> MU iVJtfwTVI iJ- I'l ft » r . lU’J*’. 1 > , ,L„ IN 1789, ; . 3 r —1_ ' — J ./ ' •’ ' : '' ■■■ '■ ; RECEIPTS A®, EXPENDITURES OF _ .< - * AtWfCHESY COUNTY, •;> • , , • ntoit rat jim.tßr isw, to tub j-jbst day of jakoirv ■i'*, : 'h . r . " 1 J 84?» BOTH DAYS'JSCr.VStFE. "••’ ■ DB - THOaiASfM KEE, ESQ j TREASBJ „ , ■■/■■■ RECEIPTS. '.; . . - Siluce 10 Traunrj on tin 4tfc dir of 1 : jMoujii^DfUlT.yperlufre. port- - " ‘-.I :■ 1 IV./;.; on nop go •v • • •V"® 7 •' ' Fint IPcri f PUtMttTrX. ' " Chlflci Crtig, faf l&lS, in till 8U 25 •/ 'AMCfjrM. •<•... L" . fooo arcEm.coll’r lot ISM, on ooc’l ISO W _ . : IWrEJEnrS. toll-r for IMS, in Ml 1.06M0 ; . ,-U‘"• J . •••■•• 1847, on non OO Jftha,Y*adi?«a4er,ibii«» ftr.1846, on - i '■ ' tecoait -i i>H6r 36 • •*^dHop«;c6a , f forlB4T t 'oaic»t: 300 00 Ju McCle»n,coll'rfiir,lsS, laflill. ..181 70 i" ' 1W7,0n neo’l-1,100 00 ■' ' •' f Blxik'Wcri. ~ „ Jared H, Brwb, coll’r/br i8<8; : on at*t T 75 83 i i ■ i f^ard,, Wn M, Arlhnro/coll’r for »47, oa ae'C 231 •00 : f *>' ■ 'Tint Wtitdi'MUghan. : Wm"A* IrttD, ebll’r for ,. V.--onace't J :7.-.V-f«7l 25". Darid Smith, coll’r for 1845,■. .lafaU ;/ 'i '.‘i’-'.'k-s',' r for !S<6, 1 . «ee*tV'" • 3JO W - v . : :•>>>■- 673 03 v,> •. ■ . THt* Were -t. Wn. Bewoo, coW lor 1846, • - ! k :’ ‘ Awtt Ware Beaj Biamoas, ed’r tor 1846." v ■■-■: iafall, •. , . J* 69 1 . PW-JVIMUW/. V -•• A»* -To BoafWti coJ»r tor- =' j '>-■ • .'.J846,-on «tc»r.-. ' ’-600 00 'J-,.-' ai : ’J nenißf.,Jtfpimr f col*r Cj* a - ■ " t Mv-.'l >,<'.<• 1,370 00 I ’ "» * ** - w „ ••-■•••■•, . ■ 1,870 00 . . - Pmbla Townxkia. •., j > BnJ • J’ . SSL '37. • :•.„•••• i ,WWdOM ftvac&fr. • . * : rßobert.Doaaldsoa; col’r lor ■ 1844, ia foil ••• 481.39' :"' ; 'V- Bright, eoto ftr 1848, .li/i ia fall) • 425 jj | .... -r—BBB 71 ..• , ... . Tavnaktr. % t -• ‘ .Rab’t Coots, cd»r for 1847, • , - j ‘‘ .Mace'S- . 4 **•>•i -; • .. 1776' VtrtaWa 7*>waifti>. ■ GKto Gcij. etf’r for 1845, ia fall "] - . 69 47• fiajol 6baw> eol»r for 1846, oar ■ ■’ >75 00,\i i- JohoGreff, col>fforlB47,oa f .'1 *CC*t -■■; *■] 507 83 { ’!* . i J&irnfirih HnriuUp. Roh’t Lytle, col>r for IMJ,: i .enacc’l' -■ , ■ 286 00- ' ' AsJ* Fifo, cd'r lor ISM, on. ", 1 " " ; Kt’t ■: .. 2 K 10 . i Join Ci)boon, 1545, in fu]l ■-10 19 “ “ IMS, on acet 188 00 t-: Jfenen? TeWntMp. . ' < John Sbepler, collator 184 6*-' v \ - ■ la fdV « . J . .iy... w ■ i ■ Stuioim Tbwntifp, H M’Elbenar, coU»r rdr]B4B. -j. 034 74 _ . , , Btrrnf Wtdiirorth, coU*r for 'tu- ’ - j .. ,JM2,oqmxV ■■ u:. n; . ? .1 ■ , '485+4 ? i JVij?Ui>Tr.lB46i .: '•£ [. *:S -• -fa fall*- •-i “ - : 10K25 ; ' I*.-*' AlextßderMemp.eoU’ribr "i •' 1849,fa fall* ■ ‘4s9r far ■ *7 « "^' < L,-'" l 1840 l ialoD;;.-/'• , 48ft43. i - Wn» Perkins, col*r fpt J 648, : \ 1 fa faU. ■’■'•Jy 1 •"Ilsbituott ju-i r. i - JoMlhen for foU : ' 31 17 • for ;"‘JW7/oB*ce , t. ’ 403 $2 ' .. —— 428 79 ... .JnlK Job* 11:9fe$'reB,rsoi»c for ' -, v .vW47 r i».fiill •1-;.-., r v.--; .. . -<•- :.t, V ,v'l , “ - - 1846,10 full * '^r:i--I ■ 'JuactMewbirtar,-eQ)’r.fot * ' ~i V L .»•*:- 467 00 • ‘ Wb» » H*XiAd}tT|''co] , r bt *’<■* ■' 184S,''f&'fn]| .v . -,".2857 Carnefio* M’Cdlister. eol*r ' ArlS46,isftli ■.; : • >l5 $5 Coraeliua M'Cdliater, eoWlbr 1847,1 a fall 430 64 . 1 .. h‘ 474 W * • Okfa Tomaiklj. J Juki 8 Seetoo, eol»r for. .1847, oa «ce*t J 379 00 • FreniUnTovntUf. . 7u Hotly, eol'r for 1846, in , . ‘ ;fofl ' . .. 11197 / f JthaßttSffCoVr .v'i; • All - V: SS7-907'"".'"‘ ' 34547 . - - v .Bazrv* TOwntJdp. Jis Woodveol’r forlS4l, in t _fnH - ; . . 31.31 fopben JtekKm, 1848, Ib fall 83 83 - ABL*doo, 1848, iofcll - 380 48 I IB47,ooitec’t.?; 166 00 : ■ ,/' ■■ .» 660 63 lUc!HfGKelHß,col*i(or , 47, > ... infoU • < iPutt TaenaMfi- ~ Out Gitaon, col*r for -IWSf ' oa kcc’i :w’l3s 97 John Graham, !847,«aaee't - ■48104 r <. • Indiana Tncniiip,'\'-■ ' Wm B MdWilltajUi calr.Jbr " 1840, fa fell2o 15 Alex Campbell,' I $47, ui 101 l 6i3 74 4T..iter-7bwiuU>. '.Wn Drocaor eot'r. for 1837,- • - - • ').,0«1CC1» •.'<■•« iOIT. .Blebd Morrow, 1847, ob teet ~10 00' ■ ■■ -• -' goi7 • • £, /• Johhßayd, coif for 1845, oa 7 .r *\aeeoa&t . • 143.75 Bohertopo* 1845, tafoll c '374 28 fell* JToglejr, oa«cct ‘ l 2BO 00 797 03 *' Borc*g*.V Sl*rp&*rgl WBjG*raer,eollrforls4s,U'-“ * fall • >■:■■■ • .39 W ’ Dttitf 6[Ri]ua,lB47, e&'ttct, «BtlP i ' . 128 18 j . toroughef.LnertnucilU., 3u Kil|, tollr for IMS, in ... f»n >si Bo W® J Stance,- 1847, on sect' 'SW 00 _ . -! TK( SO • ’■ J 2orotfi ISantkttUTx.y \ Joha Powiuf. eoilr fot ;46, * » ■ is fall •• • •" J J 36 63 — \ . Simon B*jderi -7 fis * """''s'e ' ‘ 2H S 8 ■ ••••■> • BirvnMgkm. j • ; fiP Pntnen, coilr for *49. oa • - ' - ' - : ueoni •••> > -- ••)••• y > ' 190 21 Wfl MeGthta, coilr for *46, on ted • 100 00 Wm LtnfWlß, 1847, on ted 100 00’ ' -.v ; --a -r..5 - -■ -■ ■ -r 00 ' Axtt ree«ifcd en’ boodjisd ■ notcf«'*i*} '•*>•••'.. . * Eft Todd • Etq f 'do Wjft WUdf pwfl.Pukayo* . : i-v-- ,}«Bttofootn * ' CM topf*i*Mb Ui-- 1 -12 89 u : A .PiCBUBf ptr. Krappf r «a-» 14 03 ' Mti. .. •, 4m , ontcet of v•••’' v.- -Mop; - 4>oo ; --- - r ' vi«.t4 v:i '' - rf AWSlalMiaUlHwhon,, " *•l* proettd* of.ala - . ::»,••* *4Q.., fgn, Jo J fi 41 •■■ J<* 'it'.::- -■•• ■** s4’fit irrJ :■"> vi i *:>t •.••« >■■■■»}*'; .. filiUs w *f' V^;; r^ : r i '* vH .11 ... /.REROF ALLEGHENr COUNTY. “ CR. f .. i-.' expenditures. }'. .Amoral pftid,-Tts: I Atoetforr, . • |jma «. C .SaZ‘- „ ?“« ' Pituborsh, <* 1459 5 0 R B , C .^ m ’ l*t».ni/or ol Allegheny, ■ , 5 « Jfcttrr C.npb.ll, E»q., mifor V crAllejieny, S6J 79 AldemreMdjonicM,' _ 334 66 ,• —-—1397 64 » »fcitawi,:E , ,.;stt , "t.v ‘ < “ t ® T » - ' ’ B* Kn OeoM Bowmen,'Em., Cora tjr Auditor, t • 04 no tteKbJttCormiektf&qyCou. • 00 ' *7 Auditor, Ri An < ArebOrtM 8. McCord, Em. Conatj. Auditor,. • jM 00 ' APPBOPRfiITIONS. 39, 60 Catting down baak or bluff at or near mUL in'lo !*t***p9l** MatAmm - 387 62 Approptution to, Binnlaghan „ “®Pf Company,• 60 00 Pituborgb, :■;. P “ J ' w Duqueino Knginij Hw« ~ Company, Pi -tobargh,*.. 25 00 ladepndeat' Vlyilaat/Htao , , .Cotaptay, Piiaborgb, ‘ ‘ 25 00 w . BRIDGES. Vt&aen jk Miller ia fell for weclloo of bridge over Deer' losing' <5159 Wa 8 Thompeoa, ia full, for bridge over mouth of Deer *J iTl'rL* : IU9 63 bridge over . Deer Creek on v rAcoou«, ■ • Jao Mttill repair* to • bridge over Deer Creek, ; . 63 09 Dniel Thompeoo, la ftR for , • .bridget over Miller** Roa $1656 09 Diekeeoi+’MiUer oo aeeooat of etoae work of bridge over Cork»« Roe, H7O 63 TbomarMßowtt'ia-fbU'of ■'■wood werfc of bridge, over . ; Corfcfr Rua,' • :> us William Alltton—«toae> work over Eer**a Ran rL 1 “> f S)i«! ' 1013 « i Daniel,. Tbomptoo—an I ... CQ'nat of wood'work of ; : bridge over Kerr** Ron, I* CoMinghtm- ttperiaten. drag the csreetioo. of. bridge .. over £to*f Raa, 18 00 i/oho Craft, balance ia fell— edwßteowfiewJfillßna, 50 00 onodry penoae for Isipectiag ’. sad mea taring workman* .bridges, ‘ ' 891.59 37 00 __ r JWob end Statitury Biwfa jwd Sutibobiy^ '' w the dtffinreat office*. - -btltfiiedofrbiinupetltit '_ -5°* llt * y >■ •‘ ■ •’ 35* 'fin ,-. J®!*?.?!? c te« ‘ CO.OBt, J : > J -. . ' " '<9171 Jwph T Mtrfcr, Esq, ■ / ‘OOO 00 1 ''tltrk fo damittii wn, **' !iW4^7y>.:•;<•••*•; ■-•'773 77 Autj CttßMosen oms' * ■ afleadtnff •oßdrr bridge vietrv.'flb* ... .. clteriag Una (fTvnxJum N u torreror iniltenajf line of JelTenon ■ tad Bmnrden; Towiuhlps,, tcrric** AJezssdcr CtrukU) Eaq. hit '•OTMietinttina pue, "® & Hutingi,' *ar«Tor ia •*’* lineorJeflenwa tad ..Musia . CpUßTS—Svprau Ca iAaooßtjttW yjm Huultoa, \ Tipute*, '-•''•Hi W« M'CunJTett, ew.protW' " ’ -ta Uw icaioVof. Johai, . Duso, et. nj.. 14 88 » " l ix *' b' l 1 * I****l* 1 **** 1 * Omirt.'-'-'- 2t ? 38 f.Wm iaal]tocj cri«r t -25 i ?5 ,« - • ••. " { '627 00 ' JOT "» » .4435 50 .•-*• , Qverter Bafieat attd Covmtm fSm. 75 lAoarewOtttjjcner, . . 207 60 Tipitwet,.. _ 673 13 Jem*,- 4654 85 r Jaron. beard.* .... . :*1 25 i C A Ejvter, £«], Dtp. At- • tonwy .Genual fce», ' 77 60 H SHtgnw,E*q,,Dep. At - torn*/General feet, • 196 00 **n Toopf, E*q, Cl«rk"ofQ r : «) J r, kc, - *- isi gj Commonwealth wt jj .V.tiQ f .! ■ ■ 8566 68 Corcmtr*r Ftn, *e. Jubm SRfchardioo, Eaql fcj» ;, fee* aaCosoMr, -• ' ->• ; ' 9208 08 David Hut*, E*o, late Coro- * Bttf •••,-••-• - Coroner'* Jororaj •: i , . * '-V. 4 * 'Bciidtorl. ..* E B Todd, Esq, his-apiary for IB4S, ~ #125 00 „ „ d ® **•; ..do 1847,.; .20049 £ B Tood, Esq,' cotamuaioo’"' ; aad,eoJJ*ctiooa,, . - • , 73 15 J*iae*l)auhrp, Saq—M* prt>. j * : , ‘ ,fetsio&ar..'-.BCiTtees la rto - ! caseof tfabdamas/ex rela ; tie Joseph Watt, in So-, ,a, ,' ! premaCourt, 4 .25 00 * L' • . v '.: ,:,r. ''■ #428 1$ County scrip, amount ctnceli- •• P“*t. • ■ 6.009 OO Castugent expenses, 43 05 Coeoterfeit mousy, . 10 00 Biscggpl—attoant paid discount on - ; cwencr,;, , •■!■• • '253 42 • •. I*4l & j JmUa, ~■■■ 'pud rorporftnng and arrest* . . • : |njfngjtffes, frem, justice sod , | horiethiem,. 71-; is.' 147 SO' t yFamtartfw Cowrf BmOuui TeU, viz: Book case aixf repairs to desk : iraProfy’soffiee,. . fij 73 Cbfclrs for. Sheriff's and:Prt>-. , tfcenotiuy’s office, 2175 Breshep for CourtHouseamf *••• * Jails .■> • *■ • .' 4gg ' • Seal Press for Protbosotuy's .•‘office, .39.00 : •-> Repairs to de*VU eletk*s (i 8 oißce, ’ ' 2 00 Dpek for Protbbuofa>y»a of., ' •4e«» • ;.--V - Desk for Register's office Book ease for Commissioner** 1 officer, ;'i Carpetingj aod oH; clbti‘ for 1 'Court Rooms, 4144 Tm«tre for Com'Horn sad i Jail, /£; 618 74 i 5 :>S . »■ fuel ted lightfor Coart Ifoue tcd-Jufj 1 .* • ■ '•*■ - V . -j I/Uernt cn Loam, , -l Amount ptid JitEocs, Etq ? ■- ' • . ipUrett on Joint, . 61,75 00 Aebontpud Ifrjid-^Shields, : Xtq, interest da Joint* . ,180 00 • Anjonnt ptid Esehufftßtek, > jplerest on tetnpomjr lotß, ' i 33 00 ; ' ' —— 6453 ay ■ . ’ JaQJSxftxtu, .' • • i Amount pild John 'Fowjib,, -Sqi 7«U feeeudpriaerjera *'.•■••• ..i}lo*iaee, (QBte’i)'-'- ‘ ■ 233269 ' JKabcr tllawed'Biiidaert on : 25 lb Dee, *• . 8 60 Amoutt faid dotniif end Led* • disf fbrprisqQprs,.|i *•- -v*«» ■■■■-'• '**"??’■ JMttWUtffctid'Jiiddf Aswatptid'Ji . -Jbr imioTttf » : Jtil Id.poof aqii likftiuptAt'j}, JteMstfud «?pei . ifiteadra •neat' • ritk Rtide!,' : " Am% p&dinadJclm Cl* Ansi W* «Ut7u ’ ■j cUaQn IMS > Attout pd 4 \ Attsat paid T > ijnSr'BJ^.^ Ktlaw> * i P Wtlett '6 W, “j ii. AMouitfaid priotiaf tad *}.* ■'■•': BS9 ** J ' •'‘.l''"’- ' " K f. <•’■■ 4mmfpm-fnmtaa n fa:\ ■ ■:•• .7«* j. P VWrt*Ji; '• .n"itu ! ■■■! ■•- '-«*?:{ K. : r ; j-.: • ****••; ../l^wAWWk^ ’ ifitctiiauota, • Amount received from Thomas Dbq* Itpicoutftu fbr 1844, 6|40 W D Moore do lor 1846, JO A Thorn**, eebool tu Ar 1844 • 63 * P Rom, Em, overdraws uu ; election .officer, l 50 R G Nelson, coontj Ut, 30 VbnStiben, «< “ 80 Fieoiofc Morrow *« 1 07 TbosSeott,oaaee*t of stone 100 Sheriff ft Co, on acc’t of old cop* per,* 8 60 Wn Cnviij, 3 44 June* 'Conningbun, Esq, over* 1 drawn as Coomi«oner, 160 Cosntj ux oa unseated land 16 S Hejs, Esq, U 8 Mmbtil, for ; one jeu’i rest of coart and * 'Jury rooms, - ■ Abatement on $37,610 79 state i tax transmitted to State Trea’r to aid in the payment of the rr Aogutiffterests : JffTrovillo, *£aq, late Sheriff, / ; balance doe by him, as per / j last report, \ .. Redemption money on ont*tted t •'lands,. ./ Etebange Bank, temporary/ -loan, } ' 7 Ido do do / Conntj Berip Uaaed in 1847, j 336 36 4 87 - 313 00 - ss3* 95 130 80 SHERIFF’S ACCOUNT. JOHN FORSYTH, Em*. Aecotai toilh th* Cwunty of Alltgkt'y, from tlufirit day (tf Janu ary 1847 tojlrtt d*v cf Jantari 1848. To im*C paid bil Jail fee* and priaon era* allowances from tbs fust day of - November to Slat day of December, 1846,b0th loclaaite, via: vagrant* #175 90, colvl prisoner* #l9l 121 #387 02( Td'sat paid ba/e®*® of aceoaat for • - . , . jggg ‘ 71 69 By balance doe January 1, « amUpaid for qua'rt*' ending 31st 1847, per last report, jf.fhW «!!»:.,„"anu #270 38, By summoning 658 Jurors 600“ for DuLrict Cnnrt « am»t paid qua rter«odina-Jn«3l*t, By sommoaißg 451 Juror. Ti« tafraats #454 25,ct'Brt P n »* fo.-Q S sod C P cnera 339 20, 783 45 By contey-ng 27 eonaicta to w am't paid oaacc't forqaarter'end- - - Penitentiary iuflepLSOeh- 500 00 .. By conveying 5 persona to «81 aardicU ia District Court , • 324 00 Hoasej f Refuge Phils., .< 2$ « Common Pleas mOO By adwtoatng Proclamation **■ Fiaeaaad Yerdirta in Quarter Set* • . • ior General ElrcUon t p 49 48 By coats in Commonwealth Balance doe Sheriff Porsyth- . L*® *6 ; cases - * By eommmloaion #719 48 #3827 finea collected 3 per cost COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ ACCOUNT. j Joha McDowell eereed from Jwoary 4, 1847,’ • loJ«ooirr|,J&4B t boti * $376 60 : Amount paid hint; ; i AoooDt doe him •• per liii * report 12 60 Balance doe fain . $27 60 s'3B9 os'- iThomas Perkins served from January 4, 1847, 291 71 loJsnotrjr.l r lB4B,botbday»incliiftve • - - ■ '230 days el $1,60 per day $345-00 Balance doe him $97 29 ' ' ;Bal due him m per lut r«p»r 15 00 , Jeaeph.T, Marks asrred from Jan Mary 4, 1847 » ; ’ ", .... ‘ ®2 to January 1, 1848, both days indw. fAmouot paid him .358 60 309davf at $1,60 per day..'s463 «K ? , •:» y Amount dae him per fait report $4 00: ' Wucoduehim 160 Ain oca l paid him 'll 57' —s2ls 7J- •* 840 23- DR. COTOTT ' ; ’ . '.SCRIP . "to. amoont 'osUtiadiaf as per lut. "By amU of. Scrip, (old aod deftced) • ■ ; Auditor's Report ; *105,188'; 00 destroyed in 1847 . ,?2*?22 22 imed by CotwoUs in 1847 83,921 ’ Poj J>odo ootsttudiog on lit Jan, 1848 132j108 00 i ■ *158,117* Ai*modbeanj, Mifflin tp, Adaa'VVreth do ffn Leslie West Deertp 30 00 John ATClelland do 13 00 John Cook Fayette Ip 25 00 Patrick Danlarjr South Fayette 45 00 Wn Mcßride North Fayette 10 00 Joseph Young do 7 00 Michael Thomas Reserve tp 35 00 Charles Rwarta do 45 00 J M Larimer Snowden tp 15 00 Suprriutmdsnt of PttUie Buildings baoeC Kauffman balance Salary for 1845 $l7O 00 do do 1847 on tee’l 412 50 #6B2 60 County- flerip expense of tuning 238 80 Tale* and cost* refunded 212 62 Transcribing Auction* aod Collector* 5 Duplicate* Treasurer’* er»roa»i**ion on an abate neat of #IS?6 State tax. ir’a salary ler Tax Balance in Tmaury By Jail feet tad pritonen’ illavtoea, ra: ForQr ending March 31, ’47, $593 43 “ Jone 30, 1H47, 777 16 «* . Kept, 30, 1347, 907 S 3 COD^NTY' SCRIP. Aarantf u<' Colleetan mat «• MMtd. «UU »7 fCtwrtag Crair, . 4U II JabaHeKtte^ 0 ' MM 61 Tbomaa Fairafla/ MM n Blebard Bom. Jaa*aMeCte*n. lMln Emanuel Eelwt, *406 67 Wb, MArtburu, 417 M Wm.Meelf, .. •*** to , jobs b. jforalna, ‘ UWI 67. David talib.. --.22* ® Dirld H. Boott, noB«09 Wat. BeaJoa, ; *779 M Boajaalfidtmbiu, 019 99 ,Wa Will)/, ; r ' I®l4 69 John II; Darn* ! ' 787 00' John Parcbatnt,. *O6 69 Befcort Cool*, i wh MoOnn; > 19/f 60 Job! Oalboo6. IT.. 596 79 David KtMtv, • B*4 06 1. T. ratUrtoa. ,-•<81 99 M. Wadßwortb.' ■' ; 4 : 4M 86‘ WA'IMXm, • i"‘J*|[M Atfosßiawd/, ' ■«&.» Wm-Perkin*, < ' 2m 22 8»»«1 B. PbDlfpa, *® » Jobs JL-McEvaß, : f* 7* Jimi Mtwaonai. 467 M 449 10 OoruUaa VeAJtateT, 430 64 - 771 66 ItMM o. oe«toa, 67660' f 19 60 £45;0l $82,80S 33 . 2283 48 £138,117 00 Exoner- Amnuiit' anon. dee. wiw n •• • • ‘ 4tt 13 a;s» t* • 78 12 JWI 17 fill «< 17 U -IMS W . 177.67 111 « 304 M Anoani .Pj*®* - * paid.: o lon< -c V*t;6A - ! JMM 07 • f ' . . 2*70 « Id 74 M -1359 40 -7197 W3l „ . ; »“ g’.g 1 *3 33 1074 60' • SCS 70 >W*SJ *SS -2 * 3 -m u» l 2ff Ml 43 ■, «44 7 1 w 7*4 75 484 67 * ** W 17 70 SSI 11 97 63 47 U *1 W ta m ' a« • - 11D7 » * fuklla « lt*aenre " KAM “ Pisa > « tv. n-or * S.Doir Ixa.ana « Corongh •' , hlrmlog' am “ U-iucbe<|»r •' Lawrcncevilte •* Outrtmdtag Dan dtu Ihr Canty yf AlUghny m tin third 'dry • _ (CwifTT Gonuraorear Otocc, JTarcb «, 1843. . The forego.** .* a correct *mwul of Receipt. aad.EipeaditureaoTihe Countr ot Alle- Sbeoj lor the year.lM7| alto of the amonot «f Cooiitjr Tax lor each of tbe reapecuve' Ward# ,'foon.hipa aud witiim iho County at the rate oft*o mill* on the dollar of Ute utened value of real eaiaie, incindiug taxe*. lofefhor with a statement of the Debuand Cmlna .Of the Cuuniy, a* »hown bv the bonk*** thj* third day of January, 1848* io coSforaitr with the acta of AucuibJy to inch c**ea made and provided.. . Witocu our nanda the day and year above wnltsn. JOHN McDOwELL, ) JOSEPH T. MAKE., t ftmminitiun. THOMAS PERKINS, ) ' Attest; Jaxes Gouuy, Clerk, Sots—The Commissioners mprescntmg to teepublic the foregoing statement, would e*n tedir ■Uemioa to au item in the Sheriff's account.) Tbo amount paid Jail Icm and aubmttnce of her aonscunmilted for vagrancy and draokenne« for the firu three quarter* in 1847,8900 53 to which m V b « “Med tor c spense of tbc sme for tbe quarter ceding we 31st d*r oi December Uat, (not embraced in lht« report) iu amount 8376 62, raakfog sn aggregate or $1277 15, together with the co*Xt paid Mayor* and other Justice* lor committing the tame, m: seventeen hundred and forty tw<> eaaea at ao average of $1 12* each, amounting to nineteen hundred and fifty nine dollars sev enty-fire cent., miking a total aggregate of $3236 90 find; within the year lor the commitment and ■upport ul ragranu and drunknrca ulnnc- We wink a reform ia usceaiiry—it.i* evident Ihal the present »>«etn n productive of co good, as 4umtnsry.coniriqu'ona for auch offence, arc lamely on the iDcrca*** / and wo think it must eonunuel.o to bebnleaa intemperance, the aourceof tbia with a thousand'oibcr evil., should bn suppressed;, of which there;ia little prospect, jodjrta* from the cumber of petition, lor license to aeii loluxieiMing liquor, that are now daily bema presented In view of there racta we youM anggetubara rtiorm .nould bh made in the management of our'pna. tn. unC Wat tetrad of tho presen practice . f cocimutirgJlbr.a abort period, as in many instances not moie Uiun Irani one to ecu chya are them, the time abould be exiecded, and instead of being aentenced to Itnpn.cr.men; only, they should be sentenced to imprisonment and labor Un der we present system th.a cannot be donei/hren being 'no pronoon made for cooduclioc «.*ur prison upon the plan adopted tn “Work Houses/’ such as are in Philadelphia, Dauphin and Chea ter counties, whieo, «« ur.deriund, irnot only productive or a reform, in tee morals or their id male*, but also a anting in tbc expenditure of tho luoda of their coannes. We respectfully submit this .taiemeut to tile coMidersucn of the public interested, in the hooe that a radical reform in this matter may be mjde, and the evil now anting be remedied MACKidtU>- Wlibl. So a..Souin .Mackerel; Id do do !£, s da do I, lu Ull' btil. No 1; 1U do do No ± in suue and for .nie by .MILLER A IUCiaTI'SON , _fcbtfS cor. liberty and irwin .li* ! ALT—ISO bbls No l,uour landing and for .ale by . A RICKKTSON COPPKRAS*—U 0 bbl. in good order, Tor Mdftlowlby feb2s j SCHOONMAKER A C© GLUC— ICbbl. No 1 for..ale tfy i - fcbia ->J Co LA-MP DIJICK—3S bbl. assorted, for sale by* 1 __leh£j J aCUtiQNMAKLK*. Ct> 1/I*Boll bALIH-bUJU lb* fur .ale by I J lebitt _ J SOIIOON .MAKER ACo LAJU) OIL—Oi iUo besiijualtiy, me safe by- ' ~ leba> i Co HOI'S— >5 bale* ou iiinl (orutletnr ! U&& KICKETI“‘- SOAP— 40 bx» Ctilllicothe.nt »iore and for »ale by fcbvflj ; MILLER A KICKLYSON’ CtLARET —H hhdi UiLlectaret;2 ila Bordeaux, in atdre / and lor Mdo by KILLER t KICKKISON ; ' lebiti i i; . . cur. Utmny and hwni »;< Linseed oie-oi i.w s w «te by ' l tebatf: . McOILL. DUHIFIELP A ROE I>ATENT BUCKETS—Ni doz fur tale by . f J. WMtfl McUlDi; UUSHFIELDADOK 11 ICE—Si tierce*, for »a!e by ! IV lebaS ___ McGU.I., ItfSnyiELDAROE^. SOAP— lii.boxn* Proctor £ Guiuble'* Soap juu Jawl , icy from *tmr Loyal Jluoiub, uud for we by l ««bai _____ _ JOHN S WMVOXtm SOAP— 60 bx* Himuewclj Hill A Co’s Soup, iu store *utl for aaio by ’ JOHN S DILWOHTJI ' . .tebUS • • • < • •• ' j>7 wood at' NO. MOL ASSES—I OO bbls prime iuoal bbla, juu a rac'd arid lur bulc by , [ Jebds_ ‘ POINDEXTER & Co} MOLASSES— 2WJ bbls Prime Plantation Muiaitcs, lauding from tuur Grey LaT e i far tula br . I »t--uas - • -\v a m .ui roma/riiKE I KICK— 12 tierces prime liualiiy, landing from *unr Gray Eagle; for sale bv j. . icb-tf MJTCirELTmjc! T)EACil£S—Obbti imp'orcd. paacbei.ii do paired dp, Jt Ju»t rac'd atid lur *ale l.y ; r feWI DIUAVN & CULBERTSON^ CtI.OYKU SEED—IOI> u>li juu rcc’d raid for »*le by j leb VII BROWN K .CIfUtEUTBoN ; CtOTTON— Subfile* MDuslitipi, for tuio-by |. l - • febdt-.. U’haTIKJWEN | CtANAL ’ SHOVELS,' Grain and :Devu:i«!iiro d>r / spades, bay ami manure lurk*, of T«nou» (burr sub (luel«y t ior'-»alcby. i - WEST U*»WEN, 1 leMrl uU iron! »t | "R 10 COFFEE—7S bun just recchred and for »nlc bV‘ ■J.V j <_ .ENGLISH ADENNKIT I /“vRLEANS SUGAR—I'O hhds in ttare and for sale . \J. few by ■_ JfebiHJ __ENGLISH XJJENNKIT I N'' O. MOLASSES—‘2SO btK arriving anil for sale ♦by ' lioblMJ ENGLISH A UENNKIT. ; RlCU—d tierces prime, for tale by I febtii . ENGLISH A DENNETT j ,T OAFiBL'GAtt—47. bbU Noll, 0, 7Ai; a bxa double i | : j retmaldo. in store auulttiraolc low by . : mba ENGLISH A iIEN’NETT ! ■TTiAMn.y SQAP-IQU bn; «I do.uiieu do primer (tii X’ aaleiovaby HolcHl -KNCUSH A HENNETf 1 ’ iSeIEF ROUNDS—a hhda for wle low’by ] J) t . ftb«7 ~ ENOUSU t DENNETT ; N’ C.TAIi-WlarsebbUtaalWMiftraaloby ' • fcbiM VLNGIJSII A j SUGAR— 40 bag* white Urozii, B bxa .white Havana, 1 in atore and tor tale low by r j feb‘24 _ ENGLISH A TIENNinT I T>OCK CAN'DV—Ia bx# whtio and yellow in atOßj TL and for aalo low by ' l •fcb‘24 'INGUSH4DENNETT' ! aONE^’— 40 bxa In atore and for sale low (o qlom, by : ptbdlj ILNUUSUJt i CHAD CIDKIV—fiU bbU in alore and for tale by leb*4. ISAIAH DlCfaJlV A Co CIDFJI VINEGAR-Eor rale low !a- x IribsH ISAIAH DICKEY A Co i MOKED HERRING—7S bxa No 1 #ml U, for rale by ) febvH - ' TAoSEY* A PEST _ TjnNDOW GLASS-200 boxoi B H Ift 150 bpxoa 10H W . febW ‘BP VON HONNHOnST A Co. ; ARP—lXlbbUNollin lUjreand for calnby •••...•■ i febta. . . , . ;BA WHAItHAUOH STONE PIPEB-I4J boxes aione plpea for aalo by iaSC 1 wick-a aKiandless. - , j '"7 ■v ;v:-H:.: h■ ■ 255 40 John Nealy,- • JJ7 00 II 549 93 Ab>abam S. Bedoo, 100 ft C6t 15 Richard O.Nelaoa, 1 018 74 S' 549 25 John Graham, tS 04 Sfl 908 SJ' Hlchard Morrow. 10 00 410 87 •Felix Neeir. 2SOOO . SOl 077 8? +DaVid'Slrohtn, ' 89 10 12129 * Vm. Iku*hhn, 100 00 IKJ 39 tV. P. pearton, 972 8( Robert L dampaoa. :.70 O Wm.J. Munce, 4>5 03 Alexander Campbell, sse so .17 659 74 » 1,0 sm,4«d 3$ SUGAR AND MOLASSES—4) hbda prune N O So gar, &io br 4>; R E SELLERS. SUNDRIES— 3 bbl» l*rdi2S bo»heU dried applet. 10 I _ B J D WILUAM9,IIQ wood it. CiOKFEE— Ittb&gs prime lUb'eotiee jiuireoM and fo T J said fry lj«nt7| R OAKFOBD A Co. CIOTTON —iO bales North Ala. to Arrive per9B ! Planet, for sale by ' FORSYTH A Co. J»nl7 ' ' ! 30 water street.' ‘ t|IEA 'PAFEJt—2OO reams just rec'd'and for sale by 1 (chip • • ' UKyNOUiS A SHEB. (iORN-tlO bbl* Com just landing 'fromsir Skinner J and for saleliy JNO 3 DJLWOKIH, lebls_ No >7 Wood it. HOPS —«0 bales OJiio Hop* for eale by foltlg ' JOHN S DILTVORTH. \1 THITK DEANS—I 3 bbls Navy.just rte’d and for >T sale by St \V IWRUAUGH, fpbis m Wood »i. ROLL BUTTER—7 bbls fresh 801 l Butter just ree’d 1 nnd fur sale by WICK A H'CANDLESS. f»i fet.lA ______ » I FAMILY FLOUR—IO* bbls extra Family Flouriust ? trcM and for sale by .WICK A ArCANDLESS. ERESII ROLL BUTTER-W bbls primajasl rec'd and fur sale by WICK A ArCANDLESS. IJACON—IO,TOO lbs prime moulders, city cored; 6000 Jj lbs prime Side*, for sale by • . jSbIS REYNOLDS A SUES. . /-iiIEESE— 4O boxr». cheese jmi rec’d andpersuar \ / Michigan and for sale by ■. ; rehts ISAIAH DICKEY A Co., M Water*, /"t INffBNUA R£fcSWXXT2OOO lbs tJlnseng and" vT-Trtl lbs Beeswax arrived per sir Fb»nix and ij e by ii’pblßj . JOHN 8 DILWORTH.:: COPPERAS— -10 bblsfortalebjr _ ~ ■ foblO JOHN D MORGAN, 1 BVE FLOUR.—6O bbla Darbaagh’a extra Rye flbnr, reeHl rind for aale by . 8 A WiIARBAUGH. ’ fc t>3 :• • no 33 wood «L . NO. MOLASSES-225 bbtiTlaauiion Molaa*ea,ia •atom and for aale by GEO A BERRVV febZ> ■ 18 wood at COTTON— 51 bale* to arrive by aasr Otwego; for aale. by [fcbldtj - JBAIAH DIUKEY Gt OOBER PEAS— 300 btuh to arrive by •tmr.Oavre* r go; ug aale by. jfetMftfj ;.,ISAIAH PICKKV FEATUE9 A GREASE LABD-To arrive br atmr Oawegoj for aale by-- tfebai ISAIAH DICKEY, LARD OlLr—lB bbU.("winter sintisedj landing from I ~ MnirPbaalx, aadfors&le bjr 21 . fctey. ;■ •, ■ jasDajuzell 1 QTAHCANDLES—B bbla hotel dandlea, reeelvlsgper OrMamer Hibernia No £ and fat aalo by ibb» n JAB DALZELL - i'.ui. ji bull ■•I - 3* . 403 , ! 1 *74 71 45'. 1 ".It M ■’ BUSINESS iqgDS- :*• MSON.LAf wtd Lettbrt Jjaik Ag.r»,iMrepy.ft.J>. ■ i‘octtl ■. 10 625 17 815078 1* January 18481 1 raxoriict uitrk. ' • ... i S,j ssiMLSink^ BttAUN A RKITEH, WHolet&e iidjietff !>«#* giata, 1 comer of Liberty anil ik. CUir ureefVJ'Uu bttrgti,Fa:t . < f, -i : •'•• mayftr i 'a. crumsox,*'- ,; K B.'zaowa> '' BRUWW 4- CULBERTSON, fofliolMUetfiodew, £nd Coo'- r -* : -ju Mardunu,No. 'l4& litwrtTitti 1 ! - ... •. iT7 tfeSny. . i -A Coriua filial iarga.l**. BA.. FAHNESTOCK* Ccl, aWiofet*loAnd *U» « »*iiihugiuivcotiier.Wooa^Mdtoh«t»: 4 L. oppoaito at. ClaLTlci-rioteL ■ j«i«g . CJoaji.caMox, ' jn'i'H >/'!' (j. M’unaini A « K s y ? i * c KMOJCr> (.ftteeeaaore.toiLvCoaller A C 0.,) Whofeule Groceifai CouusU'mou and For .warduig o*ej;ehants t daalaraJitProduee:aud. l PtUjt»bfgb MauaiucUirciL Sixth aljeekbciwecti Wood and liber*' ty, Piasbargfr, Fa. "V 7 -‘ * I PpWAKDHEAXLETON, Wl»oTeitte : Ute^f/eia* Ju aide QCOfMmwifMtA'toil trom-Umnoua A)i«r. Pitiaburgb. ~ : ■ I j . .' IBM t, H. EWAI.T- 'S, jnCT CXBHAXn •'• EWALT ft CBBHI Rf, Grocer*, deil era iu Produce aud PiUabkrgttilMOiactattvcir' ucrof Liberty «ud Hand «ia, PiiltdargbiPa. tdlt? ENGLiSH A t-V°) ; Wboleaaie Urocert, Comtniaakui -ftudftdr-' I Warding Merchant*, aud dealeh ui produce arid JSifef < borgb Mauoiactnmi No. 37.Vi(oodau between*.'tfiidl I bdurecia.- . „ . j .oeoj ■ i*. a mm.. . oxa.:Xiu&,. jianvaß i FRibINP, RHEY ft U6£ WnoFeialo Grocer* I ponmwaiou aad Ageutaftr jlrigbtdu u»uou y *rua, N' oa. 67 Water, add lie. Fronlau, nA burgh; Pa. E BLUMK, Ptanfl'Forta *Kfu rj eI Vi rirp’ Hilld..atjr 1 «.iu Muicai iueussenu,-a« Wood at, Dear fitL | . ■ • ' . • . ...it. ■ .. . • ja«hlgt| ;l LONG tMlLUift, Bciieudßre*. \J> Fonndera and’ Gu Fitter*, lU> Float, betweai Wood and. Smilbßoldaiyeet*, Piinbargh, Pa. ■ EjF Uifbeat price-given lori&d Coppet asd Break • • v -' V ~ ~ 'dclSl , oxo. jto&xx, ’" . I ' ’ ferandtila raxjraL { EORGE'MORGAN ft?-Co| \JT anti COmmirnainn Mm-lmiii Ita ft Pmu b"**.’ Pa. I •-• j I' n*riH afaacW, '" a MOixxs'toaxti iti [ IdAiAH UICKEY, ft Oo^WbdleeidtfGredereJ Coat nu**ion'Mercbama,*ad4eaie!ri iu Produce,No*, bl [ v Y> < yr»y}iW .i*l -bqts j ! oxot w. amrsi:.;-:-‘.v •.} .J ' *. a. stove. i W.,SMITH ft Co.,.Br«wera, Matetcr* ani vX dealer* iu ; Hopa,-Pin*burg£ Lid Potufßrcwriei •PenaaudPinaUi ' ~ r-H jal7 f \ V Merchant, No. Bt> Wood atreet Pjuaburgh. i i HENRY WOODS, Brickmak«jV.-frl«pi?ii|.jh{|i|Rivi I er. AB order* filled.' 'Addreaa by I ie« iaroogfatfa»PoatiUi&cai.'. •tit>.raa»tf ! ■ aILA&Y BRUNOT, Wbite-miid -Bed tead-ftiwi XJL faemrer, Paint *ud Oif idereiuai, Libi euy and O’Hara PimbUrgh.’ i;. • • ij e i^-) J AMIS' A. HUTOIBOS', Lewu I audAgenu of the 2jL LbiuaatcLa Sugar Reiinerril No.iiwausr,andiu,frouteueeWitPiuabanb.i i;/ ,1 jaul ‘' I ' ' , • ; ' j JH BLACK, bferebatu Tailor, Excbouuo Uui<.f » ding*, Bt C'rair at, Pittaborgi. \ '■■ " ' | JOilN-ft DlLWDRtll^Whdttdla'' dure UetcbLu,No.37,UPoidac - t'tutburgh. . . ■( ,:i .:• - .iuui ; 1178,453 38 JOHN D. MORGAN, \Vholesalb OnijrrisC'aiid deu • eriu Uyc huuf*,PautTi. od 1, Vunrwuea,ftc. t No.»' Wood atreet, outdoor aouiti ot Oialtitrud iitc/, tlu*- rAMI-a KERB, Jr, .ft. CiL, (*utce**oC to Joeqib O Bamjab.p Cbaiuller*, Oo Water atrect. , oc.il. JOHN H.:{tIELLOB, Wboletaiil tutd Rctail'UeAici tAbIOM and Wuieal BebooT‘Boota iPaper,•Biaiea J .««*eel Pea*,.Xiuiiia,- Priiaenr‘Cer«»«, ftiid aiTtPuuburriL . . irVltin'jißßfftlt A,t,r»n ii. JOHN J*COTTifcCo*AW*le*«l*Gi : oem r l7bTwart. v ' iMg'ritkmm/piQijfjufcbpfii'HiHfomiefstk. ilb' uuce turn ftiUbkrgk 7-pjcuntrei*- HoWj Uuerty meet, uur tiitt 'Citulj t , tul>urjlj; i>r SCHI>O.\NAKKfI i WioltW jW,^ • • No. Hi Wood meet. Pitutmrgßu' ~~u JOSKI-U JORUON k SCW, CrcMrtoi .»! • •warding Mcretimm., No;’id iiikrw4u tor Otmihfield «t,) SJ«nti ton's •, ' • • JOHN.D. DAVlSjAucionber, cornerdiliand \Vi •tree it, Pittsburgh, :j ' . Jj JOHNs'rbN 'i sTOCKTON. Boakaellert. Prim and Paper Auauiaeiurer* No. 4« Market sti Pi oargh.-- -■ 1 ’ • ' - ;ii ■' g • • ■ jy J L. HEAD'S Book. Mark:BsUv •. CUuicpl, 'lheelogiwL ttUione«1 t achwoLWuo*j imeOQi, uid Methodmiwokt km! Stkuoii&j-yv - «p3O ’ > J\V. ROBERTSON & Co., ißaukef* ami Etcii ,i 0 Broken, comer of Wood'otid adraia-'Jderujii «jkJ Uuilduigi.filnburjih, ' vl Ujr Currraef panfai».d atiAc uuil rale*.: oetll JOHN CiRI&R, Vi'hblriuidi brp«er, lUeoler iu i*r durtyFmßlmtg'b fluuumctah:*, I’iirrld e»»4c. i •tc-, tNo.asfit Liberty «t, ‘ p ~ i JOUR TLUT9, ’ * ' I alAii B i{ 'ttiinrn J& a. FIAJYP, fiata J. ; Floyd ft' ito JlVlioiUa', • 'npa: JAMKB DALZELL, Whole»ale ■ elerchant, and dealer in Produce'4ud ftrbbariti MBnutaclurtw. ftp. iit W>iof - 1 Janl» ' Velttvliu Iran Wodu< f " ’ LEWIS, ItALZhLWfe all i **■ i*ar, bhoetf Boiler iron and Najlaof tfeaiwti <4*“ , ‘iy-.-.'VareliDiue,A4 water fiartlUS Irina at ' •jmi» : ■• , ■ ;! ./U yT»U;;tr,i T L* WATEJUIAN, WholeaaJaGrodfer,' Fbrward • u>( and UxosuMiaH: Merclum, Deafer■. in'. pj.ir t-iKtJ W»ntu-»cture* and Water ana itt Frout»l • •!_ ~ 7j[y .;. hxxat uxautr, LAAiUknT. i.SifIPTONY Whole* THEfl3 A Co.,;CorwoUddrt Met- ITJ. 'cheiiU, Philadelphia, lor the *ale ol produce 20 ucrsii/.’ 'Liberal advances mads on eoitfliunkula * febaKa" -- ./ •••■' i-" '•! • I-.•<••;(• ja*. B. M'oat.' -a *. anaitiiD. .Wauxx;*, tai Vf cGILL, BITSHFI£U>& Hot!, Wboleahi; Grocer* XU riu»iiumh. ~i ‘ - ji '.-.■a* liijjai.. u. alias, uxa-wonc** ' 1 w*."fc xfcerttj' 1 ' IT | AlihKN '& . ,*Xt AierehauU,;. vyaicr -aud Frost aa>: h*iMeuj ngyg and Mailed *M.. . • ... . -WIL'.JUUa,' MILLER It RICKKIsONj WhoicaateUroccraaiid Commission Merchants. ao. l?u. Liberty tt, Piiu> liurgb, Pa. ;V . ', ]j jaiiM . McCORD. &JONG, Wholesale and Retail hat and Cap dealer* m Fauc\ Pw*, turner ot Woodland FmaW, :* ‘ 'lr jgtjj* \T\ HOLMES ft. SON, sid; AS. Wfrrket.it-, secugc, X™ % 9 odt from cdhiet ’01" Fourth,driller* gj Fwruigi.. aud Uocue*{lebtll*bt Excfcatiae:Geriitit4ielot Genu v u, Utuik Soie* and Specie. .1;: i‘ * r-.v-r* l. H t: : l£r Collection* mad on alt the principal a tic*, -throughout the United Slate*. ir-'V-' ■ • DRUM,' McGREW-AtGo.; PHxhwe.'Fofwardirigiunr Commatuui Merchant*, No. ecocawitnai Row. Ltoerty l’itul ; urih.'Pa Ter Vanl? a. vr. roixnurkc, 1 ‘ c.;n. fUtNDEXTEKA Co.. Wholesale GrocCra'aurf Coiin . miaaiou aa£ Fowaruwg Merchants, Np-j4j.-\Vniof urecl"' • ■ j tl^cv* XV Comiuluion Mctcbknu, Na.-’itM-fjcttfndaVrebs,' ’ituburgh* . ~ ;[ Foreigu and dtil rjr, liani*rure uuti Carriage l'nmufuig*,' of oH tte*c’npti©ii»,' No; ijj’Woatf »!•, j*i»uburnti. em«kef*' Tixfut dmi 1114 V Tounet*' ami ouiier*’ Tuid*, and l\uiScr»* / o.C- No. IUU VVot>d ft., I'iuauurgty{-i :.< Tilr. ' ooatti joMissos, tiaitL'i. W,., v KK(Jui.>4O.S & riwa^i« • ana Limjiiii*aiuu IXttiv.f* la ri»U au. b o alauulacwief, *?, klwaatirau. **•: • : ■ ) -V,;., ,JHI^ pOOiOT:lUMi^*:Ca^ a ttwwfcwj' • J>K'k NQLU»*BI£EE l Fanrm&nr and c«auu*liM> XV. WtrsUMila, Mr tiu. AUerbniiy.ttJvar Tr i&i, de*A : The pr»cd»;jn 'cub, paid at nil times for eoua* ROAKFOHD 4 niorctulJU. uu • **l/*W |BnitbtMi4 iVjtXociiUi-i-luur, uroiu and Sccdj, aUb Ihjucr, Lara, Ac. / frpU-lr • •■'•«. g/Muskiml-’ ■ j i . Tsm~%-ptaaj^ SHACKLtHT k WHITE, Wholewto XHalera iu Poreifp and Dom**tip Dry Goods. KgWWood «. fituborggi •■ ■ j ■' 'I •- J ; m/ ~-« Y»e«o at «ud 6tb, Hortli■' ■ , - * aoM'-r -■■'•> ; . ...."T 7 " 1 .'" ' ;fi l-ff!.'.!,!!., t. muKiUiuiiaa. I loErstciuajiauuujDt StJXßft > NICO&S, ProduceUhb.' Lln»ega u 4 Lard Oit« c. HILL-lSucceurfh 43.uc.u6 «':y-v' •' -i: V. Sit '“ VOi? jwpiliiw hpmld'tinn, .' '".i '".u not atiincJoaumd Mng.jayi ' ’' ■■;;': no peala or fiubea head orieen,'! isj ;:".i«t‘dujs»-£fr »wiy. '- ■':■'■ • •;•':'• :J ';* V. r's Kor wmintfffea.'nor' Wini^ , l4’ii]' : '•' ’' V Cm check Their npid counlesi. .'* '4 ■; , S8»; w » Te ’* *w»E ! !>S-/!>rcei,v‘s - ; •J?wi«f.nfaf««4-»ai(vj new* of vw&Wttg&uv:. vfo TotMuandsarmtay; i•■ i» n,-*. ~\ Bai Cater ‘ ,Ai «< ;'4 ; Hiie; th« _ pttra r ;'•' ; i ■ Tile 'Ctrliiiaa‘ , (i iTfoajid ~ .' ■■ ■'■ J : Oi" him Who ; taiigHt i:i flrnileeaiiil teatv', -. ' ~ ; A .-/| Mwaaiiuhighxqneetieiumjoa with Ku. v‘?t-i .■! 4Vidi.bfjgUioiroiids jkr nway;t |f ■* - ■/ ,| -Ay! Ihmghiejotttwvd wTeh'-ls'brtitlflfi ! ' - •' V ■-« * tr.i . - • ■<■ The wgUi^.'rfitohSwaefidit'’'' l Vtvi “*•» "A' ‘ Tlioso !aHjj i>*jr wirpa.ruay .BeW * i i' - Bnt F Bh»H risduh* ■i liWJigh.J«t«Mjrw jvv! isiO) ■ illMMl" •I • • -r—— sfSsSESSsas ,At ,d» opamg .of‘:*e dreuJ ;ttwro, m. fcaotb-tam»etf.'iu»i Vaihi&t&L ' ■SSSSSSKBSSS' 3.SK!Sw j refleat^iheaetthtfiariviftti^-flioW^ , - t-' ““ tvSttfi ( . ' Jiepa. ’ j^Mnifeiio'tlOea'saiii • • -3 .tocHoisotiediretrt- velera, andflie '\ but few«hnibsby WB&h:oiiS'Kffl »iiis£i|Sf » '> '3 ft «l ta "*J l » tftofe rafan&afr'S,' i .main th« «»ceuv s , ~ «hrob girerway, tmd.jn*cs«ia tuin.ia i&rf ~-' J opttont agjuo—BometmtEa Jtr ' ,-| The maittnninfof>r» ■ < feet. .'There wee sciruely eren .thing moieriarbet^niS;'wSfi!SlSBi™Saaßi©«iBJ'S s .*| ■fy I" eteted.- " 'cam&’M* - ,^| ■acflJia in - *H| • raa alio a/epolleci ' before.;. Noierwa v&a .glaoe of, taiiyjabpi - • is ihe X:% •min if, that tha’wmei jM? •artiitt lio cdnltf skfetul 'has-nerer'seen its "a.' ■} The single raria .was ths ioliowing. • the: paihj t gfe'j had * iadyvumier ; li. -j- ) impossible ;; for.':bef,- beyond,, Urn.., 'culiv .to'jjjer* and. iheleff halid paihj ifwrfte had'uever ; ly ddiertniaed w\ loir l v?ry>diift&m' b€&mitui ; ifc»iiho; otbef. hUjiady, ;*ad .became i» v Airing Vfv 4* . arcarir 1 tliatever'-trradn nriy' “-s aion'o* 4W® ->,« it to auy.exceptawO ed any interpretation H it hnuf tie path aad : !pinSSS^^^®^»*'y ! sa to; »io %f -;onq ol.ice tortf.ja tli* »«&.-* UtoSS&SrA' • lera M -JtrfSg .mb sleep crnd, iba « jn.tmeiiait, it is only a ■finafiwSß%gK%&»»Mr has thrown him do Vn the is inclined TO' iw' neTer finalif tsd^fe?^lHiB^*»», OfSf of themotmtain -when lhetkdr S -Xfa forward course;,!! thownfcs4ai l iiS®s^l>'»=*' ; s,> I thst;Sn-)easier:caie:i*'desi»ktetl2kb(fltiyJoausStS^fc??^a fpf Ail ifaaSwr *-^fis£gffsr hi* min, - ' • Tigtg*g/ aside, *u ibotts.o order.w n likely, w taPrpnVljp, , Fooliih, _ladybjr;v doubted!; V, Konev miidy'v pricilcafc »toe'4reab» inert -’ ’ Itomtffc BfownJ laipor.', ‘Of Pmpef:Jl*u«o*»4tt43 ' Wm ! -.,'. »• -■ J; 1 z■*