; : IK1. ! ;:;H;,-/ ■ ■■■)-..■■ V.■■■';■; ■ v ; • i'v':^ TJT ini?:si#^^6TJ.A^^-:'-: / ,,C;::.: >ri' •• > •; •' / __I , ITTSBUII€rH. FRIDAY - *■-•■-*■•--**«,■ v—- : - 1 -- ■;■■ - ■i-""?** •■■■ ■ Si- --•■■■- 1 —j—:-..-;Sh^^:-.:..: Business cards. *7lb m- , , CM fx~ ktaSDBIT COBDO?TCoSSE*or^aOo»- Rmlmnpu .TJui-'-j - » r ----- : - . ~, , omox**!***•• : • —~ : :'.' ..''‘■■'it■■cs«»i ttrtOTOTßOH.'ATtohm* O™""’: li.ro;^ lW- B™ A. FAHNESTOCK t , j2H ; -&■ t ,T>£SaEir t BMrnyWtouk»i« anon, is »■>“ *• lYai wood rimi, ritubnfith-:' ; ~ ■ T^JLEMAN, / atOUfitftoTT on 8t Clair at. " arel*Mi»e > ; > toorioftteflt/Oharteollateh' - m. rf .»CI3aOBT. i , l»“**™°?-£L. IL .ff>S-i :§^sis3#l«a Itttibeijh, Ffc.” " MU'ri.oSw ob -r '■f' J | * t_.___. .iL! 1 . 1 . 1 - ' ~ ' ‘ ‘ •f?^'£S3SZsl^lsS3^ Alley tad ; <» ■ T. ■» i •. - . ■ jmawojy TJWH'iD, RUEY A- COf Wbdei»l* Grocert UmJ jVflotnmmion Merctomy *od AftnU tor Brifjjjojj 67AV»W t Mdlpa.Front *»■» -temh, P*. . ■ ’.’ *~ ■ i '' *'" 1 ’ fa BLUME, Pimao Forta Mwt(lrt»w.gi*y to ,1a MaSlatttaacau, 118 : Aula •. __ |t . (OMyni M c*v Cowtoi 'MmtuntyNo. arTYmter^, r\ ALLAGHEH, JJDXO HDUB, ®"3 (nr roimdtrj .AlToo «!W1» rm I*""’" ■VSJ.I „d SmiihStU Pj.. IIHUIIgTiU^j —“~ — cp®*; GEDEOKA.BBUIV,WkoIwUdioj«tWCo r BiSS MertbioJ, tat w.nuftMuTw, No. ta Wood iu Pio*iJMg*i_ : \3Tj4o*ler*in Uop£ Pit****** ,«?f.W®* ? rcl^f^ ~Trint *”\‘ Le«3 f M»roj jbfc> 4k tore-. F»ta* Sw MercfcuflJ comer o(Ug*j CraidO , «-i— ■ - tXJ - } T&AIAH PICKET; Jt Co-tVtolewl«£foe«M*». ■ I nimvm Merchant* and dealer* ibProduce; No*-•** «ntl 107 Front Picubarwh. . TAMES. jc ircTCHISOX, - h W h Co, Cocnmi—lop Mcrehmou, iad A«nu- oflto 81. X^ouljiSKam 4* *•*< * ®® ; FlU *” or *®' Jfcnt - ' 1 FoHN S. l-tad' Conaiwton AlfTth«Bt, No- »i HQ». ---—■<=S———*! TOHN D. UORaAN,.\Vhole**la ♦ Tl*™ 'lr-'fcCo., fttCCTMOT t»JMCph'»; •~gj o7p**lMg£p Chandler*,»w«tef«recu ogg JOHN IL'HELLOS, WhotwalOfWrt tnJdiieio and Jloaical Inawnnenu, School Book** Paper, Blate#, OmfU, Patera Carta, and Kola Wood *U Piitabarg^ < nr taken'minute. «epM, j WOHN'sCOTT* Co., Whcteaaln Groeer*j "#1 lturaod ■r^ijntlitmTT l * MrTrnAw'"" 1 ;* Commercial Bowj liberty aL, near Uo Canal, Pmabcrrh. Pa. octia__| BCHOONMAJCER at Wiioleaalo Drogjuui -; "/ ~ i JOSEPH JOSDAN Jfc SON. CofflmUrioa ud Fori -warding i4«rek*nU, No. is Liberty *L> Settpeop’*Bow. .>:-. . ■■,. J«r» < JOHN 11'GALLATIN, 'Attorney' at Law, Office «{ 4th at. fcefwreea Grant and Bwithleld, Booth aide* . hl»o «W»d rronpUy tobßgaeM 1 iatha 'adjoiauqr cdantiei. 1 : -TOON IX DAYIB, Andicoeer, cornet s
  • ' ‘ - -T*L-1 :■ 1 JOB* WUVfn. ; -rTunvwgBmPl!Py, "Tjwwdiag u 4: CommlMUia &lorci»flUi dea^*** ■ l3 a' Co, comnlaiioo-.Merr JVI chaafr, Philadelphia, fcr 0* #ale Snstr» . 14»cral adriacM madton epniigrmyatT; : frh3-Cro ” •• v . ' : V '.’ - . ' - . —i Jim b. K'aiu. .’■ * a. aaownxo.' wali** *• tVcCILL; BOTHPIKLD A BOH IVI -Cotnmwioa Merchant*, ;rQWDvntTKP Co- Wkolewte Grocer* Konn^d^)k Wer^liai*, msggmjffflsagjps£S£ " TJICIUaD T. i LEECH, 3fi, l»Aortrf to Bettil Dwter i* ■• jryliMtkefj Jtoweeo: Bbocmkert* Tool* *Jfcfßn£ ' ‘T^oien 1 *nd Tool*, •hOTtaiacf* Ou» .■TgTiW Wood^WttobQnijb 4 - 1 ■•'■;■■ ■•■ • -wpM '• * "f • •'. < /SAXOS. »- ' r-iry, BCftJIKSON, k Co- \YVole**ie' G rocer*, Vtvgu* '■< jKv»3dCpeuiii**lpaHeiclwutt:»irf Desler* uJM*' r M*nuf»ctare», No. Aso liieny. *l, Piu*borghj *< 'riOfiCBTDALZEUi fcOoLSVk*le*ale ; Grocery ■v <_Miiiii |ll ' ll ‘ fbnmdlfif Merehaat«H'oesl*ni Koburfh Haoauteunest ■’AubMtt.Pfcr--" ••■' " ■»"».. Jfff. A- dUNXISutIAU; i Whole»»le Urftcer,' in Produce' »ud Piiuooijli M.»nofaglurey SiTSufiyM. *" ».P: - MOORS. WT»lml* Qroeer, 'Rueiiiyinj. ' ’VrinV— ‘ — L i* Vtoduge. I pftiibargb Mutfafro- V<«d* «<.ynTelfnandliowiia AVin*» - 'islija»t■;itaUW*WJm:-!* uab,l, **t J/ - ■(. irwM n iw h»n.l* «crv l«X< etocfc Oftapenor wbuOk wUi be *Miaw tor Ok UTSQZAL ,* ■ i’** • * ' KtftJL ' . * gnEE. FarwaKfci^wriCtjnmiakita fTlt MiroßDfc Gdu ConMibkioa Mewkimtfjifc. ,* XbJSjkr, Oe^.i» *■*:.' -'■'•••• ■' ■ t •* 1 ■ y ; ' 77 ; ~ .Jji,;.;. DtJSIMSg CARDS. SlUCttETl* A' WHITE, -WholMnlo Denier* in Fortin nndPomccic Dry Goods, No, fifr Wood mabonto. • ? • feDlTtt. Sic. W, JIARRAVtJH/Wool MerehnnU, Denier* in • Flour nod Prodnee (renferany, »Od Commission MerchsnU,rretwc*n fitb nnd f»Uu North side. Philadelphia. : ! • nav9 ri-snxto.TrmitJinW.'' -■ ’iso. jrtcous MA*tt*SD. SELLKRB ■&.' WICOLR Ptodnee* anu {General - Cons minion Merchant*, No 17 Libcrty/rt, Pittsburgh. Spent,'Unseed end Lud.ODi, ** Si -V [• - ' M Ja25 . S O. UlLL—JSocctywor lolIill<& prqwne) Importer • and mjaaineturtiot Taper JJaagutg* and Horder*. rod dernier in writing, printing; and wrappqif .paper. 87;Wood«t, PimborgUvPa. Rag* arid Tannergscraps purchased at the hlgecst market price; •• ::• . ja7. w ~~~ BONMKMW'IV'A* Crf4 .Forwaidinff. aoiiipoinDuWott-ilerpbaato, Jwuen i& ?Ut«bunh ilaunfiiattrai *jicl 'Wwum Pro- A»e»i4w«i wn>o»«d*p No.3S, corner of Frog tat. and Chancery Lane.- >nanr? ißjmm >t r KtEn,,ToriJiaiS«V«Si! Dealer, produce gnaPtiuliurgh niuto* factsred Canal Bajiinj near tthUu ;7d2t\ [IASSBY 4 BT3T,Whole»»le Groerr* auihCorrimto- L tint' Merchant*, - «ml dealer* hi' Ka<3C i r ood‘»t.'Htf»borshl- ' ' ' ‘ • Bfr'J.* -rraOHAS KENTCEDY, Jri Ltfokha' Gla*K.Ma&Oft£< and'Dealer in Clock*, Comb*, and Variety corner of Wood andFourtHT*tfc»- . -'jig,. ri i P. kORSYTII' & Co., ICommlMioa ftferchamxJ X » dealer* in’Salt, lumber,-Groceries Prodoee-ondj KtUborgh' Mtmufuctore* I C*aal'Baiii«,Ubefty «Jfr■•-•••■• .-febtSL} and fFonwdwSi vf ?• March am, No.ifiß-.Front'. Si* l*tween> Wood; ao4 MarkrtatTret*.,' i, , ■ fid»St 1 : WH.Vctrnfutos.' ' ■ I tear. ux-cTcato*. , ,T|r. &, R. McCUTCHEQN, Whole*d«-Giwrer*J :* Darter*' in Produce,' Iron;: Nad*.’ Qliu« and; PmabtttgV Mannlhcture*'eeheraQy; 152 liberty MreeV .Knabtargh.’ • *• • • -'i • • •••-' };; l y.‘-;3rl»' i '•’•'JOBS'*. WICK. •• TinCK 4t'SI>CANIILESa'(«MMMW-krlw*.V-&i ‘4¥ - Wlek,»-- Wboldaale.GtDcerv Porwoftlin* and. Commi»«on Merchant*, dealers in boai N»iU,X*ma»i Cotton Yam*, and Pin*h«lß!i : )tfanß(hciure* generally;, comer of Wood* and Water »lraeUr Firt*haw*• ‘ •■■ .. i invites the ladirt to callaudcX-j • »ißlnq,b»«Dck.«f'JfTe«el>?XVof keY . Dry Gooda.No.« Matket atreet, Pittsburgh. ■norlAdiy • ••••■•■ ••• ‘ I l '-' 1 ” - •' \TT WiLSON. Dealer, in Watches, W i ket at . ~ ~ 1 --• . pot? WB. anfl •■Retail dealer w • Foreign and-Donteatie Dry Good*, north ea*l eor«*r of Market and Foorth ata. 'f ~ 1 nngSP 1 ns rusna. > itad Fnnrnidinj tsbnfgh. «ri4 ; J BRYAN, Rectifying Distiller, and Wholesale • dealer in Foreign and Dome (tic Wines.andLir oaors.No. il< Libeny street, and 83 JKaiannd Alley, nnsbaryh, Pa. ■ ,; ' ■■■'.: t.i 1 ... jy!7-dly j TirARRICK MARTIN k Ca, Banker*, Sealer* ,ifl Tv Bzebasge,Rank Note*and and Wood street*, Pittsborgh, Pa. .1 novlP-dly ; B. w- wiuuaa , • -i ** »• »*• • TTTILUAMS A SHINN, {«aeees*et* to Lowne and VV Williams,) Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,— Ome* North aide of J>n:ui*M«t, abovb Smithfield, • j WM.TOCJU. •'' s ’'\ rtaa.'n’cctt •TTTM.' YOUNG A Co.—Dealersw leather htde»,Ac;. Vf ;H3Libeny »t- • janlrly ♦ -fTT A &L MITCHELTHEE—WhoIesaIe Grocers} YY • Rectifying- Distiller*. and Wine- -and! Liquor Merchants, also, Importer* of Soda Ash and Bleaching Powder, No. IBP Liberty at Pittab’g.ha.'' . jaaSdly ■ lITUB FOSTER, Agent for Mexican *rtdTetya«2 YY procuring petuiloui, W tbe office of Wm E Austin Eaq4 Barkis building*, 4lh at, Pittsburgh.' '• , ;V feM : UUTM n. 1.1 - ■■ ' X a. BLACKBURN A .Co., Wholesale Grocer* and a denier* in Oils, Boat Sums, and Pittsburgh Mani tnirad articles, bare on band, at all times, a foil and general assortment cii* good* ia tbair line, Water street} : near Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh. ..t. i.r . . • an!3 ' nano w ibi. I - - " azosasoa a aiu. TV' W. A' A. BELL. Attorney* at Law, office in I Pa Stewart's Bnilding. Fourth *t, second door above Wood street, Pittsburgh!- Pa. - ■ • i ' 1 IX! W. 8011, Commissioner to take Deposition*, Ac* knowledgmeatfofDeeds.'andetfcei.instramettUofwri* ting, tg boosed In MjsaoQri. ’' ! :i I nrUMba* j JOHN M. TOWNSEND, Droggi*t. and Apothecary No.43Mariel*L,lhiee.door* aboraThiid *W Kit* bnrgb, will have eoH*t*niJy * ana neatly prepared from the best materials, nt any hoar of mery.' ! ‘ 1 ! "WT' \V~WILSON,-W*xeliaUkeranilJew*ller f cor. • tY'e : »*T of4th and Market apt ;A'large-and veil ■elected atoebofWatcUCTj’Jewttry, Silver Win, en 4 Military Goods.' Alwajr*oaha»i,aßdat regplar eas, tern price*. Geld. Patent Lever, tali Jewelled watches, «i law u ®4D; Silver do. Watches, ft* lew as Cli '■ nnto* Pope r/pek*—/Johnum and other approved mnfci. of vaicbesi mejr be had at aamall advance a*4 warranted: Itt-pine Watch Work done in the very best man ner:. , - wv i: v. v,- : . -aps? ; JB. XWKITZEH, AHenter at Law,office 3d*t-, oj* • poaite Su Charles. Hotel, Pittsburgh, l Will also nfr tend promptly .U> Collections, in Washington, Payette and Preen counties, Pa., ~N. --vV- p- ' ' sera* to t» *. Khokatodt Ball 4e C»* *1 Church A jCarotherv ■ D. T. Morgan; j E - J. HRsTtY,' Attorney^widCouncellor at s Lav: Cincinnati,.Qliiov&CoUeetiona in Soathera ohW, and in IwUana,"and in Kentucky,promptly.and 'earejalTy attended id. ' Commissioner ,wr the State ca for ul^..lKpcMiiloi^,’.wtknowied^ Bon. Wn. Bell k Son, Ctrrtii, Carotber*, Wan' Hays, E*g, Wiltock aas ■ EAGLE COTTON WORXS.Pitt*bargh, Mannfco tore’Cotton Yam; Candid Wick, i Baning, Twind, <■*.. - (Soecvaaori toArbaekles AAvery.) t tn p ..-y-; .-■- - •.i. / Proprietor*. - A. -' LEDQUX* Co-,No.JT Canal.,street, New ..Or* jf\_, leans, Agent* fori. U..Arnam'aExtcaaive£team Sugar Befinery; j Always' otu band aJarg*; stock of Lnf, Powdered, Crushed, ClariAedaso Bustard Boyar*, in Tierces and Barret*.' Ai» iltu»e jUol*w<*. ' prices liberal, and a fair allowance tnada ou allsale*. o£araboveMhamU. U<,-. h'f ffcklij GEO. W.iSMJTH k Co, Bre»ers,,Mal»terKi: and , Hop" Dealer*! Pinsonreh ami Point Bretvenee: cor ner Alley nnnTenrt atreet, and foorof Pm at,Pittsburgh,Pa! i ST.* B> BISHOP, Yatahneirr Sutt»o«, Can i bond at bis Horae SbodidgatablhhfaiAnt tar St. Clair street Unto*. lately, occupied r Veadrai Carr A-’Bowlaad.* nvtld6m TON,-Dealer In Trummng* and Variety ; TortoU Sbelh -Ivory anu-Horn :Comt>f, nta and- Worsteds. Button*, Needle*,-Pint, Tapes, Braids, *e„ No. TO Market street, berwecaDia -aoad-anddth 1 •1 m ''“ ' ■ iyQSdly f T?as*oiied;.4 cases Doughty; llcase* Peach Preser^; E‘ AG cashpaif fire good elepn rag*,* also, caavaea,bale n»pe, CTM* - w. WWW, W«J1» jMfh c^J^^Kickt ! ' ‘deedd’ 1V Wayne aUbettveenPena at id Liberty. : •' DR. DAVID HUNT. Dentist; .having thade '" iitkliarrknjemenu tnb» Coal'Uusineu that time 14 the duilea '‘of his profession, may Vejeculabii office, «>► ner‘offlU and DetatnrStreets between JBtrkeinnd Ferryata-^anyboar.dttriagtbo^ftffbm ■Cr.iL I-- ' -i i • , IrA^ l .?- HEW- 810DL£BI IIiKI)ttAEEiMHK' - j ITAYINU‘ nrbleaiihed CjY flock frotjnhebeaUeufr- Leda, both aomeidc aodfcrtlpi,! ukepleiuaieUi •otn»cwr;'»o'«ouraoi«ril.'*od tinty eompfti* tion. wl, , ~ aftl* j PITTTSBUROfI HrBKfcrWDMS AND SPRINu !*•■ ANDAXLB FACTORY. * ‘ i "*«" tusom ■■' >■* jobf-P-ow® l ■> • JOSES 4c. <*OIGG, _ ; ■ ? MANUFACrUKKKS «*d blitter ««$, etip tic springs,honunetod im axles, *ad dealers in oinj lenble easUilgtfirXiiairlne lamps, land coach trinuniujr* of JtOM and Front su, Pitubor|>, ‘ ’ : .‘u j ATfOBSEY AT X AWr ; 1 ;:.''i«'.|.'?-- sdJuileri Fa.'- 't . • . ; llTlf.r. Hlertd tocoUectioa* ud all other bu - ; W seat emrt»tod l* lua in bailer and Axmctroife; eoutle*. {*■.>'Kaforto •- *.•< '-f -•-• ■> • ‘ 1 f J. fell. Floyd, labeityakl -• . » . : •' !' - dtr tor ■■ ) • ■■•-! r jßi!7j Flongb*, ft>lougb itliLX, V the ojd Ofß-'AilWifcilti U aanofc*-; (flHH9BlHß’!a&&'fe(f e ’ < luanUiic»afl > lougtu' > ! gssa **gKv3ssi»u 2$ QMOKBJJOUSW O pod ■»*« <"“• ■“* “““ iS^,I«VnoK» ■sell-mtei <»«» •ntut*>l«» :•» ■* »“■■■ PVZZJSK* TtSSSBeSSte < ■ t a » - ••■■■■• •■>•■-: . • ■■ iNoviyiiusLy-i. . ‘ dous of peraoas in Ohio, to*b« **cA renn»rl«»»- Oftee, two door* «ul «* = £dWaW> I. ; :'.• :•>?' ! : .;.-^W»J r Fjfy f *:. '* .. '. : ti-ir -1 . . »'. FORWARDING & COMMISSION. ' Geaonl CommlHton *nd Atwtlon ; ' ' Haatnea*« v • • • v T UTS, undersigned: has takeu theWro building,/‘g*. <3,. next door lo Messrs. Otdhara, Todd ft Co.. Mam street, for the purpose of telling *ll I descnpuona Cl good* otpablieor private sales, a* directed. Valuable consignments for Auction Sales will be promptly at tended to. |(e will also accept of Agencies for Manu facturers, and wilitwe hi*.beat;epdeaTora for l b«* »* lerest. In all case* amount of tale or abstract of sale* will be famished hi* friend* weeklyor monthly, occoni. rauled yrith check on Bonk: here, or Bank check on EaVtern cities, when directed. • lie baiexteflslre rootn*oT«rhis «orefonhe inlcof Furniture. Carpeting, aud other bnlky artielcs. or uuwanl*..with themoslforulcsoilur the.>>esl, aim Kciirreily worthy farmers, with S 5 to3?> Xjrarjj* •“«‘ r.™ iu u»t i-f-.—jassssST’ I.KXISGTOV. Kf., Jan E*» 18-19. IIKFBRENCBtfr ■ , ■ •' \ Alctsnu T. AjtdcrtonACo. , | - I*. L. Shrece A Co., 1 Louiavill*. O. W. Anderson. liui-, jr^” ■ - WRicUnrdsou. CasVr., J > • • ;• Springer. A "Whilcman, t: 4 . ...Ifetactawi - Ji l*. Ilnskina, j; Philip Swigert; n*q„ V • . Pcier Dudley; J-Frankfort - 11. t Bodley, Esq, 3' A.M,;Jajiuaiy,Ks<|, UT.g* and 325, Lamp, fit, Os, 6s and 10a .Plug; Ladies* Twist;'Virginia TwtiU 4c., «wae| eddy plain, ■in.whole andhslf boxes, wood and tin, together with even- variety ofarticte bcloncmg to the trade. ■ • ■'•iv', • . jalO-dly ' i'ciK»L*a Vi \ - ■ CRAIG, BELLAS & Co n ' ! Floor Factor* and Produce {CoaakaUalOA • -J.;- . Jderebanta. ,? , LIBERAL cash advance* made on receipt or oon sirnmenU 'Those'shipping to our sddress wUJ bo nut)tfiree-foutth* value ia advance tatais, by a PP’y-* iux to our friend*, I i , . , . ; . Mcstrx Wallingford t-Taylori PitUbargn. \ , MeseralThos. licit A Co, llridgepart,Ohio. . Philadelphia,Mays,J«d.- - • my*7-tfj N. B. All Prodaat consigned to nt itiatared whan ut tho Warehouse of Wallingford ATavtor, Pittsburgh,of tp our store in Philadelphia. ; GEOBGECOCHRANt ) Cotnmlaalon and Forwarding Mere ban tv •; bo. S 8 woob.st., rrrrm-aou, /TtONTINULS u transact*general Committon bust* ne*v«pec tally in the and solo of Amyri can ftlaanfoeture*. and Pro.lMFCiifU'A i't ryccivuig and forwarding Goods consigned to his care. At Agent for die Manufacture*, he will b£cen*tandy supplied with the principal trtieles o# Pittsburgh Mantriantare atth* lowcst.wfarrfcsale price*. .Onlnrsaadcsoaignmeatsara respeetfoUy solicited; » ■■ ■ ■ ; j Baiilmoro ProAat* Commiaalon Hoaxes 1:1 DWARD CLAYTON, latalkClaytou ASoualfi* j Lombard at, Wholesale Dealer In Butter, and Com mission Merchant.' Having for the last ten years devof. led his attention, id dm sslcof Better, will now tceoivff Butter, Lard, arid other Prodace forssleca commissi*n, and flatters liimsclf tint ftom his experience and mnae« rout shipping ctutoraure he will be able to give- ssuis faction to ill who may consign produce® hha. Sofci •to— ; \ - 1 •, ... 1 . . ! 1 -MessraF. W.Bruoe kSon; • . r . ! u. Wat Masoo A Son, ' “ * Wjihingioa A Eastman, ' > - ■ • j is*. 1 TVWiA G. ilonklus,, J ,And the Marchajnlsgenrraflr. dcIT-lm “a.“jT c«twlf. •. “ l. aiuxunaan ' # • 'OORTBUUUTU, Ohio Commrasion and Forwarding X k Metehaots atu True a ee Dealers—also attaad jpyhe purchase, Bala aadJjhipment of Pig Iron, Coal, Ao. 1 [ i imira: ' t . Atwood,Jone*ACa. Brown, Badey A Cd^ ' Lorenz, Sterling ACtf, Henry Grafl, ' ' , Urafl, Lindsar A Co, - D. Loech * ‘ JOBS F. PBBBY, . / < [Late of the Ann 01 Malcolm Lesch A Co-1 Wboleaala Grocer, Couu&liildb AJrleat .! ;• Jlercbant, . XiEALER In aU hinds ot Coapny Prodace. Coppell Jl/Tin, Tin l'iaies,'niwwr.' TooL, 22ae, load, Rassia Sjheet Iron, Iren, awl' Nads, White Lead. Dye Stuffs, Cottou Yarns. Balt, Ac., and Pittsburgh TdanuUctare* j eoroer erf; Liberty and Irwia streets,' Pitts . #Jva»ct*, ia_C**h consignments of Produce, Ac. ' 1 £ Boast* tort 'c. v. itsa-rut. a. bajutos, LOVE. MARTIN & CO- Prodaoe, Gsnersl Comsnlsatoa end warding Blercbamt**. ' gix 0 truAVwutar, aixTotou. ;. Refer U>— ■ : 1 - ! j ; I\f. AliGn&Co, } PilTiK'rh r ' Marapion, Stoilli tCo., Ji’ttabgh. ; Da»U*rt, yauai!<’f» & ") John K. Rnnrtuil, VEaltiiberry ; oclt- . Hugh Jenkins, J dAw^T J. ». LXUJUDL.. ; ; •C. W. jUDCBOS. >-3iD of Pilubarjti,*Pa. ImH of Ntuhriile.' Teni. LEHMER& ANDERSON^ DEALERS 12iC«/rrON, FOR'SARUINU ACOMIfIS- : S»JQN JMKRCHA3T3, so. 8 rcosr triuifi aior* snuswaTj cmerinu'n, otna Refer te Merchants generally. in Pituiiargh. »pJO | 'WALTER 4b Co-, : xxocu A cxsrx . COMMISSION MERCHANTS^ ANDDEALERS INVBODUCEGKNKRALLY.- so. CS term njvraJUJSiaeT, stLfnr auwtT.aALTtaofci ’• Refer Cashier, T. Cross, Ksq-, Cathie/, J. ljmdsrrectkHoo, lliser A Dougherty, Sling-* Wyman, ; MtlSsebbs siGoaMsMbTiflicnislSl' ALEX- LEVY & BRO’B, V CINCINNATI AND ST. LOVIS, -t , Offer tu wii ai cither pU ku*L ol Her* chondisc, Iwiyqst'raleeof and ara always prrpared to make adrnneea. The best'oi refc. rcaces given if required.-' letter* sddm»ee promptly attaudod to. r ■• • • ' jyjtdiy I V.-' ’U‘i ; •Pntihorgh. < • f x i ociaair ’ jAatEnV£mt*»: : ■. w. u. cxxsvxll. ■ .THOUfSOS A CAHFIWLIi. COMMISSION-MERCHANTS* ' ABAHRBliAielvreriofLißUtdOllf • . . ~No.‘JO street, . • Y.'.W, ;r “*■■? Cixa)nuTt,',On:a -spaMy'. CyCashpahlfor rfax*ctd.-Tn ••' * . i iWX. iI.CLABS, ■ , Forwardlag M«ifluuit»BnnraarlUet?Ju Aitotds particfiJailk 10 the Forwarding of Produce, Ac. For any furtoer o'FORSVTIt A ■cSlUm-VVS A. PATCH, CQMM»SS;iOArMERCHANTS» . • ’ 5 2r0.48 TVAteXiUrersiy ..-Sr. Louts, Mol ' •WUPghvparticnlar 'attention! •& the fulling wfFto dde«, end to-otdtfri forpurchasin*. t ; '-.J I . Ruaj»7-Ccargc3lorgsUL A Co,l\ttsburg4, v«> ‘•' efttu,, ' y. : •ions H'-cctiocoit -7. M'i nctiAs- e, n. cutxnson. IN 7 -JOHN x>oiilloi;gh a co» F«vwinUßr*iConul«doß'at»reMßU; .v iiw*.Wfc.W poem «»EEt,.. .1 . . ; ' ••'Jtu£7*ly* ‘ '''.'ltovfing’OVWf, Baluta'ore. j ; PIOE AtfD MAHISB INSUUASCK. mm-. inltoHmee Cwawihr of North America, through eabwriberf oSeta tb ; mak* permanent and limiinl'iuannc* on property;in thin citf oud it* vicinity, utd on shipments by the C«r SIIUieTORS . . . ■ -Arthttf OOoflin, '"" Charles Tartar " - ’ • Sami W Jobe*, . Ambrose White , ■ . WwordtoiUi. iJaooUMThontaaf % 'John ABrown : . , JohnJlNeir ..jJ- John White Richard D Wood a Tho’»PCope 1 ■Wrt'WeUh’ 1 * Pam’l P Smith .■ •’ , - •' Kraael* Hoskeus * H«m S eißrooki • . D Austin AUibone, i - e swvvft COFFIN, I’mV , I ■ HrnT D Hyrttnaj Stc'jf. •This is the oldest losnnisce Oompanr in the United FUiesi'bwrinirbeeifoharwrod.iit ITM.--Its charter is cWpetooif tod from hadilgh standing, Jong experience, Jnsple jooans, nnd-ayoldin|f all risks of an extra has* ■ fdoua eharacter.'it moyLe coiuidertd as offering am nlnMCUhtyta’tbapublic' MOSJS ATWOOD,' ; .Atthe Counting Kbora bfAtwood, Jones A Wu teraadProutstrEeu'Piiubttrglt. ; i- ..• febfltf: CStAWIIB UVTVAIs ISSURASCHOO. HSNBV. Jr., Agent at Pittsburgh for the Deb ‘#l aware MqtuaJ Safety adelphi*.-.- fi»4U»is upon buildings and rucruhaxnUxo •of o'cry descrfpUoa. and eareoeabf tumU, takefl trpon thettrtrihVoraJ«te in*, i ' ifr o£ca in the Warehouse of W JMJolmed 567J7 Water, , s h-aTJh sneckss'of this Company since the «s(DU tishmcßt of the A«nry irr;tiiis thtrpfoapj and wry claim epoir 'theiii for krts w beetf adjosted, fully warrant the agattl >)> iuriUn* the coliiitlenco and naironage of his ftlendaand ibe community atiafge to the pclawaroM»insurance Compauy 4 wWe Jtha* w iftrtitatwn'amqdg tho most floorislilliff m Plulodelphia-r -as harinff an ampTe paul-tn capital, which by the ope ration ot-iv eiwrter is constanUy increasing, os yiclii ina toeaehpertoa insured hiadoabhare of tM'pxtofiu ortlie company, wiihoui involriug him tn any respod-' •Hnlity-whatever, mid thcrelore ns poasesamg flic U«- uial priiiciple divestid of every obnonoo* featorc,*iid i in its mbtt attraedve form. . p°t4 . AOAI3VBT FIBS. • T . rpilE 'Aiflericau Fire ■ Jnsuiiuice.' Compiuiy—Office, 1 yx Walnut atreet'l’hdadelphiai.wcorporated A Merehandire, and prop ertT*ewfallyi eitf*er ln ihe ci«Wor country, against lossW damage by fire, perpetaafly or for limlteiTperi ods, on thvoreblo terra*. ; ? ; ‘ * .DIRECTORS. • • John Sdwean! • Hnmtiel C MortOn' William Lynch Adolphus Penes Thoina* Ailihoue I . Oeyirjß Abbot, . : ■ i , Jolui-Welali, Jr. i Patrick Dtud)’, f ) ■ John T Ixwt*. •• SAMUELC MOKTOV, Prwfident. Fitufcis D J*rrv;rt. Bcerel4ry, . - ! - Orders for ihsurtmee by the shove Company will Ire received and'insurances evicted by ifio uiutcrsiirncd. agent t>rPittsburgh. GLO OOCHUAN, , r • - ;««t>Woodat. * "_FKAaikLiir FiRE ; in uaASfc e co.^ •fftHH rmnkUn hire Insurance Company; of PKlhdel , X phlOj will lnstiraiiee, per idaiicnl and limitei tmieverT descnpuou of ppipenf, in Pitubunrh and tb« country,-ou larvormble tenasi This dom ■Mfly has a perpetoai ehaner. Coprtpl, -J , L - . . 8400,000 paid in CootißgentvJ%nd-■ ■ 8500.0U0 - OflK» comer of third and Market streets, PitubVh. i ■M-..MfARKWKIUKEIN | Agent. * j MEDICAL. peace: peace:! • 1 l rot is ukxieo, ‘ ■ • ' _ BUT IN. EVEHY HOMESTEAD. THE uudersigned lieu long been convinced of the necessity lori tomn-medicine adapted to the use of Children -ana Infants to tupctwdc tho use of all those medicines, which contain opiun? hud has at length sue* Cceded iti preparintr and offering to the public a medi cine fully anstvc ting every purpose for aU disease* of the bowels, without the n« of that deleterious drug, or any other calculated to injuro in the least. Theinunr Pan* acta has bqcalfully tested and tried, the last twelve months, by numerous persons, and fodufl to posses* all .the extraonlinaryi virtue*, and to produce alt the aston ishing effects a* set forth on the bill of directions. Dv arrlnrs, Yomitipg, Cholic,Griping, Paint, Sickness and Diseiues arising [from Teething, - acting imniedintely wilbout disturbing auy of the tunetioit* of the body, producing the happiest and in*«l pleasant transition trout violent.pa{it to a tranquil and joyous sUt* of feel ing In the little sufferer. To be had wholesale and retaiL oftli® Proprietor. Dr. JOHN SARGAXT, Druggist and. Apothecary; Johnl Mitchell, Elliott A Beckham, and most'o|Hfcr' Druggists I in Allegheny atjd Pittsburgh. , - dec!3 , ' SELLERS IMPERIAL COUGH AYRUP.—It has power tbcurol Pnyucsaa, Feb. 14,1517. wifo has foryeer* been subject to a distressing cough, with asthma, for llie’cureof which' she-used different cough remedies, and had the advieji of tho most dmiueut physicians in England, but all wn*, unavailing. By chancu.l beard of your Imperiul Cotigb Byrup, and was indiiced to bay 'a bottle-Air maVdllhodghd bad no belief that bny thing could remove he* onnplainL To .tuy great surprise, two. doses gavb 'ber iimuediute' relicL Bhe I* at times troubled vruh a cough, but two teaspoonsiul of Byrup always stops it,' 1 am satisfied, alter atrial of three ar four years, thatSclter** Cough Syrup is the best cough medteiuo 1 have ever tried cither in the Old or -New World. ; . Wst. Fsntaorasx, . j j Beventh Ward, city of Pittsburgh. • The obofo certihcsie 1 should induce. all who are troubled with cough.or asthma, to give the Byrup atri al. It -mny be hud -for 25‘eenltf a bottlei at the drag store of ; j H,E BELIJ’JIB. 67 wood su. Bold.by Dr Cossel, 6th ward, and D iljCurry, Allc* 'gheny-jiity. • : : frnS SELLER'B VEILMItTGE—The greatest of al Worta.mc^ici|ie*l, . NxwEww^Omc^| This is to certify .Ujat alter using different prepare dous for expelling worms, I boagbt of C. F, Uelman, of New Lisbon, tWoyiols.of U E Bcllert'.Vermifuge,and Rve the coutedtabr one vial to three of my children. on the first, tiged (1 years, it expelled 45 .worms; from the second, rears old, 70; and from the third, dt tears old, UK maxing MS worms expelled by using ulooevial. I recommend.BeUers’. \ermifugo as a safe' alid one o( thtt most effectual Worm medicines be fore the public; llcon Moaaow. Prepared and Mid by R E BELLERS, No 57 Wood •treeu Sold by Dr. Canal, fith ward; D M Curry. ,Al legheny;,Willi«a J aauth,-Tcmpetaiiccvillc. - jaU . Pstuu~Bioeh gprldgTrui, XTEWLYINVENTED—Forth* reUcfand I'ermanem JN .Cura of HERNIA or RUPTURE;': {Suited ,tdi»H size*:) • .» t The *Bpe(ioreUlm*ef this Trass eousltt m thaebm parativa eaaa tjsph whlch.it may be worn., The pad'ot wood being neatly balanced on springs, yields to rtc** tarn on any-pan of iu and thoroughly adapts itself to .any moveacntisade by the. wearer. It emt be .worn •without iatcrmUslon, until a cure is effected. ' Tbe rub ''•ciiberabivemde anaagemcnU Ibrthe manulactufe ‘of tbeio raJaable Trartct, in a superior style, inl'nilsj delpbiat and have thro now for sale at their o£ce,No; 77. Saiufitld-atr'dear Sixth, Piasburgtu - I GEO. W AIT, , je3o |_J D. W.KAUt-bTIAN. T\R» B. W; SORRIt, HYDROPATI [IST, would JL/.'tespeetfaUy intbruthialrlemU and the citizens of Hu*Vurgh that he haadecldedjo remain lit ilw'clty during tbe winter,'and U preparedoo treat pytumts placing tbemselre* under bis cara, aetonUng to the system a* practised at all Water Cqro Establish jrients,. for either Acuta or diseases. -' Tbosa wiahuur to arail .themselves of his services will call at 1 Mr. Miller's, comer of liberty «t. and Evan’s alley. Dr. >L hasufcaled several severe cases of disease In this city with great success, to which be is permitted to refer. : 1 ; : ‘ ' novatf •TvRUGS, DRUGS,—JoeI Moiler,dreggist and Bpolh |-/ ec*ry.N.jW.eamcrof wood and Ath.sts., rilts bargh,’ will keep coustomly.. ou harm, drugs, paints, cjls.dre-nnffs.etp. N-JL— Physician's preseripuons carefitlly compound, ed from the bbu materials, ar any hour of the day or nigbL*Al*o, inassonment of perfumery, and cloth bcuthca, etc, which he -unit sell low fur ‘cash. j, ■' , mayl ONEcaiskSp. Drown for **ld by -feblfl i JOHN P MORGAN. CO-PARTNERSHIPS Ac. CO-PABTIKRSHIP. LOGAN A' KENNEDY* have this (lay associated :wtth thtre-ilr lb* Hardware bastaesa, Philip Wil son aAI Edward Gregg. The style of firm will here after l*e Logan; Wihou t Co. lliL* arransemeot ren ders it desirable to close the old business as soon iu possible. All persons whose liabilities bare matured, are especially taW* l ®* llo make immediate payment. TilUlmrgh, Jtut-LI»L3- • " LOOAM, WILSON a COr-Importer* and Wholesale Dealers in Koreim and Domestic Hanl ware, Catlery.'BoddierT, hc-ISI9, Wood street Pill*- borah, are oow faby preparecl,with a recently import ed stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Ac., to offer very great inducements to Western buyers, being determined to compete in prices with any of the Atlantic cities.' Al as on hand aq' extensive assortment oT-Pittsburgh, .Hardware, vie Bbovels. Spades, Forks, Hoes. Vices, all of which wi|l, be sold at the lowest tnaiiumc lurer‘sprices..' \ jc>! ; CijrPABTiSEBRHiP. ATHEsdhsdribers having reeeuUy entered into partnership-under the iiatnc of Galiayher. Lung. A Miller, lor the purpose of carrying on the Bell and Brass Founding and Gas Fining business in all its branehea; hare taken the stand formerly occu. mod by JL Gallagher, No. 109 Front street, l>etM een Wood am! Smlih&eJd sts, where they are prepared to execute all orders for Bells, Bras* Castings, of 'every description, midi (las Fittings, with.neatnrss aa Babbit's by numbers wQb hure used both.' Steamiest builders oud the public, genpcally, are nlw requested to call and ex amine our superiof double belitift Force Pump* lur stebmboat anddotaesilc aae. _ - GALLAGHER, LONG, A MILLER. decirdly, . ' . . .*1 - " Dlaaolntlon- . ■ ItliE partnership so long existing onder the firm « M*iS)rd A JQuff, was by mntaa! consent dissolved on the Ist inst, ..'ITjo business will be closed at tbn old stand by cither'of oa, asinjr tho tiaras of the firm for that purpose, i Being desirous u» have.'tmr businen closed with as ilittle delay as possible, we would re spectfully milieu those indebted to call and settle Srir accouau, ; • JOHN D \TCOBO, ; HD KINO. Co-PartacnhJp. JOHN D hPCORD having associated with him hi* brother Janies Xl*Cord, under the' style of M’Cord A Co- will continae.the Hat. Csp and Fur bu»inf»» in all its various 'branebes, 'wholesale and retail, at the old stand, coracrof Wood and iih strosu, wbera they solicit a contiijuation of the patronagp Ki.Uberaily .be. stowed on tho'old firm. JOHN jajs ; I ( • ' JAMES ft-M CORD. - IN retiring from tho old and well known firmiof M'Conl A King, I most respectfully recommend to tbs patronage of tho; poblic iny successors, .Messrs. M'Cord A Co.j .. • Uo*J HD KINO. . trpissoLUTiosc. , ■ 111 IE. Co-partnership of the subreriberp, upder the firm of Lewis Jlulchinson A C-On 1* ihu day dj* .toived by mutual eonsont. Either Of us will attend to tlm settlement'of the business of tha firm, ana usa ns haao for that purpoeo. Inrrcms0 y jioV . JAMES AIILTCIU3DN. 00-PABTITB&SHIP. rpHF. undersigned hare this day formed a co-paniirri 1 ' snip, wilder tlie firm of James A. Hutchinson & Co., ior the purpose of continuing the business heretofore carried on by Hutchinson Co, a.ul solicit a cois tin nance of tiio patronage hitherto extended to the house. • JAMtS A HUTCHISON, : . i: , . lewis d-jcutciuson. ■Pituburgh,'Jan'. 1,1843. Coipartnerablp i 17 W STHPHENB of. Wheeling, K-P S>hmnberge JJ of Jurtiatai and J A Stockton of Pittsburgh, -nav this day eutcrea iutw eo-partnemhlp under style ait firm CO.PAHTNKUSIIIP. , .. TUK iaiwiiUn Will coiiunue ba.inm U «• mail,««'!»' ..jl« nf«;l'oimleiU:r w poiNDKXTKK. e~a li2*i“”- TOIIN PAftBKN fcVAMUIST. WICJITMAN J aiociaVrd lt.emttdvcf logoth«*r umkf Vi t*. Co- M the purport of coouanuiy tUfl ,h. 015 ...„J « tojiijlgteny «Jg}, i innlllf i I ____iodious tn the city, of Baltimore, has recently undergone very .exten sive and impbrovemeata, An eutlre- new wing ho* been added, conjoining numerous arid airy extensive Bathing roam*; ‘ ' ' The Ladies' department haa alsc|jbeen completely reorganized and fitted up in a most unique and beauu ful style; In foot the whole arrangement of the tfousd ha* jicen remodeled, with a siogle, eye pu the part.Of the. proprietors, toward* the comfort and pleasure of thetr Gueiu, and which (hey confidenUy assert wlll challenge comporuou with any Hotel in the. Union.. "Hielrtublb wiirfilwijy* be 'supplied with every sub stantial and luxury which, the tnarkit pflbrdc, served up iu a superior style: while jin this .wnyfof'TMues. Ac ftey will not be surpassed, j ,I___ . I'ln conclusion the proprieuirs beg to say, thai nothing will be leil xuulotic on their part, and onthe-part of their ttssistants, to|remlrr thiV Hotel worlliy tbe con tinued .pommage of their frifcnds und tha pvblic geo erally. - He prices for board have also been reduced to the following rales: . t .■ Ladies'Ordinan-, 81,75 Tier day. Gentlemen’* • l’V ", N. Baggage Wagon of .the House . will .ol way* be fomul at Uie Car uml .Steamboat landings, which will convey baggage to-nud frottHfib- Hotel, free of charge. _ . i J.- uiay-hf . . PEARL. STREET lIOURE, ” . . ' a.vmxxTL oitnr. 1 I m THE subvcrilx-rs having porchased the entire interest of. Col. G. I*. Williamson, late of this well known estafilishtnent, bi-g leave to slate' to llirir friend*-and the public generally, that they have taken this commodious Hotel tor a term of years find vvill ex,- ert their host to make it a desirable home' for Traveller* and City Boarders; . The Uotel is spacious mid admirably planned for con venience, light and air, having a number of parlor* ad joining chambers; presenting unusual attraction*, to lamQiea The present proprietor* having had the experience -of years indbi* city and elsewhere,.hope: they will be! able to give geueral satisfaction, being determined <0 give oil divided attention io the froutc alone.-' . The locatipoW pie Pearl Street House is upcotnmon ly eligible, having fronts oil Pear], Walnut and Thitd: streets, eo that tl 1* equally desirable in ric'h of the couveuieuce of busiucS* men. or retirement for prirnte boarder*. It U near by the Bonks, the Post Cfllico, the Masonic Hally Udd Vellow’s Hall, and bai'aaa square, distant from Main street uud.two squares ifoai the .City >Vhari;thut offering the greatest InudcrmetiT*, especial-; ly -u>: country merchants ahil generally to ail prreoas: visiting CiiictnuntL JOHN NOBLE, '' mchs7 I ' ' JfQHITADUBIE. ‘; •Eirri’W' noußßf co&xxa or BAtrurou mo ixnv its, aAtmtoox, kb 3 HENRY t'. JACKSON, I’UOPIUErOH. t ' IB© This splendid and'spacious Hotel, elegantly *it- : fcjQ uated for both business nudpleosure traveller*,!* Ms&to constructed; as to combine all the luxuries of thebi»lhoicll, wi(h elegtaice afufreal eoidfort. Choico suites of apnrunents are a; aU epiuous reserv ed for the accoinrrtoddtioit of transient guepu, and famr Hies visiting the city* will find the Eutnw House a home, unsarpossed by nriy Hotel ia the Union, s i ‘ V • The location is! elevated: and-salubrioas, and ii also COiivhnieut to tho depots and landing*,; at which\lhq coaches and. porter* of tho. house are ut ail times m waiting to convey, passuitgers tutd their baggage to life Hotel. v : • ;• TsicKs.—Gentlemen's ordinary ■ ' dayj .Ladies' do ■ ifiO ■ dor-. janlod3taw3m . • , EXCnANOE HOTEL, cokASJi ox rarur abust. o-uasra, rrrtascaoH, fx: MThc subscriber having assumed the manage ment ot this.long estshluhed and popular liotel, respectfully announces to TraveH'cr# and the l'uln tic generally, that ;b« will be at all lime* prepared to s Kccommodaut theiu in all thihga desirable in s well regulated lloteL The House.is.uow bciag thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and. no pain* will be spared to make tho Exchange one of thd very.best Hotels tn’the cooniry: j The undersigned respectfully solicits abootinuancq of the very liberal patnmage the lloose ha* heretofore received..'! TUOMAB GWBTON, .. fehJWtf ?. , Proprietor,_• j.. . ' JONES* UOTEL, . ' 1 jco. I Si, cucbxot (txext, yun.Ano.TOA. • MTHE subscriber*, under ibe.finu of Bridges As West, have Ipurchased hlr. Jobe*’ interest m thM eslahiishmeut. and bopo by the strictest attention to the wants and comfort of their guest*, to merit a con-, caqaacu of tho liberal patronage heretofore received by iu fanner proprietor. ’ . |i. The house has jbeca thoroughly renovated, and ret paired; we therefore feel assured wc can welcome ouy triendf and lh« publieta oceomuodabons! eqanl to any ia the city of rhilfldclpkia. N W JIKJDGES, - _jlyah{ ; JXO\VEBT. _ GALT HOUSE, i .I 1 ; coaxcaxAi* axx> sixth sr*. (cmxvArt. m .Tlilß establishment u now in tbe )bcst order for the reception of tho Traveling Public. HavLtd undergone a-thorough repair dunog! the past win ter,' and bating Xho most experienced men iu the west in tho various departments. 1 flatter myself that aO wil be pleated who (fob The location is central, commo dious oml pleasant. Fare $1 per day. Cincinnati, March I 1,'47. WEMARSIL • N. not exactly a new Broom, it t* the same—a near Wujst on the old handle. apGtf ' GALTiHOCiE7~ ? ■■ ' ’ ! UH&VtIAE. XT. ; ejSl'' AIIIS THROCKMORTON begf tn acquaint 'teflLi* frinuls that he is again lessee 01 the GALT JS*»UOL'Si; Louisville, where lie hope* to meet aQ hi* pld.frieuds, Anuring ibem aud the public, that ru* effort shall bo ‘pared to make, all comfortable who avor liioi'wttJi their pntronagc.__ 1 jantlrtly ' AMERICAN HOTEL, [ rut-risottc, H'.i,. Mf)rpo»iie thp Railroad lVpot, Pratt *L Ralitmore, JIKNRY W.l SMITH. proprietor. (.feu*? of the Ex* change and Bl Charles Hotel*; Piuburglt.} ocUOdty. ’ MISCELLANEOUS. mmks \\\ 'voonwu.r. Pittsburgh! Furniture Ware Rooms, . .: fca,Tßti:pmir.E<. ! A lert? and apleudnl assortment o{ Forni* mrnmdm tur,., euitohie lor Btramlnjals lloi«l*.*udpri valo dwellings constantly bn h*n4*"dmail# • The-present aukk on huitd cannot t** *xc»*«W I>J any msnoticiory'in the western country. J’crwms wishing ga»y Nur*e Chairs | 14 pair Uvan»i 1J doi fine mahogany Chairs ltf mahogany Work Stands . :j dor mahogany Rocking Chair*;: |3 niartle tip UreaMufUurrous | , g pair Ottoman*; ' j b marble top Work Rtatul*; Ischcrn’ 'VorkSumk#; . Mahogany, Maple. Cherry, am! Poplar Dcdtwadj of alt description*, amt a large assortment of rvnmoß furniture and chairs too nmuerou* to mention. .. marllt/ >._! . ■ , 1 • tlaTumscoCT. < •. ions V. wicx. L. r. xoxoaS. ; . LIPPK.fCOTT ft GOn Manufacturers of iiiunmcrrd ami Causicei Shovel* and Spade's Axes and Hatchets Mill, •* Cut. Circular amlTlm Raw*; Hay and'Manure Forks Hoes Mattocks Pick* Ac., Having completed all. tbeii arrangement* in itho tcnatrucuoit si new machinery > and iu area ring kbe bet workmen from the rto*i cele brated establishdenLt of the East ure row manufactur ing and will keen constantly oil lutnd-and for *at« all the'above artiewa, 'hating avnllr.d thcrakelves of the latest improvwn«i>it», atatirc determined that in work manship and material will not ho excelled-, They promiaeto produce article?- equal, if no£ superior, to any that ciuj bo had in Qi£ East. They invito, tbetnten liou of dealer* Wuu e rjiriinaikm of luelP stock before purchasing tUcwlierelgjithey ere convinced that they will be able to 6!} *U orders in' their [line! to the entire satisfaction of purchasers. Warehoaxe,' Water itrhet, 4 door* West Monongaicla House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. It—Poitou* haring business whhilVm..Lipj»en colt A Son, will'Please call on Lippencott A Co. octOdly ' ’ •' ' ; 1 tardvrare Homiei - JOSEPH WOOPWELL. eorner of aud 2d *U., Pittsburgh. Having withdrawn from the fina of Walker BjuTtVoodwcU, on the Ist of January'* RM7, I take.pleao ure iu announcing to ray friend* iu the city and coun try, that I have opened my now rtore at the above naut ed place;- Having purchased my good* for cash, aad roaoe amngements with ntamifnctareriTln thi* eoanthr mid iu Europe td be constantly aunplied, 1 am fady ptjo pared to furnish Hardware of all kinds on as coral lean* and »«’ low as any bouse East or We»t Mer chants andothert rue re*l>eccfuHy Invited to call olid examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. *l*llo. following comprise* apart of hi* stock*, j Rieainhoui arid saddlery, hardware, gun Uiminiug*,' fifes Naylor’* aleol, cutlery - , edge tools- anvils vice*, locks Utchei, scythes butt hinges, screws UnJon.Fud lory planes aaws nuuogady board* aud veneer*. ami all outer article* connected with tko hardware bus!- next. I. : ■ • jnchlliX^ Tliordware, Cutlery, Sucldlery, dbc. “! WALKER. Importer and BraßcHiaClDottier in Fotcign and Domestic hard- would : Tcspcctfully inform }J* fnenJ* and umpublic generally, tbnt ho I* now receiv ing ‘hi* spring supply of hardware, at the old stand of Walker and Wooawelh No. wood si,'which bo will ji*po*o of on the most reosouablc tcnn.?; J to will W cohtiuually receiving frc*h supplies direct from the mnnadicturcr* In Eurof« and this country, which will’ enablo him to compete with,any vtuibllah ment, either Ka»t or West- , >Ve*tem. inefebaut* aro invited to call and examin his stock before purchasing clscwhcro. : - uars -PHt MwlUm Work* onfl.yotmdry. ; i !-. . ! • nrrsßv'iuiH. pa- JOHN WKlOirr a Co., are prepared lo build Cotton mid Woollen Machinery ot every description, such M Canliur Machines, Spinning Frame*, Speeder*, Urawinjr'Praoi'cA, Hail tray Heads, AVarpera,'Bpoolera, Ilmusg'lniuiji, Loom*, Cord Urtoder*,fc*. Wrought Iron Shahuqr turned; all sites of Ctui Imp, Fulties and Hanger* orntellatfut ruiiUtnu, slide and hand Lathes, and foots of oH kinus. Ce»tihg»of every description ftirnialied oh short notice.’' Patterns mado to order for MilllUearin?, Jrun Hailing, ftc, Steam Pipe for heating Factories, CnulrquWiiulow' Sash and fancy Castings ! generally. 'Orders iefl ul the Warehouse ol 4. Fainter at Co., Liberty sireetTwtlJ hare prompt attention: Ilclcr to Ulaekstockyßeil A:Co.;J K Moorhead & Co.; OK Wamcrj Johtt lpriu &. Sons, Pittsburgh: O C It'J H Warner, tiieabcnviUe. . , I joujp T . t- - Hardnare Nlors lUmored, . 7'”“ TTiFIUTMOKEA having removed from the •ff “corner on.lbrrty and St Clair fUeeis, to'No BO Wood street, ihrte door* above StCharies Hotel, would reinectfally .atktike attention of buyer* to their suck of il AUmVAttßi QUTJ«EKY and BAUULKKY, rac'd Monongahola and Huasia, direct frotnUic otaanfjmdrrrsof England and liertnanv. - '; Also; eupplics of American Hardware, fiom the prin cipal manufacturers of the fcattdm Watt*. i'beirstockbeing-enftrdty new, and porchaied upon the best unirt thoy feel great con&denea'in being able wereMfolly to meet coappUuiQi frank- any quarter, whether east ofr west. 'The HardwnrebusTais will be continued at the nbl stand. ' l . _i_ ' apn. gALKKATUSANIHJLUE FACfOR Y FUHMLh.' MW „ .ollrtAi. Tlic Atlrulnlatruiomof I ybirit»mhi» life tunc, a* a Salera* tii» and Ulucfjuiory.'lhc work* arc in complete order fur carrj iutf on tliu bu«lnfd Al#t. ihteofihelet* A.Utn*o.Jr< hereby netiSed ioea]l!tad.»eule ibclr account*, and Jhoae har incolkuaaaninmbe E*i*ib,will piweat them duly aatbemicatetl for aenlemeat » *■ - l. , '> .l-U.i^.W*VU4*-»-IL> I J i i •“i'-.' ,-Pij.u/i.'.‘-i-* <--:i < t -r ■' DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, A fed eiiitfcnrtif Fitabofghl&ndiis TitUmtfuau tner are new.aelliflg off tWlrwery l«grt add ** oe f. of dnr'-ffood* at »ri unparalleled reduction of-pnces, their objeetbebg iti e*ehaq**:gohd* to,cask. Ain or der to effect thhin the ahorte«t poaibla Umetocy wu* •ell off iheirentire stock,at_*»dn remarlreblf wwtatea Ju "cannot fell to bail ctah bgyetso A fine is now-offered topersetas in wantofchehpdry-good* *» •bpplr, thexoelre^arneomparaUTelT.smaUtxpcnse. 1 K^a^a&jaaiigassa: Mode Colored De lJmie*,‘FkefchAlBnbo*, msaoried eol* or*: Alpacca Lurtrefc Bombasines; French awl Scopa CM»uoere*. French and Lari- JMjmUiAMt-ia. '■ — V. A large'and aplehHiS rtwmmwiuof tieh-btoek Pnfe» and M.rw;ii«hilte« and-hlma biagh Drew Satin*. -, t . ••. • i.. A largo assortment *od Cashmere Shawls; plain and. .embroidered silk fnng* ThfSertbCChameletm andßroodde silKtopJoin black bilk do; ataper-all Wiiol long- square Erochea .do; ofeln and embroidered Clpth do; plain ami embroidered Do j cixmis A.VB . Super French, Cloths and Co ;■ . Art excSlttut awortmentiof SaiUneU awl a large stock of rtd, *hilo and AUow fiuaneU. . * L :- . „ -Blanket*—Super blue Blanked* fororerccats; fine isohment of Ticking*, Checks, Print*,, with' almostetery article ut the drys 1 AJLFXWiDBRfcPAV, j ■ T kel at. Ml W, cotJ pf diamond. • j ies * X}. < p | AJfeigipttfi. £ 'rttSBSL. ;:5S do V |* do Ww ? do I " rf o ! I ‘ WrSWfitlSß srt-::. ■ & > Smn .Gin;, , , . doj. , ltl’k tloree do; • ©“Brown dOj do, lmpU'Uagle do; , S Goidca do; .<«>• • Find Amo do; "5 iY^l nff,, 52, d 5 I • Irah : Whi»ker- -•• •• d » ’ " •W. \ JwniicaHpiriu; H CUmreV l . ; St. Croix Rone •• - .SmfeiiDrjrßMogkdo, , Lwuon in bonlerjcoo, CUampuffHe “?,£"*£*£** , (brWe m iinported*tmple»iing «rm» m i tke Wme Cel| i .lu xnd liquor Start ootbm f rf «m\ 1 - febB r ■:•!•• ,i ..PCJttARTLN. | •v Dry Good*:«t \irE would rotpeciftiUy inv«a A$ alWaliott.cfvoonj . W: . try and City Merchant*,to wir .very.extensive «toci,ofDry Goo*,.of the raost'rWetupofohs* and dwirsble »tyie*,»mtniy wtochnm~be enumerated: [ i ... 3 u ,MoassclUmde Baine*Knr. aiul Affiericoiti ■ U “ Alpaccai.inall d°}or» »napt?cc*i . , ■. : .17- Bleached BWeiiW*BMrt£ng* I to I*£ . -H * t*atlnetts;blaek,Mae,mlxed,*m; _ . 3 »*• Cassloeresi'blaefc.'blae asd uquy, : : ; ■7 -l«'.-Tweede,Je*fl*,Coblmm%Pnped4*®*rtt*®; . Bummer ftofl**4pl| ussaljmqu;- . i 1 bale Yellow Drilling, from medium Won*; ; a.,f Blue Drilling; from medium to finer: ’ , ‘Dwetherwitha fultussortmeMof Clotk*.Castanereua, Drip ITEte, FlannfcU, WfaltaOoods, Tnmmmg* A Wood «- j f e l,9 J BsikiV BukitSf "i TCTT received at ZEBUBOJi KB'iZBY’S, <7 Mar. J kMrtreet.ldoiflnawmx.Muskaje.doi'pupet.dM 3 3ot common ,doj 3 «oa# metallic Comb Cleaner*;l iloi ivr Boilers! 1 dot Balt SpdouajS dot bone Mustard Spoou* 4 gross. German SOTei Spoons: 3 do Batter Knives; l do ftney'Toy. Books] Ckina Marbles; 6 dot fine Cornu and Cap* 5 Sax fine ftencbj WiUtpv Basket* t dot Willow Marked do; (1 dor Strsw Traveling basket* 0 dox alas* Motto Seal* 3 doit bone motto Stamps; t Allen’s patent BeTdtting Pistols; 5 pairs tomfflon Brass Pistols: 3 dot sens Chess men; & dot seta Dotmao* 3 dot Taylort Tap* Measures; IS dot fancy cveui Toy Basket* U gw* Wteel Key.:Rin**,;a»sorted;3gro** Dor* l dol firings Amber Bead* 13 "nests toy Drum* l dozen willow Cradle* L dozen! Clothes'Baa ket*' '•'!•' ' - 1 ~ • ’••! • ' J** 9 -! .Fancy Dress Stilts. ' i WR. MCUPHT nos on band auexeellenl assort* - tnent or* fancy Dress Silks, Chameleon Plan* ana laiwy- stripe, which be is now offering at vary low price* also, an assortment of plain, watered, stnped and plait), black and blue black Silk* including a tew nieces o£ very author and newest style* also, Gro d* BUine, and Italianplainblaek Sillsfor dresses, Ac. and u lew patterns of Changeable Ture Satins, Barred Pop. lius,ae._ __ | r ; _ : - _ i_; • j . ... fcbl7 -. VbPACCA A CA9HMEIIE r HOSf>->V R Murphy A luvitee the Mention ol tbe i allies to hu exeeiwu* asMirunexu of cashjaere and alpacca hose, including drab and U’k ribbfctL Also, Mack spun silk, Uiimu,aud cotton hose, a lull assortment, and allot* ; ■■! :■ J APBNf lUa MOHNINGAI W B .^UItfHVS,« VI/ Auonmenl of jnew and tand«)m do Imperial and lilack I'd*; 50 bfab Nb n iutkc Mackerel 4 bola No 1, Herring; 5 Lbi« Si L«nl* 8 UAtotb**e*i lotibUdo LouJ>ugar;irWfauJ j IJUKMSiIiNtt pOODS—We Lava on icujJ aa at l •oruuent of gout* satiable-fur fnriiuluug hotels, wiaotboau, 4 c., aiming o inch are 13haJc*uckuig*, a*- ntfuaiiiJ do bro.dtiknag*; a ca.««*M aud o-l •lulling*; 14 do I,« and 4-4; do; 2 hale* heavy, linen crush; 7-4 auds-4 uiieu table diaper; do. do. Lamasl; .**eolih ami Uuwi|i diaper; low-priced iaacr madder print*; 'white rduu\erpauc»; plant aud twilled blanket*, * K i which m ill he >*ol*l lot* fur ca*l» or.approved credit.. ? i siucKLun * wiimv!! janj _I" \ ' . .* W.wood «]/ Shawlii Shhwl*. _I SKU.INO OPfV*A very large aud superior n-tort meld ofiniperlTuikerrtShawt*, «tra all worn UnK vaade; dud Cskhrocrt: ;pl*ut aud emhroidcr<»i -clotiw do, plum and embroidered I'lubeldo; brocade, Damask, and Ottoman bilk do; l'laul long and K;ui-e.do; gethcr with a great variety’of •ther de*vr:|-tiuu* oi> Shawl*, all oi which we arc now wsUingoif u» an extrt* ordinary reducuoi of prior*. < ' ! . ■ | ALEXANDER & DAY, f r uS 73 Market at, >i W cor. 01 the Dmimnd. ’ PUKSHtTOiOLD PfcNlCf-Kcc’d by express thi* duy a large Ibl of'the beet madepeus oyetbro’t to uu« city, by utfehug a considerable premium over the ordinary pnte*, liltave had theui lnauuiactmcd. *upe rtor to any Heretofore, and ca» cutihdehtly Ttconnuend tlivin a* fuel) fct the hnctteu dl the gold, thvtr ea»y :Io»uc spring andj'fine smooth point*.: Also; a large ii*brUDcul of other brawl* for *ale at eastern price* iud warranted, ui the wateft store ot ’ " WAV* WILSON, | comer of*-4th 4c market »> oUFkil FRENCH CLOt’HS sklunu-uff-a O tiiie ftMoiuucul ut' Krfucii ami Knyliih Cloths sel ling oU at u very freul reduction in price*. ■ * , ; ALEXANDER A DAY, I'cbO ..-v_ 73. Market at, N: W.eorofthe Diamond.; . SJIACKp^TCA^ViUTE— Dry ,o'oods Jobber*, UO Wood it, bare bn hand a wClf assorted and season aid© dock lot DllV GOODS, which they vyiU itti to western and city merchant*, ba.very reasonable lenni, anti low price*. {Most dt'Uie gobds were bought during tit* last.iuoaih, add aweduccji price*. J.JM. Bleacued Drills, Ac.—\v. r. Aiarpby, mu opcu this morniitg one case Amorkcug iileacbtal. Units; &Im> Uubhmched do v Antorheag,No l, also Tick i)iz»of various prices and quhlnies—and offered low by fh3 piece and yard, at. N H comer 01 4ih out Market 4 treau ’ ! . : . TTsaXtt UORBBKS FOB SKIRTS.—W.R 1 ) Murphy ba»!on hand Drab Moreen tor skirU. Also • Corded Marsailea skirls, .-J \ ! French Coburn do (a new article, Ladies'Morinoc-and-Coitoh vest*, Ac., uortheast comet of 4Ui A niarket , tcUJ, /"'IOCIIECO I’RINTS—\V R Murphy luvUes the alien* VJ/tion of buyers l a hia assortment of above superior good*, neat style*, and plaid* ofpuro madder colon, and warranted ml; also, Frill River and American print work* do. alto faslcotors. • • jenlSi rpABLB DIAPERS AND TABLE CLOTHS-W. R JL Murphy busjbn baud.'at.low prices,an assonmoni 01 common, medium ana superior linen table diaper*; also damans Uncp toblo clubs, napkins, etc j also bock abud l bird-eye, and Scotch diaper* for toweling’. jnlB PLAID BLACK ALVACCAS.—AIfeW pcs'ofsatlh barred alpaccaa, lately tec'djaiso, an excellent assortment of luiicy onrreil do., very low, ut the dry. goods house of [ Ua3I‘ ' W R MURPHY, GOOpS'AT' LOW PRJCES—W R Mu: phy. conic; Market sU.; cuuliiiues to »e U utter Ores* Good* at rreatly, Red need priccjsr-Mu: lilt de Lalncs as flow ai Id| eti per, yard, Ac. ' jml7. FINE PLAIDS SELLING' OFF—An exceHenta* •oHinentof pne Plaids soiling os*! an unusual re cluctiouittpricMiat WAlarket street, N W corner of •the Diamond. ) ALEXANDER A DA\. 17LANNELS-*-Rcd, Brown aui Barred i An additioud supply recelvMDointlie manufactu rer*. .Also, a few pieces of low priced Casskietts, for ,alo by: GEOUUE COCURAN, , • »pl’j '' \'' Jl woodst_ BLAJOa-TTS-iSSpair large Domestic Blankets, just reccivedoa'cDusigomftutiforsoloby •: * , aSU | GEO. COCHRAN, a? Wood su T)OYS CASBIMKRJSS.—W li Murphy invite* |) mo uitenuoo of parent* to his excellent tusortnuml ni' boys ftasslutcras aiHl'tweedaof-various Qualities, kit' the Dry Goods house, northeast corner of 4ta and mar ket su. ■ ' ■ij ‘ ; -• feui PKODUCK— I3Q bl>l*.rre|b Fwuilr;Flouij lb'libUjSo 1 LwUi-’bbl» Butter, la *«« do; 5 buls Bye; 6 bblt'Beaot; jlwt reeM etui fbr.sa]e by ,K ROBISON 4C«; ‘ 130 Liberty tlrret; OH#— laoo g«i» paioiul colored winter Sperm; lUO9' f %b bleaebjnl ■winter Whale; fcOO g»l». low iuicbd Whale Oil, }ust we’d and-for ula by l • , ; \ MILLER A-iUCICCTSON.- ■. PUODUCU— flcceiTcdpcr ateamer Ludlow, la bbU 'Clover SeWL H do FTdx Seed, 3 dt> 1101 l Butler, d do While Ifoana,lT do Lafd,*(S kpga do 4 »cka Wool, 1 do tealhcrt; foreale by tell lIAUALkVASMITH T IQUOHS—I«fi galloon Uaftand pinj '£>o do Freueh JJ 11 randy, rec'd on erfhnknmentaad tbraale l rf ; ’■ , i«uaa __ i- TASaHY a bkst. ‘QCNDlUES—isbbUClovem«d}3daTuaathy seedj O lU ctuka Bcbklubz*; l?,barreU do; 13 ca*k» Bacon tuufoLudet, and thouldeni'Sbarrela'Ueaiufforaafoby : feblß; iFtULM># KHK V A Co. 67 Water *t_ QALTS—CS casks brim* Jwsuwe’dand for sale by . 0-ftb»,. j, . ... v f^lODWplOrAit I-.;.-.''"' LITERARY- r/s i..; Y«Baf :li«dla’;;9cßUur7i ■'Tt/TR.'N.W. IktßTCALFtrbaia irimottßeat®’ the ttti [Vl sens of Allegheny. and. Ttehdty. ibe iateaM m* moral of Jii* school from the comer of Sandusky and »^^6sC®ii3?«sSsFis gist of two seasons pC fit# «pnUile*ciLcemmeaemf oAthefirstMonday lAFeWiaiTrami September. T) ;; _iui» o» wrraw rottmwaor rnxvami^},- • English Department—lndlnding. Beading, Onh®g»* phy Sid defining,'Writing, Englisa GrammnrfHhewnlL Item English CompositSrsi andCririeitm,- Ocogrspbyft Hi*wnr, Arithmetic anil the. higher branches of Mathe matics, Nnnir^'Philosophy, Chemistry,''Astronomy. DoUiiy, Physiology, OeolbgY, jlnlelieejpaljaxid Motel. Science and all otherbmtenek reipiisiie-toatboroogp: English education *••••«•••• •••••• *MI CO, CtassicalDepartmeM—lnelndiugthe Latin, ' JAMES McCUNT(KK, M-D, PrlneipUi «ai ft»cJ tiee of Surgery. l ■ ’‘ ; "! ' f - i HENR’TGLBBONS,. D, laatitntea of JledWad 1 , and Medical Jurisprudence. • : : S. R. McCAINTOCK, M>Dl, Demoaatratmr of An*t- BURR, M. D, Protector of Soigery.' : Fee for the full eottm,'S7Q. 'Foe for.lhoie who hsie all ended two full eonnea in other College*, £40.. M*.t» riculation to be'paid once ouly,sd»• Graduation 9XI Practical An*tDay fc inchulUigto«aplwl*U«y Lecture* 810. The DUaectink Hawn* will be opeued on the lai of March.- " : -v -r £-r ‘- I ;Frojn/ ~--en>enlo now pendingitheteiaeteiy real " 'turn* 'aledw' 8 ' i. lo lie chairs of of %le?icine sd Anatom/ will be occupied b/Jutinct Profeuor* tins earl? period.- ForfiUTTierinlbnnoUonuuisireor. - > - ■'■>r . JAMES MeCLINTOCK. M.D* Data, - No. 1 North Eleventh Street. Dec. g 7, l&i7. -JaM-fl ■. / T,' Philadelphia, Haw Book* tad PcilodUalit, i ] TXJST received at SL A. -Miner's, Smithfialdatreei,- U 3d doorfrom Second. •" 'i\ • i>; j •' Godey's Lady'sßook forMaieh.-tf--* j - Christopher Tadpole, byAJben Smith, with HI ultra-, lion# by John Leeeh; eompleU. >V j ;Tbe Jifo rind Opinions of.Tristrain Shindy, imii comprising the hnmorous adreiunrei of uncus To* by and Corporal Trine byLawrence St*roe~-beautifiil- Jy'illustrated. ’ i : •*. ' ■ ! • • The Poor Scholar-* «tory oflrishlifa,-by William .Carlton.-.-,. ; f -.t*:- t Gen. Tayforand his Staff interspersed with-numerous Anecdotes of the Meiicaa Wsr, and personal adren uires of the Officer*, with aecnratn jwrtriits' Khd other beautiful Blustraliaßi. - < - !?. • • • The Adventurer or the Wreck, oa tha Indian Ocean, >y Lieutenant Murrriy, L v- - ■ Manila ortho Pictured pocks,by Osgood Bradbury, Miscellany,‘No.it' ,i ii! LiYiog-Aee.No.lDG;-' ',- • | Taylor’s Money Reporter for Feb, IS. •; ■ t Junes Uw Second. t , . *iuiiti uuo *. # , A superior article. gilt;edged Vision; Oipds,fresn sale ailiC Ai Mlnert, Smiihfteld street, 3d door from Second.. ( ..J-.. .; ~ . fcfr—lS Oanerb Ainas! sndOlftSosksfsrlStl O—TbeChann; a series of graceful andelcgunlcolor*. ed groups, with descriptive Ulustrsiionsfby.Hissbcth Biel, bound in sc ulc t silk, and splendidly giILV * Leaflets-of Memory; an ilhumnuted animal for IH3: edited br jßeynell Coates, *VL I>4 superbly bound, dd gundy illuminated and illastraiedi. A -.1 Fnendship-'s 'Oflerisc, for elegmnjly bound arid' illustrated, by splendid engravingsby Sustain. -I '' Christian Keepsake, aruf Missionary Annual, f..U.[IYJL James. Complete in four parts,papen J! voii. cloih, - Korsolo by JOIIS'STONk STOCKTON, • Jana Booksellers, comer of htgrtet and ai»U Hew end Y*l n«t»}« Q«nks. - TNDESIGNED Coincidences it} the writing both of U. the (JHdottti New Testament, tin argument of their veracity; with an appendix, containing' anilesigned co 'liieidence* between the Gospels anaActs, and Jb«e phns, By Rev. J. J: Blunt, B. II- First; American, uotn the seepad London ediuotn< ± ■ . j j The Errors of ModemTafiAelhjr illustrated anu re* toed, Uchmueke r TA-M4 pastor’of the first. Lutheran Church, Geruiantowti Pit "• , ' Sacred Philosophy of the - Seasons: illustrating the perfections of God in th? phenomenal of the year, in tour Tolumes-one volnnu? devoted, to each season. By Kev. Henry Dduean Ik D.j { ' 1-: 1 Chalmers Miscellanies, embracing Reviews, Essays, and'Childresses.' lly . the Chaltnet*, D. P. He abomwith a large variety of nedr and standard works, for sale low by EUdQTT k' ENGLISH, .. ja2s , . 06 market at between 3 and 4th.' Ifew*Boo ka~JF uOlec e I r* d.. HEAVEN upon Earth,by Janet»uy, one vol, . : HBe Chaniock’t choice wbrkrby Lyiuiagton,l vol tsjc Coiiifiacidriice* of the OM'.knd'NewTVßtarncut ; by Rev. J. J. Blunt, B. D. one vol i 31,25 Chainlet's Miseellanies, Poeuif,-Eii«aysi&c. ; 1,50 Select works of James, Ven»;\Vil»on. Phillips and Javin one large Vol. for thelowjrieenf 1.60 The Free Chnrcn Pulftit, 3 voli. .f ~ . AW) Modem Infidelity, by Srmicker; , ' - Life of David, , • ' > ■ • 75c Daily walk with God, Mahhew Strong,, 3sc Circle of Homan Life, by 'EhuluclQ . Ssc, Memoir of Charlotte Elizabeth, V' >1 - '3lc The works of Francis Turretuie in the original Lai- : in. to be complete In 4‘volsfU vol*. now ready.' Willis* Morocco. ! J The abovo witira great variety, of new books, just received. ELLIOTT foENGUSU, jand - [Pott copy] SO market aj. betwewt 3d .•and 4th. : ENGLISH BOGK&— Rtstotyof t&e-Oreak Ecv olutkm, and of the wan add campaign* arbyng from ihe'iiruggiesofthe 'Greek 1 Patriots tflKmanapa tingtheir eoamry-from tifo-Thrkiih ,Yoke—in.-twayol* antes— splendideopy with numerous maps and engra vings.’ : - ’ j 'i : l ' • • ' .. r - ■ Leiiera’-iliuslrniive af jhc reignxf. WUham..!l!,ftarit ICld to 170 S—with fine pannuts, m 2 vols. • Companion to the study of the - 1 . Harry Mowbray, thrillng j romance, ivith 50 engrn* vin’gt., ... ‘ •] .. ;f , ■ _ Tear in the Roly Land, Trench; Stage,’ and Sketches' in Chink. Just tec’d and forsalcby •, • . v; McDonald* bkeson tpt22 ' 1 I -j" I •jQmkrketstreeC *' THE Fhilotpphy of. Life I and'jFhiJftsOpby of Eon* guage, by Fred Von Schlegeu . Smith's Researches in China iwtS4L '-45 and ’46, with a map and plates. * - 1 -if;'m V * - The State of the Departed by Jodi, ffcnry'Hobart, D. D. The Chnreh Universal, liyl>r. tMonh. ) Goldsmith's Poeuu,illustrated. • Thompson's Seasons; ‘ do' i 1; * ‘ For sale by - . v 1 ; J 01. BEAD, jaffl • • ;4lh si near murketl CUckwU|’> Pianos. . -i* 'A superb rosewood six octavePiano, : ' new scale and patent iron frame) made WnWßVby J. Chtck«*ring;ltoatdu. 11 «I• |" A very elegant rosewood aix and a hah* octave Piano, now male, ahd pitent Irion Tram*, made by J. Chickering, Boston. ii : ; The abort instrument* received to-day, and open for examination; for sale at hfr. ChJckciing'rpii. ce*forcaahorapproTedpaper. v; . j . v Also, on hand, oueeleknn{ rosewood Ooduc panels,, carved mouldinn, and (moulded lega, 6 octaves, nmda by Gale foCo,XewYork. J ' ■ • • . j . One - do. carved irosewood’C octave*,: mads by Gala A Co., New York, > i . i, Oue mahogany aecehdhahd Piano, fa octaves, el* ex cellent tonn,.and .in good order, made by Chickering A Stewart, ff ISA I- ’ . •, • One superb grand Piano, made by.lien, Paris, and | guaranteed tobe the bee) Piano form in the city, will be sold at a rery moderate price, ' fl- '5 ‘ | ftW - » JOHN H Sew PUno Fortes. ' OnqeleguuK(»cw6oduxuulahal( FiartoForta doable raised cor- txwne-inadf by. • I.« »• I• Chicketing^Bo»iou. L ■ One do. gothte panela'azki moaldingaj'C-pcUTe-iGeJf i Co,New York. ,i ’! • One do. rothio panels diul moulding*, C(Xtt»*- GaloA Co. New Yetk.,l »!'.'•■•’.s .i . One superb grand piano, ,6| oqlare*—-Herr, vent, ■' Thb.tbove piano* tone* orerworfanied, a«d we been selected by the «übicrib«r,'jparucularijf ,for f .th£lr, good quality of lone sad flai*li *1 miuical uistnimeuU. • ForsoleatfimtorTprieesby ' 1_ • > Ja» JOlfN 11 MELLOB, 81 wood at T~T Mrt*Uefram*PUMe. r ' g|£E/uai- A. SFU£NUIP, tusortmenl aillose wood and aciuJu IV. || w I | Iftnoa, Frame, just tinislied and forsole, Alo, two splendid Koeawood- Fi*no», wnii Coleman's celebrated* jwoUan. ut, the ami modern style, and tor sale at *• F. PLUMES, ! je«S : • _• - Rrnxb * • “7 “ OjU ream* JuW cAP.iiir aiuUumauniaif*.:, ; . , au, •* 'letter.. ; ; r > - /v.. "I' 1 - Bat cap, good tjdallty,- ••• Jv-'. *. i : -. ; flu! M Wue ueiory paper, ,v. . . so. ‘•’■- teapapigr,-u. .>■ • '* " • " 0> g. . ' • S.OOU onftdlgt «T»Ur4ad' 'btMr •la !TJ* 1 * i&mij *“** imp l^JiTfooDKtiapa, '•. V ■' ;j .f x , .yj • : ,; : MISCEtIAIiEOIJ&j; t subscribers na>e taken the Type \L, No.» eontiri'oejfle bcainaaa lately • conducted'by Koben T»yiijr. !i ' ! Tbiyy»cliittjnd I paetua&ty>mid«» >nf"«ir»»*nririg . ••iriopnetorsof Yrholia»e riotadrertised for the tab«crtber;mhoxuay publish this notice &rtflr4e ' purchasughve ume| the amount of thur -billa torad- - \ «W.av9 *te-J>cr lb; • Charles Whilfag, ) .. \villTiNO A TAYLOU, • TboodotO Taylor, $- - (Sdboeesora to Sobn ..’{“br 'i r~. ..n.CqiacyGold aod^naStrac** -J ' . . .J>y,aUK-BNK.„ r.t !. f ' Jlptu(i Axlii lUili knd Iron Worki< ■' :.ptypand. turt.erery deaeripuon ofCotcb u 4 HipdeSpnngii ' ■ fry - Alley American! BEnaiy? • ,BJji«V jwd,.*!! «ke*, of, ubmU j^d;re*a4^; which they oaer-ur tale on libera teinu, at iietr wart* hMMrlfottwaoaviiMV wtoreUeyiaijb ■haod a coominta *ad. htnriaoiafl paaoTtßMavaC'iCpMh Tficia?fyt»; Cariiaga hardware, inalle*blvca*uiiVL -he- ihad. wilt keep cwwtnotly.©a hanri*wtr»***rH wadelby them.-.Dealer* are reipecUalJi'jMuoiledu • call, nprtccraridtatme _*Hirjaiß«do'fibstre^*frip* !! i : " Bain : «dui'BrmjU w rl = 'A-1; A yifliTQWj a«» mrf Bun hifft ; ff» Ibnilt tad commenced bnaince* at- bfr old-*tand. rff ho will he pleated toaeohVbld l,???rr*r*andfivadi. r,-; . Clmch,' Steamboat, aiid Bdla'of every alas. (romlD ‘ tDlO,a»pdaady ca*t ' i - ««ss^ -.,o ntot ,fr r » eMrod qsa|jJ UobWr BridtrWiirbeexeeotetfM if VoJel *irad,.wuhoct nanoiM.. A tioeki arte. la. now (orulo at the warehoote, ‘RJoanJa.wv.w’t 02. o*l Villa,*?' ■'■>■ ■■■>. ■■- MACxLI^ >- - - - * VDUACK ALPAfiC AS*«W'RUttiphr»>a« ; •fi l li«rbi®ls& r -^Sa ; a«'s?Kiii»a^S£ tail mtatmeni of.h}«f»tnfctmii» wo*l&inf(jna hi*ea*j?uira tw. - -J^SStSraosirwmins£ l iHHssSf s:_ <"■*■»K^'tVibSuhdr- • ss?isaiaaMasasi«Bsr*«- UL GttMtemlKiiriofKßiamiUKr li> K,!iit : : •: ..t •' -.o ~*: - Swjyilrnrtrri i 0 md not of ■ t&VnnidartbOitr/ ’-•■* • s-tfX i .A «aa wecifiaiaaamkyiM^^^^^a, 1 tn* obtained at the copper tad Tinwmn - .cj ... ' pi»r-*- ssss^S:^; btltew. 1 Will just Add that Your liver' ™* tinvmmt the ,*rj b«.lpan»SlSiS£ini n™“™i 0 “i' h “ ul w la toj P i“a IS^S^S 3 AudsqJdbyiL.E. SElXiai& ! .^assss^saas^ats^ 1 , il!^. 1 g^,,, Rdpldefc :EytUftpte. DofAmjpa*? ■' wrt Byron 1 !. -FlUa‘ nftncJnat. Mirinta bbifUo, Jfo •{, cor &nkhflejd A frmi it • * „ u if pr6ta>- «*-tb« bat MtjeW, »qi«itfrm«y ) CTftMjr t M < q wrv teth« • mtonUioftiadpmemlmefibehmEiiir. lv«kMw ' ~ FornM U it te* 1 k N*. 72 ' ••••■'« •■ --‘ : ■•■-••'! m&lk'+T . • selltfeerEdgiiaJ io 4s?SSW«SK3a!^ff4^- Tanner* wishing louse steWpofrer, 1 uii?KLid "£&••? -•'-' Itfr-WrflL ILtVS,SCi . (et > 9 | con«rofLU>enya P 4j-- cn3 ._ )a i^f il^ j^sfd‘oCT«git;'Sfe^-. *lf^ ,1 J 0 5 tbu^ kcu ’ lado2 *P ,l j r *- af Jl?ff5 ia ff !l lonirf end short, 4 long cepo.H rsofaiffit3o;an o ctl * , P*’ rcs, tf* 1 Hindis Ruber depot, No -s Wood »l [febm-.i ,;. ,ym iJirf% ■ «id G i* do- IMP -"Thyr tu»i lO’ do. potash, •laassaJs^^iasaaSßSss tnlhe Tear of the .’Uoaqnßahdk 2io«n iwfii t^mUSr"-' stock of Hor»c* and qanißseg o? Ukt b«i qaaUrr ' and • latest • style*.' ; • ilortea kep? *t> iHretfHa ©?&£- manner. .;■ ... ..■> . >jy*n y T kM Files of lieslilatlTe HE Board tjrTradtf isindrtnedtothe - kinOes* of OcoTse Dame, Eaq., locrlUeaornbs liUlr M&aifno. ou, as well as those before the Senate aad House of*- 1 Representative*of this State,'■ • h'femberslWtbe-Siflui-v' Uou can have access t» them aiiK« fr*»W - . ■ ioW fijS&MfgSj. ' ' *tiJ» and’ consignment— . 4*o ta&d fcboxes Jobnßuckerjapflsr'Mi.*.f'>beao» HeQjy.Md J«ue»,s*sol boxes Jolum&LosriaftKUU * baxes‘Mdntoa-ds;l& boxes J M-3miiard Sc 20 fhx* S. , B J** VftnviekS*;3#ibaxe«Joh»flaek*r*tip*it; . 40 ) boxes Henry; & James Is. for sole ~ v;- V S WATKtoEiBy 1 '' <■ ’■ ■ • S BEWict:i>-Jhjs -MitttcrijKn hare ihl* day reduced ihe'prito uwaimtodJiy iIW uanuTactarcn fo6fn& to Wper cent) lo 4Jc tor apprpral Jwicfc -at 4.month*. And for onintidtTpfa dednetiou wtll bo maao ofie pßtponadoffaiwkjiri- • Steamboat • the T fotjolff on v ).»- mi.;,",; 'EIS’SS WWblik, tdWtJrWlAlp*'; 4-* c»»ijpr« , pcrior,«Smluyw.dtrt«t:&tkn;Ai»-mwa* - B l ln^L m » finy **^. Tecti r«fper*a **■>■■»»*■. XTZr '■' wm&sMmiss'; I rceelvtituidYor “ l febls ' «.• i i■gy 1-j * -- : JraS&ssnlecUhree nlanaren of the Pituboryiiaad UotlerTurnjTiktf mine year. My orikr.of the Board, ! tolvaT »Vbi7duMavrlt - ARTHUR MertllTl. Beotian; to MTto^iSSasST3ns Ena Canal .Company srcli. ba beld baCbaUfcrk C&ai yJS, OOO "^.^ •tanQyott baad, alao liu*ncnmb*i E ' line baodkia, low priced *ad fine. .. 7“" " 1 ~ •ty' , gWiti7] 1* C .VAKTIN. • ! C t*fiXtt;'CGPFKfi,i Aim N Ca&xy P» ftUactfried ■*KSU^ah22|&«"® r ®»ssn“ d ■ wSitvitii I .L : ' x r A3^jv '' Chib,- 4ad. sink, large'Pwfianr ttaya. tea 85 ei*. - rioTTOX '