The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 01, 1848, Image 1
PMCE SEVEJf DOLLAII.V BUSINESS CARDS. * N SON. .mlLmltolfc.l - fc Co. Philadelphia- rw , _ r> a^jC r solicited, and liV •Tivvi\l)Wl GOUIHJN. Commission and tur- H. V/«*r and HIS WonuJ-. Pnubunrho • - r ‘a T\VCX)D.JONXS& Co, Commission and AtaS&itt h.To r«n,cd »te.r old Vv7i”r .Jd ftoal ro* P.ltW'- -^2- ROTCU. WholUo «ajlKS^wWj i —— —— —— ; ■». B. EtW* fcci.nrprspjn K aII J Commurwu Merchant* No- *« aejlly fitlrborsli, l*a . ; • ——■• •~T *T> A.FAiuNT^KK&Xo^-mole*^ •»* T) KGALEY &. SMITH. tyholerale Groce:*, 1 Kao Wood _L— t" I J W OULmVMK) Attorney at Law, —-rr^3iSau3r ww.enixstAs. : jousr. JEtc« s £** v-nnfocrarer* o> V Cnmoje Kpnujr* iand AH^Kyr j e «npuon,- mid dealer# iu;Coacb oi Wood n,' manufactory od St Clair st/ AVarebouw *» oppotile St. Charle* Hotel. L: —r— joiiM caksox. • - • ' _ m H. Coulter CARSON & MclLVlGimUucww*** ‘ For-. -h Co..> Wbolr*ale Grocer*. uCO andritvbunth warding jJHlhanu, dcalrr'UH and Liberty, Manufacture*; Sixiliitrcel, b*t w * eu *“_ecU4 . -Pituburgh, »**-• • • ' , i ft YEAGER. Imporitt .'irid XSt*Goo<!>,.ii.'«» | i dealer in Fancy *" J . S, f P *a^libermftO» bur ? h ’ the Gilt Comb, ItW Market»{., wear Upeny, j | ■ ; r —{.liuoiaccf siwiLt. ;: I ) Saitlificld; between Jd j Wutnrgb, : ! : ot Si«T. *' -gSMS^Sm •JS&&23W3eSTOIT,W Ensltak. G^sta BulU 14 bolwucn Chonr W»T >»* <»“ ; j *, TMUEXa RHKY GtxX'T* and F Comnmnion Merchant*, lnd t A5| , S J3 f ®5 1 2?§S2 Ootton.Ynhu, No.. 57 Wattf, j burgh. Pa. • , ■ '*■ (J FBLUMK, • Piano Forie Manufacturer and dealet «*- .inhiLicul ImirumruU, 112 Wood .L, ! -rfinKrnPS; Co. FB»ks wSXiv.t.bugjn^aj.; r< AI.LAGIIKR, LONG S HIU.ER, Ca* i , ia ' \\food and SmllhCcld nmpl l n™. ■ price gmn for old Copper and Bum- >rs BMUB HOnnAS I c»i '(jTCoininltnoa mnm- a in-.nRV. Wbol»atc Oroecr and Com* barch Manufacture*. ?>ft-** »* o* l * u In - L uu *■—- i li- V'‘‘ Qdcaltn i» Uops, Pitubargb and VauA Bxew^cj, Pena and Pitt, at*. L- 7 —"—■ >I'KORnk'COCHRAN, Coami*«<u» and^orwaxirng (x Merchant, Ko.tSi Wood «£Cft, _myl7_. ENRY WOODS, Bridkmaker, Monoiirabela KWt er. All order* punctually filled Addrcaa b> k«- u?r tUroagh tiie Poal OtSce. Hilary urvnot, 'WMte ami r«i iriiitr, Paiut and Oil .Mcrcbantjcoraer ofliWr ly and O'Hara m- Pittsburgh. —! 1 - . liiikiTmcirr — r ~t~ 3mk*x dicket, :s- , DICKITY Jc Co„ "Wholesale Otoc.r r*»(.<?ni lisaasffisii Water,aodltfTFrocl Pitt«burgb._ ; TOHN S. BlLWOllTlUw!.»l«uleGro«r>^»^ tl and CommUsJou Merchant, No. i^ul i'ituburfh. 4 i ; , -rn-4FTII KNOX. Attorney at Law, Pimburch, l a-> SshU’.££««, by TjJ. Keqi- - ' . iz —r~. —Ti TOHN D. MORGAN* \TboteirieDwggtor* 1 ” J «in Dye Bw^TW«tiOil* f V»n«s**. £&£l Wood iiTett, onedoor boWh of Ih«nowl AUcJ* i borßh. XOHN H. MELLOR,' Wholesale uSS2 ” jgi° ; Jnirv RCOrr it Co- \VholesaJe Grocer*, Forward. -i. liberty »l, nea.rjbe_Cß»tU) Pltubarghi_r -—4 ' t 'sCHOONMAKKR it Co- ■\VJoie»alo DxoSE«* 'J. Xa ‘Ji Wood «,uect,>Pill»bun;h. ; r - r _} ‘TrtHEPII JOttDAN i? SON, CommiMioa and For* l3 liberty «, l<W‘t{ bmithCeUl »Ul Sampatm * Row. J .!s—| JOHN L- GALLATIN, Attorney. at 4that- between Gratit and Southfield, South■ *j*4 will ala* attend promptly »M in t><« adjoining countict-t ■OHN IX DAVIS, Auctioneer, corner I Wood ata, PmsboTttlt- -rnHVSTON' tz STOCkTON, bookseller*, Printer^, J°oSl rJS JtaEXrtuen.fco.« stok« .4 M* booth. ■ '• ■ - J J.t nvitre Ttook; Store. 4lh, dear Market street, SJStfSJEffili-fc-, School, SlUcoh M.lhodiaßooh. odd Btadooory. , J. sgffS^^&^Kr^SSSSSt ■tOHN GIUEIMVIioUwiIe GrMcr.ifcafcr In Mnnufadiurci,Tin Una*, in, HdjVl, aUten L .t,J« ;! si L — BJEii-wSS- f"S SrSao, n*<°; t.''no* T p , Xa i« Lilxrtr m»ct ****?- TIVT-c mi.*v.i.U Wboleaale Grocer, Coaum**ioo J Merehiiui, »nd dealer ia. Produce aiid Pitubursh M.* ihStl No.Sl.Water « - ■'VfiarinSrifOii Woik*« -. • i ; Wnrrhoute. M waterludjttSjroDtrt letj .-*• «"\V AT KKAIAN, \Vtiol««s»le Grocer,.-torwara- L.i?, -• UOTb MwiufccHJre* auU Produce, hot. 31'» tad B3Front*t . ’ ;■ -^-r ■ " ■ .. ~ joux »nirr«*. • k HIIITTON'. molMftle (irocer* Fo<- L»S<»i»s» M.rcta»u, •?£'*£. rSdote «ifl fiiutarsh »* 13 gun \Vnod .;■■ yiiubuigh. : . JVI •and ComiauMOa* .Merchant*, So. W 4 UUrty »t, KtSburclr- > »t l - Y ..TjV: mt wntiCT \nt. £ *oocir n r aLLKN 4c. Co* - Co!nmi»«ion and Forwarumc jVL. Merchant*, Water and Krojitat.'.,b«twveo 'VWI »t«. ( - PJ2L -I—; v cTvr. wcsimos. ai lUCKETSON; WbofcwUe Grocer* Commi«woa Mete hunt*,No. 170, UOerty M«« tifPa* • '---- — :rr~-7 ’ ■i" J'eCORD k KINCi, Wlioleiale and Ketail Ttt. Cap Manufacturers, ainl dcilfri. til l aney/nri, rowrSS\W ß miFKA_.i», ■ \VII.SON k Co. Wholesale Dry GojkU N—'iii'U Jk HD\. No. ss Mnrkft ,+t, *«eon«l ffS conir orV°»r h, M'V « »&'! TjST/.Jc Hill. oCK' h-s'. Ccn.Soi'... ;JL mu#iou»ndl , onfa«* ul^| er ~ iail ’ dcciM •irect ' ■~~f ' / • -•- KSSSKMSS Eicuabdt. Lißyii, Jr j l 'X”? r 'i’toiS"'"i Foreign end Doiucute bwWttrr>» »•.- i a \Vix*l fv Uerri&ga Trinjming»/ul' wl dcecnplio'* i * , j - ‘ .eu PUabutfKT 71 EICHAHD.IIAftD, Wliultulo -nJ Bf-jJ iLeaiber. MOjodio, u*^S.SdfSu e r.' TooU, ».KlT.u„c .' Od, - No. 10U‘Wood et, Fipoburgh. • . P •' lUEKXT sJttWVIS.j tKVIM* B ' EO & C •D KOIIINSON iCo, VTMbnh IV- aa<l'C<unmi*Mt)u'Mprehaiit», »ud loftier*' huKh JHaaukeuue*, No. ISO liberty »i-i * il -noßj3rr dauiku. * Co., yn***ui* gto«t*, K/Commminion and i-orwardir* MeTcbanU, dealer* and Pilwborgh Manitociurea, • Piiaburrb) l't* . ; ■ > ' * •»TO& > rr“X CINMSoiUM, Wholesale Grocer, V /K i>,] r r io Produce and Pitubargh Manufacture*, / K~o. Hi liberty rt. U' ■■■_!.. >— / TbOBEKT MOORE, \VboJe*ale Grocer, Rectifttnir . J Iv DUuUer.-dealer m Produce, Pmiburgb.Maimfac -7~ urn* dad all Foreign and Domestic Wmes / ttiUburgb. / ITVN U,"OoAnn<l n-jery large <tock ofiupenor / : OuMoßoasali<l?i^>^^r»which will be Ajr TJBYKOLDS* PHFX. FonrariinK ond CouWii»»ioxi XvMerclittiU. foJ tlic River Prode, dealer* la Grocerie*, Produce, Fiiuburyh Manufacture* and H^bert'Jriec*,inctuh, paid!“ Umc ‘ fo /^ n * - *~L' r ofYcnn»ndinmn ita. asi. Center. _ :: T> ttAKFOIU) fc Co., Cominwrion" Merclti J.V*erT7 tU opjwiW SmithfieW, Dealer* f '• aad Sort*: fcl*o Butter, L»n*« 1 ' CiiiCKuSx’i white, mo i" 1 “ d Do“c«ie Vrf Ctx>J * ) Ji 'febiTt/ 1 * S&. \v I! UU »H. Wool Merchant*, Dealer* in . Floor w"1 Pr e Coumusibn Mn> K>o. smood M, Pm^nrgh. i'O'o- WCnWale (iroccr* mid Vrodace dea.'. »;r«*t,bet-.VLen :.i!j and Kth, North »' • liiiuiirlphia. no ' r '\ r >ctJK^C"rrr:» ; »•[ jso. sicols. suiivuvn. ftFf j.KUr fi ' ■ *L>. Produce and General Con- O this Mon Me'* u«.:No 17 Liberty *t, l’iu*‘ur.d'. Sperm, Linv«-d -or’il Oil*. J a —‘ SC. HILL— ‘ -isror to Hill fc Hrr.'rne) Importer . and ni;niu r - r olPnper Ilancrjcs and Lorn-:*-, rml dealer in •' . r . I'rintuiff, and wrayping paper.: S 7 Wood st., P-’ :h, P-t. lta,c* mid Tunner s »r rnps purchase >innl' • eta market prior. S F. VON m >•> NffORST, fc Cn. WhotcMilr Gto-, # ccr*. For'*nfilm" and Coauninion Merchant*. Dealer* in PiUf"ary!i and Western Pro duce, have removed to i!n-int*\vwnrclu»iAe. (old stand) No. 35, corwero! From »t- and Chancery Lane. nov“ SAMUEI* M. KIF.R. FonvarJinc find Comnd.-sion Merchant, Dct\Jrr in l’roituco and Fittshnr-h matiu --riurcd article*. Canal Uasin, nrar *th st. . <l~Jl IASSEV A BEST, \Vhole*a]« Grocer* luid-Comnii*- L.*ion Merchant*, ,«viid dealer* in Produce. No. &3 Wood rt.. Pittsburgh.• ~ c P ,ja rfIHOMAS KEXST.I)Y, Jr-I-ookinß C!as* Miinufu- X tarrr,. and_l>w!e| .in Clock*. Combs,'aud Variety • • -~tv comer ofWoop jind Pouiih_ii«. j!9 u« t. r. rocsmi. \. n. j. ro»vTn~ m I*. kOKSYTII & Co.. CdronuMiou Merchauts, . , dealer* in £alu Liimlwr, Groceries, Produce and I‘nuSiurgh Manufactures, Canal Basin, Liberty street, i • fcl 1 1 S__ wat x’ctrrcjiEox. iwiat. m'cvtciieos- WH Ft SIcCUTCHTOX, Wholesale <irocer», • Dealer* ui Produce, Iron]'fcailv. amt r tubtirch Miuitiiaclures 153 Liberty street, Pittsburgh- r jy>& 1 ■\\flCK k M’CANDLKSS. (successors to D TT Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Fofwardiua and Commission Merchants, dealer* iit Iron, Nail*. Ulass Colton Yarns, rmd Pittsburgh Manufactures Generally, comer of Wood and Water Pittsburgh X U. KURWiY inTitf* U>e ltuliv* to vnil nud cx mnehis Block-of French Worked jw n* *is cenu. ; tome *VrnnTilOnß i-AVOLVT, Importer* BnJ 'W’ iole * VY *ale Dealer# in Hardware, Cutlery, saddlery, '. No. fiO AVood street. I’nitbunrh- a . XtT TV. WALLACE, Mill Bione ami Mill Faring Vf « ine est&blixlnnent, No. Stt Liberty »t, neat iba canal * ! WO. 11. ROUIXSOX, Attorney at I*w, bo-t re* • moved hix office to the Exchange BmMmse, bt. nairaL, next door to Aldcfntan Jonc». ppgaloi rtr M. GARRARD. Dealer in Fancy uni Stapl* fY • Dry Good*, No. TO Market »Ueet, I‘nuburgh. novlMty. . _ W\V. WILSOXi Dealer in Watefac*. Jewelry, • Silrcr Ware, Mi liter)' Goode, Ac., N0.|57 Mar-. TT R- MUIU’UYI Wboletalo tud Retail dealer ia nr • Foreign and ; Doniertie Dry Good*, north rut Truer of-Market and Foonh »t«. • nnv**-‘l : URYA.V Rectifying Distiller. ami 1VUol<*»al« ./•dealer in Foreign and Domctlic \Yine«'ftiu'l.i* fluon, Ha 1U Liberty *u*ei. «nd &} Duuncmd Alley, Pi- ~-Ttb. Pa jyi-r-tlly TXTAHiuCK MARTIN k Co„ Bankers, Dealer* in VV Exchange, Bank Note* nnd Coin, corner jot Hurd dnfl’Woad street*. Pittsburgh, Fa. novlG-dly j • a. w. whjjasc*. »* *• »• ' , -rirn.UAMS k SHINN, (succersor* toLowm- and W William*,) Attorneys and Counsellor* at Law.- OJCee North side of Fourth, above SuuthGcW. >f«bl7dkwly ; \Ot. TOOW. JSIK *• f'***®- WaC YOUNG i. Co.—Dealer* in leather Hide*, 4c. 143 Liberty st. ; : Efc M. -MITCHELTRKFi—WIioIeMIe Grocers, « Rectifying Distiller*. and Wine and la<|uor hanbS alto, Importers of Soda A*h and Bleaching lf» iil'dm- *y Pin«b'g. ho- jan>tiy ,7M B JrWrKlL'Asent for Mexican .uldirrt ■ procuring pensions. ut the offivui "*m 1* .\u»n:i, Burk’* buildings, 4|lt si, Plndjursh. . , llt '*_ otjvnt KLACKRtB*.’7 I' r.imnov. b. ;»ss*. ■ . dealer* in Oil*; BoUTFUire. and Putsokirvli Maii cjuciurrd article*, have on hand, ot all uAet, a lull and general OA*orUD(*n;of good* in their hue. Water Greet, near Cherry Alley. Pitudiurgh. _ DtVtn VS BKU_ J AtOEJtSO* a. tar. ■ DW. k A. S. BET.!.. Attorney* ut in , Sicwnnv llciidin", Fourth si., second door nbove Wood sirees l'm-buhrlf. Pa. , _ . . 1) NV Ikll, t’ort!U>-s*j:.vr to take Depositions Ac* kni.wletlstoenbV.lMi and oilier instrument* of wri ting, in bo itvnl iiyli-<Un* ■ JOHN M. 'ruWNS. NX), Druggist and Apoiheenry, N 0.45 Market -tee do-rra nbove Third *U. Pitt* burgh. will havs conf ruly o.i hand a well selected a*- sortmentuf the.l-sia d irvhe-rtMwbeinr*. which HP will sell on the mo; reasonable term*. Physician* sending orders, wiilil picxpiiy nit.-udcd *u;v plied with, article* thr tiutv rely upon a* gruuine. -CT-Physicians Tre - ttption* will he accurately nnd neatly prepared from t •:•&<« materials at uny uour oi the day ot night. ... , . „ , \!»o tor sale, a larj tioct « frrsli and good I erlit mery. • , i™*. *\¥T W. WILSON, atff<i Maker and Jeweller, tor >Y . nerof4;h»ind nrkrt. *t*. A large and w<|l •elected mock of War ' oe.-.-welry. Silver W arc, and Military Good*. Alt* von hand, nrnl at mnrUu ea*- tern pnee*. Gold Pel- • Levi r, lull Jewelled W atchet, a* low a* *!!>; Silve' ». Whtehe*, ns low at- Slh. : Genuine Coopvr.‘l ■ ire. JobiMonaudo'.inirnpproretl make of watchcMit. bebrnl at astrall advance w*l warranted. . , : , ’ ft-/-Fine Watch \ nrk done n» tlie very l»c*t mail neVr rli. SWKITZF.t Attorney Bt Law.ofEce 3d *U op . KMtte St-Chntl t Hotel, P>tt*bursh, wul aLo «»• ml promptly tu II- ilectioi. ■, in Washington, 1-ayettc id Green counties i’fl csrxrt TO Blnckstoek. Bell A Co., V Church A Carother*, D. T. Morgtui. 3 oct-^ly EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Counccllor ut • Law, Cincinnati, Ohio. Collection* m Jsoutacni Glut*. and in Indiana, and m Kentucky, promptly nnd carefully'attended to. CotumisMouer. lor the Mate at Pcntwylciida, l»r' taking Deposition*, 1 acknowledg ment*. AC. I _ , , , Rcrn to—Hon.Wra. Bell A Son, Curtis, Church f Caroihcra, Wrn. Hay, Ewt-, Wfflock Davt*. _ EAGLE COTTON WORKS. Pittsburgh, Manufae ntro Cotton Vaß),' Candle Wick, Batting, Twine, Coverlet Veto, Cepe. £ C*. (Successor* to Arbuckles A Avery.) j,,!* i - - Proprietor*. _ ALEDOUX fr, Co.', N 0.77 Canal street, New'.Or . lean*. Agent* for J. B. Armani's Extensive >trom Sugar Refinery. Always on hand a largo atoek oi Loaf, Powdered, Crti.hed. Clarified and Bastard Sugar*, in Tierce* and Barrel*. ABo, Sugar Hob« Mon****- Price* Jibe ml. and a fair allowance made oil all wile a of, or above 3D barrel*. mc 111 j G\ EO. W. SMITH k Co.j» Brewers, Malster*s atsl rjlop Dealers Pittsburgh and Point Cfew«'fie* lcof »er of Darker’* Alley and Peau street, and foot oi I i|i sU Pittsburgh, Pa.~ i. rn< T. D.s. BISHOP, Veterirtery Surgeon, can be found at his Horse Shoeing Establishment, ££3® near SUClair street Bridge. lately occupied \j Ft by Meiira. Carr A Rowland. , } V -^ UU L 1 i U.EATON,. Dealer in Trimming* and Variety r . Goods, Toitois Shell, Ivory «uw Horn Combs, Woollen Yams and Worsteds, Buttnc*, Needles, Ims. Tapes, JJraids, Ac- No. (i) Market street, between Dia mond and 4th st., Pittsburgh. _ PICKLES AND PRisSKVKS-e cases Undcnvood-s assorted; 4 cares Doughtyjicase* Peach •j ravr. Toma.o C.Ul*i »r«I« „ ,519.! RAO WAREHOUSE—Tho higheit price in pash paid for good clean rage; also, canvass. bale rope, grass n*e,baOTtat wooUea ns* »■»» “JSTumi’li, ! dee24 Wayne between Penn and Ldterty.. DR. DAVID HUNT. t-V? Demist, having. iu «d/* aucb arrangement in Ins Coal business Unu he con devotedus whole time to id duties of hi* profession, may be *L-cn in hw olUee, cor ner of <th and Decatur streeon between a Fcrry fUn at auyhour during tie day, Horn w *.«-till 0 r. M- - J> ' —- /MW SADDLERY HARDWARE BTIIIIK. 7 ‘ R. T- LEECH- JR / SO. 133 WOOD ST., PITTsmmCH. TTAVIMi'.l nip -mrk ftain lha I I cf a. (lu ll ilolnealic nn.l loros", I taka; hi mmoucinr to consmner* and dealer*, >-»*t I 11,1 P’*~ pared to innvish tlicni with all goods la inf lute, on »ull better term*‘hari hereiolore. 1 „• *, In UiAers will recollect tliat dealing e«lun»clv n ftaddlcry Ha ntwaro and Cnrnnge Tntnmings, I obtain thereby; advantages that enable ms.todel) compeU thm. troll, ter, mid indite for yswrtflw- KSCBAVIKO ! or cvmi tinvcrmos riu>xm.Y axtrenn w a scrt.siCß • . XXXKU, BY ,.«mi RuiMinn, N. K. Corner of Thinf and Dock Streets I ‘ (up stairs) Pliiladelplum, A ■ • ■YiriiratEcioahvayslm had nt slmrt notice—Ms :• V> snaic Mas*. Mudals, of all kffidu; Bros* mid I la-. ted Door Plutei.; Seal* for Banks,' Societies, <.<»n*>rn lion*, Ac. Professional and Visiting Coruis engraved null printed. Societies in want of Seals of office, arc in vited to call and examine Specimen* and I>e«n;»i» oMbu various orders'of Mauling Odd Fellows, Soar of Tem perance, Ac. .'[ : _ no . ? . r^-. - 1 — ' r ~W>U?rirM"ij'Lls7 ATTOUSB.V AT LAW, • ttutir, fa. •tTfIM, ids<- utteiid to collection* and atl other biui \\ ness *-j him in Ruth/ and Armstrong counties, l*a. .Uefer'o S. a K. I nyd, liberty »t.i W. W. V ullnvc, no l .... , , v Janies M .rslmll. • do )»''Udmrgh. dly Kay A C-. , Ww,.-t. J jnn7 Ploughs, ploug'i Castings, Wagon Uox- ROBERT or the old RBdi Hull, is inanul.u lrut^nrgequantilir.sofPlough*. Plough Castings, Wu >u h<V>m 5.^. l!,r iu 'P f, \vr menu of the Ix-uvt; IVAcSck, lllmois, nud other •cwst PKK» it A riTOHP:—No 72 Fourth S dwkr W.HsI-iil qa*«« UM f liXijjt «|- e , . 4i w ,o up 111 quarter, half, and one .•a-ru»g.lV«ni fiOcU. jicr pound to aiSk p CMOKBIIOrer-l have b good smoke bo. * • ,aolc id-with Um hurt., who Kmy g* e meat 10 the eimrc 'Stir. * hotue tn the city, me a call- Uiars< .as lo V/tAS. No-1? Liberty st. __ dcc23 ——-- .” ™wjg. fXH&R cluEK~'is bM« crab cider on coiuigmM wiU W «**'»» s-fiJES DICKEY i CO. PITTSBURGH,! WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAEGHJ l, IS4S. c. n. iHiEiuowKa. . 7 j. KtrtM-oo ■ CUARLES It, DANEMIOWER k CO. TOBACCO GOBaUSSIUSHEBCniSTS, sntl No. 117 South Water at. No. SO South Wliarvc-i, I’IIILADI'.LPHIA: BUGS to intonn the tmde nnd «lca!er* cenerally,of l , i:t«hiip;:i. that they lutve tnndevurh arntttgettient* with the Yiraiiita mnuuiiiciurcr* mul the Grower* of rtieYVcsP.'NVc'm ImhV.i, ami other pluen. a« will injure a _btrg«i aiul vumiuiui supply of the fid'o-.ving descrip tio'iin ofTohncco.' which will Ut fold upon a« ncron*- ino-latint teniM a* any oiber hou*e In tin* city or cJse wii»,r*\ Mni All yodtl; ordered from them will be war ranted eijiiul to r'‘pre*<::it:ition: Havaiuti St. buminro; Ciytn.; N Van; Pon<nilico;‘ . IVnn'n.: >Seeill>eafto- Cuhu; Ipuiiti ; & norirtu;) bacco; At>ti,t—Braneli'rf celebrated; Aromatic Staff llaven i'i -li, with a larva io*»ort:mJul of other popular br-iml*, uni! ipuiliii'-* of [KniinU. o«, fc*. !£*, 10* and iK*, laitnp; 6-*. <N. mid lit* i'hiv; Ladies' Twi*t: .Virginia TwuU Ac- sweet and plafn, in ul.'fffe andhnlfiHiien, wood mid tin, together wilh every variety ofariiclo belonging to tlic inui**. jcllt-dly CRAIG, nEI.LABkCo,| Flour Factors anti Prodncc Commission Alerchant*. LIIIKILVI. ca*h advances made on receipt of con* •iguiucntt llnisc shipping to our udUrcm will be r\iu llme-fourUu value in udvuuceu.4.,:, h>*b fP-V* ing |o our friend*, Alcwr*. Wallingford k Taylor, Pittsburgh. Messrs. Tho*. Hull k Co., Bridguparl,Ohio. ’ I'tiilndelplua, Mnv 5,1545. m)U7*lf N. B. All Produce ron*iguedio us l*insured when in the Warehouse of Wallingford ATaylor, Pittsburgh,or in »ur store fat riiilmlriphta. : C. B. k Co. GKORGIfcOCmiAN, Commission and Forwarding MereLant. , mi. S< wood sr., rirnacuiiii, . CONTI NtllX i« tnumncin general Com;ni**ion tmsj iichii, r.ijK-ciuUy in the purchase ami aalc of AntrK can Manufacture* am! Produce, and in rcceiTiug and t.irwordiug flood* consigned lo la* care. As Agent lor iiic .Manufactures, be will lie constantly supplied-wtih liic principal article* of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest whole«uie price*. ; Order* atultMuigniaenU are respectfully solicited. _ J ffl Baltimore Produce Comululoa Jlouae* INDWAUD CLAVI-OX, late S. Clayton ASouv US 2i Lombard *t, Wholesale Dealer iuilutter, and Cora* miscion Merchant, Ilavim; for tliola*t ten year* dero* ted hi* attention to the mkof Putter, will now reonlre Duller, Lard, mid oilier Produce for»aln<meo*miiti»n, and tlauer* himself that trtmi hi* experience and nutse* roil* (hipping customer* ho will be able tejpee *aU»^ ' faction to ail who tnay consign produce to hint. K£let j to— • | Mesiri rv F- Wißrauc k-. Son; \Vm. Ma*oc & Haru *• AViihitiffton & “ T. \V. &U. llorkuM), , _ the Mtrrlmnt* generally- dclWm • - - -I*lliacs. “*b. r cbarwAT.’ . _ • *- B.F. COX WAT AOO* T)ORTS*MOCTII. Ohio Coromurwa end Forwarding I Mrrchauu and Produce Dealer*—al*oatiendlotae purchase, Sale aad ShiprotDi of Pig Iron, Coal, «C -iduiu: 1 Atwood.Jone* k Co. Brown, Bailey * Co., loreiu. Sterling A Co, Henry oraff, . | Graff. lindoy k Ce-1 p. Leech * Co., ! Lyon. Shorb i l'*, i Clarke It Thaw, ; tnnrludly J d * taot - JO US F. PKfIRY, ' I I«a*«i cf the firmoi *«lalrt>:tn l<eveh 4 CoJ WhoUuleUrocfr, Commlwloa ft Flow ntrcbtEl, DFALF.R in *ll kind.* cf Country Produce, Copper, Tin,.Tin Plate*.Tinner*'Toot*. Zmc,l*ad, Russia Slice! Iron, Him »i>d Nstl«,'YVhiio Lewi, Dye ißtrffa, Cosum Yum*, Suit. .Ye- and Pr.Uifurgli Manufacture* centrally, corner of Inberty and li«w streetr, Ptiu uurzh. l*a. ’ • . , ' ID-Lil*ciu! advai'-e*. in Cash or Good*, made on consi/nmcM* of Produce. 4c. B. uoucc u.Va." CV" «aktis. a. 8- a** nos. LOVE. MARTIN" & CO. Produce, General Couuniaaion and For* TTArtllpS Merchant*. ' .no. ij’irtaj’v* wuaut, saLtun'ax. Refer to— M.AUen4Ce. $ pitub'rb. Mampton, Smnb A Co, > b Ifciviton. Saiindrr* & Co., Y J.dui it Rnitcini!, J- Baltimore. oc!4 , Htnjh Jcnkilt»,_ J d4*ly ■' i. il ixnxML ’ F- w. asdjoto*. I-uleOfl'lttebilfeh. Pa. I.ol* o«S«*hvilte, IVhft. LEHMER & ANDERSON DEALI.KMN tXG’ION, VOKWAIU'IM. ACO.MMi: SION MERCHANT::, M , - FUOTT S7K.KLT. At-'IK rU"VI>W*Y. «llti iteter ti* .MiTciriuiwlfSnteraiiy. in I’itt.lnirgti. ’•p'-^U W ALTER 4 Ci COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AM)DEALERS IN PKODUtT. GENERALLY. x*». til Hn.Tr! Sr'.-IIW }OBK*T. bAtTUiUSIS. Bui'i'i k—li. Spnistr. Em;., Cashier. T. Cro*». K**u r.nluer. J. Ijmd-irrrt A Son, ili*er 4 tY.nxfacriy. Sluig- Inii A IM-ry, \V. 4S. Wyman, SlmgiutT4 Devn***. n 24 '* o# BDWAKDA. KKEI.IM'., - to Goretmu.-i A RECEIVING, Ft tR W Alt DING. COMM IS.-KJ.N MER* q:«ANT A.YDCO HON BROKER, as I'X ST., lIHWE 3HICTU OF l-UsATra’* BASH, SDIXtPIUS TESS. Ui-itr ue— .YL-Allou 4 Co., King, Pcnnock 4 Co. „.L,. dfim iSWWSBBES fcTOIiaiSSIOJI SEBtIUNIS: ‘ ALEX- LEVY & BRO’S. ' CINCINNATI AND ST. 1.01113, O frr to »cii <ti .-itluT ci.:ebti»njncm. oil rind* ot Mer cMimilvu. :>l the Ineivu t-u:i- of C-v.-jinis-MUii*. and *r alwuy.l prepared to make' ndvener*. The ln.»: el rct.j inter* riven if reij’kiired. Loiters oddresreu io eitnc house, will be promptly attended to. jyjodty u«i> w. it. rsxraci.L. t THOMPSON A CAMPBKLL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. And ilaunl’actnrer* ofLinseed Oil* So. 3U Columbia street, CiscrvxATt, Onto «|rJ4-ty iu7~Ca*Vpa3d fur ivst. IS. CLARK* „ „ Porw»rdln|;aio«Uont»UrotvnaT4»le,Pa., lun.ed.uii, u to»rai«s «l *ft l or ahV furtoer information, appljt oTOKSi PH * CUNCAN, Water at oc-J^_ ”• r- ‘ W 2X'}?IEIVS * PATC», , m “ COMMISSION MERCHANTS. So, 48 Water street, St. leon*, Mo. Will give particular attention to the selling of Pro iluec. and to order* tor purchasing. , . „ KiiFtiTo—George Morgan A .Co., lutsburgb, la. ituglt . joifs at‘cctu>ron. j. jtfsrtoAV c. tt^cLeEsnos. JOHN M’CDLLOCCII *COh Forwarding A Commission Merchaati, A U 3 aot-ru msctt, inli o Mv+ Bowling'* Wharf. Bnltmmrr. LITERACY Philadelphia College of Met Fifth, Xoitth of H alnut street. lijlK SPWNO’ANO SUMMER COURSE OPUHC ■TURKS FOR Isis, will be commenced onMonday, March iiib, isds-aad be continued four mimilw, by too M. D-, Gene till, Special and S^ A UK tt S M. P-, Materia Mcdica and TUci tpcnuc*. I>.1». GARDENER. M. D. ChemUtiy.- . HENRY GIBBONS, M. I*7 Theory and Practice ©I W ISS* Ir. BEATTY, M. Di Obatolriea and Diteaaea of Women und Children. _ JAMES McCUNTOCK, M. D., Principle* and Prae tst/IENIU'OG?BDOSS, SL D., Institute* ofMedrcino and Medical Jurisprudence. S. R. McCALSTOCK,AL D., Deatanfiralor of An *- 00 iflCHARD BURR, M- D-, Prosector of Surpery. Pee for the full course, 870. Fee for those who nv ? e ‘attended two full course* in other Colle#e*, SU». M »!- ricutallou u» he paid once only, &3. Graduation »I' Practical Anatomy, including Recapitulatory Lectures, B)<). The Unreeling Rooms will be opened ou the Ut «rrancement* now pending there iaeecry rea *ot to liotw that the chairs of Institute* of Medicine and Anatomy will be occupied by dutuicl Professor* al mi curly period. .... For further luforrootjon iinjaire of JAMES McCUNTOCK. M.D., Dtu*, No. I North Revenlh Street. Philadelphia, Dee. ‘J7, 1?47._ jnn_*._ ■ ' XTTi" r received at SI A Miner*, Columbinit Magiuiite for February. IJlnckwood'i “ . January. Flirtation* in America, or lligh Life iu New \ora and Suratog*. by Sealslwld.. Pep« iliei'irntc, or the Peril* of a Sailor, by \v II U Jam"* Vl.'or'thu Revolution of ICiS, hy TV H Airrewonh. American Cntfocc Library, edited bv A \V Franltlm., Now iukl Then, i»y Snio’l Warren, r R S, autlir ofTdn thousand u year. , . ■ 1 The Mysteries and Mi*cne» of New York, »iy Ned Hunt -Tlnfliride of Urn Northern Wilds, by Newton SI Curtis. • RUlolpho, onhe Freebooter of Fonnentera. , -.Muaconu, or l'nith Compla-H, by Ana Ashland. 'CJllßml^»■rl* , Mikcellany, No ltl Living nge, No IM. „ , 3 Tnvlof’* Money Reporter for I-cbiuary. , siibucrijilioti’* taktn !<>r Tifylur** Detector at the N , York pricVj St a yettr.' A spiendid assortment of %■- | K«»te.. A MlNralw> .. I • JVJ..7 ' »iaitlifui!cl »t, tld door Iroin gd. —r~~ p£liraary~"sf“B a * llie ** T>KCIUVKI> AT M a MINER’*, MnilbfTold street ] It tkldoor from second: . 1 <jr»*!»r>*7n Ludy’e I look for 1-cbnmry. i National Mjtgnwuo '! u Graluim's do * I * i{ rt Jo tin i All ihnsifovu «re equal if mu .u|»r«orin heircn.hcl lUl.mrnis, to the previous January number*. •Hio Last of iho Fame*, a now novel h> G I K Tliv'wv'rnc! to th*j-Fntiiily, by W. Dlanrhnrd Jet/ohl, with iilu*trutions 1 W Phiz. j- Orion U'lJun, or luck is everyth'"?.'*>y W H Max- The Lonk'aud Anchor, being a Chronicle of Old Dub •nla' Conquest of California and New Mexico, tnlhe vcar« ItSl'J ami ‘‘l7, l-y Janie* .Madison Cutta. Juno Kyre,.edited by Cnrrer Jklt.. , T - The fkourge of Veuiuo or the Mur Chamber of llte.-Tri bunal.-by Dennis Hannicun. Chamber** .Miscellany, No 11- Levina use, No HU. ' . i*cnir ikmk tor the Million- . JV*. . i rpstiLlSlX tJUOKS—lli».or) oi tit* Greek Hev- I l_j olution, and of the war* and euntpaisn* art»in« I trom the struggles of the Greek Patriot* m Kmauclpo* ting their coemry from the Tuiimb Yoke—in two vol ume*—splendid copy with punierous maps and eagra •lSurTl‘, illurtrativc of4h<» reign of William JUifrmn 106 to |7VA-v<ilh fine portrait*, in « vols. Companion to-UiC muOv of the Holy Pcjjpture*- i Hurry Muuoray, ti.riilug loinuucerwiih etignt* : 'lour iu the. Holy Land, French Stage, and Sketch* : in China. Ju;t rec'd and for sale hy ; McDonald a reeson ; spntt _ jfljnarkrtsircrt _ ; Ntw'Booki, , . ; rnilE Philosophy of Ufa and Philosophy of Juui* 1 Kiiare,;by Fred Vtm S-chlegel. - ■* Smith'* Ilcscurche* iu China in L&I4. MS and ’W, wtlq-a map audiptalcs.- The State of the Departed, by j n o. Henry Hobart, D- D. 'Ptje Church Universal, hy i>r. SumOb’- Goldsmith'* Puem», illustrated. • • • , Thompson'* Seasons; do ;Kor»laby • JL READ, ja2>_ _ _ 4th *t near market SIJ(J Ail—l 7 bid* N O duxur for sate ty ~ f i jTeWI ‘ FORarrU A DUNCAN, MEDICAL. PEACE! PEACE!! BUT IN \ ‘ Tin: uiwlcßritnictl he* lons been onaviuced of ise l necewity t'nr foiuc medicine uduplcd to the use lit i Children mid lumais to sruporrfde the u.-c u! all those i in-ilienie* which contain opium. and has at Imirib «“:* 1 cecdntl in preparing and offering tn the public u modi* i chic fullv nriwcrm's everv purpose lor ail dt«enie* ot the bowel... Without the u.c cV ihhUrictcnouadnijr, or any > other culculuted toiiiijire in the Icnet. ’Hie liilnnt 1 tut, 1 area has been fully tr.icil uml tried, the last twelve uioiitb.'. l»y numerous |*cfßajt!>, wild found U> po.»c*» tM* the eitruimlmury virtues wnd to produce all the aatoil i.hiuL' etket. a. set furtli i>ill of direction*. t>t* nrrlxra. Vomiting,lCliolie. Ciripim;, Puim>, Sicknc** aiul DUeoM-ii arisius from Tcrtlnnr, neiing iiniiu-diate-ly withaui divturbin* any of tin 1 function* of.the bodj, producing the hupjiicl ami inwst' plca.imt tian«tiw» from vioh-nt imm to a iruiniuii and joyous state of led- • imt in the little mlikrcr. _ To he hud wholij.jilv awl retail, of llio Proprietor. Ur., JOHN SAIUiANTJ Druggiit and Apothecary; Jl ?“ n Mitchell, l-liliott A Jicckhuin, suit! most other Druggists in Allcgliciiy utiil I‘ut‘lmrglL __ ' SKU.KU S IMPERIAL COUCH SYRUP.—II h&s power to cure* PimCLTlfiii, Feh. W, t?4t, R. K. Selliirs—My wife hu. lor yean been subject to a distressing cough, ueeonipaiitT'd with asthma, for the cure of which; she u»ed ilitl'erenl cough remedies aud had the advice of the mo-t eminent physicians in I'.iißiand, but all was nimvmluig. By chance. 1 hearit of your lmprriiil Couch Syrup, and was induced tn buy u bottle lor trial. n)tlio<igli I Jiad no belief that anything could mnovo hcij complaint. To my grent surprise, two dosra enve her'iininediate reliel. She ts at tints* troubled with * <jou<n. hut two traspoousful of Syrup always stop. it. Imn nati.ficil. urtcr a trial of three or four year*, that Seller’s Cough Syrup i« the W.t eottgh ttiediciuc I huve cycr tried either in tire Old or New World. i Wat. Faikbui-ksb. > t ; Seventh Ward, city of PitwburgliK The ttlmre certihrnie should induce all who arc troubled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrup * tri al. It may bo had for t!5 cent* n bottle, at the drug store of U ll SELLERS, 07 wood «L Sold by Dr Coaiiel, sth word, and IPII Curry, Alle gfamy city. M l ®. S ELLER’S VERMIFUGE, —The greatest Worm medicines! . Nlw I.tsaw, Oujo, f • Jan. ts tSt*' J ! This is to certify that after using different prepara tions for expelling worms, i bought of C.¥. Hetman, ol New Ijsbon. twolvinU of R E Sellers’ Vermilugc, *nd* cave the contentsjof one vinl to three’of|tnjr cUudyn. From the first, seed 0 year*, it cxpelleir <5 wodos: from the second. years old, 7ft and irotn the years old, Uft i|mking aW worms expelled by using but one vial. 1 recommend Sellers’ \ernufutre M a safe and one of th'e most effectual Worm medicines be fore the public. ' llwait MoirnaW. _ Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, No 57 '\ Oo»l street. Sold by Dr. Casset, sth ward; p M Curry, AL lecheny; WUliumlJ Smith, Tcmperaiic'CTllle. jaU • " PKUadiiock'bprlaK'fraiii 'XIETTLYINVENTED—Forthe relicCond Permanent c'ureof HERNIA or ItI'PTURE. (Suited to all stres) 1 ' , . The superior claims of this Truss consist in the etna parauve casa with which it may be worn. The pad of wood treins neatly balanced on springs, yield* to prr»- sure on any part iif it, and ihwougbiy adapt* it*cll to any inoremcnt made by the weajer. It can be wora with? until a curcts effected. Ihe tua e«i'l- -• armngeiurnts for the tuaiiuiacture of ih'.:r Tite* , ; , e Trustee, tn a superior style, m Ph>l->. ilrh-l u ; ••**!! ;l ’ji now Cir saio at thuircflice.No ' IT, st I'.arS.Zth, Pm-buTgli. , j *iix». 'A ATT, I 1 ’ • , it*) j D. W K.U |> Ma|V. Dtt* B. W. MOIIRIS, in'DROPAfmST. wcwld rcp'Cilullyiiiuirtj tu» friend, and the ciu*en* of Plttsburvb aad .Oieyhen) ihat he has decided to remain in the cur dunpc the winter, and u prepared to treat i paiieuts pfacim; tuemselvrs under his care, according to the system a* practised at all Water Cure Establish: menu, for either Acute or Chronic diseases. Those wishing to avail; themselves of hi* service* will call at Mr. Miller’s, corner of Liberty st. and Evan’s alley. • . Dr. M. ha* treated several severe cases of disease in this cuy with gnfot success, to which he is permitted to refer. : tioviu DRUGS, DRUGS.—JoeI Mobler. druggist and apoth ecary." N. W. comer of wood and SU» si*., i*itts l.urvh, will krrji cuiistautly on hand, drugs, painu, oi.*. dye--- vie. > IL, ;"iij prescription*carefully eotnpound ed froth me maViriuis, at any hour of the dav or Mifht-iA'.so, mi if*»orimrni oi periumery , fine toothguiir ni,.| clout brushes, etc., which he will tell low lor ea»h. i _ ONF. cask Sp.iKiown tor soln by ‘ iVMO ; JOlfN D MORGAN. COPliTiNEßiSlllltt &c. CO-PABTXEUSIUP. L(K;vN k. KENNEDY havu ihi. day a««ocn»W with them In the Hardware bu.ine*.. I'l.i.ipD ti »on runl Edward firesg. The style ol tinn will here after lie lx»san, NYil-on 4 Co.- ’l’Jii* rea ders it drsirnbk to ckxe the old htistne.s n» *o«a aa r*Ri«ibk. All jTroon* whose Uai.iluie* have inahfrert. nr . in!ly to make .tmmediaic paymcni. pitulrurgh, Jaii.!. IvPj. • lOGAN, WILRON A. COs-Imptmera and j Wholesale D ater. in Foreign and Duue.iic »UnJ w iire. Cutlery. Saddlery, 4C-IJ4D, Y\ uml sural, r>u.*- burgh, are nowpdly prepatvd \ritit a receully tn*}K'rt ed stock ot" Hnriiwurv, Cutlery, 4c- to oiler very Sjvat uidncctnenu u»-western buyers, betue ccierimne- to ermrv-t- m pneis with any ot the Atlantic ctnes. A.I so on h&nu *if eimtisive assortmoni cl. Pittsburgh Hardware, vuii Shovel*. SpadvS, Fork*. Hors, %»«••», 4c- all of wlucii will be sold at the lowest manufac turer's price*, j i»2L* cb-PAMTSEURHIP. . a. THE «oh«cribcr» hniins recently entered mu> #3l p»ntirrs|np tinder die name of (mllagber. L«id. . M * Miller, tor the of carrying oa lie Pell ;4BJS» aill l i: ra i* Founding and Gas Fining husineßa ,n alt its branchcivhave taken the stand formerly occu pied bv H. (lailaghcr, No. lt» Front street, Ixrtween \Voo.r and Smilhlicld *ts- where they are prepared to execute all onUre for Bril*-Hra«i Cnstmgs. ot every dcscrtyiion, anil Gas ruunga with neatnes* andiks patch. Steamboat jobbing prompt^ . ' - S. A. U)M*. i f I‘. 11 MILLER. N B —The attentior. of-M:ichini*l* aud iJiriucrt* is invited to our metal, for a reduced pn.-e. which has beyn pronounced superior to Rnhhit * i'V numbers who Ijavv used both. Steamboat Ut uers and llie pul.!!.-, eeof-rally, are also re.|ucsted mt-aJ! and .1- amme our *«ipciior double bciion borce dNimps lar *tebmi>oal audili'njcvtic tt»c. irtAl-LAGHER. LONG, A MILLER- deilTdly. i '! ‘ Dissolution. milK partneWhip *o long curling u ‘i.ler the 6rm 01 1 M’Cord A-Kiug, wu» by mutual consent di*»o.vna on tlie I*l itiiij 'ika business will be closed at the olu| ■tund by either of us, uung U.e name or the firm-Jor that purpoie. j Being de.irou. to have out bu«jp« c toted wnh"nji littio delay •< possible, we woubfre specuully request tho.e indebted to cMI a.wl Settle their account*; D M COBB, latfa ! n D KLNG. 1 Co-PartneraMp. JOHN D MiCOttD haviug a»*oeialcd with nun re* brother Jwne* M’ConL under lie *tyl# of M-Ourd A Co-, will cohunue the Hat, Cap and Fur bu*m«s* in all its various branches. wholesale and retail, at the old Maud, corner of Wood and Slh streets, where they •obeli a contiiiußlioa of the P B| ™“?£V, xvrvinii ”** .„« Jm toou£™. "SEy^^gSik. IN retiringlfrom die old and-well known firm M'Cord A:Kiue. I ino*t re*pectiully recommend the patronage of the public ray •ucce.Aor«Mc., l M'Cord A Co; Ijagr] 11 1) MNu. -j DISSOLUTION. THE Co-pkrtnendiip of tho subscriber*. under thi firm of Lewi* Hutchinson & l'o„ t* this day dis solved by mtftnnl consent. Ktther of u* will attend 4i the settlement of the business of iho firn>> and use it name lor tha| purpose. HU TCHISON, janl t J.OIES A HUTCHISON* • CO-P ART 5 KIWHIP. nrUlE ttndctsigned have this day mniied aco-partna; 1 ship, under the,firm of Jams* A. Huicbm«m iU. for the purpose of conlinuing the buiunes* heretofore carried on by Uwia HuicUinsoii Co., and when a con 4 1 " h | LEWIS 1). HUTCHISON. rittsbsrglt, Jan. I, ISIS. Co-Partnerahln .Nolle*.; EW STEPHEN’S of Wheeling, E F Sbrrnberßfr of Juniata, and J A Stockton of Pittsburgh, bnvo this duv into co-partnership under style aMU] firm of Mrpiltiiß, Shtmberrer * IVr. at tho Anchor ironi work*, Wht«h«g, Va. for the puriK>«« of manufacuir tng iron and noil* of every description. rvr rrmieW x r SHocancaocr. JA»rocrrOK.| STSPBBHBi shoesbehcrr * co * ; ANCHOR IRON WORKS. „ i WhMhtg* ro.: 1 Manofoctitre all kind of hoUor.iheet, b«» Jr» nail*, A U *Vel eliptie spnnc* and.axJe*. Iking eon oected wUh'ShmnUcrger'. old Juniata wrka, w* W offer rut article of Jumala iron branded Hhffinbergnr j equal to any made in the eoontry. All ot winch hi sold it tb* -PUUburgh price*. Warehouse of the work* corner of Monroe and W ater st*. D‘“ ISSOLUTIODT—The partnership hnliertd ezl*|* mg under the style and firm of AN ightmanjk Daj* xrlt, i» this day dissolved by mutual como tib John Dnj r-ll bavtmt! ili>i«oaed of his entird internal to H. " l F“‘ man Th* business of the hue firm will bo •eitleiit.) 11. Wigi au* -. *i:o is authonied to uk )•* VSK ?IJ h late finit tor Utut purpose. 11. '' jy*} *"■ A *'’ spcAklSw- l)ulyl*47} J. DAldiM<L- TllF.Saiiicrihcr is now prepared to inanufacture all kinds of Cotton and Wooleu Machinery, at lhe *h u rtc. notice. Order* left at IL * Engine Shop, t«t W !*«? " ,d "!«“ ! aumlra, | bclwrfn Fecl.nrl «.,,l SnM-lusky.t,, ,p«Wlyi»>"')-. f dissolution. ■ rpHE c tips rtnership hcrrioiorcriutinc «»* I subscribers under the firm of NV ilhams A l>d«‘ * madl*w(T«l on the Ist instant, by J rt Dilwdrlh. to whom tho neitleroent of llie old bust ness is eninisted, will c ontinue Ute wholeaule grocery bu«„r» HI UK oM •»»*. l «\?si.'T\*iU4*m j Rn | i JOHN tj. DHAVOItTH _ f DISSOLUTION. Tlirs nsrtrershitt subsisting between the subtcrtlter*, ,n tV bK snlr of Poindexter A Co., wo- dissolved under tli - J on (lip jsjh insttand thebosmeM of .on R w an d C •be concept will be c.ose t R po|Nr)EXTK a f II Grant. '* A CULUERTJSUN, . . „!i CII GRANT. ; CO-PARTNERSHIP. , ' mnr {'ubteriber* will continue bu»lneu uuieold T No <t u uinal, undergo siyle ol ‘‘l*oiaJcXWr POINDEXTER Heoi* \ CH CHANT. n AllOclßtlOßl. I TOIINTORRES & SAMUEL WIGIIT.MANI.nTmR J nion^VcaTcu-eUc, together under Urn fina of r. " t-arfcu & for the purpose oT communis me ] nu!mm*rlf the ♦Uoarmeu> Ijnc,’ will continue to ininv mpi nirefttrnl fon'»ramß nnd conuiuuiou bwuuc** nt “o 0,5 t.lto « SASiLWIOimiAN^ if Co«Put&cMlillH . TIKE ilfrientgned ha* a»rocinied with himself John Sicql*. f«>*n Ualuwww, in the Grocery wul Gener- ConitMU»itm lumne**, under the style ot heller* * NicoU. ijated i*t January 131?. /^O-PAKTNKRSHIP—Wm. Yonng bavtw thu I J dnylwKwialed with him, John IL M’Cune.tho jl**- !hcr bttiincM will hereafter beconduyledendM tbfl V " Y “° BiCo ' Jso?i A S«usS 0,: !( f! !i HARDEN 4 CCTB. PASSAGE AND £y3|*iyUFAll’rrANCß. OFFICE. Persons brought rfsair&oui l>y this agency npon rehsonahle terms, from nny part of England,;irfcland, Scotland, 4 Wales, and in Packet Sbms nuly. I’oreigTt Correspondents and ngents of the British Government have frequently cau tioned Emigrants at home nnd their friend* in America, against the fraud* practised upon them, and have al ways refereed to the well known hous* of Haeukv & Co., ns tiie right place for all to apply, if they wished to be trenteifwith punctuality and kmancs*. Punic* who advertise themselves sons Anou for the Black Ball Une, state whnt is untrue, and ’bus deceive the public; a* we profit** to be Agents .not only of Uks Black- Ball Line, but every other good Une, and also for Canard’* Steam Une. • J ... Sight Draft* to any amount payable at any of the branches of the Provincial or National Banks of Ire land, England, Scotland, Ac. We draw our own Er -cliauge; we do not take money anil send it to the MJi to pri *ome one else to remit, theraby causing mistakes and-riclay*. the Broker*, 4c, call upon us, and xve will accommodate them at New York rates. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European Apt. . octstf slh tit, one door below wooO^_ HAILNDEN & CO’* Posaenger and Remittance . Oflifie. j-jr*- lIANRDEN 4 CO. coitunue to bring person* lSf#Winnn nnv part of England, Irelind. Scofland or smiwulK upon the roost liberal terms, with their, usual pimctmiluy and attention to the vrani* and com fort of vminipntnts. We do not allow our passenger# to be robbed by the swindling scamp* that infest the sea pofi*, n* we take Churpn of tlicm the moment they re port ihcmsclvcs, and see to-their .well being, and de spuich them without any detention by the first ships. We *ny bus fearlessly, a* we defy one of ourptuwen ccrs to show that they were detained 4t hours by o» tn. Liverpool, whilst thou*aml* of others were detained month*, until they could be sent in some old craft, at a ch 2 n rate’, which too frequently proved their coffins. \V« intend to perform’ our contract* honorably, cost what it muy. nnd not act as was the case last season, witj, c, ber officer*,—who either perlonned not ail, or when it suited their convenience. ‘ Draft* drawn at Pittsburgh for any.ram from Al to £lt<Xl, payable at any of the provincial Banks In ire s”,'*n'! K!T»owto, •, European tuid General Ascnk febl Fifth street, oue door.below YVood. i\MES W. YVOODYVELLj Plttaborgh Farnttvre Ware Roams, bd, tjiiud vnttxr. J . • \ large and splendid assortment of Fumi 4aipv ture. suitable for Hotels and pri vale dwellings, constantly H made Tkc ™ b.nJ fuuiol.b. .re«J,.l b, anr tnauufactory in the •western country. Persons wishing to purchase would do we J to give xm a_cidl, as lam determined my prices shall plewe. Pare of the stock fJJ“***|* Pinal, and Haircloth covers; j; , •J doz Mahogany Nurse Chairs; • H |*nir Divans; •• It* doz fine inmliogaiiy chairs; 13 mahogany Work glands; - a dor maltocany Rocking Chain; I 15 msrble iop Dressing Bareaos; 1 - 6 pair Ottomans; < H marble top YVork Stands; IS cherry’ Work Sumks; Mahogany. Maple, Cherry, nnd Poplar all descriptions, and a Urge assortment of S-Outum furniture and chair*, too numerous to mention.. _ marttf . ■ ,1. "SSSi.'SfY rn'~ X ~ w™**- LIFPESCOTT A- CO*» Manufacturers of Hammered ca»«mi Shovels and Spade*. Axe. and iUtehea. Mul, * Cut, Circular nnd Gin Saw*; Hay and Mtnure Fork*, Hoes, Mattock*. Picks, 4e.; having eoinpteted sD ihetf ■rraneements in the construeuou »f new machinery, and in securing the best workmen (rot# the moll cele brated establishments of the East ere ing and wiU keep constantly ou hand and’ for «le all he atMDve articles, having availed themselves of the iateu improvements, and are detenmn^ that to *ofk manshin and material they wdl not be, excelled. They promise to produce articles equal, if not; superior, to can b« bad in the East. They invite the atwn fion of dealers to an examihauon of pnrehasin* elsewhere, as they Vrill be able to fill all orders in there fine to tha entree. SKUsfaetion of porehasers.; YS arc house. YYater ttrtet, -4doors West Monotigahoi* House, I‘itt»hurgh. I a. % B—Persons haring business with Y\ m. Ltppen roit 4 Shi, will please call on Lippeneott 4 Co. octPdly ; : New nudwars Hone*. —_ -, T * Tt3l JOSEPH XVOODYVELL. comer of and 2d *u„ Pitwburgh. H*v*a* from the firm of Walker ontho i»t of 1 lake pleas ure in announcing to my friends in the city and eouu* re?.that 1 have ulnee. Having purchased"tny goods lor easn, and insilc arrangements with manufacturers in tht* country ut,.l in. lit rope to Ire constantly supplied. I am fullyj>re mJcllM;fumtsh Hardware-of all kind*, on a* rood terms and a* low a* any house Etul or \\ r»L Mer chant.* and others are respeeufally * n ! n £*|j?T* U examine my.stock, before purrhastu* elsewhere. The lullowinc comprises a part,of hi* stock: “-amboat and sad.llrry hardware, gun tmnmtng*, file. .Yuvlur’s streG cutlery, edge toots. anvdv\*ces, rig "latc'te* »cv’lte«. bun htngrsscrew*. Union hac tory fdanesb «wa. Vnabogndy boards and veneers, and all hticr article* connected with the kardwan^^ust- *’ —Hardware, Cailery, Saddleryr *«• 1 _ .-nf irinvl WAt.KEU, Importer and , MfcßwgDealer in Foreign upd Douicstic hard l«V:!tgsyrap*“«'-- w»ulil respectfully inform bis | frienu. anutaejiublw generally, that he is novr .receiv ing h.s tpimx supply of hardware, at the old stand of ■ Walker and YYWwclI. N<- rA-wood at which he w,U | d»M>t*woj oul'ie tuovt reasonalilotenns, . 1| . w i|i; 1,,, cimunoally rpenvuig fresh'suppliesdirect frc'ii! tire manuiucturcrs in Thirope nnd this country. which will enable him to compete with any estsbluk- ; mpijL cither Ea»l or West’ • Western merchant* are invited ,«o call and examine his stock beibre puicha*thg elsewhere. Y o .* l *. Pitt Jlachlae YY’ork* and Foundry. rimatooH, as- JOHV"'RIGHT4 Co; arc prepared to build Cotton a».d Woollen Machinery of every desenpuon, such a. t'ardiu- Machine*. Sptrtmug Frame*, Speeder*, Drawufz Kratiirs Rnilway Heads, Warpers, llre-sitml ratnrs, Ux>m<, t’ard Grinders, As. YV fought Iron Siiattnic tuned: all *i'«» of Gust Iron, Pulhes and lliiuccr* of the lutc.t patterns, slide and. hand Lathes, xuid tool* of all kimla Castings of every description lun-Bbed on short notice.! - Patterns made to onlcr for Mtii Gcitruig. Irun RaiHiig. 4c. Steam Pipe for heating • Ffici'in*-'*. U-; Imh YV’itidow Hash ami faucy Castings 1 crn.-rnily Orders left at the Warehouse ot J. Palmer kV«. Liberty .trcct, wdl havo’promjrt atteottoii. 1 Refer l« Rluckstock, lk?H4 Coj J K Moorhead 4 Co., GF. Warner; John Irwinj 4 Sons, Pittsburgh;U 04 J It Waruer, Steubenville.; . Hardware iUnovtd. ; WTIITMORK 4 WOLFF having removed from the corner of Liberty and St Clair streets. » No 50 Wood street, three doora above M Charlea Hotel, would resp-ttlally ask the attention of buyer# to iheir^tDCk of lIAHUIVARK, CUTLBHV *»d 3ADDLI.UI .rtc’t per ship* Saranak, Moaongahel* attd Russia, direct Horn roe manufacture™ of England and Germany. Alio, supplies of American Hardware, fnua thopria cp*l raanutaciurere of the Eastern State*. » The.relock bemt enurely new, anil purchased_npon 1 the best terms they tee! great confidence iu being at>.e. 1 'successfully to meet competition from any quarter, 1 whether cast or west.* _ -» . ... Thr Hardware buii**sw:ll be conuaaed attheold ' mad. ■ !_-■ ‘ SB 0 ,. ‘ L'ALflitA I'Ui ANDULUHFACIUSY FUJI 3ALI,' o—Tile Administrators of 11C late James McLanghlm, offer for sale the establishment situate in Ninth Ward, <• ' formerly earned on by him, tn his life time, a# a staferii ' lias and Glue Factory. The works are Incomplete order 3 ! f or caret ing on llie bu'sine*?, with figures,4c, and ready l ' 'fi»r commencing a: any lirao. A liberal credit will be green, and all particular* made k*;ow.nT»jr on .»..fc.»P»L ttJijfjig&S&J; - rotft Administrators _ * NOTICK. , w _ ALL Person* knowing thentfelTcatndehled lo Ihe fc«- utftoi lim law A. Dmo,Jr, deceased, ore hereby uoufial 10 cull aad scale their accounts, onJ Ihooc fioy inc claim* against the Estate, will_ pitftr.i them duly authenticated or settlement to djo *nb«cnl»er, »l ibe warehouse of John Irwin 4 Son*, Noll Wnicr »u rt.lVl.ii - , JOHN IRWIN. Kirroto* A7'KLINU> . ■ t L STORAGE. Forwarding niid Commission Merchant, lith street, Canal Basin, Erie, l'a. REFERENCES. ~ . „ ... Messrs. Spang 4 Co.; Oco. \\, Smith 4 Co.; luiijr, I’enuock 4. t;o.: \Vro. B. Holme* 4. Bro.; James Bai iell, Esq., Pittsburgh, l’a- Messrs Vincent, Himrod 4 U»n*r, seiinci & Chester, Williams 4 Nvnght; Brown 4 McCarter, J. C. Beebe, Erie, Bn. [jalfedlm OCN UtUliH 130 bag* prime Rio coffee; ISO bbis NO JS*; 70 t.oxrs manufactured tobacco; ISIS half rnent* crern and black leas 73 0 and 13 lb Iwxci Y II and G J’ do.; sJUO boxes German cluri 10 c*»k* satera ut*; 10 do. |»ota*li, uigedicr with a general assort ment of groceries, m siure and tor eole by I CAILSON 4 MckXlOHT.fthst. j Honour Alicia Llrcry Stable* _ . HOBI-at i' 1L I’A'ITER&ON ita* opened the stable oil First st-i running through io JCJ_sl*ecoiid et-. between Wood and Smilhfield *u., iu the rvnr of the Mononcnhela House, with on entirely new Mock of Horsesand Carriages of the best quality and latest styles. Horses kept n(\livery in the best manner. 1 Jr~dly_ WINDOW GLASS—IO b*s cxd; UO do 7x3;3odq 9x 1$ 4S<l do exit); 100 do HttPAlOO do 10xl<; 73 do an il 10x13 to‘J4x3l);<iu hand and ; Tor sole ky Irbsjs , iTASSKV 4 BEST Ij'AG pne* In ctuS v paid for good Ran; also. Canvass, Bale Ropej tirasii Rope, Bagging, Woollen Rocs, Colton Waste, 4c., by J yr CHADWICK, j,uU* waynn st. between peun and libejty__ PROUUCI-4 fi boxes and 03 effsks W R cheese; COW lbs prims Kentucky, feiitberi; 30 bbl* grease Inri]; 30 keg. .\u 1 lurd; Gs‘bushels clovcrsceil; 13 do timothy seed, for sole l>y ’ . _ ja ; it carbon & Mcknight, cth »t. I^EItFUMKIIY-—Kxintcli.of Verbciia, Patcbmt- X- '*•>-, Violet. Jockey Club, MiUUlcur, Bouquet do uroline, and Musk, large I’crfume Bags, from t£3 cu. . 81 s*5 each. For sale by JOHN D. MORGAN, No. Udj Wood WRAPPING PAPERS Xo*»0 bundle* S. C: M. and D. C. straw pnper] ISO Medium Hag, •JO *• U. Medium' Uardwnre; for sole by _ ocil •» _ REYNOLDS A SUKK. DYi; WOODS—il!sbbU chipped logwood; 73 do grid logwood; 100 do chipped .Fustic; 100 do ground | cuiuwuod just received and for *ale by- D A FAILNtiSTOCK A-CO. jn< corner.offront and wood *t* /~1 KOCKRIES—iAJU bag* priipc greeuTßio coffee; 75 IjT cheat* and half chest* freah green tea*; 150 boxes pji 1U» 5* «lb lump* keg* 0 twist do. with a general tuonraent of groceries for «at« by. j:u«4 • JOI^S._DILWqRni J Jf7jvood*t_ tCCPKKCKIi’B PliiKS’*—Just received, Per Oi’aekelSblp Suran*ck, 4 eajk*‘ , Spcncer , »' l Cost Steel File*, comprising a very general assortment. l'he attention of Machinists and consumer* generally iainviud. LOGAN AKKNNEDk irUl J “ i pfli wood street M' OLA*J»fc»-l3<l bills (ne\y crop) NO Molasses arriving and tor sale by I jonllt _ _ . „ rpiNpEXTOljk C' RUSHED JLND PULVERIZED SUGAR-S) b&s Crushed and pulverised sbgur, just rec d andl far »iti* low by - o*ll UKOWN & CUI.BERTOOX: . SALKIIATUS— 10 boxes and 7 casks, just ree’d and forsnle by BP VON BONNUORST A Co. mnl7 , i 33 front *._■ BLOOMS— GU ton*. Kelly - * manufacture, for wle by j*nl7 FOItSVTII * Co. FS ll - a “t'- tw ' ‘jgiafatwcmT^, FUAS. SF.IXEBS- LY GQOD& -GROCERIES, Now fa tHi time for Bargains. A LTiXANBER Ai DAY would mgrn iA_ the citiaen* of Pittsburgh and u* vieduty that they are now telling offiUeir very large and extensive »tocr of dry good* at nniunparal.eled reduction of price*, their object being to exchange good* tor .dash, * ) derto effect thi* in the dhortest nomubletime they wtU; •ell offtheir entire atock at tuch n* eaniiol fail to tuit canh buyers. A fini i* now offered to perron* in want of.chcarf dry •unply thcmselvea U a comnaratiTelT ttnall expense. We have a large and splendid stock of- J , ! INDIES' DRESS GOODS.] • • Palo Alto. Buena Vip*» Gala, English M French Me rino Plaid*; Oregon mid California Black and Mode colored Dc Laines, French Mr nho*; a»«rtod col or.; Alpnera Lu»trei; Bombazine*; Freueji Cashmere* and Modslin l)c Lames; French and Earl* •ton Ginghams, etc. i i' URISS AND MANTILLA SILKS. ' A large and splendid assortment of rich! black lrtta and Mantilla Silk* and'blue black Drew Satins. SHAWLS, SHAWLS, i . A large annulment of taper Freneh, Turkem and Cashmere Shaw!*; pWa and etnbroideretd «lk mage ThibetMowChamclerin and Brocade silk do; plain black •ilk dot super all wool long wtiare ’J roc \**.'£'? I S2 and embroidered Cloth do; plain and embroidered Do “““'“•clOTlii AND CASSBIEBB9. SupeT French, FjtpUsh, and Amencan Cloth* and Ca^ “""•‘Tatl-NctSa.™ FLANNEL 3. . An excellent assortment of tjattinets and h large *tock of red, white and yellow Fannela. •• | • • - Blanket^— Super blue Blankets for overcoat*, £no twilled do; Americaji premium do-etc. I p. Also, a large assonmctitof'nckmgs. Cheeks, Prmu, Muslin*, together vyiQi d A y“ ” W. co<.i>fdtoi°aa.' Wlikts. A Llqaei<> I" f rirvn irhole. halves quarters and elcht^i* pipe*bran- -300 E?ki«v2i2, *=■ of u>« fofio«»s coioi»“- ed brands, grades and vintage*, viz; , Otard Brandy, dark; Ron«ao J*ott Wine, dT do !pa)e; -London Market do; • So V t » £ " ftSfSSUr. ton,. d? do do pale; =* L..M, do g®« P„ r,£. ki .l fc ,<» Oiui ! gPtoSbonT do; 111 k Hone do; » Di"»o do - do, gWlfNf j* ‘ £s£&&, 'ft ln.h dli.lceT! ■ f S ! i SwecJAD/y Mtogmdo; ToselherwiltoUto etok ot 'v n I jjion to b01d,,. Ctouopelsoe eA^g,»W'' for sale as imported; on plea*ing terrm st the >Vlne wt* lar and Liquor3tore comer of sta. iw* Oeodi si Wholeiw** WE wouldretpiclfully invite the anenttonerCocirw try 'and to our Mock of Dry Good*; of U* among which may be enumerated. , a ' “ Monwetme de Laine*. Big. and American, ' 11 “ Alpaccakin all eolora anopnee*; ' 17 u Bleached Bbeetinei A Shirtings, *to 13-i, 11 “ Salineiw black, bine, tmxtd, A®-,. 5 « Casaimere*; black, blue fittCTi. . 7 u TwredsJ Jeans, Cobliara*. Prince Alberts Ac 7 “ Sommer stuffs a full a*sortme«Ci . ■ , 1 bale Yellow Drilling, from medium to fine, 5 “ Bine Drilling, trom medium to fine; Tewether with a fall assortment of Cloth*. Cas-ioexetta, KIV lS* White Good*, Trimmings, Ae.; S?S prepared to .fell at |w prices for Ca*h or approved credit.;- And would Invite all persona j : two door* above Diamond Alley. TUST revived* JSSldiS"teewax Mark*; 6 fl o: paper do;. 6dozfine woollenComfortMa greaiveriety Coat* and Caps 3 dor fine Freneh iWillpw Ba_kenq J dor Willow Market do; 6 doz Strew 0 doz glare Motto Scab; 3 doz bone Allen’s patent Revolving Pistol* China Dorzil doljsinngs Amber Beads, U nesuioj keu. - Fancy Dmi 811k*. -v-ir R. MURPHY ha* on hand an excellent assort- W men! of I'ancv Urn* Silks. Chameicou I laid; aid «5nS? !mpe>Lh lie i* now offering nl very low w ee "also. a.r of plain, ""£*« and plaid. l ark ahd blue black Shits. «?«■«*«* * *** p,r"U of Verv superior and newest style*; nuil Halim! plain black Stlksfor dresses, Ac., and « iVw pniierui of Changeable Tore riaiui* { Carred^op- TTFaCCA A CASHMKRK UOSE-fW R Murphy A invite* the aUe.niitm of thelnuic* to b»» of caaUibcn and a pacca^Wr. drub and bi k ribbed. Also, black Jr® llama, and cotton hose, •• iu» assortment, and *Uow price*. \ . 4- ■ i'XBE.V tlUri MORNING AT WJFL.££- U assortment of new and band scant ■ , >*“ Rmiab Prints. brown and wbitr-—also smalt ®h un ;** , u _. tant*’ wpor-'yardwidc double purpicj supormr^jual.. GImCKUITS-diO bags Rm ’ H. Tea; audd Imperial and il.ack Jta, W bbls No a latga Mackerel* Shills No 1 IkRUWjUta 6 U Molasses; 10, bids do l<oof >«gar; 0* bbU Vinegar; £,«s kh w ™“YuM »•$* : • liO Liberty street. ITIIJkCK SUJttUw R MURPHY oak* the attention x> of buyer* to )ii» assortment of aUrte tnelud rich plain ltiiiiou dressmlk; pout| dc i*oie do, btao black do; rich vrntered dof do wale re* i and unped do, silks for cardinal*;.beside a large oasotwcni «* *»« Dress {till*, chatiguble satin-*, &c n qll M* which will be sold at tbc lowest possible price*. I IjFiJ DPPBPlrilf RHIUTIMG MMI*I2BS—W R iN MURPHY', NJL. comer of 4tli and Market street*, cldL attention tothe superior long cIoUY shtrunS mu»- Uiitho is seUineatUT tu payd—alw* bu *uperu>r as sortment of llUrfH UNK.V?, warraaipd pure “ft *** of tbe most approved manu aemre. Also, of every quality, bad a mil assortment u« geuUeiDcn A Ladies catobnc baudkcrcbteU. I janJ;- I?URNI!*HLNG GOODS—We have on hand m» o»- \ sonmeut of good* suitable lor tarnishing hotels, steamboat*, Ac., among which arcJ3b»lcauck/Sl’iS sorted, ti do bto. drillings 3 cov; * w , shirtings 14 do I,} and 4-4; do; *2 bales b , ca crash; 74 and b 4 bmm mole dtapen do. do. Damask, ScoiA and Russia diaper; tancy madder prints; white counterpanes; plain and .twilled blanket*, L„ which .a. to. ... , ! I W wood St - - 1 S CLUNG OFR—A very large anji supenor ““O mem of supenTurkern bliawls. «n»»U ebade; hue Casbutcre do; plain onii. dtubruldcad cimh do; plain and cmbfbulcrcd Thibet do; fracade, ana Ottoman tStlk do; Plaid long akd *vun io, to gethor with a great vanety.of odfft shawl*, all of which wo ore now selling off at an eitru ofprsSs*Sl>4B k BAY, • • febB 73 Mark«t si, N W cor. Lf the Diamond. rnffisncJrtSCD i, nm>sd> dav a large lot of the oc« made pens ever bro l to uu* city Uy ulfermx a cousulerabloprenuum over Uto onlman* price*. I liavo had them mjmuiwturcd. supe rior to auy heretofore, uud can conn Icmiv ntcornmend them as such tor the ftneucss of l ta gold, their easy elastic spring oiid fine smooth pern s Also, * awonroent ot Other brands for sale at eastern prices and wanantedj hi the watch ami jev c^swreo^ folis-0t i ' ’ corner af4th.ktnatkel st« SBfflT ™a«nrcnJriiB tKUJsmurf-* © hue BSMirirlient of Prench -and Kiigluh Cloths sel- u US oh day, fcbfl TCMntket si, N_WjrofoJ^the.Diamond^ o IfXCRLirrrT aT WHITE— 'Dry Goods Jobbers, » S\Vood m Imve on hnnd a ureh atoned and setumn aole- stock ol iDRV GOODS, they will seU to western and city merchant*, on vetf reasonable terms, 2£Si jnedl of«» R»4» T«~ d W| , « thejast montbl and at reduced pneet. J ?\ B "LEACHED i DRILLS R. Mnrphy has open this, morning ope cose Amorkcag ltleMhcd unim'Sni’Unhhhctoil io. Aihorkcps ,\o li i>h|o ’nck lUß. of T.nuui pnce. wij ljuiitiutwywid ofltred low hr S p°oVo.Ld ylrd, hi M D comcrj oi 41h hod Slhjkoi sOcch __ ——.• ■ j—. ——• DpinMOPEESM FOK R Murphy has on hand Drab Moreen tor skirt*. Also Corded .Marsniics skirt*; I • , French Cotton do (a'new article. I,tidies Morintm and Cotton Vdsta, Ac, northeast corpcrof4thfcmarkctsu. . | - ieW COCHtCO rRLVrs—WR Murp*y invites the atten*- tion of buyers to his assortment of above superior goods, neat styles and plaids of pure madder colons and warranted lost; also. Full River and American ptiut works do. also fast col Ors. _| .J" 11 * mABLK DfAPElia AND TABLE CLOTHS—W. R 1 Murphy hus on hand, at low ppces, an assortment oi common, mrdjnm and rapenor linen table diapers; also damask linen table clotlu, najfkin»,etc.; also hock al>ud L bird-eye; said Scotch diapers for toweling. jalo PLAID BLACK ALPACCAS.—[a few pcs of satin barred iilpaceas, lately rac'd; also, au excellent assortment .(f,fancy barred goods house tit Lja3l 1 J l'Rl Bi ■ _ fS5a cooDS at i.o'V n M»r ; I j nhy, coriier. 4th and Market {sts., conUnues to sell Winter Dress Goods nl greatly Bjaloeed linde lowaslilFcts >anl,_A«j__lss_ ISI aXNEIaH—Red, Brown anil Barred Flannel*.- 1 An mUillomU .apply rcchi.ciftoiu ih, mubcu auu, : .,r.w p„.h. f " „S i 1 ... I **™‘“ B sLANKCTS—3S pair largo PapcaUC BlaakcU, ju»* hoYS CABS ISIEBE S) V It Morphy iavilet IS ihooncntioii ol porenl* to hi» excellent a**drtmeat. iJn>of« cosMWetc* usui iwcetl»o)r various auallue*,at the Dry Cow* house, northeast oomer of 4tii and mar ket att. ! ‘ kb* P RODUCE-150 bills fresh Family Floor; 10 bbli No' 1 Lanl:2bbl« Butter, IS kiff* flo; 2 bbls Cony 5 bbl. n,c;.sUubn*.iwgc^mdgr^,: . T ljy Libeny nrcet. OlL—lJUj: gala natural colbryd winter Bpe rot; 1000 gait bleached winter Whalo;bllQ.gala low priced Whale OU. jilet rec’d ami for tali by ' ftbia _ MILLER k BICKKTSQNV PRODUCE— Received per sleaiaet-Lbiltow. lS bbl» ‘ Clover Becd. d do Flax Seed,s do Roll unuer, a do White Beaus, 1? do Lard, 05 begs thr4 aekaWool.l do Feathers; for aalel»y febl HAOALKV&. SMITH T IQUOR&-1M pilous HoUind GitutfSOdoFreneV J_j Brandy! rac'd uu consignment aod for sale by • joiiu j ? •■ [ tassky * Biarr. QUKDBI£S-~U bbls CtoreritcSd; i! do Timothy seed; O 13 cuh* Searching*; 17 barrels do; 15-casks Bacon bams, sides, 1 and shoulders: A barrels Beans; for sola by i fcbl9 •••i j' FRIK.VD,IUIffV A Co. 57 Water st^ g ALTS--25 cash* prime Jun luiirun c *> m l!S??v? , »vi?TttLwOCT-‘' MA.ILVE, '^TATF^^^SSS^'SSSi^ S rector* of the Insurance Ct^ 1, 1 , ! y _^£the ca," published in conformity 'f 11 * 1 F ro ' : •. Mrf “* rtl|ri • SKteWotsl. ' •' 'I ! : i All of which are TOsr MprtS«Ke*i>"d »W; . , - on Red Estate intho city and county of '‘j-, qq Philadelphia,' ’. J • j^' Philadelphia Conniy Six Per Cent, at par, ; infix) CO Philadelphia City do ; do . [.j.irXoS United State* Gov’t do r , , .«* i nflaoOOO Chesadeake A Del. Canal Co. S 15.000 at A •; w Chesapeake and .Delaware Canal Comp opy,, qq RandelDebtatpar .. • i ’ 1000000 Cincinnati City Bond* at par, nWiOO LehlifhCoalaudNaTijaUon Co,sUboooat «*».: °> !^Do 8 do do" do, Mortgage. __ j • < < ivvt in Schuylkill Navigation Co, SlO.OOO at 50, 1 ®> DW Do ‘ do d? $1,125 at £023-100,;; M Boat Loan,' ‘ ~ ! -j 1^7500 Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Roil j qq. RoadCo,Cs^ooaiso, : 'i' ’ :* Germantown and Tetkiotnea ’ !.'< Turnpike Road)Co,.at Schuylkill Navigation Co, JO,, 1,44000 Merchant’* and Mfyrcfae tore,'. limn. Pint’s. J*”“ Philadelphia Bank, H» ! i l’coniylraam. Bank, 2jo ii North America. Bank, 100 ; j. CO Ini. Co. State ofPena’a, 200 ,;> SOOJO Penn’a Rail Road Co, If HJS2! Union Canal Company, • 25 ,j • orwo0 r w0 w Chesapeake and Delaware ' i, • • Canal Company. 30 ; l,M> 00 Philadelphia antirHavre de .j. Grace Steam Tovr Boat Co, 00 i Irif.Co.ofNonhAmenc», 0 ; ' 331207 02 ; • ''14.039 84 '19)530 01 j,C3iac SO do 32 do 32 do 4 do 100 do 373 do 35 do 12000 do Cub, Notes Becelvule, Policies Uunsettled, Debts Due the Company, Properties in' the Care of Agettls, ' : ; . . • : Bno,7»si ARTHUR! G COFFIN, P** s £?, n J: Jlrar D Scamo, Secretary. FIRE *Vp WARISE ISBCRASCE* , fTUIE lusarance Company <}f North. AioencM^oo^ X its duly authorized Agent the subscriber,. oun make permanent and limited insurance on this ejtv and its vicinity, and on by- the ya aai ana Riven. . DIRECTORS. Arthur O Coffin, : Charles 1 ? t F l ?, r Pam’l W Jones, MSS-iwli. ' Edward Smith ; - f . Jacob MThomaa John A Brown John RNeff John White \ Richard D W ood TbosPCops ! WjnVelsh; Saza-IF Smith j . Kmncia. IfoAkem s Samuel Brook* • I B Austin AUibono ARTHUR O COFFIN, Prea’t- Hcnrt D SirtTxna, Sec*y» This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United States, baring been eharteted' in 17W. perpetual, and from iu high 'standing, long experience, ample means, and avoiding all nska ®f *n oxtre Aaz* ardoua character,it tnay.baconsideredasoffcnnS arn ' pie security to-the public } -RIOSES ATWOOD. r At the Counting Room of AtweodyJonea A-CO* Wa ter and Front streets Pittsburgh- • ! '• ‘t°iyu D Eli A WEE OTTUAI HBORjISCR CO. JOHN FINNEY, Jr. Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del aware Mutual gaiety Insurance Company of FJul mdeJphia. Fire Risks upon buildmgii and merchandize of every description, and-"Mar«ne Risk* upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upoitthe mmt favorable terms. • if?* Office in the Warehouse of-W B Holmes A Bro., jfoTar Water, near Market itreet, Pittsburgh: - N B—The sncceea of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agency in [this city, with the prompt ness and liberality with every claim upon them for loss, him .been' adjusted.'folly warrant tin* ag*nt in invitinjr the confidence and patronage of his friends and the community at large to the Delaware M Slnsurance Company, while it has the addiuonafadvantnee* as an institution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia— a» having an ample paid-in capital, which by the ope ration of its charter is constantly increasing. as yield ing loeuli person insured his due.sharcjof .the profits ofthe company, without involving him many respon sibility whatever; and therefore as possessing the Mu tual principle divested of every obnoxious leature, rind ui its most attractive form, t . - ■ !; no™ . titi&uicK ACirasT mm; American Fire Insurance Company—Office, No. 73 Walnut street Philadelphia: incorporated A L»lslo—Charter perpetual, 5 - ■ j , Insure Building*. Furniture, Merchandize,’.and prop*. city generally, either in the city or country, aguim loss or damage by Ere,•perpetually or lor limited pert ods on favorable terms- I • j i; directors: ■ • > John Sergeant i Samuel C Mormn' William Lynch 1 Adolphus Pone* Thomas Allibonc ! George* Abbot, • John Welsh, Jr. . i Patrick Brady, JohnT ; Lawi*. '.‘l SAMUFJiC MORTONVPircsidcni., Fasscra D Jasviku, Secrotuiy. : , Orders for iusurance by the above Company will be received and*i»«urunccs effected by the utMcrsunaed, agent for Pittsburgh; i GEO COCHRAN, novl7-3m* , . [ FRANKLIN PIRE IHSPRASCE'CO. THE Franklin Fire lusurance Company, of Philadel phia, wili "i«fcw Insurance; per.nianeni And limited on every description of property, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding-country, on favorable terim* cow puny has a perpetual charter. ' *<] „ ... Capital. ‘I 1*400,000 paid-in. Contingent, Fund ' FV Ofliee corner of third ;ind'Mnr«tcl streets. PiiUligu. apl lift/ .... WARBjCK'MAgri&Agent. HOTELS. fountain hotel, LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. toco xtn» Tirostott,'raontivTo*,'’ MTIUS establishment long and widely; known ns Iteiug one of the most commodious irt the .city.of Baltimore, tins recently utidergone : yery extun sive alterations and imporovemerus. An; enure new wine has been added, ootitaining numerous and airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. • •phe Ladies' department: has also been; completely reorganized and fitted tip In a most unique and beuuli ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House .hasbeen remodeled, wiih a single eyc.orvnhe part of the proprietors, towards the conifort and. pleasure of their Guests, and which they cod Silently I .'; assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel ia tht Union. Theirtable will always |>e supplied with-, every Vuly stantidl and luxury which 1 the market latnird*, served up in a superior style; while in the way ofi Wipes, Ac., they will no! be surpassed; .j. ij- • Ja conclusion the proprietors beg to *ay, tliat nothing will be led undone on their pa/t, and on the pan of their assistants, to render .tltis Hotel \tartpy the con tinued-patronage of theirj' friends and!the;pvblic gen etTho*pricea for board have also beaa.reduced to the ibopi»v— following rate*: -1. „ ■ , Ladiee’Ordinary, ! ' ’ Sl,7spcrday. . Gentlemen's “ • JjSQ; “ ‘ ■ N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the .House vnil al waya be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of choree, 1 i', tnnyStf PR*nr. STREET BOUSE) asasxiTt.omo. ’ E- THEVabtcriber*'having purchased the enure interest of Cot. Cl. P. k William ton, late of this well known establishment, bee leave to state to their friends and the public generally, that thqy have taken i this commodious Hotel lor a tenu of years, and will ex* i ett their best energies to make it a desirable home for { Traveller* nnd City Boarders. i f: | «The Hotel is spacious and admirably.planned for coio I violence. light and oar, hiving a number tif parlors ad joining chambers, presenting unusual attractions to • ' The present proprietor* having Ha s . r -experience jf yean in this city and elfewherej bbpo; they wirbe able to rive general satufacuon, being determined to rive undivided attention, to the house -alone. 1 The location of the Pearl Street House is uncommon* ly eligible, having fronts on Pearl, Walnut and Third street*, so that it i# equally, desirable irpview.of the I convenience of bu>:ne#a men, or retirement forjpmate I boarders. It Is nearby the thc Post OtEco, the 1 .Masonic Hall, Odd 'Fellow’* Hall, olid but one square distant from Main street and two squares 1 from the City Whart thus offering the greatest uidudemenis, especial ly to country merchant# aud generullyao nil t>ersons visiting Cincinnati. ; JOHN NOULe, mclnff . . . JOILNAIUJULK. KIfTAW HOUSE,! roymr of BALTTKOtIS ATtOXtTCAW STa.AJIXTUtOaE, SID.J HKNRY F. JACKSON, PROPRIETOR. E This splendid and spacious Hotel, eleguntlv »it* anted for boUibujiiussoud pleasure travellers, i»; so* constructed ns to combine ulllhe luxuries o»‘ the best hotels, with'elegance and real comfort. CUoioe suites of apartments nte nt all seasons reserv ed f or ih« accommodation of transient gtiesu, andum ilies visiting the city will fold tboEuipvrilousealtumc, unsurpassed by any Hotcljn the Unioti-r;. • The location is elevated, and salobnpus, and Is also convement to the depots and winch the coaches and porter* of.tho'house ;arb[at all umesui waiting to convey passenger* and thcirjbaggage to the Hotel. Taaat*.—Oendetqen's ordinary '•' per day. ,! I Julies'- do ! 'i-2,Cs) do ' janlftlgtawUin j • . •M'i . • ■ EXCHANGE HOTEt. roasr* or rmts *«• st. cuua rrmacsGtt, ra. ■m • The subscriber having assumed the mauage- CSjH raent ot this (long established and popular Hotel; JS»respectfully announces to Travellers and the Pub tic generally, that be will be at all times .prepared to oeconnnudatß them in' all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The House is Uow btfinr thoronghly repaired throughout, ami hew Furniture added, anu no paiuswiU be spared to make the change oue of the. rry best Hotel* in the country. i ; ii *1 he uiidersigticd respectfully solid)* a continuance f the very liberal patruhace the ÜbUse ha* heretofore 'eeiyed. THOMAS.OWSTOX, .JOSES’ nOTELi" jto. 153. fmaunri truer, rntLOctntu. M THU subscribers, nudct the firiu of Undgr* & 'West, have: purchased Mr. Jones' iutctvHt m thU establishment* twd Lope by the strictest attcodon to the wants and comfort of their ghc»t«;to merit a con -timuuteeof the liberal patronage(heretofore received by iu former proprietor. - • i H The bouse hu .been thoroughly renovated, aiid re paired; we therefore feel assured we can-welcome otn friends and the nubliclo accommodations equal to tiny in die dty of Philadelphia.’ j NJW UIUlXiEri, • jiyaftf • | west. GAIiTHOUSE, coEaresiAWA?ionmtm.O}tcCn*an. M TIUB establishment U now in th-j t-r»t onlcr fer (he rccepUou of the .Traveling Public. HR v j“S undergone a thorough repiur dunog the past win ter, and having the men m he wwt in the various departments, lUnttcr myself that alt mi be pleased Who ealL: -The Wcotiori » central, commo dious and dlaumahj Fart: »Lper «»>’•. . , rA ritj,» game—a ucwTvW l.uthe oldjiafldw- . npon "mnlmckMdttTbyH GAJ/T HOC2tK, LOUaVtUA ''v. ‘ • ‘ lR .a TUEOCKiIOItTOX hep to acquaint Efl that ha i« agairi le«rt ol the tiALT tdaWfille; Ky-i hope* to meet *;«>ilt«**arin* theof cuid the public, that 411 h n!irtihallbo*pared»taaho till who H yngniCAM HOTEL, . . 'nnno*iie the’ltaifruid Pratt at.Bahimir®, Em u?SRY SC SMITH, proprietor-, {Hwot ibo Yx a'nfl Wi'Charlc* HoiMi, -fttotmrgL) <: ; * <wc» eMUre dew !-?/!'viT:--i(r'r,>n >■ !(. i>\ *■ " ; J .i.!S-U'*J ; .--iv j. : V : v■-:*'- :t ' 7._^i scM and for sale by •’ C BIBWPLL *.* / ■■■■.■ - ':.-r ■•: ••■ : \-]\-'■" ■ : . '■'••■ ; :• \ : -\>. . ... ?*. ; . ; ':_ : ii y.-V- : V : . -• : . xt. : vol. •■i comnUtlvn m! AsotlvA : Bualucta* . ■ • • • _> TUB amler*i*u«U«t udeaUw laiwbiiJdUW.Jto. 45, next door loMewru. OTdb&ia, Tod J k- Ox, alhln street, for tb« jmrpote of teUinjr »U 'deaenouoas « i £oodt at pubUc or private title », asdtrectcd, -yahtyw ; comupimenu for Auction Sale* wilt be promptly *t“ . icudcu-tu. ilewtllalM accoptof A*POCtea.far.M»n»“ facturers, and will u» hit belt eodraror* for their i®* - terrtt. in all ea*e« amount of tale or abstract ofiaW*, ■will be furnished hit irierwlaweoklyor mouthiy. ace Ota* .pnnied with cheek on Bank Jherc, Sr Bank check oa Eastern cities, when directed.' ' 3 . -Hahasextetmva room* orcr hi* store for the aalo ot Furniture, Carpeting. and other bulky article*. " • Wd nre surrounded by e'dente population of 40 mile* or opwards, with the moat fertile sot! in the West, and generally worthy fanner*, with 25 to 30 Tp-rrneand Til lage* in that' distance, ret not'eae Comnuytioa Uotua here.. A* LE 0 KAMDF- < r-xmomc,By- Jan 24, IMS. '!.•■' '- T REFERENCES— . Alessn. T. Anderson A Co.. . 1 ' gk “ L. L. gbrere t Co-’ • VLoniilMe C. \V. Aadcmm, E»)., f“ Mll f* lue V AVRichanlfon.-Cakli'r, j Messrs. Sprinsvr AAVKitemant )- ■ “ ' Cincinaml. J. L Eliuims J ■: • , Philip Sivigwvfifffo ") * .■>, • Peter Dudley, fcsq., VFranWbrt 11. I Esq., • ■ ' y John B. TiJlbrd, A Co, * W. HUrziru, & Co, K Swift Jt Co-'", John Dudley k. Co., M.T, Scott, Cashier, . SfATIOXAX, FOUNDRY, W«relioiu« CommerclalEofr|LibcxtXlt . T- ' •• PmttCTOtt. )' U > -'T-~l ir- .'-'.V •••.' *fr. .Subscriber having erectcil luge ted extemiTS Work* on Perm* vlniiua Avenue, ere now manuihc" - . luring, from new aadimprovednauani*i«Tery Yanoty o ; Coal and Cocking Stoves. Hollow-wan, Plough Call*- . ings. Wagon bvxea, Faqoy FU'eGrotasgrid’Fenders, Kficbeu do* with superior ranges fot CooktXg purposes, logttherwith every thing in tha houieboildlnglideifßck a s Conductors, Basin*, Scrapeiv VanU-tims, lintel* for. . window topa, railings; oalymd or made reorder. Machinery ordfife carefully and punctually attended to. - febl-dlm QUINN, MTRIDBACo. ■- .- - ~ I)Dq\;es.v'e “ " , Spring' Alii) Itul. and Iron Works. (IOLEMAN, HAILMAN a Co,-having completed : j their uew works, arenow prepared mmanaiae* jure every description of Coach aiu] Elipae Springs, • Iron Axles, American. Blister,- Spring- and' Plough; Steel, and all sizes'of small square and -itftind Iron, \ whicn they offer for sale on liberal terms, if theirwaiw*.-' house, No 43 Wood street; where they also keep; oa hand a complete and feandaopte usortment ofCoscA' Trimmings Carriage hardware, rite tie able eastings, ' Nall* ana Iron. • ■ C. 1L A. Co* have made,arraaxeiaenu with Messrs. Day A Crettx. msnufaetarms of Shovels Spades, Forks, ; Ac* and will keep constantly on hand every, article made by them. Dealers are respectfully, solicited to call, as prices and terms will be made liberal. •. jy* "Chleksrlni’i Plaaos. - ■ . • '• m • - A superb rosewood sue octavo Piano, new scale and patent Iron frame,' mad* - by J; Chickeriiig, Boston. - VI ■: I .*ll - A very elegant rosewood sue and a - half octave Piano, new scale,' arid patent lion frame, . made by J.Chiekerag, Boston. ' . . The above instruments, received to-day. -and apsr open for examination; for sale atMr.Chiekering*apd* ces for cash or approved paper. - :' Also, on hand, oue elegant rosewood Oothte jrtaal*, carved mouldings, and moulded leys, d octaves, mad* by-Gale A Co r New York. '. r One da. eerved rosewood 0 octaves, mads by Gale A Co n New York, One mahogany eeeood handJPiano, 8 octavem-of *x» cellent tone; and in good order, made Ay Chioherinc A Stewart, 8125. •' w ■ .1?, One superb grand Piano, made by Jfen, Paris! tad guaranteed to be the beet PiaooTorte in,ihn city, will bo Mid at a very moderate price. :i r feh!7. , JUHN H MELLOR, 61 Wood it - .Now .Plano Fortes* One elegant Bose wood six and a half oCrrj3£S3 octave Piano Forte doable raised cor*, r# « V ai Yl ner »i new scale,.lron frame-: madn by. 11*1 |>Chickering.Bostou. ' • One do. goUuc panels ana mouldings, fl octave—-Gaia A Co. New York. - One do. gothic panels and mouldings, A octave— Gale A Co. Naw-York. One superb grand. octaves—Her*, Pans. The al>ove pianos fortes -are i warranted, add ban been selected by the.-subscriber, particularly for their good quality of tone and finish as tnuucal instiumanis.. .For sale at factory prices by; . jpg ■ JOHN H AlELLOB^a.wpod *L - ***%— BetaltoAamrPiiiae. . F. l! '• A SPLENDID ajwnmentof Roae wood and Mahogany, grand action.. Ft* I'f * I | * aiios,.Frame, just fuusbed and for sole. ; Ato, two splendid Rosewood: Pianos, with Coleman’s' _celcbrnted Avoiiau Attachment, finished inthemost modern style, and for sale at j .F. BLUMES, : lid Woodjijrdet, 3 doors above ah, ■f •' Bell and BraH Foiuitiry, ~ " A-k A FULTON, Dell and Braes Founder, has ro* built and commenced business at his ©la stand,' will be pleased to see his old custotn* Church, Steamboat, and Bells of every sere, from ID to lu,cuO founds, cut from pancrua of the most approv ed models, and warranted to be of thq best materials. . Mineral WnW Dumps, Coanlcn,~Koiling, Ac., : to* getherwiili every variety of Brass castings, if requir ed, turned and finished iu the neatest momier.. if/-A. F- is the sole proprietor or-BijuiriV-Axn- Aintrno.'v Msrii>*o justly celebrated for this redaction - of friction in machinery. The Baxes and Composition can tic.liad of turn at all timas. jsJily Pittsburgh A ClsTtlandßalTßoidr* m'NUTICB TO STOCKHOLDERS.—An in stalment of ten per cent, {ihe 3tii instalment)- oii all subscriptiousin. the- coptud. stock ox uui company, applicable to that portion of the road ; under contract, is rcqoirrd to be paid on or before'tho : Ist dny of March IS4A Stockholders in Pittsburgh will pay to J W Robinson,, corner of 3d and wood.suq in Saliuevflie and, vicinity, to Joseph* O Loeoch; in . WclisvUle aud vicinity to James Stewart, local Uco** >' urcr. By otdcroftho board of directors,- ' • _ A G CATLETT, 800*7. - CWicc of the PAC R R Co; Wells nil e. • [feMdmazl " ITTITSBURC.irSTEFX WORKS~aST>‘ SFHING“ AND AXLE FACTORY. . : ' csxtc josns. , . jonr jrqcioo. JONES QUICK!, MANUPAC’I'URERS of rpriiig and' blister steel, plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and dip- ' tic springs, hanuncred iron nxlcs, and dealers'ULmal-i jedble castings, fire engine lamps, and eoachHrimmiug* cene rally, corner of Ross and Front sts, Pittsburjn, Type Foundry. THF. subscribers have taken the Tjpef Foundry, No. 69 Gold-street, ami will continue the business lately conducted by Robert 'Poylor.' They will atteud to tul orders with puctnality and dispatch. All the .Type manufactured by them will be lland Cast; ntyl will foraish all kimL of Primers’ Materials, of thri best quality. '' Mr. J. A. T- Overend is still employed in superintend* im* the manufacturing department ' • l’roprieto.s of newspapers, who havq not advertised for the subscribet. who may publish this notice for three months will be entitled to. receive their pay in type, oa purchasing times the tunoaul of their bills for ad vertising. ~-T. Old Type taken in exchango fomew at 0 cti per Jb. -Charles Whiling, ) ' WiUTINGfATAYLOR, . Theodore Taylor, J , (Successors to RpbTThylor,) ' jiutliJ ‘ _ Comer Oold'and Ann gtreeta Original < Boii'rartßrleltt« > : ' Jutl«»,on atrial of ou» and ahalf rj million*, since 1543. pronounce this article nnaur fused for durability in t&e ebasiruetioa of all kinds of ’urnnce*. Price-s23,7seash-forlo*d*oflUM,guar» auteed nine months use. Order* for a'second quality Bolivar Brick* will be executed at£2o per M, if «o de sired, without gnnntnlee. IA stock. of tbs; first quality - U-tiow for sale at the warehouse, ‘Sloan** Wharf’ Ca nal Basin, by - -J. SIIAW MACLABSN; .* *eptlitf___ i KcniingtnnlroaWorks, . BUACK ALPACCAS—W a Murphy ha*justopened a fresh supply of low priced and fine blsck'Alp'ac-- c as; also black »atin striped do;dodo barred do; drab -Alpaccoj.amla very full assortment of black Mohair- Lustre*, including a few nieces very fine and vetygio*- sy; at coruct of4th and Market sU.! 4 -, .- .jahtt : idVance ari'l*r intinepaper., ' JOHN ILMELLOR, ft Wood street, Agent for tin tale of Printing Paper, for.C. &. Lambdla k Co, would, infotm hi* customers that, in consequence of ths advance on rags,.paper will be chargedicnr the pres ent at eleven cauls perpound, or Imperial phut, at • • $3,7J- ■ Double Medium, 2l*a? at aji ‘ jagt JOHJfH MELLObT* : Boston Uode of Heating 1 fossae a*. MIL G. DtIXTER, of;Bo*tou, hd* n r raiiTcd and pa tented aptnn tor heating hoaM*,wfaicbhis been' successfully used in Bostou, New York, ever applied, ha* received the decided preference bvec stoves;Furnaces^etc. Usadvantages are~» .-.'iJl ' Kt.-Great regularity of temperature.' - 2d. Freedom from smoke. ■ 3d.- No onpleuani dryness., 4th. Easily attended to and not liable'to rtt ew of - Order.'" ; ■'■;••'•••••• . i. : 6th. Ureal durability. \ A model and specification maybe seen aotlippara* is obtained at the copper and Tlnwnnn factory of jWM B bCAIKL, First at, ' between wood and market - HOPS^— For sale a Tev bales Western New York prowthof ISW-i-£rortiBioJoc£iiT»: • . Also, J-jißLcrn and/AVestem NY, car)/ picked, tbia year’s growth. • Pnpie Ob id do. Belmont county, ■ i . The gcucral Eastern crop of Use season U fiow being received, Brewer* and other* using Hops, Will find It ‘ much to their advantage to obtain their suppljri&oa ih* undersigned. n» they intend tosell'throng-houuhe sea« ' . son at New Yorkpneei. • O. W. tjiirrH'A: 00., . ocUsddw • ;. _ Pittsbuigh JBrysnry. . • ' AVATO»A ClGARS—lOCiOOO.imported vOtgm of the following celebrated brands, part,to arnvp con.*i*ung of, Cevw,Aubiqoeiiod, Washington regalia*, . Rapides,’ Esculapie, Uo* Amigos,. tie Purler, London . Urania, Lord Uyron s, FalJa prmclpcs, '•team boat do. ' Villeva extra do, Sylvia's do. La Bayaderalit,’do do %«*.*>*** <°* teb7 . ~ : - eof SmithHeldA'ftbataL •’"»• i ’ Fiopneior. -TTfmTIXO A WRAPPING PAPER— : Vf MO reams ruled copfairaod • ;!00 * letter •. .. **■ **.“ u ” • . - an “ flat cap, good qualify, f.-i»w . •• _ , . yjo u Mue factory paper, • M “ -teapnper,' ’ 50 gnwt bound board*. .i -.' bundle* straw aad . rag wrappmrVjWr.' l« store and which we offer to the city trade aflovrcrieea ' •RKYaOUtw fc aJapT ’ . . A N U.IXHION will be ield at dm Uodse-Jazae* . ' -A- Allegheny county, a* Mon. day thcoih day of March ueXt, T -- - oi the Pittsburgh ami Boiler Turnpike Ro£l - suing year, liy order of the Hoard. m * Xl .-. ; ARTHrm McGtLL. "^"(JTICE— An Election tbr-Rrvea director* Of iho • - '•> i-V*” 6 Canal Company heWbrtte«ock»' ‘'•v boldersatthc*rA)fficemtheboroueh o’ EnVohJkSS day the bih day of March next, at 40 o'tittxlAi x. io»U LINEN LA\V.\?i—A .aapplr of Wh<rS«‘ipwwi* siouUy on band, also liven cambric onduaeacai*- ;• •'•* 'i; one WtitlkOs low priced an.l ftn.'- • - .“<?*“? ■ feb7 .t j W RMURPHY. *pLOott OIL CI,OTHH—LOfVyds, o " ' 4? article;aWOdo4-4Wide; oil cloth;4uido lwidc,daeF ' put received from Ph3lip*v«He Factory, and far safc2j, '" pur ware rw*s •*. - -• •• Jll PIULUPSL febiisv - - . • .aswoofn SI7XDEIE3 400Jox playing r«i r ri« | T r . 7 • Li}f c^ns^lonlihek, Ifrbaalrefa OUte oj}. 'XO'fifths *. .., * ' ' u 1 V. '“'' W0&&0 • lAxiagtoi.’;* 9. a. Toojsr.