The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 02, 1848, Image 1

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/. .-TAMEST PAL2KLL, Wholcsale Gtocer, Commission
v Merchant,, and. dealer. thProduce and’Pittsburgh
Manufacmfcs. No.'tH,Pittsbujgh.' jnnlu
• V '3,
■I I- a Kinttmaa. '
‘.TjKYrtOLDS fcSHEE, Forw*rdin? ftadConunu.ion
- j rot thn AUcKbcnyßiTcrT™<lc, denier.
,• ! Cjtftoerjkfc-i^wlßce,• Pitubnrfh tnd
I’CUoride of Lime,
!. ®*,Mjl*erprieee. in euh, pnldnl .** tta„ for «mn
• 1 fag*. Corner of ,P«m end irwria «u, ’■ - JanSJ •
E ’CaKPORD & Co., CommiMMMi .Merchant*.-Lib*
■•nf.sU'Oppoute gtaiihCeliL Dealer* in.. Moor,
- M*jS WjljieWijjdM Sutler, Laid, he,'.. -. -.tpiMr*
da/' '/'rj,
“:;;:PEieE : dollars.
• A Ni4t)N',.LAl , JiAllA: Collide and Leather Deai
• >A'«r*.sfcl*ciTT *t-fSew'A'ork.‘
• ‘^erOß3«c»T*J o^o er Fittsburgh; E* Leviek A Co.
t-^CoaidjrnrrKT) l » orWesteml/Cather solicited, and lib*
eraTaJvaiicti ntade.'if required. ~ - ft IrlxlOm
A LEXAXDKR GORDON, Commmion and For-
A- v ardiniUerebatf,S4 W aicr and IUS Front »ts
-4 fttt*b<n*fr •"•■•« . - tachll
i 'nVOOD. JONKytCo. Commission and Forward*
_AjinirlM e **hantji; havoretarned to their old atand,
Water and Front rtreebu-Pituburgb ceßti
*T2siHicsTftat»v ■-••■* ■• .. • oxorgk aErrtn.
Retail Dnia?f*t».
hOdorfercfUbdrty and St. Clair street*. Pittsburgh,
yLT , . _ «?>IL
/. ctumsos;: . • -i. - • . st. »-** oMf *
i DROWN A CULBERTSON. Wholesale Grocers,
Jj and ComthUaiott Merchants No. 143 Liberty*
pisrf>anrh t .{■ :. i -ocaur^
1> -A. FAHNESTOCK A Co„ Wholesale and Retail
jKDruggists, cofaer Wood and Cth st*. _ _ iyL
'TQAOAI.EV' A SMITH, Wholesale Grocer*, 19
■t* Wood wrcatj Pittsburgh.
C" 'A. McANIiLTY A Co-forwarding and Coraau*-
**iOß Merchant*, Canal llsurt, Hlttuorgh, i
C; ORLANDO I.OOMlS.'Attoroey« Law, office on;
• 4th Urcd-abora fapithficld. opul) .
,?»Ki CotX3U?Uv r*- v.iujlwa*
, /^OLHAIANj It AKSIAN, Co-*ltanijac tn rers «t;
'V Carriage Springs and AaJe*,‘A. a. and SpnngSteel,
and deulers in Coteli Trimmhum of every description,
t tnumihcioryoa Bti Clair at .WarehoaK .Cl W ood st^
1 tffPtyitc St. Charles Hotel.' '-" • • - ' _ l a Urj—
j . joint cxaaox j:. • ... *• *• '
CARSON A McKNJGnT f .<«eec**or* to H. C<>w!er
A Co-) Wholesale Grocers, ComruiMion and r or
• warding Merchants, dealer* in Produce and Pittsburgh
Manufacture*; Sixth atroeti between Wood and Liljeny,
Pittsburgh, Ft ■-oc\U ■
!-/V YKAGEB, Importer and Retail
. v/.dealer in Faury and Staple Variety Goods,jigtrof
, the Gilt Comb, IGS Market *L, neat liberty, Pittsburgh,
ft, '■ . oetll ■
jAMta nmcLor. - Musioasima. -
iSUNIAiP A SEWELU attorney* at Law, offices on
L/Stnithfield, between 3dand4th«ta. ■ . ,
*P\ V AKD • HEAZ LCTON, Whole»l* firocer, enrt,
of second door from Diamon Alley,
tsborgh. . ’ . ;
Wholesale Grocers,dealers
juProdaee audPittfbnrgh Manafactore*; eomerof
).»tocrty and Hand *ta, Pituburxb, Pa.' : feM7
i T!IKD LISIIA Qate English, Gallagher.A
UyholcaaJeGrocers.Commissiotiand Forward*, and dealers Id Produce and Pittsburgh
® 4 *W between 2d and 3d^ts.
Pi2w,*ff e of
FoonhsU, benreen ChtHjT and Grant
*~al>ra l-—■ ■ . jauxswoo®-
-■Ct.RUSNA . RHCT. A Co, fnTSrirh^
JC-iOo«nj)asion. Merchant*,.
{Couah’.Yaro*, Nos. 67 Water,•a£i~ Frtal * u '* < s?l u
F :BLUME,*‘Plaho Forte httatUhhMwSjil* l * l
*tn Musical Instruments,ll2 Wood
jacosroasrra. : i.. .-joua U.. * y.«. i .l;’„ n .
EORShTH A : Co,; Coaurduion and FoiV*™ 411 *
Merchant*, No. 3U Water at, Pittsburgh.
.VA F»nind<r%.< iyv?T Ga* litter*.-100 Front,-,
Wood and streets, Pittsburgh, Fp-
JTrHigheat price given for old Copper and Brass,
• cso/bosoax: -•••- - watkxXjlH r*i.vua.
GEORGE MORGAN A Co-Wholesale Grocer* and
/ILORGE A. BERRY, Whohtsalo'GrocerMd Co™'
1 \Jmisffion Merchant,amldealerin Piodurcandruts*
burgh Mannffieturcs.l • NO-12 Wood cl. F^ttsonrga.
’ • exo. yv. catxn.. - ;.-!i . » ».n.nnoWß. •
GEO.-W. ShllTil A £rewers,- M: lster*, nnd
dealers in Hops, Pittsbhrgh and Feint Breweries,
'Penn and Phiat». •■ •■ ,-V - ■ ' • ■ ' !«• ■
VS FORGE COCHKAN,' Conuhiskion and Forwarding
Wood*treet,PittebnTgiU tny!7 .
VTiarttY WOODS, Brickmatcr, Monongaiela Riv*
~i~» et: 'All orders puasjiuallj filled."AddreM-fcy let
‘^ughtha-l*oit Office. ;
HILARY IinUNOT3VIi« and Red-Limd.'?lumi-‘
. fitctnrer, Palfttand Oil Merchant; comer of Luxt'
<yandO'ilara sta, Pitubargh.* .. ,j • •* ' .
’*• taifxn tirsKri •' • t •••• - basest DtcxKt.'ia.
J : mia*foQ Merchants; and dealer* in Produce; Nos, SC
Water,nndlo7FroaletficiftPittsburgh. nor;}
O Lewis Hutchison A'.Co, Ceramist ion Merchants
and . Agent* > of .the 8l Louis Steam Sagar Re'
Goer}.' lio, 45 water mud 92 front ctree tv Pittsburgh.
J,. R. BLACC, Merchant Tailor, Exeliongeliaildidgt,
,Jst. Clair »L, Pittsburgh. / I •- jtUlttt
-'TOHNB.EQLWORTH—\YboIesute Grocer, Produce :
t) nud Commiwiou Merchant, No. 27, Wood
Pittsburgh. • - - • • ' janl _
TOSEPII.KNOX, Attorney, at Law.-PitjtbUrgh. Piu,
tl, has resumed the practice of hi* profession tn hi* of
liUlcnrefl's llaildiurs, Grant it-, occupied;
.during hi* absence, by T.!.'■ litgitam;and I. Christ?,!
Esq*. ! * -- . - . jaSd&vrtf_
.TOHN JJ. MORGAN, and deol
*J cr in Bye 6tUIEi I PainU T Oila l V«mi*ha* r
WoOd *heet, oue.aoor South of Biamond Alley, Pitts*
•burgh-’ 1 V ••••'' . ' jonl ~
TAMES KERB, Jr.,; [«lpce**or to Joseph D.
U O. Davi*,] Ship Chandler*, 3S Water street. oc3l.
JOHN a MELLOB, Wholesale tad Retail, dealer
in'Mnsie and. Musical Instruments, School Books
Paper, Slates, Steel Pens QuilL,.pTinien’ Canlt, and
ftaOaaary generally, No. el Woodst, Pittsburgh. -
ttU7?Baff» bought or taken m trade., - : . ~ sep!s
JOHN ‘SCOTT 4 Co., Wbolesalo'Groctraj Forward*
inrand CoKmussionMerrhants.DealeTimProduce,
and’Pitubargb Slanufactare;No.'7 Commercial Row,
liberty iLnear the Canal/ Pittrtmigh, Pa. octlg-’
‘ BCHOONUAKER dt .'VVhoieule Druggists,
■ No. flt Wood atraet, .Pittsburgh.- - 1
JOSEPH JORDAN ; fc - BQN>~ Cotmnt ssion and For
warding Merchanu.- No.'lS liberty »t., (opposite
Smlthfield «t_) Sampson* Row. -• .. janß
JOHNL. GALLATIN, Attorney «r Law, .Office oa
4th »U between Grant atuLSmithfield, Booth aide,
Pittsburgh/ also attend promptly
In the adjqming counties..- • ’ 0c33-iy
[OHN D. DAVIS, Anetlooeer, corner sth and Wood
Wftodsts,Pittsburgh.- - • ' ■ octS.
TQUNBTON & STOCKTON, Bookseller* Printers,
'V'Dil Paper 1 M*jiufectnrerv-Np. <4Market tuPita*
•burgh.' ' ' jefl
J.L. RKAJB’SBobk Store, 4ta, dear Market street
• Clk«ieai,Tb*ologienl, Historical, School, Miscel
■laticons, shd Methodist Book* and-Stationary. »p3B'
JW. ROBERTSON’ ACo, Banker* and Exchange
» Brokers, comer of Wood and M Sts., Merehaai’s
Howl Building* Pittsburgh, Pa. ' '
fTTCcrrcncypiirchaiied at the usual rates. ocfl l
TOUN GRIER, Wholssak Grocer.dealerJn Produee.
U.Pittsburgh Manufactures, Tui Plates, Ac., Am, No,
ifiB liberty at, Pittsburgh. - ' '."• ■■ , jaod
I ;"j<ant rum.. arctuus rum.'
JABFLOYD, [late I J. Floyd * Co.,] Wholesale
s Grocers, No. Ha Liberty street . wp?
i VsiDTtas lron Works,
X JSYVT& DALZELL manafactorers of ail n*
■ j m» Bar, Sheet,!Boiier iron and Naila of the best
S.- Warehouse; 54 waler-&ndlttsfrontal jalP
. vVaTERMAN, IVbolcsalelirocer,,Forword
r and Commission Merchant, Dealer in Pitts*
Mknufaetureiand Produce, SotilU Water st,
aod~ttl Fr»at at ‘J{,. ‘ - >•1 - r • ' ' jit
T AMBEBT k BHIPTOX, Wholesale Grocer* Kor-
I'i warding and Commission Merchants, dealers in
Produce and Pittsburgh Manhihemres, Not. 13 and 135
v febS3
Tk}fEßCfcß,"BltOWiTttfe fc'tV Commission Mrr
m chains, Philadelphia, for the sale, of produce gc*
nrmllr. < liberal advances made on consignments. ,
■ftbS-wa. • . .. • ■ -C.;.: . .
jas. s. K’ono_ * a. uratrcxtn. waj-ttb a. ant,
•VfcGiLL. BUSIiFIELD & ROE, Wholesale Grocers
XT I and 'Contmissiea. Merchants, No: 134 liberty st,
lntuburgli- ~ jydl
m. jLtxnx. - r aucx. jtwic* vnt, k. shuck.
M- ALLEN A Co-TTGommission and : Forwarding
, Merchants, Witerand Front between Wot*!
and Market «ts.‘ . V janS
MILLER k lUCKCTSON,' WhoIesaIe Grocers and
Commisjioti Merchants, No. 170, Liberty Pitts*
burgh. Pa. - . —• * • -,-jiinl4
’K/f cCQRO A KING, Whdlasale' and! Retail Hat and
J_Yj_,C#p iianufitcturers. tuid ddalcr* in -Faney Jftir*
-corner of Wood and Fifth sts. __ ion
URPIIY, WILSON k Co. Wholesale Dry. Goods
/DealcryN'o. B Wood st. Pitts b&rgh. ’ • scpiS
N HOLMES k SON, No 55 Market st, second
• door, from corner, of. Fourth, dealers in Foreign
and Domestic Bills ofKrchonge, Certificates of Depos
■ it,BankNotesaUdSpecle.
- JjirCoJlecUons inade'oti all lhe principal ernes
throughout the Unkod fetates; - -'- : decl*
ORUhI, jMcGRKW.dc Cod Prodace, Forwarding; and
Commission Merchants, N6..GCommercial now,
iai»eny stf PaJ. •: - 'f splT^
Tky. iwnbtrndu '< ~a. 'ctxmzMoJr. c. a, aiun.
TJOUVBEX'ftiK k Ctx, IVholesgla Grocers alrf Com-
X: nsstoa and Forwarding MctthKntsj'No. 41 Water
atrest. ->r . • • .-decSl '■
*P fcCom-
AUamua Merchants, No. 100 Second at., Pittsburgh.
KICILUUMT. Liaxilj Jr^lmporteraodDcalerin
’• re te'* n i* Oon>e«ie HwiakrT,‘Hardware and
lAimge of Wood.
st, Pittsburgh. .. . - np4s.
BARD, *ad Retail Dealer ia
Leather, Morocco, Shocmaken* Tools and Find
and Cutler* 1 TooU/spjd Twiners’OU/
No.loo Wood st, Hittsbargh. - • Wj-; • . sejilij •
»o»£K’ BOWXSOSi • ■
tiargh Manalhetnrss, No. ltO-lJhcrtjr «t, Pituburgh,
fP— • ' ~ janlO^
‘T> OBBRT DALZELL * 00, Wbolesoie Gtocefs,
JrvCommnilsuon and Forwarding Merchants, dealers
’{• Prodoee »fld Pinsburgn Manutaetares, liberty st,'
.Pinsbontbi Pa. * '■'*• ’ '
T>o#T.: A* udKNLNGUAJL WbolesaJe Grocer',
XV Dealer id Produce and Pitliburgk Manufactures,
■ No. 144L»heny>t . \ ’ iv!2
• TkOBEBT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Beetifying
XVih*tiller, dealer inJVoduee, Pittsburgh Manafac
tarta. and all kinds of Foreign>tnestic %41nes
jnud listers, Nadi Liberty . ;
-tCF/ell. On hand a very largestockofsuperior
OUAbttodnhela \Vliitker, which will be sold low for
. ••• : •• • • myfl3>ly •
SHACKI.ETT ■ & WIIITIV \Vho’i««a}< lh-al-r* in'
Koiriffn anil Domnnic Pry Goods, No. fiy Ww4 nt.,
Pitusurgb. , __
S '*fc W. MAUHALOH. Wool McrclTa.iu. JVnW* in
• Flour nml l’rodupn ppnemllr. nml FonT'irJinrnnt
Commiui'm Mprebonu, So. tVoiv! m.. I’m -Viit./h,
Smith; n'X'n'ALfcYTT
I‘nxtuee No. 2l’l Market sure t,bcHv*{-!t Oih
ant fUJu North *idr. I’hiladelphin. " tiov- 1
r. tttitw. rtm>BfKtiTt. jxn. *rctn.%. vsbvmm:.
SKldJlilf* 4. NICOI.S. Produce and Genera! Com
roiMinn Merchants, N«> IT Liberty M, Pittsburgh,
rtperntj Linseed md Lanl Oils. jt2J
SC.; to Hill fc.lirownr) Importer'
• and manufacturer of Paper Hangings ruid Horde r«,
md dealer in writing,-printing, and wrapping 1 taper.
ST Wood Pittsburgh, P*. Rags nnd Tanner - /* *cntp«
purchased at the higcn« market-price. • tn 7
S . F* VON IIOXMTaRST, A Co. Wholesale’Gm*
• cer*. Forwarding and Cotnrui«*ion Merchant-*
Dealer? in Pittsburgh Manufacture* and Western PriJ
doer, hare removed tp theimew (old stand)
SAMUEL M. KIEL Forwarding and CotrlmiMion
.Merchant, Draler in Produce and Pittsburgh mitim
taetnnwl articles, Canal Hasia. near 7th tt. d-Jl
f pA!*«5Y * REST, Whole,ale Orders and ComndT
-1 *ion Merchants, and dealers in Produce. No.:a'
’< ood st., Pittsburgh. ;
JL luw, and Dealer in Clocks! Combs, and Vorietv
corner of \) ood and ronnh sts. jJ9 *
t, ri ‘Fotismi. m fumviit..
1' ' F' 3t Co.. Commission .Merchants
dealer* in Salt. Lnmhe.r, Groceries. Produce and
I'litnuunjh Manufactures, Canal Dana, liberty street.
PUUburgh. . ; _ VeM, '
WEST llOWEN—Commiaaion anti ttForwnnling
Merchant, No. W), Front St- between Wood
and Market streets. . fehtH
VV .] nL ?■ M.cCUTCHEOX, Wholesale Grocer*,
n-"u* j, m *!* Froducc, Iron, Nails Glass; and
Put,bqtgm Manulacttire* generally, 121 Liberty street,
Pittsburgh. ■ •’ - jy io
W,CK * —. SIVH) HCASDLXsfc-.
Ic M’CAXDLESS. (suce-Msor# to 1- k, J. D.
TT Wick.) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
CommiMion Merchants dealMu in Iron, Nails Glass
Cotton] y ams and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally,
eomer.of Wood and Water streets PitL-dmrglt
"XTr* ] R. EURPIIY inrite, the ladies to call and ex*
TT «. amine his stock of French Worked Collars
fomc as low an 23 cents. ‘ mchPl_
TTrilfrilOßE & WOLFF, Importers u*d Whole*
TT *aj f Dealers In Hardware, Cutlery, SaddJery,
&c. NofpQ Wood street. Pittsburgh. • ' ap3j
W: W. WALLACE. Mill stone nnd Mill Furuish*
• inj establishment, No. 214 liberty si, neur the
catial.i mortS
AIT I O.'H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Imw, basic*
if • Burred his office .to the Exchange Building*. St.
Ciatr next door’to Alderman Jones. apAl4m
W-.M.' GARRARD, Dealer in Funcy aud'-t* tapis
• Dry Goods No. 7B Market street, Pittsburgh.
UQTI3-dly , . ' ’
Tjrrt W. WII.SON, Dealer in Watcher,'>eMxirr,
TT J Silver Ware,'Military Goe-Jr, 4c-No. 57 Mar*
•fceleif ■: -• • - • ■ . - nov"
\hf- ‘R* MpItPHY. Who'.esate end Kciaihlea'.c: ia
TT • Foreign and Domestic, Dry Goods northeast
corner of Market and Fourth sts. ' r.njrtl
J"; ARYAN, • Rectifying DietiUer. an\l \Vholr«:t!o
• dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wine, and Li*
oaors,!No. 114 liberty street, and 5a Diamond Alley,
rittibiirgh, Pa. jyl7-dly
WARRICK MARTIN A Co.. Pnnkcra, Dealer, in
Exchange, Dank Notes and Coin, corner ofThird
mid *Y«jod rreets, Pittsburgh, Po. no?Pi-dly
n. w. win.iAX*. ' rev. it. rm.v:,-'
TYT'II.LIAhIS & SHINN, {successor* to Lowrie r.nrf
■f T Williams,) Attorneys and Counsellors si i,*\v.—
Ofcc« Nt»rth side of Fourth street, above r'raiihileld.
Ibbl74fcvly •
Wit. TOU.yc. JSO. JL K’Ct'Mw
Trrhl. YOUNG A in L-ntbcr hid* *, ic.
' W 143 Liberty at : j»;w:ly
•nr,k M. .Mli’CHELTitEE—Wl:i>;-.Mile Groce:*.
yV',:llecitfyln£r Dijttllers, and Wine and Ltip'or
Merehant,. also, lmporjcrs of SkxJa'Ath uhd Plcaf’ibig
Powder,'*No. 100 liberty «t. Pittsb'g, ba. ja.s^Hy'
FIiSTEIL Agent ior ilexican roldter,
procuring pensions, at tlie office of Wm E Ati/.ti-i.
Park's buiiJinirs, <ui st, litwburgh.. fcl^i
OBLhCKHURN & Co., Wholesale Grocer? and
dealers in Oils, IJm.l Store, and Pittsburgh Ma*»*
utacturtd articles, hav** on hand, at ait tunes: u full am!
general assortment of goods in uieir line, Water street.
1 pear Cherry A Hey, Pittsburgh, i • anKl
OAVlli W BELt. V- AUiKJt>'o‘x J. LSLL.
D. W. A At?*. JiliLL Attorney* at Law. office in
Stewntfa Gliding, Fourth td n second door above
Pittsburgh. Pa.
D. Dell, Comiui»tio:icr to take Depontions. Ac*
of Deeds, and other instnnn*-i::M of we;,
ting, to be ttsed in Missouri. ' iivK'-tim*
JOHN M. Dniggnt and Apothecary,
No. 45 Mark‘s* at., three doors above Third si., Pit’.*-
bnrgh, will have-eou»iaiitljr on hands well selected a«-
aortmeat of the b*;»l and treshest Medicines, whirh he
will sell -ou the L'tutt reasonable terms. Physician*
sending, orders, wilp-he prompUf attended to. and sup
plied with articles the 7 may rely upon as genuine.' :
DZ7"Physieianj* Prwc.riPtimts will l/e accurately and
neatly prepared from the J»*>t materials, at any hour of
the'dayior night
Also t(or sale, a large stock tf fresh and good Perth*
mery; I ~ •. jont
*VTr >V. WILSON'. Watch Maker and Jeweller, ror-
TT • nerofttb and Market sts. A large and well
selected stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, and
Military-Good*. •Always on hand, sad ai re (Tula r eas
terti pnee*. Cold Patent Lever, fall Jewelled Watches,
A* low it* ■'£49: Silver do, Watches,.?* low s* SIS. , *
Genuine Cooper, Tobias. Johnson qud oilier app roved
nia£a«nirwatches, may be had at osraall advance
warranted. i
Watch Work dose in die very best man
ner. ( i. npi-T
£ BWEITKER, Attorney at Law,office Mst, np
• posjle St Charles HotrJ, Pittsburgh, will also at
tend promptly to Collection*, in Wi\*aiugton f -Fayette
and Grt£n countie*, Pa., f
• Bins to I
luackstoek, Kell A Co, *)
■ Church k. Carothcr*, >PiU*fcargh.
• IX T. Morgan! • j. oclMly
.*l^lJ; IIEN'RY, Attorney and Councellor at
rt.ilaw. Cincinnati, Ohio. Collection* in Southern
Ohio, vehd in Indiana, arid in Kentucky, promptly mid
caretolly attended to. Commissioner for the State of
Pennsylvania, Hot taking Deposition*, acknowledg
ment*, .f c. ' .
REnaUto—lion. Wa; Cell k. Son, Curti*, Chnrch
Carothcriy Wm. Hay*, Willock Davis. • a 23
EAGLE COTTON WORKS. Pittsburgh, .Manufoc
ture: iToutm Yam, Cundle Wick,
Corcrfct-Varn, l .Carpet Chain, Warps, Ac.
I* ■“ ‘ (Successors to Arbnckles k Aserj - .)
jaafl i \ 'Vj Proprietors.
AI.KDOL'X k CoJ. No. 77 Canal street New Or
■, levis,’Agents’ for It' Armani’s Extensive Steam
Sugar Refinery. Always -on hand a large stock of
Loaf Po jadered. Crushed, CJ vified and Bastard Sugar*,
In Tierces tind' Barrels. Also. Sugar House .Molasses;
- -Prices-liberal, and a fair allowance made on all sales
of,orafofrte 00barrels. ; mchll
SMITH fyCo., Brewers, Malsters,
Hop DcaJers. Pitubiirgh and Point Breweries, eorj
_Betof ifarjeer's Alley and Pean sucel, and foot of i'itl
at, Ihltshurgh, Pa. ; ; *> ;
*»V " j ’ . T. B. BISHOP, cm
’Slaewd. be (band at hisflorse Hhociug KalahiishnirriL
' JUajO near St Clair street’Bridge, lately occupied
H /T’ br Mess r«. Carr k Rowland, j nrSdlrm .
\a *i EATON, Dealer in'Trimmjnffi nnd Variety
P . Goods, Tortois Shell, Ivory and 'Horn Com)--,
Woollen! Yarns ana’. Worsteiln, Buttous, Nccdics,
Tapes, Braids, At, N*-® 3 Market street,\betwcmi Bin*,
roontl anil 4Ut st. Pi Uaburgh. jy*d.Vliy
PICKIiES AMHTIESKR VES-2 case* Underwoods
assorted; 4 cases Doughty; Jcose* pea ih Preserves;
U ease# Tomato Catsu’p; lorsale by
uvllt 1 ' ■ J. D. WILLIAMS.
KAO \VATUSHOUsS.S-TheiiiphesX piici in cnMiphid
for good clean rag*;also. ranvass.Uaic rppe. grass
rope, tagging, woollen rare, cation wunte. Ac* by
• j . . , ’ %*. W. CHADWICK,
dec24 j Wayne «tj between J'cim and_L#br rty._
Dentist hajving ruuiJfl
such amtagtiiricnta in Hi*•
Coal business that tm can devote hi* whole time to the
duties of bis profession, m sy bo seen iu biW office, cor*
aer of 4th and Decatur streets, between I Market nnd
Ferry sisl, at any boor during tae day, from H a. ». till
6r, st t j jyfQ-ly
! R- T- LEECH. JRI-.
HA VING replooiih-rd iny Mock frum l,’
ce«,}both domestic a/id foreign, 1 tokr
mmoocinr to consumer* amldealeri', i)
pared to (uruirU them with all good* m n
better term* than heretofore.
UuTen[.wil( recollect Dial dealing * ; e:
Saddlery llardware ami Carriage Triuu
thereby, Advantage* that enable me to
tion. Call, see, and judge lor yourtelvi s.
prrrrsiiußGii STiiru/ivoitKy a.'
! and axj jj factory,
ISAAC 305 ZS. r
: JOSES- fe Q.t IGG, \
MANIIFACTCKKIty of apruifC tmd llau-V
plodgh steel,l et'-el ptougii wing*, coecJi anil clijt
pc unringy, haratuered iron ail'. *, and dealer* in\ null*
leolile cajting*. fire entitle lamps. and conch
1 , comer of Tv*:* awl front eu, i'tltsbur^h,
• ■ l -r WM. ITIMBLIN,)
.■; ' ... Jhitlcr, J’a. { .
"ITTTLL; ai*o attend to col'iection* ani oil other l*uw«
I f nett'entrtmed td him in Uuilcr :i»»l Armitroitg
coantie*, I’a- Ileler to \ -
J; i KrFJoyd, JJl.erty it. t N ■-
■':s U-W
. - dly • Kay A Co., Wood«!. ) ■ j
. in.
longlU) Plough Cattingif Wigoa Uoz«
- * firm 1 oflLi. S. Hull, is iinwiufac
large quautiue* of Ploughs
Plough Cflitiisg*, .-Wagon iKixe*, ttc- with the improve*
raenu ofitbc Leaver. Peacock, Illinois and other
Plough*, of the la 4e*t and V«t pattern* now in u*o.
Wnraoduw, HU Liberty *lrce«, Pittilmrgh, opporita
the' Hay Scale; I'-'aetory, in Allegheny city, nenr the
Cotton rnbiorv ot'Alcaics lilackttock, L ell 4- Co. :
; . ' J dclsly
jjyc-'jS PFKIIH' TEA BTOIIE<-rN« TiT Fourth
ftyi tS »C, near. \ Afood—AJl quauUiie* of tirern and
*i22£jfcUlnck Ten*, dune up in quarter, Imu, tu>d one
pouito pafckageiv ranging Irorn SU cU. per pound to
- jyn A. Agt. for J’eiciii Ten Co. _
SMOKE; HOUSE—I have provided 'myself with n
good itnoke house and cureful haudf, well acquaint
ed with 100 businoM, and ant not** prepared to •niokti
leal to the enure •atuf.iciiotftof those who maj' clvu
'.a coIU. Chargea as low a# iiav house in die cii)'*
! • \kuah. SELLEKS, .
[ No. 17 I .il<cn>jd r _
> « Coaui'iiloticr of Dccdi
AT CINCINNATI.—I am (Uitiiorucdby the Ourcr
'Xt' oor «f reiuuyiv ama to take uclnifiwlcdstuenti of
of wrlUflF, si »o affidavits and dejXJSJ*
lioaa of]penoas in Ohio, to bo used or recorded IU
.PMiwyWtaia. Olhee. two doors cast of the Mayor's
° ffiC *.lP , ,* eujn * u ' ot,i o- BinVAUD 1* CRANCH, •
. Attorney at Law.
Gmemi Commlsalon end Auction
JMIK under-ipied has taken the larg- buihlinc. No.
X 1-S next door to Messrs.Oldham, Co.,'M«in
•-•reel, for Uic purpost ot sei!ing r-I! dcserintioiu ol
at-j.’tblte t>r private sain*. u» /iirected. valuable
cciivigunients for Auction Snle>* will be 1 nrunijulv nt
icmli-d to. lie will alro accept of Arenvl*-k lor Mann*
fneturcr*. ati*t will ij«* his te«! endeavor*'tor their in*
iii* fricinl? week ly or xnoMhtv. itcconi
patii/-d with check on Hank here, or Dank cheek on
Ha«trm directed. . 1
He im* rrvn-ive room* over his store iir tin sale of
Furniture. Carpetiwr. hint other bulky articles.
; \\> art- surrounded by ridciiM* population of it) mile*
or upward-, wits the most fertile soil in dm We*;, and
generally \« nrihy fnrmere.’with 23 to -it) Ti>w»< and viU
la.-ia in that distance, yet not one Cornn|i«-uon House
here. A. LE GRANDKj|
• Lurtsoro*. K>\. Jsui 21. lsl*.
.Messrs. T. Anderson It Co. )
L. L. Shrcve A Co.. (, ■ ...
G. \V. Anderson. Fjxj., | Louisville.
WRjchnrdsoit. Cnsh'r., J
Messrs; Springer A Whiteman., 1 :
“ Taylor AOdiomc, . ,
. .T. NettvCi f Cincinnati.
J. I*. Haskins j
Philip Swiften, l>q., ■)
Peter Dudley, fcsq., (.Fraiikfort.
H. I lkxliey, E*q., \
A. M. January. Esq.. iIV rTT''
Chrisiian Shultz, Esq., i Maymlle.
John H. Til ford,* A Co_ ‘
W. Unreins, A Co,
S. Swill A Co.,
John Dudley A Co.,
.M. T, Scott. Cashier,
c. Jhxrsiinwis, J. r*xuj* Savic*
iVo.ja South Wlmrvr*, and No. 117 South Water «.
" . . i’HI^ADJ-XPIIIA:
TjrXSS to tntorinthe iradc and dealer* generally, of
JL> Pittsburgh, that they linvc inndr such arrangements
with Hie Virginia manufacturers and the Grower* of
fte \Vp»i, Wwt Indies, and other places, ai will injure
n large and cuiivianiMtuply of the tallowing descrip
tion* ot ToLaeeo, which will l>o sold upon a* accom
modating terms a* any other house in this city or else
where. nml all goods onlereiUrom them will bo war*
ranted equal to representation:.
Havana; St. Domingo; .Conn.; )
Yarn; . l’uno llico; Pnnn'n.; >Sertl Taeafto*-
Culm;— Jguini A'Florida; 3 bacco;
ALSO—branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven
dish, with n large assortment of other popular brand*,
qualities of pounds. Zi, f*. ltj*. 16* and Ah, Lump;
fie, t* and Jtia Plug; Ladies’ Twist; Virginia Twist.
Ac- sweet Olid plain, in w hole and half boxes, wooa
and tm, together with every variety of article belonging
to the trade. jeltt-dly
Flonr Factora and Prodace Commission
LIBERAL cash advances made on receipt of con*
signtnent* Tboso slopping to our address will be
>ajh thrrr-foimhs value in advance i„t.,*s, iyi rply
ing to our friends, 1 ,
Jdessr*. Wallingford A Taylor, I’ilis’inrch.
Messrs. Thos. Bell A C’o_ Bridgeport,Ohio.
Philadelphia, May 5. 45. mytTT-tf
N. Jf/Ail Produce roesignedin u« i«insured when in
the Warehouse of Wallingford A Taylor, Pittsburgh, or
in our tier* in Philadelphia. C. B. A Co.
GommJiilott and Forwarding Merchant.
so. ttf Wood *x., i-irrsnLEt.ii. >
CONTINUES te transact a general Coniinisaion bu,i
tie**, especially in the purchase attdxnle of Ameri
can Munutncture* and Produce, und i;i receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned to Ills care. As Agrutibr
the Mnntiinrturrs, be will be constantly supplied vvilh
the principal univlr* of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the
lowest wholesale prices. Oiikrsiyidcsneignntr.iits are
eniimed. • j:27
Baltimore Prodnce Commlasion IloaiV.
itDWAUD CLAYTtiN. late S. Clayton A Son*. IGSJr
i st., VYLoWhIc IX-uler iu llulter, and Cara*
muaion Merchant. Having for the last ten years devo>
ted his attention to the snl-Gf Butter, will now receive
Hotter, Lard, and oiher Produce for «ate on committian,
and Sutters himself that <r«m Ins experience mid nunc*
runs shipping- rustoninrs he will be able to jive satis*
( i. tiou ic ail who may consign produce to him. Refer
Messrs.iF. V.-. Prase fc Son;
v Wm. Masor- A Son.
“ WithhiiUon !. I’.a-naan,
T. W. AG. Hopsuis,.
And ilv Sl-n-’iwnsgcurriVly. __
li.' *. CO.XV--Al. '
B.F. CON WAT 4, CO..
FOil'l S.MOITt H. Olr.a Coi,inu**iou ana Forwarding
Merchant* and Procucc D.-.ulers—uUojtCend tothc
Purchase, hale or 4 Shipment cf Pig Iron, Coil, Ac. '
Atwood. Jor.ej A Co,
iuirmr, Sterling A Co
O'rail, Lindsay A Co.,
Lyou, Shoib A Co.,
fL-te offh't brm i>i : Salooltu & :C0..1
■WlioleseJeGroeer, Commliiloo A Floor
t'TY'KALHR in all kinds of Country Produce, Copper,
A 7 Tm. Tui Plates, Ttimi’ra’Tocl*. Zinc, Lead, Russia
rineet Iron, Ijou and White Lead, ;Dyc Stuff*,.
Cotton Yarns, Salt, Aci. and Pittsburgh Manufmtlures
ceneraHy. corner of Liberty and Irwin stfecis, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
advancer, in ‘Cash or Goods, made on
contigoni'riitft of Produce. Ac; myS
r. uotura lock. c. v. stitrnx. r. b. itsxrxox.
Produce, General Commlnlon and For
warding Merchant*.
no. d-ar&ut's wnacf, ait-TOtcae.
Refer to—• . , • . .
Mrunpton, Smith A Co., j Pitub go.
Duvison, Saunders A Co., V
John 11 Randall, YBnltiiborc.
ckl> Hugh Jenkins, j ■ dAwly
- j. v. unttfXß. • c. wTircttsov.
Late of Pittsburgh. I’n. 1 jite of Nashville, Tenn.
ho. 8 rxrrvr steect, axove iboaowat, ctscntXATt. <imo.
Refer !• Merchant* generally, in Pittsburgh. spt!o
s>>. but rn Howard si tarr, below kaucut, bALTiumro.
liefer to—U. Sprigg, Esq., Cuahier, T. Cross, Esq.,
Courier, J: LandstreVt A Sou, Hi»er A iJoughcrty.Sling
luiffc Eiisey, W. k S. Wyman, Stingluff A Devries.
n2t Gm* '
03c f to sell at either establishment, all kinds of Mrr*
cliamli**, at the lowest rate* of Commission*, and are
always prepared to make advances. The best ofrefe
rences given if required. letters addressed to enter
hourtf, will to prurup'Jy attended to. [JyDOdljr -
;aji» tnmrpsox. w. it. cahmeil.
And Uattafaetnrtrs ofLtnaeed Oil,
1 No. 2U Columbia street, V
Cixcrxxan, Ohio. '
. *p2l-!y H7~Ca.<h paid for Flaxseed.-TI)
Forwarding Merchant, Urowmellle, Pa.
Attends pariiculurly to the Forwarding of Produce, Ac.
For any funoer information, apply t o FOUSYTH k
CUNCAN, Water >l-1 ocU3
Ko. 4* Water street, “ -
St. I/hus. Mo.
Will give purticulnr- attention to the selling of Pro
duce, and to orders for purchasing.
Hernt TO-r-C'corge .Morgan A Co, Pittsburgh, Ta.
*««m J __
ioll.t’ St'CfLU.T-OH. J. il'KiitlUX C. D. CrLBCSTSOX
Fohvnrdtng A- Cnmmiiilon Rereluiitii
jtuf.'T-ly* Howling # Wharf, llaltimore.
rpilC liiAoraiß-e Company of North America, through
j_ it* duty authorized Agent, the subscriber, offers m
tnako'perumnetii and limited Insurance on property, in
this city mid its vicinity, and on shipments by the Ca
uni ami Uivers.
Arthur <3 Coffin
Charles Taylor 54 *
Ambrose White
Jaeob-M Thomas
fttni’l W Jones,
Edward Smith
John II N'elf
John A Drown
Richard D Wood
John White
v~Wm Welsh
: Francis Iloskens
Thb's 1’ Cops
HrUii’l r Smith
S Austin Aliibono
Samuel Drunks
ILkxht D Siirxx££D, Ste’y
'l hi* is the oldr-st lnourwiee Company it: the United
Stale*. Imving .benti chartered in 171*4. Jin charter 1»
l-rjutTusi, arid from' n» high siaiuliug. lone Mxpeiiciree,
r.mple mentis, and ovniding all risk* of ait extra haz
ardous character, it itiay lie coaMdcred sis ofiermg am
pb» scanty to the public ATWOOD.
At the Cnintung ltt>om of Atwood, Jonej A Co.. Wa
ter and front Mre"t« Pittsbursli. fcblfitf
delawrc mutual insurance co>
J'UIIN FINNHV, Jr , Agent at Pittsburgh fi>r the Del
aware Mutual SaiLty Insurance Company of Phil
adelphia. I-'ite Ri<k* upon buildings and merchandize
ol every description, and Marina UiskifDppn hulls or
cargoes of ve.-sreU, taken upon the most favorable terms.
{,'/* Otfice in t.’m Wurehousc of W H Holmes A Dro.,
Xn.’iJ7 'Veter, near Market street, Pittsburgh.
Xll—llio xttccoss of Ibis Company since the eitaV
iiahiueltl of llie Agency ill this city, with the prompt
ne»smid iibe/aiiiy with which every claim upon them
for loss Infs been adjusted, fully warrant thu ngent in
invinng ill-; confidence and patronage of his friends and
the rnttmiumty af large to the Delaware M SJusuronre
Company, while it has the additional advantages as an
iii.oiitutioii among the most nourishing in Philadelphia—
«< haring no ample paid-in capital, wMeh by the ojw
ration of ini charier is constantly increasing, ns yield,
itig to nucii pcffan insured Ills due shuro of the profit*
of ihe. company, Wtiliuut involving hint in any respon
sibility.whatever; and therefore os possessing the Mu
t.-ml principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and
in its most utirartive form. nov-l
fPIJi- American F’lru lufurunce t.'oni|uuiy-Oiß<-'\
J_ _\ o _ Walnut sticet Pluladelpliiu: incorporated A
Lli'UU—Charier perpetual.
Insure Uuiidings. Furniture, Merchandize, and prop
erty generally, cither m flic city or country, ngain.c
loss or damage by lire, pcrpctuaUy 'or tor limited pert
ods, on favorable terms.
Hamucl C Morton
Adolphus Penes
George Abbot,
Patrick lirady,
John .Sergeant
Wiilium Lynch
Thomas AUibonc
Ji»;m Welsh, Jr.
John T Lewi*.
• SAMUEL C MORTON, President
Faxsna I) Jasvjkh, Socrctary.
OriW-, for insurance by thy nlwve Company will be
received and'insurances elTccted by the undersigned,
. ugeut f'ir Pittsburgh. GEO COCHRAN,
»ogl7-Um» gQ Wood st.
ri'ilK Franklin Firo Insurance Compnny,oCl’liilr»dcC
X pbiu, wjll tnokn Insurance, per tnaneni Olid limited
on every rlescripiioo of property, in Pittsburgh and the
surrounding-country, on favorublc tenns, jThts com
pany luu a perpetual charter. “I
Capitol, - i (100,000 paid id.
Contingent, Fund ®jOO,OOU
Olfice corner of third ami Market streets, Piusb'gh.
peace': peav
: ... Mir IX KKXICO.
'I Hr. uiu.ersigiicJ has long been il oi the
t- ,l *' t ‘es.,ity tor some medicine adi. Jie u*e of
C«.i uiid Infants to snp.'rccde thouseof uil those
fn> 'tines which contain opium, ami Wi« at length sue-,
eroded i., preparing and offering 10-the public h ir.edi
| enp: fully answering even- purpose for fill di‘cases of iho
t>ow«!|». -.viihooi ihe u/B of that deleterious drug, or any
otiuir oulcumtrd to the lea.“t. I The Infant PIUIJ
aepa hiii been fully tested aud tried. Urn Inaltwelve
mqtiih*. t.y numerous persons. un<l lo.jud to possess nit
tti'l extraordinary virtues, and to produce nil the aston*
t-imiff effects a» set fun it on the lull of directions. I)i
-iirfluea. \ umituig. Cholic. Griping. I'nlai*, Sickness and
liip.a»cs nn»i)i» front Teething, acting iintnciiiatelv
ilMiuroinj; any of the mnctulni.' of tins boify.
producing the huppict and pMn jut transition
troiii violent pent to a tranquil and joviu. slate of ftcl-
Uijr in the little sufferer. • • 1
.* lud wholesale ntid retail, oftl; 1
.rAIWAVr. Druggist and Apt
.Milchell. hliioll & Heekhani, and most
111 A>le P be "T and Pittsburgh. ,
J power. tpcurel Pntmcaoii, a'eh. 11, 1.r~!7.
a- J ' E ¥- Xlla; —My Wife has for ycnit been subject
to a eislres-tng coujrh, accompanied with asthma, for
the cure of which she used different couch remedies,
anu had the advice of the most einincm bbyncians hi
England, but oil was unavailing. Jty chance I heard
ol your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to buy
a boule for trial, although I had no belief dint anything
could remove, her complaint To my great surprise,
two doses gave her,immediate reliei. She is at limes
troubled with a cough, but two icaspouiuiiii of Syrup,
always stop* il I tuu satisfied, ut'.cr a uial of three oc
fotv year*, that Seller’s Cough Syrup is the best cough
inedicme I have ever tried either iu the Old or Now
\V*. FAijutnrKSE,.
' Seventh Word, city of I‘itubUrgH.
Ttie aboyo certificate should induce all wito ’are
troubled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrup a tri
al.; It may be bed for IS cent* a boule. ot the drug
•'"re of R E SkLleIW, 57 wood st
Sol® by Dr Casscl, Cth ward, mid D 11,Cuitt, Alle
ghtjny city. - janfl
OELLER’S VERMIFUGE.—The greatest of si
O.: Worm medicines! New Lisnus, Ouio, >
i , Jon. b, lMd- )
\lu* is to certify that oiler using different prepara
tions for expelling worm*, I bought'of C. F. Helmau. of
New Lisbon, two viuls ofll E heller* 1 Vermifuge.and
Kaye the contents of oue vial to three ‘of toy children.
Horn the first, aged 0 years, it expelled 45 worms;
from the second, !?i tear* old, 70; and from the third, tijr
Tears old, 11U; making SJ4S worms expelled by using
but oue rial. ] recommend Seller* 1 Nermifuge as a
•tip tmd one of the most effectual Worm medicines be
fore the public. Hies Mokbow.
Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, No 67 Wood
street. Sold by Dr. Casiel, sth ward; P Si Curry, Al
legheny; William J Smith, TYmperaiiceville. jaH •
1 Patent BlotY biiriVtv'l'riuin "* ' -
"M LWLY IN VENTED—For the relief and Fermartrni
J.l Care of HERNIA or RUPTURE. (Suited to nil
The superior dinar of this Truss consist in the cpm
parttiTC eua with which it may be w orn. The pad ol
wopd Icing neatly balani-cd on springs, yields to j«tev
sure on any part of it, apd thoroughly adapts itself tu
nnj tscvemuul made by the wearer. It can be worn
without intermission, until a cure is effected. Tim sun
•eilbcrs hive made afrungemeati for the inanufacbite
of these a superior *tj 10, m Piiibi
dclhhio. and have liuni now for sate at their olltec, No’
77, fc'ciitiificid it. near Mxth, Pittsburgh.
! ' GKO. VVaTT,
ieM . D \V. K.M’l I'MAN
Da» B. imwOPATHIST, wJuiil
respcctmlly inforih In* frieuils and the citizens of
Pittsburgh and Allegheny that he ha* decided to remain
in jhe city during the winter, and is prvparcd to treat
patient* placing themselves under hi* enre, aci-urduig
to i|ie'system as practised at all Water Cure Establish
inept*, for either Acute or Chronic disease*. 'lTio»e
wishing to avail lbetn*elvc* of his reraice* will call at
Mrj Miller**, corner of Liberty st. ami Evun'a alley.
Ilr. M. ha* treated several severe ruses of disease m
ihi* ci'y with great success, to which he is permitted to
re f* r ' tiov2tf
T'hRUGS, DRUGS.—JoeI MohJer, dturgist and npoth-
JLf ccary. N. W. corner of wood unci sth „;.*., l'ius-
will keep conitantly on hnl.d, drugs, paints,
oil*, dye-fluffs, cie.
N-I*.—Physician 1 * pxewripiicns carefully compound
ed trow tire best material*. nt any hour of the day or
bight. l Also, an assortment <•; j'ernnacry. fine toothdhatr
ruutcloih brushes, etc., wlucli he will,*eil low for
c,l *| l - iriayl
ONE cask Si*. Drown for sale by
, «vbld JOHN D MORGAN.
:i, Bailey A Co
• Grali;
reh A Co.,
: A 'Hiaw,'
T pGAN A KENNEDY have ithi* day associated
J_/ uith thrra in lite Hardware busiurus, Pliilin VVi!-
son and Edward Gregg. The style of firm will here
alter he Logan, Wilson A Co. 1 ni* arrangenjeat ren
der* it desirable to close the old businc** as soon as
fustible. All person* jvhosc liubilities have matured,
ore Vsprcially requested i<» tunku itiuatdiato payment.
Pittsburgh, Jun. l, lilb. '
Lj>GAN, WILSON A, CO,— lmporters und
• UTioleside Dealer* In Foreign and Domestic Hard
wurt-Aiutlrfy, Saddlery] Ac..1549,-Wood street, Fills-
are now liilly prei-tired with a recently import
ed nock of Hardware, Cutlery. Ac. to offer very, threat
in/itcements to wertenr buyer*, being deteninhed i<i
cbtnpete ia prices with any of the Atlantic citiea. Al
so bn hand an extensive assortment of Pittsburgh
Hardware, viz- Snndcv Forks, Hoc*, Vices,
A a-t all of which will be i sold at die lowest maaisfac
rurer's prices. |oal
• ~~ “T"
THE subteribars having recently entered into
frf partnership under;ihe name of Gullajrhfr, Coqg.
A Miller, lor ilia purpose iff carrying ocuia-ileil
Brass Founding and Gas PJulhg’busut'ftainr
ail its branches, have taken tho stuml formerly occu
pied by H. Gallagher, No. 105 Front street, iK-tween
\Vnt*d and HntiGuiclc] where tl:i*y arc prepared to
execute all orders for Dellvßrus.* Casting*. of every
description, «*fW Gas Fitting* with isentf.'-.-** and des
patch- riteamltoat jobbing promptly nUmided to.
. ’ 11. GALLAGHER,
S.-A. I.ONG.
) {. . I*. H. MILLER,
N! If—The attention of und Engineers ia
invited to our, anU-attriiiod inetnl. for a redured pnee,
which bn* been pronounced superior to Babbit's by
numbers who liave used ln>th. b-te.-unboat buildt-rs and
the public, gem-ruily, are u!*o requested to coil oml ex
utoi|ie our aupejior double bcuott Force Funlps for
ssebtDbuat and domestic use.
_ __
! DUaolntloa. ~ ‘
TIIE partnership so long existing under the firm of
AFCord A King, was by mutual consent dissolved
oti the In inst, . The business will be closed at ihe old
starul by either of us, using tho name of the fffnT for
that] purpose. Deiug desiniua to have our business
clospa with a* little delay a* possible, we would re»
siiecuully request those indebted to call and settle
their accounts. . JOHN D M'COUD,
j»*> 111) KLNG.
1 Co*P«rtnerahlp.
JOHN D M'CORD having associated with him hit
brother James M'Cord. under the style*of .M'Cord
A Co., will continue the Hat, Cap and Fur business in
at! li* vanous-bntuches, wholesale and retail, at the
old Stand, corner of Wood tuid 3th streets, where they
solicit a coatinuation of the patronage no liberally be
stowed on the old firm. JOHN D M COUU
jas3 JAME*.S M'CORD.
IN" retiring from the old and well knowt, firm of
M'Cord <L lung, I most respectfully recommend to
the patronage of the public uty successor*, Moui«.
M’CprdA Co. £ja«) II D KING.
THE Co-ptvrlnrr-hip of the subscriber*, under the
firm of Lewis Hutchinson A Co., is this day dir- -
solved by mutual consent. Either of u« will attend to
the settlement of die business of the firm, and use ill
unxn'e for tliat purpose.
liKUis iurrcmso.N,
rjMIE andcrsigtied have this day funned a co-partner*
I ship, under the firru of Jamc« A. I i.utchirmm A Cq.,
tor the purpose of continuing the business heretofore
eerrjed on by Lewis Hutchinson Co„ and solicit a con
tinuance of the patronage hitherto extended to the
Piltiborgh, Jan. 1,1643. / • _________
1 ’ ' Co-F»rtaerjihlp!Notlce**
|W frrmil-hNS of Wheeling, E F Shmnberger
j ’of and J A Stockton of Pittsburgh, have
uu* day entered into co-partnership uniter style and
Crm.'ot Stephens, Shcnrbercer A Co, at the Anchor iron
works, Wkittling, Va, for the purpose of manufactur
ing iron and nails of every description.
e wltrnrHiws. a r gitiiuxnuunra. r t rrontrox.
’ j Whaling, Va.
Manufacture all kind of boiler, sheet, bar iron and
oaihi, A W steel eliplie spriues and axlca. Ueiiuf ecm*
nected with Miffinberger's old Juniata works, we can
otfeij an article of-Juiiinta iron (branded
eijual to any madd in tho country. All of which will
be sold at tiio Pittsburgh pricer. Warehouse of the
va<rks comer of Mouron and Water »H. o>yll
DISSOLUTION— The nartiierslup hitherto cilst
iug under the style and hrui ofWighuuanA llal
reli.'js this day dissolved by inuinal consent, John Dal
rrll having dupoicd ofhis enure interest to H. Wight*
ninnV Tho businusa of the hite firm will lie settled by
H. Wtghunnn, who i« authorized to u»e the name of the
bile firm for that purport*. 11. WHHrr.MAN.
' tpliWdJw Ltuly 1 '*7J J. DALZELL.
THF. Sahscriher is now prepared to manufacture all
kinak of Colton and Woolen filachlnery. at the shortest
notice. Orders kft at K. Wiglitman’s I-higinn Shop, cor
ner J,il*cnr and Water atreeu, will meet with prompt
olicutiou. H. WKiHI’-MAN.
i Lracok st, between Federal and Samlnsky
sppodly . • Allegheny city.
ITin co-partnership hcrotoiore existing between the
Subscriber* under the fit in of Willionis A Dilworth,
wua dissolved on the Ist utstmit, by niuitml consent.
J H iDiiwartli, to wlioiu tin: suitlemcnt of tho old busi
iiessilstiilrusied. will coitunuo the wholesale grocery
business at the old stund, N’d-1-7, wood st.
i \VM. 11. WILLIAMS,
jtuvt £PJ ,N
Tj|E pinnr r*hip sulm*ung between the «üb*crlber<
finder the stylo of Poindexter A Co., was dissolved
I--mutual con«snt, on the lMh ic«tt and ihebu.iinr.s* of
dc c-a . . CII GRANT.
rpH£ *ub«'nber« will continue lta*ine«» atlhbold
J. - No 41 water tlreci, tia uauat, under Ibc
atvla of ‘‘l'oiniteiier ' Co.”
y ; il \V I’OINPKXTKRi
dcpw ..9-L 1
Jt?ri> KARRKN & WIGIIT.MAN tinvinp
iit«ociai"l UiemacWes together umisr the linn o)
joluj I‘iirrcii A Co., for the (turjKiac of continuing the
liutiluM* of thovlluaiincn'* Line,’ will continue to trnn<>
D n a general forwarding end commia&iun luninr** at
Uie old aland al lie Canal lltmm. litirm* Mrert
'f €o»Partneraht}u
riIHK undesigned bni auociaied tvith hitmelf John
J_ from JJaltinmre,in tins Grocery and (Jeuef
al CouitßiMtnii (juaineu, under tUe style of Seller* It
MctJl*. dated Ist January LedS.
jahW FHA 9. SIUJ.nHS.
CO-PAUTSEUSUIP— U rn. Young having thi*
day aaoociated with liim, John 1U M'Cune, tbo lea*
Uieri bufiiiea*. will hereafter he conducted under the
firra : of Wra. Yoang fc Co. WILLIAM YOUNO,
jai* JNO. R. M’CUNE
-rnrc >rtr ' 3 .f- ; ‘? nn™?™*, norußca.
THIS estnhUshmrnt Ion? and widely known sj
7?? OUB ,he * non po ®tnodious m the city of
«6s*. Haltunorc, lins recently undergone very eaten*
alteration* and im|>ororements. An enure new
wre:- bn* been' added, containing numerous and airy
sleeping apartments, and exteftsivo bathing rooms
Jbft Lillies' department ho* i!»o I .ecu completely
rrc.rsrTtnacd and fitted up in a most unique and beauti
fm style. In I'uct tho whole arrangement of the House
hns been remodeled, with a single eye on the* part of
Ihe proprietor*, towards ther comfort and pleasure of
their Quests, mid which they confidently assert will
comparison with nay Hotel in the Union.
Their tithln will alwnvi he supplied with every rch
ftartml and luxury winch die market affords, served
up in p superior style; while in the way of Wines, Ac.,
tliey.vt ill n, surpassed. [
In;conclusion die proprietors beg to say, that nolhiug
•wul, o<* led undone on tlmir part, and on llie part of
ihcir assistants, to render tliis note! worthy the con
tHtupd patronage of their friends and the uVblic gen*
crnlLy. . r • ® .
l(i:‘prices forboard have also be«;i reduced to the
tollowTux’rates: ,■
Larti-s'Crdiithry, Sl.Tsperd*y.
Ociiuonicn's •* ijn i*
T»- 0 —The Baggage Wagon of Ifuu*n will td
ways bn found at the Cur and StcMitboul Imndinrs,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
oi charge. . may2lf
iProprietor, Dr.
n'.liCL-Hrv't John
tit hr r lirtigjiisis
T d-iciu
subscriber* having purchased the entire
interest nl Col. G. P. Williamson, lute of this well
known csiablishinenvlwg leave to Male to their
inemls and the public peneralij-, that they have taken
this Commodious Hold for a term of years and will ex
rrt their best energies to tnako it a dcsirablo home foT
iTOvellers and City lfcurders. .
Thu Hotel is spacious *jid admirably planned for con
venience, light and uir, having a number of parlors ad
joining chambers, presenting uuusaaL aßractions to
The' present proprietors having had the experience
or years tn this city nnd elsewhere, hope they will be
able to give rcneml satisfaction, being determined to
giveuml.vnled attention to the house alone.
The location of the Trarl Street House is uncommon
ly eligible, havuij.ironts on I‘cari, Walnut and Third
streets, so that it is equally desirable in view of the
convcmeucn of business men, or retirement for private
boarders. It U near by tbn-Ranks I .tlie Post Otwo, the
Maioiuc Hall. (Kid Fellow’s Hid!, and but one squure
distant trora Main strecl and two squares fromOic Oity
«\ barf, thus mTcring the greatest inducement*, especial
ly to country tnerehaiOs' ami generally to all persons
visiting Cincinnati. ; JOILN NOBLE
coasnt or BALnxims aso rrriw rra.. baltivorA md.l
MThis splendid and'spacious Hotel, elegantly sh
eeted for both business and pleasure travellers, is
so constructed ns lo combine all tho luxuries of
the bcst hotels, with elegance and real comfort.
Choice suites of apartments are at all seasons reserv
ed tur lh( nccommodaiioa of uunsient guests, nn<i fam
ilies visiting the city will find the Eutaw House a borne,
uniurpasseil by. any Hotel in the Union. ,
Tho locution is elevated and salubrious, and is also
convenient to-lhe depot* uml landings, at which the
coaches and. porter* of the house are at all times tu
waiting to convey pasecugers and their baggage to the
Touts.—Gentlemen's ordinary per day.
ladies' do SAOU do
coEvnt ov rxs.N a.xd or. cuinna, rmscnioit va.
MThe sul.scribcr having assumed the nuiuitge
ment oi this long established and popular Hotel,
respectfully anuouncoio Travellers and tha Pub
lic gerclttlly, Unit be will be at all limes prepared to
accommodate them in ull things desirable iu a' well
. rcgulicvd Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly
repaired Um-ughnul. mid new Furniture added, and no
pains will lie rpmed to make the Exchango one of the
very bevt lloiris iu the country.
Thr u*:dcr*igued respectfully solicits a continuance
of the rvry liberal patrunngo the House has heretofore
received, TIIUMAS OWbTOX,
so- ISi cues.vut ittbskt, ntiuuiintni.
C® JHE iubscrMicr*, under the firm of Bridges A
Eld 'Vest, have |>urchn*ed Mr. Jones’ interest in this
am] hope by the strictest aiteotion
to the wants nind eoim'ort ot their guests, to merit a cun
minunre of the liberal patronage heretofore received
by iu lorait-r pmprintur.
The iiiHiitc has been thoroughly renovated, arid re
paired; we timrciore feel assured wo can welcome ouf
irietids and thr public to accommodation* equal to any
i:» the city of Philadelphia. N W HRUKiES
<-nEMta xsiN axii wxrn six. nwi-TVArf.
■jSS THIS jsbibliihmeut is now in the best order for
• SJJ3 th" reception of the Traveling Puhlicv Utiving
a thorough t.-paiy during the post win
-1 t'-r, and having the,most experienced men in the west
in the v:inou».d»parimom< 1 Qnt'er myself tlmt all wj|
I-: pleased wlro call. The Incmion 1« centra!, coimuo
d.ous nmi plruKUitq Farr $1 per day.
Umcmnnu, .Murrh IX T?. W E MARSH.
N. li.—Altlioucii not exactly a new Broom, it.ts the
*Bine—a new Whist on the obi haudle. apCtf
U»Ct?VIU.R. KT. •
hi* friends that lu> is again lessee of the GALT
MOUSE. Louisville, Ky., where he hopes to meet
all h.s nid'fneinU, assuring them and the publie, that
in. firyrt shall by spared to make all comfortable who
uvnr bin with tttcir palroimge, laulldly
tJLLTmintE, MO.,
Vfi t'J'posite the Railroad Depot, Pratt st. Baltimore,
HENRY M/SMITH, proprietor. (late of the Ex-
JSt&chnuge and St. Charles Hotels, llubunth.) -
’JAMES- W. WfuMlWiaX,
Pittsburgh Furniture Ware Rooms,
A large assortment of Fumi
tore; suitable lor gtrsmlfoai*. Hotels. «r.d pri
vatiidwellings, eoustriutly on hand a»d rustle
*«4l JL.v n>order '
The present stock on hand cannot he dxc«*edcil by
any manufactory in the western country. Persons
wishing to purrhuso would do well to give a. n’csll,
n» Inm determined my prices shall please. Pa* of the
stock consists ;u—
5o *ofa* with Ploah nnd Haircloth covers,
vi doz Mahogany Nurse Cluiirs;
14 pair Divan.*;
Id dot fine tnab«gany Chair*;
Id mahogany Work Standi;
U <!o« mahoizany Hocking Chair?;
15 mnrliir lop Dressing Bureaus;
t? pair Ottomans;
n marble lop Work Stand*;
I*s cherry Work Slants;
Mahogany. Maple. ChetTy, and Poplar Beds-vadi of
all descriptions, and u largo assortment of s-vyuboir
furniture and chair*, too numerous to mention,
r»a. Ltrpescorr. Jons n. mci. l. a. moeuas.
MANUFACTURERS of Hammered and Cart Steel
Shovel* oml Spade*, Axes aud Hatchets, Mill, >4
t.'at. Circular and Out Sawn; iflay and Manure porks
Hoe*, Matlocks Picks, Ac., harm; completed all their
arrangements in the construction : ®f new machinery,
and in securing the be*: workmen from die tnostcele
biateil esisbiLshinctiis of she Vast nro now manufsetnr
tug aud will keep constantly on hand and for rate ail
ihe il*ovTs article-', having, availed themselves of the
laic*; improvement*, and arc-detemiued that in work
tsatuhip and material they will not be 'excelled. - They
promise to produce articles equal, if no£superior, to
auy that can be hnd ill the East. They invite the sites
linn of dealer* to an examination of their (lock before
purchasing elsewhere, a* they are convinced that they
"W ill tws able to fill all order* in their line to the entire
satisfaction of purchaser*. ‘Warehouse. Water tlrect,
4 door*"\Vf »t Nouongnhcltt House, Pittsburgh, Pa.
N. 11.—Person* having business with Wm. Lippen
coll A Son, will please cult on LippcucoK & Co.
. S»Sw Uardwart Klonae.
KJKaSsMjwplWocid and l!d sis., Pittsburgh. Having
PliarJiarUfif withdrawn from the firm of Walker
anil W omhveil, on the Ist of January, 1M7,1 take pldas*
ure in announcing to my friend* in the city and .coun
try, tiiat 1 have opened my new stare at the above nam
ed plane. Having purchased my goods for cash, and
Want- arrangement* with manufacturer* in this 00 on try
mid in Kiirbpe to be constanlly supplied, | am fully pre
pared 10 furnish Hardware of all kinds, on a*-good
term* aril ns low as any house East or West Mer
chant* aitd other* arc rcspecufuUy invited to call and
examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Tito
following comprises a part 6/ his stock:
Steamboat nnd saddlery' hardware, gun Incoming*,
file*, Naylor l *steel, cutlery,:edge toola, anvils, vices,
luck*, initfhe.% scythes, bull hinges, screws, Uuiait par
lory planes, saws.niaJiogndy board* and veneers, and
all tuner articles connected with (he hardware busi
ng- _jroehlll/_
Hardware! Gntlcry, Saddlery ’fce.
JOHN WALKER. Imp trier hnd
gtffittSg3sl|rej Dealer in foreign ruut Dom istiuhard-
W,i respectfully Ilia
fneuiß uiu public generally, that lit- i# 11 iw receiv
ing hi* spring supply of huniwarc, at the < !d tuuid of
W nlker nod WomlwelL-Nu. HI wood si, wh ch he will,
disposa of on the moMvreasunanle terms.
He will bo.continually receiving frc*h sup dies direct
frotn the munuincturef* in Ihirujie and tin* ronnlry,
which will enable him to competo with any establish
im- uu cither Pastor West-'
.Western merchant- nre invited to Call and examine
lus stock .before piirchnMiig u!*ewherc. tnarS
PUt Slaclilne Works and Foundry,
.... rrmnuadtr, fa.
TOIIN WRlGirr A Co., are prepared to build Colton
u “ lu, i V °*'dcn Machinery of every dcscripiton, sucit
i.» Larding Muchirte-, Spinning )■ mines, speeder*,
Drawing Frames, lliiihvay Head*, Warpers, Spoolers,
Dressing I tames, i Arums, CnntGrinderm, A«. Wrought
Iron Shafting turned; nil size* of Cast Iron, Pullics and
Hunger* of.Ut«: latest pattern*, slide nnd hand Lathe*;
mid .tools ol all kind*. Castings of every description
Innn-theo on short nolice. Patterns tnutlo to order for-
Mill Gearing, iron Railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for lienting
I'actiifu's Last IromWinilow Sash and fancy Castings
generally. Order* icll ut die Warehouse of J. Pollner
*“ !'°v Ldierty street, will liuve prompt nttchtion. 10 lllack.tock, Hell A Cod J K Moorhead A Co.;
f. Iv M anter, John Irwin A Sons, PitlsGurch; O C A J
H \\ nru-r, Steubenville. ; Janlß
W- Harrlwaire aior* ’ile*iovaCL~ v
iniMOKE.A WOLKF linvtng removed from the
sornerof Liberty ami St Clair streets, to No 50
" ooußtrent,tinee door* above Bt Charles Hotel, would
respectfully ask the attention 'of'buyer* to tbeir stock
per slaps Suronnk.- Mouongahela nnd Uuuia,-direct
uom the niaitufucturcnsaf England andtiermanv. ;
Also, supplies of Amcf icnnlltirdwure, from the prin
cipal uianuiucturers of the Eastern Stales. ; .j
their stork being entirely uew, nod purchased upon
llto best terms they feel grcatconftdence in being able
successfully lo.mrel competition frodiany quarter,
wheuiereanorwesl. [ .. j
Thu Hardware buMaeiswill be continued atlhe old
tlaml. • npfi
QA’LWjpl'lia ANDOLIfHFACrOKV fuhraD**
L kJ>—Tne Adm:nls;iator*of t ic late JamesMtLangtdm,
olfer lor ■ale the establishment situate in Ninth Ward,
lunuTi/ earned on by btta. in his life time, as a dalrra
10s and Glue K.o iury. Iho werka urc in complete order
for carry nigout'ie business,-vltlthxiure*, Ac, aud ready
for conmirncing at uuyUntel A liberal credit will be
given, and all pahicuiara made knowu by calittur on
ritherof the undersigned, i JAMES Of.AKELk,
sptfi > A-trnJnisintior*
A I.L Persons knowing thcm-ulvvs iudebtei to tho.Mv
lV late of-Um tnie A-Dravd, Jr, deceased, are hereby
iunifiud to cull and settle tiiclr accounts, and thoao hav
ing claims against the Estate, will present them' daly
BUthentnuued >or seulemcnt to tho sabecrlber, tl ihe
warehouse of JobaJrwin A Bon*j Noil Water fi-v;
delßJia JOHN IKWIN, bteevtor..
! Sow Is the time for Bargaiiu#
ALEXANDER a DAY Woubl respecifully inform
-the citizens of Pittsburgh and its vicinity that they
are now selling of their vqry largo and extensive stock
of dry goods at on unpittalWcd reductiou of prices,
theirjobjcct being to exchange goods for cash, A In or
der to efleet this in the shohest t*o»sible time they will
•el! oiT their entire stock ajt.sucn remarkably low rates
cannot fail to suit cash buyers. A fine opportunity
is now offered to persons in want of cheap <lry goods to
supply themselves at a comparatively small expeiise.
»> e have a large and splendid stock or
PAO'Altm Buena Vijta’CSftln, English and French Me-,
rino Plaids; Oregon and California do: Plain Black and
Mod« colored DeLaines, Frenrh Murihos, assorted col
or*. Alpacca Lustres; Bumbarincs; French and Scotch
Cashfneres nnd Mouslin lie Loices; French and Karl
slon Gingham*, etc. i
A large and splendid assortment of rich block Dreas
and rjcQlilla Silks find blup black Dress Sorias.
A large assortment of spper French, Turkerri and
Cashmere Shawls plain ajid embroidered silk friitge
anJjßrocadu silk do; plain block
silk dp; super all wool long square llroehra do; plain
and embroidered Cloth do;; plain and embroidered De
Laincs do, .;
English, and American Cloths trad Cas
sitaeres in great variety, j -
An excellent assonmeni of Sattinets aiul a large stock
of red, whiio and yellow Funnel*.
Blankets—Super blue Djankcu for overcoats; fine
twilled do; American premium do , etc.
lUsu. a large assortaenipf Tickings, Checks, Print*,
Muslins, together with almost every artisle in the dry
•janyj - 75 market <t, N. W. cor, of diamood.
Wine* A Llqaorit
QAA wholǤ itulycs. quail*re and eighth* pipe* bran-
OUtjr dies, wineK, gins, Ac,.of the following celebrat
ed brands, grades/arid vintage*, viz:
Otahl Brandy, dark; j Koncao Port Wine;
do do pa£; L' London Market do;
Sazerse do do; re Trash - do;
A >eijncite dark; E Ham do;
rid • psje; « Borgondy do;
Hennctry do „ datk; S 8 8 Madeira do;
do do pkle; pLM do • do;
Pinnet,Caftillian, do. S Symington do;
do do dark; P 'Fatal ' do;
Sw;au Gin; Vt Pale Sherry ' do;
Bi’k' Horse dof p Brown do do;
Inipjl .Eagle da g Golden do do;
Pinq Apple dq, g Tenerife do do;
: Irish Whiikey; re'lisbon -de do;
JuiruiieaSpinti} , f* Claret do;
•Sl Croix KOm; i Sweet A Dry Malaga do;
Together wilh a large stock of tho above Wines and
Liquor* in boylea Also, ChampAigneand Claret Wines
foraalh as imported, on pleasing tens* ai the-Wine Cel
lar and Liquor Store corner of eOritMelO and Frout its.
s.v..j or »r*imv
f Dry Good* at Wholesale*
11TE would respectfully invite'the attention ofCoua*
TT and City Mctehunl* to on» very extensive
stock of Dry Goods, of ike most recent purchase end
desirable inrlet, among winch may be enumerated;
U 7 coses Prints, new Spring styles;
9 Ginghama, English, French anil Domestic;
3 . MousscUne destines. Pine, end American;
11 u Alpaecas. in ail colors and price*; '
17 " . Bleached Sheetings k Shirtings, Ito 13-4;
11 “ Botineiu; bleck,|blue,mixed,Ac4
9 Cassimeres; block, blue and Taney;
7 ; u Tweeds,Jcans,Cobbsms,:FriflceAlbertsfte
7 u Summer studs; a tull assortment;
1 bate Yellow Drilling, from medium to fine,
9 ,-** Blue Drilling, irptn medium to fine;
Together with o full assortment of Cloths, Casbmeretu,
Drop p*Ete, Flannels, Wfiite Goods, Trimmings, fee.;
all of which we are prepared to sell at -low prices for
Cash or approved credit would invite all person*
living fa litis market to give us a call
fcb9>. two doors above Diamond Alley/
- Veta, D* — '
; BX«ski, Baiketa* Drams* *«•
JCST received at ’ZKUULON KINZKVS, 07 Mar
ketftreeL I dor fine wpx Masks; 0 doz paper do;
3 doz ‘common do: 3 gross metallic Comb Cleaner*; 1
d<rz Bgg Boilers; 1 act Salt [Spoons; 2 dox boue Mustard
Spoons; 4 grot* German Silver Spoon*; 2do Bulled
Knives; 1 do fancy Toy Bopks; 2Q,UUQ China Marble*;
A dox fine woollen Comfort*; a great variety of woollen
Coals end Caps; 5 doz fine french Willow Baskets; 3
dox Wallow Market do; 0 dpz Straw Traveling baskets;
C doz glass Motie Seals; 3 doz bone motto Stamps; 3
Alien'*,patent Revolving Pistols; 5 pairs common Brass
Pistols) a doz sens Chess men; S doz sells Dominos; 0
dox Taylor * Tape Measures; 12 doz fancy metal Toy
Basket*;'!! cross fleet Key Rings, assorted;3gross
China Dugz) 1 dol strings j\mher Beads; 12 nests toy
.Drums! 1 dozen willow Cronies; 1 dozen Clothes Bas
kets. ( ! _ ja‘J
Fancy Dven fillki.
WJ" R. MURPHY lir» an hand au excellent ai«*ort
\y 4 ; meut of fancy Dress Silks. Chameleon lTaidf
ami iriticy »tripe, wluch now offering ul-ven'
I>ricea;rn!«o. an assortment of plain, watered, striped
and plaid, black and blue including n lew
piece* pf very superior and newest styles; also, Grode
tUrine, and Ituliou plain bla< k Silk* lor dresses, ic_ and
a few [iatlcrns ofChnngeab eTurc tiutius, Barred Fop-l
ltn<* Ad. Icbl7- .
incites the attention o the ladies to hi* excellent
• *«>runr»t of cashmere arid elpueca ho*e,' Including
drab odd bl'k ribbed. Al»pj black spun silk. ihibei,
llama,and cotton hose, a milassortment,ana allow
price*.- fco7
astortmeut of now and handsome styles British'
I'niiii, brown and white—n »o small figured do for iu
font*’ wear—yard wide double purple, superior qoa!-'
. 1 _ febllh
GROOEIUKS^Isjr bag* Ulo Coffee; 75 package* Y.
H j Tea; \si do Inipcnol and Black Tea; 60 bid* No
3 large-Mackerel; 5 hols No l Herring; 5 bbls St Louis.
.S 11 Mhlaiiscs; 10 bblsdo lipaf bugaij 35 bbls Vinegar;
75 buxds 5s lump Tobacco; 00 kegs O.twal do: 4U boxes:
i the ffectar' Leaf do; 15 Pepper; 5 bids Ground!
Pepper; too reams tVrapruiir Paper, 50 do Writing Pa
[»cr, furtuk- by it ROBISON A Co.,
teblli I j laO liberty street.
BLACK SILKS—WR hlmPllY asks theatkution
of buyers to his aisortti cut oful-ove goods, laelud
mg net jMtiiu Italian drex silk; poult dc sous do; blue:
iriucic On. rich watered do; ($« watered and siri(n:il do;
silks tuj*; beside a Urge u*>orimcm ot Fancy
Lies* Silks, changalde shifts, Ac., all of which will be
void at the lowest possible prices. • jnus
S“ 'xri»FfaiGß snfor 13 g~mc sl in s^wlt
MUUITIY, N. F» corner of 4th and Market street*,
calls miriitinn to thd superii r long cloth shining mua.
selling at cts | r yd—also,liia superior a*-'
Mtiiucni of lHi2sll UNENp, wamuitcd pure flax, and
of the most approved uionut iclurc. Also, Linen Luwns,
of e very- quality, and a full assortment of geutlcintn A
Ladies cambric handkerchi -ta. jaiiil'
'C*URKIVIii.NO. iiave 00 timid hnas
1* soruueut of goods suitable for filrniahmg hotels,
sieambpais, among arc Id bale* tickings, as
sorted; fi do bra. drillings, d (ase* 5-1 ntul tM bleached
shindigs; 14 do J,l &nu 4-4! do; d bole* heavy linen
crash: 7-4 and b-4 linen table diu;>er; do. do, kmcask;
Scolchiaud Russia-. diaper;j iotv-priced ixncy madder
prints; whtto couuicrpsnes; Haiti and (willed blanket*,
Ac., which will be *otd low or cash or approved credit.
- jnui • - trj vro -u st
Sliawlit ShaTrla.
SELIiING OFF—A very large and tupener liiort*
'uiem of *uper.TarkcrTi£bawU. extra ail v.v..j Jlro
cnade, tine CusUruerc do; pl(uu ami embroidered clolti
do;piedi and embroidered do; lirociult-, Duaiask,
ami Ottoman bilk du; l'iutd long and »iu-io do; lo
gethrr with a jireul .variety ol* Ollier dev_;ipiiou* of
Muiivltj ail of which wo orcjivow telling oil ui au extra*
ordinary reduction of pricer;
Icld ! C 3 Market tx, >( \V cor. pf ttic Diamond.
SKWIuSI GOLD FKNk—Kee'd by expre?* thi*
‘ • | -o best mode r»«* *— ••
day a largo lot o ! tLo bL;t inode pens ever bro't to
uus •.ity. Uy «*flcnii{? a considerable premium ofer ilic
ordinary, 1 have liad jthem tmuml'ictared supe
nor to tmy beretotbre, and cpn confidently recommend
them ui» fvii’n for tiie fineness <>t the gold, their easy
elastic Spring and fine sinctnn poiuu. Also, a lurge
issartiiienloi other brands sole at eastern paces
»rul warranted, at Uie wuicli nod jcwelr*’ store ot
•' | W W WILSON,’.
i corner of 4th fc market it.
fine osranm'eutof French atul English Cloths ic!<
!mg uil >a: a very great reduquoniu prices.
fe!)9 r 75 Market ti, Aj W enrol the Diamond.
SiiXCwlfcrrr' a' G««irjoi,uer*rtt)
Wood n, |iave on huud-a yvell assorted and icason
aule xibck of DRY GOODS* which they will sell to
westcni and city merchants, on very reasonable term*,
ami low price*. Alosi of the goods were bought during
the.iWinoiith, audjai reduced prices. • -^jal
BLFACHFJ) DRILLS, i«.—\Y. R. Murphy Asa
up<n i!ii» ntommg one case Amorkeag Bleached
Grills; also Unbleached do. Atnorkcug No 1; nlsoTtck
ing* of yatiuu* price* and qualities—and adored low by.
t he piece oud yard, ul N E comer oi 4th aud Market
street. ; I iebV
1 / Murphy ha* on hand Drab Moreen loir skirt*. Also
Cbrdcd Marsailc* skirls,
French Cotton do (a new article.
I.ndie* Mnriuo* and Codon Vests, Ae., uorthiiut
comer of 4ih k market »u. > feUi ‘
COCIIRCO PRINTS—tV R Murphy Invite* the atteg,
buyers to hi* nMpriiuent of above superior
goods, iirat style* and plaid* of pure madder colors,
uud’ warranted lustj also, Full River and American
printworks do. also fust colors. jould
X Muipliy has on bawL nljtov? prices, an assbrunont
pi common. inctliniu aim superior linen table diaper*:
al*o dmunsk Uneatable cloil s, nupldtu.ete.; also hock
abud, bud-eye, and 'Scotch d spets tor toweling, jnld
PLMi) BLACK few'pcs' of satin
barred olpaccas. lately rec’d; also, un excellent
assortment of fancy barred do., very low, at the dry (jcs3J _ \V R MURPHY.
D" Rl-Ss GOODS p7uCKS—tV~R Mu7*
phy, comer 4th and M irket its., continues lo sell
Winter Good* nt prcnlly Reduced price s*-Mu»*
Ini de Idiiues nS low as Ul qts per yard, Ac. jaJ7
IJINIi I’LAlOy t'l'.l.LlNtf OKl'—An exerllemas
. soifiucnl of fine Plaid* trlling off at an unusual re
duetiou la prices, at 7i MarVt f.ireet, N W corner of
Uio Uuiilioml. AMIXA.NDKU k I)AY.
1/liA.NNliLij— Red, Urowii end Dnrrod Flannel*.—
. An ildditional supply received from the oiajiui'aclu*
rcn>. A4»u, a lev* piece* of low priced Cushion*. for
■sle by <|fX>ltOK COCHRAN,
• »piu ■ | | a? WOOllsL
IkLA^KETsI—•.£ 1 —•.£ pair largn'DumcMic Blankets, just
I > received ou cousicumenj; for sale by
o2D [ SOWood »L
Boys c assure UEfcr-w r MurphViuvii^
the audition of parents to hi* excellent assortment
or ooy* rn**itnere« and tweeds of various qualities, at
the Dry Goods house, northeast corner of 4tk and mar*
ML* 1 !: | l_..- . _ • fcla
TjRO^UCI)—I3U Ibis fre»S Family Flour; 10‘bMs No
IT l Lk»d;Bbbls Buuur, likens tfo; 2 bbU Coro- 3
bols Rye;s bbl* Beans, just rcc-u and for sale bv' *
„J* iIA ; ' IBP Liberty street.'
O ll^^ 0 tiatorai coiored wimor SpermTlbOO
eaU bleached Winter Whale; HO gal* low priced
» ntue Oil, just ree d and for sate by 1
fobtij A yH*LUI_&jUCKETSON.
PRoOUCK— Recoiscd jx* steamer Ludlow, la bbls
Jsccd. 6 do Fltt Need, 5 do Roil iiutlcr, 3
uo tVhiin Beans, H do Lard,'U3 kegado* seka Wool 1
do Feathers; for sale by:; lebj 13 AUALKY A tf.M Vni/
T gallons Holland G'iiq'djOdo FroKh
■Li Uraudy, rec’d on eontirumeni and for sale
bids ClbVirnwd; a do Timothy seed;
13 casks.Bcorchlnesjl7l>arrel* do;13 casks Bacon
ham*, since, and shoulders; S barrels liennn; for sale by
fclitw [.. FIUKND, ltllKttCo.«W«eril,
C ALTO—» casks prime rac'd and rbrsafeby
PhtiS - ) c umvou. ;
Yousg H tadlei? ■ Seminary,
• ' JUJiSHII Silt. M .
MR. N. W.i METCALF would arinonne* to the >-iu
sens of Allegheny and; vicinity the intended re*
moral of hi* school from the .comer of Sandusky nnd
Strawberry' streets where for.-the'last twelveinombs hr
bo* been teaching. On arid nVter-Aprt!T»t he will oc
cupy rooms on Federal street in *HN>kmade Row “.2d
door from ibadtrid-o. The Academic Year will con
sist of two sessions of five mouths each commencing
ou the first Monday in February-and September..
katqi or V’crjojl rsiPsisinn or nvu xowts.
English Depnranrat— Includin':' Rending. Orihagra
pby and defining, ‘Writing, Euglisti Grunnriur. lUiet'-nc,
Logic, Euglish {Composition nt>d Criticism, Geography.
History, Ariikxaatie uiid thib hbriipt branches of Mathe
matic*, Natural i'hilt)»crby 1 i CUcaiL-.iry, Astronomy,
Botany, Physiology, iseologyilntellectutt and .Moral
Science, ruul all otheriirancLt-s retiui-i:c to a thorouch
English education • • w.... v •> -00
Classical Dcpiinrae mUlnvluriing the lintin, Greek arid
•French lauguugcs eacblan additional chmiy.of---3d on
The serviccs of competent Teatdicrs dro secured for
such ns may desire to receivb instructions in drawing,
painting, nnd music. VT -
Those designing to enter will find it for their interest
to do so ns near the op-niug of the session as.possible:
yet pupils will be received at my time during thr
"CsnoD and will be charged nt the above rates only
trom the limp of entrance. {No deductions. will be
made for absences except in cases of protracted tilucss.
Auy information whi vtt rniiy be desired will be cheer
fully commuuidntul 10 those who call upon the in
stnictor at his rooms.,: ? • isirdly
njt y?^ erence k* idadp to the following gentle
■gr. T. F. Dole. Allegheny, -Hon. C. Shnler, PuuVt.
Rev. D. Ellioit, :ibsr.U.ll. Riddle, “
Mr. H. P.Schwau ; IRev. 11. Dyer • • u
Philadelphia Collece of Medicine,
i’mA, "South of Walnut Mrtrt.
rURES tOR lbtift will bd commenced os Monday,
March p\hi ISIS, arid he continued (bur months, by the
following Faculty:'.
JAS McCLINTOCK, • i Genera], Special ud
Surgical Anatomy.
■J.iL BURDEN, M. D, Materia Mcdka and Thcr
apeutics. ;i i
D.P. GARDENER, iLD. ChemUtry.
HENBY GIBBONS, M. DJ' Theory and Practice ol
filedieuie. , ii -
LOUIS IL BEATTY, M. D-i Obrtetries and Diseases
of Women and Children, , - ■ , y*
. JAMW McCLINTOCK, M.D, Principles and Prac
tocc of Surgery. ;
GUIDONS, SL ;D| Inftitntcs of Modrsino
and Sledical Jurißpriidcueo. i
S. R. McCALVTOCK, M. Demonstrator. of An>it-
KXCIIARD BURR, M. D n Prosector of Surgery, (
Fee for the full course, S7U. (Fee for those who h *ve
attended two full courses mother Colleges, §4u.. M-.1-i
nculation to be paid once oqly, $5. Graduation fjb
i, I « c HS?*-4j aUo ®) r t including pecepitulatory Leeturea,
mV *“*-Diasecttng Rooms will bo opened on tlio Ist
ofMarch.- ' • - • ; r ■■
From arrangements now pending there is every rea
*° j bope that the ehairs of Institutes of Medicine
and Anatomy wili be occupied by distinct Professors
at an early penod.
For furruer tnfonnotion inbuire of
JAMES McCLLVroCK. fiL D., Dias,
.... •’ *r No. 1 North Eleventh Street
Plulndelphia, Dec. 2T, 1947. -janL
Mew Books and Periodicals, ’ <
TLST received at M; A. Miner’s, Snulhfietd street,
t) 3d door from Second, r ; - •
Godey’s Lady’a Book for Mhreh; ~ l'
CbnstoplierTadpole,by Albert Smith, with Uimura
tn»* by John Leech; complete. -, _.. >;
Tste Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandjrj'gentfe
mau sompnstng tins humorous adventure* of Uncle To
pi Corporal Trim; by Lawrence Sterne—beautiful
ly lllustraled. .
Curiton l tWr Sc .^ o!ar— * * ,or / *>f Irish Life, by William
Gen. Tavjtrand hisSlaffinigrepersed with nbmeroo*
Anecdote* onbe Mexican VV'hr, and personal adven
tures of the i Om?eris' wilh accurate portrait* and other
beautiful tilustratiOns. . J-
Tbe Adventurer or ihe Wreck, on the Imtiau Ocean,
by LtentenontMurrey,,' - < : 1 " .. . - •”
Esq 4ol,l ° r li5C ilncko, by Ougood Bradbury',
Cliumbm*’Miscellany, No'13.>S.;; : j
Tuyior** Money Rcportv fop Feb. I*.
James the Second. -
Kurt'ly UP?ri °' imitic **! 1 'Vuiting Oupds, fresh
’ vor sale atM. a!- Miners; SaiitblieM street, 3d door
from second, j . frleSJ
*■*» Auanal and Olft Books for 18*8.
O rhe Clmrtru a series ot irrasefU luidrlcgunt color- ’
??, S»«l'S with dwenpicv* dhurrajonsjby i3D.Bt«th
iJlct, bound m scarietailk. and splenAdly iriiL - •
. Leaflets of Memory;-an niuminau-d'tiimia! forl>fs*
ißeyncll Coates, M. t«und,ele
gantly illuminated mid illu*trutcd. *
•'Friendshiys Offeringi for I**lp. clfganll\.y )oUn j
Uittstraied, by splendid .cncTaVirigs by SartaJi.
' Christian Keepsake, arid Missiouurv Annum(brlMS*-
bound iu Arabian morocco, and illustrated by Ibc'uuti
ful merxoiim engravings by hdnain. •,
The Rose of Sunron. ii (leliaiutiH Souvenir, fofiii«.
edited by Mi*. S. C. Edgcrtoit ilnyo. .
The Hyacinth, or Affection’* Gifl; a Chrut:nn*, N«tv
tear, arid Itirthday Present,
lsS** a of Rcniembronae for
Tlie Mayfiowen an 'Anminl!for cdlled by Mrs.
Oakes Smitli; ofiund inelpgant cmboh.<eil tnorovco,
and embellished with superb engravings, from drawings
by the licst anista.
Tho Young Lady’s Compaituia, and Token of Affec
tioa. .... . .
The above, together with a large supply of Poetical,
Moral, and other works, bound:in tiie uio.*t superb hi.a
costly style, suitable for Christina* ami New Year
Gut*; tor sole by JOHN3T<JV& STUCKToN, •
• ; -cor. Market A .
• New I‘abllcritl on*. -
TiTILTON'S I’OILMS, illus'raied. i Harix-r'i n:W(
JJUL edition of the Poe deal works of John hlilto'ji, wim
a memoir, and criuchl fentark* On his genius and wri
tings, by Jatnes Mimtgooiervj and one hundred and
twenty engravings from drawings ly IVillinm Harvey.
In two volumes. , : ■ \ .
Smcix’s Gbcsi TsttaDit i—'The four Gospels and
*.eu of tho Apostics, iiv Greek, witii Englislunotesj
critical, pbtlosophtcftl, and exdcetkul; maps, indexes
e:ir n Mgetiier with the .Epistles und npcntaTypse; th-i
whole lornung the New Tfst'aineni—For tlmmsu of
Schools, Colleges, and Theological Seminaries. By
Rev. J. A. Sjjencer, A.M. • ; 5
•• A Nmv Novkl—Midsmamcr’s Eve.—A fuirr talc of
love. By Mrs. S. C. Hail. ; :
Jaxos’ Hots IW-Tho. life of Henry the Fourtlt,
xing of France and Navarr* By p. R. James*.
Complete in four parts paper; vot*. cloth.
lor sale by . JOHNSTON A STOCKTON,
janS Booksellers comer r.f market ar.d 3d *t%
Ktw and TRlnible Books.
UNDESIGNED Coincidence's in Uie wriiir.g Imth of
the OJd Tiini New Testament, un argument of ihi:ir
veracity; with tuiarpiMidir,'containing imrltraifrucii co
incidences! between tin Uoi>pi<!s and Act*, and Jose
phus. By Rev. J: J. lilunu B. D. First American,
from the sccondloondou edition.
The Errors of Modern InCdi-iity ihastnucd'nnd re
fined, by S. M. Sehranckor, A.tM„ pastor of lhs £m
Lutheran Church, Germantown! J’a.
Sacred of the Seasonsilllusirsunij the
perfection*; of God in the phenomena of the year. in
ioar volurties—one vulntne devoted to each season. By
Kov. llcury Duncan D. D. [
Chalmers Miscellanies, embracing Reviews, Essavs,
and Addresses. By the fate Thomas Chalmers, D.'i).
The above with a large variety of new mid standard
works, for sale low by / ELLIOTT A ENGLISH,
ja2S I _ •_M market ju Itctween 3 and 4lh.
JfswTlooks Jnit ReeTlveil.
HEAVIIN upon Eurliu by Janeway. one vol. fi?e
Chamock'* rJioiee works hy Lyniingten, l vol s-c
Uoiocineidencas of Ul5 Old land New Tesiiunent,
by Rev. J. J. Blunt, 11.1). mimvol. ' gi«j
Chnlmcr’s MisceUnuies', I'oeihs.'Essay*. Ac: . i^jO
Select works of Jurors, Venn, tyiloon, Phillips and
Jay in ode large voLfor die low price of UO
The Free Church Pulpii. 3 vni*.; '
Modern Infidelity, by SriiuckZr; i
life of David, ‘ , / \ 735
Daily wtdkjwith God, Matthew Strong, . 3-*
Circle of Human Life, by Theluck,
Memoir of Charlotte Elizabeth, t 3le
The works iuf Francis Turrcunein the original Lot- . ,
in, to be <otm>!eto in 4 vt»hq 3 vol*. now ready.
Wilis’ Poetical works in splendid Turkey Morocco.
The ttbov’e with a great variety of uow books, just
_Jans_[lV>»t copyj _SS markct;sL between 3d nnd 4th.
ENGLlkll the Greek Rev
oiation, 1 and of die wars anu rnmpaigiri arising
from Uiesirajjgtesorihc Greek Patriots in Kmauripa
tinniheitCbuntry frotnUie.'J’lukish Yoke—in two vol
aracs-splendid copy with numerous maps sad engra
vings. |• '’7,
letters’ Hfnstnrtiye of the reign of William HI, from
ISfG to l*o»—with fine portrait*,'in s* vol*.
Companion to the r.odv of iheilloly cxtiptnrr*
' Harry Mowbray, 1 Sailing romance, with SO engra
vings. •, [ . i .
"loui io'the Holy Land, French' Sutge, and Sketches
in China, Jn« rac’d and for sale by
spUM '• K> ro-trltrt *ir**t
. 1 <v ut*mr i.u'ti
-Se w Books.
THE Philosophy of Life und Philosophr'of Lari'-
ounce, by Frrd Von SchlegH,
Smith's' Researches in China in |b44. ’43 and ’46, with a
. map and plntrs. » •
The state qf the Departed, by Jno. Henry Hobart, D. D.
The Church Universal, l|y l)r. Slone..
Goldsmith's Poems, illustrated."!. . .
Thompson's Seasons** do :
For sale by . j • J L'READ,
jn-D j J J_ *t near inurkrb •
Chlcfcerlng’e tPlanoe.
j-<— ~ ' - A superb rosewood six octavo Pionr,
scale and patcut iron frame, made
MrfirTflhy-J. ChiekfcnniC’Uortnn,
• * • *! f • A very Hcgnnt n>*e#o©il six and «'
half octarq liano, new scale, land patent iron frame,
made by J.tChickermg, Boston.: • 1
The above instruments received to-day, and now
open lor examination; lor .sale at Mr. Chickerinx's pri
ces for cash or approTed paper. > >
Also, on hand, pne elegant totswood Gctfcuv panels.
*S!N^ c ,T,kf "tf* [ 6 « u . , “’ «H* *r «WJ
- One mnhojlmT Keen! lend ijiusi, 11 ocliwe. of ex
„.'"STp imid Pinno, lilailn hr Hem. Perl., nn.l
CT.rni«dlo be Iheb«l Pieeo Tone m the ch r , wii bo
sotd a< avcryjnoderato priee:' '
JeM7 , JOILN H 3Ij:LLQIL Pl.Woodrt.
Sew Plana -
<^ne aleganl lliiewood six and a call
Piano Forte double raised cor
tiers, new »calej Iron frame-mads by
™ II I ■ Chickering, Bouton.
One do. rothic panels niiu moulilinrs, 0 octave—Gale
A Co. Now York. ' j
One do. i gothic panels aud mouldings, d octave—
Gala A Co.'New'York. *• ! ‘‘
One superb grand piano,'d}rruves—Here, Paris.
The above pianos furies are warranted, and hare
been selected by ihe snUeriber; particularly for their
good quality of lime and tfitish musics/juatniturul-i.
i’orialentfaetorypriccs by ;
-_jaa7_, L ] ___ JOIIN 11 MIUJ.OR. el wood «.
' - DlefiiUc ftams Rlano.
*WLT* [ /f; j lij A HPLKNDI I) n.*»orUrj;nt of llotr.
■ V h«*iS wood und MuhotTiuy. grand action Pi*
| | * | j 11 auos. Frame, jus'thiurflic'i and for sale.
Alo; two'splcudid Rosewood Piar,o». with' Golcman’s
celebraledj .Eolinn nitacluneiit,; tiublieil uv the most
modern style, and for sale at •, i F. BLUMES,
jcM ! _ ili-i TiVoodsUe?t, 2 door# alrove Cih.
WO Zeanu julril cup fnir and Due qualities, •
. 1100 j *•' letter
DO Hat cap.igood quality, « ' :
. 200.-! blue factory patter, ‘ > .
30 : “ teapaw, .s .
rid tfnpsbomtetpoahls. I •
«.OTA> bundled straw rinditßc wrappiog paper it» :
siore and which we oujrto.the city trade artowrrires.'
bxt;6 if*^4; JO * t '»c«*redJiix* for’
. Jlfltai ApfOOO JONSB.ACO
'- i >, - K "**‘ ■", p* v>u - ~ Slr .—--.
long after the general peace, when rail clas* • as
sea of En^liah-travdlers/'learneil:and :^un-' =■
learned, polished and unpolished, flocked td ■
the continent, -in Search of .the anti:3B
the picturcftquc,. one of these pilgrim® *a#l» - S
companion, sitting in ft state •of woful -fte* £
fpair,-and apparently near; the last'agonre* :
by tlio side of oneof "the inonhtdutlakes.of : ; r '
Switzerland.- With great anxiety.ho; iri- . r ’:|v
quirea die-canso -
tho latter, “1 was very hot'anduhirstjvand
took a largo draught of the clear waieriof Vvi:
the lake, and then sat down on.this Btono tp ; '•*.
consult my guide book. \Tomy astonish" ;
nient ;> I found there that tho water of this ••
-lake is very poisonous! J.O, 1 aiii a gbho •'£
man; I-feel it runningtail*over me.’lhavo *'<
only a Tow minutes to* live; remember mh ' : -
to —“Let mo see. tho guide boak, n Vv!
i«ahl his friend. „Tumihg-to the.-passagey/no ■';'£>
found, “L ? mu <lu lac at -
water,of tho lake abounds in:fish- • '
the meaning ot it ‘'Certainly.''’ (“Ijujvpr ■
waa bettor,” said the dying- man,, Ippping -■
up, with a countenance radianY-na frie »un- r
‘on a fine May rooming. , “Whait womd'tiaTO .: •
become of you,” said his I hSi ! 'V'-
not met you!” “1 should havo dicd -of inl
perfect knowledge of the French'fan'gui^ei^.V:
On£ as good as a Thodusd.—A.lawfcuit;
wm lately mstiluied in Spain, : in Trhich.ti«>> '
heirs of a rich man sued the church, for the -:•
recovery of moneys paid.under the
deceased, to purchase at ‘the ‘ V:’:
pncc, twelve thousand masses for’his-sou}. 1
Hie pnests, thoogfa 'they.took 1 theratmey,'
objected to the labor, and the Pope, at their " r
request, abridged it, pronouncing that twelve' .V--
masses should "he-113 beneficial, aa twolw
thousand. The counsel for the. church*- iu
answer to the allegation for non-perfonnaiuris - -
of ; contract, produced the Pope's certifica&
that the soul had been delivered through tho • • ;■
efficacy of'thosajnasses. and that theralu'e—
being thus 1 received,-there -was not'ahy* ."■/
breach of contract• . 1 5* .-
Win lx we are in this life, dumbest'and
securest condition is exposed to a world of- "
sad and uncomfortable accidents, which we -
nave neither the wisdom to foresee, nor the •' prevent; and'where shall we: find - \
relief, if there be no God * ' < ' : *
T It _ T i Type Foundry, "™
HK subscriber* ‘ Have tnie.i' trie-Tvmi 1 .
-Jio.alUioM-etnset, and will coutJnue lhe'-^Sto2i
ia»dy conducted by Hobert Taylor. They- wilfiSS'-' v
jo ad orders Wufa ractuafity. and dWurh.' ‘Airtbi ..
* r rnmrn’ .
5, J ‘ A * T - Ofcread is atilt -
itiffthemnnufocmniiff department,. ’ '. .*••
rJft pri , C £ , *-? f
mouiba wtU be entitled to receive their payintyne, •*« - :
amount of ihMr bills ail*
• ei chanc« (or new at 0 cm per fb
L hnrl f < Whinny. 1 >vHITING ATAYrxm-- ™'
iS'ils doro 70 - ,0r ’ * to RoVt Taylor, >■'
janl9 . • - -Corner Gold nhd Ana Streets v
Steel* end Irotf Works.'
?ULIJUAK IIAILJLVN k. _Co n hsVioj eonaletnl • : vl
J lUcir new work*, are how
irm. e Jv[ y de «wpjion.of and Eliplic Spring** -' -d
L™ I ', ,A nj . enc tiUler, Spring ainl fftoaSt ••". -3
which kl , ze * lujuare on cl retrod hwi* ' - q
which they offer for sale ou liberal term*, aHheirw**#! • 'd
hou«. No 43 Wood street; Where thc/also Jwm*££ •' 'H
|uiad a compleie and handwlocy'aisonment'of tSach • -- '*
***•■“■; :,
*? d .T* 1 ke y* constantly,on hand every antda •
made-byjaiem: pcnlers nrc rcApeeiiollr «olwu«Ltt
cail, and terms lyilj lie inadf liberal. jy^S
„ . Hell and Brail ‘
m, A I'tcfTO.V, Uellrfuni lira** Kouude/.hasm.
bailt n.ij comruc;icr4 basines* at Wold e»nd. ‘ v-’ >
tvhek- l;t; v.-i.J be ;deased to see liiit old ciiildm
er#and tnrmlv • ~M W ■■.:■
to lluifi^^ le f tnJ>o:,t ' aud *** of every *i*e, /mm 10
dS p a “ J "’ Ca!U ' i,, ? la,len,sof the land appro,. ?
ecUier WfA otCr pul “P I SCoum l ;r*, Railing, ic, li>. - ' .
rf ßra ” ttuttnyvif reqrnr* : . «is
■ r>, finished m the neaiestinanrie r : ••
*? l<s proprietor .of iWairt Aim- • ’
ofl'rict-u. ii!m^“ JU^) '^' ;c ll rulttl Air the reduction ' - i'i
can_!«s(oi hlmSt'-.S.— 6 *
''XU -
Jji Bullions, «*f'c J>4; t protiounceil^^ilclftin
J, ‘ r '4 ljU <y in the construction of alt kinds of' ■’ v*
fi'.Tff ?> Pnc ° «!,» cash for loads oflOM.Kunr. A
antecd mnn inonlhs u««.. Ordrr* for a eccoud floality
Coltvar Itncki will be *xe«uied at SAT per M, irsoTde
?ir«l, w,Giout gonninlfi!-. A .lock VIW firil quituj-' . -
~i Sr ! fn V^ cnl^ew \ vhftU « : ’ ,i?:o,ia, ‘'' v hari7Ci : -•
in?f V ,by I J- Sj»AW-.M.iCLARUN,
P* ■ _ •», Kctniiifftfln Ifon>Wort:fc' ~ -' ;;•
J_> a tivf li .ui.ply of low priced and fin,,'black AJpac
«-a«, also black satin, itnpcd do; ilo,t« barred dendrtb • '
Arpaccu*. lutU n very full twsorjaemw black ilobair
i.usiics, including a lew piece* veryCac a,ul vert elo*- :. .
»y; nt corner 01 itlijind .Market Mi. • tebd3
Advance ou"Prlniinc Pan*," —
JOHN II.MEU.OR, «l rfref: >'
U Paper, fnrC.'S, Larubdin-fc-Co
would inturm luj customer, that, in c4n»ca(ienco'o<the '
advance on mgs, paper witl be chirped lor the tire*.
. cut at eleven cent* per pound,’ ur ' * r ■> •
Imperial pnnl,'AlH.'Ci ot' • '«.y»d
IJoulilc aicdionijt'iHj? at ' 1 •
_ Mode of Heattaclloiues,'' -
\[ H- O. UKXTEIi, of Doslou, baa arranged and t «. ‘ •
JJi. tented a plan lor headiur hou«g». which lias been
sueeeMfully uwiTin
ever applied, jias received ihe decided preirance’&er
stoves, rurnuceft, eic. Iu advantages are— .
re S? lsri, y of temperature. - ' ' • •
• Ab hrectloin frum-smokc.— • ‘ !
3d. No unpleasant dryAcs*. ' '' .i,.’’ '<
4,ll 'orter > alle “ dcd W and to get ‘ '
filh. Great darniiifity; ■ ‘•
A model and specification may be Ken and armor*. - -
tus obtained at Oic copper and Tinware factory of •/
f I •' -WAI lUjOAlFE,First
J.J.; be'wbiui wood and market.
5,., ~A Phyalclnn’o Testimony. ”
EI.LKI& lilVtUl. FILLS—TUc original, only truo
• LHoaroosAce. WasbirSnoßco^'Feb/24, jais.
, v .y r lr ,fliers: 1 .wilb just add that vour Liver •
liir* have answered dm very best purpose in' iny pmc- •• ' :
tiec. and irotu ihcir salutary effects .»oen ift'lry ottn
prescriptions, J can coufideutly and .nfely recommend
itiiem where I have.hitherto hesiiulud wiih othcrsbi"
great repute, lours, • A N.WUIXK. /
s’S r “ rW - b >; IL 11 SELLEUS5. wood .- *
■Sold by Sr. Casmx, Jsth ward; JX AL Cckbt, Alleefce- ?
ny, and W. J. ymrii. rcinperaiice villa. . v •
HOPS— For mlb a i'cw bale* Western NcwTosk
growth ot ls4G—from S to 10 ceiitv ‘ '•
** W NY " euly.piairiijai;;
Prime Ohio do. Bclmmu county '
The geucral Enwru crop of the Mown is new htH»
mn>{, V fn‘.K j “ ld wt,eM U-'hlff UojH, wilt
much to their advantage to obtain their huWyfnuatho
?idcud ta «« S -
w “® G. \V.SMTI'U ACol
Pittsburgh DrcUx?y; ! ' .
CIGARS—IMJ.OOO imported 'cigar* ol
lh« (ollowjng-celetjmcJ brand*, pan
v f ' ■ Au biqueik}d, Washington reniUaa,
-_• ... Ui COT Pmiiluicld fc front«,.
’ft\i i • "I'? l)a 3 s prime Uio coOeeilSObWxNO
V <5 boxes umnutacUired lobaeeotl2s half
7 “!V d «i“ ck ,^*i 75 oa,ld MlbiSw^ji
*! dex, AWboxes German clayj JO ca»Usolera
«*vPoto*li, together wub.a ceperal' awort
meat of groceries, in store and for saJcoy
jaai cabso.v a Mcknight, cth itr
; MouonjahrJa Llrerr Slahla; ’ .•<•■•
IIOUI-.KT 11. PATIKItsOA' fiat opened the
W Wft ,ar s c ' ’•tohle on llmt sl, miin/nc- iLrousrt lo
JLJi JTiSeciind si., between Wood and
tit Uio rear oi tin.- Mouoneuhda' House. with nu-entirely ■
nmr slock of Horse* ami Carriages ol the best duality
ami latest, xi) If*- Horten kept at livery in the best
• lytMl r
4 *OPiiIRCEXi’S KlliJSS''—-Just received, per
OPacket Rh»p Parana tk, 4 caiks ‘’ppence.rV’Ciui
Steel Pile!*, comprising a very general naaonarjiL .
l'hcnliciuionol ilaclnm*m and consumers xcueralW
i? invited: IGUANA. KENr&Otf" V
■ c| ri'’ ; ■ y •__.l^?*ao«l»lrw< l f
AN KUXTIOK WliJ iie Jielil Bt ibe
Jodps, in UakL-r.iovvn, Allegheny cnuniy, oo Jttou-
Oifylbefiiii clay of ilarrh nexi, Uelect iliri-c Mifiann
of the Piiuhurgb autl Suites Turnpike Hoad, lor
•uiug year. J>y order of the iioant.
.HilMiteU ARTHUR Mcon^i
+ * k-.r.c Carta! Jxunysny jjiJJ l>c held by tim «ntk
holdm at thoir Office m the botougb of Kne_~r&-
day tie Kliday oi Alan* neX WatJO o-rSf^v*
• Cnnnl Office, Eric. J u it. 18 ,1
I l\iiN LAWMS-r-A-. r , f _ - Ti"itnr
li ftantly on ba«ul t also linen
t»nc hHudku, lon- pneed and fine - '?
- ! l M . - _. .... >v KMcm-liy.'■
i>t,vs J Hrmixifs.-o
’ * T * l
rEka lt&*S- Ml* rrimo N
K,S2lSSrtW?*"s* lOiUfcdrted
‘or icli- ii-r mTjlli fanU' BiuwuerOeaeseeami
(.nti-uuccomiiKiisottufsite 1 ' ■; ■ ••
I.' JHatXIQ HT;’ a
" a; r , b y„&;%
"M* .* a •■•• BliACUEls3|(jg|«!«* .'“
t# " . WWoa4«~ v ,
- ■ ‘m yj-riMi- -
’ ’ i j.vtj I
_ .' ••" '"~ ‘ ' \'?J