BOOKS, MUSIC, &c. rjTHE' Uw Byyocrito.Unnutfrri; by Q. P. Jut E. Howard, anthor of Ratlin Um ■ .RieferJ''..' The Stiwof tins Fallen; by Cortie, author of Black Flamed Riflemen.' ' ! TbeltMi? Rtoni Jlead,OT the‘Lady of Green and Sloe; br ouncTpCaLrey, of UmU. 8. N« Tiro "fcaadir* the Maid ofSaxoJiy, by Loulti. . Btiniop«, #mJ>pr of“S^kinf'Ukeßm<*, n te. and Mr. and Mr*. Wood bridge; by: 'Him lytttei :j- i • 1 I«*toQa*jter.yßcTkw. ; Union Mapuiile for December.' Eifeorjoieph SrHare—a larra sat>p)y.~ Th«HmntWTCOneMother, by the aolhorof‘HJatory oi i firm.’ of Woman, by Hie same. Tb« OM Connqodotr; by E Howard. - • JenacOoAllUon or tlterYomw Strawberry U)e of _Ser «nd Shore; by Ingraiiani. ■ K*»ni, or. Dsy Ilrfu, 1 a prt«i*lq by J 8 Robb.' Sir RowlaadAiotoa, avoir by Ladr CLong. . - VcnuiMes, a&d.ibo Court of Lot^s : Rortl Cemctctie* of Aiaerica,»anO. N• ... • dccl T)OOK«t m: BEAIOir-lllainlDil«d : I*l fiauof tiered Poctrv: a splendid imperii! 8 To:, with illustrations on steel, by Sartain, and 2J ' Ulnmiaaied page*.by;Sohiua and Sinclair, richly bound in Tnrkny morocco and while celt superbly gilt ’rUo Christian Keep take, aa annnal for IMS; with •olendiAmesUcdiiu engraving*, by Saaalnj bound In ar abesque morocco. Christman BloMom* and New Year*-Wreath for 1949; a small quarto volume, printed on snow while pa - per. eohfjlisbefi with eplnuud mezzotint engravings.— f n,f« üby far .the moil 'beautiAil Juvenile annual pub* bsbed in to* United Strive. The Oliver Goldsmith, M. 8.. with - tuunenjuiej jUUe designs, by the Etching Club, In VQ* •- rious styles of binding. • . . . Thompson's Seasons, with seventy*seren designs, by ' the Etching Club, in various styles of binding. The Poets «nd Poetry o( America; by B. W. Gris . WOld. The Poets and Poetry of the Ancients, by Wiliam - Pete% A. tuperbly bound ia Turkey morocco; splen didly gilt. : ' ji WUlii’i Poems, in vinous styles of binding.’; • fCrey’* Elegy Illustrated. I liftman's Poetical Works, In various binding*. Lord Byron's! fihakdieate’at' ■“ . : . Tbe Poetieal WoTks of Thomas Moore. Ballads and other Poems, by Mary Howitt Poems by Aafolia. . • Headley** Sadred Mountains. • The above.with a mat variety of other new works, |b splendid jryln# of Mbding, suitable foe gift books; for ** l * b t JOHNSTON * STOCKTON, dc3o . , 1 ■ Booksellers, cor. Market A 3d its. • , , Taloable Standard. Work!. / rnBARDK* fcff CYCLOPEDIA—A Dictionary oT Set J) mta, bternU** and art, compr uiag tha hutory, dsicripl ua aadsdeiitiAepriaeiplctorcvcrybrßMhefhttmsßlmowMge. ' • with tbs derivation ead Idefiuilwo of *ll the terms fogtnenu am, sditsd by W) T Mode, FRB, f e. IBostraUdby na meraeseAereviwnoawjmd. „ Monrt Nwtiil American All**, eonttiniegbeantifollr eol orsd-miM>«f-?i*ti» Ameria,Caßads-E»t,Cuadi IF**!,; Hora Scotia, N*fe Brunswick, Not there Texas, New Mrt- Teis*, Criiforaia, Mexico, Central America, Ywcafea.TPest iidkjslsad* ana all the Stale* aad Temu» fisska’flteTJalon- '' ; ' Neal’s Pwritsis—The history of the PBritain from the ' reforaatidateUl?,Ntiitrendatia&of liBB,cmprisiogaa of tSsr jminjlrt, Ar-Ac.'by Dnkl N*tl,M.A, - v*ri*r4VyJchaOCbostes,MD,wilhaiaepairaitseasiael; |a firavwnae* j •' • . TTteassoflbd Body ia relation to the Mfcjdj by George member of lb* royal college of Fhyiiciaas, die. - ,SJuvcnlle Works. - ... - . . • JFcalth mulTF»*v ombßhmskeithemama rerypop* pfrilsof Um Sea, UiogiSmtihg narrations of shipwrecks, It*.;” “ i r BsetH’i Spe*k tr—Tbi J unaHe' Speaker, eotnpraiog ehmsslsiy nuts snd rxerei*cs ia deefanatiea. with a setee tiee of piece* for practice,by Freuds T It—»n. iwiructovla ■i.w.Lw. at PriaOetEßL : ‘ v- ■ ——— - • The above Wore* rietivedind for sale by ! . :JOHNSTONftSTOCKTON - all BookicHm, cor market ead 3rd PUVOBt PUlOfill SJNBY' KLKIHEB, Dealer in enitern Piano Fortes, at J; W. Woodvrell’s, No. 85 Third Street. The is may ha hxamlned at ail hours, aod-the subseri* rilp'fae there from U to 12, A. M, and from 4 to ddj. ) Pitttb’g, Oet Shi,’4C Wc. the sndertignifJ, would inform the dtizcos of Pittsbugh and tieinliy that we bare appointcii Mr. H. sole agent for Western Pennsylvania, for the i of on’r Piano Fortes, from whom they may be ols-; «ted,.o«.~» l NewTo.lo l mj«. N9 r , NWTork:{W<. t. lain-nciggrttf MISCELLANEOUS. - joarra urrtscorr. . wucirn ”T 7 - tIPPBBCOTT * BABA, (Late J 8 Biricklcr it Co.) ' • TUTANUFACfUREBS of Pbreuix fire' proof safes. JVI- ride t second street, between Wood and •* , aiHhfield Pittsburgh; J 8 Strickler having deceased ■ and the aamvihg partner Mr. Jo* .Lippencotl, having associated himself with Mr. Win C Barr, the business mutereafterbo conducted under the stylo of.Lippen salvia Cincinnati, O.—We, the undersign*• ed Were present at the resting of oueofj 8 Strict Irr h. Co'* improved pbffnix fire-proof safe*. The safe wn; bUecd & a furnace oh the public landing, and subjee ted triueinteßMhdatof'astoM coal fire for more than " three hours. Id one* safe came to /fright red heat; the door of the furnace was then cb3a,vrlueh'cia»ed an increased and steady heat lor t&AbkLince of ibe-tlme, nntil the cast iron vrheela were fiarUEUy'melted; offi the (hrnaee was then thrown down andwe safteodled and opened. l>e money,: papers . dud boots which ft contained wen as perfect as when BUeCdtherei the binding ouly of|be books being in* SfiredThy the rwatef in cooling the safe. W e have uo ■t fceeiuaietl in redomraending it to the public as a sale •BDetiof to any rare have ever seen and believe . that it will sund any heat which might ,b« -produced, • _xe*ntaheai which would melt it to asolid mass. , ' , garjitger &; Wbiwmn, I* Worthington;- Kellogg A keimdii. B*iu. l Vrn»ri WOP Brcese, Mums Smith, T s Bengali Ik CbiStednsan, llayard ft Co, Wra-Manse, • *-Meadk.Winslor- ' j- f- We. the tmienigried. selected the safe spoken of ;r**°*l s;' - • SJKELLOG. .J- Hefc* to Codkifc Harris, Brokers, Piurtrargh?' I , ,'I yitmsgr Hanna tc Co. do *do [uJahwlyg • iurawwrajboooa sYßur-nw»j«i“>■>« l?n>ra ibetfernpcmacerßanner, Nor 31647. Corta Bt*tiT,i-We are not in the habit of puffing, -teach Jets taking patent medicines, but we feel disposed tonSdnanend Morgan’s Syrup to those who are afflict • S with a Cnu-h; After haTing tned the usual reme diet tnfreinwcaconstant and distressing cough, that . SI — Tert t days afflicted one of our children, wnh* outSceZkwews/e induced to mr Morgan's cough -yrrryVfrtihritreliefwasobtainedinafeurhours, li .* bmwmTio be thd panacea in this ease at least. > -Pw3. M t wholesale and retail by the proprietor. - rrenarea DMOUGAN, Drngyut, -• fcMJ. i V wood «t, I dooT below diamond alley. ■T - 'f*Tfiw~ Store. tor Solo* ' 'S' “cS’n» stand. flOtniles byTivcr from Pittsburgh- The present baSiefbonbe establishment is fair end cau be Increas ed Infinitely. tlhe owners wishing to retire from the bestoesa-wiU aelteo reasonable terms nl private ‘Herrons ariablngio make Inquiries are retired .i*.QddfeCo. Pittsburgh, or subscribers, Weils. ro£n. Cd4fcCo, y SIACHIS TOSH. . ‘ • i= ;■ '**»— 4rs VeVr'iTPresepta. Jirs Sherwood's,Works, Jttvols 12tno, Wnstrated; MiaaEdcwonh'e. “Vi»nn- or the jsrre£nlyp>3 . jfMkla'ia llrf iron trade. A fttraopi—f*^Ti4 **rf»eutx. fuouiii*'lsymuire o{ ‘i SJ'awOh «f fcatc/pr- iWnnallw# forth* ' BMoi*.‘CtaaShctvw(fopedM of.£u£l>ib Lttermtore. * VrinAitfV C«fcascatartf«. • new edition U I'bHotiiM Twin***. : JU>J«*fc*a Pumvu, * new «>d —in *diUoo.-' Parfcr B«* 0* *ll finWi JL.EKAIA WMi/wrtrt *£. , /,Tr,. sOVJSIrftT ~"'J ~ ' »f«un! T-a»r OP- THK FAlimM-A v- I tiK *T Q- P-' IL Jatae*. K*q »an amnlifoamphy Iff iMt' Jast received and for wfo hr JOUNtfTU* L XIftCKWX, •• # this t ■ I“nr' ‘WrtwW** Oreat'AiMricaa Vieut*UMf f< t*w ■AJuh »--■"■■>» rxiunwED, eonUiaM* nil *U» : •« ie«**d by * 4 u-f TTic mart tomBU-u t#±.- ~ ’' ■ l ' «. _4Ci'H-, Bc*r_M»ilwrt *i._v > ,• —*“ r U jart KceXein* W U« ii**r «rk Red LcaiEer, of *iJ*»* , ?‘"T^’;6IIVB.JBAYAM>. : «** w Kjfti'&aat**, ; MANUFAOTOEiES., PITT MACUINE WORKS AND FODNMY,^ Pimacaaa, Pa. Jon# WBIOUT 4 CO„ A RE prepared to baitd Couoo sad Woollco hlacbio *k cry of every-deaeriptioo, aach as—Cnrding Ma eirecs. Spuming Frames Speeders, Drawn* Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Twillera,Bpoot.'isDresaiitg Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, lie-. Wrought Iron shafting toned all rises of-Cast Iron, Pol ties, and Hangers, of the latest patterns, slide and band Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every desenption famished on short no tice. > Patterns madd to order for Mill Gearing, Iron railing, to." Steam Pipe for . beating Faetoriea, Cast Iron Window Kaib/and fancy Castings generally.— OnJeril eft at the Waifebouse of J. Palmer A Co., Lib erty street, will have prompt atimtien. loan Blackcfock. Bell kCmJK Moorhead A Cb, G E Warner, John Irwin A Sons; Ftitsbsmh. G C A J II Warner; Steabeavilie- JanlO ALLEGHENY VENITIAN BLINOFACTOBY. - ■ JOHS A . BROWN . ih» method to inform his friend* NCSaJ and the public at large thru his FaetorF ; *s!nowin fnilcnertiuonton iheEast slde BajjaM or the Diamond, Allegheny, where a eon! otant supply of Blinds, of various’enlore aitd(]uaiiues,areeon(iantiykeptoahand, eSBP also at Nab Wood si,Piuxburgh,at J.A ’ VBHV H. Phiilips’olleloihwaieroocn. ; - - -• •Veniuan Bhottortmadoto order, in the best style. ~ Blinds repaired at the shonest notice. !.' N. B.Jlis Bliads will be put Bp,’ without any. addi tional ezepnu sn thht they can be removed in a mo mu tit in case of fire or tor washing, and without the aid of aerew dr e l i oetldlyAwlamiy ■ WI. ALEXASDRR A BOSS, poFFiN makers and furnishing under v TAKERS, comer of Penn and Si. Clair streets, ©•posit* the Exchange Hotel, eiilranee on Penn street, respectfully inform their frimds.and tbs public, that they ore prepared to famish and attend to everything in. Weltnoof Undertaken. Always on hand i large at rerrtmrnt of ready made Coffins, covered, lined and fin ished in the very bcM mannerf all sorts and rixei ready mode Bhroud* of fiaanel, Cambrick and muslin, and all vise* made in approved styles. Wo keep a lam as wrtmentofwhl e aadblacL‘,coGon, silk and kill Gloves, sable for pal 1 bearers and mourners, crape, cap*, eoJ lars, andeTery thingneeeasury for drcaiing the dead, and on reasonable terms, as we purchase all our good* ia (lie Eastern eiUea.’ : Also, elver plate* for engraving the name and age. We have a splendid new keartcaou horse*, and any number of tho best carriages. Every thlnguttcndedtnprocptiy and.panctually. oct&ly W. W. WALLACE, PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, Ne*. Ml end 246 XGtrfy itrssl, near Ue * Canal ALWAYS on hand and made reorder, a large varie ty of M£ble Mantfls. Pier,Centre Tables, and Bsreaa Tops,Tomb Stonl*, Moutunenu, all which, being made of the ehoieest marble, and manufnetured principally bv machinery, will be sold low for cash. .N. o. Persons ■ wtshing to purchase Mantels, are informedthat iiit henctftmh unneeessary for them to go East, as I can famish them with an article m all rcspccti as good, and (freight, insurance, Ac, consider ed,) as cheap aa they can purchase them for lathe Eml Cull and see. ' ; JeS6 . COPPER, SHEET IRON. AND TIN , WARE MANUFACTORY. No 8 Market Pittiburgh, retina: - •- • fI'HE luHscribcrs having made great improvements 1 ia the construction of their COOKING SHOVES, rcsneetfully invite persons building Siexabdhai to call and examine before pure basing,a* w«ao supply them with Deck Stoves, Forges, and every other kind o( Copper, Tin aad Sheet Iron work necessary in furnish mi a Steamboat We slm» stake to order on the shortest entice Sal Tubes aad Oiamber: Copper work, for Steam Engines and every variety of work re our line.. _fet# SHERIFF A SHIRK lil’H. ReODILY A Co n OaiDfumnn of (iili, fioUlu and W. Clan, 139 WOOD STREET. OUR faetnrirs being now-in fnU apereiion.wn'are preptoed taexeeuie orders in’our Hue, promptly. During tho last summer we have adopted a. new plan of flattening Window Glass, (the mo«t approved plan now used ia lea east) by which we lam out a sspeiior arti cle. Glass Aariened on this plan is perfectly level aad true, with a very fine lustre Painters aad dealers gen erally, are requested re call and examine for ibem setves, • ’ ip.6 BENNETT «. BROTHER. QFEENBWARK manufacturers, Blrmlnglua, (our Plttihurgh,] Pa. HcreAossrc, No. 137, Wood itrut, FUhburgk. WMAWLLLcoonantly keep on hand’s good assort mbA/ment ot Ware, of our owa manufacture, and superiorqualny. Wholesale andeountryMet •* *• chants are respectfully invited re eallaad ex amine for ihemselvcsl as we are determined to sell cheaperthanhaieverliefore been ofleredu tbe pub lic. |U“ Orders tent by mail, accompanied by the cash or .cur reference, will be promptly attended re. febtf Great tfatern Bolt Hinge fiaiolutdrjr, CINCINNATI, O. A GARDNER A Co., would, inform the trade that . theyarenow manafacuuingtiißbesLßuuHiuge evermade in the United States. As this Is our princi ple business, we tntend to send our as complete an ar ticle as can made. Those engaged in the hard ware trade, we think, will find •it re their interest to «oeonr Butts All orders promptly auended re. luyfl A GARDNER A Co. corof Bih *■ main m Blß9lNtittAU TACi FiCTUBI. CAHPBEI4. * CUSBS, FINISHING NAILS, HOOK HEAD BRADS, Iron and Copper Tacks, JRONAND COP£EH>JHOE NAJLB, Pattern MakerP PoUitt, of eoery daeription. • Office No. 9 Sl Charles Umel, Third street, ; frl>4 : - PtiUburgh, P. Mclvivt. Jum E. LaubiE r. niui.v«iii. _ *- FLINT GLASB ESTABLISHMENT. MULVA.N V A LEUfJE uaanfaciure and keep eon siantty on hand Cut, Moulded and Plain Kim Glassware, in all its varieties, at tlieir Warehoase Cor ner of Market ana Water strecis, Pittsburgh. Oar Work* continue in full operation, and we ar< ronstan iy adding re our sreek, whichdiusbtesusib&l orders with promptness. Pareha«er* are respectiuil! solicited to call and examine prices aad terms. mylUdly . COACH MAKING. • ’• * : , FROM the very liberal eaee«rage nest tk» nbseribirbti received since he has located himself in Allegheny, has indued him to lakes lease, for a years, on the propenyhenow oeeapies, in Beaver street, immediately beside the I’lessytcfianChttrcb. From the long experience in the above business and a desire is please, he hopesremer h and receive a share of public patronage. Now onband aad finishing re order, Xoekawray Bug gies, open and rep Buggiea, and every description of Uamagea re order, from seventy-five dollars re eighlhunsraa l*ep»dtfl JOHN BOOTH- . ghtvlag ud Hair Draulng Mlms# BLACtCSOfI k FOUNTAIN. TaniprUU Pn/taort, have repainted and fitted un their Shaving, Hair Drawing and Bhampooamg Saloon lathe mod*rn*tyte,*ad are prepared to wait oo gtrtkmra at era , with esse, comfort and politeness They era praparad to waitea all that sayeall without delay Tnaakul tor past fevdrs, w« solicit a coatisusaee of the same, al our ffaloofi, eanttr ef Unioo (tmtaadttraDiameed, (htek of Afevander ff- Day’s DryOoodeßtora.) a» VeoktabisK pulmonary Balsam.—to thejroprietonoflh* Vegetable Pulmonary Babtm;—l am satisfied that the Vegxtabfe Polmoosy Belmm naval* ablemedieiac. Ithmbcen aseduttisplaeawiihcemplcie euraem man obstinate oompttimt of the lungs,’ at traded with a sevsrt cough, lam of vow*, and Ihe raising of muds Mood which had prrvioaaly resisted many approved prescription* After the balsam oas weak the pUwoi’a vusee returned, and be was enabled te speak audibly. Th is case occurred sometime xines,aßd the man is now engaged uol only is sc lira fat ia Übonoaibuttorsa ttesjwetlulJy yours, Coward, N.H-Jan. Si, ISJ.. BMORBILL.MD. ’ Bold in Pittshcrgh by B A Co.'torsetof fiistqndwood, nfeococshth fcwoodvtf.i dceS4 ABTBONO EVIDENCE thal.Dr XaY.NK’S EX i'B’jTORANTi* auperiorto HI ow rcwedie« fer Cottfh*. Coatumptloa, Brenehiti*, Artfasa, tad other Pulmo nary e&ctioea, i» that the earn* pcrmt wbeeemeoecdfbe we of iJ in ihrrrfrmilie* ks> »«in »jo ftill prtirr it t» *D other reaaUe* of the kind} km where nay here Wen indoord to try other nTparaboa* they bn almoet invariably bees disappointed t> receiving the benefit which wa» reasonably •aiieitwud from the high praise* bettmrad by ih* proprietory : ut here returned to the . Jayne, Philadelphta, and wild on Mencyky 1 :■ 'ALEIfjXYNia " dcrgJdtwtf- . .! . • • 7< Fonrth et KHOBd- IBIMUi IXBUW J.SCIICIS, MJCTniS k COIMISJIOS SKRCfIjSTS,' (aKbeotdaUndoffieayiKhcpanJO . • Naahrillo, Teanoeaee, • \ X7ILL giro pimaptafid faitUui attention to the sale VV of Dry tioode.urocerice, and Merehißdite gen erally. They feel prepared to attend to nil the depart ment* of their baetnea* elfieienthr and (dealing iu no *c,r.u> bnrgh., • ‘ ••• • -- ■ • Lard Oth 11 HB snderaicned* prepared id faraitli thelr eanomera sod the pabije gtnpraily, with an steel tent ar.lnle of Urd Oil of their own nuno/nctßie, which they will aeltoa aeeemaodnlmjtero*. Their tMtbey believe to beaa good u any pfnnd JO the narkeymnd be releraeil If u> “?«“'J7o BDAN * 18 liberty at, oppoette emnfabelJ P. a—Lard and Create tnitablb W mMhifawy.on nand; for rale shore. ~ nr r* CARD* * s AH I as mw ei)(w«d iaUe Importation of Brandic*. Willed and natlu* made arianaeiMnU In d*erenJT>ana of Karope ami Um tat* : Ir.dt wilh.well kcowobouV* fc» Ojr Aua» MpP'r of Foicifa jJqoorm wWcfc I will l*e *bltia fcdl.defiVered in th« CmlMb IJonna of New- h ort Of New Orica ni or in tliia city* at the toweil market price tat eaah Of ap drated neper, t bare tn •«>« and cellar a 1 very large •rack of tery « B penor WJuea and Ltqaor* « imported of the inoivcclebrated brand* and yintaae* fef aa to on ftlraiuigtetmaby Fo MARTIN . , * • cor Uttr aomh6dd »is i ETrkiH Tlfilß JsH reeflred irom ‘I r ' Philadelphia and NeW York Pekin Tea Company, » prime lot of freth Greenand Black Teaa, eompriiinff J ttMtoiloirior • • " . | (ire* n. Black. Yoon* ilyrao, * FineOoloHCi " \ Fx Pine do |2y. Pineda . Bi!»i*rLeafHyiK>!V - ÜblesftSnpcboflt, . j : Kxuafiaedo; - r Kn*il*k *«afclaai.~ _j I KxirAFmeUsnpowileri Fwkoe Flower*; 1 Kxtm Fine Imperial • Km FUvored.- Tbe at««e Tea* ura baen wlecied wiik treat cars Mr on- 0 f iLe beat Jed %t% la ike aau, and will bo aola on Miairiemiaa can be bad >1 any other bowetatkla dtf, JAJUKS BIiAVK drc2s coroerof thlitfand «aith/|fkl n« LJ'fOVit PATTiiftSIN FOB BALißlOucb Fatlcra Maker. Allefbeojr city OilMill.faai vm ne«r«M pattern* w» Owyc* •» bandeiiher in wood i imn Mill (Jearinft aud tdl pattern* made to order, «iibnr ’• •• j : ■"'l KOH-ATKAII BOATS. ,_J POKTADIK FUIUJKA—A Ttry Ma»rn>cql *n>cTA ilWlawi aad All lie tune **A,W camel U link! » «2J? •- Alt ’T: ’vuumtUrK *<* ; bLl* i*»llVr»oa'» a *uperii>r O * ] jT.irf i>i \V#bli’» do do 1 fo,«le lir S A WHARDAUOII. jUW - ’ :,•■>».. ■ J 9 d 3 wrOOO »•- : fiUUJ}\Vr~n* hijJuulHtfxkel price will be ptid *,£'* ft- F'tfMKPAL-— 30 toa» Pii Meiel for by Sw r .; boiM. W B eiAe'do to USlffby . m pi*uTUo* ~ p«mTh {^ouf4*u^ 'VV»to m ftfjrWISKEY, 'WhoU *ui ktlibbltO. Q. LrWUak*7,a«laifirtlAculn'ud^Ulf-c«k> »Ul - ' ■ 1 ' ■•. . i . - - p C WAbIIW- ’ • -TrWETUF.-MUI. OlAr Vlnenr, Iu hliVjr' ' • • i y -ma- - Ancx^keciKPuaSi Ltstp** BHOT* tot oonsusilr an' fct&d «m te Mi«b7 mm mowNfccuLßH&aoN MISGEOAKEOUS- TJlSneilTl CHE BCILWRITIHO U FLUID—In aclieitiaf lUp' tro ageof the psbGe' toe this artielc, it is but right sndpr ipsr* Uuiti** uxriti on which thsdsia for seppori is bawd s aoold be fully ud Air ly att forth and rise sums rssrantees bt giren (hsttneecsa' muaitv wii nabs imposed upon by using It. Jo the first plsce it Jr well knoire that the geamli*v of bfodt S'lnks** ore compceed of a preeipliric, held together by gum Arsbie.aad wbca the water, either ia whole or part b trsporated the gum aadjvdelptisu art left as s pasty asus ialbepaorakimadwhiehcoaUi&sit. Itbriwcoaunou to add viaegar to the Ink m.xtsrs to make it more fluid, which sacreasea the evil by acting ion the pen, if t gcclooe, eMTodiug ittiiroughiaswr borttime. How lbWri ting fluid” diflen from thes mill am hi every respect, u it is s chemical sofoboa requiriag&o vueid nUcr to hold h together, therefore will aevsr get thick, and being very Arid a targe quantity flows from the pea Info t given sprod rasetr* : liag sreprrfato the fibre ef the paper a awrepeiwm aeatstanaadcßeksseasilymottdbyßttriuMihwiirftvrsi only fdastmd CO the sorfoe*. It a'So cootsiat &o Walter tint hssantffiaiiy for mtUlic irow, therefore wifl aoi eareodr srer! peas—it will not mould, sal ritbotmb it writes of a . blubb green color yet ia a few hours it bedßhes % deep kiL.w whui will eadore fof.ages. U b wumated superior to the forriga article known by tbs'asme of « Arnold’s Writing* Fluid,V aad ooe-third more given for the asM price. As iguarantee agii&jttmpositioaar any kiadbeiag uttsapted the follow ar recemswadatwas will suAce, us all must be aware, that the names there gina could oot hsieWeaob. tamed by any mesa* for an unworthy purpose. Writing Fluid’Mo ol „j* .«Uic,iia£ntrric srlid« xs ail re*, pccti; it flewsfrta from the pea jjrifoout up and 1 u the room of ■ few hours become* a deep bnrht black. ; B A Samtaan fc Co. Wick nod McCiadtiM Robert ihiore, . . Joha Parker, Wm Uppiacottk Boi . 8 Wkhtaan J- Co: Mctdoevnask Douglas ■ Francs tellers '• Robt B McTril, Dookp*r C A MeAnuliyA Co. ; for.W-WWslbce, Juaiata Rolliag Mills, Aug 20,1817. . Mr Tho* K HiUer*—DnrSir: I have been usiat your Chemical Writing Fluid, aud fiad it a that rats article for lb* office, it flows freely from’lh* pea and become* jet black ad few hours. Yours Ac. T H TUTTLE. Book-keeper i ■' '<* 'for Bismili A.scmple. • . ; PitUbaijfe, Anj 28* LW7, Mr T K Hibbert—Pear Sir Hating procured* buultof tom Wriliq;iluJ l HuAit«mekii(o,lccßa 17 H. aa * ir M tapcrior to Arnold* or an? other ink sow In' mtjlknowoC - Bemetiul'r, : - ' WILLIAM STEWaKT, Book-keeper ' ; 1 (erAithu Ifitkohn fC« ' PiUebugb, Sept J|.IS47. Mr T K Hibbert—Dear Sir lam n-mj roar ucnictl Writing Viuid, and .find it (oho amort. exctfceat article for (t««i pern, athdoc* noteioa them oplike'the redet'alifjr of other ink*. It Sews Dn aanbecometa dorp black in a let boon, . . ' : .¥«***, JUagrcindly. / i' WILUAMv .IT, Book'-'kreper ■ i . for Joha'PaJktr. •Pr»p*HJ »a 4 «o!4 TYbelmW tfldEeuil by Tbooii K HftUrt, Drugfirt uiTCkalit; center of Liberty-tad Saftlifltld yifct*. l‘iUitei|i, Pt . . Osttil&m THIS Ift Pius TOtra improvement htunow bees la n»e about two ye an, and whcrcvaf it it known, preferred isal) otherßeadsteadt. . FDrebe*pfliaa,iirengih and convenience ii bat not, and euuru be equalled, a« it it decidedly the beat, cbeapettkod mo«i convenient BetUicad Id uu, and per* foetly proof againtl Baga. , 'RtcpruclpaJ Cabinet maker* and Tomrcio Alle gheny city and in- Pittsburgh, bate tecared Rights to nanofactate and tell the article. Aatbcreareapnrioat etude* and imperfect UniMtion* in the market. parrba •erawoald dowell to examiuo the ea*| iron plate* oa which taihe genuine article the name of the patentee, U. F.CaxsaJM* Invariably cbm. .A* a it olaimed for Uauam’tßedateada, the following certifi* cate from Cabinet maker*well known in tbrcnnnn T B Young AC J R Hanley i John Liggett, Jr. Lowne A arbin Thomas Farley l David Laker : Hugh Wallace J Alnyera J Neeban*o AYm llaslcu Ram toy k hTQlclla&d Moses D aback KoLeruliaoe JasWWWdwell' George Snyder.. $ Mclluirii It Co For Right* to make and tell the above BedtieaJi apply la EBKNKZEH F UAZZAM; * ‘ oc 09 : ' • Patentee Tito*. B**Trt,formerly of Beatty, M’Kenziu ACo-->- ••• •••» CinctnnntijO. Jxo. A- Bum Zanettllle.O. Ciias. O. Cati- BKAVrY, BROTHBR dt CO., Qtatral Coranlialon Htrehdntt FOB THK BALE ABU FOBWAKDIBG or WESTKRH PUODDCR, tfoi 31 Potfdnu i Street, Sew Orleans. Rcruiio— Meura. Mtnin ft Co, Banker*,) v n " JkaciM’UrtprkCa,]^' '" DaTfd While ft Co.Mndinon, la. u E2lia& Morton. Bajik< Sets*) i Cmcumau " Ho«e» & Prater, A M’Kennc, H*Vbtei;o<, W. '" avlO-tn A Challenge to the World* TWF.NTY-I-'IYK DutXAl’.ttwiUhe paid to anr ose wba will produce a npot ei' point, jrroca or dry, rhat cuucoi bo oxirocicd with lloit’a improved Chemical' Soap. ] bare ihr satisfaction of saying 10 me people ot tti» place, that thisartielc, by ray own improvement on it, row stands unnralled in ibit country tor extracting Cicnsc, tar, p.’ich.oil,y.Niia, or any other greasy run* -stance, lioinxil kind* of alioarii'x orlsdic.»’ , cloUung, carpets, übld doiiS'iuenno sbuwls, Udr-a’bonnets Ac, without injuring anything that pare water Will not injure. More tlan. one thousand persona in different para of (be oouvary bare told me they would uol be wiibouth,;f iiooricwdollarpercuke. In try rag th># Soap on more thin 300 article* of light silk*, satins. aD paces*, and calicoes, 1 bare only band three pietn 01 elk, two of alpacta, and fear 4 caiieo.on which it changed the color, übereforr before nutting it on a light dre** try a aamplo of the dress first I »uic this because 1 am determined not to recommend it any ateonir r than 1 know to l>e«rieily true v . Million. Ffice, ld| ct* per cuke, 'Sold, wholesale and reuul by I, ft K BELI.ERtt, ' dectll 57 wood »i 17awful aud Orwuutautal Glfta* AFTNE aMortmcni of fancy article*, among which arc— - 1 * llandsotne Crochet Bog*, with and without clasps; - Herl Dead and French-tilk bag*. Hiik parse*,new etylca; Ivory tablet*; peart memoranda, Enamelled and ivory paper cullers; Napolaon and portable inks; Cigar eaves, wu& comb and glau and memorandum Book; Tootttiicks; plain cigar eases; I’onioltor, pocket books; * Papisiores; needle broksf ; Fancy boxr«; Berlin ironbtrtkrtk; 'WUIow baskets, Ac. Ac. Now open and tor tele r F il EATON deTJ • ; 63 market atreet *1 on thr moil approved Eastern p' — and most fashionable Eastern patterns sndcoloM.'AJvo •THE CHEAP HOLD, or BOSTON BLIND, on hand or made io order of all files, andat alfpriees.' Country Merchant* and other* Ire invited to call and 'extyoiiie the above for themselves, as alt will be sold wholesale or’ retail,and a liberal Redaction mads to wholesale purchasers. ■plrtly A WEgTKRVELT CIRCULAR. Wi«iujicn».'«.U-a,Dce.pih,ieir. : . Oscar D, Tbcmpwn; Btg., Piiuiurgi, fa.— t SIR; I bare read four advertisement in one of the J’tttiburgli paper* wilh ijot a liule (urpriitf 1 find at jashhrc mybtuinct* Cirealar enure, and : appropriated li toyofcraelLj I trill lake dm liberty to • inform >oa that my bMineu Circular :■ my own com* Milton, and i« not common property. I shall not wiL Imgfy content to be placed in a poriuon that will indace perron* who do not know me to (appose that lam »ot capable of rompoting my own bon nr** card; or that I am capsbloof pilfcnng and the eard-of another to my own ore. ! not; therefore, under the ne* oeaaity of noticing and expoamg yoarplagiarirm fa this manner . ■ EGKOUBINS, i Attorney (or Patent*, Wa’diingum, D. C. {&*AII newspaper* t>* La Ctitle, llarelius, Mujrtr, llrad* ley. Hencbel. Maskelyae, the Iran met tow of tbc Astnmum* tcu' Society of Loudon. ke, ire: »ota Smith'* New Ear lithGlob*. • - Jahastooft Slack too liar* jost reeeireda few pain of lb* (bore. Globes, xsrjiag in aize,aii follows: (pair . ISiKheiiindiannUr, l “ . »» . “ “ i « 0 ** ; « I “semi globe* C “ • . Americas, Cbrooiei*, and Jonrnd copyy dscll . A PPUCA'HON will be made to Hk* Frenidcnt. Mona A fer* Wil Compxny, forerect!ng : ii Under oter tbe filter M oaongabe la oppotl t« Fitt«burftb.ihu>o county of Allegheny. for Ibe renewal: of ibiee eertlfioair*, No* IJ7, u*o, fJ9, in ibe nawe tn r John Jlunler, each for iwo •barm of Mock io antd Gjorpany. staid certificate* be ing Jailor mislaid. ; KICIIAHD FLOVD Attorney for the fcxecuiora of John Hunter, dre'd dc!s _ _ ; 1 'I V> lsH* Tfc /10^fc»4HTJIKUNIIII*— Tlic KubMntwra, on ike O ISikTIHL, a**ocial«i U»em«lTe«, umler IUO firm of brown'fc Ca'b*it«Hi, in the wlio)e»alis (iiocery and Gmrral I'fodaee tad Ctyonmitwn busmen, at No Hi Libenraireet,and rwpeotiiiily tolieii the patronage of Heir IrirdJ* and ilid Jmbhe in jfeajj ß jjnoVVN L ' ' A i:ULnERrsj>N. PHIfzADA. ADVERTISEMENTS DERRY’i NICKERSON, .il«nBfMia«i*rcr _ 'WJIIMB*' SACKING BOTIOMB, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN DAGS • *»? all DEscßirrions Bo* 384 so«Ui Front Street* Bach of 1 A. VnUsunaCabintt Wart Manufy , PHILADELPHIA. A tli qrdcn left with 8. B.‘ Moon, a) the oflico Of the XjL-Mf llfitel, l*i(trban>h, will hr promptly etiuJeatu. TMfii*. (j. DCRItY K-plO-tUy . .A. tf. NICKERSON CAniUAOKS. ' A rriU.Mit OGLE, COACH jSXD > HARNESS MAKAR, fIRO Cbesnttt *t, fkiiadtlpkia, late of 111* fine or Ogk * • Wateon* rcipeclfuflv inform* Li* friend■ the public,'(bal bt U*> and will beep coeutantfr on band and for nk, a • handwße emortmrnt of 4»hiocAbVCama«*. YeincJc* oftlj xtyk* «Eddtscriptke» Bad* to order at lb* ihortnt jneftlt bo&, ud n k*m be nry bed manner, sfwtcrtrtf material frigtly MMK.iwr!,' TllEsuimcribcrwAbld respectfully invito L»dl£**ad' •Oenlle®ex abwtvutline PbiladeJpbia.ui) in Cajun of tANCV FURS, mb ts AitrSit. Uoa* TlppiU* give njacall fiM : ittoibej'r«dvutMfeud no mistake. 4« order* received shtil be Suib/aUr attended to at No 83 North Third«,aboveArch,Philadelphia. • 1 james unrv MEDICAL. DB. TOWNSENEFS ” JSARSAPAIULLA. Mast cxtruordittcrif JUedutnc ut the World.*' This otraet U put up u, tiiait koOles:« u m ua** •rypleaxaater, and wxrranmWvperior tunny sold, duewa without vucritmg, paipig.-skiwas or d* • bi!itaiißeU»tp\ -.i4. , , 6KKIT smSli AIUI SBlfflßit SEDICISE heiuiyaodiuptrwaj-olNijbSbmpsrills om £rtd*eda,DM«a« it lnvtwri matte Body. It u toe of the’ very fcuhfPßlNO-AND BUMMER MEDICINES ever tbs whole system and streagthou the ptnest; qalit CrevUt A«e, Put* and ib'cA Uiouf , s power bo*cue* by-no other Alawinc. And io (hi* lieithc grand secret ofitetfcnder fat tqcctm, it has performed urittm the part isroytari, more tbtn JS.OQO curt* of berm Cases of Disease';’at but 5.0&U Ollbc&a acre cuusiderrd incurable. More than - -\ . 3/DO eases-of Chronic Qheumatirio; *’ S.lfiUcase* ofDjsptpim; - toy cam of General Debility and Want of Energy j s ?,UUocases of different KcaulcCoapbinte; ' 2/JOO camuf Scrofula; ' \" 1,31)0 cases ofthe Liver Complaint; ■ 2JOII coca of Disease of the Kidney and Iftbpsy V 3ldoocases of Couiumjaiou, • ■ 4 AnJ Tbotuaßds’oPcases of Diieme of ijie Blood, ait* Ulesra,. To* getlijr with nnnraaorease* of Sick ia tht aid* and Chest, Spinal Atfin-tions, - ' This, we are ws’atr, must appear ibcredi£li,'bvi'Wnhora letters fram physician* and our agent*- frw alx part* of the Vnitol Suits, ui of extraordinary carta,’’ H. Tau- Busktrk, Lwj. out of tha meat rttpcctabUiirticgnts in Newr ■ ark, N* iufitrau «u that he can refer to ibora iLw lju e»* KLio lhalplitceaioac. 'ntefo arethouiajidaoi'.cucs in tty ■Oily W A'tW York, Which weiwilf rtfcr lb wilfi pleasia/ and : tpsau of character* It i* the best 'medicitw for the I'tcTtaUreufdmaM known. U undouhtedlyMTedUialha ofoon-thaa - . ' d/WOVrai®»wrn* Past Season! : At il rcmorcd tha cuiueof disease, and pi (him 6 UsrtTsn Ststcs Ornciuu! CarT.'U. W.AlcCuAa,<>r tus UarrxsSTitvsKsTT, and member of the New Jersey Legislature, las kindly acut u* the Allowing ecrtificaU. lUellsiU own ilotr. . .*r . iUnwAT,j«o. as; larr.• Aycor linee 1 was taken Witt U,c luflucuxa, and uy wlm?l*> Stem kB in a debilitated tUI*. 1 was iadueed to try VrJ wnsend's Sarsaparilla, and after taking two ur three: bot> tbs. i was rery much reltered, and altribula it eatfeely I*l t>k ■aid Sarsaparilla. 1 bate cimtiauad Ukingit,nad find -that- I tUpryte errry day, ' 1 bclmc it sand my life, anil would rat be without it under any' awiibbrntlmi. - - - ■'<•-■- O. W.McLaaa,hl*U.S.N. SctorcuiCnmkn -\‘i This certifieht* ee&dustnly proves (hat tUe SanayWiU* has perfect cealiot ots? the oust obstinate disease cT the UwL Threcpersnht cured in ous. house is &apf«ced>ftrd, Toui Cqilsus.' Cr.Towsaoni—Dcu Bir: I hmthe pUioto* t# isfcns TMlhat three of ny children litre hern cnrvd Of tts Ifero fula by the om or Jodr atnlfebt uediciae. Tkiy wm tAieted very KTmrtiy with bad scars r (Are caity.’-tak** Ran bultlea; It took them away, for.whuti I feel icysttf aider deepoblntion. Yoars, iwejwetfhUy f " i lsAsO\Ycaun,l(ttWoanrrtf. ' flew York; Hank 1,190,- • - "V . URRATFKMALK MRiilUlflE. Dr. Townsend's So»l«riUs is a sotwetya and ipeady cm Gw incipient CawuiapUfa.-Carreanew,. Leatorrbu, or White*, oWtjnscted *r diffscuU MtnttraaUun,']aaaiUtsßabe« of uvutsntsry discharge thereof, and lor thegew* era! ivwtratioo ef the systew—«o matter whether the result of inMmteaase or cansca, yradueedby irrtgularily, iihices «r accideni* ’ ' * keuon serrruing than *U btrigprabaw eP : frets oo tht human frame. Versotu, all ureakaess andlusH lode, Boa taking it, at once becuuwrobatt and luUofeacigji 'ondee its iaflorncu. It immediately couulcmU the nsrre . tesnessof ths female frame, which tatte great caosocff kai) rtcnin It will mat be uapretedof ns, in eases of so delicate a lure, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, but we etf aisiire tha siEirtrd, that hundrtili of eases hare weavepottr*: toua. Bee era! cases where families hare bn* withfutchilif* nt, after using a few buttiu of (hi* iiitaluable f&cJJcinf, bars been Uast with br-alihy offspring. &r. 3Vtns>cn4.* Sty wife bdug greatly distrtesrd by weaknca.aiid general dthUily, &Jlml suffering ensUnuilfy. ky pain aed a sensation of Bearing down, lilting of tti smuh, and with vttvrdiifWpliits, and haiiog ltnuna nal where your medicine hu effected great cures; andalmhcar iog it recomtaredtd ter soeh cases as liars Jcscrthtd,! lli botlic of yoor Ystract of flanapuriila. and fidLwrd the directicas you gore ue_ In a short JhkrSad it rctfioted her ccaaplwnts and restored bee health. . Being grtleful far the bcnrtUs she teeaivedj'l iakt pleasure in ttns teknenlSilg*.' iag iL and teeooudeadiag it the putdie. Ml P.'Mma, Jklkasy, Aug. 17, IdH. Cor.of UnadeudLyJuu t^s.’ Coisscku, Sipt. . Dr Tfvwtad: Te all whom this maj eouerro—HusL to certify that nj wife used one bottle of Jour hmpriUi . Mevious to her coo&aemrat. under tbe -mwt afermisg dflieats eircnasUsecs, beiog troublwl with the dropayiiwcl* iia; of lbs feet, nervon# afioclioes, and very math radii*’ ted; with my pmuaiioa, and tha rceoatnemlalNß of thaw who had used it, sha was induced to try it, with hlUouf *o', fejiir; cut nffice it to sty, the medicine had Use bappf aad dcsir«dtdi''fvaat, a S JsJlram. ' TO MOTUESa AND MAROIEd‘ LADIKB, bariaperilU has been eiprtjdy prepared in’ reference u» female cumplaioU. No female whu bat rea. sun to suppose dir ckspprwacliiat; tLai criliolfericd, V 1* 2*4* lur.i of li/r,” •huidu urgb-et u Ukt.H,** il H u^ceitain. pmeuire wt nay of ihe numerous *eil UnniUe disemws k| which females are •sbwci al this ilu* of life.- •Thfepoiod: 1 maybe drUyed iursrvttul years by liiim'lliUiiwiTkia* rVlir I* 1* few valaablr li> Uute? vrtws are »pproaeUiog-TB(>sUaniSWd,~- oa a is cairuUted in usnst hitiare hVjinichtmM_es to whidl 'wocata'firu subject. :» -• it braces (He whole system, mtem prruuMWtfy the sata> ra) energies—by r'Sxnhig ihe impuriliee of the body—nst M fir susmilaliog the system as to produce a siitisr<[«n st re* taraiion, whirli u the e*#e of taost aedteuee takes tur fnpsls wrakoex and disrate. GIRLS* READ .THIS. Ysa wh'i h*** pulertm*f.Uiioo->, doll eyes, bloleVs-oa ths teie, nd and strm^hetung the organ* of digesteou, asll.te ration of Sampsrilla. Baas DpaaYMKWT, AJbuy,May |u, Islb Iti T*irnxr>i4- Bir—l tura be*o atflicteU tat several yru* wilh d}Vpr|wis iaite wunl £>■ ms aitrtlded ness of Vlnmacii, k*> of appetite, dxterms heartburn, and a gnat .qrarsma to all kistJi of Lod, and fur wwh* i ciMild eat,) X hsn Levs suable to reteia but a wnall jmntuu on my sliimach. 1 tried the usual rtondin, but tbrv.bod but lußc ur no »fleel ia rriwrrug lira cumplaibL 1 was in ducsd,.nboui two muuths since, to uy jour Extract of Barm*. par>lte,*nd l tuuxtsar vrithlittlecashdeoee, baiaflcrosiag neariy two buitlra, l found say sopciiu risluftd, end the bcxrtuuru entirely reiaoTed;auJ 1 would earnestly rraoia’ toe ad the use ufit to those »hu Hat* been afliicted as 1 bars bran. Yours, W.W. Ya Zxkst, Nov 2J, ItUfi. - SUWnlilud. A MIItAULE Read the following, and dir*U if you on, dot cotucxp ;M*Hoaßot rund. Thnuoulycucofltteactcralbaadrid UK, tbal Townttil *• &*rA|«ri:u bat cored: - Of IWiycml-lba* Sir. 1 wa* Uicu. a liUk crer a year *rg,'with a eeeere d»«gb and pain in my aide, ll in crt**rdo« ta« r«r> fa»t T indeed.- J «u* pronounced by phy. mkian* to haw Ike couimnptiotr 1 railed large titie* oT bad taanrr, bad night iweau, on! ataking vary fortj tay ilurtor uul lit could do nothing for me, 1 went into iht tiaepiuJ'inbopeof feeing be&cuUrd. but wai jrimmiarnl tier* a* incurable. 1 wu* ww greatly Jutreaed at Uta lung* and Mold hardly brratti* ; I ioou tweame emaciated, and nfwctrd; wa* conilbed to iny bed, and -wa» .obliged h, bate wutr.hera iudred 1 eannul .giir you any Jexriptioti that .would d.oimtk* to my ok. 1 wa* eoppuKd by Befriend* to hr f*U rrcutcry i I had trird o great number of remedies and all Kerned to be to nu pur ptwe. I read of kum »~'- 1 n inordinary euro performed by your medicine, and lo tell y«u the truth, .1 *u*peeUd there wa* aoove humbug in theta, cut 1 *ra* induced to try it . 1 did to, and as rtty (tuneful :i did. 1 cannot tay that ] am entirely well,"but an *o for recovered a* tube ahoatuy biuineu,and hope to be fuUfr iy wellina lew wceki. My cough and pain in the tide, and nigbleweaU bare UA. me, arid rain but eery little, tiid ■w fort gaining my uua) itrengih. 1 felt it a duty to'git*' you a itatcocnt of my ok, to jrublUh if you p(ea*e., rrhmCaow*,-!? Little «, Dnoklym. ' Opinions of Pbyilcltat. Dr Town*headb almoetdulyrecetruig order* Cron phy’ • iciwu in'diStrcni rart* of the union. 1 Thl* i» to certify that we, -the undmigned, Phyiiciana *1 IbeCityof Albany, he** iu Dumeroo* cue* pmcribed l>r. 'Towuend** Bar*a]Orille,|and belineii to l« one of the mini lehieblc ptepiration* of trie BamnarilU in the market ' K P fuuio, ■i> ' J VVtuon, x d, Itßßuoa*,Mo, Albany, Apri) 11DH3- r K Luiuroou. X D. Tlu* ii to certify thet'we, (he üßdtrupjei, Tiwatonan pbysicaai of the City of Albeuy.bete frequent ypreecribetiDrTcraniend’* Compound Katract'nf Seita -tnlb, ud from id kinmit TO WNfKND, end btomi oa (lit " From ibe New York Duly Kipreac of April V, IK7. . ‘A pretty thing appeared inlhectreeD jtilerday, It wu tlieadeertuiug e»ti,or .S'anaparilla Eipm*.if DrTowuscud. Tito whole thing ic jot up lit pAid L**les come of Urn <>ma mental Under* pe pamtinp art beautiful. whieb,togrther'«rjth theceroll work, lu told, gluNoing in the tun, made tcliuw rarely equalled iu liruuhcay. We take this »|ipurlnaiiy to cay webeiieee thU.ettraclof the Sariapmlh* tinerrre (he eeryjgmt popularity it hue acquired. Bfcrroas Debility* W*tv Yoke, Mtreh 77, mi Or. Tuwtuesd:—-! hare bees afflicted nji.renr In* far 3 tran, with a dresJful nuking is (he dint, giddiness is 0>« head. Sin* of appetite, pain is the Uml*, andgeurraS debility, brought on nodeitUbr the continultiest tsd cold to «bicb I am subject to is my biuhieu a* a dyer. , I hate takes other tsediriae*,luoutUßerotU to mention, but with little nr so *ite reu. 1 wa* induced br what Ihw Is the paper to try a bcltle HamjwriHa, from which I,fcmnd gnatrelief jhatc wore takes tereral more bottle*, and! cw tmheiitatbirlr nr ft ulhi beet medicine! bate ever lakes—ihe pain is my -chest ii rout, and I frrjqriite adiflertot man altogether *inre ; I hare tin] your Bar*aj«rilla. IStatesdwa better appetite than cter I bad. My wife bat takes it with the rant Worfi eial result*. 1 would recommend it u a family nedirine nsenlly, and 1 feel cunfibced that iftoowdthere would not be half the tkkneti then it, and co&erqtteully sot *o many Doctor'* bills; for while itmuirr* appetite, n alto rim to the tlcmchsnd bowel* thtir regalartooe-it keep* lb* bhvd to a healthy Hale,*o that disease it tiot*olikely to attack the ipiea. And tssJUbote who are not ip akauhvsUir. Inr try Dr Townsend’* Sarmptrilla • ’ . TBosiaHsrrn, 70 ARcs*t Cnlurln tiuTflioulti.' Below iiuaeeouAtofmother child and Dr Tinrowod’i Sarwj*nll» hasneed theUm of ihotnomli of children.— The “ l J IO TfS **«>&*•»< tefcelcdfrom nrrmt number received Oil* week. “ _ _ ' . N*w Tom, Aprils, IM7. •? r Dt V «p-On* of my. eluldmr w . »rr* «iek w«lh U.e C«oe*r w tl»i wouif, U J u, ro ,t, .itemed with p-«J, d«lntitv lt<3M mr .iljhic; I obtained moc of your* •icdlnl mediriai, ud itcnr*d it directly, fcr wbkh | cu «*«" you 1-tocl,»«rr r»ltß . Youri rwp«Uully, „ , .•'*.**•**!*«« For ul< by H E hElXkllt* Druggut, N 057 Wood it, *, lh iU> w *’° **»• beea ajijw>inUd bjr Dr. TQVVNSkNUtrJg A&en| f‘l/Hrtf£»iy_rt» irl>d*»lrK 1 Uoibaud'i Celebrated Fluid BlagouiUi ] ItlllS ii a twld.tiCeiod anti-arid and iptrirul; b*- \ • "•f.* jTfeet Mlutum or cbcmioiDy carbonai* of] rauuttill Ihtroeiial raliiV.ortl,. fV"?"" IMmaa 1 Mmaa . wuKl lUMo fo „,; S2S. k“tS.""u iw to •? »1.00 ltd mu or ll» ■lralwilmitfclolMurabatjxMHirulorMHmtuo * _Fo. «h hi. A r*IINKoTOCK It COTomn 1.l ttd j fflw wd lVoodudOO I-;.: ...... M" onaAN r scouaa,avnur.-rU : pTOTedtoirtiiio frcat I’anaceeia carlo# iny ; diU4'» diiUCMioe eau#b>' •••■'■• . .■} .. . ... ,■' Tre« Uw Temperance Danner,Not.3,’47.. . ~ n»l M*,I ~ I - Coccu Bipip.--»e are not i|i ike haliil of puffin#, Tms roach les» taking PauaiMedicirtee, bat we feel deposed b ? l>lt ro«one Tial of Itectnr; to n'eemaeulJdorffaa’iSrrnßiaUMM who niealflieicd Worn Bpee.Se. » etalil *r Jnne. Bfc*w’»; mil. • coejfc. •• AfierP»i v &e"oelliS™ °/ 70 wnrm *‘ •»«* by Ihe «*« °f *a*d l remote a conpianl and di»tre»tin# eeogh! that lS f . a,r ° l^l P* nod 14 lareewornii.— serrrui day* ailUled one of oar children? wiibwiMO* i‘J* tr ? y “ e , ltw » »urpn«uis worm medicine I ever, were. Induccdto try Morotn'B Cough Syren •eee. laMtmMe.p, ».«l. . •■■. I up iirlU’ wijotwieedV.«elo«n.'lipivSr * ’•* i : mim flie ffttfaee* mifcl*ca*e ai leaxt..•• 2j' Korseli by 1 KIDD k. 0., No « wlSl ’ShU d ' "‘•‘“SSKl ffiS&MSj' ' i - *®M' j an | - ipf fc VAlfflSnj GOODS., funtUhlng gsodi, ■ Ht i. TODD have this day received direct from .jttitßanniacturera.*affbBcr fiuhtl* uflcvVork mjcei u. •* ■ _ •“ j- ■ . l cos* ctittooe Extxa Baperfiae Shirts manvfaetxfcd . . c£~t*sly for ear ovro soles, and warranted., welt l cart d Saxony and aiim, wrappers />io«il>rtnvcrs,*oiße veryfine.ii.' i/ease tfioisa and Collin, incladiof Dessau vrlttCol* h lonkascbed. •••.’; I : f_ •, I com-fifentswiveljomtSaepesdcn,with otterGaod* moxnaeroas to Beat.-oa,includingblk tad fancy ..w adjiiirngStock* . ';• ; - . Faimfaw and plainBaiinSlocks..! DemUxinc how and plain Bouibkxine Stocks*. - .V. -Bilk mdSotinTics, rich stik and aaticCravats, with nne cad ef low priced Stains which we ore sam in dnalily into never been surpassed io price inthis city. We ini. AMAtQdfiCO ' SAMlflMT'i'S t ; B4Y Invhc* the attention of dealcsd and oiM* to hia eseellcaf asurtmentof-ataryd gpsda, in hi* :wbolr* as well oviujac retail rkparuaent, vSwllßiUMSatlneM}! ’ -yfnlt-and httekv do; l.y ;; • • ■ / luvialhle green do; ~V .--.yi ’' - • : /■ Batinetripedblk , K r Goid.inixSl Jeanv ,, il#oo*4 , “,J«an9; . >. . Gold mix’d >; .All ofwl ich wiiyte Sold ItfW by tbu piecaoc yard; nt> ro, cut hand, cloaks, and barred VcUsae do; few Lninea . ’ r-i . i . . ~’dcSO. J- ; : :/ S«w Arrival. UB r RcfCtred the balance of otr (nil stock ofiNWA Gt>OUS,cr»lipriiuiglh. foliowieg kinds: ■ lignyßubber, Long ovcicoait, sacx owrcoau, rliort oviMiMfslcsceo. witnoat sloevtiveape* with ,-pleevcf, bats, camp blankets, horse cover*, travelling luigv.*addl» baew, gun coven, provision bugs, wutnboat bnckeU,air pillow*, air ctußous.-aichcda, nff racks; for the ladies, and cos tines,- nil of which wo bar* a complete mooraDcnt that, we offer.whotesolaior . ratnfl on the lowest pon bln terms, at oar Indi a Robber Dep»L6 trood*treei. :i . .* , B 99wood«t oTaDUliU—Id gross figorefe mohair andiulk orcr - LPeoat Binding, just rocht by Urrwso ACoisiKiprcss, b»rehmtp. ALEXANDER A DAY • del? • , - r 75markrt «d.~ WW fordiamiwd iTTSPj^My.LI TRIDJBPIIANT-SVCcksS. - Cunstiw/iftccs, remember that it it Thompson*! ; Compound Syrttp of ’jf'ar .and Wood Jfep iha ichieh u daily ejftding tuck, re * ” tnarkubie curaiin ' PUtMONARY CONSUMPTION!!! jUttm, BruuehUls, ttfutlisg of Blood; Psia is nt«.sfili •panonaust«rv*ofTssar k IT ! . ■ ! : 1 h*v»,*swrtrtw*rtfewwtt* un of jour Compound Byvupof rtf m*afl»pth» rridin it my duty to iitea )«« of iL 1 hsdbcra hwgsfflkud wilh k vrry bwJ earning imrt pt>t Io thebrcMt,'with grwet oepmsdra, OSAeuky oi luaenid foes W appetite. llsSig various remedies wiibout effect -. | became warmed, I bean! of your swd trine, Uit be* ing. tTtrte lo uiibg most sJvvtlscd mediciscs, ktoougbl I wUiU ail Her* to what 1 hod been- o>ieg. Fisdiog tnjsclf gttuug worse a trirod psrvosded sir t»- uy a bottir of jinir jerjoratioj, wyioe *-be owed hi* lifef to its «irtue* ” I bn mfdieteiy peueured abotitc asd earnmewced Taxing it, and Iw tots I had Ukeo two buttles, I ml eompleidy Restored to bmltt, • j Bokly fcr the.beasfil.ofotteja I.tasks,ttsAbovebrief fektuotat. Any farther inquiries ran he uy r»- denee, Mil Catharine ilrai. "i t Kopselfeibjr younr ‘ FoaNCTS Futovr. Sitilt another Heta arlcable Curs. C«lak,ra,No..«>.llHi, About six yean viore, in eoUsrqutnce of theisedeatery nature ef myuuxinm, 1 was attacked with imn mini u> llri brcstL {WlpilaUiM of the heertiad iburtueM;o* brtath, which wrere soue Gdlowtd by the fit fare of appetite, exlnme wakefaiaew at night and psrlial pars y*i» ol my limbs- these yuptoew of a denaced system being frequently attended w«th ipilting of blood. KuC about two yrus I was oceasfeei a Ij thrown into convulsions, which felt ms in a' miserable itsie of feeblenewsnd to affect my mind. From to time my sdfleriags wera move at fete severs, until et length they inei eased to juch s degree, Ud th* violence of the symptoms wera sosurmeated, that fera whole year 1 was tomble toatteod toaqy owsiaese, Durirg tni* time I consult ed mat obi* pliyWcmu* and extended to their preseriptiom, but all their skill wat mxarsi iag to procure me jxLtC, aad atfeogih they rtgardedmy rscbvsry astuliitljhopeless Is tbp L Priced ceilu j>cr box. [m?B SCUATCU. SCItATCH. TOTTER, ITCH, SALT KllEUM,*f—Wfaa would iora tingle Jay ncraiel(,.wbah alltetrd w;tb the Teller, Itch, or otliei diseaie* or the «kiu, if (hey knew who would relieve and care them. - ’Fit horrible to l* obliged to rah ami acratcb' -when atone, hut ntorehorrible to abitain from it, (for decency *ake,j wlieu iu company; 'l*l it he.'moruihi ted that Hr. LHJDVS TtlTKllaiid ITCII OINTMENT ia the nio«tefteaef«u of any other preparation in exigence In earing the Tetter, itch, and other di*ea*e«of Utetkio. At alt dieeatee of the akin to tut ari*e from the imparity' fifth#blood and ftoidaof tfao body, and where racSdia* ease be oflong rtondinc. and the coneutnuon affeeud theicfay, if Or. Letdy’i Saraaparilln l%pd Fill* be bmJ with tue Ointment, they wilt cute nny caw whatever, and If they do not. Urn money will l»c returned by Dr 7 l*idf. Molt ca*c» v t>o<*t:vcr, will Jie elltdually ciited by Hr l.ridy’o Teller uud lipb Ointment, aniera (be whole ryotria i*. impregnated bythciiiae completely enrrie? otf from the syotetn by I)r Letdy's Oicod Pilk, and (b# nurloce of the akin fatal* rd by the Ointment. Price of Oininimn S 3 cento; ' For aaleby . ITA FAIINEBrgh o'OUNNOTl&Co,Non&sMfeel f UJaliiJiior«-{ Afn> -._ W fcJ,T‘fAPSCOTr,SS South St, Pf.Y.’l 5• 4 K tn * s ■ Kucoaregnd by increased ;bufinexs the Proprietors ] have added to their stock and extended arrange ment* during tliewinicr, and j are itovr prepared to tor* i with regularity end dirpstcb itn»urpoMcd | by any qiher line-' Their.long experience ns Cartiers,! the palpable soperiority of the Portable ltaat System, and tho great capacity and convenience of the ware lurtscs at each end of tlmJiue, are peculiar); calcula* led lb enablp the proprietors tofulfil their engagements, and accommodate their cuiujkaer*^—cohfidefiuyofferinig thepasiksaguaraaty fbr ihefutlirc tlifly.ttapcofolJy. Mlicitacooiiiiuauwor fautjra|itmaye ,whicjr they saw - AH eonugniucAts to TaaJTe jit O'Connor rccM , and forwarded-. Steamboat.fcharges.paid and .Villa of Lading-tranmitledfreeof any change forCoinauwlbii, advancing or storage*--Having no jnterwtt jditcctly or Indirectly ;n steamboats, the interest.'of the consicnora must necessarily be'lltetr- primary acjtrctiusbtpglng. west, and they pledge tUgmaqlvea to forward -all-good*', consigned to them promptly and on the most advanta geous terms to the owners. j • 1 >* March 1,1647 ; . - j . -j- - BV a. , : J. S. UICKLKY,“—i —' —' tfORWARDING^COSBIRSIOKBIERCfIAfiT, ■ r ‘Edit Beater Filml and Bri^geuaier, •. bzavbb cownr, I • • : • Proprietor find Agent of atcamea . ABO OiltT BXTWtIS feITTCBCBOB ;jjrsj BEATER, ■ TIT JLI. lie prepared oa earliest epcningtrfcanfti nnv. T» ietitda toreceiveproperty ai-hi* wfcarfl>oator In trareboeve; for all Mini* on brie KxleoKibß, Cros» Cat, end'Onto. Canale; ibr dll oa Lake Erie and opperLniea, Malso to lonrajd produce, c fry i'cim'a. Improvement*. Applyibor.audrem ' * i’* fHitH-dtf * f JAH OICRBY; Peaver J IHOEPISBOICH (P.joilTAß V £ JSO ;UN ffIUTHU TRANS t 0 RTA.f 1 ON 0 FPRODUinj -AND MERCHANDISE TO ;ANfJ ■ FIIO.VE TITTB DUROU, FimJkDRLITIU AND lIALTIMORK. li3“Wuh OA! WcANULTVfcCo -Canal Baiia,Ku*burgli STOHAIIr- ' Haring a very large and coramodioa* wardiouv, .we are prepared to'lecervr Jt'n nddftaM to Height for shipment) a larre-aatoant of I’roilnce, Ac., oo Storage at low rate*. [maro] G-A MoANUt/TY&Cp ' PICHWOItTU i’CffS'LiiSrv ’Bfea^aiB47.ggsa^)> E'XCLUSiVELV for tie, traniponauoniof WAV Hi FRKIOIIT between l*itu)iunr&,XtUirrviUe,Jolißs town, iloUidaycJmnth, Water Street) rclcrsborgh und alt « IJneof Stctunbbat Propeller* nLd VcsMd* on lire Laker, will be prepared opon the eadicat log of Navigation io carry iFreigbi and Faiwiujers to all point*on tb<* River, Cau.ll and Lakes. J Haring every fucility tor tDbecyiug freight t rengtrs ,with prooiptur»i and dispatch, tko !r anJ n*eni* respectfully rollcit from their fr he poblie R Crocker 4 Co, New York GitoDavw, Buffalo j K ;N Park* 4 Co, ClcrrlanJ Jag A ArmMconir A Co, Unioii i- McClure 4 William*, Miiwaukie Urirul A t'onrr, Wm Power*. IWerstown, IVnha Geo Mitrhelni) (e, Krajulmfjcl., I‘uirt* Jobs Me Arthur, MuuUiown, do W ick A'Aeker, Greenville, do Craix AVratuptdh, CiarkiviOe, erland' PITTHBUKGU. ANl>VlllK > KWV , iirLE“ .jsssaka: 1547. tjg^ .:PACKET ANP FREIGHT LINK.! TMIIS l.liiecoindaiingof freightandpnvcnger Pack* els, will ran rental? during the scawinTbetwccn Bcaverand Greenville, Pa_ by which freight and pus* •sengcrsbttweenthe two point*, wiilbe carried Ttrontpilr and at the lowesfrater. 1 1 ; WICK A ARCIIER, Greenville, Arts CRAIU Al'JtAMPl'ON.ClnrksvilleV dot McFarland aking, d* 3„ '■ HAYifAl’LUMU.iibarp]tiun*.b, !• -do: ;W C MALAN. Sharon, .. • -& - : WM.MA'IHEWS, paiaasii .'S' , RKKD,Pj|HiS&Co,Beaver, '' dm - JOHN A .4, AUGHEY, coijic} Water ami SmttliGeM sw, apClv '.Opposite timMonmigaheia Hmisc. I»jn>l>creh lS4ti •«," 1547 «» Ikfeiiia TO TUB BAST DV DALTUSORIi AHD iOHIO RArLROAV. i THE idbicribeni will receipt fortfao iletiverr of Pro doeo to Baltimore by the Monongahtila Stakweter aube followidf prises.— ) ■ Atbes, Bacon, Butter. Lend. Lard, Pork, Tallow Whiskey, * -s, and eis per 100 tt£. ' Flax aad Wheat—W eu nerjioo lbs. Ashes, (Pop Apples. Flax-Seed. Glow, and Leather—lOOeupertuo lbs 1 Oils,Bkius,Secda,Woot—llOetr perlOOlba.t Beeswax,Feathers, Fura.Gluscor,' end Snake-noot —WOetaperlMibi. ( •{* -1 *, All property ronsipned locitlmr of.tbe linde/signed will be forwarded wiil>Uit delay,' free of Commission, ataUovelratts. 'W II CLARK,nrowniville.! ■ ■I HANNA A WATERMAN. I’uabunrlL noygftltf . • r 3 ; iisiiis link, r »aeas»:. i 847.. ON THK rRNNfIIXVANU ANII OniO CANALS, BBfWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. K N PARKSACo,Cloveiattd,o. 1 • KB PARKS, Beaver, I*a. I I’nprii ion. ' TV T MATHER, Pittsburgh, Pa. ) . THE above Line 1* now fully prepared to ttsntport Freight and Par*«Rjren from Piutbttrgh autCieve. I sad; to any point on the Pennsylvania AUhio and Ohio Canals. 1 : . | The theilities of said I4ne are not equalled by thy on said Canals, in numbers and Capacity of BoatsTcx|>e rienee of Csptain*. and promptness of Agents, Ac. One Boat leave* Pittsburgh inti Cievelund daily, run ning in connection with (be Steamer f .Michigan und Lake Erie, bctweei&PiUKburth and leaver, and a Linoof first das* Steamboats, Propel ei«,Brig« and Schooners, oh Lalces ’Erie, IJnrtn, Mi chivan and Oiiurio. • ’ I' 1 ■ Property forwarded to any psrt of the Union with despatch, i K N PARKS ACo,Cleveland, Agt* KRKD. PA KSS & Co, Beaver, Aets '. ;! W T MATHEK, PitUborgb, Agfi _ spat . ; . Cor Water and SmltliGe|d tireots-' TO CLCVJCLAaP VtiU'WAZIKKK* ' -fcS£lB47;'-«faea>! ' THROUGH IN SHjIOURa. ’ ! Pack ti" BoaU.Swallow aud leiegrvph leave Bea »er daily, at 9 o’clock'manner iim arrival Vibe morning Boar uom Pittsburgh, «ad arrive at-WureM j„ tun* fortlfo Mail Line ol 8«J«I, whlfWiave SmeJU ately thereafter, and am»« « Cleveland aiOtfeltck, r. m °* t 00 * *od gnmfijrtaMe JOHN ACAVMlKV.forftiif Wilierand ftmlthfieldnr. jT?N illuitroted. llarper’J > new Million of thn Prwueei works of Jolrn JtUJloii, with -■KTr*SSef—Vi.Wi.ywuiS.-^ ■;S|Spl®iiiSlfe *- - r "‘f *6»'s(h>« n»j hiStS- S Scmluari J” Jl, f?P f p h toi “ r ■i ***? wvs*** IV.r-Ttto ii(« oC Ifeun-. the-Roortb, kiuß of Froiice ami ; Navarre,, Dy. o, -P. It /■■»*•« Umiplrtu m four part*. 2 vuls. cloth. \ , Vff^ s !'/ . .JOHNSTON' it ijTOCKTON, Jana.. : Booksellers, rornur of market and 3d-*ts all the principal ritics jiftbe V/Uwoo, wide by • 1 mu, & CURRY, _■ : • No.C3 Wood «t., below Kotjnli. . OUSE—I keg caaotry cleared, a prime anicti Iwltby. [|SUJ WJCXkIfoCAMIILe TRANSPORTATION -LKE&- CITIZSS6 POBTASLG t g^^lS47.^B^6 Ton THXTRAWiyOBTATIOTror'"' 1 ~-v ALLKINDS OF lIERCILANIHSE?!'© AND FROM I Pmi*delpt»le, B«ltlA. V 7« reepeclfaliT solicit a efaare of pttblia patro «“£•• - WALLINGK)RD 6l Co CioaJ Basin, Pittsburgh : CRAIO, BELLAS &. Co; X*k % Broad Street, Philadelphia. . . . „ F MILLEK. Afent. ■: BowlertWbuf, Baltimore. Fitubargh. Feb. 18.1047. ~ • . ‘ COMPOUND SYRUP. OF WIbD'CIIEERY.. . A certain andeaia cure lo? coughs,- colds, relbma, liver complaint, ■pitting blood, pains la |be aide ! or breast .nervous dcbilily, whooping cough'-. , 'CocrtitaUDß,: COPlStJttl*- IiON or any disease of the l'icgs or •' « ; '• breast. Keaddr ire yoa taSertog ' with a cold or duease'ot the. ; • • lUDgt.tnr this.remedy, /. ■ ::.j-i - : ' ’ you .will riot per. ,u. : haparegrciVu ' V It wiHorrcstall those disagreeable symptoms which strike such tcrrorto.tbo Qurid,.&-prolongjour days. Beware of all- preparations porpoiting to contain *Wi'd Ohorry, except that bearing the s ignatrire otDr II SwitiE on the ouisido wrapper ol cacb bottle,' -M they aro qaite likely destitute at ibe ‘article f(aa ;whjeh.they borrowansme. <;* . lUcdu)&& tt ’ iv*'' ; , 50 I 000i,DBATHS- BY' COAKUMPI’ION ' ‘ Woiild perhajn be a,small estimate Tor the ravages t.'clthjs dreadful disease in a'tingle year, then-add a . tbe fearfnl catalogue of ,those cat off by Infieaa* tonol tbflLnp|js»Hetuorrba*e,Aitmaa.C’Miet^ Bronchitis, and other°f lhg Longinlbd Liver. •; ; -• .v< r : And tbe lisiwonltl present an appalling prool edhe lalnlityot these two daises of diseases.. Bat It is Important to know that nearly all of. this dread waste .of- human : life might have been prevented by i‘timely nse.of Dr. SWAYNB’S-COMPOUND SYttUP OF WILD CH£BKY.: T -'Tliis medicine has now becnbelnrethe public tome eight years, andis lho.ofipDal preparatlnn from the. Wild Cherry Tree.' Its reputationis a remedy fur Cooglu, Colds,- Bronchitis, asd-Cen* snmpUon'or die Langs based entirely upon itsin trinsic meritc.owes but littld to inflated newspaper pufli.. Tbos< who give it a.trial, beiitjf benefited by u.-reccwtarnd it lp ; lbeir neighbors/and Ttbss. gradually andsurely hasitgainedan enviable repa* worked its my .into gcucral. use. . ‘yoe, bottle never fails to care a recent corighor; fold; while, with striet sttcntiooloibedirecJtJOMUiaTaer-; company each bott!e;its use in pulmonary, disease# of long standing arid of the must alaraiagcbarae ter, has always given relief, and in very many-’ instances has cflcelcd complete and permanent cares. .'' '■ [•- •' • : p.'y : j Or, & WAYNE'S Celebrated Gempbtmd' Byr» . upof Wild Cherry. ft-..' . Head tbe most remarkable' care or Consumption evrr placed upon-record—- 7 - DrSwayne—Dear Sin 1 feel it a debtof gratitude due to you—arid a duty to theMßieted generally to odor my bumble testimony in favor ol yonr Corns' pound Syrop of Wild .Cherry. Borne uree-yhats since, 1 was-vlolently attacked with told mad inffa-t maiicaof tbe lungs, wbicbi.was accompanied with a very distressing eoasb, pain in ihri breast sndhead —3 very etmsMenble discharge ©fdflcn*i?einl»bti* from tbe lungs, especially upon Changes of weather however sUgnu ' At first. Hell no alarm condition, bat was pretty soon conrinced-thtti,was' rapidly going into eonsuiapuon. I grewdaUy we#k». cr, : and at length was scarcely able towalkabotoor spe-ik above a whisperJ. snch iwae the esccwtrig weakness ofmy lung*,* During thi* time'l had tried various preparation* and prcscnpUcas.baMouridDO rebel'—growing all the time .worse, doit-here 1-wis advised and pnrwsded by a dear, friend in Wllnijijg* toe to make atrial ol yonr Syrnpof Wild. Cherry, I most confess that previously L had been farejuijic ed against patent medicines, and i am still ngajtut those coming oat .of tbe hands o( empiries.bst understanding yoor claims to the, professionisad practice uf medicine, and having impliclte faith in the saying of my friends, 1 lorthwitb. purchastHli ol Ur Bbaw, one of year agents, * few bottles; priiT comoienccd its use. My disease at this tltne-vras ol 'twenty or twenty fire months' standing, ceaje-* quontly was deeply seated. I found, however; -Con* edenblfl relief from tbe first tour or five botllest— Bot being a public speaker 1 frequently attempted lu preach with my increasing strength and. thereby raptured those vessels toat bad already begirt -to bod; in this way, doubtless;: my cere -was grektly retarded, lu.eonaecacnce of .acting thuarmprii dently 1 had. to me 1- of 15 bottles before Liras {‘erlcetlyrestored. 1 have no,question, a stitch smaller number of-bottles wuoid have-'niadei pio sound, hot lor the above' indiscretion; The Syrup, allayed the leverish habit,did away the distraining criugh, put it stop to-the discharge oTriatter from the lungs, nndgave them and the entire eyelets good' health. .1 have delerredoffering thra certificate.till now, for the purpose' ol being perfectly 'satafted' with the permanency ol' tbe care, SO(Lnuw IhqL- i leel pcrk-cilr weH,lofier it with pleasure; * B£V. J. 11.I 1 . JORDAN. Dublin county, N. C. 7 ; >-*:Vi CAUTION'C CAUTION! . Avoid all spurious preparations of Wild. Cherry,' sunb as Balsams, BiUeri. Syrup* of Wild Cherry, PillsjmrportiDj' lo conUio.Wild Cherry, dec, idM) .as they arc all ticliiions and none of tlio virtues of the original and genaine pro paraiionao prepared by Dr.’S way ne, and thenrst nvor-preparckTia this country. Doctor Swayie’s Compound Syrupof WILD is compiled of'vegetablo ingredients,the Wild Cherry, and oth« er medical suhvtancescqaliy as eflieacious; U riot mere so; the whole are so cficclnilly. concentrated as to render it beyond all doubt • the most pleasant, strengthening, and cifectuil remedy eter diseoter-. cd lor the cure of Pulmonary diseases of tbo Lungs and Breast. Xbo tery from iU basing tuch a train ol spurioos imitaibrs/ stands to prove iUgreafcurative properties. : Thereiure. invalids) inquire fortne anginal prepa i ration, each bottle of winch is enveloped in a bha'ui tiftil wrapper, with a hkenessicf Willisui* graved thcretm;al#o hearing the signature of Drf f. btvayne,tho counterlciting of.which wdl be.pen-, ished as forgery. - i v l .■ t.- - : • V i'tcpared opty by Dr. H. Swatrx; N-W copper of Eiobtii and Race Streets, I'hihdc'phu. ]'-fl For sale in Pittsburgh wholesale Walrefoil by WM. THORN, 63 Market street, ; OGDEN &. BNO VVDEN, eproer dnd & Wood sun- U. A. cc Co., corner ol Ist and : Wood unU 6tb ami Wood «trceli. i S. JONES,l&lLibprtjetrcct, i JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny cilj. , . And by-all rcspectabio Drnggists and dealer*'.in'l Medicine, tliroocbout the United State* and Cahh • l •'' ' ; • '' ' "’teptSS;: • It byihaoticitulaadaalytrM xLajdge&BUK Liter Fill, prepared and &d by II R Mouu* pACTeaV.'Wutatercland P»J‘Vi , ■ July 19lh, i&47. . if'-.? ■ i Air. JL E. Stllerf:~A snuc ofduty to you end theefileud Induce* me loadilmr huobleiMtimonyb frtorof jourjjwty 'celebrated Liter Pub. -, I lute dtteirrd; doing » for jttny i adhering to Date Crockett's matim, “be surc/yinrare rights then go ahead." MuiollheEunyprrparitiMi#ofempiiki* ud quacks; huded la the due*, lute sunk into ohDtioo line* lour Lirer Till* here beta oJSertd to' the public, and, iadreiL believe they will ‘•seftit*. theta all,” as they ere just yrhat you represeatthua lo be. :I hire beta mflicted with Liter 'CoaplaiutTiou-my youth; hate, sederrdj much; emplnjf& many eminent phruettw, Co ehn I paid ouch moocy; mV£ luit much blood; oeea tumilrdeiui phjMcktd eimotlio dceiU sal.ratedSor.O times,end finally girra up jtt ineurablej, Je ISK-* 1 was induced to try yoor Liter PSla,had9ooK UOIJ WELL. . Oneboe of whichitnoiinifteieiiltokcepmreicar vf pa ram the sideband all the other-symptoms. for at (cast 13 month*. Your rilliarcabo the being mild, not griping or firing'ranch sickness at thraio®, acli, bot gitc me much fthef I lute kept them in my (lore fur.G or 7 years; sold hand red i of. bote*, and lute. Deter ; heard a «ug e complaint utlcied by any one who ha* a*ti them. -*llicy hate eppererdrt almost etery other pill lajhu neighborhood,sad ina short time ..krQManiib theta'll!. L-f tsrntilly recommend IbeO ta’allpetwmi beediag phtrir. whether.for Litrr Complaint or Billion* JlTwtiau, ■ I ebtw iW ebaveboe~ in»rmr4.oy Mre.Rose of* eare ser> formed op her t*y Dr, Jayuc’a Alterative, w£j c y jipvea ju sgpcrioriiy ever every other temedr of the She baa Urea uflhcied for tka lan sixteen Year* mUt NECROSES or WHITE BKLUN US/miteS wnh ulcemtiort* Jtpd enfbhaiioa of various baacs.du>' rlngwfaSchdawmaoypteeesbavebeendieeharEeafrbar -the. iraauU hone of the cranium, (rait bath tms ' . wrists and hand*, amt trout both log*, sad from the left . fcjoral boor, and from tip right knee, besides pairifat nlecn oaoiber pain ofVt penion, which have baffled' .the skill Of a tuuftberof ibe mon eminent physician#*) our elt>—-daring moit of the time her sutferinat hive born excpuavng and depkrnitile. About three mouth* store *hc wm induced u> try Dr. Jayne's AltfradW whirl* bu had an acioaisbuigly Irnppy eject oticni |nir‘ ; by rcumeing alt pnin and swdlmgiand caui*nrTbii meets to heal, while at the arw* time lie r genera) health' has become completely i®ewred,»o ibht the now With* U lbs more than she uid before *be commented thfkSiua of this irnly saleable prr Eva. Vest.' - For farther infonhituun, uiqiuia of JJra. Rosa. No. iVa Filbert n, Philadelphia. • T! . • For >meln Iliufourgb, at the TURIN TEA RTOIiPJ TJ Fourth at. near. Wood. • if® I OEULKBS* VERMIFUGE, **| consider better than yj alloiber«. ' ■ • v C», Al, > Mr. B» R.UeUeMi-rJtfjson 2t months^,l*S>* rcry hvs.lcM at bight, aad having, mock fevernt nmcvl cad elnded ho bad wan*, anrf havhtg hrard a gredc drat abnn t your Vcrraifoge, I bought a.vial bad giro him « do*ea, whteli expelled 38 very large w««a« Icoaeitx ywtr veimtfuseJirttertliaijallcuhera-- : }. Staen P.'&nntxi' -Prepared and -Add by R. E. SELLERS, 37 Wood hi. l &>td by Dr. Cam),fcfc vud; ud dTbL Ca?** AIU~ «Ew«kt. - way. '■• * : 't£ , i PIUKU£IUIABn» #£D!CAT£D JLOZ£A'C£S, AX It FOOJ :gt ! :PLAI»T£E. ; -T\JL BRERSIAA LcrdoeowndV>*j t*i Jj chiMrca «01 taka itfodi apr*. bMU>otbu/MMoiu«n .crowd caek.t gO,n Pot ofToodi fade «• tbo back uf ,«*efa/ 1 cacti BDlsf DimUjo*. a BHiaa^iJ^.'doijra^ioztifd ,'•« Tb«MlocapMn.tb»)aAa(JßMßt«Bn|iUil( .tiy, (c eoujhi, »oVfc,>ift«fflßftion% yfooaiu « i n»it%tiCM«iwlboiufciar'ebdl,’cte,eW .Tb I junmr kaova u imaw when tbtt«l«t > i :cwu6c i irnUtfcOj cad mam the jiroxtmuc M cuilii i Tbc§>inmkd»fi«*sc«fcbnotraa «(ina(nl« tc«*al,orco«jfc nerfieu**, cad arc uadsvbUtUy ;.»»7 ihiof ta me fcf IhoM coßjOaitm. muadmt dn£ irecrb&wufave bnd«tfcr*t! of thru ; .tup, (rota taoccwto bare bees tend Jhxau wiiiatct nic.. . todrtekuad btpEriccilwciUrtgtiuuwtltm.' ' 4 • : •'*«*••« *«*kigjek'jil* to&* *«-*W&sm< otStxs \“ : J > aWePoor Altt* «UsD alwiiUtt. \, vl - jntrlii* part, «ui.« iky tiU rented.. U attended -* -*--y ■W cathartic be wed MorcitW - : ; 7 snmfAif»s wurm lozexoes * OOptaKC to I* u&l&ks iWcUy, cotta worn' dernyyiafT iV r BC«tucueaari »!■ f TTttrtl* aeuM 1! IffecdOj CIUU IbcSkrr- ••': -; ' -,i f'l ,■r -' •••-'. -•' Scnspiocercf UfonM.—Phiua to tht jaatt »;»U, -* £ 4y*;bnall»,|*!k«us»ttteMn >t fißdiajW:tb.^thißfk 4 v Undififi U tic MN,t 6*a»toc cu»«tx« mi U» «o»acb,e**- V J ta«fbcoturert]BMcae«ot(liA,bo(h’ y 4Ui < b)U» wabiff*- J *w» k *?J* d **jiyfrfac,.toa»».»«^ riwotiptf •xS k, ^l i iW»fr«u«iatb«oir9i^-itHu«c.oCthcMiw'twrtißaHt;* l '-i frc%aaa4Mtnt4pa»iutMaw9fip»«i(k«JS%M* ‘i’. tiA*adKhazp*;9l'tUOT«iriaiKU.7,v; r-v }w f, 1 /fiHEESI A IPS CAMPHflll'fcOtgKmygj -T.*,:' • *r, pt« oomedicu nlierjoacrroui orriet bnJieWr'* i * ■ ndfiiUaM oflbo bewt, lowbcm uf the rouiu, teimthn'- • ni&nnttloryof pumdwrc tttfuutj-hou-ri at/««£«.'L pbuut, ttstug, opprcMiuc or cccucof: cakar of the ebrtWi ;' ? *W«. »rw Of .Uf ckcaeh orTwUTLij , B cnd .Aunae*,' <2roimoc*»'Uod g^«> t'dwiTjiac r l>MnSdfo? accncfof&!»»;--par?- ' 7 • - 'rt» «r aUcadjap ivre parties »iU fioi «bo Lna' _• -•■ ■* > cttw«caa hbwiell trrn* - —" vbfltUn'iniiMibTk ' ; / <•'- aunilc (osMtnoi Umdoto, <. ».^v••. .. .T_T- ■,!'■■, : ; BIIEttMA«'»fOOR ’ . \ :=^bert»tmi X tbcmofptaterfaitJwrwur«»-«rt»iß V? •• W l ?Ktt* biefc,faunscMc.^ - hwtt) Cm mkti aibamLmj - < •*.,, ■ uad dyagtfh, Itiodi bc-w. om! - r . »••■neiittd lUrO! »Sari ned cat: • t jftemJihg -»«fa*C j la coUc, tithina. diSs>h» «o ■ • ■; * fi y***’~ l *Ttlwnrh' tin nUfiß. ~... : anodret.'' Tbiy *n «oomm3 Vvl • jattfrwopycihrt.WKi Wth»-|hmilhc«t|»n«BM^'BH f , *-' Jtmwbotoeu»«.tWia,MTnUM Ihc.ujJiritotiwßjod' i' • cQUccckteMcduf tfaUaKtiiaM el«ET'ca4t>faTuckiß n ' } « ■ : 7 ' ot&drtt tbc«intoWlonir'„ , crcoß lfac-bafcle«f«aefa viuicr.a'Ufa'n k' ' Acciinileofor.Bi.emaa liar; -it boaporlaatToiickjuM .• shrapwk fiv Bbemaa4, fh(icr«'ao4fM ifa»i~ ' flgjta^Sßaaa^ga} - -:» C-eVEKAL ICEASO»6WHY DU.TeJ- > gW* SAIWAPAWLLA I? I, O 0 0 ' {TILLS are becoming; so eatvenally popular ■ .1 First, Because they are prepared b/I>rN B -J dyhimeeJf,are|p>Urofngeu£cbemmand l J hT»i- - , T ''- .. ciait-or Philadelphia, who knows the natare, tbs ' quality, and'chandler of the Medicines n*cd In hia 'v? !' Qdla and their ndaptaUan to disease- . - . .1 Second,; Bceauad thepabliecan'tahe Jhem wilfc'♦ . greater confidence Ulan mod other piils which 1 1» i -' prepared by persons ignorant both ol madkina ' disc tier. '• • , .. , ■ ;Third, B«canieoJ their canljiiicd eßcc'a,preper} i ’ ties dot contained in any o tier pHi*jji*ibeiy ptrtr - »»3 Iron tbeatbmaeh and boeetsaUunhealtfarMb* ji stance*, and at-the same tine tmrifribirUie blood > and U aide, or the body. ..' • ' K Tr j.J-- -;i *'wth, Be«u»e iheyaratbocheapeat and beat.. mcdicino knoep—a l.h ) 'and coataioiiij4opiU* r caviqjtfi persons a* rainy ' dollar* oliumea In UociOr’i biU* L and nmnciou* ■ medicine* bought it t tried on (lie reci-mmcudatiOD' -■* • i pl otter*; - .. ■ ■ • wiiolesomkadvice; ' >1 Whenever yon bore bccasbn to uketoy ordi* i. .ciic, do not bo trilling'with your consUlnuun by .published and recommended ly one end another bat * ■ ukeatonee. and you will not'have forcaant to take ’anything.-. j-UUu.-.Thcy.wtll alwsyabp.luiitd goodiuairaottall, worms ol disease,iDUamatieiuLUiestomacb.bown, ' ell, Uwr and intestu/esj-crimps ol the stomach} - Watetbrasb: inward brealb t bad: . title in tbo month, Soar eracatioasdiuf acidity ol * thaeU>j»ach,co*tivcncreandjihdlrtstioii; want ol 1 • . yppeube, billions afieebona, d.ewosof kbe spides >- and kidneys,diseases of tbe dim,' scaly* eraptioad ‘ •'v ' dry am* watery pimple* or Mojcfaes-pT the lacs ten bodj?/teller,ra*n,prickla hcatcttd»aitrbueia,bead- r ; 1 .acbe, giddioe*a, leintncu,'paiu pier, the * the breast} eider,, alongthebact and apitferthesma.’ ' ■ ; tlsmbnd goto, fevers td all kin]*, small pox, vario«> Idul. hieaacl*, acrblnla,erjiij)eb*,'andin abdrt they ; - ■ are good in atldiieases having their origin-in'the-* stomach, liver,'aodintenincs, and imparity of the _ Wood :r ‘ V )• centra Boi« ’ r - ’■> ’ Sold Wholesale axni ; Rctul bj 0. A. Fahnestock > it Co., Corner of Pint bncU VYiod, also corner of i Sixthand Woodatmeta < -.:::;- ; :.- < .t.-., .... aepttP;:' "(fit'WDKULA'AftU SCKOi'.'tLOL'& aWfcLL, f V ,Is(jS.—Scfoluls fa ail it* multiplied romur* 'wbetlierintixatof tvinff’«KTUj!datihei , ckinTcai»U>re,Aourib*tree.. J ' Pittsburgh ...... ;;;’v’;:'»ckSi:>.v. I. HUM the Be» ASA SUlitN,a welUtiiowu 9mlpo» r *%». u^ar Cle«yin»ae£tnci*ioteHtaittetUad«iCltßr3t ■ . uwnaiaietciilurirtjUtepMi*' wiaier withe diwase oiiiie stomach, icmeUwrs pro*' • • • docia; great pain la the »WJtoth for tttur twelve beats * withouunicrmiMluii, tuid-aftcrbatinr tried vuioad, »em«;die* with linie effect,was fcrttbhel with a bottle ofl>r 1> Jayne's Carminative iialwm. 'Zhuheusedse* cording M.lho.direction»»aiid foundutvattably ilutthis' medieiuectuicdlhe pain la atiiilu in thee atfoirr nrit*.?' - - Wes, and 7a .fifteen ©riwcftty'mlnutesevery' »uera»v* »4n?*uonwasenurelyqaieiea.-.Thdnteliciaa wastw lerwardituen wheneverindicationsoftltf aranmckef' ■ paißweiepercd«a,aadlheptttßvr*»Uuretiy pieven(2 V cqi -.llocuntuutedtOMaa tUa .medicine'every cvcaine * •'! and wtoetnacjtrtthe moriuair, audio's tea'weefitf '•> • fiealOt wav rq far rests Ute cafe ter war ' .? • edfrom a large tunnnnt of oppreMire Midi'- Prom-exi"' >' pericufc, cstfcunfidemly , recoromeudl* s ?' UJayite* Carnmiadve Inina, as a solitary medic** / ' fa dueaseaofUtestumaehaadtowels.'..- .AbIIJJV.NI the ‘&Olif V : l'iwiKK&Ftauaax^:’•'*•':’'~rrr™\ f ' • ~^ eftin dc' Aroatm* Amcie\ wr aharjr; !;' 1 V,' 1 ■ Cfettmalaßs*e,jor»tiaTinri - ' ; Alawndp Cream, do;. 1 :” - • : •.'-'VJ it . ! —“ V : Jc^ 1 ,*««•» perfamcq with uinxlcr, AfllJbr ■; term aiici; . • • ..r.^i-r - e^^ po ” dor P® a *»* ; : V-: ' 1" ‘ Jil - *“‘ n 4*« fC Ui«r} Ascent bag.audloUa sospi,smb , ! W>to lorpteiefits.• ... *:.. . • - •■•. 1 i , ' ..; r,. ; - ‘ . laUianvegeta6leliairoit . - W " • 'it*' 41,4 b IV infancy ox commonwrappers, l»»e.seens*: •. ed); v-. • -'. r . ■' '■-'‘.r . Joaea> SoopjNjTaph Soap; Hole tip nUro,. - • rpW«ream,elfMDilfpoi»p;- 1 -A - ' r.i; :* Pure paint roap.ln bun and cakes;; • : fcbell map; Mods soap; logcito/with • Kteatyarifty n.-. of fine petlnmery: Jtwi received; far sale far' . ’;' '>».'. • / ' • UAFAIIffUSTOCKfcCO ;r 1 rrvlQ «or fists ft wood st»> < S' TJSAO& uuAi r cutmtAu > a'nrfjca ■**.' Ulebjr- WMBBCAIVB.IT .: H|4IS-*< .. firstdWtwmmarketJtWbeA *a========sa==ssaa=SHsasß»i- ■ PITTSBURGH GAZETTH? • | i’UULISHEIr |)AILV, TW T } ... 411 (fir GateitißuiUutft l 3d4L' t near. .J ? ’ ■ HATKB OV APVERTIiISOt " Oriditucrtlon or iSiincV, ar lon • IVoiwVrtlons wlUumtaUcnUOM,.». ? ..»•«. O.V; One Week' . 'IVoWmU > “ ,« vSSI OnefilMib, *• T«n». : “••.•■•:.- : ...: ?<.;:.v./i'.jjKr. Three,..".., •.-./f':..'-; -. 1' Longer adverltseuieots U same prcpr-’rr.T^ Uee Moan. 6 raoelhs, witbdnt aUcratioß;***'*^:) 4 '. . »« .1 jj a ■■ h 11 -ijif WWi Bach additumeal eqnarefor'6 ocrtitrt, ••r*** SS - One &lchadditioiwraqnareTorlSinoeth > «*r*****JS . •4«WO adtijfreaiC re'wafileat JO Bach adtuilrtoal^oare,'t» **...*•••• “ **> WMUI'W-TWW^ 1 * rir **& One ••*'*tl : irj*'*** ¥ *- 1 2s n-.<-j C j, 6 ddiUooaliwerttoa,..«.ri... t «;>y7 ■- • • inina cA»0»r...... • . Fiyelines ol lew,, .. u . . a . an^aoalbs,»»»«..»k«h>»» 0 Cp i/ .' oaejear.dailjrfiOfMkly.lOOCy ( V u •• l an meoUta «... - “ y'QQ. iDTsrrTrtKurrs > For fU lines, or (ess;OM W> :« I'"Q, . jr - .*.» v .. 0 35 ••-■•■....•■• ■•:••« -.•*!*>■ Throe, - , Sl*f . • “ WOP* . . ~: u «. Twetkn ;* . " rrAlfsdwHistmenlstobeeharjedhjtlMiaiHr*; ' v wdadia