The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 13, 1848, Image 3

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    . ’jh' r m k
UI7IU)BIKBw4IISkkU NA ÜbliaiiißdHßMarfir 1
. pwa BioCMto; lHlW» ttdl«*d*.bjr , u i
iU.«*t;o'*o C6Ttrn»* J p%~Xl&> CartoakFa, Wdo
S3 m» S'uysdb Htniaott** Pa,
X do BnuKftVtttatdnniflnrntjurtdoged me«,t>T
, fete? -i r--> ja * <c
. ■, GMbfctfftUMea
■«. for
•-? V t; - "JOttN SBbwcnrra n*
'nttlMEißiCON-fn' ■ton pud fninlrrhnw<i~fnn'
fotipSeiaaftypaamity, b» *ids • ;*j
... , ,- ; 'toaOWy ACULBKgTBOtj •
OBNpaiES-SS «ekj: FeifWri,'l3 4J Gtoni; £a»
ViflWfcrft*», Sdo pry Appl&j C tW* Bbua; ndi»<
laadmrpa# «imr Octtataua, ftr>ti>‘br “"* 1 >•--
• ihw.rtf -. ijaiiAHDioffiYi «>
Ojier*; .9 uajujißiefappfe* jwtxaeatndAacSß
pad for >ile IjiXfejjwA l *** Mc*iSd>fl«'
-• /note!* VARNISH-* bbw » kvrßEtftoq'Bunn^
u.V«a»jftr«telow : br J; ! *
• *'■ ?r>*» -
JiS«U-jSj6rSuM 4*M' cot*
> ttvl ‘- 1 | :
,ieco., v< v / !■...■. -ivuaiuAaDrcgEy tcfr-’ ■ '■-
3TOimffS^lOO:bbT*T«;o:’JKtoliV^® l,^PJ i® e '
7 tti this
liaafirtislftW- -:- ‘ JOHN'S.IMJUWOBTU ; *
. 'jy w fe:? 1
tfjwgffifcffig y^osudWßQECT'*'
'‘tPOOS-O ibbVftak >IP Ml retired rt
;Mua*P«ftnkClo ; fer]BMi : 4>:
! TiainT" ~L!^r,,,TrT
,' J 4. SUES-19 arimife; 19 do Ml fabtttyUA
■ >\ni*rlt salt* J ? «r*ri*ww ;h-*%4 iw
rma ...■ «.. .„ ,>XcißaoN4AicEaaaT
„T>JCK-<as ticmc phm Bsm JwnwrtftWtfa -fa
'littii to* > .-J.N- : :POINOE2CTKK*W V <
■ .. . : f ••-• -i ' tijrattit
OLDEN BVjiCP-40 htftbU *6l Attn
'aX-Npflflyrgpi;iWra»irg±uAbTMl«tor < 1 ‘ ™ '■ >■'
IbbNbS *Uel
J for »*ig by [fetezai ■ •]
■‘dTOCCp milliOfr-R-'W ;
j«aid«iniwan>a.;., . ~>■ ... f t4U> »tie»r Übrty. >
Mi tektn^iiipiize,
i.bM* tank** fcatlfer toil*
. JOEL Mnm.Tß,
Mftl7 .„7 ■■ ;■ ;■ “ . > JQSL MOmSaL
’JUNE or Pin* QU in nor*«ofi tot «*lo 51
\x c -JOELBOUUga.
lflbttad<moHoto l mnd^^«|^^^'^V^^ l^
Ttjyrreti totai^i;^
T)EPD BOROX. ENO<Hi cmmJtut rna’d -»nd for
jS,t*ici>r ifebin- :^Ksfeurjaiar;.
«T'c*Mdi»f ■al**a«e wfa&iffrjr .
ftbir w • BUttDRXDGE. WljgQS &C<Mfou»**U-
* V'iuhßlAJU>-iOrotl* 8,- -H, A&vidii inrjjiEuu,- 3
. Ij comdk *ndfcin:T*iT*d Rap**' oa cgatouawL
■ 1 b r; :',::: ■ J
:ftW , .. ;f, J BCHQOXMAiag».Ca>>
**l* «f-a
>roXKAl>~lS&jTip fcn'wlel
feblfl . 8 FTPK4KX
doafer tote
fabia/> S P VQN PCBCfHOgaTfc€e. v *
iTTHmi frtoM—a batrpfia»fa«pg<netf-for_«Al»bT
W'-fcMtf-'* r * P-TOW BO!WHOft9T t Co,
U'ftW - sgjQl
Mi.w ■ sSsrftt^Rsssst
I> AXENTBECKETS—2S dM/fct’teWbjr -'l'>'
r>.«iW t >.;ta&>fc;n-4y y -0--MCOWai!fc' r Cbi , : t
STABCB— 15. bc»* ot JtoabikbU n6l£T(* ta]*%y
feb7 " _ ; OBUACKBPHNI^Oo.t-
i jjw*"^ggggas5 S! Fr
frit?,-., MAaBA^LgTOM r »«tor»kU»<l»«OHd.'
c VASfS Wait*
O -tttas&ctimdbir JataJ*onrw4C«»»J : fcEi»tofrr.~>-
' r •; ; CEOggS ; --
■ ' ' ”T\Aa.« WgSdV >
jat.T- ? V
JU*fo™«ju»forJttle,Mredncwpn«»jbY‘r iV...t,-'.
Mir ■••iv,--»r ? y a sELLEgs>yic(ga., ~:
SOAP-^A.b*xe*#Dl-««aF.l«rrßfa«nism j r*««ted
and far «»£ fay,.. ‘ 1
Mom® .CAN<«
<tefa «ad fomle by . - ; * :- V < - .u;-.
fcbCT?* -V* • ’T,"; gajJ3LflfctjtCQLS,,
rULLOW—WWmtj TeDowjtm':
L Bitmadilffikbr' £ r, f‘ J
febtf. t -.« ‘ Vk. ffl
.T ARB—lOOkegiNaiJArir 10twznbto is MO*and
Cartel#,by] * - - wCy&fciW HABRAHmH
/"IORN—»’ b*» yellow'. Cork; Jilt r&clTOf&i wo-..
SUITT ° 1 - :
-tatf k' dry' PetckotylOQ fjg,Vie^<sy'
DUTIE& A, EQGS-iS 3Am& nS Woet *Ao
[) ftctiTefirt received OB cotutanaent and for Ml* by
UHUt-4»’b*n*te <k»
Potter* brarrfreeexvejl peT ttr Beam tnd for t*fo
■• •••;"■ S’h W HAHBAUGH.,
hok rooowicrrMia,
aai'ferMkfby ' " JOmTSCgpn
_iebl7xf - ‘ ' 'fro 7 CoamerdaTggir, .---1
/"'I fcx»de br.' - :f-^^
It febi9 “ ..? >. - •■•, joafcfeMOßOAN. <
- • - ■
;■ Q i.nn»’:»H ■--*• ?-. -~BEifeT,T.gim .
..B£&iJr-U bbfo Ckrttr-eeedjl9 tanrrdd for
iukianTapple* fov e*ie by: %■;
r faMt - • •. './ :.} • ■*
toio -TrFQgarra * ggscuy.
1 : l^g ai - g^ E f^gS^Bsa^:^:
' •TeWO-'.^'i
F^g^ , gas£aam^«;
TT£U?*W»t«l«>4tv Toned Kr.JftnpJiutm^;
XL Mi4ftf|9detal.eaaW3**CULßKßT6oS^^ '»»''■
feto: '< .• •■■ -1 I4Slibertyetyoet."t
pnne jtßtree’dnnd for **Je by-
Xfclflt. :..... WiCKfcJFCANimEßfrjg^
BACONOOSdnw ueomdßeeoAV
m«si tadfocul&tor : .•?.- -'i '• - - 1
-, ■ fob 33 u t‘:-\,s^l.&SUyn>' o
■ rnANNCTEP*ott lii irt>ba- J fcWr«
1 «elebr>>Hebgq -J -TJ4KFLPyP.
Itjplitoillire iuwfjor i«le
>VEB gEEft-ltt baeb forestry- i ' •'» *
■febtf /. ■- ■ ■,. gOPT/fiijtfELL»C-<!L
*EUKB¥fibAP~3O* ft Bun OaiAaitaatriiot «kM
£ ,bjfT/v p»ia .o-.i .HBDtfXofccuLnacreor* ■
■ QUQA*£an&diptt*e NO, ?«mMT}r£SinAe:flsr
O ttlebrl > .mard ■ HBOWJ*ACULBSETOON
: Li <Jry fai(fc* Jott'WeeiTeil WrfKFCniy
•MtE** u «« d fc* ule br I ** VPIttSKMIGH
•’JPf) 1 ! <(■ >. tr ~t ,'.t>-»-ap.-.MJfodod-'fo ~.
Qvo «Oj a bbtfaa&«A do do «»
BAgaga rop«Wt«etrißi*aaii
\ •. . ,
y wgMjrfyftto nhfa*, 1* flo
*3w^^*^ , _fe 1 '
•yrorn.n flAnmami bxi «ap*rior MoeldOu*
•JjX dlcifl dojUM tvaOms fa*ore «ad fernJa low* by
IxbM 7 ”^^OEUM,MeCEEWfcO>
TJKTBtOftAJPOf: c**M r «ittr» mv
j ■ .
aa to ETAX.-TCO tobrAilegbcnVWaoklia Farnac
laadinraadfctsaleby. - —• ■ ,
mart ■ --BOBT^LU^ZEXLbCo
folk reprrla* and to —to br
A^ 1 ,-:; ,; HQgTJULZEfcLfcCo
J . '^X^HQlcrS^iianrw^«adfar«tl«bf'-• i !
A intra ;• ••• j ■JOHNDMQBOaN
ttofar •.>- i - ."•.
Jffjfrif*. ,i -jomIDMOBOAK •■
lauag} JOIISPMtiHfiAT»r
Uttfl n i,u JOß«l) MORGAN*
ibi'toiale tjr 1 1 ':•> , i r -
DIE—IO bbU Looistilla wtiai,lbr#®WbT : ” :
Xi-,. otitj ' ; ;..i JI)-Wn-rjAMS
_ia| bbbSpaaiihfforiideby '' I
MT.n cter tf * ?•»* ’JBWILLIAMS
*U» 3*7 -» a’d pftttmT Eri llinar, &
: \l/forsaiaby--.{maraij > 'Jas a hutchison -
|TAJ? CLOTH * VELVET fall »•
XL MTtmsm jut received and for sale br .
tpo qpesfcd, a largo •.‘axsott
•«□•»£?£*? *fto£ Jyjtp, while cad
tniarru knobs, for sale by -.• ..•■,•.• ~,. i
—»«* - : 7 toiuw, wiLsqx4Co;
**•*» rxjber peas; tydojeatken; 2
K? Dpuf|rrcy*t; Sttcrcestlaxiceii. cow. landing from
Wd for sale fey s. : .yj WCKEVA.Co, 1
-• • *”***,•... .T.— <;.,L. waterAfroot.m■ •
aw.- landing from str Onmo, A
.V/.fettSlAby. -> Lmart» ,:48AlABfflCKBVACo j
lbeWfronsf story of tbfc War#-
XvJfoqeahfatiKW’eod'btt having w front entrant k-r
- 1 Ift GfiO-COOBBAN ■ <
&BAWls,fc-It!SBONfr--A' ftw : roy'rie&anl sap.
O friifftraflhawliy ju»received; also, Spring Bib.
mS*f^^!^fStS3SS^ !
~YF ,J 2Snc Wash Beans, wholesale and retail at man-
:*DYB JLOVe-U hWs *
Jt ftblT ~ >N J P
■V> febt7, : ■ ;•■ •1 A 'i D Wn.TJAMfti
OOOaCHm<»-i i*ls ori tad for &le
•o>h T>*• -‘f•"• - yP WTT-F^ang l j
CJU ft frRIES-1 121 dax; Eggs; 12 -doi„Tow
O'mehOTyßToomacaconaiknineniajßlibrsatoby. :
r.fhM? • •-•. < --v^ : - ,v ; -r" •
TI7RESH TOAIATpES^d-dea-ia,bottles. m.-hsperiDy
J*-article' . . [fehl7] !-J D,wiMT*Mh~
Q_; ,, t ;EQBTI*AEZELb*Oa;
Tw of tow priced linen kerchiefs,’ from 10
pncedftwaeLtosaleby(mart!FHEATONAQo ■
(ft BIND aii’td sixes/forlnUe by.'V'jV
IjT.’- •• mn- 11 "- :, BFVOXBONKHOEBT4Co
*poWJib*R OTjceraßesgfHscperigrpfle, sod cock
i ' v - rtrptD BiIEY t do
T> ICE**® trcs reuse gallfly for sale by r
Xi.-''tnart~~*~ 'i . FBIENP-BHEVbdo
COFFEE— 100: bars wiw llin, per Tagliona, lor sale
by tqquSEy S f > .FfItJSiPBMEYACo
■Tl*mAtegMo»bbl#l6reale"if /. - " |
,natf< tot. .. j .cFßngfP EHEYtOo'
CjjjOh hhdsprijßeK O, fbraale by *" j ;
■:♦ r ! -,|%iEffDEHEVACo.
Tf'oA|‘6L'CAJi-S«3 bbUasa'td Nos,cnuhed « pow
l ira»red.faisaleby Imaril FRIEND RMKYIfc Co >
iT>ACONflO<ak» aaand in saioke
aaleby. tBmqjFBIEND BHEVtCfa
STOBCHUST3B-H club Cat sale* by-''"•'l ’
<^CO&CHiyOS :, *33i»lubri«e»for aaleby- • VTl
jj^^ntart-1 ~*mcar* acCdAHLEsa
rtV3B£COO—O3 bzs scsehorfis tobacco; 30 do IsrlSdo
X l6sid(a>32r,li dooprirg's Aromatic,-42kefs
toils by A SdcCAXOllfisS
"TJOLL BUTTES—B bbla frcab, recM and for sate b j
JV raarf! • . . ~ .; RM'CPTCHEOX
*T>4COb(—fidfU peonds coonufy 'Cured; for'tale low to
J>clqsa I by J W AEbrCPTCHEON
StlflAß— 40 1 bbdafhir NO/ddobrime loamTeilbr
aaleby mart i . . WESTBOWgi
casks iosirecelredaaiUbcsale by
Q : mart';- 1 :'-'-•". r • ', &errij.f.hb
■ V part. , - r- BEWELEERB
TkAEISGBEEX' 1 cani (SOlbseacb,) saperibr, jast
JT and for sale by-:{mart) BEawjj&a
/'tHLOBOPOaM—B Ibrjcst ’rw'd 'and lor sale by'.
.\J mart ,>'-.. , r :-<^-~;.--RE8ELLEBg;~
■pVEEED BEEFr-J fiik» Mjar-earedr imiu
J>iC6j£-10,000 Ibsprgne hm*,liyjOQ li% *kottUsf»,
- it 4 Muls hogroeod, fit nooks boo Mud for ule by ••:
/~fclLftp-|ft:bbU:liiw»rd,'Oil, 'g do Winter Lord, ia
i IT,— f t : Q BLACKBURN fr. Co
VUaiioli ante landing (hr sal* by - “ •
grCvatay -: ■ .>»■•■ ■ MUXEBfc MCXEreOX
ritlS^atf'btis^ntxnfßstra,fbraalobr - - -.-!.
j -; - : T ~^.. j MILLER 4 BKXEOOS
iXrniO>OW'GLAS3-Bm team'd, Jbruledithe
‘yf«Jbov»TiUa landing,' br* • j
rpr7TNDQW<nJ> W-fWO bxa Kn Ceotrra, for ids
ASSES 100 Mda NO, landing; for sale byT '
mart •■■■ --M-- JBDIEVfOHTH-
- TTEAVYBHffiTIA'G CHECXft-CooaUntlr on hand,
jLL-BW*Mft laaimfhcoire of harry aUniaftad fox
rnium check*, si Uts dry food* booM of
nr<’ : - WgMUaPHY.-
/‘XAMPLBB-100 boxen Sumner 510014,10, aim* and
UfttfUbr mi KIKR4JOXK<
'OfiJUEL ASH—IO mare and for aal« by -
/iuiEE&Er'ttteaianareaadfer aatab?
. ' - mar*- . . IaAIAHJHCKEV ■-* Co
.TTTHrr&CGANS*>4SI bU* email white; forule if
.u W|CKfcbtoCASPLES3
qtn.ttvrcocaaon.for aalabr I ,'! . -,.
;V *”’*•**?* '* : WICB ASIcCA3?I>LEB3
jti tASS-ltlbxaBxi*jMdoiQxl^lbfado Ui-
U-r : mart . *«CA!U>Les»_ ; _
/T 1 LAgfl ’(00 bzs m’d fixes, (ion 6x9 to 94x30,’ coon
y * “’""“‘‘““‘r ftmoWra! ■
ddibr«dbby ; ’
3 POAB-STJibda' If O Sonr loading and. for ttk by '.
gi v» itgim s • BEowwXcOmKgraow ..
7) OIArBUTTEI&VobbU Geabjoit rac'd add tor nle.
Xl by -“ttna-;'- 7 . aOH3f a PILWOKfU ,
TSbIED APPLES-100 Uui in atom and for ada by
±Ji mr3 ■ JOHN S DILWOBTII ...
®bbla email White, for eal* by' ...
TABD OLL-6 bbla nMjfhlf bbla mperior, (ad i»>
r^‘Siy‘*°<iar ** l,b lfgff'VKtCfLßEgtkg<
OPANISH'WHmNO-® bbtfin sioraondforMto
Qby .■■.>.mu7 . JIIiJU>.Co
(&■**{* .v.f: ■■ (Chteaklecopr-) ~ . ... -
Carolina for sale by .
~L > dia?- ■ JOHN OfflEK
.C 1 pmrre TUBFiarnfr&m bhU for sale bf - r • ~
bash prftaa new rea’d and tot
1 i' .. TAfiSRY! A. RKftT -.
ttor'dobr,* aJ bbr com met], 7 do
'jLtktckWbcafTtoaffido iy* meaL Jauduw ntrf/oy
*au brf v ' ■ :|nari3 * •■• --■ -J C BIDWELL
SATINE Waesortmeat: of lour prided me.
rfHJt FRINGES—Aa astartmeht efbtack^mode’ahd
P&ntlitiOM UYROllA—MOlUfbrseleby '
f*bi» •- r',.^>.;:H>jjRua>*cp.~•
jcISl.. ---i> j^;.iU?T7: ! .;.i!.''-l!Mt<l(la-I>r«Bwaft. V
btt' bxiiD« dried, P*acbg*y Id-bbls
•X- smallwhlic beans, runreed ann for saleby-' ',•■_■■■'■■
„ fe&33' , r?i*rii " jQHN a PtLWQgTg
primescorching*, for sale by
»p lfeb*T - VICK te McCANDLESS
;il •ndifbtMlsbr
Hydrautfe Ceimeni, lees*
•’ l ; - • :!.' -
;.iu£i-TA:, i .
asKom r *
! 1848"' Mooo: Sfooii , » ,
MARCH. <• .raesa acta, tisea. pbasefcj
'• ( e 37 *. «.*•'
13 Beaday,•••■■• ',o»‘ 5 ? .
U,Monday, . A 3S\ 5.0 *
U,T^t3day c :«34h fi W
U tTednaaday, - 5-tr *.
U Tharsday, - '!«' 013 .
17-Friday, y ■■■•■ >0 30 613
cinvTUDßeraoiXD ojr tbodi^
* « COMXinTEE tX)R MAECB^.-v
Vhr. 'aaayr» ' DAlzrU. ‘ K.-X.' gttl'm
• iT&s veatber, oa' Safiirdiy/was' very pleasant
but the mariret, in * geaeral way, war quiet!
• abd'nothing'waif ; d&ne out'of-the: ran go, of ibe
trade. V .
.along tbe whariT waa quite iiyely.--
Tbeie; waa aeVerml arnValt lium the, lower, trade
and one or two from’Now, Orleans, ail well freight,
ed with the productions of the ."West and Sobllx
odd cotxsisting mkinly bf GfOceries, Bacon, Lard
-and BulicPork. v ' 1 ■
river is again on the rise, with home 9jor
10 fret in' channeij .and every thing seems to in-'
dicate afryely business this week, , j i
pu>o»—We notice bo ■ this
artide. 'The .receipts/lbr ’ some daya have» bden
quite light, and tales hare been transacted upon a
restricted scate anlyT Sales in. KnaQ iots,.amount,
ing to 50 bbis, frptn store, at in
-quality. Prices aie af B'nomiual dnmicter. . ' j
, (jjasue-rOf AVbeht, Bye' and Barley, we have
nojsales to htyweyer, : without
changed. note moderate niea of Com 'at
37c,'and.ofOatsat260276 . .-a- ? *
-i Pbovisiojw*—The mariret is/tfeady, wilL no cda
terial change front lost qubtationa. - The receipts
of Bacoa end other hog products, have been full*
though ; we have no large sales : to/ncftice» ': Bachn
goes off Emited l<iU, «i 3|c Hams; 4|
for Bides, and Bhouldere sl'3H>- , lioground et 4|c
'fiL' Of Lard/suppUes are full,'with a steady
firenhess in prices. sales tn bbls
al .6®oic and in keg Bk Butter/is
qiliiy «“d retf TitUe- dorng.:' -Sales.of. 801 l axe ff-'
%Cfed atl2ol3e,and Veght OlglOeiglh- j,
iW—The market has shown some activity, and
prices remain very firm. Sales ore regularly made
at the following rates—Salmon '519(320—-Macker
a- ;tfo 1, 'slS^So-iNo' 210,50, Md No 3 U
t&t- Barring sfxis v bbl, and ,10 50 , lieree.™
Sluid JS^O,bid,ul,l,so. UTbbL Cod^so
p Amm. . ■. ■ '■f ■. f *■
"' wntinue 'tb, ar
rive;* and supplies‘are quite full ‘We note sales of
59 hhds fair K. O. at Sje, on tepui equivalent to
cash. Sales by the bbl axe pegulsriy effected at
‘perilb. ,'! , -
rihrsalbby..'• —i
-IAMB,IIO Woodst I
: . Moxjussu—The receipts of .the past .6w. ;days
.havn been paxtial.; The' axticle remaier fixm,' with
'Bict—Very linie is ooming in at presentj the
market, however, it ‘' Salea of sev
eraltierces,on Saturday r tisic^Bl :.•
' Ctanatf-Sales ai bxs WB «t 6*o7e 15. Of
market is nemly axe the
Tulmg rates.''’...;..•. . .■- o.- -•
Rum Fkitr—Sales of lipples si' 7D075C, and
of Peaches at sl£s4l,s&;asd 91,62 c ?bu. f
• Gaara Avpus; ■ Receipts hare been moderate:
and, sales oa- a limited scale. -We quote tales
ranging, according to quality, from $1,62 to* $1,61
rbW.; . v ; .i|-: •
- .ButXEXB^-Salas 20dbs Patent-Beaver at $1,25
-■ : ' c ■Viv I '.' f•; : :
* Bna»—No change to notice in the market-
Seles erf* Clover at arid Timothy at $2 {p bu.
Flaxseed trsoldat;9oc ’+ bu.
.. FniTiin.ii- The; market is rather .dull, with mod*;
erate sales at SOo32cp B,' ; -<-
Bnswa*—No sales to report, 21 to 22c are the
ruling rates, f
Oca thynks pre due to the accommodating clerk
of the Mary Stevens foe late - files of river papers,
: in advance of mail :
Stuusoxt Accttrirr.—The -steamboat Bea AiL
ams, in descending the Tallahatchie river os the
21 st ulu, struck a. carrying part of her stern
post,, and causing her to :leak badly. She was
saved from sinking by throw ing'overboard 500
bales of coUou.- ,i..
Thau or' WtusvtLLs--We have frequently
noticed the growing prospers of .WelisviQe. V-We.
extract.the following from!the Patriot of tbe.Tth
ust: • •
■ - “Oar bqiH'aea this season, lie
produce line, ha# been almost without a parallel in
ibe history of oar. town. Tbe Bomber of teams
: that hsvejjoared Into WefleviDefiouftb© interior,
is ahno* incredible—from 73 to 100 end
to 150 per L day, here beenanaverage during tbe
past tour or. fire weeks. , As a shipping paint,
yensrille issonerioir to any town on tbe <s.*si> be*
tween Pittiburgn end Cincmaiti; her proximity to
ibe Lakes, tbe rich country by which she is sur
rounded, and her'lndustrious population, tend to
give her decided advantages over many of tbe old
er and larger towns on tbe river. Tbe certainty of
tbe completion of tbe. Cleveland and FttuLourgh
Bsflroed, foa greatly attributed to bring abootAheee
beneficial tbsuus. A considerable amount of work
has been already done on tbe first eighteen An 3«
extending from, this place in; direction of Cleveland
and thirty-two miles men noil be let at Raves ta on
Thursday tbs 9tb inat, which are to be ready tot
superstractnra next Spring.", •
- St. Loui*— Per Cambria-?? bis mdsK Leer 400
dr hide* Bryan; 1 bx mdse, 24 bUfura, Fcraytlu &
co; 60 bob 1 sugar, 13 do moUtreea, Hutchison fit
co; 19 9 trea lard, Bagaley de Smith. -
' -Criewnari—Per Worth America—MObJtsbaObn
233 bW lard, 71 hlfdo do, Leech, dc co; 23 hbds to
bacco, Graff] 85 bbls lard, 3722 )>csbaooh,. Jackson
37 hbds do, Galway; ISO bats soap, Miller & Rick*
etson; 14 bgs scraps, Schoonmaker; SO bis btatfv
btihenbergetj 12 bhds lobaodog BidwelL:
Per Albquipp*—l ploaghJ Chttrcb dc Carolhers;
61 bhds sugar. BuAndge,: vTilaonfie co; 13 do-d'T/
lQtrCsriee,lSbblslsugar, |bbisyrup, Blaoldnm;
2 bhds sugar, 0 DunMn; 5 bblS'luueed oU. S’do
alcohol,.-Ifidddeec;7 bxsbandka. > Uarfraogb;'s
bbla lam on; MeChtrkan; 30 hhdabfcon, 8 ’bn lard,
Kter; 31,blscottonAUerifcSe.;■
fTaiui—Per Klot— tta broeat, C2ljal<»
feotton, Atwood, Jobes te co;SS csks baco o, ~y>*Th
6e co; 6do scraps, l <k} old. tripper, Spanf; tc oa - -
iJnMnursae—Per Louis McLsbe—lBl >kgs mdse
Quids de co; 62) bts gfass; Simberi 12 p .kn mdse,
Bidwell; 1: do do, D Leech 66 cof 8 da ft j. I Uckey
& co;8do do, AJleads co;
12 do do, Forsyth & Duncan; 1 dodo,' ; tlordoo: 2 do
do Digby. 3l do do, Hays & Blaclq 1 do do, Gill de
Geityjl do do; flutchlaon; 1 |do do, T Lynch; 6 do do
Hampton ds Smitln 47 do do/ Hartoau 9 do dfc Bot*
ler (c Bro;2l do! do, Gtts 33 do Via Boden; 3 do
do,G«dQn} 2 DaJall, *27 do do,Toc*yth
de Duncidf SO bxs glass, 2O -doAvYoung
& Ihmsen;B3hlfdo'46,R6hins<aff&;RMMTri / ldo
bxs do, Hearejioa;
■Per Baltic—^aW ;
Evans; Alien ’34dO' do, Bid*
well; 48 do do, Grafl 1 ,2 dodo,Butler A: Bni; ,LS do
do, Beelcn; 16 do do,Fonyibe .-Duncan; 8* -boxes
.Quids. .. : • vU j> •!•"
jViunviZZe^—Per SElwauti^—-600 bis ootto n/Ken
hedy, Childs dc co; sud Kiog, Feonock de - co; 66
tons blooms, Fonyth de co; 30 bbls G raff] 3
bgs sacks, Smith; 60 bxalpilm soap, 'Atchlion de
Jlsffi*- \■' . |
New Pennsylvania—l2l Übdssu*
gar,3o bbls h»f do L 33 dojntriasws. W Holnoes de
co; 50 hbds sugar, B. Beer; 431 bbla loaf do/ ’.S7 do
molasses,' Lembert .de Sblptop; 2 do sundries, 9 eoil
rope,-Waiermwt'deco...-|- j ■ 7 ;__;
' . ; Pe» American Eagle—loo bbls
deob;100 bhds *ug*r,HuUdusonr2ohbliUr,'Taa
sey de Best; 1 carnage, iTownsendde co; t bbd su
gar, owner; 200 bbls molasses, Moore; .100; hi'uls
sugar,-20 tres rice,-McGill, Btuhfield c de Koaj S
cases iteeVLippencott dd'ca'
Per Mary Stephens—3 bMs hams,' R .Xewb 66
ca 17 : bales ' bops, ' Brown' &' Culbertson;.. .3
bbUioU.3do skotol,RESeGers;:24 <k> wbiskc'V,
Milcbeuree; 35 bxs soap, 10 do Rm | e
Bailey; 32 do soap, Bennett, 50 bbls whiskey, 4 I
hbd sides,-Watson; 23trcs.18bbU lordiCsrson a:
MeKoigfat; 23 trek hams,Grifl]492drhi*a,Ewat t
deGebbari; 177 do do,'Myers de.Hunter: 1 bon.
cheese, 1 bhl wine, Sabi; 54;torn toetal, dbrelhesa
deco; 1 bit specie,Holmes;&fio’i'.‘,-^ 1 , t - l-:.-,-:
liUnoit Per Plant—sooo pen
side& 4000 shptildars,looo bams b' meat 1 ' : > 50 l , bbls ( -
50tres,la^d|lA ‘
Iflujmab; ferula by-' '/l'-
< i W.v TAS3KV* BEST
H7T Vsx vnFnam Mnanslrlf you wlih to, bja «ic«.
. c£3hu tB Koy ;Biaterlsklitgy -youmim always ‘ute tbe;
piroer mean*.';-Tbareidrej if‘ymi have a cough,,u*e,
Jana’s Exnauganrasd.MOoreAJm.itis.Uiflproper- j
"means. ■AsQuna'or diweulty of brMthißf, I
then the only caicUni .means ilo core yoU.-ts lo .wse
JtyAa’a Expcettrimt, wblch wOUmmedistflTovarccaw j
- the spasm whieb contracts‘the! of. tat*? {
'and uoMflsmnd brings op tbe mocss whieb. clog* them l
up/abd thus removes to a frecjiespt*
ration, wtdls at the sam® tuns all iafiavnanoo m aab^ J
diied.and a cars Jr certain to be effected Hays you >
. Branebitis, Split ing of Blood, Pleurisy, ee -in MS any.
-puhnonary Adseuen,-'then use Jayne 1 # Expectorant,
-slid relieris certain, and youwill find ihatyoa-bam>
used iheptoper means.!.- i;l fill.t'i 1
- For tale in rilUlAirfh at tho Pekin Tria£)ort> 72 4llh
stzsatnSai Wood.: i : ;
• ITitbanh,lsltdry',ordliiy,Jpraifl' i' r •
.vH’tis can make it and final ''
j)arkaDdhealUiy,aadbesuteßsaas.thishairofralws :
' .And to have this, you have bbt;three«hiUiagi jo« gif a
. .For a bottle of Janet* UairHestorativa. • ■ i
Reader, ifveakava bad hair you would raafty baas -
tooisbsd at the lovely efiect-a'lhrce ehQUs#;uottlaei-
Jonea* Coral Hair Rtetaratln basoainli needs but one -
trial. SoW at GO Libstty st. - 'i •_ tortt^bwly'
1 DTTft wfltw tfp taKX—Cogmock’e Neivaacd
Bona Linhmnt and Indian Vegetable Elixir, lathe ir»«r'
affeetaal care tot RheumaUaa. Sold by wKL JACK--
«>K,Af«atfer Ftasburgb. ; -
6 15 "
. 7 33
‘•8-34 '
■lO 47;
''bmcr:PrmrojtaH Gazcra, \
Monday Moniino, MareJ» 13,1848. 5
i '
l_ jj I
; itotobfc
.... 1,
Kelaon, -■••' 1
; < Monterey, Morfiwh,- BrowagTgfc 1 .* 1 *;-' j 4: f
Jacob*, ’ '. v ”c
' - -i7;--: :' l -~±
. Campn l Cin.\- : r_>-,.■ -; ■*&.
!*•» W;etarafcjJ3an»vSoiifi*h*' o^'^ l >r - t ’
. Lake-Erie, HempMtVßeaVer. I ''' l ' j
1 '} \i:
v - ?5 J WZ‘l rt A“» ; &: > *~:y
'" MtryjStts>hetuL.^orton t 24ew. orieaixf
AmercanEarfe, Atkinson, N.Orletmv
Bnxl^jna^'Boojir-OHeajjit I ''* ,v ; : '
■ • Lboif; ; > V^
j Bobcrt fti. r.oiii'« . ~ ~ , ~■.
■. ..Aincrica»Do-Cemp^ Cm..:*-
Codstfl,‘Du'Bbfcne, 1 Vbettßia 1 :-' ::, . r • '
Palo AKorMcDonaJdrCiipV r v , /‘*~V"" , (,,>
:; Pneaaaaip.lMTa, Cin.- - .‘i' .-' >'•• •!: •*
ui -Mihwiobe,'; "■ ,-Wabash;- -V- ■ |
1 j“ : - : '‘V• '
.'",*Trfiaci» i Plan^^~^Nc»flsl
[V t DEPARTED? tv } /.•
n -‘Beaw, Claik,'Weflrrtlla. t -‘'“-' •
Michipin 1 •° ~ > ;
~, -Caleiipope^i£ogw,*BcavßTandJWellTille..
. Nelaoa, Brtwn»»ißei ' i-n-i
Montewy; Morrison'; Brtwwrille.
\, ? - ; Bdt^!Jac<^ i ßlxiWTiSTflle.‘- l {* t''!-.t i '
" Po3tfnimnfi.:,t r > '
> |: -'VV<Bayille t iß>ma, BnnfiaK. ’• ‘ •
~ i Lake Eric, =HenmlnlJ,- -BcaTcr. l ~ ~ -••; •- , •
, UaacNeirtDb I mftKHii , .CSn, , ' ,r ''' ! '/ : '' t . ;
'=:?•’j %
s°“»M*TOWiSow.OrleilM,-,f-.. I »„.
i - K<g»\ «HTV», ]'
Financier. - K ‘< 1 ’
' Grand jTttri^-New 1 Orleans. * j •’•
1 BROVNBVIIiLE-PAOKETS," 8 il’ icj;w4 : a
''' 1 ' ’ j
;CTOC^A^;PACB2T/ioi. If M. ? ;; f n r., !
ACKKTSj-atPand-10«.Xjtnd Si
Glasgow packet, «i
The rivet* but evening vu 7f feet water into
falKflgfUowtf-.i y • • l "
pwrfc' AttAinr" of ItiMbtarllli. OU»i
-X meneodri the IstUcaday of |lay rsD, aador the
•&perimttaeticoo{ibeajidoi*if»Kl K -i-;.i:'-'*
‘TUJtJ. •. - > • ArU
..lieveirlidirideidlntp two Seetbmi of fivr month*
'V Boarding, fia'arf ranee)' a ■. ,~, . ■ i;B3J4)o,perqr •..
.•i tcrnii* (w aprikadite'J *”
: rClisiteal Department, -,-.:••••• -iOSOperqr ..
J BtglUh "> « . . aso. .»*l
; Primary. •.••-p®” “{■' -
«dvaoc*,wUh the «bov» tenpi,
general heretofore.- /•.:.[ ‘.'
' Btttdenla from abroad will be expected to board in (be.
-fIUBOy of (be Principal*,, wherethey will bo at all tinea.
. .‘The peculiar excellencies ofthia Instilahon, ills eon-’
ended, an its permanent character, fie comprehensive
AppQcattpns to be made to iht Priuaiptia. •<■ •*
SUnbepTme t -_- J B HEBHMTH: ;
•lattilrinii Ann the Taiitntion which'haabcen tut&t
my .direction ibrao jaatty/earevit affords maafseere
pleasure to be enabled to leaveU .nadaz th» eoatyoUef
such -JedieipiUc^-esucieatioiu:men,; and sack ae*.
Compltfhcrt CchoUrv *e those who are hemvfch.
made known ba my sseeessots. An intimate personal
oftbn characters and qualifications oflUcsar*
«r* Wilson and hbrabtlk has 1m b» firmly to belief*
,that theyWilldeservs, nod Itrastsecure, theconfideoo*
of all the fri+uAm of enewd,
to whomiher mar become known. : J .W..BCOTT.' ,
Steubenville, March, 1848. • - t
’ Bnsaxsnua, ilaieii,lMS:'
: It having become known that the HghJy respected
and Competent Principal of thoOtove icmdany. tbte
Her. J W.geott) intended lo change hts’reeideac*, and
of conne to withdraw htmself fnimthat Institetioo u
Principal, die apprehension aroee that hie place-coaid
not be readily supplied, and that, the cease of edacation
so satitftcKmiy and thoroughly coadaeted oßder hi*
superintendence,"might be seriously checked. It rives
the nndexripwd, however, much pleaaore to atete.and
- to assure the public at large, that his socceseors as Prin
cipals ofsaid A« ,wlem y»toe Rev. Joseph R Wilson and
Mir. J R Meredith, possess -all the qualifications that
were.eo in the late Principals Tbeir edts
oationlsoflbe first order, and they have already had
considerable experience in the care and edacauonof
youth. We have no hesitation, ih«reto(e,,in recotn-'
mending the institution to the favor and,.patronage of
.parents and cithoradesiring to procare fotfheir yooih a
rood and snbiunoaledocalioa, whilst at the same-time
Stitt morel add Christian feeling and deputuusstare inf
-rnleaiM -and'prmßdied, without the aids of wfaieb, edof
cation uraroljr of aay advantage. .... : .- : h L
.. . PM,y vm »w(uw. •• - _
John Andrews, Charles C Beatty, Henry O
James CoUisf,DLColi*er.NDike,DßDorsey,'Abiter
L Fraxer, Geo U Holatcs, thoaaa Johosoa.Hl) Leav>
Ut, Roswell IJuih. tVm McDonald, Jaaer MeKeaney,
David Moody, Id Roberta, BUSuntou, 8 Bcokeiy,Ja*
Wilson. • marrißKT ]
T.t ATRACTSCroosthe 'mlaatcs of the Firemen'* Asf
city of Fiusbargh. . ’ • •• • j
TatJu Jfrmdmt ana Managtrs of tie Finwmu*
JlteoeiatuMtf the city cfPirte&ttTgft.
■ - OcmJDceJ^Tbv <3omxnhtce aripohned'tbr ihepnr-*
pose of selecting donmiOß* from the several tn*uranc«i
Cocipaaies having offices in thiscity, rcspectlUHy re
port, j 1 ■” ‘ M . !
• That soon aflet thwr'rppcinhnrn?, they addressed
srrinett commnxdcatlosrio the diderimt agents, 'and
have received die following donations: '
From the Franktia Insurance COMphllidel- i
phlAWMartin, A*vat. IA4 '* ' * -41^09
Pram Delaware Mntaal SAfety Insurance Co.
Phfia,-Joh(fFhwey;-Arttrt, 100 00
Pram PWMr’h-.Flre and Marine Insurance Co,'
Pirtsbuijhi Robt Finney, Agent, ~ 100 00
prom4^ru»jrGarden Insurance J--
WBorbridge, Agent, - C 5.00
**' - "-• W, ‘V"' ."'.’StStt
- TfceabcridwoQMliarebecutinicftlarKerlbbttiut the;
diferast Ag*nt» have befcn'mskfiig rontrflnitibns tothe:
diftrent Eaglsie and Hom Go’s.* in the two ciliei. ' Yoar.'
Oaetsltlre regret to report :utat tame efthe Forria*!
Cotporabonh yr ho have agrnelee in this city, hare re
fiisnl to assist tbq departiocnt^wblla-they are mall up.,
Urge profits from the exettfonaonis members., Vt*ui'
committee woald respectLßy tscciamfelul
pntronue ikcwe Osmpaales' who are willing to aid in<
sc naming the Hre BepartmeaU' .
AH of which Isreiprctfaliysatmlttei ‘
r VOTWARD CttEGO; Ofn Committee
Resolved, Ibxtthis Associatiab tMpmtprud oortei
low -citUeuS .td pstrenh'S the above Insurance; Comp*-,
nied, who hhve'so Qbenlly. cpntrQrUted tothe sjipportpt
the Ftra Bepirtment.' .j
• Besolvvd, Thnt the above Insurance Companies be
requested to place badges oil the houses Jnsmea by them
in order that the Firemen mar hate Cidr property uf
signated ftma Agencies city snd vlciaj
,Jrinar4 y'*..' /A: r P-Asssrra,
Dr. Tsyleriißtlm effitvsrweri. . ;
THAT this medidne should sctptire'so muchnoUme
ty, U not at alt strange, when ws taka into conswe
.ratumtha vast nuari>er» that are ebred by Its; use. roi
many ysari ir ha* prored so utonisblngty saecesifUl
at tb« nortMhst neirty ' every tamily .retain it in theit
boaae as an ahtkfofti to coughs and eouitunpustt-.
< Thai no Sther krtlele poeseisei the iame msrits II
equally true, -and the. consumptive learnt that pe ran
depend upon this medicine,^When all oihertKaVewored
worthless.' .There-i« aw a'tteOlifbut thourands are
yearly cored by this ipestimahle medicine, and in many
Lutances where' 1 up to die/ have, in an an
ctedlble ebon tfma been eatlrefy nttw W itf umitull
rdafieuy.. The foHuwtturtimarkible_emsc■ or don*
•a nmtioa was dared by thisßaUtfm of liverwott,; • As.
tdavshxetiih and health; ami weald hseured.'wonce,
rehor*K>thU-ardrie>*tid rest -askmed ythr wot'serm
read and Jodgyforyftcrrelf’ '■ -
• laram uritno' ct*».bv;co»c«mo» knaoy« COT»*
eoaxh, withraisinßofphlegm,
a severe p Via in my tide, back, saanaph ami aorow my
bowels!- 1‘ soeolt/tit times, it senittvri&poWbfe
to keen warn, even when others, were Mmplamliig «t*
* Bist-i - gif M Carpenter, wowater Street,
i AllboogU'thousands cured by
of Llverwrit, andn»miin> T aUll'dieofibdtWal
the canto 'U plain, nejrttttt-yw-flwr
then trifle withthing* o?oo tw
follow*. But every one Sirin
Take this medleina at the ren Brri
sldloue fire; and you wfllbe enibd r . * et
has enred conrumpuon in udvatleed stages, »* l s*J
monialsbefowwillprove. Bof thovurest wnyisnotio “delaysßw'nlwnysdnngcrous. 1
Prepared and soldattSlkckhua «ttce«. New Tork-.■
SoldinPituburah by JD Morgan/'VjwdSiN
Itownaei4i4s bfarket *v tlSmysw, cor Market »
,u; Hrafcrmn t Co,« ittKttr W Wco
,«flop«rUrp boiut : . ■■
; nswi YORK jU)TOT»EHK>r.
iia . -1848.-'
.'jnnutn«srAXpSp..Kl.«Astsc,'Too4>tssiAg ex,'Af<»-.-
7CT7IIERE> baCbsi the largest Clothing Ware Hu***'
Vf andUn 1 {freest stock- in the city, ail of wWch bo
pfedgei himselffiroxnade in the moetdnrmblr, tashiona*
ole and -wOrkatoUko manner. ->-*i - -- '
.: Tbo iufruui tor his stylo of CtotUnv having inereas*
ed to so great an extent, ho hu found is necsMary to
enlarge Erbosiaete. and takes pleasuremeayiwwtn*
hundreds wbb called upon him last year withtne cash
mtheirhaitdit,asd. eaitud gal no goods, (because thef
were all sold- ahead,) t* l * l now ho has enough forlhon
and. tor alii > -1 • ... -.; •• t’’-
Those <1 dating lathe article will Slid it greatly to then
adsantagcio boy of his.House* tot they wtU be side, w*
only to eel] their eustonuvs a well msde,' fasawnawe,-
ana geateel gansenV but At s prko lowertban they
bavoTjeenfeeUiagbclore. aJudlearißg alargs prefitto
themselves. ... > i
To thosa who do-, not deal In the article, hot sell the
goods in the piece, ra»w isroar .jim«.**Ahaady y°
Cloth suJckojre dropping ou, and aocuihay wul euure-'.
ly cease; and soma oao more wisfl U»a yonoalt
which way' thp. going, will fie salUnfCtothWg*'
It most aiid wit] bo told in every village ta Atsenea
within two year** (tat thisreaacm,) your customer* can
get a briterand more nt»d#,uian
jj a tncisdrejandal jr|ce.,,.i goucan
J F°S. U^^tmuyl^r^^u'^ptyottpoli'eoi^wdi^i
l yo^rthlref.',,^,,.^V v „;V . iytJFWTQ*??*
' .41 ' A.'Mal!™*t/vj-jil,
JA 0 teSCiyiidn Isigt sapply Bprmg;aad Dpn>*i
nnorlhy-'Odddi^whub w>ll booflared-wbofotale.and
;'3auil,©very-lowest cashpricCi; 1 Aiadiigat'ourhta
AdrimentathaMnayboYound/lOthree fancy Engtfstr
'mod American prints and chintzes, -comprising
! new style riow.ln tha market, and were r purchased*.at.
' 'the present low- rates, which wlU'enable us to sell •*
L-lcasui4percMit.lcssth»mbraer pTicW.' AJiMOtre*.
«cs wnafl jwnenUf fan edbrtd -Merrimack and Cochj}*.
co prints;wdry.neat-kmd'denfrable; Scaseancw wyie.
plaki.-slnpedßitd pUlnlicon gtngbnawt'tofeveTyjhude
and qoality»ff;<asoa;simag.M
cheap, n»le colored' eashmore .srnd.'M 4e Eidne*,27
. pcsTaris lutrea,- acewandSplcmird nrticlo (or Indies.
• Sreares, printed crgaruJe«»,**en Striped ind wnld bare
'Sujl casreebanjaabteJUatrrti 'veryrieb. a lUrgdlpt of
l jfand 04FtaMb prditM'dSnilmta Arid lawns, 100 do*
hast qaality Udtos l ■ and kid 'gloves, wUtn
taodsofevery doacriptioo, togadisr .with
Uy are.respcctfaUy inTited nrcalt nhdi-exanrisa-uur
stock and piieeSr which wat.wid.wamot to compare
: fhvdrpWf m«»u**Mtwrmaritatm : * ‘'
'•.-.-tohra- •-! ■ x>«rr re—Aresw.
»r j - j i
A EL persons having business with RobortS.Cae-
A fat* are fmoested to eall on the undersigned: -
feMikhl . . . . 4Ut«Haw , fnutt.-
E LINES. ..,
TaAindreigATinfrW MgW-wiCTtW urn :..
,cit«. WH,be.rfiirwinW
,\T*iihohrdelay«ltfeeliiweiteojmutratev.; SOU of
lining (rtiiMtißed,'. stiff ..'alTiartniOiuxu' promptly at*.
aeW« T ld, - fr*t fr«B rbn«*oi.
Stfiniis3ii;-v i,
; *r*v '..' J 'l. > Vl'^ : -Cso*l.Bwiii l 'Rii»bMgfa» s
V - ?> \ roTkfr Pickworih. to Co** Line,} ' ...-•.,
, -TTptrTTTg.TgOSTgSXSUnWSTAtMhi o»WATr*£lCtir
. T) ETWEEN Pin»bjiigb,lUaireTiJle, Johnstown, : HoU
'XJjtdsrilMaElij.Vfsicr street, IjJnaUngdon Co) and all
■- Oae boatwillfierre dje. warehouse ofC A JTcAnukr
k rAT-apal ' >tf jifi, I-ifa»fly Pimbur* hj. erery
diy (Sundays e iceptadj and, shippers can oifbts do
peud on ~thrlr gnnda forwarded Without delay,
sod atfoirpuna* . v J-. > , - -l-. • ,•>
■• ‘TUU.Iioe was foriaed-exclasirelyibrtie special ac
cmmniodalwa.cJjhewayhnsinessJ.. The Proprietor*,
Ihanl/Utior tie Very liberal; patronage theyjiara re-,
ceived during the lest two yean, would respectfully in
form ttiltpjd customers and the publiq generally, that
they bate csteadcd their forth tics, daring the past win
ter, and are aawbettelr prepared to accommodate an in
a j ; j ;;
\ RH CANAN 4Ce>. WM fimtT, *
wfinx*l± :
'L Vt. MeDOWEU*. ,
i ;I|t;.CjIMe^DLTYX i Co,-canafblsaPia.). ,
* RHCANAN, * /da Join it’ll
. JOHNMILLEB, -/ ddHolUdib’g f
‘ ■
**KxrzsKccifr— Ifc SuiclairTJ to J
Me ftmtt; Gdc J H fihoeofcrgcn Ri Robinson k Co; B
‘ Moore; jgdgailcyJb Parkqn Wb behmeg J
of saacuajrotar
.rrtßß'Pzoprieton [ pf l Uila*'jDld.‘e«tebtiabed. and Bret
X Portable ’Boat
pot in' PJiiiadelphiia, ‘fo a much larder Warehouse
.on Market sL, than they formerly occupied, and also hi-'
, creased their 'room for storage at Pittsburgh, are now
prepared tooffer muqh greater ftciliiites *0 their {heads
ahapatroas.' ‘ .' f ‘7-*;. r - -
. 'XJoqd* carried' bylllis■line,ore-Bo^lranihipped , be
tween Pittsburgh and' Philadelphia, bring earned en
tirely JtvF7Xt*bk.BeetiDnßcata.. -Th) ihippersOfflotfr
;«nd,. ofker,. good*. requiring, earefill .handling, this is of
■fcnpo(UU>ip. -,l<p charge made tot reeeiriag nr ahippinr
or ndToncing.charges. gpods- forwardco .
promptly, anduponas reasonable terms a* by any
crime,. 'j. ,
„ . ,w : JGHN-faePADEtf.* Co,
. *■- —. ..... Canal Baiin, Pcon.sU Piiuhorgb.
!*,„ / n t V- JAMES ftLDAVWX.Oo^
£eW4 A;S4ComaeTOe«-, Phila.
'JOHN McF'aDEN "it Co,, Forwarding and Commu
son Merchants, Canal ; JQaaiiq Pena at,: Pittsburgh.
r-JXMES M- ElAVis* Co,.FloarFactan'jaadCoramU
aleri Merehuts, 4B7.Marked-and-M. Cdnimeree it;.
'PhUadetptila-. .ii-.-.T*;;-. »■ feiUN .
.. . mado hr either ofthaaberaoß Floor.'
Wool and other deacripnons of Merahaadixa ccnaigned
.'tOtheuL -j-t-.:—!»-• Wfllg
COvp&FtaMTSbfp* '
rpHE «abwrfb*r« h«r« Uil*a*y MUJcUtedtbenueUe*
X-togtthCT'ondar lh*'«»7le©rKler**Jope*,‘fi>f the
parpoM oTcontinoi&f btUlnenroTtoeriy carried ea
by naxnael BLKifff, «&d ootiett a eontinnabee of the lib*
crml pamman heiwolbw extended to tb* homo;
. - • • :f!AMUEL M. HER,
... , • ;" ! a‘F;JONEa^^ :
Pinabarfb'Umhltlßtt.' ■ - 1 ;■* ■
IUIj >
‘"117 E tn pttMrvd lo .rtceite and fanraid freigbi to
YY'the »Loto andlatanoedtya fiueiwith u mo=&
despatch, and at ulow rain,, uur otbar / ocpouible
• Tba attention dfahlppea wttfcinf»aanilPorko*Ba«
CotiMo Rajiiaan Id bulk, U; jraniealariy redoes ted) in*
ututok •• our anuagoaeii* andbla aa to cut? aacb
i Cuil)dfi]i|fiut7lliiL
Piiubnatb,Alafdi’l,iS<7. • - - : j
1 •••■■«.%■ a. a. wna
Klfiß & JONEP 'CawnTutoa and forwarding Mo]
chants, and Wholesale Dealers inj-ron, BfooniSi
bain Produce. Ac- > -
.--lateral an roMunn 0 *-'
easa &&& ■;
SBEM SSysggjEßt
1848 1848
FiuuUjfcupmA and rrrrsnoßGH, via cham-
A CAR w>U leave Fhilsdclpliia'daily after 21«Frb
_A roarT, with the Moll Train, to Chamlxrabnrg,
whichwlllenalitelheWagotwUileave-ihere the aamo
day,withreiayaof hones, running day end night, *©-
core* the eenalnarrival of good* in FiveDayi Croat
Philadelphia.' .Apply lo .
' D LEECII4 Co., Canal Baiia,
. r IHtuburgh.
“ . J 3 mJ l& aouili 3d il Philadelphia.
Wa will receipt far GOOD ilia prod dee, Ac., doily, to go
tferooeh br the above line oiler tbetlUt in«L.
frblV . SUXCQACo.
iSiS"" 8,t *° n Arrah'|T*»nt.“jg^'
THEStrOmooat DETROIT, Copt 1. C. Benjamin, wIU
run, during the aeaeon of ISIS. between Cleveland *
rtaull fie Marie, in the fallowing tn aimer,loueluag at
Mackinac and intermediate place* eaeh way:
Leering Cleveland evehy Monday, at7P.M. j
Do Detroit do; Tueeday at 9 A.M. j
Pd Machines do ; Tbutvday at? A. Mi i
Returning, will leave yaalt, Ste Marie every Friday, at]
: 10 o'clock, A M-; arid Mnckiuae at 10 o'clock, P.-lttv
ami leave Detroit every Sunday evening for Clcve- f j
lau4i a( 7 o'clock. 2
AgestU- ifc BbSb*]S ACo. j o™**-
. Tha Betrnit has beenthproushly repaired and refit
ted the pa»t,'tvuit<r.aiidoif' pubfic may rely upon the
performing of iwu trip* with punctuality as adrcni»e«L
febgetoT" V 1 1 ‘ RU. WARD, r
■SMSfc isis. JiijL
To and mW the 1 i«»icr}i ciuea, eia Cumberland!
TOHE proprietor* of thi* popular Jiao, baeewßce their
X .roorftmblatkm largely) incrvatcd their foeilitir* to
meet the wishe* of aUipperk and are bow prepared _ to
forward a greater amount <>y die FIVE DAY LINE)
a» alto by additional regular wagon* at low fate*-
ThU Un • wiil rau UmMU'hoat the year, delivering
good* thro n b the amenta id Baltimore ami Piiutmrgn
to owner* and contignee* at *peeified rate* and lime.
'Shipment* from Philadelphia tor the lias aboald b*
marked fC»t J 0 Uobiaeon, Baltimore.’'
t»The oaly agenu ai
v? S I7h»r’e« at, Baltimore. -
EDC.EItTOX & Co, CcraberUni
G \V CASS, ltrowiuTiUo.
J C MnwpjJ. PiiUbnrrt.
Tautl« WtlonXlA*.
S£SS& jfffffo-
... FHiA to rirrsuußCjl, -by wagons,
Running Pay. And Nixhl between PiUabureb and Chant'
befabnrtf, and by Railroad,between Chamberabure and
Philadelphia.. The ftrtt shipment' wilL leave each end
on ISth January iou. • No more guoda.wiU be received
than can be carried ilinatuli each day. without delay,
on the-route. Time will be reduced to Four Pay s when
the rOndv beroma settled.'■*'• r •' i ■> '
S BUTLER. Agryiv 1 At thd Depot* Ot
■ 219 market »t, Philadelphia, [ • Peitn 1 * •udOhlo
• • ‘ CLARKE A > [Tt *n*portaliofl
|•• • • -v. •• y • Pimborjh.)'Comp*y. •
i wiS receipt for COCO'lb* ptttjoee.ete-pet
t do*, to td ihrotica bv die mbore lfmj olteMhe 16th mat.
• fra?'* " '** CLARKE * THAW.
Eclipse toaskpoutatios usk>
The fropntlart of.tbu popular Lift* ban efaacjttf Uu
;Atcb<7 »l CumbtrUod from Uic boiua of McKai( k ft]*-
’gain to Uul of A,Co..
] , Piiubarjb ud wnUiAmcrdu&t l an Bonified tbatJDir
ty Rebi«*Oß \<i Bo«»K CharJn lialtiaan, i* th* «Jy
kuiboflttdagesldfjtlut Lise io UmEuttmcJdc*. 8 .
C MDWElL,Filt*»rsli,. j
.. ‘ .O .W CA U 3 Bro«n*»)lt*.
" I EDUA' TO.t ACnCsmbcrlud.
J B RQHINIOX; galtimon.'
TOE 'OQtgtaiJKP,! SALftKOI*, WA»Ul*an>K, WnLADtt
* nm, nrwTa*s. : aarrox..ixi> au.toi umnu emu.
\fEKCIIANTS and other* teadliw good* are inform*
jIYjL ed that thii it the safest, and toon expe
ditious Line folnjt Bait; connecting with Adams k Co's
Expms daily, at Baltimore.
i Through reeeldu wilt be given to any of the abort
•lace*.* Merchabdixe'lind'Pßckue* of any slid of
weight forwartpA ’ ■'' l . •: .... '
Expreireloie* daily at 3*, tt : '
! i- -■ no vickehy, **««;' •
ft. Charles Hotel Building*, wood tx
• j.ifahreh^co.,
... .p, K.FRETZ& Co., , .■;
’■. NViISG jiiixtr #t»*rr,TiuwsaiWtU..
1 BOATMEN'SXI3E, r .*•" I l '-'.;
irtlßTHSTßAßiraxtATldaor iU.&I.MA OV hXMUAX?*
'US’ 1 All kiudn-ref Mercliomlixe‘.consigned 10 P.K.
Fret*, Philadelnßli; or to J. Farwn k. 00., PitUborgh,
be promptly forwarded free of eommueiotu; '
’ IBM* ' f J ’’ M l •' *• • • ; •*' * - •
TOST UECEIVED—A largcuriojlmeuiofFloorOil
tf Cloth a, ofYßrjoQi7>A|U:tn»;‘c(w}prt*inr IbOllyil* of
■45' I ‘* , wide flodr, pitrtotlij'lOCxido tlyda wide, beery dot*
i2d|W <lo do dopISUJ ’do] do do; tuuo 2 ydi wide, do;
«* of vtuqh wUlbo idtd on BeactaamodatinctaraM a>‘
einibebboghtmibe United. £l*le,at v Nq£'VYoo4»ln*t. r
T) KFINEDBCOABSv4OG bhla emSibii} Kiadonr
-JUV itsO bbUcnubed; IQSdopowi
idsred; HI cj tinned, m store and tor aila bf... i - .?;n ■. i'
'St,' V-, „f : HUTCHISON ACo ~'i *
i - •■
( wish to engage **»•-'
tr ru Junnteyman. Caniago Maker*, to co w> Mount
day of Apni.n-Arpiy at Bdi%
• or 13o>ciock,
•-T. i »***- ; • JAMK.B CULBERTSON..,.
VrOTICfc-rl , e?ione baring ejainu ogaintfihe atiara*
il boat Arrow previous to the 14th C#b, will pleaiß
prqeett them JbraetUemeM to- 1 • ->VM B bCAJFK, 1
> j tttai3• m tt, near wood 5
■pnODUCKf-fl? •kU 1 com, ‘133 •ckaoata.Mbag*.
JLi do, 13 •ck«r«gi 1 21 bbli boat)*, Sdo'.bnUer, ado
ggiti landing from »u&r Ludlow, and <br ealeby
■. 1 marl. r ,..; ; r. JCHIDWELL^-•
Ij! H. EATO.V 2c Co.hiveTCCcired by receqt erpre**
.i t airiYala,tutufnoctaiud girnpi, aatiaand mau*
tuai rtbbcma.'oiled filk/udy cotton No 3 nud to, leather
lull*, aad oilier ittieka la great demand at ibalr bum,- .j
|ima>l;i f'v.'.,.-itV* Mmarheii
\ijrOLAS6ESr-280 hb!» pri*»'No.Molaiifca, tn oak
- JjL bbU.tßDdiaa.lrofflißau'FrkDdship.and forialebr
. tadd~vr*T* M^TviyrpHtXTE^...
/p£A-75 hlf-ehati and b« V tatarrikl tad
i A ter”
FANCY CABSIMEHE9-~fi eases • tripe a,
pUto whAiu.,
<< *A .Xagig^uklaLKklJßsiatSa r& *•" -1
EMtrg I^bgrtT;Cypgt,*-»k»fV-(tlftiK ■ Aten Eaai
™ "Lane, jMlegbeay'aty{ Hh Mtfcßbetfiflati
oa liberty ttnet, end me b*ckr-3a<«&uAUiy Bi bet
erec^t^w^u^^tiigriy.-aCTr, two
t<t>l-C!pnM;ao4ctfa/,AJ'tlbjpoww titietr»pl»cci.;
aadMraiasaneooatinetfdtojdanyafftdewaWT, and
tfrt.hooae.ia iaeT*nrteaiwttiiifaodaede««aaTery
conTenient. and la well- waited: fer itwo baiitt*. t Tba >
propany. win be aoldtow, and tone gireaoolba largest
fan .of iHopdrebaae.mnef. ]••/, ’
. Inquire of the «üb#f-^'r,^rb*eaab»* , “'~
See of the — —
of eiftt and ten, an
il r*.am' boarding t,
era! et-AUegfaeny Cut,
ftbis tf : •-.rT;
JC PtovemeoM and
on the Fourth Streelßo ,
city; coa listing <if a well finished UrickUoßaa, jeon*
tainlrtg teti rooms, a cellar under the whole; an ex*
eelUnt Brick Tenant House, Containing three rooms; a
largo barn and excellent stabling; 4 nnnriailisg run
ning springofsoft water,andla pomp of excellent wet-. )
ter at the kitchen door; also, M 'gardeh containing 4ojne
'choice fruit trees, together with about tea' aerrs of
eellem ground. , t
■old,' l
tnrupla* —— n»—,. talent*-
diste Streets in the fib WsTd,iPitiasaigh,sraaowoffer
edfbr tale oaths most.rea»ozUbie'ierms..'''>' ;i >•
For private residences, 'business sad miaofectnrpg,
establishments, ibeee lots present sithation’ ootjnpu*-
|ed,ifectalled,by anynow’,*-TOn regpleorj
wtthwnieh the streets are laid, oou and tits level epar*
meter of the grottnd. . render the IptAepnTealenivand
available at.Cnee fto puildlnejnupase£. 71m tills B in
disputable. ’ Apply to HaBMaRDEWNT, 3d *r,
i .. ■' ■ or[ROBT. ., :
-Attorney atj*w t 4tb HjoeartlraaL,-;
>" "Seal Estate la 6hlo. -r
A TRACT of lend, 90 aertsJ in Harrison, Portave |Oov
J\. ion tbo river-tabout 30 acne under im» I
piwaaenc • Also, two nflimfltovtd lots in the village: l
of Warren,'llueonll 00-ODfect
grooiid ia tfae centre of
ana dwelling, hotua and store one oftflHEbjpg; stand*
for sme rebut on the Western - on all;
this property, .will be sold: on .wary {arapasiftodsting.
terms.. ISAIAH EJCKEYrtOa, ! .
ieblO . ■ •• i: Waicrtad Front sts/_"
,CoU LkhAto { >-
A FARM containing 963 Acres, in BosSafrer towa«
J\ Ship, Westmoreland count7,_begiaaia®Jtboutbna
mils Amts WUliamaport,on the £ssi2ank ; o£(be wo
noogshela river, the .mss- being tbs fsrmqithe lets
i Josefh Beckett, deceased. Biid uum froou oa the Ht*
er, about It mile; abottt 40 sc ret cleared, with other tm*
proremenu. Hie farm is cfrie entire mass of stone
cosLJ Tbs turn;will be sold altogether or in lota to fist
purchasers, and on liberal tenner For particulars^n-
Strtre of Henry Sterling. Daulel Ewer, iW«t< Larimer,
r,Htlsburga,Pa. Tuie indisputable. '
: j I ; 7.: joblah hutchman. ;
febSidArwlflt*3 - - , yervjCastla, Marctrcon Pfr
• • :Bssl litste la Htwst Cossty,: [ ~
‘A EOT, Btorthoes# : and Dwelling, situate, on the
Ebie Fltrnsion Canal, Id the village ofWcstMid
dleaex; a desirable location | for a merchant. 1
Lot and good Dwelling Hotue well suited for* Tavern
Stand, in the village of Orangeville, on State : line; of
Ohio. Term* easy. ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. j
fabio . • ; Water and Front c*
- Xswt ftr !talo«
A LOT In th* 6th ward, id feet on Logan street bjjlO
A feet on Clark street: one of the Brest desirable tlo
eaoona .in the 6th ward. For terns apply to the sab.
scriber at the Methodist Book[Btora.,4tn near Market
street, or at his'dwelling an Clark street, opposite; &
Trovulo's Grocery store. ' [foblO] JLKEAIA
Ejß .-THE three story Dwelling Howe tad Lei, o«v
JEB»oe espied byILF-Bekweppe, Eaq-Htt Pena m
.nesr Heno..The Lot U 22 by Ub foet, end is pleuspi
hr iitsi»d, Fbr terns eaply to the eabecriber, who ttaa
mb*.: il- •••• • TOkBENT- •> ,
The three story honae on ike'eener of liberty: stud
Irwin** alley, tunr oecnpfod lu a wholesale am mail
rnseci’aaure, by B. F. BckWvppe. < Poriearionjirtn
limnerflsaty, oo eppßcetioa ai Ue wareboase owoha
Irwia fcSone, No. u Water street by' -
d*cH-3m i , 1 JOUK.IKWIN!
“ L p*r«a , F* t ’“'
-v_ vLI»- •
• vkiuttt S»U> P
tTI HIS. Farm lie* span the bank.*of the Ohio rrrer, i*
I Lawrence coanty, Ohio, unacdiaicly adjoining tfce'
Tillage of Miflmport. It contain* upward* of ,300 enrya,'
] of which 125 acre* are cleared . ana under colligation.*
| Theta istipon the property a rood dwelling boon apd
i oat btdldinft. Term* liberal, and tide
InooinToi J 1 TOTD fcSMrTH,; 1 >=
ftbCdaw* • • Attoraeya atXaw,dth«t
rr ! I'tr A«it« 7 - p
pgtt AtwoatbrybrickdwdlUn* with abaat six aerea
of ground attached, utuaied at Oakland Tfce
XBiplaea U wall ooeked with fruit of all kind*, and
ia a dedrable location for a fabiil; being entirely out of
city. An omnibk
leares Oakland hourly tat thd elty.
,T, j" ]Firr* Ktii 4-
MA iiew ! three story] brick dwelling house in
Wylie street—Possession giren. oa uio first. bi
April or sooner if required, Inquire of .’ <
jKtt : LA 4 ® FXPVP, 1 92 liberty street.'
T •• F«r B|mt.
MA two i lory brick d Welling with about 5 acres
or ground, situated on toe beak of the Ohio riser,
In tne borough of M nebester. Apply to \
-~T« i**. I • - - - ",
M THREE dwelling hollies situated on 4th street
near canal bridge, tn the city of Plttaburrh. Al
, to, a room 75 oy SO Met. with a eotrrecierrt en
trance. on sth st, near wood! Also, a fntaodwelling,:
two * tones, with an acre of ground enclosed and under
ealtiration, situate on Ohio lane, in the city of Alleghe
ny. Inquire of [JO WILLIAMS, .
JanS ■ [ * 110 wood strtet-j
MFOE SALE OR REMVIhe Pituboreh Brew
ery, with all it*.brewing apparatus utoate oa
Pena atreet and Barketf*alley.ind now occupied
by Oeo. UVBmUb fc Co. Poaaeuiou given bn ibe firit
da of April cruoinr. 'Fortehnsr'&eienqalrebr -
I U22U" 1 H 5 liberty *l.'
•“1" ' " WTHtt. »• T'
M Tbe new three Cre groof briekatore on
•ectmd »t now oeeopird by Edward Evaae; fa
reel from Ut of Apnl nkxi - Inqtu re oT-
Juia. diwoodftreeL;
_ To LkU “ 1 T “ ;
M ; The cubecribera wil. rent pert ,of the wore
hioiue now occupied bj them. Apply to i
jaai!) •• ■ 61 water Mteet. •
"7 1 ““ For lUat. .
iA A handtwnely finiabW room op Market atreev
J 3 lately occupied al a Uafctterreotype e»t&bl»hmenj
by-MoKand A Co. Alto, a well tiuibed and well lur*, amiable for aoctetie a hollnf
the Mercaaule Library Asaomatioav Entrance at Phil
lojilaU, ' [ UDGAZZAhL j
oecff Office, market afreet, tel ween 3d am 4th- ;
For Beatir- • ■
M THE largo and eoareweal dwelling houseoo
KS3 federal tU Allegheny, fcmneriy occupied by 4 Hr«j
Aim Giiust. 'Best iow. I’pMrwjoa given on tbe I*l
of A]>(iia«tL j -BDGAZ2AM.
Immediate possession of tie shore heose can be ob
tained by applyinrteM. Creighton, st the canal were*
bogie of Clark A Thaw. f • ’ • dec9 •
For Bent.
JM A large room oa tbel’Jd story-oflbe warehouse
fcß occupied by ihe subscriber*; use the foot oij
™ ri • SVoba (tree)—a gubdj location for a steamboat;
atency or an insurance office. ■ 2r •' '!
janll j BOLLMAXSIt QABBIgdiEv !
rick dwelling doom wtti'
rardl pleaiantlr *ilaaied‘
to\VM B SCAIKE, ‘ ‘
lit eirWßettr wood, i
For Boat
IfA A neat two storiedj
seven rooms mod large
the Bth ward. Appl
For »oie. • ■
•juA ; A Fine two atory-.Mlck hoasc.orttTnim,street,
"IB Allegheny eity, near the upper bridge. The lot is
to teet in front by too deep. {For terms inquire of.
deist/ a |wAsmxaTOX,*tAot^
il. i
f Boused with
ildaifl near Ibe '.comer of
i strict*. PouetaiailgiY'
ji-a One new three sto>
beth home attached.. 1
JSLWyjk and WaaUnr'
. For EUat* ... J
JHsftl The well fumiihcd f lore on Market ttreet, bf~
ESM tween third and fourth* ixecU, at pre*eat-?ccu«
"■“•■pied by fiarraw* and Turner. PoMewian sirea
onthe nr«t or April next, (nv2g] .E D GAZZAhL ..
\ „ ?• tji*U • - .r- -r»« i
iAwA A dry good* warehope,97 wood street, w® oo4 *
HMdoot above Diamond alley. ■ Inquire of ■ ,
■"T* deed I. DT. MPEG ANA Ca:-
COAL LAND acres coal land
for sAlei.altuats itr bend jof the Monongahelaßiver,
above Brownsville, bating a 7-foot vela, of-coal,
which will be sold la exchaun (hr good*. For partieu*
jars apply to £oc3Sj 8A W ILAKRAUOH,33woodst *
betotlfbl building Lot la Manchester, sear the ferry,
SI .fret front by 130 feet deep,- It wilt be sold low,and
oa accommodating terms;, Terms unexceptionable."
-'my 19 JAS. BLA.XELY.B*aI »t«te A>*f
; f ' ‘ Lota fbjrß&le;
mWO building lots in the tutlj ward, each 91 by IS
J feet aavruicb-there .ii a never failing spring of
water. [feliTl GEO COCHRAN. .
! • - Maxblej Work.
THE attention of gentlemen desirous of parchwing.
Maxilb Majctxls, Mo.'fntEtn orST*ruaai, lire*
quested. I ;
' The Subscriber* having been encased in the Marble
business for the last thirty tears, In Philadelphia, e.nd
having manufactured workiforaunost every part of the
Union,- can refer to ; all who .hive.fhvoredihcmwHb
their custom, tad 'to their work,’ (considerable or Which
Ims been put up in this piaeb.) Thvy have always on
bond a full supply ofMarbld Mantels, and new anijorl
rinal Designs torUonamenU and other Workpeoples of
which, wit* prices will bo Arwurdcd. '’ . '
K'AU work shipped is Idtured Irrun breakage,
iv can refer to any Mercantile house In rhUadel*
hhia for standing and chart eterjh workmen.--
P ' ' JOHN STjtttTHERS A 80V, '
' fcbH&Sfcn i : ; No3ooHigh st, Phiia. "'
jf/11. There » nothing mihelrUno which they donof
(famish either domestic or. imported,; :
««vintum-company, t 1
''r None* To'3roejtfiot.tiE*».' J i ' l
TJfpursaince*ofa molaiiboof tbaßoard of Mana
: X gtrMhe Stockholder* of the Monongahtiaftarlxa*
?tirm Company are hereby notified to meet at the onted.
ofaaid Company,'in Breed's Building, Fourth street, |n
lhb city of PMsborgh, at 9| o'clock in the nfteniboafcr
Monday, the 17th day of take Into tonsil
; eratiou certain acre df the LmslatoreofthUißUta^ 1
: supplementaryto the Charter ot this Company* -"'By'
ordcrofthe Board.
• lHtuburgb, aJatch.7U>,^43. vl ,..i'i- man?
Removals, a. hPAnhity a cd, hire wnKrrtd
to .the warehottsea onfSlonn’i Wharf,' tipper Ca*
ual Baaißi Liberty at,-wbejrd they are now tully pre
pared to receive s large amount of produce 1 Ac:, to iWf
ou n> Philadelphia *jv
Baltimore ana all intermediafeplacM. - r feh2s
. ti- Mqrphy'invitw tWttpamiqnvfc
* perwrainbont wcoranaMicohomeVeftpmgio w».«u*-
•onmept of topcrfor’Elankei*, Jmt rcceiveJ, luelading,
afovrpjHr,|n tended MpeclnJlyfornouner
foil lupply of tickifl**, *heeiin3«, paicnT Cai* mfliw* s
iowelunj, foipere, üblediepeti, *«♦.-: ■: .■- i
„d child.e„ll^.^
a. m qr. bore*, of larlon* and
eboiee brand*; for aalc;
; feb» ,
,Vo iv ammiMMW* ** ‘ ,
Ezck«am,SMUiWrc» 49-fhniar *rt*L m
r;, *i.Ui-«4UA*k5 •
B*ak omntfoijii. • ~
;i?lrf^ f Phfli' t,,1 r t,s *vvP«* K»dwm ' “
Oittfd Bisk****v’* , w* '
&m* of Genu
u I ImiM flMllli « |lll
M . MoatfQßerrC».«*pu
u NanMnraNiM
, opyiMWw»J3dripV--fW
Fuwn’ Btirgtrttefr **
PtaetV BLAsefcs 0®;
i «ta3 i srs»*s»‘S( N
With all deference* howerrr l 'to, tho- optiwontit
1 gteatand learned »ee»dr l thk>uhasbce»ettie<,
X •'"' -
'au fo*dneeß;ieaf»,ha* bees e»*ny-.|>pr»Oßa
who karri suffered with ihlsdreadtul di»«*K, and in
cverycasß where It fata hadiftir; trfalj has hflectad * .
™ peruuneitteuTe.’ -• ■ ■--■• ■ ■ ,-... ~■■■
- :'-F!t*efj9)*us«Ba'S'BMflha l ‘ettedb7ifteueo{
■■? '* ftialHYywtmderflil'ioedldna. • ,I ' •'.•-i."’
•'Jf feUOwiar markable -eaik of tteboa 0f..--.-
u** 7 Philadelpliia, v »KiMwwil}j Epl* .
• 'll. lepiic’fM~sr«M?t ‘arid- hTSKfclhv •Wefftraedlllag' ;■: i
i* IV ihfatA Germany an# France, coo* . - -• (.
‘rthingtheinostealneni pbytk&Mi iadkXjwiidMff &f
»• ~ medicine,.medical irealmeut and adrlee^ihreo'iLco*- »■•
• 11. «and wilh-hikedp to iku country la.«
-'ll ;N<itea&ef lasVwhfcM tscelrbtganf'bandi whaWT*'- l*
11 Me. 'WUllam.Secore’e'idUerMe Dw MuftM ilftit. •■-
II fbrmc-di*.
• i|- -«{nh : Kndm9dlealatt»od4ttee."lwu#od*t*«* , tt'Ukea
•if ioar to Europe wlihhim£ which-1 ‘diiL , {|>fiw! ; ‘*»*iwd
England. >f'ebhiailied •• ;
pnzi hi* 1 oaM£t)Mr>fcta*l»*Llin and
•iftj .-pnUPriOdfl 'WMwlmiyy'^*- 1 tfi>«mbidtf*s*onttoi .-•: v;
irith*alßerealrlin.a|jr,elian«'for^iil*liel»»^**rbtek r . :
U eott'i^Ubdidl'l^Sa^liOdiwKlCaifilollanirMbvted'
-ft : tlrri^*,
Hi yrelrßevablar im*»
M., eUe/iMiHir.sdadatA'UeMNJK'-otti-TMuttt’ood re* •
d: - tantadinSißtbotooMh ODWoewa&ptehuiif nriib toy*
“ scaasSxhHb your
J*-. ln ®o* of: «kt frtwf Vort T&pfcH, and
« concluded to tn HrnVaVambla tettryfmliflrwr
.«• WfllettefrfUldjdOelrtaekfc* ef*i ißatf* ores, *ome ■ of ■
x iissßS&s^sattis&i sotts
• ble Ertraei alone, be Mwae ',
5 Hift U»6t bia.Wff.- - v-rj
4: hwnintf.' to-eautely mwadi'SdlhHkd pwafieeiww : • .■?*
>» .‘before,beaftb an* weflUnefta. 'iWe •‘fo now -. v -,
SB;r*an of «M,-**dS7, of Hit# ..
.ttarJmo'hefc'iraffieted'wiib *>»•*■moil dia*.f
S.t aau^botihkukCod-befonow enjoylnf aood be«]ih< .
■-V> >':7|ewiCdnir(aeniifoiib wlili»ei,'vaclricrdon’i{l>eltere ■ ,<
in.iit^-.aarui*i : l elwll4weter.*t*iefliC«j<fo'4*«ia•
lit <UaftJu>da«iJMnettdoMyQa'oHeJMMdM4iloUan, 11 ; .
SO au-qolU a different Ibihf. TbSadtljtaf'ffWfeude I . ..»• • .•'
W.j .aUlfaewdiiPOt’bßßegaiho/iRWBaf ownrrnt-v; -’1
i,OO aebuere«toau»d«blinadTaaea»—'l j
ij; .;
i|oPi iavalaabiaaedldna ••:■',■■ {:s
fjfiO,. cSP* '^flwled-if ; icTwcal .xinn-smiiiD.^ilepddl Fua.
rlea n? ba ■.
liflO-f ’arttoeyiri»toft*'pf ; g*a»rT»t«brcfUtrP<*3>ea and a , . i
HOfer jpirfeev lytwcsiw had.
f-« .<ried3lhr»sb*iot4* .v L;
pa* *al grew.rrena «ad«r Uetr.-UeawaaUi-Md tedblew '
pm that thia medidae «u Ms oulT:bop«fonh*ahlrand:
poai • -
aoaapemTereia it»Ma,wmchbaiaitt.^ndrhßl^»al|'-
■ israaaiertsowwratiooiobaaliii'sahkk.mdlttmii'i
Vi: wde^ilCTivpiadfoxi^ftilTaixfoaapAta.'»
. iWa.-woald rafot a nha/eUatwiag mwm wpabaii . ' -
i i,-. been gvalbTaaim Han'».Vegeaola£xtnel; td
_ 1.,, tif .j . rt>i p.TWmiliwa3—«ftat»M *ai*irf itm,
• ITCjISIIT, ELASarA * ML 1 lV; t
T>ANKEES< Grandfti :i m vr
i)lnForeifnandDoni£*itEiciiaa»a, J Ceni4aaja(W. i L -' '
Ucpesie, Bank Moioa.aad PjrrirrFoartheaod* o»0* )
ly oppoeite the w»nh of Pitubanb.’’.C*testteo»ei . v . '■{
raeenred on depoiite—SixbhGbeele ter
leciionimwfooaDeaziTaUik&pifceipal-pdflWia U». cflffleaßM’lacCimttrjreaa.ywkTillar.-fl,, j
...; r v -.i - -■ -.-,.0 i. -u f7 : yi >Cia3BCraaBitr«dW.Te«i»riU ..»■. .: ■.<
Ike hlahert premlam paid forffHrlgrr aad dnferidan •
Gold. - . i« t v.jfooabJ’MTtfcaf ':••■.'!
Adraoaea aoada «>.«w*i*nttnt» Philo Mime. Woir- ff«3tfjom|o»—WM^F»
4^»w I Q tt mte a ii g r T «wi i ', ;u ,nJgd«qßaMhJh|<o^^to»OT|^^yowTrt,hi
' 4 CaptWai ••‘•''j
r* V'V nis.( ; r-vt ...
-V. § '
'• 1 T
v -:!d'JAxi-piabßt,l7BEßadbetkeL u v .v * 4 2a,l
. DABlehtoa l r n d» T
‘ Jtf'*Helikßffboeall#4«pao,oiMdw»pd,p«*j- .. :|
l : 'B'ttttr/.olUB'.lrau'jk'J^l- : -
I fjr-FTOJUUBt Co, ta AtainaMiM
Hdn.«, betw«fl.4ihaod,tth aqaaa, „i :
; Chw^rigl^<BUo | - ,wbale«aleaodWdl igeatafor4i»?
;-?b-'WX£qnC t ,, Ju eonier of tfaxkeiai]ud.p»pia*,: >
•pond, enlr ag*rln Pttub’it Pa r.ryxv.'. 'JaMdwily _ :. -.
; f£Y, a -few doort'. beUiw .' v
*'^Br^ ; ' ft 1 Wad-jaweet,< • *-, •
;- :, A 'iflPnv!i-’-DHU'XBao^ra^Jia**-
fo-the medical'probaiion,
>■- -r -
:«aanljpt&cuee t uoweoa* -■
nnea bu anenuou to' iUo -
and de)ieas-eoß|daunikii r:'-
ifr^bUß..-Eler- M yeaAaL•• r.
{V •>:a»hioa t l»ijdn^otgd-to-Vini .'-X--:. -
•iadj , and.ifeauneoioul»o*e««n/‘imßi*j(duringJwUcb •;■ ■
;ilme bebaa bgd more ornclio* pa*- -
lienu.thaii can ioitwdo«irf' anj'-priraaeipwe* -.t'■?.
imcoer) . amply qnalidra tnm iO::oafir- a«imLare*’pf , ;
ipeedy, permincal, and aalittacloryccrotoetliaiflitiad., i'-,
wiih oelicaU dueaaee. and all amina -ihere - •>*'
.from... i /■- -•\.', • -;i ••'li.-.r- ■
. . Dr. Bnnm woald Inform lUoieTUßicled wnit priralt' ' ''^'
~ - FOBEIOS EXCHAIGS.' I dueaiea which baTO becooo dlutaue by time- nr iag--:
BILLS on Ehgfoi»d; liefand,«ndecoUt«ai>dtmbrtp .P»i»aied by.iheiwepfajrpoftUwtomiawinoiirawaof.^>; >
any amoam fit the-Commit :EaJei of Exchange. eomplatjitomiohiecadieaUraMd'iJrtr^v-'--;.---:.-.
Alio, Drafia payabiu in tnr pari-of ike Old Coantriee, cmgbly he baring gj»crhu.careful anemlmr'i» .-;
from XI to XtffJO. at ihe iate of E3io the treaunentofauch caeca,- andetteeeeded bthaadmlt
arhhont dcduetiOTT -it diecoant. by -JpSHUA ROBIN- •< JnKwieea iii curing wreou* oi'inflammattod of Ike .: -
SON, Biropean and General- AffSt, i o23cif «h' it one ..neck of.the b*adder, and kmdrcddUea*t».wiud» oflrn ; -
door wen of wood.- : -' ?v ' '' : :; octl»f Uioee eaaee where oiher*:iiate coA*gAd ...
.'.iv/" r r; • - lh«aio hopeless despair, j b - W.;.;
aid iheir cases treatediu. ;, -:v
inToretaand Deaexile BiU*,of Cer- inielßgeni'manned,.poimcd. Wl>tarale&•
u&csms of feiosftfc Bank TJottt end
JAafld Wood streets, directly oppocte Sl enpgjd^^^
T|rlßiii , 3fEhJf;i , Diu»» *..-. •: U*.; •*l]Jt|^daprßupni^^&..Dfownalio'.l^irji*aIpoita. 1 poita. i
»V ' Ohio, ~ i aonf iß^eteddnth tlcrnlaiAl»kn. ««h«k«».-
• indienap t » ov-; t-.i'l .•-• -.i hitraUenriorltb,ihUdlseila.‘-"1 -..“.t
-—«■- r .is-/Keulßcik)*4 V. »- ••' :. Sfair dlaiaseijaUd Piles, Palsy, -•:.
••> i < Cbamarety.low;..’ .. ;-.j. ~
-.ißank Notesj • N: B-—Paneni».of eliiAraexlixlug wadisianea, :'
parchss«daitb*l<»ws»trate«{.bri: ;'. --- " i ' ', ,*iatin| tieiriDUease la Vpiiuvr, jnsing-aUiheMriap :
, -Ni UOLMESfc*SON f - tocos, can obtain tucdidaes
dclO ' 3SMarketstreri. ! addressingT. BROWN, postpsid.'and-saovua
' ■ ' •• ' ' uigAfoa. • •
Office Ko.‘BSj Diamond alley, eppothaiha-i a«rlp. •■•
v Hocse.'\ '.-iti'.-Y. i--'.--'..t{---- : ,i-' ••••!. L^'-'-uatt-'•'
' cara ao pay. . ~ , - , r ~: , decloa
r do- MotYtti... ■
t i 4*-iiPirMnaM|r‘
r km* TuamiHi'
• Union Bk;«
v*«r rflUflSU*>;
SoutU C*r«ltnJ
jCsidea Bt*****'^'.^*.?j
I'BaUmViqßK&tp i
.•Farmor*’.* ftlwUniC
. .Toc>. Frederick •v *v
laneasterßk.”'***** pu 1
0. State*
tVa*hmgton BL**«i»**‘ *i
Aacyafrurcbßku’W-ii -4*/ i
Cb*mbefnttrg«>r4>»'«kWiK .
Sn*qnehani]a-pßr / l*k.v''’l- I
,lein*town«u.»j ;-*«» i<
waav) SJiffci
Farmer*’ and Drovex* r I
teb’asoa ••>• ♦ •.,-*••••:.' 'jar
UeUef Note* *»
D'inclie* 11
SLCianßae.-...-.. 1 *
Maneua******—****« “
_Newi.l*bon- •*" V '.-v} < '
‘Cio’eVnnHM Pi&ki* .••••>? ■“.
' CohunUn? ’3of
ygiioj * *r-y • 1
•Oar**** ••••••'•i* *•* *-^'
Franklin. B’krColm&ba*-*
-QtUttpOthfr*»*•« **• »* «w <M
• LakaEnei«»-f*«**>»‘ **■
Laneanar ••*•4O
Fnna’zeßfc Casta 30
i Utfaaaa?"—»*»<•• •
2Uchic*Uß*i' 1
.air! of gt.’ :cbi r•• •» r r
OoLd4fc Bi»®el*V«fc
*•.-.» ».*4*oUi
•Id-»:!‘*«i' i»- IW
rtn Mi >1
Xea«UlAtkvJ*» M'-OI
Unli4W«r **^'-V*j
PhUtdelpki*^*^-^’* l
’/Bbiof i<wi*rils: • “ I
Norton Bk. Kentu’lry- u 1
■f W.< YMtapCbir Ocata,
of BiS
O-* GttaM PMiW,
catered jito, 0(1 fpj.cijiitiWl*”” of Hmj *f
'GteWvo bflanesa fci.aU ujrj>rifijufis«*.»iija, «jtyctod
ttreevtfreedeow be ww mgt& wynßO-ftheia titr
•ioPdrQts,cuKOT:oiAea.&igga« juul^wHtorta*-'
"’ -' •• :i .—T^v^^ccmikl'
XfiUFtaic&ftadltaeatt Tlsa.aail&dftßUladf
fH rir r.. n Bartfc WMf ead Cofcp
ctnet, tUrd door below JftontthJ.wder
J«r,.Rmd» iwd.Cunw-wsdwd att-drtoriie/
-apt , «oU*#w*. w& oa. *H lha jsiadpai atietja tie
-^je£ ri i Jisckjui* i oo' £*liiizkas.> New
YctE Boston and Cincinnati, conatentijritt eel*t r- ts’
~ OWo,Udi*uo,Keouwkf, Wi*ittia«ndl , eoii*Th*4B J
bowitt»d»oidcß» <*to»b|e lernuM - '
Ezebui|e oii MfUaiiW Inlcody Omnaiiy aodF^^a
t S, BDUOI .* ■" !
T, ANKER? ar.d:l>ca:cr< In EtcliiSjc, CoH ./at
PhJladelpljli,' 1 ''Too ; Eoui*lrtne 1 .,i.. - t . : , ; |jldq ! .
Baltimore, *do •Su Lonls,. _
Otna,' /Co. & Scrip Orders, lldiai
Indian*, 1 '2* -i 'fjio'-.
Keaittdnrt.^»‘s-»l»n M
Virriaia, -:4o-..i s<o j .
d 0... -WbeeUnf, idOi-,Now Oriea«i t» m <BO | .
,Tenae«eee, . : Vl sd*--"Ma*ylaad, ■■■:-rij -*fda i
.-.ftliMir ~ •-•» ".i- ■ .-M: !■:■■■ - 1 ?,
WILMAM A. CO» ; . i
; Ti m Foreign arid Domestic Exchange, Certificate*of
Depodte, Bank Note*, ariS'Speyt-'flo-M JVoodat,
one door abore fade.jEiti*bnr|ti, Pa.
•• octsdtoeF. ■.■.••••.• ,J i-,;.,.
Bills o^sxen&aGE^sld'iafcju'oi>' .
•"*:> ' "t,;n
kj yblladeipliliaiid.
r , . V, V-i Baltimore,
con*t*otijfor«ai* b'rr N- holmes 4 son.
dfclO. i 33 Market *l.
•ilatf Crcara, « mucbltM flnicig tbr'>b« Qrb<ritiL
Baaaty »ud Restoration of the ilatr.'TW* Crfftml
. when onto knawiuariH laperude All other arifcfcfcbf .
u» kind now.. oseiLr,.When tbtthaif:.i*de&d,>i)rt»h,
thin, unhealthy*, or laming grey, a few arpiicatmua '•• ‘
,will make ihebaiteoflauailarkiaml-gieß-ita bwiitul
■ lively appearance; and will ato mkaltmain hatred* •
.itaesaand healthy’colortwicee*Jour«sallUj©rurrfe* •..•■
rauoaawnkh aregm«n»llyu»eiL£rerT-latlr'atel '
gentlemen i who .are ia. the .-bath otadn* oil* oo thetr -
haitahoaldaliatreparehaaeyebotUß.dr.UwClitee**- '
:B»rCreaa > '
;the hair Jibe, but. trill beatiliiy ■ ' '*v y
.U.aAdgtre.petfeclaetUukeuoa.iacTery'iiauiiem ‘■•-e ..
Fotiesjjmouyio its rery superior <jtrßiuie* T -*eeibh
■- ■-. ~ ■,! ~*T- Hen4iteSoii-‘4rBtlPWh»ii«*h»ille,Utuef«l Agents (hr
gTtOLLßCJTlQNSjMallihe.fii'foemollditldiathe' 'i%lVe»teroBti»e«'
; it CURBVv -i J - Letter from the Her. Free*
wdmkh* byterieo'CMfbh, -V*
/ + Moore. Ufitdenbau A TlirrtrTi ~ftrmilrrnrii;.l isVe •
pleasure Id adding mV testlmoiiy'ia Yeroi nflaecxseU' '
■' -> i i ■<■ <.nin I. m »■ 11 > \ dry,bTiniy,afld;dlsp<Jsed,tdcAa»o«J;pat berwH»*o» '
r.nvt * t '.M*COBD < A Co4' '• '• iT ' cured ebottie ofthe' Cream, amf mod i) aceenuursrf
■JH.-.I ,iftitM«owrtfAPgp'rjrhgfirt.-S'. Ml if theWwi^oa J :• •
4%>7«AfelOTX**l»»Hktt«ViV »the Eeaifc.; Many ;beUam*:aa4 ow
• Obamry*Metamnu; purchasies by,whsl»iajW ere |
; -W '» Sifipg Fashions
i JSt[ 9 jx * c A Ue..-:‘".'.L-/i. Jtt,»wfr£iwghCemly Uofi«*d.tojteipßbim #v
' <Ut» u'ctmo Yk*-rT54.) : iunxiu,, <4t ••y.K
TiriLL introduce Ihe Spring Style .Ofileu we Jey* t‘ie«i>^ibi?»j!pluhuic, l Coutt4ndi*tft,
Vy l Setutdey.’Wekh AtbjlMa'. • •■-■ SiPaiAaie, ahdgcacqji' elSlSr- •
Their friemU diili and of tho Chm ud-touc.;- lnwrekc*aa*irifc *«•***»* • .
examine their Mock of SpringKeW lurt'reeei'tiilfrotn. end penneneai relief, end*ofli ; •/;:
New York, at their atore, comer trfs& and Wood *i. : '•«* r*P» ,-«ie ,en«L«rear iccrew. u« tmuddylbma
. - I -.--«» ft frirtiifrV i. k—s P“P®* aßdptoalaiiaedteinmc*; -v;
: lm Js3ss? ELlpblfh^^n*pte*sMt.nirtto7btaunaia>lI l &-;
iAIi inooeie wMi>fe - '
and examine at*so73, W itreet,
: . ■' -.i-.;:---. '-»] pleaoani to-tte taite,aadmay be wied by ebiidmi end •
i -ui will m : Maltii*!tlr«itlreJtapaiUtT.;-The.mAtertal»»«!d-»hibe ‘.f
i & William Douglao, late, b reparation are ofyie* b«r' ijaaSly, npa it may be re» ...•-.„*
■ JMtnh*cribethe«TcmOTedhi>.Hai.un3, Cap]Mann* uinfou main every retpecla iHifomid.jciuuiliie artieli ;
to No. 77H'ood rtreet, jmaHy.oppiaitahia, Fnmilica would no ; tkrobfproraota': i£eir>eowfart end ./;
old’Aiand, where he would laylt^hlafpcndaWd pekUh-bykeepmffeeappfy,ejpdiiahyih the eeataMoCw .
poblie generally to an BMonmcqt bCtBaU-enfl.iQHW* 60!^'• • - . v-i.. •" ;
i . , . •' " ■:; < ••. by Jumper* incrtaiion, g* ■ •
[ ffarmg’-lrettred irom. the Hat ar.a «o cry wbeiithu candy la wed, except <eratore:*4 > trt *■
I mort repcctfetlyNccomroend the \ pattouaigel.of eny al of lUaenicla,wiiiconviace.any penbeof rleoweW;-
friends and tfaeptiGlic'renertlly to_mjrjnccei»Or, Wn. ey. add the prapnetora thcreibre <Jdy eaypctebu-ln ib#e ; ■
Dottglass. • "-; • Ifebl4a3ml' " yJAMISS McKAIN, • tauiedSutea ioprediieaaclwaper, moraipleatiiitiOl •.
-- 4flieetlTereowdy,.V--v. .':•=•>« ii+jt&sn ...
Sold wholeaaJe and retail, by the General Agent ‘ 4mc> -
1 ' ' ''
| ~ s ' , eom<r3aaadoiarict»ta, , r
Bcrwd k do,‘Vroiiriciort, No i Coflege, '
',l^ .: iaami'iHs • y.
t) i f AHNESTOCICSi PBeoao«*« A]e*i «r^jkl>''
f» r fram. haa a- gnat adTiaaagwovcaimiiiiyefriKdt l V
Cough prepareUotu,.ai iu plaaaant uatk pdWAns-TS y.;
,Ue - used wilhosi iKcooreaienem j' ltut lu^fiAak^A^g^ l
, UalaamcotußAa in ihe-speadiaea* of ii*,cQ>cr.\\V haVa -
.lijown ‘pom ortho most desperate'
■which bad been running ou ipf:n couiideruliletiTXth v- -•-• •
|lB.«aA-"Wbathet ,:^'tre.biiTdt’?atrdii, riA/ J^ry.r |«^*:. t .-:.'’
wiatar. aeery tate id'liatiielio • talt/ f eblAr^Tf^a^.vlS 1 K ' • -
o^****l ’ 9 a*® 3 - 77 ’ J' : ■■' y Aj: yj-u. •"" V?!.. - ' •' ;
;j Wet'fact
. iMLweathar ofteajuyr ih# muißUttonrWtii'iiife&SCi".’';
: c*ifeb, waich needs a quick resuxly to pnreteaO 'y Pi
jWa haya numerous renlAcaita of cuTfT.Wltlavrrv' : ---
J>ote-farwantpf.a fwbo4*ad.QCt«tv: . r>. -
>■ 1 ..:'i •>•:! Penn 'AioelxkQ > aßb l da»...y,4'.'j • Wfthc Pf^T^a^wiuier, I wasacTcrriy eiiw>«A -.
xHoaboTeWcfrW'Wifx bddr'lß'mbaoMoqelml.oftn obbOß' iocurabtew and they .
for.aiibindd oP nrachiiierffcrmj: hud, luchad-mucnre, . aid afcreaheaetcldwithtiitliculty gsi .*%«;'ltuift#. >l.
Raters,spTraders, catda^rwfa>gfi»ftbWO*ironwaya, laV- Ipurehaawl " and commeuced o*%
.drawing' - 1 - iwo U-ttlia, '
n fpU.''AtfOnndror«ha(Uiiime^ttsro&i£fi»»£tai:»
aniforgearina fndtoneaOiJjiiflaAf reasonaDldcha’rei; it
• r»wa s J^Kanl^-B®Ar^Bi*ck*3e’
ItPjjJgjltJSailwtlc, 'WO*' »»“■
' t.wTOwTWjlirVHMbiMriKS'
H am# Mm -MieuSA-iTjHiF
eOliliECTtoVB^'thiLfu v Nates, ai>4 Aceeptsn*
e«i'wtrabl« to shy p«tt of lia' Uiuoa. .coUecioii oq
the tao*tfirrotablblettßvHOLMES fcSON^,;:
' 'dclP 1 ' r ‘,: ~saMarket «t.; •
-DICUAXGS oo 'Now -Yorit.'
JTj Baltimore, at sight, ia asm* to sail ptuebuer
launiifjiMlalobr 1 *'' ;v: '" HILL fc'COßw
'v .4". > Wood trt;below , Fbi
TXrBBTBRH 'Nbici brtisi O&io,'
;.'f f. Indian*-iaad
rates of di»o<nrt, at' : •' •' ■'j'' ; 1
j - HILE ft CQRRy,, 7
: \r~* PALI* PASHIO2f«—9, MOORE haireeritrj
I Bed ftucKetyVdr*. UpeFbii tnviebf l!ku wUett
4ity,t Satardfcfo-Aiifsrirtti''
WdJ.U>oiU*tiTte.Wi'.W*o4att««, , 'dlh.*
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