$ -ji .! ;Ul‘ t. !- ft- Itt If v. ' -r'-V-ii ;I^# S|; ■.■■■-: ■ 4'i'V V \ ♦ ’»■ ** i Wj tfl'JttvrT***; MBkv^&S&h ' x '% ■ sls&S#!fe*?S£hS Illll^ilp. liiaiifpii.. rfei'xl^iS-"v-v-S! $r ■?■•:; is -i v£ : :K-i •-«* • #^^>#’s44.4 IS j.>,...j. •p 71 ,. 'tf s',) *'■, -i : i 1.,4,: jj- s. ' &»...*• :iv< -5 jS mg&ftmfia ■pillllS ->-• > r.r «<&» •-'•SVjVW-Ws-Hm.'Jk ’«?#* • *'*>.! *£•: f«®SB§#ll! ■ v'v-'tefV MSi?iiSll lifStiSt <\ * * * (~Tfeu F f blll g '°°'“ l lUga-V ' i.Jv;'. :. .. i‘i<i; it:. ; : - '•••’.•• - . ■■••• ■■ •; ;■ i',:-/' ■■■ ; ■ ' • ' | - \ .-. ■ ■■■’'i:- ' ■■; ■.U.H?.^]:. > GROCERIES, &o. VrtßCEtt, BROTHERS ACo, Commiaeten Wer- XU. chartt*. Philadelphia, tol the sale of produce ge nerally.- liberal advance* aide on consignments. febS-Cm. ~ ••-- ,••• „•■ V . - • ■■■ - ATTEST,BCArEN—CommiMion . eurt TV Mcrck.nl, No. DO Front Sc, tatween .MooJ •«MlMiriromroH«. •■-■■■••-“■■ ■ fekM SUNDRIES— »<H b‘->f* SQ Moia«»*» in prime order, }io hhd* N O Sugar, old end new; 3CO. bag*- dark “green Rio Coffee; In ttcre and for saleby febiM CARSON it- McKNICUT . MANUFACrFBED TOBACCO—33 kin Ck.pmiui> £’*,2s do Congress; ffs,2o doCavanah ffs, I«do all Robinson's S’*, 15 Ire* 6 , *,25d0 ifani»on'« Fa, SO do Branch's I’sj ou consignment 'at reduced rales, by febS3 A,GORDON,front st SIIAWI-S A few Ter)- rich and tup. Csshrocre Bhawi*ijn*l received; also, Spring Rib bo us,io gTcct Tandy, at the dry goods Ifouse of feb23 W. R. ML RPHk ■ rpOBACCO-* hkd» Meton County Tobacco, reeeiv- I «d this dar per stmr New England, and for sale by *"■ • JAMES HUTCHISON 4.C0 feb23 • i AS water and PU front tie •axrASlI doa Bice’* Improved Patent W Zinc Wash UoanU, wholeaale and retail at man nueturer'a price ,by J D WILLIAMS, •fcbtO . _ , ' lIP Wood it pc’tbnlk *ide», ju*trec'd on coo ler »alfl bv I UROWN £ CULBERTSOX !, , ■ |43 Liberty rt Bulk pork •lgsmentoni SUNDRIES— ICO ban Green Rio Coffee, SO tierces rice, lUbllt Tor. CObxt M R raisins, in store and for •ale by ' JOHN S DILWOIITU febaj ■, i • . g7Wood»t TJRXiIE BACON-la store and smokehouse, don- X atantJy for sale in any quantity, by fcbS3 . BROWN A CULBERTSON SUNDRIES— 25 sekt Feathers, 13dt»Ginjeng,S5do' Goober Peas, SdD Dry Apple*;4 bbla Been*} now ,a '|-S “ n ' Cie °“" C , f °' “ I ro b i' l . n DICKEY Sundries— n bw« iard;sbaifbu«d^»bag*ft£ then: 5 tacks dried applet j®* l Cashier, and for sale by [feSJISALUI WCESV i Ce COPAL VAUNISiI-sbbltlOkflßMn mwb. lure,for ul«low by IdXIAH uICKEY ACo • _JebS4 , , tnucr and front »t QCCAR-8 Ltd* N OJPujar Ju»t recdred on con “d 'WhdICKEV tea SUNDBIES— 100 tbit X. O- MoUwodrOO bhd» print M. 0-Sug»r, 70 bbl. .d oml forajtlg byJOILN 8. JIbWORTH I- ARY PEACnES-10bSl*DiTl , ««‘^.S' 1 “ .-Cjir l f °' *° i " ¥. g. F. TON POKKHOICT *Co Eggs— 6 bw. ftt* «p '»•' recl meut and for »aJe of feU3 POIXpEXTERt Co BICV iff titreet jual ncfiwd bjr ilio- SirtUiti fot 'Stebrlfluai BROWN fc'cULPEBTSON ARD—lObbla nadiJQkegiNol L»rd fcrulebr J,. feba J.fc ItFLOxD i*'(LOVER SEED—OO btuh Penn* Clorer Seed for L/«Uabr tfabSgl’ JfcBFLOYP. BUCKETS-— 50 do* Bemw Bneiet* for mJo hr . . tfebcoi Jfc R FLOYD ! ftWUw • • ' 1» lUxrty itrccfc A BHES—IO c»lu Salerain*; 10 ia No 1 Fotiab; t& do A. UUck Balt*. For*ale •' . Icb3B'• : • cXBSOX b McSNlGlff BICE— 23 tierce* prim* Itiee'jtul'tecehredinfl Wt tale by POINDEXTER Is Co leb« . ■ ~ •41 water It GOLDEN SYRUP—lOhlfbbl* “StJemes Refinery;* No 6 Svnip;ju*t received and for *aie by rtbta ; . POINDEXTER* Co • >lBll—COhlf bbU Nu 2 Mtekerel; Jo«t rtcthred tad foraaWby IfebZn POINDEXTER ACo ORANGES— M) hxsjusl reeeir«l •unrßen Roib, and for *ale by. > ATWOOD JONES ACo uhsa » water «t OTUCCO and PlMter of P«U from theßiU of R W fci Cunningham, for aale by GEO-W JACKSON, Ji'lliTihcl• . . • MACKEREL— 124 bbl» No 3 Mackerel, large me, in etore and fiat tale by J feblTtf ■ • jonx SCOTT k Co. SPTS. TCEFEXTINE—so bbla in *arnrand for aale iw ' JDEu MOHlil.lv- - 'V cor. .Wood and Fifth atreeuv .■ ,M>is-roXE-Oi..bi. 1 h «°r° IAMPIHNE ot plnn Oil in ilort ullfor inn. Jf i f e bl7 JOEL MOliLhttn Buckwheat flour—»*cu hulled Boci 15 ■ l °" “■‘ga 1 JaißY JUNIPER BERRIES—I 'bag “ d • . “Si. I.tgjg rotf- 1 *“* TO ' d gEBaSu&. fPSggP v—■“■i°s‘ t S^iS d to (OW'D ABSENI&-3M 1&.J.U1 ic£d«nd ionulo bj fcbl7 . • H E SfcuLfcJtJ- _ KTD BOROX ENG—3 cun jort “3 d j tylt-by jfet>l7i • RbShLLERS.- *pin m -Pig*Leadjoatrec'dper »u Amen* ! ,mg B - a> bo». for “‘.‘-,r j p WILLIAMS. gCORCHINGS— 6 bbla on eons! SUNDRIES— 185. dor Egys; 15'do* Tow Yaraj li Hickory Brooms on eonsiynment and for’ «0f febt7 d P wimA.ua. • FRI3H. TOMATO ES-Cdox bouje*. a mgerior ankle [CebJT] - J D WILLIAMS. sOTTSTManiifira eoUa6±, andfl in. Tarred Ropes obitoasiyiimcui b, ■ I C aunvaj-sg^ ACTOR OIL—S bbla just rac’d and lor sole by febll ” ■ : JSCHOONMAffER&Co. ' PONCAX. ■Boous-w to Co . |l ?.,V. EAl^rv5 T N^N y Nnn JCT * Co. gmTHE y-i»vRMR—S3 boxes W R landing and for sale by - febl> ROUEBT DALZELL Liberty st. ofUOABS—IO hM» priiae N O wff«r. JS 8 bbU lo*f -A ■ ~ ■ 0 ehnubed . *» ■ mttoreifldfo (feb7) O BLACKBURN tc. Cq> p*is iT tc i S T^7 tt ' 15b °”‘ of/E °OB n ScS&S'^ br liJ3 •air- *'rgKnia»JO~btfbbUXoaiarKe:~ SPADES Jfc,SHOVELS-H*y toaore Fork* maua&ctared'by John Pc m»&.Co. Fertile by COCHRAN,tpIeAft, . / ; . ~ No. 88 Wood »L * *r AED OIL—I 3 bbla Corxl line’s No 1 Lard Oil, In S 0 MOULD CANDLES-SO boxes Mould Candles io tlfltßind forsalcby • ' u / fcbl9 - BEM«ERS ft NICOLS. / rnALLOW—39 barrels Tallow joatrae'd per steamer I Beaver and ior sale by .. febl9 ■ SAW HARBAPCIL / T ARD-400 kegsNolLard, 10 barrels do in «» / j j (at sola by. BtW HARBAUOIL V • rf^OßN —50 bays yellow Corn Just received on eon- V/ aismmeut and for sale by _ _ ! . ; Bfc w HARPAUOH. »P.aXR—3O barrels while llean* jn« received and jifarsaUby: 3fc W HAKBAUGU- *»ek* dry Peaches, 100 sacks dry _ „*!?'" tecd, “* * IU ‘ ‘“bE HARHAUGH- B‘ UTTER tEGOS—S bJUftia fresh rolll batter Bdo jta. .gg. FLOUR* <3 barrel* Flour, Smith brand, extra; 12 do ftW^ 1 ° la, - for 'jOH t £ P MORGAN. BACOX-Wi pc. b»S '“SS.Vt'S'.mt'iS”" m 1" “ U ‘ 7 Commercial Bo«r, Libcnr .1. ' •’ VlXEOAR—lObbls old eider Tinegar to ai • ‘* l ° *' l ' jnnN scorrr uo. iosjn soAP-za <»*;* s*l iSSEftSnfSffif” j, tale I>7 ; (febl9] WICJC & •M*CANPwEag._ J TJBIMEOUK MYHIUU-IMJIj. tonte ■>T„ X Koto J KIPP A Co. W’S* SPEH.II 011-12) fo,V J IC I!?t.D IC, )U X CAN’S EXPECTORANT, GENT 15E-<1 doi totntle by J JQPP* Co- •T^EATIIERiJ—29 *ack*Fe»ihenr leading from »uar. t> ybasnixMidtorwl#bjr .. „■ '•• _ ' *619 .- • • :: • JAMES DALZKLt* - . /NppK'Sula bale*VelretbotJceorETSrialg by ■ AJ fcblS • JOHN tt MOROAN. TjCCKtrfS A VIMV JU-118 dox Bearer ItackeU; •J 5 bhl* FwailT 1 Ftotir ior bf . i Cjcb-a JOHN S Dn^VOHTU^ COHN— 20Q baJicli coni iu IbU ami *«ki fbti&Jobv ■' i . feba . ‘ McGILL. DL'SHnFJ.D&JIOK- ■V ' T\RY APPLES—3O bo» eood quakiy for ula by . leba“ dottier «Q» and Ferry meet*. . | . i, • PiPPtn *nd Vaa **)*■" OEOCTEPmSSOS.^ * ■ •' flpOlfttoCo--aariei»TtvrutTobaccoJu*trcc dana , . ‘ ■> JONES * Co. ATWOODj_» T INSEED OIL-OO bbi* fc ' ‘'flßAOUtf-W fcM* prim* thou Men, 10 do«ide*,jo» '•’’PJSW^'^^WSSSgS#' THE . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PRICES CURRENT, - \: ' , ■ ■! Aahoa.— Duty »\pr;erW RoriLr.rcrined.--*2l 0 23. rv]™ % Vi '■ lon,C - n, “’ tjo 0 21» Bearer, Clark, WeUaville.- - Pot* O'S Balaam S> e siViVa Bariev*"' '*o 0 45 No. I.Voundry-—*—* ®32i10 Calabria-* *"•65 0 70 Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wellsville. *«>•: V gJI 5 * * -*>»&.**«*» Wo* , BrownavOte.. Seorehuiga-.... 0® * g“g2£r refined-•« o .spr Pi«*h. Common'.... U 6 13 Hanoi* Rack. * £*»*♦£ ! ®g g H Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. 7 Chlo?ideLime,c».k 6*o ; £* Honey-Duty Wpereent. fbtoS^?::::::;:;::;:;::’23 S 5o ißaltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. $2*225%:.,r5~ ? eb^;;v;;;., .gSß}* »'TewSS'....- —I 31 fffS:..::::::::: *0 » v*uamic,Parkuuoo,Browwvina. Brlatl«»—D&ySpet cent • ij® *V Ginseng—£luiy 20 pr. et. Mercer County. i blood 1 k'Conunou **! ®*s America, De Comp, Cia. American t *'• ® ~ 11 013 GinaenJ*"..-.? &£ *> Foundry Fig £ V,'** 24 ® Welbville, Barna, Snnfiah. 4710 Gall* S -0® 35 H*y—per ton of 2«» lb«.— n*sifi£? k ®*’ —1 P * r ** Uon *2o 0"l Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. S?,.r:=U«w c IS' T B^^ i !tySS£. k,*..?::::::::v.v.v.v.:. , 5 ® w , NewE^a,^*^®.. Bc»n»—pcr>M-*je- -- « rac j n t>{.'..-31 © 37* .Missouri 70 10 Force do-- ® ?ln«—per Os DEPARTED, '"G2%rz -“'sSfiae 15 &Id Spanish..,..—.— -U® 16 PUater p^*^sfJ<>a) e |K ct *1 : % 1 Beaver. Clark, Wellsville. Comnonkinu' •- ,< j«o <a\ «o Do. tailed ®- Pl«ier Pant-•■•10,00 b l'-YmnY ’ Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. •pS” *2£i • ■**»*» *2SmSZZ:~ 0 EcSB2S3r r “ ~te - , •cd*%».M<»>feß»w» r iw«iifiite. ■Beemtx- . <*)&«• Vi*CA ° k « nx.- “Shoulder. 04 Dry GpOda SO 0 25 Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. -lflimmg’r * 7*o 0* MuaoukSlfrP.l• ~ ®ln» “ ® ” Monterey,Momaon, Brownsville. :.875f150 Liquorice Bull IS 020 .Manilla; -Or llogreund,e tycure «®'-I . T<jLOTitrille. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. ™gZZ, m \L± . ..*....-8® « nopiH-Daty-SOpercenL “ ! Atlantic. Parkinson,Brownsville. Itterebaioable-A • P7i©L2s 14 Vot>«cent- * * a! in 51© 5| : Pri?tnLoui«Tille to th Wdlsville, Barns, Sunfish. - - fit Dry GoW. 0 Lake Eric, Hemphill, Beaver. Ch«nnt(sai?- r : .Myrrh, Turkey 20 S’ »l SpalT.h.. I.IS 11® 12if 1 ToStlLmiii.* & Hibernia No. 2, Klinefelter^Cm. g£koB?..~ <W Vitriol 42» « Manilla-^........ B 5 <01*» “ _ »!?.’. SI M tf/ b 5 -0 SO Pacific, Campbell, I^uuville. Unlock.- 3i?050 “ Ca.tor O\M Iron-Dwy ® per gnu » H«nw, 001 Fainnount, Poe, St Louia. l A ?g}Z?' T “*3 0* i F ?S»tSS^D, : '- -™:* i9si “.IVpS'l'-’-'S rSVpW"]""'s | * D tS|[2 e ( r i:-*-^- 4 » 7S • 371 ; BOATS LEAVING THIS;BAY. | ■TenfuandAlat:- oS-“-^. Talkey '"Floush winc»" J -- --- 41 5 Common O3 Dry Good, (down) 015 i BROWNSVILLE j PACKETS, 8 X K., anil 3 Chocolate 4> Quimae....^. ; .--."00 (#3,00 Ploughwinp. -J*g - Nc »hem»ck»p. bbl Produce, Ac.(up). 010 ! , lir ! :.v:g|S S w. - I - Candle.-: ,-20ivrct |al Sods £g {4 §o«3SSSe 50 s** Swvt ■, ....' 0 BEAVER PACKETS, at 9 and 10 a. M, anti 3 4 {, *ls oviocb,i.«. ! : I# D?fe.'r * » pacific,Bouuvuie. -SB 3 g: nK&; SSI 537 HUDSON, Nashvnia Furnace*.*.*.. • -do-•...•• Peatheradut>-25 r er.«u g^SSScr-V-- .V..is %}! SfSeea-per fib Dry Good. * 0 W DOVER, Wabash. • vSffnIMXM S fi'me«l'waVkV'".'.S S K §SSin ilitt*"*" a§ » M ToßwOri™i." & . “The river laid evening [wu 5i feet water and tufae* & Soft 17® I s * nu»*ctt do-...[ 36.00:042,00 Pepper "** O r 10 *tm o» **uoht o» th* rrmttva n« sia Vo 10 18 Hard 13 ® » Upper finished.• 23 1 ®!02S 1 00 ALpiee**r 0 1-i icasai. ato mAttaeaw. A. Huoa * ] *nt ' a iitnia..... .17 Cnrranta. Zante..‘*l4 ®l5 Kip*.' fini*htdy-IM.OU 038,00 Snaheroot—per B. Apple*.and jreen fruiiperlOOlb.OUcU ©aaaarr wenforaTHai) a*d »ov»tb crarra, - u?l ' J :.iq Filbert..* 81® ® Call Skin do.. ..15,00 OSOJOO Yimnia 014 A»hea;l’ot and Pearl, 60 XNFORM their friehd. and the public generally* that m Inereuinrl centner lb to ' Groundnm. 1-5 Lnee Leather*-18, OO & Senecca* —; Bolter and Bacon, 80 1 being about to remove to the tpaeion. andelegant Fiea TttAev*..**'-« B'w N- England Seating, . 3O per cent. BeeC,sailed, do 70 store recently erected on the odjouung Lot, They will kf v| ; ...830 Malaca-... 12|» 10 No.l per 0 pitt»bargh No-l-*-*4|o 5 Bole rope and Bagging do 87J do»o outtheir large and well selected *toeko/ Fail id» «So . . ....738 Rainoa Moacat ® N 0.2 perdo*.U.3s.«> 0 Cincinnati «1® 4| Beeawax, do 75 »nd Winter Good, at «i£audin many ease* lew than u Sn Ja? Bunch u MQ.MQ. 1000 siaoi BlocoTold —.O Slmep «km*..... i....2|0 5 Ca.tAShear... *1« ®l7 Broom*, do 1,<5 entire .lock of New Go< hi. The wle will eemmenee — 7- 1 rAmKlaf. Lnmher—duty 20p. c. ad 10 C-ee*e, do fiO thi* day andconiinue Co the fim of March, or nnul '“*•lSoS. SeUybx 3.00 04,50 Valperk BctGWmaa 0 13 Corn, i do 50 th eir . removal. The. «ten«nre aawnment of I C«M Srifae . . 9DB.S Oranire. Pme, cl’r, in, pr M. 320,00- ..“.Eagle 011 Contra.’ - do 60 Good, will be «!< [full 30 per cent. lea. than ttw- 5 a»ia Pcaehea drv.ba.. L6O Common ■*♦..• <3IOJ» "IU.-Heop L 0 15 Chilled Roller. do 75 »l prices They eon*Ui bf the most fadiionable Cash >Clc^^i(Dotr®iwre?W Aralefc^^- 4 *’—® 0 *» ■ Clear, li “•••*••—330,00 - Piittburgh Manufacmre. Drogsand Medicine*, do 87 mere* and Delane*, Gi la, Mohair, Silk and Oregon J.^2^tdwS?e T r 1-014 01,75 Comhi lV “•*.•••••- OermanStlel 0 «Dryogi, do 1,00 AUo, BombaziriKffpacea^Ae. liSl Bhreßrlek—per At. Clear 2 “ 040,00 Eng U*b bluter ’0 Vi\ DnedPnul _ do O* Cloak Good*—French 2nd German Merino*, Queon’«* S2i BoJivar. —— 025.C0 Com*n S “ 023,00 American blifter---- 0 41 SJobt,? . perbbL Cloth, French Plaid ClojEnn, allltka Sf***^ 11 fit3M Common 12.00 015.00 Floor'g el'r lin do—■ 018,00 Bpring 5»0 5| Fur. and Feline*, perlOOlb* m o*t fa*hionablo colon? i Black and fancy.DnMaOki. -7 '*l* * rS *_* - Slonr—Duty Sllper eeuu l in. common —i'3 —•- gplrita—per gallon. Feather*, do 1-3 ot every variety. Shawl*— Terken, Tmlan consign- Extrabranda, retail --<14,50 Oak do do-- - 018JJO Brandy, Bord’x--2XO & Furniture, do piaid, and other *hawU-*very laree wortment, fdlr ■•KSE!SrfS7*«?IMftS? Superfine*— 04-37 Pine .hng’. 0 3,00. 0 GU**w.re f -do 75 reduced one half in price. Flannela-Weleh, EngUah 5o baraDdoldoprci.oldfree. fat ttu” 3Jff Rye Flour Live *; N,- 87 0V» GraMug, perlOOlb.. « Bonnet and Cap Ribbon*, Glove*, Hoaery, Gnaptand for Sheathing 20027 wtbbU -0- Becve* -TTrioO 0 «*]£■- <0 ® » Groeene*, do 00 Fringe*, Wrought Collar, and Cape*. Lace*, Artificial - °7inl'lVßuckwheat, pr ft*••• I®U Hog* 3JO 0— ■ Gin*Holland 14» 0 IfiO Hardware, do 87* Flowera, Plume. and.Featbera,Scarf.,Craram, Hand. OordAße DutyfiOprtcett. C uhif, bbU none. Cow. ACalve»'-.-8 T OO 018 JO : SwSex —Duty ® per cent. .Hop*,; 00 87* kerchief*. Fancy Btiitona, etc. Linen Good, of every *~g i| Feed—perbuibel. Sheep-.- ...2,00 0 2121 N.O.prime,hhd- 0 6J Hempi do ffi* deecription. WooUenGood*-Ca«nnere», Cawmeiu, Whitaropc ~-0 12 13 &14 Xpr. et « Siir, U»A 0- 5 Hide*;(raw7sc;dry SI) do Vertitrg*. Beaver*, Pilot*, Tweed*, Jean*. Whitney eSSL > .U.*"flV. <> “Z!oio'- Bteria - 15017 Sugaihouae...;....4o 0 45j Havana, white, lb**B 0, M leather, do '4O and Bath Blanket*. Also an extennveauormentof « f “'ZS'a Flak-duty on Ibre'n. can’t N,Oriean*.... r ... 27*0 Brazil - ,Ib*lOjo 11 a do 40 Cahcoe*,Chtnt2e*,doae.UcGutgbanu t Checka,BlripM, j- 11 SO percent. . Naval Stores—Duty 29 Pnlvcrixed, Phiiad---.o and Lard Oil, do w ‘ Ticking*, brown and bleached Mu*Un«,etc. Hem Bed Ctd. per do*— 1...-SIIW percent. •: tL«*— «* Otl,Ca*tor, eo 73 The following will be .ome of the Pnee.; J Bo»ln per bbl-J -0- —■; 75 Ca*bmemat . IS| c. Usual price 37* £***::—: Nm i“-- -010,50 Pitch.... •'* 3,00 0 3£oi Pert,! perbbL Mou.«Unde . 12* . “ “ M and 31. Sf®®??.’' Nollhir.bb!*, 0- Tar, Allegheny.-; 5.00 0 -. ?’ 2 1,77 ■ perlMn*. Gala Plaid*, .60 “ “100 -Nia. r. 07,50 “N. Carolina*-3£S 0 6£o «».*>* „• Rope* and cordage, do 00 Mohair A Oregon Plaid*, SO “ “ 37* 4s*tzE:is**&&.£. b.— m~~ .3 Hi Boimn cm.a.-"JI|M g»f--- rdnin _ g§£ Ta w ■" ;.0 trs s*-,S' 0& L d° .Jrit C 3 7d -.0 5.25 Tobacco.] irnty pr. cl. do 0125 they will not be disappointed in the quality or price* 0/ famvjnt.Y.zJ* »sS£k>i.— |S .f.‘ 4 ; v-:|«g.gsSli“:::::1S ‘ ~£ts!± a® 7!!;;7dki!Mill -» ’I . ■*--72 3i,* ~ . '?:«% ua».-T«l«—-■:»• '5. *• *** laim, I>»ai«.' Bemln.ry, RSlook?.»»»“• JI ttMeoDa—'—- • g Sl j kc iJf/5 %S' SSSSSU *J » Ito. BdUULKT. •» j-r. s. w. JlET&iSS^'ldu.nouni.loU>e«n- Sf?!!;.. ....-07* OlM»- ©«*“-**» ft : 12* Lrmtp in box—n 0 U ei>,Taljow l W.Gla«, Strawberry etreCU where fortbe la*t twelve month, he fX»A*' •••—O7 KackßotOe. r>tubttrgh*^ r - r 8 » « 12 <f l; lutdlVhukrprlWlb. 00 h« On and after April 1.1 be wtq «. - 18* “ “ 12 0 14 CU»>o2— Hemp,Flax eupy room* on Federal atreet in “Colonade Row,"«i. * •£££*....' •• s ~o* «»L d®—;.. •—.07.» -‘S— I ScotcketmT- I*o M dobf from“e bri^geT^ The Academic Year wiU con- I &4brown cotton 11012* Mad*a wine gab— Lahl, Cttj "'i *fl a ?m ■' RapT** 2 13 Cla»* No. 3—Dried Fruit «*i of two *e»ton. of five mon«h»-eaeb commenetng ty. {hSSST« W Okv«;**:;-;y;** , «“g l l g ,Cu«kl)ry*lbw*-*0 £5 Ustker, o\d on the fir*i Monday in February and September. : 1 do do 7joi*j Window Glbm, per box— ; « t_S x«*—Duty 20 percent. Skina, Seed*, Wool, •— ** T » or totios raranra or rtr* xotma. L* S do—.*•••••3*014 City branda ■ “ tnblcached - g lr” 4 Imperial «S« «J Claa* No4-Beerwax, Bn-U.h Department-Including. Beading, Orthegra- Rraven drills** 800 PxlO — « i 0 «« -Gunpowder 45 0 70 g, pbyand definite. Writing, English Grammar, Rbetonc, Ki. 100 11* lO* l2 ’Young Myaen*." 30 0 40. J IS Hop* l >ldw. loo*e Flax 1,35 Lotnc, FnclUh Compo»iuonaiid Cnticum. Geography, K?T&to£ • 8i»*l 12xL-.....- v - ; ---07.«> Tanner, per bbl* P0 a%’......„ » 0 7*l 'Jr, Majrtaelmawwaea. . gSSrT%Wimttie wd'tha high* branebe. of Nathc —OW loxl4 to _ Palnta-wr lb- Tlnplatv—Duty 1£ pr. ed JUle* of Inautvncs on cargoes of matie*. Nawrul Pbiiowphy, Chemutry,- A«rouomy, l tlSKf.—'- ® l3 » ldx24-”"-; OOO Banca lßoek.. 0 ,Wm and kec! boat*. Botany, Pbyrioloyy, Geology, IntelUetnaLaifl' Mor.l Ir!w»A.C.A- •—ol3* Country brand*. uSmblMk ••••• **• ! 610 7 *X .....10 0 *- *Hoier branche. requiriie to a thorough irSbS -'-O lot 2 TaUow-DutylOpr. cer.tf ““ to Cincinnati, O|o * ggiuh educaiion **» vSituMror*.”””—®l fl l 10x12 j*Chrome Green- 33 9 55 Rendered— 7*o 7* to LotnmUe, ky. *l® Cla*rieal Department—^lncluding the Latin, Greek and . r«iired P CMibric.- s*oo Gunpowder—Dot) 20pr. __ Yellow No. 133 0 35 Rough---- & fi| toSt-Loui*,Mo { ®l* French language* each ah additional charge of*-SOW n s t v.lfrvPrinU*” -4*014 €<ult a .>- • a No.S'W®- JS BoapGrem*e 4*o 5 “ “ toßooaviile.ilo 10 2 The .emce* of competent Teacher, are secured, for - pS%wßtae..' -r-®m . Bnm*wiek Green-1«0 20 Vloea-per box. “ Z 11011 a. may de.ire to receive in.uucuoa. In dewing, !tah '“ is' W? “ ;SS£3&» if V..JIO 4 ylSow Oditti al® 3 Lisbon -73 0 023 I G r *l»—Duty 20 per cent. v {r ße< j....L4l© 6 pry Malaga -*•• &4 0.70 Charxe* by good Flat Boal*) ..3 from the time of entrance. No deducuon* will be neat .. 012 Wheal : Ve‘rdirri. 3180 IM Sweet 63 0 C 5.1 -JoNew Orleans J ptade for absence, except in eaae.ofprctraetedU net*. lO 0 u IBye 0 ->«rtign... Myy , information whkh may be desired wUI be cheer- Aquaiotu* uUjr w thoM who call upon the in* _ \_j -nr. ' auunor ai'hi* room*. Ja2hdly - Reference may also be made to the following gentle* COMMERCIAL RECORD REVIEW op the PITTBBVB-OH poa IHZ WEEK. CT®OUWtVB>SO. The general tone of presents but lit tle, if any, vnriati n ntnee bar lass weekly report. The moTemen-. of the week lire keen quite active lor the sea pit, and every thing seemed to indicaie that const ;eraHe business was in progress; yet, in iuimmingu . the operations of theweek, we are unable to sho any thing beyond the limits of a regular trade bt mesa; ' ' 1 ' , The receipts o! '’reduce, during the week; have been libera!, 1 as V. 1 be seen by reference lo our list pf importations, a td our market is how more than amply itored wit ; Grbceries and Prodnce gcneral- ament and fori i "WILLIAMS. Basin3as,on rhs wharf)on Monday Urf, cxtwd* ( ed, byfrr.lha: cf the previous-week, indeed wc do not remember to have -witnessed a greater stir in ■ business, even o ibebusiest season of the year.— : From one end A the wharf to the other, we conn, ted fifteen steaiaboais, which had arrived since the previous Saturday, all engaged ia unloading upon our wharf; which, by noon, was so covered with freight* from the lower market, such mainly as Su gar, Molasses, Rice, Cotton, Bacon, Lard, Fork, Grain, fce, that wo Croud it a little hazardous in at tempting to make our way through. These heavy freights from below, in return for the comparatively light shipments of freight from this point west, is mainly attributed: to the cow near approach of the opening of the Eastern canal transportation, when the business through that channel will be immense. It is now rendered cer tain, that should the weather continue as mild for the coming, as it has been for the past tendajrs, the water will be let into the Canal, and the long wish ed for busy season of Spring be fairf^iipened. ASHES—Ia the Ashe* market, wo; hare no change to notice. Receipts have beenlighl during the week, but with the exception of the finer sort* supplies appear quite fuIL The sales, of the week have been ia the regular .with no change in quotations. We give the fallowing ru -limrntes—Saleratos 7q Pearls 71c; Pots sc; 4105* and Soda Aah at 41041 c ? ft, accor ding to terms of sale. ' ALE—We quote regular- sales of Pittsburgh nmnuftetdred at SO'withoot, aad $7 ineloding cask. Of xx,. which is usually sold at $B, the market is barei. ' ; APPLES—There is still a iair supply in market, although the receipts oi the past week<bave been pjwjul We note sales of 100 bbU iron* store, m Efferent lots,at $1,62, #1,87 nod #3* bbl, as in quality. | l. BACON—Oar curing houses here, bare been turhiog off largo amounts of well cured meat, bjr which, together with liberal supplies by river, there is now In the market on immense supply of the ar ticle, but as these supplies havo doubtless accumu lated in view of cany shipments east, sales, have been of a restricted character. We quote sale* of some 50,000 fts at 4,5 and 6c ibr shoulders, sides and bams, best kinds, ana from a 1 to a Jc less for common country cured. . BULK MEAT-rLarge quantities continue .to' arrive, but in the 1 absence of any demand in the market,wo bearfofno large'sale*—3lo maybe considered the rulingfignreforhoground buLf. BUTTER—Tlwgrticle is marked ly a Slight, if any varistioo Mnee uor lafil weekly report. • Con siderable quantities have been hliippeo supplies, if any thing, havo slightly fallen oiT. We j quote regular transactions at 12(5121 for good rclV andQitiUOcforkeg. Market quiet , BUCKETS—We notice no change in the mar ket, regular sales are' effected at (p dozen. ; ‘ . BEESWAX—-Vcj and nothing doing— „ may be giren as a quota Lion at present, by (be quantity. BROOMS-Sales of best at $2 and of common; at $1,12(81,37. ns in qunlity. BRAN AND, SHORTS—The receipts of the weeic have been light, with moderate sales from store at 13£j14 foMbo former, and 17£}I8o for the latter. . COTTON—Some accessions b*vn been made to the supplies during tbo week, but in the absence of sales tn any considerable amount, we tire una ble to quote wijh certamty-H>i to . Bc. however,; may bo given uj something near the present asking rates.'"'. • COTTON YARNS & SHEETINGS—Ni change has bee irred in the market since lost que .lationa. ■ See table al*ve. • * > CHEESE—Tery little has come ia for spm'e ;t, and although supplies have materially _• time bed so' Alien off, them * do marked change in price*.—- We quote m'xJi {-ale sale* of Go*heu at BJO9c, and of W Rat B|f7 & .... The following: re the intton&eturer>pricc»: Water Cr.i'krrS .ftyjophtl. • ..Better J0..:.‘1|7*5 :■- “ Pilot Brra-I; ~..a/>0 « Sugardrb>jda.Cracker*..v...’J • D COUDAGU-—'Wo have do cbaages to police in the raartcL There is a steady trade demand at the faUowiof.quotations:- Manilla -ope, by coil. Docii.... ' . u.'i>e',.by coil. Tirnd rope, by coil. - Docut.i picking ya»,fiDc.. p 9 c0mm0n..... iJD RATES OP Bf ARISE ISSCRASCE, FREIGHTS, Re. Manilla. i.. .2,0033,002-1,00 9 doz Do per coil. • • • 9 O Hemp HO COil • #*••••> a IIC CANDLES —We quote sales 1 of 90 bxs .Pills burgh dipped al SKHc. jiOf City Star at 22023 c, and'Cincinnati do at 22c IS. DRIED FRUTT—ConKfierable quantities contin ue to arrive by river, with' regular sales to the trade at, far Peaches $1,5001,62,' and of Apples at CS£T7oc:* bu.. ■ | FLOUR—The of tho past week bare fallen considerably short of those of the pre vious," though'the supplies are large and still in creasing. We notice np'change in quotations.— Some five or six hundred bbls hare changed bands At $1,2501,37* ia lots, and : $4,0004,G2by single bbl. We quote $104,121 as the ruling first hand rates. EYE FLOUR—Tho market is dull, with moder ate sales at $3,50 p U»L: BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Very little Jnqutty in the market, anil we notice limited sales ;oaly at : 'i\ FEATHERS—The transactions of. tbo'week havo been limited, and prices have ranged from 30 lo 32c, according to quantity and terms of sale. FISH—The market i» steady, and former quota lion* remain firm. . Sales aw regularly effected at the following rates—Salmon SlbSSO—Macker* cl Nol, sl2/>O-i.No 2 10,50, and No 3 bbL Herring S6#>bbl,and sloso* tieree-r Shad $9,50 * bik/end $4,50 hifbbL CodsVo| j» dram. J FREIGHTS—Very little is doing u» the way of freight* at present; price*, therefore, mofmaom nal character. . We quote a* l£o «*• To Cincinnati, drygoods “"25 To Louisville, :** “ £* To Nashville, ! “ ; “ To St Louis, ; u “ To PhitadcL, Bacon, .loGfi?ll2l ToßaUimore,' ;•**. •■9 “ light freights, 175 “ heavy [ do. . I* s Freights from Baltimore, west, aw given in the Ballimme American aa follows: _ _ , From Baltimonto Cumbtriand—Qa Coffee and manufactured Tobacco 30c 100 ft, and Groceries Dry Goods and other tqdae generally 35000 a f 160 ft. "I ■Wagon Fnightt— From Cumberland we# we qoote the rate# as follows,' viz: From Cumberland U> Wheeling 100 c ft. From.Gnmberiand to Brownsville,7s; and front Brownsville to Pittsburg 15c; commissions and drayage at Brownsville, 7J We find the market to-day abmit whew we left it a week; since. Considerable ac cessions have been made to supplies during the week, though no change has occuwd in quotations. We quote sales of some 25 hhds N O Sugar at 5, 51 and sje, according to quality and terms of sale. Of 100 bbU N O Molasses at 27J02&C. principally at the tatter figure. Owing to an increase of freight from New Orleans to this point. Sugar and Molas ses may experience a slight advance shortly, but although for the past week prices have remaiued stationary, these articles aw decidedly firm, with, we think, a better feeling, We quote Rio Coffee in fair demand, with.sale* of some 50 sacks at a* to 51001 c, as in quality. ~ Of Bice, we quote sales of 15 trt*,an lots, at 5|C y ft. For Groceries gen erally, teo correct quotations above. GRAIN—The weelds receipts have been mod erate, and supplies** limited/ We have heard of no sales to any qonaiderahloexteni, and *b ‘ to quote moderate transactions only at the «hiow ins jates:—Wheat! KfeßyerOTc; Burley 40015 c Corn 37, and Oats at 2GO?7nV bu. GLASS—For Window Glass, see quotation* above; tho following isla.condensed list of prices of Flint Glass.*— i* * ' ’. " . Plain. Tumblers | pt, from sto 10oaeach, Pre43J?l wfl li eW. *ft<« qt|ifehlia‘ring, (&» «toPP": ■■■■ •».* do oo heavy if dneork-. ••» do ,• do .do plain d 0....... do' do do pillar d 0......... Winn gUMCa. plain do do Pitch,n>, nt, plain .. y........ ,|OT ®L'l, do do pillar and ribbed. ‘ * 'o^ do 4 qtor crpam* .............w Molasses Cans, pt:phun.;. - •£ do 'do donbbed Plates, C in. pressed ajid fig ™ Castor Pottles, fluted.. • Jars,* gal, Laqueredcover Ido gal do do. ~....J,ro I HEMP—Supplies tire quite limited, and we are i without sales to any considerable extent. Mode*. (ate. Vales oecqr at ibo rale of $l3O y ton. I llaY—ls in ateadyidemand,* with talcs 20 tons I from wagon at $9010,00* '*<“*• .. . . _ : HONEY—Receipts have ' plica are quite limited. We quote at ISO2Oi. F I P< IRONA; NAILS—The market ha* undergone no recent change. The follows is a condeuwd i lirt of prices, which may be relied on ns correct Flat Bar, 11 to 41 by i to 1 inch ! « « 5 and fi by Ito l inch..• ! ,c « •• 11 to 2by *jto | inch • i % - Ito 11 by l t au<U down to smafleg^ * sizes i•■•••••• •*•. *'*q»fB7 Oval Iron, t»r the dillerent. sixes. * nirovni> I -ifar, ijlound and .plan: £ . . l3d. lbd nnd:20d‘....., : ..5;vj{ .fid and 7d L. .-yi ;ry lilllc is brought io at presen •21022 c " -» be-a fiiii . ...15c p l> ~..116 - .....12 “ l3 li | - —3*l •• «At> »••#♦•»••• y.’/iit. SPnCES— 3'to fl inch... i ! LEAI>~The roarhet •in steady, with regtilar I fcnJca of Bar st 41 anti of Pig at4|®Uc I i paTVPIPE-—Ecrolar aale* fat the ;dilfcreatii»».^ v ' LUMBER—The market is (airly supplied with alt kinds, and moderate sales at the (bibwing sales: j- v . Cherry 4c Walnut Boards..-.1G020 do IfopLir scantlingboards........lo do Shingles. 2,5003.00 Lath* ...... 2^002,25 LEATHER—Tn llie Eastern market the aitJc continues firm, with no variation in prices. Th same may be said pf out own market No change : has occurred, priors remaining firm at the IbUow. [ ing rates: Baltimore sole 2f)S2lc New York,., ~.....,,..1&320 do Slaughter...;;..... v..1!»5J19 do Skirting. .21023 dcos Upper i r ttSSSp’d Calf 5kin5...;.... 1&02O do O ' BUekHarnrsr.. 10021 p- Rough do; .......1701$ do LARD—There is a large supply in market, and considerable accessions are stdl making to supplies. There seems to be.a partial improvement m the - tone of the market. In the absence* of any specu lative demand, siles are on a restricted scale at |Sioslc in bbls, and m kegs at 5106 c ? Dt . I' METAL—Considerable quantities of Hanging Bock Fig have arrived during the past week, but nothing bos been done in the way of sales. OHS—The market is without change. ‘ Sales of 100 bbls Linseed in tots at G3(265c. Laird is in stea dy demand at COOC2O gaL Soles ot Tanners at $19032 *.bbL j _ RAGS are io active demand with ready soles at 3! for mixed, and S(Sslo * 2> for white. . SOAP—Sales of 00 bxs Pittsburgh Kotin at 410 sc—and Cincinnati at 4|c B. SEEDS—The r market is quiet and little doing. We quote Clover, mX&yn&Xto. and $-32,00 lor Timothy. Sales 'of Fbut nt 90095 c P bu. r TALLOW —We observe no change in the mar ket during the past week. The market ts quiet, with regular sales at. 71071 c Bk TIN PLATE-i-Regular sales at $10,50 cosh.- TAR—Sales oif lObbls at $5,25? UN. . WHISKEY—SaIes 50 bbls Rectified at 20021 c, and of Raw at ga}L . * WOtJlr—Slock* in the Eastern markets are said to be quite light, Withsome inquiry aAcr Demesne iu the new York ! market Very little is arriving here at ptysent,and our holders purchase at the rales quoted in-above table. 1 FLoroit USES. 100! Hetnp.... S7J * dox Tbe week just closed bos been ope or much fluctuation in Stocks, which rallied upon tbe recep. tionofthe Iretiy'of peace,bat os usual, the hopes of speculators exceeded all reasonable limits, and prices bare not been maintained, though we qnole an advance on the rates of last week. The lead* iog security affected by the peace rumor was tbe loan of the United Stales, of which the floating or Treasury ffote part was roost active. These' a! vanccd to three: per cent premium, but closed on Saturday at 101 j, at the option of the bnyer in thirty days. ' Other stocks,closed dull, and the racr ncy market has evidently lpst the buoyancy of last week. This has been caused in part by the doubt which attends tbe ratification of the the treaty. and partly by the change which battakeii place in the of Exchange on England, which has advanced to a point when coin can be used instead of bills. Tie exports c( produce are smalls while tbe i®. ports of goods'are cut diminished. The imports are not the result of orders from this side; but qre, to an extent, made up of goods sent here to be sold / vl Pine, clear .. ./J.. L. C0ram0n."i....j.... Ksaeyf.Stselu sad Basinets, at any rate, and the proceeds remitted at once.— Another causefor the advance can be found in the largo orders for English railroad iron, sent out by the Eastern capitalists, it ia said to an amount ex* ceeding 85,000,000. We hare said that the rates are now at thq point where specie can be used, aad it may be proper to say that it is now used, fof we notice shipment* of $354,503 for >hq last week from New York, making in all, since January 82,273,m In the at home, there is nothing notice. i Prices of Stock*. ' | Now York, Feb. 26. PhiladeLSd- U S Vt of ’53 <39& —wy2J U S <F* of I G2 . —OlO3l 1011(3102 Treasury Notes . “<3* ol Jl —OIWI OhioTs i- * —* oi»io<r* v Illinois Bon'jla —* Indiana Bond* - JT®® Penn ff* ( r%si ' • isfc. . &gj» Pittsburgh 6’a • „_TT!I '*BsebM|« Hulutt We have nu new feature to noiioe in the market unlcwit bo ttyd Lcurrency ja a little aoaree, With out, however, jtoy changefin the figure*. - 'Eaatejo exchanges continue scarce, but the rates are unchanged- We anticipate no material change in the market until the opening of the Bpring business, when will have a speedy change Ibr the better. rCMUpH»k5r"' i . Alusjukvt, Feb. 29. Extra—Tbo market is Without change from : last week's'quotation!. Cattle were plenty, though mostiy. of an : ’inferior quality. Some 350 to 400 were at oh Monday, which wero mostly taken at $405,25 100 Bta net r - "* jjooo—A lunitpd number were offered, and were taken sknriyht < p :100 Sis net - i Siar-ljone,. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. HOUSES, LOIS, FARMS, &c 5p rxrr"wATEß. » cHA.'cmr—yaiusG. Dr. T. F. Dale, Allegheny, Hon. C. Sbaler, Ptitob’g. R«v. D. Elliott, •* Rer.D. IL Riddle,! •* Mr, H. P. SchwaU “ Rev. H. Dyer* i “ Sew Books omd Periodic*!*. . - JUST received al M. A. Miner’s, Snuthfield meet, 3d door frpra Second. ' ! Godey’s Lady's Book for March. '• Christopher Tadpole, by Albert Smith, with illustra tions by John Leech; complete. The Luo and Opinions, of Tristram Shandy; gentle man comprising ibc humorous adventure* of Uncle To by and Corporal Trim; by Lawrence Surue—be suutul- It illustrated. The Poor Scholar—a story of Irish Lite, by w uUam Carlton. ! ‘ Gen. Taylorand his Staff interspersed with nutneroas Anecdote* of the Mexican War, tfhd personal adven tares oitbe Officer*, with accurate pomails and outer beautiful illustrations. ’ . The Adventurer or the Wreck, on the Indian Ocean, by Lieutenant Murray, ; Manila or the Pictured Rocks, byOsgood Bradbury, Esq. 'Chambers'Miscellany, No. 13. . j living Are. No. HXS. Taylor’s Money Reporter for Feb. 13. James the Second. ! A superior article gilt edged Visiting Copds, fresh "'l’or* sale at .M. A. Miners, Btaithfield street, 3d door from. Second. ' a febtO SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS—We have )n*treceiv ed a targe supply of books for Sunday echool libra ries. published by the American Sunday School Union, and approved by a committee of publication, consisting of members ofllhe following denominations, viz: Bap tist, Congregational, Episcopal Methodist, Pfesbytenan, ami -Reformed Dutch. These pnbbeation* comprise upwards of six hundred bound volumes, (of prices from 8 cents up to 73,) all written expressly for Randay schools. l[i addition tp the above, the .Union publishes a large variety of books in paper covers for quite young children, for rewards, Ac, he. f Tho Union also publishes two libraries, No t A a of one hundred volumes each, all numbered ready foruse, of books front pages bp to 330 at the low price of ten dollars, averaging only ten cents a volume. Also, “A Youth Cabinet Library," of fifty volumes, at the low price of two dollars and fifty , cents. Also, Hymn books, tiueiiioribooks, red and blue tickets on paste boards, maps, Ac. Ac. All the above we sell at the Uuion, Philadelphia prices.- Catalogues of books fur nished on application. ELIJPIT A ENGLISH, - • febfi iFoit copy]' 60 market si, bet 3d A <’.h ' Vol. 2 History of the GiraSjris, or Personal Memoirs : of die Patriots of the French Revolution; from pnpub-' lishcd sources; by Alphonse de Lamartine; in three vol*. Vol adjust received! The Life of Chevalier Bayard, “the Good Knight; ’ by 'W Gilmore Simms.’ : Scenes at Washington—a story ofthe last generation; by a Citizen iif Baltimore. . Adventures In Mexico and the Rpckr Mountains; by Geo. F. Ruxtoii, Esq., member of llis Royal Geograph ical Society, At., Ac. Now anJ Then—A Novel, by Samuel Warren, F. R. S., Author of k, ren Tbousauda Year,”’“The Diary of a Lato Physician:*- ‘ ’ The above works received this day, and for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, feWfi ' Booksellers, Market st Saw Books. ; , ■ JUST received by Express—Germany, Englmid arid Scotland, or recollections of-a'faass Minister by J. H. Merle D'Aubifrne, D. D- AulhorW Uisiory of the Reformation, Lite oi'Cromwell, Ac. > A Practical Exposition of tha Gospels of St. Matthew and St Mark, in the form of Lectures, inlbnded to as sist the practice of domestic instruction and devotion; by John Bud Stunner, D. D-, Bishop of Chester. For sale by > ELLIOTT A ENGLISH. Fclr-O ~~ 50 Market st bet. 3d A 4th. THE subscribers are now extensively engaged in tha importation of Soda A»h from one if tbe most cele brated manufacturers in England, and have on hand and will receive during the spring, a large aupply (sev eral shipments being now cm the way) which they will, warrant equal If not superior to any imported into the United States, and which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market price fer cash or on time for approv ed bills. Tbe strength is warranted from sd toj n per cent- 5 to b per cent above Ue standard strength which is Kb : 1 fO* rresent pries 4 to 41* according to quantity, pay ments, AC, \V A M mitcueltrEe fob*. • 100 Liberty st.. Union Cotton AiU*, / PiTTsacaoH, Feb. 1, ltMd.) * OWING to alterations and itnprorereeuis making at tho Uuion Mill, the Proprietors offer for sale at low rates, some excellent Bevel wheel gearing and shafting, cards and other second band machinery, all worthy ol attention. ' Call and see, or addresa fobUdJaiw MOORHEAD, COPELAND A CO ITtOR BALII-The subscribers will kII the Engine in ; their mil establishment—the cylinder is 0 inch and 2a inch stroke—also, in connection with it their Rath Mill, which is nearly new; all being in complete run* ning order. This affords an excellent opportunity to iSumera wishing to use steam power, as it wiltj be sold low W fc R HAYS, fchtf I corner of Liberty and Ferry m. Pitt. -jyyoUee—ln pursuance of an order of the Court of Common Picas nf Cuyahoga county, in tha Slate of Ohio, made at tlie November term of said Court, 1847, ttie uncollected assets of the Estate of Robert Colwell, deceased; will be sold by the subscriber, at public auc tion. at the door of the Court House, in Cleveland, in said county,on the Gtb day of March, 1848, at 10 o’clock A. M. . V. W. BINOHAM, Adraid. of E*iaic of Robt Colwell, dec. . fobfldflwfcwlmT Orncx or thk Aujcausay Bsmat Co., ; PrmaosuH, Feb. 1, 1844 1 > AN Election for and Officers for the “Company for erecting a Bridge over.the river Allegheny, opposite Pittsburgh, in the County ot Allegheny" will be holdeu in the Toll House, ton Mon day the tub ofMotch next, at 3 o’clock, P. M.! feba-dtm&wthT . JOHN HARPER.Treat. Black, and colored alpaccas-w. u Mnrpky ha* pa hand at very' low price*, an assort* meat of swore goods, indudiug different shades ot Ural) Colors, Common and Fine: Nuarine Blue do-J Maroon do; Brown do 4 lllack ana Bine do 4 Satin stri ped di>4 Satin Barred do.; Fancy Plaid do; also, an as sortment of. Mohair Lustres, including some renr fink and glossy. In Wholesale Booms, op stairs, dear lers wilt and a choice stock of above and other goods by the picco, at low Cnsh price*. 1 /w ' -*n,«d r ’ SUGAR, MOLABSEB AND~CbtTEE-ttbhd»prin» N O 80ffV t «H>bl* N O Mo!ai*e«sobug*Rjo Cof ree,io»t laualnrfrom kt Wyoming and for b*Jo bjr . W k M MITCHFXTIIEE. 1(30 Liberty nL D7-TTiey will ibnnlyrecem per Mrrthai'Wa»Woß tonsmloilu:rboauibe-ft)Uowmg>-200hhde prune?* O Bajrsn 45(i bbli plantation Uo2>m*i ® do Safer Honte; 00 bbU Loaf SngaftliltjßrceaOaroUnaßtcf.: foblH "A'CtfotiOL—Warranted"pf proper auanfib £>rHfc • i\ ter* and Craniate’dm alwaye oo band ana for TT7TXSH FLANNKLB ewwaoiuy «• band u *7 YV too* heaaa of W & Mnipfe, H £ tormt • iu . iM. market aa ottonmiA of Aboromd* JL'Barff&infniXleal Eatmtf. | M, The subscriber offers for sale a House and Lot on Liberty street,a' short distance shore East Lane, Allegheny city. Tit* - Lot is sS fret front on Liberty street, and runs tyaek to an Alley. 85 J'eet. The House erected thereon l» Bricky nearly new, two ; stories high, 16 feet in front by about SS in depth, and contains ten comfortable rooms, exclusive of (pantry, coaj-cellariand cellar. AJljthe rooms have fireplace*, and drains are constructed to carry off the water, and the house is in every respect in good ordered, very 1 convenient,’ and is well suited for two fundi<ja. The property will be »oldiow,;atod time given on the largest pan of the purchase money. j t . Inquire of the subscriber, who can be seen at the of* fice of the Gazette, every forenoon, between the hoars of eight 'arid ten, and at other times at his rooms at Mrs/Hays*. boarding house, 1 Bobinson's new row. Fed eral »l Allegheny City. I ! D NJWHfTK, frblStf' j i Agent for the owner. Coal Land for Sale. ! A FARM containing 3tK) acres, in Bostraver town* •hip, Westmoreland ie'eranty, beginning about one mile a bore this East Bank oClhe Mo* nonjahclarirer, the soma .being the farm of the late Joseph Beckett, deceased! Said larm fronts on the Ttr er, about 1} mile: about 40 acre* cleared, with qtheriro* prurements. The farm !ii one entire mass Jof atone coaL The farm will be ihldnltogether orin lot* tosuit purchasers, and on libera) tertn*. For panicalan en -sutre of Henry Sterling, Daniel Ewer, Wbl Larimer, r n Pittsburgh, Pa. Title indisputable. 1 JOSIAH HLTCHMAK fcb3ld&wlm»9 New Castle, Mercer eb- Pa. . Desirable Lots of Ground At isle. A NUMBER of beautiful Lott,frontingon that peat thoroughfare, Peuo street, or the Greensburgh turnpike road, and on the ‘Allegheny river, and interme diate itreel* in the 9th Ward, Pittsburgh, are nbw offer ed for ule on the most reasonable terms. ' For prime business and munujhcturing establishments, these lots'present situation* not supass ed, if equalled, bjr any now for sole. Tbs regularity with which the streets are laid out. and ths level char acter of the ground, render the lots eonrucient t and available at once for ouildingpurposes.-. 'lbeutle uin- Apply» “"JJiir.M.iSSirr; 1 ' febMlm Attorney at Lawytlh st; near GranL f~tOR SALE—The oubscriber offer* for snip the iro r provemenu and property he now occupies; situated on the Fourth Street Road; about three mileajfrom the city: confuting of a well finished Brick Hodse, con taining ten rooms, nnd a cellar under the wbolf; an ex cellent Brick Tenant House, containing three.rootni; a large bam and excellent stabling; anerer faying run ning spring of soft water, and a pump of excellent wet ter at the kitchcitdoor, aUb, a garden containing some choice fruit trees, together: with about ten actes of ex- cellent ground. * ; i The above property will.be sold onreosonaula terms, and possession given on! the first day of April: if not sold, it will be for rent after that day. For furtherm fonnation; onplv to the subscriber, on the premises. fcb33dawtApUT i • DAVID Rami Estate las Oblo, I A TRACT of land, BO acre*,‘in Harrison, Portage Co, on the Cuyahoga riyer—about 30 acres under Im provement. Also, two unimproved Jot« in the village of Warren, Trumbnll Co;, 60 feet by 90, Also,* lot of ground irt the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co, with a Sue dwelling house and store—one of the best stands for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Aliy or all this (property will be sbld on very accommodating tennoT . ISAIAH DICKEY &Co-, feblO , Water and Front sts. I BslUlag £oti! i /• ~ FOR SALE on' eocommodming terms, 0? to be let on perpetual Uwe*i those four choice lota sitnslea on Fourth street, new Grsni sL.each 50 feet & inches front, tad eztenolaf 110 feet beck to a 30 toot Title Indisputable. afld terms of payment liberal. Ap plets • THOMAS BAKEWELL, Corner wood A 3d. ala, or to WiL BAKEWEULi "-•tewell's ffldingyCruat «L febfll Annual Law, Beal Batata In! Mercar Conaiy. A LOT, Storehouse niid DweUinj, .situsla on foe Erie Extension Canal, in the village of W est Mid dlesex; » desirable-location for a merchant; iAl»o,a Lot anti good Dwelling Homo well suited for a Tavern Blend, In the village of Orangeville oo gute 'line of Ohk>7 Terma ea<r- IBAXAH DICKEY *Co. feblO j ; Water and Front att. Lot for Sale. ! < ■ A LOT in the 6th ward, 43 feet on Logan a tree toy 40 feet on Clark street: che of. the nwt lo* cation* in the flfo ward.; For terma apply to the sub. tcriber at the Methodist Book Store. 4th near Market ■trlet. or at hia dwelling en Clark street, oppoeite E. Trujillo's Grocery store, i [feblO] J L .READ. e-b • - FOB! SALE. i•' Sjjfj THE three story Dwelling House and {Lot, now Xißoccnpiod bv 1L F. Bchweppe, Esq- OQ Penn at, aetlt HukL The Lot i*,2Bby IW feet, audiapleuaant ly Jtaaied. For terms apply to the subscriber, who has ; rtls? ' TOR RENT . i. The three story .hotue on: the comer of liberty ft. ana Irwin's alley, sow occupied aa a wholesaleend retail grocer's store, by H. Fj Bchweppe. Possession given immediately, on application at tha warehouse of John Irwin & Sons, No. ll Water street, by ] declaim i ! JOHX IitWIN EA two story brick dwelling with about six acres of ground attached; situated at Oakland. The place is well stocked with fruit of all kinds, and is a desirable location for a. famil; being entirely oat of reach of the river and din of the city. Art omnibus leaves Oakland hourly for the einr. ■ Apply fo jmao ATWOOD, JONES A Co. A FARM, containing Shout 00 -acres, with a fine dwelling house anq good barn, situated in Peebles township, hat s short distance trotn the city, (foe proper ty of the late Richard. Biddle, Esq.) Thif property would be desirable for d dairy, aud would be rented for a term of years. Apply lb i < febifltm : ; J HSHOENBEHGER. Foe Bent. ] ~ MA new• three , story brick dwelling bouse on Wylie stmt—Possession given on foe first of April or sooner if required. . Inquire of . _joat_ J A R libetty street. For Rent 4 ; MA two story bnck dwelling with abpnt 5 acres of ground, siumtedon foe hank of tha Ohio river, in the borough of M nehester. Apply, to jnngl JAMES A HUTCHISON fc Co. AgA . THREE dwelling bouses situated op 4lh street &•*!■ near canal bridge,;in foe cil; of Pittsburgh! Al- a room "5 uy IS) feel, with a cotireuienl en trance on Sfo st,.ncai; wood. Alio, a frame dwelling, tw.o stories, with an acre of ground enclosed aud under ctilivation, sitnate on Ohio lane, in ths city of Alleghe ny. Tnqoiroof j i J D WILLIAMS, janS I] . 110 wood street. BTd Brewers* ; FOR SALK OR KENT, tlie Pittsburgh Drew- Pty, with all ius Urcwing aj>perstus,{.»;iuaie on Pena street eml Bhrkef* eßry-end now occupied by Geo. W, Smith & Col Pos»e**lon giTctj or (he first d*v of April ensuing. [For terms, fcc. cnooirr of - Brown & culukutson, 1 143 liberty «t. - •For Beat.' ' I M THE brick df-eUmg boose on Third street be tween SmilhfieU] street and Cherry-alley. lt'U •late rooted—hi* gu fixtures and spacious yard aud dut-buildutc*. Enduire of 1 fcbgrttf i : . WM. 'A. DARLINGTON. To LeU " i • mTbe new three) story fire proof brick store on second si. now occupied by Edward; Evans;- fur rent from Ist of April next, inquire of J SCUOOXiEAKEU £ Co, j ai vl9 t i • \ tMwpod streeL ‘ •" • _ ,T<> Let. | : mThe subscribers wi|l rent part of the ware house now occupied by them. Appli to LEWIS, DALZELL, & Co, junto • i - ' M water street >pk a handxwneljf finished room on Market itreel, jKl lately occupied dam Daguerreotypeeilnbliihmeni by Norland Jt Co. Ala©, a veil finished oiid well fur* ninbed room, suitable tbr societies, adjeioiitg the hall of UieMercantile librah'lAMociaiioa. Entrance at Phi lo Hall, ; ; ED G.v/ZAM. octS7 ■ . Office, market Street, hcnreca|3d and 4th For Rant. M THE larjm aftd convenient dweltynjr bonw on IS Federal «u Allegheny, formerly occupied by Hr*. ArniGtuun. Kent uvr. ro*«e*sion jrivta.on Uie lit of April next. i , ' Ell GAZZA-M. Immediate pm*cs*ioh of the above boats can be oh* mined by epplyinrto.M. Creighton, at the (canal ware* boo*e of Clara & Thaw. * I - deeil - ~yp~ >r ~ , llent. - Utjro room «n tlie 2d *'tory of the worehotuc Il'iiß occupied by thd *t>*cribcrs, near ihe foot ol ■““Wood itreet—-a good location fo? a ateamboai oir-ney or an Insurance office. - ] janl4 BOI.LMAJtS.jfc OARRIBQZ. For |i*at or Bale* { * A nent two 'luiried brick dwelling hoase with Sw seven room* aiid Inrge yard. oteawntly *imatcd the gth ward.; Apply to WM B SCAIFE, - fabl-t Jw i ! __ lit uttct>neur wood. •; ‘#oir~i9aie< i ! ui A Fine two atwy brick houae, on main atxeet, m 3 Allegheny city, l near the upper bridfJe. The lot U *J3leetiu itontor 1 (JO deep. For Unnn inquire of dclSif ! A WASHINGTON, 4tU it ~ ’ pTo Let* •. ” { One new three utory' Dwelling) lloute, with Blfa betli hontei attached, attuaie and \VaAhingtoaitreeu. en on the Aral of April next. Jha ! i T '[PorHSnt. Jl *njE large firt proofwarcbou! ■ fra £0 feet deep, ori fecond at, near erate. Inquire of J SCHOONMjAKKR tc Co., delft . .-111 ; 1 { SI wood at li To Let. M ,pL A STORE AND CELLAR, carrier of Federal Sand"Lacock streets Allegheny jCify. - Inquire of H; Waracrontheptepuscs ' 1 Ifrb'JM^w ; por xieut. ; r ! MA Smoko House. situated on Plain alky, for rent. Inquirfe of ROBERT DALZELL h Co, Liberty struct.l I I dcclfl for Beau "j " untied More on Market street, be- [ftg ween third and fourth stmts, at; prefect occt *T*picd by BarraWx aud Turner. Possfcssioh give on the first oi April Ocit. [wnfl) E 1) GAZZAJIL ■t i ; TrLtli 1 i MA dry goods Warehouse, 97 wood street, second door above Dihinond alley. Inquire of dec2 J | D T MORGAN k- Co. COaTLANIT FOKSaLF—Seven acres for sale, situate in bend of the Monqngahela River, above Brownsville, 1*», having a 7 foal vein of coal, which will"be sold iu exchange for goods. For particu lars apply to [oc33] 8 & WHAItBAUGiH,SIwood st , " n unkldlnic Lot - : " ' IN MANCHESTER FOR SAIX-I sa*e.for nisi beautiful boilcUiifi lx>t in M*nchei?nr| near.the ferry. •a feel front by US> feel ilten., It •will Iw »M low, and on accommodating term*. Term* dnexr.epnonable. mylO * JAS. BLAKELY. Real Kmte Ap w liOtv for «*Xe»7l 177 TWO building tots in the »Ulh ward, (each 51 by 1:B B. A-Fahhotock; ) . ut> B. L:FAnx£SivcK,; J-PiiUborgh. , aW.FAUsraTocO - . j • ' . Wboltule Drug Sttfr* la the City of ; Hew York. | 3‘ -UJK ttnder«igui:d nre esteiuively engaged In lb* Wholesale Uniß business u No. 4D John ilretl, in q city of New York, and ni® preporedto supply Drug eitu and eanniry jMerchanU with Drucs, Paint*, Oil*, Dre-tmlT*, PoreißU and AmirieanPerfttiMry, Wander, Weaver i-Mandej>Cbemica]»,(oftheir awn importa tion) and all other,article* in tlieir line <->f buunets, of a superior quality ak low as they can be nurchated in this or any ea*tern city j -j» ; New York, Febld D iA FAHNFyTOCIC fc Co. SODA ASH—FHiCE RliDUCED—the subscriber* ’ ’ ‘ '.llielr Sod* Ash irers from 63 Lo pproved Notes a orapwanls* id o(T the** pri rXTREE, - ■trost,: sadfa .t price or aporovn. Wk. M MiTCHELTUKE. i TJELT U£ATflEB~Tbe •nh»eris*ei» , liltTo ebhißtS JD Iyoa kaa4»rtid«<rf Lcidwr fuu£i« far nwhuf fc7-“» aife ’ RATES OF DISCOUNT.: “ EAXtSOFWfICUDNr—COREiX’I'KDUV .. a. Houu£»‘*>;soai,/' ExebanM'Broken. ffo.«s Manet streeVnrar 4tda* PeuuylTaal*. mdltUii ! f"j- BankolTituburgh •—rar f SuielTk.tßrtne!»e«.« u FJtchanseUnnk .... v par,*mteSeiin • • • •«* t-r V* Merck-4tMan.Bank -par 1 ;. ; V«Gts*l»®, > Lxcbaoje Vai- ; IJ Girard Bank *»»«? B M fVa "'**.? BankofUeimanaJwa •parßk.ofthe Valley,—p- ¥• «: yinruJa-..- —“ “ Delaware Co.* -•par M.&Mi Bk-, iVTieelluft I « Moatson»TyCfc*-p3T do ii “ Norikembeiland* -par N. ,'V. Bank Va > • ; " j Colombia Bridge Co.* • par do Ji Doylertown Eank---vP»r do - Par>.enbor**(— , Fanners’Bk. Reading-par •- /E* ““**“** : FamerVßk. Bocks Co. par Bk.of TrpncMee--'* ■ • Far men * Mereh’ts "**■";* “ Lancaster Co. lik.* * * -par PlanieiVßk.-.- *y ;■ Lancasterßk. par Union C f k .’"*"* l "yV U States Bank-—•-•-• 30 I StUsoorl-i ! > Wellington Bk. i ■ N®* 4ll C - rolln , j octtrobSsißk.- ■• u Chaabenbon: *.* |slejchsßjL,Newbem t. SMqaebanaa Co. Bk.- Sum . Lehigh Co Bank, f fioath CsrellM* Lewistown- [Camden Bk Middletown • ;Bk.bf Charleston-;-; - - ,Conun6TCialllk--?-pr* 14 Bic ofGcbreeJown--®®-14 Bkiof Hnmbffirg—— ]•*, .;14 Morehama Bk-----v - * 1| Planters A; Mechft’sSk- 1i Bk. Carolmaf • 14 p Enoßk.*** * li< •Fanner*’, and. Drover*’ Bank, Wayneitmrg.. 1 Harmbmy “ Hone*dale —’• 1} Baltimore Bahra’e *0 RRSerijv >lO Cumberland Ilk. of Aile-. fthany ;•••' H. Far. BW.of Maryland*/ u . tiw< (n j , Fanner*’ At Mechanics •“ Bk'.Frederlck---;--;- “ FrederlckCo.Bk.--~.. « Hegersiownßk ••••'•■. ** Mineral Bk--~— Patapscoßk* ••• “ Waaaingumßk.-—;-r- ** Bk. of W estmi utter Michigan* {*•, Bk.ef Su Clair-.*-*~>-±- Bk. of River Baiun. »♦ *— Michigan In*. Co--4 «- ; 5. Far. A. Meek’s Bk-• 4* •* - 6 Wise on ala Terrlt'y* Mai.Wireln.Co-Milw’ei Caaadaju' A.II sol rent Banks- »• • • -8 Bank of England Notes Gold tc Bpselt Val ue« Napoleons -*- i 3;tt> D&esu-- --9 ISO 9 30 Eagle/old —— -;10 60 Eagle/new ■••• • :10 00 Doabloons, Spanish; 10 00 Do. Paifiot-;-—'—.*--13.00. Sovereigns - .4 83- GEneas-—5OO. PVederlcksd'ora----*57 HI TenTliftlers 740 Ten Guilders 4 • * 300’ Loaisd’ors--'*4 60 Exehanft-; , New York ipnn Philadelphia • •• • • ~ iprm Baltimore -—•?•-; ■■ tfnn t, par. Interior. B’W-r**. Pitts, do- : “ iuty Scrip"— “ Ohio. Stale Bk.aad Branches li MountPleosont***** “ Steubenville •* “ St. Clainrville* New Lisbon* Cincinnati Banks- ••■*»» **' Columbus. do* •*?♦.♦ ** Ctfeleville- 4 *** • ••• u Zanesville •' ** Pntnara •—••• v/‘ Wooster - “ Massillon »••*••• “ Geauga •••• —. Norwalk****. *••* *•** Cleveland—*■• —*•*•• “ leal.- • “ Dayton -..w**-* * Westtrn Reveire**—• ** Franklin Fk Columbus “ Chillieelhe “ Lake Erie .*••*• ** Beiota “ Lancaster *♦•••,*•10 Hamilton*** •♦•••13 Granville * ; fiO Fam’r* Fk Canton • —3O Urbana *;♦*—M . KontooicF* Bk of Kentucky 1* Bi.of Louisville *•■«« ■ ** Norhern Bk. Kentn ? ky* .° Hew York—Cut Banka EXCHANGE BROKERS &c. ' HUifIET, HAHSA * T)ANKERB, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers n in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Depoehe, Bank Notes, and Specie; Fotmh street, near* iy opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current money received .on depesito—Sight .Checks for tale, and col lections made on neariy all the principal point* in the United States. ~ ' J /. ' . .' : H- The highest premiss paid tot Foreign and American Gold. •' Advances made on eonstgnstenu of Produce, shh>- ped East, on liberal terns. j ' mehlo CO-PARTNERSHIP* - J JOSEPH H. HILL, (Late of the, firm of Wm. A. Hill! A Co_) and WiL C. Cuny, (late of Erie, Pa.) have enured into Co-partnership undefr the name of Hui A Ccaxv, Cor the purpose of carrying on the Banking fend Exchange business in all Its branches, at No. 65 Wood street, three doors below Fourth, west side—where they -solieit the custom of their'friends and thepnblie gen erally. JOSEPH IL HILL, m<MS TOC. CURRY. toazra n. mu*l_ _ _ Lw*.c-cxixt. vvtt.t. a CURRY, BANKERS A EXCHANGE BROKERS, Dealerain Foreign and Domestic Time and Sight Bills of Ear change, Certificates of Deposite, Bank Notes aa^C^^ No. tS Wood street, third door: below fourth,: west aide. Par Fundsana'Currency'reciviei! on deposite, and colleetiona made on all the principal cities in the United States. .Sight Exchange, on Baltimore, Philadelphia; : New 'York; Boston aud Cincinnati, constantly for sale. Ohio. Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia and Pennsylvania Bank Notes bought and sold on favorable terns; : Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany and France procured, Ac. • . : mchlS a. HOLMES 4 SOTS, : BANKERS mil Dealer* inExehansre, Coin and Bank Note*, No. 65, Market street, Puuborgh. Selling Bate*. • Buying Rate*.' New York. |nr Cincinnati, lidi* Philadelphia, Ido Loaisrilley ,I*do Baltimore, *do St.Looi*, [ lido Buying Bate*, BANKNOTES.' Buying Kate*. Ohio, lidia Co. & Scrip Order*, U di*- Indiana, do • Belief Note*, ‘idb' Penmylvama Cy. New York do : Vdo. Ne# Orleans, “do Moiylud, “■ do Kentucky, “ do Virginia, “ flo do Wheeling, ido Tennessee, - 3'do. fcbiMlf ■ ; WILKLUI A. HILL A CO., T) ANKERS, EXCHANGE EROKERS, nnd Dealers l> iolForeign*odDomestic Exchange,Certificatesof Deposits, Hank Notes, and Specie. No. 61 Wood *L, orb door aboee Fourth, East sue, Pittsburgh, Pa.: (UlidAwF ___ FOREIGN EXCHANGE.* BULLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought to any -amotuii at the Current Rates of Exchange. Also, limits phyable In any pan of the Old Countries, from XI lo £11)00, »t the me of 85 to tlie £SterUiur, without deduction c. discount,'by JOSHUA .RODIN SON, European and General Agent, office Stli rt one door west of wood. ■ * '■ ■ ocilStf iuniuml --i - Icnwiioauis KBJLHXR ft KAHn. 1 . . TJANKERS ANftKiCUANOE BROKERS, 1 dealers Jj in Foreign and Domestic-Bills of Exchange* Cer tificate* of Deporite, Bank' Note* and Gom v coVoer of 3d and Wood aiieets, directly opposite St. Charles Ho tel, > - '• ' • ■■■•, ■ tn&viydly, W Ohio, Indiana. ; ’ ’ Kentucky, Missouri,' ■ : v ' Bank Note*; mircbaaed at the lowest rates, by • i. . N. UOLMES & SON, dclO • 35 Market street. BXX.LS OP EXCHAHGK— SigM Checkroo : ' New York. ; j 1 i Philadelphia. nnd . ■ ] ■ : . D&lutoore, ■’; N. HOLMES £ SON. 35 .Market rt. Constantly for sale by dcio • COLLECTIONS— Draft*, Note*, and Acceptan ce*, payable in any pail of the -Union, collected on the mo*t favorable terms.'' N..HOLMES A SON.' dclO' * . • ,56 Market st. EXCHANGE on New York, I’hilad.dphia. and Baltimore, at sight, in soma tomtit purchaser*. con stantly for sale by ‘ HILL A CURRY,, bctl! . . Wood below I-otmh. ~ WESTERN FUNDS— The Notes of the Oliit Indio:)* and Kentucky Bank*,' parchuepd at lot rate* of discouut, at the offico of I . HILL A CURRY, octll . No. 65 Wood »t. below fourth. Collections 'on aii the principal otic* tn.ih Uniou, made by : HILL A' CUURY, oetll . No. 65 Wood *l, below Fptmh., HATS, CAPS ANI) BONNETS. n UTORD 4. CO., JH {Successor* to M'Cdrd A King) ; ffgt&L '• Fashionable Hatter's, *' Comer of and Irijlh Sttert*. PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail-Trade: Gentlemen can rely upon seuiiic their Hat* and Caps from our cstablishmentof the nesr xathtjus and woKKMASsmr, of the latest bttles, and at thc lowest ' Country: MercEanu, purchasing by wholesale, ore TeijpectiaUy invited to coll and examine- our: Slock; as we ean *ay with confidence that a* records tjuAUTT and rate*, it will not autTer in a coraparison;with nay. house in Philadelphia. - ■ - • -;;; .fcbl7 Bcmorali m, William Douglas, late Junes MeKain. Tin subscriber hasremoved his Hat and Cep Mann to No. 77 Wood street, nearly.opposite hi old stand, where he would ‘invite his friends and tin public generally to an assortment.of. H»W and Cnpi whiehtor beauty and durability cannot lie surpassed. .WAL DOUGLASS, 77 Wood st. Having mired from the Hat and Cap Manufactory. 1 roost tcpccttully ;r"cbnuncfld the patronage °rmy friends and the public generally to roy successor. Win. Douglas*. [frbl4u3ni) ;• JAMKS McRAIN. - pw SEW INVENTION I-PATKNT AIR fjciRCULATKR' AND HAT PROTJXTOIt-Tbe clAsubseriber will iutroduco on Saturday. Oct. Ulh. Geuuenien wishing a hat tried with this desirable arti- I2C COII UIIU Ciouiuiu. . ' ALFRED KEKVlL,Practlcalliatter, ' • 1 SO. head of wood »t r*. FALL MOOBEhaareceiv* / Bed from New York, the Fall style of HaU which «S&he will introduce this day, Saturday,: Aug. 2»th.. jUluioso hi want of a neat and superior hat would do well to call at No. 75, Wood Street, 3d door; above 4th. atnßKtf •• • " "■ •' '• : : - ■: 7i*VSJi FASHION, * / J COSTAR’S Style Gentleman’* tlau will bo intro -o%diieed at Kiarn.’a on Thurtilay, Augun tmh, Uemicmen wishing a cheap, iasbitmanle. bat 6C Pin*- burgh manutacture, ahead of fubkmable tint* import ed ond-adTeniud by tome of the trade, pleats eoli at KEFAIL A Co.’i, . IS2. head of yrood at _aug2Blf _ m SC3IMEE PABHIOS FOR HAT 9 Jb JUST received from -New York, tjie Sumo... tor hale, consisting of White Beaver. Ptari and White French.Cauimrre iraU,!with.Vetmlators. Those in want of a beautiful, light Hat ate rcipectfuily invited to calL ' J. Sf. MOOBE. maytS - • ••• 75 wood 3 dope* above 4th rIE. Hoard, of Trade u' indebted tg the kiudnes* of George Darsie. Esq., for tiles or the'Bills,'acted up on, as veil as those before, the Senate and-House of Representatives of this Slate.* Membersxf the. insuiti lion canbatc access ibthrm aflhe Reading Boom*. fcbl6 . JOHN li.UU'bllS<cY- rpOBACSO-In store and to arrive, on conMKtunwil. X 4*ol and t boxes John Rucker *upSs; IHJ * b« e * Henry and James Ss;&y>boxe»Joluut& Jrfvw»-*, m 2 boxes Atorsion ss; 13 boi**« J M titanard 3«{!W I bxs R R, B -Warwick ibexes John Rucker sapr »*; « * tom Ifamr * ■ feblO . 41 Wsler and front streets.,. a-*ixth* of (be t», for itle on t>T ■’ i SCAIFE, : near Wood. Limo)h-« '■** >.M f ' MEDICAL. . TTARX^ T VI£ETAMJi lnvala*-- H bin remedy to Epileptic Fit* °£‘f*' l i2£ thtfTOai >-J i Convulsions, Shauns, kc. lt« ■ :■->:• :• . « , limeimmemorwi, .,-j. ,V v;g- - . tic fiuincurable. It has baffled . t. boasted power of- all metfiriue, and - , |- sands have sudvred through a miieraUle eXttttoe*»anA . ' • ai last yielded op toir live* 6a. toaltar, of «*■£»/►•■ •<. .jl•«i ■ ■ 1 “ With. all deference, however,' to the op i Hi o, ‘f °*: . :-2 * . great and learned, we say Thai it ha* bee* eureq.- -. ■ •; v -■; "; ‘ HART’S \faGKI ABLE EXTRACT, .. <] For sixteen year*,hts been tested by .many _v2| ... who have colTered with this: dreadful <useu*e,«ndl* tv .. every ease where it ha* had a lair trial,ba* .effected ft peraaiieiit enre. ■ y V- ■;*■■• i • Fits of 36 years and 6 month*, enreuby *«*»*•*■ > ; j’ .•■■■. thistrnlywonderfulmedicine. • ;.••••. \ ■ ■■ • .■■...■■ Read the following remarkable, ewe of .the Knot, -..n ; , . •Wa geeore, Et/jvof Philadelphia, afflicted with Epi* " leptie Fit* Iff year* and 6 month*./ • After travelling ’ >• through England, Scotland, Germany, and Fnutar, coov. . >. raltog the'mo*teminentphysicians, and expeitulng Sof ' .medicine, medical treatment tod advice, threef thoc* .- ;.'3> , rnntf dollar*, returned with Iti* sou tothj* country ta ‘ , November last, without'receiving any-benefit ■whate?*/'■••v.iy,-' •' ! % tr’ and wu* cared by asiit? - ■ HART'S VEaETABLR.EJCrnACrrr • • . -• . • Jlr. ’William Secore’s. Letter .to'Dm. Ivan* and RarC •• •••.■■? • - I have *peiivover three thdasatul-.doUara to nwdi«.:v cine and medical attendance." l.wa* advised to ukq* : . tour to Europe with him, .which*! did. I first .tinted . • England. . i consulted the mo*t eminent phytteiaaa ' . 7. ■ . ‘tore in respect to h!*'ca*e'; toy ' ’ prescribed accordingly. 1 remained- three, month* ; without perceiving any chanye to to. betted, whieh . v,.%-? eost me about two hundred.and fifty dollar* pocketed . , by to physicians, and to most tot 1 received wa* • . • theiropfaon'totmy «m'«n*ewa*_hopele*sandpo*l»v\ ■; : tirelr incurable. 1 accordinglyleft England,audtravf- , filed through .Scotland. Gentteny and-Frauce,and r^. : • . - i torued home in to month of. November la*b with mjr V'-:. , - ton a* to from hetng cured a* when I left I aawywtr - . .- advertisement in one. of the New >nrk paper*, ?• •-• :. v.'< . concluded to try Harf* Vegetable Extract, aeetug rV . '• statements and pertilicates of *o .aotad «< n: ; t ,• twenty and tliiny rears’snutdinp, and eanaaMraycaa • lamnoi*drryldid», oibytoosdoi Han's Vegeta- . ; ble Extmclalone, he'was.restored to i-erfatt hwllla...': Ilis rca«on, which vras *o far gone a* toonfil hun to -' - busim'ts, i* entirely restored, win lue prospect now ; •>-. before him, of life, health and usefulne**. *H« »* noyr • • tM year* of ngc, t0d.27 year* and ? month*, of ihby-' ! • time has been afflicted with thi» BUMt dreadial .of dl*^.--. eases; but thank Ood he is now.enjoying good health; J • • Now, gentlemen, faith without work* I don't beliavw- in. To saytbal 1 chall beevergrereiulioyou.l*• thine, and a* I here enclose you. one boitdred-doUar»^;li have no doubt hut tot you will totk thl» : .i* ; ;BnoTh're ; ( rf • and'quite a diflereni thing. 7 Th* debt ln - still owe you, but please to accept to preaent amonst' * . - a* interest on to debt in advance. • • i . ifouraveryrespeetfully, ' (Signed,)' - . WILLIAM BECOaE. / TO THE AFFUCTOX , ; ■ One‘of to proprictsrs ofthi* InvahuMa mediclaa \ was afflieted.to severe! Tears .with &ileptic Fit*. ' / - The disease had produced to:wont effect upon hi* . system, viu Lo9*ofm«norT.lnibcctlity.oftnin£and». v . v f.l perfect prostration of to nervous system: He' tuut > . tried to sklli of the best phyatcians for aerea yeatv . • and rrew worse uodex their..treaonent,. and ho .-anew this medicine sea* his only hope for health and /. Ufa. and was therefore delenmsoJ lacTre itaikii .tnal, - 7 f /.' »iuf to persevere in its n*e, which he didt and to result~- : ' % perfeet restoration to health, which - / - ued nn&nempted fornearly aixteciiyeara;.. ..iw-f, VWe woala refer te to folfovyin* persons who hava v . heeaeured-by nslng Harf* Vegetable ExtraeU . ■ • - Col E Detmow’s Sanghter was afflicted : niiw •' rpide* dtVenkers, New York. .> - _• ii. - —. • . •..i. / - . - J Ellswpru, seven yean, 13 Hover st. - . •Joseph M’Dougal, nine years, East Brooklyn, 1* ti • . H w Smith, New York Custom House,.-. 'SEeUy, twen^yean,Btttealsland..-.v •- MueKjTKeetitwentyyears,-Yorkvillff ‘-v-: MinßCrane. twelve years, 113Uunnersla atM.i ■■ WmllFa»elt,twenty>ihreeyears f 73HoKM!klt'' Jacob Petty, fimr years, 174Uelaaey ah ■ : . Philo Johnson, twenty* eight years, Oree»aaaa£ft£ • • : , Judge Randelh 04 East Broadway, New York. ' -du :: Thmna* R Jones, of to DS Navy,. r . ,.t\ Rpforenea also made to*— • • k . DrWLMonroe,OnUford,(X . Rev Biehard Taagutv'West Davenport N Y. ~ 4 - RevTLßoshnSCßaltimore, VA? -• . Mr Joseph Bradley, 115 Orchayti st, NY. :- lt ’{ V: 0 H pernghton, SQ2 Eighteetith etN Y. ’ ' Un JamesßertlwU; Cotter,Orura««. K Y. John Paher, ITS EJjabeth at! ' do ! ? A Delaney ft, d® iW^th,lSoSuffolk et, ■ ' . phases Brown, 100 Water at, . d» - :--lu of which may bo called npen, cr.addraaaed.-pMe). 1 P CT Prcqared by Dr 8 Haxt, (late Ivaar Al Bar^) ; New York.- G F THOMAS fc Co, HO Main «t between 3d aot 4th sis, and 160 Main st, between 4tb andfith streeakc Cmeinnati, Ohio, wholesale and retail agents forth® ' south and west.' *' 1 L WILCOX, comer of Market 0 and thaOto k mond, only ngH in ~ JagSUawlr SXftrylmndc '*e Bk» No. 05. DIAMOND Alf -LEV, a few doors-below* . Wood street, toward* "lb* . market -j, * • ‘ DR. BBOWS|iiw. : ing been repalarly eduealeO to the medical. prafewiou/ and been for some tint* : nr -. Sneral practice; n6w run*- tea. hi* ancmioatoibe -treatment of those private . i and delicate, • [whiehhi* opportunities and - iexperiencepeculiarlf 'iff him. Eleven rears at»: , sjduowdy devoted to the - study and treatment ot iho»e complaint*, (daring wliichf time Le lias had more practice and hu cared more pa». tients than can ever fall to the lot of any private pr«to» titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances.** speedy, permanent, and satisfactory cure.to all afflfctrdl with delicate diseases, and all disease* arising there'. ft cm. ■' , Sr. Brown would infumi those afflicted with prim!® : diseases which have become chrouic by limo bt' tfy rravatrd by the osn of' hriy of the cotanum nostrums of tne day, that tbeircompltnnu can beradicaflyand lhnp» ooghly cured; he having giteu his carefu l etieutioo t®. the trcagpenl of such copes, and succeeded in handred® of instances in curing persons "t>f tnfltimmntiqn-df the* ■ neck of the bladder, and lftndied diseases whiehofieß result from those cases where' others hate eoiuigned .. them to hopeless despair. " He psrttrtttarlyinTitesßUchf.v; as b'ave.bceu long and unsuccessfully' treated by other® • » io consult him, when eveTy sati*factibu wiU be gtr*A them, and their cases treated in a coreihh thorough mid • mtemgeut mnjmer,'j>omtciLoui,by_alungexpenenca* l study, and mvesligalioivwiuehit is impossible for thos® : engaged'in general.practicevut medicina to give any 1 one etas* of (Uaecae. v- .-'-v ■■■■■■ H7*Herma;of Rupture-—Ur. Brovnum© inntes per*.. •„ *nna afflicted with Hernia local], os hohaspaidpaxtl®*.. nlar attention to this disease. • Skin diseases; also Files, Palsy, etc., ipdedily cured. Charges very low. - :V. /-i }■ : i~? "V N. B.—Patients of either sex living at a,distance, by stating their disease in writing, giving all the sy m®- toms, can obtam-tuedicinei withdiieciiona for use, by • addressing IV SHOWN, hL *D-, post paid, and eoeios - ing a fee. ■ •)" « ■■ Ufflce No_ CSj Diamand alley, opposite thsw teeny House. i • IC7* No euro no pay. • • • derlS. Howbry monAN uoaruound a uvkk .wort Conch Candy is.offered ,to the public S' pletuant.and effective r’eniedyfor coughs, colds,'bt»rso»v ness, Asllim'al I'lithHc, Wlioupiitr V&agh, Influenu* Croup; Sore Tliroat, Bronchitis, and general affection* -c. of the Chest and Lungs.' In such ca*es it Is known t®' ; have atfonled decided and permanent relief, and’ftout its rapid sale, mid'great , success asa'ranedy.fottb*- - above diseeses’whcreit has been .used, it promises I® become oneoftlie roort pseful and {onplarmedicinev ; It isofferyd soo, as a pleasant relief 10.theeoueuinpliTdj - and an ostistant to vocalists anil public epcakcra gea* . erally. : ’ 1 • 1 ■ The name of the preparation indicates itsleadlng !»• : gredient, and it -wil! 00. found to be' by no mends unj • pleasant to the taste, and may be-used, r»y-children tuiid udults with'entire impunity.. "Hie material* used in th® - preparation are of tne-beitiquslity. hnil it nttjy l>* fe» lied on mi tn every respect a pore anil genuine aruclm FtnniUes wophl no doubt protrve to their comfort antT health by keeping a'snpplyv especially in the season cf Colds. -'-j . • . : This valuable Cough Cahdy is considered a great as. sistant to"Mothcn<j' being superior to all the patent Ba by Jump*:rain creation, os children were never known to cry when thi.. cnndv is used/except forntore._ jA itl.- ■ al of this article will cijnvmre any person of itt ewca cy, and the proprietors therefore aetf any personm tha United Slates to produce a cheaper, more pleasant, .0® effective remedy. --i •-V - - -f 1 . Sold wholesale and retaiLhy the General Agent, f ‘ H SMVSEH, Druggist,/ corner 3d add market sts, Pituburgnv - Howai Co-Proprietors, No l CoUego Hall CSndfl^ • Ohio. '- - * • . ..; Extraordinar}' ('one of Liver ConplalAt • and. Cough 1! HAVING taken a violent cold, whichsettled oaay' lungs and liven producing-a severe. ebugh,_asa. : ' pain in me side and shoulder, which was so severe 4t ■ lime* I could scarcely tarn over in ted. Ivras grado- 1 . airy wa*ting airnr. and weary' even. of my Ui&'My'v cough «u rpry uistresung, and being accompanied \rtlh nausea, lots ot‘ appetite, debility, and other.tfis ‘irening symptoms, my auflenng* were extremes Find- ■ • ittg no benefit from any medicine, nor from my phyit- •. dans,'l got a botUeofifir. Taylor's Balsam of uvdr* • ■ wort, which soon mivde me well and able to atteudttr •• my business. GEO YOUNG, Drnggi*V' ’ . • • * -861, Fulton atr«t, .\_- QT* SdU another'great care which proves this taedi- ■. cine the only remedy to be depended upon.-;Bead aad: jadee for yoarsclC -• • •' 'i '.■—•■■■ Cossoscmos joto Lim Cojctarrr.—SufTenngaol •>’; ; have for three years with these direases, 1 feel ftoib Lenrt for nil person* equally tuifortanate, and therefor* I begof them, if tiicy love life and bealib; if tbev.lova their families and friends, not to lay and die auaer (ho .. mercary doetbro, or. their useless trash* lrat try Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverworts This medicine cured . me when I was so ill I- could not turn oref to bod, without M«iiUiuee, and the mineral doctors Mtid I coold* not lhca week; yet this *ef;ctabJe medicine cured to* in six'week*. 1 had* hocking eonjth,paitiui tba «d«W raising of matter, uight swesti’andwss waHodlO lb» . Mae, alto toward fever. : J It MILLS, Alilkmant •. . i ■' .Newtou,lil. , E/- Hundred* oflireehavo beeit .iaTed by UtU«n«IW ; cine. Wedaily hearof themust remarkable cure* ter everything elsehad failed- ' ; - v • Prepared at 73 Beekman street, New i or*.; Sold in Fitt«d>utch.byJ.D.Norgan,»»l WoodiL;/. , Towntead, 45 Market m li c«r Maiket-8«4 3drt« HendexaoaCor, 5 Liberty at.- Price «*}«e4 ] ta Pottle. r~- • ■ • < r»»7 j r~l( • Highly iMiiarttßUl' 1 •. 1,-. CANCER: CUttED—Tha following. [/_ certificate from a highly rentable Jady. 1»* **** s.snt to Dr. Jayne by bis twents, Messra.Jason (lam C •. • Co- • >f ■•jfcemrovlUMfci' March llhb, !#*7. I Me. JaTins—Dearer— Doty to my follow ereature# •!> demand* that 1 should add my testimony to the weUc*» . I tildiihed efficacy of- yoor altkhtjt*. I biw h*4. ! , what the doctor* all pronounced an incurable Scrota* ' lou» Cancer of three year's Handing. After a tiuthftrtv T-'; one of the remedies of the profession, aniil my patient#., -\e in their n«,rtud hope* in Uiet; cfficaeywere complete* . iy exhnosted. 1 commenced taking your Alterative. After 1 hod'taken it about aix months. I yraa'.tioiiuulg-, -• cured by it. but my Cancer wu literally roofodoihanSj • dropped off. I tun now completely atul permanently',y cured, ami. hare no hejuauott m saying (hat it i*'lh* "\- most efficacious coustihitiunai remedy extant. 1' hat* ! no scruple* nor fear* in underaignin- iuvfhaecaaA • • commending it to all *iimlarly affected. ■ ; •Tj • '' • vour*,:•.' ':•/.•:/ -.-KiicrFau#.’ M Dr. D-Joyce—Dear Sir—We enclose youacertifir l.y: cate from Nancy Falls, of an important cure performs* oitherbyyourAltcraUTc. "The fiieu stated by her *r# know to be true.. .Your*,- Jasox Hajj A Co‘ Centreville, March W. *47; ' . Pc? C J • iiv* t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers