The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 02, 1848, Image 4

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    y I S'
~ '.GINS
/ro -rnosK ireFTEStNO i^wmc 1 Diseased
. JL .smcch^, which, kas
* .♦" rr J, t .
'nail the yarioqs forms which Irritation of the
names, has iadaecd -the propnet®* again to call aoati*
.The changable weather-whieh marks our foil aad
■Uvc/er months, i* always it fhiitfol aoaree of
Ttie*e r if ne-keted, »re Imt ifce precursors oTihat fe
cosumption; ; ; y _ y
Tb" question, thro, bowjshall we nip the dcsuofar in
tb* bull! bow shall • Vre'ijet clear- of war eorj'gb* ami
v ol.*UJ \» of vital importance w the p'uliUc.
will be.fouud in *hv Gumcii* Panacea. In proof of this
J'* eatrc from mpe 10 tint pnblifcheA the certificate* of
down* of oar bertknnwn citizen*, wbo baTC experi
enced it* njrntrre powere. These. with a nua of tea
timoiiv.fraut oil.part*of the eoantrrr-fnwa--.
• I Muitriera of tli* Uorpet, itc.. together with eopioiujio
‘ tiec» mxn tko ; • . > / • . ••,
>• .7 r , JOL'JINAI.* |OF TUESDAY. -
weknjmembodied tn pamphlet ib no, and may be bad
jntllaof any of oar attenu toroochOnl the coantry.
aaTcbean tued iniitit city.
wwigbesttba Untied States and Canada, uiutwoek*
kaceaariuutto point out a •
V : INPTAXCK . - • . •
wben taken'aceurdinff to direction*, «nd be
v Jbrvtbalosgibftdbecnmaiatally disorganized, Jt bu
: ar«rikii«d'»o_ _< i • • _y-. •.
• 'Why, then, need tbs atSieied hesitate! »■ by retort to
the miserable oo*mu&«, gotten up It a -; ..its Lndlvid
feale trader the-aiiumed name of «oree on. . d jihy.
rittisn, and puffedlnioiuotcmcty by certifies- •
•ooe equally unknown? Whilst a medicine ol '
foto be-bad,who** voucher* areaihouuy-toar BdghJ
iori."B«iiy of whom H has- >! -•••*•■«•
• In order that this invaluable medicine may |>e placed
within the reach of the poor as well the rich; WeTtave
■ writhe price at «• ■ •• • - • •. ■> • -•■!•
< jut.«M-fa*irih« usual coo of court medicine*: Ills
. for sals by our agent* la nearly erejry town and ritiue
f orer the weal, who aropreparwlto'irive foil btforma
: tied relative to it. T. SALTER; Proprietor,
' 1 ' '-••• 1 - ; ‘ Broadwwy.'Cincinngi; Ohio.
J S.MOEWS;* Co*t, ELACkSvJtrnINC ;
• steel or quillpens, and:the copying. jsyeca. This
inkiathemultoftbe experiment*.o( ; *eyer*l year*,;
devoted to the maaofoetare, on on extensiae > scale, oi
knartiele suited to oil the purpose* of- ibo container
The perfection >»( this, writing. lukcoa4uis4»<he fol
lowingpropcrues: Ftranr—rawhich propertyit will
to found to surpass nil previous, prepuraiioii*,- It., wilt
wnr.with perfect freedom, either, tram qnill.or steel
pen*, and Isentitcly free fir pm any eyrroovequalities.
CoUt*—Tho color of.this -a rich, ucaotifo]
h}ur black. ■ It U neceua'iy, bow?rpr, Wgivecoaiu
aen'tbo followingcaution. . . ,A.-. t -
. . IETAII good black ink. fern «a *ce«aty.el*mical
cyustitutiou, requires exposure toiiie.njr-to. impart..x
deep color.-. Items! not, therefore,rbaexpecuA,..tkßl
tho moment the bottle is opened,.the ink wuLbo'found
toJ>e aje|black... The first appearpnee will .be pale
Brit after axposare to ilia chemical action of the
phcre«itheronpaperoriaibeinksta<wl,tt wiii assure
a'biiUiant blackhue. H /~Q ' ■ ’ v •
. P**Mi*s*cT—The«3or, is‘Unalterable by Ow lapse
of time. It will never fode. On this account, all’im
portant records should be thus articie/a* yaacs
only deepen fend strengthen hji tint. . j- -,i
NB. This ink i*.uu|able for-alf kinds, of metallic :
pens, and fox peoamade of quills, and what ;a. ; 4mpof7
taw and very, desirable with many, trill gire apeifoci
. impression by the copying press..
VVo we using m • die institutions with wtuch-ve
• »rp coancctedj .blue blsok-writing tuk. nod.ip
refereet to fluidity, brilliancy of color, and penufeneacy,
believe it sopenor to any ink we hare heretofore naed.
- A Tbontpa, cashlrr. bank of-LeduTiile;: ;AVtB.-BklK
Wdspn, eahhicr Northern ibank of Kentucky; GeoC
• Owathmey cashier, bank Jof Keamcky; L L Shrove,
president of iheGas bant Tbos L Helm, clerk of ifor*
ren county court; Curren Pope, clerk of Jefferaotvooutt
tyeoun;PßAtwood, Fireman's. Insurance
•- Cotmany; John Muir, agent Lexiarum lusarasca Co:
SSGwdwitvsec’yJronJandl.DryUJonk ft- I>»»un«hce
Co; IVS Chambers, sec y Franklin Fire- A- Uanue-Jn
nraneo Co; J II Rhomer, ueascrer Lotusrtils
jQSUtutiou. A supply of the above ink, ijust-neeited
and for Vale bjr ; [lei] JOHNSTON k STOCKTON.
JIL Tnis disesiye lit caused by a paroxysmal construe
tton of .the air cells; it is sdmastcaust
. inr suffocation. DR, B\\"ElT9£K'ls PANACEA Id the
onlyeeriaiacure. ' o". r
Ildarsenes* canbe etuibly earediw a.frce use of Dr.'
•• Bt*eeUcr'».Panacex. :
t 'Catanb, or common cold, which, if ncgleeted. trill
tenamate In Cousumpuaji, is eSectaolly relieved'and
cowd by Dr,.Sweeuec’« Panaccx .>
Hrunchills, ,if. unchecked, will ef&ctually l«Wi»b
Bronchial Censampnop, but atimeh* utAof lw..Sw«V
ser's Panacea will effects ally-cure It.
i fnfiaimnwiou ;of the Toturtis or Boro Throat.—Tbit
disease odea leads to serious consequences j'rom ueg-
Icel, such as nlccraiiun of the throau Ou the first s>-mp>
toms, Or. Hweetseris Phimrea shotdd Ins ntdeurea and
. used freely.; - - .
Coughs and Colds find a soverclrn remedy In Otl
Swcrtert Panacea. ■ " • ’ ■
Pneumonia Nothx—A very foul, disease, tcsoltiiTg
from a violent epQgh and colu ou a' debilitated or bro»
kcu down corutitution; aged person* are subject to 1l
Or/-Bweetor’s -Panacea should be; used on - the first
sytujcnms, which nre a coach or cold. -
-> Night Svreau>—Thi* debilitating cbmphuniwUl meei
with a timely check, by using Dr. Swrtuur’s Panacea.
Conrorapuon.—lf on the fint spj'canmcr of consump
tive symptom*, Vrbich are n pain m Ihe side nnd breast,
cough or spitting ofbioort, IfDr. Swtieuer’s PnnaceaH
freely dsca. no danger nred be appTehcmled.
'Vhen the Langs, the U'indpipo, or Jtronchiat Tdbr.«
become ciogcetl. up vrith phlegm so ss to impede respi
.ration-or brcaihtug’.'Dr. Bvrectiu*r‘B ; Panacea, which h'
a powerrol Krpeeioranl, should he taken acconiinr to
i thedireeiions. > t
JaSueu/*.—Thi* i!«>re«i>in? epidemic, *o preralenrir.
our climate. i* «ipeerfily cored by Br. -Swoetser’a Pans-
Price *rpcr btinJe.-or six bottle* fbr?3. ’ '
Fot-nir JACKSON, tt) Liberty it- sign of
ilhelnjcboof.:::. f •* uOTOisly
'Cireat'English Xleuietly.
TJtpR-'Couil*.-*. Coidii. A>tniha nad Consnmpuoul The-
JE GKIIAT AJD ONLY RUM HD V for the cure of the
above diAcajs-v U the HUNGARIAN BALSAM. OF
LIFE,' t.) the celebrated pr.-Buchan, of
Ixindbn, England, a I.<] intrv>duc:d the Uailed Buies
tinder tuo inunotliisn- *kipi'riuieiu'.enoc of lh« inveiUoL • •
The extraordinary mccp-* of iliiW uirdiciixu in ibe
cure of Pnlmonary ili«-a.M;-i, warrants she American
Agent ui soliqjting for treatment the worst-possible; ca
ses that can be found in the t'»mnumiiy —rose* ilui seek
reUef lu vain from any of the cojcwpii rrmedies of the
. day, ni«l have been gjrcn uti hy thc ptost distinguished:
physicians as confirmed and mcuriiiilei The. Hungari
an Balsam has cured, ned will cure, jhe, most 'desperate
of cases. .It i* do quacknpAlniuuliul a suutdarn. Eng-,
lish medicine, of kiibw'.'i tun) rdicacy,..
• Every family tu the United supplied
wuh Bucltnn's 'Hting,iria?l llnlstun of Idle, not'ouJy to
Couatcractthe canfurnpiivc tendencies of .the jdinwle,
bat tobe used ns'n prerendvefnedifine in nil cases of.
• c ohle» cotigh.j, spitting of Mood, pain in the till? and
.chest,, irritation;and soreness of the lungs, bro9bitis,
• dimroityof breaiing,hoctie ferer^iuglitswraf*.etnaef
aitoa feud eenernl debility,'asthma, infiuencu'wnbopljig
eongb indcroup- ‘ .
_ Sold in large bottles, at St pecboitle, with fall direc
s uojuffor the mtsrntton of health, i
PampUeta, containing a mas* df EliglUh and Ameri*
can cernficatc*, and other evidence; showing the on*,
equalled merits ’of this great English Remedy, may be
obtained of the AgenWgraiuitoosly. I
. For- sale by II A FAUNESTOOK A Co- coracr of
Ist and Woodand Wood and cth sts. i‘ • • ' fchlO
_______ sv»w«i asiatvuii
WETTER, ITCH, SALT, RilECM,fcc.—Who woo Id
JL. fi*f « stogie day scratch, when afflicted with tW
• Tetter, ltcu, or other diseases of the this, if theyknew
who votiU[relieve and cure them.
horrible to be obliged to'rub' and scratch when
ftlwie. bat mow terrible to abstain fruutit, [for deceocy
S“s>iS? ea io. company, Let it be .remembered dial
- meet etDeorione of aay other pieoarotioH hi. «xi»tooe« 1
ia sod other dUeaeea of the akin.
Ae aU diseases of the aktu tndat arise from the imparity.
' of tte blood ted fluids of the body, ate where such dis
«*> be;of lone stsadiar,sad. the affected
Bl»o4 Fill, lie KMd
.wits the motmenh they will .core any case whatever,
“dlf tiff do norite money.will returned: by Dr.
l*«y. hlpet cases, however, will be effectually cored
®T*Df*Deidy’a Tetter and. Itch ointment, unless.the
wmotesyatemiiimpregnated by the diseased humort
7 jwbj'ul te eoihpletely carried otfirbmthe system by
1 “ y> blood pills, and the surface' of ihd uria heub
eo t>y the ointment. Price of ointment 23 cents...
i . Anteh supply of theio valuable medicines itutt te
eetvedsadjoriale ’by
‘ • conlst &■ wood, also cor.Cth A. wood sts.
. jAff’RSBR&r-RLED A CLTLEK-I, f«-t it a duty I
AXA. owe to my followcreatures, to state something
S° re J*,*P* <^n 5 T oar Vdseli i l)le Pulpionary Dalsara.
• StMl first used the Laliam. ateut.elereo ycarsiaxo,
mo nappy effect of which 3 then gave an account ot, I
*f**® “S? *rrer»L»*Tcre'complaints and attacks at toy
lang*, one a fcw days since, and in every, instance I
“*<i®**d the Solum alone with complete and petted
. success. It has effected relief, and cure in a very few
SWJAJ? certainly « safe medicine. Ido not know
Zi» ew •; £ *« d consumption, but l believe it
JriS Min many cases oprevenure, and preveniiou -is
. . • better (nan caret Ido therefore. for the love of my • fob
*°wmetL the o*n of this Balum,-
"• u albpalctanary',complaints. ; am confident that >1
*“ been the racUns of preserving my life to this day
Boston June t«,.MO, . nKNlAhllS* PAIWONS.
For vale by It A Fanne/iock. A' Co. corner first and
wood'and also comer \rood % and Cih. ' -.jaio
DICTtOBftRIBS, Greek, EVgliihTL'lss,
. .
Anthon.'s, Classical Dictionary;
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities; •
5 M’CoHoogli.'a Commercial Dieiioucry;
• Dictionary and guppieiiuut, art*;ruanafseuirts
and mines:'. -j -
. Webster's Octavo Diciiouary, revised edition;'
’ .Todd's Johusoa's and Walker's Dir lionary;
IWirceeier 1 * Dictionary;
’Liddell and Scott’s Greeklexicon;
Bobiuun’* Greek Lexicon ofNew\ Testament:
-Leverctfs Latin Lexicon;
Aia*Wortl* Latin'Dictionary:'
• Fletctaiiu and TibbtnV. French Dictionary;
Bark’s Theoioprol Dictlouary;
Union Bible (actionary: i
• Robinson Calmel’s Dictionary, Aci, Ac.‘
■ The above, with .a general assortmentofTlicoWical,
Oaaucai.HhcedaneoTJivfttul.Suiulayrtchool liuuks,s).
wayaoa-hand and for sale low.'by
MOttK HKW BOOKSi-iiirpniXinlun,
»*» no»U w 0 P R Pfjw'o wnUT, 7
Xorifli, or tU Triumph of Liberty.' :* ‘ ’
Lhr;itophcrTMlpob, by Alb«rtSßi(b.: '
Commanderof Mi!ta;itlttitn!ed. i* ' i
C«ut«**af ilorwo.byFBoul,t, E»q " {
ffr**' »< V °*°- 8. Ufpaii; frub rupjly.
MajKiw* for OcfoSrr. Nnr Mu*ev jn.l rtcriitd by
‘‘l l * l ' third tt. oppo» ; faj port oflfc,
4 rxGtisn, ,’P®9 K^< : r '
Stt brtuecn ad 4 4ib. | jjh:
' | leliert’ Faailly Usdlelhu ia Ohio.
WATxramnDU.OhjivJon’ytf7, ISt*
MB.B & SI3«LUtM —Your Vermifuge f« unequal!*
edssa -*“wann destroyer," and has green enure
saustseyott ta alt iwha have hail wca<lon (u ure it.—
rYoor'ljvcv.PiUs loro also gaining a high reputation
here.'’. Years respectfully, . rnmkMm
- - McComtLumixE.(Hiio, Jau'y u?, W-*.
! Sir. B- & Sellets—Vour tVertnifuse sells remarkably
&. v tost, aad has gained the.fuft contnlt’iiee rf all who '«*«.'
i•. .• fc *O, also, the Cough Syrop. Tout* truly
* T"~ -•- Irhn. film.
Freptwdsuid soldby IL,H HellcM, No.fiT >Vood »u
■f - Hold ai«> bjr, Dr. Court, kh Want. |». hi. Curry. Aiie
. gheayiAbd.Wm. #. Mouth, Ti-mperancev llrf feM
L'. ; 'ijKWt'JdfißVrklAl’S. A C-, uTiTmrC aud rnr fate
: • F 'br iarrildhlcr. Droxxt«t. cor. Wood and u>l *t,i:
‘ ■*' «i.-a Amandiii Jut Chapped UaaJ*;
• , Bdßaselk ' ; do <U>* iL<;
. t i •-y /'SopeifineMhßVmg Crycjn. riw A »bo*nuJ,
• > A*. Ox Marrow I'omaumn'
■■ f* ifcoeeToos* I’a«ie. - 'i
... • / « >; vCologne Water, fineenrsrt fur the hsnd
'•* • tavUtCße. • __ i .
V;'' ’ . ’"llrnicLu* la Tennessee. ■ >
■••■ i *- ffstint Uto cem/y that 1 pareinted »»uc v/a! of Dr
■■ If MeLaite's Wono tipeCiSc. some two month*
Jr‘• Si save to a son of ntme. vomc year* oM, («o
: . Mrf ahteuxh the amount; nwy appear.
' 'r 'kn Tct I bare «o dod-t bat ihenr was upwaiijof
• •- ' *IW t»«i« 'WO*»
. Crtrh; Carrol co-TVftn. Dee f*rf7y Ja3< ■;
TUIJg .totoai VryaUf !£
1 ''** ’ 1 ' :\' o*3 & i 2» j ’ * ” ’ • *
-f iS * A-tW*
'■""" "'*? " !';■ 'I. : *
■fig?*’’'?;''-- [• 7 - • ...... ....... . .... ... ; . .
S : ; .! ■; •
r '
P. i
p Aiboitjibyx. Banrjpistbdr of Ratlin th«!
-Bride, otiho Maid afSuuniy; fey Louisa'
Mthw Ae.'*’,,: !
*®d Mri~ Woodbndgc; brj
.-l^odrnqßimnr Bevicir. ? ••• - y -i- - v i
• M<»n*w tor December. -!■•■ [ \
juft of Joseph T llaze—«inrge Mppfyv ■■■. • - .■=■•■! ’
Tbe MmuraTena;M«tbeT f by the author of‘History!
ofanijf.,., ,r? .... .. .> , .1 . :•- .■ 1
The WilfaineMof Voau, by th« nw./'i - 'v >:•
The Old Commodore^by HHawanL'i ..1
Jeanette Allison or lb* koang Strawberry <Hrl—a
laJo of Sea and Shore; feylugrahaik . --1
Knira. or-lftyljfdu, a prize tale; by JB Robb: !
Sir'Rowland Mktou. it to\i by Lody O Jioer. —*>» r,
Tha Splendor sof-Versailles, and:ihe Cont of LoiU
llie XfV.\ •..?•• . 4, -
Floweri IVntoaified,-No«. * and 10.
Rural Cemeteries of America,fart 9/ ’--■■■
Magatiors, Newspapers, «e. |
Ix>ndun Panel and Pictorial Times, pet loatsteamra.
Brother Jonathan. rtaJndebhin | Courier, aadiYatt.
kee Doodle Pictorials. For rale by
' * ;WM rt CALDWELL, !
. drrl . ■ 3d st. opposite the. Post Oftes.
vrKAMVJttm FonFrutiCATiois
1.1 by J. A- fc IT. P. JAMES, Cincinnati, the foUowirtg
neur and.valuable Works— •
Dpnjphan’a Expeditloni-Contalnlng a sketch of the
.» ®2* W. .Dauiphln; the: Conquest of New
Mexico; Gea. Kearney's Overland Expedition to Cali*
Ibmia; Doiupbaa's against tint. Navijo*, and
hi* unparalleled Alarch upon Chihuahua'and Daxaturo,
and the Operations of Geu. Price at Santa Fe; with a
.Map and Engraving*, by. John T Bof the
Ist Regiment of Miraoun Cavalry j t v
• .History of Kentucky—lts .Antiquities and Natural
; Curiosities; Geographical Statistical and Geological
dcsenpuons; with anecdotes of Pioneers Life, and more
than one hundred .Biographical Sketchea ofdislingiiSsh
edPioiieers.' Soldiers, Statesmen, JtirisU. Lawyers, Di
• vines, Ac; iltustnled with forty eiigravLturs; by Lewis
Colltk*,! voj. octavo. '
1 . m.
Tte Twelve Months' Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri
vmte in ihe Tennessee Regiment; of Cavalry, in thq
; Curapalgii ofMexico, donna IMG-47, containing an ac
count oj the March of the Regiment to] Vera Cruz, a
description of the Conatrypasicd oven manners, ,cu**
tonu, An. of the people; sketches] of Camp Lite; ac
eoootv of aU the actions of other Volunteer Regiments,
and a full History of.the Mexican Wan List ortho Kil
led and Wounded, Ac; illustrated by a large number of
correct views and plana; by Geo. C. Fur&cr, l votumo
octavo. i . , decl ••
Aj Gems of Sacred Poetry; a splendid imperial dvo
■w*th Iteautifnl illostrariona on'ateel, by Sartain. aixl 2i
illuminated pages -by'Sehmiu and Sinclair; -Ttchl 1 '
bound in Turkey taorocro and white calf aunerblygitt.
. The Christian Keepsake,'an anhual-for IS4S; with
splendid mezitotinr eogravihgSjby Ssrtsinjliciind iaar
jabesque morocco. . •. 'V
Christmas . BtotwiMn and New .Yaar'r "Wreath for
IMS; a small quarto volume. primed on snow white pa-'
I«r, embellished with splendid meziotim
'iTus is by far thetnost beautiful Juvenile anntral pub-'
luhed in tnd United States.' rj- r. v-»Y • i - r
: The Pfl«iigil Wn»ktnfnii»»t n«Li«»iit. m n
numerous e] titile designs, by the Kichinjr ginlfa y.
rious styles of binding.», ; It 1 •>1 [h
■ ' 'Thompson's Seasons, with seveiny-seven designs, by
the Eteking Club, in vaiiotu styles pf bindine.
The PoaU ! sfitl-Po«try. R? tV, Gris-
Tbo-Poets and Poetry* of thS Aiclena, by
Peter, 1 A-'iLf raperbly bound in Turifer nwroeetgspteo--
didlrcilb'> tv.. t’i •» =■ • v-.;-.
: Willii'sPoetns, ia varibei styles Of binding- 1 -v '
,'Gray’s Elegy illustrated.-.' -s Ttt is rt-j 5. >• -
i lleman’s Poetical Works, in various binding*' ; •
/Lord Byron's >■-
Sh&ktpeaie's u *»•’«*
; The Poetieal.Works of Tltat&as Moore. '
! Ballads and-oiher Poems, by •Mary Hgwitx. •
' Tha above, whh a treat variety ofother new works,
fctrptcndid wylcs of binding, suitable fcr gill books; for
1 dc3fl Poolcstll,er», bbr.MaikM ASdsts. ~
tilnable 'Jtsßdni Worta.
D RANDS* A Dictjceary sf So-
sod art. eoapriiißgtKshirtoTy, description
»ij*rteitifle priori plwpfriMTbrswdi of bows kaowWr«,'
• ith tbs derivation sudcrfiaMogof 49 ‘UJS'teruuia rrnt r»j
Sir, silted try WTBrsade, PR BiAit;
'* *-’•- /T 1 ' r . ' > ’
i MoN***North ebufcrifihigbeatrtlfallycd
srtd-iMF»'*of North'America,Guada &tf, Canada tPfcst,
Nova Beotzs, Krw-Brunswick,Kerthcn T«as,New Mrs
nVFfoeil*. Ters», <ili£3tßls, M«iJee, C«iitni Amato.
YoesUn. (rest India Islands and *ll the Stale* sa4T«rriti>
rice lath* Gases. . * :•m -
• Neal’s Psritznj—Tbs h&tcry of (hs Puritans from the
rtfarantioa la Ul7, b thsrevoletioa of 17?8, conpruing an
meoutof them prwipks; Ae.Ae: by'Dankl Nnd,&f A,
rwtsod by John O Chaaiss, M Dj with ame portraits ca ricel;
la two votumti.
Thsuseof ths BqJj.ia.jvlsUaato4e.Mbd, by George
hlsort, M D, member of the roTC csHege af J’hytieiss*, Ae.
; JaveatU weilu* v
ITcallh and IForth' or which make* the man, a vtrv pep.
alar JuTcnik work.' ...
Peribof theBta,beißgsflectisg aerations of slvpwrtclu,
—. RtusellS Bpesker— Juveaile Speaker,
clemrotary irvles and csrreisrs la declamation with a arise
tion of pieee* for practiec, by Frauds T Rtu*eu,initroctor in
eloeutioo'al Priacstoo.
The above work* neeiredandbraak by
all* BcolmHers,eor market and 3rd >b
-ITK-VRV Dealer in eastern Piaco Forte*
IX nt J. W. WoodweU’Sy.No. 83Third Street. Tin
I‘iuiids may be. examiued at all hoars, mid the suhscii
!«.'r wilt lie there from 11 11 12, A. and from 41*
,ft, P. M. each day. i•. • • ;. I’ittjVf. OcL W, HQ
We, ih*- undersigned, would tmo'rra the rijirms o
•Pittsburgh and fieinir>- that*u-i h6te «ppohiie*l .Mr. 11
Kieihcr sole agent for Western Pennsylvania, for the
•do oV our i’iana Fortes, I'rntn ■whom they may be oU
tainedfttotirown (New Yorkypricea. -
■ Vew York. Sept, f. ;
(Lato J S btrickler t Co.) .
MASVFSCrVREBS of l'b«aii fire proof ofec,
ebuth tale, second street? between Wood and
riusborgb. J S trickier taring deceased
itnd tbc su^rir'ingpartner Mr. Jot LippencoM, having.
o>sociated him»eu with Mr. Wm C Jtarr, the burinea’
tviir hercofier be conducted tuder the style of I Jppcn
.Trial of a safe io Cincinuati, O.—We, the nndrrsijrn
ed were present at the testing of onoot J S buickler it
Co'* imjtroved Phatois fire-proof The safe was
placed ut a furnace oti the public landing, and subjected
lo ike intense bfeat af a atone can! fire for mare than
three hours. la ooehi>ur naJrfl*ilf tbsUaT&'eaiae'. to
a bright red heat; the door of the |fiiniace was then
r!o*ed. which caused ut iaereased and steady heat fur
the baluire of tho limb, anti! the cast iron wheels were
t partially mciied oS; the.furnace was tJien thrown down
and the sole cooled and opened. The money, papers
and books which it remained were ta pe,riec( as when
placed there', the binding only of thV mbits being in
lorcd by the water 'iii cobl/ng the safe.' We have uo
besitation iu recommending 11 to the, public' as - a safe
superior to any wo have ever seen tested, and believe
Xcept a heat which would melt it to a solid
Wringer ft Whitman, X-Worthington, Kellogg '.h.
KennetCUcaj. Urncr. W G Pilreesc. Murus Smith, T
S h. Co, Stcdman, &. Co, Win Manse,
We, ib'e undersized,' rtie'ftafc'.'ppoWii'<
oliovr, from e lot in the store of Tmber & Auberr, ill
Agents' Cfl SPRINGKK,'
Refer to Cook 4 Harris, Brokers, Pittsburgh;- ‘
Ifßiaojr Hanna 4
CmJGH SYRUP—H proved to be tin
iXL great. Panacea in.curing mychild'sdistressing
cough. . ...
Tram the Temperance Banner, Nor 3 lfii7.
Cocgu btacr.—We'are not in (ho habit of. puffing,
much less taking patent medicines, but we feel disposed
to recommend Morgan's SyttptO those who are afflict
ed with a eough. After baring fried , the as uni remtf
di»s to remove a constant and distressing cough, that",
had for several days afflicted one of oar children, With*
out success, we were induced to try] Morgan's cough
syrup, and by it relief was obtained in a fqw hours. It
prored to be the panacea'in this case at least.'
Prepared wholesale and retail bythe proprietor,
feb? wood si, 1 door below diamond alley.
~ . '] . _ l)rnii~Stor«"fbr~Bale,' •. .7*'
QiiuATED in the flourishing town of Wellsville, the
O; terminus of Iho Pittsburgh and ! Cleveland Rail
Koad, VO miles by riverfront rittsbargh. Tb»’ present
business of the establishment is fair ami can be
'cd indefinitely.' The owners wishing to retire ■ from
the! business will sell oa reasonable terms at private
sale. Persons wishing to moke inquiries are referred
to Jon. Kidd 4 Co, Pittsburgh,-or subscribers. Weils*
▼ille. - vr. & P S MACRDiTOSIL
. ■ - r ,dfto*
'T i TAIiUABLK Sew .Tear's .Presents, ?■
y I Warericy Notcls, 'XI volumes, litmo, [iUimratedt'
••• “ • 4- : . “ SVO ;
BTr«Sherwpod'sWorks, 10 voW.lSmOj illustrated; .
Miw Edgworth's u 10 ~ “ j 1••
Hamer’s Family library, 16S.vQU,complctet. t . ~
,o. r
Work's of Shakespeare; 7 vols. Svo, the beautiful Bos*.
ton edition; finely bound; : -■ ■
Boi'cris lire* of tne Sainu, 4 vols. elegantly bound; .
HttonnbMooris Works, 7 vols. ; ’ .
Exploring Expedition, 6 volir royal 9vo.
l>o -- do - S do do do
Brifish Essayists, 8 vols. Turkey mor. backs.
'lhe abova, together; with.* large assoanUniofiele
nntly boood tastily and pocket Bibles; Common
Pruyer. all sues and bindings, all of which will be so Id
lower than * vex offered in this market; at the old stand
o{ . ‘ , ! . T KAY 4 Co.
.Jdl _ cor 3d 4 wood at:
Catechism of I/on, of the ‘Merchants and
./Mechanic•complete pride.lo the;lronitrade. A.
.ew copies scarce. SirooruU' Utcratare of
a* south of hurope. Chamber*’ laldnoalioa. foe the
n?* pl f* Cyclopedia a Hn«li»h' Uteranire.
WrodeW'* UUekateM • Commeiuane*,: a new edition
In 4 Itt-aotifal eolume*. ilaJleck's Town*, a - new acd
splendid edition. Parlor Cook of Flower* Cur kit
**•"?**.:.. J.LRKAD,ltbiiiarmhrketsu
-■ SEwsovkiif.' “ ,
Tl F L?* A Ff, O J'T T,IK^ AIa,ES r A Christina*
fila,l7 (>. P. R. June*, Ihq. I ;
Juft* Eyre; cut iUilobiofrniphy edition: edited by Cur.
rerlieJi. Ju*i receircd arid for sale by ’
T«G <ittHATKW* BOOK OF THE- £KA*<oV- '
A.JS; }\ th,UT ‘» c '«“ American Wctioaaryof the ,
Untifh Lauguspi, ttutawm, containim: all that Urn' l
, n *?' euMlaujiii; Jovt»cd byiCLaancey A.
.o.dr*eii, I iot"\ ale Cutieee. The tnwt eotrmJeic edi- I
la.H overjaibbahed;one not crown qiiarto. AO.
• J.UTtEAI),
subscriber U lai’ receieinr up- \
J ** llu) » ul e* of New Fork Red leather, of
j rtaMMapi, together with a fftwraT assortment of
a 1?^ C lu toolt oi),etc.
Sfi*!*."* 11 Bell I ' n, ■»« rraionafle terms,
k j»i liberty st, {oppf«ltc dth in . ( .
Jpitv r- Bayard. - ’^
rK , iffB ,^* c ’r2 ; I*S! farune feathers; U sacks
Slv« S2L £2s,**?* ***”?**' lw> l * each moled
•■-•* N4j»w«to>«.
- -
lof fbraaja by ;
■ -- ’ ' ' -wit* front nn. • 7
HOCTKHOIgsSKS—« bU. g a Mol*!:
•« j -
- ■ ftit jYibiacs dndr r, J T
& haifti'Cmtoa and Woollen MAklrnt*
C|7 Or evert dcaeriptipn, each aa^-CardinirMa-'
ehmeij'SpiiJßing Frames. Frames.*
Uekd*. 'V arpera,Twillerf, Spool,*, 5 Drcaaine i
,Fraley,, Looms,
{v" lW, £-w E .? d »®^* CT ° r c * M .Iron,' and
l iS?S»S : grSurfSaS : ?l"“ r9 *’;
,t^ <»try dgtVigridn' faraiahrd on *hon no-:
' k M*.L P i toa^sl, ° orter&r Alill Cearihg, Iron.
Ae. ; bleam Plpe for .heating X'acioriei, Can.
Iron Window ‘Cash and fancy Canutea genera3y.—'
at the Warehocso of J. Pafiicr A Co- Llb-
have prompt aneutiha. ’' . ;
Ratirt ‘
I . niflrt*k,- Bell A Co-,' J.'K Moorbead A Co- GE :
W4taiaJ.7oha Irwin A Sonaj Pittitbaiah. i
IF Warner. Stenbenvllb!. " !
this method to inform hii friends'
aUorge that his FactorF'
/aboperauou.on the East side'
«f UroDiarenad,Allegheny,wbmacon!;
■ . aUni supply of JBlinaatof varmas colors
uauqaabUea,are constantly kemon hand,
’ S9r' et, Piuaburj4,at J.A
* WHpB. LM • X’-hiUipa’ml cloth waieroom. -1.
Veuinan Shutters made to order in ihc-beitatTle.
'•@^d»rcpaired*ttlßshone« j- *■
•■ft'ftiituX. altadS- will be put up, /wiUioat anytuldi
uoaal ftkepwe m ihat .ihey can be renan-ed iua mo
ment uteaseoffireos lor washing, and witbotn the aid
Of n erewudfi ie / oetldlyAwtamly
O Wffl;iHLlCT\«DEirViosrt, '"7
TAK KBS, purser of Penn ami Pt.'ClAir streets,
e*pom*the Erehanie Hotel; enlranea tm Vend street,
respectfully their frirads and the p&bliel that
U»r are prepared to furnish and attend to everytfunjrtn
the lino of undertakers.' Always on hand a large m*
Krrtmrnt of ready made Coffin?, eorered, lined tmdfiti*
übedintfreiery test manner; alt aoru and sizes truly
made BhrOndiof flannel, Cambrel: and tnnilut,andail
site# made ih'npjircrfcd style*. We'keep a'laws aa
iH»rtmcnto(wtii'eaml black, cotton, sllkand'kld Oleves.
tablp ibr paiilieereiaaiid’taournprs,Cfape,cap*, co;-
lars, kind eVery thing nrcesstty for drceiirtfc the oeari,
and qaioMOvablftfenMT u*;wo-jwrchuaa all oar tgwdn
raiUcJ£*siem.QiUe». Ai*v*il?erp!ne*faxenfia*ipe
Uu»nameandage. WebavcaapleaiiithnewheartcßM
MMc*,and any number ©Clhe. bcat.eamagea Kvety
Uupg an« promptly tod paactaAtly. -oet&lr' •
W LUterti *towt, «s(ir tit Canal '
A huia largo taric
ijf*- 'Maoiel*. Pisr,.Ccnue Table*', and
i Bafcaa Tret-Tlßinb hioiief, Moimmcrti*; Ac4'»H
.berng made At foe chaifccsi marble,'andmanufactured'
|prrnejnail? br machinery ,‘wUl be aoM low for cash.-
; N« If.^rctMrifuPiehinffto purchase Mautcls, are
[informed foul n it henceforth unnecessary far form u»
iK® East, us ;L«ui!fußSskTfoe«turlfowif article in all
•.rupcctaMgoodtaadtrreick^taaamiee,A&, coaslSc*.
;C«iJ as cheap am they can purchase 'thorn Cor in the
(EasL CaUand soft.l •.[. . jean • ,
*rveri«- Nl> ,* Market ; , r
,'TVilEsn‘recribcr. having madeeriiailraprovoinenta
I A uthe s*roVEß,
respectfully. Invitnfletaona'buiidiiig Sitymibtflre* to call
andeiamine wfco&nnapply them
JJeck .Stoves, Ftffge.e, aftmfety W
Tin apd toheet Iron work odcesluxs in famish*
}®f “■ fcteamfcoat.,: ' . • ' \ .1 J ' ■"'. 1
, vve .ahpjiakft to order on the shortest notice Sit
Tnhes an!tp«*ciscr£ Copper work-for steam Engine*
and-everir VI ristv pf-trorVm oarline.'
. ]•, ,r sheriff a. shirk- ■
L~\ •
ffMuhktntm M nikßollltsadilff. Glau,
••:'“W:'uo'wo<a> , ifr«fe>ff;« *».«, ,
/"hUßfscttnri bertiy Rowin'fdf Operation,uti
fybrcjiuteu eftecnie ordeis'in' oh*' line, promptly,
sußriuertoc have Adopted *'he wolah of
uattctnnjr lTiiuiowGJasr, (the most tppiorcd plan cow
cf*” t*'Usl-ejwJ,by which wfc, turn oat a superior ihl-
I c ‘. i)!*** flattened on uj» plan is pcrlrctly level dhd
iruojWith'a-Yery Enfe laisire ramicr* and tlcsUiigea
trally, are requested iq.-eall and.-oftatuioe lor them-
- I t _L ■ 'i»>« .
i PlraUnihamtlnsw PUUbnrftte,) Pa.
jnan&olati Ao. 137, Wood etnet,;?itisbvrgk,
WILL eottsiamir lteeparv hand a rood assort*
.CBfßtutu Ware, of our own'minuLacisro, and
Wholesale arid eouutry !Uej*
j . dumis hie respectfully invited to «all and cx •
■mine. fox' themselves, as wo an determined »• sell
dhfaper fonn-has ever before-beta offered to ihe pah
:C3“.Pnler».*<ht hyroail, accompanied. lyAecasb or
«ity reierriiue, anil he promptly attended to., fahdi
j Great .Western jntt Hinge fiaiDlaelory,
A GARDNER Ai-iCo.*.would wfona da rmue that
• they axe now mann/artcring the txsiliuu Hinge
evermadein the United Buica. As this is our princi
ple business, we island to send ooi as complete au ar*
tide as tan possibly Le made. Tbose eugugediu lk*
bnrdwaio trade, era think, will End it toioeir latcreu
to see oar Hutu < All enters urouipi)/ amended to.
i ayi. l AQABBNER IfcCo. corof, eih *. main st<
BmamiiUia'Tius fictukiTH
.. Campbell * chess, ! ;
~ atsciicrtuu of . ' .
. Iron sad Copper Tseka,
Pattern ATaierj* Faints, of every description.
Office No. * 8l Charles lloiel, Third street,
; _(rb< ; 11 j: Pittsbarghi- .•
P' ilrtvi»Ti JsMct K. Lvotii
MtILVAN Y 0: LEDLIE msngfsclilro ami eon*
•tamly ton hand Cot,'Moulded find Plain
' Gfassware, in all ii« Varieties, at Ibfcir Wtrehocse cor*
nrr of Market and Wateraireens FituSargh.
. Ocr tYnrkr eominus sn- and we are
mnnan'ly adding- la our stock, which'enables u« tirtUl’
oeders with pfota|»ness.. PurehastsrK iaro respectfully
tohriiiid to cal) and examine prices and terms. v :- t -
: ntyiwiy ' •
■ ’ FROM tac. wary ..liberal encourage
- Ainilg received sinoo
Fi M *WWI has local ed.himself in Alleglieuy.
hnsirnducedh'touo take* lrn*c.fortr
of ytart, ‘on lie propeny he now
occupies, In Reaver! street,' immediately beside -the
l‘rc<byteriaa (!bnrch. ,'Fnrtn the long erperience in the
above honnet*hnd adcrirctapleake, he hopes to mer
it and receivu a share of publie patronage.
Now on band and finishing to order, Rockaway Bog*
gies, open and top Ituggies, and every description of
Carnages made to cider, from seventy-five 'dollars to
«lghi fanning. ' (»cp3-dtn JOHN SOUTH.
1 (dUTlng snd’Hslfßrtritng Saloon,.
BLACKHON ft FOUNTAIN.-ffhnMrisiTfVcfcwortftwrs
repiißUd sad fitted.ap their Sharing, H»ir uTtwing aad
Rhampnooing Baboo fa i£e modern ttyle, tnd «r« prepared lo
waif oageatwreas ttcaec, with etse, comfort and pobfcsjfi,.
They are prepared to wait en all that nay call arithout dehy
i Thankful tor poll brrer*,' rt* solidt a eoaliauance of .tha
same, at oar &loan, eoiper of Usian street and the DiuaosiL
(fiaekof Alexander 4- o*l*l Dry Hoods fpore.j all
the proprietor* oftbe Vegetable Puluioeary
am nikurd that ihe VcgcUUe Fnlaotarr Balsam n a u|.
, uable aaedieioe. It bu been used io this plweuith complete
-'mcceMioaßOhstiaats cpapfoiat oflbe Jungs, attended with
siseTcre eovgli, lues of Voice; tad itoeJsuicg or mach blood
wliich hadpeeviottaiy misted many approved preieriptioof*
-After using the balmm one week ihe patient's veace retained,;
sad he was eusblnl Uiipeak aadihty. 'i'lm ease ceeerreo
aoase time since, aad tkatasa nuow engaged imt only in ac-
UVe bat in htboricM*business. Ueapecllully youit,'
Concord, N.H . Jan ‘JO. ISJ -. i. , 8 MOjtRILL, MD.
Bold, ip.i'nuourgb by D. A Fshanlfok, If Co. eotper of
.first ab J wood, abo eor aisth fc mewl ua. : . .jltcM ..
•upcni* lo *:l other rrtutdici {ot
, Br»B3<tK AMklfe.utd other Polmo
'Ul7 c&etiaMtitlku the mb* ftrNMWMßMnclil the
urn of ilia their fmiJiee Ua mn ago Mill prefer A (s ail
btbrrrr medic* of the knd;.aM where any hat« betatodeeed
tolry other pirparat-oo* they bare almcst mrambly brea :
4i*appauUadninc*iruz the beaefil wfcidtam* mjoeaUy
•atieifalcd ftoßHhc bleb pniw* bcitewed by the propriety n^ (
led hn« retsracd to the at* ef Jayiu* EmcTuuirr, u
4 remedy tiul hit errer biiydla rcjiete them and which
{ratably oerrr had iu ruuaj ta’uT«tfeff pulmonary ducaic*
Prepared only by Dr D. Jajse, l’hitaeclphia, aod Hid oa
n«ocyby' r •, alkx.Jaynes •
, dergklAwtr . \ ' ' TJFoonh «t
iosKra n iiißraiOr • > xMititw j.iwscaji.»cay tehcimnl.
v : - (ai thcnW.siooil of tfcay ibhepanid
. yNashflile, Tennessee, •;.... • 'V
! IXTILL give, pionjpisnd fanhfo.- mention,to the*vJe
» » of Dry Goods, Groceries; and Mefchandize gen*
drtlly., Thf/ lqe|,prepnrod to attend until the depart
ment* of tbetr butinesi efficiently and (dealing in no
gokds for their own-occMntyfrnporttoUy. l ''’
- Refer to M. Alien, A Co; J. W. Gutter ft Co., Pitt*-.
DcTirlr.' 'i - . : •j ■ ~-i _ •• -r- ■ degvaflq '..j
Card Oil.'’
T'HK nndcrrigncd areilowprepared Aincilt their
customer* and the pnM|ogeneraflyl with &u cseel
leut article of Lard Oil efifreirownmaiihraeiure, which
tfuy wilt seHonaecsnifnndiling terms. !‘lheit 0,1 they
„b<-lievcu>bei*goodt*«nyo(lered in the market,and
Any betetaroeO if not vatisfactory. -
■. t - j Jordan & son
•lP.liberty at, opposite snmhfield
P. B.—Lard end Grease callable for machinery, ein
flnml; for tain abov*. avi*_t.
A a 1 Bta now engaged in the Importation of Ilrnnd.'et,
xXWigc* and Gin*, Ac./ etoleAudymnd havinatsade
arrangement* in different pari* of Europe and the f»j.
*tiJ* with well known bouses for my future supply of
Foreign Llifuori. which 1 will be able to sell, delivered
<n the OnaiMa lloortsof New York or New Orleans or
,111 till* city, ut the lowrai market price for or ap
•pruved super, i have inst&te iml cellar a very iatgr
etoekofvery supcnor'Wl/ies and Liquor* a* imported
of die moat celebrated Brand* and vintage* for aalu on
plea«uxgterauby - A.. PUAIAKTIN
dcW - ~» t~dort«fr tmithficJdat*
IMIKSU VISAS Jest.. received flora
I? i Philadelphia nod New York Pekin-Ten company
Bf fimelotof fresh Teas, comprising'
fee following: ' ■
.Green. . . Black.
, Young IlyWm, ’. Fine Oolong;
Pi Fine do lix. Fine do “*
Filvnr Leaf Hyson, . OolongSicichong,
Kxtrafinc do; : ' English Oicqkiasl
Kura Fine Onnpowder, Pcrlcoe Flowers;
Extra Fine Imperial; \ Rsoe Flavored.
The above Tea* have been selected with great rare
by oae of the besL'juilges in the east, and will be sold
on a* rttirternwa* can lie had at any .other home in tld*
eity- ~i.: JaME3 BLACK
ilerSS corner of third and srnitbficld tta
!*bi*ter, Pattern Maker, Allegheny city Oil Mill, ha*
htc newest pntirxHt for Ptnvck «>a hand etihrr : in- wood
>nroa. Will Gearing and all putienii made to order.
PORTABLE FORGES—A-very convenient ancle
Bellow* and all the Jorge ran be carried by the tun
dies bi two men. A tew just ree’d and fur sale by
■ : ■ ;. ;•
W~"iIITK l.HAll— : lW*l kegs in store, '
jiinlT ; FORSYTH & Co.
VyLfJLIL-—iflO bfilT brand, h rupertur ar
F tide, tri Webb s-' do / du
just recvivedpoil tpcpileky . SA; 'V LL\ RH AL'U I Li:
c jfbJ i >i.
highec; mirkrt price will be paid
for a few barrel* of gbod tallow by , ' .
icb3 S A W HARDAL'GR .
T>IG METAL—OO tons Pir Metal for sale by -‘
x._ feU» _ _ A RPCANDLESS.
GHEES'— 69 boxes ,W. B Cheese, 23 easkVdo/br
by__ „ _ , _ MTCK AJtTCANULEIW.
T OAF SUGAR—9OS blila Nos -7 and 8 (fxiuuJmia
i j Refinery! Imaf Baxar for kale low br . . .
IIUIUmiDGE, Co. Water 1L
WISKEY, Ac—Sp..wbole.«ed-bair hbls-O. B.
VF Wbitkey, to*dalB3s]'l3ea*ks and.half casks old
FMebUrandr.nittdeliilbiaLlbrioleliy . . . .
trbß v -. , - t -V-.'n- , -‘::;-.-P6fiMRTCT: !
ffJffEOAR—I4 bblaCSder Vuwtar. for *ate by -..<
;.V: lebg /-• ’’’: 1' AYICJt AAIeCANDLESS
T BAD ASHOT—Kspt eeactaniiy °a hand ana fcr
liMUtr -.-aw BMwntcyißEwws”
I_ i
UinnKn-rycaH Hen wuiTiai a
MTAappart a bused ■ tumid he fail; ud Me
Mnity.wut awns uspwsd umaby uifag it.—" - --’--W
u l Vh£! l l , ph< " that the gvoervGiy of
blsek “Jnkj’. l srerCtaapoivd ’of a pweisUaU, kteUimremcr
by gum Asahie and srlea foe.waler.e&hsrlawbolsof wart
u evaporated fov gum asdprseimtaif an kft u a nsretcas*
or inktland which eeatains *t» R
to add vuegar tp foe lnk cuxtnrt to Enkeit taors duid.
wkwh bereues the evR by acting oh Uw pen. if a rtmloM,
L hurt lime. wH
nag Flatd” diffegi from foes mixtares in every respect, a*
*?P c:a^l,c^rt^ uir ? D 5 “ viseidjaateer to hold it
together,therefor* willoever g« thick, and beu» yerv fluid
seat star} and cu* less easily moted by attriuvatbsairitvuM
only.pUstered on )fos surioee.. It also no matter folt
has as affinity forluittalio. ires, therefore wjU _p« c molt
»1|( Dofaoaid. and alfooogh it writes erfk
bluim greetscolor yetina fco-'bows it becomes a deep Uteik
which WiU eadury for »k*i. Ittawanantedsopenar to foe
forelgb utic.'e known by lbs natoa of “ Anio.d’a Wntior
Fluid,” acd'cne-lii'ird motegtreo for foe same priet, js»
a guarantee sgiinst iaposifom of sail kind being attempted
foe. following rooemiaeodatioas will sufflrs, ai rail. anSkjbe
aware, that the catou there given cuuid not hare beta *h •
tainedby any mcuu for an'unworthy purpose',' j
'. IYe Chemical Slaid’r to
foepatraoigc o| .niblie, ** a first rate BrtkfoiaaU>>«*-
pccts;it llowslkee’&ota th*pen without,dogging it upiiwl
in (be course aFu lew hours breonei kdetn bnrUl ULetJ - •
, B i &i«J’*op ft Co. Wiek iiudhleCaiutlesa i
Robert Ifoore.. Julia raiker,
W«a LippincoUftSw-.' BAVigbUoan t Co.
kle<iuewaa«ftltooglsi ■ Framr s Sellers • • • f
Robi B MeTaJI, Uookp'r C A MeAnultr ft Co. ■
for VV \V jVYalUes, * ,u- :
~ _ - - .J- jowata Roaing.MUb,Aog
»«^ r ’*^ M Hfohsri—Deai Bir: J have been using yoar
Chcmieal Writing Ruid. 1 and find it a first rale article fijr
.thsoffice. it flows freely from lh« pf?i .ml j.| KiyV
aafewhoura ! i.. Yours ke
: .* r.s Tii.ff U.TUTTLE. BdokAtipif.^
■| 'I J f-T.-V. "J r for UiutUs ft OttepU.^,
- MtT K H
your Wr.togfTuid, soo* threa wtel.
ty rtptdl if not superior to Ataold’s or aa*oihea ink mnv in
nsCjlknonoC ' ; ' Rcspectiijiji
IVILUA.M STEW jfaT, OSik-tmit . f
for Arthur AiehoUooACo' ■.
w i T K O'" Sir: Ijm'^r^^ifhuawd'
WriUag Had, add Gad It to be a mort esceucat artecls for
I “ltdoeaMielct tbcmßplikt Ihe gtumuly of'
other inks, ilfloWi five aadbeeomeia deep blue ia.a few
bears.*-, _ Yews, •
.j. _WILLIAM CARR, Book-keeper ,
_ ' • < for John. Parker. *
Prrpartd sad aold WbsksaJe sad ReUil by Thomtu.K
|Htbbert, Druggist aad'Chmtst; corner of Liberty and!
SaatUificld c-UesU, Puisbwrb, j»u :.. -•, ~ Othhitin J
■ bar now pees aml.wiii;reref it
preferted wall other BcsdsiedU*. ■
: For ehC'pucsS, sifcngih attd-convcnience.ii ba* not
iaiid'caiueit bo toquorled/o* it j* Uemrediy the best,
icbeapcsttad mo« convenient ReiLtcW m use, aai par*
jtectly pittof iguiost Bugs.
■ Thepnrctpnll.'nbinct tnakers and Tnrhcr« Iri'Aile
.Jtheny pity awl itt T.Uiburgh, have secure.! Rights to'
jnhngfaeWie wnl rellUie article. An there arc ■piirioqs
articles and Imperfect imiNtiwis in foe tnniket, pu/ohr*'
sere would do vf II tq examiae the cast inur plates on'
wfaich in t«ofcet|dine article tae tituae of thu poicntee,
E P.QaxsaM, lytavqnahly cast- As a proofof all lit «t
is claimed for Gtsskm's Bedsteads, the following certifi
cate from OjbKret milkers well known in Fmabanrh and
lho SVe*t, tosabrofued to site jvrfihc:
* We, the sabrqribeTi.'piTietreftl cabinet nirtkeri «nil
Bedstead manuffeotdrers of the cities of J'iusfaargli and
Allegheny, Pa., )lo hereby oertiO’ that vre have boaeht
the rght
rm Fastenings, and consider tkc same turniir to any :
James Leman ‘ John M’urevr '
, :T B I’YoanrffclDt ! r rj JJtohmt:Fairti4AiiiT;=..J
J RJlaitiey > i i .; Jamas B Uoir - ;*• [
- John Idnetf, J*. J as.-Lowry ft Boa
.iiLowne «!b : lurhtn . RifolJe ft Xtoetroan
-Thomas Farley -Kasrtsyft.&S'CleUattd *
Land Luker Moses ilallnekj ;
HurhAVoliaca KobertaftKane i
J hlayexs: , Jas W.woodwell •
:- J -Neotiuso- ■■ . . Georgußuydcr .
. WiaHafiictt . • t Meklaiar* ft Co .■ r.
' -v. t . Alexander Lawaoa - ':
For Rights 10 mako and sell lbs al<ore
tppiyto ,!■ LUENEEHU F fJAXZAM,
L, d 4 - :
n*ATri,fqriner]yorßctttiy,.J L ,lMittxm . , r
ftCto,-- *-*-vi-............. ... .... Chtc:rinatf,o. :
Jxu. A- Eaoesviila!o..
C'BAS.O.Coa* NcwOrlcuni,
.. BEATI'Y-r URai’flKH fls- CO., •
llineral Qommliilon
VOR TUSHI.K 4S[> roRWARDISOtor "••'■•
'' Ao. 2\ r .P/jydal3 Street, iVhzf' Or/csnsi
Rtrta'io— r j '‘ * */" ! • - -
. Messrs. Martin ft Co, Uaiikcns }Ki «
to Ja!na;s MtJrcgnr ft Co, t •°*
” UjvUl Wlaie ft Co,.Maj-*on ( li.
!« . ’’ Hllsft Morton. Bunkczi,}
. ” Ifovta A. Fraivt, } Cmcttcarf.
I A M'liruik, l->n, . )
! ll N Kcmr i'y, Lsij, Bunker. Zr.tesriUe, O.
D M’Donold ft Co, Wc!.s <ii!r,G.
Itecd. Psrks ft Co, Beaver, I'n,.
J %V f;di, U«n. Wheeling. va_
K .M’Ciuiahii ft-Ciu
. w* a wiichemw, i 1-uutar.i. r.
nvlW*in j;
A Challenge to the World.
riI^YENTY-FI VE DfH.LARy w,!{t, c pain io anv osc
JL* who will prtjuuce a spot of paint, green or dtj*. ifaat
etoc-o; l>e vxinwiei.wUh lloit’V Jaipioved
*enp. 1 hire lhit*a{i«lTici!onoi's3’'iTig t*» the people ai
das place, that this article, by my own irtprovetntarqn'
*i, nuw suyids antivaJlnd m thie eounity ior ‘»jrtractitft
grease, t=!vpi:rll.;n , .Vp*‘ m - *'f “hT otn-.:r pr,-.-v*r sin* r
s'.anrc.nomail Itinssofgcm;«m-nVor;.id)i-.>’clu'Auif,
esrjnne, mt.ln clodi*, taenws rntwii,- fud-irs’nonMts.
*e. without Injuring anything that pere vrater trill not
tpjore. More l'wW one thoa-mnd persona m diffiirem
p*n« or the rodmry- tnve told me they wnnltfr-niH l-f
without It;';f it cqtt one dollar per coke- In tryva* this
o*i nmre 3OO articles of rght silk*, sat Ins? al*
k pwcas.Bftd ea!:cor«, 1 have only found Ifaree p*.eces hi
<uk. two of alpsec*, and fogr e'earico. on-vYco it
dunged ibo roioir; tliereSm* l-cfom t*utin:g n c a a ii<hi
dress iry a rsrnple'.df Vi- rire»« find I stvttc this oertuse
I am dwenunn-dfnot m recomaieoilttany *tnr.,-«-r than
I know in t.e strict!V irne N II llntt.
Pnce, IZJ ctAil'drcxke. Bold, whole uod reuul
*2, 1 It K SELL ER*, '
■irt*! 57 wood st
i Ulefkl nd OrMiueitfo 1 , uirta. .~
# s »npqii ot foney arables, uioag witlek'
Hftirismte Cy*eh« USfS.withtt/it.WlthOut'ClUrip*:'
-Me.'l Hcadaatl I’icnch silk lugs* . * / '
.M!k j>ui*ei,ti«w styles;
Ivory lablcujipcan wemaiaail
. EaiSKded and tvory tmpej cu nerci
, Napoleon ajijl jicritble tais; . f
1 * Clgur coses, Wifo comb and g! as* and raemonutdamv
Ifooi;-. 1 ...
Tcothrichs; plaiq cigar eases:
I Porrol.or; ;.-oc«*etboiks;.
i’apiniores books; - - ,
l’-*nry hjxesj;Bcrltairoabi>sk(U;
. Willow bassets hn..Ac. ftW open 0 0 '4 for lite
by i..n i 1 :i* V:.- 1 /• 1 - -fmbaton.,
lc,n f ; • CTmgkctsfrerlt
. i kefr*c~mado 6iitb« «il
TJIK «.HttAPHur.Lj W BOSTON CUND. ©n”|i ami
«(m6<k}(o6r«W ofalliitea, and at all prices. * ! '
O'ptUTy Mercbiuiu ami other* ire umted la c4il. and
ejusiuae the altar* for tbi»in*el*e*,a» all wiUlte kalt]
wholesale nr mart,-and a liberal tWlionißtfia'W
wholesale pmchaier*. •• - .TtZ.rr ■
_aaldljr ;!
> ijciiictriAEi, ■
„ > v -*«HiseT»!r, D. 0.. Dee. cju iut
Oi«ir D. Thctpyton, Erj , tiiuburgh, p a ,
S s», b# ' , w e "Jp *»' aJvini*eioeat in one «f **
... tU u UrRh pu ir? wllh DOt * •arflriwr |* find
n.atyou haec copfe.i my bgainess Circular catu e .nd
wiopriaied ■» ia.ypmalt I wUI the I*7hs w
inform yo. Dm my, busincs* Circular is myow n ebm
{wsiiiaa .anu j« not common property. Imi*h -uni wit.'
tuffly consent lob® pineal in a pi«itj<mihotwiJ [induce
u> Mpptwe tbit 'r am not
eapabfa of rpmno.inf myouabooineMcm; •ortbat I
•m capable of piUbmi* and ippropriaiuu* Ua , mnt of
»f own: “*«- I •«»« therefore, »nd> tS#*
mSr- f * fi»dc*po**i,(c joßTpl.par Ul thll
manuer [ ... Hi! KO
At'Orucy for rated*, Wa*bir>x m r,. D<C.
to-All new»pap«M fjut bare Thorn n, will pteateitmert the a W dcUlf
□ LOOK S’*
JoUortoni gtaeiiton bH*iJtt**; r » e ,«.» l i, f._' i_ -
•to. tIKc f <«*.
1 j*wr IB tatlve» in v
r »■ • , .r« .1
. I “ ««mi globt • 0 • “ u i
‘ • A . mwk * u ' <*PJ. ' 4«\f
f \SOTICK~ T •; —
a c »“™ y fct of X 1 , -a
UjOToi rmj„« ij OmS.JtaJtSl„‘.ti
Llcny mien, ,„j ,fc, pe< .„ .[.iiS;*‘ ‘ v o *“
lat.i (rirnJ. „„J tl.^fu.c V!\ ““ ’ “I
v i S&Mbssl. :
dehby] & kiokersds
Mjuiaftotßrei* «r-• ; ■
• _ M^pSOSOSAi''
Bust of 7 ,A. Wire Jtfm iu/'y
4 ; ” n V
JtrnMio. ...r if TiiWS:,’T l 'kis l rr* m i ,, ' : '
pJCtMI- ILaiixKzs SXoh'iSfS! ■ JVSD
*4d« to order «!*l£« ihdrUat pO**ibleoS«
tvry^«‘»*e er , or r^ rt *l“ d " 52?“
,’ ' - PCB!! ?BBS]! rr^>
-fiiuLUu’ibcEr aJr an r W"
fc"« -Slv .ii i'. % ju.-. u
-• 1 -t(n. > 'foivr<SE!tD*s 1 - J *
; tlml=txU<&HlitU*n) HedilttUFiAlU; Wot lit-
This extract Is put op in «suarCboili«j: it nju dap.
tr, pleasanter, and warrantedqaperfof teasy sold. - •!» cures
disease, sickaws or'ds -
GREAT Seßip’^b'^feMßß.fijijlClllß
,Tb« greet beauty and •W*riotity «r.tlma«^* r i|j,oiir
■il other Medicine is, whiUt it Stscass it Intieur*
lr u oeie of. foe very best SPRING AND
; SUMMER MEUICINEBsver knoWTil Sot ily purSh
(he whole syitem and stfeagthns but ii Create!
lYrWjPwrs aua liiek'EUgd; upowtrpaenttd by uoother
Medianc. And ia fou he* foe grand secret of its wonderful
success. It has performed wifotn foe put two years, more
than 113,000 cures of berets Cates of Erorfoe: atleasffrUOn
of these were considered Jaeurabis. More than
cases of :
2.000 rases of pyipepsia; . ’
4iXl cusps oCCTeaeiyl Debility and WaM of Eoerrr *
- ’
cases of SctofiUa; - ~
rases ofthy Liyer.ComMsiat: - ;
caws of Disease of the Kidney imd Dtumv;
RuOO cates of QoMiumpttoa, * - ;
and Thousaulstof cateiofDbcuM of foe Blood, via: tJieers,
Erysipelas. Salt Rheum, Pimples on the Fsemftci ftc. To*
purer with numerwa eases of Sick HeadachftFaio m foe
side and Chut, Spiaal affections, ft*,, ftc.
This, we are bwtre, must appear Incredible, but we have
letters irom |hysicuasandourageau from all puts of foe
u « J J^'ff** , *%M i ?BW9fp*Wd»i7«a*t*: -R.-Vau
Buskirk.Esq. oceoflhe mostmpcctabißdruixjite in N'ew
ark,:?i. informs bs-foat bo-cimreler-toiaore tkaaUO-cs
ses ta that place alone. ’1 here are thoarands of ewetin tl>o
City of New York,: which* wp will refor lo w*fo pleasure
and to men of character., ll best medicine for th*
TiwtaUtu ofdiwaJskabwß. ; lt ladouhtedly-savod the live
of more than
As it removed foeuauie oT.dijuw, l aad [vrpsred them fo
foe Bummer season.
Unrntn Ststui Omcra. 1 ’ ■
Carr. O. W. McUhajs, ur nik Uarran Statu Natt,
tad member of th* New Jersey Legislature, has kindly sent
us foe following certificate. It tells ils o*n itnryj
y... i,; •B AH w*T;Jan.Ss;is47.
A year sjocadwas taken wila th*laflocßza,mdmy wholo
fTsicm lell in a debilitated state. I was induced to try Dr.*
Townsend’* bsrrepariUt, and after taking two or foree bot*
i tics, t snw eery mwhirelirred. and aiteilrete it ealirel* to the
said Sarsapertlla/,, t jiaTc cimuaued lakihg iL and find fou
I improre every day.', 1 bclana it mved'my lifr,'aud yrpuld
rvt ba without it padcr say eaosidsntiou. ..
v ', (L Rid 0. B. H.
Scx6»olaCcu«b, |
This certificate eoaclusivsly proves that foir Samnurilla
truperfret control.over foe most obstinate tire
bloM. Threa persona cured in ooe house is usßncadcaud.
„ . Tnaia CduaXab. . i.
Or. Towareao —Dear Hir j I havs foi pleasure to inform
you that font of.Ky ; «hildrta Itave been cured of foe Bero
lub by. ths'urn of. yon 'Oxrellut tnodicias.-- They Were
effikttd-very smrtiy with had sores: bare cnlvlteksu tma
ifaotUes vll took foam-awty, far which 1 fied myself »dsv
- -,.j Yoro,twpnUUly, . . >
: New York,il*rthJ,lM7. .- 7*,. : '. '
• lDr. u TowwmndVßfra«|aHlJff»*>p‘**fte^tr
cure fiw icpipicut wrentasfc
.Whites, obsuwetsd or difficult Mratt}vtUoQ,'iaccßtißttcact
;of Unas.'AV'idfolsfiterf dimhargu Ore reef, mf tor foe e«»-
voul prostiwttop of fop lyiteas .uo matter* wnefotrfoe‘restdt
ytHtfbeml «atse W prodneed byirevg&rityiHllseu
’ N etXlag taabs ia ore' surretdirff fo*a : ite ter igoreteir tf.
fretsoa-forhiaaaalrnre.' Verwiu.'iJl-vreakaeaaadtemi
tads,from taking'il,'aresc* hbeoM robust ksCftficfcxrerrt
leader ill fuflotnee. counteracts ItoHrw
Jetaressor tire Crvmte frame; wfcieh uthegrut >rure ofhm t
mitt*."- -■ •• - 0 . 1 *■- 1 -..1: ... :.w . •••■?•
1 ItwHlaotbsaTpiefodof us, ra care* ef so'dflleate a'ca:-'
iur*. Uothibit'ecrllfieatee-of cures performed, hut weeaii
uturefodafSieted, that bsadredief Cases bare beea repot ted
.1# ui. Several cam* ohm ftmiiies have ten without ehiid
rea, slier using a Jew bottles of this iatifaabWldedietas,
Ire so bstableire wrth kesjfoy dfiiftW. -.t’
t ‘Dr.- TbrenscEd? My wtfii befog gmUy distmmd 'toy
weskater aad paertl debOhy,' and saSmsg eOQUauaHy
by-fois ad ■ eeasalioa-nf Waring down, ftfoax-ef foe'
,womb,ad with other diißeuhies, ud-hivhw fcaows eases-
Mte'i* your mediefot haYstfrcted great com? and ebo hear*
i-yltTMuuuneaded for such easerul brie dreeribed.lobteda
rfa bottla of your Eatmt of SampuritE 7 aad fldknfW
Uic'dinefome yoogan w hr • short Mriod'lt remote!'
fer compkicteßad ruitcced her beaJtfc. Being mtefiil for
i'« beasfits iht reeeiHd;! takoulsararobi fout idMiWr.
•Jg lt/fad nooetm*adia4ttho public. M. D.-MooU, •
.j Alkssy, Auj. If, IS*L • iCsr. of Oraadkad LydiuseiS. ~
1 : • -,v... -CoiMCXiSySniliSLms.'
£r all whaathb ITii» fa
ti certify Out ay wifi m*d dm bettto «T ryott* iaroyorilfa
krtTioujti b**-Mttteratatv*adef tt» ikat aferoriaf aai
i diafc faooMtd wiU tha-dfopey, imin
!>M ®C t]M Cat, wnNMt tSaetfan»,«&d' vuy aach detQJtv
U 4; with atr pvscMioa,. aadUKt wcnfaiaaadatfan of lb***
e-.Uo Md tued it, tiifim induced to toy it, with bttliiW no
fj*ii “d mSct lt.b or, Uu pcdieua lad tbe happy aaft
Cwim ifoitiWd'tth ia Ifidfcouri «jf ccaUlatac&L but aOcr
tiioMPjratiMtif wf.w»!tcta* uk, tiit drbpty .wd uus
»sDJtr*eO«.mt wtr. b 4aa»U«J»hlaj,d*ra*i tad her;
ttilth U aJST tetujruaa Ujliaj.l»fa.4«: r a,"K»g-Utt* pr*»"
. If,tin* wilt Ve of aay. mrtltt ,to yon jetf toy; oat who
i jatli tiit_rjcteu of tiictatdiclst, yoa act tblxttly welcome
I tuViern* uygtlf yos* iaart obedient and eWirtVt'Traa^
, TKia Eztxpct uf Straipirilla tat bteti txprtHlyprcptnd
tn reftreAc*' to' fmak eumpUlaa.. fetaalo who has m
on to uj'jxiK tiit Meppnsubing that tritioti Defied, » Tki
b-tti tf ((/;•* ebould jjfjitd to.Ukt it,a* it ii» certain
p.-trrautf 'lar acydf Ui* numerouf ami liortibb diKtKi la
otiicK'faaalr* 'ar» subject at. tlm time of lift. T£i« period
c-J tw dtLjcd mu' thlimedidr*. hoc
i» )t Lw saleable to tliote wboare .appruackin* wotaanlkooJ,
a> it u caknLtid la aasiu uaturvbY ouicitiuoj tl>< bUniu
auJ Hit »y»tto. Indrea, Um iwdicut a inttl
utbie Cx.aH'of the delicatf .dfaeiuu to.wkkk wtsatn art'
thbktL 1 i; . .! •;
II brace* the.whole mtem. rthewi peraaotoUythe rulo
r<t tptcjie*—liy itmonag.Ua.faipctitieepf the tody—ool
*>£tr lUtoitii'iup IheiyiUonito produce a re
tacitionj which >*..tL* Q»ufttutt medicine* lakes for (enala
■ita*K*.Md .'7' I
; - i ‘ ..UptES HEAD, Tills; ’ _ : j -; •
• You «bo hare nmultiioufj ilulirycji MoteU* oq'Uu
frr», ruuQUakiiip. of irtekka, mmT are *' out of uio
a .iouic «c hr*, toTUr'To«ucßd’a 'lt'arill
cie&sMjmir Mood, ream* (Ur frtfUa kbi' bloltU*,‘ind
s<>* J'<u munition, iparklicg t ft*. Oat ifiriu, aadUatUful
o«np(ecu*a—all of «hkli an of uaßkaWTalu* ta'iuuutv
Bed bdict. :' •\
No BttiJ or oadiejns has mr jM«n 'fiaeonnd which wl
or.fl) rcKtohlnthc pii»c join or Mist is dream
Lodsnif iht orgsatof digestion, u this prtps.
ration (T Ssrap*rifi».
. Or 7btrxsm«&." .Bir—lters b*ta sotcted fir mtnl
jrtri ’with" cfjiprpsb.'ia it* wunlfiuiaA, atltadaLwithmurJ
H'u.of sl<uiia£tak*w.jDf:invthcjttU»ia*barttarn, end •
(tckl a«*ru4M to oil kinds of fori, and br.wcefcy (wbetl
cfai*l *«!,). I taro Vwa atubW to rtUa but a wash purtkitT*
ou hi; rtowtssh. - 1 tried ita usual. mar Air*. bottbsy tad.
b<it little or m (ffcd. in rvaaria* itaccaptaaC ;J «m a ,
di<cti!,kbmtttwoaßmh*MMti. totryyotu Kxtrutl.oftara.
pariJls,andi mmU sevwith iiuk ciaUds nes, tat using
o»arit two rtattito,' I found ay topctit* aol tta
brsribarn entirely nituirsdiud 1 WpalA. canwdlymoa;
©*»l ita-uasofu t»t,*>u*wbi> taro Wen 1 tafe
b*«u.. - . Yours, f**, v :W, W..V<ut.Z*j«PT.
•; ■■•••: .• • ,< SUtalslatid.
; r- .. AUdOiTa ilia A 04. -t.,
Usta li>« folfouiag, ui doubt if you ns, (tat toosamp
kietauwatbscund,, fhisisoiJy Kwef U»« smrelhuadrsd
coct that taratporitahasewtd 1
Of. T»u/%Mrni—lir»i &it. 1. wss-Uk'ta, * liUir m«ra
y*sr eca,onb a Hwacosah sod paia.ia my rids, it ia>.
tireiscdoa »».»«}»i, iaJetd.. Imo nnaxMaced by phy
witaai to tar* 1 rotted Uigo quan
tity* of bod matter, toui ai|ht sweats, sad siako£,«ery&*U
toy doogrrnwt ta -could do qutbiag (or wc. I wait ato Ita
tkrpitoi >0 hop* of being benrSned. tat ww pvuMuticrd them
o* incurable. 4'ta>elerir--greCtiy-«bhffcMfd*l th* tunes sud
could tardl/brtalbo ;'I **u*lw*2®stta»<iat*J,*ii3rtpeeud'
to diiiwascouAned to ay ted, end iu obUy»dio.t»#«
woicbtro fedecd 1 esnaol jm yea toy deseriptwo that
w««14 dojgotiec tit ay com. - I woo roppowd by ay friend*
to b* ass* roeurory; l nod tried • grist number of pimedfe*,
oimJAll seetoed to to toooporpna. 1 mdef oodwhmi **.
trwrdiaory care* performed -by your ttedteiae, oad Id toil
lon tta troth, I euspKled (hero m sene homing ta tfaca.
.4 I ws* iadoeol lutryfr, J did so, very ttaakfaj
IdW. I’emmol my that-1 am entirety w*U,buttmto for
recovered** totoahoutiay business; «od hop* to be entire,
ly will fata frw wwta.:> My cmlfb 'ai p& la the ode,
and alghleweals tar* kftme,tad jstabmwry flul*, ad
tm Cut gaining-my total lUtit a doty to ehe
yvo«otatearatM ay-c«te,«o |>obtabifyoo phaat.i ■- •
r*naßtovi,4?Lut(e •(, Biooklym."
' " Opinion* of Phyilclonii ".*
j PrTowtuhcad b «lnib«t daily reenrhf order* (jua phy*
iirunr i* dißtrealmrUorttaCiuba. •* ) r r*<
tliuUtoemiff ud|twe,' bf
theCflyof Jlbisy, hire in ndiaetvu* com pmcrlbed Ur.’
Towntcod'i SaiMporiUi,'ad bcllnc tt tub* ode «f;ttamari
r.alcjfclo rftfuntioaj of loegam^vitah ttamarkrt,' -
ti&SlluS. ■<
. -Tkii a l» cutty th»t «», tit* aadmtfiwd, prietfenif'
THomJoni** l‘fay»ici*a* of th* Ctyof Aibuj.huv* bequest
. j nrt*nb*4 Or Towuocod’* Cotnpouod ililructof Sui* .
aa«l fo*» k&ovn qulitiet, would (cCoauncod 'ltd
•: h« public &• Bcrcoal, wrufulounud other* uUucqim wo
dm, ic prcfenpcctoCßjor Ihiwnitiieil tcmcdi** junto .
we. '• • "• • • •!•;.••' • •. .A W accmiiri*^■, • .
jtlbut d wil Mf 1544. W* JJ Btictos, x f-
PriociiAlo*c# r ia3KDltiail,Bißi;Balldinr,W T; Rtd
<l W ♦ « #**• rt Or Djott £ Saoc, liU North See-”
©ufJpbihdclphk; S 5 3 tine*, diiucjitt, Bclticnni udbv
priueipcidraatttiseacrciJy throughout the VuUdßtatca,
,'Vatudiatftd tbu Ocuu.* * . ..., J.......
- Non* pouine,unlettpulup ia ,lh« hrp rqtur* tctlki.
■-t»|,ifth«w*iac qa»rttujd tijiitd with the written tintUrc
»r B blowsoß the-Ohs.'
Ffori ti>B ItevYerfc Dity.£cfww of tfpril :
- jt nreUvthiofOpjMnd iatkc tuato' jrtttaday. ’ It m*
the *dr«rtl*l« t»k;«r Suropurilta Erprw* of Dr Tomacnd.
Ti,« whhkthlof im gw up in good tut*: tome of (he orou
.cwuUl budteapoJWJDUog*»rvbt»atifuJ. which, t«ptb«r *rjth
the Kfoli work, t»s°ld. gluttiling in the iuo, tt£d« * iho*
rarely miUJUd in-Bn»dwiy. ‘.weteke Utu opportunity ip
my w* believe lbi» tiUpctofUte SkfMpviSt it*
ijjiukeqjilred. • " '
KerVbtta Debility* |
'.TiawYo**,March 27.J1M7;
ir.Tnwnwad: —I bare been aflieted more or tea ferU
yrtfi, villi ■ dreadful riokinj in the chest, giddioes i» the
{.♦ad, ioapf appetite, pin in the limbs, tad gcaeral debility,
trvtahl w aouoabt bytba continual heal and cold to which
lam dultfeet toia ayMfiamaaadytr. 1 1 here takes other
medictor*, too atiineroup taaiealioOjbut.vithlUlleornQioe
eert. . IwutndoetdbrvhatlsawiatMfvper to brabolUe
of yottfBarmparUla,JrvaWhichUbaadgreatrelicC 1 hare
liace tabca aetenl more bottks, tad I caa.aahnitaliagiy ny
jf -is tbe he*t ntdiemeJ hare er»r takca—lhc paiaia mj
tlmt i» robe, and I fcal quit* a diflcacjit!man altogether dan
| heTttMeajWttrUamiwrilb.' I hatebone better appetite
lhao c'mr 1 had.' 1 ' M r wife ku tahea it willirbewne! bmeft-*
eitl rci'ilU ; I Wfl«U recommend ft. as a Tamifj'-tncdWne
gdieral! v f, and I feel Oodemecd that Ifso Used then would not
be half ne esekneef lb*r*fa,and wteqatatfr sot *d stray
Doctuf’ihill*; for whllcilmfare* if al»o giro to
the etawiclr and boWefoihrir regolartOaettt beep* the bkod
taa luallbr *tate,M> that divam ieaot to likely to attack tha
eyetrm.' And toalltlnwewhdere nobinaWarthyitiw,!*#}'
try Dr Towiteead’iSareaparilli . ““ •
. . . TOAUcnrt, •.
. - Ca»kA*lj»Ui«ll9«Ui* . -
below wan a Ur Tommcd’i
Barapan'da ha* need (ft* lim of thoaiaada of ehildrta.—
'Thelolkwftf ackeUdfiwa'a great oupibeti
rctdrtdj&vcc k.
Dr Tawateoi Ultra. «j>*--OBe of my, chUdrea w*»;ur>
ikk with tha Cancer in tha woalh aod throat, atlcaded with !
’grm , dtUlto.,--ItcaimsrtA.d«MK 1 obtaiaqlapteaofyvn; 1
neellaot wedicbe, aad it cane ftdirectly, Car which L eaa
tMunyoaliwlierwcatefiah. ..YoannapertfaUj, t
.-•r Euiaarni re\' l t*b sl £*b n !***' -
For nl*bj lYoodet,
fctupen *ld< eaddlh eft,’ who hu 6e« appointed. byDr
Ageptfar vtlltfhen,- j«M»Wlyfr
• iiTibantl'i Gtlcbralcil' FlQld 'Uagoeiia, t
THfgika mfldftaftahd elegant balf-aeid aa 4 aperient; be--
inja perfect aolntiea or ehoaically pun carbonate of
ftlagsictia; imwcwci all thanedkal qualilxa of tha’ wint pre
dantioai of ftragMila, without being liablo to fortU concre
tion, la the totctiqjiriooily span the coatiof the
daoweb ’ •Ob* table ncoafuloflbe Fiuid.Migaeaia i»e>]Ui» -
abut ieitrenalbtohaJfaleaipwipAriof MinuiL- -
: FOl sale bf n A FAHNESTOCK A CO, comer I*l and
ITsm •• jftl ■
f.rnilUMaW«Mtiftr. lhaf, W taking ono rial of Jiao tor
' ij.McDaae'c Won* Specific, a child of Jaftioi Stiaw'a
jiaiaett’hipwArdf -df Tu'Worttb;andty .tteuioof tald
■ncdiciMeacbildpfajrowoMaaed 14 larj;o W«mua»—
Ilia uofy the iabtt'>srpHauy'#onDßiedieineleVcr
l -:ieen,i.fjaßMka*otwo»#*o.»i*H.‘ u-.-ji-ts ;vi '—..* *
'.i‘ A GILMOHBIV ,v v
■Ci ■ . i r WUkiaa Towcslila ->
.i_ FcmkhyyjaßD^Oo, tip W,Wpo4 atreetiflaa^
'b ■ *''' - v I.UII-; u:.s
j ,HiJv3iW'A | _ iiiat
t -.- rou rut nuiuro&TAVKMr orv •.'•V '
Phll*iUlpbi»,;BUtlA«r* New For* ~
I ,*Ad Bottom. ■ *.■ - :
rpHEeneomafßrocDtUi'*liijeJi»rcctiTcS»iDC£ 1
J. it* commeiieeibeol.his udaeed the proprie !
lor* to increase the stock * bomber otii
elaaboaUjand instead ofgiTtn*rer*ipt|a«berttl» i
rorrf-wF|t*ti.-wk -will £lve’oor I dwn f te«i*#‘fcr
freight ahippcd bjf thin hoe.'! i'. i iU -portable* coa»<vio*nUj.Cccish»
la takes the whole distance wiUnutitruuhiamont
thereby preventing damage from Ifrqaent handling
oh the rovlejx&d** eacVbeat u*owned by the
Captain wboruoi them,'which it a rjllieientgoar
aniee that there wiU he no delayvcrtha route" T
’ All Produce ©i Merchandise consigned to the,
undersigned will; be forwarded KJtEET.OF COAL
MISSION, for advancing and ronrirding/ahd'will
be shipped without dolay at the loweai imeaiof
Jrekht. . 1
We respectfully solicit a : ehaip of 'public patro
n*Jt; |WALL|NGfpni>*
. CRAiG„ BELLAS &Co.,Agt...
• " ' ' ■" Broid Stre'cl, Philadelphia.'
FMILLER, AgbhC 1 ***'
L.t,. - .-jßojvleV* Whftnl Baltimotfl
’PiU«borßh,_Fei. 10,I8*V. ,-j.
s routi .vcTm MK
:v ■' t cants, rfrmooi* nunuifvjgrtT.' 1
TJIE improved method of earning used; by this lons
Fstabhihed Idndj is nnw’so'weh kttawn BiuVde*
scriptipaift m&ectjmary.' . Goods are not touched on the
toatc.thus all transhipment orextra handling is saved.
The Uoat* air. of light draught and perform theirtnor
‘ The capacity of oar Wnie'hbii»e* enables ns to storo
anf-coiuignacMs.ttade totaa'ReceiTina’.mortfift’arid
advance* tree of qbarres. • ■ ~f>j • J !,a<. «"
Beingfully prepared tb.m'akesales of Ftodcfe,
respectfollr solicit consignment* of western - ! Klout,"
U aeon, laird, flutter, Cheese, Wool. Feathers, and other
articles (br tale, on which .liberal 'advances vnlrbe
puds anti other usual faeiUtie* sflbnJnd, pledgmgWsr-'
selves, that any business entrusted to, os -Shall oc- is
promptly executed and upon as'falr terms as by any
other house. . i • JNO UcFABUKNiCo, ..
i-- ■
— . ■ StJ rind tut Market st, Phila^av
tfeflßSl j 1847- - j^gggggpjp
YpO&timitausportallon or Freight be tweed Pittsburgh
17 and Uie Atlantic Cities, avoiding transhipments on
the- way, and the* consequent risk of delay, damage
breakage‘and separation of goods. r >
.. ! ; Pnjmttprt. - 1 i . I I
: No tfb Market street Philadelphia
; Oor Penn and Wayne «U;Plitshur*h '
■tVCONNORA Qo, North ,••
,W A J TTAI-aCOTT, 55Soothst, N.,Y. t A « cnU
vEneoareged by: increased basinets ih* Proiwicfor*'
bhr««dded'to their stock anil extended Uieir Arrange.;
: ments daring the winter, and arc now prepared u>'lor
, ward freryjt with'regolarity and dispatch tmterpaued
by any Other line,' Their loos experience el carrict*,-
thepalpable superiority of tbo Portable. Coat Siticra,
arid the great capacity end eorrirenieneeW thewarei
■ houses at each end of the hue, are peculiarly «*«Orflli
ted to enable the proprietors to fulfil their engagement*
and aecommodannhelreui tome rs—eorifldentfvcffefinf
; he past as a glaring, for the future. they respectfully,
solicit a continuance or that patronage which ufoy sow
gmefuily acknowledge. ;
i .All eouaignmems toTaaffc AfFConnor willbereeVl
and forwarded.’ Steamboat charges paid and WTHs of'
Lading transmuted free of any chans, for Gemmation; 7
advancing or storage. Having so interest .directly or
;indirectly in steamboats, the interest of the' consignor*’
;»■**. neeemarily be their primaryoMeeira sainninr
twrsi; and they pledge themselves to forward ail gopd i
'consigned to themiprauiptiy and on the most'advanta
.’geoas terms to the owners. - ' -t,
. rHaieh'l.teff . -• '!■. :.
rtEifABDISG juUiEcMl,
1 > £att Print ani Bridgewater, : ’,'
Ij ; «ITU COO>TI, : ~v
Proprietor and Ageht of itcfcocw . '
TslTir ' firwMj•• ynTtßcmaß
iTXTILi. bti prepared on eicrtieit mV
(*” JgatiotJ'toTeeereepit>p«njr*i' i hb-*rharfb©«teT'
lawarehonse, (at all nomu-oa Kri«' EitccswvCroi#
Oat, *od.Oftio.Canalsfor allportaWLake Brie and
-opp«r Lake*, aa at »a to forward prod act* .c.fcy Pena'a,
Improvement#. Apply to or I'fdtes*' .1 '.
.: 'fcWd-dtf •[. • MS TMQKBWUeiVtf
r \)Tß>:*ranr6lß ST]
• LiNEi_, ;:-
■ t .gy Without TranihlpaiemLQJ
. ,Go<>Ji ccoiignediloriurcare willbc (fcnrardedwith
opidoLaTjitthe ioWencurrentmrs. Kills of Lading
traniicised, And all ihsuaouoni promptly eitmidrd to,
fiee trotn any extra charge for storage or conumtuioQ.
'.AddniUjorapplf to Cft McANULTY ACo • ,
( j ; . ~ Canal Baiun, Pittsburgh, :
=• » ! STORAGE.’ . -j" • •" *
.Haring a very large Bad eomraodiont wnrehonvc,'.
we art prepared to receive (in addition to ficigbt-for
shipment] a large of Produce, &<L os Storage at
low rale*. (marc] C A McAffULTY ACo
aassgsfrl 84T.afcS@Bb
;L'XCLCtMVELY;for the .tramporiatwa of WAY.
Jj FREIGHT between Pittshnfga, BlaJrrrille, Johns*
to we,- HoUidtfy»bargh, Water Bueet,Peter»borgb ami
all taieusediate places. ' :♦ ’ i .
' iOne BoatwiUieavQ the warehouse ofC A McAahliy.
ft Go.* Pittsburghi every. day, (exeeptl Sunday#,] ,ano
*taipper«caa always'dipend or» having! their good* for
warded without delay and at fair rate*;; !■'"-•-<•••.-
.TMs'Lme was tested for the special pecomwodaUuri'
of ibeway bssintM».-aad the.proprietor* rospeeUhlly
i j .
[ john picK\^M? ;
.■ JOHN MILLER,HoUidayoboW ) ;
'.j R.H CANANjotrasuvn , | • SAceolft.
. I {RcrEoxacu. '. )■ i • ,/
' ■) J'MeDevitVtJbhn Parker,Robert Moore, BagoJey
ASuiifcftialffit; ' ' -< j- '■!■•.=■ • -• nuuo v
tompoiH t>f Erie
i'A amf Michigan,;rmminf «Jally-beti*t<n PirteboTrt
ranmagiatween.Bpareraad trio, andooeoeotihg *m>
C M.Reed’aLioe of Heambpiu PiepeUbra-andYeweli
rm tfae'Lakeb, wit) bc-prepared upoa ibe earlieMeden*
Ingof Navigation to carry Freight and Pas*enrerito
allpouu*oaU» Rlyvr, Canal and Lakes. -
■ Jiaviug every facility for conveying freight and p**--
aengere with pnnnptneu and;«!i»patehj Oe proprietor'
and agentr rwpectfoUy oolich from’t&ir fnenda and
'hepobhegtacrnllr theirpatronoge.- - i
i ' - " 6 M y HkKnTK?«.i*mpn e tor :
: * ~KKKDS,PARKS A Co, Deicer,XtM
; JOiiN A CAOGUEV,I , itI»h , «h!d?
Cor.FmithflaMand j Water «ui ihe Noaonga-
Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New York
. Geo Davia, Buffalo . . t ,
-' E N PtokaA Co,Cle*ela»d ' i" ' ' 5 .
' - ‘R W CBnniaghMß. JfjrjrCaatle. yo ' .• morf ''
j 1840 ! I: ''!'*»»»’i 1847
f B,iaß ißisfißi leMßiiißtrioDTß,
VIA,BpOW»fSVIU.K kOU*tussLlU<B..'
milE *r. iiow-pr«B.rfd.ii>linw.rt pro*-
X doee,ftc.,to thd Bastere Marketsdaring the enro
ujgWinter, on tiro£o*t favorabletenJfsJ byHbiaeapei
: :'AII property Consigned to os'will be £b Warded uihe
lowert-ratea and with despatch. j
‘ MctehaDdue received, by ihi» root* Iprommlv fo»
warded. ' ' J C BIDWELLVAgHi, PiiUbßrih.
< i k .-' r ’■ ’• ;G-W CASS. BrownariHC. ’ • • -
»ov*J :• -- • E BOERTON A Co,)Camberi4nd
regularly danng the aekam hetwm»-
' Omt aod^teenvllk,K,* bywhich&S,„/££
Tj ! rWICKA ARCHKR,O refc iVuU, » Wi : .
; •*' CRAIG dx
RKKD.eiRKSACo.BSiveV.' • 3S
A Z iV ¥?M or f'r]fi ler
apClv . Onpotitv Ibp.Manongalicii Hnate. j»in«| lß rab
1846 T' 4B !?
:.,,, .OHI.Of,&A;iI.ROAB.,S
rpHH mbaeribera will reeeipiforihc delivery of Pro
- i- doee uxßohißoib bf die Aloaotigalielii Shtdkwater
at Ihc knowing pncea.— : ... •.
Aabea, Paeon, Bditor, Lead, Lard, Pork, Tallow.
Whiakey, •r< », and Ula**—«| e<* par lOOlbs.
Tobaeoa.lloßp, Max and Wheat—M eli per 100 «bt.
Ashei, (PtK) Applda.Cbeeac, Flax-Seedi ClaM, and
Leather—loB eupct 100 |b» ( , . . \ r
: Oila,Bkina.Becda,SVool—llOeuperlOttlba. i
; Beeawax, Feather*, FutirGlaieog, and 1 Snake-Root'
—lDOeiapcrlOPlbi,- . • .. ..h-...
•All property ‘canaighed to'either of the tutdenlgned
will be forwarded wiihoiU free of
. i • •, - .JUKKA 4 WATERMAN, l*iu»fc«nib.
im*2Sdlf ; j. •. j ......
, -
aaß>i--i847.v. ejs^jv
i oji.tu** mniTLtkntk akd oHio.ciWtaT"
; ■ CBnvtKN nrrjmjnciJi AND ulevema'd.
1 ;t n parks 3 i ? .
R B rABKSi BduffiPg.' < PioDriciori
wiburti, P«. J;
»o* forty prcparti-'io trunpon
,*■ l*iefctn and.Paaenrera froaj PmjbnrthandCleve
land, (o anypomtonih* renaijrlYiyifc tt oiip *O4 Ohio
i *avrUne'flre>ot ; e«jtiilliabT ui pn'
Ja/jpatjm i^.eapfeujtf
tifnee of. Cepufn*. and proinpuS* orAtemVtc
• Unef-Hodtlekve*l*in»bufghandClevriSddillt nn
mnf in eoiineeuim w|lli iheSleffmefii.- r
«n«, between Knabara^aod
.Denver; and a Line of fint eiau Hteamboiuv-ftoDet.
> -■ ' RRBD, PARKS fcOvßciveW IS •
• W T MA'rilEß. p,.ub«J,a, A l p
apgl ■ Cdr-Water and inrt4i<
, TookAvuiXßiTTurwxakUEk; —
(besßdftcf.ftadajTlxastca*Teiaa4 atao'etoc*,*.
• TViefooialiihe moil azpHiUotu- and. poafertaiite
one to tie Lake*.— : ,^. w . ;.v
■ Warraa.l'ropt’a^
F I j, ygBD.PAJUCa4&.BMTer.A«nU ',
• j ,>V|
'' ! '
. i 00HE0UNJ>.aroU?;9ttW JbU XROMXKt £
A ccitua.BKt inTacoM h» coughe,* etf d*» MbnJv
liver complaint, spiuingbload/paras le ihe-tlft
<n'bre3at,ilwms^eSi!l(] t .’ftbooptnscougfa
• -bmkcp.
y.rx btidtttJ vßeaders** yodr'niflenng -JI'* 1 '* .
•..~y ' vfiUi a colder diiqasqol.Uio, vjj j,r«
"/.u';a it j^nsft'Hr% i TwDWjijt.i.v;.:n ii
_ • { j
11 will arrest all sjropioaia whiil/
strike saehstenor lo tbetulsd^A^pltilofcgyourliAfg
Wild Chairj, except.Ui>tti^niii.jiar^»fop>ure^ff)r
!HStvivsa boi|l,e*.
a thoj-arp quite likely dratituU; id thearticle. £mm
■nhieb iiam&j’,•*' fi'! ‘;i.';; 'fj.
1, ; Rccdickai il -fo tfcnc/ •'.-•• :
i p , W,(!CO.' IIEATHSV' 'COW STJ M PTitiß*'! )
; Would perhapa btLiiaull esfimile.fqr.ahe'ravagetf
; .d thw.dteadfnl disease tuasibgloyearjtbeneild
> • the fearful catalogue «f ibucejcot'oS
J , tibo ol the Lueffj Hemorrhage, Asthma, Coogfa*
IntLflgnxa.BrpnghtliijJqrf rJtft W
| Lungrihdi.ivar.i a ]' O
And the list would present
latiiityd Ihes'e iwo'jelasicy oftiijeuca. ÜBn'utii
Important to knew, that nearly .‘All of this dread
waste of human liJo might hake been proven ted
; uw\»r .DrilS W* VNE’SX’OMPQUiTa
jSyßVs|Oi* WILD'CHfiRR ‘f
\ This medicine' has no# been- belnre the ptjbuc
]» 0( ? e *lght ye<rf;-6nd t* : tbe l ;brlginal'prcdarAt<6K
iTrom the Wild '■'Cherry Treel ‘ : lUI-epauiidA.a# ?
[remedy forCougb*, Colda r ..CroßChitw ( 4nd<Ody
! sumption of tbe.teng*ijascd.cniudlriupoQ?iia ‘‘ifc
j irintic merit*, Ulllo-to.iajflaic J ; newspaper,
,patu.i ri»pae;wbd give it* trial; being .bencfitihdj
I by tt; feoomdtend 'it'to'tbcir' neighbor*, and time
; gradually and surely, bajitgjjaetiiaa
LiUoaUad WorkeOitr. way \ iclo -general • usd,V O do<
cured reeijut; cough r qr cold r
wbiW^ktrlet'atlenWh T ibi}*ylrcctJOM4f>kae[
cTlong sUndiog>snd/of ibe oiunt alarming charac
ter. tus always, S*vc« reßef^.'trQa-ia .‘ferj'-tuany.
mstaneqt, ha* ..cpccledcoiiiplbio 'on'd'pcimih'efr
curve. -1 < •; ; s,»j \i - j ; "-|T'
DfcHWA 1 li£PS Cclibraltd 'Compound -Syr*
„• ..
j Ucadlbo towtremarkahloicurfc or Con*umnlioA
lever placed upda. record—4. ~. t
j Dr |,f»l jta'dobu>r&atU«dd
due to you—and * duty ccnemlly to
oilcruiy bumldp leatiofubf JWiJkyor bFyodrtJotni
;poond syrup'ol ‘SVild CKerryi': -Some uree-yeat)'
itmce, Iww violently attacked wilh'ceHl 'ami iaSal
Irualioa or ,iho lungs,'which Wfte iccoinpinred' jml~
ja vcrydutrcsiitg cohpir, painiaihohruataiidheai;
*—a very considcraUe diirßarge of oCerwe-hio'cnßl
'from the lodge, cvpecialiy;upos
IhoMrcveraligau'Atjbnrtl.Jalip<talaiiiu;uboat)iaw !
'condition, bat wan preuy todacphTiiiiecd ihat l wjjs I
■rapidly going into jgrew'3aily iwjykV |
at ioivialk aboat o| 1
Upcilrtabove » whisper, pcejx .wp .Dm exceeding
jweakncca I ungv,puriilgJtJiia tl ints 1 ffad
jVjriodi prepifatiorfa sad pre4cnptionii,bat found'coT
i urjfi w qnie. : Jclt B er fe.l wtil
wdtattdand-parsumjed by a dear'friend in WilnniigJ
tttfo tb make atrial jobyuDt Sjrop^of. VVikblCkttryr
|j muatcubibu that provipprlyri indbjefcn prtjodicf
led against
lliibse comicig' buL^cr )l ’lhd l -banUs i c«j,b|)q
tp ili« : pro(c*iidmmad
pnchco <>t‘ medicine, and '.bayiDg imMicita.TaiUi, b.
itrc.'iayiog 61 myTrieodsM
pt Shaw, .one uf'ydu& agent*, it luw bottle* and*
commenced it* use.-. .'arthlAlilde Yra*-
ot twenty dr twCaty fifff fechthtj
iqucnUy was deeply •pated? 1 fodniirho'wuver.Vcoo-' -
pidenihle relief Iroia the.farst iqurprftyebottlcß—'
Dtit being k pubile’epdater!'
to preaclMytthaiy
hipuiicd Oicoo vessel# lliat hki-tolrcady bcgad- to
heal} in this way; dodbtldsJ'/loy.HHMiAwa*
Retarded, T iucqDfeuacbcd ’ol^ilfiKg 1 ' tlh«iCQjJrU-*
ueutiy l bid toVs'e botUcs -beloro I'wa*
perfectly «estor«dir<Lhkvei*Api qoektiob,r
emallcr nupiber- v of bottlesi wc*u|d-bavcf‘-nlade *mo
hound, buttfor tijh'abote-. Wdftcretj6ai_Tho_ilynip.
Cocgh.put e ktop to
the loegal and £jv*a Uletdapd, tjie bmird ?)*to/2
bow, for tho purpose ot .;Oejag. ; pcrfe'cUy satiafiedl ■
With, the permanency of the ade^obrf.Uiri.
r p ?
1 .Dublin.county, N. C. /
I. jr CA.lritOlit'vdviwW i: "’; r L, Jf
• Avoid all spuncoa Wild'ilhaiTy,
»ucb as Balsams, inueri. '^'/M
Bill* purp'orting:t6cpnt?ut|aVild;Clicrry7&e,"A«; > .
kv they are all and contkip.
eoueofithe virtue* pi* ibc'iqriginaf.apd'.gcltoiiio ««•]
paration-as prcporodhylDr- a«nyne«and< tha ursl
ever prepared its'this country. -Doctor. Swayhaht
Cmapodud Syrap of-WlixfLCli EKKV:i* Composed
pf vegetable ingredicaUjihe \V:lii
er medical •uMtances equity a*. eCcscious, il -not
morevo; tbo whole are cu ebneenirated
jn to reriiler il beyond all doubt' the. ; most p leUnnL
strengthening, and cilcctukl muiedy- direr diseoVer',
ed lor the cure of I'nlmurrarj'cohsumpUoo, Und'all;
disease* of. the.. Bungs ahd;Br<rasC. ’Tne-Very'
Irora its having sueb a.trtla ot spunouf iautaidrs/
•tand* to prove iis greai curative?properties: r YJ ’
| Tbcrelorel invalids,iaqairefortncoriginal prepaf
nupn, each bottle or whicbj b> etficieped>aa
tiful wrapper, with a likcucss
graved thareoafalta b«ui*g the signature' of
bv%ayne, tbe cdlmicrfeiungjor uliich ii-ii} .Uc
ehed aB:fc'rgerf. ,/V • |Vi' ’ ‘ ' /
* I'iepj.rcd onlyby Dr. H, Swats*,!N W corner
or CtQHTttondAacn Sheets, 4*hUadeJphiv. t , t
; For sale ia'Ftiubuigh wfaolcsalcond retail by -1
VVM. THOKJi>h3 Markijictrect,'. -i i • i .*•! .•••.
OGDElN'&^NO^WDfcNiCorner dndfit Woodtt*. M
B. A. FAHMbS'J'OCK Ot Co;, corner at Isf Wed
i Wood"apd6thand Wood' -t
S.JO.NES.UW Liberty street l <U t ;->-u.r
JOIIM MITC'UKLLi Allegboo} city. < v
j And by all respectable Druggists' and.dcqlera ia
Medicine, throughout IhelLliiiied »taies and Cana*
da.'; " •',■ ;'. - : ,.;r ,j. r • «epcss"
•. . - tiuisaijiu^ii'x’oui u »i-i *1
A Utc'JVcltf f »ijengibcmiisUi«: som» *«n;cteiiinir’Uis-*-
Uroniiv 4&-' iv Fbtatd be used ferny uight<*difc.**sHr'
brush, and the teeth amt eaatb will only *?qqif*w Mith J.
wastnmiflh -the/to&raiag.'AVbtlbdUKmtuTith wuis
saicr ( ercelu Will tmwer, and rati itn'lVw fw, -
e paste. .wbe]y ; entoftWiV*dhittffbr?2feiiftjfOi*l -
, >uethi'hlbavek«<lelibtDUiini , iii*UiD.inußlhtfeS3iar.l> '
. ipjtma |i»tand»A "
‘ PtaMMJt cftcacidua, 'ct>nTcaicu^«BdJ
■. fUy >r*ln^-W-feguUtrly, 1 it will reraaTetho umartaifj
r r strengthen uia g«mAvfiod-pre«m sll j
4 .
'decidedly supetlrfr to efery4hiBgof.ihe.kiAiLisasd^~--
A«fcforSsiennan.’»C«BpQ»jaiOxrii‘Te*Ut<i > >fltb£'WA'l ’
observe-his ■igoatnTO U’juuchcd ta each pot. H
, ®®WgaW)
',-A forgo prpponi»a«f-U>e<(ia6asf.t'hai«flljetsukiai*~
„ i arise from soarederangejDeniofUwatdataaher’UrtMifcf V
Wbtnfcw’timelv-tiwofliid'CAUu iir I iiiiiiinhunlii r
entirely obviate. I‘ersoni hußßJTaiiould-aU
wayaJta»&a.ltoxai fcatjd.afld'take'a'iioafeVrieifeW /
lr«> thA l«-Mtrf<trartfl»tn»w'in.>Kf i f h > >a|ih
. feiaaa use of theaa tsairnrm- tiuM r
•: of case*. ■ i"; ,:~r t ;••>>,.- ; t - - —"j.Ht < I •
, jForaalea: Woodamt *
’ lulieitynu •...* ..••-• ' rr V' f
i iland gtauinc bine f%>»apa«dmd»tJd fey R. H■
1 ,L£m>c'• 'i*. t f' / r V. i y.OV -i I *' . I
. • ‘ U ■,'■ ,VPUia’FiCToar,WertnwptUad-Ci,!^» T i
( i . >,'• /■ ‘/•Jb>7«^;iBl7*. r T!j //
- ~ ;Jfr. fcflL'StluTx:— AsrßseofdfetjtojosudUieaffictet,- -
adadcssK.)oa4d'iBytiiiAbi«intuttxirta.firofofiearjtaUri.| '
wUXrfted'liMf Tiu*. "1 fcandettired doing (Ojbrjr*ab£ *: •
’ ‘Adh*rmg to D»»y C rock gif? maxim, “ba Air* Touaianiht,' 1
; roahead.>’ pnearatiaetofcttWilM i
- add oiiaci*, boded to ih* <hU*,fear* *bai into obliri«**r« ?
.tour Liver PiU hxvcbfcqpffcßd Id thepuh;le,au<L ihd«d.'
1 UUct« they wiU*nunW(Seoi4ll,**Mtb<y ifojnrrwhatV .
.you icprcwnt Ujeato be, Idxmbera'aßttcled with Lir»K- *
iCovpiiinf.fium mr yetHhjJijiw inflired much; eaplajrd.
" firt 1 " ;
n*’ t much blood} W toa>todn*phj«tekcd rtapelw dOAbiT
‘»ated S^.-dliraty,a»d4pa|h giten up u mear»Us«i Id I
. l&B-7lwutMiaoedtotr7ToerUTcrPiUKandttOOjf<JQ?- -
, '.lVtlUl'UMiMi'sfnicbiiliHiilfieliAtotapidtMl/
, tf qrapont
• - li aMStbaa ..Tdut.nlSanalmtbabolealtetielitvwUMil'T
. .bciagßxUd r >ctgripb>s*Kgiiiaflßaefa.wtlai>»:aHh«hai- jL
pr< jatauKh-rtlur I h*r*k*pt,U>en» m tsy
| Cir tri'ar.Tjtirij •dd-buuJrpiJt boxea^ta4.bata ( #*
heard a nngw w&b'luu uitjf - *
. tbesi.* .IbeThaiVnimeedadalwqHertrToibcr piU iathß •
. jKiglihnrhduJ' > '«kd in a wfll btutth -IbwaaluT:! V
i .CTTueaUrtrwrnnuwml ifcwiao
, whtiher to totrCo»ptotarKubc«iiiflf«itonii ,
aiderihcAfcrwpuibSlaCakmetsribatUaePiU. Boptct
follyiwny-,.-'• r J LAlouur*.:
’ f '^Au.TlON—jU.theiy'vt'ethcr 4bHf befiira the
i l
; atkfrraaij taltftrtothrr-tbtztttoai'mpaiTdad-aDWbt.lfr «•
; f K S&LCtIRB, ?(o S7'W ! 'oed-at 'fctwtea jThiid ayl FoaftH’ _ ■
' qi# •
[ | Ci UOHibe Her tt well known anil pdft -
|JC qlar CrersvmaapfUisProiwtanpiclbodlnClnirehr.v .
winierwiUt.%tlia*a*c olihc «tdmaeb ( tdmeUaea'pxJk
'withoawnlcnudaiomiiml-.-aAeLhariafiiiedn'vatiMa I
rea>cdie»:Wira lints e(Te«r, waa fatnithal'with «ibattla. I
ef Dr I) Jayne’aCar miMiiwo Ualeanii-Tbla'bßWfcdacrr'
! 'eerth* to the dlreeiiona, and futiiid inVarlablyHnttfT< f \
AVUITfc. it laprrfceUy hiQoeeat.heing|dtJifiea ofulf W Jroa amdanivCopproralrc 'pain.', From es, * .
dfeletenotttqwluleaf ahdil l* uie akin aoant-* xecdmiST/ltf I
•ral,bealihy, alabaater, ^‘,
•* *f bud U,xeei^. —A^ll , ■
Ulr; Pruatoli Oiim.U'if-Muka r M Ih6 1. .
ckuACtu. **KS2 • Afleianal)ii»gioijea’a^pauiahlalllH 474ti?4rtJi inriMf‘'ftear WoeJ: jiilbeHrit
cenahily'eaiimiKieutio'iuly.rccoaiUiendiiimeidfeU “■ h'*« *“ "BIIPPMIfiRY- . . .. ‘ . • 1 *
wiio«c»kinre*ja*re*l>ciiau/j;iosl“hi-. — . ;A AtUfOsaLAtaein’-fai.iLary*-. . ;», t
1 4CTI‘»tM eeuia a (»*.. •-. .' . j | it '• . „ .<]
• bv \vhl. JACh>oS,VtKu Shee *\ Aluv>ntle.Ctoain,vi' co; -.-j-/; -’. - s •
tf|orr,6#L;WrtjreUcet» head dl ty.oed, qj ib» sirn of' . ~tfopV»lmo Uuuge,obf'urcelaui stand*;' • ’•
! the Hie Boot. '■’ ■ :.*•■• \ \ JvUgant «cm uar*>pdf6naed wiU Laeondef, Adtrld-' t
; | Lwdl«a,ladie*,l'«tiustMiitbea, ; ; : ! \- ' - 1 •,? . Jem Mini?:;: I' if >.:'•■•* ' x , l_F
.’ i When yon koow iljut yt>a arepKaaiafli/i.r ... , 4fiJ34tifut pdWjfe|fiuT#, ;; , (.->.•> 4
. | AwmiraltUlc-JJie,»riowV!wbi\ii ; ‘ , ‘ ” J * j Jiuboiaed totieUlniKJ, epnjdinioj nxiiacta-. #
< j *rhat yoa will’Mill u»e eoninidd eluiky- -i- «oy ihc handicchief* aßecm"tiaj,ucU w-ret MtprieviV
•• r An4l*o4atl«au>iy yellowiiicbM.t " < t * r i»b!« idi 1 weiena*'» 1 -i -j v-', i f
. • iThetUeine oi laughicr and ot tali--'i ; U r 1 »X
-3f you woultl UMM«.ba*l llilly-wlu'te* iL ladiau »es<jaotejvuf.«M.
would ji*e your «km mt alabuier yet natural white. Ik a* r a 61 V la, at cojomoo Wdjtperr, frare’setiat
a«tl (U the *snvS tlttJO.clear ituHirtplot^Tt/ 1 teld h? -''. - ■ -*
JACbfcON*y,rtLiberty it l^sT,l^?alje^--i;r,..••»/
■i- . v-:- ;J , a ; /V.-.iifl mya ; '. *oap; w.lh, n gtcaiSiariet/f
T" .Tf fmeperfumety: ijßit receirwl; for. sale by,
..I PAPERWARPH'n 1 1cp ■'|
ho. u buiu.ibt”AljJN.Jß."o.i, iv,„„i.t
g.«».uwcr«*u.u»d, i g
1 lieiteekof PRINTING PAt*KRI» BH(&aafiyfa^Je , IGoe insertiorfUn Ulicet/ «0 50
apurtof wbiehUnf Very'snpiT'f’r rfl*l:iy. 1 ' '■ ’ '*♦ *- vjVorcrcrtioLii *
; PAPKtt BIAHLKIt J * WATIiZUAX.S ~ .Tidee *•* •/
ofevetydetcnpilon'ilrapdiied and Wtipt cdo»tahtly oh .*•: ' .it-: * " « *n: :
wWe Cinib.-fchrdnhiar 4V treat fpJi Wonkr • i -. « 1
« !. ,o 0 _
•’ ri>SstnsJ e.' e_- OaeaiOblt;-‘;-. l '2‘fJ- i!■*!*£.Y 1~
ptttehMcd.ftrwaieb UttflrfgliefiprtWlinCMi wirnje fl'iro-•- ■** - « 6 00”’
paid : • ' -hrar- - Nkw Vyfc. Jdvjt^o•» 1 *rhrco J , , Vr r ;
Ved»UFLHiH, •( eori»«le'r ! proportion... Cl. 7
Oalloibcr». n .. ! { >.■•,'JJ6O aiintde, 6 moutlia, without Jll 00 >
-1 • < ••/.: - 1 . - i\T jjfynrSU. Alltiktng C*a., f, _ ’H o! -'- 1& |A>
- amlfTelthn.v ----- -^T' , rr'* v
do»e«, which largewhnnii;lco»idci E*citaadutonai*qoarQfOFlStMnthg»»».«ii**. JO ( QQ ,
youf vcniu/u<ede*KrUiatia.idii:er*.V . " 4 " jU wo oauares,G tnotilhs,re’wablcat Od/ ■ '
skills- — ,a " *“* r
FOR all kind* t>f crujnion* and eiseaaeaof tie Skin? •—* i- . V " OT ' **“*< v- iL-'-
«urba»i , impie*,olotctus*,a*lißl»om.2HßrryAltvt f fo Unei or leas,-one year.
hpous chapped or eraeked e*hitu and for all oUj<*r4iiea>., Vr V- **■ '' ■•■■■ ••: an dnofilha,,, - «l ■„
MSS of,the v r 1 > ow»eaftßnily fit weekly J'
Soapataftd*ooparalW.''halw : > *'- «Uin»»U»,f*r^s*- K xV "*
burn, *lorrbßW,TaJvajtd,change*;ihp.cpibt>f dartty l J- .?
)ellow,.ot,dL*fiiurcd *l{ia l to a .j 4?iKsJ2.*. ,, **T?' '** / W **« , T* *A?*»ir-'w H
claiutteM. A lh:*b supply, ?f f ?" n ?» trr ' etl * OMio * ert
*aJ«ni the redoeed phc«<UkJ7| ‘ J •?***v*hi*lT.- eTfeO, »• wfj) 'yIS"
| D«. I JAYr»K’S ALTERA TIVK. : i ; " '
j We have beenmrornied by acnro per :
4»tuedonher by Ur. Jayne?* AJleratlTCfWbifb,
prove* its, superiority, over every diber remedy, ot* thrf
kind. Sbeha*l/eeaafHi'vteilforibO:la»tHKteeA year?
ttJcemkm.'tud enfoliatiou of varibu* bo&eatdiu
’ finfwliichliibe manyplcciShaYfchbfij} dUbhu'rKed/ram
y*> irontnl /tae crjonthb; fipri botli ber’aiiusd
vrutirmd irom s,»thj lcgi t ood item Lhaleff
fc.i oral bone, and Iran ibc yigbt k%«. tcaiUevpaiars
dletu oo other porta of her peribnY.wtiieb fifivo bpjHti
ibu okilf ofauumber of.uie most eminent physrmnsoi
duKwi'*—ifainnu'inoat of the tiqfo fcersfaderihitVhiivi
4“* excnuacnx anddrpiar«b{* t, About totwimonih*'
Jnee »be whs induced to tryDr.'Jayw’s; Alterative
inch baa bad tut aUobUid||ly Ibtppy effect o|>or her,
by lemovine uU pauv auji ;awclbng«,aod;cap*ii»i.|bo
tjlreUta bqat, win time licrgcaecii lie afib
baa breonte completely f estornd, »o Uiai site-how weighs"
<5l ha mors-thanvbe du) before fbe-ic6(R»ii«fceedrhb'uMr
rdtia truly valuable prc|itmbn.—(sat; Eve, Fun. : i y.
For farther intomauoo, inquire ot-Mis. Hove, Noi las
Filbert tt, Philadelphia. ;* ,•■■■■■ \\ * ;:r ;
. I rnrtaJeJhifiasnmgb; kt itfe : ¥EKWTEA‘6rcwk.
.( •
0 in all its multiplied ionsirn
♦nether in thatotYKiDg’s jibi
gland* orbopqa, VVluie'SfrcTiin j«',CWof>!
■ Canecr, disease* of the S kuror lip in/v
•qrof l , ulraonar7,C6ofiutnpuoo)''emitnitBffTiar6oi
qnd U|B latne catisd, whicnl* a. pbtsonotu' pridqtpi
fbore or leva inherent in the bumab Tijcros
Ibrei unless thix principle" eko bedemejedino.taMs
. da! cure eaa be etfccied,' bllt'ff tiiei principle &
tfbtcb the di»caso«icpeod*,.i*-Vroiud»ed,-a-eiire
mDatoi necessity follow; no knatterbntfer wbatlortn
tfio disease ahould nadileat
t| the reason wby Jarsc’a AiTßaaTirci* Uo bar
serially baeec*slal"ra removing so mttbjc era lignum'
‘sfiseasc*.... 1{ destroy* IheVy jru^jjrVprinifipjp t l>oir.
wbic*» those disease* hayethafOrigißrby entering
into the circa launn, iod *riUi tho blnod{s convii]ret
tb the mmotest fibre, romovingCcvery.p.iitidtto:
diccau from the system. PrcMretijuiii fiJltfal Jib,
.'8 South,Third Street, Philadelphia.-. Vi' •' ',T V
i Soldyit the I’ekio.'l'ca 73 Fourth*tr«>,
Pitlfhorgh,. ; j:. \ y]..y ; mchii i
• 1547
' ... «U f6(f t>. * { " u~- . ■"r^V'& r I I
o»,conwrl*l*B<Jwod4rutabo'«iWepitikr6rjfl*tt: I «V'>Cw w -" : Tirwnvmth. '****■
CTEIH BOIT VSg.l* ft •"-<•■"■- *•< Tweli*-*.
.. ‘A - :.»•. r"‘ i-'.'.*-’• 'I • v£si/- ‘ ■.i' : ..• . *--•
• ?*V.*s••.£*,»;*•
nmturaim,iraitm* lbalit~u'llmp*&* >
-■GtittpoundSyraßofTarantl 'WwiJfyjt O'.
WtsSriTtanm,*£;.-.- -
rrnißßerorejfcrtnii-rf iSi I tpnnow ®lxta«»:«fT** ta*
JL y ••;*' r ''; , i f ■
!■**« upcbcacai frmJ)*i oirof fu« Co®pa*aii 9jT*p«f\
UuiUoiMCpflidß<i|uiftj!etT£«4eee(kt» >nß lL* rv * f *'
l«ta*u.UabpMt, »iu»mtfcopp(mt<i&,-«4ficu!qr at bi*Mb
iM(yu| few Q(.ajWtj^,l-U»gy;T«xyr9WM>rt.^tfcjy
; ,
I woultf .tatot-to'&hih hii (a b»*» Ti»liAfc®J*u •
| beUk<aT jfMLt
<^7JbaW^ mtond i® .
r’ .’'FHltCjj FMTOff. ' 1
Curt. ""-*■
t:V- \»W WV*»-W . 6.-*** CMU**#s, Kar.«,««*; f
Abool ux. TtOTriay t fißir >w< , LM | Ml< f,t&< : wdtnriTj.
BtfWMPEnr.BtohKMfJ Mar «GMkedrwitb Mftit -
■btor wrrol
iSt^ofnj UmW-hS*
»nm y]for.»k«i.twsjm lin
cd taaeahlepbnUmn* an*aUe*drt.tothmpr«cniuittt» ■’
b«t'4ll their riiU.ww'asamXnf ta smear* ma hlrfiM' '
»t t&y tv&ttrj ricfi£ijy fcl&eiSt'Em -
thii rr>aditkle l l.wu.i<X^rm2' I 6^'&«;Mnln > ftSdS < & , '
I'boirfiiMACeteiieWhd'ajApof lartsi ."
in** >mi>iiilnrniMhnri>»iaß.Mtd«hO#A>h>d , liWMW»K»
*cpccteif<im>'Ot« h«MMh«
mta*M,«t-hfciß|{Mrteß»Jtatn»«ltoUYUu»*»rtKi**,|;*ia s .
SoJd by r»lLCOJ;W'rabb**tVltmwt*W*N
1 -
orc.prcparc4.V j r4J?W.‘|lp,9*.*- ’.
!j4uuad(V& regularOr? ggiau
riaoiPlMMUiadcTpbiti, who Itnowtvtttff natujfchlnfly
inalUj tndlchj&BcVw oT Jlitf. Me'sli..«B©i teCfLin.Mi" “
ulk| to'diaedifc'WVof; J 5 f\
,Second, Bccaateiho-puWiccanUko'-lhoiQ-wiUr:
jreater.corffidetiedthttq '■
»rcßarcfl»L'WP»oa/tikoraqt IfoUi
ii»oa»e*.- T ' -'.• ... ~. ,'J • ,-»
'-•T&ird, : Becanrtc} : ihiif««»Mccfrfeflett»rprtpfcd'
iea.npt.eoaUipetJ ip. .any,offer* Uij-o amrir,T ro r£~-
itg Ireßrlh'frirtDißablranii bo»«u nii ? p|mj|tl>T ifwffi. ’
itudn; *ftd f «'>th».'p*a£ tiM poafriirtUM btaftK
;>fttfttlif?lfccajue ihoy.niaubb JBteapcgL.aod'bcst -
ind contaiaiflff 4<HriUc, taros ho pet*osi;U arm J
lqlla?»4>Jl-Hib«i fJ in { ‘D6ct()r’s bjjit t and tranfeioai
y#eimy,bcn»ght &.lri<dpq.lhg. i , pcmpieniht!lj»o«*
' -ian? r'.'YHpiisb^E./-AoviijE;.;" J:Ljh
jptk (
•DhftftiOdtbt! Intlioj wlui yoar coaiULatuM).by
r li D £,°l l^ 'k?pd*ol i piU*or otherm«iicioe#je«;*fle '
~-i)r. Le&y& i&arsapariUix: Bloai i [lt i iQa , ' i ' r ''.
ha-you-wiji not hari> : o«9M»Co -’
iSB. goodlh’ilDKirt!*jT~
' «!^h*eV r t»l ,< jaicMi!j*^‘^aiApd J «i ifcd ifcmoc'6i>*
tnferaj tool bioalh^bacT 4 -
(atis iti U»d acu!jC« 6¥
}tte *tomacb,‘Co*u»eiie«3liafld' , tiiKlrje«ubdV r ’&sid^ r W (
paetj(ei : lriiltoßs dffecUons, (Usaueajif. the «j34c%J
iod lbqAnrpuojut i ~
IrV itui watajr pUa|de» or blotebc* or Um iacoma." ■'
icMjTjr (cttcr r mh.pnclL|oi>caiiu>d aaU rhima,, b«uul> r
ache, guidiijcA«,'Jeiolcen, paisa q»er v UjeVheartf i
’ brent, aidet;ilong the oackand epiae, rbeune **
aod goat, fetera ol alj kindij.ctLal] pcr;T»ria%r
, Uiidrajeaieii, 1 , er} eipclai, and inatioK
1 , ire baring .tbeiroHgia Sa Uip •
: atbmach, lifer, and inleiluiea, and impurity of the -
r Wood
1 CfiWrpatfflffre ednta a Box.; . . . . :'2 ! .-':. *.*■ '
: 1 bdtd Waolmio anditeuU by fl. A. Fahaetteek >
k Pint and WDod, ul*o corner crf,»
; A -'• j j •.;■}-.. jipig}>} t -