The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 29, 1848, Image 1
PRICE SEVEN D 1 •BPSISESS CARPS. T 5553; iMotv* co--“ ld » “ d u "' i " De*l - y:..«hnrah. - 7' TWOOD. JONESfc Co, ComnvlMkm *ad h*To Tclarocd io sEmSm* Front ureett. Pnubargh. orta — —. . flmu» urnt ~ : ; »OW* xSoWs"* tXI.BKP.TSOS, Oroesn, K «n«J Commitiioa Merchant* No. 1« Putrbnrgh. **a A- FAHXESTOCK fc Co., WW««k " v ~«r*UUk«OTnc f Wood mud OU> yAGALKY It SMITH. Whole*** Groctn, 18 J so Wood street, P'mthnrgb.. —— —-—r /-I A.McANLXfintCo3on««^i^ <^^ ,m ** (_/, kion Jlctclieiiu, Couel B»*»* PU» bttr * tl » 7T OIU-4NDO IXMMI*. ii»n>er *» I"' V..<*SE£bi!^«S™sS!ss!i---r-75-sSikii» ,vl couotu*.,’ - ioas r.Jn*S[ s ®** •Mnimfiictarer* ot .csstJUSSSS^ajss sod dealer* inCoachTnmmm«o»««^ e^- 0 * dltj manufactory on St. Clalf n Warchoato jgn-q. cppoatU HU Charie* ; , M^V5gT. iohi caksox. • ;! to H- Coulter /PARSON * MCKNIGHT, For * Co-) Wfaolaul* Oro«iv Wanolhcmre«;Bixiha«et, between ««*» ocU4 • Pittabarjb, P*. ' ' 1 ' 1 f'l YEAGER, Impontr f-/*4e«lei la Fancy and Supla bjj . ihc QiU Comb, 103 Market st, n*»r W. **»« oetll Pa. •.. • -- . . lIWIU. • [_> between 3d «a<> *»> >u ~ . fKuryh.- • t - ■“—• j**a*xi. A: GEBIIAKT, Wboleiale Grocery dealer* Ti-«riw and Hand *ta, PiOawirgn, ra ~, lc - ~,.„ . turn L BSjnXTT. ■ewSajSi tBESKnrr, W Entii.iv ‘J'jHjSf issiSM^ffSSSig® 57 WoodiL, between Sd and M «U. {• TJOHWABD A SWARTiWELBEB, Ammi'rj*' X Uw, hove removrfteelT office to tee Soute tide of j fourth »tl, between Cherry AUe? eadCmrt l - TOWENDI UHEY 9 rw s r Comnmsum Merchants and Atentt far Onum YanSJW 57 Water,and WBFront■**»««*• burgh. Pa. • • = ■ f ' : XUJiSjYTil 1 !* Cow Cotmmttkm «d J Merchant No. 30 AVfttet »*-. Pimbarek. mylj J-IALULGHEB, LONG MILU®, M VX Founder* and Ga» Filler*, tWFwM, between Wood and SmiihfieU itreett, n7*Highe«l price given tat old Copper a?d Bras*. o*n. aniai!( . it vmlw ril,l ‘i GBOEOK MORGAN k. Co.JVholwle Groeenand CoaunUsioa l® Wood ft, George a. berry, W1«1c».1» g™“*“”> SS£ mUttm Merebul, nnddenlef in Md ««•* tMrtMiSgaSa. .No, H Wood .uttMbMthi. G a] Bawl'sMlTH * Co, dealer* iu Hops, Ktuhbrsh end Point Eiowene*, J*eim >M Pit! »t*. ' • J ; George COCHRAN, Ccmmi**ioa “dPorwduif Merchant K 0.20 Wood meet, Pitttbargfa^jay^ TTENRY WOODS, Bricknuker, Wr- H tr. All order* punctually filled. Addreta bywi tty ihrocrh the Po** Office TTIUAnY BRtJNOT, "'V,'" "f 1 H OOR, Peiot aad Oil Merchant; comer «leecr fftli O’Haraeta, Pinebartb. ; T sSJhd!cKEV 1 aria Son Merchant*, and dcaleram Produce; »•*.« norS^ J Aires A. HUTCHISON,* XeS Hatchiion &. Co, Cammutura. MwchDig, ■nd Aceou of the St. I Loot* bteAO finerr* Jfo.-45 water and W front itteew, Pitulmi*h. . Janl - ' [ :T ,E. BLACK, Merchant T*Uor, Excbup •ti.-flLaaifWßmtmn** • .^— iCi!? TOUN S. «| ud ComffliUioa Merchant, No. ». ®*V l » fituburgh. : _ -—-*2 JOSEPH KNOX, Attorney «i bu tcutocillbe --- - nee, Wo. 7, Bakew«fr* BaxMto?*, “3“‘ri dsnog bU »b»ehce, by T.'J.l© vjgdfcwtf ' Eul ......!. ) i ' : * ~~ tohn d. tier is Dye Sofia, PamU, Oil*. Vanuahe*, no. Iv&uKet, oue door South of-Diamond Alley. Rn*- huzk - -i — i ~ **** - BCHOONSAKER k Ca,,w»k«ale Dru|gU» . No. *4 W6od ■treet, Pitubargh- ;; j —^ TfWKPH JORDAN t 805, Commi**ipn No. U libertr *. <"Wg“ . ■ *»”— JnHVsi*. GALLATINi .Attorney et Law, Oficttra 4th fC between Grant and gmithflcMj rinibnfe, Vi; win »U* ***** PweopUT; to <n o c” *l >-» roffii D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, comer fith and Wood |/"Wood Pitubargh.; '•'•.••• 0013 y^sssssss^js^& / feihodiS Bock* and BottoWT. «P=» - : / j. / - 3®®Kss^°a^sffis ; / ’ MB Libertr »U Pltubotgb.__ .—: ' . • * ~ ■ - T " mtmirm 11 ~ -* Haul!' «lA>» v> T°”BFU&A*• IW* OOnl Whojle-U -♦I « Groeeri No?lW Liberty etroet. *<rps DALZELL, Wboleeale Gf°w,y«a n |*»»° Keßhuit, and dealer in Produce and nJSZtnttl No. SI Water *»**-. 'Vfinrlnt iron work*. -w> ..lyift h Co- mannfactuwxaot •««• -T - m n*r Sheet, Boiler Iron and N«ii» of the beet JLiff water and US front «t_jalg 'tC W ATERMA>> Whole*** Grocer,»rorr*nl uta ia o=ui£». x hM»mil*elttn!J *od Produce, No*. 81 ffi3 Front H ! ——: S- —-. . . . ;(JH* iHUTOJL .. SFIIPTON, motet*!* Gnx*t%, For-, Stoctuu, to FSduc. ui HtutoJsli; SBymfcemm,«»» VToodtu Fimbuigh.' i! Jjl >O.lM ÜbeitT^-, frinabartfr' b • - * r ’- x. tun. : UJaj; rooa” r *»f AIXEN b Coi Comroinuon - IVI . Merchaoto,W^er*ndFrgut»t« n brtvrcea Wyd fodMukel*' • •■*' JE - LrUAEB* JUCKBTBON, Wholesale Grocer, and y± CommUdoa SUrehauu, No. I*o, Liberty *. KlNG.Wholcale ahdlU^THat timd Cap WonttXKmreri, and dealer, m of Wood and Fifth »tt. - . . TiURPIIY. WILSON k Co. Drj-Good. V MlsSiS:No.aWood .u Fituharsh. «*»_ qni ATTg A BbX. No- S 3 Muket it, •«<»<! door' from Con»«f of Fourth, d«ale*» In Forciya ItoSrticSll* of Exchange, Certified of Depo*. i '•^^SSaSJ'SS - -*mtfW*i**s '. United ■ eafeft— VJni?mESSltCo^Vbole*»loOrocjtt»niiCoßi- We,ch«i* No. « - ■ TEBmas^^asagg ;»t, Pitubanrh. . ! i , • ■■- EICHAHD BARD, Wbole«»le nad fcteil Uaiher, Morocco, Shoemaker*’ T«l* *M y«a* .inr*, Tamer*’ nud Cotler*’ Tool*, nndfTwujer* Oil, '.No. 10ft Wood n; Rittliorah. ' : ' ' KIXVXL a.-»a»a»oir T) RUBLNSON & Co, Wbole**le Grocer*. ?rodntt> K. tad Cotamitiioa Merc haul*, nod Ssrjk Muo&cnxeci No. ISO Utxzxf nL, rin ?J“{g h » T>OBEHT DAL2ELL * Co, Wbole**l« Grocery K Conanan*»ton mad Forwmjdioy Merduntt, d**le « S’Produce and Pituburjfc M*aaiactnre*» tiberty*H RnabaTCh. "Pu- ;l ■ ■ tcWW -— -ooiw. A. CUNSlW.»AidrWMc«lc£'~£ %# Dealer in Predate and Pittsburgh Manijlaeture*, I*4 Liberty «i i n** - KOBEBT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, ReetiWnf , Dutiiler, dealerJ» Produce, Pituhurgh Maame* ud all kinlU of Foreign end Donuatic Wine* »BdliqM»r*,tf6.ltktt>ertyiUPittsburgh. # ftySUE. Ou.hafcd a ircry Urgaeiockofropenpr . OMjioaonfelJflla Whiskey, which wIU be sold low for • ■DEYKOLDB&BnEB,ToTW«tainf *ndComrai*«lM - JX Merchants, for u>e Allegheny River Trade, dealers .3* Groceries, Prwbiee, Pittsburgh UaaaCicmre» »na *- • ’.. <Orion&* of * ■*«"«» *;t i• * s i ■ lbeWgheatprk**,laeash,iwidatall'timeafor<«ni* • •' .Ltryrags. Cornet of Venn and Irwin sts. jagO *T3 OAKFORD ACo, CommiMlon MetcbaatsuLib- JAr.ertr st, opposite UmiihfieW, Dealers-in Floor; •■Utm end Seed*; also Batter, Lard. Ac. . »pi4-ly. ‘ A WHITE; VWtMli Desert in jjjpprap and Domestic W ■ UK,-.- . •"! '• ■ ; ;1 : ’lillx 4 y~ '■- L-L p:-x.-: . : PITTSBURGH, [TUESDAY MORNIN&, FEBRUARY 29, 1848. iLLARS. BUSINESS CARPS *r w lIABBACGH, Wool Dealer* in .'Flour «iid Prodace generally, and Forwarding and Merchants, No. 33 Wood *u Pitubunrh. SSnrrrrSA'dXrai’r k Co., Wholesale Grocer* and pmdoee dealer*, No> 223 Market street, between 6th tnd tfth, North aide. Philadelphia. noaS - t w~***. wTOßcaon.! iso. sictls, xaxtiivd. S’ ELLERS A NICOLB, Produce and General Com mission Merchant*, ;No 17 liberty at, Pituburgh. Fpenn,-lia*eed aud Laro Oil*. ja23__ SC. HlLL—(Successor to Hill A Browne) Importer , and manufacturer of Paper Hanging* and Border*, rod dealer in writing! printing, and wrapping paper. 87 Wood st, Rag* and Tanner • strep* rtr »t.«ed at the higces( market price. }*7 C? F. VOS BONNHORST, A Co, Wholesale tiro. een. Forwarding and Coatmi*«ion 'Merchant*. Dealen iu Pittsburgh Slnnnfas tares and Western Pro duce, have removed to their newwarebouse, (old stand) No. 36, comer of Pront 41. and Chancery .Lane. . oov7 SAMUEL M. KIER, J Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Dealer in;Pro«luee and Pittsburgh menu fsrtnred article*, Canal-Basin; near 7th it ’ *l2l • rpABSEY k BEST, Wholesale Grocer* and Commit- J cion Merchant*, arid dealen iir Produce; No. 33 Wood st- Pittsburgh. \ . aptht IHOMAS KENNEDY, Jr, Looking Glass Manufu _ turer, ; tmd Dealer Hn Clocks. Combs, and Varir Soda, comer of Wood and Fourth sta. 1 : Jl9 tl t. roarmt. " " j a! i.rowrni m P. kORSYTH k Co., Commission Merchants, X • dealen in Salt, Ljumber, Groceries, Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*, Canal Basing liberty street, tnc. Mcrrcnxox. ; soar; wetnenzo*. "T TT AH. MeCUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, "f f • Dealen in Pfpduce, iron, Nail*. Glass and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 159 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. j' jjW JOR* D. WICX. ! t DAVID JpCAXBUBS. -\T7ICK A hFCANDLESS, (successors to L.A. J. D. 'W' 'Vick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, dealen: in Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yams, and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, 'corner of Wood and Water streets. Pittsburgh - TT R. EURPHY invites the ladies to call and ex ! fj « amine hit stock of French Worked Collars, , some as low aa 85 cents. ’ ; mcal J nirHiTMORE k WOLFF, lmporten and Wholo - fV -sale. Dealen in} Hardware, Cutlery- t^‘f 0 r y, &Cl. No. 60 Wood street. Pittsburgh. WW. WAI.I.ACE, Mill stone and Mill Furnish « ing establishment, No. 844 Liberty st, nearthe canaL 1 - - \T TT O. H. ROBINJJON, Attorney at Ijiw.has re f\ # moved hi* office to the Exchange Buddings, Su> Clair st, next door to Alderman Jones. ap2d4m^ WM. GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy and Staple . Dry Goods, Na 79 Market street, Pittsburgh. | novt3-dly \' • ' . . Ww. ivtl-SONj Dealer In Watches, Jewelry, . Silver Ware, Military Goods, Ac., No. 67 Mar ket at i - - ' ■ / tvr r. MDRPHYi Wholesale and Retail dealer in W • Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*, north east renter of Msrket and Fourth its. / augBl J BRYAN, Rectifying ' DL»tWer t aiul Wholes*]* . dealer in Foreign and Wines and Li quor*, No. M Liberty street, and a Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. } / jylT-dly EARBICK MARTIN k Co.. Banker*, Dealer* in Exchange, fe"* Notes and Coin, corner of Third food streets, Pittsburgh, Pal novl9-dly 7 n i-y w—imm / . \nc u. sum TTTILLIAMS k SHINN, (Successor* to Lowrie and ! W .WilUams.) Attorney* and Counsellor* at Law.— Offiee North side of Founaitreet, above Southfield. ; fcMTdAwly j / WM. TO9XO. / rsu. *- M CCJtS. firM. YOUNG k Co.—Dealer* in leather hides, Ac. W 143 Liberty at. »/ : ' TIT A M. MITCHELTREEJ—WhoIesaIe Grocers, W i Rectafyinr patiUen, <.*n& Wine *nd Liquor Merebanu, alsoTlniporter* of Soda Ash and Bleaching Powder, No. 160 Liberty st. Pittob'g, ba. janjdlr TirMß FOSTEIL Agent for Mexican soldiers an W- PTOcnxing pcitsibus, at the office of Wm E Austii Bark’s bantlings, 4th *t, Pitubnrgh. fcbl ouvs* mVcaacav. I ozoaos a. to.vxa. A BLACKBURN ‘A Wholesale Grocen and 11. demur* in Oil*,:Bo*t Store, and Pittsburgh Man ujacaued articles, hare on hand, at all rimes, a .ull and general assortment of goods in their line, Water street, near CKarry Alley, Pittsburgh- ■» DAVID W. * ILL. • ALBOSO* *• D/wT A A-S. BELL. Attorneys at law, office m . Stewart’s Building, Fourth sL, second door above Wood street, Pituburgh. Pa. '• - /D. W. Pf l); Commissioner to take Deposition*, Ar knowiedgmenu of Deeds, and other itnlnunenu of wri ting, to be used in Missouri. - avl2-6c*~ rOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggitt and ’Apothecary, No. 45 Market-sc, three door* above Thud *u, Puu- bureh, will have conrtantly on hand a well selected as sortment of the best and treshest Medicine*, which be will sell on the-moil reasonable terms. • Physician* sending order*, will be promptly attended to, and sup plied with, articles they may rely upon ns genuine. Prescriptions will be accurately and nrauy prepared from the beat materials, at any hour of the day or night. j .. . J. «_'v Also for sale, a large stock ef fresh andgood Perth mery. ' 1 • WW. WILSON, Watch Maker and JeweUer,eoK . A large and weU of Watches, Jeareiry.’BilTer Ware, and Bdititarr Goods! -Always on hand, and at regamr eas teni brteea, Gold Patent Lever, fail Jewellrd W atches, a* low aa 849; Waiches, ns low M SIS. Genuine Cooper, Tobias, Johnson and other approved make of watches, may be had at a small advanee and warranted. . • Watch Woth done in the rery be*t “at serT ! •P'-' 7 J B-SWETTZERt Attorney at. Law, office 3d at, op ,po*ite St Charge Hotel, Pjtubnrrh, will al»o at tend promptly to Collection*, ia Washington, Fayette and Green coootie*. Pa. 1 Blackitoeh; Bell A ") * Chnreh A Cartther*, Vfctuburgh. ■ TX T.Morgnn.' ocl3dly •n j. HEfRYJ Attorney and Capncellorat Jaw. Cincinnati* Ohio. Colleeuont in Sbuthern Ohio,* and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promwiy ana earcfallr attended to. Commissioner,, for, the btate of Pennsylvania, for | taking Deposiliohs, acknowledg “Sra'ro-Hon. Win. Btll A Son! CimU, Clmreh S, CwoihcrA Win. H.ta E*l-. Willock 4- Da tl a 1 AGLE COTTON WOHKAJitubnrgli, Mirut.::- tare Cotton Yarn, Candle Wick, Baum®,Twine, (Soeeeoon to Arbackles A Avery,) inn 2 Proprietors. A. LEDOUX + Co- No. 77 Canal street, New Or* .leans, Agrms for J. B. Armani's Extensive Steam Bwrw Always oo hand a large »wck of Crushed, Clarified and Bastard Sugars, aTlereesand Barrels. Also, Sugar Hew •- Prides liberal, and a flur allowance made on all sales of. or above SO barrels. . ’ mchU aBO W. SMITH > Co, Brewer*, Malstets, and Hop Dealers. Pittsburgh and Point Brtwenes, cor ner 0 f Barker’s AUfcy and Penn street, and foot of Pitt st, Pittsburgh. Pa.) - : Id. . T. B. BISHOP, Veterinary Burgeon, rtn be fonnd'at hU Horse Shoeing Ehisbluhtnenu /EL ID near SL Clair street Bridge, lately occupied • M/T br Messrs. Carr A Rowland. : ny3d«ra —i iIEATON, Dealer la Trinlminp and Variety . Goods, TortaU' Shell, Ivory; and Horn Cotobt, Woollen Yarns and-Worsteds, Buttons, Needles, Puts, Tones. Braids, AcJ No. 63 Market street, between Die unoadand gthsti. fttuborgb. jy^Sdly jCKLES AND PBESERVES-9 eases UnderwoodV assorted; 4 cosfs Doughty;2eases Peach Preserves; ■■‘^ T T“ C r Pi&, “ 1 ‘ h> i. D. WILLIAMS-- RAG WAREHOUSE—The highest price in cosh pa for good cleari.rogs; also, canvass, bale rope, gra rope, begging, wotflen rags, K, deed* Wayne" »U between Pena and Liberty. DR. DAVID HUNT, Dentist, having made such arrangements in his rigal bu«ln*“ that he can devote-hls whole time to the duties of his profession, tn*y be seen inhis office, cor nnroH* «i 5 UfcKor nittu. Ferry its, at any boar during the day, from 3a-»- “ u gy. at. i_ - ■ jr-T//- SBW SiDDIiEEV HABDWABE BTORK. Iso. la'Jw&oD HAVING "repljnuhed my stock from. Umbest sour ce£ both domestic and foreign, I, take pleasure in onaoncing to consumers and dealers, that 1 am pre pared towroish them with all goods in my line, on^tiil Saddlery Hardware and Camoae Trimmings, I- obtahi thereby, advantages that enable tne to deiy competi tion. Coll, oec, and Indite for yourselves. . »P»?_ IBHOBAYISO or evxxt nncxirro* raourm xstemoa * scram* .j- MASSES, IT Bun Buildings, N*J & -EXTHERE caSSw'ns'te tions, Ac. Profeuional and Cardiengrarcd and printed. Societies In want of Sen!* ° f viieato call and eramintSpeeimens and De»ffn* ° f various orders of Masons, Odd Fellows, Son* of Tem p«ru.K,te: I - J.- : ■ »°TM3n._ W.M. TIMBLIN, ‘ ATTDBBST AT Lilt, .T - Butler. Pa. * ~lEr|t.T. also attend to collections and all Other b« •yy oust entrusted to him in Butler and Armsln counties, Pa. : liefer to J. AH. Floyd, liberty st I V-- JUKES® fi ' Uf . ‘ J jan Plmbs, Plough Castings, Wagon Box* . at*4m. ; ROBERT HALIj, of the old ■’ ' ofILA 8. Hall, is mauafac tnring Urge huontitiesof Plougtu, Plomth Castings; Wagou boxes, Ac., with the improve, menu ofvbeLJeavcr. Peacock, Illinois, aiul other Ploueba, of the latest and best patieros new »u use.. Wawwttse, 100 Liberty sliest, Pittsburgh, opposite the Mav Factory, in Allegheny city, near the £AS,Y(S»i, Bell sSCPS PKKT* TEA ST.OIIBs—No 73 Fourth CUOia: HOB8&-J “dSli c“Sn.‘ feSSS-S-ESSi me n. eall. Charges a. low as -V Nii? u^ty^ aecaa . -i r. —--j . * ba^ss^^^ssr. lions of persons in Ohio, to oko Mayor’ BcnnnlTW:-9»'t‘*M>wslßF CRANcK I *"•*> «i=^- CID3BR-® bbl* eidtr on cohi^nme t 1* low “JuSiS wore? fc c. FORWARDING & COMMISSION. _ c7jc UAXXKUOUrXX.- 1 . J. HKSALI>O SA-''*- CHARLEB •R. DASESHOWER A CO. ‘TOBACCO COSJIISSIOS SERCUSSTK, No. CO South Wharves, and No. 117 South Water sL . PHILADhXPHIA: BEGS .to iiiform the -trade and dealer* generally, of Pittsburgh, that they have made such arrangements with the. Virginia luanufncutrers'and theLrowerv 01 die West, West Indies, and other places, as will insure a large and coiuuun supply of the. following descrip tions of Tobacco, which will be sold upon a* accom modating terms da any other bouse in this city or cl*e ■where, and all goods ordered from them will be war ranted equal .to representation: - Havana: Ft. Domingo; ' l Yara; . Porto Rico; • - >Seed Cuba; Iguini 1 A noridaiX_ bocco; ALSO—Branch’s celebrated Aromatte Stag Caven dislu with a larve assortment of other popular brand*, and qualities oTpounds. 1 6s-S*, 12*, 16s and _32», Lump -s*. Cs, ts and IDs Piutr, Indies* Twist Vimma Tymh Ac n sweet and platu,; in whole and half boxes, wood ruid tin, together with every variety of article belonging tothnuude.. • CRAIG, BELLAS <St Co., Floor Factor* and Frodnec Commiauoti Msrehanta LIBERAL cash advances made ou receipt of con signmenu Those shipping to our sddres* will be Paid tfiree-founhs value ln sdvance inCifx, byt pply* iur toour friends, Messra. Wallingford A Taylor, Pittsburgh. Messrs. Tho*. fell A CO4 Bridgepan,ebio. ; Philadelphia, May 6, ls4A i / • my27-if N. B. All Produce consigntdto tt« isinsnredwhen in the Warehouse of Wallingford ATnylor, Pittsburgh,or in out store in Philadelphia. C. B. A Co. GEORGE tOCBRAY, . Coznmlasloa and Forwarding Merchant. SO. 20 WOOD IT., PITTSBCXUtI, ‘ . CONTINUES te transact a general Coinimsgton busi ness, especially in the purehase and sale of Amen enn Alonu&crarea and Produce, and in receiviug and forwarding Goodscdnsiirnedito hi* edre. As Agent tor the Munuactnrea/he wilt be constantly supplied With the principal articles of Pituburgh Manafacutre at the lowest wholesale prices. Onlers and tsaaignmenti are respectfully solicited.’ ■ ; **•.. Baltlmora Produce ComaiUsloa Hons*. 1 EDWARD CLAYIXIN, Ute 8. Clayton -A 80115 lffl !i Lombard st., Wholesale Dealer iu Butter,audCom tniaaion Merchant. Having for the last ten year* devo ted his attention to the saleof Butter, will now receive Butter, Lard, and other Produce for sale on eomousstan, and flutters himself that from his experience and nume rous thipping customers he will be able to give »*tis faciion to all who may [consign produce 10 hint Refer fov* • f Messrs. F. W. Bruno fc Son; / w • - Wm. Mason A Son, ! x - Wjthiiigton A Esstmin, « T. W. i-G. Uop kina,; And the Merchants generally. d. r. co swat. _ J- it. Ttn*nisio.v. B.F. COBTWAT dtCO., POKTSSIOUTH, Ohio Commission and Forwarding Merchants anu Predate Dealers—also attend to the Purchase, Balo and Shipment of Pig Iron, Coal, Ac. .iXUBXTO: ' • , . _ Atwood, Jones A Co, Brown, BaUey A Co, . Loren*. Sterling A Co, . fenry Greff, Groff,Liudsoy A Co, D.L^echACo^ l.yon, Shorb A Co-' Clarke k Thaw, j • , dflmoa. JOHS F. PERRY, , , [Late of the firm ot Malcolm Leech A Co-1 Wholesale Groeer, Commlsiloa m Flout Bsrebaut, DEALER Inall kinds of Country Produce, Copper, Tin, To Plate*, Tbmer*' Tools, Zinc, Lend, Russia Sfceet Iron, lion and Nail*, \Vhite Leaffi Dye Stuffs, Cotton Yarns, Salt, Ac- and Pituburgh Mamuactnres Etneraßr, corner of Liberty and Irwin street*, Pitt*' urgh. Pa. _ . , H 7-liberal advances, in Cash or Goods, made on coashotaenu of Produce, Ac. m T a _ X." tIOXACX‘IOVX. C. V. UAXTIX. a X nAMTTOX UOVE* MARTIN & CO. Produce, General Commliilon and Fore warding Merchant*, no. <1 srxiit’s wuaxj, baltdioxx Refer to— ; j . , M. Alien A Co, • l Pitub’eh. Mamptoti, Smith A Co., J 6 Davison. Sounder* A Co., *) John R Randall, ! VBaltunore. 05 14 Hugh Jenkins, j dAwly Late of Pituburgh, Pa. Late of Nashville, Team COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND DEALERS IN PRODUCE GENERALLY, vo. sorru uowAKDKraxr, bxdow maAXUT. BAumtoax Refer to—D, Bprityr, E»4, Cashier, T. Cross Uq, Cashier. J. Lands tree! A Son, Hiscr A Dougherty, Silng luff A Enscy, W. A S. Wyman, SUnglatf A Devnct 084 ; 610 r EDWARD A. KEELISC, (Soeccsscr to Gor-ilimui k Means.! RECEIVING, FORWARDING, COMMISSION MEI • • CHANT ANDCOTTON BROKER, >uis«r-.ii»ooas<KTa nrruA.'rexa’saaxx, xmtra»,TEc fefor to—M* Allen A Co- King, Penaoe* A Co. ’ aM AtITIfjSBBHS k COEBISSIOS BKICIUSTB ■ -OSerKr«ciiuc*ihtere«tj3}{h{iiiießt;til Had* of Mer i»i.«t,.iu» u iUe lowest rate* of CommUsion*, and ar always prepared to stake advance*. The ,heat of tefe rence* gives if required, i loiter* addrea»ed loeithe house, will l>« promptly attended to, « jraOdly _ . THOMPSON db CAMPBELL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And U«nnf»et<ucr< ofLlßietdOU, «pg4»ly Et7"Ca3h paid fur Flax»< IV SI. 11. CL AUK* t „ Forwarding Merchant, BrowairUl*, Pa. Attend* particularly to Uteforwardin* For any.forioer information, apply* o rtl « CUNCA.V7 Water il 1 nm to f- “ B. TV. SATTtEWa. i I. rsTCH. MATHEWS 4b PATCH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS . lie. 48 Water street, Bt. Lorn, Mo. Will give particular attention to foe selling of Pro dace, and toordersforrurehiuing. , i, Rxna to— George Morgan A Pittsburgh, Pa. sugU , : *• - M>ocLto co Forwtrdias 4b Commliiton alert nant: so*. 03 &' 94 SOCTH vrttXT, Bowline'* Wharf. Ifaiumore. Philadelphia College of Wodieiaof Filth. Ooutkef iValrtuX Urea. The spring and summer course of ebc- TURES FOR ISW, will be commenced on Monday, lUrch Otto, Ibid, mod be contmned £our mouths, by the f ° JAS U 1 M. D, Gene ml, Specie! mad M. D-, Malaria Mcdiea and Tber fclL> U P C OARDENXR,M. D- Chemistry. HENRY GIBBONS, M. D-, Theory and Practice 01 lt BEATTY, It D, Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. . , , . ___ JAMES McCUNTOCK, M. IX, Priaciplem and Prac- TIEN RY^GLBBONS, • M. D., lntliute* of Modjoinc and Medical Jurisprudence. S. R.McCAINTOCK,M. D., Demonstrator of trvt Richard BURR, M. D, Protector of Surgery. Fee for the-Tali course, STO. Fee for those who hoe attended two foil courses in other Colleges, Wit. M »!• ricuiation to be paid, once 0n1y,65. Graduation** Practical Anatomy, including Recapitulatory Lectures, SlO. The Dissecting Rooms will be opened on tho Ist From arrangements now pending there Is every tea* sou lo hope that the chairs of Institute* of Medicine and Anatomy will be occupied by distinct Professors ax an early period. : . - . For furrher mformouon inquire or JAMES McCUNTOCK, M. D., Damn, .1 No. 1 North Eleventh Street. ’ Philadelphia, IS47. Janl. XtEWTWOKXiP-Just rcccirciTaTSiAMiuer's, j\ Columbian Magazine for February. Blackwood's “ January. Flirtations In America, or High Lite in New York and Saratoga, by SeaUfield. ~ _ Peps the Pirate, or the pen!* of a Sailor, by W H O James II? oMhe Revolutionof IG9S, by Wil Ainsworth. Americtui Cottage library, edited by A w I ranklni. Now and TheMy Sam’! Warren, FIIS, authr of len The Mystenesand."Miseries ofNew York, by Ned Bunt- The'Sride of the Northern Wilds, by Newton M Curtis. Jlodolpho, oif the Freebooter of Forraentera. Muscouia, or Faith Campbell, by Ana Ashland. Chambers’ Miscellany, No 12 luring rice, No IW. _ , Taylor's Money Reporter, for February. Inscription* taken fof?rnvlors Detector at the N York price, SI a year.: A splendid assortment of \a f'“,td's;u A jnNrJl . 3i fabs gmiihfield si, id door fromgd. — —'Vehruarr rfagaalnos. RECEIVED AT M AMIWEH’S, Smlthffeld street , 3d door from second: Uodey's L.df’«,U<»k tor Febniarr- National Magazine do Graham's 'do Vji'The' above °nra equal if not superior hi heir embel lithroeniaj to five previous January numbered. _ The Last of tho Fairies, a new novel by G P R tlfo Family, by W. Blanchard Jerrold, BrTau'o'UiUL or” oc It is everything, by W II M«* 1-hTLoSwdAnchor, being * Chronicle of Old Dub- The* Conquest iof California and New Mexico, in the years laid and 'IT, by James Madison Cutts. Jano Eyre, edited by Currer Bell. The Scourge of Venice dr the hlar Chamber of the Tri bunal, by Dennis Haunigan. Chambers’ Miscellany, No 11. Living dge, No IW. ,_n* Song Book for the Million. _ TifitlLltlTl !IOO*A«H-»iisiof¥oi' the Orech Her- XL olinion. and of the wan and campaigns arising from ibe struggles ofthe Greek Patriots in Kmancipm thigUieir country from the Turkish Yoke-in lw ® umet-*-»plendid copy with numerous maps and engra- SION MERCIUaTS, , abov* bsoapway, cmcrrtAiT, onn No. *JJ Colombia ttreet, Cixcunun, Ouio. LITERARY- Loiters’ illustrative of the reign of William 111, fror tad to fine portraits, in 2 vols.. Compsniun to the study of the Holy tfcri l , ' Harry Mowbray, thrillng romance, wnh Co engrr * Too'r in the Holy Land, French Stage, and Skeiehr “ “"*1 J “"' '"' ,l “'‘mTboN&O * BEESON mill 1 aijn«kclS2£l Sew Hook*. TIIE I’biloeophy of Life amt FmloMphy of Lao guMae, by Fred Von Schlegel. , _-.k . Simla'* iteftcurchc* in CUiuaiu ’45 anil Md, wl, “ * of the Departed, by Juo.. Henry Hobart, D- 5; The Cborch Umtertal, by Ur. Slone. Uoldunitk 1 * Poem*, illustrated. Tbotnpfou’* Seaton*; do For tale by - ~ . ’ jaS9 : i 4lh « neerjnarlceu f\?GA&—l7 ifrls H 0 Sugar for saie by J 5 f«bU FORSYTH A DVNCA«. .".! . , MEDICAL, peace: peace:: i r sor is rmaca, ' . BUT IN EVERY MOTHER'S HOMESTEAD THE undersigned ;has long been convinced of the necessity »r spme medicine adapted to the use of Children and Infants to supercede the use of all those medicine* vrbich coptnio opium, and has at length sue* ceeded in preparing and offering to the public ameuf cine fully auswerinjfevery purpose for all diseases of the bowel*, without the ii*e of that deleterious drag, or any other calculated to Sttpire ia the least. The Inlant Pan] acea ho* been fully tested and tried, the lost twelve months, by numerous persons, and fouud to possess all the extraordinary Virtues, and to produce all the aston ishing effects os selTorth on the bill of directions. Di nrrbma, Vomiting, Cholic, Griping, Pains, Sickues* and Diseases arising from Teething,- acting immediately without disturbing any of the functions of the body producing the happiest and mast pleasant transition from violent pain to> tranquil and joyous state of feel ing in.the little sufferer. To tie had wholesale and r JOHN SARGANT.; Drugg Mitchell, Elliott A Heckhar in Allegheny and Pittsbur >f the Proprietor, SELLER'S IMPERIAL power to corf! \ I ’ R. E. 3tLi.g2i:—My wife b. to a distressing coash, accompanied wim , U the cute of which jibe used different coach remedies, and hod the advice yf the most eminent physician*] u> England, but all wni» unavailing. By chance I heard of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and wu induced to buy a bottle for trial, although ! had no belief Uiat anything could .remove her; Complaint. To my great surprise, two dotes gave heir immediate relief. She is at times troubled with a coiigh, but two teaipocus/ul of Syrop always stops it. Lam satisfied, aAer a trial'of three br four years, that Seller's Cough Syrup is (he bait cough medicine 1 have ever tried either in the Old or New World. ,l Wtt. Fioaeora-vx, ; , Seventh Ward, city df Pittsburgh-! The.above certificate should induce all who are troubled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrup a tri al. It may be bad tor SS cents a bottle, althedrug •tore of il K E SELLERS,' 57 wood st! Sold by Dr Casscl, sth ward, and D ll Curry, Alii* gheuy city. ' • J^l SELLER'S VERMIFUGE.—The greatest of al Worm medicines'. Nxur Linos, Chao,) i Jan. 8,1848* i This is to certify 'that after using different prepare - lions Ibr expelling worms, I bought of C. F. Helman, of New Lisbon, two vials of R-E emifuK. and cave the contents bf’Otie vial to'j three' ta my children. From ‘.the ’first, and 6 years, it expelled 45 worm j from the second, bl'years old, 70; and trom the thinly: 1 year* old, lift making 243 woftns expelled by usit g but one viaL 1 recommend! Sellers' Vermifuge os a safe and one of the inosi effectual Wonfl medicines be fore the public. , • . i|y4« .Moaxow. Prepared and so\d by R B BELLBU3, No 67 \V street. Sold by Drj Caasel, 5Ut ward; D M- Carry, Al legheny; William J; Smith, Tempcranccville. jail. Patent Block sprlug Trnaa, NEWLY INVENTED—Forthe reUffand Penasnen; Cure of HERNIA or RUPTURE./ (Sailed to ill superior elaßnsof this Truss consist in the eon perative eats wiih : ,whiehit may be The pad.o< wood being neatlybulaneed on springs, yields to pres sure on any pan of it, and thoroughly adapts iuelf| u> any movement mads by the wearer. It can be wtirn without iatenmssiqa, until a eure Is effected. The t«i>- tctibers have made arrangement* foriha manulaciure of there valuable Trusses, in a superior style, in Pmu< dclnbia, and have .them now ibr sale at their olfice, No. 77, st&ilbfield sL near Sixth, Pittsburgh. < : GEO. WATT, jeJO t p. W.KAUhFfTAN. DH* D.W.MOREIB, M YDROPATUIST, woow respeettulty iftfonn his friends and the citiien* of Ihtuburgh and Allegheny that he has decided to remain in the ’city daring the winter, and is prepareJ to treat patients placing themselves undeT hie earn, according to the system as practised at all Water Cure Establish ments. to# either .Acute ot Chrome diseases. Those wishing to avail themselves of his services will call at Mr. Miller's, earner of Liberty si. and Evan’s alley. Pr. M. has wealed several severe cases of disease m this city with great success, to which he is pertained to refer. ■; ; nqr ~ Jf T\RUUS, DRt'US—Joel Mobier, druggist and spoth- I } ecarv, N. W; corner of wood amf 6th its, Pitts burgh, "will keep/constantly on hand, drug*,, paints, °*N r . B.—Physicist!'* prescriptions carefully compound, ed from tho bcu'maienais. at any hour of the tiny or tugbL.*ADo, an assortment of perfnmery.hue toothinair and cloth brushes, etc., which he will sell low for cash. m »rl ONE cask Sp. Brouru for sale bv febld ; JOHN D MORGAN. COPARTNERSHIPS, fo. CtKPAKTSBIUHIP. LOGAN a KENNEDY bare this day uwaial with them iii the Hardware buiine**, 1 hilip »> u •pn and KdwardGregg. The stria of firm will here after be I»gan, Wilson A Co. Ibis arrangeroenwen dcra it denrabUj to close the old hu«ne*s as soon as ncMaibtr. All persons whose liabiliuea have matured, are especially requested lo make anmediata payment. Pittsburgh, Jnjlll, I*4-!. LOG4S. WILSON A CO.— lmporter* and wholesale Dealers in Foreign andltooiesuc Hard ware, Cutlery. Bgddlery, Ac-IUP, Wood street. P»t*- bursh. are now fully prepared with a rwenily tmporu ed stock of Hardware, CdUery, Ac, to offer very mat inducements to: western tuyere, being determined w compete in Prices:- with any of tba Allude ciues. Al so on hand an extensive assnrunctrtju 1 tusburgb Hardware, vi* Shovel*, gpade*,-roTt< How, Vices, all of which [will b« sold at the lowest manufac turer's prices. , ; _!*“?—* Ct^PABI'NERSnJP. re. THE •übscribsre haring reeeutly entered into £3 partnership under the name of Catlagber, Long, . W A Miller, lor the purpose of carrying on the 11*11 Hrasa'Foanding and Uas Fituafflmstueu in all il» branches,- have taken the stand formerly occu rred by U. Gallagher, No. 103 Front street. Iwtween Wood and Smithfield «*- where they ■« prepared to execute ail orders for Bells, Brass Castings, ot every description, Finings with neatness and des patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly ! *i A l/J.VU. ; P. 1L MILLER, v B.—The attention of Machinist*- and Engineer* ts invited to oar .anti-attrition metal, for a reduced pnee, which ha* been pronounced superior 'o Uablnis by numbers whd have used both, htramboat beddrr. and live public, generally, etc also requeued to call uild ft amine our superior double bcuon force Pumps for stebraboat add domestic use. „ - ...., .... (SALLAGUER, LONG, a MILLLK- deelTdly. [ - ~“T Diuolnllon. THE partnership so long <xi*\ins under the firm <ti M'Cord A Kinjf, wm bjr mutual consent dissolved ou the 1.1 Ini, UlTo bu.ine.e will be elo.rt »l the old •land by either of tit, using the name of the firm lor ssjauaff-**" “'• i|iM ! i HU alitu. !co-P*rtne»*Wp. JOHN D M'CORD having wuh himM* brother Jamies ArCord, under the style of M Cord & Co., will continue the Hat, Cap and nu buMnew m ail its various Ijraucbes, wholesale and retail. at the old stand, comer of Wood and sth when* H»ey solicit a continuation of the IN retiring ffom the old and well known firm JTCordAlung, 1 most reapectfully reconunend the patronage public my M'CordACo. Ua!KJ 11 D KLNO. p DMBOII u TI OW. . milE -Co-partnership of the «üb»cttlt«tv JL firm of Lewie Hutchinson A solved by mutual consent. Either of ww.Uaueud n the settlement $f tbo battues* of the firm, and use iti name totth.t jmrpose. jroTCIIISON. . iaal JAMES A HUTCHISON. CO-PAJITNEBSIIIP. rrtHE undersigned have this day form'd* £££.*£?£' I ship, unde; the firm of James A. Hutchinson ACo, fi? the purpose of continuing the huMttess heretofon carried oh by Lewi* Hutchinson Co., and wlieit a con s"tt“ee of r d>. efmried to th, bouse. \ . LEWIS D. lluTc'nwS: ;h, jan.l,UH3. Xj of Juniata and J A Stockton of hat e works, Wheeling* Va, for the purpose of manulactur ing Iron add ifrits of every description. ■ w »rßPiirt< * ? anorranroxa. J* ST°S?n 5!, ‘ BTKPUBNS. BHOENBEROER *• CO. anchor iron works. i Wheeling, la. Manufaemre all kind of boiler, sheet, bar.iron ®» nails. A U steel rliptic springs and axle*- r** l "* __ n nected with Shanbeiger’s ofd Juniata brnfef ] offer an article of Juniata {branded &h«nbrrKer equal to any made in the country. All of * "‘ c “ r , } b 2 sold al I l<£ Pittsburgh price*. Warehouse of the works corner of Monroe and Water *U- X DISSOECT,«r«lilpl;;'-;n“'fj;}; Ing under the ftvle end firm "[ W tell, i, thl. d.y dUeolred It, ntnlunl conwtl, «U having disposed of his entire interest to H. S man. The bu.Yncs* of the late firm will be« H. Wightmap,who if nuthomed late firm for that purpose. V nll^El.U s P U»d3w i [July IM7] J.DAWN.U. THE Subscriber U now prepared w ninnufaciure binds of Cotton and Woolen Machinery, m,op. cor notice. Ordcrsleftat R. Wighunan sbngi r-. _ roin pt «r Liberty!end Water ."■".""■'SHtf, fflBE cb-prrrn«eddl>* ielS’eTAtS grocery bucineie .1 the old elat'd, Nu^, I w ,7 >d tvILUA.MS, JOHN S. DILWOBTII_ ; — : ' msaoisOTioN. , •• o“f D ;o*.iidsx b .=r* e <s,^»« the concern «« “ cl0! " 1 if w roINDEXTKB, H Grunt- A CULBERTSON, a ? Cll GRANT. : CO-PARTNERSHIP. . .. TUE subscriber! will contone UsnicM aj 1 - stand. No «l water street, a* usual, under tne etyle of .‘l-jdndelter Co." M POIND EXTEIt, deeM 1 CHOBANIL ■ r Association. k TOHN FABRBN » BAMUELtWIBUTMAN hjriM #T associated tbemselves together under the fi 5J b “& fc Co., for thelon«~.of ™* ?; bu.llieie of the •Bo.mten'e Une,' mil continueto trenj aet a eenentl fom.rding und coranueeitin 52 oIS ...M tßUte CunU B-idnlAbopVJ"";, innUtf i SAJIL WimiTMA-V_ —Co*Ptrtntnhlp< ; .. THE unjJmigned'baa uiociatcd with NicoU, from Baltimore, in ihe Groe e ' C V jomniiMioii boaiocw, wider tho *tyl« of Sell NicoU, dated lit January 18W. O-PAHTSISBSniP-SwV “V h ‘ T “« *lav associated with At*", John Q. H , Cnn*» ,bi.SS“u iSSS b. '<-°» d «“ d n^ r *" JgJjfJSP MISCELLANEOUS. AGESCY FOR'PA.TESTB) VJISHCCGTOX D. C. . ZENAS fc. ROBBINS, Mechanical Engineer; and Agent for procuring Patents, will prepare the: ne ccssury Drawing* and Paper* for Applicant* for. Pat ent*. and transact all other batpne** tn the line or hi* profession at the Patent Office. Ha can bo consulted on all questions relating to the Patent 1 aw* and decis ions in the United States or Europe. Persons at a dis tance desirous of having esamtn&uons made at the Patent Otiice, prior to making application for a patent, may forward (post paid, enclosing a fee or five dollars) a clear fttalemenl of their clue, when lion will be siren to it; end h» lb« mlbnrmucm. the! could bn obtained by a visitor the applicant in person promptly communicated. ... . All letters on husinets must be post paid, and contain a suitable fee, where a written opinion U requireo. CUBce on F. street, opposite the 1 atom Office. , He has the honor of referring, by permission. to Hon. Edmund Burke, Conuiutsioner of Patents, Hon H L Ellsworth, laic : do do H Knowles, Machinist. Patent Office; Judge Crunch. Washington, D C: Hon. R Choate, Massachusetts, U S Senate; j ! Hon. W Allen. Ohio; ! Hon. J B Bowlin, M C, Missouri; i Hon. Willis Hall. New York; . lion. Robert Smith. M C, Illinois; Hon. S Breece, U S Sennle; Hon. J II Relfe, M C Missouri; Capt H M Shricvo, Missouri; Entstus Brooks, Esq-, Pittsburgh. JAMES W. WOOD WELL, Pittsburgh Furniture Ware Boom*, fcA, Tiuat) STSKEI. • /VIJIM A laree and inlciidid a*«ortment of Fpmi* LmZiEr tur - cultable tor Steamboat* Hotel* and P«- - vate dwelling*) constantly on kand a*4 made The on-band .-annot bo «xc*eded by \ny manufactory in the weitern country, rtnan* riahing to pnrcha*e would do we jto give •? fffk 1 1 tun determined my price* shall piea»e. P*« of lift K SOaofa* with Pluih and Hnir-clothcover*; » doz Mahogany Nurw Cljair*; 14 pair Divau* • . 12 doz fine mahogany Chair*; 1< mahogany Work Stand* . * 3 dot mahogany Hocking ChaiT*; 15 marble top Drewing Durham: S pair OiLoinaiiK 8 iwir Ottoman* 8 marble lop Work Standi; . 18 cherry Work Stank* , • ■ , , Mahogany, Maple. Chern*, and Poplar of all description*, and a large aitortment of <*rnnion famiimo and chftita, too uumeroos to mention, marfitf • 1 mb. urrctcxm. u *■ “ OBOAJI ' LIPFESCOTT 4fc CO* ; MAKBFACrUBEIB of Htnmml •»! CMI Bled Shovel* and Spades, A*e» and Hatchet*, Mill, « Cut, Circular and Gin Saw* .Hay uiMww :f«g» Hoe*. MaUock*. Pick., Ac., bavin* completed all. their arreneementa In the conttiacoon of naw Paehinery, and In seetmux the be*t workmen from the mou cele brated establishment*of Um'Eart an*, now mg and wiU keep coa.tanUy,ea hand and the above article*, having availed them*etvei af the latest improvemenu, and are determined thaun "ork minsHip and material they will not be eieelled. They promite to produce arUeiee-eqaal, if to any that can be had In the Last. don of dealer* to an exiuninauon of their purchasing •liewhere; a* they are, convinced that they will be able to fill all order* in their line to iba satisfaction of purchaser*. ttater nreet, 4 door* Weal Monoiigaheia Hoa*e, I ‘’“““fFj*. *£; fi _i3—Person* having buainrs* with \Vm. Llppen eon A Son, will plea*e call on LippencoU A Co. oct9dly_ Sew Utrdwu* Honi*. , JOSEPH WOODWELL, corner j>f Wood nnd.fld »tß,PiH»burp>- SffittSSßllflOgriiht; ?n\rfl from the firm of Wmliei SSTOS»d» He i.i of tom, is*?. I “ l ? P'""- 0,0 in uiuhiucW “ i"T ft*"” l * ln lb 'tijr o°.“iS' in, lhal 1 hn.r opciitil my Hror .tyre olihe oborp n.m- Ji place. Having purchased my good* for cwh, and meife arrangement# with munafaewrer. In this country ■ riH'iH Europe to be constantly supplied. 1 am f« n r l’ r "' paredto famish Hardware of all kinds, on « good icrm* and an low a» any house East or \N est Sler chatiis and others are respeeufully invited to dall arid examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Hie ■ fallowing comprise* ■ part of his slock: s°cuX>» 1 ind «*M!eiy b.rJyrin, gun iramiwv file*, Naylor's fieeC euUery, edge tool*, anvils, vices, locks, latches, scythe*, tmu screw*. Union Fne torr planes, saws, boards " ntl X c " tcr *j“ ‘ d I sll olher aruclei eonnedeifewuh the buw- —!Urdfftr«i Cnlltrr, Saddlery* Ac. a. JOHN WALKKR. Importer and gffidQ&gUCt Dealer injjoreign and Dunirtl.c hard- would respectfully inform hw I'nctic. aiul me public generally. that he l» new rneeiv* ins hi" »pnns nopply of hardware. at the old,aland nt Walker and Vfoodwell. Nw&vtrixal »t- which he will dispose pf on the tno*t reasonable term*, • IJo will be continually receiving Irc-ah eapp! direct fromlbo manufacturer* W-Nrop* and >b.» country, which will enable him to compete_wnh any raent, either llaM or Weif : • ■- Wcttcm merchants, arc mvited-to ea.l and examine hi* stDCt before JroTChasirw elsewhere. IIAIUBES A CO’S. .IWSSAOK AND rwpi ttt-13,1 irritNCK OKI'ICE. Pcrsuia bruti*ni ££aeout hy this agency upon reasonable tenus, from any part of England. Ireland. Scotland, fc Wales, and in /acket Ship*only. Foreijpi Lurrespoitdeiiuond azenu of i!.p Bntiih Government have rrequeutly cau tioned Em: grant* at heme and Oieu fnemU m Atnericm, against the fraud* practised upon theta.^,4^', t war* referred to the well known hoa.e of lUnuct A Co- u the righl place for all to apply, if they wtsued to he trented with punctuality and kindness. J Panic* who ndreru.e tlicn«-l»«» *o'e Agent* for the Black Ball line, Male what i* unirne, and thus deceive the public; as we. protest to be Agcut* uot ou)y ol the Black Ball Line, hut every other good al» fur Cunard'i Slcim Line. , Siijht Drabs lo any aniuant payable at any of th« brmichca of the Provincial of National Bank* of Ira lamL England, Scotland, 4c. We draw narown Lx chance; «rt do not take money and aetid It to the t-os to cct iom« one else to remit, thereby cauMng tnti.aiei and delay*. Let the Broker*, 4c, call upou u», and w. will accommodate them al New \ ork rat*. * JOe'HL'A UOUINSON. Lurojxan AsT -QtilStf stlj *l, O.te doer bu.uw wooJ._ Pitt Mnetolne Work* »»d Foundry. nrmi r *>sn. r* » . , JOHN WRIGHT A Co., are prepared to build Cotton sad Woollen .Machinery °t every desenpnou. *ncU tu> Cardins Machine*. Spinning tram.-,-, h-peedrr*, Unwin* frame*, lUuway IK-ad*, Warpers,-frpoo.cin, Dre*Mtut 1 ram-?*, Loomi. card Grinder., rou r hi Iron Shaiting turited; all nee* of Cam Iron, i* u»d Haneers of ibe latetipitfteros, *Ude and hand Lai he % and tool* of all kind*. Catling* of every dcutnpiioti lumithed on abort nouce. Pattern* mauc ui_oruer for Mill Ousting, Iron Railing, he. Steam Pipe lor Factories Crftt Iron Window So*h and fancy UL'intg* Generally. Order* left at the W arrbvutc oi J. I aimer a, Co., Liberty street, will have r rompt attention. . Reler to Black«oet, Belt A Co.; J k Moorhead A U>., C E Warner John Irwin A Sons, Pittsburgh; O t i J H Warner, Sicabcprilla. / ; ■ I* l ** l * ilardnarc Store Ucmoved. ” WHITMORE A WOLFF baYm* reroofed from die cornet or Libert) and *t Clair «ttret«. ,to N«* Wood street,ihte« door* above MChaxle* Hntt.. would rr.pectfully a.k UiejmeoiiOß r“v S of HARDWARE CUTI.tKk and SAUHChL. ,rec d net ships Seranak, .MnnnngahaJa and Hut .i-t, nirect Uora the manufacturer* of England and Ge- ?««• v - ' Alto, »upiiUr»cf Anirncoa lt"rdwnre./io,n thepnn c;nal njauuiaciurer* of the liartcin State*. Their stock being entirely trow,, ami pnrchaied upon the besttertns they feel g»eateonfidcnro m being unr ioe*e*»ful!y to meet competition m-m au>, quarter, Thff Hardware basinets will be continued nt iherld C f!L_ oALERaTL'S AND tILUE FACTORY FOR s.'Ll* . S?l—The Admini*itetotto! t e lute Jaoro»^lci^irii;{iiiii, offer for *ule the cwabii.lijmetit tnuaie in Nmth )' aid, formerly carried on by Lira, in hi* Mo ini and Clue Factory. TbS work* arum tor eaiijinj on the basinet with «*-•„»«.*»«»* sv& Admmmrnior*_ NOjTJCE. . . ' ALL Perron* knowing ihciurclveftmdc-tr.d to the Eo- Me or A. Dmvo.Jr, »•.caxi, I»u6crl to iu>J «nlt Iknr UK», 5:;; inu claim* a<am*t the EsCnta, will picieul luetn duly authenticated -or settlement to the »üb«cnbei, at the -•i*—- " f J ° l ‘" "*'? — — xrjLiKG, . . , STORAGE, Forwarding uml Commission Merchant, Messrs Spang A Col; Geo. W. Smith A Co.; Kin*, Peimock A Win. R! Iloltne* & Uro ; durne* lh3- K... I'ittflbunrli, Pa. Messrs \ lucent, HuurpU A Co.;’ Leiter, Sennet A Ohe-ter; William* A Wright; Brown A McCarter; J C Erie, Pn. [ja>dlm_ SUNDRIES liU bag* prime Uto coffee; IMibbla N O MnimiF*: 76 boxes iuanulactiired tobacco; lai half diesis green and blank lens; 75 b and 13 lb boxes V U end (» P do.; i.V*l boxes (icrnian clay, U) casks *a!era tu*; 10 do. t*otaslt, together with a Koneial assort nirnt oi erocenes, in store tuid toraale-.Cy mcntoi CARSON »t. —' T —ltlononsabcla Livery Stable. ROBERT H.‘ PATi'EUhON ha* opened the l/feiavlurcc stable 'oh Fir»t sl, running through 10 SU-filseeond between Wood nnri Hnaibfield su., in the rear of ilia Monobgahela House. with on entirely new utock of Hors** nriu of the bcM noality and latent stylus. Uo}»c* kept at liver) 1 in the beat manner. , __ U_X -1 i'AtV WAlftiilOUSli—The hixhesl price iu It, paid for fowl Runs also,. Canvas*, H*‘ e Rope, K" b " BoP '’ I w'afflfviCK,""’ jnns wayne »t. between perm and ljber!y_ PKODUCI—« 0 boje» and 23 ensks \V R cheese; OUWUbi t finn Kentucky feathers; 30 bbls grraso tiifd; 60 kcc» .m 1 lord; 03 bushel* cloversccd; 12 do a,,,o|y (or “fa t M.ccmirr.-ea.* PERFUBiEIIY— Extracts of Verbena, lluicbon- Icv Violet, Jockey Club, MilHflcur, Douquct do Caroline and Slucluiargc perfume Uug«, Irom 2A eta. to SI 23 each. For .hie by JOHN D. AIOIUiAN, j tt j- , No. 0-U “od 8t“ uappTxgpap E tt— -1500 bundles >i. 0. M. add D. C. straw paper, ISO “ .Medium line. ••0 “ 1). Medium Hardware; for aule by ocll9 miVNOLDfI AfSHEE. "Tv VE WOODS—423 bbl» chipped logwood; 75 do gr*il | / logwood; 100 do chipped Fustic; 100 do ground iuil received and for sole by . IIA FAHNESTOCK tfc CO. j„4 ; comer of front and wood sts_ n bog. prime green tUo collet; 75 (jpchcsta and half chests l're»h given lea*; 150 hue f.*s 10» 6s a Hi inmpi tobacco, 60 kegs 0 iwju do. with general assortment ollerocerics for sole by. join JOHN 5. INLAY ORTH, 27 vood c nPEJiCER'S: fc'll4KS’ > —'Ju»i received, net Packet Ship i*atanack,4 ea«k» 4 'Spnicer , » n Cui Sieel Fites, comprising* scry genera] o»»onnn ni. > ’l he attention ol U infited. test MOLASSES— ISO bbls (new crop) N 6 Molu amviuff and for sale by j nnl2 ; POINDEXTER A Cc CRUSHED AND PULVERIZED SUGAR—SO. bill. Crushed mid pulverized sugsr. ja»t rcc'd snd for lew by |)ul| 1 UROWN A CIXUKKT3QN. SALERATUS— W»i boxes mid 7;emit, ju»i rec’d and for sole by S E VON UONNIiORST A Cii. janl7 : ; as front st. BLOOMS— 90 tons, Kelly’* manoiaciurc, for nils 1 ]aui7 . romrm a cu. tft. SELLERS. J&—2s bblft Flour, Hogs'* Uraud, fur calo by ) ' : JOHN S UILWORTIL rOS—I33 bale* iierophi* coitoa jujt received \or till by . AtWOOP, JONGS * Co, DRY GOODS, r GROCERIis, fo. Sow la the time for BergataM. '' ALEXANDER ;OAY wontd .reapeenally. the citizen* of Pittsburgh and tu vicinity .that they are how sellingofflhHr very large andeitfjnsivee.nek of dry good* at aa iinporelloled tedueuoa-of-pnee*, their, object being to exchange good* for cMh,.4 tn or dor to cfleet thi* m the shortest possible timf they wtu, sell iilTtheifr entire etbek at «ueb remarkably low ratc* ai cannot fail to auit cash buyer*. A Sne opportn't'ty b now offered to perronaln want of cheap dry ffpoda to •unply thenuclve* at a comparatively small expense. 1\ e have a large and »plettdtd stock of ladies- dress goods. - ■ Palo Alto, Buena Vista* Gala, English ""drench Me rino Plaid*: Oregon dud California do: Platt} Black and Mode colored Do Lathe*, FrenchMenho* assorted col or*; AlpnccaLustre*; Bombazine* French pud Scotch Caihmeres and MoulUn Do Lamcsjlrencliajid Ea«- ston Ginghnrsa, etc. • • * DRESS AND MANTILLA SIIAS. A large and splendid assortment of rich.hlae* Die** and Mantilla Silk* mid blue black Drew Shun*. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. . j A largo assortment of toper French, Turkern and Cftthmere Shawl*; plain and embroidered *ilk fringe Thibet doj'Chainelcon and Brocade *iU do; plain olaca ■ilk do; *uper all wool long «iuare Hrocheft do; plain and embroidered Cloth do; plain’and embroidered De d °' CLOTHS AND CASSIMERIX Buper French. English, and American Cloth* and Cat- ANT. FLANNELS. An excellent aisortmeut of satuncu and a large Mock of red. white and yellow Fannela. . I Blanket*—Super blue Blanket* for overcoat*, fine twilled do; American premium do n etc. ]* Al*o, aiarge ai&ortmcul of ricking*. Check*, rnna. Muslin*, together with «tlmo« every arueje w the dry rood* line ALEXANDER &DAt, qST ; 73 market *l, N. W. cor, of diamond, r- Wines 4 Llgnori. • if onn whole, halve*, quarter* and eiglrthiipip** brart* 300 K, SUgi.l., Ac. of.h« <dUo»m S cd!«b™L cd brand*, grade* and vintase*, viz: _ Otard Brandy, dark; Roncao Port vwne, : do” p.Uh ■«. LondooM.rk« do, gszerao do- . do; s- Trruh j A Seiznctte dark; s Hunt do, doT pale; 5 Burgundy do; • Hennewy do dark; •f 8 ‘Madeira do; do do pale; -5*l.M . do Piauet,Ca*tilUan, do. § Symington do, do do> dark; ® ha*al °°> Rwa'n Gin; W Pale Sherry ®°» Bl'k llorto do; 8 BroWn do do; ssfisa IsH; & , .^siSStD^M^wdS Together with a'iarge Mock of the Uqoor* in bottle*. A«o, CUampaigne and Clarenv me* for iale a* imported, on pleating term* a the'J«w lax and Liquor Store comer «£ d Dn Geodi at'WholeMlii* WF. would resDebifully Invite tiie attention of Coun lj2d®M«re£Bnto to our vety «tens«ve o7dt7 Goods, of the most recent parch*** p»d desirable wu< wnong which way be enujne».ed. -3 “ fdousseline de Laiue*. Enp. and£menc*a, II “• Alpacca*. In ell color* and price*; 17 « Bleached Sheeting* h. Sh'rUnßeJ Ito 13-d* 1! u Snlinett*; ! block, floe, mixed. 3 •* Ca*»imeres; black, blue and fanpy, 7 « Tweeds, dean*, Cobham*>Fnnc|j Albert* fct ' 7 “ Summer stotfs; a roll 1 bale Yellow Drilling, from fine, 3 “ Blue Drilling from medium U> . Toceiher with a full assortment of L ot fef , -£“£ , ?! T *?’. Drip D’Ete, Flannels, Wliite Go ?f!', T ££ l^£e* i for a *«■ ■i,.,, in * f e »,9 two doors above Diamond Aiie) • - _ Maik«.'BMketi» Drumit '*«• „ ' TUST received at ZUItiLON KlNZK'f’tS • I Let »trrcl- 1 dot fine wax Masks; 6 dox paper do, jo Z cwnnloa do; 3 gras* metallic Comji Cleaner*; 1 di?K*J skier*! 1 dot Sait Ppoons; 3 dot Ifoae Mustart tyooiS? 4 pros* German Silver Spoon* J d °Uu“£ Pi.iots: a dot *ett*Ches* men; 5 dot sett-i Domino*, o dnz Tevlor’i Tape Measures; 13 dot fanfcy "«*» To >' l i Key Bines, 3 prats Ohma Do-t; 1 dol string* Amber Bends;jl3 nest* toy Drams; 1 dozen willow Cradles; 1 dozen Clothe* keta. ~ —l" - * Fancy Drco BUUa. | •••r n MPIII’HY bo» on band an excellent arwrt* A\ ffioy Dfe» SUk* Plaid, «nd faut'y impe, vphicU lie i» ririce-s: also, au awurtnicnl 01 plain, water-.a, siripcu [>l*id, tfaek end bine black Alkn, incjudm* » very ..opener and u«\%W -tyM- nbo,' On ido Ulutie, ami Italian plain bl » c . k .^ lk * ‘“V a lew pattern* ofChaw;eal>!«Turc>alib» iin*,fte. I. _ •..* i I.PACCA & CA&’HMKflfi HOSK—W H Murphy A inmet the atientwu oi tbe liAiO* lojhw «Monmemofc«hmere tux* e V^,lk" C ffiu drab and bl'k rihlxO. Alw, t»iack upun uiit, mi»«» llama, aiui cutlo.r bo«, *lull aMOitmejil, and tjUow (nice*. i. "I ■ OrEN ’ THIS* M ORNIXG AT "W R MVTIPIiV’b. an *tuwnmenl of new am! han<»™ . g» I'rint*, brown and while—also itClhfetUOd font*’wear-yanl wide double purple, iupenor^uel- GROCEIUES ISO bag! Rio Y. U. Tea; ilO dolmpeciel and UUck J|ft?L b , b i*Jd2 a lanfc Mackerel; 6 bbU .No I U«rmg;s U B 11 .Mola**e»; 10 bbt» do Leaf Sugar; .» ibljl* yme^an zxiH'ir &?' iii!°i ■ - - lalLtenyMroi^. TIKACK SILKA-W B MUHPHY lh, uucmiOT > 01‘bayeM IQ bii aMOrtmeni ol obavclguodi, loclucU ncli itmX Hallo <ta- ** f«»Jl 4" *«a 4'J, blue Viuck do, ncli walotcd do; do u-u'.ortd v-d Mril’da <!«-, rum lot coiditiale, bolide « lutjo M FjfJJ Bren* Silk*, cliangable Ac., uil ot will te Wld hi uio lowest p&isiule pnee*. _ _ ri UPEUIOR BHUITWO ai'ULWS-W R k 5 .Mli’Kt'tiV, *V E- comer oi 4Ui and tviarkci eUecis, culls ntteuuou to the *upeuor long ciuta. aiiitiui3 mu*- liu b * ho u KlliHG at M) cw rt y*l-al»o- ‘»» ‘ a^ n r ur J**: Jncniof HUSH UNBNs, warranted?“«&•**"« i»i iue raoit approved manunictare. Alsu i»u.eii Luwn*, of every tpiality. and a lull uasoruaent «Ji gentlemen A Bathes cambric handkerchief!. .1 J ll ** 3 IT'L'R-NISIiI.NCi GOODS—We'have cpt liiUiJ tuii» 4 wruaeni of good* suitable iur turiit.uins hotel*, iicaiaboou, Ac., among "'Web ure Id bu ) e »^ > l i u *^ n *urti:d; l» do bru; dxUUug*; J case* u-4 will 0- 4 bieuciua XESg.; U itoM *n* *« a ****22! cra*b; <-4 and 8-4 linen üblc diaper, do. do. Barna.k, Scoick and HuuM emper, low-priced] tunc> - nnnU, white counterpanes, plain and iwilkd blaaikcu, “-> «,d L ian< • _ Shawl*, Bh*wU.| SELLING OKP—A very large and fctipe ucm of super. Turkci n Shawl., .xi[u at w 00l Bro tiuude,hue Cashmere du; plant aoih do, plun and embroidered Itßxi doj Bn mush, aud Ottoman Silk do; tW long and uo, to-_ geiher with * great variety ot otherldc.cnpuoits oi shawl*, all of which wo arc now .ellind oil at an extra ordinary rtduc.umoi i & ■ fU3 75 Market *t, .V 'V cor. oijthe Diumond. PHL.ttIL'.U'GOLD' 6y «**?•££ day a ,ar~e iol of the bast mudo pins ever l>ro t to nil* CUV. Hi oflrnns a considerable premium overihc ordinary prices, 1 hate had U-em munliiuctured supe rior to any hcretolore, and can coantlcfmy limra u. such tor the tmencssoi the! go.d, lueir ea.y elastic spniur end line smooth-point*.- Also, a large assortment of other brand, lor sale aj eastern pnee* and warranted, at the waich und febi-Ot T corner otltih fc market .ti CfUPtUt SEijUNO O fine assoruneapol Ireuch and Li«U»h Uoiha ael* ~„S o n •>”«?• day, febS 75 Market at, N 'V cor cu the Biataond. CiHACtarKrr'* \VUITI>-Bry Gtyod* Jobber., 09 S Wood St, have ou hand a well msdrted and .eason »nle'stock of BKY UOOBti. winch Jhcy wnl *cll to western and city merchant., on very reasonable terma, und low price.. Most ol the good. tVdre bought dunug the lust ruoUih, and at reduced price*. | jnf Bleached drills, 4c,-w. [r. Murphy ha. ojuin thi. morumt one ca.e Aniorkeug Bunched Brills; al*o Lnb'eachcd do.-Amoracug No 1, nl.oltck inu* of various price* and quubucs—ujid Offered low by ,he piece and yard, at N L comer oi 4tlt aud Market jtrect.; __j ~ ob’ , Drab moreens for skirtb.-w. r Murphy ha* on bund Brnb Moreeu lor skirt*. Al»' Coulcd Mnrtuile* »kirta, [ French Cotton do (a new article. Milts Alomioc and Cpuoa Vctit, Ac., nurtheaat omer oMih j feW COCHECO PRINTS—\VR Morph? Inntee the attea* tio» of buyers to hie nisoruuenl pf above auperior ■rood*, neat style* and ptui'ds of pure madder color*, aitd warranted" fa*:; nl»<£ Fall lUver and American print work* do. oho fa»i color*. ' janld PAULIS DIAPERS AND T.VBI.Ii CLOTHS-W. R Murphy horoa hand, at low prieea, an assortment common, medium and superior linen table diaper*] a »o dumniK linen tablecloth}, napkins, etc.; also bock abud, bird*eye,_audScotcU toweling. jald- BLACK ALPACCAS.—A few pea or satin barred alpaccas. lately rec’d;!olso. an excellent ■sortment of fancy barred do- v-iry low, at the dry Sudatouaeof W R MURPHY. Dlirsw GOODS AT LOW PRICES-W-U Mui pby, corner 4th and Market «Ji,-conimuM M» i* Winter Dress Goods at.grcatiy Reduced prices—Mui iin de Lullies as low as tat cts per yard, Ac- jmf7 ‘ TIN'E PLAIDS SELLING OFP—An cxcctleulns ■I sonmeni of fine Plaids selling atf at an uiiusuui re duction in prices, at “5 Market street, N W corner cl the Diamond, ALEXANDER k DAY. I^LANNELS— Red, Brown andluartcd Flannels.— 4 An additional supply received tpni the luonufactu rers. Also, a few pieces of low pneed Ca«sinctu, foi sale by GEORGE COCHRAN, ,pU . } tal wood it. ELANKCTS-eSpwr largo Dornesuc Ulankeis, jqjt received on co»»igrunci«{j lor sale t>y _ BOVS CABSUIESCI iho atielnion of pnrcutß ’ of boys casiimcres and twr the Dry Goods house, non! Bet sis. PRODUCE— ISO bbt* fresh 1 l*rd; U bbU Butter; 121 bull Rve;6 bbU Beans; just rec - ... r Robison * co, febll jlcQ Liberty street. iniiu and eontumers lenetnlly LOU AN & KHNNKDY : I'Jtf wood mreet ■ IL—I’JOU gala natural colored winter Sperm; 1C I gall bleached winter Whale; fclX) gait low pric PnODUCEv Received per •learner Ludlow. LI bbt* Clover Seed, a Uo Fltn Swjd, d do K»ll iluiwr, fl do While Bcana, 17 do Lard, tii keg* do 4 »ck* Wool,! doFeathcri; forialnby- fcbl 11AUALEV fc SMITH _ LIQUORS— l3U'gailoui Hollas‘d Uln; BXt do French brandy,, rcc’d on coutigumciit nml tor sale by jau!3 TA3SKI A IlLol- SUNDRIES— 15 bbU Ciover«e 'l3 cask a Scorching*; 1? bam tiqiniL ilds*, and «hoafder»; 5 bar febfc : FRIEND, PHB Salts—S 3 cuu pria* jnu » ftblf * Coi&Mßy ofiHofth America.. fim A|^||^TR^, .; -"PuiLABELfm*, JanoairlO, IH9* STATEMENT of'the Asset* of “ibc T***™*?* \° T zj:|* recior* of the Insurance Company of North An«i* ca,f"nhli«he<Jjn conformity with the provisions of the Act of Assembly: , >' ■ ' ; ; ! ' ■ "• , MORTGAGES. . .}:• All. of wWch am MW Mortgages, and »« ] c on Real Estate in the city and county of Philadelphia, • LOANS.' . Vnnmno Philadelphia County Six Pej Cent at par, JWOW Philadelphia City i do ; UuiwiStaiesGov't ' do 1 <J° Chesatleake A Del. Canal Co. 845.000 at <O, . Chesapeake and .Delaware Canal Company! . Randel Debt at par. t ; «”*g™ . Cincinnati City Bonds at par. ; ' „ rJv,!%, ' LehighCoaiandNaTisauoh'Co,#l2rO(»atss j C,Wp« “Do do do So,oeoat6o: ••: Monrage, -j 55?- Schuylklil Navigation Co, 810,000 at CO. ' M ’ ■' ?>,■ W 150 & . do Sd.UflatSSij-m: Boat Loan, . ! r. - • ' iJ* B75OO Philadelphia, Wilmirigtonandß<imoreßaU ' • - i 4»< M0 ° ; stocks. . ; . tsGermantownahdPerkiomen i Turnpike Rond Co, at- 8 50 . t 3,150 00 Schuylkill Navigation Co, . 30 ! I,**® 00 Mertcam's and Manufac- ; ••• : v_: lurer’s 5O Philadelphia Bank, 100 • £{- Pennsylvania Bank, 250; HP North America 1 Bank, • 100 ;3i-?si£! Ins. Co. State ofPerJi’a, 200 ; 600 00 Penn’a Rail Road Co, 15 i 'I«S>Q 00 Union Canal Company. . 25 • OO Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, SO I.' 1,05000 Philadelphia ana Havre de _ i. _\fj . Grace Steam Tow Boat C 0,50250 00 Ins. Go. of North America, 6 .60,<M>(X> 83UOT6s H.iwff S 4 18,550 01 1,05130 SO do 33 do 33 do 4 do 100 do 373 do as do ISOOO do Cub, Note* RecetTxble, Policies UuaseOleu, I Debts Due tbc Company, : : Propertiesia the Cara of Agoat*> ARTHUR Cr COFFIN, President. HmT D'SbxuzsPt Secretary. febtßdlw PIBE ASD MABISE WSOIUHCBi • THE Inmrance Compauy of North America, through at. duly authorised Ajenu the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on rroporty^in this city and its vicinity, and on shipments ya nal sun Rivers. ‘ j ; u • ‘ BIBEtTOES. : - AldntrOCoffin, ' - Chaiiei T^lor Sam’tW Joneii : Ambrose \Vhita i EHrord Smith Jacob M Thomas John A'Brown John B Neff^. John White ’ Richard D.Wood Tito's PCops WoWelifii: . Sanfl-F Smith Francis Hortens- • Samuel Brooke ; S Austin AlUbono ■ ARTHUR G CQFFIN, licet-. Hero D 9ina*ii»i See?y. ■ . This Is the oldest Insurance Company in Urn United States, baring been chartered in 17M. Its charter t»_ perpetual, ana from ite high standing, long ample means, aiulAVoiding all .risks of an extra nix* ardous character, it may ba considered asolTennr am ple eecuritr to the public. - ' MOSES ATWOOD,' At the Counting Room'of Atwood, Jones & £o- Wa* ter and Front streets Pittsburgh.. tfeblßu, DELAWRIfr MUTUAL KSBUBASCE 00. JOHN FINNEY, Jr- Agent at lor the Del aware Mutual Safety Instrimee Compunyioj. Fjid tulelphia. Fire Ri*k» upon building* und merchandize of cTcfv description, 'usd; Marine Risks upoti hull# or cargoes of vessels, taien upon the most favorable terms. rft- Otfico in the Warehouse of W B Holmes tßro., No. :ff Water, near Market rreet, Pituburgh;: ; ; • S B—The success of this Company .since the: eetab lithmem of the Agency in this city, with the prompt new uml liberality with which every claim uron them for loss has been adjusied, fully warrant thi- cgeiit in inviting the confidence and patronage ot hia friends ami. the community at large to the Delaware M S Insurance. Cotnpauy, while it has the'additional odvanteceaas an institultou-ainoug the most flourishing m Philadelphia— a* having an anmle paid-in capital, which by l)»a. ope ration of Its charter is constantly Incredsulg.M yield ing to each person insured, his due share of the profit* of the company, without involving him In any respon sibility whatever, aod therefore aa possessing the Mu tual principle divesjed of every obuoxioas feature, and in its most attractive form< INSURANCE AGAINST PIRE.^ THE American Fire Insurance Company—Office, No. 72 Wainat atreet Philadelphia: incorporated A D 1310-Charter perpetual* ••• t i if': . Insure Building*,Furniture, Merchandize, ahd prop erty generally, either in the city or country! agamsi loss or damage by fire, perpetually or for hailed peri ods, on favorable term*. . ■ v • ’ .DIRECTORS. ' .. , John Sergeant ••• Samuel C Morton William Lynch ' Adolphus Pcrjes Thomas Allibone ■ ' George Abpot, John Welsh, Jr.' - ; Patrick Hrady, John IT Lewis. ’ ! - SAMUEL C; MORTON, Prusidntt- FaasssD Jasviea, Secretary. ■ Onlere for insurance by-the above Coroptmy will be received and'insaraiiccs effected bv Ufe undersmaed, agent for Pittsburgh. *• ; GEu COOURAN, noTU-Sm*- ; j . ; ’■ -9 \Vood.sL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO. THE Franklin Fire Insurance Company! ofPliymce}- phiE will make Insurance, permanoiu and limned onevervdtacripiionof property, in and the aurrounding country, on- favorable terms: iTnts com* .. «®,oip4dfa. Contiuceut.'Fiind • ; ,V w Oiliee corneraTthlrd ■»od Market streets, rittsu ga. apl I9tf .* . . .. . WARRICK MARTIN, AgauL FOUNTAINHOTEL, ; •LIGHT STKBKT : BALTUORB. yt»a AXPTUUMtoa, PKorarsttA. j:v • —tt THIS establishment long and widely 'known a* E"W being one of the most corarirxSiouiin the city oi XUL l'nlt!tno;c, hes.retemly jryiy exten sive alteration* and inspofbTemeiii, An enure new wimr has been addcdjtcuilalning numerous and airy sleeping apartments. and extensive bathing room*. , The Ladies’ department has also been completely reorganized and fitted tip ina most unique ajid beauU lul style. In tact the whole arrangement of] the House hot been remodeled, with a single eye oa the pan oi the propriewrs, toward* the comfort anupleoiure o: their Guests, and: which they confidently Assert will challenge comparison with any Hold in the-union. Their table will always fcc supplied with, every sub stantial and luxury which the market nnords, served up in a superior styte; while in the way of Wines, 4c., they will not be surpassed, i •; In conclusion the trojmewr* beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the port o-. their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the con tinued patronage of their friends and the pvbhc gen- Cr Ttm pricea for board have also been reduced ;to the' following rates; ; ■" . , ' Ladies’Ordinary, 1 81,75 per day. Gentlemen** u 1* : , , MJ>i • , , N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of. the. House will .al ways be found at lie ;Car and Steamboat Landings which will convey baggage to and from tbh Hotel, lire of charge. > ' i maythf * PEARL STREET HOUSE) ; cjsassAJ^ouio. —e*» THE subscriber* having purchased the-entire I*lB interest of-Col. G. P. Williamson, lute of this well ’ JSiA known ciiabtishtnenijbeg leave to state then friends and the publie'peneraliy. that they, havh taken this commodious Hotel Jor a lenu of years and will ex ert theirbest energies to make it a, desmune home lor Travellers and City Hoarder*. ' : , i The Hotel is xpneiout anil admirably planned for eon venienee, light and air,-having a uunuier of patlors ad joining chambers, presenting unusual: attractions to. families. "i . , -' . The present proprietors, having had the experience of year* in this city and elsewhere, hope they ; will- be able to give general satisfaction, being determined to give undivided attention to the house-alone. r The location of the Pearl Street House is uncommon ly eligible. haviiig’froutt on Pearl, Walnut and Third streets, so that it is equally desirable in; new oi the convenience of business men. or retirement fofprivate_ boarders.- It is near by this Banks, the Foil Oflico, the -Masonic Hall. Odd- Fellow's Hall, and. but one square distant from Main street and two squares from the -City Wharf; thus offering the greatest inducements, especial ly to country merchants and generally'to all persons visiting Cincinnati- J ,£2v » nrmV • tnchlfl . ■ : JOHN A DLIILL. ECTAW HOUSE, i ' " couxa or ait-TMoas-sMi sv-t±v/m-, a imttxozx, 89*. . HENRY H. JACKSON. PROPRIKIGU. . Wj This splendid and spacious Hotel) elcgOully sit- S«« uaicd for both business and pleasure travellers, is XmLso - constructed as id combine.all )ho luxuries oi the best hotels, with elegance and real cannon. Choice suites of apanraent* are at all spasous reserv ed for the accommodation of traniient guests, and fam ilies visiting the city will fiud the Euravr House a home, unsurpassed by any Hotel in the Union, t . ; - ■ The locabon is elevated and salubrious, ana is also convenient to the depots and landings, ‘at; which, the coaclies and porters of the bouse areiat alt uioesiu waiting to convey passengers and their bogghfi* L*e .^Txaais.—Gentlemen's ordinary per day. ; Ladles’ do , yJ,OO co JanlOdStawam • EXCHANGE HOTEL, ! coaxes or rsxs aao st. ctxia rrmschou, mL ; eCt- The subscriber having assumed the moiiagc tnfcJ ot this loug established midjpopulur Hotel, JS»reitpectfUlly auiiounccs to Travellers tuid the Puli-, Uc generally, that he will be at all 'times' prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well regulated UoleL The House is no* being thoroughly repaired tbroughoot,'and new Furniture added, and no coins will be spare J to make the Exchange oue of the very besV Hotels in the country.’ The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance of tlie very liberal patronage the House has’- heretofore received.- ' THOMAS O>VSTON\ " febOdtl* - ■ ■ - ■ ■ t' Proprietor. JOSES* HOTEL, 1 .. x 0.133, emitter *Taxrr,ruimt>CLnaA. M THE subscribers, undex 'lhe firm of Bridges A- West, have purchased Mr. Jone»Unierest in tin* establishment; and hope by the strictest attention to the wants'and comfort of their guesu) to merit a con tinuance of the liberal, patronage heretofore rcccjveu .by iu former proprietor. . ..j , j • • : The housC ho*'been thoroughly reimvatda, and re paired; we therefore'fcel assured we can -welcoiae friends and the public to accommodations equal to any in the eity of Philadelphia. * - 7s'-\V WHILES, jlySSif . ~ ■ . J.NQWBgL GALT HOUSE, 1 : ; i • coawi»suixxia)nxntm..cKrcnr«aTr. ' ’ MTHIS establishment is now in tbo b«*t order tor the reception of the ‘l'ravelingfPubtic. Having undergone athorough repair during the pestwiu ter, and. having the most expenenced men inijhe- w« in the various departments, I be pleased who eatL The tocauon dious and pleasant. Fore : 81 per diy< ■ . = , , CincinnaiLMarched, <7. ■WESIABSIL . v- • ij^-Although not exactly a new Broom, it is «« *sme-a new Whist on the old handle. , j THROCRMORTOS-S GALT HOUSE* ' LOCtSVILLS, KT.J —f* Atiis TIIROCKMOHTON begs » acquaint triends that bo is again lessee of the GALT JBhLhOUBE» Louuvillc, where be hopes to meet alt hit old ineuds avilung tliem and the'public, that, no effort shall be spared to make w&o avor him with their paironage. •. r: jahUdty - aud for tale by MILLER fc lUCKEIBQN. • BAtnjSOUT, «d 4 M Opposite the Railroad lie pot, Pratt it Baltimore, HENRY M. IsMll’-H, propnetdr; (hue of the Kx-- ebaugsond Su Charles > . / ©ci2uUy. : ' •' -i ,[. • b » do Timothy «i&ciiek* Bicoa ryel* Bcasir, lor tale by y & Co- a7\Vater |L - ‘t)£uE '» OIUNOE- i,w' fl «ivl«S end bright cetore, rest opened Lv - ' " *fthW : BUACiLLLTT AWHITE. i'd anJ for fcale by • fii©vVCUi INgURASCE. HOTELS. i! So prayed : on earth thy suffering Spnj- So in his name 1 pray: l ; The spirit failsj'lhe’flesh is weaki Tby help, in! agcrtiy'T seek j O take ihy cup,away. •" “ If such be not thy sovereignttilV The wiser .purpose then fulfil* .7 . ' My'wishes I resign, Into thine; bands my On thee for life or death depend; Thywiil bedouejnot mine. .- A CDEIOUS STORT OF FRANCIS SETHIS. - A few day. before tha fall oDlouen, (a citv of France beseigeil by the royolid anny, end defended by the Protesldnls the., civil war prodeced by thß Refornratiou in France.) a. Frotestant gentleman, .named Francis Seville, was Hounded in the fpce by ' the shot of an arquebus; and having faUen> ..... apparently dead,wait carried away and- to ried, with fifteen or sixteen other* At night . his servant brought a horse for his master, 9t ihe foot of the,rampart, whercj,meeting th« Count of Montgomery, he was informed that. i, Seville was .dead ahd honed. The groon?j 'an old and faithful servant of the house, in- ~ sisted upori.havihg the'body, to cany back.: to the relations of the*, dean officer; .end • Montgomery ; accordingly sent, one- of hie. suite to show him where the: corpses had . been ; - interred;. - : groom; immediately, caused them to be taken.out.of histy grates; but findink them so disfigured with/: , . waundj, blood mid clay, that it was impos* . sikle to recognize the features of any one, ha replaced the bodies, and cast the earth bght» -. ( ly over .them again; While' retaining to hi®. > a feeling- of remorse, at the care- * less manner in which ho and his compan ions had reinterred the dead, took potsessiCtt. . of him, and he retomed to tnoispot to cover . their remains more completely, lest the doge - should disturb their last resUng place, in the night The'sun had bythis time set; butia ■ recovering one of the bodifes, he saw, by th® light of the moon,a.diamoud ring, of ape- : culiar form, on the hand, and instantly, by that token, recognized. the corpse of his master.- : . Being earned to .an inn, Sevill® . v displayed some signs of fife, faithful ' servant baring called surgeons, be sought them to employ their -skill- upon ; v his master. The number of wounded, how-i . ever, did not 'allow them to oecupy . time with' a hopeless case, and they refused, to give him any attention. Tbe. groom sub- -. sequently-brought a physician |uid one of.-. Seville 7 # friends, wlio saw dial, though three : . r:- days had by this time elapsed since that of* ; ficer. had been buried.',as deadj he ;Btil*.‘_;.r| breathed ; ahd, his teeth baying been forced 1 ;, ' open, some wine' arid other nourishment W6®. administered to him. tybife they were la* . v boriiig earnestly to re store him' to the town wfs stormed amt taken; and ajiarty of the enemy, searching the house for.Seville , ®- •: j brother, whom they • put to death without' ■ mercy, found tho wounded-man, and s brutal* ly threw him. out_cf the window. He fell. upon;a dunghill, and some straw been accidentally thrown over him, from.ja-. <.;t , loft above, he remained three days in thi*.-.\ -- , unwholesome wliere he . 7,; found,, stfli living,fby. ono of his cousins* •• . He was-thenearned secretly-out of th® ". i , town,' and under rlalfurtreatihent perfbefiy i recovered; 1 ' He lived' for retire than • years after. ralU y-y; ed 'upon to simi Kis name, he wrotc t “.Fran* . .« . cis Seville, mrice dcad,- thnea boned, and -: thrice brought to life by tbd.grace of God.® •—James’Xtfe of Henry IV.. THE CAMEL This most usefulanimal, the.camel,is living personification of all th atis Bn grace fnl in form.andiingainly in motion".. Hisf6oti»r broad, soft, and sprawling.- His legs -small v:?3? and”crooked] 'with enormous; joints. Tbs - whiehiis'set low and arches down ' ward, is veryslenderj' and the head, 'which.. is earned almost da'diminative,,': out of all proportion tolhesize of The hip prominent, short, and. tapering, and. newly, without. The rough skin also ia only partially clothed; With a - thin coat of - scattering hair, wkichf gpH aowe very appears in thick,' shaggy tufls, coarse woo), upon the' shoulders, hanks, andx&Vjrj belly. The high bunch upon which the load is placed, and which larras a. sort of adds to; lids general deformity - and awi>. wardness of motion. .' i -■-> * The camel lies upon the ; tWeasV.wtihfefeftgi legs extended under his body, to receive burden, and he rests in the same night.- He uuers cries, of impalu anger upoh being compelled- to : kne< to receive his • heayy load, and. oft suddenly to his feet.before arra if resolved to receive no; more,'©r' ; off what he already hoi' One. can sympathy' for thev reluctant,' [cc i brute \ and whe rises with'his b [ begins to reel along upon*;hia v I misshapen, crooked legs, he has i l ance of being -a cripple : t Aherns likely to be crushed to lfu j his attempt to travel. He goes or cocking nnd .'swinging.aliday„i symptoms of fatigue,, and never misstep. He heeds cpnstanl.guii ilie .vray is not-very broad and:; struefted, as he goes down aster hia rider uito tne_thtck', thor acacia*tree, without ceremcr • There is no ditTereqc** •and dromedary, except ery more supple ami.actii .which; fit for ndingy while the. i haM*paced animal* is,"on.tht -voted tb carry ihg burdens.; ?■ Camels axo formed for the *they are admirably adapted, God . evidently designed 'th less' than any other ammo upon such food os could m any other form.- They are Ter, even'when they.tuv* days under a burning sun i broad,; spreading.. loot. su plains. covered . with ace] holdslo the'shidothj the greatest tenacity.: Ihe stumble or lallj-exuept rn t I have already meutionet appear to understand that ! than themselves, is fit on! and' they can seldom be i' eyea for a-few nulesy region. .We tried,-to/ proceed with us to Jt it would, be difficult t large arphrty*oi'.Hebri however, though we' leging a >*ariety ot:re: evidently by their relii fact with improved til dent aversion 10-. wal' meat stone habitatior in the unrestrained The-camel is cial places'for.ti. and'W loses,'' tint manyof his pecuti ties-' Heatlainsti and strength, is more sumeslarge quantities brinks, with; dearly the : copiousness as-other,.- 0101*9 TfavtU: ''ftoTHiSti fjn •hisI*own 1 *own state‘w amaziag-as*etenrii] persons mtiitlcreni. aud iq jhs'«iang£r; .imposablo.jhatthi* «—!roicat f ... P; , ifs-st y;:.-O l _«uij'i'j*ii^ lti;,*:isc2 y > ' f \«,’ A> /1 , : -s>? y, *?*•*-'