The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 07, 1848, Image 4

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    ■. * {■: i iittfivi ;
-- a *>*i*ac€Al
•>ma j
-'; cocress which hu 1
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K., itr. ir i!<QjqnWC;PAIiACEA
aft wtoas fanas> which lmtstioo of the I nan u
: f ‘rn 1 •—tgmmj b< ladaesd fb* ’proprietor spun to esllstteiw
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Tl»* -<lu«if*bl*"'we*diep .^rhlcli^milt*"otir jail and.
' filter '■
Three; it neglected/ an but xhepreeunon of fell
.. ,-de'etiDyer,., ■ i i • f ->' -’--r ’ 1
f e , cosumption. . ; '
& i.:,.; The gooff de,= ftea/how shall we alp the destroyer in
• k _ the had? bow shall, wo gel clearof our cough* and
** . ’ Voids! is of TUml importance lb thepuhUC.
.. ..••■■.. *..wfll befbnndintheGinm&f Ptmeeth.' lu proof of this
- *.•. ‘- ,w* hare frees time tourae pabUahrd the certificate* of
£ ; v. ,-,-.i4otttu of oar boat kaown dure®*,who hare ctpen
•• «. asoodita earaiiT* powervTbeee, with a maas of tea
• .thtway from ajl part* of theeovhtjy<—-Crotn >
: * Hudaier* ofthe Gc*pd. Ac-’togethcr wiili eopioaa no
lice* from tbo . ' '
;■ -»y n . vJOUBKALS/OFTHEDAY, .
-u.< • i erahsTe-etabodiad ia pfaaphkt form. can maybe
. ' v ul ■ gratis of any of our agdnts throagbout the country.
• . i-. -»• beon-nted in this city.''
.ttoogboot the United State* and Canada, - -and wed*
♦ « lease any mas 10 aolht oat a
■. ) .>i - ;
.»1 < Aw* the iaqgs had beeoner fatally disorganised, It has
' . ’• CTitiliidilO ; ' ■••■ > ■ v.'i »• ■•* *
. Why. tUan,weed tho afflicted heshaist t* hy resort to.
\ . ,dw aaaerabl* noauoi**, gottenup byutr" mdirid
•>, . -mala ttder the eaaamedaaiaeer*dm6-efl phy
;.•> cateUa.'addpoflMintoaotorietylxj'CCrMcS'-*' . per*
.. nHis canall? ankaown? - Wbilw • medicine of'
. I ,/ • /4tto-befcad l whoeeTmieber*ftr*athc«ne,—our neigh*.
...... /bora*—many of whom it baa ••' •- <'■.••.■•
; eederthar this iarmlaabfoßaCdic too may be placed
u' >./ • -within-the resehofibe poor aa well the rich, we hare
A **^ rrie oii.T.TOirr'CßST»,,' ' !
"•/ . ' • Jurat* batf'tke B*ul cbMof ; «oaghttedieme*. Hi*
/ - toaeiieJjyoorageßUianeaiiy-eTerytownandTUlige
«x. f - : Bwttlw west. wb» are prepared to yire Oiit inform*-.
•w . • tiontelatirotoil. >' T. BALTER, Proprietor, ,
*’ ' JITHNA t uk utrftvvl^Y^FOß^^N
1 :' A-ma disease is ceased br ai>aroXTiflulcoosquc«
' i. u^-uoWtt ceUisitiaTeiTdebiUtatinr.idmort eatia*
lag eafocaikdt PANACEA ia the
• iuycgxtgin enta.'- . - ?*■ ~
> Sweetser**Panacea.''
e. eemmoa cold, which,'if neglected, will
. '-MtMiaaw In Coewaaptiaa, ** eflectoally. rellewod and
.i . Us*'* lToaebeeked,^'wilTeffecmalhr kad to
Xr. i' _!.n RrolKhial Oeosasnuon, hot a timely ate of Dr.aweet
'►-•;--.:''i«rtPBnaee*wilf«fiiKtaanycunjIt; '
'-infamwatioo of tho Tonil* or'Soro Throat.—This
' i . 41***** often lead* W'serictweonieqaenee* from neg
' :lootenehataJeentfoneTtfaetbrpat. OrflhefimeTmp*
ÜBt. Dr.floectAi l, « Panacea thpold ho procorod and
r/.. wM’ftaaly.'' ■• •• rr
[’.• Coagha afed.Oolda And a eoTneifojexaedy in Dr.
Lv::. t. •>.- -dwemrft Paaaeea./ •• '' --'
ft Pwaauaia yenr fatal disease, resalang
F . ,fm*avlol*atcough andeoUxnt a debiliJaled or bro-,
fi • kea down eonitituSoo; aged persop* are rahject to iu—
' Dr. Sweeter** Panaeeg tboald be used <«. the Cm
: tymntosia, whlch tre a cough or cold. ,; . '
. x., .gilrtg Bweatt^—Thi* dcbiUtaling conipJaiat will meet
. ■ with a lately cheek,
tfre eyamtQßs, which are a pain fa the aide end breast,
«M|h evniniim of blood, iljpr.Sweeuer’a Panacea la
• .rghSr ■aeAaeaangeraoedbe'awreheaded: ■_
WmsOh Dangs, the Windpipe, or; Bronchial Tube*
>.?*' baeoae -oioned up with phlegm >0 a* to impede reap
• * 1. tsdoa ar breathing,'Dr.'sareetser** Paaacda,which u
a powetftal Expectorant, ahould be'taken according to
■ tbedinerkna. ■
diatresaing prevalent in
oar climate, ia speedily eared by l)r.' Sweetaer** Pane-
Pile# tt per bbtxle, or six bottles' for S&
Forsito by WM-JACKSON, Wliberty it, sigii.
tiebigbaot, J'" covSisly
' - '' GreAt KBflUll .
FOB Coughs, Colds, Asthma end Consumption! The
GREATAND ONLY REMEDY fox the core or the
•ten diseases,! it the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP
UFE, diseoveied.bjr the ceteU*ated:Dri-Boeliaii,
- aid tncrodnewl into the UnitedSlale*
ir A »»* t r» th« inrenlof. i.
’ nteexmOrdiSHy •accei*’ of this’ medicine, lu the
ctut of Pplmonary diseases, -warrant*: the American
... Agent Usolicifinyfortrearmentthe wot*: possible cs
- aMthatcaa b« feud la the eomtaßiutT—case* th«l aeek
relief in vain from any of tbs common remedieaof the
. j day, ami have been givennpbjrthemostdistuwuislKd
phraieians a* confirmed andincurable... The liaiiput*
- cored, "rid will cu re, the toost desperate
oCcase*- >ltfc:najj»ck.nesmim, , l»t» standard Eng
- • ' ijilUßedidßftipf known and established efficaey. •
-' : Every fanaJyin the United Sum should be supplied
. \f
.«*.• eoaatendtthe eaamnptiTe tendencies of the climate,
medicine in all ensea ot
• •'colds,' eougßS, aphnwy ofblood. pain in the side and
■' »iperboltJe,wilh fuUdiree
' * ' ttoaa far tha restoration of health.-'
.. t»' ■* ■ a max nf and Amgfl
w • can • eertUeates,. and other evidence, showing the on
• ' r : eooaDbd aeriu of thisgTmt English-Remedy, may be
- ' obtained of the Ageau, gratuitously.
'‘For 7 (ale by HA FAHNESTOCK A nomcrof
Ist sad 'Wood and Wood and CthsU- .- - ■ felith
■■■■■+*. 11 1 . . .demons Scrmtebtt -
; ' mETIKB, rrCH, SALT, RHEUM, weald
JL for naiiwleday, aerate h,. when afflicted vrilh the
f 4 twoer, Jtch.or«lh«r diaeaeeeof thetlrin,if they knew
‘ hrtKi'woaldVlsbTa and cam them. -
‘ L - ”n*bErniW* tab* obliged to rob and aernelr when
• r'. atoaa,bgnaow topblrtoabiain from it, [lbr decency
: aiJrf iitutplinr. Übe remembered that
' TvTfemy>ft.TFTrt KRand ITCH OINTMENT U the
»Mt cfieadoaa of. taj other preparation In eiietence
’ ' l haettrinf thaTeturylidunad'Othef dbeweaoftheihiji.
diMMea.ortkn akramasiariab from the imparity
•"'•'V, ct tha sad flmdaof tba body \ and where rueh die
euielwof.inn*standing, anti tbr constitutionaffected
'< thereby,' if Dr/Lddy’s Sarsaparilla IBood Pill* be a ted
‘'with tna ointment, iney will care any casc’wb Merer,
*■ undifthaydohotfibemooeywillbe retdroed by lfc.
Leidy. Most caaea, howerer, will be effectually cored
byfir.lnidx’slTettezand Itch ointineut, hnlesa-the
‘ • whole system u impregnated by the- diseased humors
' which will bo eospiewy carried off frocatbe system by
Dr Leidy’sbloOd pills, and the awfiee of the skia heal
ed by tbucsutmaiu-Pricaot-clntmeiu SB cents. ■
thesoialaabla medicine* jtut're
•"• eetved andwraale b;'
... „JR & Co.
eoirt Ist wood, also
’ ryiin ba * long' been eoneineed of,the
I necessity for tome medteine adaptc«Uo the pse of
Mrfojtereede the use of all those
1 -ncdkinCt which coutsiu opium, and baa at lengthauc.
rciJiil in papering and offeringtothe public a medt*
- ,rery purpose forpii diseaseiof the
v bowe!*,wiifoui.fhe ascot lhauleleienousdfM’, or any :
■’ ** l, ‘r T "»« the ka«t. TheJmaal Fas] ;
; neea has been folly: tested aftd triad, (be last twelve 1
1 ’ Btos&fc-br ufamezoiu persona, and (bond to posses* all .
tbe'ektxaonfinarr rirtaes, and to produce ail the astou
«W gi fctih on the fill of dir«ti«n*.-D»- ;
t • cRbSa. Vomiting, Cholic, Orbing, Pains, Sickness and ;
•• Diseases arising from Teething, acting Hiunedjately
- without dlatutbutg any of the. function*.-of the body,
■ producing'the* |hsppieii and -mast pleasant transition
ftoca violent pain to a tranquil and joyous slats of feet*
' lag in the llturlnttiem.. ■
- be had wholesale andretsal, of Uie Proprietor. Dr.
Mitchell, HliSUfcßeckwuiß, sqd most other Druggists
anspbenrud Pittsburgh.. • -.deei3:
* vj power to core! Piriaacssn, Feb. tt,'li?47. •
■ S. & BtUJti*—Mr ■wife has for year* been subject
t digrxesriSTcough, with asthma, -for
the cure of wftirh ue- used different couch : remedies,
:• y.*A tha most eminent phyrieiaits in
''-EdcUa& bßi ali was unavailing. • Byehaeoe I heard
■ • of Tooiusrieiial Cough Syrep, and wasindueed to buy
’ a ooule for triail although 1 had so belief that anything
could remmiMcr eomplaint .surprise,
..two doees garelher immediate relied Sbeh at time*
r troubled wuhlaleougb, but two tcaspocnrfuJof Syrup
- always ttopt-iU Vam a trial oMhree t>C
* four geUert Congfc Syrup »■ «*■**■»' e 2“*>*
medicl&e7bnveoyer tried *Uher-in the Old-or Nevr
World.: .1' -• ; .Wjt,Fai«soraa*,'-- s t
V • Y:; . SeTeothWaiicirrof Htwbtttßh.- j
: Tbe abore 'certificam .should- indueo-aU-wfeo are.
' trattbledwfth cough or asthma, to glee the Syrup atn-|
at ll atay behao for SS cent* a bottle,' at the drug;
jtoreof? 7 iTV RB fIFJ.TXRS, a wood si
1 floUfrifr Cuttl,&h wsnL andDH Curry, Alle*
" ! fWnj dry. : TT - , janfi-
SEIXE B’ 8-i fraaie* of *1 ‘
,:: B *rjs-sisr]-
mstatPMTtiAr that after Min* different piepa»-
tkmi tor wpeUii.wonm, J boofht of C. F. llelrn*, :
» H«w Uiboa.twrrial*' of R E Seller*’Venniftajei and
mt® the content* oneeialto three of my chdaren.
■Kom Mhe fittu'Xtrf 0 yw%iit expeUedUironw
tnm theeeeooisi reata Old, TO; and al
tetrt oli UtTstaunc JHfi worm* excelled by.Bainf
bototMTUL .V«eo?uieijd Bcllot’ Yeraife** •**
Mk aod ooe oflhe most efleetuat W«na medicine* be*
' ton d» toabße. 1 - HcoaMoncw. ,
Prepared and ttU by B K No 57 Wood !
gtreet. Bold by Dr. Caaeel, Cth ward; D M Curry, At*
lartanr, WlDiam J Smith, TemperaueeeiUc, jal4 *
Patewa fciot* Bprtm /rrmae, -
XIEWLY INVENTED—For the re Pemuuirni
or BUFTUAE, (Sailed to all
MTMOOenotciatßaof thiaTnMooiuiMia tbe'*o«r
Mntivoesao with whiehtt nay be worn. Tlicpadof
iMd Li.« aiaily balanced on tpnop, yidde-to frt»-
■KMtnpVWf iutad tbwomjbly adept* itaelf in
urMTeSMAtaudeny the weatvr.: It can be worn
wUheatlntcnaUwon, tmiii axore i» darted. -Tbeetth*
I m~ir—•!>*•* —deatranrencnt* far the wmmUacturt
of ifeaaaalaabla Truces, in a Mpenoratylc, lit F<ttiay
and hhea them now fer eale ai their ottce, No.'
near Sixth, Pitutnrgti.j- :
. 7-I GKO.A&IT, - -- J
jagj » ■ -V, '■ - r ; ; D. W.XAUt-KMAN.
■inin'rf— u y Biilleiati In Ohio* , ’
Mtt. B.£ SELLERS—Voor vermifuge 1* acequHll-,
iS 1
**’*• ’ !
:Kb B.S. SeSetWYoer Vermifuge «U. rtnarkaW jr
,«ii u. ctiaed (be full ccmfidettce of alt who um :
SVaJafcwU »rn». : vo U o
PMniuilM)U by B» & Seller*, N 0.57 Wood su,
MASta'Sc. Cboci, Wk. Wart, D.M. Curry, Alto
gbljrf,— - - febt
; itfeBsWUERY.-ttOAP9» lie, ill'More.and for nie’
Jf DnML<Leor..Wi>o<l>ml Mi *l*±
- ■ Cm tfliappeil Ifiidi;
;: 1 ' do 1 •do -. , JOi
> , , . ' -Saperfioe Sharing Cream, To»e'&'alm£mdj.
• /•..«*: • OlMaiTOwPoatittßii
. .-‘.CdMCtiib; "
]fca»Too& Paate; ■. •„
*-• a 1 CokigM Water, fine ektraci (hr (hr iiamt*:
. ' CCsii<lftrDftCd&~Jeet Uo&ter; dnicrut uxt aboU)-;
ifMOTlK;W:e*rterofwood 'ana Wh\«'u., i’iiu-l
etnutantlr, on pablU,
If* SHfpSyt!|««yw»gripti6na ta rrihlly cowPocaS
• . jjfSSS«SS^S^- : 5»«-. | i*! *&•#•» Jjj.f?.
: - Wrt -IWMcL«W« *■ ap»vsv»«#»«,"r; -
-Mi frS'fcrtttf? Ih*i s pnrcbMßd om^tuloC^t,
Soecifcy «fl» m ®obUu apt
JLf* c iS|!l^SrfS«e!a«BejeTe“Te*™«l d .< w ®
r' • ' ••!- the **ouut.wfljr,«W*tt
um«m yfijff sr-KoST fat there w» r-pw<a«<
* . ' h» Tft* froai.bwTh-. nmawruig
Sg h-it
' r '-*-'wSn
'/*• s' IBW BOOKS- : I:
' MHC Convict, or the Hypocrite Unsukked; by G. P. •
A - R»’Jtnms,Eig. tv; .-f
Jack. Ashore: by E, Uovaid. author of Ratlin th*
Reefer.': ~ , ...... j.• ,
He’Star'of the Fallen; by-Curtis, author of Kaek
Pinned Riflemen. ’ ,i • • < •
• 'Hie' Magic Figure Head, or the Lady of Green and
Bine; bv Charier Corey, of the.U. S. N. - > ■
Bandit's Bride, or the Maid of Saxony, by Looks
Stanhope, antbor.of “Striking likenesses,” Ae. •• •
‘ Lenilla Lynmore. and Mr. and Mrs.’ Woodbridge; by'
Mis* Leslie. ' ' •
London Qaarieny Review. ; '•
' Union Magazine fax December.
Life of Joseph T Hare—a large supply..
The Matueavcriug Mother, by the aaihor of ‘History
of a RnhJ .• *;
He "Wilfulness df.Woman, by the same, j• «
He Old Commodore; by £ Howard. > (
Jennelte Allison, or the Young .Strawberry Girl— a
tale of Sea sod Shore; by Ingraham.
Kaam, or Daylight, a prize tale; by J S Robb.
Sir Rowland Ashton, -* vol; by Imdy.O Long-. :
The Splendors of Versailles, and the Coon of Louis
the'XlV. . '
Flowers Personified, Noa ft and 10. <
. Rnral Cemeteries of America, parts. '
" Magazines, Newspaper*; etc..
I«ondoii Punch and Pictorial Times,perjast steamers..
' Brother Jonathan. Philadelphia-Courier, and.Yan
keo Doodle Pictorials.
decl ' , 3d st, opposite the -Pott Office.
Neably readyforpublicXtion
by J. A. A U. P. JAMtiJ, Cincinnati, the following
new and valuable Works—'
.;l i , :
! Doniphan's Expedition—Containing * sketch of the
;life of Col.' A. W..Doniphan; the Conquest of. New
Mexico^Gen. Kearney’s Overland Expedition to Cali-'
fbftiio; Doniphan's Campaign against the.Navijos, and
his 'unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Durango,
and the Operations of Gen. Price at Santa Fe; with a
Map and Engravings,'by JohnTHughes,A-Bofthe
Ist Regiment of Miraouri Cavalry. ' . . '
- - H.‘ -- r ;'' • l .
• Histoty ofKentueky—lts Antiquities, and Natural'
Cariosities; Geographical Statistical' and' Geological
descriptions; with anecdotes of Pioneers Life, andmore
than one .hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish-'
ed Pioneers; .Soldiers, Statesmen. Jurists, Lawyers, Di
vines, Ac 4 illustrated witbforty engravings; by Lewis
Collins, l voLoctavo. ' '
•• • • UL*
- • The Twelve Months' Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri
vate in the Tennessee K*giment~of Cavalry, ift tbe
Campriffu ofMexico, containingan ac
count of the March of ®e-Regiment to Vem Crux, 1 *
description of the Coantry passed over;'thannens cus
toms, Ac. of the people; Sketches of Camp Life; 1 ae
‘countsof air the actions of other Voluniccr Regimenu,
and a foil History of the Mexican Wan list of the Kil
led and Wounded, Ac; illustrated by a large number of
'correct • views and plans; by Geo.' C. Furoer, 1 volume
octavo. • t decl ■’
Gems of Sacred Poetry; a splendid‘imperial's to.
wna beautiful Ulostratioas on steel, by Sartain, and
illuminated pages >by. Schmitz and : Sinclair, richly
bound In Turkey moroqco and. white calL superbly gilt'
.He Christian Keepsake,.an-annual'for-1A48; with
splendid tnetitorint eugravinga, by Strain; boundin ar
. abesqae morocco. . - ►
. Christmas Blossoms and .New Year’s Wreath for
1548;.a smalt quarto volume, printed oaeaow white pa
per, embellished with spleudii) mezzotint engravings.—
Hu. 1* by .far.tbe moat beautiful juvenile annual pal*-
liiJwd in the United States. . -v"
HeToetieal.WotksofOliver Goldsmith, M. B 4 with
hamerbus ej utile designs, by the Etching Clab, ui va
rious styles of binding. ‘
-. Thompson’s Seasons, with seventy-seven designs, by
tke Etching Clab, in various styles of binding.
TgrJ’oetsnid Poetry of r Amferiea; by R. W.iGrit-
He-Poets'.and: Poetry df.tbe Ancients, by Wiliam
Peter,A. 1L; wperblyboundinTurkeymorocco; *»len
didiygilu - . i. • -
. Wilus'a Poems, in various styles of binding. -
RGrayVElefy illustrated. ;
lleman’t Poetical Works, in various bindings.
Lord Byron's •• “ , “
Bhakspeaie's “ “
HsPoelicai-Works of Thomas Moore.
: Ballads and other Focms,by Mary UowitL
- Poems by Ameha.
lieadlsy'sSaeradMotataihs:' 1
•• ‘He above, with a rrest variety of other new works,
in splendid styles of binding, suiubld fcr gift books; for
i -de3o Booksellers, cor- Market A 3d sts.
ItlnabliJUiidard-tforti. 1
ud sdeatiite priadpks of every branch rChaea Imbwkdge,
with the dsrichkiih ail dstaitn *f aB tha Una* ia rcseral
•sc,editad hy WTBraside, FR tOastnMbyaa
•rroos ttarariags bo wood, ;'
. ' Maeas'sNaeth Amsrioa AUss,eeotslhingb«a«tifa3y coL
■red maps of North . Amcrtes, Canada Bast, Goads IF***,
Bara Soria, New Broaswkk, Narfhent Titus, New Met
teo,-Florifa, Texas,Cslifcnria, Merieof Central America,
V misa. Hast ladta Islands aadallthsßtatss
rj*siathaUaiDO."-‘, , ' '•» *-'•••' .
NcaPs Poritaa—He butoryof thelPwitaas from tbs
rcAnsarioo xa Ut7, to tbs molatiau «f 1?W, empridag so
ainountof tbetr prxaaplu, Ac, Ac, hy DaaM N«al, M A,
miwd hr J«hs O M D,wuh itim portraits ea steel;
taiwovwaaes 1' ' 'v - '
- Tbruss of thv Body ia the Mind, by George
Moore, U D, member of the rural College, of Fbysidaas, Ac.
; Jnvtßlle Works, v , ••
fFeslth tad ITorih* orwhieh asskes the man, a very pep.
'ularJimaUewerk. • •* .
Per ik of tbs flea, being affttiieg Bimtaau of shipwmks,
Ae. !
Speaker—Tbs'JartsQc Speaker, eoaprisiiig
ekmecluy raws szxf ctercists in deelirastteal with a sdee
tkn of pieces Crr pmetree, by Ftaaci* T Russell, itistruelm is
cloroUoaatPrmeefcis. "
Tbs shoes wrorfcs rmived and for ala by '
til Bootosflsrs, cor marks! tad 3rd its
OB Pnlsiounr Itebaw.
- \TES3BS. REED k' CCfLER—y feet it a duty I
IVI-oWe ib’tdf fellow creature*, to erne something
wore respecting ygfcr Venable Pulmonary Balsam.
fMnee 1 Cnl used the Kalsam. aboui’eleven yean affO,
the happy effect of which I liw=ii pure on account oj, 1
have had several severe eohtplaiut* and snacks at my
lungs, one a few days since, and in every instance I
-hare used the Habam alone with complete and perfect
. success. It has effected relief and'eure in a very few
days. It is certainly a safe medicine. Ido act snow
that it will cure a fixed consumption, but I 'believe' it
will be in many ease* a preventive; and prevention: is
beueribon ear*; 1 do therefore, for the Jove of my frW
low teen, earnestly recommend the use of this Balsam,
mall pulmonary complaints. 1 am confident that it
baa been the meant of preaerrmemy life to this day.
. iiomoQ June 10, *4O. .BENJAMIN PARSONS.
For sale by It A Vehucstoc kA: "CO, corner first and
wood and also corner wood and Util. - .jalil
T\lC l Greelk,EiiTuVCl*s
■XJmteal,*«— 1 .
. Ambon's Classical Dictionary;
’ Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities;
p.MCuilooyh's Commercial Dietionary; - ' . .
Urc's Dictionary and Sapplemanl, arts, mans lecture
uul miner '•' - i ’
Webster's Octavo Dictionary, revised edition;
Todd 1 ! Johnson’s and Walker’s Dictionary;
Worceeefs Dictionary;
' ' 'Hell and P' Greek I, - ”* * **
Bobuiftaa'a Greek Lexicon of New Testament;
Latin Lexicon;
Aiitivrorth'a Latin. Dictionary; -J. <.
‘•‘Fletnam*'aittl*nbbin > > French Die Ltonnryr
llock'a Theological Dictionary;: ’ v
llniou Bible KctKmaiyj*" I
RobuixOU Calmer* Dictionary, Icc, ke.
• Tie above,-with ageneral oMortmeniofTbeological
ClaaaieaLUwceflsneons,andSunday School Book*, al
ways oa Sand and for uile low, by”'
- dcB : ,Sg Market »tj between 3d A «t>.
Hew Publication**
H TILTON'S POEMS, illustrated. / Harper's-new
XtJ. edition of lb* Poetical woikaof John Milton- with
a memoir, and critical remark* on-bis genius and wri
tings, by Jaioe* Montgomery; and one hundred and
treaty entrarinj* from drnwwgsby William Uarve j.
Ju two volumes. .
• jtrrscxk'sGiuput Txrrx»aarT/—Tlie four Gospel* and
Acti of the in Greek, : with -Ettyltah notes,
critical, philosophical, and exegeUcai; map*, indexes,
'together with the EpUtle* and apocalypse; the
whole lorming tha New Testament—For the use of
Cnlkfea, nod'Tlieotogidat Seminaries. Vj
Rer. J, A. Spencer, A. M. ' :
A New Norifc—JCdsnmmer’s'Kre.—A fairy tale of
lore. Uv Mrs, S.C.HaIL. . - \
jsjkxsi-tlmmf'lV:—The life-of Henry' the Fourth,
fcing of 'France and Navarre, By G. P..R. James.
Complrtein Ibar paru, paper 2 voU. cloth. -
~£or safeby. JOHN3TO.V* STOCKTON,
" "janS UookaeilsrSrCQfßCt oftharket mod 3d »t«
USOLIBH BOOK&-Hiawj o< theOrreJLßeY.
'-Hi olotkw; arid of the war* arid campaigns arising
from the struggles of the Greek Patriots ioKmajicipa.
ting their oooritry from the Turk Sib Yoke—ln twovol*
nmea—splendid copy with numerous maps-nrnl engra-'
vinca. • ■ v ■•-•••’ j
. Letters' IHutiative of the reign of WUHaia“lll, from
IRdtolTW—withfineportraju,utSToU. ....
Cnbptntorf to the stadr of the Holy Scripture*.
Harry Mowbray, thrillng romance, with M eagra-;
TS smt’rlnthe Holy Land.Prench’fltage, and Sketch os:
in Chin a. Jut ree’d and for sale by. -
>nto. -r fmarketmseat
• • •• SevrSowkJii
The Philosophy or Life and 'philosophy of Lnr
■mage; by-Fred Vort Schlegel.; ...
BariiViiHesearclic* in China iu IS4L'4S and’’M, .with
tara aid plAt&L.'. : .
THe t«*trofibe I>ep*tte4.'t>y JnoJ Henry lloben. D. D.
The Charch UnireruU, by lfr. &u>nc.’
Goldraith’* PoemiiillditrsleiL
Tfaompton'B 9ea«ou«; do'
• for site by
! 4ib M
VAtPAHLE- Jf«W Teir , i Prueati.
Waveriey’volnnie*, 12rao, illustrated;
Mrs Sbor#ood*r Workt„lS ; voU, 12rao„iIlu*tratedj
Mies Edjwoith’s u . 10, .
lisraer's Family library, 163 »ols, complete;
:<fio ’pwS and flirt's ■i u [ “ •
Work’* of Shakespeare, 7. roU. 0vo)-the beautiful Bo*-
BuSr’A 4,v0l elegantly bound; J
- Hannah Moor's Works, 7 vole. - l'- -
. Exploring Expedition, Ovots.royal Bro
\*» «k> sdo do do 3
Brliisli Essayists, 8 backs.
-The above, together wiili a large assortment of ele*
rantiy bound tamlly andipoeket Bibles,. Common
Prayer, all sizes and bindings/all of which will be sold
lower tban'ever offered in this market, at the old stand
■of • - KAY A Co. ,
_jal *'• . j 2. u'cor 3d A wood si
piAsost puaiosit
HENRY KLEIBER, Dealer in eastern Piano Kories,
arJ.'W;AVfcodweUVTfo.'Bs’flunlStreet. The
pianos tniy be examined at all botirs, and tbe subset!*'
her will be.-there ftom'U .to 13, iA. AT, and from 4 to
3,'P.M.eiefcday;,.. . ' Piltsb‘g^Ocl.23,^l
- We, the undersigned, 'would Inform the eliisena of
Pittsburgh and viciuity tSal wa have appointed Me. IE
-Kleiber sole-agent for Western Pennsylvania, for the
sale or our Piano Fortes, from whom, they may. be oh>
rallied at our own (New York) prttes. •
New York, Sept. 1, IBW-ect2Jdtt' -
-ayfOKlfi JUSW BOOKS.—ilargim tirsbaio,
iVt aewtwaeliyOJ’R J»»m; Pri«6-**o*«.
. XsriA,or lbs Trinaph of-Liberty.
. OiriitoneflWDdtiVy Albert South.
• Cosaaaadercf WsltsjflhMtmed. ■'
•: Count*** of SlorioA'by V Boohs, Esq.
- Legsads of Alrarco; bj Ota. 8. Mppird; fresh wpyly. ,
| Ocu-Wr.
1 scpll ;*' ‘ thin!»t,myosiUfusttcllre.
BOOKS-Calcrh«*»«' Of Iran, or' the Merchant’s and
Mechanic's complete giriue to lhe iron trade. • A
fcvr copies only.—yery scarce. Stmoods l literature of
the south of Europe.; Chambers* Information tor the
people. Chambers’ Cyclopedia of English LitCratarr.
WciulalTs lflaeksltroft’s Comaentbries, a new edition
lb 4 baahßfiil volumes.--HalleckV Poems, a new and
•splendid'edition. • Parlor Book, of Flower*— for tdl
J L.REAXt, 4th near,market«t
-;- ■ •->' BBwnomr
milß TARp OP THE! FAIRIES—A -Chrutma*
•JjT*dei,lry.ti.P,lCdac*es,Esq. * : ;'V
> iiaae Eyr« m autobloerephy edliion;edited liy,Caf»
T»r)34n.::jBSt receivedandJorsate by__ 1
am ~- Johnston*ibtockjok.^
■j jfTMi trroKEATiirr -book of, the -. season ■—
, t,y i liannccy. JL !
, ««•« «™u»tet» •s»*• J
■ ui»<x«r wwt; emum ijujm..;- • Wie* tfi.< |
£&r*i**ir , j- .<• 'J- U KEAJV
__ _ i _. r |!L .
.■ y -HLatO J-gSfrickWACo.) c 1
Manufacturers of;Ph»nix,fiw, proof
-sooth tide, second'atreev between Wood.; ana
Southfield Pittsburgh. - J 'SStriekler’baTwgdeeenaed
indthe larviviag partner' Mr. ‘Jo* LippencoU,haring
associated'himselr with *Mr..Wm C ( B4rr, the business
■will hereafter be coudaeted odder the ifyle Uppers
eottAßarr.-' ■; '
: -Trial of a safd In'Cirieinnhtf,' O.—WeJ the
ad were present at the testing of odd of J SSmekler A
Co’* improved Phoenix fire-proof safes.' The safe was
placed in a furnace bn the public landing, anil subjected
toths interneheat sf a stone 'eoal'fire for .more than,
three hours. In one hoar and a half the safe came no'
abrigtl red’lieat; the’'dodr of the .furnace was then
eloteo/whieh caused ah Increased and steady heat for
| the'baltace time, until the.cnht iron wheels-were
I- partially melted oflj the furnace was.then thrown down
and the safe cooled and opened.' ‘fhei'money,' papers
and books fobicb it contained were as perfect us when
placed }he*e, the binding-only :of the books being in
jured, by .the water in cooung the sate; *We have uo
{hesitation lu recommending it totho. public-as a safe
superior to any we have-ever .eeeu tested, and believe
that it wiU .ataxvl any heat which might be produced,
xceptahestwhichwouldmdtittoasolid mas*.
Springer A Whitman, L - Worthington, Kellogg A
KeiineU, lleni..Unier,.W G F Ure esc,-Alurus Smith, T
S Du agon A COpSledman, Aloyard A Co, Wn Manse.
Mead « Winstar. .• .
We, the undersigned, selected the safe spoken of
above, from a lot in the store of Truber A Auliery. the
Agents' , C (1 SPRINGER, -
Refer to Cook A Harris-Brokcrs, Pittsburgh;
Hnsgey. Hanan. A Co, do do [letUAwtyS
. FiTraaSBOH, Pa.
jons wttiouT * 00.,
A RE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Maehin
iV ery ot every description, sach us—Curding Ma*
chines,Spinning Frames, .Speeders, Drnwrtg Frames,
Railway Heads, Warperaj ’i'wiliexs.Spooict %, Dressing
Frames, Dooms Card Grinder*, Ac., Wrought lion
Shafting turned all vised of Cast Iron, FuJilrs. nnd
{Hangers, of the latest patterns, slide and harnLLaUies,
and tools of all kinds. ’ . • .
Costings of every description furnished on short no*
,lice. l'atlerhs made to order for Mill. Gearing, Iron
railing, Ae. - Steam Pipe for beating. Factories* Cast
Iron Window'S ash ' and; fancy Caniugs'genrr«lly.-T:
Orders! eft at the Warehouse of J. Palmer & Co., Lib
erty street; will have prbtdpt attention.
Rxrxa to
• Blackttock, Befl A Co.', J K Moorhead A Co.j G L
Warner, John Irwin A Icons;’Pittsburgh.
' fi C A J 'll 'Warner, Steubenville- Janl9
■BBHtaKES this method to inform his friend
■ and'the public at large tint bis Factory
' IBSS' -.W-m fijdlope ration, on the Kn*t side
; 1 NXnl of the Diamond, Allertt ny, whe to a ConJ
- vtant simply of Winds,' of various rotors
aad(}uaUtiea,arecaistttnilykepton hand,
.'also at No. r 6 J.A
‘ISS9w< H. i'hillips’oit cloibwaierootn.
YeOiUatt Shutters ruado.w. order in the best style.
'Blind! repaired at the shortest notice.
N. B«. Ilia Blinds will .be . put up, without any nddi*
tfonal/ezepcjc sn that they can bo removed in a mo*
meat m case of lire or for washing, and withnat the aid'
ofacrewdr.e, ..j ~ oCUdlyAwlamly
TAKERS,corner ofj Feiin and .St. Clair-streets,
ovpositsthe Exchange Hotel, calrance on Venn street,
respectfully Inform thelrfrlrmls and the. public, that
th«y are prepared to foriiish tutd attend to everyihmgln
thh (ineof undertaker*. iAlwayson hand a large as
sortment ofrtudy msJeOoflm*, covered, lined and fin
ished in the very bed manner, all sons and size* resdr
ntsdd SbrOudsof B«hnel t Oambrak and muslin, ond atl
sises node in approved styles... We keep a lame as
aortmeotof whltfacd black, cotton, (lit and kid Gloves,
sable .for pall bearer*, ifrid meunjroy.crtv*, cups, coi
lars,*and every thing necessary for dressing the dead,
and on reasonable terra*,-** we 'purchase all Our goods
ia the Eastern ctucs. Also, silver plates for engraving
the name and age. Wc have aulendid now hear* and
horses, and any number of tb« best catrtagcs Every
tldng attended to promptly and octAly
Nes. tHl.kfod hfo Übtri,. Strwt, waar.ihs -Canal
A.LWAYs* on hand and made to order, alarge vatic--
‘XA.ty of &l#blc AlanteU, Fter,Centre -Tables, and
Bureau Tops,Tomb Stone*, AloaumeuU, all which,
being made of the choicest marble, and manufactured
prlncipally bv,maehiccry s wilibo sold low lorcusb.
N.‘lL*F«nous<wishing to purchase MaiUels, are.
informed that It is hetscdfonh'unnecesssry for them to
go East, «s I esn fon\l*W them with an article in all
rrjpectsas good, and |fre|g lit; lOsaranec, foe.-ronstdnr
ed.) as cheap' aiilfacy oaa purchase theta'for mthc
East. Call and see. i i •’* ‘ ,r 1 'jets''
No\S Market sfaici, Pia»borgt, Feona:
rpHEsabscribera having made great improvements
X in the construction of their COOKING i*rOVi£A
rcspectfullf invite personshuiiding Sieambohf* to call
aiid examine beforejiurcJiaring, supply them
with - Deck. States Forges ami every other kind <■(
Copper, Tui and Shc-u Iryu work ncccs«sry us furassb*
in* a Stearate*!., i. -
-• ; We albs'make to order oa ihe neuee t*al
Tubed and Chamber; Copper work far twain Engines
and cverrv»r>nr cf work moor line. • . -
fcbft, ' ' I SHERIFF A WIIRK
i - 'WK. & CoV,
Sannfacinrmof.VialvßaUies-aiid W. Glau ;
No, ld» WOODaTKEKrr. ..
OUtt fseinnes being how in full opt-raiioß.'we are
prepared to rJtcuie onlct* in «>«r line.
Dunug tbAlsu sntnhier wehavoadspted a new elan of
fluilciiir.g Window Gloss, tihe moiitapp«oti-d plan now
nvedin theeasf) by which we turnout a superior arti
cle. Glass Battened oa tcisplan is perfectly level and
true, with a *ery fine latire. Famier* and dr.alcr* gen
maUyrafO' reqeettrd lo call and exiimind for them*
•elves; T ' ' • '' *yt>
! piralflgbsniJutßr Plttibuglv,] Pa,
f Hcrf£QrkK, ; i\i>f'l37,' IY.ioJ etrett, t'littburgh.
T«fNWlLLcpntianll) ktxponh«pd« good a*Hirl
jP&fmeiil ot Wore, of our own-nuuieuctorc, and
sbpeitofqaaliiy. \ Ultofosaleandcouutry Mer
' are re*peetfui!y incited to cull and ri
aitrinfl for thetckclvet, as wo are detrnnined to sell
cheaper than haaever bcjore lieeu odcrcii cri the pub*.
iie. ! • ’ <
ID* Order* sen: by mail,accompanied by ilieenh o
cnyTeferencr. will' bo proirtpdy arcaded to. I'cbS*
Ureal Western Bolt Uinre Sainlactorj,
t OA'RDNKK k Coi, would iriiirtn far. trade the
tbry hre netv.mnuufaciufinic Out best Uuu llins<
eTermudo in lb® United Stair*. ,A* t£it i* our priaci
pie bu*lnf»s, weirttend to •end out iu r oinplew an ar
tide as can possibly t»e jmailA' Those engaged in U.<
hardware trade, we (hulk, will End' it lo their ,ialere»
to see oar Jiatu. All order* promptly atiended to.
m ys A OAimXKHA tfo,'<oroi rth » roam »u
Iran and Copper Tack*,
- : a*R)
Pattern . Makers' Paints, of every icseriptian.
Office No. a Hu Clitics Hotel, Third street,.'
frU4 .' : : i_ FltUfanrffh,
Ja*u« V- l.tuur
MUL.VAN V A UEDJ.IK manufacture and keep eon*
atantiy on bend Cat," Moulded aud Plain Flint
Glassware, in all it* varieties, at their Warehouse c«ir
lierof Martcetand Water street*, Piiuhurgii.
Oor Work* conlinus iu lull operation. and we are
ehnsun'ly addirijt loour *tMk. wii,rh enable* os in fill
order* with piomptaetA* Parehaser* art respectfully
solicited lo call aod eZainine price* nnd lerra's.
tnyiOdlv • : ' ;
. % FROM the very htierat encourage
Sahwrilier ha* received since
FQEJkST he huloctued'fiitnseir in Allegheny,-
ho* induced him lo take * lea*<-,fnr a
of yean, on the property he now
Dccupie*; 10, Beaver street, immediately Ic-dde the
PretuvlerianCtaarcb. From the lone eiperienceiu the
above businessand a desireloplciie, 1m hope* tamer*
hand recelvp a share of public patronage, . .
‘Now on band and finishing loonier, ttockaway Bag
gie* operand top Baggies, and every description of
Cumae®* made to .enlsfe from seventy-five dollars u>
•igHthSnsrft ■ IscpS-dlfl J«HIN ftOUTII.
rptiK undersigned are nop prepared 10 fCrn.Mi tlxir
X rastoracr* and the public generally, with atf cseeJ
lent acicLtof lArdOil of in auuloclßle, winch
they will *nirouaecoutipudaunfterm*. licit tj:i they
believe lo be as any tillered In the watkei, and
r* be "“?*• ,f r, "3?6BPAN * SON ■ ■,
v ' 'l9,liberty *t,opp«'N‘esmUhaeld f
:P. S.—l*tral and - Grease s tillable lor machinery,on
hand; for sale above. •“i ' • nvfct ■
• ibarlni and Uofr Drtulng Saloon.
BLACJtSON ft FOUNTAIN. TontorUU frn/*iicr*,ha»a
rupaaladt&iAlled up their bljariaf, Hair Umriag nd
Bbuspoo&iDr Saloon la u* modem and era prepared to
waitoagtaUesca atone*. with cate, comfort aud (toUUact*
They an prepared to wail an all that may callwithout delay.
Tbaakwlfor jw*t farorp, w« aotioit a eentiauahee of the
cam*, at oar Saloon, coiner of 1/akm tfreet'dnd lh» Diamond,
(bach of fraj’a Dry tlood* Bloml _ 'jd>_ ■
tkejueprtafordoflbe Vegetable Pulmonary Bal*omf—l
am *aU*£cd that the Vegetable Pulmonary, ftalnm uatal
table medieba; It ha* Uctil u*ed~iuthi* place with cqmplru
(tpeeretinaaobitiaaia eoaplaintof the lung*, attended with
a Kttn cough,' lorn of voice, ami the railing of much blood
which had pmieuJy muted many approved prcaeriptioM
After Being tha baJeaa out meek the paurnt'e voice relumed,
tad ha wae enabled to tpeak audibly. t Tbi* rasa occurred
'•oaetlme liaec', aud tbeaaoi* new engaged not only in ae
the but in tabor tom btudufti, Kenwctloliy tour*,
CaDeord,Nil, Jaa.hO,l3)r. 8 MOItHILX,M D.
; Bold in Pirtjbirrgh by Bj A Fahaettnck, i( Co. corner of
ftntnaJ wood, eiaocor datii ft wood Ha. • dreS-t
PECTORANT Is »op»r-«f to all other retoedita for
Cough*, Cctmamplion, BrooehiU*, AKbrna, tod other Folmo
ury *ffeeUooa,'ia that the aama |«r*ooi who eocnmeueed thr
uk of it in the)r ftmilie* tea year* ago till! prefer it to all
Other rtmedieaof the kind! and where any hate been induced
to try-other preparation* they hate alouMt invariably bcea
dimppoialed isiiteeinog Ibe beseAt which w** reaiooablj.
entieirmled frem Iha high pfaiie* bestowed by the proprietor*,
and beta returned to the u*e hr JaYaaa’liiracTUiiirT, a*
,i res*dy'that ha* tettf fail'd to rrt.ete them, and whieh
probably new had ll» equal io amitieg pulcnmary diaeeae*
Prvtwred ealr By Dr Dj Jeybc, Philadelphia, aud wtdoa
.gawyhy • ; . . • ; ALEX..JAVNIM
decJTdAwtfi . i 7d Fourth <1
rosarn a *B«r**i>, i .. 'V. akmkwi. &c*cin.
1 {at the aid stand ofßfl»irftfchepnidi)
1 i • ‘ .Tenan»?ep,
IX7IIX vivo pidiopt and faithful attention toiha taht
W of Dnr Oooda.UitJceriesiualMcrTh.lodizAcrnt
erhllr They/nel prepited to attend 10 till the depart*.
mcAUdf their btuinca- btficitinlly.and . (dealing in no
good*for their own •erounO<mportioi/jr. >•
Refer to M.' Allen, ft. Co; J. W. Duller ft Co., Pitta
••urgh. ; .! : } ' ■ ' ******
AS !an now engaged,in the Importation of Brandm*,
Wicc* mid Clii'.Ao ieiPliisivi'ly. an-J having mode
arrarrcmcnn ui diUm-nt p*n»oi Europe and ttieJal
amU whSi well atinnn lit>uec*'f«r my future supply «!
(‘'oii'ign Liquor*, wl,iili I '*>ll l-e chic (o n il, ilciivcreu
m the Curt»m Hc**e«>f How* Sort or Nc-.e Orfrnreor
111 thiunty. at bid fowcii marki-* price hr rich or ap
proved paper. ;1 have ni *t'»rt ami cellar a vrry
•dock of Very fi’perwi- \V*nv« ami LnipAre aa impuitHl
trf the moat celebrated biaiuto and vintage* lor *:>le eit
pleating terms by : P CMAKIIN
' • 1 ' - ccr l*t.V rmithrirld »ta ’
, Drag Store for Sole.
Cjl'niATl‘l) in iha (lourfohinv town ol' »V«U«rillo.tlic
• tentilnua:of fbd ■ FiiUhlirKU ami Cle«elnmt ; Bail
Rond, Wroilekliy river from The preaeni
baaine** oi the c«tal*lithdienVi» thif andean he lucreai'-
<d~bidefinlleiy. -'ITw owner* within;- 10 retire from
th« Tuiiuejg .will aeU on iveronablc terms at prirwe,
wale; Tenona withing U> make inttuincs axe rtfonvd
•arfw*! 0 ? KiMr:^:
TrrfVVK PATtflfittNS FOR SAMS-Ctlefc
Sj»biiier,P*C*rH U*k/f, Altartyar enf Oil
m mmiWo* ** B*tm fB iuM *Bher hi wod ,
*•>**»*■ -a. ,4 WA *^
'K'', . " r £.
r 1
i ~*■ J 1 ')
fl PUUUO~In eotfetfaglLef ,»n ,»cf
ipr uulhßuillw
’wkieb thedaoe far euppcrtte hemdebould W IhOj andftte
lyeetfarth end tlao eone be-giru that the coot;
maiacrwip act be lapoeea Monty Being it. t
. In the Cnt piece it.i* vtQ Ison.tint the generality of
black, ylnfca” art coatMMd of* pweipitala,?beld top liter
by gtan'Arabic; end wmb the whole or port
i* evaporated the gdaasd praeipitaiii are left aa a yaaty ma
hithe pen oriakeUndwhichccctaiaeit. Iliaala?ceoaaon
to add; vinegar to the ink Buxton to Belt it cere fluid,
which inereowtlheeva by neting oo (be pen, if Cateelooe,
corroding itlhroogh in aver ..barttbae, -Itow j
liuFlaid”4iflcrefroin)h«a -wtixlsiea iaentj rapcet,ai :
it faacbeaik*l'aohiU>u'retjulrxnf no viieid metier to hold it:
'together,Uwnfere will never gel thick, end being ray fluid
nimneqa&litg flowsCroatCbejnintongmnifecepcAetrn* ]
-tisgdreperialo the fibre of tie jAper Bating s acre penn- <
nentatannnd cm lew easily Bond by altriucn than if itm
only plastered on the cordke. It tito coo taint no natter that
baa bo affinity far tnetalie ini, 1 there fan irijl no< corrode
awtl praa—itwill not amid, and althotgli it writes of o
bluish green color yet in a frtr hours it becußca a deep black
whxh wid endure far ages. It io warrenUd superior to tha
foreign article known by the' nano of ** Arnold's :IV siting
I Fluid,” endcca-third more gttea far the «08w price. Aa
a guarantee bgtiasl tapoeitionof any bod being attempted
the fallowing recommendations will suffice,aa all.moat be
■wan, that u>e‘ names then given could aot ban been ob
tained by any Beans far an unworthy purpose.
Wercm«nß<od <> Uibbert'aCbcaieal Writing Fluid”to
the patronage 01 public,eiaftrat rate artfcle anil rt»-
raele; it Bow* Cm fount the pen without clogging it up and
intbecOuneof a few hounbccoacta deep bright black. .
0 A Sampson la Co.; Wick ana McCandlrSi ,
Robert more. . John Parker, \
■ Wat Lippwcottfa Sen 8. Wigbtmaa f Co; 1
- Metros wuo* fa Doughs Praaeo Seller* l
Uobt & JllcTall, Bookp’r C A UeAnulty fa Cb. ;
farW \y Wallace, 1'
' Jnnuta Rolling Mill*, A«g 20«15t7.
Mr Thoa KHiUxrt—U*»r Sir: 1 ban ciisjiyour
CKcateal Writing Fluid, «ai find it k flttt rale article fijr
llie office. H flow* freely from the ptn tad beeonea jel.bhck
a a £nr how*. Yotnfcc.
T H TUTTLE, Book-keeper
‘ Car BtoeU* lb Bcaple._
PitUbarrh, Aor 2S* Wt 7» _
'Mr T K Hibbert—Dear &n Uaiinf pcocareAaboitkol
toot W rlliif I'kuJ, «m tli in mtb ipt 1 Mildv itfol*
qrenal if aot mperior fo Araold 1 * or aav other ink now «
Me.lkoowoL ' Bciptdtllf, '
- for Aether
Fitlrburgb, Sept ll.JSfl*
Mr T K Hibbert—Dear Sin I aa» «w«g jroor Cbmieal
Writing Final, ud Awl it to be a meat cteeUeat article for
•tael poi, u itdot* not dec Ifca opUke Am generality of
uthcr.iiik»,ilAu«ilr«caMibccoaaea4eepbliek in a few
hour*. Yowa, Retpretielly.
- WILLIAU'€ARR,Book-kr
,, ««ep«r
I f (or J«ha P»rkff. ’
rr*Mn4tnd'teU Whlakala wd Retail bjTbo®***
UiUwt. Dnanut and Cfct«W; ecr**r of Libert/ tad
fittJUi&Jd Stwto, Prttib«nfri 1*» OetSdfrw;
• sfeel or ijuill pern, and the copying ’ press.. This
ink is the remit of the experiments of several years,
devoted to the manufacture, on an ervensiue scale, ©I
an article .suited to-all the purposes of the consumer.
The perfection of this .writing Ink consists In the fol
lowing properties: Flctmtt —m which property itwill
be-found to surpass all previous preparations. It will
flow with perfect freedom either from quill or steel
peus. nml is entirely free from any corrosive qualities.
Couis—The color.of..this article U a rich, beautiful
blue black., Jt i» necessary, however, to give consu
mers the following caution. u- 1
.JUT*AII good black, ink. from its necessary chemical
cyu»ttiuiioa,»aqmre* exposure tojbe air to impart a
deep color. It must not, therefore, be expected, thil
the moment the bottle is opened, tbe'lnk will be found
to be a jet blhck. The first-appearance will be pale,
list after exposure to theeheaucalaction of the atmos
phere either on paper or in the inkttand, It will assure
a brilliant black bue^/Tl
PxasaajraacT—‘Ikeeolor is nnalterable by the lapse
of bate;.. It will never fade. On this account, all Im
portant records should be made in this article, as years
ouly despeu hnd strengthen its tint.
N U-. Thil ink is suitable for all kinds of* metallic
pens, and for pens made of quills, and .what .is impor
.tarn and .very desirable with many, will give a perfect
impression by. the copying press.,
- which we
are connected, Morftflblaeddaek writing-tnk7»t»d In
respect to fluluity r bnlUancy of color and permanency,
believe it saperior'io any ink. we have heretofore asea.
A Thurston, cashirr. bank of Louisville; \Va Rich
ardson, cashier Northern bank of. Kentucky; I 'GeoC
Gwathmey cashier, bank of-Kmueekyj L
president of the Gas bank; Tboa L Helm, clerk of Bar
ren county churl; Curreti Pope, clerk of Jefferson coun
,ty coun; r U Atwood, secrcury,- Fireman's Insurance
Company; John Muir, agent Lexiosea insurance Co;
SI S Goodwin, eec'y Portland. Dry Cock Jt Insurance
Co; DS Chamber*. ao©!y Franfciiu Hx» A Marine In
surance Co; J H Bhomer, treasurer tauisvllle Savings
lusliuiiion. A supply of the above ink. -rest received
amlfor sale by lE] JOIINin^^A«OCKTON.__
uAzuniPATUrr bkditkap.
r- ' ° T)1I8 : M AtuTtos nuptoTrsetl
‘haft-bow beet-la Mints! two year*, agd'wberecar it
ttiu»wT4P«f« , M* 01, L® tl ‘V““ d * , f 0lU * . ..
Itli *l lt haft !Mt
ud riwu Weqaailed, u it. to decidedly tho ben,
ebeftff•<ftOiliEOM<*B*eaient ßedstead ifluc,and per*
foi’Uy prpnfanainn ****** . ” _ , ,
Tbe»rmciJ>»U-' : uWMei maker* &nd<Tamrr* in Alio- ,
.’*beiiTCJira»d >n riWt'orjS.hftfte ftoearvl Kifhu to
manufseuiecßdaet) tbauitelc. Aa there ate spars*!
Bfiidcft and ieiper&el imitation* in the market, parehn
«erftwo«iUil*wuUtoe*ftniwe Uw earn iron plate* on
w> ICO II W' : rcn"j'° article tttr ueme of the patentee,
k*V r.l>«»V.i«iflftAi>ftbty can. jtsnproofofaUth-t
i« claimed for Caaxam 1 * Bedstead*, Ifcc-foUowwi certifr
cau from Cabinet makets well known la I’itubaribaad
iho ;• *
nv tt, «b*cribet*.ptaeueal cabinet maken and :
ncd««.nl manafactarerft of tbs cttiwof Fitubarsti tsd
Aiicrbcuv Pa., do hereby certify that *ee h*T*D©agbl
wStafJtw* bedsteads wtftliauiaa* Pal*
. cm Fistcmi**. and ecm*ider the tame smrwr to an*
fg i -- ■ 1 thieh w aia aconatotrd.-
Jiiscci licinan f, ol } n
T JMoanf.fc C - Kol«n Furman
. i R Hartley Jw UUarr
John Lineal, lt. i*>vrr* Sen
Howne” art-m {M^*e
Than** il’s f X“ a *r,*„£P eU " li
UsTidUk-'i v M<*ea
j Muyei* Jirtt ffWwill
•JNeeUfiM • ~ «!-<*» Staydcr
WalUMeu • JMcWicnkCo
. AlfliaiulcrUwwa -. „ . ,
Fo» ni»fc ,! i t» «n*in amt Hfll tf>ffafcf*vo ItoUteft'ti
j*o. A- lljm-.v- —•-■•- ■ »“«!».»•
Cu»« <l. OoKi - - * NewOxteao**
C«uer»'l ConßluUn UtrehaMti
- No. U 1 Poydmi Sirttij Nao Orkanx.
Bonnr 1 .. „ '!. ' :
Atr««ra. Marui 4 Co. Banker*,? u n
• n ■ Joule* MXJitfor 4. Co, J n '
" I i>ar.d WLfae *■ Co,Mani*oD, La.
»'! Klis It Morion. &uikct»,'i •, . ,
» { licMcak Frazer,! .-“JCmdniua.
A arKcuiitJ.H»9, J 'I
li N Kearneyi K«n. Banker, ZanemJle, O.
JI M’UftnaW fc Co. \VeU«irnie,o.
»red;i‘axk» * Co.Beavtr, Fa,
J\V R*i, Whrelmd V*. ,
tOl’Clurkau fc Co, J PituUrak. Pa.
Wft U MiicheUree, J
n»UMm 1 _ .j,*. -
CALlillAi Be«iS!»oi.Uß FAmoiyL KOK t»ALP
C»_Xhc AdiomlU/aionol'l-e lale Jan»e»McUin*hlin.
olcrbraalo ibe wjablwbsient »U«*W in Ninlti HarA,
formally canned on by him, in lime, •*fcS**lei«-
IU» and uUe Factory. TJie workn'mre m i-i.mplcie order
B.reaminc'onlhetm«ifiM«,wiibflxnire»,Ac, and ready
f>t A'auyinne. A liberal erwu wi!J be
*«•«.»«« <u pvMm >a*»JSl'i.!'' '*
»|nft '■ Adinlnintr^lom
,• • jioTictcv" ••• ■
AI.I. i’pnwvt knowing them*el»e» Indebted to the sa
ute Oi jb« laielA.Utav®.Jr-VUeceawd, are hereby
. notified to tail and kettle tbeir acrboau, anil ikoae bav
Inrriaiou *emin«t (be KalaW, will pr*«*M t»*tn ddiy
authenticated •or aeiUetneal tel the »nb*cr>ka?, at th«
waxbouM if John Irwin * Son*, Noll Water at.
u ,l4Jm j _J JUHN lttWlN.;l£ZMator._
JAYNE'S JlAlfl TONltX—AfUr gitiag thU ankle •
trial, wt uaiieritatiojjj prwxaß it to be vbat ilprofci
>*—lh« Uttmrtkki Wifaogtiay, ••caption, ia ua, forth*
miuraifoa aid prvieirtalioo of ua brauu hair. . NVa know
of hair h«« Stan ratored to bead*
which, hare been bald for yearr, mad wa (biak wteanaolda
crtalrr fororihaa lo raiwnamil In ifl irar raadm wbo ar '
I«M*glbcirbair t la Mtkea tmlbf|bi* Took hnaadiataly
Boatcs JtfhiL^' , *
Kor »)* is-PtlUbarb at tfcatakia Taaftwre. Ne.TI
. , - awafoUtwT
TTOP#-Tor aale a lew bale* Werlern New York'
rt growth uf |Mo~fron> 6to 10 ee«r
Alio, Kaaieni and WertemNY, early picked, lldi
year** growth. '»
- -I’rimeOMo do. Belmont county.
The geiirml Eaateruorap of the noun U now baiitj
received. llrewer* and other* ualngTfopa, will find u
iniicb to their till vantage to obtain tbeir supply from the
underaigued, a« tliey intend to sell throughout the sea>
wnat NeWjYork pucea.L 'G. \V. SMITH fc.Co.,
ocuadta- ••' ‘ 1 • Pittabnrgh Brewery. -
XJ respeclCultjr Inform bis friend* ohd tie citlien* of
I'itubwjrti ahi Allegheny itoathohasdecldcdlorexnaui
in thw-ffny klnflny'the winter. amlis-pragarad to treat
palie'nts-pfacing themselves under his cure, sc cording
u> the system u* practised si oil Water Cura Establish*
meuU, Cot either Acute or Cltrousc disease*. - Tbbse
wishing to avail themselves of his service* wtUxaU at
Air. Miller’s; corner «f Liberty ti. aud Kvan’t alley.
l»r. ii. has treated several severe eases of disease in
this city with gteat sactess, to which he is penniaed to
refer. j . : • . • • . aorltf
SUNDUIIia— tOO bags prime Kio coffee; 150 bbU N O
-Molasses; 73 boxes manufactured tobacco; 125 half
clu-st* greed nnd black leas; 75 0 and 131b'bpxet V li
ami LI t* do.; yOO boxes German clay; 10 casks saiera
tut; 10 do.'iH>Uuh r u>*cih*r general, usort
incut.of groceries, in store and for saleby
jn‘.*l I CAttSON fc McKNIGIIT. Olh st
a AVANNA CIUAIW—IOO.OU) Imported cigars ol
di ibe following; celebrated brand*,'part lu arrive
counuting or, CevH, Aubiquedad, Washington rcxili*%
Rapides, K*<ndapie..lto* Amigo*,, da'yuater,linden
Urania, Lurjl UyrotiV, Falla prmclpes, ateam bootdo,
ViUeyaeatra do, Sylvia's do, La Bayadera l*r f do do
sW, Ortiz, Ld Palma, Cazodorea, Eagle principe*. for
sain by ; PC MARTIN,
frL7 i . ... J i eor SrotlbSeld A front *L
Ac«—s7 bag* prune feathers; 14 tack*
I; Pea Nuts: 1 cask Beeswax; 1 bbl do.; \ *eck pealed
reaches; received bn consignment, per star. Pilot No.
tS, ami (or tale by ISAIAH RICKEY k Co
• Jaafl • 1 - No. M Water to. .
S'lODFlSliof good quality for tale by'
\J ! 1 i ' ISAIAH DICKEY k Co..
. feba j t • . ■ water k front tu. ,V
•es, Ltpuistann Refinery, female by .
’teb# - f > BUHUJUOE, WILSON* Co. -
WHITE keg* In ttoTt,
Jbtil7 _ I . :i . ;i FORtfmi * Co. :
"1 COt'K^riUlTiLya'l'aneraou'a bnujiLVaopdrior ar
•A. licle, . | Webb'a do ■ do - .,
;u»t rocytftsd and for tale by Hk W HARDAUGit* 4 '
(cb3 ,) < j l>o 10 wood at.
market brice wilfbe"paid
X for a fow bgrreU ofgood laltowbv
>eb:i •'' ' - 8 A WIURUAUGII.
PIG AlKljA!*—3b touspig Metal lor sale by
jehli ;j 3 'vj_CK AJU'CANDEEgS, •
/•'tHEiyrvfw boiti - W K Clierte, jy cask* do for
\J sale by.' /. 1 WICK k 4PCANDLKSS.
L (^^ | SuA^ ! »j,iu KmT'stihGses*
ItfEiterylleuu Huger for sale tow by..
■ tcblt lililtUlUlXiE, WILSON + Co. Waterat.
AVIIKEV. Wclio whole and hair bbl* O R.
AJ Whi»ky» li£J7/-13 caski and half caika old
Pefttl llfondyttaode in lHO,foraale by •
: -trbw .-I y . pcmabtlh. •
rT HAD ifiliot— rtiMt»ni]jr oa hatij gny (hr
Jjudabr t,. wl* 1 ijUKOWtC A CULHKiyiVow
J ,: OACO!t-«l bkd* tons* ikoal4era.lß4oudta.ia*
~ -X
! DB« TOWNSEND’S - I ' -
- Moat txtroordman/ mcdtcmc imhe World. '•*
Thu cxtmt (t get ap a smrt bottlce: it a sot tain
«r l ßlaMstKr,*Bdwwnfiu4M9trierU«7ntd.| I’cam
. tiekßCwerd* | -
\ The gnat beauty; and nperionty’pf thiaSampanlla enf
>ll other Medicine ia, «WW it ErufeatCi Ducm it lnvtgar*
tUstWßadY. Itb ooe of Oie rerybeit BHUNO AStiJ
BUUM£R MEDICINES nw not oohr puiine,
the whole ijvtcai and atmnigUitne tbepcregn, but it Cridia
Xtv, P*ai *>ut Rid*pioed f apowec panned by £hj otutr
Medicfoe. ■ And in thb Be* the grand »eer«lof iw deader
aaccvml ItbMpcrfermed'witDio'thejbul'two jean, more'
(ban 35,000 cam ef 6'mre Cam of Dune; at ieaat S,UX>
of then were eoe*id<nd inrarahie.' More than j v;
cam of Clrnmir Khrumatiia; ■
3,000 cue* of Djapenua; i .
4Uoe**eaof OocralDehililyand Want of Eotrry; -■
7,000 o*fs«rdt&rcft FcmaleUoauda&ti; i j
fijoOO cam of Scrofula;
l r sUUeam oflh« Liter Complaint;
thakidnty and Dropey; i
3jCO cam of Coaanaption, . ; > ; ■ ' ' '
Ud Thoomndiof camofDbeaeeof the Blood, mi Ulcers,
E>yiipelie.BeUUh*iun,Pimple*Doih»Faee, |To
geUur with BumcroßS etm of Sick Headache, fan in the
wdeandCheatj Spinal AEecUctis, fce,, fee. . > , V .
Tbia, vrearo aware, man appear faeredibie, but we bate
fatten iron phyariane and our agenla frcta all parti ofthe
United BtaUi,ujlbnnfogtti of extraordinary cure*. ICYaO
Bvkiikf'biq!. a»eftMai(MMptiiki«i)(piti*
ark. N. J-jinibna* u llut 1|« can refer te mow tla* 130 ta
rn in that place alone." There art thousand* or ca*4a in tb«
City of New. York, .which we will refer to wiiu pjeaure
and to mar'of chancier, It ia the beat aediciuq for the
FimaUvc of diicaae known. It undoubtedly ured the lire
of mure than’ '• i J■ '
5,000 Coils it* to* Fin SiiKi
Aj it removed the caun of difcaic, aadjxepcred then £>
Unties BT*TM.Orncc*l
Carr. O. W.McCLKa*,or inn UnmnSTaTts. Naur,
and Dumber of the New. Jeney Lrgialaturt, ha* ktuidlf Ktit
tu the Allowing lt tell* iU own tlorj.
A year line* I wac taken with the latlaenxa, aud my whole
•jiUm Ufi in t debilitated *Uie. 1 wai ieduccd to trj Ur.
Towniead’itttftaperiUa, ami after taking two.or three I*3l-'
tfaa.l wae very tnoch rvbered, and attribute it entirely to the
calii Baniparilla. 1 have contfoaed taking it, ami fitnl that
1 improve every day. 1 beline it aared coy life, aud rrould
net be without it tinder any rnniMeralim. '
. a WtMcLtaX, Ute U. 8 ,:N. V
Thia certificate ooncliultely prom that thi* SaMpinilU
has pertfe^-control. over lb» duet- oUtnaie dieeaae :of the
blood. Three penana cared in one Uicae U unprectilaicd.
Thus Caimiua. : •, t • j j
. Dk.ToWßauni—Dear Sir: 1 hare the pkature tpinferet’
roa that three of my chi Id tea have Wen cared of. Ihn.Scro
hda by the on of yocr auailcnt'medieuii, 1 ' TheylSteVe
aflkted very merely with had eoret; hire isly takea-.fim
bettfea;-Utook'thau wlyck I fetl myxlf dodev
doencbUgaiMs. Yoon, ramri/UJiy, ;>■>< •
,• •. " - ■ lrano W;Ckau, lttt Wmrtffwb 1
. n«w Yob, Manh I,l*o. - ■■ : :
''' ; GREAT FKjjJiK MLIiiCINE. :
Dr, Tcrtnucsd’i £atag»rill*,i» i : «nni{a c*!
dsn fbr iadpkst CoatianpUaa, Curunca, Lmecrrba, or
' Wldtci, sfartru£U4 or AiSeull Aictutntatios, iatyclanron
of Urist, or isrotooUr; AioeWj* <iad t»i tbfe t»a*
oral nwtretio& of the rjrUa-—*o mau*r wtr*V>«r ti-« niutt
of utamßtciaMorcauK*, produced
ic oceUtob , .. ... } ’"
Koiilajeo b* own rorjirulnjUiM iti injlgontai^iP
beta on the hutau biM, wcakoan aod «
lad*, frffia uUng itj at once bccotM rotait estthilof hufjj
Bader iU k&Otac*. It ittUMiliatelr counteract! the fnxn :
|**aai,cf which uUt« (rat caiiM'qr bu]
j. •. j
itwifluetb* eipecttd of ns, ia cam of Mdß
tun, to exhibit certificate* of,curt* pqfbratd.-hat y* can
nnntho added, that tuMdiod* ofcate* Lata octu reported
to u*. Ecratlcun wmK hat* b«a •without chili
m, after uilsc'o fcw bottie* cf.lhii iunhiaU* medicine,
b»T»b**mhle»rtnCib*althj[oflii*iDf,'r ,
- ; flr. Tnntttnd: My’wife'beta* greatly, il*ti**i*«i*by
weakant *l4 g*#***l,d«Wily, -aua.mScnoc eo*tint>*ily.
by pain *ad a —»«*« of bearing down; talttagTef th*
wrath, txd with otber difficult**, anil boring knew* turn
where your ttedirina hdjiflbcUd great core* j Bodalmbw*
i— it neoaasesdod Car Web cam* at* I bait dcacribed,! Cblala
eda boat* of your Extract of Banajuailb. at 4 fetyowed
tli(direction*youpTt ea ilrahorcd
bar eoanlaiati and rttlortd Ltr health.’ Being grateful * f:r
tls» bnuta ebe mtimlti (ib fksvn i& tku KtwwMf’
in* it, *nd netnuntftdtßgilUra public.’.. M.D; M°CU, ,
Cvr.iiT Uniu| iti>
C«aiczkz, B<pt.?o,'.l£l3> .■
Dr 7bimsf»<f: Ted whom thiiaaj enuccrn—Thu U
Uoarttiy that ny wUa ucdtoa bottk bTyoar
nrariouto her crtsLam«ai.uaJcr the hunt elanaiaft aaV
delicate eucaailaarct, baisg troubled with th« ircwyi awcl
lW*f the fceV»e”OS» tt«S d«Wlib«
Im] with BTpenoajiqßi aad:the raeea»«dati>o of-thca*
who had cn U, abi wu Induced to try it,'vlih Jiitfo or ho
&Hli; ia4«ao>ltlowr,Cj*»«lieißO had ihalupi'jaa*
dedra «3cei,Bot calf is ico hour* of «4sia>eac&t, but alter,
(ho opkatioß of toe week tf K* ok, tha drojoy anil ,‘mp
'fsw osSnoa Hn way to aa uteautunff- degree,'aid her
b**Hh4wWi*etk* r U«iU hwl'hod Sir a £>ogiiott jwo
'.. mETwEU ha of any aenka to ym or ray oaf wh *
deuhta lha luacaaoTiha cudkiac, jeoarwaatirctj wclcwnc
to it i '•* .•! " j •'■ - •■ i
1 eubaeribe mtaif j ovr nod obedieal isd oWirtil-'rraat*
v •_. j . . a b3a*iia.
. Thii Extract of iJarwtforiltf. tyte. beesa rxyrewly prepared
Itfn&mealo.fiuoak ceaylaißU. Moftnaiowho bd>rea
wa to aufcwwahcUaMft)webtOK.Uiateritißalp<nc4 t Ai_
fvm qfiiftj' tbouU bcgtecCW. take. [it,aait i*a o*ttaiaT
praerathc far any o/.tlw nuAefttu end lionibd* «Ut*h*MD !
which (ntlaan Mb}cct at tha uscvflifc.. Ttueprrjod
way badtUjed £* Kiutl year* by uotoj thbiacdirioo. JVor
n it lua rateable t» tbu»c who arc apfuuclucf wtNiwuh<ud.
a* U to auiU nmiurc by qaickrtiing tbx'btaod
and inTtjenliaj Uie.iytUia. Indeed, thii nediewt wjiarat
tiabti fee all of the delicate durance tv which wocaaa ua
U kntetUii «y>
_»« (jrytr’a. rm»i pomaoroi.,
rtl miTiw. by reaMVttff Iheiapuritjctof U>«body—sot
*> Icr itnrtlltiaj the *ptm u t» produce a ft- i
kntioa,«hJchiedM GMvfa>«atH>edkifte* takes for foul* I
vcakooi tad dbcs*. _ 1
. QIKL» READ Till?. ,
Voa «h» hate pole ootapWcMH, dull'* Jfe, i;<itef*rvoß‘lh*
rosrb tkia, or Crreklr*, (ad are ‘' wit of •firil*)*' «*
a boltte or, two of Ur Towti«sd’i JHraajmhat. 11 »«U
clems jotT blood,, reaorc ike (ikUci tea bloldb**, and
rite m uianlioß' (jarkttof Cut aplriia, find brkulilul
amfleetiaa—all of t*hitb an of uaaniee ralu* to lUma*.
nod tadie*. ' ‘ • . ;
Jfo fluid or cacdietM baa ever been tfrw Peered which m
etartyrtaemWo (be jaetic juice' or Mile* to decogyiag
food sad etreagthtunc (be wgani of digestion, u (hit jeepa,
ntioA of SatinporiUa. ' ' i
Bt*K Uxramrexr. AJbsnr.Maj 1C,1513
tk Tetnwrad- Sir—l ban bcen/ilSitjed Ibr *»»cr»l
years with dylp-pas* is it* worn finm»iutu£ded
o*m of kLocaacb, km of apfetilt, «&tnuic and a
rrtol ttenian tohll kino*offood, and (at wttka (what I*) 1 Kata been unable to return but a jzaaJt'porWon
may -*——*• 1 trWd-lhe anal but they bed.
hut idtW ®r«> efbet in raaoetag the complaint. I Wat *a’
dae*d,abu«t two taoetlhsainee. to try y<>ut hlilmrt of Sanu
mrtin, wd I ataitasT with liuli euwaienee, but after viinf
Mart* two bottles, l fosod tty anpaltU rertored, and the
beartWs entireiy remoted; rad I -would carantly twuwj
cwo< the dm of at to U»o« who bare been alflieted aa*l htn
bm.'. Your*,d-c-, • • W. W. Vas Zahar.
«e*22,1«f1. ■ • SUlraldsod.
«»i tbs Ciltowing, and doubt if you cm, Out eofcsutnp*,
.iMhiwitienrol. ’i'hUi*oelrasaoftbe*c*eralliicMtnd
ih«i Townsend’* fUm|wriit* iU* cured:
2>r # Jjirntc’ui—Dear. Sir. I waa Ultra, a fttOeJvrrra'
jttr ajo* with s actera eoorh nd fata is tay aide. } (I fa*
erraaMwa.ioattr) &t4<au«od.- i waaMudooacad byp%*
•aciaas Wi hare the quick ectutunplkm- i nued large •jiuu*.
tittes of bad *»tfer, bad alfht •««(*> and rtnkinj rery biU
ordoetoewid h* eo«W 'tfoßothlng fertac. ! weat inti tW
hwt.t ia hope of bens beoefitloCboCwu pratoutced there
aa bearable. 1 era* bow pratlj uirtrtwed at tbt libga aad
eouU hardly farrWUt* ‘j 1 won became epuciated.-aud effected
to die; was eudiaed to sty bed, tad’ waa ohLgtd'lo Kate
— r k>n indeed I eannot girt yoa afayYcmripUott that-
;l-wai.Mpp$Ktt by lay irWnia
to be iw*t TTcortey < I bad tried a grrstuiaberof irmeilies,
w d all aoeoed loVtoaopurpose. I read of tout tout ei
tnordissry curt* performed »y your medicine, tad; to telT
Vmi ih*' truth, I suspected (here war tone humbug ib them.
But I«w iadueed to try it. I did so, usd' am tejy tlaauUel
I did 4 cannot say that iam entirely well," bet jud n> far.
recovaeed w wb*aboulißt bu*tu«»,andhope to bejcntire-
IrweUna -fcw weeka. paiain the aide.'
wd wight sweats bat* left UK,wdT*is« but very little, and:
a» ftf* galamg »/ wsal strength. Ifrlt it aduty b fiir*
rou a statement of mjetas, to pubKifa if jou pkaso.*!
' fcr*a B*vwn, 47 Ltttls it, Bi>x>lil)w.,
Opinion* or Pbyalclans.. j
Dr Townabead is ahnoat daihr rreerrics udm &uiw jdiyj
aieona ta dißereat naxUof IhtUnkm. ■. ,
tmdmlpKdj PhyueLiia o(
IlMCUyof'dlbaßy, bat* in numerous cuea pnaenbed Dr.
Tewaaead'e Buaayarilia,|rad belieielt to be oat of the nanl
ralsable pt«sv*tioß« of in* SanaTwrilU in (lie uUrkeC '
•. * UPrDUKO.WTi * • i
J Wttaos, ■ '
R BBuuo*,» o, !
TUi s to nitty (bit w«, (he.(mdcntcacd,. practical
Ttrrr*I*— 1 *— phjtioiuia.hf tha At/ of Alban/, han (mimt:
y.nraeribedDf Townwad’* Cwapou'nd Litnci of Sana!
orifla, tad front iU know dnalitic*, would ncvuwiiul ild
fctpiMk tot totsuurial, icmfiilou*, indothere utankons wo
mo, a ptcftre&et to la/ pi (hi adicrtiwd nacdie*’ux«u >
nt* " ' .'••.AW Reaumur. '. i
i Altos? April 2,1541, Wit r.
t rrtodnlotSn, 138 Fultoa it, Sun BuiUu*, H Vt Red-,
dWA-UoStato it Cotton ; Dr SutuJuD Noilb H*t-\
oodKThikdtipbii; S SJiaaeCydnniU, lMliaorct'.andhj;
pa«dp*ldru|JrttHtntrilly thrimtUoul tot United,SUtci,!
VMtlsdiaaml tha ' ; ? . >
- Woo* fCßuiun, oalrM put op la tha Urge iquareboUlnJ
vtitati contain • -qurt and «Md with tha written utuatutcl
•faPTOWtffitlfDitaililiaam* blown «a the OUm. !
Fr«lbo New Vock Duty Eipmi of April U,lt-i7. i
A |*ttty thief appeared hi tha •tteotr /eatcrday. ‘it'wsi
thMawtotof c*b»4*£hm{«riUaEs/raiof Dr fov&ttnd.;
Tb« whotothjflfil pit up lafxiod luto: aom cf lhl «roa»
■ntal lull —n~ pHirtinpiri knutilkl, which, together with
thaKroU work, incoltl|(li*tuuwia(hiiu», (BMaiflurw
nrrtr aqaallad (aßro«4wi/. Jt/aUtyvlhii-oppurtsitty to
ta> wvbel'xn lhU attract cj* (ha 6'iTKijafiUa dt*ejTrt.lli<
popularity it h«» acquired. : j
} ' Bfcrrtma Oablliijr*. - I.
' ! i* . .■ ,ft’*w Vo«,Ma«hC7iltH7
Of.Toatoiend:--Ihire been afflictodworoor k*f tor. 3
inlho cbtol, giddinewiu.Ure
head, ioatof appetite, pain in the liaU* and general dtbilily,
bniwhtoowumsbtn tha continual heal uu cold! to! tybieb
ianauhjMttolun/ViutMWMad/tr; ltowntakeaother
laoUcincaf tooßiunarmndi miaUuo, but with tilt kornoioe%
tea. lwaiadtjeedb/whitl awhithepuptr to tr/aUm)*
of ntf (fem/nriMiy Irea which 1 Ramil great relict: I hat a
liaet tiWa several non boUlei, end 1 out unhesitatingly «/ the b«*t tnedkinel haw ever tikw—ihi jam: ra'o>/’
dint It rone, and I (ealqaita udUfrrenlmu altogether line*'
| hatctakaa/ourSanaparUtor ihitceuwa better appetite
! jk.ii tier I had. My .Wife hai lakcu ti'wtih (he nine sbcncQr
dat mulb; 1 would rttoonrad iru i Amity 'nidiema
:rnmll/,ud ! baleoariaecd tbst'iftoUMdtbeiu would not.
>be half tha rickoos thcra b, and'eouieqwuUy uot sq- nuey
'Doctor** kilty fcr whikitrcstom appatito, it al» gim io
f the atmach tad bowel* thatr regular tow; it Impa lb* blood
: ma bnltby (hatditew i* notaolikelrto attackthe
inteto. Aad to ellthoeawbo u« not fnahmltiiyilate,! aj
;trr Pr Towmeadlttomptrilli •
j 1 Tuoaaab'Mrni, jOJUSr&at
Cukerlß iheilouiU.
. Stiff* t* to account of taolbtrcl'iM w»*d DvTewtucwlY
ParMuifla hattmd lha'-Ihe* of thett»ad» «n children.— •
Ttw wjlowla* cortificata u telttlcdffwn * gfrtt.tuuUr
mMIUmt;. ; Hlw yLi,, Af Vil»S«7.
Drfownsad: Dwiln—On* of my chiMrtb ww wry
f U* with t ha Ctaetr In tha south and throoU with
mst debility. “ Itcama star drug; 1 obUiotd, torn of jour
mdhttf rniHna.anil H mml it directly, br which 1 eta
tstrtjaailMlnnrfnltfol, - {'
1 J-aV slo by E K BUXCIU* WoM W«l d, ;
til—n 3d tad 4lh »Uj who im hcen “l1 lo * n,f 'l :by Ur
TOWNggNOwl* Agent fcf
V| otUSAN’sTcoUUII HYitUP—it proved to bo- tifu'
31 gTtat I’anacy* io. curing luy cbil>l ! * diiti;ewii?j
CoUl ’^* From the Tfmperiluce Wirier, Nor J 1547, i
: Cough Br*ur<—Weare not iu the habit nr puffing,
much leu patent medirinet, but we reel dit.pated,
torecommend Morfitn’* Syihp to tho» whonfowillitt-;
ed with a coogb. 1 After having tried the umal Jrenie-r
diet lo remove » eotultnt and diHretwno rough,’ that
had Cor MVeral day# aiUictcd olie of .our cbildrctf, with*,
put roecetij Wwere Induced, to W.Malabo‘roach,
ivnitt, andoy It teller wat obtau»w|:4D u fttW-hoiir*-: It:
proved to be the panacea ut.tfiiacueo at leatt. [.■
' ! ftb? •_! ivrpodail door below diamond alley.’-..’
. —Dr. &'6EinSiWama9*vWvy]'- r-
Tiltftii to iter trrtr :UmW’ ftjr »kfa* one; v»| of Doctor,;
MeUne'd tVann Jtuno*
■uuWrtl wrwitnU fff W' wom>>, k «n(l'b? ahe Bietjr>flid
sedicicaaetiUdor my ownmusoJH i*r« Worn*,*-
Jriistff&*<»o»««ipT»ar.wwo»Bdlcjn «Je«r
■ ■ . ■’* .>V *
36 MfHiit an* *
" ‘ l‘iut«rßh i
)D*cnt» on
, tmma<9,
'OUttUtotnorpQmiioaofFniKblbetwecß 1*
I?r*fid tM Atlantic Cit.ii:*, avoiding udtahipi
tho way* andthe consequent imt of delay,
brCikagqaaiifepaAaonefgoods.-i-‘ ---s ,
; i : f . -‘*ir Pnpneon. rV'^ Hr7, • "
’ • ' BORBkiUGK ft CASH
. , - NoiWMaAet.Mreet.’i'bUndenhia
■ \ •. . ft O’CONN’UU P
• | » iCaT|»ottn'and WHjrnewir,Pitta nrt*' '*
fPcONNOR ftCflj North rifrpt, » ”
}W tel T \
• Kncounigcd-by increased holiness tha Fie irictora
hare ndddil to their stock and Uitdvranee*
• meat* darhtg the winier, and are'noa prepared totuN
waid ftcigji with regularity and dispatch ua«u passed
otner line. Tboir. long experience asiniar#,'
ditfpaipaliiciapcfwruyorilve.'i’onablel toot fryeiem,
and the great capacity and convenience of Uti ware
house* at each ciui-ot tbflitue, are peculiarly dnicnla>’
ted tuVaable tip proprietors to fulfil their engagement*
and accommodate their cuslomers-r-contii.'cuily effeptg
he pastas aguaranty.-far-iht
solicit patrouogo which they now
graieiUlty.aohpowiedgei ; ‘ • f j r-
All eoaiignatenutoTaafTe ft O’.Connof,willlle recM
and forwarded. Steamboat charges paid and pills o(
Lading inmataiu cd frro of an ycharge- tbrConuoiMian,
odvaueingor borage. Having.oo.tfsiarcst dirdcily or
Indirectly in iteasii>oat.'» L the'lnterest oruie.cOQtisuon
uuzst necessarily bd. their priftary'Oojtrbi tit shipping,
weei,and theypledge themselves ttj ground .oU goods
'consigned to them prompilyand oh the most ttivania*
gootisienns tothqowucrt. --ti- : f'' I'
• March-1,1M7 ’ ‘ faar9
& coaaaissiejr; HBUCBAHTi
East ‘ t ,
feropiicior ftcd Auentof'etciaierj^l
9AI&T fijersrujr> .kttsbvbos r Aiio‘tniTiVi
IKTILX hapiepriredon cjixltMlopcninifofcandl na»»,
T V'igntioh Jo recelve’propcity at bis wharf Ijostor
in warclidßMVfor aUpeiuißoa'feHe-13.xtrni*ion ! ]Cn)M'
Cut, nml Ouio CannJ*; for all O4 bakeTirla sad
epperl.idt«,ai t)»otr»forward produce, l’fcnn’a.
Improvements. -Apply to or •ddrse*'- ' !
’ feb»4-jtf . ,JAS DICKSr; HeaverS
’,■ ure uikasd -
ffilUS Clue beingrompoaeuofSieamboataLakfeblrie
X and Wiahigam tanning darly between’fnutiurgb'
■nil Bc«Tpr,»aitd fre]giii.iuul:p«Menge»-CiAal Llenm,
ronmng'oeiwbc)! IJeevcrand km, and roanerjinf with
C .M JJeed’rLioe Of SieamUnat Propelleb AndVetsehj
cniie baker, will be prepared upon .ilia earfieaibpen*-
iagof Ndvigntltm u» carry Freight and'For*eßfset* to
nil BsiMUßaa the Hirer,.Catul and Lnlrca;'• •‘ ■
ifaviiiG every faeilityfor eouveymg frnighiand pd*-
■dngef* with pToQip(fle»i and di*fiuieh, ihe proprietor
and fn>a» their ftiendl- und
he public ncoerally (heir putiunagc, .1 •. f-
O M RfeED.lJie; I'ropneior 5 *
. . . h ; RFJvIW, KAURrWtCo;‘Ben*er,Agu
; ' JOHN A CA.UGUEY, i'itub’ghdo-
Cor. Southfield and W tier kis. opposite ’lha Motionfla*
. , gabrla lloaae.. ;<•':••
Etriß TO
’WlwwleTi'Cweker&C©,’ New York ''
Ueo Doth, Uuffalo . ; ••{ 1 ’
E N Parks & Co) Clt*elaa<L • j *
• ~ K.'TyiQaiuiißftlitott N«r Castle, £o mßri
1841! *ai>- v 1847
■•• :
(IB nndeiitfirtd nie now prepared toiarwdrtl pro*
<lBco,*o.,to.ttio.Bw«rnWttrtel*dotißir‘tJie' erun
ins Winter,on the motl favorable terps by Uiipexp*-
’tfitJoita route.' ‘ *' 1 . " . . ' «
AUpropony«Hi.i»*nMi(o«wdlbe forwardedatthe
lower! rate* rind willi deupntch.
ileirhandiw received It? thi* route promptly! tor.'
warded. , • ~>-b,BU>WKLL;.Ai|H, Pitubdrgta.
' , G.TV CASS. UiownitvjUe. .
- 'wtii " ' KTOERTON A ‘
“ yiTTSßUftGiOhltflfiUrKfeai viirLfc. "
TTIIJIS IJne'coindniflfof freight andpa»»eQ*tri'*ek>
wQtraarrqftUtnr' daring U>e"*ea4on Bdlweon
lV«Tpi and. Gfceqvitfe, fa* >f which fttlght n'nd pits
thetwo point*, willbc earned promptly
aad.nitiielowr.artnta*.';* *i'- j
WICK 4. ARCHER,Greenville, Ag* -
; J * CttXIO AFKAMPTON, Clariaville, do:
• WeP.ARiiAN.OA BtNO.Bir Ueod,' do;
HAYS&'f LUMB.Sharptbirchi- \do;
XV OmLAN; safcnm, •' ' d*
; «ks
HEtX), CMCKSACo.JkoTct, do; 1 '
‘JOHN A CAVUKBYTeomerVuer and bmuhGdd su>,
•aptUv OpppuUr Urn Wonrititahtfa Urmx*. Pmatmrta
184t> ; "» D 1847
? -
1* RE rubectfVei’* trili.irqeiplfor.ths'deiiv'eryb&lW
Me loilaltintote Oj- li-j AToEbagnbeia Slnskwaler'
-aUlieioHovrinCpriret.— * • ' ''''-.
Aabcn,'Pi»cou, Baiter, Lead,- Lard, I'erSV 'Tallow,.
Wlurkej,.' : t-, aodClaM—t>7J ei» parlDC lb*.
Tohacca.lleap, Flax «wd V7twi-M cte per 100 lb*.
Anhes, (Pot) Apple*.Cheeae, FUx-Seed, Ulan, and
•Lraihbf—iWc-rperlWn>». • i,-'
thle,Hlclns.(?eed», Wool—ltOetiperlCint*,'
llteeaWnx,Feather*; Pfcl*) Gihui&tftijr Sail e-Root
—ia»cl*P«y }OOJI>«1;.. -•-... v t .
All property copstßited to either of Urn nadir raipted
willbo fcmnrdcd without drtoy. frej ofCntnmfosibn,
Alahovo rotes. IV irOf.AIiK. nrnwiuwilleA :
w -., H&XtiA A tf2XKBJUiV.N, l*c,uDorth
, nnvSMtf * ~ '
ok thesarririHfa Ai>p oato caiu^a,!
KNIFARKB*Co,OereIandJO; *•]>.' ’ i !i
U U PARKS,Beaver,!**,'. > 1 '‘ J PrtJprleior*.-
. W’ T AlAT*»i^,;Piaal«r*h,Pa;'■
TUB above Llpo itnow eryparcAio trluispon
FrelflitanJ Pur»eti|re't» fnaiiPijuburj;h auti Cleve*
land, to any point oa the l’cnni!ylv«ir t a A Oh‘o and Ohio
Uaoal*.; .-i’.- • -k '•» ;■ ■* .-'••;■•• • i
Thu toeilitin of taiJ Line tire aotnjaallsdhy &nron
•aid Canal*,.in nambets wwlcap*cit> , oflloaia teipc
irlraeebf CoptAiriatndi>Tompthe*aerAfenta;&e> i
; Onct Itoutoarea Put»b«rTßh andCte*elauti daily, nip
nun? iaewuieCiien with tke Sleaaaers.-
.. Jiiichifjan. ajid Xake Kne, Between FiiubaTfii add
Iti-jver. anefu Line of finrelcts iSiqaral>op<», -j*iz>pel-
IrnsHriffs aRU Eric, Jloros t Mi-i
eUufan and Ortttfrio'’ -' ‘ —•••••;-•
-Ifropcny. forwnrded to any pirtef the. Union'with
dcstnich- o [ .!E iK VAKASAbCotCleveland, Ag»;
KiXD.PAKKtJJfcCo, Boarcrv Agt»
*■ w T Afft,, :
-:-*psl' *' ’ Cor Voter ant!.Buliitheid *inret«;
FACIiETDrdH Swallow and Te?errt|ih;le'avi Bed
«t daily;at3o'clorfc^>. m afterindArrival of Ibe.
morning Boat from PiniboshtUd arrtm ax-lYarreii ih
time ii>t the Mail Line ot whieAiexrfcßzubdd
iately thereafter, an*) arritne.tpeTelasd eiSo'olock, f.
.. Tli ia roa ft j * tha - moat ozpeituooa anil eoßtfOTloble
One to the L*ke-i« '• t/V . .■ } .
r ctrnskL«FFIKa>VT.lJ*W«mJi IPioEr.,» 1 PioEr. , »
' : REin),PAßK3&C»;Bea«r:Aiona -Tv r
■:» A CUalTcn£e:lo tfew*-World* 1V - - ' •
lUVEN'J'V-FI VE IxKXAHS will be paiif taany ooa
wuo wjll jrouoce a>pot of paint, (itstuer dry; tbal
cannot be oxuaensd' with 1 Ilriit's ImprovedCbeniicnl
Kaap, I.havethn «M^tacuoiie/»a*iftju)mi j>e<ip(ebj
(bit place, ihai.ita article; Lrjr cap own haptovctoenioii
it t tiow 5 tin da unmaJlrdioUue century rer-tbunouiifl
arcaie, tar; pitch,- paint, or.any •ptb'Tf £»*•£ »W>i
■tanct). frpnrall kinds of(ttntlnawtt'a'orlndie*’ «topuog{
carpal*, lame • e!o*t«, «terltM)' itfntrl*, lwinneu*,
&e,witMminjtuilig*nsrvl>lngtljatp#re'dat«r%ni ttpr
jure. .opa UKnUand .persau iridiileiefti
pom of U»'oonftif have me they wonlii'not be;
- without irtoft one dolfhfpcr caVa. In truths' ibis
fronpon ijOTe.tfaaaoUo arvele»«flijjbfsttk», satins, al-i
n areas, and esltepelyt.blvre tanlf foaadibfeo pteer* ©i:
filk. two of alpneca, ud (out of ehlico r oa tphieh il
the rotor;' Uioteion* before puttmj-ii dp a light
drew i»y » ssmpla oTtlifc dees* fir»u,l»U*e (bin because,
i are dcuinainrJ Km to fcetMblfteW It nny strottse r than i
I know to • l- t\ 14 Hilda. '
- i * • - 1 - * • lo.wiiole»*t' , "“ J
*ndnifwtrorhumnbfeKaAteinpatiprfi* androrari, Mkt
pf»Qi!p'lnortcfofiill|i«M,»Oilßl*!!prtec«. - - ’
;..Couutry-MerciiPnwitniL other* arejtnvliod to eoUiind
examine (lie above Tor thetavopre*,** pJlwlUb*i«old
wholesale or reuu!,and alibcial ocdaoiion made,to
w{v>ic*Bleptirt , ha»eT». - •■'•'’.-•i •• !*••• ‘ •’ !' '• i;
vapldlTf’ .A- yvESTERVKLT :
, aJLOijK»*..
1 OIUNO’S T£RU£BTJAL QLQiIES, ttottinia* •It
lj the Ut« ilucottrki, «ad OtompMcal iaprotracnb;
tbt>lWlntck*oftbaVM)Bl6i{«br*UaViftunbtnipU<Ka Cobh
idfrd fro* BmilhVoeir Eaglhh Globe; tsllbeaditiow and.
improfriaeaObr.A&niaJt twilit Wet bed br RoawtUPerfc.
known start, ntbale. jLC. Cpayl’fd .!from the worki of
\\ oltuton, Flam vied, lb La L«Ul«, Karelin*. Majtr, Brad*
ley.lUnenli'atatkeifM, tbetnancUotavorthe Atlroow.
liil, Soeb it vf London, Aq, t e -' B*ith*> New Eof.
iuhliloh*,. r •
JptuulosA Sleek 100 bote Jutfraeebeda IH» jairaof'Un
abort GiobeVjTiryiog in j
l t«ir. .r , Jgincbcaudiameter,. I
; !*“ ■' .- ; 9|- « . ... • . •••
*.l\ M . . « .1
- I ‘f ml elabe* 0 ** . j .. ■ .
American, Chruoiele, no<! Journal eoj>;. ,
• .i : Mannfaeior<r»‘of : :l
Of •♦lX't'tfCniJf’T.JpNS ] i.
. . No. SUTVdAttx Front
Back of Xi Mnnuftf
A XI* order* left with S-H. W office of ibe
Merclmni'i llolrli Piu*lionth,;wiU bfc j>ro«|'il7
atlenilrJ to. - THOW. O. OKRRV /
" .cptMlr -A; C.-NICKKBgbN*
. I ;-v. ■ •
'A IMXfCAHON.wtU bn laadqttulio President, Mahs
aX-jo’ia tml Con piny, hr cieciinjfa Bride* Over.the
lliver Mottf ogahmopp«i»jtnPiti»biJMh,itUiM*oMity of
Allegheny. ti»r Urn renewal of lh|M «<mi£eue«, No*
117, U“U. r.*9. in ihe rottnof Jaluv 4tuutet,*aoh-ror two
•hiirmn.' *u>ck io »aid Company.' S«ftHl Mfflflcalc* l»c-‘
(r. s l,Ht.o/io»*Uiii. • - ■ KJCIJARD'FLOVO' -
j Aitonwr far *be tUeoaiora or' John limner, dfc’d i ;
I ■
nibteriberwould rwwTlfotly iprlifl l I >ac ii cl ttnd
«bnutvinihi*i»Miadil»hii,*n4 mwant'
9f * ANUV KB VSb?,t!
n‘ ! ***2" «**?*>? wiU
no Wiiiaie. Ail order#
AM-nTPdetiitU Hr.ftiihftiily. HUottdrd to at No 03 North
I *!*-i •'r'l.J;*.- - 'iAMl»CICl*trYf ,
l hjp.ii _ i *
. a/f _ a .
L j Kr>-(X
yOSTADLS fniy cofl«ei]itiii.'intl(.
i ruellowi tad all ike fern ca& bacarrUdb/ih^hia*
- -J, _ _ ' I I" ‘'' * 1 *i ■■■■l| l "| 1 * "—*■ '■ ~l ~~ I-' - l~ II I I-'-,. ;ft , 1 1!*- T
i ii\ ' '
.-.uii tide ,
to|-eodgh;r- •
A certain arid eajifeurd hu^fcu»gfca,NCQtoß,.
1 liver laths
■ • :
..'"-‘bHAea ,
. •.•• iTIOJI or »cydwcdnal<tfeinp&i at | .-.«
i.\>i/;<Y.hieaaL* Reader nre.yotCfihfflsnnj' v
vldPgt, t*7 tala : *•/ ;
VCTSSffiCHß^n:. ; .ii; ! ...
•;■> , V?.: .TOp*pegrciiu;K-.: • :n'l i
.it will imat'an-tfiwdMwrWJQlfi symptom* which
cirike sudi terror to Ififfnfntaplrprulcn;'joer tiavs
•Ucware purpoiting ’ u>ioblain
of Dr
H SwATß^.oriHmjmiudo.vrsppe'rohcacliibottle,
«■ from*
whicb.itey.uorrowa njuaq... 1 iV .-i' 4 ; • ,ji
[’{ A/ntfQf}>/ i'. • : f \ l -.
.Wouldperhaps heYajnalL**tima iff fur-tie,rovapoi.
■J' ol Yearv*bfn add
-V.llie feartai.eattJoguo 01-tbusccut off iiy lndama*'
.-• lion ol tta
; oi&cr distant* »l tho
- Luugrtbd XiferV4-'*-; -']
And tie Hut MMUdf nsenfcß'oppalniigprobfof the
fatality of tbcse'tdro'tiosu-ol disease*. tit U
important to kpowvihub jnariynllol-this dread
iwoite\oft humaa jlio- might_liatc.'betin i Jpte onlod
1 This.medicine has-nowbceifbelorntbe mblic
some eight .years/ ..drigioal preyamiun
irtuathoi Wild iL’herry 'lrot. slts.repttinudn tr s
remedy" for Coughs, Cold*,’ Bronchitis,*- ond Odaj
sumption cf theXuDgt based jetiiirely hpoo- i ».’in«
triune merits; 6we**Dlinte{p'.lo l uiflaietL Oejv paper
pufls. Tpf*e ( hrho gire'itc t’riiU; being' ben titled
hy it, rccoimnemi uto their iiftiabbyrl, an; lints
gradM!{y^hd , 'Bttrdrbttifgatned : repo-
WorWdiu) - tfay jn(6’ geaemi’jue.( One
bottle n&VcVTuts'Wedre a recent .cough or cold/
vhilcwlth sUtetdtfcntidn lo tiibdirectspna-ih itac-.
company each ubc iu pufrautidry &s sates'
of long standing add -of the moat olarntutfi-Cj arac*-
ter, -has, always -given relief, aharin ;»fcry kuany :
imtaneps has. enacted complete aMiiperminttni
dttttf * 1 i hi ••.
'Df. j&VfA YXE'S- Ccltbroicd Cen<poioti Si/f*
/■' -*• ''up'of YtUdCkvry. , ! c<
Head lfap4s)P*t remarkable careof Coactfawlion
evc'rptwnfuponrecord—» t : ■»
-pr; fcaliu'dehipfteaCtode
tbity to, the slQicietlce&ota iiy td'
9^px,R»y > iciumonj in ikfOf..tjL jourT.'om«
peond' syrup ut Wild CLerry.:, Some- thicQ Verna'
since,! waa'VTblcn'Jy atUcieiLwiih ecildiawi 1u20, !
; niaueaorths liiulgs, Wbihli was- accompa jmi |«Uh
a Very dUlrcsung coogb, pain in tho btcmtluabcaif
of dfieulioanaelre
fVdmthe I especially Bponchidgesbfwemher
howerefsltghL'.AtfirttlrelLnoalara; oponi my
condition, bet was pretty •ooncontmcedlbK 1 was
nnUliy going Ipto conatunpudih-1 grorr daily rfcak*
er,and at feugtii was scarcely able to wali/abcwt or
spetk sboie s whisper^wdi wasi Uc exccrjditc
thyldhgd,' Phririg tluatime.t liidtried
sarioad preparations tufa preadFiptrons, hut lodqd no
rcUef^grdwlng'all'the time worsc.- Jpst here L was
edrisedand porounded by a‘deur;friei«l In.Wliming*
1 6d ibuslowtrlfll ol yoar Snnp br Ws’d Chfeny I *'
1 inmLconicao that prcVioaslyil'liid been : prcjud*c .
,od<agalDatpateatmedicuioi,aaU i;aßr etur-hgdlast
.those cpayng. oat, of-jUJOwhatwia cC cmplricil but.
nndcrstaftUing to.tite profdwloo land
practice of medicine, itnd hatfsg tpills in
tho saying «i v my fir reads; I. tprtfiwjiK . pnrchiieil of
Dr,SliaWi one-ofi,your. agents, a few, bottles [and
commenced its use. My .dismftc. at this .time |nrsa
ef twentyor slaildiagi .e«P»d;
quenUy eras seated. I loubd, however, eoa*
siderable relief f rom the first lottrcir live bottle*.—
•But beiogti'pobUe'epeaafer I freqncdtiy, atjepptqd
repmred those Teseals timt -ftfld- BittAdj to
bt aJt rq'tlurf Vra'yi'doobLlcM, my ccr*- who greCtly
retarded.-' Incoasoqoence.ori actieg- tiua impru
deati/irlharttouaeid or' 15jaoulqs; beforo-f Hai
perfectly fcalorcd.. liihrc nO. n-Tnhcb
smaller tutmbcV of bottles' would bivo • stade jmh
gohh'dibttt fortireabove
viMarca lhe.le*-eru’a habit, dtg -away
cough, pqt a -otop to'the discharge of matter iVom
inelccgv.andcave tnera and the entirtajatoct'geod
health." Ifaare deferred offerUg this Kill
cow;*far tho pnrposo of • being perfectly' satisfied,
with the-: pnnnanencyof tho • core/'and nOwjhat,!
led pcfleeily wdl, 1 oiler It pleasorc;.‘ , 1
•• Dublin tourtty/H. C; ,i . •
Avoid all spurious preparatipos. of \> Ud
such 39 letters.
PiUs jmtporung to contain Wild Cherry, Ac, Ac/
as they-nre all betitlous aedctAater&it,aadecmtain:
hope jof.tho.vinaesof xh&ongMalsao'gestsiw-prO'
paratioi) ts'prepared by, Dr. bway Be/.WJd r lbe7_tirst
eVurprepared m> ttus ebantrvu
Coopoaud hyrspoT WILD coinposcd
ofVegtUhla itigredienUjlbc vyild Cherry, apujitiiV
or Biadical subatanees-Maliy qs dt>l
4Uore-ao; ihe wbole iirc%o. dlectaaiiy ebneentrited
as to duubtMha jnost yledsaut,
ttrcogihcnihg, and cUeetotlieracdy' oven dtda»vgr>
ed HitttKcareOrFultaoßiry Cndlll
diteases of the Longs and BfeasV - Jh’he ;vetyaaeV
froth Its having.such a.ttain. ol spurious imißibls,
staade'to prove us gresteareilve !
retiou/eacif bottle of
tilbt wrapper, wiUj a likeness {of WHliatnl'cnn el"
the signiture'of. Dr Bn
Uio coeDierleiting-ofwhlch will 'beu pub'!
-IshiHf Is forrefjri' V ; •; ..
' I'iepared ,ottiy hy-Dr, U. BwatutyN-Wlborncr:
of fctteuxsanxliUcK rhitadelphia. ; J
Koraalo4o t’Uttburfh.wbolesaleaßdtetaUb} {.'
, WM-fl’tiOKW;6sMartetstreet, X '
corner AVoodtts;
B.‘ A.‘'fi‘AUTfCh'rOCK Oc.'Co.*cqrnex, ol Ist Ami
•'. • .;
5. JO‘NKS-,iBfrLlberty street?• .j"?- -. i
JOHN AUTCHELLi Allegheny eily. .
•' AndbyallrcspcctabloDniggiiis and dealers m
•Medicine, ihroagboaVihe'Uatted Sutcradd Cana>
dt,;.u:.-<' ! » ... :L . „■i.
‘ -WeiurftJ bech Informed l>y .Mrs.Koreot" aeufeper
formed onher-by Dr. 4*ywt*hiAUewsUrrW/Whieh
spMrtoru)* over every other remedy of-abb.
. S&e h**'teen eflieted Int-the huUsiueen yeeA,
-wire yfEOUOSBdof'WHITE SVYCECLNtttt/ldUjiSed i
wun> alceraUnavvuid'-'eufbliatloA-bf yxridus
the iroomßbOoe'ofiflieeWßVum.ftriuiboth Wir-aTuid,'
wrUisopd aiu| ffpmhuUillcgf,'hnd tionube led
Toj oral lrina the rigid Juieei
ulccr*cnoiiicrpnri*of herpemm/wMchhciyo .bsllled
the ckiUot/niunnbefor-tlirmWj eminent phjWxdnSai :
our eiri-ndurmtf nxw'Of tnur berjsutfhnh|!*.hav«
.bemrxcruraf.rg and deplorable- About Ihreb monibi
since 'the, -mui.-uiCvccd io.lty Dr. Jqifnu’y. Alrczadso,
Vfhlch'Utis LhJ an df-iouidiliinfyhsppyeuccLUponger,
byl'emiiVihg ntipSdt Jna eau-uDg the
.uieer* io' while at ihcMameiinie nerigenvtaHieatih
lifts becoatuo)u>:deiciy ndwWbifhl
lli« jiiory than *bedid before she commenced »lje u&e
of tlits truly Eve. fott.-, ■•••' i
For fortbi'rintoriUatida.'Mihiirß'offriM.' Ibue.iSiO.
I fViberrW.PhlLVdirlpllii.- . 1 X H
[ .'.For Fuuu)argii, sq the I‘EiXIN TEA STOBEi
!72FpdflhsL.nnsfWogU* 'jy*f
• INOS.-^jeroljLla*:i«rk!lP ‘ " " " v^-
(iUtiftt i
whether iathatof King**' liTii> iJoUrgeacnu o.iTia
gtnpria of booed, btTTiiiD jtirCiiroQU.
or'j'f'Puhnoßary OoDHamptiOß/ cßwriato froth one
tail the umo; auie,:wblen ita-poaOnoat'principle
more, or Jeuinherent iij-thcburnantyiUHn. Tliufe*
.rore, uoleta tliii principle' caobo<k»ttpjed,:o<vrydK
cjTcurc J pnaeipioupon
«ti|iCb- lbcß:4i>oa*u depend*,; it remored, e-cure
roUBt orncceasity follow, ijftcu'Uerunner.wiiaiJbriß.
the (lucuethoold ‘i’fcij.therelo/e:
it tbe-pntiuuwbjr'JAVßs'd' Al/rkRATiTx it to tini,
vcraally uocc«*iruMn'»«aotifig no many' nrili^dj'at;
disea*ca..vlt destroy* : the- brjprinciple" llrofn
wlnc-i Uwi« : dßeti*w haTetWrbrt{£u,bj’eal*ilag
into the circulation, jandwitfkjdie h|oodi*«ojWeV'cd
to the :iguiauav£bire; remoririg crer/p-jhicle ol
dl*ea*o from the'mtcra.: . prepared oaU-soM at Mo.
USonlh'Third-StrMt.Fliibdfl/pliiai i ■•'•. ..
's?old.ut Uw Fekin.Tea Start, 15'0.72 Fourth Vree.
Pittsburgh* meMl.
LADIBSAVbo'Ufrt Commoii C&ilki are
often ftot aware haw foghUally jwiafiomsif 10
ibeaklni hcm Maracttawnjusbj how
oral ttAbealthy the akin appeara'aftfr 'n«uff prepared
chalk! Beanies, it is aiatje quniv .
Uiy of lead. ‘ We have prepared a bpdnulul vegetable
anithVwWea w*.‘.eiU SDN*** *I’ANISiI LILY
Wtllfti. Uis^erfrtilyiPUpCfiM,bria*paUle<lorall
delete non* qualities; ami it.iouNtru to :Ute i*i»a nau
raT, UetaJtUy'alaba-ucr, clear, lying, white, utihasante
a.raiteiit>don-the «kib,"auskingl(£o|i
* n urrjMle*:A»*ter*«in, Pmctkil Chemist of Masia*
churttw. hays: “Alter tumi>>(tig Jone«*d<Spanisl>i2llf
White, 1 1 flit Jit pe»’ie»c« He ntw*t beautiful-, awl ootu«
ral. at the. rainc tiufe' Innocent wine i ever saw. 1
certainty ctfconeuviiMooftiy rceoimnemliw tweiqall
wtw>e »*inf«piirrt l-eaoufylrig.” •; !„'</ ~ / . -v".
; *n~l'dc- Ssecnf*'a b<TX.' . . •; . . . >
by’WM-.JACKSON,ttrhf*!Bool aitd.Shoe
Store,Wl,i!>erty*ueel» head of Wood, at the sign of
, theßig Hoot. ... :-,t t‘vi •
> l.adl«!»,Jailie*,r« a * to ? l *« ' .*.
1 -When yew koow (hit yoiiatopromised
* *A'natural, life-like, rnnwy while, i .
< 'jhntirouwiU.atiUasecowiimiobalki ’ '
' And toot • tfenihly reUow fMhtr > . , ;
- ThMbeiaaOflttu*bi«*ai}itmtiU!s.r -.‘j ..i-j
• ‘irpu .wau7tj u»c - ,tn«e* eIJONIv > £Xil!yrwhite,'il
wourJiftTc ynur *kiii'ao-*lal»4r4cryet natural white,
iaikU at Urn, same'tuna .clear: aitai imptOTo'n.' - Hold' w‘
JACKSON'S, t».Liberty ft “itneettoema-per box. ■■■
• v;;.ij :i.. ...* v myß f
, no. oii'ltthtsa Biiits saw voiuti *
/ TYR Us ’tV. VJ K LU..08 ers fer ; tiJa:. at. the: lowers
;V * Manufhtlhrcfy\pi|cc3, a 1 tery eXteasive:u»ort*
iiu , i!lofJ > AVfcUUcomprising-crcrTpOnsitilt
uftnptcuto tho wants eteoßsiuaeni until eecustja of tie:
coumry. Vaper of all'.hihdatmato’SO ordrr ai *.!icvt /
ItOt 1C0.,. W .--r.'.'litVl -.jl •
• ’IUO ttnelrof FMN33N*(*.FAPK& » unosuully large
of every, doteriptioa, unrolled- •infkopt'cornianify or
hanl( »i*tiFelunß'«; : wire'‘C|oo», fc'outihmjhY Wired'
, . . . iRAOSJ: ■ j . • | ' j
i Cnnvan;Daloßt.wi r j Or*«*Kdpe, Rapging, ;.*;: ~
pare based. for wbtcV the .bigtn»tprico in-Cash will bo
paid. >... -,c. Jdyjieta.' •
yCBUSUEtt fIAJLV.TWiWEBKiY t'Wttili’lt',
At tki 3A,L nrat til Pm Qfficj.' ‘
UATKI OP Aj»VKlt*l»ls3. j
One insertion of lzlieet,-or M’
’iVointcrtioas *nihpot3lieraUDay,.,...,i' IS
•Tine" ‘ “ rior
One Week ; Vi...i." » •>‘
♦tl’wo Ue«iii • ; • u >. ii(l4Mitt j» ao
llirce “ .1..' aSOX
One Month. f, • )UU „„ 4ye . •
Two... “• “ ...r6OO
- ...". .. .a»
XI At°OKCradv«rt|BeTVQraia ame;t>roLMrtjo«. ifj. •'
One future,6 aoMht, wilboul lO OQ,
* ’* i- ’* « *• . 15 cq
*" 1 , : IS . “ 11l o<y-
Ont: kquarc.B utubiha,rcnowatite at l5 W ‘
Caeh additional square for l2moni}ia...» M .« ; lO COk*
T w > months, re’wsblsat plcuur&,3o OB
. Caen additional square, 6 months, a*,;.,..*. 0 00 . •
_ 1 eadisddraoul.|&MninQ^ Vfl^,;v# . sy_
if oil *ll »iftd« of eruption* wtil Uu<*iue*Wue JJkra; _> '■ - . ' v;■ *®,?*?*■?* . !*.♦***• V}*
t‘ k ucl>Mi , * **««»«• or lew, one yean fi flott.
- u l " 4r . - “■■'* ‘ 'sU moatin',,.. - f’a'/*!
■esdfUe Klin. Which TW)nirtearerpia.iem«tie%j|iu «:•.«* : , r « - one Tear iSriS-**;
c ;
.boni r Moriihew, J'nu J ;on4 . :vS*&'2&Ag.3Lg
A wniTjmrt £»wucy«Ji94cr 1 or lcaa, One insertion, •■■ *0 W% .
m!e autcrednei r »c« «i,«7*wr ,c4*e,tn»)«*U>«k 1
rrrc(,vcrf,‘4> p3Vr*il ««>rwkfiy,ft At'AUftltfiUO&jt. - .‘r:' v - *rCp2* t « ;
ttg ,£dtotrlU mid wpodmtd «W» JU,lbri corner of w'jah ; ••« V«: - f ■Th»>--- : -*V**y.*»r* W? ■ -
“PL**?*^ r-m -xM • t-ks/jC? :
■tyniLAn,' feOMMiooKiiCG■UToy*srjbc'. : • • ' TirtiTe « 1 r:
• . ~~ "'•' HlH" l| |l',>.' „| in lii?n^^
;. * -t. .'.-i .- <■■■ •■ JutljintUkliLUthihit Ca~, P*. f > -
!*; ':-Oetther»pttM«y..-|<
Jlr, R. K taf, bdnrver jr •
tw>len at iligM, mist !>»rirg inuf3 level ktlitaet-Ictu,-
eluded he had worros'iaui I'lvutg JirarU a. great *k-af
aumt yi>ur Vcnaiiugc.l «i»l fodjptva JM«v <
dotev which existed M Very large woftni. \ eodlidcr
rour.VcnOJlcfie lieiicrtha« ftUolkers. .!'••. . ■
i 'J/'biSntfi'P.Ssihxa.:-•
• I'rcparrii fttii tu'd liy R.-E.SWkT.Krtti,37 AV/ooJ*t.'
gold .fir Dr, »-I>riatl, 6lh «r*i il; and D..M. Csrnr, AIW
ghrnv •.- y* .'-j ; ‘ <% " \»
r * tU Italian Olicmlettt Soap." * 7
’ • 'mMm
Contitmptsßß* teattMbtr tkai' if ti i ntawofTt .
I '* Con*peiuTU?Ssrvp <£fT*T ««* *W Asp. ’
j>- w. •• ■
AdW,'-Er«*hids,SpiUiM 0 C BiQOdJPlia fat ths BUt and ■"•
• Burt, BOT Throat, ifa
ffsmwTfsmoesJrfferCemphjnt ;
aadDisrascdlitenria.v . • ■ '
fr»llEllEFOaE,li»waaf*hsr«nM»*atartsofTsrer .
,A'ilspthaaaiaitatiensawabroad '!
.ate. Sir-lb* astanbfardf botfil I
fast* uperitKcd ftda the, ass of yoor Compoaad »j«p«f -.-
TaraadbltpibarobCm ittnydatjib.ittibrm )« ei iu 1
bad stows
, >m> in the breast, with pat syptssKorj siftmt; ta wtnh
■ nt-and-loss of apeStiU. Uiir various rsawoWS w»Ao*l ,
,*H«W I beams %hirn»d,.l faisawof yw msdwinr. hut b»-
iufi mn* 10 asta'aM* atimtised msdlriisrs,' I thoughtt
wordd-sdhoa towhat | fasdUcn wag. ‘ Tydlag njnM
SeniDc won*, a trkat pmoMm to • Wtth of
prepar»li3a,*ijing« bpcw*dluslife toil*ririuss " 1 i*» .
mil nniiiiinif irT-f/* —* *-
tore t hiduhurlire,boUUs, ln> esmpkttly rsstorod to (
•-Sdeiy’fcr jh* : httKfit'efeibm I.msir. ths”show farkf
statement' Any farther lamiria can he aodaat say ms**
. J6tW|i<tf Calhafiito stmt* • - • t. .
.. ./, ; jhaspactfahy v.'F»*sci»*e*WT.
StiU arudAer Remarkaitie Cur?.
. C^liil«,Pa,; ■ - ■
Aboqt »u yonwaes, ia caattmetfe of UNTtadiatary
nature of ay busings, I»a «ttwfc~4 —— faimitu tn -
•' yhb'brtisLialpittlioa of thehcarlaD4ibortM»«f breath,
which weromoa followed by ths faJars of peprtit*. • stmins
japtaasof ndctingtd.eyilta beta* frroocnllyhUnxlrd
wdfi spitting of MoW. For abo«ttvoytat*J wasdecwioo- s
, ,aily wrovaolD aoartd£be% vbkfa fcft mJta miserable
stucof fcshksessabdbtga&.ta*SKlmy mh£^fm to* t
■ tioe n; «tn wn «r kmmni niilA kstlh .
- they fatesessed to soph;*'drgres, and-tbs violence of Op
navaniM, tbat-ferawbotejearlwas ...
lumbUMstteDdtoasjbtatßSSk' DsrirgthbUmeJieoßftdt. .
cd msm able pbysiciaas aud attended i* their asemripthaip . '
but-imbeffjiiiUlwv BnmHag toprocure me roUt and 5
' .at kogth they regarded my recovery as «nU««hr bonk* fat . *”
. this awdilioa'l was inuraied of the miuiervvelicli «f
Sjrhtpof Tar tad'Wood Aaftfaa, la a .
- care eeawwlianfsaAar teauae.a&d Ihoifhlhadgitcii kpall .
esjnctatAia of a recovery «t. my farmer health tybwaen
' .ntmui, jef baagelt<B>f!yadTMrdiotrylbiamedkinßjl m*e
' at length'prenukd-upua to do ro, and L have nerw-to imp, -
; the naeof h»ttk>ffiy boltfa imbwarmlared, wl
1 lamßomabietoaUcadto,busißcia?witha»maeh faeiftn •
. ■]-'• H£WRT MTKHS. J
: Of.PiekMCTTwaHy
. PrepuedottlytT ArfaNEr fc DICfaOfT at^eK.E.
- comer ofFiQJt km Sproeo timts Z '
... Sold fay K>ViLUOX. Jr.’fiUifetrA; aod'WjeetvJle -
'' IlrunaU raerally. PrtcofiOctt,-aruw'della>pH > faotffa*
i iou’i 'Compoßsd Syrup of ‘l'ar from oooe faut>d*trti«d
/ asrstL or oftfaoee abore tfae ntpiaoti of dealfasg b oom-
FILLS ao tuivenaJlj Thtpalar .
Beeaitf9 tbe/awprepared bri)rNLei-/.
d7.luti»elf,a.re2ebj' Cfasmistesd’.fhyar
cup.pfjPJiiladeTphia, who know* the aaltcc, ihe
quality aod cbataeier of the Medicinet ueed iq hi*
pill* and Uteirasia|>UUaß .to diaeMQv
_s?eeoßd, : fiecau»eiho'poblic cut take tfaeia with
greatfrTOnfideiicotljan wottoillwfpilU whRJb are .
4iiLoflCS. : j i,; i\'t, ’ . . •!;••
-Tbiid, Bccaatcof tbeircomLlned eHecU) pMperJ
tle*tKiteont3intUb ißyoUjefpill»;naao(r,jo»rg
fog from the stomach aed.boveu aUanlraaltby autK
itßddaida'orthdbpdy.''’-' • '[ s
Koanb,:Bccaase they are the ebeapeet and beat
'medJcineknoiio—aaingto bos coittbgbat^jeenta,
.and conainuig 40 pi lie, aavihg to'Minton' dr'many
doUanolptitneb' in Doctor** nuicetotu
V/v;.. ■■•,•••.•*• • -'J ■ '
. ..Whoncter jouhate occasion to. tako •sy.etcdi*
yoar constiUidbn'by
'trying airfctods[di pills or other medicines yon see
-pvolishcd and recommended by one and another but
tileatunce' : ' j ! ' i'- ■ «.r. v .
, , ; Dr, Le&y't.SanaparxUa Blood_PiUt
sndyoairiU not nyo.occaskin lo jtfakir;anything
el«Q.TbeyVifJ alwmboTonwdgdod in almo«t all'
«rfl{tns oi the atomaeb, boon
colic),Waoriitidb: 'inward |nver» ( ''foa)<brvstfi, bad
.taste m the' month, Sour erectatiomufidvCckJity ot
Ue stooiach, cq«tiveQCCT and * ituligestldn, r of
appetite, billion nflccuona, diseases of tmi
ami kidneysi dmeases of tt» skin, ecaly ‘
dry andstxiexypimpleaor bfetetororthaiaedann
bdoy) ietlcr;raah,prickle boat and salithaein t 'bead«
acbe, giddiocu!, leinlncss,paiaiLQTe!tbft.'beirt r o<
thobrntyt, backandspmoyrh&naa*..
tum aodgoat, feyenlol all kinds, small
loid..meuol*/scrbfuU r cri&ipolnt.n i, d in short-they.
aro good in ail disejiaes bafiog’ tboir origin ia the
stomach, liter,;and intestines, end imptmsy, ,of the
,• Retail by B.‘- Ai
dt<JoJ, ctm>nr of Pint and \Vmnl, also' corobr of
i'utbaad : Wood streets,.; f ; -,y .'••:•• .. -.adpeS ,
>i<uu'i'U PAS^Fr.’:
*rnnjUß'jt'nniTiasictt.. i.. i
THE besta'nip.iofa(mmi-/<K£leatnngand.-.wfaL(ening
sweetening the
jli shoflid Mused every aighf Wifli .* still
broAbrand thtrieeinand mnetfa willool jr rrijahe bdllgh
rwasfajingiin the brush whfa’warw
water, or cold yrtll answer* and rabua ffatrustMon ••
the paste. ,when -«taeo£hwilt adhere for e.canmg>tiie
teeth:;•itleaveVn'de.lieaMUtatla in the moatli t miMua.
jransamost.dclighujalJtrßgraaeaeotfafa tevalk.' frstzmU
ellieaeibas, ean«enteeV*nd
saledentnfiee. Jt is warranted am la minis the teeth,
Ibotb>prwervethettf* '•'•••'
; lly using' it Tt^uiarfy v - KwiriTcnjovc the Urur and
prevmt^iw'.aqenaulauon—•preoent the toothache
pievßovall. disease* i. os'them
1 pfa£t«dius, aiuf tfaefriergy recommend'it a
decidedly Supcrtocto-everythiogoftimkindiasam.'—
; A»lcfbirßhereiah's<Joatsoaij4 Orris. TooU-i'jtste, Lid
•obsenwfaiesignaMtcla aoathddtdeacfapot.'.-.
-ileeonrmritaed by Dr. Castle, SgHueaidwar.oaeof
Jrar.;fiesL : 'l}eiUists,andl>y.most of the old esomlUhed
ooes'iiriho-Uailcdthsiti, and eve*i^Kteasively*abed
bj the Mobility ofKailand'andFme». : - r
> A large propoydon of the disease, thntaSktmuklad
arise from wme derahjement ofUuntotnaohhf bowel*,
which- »-ti«ett' nse«f the Caths. no Lokengesbroald
entirely tenons hsbltl sboald'al
. wa}p faave a b>ix-avh«nd, and uke adosewhcaiearer
they feel ihe'leaat'derahgementnithelstiealthrr'Aindl*
cioos use ofthcae Lotenges
•of.casca.':>-5..i/i->>-5 ,-t>
"Forsaleat WM. JACKSOfi’S, corocfef Wtedud .
r«Ut:IlVKl» V,'
,A. oUfiATClJlttiS,pCTfenMdbythft»r<ftna<aadEm>i«nM
-A and jnabc Uwl3l, frr* mtW and wU hr il jfiOXj
J.ptftf • . J.-'.. . .. .
' - -Moms’Vactoxt;WertanorebodCo-Pa4) .
W ‘ ‘ July lfch, 1847. ~J >.’■
• ''•lfr R.'H! s£Ms;— Ase&sc ofdnljinyonand chiffliclcd .
celebrated liter J > illi.!:lh«T4d«ittrtd doing io fa*.JocrV ■.'■
WheringtoDifTiCrtekeftynaKiß, *bO'SB!T poAipfiejit,
then go ahoJ."*M»* of lh« ttafcj. pttfnritfene'ofettfCy _ :
ud to tb« Kisk.intatiUiTmtiM
iionUr«r P|,b hmbeenoSmd'td thin public, u'd,indc*d>
1 bdi«t«;UUy ri ibctn*B,”a*theyxro Jest-what
you i«prckat.Ut«s J hafa.teca.aAjctrtf vttfc. Ursr
ComidaialMiottilaiy south; kart aufiertd nneb; mpfaged
.ninny eminent pbriiasas, to whoen l poidßaek noM}}] biro
r »Mt<nQct> Um.iuMft»<Milpt>yikfad>hßattPdw|th; • -
itlJTllrl3tf'(£M.iiai&allT|miuiiimnUc> l '!lB
s'iKli>-7lini biiMtotiyjrowunzHßa/ttdSKUtMT
*> WiUX.lko b»» of y twfttt UMT irtfacwiil to Usp—cfaar
'offuaii the ti4t, ni all tba tOtr.ijnfUn. for at takt'
It Months.-- Yottr ri Us U«itoU>t best cathartic! eacwinj;
bring mild, gifjngttnd* sickness at the Jfcjn
sdi, bat giro fas ttucb lihsfr' fafUheniia ay atom '
far 8 or T.ftw*; sold hatt&rcrfs'bf boxes, and hits *mr
hexrda Msg-* c«anWnt!nUflieJ;bjr:«hjroa*
tlKxn.- pULin’tbis
neighborhood, ofaj ja it abort liast'.wiflj bannlT them •!]. I
eanioily retnssasnd theta to all persons needing physic,
whether-for LhtrComptaiatof Billions dlfrf lions., leon
.ridwtheattrsuperiof toCaklßelerth«BluirirL''ltf*|»fl> . -
fuUyyottfs,'••< "Jl« Wblils'
CAuTION—A»-<b«» "are other Pills briers tbs pahlie •
.CAUXDLirerPiU*{pfnq&>whoinptti»o&KUflf£Mafc! .
nsk far and take another than those prepared and Mid ibjTt
E-SfcLIX&S, Ko S 7 trbod-st bstwcco Third and yottrth
iltraate.-n .i f 1 ■ if.
gold by Dr.CauKL, Fifth TFord, 0 M Cctkr, AJJrgUay . „
eiiy^v;;.--Iri ,’i
:ISrjiYXß’Bc«jiai»a'riyK luudi .
C'HOWtb? UerASAtfIUNN,* wetlkaoWuiudpdß
i?-utarCier*?man ofibefroieataotAlelliodlftCbucß
;:Tbc imdcnfracdliaTtnakccaafflietoiduarintthoprbt-
WmicrtriUiadiaeaw ofuw itmaeh,aotnetime»> pti
duciiljgrcw p*lh ia ike etomacb lor tenor twelve bopr* -
trubtiotiMapaittiun, and 'after ttavfor tried 1 rarionl'
leoiuftics with iltiie effect, waefimmbed with irtwMo
Ual*am. ThU he tued ac
cording to tba direction*, mad foofld iavariably Uuufatt
medicine canned tljc pain Jo abate iu three or fear trib
ute*, and' ia' fifteen or twenty tniaatetcrery aneasr- -
Kumiwvvnueijiueiy quleied/ I'l'ftetaedieiae wa»wf*
(rfwardfused wbcncteriwlicatioaeof Uwerptoachof
paiu.winepercairediaadiie pam waaiberebypre rent
ed iiccumotecdtouellhe B*ttlidnq«very ffreabg
and roinciiimrs jntbe; morufe*, and id. a few jyeelqi
heshhi*fa**ofarrtiidred t 'tbat ihesutferer'watndiee
ed lrfuß'ai3ryeainochtoroppro«>oe -pain.; Ftofne*
Kfidnce, CwreXor#, h* euueouS Jrjjtly ' recommend' p
Jayne** Uaftransthre Ual*aia,H» aealntarymedicift.
fer di«i»ae*6f tkoEtoraash and l<owefe.-. a SHJNN -
»«l |AJ well*- A
For tale ln‘ FiUiitfrgb ar’tbei\tT£i
7J Foanh aUccL' near Wood, - tiad also at the Pra
BoTeoni PSUtlWagrfciredetHlwreew AUnthmr
J/' Cream de'A&l&nda Awcfe’, for sharing;
.Cinuu a la !fo»e,:tor Abavmg; \
Altovudf.Crewn, >. do; *•
yapcTfine£ou£e.,Mil’orceUfno*ai*••. b
Klcjirtf iceiubag*, p«|famed!witlt Lavender* Aajl©<
teffß • i • v ,.
IteeaufrlpeWder.padVrf aU.?*tteraer - : ~ t
.Bm&oaeU.luijel Uaxe>»«oaUiniDg uagrant extract*-
for ibc hftndiq.'eliief5 *teeui bag, uid u*itet
ulile for pr'cwojt '• f* A .
- liUian TogrtaJ'lo kair oil, 1 ! '-/ i
' i- ; car’»oJ,ir, fiwey or common wr*r{-crs,(roje
! Jonrt’Boap; Soap; Uwe : | '£o<SAkMp;t9#eUier n jrcat nnetr
offincpen'uiaczj7/Jtt»t'reeetve4; fur Mtia.bu._-:; ■ > t i
: UAfall n ha rocK A. c:o ;
_yood »u