BV DltUOKri tc Co- THURSDAY MORNING, MAR. 2. IS4S. H/“iiiii Fmmcx'iii Gums ii put
  • liH ’ --'VDsiiy, Tri-W«iJ>- f and bcveu Do!lan per sonata; ihe Tn-Wei-kly i» five Dollars per amiaw; the Weekly in Two Dollar* per annum, unt:} in olt*nee. , , * Fo» tAXtMt Commercial li.u’.ligrmre.Dumcstic, Mar. ket*. Rivrr News, Import*, Money Market*, etc. *eo third page, . ' v are enrc?*'iy requested to hail' lb*ir fiurors before Sr. jt, tuidaj sarly iu ibe dai prauicable. . ■•• First Page Tor Miscellaneous Si r Editorial Corrf.pnndencc of the Ihu.lnifgh Ca. cue. : j , . OGCAUOSAL FEUMOXH. • • i Feb. 1:7. There was another large audieacira|tthe Ca >itol .• today,' to bear the third Lecture ujkhi the ive dencea of Christianity,” by Rev. l>r. Matthew ~ of N. Y. The President of the United ■ Stile*, and mo*t of the distinguished public'men were j re-4- eat Thu subject of Lhe discuurse today warlthe , ,divmq origiQ of civQ frectloiu, a subject of inte\cs l jOl the seat of Government and worthy of con>iuo tTSiioa every where. The audience through adW [Course of considerably toons than an hour i with most parked aUeutioa. The .occasion was rendered ludreimprci-fivc by the fupcrul services , of yesterday and by the uiciuansds of death hung • artrand the Hall. The beautiful device of‘ the ■ Muse of History” ruggeued by Air. Adams, and the ceaQ-dl entrance to the Capitol, *oeia-„ .ed to speak ulruost from its marble flips- It was thong, ia hoary weed*, as were Urn Portrait* of Wuhmgtou, the first to honor .John'Quincy Ad* •ms, and of-La Fayette, hung upon the walls upon The right SJid left of the Speaker.' There ’ was the ' vacant chair, too, covered with mourning and filL ' 'ed but a week since by him, whoso absence was 'now observed and lamented. Surrounded by mi • many distinguished living perrons, the vacant . ( plice gave rise to many reflections suited to .thu • day and occasion.; Thcrewas amarkedreforeneu ■ to Mr. Adamt’ vacant seat, so much frcijuented ’Whileho wos-alive,but how much more interest* ing now, whed Ida spirit has down to him who 'give it • i; ■ Among the Clergy generally of the city, there Was either.a sermon upon the death of Mr. Adams ,pr some marked.reference to the-occurrences of the and this will probably, to some considerable extent have been done through the country. There i will be, too, as ujwn the death of the elder -Adams ■ funeral addresses all over the country and every ‘ mark of respect shown to,one whose history has 1 been os the connecting link uf.thc chain which ; binds the earliest, with the latest history of the land. ‘ KJYom one of the oripnal discourses of the day* delivered in the Church where he was accustomed :to Woxibip. I copy the following extract where a l luston is made’-to the the 2dd qf Feb. and to the • j death of one, who borrowing Milton’* description id ! the Grecian Isocrates, was known as the ‘fold tnsn ' •ioqueht.” “It is but tracing the appropriate moral cf the <>c ’’cOtton, which commemorates the life nod thcdc.ul. . of two such men, to* ask:,' What is the great ‘ wont of an American People ut this day and Lk-iu' : i It is examples like theirs, of Christian Manhood. — • It is a generation of men like them, uasv.-eq.-nig in principle, unfaltering in trial, unbent by idl^'rti-ix • ation/onfliuching to meet the responsibility which the. issues of.the trial are forcing upon them. Wo > cannot, especially in view of such a lilt* and death v, • os theirs, separate the religion of the Union frr-m ; the religion of the Slate. It i* needed liy both alike, i It ia one and;tiie saroetbing toliolli alike. The man • cannot dwell in honor, security and peace waLouL it The State cannot so be kepi in la-in:;. • eannotbe saved from disaster, wreck, and i| *' . the lofty, earnest religious spirit, which t-houid ino rnate the Statesman and the man. The work is n> • 'be done in real life, as a tint ion’s Jifc, and it can on ly be done by a thoroughly true heart. God grant US the gift of more such men. ; ' * * For every example of iriligriiy«/-f moral fidelity, of .religious truth, let us thauk .t/'d and take courage, that lie has no long peri' l,tC| l a. man to dwell among ns. Ooc-other cr* I|Sl -’ !! * • ‘thaakfulue*s iu the memory of the week l* r * removed him Irani uh, is that a century /°d m:’t e ' ago he raised tip another man on the »wo *'f ‘»-s brood river, to he the herald and ch»up>cr true n^hle*. ness in' aoy>-—aien ulto caunnihclp but . pay homage, to ll>4 hsgn and rcHdute spirit, f a Christian Skatcstvan. The .virtue of euch a rnau i> not a name, nri' aa empty .dream, but a recorded ■ iaet,-—The enTof that niariis peace.” I’cace to the ; memory-of.lAe illustrious deadl Peace, the new bom boprof which was thb old man’s last faluta tion uptfn eartlil Pimcc, thq joy of the nalionv t!ie . hope of humanity, the prayer of angels, the prom ise of God, the herald of Christ's kingdom L-p>>n earth. Happy .the mao whose last conscious •►thought was occupied with the coubtiy's return to peace and ntuity, whose lust broken words told th<- . serene compcwure of his scull Blessed ore the dead who die in the Lord from yea, ":»aith the Spirit, that they may rest from their laitor-t. I j .and their works do follow thcmP < 1 can odd nothing to'.this, and I trust that it u ill .not be deemed but of place in a secular journal— W© cannot too often remember such men us Joiiu Qiiiocy Adams, nor too frequently recite their vir tues. ' • To-morrow ull these ceremonies. will have c'o •ed, and Congress, the public Departments, and all business again be restored to its usual channel*. ft®!Wrtj '««d Its eqoal Distribution ; . Is the- subject’ l of on intcreAtiugi'tract written >. ‘ in whicli thetrue ground ia takcn that otefpopulotkm. i* no more than a defioncy of ciii . plojrment for;those who. live by lalwr.' This js •apposed tobe the true cnuse of tlic cheapness of • labor in we may regard the reverse • ofTtilitrjs of the high price of labor in the United States. -Whatever tenths to the ade quate payme&t of labor iu the United States tends • ; to the increase. of morality and good order among- the great masses of the laboring p«?o -ple.The Government—and particularly u Gwv eminent like our*—comes in tor thegreater share of this good. The Government, therefore, should see that It protects it alike from the iruinous idilu , eooes of shaping out plans for over-production, by ..temptingtoo many to one branch of busino*#, — end also from.’the boinpalsory process cf making . the poorer-claftsc* ofdurcountry compete with the yet poorer classes of Europe. That, nation is not V ‘ truly mopd, not truly great, not truly rich, where tiie extremely poor are more in number. Jbnn the extremely rich. • Costly edifices, or magnificent baubles, whether they be in churches or palaces, .have but little beauty in the eyes ofthe truly g t)o d man who,. lookiQg around or 1.-eynud these works Of grandeur, discovers .that squalid-misery'which >. isthe result either of cold neglect, or cruel oppre* . aion.- Thegreot mornl law is that "the laborer is Worthy of his hire.” The law of humanity is that Which is called l/rrlliag upward*, not dotrnuvrdt, -. —as politicians are sometime# prone to do, —wlfile • the governing, law of.all Republic# should bo the . . , - principle-in' practice, tiut not abused, concerning which Jeremy Bcntlmm has written so much, of obtaining the truo equality and true happiness of .tike greatest number of people. To do in dividual*, rich men must remember that all thoir would be but dross, but (or the brains nndJ hands of the intellectual and laborious. The poor r cannot do without poor capital, and you cannot do . Without their labor. Pay them, then, Curly and liberally (of what is as ueces*ary to you as to them Governments are: but representatives of the j>co. . pie, and good Governments of the true interest# of tip people. Those vrhef are placed'in jmwerto < guard these interests mit&l remember that self-pro. v :- ,- . toclioa is OO more the first law of individual ns • . tore,than it is of nation*. There are ns many dbea to ihff-etrtiolry crowding upon it from witbom. as there are internal enemies resulting the g'**J < ixnpulsea of the human heart. If ive value our ' wo value our owa good, «•« shall prvtc t - - ihij nation first, last, and always, by fegmlauoD. Ly i -v- and in every honorable way in the power - of man. God has : ordained that every • man-w/uil • fat Iris a part of the engine! curse, or rutier we -sbottid fill • h the original blessing, fur without - Iddostry pf some kind, there can l*c no true bap ' pines* . Idleness is the one thing worse than pen ■ • ««*'• i. i |t \ ' -Coxxsxcui. Pxorpsoßyinr cs tux Um * ut;b ' rr blits.—J.JUXUeßaw, E*p.QlNewXtrleflu* elected, bytbo admimstfstors • * to fil) this choir among the professorships o! the .. University of Louisian* ' Mr. Dcßow is v-Hl : known as the editor* and proprietor ofthe i . wmtf iZmrcqa periodical which be has conJfld-j •A with masked energy and ability. . I ACIiEOIIEVT cbVfTT.COVVEirTIOir. 1 orauant to tho call of the County ComotiUec, the .Uhig* and Antinuasoos cf'AtlVgheny Coanty met yesterday forenoon, fa the Supreme Cour; room, to rmrninatc five delegntes-to.the Stale C«n veution ut liarrisburgh, a Pn-sidenlial elector and a delegate to the National Convention. Upon ni'.tlnn of Mr. Fahnestock, of Elizabeth, Join.- McFaden, of Pittsburgh, was tmauiuiouslv called to tho.PrcsiuL-ucy of the’meeting. Oh motion of C\ O. -Loomis, s>. F. Von Unnnborst wa> named Secretary, aided by John B. Robinson and Mr. McGee. rajsimn.T. John McFaden. VICE PREStOIIVri. W K Vuukirk,' ■, Uiigh McCormick, M Fleming. Alex, llyera.' T \V Slutw, s'iics. McKee The following is a li»t of Delegatec CITV OF' PITTSBURGH. Firu Ward —E C. Sawyer and S. F. Von Bon horsi. Stco»d—AV Jlloward and Jas*. T Murray. Third —Conte*ied, the Secretary read the era* dentials of both—S Palmer and CL Mugw.and \\ M Murray and Jiio. T Whitten were the con* testing parties. Ou niotioii the credential* of !*«h «*U cf dele gates were laid upon the table. Fourth —CO Loomis and John 31’Faden: Fifth-— And. M’llride and Wm Such. *' < - Liwrie, jr. and Geo \V Gardner. ScwuUi—A Franklin and \v m M Arthurs, ju. Eighth—.l Allen and W S Courtney. j\'in/h —Sain! Paisley aud Pailip Drumiu ALLEGHENY CITY. First —IP jrd—-It N White nnd W R Kn-ktne. - Ffaud —J Morrison nnd (Jeo Parkin. Third —ll Campbell and Wm Boyd. Fourth —John‘Kelly and Alex Cameron. Borough of Birmingham—R McGown aud Jo seph M’Knight. Pitt Towitt-hij>-—C Darrach and W Booth. Techies—Juo Murdock, Jr. aud Jus Mitchell. Wilkins—Duunin Hamilton nud Joseph Sto. ersuilles—Wm Oayen and Wm A Shaw Elixabetb—llobt Lytle und Sami Fahnestock JeH.'raon—Jas M'Kee and Victor K Torrence. Mitilin—Hoot Wltigham and K Nye. Snowden—WinWjlsivu and Jas Fife. l-pper Ft Clair—Aaron Llrnudy mid S Wilson. Lower St nair—Kph Jottfcs and Jno B Shcriif. Baldwin—W Cowun and W M»x)n. S Fayette—Thi». Aicxnr.der aud John McEw N Fayctti!—W Kodgers aud Rolit McCracken. Findlcy*r*Alex Byers and Geo Burns. . Robinson—John lliddie and John Young. Moou—John Graham, Ilugti McCormick. Ohio—■'Hios Mitoheli, Clias A Hay. Pine—George Greer, and S MctXird. Roms—John Krmvii. T II Cunninghaut. Reserve— A Lndoo. Manchester—Joliii B Robinsbn. Joint f Park, ‘'harp-burg!*—S Clark, J G Comstock. Indiana-—Jas \V’i!s.>n. John O'Llara- Elizabcth Ih>t—W ;K Vankirk, l) llho«Ie*. M’KcOsjvsrl—rJ T Burk. Jacob Mi*ei««. Shaler—Thos \V shnw, Allre»l G IJnyJ. West lfoer—3l Miller, Lewis Paterson. Plum—Hoist Car .'.hers. Goo M bowman. Lawrencovilii*—Jc-s W Pecker, L S Johus. Mr. McFaden, updn ukiitg the chmr, expressed his inability to till the position, anjl asking the in diligence uf Ute conyetittoti assuring it of Ins in tention to 3t> Ins wliciir* duty. C. Darraglu E*v presenting the follow* iag lulicn.*. ahd ei iviag their adoption. By tin- Wines of Allegheny cramlv i .Convention it;.>enil.h-tJ that they have learned. * itli ilecp, s»-rr..w, the death of John Quincy Ad ams, m t : r«* Capitol; at Washington, nml tlwt in c.’iiiai ill wtti. tt.eir eountrymea tt;ey tomiru tin loss of such an ilhistrious, Qian ns a great nationu! 'ijereavement. Tlint with the most of us from infancy, hi* name has been f.miliar, as a v r .>lir. a stntesman, and e patriot. One tq whom our Ihtiicr* directed u« a? a model in'.egrjly. indu-try, trulli and application in till Ifis rclatioui, r, - i.tiicr iu public or private tile. That we rejoice that si bright n:t example lets !*cen per.'tiitted'to usi w loir, giving hgljy tntji«- paths ol' two generattoc . t-• Ist . extinguished at last m the mid«t of the .mu.-.cds of the uatiuii. lis*olvr i. That m consideration <*f the 1 >ng nnd eminent public services of John Quimy Ad.itws. our vcneii'.ti'.'ii m l I jve tor 5 is character a* a dis tinguished. long-tried and fail puhhc servant — our sense of tin* value of his example as n citizen, a public benefactor nnd a patriot, we lament his death as n national r.iniclion. Jktalvr.h That resolution be recorded on the minutes of this meeting, and published with tin* proceeding* of this iguiventinn. C. O. Loomis seconded the resolution*, adding a brief notice of the public services of Mr. Adams. The resolutions werq tiien passed unanimously. The credentials of members were then called for. As two sets of delegates presented themselves from some districts, tiie credentials iif all were, u;> -u :m»t; in of Mr. Franklin, received jufirraally until the convention should be organized. The li*t was then called and anuounced as full. Except Franklin townslup. The contested scats in the Third Ward xqerc then taken up. and on motion of C. «». L.mmis, n committee of five'appointed to examine the cre dential* und make a dual report as to the right* ol membership;* The chair maned John Morrison, Wm. Fuclu Mr. Gardiner. Samuel Fahnestock, aud Leonards* John*. Ou motion the i-onveutmn then received the nominations for five delegates- to the Convention at Uarri»burgh. A large numl>er of names were then otfered, front whicli the following were suhseijuent iy selected by ballot: i-On-motion of C. Daragh, the convention proceeded to vote for delegate* to Harrisburg, the delegate to the National Coaventisu and one Pres idential elector. Vote "for Delegates u» toe State Convention at Ilarrisbtirgh: Robert Stewart. t!5 \V. IU Van Kirk 53 C. B. Scully ‘....ft*. John D. Day 55 \V. M. Her>h i>t Hiram Ilultz •_*(» John Forsyth 2“J John T. Whitten .’t9 W. I*. Bnum M M. Swnrtzwclder .'.. rt • '..Snively 1-1 John Young, jr 15 < Jeorge D.irstc 5 Thu first five were declared elected. ; Nominations were then received lor a delegate to the National ConvcnttDii. Vote for Delegate to the National Convcnlion.- T: F. Dale 15 Conielius Durragh i'J liarmar Denny and A. W. .Loomis were named and the nominations closed. Nomination:* were then received for ;i I’rc.Miien tial Hector from this dtHrict. A. W. J!xKiini<. C 5 ilannar Dcncy. ‘J2 On molioa of Mr. Franklin, the candidates fiir election as members of the Nntionul Convenlion were requested to siute their opinions nnd their course in the Convention. Mr. Wm. I). Erskiue thru staled that Dr. Dale was in CiVPr of Henry C. Paraph. fv*q.. runic fmvnrd find spnke for himself and staled that be should zj as ‘-no man# man." He was tor Mr. Clay first,Urn Scott sec ond. but his own pcr.Ktn;|l preference was iu favor of Jolur McLane of Ohio. Jin considered the smmiinlum honorJbul wonfj' not coslKimid to support blindlv any man. tipt Jmd one* object ami that to pat down the present administra tion. He would do it with Mr. Clay, with Gen.' .-foott, withJohu McLane, nay he would do ij with Gen. Tnylor. His |>cTHpnal preference-he wiinld i n the event of Gen. Taylor's nomination givoNipfor the pood of the whip party. He would do it with reluctance, but he should rot fail in his duty. Mr. tzMimis then made an explanation on the part of I)r. Dale. He ;wns fir Henry Clay m all events, bcltovinp him not only the most-available, fiat the one iao*t cjmjxricnt to c->ii»hiand the vote «t t!ie North. Jlc also begged leave to explain the rcasous that prompted the convention of Kentucky to choose ficn. Taylor rather than ilr. Clay. They wen; l*r cause Mr. Clay, in his. Lexington speech had con ceded too much to the North on the question of Slavery, and they had rallier, have the Southern Cotton Planter, Gen. Taylor, than Henry. Clay with his oonceuiooa to the North. ! On motion the meeting- named the following gen* tlemen as a committee on reaolutiooa^' lion. C. Darngb, C. O. Loduiiv John Morrison, James B. Murray, James Lowrie). D. N. ‘WhiU* George Parkin, AdFrankliu, John Muse. • ' }■■ When the: Committee: upon credentHls of del* egntes from-the Third Ward came ia, two re ports were.made, the majority declaring that the nembere having Air. Hicham's certificate were elected.' An attempt tva* then maile to have the rjuesLion re-opened aud brought before the Couven. tion. After n wartn debate this was refused, and toe decision of the chair 1 confirmed,that the action of the committee should be final. After the deci sion, the members for the Third Ward were admit ted nnd nllowed to vote. While tlie Secretaries were counting the votes a resolution was olfered-instnicting the delegate to the National Convention to voto for Henry*C.*luy so. bug as he should be before t/iut kidy, whjch was nut voted Upon, as it was argued by sonicihai the instruction of delegates alter the declarations made by them Would be improper, andthaUbeir declare, tion* had settled the question. On the. oilier hand, uiivaa replied by Mr. Fnhne stock froin and uhers, that they had not voted for Mr. Darragh as a Scott mun, ns asserted by Jas. Lowrv. jf., but from a personal preference. He was for Air. Gay, and for instructing the oue he had voted for to go for Mr. Clay. iu the confusion attendant upon this vote of in. struction, another Inenibcr? offered the following resolution: llrAoU'fd, That this Convention instruct the dele gate elected to the Whig National Convention to support the nomination ofGen. Zacarv Tavizjr, for President of the United States. Several this moment offered amend intuits, and the Chairman decided one, striking-out Zachary Taylor and substitutinc llenry Clay be in order. The amendment was then submitted and adopted br a very large majority. The reso lution ns amended was then voted tt|»on, and car* ned with huh* opposition: thus doing away with the necessity of a resolution of instructions, and allowing the members ivho voted for Mr. Darragh from the warm personal preference he coniuuinds from hi* old constituents, to express their opinion a* to who was the first eiinfeeof the convention for President. A few of the more ardent whig* were eager for a division of the convention oil this vole. .The Chair, however, insisted that the resolution was carried beyond question, und refused thedivi* A motion was Dies made by Mr. Yon Bonnhon-l, that the convention sustain the decision of the chair, which whs adopted with great unnniinitv. C O Lkiiii!*, E*q., on behalf of the committee on resolutions, then presented and rend the follow ing, which'were adopted unanimously. Ilr.sohrd, That this Convention regard the con tinuance of the present Nnlional Adiimiistrnlion and the cnntiuuuncc on the measure* it has adopt ed und promoted as IwM interests of the country, and the dictates nf-patriotisin require our l>e»t ellitrtstu displace it. IlrsolrrJ. That the prostration of the Taritf of l s li i* an evil of no great magnitude, that every eilbrt of the freemen of Pennsylvania should be made to displace the men who enacted it, and to rem*late the pnjsjwrous policy of the American sy*teui. R+stJred. Thill this Convention have uadittlm toned confidence iu Hie folly patriotism and mjcg rity of Henry Clay, and that if he or J&ou or nuy oliier Whig candidate should lie presented tu the people by the Nulmtml Convention, as the Whig candidate for the Presidency nl the next election, we will give juicli candidate our eordiul »Up|H.Tt. That while the Whig* ol Allegheny county are satisfied with the Union ns it is and are willing to abide by the compromises of the Consti tution, they niv piuverlhele** uncompromisingly oppiised to the exlensiun of slavery into any tern toryn*"* free, j , The following resolution was thetrofiered by Mr. Franklin. I*r.iofrr..\ That the contest licing now over tn our own camp, ihai.wc will keep co-gl. nn.l nw.ut the decision ol the National Convention, and then go-f.r the nominee and j»our nil our lire mlo the eneiny. Ihe resolution wa« adopted unanimously, and the convention ailjouroed. Pcmltylvanla Legislature. Hiirn«burgli. Feh. k»*>. 1 >|h. Ma.ue. —The riennte 10-li up the Executive uiiiiuuaiioii* ol tiie t- ilhiwmg mimed geiitlcmen, and conlirmed them.— >anmcl V ' bbnorc. a* IVe-nfom Jiidse ol liie 1 *tn .fiidu-mi 1 m[*-.*ed , f ihe couuties «’f U’n.*!:inA->n. Knvelic, and Greene. .-lawi.r/r .htd”r.*.—r W ri Jayne, Wyoming entm ty:R A i’liimmer. Vemingb; ja* Gwinn, Hunting don. W T Do'iElieriy. Bedford: Jaoil> \Y| tteninvcr. Uni in, JoliTi Riiekinau: Bii.-ks; Jf.xmnel J.ine*. Al- Icgheuy: I’huip Noon, Cambn»i; Peter Haas, Lt iiigli. foi; lurtlit-’r .supplement to llie Art U> ineorporsle ih.r Miii-jurj; ami TtirnpA.; J.lotid Our,. jijov wan under iv>i(nidL*j , uiion sometime, iuiJ Lien P'etpOlW.i. A resolution was adapted tlxiny ntnc oVLtcL- a» tin* hour of meotiiic instead ol ten. —Mr- I‘Virviy oilerr.i a nL-'-ilcimn request- ! h.'Hisville. AJr.r> •nc ?(.«• Treasurer !<• I'urtu-h tlsr names u|' wit l have u report rue nioru fttrunh 11,c- , iliilM-'a,,.! « of-Ww, of tU Kcvul,,- Tho 400 boj. latino- ..,,,1. i«>!jjrr and Indian wars, who have been and ro w • .. . .. .. are m the receipt cf sratml.c* irum tins Common- • W ‘ 3 >*.ui Ih-rcnnro .Mi: I wealth. Agreed to. !to a dam.i -d ocs.|.Lou - Mr JVarie ofiered a rv*o!atiin requrvtmg the Au aii- I lent tu] t<> report to this House as soon ns convenient. t!.e• amount or rale j«er eeut.of the dividend.- declared by the H.ioks of til-. CoinmduweaiUi during lau pa«.t year. Agreed The Priinsyiv ut:us Hailntn-I. —The supplement to lit* IVotiey!viiuru Railroad Act wits again taLen up rui M'C'Ciil nntdiiig— when On million ot Mr. Roberta, of Fuyrlte.the iloo««* agreed to re-ooimidcrtbe vote by which Mr. Hid t.iwfir* amendment to the iir»t seetiun wn* »• creed to when the bill was la»t v up. unpcxin? u las of mx |>er cent on.the Company. Yeas frfi; nav* ill. Mr. IbiiioweU, of Montgomery, then moditiiul hi* amendment. Mr. Fox. tru«lcd member* would nut asMiiit to repeal the anieinlfnctit unposfric a tax upon the Company. of «,n pur emit. ll>* did not want to en rieti ihi- Cmipany'ul the inevitable vicrjtiee of the .ritaie. • Mr. Uot»crt«, of Fayette, moved to amend the amendment, and insert: I’r.mdeJ further. that a!! the tonnage, o( whnl kind, <>* *lnMTijilitiQ, except the ordinary Imp* gac« of p-W'engen, loaded nr received nt Harris burg or ill Pittsburgh. nr at any mtemiedntte point, or that may I*j thrown on the Mid Rniimnd. by any Rndr.rad .»r other improvement authorized nr that may hereafter I*.* authorized to connect with the Pennsylvania Railroad. anil that shall lie carried cr conveyed on or over the t>aid mad more Ilian twen ty mdes, at the rate of three mills per mile lor ear'll ton of’J'MiU pounds carried or conveyed to lx? returned and paid according in the pmv snui* of the 2"dd «eclnui of the Act in which tins it a supplement, which toll or duty shall lie in lieu of the five mill* coittaiiied in the 'J2d rectum nftbe Act to which this i«* a Mtpplcinenl. Mt*>*r*. Hnltawell, (Montgomery.) Fox, Rail an. Evans, ‘Fetfijly, Fox, Frick, fJoli'. R P Halhiwell, W S Hal luwiill. Keatlev. Kirk, Kmiiiti, Lamberton, Lttuhach Lttfe.ver, Leylmrn. J Line. J W Long. Lougidm, McCulloch, M'Sherry, Marx,Meet,Stiller, Myers, Xicklesmi, Pearce. Pern’, Krdiek, Sanlxiru, Schoon over, Seibert, F Smith. Stellcr, Taggart, Vnns.uiU ■AVuttles, WatK>u, WiHiams, Wrlcox, Packer, (Speaker.)—4*. The lull was consequently lost. The joint rgjKirt and resolutions in reference t.i the death of John Quincy Adams. Were unanimous ly adopted. Adjourn cd. LvzriOiE (Musty Cosyektiw.—The meeting wn« held on the 'J-J, mid resolutions passed higli ly complimenlnrv to Henry Clay. It was id*o farther resolved. That the ingratitude and hominy cxhiliiled ,by the Xiitic*iml.Adniini->lralinu loHen*. Tuyhir ned Scott, the two greatest military Chief, tains of the nee, in view of their past service* and their present unexampled success, exhibits !o the trim patriot the gnirs corruption which taints every ad of the Administration, ut WasJungton. That the tune is coining wlietl tlie people, through that omnipotent instrument, the ballot box, will clcnnM* the impurities of liw present party in j»wer and place the down trodden and insiilled heroes uj»on the liigln>t otCco m their gift. Utyilvhl. That wo will abide by the decision of the National Convention to assemble at imJejK'nd ence Hall, in tin* city of Philadelphia, on tin; "th ol June, u plru-v consecrated :lo ln»tory nml pat riotism (niMingmid liehevmgt'tijt the «ptnl which Arlunlcd. ami the wisdom winch governed our r alh'irs, tuuy m like manner lu imiic and govern them. , Kitn. County Coktention.— The ineetmg wu* held mi the 7th ult., uad the following among other resolutions paused. That w« ratify and npprove th.j act of the Whig County Convention, suggesting Henry Clay us the Whig cauditute for the Presidency of the United States, and we again declure him to be our tim choice as imch candidate. * * • • .Act we cheerfully refer the selection of gQ C h candidate to. the National Convention, con tideut that with paiitexpcfTcnce, they will select no man as the candidate for this high and responsi ble place, without .being thoroughly assured that he U worthy tho enliro conddence of tlic* Whig party. ==i =5“ ■■■■• P ■ - •'*•.' '— i J—l. >•mni a la,ari,a,il,,.,til „r hair, ciciiia. *> tmOOm. «. ffnK SfchTS'l ■ ‘ •- ; Her- frni j<.ar.'l , n. ! 3n l | 'rcun, ( ,c»m.t iml, u> prrx-t)re thn ay-ocr.-uiu#, do .valerian, d,. qna* & .To&S* S&dSfB senate—A ‘Milage was received ironi the '■ ll ‘“ “-n "ten jit* .^lirat* ,„ reply to u,„ „•«.!,,1,0,; of iu. iU ,Vy a.,,, j£! i'l;:,";',', the armistice grimed by Gen. Scott The {'[-•>; ; hr,-i.■«•••' «•■>'•• i- i;r u 1.4,, r t ri tii- o.'Uii,. deni replies lhal lib has 1,,„| „o ol U.o i ttlSS*; anniMJCC. ; ; foie, uiiiv -it- i.-c'-sio; 1.. Uej* IL* four Irustx iaHa'it »r p • t.,.i ll * C'C JVlii;v*:r ini l a j,y * cmon a P"' 'jjalily to uctire, uilered a nsml b-i a penuey-Vor tion asking for a copy of the nreceedii ■:'ie' ;\ " ‘ !rT,r:i Court Martial, wl, ch whs adopted. ‘ rum - wsited £ C.-.m"wk i!cvr : '! t c A resolution wi » :dso adopted ix-mimy widcra- Adams lh« 'franking privde.-e. Mr. Allen ofliin. J his resolution .n; debates ou tbe tre iy In; made m executive which was laid outlie table—VJ t.> 111. His resolution tji remove the injunction ef mwc cy from all previcjis proceedings up.m the treaty laid on the table, j; The Senate tlnjo went into Uxecutiv e and set to a lute hour. Horse—Mr. of the Ways and moved to re-coimiijt Che h»H Rinkiii}; in.- MavnllTp proprialions, m order to reconsider the part mal.nia* appropriation Docks,-which was agree, to. rue Commuted on Commerce reported n lull oliowing a drawback nu all whom hitj. tln.l frem Canada, which shall he manufactured m ti.c I’m ted States and afliirwards exported. Joseph 1L IngcrsoU, from the Judiciary f‘. n.iml tee, rejwrted n rjsoluticin rciieviii" tin: Siipreini.* Judges of the United States Court fr.mi Itisirtd Court duty, or ciritth duty, us there wa.s'r.ow t.„ the Calendar two year.-, work. \ • rVV'Asmxnrcix. March !, I*l*, Senate.—The ibody was .called tn order nt the usual hour, and i large miimlicr of petitions and memorials preset ted. Mr. Houston p ■csented a resolution prr testing against the ruling iishmenl of .my territory ao.pnr cd from Mexico vjliiuut ihdcmmiy.niul ul-o mum-t tho introduction iT the Wilun-t Proviso iuE* any law regulating MJiflr territory. On motion of Mr. Sevier, llie Senate wi'-ut into Executive Session. House—The fipealmr announce.) a- the iir.'t thing tn order, th< motion ofMr. John.-on to amend the bill in relatioi to the new examiners m tie* Pa tent mike. The amemline it proposes a ,-.ala:y of ! .hki i;. stead of S'J.oOO. Upmi tUis iirnrml.neut li.r and nays were called, and the motion hist—Yea: 79. Nays 10.'). Mr. McLellam inuile a motion i i rw 'n-akr. Mr. Chnginun moved to lav tie- iii.mon to re consider upon th'VtuMe. upon \rL:.-5, i!>e ven- ni.d nays were called and thu motion i..,i— tens'-.; Nays 110. Mr. Andrew Johnson then tv earnestly. The iliill was then hud -aside, and -ei motion the House went into Caigmiilce oi' vhi-" Whole on the State of Hus I'mon, and nrorctv.e.i, Li the constdoraijon of the detieien. .es ,■» me propnutioo UiH, Mr. Hunt in the Speaker'.-*. her Mr. Ilochuell. Cciauectu iit, then proceeded to criticise the e.-tuiistes of the Secretary t I the Trea sury, and showei’lite errors. not only m lie- <:.!<•- airnts, but the statistics. Mr. McLean. |if i’-aitiiuore, rupl--«i to !m -speech made sotgc time since, t.y Mr. Tiu-m,*- .n. of Indiana. I .. Mr. Thompson next obtained the ih*.-i .n reply when the Committee ruse Jind mljjiirned. I'HOII IVKW M r:\ico. | ; s,. H-i.:.-, .M.IPM i.:» Hy a geutlcnirui who bar arr-ved ire;: *-«-w, Mexieo, the Republican has later r.J\ e-e- u. : . ( ; .J huulma via 2?alt;jh>, to the i.\i of The American three wn.- stdi at. id i'a.-v,;...-nd would advance in the .-nurse . j i; ;< - : ;K rfi!h bin ru; l*cen dehiyrd hy the I. i he Cent-fal iia,- ol.orcd hy liic aillk’r.ticy ii.iv. ’!' levying u t.ix upi*n the people. an.! i.;* j . .-oui..*- very odious and m eon-e.;:..-. d Wus thought he Would not come I ' an er.-_ -g>in:« .n with our t.rex, btit would return njent of i‘ur:imi|. Trade iva» coriipktely unxUkd. i;t. pbi-.ur of t. usual .profitable business k-rrt< Jeri c!--i;e hyA- There is eight feel of water m the river .. am i.etv to Cam>. The rrma.u>ct Mr. .’.Jam.-, b-.uc vVii.'fi:-,." td« City mi next 1 Monday la CHI!:; I r lb< ir YI! -Ii resliojr jnjio illinium.)- M;i- Phihuklpti;;) thv >rmn* dav, nrr ut .Ww-3 iifxin on Tiicvlhj', Irina mlicih r ii;t \ wiJi !a i ve<] .>*nm on lor ilxrtiiairr ut ]> :t . (, I'HlLAlJCl.ri’u-A MAKULT. i’.Tii.tilfijiiiia. M.if.-ii. j ; i- Fu>i;b —Sale- <>t‘ Western l;Mtn!»ei Wheat—rinlirt) t'fl.TOi) ini prime t.: j::: i.i Tin- supply t>/ srimi i» Mimll. —k?ali:3 : i>t 100 Ici!. - ! iikinl i;t "e % Ttie niurketoiftin'crally (.'otil.mnswithout tba.iyi NK\Y: VOIIK MAHKI.T. ■New Venn. Mnn fi 1. !t r. ■'( 1: uii'U.—The n arLet c ntimie.' an'! i.-ntt-- aVtJOHB limited. , Sllf« <>l Gcllt'see an* r \ so;37nteZiO j*er 1 !ii; and of Western Itrartc!- .n per bb J Market t;n;i. Gkai.n—*Tti«* n irket is :irm,.w:th more !..iivr> limit seller* at lur rnles. Wihskky—Tile juarkel is dull With a «k -clme. sales at 'i!l}trper eall. CnocKEnn—Tin* murk.-l it x.ithnut cJiaucc. '—l hear <>l no variation from ft-rim-r tigurcs. Western 1-ird is M?lhug at be, and Rai:.- inore rendered ut ijc j>cr lh. CINCINNATI MARKET. Cincinnati. Mnn-it 1, IMir. Fuu:r— fialea of -ftOif i.Lils prime tiwlay at . 3lßhirJ7S v WiL { WmcAr—Sales if priun? Red nl bile <► ln». Cohn—salcs of 3uoo bu prime Yellow in bulk at 30c t> bu. ’ Whiskey— Hale < ut 17c 4> gull. Mru_\.s«i>—The hn.irket t* heavy with fairs ni N O at V.V fl ?>ilc v ;r|l. St out — o;‘.\ U nt l;7i.7jc p l!i. _Mins Puim—Nd 1 is-sellmg at 57.7. V at which tigures 3W bbl* changed liund* tixlny. Bi lk TiiKK—Sales of l,00(i.ll(il) li,-\veri' etrwlml toxlay nt lb. j j Racon—Siilcb uf| ;Sidea at 31/f»3jo .ainl of Ham* nt ipaljc Ih. ' •■ . ■ Laro is finn willi sales at , •, Flaxseed Oil snliis are etlW-md at-.'»A(4t»- v • The markets generally are ’' ' Pirrsnoanu anj» Aij.ui:u;w Su!eml»!e ninoimt di' this illegal currency ha* been in circululuin in tin's vicinity. Then- is no m-mt why credit -hnuhl he given t-.ige of is pi jLilnicd l,y A nmnlier ol' miK mercimnts and lm«iness men have entered into nil engucemeut not t<> n*ct;iv<* :hc Scrip of the city of;Pittsburp!i. and of lit- .my and' ikumty of Allcgheriy, niter tint liith ~f rdm,:!,. ox cept nt n discount iif net le>i* tlia:i five p.-r ceiii.. and others have agreed nott'o pay it ~u t atlcr tinu tune. It i* imped that tin* movement Miil Im\e the effect to drive these shinplusters out of <.ovu lation.— Wheeling Ntw CoxsruuTipN ion Mm*.—Wo f) >. fra in from congratulating thecuuulry mi the liol iire nf liie propoßitiim lor n (Yum-nlmu It. the Constitutionlender the good o.'J ( 'uu.yut-anni Ohio hits luh'anml itt mi bta/e cur Uforr ,i,'C'Si>r>J amiiia.t ;»nu/3r*ru , , jhnd Wn itjun-e that w«? nre |sr milted U* move on tinder il ycl n iitllc winlc longer. There are ton mmlv disturbmg cnii-e.*. acit.inii ' the public mind at fliis time, fur nnv nuisif.mi.h cX|«?ctation of ihejcuol xvisdom ■nd.'dehls-'rate tiim required to eutabisU n new Coi.ftuuboi'.— Cincinnati Oa^»lSt^ ; <'ayed In.—One 'of the loirks m the viemitv of \ the weigh lock, coved in last week, and it r/dl | rv \ ,- ito lie rebuilt before any boats can pass u. f.ns.l taer,whensonieof ;tbeCanal Commissioner.-, were out here on nn oflUjjal visit they directed ibis i,n-ii to lie rohuilt. hut fur some cuures it wa* not ,j ,n t . and n3w, jusfns the navigation u al>,nt to ..pen'll tumhltjs down, lhu^ : causing delay to tho,,'. who make hso of the extreme end of the cim.d. .'lit £hnu<\. j; Min's A«sicution. —T| JO meetin g imp lied for last ' night Nl'as jmslponcd hy n pie-occiq.a lion oft ie Hall. ItjwilllKj held on Friday evenin'- at the s une place, tit 7 o'clock. llt'Dios’tf Pasuh^ju. —Tins iiaintm- Mill lalnict tbe; ( aUcutiou of the j.uMi,-. \V? econienil our readers thal tiavu u.v,i:;„ \V: •* iV'im-- t. i:r...-’Lcr ' .lovi.-jajw-rrI'’ 1 '’ —e —I ,ir II.H-K* I.iiunsent .-, ! r kfjU»r a.. It-nu»-< are *n ! ‘> JACK>O.\, AKent tor I’uw l.nv ItHi.Vwt.ln'l' ' :i r"" 1 pr.-aili—Jf-yn., lmvc. ih-'u ■ f-'-'ih 1 " ' *'•' r Tl.ui v ' nQ'.'ffjd.Vwiy (r j -n..--i :-• v " 5’ p ll ’-v .lurk ’JVijh—tljr-y rr.n 1<« or- ti:n«; luni!,":. of Jonfj K ui>irt. <-.y-\vn.< ik* “u\ 1.u.-r, .1. iiovJ!.d\u-t>- \< '■■ r - 11.-n |.ii j hnv« u -rial O ' :tay j„ p;,,. oj iim-JDilwinJwly SALOO.V «.t|. .’.e-ul v:Ui.-ii.u|.-j]i rinii-nwin i’nr.l • .. .o:u . . misrseni,,::.:-! aurMlnv.,' vareh :V o'- t"~' "■ will P.ncm-lui: '"'i,'. I .' l !' l \ ' '‘!* J -n^nnlis ?[rrclnuit>' Trauipnrtailon J,|nr. 3 IS f-:. i is*mm’* i: 'in wiii.a::: ..nit'A it ii/.i/n >Von?'. { *’••'.”10 'T'-'-'r'fii'dl" '* : V V"" v “ i: !.e !!,-• i -.n;.:n.O'n aj aii promptly ai li n.-eil l«. ir.-e iron-, -in. iOm cle-rp' tnr stor.ip;.: C.r ' o.n:>! It:.MU, ihiS.oirgh. MEItCISAXTS’ \VAY PItEICHT I^INE. if r.-kv.ermA O, . Uo. • . L> .i.,v -,;,r:V W -.,:,-r . i ’j*r: «*t< i r ■> V't! i—VI ••I-' ::,a I ’l ;i< ri>.ii!i)i>oali' un tii • .1 SAN \ < O. ' v. v| rjUTT. i UN • J\ 0a1.h!;,. J‘ofN thu su: i A • , ia>;\ ' \ • i-AM.I.-n A i .... 1-u'i »fm J h rt . AAo o _ „„ I K ,. u i __ I 1 .. I -%• V—J r.'.:'l -M'ln:. A J ■ ‘ *’«• J II ?.im niifi', .;r. It C.i It Ok.v- ; A. V, in l, !mv;; .1 il 11 y Hu- 1!..... ,il Uvsuf tn lll.l'u r. i, - .- .-"I *-imi:.. * 'l * nl -Md.l •> A.-- >«iria A»li. • ■!. I. m 'i- ! !' - •- - '■> ll ' • •{. V. '\ *’• - : .1 t: 5. .VITKO !*T m> J K' ? '\i H \ xc.l ij I rk. I-!U. .v I I \y iI.M'KI! \ MM)* ; V \ t mu/. i Vfjnv. ;.-u / <01.!,r.< TIOiVN f. l l,_ ICM. A , T A ?■*. V. II.SON I{-.V, .a^as'Vii'm-nT^o' •J-O-A. , n ] .rJ J A- Hi i »N - < -• ; \M.S ili-VMliili-T:. I'.’i - !•' .'ii \ lit 1\ \j< li!M - ,M> y-,-.- ;st. -1. ;i ii.i \yliu-. 10 ’ rj '.'.ri " " 'ST >»:>;• A I'.. >\ J* »•' V* IUANNHOSt-s-.*. / * r.iNMHiOMA- M. ■■■! . li.r ) ,• «t _ -V.-- __SJ- V ; )\•UiNMIdiSV *; i\, j i*r:s.• c« ««,.■ t Cn { yr.m- A.'-ij' i nw-M)'i:t!i:vACo 31' _i'i ir.’ ntllAI) KIIKVM'.i i*. :•*<■ -uic ».j r> tl:-.-: fitlKMl 11Ui’,V fc r.r ' | I'I.AK-'V-.... A j-.--. ■m'-mUn i;,Ure, i Kl I A tl JLIIKV h <\. JSAfOX- Ji'-...fM i) S«ut-. t»i «!»!»•;, mr.NO illtth fi t (. - U.-.uV- ,l.v I ■p\ «.**. _ ! nm:v v c.. r* £ tn.trJ _ _ WItTK * V.-p,VV|>U>S T \ ''tn’.'.'i ilo -fit- if , Atiuw^'hi^rJu. J,, r:/jr <• V. r 'IT-::'.- 1.) U It-J. ,i / W It 1V... A I, tVreln. f>r •ll!* 1 I<\ y, ■- h:.r-’ ‘\;- k .v ' Iy,a t.i.JV.:. AHr-.!n-u> »•' .inLim I\n: am. iBItll'i” ■‘■III li if • iinr? . !!<»';]• '■ u.A C-_ ■ ■■■■ m-; amtit.; -a!.- lij l, . !U>i>r fn j\ : JOHN II 'milt.AV t [Jilts •! M,-,' J.»r .a 1 - J|> ' :\ l :-)H\ Mum. an / t u’-*: «n 1 I J * ju.l\ i> V.( tl'-diLl.-AS / < I-:.... |.. I w«W<'«l v.!.i:r .1 r.W.ira, vv;,n.,; l_i *t«l I--:': ■ : -»t •*«■< I-. ftnyrM] .1111l.\ J'W»|{i . \ 4 [ 'A.rKA ■ t'.\"»- : >> V v ! Hurt _ V. !• K • ' i I’A.N /■> i.iVv'-I I'.’ !•-' r >.»•.. i I >■••• 1 11 11 »»*!'• i<> (j : ric.rj •Vji.'iC A •d'.»M.|,!:S> ,■ l ’ftiUtr.'--'-*' I f-as u |J<> im.ili-r*. !>*;■ . .t. ......v lt.i:! Mr *.•{■: in I L'l'.'.K'-A it I ». lnu, U.>V/ ; ..m - HIM >. A. A ij.'ar.i -to r ic-ty •** tM ™ (.:;<) corui( I » K.l>iS-'iw ' . |.*r i>> l > r .....rtf • (. J UUILUAV:- 7u I t: —’■>' ki.ys jhjic; Jlitln No I, iiy \V .; nuri __ _j n u n.i.i.'V* s _ t i ru:nc N <>, -■»'i JO (la c.rU-u.-,: an.! I'uiv.-ruol; Mf-al.: uj ymur,’). ' _ _ Lllir-Jt' liliN t/Hii.iviiii: \*!ui'“. J'oi- Lnr ' • l(iu ,v '■ J l> \VU,L! \ V-tf tu/cro.v —ts bull) thi* liny jxc t? j'c ;ln:r Iniiiiar.i, 4 t tor ooig liy (.war,!] J A 3 A iil'i'CUliO.V. '1 . I rE£>ot;cfv-y' ».£. .-..f.i, i 0 >. I.) . ran--tt h‘>!. ircm : tnhrt 1 M.Ut.T,—•U-i- ••*!;> rt'»ur. Ctf .-on.! Jit-. X’-Jui'kwlir'll? t’lturj- 3 cTf r->- lllral. L. T •••tie 1 U-iari; ; J r WtAVI.U, i' If. KATON .V ci. I.uv> ' ; , amvaUilrr,.,, if,am! rm.;,,.’ . ;,i\ , pdJ i ' •'- ».ia nl'h'iiK oii.-.I -i.'t. ii,|y cotlou .No. ,( !ii" la i imkl niln'r.'ißii. .#> in ilciicun) :k i: . lr. T INKX rAr.lHUir!li.\MHCKi:--t l '!i:KS—A hi- • t»: ; Xi <*ri«uv jinrr'l Li'fi'luri*. liutn 111nr,.. ii l-V.»t [•■ im .V hii.-riy , A i.IIAVJyS A via- .ii; .. r-.-c-; jTjL Iml». .•(•'low*, Ac JU--.1 r: <*rivi:;* i-t mnrt i F 11 l-\T* N i /■tUTTON FIUNCKS- A Cm*! a>.-ur: '...11 vy I :il [marl] 1' ii 1 ..V l I Am; V G 1 CJM Ii« si.xv. w?n Hr- :j >V,co:i;i- T irv l>r:ii.HV in » ,jr.- r:t:! lor -id,- l \ lin.ft J r }t C((n-ru.\.-?.i,r,:.-i,ja.t t, rr,xv>t! s.n-l i'.l.m-W/* I mart. tiltimW A Cl i.HfcttTSl.'N SL-IiAK -V? lihtls N O >ii"nr Iniuliiu: am lor !.• iij .. Im.irli _I mUJU -V A \ MwJ.Aj-sKS— liM-M.U N Ojn-t rc-rM nmjmr -:'.V T . [iu.'.n ; huo.v.n .v aiii-ih.-un I,'IMI II).; !«ir »!tiu l,y X marl * . Jl ll J» -.IXKUS. I'.L.'l liAlck-lK!|.4iorHl!:-|rV X marl Ki:<3l.t.KP.S ra mxr;,;:;, a. r w:s 1'1.A.-TKK -;ju i, - In 1 1!, tuurl t'O Pi'OX AltiN tin:': t jijun rri'!, itir mlfi ui iti|\i-.-i |>n*. I'J iiii.irir ; I'KiKM*. KUHV i if MI>S n)..- If.r ►!.!<• ly { - imiil . t >• 1‘ \ >J\‘ I.’OVVIiORST S.'.ljAi!A ri S' > - !i\« <'>>. [■ il-. .riiy .-na.k.:.!. aiai Urf.ujci-'iy i.h WA'jj-nr.sAN Duiku n:mv«ir*c.i i,U. ii I’r.iili; urucir, u;ul A)>( It*l'i » «- i.n<| » v i -tuetiy |V. |,a-l •l,SUiUi.|;.i,.i,N j _ _J.> w.rj_ux «._% i'i~ioi< - ‘Zm A.r'Viiir “’ , ‘ l '' ’’ ? . r i-1; <\.^ ■\* • II >(,'OAU - iCll liiii!> .\ O r**ci iv i\ . t: V . :.:r! im ...t, l.v_ . <.i .<> *ti ...I! >M' A ”<• Aiiitliy 4 t' vvl„'i-.Y_\j LLi.i.l'iauiuuu.. itt .il ' ■»_lun: u-ul d/r »a|c i,y 'jiiil.j Iji.UK). (10TT0N' vl liiilcV ;•> iirnvn l.y .»nnf« »-wvuo. tor *a.*< _J I'T. _i»i‘. kja Ct cMUKIt i df)u iiu-rt a» arrive- by ju r- J *air l.y I __ I.t.vlAM ui« >.IA I'KATiILS LAKD-Tti n.VMy ’•m’f I.J, .jo-'o, k-AlAii I;ioia;v _ LAHII on.- n* liter. i.vim.-t .iraiiK.i; irct.i -lilir I'Lu aii, ini auii: l.jr .. Di-I.ZIJ.f. STAII IA \ Dl.i bid, .io: -: r c -tv „V: f • HilK-iw.a-.No 'A li.r »»i.- i.v _ JAK b MUCKI.I. N 1)112 -G ;. ! i;» cm u.l *tc. HiiMiT .'J kojf. lard O • "ark*oai.. and l tiiiu lobnccu. T'-iviviilj; ircin attar ai.d lor .-.lie; U jA* U.\f./i .1.1. _ “j v.i.irr -! JiiilCK—•D.lrju n»r *;ncr iow ».r iiu-nuno.- lor iMUo.irin muiiuljctuinl uriirtc-t. hv • Ic-'G.- • .‘A:- oalzi:;.!, I ) A'l'. l'l.ul'i;-:;::U.;, r>'i* tlc.Lr.;u*i p >-'d Ik at.u .cir h\ , lu-l.U'J} i. :• \\ A i CWI'-M.m. .i.ra No I.t;iurwnast.*u-* no'il ..nj ..... t> i.s. Si \THi: S.NKA I ji .N J-jov. .J- i.iajn-.o- ; i. .- Vv'a ;-i::;.man ii t. r -J.- : . nioVi-i l. ' i) l >'hOl Jo do* U- ju r, in -.lord a::d K-. y > .i-i-'-i , i.r-y. V ’ i’.\C' 'll- d! 1> V . Cn Oi". P-1.. t_ i y.• iit ir>- va. j.*. : -|- i ‘ l '.'Adpi—wV.’Vil lliHA’ ii, Cl C,I K.1.r>..0f ifiiiuu. anil V_-’ * I on r :dr .an- -•» \i ;>i' I.'<'i’.\d.N tt) jrcm *) V! Ol.A>>!->- o'.;) tlb! > Jllilin: \ll .V.01r.1-s' ”> o-.k i>.i K|.r. ,.j J -i.■»,, ».»•' ij i A.'-r-j.i AJiSi.S!' 1 a M' t ‘ . _ i’A3»i;\Uv UKji>-!<-» ,; r} i.-. mv -il -■•■. e « o, <*‘»2 :■'< *k;i: !•> Si H MaH.lju «..i j ivi, a« | [i^' u -MOM, li ; : i, ) *' j jAKIJ \/J Jiii.S ?»’»» 1. Uk *tof*! ilMll il l »;h.J fy J 'V JJAitivALlril \| ACKi-KKl.i,l, N -Utt.- Hm'.-, -i>X- r0..i!0 i. Nol. lim:u l:.. .No ■> ;>l “-f “.Jo !•) , A lilCklj-i'.-OA SAI-T— t;o !•!;!, .No J, l„ ,1 ‘k ' . .[ . Mii.UJt* Kh-M::\~o.n / tUl’i-^aiArN—a) f . „,r'J-..;r low i,.- I J M.Ul»U.VuAi\i;k A Co' / » .n.| i iu?».«:» uy ! =f U J >-.'noo.\.MAKr.i: \-c.j LA .Ui‘ IlLACli—oj U*;» u*«onc(t, Ju» »aiv-i {■) _• : _ J_MiHWN.U.vKUiA 111 1 U'SHAi lor Sttie I,v "j Aa _ i J ►v'iiou.\‘v’Ai;j.;{ 4Co LA 1.1.1 OlL—O.'l’ic' l»c.-; (ju.iiiiy, ...r t.i i »i Alvs-.11 A —3 s.a>» l:o,m.ri:i[ioi:l. ao.l loj- l.v !"•' 4 _ A ivi‘.l|i:TJ>yX COAT- 4u 1,1, Cluil.oow.-:. l;l Sion uiul .ok •!,•••, ~ o . . AUla.l’.ii A / lI.AHKi* ...vtc-c >,.i v»:v I.} i J ‘ Jl.v|i:i.i> oii.-a-. iu, ;i,t >a :,- :, y ’( l. ,v i;-v. I) atj.nt uiriiKtWiiw u„ kl ’ A _ ';••»«* ‘4ouiu.. i.L.'-m ii.ui a uo>: plci:-iis iiorco«. ,j r hi|h i,y At 'ftci.u.L, no;. O o,Al’-;Vi I-Ukr, l’covt.,l A (iiitti! ;u ., O »';,• »tmr L«»j iil Uourinl.. j,inl ;..r v’i* i-. • . ; JUU.N UU.vV'»,u'i Ml StfAl'— a;' t,i. liuiificwt:. lini A (~.s . v!I . IL . a:,O lor ion- I-) j .> J>U,\v ijiji ij| \ T U...>»>l,AN-KSvlui I'lil, (vniiic jaoJwiS. i.l » ivo .! :i:nl n-r i<). • j • . _J roi.\!i:;\Trin & MUCAr-l-s-Mv-i fc:,|s IJIIUIO { iron* »lt],r j., . - . ...... ; u .mi pICH-ia iiorooß J.ho.v llU i,iv.' iao-lii.yirom ,; (I ,r *- ,ta s l-J'Siv; lor vstiv- in . ; w m Mm.-iu-iAnu;:: I uii[';i,r. •! |,.>:i.;l.vv. Jtli.'iiL-vo «i\ i 'iUiVi:itS^Kl*-itM,ushj. l »i a.„| i.ii -n!v t,, * Ki>vi __ ; liUjiu ,\ c*U. i:i-:ii |*>i Al.l. lltivjllj,* Inullivcs SV.tii Uo'.iojtL . »a|. urv rcijiirulfii ioosill on Hi<;-iir«Jvr«ifii.-il .( tj *■ KULKKr wfcliX^il.T, /'ll lialv. AliTH'.'ij’jiij lor p.iiv'lnT !oiA*i wi>r .j(ivi:N MIDVJ-.ik, Ci-oia ;s.i/'iVvWl,: o' rio, V,' Ini) iiml ukuiuio «•: varinan jn::' •■•jiii.i l' lit ,{v •• •.- i 3.) lO l — tfl liS’if ju-i r» r<'ivcj ii:ul itir m!- !A -It lL't.-Jl KMil.iMl A r.i^N;;rr' OUUIA.N.S -'D Lin!* in :iinii mV i . nr!,'jt|; K.M.uMi a o M< Mil.t nrrivink'mjd f-ir X> • l-viivij ; l.Yoi.lSll A MIXM.ItT, i •l > in'— ■; li*-fi;ps jninS". lot -lII.* !.J' ■ I' -It _ » • _ i;v;|.l>H .V •nil.WlhT LO.\i’ -.1; lilil-. A,. ',1,. h'liiu J il<>, hi plor.: lim.l iln mi!-- mv.- /.•. r 1 _mMi_ _ _ _ : .v ;.i;:p,r.!«•• >\ jjl.l.r 111 'I NJ's—» hln<.i iiir >alr Ihm |,\ j \- Ji-litfl _ „ 11M-I.INII A li'i^M.Tt NC'nil- '.-.I iur;;t: liM. 1:1 -Inn' tuft lor lu:v |. A • _ i-wi ! i:ni»umi .v ui-.^.\i:vV\ Si.UA'i-i" «’>k- <> !■:.» wluJlnivm-i'i m iiurc ...pJ mi i.m l.v i \ nl.Jl . I.AM.ISM A. l!i:S\i.Tl' |)iia —I.) ntnl ) ciio\i in *[im- XV lli'.l 10l low I.J , • i:vii.wi a isKNlMm nl'.M A -In in>!.in- i,.j K«.lir |icuu:v^i°'cJ y \ >:Uill‘Li;i t: *r: ot llui'ln ilnc:nm.rjrior s-i)<- Alow, by (icli-lj ■ JUUN UlfAVpilriJ •WTiriTK LKAt>-;!fr,} k--.r (,>f ml,. t,v «T • : 'ViisTiii/iVicx PI'ACUIvS— tin liu tiriid ptnidivt! in M.U .irnull'whitc livaii«,Just r-rM nnn lortnl*- 'M«r I liUAVuIU'SI tJ\;ORCHL>iUIs*-.'. , iit»Li.» jiriiiii-.MMiiplan.-T lt if Ml-l . y V icl-Ai • 11 " LOUISVILLF. LlMHuinl llydcuuiit: Lojuint, oau* Mautly oubuui-sodllur mUc by j - * ; A GOUDOV AIJCTIwX SALES ■ -- ; ny'Jolm ». s>aTil.i , Anetipll**l‘.r*- “*-! cf llrj G.iwjsi- 1 On T.iur-tU)- Ilir.'nr-!-:.’ .V::rr:r «al! 10 ; a: 1: 0 • ftonm. cnrfht, o: f r\Voi»tf ; ... Fi ;ii •>-, >ui! !•;= m!i’. in' cWc corlflclrrirnt, ‘ !l1 «m •• ;•.Jonwrnl i>i | ji;;!lMi. suii'.\Ri«i -■ o-.u -in riuriirt. ’• .a: avi nv. Jjinfa'.van\ ■nri • futfc-r. 11.-Wlr-.-i riiiiri, s.-ai.,; m.ct «•«.;,( -ii-n-cK !•'«) w/u-i-s<.iu liiinry tlw cjiy. •. ! An imulcr n: i;u:«u:v U>ui«. utiocv Micky moil/’ ''"■■in'll'. umiin-H::... ’..Tniu-cJiallvr-. m k !]".ii';i ;i'£ vrkir)'"«, fur in*, •■■ry. riiW. ('Mu!-. and kliivfr. nt-rtUif-ier, violin*. f.k JOil.V D AuciT. JO IdbUTln, »? Wiu,,.J Owiti**. onf l,>• ,n; x.t H'I.K: ij.juufr.. |,: >r -.ikircv.-:. :o., r iU!;i;r w»t:i id! Dt* [money* nt:tl Il.r-M.itii: are I: by uj'|-M;«naJi-vi,Vur f’.rr j-crpo No. 1— •! V-'\ ur ; . ■' •; ' ; Tma'-urtir] • •; . • jiTOil ! uiiuri .'W-VT. ' in', i J*o i!n . ;,s}.■ *; JV., . : (.:■ lU <;f f CiW. • . \y f-i>: (V.:h i;>. (r.vo.) 'CW V ; r .n; VVuj.t K,. rls , ru, - - f AvnX'f cji L‘i!y lurr.*, _ il ; j‘ \ i-;.vi''A'u.\i4i , o l 'K ’ Ilwjhri'w ivi.,, 'j\ ■■ 5 City !h*T of aiik’t. • 7ii»ou. •• t’J— WlflTl, «U! IV •• . : .i aii ini' *• 1 J:—t '..i.-iitir-r-nC l-VlXit) (H* - —;*iiv I .on;;*. ' • - 'i 1-J.ffyi yU - . to n.-'!iii,vii n;.d L-aacUiuiiJo n Icv.Mhii s£ilj tiny of Feb ruary. A. I>. b-l- AiollijaN rrc-’iiC.C. - i Ati—i It nniii^.M’l'srfcx’.C:. JOHN SMI'IW. i'rcsu!t*at i*.'C. ■ John-iJit-ri'S. C. '/■ \ raarl Ai‘inar3>jvtr:)t for'}• ire iiradinz; Xrtmul it. 5! r- . Ql'l’.l. Li ortir.iiveil ulid ,-)[. in Sc!rci :u:>! tViiriiiuin Coimciis us»i:jn- Ti.’ii .tu-.Mayor br. nnil i»;;;Ti:!iyiiin’ctcil,ioi»- 'U-- f.i.e <-r i-i-.r.* !■ o:;.I - in t?< - n«tntl.' l fonii, iiiliavorof Jni-n u- Cu.. lurtUi: LU:di.:::uf fLEUtUiilredtuid •cr-i-ii:j-iwn> liuL'nru. j.iovalt'ii;. liiai jici»h- iifiiliv >Bid u{ a amonni-)!»:ni :iw« Jiuwj/Vd dol 'rrs. Tii- * a:ii l>fn;i!K lulu 1 J-r.y.i;jk- fcl kii Vcftrs. with ■ m.-rf-i u-.-fi-i-r a: «'{*itccai-per aiajum puyaSilc !m}f ) t ;:f 1)' a! ihf (~!>•- tli** Cin ’JV'/liftiri'T. in Inilslilirph. Sk-;. i; i; :'iir:i:fr nrvlnmf'd.'.'. c.. Tlittl fur \>ayor bo n::i! lie 1- maiiori/t-i! nia'i iiir-.Tcil.ti) i-'uj.* a Load in. i!n- ii-hbi I'.ina 11 rnior 01 Jaimni AloCnSip fortlio Jir.--ii:it ui li-.i- nm.dr» , it |-aj liUn.-'m toil J'JOfS, i.ia: i;-,.-in.; ;!i-.a-ii)' m«i |>i:r cm.i j'nir a-i:iiiH!. l L*:ini; in l-.'M r iii<-i>; I»ri>ro'a etail. tt;;rco , p.n.'iiriJi-H.. a’.avT ;a ilo-.u.i.ilH. lliUCfth da) i-.i A. IJ. i-l-J. •: 'r . Huia s ’ito.‘,}:itisoN.l'M-iiirin (’. c. [•• A!i•.•••!» I!;:>;uj; Ki> 1 .is*, ij.-t.'. • . ■ J» ix M.u-.iu,Cii-rk pfCflvrd bj- Eiprm* ai 31, A. Miner’*. I IMUM ‘ ‘ ‘ L i:..-.TL I,- iii »;ii~ia:ul, .by G W M Kpyiioidu;'Ciur!) iilu->;r.i:«' !.!'>• ”f (•'•nrr:(: cnil.rncin? a:i -• •.1.11.. 1 i-.i •-■'-yiv : 01 Sii.-i elmrsricr, and Ai. Ij-ir. Hi -nr;.' m’c-t rcniurVaKc »• VI; 11Jr» •I- ; ln>i'lifi.Tcnt *>•- r.,i -11 y WLrl;!.; V..U: i...'- AvAmuir- <•; Van n;ii-.i- \ u.v iW Wnirilu'- Ly Hi'.ifv n--insv.ciiliiiici. . .» .'••n,iii:-.i:-.i! .liv.,r:., y lljfoi-fb I-'tiiitrc. lilldvllaly.— I'i.- ii;ni tin- liim.iry d watiw watch. T|." iliaial j liarrv 'liamk ‘' ;! i. > v. .v l !.•••!. l.y Wane!!. if-Jslt sup >iTic i;uari?Mnau, J 1,-y I> re i-—irtih * «jv n; j M A .MIXEK\S., >i»miiUcW «•_ .*1 door .hn-rtisii J f'.i in. 'l'iKiia'ift iiAy.-iijn-v iiii-.i i'iulyilt .McUn'.r. r-.-! •.rn.:i i-: w.J.-j il;i- -iitd r.i iJrain-.iiU-irr.-w tc C-.’. 'a ‘•i- oi/.-i l : iiirl-nr. i., ii ii.i» t’iy «:ii.oivvs. 'A.'l ; a'. 1114 cia;'.a.‘aj;iiii,r»i naiil (Inn. vvLi (liiit-cj-r.:- -.:m r; ;S.- f-. ::a-J .-.i: rjiid Aiia, Slarcli 1. i*-ii *’ { ~i Co-jrnvt JicTkllljt. > Tli- Sii!>-rr:lH i-v ti.-u- l:n» ‘.n;. d.i-j .Tu:in!u I'o-part :n-;-.‘-.i.. i-i iLr .-ny ri.ixLu^::.'‘t-;ui»rr-funi! -i;. ..-oi 1 ifv.a: «V far I’-j-ri.ij-iivr 01 :T.t|^u*;tins sit** pi.nccT.'c• *'->:»-• Jy-Ivcr.jiicd -MfJi’.iiiii OK(;.M.'- - ( _ i'iNUiV j; .Sicur.i:n’.. Murblc AVork;j f ft'-ci.iu-stifii (li-iirJiia ALiu.-j-r- .' re- iU;- s,. [«•< :: iTi-ayVi! ih tfci^JnrW-* • . Mr •.>-i u-i rt. Jii.iviliiMjiiiiii,aarf iu i>iiim;iu<'.;arr.l-u.orlk Mi cvrr)-|- t (:i ai '.Ki u:in i* ‘""f ’-'' win liiivc'JS’ ih».-ta with hi:. I*;:*! :« 0..-ir wvrk, r suiu iHf»cr cu' v!.!.-?.. *«« ~n«fs will - ; |‘ . 5. '-/.if u< i>. i.s :,’wt*r-r/l irsiin lireufcaet*. ■ • 1 : '", v r lustav .\!vs< oyilf !;»»:-«>..i:i phi i h.r I'.l.'i CT»>'«r.H-!?r if WOrJiinfJl. - I JOiA >J Ht TlillßS .Y 5"ON".: • f:!»i' -i .*•! _ ft. i!. Th?\r:- h::«I:ih;;:i tJrvsf iltic v'b.cli liny dor.Ol BI O O nr,' i !11 MDO X , -Ci;i'i u.wr ’iaii-uks. , 'i'. “o ii(o> f.r- .1 o:LAoiiri:u. I \}:s{K~ !<> i-u:i iiic mt* ; iuii»u ijf' VJ 1:1 u>. :hti rKKiu-infov tilkv i>*Vi. Ii: il.<- Ki-stfrili.T nju! rn:iiiUUCU.Te}iU j,ar i !K-j cannot i»ut t-ri perli M :My cotiliticr.t liml '■very Of- <>i rrl.n -vl j.r>,l c;.l*;v iiti-d Isnca mil eyerpri'-' icr Hr C!t 'sri: am> »■ L 01 ILotoiv’hiy i»«c -•> la: - ,-s iu ilu- wr'iic'in-d .;m! ii/itidrout l»urF:s.'y„c» n ('.>*•,' amHvor.ii.c-u< \vorksin!i:slii;i i.tMlrd .:ro::i i!:t- i-iii,>e>l rlu’itj* rJonhli’Vr,intti‘ '.hii o'!:or iv:—.. Willi trii>- cfiiAirlioit, llieyfprofi'cr '!i' if •"lui-ci ’»> lovr* or Kntt'.t.TMi-.v MTTMr.niY ttntl ■•‘tr.-v i<|. their luluni'.-.j i.L'ill[ar,il,timl>i(ion lo i:n: rrauuvuiiuu oi imii;.-.. tiuucwr ifiicult or olcva* t-j. • , ''' ion" nymciuJinn ilri’Rosr, i\ i'ieuwiij: A Co,, is. To -.iiu many pltton* of (ha: Vs : a gnuruuit if of sibjlitjv * * JKASEB A MOUItIS, i . i; ]>v;i!-rn i>i I ran, JSntsJ &>:j No.- 7 IT l r-ir.i st.. Philadelphia, liUvr lit eiorc and MU'i! l ', a' tin* Iny.r*! inarki.i prtcvji, . ■.5 • K»*.H'Oac9 oO.Y o Sitily Oniuacf in ['.rnao i tirJirr; -•hi ii.i •I.Vm <'! .V K K:ji*i:is; ' li’> • i^iiu ,\ J.i'iia 'il..; ; \\ uiii.iiw ur.i! rilt.cri'i lut iio s S Almoin 1 *: ' t'*Nr.v ivj’hiiJoiiia Cwraiii*: ' ; ! ' ’ ‘ it’; Low - |.»v» [ifiv: ii ,! Piiiliu’oljr’ii.t. »Vi».iil.ou-.51w ... ; Ury (iomln at Ml.' UPtH ,\\ ih>H.V A; Co. So. ood Htrer.t. lire . I.«’%v i.’-i'i\iii7 I y idsi.'y nrnVai* from lt;e ini|Jf>!t -• .Hire iiw-.noianm.-r,. uiii;de • iju}’Pul> of CreiraOic .-.•ftl-.- ijoii'U. \< iiii-i: i;n-y / io ciiynmli-VuCry rc • *’• -.l'- pii',.i;ii-*i j O'-.ii’lt: • iiilviuiiM*. n >• mi <.-o.Tiui;ily in she cii-icm tuarkcu. ilii’ir -j.iel. m;i u<- l:i }i; up lliion.liuUt :.Uio Ajiunyp jti a-rvvci%”l:.,r iO'P.'y Miii-*; 4 x pl ' i.n '. .. l.hjmi ’i::ii!ati-.0.-.i iHi.ycstie :(. ; uistuinu. luc:.ctifti aialJiuoHi col,urii. v \c; ‘ _ l*ia Carils. II.U IS J < ».)i m-.a, ii >o iiiiorni'lti* i:-o-tir uj thii all orilar'ln: u>»’.V«iri]<;il ■ ••••■ <•" itiitno 1.1 ntldiiiiiii umlji- hbov<* arii* • .•■•u. im r,, t -i »r\v mid inViry mill " * i'*i.ryiijfi»u’iitiiiilbi , .1 j ' ■ T-i/itiw’ Our ?liirr.? ' (l> * • in.«.ri.tii;» vi IfmiroiiA'ivrr ■ * ‘'Vi i oj.. :; ;:.r mmliior v. i«yl» PliUri,Unit,rtiumieu* ‘ ,!11 t-inMiiiv -mu-.'. 1 >it. •*;(it. unit co»!iiwii*;«vprv film- m.inii.. U..- W-.cU. ' liAliibi- U.rlt ii.-K-i. (j,. 1., >• >loi'.uiignhfln lAi-hun-c 'uiitn.VfhiU.'s Ih-u-lt. j-' c ''‘"‘i. m>on< tij'cti u' i'i o'o.'ntJ;. ami CiiiOfi Gi /V. DEa R Y , vi liOM ; s A L K Glt O C Kli,, j. ' • OBWIIIBJSG MiiaasisilliX'SESClMST, - - AM. ; : n i ' -ion, Anils, Cut tnu Varus & I'iilHliurgti . Hunuf.iciuri'A {jeneraliy, ! >•> 11' ri-n-m‘(fin. iJ* New iioukii. rr ‘ 1 l .•»! 1 •••! i.y 1 L\(if.-, ictifili)•; .Fnjjlund mul •J ..,1, (lX 1 t-r h hwirrt Aiinijicx^fc) jV V' Il Anir, ;; li. |;. .',iu|.iir u;‘ Uir-:or.' A i'rii.-ti.-iil !i\)>i- t.l .U.e «.<•> 'iV - !* of St; MuHliru' :tinl >1 .Muik, j 1 ilip |.irm i>!' 1 j ot'/rf*. .llllrmit ii 10 M'l t!.i. in-ari;i-,- ,)i' < ; ( -,nir-.! ' iiiiirtimion nudi'lcyiiiiou;. :>> Jotm lluil - 1> • In. lii.>j’. nf A’liranir.;.,! or *ali-by Kt.i.ici'J' .V F.Yf.LtMr. .M .\infkrti Jd i Vlu. u ••••vH V, tlii .!>*■» n» On- .i-uv t-«? pn-'Vir--.:, -A;•••!■■ j' a'-* Y AiftLit «: . lien, f.n ini uml ■i'll 1 | JillYATi. ! ■'ir\v sinylo ;,rnilSH|i*ji f i m *if;:i;i mnny. i;im t-i f.ri:..«tmiu'-a».-\: lit U.Avafi Off -• 1 .'r."■ r c>; 1 " 'Vr;.. l-.iotf;lf iAceinp, Ai) CaU-'-tV// li>. n> : r i-r- : J.-:i Innji.lU litsil.c.- < IrlCAl-u * I ) K.\H >V'AI. •• i 1.v.1: ■ mV pU‘i*R''o}i L-n»iuc'ii' U- t" U.K-fnmtSimiltflrM, i : „. | .n.i 'i.’iK'ty m il 11 nv:r n(. i:.c | li-n.Jorly occtipiod, \i lii rp I .mi j’li’j'uiini to do Im-jiifu p. 5 ijiiun| . .;V ’ ;«•! . . "‘I-nXAKIiCff^onTXiX.. 1 ” r.r ; v :r ’ v/ww^T- O UtiAH \ O. ,'ui.t rvr’il turd Vor sain i,J : &. Hi;umß'j>jspx asul lOjili ly StCjw, oaiimiil mid for »m< »y ' fcbS * ' •_ /'lAaSKit AffiST A-VOUI»S?;aN<: •ik I-Stbf. A. 1).- •y ilie OK;z»-i‘*of AN ORDINANCE, nxu.v ii:.icc;u£\v - ■ , jFOB CINCINNAtL - . ►v The fast rumting steamer r‘;.:.... V2f -COLORADO. * > .:- , ; , ' v ' | -. : 3n - Gonuly, ma-ner. will lenvo. u ebevok’ ilTß'.i iHf7-.VgKßtliia day at 10o'clock. For frcirhloe board. • ..... .V .- fsoSS' si', l.ol'is it ILLINOIS lUN'ER~PACKET.7 r “ - A-i..; i ~ . Tim new and splendid steamer... ' • * GENESEE, . =, . |u f R'AI Hauler,' master, will leaTO. for CTi, * 1 yrTi7n..iJTr-ibovc and intermediate ports on Toe** cny the ihhl ttuL nt 4 o’clock, r. a. For freight er pas ynso apply ou l-oanl.or to ’ J NEWIDN JONES, ■ . .’'‘b'-'l “ j - Monongohela House. ' V;*, fGit CINCINNATI AND LuUfSVUT.F- ~ Z/s?: tv Tbo new and fast steamer . LADY BYRON, : . ' MiHcr, master, will for the ahov» »SStEisSaSp6rt ou this day nt ltl-LX. For frekfcl or pmsaire apply on board.- ; • feblvT* ’ . • FOR NEAV“ORLI^NST - t v Tke Cue meamer ■ . . SAVANNAH, • Penmwti. miuier, will leave Urfa t | t .y lor aliove amljtll imenaediue .{’oriK. ho? fruiybt or pa*»aire apply on board. . fcbU ULXi'Ui.AR' PAt^^F-i-ojrsuKnsir —'' Tins new and lut steamer . ■ C>VELt.SVILLJrI ; Ranies. masicr, will. leave for abpt« EfiV.' .V..U'.attntl all iuVcnnedJute porta on Wednea* i-n> « nnu saiurdayii of each weflt. For freicht or oaa* *air« apply on board or to • r ; OEO B AHLTKNBERGER, AgH.'-? U'AifASIJ^IUVKR 1 FACSKT. ' 'Flic drought steamer • ■■•niy Wm J Kouma, corntnauder, will leaf* on Mvndr.y ibe Till liul. For freicht or paasan tapir or to , J SEWTON JO.NES,, . l ilotiongahela Hooap.'i« ' FOR AVABASH IUA'EHTT . Tv *Thc newaml licht dmopht neamboai .* . A. Milter, nuuter, will., leave: for iha ' "" r “ l '**'* rabove and all tiitermediate ports oa Sunday, the o:h mm, at 4 o’cloek. eu. For frciehl or jiDnaige apply on bourd or lo jebU._ _ GKO H.MILTENBRROER, Agent 1 rnTaiJURtSH* & Aviiwn.[Na"pACKur“ T *“ /f i.fti.— rv Ibo swift rtenmer ■"■••• ,: » i. - .CONOTIV" O'lHi-jj 1 Dorsey P ISBritv. nmw, win lesvo mid Fndsjr'.atltt ! lilts Coiipul will lurid at all ilic ialejtaediate l.vrry accomodation that can be pro|jZtred for Bm com orl nii't fsicty of PaaM’nccM.hasVeeTrirovided, Tb* ' Imat i* nl«o provided wijTi a aeh-actii*safetY cuard » . nreinii t-xplooiona. For freight or paannpj iapply-oa : bourlurto i DAVID C HkluW^ X ' - -JiVi--. • corner of Ist aad Smilhfieldsts LA-crry packct l .- ' i>-. tv The new Ucnmer . . w i : - despatch, - - . n T,^S r ’ js'stawi \vi.m7Ji p I’m>n>un 0 -ti y t T( . r7 iloftdar \\-ed..ewla> and Friday, -at o’clock, Mck - h.-la uiy C vrry Tliebday. lhur*’ and Saturday, boUrd! ' ’ . For Irc^l «' P<*W «^ob. EmiiMiphed a imrchouac in ibe 1648. (ortkemiia js.-c m Cily.and interior Trinku wiih . I’KI.YTJ:u C.U.ICOI>S IaCLUSIVEI.y,. at - . luif prirps—tmii pj|ijbiiiny,n( ail leaiana of ihr ye«r~ib® intrife*! A«oorttnent ia T THE WOULD, Tuiiy, nre !>o\vc;«iuug Several lluiidred P»Bka»i«*_- ■•oui|>n«ing evcr)' nen- Piy!c of Foreign ' aa d twJS.:- .paxlnciioii, many of which have jmt'Wa mid are oilrml for -file tor Cn*!i nnd sh, )r » C iPdH«i a ’‘ ' FIUCES ItKDUCED h * • FROM ; j ONE TO FIVE CENTS I’niATWAHKHOUSE, ) - i- '- •• • - irt&it ;■ | £UXDAV KJflOOi; DOOKtfZwa Tmv.-; —“—**• SSSSW3& sEl«ioi». » JJ&SW* “' W** •a tone vuriely d fai '*, „ “",^ l ‘"C" 1,1 i,, v,, av„„X oan“‘;, oh. "A »»jUi n t f 1 me - A '«*» gs.ssifefer,zssfgsgr : v : >V„. Knr Book*". , ——--?• .nfihw ■ s •Aflvw.iurrt-.inWexjfoundiJjVltbckylrtMf.i^U^Jl ipoo.l-: Roxtnn, g«a- r q Kr^iT,.-,?^?*****?by-' aCftl Society, Ac, ic? •♦■ r • * “® o«Oftaf£r£ 'l&s&^pfish&jb : I >^.’3SSS& S mt* M * dl «S4 - r -V. 1 o STEAMBOATS. CIXCIVSATI&PITTSBCRGH DA rL'Y" P A CK ET t iN E. nrtJIIS wc» known line ot*ptendl«l P**W»|?f X ulcil tor pa*- stiijjrrs. The Line ho* been in operation for a** —lni' carried n million of people without the least inju* rf io j*r?oiiK. Tire, mu?* will be at the fool .of Wootl Ktrer; the day previous to starting, forth* rr*ej>» tion ot‘ ircii*Li nrul the entry of passenger* on the re***- ter, lit ell c&ie* the passage'money most be paid ia advance. \ • • 4 SUNDAY PACKET. ' ' The ISAAC NKUTON, Capu A. G. MWV* jl Icnvc'i’ict.-'bui’Kb ever)- Suiultty taomiug at 10 o'clock; \\ heeling evt-rj - Sunday eveciuir at 101*. at, ' • ilavvy, l:-4T. , MONDAY PACKET. The 'sl OXO.NU A! lEI iX, Capt. Stoss, will leato Via*- borrh every-Monday tuocoiug pt 10 o'clock; Wheel® j *-vc>y Monday evctimg at 10 r.x. . - _ TUESDAY PACKET. . Th« HJiIKItXIA No. a, Capu j. KLrmnxr**, will •leave I‘jtul.uryh even- Tncrday morning at 10 o'clock; Mlieciuig every TueMloy evening at 10f. u. ; itsdsessatplcset. - The XBW KXGI-ANB-No. U, Capt. S. Dkaj*, w«U !.:ivk Pittsburgh every. Wedneaday•, morning el 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Wolneadnycveiiiug at .THURSDAY PACKET. ‘ > ‘The 151ULL1ANT, Capt. Cucc. will leave Pitta-. lioru-h every Tbiir*day morning at 10o’clock; Wheeliaf 'everyTkuwday cverungotlOr. - FRIDAY PACKET. ' TheCLIWTR So. Croon, ■will leave Pittv burgh every- Friday; morning at 10 o'clock; Wheelia* every Friday evening at 10 p. at.. SATURDAY PACKET. The CaptTS. iteo,\nll (care Rtta.' every morning at lOo'elock Whetting every Saturday evening at 10 I’.st.i' • s - BEAVER PACKV7TP—NEW . ABIUNGKMEXTS. •: j. K • • • •; The ideuner • , - • fT-' V'r ,ft • . COPE, .. will leave for Beaver. Glavraw and m. Toerdmy, Ifcundajr, mid Snturdny, of ench week, at 9 o'clock.*. *. return, iiijr on .\*on«kiy,' \VedisC«suy'and Friday. Abekas* ton: a; the Imidni? bcfcvceu Wood atreet auil the brUje, Drciiored lo rcceivrfreighu at anr time.. 8/X W. lURBAUOH, Asti. • No' 33 Wood ot BEAVER AND'YPI2LLSVILLE PACKET. T .. _• l. The fine steamboat * . HEAVER' •' ChcrieaJi Clurke,n:avtcr,"win, during comitir winter season, make daily, trips to Heaver and Wcltsvtlle, leaving Pittsburgh efi> ry morning at u o’clock, and WelUr'ilie at 3o'clock,», x. deem : - G. fIL IiARTUNy ACOy Affu.‘ • iW«. • ■ ~ r- r/’i BM PITTSBURGH & BHOWNBYiJiUfi Dally Packet LUu,' ISJb ■FEBR'JARY Ist, 1348 'LEAVE DAILY ATBA. fti, AND 4 P. AL. . • z l -: K. ‘Tlto following new boils complete tito line, for Vae:present aensom AT ■ ImVNTIC, Can. James Pnrkintoitt graKft.aililaHALTlC. CapLA. Jacobs; and LOUIS AI'LAXB, Cum. li. Der^ettThe -boat* are entirely ticw, oiul are UUed Up without regard to expense. Ev ery comfort thnl t& con procure bat been provided* The Boat* will the Monctigahela Wharf Pent ml t!ie foot of Kora,cl' . Passenger* will i>e punctual ax board, or the- boats will certainly leave nt lie adver tised hour*, o'A- IT- oiuM F, M" JanU .* ' FOR ST. LOUIsf ’ The new and splendid steamer. ! DOCTOKFRANKUN. . John W.VcLnne \ aster,willleave for &ni ) (iitcmediate porta, on Sat urday. 4lii inrL tit 4 o'clock, PM. For freight otpas su-e apply on board. ur to 3. NEWTON JONES, ijo- IHHlgUilrla House. _j. • ' ■ - •' ■ FOR ST. LOUIS. ,rk ; The new, splendid end Gut tunaiog * i*! - - steamer • WTYOtsiNCi, Greenlee, master,will leave'for above ■ttESESSSSSQuiiri intermediate ports ou Thursday, the iM in»t: ut IU o'clock; For freight or passage, ap ly onboard or to GEO B WIL’iRXBEIUiEB, Agent • inrirJ FOR - W'ABASfI TUVEU. ' ►. The new and substantial light draught steamer- . CBmß&SmSbßcii. Reno, Master, will leave for La Iniyriic and iutennediulc port* on Wednesday, Ist of March, ut 4 o'clock, P. AL Fur freight or passage ap. pty on board, or (o • •J. NEWTON JONES, Agv feb'iP - , • Mouongnhela 11 o nae.> FOR ST. LOUIS. v.' -The new and tnogniliccni steamer •JL AVALANCO •'>:>:•#£ Cjpt. WTlliams Master, will leave Bf'ffi.YaiLritffltH for alxrre-ar.d intermediate Pont on Tuesday tint the 29th inst st 4o'clock IV M. ..For .freight or pa.*»ngupply ou board oh to.. • JSllri'L J. NEWTON * FOR NASHVILLE. ►. ' The nentandsubstantial low wulrt •'ji. . {s} klcmuLoat . • , i ' HUDSON, -n ii’/TT Poc. Alostcr. wUI leave for tbs nlinvi- aml'intr, incdiate portsouTl.ursday at 10 o'clock* Fur freight or passage npply on board, ur to , R'NVIJJONS. Agent k ' Tbc fast nitminff ateanter ' •• '• PAULMOUNT, • _ Fot. master, will Icava tu above, ck Kr *-' nt 10 atPoaitivelT* lot freight or pusVage apply on board, drto fcfci? _ . , D. WILKINS, Agt" ; TOR J«T. LOUIS.. >. Tbe'Kplemlid ateatnr.r • *. . nOltilUT FULTON, ■ . Collm. Master, will leave'fop t&a tAkL'.i .ftrSiffi 1 niibovc and all intemediate ports, tlti* day- at KP otibek ' For freight or passage: apply oa hoard' , - . . tebCiO • PHINTS ONLY. ■ 4-1 ' CEDAR ST., NEW YORK. LEE & BJIBWSTER