Dermuhlro -d« - j ■'..'^jyy* : ' - r « t-•>• •-'-?•.--• j-_ «• “Wtitoiun .- ■:’ Tj lOCyggEfc~7g bajffjutt recoWad »*le by : r ; f -j *;■.'.] 'N.4^»!«jSjs(«SiSss?f|SftSn£ >U T, SIJGiU-4; hU.So-3, t, llc bxa doubt* do, m *tara »adfer »Jc low by -i jetKH- - "_j; ' ' - IIXOUdH AIIErtXKTTr TCIAaULY bi * “ «ore and (at We far.y ■■: ■■ ■■ ■ S& WIiAUHACGH ~.*!:‘ br - ;: '~' C * g3j ---I' >: , •Tn^rf^. h,^ H.toKfiiQ'linp. and" t»,-P~d« • ■ -- V wew j gtreeti L.waD-1 bhl, Tbbi and a ke*, *iol JeaUordTrea dered, Co t wJe by - W dp iTSutIHELTRiai, i i J *l i- iji irf' In^' —«*Ar«. irTT; Jfiftlilirnyai.- -. Tj^ACKWOOD—Jotmjtoa &. iJloekton Wre idiLYa • E^ b ' u * i*zt •• .I=' • : W^SS’SS^- «*-““*** i« >*°* 1 V/ , ■/■BCHOOK^AfeRA^o, SAL SODA—SSOOIba jott recU sadfartaiairr - / : j scaoo.NAuatKB u &..ci. • -f-. •, ~ > r‘--TACON AND .BULK PORK—JPPjuiDMb« ; 4NO-9 iIIL»'OiU-itr - bIS jVoodVt. - ' ‘*• V*"’• -U- •» , JOHN, 3 DIMVORTH juiirtcHl »"jid ibr * * w.maroauoh, • feb!s •-. • r.n w:y . ■.•.;■ ..‘.aiwiSiA. - ■ TYOLL BC3TEH—7 bW» fretVßdl Bblter jurt rettf 1 ,J aadior«»leb7c , , .-. ■ ~. KOTKOUS* BBEfl. ' . IS . A,At * i>JtiKKy ■ (WSnf'nfS; Bf, - ¥^w AX**iWb* r Urrj6ioi«fiy%> •: **"- yjiblg >■ ~ i >-. ,1 ;, , r ., -iQilKin.MrflPfttM . , . [icba?) BIU/ITHES;* GRtMffESiSSBVSSiJfSEi •T'j A|U).OlL*rlo tblx frrjcait tfeift ' ' j/jafenr.'V 'TAncANDl^S^ttßt&ttiEiiS fv«U& , ,fel»a9. -. '- , .■.~i42 bbU Wfcius Ground Ntrre-uo.»ek* to i i • feiia - ' -ylfooLisj »iWnt,Y6Vttlr r 5; * 7 '^ !l w t»W 'ntbiS f ‘” : . i BENat^tjM* 3'INOTII3r SEEOM'bbb i£&!blfiM£l. JiSS jjj;m,.BVBunm>,*,ttnß.- ‘ .- .’. . Hjiuil lor «ai*l!y tfOOWNS! -i■■ ■ - -SiS 1 - • ..IUUIo..^ : ,> ** “^pIT Xt. feteP^y vt &QßTgAfcggU, !.-■. ? *. > ' / r^—*m Jtirulebir’V Tceuuir per Ur,7KLI.^