The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 25, 1848, Image 2

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' ■■ )■—" ; . ■ ■■—
PiTt»c*BH biiir Gixxrfz U'.pubUsbed;
: Dollars per annum; the Tri-'Weeklr is Five Dollars perl
.«^jhjW«eki y ,ii Two boiler, per *£££
• tJT.°V' Ui 'i, CoBl,n * rdtl lauUigeneeJtomestic, Mar J
V* requested to hand in
i ptmeticaWe? before 5?. at, and as early in the day asj
The venerable statesman and the honest man is]
t fio more! Ho departed ih<« life on Wednesday
; evening in the Capitol of that country, to whose
.'•errice hia youth, his manhood and the evening oi
j» long life hare been wholly devoted.
!/ close of hia life has been on the spot most
i congenial to hia patriotic heart, and its laatpolsa.
! Son has been given at hia post, among-tho legislij
j ton of the first government of the world. * ’’
One of the noblest intellects that ever adorned
• high official station .or graced the countryasa pri
.vale citizen, has departed leaving a cation of
mourners, who oak no lengthened eulogy. Eulogy
’cannot be pronounced on suchamanl Hi« whole
’ an eulogy, that speaks in tones cot to be mis
taken by every patriot and every citizen of our
wide republic. '""N
The remains of the venerable statesman will b
’taken to hia native state for interment. The Com
‘ monwealth he haa so eminently: honored, justly
'claims the ashes of one whose fame wiil not be dim'
Ihed. so long aa gratitude or honnrore cherished in
the bosoms of men.
• ‘ Editorial Correspondence of the Pituburgh Gazelle,
i Kr. Adami’i.Atlatk In the Ilotue>
: ' ••}* f • Wasiusgtoh, Feb. 21, ISIS."
: : By this morning’s mail I lent you some specula,
lion* upon Mr. Adams’s age, and the ago of lus co
temporaries, not dreaming then that a few hours
Would came all this change. But what in this life
U certain, and who can escape the touch of di»
• ease, or the summons to the grave.
• i Mr. Adanu| always one of the most punctual
thembers of the body, was promptly iirhis seat tins
morning at the opening of tho House. Several
l, ; questionajliad beeu taken np, upon all ofwhich he
; " t yoted with his accustomed promptness, both us tc
subject aad manner.' Soon .after the session com
\ : , fenced, be was observed writing the last lines of
_ a piece of poetry lor one of the officers, lor all of
... whom he'seemed, to have a warm attachment.—
»■.■•' ■ Later be had given iiis.signature to one or tu*o
» JVip?9ftKrs~whb had solicited hi* autograph.
• Ifcwa* about twenty minute* past one, just as'thew
Speaker hkd onnonneed the rote upon the main!
' , “ J qnestida"of the Resolution of thanks to several oil
■ •, ( lips Generali in that Mr. Adams was obM
i served ol the members near him to be ap-*
' *; .pa^lbatlyilesisghH..consciousness. .His lips were
- in tnbtion, 1 hir riybfhand was thrown oeross LLs
dbafc, anil he seemed lo'' address tlie
Speaker. >
-■fin a moment his condition became apparent in
i all, and Uys House became the scene of great con
' fusion.. Two motions were made to adjourn, and
- lie question put by the Speaker, and carried with
almost general consent.; Mr. Adams in the mein
' time was borne from tho Hall by several of the
. memben, first to the Rotunda and afterwards to
thie Speaker's room, where he is as I write. The
Senate adjourned without entering upon the
• special soou aslhe occurrence was known,
upon the motion of Mr. Benton. From the Speak
erfs room I have occasional reports of tlr. Adams’*
condition, which I send you as they come.
. ■ Half fast oxr. Mr. Adams, attended by ihe
Speaker, the physicians among tho members, ol
whom there arc several, and the Massachusetts
delegation, is:in the House. His right aide i\wbol!y
paralyzed, and his left has no voltintary motion.—
. ' Mri A. seems wholly insensible.
Tkxcb o'clocc Mr. Adams is sinking. Helms
' ' teen cupped and leedied, and the reports ore that
hefcadaot recover.
-< L .Quaxtzx east thzjx. Mr. Adams "has given
signs if life and thought, thuug/i unable to artictr
late a word audibly. He .was beard, however, toj
.. give-.feint utterance to a few broken'sentenccsj
. which were caught and listened to and dwelt upon!
with Intense earnestness. They were “the officer*!
■ .of this House,” “one hour” “composed,” “the last
i- of earth.” Ha. would have said more, but the
words fainted upoa his lips, and all attempts to
•peak aloud were unavailing.
HzLT fist hikes: «Mr. Adams is again sinking
• Hia wife, ‘daughter-in-law and nephew are with
hint: Mrs. Adorns was overcome as she entered
thsTOom, and sank upon the-ffoor, but soon rallied'
_ Whnt a trial for her who has been more than three
•core years the partner of his bosom.
- Fpv* o’clock. The physicians hare ceased to
five their aid, despairing of present relief) and re
porting that there is no prospect of life.
Six o’clock. Mr. Adams still lingers speechless
: lying uponra cot which has been brought into the
Speaker’s room. There is a continued throng com
- ingjaod departing with inquiries after his health
, V The citizens seem deeply afflicted by this dispen
sationof Providence. Mr. Adams haa been longer
' .a resident ef Washington than any one of our pub
. _ lie men, and since the .seat of Government was
removed front Philadelphia, hasspent perhaps more
ihaa one-hslf.of hia time in Washington.-
Half past six: Henry Clay has jast visited John
Qnincy Adams, and remained with hirasoroe time.
Their presence awakens someol the most interval'
mg reminiscences of the country. Negotiators of
Peace;at Ghent, co-laborers m Leg
- tslatrve service, friends always, and two! of the
•• • mast able and venerable men tbo country has pro
duced, ; one can hardly expect to see them together
:. again.; Mr. Clay seemed much affected by this
. ntiti. :
. Srncr o’clock. aHcmpta will be made u
..remove Mr., Adam*. The Speaker and the Mu
naohuactla Delegation are with him, and will be hi:
'■ar*V"%en for the night '•% I
hWf mst sgut. Mr. Adams has rallied slowly!
daring the last hour, bat not sufficiently to impart*
the faintest hope ,of his recovery. He may livel
boors or days, but trill hardly rise again from hisfl
.bed. I HiS system indeed seems' wrecked by hard!
semce, and he looks as on* who has run his raceß
I : . E.B- B
.; • From the Notional Intelligencer.
A mournful and agitating event occurred in the]
Rouaq of Representatives yesterday,'wliich as thd
news of it spread through the city, engrossed all
thoughts and filled all hearts with sympathy.
. Josl .after the yeas and nays were. «aV<»n on a
• question, and the Speaker had risen to put another
question to the House, a sudden cry was heard on
the left of the chair, ‘•Mr. Adams ia dying!” Tuns
ing our eyes to, we beheld the venerable
ana u the act of Ming over the left arm of bis
chair,: while his right arm was extended, grasping
his desk for support He would have dropped upon
’ ' the floor had he not been caught in the arms oftbe
- - member sitting next him. A great sensation was
erectedm : the House:'members from all quarters
rushing ! from their seats and gathering round the
Allen statesman, who was immediately lifted into
- the area! in front of the Clerk’s table. The Speak
at instantly suggested that some gentleman move
•••' an adjournment which being promptly donj.-, the
.Houseadjourned. A sofa was brought, otfd-Mr.
Adam*, in a state of perfect belplessoes, though not
of entire insensibuty, was gently laid upon it The
aofr wta .then taken op and borne out of ihe-Hall
' into this Botundo, where it was set dowu, and the
■Mabers.of both Houses and strangers who were
! fig crowding arodnd were with some diffleqltyre
t preend and an open spaee cleared in its immediate
’ vicinity; bat a medical gentleman, a member of the
Boom, (who waa prompt, active, and self possess
ed throughout the whole painful scene, advised
that he be removed to the door of the Rolando
pipetting oa the east portico, where. a fresh 'wriid
vm blowing. This was done; bot lhc air being
dnSyaad loaded whh vapor, the aofe, was st jbe|
• scggiratinn ofMrWiothrop.ooce more token up and]
stwtond.tofbe’ Speaker's apartment, the doors of]
which were forthwith eioseu to all but professional]
geaflwrua, several of whom arrived in succession]
M (he news spread into the city. f
.. jying to thl* apartment Mr.Aiuxs par-]
- tUfr recovered the one of hit speech, and obscrv-1
•'This w the eod ofearilifi
fa*otiidrfr added,"Jam composed." Members]
tii wf (has lime reached Mr. A-’» abode with the;
hUUiganea, and, soon after Mrs.i
- jltssMM hia nephew and-nieee arrived and]
-flMde fhefe way to the appalling scene. Mrs. A,l
qrta dMpfa effected, tfd for some momenta quite]
’ reeatfatedey theright effar buband, howiosen-’
SMfcftr P&* draft opcwWs countenance*
milkm ‘ fi * L ' oul f o l
' -■** : whist Ud .with. each a ehm avo* ‘ibn*
t.Tu.urUhed; il ii«i .r>p™S.
Mill*SemiteHoum." , “ I
thi. n*ulfhi!fi. ente '‘ a “ iu tie mopoin?, in j
it; ’-* l ’ iut .‘fewminntes belbrej
Iln .I .. .T 01 ?' 011 , a .potion betore the House!
““ tf“tu&rVnd emphMie urnmer.—!
Wiprt M lint, to have bets 4
t amimg fitj but this idea soon gave place to tbej
B appalling conviction that itwai a recurrence of*
Iparaljrsis, which has twice before affected Mr.l
lAdasis, though in a milder degree. Very slight*
J hopes «e entertained ofhia recovery. Jfr.
|lained bis eightieth year in July last. Jz
I At eleren oclocL lost night tbe venerablesufferS
jer still lay m the Speaker’s chamber, insensible to!
jail external objects, but apparently more comforl
Itable, anikhis symptoms giving hope to his medical!
taUendants that he might revive suffideolly by this!
Imommg tobear removal to his ownjresidence.’ fi
As soon as the news of the painful occurrence!
readied the Senate, that body likewise' adjourned!
From the Umou.
Me. Adaus.—The reader will perceive, from the!
sketches of the proceedings of both houses of Con-1
gress, today, that they were interrupted by a nieM
ancholy and distressing.event. The veneriibld
John Adams, whilst seated in his chair in the
House, was observed to be painfully affected
/"? ra , tis M P*» an “ ® General trembJ
ing was viaable m hia hands and frame. Some 3
Ihe members rushed to bis seat, and discovered!
£ , a f^ rted with paralysis—the second]
stroU which hi* attacked this distinguished manl
Ho was immediately borne from the Hall into the]
speakers room, and the House adjourned. As]
won as the mournful intelligence had reached thrf
senate, Col. Benton arose) and in a few patiietirl
and eloquent expressions stated the occurrence]
and, moved_the adjournment of the Senate whiclJ
was agreed to. i » *—|
Mr. Adam, Urintr u-hen this paper wen J
to press. One universal feeling of sympathy and!
lt»tress pervades this populous city. I
VT lnthe ifoy**, today, resolutions were offered.—l
. lr..Chase aubuljUed a joint resolution, on leaveJ
presenting the thanks of Congress and gold medshl
to several general officers, mentioning them byl
tame, who had served wita Gen. Scou iu the Intel
campaign in Mexico The previous question waJ
demanded and seconded—yeas 77, nays 71. Tbcl
question ‘‘Shall the - main question be now putrl
was decided in the affirmative—yeas 102, nays 87.1
A call for a division of the question, so as to take!
it separately en each clause, was made by MrJ
Hunt, but decided to be out of order. I
At this moment Mr. John Quincy Adams, (a>!
will be seen by our House report, with lus eye on|
Speaker, made an effort to rise, extending his right!
hand on his desk, but sunk down on the left side
Sl li, c - a i r, ‘ ar * B ? ‘ n * l° w ®nd feint, but distinct lone!!
4 w the last ofea rth—^la m eanletitP !
The House adjourned,' and Mr. Adams wu|
iorae to the Speafce's room by Dr. Fries, of Ohio!
and others, and medical attendance was summon!
«L The event accurred at aquarter past t o’clock!
Mr. Adams living at « o’clock, and hopes were|
then entertained that he would survive the night!
n Qt deemed practicable to remove himtol
his residence.. ■
. At ten minutes aflertune, we had informs-]
tioa from one of Mr. Adams’s nearest friends, that]
he appeared to be reviving. As an evidence that]
his eoncioutness had relumed, it was monlioheji|
that,in reply to a remark made by one who wot]
anxiously watching over him, he said “nof’ the]
first word he utterd since he was stricken. I
Wasiusctox, Feb 21,1815. I
I The proceedings in Congress today were inter-l
rupted at an early hour in consequence of the ill-j
ness of Mr. Adams. There' was a struggle in thej
House upon Resolutions introduced by Mr. Chase]
t*f Tennessee, proposing the ttmqks of Congress Wi
Worth, Quitman, Pillow and others. The Resold]
tions were most sbvenly drawn, and presented out]
af order, the day bating been set apart for Feii-|
lions. There were- some objections to thanking]
Pillow, and some of the Whig members wished fen
a commitment of the Resolutions, or a separate]
question upon them when voted for. Mr. Adams]
voted against suspending the Rules to receive]
them in the form proposed, against the Previous]
Question, and againstthe main question) and here]
he House proceedings ended for the'day. - I
Tbe Bill fcr the relief of the heirs of Paul Jones]
occupied the early part of the session oflbe.SenJ
ite. ;|
The Committee on Commerce of ih* House <
Representatives were engaged through a longsci
rioa this morning, upon a Bill to make the navigi
tion upon bur Wuilli "Wattes by steam mot
secure. There is a disposition in Committee t
make the act of Congress a very stringent one, an
to impose a fine of one thousand dollars, with ii
priflonment, for tho carelessness of Captains at
Engineers, and a fine of five thousand dollars i
auchioery uasuited to tbe boat. Much of nil this,
hotrercr, will be left di«CTc tion try witb'thd Court]
and of course Owners, Captains and Engineer*]
will have permission to prove that accidents have]
msen from no feolt of their own.
MrC Wkktkx, of ihe Senate, has been greatly afj
Iflicted to-day by intelligence of the death of his son
bn Mexico. Major Webster, of the Massachusetts]
■Volunteers. The sad news was communicated bv]
the bearer of despalchesfrom Mexico. He died]
of the fever contracted by the climate. n. a
Washington, Feb. 22, ISIS.
The rumors of Peace have been almost the soli
topics of public inquiry, and but for the illness c
Mr. Adams would have farmed almost the onli
subject of discussion.. The concurrent lestimon;
of all men is that there is a treaty in the city, will
the Executive, and that it will bc-submitted to llu
Senate lor the advice and consent of (his branci
at the treaty making power. The treaty is in sub
■tsuce in the terms seat you some two weeks goat
tj, though then contradicted, and subsequently of
ficially dented tinder a mere technical answer to s
Resolution of the House. It‘yields to the United
States the country between the Nueces and the
Rio Grande, and the Provinces of New Mexico
and Upper California, in return for which the Uftt
M Stales are to pay fifteen millions of dollars. V
Veace intelligence always comes Hike good news
from a for country," and without waiting for the
erms, the people receive the fact itself as one
worthy of general rejoicing. The “sober second
thought,” however, will come, and it is due to truth
to say, that though this treaty will be gladly accej>
tod in t'ic belief that no other can be had, it is
no means satisfactory to party. The rapa
city of the Loco Focos is not satisfied with so little
torritory, and would have gladly swallowed more
within their capacious maw, if‘they could. The
Whigs, I does sot apeakffor all, though knowing oj
lone who think otherwise, regret deeply that suth
a country, and such a people as those of New Mex.
icoare to be absorbed in our own dominions. A
worse population do not live, and I am sony to
Isay that the visit of General Price with his troops
(has not improved them. This province, with that
lof California, will have cost the Government one
(hundred and fifty millions of dollars before the
Iwork of annexation is completed, and the “value
[received" wifi not be worth the tithe of this amount
[The Anti-Slavery proviso will be pushed WiieaeV
[er the subject is brought forward, and is indeed al
[ready appended to a bill for the establishment of a
[territorial Government in Oregon.
I There are some discrepancies of opinion & to
the delafis of Jlje treaty, particularly in regard to
the namber of troops Job* retained in Mexico.—
These are to be kept there no doubt for the pur
x>se of strengthening the Pcacoparty in Mexico
anti! they are capable of going alone and aaihtaJnJ
isg their ,own superiority. Something, 100, iVsaid]
in private circles of retaining the Castle Sao Juan]
d’UUoa, but there can hardly be any (ruth jajsuch]
i rumor. The treaty will be submitted to theScnJ
ste at ah early day, and in the meantime every]
thing will go on as if the war continued. If wel
have peace, the delayed- action of Congress
die Amy Bills wdl prove a saving to the GovoraJ
meat jjf many millions of dollars, and in the prcsJ
sat state of the Government finances this Willi
prove an important item in getting the Govern!
men! ship upon clear sailing. The trealyof Feacel
will hardly find, its way through the Senate with!
nit eliciting some debate upou both sides, but ill
will unquestionably be ratified. . Then will come]
the tugof war upon the Slave question,—the South!
era men, as you see by the Alabama and Yulecl
Resolutions, claiming the right to extend the Instil
tution of Slavery over uQ the territory of the Uniledl
States. x. n. I
.Caxbiia CotntTT Coxvestiox.— The Whigs d
Cambria county, as we learn from the Indium
■Register of the 23d inst was held at Ebeusburgi
[on the lith.JohnFerhea.Eaq was elected asdrlegat*
Flo the State Convention and instructed to vine foi
(Gen. Scott Among the resolutions adopted were
[the following. .'
1 Iluoltnd, That the recall of Gen. Scott J>y the
President, is but a prelude to his recall by the ]>coi
pie in November next J ■ . I
i Jfco/W, That aa a General he baa no equal an
os a statesman no superior; be is therefore our find
choice for President |
I' To tfo Editors tf tiu TttUburgh Gauttz
1 It would be tmptttiaf on your indulgence. nod
— -laableGa
< writer in
> of the old
wwect that
* amcthorijeed
they might
\ m which
| V : r
1 i The conjectures and nuaonof'the last three'
£or fcnr weeks, to which oor readers will hare ob-J
i sirred that we have always attached an import-!
tapee which has been generally denied to them,]
lhave reality; and, as we announced!
tin a hurried Postscript to yesterday’s daily paper]
lnject of a Txeatt or Peace, signed by Mrl
|Tej»t as Commissioner on the part of the United]
[States, and by three Commissioners on the part of j
(Mexico, has been received by the £xecutive, and]
(has been now for two days under consideration by]
ftliat brunch of the Government I
| ;The substance of the Treaty is, as wc undo
[stand it, as follow*:
Peace ****wetfn the United Slates and]
IMexico, and an Armistice between the Military]
ICommandcrs of the two countries during such
ftime-as the Treaty shall be in suspense.
I ; S w»% Mexico agrees, in consideration, &cj
IthaUhe beundary between U.e United States and
IMexico shall hereafter he from the Sea up tbemiil
Idle of the Rio Grande to tlie boundary of New
IMexico, and thence in a line which (with some di
fewwion) is to run west (or nearly west) to tho Pa-
Icific Ocean, and strike a point south of the port of
pan Diego.!
I ln consideration of this largo cession
lof; Territory the United Status are to pay to Mexi-
Eca the sum of Fifteen Millions of Dollars, an.l to
all the just claims of citizens of the United
plates against the Government of Mexico.
The Treaty is understood to coulaiu many pro'
virions of detail; but docs not, as we hear, include
any provision, os has been reported, fur the main
tenance of :a Military force by the United States for
a certain time in Mexico.
I The Treaty makes its appearance in a question,
jable /om-being concluded by Mr. Thi«t, as with
Bull powers, after those powers had been withdrawn
lor to lie withdrawn, by the Executive
jit is understood however, that tho Treaty, such as
jit «, will be submitted by the President to the Sen
[ato for its consideration. Wltal will bo iuliite in
hhait body wc shall not undertake to predict
I \Ve can at lenst rejoice at oae thing; that for the
Ipreseut there is a cessation of hostilities in Mexico.
May it be perpetual '.—Nat. InttMgtnctr.
Me. ILoirruvs’ i.citke to tuk Tayujr \ViuJ
iKtriNO ox nn: 22U.—The following letter was
addressed by Mr. Humpton to the meeting held iu
Philadelphia, oii the 22A We commend what i»
saii| of the policy of the party now in power, to the
attention of our readers and we know that nil the
Whigs will rally as one man to make these crooked
things straight. ]
llorsK OF RnrEK<E*TATI\TS<, )
i - Washington, Feb. 19, ItslS.J
Gentlemen : —l have the honor to acknowledge
the jreceiptjof your letter, on behalf of the Whigs
3t Philadelphia, inviting me to be present at u
public dinner, which they intend giving ou the *2d
initi, a day rendered doubly memorable by the
Dlended glories of Washiugto* and Taylor.
Ybu propose ou that occasion to “bring tbrward
the name of Qcn. Zachary Tnvbr as a candidal,
fer the Presidency, subject to the decision of thi
Whig Actional Convention.”
I regret that my public duties compel me to lore
go the pleasure of meeting my -Whig brethren o
Philadelphia on the interesting occasion to whicl
pou ■ refer.
There seems to bo a peculiar fitness in the day
yon have selected to do honor to the names of the
aogust dead, and illustrious living,— a day that gave
link to thejFather of his Country, and immortality
to one of her distinguished sons. '
In: view; of the destructive policy pursued by
the party now in power. I am deeply impressed
snth tbe paramount duty of every true Whig in the
Union, to ofler up on the altar of patriotism all per
*onfl preferences and unite on the candidate who
will most certainly lead to victory.
Under, the hand of usurpation and misrule, the
»unlry lies prostrate and bleeding at even* part,—l
all the great principles established by the wisdom!
af our fathers, have been subverted; the system of
protection to American industry and enterprise de-
and the principle itself denounced as Anti
iepublicah, the rights to improve our Harbors and
Rtvem denjed to Congress, and the will of the peo
ple parali2ed by the Executive veto. The power?
reserved to the people by the framers
jfthe Constitution, are becoming rapidly consolida
t'd in the hands of the President, and the sacred
Halls, of Legislation are invaded by executive die
latioti.tlie country involved in u war of conquest
for the extension of slarerv, the public credit! ha?
seen impaired, while a national debt of fearful mag
mtude is created, while under the odious system
>f free trade, adopted by the present admmistru.
uon can .inly be .paid by direct taxation.
Frtitn these, and; many other evils, the country
Indies; to ilie great Whig party fj r relief With
these facts Ijcfbreme, I believe the triumph of Whig
principles essential to the preservation of the Con
tfitutipu and the Union,and should youretlbrts to pro
rure the nomination of the Hero of Buena Vnita
ay the Whig National Convention,!*, successful]
X will be alike my duty and pleasure to do battle]
hi his;favor,jto the utmost extent o{ my abilities.
Permit me then gentlemen, to offer the annexed
sentigient : I am very Respectfully,
| Your obedient servant |
! . M. IIAMPTC.V. |
„ j o the Hon. E. Joy Morris, Chas. Gilpin, S. S.I
Keiiy.;and others; CommiUco of Invitation.
The tjhcmjmi of Wuir, pxliciples. —Though n<
"indtaimty fur the post™ will be amp!
‘tecttrUy ‘for the future-*
The Utica Convection.— The proceedings cH
this body, instead of showing any disposition to!
wardsja re-union of the separate sections of the!
Admiiiistration pony in New York, indicate
precise reverse. The Barnburners, as the partvl
oeaded by John Van Bureo, Preston King, andl
Mr. Itothbun is styled, adhere to tho position assuJ
tned In* them at Ilerkiiner. They denominate!
themselves the true Democratic party of Xew|
Yorit, ind as such they hove nominated thirtv-six|
delegates to attend the National Convention to bcl
held m Baltimore on the fourth of May next I
The:olher section of tlio party has also appointed!
delegates to attend the same convention. Both!
delegates will therefore demand admittance intol
Eiiat body, in which event a decision will have uj
he iftade on the delicate question of demdcralic or J
diodoxy. The influence of the Administration
will be thrown, it is to be supposed, in favor of the
Hunker Section.
.The Convention at Utica issued sui address ol
ronsidemble length and adopted a series of resolu
tions. The following is oae of them:
/krafrei/, That Major General Zachary Taylor
iy his masterly correspondence with the ward*
fiartment, no less than by his heroic conduct and
odomi table coolness and courage on the tJeld ol
hiyile, has shown himself to be not only a dhnin
pushed military chieftain, but a man of great men
tal end ■ moral j»wur, and whose whole lift: has
jiven eyidence of a strong head, an honest heart
ind a republican simplicity of character.
A resolution highly complimentary to the lion
Fohn At I)ix, a Senator of the United Stales from
New York, was also passed—likewise, one ex
pressing contidence in the civil wisdom, and pub
lie and private virtue of Thus. If. Benton, of Alis
souri.! i
The riarnor which prevailed some days ago tha
the Convention had nominated Gen. Taylor for th<
Presidency and Mr. Dix for the Vice Presidency
trose, no doubt, from the presentation of two ol
the resolutions above referred to.
The “Union" saysof this Convention, that:—
liefc»e this body assembled, we stated, in pub
isJpDsftbe address of the convention at Albany]
mr earnest hope that the proceedinga at Utica]
would bfe characterized by a spirit of conciliation]
and would contribute to the union and success oil
•ho democracy of New York and of the country]
lodging from all the accounts of these proccedin'’J
which we have yet examined, we say, witli regret]
that they have fallen far short, in this respect, ofouH
expectations.. I
Pennsylvania Legtilatare,
i Jlnrrisburgh, Fell. 21, ISIS.
| Sexatx.—A resolution was paused, fixing tl
[day for the final adjournment of the Lcgiilatu
bn the 21st of March.
I Iho bill to prevent the employment of childrt
hinder twelve years of age in factories, was tnkt
I Mr. Johnson’s amendment, oflered on Saturday
■was rejected.—Yeas b; Nays 11.
I Mr. Sinyser offered an amendment that no child
lander lliyears should bo employed in any factory,
land tlmt any such person employing such shall
Ipay a fine of 9.lo—one half to be paid to the Com
Imonwealth, which was adopted. Yeas 2.1, Nays 3.
I Mr. Crjibb offered an Amendment that no adult
lor minor should be employed in any flax, woolen,
lor silk factory more than 10 hours per day. It wai
[agreed f0~~27.-to 4. Adjourned.
I Horst.—Mf.-Ofcrr ottered a resolution, which
Iwas adopted, tbarWashington’s Farewell Address]
[be read in the Hall of the House of KepreMmtoJ
rives to-morrow at ten o’clock, and that a committee!
be ap)ioiufed to invite the Governor, Hoads ulj
[Departments, Senators and members of the Board]
rjf itovenue to attend. . |
I The Pniutj/taxuia Hatfrvod.— The House rcsuiuj
led on seuind readiug, the supplement to this act to]
■incorporate the Pennsylvania Railroad Company]
I The question pending, wus on Mr. Ball’s amend]
Iment, requirinnglio assent of the freeholders of]
[Philadelphia Allegheny county, before]
fcbcsupplemer.*s£Wgo into effect. . h |
I Mr. Fox asked (bribe yens and nays, nml thel
[vote being taken, it was rejected, as follows. Yea?|
[36:Nay*4&. |
I Mr. McCulloch offered an amendment, the cf-1
Hcct of which wpiijd have beea to kill the hill, wbielil
was voted down—Vein. 22; nsys 47. I
Mr. Hullowell (Montgomery) offcreil the follow-!
mg, which waspending when the House adjourn-l
ed. ■ I
[ Provided further, That the provision of the 22d]
[section of the Act to* which this is a supplement,]
kaxine tonnage on said road from the 10th day of]
[March to Ist of December, be extended through!
but tho year. I
I M*. Bexxtjt asp Bibuop Hughes.—Wc are in,!
[formed by our law reporter, tlmt Mr. Bennett of the]
[NewYorltHcrald has commenced a libel suit]
[against Bishop Hughes. The suit is entered Tu the]
puprerao Court and the damages tiro laid at 920/j
800. Tne ground of action is the repahliMtiouJ
Eo the Freeman's Journal, of certain articles -which]
rKjU Jl ^jltMftffT* N - a—j
9' . Lattit brem Mexico.
of «® iWenriew with!
|r“l^?? a^ ier T^? Ia * tan K n > o f the Delta—whose]
Kettera from the seat atyrar have been read with!
feo much gratification by the conatryat
Eregigt to learn from him that the patriotic son oil
Bwafltor Webster—-Major .Edward Webster of the]
between theSOthj
feSi “S , 2rerf at x1 an - A "f ei ’ al,o ' ut miles]
feta ’■ p"J
|, ( X lell , U “ ci, y «* M «i~ ,1 miJnichJ
ti J£?j nLI through to Vera Cruz ini
■wwauays-meting the greater pan oftho joureeyl escort- He.met on the tU.I n stippl/l
jtnun going from Vera Crux to Jalapnjunder an eal
|cgrt composed of Louisiana mounted den and Ton!
Inessee miantrj'. ' “
9 011 u,e c th of this month, CoL BanklJead, with thel
Regiment uf Alabama volunteers, a naval 12-ponnJ
•der battery, and two companies of Louisiana hors J
Bstarted from Vera Cruz for Orizabn, to permanent!
Slv occupy andgßrrison that point. I
I General Cadwnlader was in the quiet occupa-l
Ition of Toluca with Ins brigade. He had under!
jcourMnnrtial several priests, accused of efforts to|
produce desertion iimong our troops. He wns rxl
peeled in the capital about the stb, an business coni
nccted with this department. I
Cofcjnel Wither., .1 Real dal Monte,
on .11.00(1. y m the collection of revenue orwinnl
o""""” fa "'“ countr y—hi. lK. S .'donl the mine. of that region. Col. Clarkl lor fraenunicca(fromlire city ofMettinoll
™. u ‘ e , h , r 5;" ,, ; m ’ "'“i “ b "!ta conifxwed of th J
ind m &S.7-’ p'O'Kia tnounted halulliorX
and LieuL Lovell alight battery, for the pnrpoao oil
pennanonlly oootipytng and purimninß that point!
which hen nlyout 00 milca from the city of Mexico!
PM*'"'' 1 Ac ° pu “ rcaJ tho capita! to thrj
A lararcr of' despatches wna nt iLra Crux, exl
'min, which wna to havcl
L'l^iiof'thoTo,^; ,1,,! “ ,nm V ofM » jo i
min garnsonatPuenteSan Joan,midway between!
Vera Cruz and the National Bridge.
Tho brigade of General Smith and Col. Williams!
regiment of Kentucky volunteer* are in the!
? f ” f mninlaining an ellectivo prSIiSB
ceased - ™* 1 * at Orderly conduct in the city h« M
a j General Marshall and Colonel Lane. Willi
■their respecuve commands, are at Molino dell
Key and Chajnrltepec—General Uutler command]
mg this division. j H
GoL‘Riley’s brigade is at Tacubaya.*
The brigade of Gen. Cushiag is at San AngeL
.Santa Anna had lately a narrow escape froth]
General Lane, Jack Hays, and Major Polk, who]
on thu route from the capital to Orizaba, paid ol
V k!? 1 tl> _ Tehuac *D. where this redoubtable chid
was. Tlfey captured his hUIT, wiu, the guidon.J
and color* of hs bodyguard. The lancers, how]
ever, like their master, took to the chuppareD-J
( man. * J I
J '. cd S “" «W“ mil'* l>™
Mexico, the headquarters of Gen. Cushing’s bril
rede, on some day between the 20th and 25th oil
January, liis funeral was aUended by the reml
meat. Ills remains will be sent home. No .mail
was to leave Mexico till about the 15th ef Februol
7; but a courier would leave on the 13th, and arl
n '; oat ,y« a Cr » lz the 15th. So that we shall
not l« likely to hear any thing further uutilthe lasi
ot this month. One of his horses was sold in Mexl
ico, and one retained. He died of a tvphoi.l fever!
No one came from Mexicb with Mr. Ekeaxce, and!
be brought few or no letters. Jl e says ho sM-.anl
sacconnt .of the funeral ceremonies in the “Ameri-1
can ‘-tar,' and it is possible that a package contain!
mg a tile ol that paper, which Mr. Freaner hrougbl
to Mobile, and forwarded to New Orleans, mat!
contain the public accounts. If so, we shall hear!
m a day or two. , ■
irrespondence of Plttibargb Gazetle.
Comtpondence of the Pittsburgh Garotte.
Washington, Feb. 21, ISIS.
Semite.—The servieo opened by proper from the
Rov. Mr. Guriy.
Mr. ttouglass gave notice that be should bring
u a bill to establish the Territory of Nebraska.
Mr. AUen moved to take up the resolution oiler,
ed yesterday calling on the President for informa.
don whether an armistice exists in Mexico, and
if so by what authority, which was adopted.
I He alstj moved, to tuke up the resolution nolle
jed yesterday instructing the Ju<lici«ty Committee
in relation to the act of ‘M, which was adopted.' I
j Mr. BuMwin's resoltiiiuu in relation to the WU-J
pnof Provisio in all acquired territor)' was tiienl
(taken up which motion at the suggestion ofMrJ
[Foote wki lost. 1
1.-A nwsSjgn was received from the house inibrm
ipg them of the death of Mr. Adams, which was
responded u>by lfr-Davis cf
reaolutioli to intend the luoeral, was unanimojisly
adopted iinj the Senate ro». • , I
iktLsE.—The house wa* crowded in every parti
The speaker after announcing the'death of MrJ
Adams, delivered a most touchmg eulogy upoj
his deceased colleague. I
Mr. Hudson Allowed with a biography of Mr
Adams and was suteeded bj- Mr. Holme*.
Mr. Vm on succeeded iu a brilliant tribute to his
memory, : n:id was greatly nllected.
M.. Mclhiwelt then paid a beautiful tribute I
!lw departed Malcjman efter which llicuiulomat
resotuliong were adopted and the Houi ndjoun
;d to Saturday.
I of the Piiuburgh Gazette'
Philadelphia, FeU 24, 1848.
The reception of Mr. Clay 'to day was brilliai
|m the extreme. A large cavalcndo escorted hii
from the dejiot and lie was every where hailed wit
the cordial welcome he so well deserves.
I Correspondence of iho Pitnharjh OszetlA.
I Petersburg, Feb. 24,7 r.v.
I The .Southern mail » iu. but bring, no , lc „,
Iwofth telegraphing.
I Tll * ! X ° contains a correspondence be
preen fi«ns. rfcotl and Worth.
Correspondence of the
Cincinnati, Feb. 24, lf>lB.
The Kentucky Whig Convention have nomi
natc.l Mr. Crittenden us the Whig cniididete* fin
; Governor and John S. Helm,- for Lieulenunt Gov
ernor. The Convention appointed Delegates to
the National Convention, instructed to ; *upport
the claim* of Gcu. Taylor for the Presidency:
The Taylor Convention made the some nominal
tiom. I
Oorrcsposdeaee of the Piustiargh Gazette.
Sl Louis, Feb. 24, ISIS.
The .learner -Time and Tide,’ ran aeain« ,
mas in the Miaiaaippi, near Uenaldwcvillc, am
»unk. No lives lost
The Missouri river U open, anil Mvisl .
Kxelasiv. Correspondence of tfte Pitubtw f h Gazette
8 Feb. 21, h, r.
It. !’V"'“T 1 } we u SimileJ inquiry in tho mar
J ni(H * crate sales at S«\b"!c p bbl.
j fit® market generally is wuliout change
~ . J , Philadelphia, Feb. 24, 6p. m
S*7bb“ of 15,00 b™ cw " w,m " u 01
Ibin' 0^ — 3000 Yellow ot 51653 c p
S' 1 ™ ha. declined |cp&. Receipt.'are large
Pbovhiuxs—Pork is dull, Bacon is ttncbaagS
Correspondence or the Pittsburgh Gazette.
„ , Baltimore, Feb. 24,3 r. M.
f M "rf” n™" l rtrrel brandsjil $5,0"
, I.M Citj- mills brands sro held at so»bbi/al
»biclifj S nre buyer, are baclneard in taking bold
**** w
“•“«*** »f-r
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gasetta
»• , New York. Feb. 24.3 PM
°* f«*d Ge » e «e
and of Extra ut 6US&Q3U P hbL Weatemimndi
arc selling at SdOfl, p iS?” uSm
with a good Eastern and homo demand
I . is a good inquiry for'wheat for
umlling purposes; but other groins are ouiet with
hnore buyer* than sellers in the market? Themis
Ko ,l ;. , s.BMevT„'* ri,l,r '»“ , " i ™““
*•«■*«• - 1 ■**«' ”•
l .,br^s? u, ”“' io “’ •» —*
J- Corresj-ondcnce of tl,* i', !h bur c h Gazette.
L«" v .' !^ ri,C " V'H Shh^hlflde.
Ihe market « in Inactive, and very little doing
■Exclusive Ccm.po.ul enee of lll& , G.ietur
I ■SSS-. arc
We, and ilnclta quite (iill. .f* ' “
I: hlxtl, Coßgrctijanil Dl.trlcl.
I A lolctnpliio Jcapalchmalte. il quite probable
rthat Mr.Ka.xier, Whip, im, been rwurae'd to Cwr
rgreaa, in place qf Ute iale Hou. J. w. Uornbeclt.—
|A later Jeapatch say, the Loeofcoo i. elected by
ttw majority, <4 eotuiu all 14 doubt&i,
; ooianEr comrrr OTrcmoi—Thi. body im
i•* kPNi dHwp tbe on the 151 k, at/th.
,Qnm House, ;iir; ike selection of deletin' to tin
[Stole Convention. From the motalioniVWe ot,
PtbofoHowing!' ' • j ■ •- ~
B Resolved, Thar ike jatblicstharncter of Utootr
■CoAl.rn ipneofc&loouy anddefcat, isaMocisted
4““ J«“ “IkelSS
I*™“ in Ike Statesman, pod noble in ike man, that
;kts principles are eminently. Whig "and that a-c
especially end: cordially approve of the doctrines
!“ in* ktte speech TK"
SfLto? T’S’Jirz.
the country delight lo
r ? bat Homan simplicity ofclmrae
ter and the more than Koman virtue* of Gen Za
Tatlcul, haveendeared
icon! heart, whUelhe unparallelled achievement* 01
mand'of hta. “ h “ countrymen bay do
tnregard to the damn of anvi of the
indiudnals named in connection with tlm Preai
der>4y, liierc will be no more after the 7ti of June
next But that Uie jjominee, oftbo National Con.
wh . oe I ver he may be, shall receive the urn
tedindcordtsl snpponof .beWhip, of
4... ot-Tea. "-Tbe regular meeliiig aa,
held tost official measured wed
token to md in: lb. effirita to obtain and,: legislal
uon ds ahall tnitke steam; NavigaUon more secre]
on the Western Waters, t I
“Jrt.ratttfiai convened a
tho Cnrlide limrautson Tlii com
is compowd of alia following Htu
Snmi?’ C “? & - Mo ! ch i »fcholl<
and Cliiltou, Lteuls. Gray and^Muny.
I ' I;! New jOrleanvFeb. 17, ISIS.'
I Suoax—Tha: ; market is Steady with moderati
■sales of fair 4e Bj. i
I Molasses— The market is dull, sales of 800 bbl
■were effected ait 19,200trd 21c- FgaU; for fair U
Iprime. ’ !: j.
I" Pxo visions— The market is duD, and price* have
hlightly declined. Sales of Mess Pork at $9 p bbl
bf Lard at p Sk Sale* of Rio Coffee at Cjc
If ®k ; j ' ;
M *" A?" OratEs.—ConnelTi
Dktiactor—ltjU now conceded by roedi
|.al men that Connell’s Magical- P*ia Extraetor; tnaua-
Ifactured by Comtek &. .Co, 21 Counland
Y ou^er °. flb ® IWl cemury. lueiTecu ire
r™.7. ra ] i r * culoa *-;, All paiM are removed from bums,
■ f a|u«, «C- and all extern*] sores, in a few minutes af
fer iu healing thh same on the md»l deli.
r !*“• h 0 * a,> Hi* equally beneficial iu
HU Zuuls of inflammatory diseases, such as sore Nip.
totes and Kyes, Sprains. IlheumntLm, White SiweUine
§®nti Chilblain*. Erysipelui
lUdes, Tic Doloreoux, Ac. We might add as proof to
nu we say, tte names of many eminent physicians who
lute tl 111 their practice, and hundreds of tee clergy who
Ipnuse itro their people. Kind parent keep it constantly on
Itiand, m coses of accident by .fire, life may be iostwilh
lout it, but by iu use oil bums are subject to us control,
viuli inre destroyed. .Cauiion-Uemember
bud ask for Conuell'a Magical Pain Extractor, manu-
PSL U iT? hy ,^'J U^>ck * Co. NY; and no other.
J ! VS * JACKSON',!Agent; for
ILtberty sl, bead of Wood. I ; novltidAwtkaT
I or UoLntßiA—Haik Tonic.—'To the Bald
■end Grey—lryoui wish a rich, luxuriant head of hair,
■free from dautlnjlTood scurt; do not fait to procure the
Ire 11 mu o Balm of.Colorabia. jilt cones of baldness it
■win more than exceed your expectations. Atony who
Ibave lost thetr hair for rf) years have had It restored to
|ts ongmat perfection by the use of ibis balm. Ace
Ituio or condition appear to be no obstacle whatever ii
ff,"? #>ri »udi nt.
Iftair tube is filled, by .which means thousand* (whose
■hair was grey as the Aiiactic Eagle) have had their
■hair restored to Us naiural eolor by the Use ofthi* iiiTal
luable remedy. In; all cases of.fsver it will be found the
fnost pleasant wash Uiat cmi be used. A few applica
toon* onlr are necessary to keep the hair iWfallins
c- . 1 * ,ren Sto c h* the tools, it never fails to impart a
Inch glossy appearance, and as a perfume for the toilet
St js unequalled; it hold* three times os much os other
muscailed hair restoratives andis more etTectual. The
ken tune monufttetured by Comstiick A Co- SI Courtland
Istreet, New »afk.M_.-.
[Sold in I'uubirrrWonly ffenainc, by WAT. JACKSON,
K* Liberty head 01 wood; in Washington. Pa_ by
pweeny A bon; la lkowusrUle, by Bemict A CroTkcr
Eu Cauonsbnrg, by Dr, Vouel; also, by our azenu in
kvery town m To, Ohio and Aid. novlsdAwflmT
■ E?" b'ssTn* Paa?JU Mism-lf you wi«h to be suc
■cesstul iu any undertaking, yoa must always ‘tao the
■proper means.’ Therefore, 1/ you have a cough, use.
■Jayne's Explctouast nhd be cured, ibr it is the proper
Imrans., Have you -Asthma or ’difficulty of breaihinr.
■then the only etfirieut means to cure yoa is to use
■Jayne’s Eipeclorartl, which will immediately overcome
■utc spasm which coqtrocu tbo [diameter ot ttie tubes,
bud loose in and brings up the mucus which cku-siheiu
lup, ohd thus reatoves every* obstruction to a tree rrspi
■ration, while at the some tune all inthuumation is sutv
idued, and a cure is certain to be cflected. Have yon
[Uronrhiiis. Spitting of Blood, Pleurisy, or iu fact ouy
[Pulmonary Atfecnon, ihen use Jayne's Expeciorani
pud rrljt-f U certain, and yoa will find that you have
bred the proper Wean*; .■ry -j ~ -...r- ;
For safe in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea StoieL 72-4th
htreel near Wood. ' . jan!7
P\l*« your her fail ok, doe* your hair lorn gray
U it harsh, is it dry, or duty, lipniy?
If'ti« thus, you can make it *ort, nltv and fine.
Dark and beallhjVund beauteous «»this hwroi mine
And to hare this, you hare bushre* shilling* to rire
For a botue of Jerie*'Hair Restorative. . ,
Reader, if you haye bad hair you would really |, e a*,
suited at the .lovely effect a three *hilluie bottleo!
jne*’ u>ral Hatr Ucstoratire h*» ou it; it needs hut one
ial. Sold at K» liberty at ooriOiUcwly
J]_/“ Yellow Teeth anil putrid brealli,
Sponcy cum* like rotten death,.
I* repulilve and disgusting.
All could have teeth a* while a* pearl/
Sweet breath—hard gum*—man or girL
Why delay?—nay, quujkly baste
And u»e a box of Jonei* Tooth Pastr.
It cost* but 25 eems, and ii really a beautiful article,
gives the teeth u flna enamel r Sold in Pittsburgh at
Libert )>l. ' norlOdiwiy
IT7“Don*i hare yellow dark Teeth—they can be
naoe pearly white by one time asiug a box of Jonei
tmb«r ‘Too til Paste. It hardens the gums, sweeten* the
reslh, Ac. -?o!d at fc!> Liberty si. . nurlKliwly
ID“T° tsk Halt aSD Limx— Comstock’s Nerve and
Bouc liniment and Indiuu Vegetable Elixir, U tlie most
effectual cure for Kheumatism. .Sold by w.M, JACK
i Aceut for Pittsburgh. noviSdAwtlniT
B7* Ladies who use Jones’ Spanish Lily White, have
Iway* a fine white transparent skin. Of this a trial
rtll satisfy any one; Bold only in Pittsburgh, at SV
ibertyst. | novlWandwly
HT'Ptuj, Soaas, Ac—The (Jenuine Hays’ Liniment
« an article more justly celebrat'd as a care for the
above than any or all others. lu cares are almost in
numerable. Bold by WAJ. JACKSON', Agent forPitt*
Sargh. uovlSdAwfliaT
G7*Dout have a Pool Preath—lf you hsTe, ose a
two shilling bottle of Jones’ Amber Tooth Paste. That
mil make your breath sweet, whiten your teeth, Ac-
Sold at« Liberty it t novlOdiwly
Hr Wanted, at tliis otErsJ a Comj
' On Wednesday, Feb.S3d.ut to O'clock. P M- WIL
UA.V WEk MAX, in his Slsi jm.
The trie mis of the fatniiy are invited to attend his fu
ifral, on Milteitbergrr’#-Alley. near Severnij «., this
lomtng at Pi o’clock.:: i t .
To rd. llmwraUt UuJnJgti Pf,h, Court o/dfram>;
, Quarter isntione of (he 2‘eaee, in and for thJi
i. CtutUvof AOrghnty. • H
atHE Petition of KAUAI! BACKHOUSE of Ohio
. t T' C . n, !!y’ ‘ n ***,•, ***»'* »fo«*aid, humbly shew]
«ut lha your Petitioner hath provided herself-will]
materials for Jbe accommodation -of travelers'and]
Others, at her .dwelling bouse, in rtbe township afore-]
Hid. and prays that your honor* will be pleased]
£ mat her ■ license j to keep a Public House of I*J
cMiainraent. And your petitiotier, at hrduty bound]
mil pray. , v —**
"* b^ nllcr *« citwn* of Ohio township, dJ
*nify, that the above peuUoner it of rood repute fori
tnnesty and temperance, and ia-Well provided'witU
»nd conveniences for the accomeradbUmJ
* ud ,h “
j ScTiS,""" ?&"“*
' Gratp, Grierclin, |
L\ }>» Mormon, -■ James Duff. • I
f Francis Luff, Alex McDonald, I
] Campbell Duff, James B . I
* Isaac Rhoads, ' j fobaswfo»jS I
the lowesipnces, by the piece or package 7 I
Jltili.b Ptlnu, iu,d Bui« Gingham.!
'Alpacas, Mohair Lustfes, Moussclines ““ ■
UUreges, Lawns, Tissues, Spring Plaid#, I
<*«*«. I
j»Vdais, bulk Warn ami Gauze Flannel* I
tLastlngs, Cotton Velvets, Dimities. ‘ I
fTnbla and Piano Covert, Cloih-aud Worsted I
flJmn Damasks, Diapers, I
gntn Shmutir Linens ofapproved manutactuns I
M orsted Damasks, Moreens, Itattinens I
llnrieiUe, Veidngi, \Vbiio .n«t ta r Drills.
tLashmaretts, Habit Clnths, Faney Caisimem ■
Trims, Ginghams, Lawns, Meusseliqet. I
L'np-Crape, GauXe; Plain Silks iuhl Shawls I
frb'JSvrlm !■ W South Secopd st. I
|TACKFRKL—6OIibI» No li South Mackerel; 10 dc
[JL do it, S do do 1,-10 hlfbbls .No 1; 10 do do •<„ -v j„
hit and for sale by MILUUt A KICKETSO.N
> cor, liberty and jrwin sts
[AI«T—ISO bbh No 1. now landing and for side by
t frb'JS .Mll.l.Kß A RICKETSON
OOPPEUAS— 20 bbls In good ordr'r. for sain low byl
febta |J BCHOONMAKEtt fcCa |
O LUK-18 bbls Not for sale by ' I
vJ feba> • j J aCHtXJNMAKER ACo
iAMP HLACK—3S bills assorted, (or sale by
Jl'l'SOM SALTS-aat liis~for iialeXy
'{ARD Oll^—Of the best quality, for sale by I
tfefag* > • !J KOHOOMUAKBRA Co I
RB A.MO.NIA—3U) lbs for sale low by. I
■ MORGAN A Cp, Whelesale Urocan 'andl
Commission Metcliaiiu, mo, Wood st. febSSl
fOPy—filiates on conslintmeiit, and for sale by
x * CMHeotlie. in store : and for sale by
frb2s knt.l.rn xr wmirmwiv
/Ttt*AßCT—dhhdti table clerked do Bordeaux, in store
foW cor, liberty and int in sts j
TJATLNT BL‘CKFTS-40 do* for lalir by
[JCE—B3 UertM, for sale by <r
ij • • • i-. •- .:
I, _ 1 j .'
ipou TfaaL ths»A\ hi*. and jintimuonie voters of the!
teveral Boroughs and Township* of Miestieiivl
J.lwS tolhe Sl«3'(Sn»XK > °fe l J5j “
bnrgh to nominate a Canal Cnnunu»iotirr
Hrc,o„ uj ScnaioriiU deteJuSESS
venljOß. fixe said county copTemion ,vid alto appoint
\ delegate jfrom this district uTthe WUg Nat ormfKjn]
Tsek“ CCl ° r ’ OT f” <W ‘ the'Siale
«£ gSSKjSsSH a Sn-ss sgE
R. Palmes, gecypro, u-m.j jaaS
REMOVAL— C. a. sfA|n^iy*Co!TCirr?remored
lo the.warehouse* on gloim’* Wharf L'dupp r,
Imlliruiu, Liberty*!., where! they are uoW tulTy p«-
pareUto receive a largo aiaodnt of produce fce * 0 *hin
"it the opening ofCauol Navigation to Philadelphia and
Baltimore and all inienuedidu.'place*. feb'2s
j 0„, opened
XJ a fresh supply of low priced end fine black AJpac
raa; also black satin *tri;>ed -do; «lo do barred do; draL
Alpoceas, aud a very full assortment of black Mohair
Lustres, including a tew niece* very tine and Very clot*
iy; at comer of 4th fltid Market »t*. Irl^S
FLOOn OIL CLOTHS—ISS)O yd*, C yds wide, |,e a 7v
article; SUUO do 4-4 wide: oil cloth; 400 do'* wide,do
ait received from Pliillipsviile Factory, and for aaie at
>ur ware room J 11 PHILLIPS,
feblß 1 S 3 wood st
2 OAF—a 5 boxes Proctor 4k gamble's Soap just land
s? mg from sunr Loyal Humph, and for sale by
Jt OAP— 50 iocs lltitmewell IIiU.A; Co’s Soap, in store
J. “"J lor sale by JtilJN S LILWORTH
’ . 2.7 wood it
| \Af M 1 BOWEX—.Commi: siou and Forwarding
I"T Merchant, No. 00 Fro it St-, between Wood
[sml Market streets. febtM
Ll • rec il ami for sale bv
tcb23 1
ITVTOk^SES— :JOo bbl* Pri ne Plantation Molauei
IITJL landing from sunr Grey &gle; for sale by
[3 ICE—l‘„* lierce* prime quo
LI/ Gray Kagle; for »ale by | " • “
DEACHES—W l.n unpaired paachei,3do paired do
L. }u»l rrc’d and for *alo by ‘
IpJLOVEH SEED— JO biuli ju*Y rec'd and for *oJe by 7
I A boiin ;ti with Robert 8-. Ca
t reque*irif<heall on ibe undersigned;
I ?>.' . i ‘>%\HOBERT McKNfGHT,
I:: 160 .- 1 6 4th at, near-grant. ■■
COTTON'— 53 bales Alin!
fcb2l - '
Uiflpi* for sale by
.SHOVELS, ,(lfaii and Devonxliire do]
tpadea, hay .andmajiuw Tori*, of various make aiiuj
puabiy, for wJe by - I WEST, IMJWEN. 1
Lichal. • ■ ■ i... | i PO front »t
JOCOFFEK— ju‘tteceivea and for sale tr
febiM.- KN&U.SH h HKNNKTr ‘
IKJ^KXS’S' I S ifu AJl—lO hbiit in tltifit anil for sal
|2-/J°. w ENGLISH tc HKXNbTT
r\r O. MOI*ASSKS—2Su bljl* arriving ami for «nl
[II. by i[febSl] KXttUaH it jfe.NN ETIT.
IT) ICE—B tierce* prime, for wtlc by
|-*-V fcbai K-NQUMI fc HENXETT
iT OAF SUGAR—*7 hbl* No i fi, 7A, fc; a Lx* doobl
IJLi retined do, in atom and for ialc low by
| 1 tcba4 i ENGLISH & BEXXBTT
SsOAP—UO Lilt 43.d0 toiiru do prune, fo
C talc low by [febzitj ENGLISH &■ BKSNETT
BKIiF HOUNDS—3 bUi for jmls low by - ~
\T C. TAR—2O bbl« inlioro and for sale by"
[!>• kbii , T KNOpISU & DENNETr
lftV 0AK —W bug* white Brazil,.Gbxs white Havant
JO in store anti tor sale low bjrj
f eb ®* ' ' ,_KXULIrjII <fc DEXXETr
f>OCK CAXDV—IS *x» wh(ie nnd'jrfcllow ia aton
Ll> und for tile low by >
t'to* *_j ENGLISH & HENNETT '
HO.N'EY-4o t.i* in atore anffor sale low lo dose
F/~'|OPa3. \ A UNISII—S bbls; lj) kg* Boston juanufaC'
*“«» »r **lc low by ISAIAH DICKEY ACo
CRAB CIDER—2O bbls'in store and ior sale bv
CIDER VINEGAR—For sale Jaw by
frb** ' ISAIAH DICKEY k. Co
MPpk® CANDLES-15 bx»! superior Mould Can
dir», ddo:dipt candles. iu suire and for sale low bv
I ' 1 • Oin|M..McGRI-:\VA.Co
A COMPLETE ut of Bucket Machinery for sale
low, by : tfebill]' JOILN S. DILWORTH-
A UIHiiOAS—A fdw very neb and *up \
■k/Cubmere Shawls; just received; also. Sprinv K.fJ
I bo <- n ?li B I^ ol T ar *ciy,«the dry goods house of
| jW. 1L MURPHY.
MSS« CodmyToSaccoTwc'c'wJ
■X ad per sUnf New England, and ibr sale hvl
44w4ter.and P-J front sis j
SV^?i E Srr , . l ’'!, bw ‘ !f ° »StoT3iSl
O llOhluh NO Sugar;old ntidinew;3oo bag* dark!
Coflije; in store and liin sale by —. I
| _c.vr.son a aicKNiGirr |
Mi Nl .^i C T. n:EI> bis Cl.apiwJ
Ju ?*' i)o Cavauah JC dol
*•>!* lvc * s '*? do ifarriaou's i*d
vEE-S™ 112 ” f l *’ m cfliuigitmtiuk u t reduced rater, bH
- t<fa g_ 1 i AiGOKIXIN, thml .1 I
tV’WPPE LEAD—SO .kegs for ship by
” ! j } AVEhT-BQVVEN
buw>rime dried' peaches, 10 bid*
«wll whu«j beiuujjusi rec’d Jim tor sale by - -
7 OLISVI, " I 'E JJMKmiI Hydraulic Cement, con.
ULi *u»ntly on hand ami *"•••• ' *•’ **
| lelrtTJ
C)ACON—3£Si tierces t
L> meut nnd for sale br
X «iile by ifetr-Mj
BVIWm P °. RK !r^ 3 ' ,> ? r< . baJk *‘4».just rec-Joacon.
nffiuncjit tor Mlebj* i
1 14-SLibrrtv st
do* lUc '* Improved Patent
Zmc Wtuh Board*, whole»n ejuid retail at man*
* *’ nce K b >‘ • J i&WILLLAJUg,
-- <u,i Wood »t |
! °fr!h-n l ' TrEll ~® o b «* i Si. ,orfe^ * nle *»r
i- fth ” 1 ROOT D,ALZKLL &Co
GLOVER SEED—IOU Lush for salo lir «
ftbo : ROUT! DA'LZ ELL ACo
|C A| J i ULITUS- il, t( >,, , rr c , : in nß inau ) ? l .a]«Lr '
i c Jg* __HOIfrpALZtXL A Co
bbls While Lime in «}ore and for »alc by
felßM ■ - E.VGLISH & ni'A'vrrr 3
[/Zj. R O UN ON LTS— 1 3U *ac)u to Arrive; lor sale by
ITJI'CKETS— Sudor patent, for tolibr [
I ..j j
M*2ffS IEL ?7 , S* , ' U £?* V 9 4^ in «»* *»d for
jtetogg KMiLiSlijJk. bknnlit
ymorHY SEED—» bill* Ttooiby Setuli ado Flax
|X S*e4|ju»l 4 and lor inleby .T
l -i 6 ! 2 ?- JXO aDII.WOHTH
Featbar*. lsdo Gin*™*, 23.
Ip Goober Pcba, 3do Dry Apple*;« bbl* UeaiiK no
llandtng per »uur Gcuci»», foVaale by “ >
. taAun dickey
N P , Su S nr J»«! received on con-
IK7. *tfr>itnetu and ioraaie by j
| fid Water..
S. K. VON liONj.VnORST A Co j
P l*t>l* Rve Floar. filr «ale by • j
IX.frbS) 1
ETmemnod fur SA™' 1 ““ "f' '“•<£-
RICE-»10 liprcea jiut tvrmctl by W SivainnL'fl»
»a)a by (fcbSH £ (^UI.BERTSO.V
|I/ R ftwS ~bi ‘"“' la,t '
-'£• No 1 Lknl for »ale by
-IT* tt fc_R FLOYD
(CmSS? SI bu p cnna tlorcr Seed fo
[fehJJl J fc K FIXJYT)
B '" V "K FLOYD i
I CiJtr on ham! amlfi*
I TchStvr ‘° r CU } bjr ,L h ‘ yPHWLITE,
UCJ liberty aiAcu
Siw"’.,?,, «W«« ju«|.tee« »edp«BH
ICaahier, and for »ale by [lettF] ISAIAH DICKEyI rf
I 41 walnr»t
Gr S ' RUI “ w **SiJitup* Refinery:
'{A ? , 6 8 > ™Pi J“*‘ received end fvr *2T by • V\
o H)INDKSrjsRkC-
L s s;s~is^&
fe~- a^s§H
I" ■-- - I I
L ’"‘ s ;°- *■
,cll r! Mcuill,. iii;BHWF.i.n * cm*
I I7I.AXSKED—3O busltr!« fo't *a!c by |
JfT EM r“ lu bft,e * ,lew tou«vt Kj-?Tlcmn Ti:«i
*• CUUluSi'Sxr"
1— [ - —««ri.
v?,iS| j *- , -!™t. , u»imi | u , dTsrgi.Tr
' ■££=!
W tuc’d diui for ut« by
•*» A *
►OTAKII-10 Cask* primp]
foM \v*ici
» Kk wool fux M |e by.l
■ 1 WICK fc M’CAyPI.KSg-
1 \ l*bl Kgg«; 1 bbi Dfan* received!
randforfaL hy , IHAtAII IHCtfKY. A Co. |
( “ A -' s,l, Kh>— Oi) Luxe* fcir inle liy *"l
4u cukk Soda. A*h for mb bv
_ I FORyVTH A 1) ;,NCA,V.
w toll)
>ik» Scorching* foi
roflsvru * u
B ■■■■• ' Djr John D> DarDt'Anetleaetril
§| ! YaliichU liools at, Anctuml' '.'' *: v j
ON SaVatday hvcninr. the atkh inata-ni, m 7
at ths Commercial t>i)M Rqomj coiner of Wood 3
ttJKnlh streets, will be sold a largecollection very rare]
Band valuable Medical, and MisydlaoMtu UooksdpartJ
■from a Private library, by a 1
|U Among* them will be found:'penaa'd Egypt. 100enJ
rol folio; Gallery of the AVorld, Utols* atlas]
folio; numeroos flue citoavingvj Bir Wm. Ha mil too - *
Vases, a,tol* folio; Bruce's I*ravels (10 discover the
source* of the Nile. $ vols 4 to; works of Voluire
translated by Smollct and others V 3 vol« Annual Bey.
i*trr from; year IT3S. 40 vols; Christian; Guardian and
Church ot England Mabaziite froailFCOito !*MO,3d vols
platesySyine’s Embassy to Ava, ?1 vol, 4 to platen Art,
nnd Scieifces of Ilinduostan. With numerous ;enjm
rinpa. 3 ypU 4 to; BrenVPort Folio of Rural 'Architec
wre. fine colored plates;' Buchanan's Tratdi iii Mysore,
3 volt, 4 to, fine illustrations; DaJlaway!i Coustauiino
pie, Ancient nnd Modem, t.voJ, 4 to; rare, Fraser’s
KnonU»tati;jYitcher*srAllas dftba'World. 1
v ,° colored mans; Sir John Temple's History ot
jue Irulk Bebcllion.l vol, 4 to; HodytsTfavels in India.
1 vol. 4 to, fine rngraviogti; liariace's, l*rogres» oi
Knowledge., ! vol; Origin and Frbgressbf Fine Arts in
untain, 3 vols, Iti;, with many o’lher scarce works ot
line London eilitious., *. ■ [ ;■ I
• I ’ '. iUMieal Tloris... . ] * « •
AJ«»; a pollecliouof valuable Medical ißccis. among
which areCyclopcdia: of Practical Medicine, 4 vols
jPractical Surgery, Dcwee* lon Females.
Churchill k ALidwifcry-; Allisou's Pnthktocr; Aslley
Cocpcr oiijtbe Testis tuld Thymus and Gloat); do do on
Hernia; dot do ou the Urewt; MrcSel’j Ariatomr, 3 vols*
Loopvrs Surgical Dictibnarr, Channichael on Cancer#
jJltcll on the, Lye; Loutson Phthjrsi*; Bilio’s Clinical#
i£f, UU ” : peyroonr on ilryianilr.’ Pelchej on the Ear#
ml«nrot\the Skin: Dol.o’s Lectures Cnr-H
Testis, Ac, Ac.’ ••• V -- • . 6 1
are now ready.and the books will be or
ra?s!“ for examination on the dnrbfsal^.
‘ rL i; JOHN D. DAVIS, Atich
1 (fbofli, 4r, ■ j
fiS^m “omiug.i Feb. PStjt, at 10 o'clock, at the
«*>»». .comey/dfWobtl and Fifth
mnv rnV „ , . i w,u,o m reserve,* for account whom ii
n^Li 1 * V** Of foreipi and domes
u dr y Eofds, embracing the stock from the country.
' 1 . At 3’dock, p. iji.‘: f
or?” “T'" M “ M !“™ 4*™. P»<
J'raomS SttSlKS'&lilffi;:
*4 ““
_• , i , At ? o'clock, p.’m.-' .! . ‘ ■
Ueady rtode clothlngl&H-ihdes, finefcutlerr wold
,nillCT,,,lu|.. tnml. work kuk?!,, bookMtiicTolS
,u f
■*** 'l ■ '■’PHVPDATO. Aoci'r.
* prime in oak libit, jut
lauding ffom sun:
Foil TJUttPOETiino* or awi-tunna-
'T'HE Proprietors of (hi* old ciiahluhed anJ firm
1 Portable Host-Line, having’ removed their <Je
x>t in Philadelphia, to :'a much‘larger: Warehouse
on Market ft,'than they formerly occupied, and also iu
created, their room for itwrafte at.Pftubnrgh. are now
prepared tooffermuch greater facilities to tleir friends
indpairoiu. ' [. _ ‘ r'.’': •
Goods carped by tlus: line'nre-nof
tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, beingcamed en
tirely in Portable Section Boats. viTo shippers offloai
ind othurgaod* requiring careful hand hog, this is of
importance. No cliarge inade for receiving; or sliippiitf
on advancing charges. All goods forwardim
promptly, and upuu osrelnouable rennaas by any oth
er lino. •
Canal Basin, Penn iLoPiiuburcU;
■ ' JAMES M. DAVIS* Co..
u'blM '227 Mark iit L 54 Commerce <l, Phila.
JOHN .McFADEN A Co., Forwarding ahdCownii*
ion .Merchants, Canal Homo; Penn’ il, Pimburgh.
. JAMES M- DAVIS A Co, Hour Factor* alul Commit
jion MorclianU, 21? Market, and Gl -Commerce st.
Philadelphia. •).... •• t ' i . feb24
• fiyAdvoncei made by cither of the shore in Flour
v\ool and other description* ofMcnHjandiibccimanec
»tbcm. !•■ • .■: ;; ifeb-H-
1848.®*“°“ A * rKp g ei y <int> -]S4B
tjlSLfi cLEV p t X xi>,fr &ZZ-.J
rHE Steamooat DETROIT, CaptJ; C. Beniamin, wili
ran, dnnne tho season of HMa, between Cleveland *
*lane, in the following maimer, jtofcehuurui
.Mackinac and lntenncillniep!aee»each Way
LeavinrClereland every Mondayat 7 P.M.
Du Detroit do: Tnesdayal OA.M.
•Do Mackinac do! *nmrsday'ai7 A.M.
BeninimunH leave Sanlt Ste Jlarie iverV Fridiv.'at
■ 10 o clock, A. JL; and Mackinac At !oo‘clocL,'P:jM
• and leave Detroit every Sunday evephig ifor Cleve
land, at 7 o'clock.' i • i --A ! i
• f\V. A. Otis A Co,
Agent*. 1 C. BRADBUILN 4C0.; :‘ > ClcTpland.-
_ t G v RA ™ s i;WICKn-ARl?'li.'.rojL >•
I The Dctroir hu been thoroughly Repaired and refit
p«td the past wutter.and the public may rely upon iht
r 6 /°rbef tnp* with punctnaUry-a*' advertised
febgQm -1 ♦. E.B.IVVABD. ;
1848 •** ,! *ySi£ ,t ?W. hB4B
I UY.railroad jm*v&Sosr
I A CAlt ' nJI l< ; u ’ r “ Philadelphia Feb-
L/i. man-,., wjih ihcMuil.Train. u> €htunbenliur~
Wagons to leave tWihe K
wo>, with relay*of horsea,ninuin* dirr,ohiP umh'L' *©.
I . D LEECH A Co || Canal Basin, '
• : • nAßEisiLEfeiif 1 ? 1^:
[through by the above line aftertbeSUtfirt j. ■ > ■, tl|
- febll) . ■ !■ • ~ U DJ,EECH kCa
r»f»2. ttnd • m lbe t ' tt * tcn * Cilie*. Tii OamberiamL •-
proprietor* of thu popular line; Imre cince theli
JL r«>orgiLnEaHon largely fcicreiuedjtheir fcciUdea to
meet the. wubea oi ahipperc and are now prepared to
lorwanl a greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE
la* aUo by additional regular warawt ai
will ran throughout Yhc
509*1* throJt h the agent* miHalUmoref aid RtWbunrl
°S^ tten *nd cotujffnesa ntspecified taie* and time •
•Jupmeuutrora Philadelphia ior the*-line be
a “tkcd “Care, J BRobinson, llairimnp»n *
The onlj-ngruu are, h-.. v
- Charle»;*tl Baltimore.
HDGLRTON & Co, tomlnrland.,
,• CM CASSjUrnwnirtllel .. .
< J C BHATfeKL. ftiubn^h., . ■
Pcnnaylxanla V
coil, on eoaiiju.
Tanner*' Oil tin
nmniGU IN nve^a
„ y.HIA TO PITTSBURGH, BY lIVAGUNS. '■, -• • -®! 1 - 1 '
Running Dor ondfiightbetwiifiu PitUbjtnrh *nd Chirn.Mi
Uer.bure andi,y ItuSroail bejwce B ChfflXre
Philndelnhia, i^ e Cm shipment _ _
on 15T11 January iiist No ntore good* - ' KOR'WABASH htvcd
- J -~-. -_. ■ V • .). CIaARKB &I TILVVV. -
Ki?iS'^r , .£ ,,,r, ‘- lch *57 *»*»• U« inemioncrf
t£iir* w ,)?!i? ctu «H« *ucJiiiidilc«item»4i
iv?V£t£ lhe « •«.»«« tcmake bills With them.
I lain double drills, till erodes and i tries tmni*d
roSe'S.L < ‘| U 5 b ! ue ’ blu . e "}i*«l.code’^dortSxed
s*]s lll “*; Ac ’i Manati *> black, Idue.cadtL Oi-
Wfdj plain, figured aud ponied tvreeds, a
»» n oui »tylcii prints, a very lanreoisorunent oi
bluest?«t3T faac f’ Pf"U» W^Sw«.^rownt
s3bS&s®*?* sasaasHsacs;
Sto-red f o®* 0 ®* fin «- Attorwiireh
wtrerrd foe sale on tire most favorable |e rifts. t. •
Fffi. '. :vf 2L r , Nfi , d RESSE3t-W. J
ju»t received a few patters* embroidered miuliiJ
w fcremnr Dresaea. AbS, *itfrnet *«irt*,beadtlmJ
££rfn iT ncw,r ? ,e >»!«»-
"5£ !2j l# , W "!3J|" for.«to.; ehiineleon tUks, a faihloa
able article, needle worked collar*, MwTatylo: etemt
wtu, entire new aty W; black barred tilk»;*uipcflX
rich striped and waif red do. Ladle* are tovitedto e«U
B a uil »ee u» abdvo good*. | .
I®«*T Bookluiip.Hidicilj,"'" -
I. l-ndy** Book tor Warfeb. . i ;[i “1.
LJH »nd Ojuniku* of Tristram Shandy: gentle
l«,sraKS»teir,? M Hnc&T,*
IcJSS/*” s ' w " r_ 1 <KM* V<4*twfe«
rb« U uf«MiS2S„i: * anaf-iiici
K&£s&s£ • WiKk ( on ,h ' "if"*?
°* lllo Kc >«» Rpcksi by Osgooil Bradbury
I Mlwellan r, Ko. 13.! ':!
Uving Age. No. IDO. i
i^, 01 1t J *L onit 3 rße W«erforFeb. Id. j I •? '
I James the Second, • ; - -if
*Wppl? ,,e^° r ttrticl ° 11 efljeflj Visiting £*jids,6eil:
L. e** I *'? 1 *** A * Mi ters, Snrithfield street 3d floor
in»m Second. • I . febSl •
1 v .- ■ .-v •
■ History of the Girardisu, jor Persona! Memoirs
I®'“•« Patriot* of the' French Revolution; iko unpub-
| Ui lieu sources; l>y Alphouic dc Lolaarduejln three vols
received. :;j ; -i
I ..Tb® i-ifc ofClievaher Bayard, “the GoodiKmaht;’* Lx
IWGiltnoreSimms. '• - J.' .- }; | ‘, •
I. ®i Washington—a storyofthe Insljrerierailon.
I®)** Cnirea of Baltimore. • ' I \ . I/.!' ' l : •
I Adventures in Mexico awl the Rocky Mpkutain«£t>y
IUCQ. I'. Ruxton, L>].| memberof Ibc ItoraJ.Ckoeraph
[leal Society, ke n he. j tTir ■
I Now amt 'lVih-ANorel, by Samnel-WaVren, FiR
[»., AulWof “Ten Thousand a Year,” “Tho .Diary dfn
[Late Physician.” • i -i .. • I
I Thn ol>ove work* re reived ibis flay,' and jbr sale Ibi
| frias •• HooUcl!er»,..Varket*t
II l¥»*r Bookl. - <i.' \
ITUST received by KxprcM—Germany, England ttho
[tl Scotland, dr recollection* ofd'Bwus.Mmuiefclit
[j. H. Merle D’Aubijjne, J).!>., Author of llittbry.of the
ißefimumkui, liifcotCioniwreH, ip.,: ; j
I A I‘mcUcul.Kxpdsition of tbe Gospel* ofScMatlhew
[and St Mark, ;n'the form of Lecture*, iatctufcd to u
[<i»t the practice of domestic. injunction andMcTotidn.
by John bird Summer, D. U. Bubdn of-Glidiier ivJ
»le hr - • • ELLIOTr & ENGLISH. 1
* T
Irpms wel) fchotrnllue.ofsplendidpßaiengerSteaot-.
IJL tn it uv composed of lb® litguiiwiftei^btii
finished and furnished, and meat jtoweriwbpai* «a the
water* of the West. Krerf •ecammo'Uaoa and coat,
ton Out money can procure has-been provided for pa*,
•eager*. The line has. been in operation tor bee yean
—b*4>arTied n million of people wiUiout the least inju*
ry^to their per*oos.~Tfc« boats will be at the. foot of
V°°d strmtbe day previous to ajxrtfßg,foi\tbe rreep.
uon of freight and toe eutry of passenger* op 4he reels,
ter. in all cases the passage money mutt be paid ia
advance.* 'i ■
.The ISAAC. NEWTON’, Copt Ai 0.-Maiok, will
»1tT c r* H *hurgh every ‘Sunday rooming at 10 o'clock;
WTieeljhg every Sunday evening 01-10 r. M. . . ■
, Alayau,i»tr. . . *
. The JIONONGAIIELA, Capt Start, will leave Pitta
borgh every. Monday morning at 10 o'clock;' Wheeling
every Monday eveiging at lor?it. ..' . i
i Nn - 3 Capt. J. KLcncrCLTXB, wOl
Putfburgh every Tuesday-morning al 10 o’clock;-
Whcdmg.every Tuesday-evening ot 10 r.k. i
I. , I ,h ® ENGLAND Nora, .Capt. S. D*ak, will
every Wednesday morning at 10
lo clock; W heeling every Wednesday lur. x.
The-DRILLIANTY Cajn. (ituct-willleave Piifi
bargh every Thursday morning atlGo’clock; Wheeling
sveryThuntdayeverung ailOr.^jt-• -, • •; - ,•
. frcdat;packet. ,• *
-_TI» CLIPPER Na.ofCapcCaoau. will leave Pitts
bin*h cyn- Fnd.y monuuy'-at 10 o'tlocV; tvheollw ■' 7*^
■ Tim- MESSENGKII, Cupt.D* Ca*j>, Will leave Pitta.'
r ■ /HJrd** tv '- •' 51UJ SteaZQeT'..-. • ,\\ i . .
■ IjL_j>..|q?~ ■ ' -Caleb cnpgf,
leer* fof-Be»rtr. <Jtiriro W Bru »
■BBt' 1 ' i riruWelbtUl» > on
and SatorUar„oC.eadiwpckj'al BoWcckXLjL W iuf»l
ing on Monday, Wednesday And Fridayj,. tlio landing between Wo6d*tre«ajid the bride*,
prepared to receive freight* at any time. 4 ‘ ““
8.-& W: UARUAUGII.; Acts.
~ • .' No"® Wood tt-
-H»line steamboat < •
JwfTA: . . .
Cbarlci 11 Clarke7n»aßer,:viill, daring
-—■KSBBthr coxninr winter eeasoit, tnkke dally
trip* to Rearer nod WdUvUln. tearing Pitubßryb eves
ry monung at 0 o'clock; and 'Weßariile at 3 iO'clock. e
. fais c. Sa.nARTON.'t•
1848,. • •• jras.
piifsBUROH fcimowarirvjauiZE
■ Polly Pnnfc*r
. sf wc« K, .new iioau complete
• ysojsrf®‘- Vlv^ fo V te :p 7 **» :ou: AT *
CapL JaoKy. Htrkinwn:
tort hourtyS A- AL and 4P.M. -T” * *
• ifV,.;,'* jv - Tho ncat ruiii robtiantiU low wate*
tteamlxm— *•
Andrrw Poe .Mosierr-vnlJ.muine lwr
anil Tfrartdaj**, nU'cloekf. jl, each '
“/, fomtncncing Mpaday SSih F<sbruary. 1*43.
■ tebJl - , -: ■ •. D.WimX^jAgeni.
•. for nr: louts: \ ■ >
k. ' The splendid Mearter ■ ;'. !
• ; . IWB£irrFULUWN»_ !.
Collin. Mmer. ■ will . leave for the
al! uitwwediaie port*, ihia
day M. 10' oeloct For- IretffUtpr piuuab /nppfr ou
l * >ard • •- ...-:“ ••••:• febaa
FOR-' >: ■ } -
• t\.' •'' splendid -r --
v jttMW-EAaitef"":
I *&E>:->drA- Erookt Mattef/ will far tin •
■f™ t r"« .»iiTi-<«bove and aa intermediate bortathi*
. lOocfock ‘ Eor ’ l>ei ? hl or
,/fW-***' K The ihat rtinuino'sinuacr -
U«wU*Wr ’ EUREKA, .; , V -
Matter, wM.leaviTTSr the. "
• Atocs'** fv The fine weamer i’ l ”-'
"Uk&itiiisS-UiJ •^vwciiANiv
[wgeapply. : ° r rei^ bt ' ; I,
. , FOR;cINCINNATr. ; .-' ~
•: {? K, .•The fast tannins fleamer • ;
*.,.-7? , coloiEado, “ .
Connly, master, ttiUleave at above
SaSjfei™ °*
- ft bad
. • new aud ipiniditj reamer "*
'.■ LL -J VEfiESEE, -> l.
■SfiggygjiE-"'™' Hnnter, multer,’Trin'teara tor
fay the T “'-
'Tb!f p,r “ '***& fl> s '•»' n^ton,®>N)S, w *'
r°A clnclnxati' AXDXotrreyji^i'
. ,i ha new uod toil steam**:
•■yfe&as? «•„ - ; r. ; iw:-TnrßoAJf
Bnifi W MiHef.jn n< i>r win Ebore
. |The Cue Kteamcr •• •
miuw, V,f? te« veUfi*
Poru. dar r ° r * bot ? ««V*ai imennediete
v°- ■ wight or p image Qh boEng f e M4
,y. . RBpPiiaLUjPACKsr- Fciit guxnsii.
/Kite***'. k; '• The new and fart steamer’
Liiv*rf3B* i, ' '•• : -'VELLSfVILLIi'- '
-B«rae«. oajMr. yrili leave for abora
>*££»•* iv- Tiie *plendid lirtt clrauriit'idetinttr
-••'•’3, •'-‘HNAI'iCIEn,. , *
jt _ i }VpiJKoanU, commander: will Ir-av*
< oa Mniui... am *' intermediate porUw
“V* , tbs-7lhin*i..FbrfM**h»or puttn ipoly
. j NEWTO.V,JO»S l “ PPy
■ ''’ ; ■ ■ - JtfooougabetoHeron.
tC:' CONSUL,, v, •
■rfilll Ti Kan g-, WWW..will tur*
' z " aw “ d s *"
B ' ■'• '^ ie uear -*teaaj - 4
|board. . - :- _£*'•• of.paaiwg* apply oa
' " ' • ,T2S - '
M.dulirThS Ws"*
liipWn*clo*c«d«ilym3M|,. ’ i,': j*
nAirfMif 1 ~ •*_■ *, .** H Cj» VIOKKRV. Ajicnf,
nov2oif i Chatle* Motet lUiildiori. vmnA
Agcofj «i Cuabrrlud Croat iW lion,
purt la Out 0 r £»JptrU*a ACo - •“•
**S e*l
- ' ! / J C WDIVELL.pritA^U
f ftsawsis
»= robbrt IvSOrtSr&S! »
port*, a* m« take charge St *f ttm f , *: ll ‘ trt mftst the m
port and moment they n
spaiclv tiem mOioui aop j®, ,t f- ,r T® 1 * I being, ajid do
\W aaj-.ihi* £« iI <n rHP • m ■hip*.—
in» ttrsKovv that tbev w . c ouc of odrpa«e a .
Uverpooi, .43 hour* by u» j 0
wwH «»til Oity Shr. f. ?,hcw w W<*etolne«»
chg p rate.Arbien to?/£„„ “, nt IXI KmW «fcl <?raA, at «
i We intend to nerfnrm f<fQCt Proved ihetr. coffin.
what it may. « cynl mct»honanibly J^tl
with ether ? cl “ Wtt * the case ]** ai^on.
£lt«. roy 8 ! i2' a,* ,ior nny *nn^f ri > o ft tk
'•“WJmtaJ, SkoUnoViS' fJSS"*** 1 .
JTfUj .ns'da,, to!
lt»e '
Jon’y.m-. iwa|C, P-T Mwr«T,,. oaQl ,
b~ -,n