gY EmtfTUS) BBOOKB k Co. : ' PITTBBCBGBI " TUESDAY MORMXG, FEB. 22, me! prnsacaau Daii-t Oxxrrxs is published ' |wSy,Tfi.WeektT.and Weekly—The Daily is Seven poaus per aanom; the Trl>WceU]r is Five LteUare per (ha Weekly ** T'yo Dollars per annum, urtutjr {•sufeaacc. •' _ •' Fes unit Commercial Intelligence,Domestic, Mar kets. Biver News, Imports, Money Markets, fee. see third pegs. '’! ; _ ' pyAMundu are earnestly requeued to hand in their fetors before Sr. and as early in the day ms practicable. v Bu nrit Page for ; AiKeliaac«as News. Editorial Correspondence)-, of the Pittsburgh Gazette. < -, ISS4.TE FOOCEEDIXGB, MB. CKIT ;;••••••• TESDEX. • c i Washington, Feb. 24, ISIS. f-‘ Ms. Auxva Resolution exiling apon the Freni . flent for information as to the fact, whether General Soott has made an armistice was adopted to-day, as also the Resolution looting' to some judical in vention far the puniihment of Mr. Trist A good -•many of the Adniinistraiioa Senators upon the rno . tioti of Mr. Seties, opposed the first Resolution, be lievingit »oth a desigu to injure the treaty as well as Genen l Scbu. : TheK Whig Senators professed that there ibould lie no;, cooccalments and voted * ’ for all tiie information jh\iho possession of the Ex. eculivc D apartment. The motive which prompted "ho call, however .is nof-jforgotien. ~ Other Resolutions were acted upon during the .day, the Pro Slavery Rersolulions ofMr. Bagby, ol Alt, and the Anti-Slavery Resolutions of Mr. Bald- ofConc. Mr. Baldwin had not the courage to vote directly upon the Resolutions and therefore ; - moved to lay thein upon the labto. ; . •; The fact that the Senate'should have consented ■ to legislate at all under the circumstance!*, excited a good deal of surprise) and sortie'regret It could ■ hardly have been tbe state of public business, in a body which adjourns oyer so often, and. I fear was rather a piece of fool-hardiness, or of fioot'.on the part ; of the^jVice President who hud : power to suspend business until the Huuso had .■ acted upon' the .Resolutions received during the morning.. ; si . ffir. Ctrrrpmgt, of the Senate received a Tele. . graphic despatch, today from Frankfort,; announc ing his unanimods nomination for the office of Gov ernor of-KentuckyTjw despatch caused great regret among tbtfWhig members here. There is no man in Congress, more fitted to adorn public life, • none whose constant presence is more needed nod - ootxe whose absence will be so much regretted, it ta cruel if not• unjust towards the Whigs ol the Union, on the pail of tlie 'Whigs of Kentucky to - take Mm from the Senate. Chamber, even to make . him Governor. f= e- e. Washington, Feb. 25. ISIS. :.. The CaKtol is covered with crape upon ail • aides. The drapery oyer the Speaker’s chair is hting [p-moaming, and the portraits of Washington and Lafayette, wilK other parts of the llalt. Mri Adams’* remains: ore deposited in the room of the Committed on Post OlEces and Pot IW.Js. The room is hung heavily in mourning, and the .flag of the country alsd bangs in folds upon the . walls covered with crape. The body lies in a lead en coffin, licrmelrically sealed, and enclosed with in ft mahogany coffin covered with silk velvet.— The coffin is partially covered with evergreens and -flowers, The countenance is very natural, and looks as tranquil as oneln a sleep, except that Ute apiritof life' has gone. The palor of the face and the deep sable of tbe coffin is greatly releived by the flowers which friendly hands bare placed upon ;) v the surface, and these, in oil the colors of a bright sky, were reflected through a gloss upon the firm beneath. Perishable emblems of mortality, are al* these,* and yet ; they may survive the tenement --which holds the soul of man. Alas, when mallow* in the garden die. Green partly, or the rich, luxuriant dill. They live again, or flowernaoilirr year; When ooca we die,'sleep in ihe seu-wles* ci»r:ii.^ A long, an endless, imawokahle sleep.” Charles Franreß Adahis, the only son of tlie de ceased, and much resembling him in appearance, 'visited tlfe Capitol to-day, and communed afoue' . with his Heavenly Parent over the dead body of bis earthly parent. From an early hour ta the day until late in the evening, the avenue was thronged-with people • moving to the ‘ Capitol, find visiting the honored • dead. The, President having: deputed his Private Sec retary to tender the East Room to the family of the deceased for tbe’remainl ofMr. A., until the burial; Mrs. 'Adams responded through one of the Massa chusetts delegation, that she was grateful for the kindness and sympathy which prompted tbe offer, but that Hr. Adarua having fallen at the Capitol* and died there in the discharge of his public du* .ties,.and it being also necessary to bury him from, that place, the offer was respectfully declined. Tlie by the President’s order, ore all draped in mourning) together with the Presi dent’s House and Copilot. The city wears n gloomy appearance throughout, r aml the sad event which - is the occasion of it,.has! pul nn end to all festivity, and for the week to all public business. x- s. MSS. JOHN 4VI3CY ADAMS. WismsoTO.x, Feb. 20,15J3. This lady, rendered illustrious for the long of , bo ears she has shared in common with her bus - bind, and with whom tlie lived lor. more than ball' A century, is a seven) mind and lody Iran the death of her lamented partner. Some ' fewincidents in the life of this lady may not at this ■ uninteresting to ibe readers of theGazoUe. Mrs-Adams was born in England on the 11th of February, 1773.; She was the daughter of Joobua Johnson, a Maryland gentleman, who- went from , America to London, where he became eminent as a merchant. Daring thewar he leJt England tor France, where lie acted as the Commercial Agent of this country, and returned upon the ratification of the treaty of Peace. Mr.Adrms found hisfulure wile at London, when aiding tinder a commission conferred upon him by' General Washington, in 179j t for exehangiagtbe.raiifications mode tinder, the treaty of November of that yeor. -Mrs. A. was named at All Hallows; Church, London, on the 36th of Jane, 1797, aud followed her husband to Prussia, where Mr. A. was presented as the first' ' American yinfotor from tbo United States. Mrs ’ Adam* conferred honor iq®a the country at a time - when the United Stales was jau recognized as ait ' equal among the''nations [of the earth. Her next theatre of'aervice was id-Washington, and~after . this again the Court of St. [Petersburg, and thisirotn .‘lBO9 to 1814, Uto most exciting, perhaps the aioet revolutionary period in the history of Earope, and embracing, a part of that interesting period of our ownliistory when thefjeountry was at war with England. Mr. Adams resided longer atSt Peters- burg than any one of ouri'Atnericaa Minister?, ex cepting Mr. Middleton, aqd his Jody -was left there . a brief period, while her husband was called to a pother field of service. Mr*. A. came alone from ' St Petersburg to ' Paris, after tbe treaty of Peace . . bnd been signed by Mr. A. at Ghent. Sbo was at Faria during the most memorable period of Napo leon's supremacy, and passed the worldwide “bun. • ; dred days” at the French ;, in the midst ' of the whirl of excitement incident to tbe struggle letwoen the Bourbons sndthe Revolutionists. After abort residence in France,. followed by a longerone • with bar 'parents in the neighborhood of London Mro. Adam* come to Washington in 1817, where • fees hxitbatid b«d been colled as the principal mcm . 'ber of Mr. Monrbe’s Cabinet. Eight years as Sec. • Wtaiy of State, fcur in the [White House, and fifty, one years the companion of her distinguished hus band, Mrs. Adorns nos week more ofCourtlife, and 1 in every variety, from the boastful ostentation " ‘ of Royalty to the! simplicity of our ow& Republi can habits, than perhaps any living woman.' . The iDnesa tad death of Mr. A. seems to have •)' quite overoome her, and twice while .at the Capitol i, r- bdbrehia death, sho feinted, and wan borne to her ■/.-ownhome. . - ‘ Sorae : few additions! incidents connected with Ite laatfew days of Mr.-Adams'* life, may not be . Mrs.Aiiani3 iu be present ut ; toiKir <?f ; WMbin?ton p 'tley botii • ftomiaf&jt tfccScitbcapresent good health cootire 11 I bin spoken of him before, as being one of a - Itrgp *! the Mayor's, only a week since. He came early, remained latc, ! nnd was the same at* - tiactfVe, intelligent, inlercsucg man there, as in the ‘scene af his 'pobHc labors. ' jTUis was on Thursday tight, •Os Friday,-a week, since, he was 1 at the and participated in the actionvopoa the bd! ’•;«rifo relief bfito htfrs of Jobs Ihwl Jones., ' OnSaturday;lhe llouse waa sci»i>u,»nr be visited the Capitol and passed tliree boors in $L«m of the Committee roams of the Capitol, exam* fifths books and engraringspreaeßtod by tl» ! « ', -I ■ V ' j-, .•;••■ .; jl ■1 ■ i. . French and the French Govenuaeni to the,United States.!-- He fttoo*he» for three boon conversing with Mr. Vattanare in French most of the time. Ia the jevening'crthe: same day, his house having been ; open for- each. Saturday even ing of the session jfot. the reception of friends, he was present, “the observed of all observer*.” I have spoken of his appearant* at the services of the Capitol on Sunday morning, where he al. ways went, seeming to regard it as the duty of the members to join together at tbe capitol in pnblic worship. Hewas, therefore, as regular in his at tendance here as In the discharge of his pnblic du ties. At home, in iiis own beloved Quincy, he was a coUstanf attendant and devoted communicant of the Unitarian church, the same., where bis father worshipped befori| him. Among the people of his native town andidistrict, the companions of his manhood, and contributors tohissuc* cessive elections to Congress, this death will be most severely feld The remains of the elder. Ad. aras lie in Quincy) .and those of the son will be car ried there also at 'lho pleasure of the family, and attended by a member from each of the States nod territories of the Union. Mr. Adams was.again at church ou Sunday af ternoon, and passed- the evening' at home in his usual health. L He came to theillouse on Monday half an hour before tbe designed presenting several memorials, one ofjwhioh was from Mr. Vattemere in regard to tbe system of International Exchange.*. This memorial, ujith some others, was upon his desk when he felljfirom his seat In regard to the votes he gave on Monday upon the Resolutions of thauks, while the Kill was being called, and after he had voted, he gave his reasons to Mr. Hilliard, of Ala-, and I do not communicate them, because it is Mr. Ililliard'sj intention to du so at the appro priate time in tho House) e. a. OF BIR^ADAHIS Tilt* closing ceremonies attendant upon the death of this distinguished man, were performed on Sat. urduy and were in by probably the largest assembly convened ia Washington for n similar purposes The *crvices'were performed in the Hall of the'House of Representatives at which 4hc President and Cabinet,’ the Senate and indeed the whole pf the Members of the govern* tnenl were tn attendance. After me religions service* were euded the pro cession formed inlthe following-order. Military Companies. ! Hand. The Chaplains of l»oth Houses of Congress. 1 Physician* W*'° attended the deceased. Committee of Arrangements: |Pai.l-Beasebs. Hod. J, J. McKay; X. G lion. T. Smith; Con. Hon. Linn Boyd, Ken. C Hon. J.R. lngersoll.Pa Hon. John C. Calhoun ~ Hon. T. H. Benton, Mo ChiefJusliceß.BT*ney a Hon. Justice J McLean General George Cibsoo, P 3 Com. Charles Morris, Hon. W. W. Seaton, j Hon. T. 1L Cruwford. Mr. J F Hailey, Conductor of the Car. Tho fumily and friends of the deceased. The Senators ond : Representatives from the Sate of Massachusetts, ns mourners. TEe-Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Re* j prescntalives. The House of Representatives of the United States preceded-byt their Speaker and Clerk. The other Officer* of the House of Represen | tntives. The Sergeant-at-Arma of the Senate. The Senate, preceded by their President and Secretary. " The ulhe? otEcer* of tho Seuate. - The President of the United Stales. The Heads of Department*. The Judjea of the of the United Stales, and iujtMcer*. The Judges of the Circuit tmd|D|stnct Courts of the District ofColtimbta ana their OlEccrs. The Diplomatic Corps. The Comptroller?]; Auditors, and other Ileuds of Bureaus of the several Departments of tlie Government, with their Olßcere. Officer* of the aud Navy at the scat of [Government. i Member? of State Legislatures! The Corporation of Washington. The Columbian Typographical Society. Officers aud Students of Georgetown College. Officers and Students of Columbia College. Litjsrary Institutions. Fire Companies of the District. Masonic Institution. „ . • [Odd Fellow*. Citizens and Strangers. . The route of thp procession vu from the east front of the Capitol, through the north gate, round the western portion o£ tne public grounds to the cemetry or.congressional burying ground, where his remains were deposited until the arrangement, could be completed lor taking them to Quincy, Mas. sachusetls, whither, they will be: attended byUie following delegates appointed by Congress. Air. Hudson, Mr. Gayle, of Ala.. Mr Williams, of lie. Mr.'Drown, of Miss. Mr. Wibou, ofN. JI. Mr. Morse, of La. ID. Marsh, of \'L j Mr. Vinton, of Ohio. ID. Thurston, 1L L Mr. Duncan, of Ky. AD. Smith, of Conn. . Mr. Cocke, of Tenn. AD. While, of N. V. Mr. Wick, of Ind. AD. EdsaU,of N.Ji Mr. Lincoln,of 111. Mr. Dickey, of Pai Mr. Bowkn.’of Mo. Mr. Houston, of Del. Mr. Johnson, of Ark. Jdr. Roman, of Md; Mr. McClcllanc, of Mich. Mr. Mclhjwelhoi'Va. Mr. Cabell, of Ha. Mr. Barringer, of 5»>C- Mr. Kauffman, of Texan, Mr. Holmes, of S. C. Mr. Letfler, of lowa, hlr- Cobh, of Ga. [ Mr. Tweedy, of W. T. Wc give the Eujogy of Mr. Wmthrop unavoid ably omitted yesterday:— Gentlemen of tlw Houm of liepreiculatives of the U. Statu: | It has boen thought fit that the Chair should an nounce officially to the House in event already known to the members individually, and which has tilled all bur hearts' with sadness. A seat on this Upor has been vacated, towards which our eye* htjve been accustomed to turn with no common interest. - A voicu has been hushed forever in this hall, to which all cars have been want to listen with pro. found reverence, j A venerable Jbrnj has faded from our sight, o round which we havedaily clustered with jin affec tionate regard.. i ■ A man has been! stricken from the roll of the living stalesmeu of our land, which has been as sociated for more than half a century with the highest civil service, and the loftiest civil re nown. | . On Monday, the illst instant, John Qciscy An aaa sunk in his sedt, in presence of us ail, by a sudden illness, from which be never recovered: and he died, in the jSjieakcr’s room, at a quarter P“* seven o'clock hut evening, with the officers of the House and the delegation of his own Mas sachusetts aroand hjbn. Whatever advanced age, long experience, great ability, vast learning, accumulated public honors a spotties* private character, und a ;firm religious faith, could do, to render any one on 'object of inter est, respect, and admiration, they had done for this distinguished pewonVand interest, respect, and ad miration are but feeble terms to express the feel ings, with which the.;: members of this House and the people of the country have long regarded him. j After a life of eighty years, devoted from its ear nest maturity to the public service, he has at length gone to his rest- Hu has been privileged to die at his post; to fall while in the discharge of his duties to expire beneath the roof of the Capitol; .and to have his last scene 'associated forever in bistort’ with the birth day of that illustrious Patriot, whose just discernment brought him first into the service of his country. ! The close of such a life under such circumstan ces, is not an event unnungied emotions. We cannot find it inourheart* to regret, that be has died as he has died. |He himself could have desi red no other end.—“ This is the end of earth, ’’ were his last words, utlercfl on the day on which he felt But we might almost hear him exclaiming, us he left as—in a language hardly less familiar, to-hira than Ms native tongue— "llocat, nimirntn, magis fiiieiter de vita mignire, quam mori. n It is for others to Suggest what honors shall be paid to his memory, j No acts of ours are accessa ry to his fame. . But : it maybe due to ourselves and to the country, that the national sense of his character and services should lie fitly commemo rated. [Copied fur the PiuOmrgUGazctlr] hint* Written la a Lady’s Album. BY JOltt QUISCY AIUJtsJ A few dayt before hie death. In days of yore Lie poet's peti, ; From wing of rird was plundered, Perhaps n goose, but now and their From Jove’s oyvn Eagle sundered- But, uow, metallic pens disclose Alone the numbers . In Iron inspiration glows, Or with the minstrel slumbers. - Fair damsel, could my pen itupur l•: ' lu prose or lofty rhyme, •• Thu pure emotions of my heart To speed the flight of time, What metal front! the womb of earth, Could worth intrinsic bear <' To stamp with corresponding worth, Tho blessings should’st share. Tin Dora Casa— The Dorr case,, it is said, is decided in favor of Law and Order by. the Supreme Court cf the Unifed States. • There will probably be Borne delay in Ihe ijeljvery of the Dorrism has been pronounced a ■‘/uiserable sham” by the Supremo Court of tho United Ftajes—com g;jed of eight Locofocos and only one Whig.— hief. Justice friend and disciple of Jackson, is to be; it is laid, its executioner. —On Friday Uia pro -iUportmU.. .A joint resolution of : passed in relation jo. the death of ' -tjeopy of the same ordered to laud the Massachusetts leg* LeOULATITK pj | ceediog* were uniat ! condolence was passe John Q.Adam*, uad uj be Mot to Mo. Adams aiaxan. ' } 'I; - ;! To **»e Iroa muaftwtiKn aßd Xlntn | ofPeniurlTtßla. The grqat staple interesucf the-State of Peon •ylraoi*, the prodnctioo of Iron and Coal, upon which her: projjwrity » intimately depend*, are now suffering to such so extent on aixount of the ruinous prices to which they have'fiUJen, in conse quence of the immense importations of foreign iron, as to awaken the most serious apprehen sions. The importance of these great and growing branches of Pennsylvania industry, in the success of which, the manufacturer, the farmer, the miner ! artizaa and laborer, are either directly dependant or deeply interested, cannot be exaggerated or too highly estimated; and the question of their exig ence or downfall, is one of prosperity or adversitv lo every citizen of this State, and ought to be a matter of serious consideration to the General Go vernment We cannot shut our eyes to the fact, that a great revulsion has come upon those interests within a very short period, and it is equally obvious that this event, is directly attributable to a revulsion of (he same kind upon the same branches of industry in England. It becomes us, therefore, whose interests are deeply involved, to enquire why the industrm* branches of tiiia country should necessarily de pend sojintimately upon those of foreign countries that, when theirs are prostrated, and ruin hover* over them,ours are involved in a simihnr unfor tunate crists,—that for every pulsation of the for" eign market ours should respond,—that no fore, sight or prudence on our part, based upon the do mestic demand or domestic supply, can protect us against the imprudence. and wild speculations of foreigners. It becomes us also to enquire, why: the late de mand for iron in Europe, which inflated prices to such a pitch that it could not be imported into this country, and of necessity induced the con struction of a large number of Furnaces and Rail Mills for the purpose of supplying iron for our own improvements,[which otherwise must have come' to a stand, having suddenly ceased abroad, English Iron is now pouriug in upon us at prices ruinous totbo American Manufacturers; and the result is, that many.mills have already suspended operations from necessity, and thousands of laborers ore de prived of enjoyment. Their late customers, the railroad companios which brought them into exist ence, (hiding they can purchase foreign Iron cheaper than the American, naturally looking to their own interests, have abandoned them, und it is known that orders for English Rails, to the value of $5,000,1)00 are now gone abroad from tliu East ern State* alone. The'dependence of this- country upon the fluct uations of English prices for iron, of necessity in volves the existence of this branch of American and preeminently Pennsylvanian industry. \\ e believe this evil to be directly traceable to the operation of the American Tariif of I*U5, which when the price is high abroad, increases llii? duly on imported from S 3 per ton for every ad vance of $lO, and no protection is wanted; aud when the price is low,'diminishes the duty $3 for every fall uf $lO per ton, at a time when the great est protection is wanted. Or, in other words en courages the domestic article, by an extra du ty, when no encouragement is required; but when prices are ruinously iow; invites the importation of the foreign article by diminishing the protection on the American. It is therefore apparent, that under'the opera tions of such a ; tariff. the price of iron must be subject to : the greatest possible (luctnations-at one time making it so high that it cannot be imported at all, when, by its scarcity. American enterprise, deceived by the phantom of prosperity,ts enlisted m its tnamilacture. and for a while capital and la bor become profitably -employed. At unother tiuio, making it so lpw that American capital is en dangered or lost, and American labor becomes urn employed by the stoppage of ‘-furnaces, mills aud collieries.*’; It is the: duty therefore of all interested m the production of iron and coal in this state, seriously to enquireiwhelher a policy so fatal to departments of our industry, essential to national prosperity and independence, will be persevered iu under circum stances so.dift'erent from those existing when the present tariff became a law. The general govern ment, cannot Be insensible to the representations which it is our duty as Pennsylvanians; ns well as raantifocttirers anil miners, to make, nor should it withhold any remedy in its power tending to ame liorate the evil and injosice bearing so onerously on these highly important branches of domestic in dustry. ; In view of tbeiforegomg facts, the underwgued would respeclly recommend to their fellow manu facturer* and miners the propriety of holding a Trade's Convention at the city of Harrisburg, on the i£2d day of March next, for the purpose of de vising some plan in order to accomplish, by every honorable endeavor, n remedy for the enla eom : plained of, and of makiuc known, both .to the Gen eral and State Government*, the iryunouterlecis of the present Revenue Laws on the great staple in terests of Pennsylvania. We therefore hereby poblicly notify all interc-tcd and concerned m the production of Iron and Coal that a Convention will be hidden on tile day of March next, at Harrisburg, for the purpose fif taking into consideration the present stale of theifo trades. | ' Colweil At. Cp., Montgomery Gmnty Iron Works. 1 Samuel R Wood, Columbia Smith •SCRjcharJ*, Carbon S L As W S Richards, Mauch Chunk (»ris« As KrojilT, Cumberland County Reeve* Buck A' Co, Philadelphia. R A J Parke, Chester County. T |{ A J Gaxdn ?r, Chester County. A Gibbons, Jr. 4: Co. Steele Ac: Worth Ja*. Yearsley fci Brothers, “ J A: J Forsyth A: Sons, “ James Irvin & Co., Centre County C At J Curtins. Irvin A: Wiley Blatr County. Blair 4: MaJdco, Huntingdon County J F Cotterill, - . “ Wm Schall, Montgomery Countv. Moore A: lloven, “ -< James S Spencer. Philadelphia. Or nek A: Campbell •* James Rowland Ac Co Philadelphia County Rowland 4; Iluntl Montgomery County. Buckley Jc Broliier, - 'l’h([adelphia County. !l Ac O I) Coleman, County. James M Hopkins,'Lancaster Couuiv. E Ac C B. Grubb, - ~ _ Manas lioopes. ; - Robt. Kclton, J ♦* u David Schell, Berks JowipL Paxton, Columbia J P Sc J Grove Kurd Patterson, 'Schuylkill Milne* Hairyood ic Co Schuylkill County E W .McGiune*, - Eckert Sc GuilCml, . r ** »« Sam'l Lemon, Caiubnn JoLui: Dieimer Columbia Charles Wharton, Jr. & Co Franklin -7 J T) Paxton Wni M Wottß, Cumberland McGowcu i!c McKceban, Perry. Correspondence or ihe riiintmnrh Gaiite. Canal CuMMmmrcft'.t ovincr. ) Harrisburg, Feb. S.’iJ'sjls. f Resolved, That the several lines of llie public works lie opened for navigation’ as Ibllowsr— The Delaware Division ou the lit oil March, next. The Main Lir > P> .lie Maui Line (from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh,) jo the lllh of March.* , The Susquehanna and North and West hranches >n the 15th of March. Extract from the Journal* .. THOS. 11. WILSON, Sfc'y. Virginia State Convention. —A Whig Slnte Convention assembled at Richmond on the 22d. The Hon. W. S. Archer was elected Fresidedt. A committee wan apjioinled to report the names of seventeen 'persons mi electors, and seventeen as sistant electors for the approaching lVeaiilenttal election—-aud that they also he uuthonzed to rcjHirt the names of seventeen persons ns delegates from this Statu to the Whig National Convention to be convened at Independence Hall, in the City of Philadelphia, on the Ith of June next—-and the .names of an equal number of alternates fur such delegates. This is the true course. Dos Quixote Dii La Mancha, Illustrated, from the press of Lee !c. Blanchard, Philadelphia. The agent lbr Pittsburgh, &Jr.' Morse, of Fourth street, has a new supply of this famous work. The purh wit and humor, of the immortal Cervantes, needs no announcement at tho hands of the press, und one needs only Jo be told wliere the work cait be had. Any one who has read the adventures of “the Knight of Rueful countenauce," can hardly resist the temptation to becoino the owner of this elegant edition, which is ns valuable os elegnnL Youm*-Men's Whig Association. —A meeting will be held on Wednesday evening ut Temper ance Hall, af which a punctual attendance is re quested, us business of importance will coruc be fore the meeting. The Hon. John W. Ha vis (lute Speaker of the House of Representatives of tho United Slates) has led Washington fur Norfolk, to take thence his departure for his destination as United States Com uiissioncr to Cltinu, to which ho has recently been appointed. Sirru CoxanrastoxAb itnmucr.—Saiiiuel A’ Bridges, lAKrofocu, has been elected by u small mo jority. ■ s E7*Tm* Cujutk U strangely destructive to lie hu> - man cuticle, {or akin) tbu sudden change from heat to eohi. and the smoke causes yellow, dark, course com- P l P** 1 * 11 rcouisiic ihat the pore* of the skin should be kept open—(bat their mouths should be freed from impruniy—’iwa* thus the oiuicm Roman I'hiJoso phem cured all disease*—u, e y eompuisd that more the pores ol the skm, than any other outlet of the body diseases and auliealihy. vapors Iclt ihruueh Iho II is necessary, therefore, lo keep ib P pofe, humors are dispelled bom ihe «kui from ibTpore* when they wsaJi with Jones* Italian Chemical stoko “T have seen it cure the worst and oldest cases -brunti Bheuin, Erysipelas, Old Sore*, Uatber's ItclnSoru He».l Ringworm, when every oilier interns! and external remedy had CuM —**ei rendering tha skin whim clear and soft,though yellow and coarse is won' derful—it remove* Freckft*, Tan, Sunburn, Mondiciv mud disfigurement of the skin—but persons' mu. t be particular and ask dor Juxks Soap—i u br j mj Pittsburgh aI’!WM. JACKSON'S, sign of the lL jw eeLihdnyit RkaOUcois. norlMAwly | BY ifoGSETiC TELEGRAPH. Correjpoadenee or PltUbiirgh Gazette. j CONGRESS. . Cormpmjdence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. j Washington, Feb. 25,1545. Sinate.— Al prayer' waa made by the Rev. Mr Sheer. ; A RMotaiiob announce by Hr. Broloo, calling on the President for the proceedings of the Fie mont Court Martial. Mr. Benton pl*o gave notice of his intention to bnng in a joinjf resolution, directing the purebase of American Hemp only, for the Navy. 1 Mr. Hunter.-of the Finance Committee, reported a bill providing tor the payment of the interest opon money advanced by Alabama during the Creek war. - ■ A personal explanation was 'made by Messrs. Yuleo and Foote, in relation to a report of their speechs. The discussion was getting rather per sonal, but wasfoul short by a motion from Mr. So. vier to go intofexecutive session, which was adop ted. i Uot-SE.— Mr; C. J. Jngersoll obtained leave to bring in a bill Ranting Mrs. John Quincy Adam*, the franking which waa passed unani mously. ; Mr. Aslimaq ntlercd n Resolution to print 1000 ,-opies of the sermon nnd speeches on the death c/ Mr. Adams, which was adopted. The Spenker then'cnllcd for petitions by slates. Mr. Putnam offered one that provides for the W iltnot Proviso, in the admission of all territory acquired fromjMexicoby treaty. Mr. Rrodhead mo red to lay it on the table and called for the jean and nays,—lost 105 to DA Mr. \ inton ottered n resolution to grant money for deficiencies iu the appropriation bills, which Was agreed to,- hut nut before it was opposed by Mr Scbcaek of Ohio. Means. Mullen, McKay. Cl Iq geraoll, Sawyer nnd Giddings continued the debate" Mr. Giddings in his speech attacked Geu. Tay ; lor's claims to .the Presidency, nnd elicited a reply which caused much merriment from Mr A Stewart who kept up a- rapid cross fire. -Henley of Indiana and Ituer of N. V. also made speeches. ; VENEZUELA, CorresjHutJLnce of th« Pittsburgh Cn/t-lir Philadelphia. Feb. ‘As, ISIS. The North American of the 2Cth, suys By way of Baguayru, we have dates from Came cas, the seat of Government of Venezuela, to Jun. 2A Congress! had assembled at the Capitol, but had nut urbanized in consequence of not being able to form nlquormn. An organization it was supposed however would L*> afiected a few days after the date. The present session it is pre> dieted will prove u very stormy one, a* the article* of impeachment against the President, which were introduced las{ session will bo bnmght up ngain, and should they pass, of which there is u probabil ity, the Legislature will l»o broken, up by the min ions ol the executive, and a suuguinory collision will take placeibetween them and the A telegraphic despatch received on Monday con firms the prediction made obove.'Cutigrcax when it assembled called up the resolution of impeach* nient, upon wlfich a revolution nl once’broke out’ No sooner hadithe President “Monarge**" been tin peached, than jic attacked-Congress while in ses sion with hisjtriops, fired into the window* and 'killed many uxtmliers audtook others prt-oners. —_ The furniture of the ChamU-r oftongres* was dr slroyed and thi* portrait of Bolivar backed in pin-, ei [ The members of Congress cnpturvd were after wards c9corte<| to the Halls nnd cont|*el!t-d under tbe presence of the tnvjis to puss resolutions u honcraling the -President from all the charges pend, mg against hint, and proclaiming agcucml amnesty iu favor of his iidhereubs. Iren. Paex is the leader of the opposition to the President and the current opinion was that hr would head a new revolution. Corrc«pon;iri:ce of lb* Pittsburgh (inifiio. DESTRUCTIVE FIUE—LOSMOF LIFE itSD PUOPEIITV. ; Ct\a%>ATt. Feb. AS, l*»ls. 1 hasten to inform you of the destruction by tire abmt ID ocloc|i last night, of the steamers I‘irea.v wan, Trenton. Hendrick Hudson, and the Moy*- vdfo Wharf Boil, and. sad to relate, four lives were lo»L I bare ni-t learned the uaumaoflhe persons lost, nor nf the amount of property l, u Inch must be larg«- The Hudson was heavily freighted for New Orleans, and nothing saved. An uni»fr*.tl Hi-lory «i the nio>i n*int*tkaljl« rvi-tiu >1 si'Naiiii>)«..(rixii the mriiot p nml to tl«« pr- trnl Umc, lutroinga <>; t ;,.- U' u; !,l vt ,i|- l.i/r and of Vai. ntti.e Vox :hv Vcoinlo. qilUs. hi licnK Cockton —new rOitiaa; A Tfciitmu mat Juumh-'- ihmutf)> Kraur* l a/ul Italy onO ih- lh»i,.fr “f ■ e r-«t wnrm »-aici» I • £»•—1 lie loss l*y ti*i fire i» now eta ted «i $7O *■•>"'. !>)’ 1-n* rear* rfi»-rtir; I, (U1 ... y , n>" l.i ffc-.rn II i/el. 000, tu.i«4iy insured. V.» in?, ' Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Garrtic PHILADELPHIA MARKET. 'j; PiitLxrnxtnA, Feb.2S, I,*. *; 1 1 have uo chjutgt* to notice in any oftln market* Every thin# is to a quiet -date and denier* are holding nil for the arrival of tins next (trainer. Excluuv* Correspondence of Uie Pitt.bargh (iiueiie cLVCJIN.NiVn MARKET. CiNCihNxri. Feb. t‘. r. «. Floi-r—fsolejj of DOOO bbl* were eilert.-d u>Jay at sij2. c *ir-137i p bW. Wiica t —Air*fterate sales iff prime Red at l*Oc » bu. Provision* anti Groceries are witlxut change, both remaining steady. U'msxrt—Stiles at 17c *> call. The market gisiismlly t* witltoul change. JUocal Intelligence. Mxjrn.vj of OtHNCi ls The Guiunls met last evening at the (isuai hour, and after the reading and referring <>|. various peiriions and resolution* lo the proper rVmmdtees. preceded to ibc'nJop lion ol a resolution having m view the - pruper observance, on jhc part of the Mayor uodpmn-, oils i:t Pittsburgh, of the memory ufjlhe distiiC gushed Fhilanllimpist and Statesman, Jl.<v. John •Quincy Adaow, (JeccaseiL Ujwn it* third rending the resdutiou won pas*ed unammomly, and refer, red lo a Committee of six, three (rein each Conn- »:il. who ure lo uut upon the matter awnl repirt The resignali'in of James Tbompvoii. superin lendent of tlie Water Work*, was then laid lx\lT~n! the Council*, upon- which they proceeded on jlnd ballot to the election of a successor. Messrs. John ShenlF, Andrew Mcllwain, Jrain'l C IrN'in, James H McClelland and Sam’l Intact house, were theie nOniirtated for the office; and up. ott the fourth Inliot, Mr. Jiune* U McClelland was declared the duly elected tfnpentilendeiH of the Water works. After some oilier business of minor unportniir?, all of which wo yvill give mhciully in duu limb Gouncils Adjourned. IhmiAnr zxEcrioxs.—Tho f.Uowing U the result of jiriinary meetings held on Saturday,'Jt'*liiinsL,li Alleglietiy ct». .• ' ~ . City of Pittsburgh. ikl ward For Scott fith ward For S-ott *> l h “ i “ Jefferson tp. •* Smiwden tj>j • . Mckee*|K>rt “ Robertson tj> “ \’cr«ulles U’ppiT St. Clair | *- • Prehle* Klizalieth | « Ward Mectlags. HcvrvTi! watiu -jfAgn-Ashlr to public notice, tie Whit* anil nnli-rnhycMl* o! the wvr-uili ward, mi l nl tin hom-i of Win Wil*bn. on Haiunluy, Feb. -Ji. t„ chofi.r iV!<Cnir» to ihe Coijiiiy ecinvcnnoti. tube held ai lh< Ferm tbm.M- 01. w.-itn. Mlny nest. Tlie Hireling «'i.« cullei! to order, and on m»iiiiii. W S*. t.ounury. wh< <-iii>«rii (.'bairman. and W, C. Fricni yrcrclary i The meeting thch proeecileat,, ballot lor Drl. Rnteii A. Franklin and Win M Arthur*, were eho.rn nnd In slrueled ln vntr fur IVlepaic* in Convention, in the na tionnl ami slute coovcntiun, fuvornhluio th- numiniflim ut Heiiry Clay, a* the Whig candidate for the Freri(lcn. cy. ]. On motion of J WJCoqk. jr. it wa , Rrsnlved thru the proceding* of thi* nieieiu B be published On motion, adjourned. W. 8 COI'RT.VLY. Ch'u. W C FaiESO, Seely. Fitur ward.—At a meeting of the, Whig and Anti n.a.omr c.ti/eu* o.'thc FirM Ward, held at .Mrs. Jane Little*. Saturday evening, i»th tint., for the purjwic- 01 relecung twodeleghie* to represent ih« said ward in Ihe County Convention, p„ Wcdnriilay, ttt of March next tho luihnving iH-rsuni were duly eleejrd delegaici: S’ F. Von UonnhorM eijd H. C. Sawyer 5 B. C-JSAWYKtt, cii’n. Ai>AM9Crrrr. Seely. Su-UM) WARD—AIia trirciMig of the Whies of the Se cond Wurd, Allegheny city, on Saturday evening. Uith ms!., for thepurposij of numitmting Delegate* to the County Convention, Wm. Stua, &q. t w ß * railed to ibe Chair, and John l). ; Dny appointed Secretary.''Jol ) n Morrison and «ebi ß e I'orWin were duly fleered Deb-- Cute*, inslrurlrd uniiniNiuiwly for Henry jC.’lny. ' ‘ 'Vbi.sKii.ix. ci.’iun. John U.Csr, Secretary. Flier iv.m—AtjjtoiiH« r ._i. u „ uu „, i, loaJ |,„ c A,,', till|aknil. uul,Wl,i z .;.„ lim Ki(,l AVonl, Allrjteßy, u» .(•inblra m ibc lamj-of Mr. Woodtauui, „„ Snlunl., et.iimu, I'cb.Sfl, lf*l{ nnjorpmir. ,1 t,y r.nini; OT. F, Ir.ui til Ijie Chair, ami iij'pomiin,, D. \ White jHecro" taryi wterciipun ihn il.jeul „( ti.e ui.nii.j ha,i,i, hr.a hy Ihe Chair. 1). N.-While and Wni. 11. Hr.kiiie a.ere eiecieJ, neecnllhf |„ „ re j,„, all the Wenl in the Aiuimarfliuc tu.,l Will, Coumy Con vrntioir, to onset nextWudnesday. < 1 T P. Dai.u. fii'tb |J N. White, tv.-c'y' Clat will remamin rhiladcfpliiA roiui tea ortwdro (Uyt. = : JET 5Uw or Counau—Ban Tojm>-To da Bald atnl-Grey—Kyoa wnsh aTieh, lainrUDtheadef kair, tree from dandruff aiolacart; do hot fail toprocare the 2l Col , oniU *-' 1“ «**« of Wdaex* it :wjll more loan exceed your expectations...Manr who fcare lost their hair for 20 years have had li restored to u. original perfection bjr tho use of tSbalnLA-re, •tale or condition appear to be no obstacle whatevenft ?'f p * lo P. 0 '* with iwhiefa tbe delicate hair tube is filled, b> vrluch meunstbousands (vrliote bairwumy «* die Anactfo Eagle) have had their V*. a ?, tnra ! e ‘ d°r by the use ofthrs invab uable remedy. In all cane* of fever it wall be found the moat pleaam.t wash that can be need. A few applica tions only are neccMary to keep-foe hair from foiling out. It srrengfoeus the mot*. it neverS to impart a L ,c £ “g ** a P«-nume for th«stoilet it i» u.iequa|Ud, i. Jiolj* three time* as much as other miscalled huir restorative* and is more ctfectual. Tlir : f“XN , eTvo“k UrCd ** Coma,ock * Co, a Courtituid « tb u irßb !t °, lK rnuin - WM - Jackson, Sr^nv rt jk of 111 Washington, Pa., by bwe<n) A Son, in Brownsville, by Bennett Crocker, in Dr. Voud;al.o, Ly outages im ever) town w Pa, Ohio and Aid.. novledAwGmT Alev AXU OriiTßa.—Connell’s , l al p F * lUact ”~-l. 1 »* now eoncedc'd by medi cal men that Connell s Magical Pain Extractor/manu fecturcii by Comstock &Co. » CourUand sL N Y, U ° m er » 0 n lhe - 1&lb ceßtu «y- It* effects are A 1 ran , u are «*“"* from bum*, • it.k ei, r ninJ Mre *’ in ® few minute* ot ter if* application; healing the »atne on the most deli nn ;T ,,fru? *•?: ,l “ «S«aHy beneficial in S < &” fl "S n,a ?°nr di-ea-w, such as sore Mp- P l *? sprain*. Rheumatism, White Swelling • hi lruuc,s Um, V Erysipelas, ® olor «* u *? i *c. Wc might add nsproofto ~1 it iKI? Dc ‘ ° r m , nn >' emi'mm physicians who UmilVsl i t «ft‘ r pr “ c l 7 5 ’ ".“! hundreds of the clergy who nratse tl to their people. Kind parent keep it coitMaiitlv on ™ f '' •* * of hy fire, life m.ty be lost with °»i h b ,? ! upc otl bums are subject to iu control, t «.l-r . A ,U " m B f ! , esl r°)' cd - ' Caution—Remember 2 t k° n “ e;11 "Majncal i’oia Extractor, itianu faemred l»j Conutock A; Co. N Y, and no other I )'*'V J ,AV. K?, 9- N ' Agent Ibr Piluburgh. E 9 .Liberty «, Lead of \\ ood. . . uovlsdiwifinT ID Lsa mu wish to be sue ccmluJ tu any undertaking, you must alwav* *u#e the proper menus.' Therefore, if you haven cough, uu Jaysk a laj’CCToaAvr ami be cured, for it is the proper means. Have you Astfona or difuculty of breuiltfog, then the only mJicietit tucana to euro ybu « to i\is Jayue s hxpectomnt. which will immediaiely overcome the spasm which contracts the diameter W the tubes, and loosens uml brings up the mucus which clogs them up. alid Urns remove* every obstruction to a tree respi rauoii, w hile at the same ume nil LnlJamm’utiou is sub utieu, and a cure is certain to be' effected. Have you Uronchiu-,ftptiting of Blood, Pleurisy, or in fact any Pu monury Affection, then use Jayne’s Expectorant and relict is cenatn. ami you will find that you have used the proper means. Fur safe in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea StorerW 4th street near Wood. jairl7 P 5" l 1,0e * >'°“ r Hair tall off dcs s your hrnr turn gray Is it harsh, u it dry, or dirty, l pray* • If 'us thus, you cau make it sofir»ilky and fine. Bark and healthy, nnd Ireautrons as thishuirof mine And to nityc this, you have huCthree shillings to give bor u bottle of Jones’ Hair Restorative * fb-ail«T, if you have, bad hair yon would really be as tonished ut the lovely el ect a .three shilling Collin of Jones i oral llmr Restorative Ims on it: it iie.-ds but one inal. Sold nt (-3 Liberty st. novJW&wJy IL/ 1 ellow Teeth and putrid breath, gunu hke nitten death, Is repiuiive o»d disgusting, • i All could have teeth as white as pearl,* brentit—hard gum*—nmn or girt.’ \\ h> deluy?—nny. quickly huln And u*e u box til Jones'Tooth Paste. II but 3A ceut«. and is really u beautilul antci t gives the teeth a Uno enamel. Sold in Piii.burgh novlud&wly lD*Xmport«jl to Advgrtiacra.—The advc n.i-ith-nts Winch uptHiar in; the H uiy .Morning Caxei ni‘o o|ip<Mr ia the 1 n-Weckiy, thus rccciving-tke be eat in ilie circaLnon r.f.nll, without any adoibou cturge | h,sis an advantage in oar advertisers, wu’io nnv ••xir!it »]«., 1 . r . Advcitisemenu are nlro lU.serti mthe country pnjwf u|hui reasonable term*. U /’lAmt have yellow dark can h< made pearly white by one time uMag a box of Jour, Amber Poo tit I Bute. It harden* the gums, sweetens tin brenth. Ac. Sohl at S 3 Lilieny st. uovlPdAwty , vtif H*ut *>n l.»Ms-— Cont'tock's Nerve and Bone luiiinient nnd ludisn Veritable Elixir, if the mo.t rtlestual cure tor Kiteumaiisiu. Sold by WAJ JACK* * *N. Acrnt lor Pittsburgh. nuvfe'ttwtisiT I; Imdu-e n hi. use Jotics* Spanish Lily White, have always a line tvlnip Uau»jitimil .km. ttt thi- a trial will .au.l> any one. Sold only ut P.Usbunth. «l b» novimiandwly Ye.lenUy ißornm*. oi Go clock, ELIZA INC RAM uaugliter m I -It Litiiiamteon. year-. . The friend. Of the famtlv jr .* mvttrd to ati-i»d he, fn r.era: at |U ..Vh.ek, ir.iw Hie r.-.ut.-n. e ot be Ulhet. tin Third itrect, Rnlt.ubl Aliet : - tU.Tln.nore Paper. £.le :l .e ropy .)' Rscrived by Express at 31. Miller' t'oluniJ.iati M.Tsrftrine for March. nohert Mneaire t,. lingtoud. by <i W M R<-t jujlit tm.-,i!«oine!y illustraietl; < ' My.:-nr» of Oh! IjnjJoii. t,> same nuthor—jn-.r: 1M; «oi\ t!*e ffur.ptm jrr Treason, by \V Hat IM nl Plain*-liSen, a Romaucr nf M.-xn»». bv lie "'IT: ! 'l - . 1 1 Nmv au-l 'fit* ... litMnnfi Warren. Roj-frcd. eu; Jack Umton tb. tmirdauan. bv Lev. r-fresh sut ply- - is- l-or sale i»t M aMINKR-ji. jsmnhrici.i ii dour trem S^domt to; * *£.«* mss- k itfsuos. MOORE &, niHItOA, MKUCHANT T.UUJRs, ru.uu »: i«.* «:..’i-nti.i:.stj*tiu. DOiKl. tu call the atieuij;-- ot einvuuisscurs in die., l-T.;. ...'tr fKSI lt'.toV Tt.CV uxvi *n»tv... ...the an,l uanum.-iure ot gtu taeu!*. In.-t .-aio..,’ (vn-ct'; (Oi.Udent t!i»l evtry utie ot rrane.i.ji.,.| d taste tii r«rr pre for thei-iiwtrr. imr-sx. a of thnnuchir pra,«. Used ssn-ts, t„ the wr.ictu'd u.-id rou* burlesques of tbe *tobS-ihe irsi] un.t worthies, nutkmah.hip t?*ued iroui Cie erroneously .•aHeJ .ebeay rsubh.emcni* *i tot. aud »>tiier iiti>-< \\ ith this «oiiru liou. they proder tfietr •efVI. r. In |,f Ultn, ,T t>», StK.MKIRt CUI*! ruu rt, i'ir.tvci- tk.-.r admnte.l .kill and smbitinn to toe grtt;b.-atl,.u.,f;dl,. I..,wrier .bVull ifi ejesa test i Tie bmj t««oeiit.oii of.M, M—k. with Mr Huai U i>ih>iti>\r.K A.O . u. Tutie many pa'i "-- .ii that r. tXj.lMimeui, -j •..itucmni guaramec ot Ida »i.l|t>. Tor Kent. 4 IAJiM, irtKnit (pO iCrr*. Midi » tiu< .*. V dwells !..*u.<- ami l.orii. Mtuair.t m Pwbie i-iii .» »!•>.' n i!i*tai:r*'.iJtHii the ci! y, JUu- propef Ijs i’i iL-p !»!<• Uii-harJ ISiJ.lh. .JVt | Thi» pnn>i?n! MuaM lor a <!«iri. uutl wimlil mitrij t\! a t-fiiioi ) rat*. Andy '■ j.-UJ/Im J II SHOKNRERGEIL To'Let. ’* “ MA STORE AND CELLAR. forn.-r ..ii Federal and Lu< i«-k sifi'fi.. Alirph>'ii) *!itv. Inquire of H. Harm t (»n ti»«* pr> tiux». , VbAiiliNv I>HIVATE l!ltAUUi\<i T A'inw unil- Veiitlrtm-n. or ri niiiUl minify, can beuccixnraodatf d at H. War tier « cortu-r nl i e,!,-nil sirvets, All r-heiiy *-*• V- , "' !lr */“' end *>l l *"' «>ld I’n'l'.r lcb^!«L2<v GEORGE Ai BERRY, \VHOL£SAI.K nROCKII, FOUIVABOIXC AMI COJIJ1ISS(OJI HEIUIIiJST, AM) DEALER IN KroD, Nall*. Colton Yarut Pllt»bur|{b illanufMlurc* generally, m»- »>• sriikti. i-rmata.iii, rw. O. MTiAiS-imliluK N OSutrnr,in store, reertv -11 . mg, aml.ior -al- by GKO A DERRY ‘ HlwtolsC O MOJ.ASSnS-~.i2j I>W« rinnlution Mi'lal'-ca, m 11* store ami lot Fiiteiiy t.Cn a HURRY, ' let.tU _ -ID wdod »l \\r ANTED— X buy from 11 lo HI year* of nt- Tf <«'<d in * Jetftil dry gumls unre. One Uho is Ht lJ m-quaiuted with localities in the city would be prefmed, Apply nt No 6gMarket *t, tietweenTld and , j leb-JD«U*i| COTTON— SI baler to orrivr by stmr O.wepu; lor sale l‘V _[frbay - ISAIAII DICKEY GOOBER I’HA.H— IfiKi bush to orrivo by «imr l>«we- |?o, tor sab- by liejip] ISAIAH DICKEY A GREASE LARD—To nrnve bv rtiur L OM r* , K I, -. , ‘ ) !ISAIAH DICKEY LAUD OIL—It) bbN (winter Mranu-d] landing from simr I’hcruix, iuid lor sale bv , ; felnJW ’ _ _ JAS DAL/KLL STAUCANDUiS— 2bbi» hotel c|uulli-.. rcccivniir per steamer Hibernia No 2. aiid tor sale bv _ I, b -* J JAS UAI.ZHLL SLNPKIKS-ti Irbla oorn.l i| n fresh buiter.U keg* lard 7 »urk* oat*, and l bhd lobscc.i, receiving fmiti spur Ludlow. and tor sale by JAS PAI.ZKLL I.TUL SHUCK—'Ai.bUO ti>r sale low or exchange tur . l’ituburiiiiirmiiiiiaclined article*, by JAS DALZI'J.L' EYIJ FLOUR—II? Mils superior rveibtur. just rcc'd .... and fbrsah; hv [leiejsj L N WATERMAN SOA i'—<lo bis extra Nil 1. Cim-i.iuiiti, )u«t rcc'd and .. ' LS WATERMAN SCYTHI, SNEATH.S—<HI dor N Brown's tminuiuc turc, in siorc mid for »alr by _ icb* , l s watkk.mAn HOLS— fcOdo* cast stcrl, best quality, in Mtore'aml for »ale. by (frli'Jij L S WATERMAN EUCKKI’S— 76 do/. Reaver, in rtor-- and tor sale by [iV-lr-Jli) LSUATI-TtMAN STARCH —CObxT fancy, Lawson's brniid. in «tam & for rain by • (fdiißJ L S WATCHMAN Y"'tlA)Vllß SIIKD—I - -') bush prime new rcc'd and for yy aolc by_ Ifrlianj _ T'ASSLV A: liJ>T rpUMimiVSEKR-iJObunh lor sale 1))- X fell'll : TASStIY AJH’.ST Dried i'eacheh—^sao i>u*h, for >uie b> lcb-21 • TASSEY A HEIJT ■\TA!L>>—2oo keg* asi’d it/c;» for side by i il lebJj . TASSEY A UE.IT ClfJAJtH—JlUrt) Havana, in cjr.boxes,of Yurinm'tmd choice bruudsf tor WESTHOWKN’ Icb2s .0 front <] FLOUR— Kill bbU for sale by jebu? JASDALZIXL^ KAU WAUEHOUSE—TTic liijfli.-st price in c»U paid for gmul ckuu rap; olso, canvas*, bale rojie, rnui rope, bugcinC, woolen rui!<. by . J XV C|L\D\VICK toli'Jl tvnyur si. between [*nn <t liberty MOLASSES-vW) M,U prime N H Moln«*es, bhl», lauding f»om Minr Fririidslnp, uiul forsale by. loirj; W & At AIiIOHEI.'^,KEE SUOAH —HI Midi prune NO, lust rac'd und for sale bj lebAl _ I'OINDE.Vi’ER L Co SUGAR— HOlihdi N <). ju>;t rcc'd mid for sale by fcb‘.-q HROWN A CIiLUERTSON EACON— -IhibU Ib.v—city smoked. andtUKIO country do; in sinre and lor sale by __fcb2r_ LH WATERMAN D4IEU EKLTT—llii) sacks dried penchni, (halves,) a-prime article; ami 26 do Apples; 111 store and for Milc by JuTitg-j _L_S WATERMAN^ C|. Y’ARNS—£bW lbs Cotton Yarns, ats'd Not; 60 balesNosl and i! bulling in store ami ibr sale by - jejArt I-S WAIER.MAN SFXDS —‘Jdtl bash Clover Seed, and u irtv bag* tiuio- Uith m store and lor sale by x. - T . . j... eb*_ _L H WATERMAN bblii plootation, luudiuy *ironi IVI sunr Do WiU Clinton, and for sale by leW9 . JAMEH DAf.ZK^.^, L'nioin can J? ?™7 P»" <■' tbeir ciulom, and 10 ihcir wiSt(™i3™V| U " : , m '"'f hu bta» pot upi Q ihi»rdacfc/r Tw£ raU< \ ofwbel ‘ liftnd a lull aapplf ofAlijbie MmmelifinY. 4 OQ which wiih pncc. will l*. roncanicd. ] ° ,k ’ “f"* »• 10-AU vrotk aluppcl 1. inaaccd hoi btc^acc JOH.N STKUTMIJIsi SOX. rh 8U l’hita. S liey do not jrh2Sd3ra •N. B. There it Ooihinginiht famish either dogieiiie or imr Dry Good* at Whole,,- Murphy, wilson * c<>. now recemnjr by daily jim cr* and manufacturers, amp e"« n pnH eg Q r .> s s ,lne which ih'r „sv, toilers at the smallest powible advance KS- . partner a!rao« constantly inthe en „ cr t mar i^g fi ; stock vn l be kept up throughout the C the article, already received, are 50 c «Ue, pnntjf *o™ very beautiful and adapted to <*hy .We*;\ vaVicn” f !Y ee lV° n Su I ,n ,tttloon **"». domestic, ainkliama. blenched and broWn cottony 4c. rcbah&tflniT^ ValuablfeParm For Ba] t ; \ TUIS Farm lies upon tbe bank of the Ohio riVer in Jmwrence county, Ohio, immediately adioinihe ih- Tillage of Millersport. It contains upward* aiXQ&tOl ot which laSacresnre cleared and under cultivation. n,c , re .‘ # “P°'‘ die properly a rood dwelling hou.e and out buildup*. Terms liberal, and title indisputable Inquire of ; TODD * SMITH, Attonae) »|oi Uw, <th m . dne Week More. l TTUDSOX'S great Fauorama of the Hudson Hirer J_L'riU open tor another week at Pliilp Hall, coalmen* cm# on Monday cvjening. Feb. 21st, and continue every evening during Uto] Weeli, except San rday. Kxhibi b'jns to school* every afternoon at Ticket* !35 cents, to be had at the Mounngahrla House, St. Charles, Exchange and .Mbrchmit* Hotels, uud at the dbor. Doors open at t)} o'cltick, mid exhibi tion will comiucnei at 1 o'clock. feb^} SMALL FitiUKlJj I‘HINTS—Just received, an as* sonmeut'of blue, pink, lalock, purple and orange, small figured print* and chintzes iur childrens'.wetir, also, durk ana oil scarlet do; also, itluin, pink, and orange mouse de laJnes, for do; small barred ginghams, Ac. Ac., at the Dry Goods House of ] -^ übia _j W jIIMURPHY. PWNTO —liinghum styles; open thivtncyitijig, 1 ease *■-, handsoiiie prints, gingham patterns’, and fast colors, ouJy IJJ ceuts per yard, at tho dry goods house of _ .. i ; \\\ RMUKPHV GINgHaMS— Open this morning, art as* sortiucnt of fresh ginghams, from Jill cents per yd. up to first quality ‘French, at reduced prices. Also, heavy .Manchester ginghauis, low priced and fine, . M9i 1 \V It MURPHY J'"?* ■ cor. Market A_slh its. 75 hlf chsis and bx* Y Hyson, Imperiafaud X Gunpowder, for sale by TASSItY A UEST . j b 5 wood St EAJNINS— JO bis fresh, rec'd sud for sale by .- ,,rb7 » TAgfrEV A BEST - CftTOKED UEKIUXG—To bx* No l.ahd i"fo7.tdo iTr j*L L * 3 .. TASgEY A BEST MACKKIIEL-fiO bids No 3, large; 'lb hlf do No Ik on hand and lor sale by [fi-JS) fAfrSKV A REST VTNEGAR— IU bbl* pure cider, rec’d and for salr b\ TasHEVADEST DT. MOHGAN A Co, Wbolssaje Grocers und » Gommisstou Merckanu. tub, Woqd »u febaS ' HIDES— UM dry hydes, just Icceivcll by sttor Gray Eagle, and tor sale by HAW HARUAUGH • teu26 j Jj wood st YE FLOUR* —CU bbU for sale hf ' -*> fcbaf_ - !jMV HARUAUCjI LARD-30 bbte.Vo !, in store autl fur sale by 8&. U~ Haß HAUGI ~ s F MACKtIRLX— (56 bid# No U. South jllackercl; 10 di lDbirbliUXol: iQdodoNo&ii * ,o, f <uid lor »slo by MILL kilt A. IIiCKETSON «ur. irwiti sis SALi —166 bid# n'o l. now landing and lor Kale by _ AIILUSU* |UCKLTSON_ COPPKIIAS— *> bbl» in good ordcr.'lor tala low by ; J «CHOO.n4aKKU * Co GLL‘I>-lti l/lil* No i for sale Lj ‘ ' . J SCUOONi|L\KKK d Co LA.MPULACki— 55 bbla assorted. for pale by lctl!ii J SCUOONaUxKU d CO TMPs-OM SALTb—JWa) lb* for sale byi ■*#_ ,cba * J SCHOO.vj AKER A Co LAHDOIL— Oftbc be»i quality, for **| c by - ,eb ~ ; J SChOONMA&KKdeo tIAKU A.MU.NLA—UAt ibi for pale ioitj by !_._J_aCI.IOOMMAJCE_RA Co KCP-S— 5 bales oil consignment, amlifor sale by _ 1 MILLER d ttICKKTSOX SOAP— Id bis Cbillicolite, in store aii.l for sale Ly . . MILLER & ItICKETSON (able clnr«!t;3 do Bofdenui. in ston nnJ L>i sale by KILLER fc KICKETSOX ; liberty iiid invia su LINSEED OlL—ill bbLfor'tale by j ~~ ~* _febas McGILE, RLSHnKLD d ROE PATENT UL'CKI'TS—SO dor fur soHby feb ;McGILL. ROE EICK— 35 tienr'e*, for *aie by ; _._( cb “* ,McGI ROE SOAP— 35 botes Proctor d Gamble's koapjuxt land tag (loin eiuir Loyal lLauneE nod lu mile by ; JOHN 8 DIMVORTIi SOAP— 50bx* llimacwell 11111 d Co's* Soap, bt'storr at»o tor saic by r JOHN SDlLWomii - >ebaj i . i 37 wood»! VT O. XIOLA3SS&—iuo bb!« prime ia oak bbta, iu»t X.N • t«M usd lor iale by T J«5» jj POINDEXTER & Co A|OI.A.SSKS-*«f bI.U Prifc* nißtiiou'Mola****, -►»* UwSuig iron «br Urey Eagle; lor isl.- by W * M MU'CHKLTIUU: _ E»9H* iier'ce# prime duality, lataling lrtrfniuar Oray.Kagle; fat aaie by i ~ , 'V * M MJTCHKLTREE I)EACIiU»~Mbu unpaired paacbc*,? do paiml do;' . juai fec‘d and !ox cole by . T • Vt 1 ' 21 _ : UROVTN 4 CLIJJtIRTSO.N /VtU>VER SEED—M buib ju«t rec'J and fur „ak by Y .. BROWN & CI'LbKRTSI*N fc U. ferti'iii haring tiusiaet* with KobcnV Caa- JV *ai. .an requeued loeailoti ihr utidrtMgiici!' I . „ ROBERT .MeKMoHT, I ~,b; L ; <U> »tj near groin. i 'MWTON-63 biUc»MiMi«u|tpi, to) sale by Y ... _WEifl* bowkx | 'A.NAI. SHOVELS, Grain and Devon«hiffc ily; V *|*«ile*.hay amlibajiurclortu, of vanbu* maie and iiuniily, mr .ale by \VE»T BuWEN. ' __ | bO from »i 1) IO CClf !• EE—7o bags just received and iW juilc by IV _ifb~l ENGLISH! &jBJL\NEn‘ OKLKAN'N SUGAR— 00 biidt iir norV «ml ■. luwj.y IK-W4J ENGLISH & jIKN.VKIT MOLASSfb^—-£jo bbl» urritinij" ami fur rftl l'fh-HJ l __ ENGLISH AaKNNETT. TilCE —'i Uerce* prime, for vile by f XV__jeM«_ ' KXOUsH A BEXXBIT T OAK Sl'UAlt—<7* No iO. ? A. fjjg bx» doubT JL J remicJ do, in »ion» an-J for *a]u low by , | _ l . l ' l|^> . ENGLISH aJiEXXETT ij'AMII.Y SOAl*—loo bit; 43 do loilrujdo prime, lu »ale low by lie bill) ENGLISH & LENNKIT |)}JCi KOL'NDiJ—2 hlidi far ulu low by JL> frbv? j ENGLISH jk |IEX.\ETr VT C. TAR—OO large bbt* is More and tfor »nle by’* il • j ENGLISH A RKXNL~rr SUOAH — Id bags lirazil, d bxi while Havana m »sore ami lor «ale low by < 1 I ENGLISH A DKNNTHT *f)OCK C.VN'DV—Is Lt» while nndTcllowiu gtori XV iuid lor talc low by i- ENGLISH AJJLNNLTT HOXKY —10 l.x» ilistorc ond'for sale low to do* J*y. _i febi!4] 1 EXIiLISH ft «ENxkit CRAB UIDEIt—.I) bills in store mul for salt by J*M* ISAIAH DICKkY ft C*> C IDEM VINJXiAItf For sale low by ]' tebJl | ISAiAH HICKEY ft Co JX» •ufMriurj .Mould Can *torr uuJ i.i t sale law by ItUjJ. aicUKKU'A; Co ckcl Machiilery Cur talc . . JOH.V S. DILIVOATII WHITE LEAD—GW kegs for sale t>y | ___jeW4 | WEST; UQWKX PKACIICS— <»5 bu prime dned peacbe*. 10 bbU ►mull while l>eaiu. jusi rec'dann tor *ale by - fcky JOHN 8 DIUWORTH SCOHCnr.NnS—JUbLIi prime »coreliin((i (ornate by WICK. & .McCAXUt.KyS LOUISVIU.E I.LM and Hydraulic cJ-tw-- tuuillv on band anti ior inletiv icb&i ’ BACON— 3iS tJcrcei os*oneJ Uncoil, uii comieu mcut add lor »<Uq liy j 6 ,c . b r! * J ij PLQYP -•Jj bbls llrovrn Tamiers’ Oil f O . £& *j i’UJVD_ TTtIR—W bbU in stare and tb» suit liv KOlTf UALZMLL X Co UX tm<h lor »ate by I • notrr dalzrll a Co i » recviviufj and foir fl»le by HOIiT DAI.ZKLL 4 Co i c lime in store amilbr salt- bv ENGLISH & BENXUIT , to , Wire: ifcf ENGLISH ft IiUXNEiT TANNKHS’ OH.—i solo liy jicli—!J EOI.L Dir I'cbJJ Cu.oveu sked-’h ' tebia SALI'.RATL'S— 10 tin J'eOZI LLM 11—20 bt.l*.Will IcbdJ Ground nutk-i: fob -zi EUCKLTS —20 dor ps tent, for calo bv l KNOIJSU It UEXNKr’r * c k‘rJ 03 wood »;' MACKEREL— 130 bbU No. I t 2i3, in n|>re amffor “toby Deb2J( ENUUSH * DENNETT f TIMOTHY §KED—I bbU Timothy Secd| 0 <lo Fins J.i Seed, just fee’ll und lor into by 7 ... .... JNO SDlLWbimi MOI.ASSE.S-SIIO Ufa .V o. ii/orrivr n<r stmr Kuuos. R-i.a . DUSHFIELdU ROE I7I.XXBEKD— 30 busl els fur sale i>y "| ' _ V tcbgj • McCIt.L, DUSu FIELD* ROE HKMI*— 10 bole. Jew rotted Ky. Ilerajiju.i rce'J and (or idle by DROWN A CULUEHTSON, •*b2l | 143 Liberjy .treel. PoPahH— 10 Cu»k* primcjust rcc’d and jor utie bv fctofl ..JjyiCK.i jM'CANDLESS. '* CIIiOVIIR SEED—l3llbUCloser seethlUdan Jo for “!■ by (WICK & M'CAXDtSs. OODA ASH—loca»k* 0 I'eblO • ' Soda A ill for tale bV yoß»yyu » pu,sc Q COHCHING&—I3 ott O JeblO j pßfckLB-W eaikVjJS 3l rec’ nnd ior «le l>r H ICK fc M'CANOt /"IANDLES—OO lioici V> sale by (fntiisj >uld Caudle* in sir S A \V IIAUUA PEW'S— IWJO Nos lat tl SJthrcp Pelt»,.l»Jii MrMkliigui uud for sak- |*y • feblS J C DIDwEM*. 'Ag l. :>• no,insure and ( jtassey a AUCfiON'si By John D.' P«tla yANitetlntfc & r*>; w[ retail. \SJofit(f . -On Thursday moniiiu:»,.Slarch oilock. u the.Cotnmercinl Sale* :Roota, corjJM*of“NVobd * Firth «sv v wi4 -bo Bold, w clOfC'A. an extensive asibttroeiit of English. French arafAmcil-' can dry cood*. eelteted rsprcsilywrlhlstfliukci. f ; |'At4b'clfrck,Ti'»{..i \:r -y; f' • J f quiiiiliiyofgroceries. quVeniware, wri ting-and wrappuqfpai»or»baudbojxtipiat« , :be* t cisar*. tobacco, grain, aud coni shovels, hay auiT im'jttire'fbTk*. Moves. 7 piece* xdp tircwf ly-• end ktouble ingra nl enr pet,i pieces stair do, Ipohinifglos*** innate! rloUm grew variety, eiiiJery,'Ac. . A geucrel iw*oni.T*:u ot new and second hand household llirntumv eiribiaomg ihe Svock ot-a l'aniily al»u! runpi-insfronttlie rity. ; At T'O’cloek. p.m.• An invoice of quality boots,'shoe?, rendy nimbi clothing, umbrellas, tranks, muMlcs,--bridle*. halter*, whip*, work basket*, gold nnd.'siiver watirfiv.A, gold pert*, stationary, rifle*. pistol?, twit and poekrt ki4v»-», knives and fork*. *pcrmcle* t violin?, arconiooiis. tifes, At*. ' febtiU JOHN'. D DAVIS, Aucfr.. Lrtrgf bailee/ • ' / On Tuesday tnon.ind, the 291 h inst., ql 10 o'clock, nl the Commercial. Sale* Bunin.*, will be ■ ?pld without reserve, to do*e h concern’,' ' -J ' ' 38t ready made vest* assorted; 12! pair Jiactaiooits; 80 cotton roundabout*; 23 cloth and.' summer coats; 10 pilot cloth overcoat?; 3 dor pair brown dfilliiigoverall*; 2 dox finc_shirt«, made in Frcoee sty le; 6,dnicodo,with. limn bosom* and collars; 4 dor; blue .and jrrd llanncl shirt?; 3 do.hickory shift?. Together with u variety of oilier clothing. Ac. • ; i ichSS JOHN D. Aurl. ; RELIANCE PORTABLE BOATXIVE, i?^!||lB4B. . »’«>b tiusspoktatiox or tnairitiymzk' BETWEEN I‘ll’iSUUllGli AND I’HILADKLFnLV r PHE Proprietors of.tlii* old established' nuil first X Portable Boin Idr<c. having removed, their de pot in Philadelphia, iq a much. larger: Worohf»u>ie on Market *l, than they fonilcrly occupied, and also iii creased their room for storage at Pitutjurch.' imniuiv prepared lootTermuch greater facilities |5 their-friend* and patrons.. V , , C(in ied by tl4« line are not transhipped bs tween Pmsbursh and tPhilaildpliio. bdng'earned en- Urely In 1 onablc Section lkiau. To shippers offionr anu other goods requiring careful handling", till* is of importance. No charge made for reteivinsrpr shipping’ good*, or rulvuieiug charges. AH good*-forwarded promptly, and u)>on usteawhuble terms a# by any olh- JOHN MrFADEN A Col, Canal Basin, Penn sUt IVttsburgb. JAMES M. DA VLi 4iCo.. •2!7 Market A MCommerce«t4 Philo. JOHN Mp.FADKN A Co., Fonvatdine and Comnuiw siOil .Merrbants, Canal Basin; lijim Ptttsburgb. . • EAVIB & Co, Floor Factor? and Coromi*- won Merchants, SJ7 hjarkel, and ■<* Commerce at„ Philadelphia. \ . :s; febng.;. ../DfAdvaucesmadelby either of the oWe lu Floor. • Wool and other descriptions of hie re htmdizo ccnairntd ‘ • ; • • • :: fcbU . IS4S Arrangemcni. fci.KVKLi-i Detroit and:saclt stetm3Sie. THE Stmmooat DhTKOIT,. Capt. J. C. Benjamin, will run. durijig tlic season of 154 e; betwom Cleveland A Fault Fie Marie, in the foUowuig.inafiaef,;touchiuzut * Mnckiuah and inierntrdiiitc placraeachSvay: Leaving Cleveland every Monday, at 7 J\M, , r Do IX-troit -do - Tuesday’ntt) AM. I)q 4 . Mackinec do Thursday at 7A. M. Beturning. will leave Fault Ftp Marie every Friday, at Iboxlock, A. A!.; and Mackitmc at JOo'cloek, P.hi. and leuve Detroit every Sunday- evening [ for Ciove land, at 7 o'clock, i ‘; • : ; f\V. AOIUACo., ' f fWI. nM Agents. <C. URADDURN ACo. - i-C'eTeland. (.GRAVES A WICKM'AREi Detroit. Tlir Detroit has been ihorouchly repaired and refit ted the put wiuicr ; and the puhiie may rely upon the performing of her inn* with punctuality ixd ;advertised. fclcALru . ; ■ J-l B iWAP.D. NEW ARRANGEMENT! 1848 11848' PH!LADF3jI‘IUA AND PITrSHLUGH. VIA CHAM DEUSiit-KO, IJV. R.ULP4OAD AND-WAGON. ’ ACAII viill leave I’llilidi-iphia doily afier t!t?t Feb ruar>v N with [the AlaU Train, to Ch’uinhersburg, whichwillcniiliie the Wagons to leuve there.-the some day, with relay? of hor<u:s. running day aqdrqigbt. ?e« cure* the. ccmiu arrival of good* iu Hvc:Days from’ Philadelphia. Apply to • '; j D LEECH ic CovCauil.Dasin, . [ Pittsburgh. - HAIUUS & LEECH, i ‘ 13 and 15 south 3d at. Bhilodelpliia. • e wii! receipt for CUOUlhs produce, daily.'to go through by the above lirte alter thealstinrt, i. _febli» ; i U LEECH A Co. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. To ami trevu the Eastern cities, via CUinhCrlaiwL- . THE proprietors of thi* popular line, have since their re-orguiiizaiion largely increased their facilities to meet the wishes of Eliippenc and are now brepan d to torward a greater nmopnt by the.FIVK DAV XJM> a* 11L0 Ly addiunnal regular wngen* nt Ihwrnte*. . This line wiil run throughout tlie year. iTcliverins goods thro ;i.h the ap«-;ui in Baltimore and pitteburgh lo owner* and eonAiiruce* at ?{recifted rate* njul time: Shipment* from Phthnk-ipbla;br the iidc shoold bp marked “Care, J B.l!obifiwii,,ilaltiinore.~i s' The only ugcuts ftre, r ■ J UiROBLNSON. : Clurles si, Baltimore. EIKiRKTON h Co, Cutnlxrhuid. (i W C.VKS! BrownwillA J riushurgh. PenniylvanlaiVailon. Liar; THKOUGH EV FIVE DAVS PKOil PHH.ADEL PUiA TO/ PriTSBURGH, BV WAGONS," - RamungDay nndNiahtbetweenPiUslmfrii rtadChira bereburg, and by Railroad baiwcen Chambersburg and Philadelphia, llic first ishipuienl will WaTC each" end on 15th January inkt No more goods willW received than con be carried through each day, vyithout delay, ou the mute. Tmw will be reduced to FourlDays when the roads become settled! '• 1: - ■': j. •. \ J BLTLKK; Agent, )At ihr) Ik-poti oi 21S) market *l.. Philadelphia, I Peira’a .and Ohio CLARKE i THAW, ( .TranVjiorituioii Pituliurgh.) Compty, . ; J K7*"> will receipt jor C*X*J lbs produce, ote'per day. to go through by thhabovu line attar thr.lAh m*C > CLARKE ArTHAW.. ■pErNjSiQiiiifP • . 44 iji CEDAR ST.; NEW YORK LKE & BREWSItft ! Riiablisbed a warehouse in the year ISIS, tot d.n pur u'° “Jtal imerioT Trade with PRINTED C.vLICOES EXCLUSIVELY. :rt ’ • w j Pftecir—and exiiibiiing, at ail seasons 1 • oftbeycar.iiiie Largest Asvmtnrm'io • . s:' _ THE AVOItLD. mey are nowopeumg Several Hundred Faeka-rea, coispnKiig every new stylo ofFareifni and, Dokmiiic producluin. many of wliich have just beett rurvhajed. anu are offered for sain for Cash ntid short credit at • ; PttICEBREDLCKI> It 1 FUO.M ■ !- • ‘ ONE TO FITE CENTS per yard below the prices ot April und •,’Unv, as net printed CaulMues,which are corrected dnile, tbr the uitormation of buyers. ! I : ’ PRINT WAREHOUSE, ) j ] • New York, Juno, 1&47. y- : .jrJdistt NEW -SPRING. GOODS. i‘: OHACKLKIT ii 11 mi, i»l> Wood street'pre now KJ recmuif large addition* to,their excellent a>*urt meiu ot Dry Goods, to which tbtfy inrilethe attention of b “K or '*>. l ‘ c ‘‘ yv ! a P ,u<f y W yffi-Tsochinductiiicinna* wiH ma.e n to dieir interest to make liill* with them U c aro now receiving a large assorlmeru'qt' noods direct irom the Manufacturer*,'. Importer*, ipj airsmi'- which may be toottd the following: ' i [l-; . Pluiu double drills, all grade* aiid'*fylei,'‘j»rinted Kentucky Jesus, blue, blue mixed, cadet;dark mixed gold, green, plaids. Ac.; blue, «u!ot, Oi lord: plain, ligured and printed tweed*. a pntni assort mem, vanua* stylcsf prints, a very larimassorfruem of iiciTipnujr styles foaey. prvciL blue.'rubies! bn>wii>; blues. Wan and orange, fcCv, in all varjciieH;-;nm;tiira>, splendid styles ut dormrstib, English and. FreuuS, very low; Alpuccas, new styles midst vies aruriirure*. just tmponedj blso, Mack*,'mode col.- fancy colt silk and cojicn wnrp; some blacky .very fine. All nfcriiicli nrc oQcrcd for sule ou the miwt favorable tcnusfVi [ . - ; - lynrn: ' Ocean steam Navigation Co{npa»v. CJ. 8. MAILLLVKTO SOUTHAMPTON XfcltpMKX. > fcjWa From the beginning of tlietyedr tr-K yzMtnXuio Meptucrs! ot this Cumpar.v'uill *ad CfvtxlVa'iPre/nl nriTotive a moo lit us tallow* ■|M|H moa sew yon*. Jaify, 7 ! (injtj-e doth Tito Hermann, Capt Crabtrccj ou dm 20th 1-Yh. IS4S.- •,„ ' . . aeo«.tißtTtcx ' • £ ,e }V-ASIIJN'GTON, oa-the listh IVuninny JS4A ' llie HLUMAM- oil the i>odi March., I u**age trotn.N. Y-to gouthmiipioaorßrcmuii. .*too from Bremen orBoutbunijitvu to New Yorli--*JoC tot frugal nr passage opply m dmoiliceof UieOecan MtM to « tVillino, ,1. New-\Vrlc, or l” Uir, tnossev A .Ageiit* nt Southampton! \\ m. ism-iN, Agent* ui Havre. •-,/! . fi- A, Hkikckkh A Co. Agents «,t lire mcnJ j ~Xpl»yslclan»4 TeutlmonyTiT' 7' C EIJ.I-,1,:? LiVEK I'ILES-rTLc original: only true O and genuine Inver Pill*. ° ' st } X u cm. Feb. sl\ I^l iv n 1 i ** J VV|l J«4*t udd that >oet Liver great repute. Yours,Ac.! • \'S ,i7”' " J «W Kn. r- SELLBM;kJ^«!Sa c c|-nMni,lcon a Gordon setts, entire new styles;black r-’ •«nw«.sn«»««r,iMt»# niSSKrt'S?rtl ibuenumiunovloaM.' ■ "■ K''™* which will b. uflercAol'aliooi caHerh pHcO. *' Playing,. ?"‘r — 1 EWIS 1- COHEN, wi."ci tti imhnn 1,1. r.i'J. 4Jco.lommthal Ihc Ocency Toriho m e or’ffi.PiV, 1 " ms and wilier Carp,, in WulUelJ,S “fff SX'f 111 ' «*« hcife!;,r|l m. Ml, wiuua •nam.'aw.v,*,• ' where olwnia, l« m»ml inf Jilidooioil,., oi oij clot. • eraiplcu or«iruneul ofnew oml (lolfKj .l.pte.loooimn-.reeeireJ hy every orrSl®, K ”■5: - ■ felisnw ■ nit dieopeutuKot CanalN-nvidaUon id iMnt-rtcfnriii V^S SHEEP PELTS—SO bills, a good aniclit » J ri ■ ’ murJaciflc, and for «a!e:byT - » tcr 0 -!5!2;—: - i -JAUEHAliilirCIIIMivitVo i SpSSStfisSfS?!? P sdlcb*ou h»'^i‘ t ' 3 i"r t ' l '~ 3 «*«t‘wr.3dt» atC A WflWl aad forsale by i • - i .V TASSEYfcBEST 1 —*l Wi*. - '■ -t-CsStes STEAMBOATS. » ciNcnisATi dfc Pittsburgh” -DAILY PACKET LINE. »TUDS well known line of vplewiidi«iuen~fg, t J_, 1 cr* i?: now catnpo«ed of jhejarwst, -ftnUhed'and funuriiml, ana mast powctful beat* on the .waters of the West.' Every accommodation,and com. WTTthai money hu been provided for m*. scugers. The been In opcrniiffalorSve yem -Uha* tarried a tmiiion of people without IhSieasi Inju rv to.thcir persons. Hi?. boat*> will t*e it fits Com of W'ood street the day previous to starting, ibr-therecerv tir>u of freight and tlfe entry of pakserigeraon the regu. ter. lir ail ctLics ihe pa*sage money mtist be paid q,. advance. SDNDAT PACKET.; { ;' ' The ISAAC NEWIDN, CapL.A.,O. Easox. wi'j leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at IU o'clock; Wheeling every Sunday erening at 10 r. M. r !Unyi»,ls47. '• - _ MONDAY PACKET. The MONOXG AUELA, Capu Srtost*, will leave Pitta burgh every Monday morning at 13 o'clock; Wheeling every Monday evening at 10 r. a. 'TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBERNIA No. 2, Capt. J. JvUsrrxLTra.'will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning nl 10 O'clock: every Tuesday evciuag- at 10 r.'M. - AYEDNESDAY PACKET. '•TIm.NTiAV FKGLAND No. li iChpt. J>. DeaJt, will leave. Pittsburgh every -Wednesday, morning at lo o’clock; tVheelingevery Wednesday ereniug oi 10 r. M. THURSDAY PACKET. ' Tlic BRILLIANT, Capt. Gases, will leave Pitts burgh every Thursday mcmiug allOo'clock; Wheeliag evdrj' Thursday eveauig atlo r. x, ' - FRIOAT PACraiT. *I1m: CIJ PPEII No. 2, Capt Cnoons, will leave Pitts "bunrh every* Friday, morning at io o'clock; Wheeliur every P’riduycvemngaHOr.jr, _ , j. .SATURDAY. PACKET. The MESSENGER, Copies. Rjoo,' will leave Pitts, burgh.every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock Wheeling every Saturday evening ntlffr.js. t BEAVER PACKET^—NEW ARRANGFAIENTS bv The steamer, ■ - iJliTu Vjs CALEB COPE, . W:32«:KiSi will leave for Beaver. Glasgow nnA KBsmcanWellsville, on Toesday. S* and Saturday, of each week, alB o'clock,a. m. irrurn icg.on Monday, Wednesday nod Friday. 'She has A boot at thn landing between Wood street and the bridge, prepared to receive freights ft! any time. ',. .7 8. * W; lIAiIBAIJGH, Agta. .' ostlfi No 33 WoodaL • DEAVER AND WIXL9VILLE PACKKTr k' • TheHaatteambofttt • - ■III' ••=•'• BEAVER _ Charie* E. Clarke, master, will, dnriag C omiug winter season, moke daily trips to Beaver and Wellsnlle, leaving Piiuborgh eve ry. rdoßiing bi 0 o'clock, and Welirvillo at 3 o’clock, t. X. • LdeclQ ■ G. >L HARTON, k, COVAgtt. lW». 1848 ' PITTSBURGH AIBROWNBVILLJB - « - . Daily Packet Line! FEBRUARY Ist, ie4ti -. FEBRUARY Ul, 1913 [ LEAVE DAILY ATB A. SL, AND 4 P.M. k The folltwing new. boats-' comjilete [_!> the line for the present season: AT- I-ANTIC. Cupt James Poikiusoar »StSlS3KaoillALTlo, Capt. A. Jacobs, and LOUIS APLANF, Cant BenueU flic boats ate entirely new, and are fitted up without regard to expense. Ev ery coroiort that money can procure biurt/vcit provided. The Boats wit leave the Monongabela. IlTiarf Beat at tliefoolofßoss sL Passengers will’bo ponetunl oa board, as the boat* will certainly leato ot'lhe adver. ti»ed hours, BA. M. and 41\ M - janUl -rr FORkVABAhII! BIYErT ■ fv 'The new fmd splendid steamer iik-iverJo „ J-OYAL HANNA, | ‘ -H&t McDonald. Master, .will leave for. L a and intennediate ports this day nt JO o clock, A. M. For freight or nonuse aaolv on board, or to J. NEWTON' JONES, AgL " • Monongabela House. FOR AVAUASI! RIVER.. - •/’r.,re The new and kabstar.tial light draonht' ««uner - ;- /• .•• -jegftaaa - Dover. .. - ■■mr-n >■ Jejßcn. Reno, Master; will kavn.'for L* Fayette and intermediate ports on Wedhesd»y.lit of Mnrch. aU o’clock, JI, M. For freight dr pttMuce ap ply on board, or to J. NEWTON^JOXEStfAgt,. '. teba - ■ - • FTIR ST.'LOUIS. , 7.4,, ii' k The new and magnificent steamer riLvrwfsr?' AV'ALANCH. ’ — l *Sr «>cKgt "Cupi. Wtilioms’Maeter, will leava ■ 1 , , id tor above or.d intenoediate Potts oa Tuesday the tin* 20th lust at 4 o'eiock P, JkL For ireifht oroa**agapply.on board or to. feb'Jbt! J. NEWTON JONES. Am. FOR NASHVILLE /f- k ;o~ ,re The neat and substantial Ibw.water - steamboat - . BCDSO.^:. KESSSdSOrAndrew Poo Master; will leave fortho aJx>ve and intei mediate ports on Thursday at 10 o'clock^ For freight or passage apply on board, R'WILKINS. Agent. FOR ST. LOUIS. * . /*■'.■&£;» »v : The fast nimdngsteamer ' - FAIIOIOUNT, ' -jg Pof master, will leuve n* shore, oa yurrn atlOo'cloci.A x,posiuvdy* roi treight or passage apply.ou board, or lo ;; R WILKINS, Agt. . . . . FOR ST.;LQUIS.,. k The splendid steamer * J '■>» ‘ „»- BO«ERT FULTON, ■ _ fcgwTfrffja CoUm, Masier. will ? leave for lbs day- ut.Hl oclock For freight*ir ba boMd -- ’ - 4 - 'i. - febgO - . e RFaH’LAU CLNCINNATI k ' -Thic-fine stetuner tft S«W nXGLAND, - rt-ffCt Ebbert, matter; leaves'-«« aboTe tha ■S!Cs2E=sSEaiuy,at 10 oVloek; For freight or mc wgo apply onboard.- _/ •• -. * ' • . FOB- ' “ - T* 1 ® Manner +. ' w • ’•••• colobado, • - auttr; u&bore, ST. LOUIS &. ILLINOIS HlViai'^BACKlS RM Jluntcr, ma»ief7S»ill leave for 1" ,'J 1 . 1 'U.ibore timl imennetEate ports oa Tbe*. ; ■■•" Vott cinci,\^itXn-u - k The new and Gut tinner " ' • ' I*AIJY-JJYEQ>L “ • master, wil} ka« for (be abort da * •'-«*?■ r °’f%3'* . H FOB NEW OHEeaNs; /f i'Vr—tv The fine weather >■' ‘ Lk:rl*-tt ' . SAVANNAH, . Dcnmton. master,; /will leave tht» , lbral * ov e tmd til intermediate . freight or passage apply op bAant feb!4 • iifcXiUkAit i>ACKi^j-’sir^csFisnr — i |v , Tt»e «ew and few ateamer i&i&rt&'-u • . WELUsvitUi. W Hm«*ve for akrar •aye apply on board or to ■ - KeyM ov pa*. fbU ‘. v- - . , GKO u Mn,TETiBERiiEH. Art ; IVASAKII fUVKR -PACKET I J.Koamz, conmaader, win leavv >** fri?l ° °. • ' J *NEVTTON JOfrßs,■ W 7 ~ '■ • ■. MonongahetaHo* 1 ** , .’IQU WAUAttf RIVgaZ r— l ' "*** A. .Miller, master,'will I CB Ve for tbo -'n.LTENnfeIIGER, A*eni. Un-MUtIUiH *. WHKELLNG. PAryfry, Jlic *wlil *Teinncr -4,MSS ion Blul Mfctv Of pß**ciiir«rA« ? rocurw * com- , boat it alto riroriiW wiiE provided. • Tho r w „nC “ KtegSS* ** s ='> rr 4 ” 4w dr “ s^tr>TSm^°“ Mi:KKts'pnirr~~i.'T~iv^^.tl. c l^* t **>d SroitUficld its. ..ukh^ t , iJ;lg^g^ste!GjaiE . a- /f 4 ?? 3 *’ hj ’ ' The n«w •learner* DESPATCHT - te&is^&f:'^ 011 ' Wet.- 'vriu run u afcore, U'cJucxJay iud i? 2» e PiRsWj:U | orery . Monday MS o’clock Tuesday, ? liar *W. Mtd Saturday* l<oanl.' 1 mr.treijjht/or jjM*»ge apply oa EjPKESS IlfflS, &c. B^SaSssfesgSi, u-cijtJjt P ; ‘ n * ,r f f "*7 «*• or V,'- ; ; ••' ... ;i“s h *»> b». MifSSjSK “" ** jSfisfc&sfr ■ - BssaasEK* E™£*>»o" Iha* lb-y werr drn nK hoi£ »?* I*! 1 ’ »JS«tS?fcS3 TsaflEsanst^**^ it tuny, Rtid uot™«-t w>S^i S i“ n ? r#bl X, wiiti ct!i.;r oif.cert.,—who eiflrfr wu fi • - M * *U,or from ja to „ - Josiiiia. EoinK<{ftv ~ ijfoWifraSSßgfc. Jfefssssiiisss ISBMtnNfki
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers