ifcANEOUS. i-, ' JttL*USS'B '.--c • ■ j ‘ u -’ <3lfjsEN<3 PANACEA! ■ nno .Tndte 1 suffkrlno with diseased -:* ''• y ?tiCTf|yZ'W>e tonwefcrdcnted success wlUdi hu* ,' ' ijm woof the!;- - • : GINSENG' PANACEA • j ’ ; forma which Irritation of the long* ul f..*o»c*^W- the proprietor again tocallattent • • 'tidaiothlT' s ••:.•■■: . ; ] / WO\T)CRrCL;>JIErAR.\TrON. / /'..'Tfae.ctaaplite.rwcttberj-wtueh marks oar fall a'ad •■"'■, *'krititsr sao»tlh*,'l* : always n fruitful soarro cf , / i ~ . COTJfc AKD.COU6H3. , / /-; Tli«»e, if Rejected, ore but the precursors of that full I: ‘ destroyer, ••• • .cosuiimqx. . ••« / .'• The question, then, liow.rhall we nip the d/stroyer in .. '-tfcabudlbow shall we.pet clepr of our/cotigiu ami , /'olds? is of vitkl irai>ort.*ißce to the public/ , ,tok Affn oNi.r rtmirar be found,a> the Cfinsetig Panacea, In proof of Urn ~ Wf hate from hone so time published the erniCenim of . , • dozens of out best known citizens, who have expon encedlucurAtjre powers. These, with a.m<ix* nt‘its .■ . Junoay from, all porta of tlie country.—front ■. • MEUICAK MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, , .. Modster* on the Gospel, Ac., together with copious no trees from ti e ; r•-« JOURNALS iOF.THE DAY. • we held embodied in pamphlet form, amt may l>e had . gratis of srayiof otlr agent* Diiouuluiut the country- HWNDRKDtf OFIHOTTKES har* been n«d in this city. . THOUSANDS AND TEN'S OF THOUSANDS -. throughout the Uuited Suues and Canada, and wc rha •kagoaay-xnaatopointouta *" -. . ••-. ... .'1 *fNGKK4N*TANCE o which, when ukea according to directions, njitl he* fete the lung* had become fatally disorganized, it haj - ever failed to . • . Sct. a Serfbct curf. (lie alilictc'l hesitate? ■' liy tesnrt to truiii", Rotten up by a - ■>> r. itidivhl turned iMMiiu of fORio ce. •. •„.. d phy* l into uotoriety by cenifici , pur nmvn? Whibu n medicine ol LRAi.KEI.EH EFFICACY m voucher* ora at home,—neigh* riiocoithni IiED FROM THE GRAVE, is invaluable medicine may be placed :: within .'the reach of the poor us well Uic rich; we have » pol the price at • OSLT FIFTY CENTS, • jea.'ftue half the usual cost of cough medicines. It is l ferkalo by oUr scent* in nearly every town and villose i over the west, who are prepared u» givitfuJl informa tion relative to it. -.. T. KAl.TElL.i'ruprieior, / r '■•■. _J|n>mlway r Cinciiinati,Ohio. -/ x fihIORRIS A INK: fJr '7'O * it«l or tiuill peas, jiml the copying press. This / ink is the resaltoCtlio cgperiroiint* of several yenr*,. ' devoted to the manufacture, on iui ettensiue scale, ni . aaarticio suited lo all ihe purposes of the cousunirr '. • Hie perfection of this wriliug. Ink cousuta in the Hit ■ lowing properties: Furmpn—in which property it win .tw ibuodto stinuus all previous pa’p&ralions. It will . ..Row with perlect freedom either trout quill or steel ' pens,jtrpi Is eutirely free from any corrurtvc qualities. j,Coioa—The color'of tills nniele is a rich, beautiful hlackv It is bcccoary, however, to give cousu oieritile'foUdniiigeautlqu. ~ JiyAll good black inki from iu necessary chemical eynstitutiou, rrquires cxpo«irc.tn the uir to impart a . sleep color. It must not, .Vnerefore. lie ejpeeled, t!ml 1 theinoracut the bo’.tlo i* bjuincd, llic ink will be fohud to bn a jet bldcfc. . ‘Hie flf»t appearance uill be . pale Unt after espbsure to tbeVbcimcnl action of the otmos . phete either oa paper or Its the inkatand. it wiU assuie , vbriiKant block hae.«cni I’amuxcccr—Tlie color i* unalterable by tlie buss of time.. It will never bae r .On this accoaut, all tin portai:t,reconl< rhooid be' tnnde in this article, os years ) only- deepen and strengthen its tint. ■ • ' S 8.~~ Tliiv utk is suitable for nil kinds of thetallin . fur pens made of. quills, ami what b inipor ntant odTvery desirable with many, will give a pcn'ccj ; impresvion by the copyjug pres*. ’ . llT'WoaM.usiugUi thc.inMitnuoßS with which we are connected. Morris' bUte'blnck writing ink. and in m{wct to fluidity, brilliaiicy of color and permanency, believe ilsui>enor to any ink tvb have lirrcioforc n.«cd. A Thorsiotij cashirr.'baiik of iiOtiuvillv; \Vm Rich .ardson, cashier Nonheth bank of Kentucky: Geo tl ■ Gwathincy eaililcr,'bank of Kcmuck)-, I* l. Hlirevc, .' president of the Gas buiikt Thus t. Helm, clerk of 11m ren county court: Currcu Pope, ek-rk ofieflerson coun ty court; P H Atwood, scerctaty, Fireman's Insurance Company; John filuir. ugciit Ivxingtou Insurance Cu; B 3 Goouurin, sec’y I’or.laiuS Dry Hock A Insurance. • Co; DS Chambers, sec 7 )* FraiAlin Firu it Marine In ’ nroneo Go; S If Rhomcr, treusorcr Louisville tjavin-< Insutulion. 4 supply of tbc nlwve iuk. ju«t received i and-lbr shlaby {toOJ JOHNSTTON A BTOCKTON. . JL STIOIA..OR DII-TICULTV OFiUH-UTliiNG.— * 41. .This dissaac is caused by t> paroxyrouil coustnic • tioa of the tflr cel!*; it it very •lrhiliuuing, almost cmi»- f Ink snCbcation. HR. S\VEKrSER*a PANACEA is the • _duy eertoiq epre. . j| t . .*• - Hoanencis-cin bo ctitirdy eiirml by & free urc of Hr. -flwOetscr - * Panacea. ) *. . -Catdrrh, or.couunou tvhieiu'if noglecicdl will temiuote in Consamptisil, is ctfcctually relieved gtid J eared by-Dr. Bwoeuor's Ibnacco. Bnmchhis, l u uuebcckr-d. will eScctuallr lead to Bronchial Co us amp lion, but a timely use of Hr. Sweet ;’< acrWPanacea vrill cfreemajly <?urti it. •" ‘ Inflammation of the Tonsils or Sorc TlirorL—Tliw ' disease oflen leads to urigas gouscqucoccs 1L lect, each a* ulceration of the titroat. On the first sjinp ■ toms. Hr. Swectscr's Panacea ihould be procured and r used freely.': - f • '■- Coughs and CoWs find a cnvcrcign remedy' hi Hr. ' fivreetert Panacea. ' Pnenmoaia; irery fatal disease, resulting ' - front a violent coagh and bold on n debilitated or bto ken dawn eoUstilatioo; agrd piTrom arc *utuerl to itr “ Dr. Sweeter'* PanaccA<>houkl be used'ot: tlie tint - -' 'symptoms, which are a couek or rod. Night detnlitmtiig'compbint will meet 1' vrilh a timely cheek, byiuing'l>r.'Sw«;vtwr'» Panacea.- - • lhe:fir»tap;>eumneeof con'ump-. ■ five symptoms, which area pain in the side amt brrmt. eoueaor spittlav of blood.); if Dr. Sweetrcr's Panacea is ireelr used, no danger need l-e apprrbemlrd. ; *• \Vnea the Kangs, Ihfi Windpipe, or bronchial Tul>er. - beconut elogged up with rihkgnt so at to impede, rstio.t or breailmijr,T>r. .Swerliier's Panacea, wliicli i*. ' a pcwenul Expectorant, should be taken according to , ; . ’'thfidinrotirsa.- -• /. ~ * '•' Jafldenza.—This distrenwng epideniie. so prevalent in ' ' ©urclimate, isspecilily cared by Dr. Sweetser'i Pana •. ' '■ ''■ '•<- Price 81 per lumle. o%sit-l>cnlrsiorS3. '■ • Forsalo by WAI. JACKSON, K» T.ibe.rty rt- sicn of \ - the bigjioot. : / ' ■ _ ‘ : uovSiity . : !. ' Orest : TTIOR Coughs,Cold*, A»t}nna and Consmuptioa! Tltr I‘ J? GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for tin? run- of the • . above disease*, is- the IfUNOARIAN HAI-SAM Ol' • *. I4VK discovered by ihrlfrldirafrll Dr. Ihichan, of . ~.Kondoa,Englamb anil iiUrOducedintothf United Stated ’l under tne inunediavi superiutcmlenee oftbe inventor. " ' Hie extraordinary sucetjk* of thi* tordlcinr. in thr i.rnre of Pulmooury dioeasrOwarrants die Aitwrimn . " Agent id soliciting for trralnimf the worst) pb»«Me .c.v . aes that can be found in thy community—case* that Seek.- . relief in rain from any of tlie common n-inedic* of ilu . daj’jlaJtd. have been given'up by the rtn« dbiinguidifd • phyriciah* as confirmed and metimbb*; [The iliinguri ' on Hslsam hti* rured, and hill euix'.ihc luott dr.ipernic . . of eases. It is no qunck td»r-tnim, but?.' standahl Ifsh medicine,“of known arid c*:atili>ti.sl cfl:ency.‘' 1 .Every family in the l‘nitc,l Staici t-liouM lio supplied . with luiehan's Hungarian; Rahmtn of JJAi, not only to - eouHterarttWcooruiuptiiii lumleaeics of tlw climate, batto be used a* mprevotitlvr mrdidiieinnll cases ai • eohls,' coughs, spitting pniir iu the*i.lca’ul ■ chest, irritation and soreuess of.tli-s lane*, brocliiti*. •-* difficulty of brenting, hretic rercrTnight sweats, pnari ,:,atkm andyeneraiddiility, asthnw, ii(fluv!iza, whooping 1 coagh and croup. ■ ~ ■ ' ' ' ItoM in targe tantc*, nt£! pcrbotl'e, with fait din c . ' ’lions fer the restoration of hcollh. ' •■ - Pamphlets, contahiing u'faassof Eug!i*li and Arurri •' eta eenifiraies, trod tuber evidence; «boning thr un '-■'oqaOlled merits of thi* great Euglidi Hiuntvly. muy tw obtained of the Agenu. eraiuitou«lv. :For sole byi B A FA MNF>fruCK St emm-rof ,; lht and Wood and Wood ariil fi-tilji •- gerauhl Scrateiiit ' fpCTTEE, ITCIt, HAI.T, XMEU.M, A c.—' Who would ' X fi>r a tingle d±y scratch, when afflicted with tlw . loiter, Itch,orotjl*r disease* of-the akin, if they knew" . "who would relicre and earn them. { ' ’ Tls horrible to be obliged (a rati .and serotch when . ajooeu but mare horrible to iibstain fiutn it, fibr decency - : r nake,l when in company. 7Ait it be- renin ml lercl tout r ’JH LEID>~3TErTKU and ITCH OINTMENT is l/.e .’Vjinnitelfieaclou* of any other preparation iu existence ‘|a ciirlitif iheTrttcr, Itch, and other diseases of the skin. A* mil dueuerof Uic rkin thtuthruc from the i:npurit}' ' , W the blood rntff Said* of the body, and where neb din* . 1/1 com be of longstanding, aiul ihe constitution affected /thereby, if Dr. Xeidl'e Ulood Pill* l<c u.wd ' with the Ointment, they will; core any ewe whatever, and if (beT do hot, the money will bo returned by Pr. Leidy. Mon cases, howevir, will be effectually cared * by Dr.Xeldy's Tetter and 'ltch ointment, unlest the whole system is impregnated by Ute diseased humor* ! ;Wtuch will »a completely earried off from the systemby Dr Leidy’s blood pills, 1 and the surface of the skin heal* * cd by thaaintraent' Frice 6f ninuneuccents. • i t A fresh supply of these valuable medicines jtut re .«raised and for sale by ,!• ■■■%;« W A PAIINESTOCK & Co. ■ - febt ■■ . cort Ist &■ wopd, al»ocor.tithfc wood si*. ' • ■_ ••' Pvltaoasry 6(dtaa< * r ’ : '*\fT3BSRS. HEED te.CUTJ.KII-I feel it a duty I ‘ aM. <twe to my fellow cnintare*. to state something ‘ more Tespeetihjf your Vegetable ihilroonary ihii-atn. * Some I first used, the U&lsarb; about eleven years nso, , L 1 the happy effectbf which 1 Jhen yttvn tin ur count of, I hots had seTerul Severe coluplamts and attacks at my . Iflßgt, eno a few days since, and in every instance J * have used the Balsam alonawitlt complete ami j**rf<ct . • ' Success. It hat effecVd relief and cure iu a very few „ days. It U certainly a safe luedicimv I do not know i that it will cure.a fixed bat I believe it * r WfU be is many case* apreyerttve, and prevention in - ■ better than core: I do therefore, for the Wo of my f>-l low Ben, earnestly recommend the usnof this llturaui, 1 id all polmoimry complaints. 1 am confident that it •v has been tho ‘means of prw/vrug ruy lifu u> thi* day. 1 ' •Bbstoa Jon* Ifl, '-itt. ' BENJAMIN I'AILSOX:*. ' Frasaloby B A Fahnrubckvfc Co, corner Erst mid <itrood and also mrner wixvranil Oth. - jm'j - ' T\fOfisitftfllilg)OMtk|Enßil»b, ciati. ; ,Ufleal,4c^ .. ‘ Classical Diciiotiary, . Dictionary of Greek raid Homan Antirjaitic.*; i.‘ ; WCoikwiyh’s Commercial Dictionary; lire’s Dtoioriary and Supjilcin.*nt, arts, mumifartures ' cnd minei:' l . Webster's Octavo ttetlouary, revised edition; ■ t ; ;-Todd'aJohaSoQ , s aml.Wo|krr's Dictionary;, - }". •AVotceatef’s Dictionary;' ' •• arid Scott's Greek Dcrieon; * ' Now Tc'tnmf nt; .v.Lererett'aLiuia lexicon;'! • • AhuwonWLatin Dictionary; • 1 * 1 ' Ttatutdfiff antlTlbWii** Krincii Diertonaryj ?/ v -''BMk%Ttological Dictionary;' . • +-'• i Union Btb to Die lionary; - : • Botmtson Colrnoi'* Dictiontuy, Ace., Ac. * • • ~*<SMfcfcaL2lt«ee)lsneoB«,sin<l;Sumlny School Hook*, ul •* wtva oa ssod nftd for tale low, by • v •* ULIJUIT & ENO-HSW, W_Mftrkel «L, bi'tworTi :W tc v • Mliw* Family Mtdteinn lu Ohio. . •• WAtsisauwn. O.'jiti, Jau'y -7, MLIL& BELJ«Kit3—Yobr Wrtnlfucu h uii<Myuill idllß .‘nrorm«!< , tirciy£r,’>a/Hl l»iTs£»mi rjitire '•.•r—tuftettyt jo all .who b»v<j bud ocra-inti 10 me it— t-'Uu-JUnr Jill* are alio a liltfli reputation, t'.bft .Y«ortfe*peeifully, Cotcii KMai*. /•••:: -r-.:■■■> UcCo»*auJiviM,r-01iio t Jaii T )'*.7, J--^. 4 Mr. B. K. BcHcr*»Yoae Vcmiilkise sell* remarkably fcaVgainctl Clin full confidence of nil who »r*<j .r i^ao»al«i|(beCougiiSyrupi j Your# truly. J. J.laJliEL fißrEt. v Tprepiredoadaoltlbj'B. Ne ; i>7 AVootUt, BoM.al*»byDr;.C#««:t, stti War<l,U.M. Carry, Alie •' ,''*hwy*ajrt W'in. J.Scniilj.Tenipmajicevlllc. fri>t ■ Ac, in .torn awl for Mir ? r Wohler, cor. Wo<>J and Ml. rm JuJeaHaaal’dNymph Soap; . r - /•. TABUndin for Chapped Haw!*; - iißocttcl’a- •■ do • 110 >Ur, . . 't*»i;n. 4 i* •• i SaparfinoShavingCr*jnn, raw*, almond: • -r- Ox Marrow rouuoatn; •••..■• ' 'i:'; iv - ;rj * t :.. 4 .VColACrram; -»•• ■ >•; ■ •.{. ■**. i Paitr; 4 \ u / Water, fine extract for ibe haii.l -' -*«**<; *C- 4 ;••••'■■ i feb»> ■ ■ y-rvr i-.’i.rT^utfTMoConeUnTTeMaoace. i.- vtIFTI4 b (hat I purrba.eJ one vial of Pr.' ! ; 'I > «eCßii»V'Votia gjwpificy w»me »*-o inomlw a t o ' -'<'«i5 r aoa bt-ame, «*tue aevrn year* old, two : faSf and aW«WxI« tfw' ainoimt may appear t'jJ-rrSTsS •* Hit* no rfotmt l«i flirre wu upward* of J'iwVwwMJltf pn**>tl from, bin, 4 tteaituiflf . >■ i '•p^.«^^ t >. : Cinql'co. Trmu Dee V 7,1317: jagf; ; Vwtabk. Hair for . • SsSSSsSKitewpSwoiii^ iM««JWUnproca, for - \Qtt#irtl«CPpy) . • BOOKS, 11PSIC, v- -'«**• MAC,!m ,F^'“JgJ££“*>unb|tv i j£. .Wart, .ifc* VjwWa. j --..to* star of the Fallen: br Coni*, author of ffiaek cry_OT erenr UuecripLcn, *uch a*—Catjunt Ma- Plumed Riflemen. J > . . f , j cbmr<«. pinning hriaie* Speeder*. llrawng Frame*, /Ibe AUrie'Fiffnre! i£ead. or the Lady «f Own awl Lena?? -f I *t UrcMing > J2?i Charley Carer. of the U «*■'*«< "--r <• - , * raa **i toonu, Card Gnnaer*, Ac, rought lmu /„TUe limdii , * , the Jiaid ofSarooyt by Lom*a ; “IM ** CaK lroH * P«lw« and .Sidney.- .P** a Ji D F j tlw totet: paUsmi, *Xda and hand Lube*, Quarter,v Rcrfew • !' | r*iuae,ie.l Steam Pipe for beating Faciorie;,. Cast Union MogaiineVocihreember. % { “f f“ey generally— • Lne of Joseph T law «nr>nlv } Lt !~ gr * c “ iat ." «fe!*u»c of J. I’ajatcr At Co, Lib of 1 # FinJ?"“” ?1?S J I * he ' r r b >* 'be aaibor of 'History I ' *‘ U havc ° of Woman, by the ,ante. J ° E Hje Old Commodore,-by F Howard. i- ora! J initt Bow.fittabujgh. Jennette AlU.pn of the Yomtg Strawberry Oiri-a * * - JLIV 1 tea *!, St. jnal3 tale of Sea nnd Shore; by liiirolmni. ALLEGHENY VKNTJIAN llUN£>l‘AClt)Ri " Flower* Personified: N<,4.0 and lt». ' the Karflde . R«nirCcßielerip*of America, yan9. W, |fl 'T^ cu /' Trtn ’ re aeoa * M.-i!*;i/ine». Newspaper*, etc ■ i ggjflßtd. <ai .* TO PP- lllind*, ofvancas colcra Punch and pictorialntnc*, p%r ln*t'*tcamer*. B=3fl 'SKjlil'V\v^ 0 1 B Jf‘.”. 1 . y , t, ' p, , on Uro-.hrr Jonathan,-(Philadelphia Courier, anil Yau- iIS&9F ?i of-iv - 5 V ®° J * 1 ’ 1 ltu,, nrßh.at J.A, kcc Uoodla Pictorial* - For sale by' •• ‘ • - TCES.Wu H v/^u,111,? 0)1 e!o;h "»rrioom. ! WM's CYIDWFLI n ‘•butter* made to order in the Icatetjle. MX •«.. A T^ A . U M s*£ X P Y iionaJ'cicjtßse tn that cauTe * mo-’ XI by J. A. it L. P. JAMES, Cincinnati, the following 'Ocnjfrin care of£rc dr lor washing, and wiila.u: ihe’bid new and Taloable W6rks— of ucrexv dr e :.. ocKdlyA-Wlamly .. Doniphaii’t kbytedliion—Containine a sketch of llir bte of Col. A. W, Itoniphiui; the Conquest of-New Meiteoj Gen. h'e.uney-g Occrlaud td Cali tonua; lkmtphan’s Ctunpaipi asaiiul die Natijos, ami ln< iinpnnuleled March upon Chihnahuu andlsqrar>f;d, niid the Operation* ofiGen. Price at Santa Fe; trith t Map ami Mnpraruigii, by John T A Bof thr tst He"iiuem of .Mirsoun Cavalry. I i 11. - .‘r HiKtorj- of Kentucky—lu Antiquities and Naltiml •Cumwitics; Gettfraphical StaUMical-aml Grolorieal ueMTiptious; with anecdote* of Pioneer* life, and more than one hundred Btoffaphicul Skelclte*ofdiitinjrui*lt cd Pioneer*. Soldier*.;Stnte*men, Juri*t*,ijivner*. l)t -'> .with forty ci>gnivins»; by Lewis -Collu*. 1 vol.oetaYo. 1 o si / , ' HI. ! - fisc rwelve Month*' Volunteer, or Journal of a, Pri* jrate in the Teuiiesaw Regiment of Cavalry, in the Campaign of Mexico,:durintr lstit-47, containing an.acr rouni of the Alareh of the Regimuut 10 Vera Crut, a description of the Coqhtry passed oven uiaimers, ctiv' toms. Sit. of the people; i sketches -of Camp .Life; at> fount* ut nil the aciiaus ofotker Volunteer Rcciiuenni, ami u full Hutory of the Mexican War; IJitoflhc Kil -I**l and Wounded. Ac illustrated l*y .o large nuintier of correct vw**ii nod plaits; by Geo. C. Furber, 1 volume wiavo. ■- ; dec! 1 'HOOKS FOB TUB SEASOJT-lUuinluated J,) Genu of Sacred I‘oelTy; a splendid imperial S voi with Ircautiiul illustrations on steel, by gnrtain, ami 2) illuminated pages by Schmitz' and Sinclair, richly bound in Turkey mort-cco anil white calf, superbly gilt .The Christian Keepsake,, an‘annhal lor isi§ with splendid mezitotint cueTavtug>, by S-inaiii;bounuirt ar- morocco. : ! Christmas Ula*«>ra|* and New. Year’s Wre*4 for 1'lr; u small quarto volume, printed on snow white pa per. cuiWUished wi&>p!enilid ihcttotirtt'enjjWrfiini— ‘l'liis is bv far.Uu&tytoel beuutitul juvenile annualpub bshed in-tlie United'^ama. ’lTie Poetical Worii of Oliver GoMtrailli, M. D.. with numerous rs lisilr ifctijii*, by the Etc bin * Club, in va l iou* styles of binding. - ... ■ , iluun;'aOu , »Sea*oD». with seventy'-nerea deitgnsj by -ic Kiehiug Club, iu vinous styles of binding. • The Foeu.sml Foetry of .America; by.JL W. Gris wold. . TJic. Poets and l'octry of the Ancients, by William Peter, A. SI.J tuperbly bound iuTurkey nmroceo; splen didly gilt. ... l. • . „ * * " I’aeius. in'various styles of binding. ' ■.-Gray'* Elegy illustrated. , Helium's Poetical Works, in various bindings. ' , 1 I#onl Byron * -• {* | u ’ Shakspeaic's •'‘ * : •*’ •: r u T7m Poetical Work* of Thomas MoorU • • > Dulluda nr-d eßher'Prw nut, by. Mary llowl a. Poems by Amelia. I • jjradley'* Sacred hjountajus. •■* . 'Hie Sluice, with a great variety of other new works in splendid styles of buxiiog. suitable for gi/l book*;"for srlu by- j , -i • , JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON, , ' d_ejh> > Bookseller*, cor. Market A3d sts. • TdoablclStaadard-Works. BRANDED ENCYCLQMIDII-A D-ruonrycf feji cncc,lilcraiurcaod»Ji.cMnpriMt>c th« hutory, dcgrripliod »oJ «iruliGe ptinctp:*. of every bruuchof huauukaovUdyr. ■ iih tli* derivation tud driiaiuoo of all the Uitat iaccosral u*, edited hy W TBcn»de,Fß B,s■«. Illustrated by nu ocmkuroarnriofsos wpod, • i,. Uwt'i North American dtlss, eoetaiaiuy bcaatifelly rol «rtd maps of North Amvric*, C»a*iU East, Canada fr<it, Non Scotia, New Brunswick, Nstllsri Texas, New Mn. ico, Ftoidi, Tens, California, Mraleof Central America, YucnUa* JFe»l India Ishgd* aad all the States sadTcrrito rietto ftic.Uo ion,.. L-. . , i Neal’s Tuntaas—Tin? history of the. PuriUns from-the KfonnatiOß in, 15t7) to thcrrrolntjna of Y7BB, comprising to aeeount of their jetnerpic*,'Ae, Aryky Danirl Neal, M A. rcrised by John O Choaias, M D, w{(b alSc jnrtraitioo ststlt In t*rovolumes' '5 : - • • if , The ascof thslßodyltß rvlslson to ths’Miud,by Gcorgh Moore, M I), Btßbcrsjf the rural eollege of Phyvieiut,he; - -JHVfBIIe Works. IFValih and TForih' oi which nakst the uua.a terr mo. uke Jirtthito w.nk. j ' . 11 r Pcribcf the 6c*,bringolTcsticgaarntioof of shipwrecks, flu.-cli'i'Speaker—"JTie Jotenile Speaker, eonprisnig tlcnwr.Ury rules sad nexeisc* iu declssulieu, with a wlees lw Of picecs t»r prsetier,by FrascisT Russell, mitroeturh» tlvun in all'riartfua. i ' - Tin-abate nuiks rre;-icrd and for sole by 'JOHNSTON & STOCKTON all- Book»eHm,fcor~marfcelqud3rd«f pianos: pianosu l U i:\T.V KLKIIfKB, Dealer in eaucm Pi.nnn Fortr*. Jl_ n; J. W. No. 85 Third Street. Hie may be rxtumjied r.: ail hoar*, nuil tb<* subvert br-r will bo there from II to" 12, A. M-miiVfnuu 1 to PittpVJ oct. a, 'tii a, P. .\i.rnoli ,l:iy *' Wr, the undorsighrd. would thdfha thn Viri?er>« of I'itt-buxgb .'.nil vicinity that we have appointed ;Mr. If. Kleiber *>!«.• agent foy Western vale of our l’iano Fortes, from whom they may :be oli taiued at onr own iNesv York) prices. -1 NUNNS L CI*ARK. New York. Sc*f. t-.l^diwierSMit MISCBLLAMOIJR: |; .jiismi tifmforr. >-f , ....... “trait-saws LIPPKUrCOTT & BAKU, <l.«'c J;*'Srrictfer*<Ji>.>"•-• MAXUFACTUKGRS of I’houur-Cre proof .safe*, south ride. recbnil nrtet.-betwcen Wood and. -l*ju><bur];h.! : J‘ Si having «lcrea*cd • and the surviving partner Mr. Jo* l.ippencott. baviny n<M*rin!eil himself with Mr. WmCDarr, thu IniMiie** will herenfler be conductedunderibe style of Idppen cottAllarr. jv. Trial of a safe in'Ciiicimmti, O.—We, the undersign ed wc/a present nt lhrjir*t|ng of oue of J.S.Si/iciicx A tVfc improerd Plnr/iiz fireproof*a!cri' Thc'Mfo yva«i placed in a furnace oiitliu public landing, nmt snbjrrietl lo the imeiachr.al »f p »tbiie“ crtnl Src for more than three k«ur«. In our 1/our nml ajinjf the >afe came ib a bright r>-<! heal; lliq door of Hid' furnace vm Then cioit'.'.L which caused on incrcased'/uul steady heat for the balance of the time, until the fair it cut Wheel* were incited elf; the luruaeo wa» then thrown »Urwii stud the safe cooled and opened. ; Thn money, paper* and books which it contained were aJ perfect u*wln-li placed there,.the binding only of the I hook* being i:t* jured by the water in >i*f«.’ f -\Wl»Rt'e no bcriUliou in recommending it to tin* l public a* a -sate superior to any vet have ever reen'. titled/ and believe that it will sfontlony heat which might be produced, zeept a heat which would melt it to* solid, inasa. "• t Springer & Whitman, I. Worlhiny&A, fteUpin; c Krnuett. itciy. Uttier. ; iV (} PDm‘»e', .Ifurut SnriiTi, T S Lhinenn A Co, Sti-dumn, Majaid A Co, TVtd Manse. Mcnd&.Winstor. . i / Wc, the undersigned, .selected the *a(b 'spoken of above, from u hif in ihh store of Trubec. fc.Aubery.AlM: Agent* {• • c U SI'KINCJtUI, • • .. ly .... . ... -SJ HUI.IJMr-. , liefer to Cook Allarri*. Hrokcr*.' PilMbnrjjli; ' Hdrsey lW.na A Co, do_ do {tn&U.trly£ A TGICGAN'ri COtxiil SYJUjP—ft proved to lx tlio i.vj. great Panacea la curing roy child’s di*tre>*iup cottgli • Frota tbeTejnprranee UniuisTf Nor-• . Cotn.tt Svitcr.—We pre.iiat in the .habit of puffing, much E«».« taking patent medicines, hut we fccldjrpo*'*! to recommend .\lurppin,’« Syrup t# those who are o “Hid ed with a cough. After having tried the. usual retroi <!u,4 lo rtniurr n coiuthnt and tlifdre*«iui? cough, Unit had for. several day* afflicted one of our children, with* out lucres*, wc were induced .to. try... Morgan's couch syrup, auJ.hy it relief.was obtained in a few hoar*, it prcn.ud to'bu the panatea in lids case at .leaiL Prepared wholesale and retail bv tlic braprtetor. 30|lN'D’M0l(GAN«Dnif!Vitt, . fc l>7 wood- i>t, l_dopr below diamond alley. . . for Jelct 7 CJ ITIT.YTKD in the Aiiuriiliine totvn'df WelluviMe. tin:- O tcmrimi* of llte Pinsburgh Cleveland .linil JU>:nl, 50 mile* by river from _ Pittsburgh:- • Tlie “present busincsi of die establishment'!* fairatid can lx increai cd. indefinitely. ITin owners to retire froai the business will sell loti reasonable term* nt privntr sale. IbTson* wisliingif, make iiujniries ore referred toJniL Kidd A Co, Pittsburgh, nr fiih*critxrs. YY’cili-- rille. >V &P S MACRINTOSII ' jauJl_ ___ __ j ' 1 ' trAIOAItLE KeiTTeS?* Prtseuls. j Wavcrley Novels. ‘Z! volunirs, Igjun, i!lu<tru:e<| •* ■*■'/ * |S .*• ijvo '. , 1 Mr* Sherwood's Worki. 10 vnl* PAuo, illustrated j Mi»* lilgwonli’s' S'U* :-i * .u- • . (jarper’s Family l.ibrar>'ileWvoU,complete; do lk>y '* and Girl's ~ I Work’s nf Shakespeare,? vol*. b'vo, the beautiful 110 lon edition, finely bound; Duller'* lives of the faints,4ypjs. elegantly;hound; Unnnnh Moor's vol*. Gxploeing 0 vols royal h'vn. , •o’ do . ' ‘5. 'do . do ‘do “ bocks. The above, fugether mih a largn'a»*drtmcnl o( <l4- zanfly bound lumily and pocket Itible*,. Conuuon Prayer, all vlren ami bhidiug*, all hf whieli will be sold lower than ever offered in this market, ui the old stand hf J ••••■■ KAY df Oft. iul eor 3d & wood »t MOUlfi*”* biw iioOKS.-Margartl Grshanv new D«*el br .G P Jamrs; Price l! ctiils. Xariffa, or the Triumph of /.ibrrly. ,• . , l.hn»topUr.T*di*jle, Uj -Albert Bmrth. i t'owmhnder of MilUjtllu'tntW. l ' ; Countn* oi Merioa. Poube, Ksq. : ' • ■ _ - J .: Legend* ot Menro; by Uro. 8, Lipjnrd; JkeiHvnpyw.; .Migsrnt* (i.r Oetuber. New Itlni e; jurt rtcernd by -. i ' WM.S.OALDWKDL, t. third st. opposite postnffier. BOffK??— Catechism of Iron, or Die Merchant’ll aryl Mechflnic’H eDtnplefe guide to ttwirijji inula, A few copies onhy-very nearer. SitnondP litrthtufe of the south of mu rope. Chnniliers' Infnrmati.inTof the people. Chamber** Cyclopedia of K/igljd, Lilftraiurc.' tVenuclPs Uluckstnne** Comtneni&rjrs.'u -new editirm iir-4 Irrnutiful vblumeji. jlfalleekhi PAmi.ijT* new and splcmliil crlilion. “ Parlor Hook of llmvcrs—llir all .*ensot«*v Ijn?} _J l. ftflAD, 4tli orshnurkrt st .' '•* JTEXii NOVKLfJ™ "'T. THK EAST OP TIJJS -I'*AIUiI»-.i"-airr«tota;*' Tnle, by G. P. It James, K«j. ' .' /. . ■■ 1 Jaue KJ re; an autnbiojrnrliy. edition: edited |.y Cnr-' rer DelL - Just received and Cot n&le hV , ja3l JOH.Y<TON A STOCKTON*. ‘ IMIB ORKATKST IXX3K OF TIK BKA«ON-- I>t. iVVtaier'i Urcat American J«ctioi»rr efjfc I eSAtmooH), coiuajninc utl that tin? i-dsu-.n. xonial.retlj icvuctl tijr Umißiecf -A i.omlnch, I’rof \nk.c u :ffpc. The m. M | mnnle-i-rd. tio.i rverjiublulieiijoti.; tolrro-.rn (,uar(i.. l'ric c-S«. F.rfwteUy. J. L. RI-JAD. . i‘s-- - ..I.‘ near Marker ti LEATHER— The luUerihei is Ju*j ; rec'efelnV ml nronU-ar IllW*l.|c»<rfN*ierYorkßcd n ffeireral mwmncil of (j-alhcr In hui Irtia of bujihtfU. currieti’ tooin. «iL rtr AH of wl.mli be will *JI «n the mo« reawHobieu m «’ ai 103 Ijlierty tt., OiJt M.t *’ „ i. JWwa'iuyAithL frails; » aP kg l“«m.he«f recriTed in* eomljrnmeau per *tmr. Pilot.Vo I anOlof anlc hT' • .? . ISAIAII '* N*.»WtwV - fVSiWKZI o f 11 tyfa r' *aleb r X 'L~: , • - I ; water*:fronting. ' *iti i»jr ;\*r* *V* ** BUftilDKiK, WfLSO.V'i <*o. i AI 'ISXAfTD«U i SOSS, PN .'rAKKKSAND FLMINISIIING UNDUU- TAhfcBR. rnrner.,’of Penn and St. Clair streets, oypatilellicExchange Hotel, ciitrane.: on petin ttrc.u n-specutuiyjnforin. Ibor frirnd6 n.’i;l pul-lie, that lliey tue ptenu/ctl w furnish tuut.attc.id iti ewrj iliiic m tbeiinc ofiUtidermfcer*. AKv.tys on hu:i<l a large »»• 'airtmeot of ready nude ColGns. covered, ni.c,* niid £i»J i-rhed Jp UiC Very best tunttner, all sort.- uml tpn-'y niside Mirouds of flannel. Outtbriel.'uiiit wtslnuaildnll sues mude. in approved styles.- VVd keep a larFu|i»j voriraemof win e nail black,cnttoti, silk nnd kid sable for pall bearer* tuul tnouniers,ornpa.tups.col lars; and every Uiing nccersuy ior dniMing die «ic»d. and on rcm-ouuliL; terras, as wc purchase utl our goods •to the Rustem ciucs. Also, silver jilttics for engraving the uair.e and age. \Ve have nsplendid on w beurseaiu hmve-.and any nuhiburufuhe best curriagca. Jiveiy ttiicg ntmciled to promptly ami ponctu itly- ceunly tV. tv. WALLACE- ' I-..- PITTSBURGH STEAM , at V. Ht AL»V-A.\fc?on hah'J iuul made to order, a lurfit* vur:q *y Of Mmuel*. Picr,Ccj»ue TRikct, aiul poicaa Top#, »omb s?'.tijic*,’Moiiuiaent.' i , &i!; nil winch, iientqinu'Jc of the chuicciti warble, and imitufiicum-ii hvra , velil!lrp>',hviU6ci«>M tow i,.rcx-t<. N. B. l’cr^oitH- io purchase 'Mmilrb.i art informed thai ii it lienee forth um , .oc>s*ary for ihiin. to K° Kaet, a#:f .can furuiih iliewwuhunarticlemall rtfpeci* n» Rood, and (freight, insurance, «Vc, eon*itJer *?•> at cheap at ihej- cnh jurehotc ihtro form the On % CalUncStcc. je'Jfl COPPJiR, StIHXOT AND TIN WA itfc iMAXUi* AOTORV, 8 Martel sirvu, l’m«!,urqli, I'cuna: • • i MIL UasfJlf wwlcßTriu lm;iruwnirn» X uj u« cojtsiruciion oC COOKIMiS^tjVKS, rc*nccuui|| civile jii iiaju. t>usliT.ug SsiDwubd** u» tall «uJi ciajmue Ueiorc purciivin&a* ire u;ui »upnlv ij-,em wun Lkxk l aaO cu-<y.oilier, kind 01 .lojiprr, ami .Sheet Iron wock.iiecmary la i'uniHt jrtin Steamiest. , \V«? aJwi ma-tc-lo ordejr on the r2urtr.ll mclct'?jl ru'ac.'i nail Cvenltur;.Copper work i'or Mram l-n-trcr* anO-rTerj- of .vi.oik n,curium. , lrt ? ; ... ' SllKkll-T it SMIRK •' • ' ->».VM»MeCLJ.ITY flfco.,T" fflannfartOMrs ol Vials, Bolifes anil W. Glass, AVI ., '#*&p\‘ppD STUKUr. • fx«arn’i^< : : i !ij ,;on; in fell '©ptr.il:o:i. vef art }■/ HrtpwcO u» extern;; orPvi* m. our biie, proaijiuy i/uriiq iknti.r; fuiuuior wii'liavc ikloi'Cm! a ill* «-aian ti; !.utlci:inj; Window Gian*, (uio moil njipiuvcU ;ilaji liuw iiseJ in the cast.)*; %rb:caSaturn oui a >ai'-'ni}r .iju 1-JC. '-<iisw#tisltriitftl en ttt- plat, i< paderliy levi-i ;au<3 •tfoe.mim a verytirtc tcMiw l'«inia.-**-und itfytn eraiiy oro rail ea-l examine tor Hour- KlVft«. . , _ v . •, <• 'BENNETT & BROTHER,' QFKENSAVAKK., MANIiFAOTttIIRUS. • • Ulrnilnghum, (near Pltt«bnr«U t j Pa. ' .H ou.uotts«,\ A* 7- 137, Wood itrctt, Pitttburgh. lLUco.-;<tinjuly keep on hand n.gooi ae.-oit tnchi ol Ware,of c»tr own fnnnuiacian:, uud Hr fciipcnor.iualnj. Wholesale ei.niirv.'.Mei ■9m chasm arc oyipe<.ni’uiy untied to call anti « aaiiue for Uunsielvea, a-.v.-c aru tk'icriniucii io frh cheaper thanhascrcr before been tstfcrcdu* the pat>- : lie. y Order* kp»i by mm I, accompanied by ihc cams or City m/Wener. will l»c promptly attended 10. (ViiSj tircut Western HcU Hicec JliuuluclMii, CI.\CINKATI,O. \ fiARDNCI! AAlw.; would miomi the intJc tlsui A. they are now uiantU'm-toring-ttH* iscm ilutt Hum rTermndo in tbe-L’nn<iJ Hnic«. A« (lc« is uos pnnii ple t>u»fners, we intend 10 acmlont nicompieie an ir ,t!clc ntj'rntl'powliiy t»c made. Thu*e eupafetj ui un hanlvraic (rude, wi»- iluuk. lviij/ind d to thru interest to our Hulls-. All ordera nroibpii; aiu-tidrd n». tnyS . A I»ARD\KK A Co, tor of. rib ntain air mnauNiiHH tick faitu&u-- CASIPBELL 4 CllfcSb, . JujtcKAcrcßtutor FINISHING NAILS. HOOK HKAH UUAJIS. _ I rob and Copper Tack*. iron and oprrfefi shoe nails, Pattern Makers' Poiuti, of every description Office No. 'J St. Charles Hold, Third »trcci, J'W i _ Pltuburnb. I'. MeLViNT. i J*UM K. l.snlJS PI.IST GLASS KSTABZ.IMIBINNT. MUIA'aN V A LHDMKtnanoiaeiureanJ krep ron- Ktnnliy oa liftml Cut, .Moulded ftud.-l'iain.FiiQi in nil it* carteiier, ni (heir Wmenouwr mr lu r oi' Market und Water »«irce». ristshtsrslt. . •>.» JVorii»-roii:;j.r'e ni urii - oji;-i-.t>oit. imk! ;.t r fiin-tan ly hildnu; t*i our yirtck, which ei'uHe* o« to s,h orders with promptnc*.*. _l’urel:a>er-i aVc rcipeeitull' s.Mieitrd to call ani! examine price* arid terms. niylWly ' MAKING CO A C H- „ FlllkM the very Ul-crai eneoara.TC * tnciilthe ttduc nlwr fi-.s irre.vrd -.ner i ho ha*located luniseit in Aliogiicii). h't* induced bun U) take a. least-. (hr :■ yean, on the propvuy he now (.••tupie«, 'in Jleavrr aitcck, inmieil'uicjj ht-Mdc fij»* rrcflrytcnouChutcb. luolti ibr. expcn< rue in uje above Lusuls-j uml a.d-'.*ifr U> plenv., he hopes «»ii'r it arakfccetvc a rhni e of public pnitoiia-e. . Nowonliau.l tuul Ctiitihiiijio unltr, lloeScawayHuj pie*,'open and top Huskier, and evrr) dswriputm rf I'amagf* made.lo order, from (eve.ityifive OnCdr* u> * «Mhon*ir6t, ' ' * (•e'l.l-iftf) • JOHN -«oi) r:i.r Shaving oiid Ualr Prtiilns Saloon*. LILACKSOK * KOU.NTAIN. T»nsou<u > rrpamted ud fitted up their f hating, Hair Urrauxijj *oJ bi>mn}KJoninr Saloon to the aadere p.efwreJ t« wijtoo gtatleraci at ourv, with ease, cieafurl ami nulii*u>.»» Thor art ntejared to waileo all tbit may call without ilf Lrt Tfankudlur jatV£ir«n, we'wilicii a fcntiacaner v{ lit amt*, at (mr’Salooti, euioer of Union •litelnnd Hu Diamond, jlwk of Al***uder £ Oay*» Ury Urw«it Stott.l »v VEG KTAULK PULMONA K V UAl^fU - iltc pmpriebwi ofth* Vtillable fulammy lU)| .ia;—l jia istuiM that th»-Vrouble i'tilworury IhtUaai a atai tnWe medicine It ha* been uwd ia rim place with complete §-.<t*u iniuob»liujto cotnjjaiolof the tonga, attended nil!, a»ttcre cough, hwt'of voice, aud flie tailing of much bhed which hal preview* jTt»ut«i many appro e-J jtrr»crlp6''ip AAer uaieg (be batata one week the junta! Vtotctretumrii, 'and be an enabled l.i a peak audibly. Tliit cue returi «J ► nat time'»:uce. and liie man i> uow engaged tioi rhily m m lit* Lutio Üborlyul twrmcii' Krriwcliiit'v lull;*, Coarurd.N.H iau 3» HJ . S Jt.OrfKU.L,.M D. Sold in i'ltlaburgb bjr D \ Filinnu tk, 4- Co. wrtnr of CiUnod wood. aUoT-otiieih &'w>nm! »t» .iic-j| ABTKONG XVkDii.VJX that Ur -UYMi’S KX I'ii-'rOU.Ai'eT ia itiperiT to ad other rnstdiee-ioi Congb*.'.'ranumption, Brooutiu*, orthm-i, and other Poiuu* a*f| eSectioea.nihat the fame jwrtott wlwromraioeed the n»e of it in their ftmille* ten yean ago, ati:! prefer it to all nlhernmtdicj Cfthe kftid; end where any hare beta induced !■> try other 'prepant «u» thty hare ainawt iiifariabiylr*<i< dinjpoiuled U receiving the (worth which era* T«4*ocaWy aatKipated from the high prstiaei Iwitcwrdhy the projir.etir*, and baeeictdractf to the u-e of JtTves'Kn-acroacttr, a> a rytr.'dy that hat never fiiiltdlt 'rci.eee them., nod wh.ch probably nerer had rttemral is arrrwiag pulmonary dtteawe Prepared ooij by Ur U. Jayuc, I'liiiadelphia, and told on •ffraeyby . MJii. JAYNW ' lie|-TW4-svlf 7’i Fourth • tostrit U fItXPAID, Lu‘it ncjy A ehriinnl. A KiIUPJIUDI IH’NCAN, AUCTION & COJI HiSSION.SIIIUCJIS«TS, • /, '"it (at iJt-j.oid a::nt lof •?*»>’ A. / V.A Nnthviilr. .Twi*"»re. WliiX Rife .prmm’t itr.dYaithtu attenuia ic the s*l<* ;tif Dry <jxos»,GroeeKc«, a oil MerchtMlttc jgea eraty.'i 1 fi'iior ft.pl pr(p;iteit iti intend to atf ihed-purt jnmiH'pCUicir’tiijciltit- clfii’h-n'. it* isn ) (ici.’:i;g ill no RO'tdeffi.r their ovn occomr.) impartiatiy. Kpihf'loiM AKtn,'';\i-<.'o? J.f W . lin!rr CVi., I’.i’a hnesHSi- ! - , ' CciA-.-dm; : ' CiardOllT ' 'T ttr.ilep.ijyi.-" ur* (’rtTart 1 .! 'o frru.rli jlr it Jl pUAU-nji-ro ;j nel .h* pur.rtc f»r»scr:;i = ; «j!l »l ( i ,-e;. ?-fl afilelt (4 r.-tnl Oil w'li ec li")’will «clloit.ttrecme‘otlui;ne temisT 11.r.t Otiiiii •t>«lipvc-iobi?a« j«u>o *-i uni oifmcl in ihu n.aucl.niij muy-lie'iL-ittnieil if tmt a.tl f./aciory. . ; J JOUUAN JL SON , .(:< iijitrtv r:.0pp.)4.1c t I • I’ H~L;u<l Hfi'l Grcu.<« uniittbic lor ruai.c.nci>'. 01: hjiiih tor «ait’ ni»n«. - i.vvj AS I tint iiow eugagctl in.tbc Importßcoii of i'nmdftr; tf me* and Gin-, &u-, cxciunvrly. undiiavsnginuiir snungrihctile in ilitfcreni pan* of Kutopc uad me l/i -b:h!* writb well acotvii liouaea lor tny latnre Kuppty n. Fri/rign Lujiiors.which i trill he nhlr. to sell, delivered ut the CuiSem llbtifoa ol Nt>w Vork or New Oric*tf*if •ra tUia city,al tl>. low»at market price for cn-'ii or up . proved paper. I Imve in rlnic ami cellar a very l:i< Block off-vory aupcrior and J.njuoi* m nupu;.<M of. Ihojuoucelebrated tirjuidii aud virngc* tor tnlo on p!ca«tng tenan l-y . 1' O .MA itTIN rflr_Jr[ A. Mimulicld (PUSSII- TEAS Jen received 110111 l 1 J’Jnlotielj’hiiifOod New Vod IvLin 'len lomp.niy a pfiitye.lQt offredi (irren and Illuck l'caJ..coin;triii!i" ’.hi: followni.g: Green. niark. } • Voßtig/Mynm, i ~ FjiteOoloiiti ' J x Fine 1:0...,. . Hx. Fine do ltj'cnj’Sm.ci.iing, I'xtra fine do; D.ruSiin-i - Kx.rd Ftnft Gmipowdcr, l*« « knr Ff.tvcr*, KuruFnie luiperiat, IU«io J'iavortd. " Tbe aliove '1 etA uave b'.-cn leltclcd wt.U great cafe ; |iy one of.tbo l»eM juilgrtiiil the east, uh l will ho *«iii on aaiair tcnoiav cun ho hod many other home in Uih ■tay. i . • . JAMIiS W.aUK dcetlS rofner of iliiiJ.and_anilU.fieU st« iNTO VE PATTidUIVS KOft KAI.K-Cniei, Fatirfii Milker, Allrgbeoy cny/r.J Aiiti.lia< tno ncwc'.l pniiciu* mu SUiVcit 011 hand eiihrr in jwrxnl 1 ; r iron. Mill Gearing and utl pattern* iiiinje 10 onln. . . ■ _j ' FOHHTKAU UOATS. PORTA FOUOKS—A very convenient art*clr. IVltowft afidutl tbofoiycoan twnuiicil by iii»! luu dleiliyiwonnrn." A lew juoiTcc’d «ml At Ktln by ... > W'l WHITK IJCAIJ—ll«l tegit in *l«.r-: t janl7 . j_ I'OILSVnr.t Cn. Xi’l.UlliL—'jW J»M* I'tntfr»(»r7‘*braiiil.'g. Kupcnur nr- X* \icle. iH \V*l‘li'nU - -rio ‘ jum rccwivcd'aml ji»r l»y '£ .V \V HAHHAL r (JU. . iVU) _• : : •• nu \vokl ni.. ri!ALLOW.—TIie hiijhcM market prico will l>c’ paid I for n few borrrl* in’i;oo<l tallow by irli3 - .SA W llAßllAt’filf. PIG MirrAL—3»u>iih fut rule.by i«i.y ; • _. - wick a m’candi.kss*.* (IHKiv9»-J— W time*. Wlt Cltccee, yj Pt*«k* «!o for j sale by __ * ' WICK A. ADCANDLKSS. IIUF .Nos 7 mid 'a U-otii’imr* j iteljiierj) Suijar lor rul'i low by , fcbll . mJIUIBUKiI-yWILSON .V Cm. Wat<t*l. OLD WISKEV, Ac—SO whole ami fin If bldj O. I{. Wlii.key, made list?: Iscn.li. amlrhalf i niks old (’each Uromly, made In IsiU, for rule I»>< >m ■ I* Ly.MAnrix..' 1 •rriiraiAU—MbbUCjdcrAnncMr.forWt'bT' * ‘ V lets* WICK A McCANPLfegj LEAP .ftSHOT—Krpl comtanlljr on hand, anil far miobj kbU BROWN ft CULBERTSON < --:mmMEOU-- i whicaU.ecima for fHcpori»lnwd'd 9 ottld U fUlroad fair ly uiCh tb aad also soca gtfta ihu com: tatnntT soli not l* rjapoctj ergabruaice it' - .. ,a . “* c «\.P!«eAt iiwalJtkiwTO iha fiie op Kheld'fcweLr Uernporotcdtl.ejan aud precipitate arts left u a putf mtsr « which craUnii it.; lfboLoeSES Uj mdd »ui«jar to. lh« Ciatert ta ta4ie it taort ,fluid.' yS?’ *,>,>», ir, «,F uq s. la i T tr . - tort lust. ‘.Now ifccVWri tia B eluul d*fftM from lh«r icitluic* la'crenr mreetiai it».achcmicat s-ihi(ea rt^ulrinsud 1 1 malter t«hold it together,therorore :l ue« r get tlnck. acd be;ii c very fluid * large (jLatittty Rom f, i.mihe pen mtd a given ipmfcjSietr** luig iifepertb.il Litiphreof liic pjwr making a more perm*- nrut stuu and one leu easily mottd I.y auriuoh than ir »t rm ua.y J.iusteyed oaliie surface. It »;w eoctaihtnomauer that lias no alhmiy fat qeulic trod, (licrtfaro will' no( corrwd* »i.l ooiinoe:d; anti although ii writes of a htuuh grteu color a few linurs it befcainn a deep blacv which w.il cudure thragt*: Ills warranted superiot to the lore-gii artic.e Lnoitu bj the tame'of '• Arno d’s. Wntiue rlunJ,” autltcte-lhird moregiftii fur the time price. A* a euataaire agaiintiajK»iti.iu of,any' kind being altcmple! the folluwiti* will «hffice t *os all mu>t ba a»are, llivl the koßlrrl'iefe giitn cou’d'not liare been ob mined bytmy'TQUtit purjkwe. \t e recouunethl '• IlibbcriVChcmical Writing Fluid” i o» .T , ( >uhlicv,«ta first rate article ill all res pecis, it (lows tree drotnthe tiea without elugciti-* it up an in the chum of ji fciv hour*hetoraraa deep lr, c ht black. BA Sampson k Co. -j Wkksnd AlcCandleis llohert Jfoore 1 John Parker, Wta l.tppmnnlk Son | a Wiguiman .P Co. McUuewansk Douglas j P'rauc s Seller* Kobiß AlcTali, Cooltp’r C a McAnully k Co. for \\ AVi\y«lkico, .|‘ . . a. Mill., Ao s 20,’ie.p. 't o * K'-Hihi*r»— Dear Sir: 1 hare lam using your U.etascaMVrrtuij; Ffaid.ond Gad it a Grst rot* article fcf Use other.- ii Bunt freely trom Uin pen and becomes jet black via few house f. ;• Ysmrak*. «• T. lirrUTTLE.llook-l.Mper ' lor BiocUi it ti<uj)|e. Mr T K iriklfcri-Itwytr: Tour VV n(ic){ Klm'dj koic three w«k» ogu,i coo»,Jfer it (ul« ij ecwal nut tujH.»iu? 10 .trnold’» or wnrolher ink now in “*•» 1 t»ovr of. , IU-TOwUuliy, 7 • » ,IVII4.IA t M f 6TiJ\VAUT,-Boik^ W .r t far .A rtiiur .Nichu!*yu i( Co *. ~ ..... ' ' .I’itUburrb,Sq>t i1,J;47, i; ,i. . r .™ ” *» |u h*r(—Deir.Bir: lam u-iug jour Chemical! H nUng Muu), andjtiml it to be amoit eteel.tnt article for »***' V ‘‘w** aoVchig thro uplike the etmraJil? o| other. iiiuj r it llowt fit* and ptcomea* deep hjaek iu a few »««*?»• YourK-RtJjv ctlally. . .WILXJaM CaUR, Book-keeper j _ . .... . . for John Tarfttr. ■ Fttparnl and tol* VholmTe and Uiuil b* Thotaa* Iv Jlibbert, Druggwl.sud.Cherny cvracr of Liheilv and >irt»u. put*hur|(h, l'* OehMSm UAZZA.AIA I'.lTi.l i’ Uh.DA'i'to.'Al). . . THIS A« P.ut CTrfo liiiproTcincn now l-rtn tn bh* about two i i-nr*.'nmj wuctever i « knows, •‘rci'errfslfc.niJ <;:livr iH-nd-fteuil*. I yi and crmycnicnco il bus not nri t* eijnalM, m n t« Jciti.lnlly ihe idi'-cprM aid »r.ini UtuMiratl :ii übe,DUi] pur* ,ucfi l*nf*.. Thr r'nrfpf:lCi\!«!nM maker* nrnl Tnrnrri t« Aljc« shenT tf»l7 wt.l Acoured Jtipliw 19 i: Si:'\ 'til t.-ir A* llii'TT ."irrnvjriou* anmlr-i ftt>d :<*r»'vonu tin nrh'ip irsnraiae <i»: cn‘U iron jilutsi ra 'wb'ciritj t*vi tj«a«iu<: umelc 1::#* uari-r of »*•* J-a'rUcr, K.T t?<.S3AU ; •«-:<}»trai*!ycn<. l . a, r . r nH,fof nil .j, t ;a cl lifllc-i I'jT l»a.i/n;sl 6 }<r J-CentU, Ui~ fiuloiriinceriiiU r*;* Lnwwntii ■nit* u* F4f>mri;pd u»»!ir'p-tKSjf s .1 , V-"f, li.c pmcMiat cnbhtci rrHer* nr. J Or iV* i*ii;c*«!i jui-it ami A.UiOcrj, l*4_ % iji,c^y r. - llnv- V: n-ebt li4C...Ri;Ui,a£ t.nj -.usi r t’ui« u;i ij-jl.C'l'A.'lrf. ruf>Oh>r a*<u;y wiutU P«-Ti:t;r.Hy.. . ; }->'.■■■■■ teircn Mire-* * L‘. i< liw :,o.C . JU.!ieri I'diriaan :r. p.-.n :Zy - -*v u j Jtlr Jt:.a, . . Ja*. Ljjwry ‘(c Vur. Lowt.j ci nil.ll ; RiiM.c & PrcitJibU l'ajlcy „ . . Kisser J; M'CAliajvi ' . C.t7:,l .l.i.kcr .. ; „ . y.Ofc 5 KaUimk >' _ ‘ lL‘ufcjiaue J i. •>.;:} . 5 : ; .Ja.w vTR-dws;! J Nr.f r Cc-or-c : v Wui • J 4'lc'ia.'-:rrn .‘.'Co ' , . AVrjii.j« l4w» ; l .n* ;•» t!* ; ui-gvc. tr-pyjo ; KlUlNKSint IvUAiiZ AM, I'jioi Hbattv,tannery c*f llcntij, .M’Kcnjtc ; 4 i.o> ... ci»f/npar>,<). A. Uaem ISwicvilltau. Lui.!*. (». i'vs«.--. New . i^Artxmn’HuiuY-co. Utu«rftl.CoumlaiUn McrvhaAli rwtt tiiKuir a*i> voftwAjanno or WJCS’i’.TiUS I‘UOOUOK, iVi. 31 I‘otjdrzs Sircft, New 1 U*raart>— ***:'•' •Mffr.i Minin&CD. ; lsv)krr<,» - 1 Jrt-nr* Smjvyor A On, J 1 ” n Pivid Whitt* A. Co. Is. . " i:ir. tJt V-.f'-.n r.ftni".-*,) " Hr,«<r:,.vr :: ,7r:-, < Ci.»f'rai A M'Krpr:.-,-T <■■.;. ) IJ N K--!h—r. I.Vn, nnt.-.r-r.'Zs.rr-'.'l'r, O. I) M lhn>;.l A *Vi. v. • :,i. i-nk- t'b, «•.», ) W «.»;}. !:«<!, SWicrlici. Vx S AJ CFuikur.>. j „ „ W A t.l .U.wlieurrr, \ 1 .a. uvlh-fim . „ •• •; A Clialtraira to tl»e AVorlJ. f j'lVl-'- iA H Vll I>vJ>L.\ fl*j tvifj i.t- ji.xj to any (n'.i L ’*'!'•> - a-po; cl' pj:itt. g«ccn of ur>. ;bai v-iai;iii <■■■ ctun!.<rJ wnh !i.M'-'-l;i»pruvin Clitjj oil i h•'• t ;ii-.E:\:c«~ci : ns ( o; -sy.W* JO UUj pcCinp U f,.ti - - d.'.B crt.cfo.F>; rifp*o»f:Rcitl. 04 >i >iix -(;i i.y’.U in eeiui.‘»w',r,i or l.niic*' tleiinuij, • *rp.-:», ciodi% uiuriJiO I'aw!?, ta«lt»rr** Iwnrici*. A'. wi;}mo: ‘rjnnrti; nnytJiit» that perr wt.u-r w<!i col • .iid/r tm;' yj-t »tavunu pi-rstme in urffetm l . I'.ir.i* oi tA- oo'i/riry - UA- ‘ lold meUyy wwiid not i.e xv::hrai it, .f .too-rciv *‘,n’Urp«-r rake In imi-g i‘n. >o «[■ o*t mcr* than sn> dr.'rh-v m' ; jrai •nk«, »a!in* al p.irrCJ* is;;.;t-:i:-rfl.rT.| ‘nr- t**;!,- loutn! tt.fo pn cv« 01 -lit. ;•*(* a: alpuiva, a::J i.iei oi cj;*co on vsrtj«en u rsnared if.r> r < nnr”hV"r:'’r*- iH fnjr pustM- >i on » i-niii 1 \ri ;v}i ii* rai'&snnrjii'! any «:roPrr.( I w. k-m:,c-4- It lirrr. fne-} ivi e;» pi-.i r,it. vriwl-x-iH au-l rruul . Ii K Sr.M.KUS. ili'cvl- -4 j,7 a'ood «| Cscful anil Ornamental GUIs. ' ■\ c *‘ cr ' li, - a ‘ * y u:;u.lri, aior*n? tvhich i‘:.n !«jnr* < w.ili nn-l witl.Pat clh*p*; a*. •• i mi I.lm'•i.yH *;!» - ri°-j N.tp.> ron ii.J p-iitr'i’!'- mkv: . 4- 4, Wi-.u c;:i!> mid ryla?-« ;u*-nu»mr,Jem Toolb: i-.t'j pliiP rigtr ca.«c«; lV,**s'ol.c-f: [•.<»cV«'l bo^lie; I'suisicrcs wollr. If ukr, ) 1 ;.iV.*y bs-tn.’t \b li’fow Ac. Ad. Naiv-cpcn o;*i fof |-J<. r J\‘- .nihpcty' •* KtoK-surujeoii ur* >ti9-l approved faftcrn pifeiA*- o-.a iwwi Mi.il/naljle Kj-u-mi paLi r.umnCroior*. .<&< IMK citKAl* KOUUo, IWfu.N Dl.lNli. o. :&.ml ut m.tiM t<mrdcr ol itli ami c.i ail iiocmxy ;tn<i o-hti* urn invliej io coil and r*a-ii:nr t *>»* M-nv'. Iff l!ic<nir.|\r<.a* ali will !i* «<i:d irViK- »:/• (>• rrjai], n l;|-cra] (induction mad-: io . y? x l*y. _ A ■'•|^lT.R Y »;|, T CIRCHLiUU /, 'V£MHa;ir<‘a.D.C..lto.eih.lSi:. fJtmr 21. J’h^ntpun t.-jj.-y., ri/f.jtiryV fo SIR. i hiivr. rr-1 ynof n.rveHi-'inr.i'n in o:i« of tht i nvthutsh pnp-t» wiili tnitn furprur I C:u n.-il ;i»u ftir* eoplfllj my tminjew 0.-/ l *ulur »n'.iroim.i «p»r..prn>.-.l it 1.. yourself. | w.!I tnkc liberty u ijioini >(i n i!,.u ruy Imemer*' tinrat.ir t* my own rnni |m». i.jti uv- it not i-ominsn prvjMny, I nbail wn w;l I'njly I f* pl.wcj mn turn tha:*.v;ll induce l»<*f«o:n do nui kr.r-w :n? Vi Minpnie trio; I auj 1101 I.Wli o T 'fiat I umtßpahic-nt-jiil.conj; «wJ appTtfprwm.-' ti| o «-a< u m jn'iiii.-it i..-n:y«vwii m-.. | mi;U'-orrAire.under t!i®».<>. «.f uo;u:,u-2 and xuurf’r.KurN-n in mamu-r •_ i Z«; l } i.in»JNS, •* .'orr,v;j 1 • * a.«uir,»pi;t, D.c Cy-Al! nf'w#jia;<r; I~M Lav,* imMislicd Mr. Tuii*p. .i lr-rr«-:.7.-ai,-Trill ioyrt i|> at ow. drill f ai.ouns I UJINOM -reilnSarfAL OLtilliy, Msbt.in.vi l-i the late divorerie*, a .il iDipn,»eu;n.t»- a!io lh« trick. cif the toMt celebrated rjrtun.iavieatijn Com piled lrofi*n:iV»pr* luixluh U;ohe, with ldJiUoa.'uW iiuprrtemcAt.t by Arlan} A >ioiih.‘ -llerivrt l.v flour* II I.OIILVO’S CELEjsTi.IL GLOBE*}, coatninin; all the ktmwtr lUrr OeLulie, l*e. Coo,.red from Ihe ««rk. of \\ •.llu.mL Flatuied, Da |j <'w!U Ihirl.n., Mayer, Hrad- Ity, Hcraeiul, .Mwielyur, fho Irmnuclioua of Ihe Aalrotiom rcl Soeuiyaf Uud-d, Ac, *e ~ k'.oiu Smith'. New Log lon Ulube. 1 ' . JJtn.hmA Slwktcnhye.Jmtrrceirtdafcwmjr, 0 f 1L« «u»«e earyiur » »■**.»» fulkmi: I ,wir jL* udiei it* diameter, I “ kl !“ •* I 6 « « I “ecwid-be.d !« •* American, Ci.ron.cle, nail Journal copy. jNOTICK. ‘ A ITU-'A ’ION tviil Iti! mndr to the Pfr.-dcnt, ,Man» r*. :,, " i ‘ (Trerepiin? a-OrM-p; over Uk Kuef Morm,, rn r.eU <i r p,,.„,. hu-tjtiri.|,. in i; .• I Alieptirtiy. i.,r iho rt .m-.ml of ,b.er 117. ,| r CAWo of John Hunter, each f„ r ’ e.Mtre i*j *.u>vK m «aid Comrauy. .Said cert:G«Mie«ibc im; li>«.nr rni.Liuj. ■ KtrifAHlM'LOn); ]t aV'W'rrwty for dia J.arctiUvra of Ji.hn lluiucr, dec'll ( i \ T!i \/ ISiti In t, n-«f>mAieil tkieni^.iy e « *■ . ti- le-liU 1 lodnro tujil <tonur.t*!ion hu-inc.. nl So I IS l.il/env wtcc»-,'.rt,l f r r p (S P„olly TO « e | tthc paJJiiag* Jr tdrrif niriidi and the flnW’c in pencml ; * . , I M B lIKOWN, : a OUUllsnrsuN.. MILADA. AUVEItfiSRMRKTO nEltltY ;& KIUKEIISON, T" Mamifarturm of' ' • “ MVHINGS, iUCSIJIG BOTTOMS, ' WAGON COVEIIS AND GRAIN BAGS flf ALL DKSCRIPTIU.ia IlMltnf 7 A. 'winTilmufy _ j mck kb so v CAJinLlGliiS. T /MftAESS SSkhl^fr/ 1 yD . Ml.tM.li. Carrijrt,. .V.h “w’rfA’SSL,e™!“> * msJc to order .t tile iheote.t *** Wi’ttoo, 1;, ,er,t«,t bMoereorKUe,Ed SigT- *•»« '» FI'RS! lkliX!! Fl'Ksjit " “f I-ANCV- KUltp,»seh a, SjWC, ItS- r ,'r nl f. jv”!'' ptve tie a pall Iwmiepiirehan’iiir a ' c find U w their udnnXr »nJ no n ,W^’ } rorciyctl *L#ii l*e/n'lLfuUy.njteatka! to ai N^u» TlurdPhiladelphia. 0 WAorth «WMU. hwjf* 0 * i «’■■•j V—i»»i .» '"‘i iVia. ll,‘. MEDICA^Jj r --PK.zTXHYffSEJfp»£ - ; SAKSAPARIJLLA. Host exirxiordiiiary Medicine ' ih ifw "World. Tha exUartlj pat ep m ; Quart.' bottJa ; iLm m *r, picuanter, ud wuraoted npenor to >i aim ducaM withsßt wailing, rktam or it btiilaliortoapt i , GREAT STRISG AKli SOfiSRSfIBfUCLIB < • Tl '« r**‘ l »«»*/.“‘i «P'f%iqrit<ka6«m J *rab on< <k(lother Medieisau,*luU»uPhtMiihiatieor. f,^ r uvnrriTr^ :tt * K lB aS?B bt.M.MLH .ULDIUNEj trarfapynjl'aotoaty puri£t Oje wiiole «ptea and tU peno^ : bal lfTmuai Meatcmt. A»d mUmiwlUcnadKcjetor.ltawaadMful bM performed «itlua.lh« pot t, o wan,wow ikrn Jj.WO cum of Sewn Cam -of I hict*: uUvl 51)00 of tlirw wtr* eiuuidtrtd IneuraSU'. 3Tontliia - 3,oUoctuc*orChrociellhtufaaliiD; •2.IXW cue* of Dyapcpua; , • , . ; ■iUg cax» of General Dcbility aad \&abof E un .< 7,W0 cm of diflVyem FcaihCmSu- * 2.HUO cwci of Semfttla; •■; f- ’ cut* of (he Liter Cdobkialji‘!'; - - gttlirr with Bumcroua cam-or u the udeaud Chut, Bpioal ke- T■**'i'yniro m r l lyMeu« « ,d‘»ii r VßU frSaaJl part, of th« Lu. ed ataio.mtamißgiapfe.uaotdinarycßm. R. Va» Bu.kub.Lxq. oMofthaßortmpertable/nijp.t.h. New ark, S. i., iiifiimk u* that fee cab n&rto tbaalSU c*- jnmtJ.M place alow, 'fban »n.Uwmi>d*of ewe. in tL# Uiy of New Vork, which Wt wili refer tjj win, pietiurc and lo m«, ofebawcur. 11. Uwbari-medkiii ferti* I'lcveoliie ofdiKkM kuuirai 'lt (Uidoubteflrutedikt lira of mure iban ’ ‘ A* it removed Uioeawe of dimm.aad ptepared llwtt fb 1 ihe Summer irouu. * - • • »... ; r rr . Übrno Statu Orriccs. Cait.G. W.,*iicCi,tik,i>i'TtfcUamoStatur?*rr t«,d member of tbe N>w Jttytj bw kindly md uilbc fjilotnng wrilWe. • lUeltfiU oirmunr, • Bali vair> daa'fiS, ISI7, . Ajearwuee I wai takeawiifelbafeiflueia»,kßdmT «b«U ty.lem Jell m a debilitated «tata, : » w*t iidneed to ir? Dr Towiuend’i Samparilla. and afetr ur (fern bot tl«. I way wrv mueb relieved, ud kUributa it eatirtU Wlh. caul Sami*anlla.--I liav. etaUaud taking it, tod find that I improve every day. 1 beiicw it «red my life, and would twt Be witlivdt it under aoy uuiitMioau ' 0« W. UcLeaj.Uu U. 8. N. Ccmd , TJu. certificate condtultiljr prove* Oat tfefe Szmpanlla hat perfect eoctroi oref tha matt obttuaU dueaw of th» ktomt. Tbrtc ptnpua cured ia.ojw Loom ia usmeadestad. Towfliutv-Dtaxßlr: I tav. tha pleamo la iuform you that three ©r my childretr harebeeu condor the 8ero» tola by the we of yppr. ezccltrat medico*. Tiny wert nil ie ted wry wwrtly with bad roru: fears oaly tab nr four bolUe*; It took thin stay, for which I feei myrnlfcadtr dtvp obligation. - • Tuan, nwstlfullyl Clin,loSW».l.r«. Nett York, .Martfe l, IM7. ■ - „ „ ÜBJ*.AT ?£iUi.t HEDICIKt Dr. TonMß&'i tiomjvillM u i mnim.nl no,, nu. for Coujapfot UaMrrix,r, /Wbitce, obdnietaipr dii&eult Meoetruaiioo, lueoatisucacs of. Urmt, orbiokotary dwcharx* thereof ud'for U>u |u trAi pnittniiOß.of Utajjitm-ruo matter whether the mult of mberentcatifcor by irregularity, Nothing can b« more rarprisiss than it* larirmtlog efe ft eta on the haoaa Duma. ; Veraosj, all wcakoen aadtaan. tude, from taking It, at oaf* bnmcie robnetud full of cawry under iU influepn. It iaatdattly eotumnets the urrr leujcjjof the female Crams, which u the great cxufe of bar! rcuneAv. .. * . * ItyriUnolbe npeetedof(u,ta au of «odtUeaU* sa. lure, taexhibU certificate! of cure* performed, but wean aauve tfie klStltJ, that Itaßdrrde tfeud hare bees RtwrUd - to be. Setrralcueswben (Aiojliu haw without child ren, tlUr living a few botifet of thb initluabl* madietae, Lava **w bleat with healthy dfliprißg. ’ : ■• . Dr. TcUHvoufr My wife'being greetly diilrcmd by vw&nrat and. general debility; tad .eulering coatiauaJly by i*»:n end a aemtrnu cf bearing downltallior of the Vtooil, and >iitli otliof difitalliev, asd hiviiw khowa cue* Hhtrc your effected gnat earn j asdalMbnr* itp it rwmamtiJcd for »ueh dm u I haw dweribed. I obtain. <Ja botlfe of your Attract nf Sareaparilla. and followed the ilin:ti/-ae y l }ugjye me la a eburt period it removed hsr eouiplamta and rejtored her health. Befw rratafal for tiie bcccffUykc receired, I lake pJearar* faj tkvu aeknowledc. iag ii.'tni Ntoraaeßdinr It th* puttie. jj.D. MoobsT 17,13 H. Cor. of Unsd and Lydia* rta. ' _ ' . l' m • CuxkACXlEfSrph SB,ISO. . Dt ItMiru; To til whoa jtfei. stay concent Thii U io ettufy that »j wife tued on* bottk cf your Sampanlti rntmo* to har coallneacal, under the jr><M I’rnnlnr ul ilrltcate circaortanees, being troubled with the dropy/nwJ. iic: of the feet, ctrrou effect oca, and wry much debilita ted ; with at pcnueleo, and the ncoaaesdatfea cf ih~»t wlio had Btei it, the erai fed need to tty it, : w»th fettle or no Cuth j ,ud tvlfece 1U» *ayi tbe medicine had the happy and deilrtu eifeet, not oaly ii> the heart of eouCoeaent, but efler tho uinralioo of otw week cf it* tue, the' dropsy and per> v«in» tifectina raw way tu an avtoaiihbg dezn*, and he* health it COTT betta thu u had .been for a Gmg mm pft. Ifihi*. will be or any irnin to you or any no wbo iloulb Hit iLecenor the nrdlrtae, yon art entirely welcome to It.. • ; l luhscrfoa ojulf year coet obedient ud obliged t' rTasL " SSJav-sdt. xrt :,16t iisiii imr suiutiED t&oiu. ■ -Thu Kalroet of Aanujurilia ha. bero caprcwJy prmnd •UJ reference io (imk ecuaptamta- No fesaalc who h» *ta »vu <4>ep|MM«h« i*eppruacniu£that critical peried, “ Tk« imr* ej ii/tf ehuuld neglect to take it, a. it ii a certain jitcTtwite (or auj ef-llte uuoirriMi. wui hon itde diuoK. to which frualr. are euhjtcl at Itu* time vf life. TLu i>«y bcduUyed for KVtrel yean by tateg Oiiiinedictae'Nor ii ;l UtA valuable ta'lb-Me tifeo ere,Appriach ingvronanhood. »- it i* ceicuia'ed lo awul idatun by auiekratng the blood end lndeed, thuaediciaei. iowJ- M b>c for allot tho dc|icale dioam to which women are li brace* Ihe whole *yvuia. renew* penaanently lh» nata r«l euti^i*.—by removing the impuiitte* of (he Uxlj—*ct •K* Ur Kiuubimg the eyiufo u to |*redac* aMbuuucntrw fouiinuajtluehutho can of autl aedkint. taken for Cnul* weakDv*. end dueate, UIALS UiUD THIS. Tou wbohaw p*fecoo»pUiWai, dull rye*, blotefera m (he tire, ri-ugh elun, or Crackle*, dad we *' uui vf iptrilei*! uc a botife or two.of Dc Towtucaul'. Sanaparilia. li will clrWi** yoar blood, remove the fetekfe* and Uutehee, ami g.vc juu autmalfon.»park I tag rytt, fin* .pint*, and beautiful vf ukich in ft immeatc valot U> rie.l tadie*. ! DYSPEPSIA. Noßoidor taeilteuie feu ever Urn diwov*rad which to yearly rrwinbW* thr g**iie juke o r uliua in -ItcompoMnc fowl and »traagihaiiag ihe urrrniu of diccelfou, at thii i'icm relwu 1 : Ua»* iJ«r**T*S)rT. Albany,Mai 10, ISIS Sir—l here beta fo r jian.wiiii dyijwp-ia in iU w.iot foirns WVinJe'd with tour, L« M of Kooucli, lum ot •pi*elilc, nlrnuv hcwlbunt, and • girac,ev«r*m to all kind* of food, and for work, iwhal J couW ew,) I bare been unable to ratals but n email wtioa wo my (waueh l tried the uiual remrdin, but tfe»y had nut little i-t do efiret in removing the complaint. I wa» in dured,.tout two mootlw riuco.' Wuy your ktalrvt bfSaren pariila.aud tnudav with little cimiiduwe, butaAermioe w*r!y two Untie*, i ftwad my appetiie rcelorad, and the liranhum eatirrlj ramovtd; end 1 would earnetily recoto tamJ the twe ot it to thow who have been a/ttieteda. I haw it.!,. W-ira,**, ; W. W. V*ji Son Net'S, IStt. AUUnltland. ALMO.VT d MiHACLk : 111* fc flowing, ate! ck.aU if you CM, that eoOMiau. , j-nrtuun-.l tw cuitd. TliUiioiilr our of (ha Mitral hundred eaMMlut Towniaed'i&irajeu'iib kaacured:- lit 7oiflumJ—D*it Sir. 1 m taken, > liula orara jrir ago, will, a ultra cmu;li inj |«in in ay «i.i. j t rnared oo cm vc r\ (art, indeed. lau nroaeuacad by afar- - urten* <■> hue llm ipiirk c*x»stiaplica ' ] raked lain qoaa tiun of bed ruiitf, h»J night iauti,- nJ aakiv tcry fah ny dwelt r mid ha rouU do uolhing fa t ow. I vast taio Uw boifnijl i:t htijwuf being benefit led. butvaa faoaooaced then uiuaankW. i aoi now grratly-dummad «t tbaliafas ami «niU hardly Ixtailie ; J mnu became emaciated, aad eipected Id die. wa* claimed to toy Ud, amlvu obliged 10-hat* ltacher* iuCtul 1 cannot gi»e you any dacripUun' that *Wd do juilir.a to my eaae. I wap nppoacd by «iy fHauli .lu be jQAt rcetmrj , 1 liaJ tried a grralnumberi>f raMdir* »B>i an refined to be to ao puipow. 1 read of «..»« ,j! irinrdmaty cure* perfumed by your medkioe, ud to lelj 63u the truili, I autpeeted (ben -m naia humbug ia (hem. ut 1 »»» mduitd to try it, 1 did w, aad am my UmaUat Fdid. I fa tin 6t my that 1 ata entire!/ wen, but am ro Car recover'd a« to be about my buiiaeat, and bon to be catlro. If mil ia a 2;« week*, ply eourh aad yarn ia tba Wde end tiifht »weat* hart left me, arnTnuo but eery littlr aad tat btt cainin; m uual Hmigth. 1 felt It a 1 duly to’eii* you a*Ute«tut of oinu. lo publMi if toa nkaic • " PrrtK BboWs, 47 LitUa «, Brooblym. Opinion* of Ptipaielans. Dr Towiubead » almost dally reesirln* onlm froa tiki' I iici»ni ia different Ihe Union, ■ ■ i ‘ rfcls i» to eertily lh*t we, .the tmdertifwd, I'tijiieiini 01 I Mie Cuyof .lltMuj, hm m nomeroa* cm prescribed Dr l -'iWn*oil'» airtaiwrilU, ’tad Mint U toUouc of Uiantwii I taloiMe pi«for»tioß» of In* Sarepanlla inth* mrkct. I > ‘i K P Frum. x s ' ' J \Vlt4W*, R {. { K IS Btini,ip. 1 - ‘P E Euutßtmt'x o'. Albany, April I, IHS. Tlii» u to certify that -we, lie* uudertigtied, prwetlnn* Tbummounl*hy»icuni or the City of Albany. hare frwiwa? y'preacnbrd Ur Tuwuwnd’! Compound of dam ariltj, atnl frum ill known iju.ditie*, would recommend jtrf he publit tor ucrcuitV*craQiktki,and otlicro utaneou* wu caau, in preference to any of lie adrertited remedial tsonU mb.- ~ AW Acaaxu.Tr. » Albany dpril it, lt*i. , \V* B Bt*xtox, t r Principal office, IiSJ Fulton et, 6ua Buildiur. If 'V: Bed. ding f Co State it Bmtno; Dr lifroct <fr ScmvUD Worth 8«*. oJJ Philadelphia; S W principal dfugptt. generally throughout tba United State/. IPcrt loilwa and the .Canada,* .1 ; None genuine, onltu put up ia the Jam iqoare bottler, -whieh coattw a nimrl’and «*owt with the written urtmtere - V « 1* TO tV .VSt ND, and Ui name itewßooT. t£»; • - Iron the fiew-Ylirk Daily ttepraa of dprilO.Dd? • a |«xtly Ihlog appeared ia the ureete yriteniay. It wu the adrcrtimg eab, or. Samparilla topm* of Dr Towumid. •Phe wholeUiiugti gotupiagooduitt: aomettf the dm*. ntb* til Iwdirape.jmnimse art hrautrful. which,tocelherwilh U,e Kroll work, m wld, gliiteaing in the tun, mad* a 4>ow rarely equalled iu tfr«dwy We take (hit opportunity to *y *«Wicre tbi* eetractof the SampariUa £uctt« th, Teryjgmt popularity itbu acquired.' ' NemtuDabllltyi , _ . ~ , ««?.VoiK,Mtrch37,lM7; Dr. Tuwuwml:—l hate been afflicted more or lew for 3 year*, with a dreadful unking in the cheet, Hddiatu in (he head, Icu.wf appetite, join in thelunba,and general debilitr. brought 011 no doubt bt the continual heal and cold to which lam .übjret to lu ray tmiinceju tdjer. I have taken other mi-dicinei, too tiumcrott* to mention, but wilh little or no»ue era. I*a induced br what lbw hi (helper to try»bottle of your Simpurillu, frmn which I (bond great relief I han dace taken term! more t«Uka, and 1 can unhesitatingly m it iallx heat medicine I hare, eter taken— (he tan « ay chwt i» roue, and 1 feel quits adiUerenl man aWtUwe eioee 1 hereUßcnyourSaraarwrilia. 1 bare now a better .anoeiii. than eter l had.- Mt wife baa taken it with Iheume benefi cial reeulu... 1 would rccoamrud. it u'a femily uedkiue ecueralV,-*ud 1 feel eoaTiaeed Umt if to toed there would not be half iheiicluieu then u, and eouaenuently hot *0 mas* Doctor 1 ! billi; for while it appetite, it abo gim to the itmnaeh and boweli their regular lone: it keen Ui* blood 10 a healthy state,ra that dbraM fmctiolikelytoattack the eyelrm And toallthcoewhomrt notfn ahealthy'rtate,!ur try Dr Towtuend’e Samptrilla 5 i ! • Tao Kat Slim!,-70 Alien B. • Canker In the Month. - Below it an account of another elilld med DrTnwwrod’* Sareejarilla haa weed the lirre o( (Jioiuuds of children.— The billowing certificale it icleelrdfroa 4 great tikeber received Urn week. . . Wxw'Toik. Aprils, IW7. .Dr Towmend; Dt.r tir—One of my chudna ni »tr> . tick with the Cancer iu the mouth' and throat, attended with gnat debility. It came near dying; 1 obtained feme of yoor excellent medicine, and ft cured ft directly, fur Which 1 can awurt you 1I eel eenr grate Ail, i. Voura roprctfully, r.uxaiKTn Kowlkh, 97 Deabnmm ei. * -Fnr n!c by EE fcrt.l.Kßit Druggiel, W 057 Wond tt, between .U nod dlh tie, wbo heir.' been-appointed bjr Dr TOWNt*KVDwdi Agent tor Allcgbttiy co. Jefhl^wlyF Unibamj’s Celebrated Fluid (Sajncua. rpills i! amild.nfe&bd tleranl inti-add aad aperient be*' X'•°J» * p»ri«‘ aolution or ebrmteaify puff carbonate of Magceaia; pour*** all the medical Otalititj of tfta flout pre paration. of Magbcaia, Without being liablo (0 fonn coocn-- liou* in the baweli.or to art iujurioealy upon the roatioftha jtomaeh One table ipooaful of the Fluid Uvaaaia iaeauiv ' alcntiuitramlhlohalfateupoaaAitof Alacneala 1 . Fui aaleby 11A FAiINKarCHJK & CO, corner let and ffoot- and Iroodaodf.ih a |j Dr. ffleliiiie’i Worai lpeeine. riims la 10 certify Umt, by takincone rwl wf Doctor A MrLane'a Worm Speabc, a child of June* »hnw , » pn.actl upwoide of 7U wnonna, and tir the aaeof anid medicine a ch id of my own pawed 14 farxc aaorro* ii i* the oioet wuptfamg wona medicine f C7cr sccju 1 J tuuAlbavc Iwoinote atnle. . ; F ♦ . >VM.CItMOKK . - . ~ . - WiUioe * rweaUby J 4j t ,T&ANSPOETi33f I ClTlM2fr BOA.rr LISIIt.“ | ' yon xuj , ALLEINDS'OP MERCUANUfSE TO ANn n»Au FhU.d.lptt., .bUUnSt i v ' ‘f WMlßoilMUi .{./•••- {: rnHE eccooragepient th-s liae fcwrereired tiaco elan boats; and icsUad orshioß as borot* • tore u ageiu, wwiUl B iv« oar os. jrecetpti lor' freight chipped by this line. j. j • ? v v U -P? mWa , coavwjapnUy freight; is taken the whole dinluca without-ittnahipmcnL thereby preTenticg damage from Imjutmt handling en tbe route,- and as eaeh beat tr : o^ne)i : by 1 thS .Captain who ran* them,.which is aaufficKai cnarj aalee that there will 6e no delay tm the route. ■ i All Produce or Merchandise eno2?gneti ttf the: onderckcetl will ba forwarded FREE OF COM-) MISSION, for ad taociag and.forward ip;, n ? Ki ivju' ,be chippy without delay at the lowdst rales of 1 Weight. •' • 1 We retpectfally eolicit a share of public patro > ;m«. < WALLiNaroRD&co., ; ; Caoal.Basin, PitUlmreh, CRAIG, BELLAS tt Co.. Aet. ' : Broad Street, Philadelphia;. ■ . F MILLER, Ageqt Bowley'e Wharf, BdUmcre. Pittsburgh, feb. 10,1547. . ' ! KtdLiAaoK poutaulk uoa|t^ixe^ bS 1: TVVhKW Pl'mßUßtid AND THK*KASTEiRW CITIKSi WfIHpCT tiUKSUIFKSNT. 1 J T'J’K Improved method of 'cnrfj-ifijj uj'ei f»v tilts long x Lstablubed- Lino, is, now'so well kimtirn- that tie- 1 . irciiDtioais Good* are not tbuchedon the ,o Jx»*iZrV! u * “'• l ™»-bipiueru of extra band iir* ts saVeilj V itoata are or draught aod perform in seven days.. 7 . . ] Tfie enpatlty of our Warehouses e.iabh * us to siord advsuTM^ree'of I *^ Bu,# lon ** KeMi'ftOf.stpriny, ami Ileiliy Fully prepare? to make rules of Produce,' we 1 respecuUUy solicit consignments of. western Floor; Uacon, Lard, Rutter, Cheew, Wool, Feathers, and other arc tie* tor tale, otr which liberal advances will bo roado and other asual fucilitics ■ Horded, jjledrinr oor-' .^ vc f_d>at any business entrusted to uh itmlihc us promptly executed and apon as fair tentr* a* l»f any* other, bouse. JNO-McFADDKN*Co . 1 Coital Basin,jl’insliorch JAS M DAVIS*Co W and<3l .MarketSL Fhilada ; JPITTSBUItaiI POaTABLE u'iaMK. 'i •fll 1847. SigsmaiSaj FOH Uirt traniponaiioaefFrcißlrt between l»iusbnr»2 4iid the Atlantic Cities, avoiding transhipments Sr ■in# way, fnd the consequent mil of delay, damaaoi breakage and separation of goods. . < Pnvritiott. ' ' - 1 ..eOKoluuOE t CASII ! W * J T TAfsShT, » fernS •" TyF J A^nu 1 Encouraged by increased business tbd Proprietor* 1 :bwre added to Uteu stockand extended tbeir arrange.- mrots during the winter, aj)d sre non prepared to tor- : wmd tretjrnf with regularity and disiintehitmsnrTi.uscd by any other line. Their tong* experience tu camera; the palpable eupertorttyof tbo l'ortable Jtoat System! .and the.great capacity and convenience bf the waH>4 notice* -at each end of the itn«S, are peculiarly calcula ted to enable the proprietor* to fulfil their Encasement* and accommodate their customers—couGdpuiiyoilerine . he pest as a guaranty Co r the/aturt tliey respectful)? solicit a conimuauce of mat patronage wheh they now gratefully acknowledge. _ . v , . All contignmeau to Tattle £ O’Connor -will be- rcc’d : and wrwarded. steamboat charges paid and Dili# of Lading transmitted free of-any charge forCommiMion. advancing or eterat-J, Having no interest directly or jDOirecUy.io Rtcamf > oai* ) the interest of the eonasnom raast.ncocMarily bo xJteir primary oojcrfm *Bisr>inv west, and they pledge themselves to forward all aouds consigueino iWraproniplly anion the mbst advania. geo us terms to the owners.' T ' *• • s March 1, ISI7 ■ ■ . - - . 1 j " ” J. UICKJBY, | POKWABDIJiB & COSaiSSIOS HEKCHAKT, Boji Beavtf Point andßridgcuater, RBATRRCOCRTT, rt.,- | :_Propr»«or and Agent rf meanton 'I lSTbei® AMD aucißßS^ DAII.T uzwxia /ITTSBCBOH AID BK4.TX*,' "IXTIUj beptepared on earliest openiugfjf cari * 1 n*r ft Jgauon to receive property Bl his wharfboator In for all point* on Eric Extension, Cross Cat, anil Ohio Canals; for all pons on Lain Erie and pppcfLaJtes.atalfotowrwanl produce, ti.hr Penn’s; Iraprovcraemi. Afcply in or'aJdresi. T febMtltf JAM.QteXRYVHearer, I a D K p ITS O iVT p OB TTfL fi~ LINE. 1 : OEpim^"^^ AND; MERCHANDISE TO AND FBI SURUIi, PHILADELPHIA ANDBAIi* •_ , Ip-Wuliout Traaji>ir»eat..CJ Goods consigned taourcaro will fce forwarded win, oot delay, at tba lowest cartem rates. 1101* of Lidiac trailMuititd, and all uutrwtioas promptly Intended to, free from nny extra clmrati foratorsse or epmmittiott. ’ Address, or apply t to C A McANULTYfA Co . ' Canal Bwia.PlUsbjugh , „ , • STORAGE. : 1 /i. ! Having a very large and commodious warehouse, we are prepared to receive (in addition to fieidht fos shipment) ttUrgaaaumntef P»duep,(te..ooiMo?aie at (ware] C ‘ PICKWOBTIiA CO’S LINE. v“: llB trajrpiniunn ‘of WAY FUtHJHT brtwoeb PltUhargfl.il lair* td!!e, John*; »Uoi IloUidsysborgh, Water Bcreet, Peunburth and all mtetmediAte places. .1- One Boai will leave the warehouse of C X McAnalty * Co.. Pittsburgh, every day, (except SandavsJ and tkippcnean&lwny* append on having. their goods far* warded without delay mutat fair rate*. - j : This Line was (braird for ike special accommodation of the way businesa, and'lhc proprietors respectfully solicit a liberal sUttrc of patronage. |Yevn«xer*. JOHN PICKVVOIITU,. JOHN MILLER DAN’L il BARNES ROBERT WOODS ? WILLIAM PULTY. .{ JOHN MILLER, llollidaysborrh ) R II CANAN. Johnstown SAcenis. C A McANULTY A Co, Pittsburgh) REFERESCE*. > - ■J 3 MeDerltt, John Parker, Robert Moore, Bagalev A Bmilh. Piushnrtb. - ) mai6 > LiiE ERIE AIUJ'SICDIGI.t iffi" CJjS-J 1 1847. &B<&rsi£s : ''ltijis Line tieipjecmpoicilofSieatnboaiLakeErie i J. aud Michigan, running daily hetweeti Pituburrh and Beaver, and fieigbl and naMengcr Canal Boaia, remain* between Beaveraitd trie and connecting with O M Peed’s Line of Steamboat Propellers And Vessels ontba cakes, will be.prepared upon the earliest open ing of Navigation to carry Freight and PaarongeEio alt points on the-River, Canal and Lakes j llavmg'evrrr facility for conveying freight and pa*. . »enters with promptness anddispatel, theproptwior and agents respectfully solicit from tUeii friends land he public generally their patronage. .. [• j < - L M REED, Eric, Propnetor ( { , ~ CAUGIfKY, l**tt»b r gVt&' Cor.SamliGsldpnd- Water»u. opposite UtoMmionta gahelallonde; • • • • • • V* '■ ; REFER TQ : Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New York . Geo Davis, BulTitlo - r • K N Park* A Co, Cleveland - | R W Cmmingham, New Canle T An -mart -184(i ' ***>” ' 1847 1 . CBCQSS 8529^9 ■saga.. TFfrwi ; Ttf THE EAST BT BBEOSBAEEIiS.BOUTE, ( VIA BROWNSVILLE A CUMBKELAND. r PHB andeniffainl ate now prepared taint ward prd- A duee, Ac., to the ■wiern Martel* during? the eu*d inj winter, on the raoai farorable terms by thi* cip«* dtuoußroeie. . j . , :AJI property ieoruuyited la ftMrillbe forwarded auhe lowert rales anti with despatch., i Mertbaadw received by (hi* route promptly fjp wwOei. J.OJUI)WELL»AcH..Piiu£uT S b.- • G-TV llrowuirojlie. ... t Bo*7l K KCERTON & Co. Cumberland : M'flSßluttiH AJSUxiUItKaiVIEEjE -1847. PACKET AND FREIGHT UNli^ rpGI9 LTn'B <oa»i«iiiff6f frcljhlandpaiiritire, Pack* X main ns icßtailydunugthe Baaact Bad .GraaTilJo, Fa., dy wkid, ftelltl M-l p.,” ,Po, "“' Wmtce "'“?‘>'»W“T '! u WICK A ARCHER,Greenville W' ';' McI*ARLAND &KtV</ * fe. I . iUVH&PLUMD.SbaricbBrih * -d?! WCMALAN,Bb a y i,Br * 11 '] & . i WAL MaXUEWS, iPaluiu "!‘ S?' . • RK|iD,pstKS*Co,Ucnyer. ‘ fe; i 2» ,W A Water »u, apflty Oppoalte tba Monoocahnle Hnaie. Pitmbprrt 1846 |1847 rf££i& TtMa IffTll i||fni/i to tbb bast nr BALTinoiuc ahd OHIO • ; ■ rpilßnbttfibers will receipt forUie delivery of Pro -1 <loce to Bol'lmore by lie JRano&sahela SJaekwaier tithe folknrlßifpnceo.— l : > ■ ■ j. ; .. r ■ • A»he« t Pacou, Jhiner, Lead, Lard, PwkJ Tallow, r.and Dlaie—Wleuperioojbi. . Tobtrcoo.lTortp, Flax and Wheat—ol ets per 100 Ib». , ApplMjChetw, Flax-Seed, Ul&m, aud Leather—lOOeu period lbs • • i ' * OiU,Bkljta,Bef*ds,W<»l—Hoeuperloolbf.- Pure ’ *Rd £t{ake-Root —WOeiaper (OOlba.* : - . j All property eonmtned to either of the anfteninted will be forwarded witltoat delay, free of CommiMioo. WII 'CLABKißirnmniUr.' ■ i iviw3B,lir H4NNA * WA TfcKJUN,I'|Iub»r l ». PM TUJt nCKH»TLtANU IHD 011^'"^*^'^ • ?v a T l M4'DllnsTsnblSi»,p». } P rH t *- Ti‘ E . , I '?", l i' M ~! , w £■'!/ to-insniport i-Fieiglii and Passenger* frero PiusbarghaitdCleve. C»nil“ *“* PQU “ ?n 0,9 *?!*&****;* Uliioand Ohm ‘ The facilities of Hid Dine RrenoteqitalJedlly any on ; saidCauaJs, in nnmbers and capacity of Doats, cirS neiiceoffttpialAs; and promptnessof Agents; ■* 4RSfc Property forwardedloan; partortbe TTnUn,.:.v W 1 MAlHKK.PiUaborgVAot. • T^ l ■ L_. ;• C°rW«cfand»mliaLelda^. U -- qJSaurfl -1 JL rerdaily, »l3O’clock fk’ morningßoai: from Pittsburgh/ib^m*<X?wir£T.u,? timefor tiro Mai! Lme of ' nnd ani«« at ClaTetaad n'.aoywic^r. .ZtZXi'S? **> C»4 «.»:.I, v ; * r™'’v ■*- K Dff.“swJi s rKsi*a’-;v^ ,:T^ r ■ COm'QUKU 2XUVPQF WILD CtfERHY AtcrUin aodsafeciiretar-cough*, eoids,;uihti>i •Uver or breajl t nerrott*detulitj,wboopinffccnu!l ■ ' •' brokeo? ebßxtiAu'oa^C^N&illnV; .-TIOB to toy ttoeute of tto tangs t>r v •' -< • breast Beadertn ytm toffenaf- ■■■> » 1 . .srilhatold ordweaseoi Uio ; ; .. > : ; ' iaagHtijr.lAii'retoedj,'- :7•• ‘ • ) you will not per. .• *v ••;*. ‘ taphregreut '■’•••"! 7'- ? - It-wuf arrest all these disagreeable symptom*tvbfch •trike neb terror to-ttohniod, Ac prolong your daft.' Beware or aJHprcpsntltms contain- W rid C berry. eieopt tbatbearing ttovgnaidrohfDr: H bWATJiB on the outside-wraupei>al each bottle, • ?J,?- e T" le likely tlestiiiiU: ol Uie article froa nlitehUfcy borrow a name,* '' ' : j . t \ ; . - - *5 —-rY- WjOOO‘DEATHS U)t\VOHhVMPtIOR[ \ Woo d porbape to aamaii estimate I fa* thh Wtos: •ol this dreadful dueaso in a tingle yean then add; totoftlc.,**,. Ol thotecoto* oy rnffilM-; tion ot the Lutiji,' Hemorrhage, Asthma', Coughs' lnflngart, other disease* to The LoogtfTna Li?er«: -u ;.. » And tto l ist would present ap appalling proof of the! lataluy al-jhen twoclurpa.-oCilisease*; -Botitu! important*) knew iftat nearly alt oh this dreed! waste- of humau jifa might base been-'presented has -now. been before the public : we eight jew, uhdis/Uie original 'tocptokW •fnimtbeWUd Cherry Tree. r ° r Colds, Bronchitis; 'apd' Con-' sumption of the tubes based entirely upon itrin* <i * “l®^ 1 iilUo inflated newspaper wb ®S»«it * K‘a». being ibfcntotUd HS^'£? nd ,'W (b '** ®eifibburti,and tbks, gradiullj and sarply haait gained no eiruhlo rena-' worked »U>way. into .general toe! , xE,: bottle never fati, to cure areceot coogbY*. ffi while.with strict ptuintion to thedircciioiwihnt sc-j company earh botUcaU use in pulmonary tltieiaes of-loe,, standing end of- the most aloinnmg chkm-1 ter, has always eiten toiler, and ln vefr'uiafv J£j£ c -« - h!u «o«eted- complete and pe7p»i,ciit ; Dr. SWAYTiITS CekSraicd Cimpvwid~isyt» t : Hpqf r \ " . Head the most remarkable cure or Cowumption ererplaccd upon record— £S~“P u “ n . DrSwayao—DearSin; I.lctl Ki debibf iiuijL; diio lo jou-and J a»ljr to the vffljnH, ollar mj humtilc .tcaUtQOnjr; Ih W ol Joj,, ooi. pound byrup ol Wild ttefrj. : Bono AS'vSj 1 •mco, I tTuouioWhtljntUclrcd ttKhoofl uha Jijg. nutionof tho lung,; which hi accompanS : wiS a very distrtsnng cough,- pain i n uuhrtaat uidholt -in very constdornhle divchargn of olTensiTe tr.hfai from the luDgo/eroeclully, npon char-joi ofiWenthor however Blight.,: Al&rsl.l lsit no alnrut .hous-my condition; but was pretty soon conriuccd tbit 1 wis rapidly goibg-iatp consumption, I grew dallf w«h.' er,andat leoglb was ewuccly able to waJkaboutbr speik nbovo # .whisper.'Mclr was the ; qicecdiiiir‘ weakness of my lougs,' Duripg.lhts time t fiidtrid jrarioue preparations add prescriptiohs, bat locndno relief—growing nil the time worve. Just hire’ advised und ponuaded by a dear' friend in Vyumihg.' ton to make n trial of yunr Syrnp df-VVddi CUrnJ 1 muit confct* tlidt prcrioialy I bniibccn prinidM cd against patent tocdieincv, ami i oiq.siiil srutnt; tbosocomidgcoet of-,thoiXmnJw ur.empmcs.tot understatidiugyonr claim* to the. prpfcsstdfl'atui practice of medicine', tod having implicit!}:Within the cayingoi'.oiylriends, l'togtlisviUt 'p'updiisto ol! Dr Shaw, one of jour agenu,‘p few ,bdulek and! cootnencedtts tisc.'/My dbease atHhU iitneykr ol twenty or twenty bve monlhs > ttandlng' r quently wasdecplj seated. I found, howtrver, cud-i stderable relief from the ftm lour or five toUlei-r But being a public-speaker I freqddatly bflemptco to preach wiili'ruymcroasiDg strength ondUltertby ruptured tbosn vMselstnal hod 'already! begah iu; heaij in ibia way, doubUcia/Rty euro waw treiOy' retarded, lit cooseoaenco of acting thus inipru* . dontly 1 haif louse IS or |shotllev befdrt' i Dwas ; perfectly natored;. I havr no qoeirioay 'a mudh’ smallernumber of bottles would have Wdc ine. ; sound,hot for the above’; indiacrctioiu , 'Jljo Hitfp allayed the lc*emh habit, did away tbe diatrcsonig 1 coughn pul. a stop to the discharge of mau«ritom ; :be Jungs, and give Uiem.andtljfleotirß system good, health. 1 have deferred offering this cattificafe'Cli now, for the purpose'ot being perfecUy sataEed' with the permanency ofitbe ; c(irc, end now ibat 1' ' leelnerfeeiiy well, loflerjt with pleasure.! 7 i'-> ’ RBV. J. K JORDAJL ' '*! Dublin eonnty, W. C.i ; ‘p'Y j * ' . CAtTIO.N! Avoid ill apurioa* preparation*. or Wild 'Cbfrjv, ■udi m Balaam*,. Hitter*/Syrup* of WildiChdrry, IMI* purporting to contain Wild Cherry,itc, ic, a* they are.ail Qctitioos ai>sfcotinlerfeU, aiirfc!qny»hj none.of-the'virtue* of the original and genuine pri-- ponton a* prepared by Dr. Swnype, and the lint ever prepared m UjU couol/j.'- lloclor 'Swayhe’a Componpd Syrup oHVILD CHEKBVJ* pbmjxwcd orvegetable ingredients,the Wild Cfceny, pod u\h* ermcdicalrobvtancca rqally a* cfflcacidot il loot uioroso; lire whole are-ao-cflcctoaliy concentrated a* to render .it beyond ail doubt llie-tuovl pleasant, ■trcngthcning, and ellectuai remedy evcr'-diicoter' ed tortbo core of t*almon4ry eonvotnptioaj and all di*eaic*of the Lungi andßrca*t.t The Vcry lnet, frotn it* havjng nub a-fratn "ol tpuriou* initiator*, 1 •tend* to provc iUgTeaF-coraiivo properties.''.t Thcrelore, invalid#; inquire [uc tbcoriginalprepa . ration, «ch botila of whicli iacaveLoped iii'a beani tilul wrapper, witlm likeoet* of William Ifean in-, graved thereon; ll ■ S .vnyne, tne counterfeiting vf wjacli will be p*u« r Uheifaaforgery. J-. i’icpared.only by Dc. H. Swatsi,N AYeorccr 1 or Liouth and fUcK Street*; Philadelphia." • ■ For *slo inf lUsbureh wholerale and retail bv WM, THOR«,ssM a rkeUtreet> OGDEN &.SNOtVDßN,corner ind& \V«odUd . B. A,. FAHNESTOCK ,& 00.. corner oj. Tat. and • Wood audClband >V*iod •tree’u. J.-*- S. JONES, ICO Liberty street ' ; JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny city. j ; ' j And by all respectable Drtrggista and dealer* in Medicine, throughout the United State* aniJ Cada -:«piig j /KODUC4S IOMPITTS -7TMI0B& • w '* Dtt‘dAY/ilTd ALTERATIVE. *i “ : • We have t«tm informed by. Mrs. Rose of a cart tidr foimcdaahcr Ur Dx. Jayne's AlUsnUir«. wftoh P rx, y cl sopenority over every other reatody of the kuul-. Sb? has been ulßieied for the' hM'shucM 'teaks with WHITE w:>h sKrtrstiotH and eufolialloiscf varioai bcrießlii-i ringwfaieh been discharged him the iroaial bene ot the critnitras,frMnheth ber anos, wrist* und hands, and iiochLwh' JcrLUnd.frtHniht' Wft fftitwal Uono. sad from' the right kiiee,'beridespninfap uloeis on other parts of her person, which havriladled -the skill 01 a ixnabcrof the most our ett»—dnrotg-fl»« of.iht time her cotferiims have born excro:ai:Eff and deplorable. - Abonr three moaihs «nee »he wa' jndoced- totr/Drt Juyoc's Ahfcraihe] whieh has amlaoastoaishingly happy efffcet BpctfbeTi by remnvmg all pam and awellings,and, csa£eg.u»o nieers to heal, while atthe sains time hergeae'raThdWib •has brevmeeoaplstely sostore4,«o that she now weighs D lbs more than-she dhecommctisejals Isc or.iMatruly vaiaabicprepauon.—{sat Eve.iHott. < i ; - For sate m Plti»Sargb,'«t'ihe rEltlN'TEA'.TTrißtl T 1 koartast. ncar.W podv, ' , ' ,r SCUOKULA AND SCROFULOUS. tSWELU INOi—bcrftioia in all' iu .muliipliedlfotou; whether i n th at of Kin** BvU. enlarccipeata n. -d;® glamlaor SVbUo KbcumaUTOjUanscr, diseases of the Skin otol Pulmonary CoiaamplioDj CmnßatfiTrdm pßd *od tbe (amocatuc/whicb is a poiibnouVjpHachite mom or Icn inherent in the human mtemT fhml fore, unless thi* can bfe destroyed HoT-aln. cal curt can be eflc'ctfid, but if lhd £nncipli ( ; town which the disease depende/ia rcmofed’4 cure msaiol jtcceafity.lhllow, heamtfiirotnlerwtiatlafid tTio diicaie'fihould mimiJcatiUclL „This; itefrelSh) •Wiho tenon why Jatbe's Altuati»k iaso phi t e Isally •aect'ufal ih removing >o many'Kfcjjtiieiht dimael'-lt. destroys the virus or principle Item • wbtca those diP*a*ai}iavotbcigqrigia,by entering , into the iircuiaiion, and.with the hloodis coAvejvd to the minutest fibre, removing every pirticlehl discaaefrotaiho ijtieoL. SSoutAnurd-SUecUPhilsdeioliia. .•- iioa at the I’ckia Tea Swrc.No.73 Fourtlistrce, .Puuboxjh LADIES Who-Use CoatroonPre pared Chaiki hie ofirn net aware bow fnghuitlly. Injanem* -tt-*a »* ; ihosWn! howcdaiw. how rough, how*allow>ieliovr, n»d unhealthy. .the akin appears after ;iuuis prepared ehplkj,. uiy of lead. 'We hare prepared, a be&au/ul've actable we eBir.dONKS>»iy>ANIBHjULt WiUTfct : lu* perfectly muoc«mi, being purified pf tt » dclcicrtoutqadliuel; mod it imparts to the skin t nSltf* ml,’healthy, alabaster,clcati living white,altberdpie tune acting as a cotmctieon the akin,making itsoft and smooth. 1 ■■ •' * '! Dr. James. Anoerwn, Practici! .Chemist of Itassi*. ,-After eaelysing Jones's fc« truth Adlll Whitc>l;6adit:pos«e*Ree.ilieta«Mt beautifnl and naiu. ml, at ike samo 'lime innorctit white I ever saw' II certainly can consOtentiehfly reeoamwiil lis oteWnD wltotß skin rcifltrrcS lieaattfytua. l * ’*.'ll T . {D®l*riceJssceui«al»ox. ; ,i ; ", Di« ioi’Aoi Smto,® Liberty street, head of Wood, ixi the uHTaf theDigUoot. . rfrii ■ - L«iea,ladie*,l’inawotiisted, !■.— • When yoa know that yoa are promised-v-,/ ) , Anatuipl,life-like,mewywhite, ■ ’ Xhatyoa-wili still trw coimtmtr'clullt'- \ And look u'deaiMy-'yeiiow-frtahti " •' :• v. : ? ;• - • -Thetkenteef - If m «M. a l»i Of JONfS tilly-ViiA h »ouU B lve your •kin u alttoMerTn-imotuiriS.; ■jid nt the sane Umo*eWarandbS*ri,vwlis^Ad,r JACK-WIND, WLlbony , L *' /.; • :; ;^y-' iJ ; St Im?-!-. .* { #r - a “ n “ do » order at- #lipn •^i^ssaa^sa^il of every description; inipou*4 ami kepfcopstantly ** B uI - ~EAtd&4 ; | ri/-*v i ■ CmiWii,Dil#fiope.tiraM Kiipf. Bmiar. ' L>. K!!J kMed * l * t, * ll '“' llw highest priee uj cLhl witl bt pgid-r -■ . Irety ;- ° N f w Yrrt.-jZ?^** ' - fUUU^USP;iiAJt>:;^mAVKEKXV^>rmLY ~Mt)>tGazttitßMiidiAet i 34tt; t nesTllnl , ouOrfie*.. n.AfreB oFjsD;vKtt_Tjßiaio* prieinWrtjoinor ISlinea, dr lew,... ,3(1.50 '*lS»o}BMjrtTon« withouiaUerationi-,,v»ii;..-» 0 73 ' Thrco. •[".: r . M ‘ '•'''■•‘‘'t'-" .. - One Week u ■ ■ - u i /’6O -.Two Wecia. ;• 1 iii.'i.'i.'.i % GO: Throe f'v' *• . OneMoMh/'-,• ■ vj!/ / r Two - 1 . -Ttooc., •£.-.: r ; flj’ LfOnger advertisement* in f»moV{<n»i>o^J‘ 3 *| _ k ODeM«u4,6 nawitb*, Without . K«*»-43.i1) *.. EarOiaddition**! tnuare fpr6 month*. '3'W • -♦«4 ..f. vJ* -- Oflb square. 6 snßitbs. renewable*t nlo**r*» W.UI . -i. ■: -T.4<.V I*’ ■■■r.tty .. •«* iVJSO (Xi • ,l2aeh additional tqnarefu/ Two tqnaVea.G month*, re'wableatpleawr/4 v*?00 " Each additrmui tqaare, 6raoeibs, 00 : V*EW,» ; joB ; ‘r*!f/4*a. :' ~. . T. Jon..' IUIM. “ ««» ** --fj-” ; FOR all kind# of eruption* and rinmuctof ti*Win j ' f ' '"‘! 1 - : ' ‘ now*. ' <_V such** y F|*e hpca ot lea*, quo jca*. .*•«••• ■.•».»n». l G’oo ?pou,eb3)>pedor cracked £kinfm*dfora|lether£teii* ' «' « T'-'« jiiX B)Cuiibas.oo •ctfer tlw Sim, which rpqdirc exicrn&l remediedthis 1 « « -‘oaß VBar/dailjrfii,»veckl», , l6 00 ... .. . J -> ~,,ii »nUu « too ctamu. A frn.li (npply, warnqutd iciSZSj %'i .0150 line., ‘“"JJ'" 1 . »ti.SO ; i™clml.aoc&nxiA, l alol,ru. A p A | INKS .. .. .. ThM* ffc—oAth., —,!»; QTKAn.BOAv.oaaKiBo BTovKinSr ' \" Tweiw in oo- ;* I c ot ,.u er .. • . - ,•* October su'd; l'&jT’l . Mr. H. K; SftHor«t:-r ! Mj iml2l moptlw very rtiileMw audbayuiK m«ri» fovr| at tmwaAgiu. -elacied be (met worm\ nm tiering brunt* etcutdriii abem yoat VennitlJße.l boefiritnvlal aid gut* 111 j . *?*pel'®d fr-’vcrj-largo \vona».-* consider' your Vennu'ufii belicMhau allpuierm, ,■...., tf,: Prepared anti' i»!d by R E. SF.Lf.Kni 07^W«r Sold by Or. Ctial, Sib 1 ward; end O ; *l/ b, gbcnraitv- • ■ • ■■• •■■•.-• • •; ,•■ .. fc&T, sstosiiSiiMi'iswi'iiliwWMitiiii mm mmi *-■***>, : ..y - - 4 ' TiaCMPHAKT rememb& that it u-TtonnianV Compound Sypip~cf,T&r.end TVsocfVVanT,-, ttoMbickM dauy tfativg mb n-ii . markabia..curtain ■/ - 7.- •» PI7LMOKABY CONSUMPTION!"j . ' Astbt Bropekku. ft«ttlng of Bleed. Ms fa the fijss £4 1 , finut, escs Tlimt, RaemuMw Mpttstloa of (hr ' t ’/- Heart. VVhoipuig Uesgh, Croup, Hires, - I A<rt l oai 1 mtfro CompiUßt ; ?•_. .1 sadCwsarii.SalMjs, S l **. . TiIEH£FOI' i C,knK.«lili<p«)dHlaittißa«rTuu - •;J.-J»»fdia.a>ußiuticins«r«*bto»d. ~ - J‘« fbusasoa— pesr'S.ft-’lba tHochhing toitgil 7 bars einefi,ftc»j fron on of year CoorpooaitlJjTfcPef -laraiial7a|Uhsrc&d«n> is my duty to ibfom yva'oi'lCJi sad bteo lo&gafiKU^wiUi» my had ceeabi'sustol smi% pus ia th* breast, with great oepnasioa, amseullv ot Wreth w» tod loss ofappetii*. U*4if various maetiKS wi>hoat jsßcct. 1 bccsawalsh&cdj'lheardof jaariaKdkidivWt to* .mg «Tem lo uh^; l ßKat advertised metuciais. 1 piiiiigtu 1 y«dd adhenu tn whit fh*d'bred usttg.-ITisainr'iayielf * Irirudfersoadcdhic to try a hotUe>af.yow yrrpsration, sayuig «‘hc owed hit life to iu virtue* ” 1 ua .ttwtiaUiy pracarvd abcttWami cnwotaoriJ ariny tofcu two butire, ( was coapfesatj rastocWlfto .'iSthiyfaths toae'et of other* I make lie ahor« towf Any fbrther laqulrkscan be:mad«'ai denee, HoC*thari« street 1 . • i . hopeet£ul;jf joum, V" - PatvaST. 1 |.. V hotter C'urf. . < ; ' V • ' • » Carlisle; Pt','lfOT. 80, JW5,' t About six years stare, ia Murettrare orthe sedeetaST Mtora-orny b«shres,}wto attacked with severe pat&s a the breast, yaljutatioH of the Wart aad shart&eM of- ■< weresoou followed by the fo lure or appetite, eslrtma. wskcfulsess atmght and pvtai j«rs rsis ot my Uoba-ntkua • yopttuM of system being (rteoiOj slttiid with of blood. Tot shoot two yean Iwu occasii- - aJy thrown mto coDsai'siou, wkich kh me iu a nmerabU Aa<aof fcehkocttaad began 10a&etmy miad. 'Kroa Una to bire my sufinnp «r*re more on kasamre, uatUat tesglh they tneicmcd to such a drfres, and tha vmkeee vf too symptoms .were, so ai**cnt«, that forawhdkyem I was uaable to attend totny busisdu. Durire this time 1 consuft* 5d.,?,?.,^S d . , ? , ?. ,^P h ?if^ a * 11,14 * t P nded 10 tfieir prMenpfhwls b«t all their iini was usam} »g to protore me bad at IcagttriWy regarded my rteoeery as ewircly tropekm-U .torn amdiUra l : w«s lasonaed. of the salutary «lEcet» of - lh«msoß , »Compound larahd Wood iN'apt&a,ibh e ** B s«hrwbatiimil*r to mine.'and thcmehThad rit«a ujiafl' expwULow of a recovery of&j former health by bsmaa .mnax, vat being straaglyadruedto try this medielnt, I: Was' l t s 7l. d«r m, (Bd Chan now to-M Uiatbythe uaor.sltbottktmy health hasbeea nstored;«bd .‘“’“wabistoalUndtobn»4iK»>whhe»nuith Cwilto • . 'V'./'.i-Ujv'' ~ l IE!,r T Mtess-r-; ■JpvjHva jblj &, iSofiEy kmoSowßiSSa. foroerofbiAhaun SarnoSetreals. . (. : •.•• lr,h..WHiVO l <Jr, Pittsburgh, sodmiaitsMi • racrally,, Price 50 ct*. or Ore dot lar perbottfs. ■ '7ADTIOW.—Deowe-iif lmitaUoto'aad pairham-Tbepi or of lie. ib«rv |ha cf t. mn hrfau.,.,.. . ..;4uto-. WHY UIC. LEI - sAUSATAItH.LA UX.OOD a lljLb ore becoming sd'amvemlty pciiular 'j Becattse'lhey aro prepared by Dr W -U Lei> : oy him*elf,a.rccaiar Cbcratat and >L'hjii ewn of.Ehil«deTtoi»,-.wtoiknowu ihe qoahty.and character. oMJioMetljciaei used irhij pillsaml thclradaptaUio'‘fo'diBe3sdv ; V.*7V7“ l Docdod, Because tbo public can tato'them tolh gteilerconfidoued Diin moat other wIU bvhich -‘ate prepared by penond wmcdidoc ato disc^re*;r. Vli , >-)u\ ' Bccauto oj their combinedefleett pramM •Uea out contained, in .any .other pUL« namclyV fwrg-- •Uuc»,andnt.-tlie aatso utoo porifyioir the blood an4t|gidsof,ibftbodj.v-' • - i ’ ' Pjrimh; Because they arij . iho' and tost otcutc[pe krt°wßt-o *iß|;lb bbi costing Wat 25 cento, coniainiog 40 pills, saving to persons-nr maw Qtinare,o|tluiics inrDoctor / s-hi!i»,'and;nßinefph» mctTicuxea bought it'tried on the rom-mmeßdatlA .ot Olliers. - •itir * ADvifeE. V : » \ . * Whenever you have occasion cloc, do Dill tx, Willing with your cooslilutWh: by bl * kiaSsolpillsor cOiermeihciacs yod'vbe puoliahed and recoxomendcdhy oto and another but .tikeatonen. ... r x . J7v SartapcAUaßiood ftfo i * atd.jMvvill m, liavo .oiCTica 10? ukn anrtkioi else.; ITieywiil always he found goodie sjmont *ji wunssot disease, InUunabOßoUhectoiuclubgto eU, Itver umf cramps’ ot ih» stomach: colic, Waterbjashj inwprii tovere, taste in the moath, bour.cntcbitoaa toil'. ucidtA’ibl the stomach, eestiveoca* and indigeatioo, want d| .appciitc t 'billious oflecuons, tliscasekdr the apices and kidneys, diseases‘of tbeikib, itfaly croptitotl dry and water? pimples or blotches or the. lacc anh body, teUcr, nud,pnckle heat and Rlfrhuem.hcad ache, guldiness, Icfaiiiess, pains ovcriheheart, of the breast, »itlri, along the back and spinei rheuWf tism and ol all kimlv, «maH pox-;-nri». lout; measels; scrofula, erysipelas,' and in sbdrt tbey are gdod ift ail dtsusseu ba»iog.. their, origin: stomach, liver, and intestines, and Impurity dfttto blood' ■' '• ■ lETTwentysfiroeoatsa Box.. ,• i .'7,-.'7 r '-- bold Wholessle and Relul by U.X.Fahneftkfck- Jc Co., corner of First and \Vood,!ahio comer of .Sixth and Wood streets. .\•: , , r r £p£t ' stHgltnAW'B IOOYH PABXii«i J“T T" . . .. A rurncoa PEKTSme*. • ; • r fI'JIE best article knowii for eltaiungaiuf whltenik# ■ A. thel'etlh, sticugtiieniiig die nuiiUj.sweeienistf the Wusih, JEe.' tt shomd beoied every uiglu-fviih )* stiff brush,' sod the teeih sndaipuik willodlv rednironalleh - wajfaing-ia the "tnortung. Wei die brush.with warm water, or cold will answer, mul rob it u fow tunc* #h the paste.- when, enough wj fl adhere for adeanioeftne lectiu Jtleuvesadeliciattstarniln the mouth,anaisl parts a most delightful fragrance, tblhc hrealw luSxEs minvallciLas a.nfeasßni, erfieaciaas. eoovemamTmh) safe dentnfiee. Ins warranted- not to iniare the teeth. lmiiopn-«crvethcm. ..'. -j >-i, • , •-• -jr / r By »wnff i‘.«s*torfjy-Utoitl remove the'tartafjhnd pruveat as uccumttlutioo-^—prevent thu toothache i, -'-- »treagii)cn the gums, and prevent alt dlseasestatsileih elerxy recommend^it 4 decidedly-:siiper»r to nvery thins of the kiuddnitse.— Askfox She naan.’* Compound Orris-Tooth raw, arid' obseryo.hit signature is attached to each pot- - - ' tfetttfnmtmnH br Bf. Caste: 3di Croidiray.oeenf our best Bei}Csis.lnd by m©« of the oldTesttbiislSl ones tothe United SiutcH, and even Atsasirelr ased . -by the Wobdiiyof Cogland and Fit*/'*.. ■y.'.T-" A large proportion of tho disease, i>aiafflic!maaki»d • arise from tome derangtanenrofiht siomach or bowel*. • which , a uiaeh- oso of the Caihr tio LoxenWb Wduhl entirely obviate. Tcreoos or titoi* habhk sfabtid so> abox-at tiufid, nnd take a doSewitoeven ' uteyreelthaTcastderaagcmeniintheirhealtli.'•Aiudi* • cutuiise-of these .-Lozenges trosld prereatilmasasda - of cases, i ;■~ g ‘~ - - - . • *, * Fonalo.: \vsr. JACKSON’S, «ratv«f UtMtU Ltbcttysts. •- : v-~ •‘--■j C- t ; AORKATCUHJSjpertutsntd by the orirtaaland t gMumeldrtrTiU, preparedaadnUbyß Kyj.^ J j WeSaorrbud pa.,V - JL A.&Uffir.*^A i ; S? ??.“? la add w bwablt bwlwaaojW&Tur oftourjattly ‘ odebnted Liver fill*. 1 1 h*»e drtcmd doing n irr rrWi. Mtrejoa'areruJrt, then JP ahead.*' ,Md»UfQ» rainy prejualiou cremnfic* *** Vfdkii Laded to Ute »kifc*,'b»re luuk intoahlmcnn&ce yowUrer ft bfcavebecaoffeted'totbvMbie. mad. indeed. I I* Cere lbryw(il<*»L trite then all,*' aribey arTuatitSt I have been aOkted .with;Liver' C««ppiattl i»cttiwy yoiiU»; ;have »uflered much; enidoeed cp*«7 enuam pbreMNSilo-viun 1 juid mßcKtauhtj* hale lott much blood; been vomited and pbrefeked So T t ; 0»d diaJijr given up at i«j raMe.'Jti, . • lStt-71 wm induced la try jour Liver Edmund SOON :4Y3Eu;*. ttaetoi or whichiiaoureuffieicsllokeepmf dear oJTpuia a U*« the othervynq-tom*. tar at feeet, Ty* 6 "**-/. Of> &« buteatbirtielcrey wedi <V *fld» »et fervpug or gjricr aiteVucftjrue at the *3.- ielMef - Ifcavekept ibeaiß »y flam * ' ?*£ 1 «r 7 yean; law hundred* of. boics, aad bare'mu; hottda-eiie'C-'dnapLnt-aUrrcdbyaßyotte vho.fcaj «■&) .They hare wpcvpcdjntalßoit evert other mQ tutjue .V l Ch‘^ f ho < >*r»od Mi a ihort Caa dill bauiih ■ dtem-af; T| ;to;alT peiwne heedbe pbWie, . whether-&r Lner OnapLiatof EUiauedfleetiona--lebtol eider them %rruyerior. to Ca3aß*l or the BfutPilL BetWet-’ .r.C^jri^ir^-Av; OtiJb'Mw other POH ielbrr the pablie . ’ |^^^E|S^SSlgfSft '"BoHly tfrCieiet, KQh.n’ard.ll.M Cci*r,JUltjbeaj ****' r.A .t:.-.; CAUOTNATIVE B A jUSAftT, ’iT^r^rJj B SHINN, a well known and poL* AMtUr Cicrjrrwan or the Protoetam Methodist Cbkwi —Th® nndcretgaddhaeuii bfcenamicleditailrirtheMtt a ilUeaee. «oiyaep r «Kiteai tf C” ductnggrcatbiuaraihe rotaacli&cUu&r.t^elreiabr* withoßt ifliermieetoo, and. after'bariri* irietf ’/vAwu - •' “Cf^f raK;i 'wi«tfcTcrtndic»tioi«offtie ftpptmeirof peUivee , c{>excciv«i,« a ju Ml j V4ul vcanherefyprreeot- Heamuanodtoues tho_taedieinoevcrr cvcaiag k a flo?2i Ua?s “- ,alko * Jn ? ra *°** “n* l *o * fo»f !irJL^£^li a J2! , '? re^ ls,Bl *l‘e*aJcr«wl<rrlio» - eutromanuge-atmoam pain;. Vmidfci CJj'f^”i t tb , <?,,fi, r' , >he c au c uafidrmly. re«mine»iLU . - ’w-lic witKlil'MjK • . Pliv& iskp4)UBUY-... I “■*•^•*B*dpiyinuadd Awrc\ for slurins «r.:< t «- ' p9 ,^n, o.u'tirJUke,'toreiia»m«ii .<-a -■'i I ••' .. .^AlUJbitdeAJreaia, -X .. .. '.'V ' Su|»cr£uM Rouge,ou Porcelain V. LheCbdor, 4>|d®- > •S c ir' ft, !. poW^cr P w^*'*f^^alipaJtexo'j y-zf-.,i. . ..ILnßOtteUitolleiiuucc.*, containing iragrant ezuatts r tor the handkfcbicfjn went baxand tviiet eoape.vuiw 1 . • t ■ Pnt«j4n,ortftjHicM phwJcri' .. • ••>.•' ~ ■ •.•ißdiniryogttabksfcjUrojj,...* .:w. j -.:-, *- .iooeo’SiiK,Nymph SaaVliwe',UpVaTric;'-’ f. Sodkioap; togelher_W(ia.a gteafTakitlp ' - offioc perfmoent juvicceiTed; fve ntithy ' ■ ■: 'v-> ! V.i„t .A U A FAUNhstoCK 4 c 6 [ • i > -'I *: mV »>rilk wood eta ‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers