The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 01, 1848, Image 2

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■ Bttooitg fc Co. ;
S i . .
p.-r- •
v:< to* Uixsr commercial louiUg*&ce,Dome*tie, Mar
k: ' • k«u.fUm Neva, Import*, Money Markets, kc. %ec
thirdpage." ,v '' '
: *deqaale idea of the pageant. The cere
■ . many wu much more imposing than when Presi
i * dent Harrison died in the Execntitre Mansioo, for
r then. Co tigress was not in session, and the scene
. wanted all the form incident to the services of the
'Capitol daring the dsjr.. , .
* Business was suspended during the day in the
•«ty, and every thing, .except what was connected
With dl funeral, bad more than the appearance cjf
1 • the ■ Sabbath. f Attempts were made to enter the '
Capitol soon alter sunrise, and from seven to
twelve there was a . continued'outpouring of peo
: | pie frdm the dwellings of the city and the country
arouind. - •" ..
The members of the Maryland Legislature came
m a body, With their officers, bavingyesterday ad
journed lor the purpose. Theßaltimore carscamc
S' very full last n'ght and today, as also the boats from
the South.
' The coffin was closed jit half pastil, o’clock, in
' ' presenoe cif the Massachusetts .delegation alone,
and t}>e once familiar countenance forever .with
drawn from human eyea "This wns the last of
: .. earth," because in such a farewell adied a doubly
•• ÜBprSwve lesson is given. ' . '
;At twelve o’clock, the Bier was bomo to the
- - Hall of the House under the direction of the Pall
Bearers. The chief mourners followed,'and then.
■ the Massachusetts delegation in mourning.;.. j
' Dunng all this time minute guns -were firing and,
the bell* tolling. Wien all were seated in the
/. ofßepreschtolives, the scene wu one-uni
exampled in the history; of the country for the
character of the pageant. 'The Speaker presided}!
i - with the President on his right and the Vice Prcsi
- dent oq hia Immediately in front wore the
' ■" Chaplains-of the two Houses, the Clerk aid his As
/•' aistasts, with the Sergeaht-at-Arms and other of
; fio«s. In focal was the Bier, surrounded by thirty
• numbers as a; Committee of Arrangements, and
• the Delegate from Wisconsin. Nearer to the body
wen the gentlemen acting as Pall-Bearers. All
’:these wore the usual impressive insignia of the cf
i fices they held. .
; *■ -1 «w, leaving the House together, but silenily
( l< among the Ptdljßearen, Messrs. Calhoun andßen-
J J .too.'The Chief Justice' and Judge McLean rep
. resented the Supreme Court, Judgo Crawford the
i Government Courts of the District, Chief Ju-stire
Crancb Cnd family being among the Chief Mourn
( era. Messra McKoy, Boyd, Truman Smith, J. R.
/* "-TageraolLithe Hoase.; Mayor Seaton the Corporate
(fttthoritiea, General Gibson the Army, and Com
> aodore Morris the Navy. The Cabinet, Ministers
the Senate, and a part of the members, .were upon
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How bright tbe unchanging noon appears;
. .Farewell, inconstant world, farewell!
The fimeral sermon woj by Rev. Mr. Gurley,
Chaplain of ibe House, and it recounted some only
of tbe many Tirlnee of lie deceased, dwelling most'
• upon hi* respect for the religion of tbe Bible, nod
hie lore ofthe Divine Author. Hi* doctrinal opin
, -ion* were.barely mentioned, while it was truly said
- that he had eipeerw respect for every Christian de
nomination.; The last conversation Mr. Gurley bid.
with Mr. Ad ftm S (and it was Mr. A. who nomina
ted Mr. Gnrley ns Chaplain,} was when tbe Ven
erable Patriot expressed hi* astonishment at the
Indifference of public men, aud often of highly ed
ucated men, to the great question/nf religion.* To
I Mm’ he said, such negligence anil indifference hod
alwtys.been tbe subject of profound astonishment.
Some intiwesthig incideqi* in the early life of
v ’Mr. A. were dwelt upon, and particularly the pious
I. of his mother,—bne of the most remark* 1
able woiben of the country,.and aa well fitted to .
addm social and private life, public station and tbe |
domestic drclej as the elder Adams his place as j
one of the fcremoslraen in tbe nation. Rarely has j
a ehjM been blessed with such parents, and more ;
jrardypohapaha* a soiTieflected such honor upon I
those who gave him birth. j
;. .. The silence of the vast, congregation was of it
self t sens bn,—and the scene would have impart
ed eloquent’ thoughts had there been no words epo
;.jeen.. .. j • ,
• A solemn.. prayer over hint who .died ‘•full 0 *
yvsr/.asd full of honors," and an invocation for
.-God'sblcsaing opon all, and he who had been so ■
3ohg the living oracle and ornament of the House J
'of Representatives, was borne hence to the place 1
/ appointed far ail the living. indeed, may a j
' day bring ferth, and’hqw (all ofeventa are the hours 1
> oflbe dosing week, i ;
. .The congregation followed from .the Hall to the I
ho*y syoild without Some ten or fifteen thousand
- ptrrvtt were crowded near the East front of the
* Gspitd, and presented ,t sea of. beads.-There were
tamers flying, and draped in weeds of mourning, i
, There was tbe music qf tbe muffled drum andthe
dead march of Saul aud the Sicilian hymn played |
■ by the’ National and tbe City Bonds. Tbe Civic |
Sodetwsjfcad their banner* hung with crape, and j the insignia of their order*.' Tbe .
set of bt&d*, the - noble statue of Washington in I
the distance, surrounded by, a; vast concourse of
people, life solemn music, the waiving,plumes, the
- dfainguisbed’ persons, tha gorgeous funeral car,
. ’drawn by six milk whito homo, made Urn picture
r.ioae that only the united strength of the Gover
n/ asent, in a session like tbe present, could produce.
. There were nearly two Imodred’carriages in the
'l*!*’f V|<^r’
k! »s-S-,-'sw [, w.
t . *
■■■ ' -SW* *
' ‘ v.
procession, anil the military on post and Cavalry
i - troops from Virginia, and Societies from George*
’ * town tad elsewhere.*
Under the direction of the Sergeant-at-Ann*, the
.' procftttm aad.vras quite two miles loop.
- leering the Capitol at twenty minutes post one, it
. ' Qesrty three hours m reaching tho Congre*-
atonal Burying Ground. Here tho military pro
■HUM nrms ns lire mourners paired on.
■■; Aitiar o’cloclc the remains of the memoraUe
eageandtruo Falriol,of Iho Statesman and Ho
Scholar, were committed to. tbograsa. amidst He
: prayer. of Ibo clergy, tho tMmofhis aurrmng
'■•l • Tsfstiees and Ho respectful remembrances of thon
‘ to ins last aarfbly
- ydece at abode. He was eonaigned for a seakin
-to the Natrctoal tomb, add wilt be to the
r dually ranit ia Quincy., Tboa ends lire boose,
£ *•
' «...
v:.4 .
E7ACTUIIUU an eameidy requested to teed
their fsvots befem, “d ** early in the day i
prwiieabJe.- .- ■;
-Editorial Correspondent of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
. .'Wa*auH3TOT—*Saturdaf night—Feb. 2G.
' lh*WJy know'where or how to commence a re.
■ cord of the obsequies of the day, in honor of the
. dead. Word* I*3 to impart to the distant reader any
thff' right of th* Chair''and the family and relatii
of the deceased, the'Diplomatic Corps, members
-■' and privileged persons upon the left. - ,Some two
; ; thousand persons were upon the floor of the House,
*.' • gDd the galleries filled so full that - there wax do
- mam for more.. Such, a mass of persons were
hardly ever before crowded within the Capitol, and.
~ as assembly of like note probably wu nex *
’er before found in the Union. It embraced every
department of the pablic service, and every mem*
her ofthe. Diplomatic Corps, the last of whom were
elad tn their, most gorgeous Court uniforms. . The'
Arthy and Navy officers were also in like manner
decorated with the nniforin of the country. ’The
- Massachusetts Senators and members attended as
t . mourners. Tbere-was much in the extreme of
congestbefwcea the afflicted mourners, cltrdinilie’
: deepest black, and tlie gay uniforms of those who
. - came in their official robes of office to testify torir
~ respeeL The scene was one of marked solemnity
: and interest throughout, and the sight of such on
.-' audience could hardly fail to awa*ken the most' in?,
teresting reflections. Among 'he ladies present' in
- set apart.for distinguished persons, were
' 'Tilri-Poik,' Mrs:' Madison, "and Mrs. Alexander
.. Hamilton, and the ladies of the Secretaries and
•Foreign‘Mimstere.‘ : Opposite were three powerful
church choirs united in one.. Their sweet hymns
.• «tole over the mulutude like the solemn chants < f
the cathedral. Never were the totjes of church
. -tdusid more soothing, inspiring or solemn, and the
hymns were, next to the words of the preacher,
* most impressive. I : give you the words of the do
ring hymn, and it pictures the scene most truly.—
A The words areby Mr*. Barbaultk
How-blessed ths ri*hteda* when he dies!
- When sinks a weary soal to mt,
' ifow mildlybeam the elMing eyes,
; flow gently beate* the expiring breast*
~sb Cade* asnmrncr cloud sway,
■So (ink* the gale when storm* are o’er, ,
So gently.shuts the eye of day,
: So die*’Harare along the shore.
A holy-quiet reign# around,
.A calm which lile nor death destroys;
Nothing durnrbs <hat peace profound
Which hi* anfetiercd soul enjoy*, |
Farewell conflicting hope* aodfean,
Where light*-unci shade* alternate dwell;
paocekoivci tt conctL.
' ‘ ;M<«iUr;Fe£29a6fB. "
°?» CT f :l^r <: i ®e*iP««eu* Messrs.
Armstrong, Bell, Black,'- CnlMnn
pxmard, Lewis, Livingston, hfcCleb
knd, McCotlisier, McKelWj, McKnigbt!? Mitchell,
Porter, Roggen, Sawyer, &hafler, Scßurer. Scott;
South, Sumple, Stoner, Vdh Bonnhorst, Wilson,
ie*t and President. -•■ I-;
Mr. Bobettaon, President in the Chair.:
Air. Black presented a petition from certain citi
zens comptaiainr of of Stall Bents
tn the markets Bead and referred to the Commit
tee on markets, with instructions to report an ordi
nance in accordance with the prayer'of the peti
tioner. Sent to S. (X „
Mr. Mitchell presented a; petition from Mr. Riley.
Read and referred to the Committee on Streets, Acc.
Mr. Wilson presented a petition callingthe atten
tion of Councils to the condition of O’Hara tt, and
one asking the opening of liberty, st, from Adams
st to the city line,—which were read and referred
to the Commttee on Streets.; Sent to 8. C ' .
Mr. Smith presented a petition asking the paving
.of Tunnel street Read and referred to the Com
mittee on Streets, fee. Sent to S. C.
• Mr. Sawyer, a petitioo asking the erection of a
roof over the hay scales. ■ Read and referred tothe
CommitOcc on City property. Sent to S« C.
: Mr Yon Bonnhorst; a petition from Wm Price,
relative to a trarae house. Read and referred to
the Committee on Wooden Buddings. Sent to S.
! Council. f •
Mr, Lewis offered a preathble and resolution in
favor of Dr George Watts for s*ooo. Read and
referred to the Sanitary Committee. Sent to S. C.
Mr. Wilsod offered a resolution antboriz-og the
market committee in conjunction with the City
Treasurer to make such alterations of the Stoll
Renta in tho North and South ends of the market,
as they may deem expedient Read twice and laid
Mr. Sttmple offered a resolution directing the
Committee on Streets fife-to examine what street
running paraller with Pcnn’a. Avenue in the Bth
Ward can be opeaed.with. the least expense.—
Read and referred tothe Committe on Streets, Acc.
Sent to S. C. ,
Mr. Beil presented a remonstrance a
Stall lately erected in the Diamond toarkeL—
Read and referred to the Committee on Markets,
with instructions to report at the next meeting,—
Sent to 8. C. —• '
Mri Stimplo presented "An ordinance nntbori
xing-the grading of Pennsylvania Avenue.” Read
Jwice and referred to the Committee on Streets, Ace.
to report cost Sent to S. C; )
Some items of business from S. C. at last meet
ing were taken up and concurred in.
A Resolution in favor of Mr. Connolly for
$13,75 was read three times and adopted and sent
tO S. C. - ;
Mr. Von Bonnhorst-offered the following pream
ble and resolutions which were unanimously adop
ted and concurred in by S. viz:
.“Whereas, It is understood that the Hon. Henry
Clay is about to make a visit to our City, and
whereas, it should be our pleasure to honor those
who have rendered distinguished service to our
common country; therefore:
That the Councils of the City of Pitts
burgh will meet at the call of theirrespective Pres
idents, to wait in a bodyon Mr. Clay, to pay their
respects and welcome him to our City, so soon af
ter his antral as is most convenient.
RetaiveJ, That a Committee of four from each
Council (of which the Presidents of Councils shall
compose two) and they are hereby appointed to
wail upon Air. Clay, during his stay here to exhibit
o hun our various manufacturing establishments
and any other objects of interest in and about our
Cosointsc.—Messrs. Von Bonnhorst, Mr. Me.
Kelvy, Coleman and President on part of Common
Council and DennyrTotten) Porter and President,
on part Council.
A communication was received from the Presi
dent of the “Board of Guardians of the Poor,” an
nouncing the. resignation pfTbos. Daft,_Esq., a
member of that Board elected by this Council,—
which was read andon motion, Council proceeded
to elect a person to fill said vacancy, whereupon
Henry Stirople, Esq., of the Szh ward was unani
mously elected.
Mr. McKnight presented a report from the Canal
Committee accompanied by the following resolu.
. The report was read and. accepted and -resolu
tions read three times and -adopted, concurred in
by S. C, vis: •
Rtnlted, That the Street Commissioners be and
are hereby instructed to notify the owners, of pri
vate Canal Basins to have the same cleaned out
forthwith and further to'notify those dwelling on
the margia to prevent filth from being deposited ia
the Canal,
IZetdlrfd, That the CanafCommissioners in con
junction with the President of Councils be appoint
ed to memorialize the legislature and Canal
Commissiooers'respecting the condition of the Canal
within tho limits of the City, requesting them to have
the same cleared out without delay, and to have
the same arched oyer from seventh st, to the tun
nel, and the balance of the Canal so cleared pul
and repaired that a current of water can be kept
running through toe same during the boating sea
■ Adjourned to meet on Thursday evening nuxti
6l o’clock.
, __ February, 2Slh 1&1S.
Select Cottictix met, present, Messrs. Bake
weU, Black;Caskey, Denny, Drumm, UiU, Kin
caid, Laoghlin, Layoff, 'Lorenz, McGill, Mcllwain,
Murray, Porter, SiiapWaa. Totten, and President.
Minotej of the last three meetings read and
The President read a communication from James;
Thomson Esq., declining to accept:&he office of
Superintendent of the Water Works;’to which be |
was elected in January, which was accepted, and
a resolution pasted to meet the Common Council
this evening to elect a Snperi ntendenL '
PrrraßUttOH, Jan. 15, ISIS.
To the Bbruth* Select and Common Councils of
the City of Pittsburgh.
Gcttloiet:— Owing to my protracted absence
from the City, I did not receive notice of my efec-~
lion to the office of Superintendent of the City Wa- 1
ter works, until yesterday evening.
Permit me gendemen, tender to you my grate
ful acknowledgements, for this unexpected expres
sion of yoar confidence, and to express my regret,
that mypresent busincasengageroentswill not per
mit me'to serve you in the ; highly honorable and
responsible station, to which you have been pleas
ed prelect me. With respect, Gentlemen,
/ I remain your ob*t serv'L
/. Mr. Denny submitted the following resolutions
which were read three times and-passed, and
Messrs. Denny, Block and BakeweU, appointed a
committee on port of this Council.
Resolved, That in common with our follow chi
zens of the Union, we frel most deeply sensible of
the bereavement, which under Divine Frovidcoce I
the nation has sustained in the death of the vener
able John Quincy Adams.
'Resolved, That, as a manifestation of respect for
(be memory of so distinguished a patriot, and of
the high estimation entertained for his exalted vir
tues, and long public service, a committee ofolbree
members from the Select/ Council and three from
the Common Council be appointed, to make all the
necessary arrangements, for haring an appro
priale discourse delivered • before tbe citizens,
on the life, character, and eminent public services
of the deceased Statesman.;
The President read the resignation of & Eckert i
' collector of Tares ofthe Gth Ward—Accepted.
Pcrmoxs from Miss L. English WM Ar :
thorn. Esq., W Paul from sundry citizens of the
4th Ward; from citizens of the 3th Ward and of
Louis Cook and others, were severally read andr
ferred to committee on Streets.
The President, Mr. Shiptort, presented a petitio
of C Doran, respecting a wall at the Basin, ws
read and referred to Committee on Streets.
Mr. Bakewell. presented a pctitioD from W J
Howard, Esq n and W TJpdergruft for a Lamp at
the comer of slh and Smilbfield streets, was rend
and refcrcd to Trustees of Gas Works, with power
to act - 4
Mr. Laughlin presented a' bill of Jno.'Adams,
amount, 813£5; lor merchandise furnished City
hospital which was read and referred to Sanitary
Committee. .
Mr. Lorens presented a report of the Finance
ComrqiUee, which. was read and accepted.
. He alao presented an ordinance, entitled .an Or
dinance making appropriations for the year 1818,
which was read three times and passed.
He also presented an ordinance, entitled an Or
dinance Supplementary to an ordinance for the
regulation at hacks, draya, dec., passed. 20th of Oc
tober, 1817, which was read three times and pass-,
Council then proceeded to the chamber of Com
mon Council, and in joint ballot elected James IL
McClelland -Superintendent of the Water Works,
and Arthur McClelland Collector of Taxes in the
Sixth Ward.
Council then returned to their chamber, when
Mr. Loren* presented an ordinance, entitled an
Ordinance providing Car the appointment of a clerk
for the Standing Committees, which was read three
Umes and passed.
He also presented an ordinance, entitled an Or
dinance ibr the streets, lanes and
alleys in the Clb, 7th, fithi, and 9th wards, which
was twice read and referred to the Street Com
mittee with instructions to report u next meeting.
Mr. Bakeweil presented an ordinance, entitled
an ordinance, for the issue of bouds for the pay
ment of lire plugs Slid other purposes, which was
read three times and passed. ■
Mr. Black presented the reports of the St. Com
which was read and accepted. Re also present
ed a resolution authorizing Committee ou streets,
to place under contract Townsend street between
Clark and Decatur Sts, for grading, and to be paid
for in cosh, and charged to App.~No, 7. Read and
pnased. j
Ho also presented a resolution authorizing Hie
St. Committee to contract for the paving of Spring
Alley, from {ho Canal Basin to Hamaon Si to be
paid m caftb. Road three tunes and passed.
The clerk of Common Conned presented a reso
lution passed in Common Council, appointing a
eonuultee of reception for the Hon. H. Clay. Road
three times and adopted, and Messrs. Denny, Tot
ten, Boiler apd Pretideot appointed on part cf tins
Council, i '
He also presented a resolution granting id Liv
ingston Reggen 8a Ccv permission to erect a scale
m frost of their Factory, for weighing bay, pig me
t*f . &e.. Read twice and laid over. >■ < '
.llu also presented the following resohtfkXL •
-R&ahtd, -That our racmbers in the -Senate and
House of 'Representatives be reqoerted to oppose
the pensge of any law which would vacate al :
ter stareCa or alleya in the city proper and city dis- |
tncto unka* ibe same nhall bare been recomznaia> |
Jed by the a'tjr Canned*, .that tbey ; be requested to
ttrvard'to the Presidenu of Council*, copies of
Wl* proposed in either House, affecting the in
terests of. the cttjr. Read three times, and o
dopted. •
lie also presented an Ordinance, entitled an Or
dmane* establishing gradesof Streeis and‘Alleys
tn the 6th Ward. Read' twiccond laid over.
He also presented an Ordinance entitled an
Ordinance establishing a new grade for Strawber
ry Ailejr between Smithfield and Grant Sts. Reid
twice and laid over. ' ;
f .Tbe passed a resolution to meet on.
Wednesday evening at Gj o’clock.
Clerk of C..C. presented the report of Common
Council, which was read and adopted.
Also a resolution in.relation to Canal Basin,
which was read three times and adopted.
Mr. Totten presented the report of Aqueduct
Committee, which was read and adopted.
He also presented the following resolutions,
which were read threetiraes and adopted.
Recolted, That the Treasurer be, and is hereby
instructed to file the accounts and receipts, of
Messrs. Laughlin and King for work done and mo*
tennis furnished in repairing the Aqueduct, and
that the sura $2,400 be charged ;to the Aqueduct
account agreeable to the date thereof
Rttclvtdy That the subscribers in proportion to
the several sums subscribed bv them respectively,
for repairing the Aqueduct in the year IM3. shall
be entitled to receive payment from the city, when
their account is accepted and approved of by the
Board of Canal Commissioners.
Resolved, That the Aqueduct Committee be and
is hereby authorured to make contract for the
painting and necessary repairs of the Aqueduct,
and for having the sahie lighted with gas.
General Taylor's j Letter.
To Hon. J. K. biontsoLi.
The following letter, which has never before
been published, was read at the ■ Buena Vista Fes
tival in. Philadelphia. :
llead Quarters—Asarr or Occupation, )
Caup near Mo.vmtEr, Mexico, >
August 3d, ISM 7. )
Dear Sir—l have the pleasure to acknowledge
the receipt of your esteemed letter of the 7ih uIL,
which has just reached me, iu which you say:
**l had the honor of being called upon I art eve
ning to address a mass meeting of the Whig* of
the city and county of Philadelphia. At that meet
ing, your name was frequently imontioned in con
nection with the office of chief magistracy. I tin
ted to that meeting, as I had before stated in my
place in the House of Representatives at Wash
ington, that you were a Whig, not indeed an ultra
partisan Whig, but a Whig in principle."
; All of which is entirely correct; and after the
discussion which occurred in both houses of Con
gress, at the last session, growing oat of thd capi
tulation of Monterey, in which discussion you
thought proper to defend my conduct in regard to
that transaction, when assailed somewhat, if not
entirely, on party grounds, / tan hardly imagine
how any one who teas present and heard the sptteJics
on that oaasion, or read them after they were pub-
It&heJ, could well mistake the! complexion oi my
? politics. At the last Presidential canvass, it was
1 1 well kuown tn all with whom I mixed,.Whigs and
Democrats—for 1 had no.concealments in the mat
ter—(hat I was decidedly in fovor of Mr. Clay’s
electiou, and would now prefer seeing him
in that office to any individual in -the Union.
I must say L have no wish for the Presidency,
and cannot consent to be exclusively the -candi
date of a party; and if;l am one at all. or toiie
made so at the coming election, it must be borue in
mind that Ihavc notlieeh, or will be, made so by oili
er*, without any agency of mine in the mailer. In
dependent of my wishes, I greatly doubt my qual
ifications to discharge the duties properly, of an
office which was filled and adorned by a Wash
ington, a Jefferson, as well as several others of
the purest, wisest and most accomplished states
men and patriots, of this or any other age or coun
try. I almost tremble at the thoughts of the un
dertaking. Yet if the good people think proper to
elevate me, at the proper time, to the highest office
m their gill, I will feel bound to serve them; if not
from inclination,from a principle of duty, and will
do so honestly and faithfully to the best of my a
bility, in accordance with the principles of the ccm
stitution, as near as I'chn do so, ns it wa» constru
ed and acted on by our firrt Presidents, two of
whom, at least, acted so eouspicuotis a pari in ai
ding in completing that instrument, as well as in
putting it in operation.
But very many important changes may-take
place at home anil between now anil the
time for holding the election for our next Chief
Magistrate,—so much »o, as to make it desirable
CM the general good, that some one with more ex
perience in State affairs, should bo selected as a
candidate, than myself And could he be elected
I will nut say I would i yield my pretensions, for I
have not the vanity to Relieve 1 have any for that
distinguished station; but would acquiesce not on
ly with pleasure in such, an arrangement but
would rejoice that the republic 1 had one citizen
more worthy and belter qualified than I am. to dis
charge the important, duties appertaining to that
position, and no doubt there are thousand*. Be
tliis as it may, if ever 1 occupy the White House,
itimusl be by the spontaneous movement of the
pfeople, without any action of mine m relation to it;
without pledges other than I have previously sta
ted; a strict adherence to the provisions of the
Constitution, so that I could enter on the arduous
and responsible duties appertaining to said office,
so that 1 could be the President of
the Coontry atid Wat of 8 party.- j
With considerations of great respect and esteem.
1 am your obedient servant.
| [Signed] Z. TAYLOR.
‘P. S.—We have some little glimmerings of peace
I have this moment received a note from General
Wool, commanding at Saltillo, abobtseventy miles
in Advance of litis plaee, towards the city of Mex
ico, of which the following is on extract, 4:c. Arc.
This can be relied on. and must be gratifying to
all lovers of peace, of which number I profess to
tfe one of its roost ardent admirer* and advo
'Wehave the Sunday Herald, ilue by mail this
morning, from which we glean title following.
The mammoth steamship United States made a
trial trip on the 2Cth and ba# fbtindto be the fastest
American sea going ship afloat She run with
•nrdumtand tans of axil on. board, eighteen mile*
inaevoniyfive minutes. The sjdp is 2300 tons
burthen and wo* built for C. ILManhaU, Esq., and
will make her first trip to Liverpool She had a
brush with the Royal Mail Steamship Hibernia and
run seven mile* to her six.
Tim REVoumox w Vkmzi eila,—Our account#
yesterday by Telegraph, contained all the facta, of
which we now give the details, i A letter dated
C&rraccas, Feb. 27, says:
On the opening of Congress, serious disorder
commenced between several members; high
words drew a great crowd; daggers were 'drawn,
and, jt is said, a member from the city—Hon. He
me regildo Garcia—stabbed n member front Mara
caibo, Hon. Antonio Sain*. Thu scene which en
sued was terrific; those thnt could, tied; and when
the alarm reached the street, the citiacas tied iu
terror. A body of soldiers rushed iu front; of the
hall, firing several volleys indiscriminately into the
windows. Several members reached the door,
and were cut down like dops. ; The wounded
member, bleeding, was not recognised by the *ol
diers, they tell ou him—his left cheek and ear were
shot away—a severe cut over the head, and his
head nearly severed from fy s body, and lU# body
terribly mangled with bayonet#. The Hon. Juliau
Garcra'of C-aractu, was slut through the head—
the ball entering one ]eir and passing out of the
the other—all the fingers of the left hand cut off
and sixteen wounds in other parts of the body
The Hon. Juan Garcia had a sword run through
Ids body and fell dead. Col. Smith was badly
wouned with a bayonet—severaj others killed,
and some wounded. Those u-ho could not es
cape in front, wrenched off the j iron bora of a
back window, and, by means of a settee, made n
bridge to the lop of a wall, where a few poles
were found; und with these Ihuy escaped over
several walls, torn and bruised. The whole
square was soon surrounded by the troops, nod
. the honorable members were made prisoner!—
some with scarcely clothes without
hats, boots, or indispensable*; some, few shared
a better fete. The crowd rushed into the hail, de
stroying the furniture, and cutting to pieces, a targe
portrait of Bolivar.—ln half,an hour, thousands of
vagabonds .were paradiug the streets with all kinds
of weapons; every, house was iaslanlly closed;
all the foreigners who had .flags,, junfuried them
for protection, none but those who happened to
be out were in the Streets; every few minhtes the
harsh challenge, tpien viva. oi the -rush of<-ti v
alry broke on the ear; night soon closed in dark
ness, and a deathlike stillness prevailed during the
night. • <.
On the rooming of the -’3th, the citizens crept
cautiously out About noun the dead were intcred
without ceremony. At one o'clock the members
were escorted to the hall and compelled perforce to
pass several-resolutions. A banJo wns proclaimed,
requesting the citizens to assume their busiucss,
.with on assurance of protection. ;
, On tlie 20th, the members met again, tbeTrcsi
'.dent and his guards being in the hall with the mem
bers, while several resolutions were passed exon
erating the executive froth ail censure and a gener
al amnesty proclaimed.:
In the mean time, the first day's butchery : is
spreading to the inferior j nnd the qupstion is asked
in an under tone, will Geu. Paez cumo? All eyes
are now towards the plains. -
If the great chief cornea wiili 2 or 3000 Unnaro#
and the soldiers have courage enough to face their
swift horses and sharp lnnce.wc shall have some
bloody work among us. The President is now
raisinglOOO horscrpvn. A few days must determine.
Should another opportunity offer, I will odvisc you
of what is to coma?
P. S.—An embargo has been laiiTon vessels not
Auxcttcrv coixnr cosvmrno.i,-—This body
will meet this morning at the Court House, at tlto
usual hour, 10 o'clock. The. action of this convert*
lion will be watched with more attention Umu has
been shown since ISI4, when wo commenced
Presidential campaign. The nominations are to
have a direct bearing upon the Presidential elec
tion and one sentiment alone should'be the rule of
action for delegates, and that u Union for the cake of
the Union.” jf w p hope to succeed in November
we mast commence now and bring forward np
measures that will not receive tlio approbation of
every Whig, no matter what hi* personal prefer,
ences may be. - >• r'..
M»- Cult ci Hew York.—The Tribune of the
flflth say*:—*We have strong reason to behove
that Henry Oay will come to Nmf York, probably
•boot ten days heoce. i
Correspondence •rPrtutmrgli Gazette.
re of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Philadelphia,.Fcfa. 29, ISIS.
The Baltimore line has been out of
order since morning nndwe are without news from
Congress. * j
Exclusive Corre.pondennj of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Philadelphia, Feb. 29, 4, p. m.
Fw«.x—Soles of 100 p. bbls. Western brands at
Si>,isund of 500 bbls ati<G 14,1.
Corn Meal—Sales at; » bbl.
\V heat—Sale* of 1500 bu prime Red at 1300 p
Corn— Prime YellowTn selling at GfiSRHc & bu.
Cotton— Sales of 200 bales Louisiana at SiftSt
p ft. '
Sugar—Moderate sale* of N .O. 0(|555l « lb
Molas»es—Sales of ij'. O. at 2Sc gall.
Cloveh-sixd—Limited sales to-day -at $125»,
bbl. ' . ; ’ ’
Bacon —Sales of Webern cured hams at S29c'
& Ih.
Lari>— Sales of Bultjmoro rendered at 8c lb.
W msxEY —The market is quiet with moderate
sales at 25c gall. ?
Exclusive CorrrqKindence of the PilUlurgh Gazette
New York. Feb. 29, 3 P. M
Flour —Genesee brands are selling et SG.25®
(i,oo. and of Western at sG,l2{f2G,lBic bbl. Tbe
market is steady but not active.
Msss Beef —Sales at 510,75 bbl
Poex—There is lesil movement iu the article
but the market is steady.
Cotton —The remains firm, with moder!
ate sales of upland at 9{. •
WUL«atjrr—-Sales at 25jc i» gall.
Corn— Prime White in selling at sfKgf,7c » bu.
” u>^T—Sales of Prime White ut 137. ’
bbL MK PoßK—Sa,cs ° 1 ’ "Patera at $6,2523,371
Ms» Pore—Sales at‘510,121010,25 bid
Tue P atest Okfice.— Mr. Uurkc, the Coramia
sioner of Patents, has hi*t report nearly ifeaily. The
N. . Courier give* the following, ’showing the pop]
ulation and produce of Ihc United .Stale* lor the
yearlSl7: ;
Present Population, l
No. of bushels of Wheat,
u “ Uarlej'.
Oats. A •
, . 114,245,500
ton* of Hay,
“ Heron,
pound* of Tobacco,
" Cottua,
“ Silt Cocobns,
“ Sugar,
The whole roport wlien printed,_vill make be
tween wveu and eight hundred pages, and like his
last one, be filled with extracts oi newspapers,
making a fat job lor the public printer, but giving
little information. \
sly overland despatches from Columbia S. (X,
tlio Baltimore American has the /allowing—
The steamer Dee arrived at Ship Island, below
New Orleans, on the ?oth, with advices
from Very Cruz to lhb I6th m»L Ainomg other
items of news we find the following—
The American Star rifthc 12th instant says that
Souta Anna had asked ;/br n passport that he might
leave the Republic, and that lie recommends fan
friends to favor peace, n!nd sustain the existing gov
ernment >’
Tena y Penn lias published a letter which Mates
that the Government u* Qneretaro has resolved in
agreement with Gietu Jiiott, upon the imprisonment
ol Santa Anna, as the means of removing-cbe
only obstacle to the carfclusioivot a peace.
More awexaTios. —A. despatch in the N. York
Tribune, dated Washington, Feb. 25, saya:
1 hear that Capt Sibley fans arrived witli di
patches from Gen. Wool. containing propoiliot
from the authoriticsof Sonora, Ciuhuabua, Cohauil
Now Leon, and other Mexican provinces, to l
annexed to this country!
Ilcxcr Clay's oiticUi. nn-Ernov—By roie
ence to the report of Council proceedings, it wi
be uoticed that the city Authorities will pay this di
tingei«hed statesman the compliment he so we
ct an otSciai ejHioii.
PITTSBU HU B \\|K Eli 11 ii AZ K TTK.
covrccrs ln raiT— jurcu 2,161 S.
Pateut Cases—John Quincy Adams is no more
The Treaty ot .Peace-:—Pennsylvania Troops—
Senate Proceeding*—Mr. Crittenden—Mrs. Joim
Quincy Adams—Funeral.of Mr. Adams—Line*
Written ui tt Lndy'ji Aijium, by John Qiiitwy Ad
am* —Taylor Meeting iriPhiladeiphja—Fenosylva
nia Legislature—ftothin- Pattern State
General Manufacturingi'Law—Pennsylvania and
Ohio Rail Road—Tothif Iron Manufacturer* and
Miner* of Pennsylvania—Pennsylvania Canal—
From Venezuela—A Destructive Fire—Council*
Peacu Rumors Revived—Twenty Secoud of
February—The Projected' Treaty or Peace—Mr.
Hamptous LeUer to thcl Taylor Whig Meeting—
Utica Convention—The Scott Meeting—OiEciu!
Report—Agricultural Products of Ohio—Tho Bril
liant—Mr. Adams’ Attack in tho Ho.use-r-The
.Nation's Lo*9—Death jof John Quincy Adams
Sketch of hu Life—Latent from Mexico—Somerset
County Convention—The Western University—
Texas,‘Laws and Slave*—The Taylor Festival-
Latest Telegraph news. Foreign and Domestic.
Commerce; A carefully compiled Review of the
Markets for the The price* in the l-nml
atj- markets; Tho Cattle Market; The prices of
American produce in various parts of the Union;
.Amount of Flour, Wheni,Corn, since
the opening of the Copal; Canal faintness and
movemcuLs of produce; Market in London.
City Newis'Spirit of Ujb Press; Copious Extracts
from the leading journals on the interesting tonics
of the day. ! r
For *alc nt the desk, singly or in wrappers.
Price 0 cents single *
Subscriptions $2 n year in advance.
lETTo SnuitaoA-r Mg.\ *#» Omas.-Connell's
Magical Tam hitractor—|u* now conceded by mrdi
cal men that Council'. Magical Pain Extractor, maim
fsetured by Comstock A C«* Si Court bmd «. N V. is
the greatest wander of the Jfith century. Iu eilects arc.
,ro| y‘ miraculous. All pains aw removed from bums,
•caid*, and allextettiul Mires, in a few minutes af
ter its application; healing the same on th« most doti
cate skm, lcavmg-w» tear ll is equally beneficiuf in
all kind* of inflammatory disease*, »uch as sore Nlo
ples and Eyes, Sprains, Rheumatism, While Swellim;
and Ulcers. Bruises, Burns. Chilblain*. Kryriprla..
Bdcs, Tic Dolorcanx, &c.< We might add as proof to
all wemy, fte names of many eminent physician* who
,u*e it in their practice, and hundreds of the clergy who
•praweuto their people. Kimtparent keep it constantly ou
hand, in case* ofaeddaul by life may be lost with
out it. bat by it* nsn all hum* aw subject to iu edmroi.
unle«» the vnals nw destroyed Cawion-Rcmeml-rr
aud ask for Connell * Magnial I'am Kiiractor, manu
factured by Comstock A Co: N Y, nod no other,
t i V «. Agent for Fituburgh. SS
Liberty *U head of Wood. r novlfcdAwtimT
IDTn* Clout* l» strangely degtrueUve to the ha
insii cuUcle. (or rkm) (tie •utldrn change frota Leal to
cold, anil ih» smoke caused yellow, dark, coarse com
pteimn*. n»«» il is requisite that the pores of tj.e skin
should Le krpl open—that lieu inotiths*J,©uld he freed
from impurity—'um thus the anaient Itouiau Philoso
pher. cured all direase*-they computed that more
tlie pores of the skin, than aay other outlet of the body
diseases and unhealthy), vapors-left through the
l is ucccssary, therefore, to. keep the pore, open-all
humors are dispelled frohijilte skin (rom Urn Mires
when they wash with Jopc*' Italian ChcWal Koap |
have seen it cure tlie wouc und oldest ease*
Rheum. Erysipelas, Old frorei, Barber's Itch, Sore Head,
lungwonn, when every- other itilernaJ ami ezternaf
reimiiy had fatlcd-iU effecW*l,de f i U g ,h c akin while,
Hear ami wm, though it.bc.ydllow and eoar«., is won
derful—it removes Frock!*-.; Tau.Sunhoni. Morob.w,
and disfigurement of thtf^s'kin—hut persons must
V? particular nnd nsk for ’Josks Soap—to he hull in
Imshdrgli at VrAI. JACKSON'S, sip, of the Big Root,
89 Liberty su Price 00 cents. . novlMfcwJy H
Ip- t;s* Tit* l’Borr* Mzsas.—lf you wish to he ,uc.
eesslul in any undertaking.; you roust always ‘use the
Protore, if you hare a cough, use
Jaws. Lxrecrwuar nud bq wired, lur it i» the proper
mr^ilV- 1 AHh,,,a cr;.
then the only eOictent mi nus to cure you is to tnTc
Jayne » Expectorant, which wUliimncdiately overcome
the spasm which contracta the diatactcr of die
and irioiens and brings up \U mucus which clogs theni
up, ahd thus remotes every qhttraction to a frei resri
m^ n arrt hUe ** wme um 9 •“ iallaiiitimUoii is „ u h.
. ducii, and a cure j* certain ;to lie cifccird u nv _ . ~u
Broiichlus, gating of Rlood.lflenri.y, or in"f"Jt hny
Pulmonary Aflcctlon, then h«- Jayw-* Einrcui aiH
..S " “f ji.
Alld U h.TO vou 1,.« rai ."”
Ko,.tattlejiL-it"! «■«
to,dit,2;v. f ?b“te r^ "itoVOT *e°s,r""f' b i
Jones’ Coral Hair ReMonttiro ; haa ."S 1 llh "* T l,c ol
uiah Sold wMllJbenysL j 111 .
D7*YellowTeeih and putrid breath.
Spongy rum* like rotten death,
} novludAwiy
above than any or all * cu, ,° for l - ho
nuincrable. Sold by W.U JACKsov's^ 6 a^ n 0?. t ,n<
Lurch. Agent for i'uts
• . ! _• - norltdiwCmT
.SStS sss.'ss*.
Su««r ’z.Kw'sr
0> Doljt .knra rellow d.Vk T CT il,_u„ y c „ ta
made penriy wlma by one ttroo niinw ■ uT. ?, w
‘d- sold .ui) utani) .l ‘
Halt axo Luui-Comstock'B NVrv- ...a
lkme Luument mad ludiau Vegetable Elixir .
dSMdjl cure be Etau«utilE I ,?ws, J»?.i
On| Tnesday morning .al 2 o'clock, Mrs
bztb 65 yea&' -
■ The friends and relafiOßSofthefimuly are res
pectfully invited to attend the funeral this morning
at 10 o'clock, from her late residence corner of
Rebecca and Corry streets,' Allegheny city. 1
.... AH ORDIIf AJfCK, ' [ v
lifahng Approbation for , tho yfar I&4S A j)
SKfi.l. Ueilordained asdeoacted by the Citizens of
WtishurgMu Select and Common
bled, that the rerenuc for the Tear 184 a. arising fr«*n
1 n n WWp;re, Kcm* Fine Fo,
a,.J qlbcr l.wn,l«uirec.i, losclhcr-irh pll ,i,« rep„py.’
now, in ihe Trcn.urr, and nol r>tlrefi»i«« approprial/d.
Pc, and ihc aanre pro hereby npproprialcd, forrhn puiS
•e* lollnwing: • * «T
50. I—Safari?* ofCity officer*:
Mfyor. 57TM
Clerk for Mayor, 300
Treasurer, - ' 500
Solicitor. , ’ ■ ojq
Wharf Master, Monongahcle, 650
WbarfMaster, Allcgbeuy, £OO
Street Commissioner, Ist, 550
Do do ad, 7 goo
Clerk of Market, \
Uifh Constable, { 450
City Constables, (three)* 900
Clerk* of Council*. 500
pM«*cnjrcr*orCouncil*, (two.) 200
Reporting Regulator, 400
Superintendent or Wnfr Works,loOO
Assessor of Water Rents, 700 %
Assessor of City Taxes, 105
N'd 2— lnn-rc«t on City Loan*
‘•I Printing,
‘•U—Engine anti Uose Co*-. 1*275
l House tor Vigilant Eng, iflOO
“ o—City Watch,
“ G—‘Water Work*,
‘‘ 7—Repairing Paved Cartway*
“ 3 —Cleaning • do do
“ ft—Public l-iurp* St lighting *ti
“ to—Snuiiarj- purpose*,
“ It—Cleaning oilier expn’s of mrk't
“ 12—Monongahcla Wharf. '
“ Ui—Allegheny do
“ H—Contingent Fund*.
” 14—City toon*,.
•• 10—Ouutaudiug Warrant#,
‘ . , *117.700 20
Uruained anti enacted into a law this 2ilh doV of Feb-,
rnary, A. I). 1*43
Attest n Bidolk Robkxtb, Clerk C. C
JOHN SUIPTON. President B.C.
Jons Majoh, Clerk a. C..
J - .AH ordhtahce, ‘ i
Auuwnmig the issue 0 f Sands in payment for Fire
Slugs,and gratling Second sU
ft*£,\ , M lle i t “"i?*"** and enacted by the citizens of
.V w lec ' aua Common Councils asscra
bled, That the Mayor be. end n hereby direeted,tois
*iM,? n cK^? 1 i n U *? the u » nal frrra. tu«avor:of
JoJm Sheriff* Co, for lh<* amount of sixhundred and
•eer-nty-two doUw, provided thnt none of the told
bond* shall be of a lent amount than nvcLhnndred dol-
Ur». Hip said bond* to lw payabMlntdn year*, with
tutercsi thereon at 0 per cent per annum payable half
yearly at the office ol the City Treasurer, in Pittsburgh.
8u .it lie it farther ordained, 4rc„ That the Mayor be
ami he w hereby authorized anil directed to issue a bond
in the usual form in favor of Joraea McCabe for the
amount c.f five hundred dollnVs. payable in ten-Tnirm.
and micron thereon aid per cent per annum, being in
pan payment for gradiug done on Second street, turree
uhty to contract. s
<Jrdain««l iui<l enacted into a law in Council*, lihia 29th
day of February, A. D. l(4i t.
•I" 1 ’ sHobkbtb, Clerk C. C.
Jolfj* SIIIITON, PresidentS:C
Jons Mjuob, Clerk S.C. , aßf j
ReeclTcd br Express at n. A. Wner'a.
Columbian Magazine for March;
Union *• » ■[
Unbelt Maeaire in England, by O W M Reynold*;
hamuoinirly illustrated; , j
Mysteries of Old London, by same author—part 2<L
Guy l awkrs, or the Gunpowder Treason, by \V Har
neon Ainsworth; t .
llel ui Prairie lelcn, a Romance of Mexico, iiy Geo
jjiipunt, Esq; ' :
ra'lonai Life of George Washington, embracingan
redotes lUuetrauvc ot bu character, and embellished
with engravings,
A;' ‘uuycrsaJ History of tbn most remarkable event*
of a,I Nation*, from the earliest period to the present
tim*. tormjmrncomplete Historyofthe World, volls
Luo and Adventures of Valentine Vox the Veut/iio
qui.t, by Henry Cockton-new edition; -
A Senuiti'iiial Joußiey through France and Italy
The fragment and the History of a good warm watch
coat, by Lawrence Sterne;
Tim Light Dragoon. by Harry Hazel; j
laving Ag-, No 10?; [
N’ow aud Thun, by Ssmuel Warren, Esq—fresh sop-
J* c k iltnioK the Guardsman, by .Lever—fresh sup-
For *alc at M A MINER’S,!
mart hiiutliheld st, 3d door from Second at.
* I IIE subscribers have this day associated themselves
X ai-ethcr under the style of Kier* Jones, for the
iiurpo.c ul contuiuing the business formerly earrieil on
by Samuel M. Kier. and solicit a continuance of the lib
eral patronage hereUHure extended to the house
tu , B. F. JUNES.
Pittsburgh, March 1. ISIS.
ma w«i*ai>klwha and
\\i L *re prepared to receive and forward freight to
?» the above and intermediate places with as touch
despatch, and at as low rates, as any other responsible
The Btieriiion ofshippen wishing to send Pork or Ba.
con to italuuwrr in built, i« particularly resumed, in
asmuch nsuur arrangements enable ns to carry such
articles through in better order than any other line.
KICII k JONES, Propirs;
Canal LUuurt, near TUtkt.
I\rT«baT*h; March i. WT,
•JUU'I. M. StEM. :
KiKlt it JONKS—Coiuniij>‘ioii and forurarvlinc filer*
chnnu, uml Wtiolctate Dealer* io Iron, lilootii*,
Sair. Produce, &c. •; I
Liberal ca<h advnnre«<mcoß»i{'iiineßl.f. marltf
Oeeou Steam ltarlgstion Company.
/ftjdHS-K The steamers of this Company will tail
*»"«« a'month a* follows:
The HERMANN, Cape Crabtree, on the 20th Mnrch.
The W.tSIIIN’GTOX, Capt. J. Johnston, on the 2Dth
April, !Md.
The HERMANN on the ISih April, I*ld. i
T»«» WASHINGTON,"on the tab May;
I’BitM BOUTIUSWro# to SKW tOtS j
The HERMANN, on the tJUth April, l&W. !
Tin* WASHINGTON, on the Will May, IS4$. |
When itie *Anii of the mouth fall* on Sunday,- thel day
of ‘ailing from N>w Yorh will be on the t 4«. .
I'ussage from N. Soulflan.plou or llremen->tlSO
“ from ttremrn or Somhanipion to New York--8150
For freight or passage apply a! the office of the Ocean
Steam Navigation Co., 45 William sL, New York, «r to
J. It. Cboskct, Agent at Southampton.
XVx. Iselix, Agents at Havre;
C. A. Huskies A Co. Agts-t Oremen. marldlw
PfMIE l*artiK-r»hip heretrfore existing between Morris
X ♦•rum. Thomas. H.Mcfirew and Hnfy B Metirvw,
ami trading under the firm ofOrum. McOrew A Co, lit
the city of Pittsburgh, is this day dissolved! All per
son* haring claims against said firm, will please pre
sent them to the subscriber*, urid all debt* due said firm,
must be paid to the subscribers. I
Pittsburgh, March 1, IMS. •
, The Subscriber* have ibis day entered into Co-part
nership. iu the city ofititisburgh, under th'- name and
style of Orum A McGrew, for the puipow* of transacting
u gcurraJ Commission ami Forwarding Uusiurs*. sitd
will transact busim-s* at the place previously occupied
by ilkt firm of Orum, McUrew A Co.
Administrator** Notice.
UTOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admiuiura
. .1 tion hnvc l>een granted to the undersigned, onitfae
estate of Johu Riggs, late of guowden township,dee?a»-
<-il. All |>eisons indebted to said estate, are desired to
make immediate payment, arid those haring claims,
will please present them, duly authenticated for settle
ment i
KOWARF. RIGGS, > J . . ,
Snowden Township, March 1, l>*4s. ntar!w6i*S
li’XTItAOTSI i’XTItAOTS—Extract Inuk precip'd; do belladona,
j di> do dAiidt-lion, do gentian, do jalap, 1 do
hyocyanus, do valerian, do quassiu, do rhubarb; for
ssle by (marl) RESELLERS
PltOUL'Cld— CIS srks corn, 110 seks oats,it lings
dcs t J i*ck» rogs, *1 bbls beans, 2 do butter, 3 oo
eggs; landing inumomr Ludlow, and fur sole by
I^LOUK— 13 bids sup flour, 0(|bl.« corn mctU,7do
7- buckwheat Hour, sdo rye meal, lunding hnd for
tmleby {noM} _ J C BIOWELL
1? R- & Co. have received by reeent express
. • arrivals, dress fringes nnd gimp*, sutinaud man
tun nhboiiN oiled silk.udy cotton No 8 and 10, leather
bell*, mid other articles in great demand at their store,
mnrl ’ R 3 market n
oi tow priced linen kerchiefs, from lOcenl* tohith
pneed French, lor sale by [martl FII EATON 4 Co"
Artificial leaves—a Munii quomiiv of rose
leaves, buds, cnllows, Ac, just received in' •
CIUITON FKINOES—A good ussortmeui always ion
/ liund ni (inurl] F HEATON JtCo*
GLASS— 300bx» n»Vd sixes, from CxSto2lxoo, coun
try brands, in store and fur mle by
'"“ri JCniDWELL
«*-»i boles, just receiving nnd for sale'bv
UOAII-27 klukNOSi
i [iniirU "**
7.^ a P. a .?J nnJi,l S Rn j lo'f role by
. 1 . BROWN,*. cOmtIUTSON *
TLTOLAijSES—IOO bbls N Ojmi rac'd nnd for »,*],. h v
i jyi. {nioflj URQWN_ tt CU LB ERTBQN Y
DO Mi—AO lb* lor talc by 1
ma rl EES EL'
DULY ELM iIABK—<W lb* for sale by
SANDOUCciULEri— UUUpestsTor lati-ty ~ T~
mnrt •- HE SELI^ER^
CIANTHARIDK3 PLASTER-30 tb» for sate by P
J mutl ' ’ . K^i_SELLERS ;
GIILOLOFORM— lul lb bottles: pure nitric arid, iiist
rac'd and for sole by li A. FAHNESTOCK
tunrl amicr Ist mmi wood mV
COTTON YARN—OO.WU assorted Nos, long anil.
short reel, tor sale at manufacturer** lowest prices
by Imurif . FRIEND, RHKY ACo
MIiSS iILEF si bbts for Wnfe by T
SALARATUB— I csk*, g his doj for sale by ~>
RAG WAREHOUSE—The liljhnt price in cash
paid fur good tlenu rsi»;ol«o, ennvais, bale rope,
grass rolHf, bagging, woolen rags, Ac- by
fjIJQ warnest betwern penn tr liberty
bbls for sale by :
< fcliJj , ; JA3 DALZKLL
SUGAR —10 bhds prime NO, just rec'd and for sate br
and GUOO country do;
Bacon— ooou lbs city smoke
in sioro and for sale by
DRIED j’RUIT'-tOO sacks dried peaches, (halres,)
■ prime arueic; and 23 do Apples: io store and for
C .YARNS— aco-lb* Cotton Nos; 50
1 bale* Nos 1 aud 2 batting in store and for sale by
fcbt» ' ' ' ' L 8 WATERMAN i
SEEDS-AO bush Clover Seed, and a few bag* fitno.
ihr. in store and for sola by , •
t&l 4 : L3WATERHAN;
'a EO RGE aL: BE RR Y,
Iromt Soil*, Cotton Toma 4b Putabornh
' i l !*** l ******u»v T ■
_ ao.- 1» wood ftßEst,.ptmacaoo, fA.! ;
N\ O. SUGAR—IOO hbda N O Sanr, in store reLflt
i | : GEo A
teotfl. • ( ; 19 wood at
'VT O. MOLASSES—32S btl* Plantation i
Al aiore and for ole by | 1 -GEO A BERRV'
' : lUwooJ,»t
Goober peas-ado i
go; tor «aie by • [ft
. Oswego; for «alc by I
Lard bbi* (Winter « Uu .
stxnr Phanix, and for aide by * .
febg> [ : JASDAI^EL)
OTAR CANDLES—SbbIs hotel candle*, receiving net
O *t*amer Hibernia No 2, and for **le by r
fete9: ' 11 JAS DALZELL
O UNDRIES—(3 bb!» cora.ldo frcib butter, 3keg* lard
O 7 *ack*o*u, and 1 hhd tobacco, receiving from »urir
Ludlow, and for bale by ;j JAS DALZELL
! ji / 24 waKjr gt .|
■pIRE BRICK—2O,OOO for kale low or exchange fa
X Fuuborgh manufactured articles, by' T
RVE FI^OUR— 37 bbl» stipkrior rye flour, juatjrcc’d
and for tale by [tebdß] L S WATERMAN
ftOAP-OJbx. extra No i, Cincinnati, ju»trec‘tl and
Q lor mleby (febffl] -} • LB.WATERMAN '
0,775 00
./ 0,500 CO ,
19,0(0 00
OO . i
DO !
7,000 00 !
CO 00
750 OO ;
SCYTHE SNEATHS—I»‘ dox N Brown’* manufoc
tore, u> store and foriale liy ? j •
HOES— -*Odoz kertaualiiy, iii«U?eT!uu
foyaJeby tteb-Ajj | ; LS WATERMAN
BUCKETS— 70 doz Rearer,in iloreaod for aalo by
_ [fcbgt] ] 1 LS WATERMAN
. 600 W
4,000 00
1 14,t0fl t*J
a,voo oo
OTAfiCH—CO bi* fancy, Uwioa'i brand, in *o»re &
Q lor »ale by [febfflj | | L S WATERS!" "
SEED—I3O buiH prime new ree’d a
V »» le by [feteS] ; j TAS3EY ABl
fIMMOTHYSEED— 20 busbi&r aale by |
Dried FEACHES-fiSObiuh, for ial« by !
NAILS--SOO key* a*»’d sikei for ule by ”|
/~yGARS— Havana,jiik <jr. boxe»,of varioo* and
\J choice brands; lor tala by WEST BOWKN
ft W IS. • 70 £m--
MOLASSiS-pSOO bbU prime N O MoJmws, ip mL
fabu, landing from sunr Fnendahip, and jbrflic br
TEA— 75 fair ch»u and Lxs Y Hyton, Imperii! and
Gunpowder, for «Ue by i TASSEYA iiESY
. feKU :I. M_vrooi.t
RAISINS— »B bx» Crrth, refcM and for ule-bv j
TcbTrf . ' j TASSKY t illlST
SMOJvED IIERBLN'G—7S bks No 1 and 2, for taie by
MACKEREL— 50 bbla No 3, large; 85 hlf do Nd c,o
haitd and for aalo by tf<rjg| TAB3KV AIIEST
VINEGAR— 1® bids pure cid<
t'ebfcj • j ;
TS T» MORGAN A Co, 'Wholesale Grocer* and
~±J» Communion Merchant*; 100. Wood «. fabgS
HIDES— (M dryhydeajjuat received by stmriGray
Eagle, and for sale by SAW UAKBAUoIi
; : > 3J wood at
Eye bblsfor Bale by ' I
fcblßj ; ; SAW HARBAUbII
LAUD— 30bbla No 1, in slum and for tale by i
AT ACKEREL— CO bbla No;l South Mackerelijio di
iU. do 8; bdodo X, lOhlfbblaN'o 1:10 do do No 8: it
•*«»«<* «ur sale by MILLER A RJCKETSON
-* c W i) j dor, liberty and irwin lata
SALT— ISO bbla No 1, uotr landing and for aaleby
C°PEEEa»— s!0 bbla in good order, for taialdw by
GLUE— 16 bbla No 1 for eale by 1
LAMP BLACK—33 bbls assorted, for sale by j
-JcUaj J SC UPON-VAk y. R A-V-q
Epsom salts-oow im & uiebv ‘
LARD OIL—Of Uw best qluUijr. for sale by
CARB AMONIA— 3UO lbs for sale Jow by
aOW-6 bale* on consignment, awl for tale by’
SOAI*— -41) Lx* Clullicotbei in 'store owl for tale by
«*s■? _^Ll^U J 4.KICKKfSON
CLAnkT-8 UkU üblfl cla«t;s do Bordeaux, in aor
awl lor ule by EILLEB-fc RiCKL'ISOiV
ie«iS • for. liberty awl irwin!»u
Linseed oitr— ju bbiafor »aia tiy ~ 7 j
PATENT BL’CKFTS—SO<Joz for tale by !
T> ICE—JS tierce*, for tale ;by [
SOAl*— boxet I‘roctor i Gamble'* Soap just Lnntl
ing iroin suar Loyal Aiarioafa. aud lor tale by T '
_ lctJ:sj ■ " | J OUN » DILWOUJIL
SOAP— 5° bxs Hoanewcll Hill it Co'* Soap, in ktoi
and <br ulc by . JOHN S DILWOKJ'H
. “ ha * • :• i 'J7 wood at
NO. AIOLASHES—IOO bbU prine in oak bbld iuj
, teed utd for Mle by \ I 7 1
*■?“*_ ! 'POINDEXTER AjCo
P™ o ' PUntaiioo MWa***,
iabduig from ium Grey Eagle; for wUe by T
T>lC£—l2 titfrcet prinw Quality, landing fromlitinj
-Li» Gray Eagle; for aale by. i • j
- , ;“ SS Jj w « M MITCHELTKEE
PEACHES— bObu unpaired j paacbea.3 do pairnl do:
jurt ree’d and lor sale b)H • f
pLOVER SEED-iObodi jjiit r«'d‘andfor tale tr""
A,- .... — Jii.
LL.petJirtu haring biuiticu with Robert S- Cu
*»tr we requeued to call on tlia ujidersiinied-1
lg °*v ■ | 4lh it, ncargrauL •
/'COTTON—S3 bales Mississippi, for sale by
febai : wtsT ssowigy
CANAL ‘SHOVELS, Gnia «ad Devonshire do;
•pad's*,-boy and manure i'o<k», of rariooa make and
quauiy, tor tale by . WEST BoWEN
KM i ' >. j ‘ 90 frwntlit
ORLEANS SUGAR—W hbds in (tore and for jule
low by [febMl ENGLIaH &. 11E.VNKPT
'COFFEE—73 litgt Juit received and far «alt by
N O. : MOLASSES—£2O bbts arriving ind ftir mle
RICE— S tierces prime, for pale by
febai laouan a DEvygiyr
LOAF SfOAR-47 bbls No 3, <5,7 A 6; 3bxs doable
refined do, is store and (or sale low by
FAMILY SOAP—too bis; 43 do toileti do prime for
sale low by IfeldH] , ENGLISH A BENNETT
BEEF HOUNDS—3 hhdsfdraale low by
"YT. C. TAR—2O largo bbls Lh store and for solo l r~-
SUGAR— (0 bags while Brokil, 0 bis white Ilav: no,
m sure and lor sale low by! . t
EOCK CANDY—IS bis white and yellow in slot
and for sale low by i \ T • i
HONEY— 40 bis iu sure dnd for sale low to clow
/"IRAK CIDER—2O bbls In store and for sole by ‘ ]
CIDER VINEGAR—For »a]o low by ■ I
MOULD CANDLES—is bx* superior Mould Caa*
ole*, o do dipt candle*, in store and for tale
A COMPLETE mi of Ducket Machinery. for ikta
by £feba«j JOIIX S. DILWORTH
WHITE LEAD—3OO keg* for sale by r '
» eb »* j ; WEST BOWEN
P EAC £ L ?T (l ? bu P"® 0 dlicd peaches, to bbl*
•®“jl wiute beaus, ju*i reo'd turn tor sale by i
SGORCUKOMbbI. prime scorching*. for sale pv
(f>b£i WICK-AMcCAkpLEssT
Louisville lime and Hydraulic c«meut, con
atontly on band and for aaie by - j
tehi ° ' 'it A GORDO V
BACON— 325 iicrce*. aj sorted Bacon, od consign*
meat and for sale by j. ? ' • • |
>etlg t 1 * J; It FLOYD]
1 BANNERS’ 01L—33 bbl* Brown Tanner*’ Oil for
. taleby jfebgaj ! J.ARFLOVDj
T>OLL BUTTER—tiObbliinfcfofe sad foraalo bv
CLO\ ER SEED—IOO both for sale by
0 folia
ig andVpr tale b j j
-- . JIMittUALZELLi * Co’
LLML ■■HO libit While Linus 'in turtlud for tale br
feb-jj ENGLISH ttbK.NNt:iT;
GUOUND NUTS—I3O lock* to arrive; for *ale Uy
-feiaa KXOLISH A, UENNUrri
) t'CKKTS—isj dox patent, for. tale br
MACKEREL~I2O bbt* No* 1, a it 3,' in store aud for
*alo>y |fcbiO( ENOLISH it BLNNh'IT |
rpiMOTHV IjfclED—( LbU Timothy Seed; 3do Max
X B*ed,ju»t%cMaiidior*aJe.l»y (
MOLASSES— 200 Libia N. O. iloltusc* lo arrive tier
•unrjvaUM*. ;
it- 012
I^LAX&EED—SO bushel* Vor jiale liy
HUMP— 10 bale* dew rolled Kj\ Hemp,ju«t rec’il
aud for tale by ÜBOWN k CULBERTSON, i
f j > 144 Liberty street..
... ,t._. ■ ■ . .1.
Caaks-prime just reed and for sale'b
feb-il ; WICK A M'CANDI-FSS. ;
/1 LOVER SLED— IO bbls Clottr teed, 1U bun do lb •
v-' >*le : WICK M’CANDLESaT
DRY APPLES—ie tacit* dry apple* for talc by
ca*k* /ml rec*d and for tale by
O fcbtt • : WICK Ifc- M'CANDLKnq * {
OOly-i sack
febai :
E 0 0? f 4 bbl Kg**» 1 bbl Bean* receiyec
and far falo by ISAIAH DICKEY, A Co:
PITraUUKQIi CANDLES—OO boxe. for sale bv"
S°r D ,£, AyH- ' i 0 CMk * Aah for tale by
feblfl- \ FOBSVTU k DUNCav
r „
TD^SLS— 12 cailujiut ree’ and fortaleby
('l ANDLES—GUbox*a moold Candle* In tiore and for
,/tala by n tfablg]; 8 A ,\V HAHOAUGW. 1 i
P ELI'S—1000 Not 1 and OSboep Pelts, landing’ from'
tirMicaifanandfortaiebrl ; i
febls ' . J G B{D\VRLL. Ar*l. Wnlarrti
bag! prirnt rio, tfltjore and fortaMtyl
" FetaU &<*£ 1/ Dry Gaxb Je.
OnThumlay morning, ilorck 2ud,aMQ o'clock,
at the Commercial Sales Boom, comer bf 'Wood
it FiAh'aul -will be sold. to.close a. consignment,
an extensive assortmenlof Eagiish. French djtdAmerir
caa dry goods, selected expressly for thi* market; ; .r;
. ; Ai2o*ciock,p.,ie. •. ;* :l
A quantity o f groceries, queen*ware, glassware, Nrn»
ling and wrapping paper, band boies,inatcbes, cigars,
tobacco, grain, aim coal shovels, hay ana manure tor**,
stoves, 7 piece* sup' timid ply and doable tueram car*
. pel, 2 niece* stair do, looking glasses, mantel ckjk»;in
great Variety, cutlery, Ac. A ge nerol a*»orttnent ; of
new and second hand household furniture. etnbrncijig
the stock of a family about reraoviiigirbm the city. • :
At?o'clock.p.m. ; 1
. An invoice of good quality boots, shoes, read v made
clothing, umbrellas, trunk's, saddles, bridles, halter*,
whips, wort boskets, gold and>ilTer watches, gold pens,
stauouary, rifles, pistols, pen and pocket knives, kiittrs
and forks, spectacles, violins, aecordeons. fifes, Ac.
lehao- JOHN D DAVIS, Auct*r.
. Large Sale of Clothing. . ' |_.i : V
On Tuesday znormngj the C9th lust, ht.lo o'clock,_at
the Commercial Sales Hoorn «, will be' sold without
reserve, to close a concern,- '-\i
SSI ready- made vests assorted; 1:3 pair pantaloons;
flO cotton roundabouts; 23 cloth and summer chats: lu
pilot cloth overcoats; 3 dox pair brown drilling overall*}
2dox fine shirts, made in France style; Odoz dodo, with
limn bosom* and collars; 4 dox bias and rcd,fiahqe!
shirts; 3do hickory slum. Together with a variety,of
The NEW .ENGLAND No. 4. Cajt S. iitxx, will
- - leure l*itwburgh every Wednesday rooming at 10
RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LISE f o'clock; Wheeling every Wrdoceflny erenmg atlOr. ML
other clothing, &c.
foß nuwroniTios.' or stEociiASDikß -i:"
THE Proprietors of tliis old established'and.first
Portable Boat Line,.baring removed their
pot in Philadelphia, to "a much larger Warehouse,
on Market «*u, than they formerly occupied, and also In*
creased their room for storage ai Pittsburgh, are cot*
prepared tooffer much greater facilities to their friend*
and patrons. . : i
•*’d Jidjo
Goods carried by ‘this line are not transhipped be
tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being earned en
tirely in Portable Section Boats. To shippers of floitr
and other goods requiring careful handling, thiais'oi
importance. No charge made for receiving or shipping
goods, or advancing charges. . All goods forwarded
promptly, and upon as reasonable terms as by any oiii*
erline. ....... |-,
Canal Basin, Peim »l, Pituburch.
feb3l 217 Market A5l Commerce PhilaJ
JOHN McFADKN A Co., Forwarding and Comxn&
siou Merchants, Canal Basin; Penirsu, Pittsburgh. ;
JAMES M. DAVIS& Co, Flour Factors and Cominls*
sion Merchants, 227 Market, and £>\ Commerce' «t 4
Philadelphia. i ’ fcbDl :
fjy Advance* made by either of the above In Floor,
Wool and other descriptions ofMerdiaudise consigned
tothea. ' ' -■ ■ • i - . . fcbst :■
1848. ■*““ 1848)
CLKYE I - A " p. fcJgiL/
THE Sieamoonl DETROIT, CapL J. C: Benjamin, wili
run. daring the season of ib4S, between Cleveland A
Sault Ste Marie, in die following manner, touching at
Mackinac and intermediate places each way:
let. ree'd end for »ilo by
Leaving Cleveland every Monday, at? P.M. • ■ >■ i
Do Detroit do Tuesday atiiA.M, ;
Do Markinne do Thursday at 7 A. M.
Returning, will leave Stull Ste Marie every F'ndayj at
Itto'dock, A.3L; and Mackinac at 10 o'clock, P.M;
and leave Detroit every Sunday evening for Cleve
land, at 7 o'clock. }•••". . I. : ;;
fW. A. Otis & Co-,
Agents. IC. BUADBURN k Co.' | ‘ J Lievcianu. *
Hie Detroit hoi been thoroughly repaired and refit*
ted the post winter, and the public may roly upon the
performing of her trips with punctuality as advertised;
fcbgßm j E-B. WARD/;
A CAR will leave Philadelphia dady after 21st FeW
ruanr, \rith the Mail Train, to Chambersburgi
which wiU enable the Wagons to leavf there the. same
day, with relays of horses, running (lay and night, **•
cures the certain arrival of goods in Five Days trod
Philadelphia. Apply to '. ' ] ' i
1) LEECII A CoJCanal Basin,‘
Pittsburgh. :i
13 olid IS south dd si. Philadelphia. .;
We will receipt for 6000 lbs Ac., doily, to go
through by tbe above line after the Ulsluisi. -
feblß • D LEECH A Co. ! •
SHACKLFJTT A WHITE, 09 Wood street, are now
rrceiving larce additions to their <*xcell«nt- assort
ment of Dry Goods, to which they invito the attention of
buyers, believing they'can otfer«udi inducements ok
will nuke ii to their interest to make bills with them. •
We arc uow receiving a large ’assortment of goods
direct from the Manufacturers. Importers, Aci' among
which may be fouud the following: j
• Plain double drills, all grades and styles, pririted
Kentucky Jeans, blue, bine mixed, cadet; dark mixed;
gold, green, plaids. Ac.; satiiieits, black; blue, cadet. Ox
ford: plain, figured and printed tweedi, n good assort
ment, various styles: prints, a very.lnrge assonmem (ii
new spring styles, liuioy, green, blue: rubies,
blues, blue and orange, Ac., in all varieucs; giiisbaius,
splendid styles of dbmestib, English djid Preach, very;
low; Alpaccas new styles and stylesland figures, just
tmpuned; also, blocks, mode col. fancy col. silk und :
cOtteiTwarp; some blacks, very fine. (All of which Ore
offered for sale oa the most favorable terms.
ML'RPH\, WILSON U- Co., No.4s[Woodstreet, nr®:
now receiving by daily arrival* frpm theiiaport*
tr* nod mauutacuiren, .ample rcppCt* of desirable
Spring Goods, which they otfertohity and coontry re
toilcrsat the Knalleet possible odvnbce. Having W
panner almost con*l*iiUy in the •s.terii raarkcu, their
stock will be kept op throughout the Mason. Among
the article* already received,qre 50 else* prints, some
very beautiful and adupted to city aoles; a variety ot
.tweeds, cotton pantaloon mutfi, dotdectic yinchure*,
bleached nod brown cotton*, Ac. ifelrJSd&wlml* ir
Valuable Farm For fettle. ‘
THIS Farm lie* upon the bunk of the Ohio river
Later* '
AJ,w '* u . ce county. Ohio, immediately adjoining the
TiUtepof Millcnpon. it contains upward* ofliOO acres,
of which ItlS acre* are cleared and under cultivation.'-
Iliere w open the property a good dwpiltng house and
out bmldmga. Term* liberal, and title imfu>nuinble —'
Inquire of TODI) * .SMITH, i •;
Icbasatr* Attorney at Uw, 4th *t j ■
• One Week Store. • . ; •
II tTDSOVS great l’anorema oi'thfe Hudson Girer
XX Will open for another week at Philo Hftll.'cocnmcfK
cing on Monday evening. Feb. ilst, and continue even
evening during the Week, except Saturday. . Exhibi
tion* to school* every oiXernoon all!o'clock. . ; ] ;
Ticket* 35 rent*, to be had at the Monoortibrlal
ilonae, St. Charles, Exchange and MerchanuTiotebcl
and at the door. Door* open aICJ o'clock, and exlubi-1
non will commence at 7 o'clock. i . | fcbStf 'I |
Marble Work. ! :
attention of gentlemen desirous of purchaser
1 -Ma*bus Mj XT els, Mox«*Exn: or StiivaAT.u re
quested. •, , . T . :
The Subscribers havibg be*h engaged in the Marble
business lor the lost thirty years, in Philadelphia, and
having mnnulaetured work for almost every port of the
Lawn, can. refer to all who have favored them with
their rnstom, and to their work, (considerable of which
hap been pa! ap in tliis place.) They have always on
bond a foil supply of Marble Mantels, aid neWandori
*l»« Designs for Monuments and oilier work, copiesW
which, with pnees will be forwarded. f *
C/* All work shipped is insured from breakage,
fhey can refer to any Mercantile liotise in Hdladcj
phia.lur standing and character as workmen. - -
fe b ?9d2m , No3Golligh st, FhiinJ
N. a. z here is nothing m llreir ime.which they do not
tumiah either domestic or imported, j • * . ■ •
_ A Physician*! Teitimbny.
Q ELLERS’ LI VER PILLS— I Tho original, only true
kj and genuine Liver Pills. . ; • T-.
st, i OT s f^? B , , s sc *'','VasMngtonco,Feb.2t, ISW.
JL -* Sellers: I 'will just add that your Liver'
Pills have answered the very best purpose iu my prac
tice, and from their salutary,-effects sc4n in my own
prescriptions, 1 can confidently and sal'dly recommend
them where 1 have hitherto hesitatedUrith other* of
great repute. Yours, Ae„ • A.ln. WHITE!
Prepared and so*d by R. E. SELLERS. No 57, wood
street. • i • ’
traid; D.Ccunri Alloplji.
ny, and »V. J. Statu, Temperaoceville. jr- - felmi
just received a few patterns embroidered .muslin
for Evening Dresses. Also, silk net scarfs, head dres*-
es, etc. Also, new style braizes, for early spring wear,
new style balxarines tor chameleon silks, a toshion
ahle article,' needle worked 'collars, new style) cheln *
setts, entire new styles; black barred silks) striped do;
nch stnpcd and watered do. • Ladies are!invited to call
add see the above goods. __ _ j febiU i
, ' KewGoodsfor Sprt£'*of|lB*_S. "7
T XT R MLRPHh, N. E. corner of4ih and-Market
" J • *ts. has the pleasure of ituormingihis customer*
and buyers generally, that be has commenced the re- :
cetpt ot. has eaxly.Spnng Goods, and has already opon a
great variety of goods suitable for the season, at prices
that cannot fail to please. |
fD“ Merchants are invited to visit bis Wholesale
Rooms, tip stairs, and examine tho stock of hew goods.-
which will be offered at about eastern prices ‘ I'cLIO "
SMAI-L FIGURED PRINTS 1 Just received, an as
sortment of blue, pink, lalock, purple! and orance
small figured- prints and chintzes tor childrens' wear
also, dark aud oil scarlet do; also, plain, pink, and
orange mouse delaines, for do; small barred rmzhamil
Ac. Ac., at tliu Dry Goods (louse of ' ( Bs^
- febB » . W RMURPirv
>IUN pi—Gingham styles;.open this morning, 1 raw
X handsome prints, gingham pattehu.*hd fasVcolors
oujy IJ>l cents per yard, at the dry goods house of
-fe- W RMURPHv
"vRES# GINGHAMS—Open this ; ttofuujr. a-i as
±J sonmeut of lre»h ginghams, from laj ceuta per vd
up to first quality French, at reduced pheeT 'Alio'
heavy Manchester ginghams, low pricedbndfine ’
5?~ - 1 ; cor. Market A stli su.
COHEN,-wisues to inform his friend* and
i^ lotner* that the Agency for the sale of his l*luy
wfaM ws^ r .r “ has expired, and.
direct to htoi sf“ rC,,UM ? thal ® ll be lorwurdrd
, SO - LHj ■MtLLUM kItISET, Stir TPfc*,
wnere also may b* tound in addition tothr abom ani
««n*pfeto assortment of ne>v andjresh, fancy and
•topic stationary, received by every afrival from Eu
ro{y- - ■ ; i fcb-Attw; .
- A * M’Analty A have removed
it tS ’“‘’ warehouses on Sloan's Whaii* Upper . Ca
“~*T I ( tu, i Liberty V»he(9 they are uow tully pre
pared to receive a large amount of produce Ac, to ship
of Canal Navigauou tol’hiladclphra and
UUtqore amt all inlemcdisie places. ] , febt^
T/^ANTFJ) —A Imy from 1! to 10 yeaxs bfagr, to at-
TT tend in a retail dry goods store. Due who is
well acquainted with localities >n the city would be
S referred, Apply atNo.AlMarket »t.. between 3d and
PRIVATE BOARDiNO—A few single gentlemen,
X or a small family, can be nceommodaied tu H. War
ner's corner of Federal aud Lacoek strreU, AUcisheny
City, near the end of the old bridge. ’fcb2fKl£w
REMOVAL- 1 hove ohsnecil my place [of.buriucss'
to Front street between Wood ami Snuthficld/im-
We-iintely in the rear of the house I fonneriy occuniwL'
where I am prepared to do biuir.efs as tuaal. ■
SHEET PELTS—'AI bills, a good orticlk' ree'd n +r
stinr Pacific, and for salo bv , . P«f
jAMra A UUTCIukIN 4 Co -
-- - ■ JSCHWNiWItACo.
.rf*.-at. • ‘ .. ...i,
( C X ,*n. 1
John D< OaTiif AmeUoM«r. :;
JOHN D. DAVIS,- Aucti,
try Goods at Wholesale.
184 S? JSM.
P»di U»ro>nli iho t*enuiu S n*iii^ >0 ye * r ’ .
: j.*¥» tt ?*5 > uf «w» *“®“*^JT
'S- JB.ROM.Nsov. ■ •:j {
: : 'idffisi#
>EPPEtt k AI«LSPICE-Ifl k- r—-
«*wT»i|- . ■g'/wiv.
; r
mins veil known lino ©CrpJendid passenger Sieaia.
i mi is now composed of the largest, swiftest, best
finished and furnished, and moat powenulboai* on Die
waters of the West. Every accommodatioiyWKl <o»-
ion that money can procura, has beenprovided forpas
sciireri. ilia Line has lieen in operation for fire yean
—has carried a million of people without the least sala
ry to their person*. The boats will be at the loot of
Wood street the day previous to starting, for the ft-cry.
tion of freight and the entry of passenger* on U»e regia
ter. Jn all cases the passage money most be paid ia
I .The ISAAC: NEWTON, CnpL A.O. Masov, Will
leave Pittsburgh eTery t#uoday morning at 10 o clock,
Wheeling every Sunday eveiiiug at 19 r. «• -i
Maya»,lbl7- • • - .
The M.ONONOAIIELA, Capt. Srox*. will leave Pitta
burgh every Monday morning at lift o’clock; heeling
every Monday evening at 10 ». n.
The HIBERNIA No. 2, CapC J. KusOTtro. will
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock;
Wheeling every Tuesday eveaingat 10 e. at.:
The Onset. will 'leave Pitts
burgh every'Thursday morning at 10 o'clock; "Wheeling,
every Thursday evening at 10 ?. it . • •
The CLIPPER No. St CnpuCnooia,-will* leave Pitts
burgh-every Friday jnornmg at 10 o’clock;'Wheeling
every Friday evening at 10 r. >u - •, : -
The MESSENGER, Capt. S. Reto, will (cave Pitts:
burgh every Saturday morning at 10 ©‘clock Wheeling
every Saturday evening nt IQr.x. -
• h • ' Thoatenmer . . • :
' l&JM&wIIl and
gBSSSKSBOIYcIUviIIe, on Tuesday, Thursday,
and Saturday, of each week, at Od’elockjun. iemra.
ing ou Monasv, Wednesday and Friday. She has*
boatattho landing between Wood street and the bridge,
prepared lo receive freights at anytime. -•••
* "S.& w. HAEBAUGH, Agts. •
0-112 - No S 3 Wood iL
• K - The line steamboat .
lapy-eSUfa- Charles Jl.Clarke, matter,will, daring
■HBBfIBBtJie coming winter scason. tnue daily
trip* to Beaver.nnd WeUsfiUe. leaving PitUboyrh eye
rT morning at 0 o’clock, arid Wellsvilio at 3 o'clock, r.
K. dec,lo oat 11ARTON, A CO-, Agta.
mi. ■ ; • • . : iso -
Dally P*ek*t liLno. i
FEBRUARY Ist, 194 b . . FEBRUARY Ist, 1848
eTi&i** iv -The following new boatu-completa
' f a.JN the line for the present season: AT
efcß'T'ifSftg LANTIC, Capt. James l’arkmson;
Capu A. Jacobs; arid. LOUIS
M’LANE, Capt.' FI Bennett . The boats tire entirely
new, and are Sued up without regard to expense, Ev-,
ery comfort that money can procure has becn providcdJ
The Boats will leave the Mouongahelu 'Wharf Boat'd '
the foot of Ross st. Passengers will be punetna)~«n.
board, as the boats will certainly leave at the adver. '
: tised hours, BA. M. and 4P. M . jaaJl -
Tbenetvnniliubstamialliglit draught
■K^lsSnDßen.Reno.Master, wilS-ldove fori.*
Fayette and iutermediitm-porte on Wednertay, l»to|
March; at 4 o’clock, P. M. For freight or passage ap
ply on board, or to- .ANEWTON JONES, AgV >
lehtSi - _ : Monoiiguhela Housed
.The new Steamer
~ Cape Williams Master,will leave
■BtSSBS&BI for obo’fe and intermediate Portsea
Tuesday the the SDth iost sHo’cioclrP. M. For freight
orpoSsogapplyonboard orto.. ' - •
leb'JQtf 1 -•- J. NEWTON JONES, Agtt
k ‘ llie neat and/übstantlal low water
■ fit ■- steamboat - - .. , ".•
' HUDSON,' - '
Poe Master, will leave for the
above and iuleimcdiate ports on Thursday at 10 o'clock.
For freight or passagespply onboard, or to ' ' ' 1 \
febga D. WILKINS. Agent/
• KOR ST. LOUIS. .T a j ™
r yv^insi* lC G/ er ’ I * '
Poe.-master, wilt leave a* above, on.
BBESBSBSHThorsday, arlOo’dock.a at.positively.
For freight or passage board, orto.
J«*jS : ■ ■ D. WILKINS, Agh.
fXL,?rr*~ k The splendid steamer .■
fJ4,■ ■ J ; ROBERT FUi;TON, :
blaster, will leave for *h*
Wir- 1 siii ihaaibOTC and nil inlmueumle ports, thin
day oi ID’oclock For freight or passage : appiy On
board .. /;• - • rfeteio
». The'Ont? sirnmer - ' ; '
NK "' raGEAXD, . -j...'
. Bibert, master, leaves as Jtbove thig
HCS£«MSSkIay ario o’clock.-. For freight or pms
sagcwpply. on board..« :febi3 -
K,. Tbp last running steamer T.
• Cortoly. master, will leave as above, > .
BiPeniVUlacthl. day at 10 o*eloefc Per freight« . • ■ m
patouge, apply on board, r • , • . ,j
-• w-i£i««s-"'|v ‘ ‘ Thonevr end splendid Meaner. 1
‘ GENEBEE, - ** • , . . i
JgjjajWtKM Hantct, master,wifi leave fat ■’■’■
auabove and intermediate ports on Tue»- . .t
d*yU».i£Uu»uaHocl(*ck l r.M. Forfreight or pa*> --
«goapply °n.board orlo J NEWTON - -
.- - ~-MonbngnhelaHbu«gl_. '
fruit Cincinnati AXH iT)'tnsvi J o:p [
lv , The new and fast steamer • i ' .
i T* -
on thisday-at lOa.*. For freurhi
nr passage apply on board. • -feblS'
. FOtt NEW OKLeaNs! I——-T-tv 1 ——-T-
tv The fine steamer .
I Dennison, mmter. will- .lr~
for above and all iatennedlato
pons. Tot freight or passage apply on board.' febl<
yfWJri- fv ‘ - The new and law steamer •'*•- \i - .
leavo for abora *
i ! ,J ll | Qana all intermediate port* on Wedaes- ' ■;
n™ , 1 !i ?al!1 ! dlly, l of e*ch\reelc. For freight or pS- •
“ceeppti on board or to * ■■
i/C 4 '*'*'*** steamer
~ y m JK>BMt commander. xriU lasro
V"T.'‘ '» ir l .1-o r y cue nnd. intenneuiau pons*
on jUonda) the jib mtL For freight or passage apply
outward or to J NEWTON'JOnS. 7
• jlonongahdq Hotmq. *
k -Hie uew acd light draught itcuaboat
LgWufrng' ' " CWiUERLAND^
MYrjrr master," will leave for'.tie
"■*<to».««abO¥eand' all.intermediate pent arv-
tfacGth uut, at 4 o'clock. r st. For freight or'
piuttwapplj-on-boardoriO" . .." * , *' *
/Fsjptfw* »v Hie swift steamer
£&Vi±*? TV. - • CONSUL,^
—Hotsct PCniißy- master, wilt Jeers
Ug.’sb*:.**.. » VU&B*; t •..
L ' ~ comer of I*l and graithfieh its.!
jv Tie new steamer '■•••- •
• - DESPATCH, . i. -I ' .
master, will run as obore *
■■wffigSarrTS ™3^FS , ?s , tfitoi k “”^ i SspteE
■\CKRCHA\Tvt^rT°^L A '' n> * LL J' , Krisrnmcmx*.
\1 rt ihu thS “" d< "K «“«*• *™ i»*m
uioti* 1.i,7- i- fn-tc* c «. sud mow txa—
** *#**&
1 im» B h ™,. wl „
; Exprea*elo*p»iaily M 3 p.x. . *.•':
H <J viCKEJtV, AtenL -
, BQggHf. Bt. Cbqrk» Hotcl BuJldlfign. wood at
-i lat rrcpnatora of ll>u icpckr Liaa law ■»
ACtaey.aAUiattrrlud than t£e bone of .MejSjp*
*«'<■ tothaluf EJgtrloQ ACV ... .. K *? X *~
; - aaU writers merchant* areoetifimlA.i V», *
ly-Kob.moa. fto£» South Chart** rt. Pahim<£ faX *•?*
agent of thii Lm ia.the !sttt» rae ■ •
r ■ i • • . : ”
EOOA KTO.'I ffife,.;..
- ...•>» »o»u«»^^^S32!2! ,^•
o»i 15ih January iiui. eadiend.
|.mn cau l« carried LhroiLh^ uc f^l W 1 *» »«*««*
«H Ujc.rouiv. Time-will hf h«l!, i y U Wi,^ul <>lay.
«hc roads become set Led. *° F ?w Day^hca
2WMarkers ‘ ) 'V Depots of
n .'. - ??»’* •^OW*
.bw, will P ?T?
rrr- —— STARKE h Tiuy