"GIOCBW fcc, WlfcKL'Ktt, Conunmlcm Me?-. JJS. ehaniiL PUUdelphit,*f!irtk« ok of prtxJoco fe-: nudg on comugnmenu.., <■ IS4S Biia - ~BunT Moon ' I Moot** : .; riwf fcts. r»«e». | pbn«*»»j , *WTE«T BOWES— CbßPTflirifia and JFcnraniinf OHOULDEBS—I3J» Jh* Puuburgh*mok«lShoal- sTsSttSayi "T "ijjf 5~0~ 615 I. ' ' ... : Beaver, CiaiV.’Wellsville. t "T ■Mmbim. No. SO Hina B*, between >Wooa den on bud ud (or *alo by - r 27¥dndBy, ‘ tj art 5 ? ?S3 | Caleb Cope. ••*<* •nr-n—;*»- OadMarketliwS.., ■ ■ febSM %Ml ” wYfc arCLTCHEON. : i* Monday, . . 035 5,0 Ba* I 1 liffi* ’ll: 111 Manufactured tobacco-® bx* c&apman’a S'*, 25 do Couctwu Vi, SO-do Ctvanah Ft, 10 do Hassell Robinteu's A’*, IS In* V*, 25 do llankm'i 6'*, 80 do Branch'll'*; on consignment airs dated ntet.br Seb33 ■.-,*••» ' A CORDON, front it SHAWLS A RIBBONS—A few. veryriehand tcp. Cathmere ShawUjjurtreceiTed; alto, Spring Rib* boat, in put variety, al ihedry good* house of . , fcfcP ; • ■ ‘ W.B.MURPHY. T3BACCO-8 hbds JlatooCaunty Tobacco, receiv ed ihia IUT-per atmr N«W England, and for sale by JAMES HUTCHISON ACo 1 febB3 ' -• 45 water and P 3 front it T¥TrABU BOAIIOS—TS do> Hiee’i Improved P*»at ..TV Zinc Wwliltoonli, wholeMl« i&dreuul d*ctnrer , «prieM.!/y J 2) WILLIAMS, j. fcbaj i- • no Wood n BULK PORK-213 pc’* bilk aidesjtuirec'doacaa f jynwwmt and for tale tiy - BROWN & CULBERTSON feb39 • ■ • - '•!;• i«3Llbeny«i SUNDRIES—ISO ban Green Rio Coffee, 30 tiercel Q rice, 10 bble Tur.CO dxs M R ratlin*, is store and lor •ate by .’} JOHN SDJJLWOETH Vt££i - • \ ’B7 Wood at PRIME BACON—In itdre and imbkcboose, eon*. stantly tot tale in any quantity, by ' . febg - BROWN « CULBERTSON Cl UNDRIES—3S tcka Peathan, 13do Giueag,BSdo P Goober Feat, 3do Dry Apple*;# bbl* Beans;now lauding pertunrC'enettee.tbrttleby j ■ tcbXi ■■- - j .. s' ISAIAII DICKEY SUNDRIES— 11 bblt larife abalfbbls doos bag* fea ther*; 5 tacit dried applet jaw received per SB Qathier, and Cor tale by [feai]l3llAH DICKEi tCt COPAL VArLMSn-5ib!»;10 kg* Bottnnmanuftc tore, for tale low by * ISAIAH DICKEY A Co ! • (ebS4 ' ' • water and neat «t OUGAR—6 t'Kit. s O Sugar jut! received on eooi CJUNDRIES—IOO bblt O. Molatte* W IM> prime O ti. TObbUaartfl >fa» Loaf do; ira? recetr. •d for tale by . . t luttH S» IHLiyORTH tlSH—White i'ith tn WMf Mfl-Mbbleforttle 6y > .■ e.IgAIAH DU; AAV* Co I" 'aRY PEACHES— 10SHllBfyPtaebe«,taodoAp* g*" “*• nr.VOXBOXXHOEWtC. -pCOft-O bbli: fresh W recthed eo eonrign* ; POFiDEXTEtt* Co. it: rttnvcd by the Swatara, for. BBOWK It CULBERTSON ;ICE— Idriercatj L/taln by. tfetcOl Lblr and 80 teat Nol lard^for^th^, (LOVER SEED—OO both Penna Clorer Seed for r tale by (fetoffl - J ARFLOYD HlCKEtffr-50 dox Deattr Bucket* for tale by > [frbo3| : f, JAR FLOYD TTINBGAR.—IOQbbI* Cider Vinegar, on hand and for ■ T tale low (breathby ; RESCHWKI’PE, t Abaadiw ■ t - igalibeny meet. ,'A SHES—IO ctktSaleratu*; 10 do No l Potash; IS do A. Black Salt*. For *al*:-by wba ’ Carson a Mcknight ; T>ICE—-25 liercti prim*' Rjco just roc kited and for XV tale by. ; POINDE2CTERA Co feb23 ■ ' • : . : % g 4l water st /"I OLDEN SYRUP—IOhJtbbU-StJamei Refinery;" \T No 6 Syroßjutl received and for tale by ■ ; . POIN DEXTER A' Co “17188-40 hlf bblt No 8 Mackerel; just received and J for talc by (ftb23l POINDEXTER ACo ORANGES— CO bxtjnit received per ttmr Ben Roth, and for tale by ATWOOD JONES A Co lebat ; a-. . ..waterit ; OTUCCO and Plaster of Pari* ftora the atillof.R W Cunningham, fortaleby GEO W JACKSON, , ja3*dandw3mS, . i 4th n near liberty. MACKEREL— 125 bblt INo 3 Mackerel, large size, in store and for sale hy - feb!7tf ■ y JOHN SCOTT A Co. ; I—oo bbla in More end far sale j JOEL MOHLER, cor. Wood tad Fifth ttmti. s : SPTB. TURPI by leb!7 BRIMSTONE-t-Onebbl iu store and for tale by feb!7 . 1 % JOEL WOHLER. (AMPUINE of Pina Oil in store and for sale by , l fcblT i, . ; JOEL MOHLER-_ BUCKWHEAT sekt htOled Bnekwbeal Flow, 15 bbl* in store and for talc by fob!3 - GKO A BERRY.;. JUNIPER BERRIES—r bag (fresh) jast rac’d and for sale by ■ ] • • RE SELLERS, • feb!7 i •■•57 : ySmNESE VERMILLION—2S lb* lust rte’d nndfor by t [fellTp RE SELLERS. I OWD ARSENIC—33Bib* jim ree'dand fortale by iv i dc> srnma. EEFD DOROX, ca*e*Jutt* «e*d and far MlebT i [fablT}*. RESELLERS. ■Jig i-P.An—m Pip init rec'd pet *tr Amen* «ele on the wharf by , BURBBIDGE. WILSON fcCo.Water «t p wnxiAMS. SCORCHINGS-*€ bbts?oa consignment and for sale by ..1 • i:- J D WILLIAMS. . St UNDRIES—I2S do* Eggs; 15 doa Tow Yam; 100 o» cQaiifOiMni FRESH TOMATOES-*! do* bo ttlM, i wnte' article ': lfebl7] : J DWILLIA3I& y-sQtm *r.F—tii fans' t\« eoiladi.kndd in. Toned Ropes on consignment 2Sdfct«2>r ‘ J C WDWELL,AgU . febls •• W i . u ' Water streets ASTOR OlL—Sbblsjdri m’d and febl* : J SCUOONMAKEttfcCo. MWCAN. »BOOMS—loQdo*forsaleby - • • '• I : S F VOX BOXNHQRST & Co. SnVTHE SNEATIIS—-GOdorfor salebr . fcbLV *8 F VOX Co__ ,-rtttfrHH haUVcbesU and ca^eQtormg J? Hy*!* Gdnpowder, tapetial andl«JgJgJJF l * feeMandforsalubT- : i L S WATEBjjAf*^ GT*BSk-ib boxes W ElmndlngMdtort^*l»r ; febld ’ • ROBERT PALZELL Liberty it SUGARS— 10 hbda piano S O sajar. • ; ' Sbblaloof ** ' <J. * ebraahed.- u --in store and Car Ift hT ■ i: tfcbT] - O BLACKBURN A Co. B| j clg:rs^ s o°l&Cßrofet t ’co. STARCH— 15 bows ©f.Boobrijbta no t, (ot-nla by - O BLACKBURN k Co. Ifl~f«TKft PARlS—aaitable'for" Und, Ae„ always ..., , .; f fJVA^yjetcK. t*»c «u>e diamond. • OPADEB A BHOVELS— andManare Teaks , j.-a , . !. a. - - No. 20 Wpftdst' J ABD OIL—IS bbls Cood line's No l'Lard Oilman Vrooii) bow* Mould Candlesin ’ .M: store and for sala by .—,/*«* «' . •• feblH: ’ V. - r ;■ sp-T.RMfc in COLS- mALLOW—3? barrels Tallow jost ree'd per *Uiaer hs?'”'* fc W aUlßAfolt.__ T^^ €OBN— GO ban yellow Corn just receired oo coo t W HABCATJOn. .. toso?-?** 1 nEA f M»F»- £Q sacfl dry Peaches, 100 writ* ;J^ r U. re .eIT ? .^ fc r B^^|UMAtloa BUTTES * EGGS—S barrels fresh wUUcerTd® FAHJB-7* barrel* Floor, Smith brand, Udo «»-“ d r i K«SL •O L frgff~* tl ' l *'^°“*"o^DS , oßOAX. IBIKKI •^SSnsssTßri ' ftMitf j No 7 Ccaotrciil Bow, liberty at. - ■ftCDER VINEGAR—IO bbU old older Tine jar to ar* br;, JonfJ n,. , EOSIX boweNo 1 Cincinnati Soap for rSd? fc M7CAN DLESS. j. , 3S2Bl2!!3!^*2§S§*? PRIME GUM bn iUUU—lDOlbaßtf MU .hM* . i . - J KIPPACo. SPERM 01L—133 rale for rale by '. _fV : . ... J KIPP fc^Co. A ijt?AFoffnS— IScarboTi for tale by ,A feblO • •? ■ . J KfOP fc Co. •TvUXCIN’S EXPECTORANT, GENUINE-*-* del. iU faraalaby V J JOPPA Co. •"I7EATHERS—23 sacks Feaxbera landinf from SUQT. FhanixaxxUbr saJabT * - ikbis ' * .‘James dalzell. iTIOBKft—3 bales t«ltsi botiTe cork s fceaileTr febio JOHN DMOBGAN, IfPrift-TTH A HA)lla—l3o dot'liearer kuckeis; 3 t bbisFunity Floor for sale by . fc&l - 1 • JOHN B DILWOHTH. ■ b«»b<!s’sbelled com in bbla anduei "x,/forisaloby - ' . »eliSl . • MeGILL. BUSHFXELD A ROE. TkEY rood qadlit* for m!« by, ' V -X/' • - : GEO VrEPHTMUOS, 1 i jebSt., i eoraer.lUiMd Ferry 1 btU Orwr Pippin and Vail . ,V derer% tor saJe by , „ f Mdbataiw* < GEO STEPHENSON. ~ •I'OBACtO—B2O km 6 twj** ■fobaaeo j««| rac'd and ; .JL fcciilalowby' -* >bat " ATWOOD, JONES & Co, .'TTKBkEI) ■X4 «ftU by bblsUnseed OU instore and U : BELLERH A NICOLA, : ;; - So 14 Liberty rt. ‘' > khda prim* abooldara, tft do aide*, jut f.' J> mahred and for aale bf \> -trig*...,, - . agXEttS k KICOLS. f DttM'SOAP—49 bxa Jfo 1, jnn raewTada&dfor tA'isysr.,^.A**«x>»*«wko.; -'- » i -i 33vi'J. ' wM4rtUtUl* lu i ‘ ■■■' '' '• ’ 1 :' ’z ]■ ~■ ■!*s■'' j.\ ; MiSdMNEOUS. JWEUr MALaOA k.SAtTEBNK WLNB-aO-«rr J tasks 8. sL.Wine£l3 qr casks Uoat Sauterne uo* iuireediTed«ndJbriiJ«'by __• • • febtl—- - • ' * HICKRIBOV - /“tHEESE—SO boxes W B Cheese (or sale by S F VOX BONNHOBST t Co. 11AR-±22 bbls WilminxloaTnrjaM ree'd end (or tale by « &- lUCKETSON. L'SCAT WINE—BS boxes Unseat Wise jest ree'd , and tor sale by MILLKtt k RICKKTBON. ; B BANDY FBUIT—4 eases Braody Froit jost ree'd and for sale by jMILLEB * BICKKTSON. CHLOROFORM— 3 lbs jost arc'd and hr sole by febjjl 1B K BKLLKBB, 37 Wood tf ; Gl^ASf*— boxes;B*lD \V.Glassy4o boxes 10*13 do: SO boxes 10*14 do; (or sale fay •isbll- ' r E ROBISON A Co. SOLE LEATHER—23OO lbs red Sole Leather Cor sale by [fcbU], R BOKSOX tt Co. CHEESE— 33 boxefcCrama Cheese, large size, ree’d and for tale by . >,WkR U’CLTCHEON, t'ebll i- . ’ l&l Liberty, street ; /'IEDAB LOGSr-30 will be told very low to'dote consignment, ■ ISAIAH DICKEY ACo, - («b3 water A front sis. ; COFFEE— SOOsaekt Rio Coffee for sale by fcbl4 rOiNDHSTERfc Co. 41-Water sL SHOT— sS kegs Shot,' Nos. 1. 3 and 3 for sale by fcbl> ; POINDEXTER A Co. OILS— Wirner bleached whale oil. . •*' lard “ always on hand O BLACKUUKN &. Co. J? LOUR—SO bLU extra superfine-Family Floor for ?»leby (febOll WICK fc M-CAxfiuam. )BACCO—I4O bzx'coperior fit Tobacco for tale br feM } WICK -It M*CANPLES3. SOAP —10 boxes min Boap for sale by T7EATIIEIIS-S7 sick* prims Term- to arrive by •j? Ur. Lady Byron, for sale by HSAIAH DICKEY k. Co , i - ' 1 . Water and Front iti. SAIiiKRATU9— 30 Cot» pure S*l*rnttn{ "I 75 bozr«. do do; rec'il and •j ROBT DALZKLL * Co. Liberty aircct 1 "DORK —U bids mist and prime Pmk in store and JT-'forsaJe McCILL, BL’SHFIBP A KOK. : BATTING —50 bales Cotton Batting for tale by febla . MeGILL, BUSHFIELD A BOE. riAOBACCO—4O kers No IVa TsrisTfor tale by J. fcbU MeGILL, BUSUFIELD A ROE. MOLASSES— 1(0 jbblt plantation 1 Uolatses landing from m ClippefNo9.and Car tale.by -j febbl { JAMES PALZELL. CHEESE—' 75 boxeslV R Cheese for tale by - febia ! • JAMES DALZKLL i ICE—lb tierce* Bice jan rec'd and for tale by irfthia t MILTER A BICSCTSON. TOBACCO ES —60 boxes at sorted Tobacco** lor tale Jjy 8 F VON BONNHORST A Co. ' SAL j&BATUS—4 caaka for sale by •. • . fcbU 8 F VONjBONNHORST A Co. JUBT received. soibt Preeip. Carb/Iron. and for sale by jltbU] J KIDD A Co. "TTARNISH—ISO giUs New York Varnish, for tale-br T . febll (Chronicle copy) J KIDD A Co. ' , DRY PEACHES—I2O bus Dry Peaches; 70 do Dry /Applet Jim received and for tale by febll 1 SAW HABBAUGH, S 3 Wood «. ROLL BUTTEB4-A bbU BoD Bauer jail lulling < and for tale by! febll - s SAW HARBAfGH. SCOBCiIINGS— 10 bble Scerchioga rcc’d per Caleb Cope and fortala by ' . febU ; '8 A W HABBAUGiL BULK POBK— lbe Balk Pork, bog round, just received and for tale by febll . i ~ .SAW IIABBACOIL BACON— 350 Hams; Z>4. Sides; £53 Shoulders, city cored, in store and for SXle by febll «.j*- SA W HABBAtrOH. YALENTLVE3— 'A fplewHd auortmenx Valenaac* comic and Kmhnenul, tat salt br fcblO JOHN H MELIX)r )R, 61 Wood it SUGAR AND RICE—7 bh4* N O Sa*ar, 12 tierces Rice landing frdm itt Colorado and tor sale by - teblO - !V~ t JAMES DALZELL. ' TUBT iree'-d. SO lb's Oyd. Potash, for ula by y febl2 1 <ChWß.tcpyk - J KIDD A Co. LARD—SO cans Of asaperior quality, put tip express ly fer family use, just we'd end for sale by lebta ; jllBOWN». CULBERTSON. TTTINDO W GLASS—SOO boxes 0*10; 150 boxes 10 h fT 100 boxea4oMli, for sale by i fcbia a F VON BONNHORST A Co. SUGAR' AND iIOLASSES-20 hbdaprime N OSa nr. 40 bbls prime N O Molasses just recM and for sale by* [jaa] SELLERS A NICOLS. < rTEJL—xe hs!f.e&su Y H lea; sdo Imp. and Ol* do; 1-10 do Cbalao Powrchonr: 90 eaity boxes various •tries, for sale by J D WILUFM9, ..jiao. r..| i;. 110weedstreet. tARD—I bbi, 4 bbl and 9 kers Afo 1 leaflard,ren‘ dcred, for sale by Wlt M MITCHELTREE, jagg ~ it 160 liberty at. J l>LAClUVOOU4dobimoa * Sfc Iseeisedßlackwood's EdioUttTJ for December, 1617. ■\TAllis aKITSPIKes-ijm kef* Bails and. sp assorted, in store sod for sale hr jsS7____!_ L B WATERMAN. ■TONE -PIPEft—HJ boxes stone pipe* lor sale by | i«a . : I- WICK k. M’CAXDIASB. "fTTINTER WHALE OIL-5 cask* bleached, Jail I* teedknd forsale by • -r -jan2l ;t ■ J SCHOONMAKEg-ACo. SAL SODA—2SOO lbs just ree d and far sale by j- J SCBOONMEKER A Co. jswoi : i. , • No 21 wood at. SALERATUB-rll cask* Cleveland tat sale by jua t WICK fc hTCANDLESS. BACON— A small lot prime. for sale by jagl ! WICK A M’CANDLESS. BACON AND SCZJg PORK—OOO ham;bacon; 1100 shoolders do; 22 hbds tide* do; 57 do la bulk, on bellebs t McoLg I* iEANS-S bbls whit* beans; 4 do sset do, in stors. uHar nlßly POINDEXTER A Co. /'IHEESE—« boxes W R cheese for sale by ;T . POINDEXTER k Cc- FiEACHISJ— 150 bn dried peaehe* for sale by .. junto j . k Co. COAL-Ordere tot coal lo be deUrered la ike city wil nseei prompt; attention if left with__ jmlP • j MeCILL, BCBHFIELD k ROE. ALCOHOL- 5 bbls tot sale by - jaia i R E SELLERS, 57 wood it. A LOES—MO ibaforaale by A jaalfl - k QUA AMMONIA PORT-3 carboys forsale!by A I R K BKLEERB. Blacking— too dozen far mu by - juild 1 . j; BE BEI iI<HRB> SUNDRIES— Jbbls Urd;Ssb*shels dried apples, 10 dope«£he*;4 Dozen woollen socks; OS Ibtbceswak S 3 ban prime Bio eoffee jnrt fee'll and for br R OARFORD k Co. COTTON—4OI bales North Ala.'<o arrire perSß -UriMfcrMobr forsvtiiaco. jaa!7 • " i ' 30 water street. TEA reams just redd and for sole by ftblß BEVNOUIS k SHKB. GORN— 18. bbls Coro lost Undine from str Skipper and for salefby * feblS ' ! Non Wood if. HOPS—S 3 bales Ohio Mops for sale by . fcMg | JOHN 8 DILWORTH. XIfHITE BEANS—IS bbls Nary, jnst rac’d and foi YV tale br L 8 k W HARRALGH, Vebls- I 33 Wood »L ROLL BUTTER-7 bUs (tub Foil Butter just recU bad for sale by WICK * M’CANpLESS. feblß nraH ttotl. BUTTER—M bbls prime. nisi recll SdforsoUbT WICK k AfCANIILIgS. Bacon— UMBO lb* prime shonlden, dry knsd; $OOO J 5 feouw A FUEF- T p fe/if iTINE ~‘ M N^r FO f f&IT' CHEESE— BO bozes ebeeH jtul redd and per sunr Michigan arid for sole bjr • * feblS ISAIAH DIC KEY A fid Water st. INSEN <i~k 'foe" Gl n*e»*'and btbr °'"%Sx P hobcan. Easa^T^^aaSß^ feja - ‘ r• ' ' ' nogpwottdst. M ACKER£I r , “ jelf; ' - v - • V ' u :i .. East aide Hamond. CORN— fil bbissfcejfe.dcomlaadio. •• feblS , ? kIcGILU pUSHFIELDit ROE. PURE CIDER VINEGAR for sale by feblS I McOILL, UUBHFIE&P k lIQg. ufki now lauding from str Lady .1* JUrofl and foe safe by • feblS i ' ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, / tOON JSKLN ?—sack now fipm str Lady 'VfiSP 8 * f" **^ c bi i»liAH mcKEV t Cc. C *RUSHED SUGAR— ssbbls Levcring's crushed Su ,ll«.br vrjCK M'CAXPLKSS. EHB. bM *” sciph j°Li i iNu t .yon«AN TAIID-SoaUrtiw*«'j? w IjfcblCdJt ?• CLARIy jfcj COTTON DIAPER—One feaU bcary dax?*- . ask cotton diapers, ons bale brown .Five cues new spring Fancy CASSiMEm*>— SHACKLCTT* WHITE. TT EJIKEBEer CH>S*S=rSo cS-foT nrr ? WHITE _ BARLEY-KDba*b«l»for Mile by -\j feb»B • r • , JAMBS DALZCLL- rpo ABniVK-ac tacka Fe»tber«l3 GinientC '1 IMitcktOootxr Pcu; 0 Meki Dnr Apples, for**Je b% • ISAIAH DICKER A Qd„ . ..toll - - ;•): WaMf u4Front iw. - CdMIERCIALKECQRD. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE* j : COMMITTEE FOR FEBRUARY, LOREX2. JO6t|IJA ILIBKA.. . W. 3. lOTTFX ■ .Omcs PirrancEon Gazette, 7 Mondoy Morning, February 2S, 1845. J The market,, oa Saturday, wu marked by so important variation from quotations of previous day. The weather was doe, and business through (he city, and along the wbarij presented some show of activity, although we could hear of no transaction in any abide beyond the regular sales to trade. Flo us—The market, lor several days, ;has been steady, but not active; and prices remain unchan* ge«L Soles of several small lots, at the river, at $1(24,124 for prime to extra prime; and of about 100 bbls from store at $1,2234,37, t by dray load, and $1,50 f singlo bbL We see no immediate prospect of a further decline in Flour, - although considerable quantities are arriving - , and supplies are on the increase. The demand here is quite' limited, and stecksare mainly held with a view to eastern shipment an the opening of the canal. Peovtsions—Sales of 10,000 fits Bacon, ,in lots, at for Hams Si'S 6c; Sides 4|£isc, and Shoulders at 4c v ft. In Lard, there seems to be an improv ed feeling, although we hear of no cole to any con* siderable amount. We quote moderato lransoc> lions at • st(3Gc, as in quality. Regular sales of .Roll butter at 11, 12 and 13c, according to.quality, and of keg at 9fi9|c tp B. Geockkies— Xo change. to notice in the market, everything is qaitt, with little, if any, change in -prices. Regular sales of N. O. Sugar are effected at slfisic lii-MolSsses, the market is quiet* and prices remain firm. Soles are regularly effec ted at 2Sc p gaL Sales of Bio Coffee at 8136|c 18. Of Rice, at SR3SIc. Cheese. —The amount of cheese received' B| tide water on the Hudson - river, last year, was nearly 41,000,000 pound*, of the value 'of more than $2,000,000. -j ' coulains 27,000 spindles, driven by an engine of 400 bone power. It employs 575 hands, who re. ceive in wages $120,000 a year, and manufactures 5,000,000 yards annually. The steamer Mountaineer, on her recent trip from this port to St Louis, broke some of her ma chinery at Slim Island, and was toVed back to Portland by the Bunker Hill— Jour. The Miami Canal is again filled at this end and navigable. Several boats left here during yester day, and at 5 pi m. one had arrived.: Several others were expected to,arrive during the night, From Dayton to Troy the repairs are not yet completed, and navigation between those points not likely to be resumed until near the end of the week.—{Cio. Gax. Cattle Markets, - Philadelphia, Feb 24.—At market 1050 beef cattle insluding 400 driven to'NTork; 150 cows and calves, SOU bogs and 800 sheep. Prices—Beeves, $6,75(38 lOOlbs. Cows and Calves, $7014 for Dry, $12323 for springers and for fresh. e*w*. Hogs at $0,256*6,75 the 100 Os; 180 unsold. Sheep sold at $1*50(35, as in quality:' Baltdtoee, Feb. s.—On Monday 550 bead of Deere*; 310 were sold atprices ranging from 82|50 10.53,75 per 100 lbs. on the hoot equal to $5a7,25 net Hogs were selling at per 1011 lbs, being an advance.; | IMPORTS BY RIVER* SunJU!i —Per WeltsviUo—3o bbls tlour, Ido but ter) Rhodes: 456 pcs b meat, S sks wool, 5 dp fea thers, 12 bbls, 23 xga lard, b bhds tobacco, 0 sacks peaches, 1 bid batter, 0 bhds tobacco, 5 kgs lard,- 3 bbls c seed, 1 do butter, 200 do Sour, Sampson; 7Q' bgs shorts and shipjstuffs, Donaldson, 35 tons fire day, Wood, Edwards Ac McKnighi; 22 1 sks husks, Booth; 5 sks rags,Dobell & co; 3 bbls lard, 11 sks rags, 1 bhds do, 27 pcs bacon, 2 bhds tobacco, 4 kgs lard,.l sek ginseng, 13 sks rags, owner. CiwriuJutfi—Per Loyal Hanna—32 bdls saddle trees, 11T Leech Ac co; 25 bxs soap, Diiwortb; 130 tks pea nuts. 705 b meat, George & co; 25 bbls whiskey, MitcbeHree; 2727 pcs b meat, Jordan A: Son; 7091 do do, .Galway; M bbls loaf sugar, 24 tgs syrup, 26 bales Hemp, Hutchison Ac co; 150 bisection,Kennedy.Ar! Child*.. .... Brairmvißtr-Vvc Baltie—l2 bgs wheat, JA: B Walker 11 pkga mdse, Grafl} 17 do do, "J Thorn; 17 do do, Forsyth Ac. Duncan; 30 do do, Plummet; 74 bxs glass, 300 ft* rags. Magraw; 10 bbls whis • key, Marshall; 14 dodo McEihenny. • ’ TTrCmTi—Per. Caleb Co pe—3 bxs mdse, 1 bag roata, 1 chest, T Robison; 21 b«*oal»,Swiggm; 36 do oil meal, 1' csk bacon, l Itbl sundries; 1 tW c seed, 562 pcsb pork, Bogaleylb Smith; Übgsoats Donaldson; S bgs cqrnmeaVl bx eggs, HeareUon; 1 *ck rag*, Reynolds Ac Shoe. ET-tßuj* of Coiraxau—liar*: Toxic-—'To ihe Bald ami Grey—lf 70a wish a rich, luxuriant head of hair, fj«e from da ml niff and scurfi do sot fail 10 procure the genuine Balm of Columbia. In caees of baldness it will more than exceed your expectation*. Many who have lost tlieir.hair tor SU year* have had it restored to lu original perfection tly the um of this balm. Age, state or condition appear to be no obstacle whatever; n also causes the fioul lo flow wkb whiah tha deilemie hair tube U filled, by which mean* thousands (whose hair was grey, as ibe VAsiaetlc Eagle) have had therr hair restored to i'-i natural color by uteoseofthi* ratal oable remedy; In all case* of farer it.wili bo farad the most pleasant wash that can be nsreL A few appHcat Uona only are 1 necessary fo keep the hair from tailing out It strengthens the roots, jt never Ails to impart a rich glossy appearance, and a* a perfume for the,toilet it is unequalled; it holds three times aS much as other reischlled hairreftoratives and is wore elfectnaL Tun genuine manufactured by Comstock A Co., 21 Court laud "•£l3 in Pittsburgh, duly genuine, bjr-WM. JACKSON, 90 Liberty it, head "of Wood; in Washington, Sweeny A Soa; iiißrownsville, by Bcrmet k Crocker; in Canonsbnrg, by Dr.‘ Voael; also, by our agentsilu; every town In Ohio and-Ald. uovlSdAwtJoT fTT*To BrasMaost Max a*® - Ornxas.—Connellys Magical Pain Pinradtof—lt U now conceded by medi cal men that Connell's Magical Pain Extractor, manu factured by ComsleckrA Co. 21 Courtland *t N i,u the greatest wonder of the 19th century. Its effects are truly miraculous. Alt'pains are removed from burns, scalds, Ac, and all external sores, in a few nrinutfa af ter iu application; healing the same on the mojt deli cate akin, leaving no scar. It l* equally beneficial in all kinds of inflammatory diseases, ouches sore .Nip ples and Eyes, Sprains, Rheumatism, JVhito Swelling and Uteetiv Breisesi'lwnuL Chilblains, Erysipelas, BUes,’Tle DoloreauX, ftc. We might add a* proof to *ll we say, fte names of many emiuent physicians who me it hi their practice, and bond red* of the clergy wbo praise it to theu people. Kind purcnl keepil conslanUy on bamL is case* of accident by fire, Ida may be lad with out it; but by It* use all bums are subject to us control, anleM the vitals are destroyed. Caution— Remember and ask for Connell’s Magical Pain Extractor, menu feetured by Comstoek 4 Co. NY. and no other. , Sold br WM. JACKSON, Agent for Pittsburgh, 9 'Liberty st, head of Wood. uovlfidAwfimT frtTH*CUMaydUstrgngdy destructive to the hu man cuticle, (or skin) the sudden gbange from heat to eoldJand the smoke cause* ysltow, dark, coarse com plexion*. Then it Is requisite that the pores of the skin should be kept their mouths should be freed from’ imparity—’twas thus the anoicut Roman phers cured all diseases—they computed. ihsinnore the pores of the sfciq, than any other outlet of the body, diseases and qtueahby ynpore 1 left through the It Is -necessary, therefore, to keep the pores open—all humors are/dispelled from the skin from the pores, ' wbett they wash with Jon©# 1 Italian Chemical Soap- I hare seen it euro the worst and oldest cases of Soil Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber's Itch, Sore Head, Ringworm, when titty other internal and external remedy bad failed—ftt effect rendtpog the skin white, clear and soft, though jt be yellow and eparse, is wou derful—U removes Freckles,Tan, Sunburn, Morphew, and! disfigurement of lha skin—but persons mult be particular and ask for Joxos Boap--to be had m Pittsburgh at WM. JACKSON’S, sign of the Rig 8004 tO Liberty it. Price S(J cents. novlfidAwly rrr Uas *B* P*or*» Mjus*—lf yon w* rt *° **. ■S^^^SSS^SSIr&SS: B-waS’^Sri?!as then the only efficient mean!*'to you is to use Jayne’s Kxuec torut, wticbwill immediately orcjopfnc S munTrUcl.toiur.cu But tHunclt" "/'SJfcS aud loosens and bring* up .the mucus which clogs them up, slid thus remove* ever)' obstruclum to* foea * c »ph ration, wJula at lira wipe tune all inflommatidn u sub dued, and a"enra.fi certain to bp effected, Have you Spitting i?f Wood. Pleurisy, or Ip ftft any piCatTiiSon, then use Jayne’s I kpeeurar& atuTWe/jJ gurteio, and you will, find that you have ttreet near Wood,; l - j - .W*" 7 IT-7- rjoes your hair lull off, dot* your hair turn gray .. 1* it harsh, is it dry, ©rdirty, I prayl If his thus, you can make 11 soft, silkynadfine, •• ' Dark and Jiioftbr, oqd beauteous as this hair or mine And to huvo%is, you liAyo buftlireo shillings to give For a bottle of Janes’ Haiy Kestorauvc. - • -Reader, if you hkve bad hair you woaldwgilybou*- rauished ut the IdVely effect r three shilling 00tlfoj*» Tones' Coral Hair Restorative bus oil it; it needs but otw trial. novlSdAwly broilb, . Spongy gums like roUcu death, ! Is repulsive and disgusting.' All could have teeth ss white as pearl,. Bwqet byeatlt-hanl guins-tnan or girL, Why delay!—tiny, qjaekly h«»td Aud use a boxwt Jones’'i.qorit * fit costs but23 eeou, and»s really abeenUfuJ «W<HP; It gives the teeth a fine euaiasl Bold in Pittsburgh a* Bbliberiy.fct. uovlWAwly i ID* Don’t have-yellow dark Teeth—they can be muiTe pearly white by one time using a box of Jones Amber Tooth Paste. It burdens tbs gums, sweetens the uyeaLb, lf.o. Bold ai W Liberty sL • novlDdAwly ■ , "I iCTTrftnx lUj.t 41-suc.—Cpmstofik’i Npryeeiju BoiieLiniroeiu and ImuanyegeUtule Kuxir. i*di e row! effectual cure for Hbeumstism. .'bo Iff by WSI.JACK* :ON. Aeeut for Pittsburgh, ,< novlddfowCmT i [D"Pni»i Sous, Ae.—The tWsnuJne Hays’ Liniment is an article more justly celebrated as a cure for the above than any or all others, lu eures are almost Inf numerable. • Bold by. WM. JACKSON, Agent for Pitts burgh. novlßdAwfimT ITT* Don’t have a Foul Breath—lf you have, uu two shilling bottle of Jones’ Amber Tooth Pasta. Thi will make your breath sweet, whiten yoar teeth, A*-- . t . jwvlfldAwly <1 iWvJ.i.wHJjAJ,’, ..«• ' j PORT OF; PITTSBURGH. 6Ffksx watxk in chaxwl—faiuso. : j i ARRIVED, Beaver, Clark, WeUsville. . Caleb Cope, Beavef and WeUsville. ' Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. .Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. Bailie, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic,' Parkinson, BrownsriHa. America, De-Comp, Cia. • WeUsville, Borns, Sanfisb- - Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Skipper, Stoops, Parkersbnrgb. FairmounL. Poe,- Sc. Louis. De Witt Clinton, Devinney, New Orleans. Palo Alto; McDonald, jCin. Ludlow, —Zanesville. Consul, Dusbane, Wheeling.. Financier. Fainusn, Cin, Lehigh, —St Louis. !j DEPARTED, Beaver, Clark, WeUsville. • Michigan No Gilson, Beaver. Caleb Copej-Moore, Beaver and Weltrille. Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.' WeUsville, Barns, Sunfiah. ‘Lake-Erie, |lemphUl, Beaver. Isaac Newton, Mason, Cin, Roscoe, Javens, New Orleans. ' Messenger, Reno, Cin. Western World, Norton, New Orleans. BOATS LEAVING THIS: PAT. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, 8 a. M, and 3 r. M’ ; v CINCINNATI PACKET, 10*. x. BEAVER PACKETS, at 9 and # IQ a. x., and 3 o’clock, r.xJ GLASGOW PACKET, 4 r.u. PACIPIC, Louisville. EUREKA, Sc Louis and Illinois River. The river last evening was Cl feet water and falling slowly. ! PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR ISM. . Btaaraboat Packet Line, leavci daily for Cincinnati, •,10 a.m. i ; : Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 9>*. m. and 6 r. m. Mall Coach Lida direct to Philadelphia, 9 a.m. and 121 p. m. ! Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 a. M. North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 a. m. Erie and Western New York, daily, 9 a. m. North-Eastern toiladelphia, daily, exeept Sundays, 4, A. M. ■ i ARRIVALS And departure of mails. Eastern Mail via'Philodelphia, due 3i.lt, closes 19 M. Westht Mail, Cinetn. & IxmiaT, due 8 p. m*, closes Sam. South. TiaUaiiimore A Washington, due 8 r. m. el's 3 ax North Western via Cleveland, due 10 a. closes V*. M. Erie and Westerh New York, due 8 closes 9 A. M. 03 maukt ir* iitwin tans asp rocxra itnui, INFORM *their friend* and the public generally, tbit being about to remove to the spacious end elegant Store recently-erected on.lhe adjoining Lot. They will close out their large and well (elected stock of Fall and Good* at cc«t, and in manjr eaie* less than cost,, to enable ithea to open their new store with an entire stock of New Goods. Hie sale will ceminence this day and continue to the fint of March, or until their tenoral. \ Their .extensive assortment oi Dresa Goods will be sold frill SO per cent less than usu* al prices. Tbey:consi*tof the most fashionable Cash meres and Delapes, Gala, Mohair, Silk and Oregon Plaids: Also, Bombazines, Abscess, Ac. Cloak Good*—French and German Merinos, Queen's Cloth, French Plaid Cloakings, Broad Cloths, of all the wimi fashionable colon. Black and fancy Dress silk*, o! *Tery variety: Shawls—Cashmere, Terkeri, Tartan Plaid, and other shawl*—a very large assortment, fully reduced one naif in price. Flannels—Welsh, English and American Flannels, of all colon and qualities. Bonnet and Can Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Gunps and Fringes, Wrought CoUan and Capes, Laces, Artificial Flowers, Flumes and Feathers, Seans, Cravats, Hand* kerchiefs, Fancy Buttons, ete. linen Goods of every i description. Woollen Goods—Casstweres, Cassinetts, ! Vestings, Beavers, Pilots, Tweeds, Jeans. Whitney land Be*h Blankets. Alio ah extensive assortment of | Calicoes,Chintzes, domestic Ginghams, Cheeks, Stripes, 1 He kings, browii and bleached Muslins, ete. The following will be some of the Prices: Cashmeres at •. i 181 e. Usual price 37| Mousselin de Ltinea, IS| “ “ 23 and 31 Gala Plaids, j , SO “ “ 1«J, Mohair A Oregon Plaids, 3> “ “ 37* - Alpaceaa, { 19 * « «, ill Flannels, j . SB) 314 Wrought Collars, 1H “ 37* ckifcMs,' V' »toio* « “ 12' CuiuuiUi 88 to 31 u ! M W Together with every article in the Blore, which will he offered equally cheap. Vuiter* may be e*»ured that, they will uot be disappointed in the qaalitT or price* of I our good*. ! [jvul] A A MAJsON A Co. Youg liaiM* ItaUwyi MR. N. W.lMETCALPwouldannouncoiotheera xeiu of Allegheny and vicinity the intended re* TO0 »al of hii echoed from the comer of Sandusky and Strawberry etreeu where for the laet twelve monthe he has been teaching. On and after April let he will oc cupy room* on Federal street in “Colonode Row,” 2d door from the bridge. The Academic Year will con sist of two aeuiona of fire months each commencing on the first Monday in February **td September, urn or femox ru sxmox or rmt xwna. | Cnebsh Department—lncluding Reading, Orthogra phy and defining, Writing, iitglish Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, English'Composition and Criticism, Geography, History, Arithmetic and the higher branches of Mathe matics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy. Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual and Moral Science and all other branches requisite to a thorough English education—' ■ -...... ••*•**» t» Classical Department—lncluding the Latin, Greek and French languages each an additional charge of> • -86 QO The services of competent Teachers are secured for sueh as may desire to receive instructions in drawing, painting, and music. . Those designing to ester will find h for their interest to do » as near uie opening of the session as possible; ret pupils will be received at any time daring the •etsToo and will bo charged at the above rates mily from the time of entrance. No deductions will be made for absences except in cases of protracted illness, Auy information whica may ba desired will be cheat fully communicated to ihoee who eall upou the in structor at his rooms. jaiNdly Befersnce may also be made to the following gentle men: Dr. T. F. Dale, Allegheny, Hon. C. Pbaler, Pittsb’g. Rev. D. Elliott, *■ Rav.D. 11. Riddle, “ Mr. It. P. Schwatx “ Rev, H. Dyeri u ■aw BMki and psrladlcali. J' CST received at M. A. Miner’s, Bmithfield aucet, dd door from Second. Coder's Lady’s Book for March. Christopfier Tadpole,by Albert Smith, with illosUa too* by John Leech; complete. . Tbs Life and Opinion* of Tristram Bhandr, gentle man comprising the humorous adventures of Uncle To by and Corporal Trim; by Lawrence Sumo—beautiful ly illustrated; ...... The Poot Scholar—a story qf Irish Life, byW illiam Carlton. = * Gen. Taylorand his Staff interspersed with name row Anecdotes Of the Mexican War, and personal adven ture* of the Officers, with accurate portrait* andolner beautifulillustration*. Tho Adventurer or the Wreck, on the Indian Ocean, by.LicutmattiMurray, .; Masha or the Pictured Rocks, by Osgood Bradbury, No. H Living Ace. No.iwt. Taylor’s Money Reporter for Feb. IS. iTTrIHo tyicnnrt A superior snide gilt edged Visitiug Oupds, fresh •npply. t Vat tale at M. A- Miners, Bmithfield street, 3d dpor from Second.- * frbffl SUNDAY SCHOOL BOQKA—Ws have lust reccre ed a large supply of books for Sunday sebooHibra ries, published by the American Sanday School Liuon, and approved by a committee of publication, epneistiitg of members of the following denomiuaDons, vixi lisp list. Congregational, Episcopal Methodist. Presbyterian, and Reformed Dutch. These publications comprise upwards of six hundred bound volumes, (of prices from d cents up to 7A) all written expressly tor Hominy schools. In addition to the above, the Union publishes a large variety of books in paper covert for quite young children, fof rewards, Ac. Tlip puion also publishes two librariea, NoIAS of one huiulrrd volumes eaph, numbered ready for use. of books from 72 pages up to lihO at the low price of ten dollars, aversguur only ter cents a volume. Also, “A Youth Cabinet library,” of-fifty volumes, at the low price of two dollars and fifty cents. Also, Hymn books, question books, red and blue tickets on paste boards, maps, Ac, Ac. All the above we sell at tbe Union, Philadelphia prieps. Catalogues of books mt nished on application. ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, febi (rest copy] - AO market st, bet 3d A 4th " " r Boela Ath, THE subscribers arc ifow extrusiveiy engaged in tbs importation of Boda Ash from one if the most cel*- bratedraurnfaefurers iii EiigUnd, and have on hand and will receive during the spring, a large SAPP 1 ? I*et era) shiptnenu being now on the way) which they wi.l warrant equal if not superior to any imported into use United Btaigs, and wbieh they are prepared to sell at the lowest market price for cash or on time for approv ed bills. The strength is warranted from hd to ret per cenu, 5 to 8 pey esiit. above the standard strength, which is MM ITT Present pries 4 toAie teeohlißg to quantity, pay meats, Ac, ■ W A M MITCIttILTREE, febfl ;• r . ICO Liberty st. dEiVKI A. MORBIi, WHOLESALE Dealers in Pruit, Nuts,-Ac, N°- ? Bottth From SL, Philadelphia, have tu store and for sale, at the lowest market prices, , 1000 boxes OO A V Sicily Oranges in prime order; IRK) do Lemons; 1500 do and half do M R Rain ns; 100 cask* Sun ALexia Jo; 30 bags Walnuts and Filberts; 100 do 8 8 Almonds; 1000 bushels North Carolina Pea Nuts; (JUKI dyums pgjni gt}d ptedipm quality Elme Figr, • 10) casgs New Cepbaloiua CUrtniilS) 100 boxes low prioed Primes. Philadelphia, Feb. - - U»lo» Oeitoa MUla, I f •' Feb. l. IHIS-) OWTI’G to alterations and improvements ranking at the Union Mill, the Proprietors offer for salc atj. rates, tolne excellent Betel wheel gesrjng and shafting, cards arid'OthFreetond hknd machinery, all worthy or T?OR BALE—The subscribers will sell thi Engine in X ' their old eitablishment-lbe cylinder is 0 inch.and 25J inch stroke—also, in connection with it th«r Bstk M«n, which is nearly new; all being 111 complete run niM order, t This affords an excellent opportunity o Tanners wishing to use steam >%*. I t «r»«r yf utt,llr *** J ft,| r "*■ fll Black 'and colobeP ai-mcois-W. B Murohr has ou hand at very low prices, an assort jt ofabove goods, including dlflerent shades 01 Colml com Son and Fine; Naxarine Blue do; ilaroon do: Brown do; Black anA Blue do.; Satin strt* Jld Ti Stlu Baned do,' Faucr FlaM do; uJ«b sn as sorttneut of Moharr Imstres, Including some. Verv fine* and flossy! Iff Wholesale Rooms, up lUjre, deJ «,ewm ffl r ebbi?« rtqekjf ahovi amf olhir g^» by jhh piece, at low Cish prices. jasa A nnllL MDLAWH* AND COfFKE-U hhds prim* S v o Sugar; fibbbls N OMoiasaesjfiObsgsßtoCof* foe. iust landing from str Wyoming and for sale by tee.jusna %% i W Liberty st. rrrThaf Will shortly reeeiva per Martha Washing lonandother boats tha following:—3oohbdi print* N 0 - Sunn 438 bblaplastation Molasses; 30 do Sugar H«Hi 90 bhliLoafßuyarfUtisrtss Carolina Ries. fabld Y LC*DHPl*rWf , f7»l , “ (l pf proper streingih *»s»*• J\_’ terefipd Drpirgms’ use>lwsys on hkfld *trid for ul, on ate ’SITCHEI/THEE, -ft,,, . ; 100 Liberty »u*«t. SUOABi'COPFEE, A PEACHES—W bbO. prien. N O Bogar; JO bags prim* Rio Coffee; 16S bull drietr Fe*cbe* (halt**) landing from steamer Genesse and fa ,., |^.r «.oooM.U a m g . t>|eKNlgKT . * ■ 1 111 1 ..A (aoasjforsaJeby t teb7 | PC MISCELLANEOU& , fIOPSES LOTS, FAfflfo** - General. Commission Autlea : -Bnelncsa* fPHE undersigned bos. taken tha large building. No. ‘ X 45, next door lo hlessri. Oldham, Todd k Main [street, for the’purpose of] selling- all descriptions of foods at public or private sales, as directed. Valuable | consignment* for Auction Sales will be promptly at tended to. He will also accept of Agencies for Manu facturers, and will use bis best endeavors for their in terest. In.alleasetainoaniofsnleornbstrsciofsale# will be famished his friends weekly or monthly,accom panied, with cheek on Bank here, or Bank cheek on Eastern cities, when directed- j ’ j • ' He has extensive rooms over his store for thTsale' of furniture, Carpeting, and other bulky articles. 1 : We are surrounded by a dense population of 40 miles dr upwards, with the most fertile soil in the West, and generally worthy farmers, with 35 to 30 Towns and vil lages in that distaucc, yet hot one Commission House here. _ / _ A. LE GRANDE. l.msaTo*. Ky., Jan 21, lfl?- REFERENCES— } Messrs. T. Anderson & Co. 1 . “ L. L. Shreve A Co- O. IV. Anderson', Esq, f LculJ?llle - WRiehardion, Cash'r., ) Messrs. Springer A Whiteman, ) * Tuylor AOdiorrie. Ir-j-,!,—.: T.keave. 1 > Cuicinxisu. J. h. Haskins, ; j , Philip S\rigen t _Esq Jt S i FeterDudley, Esq., >Frankfort ILI Bodley, Esq- j ! John B. Tilford, & Co- ) W. Higgins, A Co, J j ' S. Swiii k Co, . } Lexington. John Dudley k Co- | { M. T. Scott, Cashier, j j feb23la joint qouct ■*«. IUM HWM. NATIONAL POVSDfiT. Commercial Kow, Liberty it. IHIE Subscriber having erected large and extensive , Work* on Pennsylvania Avenue, are now manufac turing, from new and improved pattens, every variety ex Opal and Cooking Stoves. Hollow-warer-Plongh Cast* ings, Wagon boxes, Fancy Fire Grates and Fenders, Kitchen do- yriih superior ranges forCookingpurposes, together with every thing in tbo house building line; such as Conductors, Baiuns, Scrapers, Vault-rims,lintels for: window tops, railings, Ac., on hand or made to order. Machinery orders careful! jrtand punctually attended to.. lebl-dlm QUINN, M’BRIDE A Co. D U Q UIE B~NE Spring, Axle, Steel, and Iron Work*. GO LEMAN, HAILMAN A Co- having completed their new works, are liow preparedlto manafac-. tare every descripUon of Coach and Eliptie Springs, Iron Axles, American, Blister, Spring and Plough Steel, and all sires of small square and round Iron, which they offer for sale ou iiberal terms, at their ware house, No 43 Wood itiret; where they also keep on hand a‘complete aud handsome assortment of Coach Trimmings, Carriage hardware, malleable castings, Nails andiron. C. H. A Co., have made arrangements with Messrs. Day a Crottz, manuCactnren of Shovels Spades, Forks, Ae- and will keep constantly on hand every article maue by them. Dealers are respectfully solicited to call, as prices and terms will be made liberal. JySS • ' Cbickering's' Piarioe.T r ». t ■ - A superb rosawood six octavo Piano, new scale and patent iron frame, made by J. Checkering, Boston. i - 11 W | JI A very elegant rosewood six and. a half octave Piano, new scale, and patent iron frame,' made by J. Chiekering, Boston. The above instrumenu received to-day. and now open for examination; fur aale at Mr. ChieXSring'J pri ces for cash or approved paper. ' Also, on hand, oue elegant rosewood Gothic ptnela, carved mouldings, and moulded Isgs,6odiavef, made by Gale A Co, New York. . One do. carved rosewood 8 octaves, made by Ode A Co., New York, One mahogany second hand Piano, 6 octaves, Of ex cellent tone, end in good' order, mads by Chlokerlng A Stewart, 8123. ' l One superb grand Piano, made by Hen, Paris, tad guaranteed to be the beet Piano ibrte m the city, will be sold at a very moderate price. •f«bl7 JOHN U MELLO: —One elegant Rosewood tlx and a half Piano Forte-double raised cor* "new scale, iron frame-mads by II ■ I |• Cbickering,Boston. One do. gothic panels and mouldings, 0 octave—Gala Sc Co. New. York. Onn do. gothic panels and mouldings, 6 oetaTe— Gale St Co. New York. One superb grand piano, C| octaves—Hen, Tans. The above pianos fortes are warranted, and have been selected by the subscriber, particularly for their good quality of tone and finish am musical instruments. For tale at factory price* by Ja27_ JOHN jttAIELLOR, 81 wood IL ,»r. Hetslleframc Plano. A SPLENDID assortment of Rose, wood aud Mahogany, grand action Pi* 11*1 I ■ aiios. Frame, just finished and for sale. Alo, two splendid Rosewood Pianos, with Coleman’s 'lebraled JEolian attachment, finished in the most modem style, and for sale at n F. 21LUMES, jc*iS j 113 Wood street, 2 door* above S(h. Bcll~and~Brass Foondrr. A A FULTON, Bell and Bras* Founder, has re built anti commenced business at his old stand, where' he will be pleased to see his old custom ers and. friends. Church, Steamboat, and; Belts of everysixe, from 10 to 10,000 pound*, cut from pailcntsof the most approv* pd model*, and warranted to be of die belt maiennU. Miuentl Water l'ompt, -Counter*. Railing Ac., to* getber with eeery variety of Bra** castings, if requir ed, turned and finished nnke neatest manner. H3“A. V. i* the sole proprietor of Biunr's Am- Atwtuw MrraL. *o justly;celebrated far the reduction of friction in machinery, The Bales aud ; Composition can be had of him at a!) time*. , jaltly rPHtsbnrch A. Cleveland Bill Road, ,*S NO I ICE TO in- often per cent, (the sth instalment) jjsjgJs2fc on subscriptions in the capita) stock of tin* company, applicable to that portion of the road under contract, u reqnirrd.tb b« paid on or before the Ist day of March ie4*. jttocuotden in Pittsburgh will pay to J W Robinson,! comer of 3d and wood sts; in ttabueviilo- and vicinity; to Joseph G Laeock; n Wetlsville and vicinity to James Siowurt, loeal tret *• nre'f., By order of the board of directors, j A O CATLETT, See*y- O&ee of the PAC R R Co, \Vell*villo._: [lebldmar _ PTITTSBURGH STEKL' WORKS AND SPRIN J AND A-\LE FACTORY. uaac juses. : j joar r qn< o. JOSES <fc 4X7100, MANUFACTURERS of spring and blister *tr ■), plough steel, etrel plough wiugs, coach and el p* tic springs, hammered iron- axles, and dealers in m J-_ leable castings, fire engine lamps, and coach trimmings' jeiitrally, comer of Ross aud Front su, pituburjh, TjrpeFonndrjr. 3Mnv*ub*criber* nave, taken the Type Foundry, No. SiKioM>«ireri. «u«l will continue the business Istelv conducted by Jlobert Taylor. They will attcud to all order* with pucluality.aiul dianalch. All ths Type manufactured by item will be u&ad Cut; and they will fumiih oil kind* of PFmlera’ Material*, of the best.quality. j Mr. J. A. T. Overcod is |txll employed in superintend* ing the manoiaruiruig depanmeut. Proprietor* of nowspajxir*, who haYe not advertised for the subscriber. who rosy publish Ihia notice for three months will be entitled to,teccive their pay in type, on purchasing lire time* ihe-auoani of lhc|r bill* lor ad* vertiiiug. j •• 1 Old Type taken in eichanr* * ■w « • ft* j«er lb. . for nfw .. . . _ ~ Ctsarle* WliiUnj;, > WHITING A TAYLOR, Theodore Taylor, V (Sdeeewor* to ttobl Taylor,) janJS Comer Gold ami Ann Street* OrlglAtl‘Ml* u Briefest * Judrek, on a trial of ouo and a half . j millions, since IsiS, pronounce this article unsur Jassed for durability in thq routtrueiion of all kinds of 'iinuto. price fiIJ,7S cash Ear loads of 1(1 M, gust mntecd nine months use: Orders lor a second quality BoUtu Bricks will be executed at $2O per M, if so do aired, Without guarantee. TA stock of the first quality is now for sale at the warehouse, ’Sloan’s Ca* nal Vasin, by.— J. SIUW MACLAIULN. septftf !_ j- Kensington Iron Works. BLACK'ALPACCAS— W til Murphy hasjast opened a fresh supply of Unpriced and fine black Alpae* as; also bine* satin striped do; do do barred do; drab Alpaccus, and a Terr full assonraetit Mohair Lostras, including a fexvpiccea very&nq and very gW sy; at cumer of 4th ami Market sts. -J Irina • AdVmnce ariTPflntiu|psp«rV JOHN H. MIILLOR, bl Wood street, Agent for the sale of Printing Paper, for C. S. Lambdin A Co., tvooid iruorra bis customers that, in consequence of this advance ou raps, paper will be charged lor the pres* ent at eleven rents per pound, or Imperial print,t!d"2)'ai $2,75 Double Medium, W "3? at • 3^l ja-hl . JOHN II MIXLOR. fteetoiTltotle of IlHtiai lUbmi. MIL ti. DKX.TKK, of Button, h»» arranged and pa tented a iilnn fur beating houte*. which baa been uoceul'ully utcdin Uounli, New Yorkj Ae^and wher jtt applied, hat recmcij the decided preference oeer lovee, FuruacM, etc. lu odTealage* are— -Ist. (Jreat regularity of temperature. I'd. Freedom Crum raoke. 3d. No unplcaunt dryitcea. 4lh. Kasilj amended to and not liable to get oat ol order. T sth. tireet durability..' A model and epecification may be aeen and appara ui obtained at the copper and Tinware factory of \VM B SCAIFK. Firat »t-, / between wood.and markeL | Notice— In pursuance of an order of the Court of 'Common Pleas of Cuyahoga county, in the State of Ohio, made at the! November term of »aid Court, 1547, the uncollected mwm of the Estate of Jloberi Colwell, deceased, will be sold by the subscriber, at public auc tion, at the door df (be Court House, jn Cleveland, in said county, on the'dih day of March, 1 8-1 A at 10 o'clock ;A.M. 1 . V- \V. UINOUAM, Admid. of Instate of Jlobt. Colwell, dec. ChyelaKP, Jan lab Ib-tH, feiitMOw&wlmT oirricx ofltii* ALLtuiiur UaiDoi Co., I . rimsi’aou, Peb. I, lists. 5 AN Election forjPresident, Managers, and .Officers for the “Company for erecting a bridge over the river Allegheny, opposite Pittsburgh, in;the County ol Allegheny" will b 4 holden in the Toll}louse, on Mon day tho (Jilt of March next, at kju'elock. P.M. ' lcbg-dlmAw-JtT I ; JOHN HA&PEK, Tress. : lirriNo i WRAPPING PAPER— -500 reams ruled cap fair and fine Qualities, SUO “ letter “ •« 30 " flat cap, good qudTity, £OO " blue factory paper, J/Q " tea papey, HI gross bonnet board!. 2,1*0 bundles siraw and isg wrapping paper, In store and which we offer to the city trade at low prices fcbs REYNOLDS fcSHKK. d, w tales Western New york . _ t STF.. _ ... ... __. growth of Ifc-10—from Hto HI eeirti. Al*o, KaMrrn and Weitcra N V, eafly picked, ihli year'* growth. . I’rirpo Ohio do. Belmont county. The general lioatoni crop of the muod it now being received, Brewer* and other* using'Jlopi, will find ft much to tlielt advantage to obtain their aupply from the undersigned, a* they Intend to tell throughout the eea ton at New York priceti O. 'V. BMITII & Co., octlfidflta i Hituliurgh Brewery. HAVANNA CIUARB—IOOJiQO imported cigars o( the lotion*inff celebrated brondi, part to arrive eouaisting of, Cevea, Anbiquedad, Waitniipoo reguliaa, Kapidre, LKulapiv, Do* Amigo*, da Fuiter, London Uran|a, Lord Uyron'a, Falla pnuelpee, (team boat dp, , Villeya eiua rip, Syivja'a do, La Bayadere lit, do do fidj Cmir, La Palma, Caxadprei, for fob? ; cor Smltfrjfeld k from *c AN fcXMJTio.N will be held at thebouse James Jones, in Uakeniotrn, -Allegheny county, on Mon* day iheflih day of Match next, to elect three Managers of the Pittsburgh and Butler Turnpike Bond, fpf lbs eo* •ulngyear. Ifr order of the Board. fcbtWtiMawli McGIL + - - ’>— ■— iS» it «k* J on* a. ee r. "VT UTICF. —An Fieetion' for eerea Director* ot ±1 Erie Canal Company will .be held by the at holder* at (heir Office ui ihe borough of Bn*, oil A day the 6th day of March next, at 10 o’clock, a. x. : # M. GOODWIN, S*cl Cana! Office, Erie, Jail 18 ,1543. . jr T INEN *upp’,y o t chore good* ±j aiantly(inliquid,staoUnencambricandunan bttehindlus, low priced and in*.' i ’ feb7 ; W R MPttPHT. ' 'E'LOOR OIL CLOTHS—isno rd*, 8 Td* wide, hetty 4: article; 2000 do 4*4 wide; oil doth; 400 do 4 wide, do; ju»t rcecivrd from thillipirillc Factory, and for uli at our ware ropm r J if PHILLIPS, ~ febad - '- * - } ■ ; S 3 wood »t: TI7KLSH M . rood* boau ofW<R.Murphjr,'N B com** 9 4th and narkct »ia, on asao/tnuat of abor? fpodt uot 10 ibrwr in w*- janU | -Mm 10 Ibtmt in WwiM.: '•! - .A Btfftla la B««l EiUU< . The subscriber offers forsale a Uonse tad Ltyt. JBI on liberty street, a short disttneeTabore But Allegheny eity. The Loii»23 feetfroat on Liberty street, arid ran* back to an Alley? 65 feet. The House erected thereon Is Brick, neatly nevr, two stories high, 13 feet in ftont by about 55 jbx depth, tad contains tea comfortable rooms, exclusive of pantry, coal-cellar and cellar.' All the rooms fire-places, and drains are cotunracted to carry off water, ana the loose is in every respect in good order and very convenient, and is wet!-suited for two formllet. The property -will be sold low, and time given on the largest part of thepurchase money. J . Inquire of the subscriber, who can be secn at the of fice of the Gazette, every forenoon, between the hoots of eight and ten. and at other times at his rooms at Mrs. Hays' boarding boose, Robinson’* new row. Fed eral sl Allegheny City. D N WHITE, feb!s tf •' Agent for'the owner. CoalLui for SalsT] A FARM containing VSXJ acres, in Itostraver town ship, Westmoreland eounty, beginning about one mneJiboTe Williamsport, on ibb East Bank of the Mo uongihela river, the same being the form of the late Joserih Beckett, deceased. Said farm fronts on the riv er, about mile; about $0 acres cleared, other im provement*. The form is one entire tn«y of stone coal. : He form will be sold altogether or in lota to salt purchasers,-and on liberal terms. For particulars en quire of' Henry Sterling, Daniel Ewer, Wbl Larimer, Jr, Pittsburgh, Fa. Title indisputable.' ft i JOSLUi 11UTCHMAN, KswCastis, Merer co- Pa. fcb24dj»wlm*S ' DiilmbU Loti of Greui (britli. A NUMBER of beautifal Lou, (routing on that great thoroughfare, Penn -street, or the t Greensburgh turnpike road, and on the Allegheny river, and intermo dule streets in the Oth Ward, Pittsburgh, ara now offer-. ed for sale on the most reasonable terras, j For private residences, business and manaActuring establishments, the*e lots present sttusiiohi not sapaie ed, If equalled, by any now for sale. Tba regularity with which the streets are laid oat. end ijitlevel char acter or the ground, render the lots convenient, and available at once far building purposes. -The title is in disputable. Apply! to ' HARMARDENNY, 3d st\ I or ROBT. MeKJGGHT, feb3-dlm Attorney at Law, 4th stpncir Oram. T7OR SALE—The subscriber offer* for sale the bn* ,r proremem* and property be now occupies, aitnated !on the Fourth Street Road, about tbree pule* from the city} consisting of ja well finished Brick Uoose, eon* uimng ten room*, and a cellar under tbe whole;'an ex* cellant Brick Tenant Uoose, containing three rooms; a large bam and excellent stabling; ■ a nesier failing ran* ningspringdfsoft water, and a pump of excellent wat* ter at the kitchen door; also, a garden containing some choice fruit trees, together .with about tqrt acres Of ex*, cellent ground. j Tbe abore property will besold on reasonable terms, and possession given on tbe first day of April; if not sold, it will be (or rent after that day. For farther ini* to the subscriber, on thepretnises.^ fcbSgdawtAfr Beal Estate ia Ohio. 1 TRACT of land, 90 acre*, in Harrison, Portage Ca, A on thft Cuyahoga lifer—about 00 acres under to-, provemenb Also, two unimproved lot* |n the village of Warren, Trumbull Co., 60 feet by 00. )Al*o<alot of ground in iho centre of Hanford, Trumbull Co., with a fine dwelling house and store—one of the best stands for a merchant on the Wektcra Reserve; Any or all this propenv will be sold on very accommodating terms. ~ •* ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, feblO Water and Front su. tan. •'[ • . FOB SALEontaeeomoodating tenor, or to bp let on perpetoal'leateea, thoeefoureboice lota aimaied on Foanh atreet, near Grant it, each 23 feet 9 inehea front, and extending HO fcotbaeklo alJDtoot alley.— Title lndlapntabla, and fauna of payment liberal. Ap* ply to THOMAS BAKEWELL, earner wood 4 9d ate, or to WM. BAKEWELL, at Law, BahewalTa Biding* Grant at ibH Attn*y Bial BiUU la KiMit Oematy. A LOT, Storehouse end Dwelling,, situate on the 'Em Extension Canal, in ihe.villagyof West Mid* dieter; a desirable location for a merchant- Also, a Lot and good Dwelling House well suited for a Tavern Stand, in tba Tilings of Orangeville, on State lino of Ohio. TonnauSz: ISAIAH DICKEY It Co. . feblO J Water and Front sts. Let tor lal*< -,| A LOT in the 6lb ward, 4d feet on Logan street by 60 feet on Clark street; one of the most desirable to eationa in the flih ward. For terms apply to the sub* aeriber at the Methodist Book Store, 4th near Market atreet, or at hie dwelling on Clark street opposite E Trovillo'e Grocery store. (feblOJ JJ L READ. . CQ FOB BALE., ] • £■ THE three story Dwelling House and Lo% now JBJfc occupied hr 1L F. Sehweppe, Esq-on Peon at, near Hand. Hie Lot la S 3 by .ISO feet, and Is pleasant ly situated. For terma apply to the who has also l*>H RQ4T j • . " The three atory house on the corner ofjLibeny at. and Irwin’s alley, now occupied as a wholesale and retail gToeefsstore, by.H. F.Sehweppe. Possesstoagiven Immediately, on application at the warehouse ofiohn Irwin A Sons, No. ll Water street, by i de«l4-3m JOHN IRWIN -"For Boat* , f mAnro story brick dwelling with; about six acres of ground attached, situated at {Oakland. The place is well.stocked with fruit of all kinds, and Undesirable location forafsmiljbeingjcndrsly opt oi reach of the river .and dirt of the city. An omnibus leaves Oakland hourly for the city. Apply to innao . ATWOODiJONBS A Co. ! Fcr Beat. MA new three atory brick dwelling house on Wylie streei—Foueuion given on lie first of April or sooner if required. Inquire of jaui JAR FIX)YD, HO liberty street. jl?ir Boat* Y a A two atory brick dwelling with about 5 acres of ground, situated on the bank of the Ohio river, in the borough of M nchester. Apply to jama JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co. To Let. \ MTtmpy. dwelling bouses situated on 4lh street bridge, in the city of fitlsburgb. At so, a room 73 oy ‘JO icet, with p eonveiuent en trance, on sth it, near wood. Also, a, : frame dwelling, two stories, with an acre of ground enclosed and under cultivation, situate on Ohio lane, in thejeity of AUeghtf uy. Inquire of 4 D WILLIAMS, janS 1(0 wood street _ Tq Brewers* ! J-A FOR SALE OR RENT, the J»iU*bargh Drew fcKM fry, with all in brewing apparatus, situate oa street sad Barker’s alley,aptl now occupied by Oeo. VV. Smith A Co. Possession (rirenon tho first day of April ensuing. For terms. Ac. enquire of BROWN A CULBERTSON, - im liberty U, For Bent.* j MTHE brick dwelling bouse oa Third street be tween Smilhficid street and Cherry alley. It ia ■late roolwt—ha* gas fixtures and spacious yard and out-i>ui!dinr». Enquire of j fcWHtr* . ~ ivm. hl Darlington. mThe new three ry fire nroof brick store on second *L now occupied by Fill ward Elan*; for rim from Ist of Apnt next. Inquire of J &CHOOXMAEER ft Ct^ . jaatg : g| wood street. . ; T 9 - I ' a The subscriber* will rent'part of ibe ware* bousa now occupied by them. Apply to LEWIS, DALZEI-L, ft Co., jantfr : M water street. For Bant. 1 Jdk A handsomely finished roba bn Market streets Wa lately occupied as a Daguerreotype, establishment by Morlaad ft Co. .Also, a well finished and well far* lushed room, suitable for societies,'adjoining the hail of the Mercantile Library Associahoa. ]Entraqce at Phi lo Hall, KTDSUAZ2AM. - oc off Office,markei»treet.txryeenaiapd4th ' For Baal.' ! ' ip* THE largo and convenient house on ¥3 Federal at, Alleebcny, formerlyjoccupied bv lira Ann flozzam. Kent low. Possession given on the Ist of April nexL EDGAZZAM. Immediate'possession of the abovsjbooss can be ob> tainediy apptytnrto M. Creightou, at the. caual ware* house vi Clark ft Thaw. j decS for lUnt> j . ' A large room on the 2d story'of the warehouse BSiB occupied by the subscribers, bear the foot ol **■ Wood street—a good location fur a steamboat agency or an Insurance office. j joaU i BOLLMAN3 GAIUUSOZ. For Boot or Solo. MA neat two storied brick duelling bouse with •even rooms and large yard, preasamly situated in the 6th ward. Apply 10 WM D SCAIFKr feblt 3w . ; Ist street near wood. ; • j For Bole. ] u. a Fine two story brick house, on main street, ¥3 Allegheny city, near the upper trridge. The lot ia SI feet in front by KM deep. For term* inquire of ■dclStf A WASHINGTON,4th.it. 1 ! To"E«7 [ One new three story Dwelling Honsd, with 'HSU bath-houses studied, situate near the eoraer of JmSsWyUe andAVashingtonsireeui Possessiongiv eh on the first of April next.- 1 java JOHN F PERRY, for Bent. \ JdL THE large fire proof warehoujie, 24 feet front by ¥3.60 feet deep, on second si, near irood. Rent mod* erate. Inquire of J BCUOQNSIAKER ft Co, dclfl 1 21 wood at For Heat. ; MA Smoke House, situated On Plum alley, for rent. Inquire of ROBERT DALZELL ft Co, liberty street j dec!3 MThe well furnished store on Market atreet, be tween third and fourth streets,! at preseat oeeu nied by llartaws and Turner. [Possession given on the first or April next [nvifi!) p D GAZZAM. ■ = To Let. j ! ~ A dry goods warehouse, 07 '•rood street, seeoud G£W door above. Diamond alley. Inquire of dec# D T MORGAN ft Co. COAL LAN‘t> FOR Ba!7E—Sevei acres coal laiitl for sale, situate in bend of the Mbnongahela River, above Itmurniville, having a 7 [foot vein of eoal, which will be sold in exchange for goods. For particu lars apply to foe22] Bft WIIARBAUOH, 33 wood st ing'Lat IN MAN'CHKSTKR FOR MALB4I h&T« for »slc a beautiful building Lot In Manchester, near the ferry, £1 feet front by'ttKi feet deep.yirwfll.be »old low, ami tin accommodating terms. Terms niiexcepiionabla. mylO JAS. ItLAKELY. Real ]>uio pL«t» s«i«* - WOlmildinc IoU m the sixth ward, each- £4 hy 133 feet on winch there is a nevfcr failmc spring of water. I [feb?) GEO COCHRAN, lfA. Fiufnttroci, ■) _ , A. 0. Hull, N. Y.'City B. L.FAnnxsTocx, i M.W.PaiutotooO ! _ ‘ ' Wholesale pmr Store ti» (be City of |. New York.; mire undersigned ate extensively engaged In the I Wholesale 1) rug business et Np. 49 Joan street, in the city of New York, and ere prepared to supply Drag ri«u and country Merchants with Drug*, Taint*, Oil*, lhre-italTt, Foreign and American Perfumery, Minder, weaver 4tMander'*CheraieaU, (of their own importi tiuu) and air other arttelee in Uinir line of business, of A inpcrior quality as low aathey can Ue purchased in this or any eastern city i New York, FchlO B A FAHNESTOCK k. Co. SODA ASII-PIUCE RKDpCEIi-the subscribers have this day reduced the price iof their Soda Ash (which is warranted by the raaitufeeturera from ES to R 8 per cent.) to 4Je for Cash, or 4{c for approved Notes' all months. And for uuamities of 4 tons or upwards a deduction will b« made of ic per pound off Chew ©ri ces. WkU JdITCHELTREE, fcbta ; j •, lpO liberty street’ ; ItiambMt for lai«, - -• ~ /Mw tv ; One-eixth. or lhxcc-iixtlu of th* f In U tisV xeamboat Germantown, for tala 'an : aeeomnmdatinr terms h» • wmmamm n wmbscaife, ; Hr»t attect Dear 'Wood. BLEAOHmo .POVVBEE, {Chlpnde ot lim«Ts quill, tat fno ih. a £7- uciam In Engfnnd. rtcsiTtdprr nr Bamr.nk, ntitj far “»>»“! mnikntnrio forlcub ornntTTmS lniu.br [ln'll Wt M MITCIIFJ W ' ■ AuatAijnEn oop^ •T^KLShSVS a “PP'y * Ruhbar Good* artidafidot. 3“® a ' k * oCE»iFiiif» loaf aod !£nnL* X '«. lw *. e * iot *k«l4o; aU of vklch *“• ba mid afcaap far eaah u tha India Rabar dapovNo »Vap4 It : tftblPl JideliiVin»J-«>t ‘ BELT LEATHER—Th« *ub«crib«r> 179» kaad uttelo of Luifatr dulubl* Miu, 10 wkuk UoaiUntkgi of maeahmrei ' •. •> .WMjYOUNf EAI’ES OF DiSIWNt; J ' BATES Of DISOTUHT—CORHiarrKU 4H ; I. JIOUUU *.„B<>H, T ■’ ; Exebosto BfofcarvAo-MMajk,tHtftet,ne*r4tA« ■. ptMuylTUUki . Indian*.. BankofPitubittzh ■•-•PariSiMe B'k .£ Branches-* H Exchange Bank .•••‘•ParlS’ateScrip * * irv— ** Mercia A Man. Bank -pari • V)rflaUu Bk«fPhiladelpliia--'-par Exehangt Uk. oC Va--* 1* Oirmrd Bank--.i-v.-par Farmer*Bitof Va---v Bank ofGcrmantewn--par Bk.ofthe u - u f Chester Coanty-pai Bk.of Virstma-«---M u < «’ Delaware Co.- --par JLA M. Bk., Wheelmg 1 . “ MonijrotneryCo.'-pax do Moftantown---* it “ Nonliumberlaud'-par N. W % BankVi , ~-—j * CWnmhiaßridreCe.'-- par do .Wellsbarg--;--; If Dovleeurwn Bank—P*i do Parkersbarx—- Fanner*’Bk. Readiw-par FOmen'fik. BSfck* Co.par Bk.of Xeimeuoej---.r Farmer* B’k Laneas’r-par Far. *|McrchH* Bk* -r* Lancaster Co. Bit— -par Planter*’'Bk.-t"]-.- lancuierßk. par Union Bk-—*-**;-*-* U.Stater Bank— ® •' .« BrownawUe Bk.-—--par SiaießkefMtuoan—• If Washington Bk.-- --t Ho» lb Carolina; Gettjrsbmrnhßk. ♦ U tt.of Cone Fear*—** It •Cbmabenuan* Mercb , Olik.,Newbeni; l* Ssaqnehaana Co. Bk.*. State 1 Leuxh Co Bank, Bontl* Carollna*.- Lewistown* ••• —-.Camdenllk-—• 1| Middletown 1 Bk.ofCharle*ton*« H Carlisle « CommereiaJßk--*-.—;'ll Eneßk.--.-~ • • H Fanner*' and Drorers’ [Hk.of llainbufg-»v. *f Bank, Watneabora.i 1 (Merchant* Bk-. j-- J| Hamahnry... M Planter* &Mecba'*Bk-. J j Honeidale- • • Uißk.of Sonih Carolina--1| Lebanon ....••.•....•pari Marrlud, - ... ... - , -w* jns JJlc l ,;.i' ‘ Potutille* ° ji Wyoming.*..... Yorlrßk.. I » Wet Branch Bk. Ul Belief Nr*'- u Farmer* 1 ie Mschapici Gty fcCotmryScrip..— “ Ek.-Fredcrick*—;*** “ . Ohio. . . FrederickCo.Bk.vr*'?-** Stitaßk.aadßruekes 1J H**er*townßk ;Vr*‘ “ MoontPleuam***** “ Muiertl Bk'v***n*f “ Steubenville** 8t CUinvOle* Menelia***** NevLitbon* “ Cmelnnatißankt-v* u Colombo! do* •*•’••• a Cireleville -* « ZanerrUle-**** u Putauia*— “ Canada**. JUlaoWertßaaka****** 5 Beak of EnalandNoie* ~S4 70*£ttr. Qold4Bpcclfl Value* Napoleon* •••*•-»>' 3 1® Daeau 8 150 3 80 .. . * Eajle.oU* -i.i . 10C0 Franklin B’k Colusbaa * Ba*I«,MW*l»0O Qiillieolhe u Doubloon*,Spanish. IAOO LakeErie*** . « Do. Pazriot-* ••••»* 15 00 Selota “ JtoTereip»*-**-< 4 63 MnuUlon Sandmky Oeion*”* Norwalk**** Cleveland*——« Xenia******—**** Dayton »■«»«■ Lancaster Hamilton* ••••• .Fana’rsß'k Canton-—36. Urtaaa —BO ffcntackj* Bk of Kentucky-. 1{ Bk.ofLoaiivilfe-- * Nor hern Bk. Kentu’ky- “ Sew York—Cur Banks, EXCHANGE BROKERS, fo; BVSIET, BASIA * CO*f v. T> ANKERS, EXCHANGE BBOEEBS, and dealers li inForeignaadDomesticExchange,Certificates of Depoaite, Bank Notes, and Specie; From street, near ly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current money reeerred.eh deposits Sight Cheeks for sale,' and cot: lections made on nearly all the principal paints in_the United States.. • The highest prealan paid for Foreign and American .Gold. ■'* 1 !• . Advances mads on consignments of Prednee, ship ed East, on liberal terms. . i ;■ imchlS CO.PARTIERSHIP. JOSEPH H. (tats of the firm ofWm. A. HiQ A and WM. C. Curry, (late of Erie, Pa.) hare entered into Co-partnership under the numb of Hux & Cpurr, for the purpose of eartying on the Hanking and Exchange business la all its branches, at No. 85 Wood street, three doors below Fourth, west aide—where they solicit the custom of their friends and the public gen erally. . - . - JOSEPH IL HILU mcnlS TOC CURRY. Joaxraa.Hm-L ~ [wx. p.ccaar. HILL ' ' CUHHT* • T>ANKERS A EXCHANGE BROKERS, Dealers is i» Foreign and Domestic Time and Sight Bills of Ex change, Certificates of Deposits, Bank Notea and Cain; NoTflft Wood street, -third door below Fourth, - west aids. Par Funds aim Currency received on deposite,' and collections made on all the principal cities in the United States. ’ • 1 • • * : IU - • : Sight Exchange’on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Cincinnati, constantly for tale. Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky,' Virginia and Pennsylvania Bank Notea bought and sold on favorable' terms.—r Exchange on England, Ireland, Gcruahyjiuid France procured,Ac. ' - • • . • ' M jjnchlS | Jr HOLMES «■ lON, j ■ . TYANKERS and Dealers in .Exchange; Coin and is IBank Notes, No. 55, Market street, Pittsburgh. Selling Bates. Exchange; Baying Hates. . " NewjYorc,: .. * pt. Cincinnati, v Hdii' Philadelphia, . {do Loolaviltc, ! . ; le£o Baltimore, . {do BtLotus,. - i. > V lido Baying Raisa, BANK NOTES.. • . feuvihg Bates. OMfli Dtdtana, . “_do JUtiefNmes,? - \ “do Kentucky, * u do Pennsylvania Cy; °do Virginia, . ‘•'do New. York ■: do : “do ••’ey- Wheeling, i do. New Orleans,: ! “do • Tennessee, ado Maryland, > | “do - •• fdjsitf ; i. I • I WILLIAM A. DHL A CO BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, ami. Dealers in Foreign and Domestio Exchange, Certificates of Depciuie,‘ Bank Notes, and Specie. No. tUAVood si., one door above Fburth. East aide; Pittsburgh,-Pa. ; octddAwF • • ! ?:•?.. .■ FOREIGN EXCHANGE.} BILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought to •any amount at the Current Rales of Exchange. Also, Drafts payable in any part of the Old Countries, from XI to XIUQU, at the rate of 65 to the X Sterling, wiihoutdeductiou or discount, by JOSUUA’ ROBIN SON, Enropean-and General Agent,, office sth st one door west of wood. •' ~ ’ ■'/ i’loctlStf AIXXSUAXnJ* - -_jHJWiSO»Aini ■ m m~'A~ i* "DANKEBS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealer* JO in Foreign and Domestic Bill* of Exchange, Cer tificate* of Depoeiie, Bank Note* and Com, comer of 3d and Wood saeeta, directly oppotita St> : Cljxrie*, 110- j\ Ohio, Indiana, . Kem&eky, Missouri, - ' , .Bank Noras; poreia*ed tithe lowest rate*, by - • T N. HOLMES A SON*, . delO 33 Market street.' Bills of ci»tki oa Sew York, Fkilodelpltia, snd Baltimore,' N. UOLMKS'fc PON*. 35 Market sl- Coßitamly for sale by delO Collections —Drift*, Nora*, and'Aeceptan* ces, payable in ariy part of ihe Union, collected on the most favorable term*. N. HOLMES & SON. dclO 60 Market st. EXCHANGE on New. York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, at sight, in soma to salt purchasers, con stanlly for sals, by - HILL & CURRY, . OcUl -- Wood «C, below,Foprth. WESTERN FUNDS—The Nolo* of-ihe O'jio, Indiana and Kentucky Banka, purchased at low rates of discount, at the ©Sice of ■ HILL & CURRY, oetll - No. AS Wood st, l>ck>w Fourth. - COLLECTIONS'on all the principal cities in the Upion, made by HILL & CURRY, oetll No. 05 Wood »L, balowPoorJi. HATS, OAfS AND BONNET& . A ".' I ' Jm (Successors n> M’Conl A King! 1 . TOiC • Faihlonabla Hatter!if Corner of Wood and iSfrrrfj. . PARTICUIJIK attention paid to out Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hots and , Capa from our cstabliahment of tho am xatexuiA arid woajjtanssir, of-the lstbtvttuu, and at the uiwnrr nuesa. Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, arc respectfully invited to call and exasaiuo bur Stock; n* wa can say with confidence that os rcgapd* Qtr*iirr and rate*, it will not suffer in a comparison'with any bouse iu Philadelphia. ,: . - fcbl7 Removal. William Douglas, lata James MeKaia.' The subscriber has removed his llat and Cap Mann* •%£aeu>ry to No. 77 Wood street, nearly opposite his Ola stand, when he would invite hit friends and lira public generally to ah assortment of 'Hats’ fend Caps, which lor beauty and durability cannot be surpassed. WM. DOUGLASS, 77 Wood it. Having retired from the Hat and Cap Manufactory, I most repvclfhUy Jrecomroend the -pairoottge of my frianda and the public generally to ray successor, Win. Douglass,~ [fcbUd3nij ~ JAMES MeKAL\. r* NEW INVENTION I—PATENT AIR / McmCULATER AND HAT PROTECTOR.—The will introduce on Saturday, Oct Vth. Gentlemen .wishing a hat tried with this deajr»ble artl* cle will please eall and examine. !■•',- ALFRED KEEVIU Practical Hatter, octfl Ua, head of wood at ■: FALL FASHION.—!?. MOORE has rtceiv / ged from New York, the Fall style [fats which will Introduce this day. Saturday,-; Aog. IKlh. AU those iu want of a neat auu superior aat would, do vrtU to call at No. 75, Wood Street, 3d door ; above 4th. ."n» FAU. FABUWS, IatT—JIEKBK - it / ■COSTAR'S SJjlo Gentlemen’* HatswUl be intro* at KaxvtLta on August 27th. Gcuuemen wuhing a cheap, fmhioheom hat of Pitts burgh manufacture, ahead of fashionable l!au ed and advertised by same of the trade, plcUe call at _ , KEEYIL* Co,’*, . augSfttf 152. head of -wood *t * 4 an«XZI MSHIOS FOE UATS^ JUST received from New York,;the Summer Swle tor bate, consisting of Whit* Bearer, Pearl ana White .French Ce»iimer« Hats,:withlYemtlutora. 2S!fc3£ mg'ffigm. _ 75 wood su 3 doors'abare 4th ~~ T„_ FUei ot ij*|liiaiUe UiilT “® Board of.Trad® is indebted to the kuidners of Oe«m Dartre, Esq., tor files of the Bffli acted up on, aa well aathOM before the Senate and liouae of Representatives of thia State. McoibcTs of tho iiutitn u‘2\c.¥l“M# access loth'em at the Reading Rooms. . - _ l!i fl ! JOHy HARPER. Scc’y. store and to amrc,on coounmient.. 1 J. 44Q I sadlboxes John Rucker sups«;'oO { boxes Benry .and James Gs; SO | boxes Johns to; sjo I boxes Uanteh ss: Ift boxes J 2d Stanard ft*; «i J bxs R R B Warwieh .ft; 35 1 boxes Jobn:R«pker *npr is; 401 boxes Henry* Jamesls, tor sale by/ .. . ; . \ L S WATERMAN, ' ftblß ...; "■■■ 41 Water and C 2 Front streets. • IWTOTICE—Tbs business of tbs Mate-firm of J.S Xv StrieUer & Co., SatoManufacturer, 4riU bsntefter be carried on by Lippeneotl* Itofr, who ire authoriz ed to-eollaet and scute the bnsinesaoi the fuo firm. , ‘ - Surviving Partner. -■ ROBERT ASHwOBTU, . JOHN WILLIAMS, MtSv Admiais'rs of th* esute of J. S. atrickicr. T\RUGS! DRUGS—Tsnaate Iron; Ext RKatany;Pip< 1/ irinr, Strychnine; Phosphate-Ammonia; Phosphate Sods; Br. Carb. Potasaa; Tannin; Citrate ;of lion and Quinine: Oxide silver. Soluble Tartan Chtorofann;'just received and tor sale by , R E RKU.KBS, ; ■■ fahlft • - - • .ft7-Wood Street, • Law jr*«eo« •: JAMES S. CRAFT’. Attorney and Connssllorat Law has removed to theofiee* next door- West’ or Rady rails raon's Livery . Stably <ih strati Donne his ab ndc* upon pnbue doty tor ihs eonring'taomb, any bun* n«u tor bun may be iißwitb A.&WKtellmoiu.l-.sq, «s above. ■■ ■ yMT'rfebttdlm. QUNDRIE»~I9ft bo. aoreriMd P • bbie Dkied Apples; 40 bb BarXlbite Hoopui and tn it* km copaiant :*bl* io» mukine "turn la intitad NQ * Co. r 1- I 1} ARTS 7 V^GErABt^KXTttACr,-^ For sixteen-years, hßs beeß tested bymaay .peng&s •:•-• who have suffered. with this dreadful disease* tod in ••, every cbm where itbas had*firixtrial, hu .effected % , permihertt core. ‘.•'•-■'A v'-'-- • •'■■■■. Fits of SO yean and 6 months eared by iSajUtef this truly wonderital medicine. J - VA Bead the .following remarkable case.'*f the eoaef Wm. Secure. Esq., oT Philadelphia, afflieted :'. - - leptle Fiu 27 years end'd month*. Alter travelling •: i ■ ; - throogh England; Scotland, Germany add France, cow* :» icl any the most eminent pnytldans, aad’oxyndlng for > .. c rued ic roe, medical treatment' and advicov three tnoa*. ’X,.V": sand dollar*, returned with 1 his son to tab commy in >■: November iait, wiihoutreceiviiig any benefit' whatev- ■ -.v er, and .was cured by etlng. • ••- ft -'v HART’S VEGETABLE EXTRACT. ’- r 1 Mr. William Secbre'a Letter to'Dre. IvansandHart. I hare spent orerthree thousand dollan ifot medi cine and medical attendance.\:l was advised to taka* tour to Europe With him, which. I/did. a > I firs*, visited - v. England.- 1 consulted- the’ most physicians -- 1 there in respect to his ease; they examined am and prescribe neconlirtgiy. I remained three- months without change for th# better, which ' cost me about two hundred tmd fifty do liars poeksied" ' by . the physicians, and the most that I reoei »ed was. their opinioMhat my son's ease was hopeless andjoft* tively incurable. .1 accordingly left Brand, and tntv* .. ,v--v. ciletl through Scotland.- Germany and.Frence, andre--. turned home in the month bf Novembet-iasi, .with my- - ' ■ '.'■■■•v 1 son as far from being cored as when I left. Isawyoer advertisement*in one of tho New Yotk papers, tad - concluded to uy Hart’s Vegetable ExtraeV'aeeing your statements and certificates of so many o(. >/'■ twenty and thirty Tears’ standing, tool can aware yoa - r 1 am not sorry 1 did so, as by tbe.nse of HanWegets ble Extract atone, he was restored to perfect! health*'C-*:- His reason, which wo*'so fax gone as to unfit Mm fer.*/ business,, is entirely restored, .with .the prospect txnr ' <■ before him, - of life, heaJihand usefulness, Hals now ■ % 2S years of age, and 27 years and & months; of '• time has been afflicted with this most dreadful of dte> - ease tjbutthanh Cod hob no wenjoying good health. 1 Now, gentlemen, faith without works i don't believe r-;--VC':] in. To say that I chaU be ever grateful toy off boo* - - - :: thing, and as.l here enclose you oaa'hundiea dollami I ’: .havenodoubt-bu'thatyoowiil.-thiaiLthi# la anolher and quite a different.thjng.Tbe debt of gratitude I still #we youj-bui please to aeciptthe present amohnt . as interest on the debt in advance. Youxa very respectfully, . •' \ (Signed,) ..: WILLIAM BECORE. : TO THE AFFLICTED. Ono of the proprietor*-of thb .Invaluable medic&a ! was afflicted for several years, with Epileptic. Ffti» - .ft.' The disease-had preduced the-worst efoetunoffhla system, vie Lojsof memory, imbecility of mini and a perfect prostration of the nervoci,system. Ha had • •' tried the skill of the best physicians tot eeves yens, - and grew worse under their'treatment, and‘ha lamr . that this-medicine wat.hb only, hope fbrAealth and life, and was therefore deunninej to gtve it a AlrtnaV- ■■ > - - and to persevere in it* use, which he ail and (heresab ■- wss aperfeet restoration to hesJlh, which waa comb* - ~ .- a ued uninterrupted for nearly sixteen yew/ S-'\ We would refer to the following persons mho Uts . ’■ been cured by using Han’s Vegetable Extracts . • ' CotEDenslow’sdsughierwas afflicted-uin# -yaac%": resides at Youken, New York, i W Bennet. niso years, 171 Grand st. ■ J Ellsworth, seven years, 15 Dover st. ' JoKph ante years, But Broakljs, I* I. • - .H W Smith, Hew York Custom Hcusa; T 8 Kelly, twenty yaars, Staten Island." ■■• a Miss Einteef twenty years, VotWlto. • " Miss E Crane, twelve years, IIS Honuaerity sL WmHParsel],twesty-(hreeyears,73No(»ik£' . Jacob Petty, four years, 174 Delaney it - . . Philo Johnson, twenty-eight years, Grwncasfltlftfl Judge Randall, 94 East Broadway, ReV Teilb - Thomas R Jones, of the U 8 Navy. Capt WnrJennings, State sußridgepan, OL - * Reference also made to - ■ •Dr WL Monroe, Guilford, 0. • ' l. ' 5" il^,' r,l f? e “’, WCTl 'i>aTflnpOitN T. Rev T L BashneU, BsUiraore, Md. - Mr Joseph Bradlsy-UfiOrehardstNY. - -- C B Doughton,BoS jfehtecmh«tN Y.. - ‘ Mrs James Bertbolf, Chester, Orspge ««. R Y. - - John Faber, JW £2iubeth st,■; - di . D A Richtoa, 218 Delaney st, : . . '' do . Jwi»es l3B Suffolk st,-- ‘d*;-:-:•*■- " : 1 Charles Brown, 100 Water at, . da . - All of which may bo called upan, or addresaadr peat ID" Prepared by Dr. 8 H*xr, (late Ivans ft BazO ■New York. ■ G P. THOMAS ft Co, 140 Main st, between 3dand 4Ui.su, and .Mainst, between 4thandfftk streets. - Cincinnati, Ohio, wholesale and retail agCQttfortha ’■’■'-s' south'and west • :..-r L WILCOX, comer of Msikot standthe tKa> -' mond, ouly ag’t in Pltub’g Pa ' . jaS9dawly • : 'nEDrciardrßVßaioxL &wu£~* > n .■■ymiL He- ®*| DIAMOND AI4 ' LEY, a few doocs' below ' ■'. •' Wood- strdetj urwmrda thte • profession, ' and been for soma time is cenertd pntcrifte.now cotw .-. \v nae* hb attention to .tb* -• treato«x^-ofj^wa^bw* N\ whidi his opportunities and .. Va'AJ -: ■ ~- ■ ifv him. Eleven years*#* - : ' *idaoo*Jy devoted'to ilba. -- - study andireuunetit of those complaints, (daring vbielt. time he lias Fiaii ioore practice and has cured more pa» tienutbun can ever fell to the lot of any private prac titioner) amply qualiSes'bim u» offcr ossurances at speedy, permanent, and satuftetory cure to all afflicted " ' with (tehcate diseases, and all dbcases arising thaxa ' front. - Hi. Htouti would rnionn those afflicted with private r.- disease* which have., become chronic by time orkg* gradated by.theusaqf anrof the eotamod nostramsof . i. . the day, that their complaints.cnn be radically and thot* ; oughly cured; ha having given hb efirefhl attention u» the treoimeat of such cases,' and succeeded in hundred# of intUnceibi coring persona of inflammatioa of tho ~ -; : '- nehk of the bladder, and kindred duenses-whieh often result.fromtboeocaiM-whes-otbers.bar4 consigned them to hopetess despair. He particularty-invitee suclT as have been Jong and unsucCMafully treated by others ' - to consuU hintj -whea cvery satbroction will be mvea . - > them, and their casea titeatea in a:caßfhl,'tborougßand intelligent raanner. pouued-oot byaJongcxpenaßce, ' stadyttcudiuvesiigttiotvwhichitblmposMblefbrthoaa . engaged ih\ge6eraTpractice.' of inodieine togivoisy ooe class of disease. , * cr Rapture.—Hr. Brown also Invites pe*» son* afflicted with lie ruin to - -.'-j ular aUeudorifoThb-diießsc. ■ : - •• Skin disease*; ibo Mies, Palsy, etc, cued. . Charges vety ipwij, \ ■ ■ ■: ■ ’*.-• *. ••• ' N..a—Clients if either sex living atyclinaaee, by, stating ibeir disease in writing, giving .oil the symp* ■ ■ Unns, can obtain medicines with direcUoni for use, pr ' addressing T, BROUTf, M. JX, postpaid,andcsema ingafcc. Office No. C 5- Diamond alley,' opposite the Waved? House. . • ID" No cure no pay, ' . . dccl9. • - jLI u'VVirs HYGELAN HOARHOUNH ft UVBS Ji wort CouffliCandy i* offered to the puhlic;a»-« - ’ - pjnuaut and effective rcmedyforcouxhs,eolds,hoaii»* ness, Asthina, Phthisic, Wnoopinr Coogh, Influenza, Croup, Sore Throat, Bronchitb, ana general affeettona "' of the Chest and Long*. . In sucbjiaseslt b knowa ta have afforded decided arid permanent relief and &COI its rapid, sale and great success as a remedyforth# . ' nbote where it hop.been used, it promisee SO become, one of the . It b offered soo, as a pleasant relief to the consumptive, and on "ututont to vocalists and. public gets* - - erally. ' ' Tlie name Of the prcpnrwlimi tif him ■■•.-z gredient, and h will-be fotuid-to be by ao ineana . plcoiant tn thft tatlc, anit may h*» U*>d by flhlMrfTt Mtd ' 1 adulu with entire immuiity, Tl» ciaienab used in th* preparation are .of the best quality, and it may be re» • • lied on as in every- respect a pure and 'gennino. article. Families would no doubt promote their comfort and health by keeping a in the. season of Cold*. * - - ■ i' -■.. - * - i-■ . This valuable Cough Candy U conshlrred a great aq simant to Mothers; bciug superior l ,to all the poleetßa» - -■ liy Jumpers in creatibu. u children were never known tocnr wh«mthis candy is used, except for more; Atri ' ol orUus article wilbconriuce anrMraon'of.its'ewen' - cy, and the proprietor* therefore Mfy any peraoniqthe' j United Slates to produce a cheaper, more pleastßVor effective remedy,. -'.'. •--.'•, •.-.-1.. . Sold .wholesale end reteib br the General Agent. Tl SMYSER, DraggU^ * corccr 3d and market st*, Pio*bttiglL' '. ' - Howe ft Col, I'rbprietors, No 1 College Hall Cimffn* ; nati, Ohio. « - . ■'.» . . 'jinlP, Extrsordlnsry. Careof Liver Coailiiak snd Ceaghlt HAVING taken a violent cold, which itakdeany . lung* and liver,-producing a-severe coughi na - puin in the tide and shoulder, which waskasaveteat' times t could scarcely turn over in bed.' Iwaa greda elly watUng away, mid-weary even of my life. : Mr cough was venr dbtretainf. and being .LmmiiM with nausea, loss of appetite, debßity, and other di>* ' ■ tre wing *jtnptoms my *ulferuig?#ra*cxtrente. : Find ing no benefit from any medicine; nor from myphysi- . eiani, I got a bottle of Dr. Tayfot’i -Balsam or Liver- - wort; winch soon made me. well and able to attend tte -' mybiMiocu. ; I - CEO YOUNG, Drum*, _ ! ' T Sfii,Fnlton street. Brooklyn. - .ID" SuD anodier great cure which prove* tlds (&edi-, - erne the only remedy to depended upon. Read and 4U«lgofor yourself., - . .... - • t-owaaratos axd livaa CofciuiXT.-Saffering #*t haxn.forthreeyearawiththe*»db<a*e*,lfeelftom«r . i heart for oil pcr»oas equally unfortunate, and tharefora - *. -S ®f them, if they love life and health: if they lev*.. their familb*and. friend)A nottol*y anddiaunoerlha : ! duemr*, or iheb useless trash, bat oy Dr. Taylors Babam;ofJUveTwort.- Thb medicineewed .l was so >ll -1, could .nok tom over ra bed without assistance, arid the mineral doc ton Mid ImJd . not uve a week; yetihis vrcetsble niedieiJMS Cured teo y m mx weeks. T hacking coiish, paiala tl» ftd#s vi rauing of mutter, night sweat*, and was wasted k> .thte ; • bSue, nboinward fever.- ' J BMlLLS,Mittnnsn, Newto%L»l,' ..ID” Hundred* of lives UaTeboeasaved by thb Biedw cme. We daily bear of the most rematkaUe cures ,afr ter everythingelse ImdfoileiL ... Prepared at 73 Boekman street Nsw York. • .. Sold in Pittsburgh' by J.l>. Morgan,B3| IVoodstjJi Tfovro*end,4shlaiivt «l; H cor Market and 3d Henderson ft Co., S Liberty *U Price red need to SI AO per large »onie. . - - feb!7 ; {Baltimore Balun’e tOßß&rip.' *lO (Cumberland fik. of Alio- ’ I flhanjr U [Rar.Bk.ofMaryUsdv M PIUDW) Wuaingtooßk* I '** Bk. ofWeftmiiu ter BUbIKUr BtefSu Clitit-:***-—i Bk. ofßiTcr R*i«u. •• • Uiobigmn Im.Co**- Fir.h’lßkj Wisconsin Ttnlff* M*t-kFiieln.CaJklilw’e 4' Gqine*»9oV. FrwJericktd’oT* • • • *• *7 SO TenThilen TenQoiUerst't' •• 309 boohd’or** A 59 Exchange* New York ipnn Philadelphia v'*’! 4 '* fpftn DaltixDorn V..;.v. j; > J pnn i,par. Interior IPfciv g 1.50 per large Iwtuc. . HlfflDjr - ljnlportJMktn-. QCnOFUWU» CAXCKB CURKa—The fellowiaff O certificate fromahighJyTeipeetableJady.hia be*a, sent to Dr; Jayne by hia agents, Messrs -Jason Kan 4t ■■• Co: - < CentrcviUe, IM7« ' - Mb. latkt—Dear.Sir—Duty, to ray fellow creator** -: ' published efficacy of your .aiiwunu:. I htrt M . whtnhe'doctorsnil jm)ju»riced an lneorsMo Setoff lout Cancer of three veary. standing. .Aftertftilh&l.'' use of tbo remedies of the profession, tutilny patiaacn - in their tue, uid hopes la their efficacy iy. exhausted, t conuueacsd WiilW TOJU literatim. - After 1 had taken it about six month*,! vu tx* imtf "■ cured hr it. hot my Cancer w-as literally rooted ddhzm dropped oi£ 1 act now completely and pumneadr ' cured, anil haro no hesitation in .saying tfciX it is tbn • mostefficaciousconstitutionalremedy OMtet 'l’h***''' ao scruples uor.fears in andeiilgamyus TiztaeaaaA--' commending it to all similarly tfeesad."-;~ . Respcctfeiiy yours, JfURrAn: Dr. D.-Jayuo—Dear you* eartiA* - eat* ftom Nancy Falla, of an Import**! curs MrfenMd oa her by-your AhcrauVe. Thofaetastatod Dfher w* ••: know ioao truei-Yours, - Juca iUkk Q> ' CeatrertUe, lO. <47. - > -S*ef 0 J.Vocdfc ;. For sale la Pittsburgh auk* PefcmTen *tow, 79 4th - sttoot, near wood. - «a> •• PH LIPPENCOTT, . Partly-. Tsar. BlmmL:- ■■■ - v \fTLO.E_tjIiJLEV-.lJ6wSu : .LM<?pnnf > «ad<J* : . ill nng the yreyfoin-Tfinter.i yusnetarely hmintm, :witha•cnnulou* CAoplalat:io-in?lag*,snabad®J<* '-'.i'Vsq ■tor tome montiittuder-Ui*. rareor.phjralciaafc ■■-TmV-/ said tny base wu aljnau incnxl&l*. and they «*M d*..." but little for me. J uru uentbt betpleM; bn-wiih (hft <3 -aid oferuidici could ‘vrtili.diflrcattyipl •mbCj w Ju MW- •: ->:|&s Ut U' l pqrchaied of .yon, nnd ebaßßcoced uuj| Mg* f ? Tot** ausmiaitt*.;- wrt»conunwscr‘ e«, wu»otdrr ’attiwepdwy 4a»bearinj'. .■crofula not „»uum»cr l*n> aarfi.eoapßP 1 eßucd-in-tlwi •you, fans be*m fea. ■• ttrv». *- confront; d: SOO brMiil Peach*' ibli.'.fWlT&uian i bbl >r wispy/:. - • • • L • WATERMAN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers