The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 02, 1848, Image 3
8 naRKRt" 4 * w>taNO Mats- m pstaa ordn; P.NO Bofar,oM iaiw*!W tap dart Coffee; la store and for safe by. -I™ 2 * r CABfiO.VA McPnOHT "\T WVPACTTBED TDBACCOr-3S bxs Ckttatn'i doCwtrress S*s,9B do lddo HnassUHftMaiMß'ayi, IS Iras‘s*B,99 do Mawteopisyt. 90 dp Breach's! 1 *; on son dammit at rrdacsd rates, br _ fcbO " AOOHDON.tornit C bawls a bibboxs-a .feW Vet* rich ud KjC**fcsMreShawl*;sut roceired; al»o,epria* , HiC booa, la neat rarielj, at lb* dnr good* hciaw of * frtca I . w. rpOBACC&r-S fcbd* Jfumi Ooarty TrWro. ncmiv. 1 -^r-saawsa^S^ , kai '■ 1 ' tIMIMIHni.. BpARgM to Bidi-n^sSi'SSs, j 2> WILLIAMS: ftbP f , llOWcSt i • • - ■l* •: ■ BROWN * fa bO SVXDBIE9 lffp ban Green Bi« Jw' W ttirautai, ia fiore.aad 6u . i JOHN 8 J2ILWOHXH; “w : . *7ml atara and raokeboue, eon* tawljr for aaleia any quantity,by V haoWN *, CULBERTSON SUNDRIES— 23 teka Fnthin, Udo Olnaenf. 35 do Goober Pet*) 3do Dry Applet: 4 bbU Bf r*j bow per ttsu Ge Deuce, for »S It -P**L - • IRUAHMCKEY OnMer, and for ula by (fc2a]lg*r*H DICKEY k Co e)PAL YABNJBH~d bblt: IQkn nuuutfoe* h» f for sale low by ISAIAHDICKEY ACo i -l* BBB * '- ■• ■> - wt m tad frontrt . CfPGAB- B'hhtU tf o Scftr jnstiracaiTed oaeoa* •MHfzuoetu tad for tale by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co bbU N. O. Hcltttro <0 hbda priai W N. UAtfar, 70 bblt asa'td Not Loaf do; lost raeeii cd tad for tale by JOHN 8. PIL WORTH IH—Wbiia FUh ia btrrelt tod blf bblt for wilt by fob 33 . , ISAIAH DICKEY ACo pwBY PEACHES—IO bblt Dry Ptachet,2 do doAp» L/plea; for tale by 1 febO , B. P. YON BONNBOBBT A Co EYE FLOLTR-ObbUKyaUbtr.forttJtbT - febO ; 8 P VON 80NNH0B8T* Co "TTVJGS—4 bbls fresh off* iast received ea conatfa- X!iswotaedforsale by '• • ; fobs* • POINDEXTER A Co >!CE—IS Derate jtut recerred by the Bwatara,for ; talc by ffebCT BROWN k CULBERTSON ARD—lQbbla aadSOktctNel Lord for atle by 4 febO ; iA K FLOYD SEED—CO bub Punt Clorer Bted for [febO] JAR FLOYD ib’IVJO dor Dearer Boekeu for. tala by [febCJJ ; J ABPLOYD 'VTINEGAJL—ICO bbla Cider Tinenr.on h»t*i ead fo* Ttakiow forcash by H. F. SCHWEPPEL febaadlw : ' IB liberty nmL 10 <l< ' n<> 1 “* rfobg CARBON k MeKNIQgT P““ H»» iwt received and for uflaby POINDEXTER A Co iB& ” • i • , dlwatern r>OLDENSYgUP—IQhI/bhl. Jm— p.s wtTT J. VXNo fl SyrajSinet reeeired end for sale by ftbg • . POINDEXTER A Co' ■^'toHr— 40 hi/ bble No 9 Maekerefc jest received tad J? for tele by ffcbgl POINDEXTER ACo bu]iut receiredper iunr Ben Rath, Jtad fertile by ATWOODJONES k Co^ ' watertt j STUCCO tad Plaster of Parle from the mill of R W CBaninghem, for sale by GEO W JACKSON. jOtdendwaaS * 4tb et near Hheriv. MiSSf 3 ““ k “* I JOHN SCOTT A Co. I JPIK TURPENTINE—® bble ia More emt for tale by JOELMOHLEB, : cor. Wood tad fifth meets. IRIM9TONE—One bbl ia store mad for tale by >_fabt7 i ; JOEL MOHLE3L IB or Pisa OQia store tad for tale by ■ i ■■■ JOEL iIOHLE ■pUCKWHEAT FLOUR-eo sets hailed Bockwbeat JOFloar, IS but* and for tale by fahU ? • op> * RCToy. JUNIPER BEE foreale by feblT 1 btf (fretb) Jatt recU'aad R E HRt.t.gPW • 37 Wood'll. T) OSE PINK—I cask iast recM aad for tale by lb febiy ; BE«ni-m UINESE VBBMTLUON—BS Ibejaat raeV3and for uie by j (fcllTl . R E BELL™* *pOYPD ARSENIC-336 lbs jest rceHJ end for trie b j X feb!7 ■- , • be«pjJ.ebs EKP*D BO BOX, ENG.—4 eaeee jest, rec’d and for sale by ! [feb!7l RE SELLERS. PM m fV47| Pigi Letd Jut tec 1 L eaaniforamleootbewbuf by fehlT - BURBRIDOE, WILSO?f*Co. WnKrit T> YE FLOCK—I 3 bbls raperier br isle br j 1 D WILLIAMS. UP Wood rt. d~ itikcaE—SO boxes for sale by ■ V> fcb!7 i J D WTl.T.tiM^ g(X)RCHIIiCS-5 bbls cm com SICNDRIES— 123 doz Effs; IS doz Tnr YinjlOO Mflekory Brocsns da coasiipunctu aad for sale by . ftbl? i 1 U WIM-tams. T7REBH TOMATOES—3 doz is bottles, a superior Jj artfclo • |fcM7] - j p witAJamST coils 6sj and 8 in. Toned Hopes on eonsbrnment sad fiw sals by r - J C WDWELL, A**L dfeU - Water street. iSTOK on, -6 bblijiat rec’d iai for «»Je by hbU- - J SCHOONMAKERfcCo. WHITE T)KATI kegs for nl< by fobH ? FOBSYTH AJMINCAN. I dox for tale bv 8 F VOX BONWHOBST * Co. PIG LEAD-120 nte* for sate by febU 8 yVON BONnHLBST A Co. SCYTHE SNEATHB—4O duxfor sate by fobt* 8 F VON DONNHORCT A Co. atfV'HiViS PISH—d~K3s puma inspected for sale by TV febl» 8 F YON BONNHORBT A Co. rfAAEam TEAS—fao'bklf chests and mUieiYwat M? Hyson, Gunpowder,lmporialaadßUckTeasJttst rccM aad for tain by _LB WATEHMAN. SUOABS^lObUininNOiuu. 6 bbla loaf. « ""f ‘ Übr: * PATENT fK7CXEIS-85 do, fbr sate'fay ■ fob 7 < ; j Q BLACKBURN A CAT’ <*MaL - . UaIQL ’A/TACKEBEL-dO Mf bbls Ntr3 lane; • ; . ““ J*A • ' tOtbUNo-iforsaieby - JT E» HRAZLKTuN, can paj diamond.'' SPADES a BBOVEUAHit and ACatntn Porks naiiafaetutd by John rams A Co. Forsate by •' . GEOBGE COCHRAN, aote An, * ' ** : • No-MWofiy LABD OIL—IS bUs Condliac’a No J. Lard OiL in' store and for sate, at reduced prices, by ■ I". gELLEBSA MCOL& X COULD CANDLES—SO_boxe« Candles In IU. stdroaadforaateby —febiD ’ ; SELLERS A NICOLS. T^sSfaS^^J Ul,>wi “ TO ' d ?'' ~^’' ’ 8 A ~W HABBAPGB.. .^L oo^"*l Lui > 10 hmU do in son and j 9 A W HARBAUGH. -*M*r ; SAW hahhaccH. t^^W^ b * rreU wW £ iH? 0 * jo* received and ► for sate by ’ 8 A W Harbaitiih .TJEACHES—JO sacks dry Peaches. uoWia j~ JT apples receired and for'sate by* ""If*®** *? ftH* ■ S A W Hißßtirnu ' BVTFER A barrels fresh roU batter 8 do fresh efpTeeeiyed on eoasteameat sadforsatebr • : 1 Bkw HARBAUGH. ►LUtlk -7* barnlTPlonr, Smith brand, extra: 18 do Porters brand received per sir Beaver and for sale ' SAW IIABBAUOH. /"T BiGEB—I bbl ftoond Oinpr for siate by \X fcb!B : - ; JOHN D MORGAN. BACON— TtV pea hoc round Baeoa on emummant aod for sate or ; ■ JOHN SCOTTACo. tebl7tf -No7 Commercial Bow, Liberty st. /S U7E-9 bbla No 1 Glae for sate br * \J AMB •- t JOHN D MORGAN. (‘tLOVER SEED—I 3 bbla Clover seed, ttftags do lor J sate by WICK A M’CANDLESS. DRY APPLES—IO saek* dry apples for iiala by fcba - - : WlCg A APCANPLESB. CfCORCHINGS—I3 casks ja«t rac'd and for sate by OfcbM - i WICK A ATCaNDLESS. ; l for aala by . >- WICK 4M’CANPLEB3. EGGS A bbl Eggs; 1 bbl Beads received aadforfote by i ISAIAH DICKEY, A Co. T>iI'IiUHJBQH CANDLES-® boxes forsaletjr *: JL ftblO ■•• ■ i FORSYTH A DUNCAN. ; qDA AS%-to casks Soda Ash for sate fay , P *eUO FORSYTH A DUNCAN. QCORCHIKGB-43 Casks Scorchincm for sate by O i FOBSYTH X. DUNCAN. T>EABLS=42 casks jast tec* and for sale Ira Jr Atea ■ , , WICK A APCANDIJ»B T LStE—SO bbb White line in store and for sate by 1 a &b3B : ENGLISH A BENNETT /S BOtpNDNUTS—I3O sacks to arrive; for sale by jjfcfoblPl ENOLIBH A BENNETT YAtJCXEtS—AO doz patent, for tslcby Mb .• . ENGUSU A BENNETT fobtl , ■ - ■ ’ 87 wood st TIfACKEHEL-l* Wd* No* I.2*3,hiton tad for *Ol, Ml* by t feMOt ENQU&H _* _BEJ»’NKIT/ TTUCOTHY SEED—4 bU» Tlnotby feed; 3do Flax JL feed, jot we’d and to Ml* by • ■ JKQfI KLWOBTH _ UbN>O,Moliniq towrittper ■ y»- Aikiim Busimixp;* bob I r . *WHt.l>—aubuitoeif fortttietor J fafag . McCILU BIiSHFIEJLD* ROE tifiHPHI) Mci daw rotted Kr. Heap, jatt rac'd JX aad for aala by BROWN 4 CULBERTSON, . wWtv;,, j«5 Liberty street. "ttWisy—w Casks prime fast racM cod iot aala by JT fcbtt , : *WICK 4 M’CANDLEBS. ~D ACON—3£S time* assorted Bacon, on consign* JD ana «ad £* solo br -TV J RFLOYD *IUNKRRS'-OIL-35 bbls Brown Tannera»t>U for X JARFLOVD br . . RQBT PALZELLRCo b ** i ‘^g a y‘riiLzEu.t cm OWECTIIiLjUJA t <p *•, *L Wiaa; Uqr cask* Hast Stamao dt, lenrpceirfdaadfor tafo by iTI ■ febia . MnJ.ra a gfpgyrrsox. CHOULDEHS-UJW foe PtobCrrb ujokwi Sboul- O den ec band and for tab by i feMt WAR ITCCTCMEON. lbt nmbarrb tnoked Haattabaad XI and foraalo by. [tell] W R hTCUTCHEON. /CHEESE-30 boxrt W B Cbeete for ttfo by V/_febU B ETON BOXNHQRSr k Co. rpAR—43 bbl* Wlbainrfon Tar jut and for «»t. X by v MILLER A RICKEIgQN. MUSCAT WLNB-e3 botet bucu Wine hut ree\t and for tale by MILLER A RICKCTSO.N BRANDY FRUIT—« cam Brandy Fruit ran rac'd and far tale by - MILLER k BtCKETHOX pHIOgOFORM-l Iba lut act'd and L«u VfeMS, BE SELLERS, |J7 Wood n. G« LASS—I 23 boxet 8*»10 W. GW4O boxte uni* r do; *J boxet 10*14 do; for aalebyl U I R ROBISON * Co. C'ss-.asr 'r.ftSKr Jjr’ir— ia Liberty atraet' : 143 liberty ft PtEDAB LOGS,—3> will bo told Tenr low ia u/eauifnmeot. . ISAIAH DICKEY A Co!^ *** .' waterAft£? SmT 1 c - SHSJ-® 1 kejiSl.ot.’.-oi. 1,2 .nd 3 lot ul. b, ftM > - KMNDEmjI .V. /~\LLS-Water bleached while oU. j 1 ' ~ “ alwir* on tfelt?! - O BLACKTORm 4 T '“-».*■*«b, fc JSJUAH DICKEY A Co, BOB’! DiLZGLL k, • - • : liberty auiet. • P>™ Portia .tore ud ■*• ‘ McCILL. BUBHFIPT* * RpR rasy^ t ißagjBiaifesft i fc, °l&iS C *“’ tt kc tf & 1 V * Twu» for sale by .. jg. McGILL. BU3HFIELP A ROE. ; J£H“ Jami* pjfcgßlJ.. 10 tierc ** Rice Jost rac'd and for sale by * feb *» MILLER A BICKKTSON. JpORACCOES—3O boxes assorted Tobacco** for sale -L_fT 8 P YON BOXKHORgT & Co. QAL ffiß ATT3—4 casks for sale by SMI . 8 P VONJMNNHORSr t Co. j | gi reCT i M .^pn^:i a tedfa»i. r ARNI3H—IS) nls New York Varnish .'for sale by febll (Chrealefo copy) JCDDbCo. • DRY PEACHES—ISO bos Dry Peaches; 70 do Dry Apple* jam received and for sale by . _fobU 8 A W HARBADOH, 33 Wood st. T>OLL BUTTER-* bbls 801 l Bolter just XL and for sals by 1 Ii» b » B A -WHABBAUfiH. SCORCUINGS— 10 bbU Beorthingi rac'd per Cileb Cope and for sale by • febll SAW HARBAIJOH. a A W HABBAUOH. B i SSSrfiSsra •** i fet»U Btff HABBAUGH. TTALENTTNES—A spleodid aeeortment Valenoaai V eomie and sentimental, foreale by JOHN H MELLOH. 81 Wood »t- S«g»A*' N O Sonr^U{forces Biee landinf from strpolorado and for sale by feblO JAMES PALZFJ-i- TVBTT rac'd, 60 lbs HytL Potash, for sale by v febl* (Chroa. copy) J cmn LABp-«> HUM of asspaur quality, jmtop exptew ly for family nee, lost ree’d and for sale by feblS BROWN A CULBERTSON. feblS • BF VON BONNHOBST A Co. SUGAR AND MOLASSES-20 hhds prime N O Ba nr, 40 bbls prime N O Mofosees lost rac’d and for [ rale by []a3BJ SELLERS A NICULS. chests Y H tea; 5 doimp. and G P do; 10 do Chufoa Powchooc 30 cany boxes varioo* I mytes, for Bale bjr J B WILUPMS, I ■ J ls * 9 • ; 110 weod street LARD-1 bbt, # bbTand 0 keys No t leaf lard, ran dered, for sale by WA hi MRCHELTBEE. j®9o _ 1 100 liberty st BLAClt\vpol>— Jobnstoa A Btoekaw have jut ~r»- reived Blackwood's Ediubarf Manztne>‘No. 3y# for IWemher, 1817/ VTALLSANP SPIKES—33O keys nails a■njftft il assorted, in more and for salrby i*J7 L 8 WATERMAN. STONE PIPES—I 43 boxes stone pipes for sale by J«B._ WICK A hPCANDLiSS. TI7TNTER WHALE OIL— 6/ casks bleached, lit TT *®ed and for sale by j«n3t ■ J SCHOONMAKER A Co. : and for tale SAL 800 A—2300 lbs jut rac'd and for by J BCHOONMEKER A Co. No 24 wood st nACON ANP BULK POHK—3OO hams bacon; 1100 X> shoulders do; 83 hhds sides dot 37 do in balk, on consignment and for sale by ! .g*!*- SELLERS A NICOLS. TmJaNo-S bbls Whito beans; 4 do asst do, in store Jj and for sale by PQINPEXTPp'* rv. ; riHEESE—*O boxes W H ebee»e for ule br V i«nl9 POINDEXTER * Co. PEACH! Jaatf 1 ba* dried peoebe* for uJo by - - POINDEXTER it Co. /’"TOAL-Ordera fcr com] to be delircred in the eitr wi! V' «eet prompt osentioa if left with . ; McGILL, BUBHFIELDARQE. A LCOHOL—fi bbU for *ale bT >» R E SELLERS, 57 wood at. ALOES— MO lbs for uie by jmlO BE A QpA AMAIOXU FORM carboys for aala by A Jtnia BE Bw.t.-pprf T>LACKING—IOO dozen for aale by JP R e Hm.rns 1 for tale by” LLibeitr H SUNDRIES—3 bblarlard; S3bttshdadried apples. 10 O do peaches; 4 nozen woollen socks: 66 lbsbeeswax on consignment anfor tale by i*ia J lio wood sl /’'tOPPEE—3S bags prime Bio coffee just ree’d and for V aala by frtnl7l - B OakpoeD 4 Co. COTTON— 40 balea North Ala. to anise per 8 B Planet, for sale by FORSYTH 4 Co. •_jaa!7 30 water street. fl vfcLA PAPER—SOO reams jast rac'd and for sale by X 1 fcbW 1 REYNOLDS 4 BWbL e°BN— -16 bbls Corn just landing' from atr Skippei and for aala by JNOBDILWOBTH. -**** No 87 Wood at 'OPS—3D balea Ohio Hops for sale by . febtt • JOHN 8 DILWORTH. [XTHITE BEANS—IS bbls Nary, last ree’d and for by 8 4 \Y HARBAUQH, febls 33 Wood »t 11OLL BUTTEB--7 bbls Itttb 801 l Batter ja«i rec’d IV and for sals by WICK 4 M'CANDLESS. febis IAMILY FLOUR—IOg bbls extra Family Floor jast ree’d and tot sale by WICK 4 M’CANDi.fyat IBEBH ROLL BUTTER—I 3 bbls prime nut rrc'd and for sale by WICK 4 hTCANPLESB. BACON —UMXJO lbsprims Shoulders, city cored: gflOO lbs prune Sides, for sale by febls - REYNOLDS 4 SHCTI G BEES B—6o boxes diene jut rac'd and per ttnr Michigan and for tale by feblS ISAIAH pICKET 4 Co, 56 Watar at. /"t LNSENU h. BEESWAX-aBOtTISs Ginseng and VT 7TO Iba Beeswax arrired per str Pbanix and for ale by Ifcblßl JOHN 8 DILWOKTIL 10PPERAS—10 bbls for sale by Meblfl JOHN D MORGAN. "DYE PLOCR-JO bbta Hszbangb’s extra Bye flour, Jv ree’d and for sale by 84 W HARDAUGH, fob 3 no 33 wood it. • AS TOR OIL—3 bbls No 1, just rac'd and for sale by AUfl JOHN DMOHQAN. COPAL VARNISH—3 bbU Copal Varnish, XV. No. lands, for sale by JOltN P MORGAN. MACASSAR OIL-~fl rats just ree’d sad for aala by febta John pmqbgan. )PLAR LUMBER, and Fine Joice, for aala by ' >yafaf W. w: WALLACE. ■\f ACKEREL-100 bbls No. 3 lam: for sale by "A EDWARD HEAZIiKTON, —\ • East aide Diamond. CORN-tl bbls shelled eorn landing. ~’7 '! Jebia ) McGH-I. BUSBFIELP 4 ROE. '““‘■IDEH VINEOABfor .uTb?^ 7 i -“blfl | BL’WHFiVj.n a nnr. 0 AREryE—35 »«ii Feathers U ikli Giaeewr- Wwr and Pr*« [uLa&l»— im bill* ptanuuon. I»n^| llr Miar DeWitt Clinton, ud brute by ' “ a iro<n 1 JAMKB DAtwtrf.f. V-C33 boxes No 1 Cincinnati Botpfof [febtßl WICK fcM’CAIS’DLfcgS. "VTAtLS .400 kegs aas’d sizes Juniata Nails for sale by JX fabl> ~ WICK 4 ATCANDLEaS. ’LOUR—IW bbli cx. 8 Floor to r Jfcmily aujuil r*c‘d ■*dbrute by k. jI’CANDLESH. PRIME GUM MYBRHA—IOO lbs for aala by foblS j . J KIDD 4 Co.’ TITTNTER BPEBM OIL-13Jgels for sale by W fobl» - j , J KIDD 4 Co. A QUAFORTTS—IScsrbeys for sale by ; A foblg j .!• J KIPP 4 Co. kUNCA.VB EXPECTOBLN*, GENUINE-* dox. > brutebr - | . 1 j KIDD *, Co, '" ak,ficn *”■ C* b W,,. , , : JAMES balesralrtt corksforsale'by “““ ii ki-TM _ _ „ ~ JOHN H MORGAN. J 3 bblsFtoily Floor foruje by ******- /. JOHN 8 DILWOBTH. b*y»yriiMrio,ta«U)r« foyteby PEBBt-ARY. * jraniiirrT |« Btadiy. 193 Monday.' •9 Taesday, 1 Wedae&y, 9 Tbarsdsy. « Friday, 7 ’.' _ ;ij ARHIVEU Be* rer, Clark, WdUriUe. Caleb Cope, Bearer ■W^TWiTV IX»palch, J<eUon l 'Browojr7ille. Monterey, Mormon, BrtwmtTiße.' Baltic, Jacob*, Brow-nariUe. . Atlantic, Park) mod, Brmrtuviße. «TT«BU110H BOARD or tBASX. ' Comp, Cfr . Office' Pmmutan Gazette, 1 ThomUf Mominff, March 2, 1&J8. % Tas vetiber, yesterday, to very cold, and only • moderate amount of business was done. Flocs— The market is without change, end rery Ulleis.doingiia the article. We notice regular transactions from email lou, at $1,2501,37 ? bW—being the regular fin* hand rates. Rt» Finr*—Very liule doing in the article.— Some holders are ajking $3,02, but we hear of sales •’ <a higher than $3,50 p-bbL ItocxwaEAT Flocs—Moderate sale* are effected Own itore st f IQO Be. G**is—Very liule it coming in at present Sap piiee limited/bbt - - - *» *- Jt price* are unaltered. Of i Wheat, we hear of sale*, it is held nominally at 90c. Moderate tales of Rye ai 50c. Of Barley at 40®i3c> bo and dulL !• Soles of3oo bu prior Yellow ** 7038 c - ' WW Corn at 37b~ ; * buj and of 500 bn Oats in diflerent:lotai ' Pfconstou—The market is without any material change. Regular tales ipf Bacon are ejected at 6, »> and 4c ft, and 31, 4 1 and s|c for country eared lota. Lard is without change, bat firm. Some bare predicted higher rate*, bat they have not yet appeared, and in the absence of any speculative da., mand, we can report moderate transactions only at 51g5» in bbla, and s|oGo * ft for keg, as in quali. ty. In Butter, We have! no changes to note j re. ceipU hare been partial, and supplies are leu abundant. Sales of Roll are cflected at 12013|e, and keg at .91010 e Pft Cheese is in lair demand, with moderate tales of Goshen at BloB|e, and tf W. R. at 6jc r ft and From sts. I Sm»—There isYery liule inquiry in the mar. I ket, end bat liuhr is doing. Seles of Clover ef I Timothy is q noted ex $202£5 p bo, 1 and Flaxseed it’9oj3Me f bo. I Gxocsxib— The market is quiet, and prices re> I main firm. ; Sales of 5 hhd* N. 0. Sugar, file, short I time, and oC# hbds at 5JO5* cash. Molasses re I main firtn, with regular soles al 2Sc p gall, which I seems to be the present ruling rates.- Rio coffee is in fair demand, with soles at SioS| according to qoolity. 1 Fa cit—There is.a loir: demand in the market, with regular sales from store at the following rates: Green Apples Vary very much in quality, and ere | sold at priests ranging from $1,50 to s3> bbL Qr- Peaches are sold at $1,5001,62; and dr Apples at 70075 c jp bn. ( ■ Fcstttttw Salce are regularly cflbcted at 31032 cents p ft. ' St Louis papers of February 24th, eif that the steamer Tide., and Time, j during a fog, struck a suag near Donaldsoorilloand sunk. JNo lives lost The Missouri river is in fine navigable order.— Navigation continues open above and below that part. A fUrmosD.—A public 1 meeting baa'been held and preliminary measures adopted in lowa, for the construction of a railroad from Keokuk to Do buque. A .similar movement has been mode, we ! believe, on the opposite side of the river, in Uli : oots, with the view of obviating all difficulties from the navigation of the Rapids. Eght hundred and thirty-one shares bare been subscribed to the St/Joeeph and Haoibol RaiJroud. As soon as 169 additional shares are taken, the company can organize under the charter.—{Cm. "Wheat ci Chicago.— The Chicago Journal says transactions are comparatively limited in that city without any material change m prices. With re! gard.tothe amount of wheal in store, the Journal sore: The whole amount of wheat in rtore at this place on the 15tbinrt was 321,257 bu, of which amount 161,023 bu were received since the Ist of January. This amount compares with the receipts <£ for* mer years as follows: There was in store 27U» Feb, 1815 200000 • “ “ : . 20tb Feb, 1816 662DC0 • “ i 15th Feb, 1817 - 5.10133 - * '“ , 15th Feli, 1613 321,257 I, By this table it will be seen that the amount now j m store is less by 205,713 bus than lost year, and I and about 300,000 less than in 1816. This defr I ciency, however, is easily‘accounted tor. There I “ “*s° ,D< J peritaps a larger aggregate nom* I her of bus of. wheat raised the pest season in this region than any year previous, although doc of as good quality, oaring to the fiUl'sowing being very generally lolled by the winter, and spring wbest being sown in its place. The surplus, however, I remains still in formers 1 hands, the weather having ! been such duringthe winter, that grain could not be thrased with facility, and the roads in condition the whole of the time. ... ; : Wheat has sold during the: week at 630GSc for •pring, and 75£600 for what little winter has been offering. XHPOATS BT RIVER. Cwn««t>-Ptr America—-1793 pcs Unrest, 1 bU my, l alt rice, 1 bid dr bee!, 9 do Uni oil, Hughs Sc Baiter; 48 hbds bacon, Watson; 93 Htes cattoo,Kennedy & Childs; 6do do, KiagicPeo nock;2bfcJsbatter.Molraor& Ledlie; 41 bnfe* then, 500 blooms, Famth & co; 100 bbU moUsses Hearelton; 2 cables, 1 bbl sundries, owners. JVosAriCp—Per Oswego—ol bb cotton; 13 t«i feathers, 2 bbla alum, 9 trcs'seed, 60 bgs noU 1 pickey dc co; 2700 sides bacon, 490 pcs shoulders. La og hi in; 6 hbds tobacco, Wejrmaa; 22 bn rage, 2 crts do, 3 pkga mdse, 7 bgs feathers, 3 do wool, 7 cat* bacon, Langhlin, 2 hbds bacon, Forsyth Sc cm 1 box, Butler Sc Bro; 90 tons pig meUL Wood, Ed* wards & McKnigbt; 68 bgs fruit, Canon & Me. Knight Cincinnati—Vex Brillianl—loo bb cotton, King Pennock dc co; 15 do do, Kennedy it Childs; 48 do do, Hutchison; 29 sks, 10 bxs dr peaches, Allen Sc oo; 6 bbb Urd oil, 4 hlf do da Brown ic Culbertson 160 bxa pork, Graft 8 bxs ink; Arbothaot; 49 bbU whisker, Bennem 25 do do, Greer, 2 bbb bUo Kck wafer, Fenwick.; ; ->* W«fl«riZte— Per Caleb Cope~-110kgs, lard,Bid well;'23 ska bran, Donaldson; 1 scale and.weigbts. Atwood & Jones; 19 bbb c seed, S McClorfcan ic co; 14 bgi flaxseed, Lindsey; 50 bgs tnraips and ntatooa, Henbberger, l bU c seed, 1 bg yarn, 99 gs osis snd corn, 27 do do alt imn« j •craps, owners aboard; 1 csk wire, 3 bdls do, R Townsend. i, . : BrranmZZe—Per Bahio-147 pkgs mdse, Graft 21 do do, Forsyth ic Duncan; 64 do do, Harton; l dodo,Gordon;43 dodo,McCbrdy4; Jones; 1 do do, dark & Thaw; 5 do do, Orum Sc McGrow; 50 bxs gUsa, Umber; 75 do do, Forsyth Sc Du scan; 16 hlf do, Todd Sc co; 152 pkga mdse, Bidwell; 18 do do, Atwood, Jones Sc co; 47 do do, - . Per Atlantio—73 pkgs mdse, Graft 15 do do, Forsyth Sc Duncan: 42 do do, Hays Sc Black; 7 do do, M Allen 5c to; 18 dqdoJGordon; 4 do do, P Rots; 7 do do, Canon Jc McKnigbt; 6 do do, Bing* ham; 13 dodo, BtdwelL 9 do do,HamptondcSmith 25 pea iron, Wilson As'co; 9 do do Bagstey Sc Smith.- .• 1 . • • Bntunoar Max Magteal Pain Extractor—lt eal sen that CoaocD’s Magi; the greatest wonder of the 19th century. Its effects an truly miraculous. All pains are removed from bants, scalds, tc, and all external tores, in a few minntee a£' ter its application; healing the same oo the moat dcli cSte skin, leaving no ecmr.j It U'equaUy beneficial in I kinds of Inflammatory diseases. inch as sore; Nip. e* nad Eyes, Sprains, RbeaasUtm,-Whit* Swelling and Ulcers, Bruises, .Burns, Chilblains, Erysipelas, Bilee, TYc'Dotowmnx.-Ae.. Wetnighx add as proof to all we say, fbe names of many eminent physicians who aae h in their praetiee, and hnndreds of the clergy who praise it to their people. Kind parent keep It constantly on band, in cases of accident by fire, lift may be lost with. oqi u, but by its ase ail burns are subject to its control, oaleee the vitals are destroyed. Caution—Remember aad ask for Connell's Megicai Pain Extractor, uxaau* factored by Comstock kcaNY. and no other, i- Sold by WM. JACKSON, \Agent for Pitubsrxh.69 Liberty Behead of Wood. \ j novlSdAwOmT landing (TOO tit Lady DICKEY 1 * Co. 'foruUby.* »«N D MORGAN nTTnz Clouts Isstrangely destructive to the ba* man cuticle. (or skin) the sudden change from beat to' cold, and the smoke causes yelfow, dark, coarse ctna pleiions. Then It Is'requisite that the pores of the skin should be kept open—that their mouths should be freed from impurity—'(was thus the anoieut Roman Fhlloeo ' pbere cured ail diseases—they, computed that more the pores of the skin, than any other outlet of ike body., disebsee aad unhealthy -vapors left through,the It b'uceevsary, therefore, to keep the pores open—all humors are dispelled from the skin Yrom the pores, ten they wash with Jones’ Italian Chemical Soap. 1 vo seen it cure the worst and oldest cases of Salt •earn. Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber's Itch, Sore Head, ligwons, when every' other, internal and external remedy bad failed—its effect rendering the skin yvblte, clear aad soft, though It be yellow and coarse, is won dorfto—it removes Freckles,Tan, Sunburn, Morpbew, wd disfigurement, of the -skin—but persons i must, bo particular and ask for Joan Soap—to be bad in Pltulnjrjh at WM.' JACKSON’S, sign of tha Mr Hoot, 80 Liberty sl Tries fiO cents., ncvlfdAjrly j Cot uUe hr " )EL^UOMLBIL .ddsrviatg*? ta/tf. gCOTTJfcC». &/"• Itees your hair\sU oft does your hair turn gray {ji l , *“«h,«i* dry, o» dirty, | pray! IT VJ tb “iJou can make usod, nlky and fine,: Dark and healthy, and beauteous as this hair of mine >'°° bofthree shillings to give For a bools of Jenes* Hair Restorative. . y , ou , buve bad hair you would really be t*. eS '. n » three shilling boule of £fi i-f*3f r . has ou it; it needs but one truO. Sold at 89 liberty at. , %^vlWKwly r ur Ci l^l Teeth 5P 4 Pdtrid l.ttoih. Spongy gums like rotten death, a i l .* rej lsT Te «U»f a*tmg7 ' It eoete but 0 easts, aad ia realty a beautifo) ankle. It rivea the teeth a fine enaaei. Sold ia Piushureh at GS Libonyet. | - aoviMAwly CTTo tax Ilttt tw Lsjss—Tomnock’s Nerve and •Q)tA<«atliK fiWbWfh. ] ponedAwfat IUUIAC. TSatT San rises.: sets. Ifooe “Moon's - rises. >ha«e«. 8 37. 5 e 818 638: 8.7 783 ‘6 33] S 0 831 8 10 9 41 • a att ton :« a- ots u® 1M 813 pore. committee for march, to XT. DAIZtLL a. E. C Kmabfdlßtff Oin f LlT«r OwDUlat laa# Opuh 11 ” TTAVINO UJ..H . TioUMiad, .kick •.Hied on aj P s^tejsassuflsasis tiae« 1 con# waKtly lam ores is bad. Iwu mh •Ujrwuuufmnr.ud wtary area of my lifeT hlv «w«b wu very dUtrueinr, and balog aceoapanied with nmei, loae inf appear, debiUtyTaad otberdi*- u»d no beaut from any mcdicmc, nor from my nhrii «*»“*»ll®* »*»“*« «f P»- Thylor’e Balaam Jljrer won, which aooa mada ma well and able to »"-»* to ny boalnsm. (. GEO YOUNG, Druggiat, _ -?| i 861, Foltoa (trceL Brooklyn. E7*BaUenethergreat care whichproreetU*modi- ***■“ fc&SK 110 ? *** Ww for three yean with .these diaeaaee, 1 feel tom my •Wan for all peraon* eottaliy unfortunate, and then fare I be* of then, tfJheTioTo lift and health if they lova their families and;mends, not to lay and die under tha 5*£P"T r*?* 0 "’ !%•*«» “•■*« trash, bat try Dr. Taylor 1 * Balaam ofTiverwort.- This »• Jrtea I wa* I could. no tarn over to bed wuhwtt aaaiataaee > and the mineral doeton aald I ccbM notlira a wees: ret Hue vegetable medicine cared ma i ta > week*. 1 had a hacking coach, pain In the aide. ?: 07* Htndreda of Uvea have been MvedVytS/moiu. else. We dally hear of the oaet remarkable eons af tar everything *l»e had foOed^^"™* 1 **o** 0 ** ear ** ** PreoModat»BMmaa street. New York. .jSgsa^jtessx-a | A* i. Itwa * c*, ■ WMAKXTT tT.. Hiwm Tmwn **n wntrwrm »| »,w . TNFORhI timr friend* and the peblie geuer3hr!tbai X being aboet to remove to the apaeloaa and eluant Store recently erected oa the adjamiwg Lot Therwill dowout ™ *»JS® bod well Mlected Mock of Fall and Winter Goode at coot, and fit many caw* (cm tha* coat, to enable them to open their new itore with an entire Mock of New Good*. - The aale will commence thia day and eeatnme to the ftm of March, or until ueir removal. Their , extensive assortment el Dreea Goodwill be «old foil 30 per cent, less than a*o> el price*. They eoniist of the oo«t fashionable «*»«<- merreaud Delanai iOala, Mohair, Silk and Oregon Donibanne*, Alpaec**, * e. 1 CloakGoodt—French and German Merino*, Queen** Cloth, Freneb Plaid Cloaking*, Broad CbthTefall the moat fashionable color*. Black and fancy Dreea silk*, ot every variety. Shawl*—Cashmere, Terfcen, Tartan Flaid, uid other ahawla-a very lame assortment, folly redaeed one half in pace.- Flannel*—Webb, H->g|j»h and American Flannel*, of all color* and quaiuie*. -Bonnet and Can Ribbon*, Glove*, Hosiery, Gimp* and £J ul f*** W rought Collars and Cape*, laeet, Artificial Hewer*, Plume* and Feathers, Sean*. Cravat*, Hand kerclueft, Fancy Bolton*, cte. Linen Goodsof ovary dewnptioa Woollen Good*—CasamieTe*, Caaalnetti last's ssajssjass- The following will- be some of tha Prieeet £»»*■«•• * , . 181 e.Uaoalprice3?J Monaaelut da Laine*, > ' 2S| " “ »and 31 Gala Plaid*, eo * ' tt 100 Mohair k Oregon Plaid*, 90 * « 371. Alpaccaa, 1: 16# r « - « 37! Flannel*, .SO u “ 3tS WroaghtCollara, ['■ IS|. « • “ 37! Calieoea, It to 10 « « jsl Caaatneua, gStoM “ •* SO Together with every hnlele In the Stare, which will be cheap. Viriicr* may be aaauredthai they wQT not be disappointed in the quality or price* cf oar good*. panP] A A MASO.YIt Co. IBW IPRIBG GOODS. CHACKLETT A WHITE, 99 Wood street, are now £? receiving lam addinens to their exeelletu assort, mem of Dry Goods, id hrhieb they iavhe the attention of buy*!f*T beUevptg they can offer soch inducements as will make U to their interest to make bills with them. We in now receiving a large assortment of roods direct from the MaaU&ctarers, Importers, Ac. amour which may be found the following; Plain doable drills, all grade* and styles, printed Kentucky Jeans, blub, blue mixed, cadet; dark mixed, Sw, green, plaids, Acj saline us, black, blue, cadet, Ox rd; plain, figured aad printed tweeds, a good assoru ment, varioos styles; prints, a verir large assortment of new spnag sreles, finer, green. Sloe, rubies, browns, blues, bine and orange, Ae. in ail varieties: xinrtama splendid styles ofdomestib, ZkgUsh and French, very low; AJpareos, new stylet andstyle*and figures,hist imported; also, blacks, mode eoL faney col. silk and eotten warp; some blanks, very fine. Allofwhichare offered for tale'on the most favorable terms. fcbg» ■ • • BHACKLCTT A WHITE _ Card—HomdoT, Jam. 10. riREAT REDUCTION ISTMUCES-W R Morphy, ! \JT N. E, comer 4lh; rod mirkct will, from »>»« 4>»e, eell hie winter (base node, and a larje proportion of Us stock, adopted lonly to the winter season, at rreatljr reduced price*: Ji faUnf his object to sell off this port of his stock to nake room for an early mrin* supply, will b« had to tho cost of the nods: bat they wtUbe offered at prices that will csoare their solo -each os California plaids, at ltffomer price iise: super da at 85 former pnce 37(e; Printed Seoteh ctshr meree at W|, former price 31q do. 35, former piire 37ic: Preach all wool do. 60 ets, former price 03 and 75 do. 73' ’ • «p*f i ««mi price »Ott npet plaid Thibet cioiij S 3 end >i tonoer price 100; beside* a Urea assortment of winter shawls, worsted Hoods, 4c. u prieea much olwtr than before offrrad. jaio T??R EVENING DRESSES—W. It Maiphy has JO tost received a fow patterns embroidered mtulia «»r Evening Dresses. Also, silk net scoria, bead drt*»- Also, new stylo braizes. for early spring wear, new st jrle baJuiuei far do.; chameleon silks, alashion. able article, acedia vailed collar*, new style; ehemi ■etu, enure new siylqu block barred silks; striped dol neb striped and watered do. Ladles are invited to call s*w Osadi tor Iprlai antis, TIT H MURPHV, ff, corner of 4th and Market T T • itches the pleomra of infonsinl his customer* aoa buyer* generally, that he has commenced the re ceipt of his carl jr^pring Goods, aed haralreadr open a Seat variety of goods suitable for the season, at price* at cannot fail to please. 07* Merchants ere invited to visit his Wholesale Boocea, op stair*. and eknoine tit stock of aew nods, which will bo offered eTaboat casters prices fobiV SMALL FIGURED PJUNTS-Ju.i received, an as sortment of biae, pink, laloek, paiple and oranxe. small figured prints and eblntxes lor childrens' wear; also, dark and oil scarlet do; also, plain, pink, and orange moose de laJnesj for do; mail barred mug hafts, at the Dry Goods tioase of TJRlNTS—Gingham styles; open this morning, 1 ease A, hand scree prints, gingham patterns, and fast colors, oufy W cents per yard! at the dry goods home of febg 1; • WB MURPHY ijis now conceded by medi~ (al Pain Extractor, mann> 0, SI Counland «. N V, is DRESS GINGHAMS—Open this morning, on as sontsem of fresh ginghams, from tt| cents per yd. up to Int quality French, at red need prices. Also, heavy Manchester ginghams, Jow priced and fine, . |! • WR MURPHY (eW9 _ ‘ ,_j. : cor. Market k fob Sts. • Black and coUored alpaccas-w. r Morphy has on hand at very low prices, an assort ment of above goods, Including - different shades' m i£ab Colors. Common dud Fine; Mazarine Bias do.; Maroon do; Brown do.; Black ana tUtso doj Satin stri ped Satin tinned doll Fancy Plaid do; also, ait as •oruneirl of Mohair Lnstres. Including soma very fine and glossy. In Wholesale Rooms, qp stairs, deal ers will find a choice stock of above ana ether goods by the piece, at low Cash prices. jJum ATNCS BAIR TOMIC^-Alter gtrisg Cits article trial ws BskasttaUagiy jpnmousct it Wbevhstitpra&si «*~th* best snick, triJwatany eiesutwn, is «M.fortbi rssteratieoa»d fresemtieyof the brwaS hair. Wekao* or Berarfea* bnUsesi where hair has here restored to facaL ohieh have here hold for y4*r*j sad we think mwoiti* imurfctw than torecombsadlsall ear readers who or taring tb«ifhsir,le ssussltral of this Took ianaedieulr BestcwMaU. • i ‘ Farads taPittsburgh ■< the Psohis Tea Biers. Ns 71 Povnfc street, Mir Vv wed i, mtnMfcioT SUGAR. MOLASSES AND COFFEE—Iff Jthds prime N O Sugar; fiObhls N O Molasses; 00 bags IUo Cof fee,jost laftuttg from str Wyomlmrind for sale by W4M MITCHELTRFJiI6O Liberty sL They will shortly foeeive par Martha Washing ton and other boats the following:—800 kbda prime N O Saztr; 430 hbls plantation Molasses: JO do Sugar House; JO bblsLoof Sugar, 13 tierces Carolina Rice, ftbM UST reeelred a frVsb supply of India Rubber Goods comprising 9 dot hone cavers a fins article; 4 dor. steam boat booksts; If d<j*, pairs of legging* long at id short; 4 do*, loaf sspe* 4 das short do; gU of which will be sold cheap for cash at the India Rabat depot. Mo fi Wooden ffeblg)! l J* H PHILLIPS; * “1 irEUH FLANNELS constantly on hind it drr If ewda bouM Of Wft Morphy, N E corner o 4th and market *i»-i ui; luomanu of above roods warranted not to ahrinf in washing, . .janld eORN— COO bushel* allibed cornin' bbl* and tick* for sale by ' ' • - Itbgl McGILL DRY APPLES—OO btUjood qwriiftr for sal* by ; 'GEO CTEPHENSON. foMB. coTnerLhand F#rry stmts. jnR£KN APPLES—SS bbU Gr«en Plppia and Y»a* \JT derm, for.sols ftp• |- < - jetandlw* ,li OEO BTKPHEKBON. T^r A »2etowb7* #n BtWm'fobfteco jttrtTec’d sad few! w 7 Atwood,-Jones a Co. \ T INBEED OIL—O 9 bus tinned Oil fa store uut for iy eefobjr 'SELLERS ANICOLS, »fbl7 • ' - • I*. No 14 Liberty it I>ACCXKH9' bitds pi JJ retired tad for foW9 ii:. I. V ■ J •••"' -5 ;FEET!TATE* t» CKAMflttp—FiUlSO. - - —-ip, Cio. WeUsviUe/Benu, finish Lake Ene/HetnphiU, Beaver. Brilliant, Grace, Ciocianoti. ' Oiwtgo, —, Naibvilk. DEPARTED, Beaver, Clark, WellavOJe. MichiganjNo 2. Gilarm, Beaver. Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and WellriHe. Diapalch,'Nelson, Brownsville. > Monterey^'Morriaon, BrowniviHe. > ! Baltic, Jacob*, Browntville. Atlantic, Parkinaon, Browntville.. . Wellaville, Barna, fiundah.... ■ Lake Eriej l Hemphill, Beaver. New England, No Z’Dean, On. BOATIUBAVWQ THIS'DAT. i BEOWNSVpJX PACKETS, 8 a. *, and 3 f. it ji .. i : CINCINNATI PACKET, 10 a. a. I BEAVER PACKETS, at 0 and, 3 J o’clock, f. if. I GLASGOW PACKET,4 r. x. HUDSON, NaahviHe. j DOVER, wiibMh. \ The rirer Usi falling slowly. I evening vu 3 PASSEVOER ARRANGEMENTS FOR IMA oteunbou Packet lice, learaa daily fof Cincinnati; PuMnger Packer via BrownavilU to Bahlmoro and i PbladeJphia, ft a. a. and 0 T. a. i Mall Coach line direct to Philadelphia. 9 a. M. and i; • - Wettera and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 a. a. ' nonh-We«eniyiaCUreland,dallT,lOa.m. . - Western I New York, daily, 9 i. a. j North-Eastern toiJadelphia, daily,' except Sunday*, j ARRIVALS And DEPARTURE OP mattes Mill Tim pJlilsddphi*, dm 3 a. m, eloses 19 V. WeA n MsiL Cincin. A Louisv, dns 8 r. ir, closes 8 a. k. | sitJWumore AWMhingtomdus 8 r. K. clt 8 *.« North Western via Cleveland, doe 10s. jl, eloses 9 s. v. Erie and Western New York, due S f. w, «lwft a *. v. W R MURPHY. PiranrtFj.n ± eoe. m ahoolden, 10 do aidaa, Jua kT ||B-LKW*WC(M4, , ; yoa^MLir T'rLESTSE? ofahh-old embUibed tad fir*] * liam> h * Tin F recxned tWr ile. pot ia Philadelphia. to -a amen larjrer Warehouse than they formerly oeetrpSed, *nSa!*o i»- cmMeiibttf room for atorageat PitubnrrbTtWnw tn^p»m>ii» orerinuch frrt * lerflciilliei tomdr friend* not tniuhipped be* 2SL D , *^f t,tna . l T fa _ Knd Philadelphia, belor earned in. -S Scti«m joat*. To i(tipper* ofßour aod other goods requirmc careful haudunr this is of . good* or advaaeipg charge*. All nods forwarded erES/ 5^ *** °P°*| a* reasonable ternuaa hjraayoih. - • ■ JOHN McFADEN ft Co, . ■.■WJSftEafegSt*. wM* ' Sg7M*ricet ASdCocaracrcc il, Rdla. MeFADEN ft Co., Forwertlay end Comnu*. noa Alerchiwi*, C*mU B**ip; Penn sL, Fituburjh. JAMES M. SAVIS & Co, FlootFuton tad Comaii* iMS? M “ ka f “ i “ COT ~7 t ” w ; t - THEinb'eriberi b*»e ihi*rf*y ssJoeiued theauelye* uxer uuler. tbo ttyle'of Kier ft Jow*, for the vr n i!-? ttU,,l ? e formerly carried on •MfSSSfPLV ,r » continuance of the lib* •m pntronafe heretofore cnefided lo the, home. SAMUEL M. IfTEp. BFJ °f 9 - Kl*a>» POBTABLE BOAT LISE. VV.i,s?k£! ep * r^, .‘ 0 wce, . T ® *nd forward freight to f? Iheabore ud intermediate piece* with *»mneh deipetch, and *l a* low me*, a. a£y other re-SSe «•■««!*» °f*¥PT« r * wiihlnjto »ea«l pork or B*. coil to Baltimore in bolt, 1* parUcnlarlv requested. In. aranch mour arrangemenu enable ua tocarrrinch arucle* through in better order than anjr other line. ) KIER A JONES, Prop’trs. Ktl.buijk, Marchl, 15,7. C “*‘ *** “• bam’l. tc. *■ MOCX> ■*( , J» idws. y'IKE A JONES—Corn minion and foTwarthnrMerl Liberal caatt adranccn oa comigamenu. r marltf I ««W AHnAgQEMEJTI 1848 “ p "fpiS?“? N,! i 1848 F^iw»2sfHPj U kND PITTSBURGH, VIA CHAM BEHSBIJRO, BY RAILROAD AND WAGOtt A LAK »iU leave Philadelphia daily after lift Ffeb* I 'Train, to Chambersburg, w&ieb will enable the Wagon* to leave there the «■»«• “T.wiUi relay*of bor*e*, ruining day and niche «• ss P v" n “ “ nr.d.,^ b^QlCHfeCo,Ouulßuin, HARRIS A LEBCtI? iaab ' l ** iL U and 15 aouth 3d *L Philadelphia. - ftb& D LEECH 4 Co. 11848. , *“ on jB4g^ CLEVELAND, fcjEreaf* DETBOIT'ASD IAtJLT THE Steamoou DETROIT, Capt. 3. C. Benjamin, will wa, darinc the icuon of 184 s, between Cleveland a r? , - a ”*» in **• following manner, toochinc ai Mackimc and intermediate placet each way: ” Leaving Cleveland every Monday, at 7 P M Do Detroit do Tuesday at Do Maekinaodo; Thursday at 7 A.M. Retnrwng. will leave Sauli See Marie every PridaT. at lOoeloci, A. and Maekinac ai lOo'elock, P.M. and leave Detroit every Bonday evening for Cleve* land, at 7 o’clock. fW. A- Olit ACo. >_, , , Agvnu. <C. BRAD BURN & Co. i Cleveland. {.GRAVES A WICKWARE 'Detroit. Tie Detroit baa been thoroughly repaired and refit, pa«t winter, and the public may rely upon the P'J’wwlhgother tnpa with puiictoaljiy a* aivertited. fetttfctaa HP. WARD. is a <est ECLIPSE TKASSPOBTATIOS LIRE. • to nml trow the Eastern riuc*. via I'umbrriatid. •T'He. proprietor* of thii popular line, haw «iuce their A re'Organiuiion largely increased their facilities to meet the wUbe* of shipper*; and arc now prepared to forward a greater amount by the FIVE DA\ 1.1. NH a* alio by additional regular wagon* at loiv rate*. Ihwhn: will run throughout the delivering good* throa the agents iu Baltimore and l’ili*Uirgh lo owner* *i d consignee* at specified rates'aml time. , shipment* from Philadelphia for the line tbould be marked “Care.-J It Robia*o:i, Baltimore.” . The only agniu are. 4 C ROBINSON, M H Charles at, lUltimnre. EOGERION A Co. Cuiulfoflaitd. <• W CASS. Jlrnini*rillf». J C niOWKKU Piistburrh PißßiylTtsUWaioalilat, ass meaffia. TUROL'UiI IN FTVfcl DAYS FKOiJ FlilL.ADfcU - ruiA TO rrrrsBUBOH, by waoons! Running tt»y and Nisbt between Punburrh uJ o>iw Urabn**, and by Railroad klwwii Chamberebur* am] Pbdodclplua. The firm ahipraent will leave each end on Is*h January iu»L No more poodj will be received thoneau be earned through each day. without delay, on the route. Time will be reduced to Foor'Daya when the road* bceomc aeulctL: ’ 1 i UUTLEIL; Agent, )At the Depot* ©t *l9 market et, Philadelphia, I Penn’a and Ohio CLARICE A THAW, Tr.n.JonltS! _ PilUburrh. J Comp'r. We will receipt for 6UU& lb< produce, eie„ per «r. »« *9 through by the tine after the j&h i.ul J***- 4 ’ I CLARKE A THAW. . &m* Bam PCUPIB TBAIIPOBTATIOS LIIB « l of thia popular Line haw ehnced the Ar " 7 &*** «i* be«w ofWtj£j*Me *«'• tolof Edpru*& Co. * . ‘] u f bof I k **d waaun nercfaasl* an notified that J Bar- , T < Chart..,t. Ballisaora i. th* oJe B * w * of thiaUaaU IfceEaatarßcfc**. 7 TtanlfVrtin ’ J C BlDWELL,Finibgrrk, O W (.'A W S linninlW, EDO A *■ TO T 4. CaCmtariaaL J B ROBIffBQN, Baftmow. ORBES * CO.’I KXPBKBE m ‘j«» fob nuauDi mALnaoBX, TrA*iu»rDj»,: ; milaokl . rmx,j«ir tou. aomtx, ixs ail tv turrets ana. ? Ild )^ r * ** Ddi "* f *» >nfon* rTr »• “ “ **• fatM*. KcdmoAtup** E,feffiriKufiS'.“ »» a*«***s £&•; foSSriS 4 " r * k * a - f w ■» « Eipreta ckwea daily at 3 r. x. 'I ... ™ ,f* G VICKERY, Aftnt, Be Cbarlea Hotel Bnildingy wood at OttiA Itttm lavintUß C«uduv! U 8 MAILLUSK FOasOin*LUJPTON 4b **•*»•» of thla Company will nil once a month a»7oUow«: ,W?* lIEttMAA >VCapi. the 20th March, WASHINGTON, Capt J. Johniion, on the SOth 22“ ,l “ <®‘ h April.lWS. The A9HIMJTON, on the 15th Mar, iMa. 2?° ANN, *tth April. lS4i . , on ,he VOth May, 15K9. of thc wohth fall* on Sunday, the day of aatha* front New Yorh will ba-on the Slit . , ' v “-{“W*. Amenta at Harre. . -V-* * -''WHwhCft. Agi»..t flrymen niarldlw VIIAtUCDKN * CO. lILA.>KOLN & CO..coulmua to brine Mrtona fifefeiHS^s 10 '!?. Ireland Scotland 01 W.UMt^IoSWSJSS.nw SnCMwlfcS2ilSrii* ,n, V ,l, “ «•- WetavO.?* ?| dfllentiu n by the firai ahip^_ x.Xp.»£:^ laud, England, Scotland and Wale*. • • ta lre< I JO9HI/A nODINSON, ' febi piu and Uenern) Agent, ~ c 1 m Fl»bjirect,ane door below,Wcwd. gfesss War. il Jwtu^ ll u^°n **«. *»d bare £ aVlLo »«>“« ofiHiaoas & "‘’"“"j «M< f.imiSnir'.W, S;,'^ 1 ' wi,l ‘" l th.T»h“ ,6^ V'^’ «Jfl»;-ii-v‘" Black Ball 12,<* * i.„* -L w ■ «kh only of the nr ' Oa,Cr ® 00dLS “* ~,UI ' 1 d '° laud, England, Scotland. */ *\v°Ji a l, * c * ®f Ire* .n 5 dr“". ijfSi *“ ■«»n U »g,„,he U „, k ,N'eJ'vSrt SUif*’ “*•**' >« ‘ UA ■ door iJeloW wood. T“'o* foltoo MIU«,~ ( _ «"‘ra ) febAigxw Moorhead, copeland & co F“S A «M E c ;,S ," •“«" •tint order. - Thl* wbrda W cora Pl«‘* nin ar* -^tossasraiwa X'AnvUj *Ca,b*r7 remold Wbirf « w«?«E paredlo nxdTo luZTfl n ,he E *« now fully p r *. “?*’ " c ' d *" ‘ " t ” JAMES AHPTCinBOXAC <4"'h '.^V ■'' ■ ''f'-yxr: ' : ft s KiJ. I . ilWitlslaSMlßitoM, M “n»o subscriber offer* for sale * Hoeae tad Lot Jgfon Libeift street, a abort distance aboreEut “?• J 1" Loll. H feet front 22 “^"r*®** l real back ta an-Alter 85 Act. *£**? ®“«o»»»6riek>nwirM*,two «torie« Mffh, iSdfeet in frontby fcomtinatnicoajtembte rooms, ezcloora of pm try, *o»l-cei;«r and cellar. AlFtherooma bar* SnSSSnl ' iwd drains art constructedto cam offtha waterTaad IS.IJi 0 ? 16 . k j S«* order and rerr I eoareotenL and ti well soiled for two bailies. The' P^P^fry lll be«»«3 «ow, «d time firen oa tha larfast. part of the porehMe money. • • •-.[•• * 1 Inquire of the Subscriber, who can be aecaal the of. sf!-° v! I"’S* 1 "’S*" 1 *?. ««tr imam, betwMtTth. houi of eight and ten* and at other tlmaa at his roams at; ho *OlllOlOB% MW row, Fbd*! F r JOR SALE—The sabseriber offers fet nit tbetra* proYemenu and property he sow rrriinitt ■ilfliii! S o *” Road, about three mteefemtha city, eoßtuUnjrof «well finished ilriek I Mccafc*eb- J«uunf ten rooms, end ■ eeUmr coder ibe vholet U«x> f'U" 1 ® nc * Tenant House, eontstain* thnenoas; a SSr-I r «»~ <» »» on nsfloubl* Mu, fc gate& / Cotl > ■»- , tbr Hilt. fi r . ASi?$L' “3«, In Eom.w, town* •hip, weitmoreland eounrt, baclaniarabem one *boro Williacuport, on Um&iitßanit ©fthe $Z rirer, the eaae beinr the fans of the hue Jo*ephßeekcti,deceased.' Said farm firenla oath* nr er i »boot U mile; About 40 acres cleared, with other im proTemenu. The fans ia ooe entire «np— of atone coal. Tbe Jann will be eold altoretber orut loutoaut pureaaacn, and on liberal terma. Far particular* eo* qaire of Henry Btertin#, Daniel Ewer. Wm. Larimer. Jr, Puubnrfh; Pa; T&* indiipauble! "f*- 4 "™"* , -j JOsiAH mrrcHMAN, __feba4dAwtm*S j New Caetlc, Mercer co,l*a. . Qnitf ftrnl*. A WUMBRHof beantffid Hilt rrtM ;Penn «r©«, or U» Greeasbartb tarnpikß nil and on the Allegheny rirer. and interna*, djnio rtreei* in the Oih Ward,nttabwgh, «i« now offer* “Jar mJiSon the moct reaaonable term*. ! nivais residence*, boiineae nod taanafoeauin* eyblliaaeato, tficn lota prcaent «ltn*iioa-;not npao. ed, ireqaiUcd, by «ny now for gale.» Th® renforiiT lb ” *" J" 4 *“>tke l»»iUlI2 «“J ?} u« ffnmnd, render (be lou oonrenknt. and I ■TtUibJo at once forboildintpnnxwe*. TbetSeuia-1 dirjnttable. Apply to HARMARDEfnfY, 3d if, I »_. . t or ROUT. UeKNIGHT, | foba-dlm Attorney at Law, 4lh «;naarGr«"* I . ItteUift OM*. j A TRACT or I»ad; M scres,jn Harrison, Portan Co il on the Cayaboft rmt-*bout3oaereitmder io prorament AJ*o» two animprored lota in Uto villa*# orWarren,TrambnllCo l eoreBlbT9Q. AUo,»lotof fTOoftd In the eentn of Hanford, Trufatoll Co- with a Cm dwelling hoot and •tow—one of Uto beat Modi for » mere atm ©a ifco Western Reserve. Aar or tli UiU property will to told on* very teeoatiDodaiiar < ISAIAH DICKEY Vox, FOR SALE on eecocnmodatinr tctnu, or to be let on perpetafl leaaeejLthoee foot choice lots eitsatad oa Fourth atreeL near Cram at, each 83 foot»iachca I _««>«“»* MO &«t back to a 9 tool *nue Indiapstable, and tereu efpajrmenf liberal. Am pijto THO3LSS I corner wood* 93 ata, art* ' WM. BAKEWELIiT ftbti Aaa’y at Law, BakeweU’a BTdlaiy**-*" at . , ****** ia More or baaatx. A Storehoae* and Dwelling, on the I -fl. Erie Kite neon,Canal, is the TiUafe of Weal 1 bwmx; a derirahle location for a aurehast. Alao>ai lot and nod DweUlnf Hobm well sifted fora Tavarn] bub 3, In the Tillage . of Orange cilia, W State Hr™ of] Ofoft < Teiauaaay. IBAUH DICKEY A Co. | : _ • Water and Front ota. I 1 tMI , . 1 *»•* tvr Bnla. • A ia *£• Bth ward, id feet oa Lofan atreet by « A k«i oa Clark atreet; ooe of the neat 10. I eitwna in the «th ward. Ffcr tonJXfrtotEr.ttf •enber at the Methodial Book Store, Mrsear -Market dwelUnf aa Clark ttnetomrteE. Trorillo’e Grocery atom. [febltq JLBKan a_ VOB l&IB. THE tarot story Omllinr Houso tad m> ; »«*ss?^i££-j^aas»it^*s For.^ribw,whoku n> itoe nerr boose on the comer of Übeny at tad Irwin's tiler, now accepted ts t wbolesaia tad rettil jroerrtitor*, by 11. ;F. Bebweppe. .Posseralon given mneduiety, on tppiiettioo tl the warafcoest oQoha Irwin 4 Boos, Nt 11 Water street, by _ , • john IRWIN T„,_ „Vtlt*W»Ftm For Sale; HIB Farm imaupou the bank M ike Ohio riter, in county,Ohio, immediately adjoining ike of At illerapon It contaiua upward* of UOU arrea. ofwhicb IS3 sere* are cleared and under caltivaiion. There, is npoo the propertr a rood dwelling bouaa and out buildings. Terras liberal, and title indi mutable.- laou'n.or TOIIDiSUmi, fcbiftttlaw* •. Attorneys at Law, *•' .. ; For tUni* - | pg j A iwo awry brick dwelling with aboat «i* icnr Kg) ef round attached, nutated si Oakland. The i* well «iockrd with frttll of all kinda, and ia a desirable location for a fantil; being entirely oat o' reach pi tfca river aud din ofihe city.' An oanibr leave*; Oakland bodriy for the city. Apply to ATW<^™ . \ For Boat* A FARM, con'toiuing about U) acre*, with a Eqp .»*. dwelitup house and irood bam, situated in Peebles luwuabip, but a short distance from the city, (the proper ty of lie late RicUrd laddie, Ksq > 'ihisipiopem »ou!d be desirable for a dairy, and would be railed for a term 01 year*. Apply to ; *■*>*»« - : J H SHOES BERGER. Mi-A,. o®* 0 ®* Rirw atory l>rick dwelling house on *' ylie stmt -Possession prea ontho first oi April or sooner if required. Inquire of J A. R t LOYD, IQ# liberty street. Ferßtnt.^ BB A two atorjr brick dwelling with about 5 aen gal r poui'a* Situated on the bank of the Ohio rive ••intheboroaphof-M oehewer. Apply to 1»»21 JAMES A HtrrCKtSOX* Co. TPo liftC* ; . THREE dwelUnx homes situated on 4ih street Jgl near canal truln, m the city of Pittsburgh. A!- , so, a pom TS'bf SJJ feet, with a coriTement ea trance on &ih st, near wood. Al*>; a frame dwelling. witlran acre ofground enclosed sgid under euJtivkuou, situate on Ohio lone, in the city of iAUeahe uy. fcqoiroof JO WILLU3IBT Jg” :• . UP wood: street To 'Brewer** j- Jm± FDR SAIiE OK KKhT)tbcPimtiuthßrtir -Jvl.trTi with mi! ita brewing enparatne. situate on . P^ l ,,u>UK«itanilO«rker's»Ua)r ( eQiliK>woccupiad Ofo.M. South It Co. Possession riven ohthe first “*F of April earning. For terras, he. enquire of BROWN k- CULBERTSON, W liberty >l For Beat. Jgi THE briek dwelling house on Third sirectbe ,£■ tween gemhCeld street sad Cherry alley. Uis . ■ »!•*“ rp°§ fixture* and spacious yard and out-buildings. Enquire of i : WM. M.PAHLIXGTOX. : T» Lot. « i a TO* new three story fire proof brick non on aecood U. now occupied bjr Edward Evans: for reut Crocs let of April next Inquire of ' J TOHOONHAKER & Co„ ! ■ 84 woodTirctt. M The subscribers! will rent pan of th- wan house now occupied by theta. Apply to . LEWIS, PALZEIff \ Co . i M wu:cr «?reet Par Best “' M, Aihandsomely finished room on Market street, ■fit lately occupied as a Daguerreotype ciubl shmem by Morlaad ACo. Ain, a well finished and well for mated room, suitable for societies, tfaq ball of the Mereaxuilo library Association. Entranoelet Phi '"“St ... j £ D UAZZIJT, . octt7 -. Office, market street, between ad mad 4th For Rest, . j J|& THE large and convenient dwelling house on Ji3.Federai sb. Allerheayv formerly occupied by Hrs. Ann Oaaram. Bent lowj Possession given otribe Ist or ,Apnlriexi. ‘ j , El) GAZZAM. Immediate possession Of the above boose cad be ob tained by applyingto M. Creighton, at the canil ware house of Clark A Thaw, t ; 'dec* ' ' Fori Boat. *T r JoB A large room on |heYd story of the warehouse jtf® occupied by the subscribers, near the foot ot Wood street—a good location for a steamboat agency or an Insurance office. ;i ImH TOLLMANS A OARBISOg- For Beat or lala, Je& A neat two storied brick dwelling house with JjSf sCTcn rooms and laige yard, pleasantly - situated ' in the Bth ward. Apply UXWM U SCAIFE, ftbH3w Ist street near wood. ..'f ?*» lwo,onmeuilstreet, JM Allegheny city, near [the upper bridge. The lot is *1 feet in from by lOU deep. For terms inquire of ; dciatf A WASHINGTON, 4Ut »L , MOite new three story Dwelling House, with bath bouses attached, siiuatgiiear the corner of Wylie and Washington streets. Possession giv en mi the first of April ueiL * I ' JOHN P PERRY. THE largo fire pmfif warehouse, 34 feet front hy BIEL 60 feet deep, on second st, near wood. Rent mod erate. Inquire of J SCHOONMAKEH A Co„ dcltt . i i- 31 wood «t. ■ To Lot* M A STORE AND. CELLAR, comer of Federal ,s&■»<* Laeock streets, (Allegheny City. Inquire of 11. WarneroiHbepremisea. fchZttdw . ForTiierii, , " • Jnß A Smoke House. 1 ! aimated on 1 . Plum alley, for lnquire of ROUERT DALZELL h Co. atreeL \ dect.'l ■' For’ileni. 1 1 "~~ The well Qiniisbed store on Merkel street, be- S®tween third and fourth streets, at presentjoccu pied by Uarrawt aud Turner. Possession given on the first of April next. I Invtfcl) E D GAZZAM. T« ‘ T km -A dry goods warehouse,.B7 wood street, second door above Diamond alley. Inquire of ; DT MORGAN A I Co. COAL LAND FOR SALE—Seven ns re* coal land for sole, situate in bend of the Monougahcia River, above Brownsville, Pn., having a 7 foot vein of coal, whteh wj|l be sold In exchange for goods. Fbr rwirtieu* lore apply to {ocltf) 8 A WIURiIAiaH, 33 wodd at - IBuildlng Lot ' r N. MANCHESTER FOR SALE—I have for-kale a becatUbl building Lot in:Manche*ter. rear the'ferry a fee* '-cm by 12t> feet deep. It will bo sold.low, and on accommodating term*. Terms ttnexeeptionslijf* tnylfl JAB. Real Estate A_- L Lot* for Solo, 1 * TWO building lots in the sixth ward, each 94 by 133 feet on whieh there is a uever tailing spring of Wltlef ' . [feh?l GEO COCIIRAN, B. A. FamnsTCci, ■) ; A. 11. Hcu. N. Yl Cltv a LFahitotvcs, JPUtrturgh. U,y O.W. Paujr»»uc« J ; T ' . Wholsiale tho City- of 3 undersigned nre extensively engaged ip the '• J"i? b * , j dne “ *t No. 4fi Jonn sirtet, in e city ofNew York, and ore prepared to eopply prug mm and eouutry Merchanuwith Drugs, riiitu,JOi/i, Dve-etulTs, Foreign and American Perfumery, Hander Chemicals, (oftheir own tion| and all other articles id their line of business of a superior quality a* low as they can be purchased in this oranyenttemchy f. > New York, FeblC BIA FAHNESTOCK A Co. TYELT LEATHFA—The .suhteriben have eon|tant- J> ly on band article of Leather suitable tor machine belta, to whteh the attention bf ntonufaeturera Is invited! 1 AVM VGUNO A Cri- A LCOIIQL— Warranted of proper strength forlllal tora and Druggists’ use always on hand and lor •ale on accommodating tennsbr T • II HITCHELTREE, fabta ■ 100 libertyTTrcet. u ““"« &h» J fi BiDWXLL, Ag*. Wat ' “ M«ai|Oiiie>TCß>"pii u NarUsnbefludoptt Cbtasbi* Bridge CD.** per Oajrtetio*& M«k**-**pcr Pimen’ Bk.'B««d|w*p>x Awer*’ Bk BveJre Co. pv I fw*n B'k Lunri-jwt i Ijiwuw Oi.fiL>» 'pv Ltneuterßk.***~.*« 9* U.ttaW Buk-«.. Bmromlta -tPuhiamn Bk.« •••«•• ••!) G«tyib«rik Bk..— .1$ ! Ghwnbenbsrx* • I duqiekuni C«Bki* i LehighCoQaak, •••••• —| BCiAlfeiwni .* i | <'ar!nle .... « - Enaßt.-...- . ! .... ij Fanw*’ nd .Drama* . . ftonlr, .Wayacabwg... 1 : ......... « i Honesdalo i^j Lebanon ...r ftxurille-.. m | yT0j,...-.;.. .-... iji — i touch B». fcell«f Note. -« h* I MftMß* «* ] Gly ft Ooafitf ?crip*~.-« Ohio. ' gate Bk. tod Braaebet U MoaptPletuat.*... ** gteibentiUe* 8t Clairsrilie. Marietta....; New Lisbon- (Snetanalißaoki.« Gblombu do* •••... u QrelerilJa..... . ...« Sandvtky « Oeu|i « Norwalk-... .... .... « Clevetand*~»..*...... <* 1 Xenia* « Dayton * Western Renm—.. * Franklin irk Golambns “ ChilliriHhe m Lake Erie*.. - ........ «. j Selou.. - «* U neuter Hamilton*. ....13 Granville* ......fid Fara’r* B’k Ctcam- Urbana —.m - - Mnmtmnkr. . Bk of Ken Bk.of Louisville • • Norfcem Bk. Kentalry. Nrw Tork—Ciiy l Banka, EICHANfife BROKERS; kZ [’ .. _BVIIKTf BkIBA 4 CO. ! TJAMJEBS, EXCHANGE Aula. iftsssf fe&sSSSt <maemrfT - u * a ptiaei9 * 1 »*■*» kifbeet pnaiam paid tor Fbralfn and American ■kdymaeoe nada aa fmrtirnmnts of rtmluui. ilila pod East, cn liberal terna. i., ; . .. jyvllaHir CO-PAKTIKUHIP.. JOSEPH H..HILL, (late of tie &riaof Wm. AlHiil * Co,) sod WM. .0. Carry, (law of Erfe Pa.) hare mterod Into Copartnership onder the naacef Hat* > -'iISSSSEP- *£] . ~—, iwx.c.c«nx. • . km. a ociuit. Tffi23 4 EXCHANGE BBOBEBB, Dealmin | JJ rerelfn and DosnetueTUnenndStrti Bills of Ex. jg"}s& SW I *. BankSotas end Coin; b£ •f reet ». 11001 Foartfa, weal ** . Pkf F&ada and Currency on depoaito, Md cpUeeuens aadaon alltha priadpaieitiestuSe United States. . ’- Sithl Exehann on Baltimore. Philadelphia! New. * ®** ; Boston and Cineuuiall. eonstanUy for aaC; • Ohio. Indiana, Kentucky, Virjfinia aud Feiuuylvauia Bwk Notes boothi and aold on laronlda lemi Ekicltoid, ireiand.Cenaauy aud France ' . V. BOIiKBI k MS. and ( Healers In Elchin Ire, Cota •*>* Bank Note*, NafiS, Market street; Kuibarrhi Selim* Bates. Exchange.! Bayta* Haiti i*.*'®**! Ipr Cincinnati, Ildia Philadelphia, fSo LocinriUe? }!“ Balumore, ldo St. '.lf S Boyiuy Hates, BANK NOTES? ;: Bwtar lutes jjdis CaftSeripOrderalidU tadiana, . . -do Relief Notes;”' Keritncky, “do PennsylvaniaCj» “do .NewYorkdoT “do do Wheeling, fdo New. Orleans, t' “do If S7' . j «*, lt Co. ~ WIIiLUH A. BULL 4k C Oi. 'DANKEBS, EXCHANGE BKOKKUB. emi lialer* D in Foreign and Durtestic Exchf brd, Certificates of pepoaite, Bank Note* and F*we£Vo. OMVood.L, Te F ‘ xmb ’ *** P»- BMb • „ FOMBIOV BXCBAHGS. IJHXS on ttogiand. Ireland, auil Scot I dud bosrkl to J 3 any amount st the Cunent-Rale* of Exeteure. Also, BralUporalkJu any pan of the Did Countries irom Alttt;. ui the rale of SSto'the £ Ptedina -"“hua rum.v JL> la Foreign uri Domntie BUI* of Bjchanire.! Cer- wl f l*'”*’•? Nole * '*'* Coin.-wl,o> of jkUttd Wood Mrecu, directly oppotnie Si. Chiried Ho •indlana; - ! ] Kcatneky, • ■ |'• JiUiwcri, ■-■ paKbtwd u the lowest met. by ? au *" ete ? !j . N. HOL3IES ft SON,' 35 Mtrket ttreet. —| ' ; | : Oonmatlyforgateby N. HoSeS a! PON. -j* lo ' Market st CSS!- 051 Aeecptan *o *ny part of the XJoioo. collected on “5 terms. N. HQI.MiS 4 goN i -fiO Market yt. HATS. GAPS AND BONNRTm. A M’COBD A CO^ JOB _ (Buccetson to AFCord A King) C fBjOP “ FMhloqahle Hatters, D f Fifth Slrttti. IjARTICULAR-anemion paid to our Retail Trade X Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats aud Caps from our establishment of the am ilstxxuls and waxMssany, of the nixm mm, and si the.iourisT Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, iare reepeeUuHy invited to call and examine odr Stock! as' we can say with confidence, that as regards odalttv ”T*T'^ Rtnovab ' “ ; "p" A WlUam DougUv late James McKsiii. 1 The subscriber has removed his list and Cap! Mann ®%fsctory to No. J 7 'Vox! street, nearly opposite his o!d siaud, where he would invite hi*friemUmid.the 10 °? J “»onnient of Hats and Caps, which for beauty and durability cannot be surpassed WM, DOUGLASS,7?Woodn. Having retired from the Ilaiand'CapManufaetdry. I most the . patronage ; of my fneodsand thepabHcmnemliy toray«uee*i»r,Wm Donglaas. ■ (febMaamV JAMISMcKAIN. fh MW IHVSHTIOSI— PATENT AIR JMWb* l ** ND HAT FROI'KCrOR.—The will Introduee on Saturday. UcL 9th Crenuemen wishing a hat tried with this durable • aru cla will please call and examine. - . - ’ ALFRED KEEVIL, Prmetleai Hatter, | . • ■ • ■ head of wood at' rfc FALL FASHION*— B. MOOSE has tan New York, the Fall ttyh of Uata/wLich will introduce thi* day, Saturday;. A nr. »Ui All inoae la want of a oeat and auperior hat weald do at No. J 5, Wood Street, 9d doof. above diL "FALL' FASHION, I**l r-~ESESgTk /fCOSUK’SWyIe GeuiicnMi'i Hala will be intro-- at Knvu.** on Thursday, AitfuM y?ih Oeuuemen wuhiug a cheap, feihionelile hat of Pill*, burgh munataeture.* ahead of fashionable Hats-import ed and advertised by some of the trade, please eolfai KKKVII. * Cal'*, | _lfii of wood at. 4BVHBEK FASHION FOH HATfc- Jl<Sr rrceivtfd (rota JSew York, tile sitmiiet vlil «® u,i *rt , W of .'Vhlii Bearer, iw| ■wi »Vhite French Casaimera Hau. wijli Ventilator* Kffit'SE ** ““£",£B®' 'f 1 wrvx| ,t. 3 ||rw»f« 4,1, ' - “ feegltlMlTe i ~ A. Ocorge [feme, Esq- ibr files oi* ilio Ely, m cl«luD. .sffgwajra&s'ittf: “ rsasrsasaeg# , I' t Jii( k f C Bn l^ ,lore f nd ,0 *rri*eioifcou«jtiun«ult J. 4401 iml lbosc* John Rucker tups*; Du Henry tml J«mc | ho«-John.* B *?}? £?**," J M S “ waTd 8S ».4 '<*» ■ L 8 WATkKMA.V, { 41 Wntcr utiri.n*i From EKUDcKD^TK Bare (An day rrduccd tbe prico of Unit Soda A»h (wnkli it warranted j»jr (ho manuibijiurrn from Silo wperceuUuHJc forCe*b, or 4fc forapprgvnj Note* at vmoo(ba. And lor auautiiio* of 4 lout ofupwhi j« • flcaacuoa will be made of Jcpf-7 pound otT tinie i>K* “*■ ' W& M AUTCHKLTHEK,. i i J e Mo ■ itfulil.rny ttroct! ] »» Ono-#ixlh- or ti( the fiL_ix->JW iteambbal uennantown, for wle ou accommodating terma br i; i ■OMSKm W.M li sOaIFF, ; tel>l4 rir«i utreet neat Wood.! Bl7KACtiJ,\u t'OWDI.K, (Ctiiondr oi Caaktof auperior quality, direct from! foe tuuiu fucturer in England, received per •rTtoantiiak.atid, for ante nt tbs lowest market price for cn»h or:ui‘orovcd bllU,‘by - {Jta| WA M MITCHKLTRBB. -1 DRUGS! lron; Ext lUnitanvi Pip. trine; Siryctmlne; l’hoephate Ammonia; I'koapbate tootle Hr. Caro. I’otaaaa; Taunin; Citrate or Irea-ond Qtuiiine: Oxide -liver, Soluble Tartan received and for aale by R K ~T fcM* . - ST Wood^ft JAMES S. CRtFT Attorney and Couoaeiltiv .vt -i. fcaaremovedtoih o ofceiwfxid(wVe« raaeraon'. Uvery.Htabte.4U. wtreStTD«S2xr aboti. . M . TAWSVfcBBW! RATES UFiXSCUUI nt— a* ; U AyftOM* - ft Mai lit airm. acartu 4 •••• iSuuiPk Aftnaefces* 1} Bxekaaga Brakera.*No. SI -... PsuuylTaats. r: BankorPiUsUoryii Radasace Bank i...t.parl . Merck A Man. Bank 'Par[ BkaofPkiladolpkta-•> Girard Bank*.•••'••••part Bznkof Germantown' -pari “ CBemerOoafl3y...paj u Delaware Co.* .-pv}. rnthfrelftgf v«»- P»n»*r* Uk.nfVa Bfc Him VaHey,— Ok.of Vbfiai*........ WMing ittiiSSVZ-: u do ; Well*b«rg...*. m to-Porteitbatf'*' pmt. ■ Tonne*—. pv Bkef T—ew < ■pu gkr.* Veretto Bk. jPtaimr** Bk,- jUniannk;-... itau BktTUinoiTi 'Bk.of Ckpe F«r—— jMeeek'aflfc, Newham (State Bank— •••• • 1 ißt«rQinraea«>* • • ) -Tnmwiniat Bk ; li l| |Bk.of (iuabnrf 1 UefckKaw Bk-.|] j Planteer 4 MeebiVßfc- j t Ok. ef Booth Carolina- • i ftelinaort Ukt.*—•• •pei B*tnn> kO HH Scrip* -10 Cwnberlmn4Bk.ofAlle» . pfiSiifMuTlmj'- «* Ifkumer** k' Mechanics H 'Bk. Frederick-—-** ** FMerickCo.ok.**—♦" Hqintmfik " IMioetmlßk*— ** .**• {WaAMjto&Bk- —« jßk.efwestmin>(«r.*v* *•; 1 !'i SUebiffam; ; 1 [Bt.of 8t Cl*ir.v~~ 1 |Bfcofßieerß*i»cn.... . iMiebifUlM. Co--* .'.-s'-' ir.fcMeeh’sßk* 5 iNOMia Terrlt*r, r.ftFirefnXto.MUw’efl Cißidkit ■olWni R.wfc. g ik of Ewlsnd Notes ••••—ft 70 m. Id 4fc Vpeel* Ttltti Xleon* —3 60 tuosxo [l«,oM* ... . 1000 1000 hlooes, BpenJsh. If 00 Psliiei...».~*. Iff SO 493 Gsloosa 000 Tea Thaler* • •. .. 7SO TeaGaiUers..-;. 300 Lositd’ora. *- .... .400 5 . Kuhkift, . : New York ipm Philadelphia* I pm BeltwrTT...... .{pns i.psr. iaterwr ffks**.* ~iteiamboat tor . Sale. »' ITS ! FIT S-iMi HJTOB OBLV RBKBOII . ' ART* VMiKrAtii.K 1..\ I KACT i. «» mrjtlna. We remedy for Epileptic- Kit* nr hYtlirng NiktK-*v OaHvulwon*..£pa>Has. Ac. .. It u well known. that /.-me - ime immemorial. (ikysit-iaß* Imw prurtouticihl, rViiV-jw lieFiU'inctinritle.' h im«tnißril Kljjfteirsk'i’Tl.ninl die r°*«f of all nmliriiith thiwi» •**“ bave.suH-mJikmusW » miserable raUtruccvaml J*.!** 1 “P 'heir live on tbe uliar nfumwity. »»itn all delVtrtice,; however.' ««»• flie npiiuma oi the sjmil'Bwl ibbl it Ln»'l»eo> v«irea ... llAliry VtvGU*AHI.K K\T«ACT, totmxu*n years, has fee.. levied l>r.irtnnv persons w "° •»** mSeml with Il.u «»rrt«iiutj,W.«'M*. am! it) vnry case when it ha* bad a loir Inal hu eifecied ft permanent care. .ku\™£f£. l ? m^i.“ d ,*. l,l< ' mlia » cared If the us of thuttaly wouderfhlraedreine. ■ . n*n “• following remarkable cate efibeeonct Philadelphia, afflrctwLwitli l*d. yy* ,n< * 0 nwtnha.. -Alter. travelling through Boland, Swuaad, Germany ai.d » eoS “** emiiKut pliystcism, ami ear ‘ ics- jer ' Biedieine. medical treatment eud-edvicc, ihrcc iliou- • wind dollars, returned; with. hU son to tiuscutmi.y ift : ri- I™*"* aiiy benefit er, and vm cured by tutnir • • 'MARTS\EtiL'TArt.rTXrRACP.^ Nr. WilU«m Secom|. L«l(. Irv lViui. »4,Hrrt. ' ItaTOiniHta«ViS: diw >nd wdical uunluicr i .... ,j uke . gor io Bum Will him, «n,ich l dio. il. Em i.mM KnglawL. f consulted tlirlmo-t rmiiicnl nbrejWea* ' there in respeet'to.bu-eaiw; they viainliiedn*«nomt • presented accordingly.' ( reumi.wd. three pjTmih*- : wnbeat perceiving any change for ihe lwtteriiwbicb ' coet me about two hundred and filly dollars pocketed : by -physicians, and tfaej most font J received wan : tueir opinion that mf son's case, was hope less end post- ’ • lively Incurable. I accordingly led England. and trsv died through Scotland: Germany aad.-Ftej>ce, and re.' turned home in the month'of November-but, with my ; ' • as .far from being cored as when I left-- J saw your' • advertisement in • one of tbe: New. York papers, and• • concluded, to try Kart's; Vegetable Extract, seeing your'. r statements and certificates of .eo many cures, same oi : twenty and ihiny yea rtf standing, and t esiiassure yoa l am not sorry | did so, as by the useo/Bart's Vegeta te Extract alone, he was. restored, health. Hu. reason, .which was so farguite a* td unfit bun for , P?s me .!V u rtafore®. with ihe prorpeci now before him, oT ide, health and nscfUlneau lie is uow • y^ M «se* and 517 years.and 0 moiuJislof.ih'ts. tone has been afflleied with this most : drcadfol of di^ ;eases; but thank God he isnowefooviiig good ficaith.. • ***??» feDtlcmen, foith.without works I.don't hrlievv in. To «y that J chsll be ever gretelU to you is asm thing, and as 1 here enclose you one hundred dollars, I have no doubt bat that yea arill thinktius is another and <pme a different thing. The debt orgraiitudel. stfll owe yoo, bat please to accept the «e*eat amdutat as interest oa the debt in advance. rv« ■• ' . Toare very respeetfoDy, WltbAM 6ECORE. , ‘ t - TO THE AFFUCTEO. - • , One of the proprietors of this InvahtaMe medicine' - was ÜBicted for severe! iveers with EpilcpUc -Fits. |,Thc diseare.had predAcd the. worstSfoet uponhlr [ ! jhc Lore of memory, imbecility of mini and a* \ perfect prostration of the nervous: systctß.- Me hset ; tried tbe skill of the best physicians for seven vesrs. ‘ and grew worse aadcrtbdr treauncni, and -he kilew' that this me£cine was bis only hope for health imj 4 lift, aad was therefore determined to mve it a fisirtnaL ,a#d to persevere in iu we, which lie dii and the resuH' * perfect restoration to health.'which -wt* contl>' for nearly sixteen years. ; • • , We would refer to the followiuv persons whe bar* bT twta* Hart’s Vegetifole'Exiraet: *“lcttd also ynrL trades at Venkers, New York. : t . . i WBeanet nine years, m Grand «t • i BU TSJfe* T ? n *•***> u «k ' ; {E? b , p t nT ' 0 "' m &amy k. % . ! i B/on«, of ihe O s N«^f. tSSZAggS’*** «-***W, OL S' o«iJrord. a , • ; 7 - - [ ssSSi £s^ T - I ;■ Jp-»8-lth.U»e^K: h . ft Kfwllok m>, ha rall«> Esva? m4 * !r,!f ;•_»*».' p«i™.tB«v o, T ud*is toSio'iiiSss .“i-.r”'’» “i street, ■ . w», 1.,.: treatment of iluve **i|u Jeliriiir rooijiliiiiii# • * N Ml e’^ 1 ' ,l 5“ °l'P°rtunit e* m«t •rSv wZlrt” • ,i ™ oir « ' , l U ‘V.°O' "QKtoat!aifliri.4 , S Jucaaci ’ 11,4 5111 arisJnj there -. • '*• T r ? ,W In t * urTn ’*“>« Rffl«cu*d. mill private have becoiri chronic Lruuw... I*i J,?/™?7 l }« ? «r coinplamli can b* radically ;, M , r ! ti|« tre&immt orracli cs»»-% mid *u-.-ecedr<l in tiuiulni'K Stk'S l '.?’ I'! !* ■'•»< »f uiSaiQinutioi) Jf ikf . neck of the bladder, nei kL ■•r’-' fheaee. ohielii-fien 2?U;tegS?Hep- e tlnrly In.iiee.iS,: ** " t,re tong and uiwuccf :y mwed bvotWr*' to eousrit him, when everr v.= ; Mo„ |£a cV? ' Ihemt and their ea*e» trrnit.'l n' i;.; .nrei'al.iJir.roocfiaiid' ■ intelligent manner, romied o;h.: > •.'loni'cxpcnciice: ■■S&SnfTftor* '‘“hS&SBKS’ ■ o-.l.eie. •JP~£?7 U ? or Rumw.—Dr. Urow:. M«o invite* pni • • ** •*“ : SSS ff °T a flaowN ie i w ii b direc,i «i & r - w D-, PMJ paid, i . No. 65, Diamond alley, oppoiit# Urn kteriy fir - No cure no riv. ■ > ■ - 1 y * - • - ««tf.. lulu'c™™'*.*' TO *UB-LaJh-SSS=CSSSS'... ulifST * miUl ‘ : ‘ le ** ariifie lor Uie.Olowila: -i -tfeauiy and Restoration of thi Hair ' 'ii,;. p r ..m jrteii onee known, will aupcrcoie ail wlier anieE'Xol' ’’ hair U ScXlart?/ Sin mifeoSfr. pr , S m,, }M , ? jr » a «>vr opjdiMtfo. I u2.u. e “* n«uraon anddark, and tire it a lira iml• * imeM ami healthy color twice as long a« «fi ( hr ration* which are generally used. “Kvoiv ' Sra» ; it, and give perfect wiiAiacilon in rrerv Invoice . "* * - , , is:s: - : ' JtSTJiSP**”. 4 -Suietch—Ccnilemeu:. r Me ■ l':. pleasure in adding roy testimony in favoroftLe eierU r i n * Ur. findV ciSi,™ & " d B B°' mrlmic.yMmr-. ! locome ' oul l»u« hariitK pii - ° rthe ®««i it ofCMSiSS;-’:!. Si£Tk?.lP te & «r }iarr is imw soft.clasiic iuml fin-"• to the head. Many Lalaams, and oil»' were ari.!i«L‘l TO?r^»i n^. my ""‘I* 11 “ workmate than Wtore*—.:- TOs Cream/however. batnn-t niy cxife-ciaiiau*. ’ As an article for the I‘oiiet. my wile gives it prefriw ?g al> ° th r?- **?* delicately p&aSt&SSeS t ‘ skiMwdtoniicidity. *lhe ladies ‘ the Chinese Crram l© hr a de*ider;iiui«7& their'iircpai ‘ radons for the todcL IlespecuUlly, & Cn 1 ' ‘ Pulasku Ja0.7.1#|7. 3 R. CAT nivu’l l 'JtjK2£2i&«' AI. rowtueitd. No. <U Market street,'and Joel AiohW ' •' Comer of Wop.i and.Kiftb sweeu.-. * r Onldtcw from *hi;hly, lirfVbRSJ “ “ ’:' « ?1 0i)..j. r j„sass "•• ■ - - _ *-«utreTil(r. March luild i*jv V S ■& : \y;^ ft •^jS^~^Sf'i*i-w..« , d W ?^s? iT““m- -V" know 10 be into. Varna, . . js*.\ Hsu 4 c., ' * UJiinmltc. t«, March 19. M 7. lirCJ *Wi '■ ’ '< . l or *“ l*HUburjh ni Uie J*ckiu Tea .lore, U 4th i -■) •trad, near wood. . 1 h.iV '. TTOVVCS lIVGBIAN'jIOATnUiVND VuYKil •] A * won touch Caiidj is wfrrvd to the . imblie ■» ■ ' . -5 pleiiaiitamleflcetiirrlrt-ujttly iurcuvgl»,cold*,l»o»i*o Asiiimn, U..«?.Jiii«r CohbU, imluctuo. 1 Lrottp.SoreT’iroal, «u»J urt .rraf *eccil«M* . .• \J 01 tiio Client ami Ltmjrr. In »ui£i>'vr» •’ is k'Utwu m • • w liave aiforded. decided tuitl itnn»..»ui ni>. . •<’ -.-’m • ’ *!• rapid sale and grem (ucecu u a rgiaeuy dit iito■•• ' ui>o»p dinmtv-a vltcre (in» becn used, ii promise* (O ' • i jccjiur one ui lac oumJ uaviV l uml popular fiiedteiora. ' - - : '•’■■’% tl wotfrrvd sod. u««radium rvlicj u*Hipcnimniitmie.'' : - r *l <“ B d«u aslisiau: i> vucaL". --I j.abiie iiieuker* ii-ui. ‘’ ' • ' .“•■•i entity. . * ” • : : ..• itaor of the preparation In j* 4 te 0 j U |,. 3Q ll Rreibent, and H will be iound to be by no ii,b»ufiL.i - -r : ) fdcasaur io tlirttu'e. and may be urerf by children .im!? - '» : i wJuli, wub auuce iurmuty. 'The n.aienol. uS bXi f " *4 j;d TlJia Taloablo Coagh Cardy I. fonn« - • • -\;,f »<«tuntio Mothers; ' '* • ’-i I>y Jumper*in erealion,a* children '•' ' V»— v ; \ ■ ’ 3 u. ctv wbeu tliit cam!? •. uTS/*»«*raiiawa • 'S. ..I<Ai, nMA.ri. .A. .eir,naalncpropfietonCJ^—fS#?^,4^ e^,o,l ® Msrfrcai-- » l , ; Howe 4 Co, ,\ ’ KuHu'lt - ' ■' '.'f nod, Ohio. ‘ rD?p • faali CtSciap,,:. ; ; ■ T-| •ort* eoma»Mc«i heaJinm aud I laid wide 4-^J e*i Msibg oiily'a caua. foltpemod - 4 at Iba ai4 ot (be ibbrth, was ao wvU as tp fawfl «3-das i , '• '-H wahaanaf sheep.. J* ail, I used fira bon«fcTll3i-f actptpia Mai wei ttsyp ail healed upt auastaec-iaat , 1 .,..' • -' : -A •matin I hare aeeu uo '•* iVducase, htft --- ■ •• •-. 4 'hanßco*itiuoed,andßamew.iut.‘irjcwipcfifrrtl } e l iiW{.> f j'ir.'' -'>.4 1 state wi!heaefi(J'»ce f hopMijfthat oißtrantty;Wbe*itfl'.i’y- f efitted la the uma .vay, that Lbo sar.Ofwilla anld Ymo av■.; :too, haslteeaiha tteoas«ud iha on y UJcatia ot rt&ntl i I Z*** 1 fijaecore . - Vk-" -\t *‘or.sala wholcsateand retail,bjr 4 d&w tt A.FAHNESTOCK fcftv w. ftwt t ww4Ml,^pt»w ro afSsi K J