The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 10, 1848, Image 2

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BY OtAlfrUS BKdOldMt Co.!
.1,: ; •PITTMCEffBI ■ i->~
~ m 'T
nJTiKHifSSi.'nun-ted lhe bu 4 In
H** l * jxomenic. Mar*
tiSS W1 ’ **P®*VMob«i; U&rkeu, Ac. Me
■ Pri * M '•* Fae'torjr. Stock*. •
. . Tb* Port thinks it has caught the Whigs crying
-■ruin’ whm there is no cause, and copies from the
■ Philaiilphis News an article whichit styles “iheu.”
Tlut paper ipeakuig cT the Bostoa jaoney markets
’ **r* **Ma past week there hare been
- > ;aaleacr bank,(factory and railroad stock* at ad
vanced prices,' and the d«»m«n.t £»f most securities
,! ■** been greater.thaa the supply, except for that
r.cut* denominated •'fandes,-” with which this mar*
. «l appears to be glutted.”
- ‘Nowthi* is nothing but a “floating fad," and is of
no.ralde whatever in comparison with tbefoUowiag
. “.fixed facta,” which allow that factory stocks are an
. nnprofitable investmeut.and growing worse each
- day. The following table shows the par value of
. leading eutera the prioea alfked Cm the
. . Sthctf January and. the, 4th cfMarch, 1S19;
• • i per, caked March 4, Jan. 5.
Boston Ca, i WOO r ’ r 650 ’ i 700
• Stark, - * 1000 • ■ «30 : 900
‘ Appleton, ‘ : 1 1000 'SSO noo
• • Hamilton,* • 1000 ''' 850
. Mata. Mills, 1000 ''"9so ; 950 offered
Merrimack, ; ; 1000 :'ilBo ; 1210 offered
Middlesex; 1000 ' 1000 1190
Tramont, ’ 1000 : 850 950
• . Kashas, 500 475 600.
Cocheeo.l ' 500 ' 525
• OrauFato; 420 200 COO offered
Salisbury,- . 1000 1250 1350
• ; lO3O -1140
.;. Thin tkblo of prides of stocks is ; given as an on*
. answerable argument, proving that i Cotton Facto*
• riesare now unprofitable, and every capitalist will
■ endorse thia conclusion. Nothing is more t»mid ih»n
invested capital, and with’never failing care stocks
ara watched by their owner: Peopledo 'not buy
• ** oc ! t * I®* tbe "officers of a company i
the business, uncared for. They on the other hand
- watch the price of goods and of raw material and
- -sell <rat when they see that the mills are not ma*
long n’.dividend.'‘Assertions are'all well enough/
in their. Way, but, we.choose to place thisques*
; 1 t*oaofprofits upon a position where it cannot jbe
Tbeitocks of Manufacturing companies
i *” ut deprecating, and uo' fiur dividends/We
, been made. All can bo traced dearly to tEte free
trade larilT/and to doubt it is as absurd ns' to div
• : of'factories in the country.
, ThiePost of yesterday has s very foil explana
: .tion df lhfl_-.conr»Q vro adopted on/ Friday night
. *jth our eastern marketreports,'and places iuelf
. before its readera. An explanation baa also
/. b®?A niadel in’; the Gazette, and the role there
- iTowed'will be rigidly adhered'to. ; The agents at
•ithe fastera citieaWill send as fall despathe* asthey
tbiok proper and we. shall present .them to our rea<
dara, endoraingjtheir entire accuracy.
■1 ; r Aa the Journal has impertinently interfered in a
• dispate between' the Pcit and Gazette, a word to
them; may not be out of place. The leader of the
'Journaltaya; ,
"We dealre not lo be involved in the efforts of
our reporter*, to excel those of the Gazette ana all
other papers. ‘ ; ~
*l* * * 'WenererhaYe manufactured and
■ never vrM’mariufactuTt reports to escape the ap
petrance of. meagerneas’ in this important depart
! ttsok Someof.onrcontemporaries do this and
• we hnve'ib objection: bat when the members of
- • rival combination iallout.. and expose each other 1
with amusingMUelosurca, it ia perfectly properthat
SH*^* taaU » *« specially charged with the
• ■ Telegraph matters, shall give their own readers the
benefit of all legitimate proofs that their own reports
we the most reltable, and we insist they shall do
: this without deserving to be impeached by the G*.
«ttebf jeald&sy orunkindness. n . *
, After esch.a declaration as this, one would Vbp-'
pose that .the. editor would have auppressedi 're
potts that were rtaUy manufactured, from the same,
peper in which he lays down such an honest role
of action. Instead of this we have in the same pa
per "despatched exclusively fer the Commercial
Jmirnal," a Boston market, dated March 8, 0 r. at
All wohavetosay ia UuAtbeNew York and PhU
edalphia lina waAoat ot order.on that nigfaL The
coariuiion is tint the Boston market was a sheer
humbug, or cape oa some eicnamc hoe. Asihe.
*•'' Journalproperly''remarks,“if we should attempt
- each an imposition upon oar. tubsmbcrv—the mer
cantile class wa should think that we were gras*
•Jjrandwickedly deceiving them—in matters «.
‘ esmtialtgtheiruUeiesL’ .“Ifilistbehabitofeastern
(Western) papers to palm what is no more nor less
thin-a Baud upon their readers, endangering their
interest thereby, we haye nothing to say, except
that we shall regret to see the . system introduced
• A* liras several editorial foolriqg articles are in
*b* Journal, some disappointment trill be fHt on*
less aHare attended to. .accordingly cojiythe
annexed Iron editor .No.’ 2, to show that' lie
afree withNo^aindKail. '
/ Hesays>--“However customary itmay be in
" the East to publish that which is untrue, and palm
—i., it upon the public as verity, we are constrained to
lay such 'has not been as yet sanctioned in the
. West, and .we trust never will be. Certainly,
•o far a* the Journal is concerned, never shall be.”
, The two last extracts only show that tbe writers
. do not doubt what the editor says. They may be
islanded at endorsements, ifao, why they ore a pro
per appendage to the extracts from the Journal’s
' “ThepewsfioD Venezuela, of which tbe Gs
aatte boasts, was published in the Journal several'
days previous to its appearance in the Gazette.-
This however is' a different question from that
broughlon by the Post and Gazette, and we have
no ambition to engage in such a petty controver
ar* - ..'H..
The controversy is-riot so'.“petty’’ as you may
think. Tbe .Venezuela news was not in the Jour
ual several days or one day, or thei same day that
, it appeared in the Gazette, and your files will show
the truth ofwbat we state. The subject is now
v. dinmiticd from our-polnmns,- -U .has given the.
■Journal an opportunity to be noticed in the Gazette*
which howeTer bears no malice or jealousy epd we
mow ttatefia tbe plainest manner, that when the
Journal is able by “expensive and extensive*’nr*
rangemehta to spread be lore its readers reports’ ks
complete as we due record shall be made
of the Diet.
. fbr the present we can only relieve the Journal
■ tttan ita dilcmm a shout our markets. Itsays, 4! u
i*potour fruit,if we;Kreitot able to distinguish'
. Wheat the reports of the .Gaxette are -spu>
none or when genuine.". B is not good
with mtsftrtnao and we snaD gladly comply
i the dosing reqnest of oat neighbor who in such a
»{«g«fafa apint consents to plose, by “merely aslr
*ag our neighbors to signify what days in the week
“• pobiio_ mayraly upon their having received
market reports, and we will be happy to
•anounceihe Oct, as well as publish tbeir card.”
Mr* Brooks, the manager of the Eastern line, and
lbs manager of the .Western line will please in fu
. Ore abbv our despatches to applicants from the. of
iet of. tbe Journal, .as well as to all merchant*
•bo toaj express a' doubt of the authenticity of
our report-
Baronxo Revolt AatoOTotTaTaoorewMnjw.
• the Washington. correspondent of
. the JMtimon Patriot, states that there is a rumor
,tfciaf to Washington that there has been a revolt
■zaoagoor forces in Mexico, and adds
Aeafier, or “Mustang," recently from Mexico,
gives ft as his opinion that a revolt has taken place.'
If there has been an erutat in the army it has most
Hkdy grown out of the arrest of Gen. Scott. The
OtMial will very likely returpiothetToited States
•800. .•
, Ccaaxp Smtccas—The day of sailing
»oa. Breton and New York, of the steamersof
the British and North American Royal Mail Steam*
VgP Qaop*oy» has been changed from Salarday to
' Wednreday—to commeace on the -sth of April
•W** the Caledonia will sail from Boston. 'Mean
•rtae,tt« atom, will Mil Gamßaalim on Salur-
llia Combria Gaia New
.. Yctk on lhaSStli ofVMaisb. The <Sy of Mag
Aon Lleejjxwl h,-->noi faces changed, and will d!,.
tftM to 1» Sttoidty. The next ■learner will be ike
CBsWa, which wu to have left hr New York on
, the Sfth of Fehroarr.tbe aexl, the CiMoaie.
Whleh i» to leave Iho llth of March; and the neat
' the MW Unmet America, which leaves far New
Tctfc ob the 23th of March.
I , 'Buia.OMS* Riv. D* Iron—This vcaer
. :.-.■ - aftjf dxvmediedon SandSy- rooming at'his rcu :
,- 4»»e*ia
‘ IJr. LrtUitu wa for many years the : rector o{
•' eod ibr some yeanr dies-been tbe
mth*^infTiirfnthVr^~ 1 ‘^--ir 1 - precluded by
habits tod tarn of mi ad fro®
i- ■■ >“•' coosptoous position in the Church or
. 4ft«odkr« JB'.flqjqmd;ifte wspest-and esteem of
■l ~
s i
' COiSE^^Sjc^
i'll '^<*HWrto^Hfliid*jnigb— March,*.
if; . passed* bin- oCx* » imporl
bdbw Ito tie pooiti
. «fU» Bmled States, tmd in the- Western
[ D«lriclQf.p <;aJU yi riai4 as elsewhere, which re.
• wrc*lbe Judge* of the Supreme Court-from all
’ Urcrni dutie* fcr one year, and enable* them to:
v ®P®od the year in'Weahington in tin examination
ot the tmiltiuide of Federal and causes now
the Supreme Court. Twolyean were pro*
posed, but one was agreed upon by way of com-
Pfomire. The Bill, should it pass the Senate, I
&pr. will not'airt advantageously forjthe Churls at
Pittsburgh. . The death of Judge Baldwin and the
long delay before the vacancy was filled by the ap.
point meat of Judge Grier, has teeni the —nj* of
accumulating a great deal of businesi in the Court
The absence of Judge Grier from his circuit would
hardly remedy difficulties at home. Uowever able
or, efficient the District Judges may be, they rarely
import that confidence, to their decisions which
prevent* appeal Appeal cases now, indeed,
make the bulk of cases at'-Washington, and if the
Judges of the Court absent themselves £»r ayear
they maybe accumulated much faster; than they
can be removed. It was stated in today
that there were more than two hundred cases now
befiae the Supreme Court, and those fa part were
classified us follow*. I give them as shadowing
forth where, the bulk of litigation comes from;
N^rr"’ 0 ' of »“"'
Shto ■'l ' !***£, 20
Missouri, - | ■ >3
Tlio South West, it will be ieen, absorb. the large
majority of •/
The Court today rendered many decisions, end
one touching the obligation of contract*, and affec
bng the Planter’* Bant of Miasisiippi. Thpdetails
oftbe case may not he interesting to the leaden of
the Ganette, hot da, principle defended *raa that
the of Miaaiaaippi had no'nghl to inlet*
poap its authority to regulate certain Bant asaign
meuts when the charter pointed out the proper dis
position of thaae aecuritien Thecanogretr ontof
[ cetiam prutoisory note* and the assignments ope.
rating unequally. Judge Woodbury, who diewup
too drmaion, aaid there was a caae pending in
Courtjrhcre the Bill folder* of a Bant had brought
an action lor the recovery of payment upon the
ground of “a violation of contract" Thin is u how
caan in the Supreme COun, and"a deciaion upon
would awaken much publio internal.
/ _ Hotuo to-day adopted a Resolution insttuct
ingi the Committee oq Miliury Affair* to bring tn
* Bill, authoriaing tbe presentation of a Gold Me
dal, suitably inscribed, to all officers whom they
may deem worthy of the thanks of Congress.
This Resolution was brought forward to. lake the
wind oat of the sails ot the hundred and one dem
agogues of the House who are continually putting
wits to work to frame some Resolution which
may perchance bring attention to themselves, by
coupling their names with some real hero, or nine
pretender. One of the Resolutions offered today
proposed the thanks of Congress to General Price,
of Missouri, a man who deserves rather the rebuke
of Qoogress for the bad manners and bad morals
which he has imparted to the Army of Mexico. If
Congress does not mean to bring discredit upon
the really distinguished men who have taken par*
in battles fought in Mexico, and who are : sfca*
fulj brave, paUi'otic, and wise withal, it ought to
discrimihatesomewha: in iu marks of favor. Scoto
Taylor,‘Worth, Wool, Twiggs, Quitman, sod oth
ers, would hardly feel themselves much compli
mentedwhen put upon a footing with Gen. Price;
or Gen. Pillow. Among the business of
the : day was the notice of a bOi, which will come
to nought, however, increasing^ the pay of the rank
and file of the Army during the war with *
This is the vexed question of the hour, and the
absorbing subject before Congress. In my letters
to the Gazette, I hare prepared the reader lor any
result,—-either the. ratification of the treaty, by a
bare majority, or its rejection, followed by a Com
misstpo. I hare believed, that notwithstanding the
many substantial objections*) it, that it would be
sanctioned by the Senate, and this continues to be
the best opinion, bat opinions are so conflicting,
and the treatyitself ao unworthy, tnat it is hot easy
to predict tbs result If the treaty is rejected, it
will be because' it contains the following nhnnrl«n
features: ’
Tto onnexalaa of so much foreign territory to
the Union at the great price of twenty miOiou* of
doQare. Ten millions would hare bought the whole
‘ tram Mexico before the war begun.
n ' Because New Mexico is a country without nat
ural or other advantages, harmgno irrigation.other
than that incident to artificial and because
the country is, therefore, wbofly unsuited to Agri
cultural or pastoral life.
Because the people, of California and New Mex
ico are admittedJmo the Union with all the privi
leges and immunities belonging to of the
United States, and this without regard to "caste,
complexion or character, Mexhauutnd Indians, all
"alike and all together,
: Because the treaty pledge* the protection of the
Government to Mexico, in order to secure her from
Indian depredations.
Because the question of Slavery and AntiSl*
very is le& onej: many iotepreting the
terms of the treaty os ja solemn warrant for the
extension of Slavery into the territory annexed,
1 Because it regulates land titles in the Si»«ee, a
subject over which the Gefleral Government has
no eontroL . >
Because the Mexican Constitution/ao more than
Our own, tolerate* tbe surrender oT territory, and
neither the Mexican Congress, nor the Mexican
People,-having assented to the surrender of New
Mexico and Upper California, the treaty is, there
fore void.
Because tbe treaty recognizes tbd principle of
Mortmain, or the alienation of lands add tenements
in perpetuity to tbe ecclesiastical authorities, and
by a danse in. tbe treaty these mortmain landsmay
never have a different direction given .to them—
The Government pledges itself to support this ar
ticle, which is.ooe of the most offensive of ail the
..articles. ~
V >^se ® e •** Bis principal objections to the treaty
and the’great one both aides is that of Boundary!
The twoparties are diametrically opposed to each
other .upon this branch of the subject; and the bat
tle in the Senate is to be 'fought upon the questiou
of less territory of more. The Whig Senators will
do well if they can strike out New Mexioo ’and
preserve California.
The mede of legislating upon this subject is as
follows: •
- The motion is to strike out any article, or clause
of an article, and one-third of the Senators have
tbe powerto do this, irbeing' necessary that two
thirds shall sustain every part and parcel of tbe
treaty. To strike out and insert requires a vote of
twothirda. The Boundary question, therefore, can
be amended by rtrUangoKtby the consent of those
who in Opposed to the proposed line, but
party may have (be power to carry the line they
wish. ' The mortmain article is something new to
oar country and practice. The law itself is old,
barbarous and wholly unsuited to our institutions,
ft is what ii literally denotes to be, a dtad hand.—
ft was a law of the Saxons three score years be.
fore the Norman Conquest, and is indeed bnt an
ecclesiastic contrivance to avoid the observances
of common law, and the common usages of society.
I hare here pointed out some of the strong ob
jections to the treaty, not so much os an argument
against its ratification, as to show there are sub-
stantial objections to it With all its imperfections,
if it will bring a permanent peace, that one Itwn
may outweigh aQ the evils. I can well conceive
however, that a Senator with the Constitutional
oath him, and responsible to the ,'country lor
the consequences of alt his acts, may p»gy, doubt
and even refuse to participate in such « surrender
of principle to expediency. Of real war there can
be ho more, thank Heaven, under any state offset,
unless the Adhunistrafion means to conquer more
of Mexico than it now holds. .
■ w. 3 ; . - il
.Orscnto 1 or . Coxal Navjoatjoji w this State.
•We copy the follpwingfrom the Hamsbnrgb Uawa,
of Saturday learn by ietlertbat the canal
from Hnlldnyibufgb to the dam, was. ready for
navigation on-. Saturday last sad passed a boat.—-
This is accomplished through the indefatigable ex
ertion of James S, Law, Esq., who had; charge of
that portion of the repairs.'
Gex. WoEm—A Washington correspondent of
the; Btrald says that a tetter' haabeen received
from 'peril Worth statioglhal be goes thcLocofcco
doctrine in all party issues*—bank,’ t«w<r distribsi
tions of public mhii, internal improvements,; the
war, dec. dee-• On theWilmot Proviso, ha sayahU
sentiment* are the' Gen. Tsykn’s-
Tkr Wiit of the Rev. Mr. MafEt has returned
her parents in Brooklyin, Nsw
“ ** thsOUj; at
*: The following extrict from one the letters re
cently received in this city from the capitil of the!
Republic of Mexico’ may help> throw aoine'lighi;
upon rether;a grave subject involving the public
lUtoest, and-which, sooner or later, most come to ]
be better understood than it now it |
- “Ctxr or Mxxtoo, January 13,1518. I
. * # *r “General Pillow and—are I
bcoJdJUd « fcr * *““** n«i>l 10
< t“? nU f <t « Secretary of I
.g" I‘ « understood here that
jVF O d '! m “ d ' d the retail of Goner
?• li*"? “ «*“! that Generel Pillow
,UllO to thl ’ confidence of the I
Preßdein, the dispenser of his rewardi, to «
/ 1.1 t* wid-here that the President will mh I
ably notollow General Pillow to be tried* tlStj. I
ol hu qewlred'u.o trv
ai oilmen. Worth, by refusing, to order a court
mimial. choaing rather to Institute an inferior conit
oni*GM(. D ' I*** n*°. arrested the victori
oni Generel, end trensfened the high trust he to
SjJj bore to onc of the volunteer officer.: of hi.
if le be bom n Generel ceiJ
bunly.M yet, has but bttle of the experience of
Wo behove thnt the UUrealmcnt (should we err
u wo cell it persecution?) of tbie accomplished
Irenerol and Salesman, by the Preeident and his
Clobinet, u without parallel in the history ofenlight
ened Governments or tbo world. •
Is there not good Karen to sppreheud the! this
untoward net of tbo Executive—the change oftbe
Commander of our Array in the heart of Mexico—
m“u.rcslll m the renewal of the weri
Tbo occasion is apt lor recalling to our readera
the memory of the admirable letter torn Gen. Tat
re F °/ W "< *> recently brought
to lighten wHtch that dutingniahed Midler m well
name, the blow covertly aimed a year .go at the
t*? U, “ °?«retched arm ofSeontive
, Thelnre view of thi. case, m happily a.
mstreted m the fable ' of rllsop, applies witheqttaj
lorcotn the present instance of Executive dis
pleasure. ! I
One might really suppose that these great Gen
erais have been rather too successful in leading
J ictor >'- A suspicious temper
might perhaps infer a : secret purpose of the now
ers that be to defer the peace a little longer, and to
prolong the flow of blood and treasure, that some
new made Generalissimo may perchance win for
himself an amaranthine crown more acceptable,
because more avaih&L, to the votaries of the *W
grossive Democracy" of this our age. We have
“«** ««h a; surmise made by others.—
Jie that fiust as it may, the mandate has evident!? I
n t D °r“ tbo Whig Generals’ j
r F' ,<ls! Th 'f have, been-tob auc
cessAU for “their country’s good P—Nat. InttUi-\
gtneer. „ J
Oblo and Pennsylvania Railroad.
Tlib following is a copy of the charter gronte d to
thia road and referred to in our report of proceed
ings at the Board of trade.
ife ir tiiscud Je, that:—ere hereby created a
body corporate with- perpetual succession by the
name of the Ohio and Penn a. Rail Road Co ’
< »“^i cl *«i*ro*d from the town
of Mansfield m Richland connty* Eastwardlv bv I
to way of the towns; of Wooster, Memilon/siid
taoton to some point in tile osstnrn line
of Ohio within the county of Coinmbisnn ns hero
•*? provided; too to to city of Pittsburgh in to
suito of Ponnsyirama, sad ton to said town of
Mansfield weatwardiyby wayofßocyrusinCraw.
•6rd county until it intersects to west linn of to
suto of Ohio at soch point ss may he determined
by said Compnuy to bo to mostefigible; sod said
company locale its road from Canton by way cto
north of North Georgetown imiGblnmbianu coun
i® Jr 3^1- VlD ®y» or on any line north thereof
to the Penn*. line; or aaid company may continue
uaroad tom Canton to any point in the line of
the Ctereiaiid and Pittsburgh Rail Road south of the
Village of >orth Georgetown aforesaid, and con
neettts road with said : Cleveland and Pittsburgh
tenns.tb be agreed upon by said Companies
' u S ,fr 2 ‘ capital stock of said* company
ahall be any amount oot exceeding three millions
of dollars.
Ssc. & That the President and Director# of the
Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Company are
hereby autborued in cue the Ohio and Pennx
Kadrwd Company *hodld be willing to locate any
I»rt of the road now incorporated, upon ground
already occupied by the Cleveland andKtUbnrrt I
Railroad Company, to: transfer any of the work
they nuty have executed, at such price and noon
•udi condiuona aa may be agreed upon between
•aid companies to the President and Director* of
the Pennsylvania and ,Ohio Railroad Comnanr
and that thereafter the Cleveland and PitaWh
KadrOad Company may confine their operation* to
aaoh pottioo of thi* road on may not be included
m such agreement. ( j
This Act to take effect in the State of I
?° d *fl e y u I**"**®* “ d whenever
the legislature of Pennsylvania shall paaa a law I
gtymg their assent to, and confirming the nrbvi-1
smftaof .thiil act, with such alterations and modifi
cation* as shall be necessary and applicable to that I
part of said railroad, and other wore* aa afcrefaid, j
lying Within the limit* of the State of PennsyJvT |
nia, th«m Uua act shaft take effect and be in faU I
in that State. -I
: See. u. Said Company shall have all the powers
and privileges, and be subject to all the restrictions
and provisions of the act regulating railroad Com
pazuee, passed February 11th, 1648.
Speaker of House Representatives, j
Speaker of Senate.
From lie Pennsylvania Enquirer.
of the Second Congressional Dis-1
trict of Pennsylvania, met last evening at Site-
G*crgt tons, Cx It. ptmorerf
> Utlepo. to tho -Whig N.iiooVl Cm,.,,.
;Tto taxing rerellodm the dertion of Ilo.r
»&£■£&“ J °>“ * «!«*. E-q
; A resolution expressing a preference for a parti
cpUr candidate for. Presidency was, aAer a brief I
debate, withdrawn, the general sense of the Con
vention being that the Delegate should go without
instructions. We annex a letter which Mr. White
lkkg**** in elacidation of his
I*ner fm* llevry WkiUto Wm. Strnthen.
Philadelphia, Feb. 25), 184 *
-Having,understood that in co'n
•equence of my warm attachment and knur stand,
mg feendship for the Hon. Henry Clay, would un
oct any circumstances cause me to -cast my vote
for- bun should I be the Delegate chosen for the Na
tional Convention on tbe 7th of June next, I can as
«ue you that impression is doing me great inju*.
*“*»*• 1 * moc h higher motive in going to
r^sT?Z eatlo ? **•“ Mf friendship I may have
tor Mr. Clay. I stand by Whig PrincipUi, Lid Dot
men; I am opposed to aoy pledge, and would not
know until tbe day arrived for whom IshoaJd cast
«7J?te: assuring you, (and I wish you to make tbe
laentnown J that my role object is to take the most
available mao as our candidate for the office ofFre*.
‘dent, Without regard to friendship I might have for
Very truly your friend,
Vflfa-anfcntW .
We may add that Delegates to tbe Whig Nation
al Convention hare oow been elected in Philadelpb
ia City and County—which include tbe first, seoond’
third and fourth Congressional Districts; and in no
caro has instructions been given. The Delegate*
will, at the proper time, set: and vote as theme
cess of the Whig party and the triumph of tbe
Whig principles may require.
Mr. While, the gentleman above named, is one
of Mr. Clay’s most devoted friends, at whose house
he stayed during his Wait to Philadelphia last sea
son. _ i
Pcnnsy-lvamln Legislators.
Harrisburg, March 0, 1843.
Sexat»—Mr. Orerfield reported a bill repealing
•o much of any act of Assembly as authorize* (he
election of supervisor* in (be Borough of PotuviUe
in (he County of SchuylkilL
The bill to exempt property,of the value of $3OO
jromfovyand sale for rent, waatakenupandpott-
The following bill was taken up and passed final
reading. ' / i •
Bill to incorporate the Pittsburgh Gas Works.
Hoist—Petition day in the llouie,—}&T. Black
presented six petitions for a railroad in Mercer
county, to be called the Sandy Creek Railroad.
Mr R R Smith, a petition for an alteration of the
act relating to registered taxes.
Mr. Feroon, four to license the healthful exercise
of billiards and ten-pins.
XnorU of CtotmtUeet.— Mr. F. Smith, reported
a bill to'abolish capital puniahmeut.
Mr. EahJetaan, one relating to lein on iuebr
ments. r
Mr. B, R Smith, a lull relating, to executions a
gainst personal property.
Mr. Little, a bill relative to the reoordinrof
deeds. ; ' 9
Mr. Baker, a supplement relative to notices in
extended real estate.
Mr. Boshnefi, a bill relative to the lein of mi
janics on building*.
, Esausa Metax. M*xxxr/—The circular of Brown
I Shipley and Co. say*:—The Iron market has mr
desgono considerable improvement sinca our last,
; the demand having materially increased, accom
, panied by a alight advance in prices. A consider
able inqmry has sprung up for Rails, and the price
nowtemindet isat least 10s per ton higher than
. a fortnight ego. The workmen are rtUl out in
Sufiord and Shropshires, and show no dispositfon
togive wayj m consequence then is andmort
t ? tali ?S2S? eofp l? ducUoainti «® districts, and
about 40,000 urns of Iron hat not been
wouJd liaro been produced.: Ja th£
tfateof affairspnee* are quite nominal. A fiu> de!
mand for Scotch Pig, and prices much sustained*
No. 1 grate may now be qooted at 6d per ton
lagSapoton. Mare doing in TutPUtes at rather !
heoarpticeai: *\l|
o£ ih.' Pittsburgh Custu.'
_ _ t w «HnWTOf F Much 9,181&
S ' aUe went <0 wort ante defr
Kvrhroh passed the House yesterday. „
™ rtfc ' r ' d *? Committee on Finance.
Kereriy Johnson! of Maryland, i„ qulre d of
to Smmto of the Senate, wbetherthe Secretery
ofWarhmfmadeany reply to;the resolntion of
f'w 30 ! 817 ‘ C * n ‘°* *“ of troops sent
lo Merrco, the number which .hsd been killed in
battle, together with, report of the bomber who
have died of disease of the climate and of wound*
ME. Danas. No answer has been given To this
resolution. •
RtraiDT Johmox Unelsa *ach | resolution i.
very ,peedi|y,l ri«Il renew tbe resole-:
Me. Sevier Hen moved that He Senate go into
| tlecutive aeaaion, which was agreedto.
Mouse As usual'a long time waa occupied in
i lh ' r 'cept,nn and reference of memorials,
j Me. Vtam-t, Chairman of He Commiilee of
! »uya and Meant reported n bill providing tor He
;civd and diplomatic expenditure which waa read
;twice and referred to Ho Committee of He Whole
itonEET Seitii olTered a join l resolution of Hants
to the whole army. Objection! being raised, the
■ 'J“ oulKm ™ ■*■<! on He table! He Hen made a
abort speech against the bill conferring He bounty
i lands to soldiers who should he promoted.
I Me. Evass made a speech ia favor of the bill.
; Jacob Tnoatnox IbUowed in reply ,nd warmly
tonlended that it ought not to paaa. Ho gave bia
reaaona at length and aaid that it must be amend'
ed thtonghout before it could pars, n had been
prodneed baatily, foil eflkult. and conld not-be
sanctioned by that body*
| The subject wassoon after referred to the Com-
Buttee of tbs Whole as were several other bills.
; The House then commenced the discussion of
£he veto message in reference to the River and
Harbor. <
; A motion wno made to refer it to the Committee
on Commerce.
! Mo * ea Hampton obtained the floor and made a
•peach against the policy of the Administration.-
He al«o expressed himself in taror of n protective
•tariff, and of .Internal Improvements.
i Mr. Sawyer then obtained the door. The Com’
toittee then reported and the Horn© aflounied.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gaxette.'
! Philadelphia, Starch 9, 1818.
j By a late arrival at Baltimore, advices have been
received from the capital of the Argentine Re
I ! A revere battle was'ibaght on the 27th of Nov.,
I between Gen. Urqaisa, and the revolting gover-
I nor of Corienles, Gen. Madariaga. Geo. Uruquisn
apting under the authority ol Rosas, «> long the
scourge of his country.
j The revolntionisu were 4,500 strong, but >*ere
| Wholly routed and lost their artillery and baggage.
The spirit of the revolutionists was broken entirely
M. Virasoro a creature of Rosas was elected,
governor of Corienles, the day after the battle.
I Midahipmen Robert Savage died recently ati
Pbrto Rjco. I
n The new loan was taken by Messrs. Ctraeoran
Se Riggs, as the agents of the Rosthchilds.. It wifi
taken at 1,2C400 premium. f-V 1
Corropoodrnee of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Baltimore, Merch y, IS4S.
' j A maanamed William Bateman, was killed in
a foundry to*lay, by the explosion of a cylinder or
ol the steam engine. I
Correspondence of the Pitisbairh Gen
St. Lows, March 9, ISIS.
,The Steamboat Frolic has exploded on the llli
ndw river nearHennipen causing the low of mver
al lives.
.The new Constitution of the State of Iltoois is
U> be offered to the people of the .State for their
adoption and sanction. ;
Erclasiro Correspondence of the Piiubnrgh Gale nr
I Phuadxlthu, March 9, 4 t. x.
** Western brands at
v> pefi>W. The market is steady, bat not. active. ,
•' — S * toa of Prim© Red at 130 per bn—
•applies limited. pwou—
Salea of Prime Yellow at 43c per bu.
LontCT—The market is quiet, with no chans© j
in prices. l 1
Th© markets generally are without change in I
any particular. “
Exclaaive Correspondence of ike Pituhargh GazeUa.
Baltimore market.
J Baltimore, March 9. 3r. x. „
Ptovn—Sales at S3,bl»c perbbL -
weather has been rainy sil day. which
haacbecked out door business completely,
chance present no particular
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazeue
•m> i ” • ifeir Yopfc » March 9,3 P. M
1 „.-^ llgAT ~' Tbere * g oo * l ’inquiry for wheat for
[ quiteseww 0 * ° th * f STIiD “ m I o ** 1
jWay-Tho U Jall, will. I
ri>em " t « ■* ia » quirt MMC, with
-mrtlrt i. J„a, qurtrtkrt. „
hot “ I —' art'vily in 11,0 matkrt,
but quotations are without change.
H> to EJitm oflht Pindu'gh Gaztar.
Mdi Sul? "P ly ? “ "todo in to oeenin*
h,‘g'l‘ g ' 1 *t it, medio* on
roowUjr maul, —firii—to inform tiut paper Ihnf
to vi.n <7kr. Cloy u, one city j. in' <£S£i“'
, '° d ' re<l to bim by to uid
toSrJd^.i^V 0 r ' c ' n,< ’ “J 'welcome him on
to pint of to Aescmiuioo, tot tow committee*
tonUbo composed exclaeiyely of Whig., me
tol?l r ».! P ,? P?r ’ lk ° A “<toUon. wu ecUnc ibt
ImIL P " ,y ' “ d ““ £>t u. feiiow cilfeen.
toi£ Tl ' “™> indicated by the Mnii u
to proper one to h*ye been oUcrycd, eltonth
ri£ed£T’ P '' totoomeetin* wonShnyeTton
1 P?" : rf » Whig Awocintion—
Jc ,' “Otor mijtnke (£d I ob
•eeve to JourudetoJ „,n,ely tot to committee*
Sto “‘“'f’T 1 f c '“! Whig, done. Some
“* k ” * ocl1 « temerk but it >n
KifSl? toe ptmmedinp of the raoetin* nt «U;
l» wouU ■“*» been high
to member, of to Awodetion
P f7f'“7*' * om ' to Gen. Scott name
'“■i MhCTnfcreUy. Of ont> thm* bote
ever the Mail end other* deposed to find fault.
Zl EfjnrVtt* ? «>n.^r
" “ s 'l^?, lh ' y " h f ll bo cfaecrfuly eurtendered ,nd
to ftonn /r b “ n to lll bend fcr to Nominee of
Co .! ,v *"! , ™ ™“> »« know mu* bo
a competent and apngia man.
A scrrotTn or Huuy Cut. ,
SuaTi—By a reference to our obi-
JjJ? 7 d * l W * U Preceded that «i«cr Xavia,
(Mua Tetraan) of the order of the Suteri of -Mer,
cy died at the Mercy Hoapital pf Effaypelas, ye*,
lerday morning. Tlua young lady woa exteiuivr
ly known end beloved in our city, of which abe is
a, native; Poseaaed of youth, beauty, and fortune
the at an early age relinquished them ail to be
come a humble follower o/the crow of Christ, tru
lysuch u the kingdom of Heaven.
Suvra.— On 1110 Blh of
tbebrig Lmiia« wived at St Helena, apria. to
Her Majealy . ateamcr Heroine,with 010 elavea oa
• at ’ Between aeventy and
eighty bad died on Hie pa.aage, odten, con.
tmued to die at the eate c f &„ per day. Seven
”Tv h “ db " n uk “ ptixe. within livo I
I °, n r '•«» engaged in the alave teade, and 1
had arrived at St. Helena. I
“ Nrw Yowl—The New York
ta tWif2£.?."“ “ y ‘ **“ lh l Good* are aelh
iclotha bv i l^^ ■ ‘joanniiei at anetion, and broad
»■ fibmit art sniJ|f* o, _i^ ua of the latter
Gottonand woolengooda
The a,,,™, ofMaasachnaetla ha, aligned
, y° 1 'dP r *l hew, for an election for a
member of Congroaa, in place „f , h e Hon. John
Quincy Adams, deceased.
Comm^de'T^S.'A 3 - £“>2 °f war Plymouth,
Norfolk on ' *"
“■> Gor«/r
J ° b “ of °W°.
Copper Company Stock
■n made at Boaton on the 20th ult « 7f@7s*
Hovnncn op Sracia—Wella i Co exoreaa
Friday morning, three toga and . half apocie.
! . StiPEwm Cotmiop ran unn, Siaxw.-Thia
tody wiU Msouxn qrSumrduy, iLe 11th tun j
««• /®rti«iSr£
•moimt lo ho had,and u ttrtho quality df lho cool
tom T»lc]iZY^lV2£
off”' 1 ' 1 on laud lyhJgtX
a^ f WoTfcn^‘ Ck W' ofPiincothey
wwllier, aomo 200 yhW. from t'o
teaciq and lLayo cul w vertically tp the diataoOeOf
noW fiTe mine *’ *nd tb<9
ESjfflSS % ZZplr. 10 “f * rchMiD!
anthorixes us to
' _2?i oonatdemble inoaiiy Of lio far.
tiMtbl ?" da ' Ul<i >«ra wlh pleasure
nud SrZSJnL ■ f,ur)y oommepced coming in
1 Cossrrmmos Fun Ohio,—We cAnnot m.
uT*jTh m tie country o^thffS
•kTru .* proposition lot a Convention to reform.
OA^fJ3!Sw UDder 0 " Constitution,
ana htu pmpertd; and we rejoice tut'we are ner.
t£ “ “J™ “I ” nd " il y« «Me while longer,
ik. i?.M™ “pmapy disturbing came. agitating
the public mind at this time, for anv reasonable
«’“•*>■*>■> «nd deliberate a
S,Sr^ f “ i :. stab,,1 ‘ * Cuetitunoa
iZZ™'" A«rocrr.—The MoWe-Adreitiaer
m • D l pree ' ™ ™nt on "Sunday last,
® 10al * °° Ll 'nlo B «!>y, with a “r-
J?-S in k,t? tton i °“ - lx » ,rd - About 130 bajea
, and it is-supposed will bo a total
The remainder has been anted, .lightly dam.
ff', 1 Meanly 100 bales we,, liroughb down yes
terday by Eighth of January
Counlcrtert om hundred dollar noteaon the Canal
?“ho We« W ° r e “‘ roß de their appearance
PIT TBBoRflflitbeK MB A Z E T T B.
j comi4.-v U lit past—auaca D, isia
I. Arnal'rf Slave*—T& Tftaly or Peace in
j Danger—More of the Treaty—The Sapreme Conrt
• I “ Calab,,l1 ‘ a » Claims, Conquest, Congress—Kentnc
jky and Mr. Clay—The Franking Privilege aadMrs
Adam* Proceedings in Allegheny Counciis-Tbo
' I Cincinnati Fire—Gianterfeita— Ratification of tbe
• I Treaty, Territory, and Lather's Mode ofPreaching
—Judge McLean and tie Presidency-item*, ice.
—Occa*ional = Samona—The Treaty of Peace—
j.Property and its 'Equal Distribution—Steamboat
Voting—Allegheny Connty Convention—Proceed
| ms* of Councils—Luzerne Cooaty—Erie County
I Modem Denny—News Item*
I l' occedin5 * of Congress—Smpcosion of Genera!
ScoU& Worth
iew*, foreign and Domestic.
A ca « ia »y compiled Review of tbe
Markets for the past week; The priced in the local
Ameri^n e^J h * - aUle Market i Tlie P"«* °f
American produce hi various parts, of thb Union:
Amount of Flour, U>at,ConnAcc.,received since
™ C - pemil? °? Ci V** *l linßiaess and
Lmovemenuofprodute; Market in London,
f City Aews; Spirit of the Preaj Copious Extract*
adjnSJ ° Ur P als ° n tJ =‘ c inle topic*
sale at the desk, singly or in wrappers.
Price C cents single copy. '
Subscriptions SS a year in advance. ,
I C J au T? 11 de*micUTe io the ho>
I t° r ■kjnl.ihe sudden change from heat to
!?J$ l^rf ke caB ?" yellow,
I 1* .° 1 U rp ’i m ‘ l,e »h#t the pore* of the akin
I J“oetd he kept °pci*—that their raooth* should be f,
from thus the anoi*Ml£££? Si£?
?*?" V™ 1 ‘i '‘'"•—tt'ir reputed
tKr M^.^,!^ d v ,l^.allbr va P<*» left |through th
I •*2 n » , s'* n •mrmherouilct of the body
I It w necesaary, there lore, to keep the pore* onrn «ii
IIK * n dispelled from the ,W /w m
I rA? »•»»*» ioa e*» Italian Chernies] Skip
I 11 ? UT ? ,b ** »nd oldest case* of gait
I d orc *’ Esther’* Itch, Sore Head,
I every other internal uid enema!
I Miaedjr had tailed—u* « dee I rendering the 'skin white
ydlow.aad coarse, it won-’
d remoresKreckles,Tsa Suiibum, Morphew!
I and dhtfimreoeat of the skin_h ot
I be particular and aak lor Jons Sttstt to be had in
at WiL JACKSON’S,*!™ ofthe RigliooL
GB Liberty at. Price iu cent*. novlftufwly ’
CT Lod»* who use Jones’ Spanish Lily White, have
? wbJte *mc*P»«iu akin. Of thi*. a trial
i r - ,^.istiafr dae - * iteld onl >‘ «<» Pimbureh. at»
liberty »l ,» uoTlWsadwly
/fweaifca? Miner* villc. tii. mnrmnr, (Friday,) puac
luaUr, at 10 o'clock, for tjje Allegheny CetArtrry. Tbe
fhemla of Mm family ure tetpecifolly .oUcifcd to attend-
Mr. HEN-
R * r. >H-inVF4'PK in tie &-Lh year of hi* a re.
The funeral will take place Friday morning, *t 10o'-
elork.frocahi.latis.reaideaceon IV nn «, and proceed
to Trinity Khurv). yard. The frieatU and acquaintan
ce* of the family are Invited to attend.
TTu* morning at 6* o'clock, at the Ho.n,tal lhe
Holer* oT Mercy, of Eryiipelaa, ELIZA TIERN \n »
member of the order. a-
Jlcr fontra) will take piece at 3 o’clock Uu. arternoon,
from the llmpital on I‘eau; n_ oppotite tbo Eaehanae
atc'ptlaa .r th< Uoa. 11. nr, ci.t.
A '> mrruny oril„ Voonj Whin' A.iocia-
* e i d V ,b " ‘ >lcorl un PriSy cmime
nKnff r/'J-f"nil CivVli.n
HhMIY CLAY, r warm ataJ conltal reception. Ml
are invited to attend. . ! '
•iT» Committee* an expected i Q hand m their re.
p°*‘! ; » f vox uo.\KiinjsT°r^
T) ttJKTOON OP MR. CLAY-TV Co'iS^e'a*,
it pointed by the *ollll* Men.' Whig- Awciatiou to
make RTT»njrrmcwa to meet .Mr. Clay ou )u» way to
o>Uk^ ar f^V ,e f Mayor-a Office at 3
o clock tm* (Friday) afternoon.
JN the Conr»
jje Coon of Common Pleas of AUeebeny County
4l March term, ItCH, Sc. 3Qr * f
> . iAean mini Lcfcrie to -i •
~S f
Amlnow,to wit: March #, A. b. Isii ThlsaecouM
JK “! lb » Conn, oil motion ol j.
IV 2,‘j ol J ,cr pu Use same l*e confirmed, Xi nl»o order that this confirmation become ab
solute on the twenty-seventh ilay or March, A! D IfvtS
< l^un*/U l< t rpU^lil * , * a *«« mean time;! and the’
<-oun do aiao order timrthe said aitipieeaiw dischara
‘SXl 'P I lurtu ’ A -h ISjTonlo.” it
T," 1 ■ c °.' m 1,0 r “ ,u, ' r <Aer; Hull no.
rte: ? nU Pimic, mtereiicii, by public.iion in
SiSf'WK 1 a ™ !■ *•
mnilOda _______ HIILViI Xm.TZ, Pro.
do* playing cords; UOOwhoTe and
“ nCne ‘ il . ob *f ke,l i oUv * oil; aOdocoaatd
au>dS?litf. h«^ a »* k * Lom,on porter qsan* and pint*;
w ‘ n ' , S*e, very old; sbt,l» pow‘
b ¥ k * u . e^ at ?P*ffoe wine, part to arrive:
J do; for aaie.bvj mrlo_l^OAl^ltTlN
-- v .„ : ;-Twi«pU» Edition. .
A laPi™’ 1 will tw hold at tho public house of Mai,
of Canontborgh, ou
a/. lUlh d * r of ,*pnl new, to elect ouc Vrcti
dciu, one Treasurer. and lire Alanajrert. for the Waib.
and Timapsi, for sale at imported, by
marltJ j PC MARIK?
, wh . ole r tor, «lf and eighth pijwt. of all
too different winet now mute; part to arrive, of
vanout grade*, brand* and viutagraj toiao verv old
for tale at imported, by nmriu* ’
CIOABS— JWOjOOO Havana, of varioua brandt, aixet
and color*, front pnneipeet to the largcit tized re
ffuuaa, af direct importation, tbr tale by 1
xtUfl ° V C MARTIN
TRISII W HISKKV, Ac—a puncheont*lnah:
X tnaica aplritt, for tale at imported, by ™
- Ilwlt) l'C MARTIN
Hams* shoulders-os ok. fcmiuV'w^o
•houlden, ihi* day rcc'd Uibemia, «Sd lor
‘me by mar? JAuESAHUTCHISON*Co
, r "' , ‘
T ■ , J .“ a,? »* WILVOBAUaiI |
OUACCO—73 bole* l», 5» H* am] 12*. Tariou*] /“uivcrr i _ ~ r ~~ \
1... n d., S>ri>l. by Ibirioj iWbKXTKIi *fo | 0 ' UICKCTSON j
l/’ 1,, r B M*^ r ~ 60 who ' r •»* htf bbls old rye; Id bids
f of old Tennessee Peach Brandy, for tale W
SHOT— 15 kegs No I, il and 3, shot, for sale by
LASSWARE—IOO gross pint flasks; 30 do qt Lilia,
VJ m store and foraale by _v
mailO . /POINDEXTER ft Co
PIG METAL—IO tons CUnton Furnace,(cold blast)
_ foraale by ! [nurlOl POINDEXTER A Co .
COTTON* —101 boles MiiaiaalppL in atore tnl for sole
by mnrtO ' . iPOiNDEXTEK & Co '
SODA ASH—3O r.*ka firm quality. In more and for
“I'by J C BIDWELL, Agt,
_ mnrtti j water street ;
S'tERMAN CLAY—IS cska, in store and for sale by ■
V* tnario ; | J CJBIDWKLL "
fIOUDAGE-13 coil. 0, and 3 in. raanillaj3do
j V ana 0 in.: tarred ropes, in store and fur sale by
__. l^ T . lo . .JJcmmviXL
BUTTER— 7 Ilia roll, rec. tliia day, and for sale by
TjEACHES—I *ck pared, reed. and for sale by ;
CLOVER SEED—IOO bust, u» store and for sale by
- marlO j. ■ J TAS3EVA BEST
marlO |
r No 9, a fiao bollock,
1’ ; .33 wood at
PORK HAMB—qoo JasTlaadmrfro® atmrUeaTer,
and foraale by • [nlarlOl SAW lIARBAUGH •
CjLOVKR BKKD- 13bbls primeiluat reed and foraale
>_by marlO 8a W HABBAUGH
TbOlJ* BUTTER—3 bbls prioiiiiiat landing aind tor
■XV aaleby marlO s4WJXARBAUC.iI ,
LARD— 10 bbU No l, just reed,
i puao i a,
id for sale by i
I■ • •
f mi!E <’ r L trit , r Zf’:," V 'Managw mad t*wec.
■ cKpm.cassisiSes, Ssrimta ln
ARE now receiving, by arrival* at ihiaport and New
pic ovun) home market, a lorn luuolv
ana aswtment tn their line' which they offer nuhe Fow?
pnees, and to which Ihe/torite amSfii,
I R tnn CI^ lh *: the celebrated man
macuircra oflkolley*,Randomr. Sunoni*. Johanny 1 *
Ndlewn, JveMclfcaol, Buhoff*, Kreken* and Fremerey
Englnh do, of the mo*t approved deaeription*.—
F*euch and Engluh Cawiraereannd Doeskin*, >n which
are inciuded piain. brown, citron, steel and fancy hiii
ed, both uncle and doable milled, together with the fan.
C T styles of (tripes, plaid and figured
W Silk warp CaihmaretU ofbiack nnd color*
3-4 Cotton ' do • do do
French and Eng’irh Figured and Plaid Silk Venting*.
Caahmcni, Valencia and Marseille* Vesting*; of neat
ugures, stripes and plaid*. !
Also, Black Satin*, Serge*, Silk Velvet*, Mohair
wear*** Coatings, and light fubric* for sututuer
Padding*, Canvas*, Silciihs, Holl and*, Sewing Silk*,
* c - • 1 ' - morlOdJi
I WOULD like to call the! attention ofCouutnr Mcr
.**,ll*» Hoieljjitd Steamboat Bar Keeper*, Private
families, &c, to m y *| o ck of Wine*, Liqoom, Cigar*,
111 *}on! and consisting of the toon cel
ebrnted brand*, &c, &c. Feeling confident of having
me large*! nnd best assorted stock of any house west
*nd being engaged in the importation
liquors, Ac. direct to this country, persons
o.,»>:TT. oa “ r,n P accommodated both in price and
’"“l’h, r. C. .MARTIN, ..
E22 cor. anlthfield arid front *t».
TKTOTICEI* hereby given to the Stockholder* of the
aV»«S rgdnJ . OM I^ a I,le Mining Company, that
of ?? P er ccnL on each share has been
cSSItJST b e J° Fitch i Treasurer of sold
J.—i no q. m
*■„c. v. i.;*™: P _
«.J _OVE » ma R-tin & co. s
Produce and Counlulon Ucrchanti,
Sander* 4 Co- Jobalf Randal.
nk,n *’ Baltimore: Mi Allen 4 Co, Seller* 4 \i.
bSh 1 A a /w S ? U,h^ CD .? Shacklrlt 4 mile. Pit!*-
Hat? ' A * ee K TO Shaughnessey 4. Co., &nein*
" “**> brought up to mercantile
, e W« ro «nno re»peciable whole-
LF““ concern, cither aa »aJe*-
noh or general vuistant w the management of a eon-
tS™' 11 " 1 ’ »“> lie fomuhrt, .nil a
"P"' " - -Addm. BoiSl, M. a,
ma '. a f- 1“‘ Spmw rapplyor JJonSS
Z3J?’ *S„ 'nUKly now m d roll
ni». artificial flowL-ri, tc. Straw
BoanctanalUiSiore.WMurketrt. jSwmS
Q.I*ASf r;
CUTTERS—One or two good Giaas Cutler*
warned, to whom couttam work can be riven.—
Mu*t be men of temperate habita. Apply to *
uaa'nans &. Wallace,
-£*J2*L llWtt
T u ,, . K*g Warehotue. r . •
ah tugheit price in cash paid for good dean ran;
?■“**> ba, <“ rope; gnu rope; barging, wool
™g» J. w.CHAjSVVICK.
—: Wayne «. bet. penn & liberty
, n . c £ »"PP l >' yarn from ibc mnnulac
.^ fWrU £»'>’ f Madelphia;ju« rec'dnod
•ole by- maril_ FII EATON &Co
F 11 Eaton * Co;'have Strain'* Palm Oil
KJ i-toaiinjf Soap, for washing and Old Brown Wind.
wiulung; alio, Sand's M tl other
ooap- Market it, near 4th. ' r .Hi
BaACE S—A jiew lot of braces of the
inost approved pattern, for sale by
aaro ... ; FlimoNhCo.
Sunday night,! a Bnu* Slore Key: tie
X owner can -etH by c&Uink on
” ar9 : SIIACKLtnT k \VUVTT.
\ VGJ^Z ISO l,h ‘ U N °> an«l &r aale by
/^LASS— 160 bln SxlO Gbui :Eberbeajia.44 do 10x12
VX in atom and for »a!c by POINDEXTER fc Co
I 11 water m.
PAPER— uw ream* crown Wrapping; 00 do double
crown do; for *aieby POINDEXTER ACo
... : 41 Water at
COFFEE— 200 *clc« for sale by
SUGARS-a) bbl* Lcrrnng'a rruahod & polvenred
60 do Louin&ua leaf do, lor *a)e by ’ *
*p UPPER—3OO *ack* v for aale by*
X ***** . POINDEXTER it Co
FWS^? 8 tpK SALE-" flat ,«bUD
Weiloug, for talr by R EOBINKJN
2i!2 IcO liberty »L
Vf* Sx !"\ S “ b “ lona do, as
(InlOxHdolforaaictiy II RuUINSON 4. Cn -
FLOUR— 150 LliUfamiJj, juft'tfo’d ana for *olo bv
■ UJnr9 ■ RitOUIXSOX A: Co
Nol 'S.'Srf; "Wtanmeiuniiil
■ ' Oth street
SnS l? si “■
BAA’S—IJ bbja for aaJc by
.. L ”.fWENU."uiIEV h Co
PIUME BACON—Id store and mote bouse constat
I> <OT*alewaafqimuiitr, btfJOUX CIUER,
“*™ : . :&.Mibeny at
MOLASSKS-a prime artieJc Sonir How,
b > mtxS WICK A aicCAJflj
HAVANA SCC.VK —IOI bxswhitc nod brown, fo
LOAF SUGAR—?O bbls for sale by
- mar * >VICK 4 ftfcCA.VDT.rss ‘
XT’ OSIOLASSUS—3OO bbls prime for sale by
XI. _mart _ • WICKfAfcCAJiDIIESS
SMOKKD HERRING—no bx. .mnll nadwTfor
w°r> WICK 4- iUcCANDi^s
LARD— A small lot of No 1 Lea£ for wicTy
rattlS -mCK 4McCA.VDr.Rftg
r^ n S^f‘^ E 5“ A / 0 r r ' p Doeskin. bfodT
V JMI received aad offered low by *
—"P* 4 1 WR.MURrnv
“ va*kiutvi boxes, landing
rortpauclm? * co
B^ N ” 00,0 °? lbt "•HJwtnfoHl Mdfor.tfoby
X><afcrt lswatbhman.
B * M^^ <TO llt a “’ ld > ml nc>i «**,for tale
| TDEANB—30bu»h usall while, for sale by "
O, ,t 0
C ALA© OIL—I 2 dox for tale by ~
Sl*l2_ fafIAUX & REITER
Hd bi» No 1 rositr *onpj 23 d 0
KEEN APPLET bbl* just landing and for *aTe
TCLAXSEED-On consignment, anil for sale bv
X - mart saw ilakbal'gh
F« bbU
——i aj wood »t
A SDnw^ CA H?ASS—On stretcher* and by the yd:
oOmecet a***td sues, for sale by : ■ 3 J “
SUGAR— ay hhd* N o Horanoo bbl*loat No* ItoT;
/NTiVf^S® jlejefinedW bbl. pulver
~td> Xo* 1to4; SB bole* white Havana: for tale bv
OLD WHISKEY—OId Wonontfnliela formic l»v thi
r“S^by° n 1 ?” U8bl 3 bbl * y ’ old Bourbon "W*
mar? 1 1
Molasses— iw> uw* Piamaiicm iu prime on £
landing from *imr Diligence, and for tale t»v
-"!“5 L_ JAH FLOYD
POrASil-0 cuks atipr. oualily. Cot sale by “
T AlQ)—l'i keg» No 1, fona'le liy
. a ** 7 MILLEK fc IUCKCreov
."XXAILS—2COipg» iu atoro uulfor aalebr
?Ul m^x7 1 U ULACKBUItN A Co
i—5“S. . .McUILL, ir PHK
POTASH— fi.'c»ki prime, for sole B»- • ■
nuu7 -. 1 WICK A *f
tair7 > WICk & McCAKDMSjft
P OLL BITTTKB—ia bblrfrwh, ju*t rtc'd and for tale
XVbr , mar? - ,; v.WICK ai aicCANm.^a
’pEEsWAX—A *jh*U lot forsaJe by,
JJ -mary wick* «JcCAxmja«a
£ILO\ES—A good janortment.of black, whtteand
\X colored cottou and iiLk g tores. large atnc, itut re*
Wired end for eaie by SUACId&Pr* Whltk ' *
' «** j ; - Wmdim
ByJ>laP. PtvU, Awctlomacr.
On Monday laonung, March lOoVloek, at the
Commercial Sale* Room, corner of Wood and Fifth vu,
wiltbesoW, for j»ahcaTm*yj to dose a concern:
A largo' asscrtmehi of fresh and seasonable English,
French and American dry goods, amctowhieharc:..
100 piece* good style Manchester ginghams: '
.40 u ; fndigb bine checks;
- 30 Bicbatyle Mperior prints; .
. SiJk'stripe, plaid and plain alpaccas, dress
silk*, black salmi sopdrtLnc cloths,'cassiiurres, #«*•
! neu, flannels,]ks, glores, hosiery, Ac, *
... }, At3o'clock,p.m.
. 3 half chests good quality black tea;
• 1 cask Holland gin; - j •
ldo Jamaicaspmtsj
Tobacco, cigars, riw.and other groceries, qu
ware,* glassware, confectionery, . axes, ,'ha’
- —«■* *ia**ware, codfectioneiT, . axe*, ,'.hatchet#,
ahorel*, bay iorkf, male be*, writing and wrapping pa*
per,band boic«. ?. A federal aHonmeni ofbooMbold
{amnarr,‘cooking «o»a*. kitchen nleniil*,cunwtior,
looking glawe*, window .bliitd*, kc. •
/ fAt To'clock.p.m. 1
Ready mafic clothing in gTeat variety, bool*. shoe*.
com, umbrella*, saddles,bridle*, thuiks,'Whips, comb*,
cutlery, gold and silver watches, musical instruments,
vanety gooda, Ac.. martO
* • Coialogui Sole of . Bools.
•'W f»jwl»ff.*be llih in*t.. at 7 o'clock, at the
Commercial Sale* Kooinj corner or Wood ami Fifth »t*,'
will be. sold without rewicre:
mr TL lar s®'.collection of valuablemise* books;
which nrq standard works in various depart
■s?nii?v 0 M* cll L*{ ce: J l“*/atBr*, family bjbir* in great
iSSni '■” pw ' ,d " s ’ MIJ
mtul ° • ; g JOHN J) pAVJB ( Auet’r.
c , An OttJMNANcif
Sopplemeatary aad e*plfcuaiory of <ui “Ordinance for
the Itegulaung of liucka, Drays. Wagon*, kc » dais
ied the 2Sdi day of October, IM7, * ' P
SECTION!, bet it ordained and enacted by the chi
~ ofPittsboryb, inSelect and CbinraotfCounc] t*
assemblc<Laad u la hereby enacted by the authority of
tho lame, Ihal w ijnuch of the eighth feeeiiou oftkJoi
dinance of the 25th October, 1817, a* exempt, from t)i«
panaentof heenses the owner* of wagon* brfmriur the
produce of their own farm* to markeCtdiaQ
«rued or taken tof.extend to the owner* of coaL brick'
, • 10,,e, or pulk *»P« or carts! nor to
huckiter* brmginff country produce to the pubic mar.
.• •“* That the 80 per cent. men.
boned in thefilth section of said ordinance/shall not ex*
tend w inch periods as voluntarily pay thcr license* to
the City Treasurer, but phly to those person* whose
?S!" Bre,UTOe< ! to *K™*ww by' thelliKSE
Sec m. Be it entteted, Ac, That so much of aoid ordi
nance os authorizes the City Treasurer to charm the
l r • *>
Attcil: Ilßidic‘teSS^ P "*’ , ‘ fC : C - <
Joes SntPToir t Pre‘rSC. • '
John Major,Clerks C. i • . mttr o •
An Ordinance eatabli*hin£n new grade tor Stmwh^
and it ta hereby permanently fixed, »a .felJowa. to wS
Begmnmff at the grade of gmithfield street, nod thence
jaiswsjssy *
_Src. it Be-itftmbey enacted, Ac. That the grade of
Cherry Alley shall rise from Seventh meet, at 65 min.
utea, or 131-100 feet per 100 feet, to the grade of Straw-:
berry aUey.aanow*'e*tabU*hed. and thenee a uniform
ascending grade to the grade of Sixth street'
• Sec, tit Bo it farther enicted, Ac, That soumchof
•anvonhnaneeaa cdnflieU;wuh the provisions ofthi*
Ordinance; be, and the same?* hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted ifato n.lawin Councils, this.
. ; ‘ Wowas Bosntrsox, PmtCC.
Attest: BBcnaAßdaxfcr*,ClerkCC.'
JotnrStarrox. Prei’tSC.-
John Major, Clerkt) C. i ' .
Omt KagHih BtßuJr.
•bov ?
URL dummed by the telebnued Dr. Buchan, of
.London, England, and introduced into the United State*
under tho immediate jupcmteodeneo of iho inventor.
t^*frtllnar7 ’^ cce * 1 oClhii.medieine, in the
cnro of Pu[monary L di*ea*«*, warrant# the American
A^entmaohcuingfortroatx^ent thewom po*aibie ca
ce* that can be foundin the community—cases that seek
relief m tram from nay of the common remedies of the
day, and have been given tin by the most distingnished
physician* a* confirmed andlacurable. Tlte'Hangnri
«n Balsam ha. cured; and wUI cure, the W Wnue
l i»noqoacknostrum, bnt a standaidEnjr
hsh medicine-of known and established efficacy.' •
counteract the consumptive tendencies of the -KnAis,
bat to be used as a preventive medicine In all cases of
colds, coughs, spmihg oTblood, pain in'the side and
chest, tmunon and .soreness of the . longs, brochiti*.
J“iKiwi at U Wick fall tote
tion* for the restorafidn of health. , •
B*®phlets, containing a mpss of EngUsb and Ameri
ean certificates, andjOther bvidenee^showing them*-
T» jT R t Co > p *» *» *«a- ‘
nclSaLJ^Jj e?e^pUent ®*
rood whete-rer pfH.
The Coagh »yrop sadliter J>2U hove blm
unction VonroWßem. ; J SCOTT,'PwSSat
ioM .bT S B BEIAEHAS7wS2fo •
«, ld . l i y P* Cu,c! ’ U
W J Smith, Temperance riilei “*”.£?£*
391 l!*XiN
9ASCT AHD °DRY coon*.
Adapted tbebeat Trade, and porchaaed «n°rh below
the eo«t of uDponkttos, Which tier an offer* '
. iog ; ,at a srervnaall advance.’
Ther hare ilm received tfemihe vadctu Steamer* and
' mcH^WF’BkY°’ow&,
T. °P PA “* S ANI? WSQXMf,
MUIR,wu furJaacy yean concocted with the*
!*oo*e of Stewart M • w^ 1 and hu long experience
ina , e “v W V l •»*«• U*'wdftr « iinSSS
,u,ck of MMonablegood*. I
. ?i «• *«Jw*.«ent their thank* &r the patron,
■g* >o liberally beitowed croon theirettaMithmiauSd I
to aunre purchaser* tin &♦ ■will atrive to mS™?? I
continuance of confidence an<£ rapport • * ecurta J
* l “ lax n bu*j.
b .? lh 'f uneMmpeUVSS. tto,l
tar,Jaey arc determined to leave do fionorabla efl£n« I
untried to aceompllshthdr deainL AemiutSwl I
amount ?f etrocrfenee t* bwtoej&a
their tatiafoenan that thh only tore method ot obtaining I
builnew, i* to have it buedsj»n I
,P n ? c, P lem » “dihat while, m mcrehanta, toev I
w®. latemf of their carjonier*, they are puriJM
true methodof advancing theirotrnf I
cnd^lpmeaubeing nowwfSJ^rm^fSjffSfy l^
“fe iSt* P " f Slrf.Sn^
IDT Jf~o' Price 4to 4(e .raMjiiVe manm* rar ,
m '«.*c, \\ 4 uCSSjgS™©^;
■ - . -ij • j
EttabUsbeda warehoese intbe TearlSifi.
ef nSSSS
___ . FBOU '
! "• frrSJ
Ng*r York, Jtaa, 184?. <
.... . Notice. ' . .
ofsud Way. v *'; '■ *• •HBM^PWwSSf®* o * RcconUn* Beguiitori ßtlSSPtS**'
Eitract iVora HecijoiiiOlb oUW AcLVwhlefM* btt
anthonxe aiiit to be brourfiUMn'iTm r^^j.^» Ac ! to
VVillina Bondrf
ineor«i(lenin fo rihe »ao&*nwiSt h? I T I O P CB *
! Secret yS-iwdr^dfand
: »Sd orK r"“‘ i
!• - 1
Jdn.cJra” h ? rli ? Fonnnejby
w* 1
DuJZ WlHe Tliree C&ij.i,, Al ,^ lKil „ j ,
SjP“* l > or »ha Kng ofihc Dln*We >
SSSs^?teaj?«9* ta g*»»s~^
v-k. I S, l 'o”co m "S,. L *" 4*%>P"W,,„-
Honysfor*hePeople, No3.fcr March. , 1 ‘ publication ia IbeKtaSuiS! SSr ££«£?£*
three uiecrtiona in fay
-L„ir. mUj~ to AtosSJ^^gJ^»g«* B MS
"“ O, ?^Sw , ST'
I fry*, of m L
er»Uan «ruuo uuof
-, .' -:, Z*. r ■':•■'■ .
'. • :' ; .>^>;: i .'i ; l3v^ii>3-^:^-:“.-''
: •■!>' • !•>.• -.• ■
- ■
‘ "•* ' "i wX?
cacnrHATL * PlTTtBXrHen *
■ DA , L Y "
rpmy wdtkoowA ilae of fplendid PMieju JJ *s*
■A «* .*• n®» eotnpoaed of ihc
Carted »ndftmii»hed,andnro«tlwlnS
weim of the Wert. Erery
.tort thattnonereanprocure, ha* beenpturidedAu °®*
rt«St». The in opcnuWfor
r-iM earned a milliott of people without the leaji'u??*
rr to their persona,- Hie .0001*. Will be ntihTfoK'
v °°« ■'we* the day prcrious to Ktttine, for the 1*?.?:
ttoa of freight and the entry 0/ pa««en*m ua the
air caaea the pauase money must bepaij
<m* ISAAC A. G. M*soi, *p
~c ' »hßTsh eTCT7 Sunday morning at lOo'cloek:
• *> heeling cTery.Snnday erenin® at 10 r. at
iMay - . - *
_ . ■ paoKET;
'The AIONONGAHEIiA, Copt gross, will lease Pitta-.
I?*? ST**? Monday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling
eyery hlonday erewn*atlOr.u.' /;• *
‘ L packet,-- -
, J**-'ll Copt J* Kussrnxn, win
ivwu iu *&“*h *my at 10 o'clock:
media*erery.Taeada*' T '
Tl. TmilWJJS.’S* l ' PACKET.
i-SJsSfii*£T> C »t>-.(i ] u c t will l,*v« Piiu,
Beater, Glasgow and
in® on Monday, Wednesday. and Friday * She hu*
-» SVo£? . l
.a. lie fineatounlxwt
Mfate® Uk V J
Clarke, master, win, darias
comiji* winter season, make ilnfiv
Mip* to Beaver and Wellsrille, leaving' fiaabanb eve.
7 mi WeUnilic „To“c7ik r
Afjff* 5 ’ c «■ r '
D^ y 8 A? “w AND 4P. 5L
. hi following new beau cuapleto
Piwnt seasons AT
■SfiBSH^taDTiMC,' CapL ,James Parkinson:
wi I *swa
n*> Uettnett. Tbe boats _aru eodrelv
board, os tie boat* wmIZ?E£L P B, «taal oa
Used boars, BA. IL I^*Te tl
win tear*
<m board er to ~ j NEWTON *JON&, VP 7
-gy • 1 ■ ' Moaoegahela Hoase.
h The foat : numin^a-r,r-i rr
<&gSSllunlcr, Mato,, „aj for
and.intermediate porta ihixta*-
-‘| V; .•'. •. :• fornew Orleans." ” ■
rfSPO* »v The splendid new steamer
tl 1 - ifiWf-; GRAND TURK,
riewman Robini*, Master, will leave
on iCTrt. a, n, FRlgiD, RUEV £ck, Apt^S'*
! . ' FORST, LOOTS. : '
*'»»» *» ik.
•>P«SSBBWial)ore t jff imimainit pom on Frl.
•• | - • FOR NAMHVIuTkT”
i /ft s*®”* 5 *®”* JV - ‘ Rw Beflr H s* drasght steamer,
USqlmr' tl. W4RV axxk
Mailer, "wju leave for tba
. ! FOR WABASH HIVel 1 ”
■ ' **‘ ubtUc^ lightdianght
Tl £a b °* Bl '° fl ° ’ A NEWON^ON^'S^^
Monongaheia Hoase.
j - : ■’? JpH'fiflV LODISL.
t- . »?lpndid *leamer,
' UteiflSas? m-\W b franklin. *
, _s2>gigj«Johii W McJLue ikiaiKß^wMW
«*S,S? b“p?&“&».
>s^Sissis^v , . x, -^ t m^&
■... j ro&-st:xoua.~' “" r^
dggtgi ~2St“ !w 't^g'S‘ 0 f «"^«
SJwSSirtlik^ffegSt, Th “ r « 1 *!'.
Ir ™£sr" “ omli^n^g^SSS^'
low wuer
F mSS i ? h,c,p “ ,a ® B »PP J • “*
’ • : AjcenL'
> ■ | \ FOR ST. LOUIS.'
•'; tf***®"** |v' Tbo Utl naming weu&cr
UfoteM? b ' - FAIBAIOOKT,
naxter, wilt leave u mhe re e—.
i•.•'.•Vj:' • tor stv 3 ' A **". •
Oxpt■ WBlAwn, Mower, will lear»i
"ffSf/Wlroalwara. or tJ - Forl>
__ JONES. Agu
REUULAB cixcissati packet
k Ido fine steamer
Ukjj&*o- AK>V ENGLANJj,
U t«r, leaves ;j ....
- ,i toe Cincinnati;
**■* ' •no fine eteßZoer
ply on board, or to D .Wll.gixa - or PVM««
- S
'•ViKTA TWnew , B i l i*?«»te«ner
• ■JSatecftsS’ BYRON.
—■ '' _ mart
»r ptmajfc apply
I for st. Lons.
(FW*r lv Tbe Ipiendid *leane r
S&F ,0 '“ ! ” k ■** .^ftSSSSKSWS
“ ■ fcbi®
. j- CINCINNATI.,. •
r"s«', »OTIr on boidT 10 °' c l«k- "For'iiVh”;
dESfr ■
r'!“>mr, Trill loom fo,
dty lioffld fail, u 4'“'■negno pom on Too
•*7_ : — 7~t£i: L..f Aloaonjrt&eta Houie
' i WK-REwoSTEAHsCrr
r ■ Tb®finotteamer • • . *
dJmaMwL: •• SaVjUSKAH.
■®ftsafcS? n 5 l, * u J.‘ ®M‘«f:wiUi|ca»a rlifi
a ssei 9 S«Bi,P"
... ffkMv*TW- The new *nd jiut n>»m. r
?»iil lew* for ahon.
55?SSdSS?of **!&?
“ff® «f ply bu>jirrf or to” .: , Fwrf « l pa*.
-Si.—r °EO B mmmnMER, AgV
! i roii \v auakh utvzzr
<■»'- a.
«and*y* the «h tnw,at 4 o’clock, «”*
Pmmm apply D U herd OMo . * r «•. or
ag-_.. ; «roBM.LTF A -B KR „ Kn
IVrfncW.ycnd pSiTyJ »tlO tf oiTmoi'dky*
;syaa^3s^ ; s..
Ewry ftccomodmioa lhai r,., “W*» port..—
fcn mid nfety w for up com
bo*l » nlao provided T nifi?*Jir rKee f l^ prorided. Tbo
wemit cjfpfojiong. For freiVM actl * ff Mfcl X B“«d i*
board or to * . . . "S**®* pa**ajre apply oa
feM • David 5 jiehbs'K
—£?jgw of l«t and Wmiihfidd rtii;’—-
'■ „ Tbe newtfeanjer :
JG&Stg. ■„.,... ,
' ■S>»b>u v b. „JL *U*3 W V
“" " ■ T"
«- V* - > •-
•vwc'j2^i^-i^t?“.T-i*j-:j'-';-x.-...- - '.---.) . 1 .
'•w 11 .. <4 C‘ r "> r ,
" ~' ; -
/» *?>}*•> VuMoa>
~r* Tiling nttib „