The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 25, 1848, Image 3

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    i GROCERIES, &c
MfcUCiOt,' UKUTmsKS *. Vo, Commission” Met;-!
chants, Philadelphia, for Urn aale of produce go-]
Utrally. Liberal odrances made on consignment*. I
feb&lm ! ■ • : I
STUCCO and Plaster of Pwiifro® i *‘»jM «£ R, W
Caaainkham,rt>r»alflbj.GEjO W JACKSON.
jtold«»dw3m3 4th « near liheriy_
MACKEREI*— 1*23 bbl* %o a Mackerel, lArgcsm
h, «■« bf JUIIN - sc(yn . - t c „
SPTS TURPENTINE-20 bU* in store and for sole
febl7 cor. Wood and Filth streets.
RIMSTOXn—Oue ltd in *fof* and for aale by
CaMPHIXn or I‘ib< Oil iu store and for sale by
BUCKWHEAT FIOUB—2P *ck* hulled Bockwbei
H00r.15 bbUdil, ia store and for aale by
fjbia • GEO A BERRY.
JUNIPER BERNES—i bog (fresh) just rcc’il and
for sale by K E SELLERS,
f,ii; .67 Wood at.
BOSE PINK-* cusk ju»t rec'd and for sale by -
'ER-M11.1.10N—25 lbs ju«t ree’d and foi
/ sale by IfoH7|- • RESELLERS.
IOW'DiAIRENIC—UIO lbs just rec'd and for srle b)
’ febl7 ' ’ It E SELLERS. _
BKfD OUOX, K\(i, —3 cases just rec'd and foi
salek' . (febl7l HE SELLERS.^
Pigs Lead just rec’il per Mr Ameri'
Y* cn pdfor sale on fhewliarf by
fcb!7 BURURIDGE, WILSON A Co. Water at
IYF/I'OUR-’lB bbl* superior for sale by
b fel 7 J I> WILLIAMS, 110 Wood it.
C[fl2?B— Wholes for sale by . vt’
S*~ OI£HINGS —5 bbli on consignment and for salt
y _J frjtVILLIAMS.
S'~J>DRIES-ias doc Kgp«; 15 dox >Tow Yarn? lOC
lickonr Brooms on consignment mul for rale by
REBH TOMATOES—3 doz In bottles, n superiot
snide . , [i‘cbl7J ’ ,J D WILIJAMS.
r AMP Oil.—* bbU trinier strained Lamp Oil for sal*
ji by (felil~| WICK A M’CAXDLbxS. .
r ANKER’S OIL—H bbls for sale by
f*b!7 WlCft A ai’CAXnLKSrf.
ODER VIXKGAR-SDbbls for saleby ,
fcb!7 , ; , WICK _
('IORDAGK— 10 roils 3, 41. 61. and 6 in. Manilla; £
J coils 61,land C iil Tarred Hope* on consignment
•ml for sale by J C IJ!DWKLL,AgX
foblfi i ■ Water street.
(ASTOR OIL—S bbls just ree’d and for sale by
j febM , J gCHOqXMAKKgACo.
WHITE LEAD—SM keg* for sale by'
(ROOMS— 110 dos for sale by
I feb!2 ■ 8f VON BQNNHORST A Co.
PIG LEAD—I2O pi;» for sale by -
SCYTHE SNEATJIS—2U dor for sale br
feblS r S_F VON__UONN I lORsT A Co.
WHrfiiPiSH-sTibls prime iuspected'for sale Is l
fthlj) B_F VO.VBONNHOnsT *Co ’
"J^tKESIiTtKaS—halt cbesu and caddie* Yotuic
r Jiyson. Gunpowder, Imperial and Black Teas. Jusi
rec'd and for sale by L S WATERMAN.
GIIEBSEr 63 boxes W It landing and tor sale by
febttf |; ' ROBERT- DALZKLL Liberty sL
SUXURII&— lt> socks crude Ginseng, I bbl Beeswax
S bogs colored Beans just rec'd and for sate by
POTASH— 3 casks prime >u*t nte’d and for sale by
CORN —ii bbU Yellow Corn just rec'd and for sale b]
•febltl l WICK A MCANDIJiSS.
( NORN MEAL—IO bbls for sale by
no i>oxe» faMio,4y
Vtudow Glas» fur ule 'iv
COPPER/ S—lo bbls Copperas for sale by
"T7XST PA DDING.—Ono ease heavy bltek vest pad
’ V ditw, ju t received by . *_
feb3 A WHITE.
S' ATINEPRL—' Three cases plain and'figured black.
steel mixed and blue, jost opened by .
OCR POWDEIfor sale at"‘nianufaeiurers'prices
feb3 • water A front sts.
TOBACCO.— lU*"leks O twiirky tobacco for sale by
_F» of prime utality, for sale at the lowest market
price. ffrblul W A M MITCHKLTREE.
-U bbU No 1, rendered, jiui rec'd and foi
(febls] , JCIII DWELL, Aff'L
boxes Bunch Raisin* just rec'd and
for snlelb* - [feblAJ 1, S WATERMAN...
A'cON-%00 lbs assorted BoCon in store and for
sale byi ffcblfi] L 3 WATOLMAN.
TOBACcd-S5 keps No 1, 0 twist iGedge brand)
Umtinr rinm steamer New England and for ‘sate
FLOUB— ■© bbls R Flour landing from str WelLrilie
and forw by • JAMES? DALZELL.
PORK AID I^RD—OO pcs bulk Pork and 17 keg«
Lard rceiving from Caleb Cope and for sale by
ft bls ; J AMI-18 DALZKIJs.
ltv TWSE—2O fceea Mroerfo'r'Va.Twift for *alc b)
> febior ; WICK * STCAXPUaftS.
Oil-10 bbls No 3 Mackerel (branded lanre) rcc’tl
I >YE FAHJR—I7 bid* Rye Hour receiving froti
v - anffor sole bY ’ '
gMs“ j JAMES
rrtAlJ^V—lso bhU Beef Tallow for sale by
I febK i JOHN GRiEB.
if 3 a gpadex. Hay and Manure Forks, lioei
Jock*, Picks, Ac. Berger’* make, for sale by
CsjVL EHnrvrja- of a very superior qaalitv. tt
wi?b we fnvite the •tftmiooof Coutraciors. ller
| k °' : F ° r j-ORSYTH A DUNCAN.
hbU fresh Roll Bauer landing]
lg Wood, st. > ]
' bu. Dried Apple* in note wit
15] ■ <;tx> A DKUKV.
jar, good brand*, in ilorc uu
jnnnan r * extra family flour,
. received and for sale l>y
R OARFOIll) *f Co.
j t nnr cored dried bf.
/ V eS l H OAKFORP Aiy-Co-
SNUFF. for •iilHy
J KIDI> fc Co.
nuts, soo ROU tor *al« by
•rle copy! JTKIDD L Co.
rifcoolder* jo»t ree'd ami fbi
■>r iale br V '
je N' O lugar.
i»h«l “ ___ln MiJfe an^ro
-25 doz. for tale by ' ;:! -
‘ ConlirigbU no 1, for tale bj
Hnitabi* aiway*
at No.'S** WJ*njr aired, neat
libit No 3 large; -» ,i :
i No. 2. fortale br I :]
SbKTOX, can tide dUmoad-
and Manure' For
n Purvis & Co. ForsaJeljy:!
!E COCURAN,»oIe Agt,J ;
So, SO Wood st.;
LARD oA«—l5 bbls Con4!ms’s No 1 Laitf OiLii
J 1 AcOLsj j|
SOAP —00 boxes No 1 soap, l"pe bar/, Jurt.«««««
and tor sale by SKIXr-liS A NK-OI— «
MOULD CANDLE3-3U boxes Mould Candle* in
•tore and tor sale by • !
. : 3ELLEBB_fc_MCOL9^j|
mxLLOW—3B> barrel* Tallow just rcc'dpcr flea net
I Bearer.and for sale br • li
rfeblg . BtW ILARBAUGIL ?!
LARD— 100 VwsNolLart, 10 barrels do in sore land
for *ule by . 8 & W JIARBAUGII. :
COfflV-W bars yellow Corn just received on Jon*
*hraJtientandfor*ftloby -si> 1 ■
feblS •••• HtlV lIAKBAUgiL 1 i
Bpivg- 00 -JjaxreU white Beans just received arid
foTsatebr SfcW llAtmAl'GH.};
I" •REACHES—OO sacks dry Beaches, 1(» sacks dryl
CTTEU A EGGS—o barxelsfrcsh roll butter Bdo
Jr« ,b ' ee ’ ’' ccjrcd °° rfSFnJlAv'inL n
TJLOb’R—7“J barrels Flour, Smith brand, extra; U* do
F P«
ilSf- Im»foKGAX. 1 m »foKGAX.
. Cl., for p M „ RC , AN
tSaCO.V—7OO pcs hog ron I n^,%*2?,£? r c P ,,, i* , f^ n ‘ e ‘
Kind for sole by JOHN SCO rr fc Co.
~»bi?tf • No 7 Conunercial Bow, Liberty «t..
✓ VINEGAR —IObbis old elder vinegar to at
feblltfIbr 1 br JOHN SCOTT fc Co.
IS**"** *** d
•>?U>Cn-tCO bbls ex. S Flour forlhmilr uv-. ju strr c’d
Jf aed for sale by WICK A M'CANDLKSS.
if! f,b w : ; / j Kfoo *
for sale by - • J KIDD-A Co.
lacls Feather* landing from stmt
■F Fbanixaudfotsaleby . . .. ~
fcblV 1 JAMES DAl^flLL
i^«6KK&—y bale* valvalbotileeoris fijrwle by
\y fcblfl . ' JOHN O MORGAN.
BUCKETS a FLOUR— lk'avcr iwclri*; (t
bbls Family Flc-wr ihf sale by
IcbSt " ■ JOHN S DlLWOR'fH.__
/*IpRN— ISO bushels *b«lk‘d corn in bbU and aacki
Jjj,baMeGlU. BjgMgU-aJ; » «p£_
fcbSt corner <ih and Ferry street*. _
GREEN APPLE!*— as Tibi* Green rippia aiiJ Van*|
Asa *t croCTKWiB^yJ
fj'OUAC€O 230 kegs otwist Tubnecojust r«o‘d nml|
- r ,r • Oil in >•! ft-
tir tlbn . y : ; • ' Sol4Ut*rty «U. temp Wt. i.VMhrr«: in ituiWh (iinrciiv';
"* 1.... i ■"! ' -" .. , n : j.. :„W'lL 85 fScitp Coubtr iVu; 0 «»ck* Dry Apple*. for *!ile
.«.»TiACON-«3, hM« pnroc iUouWert, |J*AJAII WCKF.Y 4 Co.,
§ “V 9
jh" ms"T'
. . _ . -A TORUUAnV
(QIIOLXDERfi—I2,OOO iU» Piit>)rustnolrd Slioul-gJOSatonfay, ;
O dera on hand and for »aIo by f -‘0 Sunday,
fchll ' WAR MCUTCHEON.. ISI -Monday, ;
HAMS— 10,000 Ibf Pituburcb moked Ham« on hand AVedneliat.
and for sale by' ffellj W R M-CUTCHEOX.
/"lUKESE— soboift» \V RChceae for mlc hjr fcb*-Friday.
TAR— J 23 bbl»'WUmin/ton Tnrjnsl rfc'd nrd for n:de g
by ; MiLLF.itJeJtffjKJvrsoN. | (
MUSCAT box,** Mnacat Wine Jusl rcc\lg£
and for »ale by/ MILLKIt tc IHCKI~?rso.\.
enikaS. M.Wiije; 15 qr ca*k» Haul Hautcrne do,
fjUst received and for.tale br
BRANDY case* Brurnlv Fruit just ree'J
owl for mle by MILLBfI A. niCKETSON.
CHLOROFORM— 5 lbs just aec‘d awl for sale by
•W.l-J i li E SELLERS, 3? Wood el.
GLASS— 125 boxes B“10 W. Gla*;4o boxes 10*1:
Jo: ”0 bolts IDHU do; for tale Iry
..oil : ■ - It ROBISON A Co.
SOLE LEATHER-i-a** lb* red Sole leather for sale
_by [febll] R ROBISON & Cu._
CHEESE—C 3 boxes Crama Cheese, large size, n:c'o
end for sale by i XV A U M'd/TCIIEON.
febll : Isg Lilnriy street.
CEDAR LOGS/—SO will bn sold very low to do*
consignment. \ ISAIAH DICKEY A Co,
feb3 : water A from si*.
GOFFEE— 200 sacks Ilio Codec for sate by
febll POINDEXTER A C 0.41 Waters!.
Sil’o'F— kegs Shot, Nos. 1.2 nnd I] fur sale by
OILS— Winter bleached whale oil. „
*• t l kml *• olwnys on linnd
uy [ieb7] O BLACKBURN A Co.
FIXJUR—SO bbls extra superfine Family Flour lui
sate by_ [fcbOy WICK A M'CANDLKSS.
rOUACCO-llObxs superior 6* Tobarro for »nle~b\
SOAP —10 boxes rosin Soap for sab: by
FKATHEIW —27 sfirk* prime Tenn., to arrive hi
sir. Lady Byron, for sale by
~. % : IsJAIAU DICKEV A Co..
f f w*b . Water and Front »t*.
SAL.KRATUS— 20 rusks pure Salsrrntus;
*5 boxes do do;
■ LilH'tiy sircrl.
PORK— 44 bbls incss and prime Fork in store am
BATTING— -50 bales Colton Baltins mr sale by
TOBACCO —40 keg* No IVa Twist lor sale by
MOLA99E9— HO ;bbl« plantation llohiws btndint
from str Clipper No 2 and for sale by
CHEESE— 75 boxes XV It Cheese for sale by
febia : JAMES DALZI.t.I,
I)1CK—10 tierces Rice just rec'd and for sule by
r |XOUAOCOES—S6 boxes assorted Tobncew* tor *al<
SAL.EUATUS— fccn«k« for sale by
febll & F VON BONKIiOKST A Co.
JUST’ received, 50 tb* Precip. Carb. Iron, nnd for sail
by [febll] J KIDDACo.
YARNISII— 150 gals New York X'ami«h. for sale bj
febll (Chronicle copy) J_KJIH> A Co.-
DUY PEACHES—I2O bus Dry Peaches; 70 do Dry
Applesjust received and for sale by
tebll_ _B4 XV lIARBAUGH, 10 XVood «
ROIX BCTrilß—s bbls Roll Butler just landing
S a w'uarbaucui.
SCORCUINGS loibbls Scorching! rec'U |>er Cold
Cop* ami for saleby ;
a it w iiAßiuufiii.
BULK PORK—4-,UOO lbs Bulk Pork, hog round, jus:
received and for sale by
febll ; fl A VV ILXRBAL'GIL
BACON— 350 Hams; 2&4 Sides; 25c Shoulders, nt)
cured, in slora aod fur sale by
febll 9 A W IIARBAI'GII.
\FALKXTINES— A splendid assortment VaienUncs
' comic nud sentimental, tor sale by
fcblO ■ JOHN 11 MKU/JH. til Wood »t.
SUGAR AND RICE—" Uhds N O Sugar, 12 tierce*
Rice landing from str Colorado and tor sale by
JUST rec'd, 50 lb* Uyd. Potash, for sale by
feb!2 IChroti. copy} _ _ 3 KIDD A Co.
LARD —SO cans of a superior quality, put up express
ly for family use,' ju«t pcc.'d ami for sale by
WLNDOXX' GLASS—SIX) tfuies S* JO; ICO boxes 10'
12; 100 boxes 10“ 14, tor sale by
SLG.Vit AND lihd* prim? N O Su
car, 40 bbts prime X O Moluwi ju«i rcc'd sr.d loi
wle by • SKLLKRi* A M£OI«S
I'ilA— ID ball* cherts-Y 11 tear 5 tin imp. and UV do
10 ilo Cliulau Powclxonjn 30 catty boxes vinuur
«j!c*, tor *aJe by -* y D WllJJl'Mrv
\ I 111 weod itreet.
» bbl and 9 kCpjTNo'l U» ,Vf
LAIU>— I bbl, > bbl and 9 kEgsNo t leaf lard. rea
dered, fur sale by W A M' MrfUHKLTRF.K.
I jaa> ■ j ■ IWJ liberty M.
LACKWOOD—■Johnston tt £toclVou have re
ceived Blackwood's Edinburg Majpmnc, No. 35 G |
{lor December, I>l7. . 1 jonJl
I XT AILS AND Sl’lKiS—aSOßcjc* nails acil spike*
|j.N assorted, in sure and for ,
1 ja27 : LS_WApULNLO'._
Jie pipes for sale by
STONK PIPES—I© boxes siol
_ jaao : wick at
WINTER WHALE OIL-5 task* bleached, jusl
'reed and lor sale by |
| jan2l ! J SCHOONMAKER A Co.
SAL SODA—2SOO lbs just rce'dla.-id for wtTe by
I janil : 1 . ' No 94 wood st.
G““ BEEN APPLES—I 4 bbl* prime, lor tile by
SAI.IiRATUS —14 cask# Cleveland for min by
BACON— A nuall lot prime, for rale by * -
BACON AND BULK rOßK—qw hams baron; 110 b
•boulder* do; Zi lihd* side* do; 57 do in bulk, on
consignment and for tale by f
I janl£> . SELLERS A MCOLS. ■
TVEaNS- S Mil* wFite bean*; \~%o a*Vt do.««. store
I> and for Kale br ; POINDEXTER A Co-
GIIEI^E— 10 boxes W II ebee4e for *ale by
jnnl9 : rOLNDKXTi3S. A Co.
PEACHES— 150 bus dried pearlies for safeby
COALrOnlera for'coal to be deli re red in tbe eity wil
meet prompt attention if left % ith
Alcohol— s buii for *oie by
jal3 i R K SRI.
,KUS, 57 wood *t.
LOES—SIO lb* for »ale by
„ jan!3 It K SF.LI.EKS.
4 QUA AMMONIA FORT—3 f'arlmy* for sale by
A jgnia It K SELLERS.
Blacking —loodouu for*aie by
janld Vi [resellers.^
SUNDRIES— 3 bbl* lari; 25 bushel* dried apples, 1C
do peaelie*; 4 nozen woollen nick*; tW Ibtbecavvaa
an conMsnmeut an for sale by 1 .
jalH . J D WILLIASIS. lll» wood *t-_
COFFEE— 25 bae* prime Rio codec jurt rec'il and for
•ale by >jiinl7j ROAKFOHD A Co.
OTTON—IO bale* North Ala. to arrive per S L
Planet, for sale by FORSYTH A Co.
3U water utrcet^
TEA PAPER—2OU ream* just rec’d and for sale by
CORN— 10 bbl* Com just Undine frornrir Skippei
and for sale by - JNO S LILWODTH.
„ _-bts " No s 7 Wood si.
ITTOPS-2U bale* Ohio Hop* for sale by
| jjjebiS JOHN J^lUMVOirril.
riTIHTU BEANS—IS bid* Nnvy.fn*i rec’d and foi
foblS Wool «t.
ir»OLL BUTTER—7 bbl* fresh Roll Butfcr ju*t rrc'd!
R and for by • WICK A M'CANDLKSS.
fcblS |
FAMILY FLOUR—IO* bbi.irxtra Family
fje'd mid for sale by WICK A 1
RESirROLITuiuTfER—I3 bbl* pnu.s JV*';^' 45 !
and forawle by ' WICK A M CAN l>t.l»- |
BACON— 10.000 lb* : prioe Shoulder*, city cured; IMM
..bis pril °* eu “'* i} e yx ol jw ±mr
IURPKNTCIB-l bbl Voiie.JJTOMio. ejr .nl.>7
XTEATS FOOT Oil.. purr, (at <rces»inff
N“ le by [l'dlilbj JOHN P .MOnoA,V_
CHEESE— 60 boxe* rIK'CK jail rec'il ttJtd pci *im;
Michigan and lot »al« by
fcbW ’ IBAI AH DICffEY t. Co., S 6 W aier »L
IL* Ciinwmg aw
It 700IU oxiwrti per «tr I’htrnix and lu
by (feblfr); JOHN ft DILWORTH.
10PPEIIAS—10 LUt for l»y
IYBFLOt/IL—SO bl»l» Harbaugh : **ltm Itye flour
rule by .S k W lIABBAI’GH,
icW no a wood H.
lASTOR OiLr-OJ>bl»iNol,ju»t rred and for salebj
McblO - •
COPAL VARNISH—3 bUs Coral fan/i'h. NV. No
1 coni 2, lor sale by JOHN _
MAC grow juM rcc’d and. for »ule bj
POPLATI LUMUKR, taf pjjr Joicr, for *alc by
iyaitf . W. W. WAIXACB.
MACKEREL— Uftl bti!* No. 3 Inwe; for nil" fay
jelfl ;• ■ Diamond.
/■'tOßX—6l Mil* »hflled cora laiulfnc.
\j febiq McGILE, BDSUrti;
fehlfi McfllLL. BL'SHfIKIJ) & RQH , {
17EATIlEttS— lacks now landing froru sir Lady
, Byron and for sale by
jetil©iI© ISAIAH DICICKV fc Co.
ebbs SKINS—One »ack now landing from nr Indy
Jlrron atul Tor faJc by
fcb|* ;. ISAMU DICKEY &. Co, _
CWUSHEM SUOAR—Pbbls Levering** flushed Sn-
LSS ! °'- WICKfcM-CANDUas. _
ire^as^ 1 *
Sl/I PlUJn—l -for sale by
ftbiK )HN l ;.ium?AM
L ?SS li C ,; f.t iu
fcliipa-ft :i‘r'jl K
COTTON L)IA1 J,fa *> JaM I;
ask cotton di .—c orowii >Un jus* opened
ud for sale by SjHACKLLPI i'\VIIIJL j
•*-- ' up-Wood sinci. |
FANCY CASSIMKRIIS—Fire eases new spring
styles juslonened. f
I feblO SII.VCKLirrT i.VfUTL |
ifVrj* dati;
fJDL' blue shirting cheek* JuM received by. {
» fvblfl . : gHACKLKTr A WHITE. [
Ocean Bteamera.
To sail from N. York.
MoTtmtnU ef(b<
To arrive at New York.
Philtd*., Itesson, Feh. 21
N. York, Ferranrt, Mar. 31
• Missouri, Mortin,
IN.-York’. Ferrand,
HibemU, Ryrie, Jan. I
Cambria, Judkins, Jan. Z
sdcnusirrox, Ac.
Wash'd.. Jahntton Jan. 21
lJoim:in, Crabtree, Mur. 1;
To sail from UvMou.
j UVLItnKIL. |
[Cambria, Judkins. Jen. I
| . . | Feb. 1
[ sncriuxti-rirr, Ac.
jWaslfn- John mod. Dec. lr
[Hurman. Crabtree. Mar. 1*
j To arrive at Boston.
. lorenz. ' joanTA Hawa. vr. j. tottfs
Office Pittsburgh Gazette. 7
Friday Morning, February 525, 1318. J
Tue weather,:ycsterday. was quite raw and on
pleasant fltr oiit-door business.
We noticu tio|new feature in the market; everj’
thing remainihgiabout a* at our last report.
Flour—This market is withoul any materia'
change. We hear of no large transactions'from
<tore, sales lxiiug only in a regular way at $1,2565
I,37bbL A lot of 300 bid.*, extra mnplc brands
was sold at the river, yesterday, nt $1,12], and 50
ibis of fair at SI t> bbL
Gjiaiv—The Market is dull. We quote rnoder.
tic sales at the fdlowing rules:—Wheat 90c; Rye
|s6i-ISe; Barley 10/T15 —dull. Corn 35fg37c, and
Jab* at 27c \> ,bti. -
Provisions— The market remains in a quiet
date, with nojclmnge in prices. Sales l)f 20,000
lbs bacon, in' lots, at—for hams 51(20; Sides 5c
and Shoulders at 4c t* Hk In butter, we hear oi
no4argc saHs~llv?l2c for roll, and 929 Jo for keg
ir<? fair quotations nl present Lnrd is qtiiel, with
.nodcrute sulei'only ut 0l(23lc \> Si.
Gnocmts—The market is steady but not active
We quote moderate transactions in Sugar, frojn
jtore, at .'1 in litids, nnid 5j in bids. Sales ofTi
.•asks of newillict* at 3]c Bi. Molasses contin
ues .quiet, witli no apparent change in pnees. We
ante sales to h limited extent ul 2Sc gal, which
*cems to U: the imlingj llcure. Regular sales of
Rio Cot Fee at for common to prime.
Ashes —The market is qtiiel, with no change in
price*. Salcs uf Saleratns at 7{, and of I’earls at
TJe lb. Scorching* and Pots at 4 Jjjsc, und Soda
Ash at JlS'Uc—cash and time.
Curiae—Supplies are quite limited, with a mod'
•rate demotulJ We observe no change in quota'
lions. Limited sales of Goshen at S][29o, and Cf
W. IL at GjiSCjc t* ft. j
Fish are wilhoul change. The demand coflin
ues fair at the following rales:—Salmon sl&iJ2o—
No; 1 $12.59—N‘0 2. 510,59 and No 3
57.50 t> bbl. Shad SS,SO; Herring $9,25 pEh Cod
55.50 drum.
Tallow— Sales urc effected in a small way a!
’l<27)c l» Ih.
Tar—Tlie demand is' firm, with moderate saic>
of N. C. at £5,2525,50 f> bbl.
Fuvrr—Sales of 50 bbls green Apples, from
ilorc, at $l t 5fr21;75. as in qunlity. Dried Pcachei
are sold at $1,5021,92, nnd Dried Apples at.7o£r7C
» bu.
Oils—Sales of:Lin*eed at G22<55e, and of LanJ
l COSIO-C gaL Tanners $19220bb1.
Steamboat jAiiciDET^.—The steamer Pike Ne
'» did not arrive iinlil adult* hour on Saturday; A
haft was broken, while'the boat was Blurting out
r,»ia Sugar Creek, and the remainder of the trip
rns,nccompli*!ietl on one wheel.—[Oin. lom. I
I S.vuis.—The M. Washington, which arrived!
[here on Friday, and tin; Trenton, which arrivddl
[here on Saturday morning, cacti suffered delay anldj
[Jumagc on their trips from Polk stalks, which'.ire!
[now said to tie more abundant m (he Mississippi!
[than ever licrotolhrc. The firmer struck uptrn o|
Lnag near the mouth id"the St. Francis river, wliirhl
[enteresl near the and passing through the!
LmarJ. l«;ilcr and'hurricane decks, threw the chiinJ
[nies over the side of U-t* Unit. One of the chun
[nies were locti No one was hurt, but the damage
Do the boot is said to 1 e S5tW. The Treuton struck
fi snag a sliort distance above Lake Providence,by
Jwhich part of Uul guard und one wheel house was
[torn away, and the boat delayed some lift)' bonm.
j We hope onr fnends of the river interest*, will
pear all thtan; these tilings with rommendujde j>a-|
Itirnce, remembering lliat the President <*f the t nil
(ted States hni shown both l.y bis acts and bis veJ
[iocs that tl i» wholly unconstitutional to remove!
|<nags from the Mississippi, but entirely constilu!
[tional to dig s*nuals in'Mexico, and explore the!
(Dead Sea in Asia.—[Ciii. Atlas. I
jV«- f/r/<rj«*—Per Urtbi Fulton—3o csks rice
IftOlihda sugar, "•> bids s h.juolaMC*, Holmes A
-o: lOcsV* rirc, LamUert & SltipUm; ’J7I blooms
ik lrinttri .V i«.
Ss>uisri : L'— -Ter Pacific—l bx mdse. Duller;.23Q
had* tnoiasM.-*. SciHl A: c»j; *'*o ilo do, Blackmon*; 10{
(inn feathers, 4 do ginseng, Friend. Ilhcy he co; 20j
Likes sheep slanr. Hutchison; GO Urn* pig metal, W|
j.Mlen ,V en. 1 ok ginseng. * bbU do, 1 c?k, 1 bbfj
[iweswn.x, -1 lies codee, ill) bls cuttotv Hanna; slj
|tnrs ;>c:iehcs. Carson A: MrKnisht; 4 binls tobuceo,]
IWcjrman; 107 bid* lard, 3?>00 pc# meat, Greer; 5
(iihd* sugar, 25 lg* colfce, McClurkan. I
Cincinnati—Vcr'Grvv Eagle—2oo bbU molasses
12 ires rice, \V & M Mltcheltree; 131 *k* coffee,
15 bis tobacco, Tassey A: llest: 1 bid sugar. I sek
oilee, 1 i bids r-sh. Kelley; OSH hides, l bif bbl mo
lasses. S A: W Harbaucb; 0 qr csks liquor, 2 kegs
iJo. 2 iiir pipe do, 7 bis sundries, Cmmelar A; llro:
3 Mils eggs, 1 kg butter, Diiworth; 2S csks bacon,J
N'utt A: co: 21 cart wheels, f* set fellows, f> do abaft
Coleman, llmlmanAt to; 2(J bbU Leant, G A Deny
10 do whiskey, 1 do molasses, IJrowusvillo bout.
Gnura (Mononjni:e!n>— Per Flat Moat*—3so bbla
dour, owner. I
kDTtnrjtsci&rrVrr Atlantic?—o4 bx* glass, Robert
n A; ITeppefl; 32 pcs Jailer iron, Utirbridpe, Wil*
qA; «•«»; 11 pkgs nulde. Forsyth A: Duncan; 43
do, II Graff; 12 do do, Bingham; 400 bxs gloss, W
Gebhnrt; G 7 do do, IJidwell; 13 do do, Hay* A:
Black; I do do, Braun A: Ileiter; 22 doi shut els,
men. i I
ir«ffrr»W—‘Per Caleb Cope—3 bids butter.
Myers !c Hinder; i t slot dr ]>enche*. 2 do tow yarn
10 bids tlour, 11 kff* layd. 2 bbU butter, 274 pcs b
meal. II Dnlzbll: 13 bids Hour, 20 bgs potatoes, S do
onions, 22 doiuats, I I libls apple* ami potatoes, 31
ska dr ftOO wagon hubs. owners.
i 44
JEiUriblbbed a warehouse m the year for the pur*
i nos* of -tipplyiruftlic City mul interior Trade with
] low prices—ami exhibiting, at ull »ca*ous
I of ihe y<-nr, the litirt{e»i A«*orlnieui in
I They are now opening Several Hundred Package*
[comprising every new *'>!« of Foreign and Domestic
production. imuiy of-which have ju«l been |-urchve«l
ind are oilercd lor Cn*h oml »hort credit, at
per yard l*e!olv tne price* of 4pnl and May, as per
primed r-aiaJngue*, which are corrected daily, for me
information ofltiuyer*.
New York, June. 1e47. j jySdutl
- Near and Valnable Books.
UNDESIGNED Coincidence* in the writing.both of
lt»« Old arid New Testament, an argumeutoi" their
veroi-uy; viiifun uppcmljx. coiuniufiig undesigned co
incidence* bi-lween 2jo Gospel* and Act*, and Jose
libuH. IJy Uev.: J. J., 11. U Hr*! American
from the recntlj I»iidun lilition.
The Error* of Mtxlern Infidelity illu»trnted nnrt re
futed, by A. |>a»U.r of ths fir*i
Lmhi rnn Clmr«ih, fi-rintmiown Pa.
\ phiW«i|iliy oi the llbistmting tbr
fprrmciioni of (iml m Hvc iihrnoinenn or Uie year, n.
L*/u/ volume*-j one volutitc devoted to each *cu*ou. Hj
|Rer. ilcur/Jhiucan I>. Ik .
| Chalmers ,\fi*t.cJDni',e, embmemg Review*. pjisßrs
land Addrcwe*; Jly tlia lale Chalmer*, D. D
I The above ilitli a lnrec vnnciy rtf new .ind alnndnrc
[work*, tor sui-rjlow by ■ El.ldtXlT A ENc|L!»II.
j ( lUi 3 f &g maflfel St. between J and 4th._
|A'ew'Ooolti juit ReeeTVetf.
HF.AVHN upon lyarih, by J oneway, one v«d. .
Cl.uri.wk** clinics worts by Iwn.mstsn, 1 vol tr<
ICuincin.-ideucc*' of the Old and New r o »Uiraci;t.
9 by llev. J. J. lUunt, R. J>. one vol. 81,~
Llbj'mor'* .MiAci'lliinic*. y<*em», Essays."A«\ 1^
SelcTt work* nf Jnim-r, Venn, Wilsoil, Phillips and
• r u -iii one liirvo *oJ. for the low price of
jTlie i*ree 3 6, “
j.Mmlcnt luSddity, by
|Ufe of X/AVid,
(Daily walk with Gfxl. Mntthnw Ptronj,
(cirric ol Human Liie, by Thuluclr,
j.Meinoir <>f Clinrluttu Di/nlieth, . slc|
fllic works cf ftnori* •I'urreune in the original Lat-
J in. to b.* roimdelr in 4.V01*, :t vol*. now ready. |
iWiili*’ Poeticni work* in splendid Turkey Morocco. >
I' The above with u |;tetn variety of uw JiiH
Irepcivcd. i 1 ’KI.I.K/IT A t>Nold. H- |
\ jiuiO J Port copy] SO market at. between dd end 4tji,
j !' Bolldlng hoi s.
I.IOK SALE tin riccbrmnmbiimi; term*, or to w ie
' nn wn'etuul lea**c>», dio*e lourclioiee lot* ritual.«
i'on poor ih eiffei. neru tirnni »t., e.acb 32 feet 9
[front, and extruding lift f‘*rl buck to n Jti loot -
imli*in;, and tr im* of piivtiiciti ih<*ra • •■'l *
?p]y,o - . THOMAS IiAKKU tJ4..
V ’ corner wornt.%. 2.1 *t*, or to
5 \v.\f. UAKKwr.M-,
I jfrW4 Attil'y at UwjDakewcir* ITldings. Onuin»t-
IJIU.TS 11)00 No* Innl 2 Sheep Pelts, landing trout
3vir*wrKsii‘>f»'«i •uotur cStle»y-j«« »
3|\ c-ivet fnjnt' Shcllitld, pocket ant
sconuri*'* kinver. d»r snl j by .
| - iak.a:;. tviKSfiN acq. igo woq«i »t
«CJUNIJKII2>—4Midox .laying card*, 2W» whole and
fi >5 hnlf caii»;“*r4ii!c*, (I baskets Olive oil, 10 boxe*
1 Bs*onrd cat»dp* and br mdy fruit*, 5 bbls crushed so*
U car. 4 bbl- loftf do, 5 cules lemou syrup. P> bfje* I le ‘
Vmoii*. lor *nl*i by (tcli.J _ P C MAirilN. |
• v r ’ U,\l)UUk4—lAi lm.Ouvcr*-<*d; ‘.W) bu Dried Peach-.
bbl*iDncd Apples; 10* ltoll Puller; l bbtj
£ i j.rd: i Oslo Ucinp tn store and for sal* by I
gl febio;: -.-.; . S WATEWUA^.
10 nxr .water- n : ctuixzir-sT&x*
Heaver, Clark, Wcllsville...
Caleb Cope, Beaver aud Wcllsville. .
Dispatch, NeUot), Brownsville. * '
Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. - •
Baltic, Jacob*, Brownsville.. - .
AtlautkyParkinson, Brownsville.
America, De Camp, Cin.
WellsviUe, Baras, SunGsh. ,
.Lake Erie, Hemphill, Reaver.
Grey Eaßle. Brofjkm'Cjn. ' -
Pacific, CarapbelL LouisviHe.
Robert Fulton. —, St Louis.
Beaver, ClatiyWellsvillc.
Michigan No 2. Gilson, Beaver.
Caleb Cope, Moore. Beaver and Wcllville.
Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. '
Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. _
Atlantic,' Parkinson, Brownsville. ’ •
Wcllsville, Barns, Sunfish.
Lake Erie, Heutpltill, Beaver. „
New'England, Ebbcrt, Cin.
Colorado, Gorin If, Cin.
Genesee, Ilnntcr, St. Louis.
Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati.
BEAVER PACKETS, at 9 and 10 a. and 3
o'clock, r. it.
GREY EAGLE?Cincinnati.
PACIFIC, Louisville.
EIHLEKA, St Louis and Illinois River.
Steamboat Packet Line, leaves tluily for Cincinnati,]
10 a.m. j j
Passenger racket via Brownsvillo 10 Baltimore and]
Philadelphia. Sa. v. and or. u. ~ .
Muil Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 >’a. m.
and 12J r. M. *
Wenern und Southern Mail Coach Une, 0 a. m. :
N'orih-Wciiteni via Cleveland, duily, 10 a. m.
Frie and Wemenj New York, daily, 9 a. u. i
Nonh-Eustern tuilodelphia, daily, except Sunday*,
Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, due 3 a. m., clone* 12 x.
Wcst'n Mail. Cinein. ALotiisT, daed r. >r, close* f» a. u.
South. vinHaltimore&Wa*hliigton,dueiJ'sSa.M
North Western via Cleveland, due 10a. closest) a.St
Erie and Western New York.due9 p. m. t closes# a. tt
Young Ladles’ Seminary*
MR. N. W. METCALF would announce to Ui citi
zen* of Allegheny and vicinity the intended ie
raovnt of hi* school from the corner of Sandusky and
Strawberry streets where fur the last twelve mouths lie
has been leaching. On and alter April Ist ho Mill oc
cupy room* on Federal street in‘tColonoilc Row,” 2d
Joof fruin the bridge. The Aeodcinic Year will con-1
stsl of two sessions of &ve months each commencing!
on the first Monday in February nnd September. 1
satus or wtiox rn sesatox or mn moxtiis. |
Euglisb Deportment—lncluding Reading, Orthagra-j
phy and defining. Writing, Eitglisntirammar. lUnioricJ
lAigic, lTngli*h Composition and Cril'teism, Geography J
History, Arithmetic and the higher branches of Mathe
matic*, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry. Astronomy,
itotany. Physiology, Geology, intellectual and Moral
Science and all other branches requisite to a iborruxh
English educatiou- #SK) w
Classical Department—lnclmling the Latin, Greek and
French language* each an additional charge of-••#£<£
The services of competent Teachers are secured for
mch a.* may deure to receive instructions tu drawing,
pointing, and music. *
Those'designing to enter will find it for their interest
10 do *o «s near lae openiug of the session os possible;
yet pupils will be received nt nny time during the
*e**ton and will tie charged at the above rates only
iroia the titan of entrance. No deduction* will be
made fur.absences except in ease* of protracted illness
Auy information whichmay be destredwillbecheer
fuliy communicated to those who call upon the in
structor at his room*. .jmJbdly
Reference may also be made to the following gentle-
Dr. T. F. Dale, Allegheny, Hon. C. Shaler, Pittsb’g
Rev. I>. niiolt, “ Rev. D. 11. Riddle, *•
HcT, H. Dyer*
Mr.ll. P.Schwatx *»
A* A. Waaon * Co.,
C 3 hamct sr- RKrarso tiuoo ajto rocant armens,
INFORM their friends and the public generally, that
being about to remove to the spacious and elegant
Store recently erected on the adjoining Lot. Ther will
close out their large pml well selectCil dock of Fall
and Winter Goods at cast, and in many ease* less thaD
cost, to enable them »o open their oew store with oji
entire slock of New Good*. The sale will commence
ibis day and continue to the first of March, or amiJ|
liln-ir removal. Their extensive assortment ol
Ipress Good* will be sold fall per cent less than asu
l.i! price* Tl/cy consist of the most fashionable Cash
[mere* and Itelnnes. Gala. Mohair, i?i!k and Oregon
■Plaids: Also, Bombazine*, Alpaccas, Ac.
I Cloak (kunls—Fretirh and German Merinos, Quinn's
ICiuth, French Plaid Cloaking*. Broad CIOUI*, of all the
Imosi ntsltiounblc color*. Black and fancy Dn-u silk*.
n( every variety. Shawl*—Ca*hmej«, Tcrkeri, Tartan
Plaid. and other Ter}’ lars* assortment. fully
reduced one halfih prire. planuel*—Welsh, FuteiUn
and American Flannel*, of all color* and qualities.
Ilonnet and Cop ILWhon*, Gloves, Hosiery, Gimps and
Frinj:*». Wrought Collar* and Cape*, Lace*. AruGetil
plover*, Plume* and Feathers, S-arti, Cravats. Hand
krTebici*. Fancy, Huttons, etc. Linen Good* of every
ilrscripnon; Woollrn Good*—C*»*iiB*rr>. Catsincitv
S'esting*. Heaver*, Pilot*. .Tweed*. Jriuis. Whitney
and Hath lllankel*. Ai*o an extensive assortment of
Caiieors,Chint7e* y dome»ilcGiit«lium*, Cheeks, Stripes.
Ticking*, brown and bleached Muslin*, etc.
The following will be some of the Prices:
Ca*htnerr* ; at ln| C. Usual price 3?l '
Mnosselin dcvLaines, ISjr “ “ 25 an* 91
Gain Plaid*, 40 “ . “ ltW
Molirnr A Oregon Plaid*, SO « *• * 37f t
Alpaeea*, I*l -: H **+-•*!'
2O * •
Wrought Collars, I*l
Calicoes »u»W • *•
Casiineus 2S to 111 “ u &
r«>reiher with evary article in the Store, which will be
offered eqiiatly cheap. Visiters may l* assured-that
they will u6l be disappointed m the quality or price* cl
oar growl*. |jaa3l) A A MASON t 00.
' Great"Engllih Remedy.
I "toil Couchs Colds A.tluna and tfoi.nmnptipn: The
' GRKAT AND ONLY RtiMEUY for the cure of the
..hoc- >» the HUNGARIAN DAI>.\M OF
UKIi discovered l.y the celebrated I>r. Uuuluhu ot
London. England, ami introduced into the United State,
under me immediate. superintendence of the iuvrytor.
The extraordinary .urceu of this medicine, is the
cure ol IHiliuoua/y vti.ea>cs warrants the American
Asrnt in wlieitiiu; tor treatment the worst j<o*»ibfo in
.e* that cntl be found lirthe community—case .that »ei-k
relief m ram troman) of the common remediee nf the
day. ami have been piren up by th- moil dLsUngnnhed
physician* aacon&nued and meurable. Tlio Huucuri
*9 llalMR) hu'rsaUi ud uitl care, the mod desperate
i>f com... it ia no quack nostrum,- but a »iandonl Eng
li.h medicine, of known and catahltihcd ethcacy.
K*ery fanuly iaihcUnited Slate* shouldbo supplied
with Huchnn'a Hungarian of tint-only to
counteract the consumptive tcudhmic* oTthc clmratr.
tiul to 1«j used a. a preventive medicii.a in all ca*es ot
colds couch*, spitting of blood, para in the tide atifl
chest, irritation aind soreness 01 the lung*. lirnchnt*.
Jifhculty of breatinr. h.-ctic fever, night sweats emaci
ation and general debility, a.tbuiu, tuiluctua, >< hooping
cough and croup. ~
Sold in laryntKdtles at 91 per Untie, with full direc
tion* for the restoration of health.
Pamphlet*, containing a mas* of and Amen,
ran certilicalra, atnl other evidence, showing tlie un
equalled menu of thi. great English Remedy, may be
obtained of the Agent.. gratuitously.
For aaln by llfA FAIINMSTOCK & Co., corner of.
lit and Wood and WoodandUth *la. tcblß
OUNDAY SCHOOL HOOKS —We have Ju« recciv
© cd b large eupply of book* for Sunday *ehnol libra
ne*, pablulied by ibe Amcnein Sunday School Union,
mid approved by a committee of publication, roiiwMmg
of mrmber* of the following denomination*, viz; • Dap
ii»t, Congregational,Upiacopol AlrUiodi»l, Pre*b}ieriati,
•no illelortued Dutch. Tlit-M publication* cotn}>ri*c
upward* of itx buiulrcd bound volume*, (of price* from
* ctnu up to 75.) ail whiteu caprc**]y tor Sunday
»cbooi*. In addition to the above, tbc Union puMuhe*
a large vahety of book* iu paper cover* (or qmte
young children, far reward*, Ac, Ac.
The Union olio publi*br* two librarie*. No l A 3 ol
me hundred volume* each, all numbered ready foruw.
nf book* from 72 page* up to 250 at Ibe low price ot
ten dollar*; averaging only ten cent* a volume. Aim.
'A Youth Cabinet Library,”. of filly volume*’, at the
low price of two dollar* and fifty cent*. AUo, Hymn
book*, tpiettioti book*, red and blue ticket* »u pa*tr
board*, map*. Ac. Ac. All ihn above we ic.ll ut tne
Union. Philadelphia price*. Catalogue* of book* fur
niabetl on application. IUJJOTT & ENGLISH,
febfi [Po.i copy] Ui market _*t,_Uet Sd A jtii
rpo ihn Dclitutpent Subscriber* in the Mongahma Nn-
X vigation Company. Notice (* hereby Rite" tbui
ill (hurts of Stock subscribed in the Monomrahelu
Navigation Company and Which have become subject
to forfeiture by reason uf the non payment of in»tat
ment» and interest thereon will be forfeited h> the saw
UiriMl BJIU lltttiCPl Ul’:|"Vtl HIM V*- *••• •
company, together with *ll instalment* already pa w
thereon, in pursuance of the provision* of th" Chnrtct
of Incorporation,- miles* iho unpaid iik-ialtornl* togcthei
with interest from the dale on which'tho same were
made puyiible by a call from tho Hoard of Managers
Ixrpaid iu full to Thomas M. Ilowc, Emu Treasurer ol
iai<l company, nt |he Exchange. Hank nttsburgh, pn 01
before the first dar of April, A. I).
13v order or the Hoard.of Managers,
riiuV<r-FcWld3tavnapl«t Hocrrtary.
" ; H(ida AiEI "
r pilll subscribers are'now exicuiively engaged in tin
X unprirfftiionof Soil* A»h from one if the moil cent
brnted manufacturer* in England, amt have cm bam
mu! will receive during the spring, a lurge supply (*ey
srul shjpiniMits being nr»w on the way) which they vvil
warrant eijual if jiot superior tp any imported into tin
United Plate*, and which they are prepared t<* M ' ll "
the lowest market price lor cash or on time for approv
ed hills, Tim strength is warranted from to si l**‘ (
cent, fl to H Jicr cent, above the standard strengtl
which u tiU.
|i_r Present price 4 to 4Jc according to ciuantiiy.paj
uerils, Ac, W A M MM CIIKLTBEh,
fd,2l I<*l Liberty «t.
WHOLESALE Dealers in Fruit, Nuts, Ac. No- ■
Hptith Front St., Philadelphia, have in store aud
Tor sale, ollhe btyest market prices, Jj
lOtai boxes OO A 0 Sicily Oranges m prime order*
300 -do ■ la-inmi*; I
1600 do mid |ialf do M R Raisins;
100 ch«ks Silu A I/Clia do;
60 bags Walnut* and Filbert*}
l«p i!n Almonds;
JUKI bbshcl* (Nurili Carolina Pen Nuts;
3WCI drum* *xna imd medium <|ualu>- FJmc 1 tgs;
liCi rtieks New Crphnlonln Currnnu;
100 hues low priced Prunes.
Philadelphia. Feb. 'JI-e<xUw
tiooiL* for Sjrrln* 0f_,184«.
TTT it MORI'HY,' N- E- corner of4lh and Mnrxe'
I * ha* lji« pleasure of informing bis customer*
Isini ln*v*r« grncrulfy. 'bathe ha* commenced tin re
hi. uurlvlf'pnng Goods, uml has already open r.
lorcat vanity otgiids suitable for the season, at pricer
' h lo vi,ll
Ilock . Dl iCW .‘“^ s
llvtiirh trill to olTcred ■■ ■■?«
I ! : t&lonfTotton MllliT {
I l'rmiffactt, Feb. 1l IM**. J
OWING to alterations and improvement* ynajlitig at
ilia tTnion Mill, tire Proprietor* otfer for sale at low
rnle» some excellent Bevel wheel ycuringanU shafting,
cards atid other second hand machinery, ull Jworthy oil
attention., Call und see.or address I !
SAGE—'Pie subscribers will scll-the linduu it),
4 ihcir old establishment—the cylinder!*&iuch mid.
•.Minch stroke—also, in connection with it their Hark]
Mill, which is nearly new; all belnjr iu corajilele run]
litng order.. This alfords mi excellent opportunity lo]
Tanner* wishing to use slcaui power, us it will be soldi
low i j WAR UAjlfS |
ieU>* comer of liberty and perry ats. Pm. I
n Murphy has on hand at very iowjirices, An assort-]
ment of above goods, including different shades of.
Drab Colors. Common and Fin©: Nasarine IHlue do.d
htaroon do; Oroivn da; Blnck and Bine do.; Satin siri-j
Ipcd d£>i Satin Barred do.; Fancy Plaid do; alijo, an as-]
.soruneni of Mohair I.uttresl inrluding some vervi
[goe and glossy, i In Wholesale Rooms, op stairs, deal-]
|er« will and a choice stock of abovc and other.goods |
Iby the pi«cf, *t Jow If ash prk«*. ' . JnO
General Commission .and Auction
THE undersigned tia» taken the large building. Xo.
45, next door to Messr*. Oldham, Todd & Co.,ilaiir
I‘treet, (ut the purpose of selling ail descriptions of
Fgood* at public or private wile*, us directed. | Yaloable'
jcoiuicnmcnts for Auction ionics will be promptly nt
[ tended to. He will also accept of Agencies,for .Mnnu-:
jfuciarer*. and will um hi* best endeavors for their in**
lterest. In all canes omount of sab: or abstract of wiles]
twill bn furnished his friend*; weekly or monthly, accom-]
|pntuud with check on Bank here, or Bank check ou*
Eastern cities, when directed. I
lUi has extensive room* oreT hi* (tore for'the mlo of
Furniture, CarpcUnp, and other bulky Article*. • j
W« arc surrounded liy a dense population of 40 mile* 1
or upwards. with the most fetulo aoifin the West, and]
ijeuerally worthy fnrrmT*, with 25 to UU Town* and "vit*|
Inses in that distance, yet not one Commission Houi
hen*. j A. LE GRANDE.
I.KXtSOWf. Ky.. JaaSl, lWe. :
Messrs. T. Anderson A Co. 1 /
- . R-LShreveAp,..' l Loui i v j H J
fi. W. Andersoh, I>q.. { Cout^ill^.
WRiclianl*on._Cash'r., J
Messrs. Springer A Whiteman, ) /
" > Cincinnati.
J. 1,, llaskins. : j
I’hilip Swjgrrt. Esqi, ")
l’eter Dudley. Esq.,
H.I Bodiey, Esq., ; )
John B. Tilford, A Co- ‘
W. Higphis, A Co., '
. S. Swift A Co.. ;
Joim Dudley A Co..
M. T. Scott, Cashier,
Commission. .and Forwarding
ST. LOftß. 310. j
MONTGOMERY' informs hi* olit friends and!
the Business Men generally, that lie has removed!
i>« No. 25 Water street, where he will devote his attend
jtiou to an exclusive Commission and Forwarding bu»i-|
[ness. Not being interested jn tlie profits of any article,]
[parlies entrusting him with their favors have a gunran-|
live that he wilt make the befit sales anil purchases the]
[market wilt ntßird. Forwarding care Hilly and prompt*]
lly attended in ns I
| Refers in St. Louis to Messrs. Franklin & Penr.f
menry Htngg, Esq.. Avent Protect. Insurance Co. In!
|Pittsb'g to James Dalzcll, Esq. and J no. McFaden & Co]
I J ' L _X'°i | i», Mo., Feb lQdlw . J
"ions tjcixjr. " > 9. n.‘ Toostt. |
WSt. P. M'r.tUDf_ ; niM. alcco. |
Warehouse Commercial Row, Liberty ot.J
IMIE Subscriber having erected targe and extensivej
Works on Pennsylvania Avenue, are noiv roamifac-l
luring, from new ana improved patterns, every variety c|]
Coal ami Cooking Stoves.- Hollow-ware, Plough Cast
ings, Wagon .boxes, I'uttcy Firc Grates and Fenders,
Kitchen do., with superior ranges for Cooking purposes,
together with every thing in the house building liue; such
as Conductors, Banins. Scrapers, Vault-rims, Lintels for
window top*, railings, Ac.,;on hnnd or made to order.
Machinery orders carefully und punctually attended to
fobl-dlm QUINN, M’BKIDB & Co.
Spring, Axle, Steel, and Iron Works,
COLEMAN, 11AILMAN:4 Co., having; completed
their new works, are uow prepared in manufac
ture ever)' dew-ription-of Coach ami Kliptic Springs,
Iron Axles, American, Blister. Spring and Plough
Steel, and all sizes of small square and round Iron,
[which they offer for sale on liberal terms, at theirware
[house, No 43 Wood street; where they Also keep oa
[hiind a complete and handsome assortment of Coaeh
[rrinmimv'S Carriage hardware, malleable castings,
|.\uils and Iron. 1
i.,uii «im iiuil
I C. 11. A Co., have made arrangements with Messrs.
[Day A Croiu. manufacturers of Shovels Spades, Forks,
Lu-., aud will keep constantly on hand everv article
made by Them. Dealers are re»peclfii!ly_?dllcited to
rail, q» prices and terms will be made liberal, Jy2S
"* Chlekcrlng’a Flanoa.
A superb rbsewood six octave Plano.
o££i ne "' scale and potent iron friUßi, mode
■ 9 h>’ J- Cbiekering, Boston.
I|or J 11 \ very elegant rosewood six and a
half Octave Fiona, new scale, and patent lion frame,
made by J. Cbiekering, Boston.
The above instruments received to-day, I and now
open for examinutiou; for sdic at Mr. Chick (ring's pri
;es for cash or approved paper.
Also, on hand, one elegant'' rosewood Gotlilc panels,
carved mouldings, and moulded Irgt, 0 octaves, made
by Gale A Co, New Y ork.
One do. carved rosewood G octaves, mode by Gale
A Co.. New Y’ork,
One mahogany second bond Piano. G octaves, of ex
cellent tone, aud in good order, made by Cbiekering
A Stewart, £125.
One superb grand Piano, made by Hrrz, Paris, and
guaranteed to be the tael Piano forte in the eity, will be
•old at u wry moderate price.
JOHN H Min.LOR, SMYootl st
Raw Plano FOrlca.
One eleirslft Rosewood six,and n halfl
octave Piano Forte double raised cor-j
|| »V"P licr4^ n, '' v * t j®- c -‘ nm frame--made byj
One do. gothic panels and mouldings, 0 octave—Gals
A Cd. N-w York. '
One do. gothic panels and mouldings, 6 octave
«nlr A t'o. New Y'oik.
true supcili grand piano, C| octaves—llerz. Paris.
The above pianos fortes am warranted,: and huv<
bceu «c!< ctrd by the subscriber. particularly lor thcii
, - o<»l quality of lone and Ciuslt as musical instruments
Fur saie at factory prices try
jo2? JOHN 11 MELLOR, el wood st.
—-yw, Hetallb frame Plano.
fX, A Mi’iAlNDlii assortment uf Rose.
J*i( <4Y“ *fj w°o«l and Mahogany, grand ncliou Pi-
I I • I I ■ ativs. Fratue.'juM finished and fur sale
Al<«, two splendid Rosewood. Pianos, with Coleman'i
[cclebrnled .toliau atiurhmruu finished ini the tnosi
lutodi-rn style, aud for sale at F. BLL'MKSA
) i«l5 112 YViHolstrcet. 3 doors utare s:h.
Dell aud Rrsis Foandry.
| A ITL'I'ON, UcM and Brase Founder, ha* re-1
| f~r*l built and coimncneedlrusiness at Ins old stand,]
1 .£2*l where be will be pleased to see bis old custom-)
and mends. I
| Churrh. and Belts of every size, from lu]
[to 10,t«K) pounds vast from patterns of the mostapprav-]
|*.-d inode!*,' and warranted toba of the best materials. [
I Mineral Water Pump*, Counters, ILxltiug, to-]
r-nher with every variety of.HraM Costings,:if■ requir-j
Fed. turned and liiiuhcd in the, neatest manure. [
i- k/ * A- F, *» tta >if JUBhoVAxTI.I
iAna:?:' l * MniL so justly celebrated fur the reductioni
[of friction in machinery. The Boxes and Composition]
[can ta had of him at all time*. ; jaljy [
I PlttibarshVcimiond nalTttaadr*|
Nt •noil TO STOCKHOLDERS.—An ia-\
I sittlmant of ten per cent, {the sth instalment)]
all subscriptions ia the cupilu) stock of]
luil. company, applicable to that portion of the road]
funder contract, u required to be paid on or before the]
[isi day of .Mnrrli ISIS. Stockholder* in Pittsburgh]
ill pay to J YV Kobtiisou. corner of 3d and wood sic]
sin Soliueviiie .atut vicinitv., to Joseph G in]
sWelbivillc and viciiut) toJunte* Stewart, local treaa-j
inter. By order uf the taanl of directors. j
! AG CATLhTr. Sec'y. I
SOilice of the FAC R R Co, WflUsviflc. (tcblduuul [
l pmTHnURGH 'sTrj-U. ' Wullkjt AND'snU.NG' j
AND AXLE factory!
lU*ac itrtn. jour r qcigq,
| JOXEB fr'^riGO,
MANCPACTUKUIS of au«l blister -sled.
(i'uut;ti »lecl, »Uwl plough wine*, coach iuuJ clip
lie springs. hammered iruu uilcs, uud balers in mul-
IriiSic ciWtupH, fire engine lainji». and coach Iriwtning*
ceuerally, corner of Uoss hnd Front «u, J'ltuburgh.
l‘a- fcbl
Type Foundry.
'IMIF/sutoeriher!' hare Ukeniiio Type-Foundry.
X No. Oy and. will conuiiDe the business
■ulcly conducted Liy Robert Taylor. They will attend
u> all orders with puctuality am] dUpuxck. All the
Typo mnnainctured i>y than anil l«* Hand Cast; and
?!)<•>' will furnish ail kind* oal'nnter*' Materials, of the
l>o»t (juality. v
Mr. J. A. IT. ChFcrrtn! is atilt employed in superiutend
inr tt)e < iouiiutaeturiii)r department. • ■-
Proprietors of uew«papen, who har« not advertised
for the sul'HfrilKT. who rnuy-puiilisU this notice for three
month* will be entitled to receive their pay -in'type, on
mrcluisiiig G retimes the umpunt of iheir hilit lor ad*
Old Type mint in ejchomrefor new at P ct» per lb I
Oiarlr* Whiting, 1 WHITING A TAYLOK, I
Theodore Taylor, $ (SncecMor* in Hob’i'l’aylor,) I
jaiils... Copier Gold and Ann Street*
. Original ‘llollvar Brick*.’
EXPKUIKNCr.D tin u tiinl of oiiu and a ball
million*, tince I>L*. pronounce this article muiur
lor durability in the cditiiruriiorioflaJl kind* ol
Fumaocv I'iirj! emit fur load* of ID M, guar
intrcd nine months use. Onlem fur a ledottd quality
Uulirax lirirk* nil! b« ciecutrd at &J 0 pcrM. if *o d«s
<ircd, witnmit guarantee. A»tock of tun first quality
is uow fur sale al Uie warehouse, ‘Sloun'ni Wharf,' Cn*
nal, by J. SHAW MACLARIiN.
•eptUif Kenning tou Iron Work*.
Adrancr an Printing"PiturT
JOHN 11. MKLLOK, f-1 Wood street, Agent for (be
•ale-of Printing Paper, for C. S. LmiilnJm & Co..
would mtorm bis customer* that, in consequence of the
'tdvuuce on rat;*, paper will be charged lor tbo pre»-
snt nt eleven cent* per pound, or
Imperial ttriui. t£l*!W at g 2,73
Uiuble Medium, 21*37 at :JJI
boston Mode of Mooting Monica*
Vf K. (J. DMXTEIt, of liostnn, ha* urraitged and p»-
X*X a pltui fir heating houses, which ha* been
uccc*«tiilly u*ed in llo»tott.New Vurk, Ac.,and wher
ver upnlird, baa received the decided preference over
tore*, runtace*. etc. Its ntlraamges art
ist- Great rcgutuniy of Idnpcraiure, !
INI. Freedom from amulu.
3d. No'unpleawurt diynei*.
4th. F-v«i!y attended to and uol liable to get out o'
order. i
sth. Great durability.
A tno<l"|, ni;t| specification may be *ccn and oppora
us obtained ul the copper and Tinware factory of
WM U {■‘CAlFK.Kimi *t.,
between wood and market,
VTotlce— ln punuaneo at mi tinier of the Court c
I* Common Ptraa ofCiiyabogu county,ia the State of
Ohm, made at the November term'of kqlil Court, lcH7.
he uimnllecinl u»»rtt of the lUtaic of Robert Colwell,
leces.»i«l. will ho *old by the milucribcri ut public ouc*
mm. at the tlt<or of the Court Houre, iu Cl.;velatul, i’n ;
county,on the CUli dayof.Morcli. 10 o'clock!
' V. W.IUXtiHAM, !
Arirnid. of F.Ma-.e of Kohl. Colwell, dec. 1
Curvrmto, Jan gtf. Kls. , febCtWivJtwlmT j
OrfiCK or TtiK AiXMitrji Hiitndt: Co., )
A_,, I‘iTTsr.itia»t, Feb. 1, lb-tH. <
*\ hlectioii for Pn>*idcnt;Maiing.*r*,mid Officer* for
t ie “Loinpany fox erecting a Bridge over the rivci
Allegheny, opposite Pittsburgh, in the Comity of
Allegheny- will be lioldou itl the Toll House, on Mou-
Iny the bjl, of Mutch next, at 2 o’clock. p. M.
t**3 reams ruled cup fair und tine uuaUiics,
134) •«. inter *• - ’
' ? Snt Cft P' » oud duality,
Jt*i . “• blue factory pajxjr,"
f4* “ tea paper, •
All cross Imimct boards.
S.OW bundle* straw ami rug wrapping paper. lii
«iow tunt which we oiler to the city trade ui low prices
Jll!'* 1 ItKYXOLDS k SUHE.
1-1 iJi’S—Por »nle a tow bales Western New\ork
JJ. growth ot from to lft rnru:!
Alm>, hnsicm mid Western N Y, early picked, tbi*
>ciir * growth. p * • ’
Prime Ojiio do. Uulmnnt dbntuy. 1
. ~ t K r ,ir . r . ftl l-nateni crop of the season is now being
nw^L V r' .k I ro 'T'‘ r * ““I «tbep using Hops, will find it,
much to their odsnntane to obfnin their simply from the
undenugiicd. u* they uucnil to sell throughout the sen-,
nm at New \urk prices. • a. W. SMITH A Co,
octlodCm Brewery.
HAVANNA CHiAKS —ibO.OOO ini|>orted cigar* o(|
the (oUowing cclebraleti part to arrive
consisting of, Ccves, Aubiimedrul, Washington regalia*.
Rapides,' Lseulupie, !>,* Amigo*, de Puster, London
r “ ,l,a ' llyxoti *, steam bonldo.
’. l >9? C V ru dd, l>a Iluyaderu Ist, do ilo
At. tmix, La Palma, Ctuadpres, Fjiclc: nrineiiw*, for
i i' 0 MAH’nN,
h-or Smiiblledd A from st.^
L A ELFC'nON will bdi held ot tbo Tiousn James
d<l,lcp i in ghuDy county, ou Mon
fuiiy the Util day of'March next, to elect three Managers
lof the Piiutmrghmid IlatlerTurupikc Road, for the eo.
Jsuing year. .HrorJer of thd Board. ! .
I feldtduldawlf AUTHOR MeGIIX.
IVTOTICH-An Election lur seven XArrctors of the
111 Erie Canal Company: wilt lm held by slock
[holders at their Office m iheboroupb of Erie, cm Mon
[day the Cdt day of Mareb ntxt. at 10 o’clock, a. h.
I 1 ; M. GOODWIN, SecT-
I Canjl Office, Hrie, Jan. 18, IMS. ‘ I^3
BUT LEATHER—Thr>ubscribcr» have constant
ly on hand article of Headier suitable for machine
jelu, to which the niionliod of manufacturer* is invited
jatS) f: WM YOUNU. fc Co.
'."IANDLES—tIfI boxes mould Candlea in atom and far
U site by [fcbl»J ’» ft W HARBAVOJf. /
■ ' A Bargain in Beal' Estate* -
* -The sabscriber offers for sale a House and list
. KIM on liberty street, a short divines above Cast
Allegheny city. The-Loll# 22 feet front
?on Liberty street, and ran* Lnejt to* an Alley 80 feet
2 The ;Hoa*e erected thereon I* Brick, nearly new, two
f stories high, 14 feet in from by about 33 ia depth, and
J contain* ten comfortable rooravexelosiye of pantry
Pcoal-ceUnrond cellar; All the rodms hayo fireplace*
Kami drain#ire constructed tn esnry water, am
{Elbe hoasa u in every respect in good order ana very
Feonvement,'andi»well salted for two-families. -Th«
■property will be sold Ibwj and givenion the larges
■part of the purchaso money. I -
S Inquire of the subscriber, who can be seen at the of
Hfiee of the Gazette, every forenoon, between the hours
■of eight and ten, and at tosher times ai hie rooms a
■Mrs. Hays’ boarding house,' Robinson's new tow. Fed-
Heral »t Allegheny City. ( D Nl WHITE,
w fehlStf L Agent tot the owner.
| - of Grotutd'fer sole.
! A ‘NUMBER of beautiful Lots, fronting on that great
Jj3L thoroughfare; Penn street, or thejGreentburgb
'turnpike road, and onthe Allegheny river; and interne
[diate streets lit the Oth Ward, Pittsburgh, are now oiler
led for sale on the most reasonable terms, j
I For private residences, basinets and tpanulhcturing
! 'establishments, these lots present sitbotion* net supass
ed. if equalled, bjr any now for.'sale.' ioe regularity
with; which the streets are laid out, and t|ie level char
acter of the ground, render the lots convenient, and
available at once for building purposes.- JThe title is in
disputable. Apply to HARMAR DENNY, 3d sr,
. . 6z ROBT. McKNIGHT,
Attorney at Law, dth'st; near Grant.
FOR SALE—Hie subseritar offers fof s*la thu lm.
provetnenu and property he now occupies, situated
Bon the Fourth Street Road, about three nulcs from the
|city[ consisting of a well- finished Brick! House, eon
linimug ten rooms, and a cellar under flie whole; an ex-
Icellant Brick Tenant House, containing fhree rooms; a
■luge barn and excellent stabling; a never failing run-
Rningepringofsod water, and a pump uf excellent wat-
Itcr at the kitchen door; also, a garden containing some
■choice fruit trees, together with about tch acres ofex-
Icellent ground. ! ,
I The above property will be sold terms,
land possession given on the first day of) April; if not
■told; it will be for rent oiler that day. Fpr. further in-
Iformation, apply to thu subscriber, on the premises.
I lehiihlawtAplT DA VIP B^F.LER.
9 Real Estate 1a Ohio!
ATRACTortand. SO acres, iu Harrisorf, Portage Co„
on the Cayuliuga river—about 30 acres nnder »m-
Ipruvcraent. Also, two unimproved lots m the village
!ofYY'arren,Trutnlmll Co.. GO feet by 00. Also, a lot of
[ground in the cciilre of llortfonl, I'nimbfiU with a
[fine dwelling bouse and store-rone of the best stands
[for a merchant on the Western Reserve.* Any or all
[tliU property will be sold on very accommodating
[terms. ISAIAH DICKEY! A Co.,
I feblO Water anp Front sts.
I fobSSlm
- Real Estate In Mercer Co^ntjr*
A I«OT, Storehous* and Dwelling, situate on the
/A [ Erie Extension Ctnial, in the village of West Mid
dlesex; a desirable location for a merchant. Also, a
Lot ami good Dwelling House well suited-for a Tavern
Htnud, in the village of Orangeville, on State line of
Ohio. Terms easy. ISAIAH DICKEY' A Co.'
feblO Water and Front su.
Lot for 'Sale* - j
A. LOT in the Gth ward,4d feet on Logon street by 6C
XX feet on Cluk street; one of the mpst 'desirable lev
cutiotis in tbe' 6th word. For terms apply to the sub
•cribcr at the Methodist Book Store, 4lh peu Market
ttrecL or a i bis dwelling an Clark street.opposite E.
rroviHo'sGrocery store. jfehlO] -r JjLIIEAD.
THE three story Dwelling House ana Lot, nov
occupied by 11. F. Schweppe, Eeq.jon Penn sL
aetir: Homl. The Jxit is 23 by 150 feet, ana U pleasant
ty situated. For term* apply to tbe subscriber, who ha
also . FOR RENT. I.
The three story bouse on the comer of liberty su am
Irwin’s alfey, now occupied as a wnotesdls end retai
grocer’s store, by IL F. bebweppe. I'ossession givei
immediately, on oppUcolion at the warehouse of Joju
Irwin A Sons, No. U Water street, by !
dee!4-3m JOID? IRWIN
For Rent. j
MA two story brick dwelling with about six acres
of ground attached, situated at Oakland.' The
place is well stocked with fruit of al kinds, and
is a desirable location Tor a Tamil; being entirely out of
reach of the river and dirt of the city. A|i omnibus
leave* Oakland hourly for tbe city. Apply to
jan2t» atWOOPTjONES A Co.
Far Rent*
MA new three story brick dwelling botue on
Wyii* street—l’o.scMion given oq Ine first of
April or sooner if required. Inqoirej of
jaili J k. H FIX) Y'iyig-2 liberty street^
"! For Rent. "*
MA two story brick dwelling with about 6 nerei
of ground, sitonted on the hank of the Ohio river
in the borough of M nchestcr. Apply to
To Let. . J
| THREE dwelling bouse* situated on 4th street
I EijjWnesr cans] bridge, ui the city of Pittsbakgh. Al
u .room T 3 by 20 fret, with a convenient en
imtnce on stli »u near wood. Also, a lrapje dwelling
two stories, with an acre of ground enclosed and under
eultivution, situate oa Ohio lane,in tbe rit)j of Alleghe'
ay. : Inquire of J D WIL^JAMS,
jans 111) wpod street.
MA latge brick Dwelling House on (he eomerol
Federal and Robinson streets in the pity of Aifc
ifhniy. at the uorth end of. Allegheny Bridge.
Jcl.ltidlw W O H UOIfI.N.SON.
To Brewers.
MFOR SAI-K-Olt KENT, t&o Pittsburgh Brew
ery, with all it* brewing apparatus! situate oc
I'enn stccri aud Darker'* alley .and now oecupisd
hy Gc<». 'V.' Snittli A t'o. l’oe»es<ion gtreji on tbe firs!
iluy of April ensuing. For terms. Ac- cnqinre of
feb2.':f 143_|litart_y «t-.
| For Real. J
[ THE brick dwelling itou*v on Third «:rectbe
| jgjl'fl iwern yinnhlicld siren und Cbcrryjniley. It i?
|”“ slate rooted—has ga> fixtures and spacious yard
[ind out-building*. Enquire of j
I fet “Jiltt ini. hL DARLINCrrON.
* To Let. T
[•wa The new three story lire proof brick store on
I jjS seennit *u now occupied by Evans;.for
|£ttbreut from )*t of April next. Inquire uf
. j tciioo.N maker £ Co n _
janlty “~V~ - —24wped sii'eeb'-
MThe subscribers will rent part of the ware
house now occupied by them. Apply to
[ jnain -51. water street. ,
For Beat.
LWk A haiul*oracly-£ui»bed room on tket street,
Tsi lately occupied as a Daguerreotype eftabliahment
by. Morland A Co. Alms, a well finished and well far
[ulshivd room, suitable for societies, adjoining the ball of
;:he Merguirtile lubrarj' Association. Entrance at Phi
lo Hall,? 1C D GAZZAM,
oct27 • OCtce, nmrket street, betweenlld and 4th
For Rent* ]
TIIK larj*- nml convenient dwollaif boose 0
* :.1 KgilcraJ *-j.. Allegheny. formerly occupied by lln
Atm Garstun. Rent iuw. I'osswiun givun on ue li
of April next. K 1) b'AZZ.Ut.
lioiiWmi'e no««es*ioit of the nbovq boarji ciui be ob
•BinrJijy applying to M. 1 Creighton, at the Canal ware
houie ot* Clark 4. Thnw,' | ' ,dcc2
' t'orlleut. |
jnj A Jnr;a- room on tb<i UJ ttory of the worehooi
S5iTB (vrcupifd |i> the ruVrcriluTß, ncnrj tho fool l.
»Uc<:i—a good location fora sieiuuboa)
igcorvor an luiurnncr oifirr, jr
For Rent or Halt. ]
A neat two storiciH/rici dwelling house will
seven room* and large ynnl, plenum tjy shunter
the Sth ward. Apply to \Y.M B s}CAIKE,
• IYM43w Ist street t ear wood.
For Sate.
M A Fine two story brick house, oitranin street,
la Allrgheur city, near {he upper bridge J Thedot is
£iTcct in front by 100 deep. For terms inquire of •
dclStf ■ : A WASHINGTON. 4th st.
“ ~toT.Tu~ —r -4 -
One new thrtii story Dwelling- !od«c, with
(Rja bath bouses attached, *jtunp3 near tile corner ol
BUlbWjiie amt Washington H{ects.F«sse*sion giv
»t on the first of April next - •
Foir llent.' . '' !
MTHK large fire proof warehouse, 21 feet front liv
BO feet deep, on hccoml *t. near wool. Rent mod
crate. Inquire of J SWT i lOUN M AKEfI k Co.,
dr. 10 ■ gl wood st
JtA A Smoke lluusr. situated o:t I'lom alley, for
Mrnil. Inquire of ROBERT IMLZELL & Co
street. dcclft
i ,
The well furnished store ou Market street, be
tween third urtd fourth-streets, at present to-ccu
■™™“*pied i>v Harrows and Turner. Foss'csdon giver
on tiic first of April next. [uv£J] E 11 OA/.ZAM.
... T«~Le«.'
MA dry good* warehouse, t>7 wood sjreet, second
door above Dtnsiuud.nllny. Inqairt-of
dec*. D T MOROAN Jt Co.
COAI. I,AN l) FOR SAl.E—sSweuncrijs coai }on3
i for salr, silunte in tend of the MotrongaLela Hirer
above Brownsville, pa.,.having n 7 foot vein of coat
which will be sold in exchange for iroods. jPor partiea
lars apply to joctS) S tc \V IfARHAUOH, fI3 wood st
“ BalldlucLot j
IN MANCHESTKtt Foil I Have for sale*
beautiful buihline l«ot in Manchester, rnjar the ferry
Zl hy lit! feeldcrjt. It will he nbfd low, nm
on ncrrflruunduunsr term*. .Terra* unexceptionable.
ntyilii JAH. BLAKELY, KcalKiiaift Ag-L
”V S r Lots for T
TWO tmildinir lou in the sixth ward, enfch: D 4 by IST
feet on which there U a never failtati spring ol
water. [i>b7] - GEO CQCHKAN.
irATFritjiSroci, ■> \ ATtiriicSrrrci'tJ
11. UFAitMatTMCK, M’iUsburph. i !
0. tV. FaiwwiGcO , }
Wholtiale Prng'Store In the City of
.s K tw York. j
fPHt’j undersigned nrr .extensively engaged in the
l. Wholesale Dm3 bigness at No. 4l> John street,'ir
ihe rity-fjt Ncw York, arid are prepared tu supply Drug
cisiH tuuf coitiitry Merchants wiijj Drug*, i'nitiu, Oils
l)vi;.«tuff*, Foreign nnri [American perfumery. Wander
Weaver & Wander's ChfmicnlMof their'own import*
lion) :uid all other.articles in their tfbr *'' -
superior quality nalovv ••tbcyc-iut*
>r any cnxicm city
New York, l-Ylttii
jO have ihU <l»j* mlucrd the prtc
ti'vjiich in warranted hy the miuiuiuu.... , ;
fettercr.m.)to4|r forOftnii,«r4|c(tor approved Noli
;tt4 iDoiilh*.' Aikl for titinutitiri o IS loin lir upward*
IcOuclion will lie ntn.l.j of lr prr r 0 ’ 11 "' ,hc ** P !
•c*. \V A >1 MlTi:illu4'ttF->'i
fubta * itio * trofft -
' Steamboat for Sale*!
■ i . u _ Oitc-hiiOi, or iliree-«utn* or Uw
i j|f r ,*' n uraiubonl (Jcriuontnwn, jibr On
uccorunioUaliiitt term* by I
BfissSS&jl I ,WM II IfCAIFK.
feblt FirM *trcrt nk*«t \Voojlj__
TSITKACIYi .\'o~r6\YX)VlK'' <Obfornte' j.rUmc H*
D casks of superior quality. direct from tU mnnu
tuciurrr in Eiiirfoml. received per »tr anu lor
sole at the luwe»l nuxrkrl price 'Jurcq.hor uporo TC o
lull*, by IjidJl] >V & M .MnUIEf.TREh.
B* Rt'OS' DIUIUS-Tniiniite Iren; Kxt FJUnlnny: Pip
iiinn-Strychnine; I'liocpluifi Armrunnn; Phosphalr
«.<>.{«; Jtr. Curb. IWwh; Tannin;. Ciunirnf Iran and
Quinmc; OsideHlrcr; Hulublu Tnrtar. Cliti.foforra; ;UH
received uinl for »ul« by U I-. M.LI.KHi*, -
I«h15 • : S« \Vo<mi street.
liCtiir Notice.
T A MKS H. CRAKI' Attorney and Cout»|
;h BI removed to tUo Oilier* nexi door vr
IPmnn-on’s Livery Stable. 4th street. Ril
l(cii<-e upon {'obiir duty for the ronitnc nmiii
Inrsii lor him may l>c Icitwith A. It M'CaUto
[above. . !
RKMOVAIj— ! have chtmcnl niT pined
to pnmt strret between \Voo«l nml Sr)
[mediately in the rear of. thn haufe 1 funnel
.where 1 am prepared to do bnsines* a* uni
1 jtttll _ . |
JUST receireti a fresh supply of India II
comprising BdozhorAo pAvm sflne n
'steam boat buckets; 12 doz. pair* of lofttm
[short; 4 dot long capes; 4 doiihott ot*j
[will t(o sold chest) fur cash At th* India Hul
[3 Wood»l -tfvbig] It II VII
I. i : LCOHOL—Warranted of proper sire;
[x\. ters sod UruagiM*' use always on Id
[sale ou ncconmuMatinctennabj’ I
S ' Wk M MITCH El.
febl3_ j _lC^Lib
j O 9iigar; fiO bars pHme RioCotH-e; 1$
’caches (halves) lending from »!«Bineril
jr ul« on accommodating terms !
.fcbS* CAES9.N * McK
h. hols
Exchange-Brokers, No.
BaoknflHtUbargb *—Pu.
Exchange BaAk Pai
UerchJ & Mao. Bank «Pai
Bk*iof?bilftdelphia • * • -pai
Sirardißank —pai
Bank of Germantown -par
“ * Ctesier Coonty* «»par
“ Delaware Co.* "par
"« NoliU{«aerfCo.-*par
u - Nbrthamberland*.par
ColambTa Bridge Co.-* par
Doyfetiowa Bank-—*par
Fanners’ Bk; Readinff-pw
Ranters’ Bk. Backs Co. par
Farmers Blc Ltacas’r-par
Lancaster Co. Bk.*** -par
Lancaster Bit,— *.**** par
IT. State# Bank*—••—3o
Brownsville Bk.***'—*par
Washington Bk.* ——t
Settystrexghßk. - • U
Chambersborg** •••••• u
SnsqgrliaoDa Co. Bk.'*
Middletown •• 1
Carlisle «
Enoßfc—* -:•.... lj,
Farmers’ and Drovers'
Bonk{ Waynesburg*. 1
tiamstar* “ :
Honesdale ii
Lebanon .■•••• par
PotUvtile “ i
Wyoming ••••• •*' IJI
Fork Bk.*** I 1
Weiißranchßk. 1J
Belief Note* —. **. !
MfeMßk. PiilB.dc>. « I
City JtCountyScrip*— u
1 Ohio* .. 1
Stale Bk.and Branches li'-i
VountPleaiant* ♦« M 1
4teaben,ville.— “ I
3t.Cltur*vi!l£ u '
Monetta*—“ 1
NewLieboc «
Cincinnati Banks “ I
Colnmbas do*
Xenia-** - «
Dayton--.-*.—..*- H
Westeni Reserve-•—« M
Franklin JPk Colombo* a
Chillieotho u
UkeErie— “
Seima-*) * **
Lancaster —* 10
Hamilton--- ——♦ ---..17
Qranviile-*-** 60
Farm’/* Wk Cantos- —3O
Urban* f- W
Kentucky* '
8k cf Kentucky 1}
Bi.nflojuUviile***--** *•
Norhemlßk. Kento’ky- a 1
Vcw Y^ork— City Bank*,
Din Foreign and Done*tic Exebatige, Certificate* o(
Deposited Bank Note*, and Specie; Fourth street, near
ly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh, Current taoney
received | on'deposits—Sight Cheek*: for sale, and col
lection* nade on nearly all the principal point* lit the
United State*. ' . . • . ; i • I
The highest premium palHlor Foreign and American
Gold. | ‘ Is i•
Advaacea made on consignment* of Produce, Iship
>cd East; on liberal term*. 1 imchlS :
JOSEPH 11. HILL,- (late of the firm of Wnfi A. Hil
A Co;,) and WM. C. Curry, (late;of Erie, Pa.) havi
entered into Co-partnership under the name o $ Hill i
Cciizr, for tha purpose of carrying efi the Banking am
Exchange bnameaa in all it* branches, at No.
street, three door* below Fourth, west ride—where the)
solicit the custom of their friends and thd public gen
e rally. ■! ■ ■ JOSEPH H- IHLL,
resent bJhill.l l«Tt p. ctaxr
I HILL * CfiRRTi i:
O.Foreign and Domestic Time AndSightßilfs Of Ex
change, Certificate* of Deporite,‘Batik Notes and Coin
No. 05 Wood street, third door below Fourihf west
ride. Par Funds and Currency received on deporite
and collection*-' made on all the principal cities in the
United State* ' t, • I
Sight • Exchange on Baltimore. Philadelphia,; New]
Yorfc.Boston and Cincinnati.constantly for sajh.-•|
Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Virgiula ami Pennsylvania;
Bank Xoje* bought and sold onTavorable lemma ; . |
■ Exchange on England,lreland, Germany nnJlFrance]
procured; Ac. ji --fothlS |
. ! S. HOLMES db BON, Ui
BANKERS and Dealer* in Exchange, Cdia ; and]
Bank Note*, No. 65« Market street, I
Selling Rate*. .Exchange. Baying Bate*' |
New York, •’ ipt Cincinnati, jl4 dial
Philadelphia, 2do Louisville) r 11 do ]
Baltimore, - 2do St-Loal*, 1 ; :-l|do I
Buying Rates, BANK NOTES, r: Buying Kates ]
Ohio, Udis Co.ASenpOrders'lldis I
Indiana,. '’do, BeliefNotcs, -.‘‘do- ]
Kentucky, “ do’ Pennsylvania Cy - y do' :j
Virginia,; u do New York do' f“ do ]
do (Wheeling, Ido Ne\e Orleans, t : <‘ila . I
renuessee, 3do Maryland, *• do I
felibltf | • *. : 1
WILLIAM A. HILL ifc C0.,4;| "
in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of
Deporite,' Bank Notes, and Specie. No. 6l \Wri et.,
jno door above Fourth, East sue, Pittsburgh] Pa.
octSdAwF I; ' 1 •
TYILLS, ou England. Ireland, and Scotland bought to
J> M y.;«mnnnl «t 11-v of ErChafcgJ.
Also, Ilrail* payable in any pitrt of the 'Old Cf-tinlncri
from £1: to £ICMJ, at the talo of SSto the £ pierliuc,
without deduction or ih-count, by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, European and Geuerat Agent,;.office stlr at one
loor west of wood. , • jr pctlStf
*u.n wuanxl * I: [rawublaxtai
db Riim, :
If is Foreign and Domestio Bill* of Exchanges, r Ccrd
uficalet of Deposits, Ranlr Note* utd Coin, corner of]
3d and Wood street*, directly opposite Ho
tel.. • ; ' - • • • • y mnv*JSdty
irehaseditlhe lowest rates, by '
N. HOUn» * SON,
dclO ! - ' ■ jsMarke,t*tseet.
•New York, . ! 1! ; ;
Philadelphia. and ' J , '
] :
instantly for eale'by
dclO ’
COLLECTIONS— Drafts, Notea, and Acceptan
ces, payable in any part of the Übion. collected oil
the most favorable term*. N. HOLMES A SON.. ;
dclO | • i 3d Market tt. j
Exchange on New York,-Philadelphia, and]
Baltimore, at sight, in tomato suit purchaser*.conj
ttantly for sale by IULL 4. CURRY, 1
octll j Wood «ii, below fourth.. : I
WESTERN FtiSDS—Tlie Note* of t'he OUdJ
Indiana and Kentucky Banks,:purchaoet) ni low]
rales of discount, at the office of t :•} I
octU j No. to Wood *L, below Fourth- I
,/w (Successors to ArCord A King) frSwt
Fkihlonable Uatler'i) PrfQ
•: Corner of Wood and lnfih Strut*.
PARTICtTLAR attention paid to. our Retail-Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hat* ayd
Cap* from our establishment of the aksr ounisiiu ami
tvouttoksutr, of the.latent *rTLts>und at ihd tmvon
i-sices. ' ]i . . j * i ' j
Country Merchant*, purchasing by wholesale, arc
respectfully invited to call and examine our Ktopk; .a*
we can *ay with ponGdtjnee that iu rcgardggcaur?
uid ruck. it will not fuller in & comparison any
iQow in Philadelphia. . V • ... * , ft-bl 7 ;
rm William late Jornc* . McKaln. The
Jhff subscriber hu* rctno*-ed hi* Hal and Cap .Mnnti
®Safnctoryto No. 77 street, iicarly opposite hit
>ld stony, where he would invite hi* friends and ihfc
publio generally to an assortment of Hat* and Cups
which Tor beauty and durability eantiot be surpait«»L;
WM; DOUGLASS, 77 Wiwd *t .1
Having retired from the Hat anti Cap Manufactory
(most repecirully*r*coininend the jpatronagd of my
friends and the piiblie gclierally to my successor, IWnt
Douglat*. [icbl4d3ro}. 1 McKaIN.
subscriber will iittcoduce on Saturday.DcL Oth
•men wishing a hat fried with this dcßirahte’ arti
cle will i»lca*e call and examine. ' i
»; ALFRED KEEVIL, Practical Hatter,
octD j -1 ; 153,' head of wood W‘?
r»> FALL FASHION#—S. MOORE baireceiv>
/ fit A tijiru New.Yotk, the Fall Vtyle of Hal* yyhicb
ofiho !will introduce this day. Saturday, Atig. -tislh
All those iu want of a neat and superior hat would dp
well to call at No- “5, Wobd Street, 3d door above dlh
. autri-u' ) ; i' •• • - I . i
rrL, FALL FASHION* 18*7c-IU:EItK i
/ gCOSTAIVS Style Gentlemen’s UjuU will be Intro
cHLduccd at Kxsvn-'a km Thursday, Au£iiH 12-tfi
(ienuemen wishing a cheap, fashionable hit fcflhttn
hurglt manufacture, ahead of fashionable Hau import
ed aud advertised by some of the trade, pleaae’cau at {
l • KEEVILA£a'«,
nuiTJCtf l lalbsad of Wood *f.
-£■ JIIST received from New York, the 'Summer
Stylo for hau,.eon*ikuiig of White Reaver.' Pcaj
and White French Cosnuncre Uatfj with VchtiloUn*
Hiose in want of .a beautiful, light Hat are rrsbectAitH
nvited to calL ) . S. MOORK. ;
maythf 73 {woodsuSdoo'rt aba'vc;4th j
: File* of L«gtilatiT.«i Bills./ •
THE Board of Trade u indebted to.the kimlceM oi
George l)ar*ie, Esq., for files of Ibc Itills deled uj*-
aii, as well as those bekira .tbe 3enhto,nnd Hours oi
Itepresciit&tiTcs of this,Suie. Mem) ter* of
ion can bare access to tljerait the Heading Room*. >
feblfi ■ | JOHN IIARPEIfcSCcV.
nnOßAbcO—ln Hin« huml' to arrive, ou
A. 440 | and { boxen John Rucker tops*; 00‘4;boi<!>
Henry and Jamrt 6*; GO| l>oxe» Lewulw; j
kboxba Marston Ss; 15 boxen J M Stonard fl»; so'J bn
R B i Warwick. fc*;:i3j-boxe» John Bucket »i!j>r 1*
101 boxea Henry & Jannjalaribr uli by - : ;' 1
! L S WATKRMAN,: • t
fobld : • lljWatarandtUFrontaifcptt.;
t<« of Hod)
ijritlf tiii.aU
|ih. any busv
nout, Em]., u
VTOTICR—The buiineu of the Uto Cnb ; of' J. £
IT Slriiikler A Co- Sait; Manufacturer, -will hereafter
cic carried on by Ltppencott & Batr r vrho ore'authoriz
ed to Collect and tettle the butiticwof (he laieifirro.
(Joseph umixcorr.* ?
1 • i Sunivinir Pander.!
. . ; UOIIN; WILL!AMS, 1 - ! t
ftb£2lw . Adminia'ra of the eitatc pf J. S. Stnckler.
' j .One Week More.:
HUDSON’S Great Panorama o'filho HmWit River
vrill open for another, week at Phlla com
mencing on Monday evening. Feb- WtU ahrlcobtindr
every evening daring the we«V, ejc?pt SamrtfnVJ Ex
hibition* to acnooU every afternoon at 3 o’clock; : * i •
I'tcketh »5 eenujtrJ be bad atifafrMon&nnhete
IHo«>e, Si. Charlea, Exchange and Merchant l *; Roteli
libber Cnodi
VUclp;4 do*
tig* U'hb wul
>1 all of which
ituJdK . l
Mtgih for ilit
tdarul, au4 lot
.JTRQV r '
bcßfititcL 1
ilid* prise Nj
98 bUIt drieiT
Bee, joat Uaami tem atTiWyomitatani fiiSr»vh2' V T
f. [p*They will ahpnlyreceive
[tpu and «her boat* tho/pUo4iaKHI»SSf vsi
•..! •.■'•: ■;!■•.: -y- M- :i. ■y. ■■?
■••/ : /. | - :.; : i ■:■• i.i’.'-:l.-. : ". - p
FITS! I-\1 r T ?“!!
BV ;'
ks *;4os» '/'\'.
i 9 Alaiket street, bcu 4u •:
- lodlaasi <
rtSuueK'k ADrsqcbe*-* )i
r S'ateSdrip • v. i
r - [Virclnf*. '■ I
r Kxebtiige lit. of V»-** li
• Pinners Bk-of >'*■•••• M
■ Bk.;oftheVmll««*— — **
■ Bk.of Virrinia«i»>*‘*'*
M. BS., WBeelin* *
do Worfamosrn»*** H
N. W. ft j
do WelUbiTg* l *'*.** Ij
do *
lit blcirtaedy for EpUepue Rtt or Failing wcknm,.
(Coarnlsion*, Spa*mv<&c. It U well known,' that hoot ,
lime immemorial, pbyfw!i4n» have proaoOßeedlqultp*
ic Flu incurable.. It has baJDed mil their akiU,Wßua
-Jafiedpowerof all medicine, anti eoaeaqnentiy law*
wls hare coffered through rmicerable exntenc^'and
last yielded op their lives on .the altar • o£ insanity. —
Ath ail deference, however, to the opinions of too
rcat and learned, we say that it has been eared •
■'or sixteen Tears, has been tested hr many perions
vho have snflered with this- dreadrtu. disease and in- '
very ease where it has had • fair mat, has ejected a -
ermanentcore. •- • i '*• '■»
Bk.of Tennessee* 1 -** •
Union Bk.*»•*•*:•• **** r r
Fsts of 26 jnn ud C monlh* > -eiwdbytM’ttaat/
this truly wonderful medicine. rv;. ••>
Head the following remarkable (case of thaaonof
Win. Seeore, Esq-, of Philadelphia; afflicted wifoyfri*
Ifcptie Fits B 7 years and 6 U3oatha.'..Aftw werwlHnV
hrough England, Scotland. Germany end eo»-
lalting- the most eminent physicians, end fof
uedicine. medical treatment andSidviee, three thou*
(and dollars,-returoedwith hi* sontotab country faa
November-last, without receiving any benefit whotev
er, and was cured tnr&sinff
Ur. -WBJinm Seccre 5 * Letter to Ore. Ivan* and Bart.
Llhavespent'OTertfcree thousanddollars- for medl
rine and medical attendance. -1 was advised to taka a
tour to Europe with him,'.which I did. I first. vM ted
England, - 1 consulted the roo»t eminent phydeians
there in respect to hi* coiie;(lhey'examined mm and
prescribed accordingly.. ’ 1 .relnaiaed, .three months
without perceiving any. changeffot the batter, which
cost me about two' hundred and fifty doliart pocketed
[>y the physician*, and the moil that I received waa '
heir opinion that my ton 1 * case waa hopeless and post*
lively incurable. I accordingly left England,'and irtv
;Ued through Scotland. Germany.aftd France, and te-.
tamed homo in the month, of November last, with my
tea a* far from being'cured aswhen ] left. I sawyoor
advertiscmeut.ih o«h‘ of the New kork papers, and
concluded to tty. Hart’a Vegetable Extract, seeing your
natementtand certificate* of *6 many cure*, acme of -
twenty and thiny years'standing, ana l can assure you
I ain not sorry. I did so, as by the use of Han's Vegeta*
ble Extract alone, he was restored to perfeer health.
His reason, which;Wßh so forgone as tounfithitafor
business, is entirely'reslored, wiih the protpeetnow
before him. of life, health and usefulness. • Ho lt new ■"
23 years of age. and-27 years and 0-months of llui..
time has been afflicted with this rooetdreadfol-of di*»
rStaießkofMUsohti** 1i
| JSorthCwpUna.:
Bk. t( Capo Feat******, n
HercVp 1
Slate ljaak-****r-*'
• Camdeti Hk*“**t *v *1
Bk. of Charieowar*.**' • *. ]
Comme7cialßkt*:-*v.»*: I
• Bk. ofGeorxt»wn-***-, 1
Bk.of Uomlmrr't? * ■ 1
Merehamsßk**?**"* 1
Planar* JtMeehh'sßk* 1
Bk. of Mouth Carolina* * H
Baltimore Bk*.* »* *p«i
BalimV&O R B Scrip* *lO
- .
(fhany*-..***- : i* 'i**' H
Far.Bklof Maryland** w
Farmer*' & Mechanics a .
Bk.'Ffedcrick-j*'**** *f.
Frederick Co. Hk.****** a
.Hagerstown Bk •:<♦►»* “
Mmeral ; Bk****i--!*»**« *1
Patannepßk*-•♦*:*••«•• “
Wa*nin*tonßk*~**—• u
Bk.ofwwtmiißter**** .**
Bk.of St. Clßir-.e
Bk. of River Raison*” *—•
Michigan In*. Co-** * • S
Wisconsin Terrify.
Mar.fcFircln.Co.Milw'e 9
OinadKt: • •
ADaolvehißonks**"** 6
Bank of : EnglandNote*
. —s4 70> XBtr.
Gold dbSpe e Ic Va-lne.
Napoleon* 3 60
Ducats* *'-•***2 150.2 2O
Eagle,old* iIOCO
Eagle,peer *•••/ HOOtF
Doubloons Spanish.' I#-00
Do. Patriot* ••• i ** i> ilS£o
Sovereigns '4 SJ
Guineas:* 5 00
Frederick»d’crs;*.'v:s7 63
Ten Thalers •• • ;7 60
TeaGuilders*** 3 M
LouistPori* *•• '4 GO
Kxehange* .
New York Ipnn
‘Biitintorp *...•••*.; *|jinn
i, par.-Interior B'ks****
ease*; bat thank God h&U nowettioyinggood health.
Now, gentlemen, faith without works I don't behate,
in.i To say that I chall be ever grateful to yon is on*:
;hing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dollars, I
have no doubt but that you will think this is another
and quite .a different thing.' The debt of gratitude I
still owe you, but please to accept the present amount
as interest on the debt in advance. - '-
; Yours very respectfoUy,
(Slgnedd'. WILLIAM SECORE. .
;Chie of the proprietors of this invaluablemedicine
was afflicted for.several'years with' Epileptic fits.
Tbc'disease-had produced the.' worst enact upon his* v
(yUenvvic Loss of memory, imbecility of minZ and a •
perfeet'prestratidn of tho nervous .system. He had
tried tho.skill ofthe beat physicians for seven years,
(nd grew-weree under their- treatment,- and .he anew '
that this medicine was his onlyhopc for health and
life, and was-thertfora determined to give it A.foir trial* -
»nd u» persevere in its use, which he dhL and the result •
srasa perfect restoration to health, which 'was 'eonti* -
aed uninterrupted for nearhr sixteen years, . -
We would refer to the following persons who bar*
been cored by. using Hart’s Vegetable Extract: -
Col E Denalow** daughter was afflicted tdno years.'
reddesatYonkers,New,York., . .
W Bennet, nine years, 171 Grand at..- ~
J Ellsworth, sereh years, 18 Dover at -
Joseph MTOougal* auto years, East Broottn. la B
HW Smith, New York Custom House. ' "
8 Kelly, twenty years, Staten Island. . .
Mis* KAl’SeefT twenty years. YorkviOa,
Mis* E Crane,twelresyears, ilSUammerily at
Jaeob.Petty,ft*r year*, 174 Delaney it • I
Itjilo Johnsotutweaty-eigbi7ears,Greeoca*Uo,'Pal i
Judge Randall, M East Broadway, New York.
Thomas RJone*,of the US Navy.. ... -
Cap: Wm Jennings, State sl Bridgeport. CL!
Reference also madia to - , . -
Dr WL Monroe,-Guilford, O.
S? l^STffi^ ponN T * -
Mr Joseph Bradley. llS.Orchani st, N y.' *
C.H Houghton, 308 Eighteenth st N Y« •
. Mrs James Bertholi; Chester,Orengo ea.-NY. <
John Faber, 17S Elizabeth st, v-.rf*.
D A Richtoi,2lB Delaney st, do
James Smith, 136 Buffolk st, -,do
Charles Brown, 100 Water st,. -c' *• -do -
of-which may be called spaa,'or addressed, post i
SewY 1 ®”* 3 *** B - HA ” r frw** Ban)■:
*.G F THOMAS A- Co, 1«J. Main, st, between 3d and
Ifo stsj and 109 between.4th andsth streeta,
Cincinnati. Ohio, wholesale and retail axents for tha
south and west- . ; . .. T. r ".
I L WILCX)X, Jr.,- corner of -Market ft and the D£a»
|moad,only agtinFitmygPa -- -jagadawly
VX'Hair Cream; a matchless-article far the Growth,
peauty and, Restoration of the Hair.- -This'Cream,
Jwbea once known', will supercede-all other articles ot
ilbekind how used When 1 the bair is desd.- harsh,
hhih,.unhealthy,' or turnlng grey, a fowapplicstrans
I will make the bair soft and dark,and give ita beaiifol
jliyely appearance; and will also make It retmnlits live-
Illucis atm healthy color twice ns long as all the prepo*'
rratiom wbich nrt generaJly used. »Evpry v lddy-and
Kcutletnan %Pho are in the habit of using oils on their
Ihuir, should at onee-purchase -a bottlam the Chidese
II lair Cream, os it fo «o composed that if will, not in/uro
(the hair like those other preparations, but will beautify
Itt, and give perfect satismcuoh in every instance. '
3 Forteitimonyid-itsvery saperibr'quaUUe*, seethe
following letter front Rtrv. Mr. Caldwell,. 1/i‘Meur*.
{Hcndcrahoit A Skretch, NashvU3e, Genertu Agents for
flho Westcm.Stales: . ’ ‘ • r: • , . 1
1 Letter front the ReV. TL Caldwell, pastor efthe Pres*
Ibyterian Chcrcli, Pulaski. •
I Me»«r*.' 'Henjlen> I take
jplcasore in atUling my tcsumoiiy/in favor ofthe excel*
Lent preparation called J)r. Pariah’* Chinese Hair
jOrtam—for about .two • years' ago,' my tudr-was very
[dry, briltry,' and disposed .to come pun odt-htfoing pTO* —~
[runal a bottle of the medituecortung to 1
Jihc prescription. 'my hair is now sod elude and firia '
|!o mCTicha. *
[each leaving my hair in a worse «lata than before.
however, has met' my expcttiqons.-
!. As an article for.the Toilet, my wife gives it prefep
kjicc over all others, being delicately perfumed, and not
[disposed to yancldity. „The ladies especially will find
(the Chinese Crenni to be u desideratum in tlitfir prepa*
[ration* Tor the toilet. -Respectfully, Ae.
J. Puluki,Jau.T,lS47.* . /R. CALDWELL.
r wholesale and retail; in Pittsburgh, by John
[A!. Townsend, No. 43'AIarkct street, and Joel Mohlcr,
[corttcr of Wood and Fifth' streets. ' - . jitlttfi
iTiro\vi-rtTBygeian~HoAKnuUN li A'UVEh
]H wort Cough Candy Is offered to foe pablie as s
[pleasant and eaecdve remedy for coughs, colds,hoarso*
hiesa, - Asthma, l'hthisc, Whooping Cough, Influenza,
[Croup, Sore Throat,-Bronchitis, sad geueni afiectiena
[of the Chest aud Lungs. easesitis known to -
[liave afforded decided ami permanent teUefi and lrom
Et* rapid sale and great success >u a remedy forth*
mbove diseesea where it hns^been.used, it promises to
[become otic of the mast naefid and pr>ptd«y
litis offered too,, as a pleasant relief to the consumptive,
land an astistant to vocalist* and public speakers gen*
Jerolly. •• <.
I. Tlie name of the pTepartitioo indicate* its leading m>-
Igredieut, and it will lie found to be by. no mean* üb*
[pleasant to the toite, and may be used by children and
ladalu with eutire impunity. The materials used In the
[preparation are of tha best- qaality, and it may be re*
Blied on as In every reraeet a pure and genoiua article.
[Families'would’ no doubt .pnsnose - their cqafort and*
Ihealih by kesping a supply, especially in the season oC
Scolds. '• :
Kentucky, i: )
' MusoUri, ' '•
Bank Notes,-
:■ US Market *L
I This valuable-Couth Candy is considered a great as
butant to Mothers; being superior to ail the patent p«-
Jby Jumpers in -creation, as children, wen never known
ho cry when this caudy is used, except lor more. A tri -
la! of this articlo will convince any person of. its circa
Icy, and the proprietors therefore de/jr any person Intfew
lunited Suites to produce a cheaper, more pl.y n, or
(effective remedy.
3 Sold wholesale andretail, by the Ge&mlArent,
I f USMYS£H,Brugmsv '
I [ comer 3d and market sis, Pittsburgh.
I Howe A Co, Proprietors, No 1 College Hall CinehK
|natj,Ohio. ••- - ■ janlS
extraordinary Cure efllrerOonplalat
and Ooaghlt r. • . \
HAVING taken a.violout cold, which sealed an my
lung* and UVer, producing n severe cough, and
pam iu tne side and shoulder, which waS so mete at
limes 1 could scarcely, tarn over in bed. J vu grads*
ally wasting away, apd, weary, even oftny UTo. Sly
rough wu very distressing, and being iceoaipaitiett. •
with noosea, loss of appetite,debility, and'other die* - ,
tressing my suffering* were extreme. Hod*
mg no~ benefit iron any. medicinej nor from tar pbysi- ,
eians, I pH* bottle of Balaam or liver- *
wort, which soon made' mo well and able to attend I* *
ny,business. • -CEO ••
: . " fe€l, Fulton street,Urooklyn.
27“ Still another great cure Whichprovrsthis nodi-1 •
rifie the only remedy to be.tlep ended upon.' Read and
ndjretbr yourself '• . ; .'j . :, -‘
Coxscuroo* axb Lrvaa 'Cajb’iljinrri—Suffering as T
have tor three year* with thr*o direase*, 1 feci from my
bean for all persons eoually 'unfonnaala, aj>d therefore
I beg of them, if lacy iorc lifij and health; if their love -
iheir-fvnilics and .fritmds. not to lay anddie nnaerthe
aerenry doctors, or'thetruseless trash,-but try Dr.
Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. Thii medicine cured
rae when I was ta ill 1 could net-turnover inbed
withbut assistance, arid theTninernl doctors said I coold
not .live n week; yet this vegetable medicine cored; t"**
it» six weeks. I lidjl a hacking cough, paint in the side,
raising of matter, night sweats, and was wasted to the
jsne r also inward fever. Jit MrrJJt,
.ET Hundreds of lives have been saved by this modi.
:tue. We daily hear of the mastremukablo cam >£■
er everything else had failed,*
Prepared at 73 Beckman street,'New York.
_*° l « in Pimbureh by J.D. Morgan, 83* Wood st; J.
Townsend, 45Market U Smyser, cor Market and
Id st*d Henderson* Co, S Ljbwty »l- Price redneed
to 91/jppcr large bottle. febl7
•- • r<sFlfjTYoisr'Blood. ,
MR.O.E SflßLKY—l*sar Sin Last Spring, and da
ring the previous winter, I was severely afflicted
»utj a scrofulous, complaint in mylegs, and hod bees
forborne monthjuptler tho caw or phyriefans. They
toiiimT case vtas almost incurable,and they could do
but little for me. : I was nenrly with the
aid of crotches could with difficulty get about. In Hay
ast, I purchased of. you. and commenced using Bios
rot.'a Sstsursanxx. Affcrthe oHoftwo bottle*,-the -
*ore« commenced-healing, and 1 laid, aside mr.cnach
?it, using onlya canc. .1 dispensed with my cane, and
or the cud ol the fourth, was so well as to assist all day
inshearutgrbeep.'- -Irt. aU, I used .five, bottles. Tho '
scrofula, siul sores have aQ faqalcffue, and since last
summer 1 have. seen ub nppcanujcc cilbe disease, but -
unveacantiaued, and am how. Ln thempst perfect heslihi
l statu with confidence, hoping that others may be bea
ifittrd iu the same way, that the. Sarsaparilla sold by
foa. has been the means and the* only means of effeet
nc the core. . ' ■ CORNELIUS J. ROSE.
. Pur salu wholesale and.retail,by • ' - s\ .
.cor. front P wood sis, fc alio comer wood *6th sts .
" “DifrSicljsmc'lal'TenaeaaeC^ —i ;
THUS is to ceniiy that.l -pdrchascaotee Vial or Dr
X ■McLane’s VYonn Specific,' wioifc two'iaoiiihh aro •
»iul gave to a son of mine, some *eved yharaoldl two
teaspoons full, and although the". amotmt ’mar umear
arge, yet l have no. doubf bof>bra wianMiaHaof -
nvo -raotrasso woiao passed: fh>m> hleL :
rom one quarter of an inch to two JheheelonsP^^ 1 1 '
■ ; „ •• .w . • Q W HOLLmAV
Rone’s Creek, Carrol eo, Tttm~ Dee «w YSiVife*
—>!*«>« wi*,hi; •ES;
sodpraerrstkaof:thehca£ta». W, , «k««! '
if aaiaeronf iotta&ee* where hair '
ehich barabeen baldly years; aad wt UriaSrmTcijMtSs*
jreater &Tor that to rawsd to ill ;
“• J ’“-, T
• “ . Cold Cream; •; .
“ . Hoae IXxrth Paste; ' L - v - "
wrchlef, fa™ 0 "" Vm ’ *“ "»&•* *» iltt*.
r iv»,, «,f
qualify, ;ust recHl and &>r iale by 1 .
K/TJ , 'TER SPERM 011^—Warryniwd’’fnira wCj«
t¥ Oil, Bieached; ft>r sale brAv o** 0 ** *'>»*•?
fcM> . .■ J^CBOOKiIiBMI.^.
i": -:,v; !
rBAHS OlL—3trot*in m>f JrifCwiZ. '• '
>A®t? jottMomiiL
, - Jz;~r
f, \