~ - GROCERIES, fc. Mkhiikm, • hkiumkKm a. Co, Conual**iou .Mer chants, Philadelphia, Tor the «ale of produce ge nerally, iioeral advances made on consignment*. £ebs-Cta .. . . . : •\rrfsrr BOWEN—Commission »ud JgForwarrtine VY Merchant. Noi SW front St, between Wood and Market streets. -i ; j fchJl SUNDRIES— 400 Mil* Nl> MoUnses in prime order; ltd bhd« N O Sugar, old and new-, 000 bog*‘dark ereen Rio ColTecL in store and for sale by feb«l : CARSON A McKNIGHT MANUFACTURED TOBACCO—*J 3 bis Chapman'* -jo do Cmigres* V/l, 29 do Cavanah 6‘n* ItJ do HoMtU Robinson's s‘s, 15 Ives s*s, 25 do tlurrwnr* n>, •jj do Branch's I’*; on consignment at reduced rates, by fcU£t . i A CORDON.front i>t SHAWLS A RHUIONS-fA few very rich and sup. Cashmere Phawlej just received; also, Spring Rib bons, in great variety, at the dry goods house of frbSt ; i . W. EMURPIIY.^ ffTOBACCO— County Tobacco, rectiv . I ed ihi» day per sunr Now England, and .for sale by . JAMES HUTCHISON ACo feb23 J jO water ami W front sts *ITTASU BOARDS^—72 doz- Rice's Improved Patent Vy 2inc Wa»h Boards, wholesale and retail at man ufacturer** prices, by j j J D WILLIAMS, • feba ■ • ; UP 'Wood st BULK FOUK-2W pc'* bulk sides, just tec'd on com (ienment and for sdln bv J brown a cui.nnßTsoN feb23 : • L . 145 Liberty »t SUNDRIES— itu bags Orem Rio CoC'nc, vO ticrc*-.* rice, 1(1 Ibis Tun Oi bn* M Krai«iiis, in store and for sale by JOHN S DILWORTH fcbiM •. . !=• 27 Wood >t PRIME BACON—In store and smokehouse, con stantly for sale in any cjusutity, by ■tebsil * • . BROWN & CULBERTSON* SUNDRIES— 25 *ck* Feathers, Iddo Ginseng, 25d0 Goober I‘cau, 2do Dry AppW;4 bbls Beans; now landing per stuir Gcnc»see, for sale by feb'Jd ; ISAIAH DICICRY SUNDRIES— 11 blf* halfbbls do;lSbags tea thers; 5 sacks dried n|»ple« just received per SB Cashier, and for sale by [feihi} ISAIAII DICKEY A Co COPAL VAUNISU-5 bids 10 kg* Boston manufac ture, forsalejow by ItjAlAll DICKKV ACo feb2l ! i ;t water and ironist SUGAR— S bbdc.K O Sugar Just received oil con signmeui and for sale by lecil ISAIAH DICKEY A Co SUNDRIES— !U> bbls JL O. Mola*»es.OO hhd* prime N. cougar, 70 bbls ass'td Nos Isolde; just receiv ed andiorsakJ>y I JOHN S. DLL WORTH «ISII-Whiic Fish in barrels andhlfbbls fersale by febSl .I ISAIAH DICKEY A Co TvRY PEACHES—IO bbls Dry Peaches, 2do do Ap |_l pies; for sale by ; !• S. F. VON BONXIIORST A Co TfcYK FJ.OCR—CbbI» Itf> flour, for mlc l»y xi a&t 'J9 t’ VON BONMIOBST&Co EGGS— G l»bU frr*h *ggii''ail-received eu consign loeut and £ur *ale by i ul'Jtl 'POINDEXTERA Co RICE— 10 tierce* iu*t‘received by the ritvatara, for ,>]«by IftteOi- MttnVN & CULBERTSON , LARD-10 bbl* a:id k(>g* No 1 LaW for sale by/ feUO _ i _J*.llFLO\f> CtLOVER Peona Clover Seed/for t »ale by (felndT t J& K FI.oVD . BUCKKTS— *0 doz Heaver Racket* for *ale*b£ IIcUOJ) >; J & R FUJYD YINECiAR.— 1W bbls Cider Vinegar, cn baa'd and for •ale low for ctuh by • IL.r- fcCHlVtU'l'll, teWJdlw | V lfcg liberty ■ireet. AHHKS— ll> c.fcs Salcntlus; 10'do No t Black Sails, for tale by / f eb« Carson &/Mcknight RICE— £5 llcrces priai Uicc just/receiveJaad foi lalsby |- ■ t'OiN A Co tcbJS •? / 41 water st GOLDEN SYRUP—II) btibbU VSt James ReDnery;” No 0 S just received and for Mile by ,eb£J ■:POINDEXTER A Co 'ISII—£OI;!f t.UsNo 2 : Mackerel; jnst received and for sale by' [fcbSJj 'i / POINDEXTER &Co ORANGES —M l>xs just received per *imr lien Rosb, and for sale by . ATWOOD JONES A, Cp ieh2J j i ' . STUCCO ar.d Pljuiet'ofPori* from the mill of R VF Cunningham, for sale by GEO SV JACKSON, ~ia2lilantlvcJin.S ;/ i 4lii «t nrnr in>rrty. MACKEREL— bbU No U Mackerel, large eur, in store ami for sole by ‘ __ icbKtf / i JOHN SCOTT A Co. SPTS. TUREEN , tTNI->*3o t>bl* in siore acd for sal* bV / • i: joel juobleil /. icxlaiul Firth streets. TEMPER BERRIES —£ bay (fresh) jo«l rac'd anil jf for tale by J' ,II E SELLER* 1 . / !cb!7 - ! I- ' J /..' V . 00J - St '_ TkOSE TLNK—I Cask jutt rechl and for tide bv Xv feU7 | K_EJ? ELLERS. CHINES E"VER.MILUON—'-’O lb* iu«t rcfd hm tale by } Ifctl7) R E SELl.ld.fr. POW’O ARSENIC—asd Ibsju&t-rcc'd and tor wie by fcbXJ • ; -R E SELLERS. nr% EF*D BOROX TAG.—a cares just rco’dandfor tl, tale by i [fcbl~] R K SELLER!^ □IQ I-kais-1?1 Fir* Lead just rac'd per sir Amen f e* and for rale on by iabl7 miHHHIUGE, WILSON A Co. W mcr * IYE FLOUR—I 3 bbU Superior far sate by p feblp J D;WIhIJAM!j,JU) Wood_st- CHEESE— W boxes for sole by febl? - ' l JD A\ ILLI-Ols. 5 conri^nmeiitand^Vir *ale doz Egg*; 15 doi Tow Yarn; 100 '& Hickory Urooms on Consignment and for sale lij ; , !, J D WILLIAMS. T?BESH TOMATOKS-|-0 *soz hi bwl**. ? “S erioT P article JfeblTJv __ J D_VVILIJAM^. — n>*coil* :i, 4J.. si, ntufO in. 4, coiUSi.-andO in. Tarred Kope* on coaMgwneiil *nd ibr «ale by •" J c r-UJWELL, A* iw febis ; t W ninr ttrcct. ASTOE OlJv—sbl>l»just rce'd and for «le by (eb!4 - -f J SCHOOSMAKgn * C« I.CNCAN-. &NSBOB.W * Co. PIG l-KAli-iai pin for *tle by . febia 5 F VOX UONNHLRST & Co. SCYTHE doz for rale by . feblS ■« F VONJIONNHORsT WliPfiT \KH—S btA» prims inspected for itUe by., fcWt* S F VOX BONNHORbT k. O. Tl-'.AS—HU half chciu and caddie* koang V K'rson, Gunpow4er libd* pnms X O «u?ar. e loaf “ 6 •* cbrisbetl u m rtore and for (/cb7j 1 O BLACKBURN A Co. PATENT BUCKETS-Htf doe, for sate b f feb7 r -O I3LACKBUUN A Co. STAHCH— 15 boxes of Boubrigbuno 1, for sale by J Co._ PTIASTEST’AEiS —Suitable for Lani'Ac., always on baud am) for salelal No. -44 Lilwrty sinet, near Cana). tjelCti/ W. W.WALLACI. bbta No 3 large; - . 2D bi>W No. *, for sole by iy ja ' & IIEAZLETON, cast tkfe diamonds SPADES A SHOVELS—Hay and Manure Forks maunfoclored by Jolin Parvis A Co. For rale Uy GKOttGB COCHXUN.-kofo A(&,- vvj| ' • j No. 20 Wood si.. LA.HD OIL—IS bbJs Coupling's No'l. Lard Oil, in ... ■\TOULD boxts Would Candle* in T»»"" “ d ‘? raSJC t r SELLTJIS A NICOLS._ rpALLCHV—a? bnrreli 1 TjJlow'justJfc’ X Heaver »nd£br»alejl>i' ~ t »i> ~«/%«. fcblO , - *> & W mBBAICH. iScTkrg*NdiiLftSTlO barrel* do iomlt by, | 8& W HAHIiALOU. CORN— 50 tv» yellow Com just on con siruraent and for sale by feblH !'• 6A W lIABgAUOIt BEANS— 30 barrel* "wliiie Beans jus! receiyed aud for tala by \ 3 A HAREAL’OH- PEACHES— 50 sacks dry Beaches, 100 sacks dry apples received and for sale l.y febia , . ..V SA W IIARDAI’CII. BUTTER A ECGS-tS barrels fresh roll hatter 3 do fresh ccrr received on eandgumeni and for sale by tcMP , 68 i Pfc W 11ARKAUG11. FLOUR - barrels Flour, Smith brand, extra; 12 do Porters brand received per «r Bearer and for sale V SAW 11ARUAUQU. QW f “ *"*'* Noun’S Ifoiu. an-. ■A l ff?r ,lil " ,fi ' >1 P MOBOAtt iHStse "wlwSKSS^r* 'lr.hfui° %>o 7Comn»=rtrial Row, l.bgnyt- CIDEK VIKEDAR-10 bill* old cidst oii*s« K> “• «Mw“ >Jfor ‘ > f. bl9 :: J KIDIJ A La. WB^as-»p}jg!»a t • * c* .L'NCAN'3 EITfiCTORA-Vr, OENUINB-J ik*. ' for sale by . ' J KIUP A Co. •T?EATUEnS-a salfks Fearer* landing Iron* matt. r l’haaix and for s*lc by . * ' _ *bx» . i: . _ JAMES PAL/ELL^ CORIC&-41 bales velvet'twufe eorls for sale by frhia . i joiiN n Mon(;dN^_ TjCCKEI'S AKLOU I I—I3I ifol Beaver Buckets; 30 fl bbls Family Flout for sale by ' busbclt! 'snciicd corn in l.b!s and sack*} ‘Hta***I** 1 ** MttaLS. ncsiiroaj * ; T\RY APPLES—CO bus pood quality for sale by*~“ i I) GKO STEPHENSON, ) lebSl L corner 4th and Ferry strest*. '■ J^iTl£EJrS?*Fl7tSr-i!s'bbls Green Pippin and Van* >T devers, for cole by ~v r. vTi>'PUP\ joxbs *Co MISGELEANEOUS. SWEET MALAGA A SALTERN E WINE-OO'cr casks S. >LWure; 15 rjr cask* Haul Sauiento do, i«t received and for tale by "» febld - : .MILIXj^AJUCJHTSON. SitniTi.mins— m.wxi ip« I’iitlbargh «niokcd'Shoul ders on hand and for sale by y fcbll ! ; WAR XCUTCHEOX. 'AMS—II>.(aX) Hit Pittsburgh tmoL'ed Ilamt no hand . and for sale hr {fell] W It hCCUTCHKON. -50 boxi-s W K Clicesr for sale b; rpAR—25 bbl* Wiltniuirion Tar just recM and for sale Xby ~ . j AjILLFJI A KICKETSON. __ MUSCAT WINK—2S boxes Muscat Wine ju*t rco'd and for *nto_by__ MIUJ'.IU IIICKETSON. BRANDY FRITT—Y case* lirandv Fruit just rcc’d _ awl for tale by) MILLER A ILCKETSOX. _ lbs just ncn'.l and for side bv tVbta li R K SEIXKHS, 57 Wood M. GLASS— PJO btiXe* H*lU \V. Gin**;4o boxes 10*41: do; M boxes lit* 14 Un; for side by SOLE LKATII KR—£SOO lbs red Sole Leather for sale _by IfebliJ K ROUISON A Co. CHEESE— 02 boxes Crama Cheese, large <■«<«, rve'd n»d fur sule-by i \V & U lU'CirixdlEGN, jlcbll ' ; 132 Liberty street CEDAR LOGS.—'ill will be very" consignment.' j ISAIAH DICKEY .VCo, feltd. L water A from tit. COFI'EK —2UO tanks Rio Coffee for tale by frb!4 SHOT— 22 kegt Shot, No*. 1,2 and 5 for *nlc by J'cbJp { POINDEXTER A Co. OILS— Winter bleached whale oil. ** 1 “ l»rd •* always on band by [fcbTl OBLACKBURN A Co._ ITtLOUII— 5U bbl* 1 extra superfine Fnntilv Flour (bt . tale by lfeb!)J_ WICK.&, M'C AN BLESS. ipODACCO—I4O bxs saporior3.« Tobacco for tale by JL_ feb? i WlCfCjfc M’CANDLESS. O OAF—IO boxes rosin Soap for sale by k 5 fcbtH | I*OtNDEXTKR A Co I —27 jtark* prime Tetui., to arnve by itr. Lady Byron. lor side by j ,ISAIAH DICKEY A Co- MR 2 Wuiet and Front «t». ranks pure Sattrraius; "/To boxes do do; ree'd and fur tale by , j KOBT DALZKLL A Co.. ffbld / j ' liberty street. PORK— 14 tibts nieis. nnd prime Fork in »iore and for tale/ } McGll.U BUSHFIED A ROE. BATTING— 50 bales Cotton Bailing for tide by fcbjjr McGILU BUSHFIEI.D A HOK^ rpOIIACCO— lu kepi No 1 Vn TvTist for tale by X feb'l2 MrGILLtIiUSHFIELD A. KOE. ■\T^LASSES —HO bbl* plnntaiion Molntses landing I>X from a:r Clipper No for sate In feblS 5 —JAMES DAI.2EI.R_ CHEESE —75 l«Xet WII Chec»e for sale by feblg ~ j _ . JAMES DALZKI.L RICE— 10 uercesiuice ju*t rer'd and for isle bv feblg j MILLER A IUCKETSUN t pOUACCOKS—£*i boxes iwsorted Tobnceoe* lot sale X by F VON DONNHORST A Co. C AL.RRATUS—4 eatks for sale by pjebtj ft F VON A Co. JUST received, 5(1 Yb* Prcclp. Carb. Iron, andlbr sale by l lie bit) J KIDD A Co. VARNISH— 159 jal» New York Varnish, for *-itc by fcbll (Chronicle copy) . J K1D1) 4 fo. D'”~ RV PEACHEsI-i’.O but Dry.Feacbes, 7U do Dr>‘ Apples juri received and for sale by tebll S & W HARD AUG 11, S 3 Wood »t EUU. mrrrEßpS till Roll Huucr ju«: liaOL-ij ami lot sale by' lcl)U : [_ " ' S k' W UARRVUGII. ID bbls Scorching rcc’J per Caleb Cop* and tor sale by lebll j S k W HARBAUGU. BULK PORK-HtiOO lbs Bulk Pott, hog 1-ouud, ju»i received and for xalo by icbll » S A W HARBAUGH. BACON— WO Hahn; 204 ?idei; liji Shoulder*; city cured,m store yind for *ale by ; lebll 5; . S& W HAIUIAUCH. VALENTINES-k splendid assortment Valentines comic and s-eufimentaL for sale bv leblO JOHN H MKI-LOR. HI Wood m SUGAR AND RICE-7 hbds N O Sugar, Id Uerce* Rice landing frdra ttr Colorado and tor sale by • _fcblU i JAMES DALZKLU JUST rrc’d. 50 Ibi llyd. Potash, for sale by fcbl2 (Caron, copy] J KIDD & Co. LARD— 50 cans of a superior quality, put up express ly for family ustf. ju*t recU and for sale by leblv! ? DROWN A. CUI-BERTsON. 'f\7IN'DOWGL.VSS-SOOlioxes:i'’Ur, 150 boxes Kin \V 12; 100 boxe»;lfi*l4. for sale by lebld S] V VON DUNN HORST ACo. SUGAR AND MOLASSES—2OIihds prime iV t) Su car, 40 bids pnitic N O Molasses just rccM ar.il lot rale by Qa2c|. SELLERS A NICOLS. Iv)iA— ,10 luiTf chests Y H tea; sdo Irup. and Gl’ do 10 do Cuulau Pbwchocg; 00 eattv boxes varioui styles, for *aJ«s by J D WILLIPMS, jc2fl • s. 110 weod street LARD— 1 bbl. i'bbl and 0 tec* No 1 leaf iurdTreu dered, for ►alelly WA -M MITCHELTUEE, ja2tl >" It'iU liberty u. BLACKTvOOD^ioTInVTo!i"A^"s i ceived Blackwood"* Edinburg Magazine, No. WO. for December, 1547* 1 ___ < jan3l aTLs”aNTYsT'LREc'—O&TYecs nail* and spites assorted, in store and for sale by ;a27 j ■ s L S_\VATER»L\N. __ iTONE boxes »tone pipes for sale by ) ;OA> l WICK A APCAXPLKSiS, WINTKIt WHiUJ: OIL—S cask* bleached, jo« reed and forjaalc by jantt __ \• _ J SCItOOViIAKER ijCo. Sal SODA— 2300 lb* jnat rec'd tuid for saJ*: !.y { 3 SCHOONAtEKER A Co. ianOl ; SO 21 WOO(l •!.< CAREEN AUULKS—H bbU prime,’ by r J»2L j~ _ _ WICK A M’CAXDLKSB. SA Ll'/RATL'S—I4 cask* Cleveland for aaie by . .util WICK A. M’CANDLISH^ B~ACON— A mail lot prune.’ for aale by'" Ja vl_ __ j_' I_IVICK A MCANI>I.I^S. EACOX AND HULK FORK -arls r KEVNOLIM &• CORK— 18 bU*i Cora iu*l lamlinc from»irMcipp« and for eaie by ' JKO » DILWOItTH, fcbl3 ' * ; No S 7 -Wood •». H OUio Hop* for *ale by fcbls I JOHN S Dlf, WORTH Wlim-i UKAN'rf-li bbN NTivy, i-i»t rvc il and sate by ' »& W HATIUAHOH, feblS Wood -7 bbl» irr»b 1101 l Uuuerjunt rec'il WICK A. hjVANDLIkSrj. FLOUR—Id-I* cxira Family Flour jnst rec't! itrul forwale by WICKJcJII'CANDLLSy^ I~ TliK^riioLl/BUl'l'LU: 12 bit!* priiuo just rtcM < and lor hale fry WICK A. M BACON— 10,000‘lb* prime Shoulder*, city curedrGOW lb» prime Fi«r^* t for *a!e l>y • ~ leblg y ji REVNOLT* & SHKK. ! per steamer TL'BPKNThNIr-1 bl>l Venice Turpentine tor «nlc by T John d .mokgan._ CHKESE— 00 chrefc just fcc'd Rtul per sti Michigan arm for .ft)e *o* fehtS h Ij&IAH IMCKT3YA C' feM« _ *= v JOHN D MOIIOAX. RYK Mila Mint Rye J}‘ tiM and 1 1 " * IURALOI tcW '<»d it. CASTOH « COPAL VAU&ISIJ—3 Übls CopaJ Vamisli, N Y. Ni l and 2, for «de by . JOHN D MpKGAN._. MACASSAtt ju»m'e’d and for«il«bjr fablO j JOHN O MORGAN. IOn.AU I.UjJIJER, uul iWJoirc, for *al« by \V. W. WALLACE. MACKI-.tlElJtf-luu th!y So. 3 Wr.'?; for note l»y t uuwari) lnuzurroN, J«*>B <- . 1 yiJe Diuirmi; COKX —51 b‘j)y t belled com lanilin*. '‘ / fcM« ; .McC.IM„ lil.Stii UXD k ROE. PUBEPDiat VINKUAIIfor jialoLv ~/* felil-S 17E.^THERS{- , - , 7 fcict. uuw itndin? irnfa fit Lady 1 Byron awl lor yalc by / itbiw ~ ^!Ln & Co. CtQi.W jjJUNS—o:i»*uct uowlaticliiic from rir Lady t Byron uwßtor sals by - f icl.ji j[ i & Co. CBUSHED^UUAU—» bid* Uv/riii S> fru-lied >»u. Ifarlormloby , '.r - ieb(S : l M ICK KjrOANM.r. 1 *!’ FII.VF.WZUP SVpAP-Jp.f.l.mU Ltrerin«’», a, sale by }_ )VJ r^'A rC a\ I oaf suoXi’.-u" sbi'-vi.-"* ‘o(»i j aalc by j WlCk it MCASliy.fi;**. S ricks of ail kitnla lor t,y ftblf j AVICK & M'CAS DLfyg. S l g l;il f tM 9- w|< tetSU >s Li ic-lilW'it j ± A-t-AIiK .. ;ihf. CtmTON 111 miC-Oiie t'C- Fesvy .lam- FCncY' £^\SS>lMnitKS— Five ***** ucw SI.Ada.f7TT 4 WI?TK._ T/iMss;Hteir<;iii':('i:s r; iV». eubfirnit *«• K Uh «jft« ) Icbjo i . Sfi„ BARLLYr MOltuheli for *r!c by . frUB T . JAMBS DALZEU f|V) ARRIVE—2S iack> Feathers; 13 suck* Gumne; X 2S ficfe* (.locifct/ l'*#*: 0 sack* Dry Apple*, lor tale by ]... ISAIAH DICKEY & Co., ftfelS (' W*t*ra&dFro»:iU- COMMERCIAL RECORD. ‘"I«M3 ' ' 'EUIIUARY. 20 Saturday, 27 Sunday, 29 Monday, 23 Tuesday, 1 Wednesday, a Thursday, 3 Friday, , PITTSBUUGII BOARD OF TRADE. coMMrrnx for February, . LOOEXC. ' 30SHTA Hassa, —• W. J. IuTTFN- OFFtCE PITTSUVCGH GAZETTE, J • Tuesday Moraine, February 29, ISIS.) The market, generally, is without any important Tin* weather, yesterday, wax quite pleasant, and .{here was more than an ordinury Mir along the wharf, with a corresponding briskse*» through the R ROBISON k Co. Flol’h—Very little was doing in the market yes tenhy, tlicre is, however, no marked change in quotations. Wc continue to quote store sales in a smut! way si S4,2Gwi*l ,37, und some choice brands at SI,SU bbL Sides from lirst hands ul $124,121 . as in quality. i Guaiv—Very lilt'o is duiug in the market Wo hear of limited sales only at the following rates: Wheal, 99c; Rye 50e; Barley 403545; Oats, 20©27 bu; Corn 37. Fr. dvistov,—The market is steady, but nol ac tivii. Sule.' Ol* 1 5,000 lbs Bacon at 4, 5 and Cc (p Ul. Country lots are sold at 1 to ic less. Lard is Gnu, with sales of 10 bbls nt sR2s!c—choice ke has been sold to a limited extent as high as C|c 9 l>ound. . Sales of Roll Butter at 125rl 2|c, and of keg at 9.'Sloc if lb. GcocEsies—The market is without change. bn. Beeswax—We heqr of no sales worth reporting. It may be quoted at 21(022c p &).' j Ale—We now quote regular sales of! Pittsburgh lauufoctured at $0 without, and $7 including ink. Of xx, which is usually sold at SS, the Asuc—’The market is quiet, and prices remain steady. Wo qncte Saleratus at 7c; Pearls at 71c; Pc?U sc; Scorching* 4-125 c, and Soda Ash at \\Q •lie <> I&. Il\E Fiaive—Sales at $3^023,G2 p bbL Btcewheat Flgue—The market is dull, with idcrato sales only at $121,25 p 190 Ota. Tns Major Barbocu.—The Henderson Ken tuckiun Mates that the dautugo this boat sustained by sinking is :e«titnsted by Ike agent of the msu. ranee compunics at about $3,000,-—and it is sup posed she can be raised aad re-fitted (br navigation by the first of Apris They have auceeded in rais ing her a little, but on acconnt of the rise in the ri ver, operations have been suspended tor the pre- Collision—We learn from the Louisville Journ- al that the steamers Chtide Harold and Homer, the former descending, came iu collision on the night of the 11th, near New Orleans. The Childe Harold received but'little injury*, and towed the Honier back, which had her starboard guard and black, smith shop carried away, ami her starboard engine broke. |CovMmfm. —A counterfeit Slot) note, on the Canal Bank of New Orleans, was detected on Tuesday by Messrs & Morton. The vignette is a Ibcomotivc, with two car*; the engraving doue in the same masterly manner as the several reveal counterfeits on Ohio and Missouri banks, and well calculated to deceive.—(Lou. Cour. $TKAim* Rlmtoold fcyxx.—We learu that the earner Ringgold sunk in. the Arkansas •r trip d'.ivvu, Haded tn>'Mly with erni and cottiin, ith a large uuuibert f passengers »-n bonnl. ruck on the shoal*, near what are unn e to learn, imd stink iu four feel wate. Her ma- Ijinery, cabin furniture, nnd upper.works will be wed. Tbcfe were no lives lo>l- The Ringgold •ns insured in this eitv for $9,000, and under the ommand of Capt-McFhcrson.—lb. The following tables exhibit the Grocery and Provision irride of Citiciuuati: . Imports £nj£n fc'cptrrabet tfl to date, t\»o »f n*ou*. isic-7 • isn-a Sugiir, hhds 68*11 [Sugar, hhds 1 3.01" Sugar, libls bbls 4314 Sugar, tx* OSfilHnjrar, Lxa 1718 Muhuues, bb!s 12,000jMolasses, bbls 20,301 Col Tee, L?g» 22.313 Cbflee, hgv 45,118 Hicc,trcx &12|IUce, trca. 1131 3 Kxptirt- iroci Ist to date. two t^a*ou». J ISI6-7 Pork, hbds Park, trcs Pork, bbl? Pork, H»-* Beef, bbls Beef, ires Lard, kgs Lard, bids Brioutox, February 21. —At market, 350 Beef Cattle,TV pairs Working Oxen, 10 cow* and -calves, 1500 sheep, 245 swiue. Prices—Beef CaUle, ssl, $O, SGJ and $6,75. Cows and Calves, S2S, $35 and $37. Working Oxen, sales limited at $75 and SSO. Sheep, $2,25, $3, 53,50 $1; one lot of 33 Sheep, very superior, sold at 912,50, cash. Swine*—liSSe. BrwcnJtrlllt*-— Per'Atlantic— 1 ble indse, Foniyth is co; 145 do do, Graff; 22 pcs bailer iron. Burbridge Jc Wilson; fa sks wool, lackey de eo; 3 bx* mdse, owner; 1 pkgs do, M Allen & co; 7 do do, Ilay* is Black; 21 do do, Forsyth Jo co. Per I/?ui.s MeLane—4fa pkgs mdse, Grail; 4do do, Forsyth fc Duncan. T>ea\rtt —rer Lake Erie—2o bg» cotton yarn, Fncnd, llliey fc co; 53 doit bams, ilnce. Per Michigan—lo bgsrrags, Reynolds fc Slice; 1 ert patterns, Anderson ic .Son; 1 lot hoop poles Me Kecvcr. iiijiMri'ZA?—Per Ludlour—2o bblsc seed, 10 kg' tobacco,' Church ,k Cnrotliers; 25 bbU flaxserd, Bagnley &;Smjth; G bbU lieaiis, Rilz; 1 kg butter, 3 do lurd, 7 ties> 02 lilf do do, Hutchison; 2 do beef, 4 bdls calf akin* Long, 01 bbla, 4 trea lard. LippencoU Ac Son; 460 bains gr hides, Bryaut; 29 bbls iurd, Bagaley Ac Smith; 4 hhd* tobacco; 1 bdl samples, Hutchison; 1 ; iron safe. 4 frames, 8 doors, 1 MI ring boll*, IWb i,uni Garrisop; 8 bbls broken glass, Curling, Hob jjiHon As co; 1 bx tjook*, Clark l£ Thaw; 2 do do; Mellor, 1 do do. Hay* Ac Black; 50 bbla whiskey, 15 bx* soap, 120 pcs h Meat, Knox & Duncan; 10 hxs books, Beeson; 44 bbla hama, W A: a MeCutcheon;' 02 bbla potaloce, McGuire; 29 bbls whiskey, W & M Mitcheltrce; 49 bbla eorn, Coleman. ilUilmmA: co; 1 bx, 1 bdl 1 bbl broken glass, Bakewell, Penra As co; 0 bis; cotton, 09 shs l*ifilhsr», I’oipdexter A; co: 2 ease*; 5 bdls steel. Wallingford! Ac co;. 40 c#ka; 2 bblsmdse, Schoonranker 20 bbla molasses, Atwood, Jpijc# A: «x»j'2s do do, a A*, co; 19 caksi bacon, Campbell; 7 dr bide*, 8 bdls deer skins,.Young & co; 1 lo; prjtfinc and machinery, Anglo Saxon. Per Hibernia—-10 Uca dr beef, Oakford, 1 hlf bbl hntn*, McFaden Ac co; 3 bxsspecie, Hojmp? Ac Son d bbls shoulders, Mitchell; 15 bbla hum*, Oruni, McGrcw A: co; 119 bbla whiskey, J DoJzell A* co; 2 bbls caudles, 111 bx* pork, Grail; 80 bl* cotlonj More bead Ac Copeland; 2 do do, Atwood, Jones Ac co: 9 hhdl sugar, Gallagher 45 bbls molasses, J C Uidwcll. . \ j Per llia)il|ndcr— SQO kgs lard, Myers;! 17 bbla haju", 5 lihtfs bacon, Atwood, JonetfAc «xj; 1 bx books, Felix; 1? bhds bacon, 20 bx* do, I’erry; 15 bbU grease, Shdcnbcrper Ac co; 100 bxs bacon, II Grail; 121} bl* cotton.'King Ac l“ennock, 11*5 tjo, Kennedy At Child*; 10.bbls dr trenches, Johnson At Plunkett; 21 bids barns, 3 dox brooms. Major; 4 hkls tobacco, I bbl seed. Hutchison £ Ac.—The Genuine llay*?i Linimar is an arndn more jmUy celebrated as a ctiro for lb übovo t ban any or all mhers. Its cores are almost )r nuiaerabje. Sold by WM. JACKSON, Agent' for Pitli k“ r S u - ). npyiediwOmT ' . r ■ 4—- CbJ* a Foul Breath—lf yott have, as« two shillrn? bfUUa of Jones’ Amber Tooth Paste.-Ths will make your bjeath iwaat, whiten yonr tcath,Ac- Sold « 69 Liberty:*, neriMfcwly ALMANAC. Moon's . ,r h " B li- <5 27 5 0 C 15 C. a) 5 5 7 22 055 5 t> b ill 0 0-1 5 10 0 41 (I Si Sll 10 47 0 ai, 512 nsu 030 • 5 13 morn. 9G9olPork, hhds 19.100 2845|Pork, Ire* GStS 100,302 Pork, bids 127,300 1.453,5 "OjPork, fts 1 £93409 0063; Beef. bbU 11,253 53S"iBeef trc» 2192 92.123] Lord, kgs 145.053 33,G30jLnrd. bid* 50,103 Cattle Markets. IMPORTS IIY UIVBR. PORT OP PII’TSRDRGtH. G- rETT WATBI El 'OUAXSErT-rAIiINO. i ABRn^D, Beaver, Clark,'WellsvUlc. - Caleb Cofe, Beaver and Wellsviue. Dispatch; JJelson, Brownsville. Monterey,. Morrison, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Farkmso s n, Brownsville. America,Dc Camp, Cin. Wellsvilhj, Bams, Sunfisb. Ijiko Erie, ITcmphill, Beaver. Highlandqr, Parkinson, Cin. - Hibernia No. 2, Klinefelter, Cin. , i DEPARTED, Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. | MichiganlNo 2, Gilson, Beaver. 1 Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Wellvnlie. Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. 1 Monteroyj Morrison, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Boras, Suntish. Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Consul, Dushatie, Wheeling. Monongahcla, Stone, Cin. BOATS REAVING THIS; DAY. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, 8 *. », anj 3 CINCINNATI PACKET, 10 ». a. i BEAVER PACKETS, at 9 anil. 10 A. M-, and 3 o'clock, T. W GLASGOW PACKET, 4 e. x. PACIFIC, Louisville. EUREKA, St Louis and Illinois River. LOYAL HANNA, Wabash. DOVjERj Wialmab. SL Louis! v HUDSON, Nashville. r The river lost evening was 0 feet water and fulling slowly.; PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR tB4B. Steamboat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati, 10 a. n. ' ; Passenger Paeset via Brownsville tp Baltimore, anil I’biladelphia. d a. m- and 0 r. M. Mail Coach liiie direct to Philadelphia, 0 a. ■. and 12| f• *• .- Western and Southern Mail Coach lane, 0 a. m. North-We stem Via Cleveland, daily, 10 a. M. Erie and WesteVn New Y'ork, daily, t> a. x. North-Fjutern (toiladelphia, daily, except Sundays, 4, a.'*. ‘ ARRJYALH AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. Kastcm Mail tin Philadelphia, due 3 a. at., clorc* 12 X. West'll Mail, Cii'cin. AlA)ui*v,da&9 r. u\ closes 0 a. x. Souih.vlaltnlurtibre AWn«hlngtou, due 9 r. m. cl’rSa. it North Western yin Cleveland, due 10a. x n clo*r»VA.X. Erio and Westerii New Y'ork, doe V r. n.. e!o»e» 9 a.*. A* Mason 4b Oo»* 69 ma ax itt sT.inmvxrs thuiuato voextn srzrxrs, INKOILM their friends and ihe public generally, that being about to remova to the spacious and clejr.nl Store recently erected on-lbe adjoining LoL They will close out their lfrg e and | well selected stock ol FaII and Winter Goods at cost, and in many cases less than cost, to enable 4 them to open their new store with an entire stoek of New Goods. The sale will commence this day and continue to the first of March, or until their removali Their extensive assortment ot : Dress Good*. wi|l be sold full 30 per cent less than usu al prices. They consist of the most fashionable Cash, meres and Delanes, Gala, Mohair, Silk and Oregon Plaids: Also, Bombaiines, Alpaccaa, Ac. Cloak Goods—FrtDeh ami German Mennot, Queen's Cloth, Freneh Fiaid Cloakings, Bread Cloths, of all the most fashionable colors. ■ Black and fancy Dret* esika ol every varietyi Shawls—Cashruere, Terken, Tartan Plaid, and oilierahawls—a very Urge assorunent. fully redncedonehalftn price. Hanncls—Welsh, English and American jFlannels, of all colors and nualmes. Bonnet and Cab Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Gimp* and Fringes, Wroucnl Collars mid Capes, Laces, Artificial Flowers, Plume* and Feathers, Scarfs, Cravats, Hand kerchiefs, Fanffy Linen Goods oi every description. Woollen Good*—Cassuneres, CewineUi, Veilings, Beavers, Pilots, Tweeds, Jeans. Whitney and Bath Blankets. Also an extensive assortment of domestic Ginsbama, Checks, Stripes, Ticking*, browa and bleached Muslins, etc.- Thelollowin* will be some of the Prices: Cashmeres at j lei c. Usual price 37| Mousselin de Limes, 124 “ ’• Gala Plaids, • 60 ITO Mohair AOregqu rtoids, CO " * Alpseens, r lb| -"'t Flannel*, 1 80 Wrought Collar*, I=4 Calicoes, 1 oto 10 u “ 124 Cassineus, ! 29 to 31 " “ •** ... . Together with every article in the Store, which will he offered equally; cheap. Visiters may be assured that they will noi be:disappointed in the quality or prices cf I our good*. | QaiUt] A A MASON A Co. Young Ladles’ Seminary* MR. N- W.&U-7TCALF*vouldannouneoto therm ion* of Allegheny ami vicinity the intended ic* innval of lus school from the comer oi ya:nlu*k}' and Strawberry streets ** here for the last twelve months he ha* been leachfitC- On and after April I*l he will oc cupy rooms ©u Federal street in u Coicnade Row." 2d di>or from the tindge. The Academic "Year will con uslTof two ncffriou* of five month* each commencing on the first Monday iu Febmary and &eptcml*er. sates of -rriruts rxn sesmou or m e movtu*. Fji' , l»«h liepiitment—lncluding Kendirg. Orhpgra- K- r - » t .d drliiiii«. WTiunj:. EjiglisiiGrauitnar. lUictom-, .-IC, Engli*b -Composiuim and Criucvtm, Gei-graphy. History, Aritbideiie aud the higher branches of Mni.ie maucs, Notunil Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronuuy. Botany, Phy»itflogy. Geology, Intr.lleetuul ar.d Moral Science and all oti.er branches requisile to a thorough English education- Classical Department—lncluding the Latin, Greek and French language* each an additional charge of-• -M OO The servlcesjof competent Teachers are secored lor such as may desire to receive instruclious in drawing, pointing, and rdusie. , , Those designing lo enter will find U for their tnlerest lo do so as near the opening of the sesaion a* possible: yet pupils will be received at any time’ during tl.e session and will be charged oi the above rates only from the time! of entraore. No deductions will bo made lor absences except in eases of proiraeted illness. Any infonnafioo vrhichimay l-e desired will be cheer lolly cumnmnicated_lo Jhose who call ujkju the in structor al Ms rooms. jaftdlT j Reference also be mado to the following gemie- ITd" T F Dat**, Allegheny, Hon. C. Staler. l*iit»b'g. ! Rev. D. FJiKdt, - Her, U. 11. Riddle, “ Mr. H. P. Scl t Vau >• Rev. 11. Dyer Sewlßook* mud Perlodieali, JUST received at M- A. Miner’s, Smithheld street, 3d door frotn Second. Goiley’s Uadi's Book for March. Christopher Tadpole, by Albert Smith, with ulu*:ra tions by John Leech; complete. The Life ami Opinions of Tmtrntn Shandy; gentle man comprising the humorous adventures of Uncle To by and Corporal Trim; by Lawrence Stsrnc—be nuuful ly illustrated i .... The Poor Scholar—a iiory of Irish Life, by \\ tlnam Carlton. -t ' • . . (•’cn'Toyloriind h»s Slaffintersperied with numeroos Anecdotes oAlie .Mexican War, and personal wiveu tiJrcs of the tracers, with accurate portraits and other beautiful illuilnitirin*. Tlte AdvcnUlrcr or the \\ reck, on the Indian Ocrati, by Ucutenanr.Murta). Manna or die Pictured Hocks, by Osgood Bradbury, £h). ■; t.'hhmbers’ Miscellany, Na 13- 1-iving Aced No. ltW. Taylor’s ltspoyier for Feb. 13. Jaws the Second. . . , . A superior article gilt edged \iuUtig Oapds, fresh “R* sale at M. A. Miners, Smithfield street, M door from Secoiul. ■■ frb:a SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS.—We have jusHeccit ed a large Wipply of book* for Sunday school libra* ne», publisljed’by the American Sunday-School Union, mid approved j»7'n committee of publication, consisting of member* of the following denoinmiuiuii*, vie Dap list, Cn» d ?"'] Scotland.-of recollections ofaHwi** Minister; i>y J. H. Merit) O'Axibignc, 1). U, Author of History or the RdormniLoiiJLifc oTCrotnwel), Ittu A I’racticu Exposition of tha Co»jh:lj of t.'.'Jstloew and St Marh'< In tne form of Lectures, mtenneo to as sist the practice of domestic instruction and devotion; by John iiira Summer, U. 1)., Hlshop. of Chester. Jor sale by ? ELLIOTT A ENOI.ISH, - ‘ J !A Market rt. bct.Ud AHIi. Soda Aih> mHB subieriber* ate now extensivelyrne#ff»“ ,n 1 JL importation of Soda A»h from one if lire niosl ctf brated manufacturers in llnglond, and have 'Vi,..., ond will receive during the spring, o oral shipment* being now on the way! vrhlcUihe>\iM warrant if noi superior lo any imported mio me United Stales, anil which liter err. prepared to sell ut the lowest market price for cush or on ume for approv ed bill*. Tire strength 1* warranted Irpra W <° -*» cent., G to fe per cenl. above the standard itrcn 0 m tvbich t* eO.i .... Sbsi ? jgo idjisxiy j - Union Cotton Mill** { j Frmßvaou, Feb-*t 4, > OWING to alterations and irnproverocuu matting *' the Union Mill. «)m Proprietor* olfar for *® ,fl ' “l ..let, &vrlwhcdfe«nn,«|Bl»h»tan* card* and other second hand tnnelnucty, all worthy ol uticiiiina. Call mnl«*e, or addrers - feldMifaltr MOOIHIKAP. COPKUANP>_h°- I~ “toll SAl.U—The subscriber* will sell ihc lJitfine in < their old establishment—the cylinder is c . l inch stroke—ulso, in connection with tl mnr oar Mill, whiclii» nearly tievr;jJl bcinff m co ®l' r , ,^,.f. niiijr order/ Tld* aiTord* bq excellent .li,‘L> d Tanner* wishing to B*o strum power, *»‘t w*U be told low i W * U l»A»b, febO* , r comer oPliberiy and Ferryjt^ B _ I.ACK (.AKD - COI.OI(ED?AI.PACCAS-'V- R Murphy ha* ouiiainl at very' low price', at » itrem of above goods, including different »hj| * Drab Color*. Common and Fine) Nnxarine H u •» Mnrooutld; Drown do.; Black and Blue do., s**? o ]* pad do.; ttriiia Barred do.j Fancy Plaid do { also, ' Bortment of Mohnlr Lustres, Including 7 fine tmdrioesy. In Wbolckalo Itooms, up era will foil a choice slock oi abhve and other JjPgd by tHeplWts>\ldVvCath prices. ' ___ - Sugar! molamks and comx-ia ui«d» p«m« 2? bblf N O >»S« *|P Cof * tee, jußt.londuig from sir Wyoming w»d fan>*l 1 ’ JjWl SI MITCIiBLTRBE. r ia»Ub««> B7* They will shortly receive per I ion and other boaw the following: 2ttl hhd p _ 1 Sunn Vfi hbls planiahon Molasses 30 do Sugar Hojite-, 30 obi* Logf Sugar, Id Irene* Carolina Rice. reol AIXOjIOI.— Warranted "of prope r »Ucn«h for tint (errand DrmrgUts’ use always on hand and for ‘ “ leon f“ mm^“i, ;nT l isrrcHa. T iiEE i 1 feblS : 100 Liberty StftCU ••MISCELLANEOUS. General; Commission and "Auction Business. . • ■ -. THE undersigned Ims 'takwi the large Iniildinsr. No. ' 43, next door to Messrs. Oulham, Todd A Co-Muin , street, for the pnq Lexington. John Dudley A Co.. j M.T. Scon, Cashier, - J D. .H- TOOXT. JUHH QCIXX wu. v. u’earitx. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. WarthoQie Commercial How» Liberty it. 'l'irmcicu, _ , rpHE Subscriber having erected large and extensive J. Worksou Pennsylvania Avenue, are now manufac turing, from new and improved psuera*,every variety of Coal and Cooling Stoves. Hollow-ware, Plough Cast ings. Wngon.iioxes, Fancy Fire Grates and Fenders, Kitchen do., with superior ranges for Cooking purposes; together witlrtrery thing in liie house building line; such a* Scrapers. Vault-rims,Lintels for window tops, railings, &e n on hand or made to order. Machinery orders carefully and punctually attended to. tVlil-dIM QUJNN, M'URICE i. Co. DDQUK 8 N K i Spring* Axle* Steel* and Iron; World. ('IULKMAN, HAJLIIAN A Co., having completed J their new work*, are now prepared to manufac ture .every description of Coacn and Kliptic Storings, Iron -Axles, Americuu, dlliMer. Spring and I’lougb KteeL, and all me* of iiasll square and round lron t which they offer for sale pu liberal terms, at their ware house, No 43 Wood street; where the/ also keep on hand a complete and handsome assortment of Coach Trimmings, Carriage hardware, malleable eastings, Noils and Iron. _ C. 11. A Co, have made arranremenis with Meisn Day & Cwttx, manufacturers of.aherels SpadeivTorki 4c., and will keep constantly on hand every artiel made by, them. Dealers are respectfully solicited t call, as prices and terms will be made liticrnl. jylff Chiekerlng’a Pianos.' • A superb rosewood fix octave Piano, new scale and patent ironirarao, mads b Y J- ebickcring, Uoslon. , f| V f 11 a very tlegaut rosewood til and a halt' octave Piano, new scale, and.patent iron frame, made by J. Chickeriw?. Hoston. 'Die above instrument* received to-day. and new open for examination! for sale ut Mr. Cbickering'apri ces for cash or approved paper. Also, cn hand, one elegant rosewood Gothic panels, carved mouldings, and moulded legs, Oociavet, made by Gale & Co, New York. One do. carved rosewood ‘fl octaves, made by Cals ACo., New York. ' One mahogany secondhand Piano, G octaves, of ex cellent tone, and iu good order, made by (.'bickering fc Stewart • One'lupcrii grand Piano, made by anti guaranteed to bo the boot Piano iorto ui Uub city, will ba told at a Terr moderate price. fcM7 JOHN H MELLOR. B 1 Wood»L_ !I«w Plano Fortea.i ,-n One elegant Rosewood six andahelf Piano Forte double raised cor -1 • ner *- pew w* l '* * roa frame- made by I I V | f I Chtekeruig, liostoii. One do. gothic panel* ami mouldings, 0 octave—Gal 4 Co. New York! One do. vathii panels and mouldings, C OCtarc- Gaic 4 Co. New fi'ork. One cupctb grand piano, C| oetaves-Here, Faris. The above piano* forte* are warranted, and havi been selected by the sut-senber, particularly frr thei good quality of tuue and aiiish u musical instrument! For sale olfactory prices by joa7 " ’ JOHN H MKI.LOR. si wood it. _n. Mctalle '-.ed iu the mm modern style, ami for til:; »i l-\ HLL’Mtis, jetSS H'J WcMufstfert, 5 iloors abort Sui. •• ' Bell'am! Brass Foundry* ” J*., A FULTON. Hcjl uiul tira&a Founder, he* re- I-ig built and commenced busina** at hi>i o!d stand, Where he w tit be pleased to see hi* old cuAtom- and i'neud*. Church. Steamboat, and Oils of every mk, from JC in 10.0(4) pounds, cast from pattern* of the mom approv ed model*, and warranted to lie ofiheiie*! mnteruiLs. Mineral Water (*ump*j Counter*, Roiling, Ac-, to gether trilh every variety of lira** Caning*, if requir ed. ranted and finished m the neate-a momicr jfy A. F. is the wte proprietor cf ILamr s As? Atxutiok Metal- m> justly celebrated for the rcduclu <>( trictiou it, machinery. The Uoiet and CompostiK ran hr had of him nt all times. jnl:ir i ui vr mu i'i uit«» iti-M, uu*t i. Pltliburgh dt ClevelantfilttU (load. 7v*»| Nonci: TU !?TOC»;m»LDK!I>.—An tn- Iq kulment of leu per cent, (the sth instalment) **l subscription* in the eapiuiJ nock of in<> cuutpauy, applicable to that portion 0> the road is inquired U> be paul on or In-turn llie l.sj day of March l*si3. Stockholder* in Piu*burgh ivil! pay to J W (tobinaon. corner of jd mid wood ■ts; in Saliueville and vicinity, lo Joseph (J l-acockttn WelUvillo tuid vicinity lo James Stewart, local treas urer- Uy order of the board of director*, A O CATLETT, Src'v. Office of the I'ACRR Co. Welkvilte. [feMdmarl FtTITSBUEOH STF.FJ.WORK,- AND SPKINU andmyxle factory JONES .fc HVIOU. I MA X UFA CTU U KKiS of »pnitg7nnd blister steel. plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and clip- Uc springs, hammered iron axles, aud dealers in mal leable casting*, fire engine lamps, and coach inmming* generally,'corner of ltoss utd Frout-stk, Filtsburcn, l'a. ~ febi Type p’onndrj'. . fl'llK subscriber)* nave tiAmi U« Type Foundry, X No. & GoM-»treet. arid will continue xiie luadilcr* lately conducted by Hubert Tuj'lor. They will niiunil to ail onion, with ,puctunlity uml rtiinatcln All the Tyj*e iDanufacturcd by ihcm will bclHanrt Cast; and they will turiiub all kind* of I’riqidVv' Materials, ul‘ the best tjtlality. Mr. J. A. T. Overeml i* *ti!l employed in mpcriiiten'd unr the omnutucturiiu; department. Vroprietor* of nrv»rpaper», who have not advertised fur the subscriber. tvlioruay publish tlu* nonce tor three mouth* will be entitled to leccin: their pay in type, on purchasing five time* the umomit of their bills lor u*i rerUiiliß. Old Type taken in exchange fur new at 9 cu per lb. Charles Whiung, > Wll HI NO A TAYLOH, Theodore Taylor, J . (Successors* To llob'i Taylor,) [unit Conier-Unld and Auu Streets Ori- r Original ‘Bolivar Bricks.* I?XI’niUENCKD Judge*, ou n trial oi one and a half million*, niico ludi, pronounce this article untdr na**cd lor durability in Uic construction ot' all kind* of Furnace*. Price ca*h lor load* of 10 M, guar* ontced nine muntlic n*c. Orders tor a lscuuiL quality UoUvar Brick* will La yxccuied at gdt) per M. if *0 de •ired; without guarantee. A stock at‘the first quality la now for sale at the warehoaie, ‘Sidin'* Wharf,’ Co* ual Basin, by J. SHAW MACLAKKa, icpiOM' Jtenainjrtqu Iron Work*. BI.ACK ALFACCAS— W KMurpiiV ha* just opened a freeh *ujip!y of low priced and fine black Alpnc c«»; alto block tali ft etrijwd do; do do barred do; drab Alpaci-a*. and a very full awortmentof black Mohair Lustres, including a mvplenf* very fine amt very gi"** rhfnei <;f ■lih and Market *la._ ’AUvancc'oti'pVruUris !p»me. JOHN H. MKLLUK, fcl Wood lUpel- Agent foMhe •»aic of Printing Paper. far C. S. J-umU:in A Co. would tnforra In* customer* ihnt, iu caimvjui’ticc of the advance on fug*, paper will bo charged lor die pres ent at eleven cent* per pound, or ! Imperial print, Double Medium, inV.l ' ; JOHN It MKLLOH. - Oottou Mnile of Heating Hoaiei. MU. , lillr luh'JdGwAwliuT OrrtcK or tue Auut;oiin.Nt iluitx,!. Co., ■}’ I’lriiuiLßi.ti, Fell. 1, if 1 N Eleciinu fur l'roiulciit, Mntingcr*. mul Oiiiccr* so \ titis “Couy lor crtcung a Uridge over tl.e jive ilrgbcny, ojt'osiio I'jluburdi. in mji County o lleg)i>:n)'” will be hoMoi i:i tfie Toll Iloa»e, on Alon ty this (iih ot Match milt, m.« o’clock. I' M. lcb.-dlnii.w3tT - JOHN HAHIT.H, Trcna ■\ynmNu & wrappjncj paver— y reams ruled cup Ihir nod tine qualities, aw •' Inter ‘ •• <• :>A “ flat cop, good qur.htr, COO “ blue fiioioiy paper, * " • !*) u leu paper, . , M* grots bonnet Loards. ’ i s,(*j > Lundies draw and -raj wrapping papers In nore unJ which wt oiler to thrrcitv tnnlc ai Ipw prices I'cbS REYNOLDS & SUKK HOP-S —IV>r sale aTew baici'VVestcFu f?cw York growth of tfc-H!—from ii to It) cqliu: Alim, Eastern and Western N Yjf early picked, this year t growth. Prime Ohio do, Belmont county. The gencrui iio»tcru crop of the season is now being 'received. Brewers null others rising Hops, win find u much to their mlvnntugc in obtain their, suppty (ruin the utidetMuneiL pa thry intend to sell throughout the sea* son ut New York prices. •0. W.jRMITII h Co., octlt-lOm _ Pittsburgh Brewery. HaVaNNA CIGARS —lOO,OOO imported cigars ol tho (allowing celebrated lira tuts, pari to arrive cnnsHiiiij of. Coves, Aubiqucihid, Washington regalins, Rapides, Kscuiupie, Jr>» Amigos, [do Puster, Loodut Urania, Lord Hymn's,.l-'aUa principal,. steam bout do ViUeyn extra do, Sylvia's do, Lit Dayudcra Ist, do dr •Al, Ortir, La I’alfya* Cuudoros, Fade principes, ib sainiy * . Pi; martin, fch? cor Smithfield A front at. AN £CtC , iToS'"wilt Tie heliT*at the housTjnme Jones, in Bakerttown, Allegheny county, on Mot day theCth dnyof March next, lo elect three Manage) Qf the Pittsburgh and Butler Turnpike Road, tor the ei suing year. By order of the Board, - 1 tebUJtiidawlt AUTHOR McGILL, •'tT’^Hreetor* .fOTICE-An Election for M»tnpireciora of th\ Xl Erie Canal Company will lie held by Uio dock* holders al their Office In the borough of Erie, oti Mou dap ibeGthday of March neiuatlOo'clock,*.*. _ , „ ' M. GOODWIN, Scc'y. Coital Office, Erie, Jan. 19 ? lEI3. j “ EiNliNi, LAWNS-—A supply of abore troops jlnnlly on baud. also linen cambric'aiirflinm ftmy bnclutuuku, low priced and £ne. j j »«*? : • ■ Wj B MURPHY. 1?LOOR OIL CLOTHS—I2OO ydj I 0 ydi wide, heavy ? ankle; fiUQO do 4-< wide; oil cloth; 4uo do | wide, do jdtl received from I'JiiiUpsville Factory, ami for »a!e our wore roam _ J H FUlLLlt’s, TT7KLBH FLANNELS coriimnily on bond at dry ¥f goou* Luute of W R aiurpliy, N* E eorucr o 4la and ruarktt *u-, au nitonmcut of aUovo good*' warranted not lo ahnnc in wuhinjL janld BEAKS Ollr-3 rrou in twro and for tale by ft W' JQELMOHLSa. HOUSES, LOT&-Fi\ltMS, jsc. . A Bargain in Real Eftate. MTh e-subscribcr otfcrs for sale * House •ndLot ou Liberty street, a short distance above East Lnue. Allegheny city.. The Li>l is feet front :ou Liberty street, cud runs bock U> :nj Alley ,85 ;leet. I The-’ House erected therrou U ilrick. nearly new, two L Stories high, 13 feet in front by nboutjSS in depth, aau i contains ten comfortable rooms, .exclusive of pantry, I coal-cellar and cellar. All the rooms have fire-places, ami drains are constructed to carry oi!;the water, and the house Is in every respect in good order and very Convenient, and is well suited for two families. The property will t o sold low, and tithe givferr on the largest part of the purchase 'money. \ Inquire of the subscriber, who chn be sern at the of fice of the Gazelle, every forenoon, between the hours of. eight and ten, and at other tinteqet his rooms at Mr*. Hays' boarding house, Robin sou's new row. Fed eral st. Allegheny City. l)iN WHITE. -feblStf - , Agent for the owner. Coal Land for Sale. A FARM containing tltKJ' sere*, in Itostraver town ship, Westmoreland county, beginning about one - inile above Williamsport, on the East Rank of the Mo nongahela river, the same being the! farm of the laic Joseph Beckett. deceased. ', Said form ironts on the riv er, about It mile; about 40 acres cleared, with other im provements. The farm is one entire mass of stone coal. • The farm will be sold altogeiherjorlh lots to suit purchasers, and on ltbcrol terms. ' For particulars en quire of Henry Sterling. Daniel Ewerl 'Win. Larimer, J r n Pittsburgh. Pa. Tula iudisputablel JOSIAH IICTCHMAN. _fcb24d&wlm*S •_ New Castle, Mercer co- Pa. Deilnlile Cou of GroaitQ (hr sale- A NUMBER of beautiful Lou; fronting on that great thoroughfare. Penn street,. or-tfce Greeasburgh turnpike road, and oh the Allegheny river, and interme diate streets in the lnh Ward, Piiubnrgti, are now oder . ed tor. sale oh the most reasonable lernjs. ; For private residence*, business anu manufacturing establishments, these lots-present, situation* notsuptus ed. if equalled, by any now lor sale. [The regularity with which the streets are lai{l qut. and the level char acter of the ground, render] tho lots and available at once for building purposed The title ts in disputable. Apply to HAKMAK DENNY. Ud at*, • orjROUT. McKNIGIIT, febi-dlm Attorney_at Law, 4lh fcg near Grant. ! 170 ft SALE—The subscriber offerajfor sale the ita * provements and propeilj'ine now occupies, situated on the Fourth Street Boattj about-tlirefe miles from the city: consisting of' a well finfstied Brick House, con taining ten rooms, and a cellar under wholes an ex ccllont Brick Tenant House, containing.three rooms; * large barn and excellent stabling; a never failing run ning spring of soft water, and n pump of excellent wai ter at the kitchen door; also, a garden containing some choice fruit trees, together with about ;ien Acres of ex celled! ground. j ■ The above pro*" " in reasonable, terms, xtie atwre property will be sold on n>~n~_ . am) possession ?iven on the brut day pf April; if not sold, it will bo for rent alter that day. {For farther in formation, apply to the subscriber, on the premises. fcbihSdavrtAp'lT i • B A VjlD BEELER. _ Real Estate ln Ohlo. _ ATRACTof land, SO acres, in Harmon, Portage Co., on the Cuyahoga river—ubont 30 |icres under un* provemrnt. Also, two unimproved loti in the village of Warren, Trumbull Co.. <>o feet by twJ Also, a lot of ground in tSe centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co, with a fine dwelling bouse and store—one of jhe beat stands for a merchant on the Western Keservje. Any or all this property will be sold on very accommodating terras, ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, feblO Wutet grid Front sis. • Building H FOR' SALE on-.accommodating term*, or to bo let on perpetual louse*, those four cho)ee lou aiionted on Fourth atrtct near Grant *t, caches feet 9 tnehe* front, and extending 110 feet back to a 20 loot alley,— Title indiapstable, olid term* ’ry brick duelling house on Wylie *tret!iM>os*«e*»iqi;.given on the first of Aptii or sooner if lnquire of J & K Fl.ftrt>,JlW iberty street. . : -For” Kent. A two story brick dwelling wt h about 5 aeres of croomt. i*jiuated*ou tlie batik o ' thr Oliio river, XLXin the borough o: .fl ndu-sn-r. j-.ply to jaiul :JAulllS A ill TC(IiSON A Co. To Let. M THREE dwelling houses »iiualej on 4lh street near canal city of ’iluburjrh. A)* rii, a room .J bfjill) feet, with i convenient en trance on i;ti *l, near wcu.-d. Also, a frame dwelling, two ston-i, mill an acre of ground enc o#ed and-umler cultivation, situate ou Ohm lane, in the pity of Alieghe* ny. Inquire of j I) WILLIAMS, jun? _____ Up wood street. To BrcxverTi[ ""' i MFOR SAI.t UR IHINT- the niitshurgh Brew-1 cry, with til Ua litewm/ apparatus *Hu»lo ou Penn sited arid barker'* uow occupied byfico. XV. Smith A Co. i‘i>«srssiou given ouihe first liar oi April unuing. Far terms, Ac. rfnijum: 01' ' BROWS A CUUBRRTSOX, tebfiSu __ _ . >43 liberty »t For Rent. MTHEbnck dwelling house street be tween SmithCcld slreti end Ch Try alley. It is slate routed—has gat fixtures at d spacious yard and out-buililiuL'a. Knuuucot icL^dti - W.M. M. D,vIU,rNCTON. umr t qtioa. jwf* Tho nrw lhrr>- »t rOl *rcon rctipied by Hrs. Ann (ia/zam. Kent low. Possesiuon citcji on Uie lit of April next. H 1) (iAZZAM- Imrardinte po*sc» sioti of the nhove iou«c ran be ob tained by applying to M. Creighton, at ibe canal ware* hotter ot C lurk & Tbaw. dec2 r ForWnli hi“('siuio on Market «treet.bc twccn third uuJ ioufth meet*, at present occu pied by tlnrraws nuuicr Posses.sion fiven on iheifir*i 01 Aptil ucxt. .[iiv.'JJ p. U GAZZAAL ! Te Lei"? [ M’A dry poods \vnr-::<|u..-. !*7 wood street, second door above Uiutnui.J alley, li quire of dectf _ U'H ORGAN A. Co. CIOAI. I .AND VOn S.M.K—Scvci acre* coal Iniul j lur »nlc, vtluoii- in bead of the M River, ' above lirowiibVi’b:, I’ii.Kavmi; u 7 foot vein of coal. | which will bo sold in exHiomce for roods. For pnnicu-' i Itr* apply 10 [wcis] ft A. 'V HAllllAlJTill,Sl wooc sold low, and urt aroomrnodaunu tern. Term* ut exceptionable my li* l.\S tiI.AKHI.V. Raul lUtato Ap’L Lot* for Bt^lr f|t\VO builditic ion in the sixth wa J, each 2t by 133 X feet on winch there is ti iiev -r fadiua snrmft of water |iel>7) fflip COChHaN. For Rent. AJL A Smoko House, fimuu.il of IgMre.it. tui)oirr, ot' UQbfcLUT r "•'"tubeny iirect. H. A. Ka»xc*tccs, ■) A. (OicLCNrYTCUy 11. l..fAHKrsr*>CK, (}. \V PiiiNmoc*. j r * Wholesale Drue Store, la the City of Xew York. tpilV. undersigned oft extomive y encased in the X Wholesale Prog hu-dne;* »t N 49 John the city of New \loik. ar.dnre prepared to t apply Drug aintn mid country Merchants wish Lru?*. I'ainis, Oil*, I)y«-*;uiT». Foreign and American ) effumery, Minder, weaver i Marnier'? Chemicals, iof 1 heir own impoHl* tion) and all oilier urucl'-.jtn lUt-ir li ic of l'u»ine««,of a supcfiorquahiy an low asihey can be purchased in this or ony eastern diy New York, FcblO B A rAIIjNESTjOCK & Co. The subscribers ccj of their Soda Ash ■mfacturcrs from 65 to e jot approved Notes >fjs toti* or upwards * •rlrouiid off these pri> I‘JJCHELTREE,. »G 0 Liberty tuoeL SODA ASH-PRICE? REDUCE] have this day reduced the price (which is warranted by ,'ibe mmiu S 9 per cent.) to 4Jc Tor Cash, or 4|e r.ti months. And (or quantities of deduction wilt bo raotlerof ic pet ces. W fc M Ml‘ t‘eb\S ►oot 'for Bole* k One-*uih, or ihreo-*iilhff of thi : . •tcnmbont Gcrm&niown, for t&lo. 01 • accommodating term* t\- IMffWWSa« » VV.M U SCAIi’E, • , ?Pir*t:»fcct near Wood. POWDER) (Cfylonde 'of Lipje)—B caik.of .uncrior quality 1 , direct from the mtna* tacturer m England, received peij itr Sarunnk, and for ■ale at the lowest market price for ca»h or oporoved UIU, by [ja3il W k M '•*" RF-MOVAb- changeii my place of business . to From street between.wood and Stnithficld, im- thu rear of wo beusq 1 formerly occupied) -- uio brjftq 1 to«.-./ly occopi when 1 tun prepared 14 ilo bnrinqu iu u>uil. -■ ! ALEXIXDER GORDON. JL'ST received * fretfieapply o' 1 -" compriiihff'B dozhome covert ■team boat backet*; It! dot. pair* c iligrt; 4 dot. long cone*; 4 dad 1 * ‘•n»« , nsh aulmll India Rubber Good* * a fine article; 4 doz. t of toppings Jong and abort; 4 dot. long cepes; 4 doi abort dajallof vrfcieh will be aold cheep for cash at iJ>t» .India Ruber depot, Nkmofl*hiladelpliia --ipar I Girard.Bunk jpar I Bank ofGerraantown «jrar 1 “ Chester County - .par I “ Delaware Co.* —par “ Montgomery Co.* *par u Northumberland* *pnt Columbia Bridge Co.**, par Doylcstowa Bank*••••par Farmers’Bk. Readipg-par Famer*’ Bk. Backs Co. pax Farmers B’k Lancavr.par Lancaster Co.Bk.*** ?p*r Lancaster Bk.*** *•***. par U.Stater Bank——•—W ' Brownsville Rif.— par Washington Bk. *1 Gettysburghßk. li Chombcrebdrg* • •••.*•• 44 Susquehanna Ca Bk.* Lehigh Co Bank * Lewistowit* •• • •• * * Middletown- ’• t Carlisle • •••• • 44 Erie Bk. iUi Farmers’ and Drovers 1 Bank, Waynesburg.'. 1 I nanitbun? 44 1 Honesdale—♦—••••—i* 1« Lebanon •.•••••par Potuville —— 44 Wyoming * U Tork Bk. t * l I West Branch Bk. 1* Belief Notes “ MA M Bk. Fitts.do* ] 44 (Sty AConnivScrip-*— “ Ohio. State Bk.anri Branches-li MountFleasant •• “ Steubenville '• 44 St. ClalrsviUe* New Lisbon' Cincittnati-Banks 41 Columbus do* *. “ Cinsleville-- • • 41 Cleveland*——• Dayurn * «: “ Wcnern Reserve* •—* tt Franklin B’k Colnmbas 44 . Chillieotho —r * “ Lake Erie——. 44 Seiota** • u Lancaster«• «10 Farm’r* B*k Con ten* Gcnlucky. Bk of Kentucky Bk-ofLouisvilfe***- Norhern Bk. Kentu’ky*,' 4 i Sew York—Cur Banka, EXCHANGE BKOKERSi!& s . HUBSKT. HAJHIA db COL DANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealer* ' JD in Foreign and Doseitie Exchange, Certificate* of Deposite, Bank Notes, and Specie; Fourth btreet, near, ly oppo*R* the Bonk of Pittsburgh. Cumm money received on deposits—Sight Checks fortale, and col lections mads on nearly all the principal poiais in the.. United States. | , The highest premium paid for Foreign and, American Gold.' ! ’ • j . . Advances mode on consignments of Frodaee, ship* ped East, on liberal terms. . . -;-~'-mchlS- CO*PARTSSIUHIF. JOSEPH U. UILLj llate of the firm of Wm. A- Hill &Co-)and WM. C. Cony, (lateof Erie,Pa.) have entered into Co-partnership under the name qf litu. & Cumbt, for the purpose of carrying flifihe Banking and Exchange business in all iM branches, at No.:C3,Wood street, three doors below Fourth, *reit»iile-j-where they, solicit the custom of their friends and the public gen erally. - i JOSEPH H.< HILL, mdils WM. C. CURRY. J/wtto u. mu.l j [WX-C. CCIOT. iT)ANKERS A EXCHANGE BROKERS, Dealers In ~t > Foreign end Domestic Time and Sight BUD of Ex* chance, Certificate* of Deposite, Bank Notes.and Com; No. 05 Wood street, third door below Fourth, west "side. Par Funds and Currency-received oii.deposito. .and collections made on'all the principal dUcsi 1 * United State*.'- . ' - I? 1 fjijlit Exchange on ‘Baltimore. FhiVadelnfiU, New York, Boston ana Cincinnati, f or •, Gliio.-Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia and I'cim.ylvania Bonk Note* bought and sold on favorable tetjua. Exchange oa England, Ireland, Gcrmwiy olid France procured, Ac, i ;;-mchls S. HOLMES * 805, L BANKERS and Dealer* in Exchange,- Coin and Bank Notes, No. £6, Markov street, Piiial/nrgh. Selling Rates. Exchange.- Baying Bates. New York, Jpr Cincinnati,- r- ijdts Philadelphia, ioo Louisville, iV 1 l do Baltimore, |dn St Lonie, ]Jdo B-iring Rates, BaNK NOTES. Buyrjjy iVa-es. Ohio, 1i dis Co.Jt Scrip Order;, li *ti* * idiana, -do Relief Notet, i.‘ •••‘Jr “do Penßsylvoiua Cj,' “Co "do New York .‘‘do ICg New Orleans, "Co 2do MaryJ&nd, i;; do Kentucky, Virginia, do Wheeling, Te»ne**ee, fcbfl4tf WILLIAM A. HILL A- CO., BANKERS. EXCHANGE BIIOKEHS. umj Denier* iu Forrign and Domet-tic Exchange, Ccxrtf.caiM uf Deposite, llar.V Notes, 'and Specie. No. lH AVood su, one door above Fourth, East aide, i’iusbargh.'-l'a. octndAwF FOREIGN EXCHANGE. ' DILLS fan and Scotland bought to l > any amount rn*th the.X.Sjer’injj, without deduction hy JOSHUA;' ROBIN SON, European aiiu tieacral Ajent,otßced!h »t one door weit of wood, j'■■ • ; '• ocilfrtf AXLES UtikSß:] 'l l (njWiHD EJ.UM I KRAUER *. RAHM, «•> BANKERS AND EXCHANGE. BROKER?, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer ti&coies ofDeposite, Bank Notes and Coiii.'cotuer of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St- Charles Ho- I tel.' _ |1 s • 'mhyfrdly EsTEHSTFUXDS - 1, Ohio. ■; !> .• ' ' L: i«: • Indiana. •. I! Kentucky, I•' r Missouri,• > > I 1 • i ‘ Banjyfotes; purchased at the lowest rates, by • ( i • HOLMESIA SON, dclO [ : 35 Market street BILLS OP EXCUANGE—Sight Checks oa New Yorkyl i 1 ‘ ; • Philadelphia, and , j ’ Baltimore, l . Constantly for ssle by. N. HOLME? & PON. dclO I : ) . 35 Market su SI water street. COLLECTIONS— Draft*. Notes, and Acceptan cev'payable in any part of the UnioiLic'ollectcd on tbe most favorable terms. N. HOLMES' AiSON. dclO • • - . • £Q Market st. . EXCHANGE oh Net/ York, and Baltimore, at sight, mcumstosait purchasers, can stuntly for sals by -• • •_ MIX A CURKY, octll j -Wood'su boloW roatth.j _ WESTERN pDNDB-The Note* of die Ohio, Indiana and Keutucky Banks, purchased at low rales of discount: at the office of ' i - ! JOLLA CURRY, octll • No. 05 Wood st n below Fourth.^ COLLECTIONS on «di the principal cities ifinha Union, made f>y J" HILL « CI?KRY, octll \ iNo. 65 Wood sx,beloW| Fourth. HATS. 11AFS AND IJUN^KTS. n, si’CbRD a CO., : ; i JjR (Successors to M Cord A K\ngV r;.»sSL. Fs.bionsble llatteVa, Carneif vf fVbod and lufrk\}strtetj. PARTICULAR attehlioii paid to oar KutoilTrode. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from our establishment of the best xaxeuau and wobjuusmut,- of the Latest stiles, and hi the lowest rates.' : j. ■ j: V Country Merchants, purchasing by ivrholesale, are respectfully invited lo caU and examine pur; Stock; as we can say with Confidence that as regards QCxLrrt and rates, it will not suffer in a comparison with tiny. 'house iu Philadelphia: 1 ■ ’ ;i~!, i- feol7 fj. William Douglas, Tate JitmSsi MeKain. The JH subscriber hal removed his Hat undjCup Ma»u factory to N0.1?7 Wood iue«i, nearly opposite Ids old stand, where he l would invite hit friends ohul die 1 public generally to hn assortment of Hats jatid' Cops, which tor beauty anddorabiliiy earinol besurpassed. - j >VM. Woodst. Having retired from the Hat aad Cap Manufactory, I most tepectfulfy Recommend the ‘.piipanoge of my friends and the public generally to nv supcessor, Wm. Douglass, [febUdUm) JAMES. McKAIN. r-fc NEW I INVENTION AI H / g CIUCULATER’ AND HATi'RqilHuTOO.—The will introduce on Saturday. Oct. iHn Ccutiemen wirhind a; hat tried with tins dciuablo agie clo will please call aud examine, 1 ALFRED KEEVIL, Practical Hatter.' octP . | • " •- ’ 13d. head of wood st aFALL FASIUONr—S MOORE has recriv- ! ed from NeW York, the Fall «iyte;of-Hau which he will introduce this day. Saturday; Aug. dslh. All tnose in want of a ncaiaml supeftwr hat would do well to coil at N0.!75, Wood Street, 3d door above 4th. augddtf i • I- i • • 1 i ' Ti'FALL FASHION, A. /sb COSTAR'S style (jcnUcrani'* Haw will be intro eHßrtuced at KktVlL’s on Thnmitjy, :Augu#v ifith; Geuilcmcu wishing ti cbeeip, fashionable hat of Pitts burgh manufacture, ahead of ftunioueljic Hats import ed and adveriiscdjbjf some of the trade, nlea»u call at. !•! KLHVU.A Co.V, augSOtf • '■ 1 - . ,13d. h»ud of wotul st' n, ’WWBBR! FASHION FOR lIATs JUST received' from New York,: Hid. Summer fbr hats,'constKing of White liouVer. I'curl and White FrenchiCassimere Ventilators. Those in want ofi a beautiful, light Hat are respectfully invited to ealL ! r ? ‘ >S. MOORE, may'33 • i ■ •JSlwnftd «t.: nl»ovr l:h .ru«i!or Lc|uikUvc u THE Bo an! of Trade u indebted ip the kimineMO. George Uame,E»q., for filet of the.UilU acted up* ou,u-weilM tho*e before the St-uate ; aiid House 01 Representative* of this State.' Members of the in>iiui lion can have acfceis to them at the Reading Rooms. feblQ ; i i • JOHN HARHHR.Src-> TOBACCO— lo uore anti to amre t >oit ei'iiiwuituua 4101 aodf boxes John Rucker «up sv. Wt { boxes Henry' and James 6*so| boxes Jqblit& kwui*;S3> i boxes Mnutoa'fie; 15 boxes J M gurnard 4s; 20 l bxs R R R AVareiU: Ssi&tboxesJahfLßackcrsuprli, febl« :• I- r 41 Water and tt? Front streets. "VTOTICE—the buiineu oflbOHate Ctm ofJ.Sj Xl Strickler fc.Co-, Sa& will hereafter | be carried naby Lappeneou & Barr] who are anibotu* I cd ta collect end aeul* the buiiiteM ef the law firm. i!i. JOSEPH tll’p&NCOrr, ■■ ' ~t Surviving Partner. - ' ‘ : ROBERT; ASHSVOBTH, I i. j i " JOHN WILLIAMS, . feb22lw AdmipU’ia of the etuae ppJ. S. Suiekler. | DRUCST DRUGS—Tan aste iron; Ext Rhatany: Pip.; trine; Stry chnihe; l'hosphale Ammonia} Phosphate boda; JBr. Caib'Polam; Tannin; ClriTUexf irCflfaml. Quinine; Oxidelalven SohiUe Tunarj Chlprofonni just' received and for sale by!M. . Jfcfc'Sfci-LMISs /,, fcbld : ! : • 1 ~ ’. ;* S 7 Wood . t v . Law 2foUee*. | JAMES S-iOJIAJ-'f A’.ioruayaidCauniellaxatXjjW hat removed ,to the cfhce* uext door W«t'br.fiodjr, - t'auerson’e Livery Slablo.Milj atfeW.-.rjiorutjfais W •cnee upon public dniy for the coming mouth, any t'U»i* neaeforlummay.be iertvvuh SUNT>IHE3~-lta bn. ClovmeCd; $lO Uuil>rW'i4tte!i- j e« ttbbla Dried Applw; 40 bbU • BoU ! Duilef;;i.btlJ NT—COHKIXTI tl> tl V SS <* 805, ! \ ' ■ 0 WoiL*t «tteetJt:4ar4ti» »> ink;ofV4 “ r Bk. of the Valley, l u - Bk. of Virginia'- •} “ f M.'A M. B*4 Wheeling 4 r .do •Morgpnioci’u--*- U i N. \\\ Ban* Vft--—• 4 r do Weilibur".---:-** 14 r do VarVfisliuW---- ** r Tenneiate. r Bk-of Ten«c**eo*---' • r Far. * Merch’t* Bk rlPlanteiV Bk-vH '** * r Union Hk..••••;• — flUiaurjli r Statr.BkofMi*fo*ri-»»- I| l . Sortlx Carolina. Bk.ofCnpeiFeaX U Mercii'a ukiNrobem- L Stale Bank---* 1 South Carolina* . • Camden **• *‘lj Bk. of Cbarlcaton* •• . • r, 14 Commercial Blv *> J j 4 ( Bk.ofGeor*ewwn J» ißk.of Hamburg**,** H llUercimm* Bk*K»**** ‘-|t (Planter* A Media’* Bk- lj 4 Bk. of SouilrCarolina- • H r, Maryland. ' ' [Baltimore Dks.»-*--**'por LBaluu’e 40 • 10. (Cumberland Bkiqf Alle- •" 4 ghany--*-.••••>* Far.Uk.ofMaryland** " Farmer*’ A 3levhanic* “ Ilk. F*edetidr*r “ FiedeiickCo- Bk.* “ 4 Hagerstown Bk **:** “ tue OHLT ÜBnfiDirr HART7S .V Ui>n*Aitl.E;KX» RACT » an IrtTaldl ble remedy tor Epilppsi* K» of ffcUmf Sjckixe» .Convulsion*, Spasm*.**«. It •time immemorial, pUysitmu* Jfcik lie Fit* incurable, ii hn* bnlbed aHJtrtat*Kll,-mnl U boasted rower of all medicine, and-conseqaefttly thoj sand* have suffered through a raiferable existence, at alias; yielded up rtieir lives c:t the altar of iiisant -With all deference, however,-(0 the OpinieUsof I areal and learned. *ve suy that ll haibeeajeiired; - HAUT'S VrXiK* AHIX EXTRACT, ■i. For sixteen year*, has been tested'by. pinny pern who huVe suflcred.wilhthi*.dreadful diseuse,Bui every ease where it hut had a fair trial} has effected, permanent, cure. *. . ..- ' • Fils of tSyesrs and 6 months, cured by UL*Utt< ibis mily-woitderfnl raedicute.,. r;; •y - • . Read the following cate of theoool Wnfi Secore, Ksq., of FfcUadelpliini, afflicted wilhft lepiie- Fits .27 years and o.months. Af'et travelut through England, Scotland, Gcmniuy and France, COi suiting the most eminent physicians,-and medicine., medical treatment aud advice, ,Uireo'uKß sand dollars, returned .with lilt Ison to tliis November lust, without receiving auy benefit wbsitf er,and was cured by using ■’ •’ - HARTS vKOETABLE EXTRACT. ; _ Mr.*.William Secore-s -letter to-DrvMvaits and Hi ' 1 have spent over three th«u*aiid-dollars fprraedl cliie uid njedicnl attendance. •1 wa* advised to takes / lour to Europe with' him, which I tdiiL' I ErsT TititeS I _Ei)glaud. I consulted the mb*l'. eminent physieJam ’ there in. respect to hi# case; they eiominetTuim anf • 'prescribed uccordiiigty. • I r**iuii»m-ri tliree utonihl • .without perceiving any change for-the better, whin ’eosMne.nbouriwo hundred and/Efty dollars poeketei - . by the physicians, and the most Uint-I received vw their opinion that thysonV cun eai hopeless and peal • tivety incurable. -I ticcordinglyded England. aiHlintW elicit’through s*cothtiitl. - .U«nii:wy nml Enuice, aid i® • : turned home i>{ the month of November last, with otj ; son nr for from being cured as when I left. I tawyoof : advertisement in me. of the ’NcvruYork pujwn, ani • concluded to try Hurt'-* Vegriuble Extract, seeing yowl staieinenn-niid rrriiGealc*of somany.’ cures, lemed ~ twemr-nnd thirty years" standing,' ami < cnit assure jrotl , I am not sorry 1 dnl'so,'us by the use ofHaft'sVegetai ble Exirncl'alone. he wu* restored to perfect; hadlM' His reason, which wturso forgone a*ieiuiJit,hln»tbi ' business, i» entirely restored, with-did yfrt>spect n« . before htnv of life, Infoltti uud uteru!iie*«,. .Ho U turn' ■is ,years of nge. 'au-J:-!:? yeiir* intd fl months of this time has (wen uOidetl with this. nuMl-dreadfol ofdisi eases; but tliDiik l.od fan is now e.njoyuigeood health. \. ■ • Now, gemb-tneu, foult without work* f don’t>ellevi in; ’ To say that l- chull be ever grateful to you itottc. thing, and ns I here enclose you-onc'haudrcUdollar*,'J -have no doubt b7l Vtui you will'iliiiikMhU-iia .anowe| arid nuiie's dniereui thing,' The* debt of gratitude J siill owe you, but plet|»c to'accept tha'pToseia amotiai as Interest outlie debt in advance/ ' •• > }. - ’ Yountvery respectfully. > - 't ‘ ■ (Signed,) ' ' - WILLIAM SECORB. Si TO THE AFFUCTED. : „/ >' Mineral Bk-»-*v-- l’aiapseoßk- W uDineton Bk. ••» Bk.ofWe*tmioeter Michigan. Bk. of St. Clwrvif Bk. of River Baleen. •• ♦— Michigan In 4. Co-- •• 5 Far.AMechUlU- 3 Wlaeonaln Terrify Mar.&Fireln.Cqjllilw’c i Cnaades.'> AlleotveniiJanki* 5 Bank of EnalaifdNoiea — Gold 4b Specie Value. Nkpoleona-V•••• •• 3.t0 Ducats v« ISO 3 20 Kasle.old----- .JOCO. Ragle,new .••• .'-10 03 Doubloons, Bpaoi»h.lB CO Do.Patriot»**M'*‘' 15 CO Sovereigns ;4 to Guineas*********** 5 CO FreBerieksd , ors-i** **s7 £0 Ten Thalers? >j 7.tQ Ten Guilder* • 910" LouieJ’ors- i £0 - Mew York Iprffl Philadelphia**'*,*-*.* 4 pro Baltimore • •*•••■* - J pna ,par. lateriqti'lFka**** ’ . One of the proprietors of this Invaluable medldnd| «u afllicicd ioriseferul years : with'Epileptic Fitu The disease .the wont effect upon tig. system, viz: Lois of memory, imbecility of build, and .4 perfect prostration cif the nervous system, lie bad tried tba. skill of the best physicals for.seven year*, . and grew worse under tbeir and he anew that this medicine was-bis only flooe for health and life, and was therefore determined to civcTt a lair trial. . and to persevere in its use, which he did, and the malt was a perfectrtstorationto health, which -tm com!* ued uuuilempted Oair nearly sixteen year*. • . We would rv:(er to the loilowlag persons who bava been cured by using Hun's Vegetable'Extract; , Col E Denruov's daughter was alHictcd. Dine ycarih resides at Yotikere, NevrYork." -- W Bennennins jeers, 171 Gruniet.- J Ellsworth, seven years, BiDavcrsV. 'Joseph M’Douttal, uno yearsi East Brooklyn, I*ll U WBaith,itswYcrkCttSioin*Houo..-.; - JJKellv, twentyyenn.Staiealalaad.’ : 1. hlks E M’Keef, twenty years. Yoskvillo. Miss ECrane, twelve years, 113 Haaunessly ft- it Wo H Parse!!, twenty-three Tears, 73 Notwlk tL' Jacob Petty,four.ycaxs,l74.Delaney at. / • -J. . Philo Johnson, twenty* eight yean, Greeofitrt!o£ftQ- Judge Randall, W East Broadway, New -Yoik,' Thomas a Jopes, of tho.CS wavy.,: . • - 3 - CaptWm Jerininji, State cl Bridgeport, Ct 'I Reference nlro mais to •. . Dr W L Monroe, GuUlonLO.' • Rev Richard Tarjetl, Wert Dave upon. If Y. . Rev T L Uushnell, Baltimore, Md. •> Mr Joseph Bradley, lid Orchard it, N Y. - Cii Doughtoa, 2tti Eighteenth it N Y. - Mrs James.Berthoir, Chester. Orange oa. IT Y~ ' John Faber, 178 Elisabeth it, I- do D A Richtno, 913 Delaney ql i v do .' ' . James Smith, J 93 it, ■ da ■. . * Chsries Brows, to ' paM ' w • be colled upon, ortddrewei, parti 7-reqated by Dr S liaxt, (lam Inaa k Hsotj] G F THOMAS A Co, HO Mata st, between 3d tndJ 4th su, and 159 Maimopbetweaa 4tn and sth streets,J Cincinnati, Ohio, wholesale ,-end retair.agonta fiir.thai south ami west. ~ * r‘ • L WILCOX. Jr- center of Market st end the IWJ moiid. oi.ty os'; in l’iti-ti'n Pa . jß‘J4i(awlv.- t ObtflCifi. 1 No. 09, DIAMOND AIJ) - ‘ LEY,: a few doors below) /G*m;**~ •• Wood BtrcfijMownrds .tha • • t* mntVet. • •' ' v . : . AJl'iivK'r DR* BH°WH, i'»w ingL-tvnregularlycdueffletf to the medical professing • M‘d been for some time ift ' general, practice, now cou rn£ Vh'if* Ills- attention to lb* treatment Of those privet* • * and-debcalV complaints f«>r ' \\ wbicb hiOpporiuiiitiea and vV\j Xf yj ferperieiitet-eculiarly qualv \\ ■ .luml' Eleven years as •y J ' siduously devoted to pin study and irouuuein oi u>o»e complaint*, (dunug wturbr time he has hail more practice and has cored mare pa tient* limn can ever full to the lot of any private prao*-' titioner) amply qualifies him to offer tusunuteea of speedy. permanent, umJ satisthetory nure to all atSicU th. with delicate diseases, and all discasas arising them . from. - ' *r « Dr. Drown would inform those atßicted with; privet* i discos?* which have lurcum?* chronic by-time or ag-.. pravalcil hy ipe un* of any of the common itoslninu off < the iloy, taai their cotnpiuniiscmi lie rmlicnliyruidthotaj oughly curmi; he having pveit his careful'a!lenllou t 9 the treatment oi'mclt cav;», ant) succeeded in hundred*' of instances iii curing pe>roove di»ec»eV\vucrc it tuts tivert used-’if, promises us. become one of the (non useful nod pppuinr Jt-is oderrd *oo\ ti* a pleasant relief to'the’cousainptive^. bid an asustaut to vocalists speaker* geu» entity. : Tlu name of the ptrpatatiou indicates iu leading ln*- | gradient, and it trill I>e ibuml id be byiio menus on» I pleasant la the taste, mid may be used by clnldreiraitd I oduiU with*entire impunity. ’lire mileritrU usrd.lu th*\ I preparation are: of tire host quality, and it muy be re» lieu on ns in every rcrj-cct a pure and-genuine aruclo. . Families would ito.ttaabt promolo theirccmfort abd,', health by kceping asapply, especially iufiio season of ■ -. *. • '• ,Tbis. valuable Cough Candy is considered a great U' sisUml to Mothers; Iciifjr superior.to all the patent -by jumpers iu.crcniio;i.'us children were -never luiowtfc to cry when tln« candy is used, except tor more.* A lii : a] of this article will convince ainr perron of iu owca - S, and the proprii tor*.therefore defy siuy.penoa tilths, uicd States 10 produce d cheaper, more of - i effective remedy.. I Said wholesale arid retail, by the General Agents' -;i -[ . i H SMVSKR.'l>ruggts4 .-T-' [. ' comer Od and markevsis,'Fmjdjurgk..‘ : Howe 4C0., Proprietors, Not College Hail-Cilicia*; na:i,Ohio.’ - .-' • - ■ - jaitlg. >• extraordinary Cure of Xilver Complaint - and CougUll . HAVING' taken a violent i-oid,.which settled oa ra?.. luucsmui liver, producing a.severe.cough, aul:' patu in ibe side and saoubhr, which was so *r.*ereat;' ' - times i could scarcely turn overin ted.- 1 w,- I '■. • £Si; Fuller street, Brooklyn.^'* | C3*'SUU another great cur i tihiehprove* this tawS» r I cine the only remedy to be dopimied upon. Bead saa'-. I judge for yourself. - •--I ' ■' ■■■s • Coxscsimos a.vo t.mrs »*.. | have for three years wiili this i .tliresses.( lccl from tag j heart for ul! persons equally mi(i>nufcalcvaad there faro •. j l beg of them; if limy love li'b nmi heulftt; If tlicy-Joy® • I their'fanulms mid fn'*:iun iicrim-.i. street,New .Vj>rfc Sola iu PiiuhuMb by J- D. i Wood u.;J. ' Towufml. 45 Market nuj li Mnysc.'. Mniket add 3d stt- Henderson .*« Co, 5 Uterty sl. Price jto St^ltgarlargo tonJi.--- ‘ ■- frbl7 ;; 1 Removal. I'llgaly-ttuiioi'Miuu : •.. SCROt'UI.OUjj CA.’iCKR'ObUKib-Tbo fol!oma|‘] ccnumtc from a Vylli? resemble «ei«i wDr. Jayne by lit* u jfnU, ;\lcm* Jaaott Ham fc - C O . OciUfcVilie,'ltu i|arcU Uhh, ltrt7. v- Mu. Dear lo roy feltow creauras .; demand* that I thtmld'wU niyicMiruony 10 U.o f lablislicJ -‘euicney »r yoir-'AWmTitrs. 1 ban ; b*4 *.■ tbe doctor* ullpra.iaatKcd an InurabSe- Sciafo* ... . tuns Cancer of iliriru year'a atauiUaj/ «Jaitb/|»I -■ use of the remexlk* oi iijft nraiCMioV., unit my patleec* ; *. m ihcir cM,ajnl in tlicir efficacy were camplet**'. 11 |y exhausted,!. commenced. taking ydai.'AiteraOTO.'. *• .\;tcr 'I boil taken It about >T*'raoutha, f uM only cured bv-iu but my Calicerwfi**.l»ienii!y.roate.scruple* nor (car* in. undoralynsng cumaataiUing it to ull sitaiJariy alTccictL* J . , Reapcctiully yuuri.'- • -1, 0 Dr. It. Jay lie—i)car Sir~\V« cneht*e, you .caictrom Nancy animportani’surß perfenßest: ou her by your-Aiicranve. Tito focuhuned&y kuow to be true. Your*,. JmntHxtakCo • Cenlrerille, lo.,Mi;t:aia. , <7. . ; i l*.erC J,Wix>dfcy For *ale iu rtUkburj't stthaFvkbiTt* atom, jH etrectrucur vrout." ■' ' KB *_ - purify Vonr lllood. : - 'VffR.O. E. SltlLKi »»4*£si . JXL ring the xiroT*oa* trintcr. I w*« »ercrejy .■ I wjui * icrofulou)' c ocnp'uai iu rnjr.tegif.ww wfbcttj 1 for tome iaoaUi»6ade7iheear*.p>' P“J'«« 41 ‘*' - ff*J - raid mfccavs waa almail *i«l iwJ-'s butUnieloriar.' 1 wAa j aid ofcraichia cooM with i law. 1 Durehated.ol To-t oii'i cuwfijeaeed ttuag ( lore* commenced feca-u.r. ■'refc’twbrr-btily u ©ana j -f nijr.tiMß, *rvfcj .hvmifha* beeo di» and Jb«.outrßtesa»oCeffi»W:V: te^ lcu^ I < jw B. A» FAH?fB9PfV!If.Wiw. - Sv? J f *- 9 wood tta. &. •,--'. ■'• ■•■•i ‘' '■: 'V'.' •!•'/•■{'f ktt*i siv • -.• ■•- W 1 I-.’. •■". •£[‘.f»*'"l«J;H- -.iHLr»'. ■ ->»,'K'•r'.‘TTltßl M M l) I CAL