The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 07, 1848, Image 2

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• 1 CTTmi Puiwuh Ault Caxxttx 1 1: published
Daily, Tri-Wealdy, *a& ■Weekly.-The Daily is Seven
Dollars per annara; the Trl-Wcckly is Fire Dollar* pt-r
Mtaaas tto yfeaklr is Taro PolUr* per a&aan. y
• »_ •; i .. .
Advertisement* and Subscription* to the North Amer
ican and United Stales (lasett*, Philadelphia, received
and forwarded firua this office.
fra iaww Commercial lmeUigence,Dome»tie, Mar.
h*U| fever News, Imports, Money Markets, Xc. see
Q7~Anrxan>ns are'earnestly requested the band in
their tavors before Sr. it, and as early iu to day u
Saa Pirst Page fbr XUeeeUi
Editorial Correspondeace'of the riUsturgh Gazette.
. ... . Wssuwurox, March 2,
An important case has been argued before the
Coart to-day, *the United States vefttis the city of
, Portland." Tliat city has taxedtbc Custom House
' ’ as other real estate is .taxed, aud the] tax for many
t year* has been voluntarily paid. Ri’ccutly it has
- been refused, and a suit instituted for the recover}'
of damages. The question is whether this class of
. property is exempt from State taxation. The At
torney (Jencnfl for the Government has argued
against the right of the States to impose such u tax,
- and George ahle Hx-Senatomraut Maine,
has sustained the law and the practice! Tho ques
tion, it will be seen, involve* a, power of dis
crimination as to the line of demotration. Mr
Evans admitted that the meins ofthe Government
could sol be taxed, nor\coald ‘ export*,' or im|torts
or tonnage, but the property of the Government in
. real e&tte, he bekl, might be, the Custom House,
. oa much as the Ware House, or the Post Office, or
Collectors, or Post Masters, all of which aud all of
- whom it is known are' taxed by Statu authority.-*
• The decision will make an important precodeuL
TW “Birth Night Bail" for the Washington 'Mon.
:• umeai, turned out to be numerically afAilure.*?*
There was a feast for a thousand, and not haiftlii*
homber of partaker*. •' . ,
. . We. have the greatest snow storm oftlie wiuter>
- and December weather has come in htarcli. c. b.
,: Q . Washington,'March 4, ISls.
. . -.A*;,soft; huppropriato to the - condition of the
Treasury, 1 scad you .ihe'iJpllowtug extract l'mai
■ Mr.iockwelJ'* speech.’ Let.the frieuds of Mr.
Walker answer if they can. Xo answer a* v«fl
has been attempted in the House. I
t. That, deducting the actual and estimated rM
CAfpiaifer the two* year* ending 30th Jane, ISI9T
(including the entire; amount of Treasury notes
authorized try the act* of Jaly 22,151 G, udc! J3OU
, ry 09, 1&17J from the actual and estimated expen-
for the *ame period, there remain*, on the
' ■ ■ basu of the report itself an ainouutto Ik> provided
, ■ excess of expenditures over receipts
r . - —greater,by; morethan §1,132,000 than the n
' ' mount thowo by UreESecrelary or provided lor in
< the loinbill. >
; ,2. .That ihis.amount is shown by a subsequent
' statement, furnished me by the Register of the
■ Treasury, -to be larger; than .the above vain: as a
portion.of the expenses charged under thehem] of
' . _ redemption of Treasury., notes dud loans duriug
thelait fiscal year and tlii: first quarter of the pre-*-
[ Ant fisc«J .year, was for paymeuts made oa account
[ .- ; of prior loans and lor interest; nnd that by these
. - • two reports, taken togetberVit will appear that the
- -excess of expenditure on the Ist July,-lSrtS.would'
i be, instead of .51,132,000, more, than $1,300,000,
mort than the amount of tbi estimate* of the Sec
> . rattfy of the Treasury.
; .3, .That the amount of avoilsat'Treasury notes
ftctanHy received lor the last and 'the first quarter
of* the present fiscal year, and the amount estiimt*
• ’. ted ** available, exceed by more than five million*
. the whole amount authorized; and if from this is
•. deducted, as it should be, the amount of Treasury
< noli* redeemed during the some period, Jhere i*
.atm oh excess of mere than SI ,300,000 of avails of
Treasury notes, actual and, estimated, over'und
•- laboVe tba uuount authorized to be issued, on the
.. ..auppasition thatths aiuquut of Treasury notes act*
. '• ©lily redeemed is truly stated., in the tables fir the
r :V; first quarter of the first-fiscal year!
■ ,4. jThat the explanatory .statement of.the Reg*
■ ister of the Treasury furnishes no. saitxfitcUirv- ex
planation;'and is showaon it*face 101-t? ermmnms
: tou amount exceeding $135,1)90 iti the result at
•-which it arrives. . , :
- ’ 5. That the amount.of Treasury notes for the
- ■- first quarter, in Table B, attached to ihe
report, .is not correctly stated; that the whole
‘ ' amount actually received during the quarter from
: y '• customs, a* shown by Table KK, and Irani puUic
■. c lands,'ns shown by Table H, was the sum of s3l',-
.. 330; that the amount-stated in Table B, for red«nj»-
.. ■- 1 'tioaof Tfmuttry notes, ot' indudes4hc
amdunt of notes funded, which lain no hensea
redemption'of thb notes, way reduces
the amount of the avails of the notes previously,
received, as stated on . the other side of the ae
• this appears (ram olberitables attached
' r"to the,report;'thas showing thauin this stateineni
. ' there was on error of more thda $2,300,000; and if
.... the statement is corTect,*of the avails of Treasury
’ - notes during this quarter, the mistake of the Sec*
; - retary it more than $3,300,000. -
: 6. ‘Thai, according to these tables, the amount
. of Treasury notes available lor the residue of the
present fiscalyesr, after the first quarter, instead
of bring, ns stated by tl»e Secretary, $0,285,291 33,
./ • , would be ooly about thus showing an
- overestimate of the available means of about three
. and n half millions of dollars.
That the statement of the amouu! of public debt
and interest paid during the year eoding Decern*
•• befl T jB47, is more than $10,409,000, a* shown by.
' ' - ‘ Tabla'p, and less, as shown by Table Q. thsiu
; $9,300,000 for sevenieeu months, embracing the j
' " ’ pariou mentioned in Table E.
Mr. was ajiiong the competitors for the
' : 'door this evening, bnt was uusnccesfuL e. n.
CtUtekUt CUUiif Conqotiti Confrtn.
| . . Washington, March 4,1547
This.Senaie'werp in public session long enough
Rfr morning to allow Mr. Cass to report a bill from
the Committee on Military Affairs authorizing the
Secretary of the Treasnry to ascertain an<l settle
the upon the Government growing out cf the
-Military Occupation of California. The principal
claimant* are ibr supplies to the expedition of Li.
CoJ-lfenont, upon whose memorial the bill is pre
pared.; Accompanying the report is the evidence
oTkOtM of the claims and letters descriptive; of
thaacancs and hairbreadth escapes of M>inc of
lboae*who participated in the ' ex pedition.
' To abow hour utterly unirnc ore the pretension*
of the Adminismuioa' in regard to the. origin of
lira war, on ■ **ihe part of .Mexico," I quote the
following which is the first; paragraph of Colonel
Eremont’s memorial to the two Houses of Congress*
• RisrEcrruiAT: Snows: i
That, in' Suite of the year I 'SIG, being the* <i
' brevet attain of topographical <7 iginrert in the
service of , the. Unitrd Stater, and evtpleyrd,a.t turh
' * ta California, he engaged in [tniUitary opetathin*
■ frith the people of the country for the cxtaUishmtnt of
the independence of California, before the txiiteittr. of
war between the United .Stott* and tent
" Inourni and teas euecerrful in raid undertairing', lb<:
inJepeodcoce of 'California being proclaimed nt
SoQOffll. on .ibe.Sth day of July, and the Mexican
■ ‘forcesrodted and dispersed. That, immediately on
hearing of the war between the United States and.
' . Mexico, Abe flag of independence was polled down
and that of the United Ssalpa ran .up, in it# place,
and under thie flag military 1 service was rendered
, .to the United Statu until tbo conquest was com
plete, and supplies obtained from the people mostly
* 'cn credit of certificate# given lor liienT. That, af
.ter tho conquest, a temporary government was for*
medjtbe expenses of which, like tbo#o incurred for.
- mflftary operations, are mostly wet unpaid, and
• should be paid by the -United'Stalcs. to whom all
-- . ' tho benefilp of the conquest of Califoraia has ac
: cored. •' • '
" 7 The reader’s attention is requested to those parts
• of the extract which-appear in italic. 'llow came
oh officer of the United Stale# in Mexico at all be*
fore thewar? What hml an American officer of
the United States to do with “engaging in military :
.operations” to enable ‘‘the people of the country’’'
-Ihepcopieof California, a Mexican Province, to of
<■ -rfect the’ “establishment of tho independence of
- California F* f CoL Fremont it seems to me has un*
* : -Wittingly - let out his secret .orders and 1
; ; obofMtied too much for the Administration. Like
- the ordersof the!Secretary of the Navy to the of* i
- • in command of the Pacific fleet, it shows that
anterior to the commencement oftbc whr by j
.rtfiaactflf hostilities, even long before the com*
> tarnromeni of lBl6, the , Administration designed
- •tpbringoaa war with instructed the
f Nary and Anuy officers of the Government to do
. ‘ that which would certainly bring jfnlxxtL Colonel
' * FVcmcmt indeed at the time the hostilities com*
~mcncedwas three thousand utiles from the seal of
. Ooremmeht, whither lie had gone long before and
*,was fouhd aidingooe of the Provinces of Mexico
refutation against the the central Govern*
' joent JUI this time he wn# under the pay of bis
; - , own Government, and a large corps of Govern*
• , Bttnt oflioara cooperated with him in this attack
,-ttpba the country when if be had any right to be !
> < Ot all, it was ■ right of sufferance or courtesy on the
»|fr— rtf tha GovemmenL with whom at. the lime,
thsy took thsir departure from the United Slates,
wo at peace. It is however, hardly worth
bar white to oigve « question which has been so ;
~ ' oftea I quote from Col. Fremont’s me.
icatowhim in the light of *new wit;
* 4 • imtlL ; asserted nod tv* ibhsbed by the.
- ■ >Thcpa*t of Mbaterey wu* li!:o ;
- of hostility wusliiown. !i
y, Cpl: -Fremoaij» ujemonul.iw.i
- yy-tfrfo ■fry t/jrif u-tuuhon of ffifcrs.a 1 )
- T .x. 1.., —: ~ ‘ MlUrWl I" , - ...- . ' *_■'- . '• • I; j .
wcotrea bjr him ss the officer af Government "In '.. . '—P ———
•f T*?* ’°"‘ 'W l rt* l V'w orfK, whicli
,_T _ *° ween or tight hunJn/l tlumtand dcred to bo iru^rted:
/ fX ‘ *r® v^f **J of tile witnesses testily that not llm the new metnl>ers ot' Councils!*
less Ilian nix thousand Worses were taken tor the Digest of the City
"" P** o ? v«n.™». ofthi I,'niled State., There XSSSKf*' t***
j •we.?iaim» Gr several thousand cattle, also for pro* Me-srs. ilobtnsdn ami Sionlz being present, on
i v,slonF > n^Cf S saddles, &o< > motion of Mr. Stockton, the oath of office was aJ-
,Le Mr. D„.
i*S nnui 6 of the eud, some just idea may be found lenbaugji, Samuel Brooks, John B. Wilson and
j °f the cost of the war to which the country is on- ,or epemng a **lo liiot street through from
Iwed Great is are the expenses ttpon the ear. "' l ‘ id ' »“ Ba
I taee, they, are not all there, ttor will theend of the.., 0,, motio,, of Mr. U'alt'ere. referred to Com. on
j w-seen during Ihe present generation. The seven Surveys, con. by S. C.
;or eight hundred thousand dollars connected with • P^?® mctl a pehlion from P.Mar
! a single department of service in one Mexican J^? odll ” u f ,i and others, represen-;
1 Th'mt' lheC,reslM^ow events. .theStata jiwr. \
i tie Military Committees are weighed down with nuisance to the.]w*rson«'through whose prpperty it
j other claims, not so large iu amount perhaps, but iu a ?n T” Antl ! J' e furthermore “pray
i great iu Dumber. ' Rob.aaoa-Street, be graded from Uie dtJ.
The SItLhUOOOO CwTut’ • - . , bruise to Curry bt. s and Isabella Court from Ut
Jot * forlJeiicieacies is another- mi. becca to Robinson Sts. wliich Streets are iu sncl
pressure item of it* war, in » Bill which will paw a ‘fnditinp that there is no full for the water.*’
the House to morrow. So-Idng as the credit of the “'-JW *&***}<> Com. on St,
'““S' “ I™"Tre“ 1 ™" Tre “ u 'V fro,,
n«« are issued and pay day put ofl, there is an Lothrop, Esq. stating that in anticipatioi
indifference to this vast expense. But pay-day Bridge Co. building some nev
must come and the least-revulsion will seriously vieu-s of CW °° rtl,, i rn - e,l f ° l ' lh ? , f rid ? e ‘ thl
tajure^hu. r ., 7 ,p« u„ eouutay. ‘Zt S“‘m Si
Ihe House devoted the day to Private Caleadur fclrct ‘t at thut pbiuL
dar, and thirty one Bills were bussed. This i* cood' Cii motion otmMr. Gray, a committee of Coun
were passed as did not give ri« toobjeclions. chosen.
The Commissioner of Patents' his Report to
the House. By an order of the Senate and House,
the space is limited to tour hundred jSages, yd as
much information as practicable has bcencoudens*
cd into this space. A motion is pending to print
40,000 extra copies.
The entire week in (he Senate has been devoted
to the consideration of the Treaty of Peace. Early
and late sessions have been field and a constant,
unwearied attention given to; the subject. Public
opinion as it dows to the Capitol from different
States would seem to; demand the raliflcniion of
the Treaty with all its understood objections. Ma.
ny there are who feel that the enemies of the coun
try, mine the less so becauseithey mean well, are
those who stretch our limits to the thnhesl verge of
land upon our continent, and these persons have
to wink at every conceivable abuse of j lower and
to trample the Constitution of the Con utry under
It. An officer of the Navy plants the American
Mrer the town of Mouterey, before war is de-
hostilities luivu begiiu. An officer of'tho
Bureau takes parfin a RevSlulmu.
rost a then friendly power and demands pay
tucnt o| lli«j Untied Stales, because tbe mdepeud"
eniie of Colitbrnia resulted in giving aid to the war
ngaiual Mexico. These officer*, wiiii Inhuming
magnanimity would rather sulfer the consequences
oftii-ir own assumed acts, than lo
reflected upon the Government. Hut whlißoiu
ihentary are" such acts upon the character of a Ho*
public. The Ariuy and the Navy uuitef(u|K'm their
own renpoosibility, as the Administration would
have it) to bombard iwrder towns and take interior
cities. They exercise ull the functions of Civil
Government sword ia liand, carry orf war. mate*
treaties, establish iiupotts-aud export duties, create
and fliioflices, make war, secure peace, publish,
constitutions, enact laws, create Courts and do all'
Governments have a right to ‘do in these three IV
partnient*. both of State and National power,—and
ull this is winked at or deiended.
Will not the Govermneut have made rapid
strides in the road to despotism, if the People sub
mil to all this f Ary we not reduced, like otbe r ,
Republics, Who have decayed from the three uJ
Uieir own corruptions, even in our iufsncy us a ua*
tion, growing old in open, U>lJ and during usurju*.'
tion. I believe it was not discovery*! !>efure the
year ot our Lord IblS, Hint under our Coostitation
the war making power was ih the Executive.. but
at this session that .principle has been avowed
by members of the" dominant party in both "Houses
ci Congress. U ftai ruined the Republic-* of Eu
rope was usurpation, wars,'conquest, and our ckuh*
trymen arc mad not to be enlightened bv such ex"
ample*. What has corned the English debt up to
eight hundred millions of pounds sterling. Her.
war* aud her conquest-. The same thing ruinedi
Rome, and all the fallen Government* of tire oIJ
world. We have before u* a glorious or aii inlii
incus career. Justice to ourselves, justice io our
neighbors, justice to ajlthc world,—that great mur
al principle of right, which teaches nations, as it
does men, -to do unto others as it would have oth
ers do unto them,' K is the only direct ,ro*d to per
manent greatness. Shall we travel tins road, or>
gnided by false lights 'nod a loose ambition
which if it lends t> sudden elevation and uujusl
acquisition, is as suddenly shorn of all' its ill-got
•plcudor. k. u.
Day Good-* Palace.—Wo would call the atleo*
Uou of our readers to the advertisement of Messrs
Seaman Sc Muir.
Tlio lollswing- extract from their Circular, which
was tlio New York Mirror, shows the
principles upon wliich their business has been con.
“Ever)* article offered for soles'of their estabiinb
establishment is marked by one of the tires, and ,
never above its lowest cash value, and shall be at:
least as low as the same article can be purchased
elsewhere m this city, and none of their assistants
are permitted to make any deviation from the mar
ked price, and no purchaser’ will be otiered some
articles ut less than the cost and otliurs at an exor*
bient profit Persons visiting their establishment
are entitled lo h audshall~roccive kind and polite
treatment, and will never W urged to purchase
articles which do not please them, and any breach
of this rule, when reported to the principles, will
l>e immediately corrected by dismissing the offend
ing party. 1 ;
. CotrrrxEFErrs.—The Cincinnati Gazette notices
the arrest of a gang of counterfeiters, one of-whom,
E. R Eastman, was committed. Some $lO,OOO of
bad paper was found in his possession, consisting
of counterfeits of the banks and denominations
"named, below: ' ' .
A sso—Fanners' Hank of Virginia.
A slo—Lafayette Bank of Cincinnati.
A s3—Bank of Norwalk, Ohio.
A s3—Bank of Sandusky, Ohio.
Some points in these several counterfeits were
well executed; part of the filling up is also well
done; the rest not. But a very excellent piece i.l
vorkohinwbip, in all respects, is A ssoo—Uuited
States Treasury Note. This is dated January 22,
1S17: payable to Win. T). Nutt; W. Selden, Treas
urer; K. H. Gillett, Register.: Centro vignette, a
large Eagle; right baud margin, a Female figoic;
led hand rnargiu, a head of Washington; all hut the
last admirably exirouted. Imprint, Ilawdon, Wright
and Hatch, New York. • ‘
Free Trade Buckets.— Among the curious facts
of tho day, it may not be amis# to state that Beaver
buckets are to be hooped with English iron. Is not
Pennsylvania iron good enough/ Engliih iron is
so niueb'chcaptrr Hurt Pennsylvania labor cannot
compete with it.-, Beaver bucket hoops of foreign
iron will soon ccomj to bo a novelty,.and we shall
see British bar irou ju our warehouses in as great
-variety us our dry grinds rneu haw British Cottous
and Woolens.'
Jtniiw Wood's Pix»w Patevt. —The telegraph
announces the unanimo'aus adoption in (he Now
York Assembly, ofgi llcsqlutiou asking Congress
not torenewthis patent wbnt we call
looking weU u> tho farmer's interest. Tho per-<.n*
who desires to tax the public in tin; nnmo of Jethro
Wood lave no just claim to a renewal.
I'iee in Okkru.s. —A tire broke out in Oberliu,
Ohio, on Thursday night last, in the store of Mr. J.
M. Filch, prcqirictorof the Olrertin Evangelic Tire
store was entirely destroyed; also four other build
ings, including the Post Olfico. and Ihe.printiug of
fieexf the Evangelist, together with the books, list
of subscribers, It is slated tlml as soon as the
water in the nearest reservoir had become exbaus*
led. the ladies formed a line to a more distant one,
and rendered assistance, 1 by ifieaua of which sev
eral other buildings were saved from destmetipn.
I*aylor Convexnox.—A very large convention
was held at New Orleans a few days since umS
Gen. Zachary Taylor nominated to the Pre#idenc>j.
Ozkslv; of. nn: CtiiPAtox—Tho election m
New Ilainpsliire for Governor,Council, und mem*
licrsof Legislature, takes place on the 14th tost—
The Legislature will havo to choose a U. S Senai
tor, in the place ofMr. Atherton, for six yean froto!
tho 4tb of March, 1819. This election may be com
sideredas the opening of the Presidential cain
: Coo of the oldest importers id the city of New
York informs os that the Brilish'coUou goods which
oost eighteen cents per yard to import them, ore
.now selling at auction in. this market at eleven to
twclvn cents; he also says that only 15 per cent of
the good* now imported from Great Britain is on
accomit of Americans, ela-tiy <iv.- ».t ‘rent
‘odfor»'f7*i Ji.i'ount.’-
iv The u - Ration have an
i uuuced that thry .wonld pay the mi their
uoßgagekMaon Monday, the 6th itut./ 1
On motion of Mr. Gray, it was
lif-xJvf/}, That the Street Commissioners he au
thorized to notify the property holder* to grade and
pave their sidejwalks on straetH that nre brought
to the proper grades. Adopted, but not concurred
in by C.r, f
That the Com. on Engine* he rcmiired
to examine and report whether the Firo Engine
Companies are bn,the decline, and if such prove
to be the case, whnt it i* attributed to' Adopted
and concurred in by S. C.
Ou motion of, Mr. Gray, it was.
n*soh<ul y That Councils will defend the Collect
or of the 4lh Ward, in a suit übout to bo instituted
by George Miltdnborger against sanf collector, for
tlic amount of City and Poor Taxes, which the
said complainant affirms was paid iy liimto the
tax collector of the C iv of Pittsburgh, amfriAer
wards collected by Ilenj.' Simmons, cOTteclor c
taxes of the Ith Ward. Allegheny. ■
On motion of (Mr. Stockton. referred to Com. o
claims. Concurred in by S. C.
Oa mouou ofilr. Boyd it was:
That a special CommiUee of Comic
be appointed. consisting of five from 0. C., and fc
from S, („ who shall constitute ii "conimiuee of
ception," to receive the lion. Heury Clay, on
visit to these Cities. Adopted, and Mes-rs. M
ncr, Boyd, Jtobisoii, Borland nnd Stockton •
chosen. C
On motion'of Mr. Graved was:
«i>edal on-
foso/iYJ,.Thai n social committee U* uppaint
cd. consisting of threelrooi Cl. 1 ami two t'rutn S C
to inquire \i-liy Anderson and Cedar streets i»
opened. I j' :
Messrs. Gray,! Morrison, nud Hohison oho*eu.
Mr. Uoyd presented n bill front H. Wallace for
making a book and paper ease tor the treasurer, to
amount of SI.Mh Head and laid over on second
reading. I .
On motion iq;Mr. Oray, llic urdiuuuce n* sup
press lowliog saloons or ten pm alley*, was taken
up and adapted.' Suit to S 0;
l>n motion u! Mr. Morrisdu, tlie Mayor was au
thorized to drnw a warrant on the treasurer, id fa
vor of A Woodhouse tor 1-10,00. in full, for the ex
penses ot holding two in the lin-t ward.
Concurred in l*y S C.
On motiba of Mr. Boyd. the Muyor was uullmr
ized to draw a warrant on the treasurer in favur of
George L Mclntire, fir I'J/i'l.
Common Council concurred with rS t.‘m n.-eept-
I ihg the report of the committee uu fmanoe. und
! adopting the appropriation ordinance lor IMb, ac
companying the: rejxirL
Also, imndopting the following resolution
AVusV-/, That the committee tin street* l*e di
; reeled to inquire into the expediency of Imildin* a
bridge across the Camd on Ijcix-k street, and re
p.-rt to the next regular meeting of eoutteil*.
Also, m-tliw rt!*olulion i nuthon/.mg the Mayor to
draw u warrant on the Ov.isurer m tuv«i of Ken
nedy 1 A: Brother to the utn->unt of their Ul for print
ing and advertising. *
'Also, in referring the comnnitii'catioo from the
'Mayor stating that Appropriations Nom. ] audio,
were exhausted! hi committee efit tiiian--e.
■ The clerk cf pclect li:<ttiir:ilyt;ti<-d the concur
i reiit-c of that l>edy with C C ip authorizing lie-
Mayor to draw .•) warrant ia favor ot Joseph Craig
fr-rfurnishing cajidles to the amount cf also
in the re-clutiba; requiring the (kunmittee on En
gine* 11 hive u door cut into the Washington En
gine House, oil the side next KeJeral street.
A txmununicalioii from the City TAsasurcr was
read, staling, that the Mayor had given the secure
tv required for the litilhfui performance of the du
ties of his bllicc. j
Also, one from the Mayor was trad. -Ualfttg.
that all the citr oplcers had given bond* tor lite
faithful performance of the respective duties ot
their office*. ■ J
The Clerk oj'tlie Select (Aiunnl reported the
following resolution, as u was adopted by that
dy, which received tin? unanimous concurrence of
the Common Council:
R&clruf, By the; Select and Common Council*
of the city of Allegheny, that the Muyor t>c re
quested to invite tlie Hon. Henry Clay, to visit this
city on his return to Kentucky; and that the Presi
dent* of Council:* take *tich measures for hi* re
ception as may be deemed an appropriate and
proper manifestation of respect £>r so distinguish
ed u citizen.
J. W. Kevnedy, Clerk C. i.
-Meutino in mevory of J. Q. An.vxs.—Pursuant
to call, by proclamation of th« Mayor, at '.in* re
quest of a nnmbcr of the luhabitnnts. the citizens
of tire city of Aticgheuy assembled nl tire town
hottse. on Saturday -evening tin* 4th i>C March,
ISIS, and appointed T L McMillan, EsqTus presi
dent, and I) N White to act as secretary. -
The meeting faring organized, tho following res
olutions alter some discussion, and 0 general in
terchange of sentiment, was adored.
That; a committee of thirteen be nj*-
jwinted to make all necessary arrangements lor the
delivering of an Kufegy in honor of the lamented
On uiotiou, That the Chairman a
Secretary appoint tlic committee.
Oil motion, tire meeting adjourned, to meet agt
at the call of the committee.
tl McMillan, cvu.
..!) X White. Sec.
Hudson *a:pANyß.v , UA.—Ti>bight affords the last
opportunity our citizens will have of viewing Mr-
Iludsou's PanoMtiia of the IludMm River. Famil
iar from our!boyhood with every part of this aobte
oud beautiful river, we can' truly War witness to
the accuracy und fuitiifulni-sM of Mr. Hudson's pic
ture. ; Those who have never, and may never be
enabled to soil up the Hudson in reality, will be
amply compensated by viewing its many beauties
as displayed t!puti:lhe canvass by Mr. linden.
I’t—Owihg to the carlessnem of soon- persons
not connected with our press room, our first page
was thrown into wlmt printer* know and detest as
pi, on Monday morning. We shall renew the
page at once und be nil right lignin by the close of
the week.
Vow* Witto Association. —By reference t<
oiir advertising culuinus, it will be seen that tin
• gallant and energetic Young Whig-j of our city on
determined to pay every possible liouorlothe vcn
crated sage of Asi.liu.d, who is about to make us;
brief vint.
• .Miii. llrrjt'MKi'CY-—W«s Lnve lteen .shown a
letter (untied ut Citjeiuvianab tor Pittsburgh uu the
27lhjilf February, to which was added vti.wtt,
und tin: New York Post oriico Mump of March 2d
The letter continued fiiteuclusnre of live thousand
Pcnuiylvanta LcgUlatnre.
llurri>bur;. r . Martii ‘J, 1M 1 ?,
The cimiutlec to whom was referred the exam
ination of the charges preferred ugiunM Judge Ir
vine. ha Voir Lined tho hearing of testimony—nearly
two iiiindrcd:wittie*sos have been examined. A
report will doubtless lie mude to the ifotiio m a
few days. ’
Mr. Noble presented a remuiistraucif against tav
ern licenses. Mr. riwurlJiweldcr, one from EII/.0-
bclh Brown fir a divorce.
Tim Resolution of Mr. RtU relulivu to tin* ap
pointment of u committi'e to u«ci*rtnm and report
10 the House whether the IViuinyl vunin . Railroad
Company hus:u legal existence, mid bow it obtain
ed it* charter, -wu* in order imd-djsciissrd until the
hour of adjournment arrived.
T«E Ikon Ticad Wyoming Iron Works,
at South Wilkesba re, huve suspeuded operations.
The Cumberland 3 [quntainecr auys that “the pres
ent proprietors of tire Mount Savage Irou Works
iiavc concluded noi\tn put them 111 operation, in
consequence of ihu recent reduction 111 iron." It
wiit be recollected ‘hot these works were uol long
since Mild to Eoah.*rn cnpilidists; It ulso states (hat
tho Irena Furnace b|ui suspended operuliotw for
want of funds. Jy
Tjie American Baptist Mbsionary Society,
a few montljs bad ten Chinese colpor*
teurs successfully distributing Christian books
among their country-men, partly at tl»e ex
pense of the American Tract Society.
CviiC Chajuctkus. — The rerimins of Sara
cenic architecture ;iii Spain, abound in in
scriptions iti. the Cufic character. Gibbon
says,.that these characters arc the ground
work of the present Arabic alphabet, and
originated on the banks of the Hupliraies.
Fcuju.c AccoL'cifEuas.—Dr. Gregory, of
Boston, has published a long and strong
pamphlet advocating the edneatidn and
ptojmeat Qf/cmaU accoacheun.
Icnce of ’Pittihargh Gsxctt*.
Corw»poodeace of the Pittsburgh Gazelle.
• WAsmsGTos, March 0, lS4f>.
SexAte—The Senate wu called to order at noon
and a bnycr made by the Key. Mr. Guriev, Chap,
lain of the body. '
Various petitions and memorials v* ere presented
and referred, among them was one by Mr. Benton,
asking: for a printers to the Senate,’
rtll otlier printing: establishments -in Washington
had a holiday, and the Congressional /offices ask
ed a similar favor. The resolution was referred to
the Committee on Printing.
Mr. Miller presented the resolutions adopted by
the State of New Jersey, in which they lully ap
prove | the principles adopted by the Chicago Con
veulion, in relation to internal improvements, and
naked Congress to carry them out, which were or*
derod to be printed.
Mr. feevier (hen moved that the Senate go into
Executive Sossion, which wns agreed to.
llou^e. —Mr. Bridges, the newly elected nucces
sor of jllic Hon. J. \V. Hornbeck, from the Allen
towu District, appeared, was qualified, and look his
seat. | :
On motion the consideration of the bill releasing
the Judges ol the District Courts from Circuit du
ty for two years, was made the order of the day.
Mr. Bowlin made a very able speech agaiost.tbc
bill, anfl argued that while the judges were reliev
ing thi Supreme Court dockeMhe dockets of the
Circuit Courts tVould become fuller than the one
they ujjuld relieve.
Mr. Jacob Thompson next oUaineJtlie floor, and
movedj to amend the bill ho as to allow the judges
one years release, which after a long debate was
adopted, nnd tbe-bill as amended passed and sent
to the Senate for concurrence.
Mr. .Ilall, of Missouri, moved to suspend the
rules of the House to allow him to bring in a reao*
lution tendering the tbanksof Congress to Colonel
Doniphan and Col. Price for their services The
yeas and ntys being calleJ, the motion prevailed
—yeas; G 3, nays 55.
r - of "Virginia, offered a resolution, In
structing the Committee ou Military Affairs to in-
quire what otficer* were entitled to the (hanks of
Congress, which was agreed to, ami the House ad.
journed until Tuesday.
Correspondence of the l*in»l»urj;h Uaie.ue.
1 Philadelphia, March 0, lhla.
By ati arrival from Porte Cabello, with dutes to
tho HKh ultimo, information has been received
from L'uraooas, where all is confusion, in conse
quence of a c-vil war in full blast between Presi
dent Monarges and Getj. Pnez.
After the late attack by order of the President
Ufwn Chugresn, he assumed complete control of the
arm}, uud carried lus plans by the sword. Gem
l’uez, to wliom the people with one conseutlookcd
as theft Meador, issued a prontiuciameuto against
.the President, and took the field aud rallied round
him the Venezuela people, who with him declared
that they would not respect (he acts of Congress
passed Under le v of the Soldiery of the President-
The President, ou other hand, denounced
Cn?H. Pocz as a traitor* and look the field ngainsl
lum. Two engagement! had taken place, in both
of which Gen. Paez had l*een success!til, and ob*
tamed poskession ol several towns.
B.u-tiuobe, March it, IS4S.
All business has been in n measure susjKjnded
to render respect to the remains of John Qutnry
Adatu-nj which urnvqd iu the city 10-day, on the
way to Qtmicy for intermcnL The ImjJls have been
tolled and the flags of the shipping and on the pub'
,b.: buildings displayed ut half mast. The procet
ci**sn*a wa-» no doubt the largest ever seen at a fu
ueral u| this city.
Philadelphia, March ft, 4 p. m.
[•Tour—The market is qmet with moderate sale*
Westeni brand* at sft 41 bbl.
Gniii—t>f Wheat, then! is none m llte market.
Cora hits fallen he.,
Provisfoas—The 1 - market is dull, without, how
ever, any change iu prices.
Groceries are without change.
Nothing Kas transpired indicating any change
under tjui influence ol foreign news.
Corrc-iKimlener.or the Puuborch Gazelle
i Baltimore. March 'G, 3r. u.
Fu/vx —-There has been nothing, yet done to in
dicale the ciiocyof the foreign nevvs. The steam
ei •» new* has unsettled the market, but quietness
prevail* UKbiy, in consequence of the excitement
caused by the funeral procession of Mr, Adams.
Exclusive of the Pittsburgh tiaaer.
I Clscisjun, March G, f* p. it
Fun t:—The market is firm, and the article i
held at $4,5(1, without finding buyers. The ibrein
new* had a depressing eflect-
WiiuinEr—Sales at l"c per gall.
CiKocbiJKs—The market is without change.
(JoaviiEAi:—Sales at $1,50 per bbL
B Sales of country salted, bogrouud, al3p
{> lb. • •
itnss Pore—Soles of eilrn sugared No. 1 at «9
Bitter —Sales of roll at He per lb.
Ik ut Poes—Sales of Hams at 4c,’and ofShoul*
ders ut 2c $> lb.
Corrd.s—Sales of middling Louisiana at 7'c per
lb. * r
EiclumCe Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette
i New York, March 0, 3 P. M
Riur—The market ia very quiet, ami the ten
dency. downward. Holden are anxious to sell,
but buyers do not yet appear.
Grame-There i* a good inquiry for Wheal'for
milling, but other grains are quiet. Jn Com.there
is less doing, and the market has & downward ten
dency. Other grains are without change.
Provisions— t hear of very little doing to-day.
Hie foreign news has produoed no change in the
market. ; A better feeling is evinced in Pork, with
out any improvement in prices. Western No 1
Mess is selling at $ll p bbL Prime Western is
held at-S3. I can quote no sales however at
that figure. Sales of Western Lard at 7J<t/Sc ?
10. Baltimore rendered is selling at Ci
market qUieL
iiucon-j-rSales of Western cured lrnins at'GKS
W and Shoulders at 31-2310 lb—market firm.
Couon-T-Sales have been ejected at an advance
ol Sc, for.cxport.
Lrmta’s Modr. or Preacijixo.—“ I dia*
course as plainly as possible, for I desire
that the. commonest neonle, that children.'
that servants, should understand what I say.
It is not. for the learned that we go into the
pulpit—they have their books.” Dr. Eras
mus Albums, previous to his departure for:
Hrandenbure, questioned Dr. Luther as to
how he ooght to preach before the Electors.
, our sermons,’’replied Martin, “shouldbe
addressed, not to princes and nobles, but to
.the rude, uncultivated commonality. If in
my discqurses;.rwere to be thinking about
Melanethon and the oilier doctors, 1 should
do no good at all; but I preach in plain lan
guage toi the plain, unlearned people, and
tliat pleasa alt parties. If I know the Greek,
Hebrew and Latin languages, I reserve them
for our learned meetings, where they are of
use; for at these wo deal in -sueh subtleties
and such profundities that God himself, I
wot, must sometimes marvel at us.” Life
of hither', by himself, from the French of Mich
eld. triiTVtlated by Hazlitt.
I'iTiir.ji Mathew goes lo Rome before lrn
takes passage ;for. this country.
N ever Stop to wish a thing done. Go do it
Ip“ fa* in* Pkorra Mtux*.— Jfy UQ w( ,f. ... ......
Sir’ «2»^"Krp^is;
then ihe only efficient mean* to cure yon U to U&
raiium übtlb at the *nme timo all inflammation i/*ub
;SS',!™Wr'S.“'" 1 y " uw “ 6-OI.M £■!.*»•
..s ±tai' ~rsi' “ r ' u “ ■*“ »»«, ™
•| ■ jmnl7
Ki^ss^r^irssr 1 "' ,ura 8,,r
»s? iKs;. w,, '‘ g ’ “
—* " ,J P“‘rW breoui.
Spongy gum* like rotten death
1* «pui*lre and dUgu.ttnw ’
BT ew Houa. ILC.-n, Gtank. lUr.’ tiiiimmi
.. .u aniclo.mora jiud, cel e b„ Kd JYc U rs iSth.
above than any or.oil other*. It* care* areainuLt in
by WM. JACKSQN, Ap,n £?s£.
! ~ iioviMfcwfl«r
. ID'bool tharo yellow dark TVeth-they can be
ssxz&sasvsEi ss&skiX'
'•SffESi**,, 0 * t'MioJTtf Ujo Bald
SSr *S p J* l^« jro 2' a luxuriant head of hair,'
; fre«_ from daadnuT and aeorf; do not jail torroccre the
ffemuae Balra.of Columbia.-. In care*/of.ffids£* it
w,H more than exceed your expcctatiok!K
hare J<at their hair tor SO year* hare hid it required to
»u engtnaj mneciuui by the use of
•tate or conditionappear to !« no obstacle wbatererii
al*o caa*e« the fluid to flow v’th u-hi»K »tr B i i- .
srcy „ ,b = Afioetic li,W uShuTSSJ
hair restored to ll* natural color by theure'afihia inval
uable remedy, la all case* of f.ver r ID , V u
most pleasant that can be used. •a^ < Sh«
miscalled hair KMonuvea und is more eifectui *n!l
vSt?."'' 1 c °»-“*k * c», ?1 £?i,,Sa
3 i So»;1n Urowiurib. by lfcl.mli'cmlTk^
“ C«, un .bnr K . by D,. Voa.b’.lL" by otf.iS.ffi
.very <■>«,. m Pa, Oh.o and Jld. ' ~’nvlbdK.T
iealde, «c.j ami ulj external .ores, m a few] minute, ai
ter iU application; healing the same on the moM, deli-
C K ’V ,,, r l .“J ,ns '' o duallyLSiiil ib
all kinds of inflammatory diaeaaca, »uch iU .sore Nlo-
P* e f *•***■ Sprain., nheumndfin, White Swelling
Eble. U fe r W ft rUije ‘’ Una i. ; K^liS
SweS ? c * >'* udil os proof to
..-T, • ’ • , ! an l e ‘ ° r wwiy eminent physicians who
u»e it in Uietr practice, and hundred* of the clerrv who
nraue u to their people. Kim! parent keep it rbustintlv on
hand, in care, of accident by lire, life *Si r b? low with”
uide.s til “** a) ‘, LariUß p 3 sahjectu} its control,
■?2 r i&“ I d , c * lr °r Cautioiilßemember
f";"*' 01r £° nnell’* Magical .Pam Kxtractor. tuanu-
S t v y wST*. o ?££&. N Y - “"J no other.
Liberty *1 A * c,,t {ot PiuM>urf*)i. 89
Libert) .a, head of Wood. liovlfctUfcwflmT
: [ETTitt Cumats I. strangely destructive io iho hu*
lQsiiciinclc, (or skin) the sudden change from' beat to
nlei “ D , d ‘ n *^ e cou » e * > eUow, dark, course com
plextotis. rhea uis requisite that the treres of the fkiu
should L>« kept open—thru their mouths should Ire freed
,hu * H ,c ,uuieftt Roiilan I’hilo*o
d L computed] that more
r £ d va P° f * through tb
llie oore* of the ikut, than any other outlet pf the body
t u necessary, thereiore, to keep the pores open-all
humor* are dispelled from the skin from the pore*
when they wash with Jones’ Italian Chemical Soap i
have seen it cure the wor*t and oldest cases of Salt
° ldSor ?> ltch; Sore Head,
cre ry other internal and external
relnedy hud failed—it* effect rendering life !*kiu white,
clear and soft, though it be yellow and coarse is won*
f?i-!r l R rcmoVcl freckle*, Tan, Sunbdni Morphew,
and disfigurement of the skin—but persons must
he particular and ask for Joses Soap— (o be had in
Pittsburgh at WM. JACKSON’S, sign of llie Big Hoot,
B 9 Liberty at. Trice fib cent*. novlDd&wly-
Errand Boy.Wantrd- A 1..*)-i« to
of errand* at this Office. 1
•c revert.
» miicli uouirii
i iilto ooiuidi
>} i‘
D». Tajrler’i Balm ofLlvt
rfwlATthi* medicine sboulducuuirt w>l
J. ty, i* nos nl oil strange, when we mki
ruiUMi the Tiort numbers that are cuml by it- u>c.
many year* it ha« proved *o a»ti>m»lunely »ucc.*m
at She north, that yearly every family retain it in Iht
iu>u« a. an anudote to colds cough* aud mm-mtnpuoi
ITiaUm other article |<osw!*Aes tli« vime im-rti*. i*
cfjunll) true, and the consumptive h;arc'lthat lie cun
depend Upon dns medicine, when nil others liuve proved
worthless. There it not a doubt hut thousands urc
yearly cured by tht« iitenUinablc tucdiciuc. nud in amny
iu»tnnce» wjietc ihowe given up to die, have, in mi in
fI | L"*' abort tune, been entirely cured by In uunvnll
cd athcnc;. The loilovrituf remarkable case of con
sumption wn« cured by sin. Utdsiim ufUvcfwort, A«
Jon value life unj health, nud wouldiic cured, ut once
rr-u.riX tin, article, and rest assured youlwitl not re
tort in vuni—hut read and juilpc tor yourself.
l.vrF.itjrt.w coat ov timim-rina *.\o; Lmm coy
rum.—l hud a violent, eoujh, with raisint* ol phlegm,
a wtere ]>am in my tide, back, utoiuueh and acry«* luv
bowel*. 1 wm;w cold at tunes It veined impossible
to keep warm, even when other- w ere complainin^ol
, “'“V ? ,ld ni >' * kl " wa * VPt >* yellow 1 tell awny u,
.kiu nud bone*. my veins sunk in and becaihc invisible,
ami every pcr*ou sapposed me dying. A friend of tnmc
recommended tun to u> l>r. Tnylor 1 * Ualiuin of Liver
wort, which l «ot,a* my piiywctan did iue iio«ood. and
Un» medicine restored me to (rood health auun.
lUa.-T . I>hij. Curp*-.;trr, tMU M ftier Ktreei
Although Um*uml».is# ore cured by Dr. Tuylbr.
in lA*rrwonr anil xm many *lili die of tliat fatal malady,
l ie cnuMs u pioui. nortect Sr.i .ymptum*, ami
ibrn,ir»fle wiih U»mg» ol no u*e until u i» tod late, ri-.-atb
flu: every ua.t c»n l.r cured if h.y will.—
l aKr-.Uu* medicine a: the very first uppr»aii/i tn" the in
subou. roe. and you vnll-R.-cured. :Ym this ii.niicm.-
“8' cured cousumptiun in advance,! lUacc*. si* tli>> tr*u
mutual' fx-iow Will proi r. Rut tlic Mire*! way i» nut to
dcler, w« “delay*are alMui*.daun-r.m. 1
Prepared and told at Tj Beckham ►ire.-u Nt-w Yurk.
tk»d ui PiiulrtirEh J»> JIJ Morgan, H.IJ AV«*4 J
Tuvvn«cnd.4i.Martct m, li Sniy--/. cur Market and dd
»*S JtmiWton A. (.'<», i Libenv IV,ce reduced in
€l2operforce bottle. " , uar r
Aid. (>cr«Jii» iisicrtsieil l-i the Kii.-umou oi Duuuesne
W ay. rroui iv pf.-vrtu teinenauou ui Wamhinjion
•irret to the fotftiern line or ftie city, cu tht? Alleelieny
river, cte ficreh) nuiilied that a pl»noi*pccitic’alion of
the opening ul said Duqursor Way, u n«»}V depoftl. d tu
the Odice wl* the UocordiU-4 lle K 'ul»Ujr. lor .public ex
aminaUon ami »n*pecu.m. a.* directed by Ordinauc* 01
the ami tiny ui Novcihlkt, IstT, authbrizuig thr opening
of tttld W ay. J:
mnr? Bee.-rJniy R.-. ;u:.itnr, CiVy uf fitshureh
bhiroct Iroct |Uih ofan Ac. t nliltrij i!An Ai l to
?.“ t^ofl/r b«- brouchi upon itw Oilirbl Bond ut
Wtlliam ll Aiiicbell, latr ;^
• And any owner or owner* of ground Ivtng un'thr
line ot *ucft »ureL Jane or allev, who shfof cuutider
(hat be, she or Uiry, nhall «ud'.ir uautage iruiit the upru
iiig ox widening 01 the miw, may apply, bv j>, l<*
the next Court of Quarter ScKilou* ot the County of AJ
legheny.” ' , xnar7t.U
- D’o-l. Chronieie und Ameriran copy.)
X Uentfeuion of tniddlu ag.-, brought up to taercanule
*Ju*bie»v. withe* to enjn-r in ciune ir.peciuiil.- wli«lr
*aj>: »lore, or inanufaciunin; eoncern, cither a-.
mhu or general nuitinnt iu ihu.murmireiiirut oi a con
cern. .
• tritimrmal:-. will l>r tiuJ
»alury only, reeled. A«Wrrt.» iioxU£i, M.:
I'iMKhfiCr. ' *
lUecptloift of th« Klota. UeurV CU),
ARi KcTl'I.XCi of liio Young Whig*' A**l - i3tico wii
U* u: the OJrou, o.t thi« |Toit«diiyi evening,
Jlarrh Trk nt 7 oYinek. hit the. |» U r;u>«<' nij|i:ikti« ur
nugruicntk tor giving iheCn-m NatfinsnliimJ Cml
mu, Heory Clay, ■ worm ami cbrdmi rrci'jiiion.
lETAIJ are inTUrd to nttrnd. <■ !
mut7 y I-‘ VOX UONNHuRST. I’r.-.'i
ALL prraoii* hating butiues* wilh Robert S Cm
»at, arc requeued to call on the ujuforriltueii:
fcbat | \ 4:h_»t,ueßr grant.
JOHN S IHLWORTIl—ilntc >Vil!wn« A JJiiworth.
wholcunlp (irocpf. l*fo»tu<'r nml CntiimnVion Mr r
chant, No V 7 Wood Hired, hlmivc Kir»i. I‘iusburgh.
MOLASSES— Cl<] bbl* I'liuiuuion, landing from «unr
Diligence, nndlor siilo by ,
SUGAR— eJ bbd* N O Saptrjcu bbtsloaf, No* Ito 7:
10 ease* double refined loaf sugar, U 3 blit* |<ulve r *
ired, No* 1 to 4; 23 bozo* white’ Havana; for sale by
mar? MILLER ft KlCKßrstSx
'i"\LD WHISKEY—OId MonmigaUcla /or title by the
barret, urnl on ilrnugl.t s bbls'y, old Uourbou whis
key. lor sale by
HAMS A SHOCLDEUS-ii c»k* tuuiilyTbam* SKI
•■boulder*, this day rrr'd per slllir Hibernia, nud )br
■ulejiy _ mar? JA MEM A HUTCHISON ft Co
HEMP— tf bale* Ky dew-ruttrd, )m>t rrcM and lor
talc by mar? JAMES A HUTCHISON ft Co
BACON— *JU.U(JU hams. sides and shouldcr*,}usl rrr'd
by *imr Skipper, nnd for sale by ■
. Jnar7 S ft. \VIL\RDALGU
(tOKFEE— ISO bag* Rio, for sale by I •
J niar7 ‘ MILLER ft KICKbX-tON
BOfASII-l* rasks supr. quality, tor sale by
- mar” MILLER ft. RICKIh~SON
LAiID-4a keg* .No 1, lor sale by
BEANS — do bl>N small white, 111 store nod for »a)r try
"VTAlLS—b*ook«fg* b.*h‘ul ui More and for sale; by
il_ umr? O UIaACKIUIR.V k Co
DRIEP PEACHES—f.H* bu JiutTr*. io do fim- cling,
for sale by ntnr7 .MKHLU RUSHMEI.Dft ROE
MOLASSES— 350 bids plauiution for rale by
. mnr7 Mi l Ut.'SHFI EI.D ft ROE
SUGAR— MJhlids prime NO, to arrive per ittdr Ainer
icaii Engle, lor snip by
_ _.Mc6ILI ± m;SHFIELDft ROE
SCORCHINGS— 30c*lt*prime fomulr bv
POTASH— ii.'c«lci» prime, fpr s;iln by
mar 7 WICK ft hirCANDLF-SM
Cl .OVER SEED—9I bbl- just recM and for sillc by
BHEESK— 30 bi» rxira prime WR, ju*l recht imd (or
sak by mur7 _\VICK ft McCANDIA^S
KOLLDinTER-ai bl.Ulirsli.just rrc'ilamfliirnalc
_by _ w? WICK ft **cCANDLES«t
BKI^WaX— A-mall lot for sain by !
mar; WICK ft .MrC.WDI.Ess
CtA 'i WOOl>—si bb!« Nr w York ground, forVala by
*' ItTISTS 1 (iAWASS—On •trrtrlii-rn and byihe yd;
SOpiecc* aeCtdsueii. fur sale by !
• mnr? . J KIDDA C«.
-ft do/for sale by mur? J KlllD.ft Co
SPANISH WUIT'NU-Jo bl.Uiii .ic,rr i.mi Waste
by marT J KJI)I)A C<;
H'hromrle copy.)
ri UH- IjObbls South I'arulma'fbf »nlc hy I
STIRITB THItPKSTIXK—Itf bbl* forsul’e by! ‘
Linseed oil—torittWiy ! !
mar* HR A ON • A .REITER
O” RANGE l.i.l* for Ml.- by ;
mitr7 HKAUiN it REITER
GLOVES —A £ootl anforimait of bhick, white mul
colored cotton and fill! iJTovca. larpe ti/e.*, nun re
cciyedund for ante by SHACKLKIT K WHITE
tiitifO - . !!l wool -.ircet
HOSIERY —A full aupply of hlnck, white, unbleach
ed mud mixed cotton hose uiul half ho»e. m.-ii:.',
women*’ audcbildrcna' «xr»*ju»t opened by !
FANCY CASSEIIERKS—h ettaea plaid*, »tripca,
plain color*, just opened and tor ink by i
STARCH— 00 bxa funcy, lawioii’s brand, in aiurc A
for aalo by ItcbdO] L S WATERMAN
CLOVER SEE.D—I'JO buah priiun new rac’d dmi for
•ale by ifebyS] TASSEY A REST
fpi.MOTH YSKED—su bush for *u!o by }
X’ febd-l TASSEY A UfIST
DRIED TEACHES—i£O bush, for sale by - !
NAILS-dW keg. aa»'d »i»a for sale by
CIGARS— iSJ,UXJ Huvattu, in ur.lwxea, of variocia and
choice brand*; for *a!« by WESTIIOWKX
fcbSS 70 fronljil ,
MOLASSES— I£o bbla prime N O Molanaea, in oak
bbU, landing from aunr Kricndihim nml for aalo by
rf!EA—75 h!f cU»U and bxa Y liyaon. l lnmcri4l and
X Gunpowder, for aalo by TASSEY'A REST
fcb‘J3 j .‘lo wood at
IAISINS—3O bx< freah, rec'dand for aale l»*> .
BLUE a OIIANGL case* cuUre- uew
•lylu tadbuiklcolor*, jutiopened by.-
HbW r eiuaftifiTAAVHn'Er
J '
! “S?«?S£^i c ISK?
.*" 3M tfTJUCET, ' '■'••'>•
-184 S, &Z 3
roa xuk t»awwarAiios or xiA, TJ£jjjy
vrjll be promptly Jorwnnled free of
mari .
£xecnlor’i Notice. " ~
LETTERS of Administration hare this Jar been
granted to Joseph Anderson and. Alexander Hi.
land*, on the estate of Wrn Anderson, la;,* of Rn„. !
township, deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate, will call and set.
lie, and those having claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated for settlement to eith.
cr of the undersigned.
* A HIGHLANDS, JKxec trs.
Ros* Township, March sth, ISM n]n ' r^
Turnpike Election.
A N‘ Election will be the public house ofMuj
il. John Irons, in tho borough of Cauoiisburgh, on
Monday tlie Ithli day of April uext, to elect one Presi*
dent, one Treasurer, and hve Managers, for the Wash
ington amH’iltsburgh Tarnpike Road Company, for the
ensuing year. mnrtiOt JOHN L. COW, President.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockholder* olthe
Amygdaloid and Isle Royale MiuingCompitny. that
uu assessment of 3U per cent, on each share has been
made, payable to Zalmou Fitch, Es<|., Treasurer of said
Company, at his office in the city ol‘Cleveland, on or
before lbs first day of April, ISIA
Cleveland. Mareii lot. 151“.
MOLASSES —100 bbis Plantation in prime orde
lauding from ktmr Diligence, und for «aJc by
»noriJ_ j J & It fU)YI)_
T)OLL ULTrKK-tf bb!s frcih, rec’dnnd far tale by
BACON —50UU pounds country cured, for tab* low to
,clo*c, by_ mart; \V & RJtI’CUTCIIEON
SUGAR— 10 lilnU fair N 0,(1 do prime to arrive; for
►ale by mart} WEST UOWEX
SWKET OlL—'i cnnk* ju«i received nrul Tor sale bj
CLOVES— 1 bill just rec’d and for sale by -
Ulnfls I _r ksn.r.i-ns^
P AIUS ORHEN—4 cuns (5G lbs each.) superior, ju
rec’d and i{jr,aln ty (mart] R K SELLERS
CHLOROFORM— 0 lbs ju»t rec'd mid for sain by
DHIKDBKLF— <5 casks sugar cured, a prime articL
in store mid for «dci by_ 0 BLACKHUILN L Co
SAJjI —HO bLI» No l, al tiie landing. for *alrf Lv
rjlAK—bbliWiliuinglon, for tolu by
JL iu#pl v \ _ .MfU.KRA IUCKirrsO.V
-lirixuo'n- 6^y--jjw
Tf Hrowu*ville landing, by
MOfcrASSKS —lUO SbU NO, lor saJe by
.■nnrti : i » DIIAVQKTU
HKAV\ SIIIUTINU CllECK9—Constantlyon hand.
Stewart's mouuiaiHuro of heavy- shirting aiul tiu*
uiiurc-checkt, at the dry goods house of
"“•j 4 __ wr MunpiiY^.
CAXDLES— IUU boxes Summer .Mould, iu siore and
for sale by _ ICIER A JONES
PMkllL ASU—IO bbls. iu store und for sale by ‘
.‘““I 4 Isaiah dickey «« co
CHEESE —JO bis in store for tule by
WHITE BEANS—I til bids stiiail-wbiie. lur sale by
C HOARS iWO.iXX) coonnon. lor sale by
' . _ maf 7 WICK * UcCANDLESS
G\ LASS—I 42 bis 6x111; «do lOil'A lor tide b}
AUnrjCIAI. LEAVES—A small quantity of roa
leaves, buds, callows, Ac, ju»l received at
_^ U,L _ V H EATOX k Co’s
/’"IOTTON FRINGES - A good assortment always o
(marl] EH EATONA Co’s
GLASS— St 4) bis ass'd sizes, from tixstoalx3o,coat
try brands, in store and tor sale by
_ l J ,nrl . :... , J _c u;d}vkll
(10TTO.N —Td bales, ju»t receiving and for sale bv
J K-waNauh.
SUGAR-27 hints ,\ OSucar landing and for sale by
[tiimrlt BROWN &. CULBERTSON '
MOLASSES— KM Lids N O just rec'd and for sain by
FISH UOXE-hM lbs for sale by »
J- ,narl _... .. R E SEI^LERS
PL’LV ELM BARK-04 lbs fur sale by
~inur4 R E SELLERS
SJ AMD CRUClBLES—ikioiie» : !Vt'or*ale4jy
' *a*xl j_llESElX.tmS
ROLL BUTrKR—3 hbl* f/c»h ju-»t recbl and for sab
by roar'd _ JOHN S DILWORTH
T \RIED-ABI4jKS —100 bush, in-store and for sale by
DRIED PEACHES—9b bush, for-aaie by ' -
EKANS-CO bids ti.ndJ vrjiite.'A.r tJe by ~
LAUD OIL—C bbln and 4 bU'Jxbl* superior, just rc
ceiTcd und lor sate be -
umr;l -. * IiROWX 2c CULBERTSON
I^ANCYSOAP— IP 2U lb boxes Ciucia. fancy, lor sal i
SUGAR— 50 hlida prime NO. received nr Dnjfube; ibr
»«lr l.y marU BROWN i; CULBERTSON
HlDti?— »J>i dry tiide*. juKt by atinrGray
L*g|o; andior *ule by S k W HARUAUGH ,
* eu * SJ wood at
FLUtilrsd lililnfur ulr liy
ioflowpriced linen kerchief*, from 10 cent* to hie h
pnce , l French, for gale by fmarll_r H EATON' &Co
GRINDSTONES— 10. ua'ld tiaca, for sole by
_ ‘warr g_KVON_Ho N NHORST kCo
POWDER— 300 Leya Ueatty'Asupcrinr ride,and ruck
powder, tor aale by
. _FR|KN'D RHEV k Co
IJICE— 'Jdtreaprimc quality for talc by
At nart • FRIEND ktIEYACo
COFFEE— 100 bag* prime Rio, per Tnelioua, f„r aale
_by [mart] FRIEND RJIEY kCo
"1 rOLASSES—OOO bbla for ante by 7"-
ijA mart FRIEND BHKV kCo
SUGAR— 373 hhd* prime NO. for sale by
_ —l™! l-TUEND^RIIEV&fu
LOAF SUGAR—JS>S bbla oaa'td oahed k pow-
“"™^ o ?.i«deby (martj FIUENDJUIKY &Co
BACON-10 c»U oaa'td, :*>7ooo lb* inVmSETT
SCOIICIIINUS Ilcoaka for aale by
SCORCHINGS —cakaprime, fur salc-by
... ! iuni WICK a McCAN'DIjyS
rroRACCO-SO bxa superior S* tobacco; 3S> do Ik iS do
A 1>*«; l4 do Spring's Aromatic. Lee* au
pcnord twiau for talc by_ .WICK k AIcCANDLESS
CUiKESE— li bxa W llCheeae; Mcakado. foreaifbv
■'’.E'i'Al.—lOOtonaAllegheny FranldinFurnace,
lauding and for tale by
.."art . ROUT DALZELL k Co
pLOVERSEED-!oobuthreeVivin/andforaafe by
4 LCOlJOL—Sbblajuit rec'd and for sale by
4 LOES—I ense for aale by
GUM SHKEliAC—(Orange) fur aale by
CASTILE SOAP—J rater ibr aale by
GLNOEII— i can t powdered while Jumaiea. warrant,
ed puro. lor aulc bv (mart! JOHN D .MORGAN
A Q.AMONIA— IO lb„ conccnrrtiici! in Ilb boltlea.
ii. «or Stic by butty JOfINU «OK« \N
(Chronicle and Pp»t copy.)
Onions —a wimii lot for »ai« h%-
LIKlv— 10 bliU Louisvilio white, for »alu liv
__“«■! .. . J D WILLIAMS
\\J IIITIMW 1>U1» Spanish, for sail- liv
m : jo Williams
A Ml 1 l'-LACK—I cask lor rale by
’ _ _ !»«*-’ ■ J B WILLIAMS
CIOTTON— ImJe tlii* day r.-c'iLjK' strcr Urilhaiit,
_ / <or «nl* l»y ftimrJl m*TCHiao\ •
H.Ull CLOTH it VBI.VLT SHVTf.NG—A lull m
♦ormieiUjujt received and lotuii! by. i
LOGAN, Wilcox A Cii
CAIIFIINTKRS—Jiut" "opened, a rugc a.'»o«.
JL mrnt of knob locks amt lutcbcs, wiih white and
mineral kitobi, tor i.ite by
mart LOG.
OLNDIUt>4—*«) Lag* goober pen*; 1? do-feathers;:
U this grease; H tierccs-llax >erd, uom* binding iron
*t«ir Oswego, nud for »n!u by I DICKKV 4 Co,
_ 11111 **■•* wuicr 4 from au
CIUTTOX— 61 bale* «ow landing from *trO*weeo, A
■Morsalcby [man;] IS.VIAU DICKKV &Co
> OO.M TO LKT—Oil the sccoud story of tlie warm
J.V bouse NvdO Wood su, having a from entrance.— [mart] . UEO COCHUAN
BEANS —130 liU»h small while, fur sale by
'\T/'UITK kegs |nire;W duNo 1. tor suit hr
SUtiAll— •JOlihdi prime N.O; f. bl»|sclnritied;X'o ilo us
■toned lout, 10 do crushed and I'ulvorir.ed; tor-nle
**>' 1
Rll’l-K BAUKELS—Su su|w npr; receiving this duv
and lor sale by ImaniJ LIKSAN, WILSON 4 Co'
BACON— 7 csks a<s'ld,juM tcc'd and for sale by’
. J _ASjn r TCIUSt)N;4 Co
r I IOUACCO—SJO hbd* Ky letti'.jiut rec’d and for sale bv
MLTAL- till tons Junialu, for sain by
f pOIIACCLW—iW caddies Gne chewing, for solebv
li««ri . S F VON BONNIIOHS T 4 Co
SASH—:iuoo lights ut'iil, for sale by~~~
CANDM-H-ia tu« superior AloddOan
djes, ddodipi cundlor, in ittor.s mid tbrsala low by
A COMPLETE set of Uuckcl Machinery for'salo
JSSti? tfcjff). : WKj*3iL\tovrrH ■
WHITE LEAH—-350 for sale by '
. fetew —L-- ' ••: WtIST BOWEN
PEACHES— <55. bu prinir- dried peaches lu LLU
Midi While beans, jus. rcc'd acj, iVr , a | o by
_ _ 4c ' L ? l .*H!SS„ s ?.wlwortii
bWa lirimo scotching*, I'ur'tii.-Lv
. .Ifehio ; • : \ViCK A >
LOUISVILLE LIME Uni Hydraulic CimcM Con
•anUyoafc«4»aii for jljaby
By JOha P. P*Ti»j AWtlWMtt. :
/"|N Thursday' morning, March lO o*eloct it
c tie Commercial Saks Room, coraerof WcxAaad
Firth streets, »Hil be sold an extensive assortment of
staplo-and fericy shoes. nmbmttas,
Ac,' j .. t: I
i '■ A»2d'doek,p,o.. V'.
, A qu.-uuity of groceries
tmjr and wrapping paper, matches, bandboxes, tobacco,
mgurs, soap, copperas, shovels, coal stoves, Ac. Agei*.
era) assortment of new bbd second band household fur*
future, carpeting; Jookujggiasaemmantd docks, lamps,
-Trnician andUnuispafent windew blinds, shoe caw.
“lore fixtures, feather beds. Ate. • • / •
* •: At7o’clock,,
A large invoice of f*nijan fancy roods, fine table and
pocket cutlery] spectacles, razors, saddles, bridles, hal
“■”» nfles, pistols violin*. acrordeons, fifes,gold
and stiver watches, ready made clothing, fce.' mar 7
EXTRACTS from i£e minutes of the Firemen’* Aj
f sociation of the city of Pittsburgh. i . -
£othe President dud Matutgersof On Firenend
Msoeiatim pfthe euy if Pittsburgh. J
UKXTLB*ix;4-The Coouniuee' appointed for the'pnr
jh>»« oi selecuug dounooit* from the several Insurance
companies haring office! in ihi/fcitr, respectfully re*
Port* 1 ..... J : )■ . ; -
-Thai soon stfker their --appointment, their ail dressed
wniten communications 'to thedifferent Meals, and
hare received the following donations: . . •
trwn the Franklin Insurance Co„ Ph’larH-
phta. W Manin, Agent.; .
ttgm'Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co, '
rntliLjohn i-iuney, Aaeltt, i 100 U)
F ph.^ tU H! Il u‘f® ««iue Insurance Co,
u KDtjt Putney, A pent, .] ' i 100 00
\. ga*s 00
diffcftmT 6 'T b " Tfl (* een nrachlargtr, bot that the
***** cn B»kiii* contributions to the-
ComE LV^‘J^ ,l,ld - l,oWCo ’»- two cities Your
K to ,bat •« nc *«»• Foreign
fiiseduT^ij.^ o h* m'this city, hive «-
K ' rtil ® they nr© making
,7* exertion* of it* member*. 1 Your
neiroiiize ih£t? P recommend oorcitizenticr
Ail oi which»iinpeei(U)y wbmitled. • •
He solved- ThM^it K *i ° x^ Q » Ch ’ B Committee.
Bceolred, That the above Insurance Coapohleabe
rc[|uc*t<d toplecebadgeeon the honw iarnSit wf
in order that the Firemen may have iririrTTT ■ ■ i™
*/• '- K. 8. N’m. Pm’i. • •'
-? l i a - r .'*—-- > •’- ‘i *• ■ A. P. Aawnrra;hiec’r. ~
iam«, 10.100 Uis shoulder
(e house ami Tor sale by
5 do Winier Lurd,
331 Broadway! Sow York)
ah* p*n,v ucnins raov
*a aasotnrrrr as .
Adapted .to the best Tradej and parcbaaed macb below
the qo«t of importation, which they are offer- i \\
. inf: at: a very «nal) advance. ’ I
They have alao received man the various Steamer* and'
; I Packethhverv general assortment of
To which they invite the auetuioa of purchaser*.'
their itdek will befoubd the
MIL; MUIR wm for many year* connected with th
bouse of SicwanA Crn, and las long experience
ui the. business .will enable him to offer at allume*,aa.
attractive stock of seasonable goods. ' !
They beg leave to prc*e{it IbeirUuiukafor the patron*;
nge.soliberallybcitowed upon their establishment, and'
to assure purchaser* that they, will attire U> secure I"
continuance ofconfidenceiaad support. ■
It is their purpose to extend their already large busi
ness. and sum mated by thfcir unexaznpeld success thus
tar, they are determined' to leave bo honorable efforts *
untned; to accomplish their design. A considerable. 1 '
amount of experience in business bo* demonstrated to
their satisfaction that the ouly sure method ot obtaining
and securing a large business, is to have it baaed upon
correct principles,' and that while, as merchants, they
consult the interest of their. customers, they are pursu
ing the only true method of advancing their own. ;
• marOdly J . .■ r -
2few Spring Good**
A‘ A. MASO.N & Co n ; : 6!i. Market street, hare Jtul
• received p large supply of new Spring’ and Sum
mer. Dry Goods, wbicb-wtll be offered wholesale and
retail, at the very Unreal cub prices. Aiaonginotjr as
sortment afkan3inay be. found, 10eases GutcyEoxUsi
and; American prints and ichinizes, comprising even
ww style now In tlie market, aud were pmrHssrd ai
die present low rates, which will enable oa to tell at
least a 3 per cent. IcM thdn former priee* Also. 10 e*.
•M small patterns, last colored Merrimack and Goe&W
co.priuU, very ,ueat*and- desirable, 2 cases uew topfl
plaid, stnped and plain linfcn ginghams, oferery sUf I
and quality, 3 peases spring &I do Lalnea, rich : id
cheap, .mode colored' cashmere and Mde
pcs Paris Inures, a new et}d splendid article for la£*'
dn-s*cs, prinied'orgamloes; satin striped nitd plaid bk-
case changeable lustres, very rich, a large lef
W and 0-9 French printcdcombries and lawns, lOCbz
best qunlity fadics', and gentlcmens’-kid gloves, \te
goods of every together with agenera*-
•ortment of bouse keeping, goods, etc. etc. [Cotfy
Merchant* oud ibe inhabitants of Pittsburgh and yn
tty are respectfully invited to call , and examimttr
jtock and prices, which We'. will warrant toconre' i
avorably with the'euters markets. •TT 1
,UErts ' : r - aamasc' ;
, • : •. t
.THE subscribers are sow exte'usivdy engagedi
X imports tionbf Soda Ash from one of theaorfi
brated mauafncturere in England, and biro' onJsd
and will receive daring the spring, i large supplwv
c.nii shipments being sow bn the way) which £ertlt
warrant equal if-hot superior to any imported' iaiba*
united and which; they unprepared to] at
ibc-lowest market price tor cash or on limb (or spe
ed hills.' The strength is' warranted from 85 to per
cent- 5 to a per cent, above the standard stKth
which is 60. ! <r
Hr Present price 4 to 4Jc according to quanUmy
me«t,ftc, ; -W- k M SUTCHEL.TRJB
- roar-* ; __J ICOLibert
T~i MarbleWorCT ! f™'
HEaltenuon .oTgeutlcnien desirous of pUreing
MiULz Maktzls, or Statuai* re
quested; j ;i :. ,
The Subscribers baring been engaged in the ride i
butines* for the Ihst thirty tears, in Philadplplaud I
having manufactured workror almost every pof the'l
Union; can re»r to alt who bare favored tbwitb
their cotiom, and, to their work, (considerable cAich
has been put up in tills placM , They hate alw on
band a full supply ofMarbleiilsnlel*, and neviori* I
gtnal Designs tor Mpnunenluud other work, {is of 1
which, with prices will bo fofwarded. • \‘i • I
fCr*All work shipped is insured' frost breaks ;" 1
Ihev can refer ioany Mercontile housa ia Web }
pbia /or standing and character at workmen. > , / i
fch»hta- . ■ . : No3COHUhsM«. ’ • There itndthing In their line which thbao!
imish cither domestic or imported^' • j T
Ksiabliahed a warehouse in the rear l&M, f 3 Pun
P°« ofiappiyinplbe City fcnd interior Trarilh .
low price*—jond exhibiting, at all seas ;• . i
They arn now opening Several JJundred Cages, I
cotnpnamg every uew style of Foreign juninestie I
production, many of which have juu been hated, I
oud are otfered fertile lor Cash and short &at ": I
K L:: FROM ,) I
per yard below tho prices of April. aut iVa* per I
pnnied which are corrected d for the I
mtbrmntion of buyers. • . ;• - I
• ' rTfewYotk, June, 1947. j /.gdisti; |
Benefit of Hew Mercy Qoiri* .
TUDSON’S greet Panorama of the Rn Eirer
JLL tor two evenings more, at Philo IMP •••'" :
The entire proceed* of Monday evenWfrch 6th.
will be given tor the benefit of the New MRotpitaL
Tuewliiy'eve/iing.MarehTth. will posiUrotbelast
exhibhiou ibatwjibrt given in tint city, h open at
«| o’clock, and exhibition wiU commeiicero’cloek
. Ticket* S 3 cents each; may be bad of Jaßlakel*'
Esq., Hugh McOowiti,V B CooloSJSSgJ'
P Malr *^ e >’> 1* Oeo?v®dat
The free list, with; tha exception of
necessarily be excluded. >. r , • j mart-
H ; Psim-Hiwiaairghaiil''
Yt IGHTMAN—Manufacturer oiall* of cot
• ton? and woollen machinery, Alleffchy, P*.
n ow tn'lull and ftimiop
cnition l bra prepared to sxeiute orrferedupaicb
for all Liiiits of machinery in tny line, so*widows,
nickers, spreatlert, cards, grinding machfaiiwavs!
k? mc *’ .‘Pitcders, thrwsils, U woolen i
cards, double or single, for merchant or try work.
tVi u*- 1 *5 C ’ # e aml band lathes ajltiEa ger£
eral. All kindsofsltalUag mala to ortolans sir.
en J®l Seating factories or mills ai reave chants.
. 75 r ** Tl> Child* k Block, Bell
t-Co-. Kuig,.Pemmck k Co, Jas. A-GrT^. • 4
ILL be received by the til. Louis £kht Con*
pane; until ttalStb dny of March ter thffi
very ut^ e Gas Work, in fit Lou*, of WO BL ? sS
of Pittsburgh prrONBL, soiiobls I
tor the manufactureoi gas; IMUl bushete delifer. I
ed on or beiore 20th‘Apri!, and!10,000bl onOr be.
will be cotistantiy tSon evSrS I
TOHN 0 S.MlTil—Uoll ‘rurafr. yt o jfth&enbc r |
•pcciiuily inviicd to coll, ! I
.Turning done withaxactnass find rf»j, . dSw« ‘ f
BI^ANKITTti —W ® Murphy, invitdutandon of
person* about toeommenca houa«l*teuSil f i
FLOUR— 43 bbls sup floor. MK>
saiaby- ! [marl] 1.."
PBODUCE-40 wk> am; 133 ~TT~
d0,'13 aclranwtl bbl» beau, f do'SnJilrf*
»«• ribbon*, otted KlktUdr «*»-
SUJC VTllNOEi^—Xnauortiuent v
fwiejr colored, cut.eilfc ajMl' iut
pipMEfiuM iimiiAMsnr.ij
I Tfce fine itejuner . ~
I ioa«:rr. .. .bore thil
SSwCTS&.-“ £s“-
„ ■ i Jon »r-imis. ~
I .(P**r tv '' *plendid steamer ; '
c<;ii,,,? 0 £ ERT ru, ' TO -v
?'*!*"> “PI le.Ve lor ii. ■
/" ! fQ K CLN'CLVNXfT' ~—^r-
'• 1
*■ 10 -° ock -: For fn M** 6l
. itW-’lv, Tlie now and fplejulid *teaSi '*
fe%«:nu u OENEBEE, : . *
“ u s l ? r » ouster, will lexve fat
l^^’j'SEVvVtW^COTEeL^ ll **
. . ~ '.~~~.~ii- ••' ; WononjiiidfcUodm'
■ ; RinT«£\voßEEa«s. 22 =-
: K-? Too fia# weuaej. •,
'U*fsi*sftSf L. ■* ;• ••■• SAVANNAH,
J t£ai 'M‘ I Tf ACKEr pa suSHhTT
■ j if&K** fv:»j..~be new and £&« ueimor ; - .
Ufafe* jtfl 1. • r WELLSVILLK.* .
jagSBBl*P*me*,.oui*ter,will, leave (or- Abora
(Uy* *adSaumty.
'CTMpljr onboard or to fOT . fr * J «o1 Offca*-
114 • PEP P
' *• . "’AIIAJII Ul'.Oi ejiCHKT
■ lisr 4 "* f.. i
• Toff WAUA.HI, mVm. ! ---S?S; ‘
. K The nrift Kuer ACkti. ■
: tv,„^ d r-‘ co *^tL,
boat u oho provided. The,
pwrem ewSialoru! 4 JSt“*«TW«» w \
4s““ ■ 1 Div,°££T» ,r 04 -
■ comer of Irt and frmiiMUM
McKeesport, EUzAßCTftA^j^o^oTr^
* • iv • l Tb« new itetaer ■• .
'®SS^s‘FHd«y £ TC,y 1 **«»£r
' wide floor oilcloth: Juou <!o G vd»*»S
5W0d044&» Jo; 1300 K|doS-lstt.*,?^’^VJ rdo i
•U of which wUJ bo *o!d tuitiaxtatSLfiJft* d< *»'
“ .
r ''*»sd£*£Z2&2?Jis&:-
Metcast,' ftL m ilt fiM^f5 c -;'l alw . I, » *° f° <® *«U»*
Maiifton Hooce at s©rlWclock P - nL ’ Afpijf *V , |*
•^-“ mra ‘ j JAAu^ciiiJiEgrsdx,^
flj “ri
: wi :^€
W r., !ijc nrnn? >!) ie *,T
r ctutotncr* ore twnctteJ
NWv«?“ r l**^ k of SpriaS ;u« «eelrtd fto» I
*'"lN 1 M ,{^fe > comprof-Sth and WoodttiJ r
I r* SFanra styi,b-s uooßKbaiut^
: JJ e.avoii jtobj Sew York', Uctyriof Sttlaaf
•mwrncOi h# will iottoduce oog«uM«T, Way-w2?7
All ii*o»e io waul of* b»« ud mrartor
caJUud enauo« «i N 073, Wo «f.utei,ardDorS}s ■'
cl a mu agaftui ;
11 oo*i A now. nrr* toihoHili icLTwiii «?*-»•
present tfcem&rMtUemertb • WAI« y>y**
' • • . ’ • • *** «t UwJyQ.' ■
{TFH|Sra(*B’kftovfa‘ Übe'of splendid pauenger Sitai*.
■Jt ‘eTsircow composed of the-largest, swiftest, best
finished and famished, and awl powerful boats ou tfc«
-waters oftitt West. 'Every accommodation end coa>-
f°n that inoocT can procure, his been provided for p**.
•engtre.'-.'ttiß'Line has' been in Operation for flTe yean
—ees eenied a tuition of people without thtfleut infa.
rytolheir persona.- ’lire boatawiil be nt the fool of
Wood itieetlbedijr (mtlcßitoluutiapforlhs rcieh
tionof freight and um entry of passenger* onthe regin.
elT cues the passage money must be paid in
«-ru , J ' ■
f ISAAC iNEWTONV Capt. A. Q. Muon, wi.
***** I !“ u kargh every Sunday morning aflO,o clock:
May gaoda f evening at 10 1. m.
;,L. ® O *DAr PACKET.
The MONOXOAUKLa, Capt. Stoxz, will leave Piit»-
burgh er*rv Aiooday morning*! 10 Wkreliug*
?reryAlnuday ereumgaiiOMi. - j
l. Kunmra, will
FiiUtmrjrh every Tuaediy nonuagel loVclOck:
Wheeling every TttMiiar e*«uin*eUOr. *. ■ ■
•"' .. ! FBIPAT PlCK^P'r
l'be CIJPPLR Ao> Clpt Wilt Unva p|A '
' i '° S J‘S:f y Frid ‘ y H'hwui
ereiyTrulay ereoiiijr at 10 1. x. T • • ***
- j fIAftJRPAT PAcifpV ';:
TM MESSENGER, Capt S».‘JUxa; «ri|| it,,,
buiyh evijry.SaUmUylnonuu® at Mo*doek"Vh«K#
every Smarday eremiigotlOp, u. ■: *. teeUn £
' k . Hieateamer »-»•*-»is*,
fffii liif ii? . 'CALEB COPEL : ’*,
will leare for Bearer, GUi«»w and
■ißfeMiSafiaWeUjyille, on Tuo/nlay, ■ ’l?nrcda>\
-aad Sain Alar, of each week,ol 0 jr.reiuroi
mg on Monday,Wednesday and Friday,, she has a
boat at tfiollandlnff between Wood street and ibe bridra.
prepared to receive 1 freights at aur time. ’ , »
s: S w. UikBAUGH: ip,.
. XlWwilit,
beaver and wells ville packet.
k . He libe steamboat .
Charici-Il Clarke, master, wifi, dorin#'
comiug winter ses&on* make dalle
tripe to Bearer and WelJmllo, leaving Pittsburgkeve.
nr aondnr at B o’clock, and WellsviiVat 3 t&Tock, F
Al&» ° Ci 1 Q- M- HABTOX A CO. aFu! *
Pp nnn . ' ~DsUy PaekstLla*, •
PEORDAR\ Ist, Iftto . i , FEBRUARY at, l&U
LEAVE DAILY AT ft A. M-, AND *'p‘-Vf ~~~ •
• > lk ,i,~? IblUnvuig now buu complete
V-l&flHaff lAwfA 6 **»«*AT
■BfiK2SfcHit™£,A C * pL Jwae * ParkinMo:
' ' V
'ndid new steamer ’ .
itihlt, Master, win leave
an* on-Wednesday Bifl
v 2& or apply
yA Co,, AgU. . mart
<att. • •
.inter T . ~.- -<r
WiU Ware i!ui day at
■ freight orpaiaage op
■ AgL . , IMirt
waiV. .
t ust ateuner *-;• f\
rjUieaT* Sot the above
’ tt 4 r. iC For-freight
• ' -marl
juverT" ~— —-
'bctulial light draught
a .DOVES."'
lMcr/wBl leaye for La
»fU on Fjitfay, fid of
f oj&ejgbtorliniujre a»>
• , PO2 ST. LOUI3. , > n ’
: ..
i - WW j* L * Ufl ■*•**«»wiiUe'wfor
"'“ J - xsmwitfagfS:
-h*. -■- __ • _'. ■•' -. •' '
• ] -;■' FOR ST.-LOOTS.
i•. & . J“ e Be _ vk ' ! Vlendifl and fast resnlar
I "learner - i\VYO\UNO
Green l“- - m"»»‘ " > ~;nt '--- .bora
.* “,' la0E01! MII -TENBf'IIOIS,^Si. P
-".■4s FOR XAUUYILLE. .V - . ...
stSStasT "°' l to* <r.ser
For Mjhmr or ■-
-ML_J—i.— si: RSHUOmW
' ■.. For-st. I-Oiaa. -*T*: —
leave wi above, pa
; fwigtij ocpaur^^!you£ ) C a S^ PO ‘ itiTel^’
: "«?*■•■;• • ! - f . ; V:’ ■PL-lVinmgß,-i r •■
- •: : ' FOR ST. LOUIS. -
JtStLSi. Tt .-
■nfiSsb 1 -. Ma«ler, i wiU l caTß
to l WsS 'iSssssar s-Il*“^sslss
»1W °» or ti f or&mu
afefcaif , J.NKWTnv JOXESj Agt. ■
Ill:-' ' I ~~