The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 13, 1848, Image 4

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„ ’Odr’ttn
stirtr*> Btftftl «»«£'<*> T , - •
®v*.'<,v'v- .\»\
tor baiitttpmaisuuofibaj
r -■ TV *JuiH'weilp.ih*deitroj rri
;•:»'. v WdJ- bow/'ton Sre'set ete*r*of Odr’eofagbs ui
k/’ ; 'i' {;^«^>«jrrittffc»c>fUWib ieWbiifc".’? v
yr/f -j ■■“/. r v 'W® CftfiAT AND ONLY BEHEDT.;
jj’fi'..'.; v^rißJ bp &nod 1& lie Giaseaj Psjwcre. *ln procfo tbb
••■■'••.ydJMPrelhin.tnae fo tcne pobluhe<lUie ceftigc*t • of
p- 1 ..' - q ;do*«u of ooi, best ; known c.idtrß*, wboMita ti wri*.
[:•'•■,«aef4fla«*TlftfO powers.; Tbeae, wUfLemeuof let
ell pews ofihecopbltt. from. . ... i- •
V < VM.Jpß«,:llsl ,
*<■' f gCgiww^ofvbo Ootpd,Ac-,loj*dw,wiiheopioa< no*.
b.pUßpUet.foutr, aatlßuff b«w
.iy . fratte of enpofow Meats Umratbooi lb* -
-.-Sb;.HDMDREDaOF | .-:
...., . - •- >? :
v.: ■• .fs Utt Uutod Sums a&d.Caaede, ud we eke
anajopotsxoeie .v,
v: v ; ./^. : aa4 be-
iV .’\ ; :
••,? ?* kr.reeert a
IbegTonlib anemia giiiTsn entire n~n n Inilhiil il oieb
; 2s£s 8E
•.a » -mm j—ftr«nbVwn!/Wblij<oe>edblaeof .f-. * -
» ,-.r. Jeto.aelufcwboeeTOodwaaietibous! »«r atfob»
«... le,aitr.tlßttlbbtoTilniMs ■ertirtnw mor be pieced
■ j while. Ifee.teeebef the poor alwell tketteß* we atee
, . m^^<&£i^ya-Tx.:cmiaiL, . ‘-.‘..v i '
fen iet btff ihnwil met of rmyti mrdirfnee It U
. i IwnlekyosTefestsia eesdr erw7 town sod.rtibce
; evertlN'Wetu.wtewefaraeredtejleeilUL'iidbnaa*.
.. .:Sea relative to 11-v} T. BALTKB,Pwgriwar,'
,u :y •• ■••.-.-.••• :■•• ».»■• .
:.’■ .r : ■» * A-.Widbeaeaiieased by a pe«xjrwntieoww>
.* . :4j—#fifceefroelh;ii>»TeTr<etsUfriar,«he^»eeee.'
»• faw eefctetba XML BWtJi.TSIiA'ttMJtACBA U the
•'• ?..‘-jieiTeeitetaewe.-; !•!•--' .«,■.
it./ ■■■■tMntfrdyeiiedbyafteewef.De.
. > eeyedbrDfcßw—iwi'eFeaeeee^
„-. ewtlwoked, winvwfcjttetnr - lee 4 a '
•." -VißwiildilOwwiietelisi,beietlw>hhscof Dr.gwee*‘i
■ *ti*«Feaeeoewflfofcma]ly««efc•-! ■'
■cv bantnif tbe 'roiwJ**or |
'>.'.'ii.4laaM*'«iiealaaifiesttleM > c«|ue4*aaebe frcanp
/Mtt;BMk«MdeentioßflrA«throeL j
•. r-nM. Dr.SweeWs Feaeeoe ekoeU be weened tad I
*•.'• ; ::.l
.fliwibi |ad e eomelfft ntoedr ia Sr.:
. flweetn'efeseMnl’* -• ■■■ ■'*•' lll ••■.
rmwmnnH ffotle', A tttt TVt»l fflseeen; ninltlm
■. flea e vtotemeoerh tad eeldeo e debiUtated or
«.;> >aidawmwmliiir>nin i|»ilperson are tobjeet to tL—
■ Dr..SweeteJ i i-Ft9aeee tboald be tuod oe tbe' Cnt
' wj. ert reotarb or t^d.°~'* . ■■»>
.... Niffet Sweat—’lWntoMutatiaf cooydaias win meet
. .. UfabatineirebcektltT dtfaf Dr.Sweeit»i*»Pineeee.
. • OopegiHpteiL—lfcttUmtotepeeenßWeofooe«axap»
{ erewMielatbe tldecsdbjetst,
eoßfk or tftaba of bloody tn)r. Feaeeee b
! V-
beeotfrtlocfedsp with ehlega tote to bnasdeiesil>
. nflwer bteethafv Sr. SwMtatb Fniaote,’wblebi>
s^fld'difHdßM. ,T % |'S-•
. lafaeasa*—
. der cliaae,Urpuddy eered by Dr.-Bweetaib Pua
< Vdlt.-Vv . 1
: Fmetl per bottle: or dz boobs WBlv - f - ;
Fbrteb bp WM. JACKSON, 89 Übertp- *4 ttfs of
•fltt bid boat: - -> — 1 "
■ - i . knUkl'kratewTTT ’ \
imEnCStrITCH,SALT,ftaEUM,*c-.'Wl» woaU
A &r«kiiifiadaysenub,<wbea offiictsd-witb tbc
war/hcli, orAibex diaeaae* of tb» ikio, if jbey tasw
" ®kowooJdnUfwsodev* Ac®.-.;'
■ :■ who
alone, Jxit noca bombleio abattja £ro* {far deeeoay
; Bafcs,l wJttnla company.- I*t Hbe remembered tbat
“> fir *m!XDY?S TETTER atid ITCH OINT&B2KI* is-the
.• i ' Mpat e£e«cima of may .mb or prgparaUoala. axiita&ee
: i - > - tt Tras r t 'lleb, add otbe r diaeavs of titf «Uik,
;, As all wieaeetofiheykia manante ftocatbelapttiiiy.
. «'.? of,the blood and flaid* of the body, andtriiere ancb di»-
♦'■'/omo be of lorurotoadiar, and! Uto eou&auanafected
■■■* 1 thereby, i/Dr;LciflT'i iSirtoparilla Blood YUla be tasd
n.■ ■wflbtheointment* uey;willcaro -aor.ciMe.whatever,
v,.’"Oad if tber doeoti tbbmaser will b& retamcd byDr.
:Bloucaaesfboi>eTef,-will WeS«etaally cared
■■ 'rvM:DrtJjeHy , aTOentt.*a<£ußhVoiatmntf;3cfalaa»
; *',wboloarotsaiaJnme«am<lby tbe.diaeased honor*
. \ . Wileh will b« completely carried off from the ayttem tnr
: ■ , . Jrl<owy> bloodptlh,andtheeariheoofUto akinhcal»
Vt.v. odbr Ifcedntmetu.. Prieoof dnanatt 85 cent*. .
?.,/'Afreabiowdrof-jheaoTalßabie medteutca jost «*
.1/otiTedaMfr' •• •-■ ■ ■
'••/ rjß' A FAHNESTOCK A Co.r , •
caM -.v. ..eo(tlni4kwood.aboeor.CikA«oodiu.
PBACBI raAO®li^,-f.
' ? v.7-:' -• ■' ■ t'aotrmmeot’■ ■
¥ .TflHE.oadereixnedAm looe'been-cooriated of the
i-,< JL. BaoemtT,tor tame' medieina adaptedtotfcotueof
■X Cbiklreitr Asa Inftaa .to supercede tbs sis of oil tbaao
A.iaedlriaes whichcomiinoptoh, and-ha#at lengthn.
' - / .■• seeded- in preparing: *j*i offering to tbe publie a medi«,
u /■, x-. -elne felly answering every pnrpoae far all rfiseasesof the.
- -i bcnrslsfWiihoatthaßaeorihatdeleteriottsdmg, or any
ralralsted to-injure in' th« leart. The Infant Pang
tested end tried, the last twelve :
j- ■■ . sacntha,liy.inunaniti»yei»uiu.’«adldegdid*jo»seM all
- rthaextzsouhnaxy httnwprodnee all the aitoo
ishiagefleetaaaeet forth on the bill of directions: Di
;?• • '« r .«rtwa,;Voautuig,ChoUe,GtsfaigjPaini,Slckßessand
v.-olheoera'arising, ftcds Teething,.-acting ■ fantnedlitely
r, : . 'wbboat- datafttsf *aar Of the- tractions of the body,
-• Mpdaetßribe. happiest eadmest pleasant-triaiittott
" * tfromviolent pain to a tranquil and joyoos state of feel*
vlagiaihe littlesnfeTer.- •
•:\ y .v‘< To be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr.
•i- JQIINBAIIQANT. fleartriai and Apothecary; John
i-SfllchalL EUwtt fc Beckham, abd meet, ocher Dnnists
■; *n Allegheny aod Plmhargh.’ • - 'declS .
r : : COUQH SYHUP.—llhaa
[ . ‘O power to cure! Pmsac*os,Teb.H,lS47.
-8.-& Smjjr—My wife has for years been subject
• - to * distressing eoegfc, ; accompanied with asthma, Cot
the Car* of which saoTSMt.'oUreteal cough remedies,
■—d had the advice of the matt'■eminent physician* in
■ England.butall waaaaavailiny. By chance.! heard
* wfrmr n9eifal Cbogh Bvnp> and was indnead to bar
• ■ * bottle for trial, akboegfc I had no belief that anything
coald r emu re her: eoce plaint. To my . great surprise,
. two-dome gave her immediate reflet. ;BhaLs.-at daws
enabled ,mth a coagb, hoTtwoteasperaifaTof Syrup
' . . always stopa it Jamsatlsfted, aAer atrialof three or
.-fbaryaarvthuSelJertCßUgfcSytßpislhe’bess cough
;VfMittoa t here ever tried ehborln-iha Old or New.
•WesJd.- 1 ' i r r •-•*: ■ - -Wa. Kanaocw, ;;
■ - Seventh !WSrd. city of Pittsborgh. I
-.:-.’*sile.ab©ee -eirti&caie abotold induce 'an who an
. -me Med with eoogh ogasthma, to give the Syrup a tri
; w»v.lT4*r bejuta forJB came a'battlef aitfcedntg
V'TWetaof .v : f'B.E:BELL£BS,sy.froedJt. j
- .Bol4by,Dr&sael t Guward f and D HCairry,
'^heayefay>»'■ • t. r -taaS- :
• .C
7.' ’ •A't-* •
t. fe,.
u. *» « WHM Jtoc> »prfc«« Tr—lfc ' ..•■ ■.,
.. J. « • TUEWLYIRV4SNTia>-F«tfca«W«ad Peimuetn
ill Ocrr«rUßUtZA or KUFTBEE..(SiIted to ai)
i I"'.*”! ' "' -'-S *- , ; t _
v ''*’YboMlpaf«rebdisioi
•fKW'lo v. »r '? .fntfftMM *li*Wfel£btt«*7 b« wpza. The pidol
*H?- .* -N ;. • oißMlfßohnefil caoprinttuylddo u>pre*»
-t'K;"; : -•-- -OMO M JBOFpwt fit itOad UugoofUj adapt* UselC to
•■'•. "f tffMMtllM by'tfci'.wwiref. It'eaA.oo .wars
'-'-■Si ■!»' ’. Jowiwlmlbu, amtiacaw UcfcgwL^TWub*
■KpT tV : .•;» ■ -vlibKjtmaMabmfcreaw* fortlw’mlnnfacuf*
,i f ita«»wtoaMaTniiGi»Wattperiof ■«*!«, ia Pftil*, i
*U *SS««SgS^^SM?B&T
/: TM> < m«C.WgjußßBw»yw I ywamg»o-Baoqtt«U^.'
,v JJglttm*' *wotmd«strnrer^.ud emira
.t ■fOBa»«*«M»-iU-wt» h*T« kiidoce«*tonto«*«iL-r
jrns ‘%shszs£f- *** siSKEfi
Vv^^.^‘^ J^«r Wr«U*soMa4lwi'jrf7 f 1543.-
■. jMt. M Kaolkto^VgorVofHfayoaUtmaaricably
.' fcaeodfideoea'tf all vbonj#
- - »•/• .
vi f piß«i«a*i^Jotdbrß. : E.Beilei*,Ka67Woodit )
■ .»/ Bail filmbr Pf. Cuaef, flth Wpd, ftM; Carry; All»
' -J fisbl ‘
r niWFtWESrrsqAJPB;^ ,1a Aon ud ferula
v ud Adi tut
■-.** : ~ IwpHlw ftif fofpp—l
vs>"***WV • ,'do •:• ViTSTTSn..,-'..
■,/ ■ S"sfesXg£j“-
SlSbbEß’B VERMIFUGE.—The froaleAoPal:
k.Wo*HLßwiida*»:|l <•' Nrw Tjjjrw; Oxzo. > .
' j v !
vi-iTUilatooortUy tins mfieMtttbf’dllftrearpfepwV'
-Maw liabaß, nro vial* of tt E Yentffi»a.'«ad r i
1 ;nr» the ceatnu of oas vial to ibxM -of njr'douna., |
•Tmai)M<inU'-aMdt'7*tni.'it- CKpeUod' 43 worm:
.. -oaathe mnm; B* ytm old, 70; and £r«n&sthird,2J
: life aiUat f »t4wotm»«p«Qo4b7Biujg.|
■MtoaavisL ■ racoomnud sgaßara* VtmUuru » ! |
tfcoa* 000 gfthaytalftowtl Worn owidlcißaabo-
JkntiHpobUe. • :>• - r.-'-- - ‘Hcoßliosaow.. :
-Frapaiod aa«JHld bj(B E BEU£BKMofi7Wood 1
feU t>r Or. Caaod, StVwa^DliCsrlf,'Al
t’WHUaa J *'* JtH*' |
£% ’I
mir.K. Witonmof-vM taasdr tts/fitt*
i,,miiL ktepittamkOf on hitul/'drcfß, psiauf
in v::' *1 _ : v - ,-.;^ r r
«lMi the dyer
. MttLAlNbap inwi3> BfoftxifcMieifytod toothAil*
- mii oldik 6fnabes,vetc^, which WiU.'MO loir &r
, m ||f|iM| wi,n TWMWI. -
.% ,;• Jp MotOß»y>rofp<tpoeflfc, Wane two ; aomki. «g»
> -. :W'(Hi ip*#dooCyanw,nm*ertayr*nold,two
■ ; - lltqfwlb&oadrattmrifcoiuaoauttsr iweu
. •;*'lMg% f4l l 4psEc battto»wo«pr«idao<
W* fan mg m» pnaoad ftos'bte, 1 ndiariv
•r.-\ tfMt«M4ovw«f utiaoJitnJweliMbMtoor; ' •*-. •
« ‘i# siw-NoiSU^-'
. Cwfcy Cud «l Ttor.Dw «7, ldl
v ' • -»w. WmfcUfiCTi ,
boxMaq«i&avuQMi& «an«ad far
y .»•• <*■»»« .
r ' v T> l Plfl t ' cl P gg:¥WßoAßlbr^*^~ ' “'
p "f *^** l * “Wua «ckev*. c*. :
iTOB, cttmW' book .orTfTKwvj^ar.
'V*-V,A<) •f.i J r ;:, ;'; ! ' ' >?' :i t ■'>'■-!iiM’l :*^.^-:; t V J -~-:'r
i* *<)+» “" 7'-f ”• f '*' - i v'-' 7 ’V/" } : r vfi '\^^ l -'V ;< J '
I "iv (-«—i .W, *. -W*-Vi vv! [lf. |
v ‘^^”;;i>,^l > .^:^-- i ---'
T , '
. !
•iw.wiiiiißwy - :.
H<<llllflnHlMdMl|>]fEflwtlti *:«:.•> ’-i .
.«. *■- ynrGM-4
. ittaea* JUUaoo ov*& Yom« Strawberry Gi
Ul*of.Be*aart Shonjby Iflfxahaia»:i< '
-Kaaa,orX)arliffe, tpcisaiaheby 19 Bobb.:
-, fkr Rewind jJtua, ivoi; by Ukdr,C Loaf.
. t VerwQka.aadtbO'Cooit of Locia
.FtowmP*noelied,Noa.aßadl&" • vi \
■. KnraiCincHtJaacC America, pent. i - | •’
•■. Mapilm, Nednpaoera, etc. • -»•.*.>■• - I l ,;
, London Poach ud PtetorialTtif ■,pn Urtsttaam.'
- Brotfrer.Jnnathini Pfcilad*tpld«~Coaxier,Bad Yn* 1
Icee Doodle Pictorial*.-Forttle By)
i .■■.»■* ri- WM B^CALDWBLU-
I. dec!' • v .«Bt,cppcritothoPo«Oflta. '
ttvtodrahubleWort*—' . f J
• l ' .■ • -t'' Ay , - y :■ '• ' : j •'",
‘ Dodphu* Expeditioa—Ccntaininja. aketch or tits
Ufa -of Col^jLTwitDoniphaaC'lha CgMMfl,iY New
McsccgGea. EeanepftOrariabda Cali*'
faralvPMtebtaVCampaign again* the Ntvliocjand ,
Marckapoa Chiboihaa aad Dttnpgo,
aadtheOpemicn*ofOen/Pricoat Saaia'Fe with i
IstDegiineatofMinoonCavalry.' ’• . ;
y . vv; n. ' ' ■--!
/Buaen of aantaclryr-lta Asdqridea aad Kamral l
wiriimec; Geographical Startcrical', tad* QeologieaT
witfc aaeodotec of Ptooeen LUb. aadmore
th*£» ono handled Biographical SketeheaofdiJrtntiEih- 1
totccreca, Jarfctc. Lawyer! IX- 1
fclfife”? ;«iik **, «££!=«,br L^ru
' ;■ UL • •
ThaTnelia Hfwuhi’ Yolnateet.prJparaal of a Pri
rale in the Tanfceacoe Begimentof Cavalry., i* the
Campaign of Mexico, daring INM7, containing a 3 ae
eoo« of the March of thellejiinentto Vejm’Cna, a
deacnpoon of the Coamxj paaeed over: manners, ca»>
torn*, *«. of thepeople; Sketches of Camp'li&lao
eoantaof all the actions of other Volunteer Eecuacma,
and a fall History of the Mexican Wan list ortho '
led aad fte illnatnued by a lam nrinberdf
correct view* aad plane; by Oeo.C. Fortier, Ivolriao ;
octavo. • . , ; •- •••. •' .■ '.dect--..l
*DOOKS ME THX • •BASOK—Zllnmlaited
JDGeasoftaeied Poetry; a «pi*adid imperial B>o.
with besati&l Ulntrmtiotu anewel, bySsnain, andSe
utowlnaiod< pe(es -by *ad Sinclair, ridhly
bocnd fat Totsey mexseeo and white eal£ nperbly tilt,.
_ aaaaal far vfah
Chrisaaaa?Bco>oetti tad-New Year's : Wreathlfar
-1S48; a small o&aruvTohtme, printed ea now wfeuabe
This is by flu the most l besatfaUinToaile naans! atil>> i
fashed tat** United Raxes. ■
■ Tbs Poetical-WodcsofOtirer Goidsahh. M. B- with I
ss:s?iu , l ffidS p “’ bT r
JlffiSXffii&SE '2S3£W
Poets and Poetry, of America; by K.W. Otia*
theaaaenWbTWilliaa I
ft?*. A* fiperhlybocnd la Turkey tooiuceo; Splen
didly Cto* • « AA s. - i 5 >
>. j
: Usman's reotteal’Worfca. in vcrioas hladbtn. ■
v.lmid Byroad :• ; ..i « l « , ' H
* Shikspenre’S' ’I
■•'..The Poetical Works of Thorns Hearn.: •. : : 1
Ballad* sed other Poem*,by Mary Howto;- !
■ i Foams by . AmUa. ■
Headley's Saersd Mountains.
. Thjr ahoys ,pth a (rest variety «fether new works, I
in splendid myhss of Knduiy, sal table far sift boots; for I
nato-by- ~ r ; , l
•dc3o • cor. Market dc 3d sa. |
raiuklitttidndVorki. j
»MANps«'cmnrcbOPJK«nA Dktfanryoraei.
UMdMWTlnde t rdliH IDwtateOyim.l
msreessnsimrisMc ansd»—•—■— - ■ 1 I
vMetsrtNwte I—rim dlhe, rwHMsobwefißiHyeel
ifaste-theUlioa ■/.■< '.J-v.. .;• I
■ IfeaPs rwtoi the Urtdry of flwTWtm M ti*
itfinmka tout?, telbemObtomroP MS, —n
■waste* thew jnaetpto, ke,Jte, by DwU
wpedbyJsbaq portraton
Of •f / »hipnoda,
>maOi ,Bpnk>r v ocaurUat
fajofrtaifiea, wtlko «top.
TW tkon wcfawceliWnl
fcrahhy" '
JXL owetormy Allow ctcaatresj to state somethin*
non respectihr yoor- Vegetable Polmoeary Balsam.
Buieo I first used tut Belnai. aboct eleven yean in.'
I* l * efleet'of which I then care an account o£ I
hare had several severe complaints and anseks at my
lang«, one a Awdaya. daeo, an Ain instance j
hare bm4 the Balsam alone with complete and pcrfcet
neceu.. It haa efleeted relief and cure in a tot lew
dayt. It is certainly a aaA medicine. fdo oca enow
that It will can a fixed coo sumption, bat I believe it
will be iamany cases apreveattv«,'aal:preTeitiioa is
better than core; 1 do tbsrefeteribr tbs lore of my-At*
low tnen. ymMily tka .... «r .y.:.
ineU pcbaonary cwnpleints. I.amcoa£deni
has been the means of pmernif my life to this day. 1
: Boctoa Jam 18, >4B. . BENJAMIN PABSONS. i
For sale by B A Co. corner first and I
wood and also corner wbod and Bth. -j»TQ |
■ DtokwirT of Greek tad Roman .
EM a Celkßgt> , a Comaeiclal Sictiowj; .• . ' * 1
awl Bappteme&t, txteimftctitre*
: Webetti* Octaro Btainnary, reriaed edition;
Todd** Johnson** tad Walker 4 * Dictionary; S
WotMHfi Uetjautir; - • t •
Liddeg tad Seoul Greek Lexicon:
■ HtWii Omtliixieao of New TMuunc ■
Lbreren* Latin Lexicon;
Ainxweflh%Latia Dictionary;
Flemming and *nht»ln% French Dictionary; ' •
BadPtTtaaleticai Dictionary:
' Uaiea BMa DCetionary: '
BobbuoftCUncmilicUmsfj, **-*&. ; , , :
twortnoia ofUieoloiUoL
CTtitrit.lfbrolliniyw.onrt ScndayScbool
way* on hand and lor sale loir, br
> / ;‘ : ELLIOTT * ENGLISH, :
«S SB Market *L, between 3d & 4th.
_' Mew PmUlcitloai.
WMSis, illoitrated.' ” Helper 1 * .new !
'Xunditioa of the Poeticalwork* of Johattitoa.'witii i
a memoir, and critical remark* on hi* •renin* and wri-1
- by. 'Jaaea Montgomery;. and one hundred and
twenty e&gxaTiafi from drawing* byWiiliain Karr ay.
» 1 0****.TMUL***r^—The faux Gaapel* and
» Greek, with En*il2»notes,.
critical, and exegetical; mam, indexes,
toeethw. Evades and .uoauypM;nbe i
wboleJormiag the Nrrr Tmfirwm rot tba oso- of I
SchooU, Ceflan*, and theological Saainarioa. - By
Bar. J. A. flpwear, ▲. M. f I
r^f^£Sr m * rtEi *^ A ' k^“1 *' jf
n r Tta life-oI HenrYtia* Foonl, J
Jgtftf ft*”—* Kmm,.Br o. P. K.
GroteatataipuM.jiTOjjToli.elMi. ; J
corner of markcr-M 8d sta I
Hmarrof the Greek lav I
JCinialion,• and ef tba.waw and campaign* arisen
torn lha straggle* of the Greek
lug their eeuoy from the Tktkiah Yoka-intwcMmK
agM glead-id copy, with citwrn** wept and eegrwl
l*k*a t?B8-with tnaponram, a i rol*. ;
OompenMatotbeatadyof thoHolyacriptarca.
Uniting rnupra, wUIISO cagra* j
- Tear la the Holy Land, French Stage, aadfiketchea
la China. Jett
—fH**'- - ■ . ~ BOmxrfcatnraat ■
° r w
i«-c^rasati.i l id.m r «iw
2if s*“ tot; d. d.
?bo Cboreh Uoirsrui, bjr Lt. Staae.
Ooldratfflrt.Potai, Ulaatrtled.
Tbompooa'i Beuocu; do
; For uU bir
! jja
4th it aw market.
ilfw.lni*! PmnW: i
: T War*rt*7 Nenls, 87 Totatao, I*bo,. tilastnMTf'
Mr*’Sk«nroed%‘ Works, 18 nit lino, Ulutrated:'
IttUfWonk’e “ 10 “ ■ “ « :s .
Fanil? library; IS*role, complete: -
».#o . Bortaad.Gilft' , *
of wentte, 1 role. Bto, the beautiful Bo*
ton ediooa, finely bou>d; . •.-■•-
UwoTtta B*ifl4,« role.' tfcpntljr Wtuul'; -
Knaiib MooiVWotke, 7 yoU. % '
Explafia* KxpwStioo,Stoli reraiero.
i o* -.- r do do' do-do’
OdU*h &*ejri»t«, 8 rob. Turkey nor. bade.
_. wiih alergo assortment of,.«to>
ranUy-bowd tamily, and/pocket.Bible*
nTtr:«o sirei and bindings, all of wtuch will bo sold
lowcf than vm offered ia this market, at the oU —«»t
*V, --V KAY ft CO.
-JH.—• • -■ •> - -: f - -eor ad ft wood at' -
Kuwciur b« ewdaed u «U boon, and tSirabMTi!
fl*P U to *“» tom**
a, |
j&Ji? ita cUmisf
I va bnmppolnud mTr
■ j'WnrTo^S^l.lto^^^ * CLA ** E '
%' = "
/081 *J6W BOOKI.>IUmni
JSL MramlktOPftJaHK.PrfMe mte.,
jTittffc,'arlfc»Tr < «-T*r •TLOtrlr --
Commit •TI&Ss iLwrf.
Commit Xorfc^VpJadit.gM.-,
r:. ■- , / vWM.£ca£dwzu;-”
mpß V ' ■ ■ •. ttoil. Bppariti paUdfat,
TyOOKB i f atiWilatn 'oTlrosy or the Merchant's and
JD Morttanlo’icooplrto the iron trad*.'.A
Swjopinaoob>—wjroeirc*-.: Siaoad* 1 litentare of.
ih* tfaty> ..Qaiabm'lnfrraedoo forth*
mtMt. b«8) J L KKAD,ia ownmtu c. „
'TOE t«rr_o?^rm^RUßffi9-i, ra^.,l
':'■' • ~ JoaiwmaitgTOcrßnv l
• < j?-C'-
'eoa*Bn& ■•v-ir-:.-. v. •v-Vi- r
- «»loi«««fcfalCiaciimini,a—WeiUttoadetiign.,
Orti«biovedPtat&rtire-proof m&n,- Hm*oiawi*-
I thxMlMtu la oM'teat and «t*lf
fcWfl***:***-. iM'totx Of, thr fOTtoawaTti**
1 ~ "W( WhhA'eroded » ineieawdnnd needy heat for
■ *h»**«"Co of tka Utoejtmtil ttw fea*tTnm.wbeetif!rere
parfaUymalted oC tbrfimuce w*a then tfirowa down'
aad >opened .l < The money, -mpef*
otf 4t coouiiieA wen m MrfSbt ksfarbea
P***?V®*?i Hading pnly of- U»0, booi*T>eii£'.4»«-
Ktndr briO* .water 4a cootin^the *aia»Vsifcaf« no
maroon ta recommending it loiWpnblie.a*-* u&-
Jg •nf’we have em«eea teitedi akd bSieafc
ihatttwiffnaad any beat which might, be-prodoeed.’'
■Xesf* a hdst which wool* malt it tol'wild jnuju ■
• Bpribger fc'Whitmna, L -W<mh*mpw p *
ZMaett, Besjl.Ureer, WC P'BMtaeTjUuniiSmifcT-
I ..v*m
I •Wc l -W» , «Bdmigne4,
nbo+e, from* lot ta the «tbrs of ftober & Jtnter}, the
•gnb•; .j ’ ■ CGSPBINGHB.-.
* ■••!'■'• ' "•"••■! • “ 'B'JKELLOG.Tr-'-
I. Refer to Cook t Harri*, . j
; . ’ 'HgMCr3laanah?.Co, do; -. do'[leiiAwlyS
[•• ‘ 'il •_* ; ..PiTTf*r«*HtP*.' ■<■' ■
[V : 1 JOHN WniaaT A OOif
ABE prepared to baild Conpa and .Woollen Machin-
I ‘/S. ery or ercfr
Chinee, spinning Frame*; Speeder*, Drawing frame*,
Railway Head*, Warper*, Twiner*,Bj>pou»i*,Dre**ing
Frame*; Doom*, CardGrindcr*,,'Ac.,..Wr<yighi lion
■ftafilftf larsed: all *ize* or Cait Tron/Pallie* [and;
llangers,of the 4ate« pattern*, lUdetaad haa&l<*uet,
and taobofaJJ land*. ; , \ , .
." 'Casting* of every dracnptiijn fnralthedon abort no*’’
',ueo.. - PiUein*;taade to order £>r'MiK-Gearing,lran
nulinr.'&c.; Steam Pipe Cor heaUng iFaciciJe*, Cut
i Iron-Window* Ba*h, and f«ncy.Casting* generally.--
Ordcraieft at ibeAvaietmuseoi
erty *treet, will hawpnwßpf attention.' j
i l --. 0 ■ Santa to : •
Ben k Ot;I KMoorhead k Oe- OE
Warner,“Job* Irtrin' jTfidnij Piitobuih. ; >
r=C CA J H fftintri Steabeneilte*- - v r j«n?o..
! JOBS ■■:.! ,> i • -
| tius method to inform hismindi
i the ptblie at largo-that to PiSlfy
*Jo?w in falloperation,ohtheEas tSije
Mam aapply.of Blinds Tor tarious'eotoni
'■ •aiqaaliuesareconfiamlyktoptonbiiU
Veaiutn Shattersmade tnorder’iathe best style,
: ISP^nedmuhettonettitoUed;*.'
Blinds aril! be' pat sd; ’ vfiihoat ahraflil
«oml ’exepnse to uit ‘they cpnbe removed La a bto-'
neat a cue orflre or tor washing, and withoci ihcoid
of a erew dr ej ; ocildlj-Awlamiy
I ««jK*'* iK * BDß ® 4 sons,:
pGPJTN makers and furnishing undbr
l vy'TAKERS, Mroer of Penn'and 1 Pt." Clair streets,
•’poawjh* ExeUutge Hotel; eirtraneo ob'Pean street.
, respecualiy inform their,frirnds and the public, dial
[they are prepared to famish and ahead tf evenrßunfin
> the lure pfJUndgTiatoa. . Alyqorpoa bout a large ai*
■ojtaeator ready made Comas, covered, lined; a»d fin*
used utile very best manner; all sorts aadaiseereaoy
made earoade of flannel, Cambfiek and nuulin,ondatl
sixes mode in approved style* .We keep alargs it'
toruaeaiof whle.sad black, cotton, silk and kid Gloves,
•able for pollhearersand moaraers,crape,caps,eot*
tort, aaderory iliing necessary for dressing the dead,'
and otHtaaenable terms, a* we parcboee all oar goods
in the Eastern cine* •Aiso,»lverplaiesibreagr*ving
the name and age.- We have a splendid new heute and
horses,and any camber of tho (mat carriages. -Kvery
thing attended tauraptly and pancmally. ; octifcly
-, W. W. WALLACE, , . :« ~
Has: »M-.«ad;Md lAtrta strew, near di Canal
I A LWAYScahandandmadbtoofder.alarrt'varift*
|A ty of. Marble Marnels* P»r,Centre 7 ThUe*,- and
Bar»aa Top*,Tomb Stones; bins aments, ail which,
I being made of :lbe choicest marble; andioanafhcairea
i principally by machinery,wiU bc-.toliQowforcnsh.- --
N. B. PexsonsiwisblngitoL purchase Mantels, 'are
in&imed tbaiU isheocefonhanodcessary tot them; to
go Esjih!.a» iiean>faiaisA.nbemwithan'm(ueltmalt
tespecuas goad, and Wrcj*bt, ins ta*nce,-Jre;eonsUl*r»
ed,) aajebeap*aaitkey caa=-parchise. then : for to the
RasL Call and see.'-, iv-.'.. ii.. - ; *=. :
s MAN&KICTORY»r-*i»«»- f ., -
. ' -. /fo. o Maibct street^Pittsburgh', Penns; \ «
r PnE sahscribere having made great- improve meats
- A in the construction, of, their COOKING arpYßd,
respeetftuiy {rrvne' persons balldicg tiieomhdbu to call
andetauno before purchasing,''daweqan sapnlytiretr
*«i.Deck Stove*,* Forges, and every olher kind ot
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work necessary infarmilf
jtnra Steamboat.': 1
We alto nake’te'eftley on the shortest notice Sal
Tabes ana Chamber; Copper work fsr Bream Engines
and every.varfeiy;of worn m oor line.
| '■ > i • A Co^
fltaßfapDrmor Viai^fiouieiand^.'Olab,'
I • J : na I3J Wood street. ' ' -,.r .
I Uetories borngnow in fall are
l prepared m exceue orders in our line, promptly.
Parragtire list tnnuner we have adorned aiiejrpian of
fiauentttg winiowOlui, (the most appioved plan now,
used in teb east) by which we turn out a superior ink
etc. Close flattened on tcis plen is perieeily level and
tree, with a vary fine iasire- Painters and dealers gen*
eraUy, are requested to' call and examine for them*
i ■ fp>g
i Pd€tab«rsA r )X>m. ~
Warciouac, fib.l37, ■ Wood street, FUttburgk.
W WILL constantly keep on hand a good assort*
memo! Ware, ofourtotvn'mamosctiue, and
snperiorqaaiity. Wholesale and coontry filer*
ehants are respectfully invited to coll and ex
.amine for themselves, is wb are determined to sell
ebeaper than has ever before rbten offered to the pobi
seat try. mili,peeompaaied byihoeish or
eity reference* will; bo promptly, mended to. -feua
;Gmt Weilern Bail Hioge flunl&eiorr,
A - GARDNER A Co., woald inform the trade that
ili they we now; nuoofocniriag the best Bail Hinge
ever made in lhe:United Stales. Asthis it oorprincU
pie bcaiaesa, we Intend to seed oot oa complete an w*
-licleas'eaa possibly be made. Those engaged is im
hardware trade, we think, will find it to their latereat
B> see oar Batts. AJlordenpromptiyattended 10.'
" tayfi ! A GARDNER A Co. cor of Bth »• main its
f l Irea aid Capper Tacks,
Pattern Makar' Poinit, of axru dueription.
! • - OffleoNe-1 St (karlea Hotel, Thirderreet,
frb4-j - ’ PiUibargh,
■P. llnwiiT«- •- " lambK. Lidui!
MULVANVA LEDiiiE manofactarc and ieeo can*
Ataaur «e band Cot, hloalded.and Plain Flint
Glassware, Ja aiUte vwleues, at their Warehouse cor
nerof Marses cad Water streets, Fiiutrorgh;
Oar Works continoc in toll operation, and we are
eoutanily addins (o psx nock, which enabJaa »to fill
Olden with promptaew. Perebaaers are respectfully
eolirited to eaJI and examine prteet and terms.
mytOdly : • • • >• v . . ,
FROM the eery liberal encourage
| rabacriberhas received since
I he; has located himself ia Allegheny,
[ haa iwlßacd him to, takes lease,fora
1 of years, pa the property he now
! ocCtpies, la Beaver; street, immediately beside the
; rreabyiariaaChsreh.; From the long cxperienccra the
above hast nets and a desire to please, he hopes tamer*
it and receive a shareof pabliopatitmage. -- • ‘
Nowonhand and finishing to order, Roekawny B«g»-
jie*, open and top Baggies, and every description of
Carnages made to order, from seventy-five dollars to
drhthßßant ' lMP»dtn ' JoftNSOOTHI
I*HB aadersigaed are now prepared to fonnth their
' eastomen and the pablte generally, with an asMt*
I teat arteje of Lard Oil ofthetr own manarsctDte,which
' they will sell on secsramodsting terms. IheirOilthey
1 believe to be ax good as any offered in the m«jfce;,and
: mayberetuaeAtf Aotsabsfaeiory. * -
« - .“ . , it;opposite smithfield -
‘rJ O—Lard and Grease satiableior'mselunery,ea
hand; fat eale above. •; • - ■ ■ nvtb‘'
[ ShiTtß|snd UilrOriuluetUfoon.
D rvpaiatsd sad fitted no thsir Sh&tmg, H*ir ; Vremar sod
fihsmpeeahw Bsipceta uc modern styls, and an prepared tn'
nil eagesuema at enes, with case, comfort and pahtness.
Thevars nrstiared to daft Wall that‘may call without delay
‘ Thaakol ur'pcst favors, ws scdeeUla eoathiiaitcs.ef the
, earns, at ear Aloes, corner of UaiaeUrcafapd Ttir Pisminiit.
(hack erAJesaodcr 4* Dry Goods Ston.l - stt-
' w tbetn^ririonoftb*VcntablaFalttcaary ßtUiai—l
MmwtStStithtl A* Yrgetabli Polmaun B«uaa"us«tl»
;aillt Moiejas. .llbutwcn need la lhi» pjae* with compact*
imeecatasacMiaU* ebajUistAf tAflaon,' ftUea&dwiUi
a men cocgfe, Im of vgwiytod<ike raUinj of aoch blood
«LkA N pniaaljittbui bujt inrond pmenpbofta
After cu»f t ha bftlwaoM wotllhepauasHi roat n(umd,
—4 hit ana—iblad to'apeak aotUMy. Tbb «s* occanu
tin feat ia Uarfeufeuben. , , fiajpwUoflr.joQia, ,
„•, * iiiOiuuii, md.
„ M 4 la PlU(Mr|fe by B.'A Fahoutoek. A Co. corner
totftadwdodFftlio.apriirtli fcaaodaia. ' J
'PJWXORaNTm rapenor la ill otM}:rmSM fat
CcapßjCcMaaptioOf Polmo~
Nry.«l»ctjdaa f ijthaLlh«Mß«.ptrmuwbocoauattc«d (he
tm of it fa ,their ftailice tea e«pn. m, itill prefer it to all
Other mnediee of the kihdj 1 nd where up here beta Meted
to Iff other pirperahotte (her .hare alouat laramblj been
diiappotalcd U> repairing’tbebewdt'which .war teoiocablr
UtkijaM Iron the - high praieee bestowed by (he proprietor*.'
lad retarded to (ho turof J*T»e’ ExMcfofcaicT, u
• remedy thathaa amrfriledto reiiere thea,,sad which 1
probably arm had ill coni ia ermliny pulmonary tbeeaeu. -
. Prepared oeljr by Dr'Di Jiynt; PhiUOeJptia, and raid ca j
egeacybjr ’ l , ALEX/TaYNKU.
i<K«aOdEwtf 1 . ~ 1 ~ WFoarUibt
rami i. nmn>, Anujiwj. srsc**.
Late Bear k Bheperd.'
..j , .(itibeald.MeedofBe»)r,&£hep«nl,)
, . NmAtiUs, T«neea»ee,
tTTJIA cire pteapiem! feitMiu attention to tie isle
FT of Off Good*, Uiwserict, t«l Hariapdixe-fea
.•raJJf. .They fcel-pwpaieU to. attend to ail ito depart*
aeauof jltetr bajloe** eficirailr and (dealing fa do
*eod* for their earn aee«ut)Mn»ertiai/jr..: . .•
Refer to M. Allen, i. W.BuUer A Co., Pill*.
fcaryS. - - , ■-. >■ . dccfcCSnt'
J ■ ;• ■ •<. , CAtUV • . - ’
‘ A ?.? *“ n ® w angayrdiri the ot Onuidiea,
Atrufenenui ta difiereni pansof.Eonme and ule Jil-
Mds with well known bboaes for mjr ware, eupplyof
Llqßon. «rWeli I w<U to sell.delivered
fatbo CutMa.ltouMer.Nor York or Now;Orl*«»er
towejt price for. ejtsb. or. *jk
iSZSi/SE!*' JL£ aTr 4sJ Wre *ndMUar Ai*crr !*»*•
•W**or yofj Mpertor <Vuie> sad Lionon a* imported
-afthainefleeiebnJcd'braads end riausgesJbr jaJcpD
by . . ~j .. if .-vP^MARTIN.-
. «ew 'Vi. .1 entlstfrsmiUficldets
• J „ Prmg Store . for «ele. - •
CnUATED in ibe floeruW Kjwrj of WeUsville, the
U npau of the Piaiiurefi end. Cleveland. Hail
16id;»iailM>y niexfroa Vitubarrh. Tbs preeem
*b&%U of IbeoMablUbncal is Mir and can be iuejeu
to*ofiaitelpv - TJmi .owuer*; vriehiM u,. retiro rroua
tk* bosiaesS vrtlfseU.oareajeanbb term* « private
are referred
, itaa: ' ■" •"■•-.i'... j;
saffi£ , ss^s«!ssS
«"* pte-iMm! a*ao44 t .aM , USto£'lrwtila'</a
kUbhcHca efakrftTiia frv bovrtffccSM » 4m Ifek
• wfckkWJZ rtrfari fer'agfl. • J l to wtitwitd mtyukw tote
tests'toti«|* kto«s W tte* wm W » Antoa% Writte:
oaa’tbfcdtoflft cmn be te Mtot prie*,'ju
iranta loiMtiiMilioßofin.kUbito tottoratod
te 'faUawte torntewftdatMto will wrfto, «TtP awlW
iwif'iUluiMan (knkfra «mu 4 aot ktntaatt*
totedkfteyacmfamcavanbftaptoa'. .-'
W« raeauaead ** Bteett’iCbafea) WriOst iRddH to
- dwiat Htvpte
j atotonttfifnilMnimMii'teiKuktlhto; r
■;*;■• B&SamMcaltCo. TOkkto*teWte l ; r
•7*»ißdtetJfiS." v --.?f r Jteltokar.»- ’•:?•
>■■' >WtolJ{fteettltßae , ‘* B T W%Uaaa * Co: '-j ‘
MaQwwufii Doqrito* Frneii'Bdteti -
Bobt B MeTaiL Bmp’* C A KijUil>T k - Go.
„ tew >vw»Hto*,"‘;.. y -. . {
tS- J. ’ L- -'2l ».180.
-Kf TW* K HJbbtrt-DwB!rs t bmbtnuii(rair
Oußieti WrUfag'H«Uyndfailt 4-frit nta artfcbfer
(Ut affiert it &nr» ftwly Asa fra pa «a* bana Jrt tfcek
■ afrwWi. • ■' Tatnfcc, .• r
. T H TPTTLE.Bo*W«r - f
, /; •• ferlttmto'fc Smpb.
' i 1 g&’ISCl 1
'nor FM4,mm Ibmvwks ago, 1 atu&tritfal'
T «W* llf ** mtifhtta'jkn&ft m noferiakjcrv »
.M/lfawreC , . • Bemeuuty.
. ' ; .: ■ wiLLijjf emwj£T,aiik±*jK J
'WrltbfFlaULißi CaiitloteaMMraßdMitntkk £*.
f - " bf Jobs Ftrktf*
~;P npt**4tt4 aoU WMm]i "-*T-rTh-ThnMi T
BiUwrt,: Drtniit u 4 ft—iiH tmtr af LiWty tad
gaitbiWMßtmtt.PtU^atfk, ft Ott&to
• steel or qaffl pm, end- the copying •
. ui* If the matt of the experiments •of eerent jeaS
deroted to the laannftctgra, oo an extensiae scsila, el
an article -soited to ail the pumeesof theeoasdmex*.
He perihelion-of this writing-ink consists' in the foC
lowinffpropertie«r.FixlßnT--tn which property it.wflf
bo foondtoearoase all prorioas* preparation*. It,will
nowwithiperwet freedom either iron quill or eteel
petu, end is entirely free from an/ eorTOsrte qaalidet.
Colc*—He color of-this article is ezieh, bcaatiftil
bine black. •It is necessary, bowurer,- to rive consu
mer! the! following cutun.” ; *-*’ -->*
07" All good biaek ink. from Its necessary ehnmieil
/cynitttotionj requires exposure to the alr-to impart a
deep, color; It must oov therefore,' be expected,
the moment the bottle is opened, the ink wil] beTStmd
to bcajetbl*ek.u The Em appearance’will be’oale.
Bat efteti exposure to the eheateel aetida of the com* wiU maze
e brilliant black j» ... •'
• Pxumrrrcr—The color is unalterable by the Isom
or. lime. jltwill ne»er£sde.On tbisaccoont,
portaat records should be aiede in this extkl*. a years
: onlydeepeaaad.itfeagibeaitstinL *. ..
" Nfi.TbU,uik issuitablefor all] kinds of-mettlEa
•peas, and forpeas made ofquQls, and 'what U inuor*
' wto m*ay,- will pTeapecteer
toprtsslca by the copying press;. r— •
fly We are using ta. the lnttimtioas' with ~ which ire
are Morris’ blue Maek..wriri« f in
respect to of eoiorehdpemaneaey,
bebere it spperiorto toy. inkwrefbare heretofore ased!'
AHaiWßL.eashur. bqaketLodsrille: Wot Bfeb.
,ardseiv:eaahier:Monlwm':baak'ohXea&teky: GeoC
jOwsUeatey; cashier, bank’of Kentucky;!- u Shier*;
■president of.the Gta.bealtTbosL Helnuelerk ofßcr- 1
I ren cotrntf court; Ctnreh'Pope, elerk oTJcdersan coun
ty court; P B AtwoOd, secretary," Fireman's in—
Conmany; John lluit, agent LexingtatTliisarineeCo;-
1 8 8 Good win/■oti'y' Portland r Dry • dbplt- A-
Co;DQChambers.see , yFrtnklin.HnfcUarineln-
Mranee’Ce; J H Bhboer, treasijm toalsrille-Sceins'
Inntatufc. A supply of thoahors ink, Jest reCeiwd
■and for sale by •' [faq JOHNSTONTsixxikt* ■»»
THIS lb Hu Clm improvement
I bft*oowbee»lnn»eabo«ttwoyeei*,end wherever it
' is knawaj preferred to all ether Beadsteads..
■odeeavcaieau it feu net
and: carnal- be eq sailed, as It Is doc madly the best
-cheapest tad most eocvenieat Bedstead in ate. tad per*
• >Tm principal cabroet ataksnr and Turners la Alls*
ftteny city and la Pittsburgh, seemed Rights to
maanlhatareandseUibeaiuele. AetberaaresparioM
articles and impetfeetimitetioDdlh the muket,patera
eera would do well to examine thceact iron,plates on
'whichin the genuine articletke namooftha patentee,
Is claimed forGamm'e Bedsteads, tin muowinj; certifi
cate from CsbmefmikettwsUtnown in Pittsburgh and
iLe WestjtasabmiaedioiW pnblle; - - •
We. the subscriber*, praeoeni cabinet makers and
Bedstead maaatoeurete at the eities of Pbmbmh and
Allegheny, Pa., do hereby eertiiy tharwe have bought
the right to manufacture bedsteads wlth.Gaxxam’* Fit- :
eiu Fastenings, and consider ike same rwpirfcr many
- txmti Le tafia ' JohnAFGrcTr
T B \tvßgkC .• - '.SobervKalmut
JR Bartley James BB*rr
John Liggett, Jr. ■
Lowrie * arbm Riddle A Brennan .
Thomas Farley Ramsey* JTCleUindr
Band Laker . Moses BdUack .
FSffiT" ; JS’SVigffi
' J Neehuse ' .. George Snyder
Wmflaslett IMcMaiteraACe,
'Alexander Lawson .■-
For Rights to make and sell the above Bedsteads
■ oetsa .’. .. : - faantaa
Tno*. D*ATTT.fonßertjr of Demy, Mlcaaia
fcCo-«-« ~*-Cftemß*ri,G,
iso. A. Bum ....Zaoe*rlJJe,o.
Ciua. O. Cou *■» -*N»wOileaa*«
G ■B«y^a|,;P«4nml | st o M'H«rch«mta
lb, 21 Poydrm Bhtetf New Oneant.
ftleara Hutto* Co, Bftnkm,
“ JamcjU>Or«Dr*.Co T{N-u
-. , . n : ...D«TiAWbite»oe,Ks9i«BilA .
’ EUUfcMortOft,B«nker*,»- •• '
«■ HneafcFrucr, • I Qndnari,
. ■•»••»' ■ ) •
H N Kflorner, Qg/Bioker. XtaetviUe. O. 1
. DJkPOOCiM4OB;WeU*»meiO.'’ •
• Iw4, Puii A Go, Besrer. Pi,
-*•'* J-.WGIII, £«q, Wheeling, Vo. -
nrtWtoft_ ■■ •" -
O—'The Admialatnioraoinfe lain }coe»ldfLwigi tin,
offer far iilr ihs MtiliUtkmil liMu u UisUl Wild,
formerly carried on by bus, la jualje time, u a Salem*
tea and Gift* Fax wry. The vnki we is complete order
for earn ini «* the bnalneae, With/U«ra,l6e, and ready
for commencing «t any time. A liberal credit will be
given, *Bd eUp«tlcal*t*iß»de known by exiling on
either of dm iadereigned. JAMBS BLAKELY,
sjnf • ' i r--.--;.. -•» Admiaiatratore:
■-—JOTICI. ~ r ’"
•A LL PeT*ene tawwiag ifcerelrea Indebted tothoE*-
Ix Hie or;ibelweA.DraTo;Jr.,dc£paaed, are hereby
notified to call nod eeolo their ieco«aU,aad tbeae bar*
rngeliimaegaumihe Eeuie,wiil ptenai them daly |
aatAemicxtod 'or aettleaeat to-the aabMribei,at the
waFehbfeia of John Inrin ASoaa, Nell Water ab- • I
■ OMtJai I"' JOHN IK Witt, Ktecilof. |
JAYffßtt Him juj« •
.irttliwewfcwttsltefrfwmn »*»*■**& It pyfa
«»—the hofrarttefc, wilfcat tan ■ uwpUi, ■ aae/fertbe
rwterttjf sadyraemtkaof llwtowi hair.. wVkaev
*of Bttß»tqp*|fnH»fi rtcthir lathees lettered
wipth teretoa heWJer yew*} mi •• ittak waaetu
k*iaj ti»«T bsir. U> M 9& » t)7»l of thi* Teak iwaifJeuW »
Buies JfeiL -T -•' i
HOPS— Wenejn New.yozk
■growilrof lOtfl from Sto 10 cents: - -- ’ '
'AJeo, Eastern sad Weitera-NY, early picked, thit
year's growth. ’
I'riipe Ohio do. Belmont county. ’"• * • ,
Iwpaend Eastero'crop of Uwteuoa is now bdac
Brewer* and'others Bring Hope, will find 5
much to their uvanCap toobtsla (heir inpply (rota the
ondenirncdJ as they. intend (0 tell tbrouaout the Ml*
•on nt New York prices. G.W. ShlTi'H k Co.
ocuadfln •< ' V Pittsburgh Brawenr.
XJ mp^ctfoUr inform hia ftieoda tad ,tha *W«*nt of
- Puubajgh'aud Allegheny that be bu decided to remain
la ibe citr da&flff.lse.-irioier,Badieprepand to treat
ptlienu placing coder hi* ear*, aceoidin*
menu, .for; either Acuta or Chronic « Thoae'
within* to .arall thcsuelrea of hie eerrlces will call cl
Mr. Miliei*e, corner of.liberty tL asdEvan'a alley. -
, Hr. M. hat treated eevcral eerere caaea of dieeaae la
thJa city with great aoecesa, to which he ia permitted to
refer. ■ npTBtf_ <
SUNDWK3— IS? J»ga prime JUo coffee; ISO bbb N O
'Molauet; 73 ooica raanufactared tobacco; US half
cbeiu green and black tea*; 73 6 ud 131 b y u
ami O 1‘ auo boxea German'clay; 10 eaaka aalera*
lu*i#U do/ pothrh;‘iOfciher'with a general aa»rt.
inaut of gToecriea, in atore and for tale by
Ja2l i ..• CAESON tc McKNIGUT.Bth n.
Urufla, Lcr\i Byrtra’t, Falla pnueipe*, Mean fcoat tbi.
Viileya exire to. Srlria’a do. La UiyidM»UL dS do
SiL'OrUz, La Eagle principe*. fo
! i-fr ;s?£ t
■ j««. -.r;.T- ■•■ Mo. M »«..''■
1*059?!* quality for ul« by 1 •
- - gMWfcftonuu.^
. 4 i° A ,*iSSl w % MOLABBE&-5) bUiBUMoIi.
J-anytMbUflafitfiMiT.forMJebr' ■••-• ■ “ .
»« tfiLBON A<v
W3^#- l “ oke *' ,
tMtiM.lrrt.allbrWol.y 1 StWBABBiUOIi
•"■■■ - '. i :. 1 -.. / __»Owom«.
i 8t WHAMAIfnn
PIO AILTM>" 30 lam Pir Mm«[ fo. ,-1 ■
CrtKEBB-»|l«ju W B 555r51i1.',,-r.
Jx^ r ' WlCK^cS*2usa
fa» ■ : HffSrnurflE, WWV t’n, ~,..
>o' 60 whale ud half thl« n ' n
M.'VbMy.isnUiajftiSeMfa aad
Urmj«fjr,ift«dt la JMa tor nl« by “***
■ 1 •• ' f.OlLiimv ;
- !- } r:- WlcAfaeCANpfe*.
T eottnUy « baiu> fa.
Xj tri»fcv.i fch» uuawii fcCULßegrffm
I : / ■ ■ I ‘I
s BJMT;»EßiraigptjKfllcitt,'
asiga»tgSa£SsS ;
?lj& BESS^f o** 0 ** F
- 1 ,lfT ~— , ‘ l ' T hir ruin ill in 1 ; . . •• ■ '<
Sgowiof ffi^^UbßSy Jnxtmr: \
! iL^LTifiiM^irf-euttcfa,800lVa: Ulacn.
Ttol-lOT Wto.»MtmMß»t W «fc«W 1
Ictteroftaaffeyikfeakaioftragaia frnaaSl'Birta oftbai
UsiJ»d t B«*t«*, tm&raisg at at tt&Mrtfaafy'eoMift. Via
E? k N k i K sc l to Krw- ;
“Vfci** M.enJttfcr to aotTtltoa 130 e»>:
m to tbto ptoM Tbera m of<bm to (b«
&?« «** forte, wteAjwwflt trfer toVah plow •
“* to .ta of.cfcp*et«f. .ir> lb* beat o*ikii£ fe r «l*
PriwnUw«f4aom kao«. , i |t and to. lira
of aon utn
' ; Pmß*i*urt l ; j
V- A» to wwd lb* cmwof tow, *»d p.ptnd lbW&.
• ~ BTATM(.OmcjqL ’-.'.i, M
Cm. O.W. UqCuu>,of m Hume Statu Am.
uduurtuof t * AwJu,
t* H* felbtbf wilfitoU. l It toUi it* «nr* ttafr; 7
iym Iw«*takta tritfe (£££££ biSl;
mt*A lcA i> * dcbilitaUd itsto. -.1 nTtodgead to trr cr
.. • ;i ;./la..w.iictaij^ M _
" SetorcuCntol ■
UmL Thru panto* coni is cm kotMbßurMdu]
- ■ ..-ItoMCittm., ■..■■ •- • •
WTOtoIi ij S.'to?
h>» jwiw.iwt to
_ _ ouAtruuuiusicuw
nj^ntl’*“**'**~ , *** < “*‘ >,^^*T . ID”
J—« rf Oa fink SSRSWS
> ftnuirii ‘pMdy^iifmw Sl W;
mafcam uJ
»i ! i K^.jSaggßW,BsElfl^ l »
«*g» lwhMa»ii«»SS!S’tS[«lStli to”
S.j«iSn^« , Btol , *TOwS3S»TOr
*»■■*> HmtmjMmU m* tank"jmfcmpuflk
WITIIM to h» lklwnl,atoaMm lirobt ni
<Si w * l—ihm of <imm
?j»I»1TO ft, »■ vUnlbli; it, sib link or a.
a *?s!^' ,l,n f |l '! fc K a < ta nikaN
into* vfflbrcftt?«mi** t*yw arm on wbo
TWitotnttpf AmfuiUs ht* bra ckprattyptijutd
“ f - *- f-' I rn fiml i *lii liliYil
*uton»|wAtbfpraaehißftlatcritiaiptowJ, «n*
btrm V'*y<t"*bo®k Mfket to t*k* it,«*it ktcttfefc
tor ujr of tU uwrm and bonOfe damn to
which fcmlr* «n uhjnltllhto turf lift. Tfckuxfcd
uilh akohtrt to uhtMtarobv qokfcntaftfe* bkoo
asd iarijmtiß* Uttfrvtm. • , r*-rT_ I>S ■wiHfln* ii total
«U«fer all of tfar date* which «iam,ut
Utoias Ika whoh *pfc»,ru*wyp«mM>ntfr fha late
ral raaf|hi fcy iwottof to* iaporith* of tfct body—cot
wfcr dwahtwy tha*punut» trodwcaoaubwonura
hx*tk% vlueh t» Ua cm* of M«t toadieiH* toku 6r
To* who fcm pak cotoskxfcas, doQ ayn, Motetow oa ftoi
fa*,rco|fcikiß,M fr«Uca l «a!an «o*t er*pirhs:ra«»
» to4k or. two of Dr Towwad* - iwaiflti, <Umill
dmmyoar blood, rfaor* rfl WrYrfin' and
jtr* m uinui. mrfcliac *TMb 'mo wiriu, ud toaolifdl
MrwMmmv* rala* to
1 ' DTBPtPSU. •
no floator wt kafawnirta to
Marly reanUca the gaitk joke or it -Mniwiii
food aadjCreagtittuag the «BI ofdjgTctka, «a thk prn?
tuba of fltxaaperilla. *
w--w **** ÜBilTXtsr. AQMy,Unlo>»«. '
Dr AnimA: Jo*-I he** beta iißjcHb for amral
jtanvifo dppcpcia ia its —* mri
arm of itnwarti, km- of appetite, tiinatu hautban, tad a
pal MankoitD all kkd* of food, aadfor wttkt (what 1
coddcalj 1 hare Uca eaable to maia bol a nail Krtioc
HOT itnwli.i 1 triad the uual rcacdm. hot they had
htrt Tilda 1 WM in
,daccd,aho«i two Booth* dooe. loHy.joQrbznetof Son*>
t |uflle»*ad lootin' with bilk coudc&ee, botcflcraeloc
accrir two bottle*, ! fe«d sty appetite raturd, aad the
.bofuan cqtirtljr restored; cad 1 world cuboUt naai
■cad IbecMcfiltothoet wbbhaTObcea afflktedae I hero
*«♦ _ ■ ’Tow^ffc,.•jW. W.T*i Zams t. ■ ■.'
ilctS, 1849, ■ ! • flilmlilMid
~ 4LMQCT A fIpRACLj;. 7; ™v
• Bead Q>* foUpwiaf 1 eaddocht .if. Out
■ iV2V«iUMd-*9«W.&r> l.*O Ufa;. 0 liUVofirß
jaraco».vitbi:«miepqrtnd ora'ia'antida. it i»-
mead 00 mm} foot.iodMi.. ! frooroKMaeodferofay*
cidsaa to hue the yaHt.owwinftku-;, I raiod kirc cae».
.Utica of tadnaQcr, bad aigfcttwcaih end a&kkg rcry fiat)
mj doctor cold be coolddo aoUuu for 01e... 1 w«*t iatd the
hnrtTil in t-~y~ 1* *~*~f I—_‘n‘~ni 1 —_‘n‘~ni prnwia 1 j >*—?
a* ocanUa, Jwu aow greatly dhtriand at tfe lauind
timid bmHj Teiillic j f com fur —eima iaicil q,.| uw t ug
lodic; waaendued to ay M, aad.vo eUked to tare
wateben. indeed. 1 cauot gm yo« any doeriotioa* that
vnsld'do jwtkc to ay on. Iwo ioiwuccd by it frkade
to be jot mmit { iVtricd a gmtMabarbf nmadSu
|<ndofa«ooqat «*-
txaodaary cam pensroed by you acaictte, cad to Ml
Cl thetrothV i aometad (here wad abac kdoWLi ika.
1 1 vac aripcad to tryit.Jdidto, cad as raiy thaalfitl
tdid. I qaaoTny th* 1 aocaiMy wall, beltmmfkr
penr^at toMr itm to b«MUn.
ly veOna £■ ■wkfoUy.mA Ml pia toiUo tide,
aad cfchleweata hew left «e, tad nba bat wry link. mJ
“*> »5 n>r<ktai it
(be CUy of 4Doay t bare la aootrofla on» yrcacribad Or.
Towaaead’* baUetc it to be om of tba mw!
raloabi* yuyanUoM of the BtnagyUa la Ibe aerbet.,
flBuy,ipnll»l8«. : ■ fßEtEorpoialVa.
•We.■ k WT, ibe.iwdanyiia, pracScog
’ TWMWbaPbygc&M Qty of A tbeay. bare frooMat
i bepoUieforSnoual,«^iJ^e2^r?oL2eOM w
uri; ia yrefonoce to aay of tbaadrertued rtoMiuiooßt*
fnaeualoßce, US Pol too at. Baa Baildiu, H Yt Bed*
"1?“ ♦.flS
; itoM gaaioe,abkH p«tap ia tba lun aqaan boaiu.
A •imte yolSdrr. . ll mat
Tbewboklhlagiegte«ybrood taalet cone eflba otsm
■octal wiki, kfelbu with
“U»«a. ~l« •>ht»
Itmu IHkilltr.
„ g«W.yw»Mix>g7,lB<7
Dr.Ta*w»L-lbhtUt* lJhciMd at* ot 1m fir 3
ran-ffitottaM/kunktofia to* ebctfttMiiism to (be
Uo wk>ci to to ijUai tunto&
eat. ImstodMnlJto'lriutiiiuflalhiiMwloirraWtb ;
of y«« BampiO*, toavUeti J feo»4|mt *lwHiE£
cto« toha u4 J-eta uabMiuiiMtom
it i» to* be* ■rlirhilbm WW hHn>- Ibe mZS? S
dwt b «H> *■*! **l t*bt » difcftt* ut altoMtocr xtaid'
I hmtaUrmSamprilfe. Ibrnatw/hX^SSS!
1 & ibo tiroio
-to* dt—rb mi btaktov'ttpfcrttibrilkwM tfiUood
a • bMltof *toto, n tost 41mm to aotieliifelv \£attoek tot
»?*«*•-A* to ditto— Wto OT tot to;*MtoT*Ut». 1 fl.
uj Dr TawaKad’iSuaMrilto 'T—*'"/
■■-•■■■■ CsalMrlatk«JSoiuk* 1 w
i Btfcwbateco&s(or«aotocrcUldNT*t Or Towswtd't
biaidltoßwiaf Itiwniiti
ThtTtUnrbf tertlflate b ahat*4ft«tii l irni aaabtr
rMtr94t)£V«k;;: . • j-i •; • -J.p;T*\ -
Si£ wHk the Cawr is lit Booth ted threat, attcadsd Vila
metdeNlity. ItcttwHttdrlv; 1 etaJasd soae of nw
werilret waleiae, sad ft ewe iT directly, hr vUehJeus
users tm f ini rtrr gretafkL Tom rwmtlhlly.
Efctiaaaxa Powtaa t '97 Dohroues A
f For rele by*£BELLEßflDract<it. If« 7 Woods*,
ietvwaM aod 4th stfc Hen apootatod ly'.Dr
TOWWBKWPwhiAmifcriihiboaThS. jrtdfwlyr
hkjfQBOAN’B couuk B YaUP—ltprored lobe 'ihe'
jJX F*t Puimu io caring my child's distressing
f°^*^Fronitbfl'Tnßpenitco Banner,ivov3l64Z.'-' > . .-••
i Cocos Stkct.—\Vo ere not in- tbo labitof puffing,
nach less taking patent medicines, but ire fed disposed
to recommend Morgan'e Byrupta those Iwho ere affikt.-
ed with a eottgfc. After hatingtried the usual
dieo to renovo a constant and distressing cobgb, that
had for several days aflUcled one of oor children, with.
«ot soccess, wo trera iodaccd to - try Morgan's cough
syrup, and oy It relief was obtained in
proved to be the panaeea la thle eaMat JaasUi '.
wholesale and retail by tbhbrepttater,. .
JOHN IX MOBOAK Druggist,-. ;
i ftby " . • wood syl door beloyjjMgaonfl alley. ~
T~ fth deUMaWanaiMeim. C
fniUßlstaetmiy that, broking of Dae»r
X MeLaae>i Warn BpMtlcr a «Sm of iJatte*Bba'iv*a
passed epw*)di of-re woreKj andbt thaasOof said
taediclaeachUdofwyowapaefad 11 largawonas.—
ft U traly tha wan ■o’prmar wamaOdJelnal hror
Met. I—lhtfftwwptrela. •
' ' ‘ » CJLkh’:<-■ - 1 -’!
■•-; j?sßaßaaasai«4-•
ox»sirog^^.^TV,;?.giyfW , J
■<. itSS, jAswp*,-
ud aeeeanmdaaO&T euuuer»-SsSSESSfi
rtapMi.aa» itfrsmyiAMhe town they-feiaetaftSif l
, au, mjaumiFisuCTt CKism, na tie ««
idTinclag or Morale. , tahTiiif no •
Indirectly U) Beanuwets, the interest of thij nouianOnl
bom netettUife be their-primaryoorecilaißinpXif
west, tad they pledgrtheameivu to
consigned lo then promptly »n 4 on the Dost idTum*-
feoutermi '*■ ~ ,r " ■ im rr
Much 1,1817
. ' . J. K. UICKBI'T*-"' - 1
mwABMKC icoamssioSaßßCEm,
.. Bcmcr.Trifli jmdßridgewater,
■" **ATM COtnnPTj TAft ti . . v /t (•;.
•XIKT' imm rrttiacMdif-.urii beat**,
IXTIUt be prepared op earliest •peaingtofeai’alita**
TV torcccireproperty. at'wfeyffowuof
inwmre«m*e,rar*]lpolnU ota'Krie Extension,' CroM
CavaaiiOmo Canals; ier til portion! liue.Erfifud
op«r Lue>, u also to forward produce,, e .bjr.Pono’a.’
uwevemem*.’ Apply wcraadreai * . * t *
v ftbjfrdtf; r .. . ; , Ja3 PICKET, B*Tg£
• - ms bhk iipaieiiity iub;;‘ r
• | ; 6aight aadjaaeager CanaPßoaS,
raantoc betwec t Beavcrand Erie, and oo'aoeetiwrirlth
C H jW»Lii Stuabta!
oo the Ukea** ‘U b€ prepared span ibe wnliat oped-'
~H avingeren ite&D;fcr.eoa*a)ii».fieiibiisdPU>
mbki,*nbpmapuen aod diapau-L ihaoroorietor
asa ageau' redpetTOllyielicU'TiWtheirmeaaa aad
bappbuegeaerajrjliAirxiatroaiMii 1 .in -
CM REED, ...
REEBB, PAkffHACo; BcttTer,A«J
>d Water at*. oppoAito the Monosga-
| . .... A*»K*;to.n.jii.fl
•Crw'ker A Co, New York .
kf Buffalo • 1 ' '
arACoiCleveland •■••
>, New Cattle, do • tnars
T(i 'TUB EifeT.Bt’aeSOlißAXlE tA. BO DTE,
rpHEnndenifaed arenow prepared totorward pro*
i, JL the femora Aurteudarinfibocnao-'
ugWune r ,°a the nest £tT°nUile tarns, bythiaexfw*
. -.AU'prartyiciuifnodteßiwHlbtfibnraTded'ettba;
towen rates and with deapateh, • . ;!
.-•‘ileiciiadae; Ireeetved by AhivToale'prcinpiiy-'fc'r
warded. - J C BUjW£LL t An v PiiUMMtu
• Q W CABaTirowß&nrV^
: - EEGERTQN A do, Cumberland !
V' -ism**
! 3RaWKW4»afBSK£ar:
Beaver and Grefcnyille, Pa., by which freijrhraild pa»-
; : 4*’
• I W CiMAUNTaann,••• S.
’ ‘:S;
*rtir ’ s -.Opwmia UK H:iuir.:i‘;r.i.‘niT»a
1846. .. [ **o ]847
{jBE& V: x '4tUltUK9B[
; ohio. railkoadT - *• >•
jil l receipi for thetjaiivery of. Pr
A the*, BaecnJ Lead-Lard,-Pork, Tallow,
WWflieyi . , .
* TobaeojkOod^Pl«and Wbou-4lcupffloo E*.
Oila, Skina,Set*i* Wool—HOctl'per 100 lb».' ‘ 7
Beeawax,Feathers, Fan, Ginvar, and Snake-Boot
—lSQcisperlOOfb*. • ;
• Aff prpperty'cbiuigttcdtocnbcr ofthe andcwixned
willbo forwarded wfihoar delay, free of CommiiEon.
aiaboroxaiefc-T W H CLABJCBmwMvine. T?°V
E N PAftCq A Co, Cleveland, tX )
BG I PABKSkßearei t Pa» • IjpMiiiflbtiJ •
“1 W T MATHBB, PintbarghTPil )
| l l£? l sf' o,re A 1 ° 0 11 ®° w fo**? prepared to irewpoit
iFrefcht and Plutenaen from Pitubarvli and Qere
gndtio any point jut th«Pcna»ylTanta* fih’a-ndOhm
: Tiro fadlitlea oflcald Line are acit MBalled by anr m
uud Qtnali, la nambe nr and capacity of Boat*, eape
oeace gCCaptaiai, and prompinew or Anafo. Ac.'
Un« P°ttlem«PiU9tpmbaa(iaenlaßddtiiT.inii*i
nhtaltfe&nfieeUoqarlththe Steamers,.•
MJehigaaand'lAieEne, between PitubmrriLand
earen and aLldeoTßrtt elan BleaaiboaU, PpSt-
HtfVßriMeod bekraien, on Lake* Erie, Huron, w;
ChtranaudOatanb.,- - • ■ ■•,%■•-'■ •. • .-vX?: •
, Property forwarded to an? part of the ; Union-with
tor *^ t KN.PAI!Es‘tCo, Ck^l^AApi^
’ . : ktdibi PARKS A Co, Beaver, Acta -
iW T|MATHER,PittSn^/SlT^
; • vaj •;■ •• • | Oor'-Water and gaUUSetd wrwtV'‘
ttTGHBf B*n6vs&::,t'-
BwßllMrad Telemf h leave Bet*
fotoclLrjfciafter tWarrHM bfthe.
i Fuabanfc, mad «ri*» aitffcnea in
4ae of Bttco»,'whtthfexvVtßUDc<U>
m r.
era «3satitlo*S;4s4-«omtetab!e
UJIOT WELt*\\Varren* liopr’*'.
XS&tot Bearer, Agtati •. .; : ■
PV,«r»Tt>*< Waterind
morales Boei ftrooj]
time fin the Mill lii
X. i •
TfciarMtetaQse i
one totheLehe«.T
eannot be: astneiql with Hoit’* Xasrore4 Qtueieei. r
thi. piece, lilt ihitjutiele, bymj oVwffiKKKfi
i it,eowß*nd»BiuiiSiJtdinihu.e«umrJor eitmtln*
I tTeM9 > tv,piich,oji > peiitt,or uv other pew* a? I
! f laecfli iroajall kiedi,offena«*ee f » orUdlM* elothutrr
Wore* More ibanloM ttoWaod peraoai mdiffereot
pam of thisi ooa*ry ..fcaee; iold tacibcywouM aotbe
«uhotitM«if Itooetooe dollar per cake.,-. latrrta* this
Soap oa non thaa 9)0 hfUelep oflichi niki* ■tfaf, *].
haw miy
“f**: t^« c/ aJ P* CB >» •?<* tow of ctiito,tm which U
cbtnied tlori Qtexe&ni beAm tmttmiu—• —>• •
drew ('
lore-made on tim most approved Euiem pUm-^
rak CJIE&P HOLL^SfBOsrpN BUNIL an hand
oi*dpiocrfproflß«iieS-nMat a»prS«t w *'“
- Mprrt%n»,WdiUi« r» «ro wViWrto etir^fd
wtwlwaiopatcinKrt. , .- .
t^gpldUr.: ;■■] »o r- -, •» ± AVRBTEBVELT"
•, ' i i QIiOBBBi S'-'
;■• ■s■}.■*■? ,Z--
n u n)i|btn{ K; . • * ~> ’
Anoktt. Cbfylcfa, tfd Joann! copy. ' •• felt '
• -i-J.-—*'--MeanAcJßrtt* of
ucufla bottom,
1: -■■ MOrAJioucßipt^ir*
Both of 7 A. ttuwn’j Cabinet Wan ALmufti
■■!.'!■.•■' -FHII«ADBKiC*nvA- '
_jq»KWr . . .. A. C. NlCgßnafutf >.
}- •-• • NOTICE 1 •• ,'■■■
* ,: °f;Multaa“iS’d ■'."
Mtai tprniißsTT] —-
received khtli < M fidibAUr loAt. IbniiMk
.Jr-”, ?”*
t-iS’ - : --i£;«s&
j-—4 :
~ -
S*.VU&>*l-: mimteafgHH.;: ■IV t^{ - =
■ : L
„.~M/»0 UEATaßrgg-cpiViiUJipnW !
wute\ of testa lifr bora lirteeetad
’o&SS&fSL'fJR’- StfAWiK'S-COi!pOOND
>t ata.acdkiM ; ttamtr.bwi'-MOra'lta WMtt
%S$XSSiZS%L'#*%!?* onS«MI **puiti«
tSSSSnei' ton*;
injEC £tf».feWj3i UtU. io uiiKriwrapipW
P°U-r.<UM.wjH|iralLi.trik] ] :btUr <^ZK!Z<
[KfiiajS'Sltl “* U»>
into faaeial uei©3e
; sss^s^^vssiass^
CQBI^* ,a ’*■■*
rDr', SWA YREfSiCtUbrotcd CtmpouAd Svfm
.«*'* -;‘,ui.-!. hvpofWild CtaftS^T!?* '■ rj ~
a Beadtte
eTerplacedopoavouriiM.v*': <•«. <• -
PrSirairtoTjptafch I fael itedebtcrtnmnte
dun <atj to itaiffictedfeaSSrte
. .oflerjcjJm»bte ! te*tisioii» tr &tor eredar IArL
howgTßfriipu> Alfa* I SellaaaiSm efrSlfol
condition. bet wm pretty *oogcoariocea:tfat iwA
rapidly going iato cotettinptobi/ I gr*irjUi]jiiJ2
er.tadnlltetfliwai ecarcelrtbla to ewih/tJSS
■poik .liteM ! wttpfp-«igh^ini ? diiasSS t j
»esksea*dfe? loop, Deling Uuati»*?t*sd , t&e3
▼ante* papeifticiaa atePCWPPtaMe, batfcntejio
;reJicfrypwiag ellttetiae.iroao:. JniteteTvS*
fda'tb'aate* trial of yoer.Syrap of
1 mnrt rrwif— ihst luttoiMyl ted tee* 1 ppqjtf,
Ad l|Auttt|(ißt Bmflffti^iitil 1 1
tboee eoaueg' ont- of. tte hied* oT'ial)plrka,tet
Qattwandlng roar xlalma to tte prafiwioa'iM
pncticfrOfrMedkr>o,-ud 'ktritig fnpUcin'&i&lK
ttesayingioJißylhMiite l'lortbwith pnrrlieacflTii:
Dr Star, 000 oT ioar few bdoieebte
cMißaacQdmttaci My dlaeaae at thlattae Mb'
oltwentj,or. twenty fire BUuiU£.etasdiQ£;-conM
qneatlrwiadeeply seated. 1 found,‘te»eTer r cta!
, aideraoie relief from tte test tOßrorfiretomte—;
1 BiifWaf tpobUcitata l : frtO«lMlKtUbiptti
to inemaibgTtfrenjtfi and thereby
rapuu«dthaal» T*H»ia tatt oid already bona to
4»ah 'doaMlfc&mr eJSlWrnmj
teuidte. ' JnxflteettUte* of acting; tbuTnsrih
dontlyl tedto«aoUor7|6botUcaoeft*ci'wsa
perfectly Itevr'a# ({nestin' s wH**
. toand, tef fin tte'iiboTe'inditeretioe..- Tte Smb
'sUsred tte ,^’ir I ‘ lt ' fc *H t i^ t if t~nj-ihn illsTiomlui
coQ2&,|rats te>p to Itedlsetene of Gutter fh»
iwiltb. UtbeorUficste till
sov, foriteyotpoed 1 of^teiar
with the permanency of tte w; iftdoow tta'l
leeJ pnleciiT well, lofidt it witi riesteio-
DobU* e06D17, K- C. ." ■ , -
J> cAiiTioHi cAirncmi'-' •-»" J
ATOidnil iponoai jjfep«TaUflC*of Wild, ChBTrT,
.ach n B»ljana, aiu«n, SjreM of, Wi|d CUSf£
pau poiportip, u auttda WiW-Clieti7,*c,.*J,
*e Uwy.sra all bctitioßs'inii coneterlisiv aadcoataiA
node of tbeeutten of Urn orifiul and cenßiso pro
erer preponw-ld thlrcointry; llbclor/SwmVfe
CompooDd SyrepofWlLD CHEK&7Oa coanta
of.regeublo jnfrediuta, tte Wild Ctary. iMotte
: er medical anbatancea eqaliy u ,aSca4oor,il';not
;m9re ap; ; tte *l>ola:are ao cfloctaallj eooentntdl
aatoreaderit beyosdall donbt tte mriat rlnaapul.
; aueDgitaOng, auf efiectaalTtltedjTetef
led lortte curecd PataiiwMy ■i W i > ii'
■diaeaaea of tbe Loaga sod BrtuL-
&ooi ita taing ante a train of'mrion*
ataada toproTQ haereat ftnlii iV prn nn' fiiii
OGDES iSNOWDBM, comer i»d iWooi rti.
Cot/dorner id lit'tti
i Wood aod6ULeßdWoodaUeeta.'-'- j - •••>♦ J
S.'JOPlES,l9oLibertTatrtet r^c_-'^J- 1 -n {‘-j*
; 1 -''
;. A “ b f aU resectable Orsnbti ud-' dealer* ia
Medidae.ttoMibtet tsp yw!?sSsted.CaS*.i
~ rlj : '} \ -•• ~ j
■i -'Mr > -»^ihar9
: • • DR. JAVHM AJ.TERATIVB.' •• ri « i
SJ2y«. l Sffi£^,®^2SsS
!S"?,S“ ?*" t"* of IW»«iii>7wHek k»TO I*ll*
ueikUl otsayabcrof Um qtwt eauaeoi sbrslefuub
oaf citr—d*no( Blest or tbs tuscber soSbaatshsTi
teea cxenuttLßf bad (ieploratil& , Abo«iibre«Doelfa
7^££^S&‘ k bto«.
ScgnniuyjlsD' scrofulous swell
-LSO&—ScrolaU la ito jt* zaqltipUed fetn ,
wt.etber|atfatt.<tf «??£
.ludi Or tana; Opiit Whli» SwtfibiiL Cwotic
■S?2?V TO »U**».«i«a'Of UoSkaorßplmi;
orolF.iaoi* OooraWßUoa, etajmi^ftoinone
and thosajao.eaase, vbidb Ua MaatOßsprificioic
°V*P jatorutia thffJraau •yitnao'ifem'i
ro», uloa M« innjpla cu bodottrojod.oorxli-,
ftadmMakaatd&saMitaeU: -Tbis,Uwrcfars
n U»m*»c«lwjATa« # rAi»WUTiTTta*o oni
retull; racosatfaUa ttoofiflf stfmWymilifWsp,
di*euc*Ut'det(n>jß fta.tina«r priaeWcS
wbtea Ibcae disease brtetba&roriMo. bVVnteriu
to toe .nmatat.fiSrej rwaotiaf ewnrpsrtiele©
V 1? *»•*«■. * ud *ofdat w*
8 *5 Wwl, pfti WcJptai..
at the Peiia TaaS t0n,£14.71 Fcarthttne".
Pittsbttub - /'n.c-c.:: ■. behSl' :: ' :
'f, ApM*-Wtor Bat Gown fraued C&Uh'an
’Woft*adoiewaaJWar lajariow •tl* to
*»fr of lead.. We have
article,-wtiicJi -we-aiii; JONES'S BPANIBITLn.V
• tt uwiiw lotto skia « n&-
bealtar, aJaiutar, eiear»£Yißf white, enfrf sane
Sff-Smff”' mSsSSS
■ Dr. Janes *VhrftTnr*Tiiia
' • [DTS[<l'6S' !Wq lad
Xadle*, liflf, pm
. -Wftj&i.¥w»n pnaoiiei .~. \
■/: A Mawli llto-lilrtt • ii-.S/.v::;
'■' X**tn*3li* sndaMManwticlutti
V •'
lo order at abort
Btawlwif Powder, «*,; ** >
jjj«j[?"s -Sill be
pfcJd 'i.-. : -- Wew Vogt, JelyJlßM.'?
;• ■ ■ £■;:■ * «-«u>“ >f i
OmMmU, <r 400 »
355,-.. '■ „ j -‘ ° ■ ♦•'••■••• ss?'n
So'- - .
£Stt?SS w^“-t, '> —»<• “
« -<
■caeCtha.Bklßi*Ueh tmireexiemMjcaSki, iUa ,p: « ':
Boat. «taad»ttnptiBljed.: li Hag eiia*i*Vy~£ll*'J?r £J •** •-7 <nry«V»4tlly jo fiO- v^,
i bton.Moittbew.Tta.«frdthiamiZ <ss* O * « .• .•«■ /' :•«] ' %*
ytUttw,ot di»figv«4 «kia 1 *WHtiUtmi a »im> r.. - g ™‘~
■sWiiaßasafssisafflteK j r. ;
mm/gsmiml siassiPs#?*:
l-.rv . • t"- 34 ®®* «
, wtoiM B%bt, tad wiflfl* sack fevetat
closed Jiq kkd worn*, and Aa*i#j *n** kcreat deal
«*wa*7®a? Venai&*#,l fabagbt a rtat <njp»r «h* f
do*e*Twhichexpeued «*eryluhw«Si, leaaxldar'
.jroM yenaifßye tonerjkta ailpiacTjk ,{\±-. j
Preparedand arid by S.'B.SELLERS,
:wardj aad'P.'Ji?CnT*iAUe
JjOim, B i lit 11 i^-
1 rriraat^iffl£i..lfJ^S»«iitTO i <7^», -« ii'ii rJLai
h«M,’ «UrM ittWumWMSt i
an* ndputart idwfM I
■ ULaka I M-has Mwir
.fWKHWii* &m4n*m+*m to tn ■ k*w <*sw
m&WkAJ U* fife to to T&ta» w ' , .*i»
jmiUMjfncini •took mi miTT-* ufaf-it;as* U
■*»«* >T ?*- «»» k«Ma > lw»«a»g|Mfrmia*l to
‘~*jMr!*».£'*iadi rfoaim laafa Um sfewfekf
,iri ““- **.*?4**'
pgSB rfi>.tSSia«SiV«3i>.
ii|kn-ANMMttaif bt<ha.hiw«rfww»Ki» iiinw
•aftttwßjjW caraMsu, whidi UftiM tm » aimalii
u»ihii—(.a;»»A«ArCT,«w u» >«ion•< iu
■'*<*wakhMijtfciiniaa**Uc»*«*to , ih»i r trecnaknw
atkartb ihor.wuatioimr ntommtmhtii hooSSi la
iiwad t/
•— L ~ ltwa>'-
mnirtai rft wMwiyjofay: tnnkiittWiiLi
■mats?,:.* Uvi\y>‘.< i-‘- =;i; ••:HWfgr JaT*sS^Ti*
■ • :Qt fliifl—iTlwMa. ■'
AjrOITEY * SlGKsOJlat*a|£& *
cancrflfFiftfeSDtßsrvMatrtaU , ,•»•••
Pg^!g»sg^Wte :
«h,aroriboidw Ite nnidix at4aliacl>'«iM.
*** !-.rv. •■«.!g? t
jJDPII »IIia»P»BH.T.I ¥1 l.nnn
?** bocomioj ao ■mraimify populir ■
<X ““»£.* chtilt tbd/iWfe
pill* tad tfcoir adaption tadMaa*:>- - ~r* *■■
pablis eaa take lhais'With
both cfnedleiofl-^d
“*JE® JJ* “* KcJSi aohealfiyJaE
«55SifS 2*£&?“" Um ®p* riJ >k* thoucaa
SSSSSJS 1 *SpSom u wn'
dounoit-Umes i* poetorVbi&ui-utteiaii*
ygs? | yHV*,p | eao»u.« K^^Siisy
,-: Wht»mrlM tiw occolm ir lake toyUM
cin«, do nolba trifling with tour comu&uw hj
“7iff *ll k»4l «l pUtem ott.. udltiuf joo m*
pyj“*«<U« | lmiom' |>B Mii d b|oD«mliaoilietba>
'■ Dr.UUfißatmpariUa Bkoi PUU '
•f* iK* tar»:oeeißkia to iOuujAiib
clto. Tb«J will tlim* be fined eaediaalaaitmil
woniiAl dunae, ieftattbeecf theetnwirt.Wn
diflifir Qit'.imiiioee ctanpe o! tbe itooeebt
tjnwyH. CtMtiTMlMl ml indijaUOT, WUIOI
meUu, bdifeoa iHoraoa.,itawa cl liccplm
Od kidup.djMunor IM able, .J?r.nipsomi,
dirudmif]'plmplaorbloteha orttaliesum
bo ?J’' f5 r ' *“*> pncklo heat and art rboeei, heart-
KlWjiadigßiMstHß'iMnonr U» bethel
, the breaat, tide*, aloag Ibobufc aart spin, rbeiion
un and rat, ream nl aU binds,as£ll pm, tsrib,
; loid.meaasli,octalslt,«7jiip«i»ind in abort thor
«• IOM Uall #»UM bwi»i iir orijin in' uo
and imparity oT the
tiiam nupina.. l .-.-.;s• v <> ; > ■',
I ferelMttißf nd^vUtßai^!
&&^S&£tZ2Z£SIiZ!!ZBi i SSL
(NdL.UutfiuMsitaiMeiß dwamk.ijuiDi
>*m» »tt ddi«taiki rrtfrmaeo to dw bmuTuSttS*
SSSSfrt#?. - -, -,
Kf-ffiffg:. Jj* y auU^Uwu^j
Urcf»ljfftr‘ l 6 wfomnoWthotmg aad c
I****"? “* ftcgftmbmea whim the>
gww ! Ayw^M, < Bd l< fc>ci wIT 1
fej£g& tkekiadiftoa*.?* -
AtitfiN’Sheatta’tOtaquftsd Oixis itoocfc JPtats. i&d •
#bnrwUf,*iCMisislsiSStodt»etehßdc V^Bt 'i7
’*mn«a3eo*r Dr. Cuds, aa finShnr; ne »r
D;»ti»«.gttll>r amg af Utß old wuluilKd
«M*ift'thft-iiaiiea ßuies, )
aaAFn»*». ■ ■ "<■■■■> -.}
r liLLf- ln P W^ft >o f HufflVtMnVlwt
Vbiefc ft tinel? me oftteGufai
ant»fr«Mfttft.i :
,h -T ttnr Trittil«nrn<iDntinthfh‘ft*«M > >' -AiaftiV ;
lwobU prereatUunmnds 1
Übmm / ■ ton " ■ •
t. ; - Mo«azi?rAmnvV«(aonUCa^p^>
\, \ Mt. R, X, SOtn tfitiiyiL jwihd ibttfflXd' ~
! -affl^aastisaSsaS:-■
5C. r *^fi* , *«»to>fcittirtri wA linr '
.C^p(kto mS,n4 :-'
4a± «wfc m~» tlrnnrtin*lchll
: ar B tußOyMdfißalhcntsuM JaewtUcTiTte -
TOOK Opr j
it P*kj**fcytt*ji4dltbirets*f aniptsatTfer at |«»*t
■hFffrn ’ ffr B I wct awd; ■ \ '
chtaf mrnh akk»m *tU* j
■•••■Mftrf -i*m k*pt , he«iaay:
S^ ri *JSV* (M vk« lu wi 5.
WfTHiaitltStTwyothty tn «Vf. Ll
MiMyho^«ai«»>bor»to>wfflttSguSsl~i, ■«.
ttmwwaiaSV 1
Firt, DM ; V
;WT» :•• -; ~ -.-■ y -«■•.•-•■ • .V 1 ’
CAMniATIYB Bit at ■ y i
.saKffiKne.ttßas!ti£ ■:
3S4^sSSHv ,
bOWel*. AUUfiiti
r redml«fee<. Alltrtcß* - j i
: 1?“* /nwwuwp:'" v •• •
• X Cmttde*AMßte.Aaierß f ifinr,BbßVlur: ■'■ •• ’•>•
S: '
* ■ ißiSßl^rteUi» ; raa<fo - ■ < •
I Li fTtiS with-U-waJefi imte. .
. ■ '■’'■ 7
Kmmpftti mbt boxta, coauuslttg flagrant etumctt I
fct us lu»dk«ttitj*f{ »M(nt bap, and tot Jet soaps, amt* k i
. Wte-forptesMils. ~ ,•.
/ .'• .1
; Ja4j«aTnsttMfataSail,'-: " ‘ . ..* f
*** te **•rorowrapper*,(wa»acea» J< 4-
Lipulvs} .-.5'
Bodssoap; tsfttfesrißUi s grant,vuietr
- * •■''•■■'•■
•i 'ZjJj-st *-.*-v J '-A ; *:’.-o'A'FA4i»iajfrocg *co • ■• •
f: sis;-,* •
\IS \ , , „ <s '’' *