Aw. 0 ?*!£ a:-* •■ • • : f-/: ‘ •'s">■ PKICE se BUSINESS-CARDS. A'NfiON r I*APHAJI and Deal .A ers.lßFeJTTjtt* Jfev.Tork, KrrEßKWO—Jobntirief rilubargh;EL<Tieki-Cn. Philadelphia. •; ... 'i : - Cotwiynmrtl* nf.Wc*tenKijeMb*r-«pUctt«l. nod lib* etui advance* made, ifVpured.'• . fcM-dOtn : ALEXANDER Coi?irai**toti anil lo warding Merchant, &i \\ aterand IDS From si*- Fitultnrgh. ; i ’ Trichlx A TWOOD-. JOVEftk Ciaccnunwori and Forward* A_ ‘Merchant*, have returned fo their ,?)<i rtandj Water and Front rtreet*. Pittsburgh. .. ,<icCtl. : acKuroiot BX-<rx, - • ¥ T)RAUN k UEITHIL \Vbn'.c*t f»c omcrofXibcttrartd £u‘p A. ■ . . I «. ». «KOWN k CULBERTSON,! Wholcrale Grocery and Conunlitsibhl McrchAfiU,.No. *l, mrUinth, Fa. -bP :y - BA. FAHNESTOCK it Ci, WholMnteaad Retail » Drogfruts, comet Wood inulfth *u- < - -JfP (A (} A LEY' & ITIi; Wiqluala .Grocer*, i? «u»d, ► gTWoodmrrgu fnulmrgh. ! CA. McA.NULTY k Co- • »ion Merchant*, Caoal Ravin, I’limmrga, P*-‘ . ~ . ~ ji.. i'._ rorla GOIU. AN DO LOOMIS.- Attorney HLtw,o£ec oi • 4lksirect, nhovO Smhhficld-1' ’« <• • *P“j)L^ wk. culnuaT 'Votii r.’jK’cax';*. ' jaLw.iuiioiau COI.I3LVN} ;HA»I*M,Vs 4! CoPManufuciureM «|l Carriage Spring* m»d-Utefcfc B.Wd hleel, ■ad dealer* in Cnaeli tnanmuctory on St. Clair *l_ \Vaichome 43 Wood *!« opporji.i'Su Charlc* Hotel. f '' ! ' «mls< aibws; '' C ARSON k Mi'KNUfHT; (Micetwor* u> 11. Coalter k Co-) Wholesale Urocerelt*ulinii*lfm and For warding Merchant*, dealer*-ia Produce ondPilUburgo ! Manufacture*; Sixth street, between Wood audLiheriy,. ' PilUbnrgU, Pa.•• ■ '• ' ' • - oct ”-' ■/N WAGER, fmpottirt*’ nndiWboleole and Retail Vy#dealer in Faneyand Staple! Variety Oo«J*, Mgn of tfra&jli Comb, RW Markgl *4 n<jai’Lit*erry, I’itohur^a, IAXm ptrxtne. • ili.'iuaatw* nrrrn-. DUNIAJP * HKWELL, attorneys at Utf,4 CM 0,1 SinilhSeld, herereea.Hd and ,4th *t-S ■ <D\ViAlir> IIEAZLKfQN, \tfholeale jGroce* ea*l Of Duuoud, *ecotn! dflbr from.Dmmoa Alley,- Utiurch. . ' " T ■■ •- "?«- XCVJUX : :. jonjrorjlti*?. 1 EUVALT A GEBUART,'\VhoIejaIe flrdecri, dealer* ■ ill in Prod ace and Pitreburgh Mauofaclaraj'eorneTof SbertTand Hand *U. f Fin*hnr}'th Pa. . ■' fob 17 itil a. ntun. - - -> ■ iutn i- rixstir.i • * DBNNTTTtf (tate';Fjjpl«»Ji, Gallagher ft, 1^4C0.) NVbolcfale.Grocer*, Cotmnlffiionand Forward-. Sng Merchant*, ami dealer* uiTrodnce and piushart’li Manufactures, No. 37 Wood >L, between fid and 3d ms. 1,, v ' . •:octl■ * k SWART/WfILDER, Attorney* at AJ‘Law, Imve removed their office'to tb« South Rde of-: Foarth sL, between Cherry Alley,aud Grant street. ■ - . - - ,-i «p3tt; ! .! r. *. rcns’ni. caaatntr.i. ■ • rasasivouD* ■EUUEND, RHKV: k Grocers oml ■-JC. Ccnstptsaiou Mercliani*, agd) Agent# for Brighton ' Cotton Yanta, Nos. G 7 Water,'and 165 Front (Is., Pitted • ifliryb, Pa. ' “•f- - • • ~fib^ T? RLUM& Fiano.Forte .hianufdcturer and dealer JC *U Musical Instrumchm, ID Wood su'iieax &h. ; »-• ■; •’ 1 ..-J, • ' nehiKl JjioiWYTII fc Co_. CommWiouaml Fonrardioj ? ilcrchanUyKo. 30 Wmer tt^irhubnrgh. . *ay!i - MIU.EII, Dell and UraM JUT Founder* . *ml Gas Fitters,! lIS Front, between. .Wood and Smith field streets, Pittsburgh, r*. g;“llighe*t price given for old popper and Eras*.; oto_ MUBOAS. •UWIAJ, lim ■■!!! lIM -■ /TKORGK MORGAN ACo-WholemluOrDeetAand XJT. Commission Merchant*, 103 Wood iwPiUsbordh,- Pa. 1 ■■■ aagU . ’ /TEORGK A..BKRRY, Wholesale Grocer noil Com* VX ml*3ion MerrhanijOiid dealer in Produce bik! Pitts .. bnrjrti Manufnrmre*. . No. 19 Wood Pittsburgh] «Bo. w. smihi. ■ !i .' s.*. «a<nr*i fTEQ. W. SMITH & Co, BretreT* Malstexs, jtjiil VX dealer* m Hope, i’itulnrgb and Feint Brewvnfcs, Penn and Pitt at*. .... . •; _ \ ' ' 1 jal O FORGE COCirßAN,Coratwukm and Forwardihg Merchant, No. 130 Weed *Uect.TUttbttrghj.;,tay»l_., HENRY WOODS, Mrlikinaker, Monbnnheia Riv er. All order* punctually filfed. let <c* UmogU the Post Otfioc. .< ~ ' aOiMf TTU^RY ■ BRUNOT, White atid Mar^. - il facnirer.Palinand-OilMerchaat;eomerof Liber,. „ty.andQ-'lUni«u^Pittsburgh. ‘ r . . je!3 ■’ isamu ciourr. . ■>; ..<•( ;• • aossar nfcrrr. tzj ‘ TSAI All DICKEY 4t CcK, Wholesale Grocer*. Com- J. mission Merchant*, aad dealer* iaf Produce; Nos. Water, npdlQ7FrontrtJCcu.l*fttsburgh.' novd JAMES A. HUTCHISON, & Lewi* Hutchison A Co.CominindoM- Ali'rehare*. and Agents pf the £t-< Louis 1 Strain r'opnr Re fine ry. No.43waier and ftfironistrceis, Pittsburgh] - _ janl • ■ i ,• f • . ; i. - T,-,IL BLACK, MerdtooiTailor, Exchange Buihlidr*, " . ; , jalPtl JOHN S.D!LWOimi~WliolUaleG|Veer;Prodifoa and Gonitaiaalon Merchant, Not. 27, Wood aircrt, Pittsburgh, r . i -' ‘ l ■* jan4 TOSEPH KNOX. Attorney at Lave, I’jtiihargh. IV., -,*/ ha* redhmed the jinwliec of bis brofcssiouiii hi* of . see, No.'7, Hahewefi'a BulWhip*. Grant sU'ftcoapifd, during hii absence, by ’J'. J. Bighorn and J . CUn»ly, f~ '• I : ' ■ |;• ■ .' j^dAwtf _ / TOHN t>. MORGAN, Wholesale l)ru grist. and deed ,*Jer in Dye Stoll*. Paints, OilA.Vaniithe*, A0.,.Na.3;!l M«od street, oue door South of Diamhud Alley,' Pin*- irnrgk. •• ' . ‘v .? ~' Janl JAMES' KERR, h Co., [suceenor to Joseph T). Q. Davis.] yhip Chandler*, 30 Water street. ocSl JOHN 1L MKLEOR. RMail denier in ldasic and Murfeal lurtrunuius. School Book*. .-Paper, Slate*, Steel Peu*,OuiJl*. Printers’ Coni.', ami ; Stationary generally, No. £1 Wood sl, Pituburgh.. ! t B7R«g» bought or lakcatatrade; ~ -s^plj tl ins and Cotnnu**iou Merchant*. Uralcri in Produpr, and Pittsburgh. Manufacture. No. Raw, Liberty hl, near tho Canal, Pitubargb, Pa. . oetH t Co. Wfioteialo-DntggUt ♦ No. 81 Wood *treet,,I > itisbnrgh| ■• 1 J JOSEPH JORDAN A SUN, Commission and Koi warding Merchant*, No. 13 liberty st, (onpotit ttmlthficld*i.|SanipK»u‘«Row, V' : •- 1 .. jasj JOHN L. GATjftlTlN, Attorney fir Law, Offifc'o 4th iL, between Grant bud SiniihJield,] Sooth alfit Pjrxabarehr will also atteud promptly ito busincs in the adjoining cotmtic*. . • j'__ ,• oeth>lr ' , TOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, coVnVr sih and Wood tf. Wood »t», Pjtuburgh. • 4 1 ' octp TOfLVSTON A STOCKTON. &xfcu-lkr*, PrijuJn, ami Paper Mautpae rure rs/No/W Market *wPin*- Imrgh. ' •• • f ••■ •■■■■-■ ■ jc6 . JL. READ'S Hook Store, 4 th, dear Marketairfct, # Classical, Theological, libuoncil. School, MitCel ianeous, and Methodist Books' aurf Stationary. ap‘4» JW, ROBERTSON 'A Co. Banker* and FJcehaJj-o • Broker*, comer of Wood and hd Merchant's - Hotel BailduigUj'PiUiburjrh, Pa. - “-j” .- J f . nyCarrcucyparcbcaedattlie usttal met .octll - ■ TOHN (HUES. Wholesale Grocer, dealer la l’ndii V Pittsburgh Mahaforturu*, Tin Plates, Ac.. Ac., I Liberty st, Pittsburgh. ' • l • '• • jutd too* rum. • iKictuib rum • T It B FLOW’D, Rate S. .Floyd A Co~\ Whblacili "tJ « Grocer*. No. lift!Liberty atraot.i; : -;’sops JAMES DALZKLL, Wholesale Grocer, ComatUdou ftlerchant, and dealer in Produce .nud’Pittsburgh i Manulaf lures. No., Pilirbtugb.' janlb , • . VejnTitu IraiTirarki. 7! '■ J ” LEWIS, DALZELL& Co, inanuCieiurer* of all!si* zet Jlar, Sheet, Ikiier Iron and Nail* of the’ Ue*t quality. 1 Warehouse. Si water and IDS front *1 JalD “V. - tj. iiQleViilo Cirocciv'Vt'rwanP • I i.l«y «iul CommiMiou Merchant Dealer in I’di*- DnrgiiAlaaiiiaeiare* ami Produce* NoatilWaiernL, nudCJ Front »t. ~ • • '• 'VO T JUUBEQT *• SIDPTON, ‘VVhoktaJc Uroccru, R»r* 1 i wardutff - iui<L CouuOiuuui - Merchant*, ■ dialer J In S*rgdae« uui Pnulnirjrh ManuiactintvNo*. 13 and Jlj m#od«u Pitubun;>i. • f . •••; 1 • ■ ..-i«hgj /it p. K'oiLb. - a. r. ffrsinrnxn. r w*j.tkb jc i>n. '\WcCIIAm BUSffHIXD* ROE,Wbole«Je Grodtr*. JjjLajul CommiMioa .Merchant*, No. 1M liberty !»u, pjtufaatcb-' • “ •' jy.a - M. aijj:v Jt Co, OnniDiuioa ktiiil Kfcrxantinff • Merchant!, WaterandFront*tfc,between Wood amt Market m. • \ . ,■ junP , - i ‘c.;vr. woektsos. HLyriLLEJUft RJCKCTSO.Y, Wholcjhla Grocer* and iTf CominUtiauhlexthanu,J£a.l*U,Ulwnyat,l’irta Lnixh,Pa. • , . • jaall . • McCORD & KING, 'Wholesale andßeuil Maraud Cap- Manufacturer*, and dealer* la. Fancy Fire, corner pnVood and Fifth *U. T. - ; * jnnll -jirrupiiv, wilsox * ctv\viioi<s»aie i>rt a>w; JJi Dealer*, No. 0 Wood avPiitabuiyfc- Kp^>. *\T HOLMES ft SON, No. S 3 Market at, wind J.l « door from corner of KourtJi, dealers iu Foreign and DofnecticDUi* of Exchange, Certificate* of Depos it, Rank Nate* and (Specie. t •; If?- Collection* made on all the - eilie* j throughout the United Stale*.’ 1 , \ . ••\decl7-- Cbmmrfan Merchant*,-No. oCoyinjcrciaJ iibw. • Pltuhnrgh, Pa. , ; i.. ■. ■ .-/ «p!7. -i ft. w. rotahtxro. ”~ji. ectßcanoa.-’ c. itTca**?. ■ *DOINDEXTKiI A Co., Wholesale Grocer* end C4m* '• :uL Buonon and Forwarding Merchant*, No. 41 Water • atracl. ... - , ..-.dec -q 'pOBERTSON A REPPERT,Produce pealcr*ftC«ro- AVntnaioii Merchant*, No. ItO Second gUl’iUalmiyh. pICUARDT. LT.KCII, Jr.j Imported uud Dealer in JLifrofein and DomcUte- Saddlery, Hardware and Carafe iViuuuiuff*. of all dc*crinuuu><,‘N'tr ins'’Wood »U pituborrh. .. : 1 ' ■ap’dd. - - "ORCHARD BAUD, AYfcoieaale and Retail Dialer iu Leather, Morocco, Shoemaker*’ 'fool* and Ivind {**«*• and Cutler*’ Tool*, and TtfUictf (M, Mo. HP Wood w.. ; ••; sjtxcn. .Tj. aotcrjsoa. 4. Grocer*, Pioiloee _V*5? ComnjiMioa Merchant*. and Dealer* laPilt** barfh • No. 1-0 Liberty *L Pitufinffth, r »- - - • ~ • ■ ' -• iantu •OORERT Co- Wholotalo Grocer*, \^°^ > . lP^, *t O S,* l^ 1 *«wnu«B» Merchanu; dealer* P £i., SU J! AM ' 'Vtol.sJc Orooer, MOOBfc,- Grocer, Recu/jd.K AVDuUllef, dealer in Prndure, PitUbarxh M*mnhc!- .teja and all kuol* of. and IMn&atie Wine* *iM^ oor*,.No.llLn»cr.j«,l 0 or*,.No.llLn»cr.j«, 1 , : nWJ”; P l } a ve ry Jarpc mock ofnuperior OwManoflgahcia \\ ln»key, which will l* M id low.for Sllfin, FonmnlinKaiid Corouinuon <or the Alle~l»e*iy River Trade, dealer* Produce, Pituhureh Mariafacturc*and ■ price*, In ca*t, paid At all Juaeijbfcoun - . Canter of Pena nod Irwia »U- - jtnai : [”D*i OAJCFORD A Co- CommiMton Merrbnnu. AV> e rty-*t, oppo»lte Smithfifld, Dealer* lit HoUr, yrainand Seedu al«o Butler, Lord, le. ; xpit-ly. --- r?n*^^£l; rrT * 1 inTmL 7 " • k WIUTKi molewUa Dealer* in ft«lul Dotoeauc Dry.Cood*, No. W Wood *w : Nhirtf j:u;HOU£;tsr; • ‘..v... . 1 tf’f ' ' -| j~ . business mm Sb. XV. HARKAI'GjJ, "Wool Merchant*. TV-.ler« in • Rouraud Produce generally, and Forvrardinrami ComraiwtouMerchants, An.:ttWood «C riitsWrgh ''«*« ‘lretl, ill, and 6th. North «td«. Philadelphia. . no _^ T. Firutnuit.;’ JSO. xicols. maEvu vn C>WL* NICOI.K Produce nml Genii' CW V n>‘»'>«>«-MereW*. ; ?vo 17 Libcjiy ,t, PitMmrak Oili. t jui» C c. ItII.I r HOacrrW.r Id Hill JtllnPmr) Oft"? "ijnuuoliirer l*«j*r ll.nun-. nml I" nml wrapping paper 8 " ► • , ; eiOBqS KEJTHL, , I« and RrUul Druzsi«U) |air:itreets, ritul»ar!l% |- - .•• |'?raayjjj VON |K>NNIIOB»T, i~Co. = .V wr T'' Ar ‘V , *lfi ai “' Comrau>*icm Mcn-hnm*. Oealm inPitUlmrtih .Manufnatiircs ami Western Pni *ilC^r,“VereU,^ vc ‘ l *° l l' c ' rnew Warehouse,(oU *iand-, •NO.JS, conwroTl roul «.ftmlChxuccr)- nov7 ' - ForwarJi,l h' nn<l CommUslon Denier In Produce aud I'iiishur'h nmmi fiCtuijrd nrticlU Canal Ba f in. /»; * best, WW** flroKw'SacSSZ JeeMaui * rrojucc - •*** Thomas Kennedy, j t ., Lookim* u] aM v Pnn^: lun-r, «md Deafer I). Claek*. Cw.ttd Varfe. tsoodn, corner oflVood hml Fourth *t*. jjj) m «, L . *• J. forsitij.. I - C ? M c °w™»«on Mcrchunu e r !llt Lumber. Orwrici. Produec an kSwS- «•"*• ui*Hy —— - ■ ' ' ifiilS * J( CVtCISKD.Ti. ! _ n'. i .. i.t nr MtUbf.iWlV V" p ws»cc t .l«l! t Nail*. Clw curl a | MMtac,ut rj generally, X£l Liberty street. f ifru-Mr iTMV.'.»*n r>*Tio uVrxdlem. - x *»«■ • T lo ***^ o Grocers, l'orwnntinr nut! CotumjfMori Mcrrlmnw', drilcrs i» Iron. Nail*. tila** MBMafermnntpcwr.ll)-. ffrorr oHyood and .Waxpr rtrccts, Piiithuryii W .R. r.I.'nPHY -inrirrs tin* ladir* to rail an.! .•»- • amine M«vtock jof French ' Worked Collar?, iwißrtrlcwmffliyntn. ; , WnmtOßK it WOLFF, Importers and Whole- I**?'**™ praUT-n in Hardware. Cutlcrv, Sad.llrry, |^ c -. No. W street, Piiulmrth. * up-** I *VVT, y*’ ’WAI.LACE.MiH stone Und Mill Fnrniji i *T, « rap crtabiiihmeai,;Na 2X l Liberty *L, near the g»naL \ . mariS IA/ . O.* HI ROBINSON, 'Artoruny* «t I .aw, liurc- Y [-• tnored hut other tri the Kxehu>t?e JiuUdthjrs, St. Clatr *L, nert door i» Alderman Jones. npSUta - ; \\T .M. GARRARD, JkaJcr.ip Fnory an.l Staple .. TY • Dry Goods, No. TO.Alarker'street, Pituburrh. ~PovKhdly -' j . i ’ * : ■ *}Xr -'VV. WILSON, Dealer in Watrhr*, Jeweler Ware, Military Goods, No. M Mai- R- StI)RFHY. Wholesale And Retail ilraterin YY • Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*, north east corner of ..Market ami Fourth st*. ttuggx J‘BR\ AN," Rectifying Distiller. amt Wholesale. . dealer in Foreign and Domntie Whies ami Li. 'mwia. No- -ill Liberty street, and A 3 Diamond Mle- Piti»bargh, l»a." 1 '• •{.;• . jyl7-dly TITAREICK MARTIN fc Co., Ilaakers,-Dealrrt : in YY- Exchange, Bank Notes aud Coin,corner of Third aiui-.Wofllatrccts, Pittsburgh,. Fa.- ooviu-diy i *oBl* A. rOBTTUj I '-if. w. wiluaxs. ; xrx. w ■<(?«« A SIIJXN) (saecessoM to Lon-ric and YJ Atlorneyi aad fcoutin-llor« ut fe Wr - Pt£caNbrtb«Ueo£Fbunli’atreet.nboee Smi»i.r..i.i • L-.-febX7gJt.arly. , ’ 1 -. ■ . ■ wapyotrso,. . . ' y_ B ii-n-.p. ODNG A Co.—Dialers in leather hide*. Ac. :YY •laLtbenrat - - L. t , , janA-iv WT A, fJrorprs. * • Rcciift'iflif. Diaiiliet*, and Wane, ami Lmuor Merchants also, Soda A*h and Bleiehiiijr rowder, No.lColibcnf K/riml/g, fra- • jan'-My WjM -U Agcut dir Aleiicuu soMier* tuid prucunup pen*u>n v at the office of \Via,BAu«uu, Htufc «fcatldiaga. jih «t; 1 • msvttc BLAcuan, \ ceosae n.'josbs. YV' III<AC!yiUIW k,Co.‘ V/holei-ate tiror*T< anil 'V/« dealer*,'mOils,Boat Hiore. ajnl Pimburgb Man oiatrured article*, have on hand, at nil time*. a i‘n)l «ij general a*«rtmcnt bfgood»;in their line, Water «tnAx near ClierTT Alley, Puiabunrh. anli p*TlD W. Pm- ! «. KWJ. ;T|‘ *’• * A-S. ntXl* 'Attorney» it Law,otßcc in 6tow«ft'« BuiMinjr, ('dunk it, »econ<l ik>or qtnrvc >vdt)u street. PjttSbufTjli; Pa;. ’ 'D.V'WIMi’-CohiiHndtfndr loi-taVe Deposition*. Ac fcnow'Jeigsjeaijpf Deed.!,' anil other iiutniwrnt* of wri ting- ip bemcd m ftliiEpqri I; jirl&Om* TtfN isHiP, JJj-ucput ami Apoihcenry. ! V*' 4s .-“ lirk,f ‘ et - doors ahjoye Third *t_ Pih*- | kurgii, uuHuive constantly on himdu wcjl jelertrd p.s- K ’ n ,uer li °‘ *J , c.bc*t aail lre*heilM<*.!itinci. which V will-acJI 011 the most reai<mahle term. Piiv.-iciuiu prd«pS will beproibpily attended to, Ana mn>- they mnv rely upon as genuine. • ilfi nyHCtpris Prescrinufoia will be accurately and aeally prepared naui llie l>c»t male reals, a; any hour of lae day or undit. , >■ \ ‘, t J AW *** iil I - ;" -tf fresh and good IVr]r.i. ■ ’—’ '’ ■ ~ janl W ’ W.- MILSOX. Wal(lj MaXcr and Jeweller, cor ,n<jr of 4ihand Muriel «i*. A timre nnd wrll [ wircied £il>er Wnte. amt Miutpn'-CtQod*. ' Alwraysnu band. a:ul ai retralar es»- Wtayrhoei«, iKild PatttilLexer, Jail JeweUed.WauhLn, |M. 19?: \Vale bc.i, as }tnr a* SIS. I, Genuine Cooper,"TutunC JdUruoa a.iulmliernniifoTril I nrnku of watchan, may be had al a small ud7aacc and I warranted. li/7Pk“- AVatiih Wort the Terr best wsti • -f- /’•' !' are!? J.'B. SWJ JTZKR,"Anom-iy ot lenr,office 3d op. • (Wile St Cltartc* Hole}. 3*ntvl*n rvh. will al*o ut. 1 l‘:ni) promptly to Collection*, bi \Vo*bii:»tnrc. I nydtte ntid Green nmiiik-*, Pa., • 1 j‘ - ’• -• • - ' Unrrs'To ' Blackstoek. Bell'A Coi ") Church A Caroihers. 1 >PiUrtargb. I>. T. Alorgnn, ' S , , Allnroey.. and Court<ri!ur :ai Ay*_L»«V CmcinnnlL Oiito.: C«>l!~ctu>n« in tk>mJ»crn Obii aral in Judiajm, and- iu ; Kentucky, in-otupUj- a:.d rarfiiuM auejidedto. ,-Cwataisripriw ioi tPtafSi.v«) <n' »Vnn*j'lvajiia, J - (or. tulaag'Deposition*. nckrtowlctfe. tumu, ft. j r Uta-n TO— lion. Wm. Bell Bou, Canii. Churcj ( Carotin*, Win. Hay*; Exi-rWioct $ Vayik ;»a* • I7A(iliE COTTON - WORKA Pittsburgii. Manudi<“- -itiire Cotton Vatu,'Caiulln Wick, Iki:dn ) ',Tivilic, Carpet Chaiii.‘\Vnrp».*e..fce. -• KING,: PiiNNOCK 4. Co, . - (Successors to Arbucklc* te ; jan2 • ■ >/' ■■ V • Proprietor!. A • Co, No. 73 Canal street, \civ i)r. Htaa*, Agent* ford. IL .Ajiaaot'i £xten>.i ve Suaim Sugar !.Always-'onj hind l a Jnrce stuck of ImC, Powdered. Crushed, Clarified and Bastard .Su?tr«, [isTirrcc* and llnrrdv Abo, Sugar |!i>u»« MbtaWe*. |'' Prices Jiberu], mul a fair oUowsticexuadc on a!! isle* I of, ot above CO band*, ...'"l . * ' /ZJEQ. W. IMITn. f Coj Brewery, MaJ#lef», And* VJC Hop Rjalef*. Pritaborgh and Point IJrvtvene*. rtor vi 1 ? *"* f l t i*' *■ fr 1 f ,,t; • T. JJ. lilSlißl', V'eierincry Farffeoai fno, be found oi hi* i^tnbliah/tjrut.' flnfy • w Car*& Honland. m-Jd<A» •*J 1/ iI. r-AlvN', Dculcf in Tnmmin~« and Viiricrv. -L •Goort», Torioit tfu:!l/Ijorycikl Iloni Coialxt. Woodcn \ann End AVowifd*. Button*, NrtnUeiLHus Ti|*», BranJs, ftej. No. ttJ Market iircet, Leruvfci>lsia-~| inond ntnl 4th »t„ Pittsburgh. • ■ - - • J. aborted;. 4 oaxea Douainy; 3 ca»c» l'cacli rreecrtv*; - .il.c?*e*Totuaa)CnUupifo;fiilftt,y ■ | nr 13 - • ; EAl* WAIIEIIOCSB—' The Highest price focnvippid for good dean ragi;al«o, canvas*, b.tle ropc/gfiiV* rope, bagging, woollen rags cdtion waste, &c.,br V,- - J- W. CJL\I)WICK> ceevt »> ayite <l, between Penn ami Liberty. • ( joux tfftrrox. i DJLPtVID'IiuKT. ✓* Dentist, having made *• JT^r - r*'" ittchorroTigememsuthis Coar-bauaert that ns ran devote his wholo time to the done* Of bis profession; may be seen in his etTirr, rur no’ of 4tJi aod Decatur streets.-between Market and' Ferry its., at 0117 hirer during (he day, trorn a 4. «. till <M»* • ' iy-JO-ly . ; :XJSW SADULUUy ILABDWAKE STORE, : L R* T« LEECH. JR-. SO. 133 WOOD ST.tPITTSDlineib TTAVINO' replenished my stock from the beat sour -11 ecs, both .domestic and foreign, I take pleasure in- l6 consumers and dealer,, that I am pre pared to tuniish them with ail goods in my line, ou still' better teroif than ’’ Hnvera will Tecollecubat dealing ‘Vgclciively” in Hardware and Cohrisige Trimminc*, 1 obtain thereby, adjutages llral enable me in deiy eotnpcii don. I Call. soe, arvj judge for yourselves. • apt 7 < ji • . / ' oy Pfax BW«rr«Mf wfciTTO* a xnzrzmm > • ■ UAicrta, at .M...DEA-NS. Suit Boilstiugi, ?f. % porter fcf Third and Dock Streets, (up stairs) Philadelphia, . ,\*rJUEIUi con always be had. ift short noticcre-XU IV ' •okid'AUu'MEiiAZ«,'of alt kind;; Draw mid Pin ted.Door,Plates; £ral*for Societies,Corpirra hous, Ae. . Profcssioual and Visiting Cards, engraved and printed. Societies )u wont of Seals of office, are iii vited to call aud examine Spcciinrns and Designs of tho various orders of Alusous, OddT'iJiows, Sous of Tcm tmance, Ac. , ~ ; - ' ■; novSdaiii I> .WM..TIMBJsLN‘- • XllOttSlil AT l!tV, , JJitiltr, 2*o. ** t ; WIJi jd«® attend to collections and all other ucsriuimuwd to him in, Cutler uml Armstrong xouaties, l*o. liefer to . I - ! • J. 4: H.FJoydjlibenyst.'t - 1 W. W-Waliacei ,|o > !_. , v . *. Jaxaes Moiiliall, • do . I tlhjarjn. * •-dl y>; . Kay A Co., Wood sIL ; j #n 7 **loagh«; Pldtigls Casting*, Wagon Uox- ;i '* j * om "firm ol R. A S. Hall, is manufuc- umnglargu quantities of PiooL’h*, Plough Castors, Wagon boxes, Ac- Willi the impruve meat* of-tho .Leaver.. Peacock, Illinois, and other ploughs, of the latest atwl best patterns now 11, u*c. - Warehouse, 100 liberty street, Pittsburgh, opposite tbo. Hay i*cale} Factory,, m Allegheny city, near the Colton Factory bf Mosers. Dlackfiock, Deli A Co. ■•,••• j. . r . ' dcltly { ;t*Vvg PEKIN TKA STOllKr—\o w IVurth 'ggffl lju VteV of tirecn and Teas, dooe tip mftbam-r, half, aud one •otiiM-packages, 'rouging from £oet»..pex to jyg A. TeaOo SMOKEHOUSE— I have provided uiy«-ii will, a good smoke houtw mid carciol bauds, well unplann ed with tiw business, und usu nuw.pT«pari'>t to smoke meat 10 the rntiru; suiisui-tiou ot'j :ho«i wins may five utc n call. Charge* u kr.v u» uiij luiu*e iii ot? * ; U) . pKAS.StKIJJin-S . JeclW. •- > .rtifi.y; ; No. - Commlaaloiicr of Deeds . ; A T CINCUNNATL—i am autlforiscdby the Cover- XL nor bf Pepnsylvania to take acknowledgments ,os Bli instrumeuu ofwrinng, blt'o alTulaviis aud:dt-por tions of.persuiis in. Oliio, to. hu -used or rcconleti jrr Pcmuylvaiiia. Olhce, two doors' cast of the Alnycir s Odke. Cißcjnnati, Ohio.' EDW-VRO 1* CBAKCUj 1 , ; Altorucy BtJ^uw.j CKAB CIDER—USI>bU crab cider on fonsigiunch and tvili L« sold low to close by r ■ , jwa? ... AIAil ‘DiCKKV.,ft Co: FOR\FAItI)M?& COMMISSION. #•« • 1 • VJ. KKtAtIMI r*A«/ CH ‘VH , . BS R* DAlfEsniOWEa A CO. ■ I'OBll C 9 CUSJHSSIU.I MBECIHSTS, Na CO South! iind’Nn; 117 South Water m. PIiILADKf.PIHA : '('iftmii the trade and ilealers penentUyj of that litey liave mnde-joeh arrangemrht* ’ Vl, '{ ' lln Vitsinia mntto&miHivM aud the Growers of m*: n e»t. lndies, nnil other place*, ns will iiuuro a . tatVC Biid eAirtbiii Mipply of the it.ltowin? dt-senp* tion* jifTohtjeco. tvbirh trill bet eol.t upon n. 4 jirenm- trnn. i* pny oilier house hi tliis city or 'v.ier?. and pooc^orTjrreilfromthfmTrtiubewor rained e.iual a> r/pre/’cutalion: . ' Nayntmj (St. Dmiinjo; Conn;; •) /, nfu » iPofto Uko;‘ Peua'a.; >Sced Lenfto- X-uui*: .. . j A 1-Toriiln; j bacoof AI.S(U-11/niirh'fl celfliriite'i! Amtuaiic Cavcn* dirn, tvitliaJarpo n.«<i>rlinitnt of oilier popular brands, ami .juninies of ai, h*. I‘ds. I«ss and 30*, l.umrc o*. C*. ;» nnil 10* Pfuc; Uhvist; Virginia Tirist, *wrrt and plain,- inwhole nn.l halfboxe*, wrfod nnd tin, together with hvcrV variety ofaniclc helouiiin* to the tra.lnT. ' ' : t ' ‘ Jetfrdiy w CRAIG, BELLAS &, Co., Flour Faclors anrt Prodaee Commisiioii . 3lere!U»iit*. ‘ ; IlinJLMi cash ndvaiuTf made on reeeJnt of dOit- A 'llioso fciiip|>ij»? to our address will be i-Atu tlimi-lourtim value in ndranca n.a. hri in? to oar friend*, ,' r . .'le**r*. WnHiiiefonl A Taylor, Tituburrh. •Messrx. Titos. Hell A Co„ ilrid'-cpart,Ohto ' Philad. Jphta, y. \y i, !MA i my27-tf -N. 11. All l-r-nluce ro!U!gn l .<J!oiis is insured xvheu in the \\ nrHioirst i.t Wullni-iLrd i.Taylor. I'itlsbap’h.w in onr Morrill Pinlaildphinj , C.II.A^q Cotumlvfiton ami Forwarding Merchant. "’fon n - - rirrsinTßaii, **MKi lii transact it general Commifliori L>u*l ur#f, t sjH;cmlly in tlic )iurclia*c nml sale of Aincri can AliiuujaUuivs ami Procure, atid.iit fonsnirrtunr Goods coijbjjjni'd 10 inn care. AsAecul for ilio Mnuuiuciurcs. ho wtH lit* ctnwtautly supplied with hepiiiirjpal «uclo ? of Aiuhiifamrc’ at U|e uia e«t \rt!nlrsi<l(* pnect. Order* and c»u*iiniiheiiU are r^J»rcijL£|j-j o iirr , *cl;_ : • ■ f Clayton fctjons, lw Jjomtiard \\ ImiemlcDealer in Uuuer,andCoifr* mission Merchant. tin-la*t ton tear* devo !r .. titu-iiuon to ilio K-ilraf Duller, will now receive insuttr, I.ard, nud other Produce for talc on conmtLsfieh, and BaUer* imn*<'!f shut fruni hi* experience and ntroe* rous shipping: cusUwwr* hvj will t/cntilr to eive to—"' 1 <u u '* vv * lo ,l f n 3’ produceio'him. IJeftr UoirK. F. \y.'Urune L VoA ' ’ 'Viri. Maw. \ jioiC 1 J yViihiiiyum .V ll*i«tihap, . . . , r. U'. i ii. nn|ikui»,. K"nfraily« dclS-lm' ®* *'* W»WjVT._ U K. TUMUNTUCf.' P B. P. COH WAY A. CO., > OIITSMO.UTJf, Oiiiu CnimnjMinu nnrt Forwmlfiff Mrrrtianti rjui J'rucutr lx*alcr»— alnouUfmlldlir nircba*e, taJe amt Sluptn'ni oi'Fig Iron, Coal, Ac. . ; kjotkio: Atwood. Joihm & Co I/orrni. S’rrtin'r <»rnjf, 1 fc Co., Lynn, i Co., laarlMly, ; Jonar p. peurt, [I-Tlr ct Ui«s iinu oi ..dulrolm Lccclt & Co J | W&oltatltQtoceri Commlaalon ft Floor Dr..... ; Merchant, n 1? », a * fc' llls * <» Cetintry Predate. Cooper,' Tin, I’ll, Plate*. lumen',Tnnli, Zinc,Lend,ftaseia nneei in,a, lrun uml Nnjls, \Vliiie Uad, l>ro SHuffi, luiini Ynru.v >ali. Ac., nuj Manufactures centrally, comer of tad Irvin tticcU, P«. ILr'ljiicrsf advance*. in Cash or Good*, made on coiuurnmciiuof JVxiucfvlke. _ nt>3 it iioeaVc tiirs c. v. MAXTirt. ” aToT iliuwoa. LOVE. MARTIN & CO. ’ Procnct) General Commlnlon tad Por* ■warding Merchant*. SO. C srSAU'rt \nunr, BAIAnfOEE. J Refer to— ; l ■ .M.AlleuiCo. : • ) lifasnptoa, finish A. Co . jrtUangh. Jhivi-on. frauuden A; Co., Jolin R 'Randal!,. : ocH Uuyh Jirnln,*, J. 11. C.Mr.AROTMOX, Late si I’uul'ursli.l’a. l.»teW Nm-hriJir,Tenui n , LEHMER & ANDERSON. OLAI.hUSIN Conil.N. SION AIUCejIANTS.' xo.b rgMxi *ncirr, wi swwvsuai. a.\Lts.NAtt. oma Kyrer t» MncUunts Kcurraily. in rat<l.urch. i WALTER 4z. ‘ “ j vmcsS«ntix ' ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS* -OTDDIIAIXBS jtf PROOUCK'GKXEttAI.I.y. so. * tovru nowicairtnjrr, ei:L>\v inEkL-r, aAumioit. Rcier tv-O. C»»hicr. T. Cru<*. K»o, ln»incr, J. I.u.ulnrfrl k Son. lfisrr luif k I'juey, W.‘& 5. WymonJ sUiijjlutf AOevri.*, - ■_<_ ' <m* KDWAIIDA. UHHLIXC, RKCOViNIJ, KOUWAML'ING.'COM*.HssiuX.\DJt- CHA'N PANIICOTTuN BKOKIU, ' ; l tir oas s, m r*nr_. . nixt, Aiio A Co., Kinj, i*cuuocii* Co. . • ' 1 «!Gr4 .• iIiWIMEHRS fc COS3IBHIO3 SBRtHUSIf. ALEX- (LEVY ,& BRIO'S. I .CINCINNATI AMI ST.'LOUIS. ; • 1.. . ln *'- ,lt i ßl f r ail UmU-of M<M» t- iuuU;.<% m: U.i: rsiri of-CwntnU*icinA.*uiui uro a.*»aj*pr*p:iiyj Ump>; odvunjtM. The licit of rcie*- T' - ncK<. srtv'ea if rcilulml. LHlrrj ailiirriseil to eiilAir hwmyyil, ho promptly oIH-.nk-H 10. jy3(Ji}ly JIXO mojnsM.; ; "w ’}( casmeTL THOSPSOX &. CASIPIIELL. commission merchants. • And Hujiafactnrcrapf Linseed Oil, No. Ai Columbia invet, . r ;l-lv (r,--c.,.1, m.iJ to Fwff!*) 11 ’ °f“V „ \V*i. 11. CJ.AUIi, P». Attend* particularly to the Forwarding of JV«lit cd Ac. i-orany lun&cr information. tinph i o FOILaYTII A CLNCAN. Wufef »t. ~ j u.,w\ aurninv*.. . , ■ u'~v JIATtIEWa Ai iPATOI, COM MISSIO v MERCHANTS. So. 48 Woter street, ’ . • i j Mr. Loris. Mo. . nul give particular mtf.ntirm to Hut selling of Pro duce, and to order-forpurcba.iilg, iIKKKB.’n> r -Oi»r.'c .Morgan A !Co, Pitlsburgli, Pa. augll <: was i. . c. u. cithkethiv _ JOIIS JII'CUtLOUfIU A CO., : Forwarding 4 CommlJalon Alrreboats, . .vs. li-J A y.i soirrA si tutor, jangT-Iy* tU>wii;:t:'»'Whkrf.' n.-.kitnoru.t I LITERARY. r FJUlsulelfllila Cdllegcbr McdJdtnc, .Sob/A o/M hlmhl irlrert. ffMIK S PKI.NU AN}) SUMTdI-IK POURSK OFLF.C -JL ‘I LUKS FOR JM4s*. wilt fceWjiuiuflneednn Motuln; ftmrcli fch, I>H, nud U couLmied four month*, by the foittiwyi-* lacuiiy: i JAS J), G«'erfii; gperiil ami Surgical Anatomy. . —, ’ - r J. IL BURDEN, 3L Du Mat*i l tu Medic a nod Ther apeutics. '. i ; -i •: J). I*. (iARDKXIRL M. D. Cheimtrv. wiSd£ V C, ?W. S ’ O.'Thcory and riaciice ot I DEATCV, XI. D., Dh»tctrics ami Diseases 01 U unt< :i amt Ctiiidreu. I • , •. JAAIDB AIcCDLVityCK, M. D. Principles aud Prac tice of Mirenry. ; ‘ *fEXKr<IfBnONS.-XL D. t riisdtntcs. of Xl e d*ine emit .ilcdicul Jurisprudeuca.' • 1 H. R. McIAINTOCK, AI. D, Dctuoustmtor of \n t orcy. . . . j . JHCnTAIip BL’Rfl, Jf. D. ProUctor of Surm-rv hee for the full course, S7O. Fco for those who'ai ic onrnded two full conrws in otherOollcgw, «o. M .. rlculation to hr paid onre oii)};«. (indaution «.« iln eti ’n 4i- ,Il!ou ‘> ? uicluding IU-eujnui[storyLectures, ofMarch! Hwrtw wj!l opeu’ed oil Um Ist J.ftAVIIjjAMS. V From arrangenienU cow pending thote b every rea son to hope tmu die chairs,of liuiitujes'of Medicin* and Anatoniy will be occupied by dirdnet rtofeawra cl an car-v penrvl. j ’ ; Forfurrhcriiiformotibnlncoirepf- ■ j I ’• ' JA.MF» .McCLINTOCK, M. D., Dxak, ' 'XTEtV' \VoltKjt_j u'm received J.V Columbian Magmxiae lor l i bruary. . .• _ii!ackwgoda - i , January. i nirtanonvjn America, «,r High Idle m New York and toratogie-by ScatsCcld. , Pcifo ih« Pirate, dr the Peri!* of a Sailor, by W il g Kir.gnton, Ihuj. • James il, or the Ketoliiiiouof 10-5, by W It Ainsworth. AmencaiiA'oitngn Library, edited by A AV Fruiklm Now aud'fhen, by jJihu’i Warren, >’ Uft. amhr of Ten thousand a year. • ’ Tim My»lcne* rind Miseries df NctrYorV; by NWBunt luju, complete. -- •[• -.. t, The Bride of the Northern Wilds, by .Nrwtnn M Conis Rndolplio, or the Freebqoirr gf Fonneiucro. • • Museum^, or Tali]. Cttii.jiWH, AriifAiftlinA J * ChainlifT*’ Miscclluiiy, No 13 ' 1 ' 1 •* Jjving oec, jSolUt. . . . . , 'iVv/oF*'poncr for r.hruary. il taken for , X' J tylor'«: JMector at ‘thii N \otk.pnce, bl a ycif. 'A spiemlid assortment of Va- IcuuncKut nil price*. For sufo-t | • i'*Fbrunry Magnz fn c»T ' RKCEIYKD AT M A MI.MIK’.H, ttsniihffrld >irrcl &! rioor/roui Kuroml: [ ■ > < <jiKley's I.ailyV Hook tor February. Na'ionat Moju/iue ■ • do .. • :•* } f/rabaju’s '• • • Jo i-- i / ■ L'liion Jo . ilu 1 " All.the alwyc nre'cf|tjal if nofniperfor iit' lishincnb*, to Ihb {'Wyj UUi Jauunry |mml>cr». 1 : Tliu i.asl of thu I'uirics, 4. uctvj novel hy CPU . James, hluj. , j - •The JAimce to.tho Fwnily, byAV.ißloaehant JcrroU, wiiit illustrations by Piiiz. j ; . Brian O’Uitn, or luck is overyUihig, by W JL Max* . well, Kyj. 1 Tlie Ixiekand Anchor, being a ClirbnjcJe of Oti- Dub lm '-‘iiy. ; 1.: . The Conquest of tlalifonilii ani! .\cw Mtxi«a iii the -years I>lo and *i«, by James MadiiAil Cults. 1 ' * Jnnr Eyre, edited by Currcr'JVll. I ; The Svoargc of Venire or.the jtntr ChiunScr of ti*« Tri bunal, by Dmiiii. Hiiimlgmi, | • , • C»all«]«;rA , Jli-cdl.tny, 11. i • ' •* Uving ace, No lyx Song Btxik h.r u.c Million. j ; .j a <£ Ehol.lali UOOKji- IfcT ofotiau, ami of the wars and cwui'aisns arisii.s Iropt the siruyglesof thfi Urrrk Patridts In Ein«uir.jmi. tir.gtltclr country from the J uiktsh lYoko—iu two vol vmir' i ’ :CUfi,<lCOp} w!t ** auu wroyii maps and engro .rtrt tj,u,,Tauve of ‘he Teign of William Hi, from ICtd tn l/kb—wit ■ flrr (wnrait*, mu vdls. • « : t-ompatnon to the *«nlv of the I Inly .Harry .dtmbroy, thrning roiuuncc,'vnh bu coftf 3 ' v >nr.*» ; ; ’ f lour Id the (Idly T-«a«!, t/iacc, ond-Sketehi:* 1U Liana. Ju“t ri'c d and Mr rnh. by • ! 'MeDONAIiD A HEEPON • ;rt)rru/kclAticVt T's.Siyriiij L “' 'j'l'.ij.’p'ij’ptS.'* l,l C,J, “ V "■R (JoldftnithS-Pocrri*, illustmted * - • ! ltiompsou's Seasons; • • ’ 1 , ,* !^'- y . 111-11>..' •• ■ lb/ i i»--,. rTr V ■ltb «l near market « ?«p -t for*ut e j,y' * M /vhif, t ; l"0K»rm A pp,<i'9A.V. GEORGE Drown, Dailey & Co. Henry GmiT, . : i D. Leeeb ft Go- i I Ciarise & Thaw, 7 VBallhnore., ) r ' dA.wJ f ' , CO-PAKT.\KUSIIII\ r " OCAN & KhNNEJJV. have Uiii day nnoeiatnl XJ with them m tie Hardware Utilities. I'hirin Wii ac/iiamJ|at»ttrd Grep>:. The «ty)r of lirm witfhrie «A>r b« Ho*7ui.Mril*>tt 4-Co. Thit nrrancemcm toi sen it deurable to ek»n the old buuneta a* *coti ns pOMIUc, All i*r»on« whine iiabiliUr* have matured, ara«-»p«ciaily re<juc»it-d u> make immediate punned Ja«. 1, * T ' W,MW »*- * C®-l»por»» ud A -l n Xj WMcmls Dealer* in Foreign andDu'u<.'«ucl(ani- . fi? j’ANCI. (HFItU 1 er»o:i* brought . waro, Cutlery, Saddlery, Ae.llJO, Wood j.troet. Ha*, t » a^ r > t “iwa-tcaKtiinble term*, l-uryk, arc now fully pmtarcd with a recently jfflirt- Md"-u i Ri I f£ ? Jn£ L r ““i'(T °' lan ‘ - ’ *7 '' til Mock of Hardware. Cutlery. ie tnoifrr vin ~J*V ~7 * u 1 » , ' u f * • I-ntulghCer7e.ponlle.nt.jlml inducement* i» «•««*„. .bujlvi foot f&S&idw Hntj f‘ l [.overturn■*>»*« irejjuewly cau compete li. price. with any ii^e ■AU fe d *"***■ W ? **•* rwda '"r\ wcric * ro ou baud nn exvnove UMomnrm of Pbufmrcb f? n u . u>! ‘_. f ( rHU< \* upon ;tfnm unit have.#!- , -Hardware, \ir: Sho.cle. Spudes Forks nie*. Vh& «>* ntf«Tr* 1« Jt.r well ki.owa liftu.c of Haui-m A: ' sw;i^^ te A-A*£Wsfc- -t- i /§V TIO. <i,bicrin. r. hfi*ia ? recent tv rnlerM into TO'Feb'jc; tu we rrrnfc** Uto n»i only „r i, a ( £3 j^(n]ir^ l^, U , I ? rtsr nwn ? 01 Gultahcr. Um*. Ika*« Jlni! l-iue, bar .very outer pood Dine, tuni also .N .Miller, frr the pnn’ov of earning on the. Hell tor Cnnai.r* steum Line q : Jt '-^-'ui,Ul.r3«.Foiiudm!;ajidG3.F»tt:b > rl»t:, J ne.»irt S.-ht Until* to nnr amount pai-Ride at nnr of th- s 1 feiygas&g ri Smrui! °*'V" *Kf '«fS5 ppr description, and fla. Fi,Miu;« wuh r.cjrtne** aud »!e*-. mtil 6r!avr. ?tte-Hn>ker*i. *c- nil fpon us lad tvu 1 1( raut. Meuutboaj Jobbuij promptly nta-ndej t*. ' -.nit H-cWtodve u.c:nm &VVwV.w? •£. If. laU.-UrJiMU, JOrtlll , AKOJUX«ji>.V.£aroiwi R A R x Jl P. ttMjiXLR, -—A'— ‘J- ouJj _ inr N. TJ.-s*nje attention of ALutliimrti ntul lin-imr* ij l**tt Machine Work* ann Foandr}-i . tutrited to ocr ami-at:ri!ioametal.fora rmtaerdprirn r ...... ..-.....‘...p'. 1^ >ct,c, ' u ’ { i" Avtiieu. has been froiiocitfed .nf'erter toUaWiU'i lv I y ,„. luGlir A. Co., ate prupartil to build t.'oitiln * nundrer. who hate b«ctl t>oih.: ImiMer* mrd V w, ' :r » M.-n'li:u'-n- o’i.v,:rr >te.»jri[>rion, *n<;!i ’ tlie puliic, gcucruHy, ttrcnUo rrnacdtr.dlocaiUnd ea- ?* Maeltitf *. l'tum*-;, Coders < tmiiiie our supermr double bctioh Force l’urun 4 iux '“’.l"*, •t’aiiwar IU-niK. \yßrp«.rs l »U'lim!>cat and ilinncMic ii«-, i i-'anl t*rijiikr»..l«. Wrousat (.i.MJ.AtiiIICR, LQXC, * MJLLKR. ,r ” u •''baftin- turned; all »ttci of Crwj Irvii, I’uUie. ami rllaapcr* of Ute. !uti'»t patu-rrw._ .lulu and heii'l LalUctb of till kind*. “Cfit;(\;» v-f evefr tVVcrtptiiat tun.i»;u.-l on Jiort noticit. Pattern* tu order for Altll Ci’etiri»|*. Iron Rajl;n?, Ac. Si cam l’ij-e for healhir V’opto-e.s tart lorn Winilow Sn»li oild tauey Cu»tiita» cenernlly. t>p:m ietl at tlio Wnrdioaaf ot J. I‘aliaet •X «'i) ; Liocrtv *trecK will have Jd«>tnt>f attention. Hen r to iliac knock. lh-'i A. Co; J K Moorhead & Co •- f» K John Ir%ttn tc Seas, (< C A J H Warner, McuWurilJe. JaalO liiLraWaVe N 1 or« it*ii£ored. - H VT’lll HMOR K&. WOLFF havin’ reraoved frora the * I corner of J.thirty and gt Clair Mreeu, to No 60 l\ ood .iWe*, three court above si Charles Hotel, would rt«pu.Uui:y n*k the atieiitiuu of icyer* to titnir *<ock of HAIUiVVaRH. CU’/I.MRy and SADDI.KKV.rrc d p'tr *hip>t Sufftnnk, iMotv>t)(»ii!ie!a ajiil Ruoia, cltrecl frt>m tftr rtisiiiTfneuuvra of f Jijrlarut arid iiern.iiuv. j Alro. «up|>lie*oi Amcncaa llurdwtire. from U»eprin-i cipaJ maituiarturer* of the K-vicm Sluirs Their •tuck being rsiarely iie«r, and pu/elmted upon' the l*r«t fermt they tcci KTrnrconudetite tn tinijgabie. tiie-eß.fr.iiy ia tnoei coinpeiinon fifth any nuirier, wjiiMher r-D .j or vrett. The. Ilardwnrs l>wia-;«will lie cuiltir.ued auheold iinujl • _ ?l _ n P? UAUi/U riib FAmfRyI'CITgALU* fJ—Tire Adin'ulMrulortof t c idle J«rfae#Me,LaneU n. osrr for -.lie tire r«tcl>!:«!imrm tituaie ; ji> Ninth anl. | formerly oarr.ed on f.; into, lD h--» :tfc trme. ft. aJjelcrt | to. atm <»loe Kn-iory. 't he *erl« me in vwiijileut onlct I lorcnrrj in:{ On Uiel<uiiuo.M, »ttli GxiJrc* l A.c,uiiii ready ft'r rpimueneuiß a any A lio< ral credit w/i; 1^ Bjvrn, and n!i particular* inude known by calling on either of tin* uTidemnpicd. JA M I'iCill.A K KL^, MICHUU,, Ailmiaimrntnrv Dliiolntion, f l *wr a ?i < '^ l “ 1 ’ *° existing Slide: lie Cra of .k . ** mutual cc-ii-ent dissolved on ih< l.t inst, rac busacj* will be ciosed. ai iLr oiil ilarul by cither oi os, tmil* (he name of the firm lor Uia. purple. l>ing de*m*u« to hare oor turincs* closed with as little delay tta possible, we would rr •peClfully rrquett Uioms indebted to cal) arid seti’e tbcir accouau. - JOHN D M'-CORD J** HD KING. CoapartncnUp. TOILS D M’COIU) haring associated with him bis U brother James .M'Cord. under the style of M'Cord n- •* ' n!l C «***»M Hat. cap and Fur burinr-s ut ail u* various branches, wholesale and retail, at the old stand, corner of Wood and sth stmt*, where they •olicit a continuation of the i-atronaao so Übcruitr be-' •towed o» the old firm. JOHN D M’COnil J -3 * . JAMES S JrCCIRD. ©M and well known finn of M l-onl k Kinc, I most respectfully recommend ty Uie paiftiuage of the public. my successors, Messrs.- W Co*d>,Co.___ litttSl lID^ING. raa.,J\, ” PUSOLCTIOaf. >1 llr. Co.iiartnetibq>.j3i the. subscribers, uuder the X hrm of Lewis Hutehiasoii 4 Co., is this day solved by mjiumJ con.ein. hhther of ua will, attend to the scltlcmeat of the business of the firm, and use iln uarac for that purj*o»c. jnnl , CO-PAR TAKIISIIir. ' have this duy lormed ■ co-partner J. »uip, under the firm of James A: Hnwlrimon & Co. lur the purpo.e of continuing the bunineu heretofore earned on hy I*wi» Hotchhxou and tolieit a con- Unnanee ©f the patronajv hitherto PXteinW'io the * iool °- 1 JA.MttN A HUTCHISON', | . LEWS D. HUTCHISON.' riHuhnrgh. Jan. I, I&I9. ... . Co-Partnership. Notice.-* Is 1 IflKl’HENii of Wheeling, E F Sbcrnberter -M of Juniata, and J A Stodkton of Pitfobur.'h, Imvu thin din-entered into e ©-partnership under siyta nud unrt of Strphepa, Sdurnberxcr A Cp.ot ijie Anchor iron • work*, »> kcfiing, Va, for tub purpose of trikiinfkctur* mg uou aud nails of every description. sraooKincKont. i k sroncmn. • BTHPIIESS, SIIOEJHJBItGISa CO. ’ ANCHOR IRON WORKS. ... IlVirt/tW, Tb. Manufacture all kind ofboiler, nlteci, bur iron ami AI) sierl elrytie spriiij** and jixicft. Iking con nected withi Sb«nbenrer * old JanratH work*, we can oner aa article of Juniala iron (brsmlvd tfhauiberxer} equal to any made in the country. Ail of-which will be sold at tho I'litsborgli price*., Warehouse of tlie work* comer of Monroe and Water »H. f tnyll exist* -Lfmg under die nWo and liria of Uigidiauu A Dai*. .« .!■ l i ,,s dissolved by mutual consent, Joint Ibil* tell having uinpofed of hi* entire interest to H.‘Wisht* E*?,'- T ll6 pf the late firm will lio settled by H. WigLlinaii, wlio is authorised to use the tmnie of tha lain finu for that purpose. H. WIOHTMAN ipISkttw . Duly I*47], J. DALXELL. . M A MINTJtVS jimsfrCrM st, ;Vf tloorfrom iM. /TIIL Subscriber U r.OT7 prepared to manufacture all urn!* of Cnllou nud Woolen Machinery, at the shortest notice. Order* left nt It. Wighuunn's Engine Shop, cor ner lubeny and Water streets, will meet with prompt auenticm.,- lI.WICiIIT.MAN, lamcoksb, between Federal and Sandusky *t&, '_Vl2ydly Allegheny city/ DISSOLUTION. > v fpiJE co-partnership heretofore eklstiilc between the X suhsenber* tinder the firm of Williams k Dihrofth, wn* ili.rjjlvrd on the !»! instant, by mutual concent. J S Uiltyortlt. to whom tlm -cUI-meM of thu ©id Intct iic»* i* cntTti.ietl. will omitimte the wholesale grocery ' business' at the old stand. No. «7. wood »t WM. 11. WHXIAMS. Jon 4 JOHN H. DlLWthl'l'H TSIK partnership subsiding, between ihe’sutirerihers, under the style ni I'omdcxtcr k. Co., wa* dissolved by mtunai conwtu, on din lath ittsi; and Ihe bu iuirv of dtp concern will be closed-by KW t’ojnduxicr and C if.Ufnni. |l W PniNIJFXTEK. • * A CUIJiERTKpN, dee-21 0 H <iiUNT. CO-PA ItTNKItSIUP. TUI-: subscriber’s Will continue bustneM at the old . stati'd, Nrt 41 witter street, si usual,under the siyfe ot‘Toindcxler Vo.™ R W-POINORXTKK, ilrcvtf •_ O H QUANT. TOWN .FAR REX A SAMUEL WICIITMAX having tJ ' anSwiatod tln-niselvca idgcther urittcr tint firm of John I'iirrt-n & Co., fi«r the purport of mtitimiing the I>ii*inc*»of iin> •Rouiineti's Lute,* will coitiintie to t/ut'r- Rct a general forwnnling nndcoinmisjiion at the old biuiiil at tho Canal Italin, liberty street. • [ - “ 1 John farrkn; jmiMtf _ SAM’L WIHirr.MAX, Co-Partncrablp.\ . riHIF. umlctstyimd has associated with hm»tjf John • I Nlcoli. from Baltimore, in tljn Grocery nml Ciouer ulCutuiais-non bunjitom, under the style of Seller* k Nicul*. dated Ist January le4Si' I : iauW FTUS.-feivM.En-S. CibPARTSERSUIP— Young having tht* day associated with him, Jolm R.M‘Cuhe,tho Ira* Umr business will hereafter; be conducted inWlrr the linnofWtiL Young fcUo. WJT.LIAM YflL'NCi, jans , JNQ r IV M’CFNB. H, MOJ^DAY '• ..'MlCiLr:*; l»E ACE I PEACE I t - m~r wstM'cn,' / 'rhupLßS Mt/niKies honestkad.. / I • ti>*„» •? r,, P !m Wen convinced of 11/e Chi*«lwn l ? I to ? wmo Oleine adtipied tn the use if SSS $£«!• «»>** -Hum, u.,a fa.. UI Icncu, .ue. ehu rTn! rrr P nn,l tf *»» :OiTeiins lo the public n tnedj. j c ve rr purpo ■«.• far all disease ofllio | the iwe of that deleterious drug. or anp 2rea , tSf?^ Sd f o ii , '* ws 1,1 ,i,e I””*'.’ The Infant Pm J SwiSi. s i.- v «t n fu!, y and tried, the last nveivh n « L r ' cro, - i * ll, ' r,mi ‘'- nn, > fouftd to r«s*cM aD i*hi«i liarT T ' n ?’ am! to produce all the aatonT artK wV-^W 0 ''ill of direction.. Di '’“in*'alii w.thmn V.? ‘i* 5 * {lom Tce 'h‘n ? . nct>»;''.inutodiateljM n rl i Ulß of, h* thnetiou. of the bodri «“£»* !»«n»»est and wwt jneasant tr.nriUod I «k»h JOHN°h^nFitw l^0 * "‘“‘h“f'he PropnctotfDrJ MitcholJ °i nd ■ A P° lllccar >" Joliu'j SS IM f‘KIUAL COUGH sVrUP—It ha. dtf p' 9 tf^S£? re ‘ie . i tm£M.aau, Feb. 14,1547. to n iticV a F E3is; ~'fy wife, ho* for year, becu subject I £e> h l^ M 'fi C ? Q! V h ' “ccomnunied with aatbnm. fw I .*^ h *? «&•**"» cough remedies, £a ,!, V C - f tJl ® to** «auuerit phyweibn. -iJ J t‘L b “ t yi"*itotoVßtUajf. Uy chance- I hcarilH ?tt Co.i R h s*yrup, and wait induced to buy co^V^n r i na • alt, tourt. I hatl no belief that anything b, T ®«nplajnt. To my irrent b ufpn*c, IhM.i.i ("* %V C hcr irumedmte. rcliei. -She i* at time* I S t Ul -, 1 cough, but two tea.spoon.rul of Syrup always ..op. u. Imu satisfied, ntier n trial of three or I Cnu.-!, S)r,|, i, J?byfSw3[ rneiliimc I have ever tried either in the Oltl or Mew " orM - 0 . Wji. Finttocwnt, ; ', . ?«*eiith Ward, city of Pittsburch. h trn!?n J? >av ? cc t^ caIC should induce, nil who* nrc I, troulded wid, tough nr u.%tlmia,lo gue.the Syrups trj- , , 11 «»T I>e had for tis cent* a bottle, at the drug < « m'i It KSia.u:HS.o7wdod»t. frold by Dr Canel, Sth ward,'nud O H Curry. \lle- I gneny city, iaj j I OF.I.LKRI.S VERMIFUGE-The £e»ta« V( it XJ 'Vonu tucdicinc*! - . Niw LisaoSj Ohio, ) ' TM* 1* to certify tliat after Utingriiffere'nt rrepara- Uon* tor .Mpolbng wornn, I bought of C.- K. Hetman, of *>c\v Luliuti, two vial* of R. £ i&cUert’Venwfuxc, end «ay*ttii« content* u( one vial to three of mr child n-n bront the Urrt. osedp yeur«. it cjjicifcd .45 worm* ifMii the second. 8| yenrs oM, 70; and from the tliini. il i<aw olty llD; making Sl5 uontilexpelled by ti*ii(y iiutonn viul. I motnmrud Selim’ Vermifuge a* a *uie and one of the moat otfectiuU Worm medicine* b*. for.-the public Hcou Moirnmv. I repari-d add sold by H n SnLI.KKS, No 57 \V,«xl •irvet. Sow! by Dr. \rnnl; I) .M CurrjV'At- - jut 4 Tateiit liiovk tinriuir •friutT*''' \ KWLVI.N V{-iyrrEiy—Fer tile re lirf and IVraanuhi eB C “ re o{ HtIINIA or IiCi'TDRK. (Suited » air ! The superior claim* of UttaTrsu eonsllt la thecom paruiivo casa with -which it may bp worn. The pad r f wood being neatly Imlaw-cd on *pring«, ylrld* 10 tua» sore OD any pun or ligand tboioiMhly .adapt* litelfto an) movement made Jjy.ttie wem'er. It enn be wain without intermissjon, umi.’.i cure i« effected: T) p rul 'rV. f * h *, vc P> a 'is ariangenjeiiii forth*-tnawdiociuli V*, . c . ,c valuable Truatev, in a ropprior situ-, in I'n.L. lhpln t,ow f " T va’ouhvir ©thee, NY "» tsniui&etd et near Sixth, Pittsburgh. .. 'til'JO. WalTk . i* 3o _ D. W. . MOiuuB,»i _ re*pect(ully inlorm In* foetid* and'tbe ciii/ea.* of itoburgh and Allegheny that he has decided to remain U»e city ouniip iho.wintcr, mid i* prepared to treat patient* placing thtiooeivr* under Ui> care, accordant' to the *y«ero a* practised et all Water Cure JUmhlish reenty mr either Acute or Chronic dxtriue*. 'iliwe “* * Tajl *l*«n»rl»c* « lut *erviccs wtJI coil at Sir. Miller *, cynierof liberty »t. and Kvun’* alley. . Ur. M. btt* trcaicd wfVi-jal severe en»e» uf iWn»r in tl'Mcit) with great iucccm, to which he u permitted to r™T-- ' • norsf X\Rli(J^,.Dßi;G'S.—Jo«r.Mubtc-r, and apoOi \'Jl- cun ! rr °f Ww>J ai^wh »»*•. i*iu»- -Mr- *»■*> roiopoumU from liia hen material*, at any hour of (hr. d n > ~r mrliL- AJ*o, «n awonineai of ponmuery, fbu; too-h *j,a;r and cloth l-nnlie*, etc., which he wilt »«lf tow t,r mrtvl ON I! cats Sji, Urmyii fpr <nle by ,cb >° " , - JOHN DMORGA.V. " CftPifiTNEBSHIPS. kc , I.KWLS HUTCHISON, JA.MLS A lILT'CIHSON. DISSOLUTION. .■auclatloiT :OllN]|s T G. FEBRF. MISCELLANEOUS. • AGENCY tOR PATENT**, . • • WisJII'tCJXI.X 0.c.. ! {?• KOBBIxsi, Mechanical Engineer and f -* Afem for procures Patents will nrephie the tie. ewfafyDrnwutj'taml I'apcM tor Applicants for Pat en.A, nuu trnimct all {oilier business in the line of hi* pro»<Hs«.» attho Potent Office. lie etui be 1 commlted on all fji:c«iions relating to the Patent Laws am! deei*- ton# 1:1. the United States or Europe. Person* at a iii»- tetice .deMtous of litivlnt' ernmniarion* mode at the Patent Office, prior to tonkins application for a patent, nlav forward (post paid, enclosing n fee of fite dollar*) a clear statement of their ca»e, when immediate atten tion will be pren to it, and nil the. infonnotion that rould httohinitivd bynrjijutofllio appUcanviu person promptly communicated. • AH fetters on busbies* must be po*t paid, nhd eonttdn - l i^L where a written opinion is required. tr™£° oa * - '* opposite the Potent Ofliea, lie ha* the honor of referring. by penmwiijn, to Hon. Edmond Burke, CoaiaiUsnaer or Patents: Hon l| I, Ellsworth, late' ,do ‘ do H Knosrle*. Machinist, Potent Office; -Cruich. Wuhhingion. DC: ■ 1 lion. R Choate, .Massachuseii.*, ITfi Senate: Alien. *Ohi<i| Hon.ll U Bowlin, MC, MiHouri; Jlots Willis •Hall. New York; ’• y loa. Robert Smith, MC, Illinois: .-Hon. S Breeoe. U S Senate; v -Hoir. J.H Uelfe, M C .Missouri; ' E?? 1 * H M Slirieve, Missouri; ■ EraMiis Brooks. F>rj_ Pittsburgh. • JAMIES ; ; PUtihargh Fnniltare M’aro Room: I .65. Tinnu rrijraT.' A large rind splendid assortment of FuraU; | Wrr, Mihublc for Ifotelb.aiidpmi -*v«« dwellings, constantly on hand a*dmade Tirain order t 11m present Muck on hand cannot be deeded by *®y i manufactory in the western country. Person* wishing to purchase would do well to give m# a cnit a* !am determined ray prices shall please. P»»t of the •feck consists in— . Si sofas withttaah and Ilair-e!oth coTera; 2 ioz Mahogany Nurse Chairs; 14 nnir Divans; 12 doz Hite maboemuy. Chairs; • Id mahogany Work Stands; , 3 doz mahogany Hocking Choirs; 15 marble top Dressing Bureaus; »• .. • M pair Ottomans; * »1 •** . Bmarble lop Work Stands; IS diem - work Stanks; Maple. Cherry, and. Poplar I’cdr-nds of ■U descriptions, mid a large assortment of and choirs,, 100 numerous to mention. TnnrOtf i . {313. lOTitacorr. ;otis i>. wick. l. c. roaaix I ; LIPPEKCOTT :<fc CO * « I "STANUFACTI’RKRS of Hamtuered and Caul Pteel | ivi Wiotrels and Spades, Axe* and Hatchets, Mi)!, X I and Oin Saws, Hay . and Manure iFork*. |lfc>c*, Mattock*. Pick*, Ac., having completed a!) their I afrangernent# in tbeconMraetioh #f new: ntHehinery, I aad in Kcuring the l>e*i workmen from the most ccle- I bpuod est&ldisamciUs of Lite Hnitare now tnnnnfceinr ing and will keep constantly on hand and for _ia!e all the' above article*. having availed themselves )of the latest improvement?, and are determined that in [vork tbapihip.oad ontrtiiu thev will not be.oxreJled. : They , promise to pruilnco 'article* equal, if not* superior, to ! any that can be had in the Hast Tne? invito lh« ttteo- I lion of dealer* to mi cEnmiaalionrpf their cock before I purchasing: rlanwherc. as they are convinced thai they I wilt he aide to fill all orders in their line to the Irntire ,• 7 1 1 * •U'.M I.iic UJ til.; rumc Htofactiou of purchasers. Warehouse, Water ftreet, d door* West Mnnongaliela House, PitHtmfph, Pa. N. 11.—Perilous having Imuiucra' with Wm. I.ippen cott A sten. will please call on Lippcucotl A Co. , octfidly_ • : Sew llnrdware ilotite. - I tftb'SStrffcj"* I and 2d cti.i PinMinrgh. Having I sSgipiflHßfwithdrawn from Ute firm of Walker 1 and tho Ittof January, le-17,1 take pleas j ure in announcing to my friends in the city itrrd touo j Irv, that I hute opened my new store M the nbovemars led nlnce. Having purchased my. good* (hr caan, ami j made nrrnn-'-.nienls withmannfneiurcr* in ibis country j and in fcutrope to he constantly supplied, I am fiiUy prr. j rared to furnish 'Hardware o'f all: kinds, on us igood j terms and na low as ntiy bouse £a*t pr West LUrt- I chants sad others arc rcspoctuully invited to call miJ > J examine tny stock, before purchasinr elsewhere, i The I J following comprises a part of his stock: j I j i'tcami'oat nnd sntlJicry hardware, gun trunnengs. file*. JJaylor - * steel i-utierr, edge tool*, nnvil*. vieroj j lock*, burkes, f-yihfs. butt hinges, screws, Union |Fne* j tory nlaiir*. snv.;s. mabugady hoards and veneers; and j all other anielrs connected with the hardware bmi- | new- _ '■ ; , incliUu'. Hardware, Cutlery, Ssddleryi (tci | WALKEIL Importer! and J Dealer itt Foreign trod liomcsiic hard* ( lygrr mn;li) Jvsfeptfuli)’ iiltlinu hit | ittyjbis spring imtplvW Uard'u nre. at the--old stand of J Walker and Woot{wcii« Xn.%3. wood at. whicU_ha ;will I dispose of oa tho most rci>ounl>!« term*. ”*~r J He will l»c continually receiving (reeh supplies direct j troin Uus manufacturt-m in Hu rope ami this rotrrr.ry. I which will jenablo him to compile witu any establish- I inrnt. rttlicr Hjm orfWesf i j WasVm inetcimjit* nrr invited in call and.examine I ha *uu-k i>e:or« puiromduj cUi-wliCtc. maro A 1.1. Persons knowing lhem*civrs iadobtiU u> Ibe ij. . u,lc 01 ‘b«t »*io A.JJrnvo,Jr,i'ecea-«d t iire hereby l,u,| Bcd to cad and *ctile their accounts,'and Umse huv mg claims agumst the iwL-ii-v will pictert Lirtu duly aulhcnticsied or seulrnHiit to lire •iihn:riber, at the warehou-o of John Irwin A Son*, Noll "'mer si. j*»MN lit WjN. i-.r.rLio- A. IETSfo, . 1_ STtIRAGE. Forwanliiig iliul Couinmsiou Alcrchaul bt;t stn-ct, Cnual Busin. Erie. Pn. HF.PT.RUNLTA _Mc-.Ms. Snan-- A Co.; 00. W. Smith A Co ; King. I’cruiorlrA tV;Wm. J 5. Holme* A Jumes Dal-. «’il. Esq, l’insli-irch. Pa. 'Messrs Vincent, Hiuirml A .La; lister, Sumiu »v Chester; Wiiiihms ,v WiiKiit llrowti A McCurtcr; J. C. llcebc, Erie, Jlu. [ia^dlru*. SUNIUIIES-lAi lings prime Rm eolf.-e; ISnbbls N O Motaxnrs; 7o box-- itmniifnciurrd ut|iai-cot J-J3 Imlf riirsu green uu.l black tous; 75 it mid J:J It. box. « Y H nml tr 1 ouviSkl boxes (Icmim rlny; jo rnsks mlcra ins; JO «.<>. m-etber with n ifrneral «u.aoit- ; rntml of store nml lor saliflly •1 11 - 1 CAIU-iQX k .M.-K.Mcnrr, ml. St. Mououffahclry fu«ry Hlable* iiUI, V . , l * lm, opened the w* .K* mi I-ir-.t rt., lltrouch to dCJ—R-. ecnnd ri„ between W'oml „,„j KniiihiirhfM*., m .ne rvur of the Moium-ahcla Jlmum, wiUi uu entirrly tirwttocU! Horses and Carriage* of nualitv m'umrr^* 1 Cs * or * c * tc P [ 111 livnxy hi,the best Ai* '' AKllil(Tl.■ sfi—Tiie liijilics'ti pnco hlTcu'sil AX pnbl for K<n>d Ka-'»; nlsn, Canvas-. Hale Rnpr, nra«« Hope, Uagynig, U*bo!ifi, llrtgv Waste J \V CU.UtWICK, betweenpeudandfibeny F[!*['.Vi’’ 1 *3 3 ° jl 0 *” *25 ensks! wlTciidi^ UMXI ll.j | rim t keninrky foatbor*; Ik) hbls grease "*l cAltsox i McKNiiitrr.Mi it - f vSfe,»ri i »id,cu. Arnii. ’Mlililll'tlC, ItoiKplet (to to M is' eml" from W et." L John a MoiurAN, -l a : - N6.R4 \v<K>d M.~ WUAPPIXCJ PAPk7V~ r—r—— • 1 -MU buinilus H. C. SI. and i). C. straw pnj.erj **" “ Medium Rug, • 1 ’ 1 „n- “ 1). .Medium ilnnlwnre; for tale by HEYNOI.OS Jt SUIT. B\l‘ " —RkJbbU chipped fogw<jod: 73 do uTd JWJ do chipped FusJtc; 100 do erouml uumvood iu,t received urn! for *ule hr ‘ ■ . 41 A FAILNE<roCK * CO. >-?L-cAM 4 -rr. - <!orii,, rof frtmiahd Wood ils / t IU)Cl-.lUl-Jij-->«» bug* prune grvtrrjifo rolfeei'fr. VJ chest* nnd*b:Uf c|ic.j« fresh green teas; 160 boxes I_h IU. 6* a .b jump* tobacco, at kc-e* fl iwiiii do. with u general assortment of groceries for shin by “ ... .JMyN y. Dii,wnKTHrJ7wood m i in' ■ ® h .4».Sw#»Wtk, 4 casks‘-SpcncerV’ Caii T\ -nt. , ;*n,?, o ,r ,l AV ns . n t erv R rnt ‘ ttl M'°nmem. - iL" t U, V nl 011 f nud eon.Minieni'Jieiicrnily (slimted. HOUANAKIiANIiUY . I'Jd! Wood »ireet in.J.r clopi* Moiasac* nuivmgHmliorfcu’oby. • ITHXDENTEU A Cm__ f!!|» A *>’W I'UIAT-Rizia) SLUAK—6ii bbls , Yo» (.rUKIn-d and pulverized sugar, jn-t Ice’d and for -lib! low by • [mu ■ tmotV.V k 4JI'UIEITO«JN. i^tAi.EILVTU^ —lb boxes and 7 enski, jnit nie'd lUid O mr *uUi by • « F VON RONS' IJUKST A Co. ■ ■ 'JUHI7 • _ ~ ■ i.~J6 front *L B LOOMS—Od tuns, Kclly’i maiiufaeuire. for talc by I**o7 FOiOtV'ril 4i Co. L 25bbl* Mokr. 110-ru’s llrand, Jiir salt: by ; John s ohavouth. CjOTTOX— IJJ bales Memphis cnitou jiiit-received ) ttud lur kule by - ATWOOD, JONES A Co. U' ilCilKiMSl j » as, lsAs." ; DRY. (IPODS. -"GROCERIES. &c.‘ ' , .*?. O, Y ** Hie thad-lbr Bargilni. .. ." | i A ft- DAI' would respectfully, inform’ . thacinreiisorpntsmirß?! and iu.viclrpty ihotthejrj arenowscllingojfifieirrery larre nnd citeusivcstocx i v o * 90' S©©ds at flu unpanillcfea Tedticticm of prices,! i their object beimno eichnnire soods for Wh, Ain or “Cn to this in Uter'sUpriest possible tiuw they wiii; so.l off their entire Ktoch nt suen remarkably iorr ratc^J tu cannot fail to ehit cashl>6yer*l A find Jopportniuty; bin now olJi.Tcdtopcr*uns in want.Of cheap dn» good* to; |.!“PP‘>; diemselrci at a coranaratively small expense,! [We l»Td a large and splanilH stockoi : j I ‘n ,•>.:* i • '-LADIES?DRESS GOODS, I { l Huena Vista’ Gala. Kii"!i«b and Trench MeA I rino nsiib; OregOa’aild CaUtbraia dot i'lairt Block and* I s°|otcd Dp Lniiurs, French Aleribo*. adwried col-! I ° r *-.Alpaccu Lustre*; BonmaHne* French itnd Scotch! I CoshmetM ind fllotwlin De ,Laiue»i Freucd and EaxU I sum Gingbaias, etc.. I ! 1 DRKSS' AND'UYk'NTIL'IiA' BILKs. | 1 A larre aim snlatUid prioruncnt of rich b uck Dress I and HuitiUa Silks and blue btackDreu Sabas. i 1 • ; SHAU-LS?, SUAWTS. j I A large ;aesortmcut of French, Turlrem and l I Sj t ?.“ r “ 4re Shawl*; plain- hnd ‘embroidered julk. iriogq r and Drocado'silkdo; iU4n.lrlaciS j silk do: sujrer all wool long square UrocherJ do;>rliun 3 j,o«a uud 1 embroidered Ih • h-L: : -- CLOTHP/AM) CASSIhIKRES. .Super Frcncli, Engusk, and American Cloth and' Czs 'iimeresihcTcat-rariefy. ' '' I • : SA'ITNhTfS AND FLANNEI.S ' An excellent assortment of-SaitirifU and a large noek of red. white ami ytllow Pannels. t » maake|&~Sui»er blue Blankets' r for ©rer oats; find twilled do; Amcricoji premium . . " Al*o, a large of,Tickings, Checks, Prim* .MusOn*, together with almost cvcrynrticlc in the dry goods line. ' ALVJCANi)EII t DAY, 1 • jaiU.3 "3 market st, N. AV. cor, of diamond., • j - Wlnef '4 Llqaori. 1 QDiO '"hole, halves, quarters and eighths p pc* bnuv j OUU die*, wine*, gTus,'4re, of the) following celebret- I dl brand*, grade* and vintages viz: | J Oiurd brandy, dark; Tt« tic n o Port AVlnej; I do 1 do pale,* lAndon Market do; j I Siueruc do do; Trash do: . I ASeirpietlc dark; § Hunt " 1 } I 'd© pale; « Burgundy . do; * . Ilciincssy do dark; »8S Madeira do; do_ do pule; ‘s* LAI "do [- do; Pinner, CnstilUan, do. § Symington . do; do! do dark; * Faral ; do; I Swan Gin; vj Pale Sherry v do; Jtl’k Hor?c do; 3 Brown do do; Irap’l Kngle do; © Golden do do; PiiiciAnple do; TcneritTedo do; Irish. \Vtit»key; X IJabqii do do; Juiiialcn Spirits; Claret ' ih^ St. Croix Uunq Sweet ADry Malaga do; . Together with a large stock or the above W tie* and Liquor* in hoitte*. Al*o, Champaigue and Clvtci Wines for*nle ns Imported, an plraaing term* at the Wine Cel lar and Liquor Store corner of Siaithfield and Front *ts. . tVbs : P C 3UUTIN. Dry Good* at Wholesale* [ . "ITTE would respectfully invite the attention pfCoun* . f V try oml City MerchmiU to oar very ejrtensivo. stork or Dry Goods of the most recem purchase and desirable styles, arming which may be enumerated: X 7 cases Prints new Sprint styles: } !* “ Ginghams, KitvLUii, Ptench end Domestic; 3 “ hlousscline de Gaines.PS4;. and American; - 'll “ Alpaeeas. in all edlors and jtriecs 1? “ iileacUnl ihcelings 4. |to 12-ii II *• yatinetw, black. biup, mixed, Ac.; 5 j *• Oamimeres black - ,'ldee and fancy; 7 • “ Tweed*, Jeans,-Cobham*, priucc Alliens At 7 “ Summer stuffs; ft full assortment; 1 bale Yellow Drilluur, ft' nediir- «o fine; ... *«low from medium to finb; H " Blue Drilling, iront medium to line; j Tognther with n full assortment of Clothi, CueliWrctta, Drop] D'Kte. Flannel*,;. Whim GoodmTriiutnin';'*, 4c.; oil i>< which we are prepared to nell at low price* r'<jr Ca*h or improved credit. And -would invite oil Persons livinrlauus market to-nivn oa a cal!. 1 SHACKUHT A WHITT. 99 Wotil <(. fehp , r .. two.door* cbor*; Diamond Alley. * " 3taaUa7 BasketaVDrum>7~A-cVf ~ JUST received- at ZRBULON KINZI.YS, C? .Mar. ketsircSl. I do I fine rns a Mn»kg;>ti dot paper db; ti iW common da :t etom metallic Comb Cleaner*;! dot Teg Iloder*; 1 coi Salt Spoon*: 3 doz Ikmi*,Mu*tatd Sjooiif; •( gross German Silver Spool’-j; 34u Huber Knivc«: l do fancy‘lNsy Bookt? 30,<MV Clii.o. Marbles; « do* line woollen Cojaforis a great variety Coau and Cap*; Sduzhne I-'reprU Willow ItaAeUj'i* d«t Willow Market do; C do 2 Straw Traveling bosket*; O'doz glu** Motte 8-ealr, 3 dot Itonc motto Stomps;!:} AHenV pftient Revolving 4hifa!»; spain cominoi Urars IhsloU, tide* wu* Chert taenj i dot *etu l>oi&. no*;! <1 dot TayUn*.Tape Mcaaurcii 15dot iajicy'uictnlTQy JUi.-tkcts, 11 gro** r.cel' Key pant:*, Cltiim Dpet; l dol »trinps Ambefr }te«d»; 12 unit* toy Drums; lilcren willow Cnullet; 1 iicten Clotha Bi ke's- . , . jjagf; •• ’ Fancy Dreaa Sflkic,' TIT IC MUKPIfYnns on bau-1 nnojtcelkm tisson* IT • incut of fancy Dku Silk*. Cliumeloon I‘iajjd, and fancy stripe, which bait now oifcrin# at very I<riv prices aUo,inu .aMorimvii( of plain, nvaiered. striped mud plaid, black unit blue black Silk*, frlrlcdin? i lew niece* of very >opcrior anSpewtuM style*; ahm' GlO lUiine, ami Italian plain black Silk* l'urdr«-*-£*,i,l u lft it fcwpi’tlcza* ofChtmgeableTuroSatioi. Borr>i! l*-*w ,v. ‘ • -v. Jut/'. A 1-PACCA K CASmnftu; A urfitr? Üb; Witjmlßa* excfclinu MwrtttKnt r.fcaibntvM nud alpacct) how, meludiftc dml- and hi Jt ribbed. Aiwa ftltiok »iHiii «Ik, tidbe: ' Homa, and- cotiou hose,-a lull iujomoeo!.ami «iU#w *«*•«• _ f , t>ur 'ilN THIS .MOIWIMiAT W It MUKTHTS. an a*«r:njeiit of new. and b»t>J*»rw *:y!e« ; s .’> >n;*wn and u-Jiiu—(J>4« ttmill (inured t!r, stir •fu-- > wcur-'yanl wide donMa p.i.joe, tiipcrior ijtiaJ- fclrttf ' I Rt}CT.RJJv>—l5O Logs Itio Coffee; T 5 pneknee* V f I . Tea: JWdo. Impenuland Bifick.Tca; 50 bldk \o l “ r >f Mackerel; 5 hit!* So l I|rrrius; S bl>)» 8; Luuis II .1 o!a*«c«, lu 1.(.1n Jo Lour sugar. 5j 'ibU Vi tin; art > Ujj oi lump Tobacco; 30 key* G tw'Urdu: <0 Lo«* the Nemr Leaf do; Id bays I'epptrj'S bills Ground ci-pe ; lt» reams Wrappm; Paper; outo Wriuuc Fa •f. t. •aloby IritOJUSOX-fc Co., ! -- : l 100 Liberty street, . ?L. CK SILKS—\V ll MWtPm* J « htsyrn to hi* Bi*orouf ui of above good*. tuilu-.1-? ? rt o pJaiii liabun iire.**eilk; *jie donbiue 4CK po; ricil vtucreti Jp;Uu Watered knj firiiM.-ii Co- Ilks for cardinal i>; lu-iid- a larve as-ortnu-m o/ fim v UiCM Stas vumiKahU- *uui:«, ali ct l which will be *»M_stttw lowest pnei'h; . jiAl j •O iUUtruV. comer of &furkrt streets, iallt aiivnii.m tftjix vaiynor fotig doth'.blunt*;: ug«. lu I'.i.r i : •tCUinsf atliH crepf-yd—ufeo, hr* mii-tioFn*- ■ sMticeuj oi HUSH I*LNJ«\S, warranted pure dux,'m*d ol Uio Ifcoal approved miu.ulHcUue. AU/t, Linen laSvh*, or PTtr/ (juuliiy, and a MU- assortment of ccuUciiSn k. Ladies carmine luiudKerchieli .- ■ jaiiS ItMMIINU IiOOUS—Wo- Itnvo nu band sjl p<- *oruncm of poods suitabl'T *•: !'r..nuhhi* hotel*, steamboat.*, wtiom; wkw* dre 13 bain* tickjnmdb*- kortcil;<• it., bfj. aevJUua*; 11 case* 5-1 niuT i>-l WcucJUed LxitmgL IJ do J, r and 4-1; do; y hale* heavy lulea cro»Ui ,-4 ami p-4 luma uMn diuper: do. do. lhuntak; Scoiph nml Ito i tin diaper; low-price-d fancy pnu:>; white counterpanes,'plain unci Uvijbd LUndti*. wilt he bold low lor <;n h or improved cm tilt, . iiHACKLIiI’T k WmTlv [ _ _ 'W wood pi S,„ . ShViTl*, Slinxrla. •"' CIJJNG OFT—A very large nnd mprnor a**6rt* mem ofniper.Turkcm ShawU. exira all wool I ro t-iimlv; lino Curhiuero dapplani nud cn*i>ruitlcted ck)lh *lt>; plain audcuiltroidcrcdTliibctdo; Uroeaile, l)H«od-«k', ami o|!oDian Silk dp, lung nnd square do; lo- Reiuer wiih a great variety of other description* of .•shawls, till of Which wd are now soiling orf at aa ex ri ortunaxy rvducttuu oli>ru.'i*a. > . , :, . _i. i H.\V, fe!»j To Martel at N AVcor.of thodhantoui . ’ PKLlllliM CIOLD .Pfcb\S.—Kec’d i*y' cifprcii : lds day a lurge lot of the l«e*i made ;>cui eter hmi to nu* city. Hy a roiuidvrablc |>reiaium ovrrthc ordinary pricev 1 have l«nl Uieip ii'jwjikvtovtjd ein»e rinriw any heretofore, andean cunfiUcmJv recomini'nd tiietn ud vuvli. tor the lineiieis of lie cold, their ci>y «mi»uc epriny rtrrt QnV smooth points. Also, u Inue tiMertnumr of other liraiidi for solo m rasteru prices ninl w arranted, at the watch and jewelry etorc ot J • W U-. WILSUX. j comet of Itjl 8t market *t. fcl&iß cumw siuXlsu ofkS^ one assortment t*i‘ French and Kngtish Cloths del. Imgotf at a. very great reduction in prices: 1 , ALUXANUHIt k DA.V, f T 5 Market et, X XV cor of the Dmiootidj. SlUClvLtrrr it iiooii Jobbcr*7]W " °°d ot.'hnvn on hand a well asserted and reason stock of DRY (.OOUS. which, they will Ei'Hllo western and ciljr lucrdmjtls, on scry reasonable icnlis, ami low prices. Moil ot ih? cucu.U were liouubl ihiriuir thejni>t j ii»piUh._hntl at rcduccii juices. f j, J BU^cilKft, nwijir«ke.~\V.' lUMundw Ha, open. t!m mormiiz rule «rn»e Araorkurv? Wenched. ; lm!l»; also UnU'enched ilo. Aluorkeaj Nf» J; also 'link : i‘>B® of suriou* p'riecs and dualities—au«l oUrrcd low bl ithe piece and yard, ut *\ K corner oi 4th mid Market li.-ba Brad biorekiss for swiiT^win Murphy has on haud Jlrnb Moreen tor skin-, a so- Corded Mar>'iilc» skirt*, French Colton «lo (a new nrtirlc.' • Ladirs Monnoe nml Cotton Vests, lit., northeast corner oi'lltli & market »t»,- -• -<^3^ /SocFttto PRUNTS-WK nCL Vy 1101 k til buyers lo hi* nuortim-ttl of above siu-enor b'ootl*. ueii styles and piauU oil pore mml.ler mink* «ii,l ™*.uM iu.t; aIM Ml | UT „ ,„ d AiwiiJui print works do. aho hut colors* •- ;aul' rpAIUJ; illAlMnislAXD TAlti.K Cidji’lfsiu-U^u X Murphy bus on hand.' at low prices an or common, medium and -superior liu=n tti.| u da.p 5 « in n. Imen table cictlw, .mpkn...,ekv 1 also l.bc < aliud, binl-cyc, and bcuteh diapers lor Uhvelin*. Ja 3 PLAIU LIi.ALK ALI'ACCAiJ. —A few or* of ini it burred nlpneetn. lately also, an ficolb- 1: assortment of Uucj burred do., . \ cry low, t .t Urn d y' goods house of Ea3l WR .MIWIIV, . DKKhs} HOODS AT I',fOV R Jlujr* plij-. oofncr 4ib mid-Mnrlici &u., routiwues uj «* !l Winter Drenj Kc*Ju*m*l piices—Jlu^- 'lin tip l.iiinc* as. fi)\V a» I'Jj cm per.yunt.Ae, jnU7 Ph.MDS Sln.l.lNG _ <in.'—An exc.llenwt U 7 *urira<»e }‘!ou» oil ui ou uuujua) n ,dilution in price*, ui 75 .Murict street. N W corner df JUn Dimnonci; fc DAY. Ij'I.ANNKLS— Ueil, UrOivn am! llurrod Flannels.* - ’ An (iddhionat supply received Ihun the Jimiuiiacui rer*. AUo, a lew pieces 01 !:>\r price*! far »al*rl.y UGOIUIK COCHRAN, . >p!3 - - ' Ifd wood *!. "I II.ANT^hNV—-iii pair l»T£u IhnncMic' UlaukuM, ju: l J > loecivoil on ioiiML-iiua-nt; lur ««!■: l.y “• BiX> ' _ lifXl. COCHRAN, iJWooiln. rnorii CASSIMEKEfc.—W RMurpby iavlicli tl»e attention of parvuis wCis excolltut assumnci# of lio/s ca»Miiierc* and tweeds uf various iluafilies,ni lie Dry Goods House, uonlic&si corner of 4ia ami uinrt * ; • .' «Bb3 •• fOBOOUrU—Itti i'r««U Family Fit un 10 bhU Vf J. 1 I.*nl[y bliU Butler; li levs* Uoj M Wi'» Com; £ Bye; a liMi Uenn*;jns! Tre’d nn4 tor *;ilo Ly ' ’ . /J**;co;. J fci<tt . _ icrty «W OM'T 1 ? 0 K? 1 * 'mmral colnrct? winf, rVpcra: lOOtf I*' 3 ’* *> cnchcl wmtt rAVlittlc £l*j CT 3 I . , ri ,.j!Y Wlmlo Oil, juu recMojid for »a!u by l mi ? *MH4.KUVwC£g«O>f _ | PnVi )l,L u” 1 f' :< L v '\ eil ,C '• lcai «erliiJrt.WVjrwi ClOTir Xcrt « & lWsecd.a*. Uoll ifutu-r a ull l 7 , rJ»O9 kc»s i] u 4 sc k* Wool' Voniiiem; for r fbbl • BA?i Af ] i Ti ! ilL < £\\ S T 13 1 ) i« allonh HollanJ OliiTeio&l.Y^ ca recti aiiiUbTwJe by • •' I#W5 JCWDWDUwVsI ■f - •..•VI •-.* f; M'S oJO .V . I'.' T* ....... INSURANCE.- '.L , I I&anr.ahec Company of, North America.-' MARINS, FJRK AXin.MiAXD TILVNSroiVr i r-.-.r ATI on ins urancb. . i*zittaDELmu. January it*. ??Ml ; j QTATE.^rENTofUk Asset* of Preridmliand rectorsoftheJ«*axnnec Company of North Amcrj.] ca, J ’puMi«hc4ia coiuomutjr' wiih the provisions’a>f this Act'of Assembly: *- * . • •■'■■■■>: ; \ . ..MORTGAGES.; i. : All of which hre riExf J ’ "y '' 1 on Ileal Ksioicin die city, and cuttiityot- . f i •• Philadelphia, Philadelphia Conwy Sbt ret Cent at ; pax, 10,N» 00 Philadelphia City• itc. ,-i 10/TOtU UwtctJ States Gov't do ’ do IAfUMO Chwodeaie A Dei. Canal Co. SIAIMInt 70, - . 31A0U «} Chesapeake juid DelswareCatud Cdtapam*. • Itaudcl Debt at pa* I j 5,000 W Cincinnati City Bonds nl par., iIWOfO Coal and Navigation Co, 613,000 at 55 (6,00000 —{** do : do • dor eaoeoot-at; '■> • . ocliuvlkili Njmxauoa Co, SlO/XlO nt 50, . 5.1A000 ,„V® ■ - do. . do, Siluiai&sai.lOO. ' ; BoatTono, ; ' • • ; i.*75CO Philadelphia, iVihnimrtontmtlßaltiinorcßwl r >■;- •. •‘•HoadOj.SJJOohrtd. • ■ !■ : ; ...... 4:I(XH0 ? - STOCKS.- ■ ... . ■ tCshoxca and I’crkiomcu .... Turnpike Road Co; at. 850 3.150 00 ; ~{f 5° Schuylkill Navigation Co, 30 1,41000 114 do - •'•••• i , - . . r „ , wrert Bank. VJiubJjj,-,. : 50 J,*Qr(l •xi do I hiiadelpht* Bank. . • I<*l • . - S 3 5° JfrntisylvaiiiaOouk,. STJi. ' p.noflui' North Amenrn.Hatilr, lW - 3,200 Vtf ,J. if*. Co. Flataofrxna’a,. .2>JO •; ' HXIOO **'{ 'j® IVmi'a Rrul HondCo, J 5 lAtiHfy ,7 ChiortCntralCompany, 35 ' • g.eGOdO .. do Chesapeake and lie! aware •-« s.'rS^SSRS&^W-'*'-.^ . ' T GraMSfenm;fowßotUCo,so -2atin law .do InACo.ofNonUAanerica, • 5 CasJi, ( lCJffiilO jte?uS£Sfev- - & • ■ Si Dchu Due the Company, ' * - ‘ lySSoi Properties liftim Caro of Agcntf, b6l - :16 ■ 8710,755 *j . ARTHUR 0 COFFlN*,Prevail JJctRT DSirggEjgp, Secretary. • • febtadlt? Tf,^E _ AJS D MAmSB'isStrRAKCK;' * ill; I!isur«nco Compaiiy of North America throifi:] its duly anthorfeeii Ayeftt. the enb*crfb*r, oiFer/ii majeo penaaucm and limitcd lnkuriuiec on nroi«*m-i f. mu city and iu vicinity, ami on! tdiinmcui* by' die' Ca ual ucd River*. 1 ' ;. . . - • , , . - - „ DIRECTORS. . *i AolmrGOMtm ] Cliartca Tnvior* i l i V I . Jo -’r"' - 1 Amhro^o'Wbite’ t (, ‘T^ n “ )l •' «b' M Thuiu:i» i ! I . w,^ ro ' vn John RXcir : r Tw.'no*’' ‘ ii Richard D-Wmii-?, 3!' n - ’ 'Via U'clrh i *’l 1 Smith 'Knuiei. Ho*Len»V Samuel Brook* . • ~» An.lin Aliiljone ARTHUR <A COFFIN, IW|. i ; • Smantran, Sec’y. ' I • ■ - ! „ '^9 oldest liSMURncd Obuipauy j„ the Uuife.i -tate*. having been chartered in 1704. lu ebarirri-. pCTpcinjil, anaYrom its high sUjridiur, lone eipcrience, juaplc mean*, wul avoidin'* all risk* oi' am.extra'hta-: ardout character, it mny be considered ns otp-riinr ~s, pie •county to the puUit AIOSKS A'nV'Vm AuheCouatinsßootßof Atwi-mi, JoumAPd tn'« lef and Front street* i’itubureh 1 - ’ A DELAWHK JlUTnir - AIVHK jnJTDALKiciuVrt? rrt JOHN KINWEIVJr, Awn », hSS^SiSI I ' O aware aueiy Insunuice Comnn,.i- n„ n adelphia. Fire Risks upoiiliuiW,i c <rSK-rcSiii«fc o* erety ilcscnnuow awl AlamiuHUju upon bolu S? * wwfit V T C t ’^ cn “J ,oa lb® most favomWe u-nrf£ lho 'T flr T h£,aae B’Hofißvs d Brd \'|*Icr, 1 cr, i] S ar .Uaikoistreet,-ftiubimrli. r N B—iheanccitM of this Company mncc the lithmem of the‘Agency its iW* citrwithi'i" rirnmrJ ne»» for lo« Ws Iwjjii n.ljc<icU, Wlji warrant ttW-eS invnin* the eonfidcMce m>U pturonssre oihisfriemlinnit , ««wuwHy «i«ae to the Company, while it bu. the ajdilioltaj ndvaruace i institution amongthi»iin)i>tiloaruihiiiirtn-Piiii«>fi*ipi 11 , . I -. a* havinz an ample paid-in capital, which bv tin: nnV ration of .u charter is ccwtafoy; fncre*]nj ; iiw .° each person !u> duo ,bar- of th« prolitii ' ISSURASCB AGAWST pinE^" W' Aincricun Fire Insdraitee Cdrnuar.y ,1 istre« Phil adcl ii him ii.tL * a > e ft DlelO—Charter pemotual. P 11, -t°r?or«hM A 82£$ffi2; S fe'lS-Sr ° r wi .■ • CIIUX-TOIW. -,-. . • auMdCNwot r. - JnlnfvL* *?*, llb ? n ® ■■ . AiCtWJO Abbot. ‘ ! John UelsJ i,Js. . . I'ainck Urady, ; J I John TLwis. 1 • •-- -' ’ .1' v. 1 • . ; i tjainsD.JAWfz = ; ’ : . Onl<rr» lor -ia?nnincc l>j- theabote (’ohmum-will he “ ia V*"?** 4 s ffcfcleJ • • G&J COCIMLIN, ■; . psti}'has ajicrpcrual charter. ‘ !•. O-hce comor of third ' - ' '' " - ' VJIKUICK MSKTOi, AfwJ HOTELS] POCSTJUN nOTEL, - LIOIIT h'TRKKT BAti Tl .*1 ORE _... rmitftmraztsftoH, ndfemw. - , EE} THIJ? estabUSunwil !oay and'%vit! (^ J -.kno-.?zi r»fl rT'v' ,>:u ' °. £ Ule r.uwJ»»Swyj*i>i sliq viiv of .*— *• Baltimore. l«u Pcdhrrond tvrr ctirii caiiroutw , u 't. na * ‘* CCJI •'Wde.L j!'afncro:wtt!i(l airt-.- '•rP'? ‘‘f. an , w r ,, ‘- s in ' < we«uive bathing room *. ]; , The i.sdies’ department ha also hepn coia.ihjilv and fcttcd up mnmn,t,s«aX^ ri.V.'Y! fe orrancuroeut« lhe .npi-d , 4 been rrioodcivd, with a eye on tl;» , mrJ cF ibe proprietors. towards I] (C toraVu kii?S pfrhrer*’of !•*.*» G “ cbW| ‘hey cooiiitfinily o*seri will WT' W“* ~wel» *c Union. H Jlitit tnblc t«H alwnv', be supply „iih evfiy-subi »t;>’ wUieb-Uin niirkot olfartl-., fcrml up m s wwnor »tylr; winfe in ,} lc «•„>• OI * tY. : ,e< Ac / Jit t2*uSr*S?II*'rnwfion 1 *'rnwfion I*s >««)', Aalnoauni Will be Je/t iiiidone o:i u,nr pnrl. rviJ on Uic iiarl df ibeir»**l»UuiH, io mnrter (hut-Hotel, worthy Jti'- erally fclrUU^“e licir £ «cnds .twid.ihe.pvbl-B gwu^ s&£S2£'“* a H ' ’■: ] s *- I |^-'C? , ' 1 | i *S3“S«;Wfltron of the Uoom Whirl iritf OU, “ nl ,*^ c Car 3rld of charcp U YBy to and from Uic Hotel, |V BC ; 6*’- - . , tnayau* l i PEARL STHEET HOL'SE, _ CJSCI.TSSTI.OUIO. - THB wlwribfW- bsroff pureharrd l ha tmtir ti»gH » | oi Col- (». I*. \\ illuuiiioii, lat? of this we ■MAVnown esiabtbhmenL Vctj !vat<? m smte to-ihei fneadj aud iho palili.; (j.-wwJly. that ibey have take this conimotliou» liutid lot n term'of yenra and \ v ;u TWO!' to ito duriraWo homo m . n ' ‘uUjCuy Heartier*. luc Hotel Is »pacious ami udiaimhiy nlaminl for eon yciiience, llgiit nml ttir, huvinit a nttniber iM‘ parlor-, ml jircscmiuj uuusiiul .uttractioa* h The im-wnt proprietors haring had Vac esneriuiiee o year* .» this ciiy.mtd etewbeML thc-y vvili bV S.™** 1 *? F cueral - * atis, s>flioajfbcuig determined io' fctve undivided nttcuuau to Uie bpeso alone. V ' , miMainaotUjc Pearl Street House uuncommon- 1 'T**** on Pearl' Walnut and Third. 1 usually, m vjeVr of ,® ,1-oiiVLmenco ot bumc** men. or retirem-mt for private' I*l'* ®o*'k»)-lhe Post rtidw, tl e- Alnsomc lini,, .(.Ida y etmw’* Hall! and'bin one «iur 4 re • tliKtant Irani Mam street and two s-jtinrrs from tb? cirv' '' uarfi thu« oflertng o-perlnl. ly to country lucrclnntu. and {{eiicrally to rll jfcrKnu'. Vl * ui rf Cmcmnatn. * JOIT.V ■ - ntchvr - - - .. t . . JQH.N A DCtii.V. EITAW HOUSE, ; tVBSKa yr aALrtKOEK a\d kvtaav it*., haltimore, «u.j «™V P. JAWCiOX.. PROWUKTOIt • Mlhu splendid and-spacious l£uiel. »ij. Dated, io; both luuhn-ss and pleasure iriivelit r-, i.- sa constructed in to contbmo all thc'lnxtims of Ule tm»l holds, with clc/runce uudiyalcottuarL , - Choice suites ot'apartment* ute at nil *eu*Ou» rewrv fu for the accommodation of ttahaitai diitnUJnni} fnm ilire trinung the city will Had tk&KomV House a-home, ui.Mirpasred by ju.y Ifoivl iu Urn Union. - ■ Inn locUtum Is elevated- ami salubrious, and!«• also ccmrcuiuu to tho depot* ana landing'., ut wbieii the coaches and tho' house are rt ull times in waiting to convey pinscngereatid ihci* Utirxucc to thb Hotel. \ ■ Tuju:*.—(ifntletnen’s ordinary 1 •'§l..*W per i)ar. lantie*’ ••; do . } ; »tn> do jaatthl'dluwau , . . ■]•, EXCHANtJE llOtfEl, consist ov'fKN* *sir »r. fi.JkJK riTTvantfstr, i«a. - MTlic nubjeribef lwiviis*x 4«vymi'i! uic juutnujf. meut Ol lllit iO!1£ JKipuliiC tl*' ti.jipwn\illT announce* to Trn\le7i*rt uiut liic l*tiiv 1 tie generally, that Ji* will Im at »li ;iiWc», in acconuuodaie llicia in nil tiling* tlosriiMe i:i ii \pclJ regulated Hotel. -The House U now btiini thbnneUv. repaired tfaioughoßt, Furuj|ure*adCe-l, and m paw* will bo rimrt'd to umlolhe Exchange otic ui Ibo very heel Hotel* in the country. •. '• < ~ : Tjia ropecM itUy solicits acoiilmunnce •or the very liberal pnlronaue ifie Hdasc ],a» heretofore rce.-ie, :i |. • •• tUOMA3,O\V*TpV ? -a» ■.---Z.'JTWg&w- JOSES' HOTEL. ’ Mxo. isa. oitwvr tntrti-rmuia.rmju- JliLwlncnimnsmt.W th« ; firw n{ Urid~*i A- W'jhL liavo purchased .Mr. Jones.’ iuicrwi U thii CBittblldhniPm. ami lame by the «riNc#t ata-mio,. to the vrtuils and comfort «t lltuU Rutjls, v rt merit a ct»\. tw former proprietor. ,t.- ... . 1 ixs ? : bc s u -; >hwowsWy .renovated. and re-: * f w/urvdtvc can welcome mir •f‘ .uf*^' d - h l' to .accommodation* ecpalui uu> . lu .J“?s»y oJ Philadelphia. : 4 \> \V Kill LKifcji 1 -*>?**• ' JNOWKsr. ; r «Ai.T lIOUSE, : VAiTiwatncraaTs-cistfOTATi.. STH • i JUa eslablislunsat is now iJ.i: te*t «n!«T for fcSgUie reception of tHo'Tntvcliiijf Public. Marini; ••■•umlerffujib a thorough repair during li«pa»t \via. »er, and bavin* ihe mow ci[«*rte[icrd nwn in the.vfi jo the various Mcparmictii*. 1 flatter tiiymrlt'ihm silj wiJ be pleased who colb. - Thi* location ia ccuiral, coiuiuo* «tuius nml pteuuuL Fare £1 per day. Ciufiimau, .MnrcJi I;!,'-*?-' ■ J‘\V IT MAIWIf. • • N’. 11.—Although ho: oxaclh* a itmv Eroorn, it te lira same—n new Waist on the'old handle. . upritf GALT lIOU.SE, SARW THROCKMORTOX Vj* to 'nm/uadii his irleml* that.-Ira I* ovum fyi*ce of ibu <JALT nOliSh, J<oot*vii!c,;h)'., where ha hope* to meet ali bis nUlinends, tUsanng them, uujl ilm jiublir; that, no cilori *batl Ira spared to nulu ail: CCunfortublc Who ovor Uttu with their patronage.- [ . jartlliUf - /fcisotfin the wfei . AMKBICAN HOTKL, . jvLnuuk&Mi*., i **•• •. ' ofmaftk, z -~ n ,S4*aß v&s&s*, 1 ■ •.■•;- ■ ■ -»- - -,^i S , ’ , t c l"| I ! ’**■’*’ »-> '>' c "~ - * - **■ r •**«& ££&. v --f ' ' ; 15 ' J *' of ■ '-'*" 0 ~£> '. s>lk J \jrl. ’ v r* , r- s? ‘ [ '-^o#^s?y ■ : ■ j’ j ;i[ ! J nil gi. xv. NO.Vm,: MISCELLANY, . HEAiMKGOF WORDS. Vte know the meaning of most words >: - W«iud aa «IgTi(;. r l 1 The) mean, they luitfl no oiifrt . • : ]»o mind andwniethemngifJ' - <7 1 : '< 'Fw thu&—in "eccentricity,” ••* • good-many e?«» • Also;in M hubbubbubeirettSi’i Cut'?-*' i a«thick i as:6cer., ; ' . Tharp,.pre iio i 7 i in English"***!:” .•: lint;c’s then? are Vv*«»«r A does want yt to make It«ike/** r -’ j «*•» - .There’s but. due p •-»>»’■£%. SamirnidgajuJg' lha Enghuh tottfte,?/ Bnt-kil! it wilh'a breath, & sJ With w-ind -and words they ttatovejaßLf <•■'-Fine sentences to death. -■; • * '»• A sda-iiorae is a,pea-horso, .whan ”* '■'•«>•■’ seaj. ~ • * ” ; But whcn.ypa see Turn 19 a bay: A ‘6at/ horse tlien' Is lis ■ ■■■ . •• . .- Of course a jaceicntrse ißn’fttkhti;•; j':’ •: - vv v.*- 1 . .. rt is ft r Baddepi%Bi§htlosee/ *. -Vh ' Anoble pirtctroe pen#. ■ 'tf «w*» are all mww*, that • : - : TCefr guardians get their rains; AlLglaziers extra paiu shooiil taE> To pat in extra pojwj, f ..- ,■ ■ Akilehen often mrujt • To bojn her face, and liroa il; -' 1 ~ A tady knows no labor, l,ut‘ v , " 1 ! 4 • To toil it at hcr toilti; «•:.« ' “Howdoyondbfo-saidSaltoJoliD, ■ ~, ' So i «, repbed-he. - Lv-.i : ■ Hmr do yon do?’’ said John to Sal, . “bometanes sea, lm » saal slrn If one were ridden o’er a to, . . J; He rdighbbis to bewail. Uni iwould be of, no uso lo bun “ .v against aratf. ’• i.H . T" . ' v•’■fiii A bat about a rpom,.' *'' ' . Not lqng ago'l knew »J T°M i Ho ewight a /^ntTtboa• : 0i Ino Qhimijey'jlue; ■ ■-? : ••; Hut such a #«7ic vras never ian]'- ■ • .> > (I am of thaL) r r ~ ivJien 'with 'sticks, all ; hanA Maved To hit the bat a bat. ■ ]■■>■■■ ■ A wne is vain; one would suppoie, • Because it wants a mind; -1/ • And funhennoie, J lts blown about B >' ?Y er Y wind. . nV^ishmcntfor^^Bu^ q - l - n - tn oi, Vo of worm; !" 11 ’nnnoliced, life' '* . Xhe dew that’s </«* to earthi 1 : - NIGHT IN THE.DESERT: BY KODtULT srtTrruy.y. • Hqw bcamifulis aighi!*' 1~ - 4 A dtnVy freshnessMs ihV air; Ao mjslobscures, uor cloui nbrßpeckVn^^x . staan. f" ■' • .'^--.^CvAra r : .mI C^ 3 Vlene 01 heav “, - ' “fineath.hersteadvrat ‘ * ?i t- 1 t Tho desert circle spreads c. I^*B3B For lia, Piliiujjlf Ctoutaa Adi-iiiK;*' ‘ 2/’ 'WASMGTON SOCIETY. .* >fpjj tf ptaatt&fcX suicc ray last, and tho Totariss bramaSpl® meat hiT<H»d their fill ef gaiety. The lerlly crowd,, however, .who come and p art are never satiated, because they :wnh every^ajfar.cotjyeyanw-ao’--iTdlSi '* btismess,- pleasure, "polfiwi 'scrance. : .^^ig&! amused crowd,-and . tSesSnsing iUirown<toge{her ra odd coiifiwibn. j ev-erv cbndidortofpeoplojand every t®/., cWabt<i-imd.whatever, bite a fi2sS§£E? •nwybegrahficd'here* Xbe/njigiou^' dJfi&mu as numerous here as elae' ' itbe.peopie theia /in their, lives-and \ [Hie pest .socreiy.of IK^Meiropi its .permanent' fibciety, ;'arid *thtf i belter, even thoogfr there'is nbV •.i ue tyaiit of permahencycar .alteption to the external : shot T?hd sometimes to the'intemr' ,1s one of tho decrees of-fait •ffradff JVovidenec by maldnt •lor fiuch.sectilar n< ;0r in honor shall be pennant ,ar. : teas many years.,, ago,- -that -receives some Uvo thbasandaf prs with' the meeting'of Cor' vare thirty Slates represented mu 223 Representatives 01 nnder'tho appdrtioiunent of if .stitueucies-run up from .fort Sand, and the census of-185i i'any them up to iho ratio < ihousand -for .each Repregc constitu.ents havo.mucli more -Generol Coveniment, and at' tional power,, than: would gei posed, and it is no \vouderJ 1 Congress brings together five : pi e. The .aggregate is probal this now. Nor should it 7 sP In.such a general-variettr Should be such a-general merits, and so many, that Bpmo-that are dissolute.* President’s house 4t is .open. ..So ,are .tho 1 Nocture rooms, hm glad to add. generally i-ife here, as elsowhcfe, is i vgravo to lively the capitol, notwithstanding' about it, is not worse than ' wliat there- is particularly bu longs rather to .the stranger^ I once heard athrbl ; - capitol .agaupu. tho sin ; 1 diameters—a Tirtuous-ont UdeuliQus one abroad. . .Son [their characters as they d< merits;.-\vhtin they leave’th yfho know thoiri aiid mingl did partake 6f iiowamusec forty days that they may £ seem saints at.liome that ; suspected of being .sinner hoard .a clejgyman.jusufr -;c|mrge, :but 1 : cn<e. those who took c jpastoi. {t At hbme.”he> r dlu;uid pastor} ahu'di Abroad,'Tdofi [aujd se'eni to be as bthe. Apse are - but exceptions pies, for a man of con&i ; OVeiy where ■ Oud at : ah ; hi*awniifc:si<h ! cjflegislatioii as.hh .woulc’ [qfhis constituents, | He ' pipreseiit; eyes.; overlook cdVerl retreat to conceal- i; 'Among iho out of di Svj|ek:'has been alec {lb Hjjadley, uporr Crow Hob, ami with.;Eaults- t cause a divided ojiinii ofj Iho man/ j; gtonj-.fcb.' j| it .was a saying. Mm Jupiter CQuJrfi nnti n'uw thatthfc (rfit jrqJn yflhiius revelations.* anil express .\v aatrh o haUt T'K, Ji<njk % . AN-AOwtst Mlia' the-wfei®l'‘ Jili Hi|§ff
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers