GAZETTE. '" fittibvbohi •frlftttfnfV vnftypfa.FEßßPAttY2B,lB4B, rrrTn #m**swir D*u.t G*»nt U patched ' jwJV 'Tri.WiaUT. sbtf Daily u Seres / Rto JbUar* per l - 7 —weekly is Two Dollars per aacnm, ttrialj ■inmimnr* >. . •' M ' r~ ' • ■'..•' I pox unrr CucmereUl‘lntfliigtaefc,Dotne»de, Mu* » -k*tt»Btr«r-9«w*i lapon%_Uoo*r Markets, fcteee ■ ■ aMpifK - • •• :• • - i-:' - i. • ' (rrjUTSBWU it* earnestly‘fsgaeated to bud in A&r bvon bate* ftr/Miand, u esriy in the day a* prmdcafrla.::; ■■ ’. • •1 • ■ >Snn. nnt Fa|« fttXiMtUaacMa Xiwb • Memorials ai* coining into Cpngrea* from many sgnmii rceewingthoPiient to lbs heirs of Jy hen .Wood forlbsCsOT InoaPLOpga. Tbs Fe tougrttot ibaxenewal of thf Fatcalrathet dole tba march. apaaiberemofistjihia,botthe Commit* !#• onPhieaiaJatheHbaae, wisely kept the Sea. Me tailback until .there wiu opportunity for toth aides to be hearth ‘ The .'daughter! of Mr. • 'WiDod, who trt to have the benefit of renewal are : >ne appealing: personally aijd pcrseveriagfy • to Übt* tbeu Faihei’e patofttexUmded toiudootdere. qewah At the kaxard oT being considered not gaSeet, I hope they may fiuli tboughit is difficult to foresee what two women'aft determined and re aa * Udies, may not accomplish. Per* , haps a good many male petitioners' may psora more influential. i ■ Tfatn is a Bill reported. from the Committee on pgtemg Mso which antborizesi John A. Adams, the inventor at a new machine for Battening,wroow ’ eus, and fa which letters patent were granted in' to bare his patent renewed for seven years. •• *•••"• : S. B. , Mr. Adama has anrrived] another twenty-four ‘. Jhjvs, and is gradually growing more and more • . f.;n< l thoogh surprising aUbyhis great tenacity of life. .Telegraphic despatcheyhare been received Isom afltytnitera inquiring for hie health and visiters lolbecapiloi have been pouring in without i^er. ' roption, almost from the first jbour of his attack.— *Thia afternoon he waa| again visited'by the ladies • ’’of hiaflmay, who were with jhim a long time afone. v r Mr. C*Ut JefUhe city this diyning in the cars for Baltimore. There was a croyrd of persons at the "iJepot, to taka leave of him; and the good wishes • of the multitude followed him led the city.—. Mr. Clay seemed 'grateful ht: these marks &l rer pectand kindnejs every where bestowed hponhim and cheerful to the lasi. Is there a man-in t all the Union, in the Universe! might add, who haa so ma* jay or inch friends. . ... *“*" V*sbw7To.v, Feb 23,1849. gle. The following genUemenwere with him : his death: 1 . . . R. C. Wiothrop, Speaker, Massachusetts, ■ IJ. Rockwell, Amos Abbott, D. P. King, ; C. Hudson, : J.G. PalfreyV •A. Hah, i Mr. Ashmuu and Jb. Griitnell arrived a few mo. meals after. •• , if p ... . h’*X . -*j.. . V , * •* ,% if tfy- ‘l+ i • •* * . ■n.-j •’i'"‘H ■■ WisHEtGTOat, Feb. 24,1643. John Qoincy • bonf . . An inhabitant of Itfeastchtiictts, - ■ ;jdy. n| ‘1767. ' . ' ] Died. /. .'ln the Ongitol at ’Washington, • ; February si. lB * B ., . Having served ibis country ferbalfa Century, .* tad enjsfed its highestbcmor*. ■ Tbei&ovew the (ascription which the Mtasa* * chnse&s delegalion haveatuhorijedto' be placed 'nponttt tablet covering this coffin of the deceased The cofin is covered wiih silk,velvet sad . (he vtspie perrices are made to correspond to the sen 'riendetteea fch forhim wbp Uuo more, and for the exited oflidal positions which he has held., ' -The President this evening tendered the 'White ; •'Boose and the East Eoom'fcr tbe reception of the -’■> ebepanc The Eiecmive Uansion. and the Capitol ' ’are both covered with mooning, and both closed - except upon the necessary [lmsueas of the Govern ’ ‘ hunL ; . ' JJI parties and receptions are posrpooed for the ' week. The digs being out at half mast, and gener . pervades the city, , ;<. Capitol until; the adjournment of the. two | 1 Houses tf Congress iand of the Sapremo Court was | - filled with lbeacene in the House and ' gw a time inthe Senate, was solemn and impresuve ••■'• Mr. Adam* seat was vaianL His desk bearing • name, was covered witH crape, as also was his ; citif. .Of the thousands thronged tgtbe Csp -4 Jad daring the earlier hours of the day, many hun /. ' totbe spot where he had labored sad • he fell, as to some sacred shrine.' As long ■I *ttb* massive wnlis ofthetCepitol last, so long will • : this nteiriorelde and. sacred.. • . ths Horse had' reference • • iolely io the of Mr. (Adams. There was a ' prayer by the Chaplain of the Senate suo \ seeded by a brief and appropriate address deliver • ed in a manner and tonnef yoioe which, caused tbe eyes bTali lb swim’wjth tear*. The Speaker and • all-wurequith'oTercomeasthey turned towards the , in the HsU ofjtbe House, to so many ocnriried t>y his distinguished friend and coV marked, fern of Mr. Adams •l ; tartdhideed befcro tbe great .ammUy, anipt was -. j w**—atf to realise that his sbirii hadwinged |te way the God whogave it. lHudson,' from Massachusetts, fetk>wed» ' with pararniahed tale of the honors be. *•moved upon his loved and memorable brother in a' - 'Oris* ■*» ftitkr in tbe honors of membership Mm the same aotie old Commonwealth. The nar • - /Vwrive was only different /rom the record 1 sent ■ V -:: you, in the Act that it was more foil and more care ..'. >•; faJfy. written- - ■ ( '•Mr. Hol®**i °fS.C, one’of the warmhearted * "1 nnd most thorough paced party mea. of tbe Honaei mareutferuce toabrilliaDt and affecting eulogy,! in soum of tie private virtues and pobtic >' 's*rrirei<o<f the'deccased were recounted. Then yy»<j sj)proprtsU>. comments upon Mr Adams* "I'rnasrf 'drr the oldest, I believe : : y. r ! members of the popular breach of ; vCciij§rtto' r>-\ t «• !••• • Pv Mr.Mepowell,©f Vn? timrtfGortnoroi the ' - ’''SWetandoae cf. the nwst’-respecuble, ahlo.aftd - ' vr ; : Viid>Hii tfwmhrri of the Administration party gave : - r .aetartaee also to *o®egeneWO»'s»d noMe remarks , the'hviag burn" of and the daad • vv«riodsr-:y-''l - • \\ ■C^.VJlffßrm»*il«»fi«nfijOTi}tatesberi4**theSpeak* T- Wd tints gnrennttentaeb to the feelings of their ;~j : pnb*si(t*»AUt\ka9caUxx>tttUc4tk* lleamr '■ -:;;v; A Bieab«r Oou each of the Sums r/the Deion, ■ { tiflaraiic® to impressive ~ : wotds had (three preetfesl to do so> sikf nof one . v. Vol many days sugfet hsva jhcea m re- ’ rettßliag the Virtuesof thei!see*sed The silence the Hall si intervale was perhaps 'V /, gbs.most marked tribute of the boor. All petty to- (l v . naA w*»lied and iastead of segry, Bshsmo* . -i ■ ;nkms >»d boisterous noise, all wet mfeme end frsn. oa *° had adjourned, and adopted ' , : 'f aa iri\(h~Tir —'»■*“* to the joocarioe, the : fedmg* K; yjf 4ecih.«!». bonejbjr ihg Clerk fiura tbe I loose of to tife Senate Chamber, where-if •* wlegy Senator lie- but the words spoke : ***r**f » toochingly W» fcw«r» *hal meny, Senator. .* kV^fe^^h^-‘wMi:'is : 'ihcr liixredL The, Senate cjtnrded eß.this .to,utmost. Sad the Udk* had poshed their way ofton > , -- t - , ■■ : I" x ; 7 -f It ! Ki' \-r•>*£•'■ •V - • '3 -a.-•*« •* .J ... -■* ■\’V.<f ?' iHirti -;•. i' 1 v,> *••<, iiif I®!*. •:: rfv fe«4i ■*• -.v 4^1 ? *pv» *l* iljl . •’. ; ,',l ■ •#*, g BY EUASTTUS BROOtCS A CO. UUtiUl Cdnsspoadeacc; of the Pittsburgh Gtzeue* . PAT£XT CUES. Wuuzoerai, Feb. 23, ISIS. Wuhin*tonFeb.l3, IMS. ' Jcmt Qokct Asaxsls do more. He died ail" put seven this evening, without a strug- Tbe Bergeanl-al'Arms and the Bfl&r keeper were imi ?"'i ‘ . lir. J. M. Thomas, - I Jtter. Mr. Pafne, ;■ : « B«t. Mr. Gurley,- Dr. T. J. Frye, ; Nephewcf J.Q A. Mr- J. Q. Adams, ‘i Mr.ltaacH; Adams,’ “ Mr. T.L. Moody, ‘ . V r . Mr. A. Burlingame. | . ; ■ these were present. Mr. Adams was just fifty' fi»r boars ill to a moment.; - Mn. J. Q. Adams,;Mra. John Adams, daughter in4aw, Mrs. Frye, *ater-in4*w,Mrs. Louisa Adams, daughter-in-law, Judge Craneh, cuoain, left the Cap. ilol not bog before. ‘ln .haste, e. n- *'T" J j.,“ 1 'll 1 I I ■ ’I Ml ,r ■ ysr - - i would, wlpchfcepC tbe duiißgunfaed Sesstor ] fiom Man, flora ha sett Punruiti ■ITTii ta uTjiail made him a mourner uIU« private 'bhamber, and ■ Mr. 'Webster, I may remark here,grieve* not abiu? fcr the death of hi* aon in Metier but foraa 'onJy daughter, who is now lying dangerously ill at 'Bor j <on. He is also a sufferer -from indisposition. I I wti oot present proceedings before the Sopreme Coart, hot leant tbey were eqoallf im' preatire there asja taOj Senate ud House.. In deed all the Departments of the Government hare borne every possible mark of respect to the dccea*» •d, and private grief ha* mingled largelfwilh these public demonstrations )of sorrow. ■ Those indeed who know Mr; Adams well, remember his Chris’ linn pieties, and his high social 'and domestic qoali. ties. Nearly eighty yean ago he was dedicated to i God, and Com early manhood to bis last hoar be was a believer in the Saviour and an defender ■of the Bible. I s. b. ‘ The “Union” in announcing the death of Mr. I Adam*, ujc— I The lost solemn visitation of Providence has I found him—-and ao be seemed to desire that it should be-7*t the post and in the harness riotic duty.-t, -Crowned! with bis country’s higjtesl honors—representing to a yoaoger generation j the old “Heroic Age": of our republic—the last vener-' sled survivor of the chief magistrate* of our revo- lutionary era—os if to the end that the great ex ample of his life might be moat conspicuous and impressive, his spirit baa passed away, as it were! before the eyes of his assembled countrymen, {rain the rerjT midst of those halls of national council wherein/by his commanding participation in the labors of taro generations of statesmen, be bad a c iieyed his great andfurorid-wide renown! As soon as his death was announced, the. follow-1 ipi call' was issued, Signed by a large number of] The most respectable citizens of Washington, i I A Patriarch ha* gone to his rest—a link between I the past and present generation is broken—a Sage and Patriot has {alien jrt hi* post! It is fit that'we should mourn. It is just to pay a tribiite to depart ed worth. It is doe that we should unite in show ing respect to the memory of the great man |wbo wa* but yesterday among xu. We therefore p*o-\ pose and invite that a;meeting of the eitizenasWl be held at the City H*ll This (Thursday) Evening, at 6 o'clock, to take such measures as may be deem ed proper on the death of the patriarch, palriot,aad I sage, Join Qccfcr Asm I THE TREATY OP PEACE. 23,1818. The treaty negotiated by Mr. Trist.caine to the j Senate today soon alter noon, and upon the motion j of Mr. Sevier, Cbainjian of the Committee on For-1 eign Relations, the doors were immediately closed, I and the treaty, with a part of the accompanying pa-1 pen, read in Executive Session. The correspon-1 dence, being quite voluminous, was not read, but | the whole is refcrredto tEe foreign Committee and! ordered to-be printed. No further whs ta-| keh of the treaty during the day, except in the se-1 ties of resolutions, (referred to elsewhere) in regard j to General Scott’s authority to make an armistice I with the enemy, and; Mr. Trist’s liability to be pun-1 -Uhed under the law of Jan. 30,1799, a copy oh which I forwarded for publication a lew days since. I The question will probably rest here for two or I three days. • • . - I In the meantime there has been a caucus of the j Administration Senators, and they have resolved,] notwithstanding the a'ppearance'of n treaty of peace! to push the Ten Regiment Bill forthwith throngh j ihe Senate. Mr. Cigs gave notice that he sheuld I call it op at one o clock tomorrow, and be added I in a manner not usual for the Senate, that he [ should expect a decision upon the question at that j time. j 1 The Whig Senators, with some amazement, gave I a general echo to this word “tomorrow” the com-1 coon courtesy of the body ahrsysgiving aoafe days I notice of a rcsnltiofthis sort. Mr.' Mason, of Ya, who was entitled to the floor, was willing to forego I his speech, if the Bjll could pass without farther debate. He did not'know bet the changed state of I {act since the Senate Inst met, (alluding to the trea ty,) would, not prompt such a course. ' Mr. BrxxtEt, of supposed, upon the contra ry, that this changed state of fact would- lead the party, not to pres* tlje bill at all - Mr. Cass, however, who is ahrays in the midst of a crisis, found additional reasons for passing the bill, in the feet that a treaty of peace was pending, and be went on to argue the reasons, which were that these tea regiments would frighten the war! party in Mexico, and help to sustain the peace, and it was necessary to do this for effect I Mr. Mango a, with great playfulness and point j interrupted the Senator to remind him, afier the J style of the Adminirtrattoo to tbo Whigs, that such 1 speeches were calculated to give “aid and comfort J to the enemy.” They would go to Mexico, and l what wopld the Mexicans when told that we ; were legislating to frighten the war party and to intimidato them.- 1 Air.' Cass found Senators upon ill rides laughing at'lhis application, and with some confusion be took his seat, resolved, however, to call up the Bill tomorrow. Even the death ofMr. Adams, should be die in the meantime, may not prevent him. U ; ■ Mr. Allen, wbo bad figured so conspieuonslydn ring the morning, in'offering bis Resolutions, made an effort nov to have them considered. His object I obviously teas to remind the Whig many I of whom said, that if the Administration were wit | ling to.discnsa the Itreaty with open doors, they ! should not object tnj such an arrangement. ,Tbe responsibility was lueirs, os they had the power. - Mr. Caxxxos objected upon the ground that too rough time would be taken up in the diacuuiou.* He vu for patting (he Tea Regiment Bill “inane duitelj-, if not aoonep” to quote a phiaae eororoon in the South West ! Mr. Calhoun fch‘highly, indignant that such ft piopoiitioa should for a mats eat be The attempt made yras to break/down one. of the conservative landmarks of the Constitution. If an exception was made to the rule once, it won Id be established as a precedent. /Mr. Calhoun also ex pressed his surprise’ at the,Chairman of the Milita ry Committee (Mr. ; Cess) in not disposing of the treaty before the 'Billy This Was ©bvioosly the most proper qaeuioh to be first considered. Mr. Cass shook Ids head, with meaning signifi cance, and it at once became apparent (hot “King; Caucus had that hpsin*«« ahould be done i after no such fashion as thia. -■ j The debate, being out of order, a motion was i made to adjourn, arid carried. From the few words; ■aid, howercf, it was obvioua that the Ten Regi* meat Bill is to be pushed to a vote, notwithstand ing a treaty of Peace has this day been submitted; to tbe,-Senaie for advice and ratification. j What degree of consistency there is between a Bill for raising ten thousand men for the prasectr j tion of the yvar with ; Mexico, and a treaty of Peace I the world will judge, It is, however, both a novel I mode of diplomacy °f Ipgwlxtioa. Attached! to this Ten Regiment BiU there is a large amount I of Executive’ Patronage, and near at hand is a J Presidential ejediofl. If more troops were really j wanted, there is abundant power to fill up theskeF I don reftaepU aliegfy • the field, and authority I toraisesererilthotjsandmen.besidesJheforty or] fifty thousand already in Mexico. - It is not troops, | therefore, which ora; wanted, but the money of-the | People to be expended in perpetuating the party in J power. ■ [ ' j rßßon>vsxu Twr*- Mr. Cameron, at tf late hour, presented • memo rial from the People jof Pennsylvania, ailnotf Con gress to take measures tor recalling foom Mexico the remnant of the 'first and second of the Penn sylvania Begimmtts.' - Mr. C. dated that these reg iments darted from wilLoy rr two thousand meo, and one of the.regiments waa now reduced lo on MVKDKKD aa»;innCTT«x an, and the other toTWO hdkdbxz) ahn roMT, They had fought brarely, done ibeirduty were among the best men of Ibe iState. ll was due lo&to few who had survived that'they should to return hotne. If more troops were needed, Penn sylvania' wotfid gerid them to the field when the Government called !•' . A mfi"g the memorials nresentoLtoday was one for creating an insjpectkm of, drug* a aubjrpt emi teody deserving thc.atienlioa of Congress, in coo, sequence of the powoaotts drugs recently imported into the country, i *- " MaOTFAcnsxE'-rOae, of the most successful cotton manufactories in New England, which njoya some peculiar advantages, not.common to the majority of mills; and mannfacturea the cheap est description ofgocx s, nas recimUy rnsde up it* accounts for the last six months, and finds that the. goods which have cost them cents pw ,ud, witfioui miUuiifMJF *4°™'“ hr *► inciilioa ot mvilnory, i»v« fcr only 4,61 ■inu a ,ird, mikiiij in Ik- -tr*** 10 quilo a liOOi lo«* Of ftTMtel- r Tka Cotun tutor, at Ipawick, u tote .topped on lb. 1« ot March. —lttwiurjpcKt lltrrdJ. The Hot. Sn*W.lXAra o*° Snaate of ti« Hokm of BanMratatlrai of Iba luutod Bute.) kaa kAtVoibiofUm fcr Noifclk, to taka ikonw kia departure for his destuiatrouas Hatted States Com misswMfio China, to which tm hat recently been appointed. • ' . ■ • - : Tux Txxatt.— The Waahiogtoaccrrospoodent of the Pfafladelptua Ledger eaysposttively that Mr. Wrt Isas drawa for ths three miHona defiant. RATTERS j STATE HOVIE. : ~ WearejMmedtoeeeapaper preieadiogto seek a*oj>podentdlyfrOQi tbs discussion oftfce tariff with ! the haste .the Post has shown. The join .however is qofte lost in amazement at the 'delicney ,of language our.coo temporary and the ex | treme modesty of expression he things appropriate [to the cause in question. All this modesty and deti* Icaey so suddenly-assumed: awkwardly worn,'!* no affair of ours, it| is as uncongenial' os [ Tare with ywi, and you willi soon, be over it. .You; I ju*deassertions which we tlispioved, and if your iaunpleaaaiit, the {anlt is not with us, you I should have been more careful of your assertions. I In support of your position; about the iron trade, you offer proof* and when risked for' them yon refer os to a gentleman who has jjothing to do with the I matter at aIL Your reference is indeed undoubt ed, as all Pittsburgh knows, but we want from yau the statement, he is expected to confirm. We could get much valuable information from the gen* I tie man to whom you refer, hot we have yet to learn I that he will defend your statements and we again I demand ihefaUt ttf corroborate the statement you I made abont the Iron Trade.:. The Post says: ! - “We stand ready to prijve, should the Gazette have the assurance to deny jt,ihatsotne of our iron manufacturer* are now sending bar and boiler iron, 'tafi, to Mississippi, and to' New Orleans, to supply 'orders for tliese articles from markets so accessible to British competition.” 1 . After you have done this, wo want’an explana tion^of another declaration you have made in order l to get out of an'untenable position. Failing to prove [ that Pittsburgh iron was ordered for New Orleans, to compete with English iron, you say that: “Eng lish iron it is true, is broughi into New Orleans, and sold there at a lower price 1 than Pittsburgh iron; but its inferiority produces no competition in those | uses for which good iron is wanted.” The lasf extract read iu connection with the first is aimply absurd. If Pittsburgh iron in the Missis sippi market has no competitor, why [with such pomposity state the fact of iron going South, as a proof o! prosperity, or as successful competition with English iron. The Post expresses itself happy ia the belief “that the iron interests in Pittsburgh are prosperous; and that the whole great valley of the-Miasiwippi is mainly supplied with iron os it comes from our Rolling Mills. t ' , t . Far be it from us to disturb the complacent hood into which you liave persuaded yourself but we must request that wheu you ucxl make inqui* ties about the iron trade, you will after getting all the particulars about the “costings for the Slate House of Louisans, of the most beautiful gothic patterns,” you will ask Ist llow much pig iron has been ordered from New Orleans and hew, much aver $32 per ton, are the orders limited aL 2d. How much pig iron has been ordered 'from the Clyde.' J,: 3d. How. much mere bay iron ourrailUmeaato make next month than for the past few month*. • 4th. Ia not Scotch pig very profitable to work up I into beautiful gothic state bouse patterns. I If you will pursue the inquiry diligently the re- Lsultwillbe “another iron triumph galling to the : wither* ofaueh politicians as he is,” andgnitifyiog to the immense iron interests of Pennsylvania so treacherously betrayed by the Administration. Pennsylvania Legislature. Harrisburg, Feb. 23,151\ Soate.—The Ten Hour Bill passed with the amendment that Uie children employed shall be between 12 and 14 yenrn-of age. So for as we can learn the lull now stands thus:— . ’‘Section. 1. Be it enacted, Jcc., That labor per formed during a period of ten hours, on any secu lar day, in all cotton, woolen, silk, paper, bagging, and flax factories of this commonwealth, shall be considered a legal day’s 1 labor, and that hereafter no minor or adult, engaged in any such .fiictorv, ■hall be bolden or. required to work more than ten hours on any secular day, or sixty hours in any' secular week; and” “that after the 4th day of July,' of the present year, no minor shall be admitted as a worker; under the age of twelve years, in any i cotton, woolen, silk, ttax, or other factories as I aforesaid, within this copunon wealth; and if any I owner ofi or employer in, any such factories, em ploy any such minor, be shall be adjudged to pay a penalty of fifty dollars, one half whereof to go [ tothe patty ao employed, and the other half to Uie commonwealth, to be recovered in Uke manner as “fines of like amount ,arenow recovered by law.” A tetter in the Philadelphia,Buileim, dated Feb. 22d, from which we take the above, says.- ' The second section is yet under consideration It reads:• “Sections. That front' and after the passage of this act, nil acts of Assembly heretofore passed, regulating the education of children in this com monwealth, by tbeestfiblishroenlofcommon schools be, and the tame are hereby extended to all towns and townships in this Stale.” This section will be disposedjof tixiay'.and h new one probably ridded —cafollows: \ ■ I “Section 3. That it shall be the duty of parent* to school thcir'children, when arrived at the age of four, at lest six months- in each year, until thev or- I nvc at tbe'age of twelve, when they shall be ad n’odged capable of laboring in factories; and on foil- I ing to comply with|tbei provisions of this section, j the sard'parents shiU forfeit and pay to tite com- I monweanh for each- offence, a stun not exceeding I fifty. jfolUfs.” J. J | This section is prepared, and will be offered in I all likelihood to-day! j 1 If the bill paired as amended by the Ix 4 sec. I lion, the law as it goes to the House will provide | Ist that children under twelve, shall not work in I factories, 2d that children must go to -school six | months ia a year, for eight years, or they shall no 1 | be eligible to work in a factory. Hocst —Pfntuyltxinia Railroad. —The supple ment to an act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The amendment ofMr.Hafiowell, pending when the bill was last up, was voted down. ~ Several other amendments wereotfered and also rejected. Mr. Halkrwell, ofMonlgomery, moved an ament!- meat, requiring that the profits of the road over six per cent, be paid, into the StateTrcaoury, until fifty cents per passenger carried is.paid. Tbe amendment was agreed to. . Gexexal hl»xt’V*irn-aixo Law.—Wc give tlie following abstractofthis law which is now inlbree in New York, and hope one containing as many good qualities as this, may soon pass oar own Leg islature. The provisions for the security of tbe public may be briefly summed up as foliowr— , The csrtxsz. vroex must all be. naid up in casii, and must always be st least equal to tbe debts of tbe company. Full annual statements axe to be made of its condition, in such a manner as to be readily accessible to all concerned. - Stockholders axe liable iw<viDDAixr~ . For the indebtedness of, the company, to an addi tional amount equal to the stock held by them, un til tbe whole of the capital stock is paid in, and the certificate thereof is duly recorded. -r For debts due to laborers, servants and apprenlif ces for labor. No stockholder to be liable for any debt jiot du* within one yetfiafter the! same shall hare been contracted;or for anydebt until an execution against the company shall nave been returned unsatisfied in whole or parti Txusnxs AXE M*«-E INDIVIDUALLY ASD SCVX EALLYJ— . j. Upon failure to publish-an annual statement of the capital, property, debts,fcc-, of tbe company. For signing a report which they know to lw false. , Wbep they declared a dividend,the payment of which would diminish the capital stock of tho com pany. Trustees filing objections thereto with tbe country clerk to be excepted. If money.belonging to the company w loaned to a stocklmlder, tbe officer making or assenting them to is to be personally liable for the amount or said loan and interest - If the indebtedness of the company exceeds i(s< capital, the trustees assenting thereto aru liaWe for the excess. The Gxsat Tatlor Mxetiso in New Yowl— We have the details of the great Whig Meeting in’NeW York, on Tuesday, evening, in favor of General Taylor for the Presidency, for which such extensive preparations have been made for a month past Tbe meeting was held uuder s ca, tfiat, ifiil it is estimated that about five thousand person* were present, though a heuvy ; falling daring the it is fhougfd con* itdenHy diO)ip|tdied.ttie number that would have been present- {' J - J ; '-; An address and aeries of resolufiop* in favor of the nomination of General Taylor as thoWliig can didate for the presidency, were adopted with great unanimity; and enUiusiem, and speeches were delivered by Ogden Hoffman, Esq-, Hon. M* P. Gentry, of Tennaasee; Col. Baiter, and Col. Mor rison, of Illinois; and Gen. p. $ Smith, of Phila delphia.; ] j Pennsylvania and Ouiu. Railroad. —A letter from Columbus, doled Feb. 23d says: “The act in : corporating tbe Ohio and Penns, rail road Co., after a severe struggle,has passed. In a few hours ; more i£wilj become a law, by receiving the signa tures of tbe Speakers and depositing the roQ in the Secretary's office.”. A joint resolution was passed directing the Governor! to trausmit copies of the general Roil Read law. of Ohio,. together with all lawx inoorpomtisgß. IU in which Pennsylva nia is concerned,'Jo the (Jovernor of Pennsylvania. These laws refet iothe following routes ds Co’s. Cleveland it PiUsburglt R R Co. Akroa> Pittsbtirgb, i R:R 00. Cleveland Sc Mahoning, R-.1l Co. . • Wellaville Sc Pitlsbuigh, R R Ca Aatet regoliting Rail Roads in the State of Ofcio, Cftio and Pmaißoil Road. Jon* Qcixcn-AciJE. —Am meeting of the mu' sea* of the Sixth*, Ward, held an Friday evening LR livingKoa,-Eaq| presiding,—it was, J2e*afris^"Thal~Rsl>«rt'Christy/John Harper and B lowrie, be a committee to select-a Suitable per* .egnjto delivcr anOrrilfon on the character, of the late’ John Quincy Anaits; and to give’ public notice of the .time ,of is to be held in the large lecture Room of the sixth Ward Public school house. '■! Fire.— I The- alarm of fire on Saturday night was caused by the burning of some of the work shops belonging to the Western Penitentiary, Damage* but slight, cause of tie firo not known. The boil dings burned were the Dye House and Blacksmith shop. Icon lu.frof^corhx'rno.v—We shell publish to morrow the call for a Convention ni Harrisburg on the?22dof March./’ It is most .respectably sign ed by the iron masters of Eastern Pennsylvania .and will command attention. - . , Second Ward.— The election in this: ward Ifor •delegates to the county convention resulted in the choice of Messrs. Howard and Murray. Tbo vole polled wns 271. : ( Alleouent city.— -The elections .were well at tended and- the delegates chosen, of the stamp that will do honor to themselves and the Convention. Lower Sr. Clair Township. —Ephraim Jones jr. and Jolm'B. Sheriff, were elected delegates to the County Convention on Saturday. Allegheny counts - . —From reports, that have reached us, there is no reason to doubt that the old county is as wide awake for the next election as could be wished. J? THIRD WARD. Pursuant to coll, ihe Whigs ami Antim axons -of ths Thinl Ward met ai ; the Third Ward Public School Room, and organized, by calling T. j. Bioiuutto the Chair, and appointing i, W. Lewis Secretary, j Messrs. S. Palmer, C. L. Magee. T. J. Whitten and W. M. Murray, wert .nominated a*.Delegates io meet iu CoiSljy Convention, and the meeting proceeded to seven minuirs after the poll* opened, a mo tion wits mude to ndjtum, which motion the Chairman declared to be - earned, but upon! a call being made for a division, the President slated that be could not remain on account of indisposition in hi* family, und vacated his chair; the Seeretiry also withdrew at this stage of tile proceedings. The vote stood for Messrs Palmer and Magee, SSI, and Messrs. Whitten sod Murray 91; whereupon, on motion, Mr, T. M. Coliingwood was called to die Chair, and W. M. Murray appointed Sec* reinry and on motioi the Polls, were reopened for the reception nftliu volf* of those who bad not already voted and on closing the Poll it appeared that Messrs Whitten and Murry ,[had cach.ss3 voU-* ami Messrs Pal taeraud Slagec eodh 21 votes. Whereupon Messrs Whitten and Murray were declared to bje duly elected drlegatetto reprcsenttbe third Ward in county Convun Uon. On motion adjourned. T.:M. CGI.LING WOOD PretideitC W; M. McaasT. fjoerctary. THIRD WAHD. ; l*unuant to a call Of the county Convention,tlie tVhi-. and AntiMnsouic ritizens of the Third Wnrd of the city of Pittsburgh wit at tlieP&blic school house fur the purp°*« of selecting two delegates to represent the said Ward in the county; [Convention to be held at the New Court House on Wednesday the Ist of March IS4*. At ;,he hour of seven the meeting was called to_ order by electing Thomas J Ingham Knq-, to the chair and ap pointing Joseph Secretary. ■ On counting the following nara-il person* were duly elected delegates to the vaiibt'onventiuu. - Samuel Palmer and C L Magne. No further bosi neM beiug before the house, itir mreting on motion ad journed. , T 1 OJIAS J. UKiHAM, PrysidenL Jt«xrn Lmrts Secretary. - FOCRTIf ~WARD.“ The Whigs Tof thb Fourth Ward metoa Saturday evening the-ilih in* L'at 7 o’clock, at “Fells 3'avem” to choose delegate* io Die County Convention, lo bet held on next Wednesday, David Holme* was op* pointe-J Chairman t ml Milton McClelland was cho*en Secretary. Messrs. 3.0. Loorai» and, John McFwleaj Clay, delcgnte* weir elected by a nearly unanimous . ote. On motion adjourned. DAVID HOLMES, Chairman. Mitrox MrCLixtwn, yerretarj-. Tltv Tailor Mi.YTlNrj .\T Piuladelshia.— The North American hxv the following letter from Alle gheny county, tliat docs not lack'in spirit tl "BiuLelh, Ftb. 10. ISIS. I received a fe\f days ago a.circalar, signed by twenty-firo gentleffien, from tbo city and coonty of Philadelphia, without divtitn-licn of party, with n<4 one of wbotabsve Lever bad the pleasure of an acquaintance. And Jioing associated gsUusNfre,’ without principle ,’or aeatimeab I am at a lot* for their name, and thus address von that' l may kuow the souiiincnta of their conglomeration before 1 take with their rndvemenL They tell me that KJen. Tayhtr is the only prominent man now before the public who possesses all the requisite qualifica tions for the rresiileocy.’* 1 wonld ask, ia not be who u ai-knnu lcdxcd by the world to be a men, a slatesmau, an orator, a patriot;'!* not he • mtu maul 1 woulJ ask, does not he wbo«A ser vices hare lx-cn timiucnt for more than half a cec tnry; who ha* honored every- posttion to which ad .-enlighlencil people havo called him; who has done [■service, good/andifoithful service for Lis country and hi* country’s whose vigils for hircoun try's welfare have been energetic and untiring does be sot possets all, the requisite qualifications for the Presidency! I would ask ia not be who i« the “same frank and fearlm gentleman, the same wise and patriotic statesman, he who, in ’44 vu in our heart* and upon our bus, and who theu elic* ited the willing vote* of 1,*x<,333 citizen*—is net he br/off tlte public’ I wonld ask, u nut that man whose name thn!'* the hearts of his countrymen, whose service* demand the highest gift nt the handvof the people 1 , and who would carry to the polUin ’43 a greater number of votes than -any man spokeo of-for tbePreajdency—is not that man Henry Clay,- Hoping that your eastern Taykmte# may see this through your columns, I will also tell them that I am a \ member of the-“ Clay Club si Elizabeth” and that our principles are those of the whole Whig party, that we gu in for Henry Clay first, Harry of tbo West Mill b<T of the Slashes lastj aii(T;the nominee of the Whig No tional always.' With respect I remain your subscriber and obedient servanL , Kozotr C. Waucex. Turn Leatiixes, Family .—This is ooe of the blu est families la New Hampshire.—They sro the,de scendants of a Gipsy family which come over fium England, with the first settlers. They live a va grant basket-making life, but are so proud ofthe family name, that when any ooe seeks tii alraiidon the name of his sires,” he becomes a doomed man. One of this Leathers'family .re cently changed his aaine to “Freeman,” by Lcgtv lative enactment,land he hxir become Urn victim of Eben, Kben Jun, andilicharU Leathers—they have been convicted of manslaughter. ■ j A portion of the Ltathtrt tribe formerly mad# a periodical visit LtiUoscowcn, N. H. Uiis branch of tho tribe numbered twelve long, lank, wild looking Gypsies, glorying in the uaroo of LeatJitrs. ■ > The worthy father of Senator Kx,waa a rcsptc able merchant in Uoscowcn, and he monopolized the basket trade of the tribe. They would aMesn ble around tbe door, and one onty enter the store to “dicker.” The trade being coniumated. Mr. Ihx would politely address ti.c chief tlma—“Mr. 'Lea -ttiers will you take a little ardent spiritsF No sooner bad the chief imbibed, than Mr. Leathers' No. 2 would eater the 'door saying, “my naotejis Leather*,” and step up and take aarink—theit Mr. Leathers No. 3 would follow, and so on to Mr. Leathers No. 12. i TAvn they all responded to tbeir family name, at the first call of one—lurw some disown and aban don it wliea no ono calleth. —Cirtciunoii GazriUi Moar Sisoclax Occwtxxvcr-—Captain Martin) Luud, a Dane by birth, who was well known ip* New Orleaus, left there about eighteen months ago in tho schooner Independence, loaded with mer chandise for a Mexican port, upon a speculation Hu went to the Hio Grande, sold and at, ter taking on bourd the rocoipu, which amountefl lo three or four thousand dollars in specie, he again put to sea. A ndtthcr coming on lie was obliged to put into a hostile Mexican port, when his prop erty was confiscated and his person put into clos# confinement. Hi# friends hearing no new* diredt from him, and a rumor being in circulation Unit hi# vessel was lost with all on board, they supposed rtf courso that he was dead. A succession was open ed in the nroper court, his property sold, the sue cession flosed, and tho proceeds paid over to the supposed widow. -: The wife, about six months agd Warned a young lawyer of New Qrlpans. Threq or four days since; to the wonder of every one, the long lost but veritable CipL Land returned to hi# former hoiup, and found qnite air alteration in hi# attain, both pecunioiy Unjll domeitic. This rnatf givo rise Id Some mterestiug discussions of |hc law! REVoMmowAcy |figo Wo leant from; the hivder.clc htuipiner. lLuf Mr. Henry Hear, «>? that city, who departed ibi| life on Thursday lastj in tho 91« t year of his' age, was the hut of tho re 4 volutionary heroes of Frederick county, lie enter-1 ed the army m 17*« as a volunteer;'ll# was one 1 of tliat company.of patriotic aud gallant young men! who marched front Frederick under tho command: •f Cant Peter Mimia, and formed a part of the: Maryland mius. iH,e passed through much peril; and h ardship, and was in several battles. He was attended to Ins lost resting place by ihe.Musonic frnierniiy, of whlc)i. he was a member.— Baltimor* Run. • • • v ing tho rktloncjl floutlih., 00 IU, ,i,] e lbo „ nKr r {Z , ra ?' m hy. P"kuua, lii, an niubU.hnd. 6a Uiat Amcridaa Tobaccu .contnbutes an annual mB ' r ‘k« uouulry of upward. That duty if,brae idnUinff, tterimg [df? pound, or about aWi hundred dollar. p« huytead. fLo « M k tolwcco ji, Gravt Brilnia on the Ist of Jaminrv last ws* fiftv five thouwntlfive.hundredhogsLS^which, when token out of bonder consumption, will pay aduty oi {^ri r^^^ ur^un 4nd{h 0 Philadelphia, Feb. 5. Tux Ohio Leqrlatvxs have passed a joint (Vfohttioa to motim tq day the 2SUi itut, - * ’■ u f . BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. #f Pittabargh Gaistte. . CKruqwadeaee of the FiOtbaffh Roettt. i ..; r! . Approfil of. tho iTretty. ' : * 'WiSHiaoTOc.Feb. 2^lBlB. T}ie . Union has an article a pon; the ktetrtaq l which may be'aOme index of thri fate it wiQ meet intho Senate." The official-editor expresses hr*: satisfaction at the general- terms of.tha treaty, bat objects toits-hrigin, hndsay* Mr.Trist baa been acting throughout without authority. There bas'gatliered an' immense concourse .of people in the city to alteadjbe obeeqniea of Mr. Adams,and this wish seemanniversa] to yield him ,tl»i last token rf respect. The belk of thecityare toiled and mottled and from the flag the' itam and stripes depend draped with crape. Honor has been rendered to the long list of brave men who hare fiillen in the bloody fields’ of’Mexico, bnt the tribute to the patriarch of our civil history, will &r exceed all that has been rendered to our 'military defenders. • ; I . Exclusive Correspondence! of jibe Puiibnrgh Gazelle PHILADELPHIA MARKET. r Philadelthia, Feb. 26, 4, p. w. T The markets are ail quiet, with do change in quotation* and nothing doing. The tamemay be .said of the Baltimore market.; Exclndve Correspondence of the Fitubareh Gazette NEW YORK MARKET. • Q , New York, Feb. 20,3 P.M Flour— Sales.ofGenesee' at SG,I2|(S64S| 9 tbl - The market with a moderate business i* in favor of the buyer. ' \ Gems—There ia a good, inquiry for Wheat for milling, purpose* but other : grain* are quiet— There ts more doing in Coro, and the market has anupward tendency. Othergraioi are a*before:! Pork—There is mss movement in the ‘article,' but ibo market ia steady. • ’ Bacov—Salos of Western cured ham* at C|c 9 Si. , ' Lard— Sales pf .Baltimore rendered nt Sic » Cj. ' ■ r Cottox—Market quiet, nolhingddlog. CINCINNATI MARKET. • • , Ccicneom, Feb~29,Of.*.' Flour— The market i* steadybut noc active. Moderate sales are elTected at $4,25©i,311. Grain— Sale* of-prime red wheat at 85c 9 bo. Prime Yellow com is selling at 2&930 » bu. Sales of Oats at 2G£280 9 ba. Of ; Rye atGsc*>bu- Sccsar—The market ia steady, with regular sale aMU3so?.lb. f i . : at 20c gal. | WiniKET— I is dull, with sales at 17c ygaL ; ■ 1 - . I’ork—Sales of :No l'Mess at $7,75 9 bW: and of Prime at LbL ; t ■ Bulk Mkat—Sales of 20,000 tt* : sides at 3c* pound. - ■ -j . . Lixarti Oil—Sale* n t 55c per galL . Atma—Sales of Pearls at 7c, and of Pots nt'4lo 9 Ih. - - . The market generally is without change. Oiissqviss or Mr. Adams.— The failure of the National Intelligencer of Friday, makes us unable to give Mr. Winthrop’s Eulogy. The funeral train was very large and the ceremonies most appropri' ote, bnt we wait for the account as given by. the press rather than take ilte fragments sent by Tele* graph. . Mil Clay.—TSe Nalional lntelligencer;of Mon* tiny has the following paragraph.—“We have seen it stated in the New \ork and other papers, as if from some authority, that Mr. Clay had positively declined consenting to the use of as a candidate for the Presidency, and would, in a lew days, under bis own hand, : announce the fad. We believe that these rumors are unfounded,iand that while he has a strong disinclination to the use of his name for such a purpose, he has remained en tirely passive, without hiring formed absolutely any determination one way dr lhp other. We have no doubt that if Mr. Clay should.adopt the resolu tion attributed to him, he will under bts own'sig nature announce it; in the meantime, the public would do well to discredit all rumors not possess ing Auch.aulitority. Trade of Wnxfivniß.—The Patriot of the 22d says l —^A few minutes before going to press, we visited the most of our' wholesale' establishments, to ascertaintbe complezion bf business during the past week, and was much gratified to.learn that it was oti tlie increase; averaging from 70 to 50wag ons of produce per day, noturiiWandlng >hf ‘'ontravclable’’condition of the roods; iblfmost of which Icft town ladeacd with merchandise for the. interior. As an evidence of the great produce and shipping business now. going on. in .our town, it is nnlr necessary lo state, which we do upon the au thority of oue of ohr commission bouses; that du ring one day lost week 150 wagons turned wheels in the streets of Wellsville.. ’ .... NpßTtc Csa««A' W*Lk; CoxTcvrimr.—Tb* Suf d’-Couveutioa of the -bn* nominated, as its candidate . for Governor of thsttflatc attbe ensuing election, Charles Manly, geatforaan universally respected and to loved, whose nomination is enough to secure his election.. I , Harrwburgh, Feb. IP, ISIS. The Pennsylvania Rail Rrad supplement was lost to day in the house by one'vote. M*. swartzwelder. - inttwpsrlsat to Aitve.rtuera*—'Th« sdver-l wbtcb appear (u Ute*l>«t(y .Mornins (iaxn;e Al-o»i'pra,iu ib* *rn-tVectty', that rceeiving Cw ben rfit at the cireuluion of all,*'wiiboUi«'njr additional charge, Tlu* l»»u advuuasc idoor a-ivcru»crß,witheai any extra expense. A'drertiteiarnu are also icserted in ibe conany paper span reAM'noble lerra*. fD“ ladies who n»* Jones* Spanish Lily MTjile, have always a fine while iraospareoi Akin. Of this a trial will »«iuiy any one, Bold ! on!y in Pittsburgh, at SW liberty sl : 'nevlVdamlwly £7~\V* am auiboriied to say 'that the asms of M, B’fACKIIOCBF. wilt to preseiued to.the City Councils night, for Iho Superintendent of the Water works. ' : , diftfeUS To t'<* HangrgUt Judgrt ef the Cimrtof General Quarter if»sxumg vf tke JPeaet, in and fur iht CoutUg r.f Afleghntf. V j The Petition «f J. BUUXUCARROLTON. ©i'Hli*. b*th towinLijs in t>i* county, aforraaid, humbly mhow* nil that your Petitioner hath uroriilrd hitnarli with be ce*«*ry bou*e lOtmiul ntartUng, ibrtbr arebaunada* i>onoi'tnintllrr» etui other* at Lia dwelling bboae In the tow-tulip tixi courtly nf&rraaJd. and pray# that your Honor* will be pUnned to prani hint* heenie, la keep n l*uhlle Houac oflintcnainmrht, anil your Petitioner, an in duty toubd, will pray. . | .. J. BILUNG CAJIBOLTON.- We. the subscriber*, of Hirsbetb iowtuhipl da certify that the above IViiiinner I* of good repute lor honesty sn-l trintw-rawe. and is welt provided with house room aud stabiioc. for the accommodation of travellers auJ oihr-r-, snd thsiibe sold tavern i» oeeessary.; J It .Mnrrinrr, , - H Luu, J IVaree, \V Marriner, ; l>orge Lull, Jonathan Pearre, ■ JasJCClnn-, Jas Pearce,; ' A H Appl'-zatc. John Gibson. frb>«-3t*T •; KV. S. MOOSE. l 1 UA'ACiK. IBMI Moobk «niu>oar j metxhanttailobr Philadelphia,'At No. Tv» poulh Third street, oppo- Hie lh>r.k street, desire loenil the attemmn..‘of con noisseur* la drew to the utictKrc rcci JKqjoa tukt hats ArrAtNxo in tlte »hapiiig and oianafucturit of gar incuts. They eanaot hut feel perfectly confident teat every one of refined and cnluvnied' taste will ever pro ler the ntAsn: a*d tncrx KLza ascx of thoroughly prac tised sarorv to the twetrhed and judicroua burlesques of the mode, the frail and worthless'workmanship issued from the crrmieously rolled cheap ettablisebeni* of this and other citiea. With this fontiction, they proffer their sen-ires to lover* ef cnnarcrxws, stMMentv and aracty. pledging their admitted skill and ambition to .the gratification of all tastes, however difficult or eleva ted. } - The Jong association of Mr. Mooxx wilh nlr. Rosa, Wixxaxxxsxx is, totha miny patron* Of that cs tabliihmcnti a sufficient guarantee nf his ability. . • ■ ' ' . felitfcfihrtf Marble Work. - THE aticiitloii oftgentlcracn. desirous of purchasing Marble Mantels, Musvkxnt* or Ptaitaxt, is re quested. • The Subscribers having been engaged in the Marble business fbTlhe last thirty years, m Philadelphia, and -having manufactured work for almost every part of the Union, rsn to aft who’ hate favored them with their custom, and to their work, (considerable of which has been put spin this place.)' ,;They hare a|ways on hand a full supply ofMarble Mautels, and new mid ori ginal Designs tor Monuments and other work; copies of which, with prices will be forwarded. p „ rr/’AH work shipped is insured from breakage. They can refer to any Merriuttile:bonie Jit Philadel phia tor standing aad character as workmen! JOHN BTHUTHEKS A SON, f*bi£d3ra N’OSOUHigh sL FUiia. N. U. Therd it nothing in the] r line which they do not famish either domestic or imgorltjd. Dry Good* at 'Wholesale. MURPHY, WILSON L Coi, No.W Woodstreet, are now receiving by daily arrivals from the import ers and manufacturera, ample . supplies of desirable Spring Goods, which -they otter to city and country re tailers at the smallest advance. Having a partneraimoitcousißiitly in (hecastero markets, their stock will be kept up Ihroaghopt, the season. I Among the articles already received, ore 00 cases some very iMiauiifal and adapted to city sales; a Variety of td-cciis, cotton pantaloon stuffs, domestic ginghams, bleached and brown cottons, fe. febaSdAWlmT ValtiabU Farm Far Sale. rivjns Fann lies updn the biuiE of the Ohio river, in I Lawlnnce ponnty, Ohio, jtgtpc'diately adjoining the vTflagc of MillcrspbiC It cohtiiu* upwards of 300 acres, nf which lCi acrciujc cleared find under cidtivution. There is upon the property a pood dwelling house mid •out buildingi. Terras liberal, end Idle Indisputable.— Inquire of ,It)DD *7^llll, IcMSd'Jwy - Attorneys at Law, 4th »l Admlnlatralov’aSotlee. LCTTEHS of Admiufstruion have becu granted to the undentgnrd on the estate of Beth Loomis,' late ot j JUftbetb, Allegheny eouuty, Pciul AU persons in debted to the estate orsaJd deceased, will please make immediate paymem. and claim* will nrerent them auly abthcntieated for settlement. •. Ptovsiri d . f - TUDMfSON MARTIN; Adtn. • Frr«f"vrn, Feligg.lw. 1 ;.i ' ftb«lwft*B ; B" acon—DuooUi, city, ■*“: : j,. ■ Dmia> . FniHT-lW sacks dried peffcbea, (hal«V a prime aniclej and S 3 do AppleK m store mulfor by [febaSl LB WATER3IAN C~ YARNS—N»O lbs Cotton Ynros, aw'd Nosj 60 ! hash clover a few' bags Umov M*" -fi| ibbls"DUmaUdi>. : ' landlug frotq wiucii •v' • - : 1 . - \ t ,} nalii : iji :■ Tit: jESUyAtrauag. Feb-fitsumodeSfterSr ereaiaf dnnoHbe-Week, sleeps Saturday.;- Exlubi* ttecatoaehnolaaveiy^fteniooottsb’elock.i . Heketr M cents, to be had at ihe-JUoriocsabela House, fit Cnarles, Exchange andMerehariuifoteD, *ad at-the door. Door* open at G( o'clock: aid exhOii.- tton.wili commence at 7 o'clock. ; SHALL FIGURED PRINTS—Juit an •ortment or blue, pink, lalockfptuple and orange, small figured print* and ehintxes tor childrens* wean also, dark and oil scarlet do; al*o,!plaiu,Tpink, and orange moose delaine*, for do; small barfed Ac. attbe Dry Goods Boose of <* -.1 . febg ' - w rmuepmv. *nßlNT&—Gingham styles; open.tbis morning, T case JL . handsome prints, gingham patterns, atid&st colors, oalf lt2| cents per yard, at the ury goods house of fcbS* i , WRMUHPHV DRESS GIXGHAMfiU-Qpen -this morning, an as* sonment of freslt ginghams, from 121 eenta per yd! op to first quality Preach, at reduced price*. ai.i, biary Manchester gingham*. low priced and fine, WR MURPHY ;■» ftba 1 cor.MarketfcSOitm. QIIESP PELTS—2D bills, a good article! rcc*d pei Oftrtr Pacific, and forlsale by ! fc&S3 ... JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co. Window glass—lo bx* ox* 20 do fro-, ao do ox IS; 450 do Bxl 190 do 10x12: IDO do 75 do ass’U 10x15 to 24x31* on hand and tor sale ky . . febSd 1 TASSEY.A BEST COFFEE —250 ban prime rio, is store andlfor sale by . lebSB | TASSEYft BEST PEPPER AALLSPICE-10 bags pepper, 6 do all spice, on band and tor sale by ! fcbSfl I . TASSEY & BEST TEA— 75 blf chsts and bxs Y Hyson, Imperial nud- Gonpowder, for sale by TASSEY Aj 11EST feb2* j l&j wood st RAISINS— 30 bxs Crash, rec’d and for sale by feb7B . ; TASSKYj A BEST SMOKED HERRING—7S bxsNo 1 and ojibr sole by fpb!» : TASSEY A BEST MACKEREL— 50 bbls No 3, large; S 3 htfido No 3, on hand and for sale hr (feae] TASSEY A BEST T riNEGAR—IfI bbls pure eider, rec’d add Cor sale by J febSd, TASSEY A BEST /CLOVER SEED—I2O bush prime £?w rec'd and for sate by tfebaa] , TASSEY) A BEST riUMOrHYSEED—2O bush for sale by j . X febSd: , ; , TASSEYj A BEST DRIED PEACHES ■ 2V) bush, for sale fiy CebSO I ' TABSEYi A BEST ■\TAILS-t2OO kegs ass'd sixes for sale- by I Cebaa 1 -TASSEY A BEST Srisetv-toayfese cos and V>.choice brand*; for sale by A VEST BOWEN Cobgr ! - • . Tuitront st FLOUR— 100bbUfoi;sale by.. j CelnM 1 ! • JA3 DAI.gFT.T. "I)AG WAREHOUSE—The highest pnee'in cash XV paid for good elean rags; olsb, canvass, bale rope gras* rope, bagging, woolen rags, Ac- by j ’ I w J w.iiubwiCK fobSO yajrne st. between pend A liberty MOLASSES-2ft) bbl. prime NOMolasses, in oak bbls, lauding from sunr Friendship, arid for sale by' febSO : W A M MITCHKLTREE ’ OUGAR—4O bods prime NO, just rec’d arid for sale br' O fcbaS i IHJINDEXTER ACo SUGAR— 90 hhds N o,ju»t rac’d and for pale by feb-JU |JJROWN_ACULBERTSON DT. MORGAN A Co, Wbolssale (irocere and m Commission Merchants. 100, Wood , febl» HIDES— 984 dryhyde»,jtm received ItysSnrGray Eagle, and for sale by SAWIIARUAUGH letrtJO __ i 33 wood st RYE FLOUR—S 9 bbls for sale by j _i tf*W|!ARBAUon LARD— SO bbls No 1; in store and for sale by 9.i , .c<yg=» . 3_A W HARRAUCH \fACKEREL-50bbl. No 3. South MatkereklOdc lO blf bbls Nol; 10 dp do Nosh it •lore and for sate by i MILLER A RICKETSON - CcbCS : cor, liberty and irwin sts SALT— 150 bbls No I, now landing and for sale by ■CcbiS _■ MILLER A Rif KKfSO.N COPPERAS— 30 bbls in good order, far sale low by feb23 ■ . • • J aCHOONMAKKR ACo GLUE— 10 bbl# No 1 for sale by ( fcl>23 J SCHOONMAKER A Co LAMP BLACK— 35 bbls assorted, for tde by _ >cW3 J fiCHOONMAKEK A CO EPSOM SALTS—JOUO lbs for Bkle by 1 1 febas j schoonmalkeb a c© LARD OlL—Oflhe best quality, for salfcby ! febSd J SCIIOONMAKERA Co fehgs , J SCIIOONALAKER ACo H ol^— 3 bales on consignmenCaad for sale by febvs : j MILLER A RICKETSON SOAP— 40 bxs Cliillieoihe, In store and for sale by - Celias ; MILLER A KJCKLTSON pjLAIICT-28 bids table elareuyik> Donlcao*. in *toi V k; “!• by i HILLER t RJCKETSO.N _'. " I . corjtibcriynnjl irwin «t>- I . T LNbEfb oiL-UU bbUlbrMie ir j JLt UV& MefiH X. HUSHPIEUD-1 HOE PATENT HUCKbTS-WiJe* for ante IV 1 “ febas McCILL, IiUSIIFIEILD & ROE "DICE— 2S uercaa, Ibraaleby ! Xt .ftbtti DL'SHnBXD fc n 0 E GOAP-4S Imum Proctor * Gsmhie't Soap jun toad- O JBtf /ram auur Loyal Hannah, and tor sale by _ y. l v John sdilwouth SOAP— SQ hit Utumewelt Hilt A Co s * Soap, in »tore aud for aaleby . j JOHN S DILWTJHTH •: .g wood at V' "\J" • O* bLU prime ia oak bbla, jm Xa a rer.'d and tor taia br T J , 1 ‘ 1 !■ • * ' POIXOEXtER ACo MpL.iSSES-av.bbta Prime Plantation Molatsea, landing irom atmr Gray Eagle; for *i| e by : \V Ar .U MiII!HEJ.TREE RICB~IB tieice* prime' qoalitr. ludiiL Urey Eagle; for «fri« by . . »' • *** s W 6c MMITCHI PEACHES— 00 t>U unpaired puelt£*,3 «L jiui rrc'd «u 4 to taie tir ] •*W: BUoW.N A CULIIER' /"'IbOVfcH SEED—<O boahjnaj rec'd and & r tale br ■ V 4eb 84 bBCHVN fc CCl.nßtrrqrt.y 1 ALL pcneoi. having boaincaa with: Hubert S Cai tat, art» requeued tueall on tharnKferaiened: ■ o HUBERT IdeKjifGJiT,. ‘ 4th at, dear grant /COTTON—«i3 bale* Miuiuippi, for aale by \J fehg* WESTj UP WEN CANAL SHOVELS* Grain ud fierpnbin doj *pades,hay astlmanure'forka, of rariou* make and quality, for aala by WEST BOWEN,. : PO front it ; DlO CpFFpE—“5 bag* jdat received an 4 for cale by JUr . febtf* i ENGLISH A BENNEI*!'. ORLEANS SL'CJAR—DO hfcbin tiara and for sale lawliy . ffeleMli EXULISH A UENXKTT ."M - O. 3JOLAS3ES—SSO bbU arriving and for sale llsby [febaX] ; ENGLISH A bKXXLTT. ! tierres trims, for tale by I It frMi KNauaif hni LOAP.BI'OAB«4t bbli So 3,d, j[bzsdoable refinedda, Id elan and for sale low by l . ' . lebiH , ENGLISH 4 BENNETT FAMILY SOAP—loobxs; 43 do toilettdrTprime. fa? wle lw by tfcfaH] ENGLISH 4 BENNETT EEF HOUNDS—O hhds for sal* low bit ! SeW ' ENGLISH 4 BENNETT \T C. TAK-90 lan* bbls insxort ud Cjr talc bv 11. feb9< ~ KXQU3I44 BENNETT Dl'GAlMSbi|i while Brazil, Olui atjwilmns, O iu shire and to* sale low by >- ENGLISH A BENNETT . KOCK. CANDY—IS bxs whita.asd yellow in slot and for sale low by . . , ; . Jteba4j_ , ENGLISH 4 BENNETT HONEY— W bxs in Store and for sale low to clom bf ' [fetal) •‘ENGLISH 4 BENNETT GBAlijClfiKßrt.o bbls in stare and for side by • ffbiWi i » ISAIAH DICKEY 4Co GDJER'VINEGAK— Kor sallow br 'l' ' :r feW4~ 'I3AIAII B[CKfeV4 Co MOULD CaNBLEH-15 bu superior Mould Can dies, tt do dipt candles, la stove add for bale low by • febM i* = » j OmJM;McCgK\V4Co. . A COMPLETE -S*t lof Backet Machinery for sals loyjby tfotaMJ; JOHN S.BILWOBTH \4/ UTTE LEAD—33O keri for saletjy'*! •' ■TT I'ctdt WfcST boWKN PEACHES— 65 bu prune dried peaches, JO bbls small white beans, jost yec’d ana torisaln by n i. j a.JHL>VORTii ■S 9a & a>^mf^sst^s^F- LOUISVILLE LIME and coi stanUy on hand and for sale by j »cbaa ; i Awrdon B A CON-333-tlerecs assorted Bacon, oti constat meut and for sale by ]. . ... : >i R,FLOYD Bri»wn Tamers* Oil for aaleby {fcb33j. JABTLOVD "DOLL BUTTER-GO bbls in store aiid for sale by Xv lcb23.- , • ROBT BALZELL 4Co ■ CLOVER SEEB-100 bash for sale by 1 : febB3' , . i ; ROOT, DALZELL 4 .Co receiving and for sale by O foUO KOITT UAI//VI T, £Co - LLME— 30 bbls White Lime Jn store and Sfor sole by lelr-Al ENGLISH 4 BENNETT, GKOUNB NUTS—I3O sacks to arrive; for saiebr' febta - ENGLISH 4-BENNEIT TbUCKETS—2O iiox patent, for sate by i X> ENGLISH 4 BENNETT: _tcUO__ ; UTjwood *t MACKEREL— 150 bbls Nos l, 543, in sldre and ibi sale by [fewnt ENGLISH 4 BENNETT rfUMOTHY SEEI£-4*bUs Timothy "SrtdfadoFi as I Seed.ju'tt Ac\lond wrssle by y*bZi _JNO_SpiL\yoßTll MOLASSES— 200 pblsN.O. Molasses to!arrire*pci sUnr Kansas. ‘ itt»3tt ' ; MpfilLL, BVSHfIELPjA ROE 1 FLAXSEED—3O bosliels for sale by ''"i • ; " tcbia MeGILL, BUSHFIELD 4 808 TTEMP—IO bales dsw rotted Ky. Hempljoit rac’d -il and. for sals by BROWN 4 CULBEK'fSON, >*b3l . . 145 Liberty street. OTASH—ID fisikeprirac just rcc’d and lor sale bi febtt - WICK 4 M’CANOI^ia Cl LOVER SEED—Id bbls Clover Seed, 10 liat / salo by WICK 4 ATCANDti DRY' APPLES—I 9 sacks dry apples 'for sale by' tebaj %VICK^ATCANPLES3. ICORCUINOS—I2 casks Juki rcc'd und for sale by Kebgt ‘ WICK 4 MH.'aNDLKss. ’ ,ITOOL —1 sack wool for »u!e by j r fl- fdatt ■ , ; V NVICK A ATCANDLES3. EGGS 4 BEAN&-1 bkl Esn Ibbl Beans recd Ted and for foie fry - ' '" ISAIAH DICKEY, 4 Op. IIITSSUEGIi CANDLES—JO boxes tor l&It by" • foblO ■■ : : FORSYTH 4 DUNCAN; SCORCHINGS— 13 tasks Scoithingi for tala by ' . feblM mt)BSYra* DUNCAN,- . <ulj ;uu rea' and for aale by > X feba WICK 4 m’CANDLEBS 1 - . /1 ANCLES— 6O bozai tnoafd'Cchdlsi in sfora and for tola by (feblfl : 84 W HARBA,UOM, I)ELTS— 1000 Nos J anil 3 Shftp Psln, Ir.n AUCTION :SAEEB;Bii • ByJ» ■•:•■!•'• Jjxrgt &&cf Giatinng*. *On Tuesday morning the SWrintt;-*» o’elgefc •»- iba Commercial Salesrooms, wtlt;beeold reserve, to elcee • concern,- •; - - - •J3l made Tests assorted; 123 pair pantaloon*: 80 cotton roundabouts; 23 cloth .and. saPtoer coatii 10 pilot cloth overcoats; 3 do* pwrbfow<mlliitto*ermis; !• do* fine shirts, ma3* in Frfcoce style; linin bosoms and collars;' 4' dox btartm *ed.fl»anai shirts; 3do hickory shirts. Tojether.withi a Tsjiety of ou^iouunjr, ta.; ■: . R Amt Dry Goods, fr. i ;. ;•- On Monday morning,’Feb. PtJth, ollOipcloefe at the Commercial scales Room, eomerof W<sw:and rltta •u. will ]« sold, without reserve, for account whom it may concern, a large assortment ofibreigo. and .domes* tie dry goods, embracing the stock from the country, j- AtiTdock, p m.' * - ; . One superior patent spring one horse wagon* in good order. >■" J- One crate assorted chid* aruLoneettsurarv. ‘ 1 9 bbls N. O. Moiassea.' " ' 3 <r Rice, 4 boxes Virginia tobacco. - •« i 3 half chests Young Hyson tea. * ; • ?*-.•• Ouceusware. confecUooary. stofe fixiureSr. ;A-g*n* erml assortment of new and sccondband household lur* nnnre, carpeting, looking glasses, mantel clocks, on* pair supener mantel lamps, Ac. • • At ? o'clock; p. m. ; ;-i k Ready made clothing, boots, shoes, fihe cutlery, gold ami silver waicheanUcvpistols, umbrellas, saddles, bridles, whips, trunks, weir* baskets, books, letter and cap writing paper, quilla, wiftn, gold pens, slates, laa*_ ey goods, Ac. . ’ febBs JOHN D DAVIS, AuctT. RELIANCE PORTABLES BOAT UHB> • rot TmaroottraTOs or'»ranuxmgtl u\> ' BETWEEN PITTSBUptiH ANDPHIEAJJKLPHIA THE -Proprietors'jrf this old established! aridi&tut Portable Boat-line, having removed- their do pot in Philadelphia, to a much larger Wareboasn ou Market sl, than they formerly occupied, nisi also in' creased their room for storage at Pittsburgh, are now prepared to Oder much greater facilities to thetr friends and patrons./ Goods Tarried by .this tine are not transhipped be* tween Pittsburgh' and Philadelphia, being earned eo» tiralyin Portable Section Boats. To shippers of fioar mud other goods requiring • careful handling, ibis is of Importance. No charge rude for receiving or Shipping goods,- or advancing charges All goods forwarded promptly, and upon as reasonable tenos as by buy arlin*. ‘ ! j. / i . JOHN MePABEN A Co, . Canal Baslm Penn n~ Pittsburgh. : JAMESM.DAY& AC6; * . - febQ4 - 227 Market A 34 Commerce sh,' PbSal'h JOHNMcFADEX A Co., Forwarding and Commis* sion Merchants, CansJ Basin; Penn, it, Pittsburgh. - JAMES M. DAVIS A Co, Flobt Fsctors and Commis tion Merchants, 227 Market, and &4) Commerce st,' Pliiladelnhia. V • ' •! ' j feb2* Ey* Advance* made by either of the above in Floor. Wool and other descriptions ofMerehandize eonaiguea to them. ' ■ .- ■ ; 1 febai 1848' g,MOtt 1848. i AHD BAULT BT^^Suß, THE Stearaocat DUBOIT, Capt. i. C. Beni mint will run. during the action of ISIS, between Cleveland A Saolißie Marie, iu the following manner,touching at l Mackinac amt intermediate place* each way:. Leaving Cleveland every Monday, at? F.M.; . Do Detroit do ; Tuesday at 9A. M: Do'. " Mackinac do ‘nwr*dayet“ A.M.:. Returning, will leave Sault Bte Mario erery Friday, at lOo'clock, A.M4 aad Mackinac at lQo'clockjj*. M. and leave Detroit every Sunday evening: for OJere laud, at 7 o'clock; ■; t . ■ . (W. A. Otis A Co., ■ irt«wi*niL Agent*. <C. URADHUKN A Co. -Jr'-fir (.GRAVES fc WICKNVABK • Cje\ The .Detroit hu beenihorouirbiy repslndaniftefit« ted the put winter, end the public ttuT.K'lrnpou the peribrmiuz ofher'tnpi with punctmlity fehSKro • E.B:WAED. HEW ARRAHOEMEHTI 1848 <•“»• 1848 PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH, VIA CHAM BKRSOURG, BY RAILROAD AND WAGON. A CAR will leave' Philadelphia daily after 21(1 Feb ruary, with the hfril Train,' to Chaiabersborg, which win enable the .Wapatu to leave there Uie same day, with relays of horses, running day and night*' se cures the certain arrival of goods in Five Days, from Philadelphia. Apply (o ' ». i ; D LEECH&Co-,Caiialß*siiv -Pittibhrgh. . HARRIS * LEECH, t• v • - . 13 and 15 sooth 3d *tPhiladelphia. - We will receipt for COOOlbs produce, Ac, daily; to go through by the above line aftertheiilatiast; 1 ] : icblb . • . D LEECIj k Co. _- Kfe J&M. ■ ECUPBK TKASIPORTiTIOS LIIS. To and from the Eastern cities, via Cumberland. ; OTOE proprietors of this popular line, hive slncotbelr X re-organisation largely increased their facilities to' meet the withes of stdppetK and are now prepared to . forward a greater amount by the FIVE KAjr LINE* as also by additional regular wagons at low raiet - This line will run • throughout the year, delivering goods thro.:i:h the agents in Baltimore-ami-. Piusbargn to owners and consieneesatspeeiCed fates and tlftm. 1 Shipments ftom Philadelphia for the iind sboald be marked “Caie,J B Robinson, Baltimore.' 1 i The only agentsare,- ' • ;’1 J B ROBINSON, •' " ! ; • 93 SCharieaat Baltimore: • • EOUEBTON A Co; Cntaberiaad. , O W CASS, Brownivilld.'. ' - fel>4 J CBLDWEEL, Pituhnfgt^; . Fcimirlvualß idaib < vjgMBUiBL THROUGII Uf FTVK DAYS FROM PHILADEL • puia to rnTsBUEGM, by^wagons, Banning Day ud Night between Pituburgb amCham* benbnrg, anil by Bauroad between Chomberibcrg and Philadelphia. *nte -firit ampateat will leave'ehcn end oa l&h January iuxL . No more good*will be: received than ran be carried * rough caefiiaoy, withWtn delay, on the route. Time will baredueed to FourDsfs.when 4; from soar lELTREE |o {mired do; ’ITSO.V ' the roadi become settled. ""’”3. m!TLEH,'A*eiit. VAt w St 9 marketiu Philadelphia, I Peun’a __ CLARKE A THAW, f Tt anabortalioi Pittsburgh.) O' *“•' •. Pittsburgh.) Cotßp’)';: ID* Wo will receipt for GOOD Ibs day, to go through by the above lino attar the lath inrt. ~ o- -—-I jand • • • PHI NTS ONLY. CEDAR ST., NEW YORK. LEE & BREWSTER Established a warehouse lathe year 1544. forth* pur» 1 pone of supplying the City and interior-Trade with I’KLYTED CALICOES EXCLUSIVELY, at low. prices—sad exhibiting; oral! season*;; ©fihe year, the Large** Assortment m •'■■■ . THE WOIiO>. They are now opening Several Hundred Package!, comprising every new style ofForvlgn ami Domestic production, many of which have-jam been purchased, and are odcred for sale /or Cash and short credit, at - manrrpn. « v.- .. ... FKOMV ' ONE; TO FIVE GENTS per yard below the prices of April and May, as per printed Catalogues, which-arc corrected dally, for the information of buyer*;' - i. ; PRINT WAREHOUSE, > - New YoA, Jane, IS<7. •y; t \jySdlsd IfEW IPBIHG GOODS. SUACKLKIT A Wlim; U» Wood now receiving large,additions to their excellent: amrt> menl of Dry Goods, to which they invite the attention oY buyers, beuevmg they can offer such inducement* a» will make it to their interest to make bill! with them. ; We erenow-receiving a! large assortment of gooda direct from tlie Afnmtmcitirer*,-Importers, heJ among which may be foundthe following; -*' Plain douhle drills, mil gnuks-andstylesi juimed Keutuchy Jeans, blue,blue, mixed; cadeVdaskroixed, gold; green, plaids. satinetts,' black, blue, cadet' Ox*, ford; plain, figured and printed tweeds,' a good axsoru menu vaiiouastylesj pnJtU,« v TCir.brge assortipehtof new spriog styles, taney T 'gteea;-w««,nil>ic»,.Viowa*, blues; blue and Orange;.*cVla all varieties; ginghams, splendid style* ofdomestlb,'JhiHtsh'and vcry losr, AJpaccas, acw sty!cs*and»tjie*'andJUori^ f just 'imported;, also, mode coi. fancy, col.-silk and rotten warp; some blacks,- very ttne.. JJI of.which am odered for sale an the most favorable term*.', ; -l;\- -V -fctetl ■ . . SUACgLLTf A tVIIITE . Not*. Boaka. ... -it -)'* , VoL2 History of thoQlrenlist*, or PersonalMempirs ofths Patriots’of the Frinthßevolntibri; from'unpub* Ushed sowes*; by AlphonseJie Lamartine; in three to Is' VoiatliOMreceirv..' J -4 aiJf?,; V..-; i .f;',- The life of Cberaiierßayaid, “the Good Knight*”' by WGilmoreSimm*~ Scenes story of the lastgeoeralkm; by a Citizan.of Dalmnorc. - .. ; *’ Adventures in Mexicoaad Geo.P. fioyad.GodgTtmb* leal Ac.', ~ .. n .-v Now and by. Samuel Vfrrrea.’fVß. Author of “Ten Thousand a Yeacy* “The Diary pfa *. The above works received-this day. and for tale-br - -JOHNSTON'A STOCKTON, ■ febBs ' • Booksellers; Markets!' '• - .'NMr'BoriM.v- JUST received by ExpressMSetmaar," England and Scotland, or recollections 4 o/aNwts*JUuiisteTJbv i. H. Merle tr Aatfgnc, Jj,ttrAoffloeof Refonuation, ii/eolCrojnwoll;kc: - • : ■« - —rTvlT AJ'raatkul Kxpojittonof the Gfispol* ofScWattlißw and St. Mark; in. the form of Lec&mVimebded toOs sitt'ihe practice of.domesac iifttfuetkm 1 and dtsvoifoo; byJohn.&rdEumme^ttltßisteß’orCßeslrT. : Fbr “S '■ : * . aharfk'amSm^. : ■. m' O^FJt!^7m[ l *?LLf2TlVS^s'<ral r tnß .Qand genutne tivertPlllsi . >Ss;afcsf^s. Pills have answered the very ar»c tiee, nnd in 'mylritra' sonfiflamiwaiuUafely: recommend them wlfota J <kkve vrith othcri of Foil CTRNING 'DHESSC9-W..BMltoiiJr U' 2»st received* a fevrpatterns lor EveairrgDreskev ''Aiso/silknetKarfidhssddriis- 1 es, efoj Alsov'new style braiai.* fofehrfysprinff'drlai/ new style able article, needle'.wwfced-collaivy'nevr stylc^chSiJ sctu; entrre-neW baartadailksyttripriildbi' neh striped and watered do;. Ladies are IrivitecTto cali 1 add see the>bovegDOds.~ /• T"). • • ■ -.* ■ ■ .New Good*'for.lpriag.' of IMSi \MJ K MUBPiIY, of ilh ond Jdstkvt TJ • its. hasthe-pleanrs sfinfoßoifighis ettsfooeia ana buyers generally, that ha ifos cotameAced lb« ’re« ccipt of his and has already open a Seat variety of goods suitable for thd ‘season, avprice* at cannot fail topless*. • -Vr *• ‘i tv >• U7* Mercbbnts vre' ihvited to visit his Booms,«» stalls, afidexamlwi the atpek of n«w poMi.' WUleh will be oTered-af aboht castem pricM •' fobtU ■ • £l«jrtnffC»*tU, 1 T EWIS wU&nMfcSbfo lritfrientbiß'! B CU« PUr- 1 * ■ •.***■ t34|‘witiui( i]utiiii»'ißiir.''* 4;J <5 i>\ where alto iaay be/fottadin addition w the iliota arti~ s^eSSS* 34 © . , r u ■'■'■’■ ■■ .' ■ :,'■, I.:;-- ■■ : . Anitasnioa, DAItV P ACJC E t tl N E.v fpHf!=tWf| faowhTinoof apleafid mmoi cr Stcun. I en know tompowd oOb*\ytrgr«2 awjrtwt, be»t laubed and funiiahed. and tuoel powerful l*oau ou the waters of tlw-WeaL..';Evevy.aceeimt»da6ottabtetim? r fort 'i* »* money can procure hu been ptorldcd aenrer*. The Line has been la ©peratwii for fire year* —hu carried a million ofpeople without the lean inju ry to their peraona. The.. uOUi wtli be at the foot of .Wood street the day prerioasti>elarting,'forine tve«*» tiou of freight and the entry!of passengers on the te»»- ter,: In .all cases thrp«»«S*. »»utT HP*”, 1 * advance. _ ".'vK-'-'r' •i- .. irSDATPACKET. i t The ISAAC NEWTON, Capa. Ai'-G.- Ma*OJ*, i »uI leare Pittsburgh every:Sunday Harming tu 10 b’clpccj WbeeUngeveryflundayeveiangaiW*.M. - \ . May2U,lS47. ■ ' ■ .'.A .. , - MONDAY PACKET* •i ■ . . The MONONGAHKLAfCapL Srosx, will IcaTe Ptitss burgh eTery Monday morning at 1U o'cloekj Wheeling everyMondayeveningat 10r.Jt'. -’TUESDAY PACKET. ■ ■ '■ * The lUBERNIA No. 3, CapL 3. Kattnirn, will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. Wheeling every Tuesday evening at lOr. w. • ] WEDHKSD AT- PACKET* The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Cept. S. Dus, will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at 10 O’clock; Wheeling every Wedncadmy evening ullQr. sc THURSDAYPACKST. The BRILLIANT,-Capt/Guc*. will leave pit*- , harsh every Thnreday maming at lQo’elockjWhcefisf ereir Tfanraday evening at.!or. at. • • u FRIDAY PACKET. Tha CUPPAS No. 2, CapL.Cnoou, will leave pim borgh every Trfdaymonungnt 10 o’clock; Wheeling every Friday evening at IQ r. n * ; '• gATTBDATPACKET. .The AIESSENGE», C«pt B. REia. will leave Pitra. burgh every Saturday rporomg al IU o'clock Wheeling every Saturday evening at 10 r.»-~ v.. BEAVER PACKETS-—NEW ARRANGEMENTS. ’ -V'i The steamer • < CALEB COPE, .. yglrdtfO will leave for Bearer. Glasgow and on TueadßT.VYWeday, and Saturday, of each week, at 9 m. reniru jng on Monday, Wedneaday and Friday. She has a boat at tho landing between Wood street and the bridge, prepared to receive freights at any tune. . ...... bTa W. UABBAUOK. Agta. oetl* REAVER AND WKLLSVILiE PACKET. -Hebneateamboat-• - : yfeASftff Charles Clarke, master, wilkdoriag ■■■■KBlHßbhe eorning 1 winter saaeoa, nitre daily trip* to Dearer and WeUavtUs, leaving. Piltaburvb eve-., ry morning al 9 o'clock, and WelUviUe at 3 o’clock, r. kL, deciu - r O?»L HAfiTTON.-A COvAgU. nun PITTIIVESBABBOWmiLLB: ■. Dally. Packet Dima.'/-. • • FEBRUARY, latest?. ’ FEBRUARY IU, ISIS •: LEAVE DAILY AT 8 AND 4 P. M. -• k. Thefol lowing new boats complete ifL -. _ct tha lino for the preaeot aeuon: AT kgiiVCwßft -LANTIC. CapL James rarkinaom ■■■BSbHBBBALTIC, CapL A--Jacob*: and LOUIS M’LANE, Capl B. Bennett. The boat* art entirely, new, and are fitted up without regard to expcnre.Kv- . ery comfort that money can procure has been provided.- Too Boat* will leave the Monongahela Wharf Debt at the foot of Rosa at--. Passengers will bo punctuM-oa beard, aa the bosta wilb certainly leave at the adver* tuetf hours, BA.U and 4P. SI-. _ - :~■ JanSl _ FOR WABASH RIVERi . . . k • ITie heir Arid aplendld aicaracr LOYAL HANNA, .. • fcbkoiflj3,e. McDonald, Modter, will leave Ibr La: ■■■BZS&flPayette and imeraiedtate -poria thia* day at 10 o’clock, A. ftL Ikjr freight or paataxciinplY on board, or to' . - - J.NEWT&N JONES; Agt . febSk- .!'■-• , Monongahela House. FOR WABASH JUVER. ' The new und aabitmnial Ugin <lr*]aght Reno, learit for La : Fsyette ’ftndTintennetUale porta on Wednesday, let of. Mardh.at4occh>ck r P. Bd.’ Forfreightorpaaaage’ap ply on board,or to J. NEWTON. JONES, A^, ichas. ’. . ' ' !■- ■ Monongahela Houae. . * : ' : . fou bt. Louis. ' h- The near and magnificent iteatnfci 1 JlClsl Jr '• AVALANCIi • • IgiilTlMß . C4pL Williams' ir«*ter, vUh leave 'BBIBH for above and iutermnduiw Ports ou ' Tuesday the the SOth lost at 4 fc'ciock P. M. For freight orpassaeappJy oa board, o? to, febitetf - ■ J. NEWTON JONES,_Agt- WHEELINU AND H^DGm*Oin''i i ACJCET> • . and substantial luw v tnacr MflißßahWADdrew Poe’ Master.'-will reran© her trips on Uoodajrs and .TbatsdaT*, ll 4'elock r. pteh dar; commencing Monday 6Sth February. 1B& \ ‘ • leba D. WU.HNB,-Agent. K "• *li« iptoodid steamer' ; . \- > urZrZJh aoßEor .fultojJ, . Oollia,: Muter, .wiil leara for -thm ■■BEaßHfeiboreaad'&U intermediate port*, this d*y- at ltPoclock. For freight or pauareapply oa board--- . ■' . - ■/‘-'fcbflß RIIiULAR CINCOCiATI l’ACKirr.' ~ " •J--: >. - Tho fine ■itrunfr ‘ ■ •. ;-| r \L.. . ifr ~ “WF.W KSOLAND. ' / - 1 *r~ ttoVTtti* ' -jrt; »» , i .#l«y ai ID o’clock. For Cruzbt«t pu* MgeDppty on board. V . ■ ftpß - '-Tha.fiuuvn^g^rtMßaaT . Cormfr.roaixor. willleeve.Mahcre, d*y*t 10 o'clock. Forfretxalor paf«tg*,» board./, ; . . febSS ’ -&T. UJUIS A H<LlNOi& RIVtUI i'ACEkjfO •• The new «teanicr~ • RM HunWr, msaier/wifl’ leai&'fof ■■■■BsßßaboTo and intrnofrdiaie ports' on Tttea day the 2%t init. si 4 o’clock* K.M. ; For fraiffM' or •’pa»* unanlyjm board .ox4o ;, r i vNEWTONIONES, :•• .-r:- ’-AlcaopgaheUlloaae.< - ’ i. 1 .Thd'neVand faxtateamcr’i -; v ■f fir fi tiny V LADY MYRON,’ 1 .wj*.reBag;Mi!ler.maaier, will leave foe-the aWa atlOa.'*. For freight •or paasage apply oa board. • .febfl 1 FOR r NKW ORLEANST" . ' * 1 Penn’a iuufohio TkefioeMeminer .!-.•• •; t* Lr~ ilwtf .. <.->?SAVANNAH, ; ‘ ioa»ur, wili i»«»*"nM. day for abore and all tale medial* porta. Fo» frcisht orpaaaaye apply onboard. ftUli CLARKE k. THAW. KiXJt LJUL VA CJUiT FOk bt IH'FUAiC ' • • • /tttiui" ik.*.'.The new andfast ateooter • -• i" . ■ • ,WELLSVILUi‘ ' '• - Baiaea.maatCT.arin lean forabora *ll mten*u«al* port* on tfednc*. day* and Saturday* of each weck.For frdghtorpaa aan anply oa board or U> ■ •▼ .. febli ~ • QEO B MILTEXBERCEnUH ; - / .WABASH BIVKR PACKET draagbute^Twr LJggffimSt -Wm IkooMU, commande r< wUlfeare LalaTe He and inienoeaiaia sooitx. oa Tihj&ft. For freight or pawm assl? on board or » S NEWTO.V JONES, ■' : - Mowm*»hel*i Iktu*. FOR WAnASirBIVKR.-' ' J * •>' A. Miller, mtuter,. Will ■ leave .As the above jok! l aU. intermediate posts oa “S’‘t 4 r a. For. freight or pa»*ove apply on board or to ■••» = .., /r*ifo>~ k- Tbe«tviA «uanwr .: r . .' P.SloneTf’ißssteiv wfllfleaT* **- P^St^SSSS’OlSSgSl&Si boaliaalaoprovided wifiaself-aetfaj aaftvy eidto ' ”g*l ’ V] ■* ■ eoroer of Ht andjbniifcfl.ib-«» • i^isspoKsg^^^^Bso«niKMir. ,|i :.;.ll»new»te*«er.v ‘ r>;? '•. =- EXPRESS LTNBS - r ? T^ c *ysH. Y^*Mm3t otx, vrxim»flrc% voxuaki. ■» rr’lirw* vfe? co T ox jA ro W : *»R • 1» gfreft u>’-*ayofibi i»l>ov* ' V «StWnns^L? , ?'* ad paekifw.;«ij *yy .ntya or . Prpruai eloter dally afO>.'m. •■ ••' • .v* : -'» » /j. - ' ■•' QQTSaf Si. ChKrtrflSrtfl^S&^S&rt 0&3&I SBGaS ".• -ntAHaFOBTATIOJTXIjCe— i of ihu molar HteMi i!)« : ntaiatfaa»ooE4|»rUo«Ca. A -•‘.-••"i .- aS^S^S^’SSSSSSttt jB%2S; ,! lIABNDKN * co-1 : “SvSSaKSS 1 jssaafi^j^^sssaE ■®SssgßsSap.' wtai Hn»y. aKsoft2E?£2? "V*. hoo "*y2'eo*| ‘ag^SEß^^SKp • . V-,;, . . • JO*HUA-'2toßlNSoilir. *,1.1 . - . Buopean aadOteucnd-AyAfr- : ~agr.-, jiarStogSsa*g? WaifiEei , J**j r IT ■ ■* 9lltt «tftBi«r iW aotk TV* WABHJKOT®S{S& hfefldf 2?* : tic Crt'fN 1 J?®- JMgM or #twa Ntrlgaiop CoT4sWi>». FOR ST. 1XIUI& FOR CINCINNATI.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers