'if); >' -- ' ; : HEDICAL. ‘-'T ■ ’ ' ’A QIN»ENa PANACEA! f T : fpO THOSEitfUFFEKING' WITHr DISEASED JL IBXQSs-Tl* vaffteeitouA aaccaa- which hu •headedOmskofthe ‘ '•: i 1 GINSENG' PANACEA ' ■ ' thaouy frcso *ll pamcf the country ,—ftoin .-. v ■ MEDICAL WEN OF THE FIRST bTANDING, - Miaistere of the Oorpel, together with copious no* tkcefon’tbe - -« •■ ■ :<■* , • '■ JOURNALS’ OF TUB DAY. ■.•• •; > we hJhr*’ embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had gratis of hay of etcr arent* throughout the country* ••-•■ - V ‘ HUNDREDS OP BOTTLES have been wed in-thi* city; • * THOUSANDS AND TENB OF THOUSANDS. - throagtuxutbe Umted State* and Canada, and we caa. Idacfl any man to nointoot a •■- ■ i 1 ‘ f SINGLE INSTANCE ' a which, When takes according to direction*, and be* fote the tang* had beceme fatally disorganized, it- ha* over failed v> : • 1 • ~=:r - , ■t- EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. ' : Why, then, need the afflicted hesitate? t'-hy tfisort to the miserable nostrums, gotten cn by art's t g nuindlvid aalaeoßdUrUreaMtuned muneofvbvre ee ‘i»«uil phy* eietan, and]puffed lobe notoriety by certificate •< per* eotucouam- uaknown’ - Wldlzi a medicine o! t • ;TTIJN PARALLELED EFFICACY * ' 1a to be has, whose voucher* are at homef-oor neigh**' bon, funr of whom it ha* . ■ 1 r > V SNATCHED FROM THE GR AYE. < In order tut (hi* invalsable medicine may be placed' within the reach of the poor a* well the rifeb, we have' \ T:- »-: (MOT VIFVT CBSM/- • one haK.tae usual co*t of cough medielae*;' Hi* V w aale by our agents in nearly every todra and village oyer the weit, who are prepared to -pew full informa tion relative toil - T. SALTER, Proprietor, ■ . • - i : ‘ Broadway, Chifcmnatl, Ohio. Ok -fit ‘Rti* AmaaeiU caused'by'anuoxyimal construe-' turn or the air Mlt; it in wry debillthtttir. almottcau** log wtibeation, DK PANACEA i* the ettiy eertamcure.' ■ effectually lead to Bronchial Coawmption, but a timely are of Dr. Sweet* •nr’* Panacea willefiectuaQyeufoiL lnflaenaation of.the. Tonaila or Sore Throat—Jhi* divert* ctiea Uad* ie uriou* eotueqneneemfrom. aeg* leet, raeh a* nleeration of the throat. On tOTSmsymp* be precoreu end • naed freely. Cough* and Cold*, find' av *overetgn remedy in Dr. _ gweetey* Panacea.... Poenoonia Notha*—A very fatal dieease,. rerolting ' from a violent cough and cold on a debilitated or b to ken down eonaiiinuon; aged penoba are rableet to it- Dr. Sweeter** Pasaeea ahoold.he tued on the fint symptom*,whieheroaeoughorcold.-r. ’’ - , 4*ilh a.timely check, by using Dr. Swceuer** Panacea. ‘CopwapaonJ—lf on the fimappcaraneeofcoawtntp ' tire fythpMa*, whkh are a pain in the aide and breant, . cooghorttining'ofblood, if Dr.SwecUortPanaceai* . fredriuec, no danger need be apprehended. When the Idngs, the Windpipe, of Bronchial Tube* become clogged upwiib phlegm *0 as to impede reap!* ntidn’or breathuE, Dr- Bweetaet'* Panacea, whieh i* . apowerthl Expectorant, should, be taken according to thedirectioai...' Inffnrnta,—’lhii distTwlng epidemic, eo prevalent in , our clinia!i“ 7 l*«pctdily eared by Dr. Swcclsci’a Pana* Price 81 per bottic.or»ixbotilc*£arSA' • . For saiaby.tVAL JACKSON, 89 Liberty at,raign of .-the big boot. ") • v novfiUly Scratch! Seratcla: ■ ' riILTTEK, ITCH, SALT, RHEUM, io-lVlo would ‘ X for a single day scratch, when afflicted with the •Tetter, Itch, or other diseases of the altin, if they knew who would relieve and owe them. r Rt horrible to be obliged to rob and rcmteh when alone, but more horribleiio abstain from it, [for decency eakeJWhen in company.) Let it be remembered- thi Dr-LEDY*9 TETTER sad ITCH OINTMENT i*-the Boost effieaciotu of any olher preparation in esstimee . in' curing the Tetter,ltch,pi id otiier disease* of.the skin.. As of the skin mast arise from the impurity of the blood and fluid* of [the body, had where tneb ilia* case bo of Jeog standina/and the constitution aflectcd thereby, if Dr.Leldr : *Sitsaparilla Blood Pill* be osed with the ointment, they will cure ony case whatever, • and if lhey do not, the money will be returned by Dr. Leidy. : Most cases, however; will be cflcetnaUy cored by l&.Leidy’s'Tetter .and Itch oimment,-nnless the Wtoteaystea is impregnated by .the diseased humor* . which will be (mmpVlclj!c*med-aff < from the system by Dr Istidy’s blood pills, ana the surface of (ho sltin heal ed by this ointment.. nrieb of dntment 85 cents. supply of thetelvaluable medicines just re* * ecnrcdandwrudeby.i h' •• • * fT B X FAHNESTOCK A-Co.' ' feb4 . eorilst A wood, also cor, Oth'A wood sta. T.7'~" ""' PEACE I) PEACE I * - 1 ~ ■ wra wTTTri \ .> BUT IN HOMESTEAD. fITUE undersigned has Kong been couviuced of the X necessity for some [dedreine adapted to the use of Children >ri " Infants to, supercede the use of all those Bwdicine* whieh coutauiapium,' and has at length sutj* needed in preparing and to the publie a medi cine folly answering every purpose for nil diseuanof the bowels, without the t»e of thst deleterious dru£, dr any otherealcnlatsd toiasirein the leasL *rho Ituanl rang acea has been fitlly tested and tried, the last twelve 'i: wwiiti, by numerous persons, and found to posses* all - the extraordinary virtues, onu to produce all tiiewston- Ishlng efiects asset forth on the bill of directions. Di . aythesa, Vomiting, Cholic, Griping,-Pains,.Sicknes» and Xkseases-crisinc frwa Teething, acting immediately without disturbing anyiutf the functions oftho body, -ptodneieg vho; happiest and reett pleasant transitiou urea violent pain to a tranquil and joyous stale of feel -- ing in the little saffere r. ■ ; ". To be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor. Dr;~ JOHN SARD ANT, Druggist -and Apothecary: John MitehelL Ellioa A Beckham, and most other Druggists ,n Allegheny and Pittsburgh. dee!3 r»fef.T.gß»tt IMW.RIAI. COUGH SYRUP.—-It has Jj power to car*! . finmmii, Keb. 14, ISt7. ' B. E. Bnj.mwMy* trife 1m far year* been subject to adistressingcoagh, accompanied with mhma, for the etue of which she used different 'cotub remedies, and had the advice of the most eminent-physicians in Knglanil, hat all was oust ailing. By chance I beard of your Imperial Cough Syrupy arid "was induced to buy a bottle for trial, although 1 bad no belief that anything could remove her. complaint. To mr great surprise, .two doses rave her iircnediata .relict.. She is at times troubled with a cough, bat two teaspoonsfol of Syrup -always stops it lam satisfied, after a trial of three or -four year*, that Seller’s Coogfa Syrup is ihe best cough "medicine I bare ever tried either iu the Old or New "World. ! ; . r Wjt..FaiSßcnnwi, ~ Seventh Ward, dry of Pittsburgh. . Tha-above certificate should induen • all who ore .troubled .with: cough or asthma, to give the Syrup a tri al. Jl, may he * had for 25 cents a bottle, at the drug Store of, j R £ SKLLKBS, 57 wood st. Sold bv Dr Caiael, Sin ward, and- D U Carry, Alle gheny cuy. , 1 ■ •. • J«u>s. S~BLLEH’B VERhIIFUGE.—The greatest of i Worm medicines: -j . - New Ijmos, Onto,) - . : ••! •• - Jan. 8, ISIS* J This U U> certify tha( aAer using dilforent prepara lioas for expelling worms, 1 bought of C. F. Hetman, of New Lisbon, two vials;-of R FI Sellers’ Vermifuge, anil. . cava the contents of one vial to .three ofyiy children. * From the first, aged (1 years, it expelled AS worms; rirom the secobd, years old,-70; and from the third, 2| yean old, lift mating- 315 worm* expelled by uiiag batenevui 'I recommend Sellers’ Vermifuge as a safe and oae of the mon effectual Worm medicines be fore the public. i - . Hrcu hlcwmv. Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, No 57 Wood street. .Sold by Dr.Gasael, 6th ward; I>, M Cony, Al- - - Jegbeay; William S Smith, Tempctanceville. ' jail , 1 Patent moefc Spring Trau, . T\l EWLYJNVENTED—For the retiefandPennineai JLv Cuoof HERNIAjer RUPTURE. (Salted to all StxeS*) : : j-"’.. -- - The nperier claims of this Tnm consist In the com -ptrsrifeeaowUh which it may be worm Thcpadol wood beingntatly balanced oa springs, yields to pres : samba any pan of U.and thoroughly adapts itself to toy ■STtaiiunnadfl by the • wearer. It cun be worn wUbnt btomlnion, gatilscare is effected. The sab .seilbos have nude arrangements for the .manafarnure pt them valuable Trasses, in a superior style, in Phils) ddphia. and have them sow for sale at their office, No. 77 t amithfield tL near Sixth, Pittsburgh. GEO. WATT, : jsSpj: . - 1 p.w.BAUFftiAN, .mlwOtosUyHsdlelneslnOhlo* . ’ r.' WsTajttuaoa, Ohlo.Jna’y 27, isig 'RjTR.B.ihSELLERS—Your veirntfogoM oneqoall 'JKLedaa*'**wofm destroyer/* sod hts given ’entire •■■Usfoutlßß 10 all who have had occasion to ose it— Yon livsr mis are also - raining a htgh reputation tots. YocasrespMifally',, - ’ CoccsfoMan. ' . _ UcConxiumim. Ohio, lan’y 27,1*43. - -; Mr. & E.fleilare—Your Vermifuge tells remarkably • .< - \ - ■fgVtT.Ogyrt - Prepared and sold by E,- E.'Sellers, No. 67 Wood at, Sold also by Dr. Cassel, 6th Ward, D. .M. Cam, Alle toaafynad Wm.'J.Bmith,TemperanceTflle. 1 febl Yi fiOfiWi 1 kfci in store ami tor sale * : Jn^U«^^f^^lospr ,r * ' VOOd “ d ,{U ** ’ . "Atnfindin for Chapped Handri ’ ' Eoossars' , -'do • do, ’, dp-’ : -",i SnpetfitoßhasinyCream.m«&k ■twQrtf; “ ’ Ox Marrow Pomataflg . ‘ .OddCrsany:,',,. V; . ” '• ‘ Rom Toothpaste; . * , ( ' Colo«oa Water, fine extract for tho haml- ~~ febio XhROGBk DKUGSU-Soei Mohlcr, druggist and apotb ■l I'wwt. W. W.Mmsref woed-autT-SOi - horeh,’ will keep constantly on hand, drugs, paints, c axe folly cornponnd fd. materials, at any hour of the day or atahLUMprtosssortment ©fperfotaery. fino aadfdbUi bnzshcsi c(oh low for ;toto...;. ; vc;w«^-’■ . ---- --r - man. ln mneiMs. - - f|\Kl9 is.la esrtify that -1 purchased one vial of Dr. Jt JdeLane’t Worm Speeifie/sonui two months-ago •ad gars - to a. saoef suns, some seven’ years old; two WMfiousufoD/ srid although’thoamount may appear largo, yet I have'So douM’ but there was upwards of ’two. TißßiiM vroots ■ passed ■ from him. measuring ink oa* quarter «f as loch to two inches long. ■ ■‘7~~ y -.'-v IF - O W HOLLIDAY. Carrol eb.TVtm., I>ee 37,1517. )aB4 ,TBU?I ABDEL*? -JodlanFv'ege table Hair Oil, for O mo^C-ttojgwnk, softening and improving fob Bag, tod pflee really preventing. it from falling obi, for bdls. a good article, rec'd pci Cystoy.ndSd.andforisailoby .’ yftbgß , , : i . > JAMES AHUTCHISON ACo . meald Cabdle’s in store and lor X/tolSby ' ! (febt3] y-B & W.UABJIAUGIL . VARNISH—3 hbls Copal Tarnish, N V. No. V/taadS, formula by. 'JOHN D MORGAN. HjfAdABSAR OIL—B gross just rec’d and for sale by fW fehlg: .77 ' JOHN P MORGAN.- : ’ bfrlsshelted tom landing,’. jL/fobtS,: . . ‘ ?'?}mt£ ODER VINEGAR forshle by J *< ftbU~T \l: it; ycGILVBPBHnPXP Aftoß . ‘THEA.HIEB&-"J7 /wok*.,now JawUag fromitr Lailjr , ive .-ctM *new’*j>rin«; ygsifrrfe'cirßCKS—T'tvo Cweeof wry dart' ■ ; 5: ■ -r”^*" ,: JOOKS,. MUSIC, ' • • , jacwnsooKs. : ; .rittu: Convict, or thoHypocriie Unmasked: by G. P ; A R.Jaaes,E*q. ' Aihbrej by E.. Howard, anthor of Ratlin the [ The Star of the . FaUeat by. Curtis, author of Black ;Planted.Riflemen. - 1- ; ' The-Marin Figure Head, or the Lady of Green aad .Bliic{ for Charley. Carey, of the U. S. N. aidrns " r^£ t or the Maid of Saxony; by Louisa : Stanhope, aathox of‘‘Striking Likenesses, n Ac.’ _ _LeniUaLynxnor«, and Mr. aad Mrs. >Voodbridge; by Mis» Leslie.. ' I*mdon Quarter.y Review. , Union Magazine for December. Life of JosephT Hare—a Urge supply. The Maamuvainr Mother, by the author of .‘History oßannh.’ ■. The Wihhlnexs of Woman, by the same.. . The Old Commodore; by & Howard. * Jeanette Allison or the Young Strawberry-Girl—a fale of Sea. and Shore; by Ingraham. . - Kaam, or Daylight, a prixe tale; by J S Bobb. -. } Sir Rowland Ashton, l! vol; by Lady C Long. . , | of Versailles, and tho Court of; Louis; 1 tlowcrs PemmiCed, Nos. 0 and ID. ; Ilural Cemeteries of America, part 9. * 1. i Magazines,Newspapers, etc.; —*• I-ondon Pouch end Pictorial Times, perlaststeareer*. Drother-Jonathan, Philadelphia Courier, and Yan kee Doodle Pictoriali. For sale by < i. t WM S CALDWELL, • deel - • 3d it, opposite the PoslOfflce. _ VrEiRLY READY FOaPUBLICATION by J. A. A U. P. JAMES, Cincinnati, the following new and valuable Works— * . Doniphan's Expedition—Containing a v sketeh of the life of CoLA. tyVDoninham the. Conquest of. New Mexico; Genu Kearney's Overland Expedition to‘ Cnli fbruia; Doniphan's Campaign against the Navljos, and his unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Duriuigo, andtbe Opermious of Geo. Price at Santa Fe| with a Map and Engravings, by John T Hughes,‘A'B of the list tlegiment of MinouriCavalry. '' . :Hi«tdiy of Kentucky—lts Antiquities and'Natural Cnrioniues; Geographical Statistical - and Geological descriptions; with anecdotes of Pioneers Life ( and more than one hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish ed Pioneers, Soldiers. Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Di vines, Ac 4 illustrated with forty engravings; by Lewis CoUiu, 1 voL octavo. m.. . , ;,Tbe Twelve Months' Volunteer,' or Journal of a Pri vate in the Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry,-in the Campaign ofMexieo, during ili-10-47, containing an ac count of the March of the Regiment to Vera-Cruz, a description of the Country passed over; manners, cus toms, Ac. of the people; Sketches of Comp Life; ac count* of all the actions of other Volahlcer Regiments, and a fall History* of the Mexican IVdn List ofihe Kit led and Wounded, Ac; illustrated by ri large number of correct ’ views and plans; by Geo. C. Furl*er,’t volume octavo, ; | dect T)OOKS BOR THE SEASON—lliumiualed t> Gems of Sacred Poetry;.* splendid imperial 8 vo n with beautifisi illustretions on steel, by Sahain, and 28 illuminated . pages by Schmitz and; Sinclair, richly bound in Turkey, morocco and white calf, superbly gilt. i.The Christian Keepsake, an annual for 1848; with , splendid meziiotuit engravings, by Samiu; bound iu ar abesque morocco. 1 I Christmas Blossoms and-New Year’s Wreath for 1818; a small qaarto volume, printed tin snow white pa per, embellished with splendid mezzotint engravings.— This is-by Car the most , beautiful juvenile annual pub lished in tSeUnited Stale*. j. i The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. B- with numerous e j tisiie designs, by the Etching Club, In va rious styles of binding. | . , Thomptou's Seasons, with seventy-seven designs, by tho'Etchiug Club, in various style* ofjbinding. ! The l'oets snu Poetry of. America! by it. W. Gris wold. | •- lie l’oets and Poetry of tho Ancient*, by William Peter, A. 1L; topcrbly bound in Turkey morocco; spies- Poems, in various styles of binding., BGray’s Elegy illustrated. | ■ lleman’s Poetical Works, in various binding*. ! Imrd Byron's “ ** • I “ t tthakspeaie's -. “. u • ■ • u ; The Poetical Worki ef Thomas Moore. f. Ballads and otiier Poems, by Mary Hewitt Poem* by Amelia, - : 1 1 Headley’s Stored Mountain* - •'Tho aboTe, with a neat variety of other new works, in spleadid styles of binding, suitablo for gift books; for aaloby • 1 ' JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, ookscUcra, cor. Market A 3d sta. {finable Standard Works. «aee,litwatareaadirtc«mpeisteglbahutory,demriptioa nd srießliAi principle* of every brmwhof humsa knowledge. wilßthc derieatioo and definition ef all the terms in graertl use,edited by \Y TBrands,F R B,£c. Blostratedbyau ■cTUus e&anriagl oa wood. |. j MarseN Noth Aacriew Atlas, cootaamg beaatifully eol ered mspe.of North America, Caoada East, Censde [Tut, Nova Scotia, Nsw Brunswick, Nmthere Texas, New Mex ico, Florida. Texas, Califeraia, Mexico, Central America, Yuealaa. Trot India Island* and Ml the Btatc* and Terrill riesin Ifaie Uaioa. - | - ! Neal’* f uritmi—The- history ef the’ Puritan* from the reformation la 15i7, to the revelation of IV&, comprising an aceoustof tierjTOOpk*, Ae,Ac. by'Dtihel N«al,M A, revised by John O Choate*, M D, with nine portrait* oa iteel; IntwortJamc*. ' -r • The bn of the Body in relation to the Mind, by George Moore, M D, member of the royal college of Fhvurius, Ac. ' Jttviall* workA|. JFealth aild IForth' or which’make* the man, a very pop. .k. T _b ; y ‘ * Peril* of »h# Sea, narration* of shipwrecks, Ac. 1 RoaeU’* Speaker—The Joven Be Speaker, eoai prising elmsenUry role* end excrciie* in drelsmaikn. with a selec tion of pieces for pruetise, by Fraaeis T Raaeil, iaatructer ia. -1-urti.iMVrtn—tn- . . . -*•- 1 ’ beunonurnneetub. --- The aborc works received end for sale by. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON all BootacDefo,cor market and 3rd »t* MB vPalmonary Ralssn, TM[ ESSRS. REED A CUTLER—I icel it a duty-I ivl owe to'my fellow creatures, to state something more respecting your Vegetable Puhnouury Balsam, •yince I first used the Bvlssth. about eleven yean ago. the happy effect of which I then gave ah account 01, 1 hare uad several severe eomplainta and attacks at my longs, one a few days since, and in every instance I bave used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect soeces*. It has effected relief and cure In a very few days. It is certainly a sale medicine. 1 do not know that it will cure a fixed ootuumpuou. tut I believe it will be iu many coses a and prevention is better than cure; I do thercfore.for the love of toy.fel low men. earnestly recommend the use of this Balsam, brail pulmonary complaints. 1 am confident that it Las been the means of preserving myilii'e to this day. Boston Jane 10, ’IG. ' BEN'JAMLS PARSONS. . . ■ For sole by B-A Fahnestock, A Co, corner first anil wood and also comer wood And Ctli. ~ ja!9 DICTIONARIES, Greek, English. Cfsi sleal, Ac—, . ; Anlhoa’s Classical Dictionary; Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities; - gM'CallOQgb's Commercial Dictionary;. lire's Dictionary and Suppl'etnsut, arts, manufactures and minre Webster** Octavo Dictionary, revised edition; Todd’s Johnson's and Walker's Dicticmrty; ; Worcester’s Dirtionary; r Itiddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon; 1 Robinson's Greek Lexicon'of New Testament; Levereu’s Latin Lexicon; ; [ Ainsworth 1 * Latin Dictionary; I Flcmafog and Tibbin's French Dictionary; 'Back’s'ldeological Dietioniry; j t ' Union Bible Dictionary; • Robinson Celmet’s Dicnonary, Ac., Ac. The above, with a geieral assortmentofTheological, < Classical. MiscoUaiteous, and Sauduy School Books, al ways on hand, aad for talc low, by . FJXICnT.A INGUSH, ' dc3 • bO Market sti, between Od A 4th. Snr Publication*} MILTON'S POEMS, illustrated. Harper’* new edition ofthe Foeticel work* of Joint Milton, with n memoir, and critical remarks on his genius and \rri tiiiji, b 7 Junes Montgomery; and one hundred ami ;iwenty engravings from drawings by William Harvey, lu two volume*. .1 j . Sratcxa'a Gsrrt TEsrjtorcxr.—Tho four Gospels ami Acts, oft be Apo*tlci,\ ra Greek, witii English note*, critical, philosophical, and etegctical;’maps, indexes, .with lhe.'EpisUca .and opocalypie; tile M-liolo forming the New- Testament—For the use of Schools, Colleges, and Theological Seminaries. By ltev. J. A. Spencer, A-M. t '■ A New Norzto— JJjdnummer's Evr. Stone. Goldsmith’s Poems, illustrated. Thompson's Seasons: do For sale by ; J L READ, Ja29 ; . ; • 4th at near market. 'TT'ALUABLE Sew Ycu'a Presents. . y Waverley Novel*, 27 volumes, llbno, illustrated; •'.i *' , “ 6 . a . Wvo. Sirs Sherwood's Works, 16 yol* 12mo, illustrated; . Alisa Edgworth’s .. u lb *: * “ Harper’s Family library, 193 vols, complete: : do Boy’s and Girl's . u ■ u Work’s of Shakespeare, 7 vols. 6vo, the beautiful Bo«- ’ ton edition, sncly bound; 1 Butler's lives of the Saints, 4 vols. elegantly bound { : Hannah Moor's Works, 7 vols. Exploring Expedition, « vols royal SzfiT >■o . do J do do dh British Essayists; 8 vols. Turkey'mor.back*. The above, together with a large assortment ofele gantly bound family and. pocket Bibles, Common Prayer, all sixes and bindings, ail of which will be sold lower than ever offered in inis market, at the old stand; °f KAY A Co. ; —l** • • ‘ ■ • . i . cor 3d A wood si ■* L_ PIANOS t PIANOSVi LJ RY KL EIB HU, Dealer in eastern Piano Fortes, JOL at J. W. Woodwefl’s, No. AS Third Street The Plauos nlny be examined at all hours; and thohubscri b»^ere trom U to BJ, A?M., and from 4 to 5, r: JL each day. Pittsb’g, OcL at, *4O n Wc, the undersigned, would inform the citizen, of Pittsburgh and vicinity that we have appointed .Mr II Kleiber solo agent for Western Pennsylvania, for the sale of our Piano Porte*. from whom they may be ob tained at our own' {New York) prices. ■ NUNNS A CLARK. New York, Sept. 1,1546-oct2MU MOXIK NSW BOOKS.—Margutt Graban newßovclbrOPß Jsmes; Prices cent*. . Zsrifle, or (he Triumph of Liberty. ChrlstopberThdpoWfhy Albert South. . Coesaaodecef M«lta;ilnt*lntod.> .Couples*, of-Morion, by F Soaiie. Esq. . Legends o< Mateo} by Use. 8. Lipjard; Oeehsupyly; . Mttttiw tat. October. New ftfuae; just rsetired br -■ ■ WAI.B. CALDWELL, . -Wtfll - third*. iqTPsitopctofltec. BOOKS— CatechisnJ of Iron, or the Merchant's and' Mechanic'* complete guide to the iron trade. A lew copies on]jy—very scarce. Simond. l Literature of the.sooth of,Europe.- Chambers* Infonnatiou for tLe people. Chambers’. CyclopciUa of English Literature. WemUlfs Bltckstohe’s Commentaries,:* new edition. In 4 bcatnifnl rolamct. Ualleck’s-Poems, a new ami spiendid edition. ‘ Parlor Book of all ■eatoL*. . DabT- ’. d L READ,4Ih near market at ' NEW NOVELS. fTHB LABT-OP' THE FAIRIES—A Christ/ no* ATaie,by G.P. R, James, Esq.- '!’/•- _ Jane Eyre} an ediied by Cur* ttrßdL. Jost received and for sale, by i : ;i*3t ;. ; johnston a srocKroiV. THE. GREATEST BOOK OP .THE J SI JASOI V*— %Jt:Dr.' Webster!).Great American Dictionary of the eouamiiur/dl iha( the fonaiajcdjqotaiiconigined;. revised - by Cljnuhcer fAi ; Goodrich, ProLYiucCollege. The tnirst <-r ( mplrw cili . (ton eras published: one vol. crown nunru, ■ j*iicc rid, Formto by J. J* j&KaIV i ' docSl . 4ih*L)aMurM{ackatflL 1 JIANUFACTOR'IES. ‘josxnxaTEscoTt ‘ vxcuja LIPPSSCOTTARIRB* • ' (Late J S Smekler A Co.J Manufacturers of pbccnix ■ fire proof *txfe»,' south side,-'tecoiid street, between Wood ;»w; bauthficld Pittsburgh. .I S Stncklerhaving clece-ased ahd the surviving parpier Mr. Jos LippeticotVbtvlng associated hinueli with Jlr. Wra C Harr, the bnsinera will hercofler be conducted muter the style of Lippen cottAßarr." Trial of a.safe la Cincinnati, O.—SVc. tbe undersign ed were prpsent at'the testing of oqe of J S Stnckler A Co'* improyedJ’hanixiire-proof safe*, i;.The .tafe wus placed tu h furnace on the public lamling, an4.* D bjvctcd to the intense heat sf &sf6ne"coal £nt;far.more than three bonra. la one hoar and n'half the safe.came' to a bright red heat; the door of the furnace-was then eldseo, which eansed an increased and steady: beat for the balance of the timc,*nnut the cast iron wheels were partially ttclwdoff the furnace was then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers and books whieh it contained were as perfect as when placed there, the binding- only of the books being in ured by the water-in cooling the safe.- We have uo recitation in recomroendinfrit-to the public as n safe superior to any we have ever seen tested, tuphbetiove that it will stand any beat which might -be produced, xeept a heat which would melt it to a solid mam.. • Springer A Whitman, L Worthington, Kellozg A Kenneth Betij.Unier, WGP Urcese,-Murustimitu, T H Dangan A Co, Stedman, Mayani A Co, Wm Manse, Mead AWinstor. We, the undcfsignedy> (fleeted ilie rpoken of above, Crum a lot in the stole oF Truber A Aubery. the Agent* C U SPRINGER, SJKELLOG.' Refer to Cook A Harris, Brokers, Pittsburgh; Hutxcy liaqua A Co,.tio ; do'li&3dAwlys ' VriT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY, ' •PITTMtMtf.-PA. * JOUII Will OUT dt CO., ARE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Machin ery *r every dercriplion, each as—Carding Ma chines, Spinning Frames; Speeder*, Drawing Framos, Railway Heads, Warpers. I*willci*,Sppoteis, Drc*(thg Frames, Loom*, Card G'r'utder-, Ac.,' Wrought ltoii SSafung turued oil side* of Cast Iron, PnlTios, and Hangers, of tho latest patterns, elide and hand Lathes, and tool* of ullkinds. ■ Castings of. every description furnished on short no tice- Pattern* - made tn order for Mill Gearing, Iron railing, Ae. Steam Pipe for heating Factories. Cast Iron Window Sash, and fancy Castings generally.— Onlersl oft at tireiWarehotucof J. Painter A Lib erty street, will have prompt attention. ■Revxx to Black*lock, 801 l A Co., J K Moorhead A Co-, G E Warner, John Jr win, ASonr; Pittsburgh, Q U A J li Warner, titetibcav.llc. ALLEGHENY VKNITIAN BLIND FACTORY. ■ - JOHN A. BROWS STAKB3 this method to inform his friend* and the public at large that his I'actorT Vnowiu fall operation, on,the East sldo o 7 the Diamond, Allegheny, where a conj slant supply of Blinds of various color* andquaiiucs,oit; constantly kepton hand, also &t No. 3 Wood st, Pittsburgh, at J. A -It. Phillips'*oil cloth waictoom. made to order in the iieslctyle. ntlndsrcpaircd.aUh't shortcstitotiec. N. B. Ibs Blinds will be put up, rrithont any fifidi- ; ttonal exej*n»e tn that they cu-a Le-mnovcd in a mo ment in case of fire or for washiug, and wiihoot the aid of a crew HT* 0 , oct-ldlyAwlamly WM. ALBXAItBEK & SONS. 1 C'toFFiN Makers and furnishing under-. J TAKERS, vnvai-.r ot' Penn and St. CJatr ftreets, oupositetho Exchange Uotui, entraueo 011 Penn street, respectfully inform their frinulr and tho public, that tli*y are prepared tofumish and attend :o everything in the line of Undertaker*. Al«vuyt» on hand- it largo n*- sorune tu of ready re ado. Collins, eovrjed, Itnrdvtnd fin ished inthc very best Rinnitcr; nil mitf and sizes rest'y made Siirtud* of flauncl, Cambriek andumsiin, and ail sizes tnnde in approved style*. .Wo keep a large us sortment of white and black,comm,silk and kid(* loves,- sublo for pal 1 bcqtvrs and crape, caps, col-. Jars, aad every tiling aet;c*»r.Q' for. dreestiig the and OQ-fesMnable terms, as wn purcupsc all oar good* iu the Eastern ctuc*. Also, silver plate* for engraving tLe uatnc and ago. WehaVo h splendid new hearse aud horses,'aad any iramberbf the best carriages. Kvfiry, tiling attended to promptly'&nd .punetnaliv*. oetAly W. W. WALLACE PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, No*. 2i 4 *o d ‘JSO Libtrty ttrwt, n«ar. Ik* Canal. ALWAYS on handled madetoorder, n larrc varie ty of Mible .Mantel*. Pier,Centre Table*; and. Bureau Tops, Tomb Slones, Monnments, all which, being made -of tho ehbicest marble, and mannfnctared, principally by machinery, will b« sold lew for cash.- N. U. Persons •wtellitig to pnrehase ’ Mantels, are informed that Rjv henc tfortij unnecessary for them 10 go East, os I con fairish them with an nrucle in all respects as good, ahdaai>‘.lF,attended to. feb'ii Great Western Bolt Hinge Basnfaelorj, CINCINNATI, O. ACAKDNEK t Co- would inibnfl the trade that • they ure liotu manufacturing tho best Uutl Hinge crermado in the Umtod Ifuttcs. As lh.» it narpnnci pit buxuiees, wo intend to ou: a* complete rut ar ticle us tun possibly he made. Those ungagcdin the hardware trade, we dunk, will fend rttoiJicw latcrcsl to see our llutu - AH imlers Promptly attended to. my 3 A OARDN'EK aCo. cor of hth *- majo »1« BißfiSCUitf ■ Tier FACTOR!, CAJIPDELL A CHESS, FINISHING NAiI.S,. HOOK 11KAD DR.VDS, Iron and Copper Tacks,, IKON AND COPPER SHOE NAII.S, SKJ Pattern Molten' Potnij, •of every tlacriplion. Office NoJfi fit. Charles Hotel, Thirl street. Pittsburgh, Jameh 1-1 f.M F. Mt’Lvair. . FLINT CLASS ESTABLISU3IKNT. MULVaNY A LKDLIE ntancfsciurc and keep i on. stanuy on hand Cat, Moulded and Plain Flint Glassware, in all its varieties, ut tl>vr a of y,;ary, on the property be now occupies, In Denver tiUecv, iidmcdinicty bcaiJc the From thelong experience m the abovo business and adcsire » ple-uto. be hopes to mer it and receive a share of public patronage. Now on Imm! and finishing to order. Itockawny Bog gles J open and top Buggies, and every dr scripnon of Carnages made to order, from scvnuy-five dollars 10 aiebtimnargt fsep-li]rfl JOHN SOOTH. rpilE mideriieuiJ arc how prepured to Aironh their j ’cueinmcr* and ilie public ganerally, with an excel lent ariiele of Lard Oil oftbetrown manufacture, which they will scllon BreamrujilsOiig terms, fbtdf Oil limy .believe to be n- goid avuny offered :n the tuurke;, and buy be returned if not ratisfaclory. J JORDAN A WJN tg librri? vt.ojmosite emlihfield p. a-Loidand Grease euituble tor. machinery, on hand; for «sle airove. ■ ? t - •’ . . 1 Shavtnc and Hair Dressing Saloon. ' BLACKBON A FOUNTAIN. Ttiuarial fWrt*n r haT« .rvpsloUd sad filled up their rihaviag, Hsir Drealsg oad hhampooßior Saloon in the modem style, nod.arc prepuvd to wait on gtnlicmea elonee, *BLh esse, comfurt sud politenok They ore pretared to wait on all tluitmiy call without delay. Taankiul tor past fetors, tee eolkit » continuance of th* Mae. el our Saloon, eonjerof Unicn eUectand the Diamond, (bath of Ahesnder j- Usy’s Dry Goods Store.) »9 __ T7EOKTABLB f.ULMONAKY I/AJAAM.—To V the proprietor! of lb* Vegetable Pelmcaoxv eatijficd tbit the Vegetable PnlmoMry Belsem natal* uo-ble mcdicibe. It ha* been used in this piece with complete M&was id an obstinate complaint of the lungs, attended wilb • ertere cough, ion of tuice, ttol the raising of .much blood which bed previously resisted ashy spproted prescription* 1 t \[i*r uwsg Use beliomone wecli the pstiuilVvoiec returned, and be was eusbled to ipesk audibly. This esse occurred •oLue lime since, and (he ana is now engaged not only ib sc* tite but is Isboriooe business. Rcspeetially tours, Coatord, N.H. Jen. 90, lKlv. 8 MOKIULL, fi] D. 80. M in FiUsburgii by B. A Fahnestock, 4* Uo* corner of tatt-idwood, eJsu cor d«th A wood sis. , deed! A STRONG EVIDENCE tint Dr JAY.NEVI KX i'.XGTORANT i*!*uper;or to all oibtr remedies tot Coo-hjj Consumptioo, CtoDchitir } A‘ihßa,ujduther.Pulnn> aar/ef>ectidßs,isthat thb siunc persons whocoapaaced the use of it is their frmilies ten yean ego, still prefer it to ell Other rtßKdie* ofthe kind; and «b*re any hare been induced to try other preparaboa* they bare almost intariably been disappointed >n reeeiriag (he be he til which trairieaMtmbly antlcuated from the high praise* bestowed by the proprietors u 4 hit# returned to the.use of Jatkm’ ijneroasirr, es * remedy that has neter Ailed to relieve them, and which mY'ohly ncter had its *qaal In erristiog pulmonary disemca Pe.tr*f*d only by Dr I>. Jayne, Philadelphia, eud soldoa J ALhXJAYNEa ! ■ - 7-j Fourth »t josrrn B. ’ osnaxw t. dc.vcs.-c t a,eBwy . 4 ’BulcPAßl>A4>UNoAN, I_ ABCTnh?kCOai3liSSlON JlBKCifafm, (nt the oM of Seay A Shepard,) N’ashvllle, Tcnocwre, TxrriL elve prompt and faithful aitemion to the tale TbeT fed prepared to mlend 10 all the depart goods for their owu accoaal)«»arttaUy. - Refer toil. Allen, A Col J- W. Butler A Co^lms burfib,. ' • i 1 . _ GAUD. 'A 8 I am now.cngopcdm the Lnporubonof Jfritndw*, A. Wme* nml Uln«, ±L n eXdon«dy.MdJiavinginnde arranerments in different pansof Kntopoaml Ui« andswlth well known Imor-ea tor iny litmro srfpply of -Foreign Linuorv. which 1 will be nblc tn sell,delivered in tbe eastern Jlovisdsof New York or Ncw Orlivuuor ’in thisnty. at the lowest market price for emu or ap proved puper,! I have 111 smrr suit cellar n very huge stock of very superior tVinrv uiid Liquor* ns ur.jioncd of tho most celebrated bromii and vbitages lo t sale on plensmg terms by PC MAKIIN v dc*> ' : , eor ls(A wulilifield su Drug Store for fislst'-ir --i §rnJATED iii'Tbn llotirieliinx town «f XMpllsvtllejithe jerminu* of Urn Pituburab anil Cleveland Roll nit, 90 niilui by rivef from PitiMiurcb. -The bnoiiiOM ofthe emblislmient is fair and cnflboincreo*- cd .iudolhillelyl Tlic owner* wisbiin; to reiire-ftom lhe business will'sell ion rtiMornibln.lcnos at private nlw Person* wishing Ja,makn iuquirie* sm. referyud to Jda.' KWd A Co, ProslmrgJ.. or substnbera. Weil*. TiUe. • 1 J. WAP S .MACIUNTOSIL i . tVfOVSI PATTKKSS VOtt K/lL|t-Cilcb ciyoii JHIKlms So newest patterns for pinve* an hand ciiher in wood orirea. Will Gearing (tail all pattern* mode lo order. 1 spUtf ' ■ -i I MISCELLANEOUS- HIBBEKT'B CHEDCAL WttlTlHO FLCIE.-Ia wriintErg the f Jror age oflho pablie for jpu B uuti«imeritson which the claim for npport isbamd shonid be folly and to; Ijsetforth end also some ruaraaUes be gjreathat the eaoj muaitywilinotbeanpoeed upon by nag it. . fw the it i* II W/»».lW-»WySy«r.*j-Trf bhck w liLks n ittMMi if apßcijataie, held .together by gum Arabic, add who* the wafor, either in whob or part b evaporated the gum tad precipitate erektt as hptstyaaas is the pen or inkstand which contains jtl, lt'b aba common . to add-vinegar to tho Ink raixKre to Mb ft mors fluid,' whichinereases tho evil bp acting'entho pea, if- a Mtefose, corroding it through in ever. Wri tiagFlutd”diffiefs Cram thee , aotnjea in wtiy respect, as iiis.aebaaicalsohiliaa requiring no viscid matter to hold it togethcrjtherefon will never get Uoekj and beingTery’fliid a large quantity flows £r cun the pea iatsacrrai Space penetnp j ting deeper into the fibre of the paper. Ruing a more Derm-, ncntataiaaad one UMcaailymovcabjraltriuaathiau itwar only plastered oaths turfite*.. It also cohtsinascsietter that ha* an affinity foe iron, therefor* wi2 aoc corrode 1 tied pen*—ivwifl notmoold, andaliboerh it .write* of-a] bluish green eoUr fat in a few hear* it begimet a.deep Meek’ which will endure for ago. Itbwaß*ated*nperioe loathe foreign article kdosrn by the name ofArnold's Writing Fluid,” andone-third mbregiren for the dw price. >f iA* a guarantee against imposition of any hind being attempted the following recommendations will suffice, as > all most be a ware,-Out Ora »>»>»*« there given coold'not tmi beta ob * tasted by any Kean* for an mwmhy purpose. ] We recommend 11 Bibbert’* Chemical Writing Fluid” to thepatnmsge oliu.e public, e* a firstrate artfds mall res pects; it flows firti foam tbo nen without dogging itun and In the course of a fow hours become* a deep bright blaek. B A Sampson fc.Co. XV iek ana McCandkai, [ Robert Hoore. ' John Parker,. ' 1 Wm Lippincottfc Boa B Wighlman \'■ Co: [ ‘ MeQcegmi tt Doughs ■ Fraser ScOere - Robt B MeTtll, BookpY C A. MeAnulty fc Ck ; for W W Wallace, . . - tuning tn^rWijigtr. Hr Tboi K Htbberl—Dear Sir;. I have been using Joa .. Chemical Writing Fluid, and find it a Beit nts articS foe the office, it Qom Crtsly uina the pen and becomes jct.fabel n a few boon; ' Yoanfce; ; T H TUTTLE, Book-keeper \ tot Blsstlls fit Btmpl^. j Pittsburgh, Aug 28>lMii 1 Mr T K llibbert—Desr Sir Haring procured k Bottle of tout \V riling Fluid, iote three week* ego, I consider it fat ly equal if not superior lo Arnold’s or aajr other ink now ia use, i know of | ' Respectfully, ! WILLIAM STEWART, Bookkeeper 1 for Arthur Nicholson £ Co !• . Pittsburgh, Sept 11,190.-I •Mr T K Hibbcrt—Deer Sin iam uing your Cbcsueal Writing Fluid; tad Hud it to bo k cost ezeeueat trtiel* for steel pens, as it does not elor them upliie the generality of other inhs, it flo’tn free and becomes a deep black in a ftw hours. Yours, Respretiully. ’ wr,, '»« COll.fo'*-' _:h, Book-keeper [ -lor John Parker.-: Prepared »ad; *old Wbekede sad Retail by Tboca* S Hiibert, Drunist and Cbttaisi; center of Liberty bb« faithfield Pa 1 , . OttaHn WILLIAM CJ JS MORRLB & Co's, ULACR WRITING.INK/for • steel or qhill pens, mod the copying press.- This ink is the result of the experiments of.several years* devoted to the manufacture on an extension scale, o mt article sailed to ail the purposes of the consume The perfection of this writing Ink consists in the fob lowing properties: FtCTDrer—in wlpch property it wi 1 found to surpass all previous preparations. It will Uow with perfect freedom either from quill or steel pens, and is entirely free from any corokivo qualities. Count—Tito color of this nnicfo is a rich, beautiful blue black.' 11 {« necessary, however, to give comm uters the following caution.- • \ 117-All good blnck ink. front its necessary chemical require* ciposure to Ih© atir to impart it deep color. It must not. therefore, be expectoL that the moment this bottle is opened, the ink will be found t<» be a jet black. The first appearance will be pale, j tut alter exposure to the chemical action of the atmos phere eillier oil paper or in the inks land, I i will assure ! a brilliant blaik hue4£J| • ■ • rT t’ctusaxi^cT—The color is unalterable by the lapse oftiiun. Ii will nevcr/ade. On this account, all Iml po riant records should be made in this artleie. as years only deepen and strengthen its tint.' j . -; . iVD. This Ink iaauiwble for all kinds of metallic -pens, and fur pens made of quills, and what Unimpor tant and very desirable with xnAny, a perfect impression by the copying press. - irT-We are using tn the institntioah with which we arc connected, Morris' blue black writing ink, and in respect jo fluidity; brilliancy of.color and permanency, believe ir superior u> any ink we have heretofore used. A Thurston, eashirr. bank of Louisville?: Wm Rich ardson, cashier Northern bank of Kentocky; GeoC Gwathmey cashier, batik of Kentucky; L L Shrtve, president of the Gas bank; Thus L Hehn, clerk of Bar ren counre court; Curran Pope, clerk of JefTeraon coun ty court; P I) Atwood, secretary, Fireman's Insurance Company; John Malt, agent Lexington Insurance Co; 8 8 Goodwin.' sec*y Portland Dry-Dock A Insurance Co; DS Chambers, sec'y franklin Fire A Manna In surance Co; J-H Rhomrr, treasurer Louisville Savings Institution. A supply of the shove ink, just-received and for aale h},*; ;I»eiy_JOHXSTON A STOCKIGN^ oazzah’b patkvt bedbtkap. THIS A'i fl*s Cbra Improvement b» cow bees in nw abouuwo tears, and wacrera it i» known, preferred wall other ~ For cheapness, strength uni convenience it has not and cannot be eqaalled,*! it is decidedly tko best, cheapest and most convenient Bedstead in use, and per* -fertlv-t'iocf against Bajs^- The principal Cabinet makers and Tamers in AUe thecy cttp awl in I’lUibnrgh, have secured Rlgbts.to manufacmioaad selitho article. As there are spurious sniclerantTusperfect imitation* in the market. pareba •jcrswoaiddawcUtoeastnin; the cast iron plates oa vlneh m commas article the name of the patent**} K F.tJaazaM. 18 insatiably cast. Avaorpo/ofallth-M u claimed for Uima's Bedsteads,Uia»i2lowju - *.rt i iL caie from Cabinet maker sweß known in FiUsbuffhamt theT»tsuts.submUted to flte public: • \y. ihs-aobseribers, practical cabinet makers and Bed sic ad maflafactarea of the euies of Pittsburgh add AUeirhenY.-P*.,'do hereby certify that we haveboaght WTjuWactar* bedsteads with Gasan* Pat cat rMteainah, and eotuidet the eame nptripr to any fsiteninaswilh which wa are aeoßaurted. James Moon * John-MHrrew TU'Youba'AC Robert Furman JRllaxSer •' iantes B Barr Joh.rWtt.Jr. Jas LowrvtSoft Lowno A lubin Riddle & Brennan, ’Hama* Fulsy David Laker - Moteattopu* W.u Hulr.l JMcWuientCo i AlexaaJei Lawson ; For Riehta 1 to stake and sell the above Bcditleads aPoSto ' EllliNOEll F UA2ZAM, ce® - r Patent** Tuo*.r**rrt,!anßer)jraflkai^-,srKttxJo i. qj.. CiDC:anaii,o. l-Z.A 11/jkTIT •' Cni . - NcwOrfeuti BEATTY, BROTHER & CO„ .' General Comnlislon ntreh*ati TOR VltK sILE A*D FOKWARDIHO OF WKSTEUN PUODUCB, Ho. 31, 1 Pvydrat Strai, JVetr Orisons. • IIETEUT^ri,. Mcsmi Mnrun A Co, Roßken, 1 s 0 n ,r James MGregor ACo,J r, ‘ n . iMvui White ACo,ModisQn,la. _ !) ; Kill* A Morton. Bankers.). «' ' | llosea A Frazor, J Cincinnati. A M’Kdncie, K*q, ) „ II N Kearney, Esq* Banker, Zaneivjlle, O. D .M’Donald A Co, Wellsville.O. Heed, Porks A Co, Beaver. Ps, j W Gill. Eso, Wheeling, Va. ri M'Clurkon 3fc Co, fp.imbtmk. Pa. W Al 4 ilitoheltree, ) r.tisourga, ra. r.TIMm ] • SALGk*'rS3AND'CLOE FACTORY FOR tUUS —Toe Adiinmratorjof 1 >c l»tr JoiaesMeLanenim, offer for sale U:e establinbaumt «tu»tq m Ninth Ward, formerly carried on by bun, in hi* hfc lime, at aSalera 111* u ea(l and settle thtir accounts;and those bav iiigcimms agmest the Eatatc, will present them duly authenticated or sculemcnl to the aubac.nbct.at the warehouse of John Irwin A Sons, No II waier st. d*-lL3m J JOHN IRWIN. Exeeutor. JAYNE’S HAIR TON'lC.—Attsr pniut th« srtiele • trial, we itehfHUtiogli prunounea it to oe wlut it profr* •s—the withuutast eereptfon. ia use, fathe restombm and pßSfreattoii of uie brican hsir- e fcaow of aumcrou* istiauecs where hair ba* hwo restored to beads whieh bald tor yt«r»; aad «e Ihlßk weceaootd* motorfiror to recomisuid to til our readers who or TosiogUwir luir, to make • trial of tills Tonic immediately .llottuu 3/aiL j - For sale ia at the Prak>B Tea Store, No. 73 Fourth street, hear \y oed maridAwT HOPE— For sale a few balu Western New boric growth of Ibifr-froia «to ro cents: Aim, Eastern and Werteju N' Y, early picked, this year's gruwtlt. Prime Ohioi do. Belmont county. > • The general Eastern crop of the season it now being received, ltfowcrr ami others using Hop*, wilt find it much to ihclrindvnntage to obtain their *«pply from the □ iidersigued, ins they intern! lo sell throughout the sea son n! New York prices. G. W. SMITH A Co., octlfrldm ! • Pituburffh Brewery. DR-B. W- BtOBKISr HYDROPATUIS'f, would respectfully inform his friends and the citizens of I'itulrarch and Allegheny that be has decided to remain in. the city dlirimc the wintet, and is prepared to treat patient* placing ihemselvet under hi* care, according to the system in practised at all Water Cure Establish ment*,’ foretther Aeule or Chronic diseases. TMre* wishing to atail themselves of hie services will Call at Mr. Mnier’s, (joiner of Liberty si. and Evan's alley. ’ Dr. M. has treated several severe cases of disease in this city wiih'grent success, to whieh ho is permiued to refer. : ■ novilf SUNDlUKri—lfiO baga prune Rio coffee; ISO Ibis N 0 Molnsscsj ii lioxes manufaetdred tobacco; 133 half clirsi* gruen funl black ten*; 75 Band 131 b boxes Y 11 mul G P do-) Wl boxes Gurmiui clay; 10 cntks salcra tut; lu do. |mmidi. together with a general assort ment of groceries, in store and for sale by Jatfl il CARSON A McKNIGHT. CUi st_ HAVANNfI ClUARS—itxujOO imported cigars oj the folldvring celebrated brands,! port to arrive consisting of,iCcvea, Aubiquedad, Washbigtou regalias, Rapides Esdulapie. Dos Amigos, do Foster, London Urania, Dyron's, Fall* prlocipes, sieam boat do, VilteynexUaiilq,Bylvlo'*do,Lallay*d*ra lit, do l do •Ah Ortir, La PaJ'mu, Caxodores, Eagkciirinciiies,^"for sale by • I ' PC MARTIN, •_ _fub7_ m.. - I corPnuthffeld A frontal. I?EATHEItB,Ae^- prime feathers; 14 sacks tj Pea Not*; L cask Beeswax; I bbl lies' I sack pealed Pcarhe*; received on consigntucnt, per stmr. Pilot NaL S, and for sal* by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, janO j ■ No.- SO Water st. CODFISH df good quality for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, Jeb3 vwaierA frontal*. ■ S* UGAR HOUSE MOLASSES—BO Mils 811 Mola ses, Louisiana lUfineir, for sola by, toW> i BURBIDGE, WILSON ACo. WiliTK LEAD—IUOOkcgVinTtoTC. ,ianl7 { _ _ FORSYTU ACo. _ I7IX>UIL— tuibU*Pauerson’sbrind.a lupcrior ar ‘ tide. W Webb's do • do Just recsived and for solo by HAW UARBAUGIL fctol ~ • ! no 33 wood st. f|tALLOW>-Tbo highest market prico will bo paid J. fora lew Imrrda of good-Ullow by I SAW HARBAUGIL PIG METAL—JO ton* Pig Meinl for sale by . ■> febg- ; WICK A SrCANDLESS. __ ('IHKI-2*l>-49i boxes W R Cheese,' El ennka do for WICK AJtPCANDLKSS. LOAF SUGAR—iio bbli. Nos, 7 nml b Refinery) Loaf Sugaf for sale Icrtvjiy . febO BURBRiDGE,. WILSON j. Co. Water>l. OLD WT6KEY, Ac—SO .whole and half bbls O. R. AVhiskey) made 1BJ7; iff cask* and half ctuk* old -Peach lkaruly,nuulo in IWU,lorsaio by. l , .•','fobd- v»'i P.O MARTIN- VINEGAR— 14 bbl* Cider Yinrgar, for sale by' leb3 • WICK A McCANDLESS! LEAD A SHOT—Kept-eoiuiaiujy on hand an* for kale by' feb3 RROWN A CULBERTSON L>AL'ON—aa bbds primo shoulders, !!! do sidcs,iu* Xj melvodand for stJg by toblP | : SELLERS.A NICOLS, * MEDICAL. I ~*l. " A. '.a-l ♦an iP ; .. ... DB.TO WJSEND’S i iSARSAPAfiiLL. Mr,*t extraordinary Mediant m the. Vtort TU extnet b potnp 'm.Q,eart toUlet: tt a n ttaa i ■r, iilnw mr ud.nrmM »uperior tour sold. f* < dim*, witiwwt .ramdaj. potjist, scows or d« : 6KEAT : BPEiS&tsfc-80flm flEDICIflfe Tbip^betttjKJdrejjwrityof thisiarttjanlh ffnr ail ether Mediane b, whUu it Eradiate* Diwase it laresor; «r>ttWßody.' Ub aot of (he nrj beetSPßJJiO aTHJ I MEPIOIIfESHWItiwn | jl gotolTttuidl I U» whole ejntfoa tod •trtojehaa the jwnon, bin it Crtiur end tilth B&oi; i power p-mtwoi byno otht? Uedidfl*. And in thii'lm Lb* wem efits w<»de«nl ggeem. U hw.penbnatd within- thejdut two rcan, more .than 2AOOO car« of Screre Cue* of Disease; 1 at lean WBO of (he* wen ecssjdertd incurable. More thin ■ ■ Chra&le'Khedsatiina; ;• ; gjDOQcase* of Djspcpui; : 400 dset of GeneralDcbilitj end Want of Koercr: 7f)00 exK» of di&erttrt Kemble CjfcAnlainb; ■' i Berofula; ! : Tjjooemmofthe Lhw Cctnphmt; j and Drew; , 3|uoofsM*of Consumption, ltd Tbrentidi of cam ofDuctse or (he Blood, ra: ujcew, fc* • #r-, To* Mther.wita Bsrfatmi esc* of Sick Headache. i*»ia is th« odteadXihMt, Spittl'Affectlon*, See. . i •' h«ife t nm*mppeiri»ereaibl«. ! tmt we ban letters from pbjiieiaioindoflregtau from ill: raru ofilhe >UhittdBtttei,iftJjmlaju»ofextraordifl»rjttim. II Via i Bttkirk, Em{;.*obo ofthe Bat respeetabledrucfcuts to Ntw ,irk. N. us that be aa refer lo tccit (JtanlSDca •a a that ptee ilo&fe;'-Tbere on thotisadf of cues in'the Citrof Hew York* which'we will refcr to with pleasure anf-io nei of chancier. It ii (he best medicine (or'the »I>m«ntjTe of disetse known, li'todoubtedlyiavedthtlm »aw than * ; . 3,000 Lnoouii nr* Parr Skxbok t ' 1 A* it temDredthe catue of disease, and prepared them fb Umitxd SrAtxi Omctt. | C*rr. O; ’W.McCurx.t.or tn* United Bt*txs N*Vt, - tod member of the New Jem; Lrgisialar*, ha* kially lent iu (be following ctrtifeeaU. It tell* ill own itbrj. - ' BeßWiTi Jia. 23. ■ A year liar* I Was taken with the luflntrua, end taj whole mtem kft a * debilitated *UU. i was induced to trv ; Dr. Townseud’s Sarsaparilla, tod afiaf taking two W.thrte Uo.1«« ray nuh relieved, tod attribute it nilirtlj to (be Mid Sarsaparilla- 1 hue continmd taking it, tod fend that 1 improveeveryday.- Lbelint it mted my iifr,and would Mt St without it coder toy eaaaidaratkm. O. W. McLtax, kit U. S. H. SoKorauCcua. • j, ! Thh certificate eoaclashely prom that (hit Sarsatanlla bat perfect control omr the mod obsttoafe :di*ea»a of-the blae*, < Threepmcai cured in une boom ii ll r.TT»» Mm L , Tuau cm»*x*. 1 • x ■ Dt. Towvsus—Dear Sir: I tenth* tdouare to inform you that three of my children hare been cured of the flejo feh by th* un of jeor excellent nu4iciue,t.Th«y «m« iGidtd very ae?ti«Jy with bad.lore*: hare caly, token-foul boUlea: It took them away, for wtueh I foeFaywtfaiiihr deepcaligVjaßj , Yuan, impartially, -•!. , looac W.Cnu,los Wocdarti. • NewjYork,RJarahl, IM7. | >• ‘ - ; t (ittSiT FEuSi MEDICINE. ’ -J Dr. Townsend** Sarsaparilla ti a eomeign aod eptedy eure&r incipient CoaMunptiou, Leoeorrbta, i>r White*, obstructed or diturott AlcEatniiUos,lne&atiuuawe of Urine,or inrolontory discharge thereof oniffor the gen eral prostration of the gsUm-co ciait*r;wh«lh*r tha mult of iahsrtaUaaaa or cairnes/produetd by imgialarity, ilium* .er acddtah .... . _ i Nothing can be more surprising than tin inrigoratin# I.:D. Mookx, Albany, Ang. 17, Cor.ofGnadtad LyilituiU. . Coxaaczv,Bept.S!hlB(K Dr Sbrnniaad: Ta aQ whom Uu* may eoacem—Thl* is to esrtify that ay wifa csed one bottle of your* Sanaparilla period* to bar acetbeaait, ender tha ahming ani delieata drcxmitxaeea, btiK troubled with the droper, mil ling of (he foctf nemos asmioca, and. eery much ctbtliU tso; with my eennaika, tad the racemmetdaliOQ. of {how who had oiea lt, (be was mdseed to try it, with little or no filth; and aafiec it to my, the medicine had the happy rad desired effect, not oaly ia the boars of caafi&ctwnt, tho aaplntica ef one week of its me,' tbs dropsy tadjner-' vbos affection gm way to an astoniuiifig derTte, and ber bOaltb is now Esttar than it had been few a bog lime, pro' ! ■lf tins will be of any sen ice to yon 9 or any one -who doubts the fuccemef tie swdieine, yon art entirely welcome to It.-. t 1 I Inbaaibe myself ysor 1 aostebedicataiid t&Sredt r mnl, ' ' . . . S;S JAKLi'A ?•. TO UOTUEAS AKDMUUUED This ExtraeS of Sempcrtlla has been exprtwly prepared tn rtforenee to.female eomrUiat*. Wo feimue who ha* rra son toseppose she i* approaching that critical peried,. turn of tfif 1 should neglect to take it, a* it i* a certain preventive tor any of the nuiaeroas and hertihiedimiee to which ft melts are subject al this time of life! This period say be delayed for several yean by unng this medicine.: Wur 'uitirHsnMabictetboecwboare apprscctiiag-womanliaod, as it it caleuleted to. eairt nature by oukkeuing the blood and .inrigeratiag the system, indeed, thbuedicae i* iitsid ‘Webiefar all of the delicate disease* to which women art subject It bracts the-srbok system, trprwi'prrmxßcunysw Cm. re] eatrgies—by icmorisg the impurities of the bodj~uot the system as to produce a subsequent re wcaknaii and disease. - *. GIELS REAP THIS. Yon whohtTc palccompiexioe*, dull eyrs, blotches ou the face, rough skin, or freckks, and are <> out of spirit* ;*? use .1 bottle or two of I>r Townsend’s Seraneruh. It trill cleaaeeyour blood, runore the freckle* and nod gise you iaimaliou. syiarkliag eyes, fine spiriu. cud beautiful campUction—alt of which arc of immense riduc to ttnmar, 1 riedladies.' '' j - DYSPEPSIA. 270 fluid or medicine ha* ever been dacorerrd which so nearly resemble* the gastic juke or mlina ia decomposing food and strengthening the organs sf digestion, a* this pyepej ration ef Sarsaparilla. Bam Uxramurr, Albany,My 1&) IS-15 1 Dr IWiumiv Sir—l hare been anuetrtl for several year* with dyrptptia in its went bizas.aitinded ness of stceaacb, lom of appetite, estreat heartburn, and a great STcroou to aJL kinds of food r and.for secek* (srhal 1 could cat,) I have bern unable to retain hut • small portion on my tfomach.- l ined the usual moedits, but the)- hail but little or do eflect ia removing the completet. ' ] wal in dimed, about two mouths since. u> try your ililrart of&irsa p«rilia,aad 1 must tat with littte ct-uiuleace, Jiut slier tiling nearly two bodlesi 1 found my amUlr restored, and / the heartburn entirely removed;and t would euirnestiy ricoaj mend the use of it to those, who have Iven alftictsd as lihate beta. Yours, ift-, W. Uf. Ye* iJutUT. Hot S 3, IiMG. .1 hUUnltUnd. ALMOST A frt—. Read the followiag, utd doabc if you. an, tin! eotuurop* l|otA»n»olb» cured. Tituiionly uoeor.Uie tcnnlhb&dred (Me* thmlTomueod’iSarMpiriiu lu» cured: I)r Tavmmd— Dear Sir. I »u uito, a little flti'ta rnrtfo,vilb« itnn courh mud juiu iu my ride, it ifi rreaicd OB me eery Cut, indeed. I oU hardly bralh*; 1 non, became royalr*!, and txpreted i di*i wsacottfiufdtn tnj btd,jad *v obliged Lo-lutc aiehera . indeed I tanuot gitc you uy dcacrijuW. that ■uuld dojujlke UmutciA. 1 was tuppuaed by tny (ftrnda i be part recovery i iWt tried s grest nuulwr of reraediu, .ad oil teemed-to be to lo ptupwe. (rad of km null u- Inordinary eurerperformid oj your nrdicise. and tu tell 6>h the truth, I ttupecled there test tom? humbug in them. at | mi induced to try it. I did k\ and Ant very thankful 1 did. I caoaot e»y that !ha entirely wtll, hni am eo £ir recovered at ahe about mr butujta, end boy>e to be entire jr veil is a few wetki. My e»uch and p*u is the; tide, ssd uijiit null hate left tat, aniTraitc hut eery tilth*, ana sm (art gaining mv must etrerigth. I felt it a doty W pit* vousataieaentuf mr eaec, U» pdbliab if joujilaiK., < aatxr Bkowx, d? Lottie at, Dnxikiya, Oplalou of rhyticluui Dr Tcwniheod i» almost daily receiving orders fnan-pbjJ itcian* radifl*reotpart»«f thelfnioß. , ; Tbisis focerlify that ai, (he undersigned; PLysiciau* ol IheCityof AUwoy, bare in numerous cun prescribed Dr. Townsend’* Ster»*pKnlU,J*nd believe it tobcocteof the must valuable prepuratK** of lira tseraparilh in ibe nrnrkei. ll I* Puuxi), I D J \ViLB'BHon st,Bua Building, N-Y;Rcil« ding A 1 Co BlntoallfoaUia.Dr uyoll'f Boas,u3ttartli Kecj [ du M Philadelphia; 8 8 Hence, d rugfisy Ball! move; end by principal druggists generally throughout the United times, iPcai Indie* and the Canada'.* .1 Ham genuine, oakae pot up in lha large square bcitk*. wbieheoatai* ■ quart and lined with the written uruktuia «f S P TOWNSEND, udUsnaine blown on the Glass. ; From (1m New York Daily Eipras of 4prtU»,lc<7.. A pretty thing appeared in the stmt* yesterday. ll ml the advertising tab, or SamparilU Es press of Dr Towttsend. The whole thug it got *p iarood tattef some of the orna mental landecape painting* ervbeautifuL which, together. with theaerol) work, ia gold, glMcoing in the ttm,t made e thmr rarely equalled in Broadway. We take thie opportuaity to lay we believe thi* eitract of the - Sarsaparilla deserve* the tiryfrTtatpopularity Uhxe.eeqtiired. • | SerrotuDablllty* i Nrw Yoax, Mareh27,1647 Dr. Townsend:—l hare been afflicted more 'or leu for i yore, with a dmdftd linking lu the elicit, giddiness in the bead, loti of appetite, pain in the lunbt, and reaeral debility, brought oa nodeubl by the continual heat and cold to Which lam subject to in my bustnesva* adyvr. 1 1 hare takes other Bwdieiacs, too numerous to mention, but with little or aosne etee. 1 wae induced by whatl sawiw thejwper to tryabotlls of your Sareaperille, from which I found great relit!. I hare tinea tabes eertrml Bora bottles, and 1 can unhesitatingly my it it the bctl medicine t hare ctcr taken—the |iam in ay cbttttlgone,and Iffcelquite adiflerwtmanaliugeUiersioc* '‘-I hare uua your Bars [tin Ua. J liar* now a better appetite than ever I had. Mf Wife hat lakm itwith the tame bcurfi eialmhH*. 1 would rteotm&eiid It asa-family medicine generally, a&d I fetl eonriseed that if to used then would uof be half the ekkntw there le, and consequently not to many Doctor*! UIU; for while itmlorct appetite, it [also give* to the stomach and bowels their regular tune; it keeps the blood a a health J ilaU,#o that disease ia not eojifcelyitoaitadk tin mum. Aud toaUthoaewhoare not ia abrahbyUateiinj try Dr Towneead’a Sampurilta. I .. Too***7oAllot*t,\ OMkerln theffloutbt > Belowis an accounlof another child saved. Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla ha* saved the lira of thousand* of children.— The ihitnwing certificate ii (elected iron a grvit number, received this week. .7~ „' New koax, April S,'lM7. DrTownesndtDuraiß—Ona.ofnylchitdreh war irry rick with the Cancer h) the noalh aud throat, attended with great debility. It caaic near-drag; I obtained aomeofiyour. cieelkst oediemr,ud Heureuit directly,for Which 1 can CKuruyoul laclrerf gralefal, Youre ropectfully^ - --L, £us*BKTO FoWLU, 37 DnbroOoa et. For eale by B K &U4.KBS Dn>ffilst; No St Wobd *l, between 3d and 4ih et*, who hae bees appointed by Dr TOWNSKNDeoIe Agent for Allegheny co. JdJd4-wlyV MORGAN’fJ COUGH SYKUP—H Prorcd to beTho .great Panacea in .curing my child’* dutnaring cough. " . . 1 ' \ J'rora tho Temperance Bonner, Not 31M7. - Cocau Stairp.—\Vc are not in tho liabiV of much lenijakim* patent medicine*, hut vie foci tlispotcil to nfcomiaend Alursun 1 * Syrup tn tho*o who aro ntilicl ed wllh a cpugii. After having tried, tho u'eaal Ttintj diee to rcipovo a constant and distreuing that had for eevcrul day* uiQlptcil 0110 of-our children,e»Hh> oal fUCCCiiu Avo were induced to try Murgun'ccnuah’ errup, and i*y it rcliuf wii* ohininfiil la a fa* hour*.'’ it proved to bathe panacea in thi* owe at Icut. Prcnarod wholc*olc olid retail by tho prohrtotnr, '- * • '. JoliN J i> MOUGANTDrurairil . . r fob? • ' ’ __4|Wrood BWI door l>clow diuikind al|g)~^. ; ■"'/"Dr.flcliiart’Wom'Bpeemo.'Ti mmSHtoeerbiy thtU, by taking ono viol of Ddcior ’X McLaneW Warm Spaeioß, a child of /atnw Shaw'* paißpd upweide of 70 worms, pad by tltQ nee of.aaidi medicine a child of my ownpuwn 1<- large' It la trely the mo*t aarpriaing worm mcaicinn 1 ever «eeo. Inutbivetwonore-viala < „■ . ■ WMQILUOR£j? • II®aiNSPOKPATION= L®nES.« •*>JT*SgDH(JH l-OHTABIS'SiEfST IttmSbl 1847.S^Me the AUjsueCu.cs, avoiding -^n theVway, and me »aseqncm breakago.aiidscparttmaorgoodi. . -?*jikomnage, • irMiiayrj, BOKBRUXiB fc CASH '' . ; O’CONNOR iS, P N™b“?j'sl,°ShS^ lt ? ! ™ rsl ‘' ’ W .St JTTAF3C&TT,73SotiS«t,fj-y W 'i A P= Bt » * Ebeouragal W incwMed^bvinew th'eProVricior* hare,added to their .stock and extended .their arhuuro tneuts daring the winter, and are cow prepared lawr ward fceig.it with revninpty and ditpatch uumuvd by any omcr.line.Their, king txpenenoe «« eerier*, thepalpableiopenomy ofthe Portable Boat Bvsierel and.the great capacity and convenience of ihe ware houses,ut each end of the line, are peculiarly cllcala ted to enable lheprepficte« ip ful£l their engajemeau .and nccommMate their caaiomera—conSdcc'jy offer uia' he pail as a guaranty /or.the fotnre they reapectfally: . solicit a conun nance of tnatpeiroaaze wLich uiey now gratefully acknowledge.. > , ' .‘All consignments to TaaSc & d'Connqr will be rac'd' and forwarded. • Steamboat charges paid and BiU» oi Lading transmittcd free of any.cn&igo (or Commission, advancing or storage- Having,no interest directly or indirectly in steamboats, the interest of the consignor* meat necessarily be their, primary.oojeci ta stopping wesL-aadUiny pledge tbdnseiyes to forward all; goods consigned to thetnprotsptiy and on the most ndvanta geoas terms to the owners. March 1,1647 - -.. . ' mure d.S.'OICK£Y, - FOmVifiDlSß & CllSillSSloS EEECniSI, Bast Bower Point and Bridgewater,- aiATin cora-rxi' »A.; ; r Proprietor and Agcnt.of ateatnera - : akd dailt rrrrsßrnaH AJrD mats*, TA/ILL Bsprepared on earliestopehingofcanalaa*. *T igailonta receive property at) hit wharf boat or In warehoosoj for all points, oh trio ' Extchiioni proas Cat, and Onio Canalsifor all pomon Lake Erie and' npper Lakes, asalso to forward produce, 1 e.byPenn’a/ improvements. Apply to or audreis • febiM-tltf . JAS OfCftßWßcavcr; jnEß EIIIE ABO, rpillS Liae being eomposedof SieamW^uLaieEcie' - 1 and Miehigan. ijmmng dally between Pittsburgh and Beaver,'and freight and passenger CfthaCßoais,’ muling between Beaverand Erie and conflectm* with C M Feed's Line of Steamboat Propellers and Vessels •on tho Lakes, will bc.prepurtd Upon tfic earliest tfpen •ingof Navigation to cnrTy 'Freight add Passeiccis to' all 1 points on the River, Cmial arid Lakes:' . . ' llavingevery facility for coiivcJlek frelriiumil pav-’ 1 •senger* with promptncM aiid dispatch! UiO proprietor and agents'resphctfally solicit'from Ui'elr frumds shd he public generally iheir patronage. - C M REED, Erie; PropEHitof ;• ItEIJDS, PARKS Braver. A*tl „ ■ JOnN. A CAU-GHK^Klull’cliio Cor.Bdum£etd and Waters;?. opposite the Mdtonga* gmhelaHoui;. JIETER,tci .. i- i» | ... Wheeler, Crocker Ai Co, New York)' * • '■ Geo Davis,.Buffalo E N Parks A.Co, Cleveland ; . 14 j, ,' ~ R W Cunningham,New,Castle!Mo'’ 'mars - ASP 1547: TO; TUB: EAST BY IOiVOSCABEM BODTE, - YIA BROWNSVILLE &■ CUMBERLAND.' =- mill! undersigned are- now prepared to forward pro ' J. to the EdaternMarxeis daring the en»o« fog Winer, on the most favorable terms, by tbiii expe ditious ronte. - ’ - .All property consigned ton* will bo forwarded at the lowest rates and withde.«pmtch. ’ . • ~ iMetrhahdite received by this rooto promptly-for warded. J C BIuWPXL, Ag’t.,'Pittsburgh. l! W CASS. Brownsville. • ■ . novS7. , _ . E EGKRTQNA Coj Ctttnbe riand j "IMlTTßßCttaffAlftj OBg&yyitLls' 1847 . - •• ■ PACKCT AND I'll EIGHT LINE. fTIHIS Xiine.eonslsußgof freight and passenger Pack- A.ciSjWiOnia teghlarly dating theisboson between Beaverand Greenville, Pa., by which freight and pu* seugersbetween the rwvpoints, willbeeamedpromptly and at the lowestrate*. • , ... -WICK k ARCliEß.Craeaville. Arts CRAIG & FRAMPTON, ClartwUfe, do; McFARLANDAKINU.BigBend. da .HAYS* PLUMB,Shaipsbdnh, do! W CM ALAN, Aharon, ■ do; - WM- MAIItEWS, Paliski, ) t REED, PipKSA Co, Beaver, do JOHN A CAUtiIiEY, eornerWaiot andnnmhEeld ate, apCly Opposite tha Mondngnhela lloß*g,l*itishnrgh 1846 a*d • . 1847 VO tain KdST BY BALTinnTlt; A!tn , OHIO RAILROAD. .... fT*ITE subscriber* wilf receipt' for the diliveiy of Pro* : X dace to Baltimore by ■thedtfonnngah.cla Blaekwater at il:«i following prteas.— - j. • : . Ashes, Bseun. Butler. Lead, Lard, Pork, Tallow, Whiskey, i, and Olasfe— r7| as pcrUKJlbs. Flax and Wheat-Wc-xper 100 lbs. V Ashes, .Seeds, Wool-illQ CtXpenWTTrs. Beeswax,FeeihcES, Furs GiusCog. and Snake-Roof" —lWewpetJOOlb*. ._ All prope-ty consigned t > cither of tiie andersigned will be forw4tfc*d vritaoot' ielay, free of Commission; at above met.' -W II CLARK; Brownsville. HANK A .AfWATEJIMAN, Pittsburgh. wiwisdir • . UNIOSk-htSEi ;• 1547. Ol XtfC PtHSSTT.TAfIA A,!»D OHIO CASALS, BBfWEEN PITTSOURGII AND CLEVELAND. ' E.N PARKS A CO. ClcVelaml, O. ) -BG PARKS. Beaver J Pa. Proprietors. W T MATHER, Pitwbareli f P*. ) above Line ts now fully prepared to transport X Freight and,paJ»«nger* I/pm Pittsburgh audCleve land, to uay point on the t'ehnsyivania A Ohio and Ohio Canals. j The facilities of said Line are not equalled by any <*a said Canals, in numbers and capacity of Bouts, expe rience of Captains, and promptness of Agents, Ac. r : Uue'Baa: leaves ruuburgh andCevclacd daily, ran-- nirir in connection with the Steamers. . ; Michigan and Lake Erfe, between' Pittsburgh tod Bearer; and a Line of first; class Steamboats, Propel let a, Brigs and SeboSnors, [on Lakes Erie, naron, hli cliigan and Ontario- ' Property foxwatded to any part of the Union with despatch- E N PARKS A Co, RKED.TARKSACo, Beaver, Agu W T MATHKK, Pittsburglr, Agl, ap2l Cor tViicrand Smltltheld streets TO bLRVRLAKD^iTWARBEit! •&£££. ■iB47.".sasga ; THROUGH IN a* HOURS. ' PACKCTBowStvaJiAwf.aiU TeicKrsjihneaTcße li ver tj a-, after we arrival of We morning Bern front ntr*fcur|th. antnirrive'siWarrea in time fur the Wail-Luta of Bi*jeß,'wbich leave stnmed;* ately thereafter,and arrirdatCleveland nt^o‘clocV 4 r. H. . ;| ■ T3ii» roste is We soft *s3 r-oretenalile oneto the Lakes. • ■••'>' • COTKS tc LEFFIPK3 WELL, Warren, FrOPi’t R£Kl>, PARKS &C?, Braver, Agent* , JOHN A • , Al'«llF\*r'p««-»er'Ws)rf e-n^a-niihfirW*;* - iiIIiSO£LLiLNEOU,s. J A Cixali*ts|fe lt« the .World*’ TWENTY-FIVE be paid to acyooe who will produce o'fjramt, rtvcu or dry, dial cannot be axirodied wiuv UoitVJciprovcd Cormiclii Soap, i hayo the satisfaction of say ini:» the peoplea( this plsur, tbatibi* un'.ele,jt-' ■mnee. from all kind* ni Re fill emeu-* or ladies' clothing, carpal*, table eio«t|», tucrlaoshtrwU, ladies’ bonnet*, without injuring anyilUuß Unit pure Wuier will not injure. More limn tuie thousand persons; ll( differmn parts of tHd 'coiaary haed. tal*l me they wpold not be without it, tf it cost-one dollar per cake.-'ln trying this Soap on more than SbO articles of. light silk*, ittlfns, aJ* paecair.aiid calicoes, 1 havje only fqond three pieces at •ilk, iwo of bldocch, end four of calico,oawhich It changed the cbier; therefore before nutting it on a light dress try a sample of the diless first. 1 suuo ihi* because 1 ant determined not to reentnmeaditany rronrer than I know'-' M *‘tJojT. i •cUiil . X before-Hoadc on dieiadst approved Euriem pi *n*e*' hud most fatllonable UaittirntULtlerhtf and color*.'Alto TIIE CHEAP COLL, or BOSTON BLIND,.on hahd ormndetoordertofaltiiscfcaJidatollprice*. : >• •• CaanttT .Merchant* hod others are invited to cafl.ond examine the abeTe for ihemadvcaliu ail will bo told .wholesale or retail, and a liberal tlcduciioa inldo iD whole»iite purchtiert. I acidly •' ' 1 A A\T?6TEHVELT LORING’B TERRECTIALGLOIUCS, containing *U . ths late di*rovcri«s;.aad Geographical imprutciMnU; ahoths tnek*ofih*BUlitcchbret*deireufflDavigator*. Com piled Iron dmilh'i 0»w English Glob*, wllli" additions ibd ißProtemtoblty Attain A Fatih. Knited br Roswell Park. LOKINCPS CELESTIAL GLOBES, eootaiaiagol) the knows star*. ntbuls, fac... Compiled from U» work* cf . Wollaston, Flamaled, De La CaiUe, Hnrelins Mayer, Brad- Ly . Hcnenel, MwStlyneytht transaction! of the Astmaom ia\ Society of London, Ac.ffe.- From Smith’* New Eng li*h Globa. i John*ton fa Stockton liars juit rwirtda few piun of lb* shore Globe*, varying in *!*•,** iatlJi*: 1 mir IS u»ch« iu Uitmelrr, *. >• 1 “ • '#!• ■« T « ‘ ' . • ..... I M 1 M semi globe* 0 u j Amtrknn, Chruaiele, and journal copy. decll' DERRY it JYICKER3ON,- Manafotiioram of •' AWHIMB,BADSING BOTTOIUB, ] -WAGON COVERS|AND GRAIN RAGS \ or*u i>EBCßrmoss; • Ho, 3Mfr Sowta Front Street, . 1 ' Back of 7 Cabinet Wart Manufti • . . PHILADELPHIA: ALL order*. Jcft.wjtlu S.jS.hloon, at the oSqo of the Merchant's Hotel. Piiuhureh.will.'be promptly auendedto. " VpTHOS. G, DERRy ” • ttoplß-dlr 1 A. a NICKERSON \ "" NOTICE, ; A PPEICATTON will lie made to.the Preiideiil, jilana. £\. Ern'nn t! Company, for-Creellng u Bntfroovc-rihe Rtser Monongobela opposi n Pitttluirqb.m the coamvbf AUeskony.tor the renewal of thtet crrUficalai. Noe ll7,l£o,liO,inthenaaonl John Humer.enob tot two' ******°f Company. certificate* be* ingtost Of nutLTd.: • wCtIARD FU>vb AtiornerforthbExccoiowof John Hunter; dec’d FI'ES! m rpKEsubfcriberwootd r JL Gentlemen abeateisiii nof FANCY; FUKHjWcUu pro ng a'call before pojtk find'll to their advantage t • reeelTetl'tthall be fnilllfully Third M f abovo Arch; Phit? . RfrKutrain ri*iu><'f| *A eery ti»iy*rme!it artirjr. 1c cinWcarrt<*niy>* ban* in ree'd sod for tale.-by WMBBCfafftt- • - MEDICAL. . . . ob.iwatsA>i ;■■■ - • COMPOPIfD BYS.UPOF WILD f AeeEttin Mui«ara enrBjot eowhk; eoids. tsthstt/ 1 liver coaiplAUit, spiltihg blood, piuns mure cid.Q ■ •- orbreMt,BMtoas debility,.Wfadopißccoßglt . • . • brokes- eewtitntifl®, COSBtIMF* , • TIOK oru/dittsaaoftbelasgsar 'ReadMertToa/lttfeiinf . with ft cold or disease of the ' loaf*, try ihi* remedy j :: '” ; . joawiU aotpeL ! •• ’ ...• .-hapiregTetitJr,'j . , " It will anett all those sjstptomjiwhich strike aaeb terror to the mud, it proicnfr joor days. Bcwarc or aJJ preparstlons porpbtting lo contain Wild. C'herij, except that H. Swathl oa the outside wrapper ofirftdh bottle, a* they ore quiieiikely deslitotc 01. the hrticlc fi«a which they borrow a name.. j'- - - Bead what it haidonei j- - Wooldperhapaboasauli estimaw'for jdte ravage*! ol this dreadfol disease ia thea add . . the (earful catalogue oi those cat off ibylaflanur : , ,tion or the Loegs, Hemorrhage, l A*thm*, Coogh* Brohchitis,and cLher' diseases of the Luhgs^ul.LiTer fc • v-., j : Aid the list would present tn appa’lUnn proof of the fatality ol these, two classes o\. diseases, 80l it is imporunt io know , that nearly ;*li ol |;thi» dreed .waste of human life mighc have been prevented bya timely Ose of Dr. COMPOUND . SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. : \i’ - ir This, .medicine ha* now the poblie some eight years, and is the onaitul preparattpn from the.Wild-.Cherry Tree. as.ft remedy for Cocghs, C’olds, Bropehtii*i< tod Con* Stunptrpn of' the Longs based entirely opon its in owes imt little to inflated;newspapet nuns. Those who giro it*' trial/bring' benefltted by it,, recommend u: to tbelf. nerghhorii, and thus ■gradoalfy :and sorely. kaait'garned.7en enviable repft* ULottxnd wortcdiu way. into general use. One bo A¥ BA * l ' e L^ li * * A «»re« recent, 5 cotih. or cold, whiioWith ttnethttention to thedirections that ac* company each'botlltlu' nsb in polrnoairo 1 disease* of. long standing and of -the moat nlarniing charac ter,-has ftlumy*. riven relief, arid iii ,r very many Ihaiancos has efldcted complclp and permanent carta. . .4... -Dr. B}yAYl l iE > S”Cele6raUd'C6mpound- Svr» 1 opofmdChefry. ™ 9 :: Read the most remarkable cure of Cdnsomolioa everploced-ttponreftord— . (... ■ ■Dr Swayne—Dear Sin IfoelifAdobtdfgnrtiiade duo.to you—and a,duty to the to oller.my.iuuaWo'-tMUmQnj in layor. bi vont Corn* pound hyrapoLWiid Chewy. oBome! Lhico rrare since, I-was noiently attacked cold and utfla* nratiosof. ibe tangs, which was atcompacied - with n ycry dfsudssing pain is the breast and —a very considerable discharge or ofleuireddiiaß .from tho eneeially apon changes’of weather however ftligaL - At first I Jolt iddlaiafiiil "Iwnt my condition, bat was pretty sooncdavinced that Xwn rapidly going into conxaapuoa. Xgrew.daUy cr,sndat length was'scarcely able to walk about or sptnk' abovc a whispeiy such .Was the exeeediire weakness of piy longs,; Poring thlsUiae i tad tritm various preparations sod prescriptions.bta found no relief—growing all the time worse. Jusfherelwn advised and psmraaded by ft dear friend in Wilming* ton to mhko a trial of yonrSyronofWjld XJberry, Imugtconfco flat jwevioasly liHdbeen prqedie ed.agauistpatentmedicloe»,and;l am'still sgainxt thoitft coming oat of the 1 hnndsf of empirieSj bat undorstandlEgyoar. claim* ' to the profesrion and [ihciice of medieioe, and fsithin thoßaying ol ‘my friends, 1 forthwith pdrehased of Dr Shaw, one of yonr agenUj i faw boules ind commenced itnese. l My-disease'‘at thintimo vra* oi twentii or tweatyfifo 'cense qncnUy was deeplyscateXlfcritnd, however! con-' stderahle relief fromi tbo&rst.lourorflve BotbeingapobUc speaker! freqacatlylatlempted to preach with my increasing atrcflglhahd thereby ~ ruptarodfl}tte Tesselstnat bad'-ftlready-began hcvalj in this' - my- cure" was .greatly' retarded. In cosuremmate. of scUng] thfestinpre- 1 dentty l had tonse iS-‘or. IS.bdttfps.befqre* l was perfectly rettofed.'. 1 have no. question,. a.mach smaller number of bottles iwoaJtFfcive. made me sound; hut. fortbe above indiscreU>n.r Tho Syrup' allayed the feverish habit, did awaythe distresaingi cough, put «. stop to the dischtrgs of; mtttler firomi tho lungs, indgave them and thifecttresjsten good' health. 1 haTo delerredofldnQgtfamcemflmiic till; now;.fof the purpose , oi being perfecUy sarisflod ‘with the permanency of cure,-and cow tbyi 1‘ feel perfectly well, rofler.itwiih pfeassre. - i rbv.juVjoudah.. . Dublin county,.!?. C. . ' CAVTIom CACTIOHi. . . Avoid all spurious preparations ofiWild. L’hcny; such as Balsams, Bitter*,'Syrups of. Wild Cherry,; Pills purporting to eontaia AYild Cneny;dbc>'&c, us they are all uctitioas aodcoditerifiiit, and conttinj 1 cone of the virtues of the original add genuine pfe-j paration as prepared by Dr. strayne, ud.itbe flnt 1 ever prepared in this country.) Doctor Sways*’*. CopTpound.Syrupof WlLDCuEßßYiis.copippsed, of vegetable ingredients,the Wild Cbeirry, aftftotL» ! ; er medical subetances egally if cot! more so; the whole are'so. eflectsally concentrated! as to reader it beyond all doubt: pleasant,’ strengthening, and effectnal -rerned/'ever ed for the cure of Pulmonary, cocsufnpttoo, and alt ditoasenof tho Long* and Break.! The very, fact; from its having«ueb «train-.0l .spurious, imitators,’ ■ &£?!s2!S lu U,i ration, each bottW »f »h«»h »■ a»»^tj— ; tiful.wrapper, witb a likeoem of NViiuoar*-—, qJ* graved thereon; nlvo bearing the mgnaiure of Drn.) . bwayne, the coanteifcibeg of Whic.b'wiU. be pun byDr.iii W. corner' of Fjohth ana BacK ! Por'sale in Pittsburghyrbolesaleand'retail : \VM. THORN, 53 Market !. i OGDEN&SNOWDEN;e«&er Kod& Woodsts. B. ; A PAHNESTOCS A GpJcomer of ,lat and Wood andCthand Wood streets;-; . t S.'JONES; 180 Liberty street' V ?-! . JOHN MITCH£LL,-Alieghe»ycttyi • ! > And.by all respectable Dragguts.'ahd dealers in Medicine, throughout the United states suul Cma> 1 da. ; -j : septSO-.; DO. JAYNK« ALTBBAjIVE.: * -.o i . We have been informed byJdri~Rp« of scare peir-; foimed on her by Or* Jayne** Alterative* wnieh prove* it* aupcriontyoverevetjf otherftiaedy e/ the kind. She has been afflicted for the but sixteen years with NECROSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended witn olcemios* and eafidiaUonfof bones,da* ringwbich tiacmany pieces have been discharged from the irontal kene r of ine craniaA^front both ber arm*, wtiju and hands, ami from both lotsianduosuhe left fexoral bone, and from, the right .kneef, besides psinihl ulenttonolherpamofherpetson,Wh«hhave baffled the skill ot a number.of the most eminent physidansoi «ur cit*—daring most’of vbe time snifitrings have been excnuatmg'auddeplorable.'. lAJjoai'ttiree months sinco she .was indacpd to try-Dr* Jayne’s jAUerative, which has had ah astonishingly Uappy.eSect upon her, by rcninVlng nil pain and sweUing&'aiub css*iog the nlCP’sto he ul, while at the same time qcr general health has becoaccompleldyrestorcd,sothBt slm now wei([hs i 5 li.s mom than shernd before she conuoeheed the ase of this trnly .valuablejirrpauotu— Post. For further infoncatioit,intnure of illrttlSoseV No. 189 Filbert *t,l’hlladelphi». ' f ■ • 1 For salem Pittsburgh, at the FEKInTRA TSFoanhsCncarWood. : •j " , Jys ; SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS* SWEIJiI in alf itit-rnaHip|ted forms, wtsoiher in that of King's Evil, enmgcsuteU o • tb» slntvds or bones, Goitre, .Whjto iiWcUinja, Cnroruc Rlicaraatifn, Canacr, diseases of the Slun.or of of'Pulmonary Coosamptionj'' iVom one and the same caose,whico isa.yjoiiontoiwprindpii : more or Jess.inherent in tho haarnsjilem. .There* fore, unices this principle ean be’dwlrbyed,n6 radi cal curia can bo efiectedj botirthif tmodpje opoi which- the disease is;Tetsoved«.a.nar« .mnstof necessity follow, no nuUcrnnder whatlorm tho disease should manifest Tbit, t&erorore is the rcuon wbr Jaysx’a AttltKi’riYJtis : so dni vcrsally tucccaaial in removing malignonl diseases. It deitrojs -the virus or, principle, from whica.those diseases havethclrofigjdlby entering inha the circulation,-and frith the bloodup conveyed tothe' m; on test fibre, removing.ievciy jtartiole al ■ disease from the system.. PrepireUand sold at No, USoath Third Street, PhlUdefphiiu. -' Soldat the Pekin Tea Store,rtfct 72 Foorthflrta. Pittsbnrgh >■ ]'?• - mebSl ;' LADIES Who Use Comraan Pfepatcd Chalk,' ore orten not aware bow frightfully: injurious ’t is to the skin! .how ooarse, bow ronghi bow*aUow> >dlow. nnd unhealthy the skin appears , aflnr asicg'prepand chalk! BeyiiJew it is (njurioBs,-eenttiiussftlafge quin city of lead, we have prepared la'HeanttAtl vegetable nrtiele, ; wkieh we call JONE39£iPANIBirLLLY -WHITS! It is perfectly innocent, beingpirifiedafall ddetemus quaUiiesj asia it -u» skin a natu. ral, healthy, aiaba*ar,clear,bviPf'WhU«, at the tamo time' acting os' a- eosmetfe oh Urn »kin,’-puliHg it aofl and am com.- ; ; i f. Hr. James Anderson, Fnctical Chemist of Him* choietu. says: “AAcr analysing Jones’s Span ith Lilly. Whhc, 1 find it possesses the toost bsaotifnl arid jmta* Thl, at -iko same time linweatt frloto l ever saw. I certainly can eoascionnonsly recommend its nkotoall whore»xinrequiresbcaaufylng. ,, vL ':;- '* s« , S3* Wee sti cents a • . r ; fo*Sold by WM. JACKaON.ethlsßoct and Shoe Store, W Liberty street, head of Wpod. at the sign, of the dlcßool.. ■ jiT .-i-L -- Ida- - Ladles, ladies^Pm astonished,-‘ji When yoo know that yoaaro ptdutisedi -.- -i ! - AuatunltUfe-likevsnewyvrhnoj--- i., T Thatyoa wtQ.stilla»ccommonkhalkt' And look a deathly yellow fright,' < - The theme of laughter and ofTtalfc. t l .. I ’--': * • If you wosld-Bse a botofJONE’SLiUy-white, It voattgiverowskm wnlsbisteryet-tidnual white, and at the soma time clcar-ond improve iu Bold at JACKSON’S, HI Liberty *l ftirt afecnjipir box. “ - : ‘ ■' ,r ' : myB'‘ tl) RUS VV, FIELD oficrs.for tale at the lowest a very extuttrive assert* morttOf PAVER, comprising -every: pottiblac variety, adupted to the wants of consumer* ut all sdetiongof (he eoumry.Paper-of all kinds swde ; ;to order at.short notice.-' - ! i Thesiofikef PRINTING PAPER Is whtwally large dpurtof whlchliof vefyaoperiorqualityr ' FiPSR lUKRR'I RATKRULI ! of. every deseriptioni unportcJand fcept-cqntuntiT.em hanJj Vix: Fclungs, Wire Cloth, Fdfordrlnicr >Virci BlenchingPowdcr,utuo Uliramarinb,Tvrlnri,itc.,Ac, - • • 'RAv&J j r ~ . .. Convast,Dalo Rope,Grass Rope, Bagging, ,«r, purchased, for which the highest pr>ee tn, Cash will be paid-. . ijygly -• New Yprfr JhlyJlfidk: , CJELLERS’ VERMIFUGE, ‘‘l cohsWer.betfcr than; - ! v- JtftiyFVvia*, l' Oetotwtttii.itjo. j Mr. B. E. Sellers!—My ran 81 mo tuhTold, being very rwile« at afgfcvwd bsvlngmsch forer at Lmes.l con* e lulled be had worm*, and -havtug beard- a great deal about yoar Vermifuge. I bought a v{aj.-arirt gave nim.B doses, which exjttlkM W Very large wanna.-, i consider your Vennitugc better than gg/ip‘ Bgrtll ,; ; • Prenarcd arid'sold by It E.SELLEKk3T Weodat. ‘Bold by Dr. Cam), Sth ,ward; and D. iL'Currr, Alle* gkeaveltv.• """qp, Jones* Italian ChsisleaElwp;1 F ORellkmdsof eruptions acd.dlse*ap*n£tbc&ini sucbui > tWo. chipped oremcked Sain, and forttlUfoef disdh* tes of the Skin, which reqtttie eitcctai sfoapetand*unparailed..>U also dltpelg FrnekkLtiun* l.nni, Mofphew,T*n, and ehanges tim’colbr of dark, ’7tiiiow,'os cloaraos*. *. A- fresh aopply, warraumUenßUM, and for tale at the reduced price of 3?| &et ]on bees I received; U offered ?orulel»y ft com*r Ist and wood and also at the career of > andwopdst*-.. i- • },.^.vtygq '^-?v a rfps?y^7f Wp44 JnlftbatvrssaaarhsifowM# ’■:->.;.'?^r^tfSss2HfcSS2 ;r MEDICAL TRICRFBAVT BtCCXuT r Coasustptixe*, remember that it u Thompson^ ■ Compowtd Syrop pf Tar dnd Weodjfcpi r mto-kabho euro tn < - -' " PULMOJtABV CONSUMPTION!!! : : ‘ ** «-*tii J . Srcut, Son Ttratfi l£a»ts«M. rtlpAauea of t » Hurt,- Whooping Uaag!t, brosp, Him, ... ..I •. itomi-Traun. Liver ; ftutpwti^'CdsniftiCt . riTU EIREFO B£» btiof* ef fell fp&rwsi nttfots of Tiir or Jl 2Tapfca u iaatiliom arretoed. fil.B. jjVThoaicapDttr Sir ~llm Uitit 1 UnuMnuaillhiiliM MtfjMrCMpoadSjnfi/ ; TaraMl7aptba reader* ituydutyto iafi>Ra~}o« eriw I~ , had keen tag aflieteil with ft wry £nl coogb.ooiH aertt% ia tha with great oppmtiov, etoraifc »a* and baa of appetite. Uur nwo rcnedie* without 1 efibet JbecasMalarmed,l bantof'yearmedicis*,bat be* ing.atem to using most advertised medicine*, l(bought I .. would adben to what 1 bad been using. Finding njwlf gettt&g .worsen a tricad persuaded ms to try a bottle of roar ' pnantioi, iijiu •'h* end Ut iilMo id nrtMt.l tin . anaiataiy procured a tout* *ad waamencwl uslaf- it,'aad ton 1 bad takes two bottles, 1 was coopkttly reriored to , Solely fer . (he benefit of oQutn 1 maka the abov* brief statement. Any further uwuiriti caa be sad* at my tta*» dtsce, 148 Catnrinq Attl • BnportfuDy fonr*,' . Fkaatcw Fmtost. ;%, - •SOU mother Remarkable Curt* V Nor.So»lW3,'^_ - Aboot six- teen net, la ccaMtjac&M of Jhe uedeatatyi satureof my Msinr*,} wao attacked with bercre-jelse ia ; the bunt jilpitiliha of the heart usd shortness of breathj which wen *ooa followed bylb*&tlun of extreme • wikeft!oejeata%Tjtaadpirthlpiraijii»oliayCfflia-Ui«n yßPtonu'of a denukad ntlta being wilhspiUisgof blood. "For eib6Qt two years l.wusocesaioo ally thrown into eoaruliidoa, which kftaw ias.niKtibl4 •taieof feebleness end began toaSeettay tend.. Fron Una , to tin my sa&ri&ga 1 w*n or leu atm, amtil id length ■ they increased to such a irntt, tad tbo violtae* of The symptom* teen to astmeaUd, (bat tbrawhokyeviwa* - unable ioitteod.toasy Business. -purirgUdetiMlcoutilU ed sops vblephysfcsalDr and attended to (heir ttreacrtpimu* bat a&tbeir mil wtsansvaiiingto procuress nLa) . tb*j-rav4td ny rtcoeen Mcatlreiy ii lUa epoditiau fwaaiafonaed of- the niuaty.effiKti n Tbetaaoc’f Compound Synipof Tarasd Wood essesomewbalt uaiUr to mine, sad though 1 bad gins ufsff eipeetsuni of a recovery of my fcrcoerheatth by ham* Beasit yet bebg at length'prevailed upon to do so, nu 1 Am aok »>*y« 11.0 ty tin HM «f hfllllw ay keeltlt tmWwewU' yJ \ lan bow able to attrpd to bunaue with u Btneh-ficUilY : a wul, f.; r M-ENItY MYKHft.;/,'; . f Of DiddatoaTqwibifrV r«j»rt4oflljbTANGlTEY fcSICKsO.f tttbatfK «emrofHQhaMSpnK«atml> '• Sold bj L, WILCOX. Jr. md rapMtaUa -V Dragcbt* rcsenliy. PriceSOeXi., er t>»« dol!*r pwWdllt. CAUTION.—Bcwn> of Unil»l>cetj and pccWeTjf m'l CoaponA Bjn>p. ofTar faat dom . bat BdTtttbai amt*, or of tbm abora ,the wipicka of deaUar to «SXK . terfeltt.■ dirHdJw. SETEBAI REASONS WHY OH. Z.EI DY'S SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS ore becoming ■osuuvemUy.popoiar i First, Because tberare prepared by Dr N B Loi- regalarDßigglst, Chemist and Fhyxi- . cum of-Philadelphia, .who know* the nature, the qaalitjr tad character of the Medicines. used in hit pills end their adaptation to disease. . Second, Because the pobticcnn tab them with - greater confidence than moat otherpUl* which are prepared bf perttaa ignorant both of medicine* and *a . disease*. "■ - .- . Third/Beeause ©J, their combined effects, properj . Uea not contained in tnjother.pllUjnalnel7.purg'* lag from the Homac.lt and bowel* all unhealthy 10tv. stances, and at\thel tame.'time purifjimr the blood ■ T and fluid* of thp body. : -A J y , ; Fourth, Became they are the cheapest-aod best medimne. knewhi-sr arngle box eostiog tints teats, and containing 40 pifU, earing to persons 0* many - dollarsofrthncs;in 1 Doctor** bill*, and numerous medicines bonghtdn tried on the reeommendatioft of dthcrii . I . : ■ . :L.WHOLESOM£ ADVICE. Whenever red have occasion to take any medW .cine;: do' not to trtihng.with. your constitmioa by trying ell kind* of. pills or other medicine* you, «ee publtshcd'and recommended tyr coo and another but take at once ■ ' ; . v J Ur. Lddy'aSanapariUa Blood?UU and you have occasion to take , anything else. Tbeywili*lwiy* be found good in almost ail. worms of disease, Inflamstionof the stomach,bows eiJ,lrver aiui intestine*} criuape of the stomach; colic,,Waierbrasb: inward lovers* Tool breath, bail taste ih the month,'Sour eructation* and' acidity ol the ston»eh,'costivenco gad Indigestion, want of appetitej biltious’sfiecttoiu, diseases of the-spices and jkidaey*, diseases of. tbe skid, scaly eruptiond dry'and watery pimples or blotchct-or the face aim Jbodyi tetter, mfaypriekle heatandsaltrfaacm;bead< "ache,-giddiness], faintness, pains over, the .heart/of the breast, sides,;along the back and spine, rheuma- - ttsm end gouty fevers oi ail kinds, small pox, varuK loid.meaacls, scrofula,erysipelas. and ursbortthey are good in ml diseases having their origin in the stomach, liver, and'intestines, and imparity of the blood. ; - •.•V. ' cents a Box.• • v : m •' - Sold Wholesale and Retail by B. A. Fchrestoek ACo.}eoreerofiFirst:and Wood r .al*o coraer.of SixthandiWoodstreets. . 7: sept2£>- r ‘ : " • BUKIUUJI'S TOOTH ' . { x rsoorsTsxsTJuncs.' ' THE best artielo known lorclcaniugand.wlutenihg the Teeth, strengthening the gums, sweetening the breath,fco. UahouTdbe otctl cv'crj night with: e slid brash, uad (ho tooth and mouth will only requfroactigk . washing in tho morning... Wet the brpsh with warm ' ‘ water, axcold'wiUuuwer, arid mbit a few time* op) Ul9.paste, when .enoughwiu adherefar r-canmg tog teeth.- Itieavekadelietointariaitt tbemo»th,aodim.- pans a sum delightful fragrance to the breath, lisped* as. a pleasant, e£caeioaveonvenient,'&Od EJtjDliKnSiKnlV': • • ' . .. . iiyHußg a regularly, U will recurve the taztsi and ' proven fits accunnlatlon—ptereot the toothache - strengthen the gams, and prevent all diseases. of them taMmsts, phf*icipns,)ahd the clergy rocontmcnd,'4l s decidedly, superior to every thing of the kind in use!—' Ask far Sherman**Compound Oms Tooth -Paste; and - Observe bin signature is attaehedloeaehpot;-' • _■ '. Recommenced by Dr. CasUa,.3SX Broadway, one of our best Dentists,andby most ofthe'old established ones in the United BtstcsTand even Xtonsively used by the Nobility of Bigland and Pnif. . V ■ A large proportion of the disease, t katafflietzaahkisd arisefromßootederangmcntofthtstomoehorbowol*. : which a timely use of the Cash*- ue Lozenge* would . entirely obviate.’l Persons or bilious hnbiu should*!* ways have a box at: band, arid take a dose whenever they feel the leattdeTsngeiflenunihcir health: Afadl* clous ue of these * Lozenge# ; would prevent thousands of cases. . . -A- -■ " Forsalea: Wit; JACKSON’S, corner of Wood and Liberty m •• ; ■ dccO A rtRS’,*TrllH hjnha rtr<£4w«lpi,/» rwity tTwa mod genuine Liter Fill, prvpared sad sold by-R'E BRLI IdE&R* I • • 1 ’ iloxsti’FACTWTjWe^m^toaCeyPa,^’. ATr. R. S. St&n: —A sense ofdoiy toyouead thsaftictcJ • ladoecsmetoaddmylnnabletatiauaytafororofyoariwffly ' celebrated Liver Fills. I have deterred doing so for ycu*, adhering to Dary CroekeU’s maxim, “be inn yoo are right, - tbea go ahead.’’ Most dflhe many preparation* of empuiu . sad qaackSthodedi to the bars took tato ohliriou tiace ioarLirer riil*harebe*aoir*Tedtoth*ptiblie,«nd,iade*d, '' bclicfe they will thaßall,” as they.arvjntt wbat yoa Tepreae&Uhcmto.be. I hare been afflieicd with Liter Cosptaml from Bf path; hors sdErred much; employed BanyeminenlphTifeiuUytowhoml'paidmochmioMyaMro - IoM mnch blood; wen vomited and physicked almost to doth; *ahratedsor Clime*,aßdfißaUyrireaapsa tnewsble.-la lfcDO-71 was iodneed to tty yovxLfrer Pill*, and 800NG0T WELL.' Uoeboxof whtchuaowsaSeknttokecpamclear Of pain in'the aide; and all the othtr *ymptom». for ai.lpat 18 moatiu. -.Year Ptilf arealaothebcstcalbartieievessSed; being mild, not griping or giving much siekatis alike ttmo aeh, but give me mueh relief • X have kepitbemin my stora for 6 w ? year*; sold hundreds of bexe*,aml hm norer heard* lingie emaplaint ottered by any oat vrho has osed them.- Theyhare esperceded aimed cTtry ether pfll talhii neighborhood, and in a abort time wQI haniik them.all.. I earnestly reeommesd them to aU persons netdiag phyvic, whether for LirtrCcaphinl or Blllioas dflcetioce.. ~i eon sidtr them fiir soperior to Calomel or the Bln* Besptol folly tout*, - ' .•’ ' . J L Mbxxia CAUTION—As' there am other Pill* before the jrabhe callko Liter Fillsjpenae* who want theGENUlNKwctid ask for and take no other than these prepared and sold by B £ SELLERS; No 57 beiwvea Thiid andJ>«rth «rid by Dr. CatSct, VlAh ITord, D M Ccxxr, chj.,.. - - : ■ - m C S " DILJAVIXT r»RmwA nioatbs;re'wab!eatpleamtre, SO 00 •Each additional square, C months,. boo wimi ;os «ai*wiut,T is Smt rvliu. Onepqnafe.3inaertions, 50 t f,,..37 r :-isunßin-caani. ? Five tinea of leti> one year. - '...iv. | 00 ' w “ s«o' a “ . “ one year f tiaily & weekly. 10‘ 00 u .* ,« *i»iaoMh».«% . « •' a Jo ; .sing.; For BO Usds, or lees, One m*ertk>n,' on **»•• r - f " T»«h« j* 1. ""—to”