The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 25, 1848, Image 1

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    -t'- i -j j<
' i KSON,IJiriIAJIi ■ irnti Deal-
drier ruutiurgh; E-Uriclt-Co.
Illume] . ly-ethcr eolictutd, and lib*
...W-TI CoariKWiOri and 50'
M. Water and 105 Front *Jj
Pitufatfisha :
TWOOKKWES t Co., CommUuon FfPJJjj-
S-uSttaou. h*’". o J ‘Si ’
in mod Fron* urccu. rituburyti
-■ . ■rr~y«ntt . oei»*u* KCtn*-
jSSVof Wn)-aad ft. Clair .tn*u, Fittgug’
— —l f'p “ ” js. m. »«w*
HESSr* celbertww,'
|&r u,ioa s,crchtmu ’ r, °' l4s • dSliyr?
• Pra*K»»t», comer W ood
T>AOALE\" & SMITH. Wholewto Grocer*, W *n
A 30'Wood meet, PltUborgV
ku'LTYfcCo., Forwarding andComnu**
jchaoti, Canal Batin, PMUUargh,
C~ A. MeA]
• uon Mel
a IXX>MIS. AUarney al °"
, abOTC Kndlhficld. .
I jomr ?; jctsikc** * **■ ?** i
\J Carnage Spnngi and Axl**, A-B *
and dealer* In.Cooeli TnninsiuC*°f*?.pL, wood rt-,
manufactory U FLClair«u Wareboum « Wooun,
opposite 8L Charier Hotel. : : —*
_ . j. ucvram.
ij ft C 0..) Wholewde Oroecr*. Cwnmwon w
wartln* Merchant*, dealer* in j Yj^rtr,
Moaafectore* Sixth«lreet,between Wood and
Fitubcrgb, Pa.
C YEAGER, Importer and 3jW*33iSu JSriof
.dealer in.' Fancy and Staple Vanety Good* «*« «*
tte Gilt Comls 103 Market near Liberty,
1 , miMWOWnt.
pvUSLOP * SEWELL, *itorn«r» ftt Law. o®c e ‘ 00
IJjimitMUM. between 3d ano«la«l>. - -——-
ids' of Diamond, aecood door from wamoa All^T,
JOHIt OUillK. .
rnvllSr *i GEBUART, Whole**le Oroceri, demUra
Rfa Produce And Pitobargh Mnnufcetttfe*;
Kenr «ad IUM ■ ■ rmmhmflfc. Pn. • fobl7
• feMVHS SfSSSStf^S;
iUoulactarek, ’No. 37 Wood m bcnremSd •ndM^ju.
T?ORWARi> *. SWARTZ WELDER, Attorney* at
r Law, haro removed their office to thn South *ule of
ftamh at, between Cberty Alley and Grant *treeL^.
y, y wim'i v uko. asar. ■ j****^*^^
TMUENDy'IUIBY'A’Co, NVbokiatftj Growtv and
jj CotnmuMoa Merchant*, and for
Cotton-Yaraj, NW37 Water, and «9 Front
Piano Forto ,MaJw£*ctnr«r and dealer
v , .. 'Jc #ln Mutical In»muaeata, US Wood st, nearfit^
.TAcoaFonmH. T >• • ,o^V^sVn>
FORSVTH a Co, Coaiin»*to^- Forwarding
Mejei,atri«; No. 30 Water *l, Pttttbntgh. ay**.
Gallagher, long a miller,
Ga* Finer*, ll» Front, between
Wood and Smithfield itrret*, Pituburyta, Pa.
g/~llighcjt price given for old Copper and Bra**.
Merchant*, IQS Wood
ELRGR iflu' BERBVj Wbole«»le Groeer g|®*
G Bl fc C^,
dealer* in Uojn, Putaboigh and Pnini Bwwettei,
Penn and Pitt (U. J
GEORGE COCHRAN, Commlwion *nd
jje£h a m.yo. tt* Wood rtreet, FiP»bnrgh-_Pyl7
ter itoouth the Port Office.
H faemrerl palut aud Oil Merchant; comer of Ljber
jt and OIUA am, Pitabnrgh.
gSSnmasßr * co,
L miuioo Merchant*, and dealer*in IVodacr, No*-»
Yaur, and ltP Front afreet* Pufrburgh. UOT g-
* :R. BI*ACK,MeTcUOTU Tailor, Hxclianso Boildjdjrh
. 8L ClairitL, Fitfrbarfh. ’ l^VL l^
■TOHN 8. JHLWOBTtt—' Wholesale G n KflL? r 2s2Sf
•tl' and Comjoinioo Merchant, No. 57, Wood
- - .
‘ YOSEPH KNOX, Attorney at Law, Pittfbctgh. Fa-,
J hi7r«umcd i£ practice of hij profeaaioaw
fleefSo. 7, • BakeweU’* Buildinc*. Gr®Li »L
SrfcyWabtmncc, by T. J. iggbam
i»K Lr
TOHN D. MOBGAN, ■'Vhote**!# DwgUt, *od
bwrgh. • 1 • • • '
■i. irvw^hrtayhtonaonntrade. -
J" oHS.Bcfep*Cot Whole*ale Grocery Fbn«Lrd-
InFtSdOoteinimon Me rebanu, Dealer* laProdneej
and jPiMmtgh MaUß&ctiirc. No. 7 CwmnerdaJjltow,
liberty ■tricar the Canal, ilmbunrtu P»- •• octu -
r :*
3.: •
is£ :
BCHOONMAKER * Co., Wholeeale .Droffgut*'
No.a4 frfpod etreet. PUttbnrgh.
V ' TOSKPH jcteOAN & SO‘\ C*«ntniMlon and Fe
ral wardiarMefthauU, Wo. is lilxrty (oppown
|*rrfth£eld«WSani>epn.‘'*Row.~ . : • Jatio__
TOHN L- iOALUmN/ Atlomey at Law. Of**. °*
•I 4tli «U between Omni. «nd BnulLfield,.&>od» ««de»
jijjtaboS, wiU ah* attend promptly to twinc**
conadei. , ~ :• ‘ .. oeg3-»y_-
OHS D. 2>AVJS, Auctioneer, corner Oth and tV«>d
Woodata.Fitubanth. . ' '
TOHNSTON * STOCKTOXv BookeeUer*, Primer*,
Piper, Maimfeetanra, No. 44 Market aLjfttt*-
Jr, pf’*rr« Book Store, 4th. dear Market *tr*et,
. Claaaieal, Theological, HietowJ, School, Mueel-
and StmionarT.- *t&>
J W. BOBEBTSONfcCOiBankera nud Eieianet
. Broken.* corner of Wood and 3d itA,Msrtham t
BnUdJnn. Pituburgh, Pa. , . ' ,
nyCatnibcy pnrchaacd at the o»«*l raira. • o^L-
Jfww nptpn-’Wiiolcmlc CroccT.dcalerln Produce
tcP Liberty **•« PiuabuTgh. - •
i ■ .. • . .BlcßuO runV‘ -
x fcß FLOVD, pate X Ftoyd A CoJ
<). Liberty etraci - ■
JIMPH tiAT//VTji r \Vholc>ri« Grocer, C<uag>i««ioa
Merchant, and dealer, in **mduce.anAPiu«borgb
. . - . «.£r££?S. No.MWatera^Ktuboigb.
“ 11 " i Yeaß'Vlu* Iron Wotk** ; • „ .
. ; sfeiS? 103 fci *;.m_
; • : L WaTEKMAN, Wholesale Grocer,yFor^ru
•- CiKvifonaiKturea and Produce, No». 31 Water et,
: attfOFtoPtet. - • ;
1 ... -■••■-.roan aqirro*.
1 j warding and Conummon Merchant*, deajen in
Itodacea3 Rmborgh Manufacturea, 13 g**? 5
1V»I« Pin«hm*fe_ •.• >CP --*
.HUWH * ■ . _ M—■! I ■ 1 _
* • - w' Wlant: il m. amlfllLll. ~ •• WALVO jt- *°**
•'IML«wi pwnniUslon Merchant*, N®. iMliber^i-j
•'" x. i am*! jrauc* .• - t**-'** -
• ' . ■fc.r ALLEN fc' Co- Conuniwlon and Forwarding
V • jW # MerchanU I WEieTawlFtiwt*»s^betweetiX>o»d
! . :• y SdMarketaU- -- ' - •
—. C W. liarnoj.
«mrn.i,VH k RICKETSOX,WhoIeeaIe Grocer* and
Mercbanu, s*. 170, libeny rt^U*-
MtOORD k yyy IT,~\Vhdle«ale and "Retail flat and
Cap Nnmrfactnrßr*,-and dealer* in Fancy Fur*,
Wood and Fifrn «ta»-> ~ >»?*-
unrirm k. SON. No-AC Market .t, aecoad
Soifwm comer of Fourth.- dealer, in Foreign
£1 ItaSlrtteAUa of Exchange, Galificalca of Depo^
“ ■“ “■«
f M ' «■ <n inwlor. C. g. GUXt<
Tvimnurra * Co-Wholfe*aie Grocer* and Com-
■ auaet '-i 1 ~ ■ ' ■ •
QiApfSmnios*of<feMnpuo»«, No U 3 «ooU
— . . *.^l—
-DICHAED BAttD,>Vboletale #od ReUut
. JK*l**thcr, Morocco, Blioem*ker* Tofl*
bTri,- T»nam* and Culku' Tool*, and *"•
Vo. 100 Wood *U PitUborgh. - **?**-
•OSOET ftOßmoS. - • BAJICXI. '
T) BOBINSON 4 Co- Wiole**ie Gro«M, Frodu”
It* and Cooußuaioa Arehanu. and
. bujgJi Manaiacwuet, No. ISO LuktXT »t>
.T»OBEfiT PAIZT.IJ, fc Ca, Wbole»*lo Oroeei*,
• iv Commmiuian and Forwarding Meitbauttr *******
1 (• wo*iee and FittrtmrfJi Moooiwtßre*, l*b«iy»4
; Pirubaneb. ?«♦ ' f 1 .. • ■—
X. cU.WIMjIUM, iiottr,
■ Dealer in Prodoee aad Piuibuijb ftlauuioctnrrv
IU Litxrtt *L. ■
EOBKKT MOORE, Wholeola Gioecr’ Rectifying
JXtltiler, dealerin Produce, PitubnrjhAlujttiftc*
. jji kind* of Foreign »od Domestic Wine*
PimbtiTgii.; ■ • .
ITI"NIL,On hand » very large*ioctoffnpenpr
Wlrnkej-, wbieU will l«.*^Wlowfor
'■!.I^KYNOLDS k. snEE, Forwardingand I Cocnmisaioß
• ' VHaitlwau; for tl»i Alifgiwnf dealei*
j- l+Qnltite*! J*redofie,;Ku*Mrfh'.MaimfaeißTef and
i .... jCUotidfl of iinUi »••••••
Tta hijfaau priee*, la ta*V at all llm« for e«rn
tiTiap? Con>erofPßaa«M lrwia m, • _
T> : OAKFOBD * Co, OoonruiMioo JleretiatjU. lib*
Xfocity'**, opposite SoiilifieU, Dealer* lo Flour,
«t»& oad Bog<U{*Uo Butter. Lord. «ptt-ly.
B> C< HliCXLtn. TIIOI. I. WOlTt
SWirtfi.CTT Je WHITE, Wbolewl* Dealer* m
and Domrefrc Dry Good*, No. W
• • ■ •
S& W. HARBAUGH Wool Merchant* Dealer* in
. Floor and Produce generally, and Forwarding and
Commuulon Merchant* No. 33 Wood ft, Pittsburgh.
A i Co- Whole tala (Jrocert-ond
Produce dealert. No. (SO Market street, ltetvreen sth
UM j Oh. North tide, Philadelphia. nor?
r arum rtmaracil. 250. xtroui. x*xtuxp.
Syr.t.Kß-S NICOLS. Produce and Gcneml Cora*
miuioo .Merchant*, No 17 Liberty si, PilUbureh.
Sperm, Linreed and Lard Oil* > ja2S
S' C. HlLL—(Furcewor tojlill & Browne) Iraponer
, aud manufacturer of Paper Hangings and Bonier*,
md dealer in writing, printing, and wrapping paper.
(S 7 Wood tt, PitUburgh. Pa. Ran and Tanner'* scrap*
purchased at the higectt market price. -- jaT
SP. VON BOXNHOBST, & Co- Wholesale Cro
• cer*. Forwarding and Comraiaaion Merclnuiu,
Dealer* in Vitiabarpli Manufaatbrea anil WeMerti Fro*
dacc.'have removed to their new warehouae, (old aland)
No. 35 jorarrofFronl at. and Chancery Lane. nor"
SAMUFJ* M. KIER, Forwarding and Cotnmlulon
Merchant, Dealer in Produce anil Pitttburgh rimnti*
factored article*. Canal Botin, near 7th «L '.ddl
'AS9EY & BEST, Wholesale Grocers and Cotnrni**
won Merchants, ami . dealers in Produce.. No. 35
Wood si, Pittsburfrli; . . dp-J^
THOMAS KENNEDY, Jr_ l«ookin& Gloss Mnruuhc
tarer, and Dealer in Clocks. Combs, and Variety
Goodly corner oT Wood and Fourth sts. j!9
t. r. roßsrrtL' a. j. romra-
T 1 P.’ kOUSYTII k Co.,' Commission Merchants,
. » dealer*' in Solti Lumber, Groceries. Produce and
Pittsburgh Manufactures, Canid Basin, liberty street,
Pjtaburgh. ' febls
*IT T k. R. MeCUTCHLON, Wholesale Grocers.
Yf • Dealers in Produce, Iron, Nalls, Class and
Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 123 liberty street,
Pittsburgh. J ,Jyl9 .
JOBS V. WICK. ' . BiStD'VdSßtWv
XtriCK. k YPCANDLESS, (successor* 10 L. &. LD
YY Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Fortfirdinjr and
Commission Merchants, dealers' in Iron, Noil*. Glass,
Cotton Yams, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally,
comer of Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh
WT: It EURPHT. invites the Indie* to call mJ«-
W •' nmine his stock of Freuch Worked Collnr*,
• mchlJ_
>me'u low a»‘J5 cents.
\irmTMORB & WOLFF, Importers atui -Whole-
W sale Dealers in Hardware. Cutlery, SaoJlcry,
fcg.. No. CO Wood street. Pittsburgh. "P 33
fir W. WALLACE, Mill stone nnd Mill Furnish-
W • N 0.344 Liberty st, nearLhe
canal. 1T,..: - m&rX_
TIT O. JL ROBINSON. Attorney at Law*
Vy , moved his office to the Exchange Buildmcs. SL
Clair st-, next door to Alderman Jones. npgtltm
W. M. GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy and Stnplo
* Dry Gooda, N 0.73 Market street, htuburpb.
W\V. WILSON, Dealer in W ntehe*. Jewelry,
• Silver Ware, Military Goods, Ac., No. G 7 Mar-
Kent- _ ®?!i_
T7* E. MURFiIV, Wholesale and Retail dealer in
rV • Foreign and: Domestic Dry Goods, uorth east
mxr of Market and Fourth sts. anrfi
J BRYAN, Rectifying Diililler, and \Vbole*nle
. dealer in Foreign and Dome»ue Wine* and Li
quor*, No.lH Uhcnj itteet, and S 3 Alley,
Pitttbnrgh, Pa. 1 jyL-dly
VITARRICK MARTIN A Co-, Banker*, Dealer# in
W' Exchange, Bank Note* oud Coin, corner of Third
and Wood atiteta, Pittiborgh, Pa. navl»-dly_
n v. wmn«<- astnin
TrrrjLUAMS * 91I1NN, {«nct*«or» to Lowrie and
Y\ .William*,) Attorney* and Councilor* at l<uw.—
Odice North side of Fourth atrcet, above SmithfifUL
fcbndfcwlr ’
yru. TDCSO. iso. *■ Ji'CCXK.
llhl YOUNG k Co.-J)ealet» in leather hide*. Ac.
WY 143 Liberty at. . _
Tlf k ItL M!TCIIELTR£B-Whole*flle Grocer*,
Vy * Rectifying Distiller*, nrul Wine and liquor
"Merchant*, al*o. Importer* of Soda Ash and Bleaching
PowdarJVo. ICO Liberty «t Pimb’g, ba. jamdly
W _ 41 dl FOSTKtt, Agent for Mexicau aoldier* .and
procurin'* petition*, at the olfiee of Win £1 Austin,
Bark'* buiUling*, 4th at, Pittsburgh. kbt
an»w iLiCurw. *" ctotst l josia.
0 BLACKBURN k Co., Wholesale Grocer* and
• dealer* in Oil*, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Man
utactured article*, hare on baud, at all lime*{-a full and
renera! aaaonmeat of good* iu their line, "Water *trcdt,
near Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh. ' an!3
savta wr. box. aujkhso* a crtt.
DW; k- A. S. BELL. Attorney* at Law, office in
Stewart - * Building, Fourth *t- *<cond door above
Wood street. Pittsburgh. Fa.
-D. W. Bell, Coramutioner to take Depo&uion*. Ac*
knowiedemetn* of Deeds, and other iu*tnunent* of wri
ting. to be u*ed in Miwwri. nvl^Ctn
JOHN M. TOWNSEND, Drorrifl and Apothecary.
No. 45 Market *L, three door* above Third *t, Pitts
burgh. will have constantly on bgnd a well aelecied as
•ortment of the best and Jrt*be»t Medicine*, which lie
will sell on the mo*t reaaonable tenn*-> I’hy»tctan*
■ending order*, will be promptly attended to, aitd sup
plied with article* they may rely upon a* genuine.
Pre*eripuon* will Tie accurately and
neatly prepared from the best material*, at any hour of
the day or night, . : .
Also Jot tale, a large tioekef fre*h and good I enu
■a.ry. . ' ' ' i™ l
Ww. WILSON, Watch Maker and Jeweller, eor
• ner of4th and Market *w. A Jarpu and well
■elected stock of Watehe*, Jewelry, Silver V, nre, and
Military Goods. Alway* on hand, and at regular eas
tern prlee*.Gcdd Patent Lever, full Jewelled Wale he*,
'a* low a* 849; Silver do. Watehe*, a* low a* 6IS.
Genuine Cooper,Tobiw, John*ou and other approved
of watehe*, may l>e had at asmall advance ami
warranted. . .
ir7"Fine Watch Work done m the very best man
ner • «¥*’
JB. SWEITZEU. Anoruef at Law, office 3d»t, op
. no*ite St Charle* Hotel, Pittubnreb, .will also in
tend promptly, to Collection*, in Waiuington, Fayctw
and Green countietj Pa.- •
jrerr*' to
lUaekstock, Bell A Co.,
Cbarcb A Cuothers,
’ _ P. T. Morgmy
II J. HENRY, Attorney and Couacellur at
Law, Cincinnati, Ohio. Collection* in Southern
Otuo, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly ami
cate (ally attended to. Commissioner lor the State ot
Pennsylvania, 'for taking Depositions, acknowledg
°ln*s«Cto-llon. Win. BeU k. Son. Corn*, Church $
Catotbcr*. Wnt ilay*. Esq-, Willock { Davis. aS3
EAGLE COTTON WORKS, Pittsburgh. Manufac
ture Cottou Ytftn, Candle Wick, Batting, Twine,
Coverlet Yam, Carpet Chain. Warn*. *c„ Ac.
(Successors to Arbackles A Avery,)
_ jan3 . ■ - , Proprietor*. __
A . LEDOUX A Co- No. 77 Canal street. New Or-
A. Jean#, Agents for J. B. Anaant’s Extensive Steam
»ug*T Refinery. - Always on hand a large *tock of
Loaf) Powdered. Crushed, Clarified and Bastard Sugars,
in Tierce* and Barrel*. ;Al*o, Sugar House Molasses.
.price* liberal, and a foir allowance mmlo onallwle*
oC or above CO barrel*. - : mehll
GBQ. W. SMITH * Co-, Brewer*, Mahlers, and
Hop Dealer*. Pitubargh and Pointßrewene*. cor
ner of Barker'* Alley and Penn street, and fool of 1 itt
■L, Pituburgh. Ta.
W' ■ T. B. BISHOP, Veterinery Surgeon, can
be found at bis Hone Shoeing Establishment.
jCJS/ntn SuClair street Bndge, lately occupied
M H liT Meis**.-Carr & Rowland. nv*Al6m
T.I ti. KATON,-Ddlet in Trimmings and Variety
r . Good*. Tortois Shell, Dory ana Horn Combs,
WoollenYorns and Worsted*, Button*, Needle*, I’m*,
Tope*.Braid*, 4e„ No; 03 Market meet, betweenltia
moud and 4tb st, Pittsburgh. • ’ jyi.’Sdly
ai*oned;4 ewe*Doughty;Sense* Peach Preserves;
cases Tomato Catsup; for sale by
• ovl3 J. D. WILLIAMb.
RAO WAREHOUSE—The highest price in cash paid
lor good clean rags; also, canvass, bale rope, grass
rope; bogging, woollen rag*, cotton wwie^tCHb^
, dcc&i Wayne sl, between Penn and liberty.
Dentist, having made
'■—sm luc |, arrangement* in hi*
Coal bosiaess that be can devote hi* whole time to the
duties of hie profession, may be seen in his office,
ncr of 4th and Decatur street*, between Market and
Ferry si*, at any hour daring the day, from 8* a*. ull
y>, n. . ; . jpSMy
p. T* LEECH.- JR*.
HAYING replenished my stock from Uie best sour
ces, both domestic and foreign, I take pleasure in*
.nnimpintf to consumers and dealers, that I am pre
pared to tarnish them with all goods iu my line, on sttU
Letter terms than heretofore. j .
Burers will- recollect that dealing, “exclusively” in
Saddlery Hardware and Carriage Trunnungs, I obtain
thereby, ■ 'advantage* that enable ’ toe to cciy coropeti*
lion. Call, see, and judge for yourselves. *p!7
or tvnrr nactnmoa raoismt rtscvro is * smwoa
kassu, ni
'■ M, LEANS.
Sun Buildings, N. E. Comer of Third and Dock Slreeu,
(up stairs) Philadelphia,
■\irHERE can always he had. ru slort notice—M*-
W aonc MaU Muials. of all kinds; Bra»* and Pla
ted Door Plates: Seals lor Bank*, Societies, Corpora
tions, Ac. Professional and Visiting Card*, engraved
and printed. Societies in want of Seals of office, are in
vited to call and examine Specimens and Designs or the
'various orders of Masons, Odd Fellow*, Sous of Tctn
.pensnee, Ac. t - • . novedam
JiutUr, Pa.
WILL also attend to collections and all other basi
nets entnutcd to him ia Butler and Armstrong
Counties, Fa. Refer to
• J. A K. Floyd, Liberty st. \
' . W.W. Wallace, do I ..... . .
James Mowliill, do- > Pittsburgh.
' dly Kay A Co., Wood st , J jan7
Ploughs* Plough Castings, Wagon Box-
ROBERT* HALL, or th« old
: j'. "firm of R.A 8. Hall, is manufao
piomt Wagoa boxes, *«„ with the improve
meuts of the Leaver, Peacock, Illinois, and other
Plough*, of the latest and best patients now in use.
Warehouse, 100 Liberty street, Pm*burgh, opposite
Iba Hsy Scale; Factory, in Allegheny city, near the
Cotton Factory of Messrs. Blackstock, Bell A Co.
■. .« dclely
Kv.fl st, nesr Wood-All quantities of Green ai*l
Teas, done up in quarter, half; and one
pSSSHrtsekages, raugirfg trom SOcu. ner pound to
; tfIAQ. • jyS < A. J A VNISLAgt- for Pekin fee Co. _
SMOKE JIOUSKvI have provided myself with a
good smoke bouse and careful hatuls, well acquaint
ed with the business, and am now prepared to smoke
meal tolhe entire satisfoctirm 01 those who may give
CL».,,. ».l=>r•»
deck : - • No. 17 liberty su
Commissioner of Deeds
4 t'CINCINNATL—I *«» authomed bv the («over-
A nor of Pennsylvania to take scknowledguiriiu cl
SuaJSiStenu of Vr.ting, also .tbdav.u and deposi
•tiont of pereonejn Ohio, to be used or nfoordedm
Pennsylvania. Office, two doors east of iheMajors
Offiee/Ciaeinnati, Ohio. EDWARD PLRANCH,^
' maySteUndwlyT : Attorneys! Lj^_
(~'|RAB CIDER—3S bbls crab cidct oa consigumei
ia? -“.“r "dsaa pickey * co.
'■. w>~ ’
TOBicco cosaissius aKiicnMS,
Na.i3 South Whnrve*. and No. 11" South Water at
I>EGS to inform the -trade and dealers generally, of
> Pittsburgh. that ihry have made «uch arrangement*
with the Virginia manufacturer* andtlie liiwvers Ol
the West, Writ ItidiM.aml other place*. a*-will insure
a large and constant supply of the following descrip
tion* ofTolmcro, which will be sold upon as accom
modating terms as any other house in tins city or else
where, and nil good* onlernl from item uni be war
ranted equal to represrnUitiuiit
Hnvumi; IXimingo; Conn.; 1
Yaw ranoliita; IVuu'a; JSt.J Wto-
Cuba; 1 guild A Florida; > hacco,
ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromnttc Stag Caven
«li-li. with n large assortment of other popular brands,
and qualities of j-oundii, ss. Bs, 12*, IGs aud Ito, wmpi
S*.<k. w and 10s Hu« Ladies’ Twi«s V irriMa Twul
Ac, svrrtit nnd plniii. in whole and half Uoxe*,vrood
ami tin, together with every TarictyoforuelobelonmUff
to the trade. • •
Floor Factor* and Produce Commliilon
LIBERAL cash ndvs»c* made on receipt of fon
sieuinenU Thoso Upping to our address will be
fAtB three-fourth* value in advance iaCt/1, sys IW*
inc to our friends, „. . .
Messrs. Wallingford A Taylor, Pittsburgh.
Messrs. Tlios. Bell A Co- Uridfp*i>art,Oh»o.
Philadelphia, M-*? - 5. W 5. ■, . myp-tf
N. B. All Prt-duee '•onsignedto u* is insured when ut
the Warehouse cfW.iHingfonl A Taylor, Pittsburgh,or
in our store in I’tiilsl dpliin- C, B. A Co.
Commission and Forwarding Merchant.
... *o. ssi wmo *t- mTSBt.Twn. •
/'IONTINUIiis le tmnsaeta gcucrol Commission bust
t_/ness; especially in the purchase and tale of Amen
can Nlnitutueturfs uud i Pro>luce, and in receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned to his care. A* Agent n>r
the Mauuiocuires. Jie will be constancy supplied with
the principal a nicies of Pittsburgh Manufacture nt'thc
lowest wholesale, prices. Orders aud csuaighmenU are
respectfully solicited. ___ ; __; f~!_
BaltlmoreProdnee Commission Hons*.
EDWAIU) CLAYTON, Istc S. Clayton ASotis-HM
Lombard *t. Wholesale Dealer in Butter,sod Com
mission Merchant. ; Having for the last ten yean ueTO-'
ted his attemiou to the snleuf Butter, will uow receive
Butter, Lard, and other Produce for sale on coramisnsn,
aud flatters himself.tliat from hi» experience and nume
rous shipping custbmwm he will be able to give tatia
factiou to all who may consign produce to mm. Refer
10— :
Messrs. F. W. Brune k Son; j
** Wi. Mason A Son, ~
u Wllhingtoii A Kastman,
“ T. W. A (?. Horktiuq
Atid the Merchants generally.
B. r. «««■«. " . " L. S. TOJiUSwix
B. F. COH WAV*- CO.,
PORTSMOUTH. Ohio Coimniuion ami Forwarding
Mcrclmni* anil I’rocnte l>ealcr»— also allend to l&e
Farchatc, Sale and tjhipmeni of I‘ig Iron, Coal, Ac.
Atwood, Jones A Co,
Ixircn/. Sterling & Co
Graif. Lindtnr & Co.,
Lyon. Miorl> i Co.,
ruorltxlly . .
[Late of iho tina o! :>t&lcotm Leech & Co~l
WholtisleOroecr, Commtoalon * Floor
DEALER in nilkiriiL of Country Produce, Copper,
’nn. Till Plates,Tinners' Tool*, Zinc, Lead, Ku**‘*
Sheet Iron, Iron and Nail*. White Lead, Dye Staff*,
Cotton Yarn*. Salt Ac., ami Pittsburgh Manufacture*
Eeneraljy; coiner of Liberty and Irwin «treeta, Pitt**
uryh. Pa. • . ,
in“ljtieral edranera, in Cash or Good*, Titane on
“ —_ *„ jnyfl
ioiuuKumcuu of Prculi
E- |!uUCt UtVB. C. V. 3UKTI3. B. *• UASIrtOJI.
Produce) General Commlulan uit For*
warding Merchant*.
:nv 0 *rKA*’o wuaxt, iaLtthoxx.
Refer to— !
M. Allen It Co, JpiiubVh.
MaiuptoD. Smith & Co-, J * 6
l)avi»ou, Suußder* &CO-,
John R RamlaJl,
ocH- Hojcl! Jeaktn*^
Laic of Pittsburgh. Pa. late of Nashville, Tenu.
so. s rcoTr stockt, above uroadwat, ctscjxviTT, omo.
Brier t» Merchant* generally. iu Pittsburgh. »i«»
ani> dealers in produce generally.
• Refer to—D. Spring, Esq., Cashier, T. Ctosa, Esq,
Cashier. J. Londstrett&Son, lliser Alkmgherty.Sung
lutf A Eutey, \V. A S. Wyman, Shuglulf A Itevne*.
a 2i to#
{SneeC'sor In ; Goodman A Means.)
Xjt.Mrr n l rooaKumi orruAr.Tta'e»ASK,Jin3cna»,TSS.T.
Refer to—M. Allen A Co, King, Pcanocfc A Co.'
n±i . * ‘ sflo, _
alex* Levy & bro's.
OiTrr to sell at either otulilDhmrtit, ull kinds Of Mer
chandise, ul dm lown»t rates of CoinuiiMiont, and are
aJwnysrrrpared iqjJiakoadvaacc*. Thdd>*a«fraie
reuecs givt-ii if required. letter* addressed y> cither
bouse, will Ihi promptly attended to. jy3Ud!y Tn.mi-*>*. , W. IL CAItraELU
■ And jlsuafaclureri of Itlaieed Oil, „
N'u. tv Columbia airveu i
CtscmrATt, Ohio)
*pat-1y nT'Caih paid for Flarwed.^3l
W 31.11. CL AUK, 'i
Forwarding Merchant, Brownsville, Pa.
Anemia particularly to. the Forwarding oi^P rodu. he.
For any furtoer mfonaalioir, o Fullsi 1 H A
CUNCAN, Walcr si-
S ■ ocia.ny
_ D. W. SIATItEtW. _ _ •t- TATCtL
No. 4* Water street,
1 St. Irfuts, Mo.
Will give particular attention to the selling of Pro
duce, anil to order* tofimrchaJiuff.
Kayes to —George Morgan A Co., 1 ittsburga, r*.
augll .. ..
ijiiv u'ci'LtJirflH, j.m'ieiii.i. c. i). crurnsn
jous » t^ OJlaf ji.cvixoccn *. co.,
Forwarding A Commission Merchant*)
janlT-lv* Bcwling'^WhaTCjtaltiniore^^^^
Philadelphia College of Medlcine'i j
Pifitt, tknith of 11 alnut ttrert. \
-1 TURKS FOKJoIe. wilt be commenced on Monday,
March Olh, lr»4**. eud be continued four months, by the
following Faculty; .
JAS McCLINTOCK, M. D., General, Special and
Surgical Anatomy. , ~..
J. R. BURDEN, M. D, Materia Medtca and Ther
D. P. GARDENER. M. D. Chemistry.
HENRY GIBBONS, NL. D., Theory and Practice of
Medicine. .
LOUIS 11. BEATTY. M. D., Obstetrics and Diseases
of Women and Children. ’ _
JAMES McCLINTOCK, M. D., Principles and Prac
15YlUN'RY^GUtHON?, M. D-, Sledscine
and Medical Jurisprudence.
S. R- McCAINTuCK, M. D., Demonstrator of An t
-OCIUCHARD BURR, M. D. Prosector of Surgery.
Fee for the full churse, «7t». Fee for those who.*jve
attended two full courses in other Colleges, WU M -j
-rica'nUon to be paid once only,Bo. Oraduauon
Practical Anatomy, including Recapitulatory lectures,
8)0. The DisKctiug Rooms wiUbe opened on the ul
' From arrangement* new pending there is every res,
•on to hope that the chairs of Institutes of Medicine
and Anatomy will be occupied by di«tinct Professor*
at an early period. , . .
For furrier information inquire of _ _
. * No. 1 North Eleventh BtreeU
• Philadelphia, Dec. S 7, Ibl7.
•VTEW'WORKipj u*l received at M A'Miner's,
J/l Columbian Msguziue for Fcbrnary.
Blackwood’s ” January.
Flinaiiou* in America, or High Life m New \ork and
Saratoga, by BeaUbeld.
Pc(>c the Pirate, or lha Perilsof a Sailor, by W II G
or the Revolution of by W JI Ainswonh.
American Cottage Library, edited by A 'V Franklin.
Now and Tlicn. by SoinT Warren, F K S, aulhr of Ten
tltoujuuid a year- i„ .
Tbd Mystenes and Mucncsof New iork, by Ned Bunt
line, complete.
Tho Brido of the Northern Wilds, by Newton M Cams.
Ilodolpho, or the Freebooter of Fonnenier*.
Museoma, or Farih Campbell, by Arm Ashland.
Chambers’ Miscellany, No Vi
Living age, No ItH. .
Taylor's Money Reporter tor February.
Subscriptions taken for Taylor’s Detector at thel N
York price, 81 a year. A Fpfendid assortment ol Va
rrioc. r« MINEII'S.
f e sniitlifichl st. 3d door from 9d.
February bfiffoalnea.
RECEIVED AT M A SllWhrt’tf, SmtUiffeld »lrcct
Sd door from occond:
Godey’a Lady’* Book for February.
National Magsuiuo do
Graham's do .do
A» **"«« above °ore rqunl if not superior ta heir embel
lishment*, t«. thi Previous January number*
Tire l.o*t of the* Fume*, a new uovcl by G P B
to tint Family, by 'V. lllanebanl Jecrold,
with ifluMration* by Pliix. .„ „
Brian O'Lum, or .lues J« everythin,?, by W ll Maa-
Tbe'Lock.aiid Ancijor, being a Chronicle of Old Dub*
•rvjj* Conquest of Cialifornla att«! New Mexico, in lb«
year* lbpl awl M 7, by Jatne* Madison Cult*.
Jane Eyre; rtltrrl by Currer Bell. fl . T .
, 'llte Scourye of Venice or die Nar Uiuraber of the tri
bunal, by Delimit Hanmgau.
Cbumbrr»VMii>crllnny, No 11.
liviiiir aae, No HU. . ...
fi.r th« ! Millio- .. ..... !»«» -
—TftUtaait BOOK*— llmoryoi iu«i OrecK Kev
i elution, and of the war* and rumpaiani utimiir
from the .triiMlee of the Greekl'otnoU '****§£'*£
tingtUeir country (row the Jnikikb ' °* c l ." .....
orece-epleiKlidcopy with nunterou* maps and enjera
,,l!^mcr>, iliantnuive of the mun of \ViHiam HI, (torn
ItS-fl to i;c»-wifh;lt»tt portrait*, ia t tol*. ;
Companion to the study of ihc Holy tfPjM'««' *
Harry Mowbray, iLxlrlu« loiaaiior, vub M eegra
'•Jour is the Holy Unitl. French Stage, and Sketclir.i
in Chin.. J«.» reeM HKESOtf
rti market »^ ef L_
' : rSiew'Voulc*# . - _
TnifK l>htio*o|>liy ol‘ 8,,d I’mloioplijr 01 , n
•« -a ■
Tl™ a yj»i«i)» the Uepnrlf'd. li>* Jnu. Ilcnrj' D- D
TUeClmrcli UtihrMaJ, by Dr.iiume.
Goldsmith’* I’oeJii» r Hlu«r»ißd. .
Thomr*™'* Ju ' , ‘ n
. F0r..1.1y „h J «
S N °
- i s
IfßMFwil#: ■.ißßiiP"'
nor tx yzxico, * _
THE uudenwied has lorn; been convinced of lh«
necessity for some medicine adapted to the use of
Children and Infants to supercede the U<e of all those
medicines which contain opium, and has at length sue*
ceedcd iu prcparing'and offering lo tlte public a medi
cine folly answering every purpose for all diseases of tile
bowels, without the use of that deleterious drug. or any
bltier.calculaled to injure in the least. The Infant PaiiJ
need has been fully tested and tried, the last twelve
months, by numerous persons, and found to possess all
the extraordinary virtues, and to produce all the aston
ishing cdecih os set fortli on the lull of directions. Di
arrhea, Vomiting, Cholic, Griping, J'aius, Sickness and
Diseases arising from Terihiup, wctiiig immediately
without disturbing any of the iutiction* of the body,
producing die happiest and mast pleasant transition
from violent pain in a tranquil and joyous stole of feel
tup in the little sufferer.
*f\> hff wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr.
JOHN HAUGANT, Druggist and Apothecary; Johu
Mitchell, Elliott A Beckham, and must other Droggtsta
in Allegheny and I'Utdmrgh. dccl3
power to cure! Prrrescaoii, Feb. 14, 1547.
R. E SniKXs;—My wife has for yean been subject
to a distressing cough, accompanied with asthma, for
the'cure ofwhirh she used different couch remedies,
and had the advice of the most eminent, physicians in
England, but all wns uuavaitiug. Uy chance I heard
of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was fmiuc Alto buy
a bottle for trial, although I hod no belief that anything
could remove her complaint To my great surprise,
two doses gave her immediate relief. She is at times
troubled with a cough, but two teaspouHsfol ol'.Syrup
always stops it lam satisfied, after a trial of three or
four years, that Seller’s Cough Syrup is the best-cough
medicine I have ever tried either in tho. Old or New
World. Wat FAiapouw*, ‘
Seventh'Ward, city of Pittsburgh.
The above certificate should induce 'all who are
troubled with cough or asthma, to give too Syrup a tn
ol. It maybe had for" 35 cents a bottle, at the drug
storoof U E SKLLHRS,’S7 woodst/
Sold by Dr Cassel, Clh" ward, and D II Curry, Alien
gheny city. ' • '
SELLER’S VERMIFUGE—TIie greatest of al
Worm medicines: Naw Luxes. Onto, J
Jan. 8, ISid' j
• This is to certify that after using ditftrent prepara
tions for expelling worms, 1 bought of C. K Hetman, of
New Lisbon, two viols of U E stcllera' Vermifuge, and
Kve the conteuts of one viol to three of ary children.
om the first, aged 0 years, it expelled 45worms
from the teconti, r*l years old, 70; and front the thirds til
years old, UU; making 7145 worms expelled by using
but one vial. I recommend Sellers’ Vermifuge as a
safe and one of the most effectual Worm medicines be
fore the public. Hcou Mctaaow.
Prepared and sold by R K SELLERS, No' 57 Wood
street. Sold by Dr. Coosei, filh ward; D M Curry, Al
legheny; William J Smith, Tempo raneevilte. i j*l4
nPauniHioci Bpiiug~fruss,.
TVT EWLV IN VENTED—Forthe reliefand Permanent
IN Care of HERNIA or RUPTURE. (Baited to all
sizes.) - ' ...
Tbe superior clalmqpf this Tints consist ia the com
parative easa witlf which it may be wore. The pad of
wood bcibg nestlr balanced on springs, yield* to pres
sure on any part of it, and thoroughly adepts itself to
any movement made by the wearer. Ul can bj worn
without intermission, antllaeureis effected. The sub
scribers have made arrangements for tbe manufacture
of these valuable Trusses, in a superior style, fa l’foU 4
1 dclphia, and have them uuw for sale at their office, No
77, txnlihfield at. near Mllh, Pittsburgh.
je3o - - D. W. KAUFFMAN.
Drown, Bailey & Co.,
Henry tiroC
U. Leech &Ca,
Clarke k Thaw,
Dii* b. %v. HonniSt iiydhopathist, would
respectfully inform bis friends and tbeciuien* of.
Pittsburgh and Allegheny that he bos decided to remain
in the city daring the winter, and is prepared to treat
patients placing themselves under his care, according
to the system as practised at oil Water Cure Establish
ments, for either Acute or Chronic disease*. Those
wishing to avoii themselves of his services will call al
Mr. Miller’s, comer of Liberty st. and Evan’s oiler-
Dr. M. has treated several severe eases of disease in
this city with groat success, to which he is permitted to
m - cr . novfef
DRUGS, DRUGS.—JoeI Mohler, druggist and apoth
ecary. N. W. corner of wood and sth Pilts
burgh, will keep constantly on band, drags, paints,
oils, dye-stuffs, etc.
N. B. Physician's prescriptions carefully compound
ed from the best materials, at any boar of the day or
uisblVAlso. on assortment of perfumery.
and elolk brushes, ere., which he will sail low for
cash. • . nmyl
j - dfcwty
ONKeaskSp. Brown for sale by
fobid . JOHN D MORGAN.
lOG UN A KENNEDY have this day issocintrd
i with them in the Hardware business, Philip »* d
soit and Edward Grecg- Tbs style of firm will, here
after be lAwon. Wilson A Co. This arrangement ren
der* it desirable to close the oM business as soon M
pauible. All persons whose liabilities have matured,
ate especially requested to make immediate payment
Piiuhorgh. Jan. 1, t»4A
LOGAN, WILSON a CO*—lmporters and
Wliolesale Dealers in Foreign and Demesne Hard
ware, Cutlery. Saddlery, Ac-1540, VVood,*tre*T, Pitts
burgh, are now felly prepared with a recdnliyhmpoti-..
e,| stock of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac- to offer vefy great
indueemenU to western buyer*, being determined to
compete in prices with any of the Atlantic cfeo*. Al
so on hand aa extensive assortment pf FfUsburgh
Hardware, viz: Fhovels, Spades, ForksfTfoet, Vices,
Ac., all of which will be sold at the lowest lunufac
turer’s prices. * '
xi THE subscribers having recently entered uoo
FM partnership under the name of Gallagher.
Ml a. Miller,for the purpose of carrying w n »• P*} 1
Bras* Founding and Gas Fitting busuW* m
all its branches, have taken the stand formerly oceu
pied by U. Gallagher, No. 1® Front street, .between
Wood and Smithfield *t*n where they are prepared to
execute alt order* for-Bells, Bras* Casting*, of every
descriptiou, and Go* Fining* with neatness anddes
pstch. Steamboat jobbing promptly .
H.‘ A*.’ jJuXU. -
N B—The attenriou of Machinist* and Engineer* is
invited to our amlianntion snetsl. for a reduced pnce,
which has been pronnunced superior to tUbbtls b>
number* who hare nsed both. Siramlmat buiMere and
the public, generally, are also requested to call and e»-
amiiie our superior double bction fiorce Pump* for
stebmbuat and domestic u*e. . m ,
FPHE pertnerthip to long existing under the Srm oi
I M’Cord A King, wu by mutual conacnt dissolved
ou the Ut lust, The buslnes* will be closed at the old
•tand by either of a*, using the name of the firm mr
that purpose. Being de»irou» to have our bnwne**
closed with a* little delay a* possible, we would re-
E^r 1 ' A °'° s j&m,
jjy U D KING.
JOHN D M’CORD having associated with him hi*
brother James M'Cord, under the style of Al Cord
A Co, will continue the Hal, Cop and. Fur bu*^***'■>
alt its variou* tranche*, whole*ale and- relaiLatt
old .land, comer of Wood and 6th streets, where they
solicit a continuation of the Js°.ll?S?nn •
,h, old Srn. i^VuWlVb.
IN retiring from the old and well known fim of
M'CordX King, 1 mo*t respectfully recommend to
the pammiißc oi the public my ■° cc , e “? r £ ll J*s Mr ' 1 -
M-CotdkcS. Dcl»J HD UNO.
rpiiF. Co-partnership of the subscriber*, under me
I firm of Lewi* Hutchinson & Co., is.this ‘‘■FJI*** 1 ***
solved by mutual consent. Kithcrof us will all*"* .
the settlement of tb« business of the firm, and use tti
pun> °“- i.mis mrrcmsoN
milE uodcraigned hue lhi» day formed a eo-part«er-
I .hip; under the firm of Juroe. A. Ilutchinaou &
for the porpowj or continuing Urn bttaioen hewtoforo
carried on by Lewi* Huwhuwpn Co, and wjicil aeon
«' *' ■'“"’“"'fAOTsitrifrcm^s,
Jan.l, IS*3. •
T? w
ijj of Juniata, and J A Stockton of IMt.b'iah. Huvo
thi. day entered into co-partnership JHor' irou
firm of Stephens, Slianbercer & Co, at the
works, Wheeling, Va, tor the purpose of manufnctur
tag iron end nails of every description.
DISSOLUTION— The partnership kulierto exist
ing under the style and firm of W‘tghwisn&
relL is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Joh«■ P®.
-jell haviug dupovd of his entire interest to i ll. 5^
man. The business of the late firm »dl h®
11. Wifhunanrwho is. authorised 10
late fimt for that purpose. _
spt2od3w [July 1*477 J. DALZLLI*.
TlfK Subscriber is now prepared to ®aii ul a cl ure aH
kinds or Cotton and Woolen Machinery, at *2
notice. Orders tail at R. Wigbtman’s Lngmc Shop, cor
ner Liberty and Water meci
attention. _ , *'• , i.-nu.kv su„
business at the old stand, wjuJAMS.
lan4 JQigr tt. DILWOHTH _
—■ mgiohtTioK.
T„,. _ subsisting between the subscribers,.
UK P W JJ K, **J£ ( I'outdnXier & Co., was diiso.ved
under die slylo oi jju, ] n „; and die business of
hymutualconwm.o « ‘ n R \V Poindexter «nd C
die concern will be ciuscu °/ R w poiNPEXTF.It,
. „ C U'BRANT.
‘?T’S»HB,‘«H n oESS“Sia E t*£ OSS’ 0 SS’. x
Manufacture eli kind of boiler, sheet, bar iron «nj
nails, A B steel eliplic springs and axles. »«"« co " n
nee led with Bh«nberger’s old Jnntata works, we can
offer an article of Juuiata iron I branded Sbmnwrgeii
equal to any made in the country. All
be sold at the Pittsburgh pnees. Warehouse of
works comer of Monroe and Water sts. i’l'iA—
rrsuf subscribers will cimtinue busiuos a' oU
T SaT.d, K No 41 uji usual, under the
style of-Poindexter poiNHEXTKIt,
. M C II GRANT. ..
“ Auoclatlon. J . •
ihMiueUea Ui*ethrr uudcr.lhe bni» *»i
V,* ■.wren A Co., for the l>urpc»o of ronumu»K !*»•
‘“ Jfthft ‘Uoatmen’..Uae,> will continue to tran.-
. £ o urral forwarding and commi*»iou _bu»uic»* at
lie old *t.»d •» Uw’Cnonl Bawn, Übcrty
iuiiKlf t?AM’I. WIOimtAN.
“ Co-Fartncriblp.
—~ ~ ~ Co-Fartnerebip*
Tiirj-* andrrtiirned hn» diwciatcd with himMlf Jol»
NicoKfrom Baltimore, In the Grocery * fl d }f® nc t
CoinmiiUon t>u«ine»s under ttie *tyle of teller* &
—O-PARTHEnSHIP-Wm. Young biting this
diy with him, John R. M’Cone, the lea*
. will hereafter bo ecmdoeied tinder tbo
Wm.Yoo»| *Co. , '
iORNDfG, FEBRUARY 25, 1848.
w*masoTtw». o- <*- , _; . ,
Zn\\js O BOBBINS, Mechanical Ertmneer anc
A'prnt for procuring Potent* mil prepare foe ne
cwsary Drawinc* and Paper* for Applicant* for Pat
ent*. and transact all other baamew in the line of hi.
profession at foe Patent Often. He con be eowultec!
ou nil question* relating to foe Patent Kami anil deci*
ion* in the United State* or Hnrepe. peraon* at a dl*
tnnee denirou* of having, erawmatlons made at Uuj
Patent Office. prior to for a patent
may forward lpo*l paUl, enclwuie af« of I Qve do an
a clear statement of their cue, when “‘ft"
tion will be given to it. owl all the
coold be obtained by a visit of liie applicant in pcr*oi
promptly communicated. ' - ' •• : «„,i
All letter* on ba»ine**mtj..tbe port P"V»wf? ,t,u
•a suitable fee, where a written opinion h mmtea.
Office on F. street, opposite foe Paten|Offce.
• He ha* the lionor of pcrmi*Won, to
lion. Kdmnnd Burke. Commissioner of Intents;
Hon lIL KlJ«worth. late do- i ao
II Knowles. Machinist, Patent Office;
• Judge Crunch, Washington. DCt ,
Hon. II Choate. MaMachnaktt*, V S Senate,
Hon. IV Allen. Ohio; •
_ Hon. Jll Bowlin, MC. Missouri;
J linn. Willi* Mali. New York; _
i, Hou. Robert Suiitb. MC, lltmoi*;
Hon. S llrrece, U fi Senate;
Hon. J H RHfe, M C Missouri;
Copt. H M Shrieve, Missouri;
Enwtu* Brook* E*q., Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh Furniture “Ware Boom«»
8.% TWHD IfT«BCt. ,
a laren and splendid a**ortnient of Hum*
* fur Mcnmboalv HotcU-anil pri-
dwelling*, constantly on hand ■ Mmadc
The prclenwmek on hand cannot bo by
any manufactory in the
wuliiffl?to purchase woutij dpi well to.give . . ’
» I aip determined lay price£«hall ptewe. Pa" of the
•lock consist* in— * }■ , , . _ _
50 aofa* vrilh.Pltnh and Haircloth coref*;
it do 2 Mahogany Nund chair*; *
14 pair lX*an»; J . '
13 dor fiuc mahogany Chaim;
13 mahogany Work Stai»«; .
jdoi mahogany Hocking Chaim;
• jjs marble top Prr»«ng;Uareaa»;
.* pair Ottoman*; • \ •
- H marble.tup Work SuintU;
• fa cherry Work Stank*; , _ , . .
MnhocanrVslapJe, Poplar. Bedi-ad-' °f
all ieSnLn»“anJ a largs
furniture and chair*, too numeroa* to mention.
mirittf ■ • ’’ ..
ja*. « p rc™£!p pKHC j o TT co ,
Manufacture of Uammerea wd cwt steci
Shovel. aod Spade* Axe. and «•«*•“• »{“£,*
Cut, Circular and Jim Saw* Hay and Maimta Fort*
i Ir JJ. Mattock. Picks, &c.. having completed all their
SffilJE; & Vb. eonmMi™ rf n«-■ n.ihmcry,
and in .ecurine ihe best workmen from the most cele
brated establishments of the Barter oow nmnnfrcturj
ins and will keep con.umUy on hand “J 5 ,?J
the above articles, having aVailed themwlTer of he
latest improvement*,andaredetermined thann iwk
mamhlp and material they wt.l not Ve extelW. They
promise to pwduco article* equal, if nt<avp«Tior, to
any that can bo bad in the Ba**- They ~ D Tl* a
tioa of dealer* to an examination of their, stock • e ?“ r *
purebawne elsewhere. a* they are eouvixired tbmt they
will 1* aide to fill all order. in their line to the eaten
satisfaction of narchaaer.. Warehouse.
4 door. West Mononffahela House, Pnubureb. ra.
N. ll.—Person, having busmen with \\m. Llppen
cott A Son, will pleaso call on Uppcncott A Co.
' H,w lUrdw»r» HonJie. I
mnd 2d «*, Pittsburgh. «*»««+
from the firm, of Walker
amTWoodwell. on the l»lof January, lbd?. I lake pi****
ure in announcing to my friend* m the ciiy, »nd coun*
try, that 1 have opened my new »torc at lbe above hmnj*
ed piece. Ham g purebred Wy K ofx.»fOfCMh,
made »muniments with ranttufacnirere
and in Europe to be constant!* supplied. I am fully prt
pared to furnish Hardware of all kind*, on a* cool
Jena* and a* low as any house V vr ,*‘m;
chants aad others are mpeeutoUy invited xo call mil
eiamlnc my stock, before purchasing elsewhere, il*
files, Naylor’s steel, eatletjy. edge too.s,: anvils,
lock*.latches, scythe*, bull hinges, screws, Liu on Fac
tory plane*! »»»»,mabo|iidf.board«#nd rcneer*j *iAl
all other arucle* connected-with the hardware out
ness. • , _i . j..? o *. .
—Hardware, Cutlery* Saddlery* *«.
,«* mi ,r r~i JOHN \V'AIJvKIL Importer and
{PyrfcMk&Q Dealer in Foreign nad Itoroestic hard*
would mspecuulty inform hi*
inc "is a" Vu'e pubtic generally. that he i. now receiv
ing his swine snpply ofhardware, at the eWiNauJjjJ
Walker aad Woodwell. No. r*». wood *t, which he vrill
dispose of oa the most reasonable terror. 1
He will 1* continually receiving ireth_ supplies direct
from the niaruifneiurcrs in l*ip>pc at id L*i» rouniry,
which will enable him to compete with any establish
ment. either East or West- | 1
Western tnerehanu am invited to can am. examine
bU stock betbre pun-hamt?«*Uewhe.m. ““ii
3S2wa«U by this asrney! upon reasonable tenns,.
from any part oi lreland. Scotland, fc V ales,
and iis-l'arkcl sMnpsoitly. FormsnCorTe.pombmt.and
a-enu of the Ilrmsh (iiweniiWiit have irequent!) cau
tioned Emigrant* at home nnd thbr inemls m America,
against the-frauds pracii.eiLupoit them, and hav e al
ways referred to the well known home of HasaM A
Co 7 a* ilic right place for all to apply, if they wished
to i« trcati-4 with ptmcumlit}-. and ku;diw*s.
l‘ar ir« who advertise themselves solo Agent* for the
lilack Hall Lme/staip what H untrue, and thus deceive
the pulilie; as \«e proiew to t*e Agent* not. only «'* ,he
lllack Ila i I Line. bui every *>'hcr good Line, and
for Ouiiard* Siesni Ijne. . ,
Sicin' Drub* 10 any amount payable at any of the
branches of the Provincial ««t National Rank* of I c
lami, EngUinl. Scotland, Ac. We draw our own J I
chance; nc do not take money and send it wine t, si
10 ect some one else to remit, thereby causing irnstnl e»
and delay*. Ui the Itrokers, Ac.cnll upon us and re
will acruiniuodnle them at New \ ork rale*.
JOSlll'A HOIIINSON, Enropem Act.
. 61 li *i. one door trflow Woodf_
pitt Machine Works and Foundry.
nmatndii. fs.
JOHN WRIGHT A Co , are prepared 10 build Cotton
-ami Woollen Machinery »l cvcrY’dvMriptton, such
a* audios Maclm.e*, Spinning [rami!*, Siwcders.-
Dnuvinc Pmntrs. Uatlway HeaJ-. W arpers, Spooler*,
Dreamur Frames, l'urd Grinders. A«. W rough]
Iron Shifting turned; all sire* of Oust Iron. rnUiea and
Hangers of the latest patterns, slide aitdihau.l 1-athts,
and imuls of all kinds. I'niunff* 01 every description
fureij-ed on short notice. Pattern* wade to order for
Milt iiruruiK. Iron Railing. Ac. Steam l*ipe lor heating
Factories. Fast Iron Window Sash and fancy CasUligs
treiternlfy Order* led at the Warehouse of J. 1 aimer
« rn Ijhcnv street, will have iirnmot uituntion.
ilricit miekvUH-k, Belt ft Co., J K Moorhead A Co.;
O K U oxuer, Jolut Irwui A Sons, Fiusburgh; o C k 4
H Warner. ; ■ J“J*L
Hardware bio re Heruovetl.
WHITMORE X WOLFF, having rempred Rom UiC of Libert) and St Llnir streets, to No 60
Wood Street, thtca doors above St Charles Hotel,would
rerpectfully ask the aueolion of j'uycM tb that stock
of HARDWARE, CUTI.KKk and bADDLERk ,rccd
per ships, Monongahela and Russia, direct
hop the manufacturer* of England and Oernianv.
Al«o, supplies cf American Hardware, from thepnn
ctpal monuiaciurer* of the liastern Mate*.
•ilietrstockbeingeniircly ncw, and parclutsed upon
the best term* they feel great confidence- in tjcuifj nnle
. successfully to meet roropctiuou fiom any quarter,
whtiherea«torwpst. . ... ~
Tne Hardware busirrsawill be continued atthe nld
stand. ' .?Pf ..
JJ—Ttjrj Administrators oft-c late James AlcLangnim,
offer for sale the establishment *ilu»io in Nmut \v ard,
formerly earned on by -him. in bis life time,a* a fraleri
tut and Glue Fa-.lory- The works arc m complete ordci
for earn incoutlte l>usiinr*f. Wtt!i fixmres.Ac, and ready
(or commencing a; any tune A bbtrab credit
given, and all j.ariicular. made 'known by calling, oft
iitWor a, StclSell.’ _
ALL Persons knowing ibem*elvc* indebted to iht Es
ute of ibe luie A.-Dravb, Jr., deceased, are hereby
notified to cull and nettle their accounts, and those ha*.
Inc claims against the E»Utc,will present them duly
aiiUieniicatcd or settlement to the subscriber, at the
warehouse of John Irtviu A tSons, No U \V mer *t.
<JrM:3iu * JllllN IHWIN. l.jentor
STORAGE, Fonvnrdltjs.'nml Commission Merchant,
(Jlh street, Canal UoaiiiJ.Krie. I‘u.
Messrs. Spang & Co.; Ceo. W, Smith A Co.; king,
Pcnnuck A Co ; win. U. Hblutri & Hro.; James Dal
zell Kmi, Pittsburgh, Pa. Alisssrs. Vnjceni, llimrod A
Co; I.eMcr, Setim-t A Chester, Williams & Wright;
Urown A McCnrtcn J- C. Ifcejte. Erie, Pa. Ua^llm*
Sundries— 100 bog* prime Uio cotrcejiso tuu n o
Molom.cs; 75 l.on-s manufactured tobacco; li£ hntr
chests preen anil black li und 13 lb boxes Y H
nml I! r ilo.;*Jon boxes Gifniinn cluy;10 cask* sitlcra
tus; 10 do. potash, togeilipr with .u general assort
ment of itroccric*, in store and for snlr lijr
jail CARSON & MeKNIGHT. rib m.
3lononsahrla;LlTcry Stable.
RUDEUT 11. PATI'EK*ON lias opened the
stable on First su running through to
iv 1 *!., between Wood ami Smilhficld
in lliu renr of Um Monongnlirla House, wiili an euurcly
new stock of Horscstimi Carriages os,the best iiuolity
\ml latest styles. Horses hepl,ai firery ia the best
nunu'r. _ ■ _j Jylhlly,
tVaO WAI&IIOUStt-Tlni la«hr«t price in. cn*!i
XV paid for Rood Hass; |n!«o, XJnnvive, Hale Itone,
(irxs* Hope, Uatrcintj, Woollen Hntriti Colion Waste,
A.!., by J\V CHADWICK, .
jaiw wayne r|. tieltVj’en peun and liberty
X)UODUCr«-B i> boxes find 'Ai enska W H cheese;
X bOOOlbs primr Kentucky (withers;'SU bbls preasc
lard; So Venn 1 lard; t>s bushels clovertccd; Id do
limodiy seed, lor sale by ; . 1
'¥)Klli> , U3IEIiY-*rl‘jarart« of Verbena, I'atchuu
.l Icy, Violet, Jorkcy Club, Millitleur, bouquet dc
Caroline, and fllimk, large I’eriume Hors, front £5 cl*,
to SICS each. For side by JOHN D. MUIUiAN,
jul . No. Qitj Wood »t. T
-1500 bundlea S. C. M. and D. C. »trsw paper,
IVI " Medium line. -
CO “ 1). Medium llardwnrc; for sate by
DYK WOdlW—l'ii bbLt c hipped logwood; 75 do gr’d
logwood; 100 do ehlppru Fustic; 100 «lo ground
I'jiturooil just received mid fur sale by
ji»4 _ conierol'fiusitmnt wood * *
GnoCKIjJES 'jid "Gags .priiue green lfio collci, To
cheats and halt' cheats trc»h green tetus ISO ho tea
»Ua 10* 5» a II) lumps tobuccu, M kegs 0 twist do. wi h u
generul assortment of groceries lor ante by.
jant JOHN n_
“DPKSCKRS KllsKS’*—Just received, per
OPacket Übtp.aaranick, 4 cask* ‘•lSfencerV’ 1 -ast
Steel Files, comprising a Very general assortment.
The Miration of MucbiliiM* und consumers amerplly
in invited. ’ L.IJUAN Ik KIi.NNKDV
lelit ivy wood strrel
M“OI.ASSE.H— IWI lihii (nVw crtip) N OMnlii*
arriving nml lor salt by
. |anil! ■ IHJi.VDKXTIin At C<
Ciriusnw) and i'UhVi:mzKD w,
/Crushed and pulverized sugar, Just am* 1
sain lour by |jal] IIItOWN At
SALEKATUS— 10 hose* and 7 coskfcjuH reed ail
for sulc by a V VON UOXNHOUsr k. Co.
mtil? • 3j ironUt^
K " :l> •
kU * ‘JisS TmiMo«4>?
A. the citizen* of Pittsburgh n,nd it*
are now sc 1 Hag off their very largo and •£**
of dry goods at an iinrwralleMjreduenW of pn<re*,
their object being to exchange P°l» d ?,^ or l^! b ; h „ m Jni
der to effect this in the *hnne*t «>**Uile imte they wtH
sell off their entire stockatsuch:rtiuark:“hff ‘owratei
a* cannot fail to suit ca*U buyenl. • A fi» *&&**?* *
|* now offered to personsmwwit of
limply themselves at a eorapaniuvel} small expense.
We have « I" ■ .
Palo Alio) Buena Vista* Gala, English
riiio Plaid*; Oregon and Cabiomtado: Plaihßlack.and
Mode colored Se Luines* French Menhos, Assorted cM
or»; Alpacca Lustres; Bombazine*; French Scoieh
Cashmeres and Mmtslin pe Lnines; trench and Lari
•““tte&O. WTrU-ASILk : u
A lure amlsplettdid'as»oraoent of nen black DreM
A large assortment of -super French, Tp*** l !
Cashmere Shawl*; plain [and
Thiberdo'Chwneleoa and Urocadfi
*ilk do; super ull-wuol long square llrocMa do? puun
and embroidered Cloth do; plant »hd embroidered Do
Lki “‘ ,!o - CIXJTIIS AlfD CASSIMEmA '
Super French, English, and Amcncim cloth* and Ca»-
An ezeellent axuoruncnt hf Satunet* and a large stock
of red, white audyellowiFanneln. . - m
Blanket*—Super blue jßlankeu for ov< rcoau, fine
twilled do; American premiinn«to n etc. . v -„,.
iAlso, a large assortment of Ticking*, PrinU,
irood* line. ALEXANDER fc IJAV,
mnrkcl«, N. W. cor, of JmBOiA
. Wines 4& Lienors.
OAA whole, halves, qnarter* andeitbthj
OUU dies, wines, gins) Ac, of die fqDqwi
ed brands, grades and vmtaaes, vi« I
Chard Brandy, dark; R« r } ca
do do pale; Loinkm-Marl;
. Sazernc do do; rTm»h
A SeigncUe dark; g Hunt
do - pale; » Bulgundy
lleiinei.y. do .Jilt; S
do . ‘do pal«; ?Ja M do
rumeuCsstlllian, do. ‘ § Byimngum
"do do dark; ' Fazal ,
Swan Gin; wPalcSherry
HTk Home do; « S'??™ a
Imp’l tbmle do; S
Pine Apple do; -Tenenffedo
Irish Whiskey; £
Jamaica Spiriu; • rate ‘. ,
St. Croix Bam; ' Sweet Apr? ‘
Together with a large stock of the above
Liquor* in bottle*. AUo,Ctmtnpmgneand C
for sale as ira polled, oapfesung lerms at 0?
Inr and Uquor Store corner |f at
DfT floodl it WHolewfo.
xi TT. would respectfully ii Tito the attention of Conn*
W tryondCity Merchar . to our veiy rXteaure
dock of Dry Ooodsr.bfith. mo»l recentpurehaw ond
d«Nrable*3l*Sßnmn|£vfhi«hm»y be enumerated: ;
‘27 comi Prims new tjpni ? *tyles • i
f) - (iiughams, FJtgiisb, French and Domestic, |
3 *. Mouneline de;Laine*. Eng. and .American; i
11 <« Alpaeeas in aH color* trad prices ■
17 » Bleached Sheeting* &Shtfttng» |to 13-1, ]
U SaUnetts-black, bine, mixed, Af.;
5 u Ca«*imem; black, blue and fancji ,
7 « Tweeds JdnnsCobhams, Prince Albert* Ac
7 “ sAnmer itotTr. a tull assortment
1 bale Yellow Drilling, from medium to fine; ' ,
a •* Blue Drilling. irom medium to tine;
Together with n full iu*ormient of i
Drap irfbr. Fianuel*, AYhne A*’’ i
f e iy two door* above Diamond Alley.
*J ket street. l doi fine wax Ma*ki; fl dpx P*P*r do.
3 dox common do; 3 grow, metallic
doe Ker Boilers 1 doi Salt spoon*; i dox bone SluitaW
4 ffTOM. tlernian *W Spoon! afc> BuUer
iudwc*; t dofancyToy Book*; 20,000 China Mart.le*;
0 dox fine woollen. Comforts » 2^*2
Coar» and Cop»:sdoxhne French Willow Caskets,.,* ,
<loi Willow Market do; «dot Straw b»‘bet*,
A dot glass Motte Seal*; 3 dot boue
Alien'* paienl Revolving Puy>!*;s f 3l ”
Pl<tul«* ti dox *eii* Cbe*» men; 5 dot sett* Doming u
dot Taylor’* Tape Measure*; 12 dot faniey mctalToy
Iliisketv li era** *teel K**v Rings n**»rted;3gTt»*«
China ltopi \ doi snugs Amber Be;
Drum*; Utoten willow Cradle*; 1 doxea jCk«he»_ JU*-
Fancy Dxe»»'BllU».| : ’ .
WIJ MURPHY ha* on band an exqel ent assort
ment of fancy Urc»* Silk*. Chatpekon Plaid,
and ianev .tripe, which be it now olfcrupr «***?}s'
;?£««r.o, on assortment of plain,
and plaid, black and Wuebmek M.k*. f ? ’*jf.
pkee* of rery superior and fewest style* at*©, Grade
Rhine. atul Italian plain black Silk* lor dra»»e«vio„ and
r.cwp.u C nu of CUansvableTurcr Sauna. DarrcdPop
lintjAc. __ _ - -
A i PsrCA k. CASHMERE HOSE -^1 R Slurpby
invite* the atieutionof the ladies lOjbk
.»■> * b i s ”'..7' , I |jSu
.trnb and blTt ribbed. Also, black *pui silk. thibet,
liinM.»a con™ b«V*
price*. ,_ . j .1. i . '
/\VBS Tins MORNINq at w R MpUMlY^an
(J assortment of new pad bandsoino >t>b ( * J^ u ' u
Print*, brawnjm-t white-alw small M«* "« -
l*iit>' wear—yard jvvide double purple* i upeno^tjual-
G" Vnociaul-is-ijb' bag* mo r“ eka s«
rIL Tea; 2Udo Injpertul and Black Ta, >o
3 large Mackerel; 3 bbl* No 1 llerrmff,6 Idd* 9t Lorn*
S H tu b!i!» <!« l»oa! Sugar, 33 bbls \ megar;
75 boxes 3* lamp Tobacco; 30 kegs 6 do; 40 boxe*
i the Nectar Leaf do; 15 bau* Pcpptn » bbli Ground
Pcpoen 100 reams Wrapping l*open '4) do )' nting Pa
per Jot *ale by R ROBISOJi & Co..
tSt» Liberty itreal.
lt MURl’ilY a/k!* the attcuuon
of but era u» lu* asw.riniciu of abovexoodir includ
liw rich plain liilnin drew* lilkvpoult *oie d« blue
Mark do; Ticb watered do; do -watered apd stnped din
rilk* for cardinal*; beside a large nrsoruftciii of ranc)
Drew Silk*, changable *auu>, .Vo., all oil wiucb-vydl be
void nl lt.elowe«ii>o«*»ble price*. I
MPRPIIY. N. E. corner of 4di
cull* attention to die superior long cloth! eliimag rntn. i* .dim* nt 121 «• pcyd-nlv>. ho. .upertor a*-
*>>r.aieiit of mlSli UNVNS, warranted pure flax, and
of the most approved inajiutucture. Linen Lawiia,
of every iimUity. and a inti assorUncni of gentletneu A
Ijtilic* cambric haadkcryliief/. 1
T?LRM.Sm.NC? tIOOI/S-We have uh. baud aan*-
_T aoruurnt of'good* smtablc tor iuriu*im« hotels
steam boat*. Jce., among which are 13ba|e*ueki ,1 g»,a*-
sorted;« do bra. dnllinci; 3 case* o-l anil tM bleached
shirunKsUdo l. l and [4-4; do; 2 banii heavy linen
crush; 7-4 and lititit table dtuper. «|o. do-Damask,
Scotcii and RiUaia diai>er; low.pnced|hnry madder
print*; white counterpatie*; plain and trilled Otanxeis
L„ «H.k »m Jd
janl _ ......_U*H22iiL '
' ' Shawli, Bhacvrls.
CJELUNO OFF—A very ll *We japenor ajrart-
O ment of .upcr.Turktm Shawls exthi aU woolßra
chadc; finff Ctuhraere dis plain and cmbraklcred cloth
do; Plain and embroidered Thibet do; Brocade, Damask,-
amt Ottoman Silk do; I‘laid long .uuli iquara do; to
gether will, a great variety ol other de.cnpboiii ol
Shawls nil of which are now wiling off atari extra ■« utD,® n DAY,
fcbS 73 N \V cor. ot the Diamond.
FKESnnCfGOLD PENS.—Rec'd by eXprcw llii*
day a large lot of tho belt uiudo ever bro l to
, (hi* city.' By offering a considerable premium over the
ordinary price*, I have bad them mtuijifactored *upe
rior to any heretofore, and can confidently rccotnmeud
• them a* such for the fineneis of the gold, thfcir ca*)
; elastic spring and: Sue 'smooth points
i kiwrtnicttt of othfir braud* tor sate o
and warranted, at 111* watdi andjew
; *| _fcUs-3tJ _ c _ o !'’
Z>uPKti. french curnw
fine ru**ortnicni of trench oik
k “»* 4 “ 0 ""'"‘“SuKLNWa * DAY,
ftl.O 75 Martel «i, N_W_cor of lha lKaniond.
Wood .t, have on tad n well njJOtOJd end
nblo .loot of DRY GOODS, ntueli fey ' «£»
western and city merchant*, on very tfca»on»We terns,
nnd low price*. Moot of the P*>d*
die last momh, and at reduced J>nce*._j JM .
B''~'l>Z\CJIEP DRllis. kcr-W R. Murphy h*»
open thi* mominK one ca*e Ambrkeag lllcwhcd
l)rUl*,a!*o Unbleached do. AraorkeagjNo l; alto Tick
inc* of various price* and uutUmes—aoil offered low by
STpSceniidyirf, «l;N £ eoraer o dll. .nd Mattel
# ircet __j S-- -
Murphy hu* on hand Drab Moreqi lor slruu. Also
' Corded Marsailes skirts, 1
French Cotton ' do (anewarticle. .
Morinoo mid Cotton Vesti, Ac., nortjicast
corner of 4th A market su. j leb3
COCHKCO PRINTS—W R Murphyj Invite* the atten
tion of buyers to has assortment <Jf above superior
coods, went styles and ntsidV of pure madder colors,
and warranted fust; alio. Fall Kiv<jr and American
pri nt works do. also last colors. _j J jarUS
rp AI! I. E P HR* *AN D T-UiLlvCUyTllS-W. R
I Murphy has on hand, at low pricks, an assortment
oi common. medium and superior lijien table diapers;
also dainnsi linen table cloths, impkiiji*, etc.; also hock
abud, bird-eye, and Scotchdiapirs fortowchng. Jaio
PJaAID BLACK *LPACCAS.-Ajfcw pea of satin
bnrrcd aipnccas. lately rcc’d; also, an cseelteni
assortment offuncy bnrrcd do., ul tho dry
goods liou«e of __ _ W R MURI H\_._
pity, corner 4tli [rind Market *t«i, continue* W •
Winter the** Good* at jjrcuily Rmliici-d
lin tie Ltunei ns low tm l'Jj ct» per yyrJ.
‘ Mrlineiit of Hue I’lniiln selling otj n£at
doctiolt In price*, tit ?P Murljol *iterl. N \
the Diamond. ALhXANPRK .....
I.ILANNKIA 5 —H*«li IJrown and Starred Y
' Au additional supply received ihe
:"; b ‘cSß'cfi
tf* » : ... -- -j-
Blankets —us pair urge ei
Bovs >l Ml
the attention of parent* toltisexcrilei.
bo .„ CB s.imerr. and tweed* of vßrimu
the l>ry Ooods house; rmrtheust confer of 4
kotsu, Ck —-i-U
PKODUOK— 15U bill* Uy* r*njtlr Wop
1 ls»rd; a bids iJuueKiJ kegs do; ‘d
bids live, j bbU Scans; ju.t reed will for ■
bM * * ' ■ U ROU SON
lei'll * .
Oils— WJO gals übtnrol colored kautei
cals'blcached winter Whale; gall
Whale Oil, jii»t ree'd and for sate hr '
lf .|,iB_ : - MU.I.RR AjßlCt
PRODUCE— Received per steamer Li
Clover Seed.-5! do Flax Seed} 3«lo
ilo White Iknns, l? do Lard, US kegji do 4
do Feather*; fur ante by fcbl BAOALH^
Liquors— inu gallon* iioifuHdlQTn; i
Ilranay.rec'doa «ou*igameiiib»id foi
janl3 ;__,TAB3EF
I UNDRIES—I3 hbis Clurerseed;|*Jdo 1 !
IST casks Searchings: t< .barrel* do; 1."
* v "*r«ds Bet
& Co..
liimv Aides. Bad shoulders: 5 barm
fcM9 PnrCVD, RHKY,
CJ JJ«TS— B3 c uit J>tuae jurt wc’t
&w» i
-- VytT
STATEMENT of the Assets of“thc|PreMd<;uciuul W*
rector* of the InsnranceCqgiptmy
ca,’! pubUehed in confonnity with the.provmotte of the
Act of Assembly: ' • •- ••
- • JIORTGAGES--1 i;! ?
All. of whieb are raft Mortgage*, arid are ;
on Real Estate in the city and county of v■ •
Philadelphia, i *s&**> *\
' ' • LOANS.- 1 ‘
Philadelphia County Six Per Cent, at par, JJWo™
Philadelphia City -do ; -do . IWSiS
United State* Gov’t do do
Chetadenke&Del. Canal Co. ftIAOOO at 713, W
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal-Company, L! :-.
• Rarulel Debt at par .
Ciucumati Cmr Bonds at par, , . i’ - ; . - -
Lehigh Coal -..CjCOOw
•Do do 1' . do do, «6,asoat«) if i: :
Mortgage,'- ' >' ' ' : i
PehuyUdu NavigalfonCo,Blo,ooo*lso. : W* oa |.
Do do »
Boat Irfan, . . 'I;.-
PhilidalphiOVilmingtonandßaltunpreßail i : . -
' Road Co, BO, . i_ '. 5t 400 ?5
- - •tmv’ka.- ‘1
COaharesGermantown and Pcrkloraen -,J
Turnpike Road Co, at i: 8S) .3,150®
48 do. SchuylkillNavigationCb,. 30 ■ 4,410®
144 .do Merchant’*andManufacf 'L'
lurer's-Bank, Pitub’g, 1 ;)7,3U00Q
50 do Phflndelphia Bank.- ! 1® :!6,«00®
3J do. IVansTlmniaßank, 230 ;S,00000;
® . do North America Bank, 1® : OO
4 do las.Co.State nfPenn'a, - 200 i, HU»00
IUO do Penn’a Rail Road Co, •; IS .'JA0000;
372 do Union Canal Company, : 25 v#,fiooUt
33 do Chesapeake and Delaware • U
Canal Company, V W ~1,030 Off
5 do Philadelphia ana Havre de.; "! J;) •
GraceSteamTowßoalCOjOO ■;*> 2500 Q
120® do In*.Co. of North America, , S
C“h, -r JMSis
Note#Reeerrable, • - :
PoUeieaUuneenltm, i-.- >•]
Debu Due.the Company, . . . ; i •
Propeilie* In the Care of Agent*, .
-' ' h ..t7W,?SS2J
ARTHUR G COFFIN, Present. !,
HexrtD Stmaxan, Secretary, i. febladtw
VraE _ A!nrMAaraE isscaASCE. !
TIE Insurance Company of North America, through.
its duly authorized Agent, the *ab*cnber, offere ta
make permanent and limited liauraiice on property, in
this city and its vicinity, and on shipment** ca-*
nal ana Rivers; '• " '-J - • ' ‘; > ' j
Arthur O Coffin, Charles Toywr
Som’lW Jones,. Ambrore U hRe. „
Edward Smith ; Jae o b MThog f
John A Brown « *'•?'•!' •<
John %Vhitc Richard D Wood ,
Tbo’s PCope • WtdWelih t
Sam’lF Smith : Fraucts UotlCxna \
Samuel Brooks S Austin Alllbone ,
tlnnD Saxsaxan, SecY-- '1 . - -L* .. i
This is the oldest Insurance Company in tte UrnleU;
States, having beea chartered in 171 h. Its charter U
perpetual, and from it* high standing; long experience,'
ample means, and avoiding all risks ,ot an extra haz
ardous -character, it may be cohridered asoffMmr am
ple teenrity to the pabbo MOSES ATWOOD. _
At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jonos A Co^ 'Va-t
terand FroafUeets.PiUsburgh. ■ l .febiatf r
i [pipes hran
r|ng celehrat*
’jo rt Wine;
l{er ‘do;
lalagado; 1
W'iuet and
laret Wines
e Wine Ol
id Front sts.
JOHN FINNKY, Jr-, Pittsburgh for tee Del
aware Mataal Snfetylnsurance'Company fiP Phil-*
adelnbia. Fire Risks upon buildings' and merchandize,
oferery description, and Marine Risks upon hull* or
cargoes of Tes*el*>Ukeu upon the mt* fryembk t*™*
1 ITT** Office in the Warehouse of Wiß Holme* St Bro^
1 NoTtf Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. < j ,
, N ll—The sneetaa of this Compand since the f*tab« i
! Ushinent of ibe Agency -in this city) with the prompt;'
ne«a and liberality with which erery (claim upon them
for loss baa been adjusted, fuUy wMfam lh# agantin.
inviting the confidence and patronage of h» friend* and
the community at large to ihs Delaware hi 8 iMnntned)
Company, while it hue the additional advantages** aq
institution among the moittiourishingin Philadelphia-*
aa baTing an ample paid-in-capital, vfbich by. the ope*
ration of its charter i* constantly increasing,
ine to each perron insured his due share of the: prontr
ifthe company, without Involving him in Uifritpon
ibilir - ihoMuy,
•*, and
1> 1310-UianerperMtaaJ- i
Insure Building*, runutiire, llercnanaue, ami prop->
erty*enenDTi either in the city or
lo**or damage, perpetually or for lin tiled peri-.:
oJi. on ftiotsblc tcmt*. ;;'i >
rn Di RECTORS. ’
3olm Sergeant Samuel C Merton v ,
William Lynch Adolphns Pent* ; ;
Thomas AUiboao - . George Abboli;. . 1
John Welsh, Jr- . .Patrick Brady, v \
John T Lewis. i •
c ~! SAMUEL C MORTON, President.
Fautas D J**vnau-Secretary. - 'v! J
Orders for insurance by-lhe aboveCompanyryvul be
reeetseU and Insurances effected by i the undctwaited;
agent for Pittsburgh. GEO COCHRAN,
; nosl7-flm* • • • . 1 i «Wood ft j
11 UK Franklin Fire Insurance Company, ofPhiladel-i
nhia, will make Insurance, per nianent andlunltetl
on etery description of pruptoitj', in Pittsburghjiid the
surrounding countrymen favorable terms.' Unia corn--
pany has a perpetual charter. : . .... ;
CuiHtui. ■ : . • -• wun,ooopaidu«(
Contingent, Fund . . ! SWiffl/vj. . -
' uff»ee earner of third auff Market streets, - Putsb’gn. t
apUOtf. ! WARRICK MARTIN, Afecnt- j
rodo sio>Tnugro?t.Tat>r*naoa. !
ETUIS establishment long nndl widely known a*
being <inc of the mo*t eomntodioiit lit the city of
Ralimitmr,' ha* recently hmiergoue very extent
sivc alterations and iraporoTcltfeuts: An enlfre new
wing ha* been added, containing riumerous.-gjtd airy;
sleeping apartment*. and extcu*ivc bathing rot* l "- V
The Ladies’ deportment has also; been completely
reorganized and fitted up in a most unique arid be rum,
ful ntyle. In fact the whole arrangement of tha ilonso
ha* been remodeled, with a single eye- on the' part of
the proprietor*, -towards the cowiort and pleasure of
ihrirGnests, and whieh they confidently; assert will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Uj)Uuu > • \
. Their table will always be supplied with ftgnMup*
•tantial and luxury which the market affords,-; served
up in a superior style; while in the .way of \Y toes,- Ac;,
they will not be surpassed. , .
In eoticlusion the proprietors beg to *B7, Shat tmUitnr
will be Icll undone ou their port. ,aml'uu the. part of
their assistant*, to render this Hotel worlhyi.Jhe cou*
tinned patronage of their friend* and _lhe pTblic genr
C • ' -board have also been; reduced to the
»he price* for , . • -
>Uowine rate*: i -i
Ladies'Ordinary, ?LiJ pefflay.
Gentlemen** ** ' i I?*® £*'i :
J*. Baggage 'Wagon of the Hon»« : will nh
r&yi be found at Uie Car and Steamboat Lauding*,
rblch will couvey.baggage to and from tbe Hotel, free
f charge. • :• :
asasxxn; oEio.r < ■
ETIIE subscriber* having purchased the enure,
interest of CoL G. l\ Williamson, late of this well
known establishment, bee leave <o state to thdr
friends and the pablie generally, that they
this commodious Hotel fat a tenn of years aud wul tt
"ert iheir best energies tomake it a desirable ; home for
Travellersand City Boarders. 1 . '.v; ' ? •
The Hotel is spacious and admirably planned for con*
venience. light and air, having a number of parlors ad
joining chambers, presenting unusual attractions ; to
families. . ■ - '■
The present proprietors having had the experience
of years in this city and elsewhere, hope they wd* be
able to give general satisfaction, being detepnwciilo
give undivided attention to tl»e house alone. S
- The location of the Pearl Street House is uncommon*
ly eligible, having fronts in Penrl,, Walnut _«nd Third
streets, so that it is equally desirable in vMiw of me
convenience of business men, or re tire moot ; (brprivate
boarders. It is near by the lldnk< the Post CWieo. Vie
Masonic Hall, Odd Fellow’s Hall, and but one square
distant from Main street and two wnares from the CUT
Wharf, thhs offering the greatest iuuuceraents, espccihl
ly to conntry merchants and generally to ml persdns
visiting CincuiaaiL JOHN NOOLE, v
inchv7 - JOHN A DLBLE,
coasx* or saltihobb asp sctsw Jt ?w
mThi* splendid and spactoas Uotel, elegantly ait*
tuUed for both business and pleasure is
to constructed as to combine all the Inxuriet of
the best hotels with eleganee.and real comfort. •_
Choice suites ofaparuneutsare si all seasons reserr*
ed for the eccouimodation of transient guests,
ilies Tiiiting the city will find the Eutaw House a home,
unsurpassed bv any Hotel in the Union. ;> i
The location is elevated aud"situhnous, and 1» »JsO
convenient to the depots mid landings,
coaches and porters ot Ihe-house
waiting to convey passengers and.tlieir baggage to Urn
Gentlemen’s ordinary ■ si,stiperday.
ladies’ - do_ • 1 - V,tX>j io.y.
jaal9d2taw3m i j
’ ~ EXGUASOE iUOTBX,-; ; ]
(VLin ov PKXS AXD ST. ClfcJU Ifia, NTrt»C*Otf. ***
MThe *ub*criber havirtßaMumed ffie nuuiafe*
mem ot thi* long eitalilifthed and popular HtjJey
rernectt'ulty announce* to Traveller* and the Pub
lic ceneTally, that howjll be at all time* pteparea to
accommodate “them in all thing*; deurablfeUi a.
reculaied Uoiel. The lloum* i« now
repaired throughout, and now Furniture added, and/no
pain* will Ire *pansd to make the Ej change rone cf.lhe
very he»t Hotel* in the country. } "
The undeniffued reapectiuliy wlietl* agpnUtiualtce
of the very liberal pntrouaco the Uouve haivhereipjore
received. . THOMAS OWS^ON,
T jj, : - Jg
ginseng J?>
x LUNGS.—Thi» nnpcwr
attended the.use of the : ;
a i., ,7 cwsENr
Toricni* feta*'
somes/hs* iadneed-tk
lipaiathuf.'.';- j -V \ .
‘•'jfhe chaagabto
winter month*, ii always a'.w
: j • COLU9 AND
These,; If neglected, an. but i
destroyer,- • ’•• t.*'« :•
Tte ; question, then. • how shall
thh* bud? how' ihkil we get?/
• 0W1? is bfrittlimpOrtsace ;
will be&trnd intho Gin
we hawtrotatima io)
dozens oftmriestkno'
enewl Its coralive power
draeay from all Hit* of 1
Ministers of tie Gospel, «
tices-frocn.iba •
vn Rare embodied in per
-gratis of any of oar»g«rt»
Rave been nsed in thU cfty.
throughout the United State
ieage any jnaatoj»lnl€mt •
a which, when taken acc£
fore the longs had becosnn'
erer failed to • •
'‘effect a-
Why, then, aeed the
Ao tnuenble noctramt, gottet
aelrtmdcrthe e**uineoii*Hwt
lieianf and polled into notoriety
■Ons eatully unknown?. WhQe
U to be hod, whoee roaebe*'
sCwba® »i ’
•' In'order th*x thi» in«
within the remchdf the]
pm the price nt .■ '
just one half the r uin*l<
tor iaJe try oar ngenu In
over the west. Who ue r
lion rtUttre toit.
• steel or quilltiens,,
ink is the result of the ei
devoted to the mahuflmtpr.
an article sailed ito alb tk
The perfection of this writ.
lowing properties: FwmiiT*
be /band to sarpass oil previa
floor with perfect freedom ei
peas, uni U entirely free front
Cota*—'The color of. this. *’
bine black. It U necessary,
taers the following eaatimu
Rood block ink- frc
cynstitmiou, requires expben
deep color. It nuUt novthei
the moment the bottle is open
to be & jet black.., The first a
Rat after exposure to the cben
phere either on paper or til the.
a brilliant black ' ' V ':
PmotanscT—The color ia
ofttine.. It.will never fade. On this
portent records thottld be made far this arttifife
only deepeo and strengthen its tint.- 1 ;.
NB.~Tbls ink is suitable for all, kinds
• pens, and for pens made of quills, and-.whatsit
torn and very desirable with many, will givo * pWKt ; --.y&
impression by the copying press. . , '* - - -vlw
07* We are usiig ui tho Institutions syith-jwUAw* ■ *
are connected. Moms* blue blaek writing
respect to fluidity, brilliancy of color andpeTfnaaelicy»
believe it superior 10 any ink we.beve hc»atofcra4aw.-
, A Thurston, coshirr, bank of-Louuvalle,- Wm.rßich-. -.
ardson, eosluor-Northern bank of-KrtlaelW} OW.C3
Gwothmey eashier; bonk of; Keplnckyi LLShrerO, ..
president of the Gas bank; Thos h Helm, eleix of^Bt^.■,?£?
ren county counj CurTcn Pop©, clerk of JeScrtoa coon*-
ty court; P B Atwood, secretary,, Furman 5 *
"Company; John Muir, ajmnt.L^xmgpn'lnsurance •»*;s•
S S Goodwin, seo’y Portland Dry »»k deJAniaste^..
Co; D S Chambers, see'y Franklin Fira. fc M*nno-ImrV r
suVanro Co; J H Rhomer, treasurer Louisville l oavttga , ,"rr3|
Institution.. A supply of tha yeeetvM'.*-;~. r v>rff!
and for sole by • (tea] JOHNSTON A gTOChJKW..»
A -This disease is censed by a paroxysmalconstrue
lion of the air cells; it is very debtiitstinf. almoeti«a»-i. 'z fiß
injr suffocation. DR. SWECTSER’B PAJtACEAItIh*- -
only certain cure. ' : ' ui'p ‘ nv,';?**:
.- Hoar*ene«scan be entirely cued by pfreauia.iullii-'-,
Sweetser 1 * Panacea.';
Catarrh,- or common cold. - which, >f. nefteeted. will . fv-R
terminate ia'Cansumptimt, is effectually rcapvbd;aa«
cured by Dr. Sweetser’s Panacea.- _ ’ ' . J*3
Bronchitis,-if tm€heek*d,-.will eflectadlivlea4,«
Bronchial Consumption, but atimelynsopf Dtr-Sweet- • I-m
serisPanaceawilieflectuallyeHraiL * <»>.
- laflammaiicsv of thelTcamls or Sow Throat—-Tam
disease often leads to serious coaseqneaces. froDUftgg-y/;,Vs
ket, such as ulceration of the throil. On the first srmp* .
toms, Dr.SweoisePs Panacea should be procured aaa, , r ~y
Coughsvond €olds.£ad -n sovereign remedy. . v«
Noth*—A *enr" Sml -diieaae, uwliia*
from a violent cough and cola on a dcbultoted. or.
ben dowaconstitauon; aged persons ora subject to
iJJr. Sweeter*! Panacea should be used otrrihe fint .• . f
irmptonut.whleh are a eocefa'or cold.- - JV_
: Night debilitating complaint,;nu meet . ;
with a timely check, by tiling Dr. Sweetsei> Pnnace*. _
' ; Comumptiom—lfon the fim appearance of corwamp-. _
Cre symptoms, which are a pain tn the sale anu breast,
coach or spitting of blood,if Dr. t* wee tier's Phnacea is
freolv used, no danger need, bo apprehended. . • v- •
.\Vkealho l ihe\Vii)dpipe, or Bronchial Tron •
become clog-ced up with phlegm *o as to impede ««*• •
taiiou or breathing, Br. Bweetsera Panacea,which *»•
a powerful Expectorant, should bo token acfcartiag
•the directions '' v'^.
Inilucius.—This duttreastsg epidemic, sopreraJeni la
* -~ k »Aily cured b*'“
our climate, u speedily cured by Dr. Sweeuei*® Pu*r
cea.' • • • ./•■ -■ • 1 > t-
Price $1 perboolc, or six bottle* for 83... t * ■
For sale by-WM. JACKSON*,' S 9 Liberty «
the bigboor. -■> • ;■ yMWaITj.
rumoßwr/ BMMW* v
Messrs, reed a cutler— l feel «■» toy * ;.
airs to iny feliour creature*, to state i*mneQuߣ v
more Tospectinjr yoar Y«gotablo Pulmonary BilaaTn.
Since l first used the Balsam,. ebeat eteveH yews mo. .
the happy effect of which I thon yavc anarooant o<i I -
bate had several severe complaiuts-nnd attack* attar ..
lunss, one a few day* siuee,'and in every fautaucaJ. ,
hate used the Balsam alono with complete and perfect \-
•access. It has effected relief and cure in arerrlfew
days. It iscertainly a safe medicine. T do-, bot know.-,
that it will cure a tied consumption, lint I,.believait
. will bo in many case* a prevenu ye, and prereattoiria. :
better than cure; Ido tlierefore.foMbe Itfvokf JOT let* .•
low men. earnestly recommend the nfc.of thaa jßalaanv ...
in all pnlmonary complaints. I am coafidaai-IkM-tl.. *
has been the means of preaerrmg ’ ‘
Boston June 16, ’46; • • BENJAMIN PABSOJfi
For t&lo by B A Fahnestock, It Co, comet fim «
wood and also comcrwood andOth. • t jaUt_
-• Highly ■ Uatfv. rtßtU.,,. • •
certificate from * highly respectable Indy, has beea ■■••- i •
sent to Dr. Jayne by his Bgcnu, Mewra Jagn Han *
Co: CenueTtUe, lanTklareklWyl&iV • ••;■«. .
demands that I should, add fay te*oaway,to4be welled
tablisbed efficacy of your. altxoittvx. I. haTi.bad -
what the doctor* QU pronouficed aa inewabJo Scrofß
lousCancor.of three year's, standing., ARerafailhfal.
use of the remedies ot the mypanene». ( . .-.t,
iu their use, and hope* in taeir efficeey wcTp.ccmpltte--
IV exhausted, l commenced,, taking, your Altereava,
After I bad taken it about six-month*. Uwa* pot only:
cured by. it. but my Cancer was literally rooted <MU tad >
droppedoffi lam now ccmpWicly and permanendy •.' . ;.} .
I cured, and have no hesitation iir sayingthut it U th*-
mosthfficacious constimtional remedy extanL l hay*?
no scruples nor'fear*, in underetgmng luVutwtna y
. commcndin*iitoaU«ißiilariyaneetal.>;:. /-• >
Respectfully yours, .: _ SiXCfFtU*; \
Dr D. Jayne—Dear Sir—We enclose yoh aeerufr*
cate from Nancy Falls, of an important «re performed . '•
ou her by yonr Alterative. .The facta Mated 6y her .- t
know to be true. Yours} ‘ Jiaoo UixkCo
For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Ter store, 78 4tt
street, near wood— 1 ' iv t:f> tan _y
-niCTlOJt'A&lESiOrteh, fia|»lh, Cfat*
• •. .
Anthon's Classical Dictionary; -v
•• Dictionary of Greek and Reman Antiquities; ...
.M’CuUoagh’s Commercial Dictionary;
•lire's Dictionary tfud Supplement, art*, faHßm&etßte* v .
and miues: . ; -v'v '
Webster'*Octavo-Dictionary* nmsededition; •; V-.y 1
• Todd'* Johnson's and Walker's Dictionary; -V :
Worcester's Dictionary; ■
’ Liddell tuid Scon’s Greek Lexicon; ••• . i
Robinson’s Greek Lexicon of New Testament} -
lieveietrt Latin Lexicon; .-.
Aiaawonh’s Daun Dictionary.
Fleramin#nadTibbia ? sl'’reneaDieuoaaiy; • •
Duck's Tueolopral Dictionary;
Union Bible Dictionary; ; ■:
Robinson Caimet’e •
The above, with A general assotuiwnlofTheologieaV
« ra >”“’r urf, ' o " ,! raSofr t COU.OH.
•• 'jcS- 05Market«t, b«tw*etr3dA4th.
' 1 Jon. 1Q»
Great ueducttox in Murphy, - &
N*. Ji comer 4th and muketits-,will, /rotaiht**.,;
date, sell his winter dress goods, and m large proportion f..vv
of his stock,. adapted only ,tp tfa .vnnter setiim, M) ,
greatly reduced pnees,' It being hi#_obJri£| to. veil
this part of his stock to make Worn far wwariyaprt** .
supply; no’resnrd wilt be had to ib*.e««rtteg«4s;
but they will Us otTrrcd et^riceath^- will eartte^halt^
, 1 *'*7 •
> ill : i
(hlir ■ Import*!